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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.01 MB, 4096x2438, __sakura_miko_and_momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_satobitob__4ff1329c624c40796a6da97b6d80f64e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25961725 No.25961725 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25961730
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961784

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25961733
File: 3.75 MB, 2772x3766, 1581166969886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961732
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, 1593485055810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961734
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, gebokawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25961735
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25961737
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961738

what are the odds that watame has gained a large amount of weight in the past 9 months?

>> No.25961739
File: 1.08 MB, 1700x1700, 1597546687712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa!

>> No.25961740
File: 10 KB, 301x221, 32d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961752

>> No.25961741
File: 536 KB, 632x679, 1595482490863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25961742
File: 136 KB, 428x475, EfMJHeIU8AIezlH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OoT... Skyrim...

>> No.25961744
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1591081839953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25964242

Towa is a whore

>> No.25961745
File: 169 KB, 426x240, unknown-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25961746
File: 548 KB, 3840x2160, EZQs3wqVcAE1iEa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963731

I love everything about Aqua!

>> No.25961747

>Thread instantly archived after 2000 posts


>> No.25961748
File: 11 KB, 180x279, brosnan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hope so

>> No.25961750
File: 1.52 MB, 1844x1844, 1591804776093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching haachama english fg stream
>first thing she says in english is "feet, feet feet feet feet"

>> No.25961749

Nene. Quilty bitch.

>> No.25961751
File: 69 KB, 470x568, 1596231036793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the sheep eat pudding at 2am!

>> No.25961753
File: 789 KB, 1062x1505, 1598817082648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25961752

Damn Choco gets to eat THAT?

>> No.25961754
File: 272 KB, 607x554, 1596101720443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for reddit posts being linked.
reddit screencaps being posted.
twitter screencaps from literal randoms.
Discord screenshots.
Non-vtuber youtube videos.
Random youtube comments.
being posted in this thread

>> No.25961755
File: 184 KB, 1500x1500, EfneglcU4AAPC92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962191

Whos that girl with Nene?

>> No.25961758
File: 316 KB, 2048x1246, 20200903_113909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961757


collab with kuku tonight bois

>> No.25961759
File: 138 KB, 1046x1258, EgIAZUiX0AARpA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961784

Day 36 Thread #2

Still waiting for Mikochi...

>> No.25961760

she hates it, not even memeing

>> No.25961761
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, D9AF06C2-F591-4017-8CA9-511AB8161615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !
And for those who have not seen this yet, feel free to check out the updated pastebin !! https://pastebin.com/En6CsBuP

>> No.25961762
File: 28 KB, 300x332, 1579798764242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another game completed.

>> No.25961763
File: 356 KB, 688x500, 1576694298288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961764
File: 103 KB, 494x568, 1598896797013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961810


>> No.25961768

Hahaha what the fuck

>> No.25961766

Like a month ago she said she's not gaining weight.

>> No.25961769
File: 49 KB, 460x423, 1592913545401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962262

Watame pudding

>> No.25961770


>> No.25961771
File: 25 KB, 223x133, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop shilling your shit here faggot

>> No.25961772

giving her Haatons what they pay for

>> No.25961773
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, 1597562763309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...and then there were two...

Okay Flare is just finishing up

>> No.25961774
File: 98 KB, 697x808, EXQMTrfUcAYHsLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961775

Oh yeah

>> No.25961776
File: 2.86 MB, 448x376, 1599021736308.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting link to this Watame BGM

>> No.25961778
File: 151 KB, 688x500, 1598935644892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex has been cancelled and you will never have any.

>> No.25961779
File: 91 KB, 679x255, 1599145173538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to marry Nene!

>> No.25961780
File: 577 KB, 752x1062, 82622140_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I love Choco-sensei's speech impediment...

>> No.25961781

>Let's fucking go
>Go where
Fucking lost it

>> No.25961782
Quoted by: >>25961828

Help me I get confused with Watame and Haato's names
I sometimes say Wachaama and Haatame then realize only later that it's wrong...

>> No.25961783

keep shilling your shit here faggot

>> No.25961784

Nobody gives a fuck about that whore

>> No.25961785

Forgot link.

>> No.25961786
File: 12 KB, 474x473, 1594563806045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is going to get extradited to HoloEN which is going to be like a siberian prison for holos who interact with EOP

>> No.25961787
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, YOU ARE LONELY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961789
Quoted by: >>25961809

as if women would ever lie about their weight

>> No.25961790
File: 737 KB, 1282x715, Screenshot from 2020-09-04 02-26-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anons that were wondering last thread, Kaoru's mountain is still intact. It still also sticks out like a fucking sore thumb against the backdrop of Astel's Taj Mahal.

>> No.25961791
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, EhAReauU0AAYKzF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin*
do re mi~
*tarzan yell*
brrr brrr brr brr brrrrrrrrr brr
warabi ii~
*page flip*
na ni fa~
*canon in d major*

>> No.25961792

>try to listen to this with yomichan
>just get a clicking sound

>> No.25961794

>The superchat colors are wrong

>> No.25961796
Quoted by: >>25961808

Reminder that if your Holo doesn't have a ritual poster, she's irrelevant

>> No.25961798

>SCs are the wrong color
It's shit

>> No.25961802

God I wish I were that pudding...

>> No.25961803
File: 783 KB, 837x589, 1599065020011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do your best anon!

