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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1333, 1597788143345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26636943 No.26636943 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26636946
File: 374 KB, 682x900, ETfPOJbU0AAkL9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26636948
File: 431 KB, 626x885, EiRTa6yVoAEmcCj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26636965

I love Haachama!

>> No.26636953
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.26636954
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, gebokawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.26636957


>> No.26636963
File: 1014 KB, 2892x4096, 1599374487532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26636962
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.26636965
File: 466 KB, 1500x1500, 1600601894815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.26636966
File: 59 KB, 588x337, dozo7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637063

Before posting in this thread, Make sure to take your meds

>> No.26636970
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 70E20F0C-EFA4-448E-8F82-98004AAB8100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.26636971

I actually had an image I wanted to use for the OP can you guys let me make the thread next time

>> No.26636972
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26636974
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x1080, Aquamarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638120

100 point hug!

>> No.26636975

hololive has SIX threads!

>> No.26636978
Quoted by: >>26636996



>> No.26636979
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637199

Seven fox, eight fox, nine fox, Fubuki~

>> No.26636980
File: 136 KB, 428x475, EfMJHeIU8AIezlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637085

OoT... Skyrim...

>> No.26636981
File: 112 KB, 1503x1081, かなたそ12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!
https://youtu.be/YcfZziSg0cg Listen to her new cover with AZKi onegai...!

>> No.26636982
File: 385 KB, 1064x409, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards need to stop this

>> No.26636983
File: 1.84 MB, 1465x2309, 1572524579250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26636984
File: 142 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D Mio...

>> No.26636985

Geez /hlg/, how come the meidos let you have 6 threads?

>> No.26636987

>6 threads

>> No.26636989

>1000 kenzoku dropped out of Mio's stream when Tower left

>> No.26636990
File: 1.80 MB, 1166x653, marine3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AquaMarine OTP

>> No.26636992

Cute ending dance!

>> No.26636994
File: 312 KB, 236x700, chrome_ansrlwq6hG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637166

3D okayu~n dai kawaii

>> No.26636997
File: 2.93 MB, 2894x4093, Ayamewife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about my wife Ayame!

>> No.26636995

>66 minutes

>> No.26636996
Quoted by: >>26637053

now that's a clickbait title if I ever saw one

>> No.26636998
File: 3.09 MB, 1715x1715, 1600358844148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is cute.

>> No.26637000
File: 400 KB, 800x800, 1597592967018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637073

I love Towa.

>> No.26637001
File: 553 KB, 1600x900, 1600453501092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637271


>> No.26637002

I missed a bunch of the 3D since I had to do a thing dammit.
What did I miss?

>> No.26637003
File: 1.37 MB, 1084x612, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637109

>that long line of people wanting to bully Roberu
Jesus christ.

>> No.26637004
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, BTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26637005

Aqua really proud of those dance lessons

>> No.26637007
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, 1576321773947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637060


>> No.26637011

5 thread S-sugoi

>> No.26637014
File: 538 KB, 1754x1240, IMG_20200920_153730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 52 Thread #9

Mikochi, I miss you...

>> No.26637015

What card did Towa get?
What did Mio talk to her about?

>> No.26637016
File: 189 KB, 463x453, 1600067713110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>66 minutes
>66 points

>> No.26637017
File: 306 KB, 1904x1079, Screenshot_188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so empty this is ending

>> No.26637019

>66 behind them while they're 66 minutes in

>> No.26637021
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, roberu idolmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26637024

About her being a whore.

>> No.26637027

bro.. subaru is kansai???

>> No.26637026


>> No.26637029

CEO has arrived

>> No.26637031


>> No.26637032


>> No.26637035


>> No.26637036

Nenechi's here for her fortune-telling.

>> No.26637037


>> No.26637038


>> No.26637039

I actually enjoyed the 3D collab as they got further, still really think they need to work on fun things for them to do though. At least 66 is going stronger than ever.

>> No.26637041

Nene now

>> No.26637042
File: 247 KB, 600x527, 1599466137943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's coming back friendo

>> No.26637043

Mio's laughing at Nenechi's existence

>> No.26637044
File: 3 KB, 73x89, Screenshot_2020-09-20 1600603556743 png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637046
File: 82 KB, 277x316, i kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel, ritualfags!

>> No.26637048


>> No.26637051

Shion Towa collab!

>> No.26637052

>many wait around womb
just like that doujin!

>> No.26637053

seanigs are masterminds of online marketing

>> No.26637054
File: 1.08 MB, 799x1000, superNenechi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enter Super Nenechi

>> No.26637056

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yL0L9mQrCcI please watch my gay mommys

>> No.26637057

4 autists having fun while goofing off

>> No.26637058
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1454, EiC2JNOUMAArJpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637060
Quoted by: >>26637143

i wanna lick peko back

>> No.26637062
File: 109 KB, 762x1517, 4F0306EA-658E-40AA-98AD-4B43AD4E6D2A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637349

Sora, so while everyone was collabing with each other, you spent THE ENTIRE DAY PLAYING POKEMON GO?!

Congrats on the Milotic though

>> No.26637063
File: 626 KB, 1280x720, hlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637065


>> No.26637066

It's membersheep and whatever 5th gen fans are called, their streams started.

>> No.26637067

>5000 people came in together with Neneking

>> No.26637069
Quoted by: >>26637097

Nene asking if aloe can come back

>> No.26637070

Our CEO is in!

>> No.26637073
File: 139 KB, 353x201, towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Towa

>> No.26637071

Stop grinding and do side quests dumb rabbit

>> No.26637074 [SPOILER] 
File: 537 KB, 898x657, 1600603715479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Towa collab.

>> No.26637075
File: 52 KB, 203x191, 1599941006722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua and Okayu get 66
>Stream ends after 66 minutes

>> No.26637076


>> No.26637077


>> No.26637079

Is this the CEO of based?

>> No.26637080


>> No.26637081
File: 478 KB, 2576x2392, kodamamamaman 1307275196613632000_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637083

>inb4 the cards insinuate that Nene needs to get over Aloe

>> No.26637085

>she will never play more skyrim
Fuck that bitch for showing so much interest during stream.

>> No.26637086

i like her horns

>> No.26637087



>> No.26637092
Quoted by: >>26637142

Who has appeared in Mio's stream so far?

>> No.26637094
File: 77 KB, 508x680, EUcXxI2U8AMFKkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the clip of Suisei and Tano's Kagerou if you can't wait for Bunka Housou's archive upload: https://files.catbox.moe/6l2mpx.webm

>> No.26637095
Quoted by: >>26637130

I wish I knew these landmarks gave so much exp holy shit

>> No.26637096

Where is the CEO meme from?
The drawing stream

>> No.26637097


>> No.26637098

Dam its increasing for towa.

>> No.26637099
File: 99 KB, 1228x622, 20200920_145545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637100
File: 81 KB, 658x836, 1597516935961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637101


>> No.26637102

Why is there no nene ritual post?

>> No.26637103

schizo korone

>> No.26637104

It's the 3D stream ending.

>> No.26637106

Guess which 50k stream just ended

>> No.26637108

Is Spell Bubble worth that ridiculous price?

>> No.26637109

More people than his smash stream.

>> No.26637110

her membership program is called nene productions

>> No.26637113

I love 'womb marine streams'

>> No.26637114


>> No.26637119

Goddamn it Nenechi

>> No.26637118
Quoted by: >>26637155

Good Job

>> No.26637120


>> No.26637122
File: 1.59 MB, 500x562, 1599924402793.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637273

Marine and Aqua are not funny nor entertaining.

>> No.26637124
File: 204 KB, 1400x1092, Eh5Mu91UcAAMTos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637134

>> No.26637126

>2/3 of Towa's supacha is from gaijins
>Aki's reddit boost

>> No.26637127

Almighty Nenechi Lord CEO I am at your service!!!

>> No.26637128

how the fuck is she still going

>> No.26637130
Quoted by: >>26637202

I think the speedrun for Xenoblade uses a glitch that lets you access one of the secret areas and levels you up from 10 to 50 instantly.

>> No.26637131

Aqua has a harem and Shion is the lowest member.

>> No.26637132
File: 211 KB, 1392x1968, EiR0tfRVkAM4HIc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope Okayu still feels up to do that post-collab zatsudan. I want to hear stories.

>> No.26637133
Quoted by: >>26637250

P-please listen to coco

>> No.26637134

I love my other two moms

>> No.26637136

Coco is really going full force with these utawakus lately.

>> No.26637137
Quoted by: >>26637169

Gura will beat Watame in a week
lmao sheepfags get ready

>> No.26637139
File: 329 KB, 900x900, EUWZlCBUMAAM1We.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637141

Senchou...it's been 10 years...let them go...

>> No.26637142

Botan Lamy Towa Nene

>> No.26637143
File: 148 KB, 937x529, 1576332453137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637146

Towa kept 25k with Mio as the 3D collab was going on, so they all did fine.

>> No.26637148
Quoted by: >>26637182

>all these streams
>and i barely understand japanese

i'm doing my reps but dammit i can only study so much in one day ;____;

>> No.26637149

peko is a stinky rabbit

>> No.26637150

i cant believe aqua slapped all four girls on their knees in the collab

>> No.26637152


>> No.26637157
File: 1.50 MB, 2400x3508, 94B24B31-47D7-4644-975A-15DE409EA15D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637154

come up with something creative and make one.

>> No.26637155
Quoted by: >>26637187

I meant to put a question mark after 'drawing stream' but im retarded

>> No.26637159

you can do it anon!

>> No.26637160
Quoted by: >>26637551

I was told that gaijin dont supachaa

>> No.26637161

bot subs

>> No.26637162


>> No.26637165

Shion showing her pantsu
Aqua autism

>> No.26637166
Quoted by: >>26637260

her 3d is so much better than her l2d

>> No.26637167
File: 697 KB, 1906x4096, 1594654289755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akushion 50
>Aquamarine 100
>Okayu sabotages Shion's score with her
forever alone shionyo

>> No.26637169

I don't think I'm ready.

>> No.26637171
File: 193 KB, 1600x1200, EgBFRPaUwAAbPFq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone that dares challenge hololive's most hydrated idol, aru?

>> No.26637172

Luna had a singing stream? What's up with that, it didn't show me that she was live

>> No.26637174

Battle of the brats arc incoming

>> No.26637175
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1591112521091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shark will reach 1 million subscribers before Aqua, Coco and Marine.

>> No.26637177
Quoted by: >>26637208


>> No.26637179
Quoted by: >>26637316

Bros... I fucking slept through Mioon's fortune-telling stream and now I don't want to tune in in the middle of it...

>> No.26637178


>> No.26637180

not much actually,only first 10-15 minutes were fun, rest of it was dogshit.

>> No.26637182

you have to walk before you can run keep it consistent and you'll get to where you want to be

>> No.26637183

I didn't pay attention to the card but Mio said that Towa shouldn't be an MC.

>> No.26637184
Quoted by: >>26637212

>Towa leaves
>Mio goes from 25k to 30k


>> No.26637186
File: 2 KB, 337x100, 1600603556743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637187
Quoted by: >>26637306

No, literally from her "Good job" stream

>> No.26637190
File: 1.71 MB, 2000x1503, EiSLAeoUYAIIG7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637354

>> No.26637191

>Japanese gonna womb Marine


>> No.26637192

For sheep a lot of it is from Taiwan or HK

>> No.26637193

Coco singing so much lately

>> No.26637194
File: 222 KB, 600x812, 34gt3dfd33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637198

She should just accept my confession

>> No.26637199
File: 513 KB, 710x1805, 1597274507405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637368


>> No.26637200

What was nene's consultation issue?
Seems like she's taking it seriously.

>> No.26637202

It's the two Tephra Cave landmarks she just got, you can glitch through the wall out of sequence.

>> No.26637204
File: 2.51 MB, 1429x808, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is HoloEN, say something nice.

>> No.26637206

What the fuck does chariot do?
enlighten me tarobros

>> No.26637208
File: 807 KB, 2048x1846, 2C29BE3A-B8FA-4C20-8179-99F676FD0B7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream where..

>> No.26637212

Button was at 20k...

>> No.26637215

i love amelia

>> No.26637217
File: 1.06 MB, 2560x1440, 11212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make chibi Kanata, one of the cutest models and would be great for 3D streams
>they never use it again

>> No.26637219

Nene got the SSR tarot cards apparently

>> No.26637221
File: 124 KB, 848x1200, EiUsT_eVgAAyFxE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Coco onegai

>> No.26637222

I love Ina.

>> No.26637224
Quoted by: >>26640387

Damn, so Kanata and Subaru really are fully JP-funded?

>> No.26637226

Wow Nene getting the equivalent of SSR cards in the tarot.

>> No.26637227

ESLfag here, What did Mio said about Nene bros?

>> No.26637230
File: 1.75 MB, 1061x1500, 1600487508115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637280

lunaitos you do have your copy of interstellar ready to watch along with our hime sama right?

>> No.26637232
File: 10 KB, 202x174, 1600593858817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637234

ENs should be held on a different criteria and scale, the english speaking world is way bigger than Japan. Japanese ranking sites even put them on a different category now.

>> No.26637235
File: 433 KB, 718x399, 249765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Kouji the big KOG was watching over him.

>> No.26637237
File: 245 KB, 110x110, 1594424418443.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay fags let's settle this
3rd Gen:
4th Gen:

>> No.26637240

CEO of Luck

>> No.26637241

Mori and Squid are great!
Gura is comfy!
Watson's smart!

>> No.26637242

>7.27% of Rushia's SC is from overseas
>Still the 2nd most superchated holo

>> No.26637243

They all need to meet my son, Roberu.

>> No.26637244
Quoted by: >>26637549

>Uimama drew NEETeruyo
Also, it's interesting that this 2hu mobage got a second shill stream and not by Marine this time.

>> No.26637247

Kira is built for long endurance sex sessions

>> No.26637250

Already listening.

>> No.26637249

How long until the Jewish baby sets her singing stream to member only?
Serious question

>> No.26637252

But i'm already watching her

>> No.26637253
File: 565 KB, 1234x1859, EgPhgYYU4AEkXuJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ritualposts aren't worth it

>> No.26637254


>> No.26637255

Ina is very comfy
Don't look at Shark's teeth

>> No.26637257
File: 1001 KB, 1625x1650, 1575965190871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637296

>anon love okayu
A lot!

>> No.26637258


>> No.26637260
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, you are my one winged angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

disagreed, only because you dont get a good look at her eyes much

>> No.26637262
Quoted by: >>26637292


>> No.26637263

Super Nenechi getting mostly rare cards!

>> No.26637265

they're not black

>> No.26637266


>> No.26637269

For me, it's Noel and Watame.

>> No.26637271


>> No.26637272
Quoted by: >>26637345


>> No.26637273
Quoted by: >>26637325

This is true but the plebians will never realize it
You could telll Okayu really didn't want to be there

>> No.26637276

I love Amelia

>> No.26637278
File: 889 KB, 1500x2128, Ee1Gs0nUcAAh9kC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope everyone can be a good senpai to them.
I am interested to see what happens after a month when they can freely colab with everyone.

>> No.26637280
File: 302 KB, 2000x2000, 1600261744652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637281


>> No.26637282

Watame is an easy vote, especially considering her past job.

>> No.26637286

Gura is a cute brat

>> No.26637288
File: 133 KB, 1023x723, ewwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637289
File: 15 KB, 366x411, 1600184579779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga is fucking loaded.
How the fuck Towa percentage and ratio increasing?

>> No.26637290

Idk, but i think Ina has trouble drawing turned faces. Moris nose makes her looks kidna weird for me. No one else in this image suffers from that.

>> No.26637291

Fear the numbershark. Numberfagging and numberseething follows here wherever she goes.
Can we stop seething at her? We know those subs are like FBK's meme subs and she won't kill the other Holos just by existing.

>> No.26637293

Nene confirmed OP

>> No.26637292

her. it's her.

>> No.26637294

She has a cat now

>> No.26637296
File: 217 KB, 1091x1966, EiTSxE8UwAEd01L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Far too much, probably.

>> No.26637298
File: 359 KB, 1187x2048, 1600565715970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637404


>> No.26637299
Quoted by: >>26637383

Coco should consider doing 100% English streams.

>> No.26637300
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1596873541502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


go back to your fucking thread.

>> No.26637303

goddamn nene has luck

>> No.26637306


>> No.26637308

Mio telling Nene to be less warlike and more peaceful

>> No.26637312
File: 956 KB, 2000x2000, 1595074589182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute shion

>> No.26637313


>> No.26637314

Don't forget OLCHANNEL, our son is popular!

>> No.26637315

The tarots say that Nene is peaceful!

>> No.26637316

Tune in anyway, Nene is there

>> No.26637320
File: 53 KB, 768x768, 1600110348659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>debut stream reached almost 1 mil in a week

>> No.26637322

Nigga they didn't make a new model, It's just the original model but smaller

>> No.26637324
File: 73 KB, 230x230, 1597263184004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is dumb

>> No.26637325
Quoted by: >>26637387

Okayu likes playing games with friends though, and even seemed excited at the 3D. If she hated anything, it was probably the game.

>> No.26637326


>> No.26637328

I'm watching sheep play through the holoism songs in spell bubble, sorry.

>> No.26637329

I love Ina

>> No.26637330
File: 656 KB, 1271x926, Ojisans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you just IMAGINE the shark in a collab with aqua and shion?

>> No.26637331
File: 125 KB, 433x466, Egz4ZknWsAEs3SA (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637350

Nice viewership on your Xenoblade videos pekora.

>> No.26637334


>> No.26637336

Nobody except schizos are seething here. This just makes the hololive brand stronger and numberfags should end themselves

>> No.26637340

Nene is literally the master of cards.
demifiend nenechi

>> No.26637341
File: 389 KB, 487x481, Watame5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637381

Imagine that you teacher is Watame...

>> No.26637344
Quoted by: >>26639993

I will stop seething about her fans when they fuck off and stop shitting up the threads

>> No.26637345

He knows doesn't he? I guess this kind of provocation is why his accounts keep getting banned.

>> No.26637346


subs are meaningless without gachikoi. I will delete system32 if the shark ever beats Rushia in supacha.

>> No.26637348

go back to dota general loser

>> No.26637349
File: 275 KB, 336x478, smug sora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637350
Quoted by: >>26637405

Where can I get these edits?

>> No.26637351
File: 193 KB, 800x1200, 1600364923962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is my wifu!

>> No.26637352

Twappi strong

>> No.26637353
Quoted by: >>26637391

Nene is a stabilizing force on those around her, with Nene there is law and peace. She is the Balancer.

>> No.26637354
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x1503, EiSLAeoUYAIIG7y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637356

It's loli Matsuri all over again.

>> No.26637359

NenePro is a religion of peace

>> No.26637361

no, her japanese is shit, so it will be massive awkward failure.

>> No.26637364
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, EiLNSkdUcAAD4ro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637629


>> No.26637365


Duck really is an EOP filter.

I genuinely wonder why, her translated clips on Youtube are great and her personality is fun.

>> No.26637367

Do you guys support low subscribed chuubas so feverishly because of the underdog feel?
Or is it just a very vocal minority?

>> No.26637368
Quoted by: >>26637522


>> No.26637370

But Nenes trophies...

>> No.26637373

Isn't the balancer Botan

>> No.26637374

bit late but Aeruran


>> No.26637379


she will kill her own channel by being boring.

only Mori has a chance to last, the other 4 are dull.

>> No.26637381
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1599362060729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637460

seducing watame sensei...

>> No.26637383

>want Coco to experience the same Kiara backlash
No she shouldn't and it was smart of her to not alienate her main audience which is the japs

>> No.26637387

Those sluts she just collabed with are not her friends though

>> No.26637388

these nervous noises from Nene...

>> No.26637389
File: 226 KB, 1472x629, Screenshot_158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose a pet

>> No.26637391

main character

>> No.26637396
File: 171 KB, 439x370, watson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637473

i love you amelia
>now I have another piece of kit-kat

>> No.26637398

>tarot reading
do women really ?

>> No.26637401

I'm pretty sure Botan is imbalanced in many ways

>> No.26637402

She got rid of aloe which was needed for balance.

>> No.26637403
File: 45 KB, 343x383, 1600477495074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637447


Look at the comments. Is this what the meiji westernization was like?

>> No.26637404

looks like the huniepop NEET with cat ears

>> No.26637405
File: 264 KB, 946x2048, 11E6DBCD-2977-4DC8-BFF8-1C4E0969D166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here !!