>> No.25961804
File: 1.18 MB, 600x338, 1586311256545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961922

Sheep dances are second to none

>> No.25961805

Cool reaction image.

>> No.25961806
File: 1.05 MB, 1543x2206, 83976882_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961808
Quoted by: >>25961851


>> No.25961807


>> No.25961809

She would have no reason to say that she actually wants to gain some weight then.

>> No.25961810
Quoted by: >>25962811

I've been watching her recently, and I have to say she is a top tier holo. I've cancelled my membersheep so I can give the money to Kanata.

>> No.25961811


>> No.25961814

That's one of the worst examples you could've used. The dd is pronounced almost the same as り

>> No.25961815
File: 924 KB, 2892x4096, EgVxv89UcAA4okt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nene so much

>> No.25961816

Did you just learned a new word?

>> No.25961820
File: 165 KB, 362x397, 1598203844154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based lunait

>> No.25961821

I wish she would step on me

>> No.25961822

>She's got a date with a sexual education chuuba in 17 hrs


>> No.25961823
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, 1591071353303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's wrong though. /v/ here, and I love her. Also, the reason I watch vidya streams at all is to relieve the feeling of the first-time playthrough through other people's experiences with the games I've already played. Which is too many.

>> No.25961824

Watame reeks of being single

>> No.25961827

>Let's Fucking go
>Go where?
Go back to...wait you came from 4chan what the fuck

>> No.25961828

electroshock your brain. that will fix it.

>> No.25961830

Skyrim is boring until you have a high enough sneak level to roll around assassinating everyone

>> No.25961831
File: 262 KB, 428x487, 1593830235074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no.1 Highest earning supacha
>Transfer the person earning the most supacha to a different market

>> No.25961832
File: 63 KB, 268x292, 1599149443359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this.

>> No.25961833

>/v/ here
There's no need to announce it, you all stick out like a sore thumb.

>> No.25961837
File: 1.43 MB, 1130x1600, 84046396_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my angel daughter so much
Everything's gonna be alright

>> No.25961839
File: 534 KB, 1001x703, 1596919331976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961842

Oh yeah, it's time for husband and wife kino.

>> No.25961843

Watame's english is getting better

>> No.25961844
File: 108 KB, 221x256, 1593275450825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive EN will be the name for their english translation group, the group get still portrait avatars and put out at least 3 videos each week

>> No.25961845

>luna makes 4 masterpieces before tamaki can finish her one

>> No.25961847

croissant posting

>> No.25961848
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, bokoboko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lunaito. Arigachu.

>> No.25961849
Quoted by: >>25961862

Yes, nobody gives a fuck about Aloe that's why she got booted out

>> No.25961850
File: 436 KB, 900x725, nene-sweat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961851
File: 83 KB, 676x676, Azki326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962346

He's here in spirit.

>> No.25961854
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, Eg__D_9U0AEZ8Og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa ain't no fortunate debiru.

>> No.25961855

I need to find that model from VRChat of her. I can add it to Sizebox.

>> No.25961857

>/v/ hates her
/v/ermin are EOPs and Korone is the queen of funny sounds for EOPs.

>> No.25961858

So they just transfer everybody into HoloEN? That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.25961859
Quoted by: >>25962232

I like Watame.

>> No.25961860

t. /v/

>> No.25961861
File: 347 KB, 665x857, akiranata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961888


>> No.25961862
File: 1.50 MB, 1700x1800, ad8d0cfc1cb77f00b88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961863
File: 352 KB, 1060x1000, 1596159824680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't bring it up anon

>> No.25961865

im so proud of our son and his wife is very cute

>> No.25961864
File: 36 KB, 331x401, 1592346901456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when will <insert holo here> play <insert obscure eurojank game only 10 people played here>?
why is /v/ like this?

>> No.25961866
File: 323 KB, 419x692, 1598987845223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news

>> No.25961867


>> No.25961868


>> No.25961869

War is hell, and Towa is the devil

>> No.25961871

everyone is single in hololive

>> No.25961873

wait that's a 3D model... WHERE?!!?!?!

>> No.25961876

No moona option? Sad

>> No.25961879

Minus Ayame

>> No.25961880

Character assassination by antis who work for google

>> No.25961881
File: 1.80 MB, 1293x2100, fqu8d5sepwk51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963973

>> No.25961883

do the homos play on the same minecraft server as everyone else or are they segregated

>> No.25961885

I don't see Koronefags acting full retard 24/7 in these threads.

>> No.25961884
File: 49 KB, 494x859, mio13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962057


>> No.25961886


Senchou hinting another holo collab

>> No.25961887
Quoted by: >>25961932

I saw this in the last thread and I can't remember what song and (maybe) what movie I listened this song in.


>> No.25961888
File: 344 KB, 433x493, Haachkira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961946


>> No.25961889

An error in the system.

>> No.25961890
Quoted by: >>25961925

She just can't bring herself to delete his profile she hopes he will come back to her. Any woman in a regular relationship would not be streaming for hours or eating pudding alone at 2am

>> No.25961892

They have their own homo server

>> No.25961893

She isn't single.I'm her bf

>> No.25961894


>> No.25961895
File: 15 KB, 336x282, watame shogun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is done with Limber, time to tune into Watame and get comf. Why the fuck is her BGM so chill?

>> No.25961896

counterfeit bibi...

>> No.25961897


>> No.25961899

Thank god they're safe from the sluts.

>> No.25961900

We're her collective surrogate boyfriend

>> No.25961906

Bibi looks happy about killing them mites

>> No.25961907
File: 306 KB, 836x778, 1599032141247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962135


>> No.25961908
File: 1.65 MB, 1479x832, 1589260695697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25961909
File: 115 KB, 407x593, 1599148136064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is modern Yu-Gi-Oh!.

>> No.25961911
File: 1.47 MB, 800x1131, 1593166534749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962256

They've gone too far against her.

>> No.25961912
File: 880 KB, 789x772, 1598929897111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yonkiseifags are united, what else is new.

>> No.25961914
Quoted by: >>25961952

Oh come on if it isn't announced next week I'll be seriously pissed, She's basically admitting it here.

>> No.25961916
File: 426 KB, 592x642, 1570632387212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25961917


>> No.25961918

do we even have koronefags here?

>> No.25961920
Quoted by: >>25961971

Would you watch her if there was no permission arc and she could play random unknown games that you never played before?

>> No.25961922
File: 2.88 MB, 842x708, 1599126001503.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Block your path*

>> No.25961923

membersheep are her boyfriend, join today for exclusive girlfriend benefits

>> No.25961925
Quoted by: >>25962065

Reminds me of my sister. Very sad.

>> No.25961926

Didn't polka hint at it too?

>> No.25961927
File: 189 KB, 407x593, 1599148174919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961928
Quoted by: >>25962166

Stop bringing back that :
the more the time passes the more proof we have that they have, in fact, broken up before watame got in hololive.

>> No.25961930

No she reeks of 羴

>> No.25961931
File: 236 KB, 1448x2048, EdX_cSnU8Ac_cLt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961987

Sure hope so. She always pulls through, I really hope she'll still have that live with Watame.

>> No.25961932
File: 401 KB, 1800x2024, 1595157508526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961933

when will literally any of them play metroid prime?
i can only properly follow a few games being older than 14 years old, please play the games i know

>> No.25961934

Koronefags speak only spanish, they can't understand the thread

>> No.25961935

everyone except your oshi

>> No.25961937
File: 1.70 MB, 1003x978, YAAAAAAAAAAAARG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961978

The calm before the storm is such an excruciating moment, that grim feeling that something horrible is definitely going to happen cannot be comforted with tears
If you thought Aloe's case was bad, think of what it will be once tragedy strikes an already loved hololive, and alas the possibilities are plenty :

>Miko's health issues complications ?
>Mio getting tired of cover's bullshit and never coming back ?
>Choco becoming so emaciated she can't go on anymore ?
>Watame burning out after becoming aware of the hollow life she's living ?
>Shion suing Marine for molestation and defamation ?
>Antis finding a breach and causing a holocaust 2.0 ?
>HoloEN leading to massive cancel campaigns ?
>Or something else that we couldn't see coming ?

If I had to bet I'd go with something happening to Choco. We still have no feedback of her gaining some weight, she's still not back to producing ASMR when it's obviously what she wanted to do, and she's grinding a game in which she's garbage at for hours every day, all of this while being at the bottom of hololive
Such physical and mental strains would put an healthy adult to his knees, and considering Choco is neither physically nor mentally healthy, I could easily foresee her collapsing on her keyboard while looking for the grenade key

>> No.25961938
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1598875437843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961956

mio and miko dead... choco about to graduate...

>> No.25961940


>> No.25961941

Can you imagine if Astel's palace got accidentally blown up by Pekora or burned down by Miko? It would break his poor space seaweed heart.

>> No.25961942

Cool, so fuck off then.

>> No.25961943
File: 2.05 MB, 3500x2000, EgBSJvZUwAAfP9t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962008

4th gen is the only generation which I have subbed for everyone.

>> No.25961946

Fuck, and I thought I didn't put enough effort in that edit

>> No.25961947

Look at her go!

>> No.25961948
File: 193 KB, 407x593, 1599148280411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25961966


>> No.25961950
Quoted by: >>25962050

this deck is garbage btw

>> No.25961952
Quoted by: >>25961993

We are in the "Recharge the cubes" period in AL. They will annouce it and release it in the next 2 weeks.

>> No.25961953

Dogfucker here. I don't shitpost here while my oshi is streaming.

>> No.25961954


>> No.25961955

They're generally quiet nowadays

>> No.25961956
Quoted by: >>25961979

I also blame this on Nene

>> No.25961958

For the people who were wondering why Botan was using Choco's BGM (lol)
and what Choco's ARK BGM actually was. Thank you Botan for reminding me of the source

>> No.25961960
File: 13 KB, 565x88, dg333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25961961

>sandor clegane-san

>> No.25961962
File: 1.58 MB, 999x1333, 84131562_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962387

>gone from Hololive
>still getting fanart
s-sugoi... Aloe...

>> No.25961963

I was reading the article from Aloe's BGM manager, and:

>英語で運用されているMano Aloe Support SquadやHL Resistanceなどのdiscordサーバーや、HololiveのSubredditでは、本人を心配するコメントや応援のメッセージ、同じように怒りや悲しみを感じているという声を多く見かけることができて、それが救いでした。この場を借りて感謝申し上げます。Twitterや5ちゃんねるなどの雰囲気とは全然違った。これも日本語ですが、海外のファンは盲目だし背景が分かっていないという書き込みも見かけました。わからない。私がおかしいのか?