>> No.26637407

balanced gen 5 by graduating Aloe

>> No.26637408

The bottom ones are mostly zatsudan focused holos.

>> No.26637414

triple kill incoming

>> No.26637415
File: 72 KB, 258x419, 外人団長.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no panties zion yo

>> No.26637417
Quoted by: >>26639709

The amount of people who sub to her because she is sawa is actually not that big
she is getting memed as hell and japan loves her more than most JPs
you literally can't escape her if you have Hololive in your feed at any point

>> No.26637418
File: 2.72 MB, 696x602, 1600571173981.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need amelia gf to fix my life

>> No.26637420

it's at least significantly less gay than astrology

>> No.26637421

Japan has a whole segment dedicated to blood type fortune-telling in the mornings. So yeah they do

>> No.26637423
File: 502 KB, 877x1240, IMG_20200311_193902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637674

I love my angel daughter Kanatan!

>> No.26637430

i support the low count because I want all of hololive to be successful I still enjoy my favorite even tho she's much higher on subs

>> No.26637432

Give me the chunky cat

>> No.26637433

Botan's membership icon looks like panties

>> No.26637439
Quoted by: >>26637480

Thank you anon

>> No.26637441

Translated clips don't amount to SCs or even views, I have a feeling people are still filtered by her voice and watching clips is enough for them, especially because the sources of these clips are mostly zatsudans that hard-filter people.

>> No.26637443
Quoted by: >>26637480

thanks melposter

>> No.26637445

Luna is a big dumb baby

>> No.26637447

I see nothing out of the ordinary.
It's missing Choco-sensei with a needle on her neck.

>> No.26637449

I'm not a big fan of the high energy that most of the popular chuubas have

>> No.26637451

I'll take the M cat thank you.

>> No.26637456

People just want to feel special by liking someone no one likes

>> No.26637458
File: 289 KB, 220x220, mio2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

32k for Mama Mio

>> No.26637459

Her voice

>> No.26637460
File: 283 KB, 456x411, Watame4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marrying watame-sensei and impregnate her with my seed... !

>> No.26637461

I mean thats the reason really, her morning talks is the best part of her channel and you can only enjoy it if you understand japanese so people just wait for TL of highlights

>> No.26637463

I am gonna marry Marine

>> No.26637464

shark can't japanese
aqua and shion might have the worst english in hololive

>> No.26637465

Deep Sexy Okanyan. She would be the most comfy.
Senchou is too lusty for me to handle and the other two are brats only good for sex dungeons.

>> No.26637467

just enjoy it its comfy af

>> No.26637470

I often miss her streams because she streams early in the day, I'm usually asleep.

>> No.26637471

Youmu looks so huge and manly, wtf is this art

>> No.26637473
File: 3.96 MB, 266x400, 1600478038894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637501

Why is she so CUTE

>> No.26637474
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1680, 1598016219209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a hard on the whole stream thanks to this witch

>> No.26637475

>3rd gen
don't care, don't watch, probably noel
>4th gen

>> No.26637477

thank you poster of mels

>> No.26637479
File: 272 KB, 1024x1024, 1586186468164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637480

No problem !! I am always happy to help ! (*´ω`*)

>> No.26637483
File: 237 KB, 2249x1266, 1573985534466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Towa

>> No.26637484

>Polka will call in
>Polka will get the shittiest card
Fear the clown

>> No.26637487

>korone finally disabled prestream chat
Thank you based dog

>> No.26637489

botan max STR
lamy max WIS
polka max CHA
nene max LUCK

>> No.26637493
Quoted by: >>26638527

isn't amanekanatach's ass a little bit too fat on her song with Azuki

>> No.26637494
File: 2.61 MB, 2480x3508, sC6XawW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple as

>> No.26637498
Quoted by: >>26637660

>marine first place
but, mamas aren't supposed to be horny, that is no very motherly...

>> No.26637500

Botan is definitely a DEX

>> No.26637501
Quoted by: >>26637516



go here, friend

>> No.26637502
Quoted by: >>26637529

These Botan and Lamy horror game collabs is surprisingly good. They probably know its good considering this is the third time already.

>> No.26637508

I really want a Marine/Okayu collab now. I just want to hear them talk about nerd shit like BL and holo pairings for an hour.

>> No.26637509
File: 493 KB, 1280x529, 1599936989072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637513

Watame is too socially awkward to be considered mama. Streaming games all night out of loneliness doesn't add to the image either.

>> No.26637514

im getting filtered harder than i usually do in this tarot reading, maybe I'm just out of it today

>> No.26637516
File: 2.34 MB, 828x712, very cash money[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1nqrl8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637527

Are you frustrated?

>> No.26637518

What did she mean by this? https://twitter.com/natsuiromatsuri/status/1307656320930045953

>> No.26637519

I love all Towas

>> No.26637520
File: 96 KB, 440x412, EiWfwEUVoAAPPtS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, VERY COOL!

>> No.26637521

But seriously though, Nene got really good cards

>> No.26637522


>> No.26637523

thank fucking allah korone is big enough to not rely on prestream sc

>> No.26637527


Meidos made two threads for a reason, you should probably go there?

>> No.26637529

Good pairing/combo

>> No.26637531
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, 1600289897683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637536
Quoted by: >>26637565

Can pecor beat Zanza this time?

>> No.26637538

How are they good?
I don't know much about tarots.

>> No.26637541

>thinking kenzocucks are good viewers

>> No.26637540
File: 13 KB, 333x132, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he like this?

>> No.26637543

>EOPs filtered HARD
Smug sense of satisfaction seeing one guy begging for translator and others just saying "super nenecchi" buried under comments

>> No.26637544

Mio says Nene has a few people around who aren't pleased with her

>> No.26637546
File: 51 KB, 255x208, 1600480230988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodbye cruel world

>> No.26637548
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, 1595820256568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Towa was a mama her child would sleep easily every night.

>> No.26637550

As expected of nene

>> No.26637549

I have zero idea how companies choose the holos to shill games.

>> No.26637551

dont supacha to JP holos maybe
EN stats are impressive its almost all foreign

>> No.26637552

>nene max LUCK
This is the same Nene that kept dying in the minecraft collab?

>> No.26637555

aqua would make the worst pet out of the bunch, so i take her for shits and giggles

>> No.26637559

She's about to inflict divine reckoning on Cover HQ

>> No.26637562
Quoted by: >>26637652

Mio's advice is that when pressure comes, Nene needs to trust in herself and do things in moderation, and she will be successful.

>> No.26637564
File: 742 KB, 923x811, watalo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a long time membersheep, it would be wrong. watame for 4th gen is like a doting cousin in her early 20's who lets you stay at her place every so often and make you feel really welcome
>baby sis

>> No.26637565


>> No.26637567

I just want everyone to feel like they're loved really. I stumbled upon a livestream of a japanese vtuber by chance and saw that she only has 5 viewers despite her channel being a year old. She's fully 3d too and it just breaks my heart listening to her talking alone on stream

>> No.26637569


>> No.26637573

>Mio tarot stream
>Botan gets a reading
>Lamy gets a reading
>Nene gets a reading
>Polka gets a reading
Mio: "And now... for our fifth caller"

How would you react

>> No.26637574

luck and retardation dont correlate anon

>> No.26637575

Watame is the mama and coco is the papa

>> No.26637577

he thinks he will fuck her

>> No.26637578

Watame's more of an oneesan.

>> No.26637579
File: 143 KB, 819x1142, 1599965410665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637646

I don't watch the shark but she gets a shit ton of art.

>> No.26637580

I fucking hate people who beg for translations because they always shit up the chat and end up spamming

>> No.26637583


>> No.26637582

They probably wanted this prime time Sunday slot but Marine was already booked for the 3D collab. Also, is it me or are all the songs in Watame's stream the Marine versions?

>> No.26637584
File: 248 KB, 463x453, 1583894671521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637585


>> No.26637591
File: 1.36 MB, 2894x4093, EfL3vwwU4AAhLEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me Shion as a wife

>> No.26637590


>> No.26637592

is this fucker just always has matsuri twitter on everyday?

>> No.26637593

>Still too shit at the game after grinding

>> No.26637594

there are people translating though
It's how I've been able to watch it

>> No.26637597

That is a luck by itself
Its not easy to make a joke like that naturally just like a certain rabbit

>> No.26637598

You mean the shitposting nobody but unironic schizos take seriously?

>> No.26637601

toiwet was already on

>> No.26637603

Towa already called

>> No.26637605

Towa already got her reading...

>> No.26637606
File: 303 KB, 680x680, 1600308510931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hime-sama will be streaming her Interstellar watch-along in just over 30 minutes
if you haven't downloaded the movie yet get it quick
thank you.

>> No.26637609

>towa is now majority gaijin funded
>gained a bit more in gaijin superchats from july->aug but lost a ton of japanese superchats
Guess that explains the recent leeching off other JPs.
>aki has also gained gaijin superchats but lost japanese superchats
wew lad, guess nips don't like NTR after all

Meanwhile Aqua with her 33% in both July and August seems to be inclining in both gaijin and JP superchats.

>> No.26637610


>> No.26637611
Quoted by: >>26637707

Damn Mio going for a spirit call as well?

>> No.26637612

Pecor.....learn to combo...

>> No.26637614

She already subbed in Towa to play the purple demon character

>> No.26637615

t. n6

>> No.26637620

It'd be interesting if she just did the reading with no one present.

>> No.26637622
Quoted by: >>26637709

I still don't know how Kanata was picked to shill WoWS of all games.

>> No.26637623

Some of their translations are wrong anon. Sorry that they are feeding you their narratives

>> No.26637624

it was Towa

>> No.26637625
Quoted by: >>26637643

Fuck, I'm not even a lunaito but I wanna watch that movie.

>> No.26637626

I thought this game Pekor is playing was supposed to be babby's first jrpg

>> No.26637627
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1600528456923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637666

>I just want everyone to feel like they're loved really.
That'll bite you in the ass hard t. savior complexfag

>> No.26637629

Any art of OL Nenechi yet?

>> No.26637634
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1600434890294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for matuli

>> No.26637635

Mio advices Nene to be peaceful and build up bonds of trust with those around her, and bide her time until the moment comes that she can unleash her true powers and rampage.

>> No.26637636

I just wish every EOP just moved to EN it literally caters to them. Everyone wins.

>> No.26637638

Voice limiter, short hair limiter, zatsudan focus, possibly bad stream times too?

>> No.26637639
File: 499 KB, 560x558, 1589483007206.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im honestly curious, how does he reply instantly to every tweet she makes? It can't even be possible to be awake and able to send a reply in such a short amount of time.

>> No.26637640

did she tweet the torrent link already?

>> No.26637641
Quoted by: >>26637673

you've missed like 85% of what they've said

>> No.26637642

why does god fear the chama?

>> No.26637643
Quoted by: >>26637664

it's only 5 dollars friend

>> No.26637644
Quoted by: >>26637725

Why do hats work so well with her? Watame's streams become a hundred times more comfy when she puts a silly hat on her 2D and her 3D with the samurai helmet is the cutest thing I've ever seen

>> No.26637645

Look at Coco's numbers.

>> No.26637646

Her voice suits her character pretty well.

>> No.26637647

The was a pekora one earlier.

>> No.26637648
File: 20 KB, 294x243, 1582195772455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you Aloe fans get over her already, This is beyond pathetic.

>> No.26637649

She will slow down greatly after 500k-550k. It would take another one or two years for vtubers to be popular in the West.

>> No.26637650

That's dragon quest

>> No.26637651

I subscribe and watch holos that I enjoy regardless of their popularity. Simple as.

>> No.26637652

Man, it feels like at least half of all tarot cards are about moderation in some way.

>> No.26637654

I wanna hug the sheep

>> No.26637656


>> No.26637657

Well, it's not

>> No.26637658


>> No.26637660

As expected from someone that only post wombmemes.

Marine is without a doubt the lynchpin of Gen 3 and how close they are. Without marine, gen 3 would've been so disperse and shit.

>> No.26637661


>> No.26637662
Quoted by: >>26637704

Stalker script

>> No.26637664
Quoted by: >>26637677

I'll just get a torrent lmao

>> No.26637666
File: 12 KB, 128x128, 668802571636572211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637669
Quoted by: >>26637751

It's like 3rd time Watame playing this on stream, they did shill stream with Bakatare before already.

>> No.26637670
File: 551 KB, 2000x2755, 1573511859228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Coco would adopt more of a mommy personality, it would help her voice immensely. Her voice actually very nice, but it's low, she's a mezzo-soprano, sometimes even falling into contralto. Yet she wants to be a soprano to sound cuter, so she pitches her voice very high, and it starts sounding screechy.

>> No.26637673

the only important part of tarot readings is the conclusion anyway so who cares?

>> No.26637674
Quoted by: >>26637894

Kanata reached out to Subaru and improved her mood, she's good in my book.

>> No.26637676
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1597519332111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637773

This chocofish with a 70cm wide nose will never even breath near Matsuri

>> No.26637677

i meant the membership

>> No.26637679
Quoted by: >>26637732

what the fuck did shje die to zanza again? how?!!?

>> No.26637683

Just filter them thank god they have to post the same tired old phrase and pictures

>> No.26637684

There's no point spending effort pandering to EOPs who'll never gachikoi hard for you without some kind of white knight drama.

>> No.26637687
Quoted by: >>26637715

You sound like a creepy incel. Please don't lurk in small streams

>> No.26637688
File: 648 KB, 680x383, 1575759441009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637689

Towa is the new 5th gen...

>> No.26637692

Marine is always my first option, so as second I guess Aqua cuz maid is top tier fetish.

>> No.26637690

It's honestly not too hard, you can set Twitter to give an alert for specific accounts that pop up on your phone whenever they tweet something
If you're constantly on your phone and have a similar sleep schedule you'll be able to reply near instantly

>> No.26637693
Quoted by: >>26637726

This a long session for the CEO

>> No.26637700

>Nene mhm mhm mhm mhm

>> No.26637701

clearly you don't, right?

>> No.26637702

Coco is a inkya autist please

>> No.26637703

What were the results of gen 5 tarot?

>> No.26637704
Quoted by: >>26637719

Why does cover allow him to moderate her chat

>> No.26637705

He wrote apps to track her online activity

>> No.26637707
Quoted by: >>26637750

You mean a seance?

>> No.26637709

Because of Coco. Luna with Tony Hawk is still the real secret for me.

>> No.26637715

get the fuck out /v/kun

>> No.26637716

What the fuck gave you that idea?

>> No.26637718

How did /hlg/ react during THAT scene of Meme Review?

>> No.26637719

Probably begged them to do so. That and his rep as a translator helped him a lot

>> No.26637721

its not even over yet
polka didnt get hers

>> No.26637723
Quoted by: >>26637771

what the fuck is that damage

>> No.26637724

>lmao aloefags will forget her in a week

t. you

>> No.26637725

it's the absurdity of a sheep having a hat.

>> No.26637726

Can't be helped with her rare cards.

>> No.26637730
File: 370 KB, 3507x2800, 1598248543135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have my copy ready and some snacks to watch along with our 姫様

>> No.26637729

Did she get the same card as Peko

>> No.26637731

The conversations have been pretty entertaining.

>> No.26637732
Quoted by: >>26637757

She's not using Fiora or Melia, the overpowered characters

>> No.26637733
Quoted by: >>26637765

go back

>> No.26637738
File: 469 KB, 620x874, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637766

anyone else joining luna for movie night?

>> No.26637740

why are they like this?

>> No.26637741


>> No.26637743

why is it the instant i see cirno and koishi i need to fap

>> No.26637744

>She won't drop the aru
God bless

>> No.26637745

I can agree with that.

>> No.26637747
Quoted by: >>26637778

Ask the other thread, we don't watch Reddit garage here.

>> No.26637750

Uh sure whatever that is floating your boat friend

>> No.26637751
Quoted by: >>26637784

FBK is Toehoe fan and Watame sing some arranges so that might be a reason.

>> No.26637753

>members only

>> No.26637754


>> No.26637755

Zanza dies tonigth

>> No.26637756
File: 183 KB, 1080x720, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want everyone to use their normal voices except for Kira

>> No.26637757

>She's not using Fiora or Melia
But all you need is Dunban and Riki

>> No.26637758

Look at Pekora go

>> No.26637759

I'd unsub
Mommyfags stick to your own or go to hell

>> No.26637760 [SPOILER] 
File: 367 KB, 2144x1602, 1600605171110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637921


>> No.26637763

>watching reddit

>> No.26637765

/hlg/ is not your personal safe space, snowflake

>> No.26637766
Quoted by: >>26637799

I would If I had the movie sitting around, but I don't wish to search for it that badly.

>> No.26637768

How can FBK and Korone be so lonely and sad at the top?

>> No.26637771

>what is a chain attack damage multiplier

>> No.26637773

didn't he shake her hands though

>> No.26637774

>aru aru was saved

Sasuga Mio.

>> No.26637776


>> No.26637778


Coco is our JP dragon, they can ask here. It's EN that belongs in the other thread.

>> No.26637779
Quoted by: >>26637800

Why the fuck is Coco there?

>> No.26637780
Quoted by: >>26637816

just proving my point /v/ermin
go back

>> No.26637781
Quoted by: >>26637792

So did Pekora EVER use the gem crafting mechanics?
I remember that being really fucking important and taking some time to do.

>> No.26637783

>membership only
Guess I'll skip. I don't want to member just to watch a single movie. Guess I'll just wait until my oshi picks interstellar

>> No.26637784

Nah, it was with Flare. Only reason why FBK joined in then was because she was in the studio with them.

>> No.26637786
Quoted by: >>26637806

Should I play xenoblade for the ps2? Does it has any connections to this xenoblade

>> No.26637787
Quoted by: >>26637860

first person i see to be proud of being retarded

>> No.26637792

Yes, she crafted a few offstream.

>> No.26637794

cute sheep!

>> No.26637795
Quoted by: >>26637855

>it's going to be like 2.0

>> No.26637799
Quoted by: >>26637822

do your torrent reps anon

>> No.26637800
Quoted by: >>26637932

Because you should lurk more

>> No.26637803

An Anon theorized that Ubisoft wanted "the Holo who acts like a baby and plays a lot of Western games", but she was on leave so they got the other Holo who acts like a baby.

>> No.26637804

I always liked him with sticking to team Big Grapplers

>> No.26637805

Well fuck, enjoy the movie I guess

>> No.26637806

no, you will need to watch Xenoglossia though

>> No.26637808

5th Gen
Why? Did 4th gen abandon her already?

>> No.26637809
Quoted by: >>26637817


>> No.26637811

Here comes the 3D collab peeps on Mio's show.

>> No.26637813
Quoted by: >>26637970

I like how people here cheer for Coco when you people don't even contribute that much.

>> No.26637814

>Sudden off-collab
Place your bets

>> No.26637815

Peko is doing it

>> No.26637816
Quoted by: >>26639736


just proving my point, snowflake

>> No.26637817

She barely streamed in August

>> No.26637819
Quoted by: >>26637915

I hope Towar never stops getting bullied

>> No.26637822
Quoted by: >>26637853

I don't want to look for it, I have a membership though. So go on without me, anon.

>> No.26637824
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, 1600036478302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well its pretty obvious tony is a lunaito

>> No.26637825


>> No.26637831


>> No.26637834

>hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm
was she not interested or just autism?

>> No.26637835

Towa is hard to collab with. Please understand that even Coco has to go to her place to collab with her and it ended up with a camera being oepened

>> No.26637836


>> No.26637838

this theory reminds me of the "westerners think Mio = Korone" one

>> No.26637839
File: 144 KB, 1296x2047, EiWANGLVgAAge8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it bros, we're in the last stretch

>> No.26637843

Pecor's got this!

>> No.26637844
File: 90 KB, 483x387, 1600475694692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tortellini is moving in.

>> No.26637845

The worldwide kenzoku grows stronger

>> No.26637846

But aloecucks treat this thread as a personal safe space.

>> No.26637847
Quoted by: >>26637928

I thought that was from 5ch

>> No.26637853

yts interstellar, just a 10 min download for my shitty net

>> No.26637855

Wrong, nobody plays Ark anymore

>> No.26637856

Wheres Polka

>> No.26637857

i kind of like amelia watson

>> No.26637860
Quoted by: >>26637909

you probably never saw a mirror then


>> No.26637861

By calling you tards the most delusional fags on the planet. Get over it already.