Perhaps I am EOP, but this doesn't seem like a positive remark. It seems more like he's saying "Thank you for all of your support, but I wonder how many of them would still defend her if they were Japanese and knew the whole backstory?"

>> No.25961964

>Watame, why are you eating pudding at 2 in the morning?
>I have lost control of my life.

>> No.25961965

look how they massacred my boy...why did the style have to change so drastically

>> No.25961966
File: 177 KB, 407x593, 1599148379071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961968
File: 205 KB, 1202x640, inspirational aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962335

Please, vote for Aqua!

>> No.25961969
File: 583 KB, 1530x1530, 1599067546239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25961970
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1596318385011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore.

>> No.25961971

I discovered her before the permission arc, and she's a genuinely great entertainer, so yeah, I'd stick around for some random nip-only retro games I don't know about too, like Ikki. Although, if those were all she played from the start, I probably wouldn't have discovered her in the first place.

>> No.25961972
File: 35 KB, 402x379, 1587157007012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna post in these cancerous fucking threads when she's doing a good stream.
Limbo was good shit.

>> No.25961974
Quoted by: >>25962072

I wanna submit to Mel feet...

>> No.25961975
File: 57 KB, 173x167, 1589812990957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*DONs you out of the way*

>> No.25961978
File: 323 KB, 466x553, lunamelon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962122

Need to update your predictions, senpai. They are getting old.

>> No.25961979
File: 448 KB, 1428x2048, 1598904182709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is innocent!

>> No.25961980

False, i only watch Towa and Luna. Collab literally never.

>> No.25961982
Quoted by: >>25962073

>Talking about dance lessons.
That's a landmine fools!

>> No.25961984

This always puts a smile on my face... Thanks anon.

>> No.25961985

How did Choco even find this? Doesn't that mean she technically doesn't have the rights to use the BGM?

>> No.25961987
File: 280 KB, 655x863, heykonkanata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962029

Hopefully Coco doesn't go too rough on her this night.

>> No.25961990
File: 175 KB, 850x1201, 1567683823889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck lions

>> No.25961991
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, 90381283973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962030

>"WOOOOAH, thanks for inviting me into the Holohouse Ms Coco"

>> No.25961993
Quoted by: >>25962117

How many cubes are needed?

>> No.25961994
File: 309 KB, 495x495, hyper watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962021


>> No.25961995
Quoted by: >>25962020

you can tell Watame was a teacher god she's too cute

>> No.25961996

You seriously don't expect me to post about streams, do you.

>> No.25961997

>Watame's not doing dance lessons.
So she's not part of the VR concert. Probably.

>> No.25961998


>> No.25961999
File: 391 KB, 1188x204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing personnel, coco

>> No.25962000


>> No.25962001

>eating cookies now
This fat sheep...

>> No.25962002

>watame dabbing on antis by eating cookies

>> No.25962003
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, supernene.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962034


>> No.25962004
File: 527 KB, 800x606, victory_by_agriculture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame getting more viewers after starting to eat on stream

>> No.25962005

>Propane and Propane accessories
Dang it Korone...

>> No.25962007

Now she's eating cookies. Is Watame just going to stuff her face with sweets this whole stream?

>> No.25962006
Quoted by: >>25962049

>How did Choco even find this?
Probably played the game, it was quite succesful after all
>Doesn't that mean she technically doesn't have the rights to use the BGM?
No fucking idea how any of that shit works

>> No.25962008

Thanks for telling us your shit taste

>> No.25962009
File: 955 KB, 3343x3241, cc91c9c27ed58ce83399e2968a184d54f24b75be1117dd4fefa3a66c5eda35db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully there's still time to recover well enough.

>> No.25962010
File: 22 KB, 424x381, 1571004539112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. She continues to be my favorite.

>> No.25962011
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x900, EdfyXxUU0AIZnme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962069

>Mio liking that one OKFAMS picture on twitter

>> No.25962012
Quoted by: >>25962133

Why would people play Yugioh instead of the superior Magic the Gathering? I want to see a collab with a bunch of holos drafting in Arena.

>> No.25962016

run it on deepl instead of google translate. you will understand everything

>> No.25962019


>> No.25962020

What teacher

>> No.25962021
File: 371 KB, 1037x1461, 1599133131084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962022
File: 1021 KB, 2894x4093, 1599060421952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25962025
File: 268 KB, 900x675, EhAJEp-U4AAX4cl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't speak too soon, we just got a PekoTowa collab.

>> No.25962024
Quoted by: >>25962053

don't talk with your mouth full

>> No.25962026

>eating pudding and cookies while playing Minecraft at 3 AM

>> No.25962027

Watame mukbang confirmed

>> No.25962028

They probably don't post much because of doxxfags.

>> No.25962029
File: 553 KB, 2480x2549, 1595574687606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962087

>Tinnitus? Doesn't matter.
>Just lay on the bed and raise that ass!

>> No.25962030

Too big to enter through the door. Pikamee's American frame would not be detrimental in Japan.

>> No.25962031

I love this based fatfuck sheep

>> No.25962032

There's that SuiseiKoronefag here, so yeah

>> No.25962033

SexEd teacher

>> No.25962034

How can anyone hope to stop Supernene??

>> No.25962035
Quoted by: >>25962064

>no views and no comments
Are you telling me nobody actually knew the origing of Choco's music before? There are no hits on youtube for "choco bgm" so it wasn't reuploaded either.

>> No.25962036

No, they say that they don't share the attitude of 5ch/twitter JOPs towards the western fans, who think we don't know all the context.

>> No.25962037

He's just thanking people for the support and pointing out some nips shitting on EOP fans.

>> No.25962040

check Luna's banner compared to the rest of 4th gen

>> No.25962042

It's free music and probably for that reason in the game

>> No.25962043

I don't know exactly what she taught, but it was little kids

explains how she was able to tard wrangle Moona

>> No.25962044

smooth braps

>> No.25962046

She has lost it

>> No.25962049
Quoted by: >>25962100

China doesn't give a shit about copyright, be it using copyrighted songs or getting their songs used by others

>> No.25962050
Quoted by: >>25962083

You can't say that yet, it's just the first wave.

>> No.25962052
File: 2.79 MB, 766x1080, 1591078868694.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962186


>> No.25962053

she can talk with a mouthful of me, if ya know what I'm sayin'

>> No.25962054




>> No.25962055
File: 25 KB, 199x284, 1597491119613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This used be the most outrageous thing you could post here. Sad how things changed.

>> No.25962057
Quoted by: >>25962079

Every time I wake up I immediately check if there's news about her.

>> No.25962058
File: 145 KB, 1180x656, ewcghgre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25962060

>4 hours long
>minecraft autism
>pudding asmr
>internet drops
Oh this is a watame stream alright!

>> No.25962063

blessed sheep ASMR

>> No.25962064
Quoted by: >>25962139

I've seen at least one other anon mention that it was 'from a Chinese game' before but forgot which one myself. Are you looking for it in English or Japanese?

>> No.25962065
Quoted by: >>25962084

How old is your sister? Is she a hambeast? Does she like NEETs that watch vtubers?

>> No.25962066

i like all of the holos but i still like korone the most

>> No.25962067
File: 461 KB, 446x469, 1592907689811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu did a greentext and no one noticed


>> No.25962068


>> No.25962069


>> No.25962070

She's getting wrekt by tinnitus again, right?

>> No.25962071


>> No.25962072
File: 132 KB, 653x666, FA7E50FB-1419-4B72-BA7E-C3A58B2BE66F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962224

Why not to Mel ?

>> No.25962073

Watame disconnected.

It's fine she said she's focusing on singing first. Although I was also thinking about her roommate.

>> No.25962074

You are EOP. He is saying that he doesn't agree with the kind of stuff coming from the Japanese community and that he feels closer to the English fans who are expressing grief and anger toward the event and wondering if maybe he's the crazy one because of it.

>> No.25962075
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1590251630015.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's out of control!

>> No.25962076

twitter banner that is, I'm a fucking retard that doesn't word

>> No.25962077

is she going all out with the chewing and talking with mouth full noises just to dab on antis?
i like it

>> No.25962078
File: 76 KB, 637x900, EgBqyohU4AIADnI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25962079
File: 51 KB, 514x879, mio33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio's never coming back, is she? I'm starting to lose hope bro

>> No.25962080
Quoted by: >>25962119

Are all membersheeps architects?

>> No.25962082

>using meme arrows outside of 4channel

>> No.25962083

This deck has no win condition so far and all of their effects are so mediocre or just straight up trash. It would need a lot of broken supports to be good

>> No.25962084

She's a mess, I like you guys too much to let that happen.

>> No.25962085
Quoted by: >>25962193

I mean it been like what 3days ? She will make a mistake a those autists at 5ch will find her.

>> No.25962086
Quoted by: >>25962108

Who was she quoting?

>> No.25962087
File: 103 KB, 494x568, baldtenshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cancer patient tenshi...

>> No.25962090

No, it sounds like a positive remark to me.

>> No.25962091
File: 76 KB, 500x232, rember.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962092

Sad. Have a gold, kind stranger.

>> No.25962093

All the dogfags moved to Miko.

>> No.25962094
File: 245 KB, 494x568, 1598896957029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962096

>Mel's cover still down
>this is still on youtube

>> No.25962097
Quoted by: >>25962131

she used that as a thumbnail recently right? the top part at least

>> No.25962098

She was shitposting here before she even debuted

>> No.25962099
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1366537154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962251

Direct from >DeepL

>In response to those who are defending them, I've seen posts such as, "There is a lack of awareness of information leaks. If you're a student, but if you're a member of society, I question your character" and "I'm afraid of you, all positive believers. I think some people would feel sorry for you but would be silent if you were at risk of such an attack.
>On discord servers such as Mano Aloe Support Squad and HL Resistance, which operate in English, and on Hololive's Subreddit, I've seen many comments and messages of support for the person in question, as well as the same anger and sadness It was a relief to be able to do so. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you, the atmosphere was very different from the atmosphere on Twitter and 5chan. This is also in Japanese, but I saw some posts saying that foreign fans are blind and don't understand the background. I don't know. Am I crazy?

>> No.25962100
Quoted by: >>25962134

True, but I'm more worried about Cover being Cover and privating all the streams that use this BGM, or antis finding out and starting shit about it.