>> No.26637864

She got really great cards. Even Mio-sama is astonished by her SSR luck

>> No.26637867
Quoted by: >>26637988

nene ponders the universe

>> No.26637869
Quoted by: >>26637911

>No interesting stream for next 6 hours
Finally I could fix my sleeping schedule

>> No.26637870

I forgot how awfully generic anime Xenoblade was in the end

>> No.26637873

Off-collab most probably

>> No.26637875

Lately Towa isn't very hard to collab with, she's been doing a lot.
4th gen always struggle a bit to match up their schedules though.

>> No.26637876

monado dato.........

>> No.26637878
Quoted by: >>26637904

Zero IQ take

>> No.26637880



>> No.26637881
Quoted by: >>26637990

shion yo...

>> No.26637883

pekofags pls end yourselfs

>> No.26637887
Quoted by: >>26637897

>They were all the Monado in the end

>> No.26637888

Who are you watching?

>> No.26637890
File: 128 KB, 840x950, EfLBZL4U8AAsJPW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638113

Oh? What do we have here?

>> No.26637892

I'm a guy and I know how to read full arcana.
Too bad nobody would watch a male chuuni fortune teller vtuber

>> No.26637893
Quoted by: >>26637929


go back to /pol/

>> No.26637894

Nice to hear that. I don't watch holo outside my oshi much but I like Subaru design.

>> No.26637896

she's wasted

>> No.26637897
Quoted by: >>26637922

it has a 100% crit rate

>> No.26637902

Pecor put gems in your monado...

>> No.26637904
File: 75 KB, 618x1288, 1584403518618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show you zero IQ.

>> No.26637907

is Dunban peko's husbando

>> No.26637908


>> No.26637909

Mori pls.

>> No.26637911
Quoted by: >>26637973

Nene Polka Mario Kino soon

>> No.26637914
File: 671 KB, 1118x1134, 47F4C2CE-D27B-4411-A0D5-867843652C20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone invite Sora for collabs...



>> No.26637915
File: 106 KB, 450x246, 1600593408474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26637952

Made to be lovingly bullied.

>> No.26637921

hella based

>> No.26637922

actually 75 im retarded but you can make it close to 100%

>> No.26637924
Quoted by: >>26639736

fuck off /v/eddit

>> No.26637926

Mio Tarot reading

>> No.26637928

it's from here. check the archive on the day of Luna's first stream.

>> No.26637929
Quoted by: >>26637971

You redditors are the embodiment of that word. Wish you would just stay on your shitty discord.

>> No.26637932
Quoted by: >>26637993

If you don't know then shut up and sit down.

>> No.26637933
File: 984 KB, 1290x1069, 1574914192399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa might as well be HoloEN now. Just give her translators in the chat like they do with Bilibili.

>> No.26637934
Quoted by: >>26637948

>In the end, we were Xenoblade Chronicles all along




>> No.26637935

Reminder that Aloe's ghost will never truly leave Hololive unless she gets some kind of closure, it's can't be helped.

>> No.26637938

coco singing

>> No.26637939


>> No.26637940

today we fell a penis hahahaha

>> No.26637941

>someone says Yagoo
>EOPs start parroting because it's funny to type all caps even if they don't know what's going on

>> No.26637942

I would simp too if I were in his position.

>> No.26637945

I don't think that's a mental issue but a technical one.

>> No.26637947

no, shulk just unlocked the Alvis monado

>> No.26637948

This is another pekokino

>> No.26637949
File: 84 KB, 1011x725, 1596783574830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637952
File: 51 KB, 326x442, 1597505062365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26637953

It's pekover

>> No.26637954
File: 30 KB, 600x598, 119208998_776626206433260_8048606084461082015_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally peko

>> No.26637958

Can't believe that Pekora killed god

>> No.26637960

Mio took the money and ran

>> No.26637964


>> No.26637966


>> No.26637970

Cocofags here only like her and defend her because they are /v/ tribalists that need to pick the winning horse

>> No.26637971
Quoted by: >>26638005


just proving my point. go back

>> No.26637972

racist homophobe

>> No.26637973

Probably gonna skip this one. I really need to wake up early tomorrow.

>> No.26637974

4th gen is PPtrio and Luna, she never belonged. If anything she's honorary Gamers.

>> No.26637977


>> No.26637979

Coco and Mio

>> No.26637983


>> No.26637982

Coco. Her have fun in the background while I'm doing other stuff is comfy as fuck.

>> No.26637984

I still laugh at this. Aloe saving MASS from a scammer.

>> No.26637986
File: 1.44 MB, 1863x3066, C08152B0-DC80-4578-8911-9F068F4B742F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous Tarot results

>> No.26637988

cute autist

>> No.26637989

Iofi please save dai-senpai

>> No.26637990

It's ok, she still has us oji-sans...

>> No.26637991

The power of muh nado

>> No.26637993

But i know where it comes from, it was a great moment too.

>> No.26637994

I guess actually telling the whole story would ruin your silly narrative. She was still wageslaving and had no time for collabs.

>> No.26637995
Quoted by: >>26638029

What's happening on Mio's stream?

>> No.26637997
File: 357 KB, 476x377, 1600044443445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I remember she was so fucking hard to watch in the beginning. She legit didnt andastnd anything about the combat. She even overcame needing heals in the end.

>> No.26637999
File: 123 KB, 412x412, 1587886815334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638054

Suisei s-stream?

>> No.26638003
File: 249 KB, 2048x2048, 1579810556891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638005

Are you implying you don't use both?

>> No.26638006
File: 78 KB, 463x352, 1591575884779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638008


>> No.26638009
File: 470 KB, 798x401, 1596381716083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towawa doesn't want to leave her friends.

>> No.26638010
File: 2.23 MB, 1549x873, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638014
Quoted by: >>26638489

I still feel bad for her having to deal with this scamming fuck.

>> No.26638016

fuck i cant read any of this.png

>> No.26638018

I use discord mostly for erp

>> No.26638020


>> No.26638021

the biggest twist of all

>> No.26638026

not sure what's zero iq here. this twitter handle is linked on her yt channel. obviously people will assume a lot of things when it becomes active, even though it was fishy from the beginning

>> No.26638029

smoke break

>> No.26638030

can anyone who knows jp to en translators ask someone to make a compliation clip of all of luna's Migi, Hidari jumps in the 2nd last metroid stream

>> No.26638031

Why do some of you morons like coco again?
>annoying voice
>literall redditor

>> No.26638032

It's just going to be Polka, isn't it?

>> No.26638033


>> No.26638036
File: 1.14 MB, 900x1200, __omaru_polka_hololive_drawn_by_mania_fd6060_60__2c114f7ae7afa566d2c34a14b174b88d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638277

omar soon

>> No.26638039

That's the very first one. There were at least 2 more since then.

>> No.26638038

What the fuck is this game?

>> No.26638041
File: 42 KB, 752x529, Ayamechair2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rewatching Ayame sing while working on an assignment for class.

>> No.26638042


>> No.26638044
File: 86 KB, 433x469, EhIoppjVgAArs2w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy deep voice

>> No.26638045

Towa's utawaku archive.

>> No.26638046

She confirmed an english only stream today, we are getting closer

>> No.26638047
Quoted by: >>26638106

Which I don't get, since both Gura and Coco are Americans.

>> No.26638049
File: 86 KB, 965x1081, 1599507343378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638069

you kill god and then get to become god

>> No.26638050


>> No.26638054

>almost 2200JST
>didn't even tweet about her appearance in hologra
I don't think she'll stream today

>> No.26638056
Quoted by: >>26638119

I can't read Japanese but thankfully I can read tarot so I understand this image.

>> No.26638058
Quoted by: >>26638489

the fact that Aloe came back to save those retards means she's a good girl

>> No.26638061
File: 49 KB, 416x555, 1597750786554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interstellar with Luna

>> No.26638060
File: 131 KB, 463x352, CantReadJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638062

literally what the fuck is going on

>> No.26638064

babby's first Xeno game

>> No.26638065
File: 61 KB, 316x419, dnji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm hmm, yes i understand.

>> No.26638067

whos watching the two milfs on a train

>> No.26638068

i only use both holes of your mom, bro

>> No.26638069

And remake the wworld with no gods

>> No.26638071
File: 954 KB, 963x1500, 1593503810536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a challenge - try fapping to Coco while listening to her singing.

>> No.26638072


>> No.26638074
Quoted by: >>26638114

Fuck why were they in a spaceship?!?!?!?! what the fuck xenoblade

>> No.26638075
File: 401 KB, 800x800, genkai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638078
Quoted by: >>26638148


>> No.26638079
Quoted by: >>26638125

>unironically defending getting scammed like a 10 year old in an mmo
my sides

>> No.26638080
Quoted by: >>26638775

I like low subscribed chuubas because they're acquired taste. Pekora, Korone, FBK or Gura are like Marvel movies, shounen anime or EDM music. They just appeal to the biggest crowd because they're very easy to consume, and most of them has funny sudden reactions to random things what can raise the dopamin of a normalfag. I literally can't imagine anything else who follow the most successful holos than children or adults with a child's mind. They're reading Harry Potter while the people who follow Roboco probably reading philosophy. They're watching Avengers while the people who like Towa would rather discuss Ingmar Bergman's works. Their favourite anime and manga are the Kimetsu no Yaiba and the Hero Academia, while people who watch Legend of Galactic Heroes are watching Mel streams between two episodes.
To sum up, people who like popular things are always low IQ. Always. Without exception. Acquire your own taste and opinions instead of following the mindless crowd.

>> No.26638081

Mio and Twap's sistermommaid

>> No.26638082

mio died on the way back to her home planet

>> No.26638085

am i watching underwater ray romano or something?

>> No.26638087

Pretty sure it's only 2 or 3 people spamming the thread.

>> No.26638089


>> No.26638092

What's Polka, a Kitsune?

>> No.26638094

Holy shit she actually got it, Tower...

>> No.26638095

listening to mio while doing my studying reps

>> No.26638097


>> No.26638098
File: 178 KB, 359x334, 1597849555508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spoiling the game pekofags

>> No.26638103

me liek big numbars

>> No.26638104

Miso and Roro.

>> No.26638106

The ones defending her honor here for free are not americans

>> No.26638105

hurry the fuck up mio

>> No.26638108


>> No.26638109

>alvis was the computer

>> No.26638111

While I don't like her content now (unless Asacoco 3.0 turns out to be good) she built the foundations for Hololive's success early this year and contributed very much to the label.

>> No.26638112

Story in Botan/Lamy's game is actually pretty interesting.

>> No.26638113

Oh, an Aki cover. Nice.


>> No.26638114

Two scientist named meyneth and klaus
Universe remade in klaus' (zanza) image

>> No.26638115

Coco. Somehow this is by far the longest I've been able to tolerate her sing streams. It's really a testament to how much she has improved.

>> No.26638117

Challenges are supposed to be hard.
I already do this regularly.

>> No.26638119

whis tarot considered as a rare one? someone in this thread says nene get a rare one

>> No.26638120
File: 488 KB, 1552x2048, __mano_aloe_and_yukihana_lamy_hololive_drawn_by_fuusuke_fusuke208__6349e89dbaa7f2f1e4e3d55a8567e43f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo gives the best hugs, and why is it Lamy?

>> No.26638121

kami sama?????

>> No.26638122


>> No.26638124
File: 106 KB, 777x1024, 1600122837870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at her go!

>> No.26638125
Quoted by: >>26638180

>defending getting scammed

your reading comprehension is lacking, redditor

>> No.26638126
File: 22 KB, 480x150, 1583094732604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639850


>> No.26638128

I've been scrolling for a while now and I can't find a senchou version

>> No.26638129
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, 1595762439603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638164

>equal ratio of CN, Overseas and JP fanbase

She is the Hololive Global.

>> No.26638130
Quoted by: >>26638147

fuck off pekoniggers, stop spoiling the story you fucks. roberu hasn't reached the final story yet

>> No.26638131


>> No.26638134

>marine okayu aqua and shion at mio's place

>> No.26638135


>> No.26638138

unironically what is this ending, i thought people praised xenoblade for the writing

>> No.26638140
Quoted by: >>26638266


>> No.26638139

>everyone of gen 5 besides Polka called in to Mio's tarot stream
What's the narrative here?

>> No.26638141
Quoted by: >>26638178

Oooh, the whole 3D Wii Party gang is in there. Looks like 5ch's narrative is shit as always.

>> No.26638142

Oh shit
Okayu, Marine, Aqua, and Shion showed up

>> No.26638143
Quoted by: >>26639758

Now if this could have been made EOP/Tarotlet friendly.

>> No.26638145

divination on the whole 3d collab

>> No.26638146

They do it for the underdog circlejerk. Look at how nobody spams Roboco or Choco or Mel, but they'll spam Towa, Aki and the homos because there are "movements" trying to get them more popular. People with shallow savior complexes only latch on if they feel like they'll be validated by others.

>> No.26638148


>> No.26638147
Quoted by: >>26638201

game is literally 10 yuears old leave thje thread until shes done streaming you fucking nigger

>> No.26638152
File: 175 KB, 374x415, 1599354695280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638153
File: 2.05 MB, 1779x988, Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyabi has Among Us with Holostars on his schedule

>> No.26638154

>no Polka
>Marine and co. instead

Time to close Mio stream.

>> No.26638155

>sudden off collab
Fucking nice

>> No.26638156

>tfw the spoilers are making me want to continue playing more

>> No.26638157

Ah right, I forgot Marine said they were going to Mio's house afterwards.

>> No.26638158

>come back
>the whole gang in on Mio stream

>> No.26638159
File: 619 KB, 610x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Polka, say something nice.

>> No.26638161
Quoted by: >>26638228

But the narratives...

>> No.26638163

Melia is cuter than Fiora desu

>> No.26638164
File: 85 KB, 715x822, 1595774581642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638165

mio boost?

>> No.26638172


I would rather watch Mel a billion times before meme shark. Why? Mel is not boring.

>> No.26638174

She has a stream because she is a dumb clown?

>> No.26638175
File: 262 KB, 800x800, pekokino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638307


>> No.26638179

are those keyblades? god, i hate weeaboo games

>> No.26638178

Probably because it wasn't really a 5ch narrative but EOPs making shit up. Mio said in her tweet that she was doing it at the studio and some people might show up irl.

>> No.26638180
Quoted by: >>26638287

The fact that a scam like that isn't zero IQ to you just goes to show how unironically retarded you are. And it's quite amazing of you to call me a redditor when you're a MASScuck.

>> No.26638182

the fact that your journey starts and ends with this song is pure kino

>> No.26638183
File: 6 KB, 100x100, 1599138986257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638186

>Mio infecting even more people
Holy fuck are they all retarded

>> No.26638188

omarun's sweaty clown pits!

>> No.26638192

cute armpits

>> No.26638195

Honestly overall the writing is pretty good, I only don't like when Shulk becomes a moralfaggot with mumkhar

>> No.26638196

>Coco is singing AGAIN
She really likes to milk a joke dry

>> No.26638197

I can't believe Pekora is an atheist.

>> No.26638199 [SPOILER] 
File: 286 KB, 1879x1409, 1600606143107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638290


>> No.26638201
Quoted by: >>26638252

>leave the thread for 7 hours
hope a bird shits on your head

>> No.26638202
File: 916 KB, 300x300, 1600074309768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre monandos yah idiot

>> No.26638204

>shulk is a chaosfag
i honestly don't know what to think

>> No.26638206

The world is recreated....

>> No.26638208
File: 230 KB, 316x331, 1594346509635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bomb test subject

>> No.26638210
File: 58 KB, 304x537, 15A03F18-041A-41D1-A983-AFC6CAA4CFAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638244


>> No.26638214

This is not as kino as the DS ending but it's up there I have no fucking idea what is happening much like the DS ending

>> No.26638219

go back

>> No.26638221

None of them are especially rare, they're all "equally" likely to be drawn if you don't believe in mystical fate stuff. However, drawing a specific combination is of course rare. Drawing a bunch of cards that perfectly align with each other to weave a rich tapestry for your future would be considered very good luck, although honestly a good enough tarot reader (reading tarot is as much about your creativity, skill as a story teller and ability to read people as it is "knowledge" of the cards, it's a social skill) can make any card fit your life situation.

>> No.26638223
Quoted by: >>26638248

Her armpits stink and she refuses to wear deodorant.

>> No.26638224
Quoted by: >>26638282

>mio's place
She's in the studio.

>> No.26638225

pekora fucking blowing up the universe

>> No.26638226
Quoted by: >>26638251

Nice. Can't fucking wait.

>> No.26638228
Quoted by: >>26638294

What narratives? I missed that

>> No.26638234

What the fuck is this ending?

>> No.26638235

I like her constant goofy smile

>> No.26638236
Quoted by: >>26638296

Now explain what the fuck just happened.

>> No.26638237

Didn't think of that. Thank God I hate AquaMarine.

>> No.26638238

>i closed to collab only for the collab to come to me

>> No.26638239
Quoted by: >>26638339

So it took them less than an hour to wrap things up after 3D stream and reach Mio's house? She must be pretty close to the studio.

>> No.26638240
File: 1.83 MB, 2560x1440, EhOyVpVVoAAaws9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want polka to call in Mio stream and ring her own bell

>> No.26638245

>weaboo games
Go back to /v/

>> No.26638244
File: 431 KB, 748x699, 1600340543644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you melposter!!

>> No.26638247

There's only one of each major arcana right? I don't know anything about Tarot reading. But I know the upright Sun is a pretty good symbol of happiness, I'd guess that one is lucky. I see only Coco getting that one too.

>> No.26638248


>> No.26638250

my fellow pitricians

>> No.26638251
Quoted by: >>26638304

Also Terraria right above it
Don't know why I forgot to mention that

>> No.26638252
File: 246 KB, 372x315, 1599963242514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't live without us for 7 hours?

>> No.26638256
Quoted by: >>26638284

wake me up when Coco sings Ikenai Borderline.
Actually, do me a favor and just reply to this post with it clipped

>> No.26638257

Terraria on Wednesday?

>> No.26638258
File: 459 KB, 750x750, EiH2NmBVoAEfmDI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu, Subaru and Shion are still fine
incubation period

>> No.26638259

this is some peko KINO shit

>> No.26638260

>end of xenogalion

>> No.26638266


>> No.26638267

shes gonna scream when she sees fiora

>> No.26638269

I kneel Miomommy

>> No.26638270

she balances panik and kalm very well

>> No.26638271
Quoted by: >>26638360

Anyone who entertained the possibility for even a nanosecond should have their brains harvested for study into the limits of human retardation. Really? The English didn't immediately fucking give it away?

>> No.26638272

God is real.

>> No.26638274

Cute phoenix.

>> No.26638276
File: 139 KB, 228x291, mio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26638277

BEEFPC stream onegai

>> No.26638280
File: 272 KB, 1808x1002, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26638282

Watch Mio's stream anonchama

>> No.26638283
File: 121 KB, 606x564, 58E3E4CE-9E0A-477B-B89C-93F67646E888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem !!

>> No.26638284

newfagchama coco barely sings anime songs shes a normalfag

>> No.26638285

Yeah that too
I forgot sorry

>> No.26638286


>> No.26638287


whatever bro not going to spend my sunday arguing with a 14 yo angsty poltard

>> No.26638288
Quoted by: >>26638343

Aqua's steaming kettle laugh is so loud compared to everything else

>> No.26638290

She's kinda cute in her own niche appeal and if I spoke Japanese I would watch her.
wtf I love her even more now

>> No.26638293

she gives great virtual BJs

>> No.26638294
Quoted by: >>26638373

That mio streamed at the same time as the 3D collab as a form of resistance in subaru's 3D delay.

>> No.26638295

Poruka can't figure out how to install internet on her new computer

>> No.26638296

Zanza is the Demiurge, Alvis is Monad. Alvis was the administrative computer on the space station where Zanza did and experiment that recreated the world. When Shulk defeats Zanza Alvis asks what he wants and he says a world without gods, and the world is recreated.

>> No.26638297

Was this just Cross Ange all along?

>> No.26638299
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638301

top 5 voices, probably

>> No.26638303
File: 522 KB, 489x471, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26638304

I hope the Terrarianons are happy. Rimworld onegai.

>> No.26638306

Do your reps anonchama

>> No.26638307


>> No.26638308
Quoted by: >>26638344

Worse, she's a narutard

>> No.26638314

Is this going to be his first time playing Terraria? I rarely watch Homos but I'll tune it if it is.

>> No.26638315

Based cool guy.