>> No.25962103

No one cares about a random reddit post

>> No.25962106

Kindergarten teacher

>> No.25962105
Quoted by: >>25962130

How do you even have shitty internet in Japan

>> No.25962107
Quoted by: >>25962149


>> No.25962108

reality itself

>> No.25962109

are you me

>> No.25962111

thanks miobro

>> No.25962112

This pic never fails at making me rock hard

>> No.25962113
File: 525 KB, 1909x1073, 1590983903924-Recovered.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962436

Suisei... please do another 3D concert...

>> No.25962114

I-is Watame me? Am I secretly a cute sheep?

>> No.25962115


>> No.25962117
Quoted by: >>25962181

Depends of how many girls are going to get for the second part. In the first collab there were 7 (Aqua, Sora, FBK, Sion yo, Ayame, Festival and Mio). But you need at least 200 to have a chance to unlock all.
I dropped everything for Bizmark and didn't get her. Now I think I might buy cubes with money, including also the old and nee costumes.

>> No.25962118
Quoted by: >>25962219

Couldn't they hookup Mio with a twitch account?

>> No.25962119

>all Haatons are geniuses
>all membersheep are architects
how did we get to this point

>> No.25962120

>Perhaps I am EOP
No, there is no "perhaps" about it.

>> No.25962122

No new doomflags today, that's good....for now

>> No.25962123
Quoted by: >>25962188

So is this what the threads have devolved into now? Posting reddit screencaps?

>> No.25962124

The scheduled stream has to mean something right?

>> No.25962125
File: 348 KB, 1164x444, lunatancake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm collecting luna's birthday cakes but I can't find the towa one

>> No.25962126

Watame helps me get through the day.

>> No.25962127

When's the last time Mio felt happy?

>> No.25962129
Quoted by: >>25962158

Kek she's gonna keep playing even though there's a 2 day backlog of superchat to read.
Based nocturnal sheep

>> No.25962130

I'm pretty sure like every other country, the more rural you are or the lower your budget, the shittier your internet is.

>> No.25962131
Quoted by: >>25962199

Yes and liked it on twitter.

>> No.25962133
Quoted by: >>25962392

It would be a good starting point but I'd rather watch them play ultra casual battlecruiser EDH over standard.

>> No.25962134

Nevermind then.

>> No.25962135


>> No.25962137

She's still learning

>> No.25962138

>greentexting outside 4chan

>> No.25962139

I've asked a few times here but got no replies, also tried searching in both English and Japanese with no success.

>> No.25962140

I want to taste

>> No.25962142

the game itself probably just pick it from dova or something

>> No.25962145


>> No.25962149

>Do not ever take this video offline please

>> No.25962150

>combining meme arrows and the twitter : meme format
bad risu
don't do this

>> No.25962151

They have to respect the drummer jiisan's wishes. Never take it down.

>> No.25962152

Watame said arriderverci

>> No.25962153
File: 726 KB, 1000x1080, 1591835049259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mio comes back

>Her first stream back gets a false copyright strike from BPI

>banned from streaming for another 90 days

>> No.25962154

Thank you sheep friend

>> No.25962155
Quoted by: >>25962194

Which holo will play mario galaxy on the collection coming to switch?

>> No.25962157
File: 162 KB, 1100x1200, 1595955579491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all should watch my girlfriend Ayame's 3D stream. It was her 2nd anniversary today and she did a great job and she was very cute

>> No.25962158

>if you dont do them every day they turn into an impossible to handle pile that you have to grind endlessly to get through
but enough about anki reps

>> No.25962159
File: 179 KB, 982x1115, 8a48d223470317c0e29f502f2c42bd67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The collabs... Miosha...

>> No.25962160

i do not like the BGM watame is using because i associate it with her outro

>> No.25962161
File: 699 KB, 1000x1000, 1567767074065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962205

Flare is so damn cute when she's struggling with English!

>> No.25962162
File: 432 KB, 443x528, 1592753280820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always here

>> No.25962163

The person Aloe worked with for months sure as fuck won't say "why are you defending a 1X year old from character assassination?"

>> No.25962165


>> No.25962166

how does that make sense at all

>> No.25962168

Who are you quoting, Risu?

>> No.25962169

so risu is a newfag?

>> No.25962171

So that's why she's so motherly and sweet

>> No.25962170

Why is she so cute

>> No.25962172

I'm in love with Hoshimachi Suisei!

>> No.25962174

Everyone uses greentexting outside 4chan these days, even reddit and facebook

>> No.25962175
Quoted by: >>25962214

if she gets another copyright strike she's dead for real anon

>> No.25962176

Nutters is a million times better than Risuners you dumb rrat.

>> No.25962177
Quoted by: >>25962610

EXPLAIN to me already wtf is wrong with this picture.
Why all text is blurry except profile names? literally look at chat or interface, everything is fucking blurry.
IS this photoshop? Why is it like that?

>> No.25962178

So I wonder if Aloe graduated because the 2 weeks weren't enough time and she didn't know when she'd be able to stream again, or if her family pressured her into quitting due to the harassment they've been receiving. If she just needs more time to sort things out, we could still get a comeback story later, but if its the latter, seems like there's no hope.

>> No.25962179

Dumb newfag rrat

>> No.25962180
File: 85 KB, 1020x576, 00045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962304

Are vtubers toons?

>> No.25962181
Quoted by: >>25962336

Man, I just started and I only have 60 cubes, I don't know if I will make it in time. How about the gold?