>> No.26638317

Terraria with the Homos has me incredibly hype, holy shit

>> No.26638316
Quoted by: >>26638389

>literally filterd
boy you look dumb now

>> No.26638321


>> No.26638322

I hope she plays Future Connected even though not a whole lot happens in it. I think I 100%'d it in only 8-10 hours

>> No.26638324

me on the left

>> No.26638325

Read Mio's tweet anonchama https://twitter.com/ookamimio/status/1307591591436013568

>> No.26638327

>Coco told her to get Mio to tell her fortune
>too busy hugging her BEEF PC

>> No.26638328


>> No.26638329

Looks like Ui mama didn't get the memo about the Fall Guys fad being over already.

>> No.26638332

Kami ED

>> No.26638333

10/10 laugh

>> No.26638335

take the wheel

>> No.26638336

>noooo the scammer was just highly intelligent you can't blame us for falling for it
Holy cringe, stay in your discord, cuck.

>> No.26638339
Quoted by: >>26638387

Mio is at the studio creepyweirdochama

>> No.26638343
Quoted by: >>26639017

Why can't she just laugh normally? She sounds like a dying pterodactyl.

>> No.26638344

coco's anime experience is surface level

>> No.26638346
File: 41 KB, 390x355, 6F4DB6F3-E903-40EC-9364-45867CE9F505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638477

Not him but you're just embarrassing yourself. Please don't go and harass Aloe on Twitter anymore.

>> No.26638347

Aqua and Shion are the senpai in this group
Japan's seniority system can lead to some weird moments

>> No.26638350

Her bells and chimes are bizarrely ASMR.

>> No.26638355

...she literally said she's at the studio

>> No.26638356
File: 448 KB, 1428x2048, 1599057982412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638374

No Jesus, just Nenechi.

>> No.26638357

I guess i have to play it myself to fully understand what is going on. Still, thanks anon.

>> No.26638359

Kuso pheonix

>> No.26638360

>The English didn't immediately fucking give it away?

she posted the rebuttal in english on her youtube channel and the other twitter too. your point, smartass?

>> No.26638363

How the hell do you even choose between Melia and Fiora

>> No.26638364

>this ED

>> No.26638367

the final twist: short hair human fiora

>> No.26638369
File: 102 KB, 421x442, EiNB_I_U0AE9HCp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ready for a nice time with my cute baby princess

>> No.26638371

Holostars literally cannot stop playing kino games.

>> No.26638370
Quoted by: >>26638400

>KH3 literally stole xenoblades ending
cant make this shit up

>> No.26638372
Quoted by: >>26638414

>Buying stuff for people on the internet
You deserve it

>> No.26638373

Truly the best retards

>> No.26638374


>> No.26638376
Quoted by: >>26638403

I hope pecor plays XC2
I dropped it multiple times, dunno why

>> No.26638378

Holy shit Fiora

>> No.26638380


>> No.26638384
File: 283 KB, 1187x1033, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638429

>> No.26638386
File: 544 KB, 3501x2710, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her ghost shall haunt these threads forever

>> No.26638387

Yeah, I remembered her tweet later...

>> No.26638389

>literally filterd

literally what?

>> No.26638393
Quoted by: >>26638634

Fiora looks infinitely better in DE holy shit

>> No.26638395
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x3321, 1598028747749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638447

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.26638396

This ending is so cheesy but I'm smiling

Fucking peko

>> No.26638400

Every jrpg ends the same way more or less

>> No.26638401
Quoted by: >>26638661

Melia got cucked so hard, jesus.

>> No.26638403
Quoted by: >>26638478

If she doesn't, Roberu will. He already said he wants to play it after finishing DE.

>> No.26638404

the absolute state of melia

>> No.26638407
Quoted by: >>26638474

How much money did you give him retard-kun

>> No.26638408


>> No.26638414

and i'll buy again just to make you mad lmao

>> No.26638415

Coco is a good girl

>> No.26638416

Fiora is 16, while Melia is like 80.

>> No.26638418

Towa and HoloEN collab coming sooner than you think

>> No.26638421
File: 174 KB, 233x297, file(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638476

I love Nene but I will never forgive her that she encouraged yesterday the mentally ill aloekeks here

>> No.26638422
Quoted by: >>26638498

a Phoenix

>> No.26638425

>aside from being cucks Aloefags don't even know how to read

>> No.26638429
File: 2.17 MB, 2000x2370, 1599770285566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638430

guess the Polk's not getting her fortune read today

>> No.26638432
Quoted by: >>26638515

Towa's sistermamamaid singing Happy Synthesizer

>> No.26638433

Oga 30K subscriber special


>> No.26638437

Unironically going to sleep instead watching the rest of Mio's stream.
I got filtered hard, all these voices have driven me to insanity

>> No.26638439
Quoted by: >>26638502

Will Pekora play XB2 next?

>> No.26638444
Quoted by: >>26638460

Huh Watame is a Touhou fan?

>> No.26638445
File: 142 KB, 398x443, 1590767790618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638512

>B-but y-y-y-you're mad!!!!!!!!!
Poor cuck

>> No.26638447


>> No.26638451

take your meds aloecuck
>take your meds aloecuck
take your meds aloecuck

>> No.26638452
File: 605 KB, 745x418, 5445435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638454
Quoted by: >>26638469

maybe you can try to give towa's momsistermaid a llisten while she is trying her best singing!


>> No.26638455

Melia never deserved this cucking JEEZAS

>> No.26638456
Quoted by: >>26638536

Enter Coco's stream, here Vanilla by Gackt, immediately extremely impressed with her taste

>> No.26638461

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7otY98E6YQ Luna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCAMZvLX1Gs Nene and Polka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhaxVZwGcnQ Iofi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVN-nZmXcuA Oga

>> No.26638460

Its a shill stream

>> No.26638464

>kamige datta
Based peko

>> No.26638465

Didn't they say that Shulk and Fiora are the same age which is 18?

>> No.26638468
Quoted by: >>26638566

Pekora's really at her best when she plays a story-focused game.

>> No.26638469


>> No.26638474
Quoted by: >>26638677

I think that guy is just baiting for (You)s

>> No.26638477
Quoted by: >>26638615

are you suggesting i should harass mel instead because you falseflag with her pics all the time, you inbred cockroach?

>> No.26638476

What did she do, Aloe-anti?

>> No.26638478
Quoted by: >>26638543

Has he finished the main game?

>> No.26638479

>sex ina

>> No.26638480

>Yoko Shimomura
Yep, kino music for kino game

>> No.26638481

Why are the IDs so unpopular?

>> No.26638482
File: 225 KB, 850x1198, __oozora_subaru_and_amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_tonari_no_kai_keruberosu__sample-83adc67d8f9543a3a9edc0f19dfa5e60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/v/ermin replying to each other

>> No.26638483
File: 36 KB, 720x720, 1594904775126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent 9 hours of my day straight watching Pekoblade
Thank goodness she managed to finish almost right before the CEO's stream.

>> No.26638485


>> No.26638486

If you seriously think some fucking nobody like her is capable of English of that level then it's no wonder your retarded ass got scammed. Just stop. You're way past the point of salvaging this shit at this point. Just pack up and fuck off.

>> No.26638489
Quoted by: >>26638646

She's atill a whore and deserves everything that happened to her

>> No.26638488

Is Peko a burger

>> No.26638498

Are you trying to tell me that Polka is a Phoenix AND Kiara is a Phoenix? That's kinda Yab.

>> No.26638500
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, EiHRQDlXcAAZobK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638558



>> No.26638501

>Pekora clapping through the credits
I love how diligent she is.

>> No.26638502
Quoted by: >>26638555

I saw people say she mentioned playing it, don't know if she planned on playing something else in between. I hope she at least does future connected

>> No.26638504
Quoted by: >>26638549

Is this what motivates cucks to throw their money away? To make people on the internet "angry"? If you'd like I can link you my paypal and you can pay me to cringe at you directly.

>> No.26638507
Quoted by: >>26638563

Nene did an homage to Aloe during her utawaku yesterday

>> No.26638511
File: 203 KB, 500x500, 1599813021939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638510

Is this Star Ocean??

>> No.26638512
Quoted by: >>26638605


/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.26638514

I gave up on looking for shit on twitter directly a while ago. Just use twoucan in the future broski

>> No.26638515
File: 228 KB, 638x510, Eevv6R0UYAIsH-R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's very cute.

>> No.26638517

Im a fan of the rabbit now

>> No.26638518

So many good streams holy shit I love Luna but I don't know if I want to watch a damn movie over any of the other streams

>> No.26638519
Quoted by: >>26638576

the anime?

>> No.26638521

>berka berka sperka durka burka hurka
do INdogs really?

>> No.26638522
File: 95 KB, 463x348, can't_read2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638524


>> No.26638523

>Have to buy and play Xenoblade 2 before Pekora plays it
She probably won't play it immediately but still

>> No.26638527
File: 145 KB, 283x315, deadpan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26638531

Subaru is such a meanie...

>> No.26638530
Quoted by: >>26638554

The fuck is that game Lofi is playing?

>> No.26638533

Because they are indonesians.

>> No.26638534
File: 24 KB, 568x569, 1598254716483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She hated it right?

>> No.26638536

Coco's japanese set list is a breathe of fresh air from all the anime songs the other sings

>> No.26638537

Please don't play XB2...

>> No.26638541
File: 472 KB, 1791x2378, EhZd3GiVoAIcYO0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already there!

>> No.26638543
Quoted by: >>26638562

He's in the Mechonis city. It will take another stream to finish it. I don't know if he will play FC tho.

>> No.26638544

If you don't hate Aloe you are not welcome here

>> No.26638545

>4PM on Thursday
Ah, why, Miyabi? I need to work!

>> No.26638548

one loves to get nuted
one is fat and a clueless retard

>> No.26638549
Quoted by: >>26638590

>I can link you my paypal

go ahead

>> No.26638554
Quoted by: >>26638625

Horror game.

>> No.26638555

>I saw people say she mentioned playing it
Whoops I meant wanting to play it

>> No.26638556

Mio is dying holy shit that cough

>> No.26638557

Kamige certified

>> No.26638558

It's most likely going to be longer than 30 mins too this time.

>> No.26638559
Quoted by: >>26638583

>japanese people clap during game credits

>> No.26638560

riki is the only multi faceted character in the whole game

>> No.26638562

cool thanks.

>> No.26638563

That's nice of Nene.

>> No.26638565

What happened to mumuka? He wasn't dead

>> No.26638566

nier automata, onegai

>> No.26638567

That sounds like a whole bundle of fun actually, thanks for the reminder!

>> No.26638572

It's not like we employees have the option of not watching it.

>> No.26638576

The X Japan song

>> No.26638577

My little cousin now knows about hololive. I think we're hitting the boiling over point

>> No.26638579

I don't like Pekora, peko.

>> No.26638580

yeah anon, 9 hours of pure seething, she said that after doing this she regrets being born to this world.

>> No.26638583

>american monkeys clap during the movie credits

>> No.26638584

minatoaqua tits

>> No.26638585

SE permissions.

>> No.26638590
Quoted by: >>26638705

Just deposit to the based department.

>> No.26638591
Quoted by: >>26638652

Did Nene become the CEO of Based? I must have missed some important streams.

>> No.26638592

>this image

Fucking KINO

>> No.26638593

It's member only?

>> No.26638595


>> No.26638598
File: 336 KB, 1071x1447, 1593250136113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638718

>Okayu is finally lively after meeting up with Mio

>> No.26638596

Melia is the true eternal 17

>> No.26638597

I don't like very very rabbit

>> No.26638601
Quoted by: >>26638638

You love Pekora, peko?

>> No.26638600

But holoID are playing FFXIV...

>> No.26638604
File: 397 KB, 1638x2048, Egblcb-UYAINYjD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shishiron and Lamy on a literal virtual date today

>> No.26638605

>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
Go back to discord

>> No.26638607

clapping after a kino finishes is showing respect to all of the actors
video games aren't a real artistic medium

>> No.26638614

>Peko is still going

>> No.26638615

I'm rather an Aloefag-anti, I have no problems with her but these people are clearly retarded.
It would be better if you wouldn't harass anyone and leave the girls and their private life alone but it might be too hard for you, as a disgusting creep you are.

>> No.26638618

Sheep... you are losing badly in this game...

>> No.26638620

Which homo has the least subs?

>> No.26638621
File: 535 KB, 494x885, 1596458517977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638703


>> No.26638622

I like melia more, too bad she got the worst end of suffering.

>> No.26638623

FFXIV has different permission than the others.

>> No.26638625
File: 529 KB, 680x477, 1600573470115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638658

I'll make horror out of your ass

>> No.26638630

FFXIV got an exception on SE website.

>> No.26638631

Youtube-kun, I pay actual money to view Luna PLEASE send me notifications properly.

>> No.26638634

You should see the melia face comparisons

>> No.26638635

He died after falling from the station, the ruins of his body are found on the hand.

>> No.26638636
File: 613 KB, 745x418, 636322553534154135135Screenshot_2020-09-20 【Wii Party】3Dで遊びつくす!【ホロライブ #あくシオおかマリ】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this is kino af.

>> No.26638637
Quoted by: >>26638683

She already played it.

>> No.26638638
Quoted by: >>26638673

no I hate Pekora and I wish people would stop shitposting with images of her and "ogey rrat"

>> No.26638642

go back to rеddit

>> No.26638643

based baby putting "There's no fucking audio or video so fuck off or lurk more EOP" on the screen

>> No.26638646

Okay, Saint Nick.

>> No.26638647
File: 1.07 MB, 798x410, 1599526962351.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638652

Watch her Good Job stream.
Nene accidentally stumbled upon an incredible gimmick of being a tyrannical CEO of Nene Productions, both she and the fans are really into it.

>> No.26638653

>Mario Kart
>two worst gamer in hololive
Time for kino

>> No.26638656

Americans actually get up and leave as soon as the credits begin while Japense wait patiently for them to finish.

>> No.26638657
File: 1.23 MB, 2896x4096, EiWUw4HU4AIt7TV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638658
File: 275 KB, 1456x2048, 20200620_102547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberto, where's your 3D?

>> No.26638659

nice thumbnail Aki

>> No.26638660

I blame Korone and EN

>> No.26638661

Poor melia

>> No.26638663
File: 3.23 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-07-30_17-42-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it updates with Riki's kids and the JUNKS if you beat Future Connected

>> No.26638664

i forgot to download a torrent, lunaitos....

>> No.26638668
File: 740 KB, 768x433, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638723

Kinoblade Pekonicles

>> No.26638670

This isn't fair, she was supposed to be my girlfriend, how can this be happening.

>> No.26638671

The boiling point is when Holos get into the kids sphere, trust me I'm a father.

>> No.26638673
Quoted by: >>26638700


>> No.26638674

>boogeyman response
Thanks for confirming.

>> No.26638676

Nenechi why

>> No.26638677

Unfortunately you can't assume that's the most likely thing when there are people in here who were stupid enough to fall for that pathetic scam.

>> No.26638681
Quoted by: >>26638717

out of mel pics, mehmet?

>> No.26638683
Quoted by: >>26638696

Are you thinking of Subaru?

>> No.26638688
File: 75 KB, 537x413, d982797c42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638744

These 2 are gay right?

>> No.26638690
Quoted by: >>26638782

Who is your cousin's favorite Hololive and why is it Towa sama?

>> No.26638692

so is nene x polka a thing or are they too dumb to know what love is

>> No.26638696

No, I'm thinking of her roommate.

>> No.26638699

>already fucked up

>> No.26638700


>> No.26638702

>low views
>skipped optional content including character scenes
>didn't bother trying to learn any mechanics until forced to due to hitting a wall
>tried to clear the game underleveled

>> No.26638703 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 1378x1378, 1600607201890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638704

Aloefags are being extra pathetic today, did they finally realize she's never coming back?

>> No.26638705

done bro

>> No.26638706
File: 178 KB, 518x446, polkanene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come watch cute blondes

>> No.26638709

It's not a thing because Nene is warlike and has no time for love and Polka belongs to me.

>> No.26638710

saiko daze...

>> No.26638711

She already certified it as kamige

>> No.26638712

If you're talking about the faced mechon at colony 6, that was just one of those xord clones to show that the mechon were helping against the telethia

>> No.26638713
File: 218 KB, 461x461, 1590407772091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help! I'm being filtered!

>> No.26638717
File: 89 KB, 556x688, 1274EA72-6C89-4C29-9908-478BC67EF39C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26638859

You wish, faggot

>> No.26638718

She really didn't enjoy that shit collab

>> No.26638719

>MariOka destroyed by both a game and Mio


>> No.26638721
Quoted by: >>26638808

>Interstellar members only
I guess ill catch up and just check the archives next month.

>> No.26638723

>Melia doesn't even get to sit next to Shulk

>> No.26638724

She's not going to read superchats right?

>> No.26638728

alright xenofags now explain why it takes 200 hours of gametime just to get every skill tree

>> No.26638729

I thought you guys said towa was good at singing?

>> No.26638734

Imagine emotionally investing into a vtuber with 1 uploaded video

>> No.26638735
File: 1.05 MB, 4096x2304, EiQcG6OUMAARag_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ラブ nenechi

>> No.26638739

Indonesia makes games?

>> No.26638744

Nah just friends.

>> No.26638747
Quoted by: >>26638867

Did something happened for Aqua last month?

>> No.26638753

Monolith Software thinks adding a bunch of porly implemented gameplay systems that barely make a difference and tons of useless side quests is good game design.

>> No.26638756

Was Watame tearing up?

>> No.26638757

>towafags will defend this

>> No.26638761

There's no extra stuff at the start of amazon video right?

>> No.26638762


>> No.26638764

Pekora playing story driven games is always comfy

Glad to be a nousagi

>> No.26638765
File: 109 KB, 185x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26638773
File: 763 KB, 683x804, 1597674772082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene's got not time for lovin'

>> No.26638774


>> No.26638775
Quoted by: >>26638851

Imagine defending being a contrarian by pulling the philosophy card, just admit that you are a contrarian twat that scared of popular thing.

>> No.26638779
Quoted by: >>26638820

The extra story in Xenoblade is entirely dedicated to Melia.

>> No.26638782
Quoted by: >>26638855

It's Korone, but I guess that's kind of expected huh. I have a feeling that he is one of the SOPs that spam like a retard

>> No.26638784

It's worse, they think she will actually came back soon because Nene mentioned her. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd already spam her twitter with messages.

>> No.26638787

if nothing else, indogs are known for making decent spooks

>> No.26638788

xenoblade and paper mario are the only traditional rpg series ive played

>> No.26638790

>RE7 ripoff
actually looks good wtf

>> No.26638794

Yeah, Coffee Talk and DreadOut are some of them.

>> No.26638796

She truly is the best

>> No.26638797

>Wants less recycled conversations
>Makes statement that's been said hundreds of times
>Guaranteed nobody will reply to this and continue the exact conversation I dislike seeing!

>> No.26638800
Quoted by: >>26638911

Aloe dserves the harassment though.

>> No.26638804

>Peko might host another stream for 700k....

Go rest you kusagi.

>> No.26638805
File: 310 KB, 575x335, 1600593378875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638806

It was super comfy, I kind of want more of those, less horror streams.

>> No.26638808
Quoted by: >>26638938

>next month
Why? What's stopping you for joining membership anon? $5 is really cheap. also movie watching with your chuuba real time is better experience than watching archive

>> No.26638809
Quoted by: >>26639234

You think people laughing at the clown stepping on a rake and getting a face full of wood feel anger? Are you retarded?

>> No.26638810

luna this movie is 3hrs please start...

>> No.26638811

EOP filter no more

>> No.26638815
File: 424 KB, 468x580, 1596177091715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woke up and found out Choco had a members only stream and it isn't archived on twitcast.. Chocobros what did she do?

>> No.26638814


>> No.26638817
File: 242 KB, 502x538, 1591613128554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is she right?

>> No.26638819
File: 232 KB, 1808x1002, 16006062870931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638820

I liked all the parts about Riki in the "quiet moments" and such. Even though it kind of feels like a filler arc, I really liked Nene and green guy

>> No.26638823
Quoted by: >>26639259

Games like MonHun and Monster Rancher are comfier.

>> No.26638834
Quoted by: >>26638996


>> No.26638839
File: 496 KB, 1700x2311, 1597760968253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's she been doing today?

>> No.26638840

IDs already played some. There's that homunculus making sim Risu played, Dreadout that Luna(?) played recently, also a dating sim Just Desert from the top of my head.

>> No.26638841
Quoted by: >>26638886

Is anyone also using amazon prime to watch interstellar? Does it start with the WB logo?

>> No.26638843

Xenoblade suddenly becoming a space science experiment became 10/10 for me. I'm a sucker for those.

>> No.26638844

Was that not the cooking stream she just done?

>> No.26638845

A lot actually

>> No.26638846
Quoted by: >>26638996

sing with her 3d model
>woke up
me too man, me too.

>> No.26638848
Quoted by: >>26638862

DO U RILLY BELIB IT????????????????????

>> No.26638851

Yeah, sure, go and watch the new episode of sao.

>> No.26638853
Quoted by: >>26638866

Closer to 150 for me, and that's at a casual comfy pace. Use expert mode to maximize your gains.

>> No.26638855

Make him watch the ultimate filter stream until he learns Japanese.

>> No.26638857

Very close to the original, Raging Horse did a good job

>> No.26638858
File: 248 KB, 1911x2048, 1598689634899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so fun and so stupid together

>> No.26638859
Quoted by: >>26638944

nice facebook filenames btw, retard

>> No.26638862
Quoted by: >>26638890

I habeeb it

>> No.26638864
Quoted by: >>26638897

She said she got a few tears in her eyes from the last song and hearing all hear senpais in it.

>> No.26638865
Quoted by: >>26638884

>Iofi horror vs NenePolka mario kart
Which one will give me the biggest jumpscares?

>> No.26638866
Quoted by: >>26638921

You got all 5 skill trees for every character?

>> No.26638867
Quoted by: >>26639065


>> No.26638868

Is she going to restart stream again or rest for now and wait for 700k?

>> No.26638870
Quoted by: >>26638898

Don’t do them you fucking retard. The skills trees are for min/max endgame battles and for people that want to use the system to its full potential. You and Pekora can enjoy the story with the basic break, topple, daze without confusion.

>> No.26638875

>Okayu, Shion, Aqua, Marine, and Mio having dinner together

>> No.26638878
File: 48 KB, 597x900, EiTevQkUMAA0fn9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're all going out to eat

Well I probably won't get my zatsudan, but I'm glad Okayu gets to have fun with her friends.

>> No.26638879
Quoted by: >>26638926

I wish Delinquent/bully Subaru caught on

>> No.26638881

>Oga kiss
never thought i needed this

>> No.26638885
Quoted by: >>26638897

Yeah because of her sempai making the Holoism songs.

>> No.26638884

there is no greater horror than nenechi playing a videogame

>> No.26638886

nvm I got it synched

>> No.26638890

twinky haus

>> No.26638892
File: 79 KB, 300x300, 1591223691481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638897

That's so sweet

>> No.26638898
Quoted by: >>26639023

I am literally in the postgame you fucking nigger and getting some of these especially any related to colonigger shitx is hell on earth

>> No.26638900

Kenzokus are well funded cult.

>> No.26638902

>pekora did it with a Lv.78 team
based peko

>> No.26638906

How did Polka and Nene end up in different lobbies?

>> No.26638910


>> No.26638911

No one in the world deserve the horde of disgusting creepy whiteknights who literally swarmed to her from every side, thinking that they're now saving her. That's worse fate than death. I think Aloe would rather deal with the antis at that point.

>> No.26638913

>Polka didn't even manage to get into Nene's race
What collab is this

>> No.26638914

Yeah, Just like korone hated DOOM

>> No.26638917
Quoted by: >>26639535

We'll know tomorrow when she finally decides to tweet anything.

>> No.26638921

yes, as well as max party affinity

>> No.26638922

nene you goober you're covering up your race placement

>> No.26638923
Quoted by: >>26638937

Nene is better than me

>> No.26638926
File: 168 KB, 960x890, 1592930216928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru is a gentle giant, she uses her strenght for good

>> No.26638929

fine by me, i dont need another distraction away from my reps any longer

>> No.26638934


>> No.26638936
Quoted by: >>26639004

>I like watching this boring and talentless holo more because it makes me feel more intelligent
your life must be awful if you hate everything that's popular

>> No.26638938
File: 144 KB, 1200x1500, 1594522921397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im doing this stupid run>>26631488

>> No.26638937

There is no way that's true

>> No.26638943


>> No.26638944
Quoted by: >>26638992

Anonchama, your filename reps... Are you embarrassing yourself on purpose?

>> No.26638948


>> No.26638953
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, nenechi....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26638957
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1586167495752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a perfect end to the series. 9 hour stream to really drive home that well earned clear, somehow she keeps making it incredibly fun.
I might just be far into the brain-washing but being able to sit for 9 hours watching her without distractions is surreal to me, she is just that good.

>> No.26638964

Nene and Polka, I love them but they're such normalfag losers

>> No.26638966

for a second there i thought she was gonna sing this must be the place

>> No.26638970

>12th place

>> No.26638971

At least Shion wouldn't get lonely again

>> No.26638975
File: 1.77 MB, 1200x675, 1600434556892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NenePro workers, time to check in.
Punch you workcards here.

>> No.26638976
File: 206 KB, 1163x981, Screenshot_195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is dating Shion over my dead body

>> No.26638980

This movie is not on my amazon prime...

>> No.26638986
Quoted by: >>26639084

luna eating ASMR with interstellar as background noise
now this... this is it

>> No.26638987

Umm hello? Coco antis are the one who tribalism here, I bet you come from /vyt/ard and also nijifags, Why don't you go back to your dead thread?.

>> No.26638991
File: 1.60 MB, 2048x1536, 84435331_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora doing any singleplayer game is always the best because she immerses herself immensely in the story.

>> No.26638992

are being retarded on purpose? oh wait you don't

>> No.26638993

>Okayu filtered by teh tarik

>> No.26638995
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, 20200919_072627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26638996
File: 213 KB, 480x480, 3B934739239C4545814656415A8323D1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. A rare Choco utawaku and I will never get to hear it. Choco at least give your members a chance here.. I can't be up 24/7 watching your posts.

>> No.26639000

SE permissions can't be that hard to get.

>> No.26639004

The fact that you don't even know how to quote pretty much proving my point.

>> No.26639005
Quoted by: >>26639049

>That's worse fate than death. I think Aloe would rather deal with the antis at that point.
WTF are you saying?
>i prefer having people calling my local line 24/7 and having creepy guy following me to having people saying they support me on twitter.
Are you retarded?

>> No.26639006

Polka's laughter is pure sex

>> No.26639009
Quoted by: >>26639027

People why so angry ??? Have a cute image. https://twitter.com/dr_angel42/status/1307341818485374976

>> No.26639011
File: 157 KB, 1200x1259, ceramic06 1306281400736206848_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I might be far far into brain washing
>9 hours

I know what you mean tho I would watch a 9 hour Nene stream

>> No.26639014
File: 506 KB, 750x750, EhuF1fJUwAMWrub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like dumb sisters

>> No.26639016
Quoted by: >>26639108

This situation is of her own making and she stopped all her defenders from getting scammed for no good reason
Aloe is simply a whore

>> No.26639017

Fuck you. Aqua's laughs are amazing.

>> No.26639018

go back to your global thread

>> No.26639019
Quoted by: >>26639073

Polka and Nene together is like watching a dumb older sister mock a dumb younger sister. Both dumb, both smug.

>> No.26639023

It's harder to get the quests than it is to get the skill points. The full rank requires many fewer SP than the main three branches.

>> No.26639025
File: 779 KB, 1045x794, 1597409826106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-we're supposed to have workcards?

>> No.26639027

Jesus christ, I can feel them staring into my soul and judging me for my sins

>> No.26639031
File: 4 KB, 348x145, 1599353786576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... I get that feeling. I arrived right in the middle of the last song.

>> No.26639035

Super Nenechi's Super stream has over 20 000 viewers

>> No.26639038

What's the appeal of Aqua

>> No.26639039

Aged like fine wine.

>> No.26639040
File: 622 KB, 600x706, 1591105863589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the ayy or else

>> No.26639041


>> No.26639042

But I never checked out... you received permission to clock out from work?

>> No.26639043
File: 199 KB, 1920x1080, 1581838569000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639088

i hate oversleeping and missing everything

>> No.26639044
Quoted by: >>26639069

Is Nene corporation being exposed as black company?!

>> No.26639049

Yeah yeah I know, harassing her on Twitter is a good thing, if you have "good" intentions!

>> No.26639052

Coco is a good person that helps other people and hardworking.

>> No.26639054
Quoted by: >>26639123

Choco has a really good voice anon, you're in for a treat if you watch the archive

>> No.26639056
File: 184 KB, 850x1202, __momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_mr2d__sample-0431e9e9c944ffa944a27543da09db94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>23k viewers

>> No.26639058

W-We got time off work?

>> No.26639060

I love Korone!

>> No.26639062


>> No.26639064

fucken hell nanora im not a member

>> No.26639065
Quoted by: >>26639116

Ah makes sense. I guess Towa got boosted with Yen from 3D debut in July, and still retains the overseas paycheck last month. I was double checking because the data seems odd. The family is truly a cult.

>> No.26639069

It's an orange company

>> No.26639070

Melposter needs to die.

>> No.26639072

holy shit i forgot the dog existed thanks to peko and the 3D collab

>> No.26639073

>What place are you?
>HAH! I'm 6th!
Amazing talents

It's always weird to see people not even be able to drift in Mario Kart though. Guess I've played them too much.

>> No.26639075
File: 233 KB, 850x1100, asacoco1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking LOVE this bitch

>> No.26639076

Iofi has a seizure or what? She can't stay put.

>> No.26639077
File: 303 KB, 1231x2048, 1598803546643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have work card? I have to lick Nene's armpits whenever I came to the office as an official recognition

>> No.26639080
File: 791 KB, 1344x1329, 1582416503778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched through entire thing and it was amazing, even though for some parts i just had her talking in the background while i was doing other stuff, but i still enjoyed it nousagibro.

>> No.26639083


>> No.26639084

>interstellar as background noise
You'll hurt your ears

>> No.26639085

autistic short stack that can game

>> No.26639087

she has autism just like me

>> No.26639088

if you oversleep again I'm going to go to your house and rape you!

>> No.26639091

she's genuinely scared it's cute

>> No.26639092

It's a collab, Polka's fans are also tuning in to... watch Polka not play because they can't figure out how to join the same game.

>> No.26639093

theres literally nothing on right now

>> No.26639097

>gyaru nene
Its time.

>> No.26639100
Quoted by: >>26639134

>Having to work on a sunday
Being a Nenemployee sucks.

>> No.26639101


>> No.26639105
File: 437 KB, 775x775, gyarunenechi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639124


>> No.26639108
Quoted by: >>26639332

>Stopped all her defenders from getting scammed for no good reason
People getting scammed in your name is a pretty solid reason to take action. She could have in-n-out sessions lined up for every hour of the day, doesn't change the fact that she did a good thing by stopping that.

>> No.26639109

it was the minecraft stream, nene's limiters are off

>> No.26639110
Quoted by: >>26639357

Maybe her butt hurt?

>> No.26639112
File: 3.27 MB, 2300x3221, 1599461664885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639149

It's okay if you don't. We just do it because the boss likes the sound the hole puncher makes.

>> No.26639111

fine i guess

>> No.26639115
File: 208 KB, 1000x829, Eg-KWwnVoAEuMl7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gal Nene

>> No.26639116 [SPOILER] 
File: 595 KB, 1024x576, 1600608197246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a special family.

>> No.26639119

Gyaru Nenechi!

>> No.26639120
Quoted by: >>26639174

I would say that Nene is one of the best holos

>> No.26639123
Quoted by: >>26639242

Problem is she did not archive it on twitcast so I won't get to hear it.

>> No.26639124

I think this design is a lot better wtf

>> No.26639126
File: 126 KB, 1113x626, EiXHPgKVoAEO-ha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching her try to hold back her tears for the hulk hogan and the ending sequences was really cute, There's just something that clicks with pekora and story games, It's amazing to experience games blind with her

>> No.26639129
Quoted by: >>26639165

I love Watame too!

>> No.26639130
Quoted by: >>26639152

employees... our ceo fucking sucks at mario kart

>> No.26639133


>> No.26639134
File: 126 KB, 219x362, 1598100071469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639139

Cause she make people like (You) seethe everyday.

>> No.26639141

Guess I’m fapping to that doujin again -_-

>> No.26639142

Anyone watching Lolo? She makes me gosling a lot today..

>> No.26639149

>loves things that punch
Checks out

>> No.26639150

why is nene so bad at videogames

>> No.26639151

2.3k is pretty good for Iofi isn't it?

>> No.26639152
File: 1.67 MB, 1500x2121, 1576042791209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639156

polka's laugh is a miracle of the fucking universe

>> No.26639158

>Noel ASMR in 30 minutes
Sorry Dog, but my dick needs attention

>> No.26639161
File: 358 KB, 1500x2420, EiXF_pCU0Ac2xcC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639163

The only word I know in this chang chong language is tupai

>> No.26639162
File: 48 KB, 1100x734, man-with-an-earache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639165
File: 299 KB, 850x1183, __kiryuu_coco_and_tsunomaki_watame_hololive_drawn_by_hikawa_shou__sample-ec48829c487e6b4ed6c0bea15ebe6974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639167
File: 304 KB, 1090x1440, 1596299802868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639196

She's cute.

>> No.26639168

Everyone else stopped so yeah

>> No.26639171

I thought this was gonna be polka vs nene, is it just polka watching nene play?

>> No.26639172


>> No.26639174

Absolutely, she's so fun to watch

>> No.26639182

That scene got me...

>> No.26639183


>> No.26639188

god i love polka

>> No.26639196


what the fuck is this design, it's like someone threw 30 different holo features together and hit randomize.

>> No.26639197


>> No.26639198
File: 20 KB, 202x276, 1593544215324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639281


>> No.26639199

fucking kek omarun is too good at taking spotlight

>> No.26639200

Nene and Polka are shit holos.

>> No.26639204
Quoted by: >>26639270

is this an indog holo?

>> No.26639205
Quoted by: >>26639270

I do with nenechi

>> No.26639208

anything above 1000 is an irregularity so it's nice

>> No.26639209
Quoted by: >>26639298

it's giga huge for ID

>> No.26639210

It's polka making fun of CEO Nene

>> No.26639211
File: 259 KB, 420x554, 1593536794181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niji card game sponsorship
>gets card props on his model
Is it just me or is hololive pretty low budget despite all the money they're making?

>> No.26639214


>> No.26639221

You think this is rough, wait till you see Xenoblade 2. I love that game, but boy was I drained.

>> No.26639225
Quoted by: >>26639275

nene put up a room and it got flooded instantly

>> No.26639227

what happened to all the sheep posters? did they finally realize she lies then cries for money? were they all tourists who moved to the global thread?

>> No.26639234
Quoted by: >>26639506

>people laughing

you have an extremely shallow life if people hurting themselves with rakes make you laugh

>> No.26639235

It was fucking kino. Her reactions to the cutscenes were the best as always.

>> No.26639236
Quoted by: >>26639287

lately they've been above 1k regularely. Moona even gets 2k during minecraft

>> No.26639238
File: 82 KB, 750x395, 1588160186307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those two korone banjo animations getting garbage memes milked from them have been awful

>> No.26639242

Fuck bro, I'm sorry

>> No.26639244

polka's mii looks like stewie griffin

>> No.26639245

Pekora is a genius entertainer, there’s nothing more to it that that.

>> No.26639246

They just fucked up. Never underestimated their combined idiocy

>> No.26639249

I like how Polka manages to express like she's in a real state of panic sometimes

>> No.26639256

They never actually cared about her, just used her to shitpost. They simply moved onto new material.

>> No.26639258
File: 341 KB, 2147x3549, EfFt4l7WsAgaNht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639260

niji just have tons of l2d updates. Ars has like 4 costumes already

>> No.26639259
Quoted by: >>26639411

Monster Hunter? That's not a comfy game at all.

>> No.26639262
File: 9 KB, 654x152, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26639263
Quoted by: >>26639302

They moved on global yes.

>> No.26639266

Wont be long until tamaki come and drag polkahime with him. Nene will walk the path of CEO alone while carrying aloe's headset, mic and vibrator.

>> No.26639267
Quoted by: >>26639304

Seems a normal Rurudo work (except the chest)

>> No.26639268

the perception of hololive being big or competent is clouded by the big foreigner padded numbers
niji is way better

>> No.26639265

they went from peko to the shark

>> No.26639270

Towa's sistermom
based, me too

>> No.26639271
Quoted by: >>26639321

>Japanese comments in Korone's chat deleted

>> No.26639274

3D night fever and the sleepover ended the narratives and falseflaggers moved on.

>> No.26639275

>Putting up the room number before Polka joins

>> No.26639278

Just compare their 3D's. Cover spend much less money.

>> No.26639279


>> No.26639281
Quoted by: >>26639300

Is this the Atlantis endurance stream?

>> No.26639285
Quoted by: >>26639317

>Suisei is still stuck on using aviutl when she can just buy the whole adobe creative cloud with supacha money
she never really changes huh

>> No.26639286

Meanwhile gen 4 don't have alt costumes yet.

>> No.26639287
Quoted by: >>26639509

For whatever reason, minecraft bring high viewer counts to every holo.

>> No.26639288
Quoted by: >>26639330

>Implying most people that're active in this thread aren't also active in the meaningless split thread

>> No.26639293

I don’t understand


>> No.26639298
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 20200917_232340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if EN is helping boost ID as well. Once EN is able to collab with them, I think they will get the massive boost they deserve.

>> No.26639300


>> No.26639302
File: 1.65 MB, 358x430, Vae9LN7q6X.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but im still here

>> No.26639304


>let's combine okayu's ears with nene's bell with roboco glasses with noel's chest and add a band-aid, a barcode, heterochromia, and other random shit

it's a mess

>> No.26639308

Aqua has 0 costumes aside from her new year one and she used to be 2nd most popular Holo for the longest time.

>> No.26639309


>> No.26639310

They're all sharkfags now since they like numberfagging.

>> No.26639312
Quoted by: >>26639390

all part of our CEO's plan to be 12th, sasuga CEO!

>> No.26639313


>> No.26639314

two redditors on the picture and the third one is posting it here

>> No.26639317

>Paying for an overpriced piece of shit.

>> No.26639319

I just wished she did some of the Heart to hearts. They have some of the best character building moments.

>> No.26639321

spanish only please

>> No.26639325
File: 1.07 MB, 3066x2160, BASEDPolka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639415


>> No.26639326
Quoted by: >>26639378

it's great

>> No.26639330

you're not most people

>> No.26639332

>People getting scammed in your name is a pretty solid reason to take action
Her online existence is fucking over because of these whiteknights
>she did a good thing by stopping that
Saving "well meaning" harassers from getting scammed is not a good thing
She stopped the natural punishment that was about to be dealt to the whiteknights
Stop defending this whore already

>> No.26639333


>> No.26639334

Oga yabeee

>> No.26639335


>global antis here

>nijifaggots here

go. back.

>> No.26639336
File: 265 KB, 680x680, 1573487533097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639338
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1600349654175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639368

I just watched her stream the fuck do you want?

>> No.26639343

>It's amazing to experience games blind with her

It was my first time experiencing the game as well so the twists were probably twice more fun compared if I'd just play it myself.

>> No.26639347
Quoted by: >>26639391

How the hell did Nene pull that win over Polka in the last second.

>> No.26639346


>> No.26639348

Artia, maybe Civia, and the ID are going to get a ton of EN exposure when the collab ban lifts. Amelia and Artia can go full gremlin twitch Overwatch together and it will pad Artia's numbers for sure

>> No.26639353


>> No.26639354


>> No.26639355

Neither are you, and when everybody's Anonymous there's no real way to tell who's here or not.

>> No.26639357
File: 142 KB, 1250x1250, 1600512735962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639768

From what?

>> No.26639358


>> No.26639361


>> No.26639362

Nene's comeback at the last fucking second

>> No.26639363


>> No.26639364

>tfw no luna membership
feels sad man

>> No.26639365 [SPOILER] 
File: 439 KB, 1086x1052, 1600608755133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639483


>> No.26639366


>> No.26639367

>redditspacing schizo here
Go back

>> No.26639368

obviously he wants you to numberfag and schizopost

>> No.26639369

Afaik they've all been telling people about their streams when they're on and awake

>> No.26639370

What holoEN x holoJP collabs would you like to see?

>> No.26639372
File: 712 KB, 2419x3495, EhQuSwPXkAAhZNZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639723

Towa's mama just does what she wants.
I hope she gives Towa some cute glasses too.