>> No.25962183

I've been looking for this song for ages...

>> No.25962184
File: 45 KB, 414x383, 1568117533163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962240

Streams like this is what Watame means when she said Watame no Uta was a waste of fucking time, While I enjoyed it specially when Miko stayed up and watched it you get more viewers/money/interaction doing a stream like this.

>> No.25962186
File: 236 KB, 217x342, suissway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute comet

>> No.25962188
File: 166 KB, 500x476, 1598317857533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962190

Tomorrow she will stream over Choco's anniversary stream
Tomorrow I will have yet anothe reason to hate Ayame

>> No.25962191


>> No.25962192
Quoted by: >>25962213

JOPs don't do that, they all follow the chat rules

>> No.25962193
Quoted by: >>25962468

If they don't care about ID girls, why would they care about EN girls?

>> No.25962194

aqua at the very least

>> No.25962195

Risuchaama...it's not greentext if the text isn't green

>> No.25962196

I want SENPAITACHI to gather and welcome her back in a 3D stream

>> No.25962197
Quoted by: >>25962229

This shitshow really showcased how fucking foreign the Japanese can be evenfor unironic weebs. They actually expect you to hate someone for breaking NDA with a shitty black company and saying bad things about slave driving Japanese entertainment industry. I imagine if EOPs fully understood the matter there would be more support, not less.

>> No.25962198
File: 22 KB, 299x234, 1506881861375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962234

He's right.

That tiny minority of ultra haters is fucking cancer that should be destroyed. Aloe's case leaves a horrible precedent and now those retards feel like they have the power to cancel Vtubers they don't like.

If this shit is left unchecked soon Vtuber industry will be the same cesspool as 3d idol industry.

>> No.25962199

based ecchi

>> No.25962200

>another 90 days
she would be abayo'd for good

>> No.25962201

Non membas will never know the power of Luna's ara ara voice

>> No.25962202
Quoted by: >>25962710


>> No.25962203

Aki's married.

>> No.25962204
File: 130 KB, 494x568, 1598897595645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962205
File: 641 KB, 1000x1200, 1598731662028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, thanks Flarebro!

>> No.25962206


>> No.25962208

Risu needs to lurk more.

>> No.25962210

Gen 4 superchats are mostly interconnected, right? As in, most people who have a gen 4 as their favorite probably have 3-4 of the other gen 4 in their top 5.

>> No.25962211
File: 157 KB, 360x360, 1598459460446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962237

cultural appropiation...

>> No.25962213

X Doubt

>> No.25962214

no, strikes go away. thats literally why she is on vacation

>> No.25962217
File: 336 KB, 657x451, 20200903135035_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>towa's avatar blocking out luna
didnt know they hated eachother...

>> No.25962219

Copyright strikes have been removed already and she should be able to stream now.

>> No.25962220
Quoted by: >>25962272

Now I just need that other BGM she uses for Minecraft and I'll be set

>> No.25962221

No Watame you can't sing that song he was a pedophile!

>> No.25962223

How can she be your girlfriend if she's my wife, anon?

>> No.25962224
Quoted by: >>25962867

Yes to Mel but especially her feet...

>> No.25962225

Nose, pickup towa's phone calls onegai.

>> No.25962226
Quoted by: >>25962306

Towautism is fake because she has a bunch of friends irl and isn't a complete shut in, aquautism is real. Nene is just a big dork

>> No.25962227

But all she did was scream and giggle

>> No.25962228
File: 2.13 MB, 338x480, 1583324335246.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kiss the person who designed SS outfits, They are so fucking perfect.

>> No.25962229

They really expect every word of a late teenager to be law. Hell whatever she said may be right but does she even believe in it right now? Fuckers.

>> No.25962230
Quoted by: >>25962258

No one knows that I was posting here before my debut. also watch my stream later 7 PM GMT +7

>> No.25962231
File: 182 KB, 600x811, 1336859120927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you lost, stranger?

>> No.25962232

Most people do

>> No.25962234
Quoted by: >>25962267

So it's like Twitter over here?

>> No.25962237

I can't tell if it's レロレロ or LOLOL, but it doesn't matter.

>> No.25962239

fanbases follow their holo

does this mean all of the kiryuukai are financial geniuses

>> No.25962240

>There are people here who have never experienced late night Miko ARK into WataUta into AsaCoco.

>> No.25962243
File: 89 KB, 556x688, F9C33861-BF4B-4D63-B668-4610E4E33B9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day we will have everything back ! Just never give up !!!

>> No.25962246

stop doing rush poppers korone...your nose

>> No.25962245

Imagine her doing this on your lap

>> No.25962248

Meanwhile, Coco was a math teacher at an elite school.

>> No.25962250
File: 235 KB, 447x503, civia!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Civia's youtube channel was made back in February
>before HoloEN Auditions even started
How long have they been planning for Civia to come to youtube? Also remember to subscribe!

>> No.25962251
Quoted by: >>25962300

Wonder how long until theres a greater shift between JOPs and EOPs.

>> No.25962252
File: 20 KB, 399x399, 1596543860996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you supacha Korone
>tfw she reads your name incorrectly

Yeah, kind of disappointed

>> No.25962253
Quoted by: >>25962263

>Tomorrow she will stream over Choco's anniversary stream
Will you still hate her if she doesn't?