>> No.26639376

>beat Polka
not really a feat but SASUGA SUPER NENECHI

>> No.26639378
File: 46 KB, 1325x228, nijisanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's like someone hit random on a character creator and created some abomination

>> No.26639383
Quoted by: >>26639590

>add a band-aid
Why does rurudo do this? What is the appeal

>> No.26639384


>> No.26639386

yes, have you seen Debi's 3D stream?
they have Beef PCs

>> No.26639388
Quoted by: >>26639483

How new?

>> No.26639389

shitposters use the flavor of the month material
EN falseflagging is the new hotness right now

>> No.26639390
File: 536 KB, 683x512, 1598115533705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 is the highest number available. Every proper CEO always strives to push his company further and doesn't settle for less

>> No.26639391

Keikaku Doori

>> No.26639392
Quoted by: >>26639483

>Doesn't know about Usada Michael and Usada Diavolo

>> No.26639395

Did you miss all the splitfagging they did recently? They were horribly shitposting with pekofalseflaggers as well

>> No.26639396

NenePol makes me happy.

>> No.26639398


>> No.26639401

>you're not allowed to want good things that other people are already doing

>> No.26639400
File: 35 KB, 143x145, 1590748633435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639648

>be spic
>hate spics
fuck spics

>> No.26639405


>> No.26639406
Quoted by: >>26639483

where did you come from

>> No.26639407

>A niji

>> No.26639408
Quoted by: >>26639545

well that's your opinion, but what the fuck does 103.50 have to do with rurudo?

>> No.26639409

I'm always here faggot


>> No.26639411
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1591646454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>monster hunter
>not comfy
>he didnt grow up hanging out in the guild hub with his friends arm wrestling and planning excitedly what to farm next for their gear

>> No.26639413
Quoted by: >>26639489


If they are way better why does Coco and Rushia make far more money? They are better, but where is the evidence of that anon?

>> No.26639414
Quoted by: >>26639545

Lolo isn't a niji you retarded fucking dumb newfag holy shit. Literally 70IQ ape.

>> No.26639416
File: 957 KB, 2315x4096, EiQoNzzU8AABmQd (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.26639415
File: 281 KB, 588x321, polkadot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639472

I want polka to mating press me with her cock!!

>> No.26639421
File: 1.45 MB, 512x512, 1569373410248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639724

A twitch/YouTube collab, now that would be interesting. Ame is well aware of how to handle twitch so she could play perfectly off Artia as well. That's a collab I actually can't wait to see happen. Also she would call Artia Senpai....

>> No.26639423 [DELETED] 


Jinbei Maguro is streaming Armored Core 4, going for full S ranks.

>> No.26639425

None. I want EN to be independent and be the foundation of the western vtuber scene separately while the JPs not be contaiminated with more EOPs

>> No.26639430


>> No.26639433

>Nene too dumb for the flying sections
I'm amazed ht her poor skills.

>> No.26639436

if you didn't play MonHun on a handheld I want you out of my thread

>> No.26639440
Quoted by: >>26639545


>> No.26639441

Not interested.

>> No.26639442


>> No.26639445


>> No.26639449


>> No.26639451
Quoted by: >>26639561

Can you stop being an aloe anti, it makes you be more retard than you already are?

Oh and anyway, like it or not, whiteknight are nicer to have than people lusting over you. (Wink wink Noel)

>> No.26639452

Stay away from matsuri for your own good

>> No.26639453
Quoted by: >>26639607


literally none, we have asacoco 3.0 now, and I really really want Polka and Nene to do material for it.

>> No.26639454
Quoted by: >>26639521

>Among us spam in Korone's chat
God I fucking hate that shit game so much

>> No.26639455

CEO's don't drive their own cars, they are chauffeured around so it's okay to have poor driving skills...

>> No.26639457
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1593398703779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639458

Imagine this but with polka

>> No.26639461
File: 162 KB, 850x1200, EhZiVmdUwAUpyeE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Nene make these sliding curves when her cart is pointing in the oposite direction? I-Is the boss hacking boys?

>> No.26639463

Watching you die 3 times to Great Jaggi isn’t comfy, cartchama

>> No.26639464
File: 224 KB, 447x301, cutecouple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many braincells do these two have together?

>> No.26639466

everyone who replied to this is based

>> No.26639468
Quoted by: >>26639526

what did they say about Miko? I wasn't paying attention

>> No.26639469

Who and is a holo or even collab with a holo to shill her?

>> No.26639471
Quoted by: >>26639545

good god, you keep getting more and more retarded as time goes on. it isn't healthy bro, go take a break or something.

>> No.26639472
Quoted by: >>26639559

Same, I'd let this dumb clown peg me.

>> No.26639473

>tribalist newfag from /v/
>accidentally found the thread and the 103.50 meme a few days ago
>spamming it every time because he doesn't even know what it means
So these kind of people came here after the EN debuts... S-sugoi...

>> No.26639476


>> No.26639478


>> No.26639479

You are claiming that she considers the support she's receiving harassment. Please provide a statement from her that shows she considers the support she's receiving harassment, or otherwise please cease with your headcanon.

>> No.26639480

>another 12th

>> No.26639481


>> No.26639483
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 15981069802520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye. I prefer my idols without man under the same roof.

>> No.26639484
File: 1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 【映画鑑賞会*メンバー限定】一緒に「インターステラーInterstellar」観ようなのら💖【姫森ルーナ_ホロライブ】 36-13 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love hearing Luna eat!! I Love Luna! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26639487

the worst gamers in hololive...

>> No.26639488

i dont know but anything, so i can see a lot of people here seethes.

>> No.26639489

Because Cover is a brain dead company that relies on the girlfriend experience and superchat instead of actual sources of income. Hololive fans are seen as weirdos while Nijisanji is mainstream in Japan with lots of investments and promotion.

>> No.26639494

Turn assist, it's an actual option in the game

>> No.26639496

is Oga always this flirty with his fans?

>> No.26639497

>11th and 12th place
These two grass.

>> No.26639498
File: 154 KB, 852x480, 1576199810342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639499
Quoted by: >>26639575

Do you think indies are myth?
Vtubers are not only Niji and Holo lol.

>> No.26639501
Quoted by: >>26639567

>Suisei losing an endurance competition to Marine

>> No.26639502

12, it says right there

>> No.26639505
Quoted by: >>26639543

yeah i'm thinking 5th gen is based and the power of their KIZUNA might even surpass that of 3rd gen, they don't even need a leader like marine to gel together

>> No.26639506
Quoted by: >>26639654

Why yes, watching delusional Aloefags falling for something that stupid is funny.

>> No.26639509

it's a comfy game, and the impromptu collabs are great
it doesn't help that the Gen 5 welcoming party was pretty recent and it was pure kino

>> No.26639508

how is omar not popular

>> No.26639511

She's using assistant that helps her steer. It almost makes it impossible to fall off it seems. But even that can't hide her terrible gaming skills.

>> No.26639514

>22 viewers
>Has been streaming for a year.
Why don't nips watch indies?

>> No.26639516

22 minutes until Noel puts me to bed.

>> No.26639521

>EOPs suggest Among Us
>a game that relies on dialohue and conversation
Are they retarded? they're gonna get filtered hard

>> No.26639526
Quoted by: >>26639631

They want to collab with Miko when she's back.

>> No.26639528

Beat mario noticed Watame!

>> No.26639531


>> No.26639535

Kanatan... your tweeting reps...

>> No.26639536
Quoted by: >>26639568

Iofi/Marine/Ina drawing collab when?

>> No.26639538
File: 3.02 MB, 1062x1500, fa8f538499630d28e98ad5af23b1ff0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou in 20 minutes!

>> No.26639540


>> No.26639543

Dropping Aloe made them closer. That bitch is a awkward loose cannon

>> No.26639546
File: 694 KB, 705x705, 1597582646582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mass and antimass are still going at it

>> No.26639545


those are also bad designs.


you're right, they are worse.


do your streaming reps and maybe you will earn more than 103.50 per collab stream.


i'm very happy, AsaCoco and WataNoUta is back. Go have fun watching niji.

>> No.26639547
File: 24 KB, 342x359, himewink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad you're enjoying it too

>> No.26639548
Quoted by: >>26639560

i want Mori x Moona collab comes first

>> No.26639549

anon your vtuber reps.....

>> No.26639551

How often does Rushia use her neon hair costume? Subaru has probably erased her original l2d from the app entirely. Making options for base outfits is way easier and doesn't run the risk of never ever being used or discarded.

>> No.26639552

Ojou... Your stream...

>> No.26639553

I feel like viewers are losing their braincells by watching them. Makes for a more obedient workforce for Supernenechi I suppose.

>> No.26639554

I guess that's about it

>> No.26639555
Quoted by: >>26639617

Didn't some heimin ask her to tweet more often during the SC reading after her last stream?

>> No.26639556

>Interstaller watch along with Luna is members only stream

>> No.26639557
Quoted by: >>26639596

There's also the whole deal about IP leak isn't it?

>> No.26639559

Polka's cock making a party horn noise while she cums and blasts confetti into your womb!

>> No.26639560
Quoted by: >>26639652

what happens when cringekino meets cringekino?

>> No.26639561
Quoted by: >>26639732

Fuck off back to your discord server

It is objectively harassment regardless of how she feels about it and whiteknights are harassers

>> No.26639562

Who even has time to watch indies

>> No.26639563

Getting popular is INSANELY hard. It's a lot of luck, being signed to a label like Hololive or Nijisanji is such an insane deal since it means people will actually notice you.

>> No.26639564
File: 2.91 MB, 1066x600, hololive marine beat aqua 3d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Marine crushed Aqua's skull in

>> No.26639565
File: 305 KB, 613x773, c8a6d24ee65806d63bf9b35f85c56440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iz time

>> No.26639567

FBK is biased

>> No.26639566

Hey faggot stop shitposting with Watame.


>> No.26639568

Do you want to crush Iofi's confidence? Putting Ina and Iofi together would break her spirit

>> No.26639573
File: 2.09 MB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.26639572
Quoted by: >>26639814

It should be obvious if you'd have basic human emotional intelligence and you would understand emotions but you're a twitter harasser instead so you will never understand.

>> No.26639575
Quoted by: >>26639607


Sure. Pikamee > N*jis

>> No.26639577

>hanging out in the guild hub with his friends
Maybe before World, but now people are too used to SOS and then peacing out, so I pretty much do the same unless it's some event limited monster. Playing with randos who cart like crazy is so not comfy at all.

>> No.26639578
Quoted by: >>26639608

why is she incapable of driving straight

>> No.26639579
Quoted by: >>26639620

>11th-12th place
holy fuck they are never to go past these ranks

>> No.26639580
File: 24 KB, 424x424, 1598192757443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nene has assist turned on

>> No.26639581

there were things I wanted to do today...

>> No.26639582
File: 197 KB, 946x2048, o-jou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639583
Quoted by: >>26639610

It's time to become a true lunaito

>> No.26639589

Just be a member?

>> No.26639590
File: 2.37 MB, 2762x2065, EhAg9wuU8AArXIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and edgy.

>> No.26639591

Let me pee in your butt onegai

>> No.26639593

is Iofi really that bad?

>> No.26639594


>> No.26639595

It'll get translated and I'll be able to watch it.

>> No.26639596

You answered your own question anon
Because it's p2p they can play with the holos and be fine. But going into a public lobby is a big nono

>> No.26639598

shion just watches it happen lol

>> No.26639597

I haven't even visited that thread since the first week.

>> No.26639599
Quoted by: >>26639622

kiara and pekora just to see the shitstorm

>> No.26639600
Quoted by: >>26639661


>lots of investments

>streamers make less money

interesting finance logic

>> No.26639602

shion is so lucky

>> No.26639603
File: 211 KB, 768x768, 1592316197901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639621

did i miss something? i thougth this was a horror game. why is iofi cleaning the floor?

>> No.26639604

You posted picture of sisconchad instead of yourself, anonchama.

>> No.26639605

Its okay, her brain doesn't need much room anyway.

>> No.26639606
Quoted by: >>26639637

Could this autist be banned already? It's worse than schizo-chan back then.

>> No.26639607

Take your meds.

>> No.26639608

as expected of a chink

>> No.26639609

are you falseflagging as that idiot ENfag who put a space in between every paragraph and misuses the word anti a lot or something? because while he's insufferable, he's not this idiotic lmao.

>> No.26639610
Quoted by: >>26639632

in this moment
I am become Argentinian

>> No.26639611
File: 1.93 MB, 1400x987, 1596301163470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lob u onyon

>> No.26639613

Haato amelia

>> No.26639615
File: 31 KB, 351x307, nenechi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want supernenechi to bullet bill my ass!

>> No.26639616

Gen 5 collabs are confirmed draws

>> No.26639617
Quoted by: >>26639741

All I had to do was complain then she responded, you're all welcome!

yeah w

>> No.26639618
Quoted by: >>26639640

Iofi is fine as a average anime artfag but Ina is a fucking professional and Ina has to treat Iofi as a senpai so the insecurity will get to her.

>> No.26639620

poru got 6th though, I believe in our clown

>> No.26639621

Just wait.

>> No.26639622

It'd be like watching a mirror

>> No.26639624

Nene is the greatest actor of all time.

>> No.26639623

You mean why don't people watch youtubers in general? There are tons of fishes in the sea, and making it needs a combination of luck and talent, but mostly luck.

>> No.26639625

if anything it'll just motivate her even further because she gets to collab with an actual pro inhouse
also she can act as the translator

>> No.26639626

every day is little miracles for nene

>> No.26639628


>> No.26639629

Nene a shit! I love Nene!

>> No.26639631

good luck then because Korone is not going to leave her alone

>> No.26639632
File: 926 KB, 640x960, 1600475737450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639634

Nousagis raiding Mario Kart, no mercy. Guess Pekora blowing Nene up with TNT during Minecraft collab was a signal.

>> No.26639635


>> No.26639637
File: 9 KB, 294x88, niji2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


look, Hololive girls get 103.50 in a single donation. Must suck to work for Niji, huh?

>> No.26639638

She's decent but nowhere near the top 2 artists of hololive right now
I don't think she'll be discouraged though, plenty other things would've broken her already if so
If anything her ability to fill dead air in a collab would be complement Ina and senchou

>> No.26639639

This thread turns into /vy/ because of nijifags again.

>> No.26639640

I don't think Iofi has insecurity issues being high class and all

>> No.26639641

Korone disables it randomly, there's no rhyme or reason to when she leaves it on or off.
t. someone who actually watches Korone

>> No.26639643
Quoted by: >>26639699

She lives with her mother and father too btw.

>> No.26639642

>Ate all 3 bananas

>> No.26639644
Quoted by: >>26639674

How can I filter reddit spacing

>> No.26639648


>> No.26639649

>important meeting all day
for what?

>> No.26639651
File: 1.23 MB, 947x1354, f7d94fd9e1792079953d6f8da03f9df4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does my ojou make me watch her streams even tho I have zero interest in APEX?

I can't stop watching her.

>> No.26639650

The way nips pronoounce banana is very cute

>> No.26639652

timeline distortion

>> No.26639653

berry haado

>> No.26639654
Quoted by: >>26639883

are we talking about aloefags or people hurting themselves with rakes? i don't follow the convo

>> No.26639655

Aqua let me paint your toenails I won't lick your feet I promise

>> No.26639656

Oga has some fucking pretty eyes

>> No.26639659
File: 322 KB, 463x596, suipeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei forgot how to use Aviutl
>A fan shows her one of her old videos on how she used Aviutl
>She thanks him for the recommendation and calls the girl in the video cute
I love this cute dork

>> No.26639660


>> No.26639661

>holo newfag thinks superchat is the only way to get money
Sure if your a black company like Cover. Niji doesnt rely on seuperchats because they get actual money and sponsorships. Please learn more.

>> No.26639662 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 686x911, 1600554897883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take your meds.

>> No.26639663
File: 275 KB, 1107x1500, EiQkzD7U0AI-gVb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe Nene is the new addition after Coco 会長.
Nene 社長...

>> No.26639664

Nene Killer

>> No.26639666

she's not that bad, Ina is just better but that applies to basically her against all holos too

>> No.26639667
File: 755 KB, 1135x676, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me in nanora... I'm Lunaito too nanora...

>> No.26639669
File: 39 KB, 422x486, lol nice joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26639746

another well thought out joke. good job. it must've been very very hard

>> No.26639672

do your money reps.

>> No.26639673

towas graduation

>> No.26639674







>> No.26639675
Quoted by: >>26639700


>get actual money

>top 4 supacha earners include Coco, Rushia, and Pekora



l o l

>> No.26639679
File: 206 KB, 945x2048, 20200920_204259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka's husband

>> No.26639680

Stay the fuck out peasant

>> No.26639682

Just leave him alone please, he's actually mentally ill.

>> No.26639684
File: 212 KB, 975x847, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst Colab and Theme you can think of

Iofy x Ina

no japanese stream
but they can only talk to each other using different languages

>> No.26639685

Nijifags is in here
(you) with caution

>> No.26639686
Quoted by: >>26639879

anyone else subscribed to every single hololive girl or is it just me?

>> No.26639687


>> No.26639688

the worst gamer in hololive.... our CEO...

>> No.26639690

Anon you haven't done your McDonalds reps...

>> No.26639691

omarun bullied nene out of 8th place

>> No.26639692
File: 211 KB, 437x383, 1598245997322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Polka have the most powerful laugh in all of Hololive?

>> No.26639693
File: 268 KB, 420x347, 1599736798700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, how are you?

>> No.26639698

Mafia Kajita!?

>> No.26639699
Quoted by: >>26639792

Is she? She always brings up mother and i thought that there's no Peko-father. I'm glad if her family is full.

>> No.26639700
Quoted by: >>26639735


>> No.26639704

>Nene tries to shortcut
>Assist says no

>> No.26639705

CEO...omapol...onegai...mario kart reps onegai...

>> No.26639709

I'm subbed to her because she's zawa. Also because it turns out zawa is a better singer than I realised.

>> No.26639710

t. /biz/

>> No.26639711

Nijisanji have no brand presence even in japan. You can argue that SOME nijisanji vtuber have more influence combined than the hololive brand in japan.

But Nijisanji has a brand is weak as fuck and can't propose new talent opportunities. whereas cover succeed to carry holostars which are doing sub-average nijisanji figure, up to having doing sponsorship.

>> No.26639712
Quoted by: >>26639755

Consider suicide ENfag

>> No.26639714

Yes, by far.

>> No.26639716

Will they collab?

>> No.26639718 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1050x846, 1600609549226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26639723
Quoted by: >>26639786


>> No.26639722

yes it is, I'm the boss of this gym

>> No.26639724

AmeArtia collab. Oh god. Fund it.
Has been done before, Moona and Artia did it when playing ARK.

>> No.26639725


>> No.26639727

>The Black Company or the Black Troops (German: Schwarze Haufen) was a unit of Franconia farmers and knights that fought on the side of the peasants during the Peasants' Revolt in the 1520s, during the Protestant Reformation in Germany.
So that's how Kiara got in, huh

>> No.26639729

imagine omaru and pekora in the same room

>> No.26639728

So what's the villain in this horror Lofi is playing?
ngl the atmosphere is PT-tier unsettling because of no obvious jumpscares so far

>> No.26639730


>> No.26639731


>> No.26639732

>objectively harassment regardless of how she feels about it
It doesn't work like that. Has she asked them to stop? No. Is she acting in a way that protects those people? Yes. Where is she acting against them? Where is she saying "Stop doing this"? Has she even made any request whatsoever for these people to do anything? Nah. It'd be a different story completely if she had said something indicating this, but she hasn't, and if you show me where she has, I'll believe you.

>> No.26639734
Quoted by: >>26639759

Anyone with moona

>> No.26639735


Whatever, i'm watching Nene and Polka, you have fun with your inferior chubas. Best of luck, they might break $200.00 next collab.

>> No.26639736
Quoted by: >>26639783


>> No.26639738

you know what must be doneなのら

>> No.26639739

Please do not feed the animals.

>> No.26639741

>almost got excited thinking kanata was going to do asmr
stop being such a tease kabaya, please stream more often

>> No.26639743

Nene and polka hate each other...

>> No.26639744

Just stop responding, he legit needs help.

>> No.26639746

This image is making me feel something...

>> No.26639748

watching a movie with a holo is actually very nice
id be close to smitten if i wasn't already taken

>> No.26639749

I wonder what it is.

Shouldn't be about the VR Live since Marine was doing other stuff.
Might be health related and she's just not saying anything to avoid worrying people.
But maybe it's something nice like she was discussing plans with her manager to produce something of her own in the manner that Coco and Watame have their shows.

>> No.26639750

I like Mio's and Roberu'

>> No.26639751


>> No.26639752

ina and kiara should be the only ones allowed to collab since they're the only ones who can speak japanese

the others should study for a few years first

>> No.26639753
Quoted by: >>26639833

Cover keeps their talent in pointless meetings all day because they're a terrible company. See: Subaru stream where she talked about her schedule, and how long Mel manager got away with harassing her by keeping her in insane meetings because insane meetings were the norm for everyone.

>> No.26639755

>discord tranny suggesting suicide to someone else

comedy gold

>> No.26639757
Quoted by: >>26639788

The driving assist is only holding Nene back!

>> No.26639758

Just cut the picture up and use an image translation service Anon. From there DeepL is your best friend.

>> No.26639759
Quoted by: >>26639985

Moona with Towa...

>> No.26639761

You don’t actually get to watch the movie, so it’s a Netflix sub on top of a membership. That’s oil baron territory, learn to take a loss and *clap clap* NEXT STREAM

>> No.26639762

What's Nene's IQ?

>> No.26639765


>> No.26639766
Quoted by: >>26639909

I don't know anon, they sell niji merch at the combini across the street from me.

>> No.26639767

>step into my office

>> No.26639768

Wrong image, anon.

>> No.26639769


>> No.26639770

will their collab be awkward?

>> No.26639776

Now let's see some numbers

>> No.26639779

Wtf I thought it's just one

>> No.26639780
Quoted by: >>26639808

Lowest in hololive if she isn't pretending to be dumb
Highest in Hololive if she is

>> No.26639781
Quoted by: >>26639810

I love it when the pretense is exposed like this and they just run with it anyway.

>> No.26639783

t. snowflake

>> No.26639784
Quoted by: >>26639882

>getting taught by herself
>now she's shilling her old work done with aviutl
Suisei is going full circle...


>> No.26639787

Our beautiful comet will never change

>> No.26639786

Glasses are very cute and would naturally suit Towa.

>> No.26639788

driving like a toddler wildly waving the wheel back and forth doesn't help much either

>> No.26639792

Father too busy working himself to death like most Japanese men.

>> No.26639793

Again? Do they have it every day?

>> No.26639796

does she even know what IQ means?

>> No.26639800


>> No.26639801


>> No.26639805

Kajita's strong.

>> No.26639807

>assist on
>gyro on
>9th place


>> No.26639808

what if shes fully hydrated?

>> No.26639809
Quoted by: >>26639907

>random buzzwords

>> No.26639810

Scratch that, I assumed it was a roommate video

>> No.26639814
Quoted by: >>26639892

Nah, subjectivity doesn't work when you're talking about how someone else feels about something. You can't prove (read as: provide evidence showing) that she dislikes the support. If I see a 4chan user saying "YAGOO likes it when people cum in his ass", I won't believe that, but if YAGOO tweets saying he does, perhaps I'd be inclined to at least consider it's real. Same shit. Show me where she says she doesn't like it or you have no argument on this subject.

>> No.26639818

You're favorite will always be the best.
For me it's Towa's dorky laugh, but Mio and Ayame are high up too.

>> No.26639820

>Imagine being poor and calling yourself a Lunaito
Hotdog = Enemy

>> No.26639822
Quoted by: >>26640298

iofi already did art collabs with pochi bunch of times, she'll be fine

>> No.26639826

Do you like Watame?

>> No.26639827

Imagine if Aqua joined

>> No.26639829

That's nothing. You should see Alice. I think she has the most costumes in vtubing, period.

>> No.26639833

I wish this was more unusual for Japan but a lot of companies do the inane endless pointless meetings thing. It's pretty fucking annoying seeing holos tweet about being stuck in meetings for hours and talking about being stuck in meetings all the time all the same.

>> No.26639834


>> No.26639836
Quoted by: >>26639907

>I put together words smart I

>> No.26639837

Nene is too かわいい

>> No.26639839

None. I also want Coco to join EN and never collab with JP again.

>> No.26639845


>> No.26639846

the concept of nijisanji is so different than hololive that you cannot even compare them as a competing companies. Niji is all about making vtubing accessible to everyone. That's why they always have new guys every month or something. I bet a lot of nijis do this part time. It's so different compared to Hololive where they feel more premium in the talent department.

>> No.26639847

Okay now I know for sure that I am talking with someone who have no idea about vtubers outside of the Hololive box. I could but niji mech on my local store while holo merch are bootlegs in akihabara

>> No.26639848

Ui's voices is too sexy, Subaru have mercy.

>> No.26639850

When will she normalize?

>> No.26639854

I'm indifferent towards her.

>> No.26639855


>> No.26639857

Nene Killer

>> No.26639859


>> No.26639860

I feel indifferent about her

>> No.26639861

can anyone even compete with Mio's wheeze?

>> No.26639863


>> No.26639864

Did Pekora actually say xenoblade is kami geimu?

>> No.26639867


>> No.26639868


>> No.26639871


>> No.26639872

>It's amazing to experience games blind with her
It really is. The way she immerses herself into the story and reacts accordingly is never going to stop being entertaining.

>> No.26639875

Very much so!

>> No.26639879

I do...
But I give subs to literally anyone I watched a video of, so using my opinion as a baseline might not be a good idea.

>> No.26639878

I love polka's design so much
would be better if she got the full clown face paint but hey, you take what you can get

also I want to lick her pits

>> No.26639882

Cute Murasame.

>> No.26639883
Quoted by: >>26639944

One is an analogy for the other.

>> No.26639887


>> No.26639888

I like her and my chuuba likes her too!

>> No.26639890

>Nene is still in 12th place

>> No.26639891

She's great

>> No.26639892
Quoted by: >>26639989

Nice headcanon, must be satisfying to justify your harassment this hard but you still look pathetic fron an objective viewpoint. I know, harassment is your hobby, but please leave me alone, I'm not a woman.

>> No.26639893

Nene please...

>> No.26639897

yes shes the perfect sheep

>> No.26639898
Quoted by: >>26639912

I'm watching another movie because I've watched Interstellar a lot of time already, but still have Luna's stream on and pretend that she's watching my movie with me.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.26639901

How many 12th places does this make?

>> No.26639904

Does Nene have no fine motor skills? I swear shes steering like she was using her feet.

>> No.26639907

sugoi samefagging aniki

>> No.26639909

I think you don't understand : they sell merch from one of the Nijisanji's.
I have yet to see the low number nijisanji having sponsor, or the new gen starting at 200k.
My point stop saying it's nijisanji where there are not responsible in any way for the success of their talent.

>> No.26639911


>> No.26639912


>> No.26639914

she's okay, I don't hate her

>> No.26639915
Quoted by: >>26639954

I feel bad that Pekor and Watame never collabed, they're my favorites by far.

>> No.26639916

None, I also don't want any of them collab with my dragon.

>> No.26639917

Nenechi is objectively the worst Mario Kart player in all of hololive...

>> No.26639920


>> No.26639923


>> No.26639926


>> No.26639928

tfw coco and pekora always say they aren't wearing any to avoid the question

>> No.26639929

She probably never played games in her life, so she hasn't got the usual gamer skills trained at all

>> No.26639930

Bitch, she might be.

>> No.26639932

Nene is severely underrated. Every stream she does is gold.

>> No.26639934

Watame Pog

>> No.26639935
Quoted by: >>26639967

Nenepol are such brainlets. I love them.

>> No.26639937

Yeah hololive seems pretty low budget and new things take fucking FOREVER to be implemented. They just hand their talents an iPhone with the v1.0 avatar and say "go get them superchats".
Despite the low effort from the part of the company, most of the girls are still very popular. I wish they could get things like this.

>> No.26639939
Quoted by: >>26639966

Towa is a whore.

>> No.26639941

She spent her entire life being a [regular] idol so probably not.

>> No.26639944
Quoted by: >>26640023

i don't think anyone physically hurt themselves in one case. you're not really good at analogies, are you?

>> No.26639947

O-Ojou stream?!

>> No.26639950

Yes, all posts in this thread are me.

>> No.26639952

what is nene's disability

>> No.26639954

*anons, now you say "how new" and post their interaction and make me happy....please

>> No.26639956

Nene is literally the most consistently entertaining holo in my opinion.

>> No.26639958

these two added together might have the combined braincells of 1 aqua

>> No.26639960


>> No.26639961

Are Senchou's flotation devices supposed to be this bouncy?

>> No.26639962


>> No.26639966

Finally some quality discussion

>> No.26639967

what's funny is that polka might be slightly smarter than nene

>> No.26639968

Ojou stream!

>> No.26639969

yeah in 5, buckle up.

>> No.26639972

Nenene-ne Ne-nene

>> No.26639973

I didn't think Towa had any English in her, her English only stream will be great

>> No.26639976

Fuck, I couldn't keep with her during the entire stream. I feel really sad since Xenoblade is my favorite JRPG ever, but she started at 1 A.M. on my time zone and I just watched for 2 hours before falling asleep. At least I woke up at 9:00 to watch her end the game, and I watched the epilogue with her. My dear usagi, I don't know how she manages to enthrall me more and more every day

>> No.26639977

nenene ne nene ne

>> No.26639985

Towa liked her house in MC, since its literally just across the street from hers.

>> No.26639989
Quoted by: >>26640131

I don't go on Twitter or communicate with her for the record, but I find it increasingly prevalent that people are starting to make claims about what she does or does not like, when she hasn't said it herself. Btw, asking for proof isn't headcanon, it's just asking for proof. Without proof, nobody can really say if she approves or disapproves of the support she's getting, nobody can say whether she wants it or not. That's the point-- Anything anybody says about what she does or doesn't want is headcanon unless there's evidence to back that shit up. Don't get mad at me just because you have nothing to prove what you're claiming, that's completely on you.

>> No.26639990

Nene's feet...

>> No.26639991
Quoted by: >>26640068

>Pulled an all-nighter to watch Peko because I woke up at 9pm while she was going to stream at 6am
>Thought for sure that I was going to be a zombie during her stream
>Felt clear awake through almost all of it
Fucking magic honestly, I usually crash incredibly hard if I sit by the computer after lack of sleep.

>> No.26639993
Quoted by: >>26640061

That's not her senpaitachi, that's just numberfags who latched on to her because it gives them baiting and shitposting material.

>> No.26639992

I love you, Ayame! Aishite!!

>> No.26639995
Quoted by: >>26640103

Guys I've decided that Nene is the cutest thing on this entire earth until proven otherwise

>> No.26639996


>> No.26640001

I've defended Watame from day one. From boyfriend bullshit, from jealous of Kanata bullshit, from numberfag bullshit. I love her singing, her honesty, her laugh, her silly sense of humor. If I hadn't already given my heart to another, Watame would be my oshi.

>> No.26640003

Her design fucked her hard so much

>> No.26640004

I'm so fucking happy that Watame no Uta and Asacoco is back...

>> No.26640008
Quoted by: >>26640096

>doesn't know how to check for samefags

>> No.26640012

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdNpNN5YKKM Ayame
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVRSnpi71Oc Korone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKEo1ivjPBo Coco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUyVnPShSZk Rikka

>> No.26640014


>> No.26640016

>wake up, find out Asacoco and WataUta are back

>6 JST, which is literally prime time for EN

where were you when EN gen 1 died?

>> No.26640017

Wish she'd just use her normal voice all the time but yeah sure I like her.

>> No.26640018

She didn't get 12th!

>> No.26640023
Quoted by: >>26640129

Obviously not as good as you at being intentionally obtuse but I suppose at this point, diverting the conversation to something completely irrelevant is the only coping mechanism you fags have left at your disposal after getting your arse torn apart in here.

>> No.26640026

Towa's been doing her reps for a while now, Towautism aside it can't be that bad.

>> No.26640033
Quoted by: >>26640049

Ayame marry me onegai...

>> No.26640035

She killed Aloe...

>> No.26640036
Quoted by: >>26640055

>Oga likes NTR

>> No.26640041

>superchatting for 10th place
my sides

>> No.26640042

>She did it
Pekora, you said your voice was rough at the end of Xenoblade, don't do this to yourself...

>> No.26640045

Noel's about to go live, oyasumi.

>> No.26640046


>> No.26640049

no she's currently grieving over our divorce

>> No.26640050

>lamy, the gf simulator of gen 5, is better at playing videogames than both polka and nene
fucking how

>> No.26640051

yes :D

>> No.26640055

>is black
>is giant
>is buff

>> No.26640057

Holy shit pecor go to sleep

>> No.26640059

Yes, her minecraft streams are super comfy, but until the moment she starts crying, then it's too heavy for me and i leave. That's why i don't watch her often.

>> No.26640061

>about her fans
nigga read

>> No.26640062
Quoted by: >>26640089

EN usually streams at 7/8JST right? not sure. i dont watch morning streams that often.

>> No.26640068

sleepyness hits 255 and causes a stack overflow error returning it to 0, but it increases faster

>> No.26640070

How are there so many fire streams on right now WTF bros how am I ever supposed to clear my VODreps?

>> No.26640072

pushed back half an hour... not amused

>> No.26640074

I love this hardworking retard

>> No.26640076

She's very funny

>> No.26640077

roro is too powerful today, fuck

>> No.26640079
Quoted by: >>26640160


>> No.26640080

Coco Korone meme review special upboat edition

>> No.26640085

>座長 (Polka)
>団長 (Noel)
>会長 (Coco)
>船長 (Marine)
>社長 (Nene)
What's next?

>> No.26640087

it's called prime time anonchama

>> No.26640089
Quoted by: >>26640144


They seem to go on from 7EST, competing with Coco is a stupid idea idk why they don't use dead hours when it's 3AM JST/4EST.

>> No.26640090
Quoted by: >>26640115

nowhere because there isn't enough fan overlap for it to do any serious damage
the fact the shark still managed almost 40k during coco's reddit stream should make that obvious

>> No.26640091

If anything she will help funnel more viewers to EN.

>> No.26640092

Nene killer でしょう

>> No.26640093

Rabbit... I need sleep...

>> No.26640095

Kanata-mama consoling her mama

>> No.26640096
Quoted by: >>26640141

i already checked, newfagchama

>> No.26640099
Quoted by: >>26640119

Imagine being hungover and depressed and your retarded friend Nene calls you to play MarioKart.
I wish I was Polka.

>> No.26640100

do you have clip of her slapping her tights?

>> No.26640101

unironically she does her reps

>> No.26640103


>> No.26640105

alot of en are newfags that only watch en

>> No.26640106

Nene Killer

>> No.26640111
Quoted by: >>26640170

Another peko stream at 24:00 JST

>> No.26640112

love the sheep

>> No.26640114

店長 (Kiara)
You also forgot 長 (Pekora) and 番長 (Aqua) (of 卍組)

>> No.26640115


Fucking ASACOCO vs boring shark, EOPs will leave in droves.

>> No.26640116

4/5 are good girls.

>> No.26640118


>> No.26640119

I wish I was Polka's bf

>> No.26640120

>Incline? You haven't seen anything yet.
>Watame no Uta 2nd Wave

>> No.26640124

>NenePro has no exits

>> No.26640126


>> No.26640129
Quoted by: >>26640197

>make a shitty analogy and get called for it

sure thing fag

>> No.26640131

The fact that she locked her account almost immediately should be pretty telling, but you know what, you're right, I have no proof. But I wouldn't be in her place when these faggots who don't know her, or don't even speak her language, swarming to her messages and embarrassing themselves. Why is it so hard to just leave her alone? She's an adult. You don't need to protect with your life every women from the other side of the world.

>> No.26640135
Quoted by: >>26640149

it fits really well with her though. Alternate outfit might be able to boost her.

>> No.26640137

i feel you, i slept through 4 utawakus
the list just gets longer...

>> No.26640138

O-Ojou... Your stream... Onegai...

>> No.26640139

She most likely practices off screen

>> No.26640141
Quoted by: >>26640214

>same insults = samefag
holy shit I'm done

>> No.26640143

chicken is fast-food manager now, i forget what the word is but it matches the x-chou

>> No.26640142
Quoted by: >>26640161

oh so you're just shitposting
carry on

>> No.26640144

It's not competing anything, stop falling for Coco antis narratives.

>> No.26640145

She's some sort of techie judging by her software skills.

>> No.26640147
Quoted by: >>26640195


>> No.26640149

Her alternate outfit absolutely has to be a businesswoman suit.

>> No.26640150
Quoted by: >>26640243

And her response is even cuter.

>> No.26640151

I wish I was your dad so I could have a daughter-in-law as wonderful as her

>> No.26640152

Recent view numbers indicate that there are a LOT of newfags though, I'm not sure...

>> No.26640158

延長 (Miko)

>> No.26640160
Quoted by: >>26640273

But it's always Apex? Do you even watch Ayame?

>> No.26640161
Quoted by: >>26640282


Anon, the honeymoon period is going to end sooner or later and the shark is going to have to find a way to become charismatic or they will bleed viewers.

>> No.26640159

We all do.

>> No.26640162

鼻長 (Aki)

>> No.26640163

asacoco filters EOPs a lot, while shitty reddit streams are still pretty understandable because of the meme contents.

>> No.26640168
Quoted by: >>26640186

Bro during the entire L4D2 collab Lamy didn't once shoot and move at the same time.

>> No.26640170


>> No.26640171


>> No.26640174

Lamy trains a lot.

>> No.26640173

stream onegai...

>> No.26640176


>> No.26640178
Quoted by: >>26640200

Does Korone even say yubi yubi anymore? I can't remember the last time she's said it.

>> No.26640183
Quoted by: >>26640243

is the way to acquire a permanent Kanata-mana?

>> No.26640185
Quoted by: >>26640253

Which girl makes the best wife of each generation?

>> No.26640186

That's good play though

>> No.26640188

Ojou... your stream?

>> No.26640189

I like her design

>> No.26640192

I want Shinya Arino as a male vtuber

>> No.26640195

I don't think I will amigo

>> No.26640196

Ui mama...

>> No.26640197
Quoted by: >>26640245

>lel I'll keep buying to make you mad
Might want to go back and reevaluate how retarded you sound.

>> No.26640200

She said finger finger during the english only stream. I haven't caught any of her streams since then though

>> No.26640201

I noticed almost no English comments in chat on NenePol stream

>> No.26640210
Quoted by: >>26640256

There's no EN and JP overlap at all, if anything it give the EN newfags two shows to watch before EN prime time starts.

>> No.26640213

>Korone playing in a Famicon
No save states for you dog

>> No.26640214

who are you quoting? voices in you head, schizo?

>> No.26640216
Quoted by: >>26640720

one Towife please

>> No.26640218

Nene...your mariokart reps...

>> No.26640220
Quoted by: >>26640235

Nene it's a straight track. Drive. Straight.

>> No.26640221

This Excitebike track is actually pretty cool

>> No.26640225

>ayame is late

>> No.26640228

I love this retard so much

>> No.26640232

Korone and Pekora are streaming so it makes sense

>> No.26640233

Nenichi needs to do her gaming reps

>> No.26640235

She's trying to heat up her tyres.

>> No.26640236

>korosan has her backseat icons up and ready to go
strap in for a long stream

>> No.26640241

Is the appeal of these streams that Korone REALLY sucks at these games?

>> No.26640243

Oshio is so lucky, having daughter-mama like this

>> No.26640244

Nene manages to run into a banana to the right of her when she had to drive straight

>> No.26640245
Quoted by: >>26640439

reevaluate your analogy skills my man

>> No.26640249

Be ready for a long Watame no Uta later. Maybe take a nap now and wake up later?

>> No.26640250
Quoted by: >>26640312


>> No.26640251


>> No.26640254

Reminder that you're a cuck if you spend money on:
keep buying them comdoms

>> No.26640253
Quoted by: >>26640271

>the one who likes to cook, sing, and clean other's stuff rather than her own Aloe

>> No.26640255
Quoted by: >>26640375

nene is the funniest holo

>> No.26640256


Coco has tons of EOPs, if the EN streamers are boring they will migrate to her stream. That or they have to stream hours before or after Coco streams.

>> No.26640258
Quoted by: >>26640318

Anyone with Towa

>> No.26640259

Oh God didn't this game destroy Arino? This is going to be hell for Korone.

>> No.26640265

it's a universal language of kusa

>> No.26640270

cute as fuck

>> No.26640271
Quoted by: >>26640320

you forgot Mio

>> No.26640273
Quoted by: >>26640402

Do you? I hoped it was a zatsudan or utawaku

>> No.26640275

Polka(real) got higher place than Polka...

>> No.26640277

Will Asacoco 3.0 have subs for us American bros like the old days?

>> No.26640278

Yes. I still don't get her appeal

>> No.26640282

a lot of people said the same for Pekora and Coco when they first debut newfagchama

>> No.26640283

Nene 1 - Polka 8....

>> No.26640285


>> No.26640290

Complete and utter domination

>> No.26640292


>> No.26640294

>The fact that she locked her account
desu, this is not decisive evidence but at least it back up a little what you are saying.
>You don't need to protect with your life every women from the other side of the world.
People feel responsible for what happens to her.
Personally, I just liked her singing so i'm following her to know about her whereabouts( I haven't interacted with her => don't want to be blocked) .

>> No.26640295
Quoted by: >>26640389

there are alot of newfags that only watch EN though. keep hearing stories of how they discovered vtubers through shark

>> No.26640298


>> No.26640299

Nene is only pretending. Imagine if she actually displayed her intelligence instead of using it to play the role of a ditz.

>> No.26640300

Jokes on you I only superchat Holostars.

>> No.26640302

EN rarely stream at 6 AM JST (I think even never?). Usually they stream starts from 7 AM.

>> No.26640305
Quoted by: >>26640319

No it's that she WILL finish this even if it takes her 30 hours.

>> No.26640304


>> No.26640307

Almost certainly.

>> No.26640309


shark is not new to streaming. that's the problem. they have been in this for a while, but are still a charisma black hole.

>> No.26640311
Quoted by: >>26640348

Marine and Noel are gay why would they buy comdoms?

>> No.26640312

yeah I don't think this counts as streaming

>> No.26640313

if that's the case, she wouldn't be the 2nd highest subs holo anon

>> No.26640318

Towa's best in collabs.

>> No.26640319

Why not just watch Arino? 1000x funnier in the exact same niche.

>> No.26640320

ah I forgot gamers was a generation in itself rather than being part of gen 2

>> No.26640323

Nobody said that. She wasn't the big one of her gen when sankisei began.

>> No.26640325


>> No.26640327


>> No.26640329

It's going to be 0:30am for me already and I expect it to be around 1 hour anyways. Going to have to skip superchat.

>> No.26640331

she only reactivated her account to call out the scammer anonchama. After the discordfags gets the message, she locked her account back.

>> No.26640333

Omarun mini-mini...

>> No.26640339

Watame please... I have been awake from 4am and you are starting 24:30...

A nap seems like the only choice.

>> No.26640340

Gura went head head to head with Coco's meme review with a trashy game and she got 37k while coco was at 45k. The EOP overlap is really not there at all. Also WataUta/Asacoco starts an hour before the usual EN prime time. Watame and Coco are giving EN newfags shows to watch before EN starts streaming.

>> No.26640343

Why does our CEO have a vore fetish now

>> No.26640345

She picks random games to blindrun and finishes them, often in one sitting.

For new viewers its the noises, or they mistake her for Mio

>> No.26640347


>> No.26640348

Noel needs one for Flare's futa cock.

>> No.26640349

Ojou your stream...

>> No.26640351

do you just add anybody you don't like to these lists?

>> No.26640352
Quoted by: >>26640481

Generally I agree, but honestly you said it yourself man. She's an adult. If she wanted people to leave her alone she'd make that clear. She can clear up a scam and still say "Now that I did that, I'd like to take time away. Please don't try to contact me for now, I'll let you know when I'm back." or something similar. It's all up to her to decide what she wants or doesn't want, and I'm confident she knows that.

>> No.26640353

Girl. Its like listening to male/female covers of songs I guess.

>> No.26640355

Polka is gonna fall for Nene. The teetee is too real.

>> No.26640356

with it being every other day rather than every week day, most probably

>> No.26640359
Quoted by: >>26640463

She fucked up. Counting the upcoming Watame no Uta, she needs to read FIVE streams worth of superchat.

>> No.26640361
Quoted by: >>26640563

Lamy's enka voice is powerful and I want to pump semen into her

>> No.26640362


>> No.26640366


>> No.26640367

>spending money in free entertainment at all
you are a cuck no matter what chubba you donate to

>> No.26640369
Quoted by: >>26640473

What the difference between 会長 and 社長?

>> No.26640370

He's not a live streamer that's also a cute anime dog

>> No.26640368
Quoted by: >>26640452


This is the honeymoon period, she's viral and STILL lost to Coco. 37k is going to become 25k, then 20k, then 15k or less. There is no chance they will maintain 50k.

>> No.26640371

no bro it/'s just the honeymoon period...they'll be leaving any day now...

>> No.26640373


>> No.26640374

Reddit dragon is irrelevant as demonstrated by the fact that shark playing a random kusoge badly pulled almost as many viewers as reddit dragon doing reddit things ft. I'M SCATMAN

>> No.26640375
Quoted by: >>26640413

H-how do you even fucking wipe out your pc while installing minecraft?

>> No.26640384

imagine the smell

>> No.26640387

The 5% is all me

>> No.26640389

Coco is the reddit streamer though, reddit is literally a giant funnel for normies who boost numbers exponentially at a cost of rotting away everything you enjoy.
Shark gets dumped in discord/meme channels all day.

>> No.26640390

Am I the only one who cant see Ayame's stream? It's just a black screen...

>> No.26640392

FUCK I wish I was Noel now.

>> No.26640393

Everyone here knows that Korone sucks at video games. Her finishing a game and do whatever it takes to win is what makes her very appealing.

>> No.26640394

>Nene Pro vs Omaru Troupe next time
time to do my mario kart reps to make my 座長 proud

>> No.26640395

>Ayame's game is running at a silky smooth 5fps
Ojou...your stream...

>> No.26640400

I get YAGOO getting Polkahime, but how did he find someone like Nene?

>> No.26640402

She had an utawaku yest-
>4 days ago
recently, and no i don't.

>> No.26640401

nene, it's been 68 minutes

>> No.26640406

Why can't I watch both? One is edited content from 15 years ago while this is a livestream happening right now.

>> No.26640408

Cum in my ASS

>> No.26640410

>loli nene and polka
mah dick

>> No.26640413
Quoted by: >>26640437

do not underestimate nenechis warlike tendencies

>> No.26640416
Quoted by: >>26640547

You are a fucking whiteknight creep just like the rest of them
Just leave her alone and stop following

>> No.26640417


>> No.26640418

polka is the most based holo right now, you literally cannot refute this

>> No.26640422

but a lot of newfags there only watch holoEN

>> No.26640424


Shark game: 67k. Rhythm game, 50k. scary pacman: 37k. It's going to gradually get lower and lower, which is normal as debuts get more attention.

>> No.26640429
Quoted by: >>26640456

dog already speedrunning this game, stream will be over in like 20 minutes at this rate

>> No.26640431

>I'll be back
I died

>> No.26640433

NenePolka is so good, holy shit

>> No.26640435

>Find failed idol
>"Hello would you like to be vtuber?"

>> No.26640436

I love NenePol

>> No.26640437

Nene is peace. Nene is the Balancer.

>> No.26640439
Quoted by: >>26640566

Nah man you're just retarded. Keep stepping on those rakes thinking it somehow elicits anger rather than pity out of people watching. You're the Sisyphus of morons at this point.

>> No.26640443

Mamisistermeido... Tell Toi to do her ASMR stream onegai...

>> No.26640444


>> No.26640447
Quoted by: >>26640489

Are dogfags in for another 12 hour stream

>> No.26640451

Wait where the fuck was the warp zone?

>> No.26640452

sure....i hope so too......................................

>> No.26640455
Quoted by: >>26640556

this duo has to be one of the stupidest in hololive by far, their cumulative braincells cannot even make up 1 normal holo
It's great

>> No.26640456

You jinxed it...

>> No.26640457

i fucking love 5th gen

>> No.26640462

Imagine not being Nenemployee.

>> No.26640463

She got a full day in front of her, someone said that Bakatare sleepover is happening on Monday, so I wonder.

>> No.26640464

yagoo has EX level scouting abilities

>> No.26640468

>68 minutes
they fucking hate eachother

>> No.26640473

Organization vs Company.

>> No.26640479

I missed the nene stream again...

>> No.26640480

Polka is full of reference

>> No.26640481
Quoted by: >>26640581

I really don't want to be that guy but shouldn't it be obvious to any onlooker that she wants to be left alone. I do suppose it's too much to expect white knights to take a hint though

>> No.26640482


Coco won against the viral meme shark, with little more than reddit memes that are mostly bad. Now she has ASACOCO and WataUta. Do you think those two things are better than the meme review, or worse?

>> No.26640486

Coco your autism reps....

>> No.26640488
Quoted by: >>26640516

any day now...

>> No.26640489
Quoted by: >>26640549

We are always ready for that

>> No.26640493
Quoted by: >>26640532

He saw a former idol and that's what he needed it to hire her.

>> No.26640495

What is Nakiri Ayame onng

>> No.26640496

Regardless of how good you are at singing BUTTER-FLY is still a good time.

>> No.26640507

the fact she's still pulling nearly 40k a week after debut when gen 5 had much lower overall views at the same point should tell you everything you need to know

>> No.26640508
Quoted by: >>26640615

Smalltime idol, instead of turning chuubas into idols, lets turn an idol into one. AZKi is an artist, not an idol. Until Hololive/INNK I guess.

>> No.26640514

coco please stop its hurt watching you like this

>> No.26640515
Quoted by: >>26640567

It's surprising that we don't have more failed idols in hololive.

>> No.26640516


Any day? It's literally every day. Unless she develops a personality it's going to be a race to the bottom. Only Mori has longevity cause she has actual talent and can make new music.

>> No.26640518

korone doing a game over speedrun

>> No.26640519

I can't wait for nene to sing it, her voice can do wonderful things

>> No.26640521

>hide one post
>all the shitflinging magically disappears

>> No.26640520

>Dying 4 times to the same fish

>> No.26640523

I feel like Korone's biggest appeal is that she plays retro games and japs love that shit

>> No.26640526

If 3.0 manages to be worse than meme review, Coco should just graduate at that point

>> No.26640527

Why aren't you watching Rikka right now
you're not a faggot are you?

>> No.26640530


>> No.26640531
Quoted by: >>26640618

Never doubt the man who hired a guy off of a video of him missing a watermelon with a bat

>> No.26640532
Quoted by: >>26640583

He hires a wildcard every gen, since 3, which was the popular one.

>> No.26640537

Jesus christ those jumping fish are brutal

>> No.26640539


>> No.26640542

>auto prowler
Get with the times ojou

>> No.26640541

dogs getting shat on

>> No.26640547
Quoted by: >>26640569

I think you forgot a think about twitter? i don't know? maybe the fact that IT'S FUCKING PUBLIC? She had already fan before, she will have fan after? (or are you saying that she deserve to fail everything after that?)

>> No.26640546
Quoted by: >>26640622

If you really want to compare gameplay streams, coco barely breaks 10k when playing a game

>> No.26640549

>have to start over from the very beginning if you lose all lives
>no savestates

Good luck to the both of us

>> No.26640550

Ok buddy...

>> No.26640551


>> No.26640552

ride on taimu

>> No.26640556

The best thing about it is Polka constantly enabling Nene's stupid antics and then playing into her own setups making them both look silly

>> No.26640557

Will Polka get a segment on Asacoco 3.0? If she's only doing it three days a week it gives her more time to produce segments.

>> No.26640558

>failed idol
All roads lead to Rome friend.
This is just the one she took.

>> No.26640561

All the talent went to her girlfriend Okayu, huh?

>> No.26640563

Thanks for reminding me I need to do my daily 津軽海峡冬景色 listening rep

>> No.26640564


i want to fuck the clown

>> No.26640566
Quoted by: >>26640637

you're obviously mad if you keep persuading me trying to convince how not mad you are for how long? 30 minutes already? lol

>> No.26640567
Quoted by: >>26640670

She wasn't a failed idol at all.

>> No.26640569

do your english reps

>> No.26640571

Wait what? What's wrong with Prowler?

>> No.26640572

What changed

>> No.26640573

Will numberfagging be a 24/7 thing from now on? i can't take it anymore.

>> No.26640581

The last thing she posted was that she wants to make original music, and she posted a small shot of her singing. She did private her Twitter again saying (in English) in her bio "Still recuperating, I don't watch Twitter often". I think they should get the point from there, as it's very neatly laid out.

>> No.26640582
Quoted by: >>26640745

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with her, my problem is with the Aloefags. She is a good singer and she had an interesting character. Hololive lost an opportunity, but it's nowhere near that much of a tragedy than people here like to pretend. And she doesn't want to come back, or at least not yet, respect her decision. She can manage her own life without the unwanted help of random foreigners.

>> No.26640583

I believe *L** was the wildcard. Nene had her Idol background and drawings to make it but the one who shall not be named was really the wild card in potential.

>> No.26640585

Do your math reps brainlet

>> No.26640587

these noises...

>> No.26640588

its always been a thing unfortunately

>> No.26640591

Korone is female Kacho Arino, despite playing games her whole life she's not good at them. The fun is watching her struggle and eventually triumph.

>> No.26640594
Quoted by: >>26640657


>> No.26640592

same, I want her to smack a creme pie into my face when I creampie her.

>> No.26640595

Been watching Arino for years, but this is also enjoyable to watch. You can have both, anon.

>> No.26640599

Join the queue.

>> No.26640601
Quoted by: >>26640636

just buy an abacus already retard

>> No.26640602

Sio pretending to make Towa feel better!

>> No.26640603
Quoted by: >>26640646

the problem with your theory is that there are virtually no other big name english vtubers for them to jump to. And you're severely overestimating how many casuals will join a JP stream that they can't understand

>> No.26640606


>> No.26640608

very likely that she will chip in every now and then. Something like asacoco is perfect for her
5th gen and EN gives coco a lot to talk about

>> No.26640607

Sorry Anon that post wasn't long enough, I'm gonna need you to perform autofellatio until you can bump that up to the quota of 300 characters or more.

>> No.26640609
Quoted by: >>26640717

nah, aloe was prime vtuber material, if she didn't get doxxed she might've been the most popular one

>> No.26640610

I will never end until schizos stop replying with each other to rile up the thread

>> No.26640611

Burst recoil got buffed and auto recoil got nerfed at the same time. You can use burst even at midrange now so it's just way better than auto now

>> No.26640612

Luna my queeeeeen.


>> No.26640615

I’m pretty sure that the audition process had many former idols. Yet he managed to pick one who has peak retard moe

>> No.26640617

Hao Ni?

>> No.26640618
Quoted by: >>26640678

Wait what? Who was that?

>> No.26640619

They nerf the auto and buff the burst.

>> No.26640622
Quoted by: >>26640700


Coco is the #1 earner, she has proven she can make bank. Most gachikoi don't even care about games, look at Rushia. The problem is shark is too boring to have long lasting appeal. 67k to 37k is proof that interest is fading, and this will increase over time, unless they somehow become more interesting.

Singing isn't enough to save them, Aki sings a million times better than the shark and she was struggling till the reddit video went viral.

>> No.26640626

I think having the patience of a saint is a talent.

>> No.26640627

I really really hope so, skits are Polka's bread and butter so it should be great.

>> No.26640629

just filter every number bro

>> No.26640633

>tfw cant use burst fire to save my life
just give me single or full auto, fuck burst

>> No.26640634

It stops once a stream grabs the attention of the schizos
e.g. Haachama english test, Korone english, Luna english, FBK void

>> No.26640636


>> No.26640637
Quoted by: >>26640731

>lol umad
Weaksauce. In the end you can't really expect much out of aloecucks who got their scammed by the oldest trick in the book.

>> No.26640639
Quoted by: >>26640664

Why not just suck my dick? You love sucking dick, so get to it.

>> No.26640640

>rarely seen any eop or spic in Korone's chat.

They got filtered hard.

>> No.26640644


>> No.26640646
Quoted by: >>26640684



Ironically, a far better shark than the Hololive shark.

>> No.26640647

Yes. She's not my oshi, but I enjoy her singing and she's pretty cute. I like seeing her interact with others.

>> No.26640653
Quoted by: >>26640695

Huh? some anons think that Nene is the first smalltime/failed idol?

>> No.26640654

how much do I have to superchat Ayame to get her to sleep with me?

>> No.26640656

Mod is going hard. JOP were getting the hammer earlier.

>> No.26640657

Does anyone remember what was the average number of viewers for Asacoco and Watame no Uta?

>> No.26640659


>> No.26640661


>> No.26640664

What's wrong with sucking dick?

>> No.26640665

There were a few in the prechat stream. Blocked and reported them though, so maybe mods did their work

>> No.26640668

>> No.26640670
Quoted by: >>26640718

She was definitely smalltime with a career that wasn't going anywhere fast. Probably has gained more fame now in 1 month than in the past 3 years.

>> No.26640673


>> No.26640674

it's too early for them, give it another 3 hours or so

>> No.26640676

15k both

>> No.26640678
Quoted by: >>26640721


>> No.26640681

gen 5 is a replica of gen 4, *l** is another singer

>> No.26640683

jesus chirst wtf is up with Korone today?
her laughs are so weird
is it because her manager is watching or what?

>> No.26640682

Bakatare stayover tomorrow!

>> No.26640685


>> No.26640684
Quoted by: >>26640714

ah yes the 1k happy wheels girl
this'll kill em

>> No.26640686


>> No.26640687

>from now on
you don't remeber holo vs niji charts?

>> No.26640690

WataUta hovered around 7k
Asacoco hovered around 20k and 2.0 dropped to 14k

>> No.26640691

Yeah anon those almost 30K people watching Korone are all JOPs.

>> No.26640692

Coco is not relevant in terms of viewers since she stops make asacoco, Peko is the most concurrent viewers now so I don't know why ENfags want to compete with her or just falling for Coco's antis narrative.

>> No.26640695
Quoted by: >>26640708

she isn't?

>> No.26640700

This is some weak numberfagging. Does anyone compare the 5th gen debut numbers to their current viewer numbers? Do people really think that managing to pull consistent 37k on your gameplay stream on your first week is a sign that you don't have long lasting appeal? I'm not even a sharkfag, but I can't help but call out bullshit when I see it.

>> No.26640701

You know what's weird is that I've never seen Cyrillic or Hebrew alphabet in holo chat when every other language set has shown up. Indian, Indonesian, all the unicode and jis ones.

Maybe Israel and former Soviet holdings are busy in Dota.

>> No.26640702
Quoted by: >>26640749

Last WataUta had like 6-7k and asacoco around 15k.

>> No.26640705


>> No.26640708

Festival is.

>> No.26640709

Thanks for your hard work anon.

>> No.26640710

How was the 3D collab?

>> No.26640711
Quoted by: >>26640733


>> No.26640712

Watame in PJ's....hnng.

>> No.26640714


Ignore viewers for a minute. If Pikamee had the HoloEN boost and design, she would be infinitely better than Gura.

>> No.26640715

any day now...

>> No.26640717

Yeah, Aloe is pretty much in the mold of previous Cover utaite hires.

>> No.26640718

Yeah but that's not what a failed idol is.

>> No.26640719

Hololive culture and these threads could have been saved if EN didn't have the Hololive label. I wish they didn't carry the Hololive name.

>> No.26640720

Towa is no wife!

>> No.26640721

Ok, that makes sense.

>> No.26640722

I just tunned in, why is Ayame talking about blood

>> No.26640725

Indifferent. I like her covers and original song though.

>> No.26640730

I want to be Watame's pajamas.

>> No.26640731

you're obviously mad because aloechads got their queen back

keep coping

>> No.26640733

finally i can stop fapping to the peko one

>> No.26640735

Botan has Russian translators in chat

>> No.26640740


>> No.26640742

Aloe won't return. She already unfollowed all hololive related account on her roommate account and this is not surprising at all desu.

I don't even think she will watch hololive / vtuber anymore, let alone returning.

>> No.26640744

botan has russians
hebrews are furious that they'll never get vtuber bucks

>> No.26640745

This twitter was already followed by more than 5k person. This is a public twitter and i don't recon why ancient fan should have precedence over new fan. (ofc considering, they'll behave correctly)

>> No.26640747

That just made Prowler a worse Hemlock, no?

>> No.26640749


WataUta will be a lot higher, Watame has become very popular with the west now as well. She has like, 4 EN translators per stream.

>> No.26640751


>> No.26640752


>> No.26640754