>> No.25962254
Quoted by: >>25962299

Marine's been streaming Azur Lane, Polka has her Amazon cursor knockoff, and Coco has been doing WoWs(WoWs is practically a permanent partner to Azur Lane at this point). Kanata has also played with Coco. Past that, they're probably going to go with other popular or older Holos that didn't make the first batch.

Polka's not guaranteed due to gen 5 still being rather new, but if she's not in this next collab, then we might end up with a 3rd one down the line. However, they might also use this as an opportunity to push Gen 5 even harder. We're likely to see a lot of Gen 3 and 4 at the least. Miko is probably out due to sickness, but there will probably be 1 or 2 from the other groups.

As it stands, Marine, Coco, and Kanata are probably guaranteed at this point, so there's likely 3-5 more spots considering the original collab had 7. The only one I would confidently guess as not being possible is Miko due to being sick.

>> No.25962256

Justice for Aloe!

>> No.25962257

Thank you.

>> No.25962258

We know Ellie.

>> No.25962261

https://twitter.com/takigare3/status/1295278188428320769 who's this guy? narukami bootleg?

>> No.25962262

You wouldn't eat mutton*-flavored pudding.


>> No.25962263
Quoted by: >>25962486

She can't undo what she did in February so yes

>> No.25962264


>> No.25962266

Isn't that part of the fun?

>> No.25962267
Quoted by: >>25962301

This is the fastest thread on 4chan what do you think?

>> No.25962268
File: 122 KB, 336x336, koroheil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank Hugo Boss for that, they're stylish as fuck

>> No.25962269

highly depends if cover is ready to "cover" for her once she returns, they can easily make the official reason they fired her for "leaking live2d" completely invalid with just one announcement.

>> No.25962271


>> No.25962272
Quoted by: >>25962295

u mean this?

>> No.25962274
Quoted by: >>25962329

They are actual yakuzas

>> No.25962279

>she's already about to start passing the holostars

>> No.25962280
Quoted by: >>25962320

What the fuck... Lunabros... Towa needs to pay...

>> No.25962281

>called Cover
>can't cover shit

>> No.25962282
Quoted by: >>25962344

Where are you from?

>> No.25962285

Oh, thank goodness.

>> No.25962286

It's so much fun to watch her having fun, and she's amazingly persistent. She's got that perfect level of engagement where she always seems into it without being gratingly overenthusiastic.

>> No.25962287
File: 169 KB, 850x839, 1594397389902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962303

>Tomorrow I will have yet anothe reason to hate Ayame
Was the cat in the cage thing not a reason good enough?

>> No.25962288
Quoted by: >>25962310


>> No.25962291
Quoted by: >>25962386

>Korone wants to do 「Inside」 and possibly some other PC games

>> No.25962292

>14k subs
What happened? Where's the holo boost?

>> No.25962295

holy shit thank you! yes that's exactly it

>> No.25962300

At least we know that 90% of them are fucking pussies and a vocal portion of them are rabid maniacs

>> No.25962299

I think the biggest hint we got was a recent tweet from Cover saying they had still things planned with Azur Lane

>> No.25962301

Not even we are as bad as twitter, though.

>> No.25962302


>> No.25962303

There are plenty of reasons to hate Ayame that is what I was implying

>> No.25962304

imagine jessica rabbit as a vtuber

>> No.25962305

Aloe please come to Chile...

>> No.25962306

>implying autists can't have friends
you can still do dumb shit all the time and still have friends, they'll just be the kind of one that laughs at you

>> No.25962307
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, Botan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962340

Botan giving your testicles a message with those nails

>> No.25962309

Your own fault for not using katakana バセット オヌマイコック リタド

>> No.25962310
File: 783 KB, 718x666, 1598831004654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being fired for being a whore lmao

>> No.25962311

I-Is Civia Aloe's replacement?

>> No.25962312
Quoted by: >>25962352

Yes. I took Ui's advice and don't post with dog pictures.

>> No.25962316

How ironic that her channel has now avoided death only for her to die in real life.

>> No.25962317

I guess Polka isn't going to like any Aloe arts tonight.

>> No.25962319

already popped a chubster bros

>> No.25962320

She is already a dumb bitch with a lisp and an army of SEAfriends

>> No.25962321

Civia doesn't speak Japanese

>> No.25962323

Add the reading in katakana if you want them to get it right.

>> No.25962324


>> No.25962326

I had that happen to me twice from 2 different Chuubas, I feel you bro.

>> No.25962327


>> No.25962328
File: 348 KB, 662x837, 1598988676428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will pekora play manhunt?

>> No.25962329


>> No.25962330
Quoted by: >>25962501

I don't think Cover promoted it, that's all from Civia's twitter following.

>> No.25962331

Which means she's safe from antis !

>> No.25962332
File: 133 KB, 651x481, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25962335
File: 137 KB, 328x198, thumb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those last two
She's the embodiment of akari

>> No.25962336

You can make about 35+ cubes per week doing daily and weekly missions, with some others commissions also granting cubes.
As the gold, you can get it pretty easy but I gues you are a low level admiral (lvl <50) so having that kind of money might be a problem. I just recommend you to farm until the event.
Or you can just buy the gold with money.

>> No.25962338

What's her content like? Does she specialize in utawakus, zatsudans or vidya?

>> No.25962339

>the 0.70 one
Fucking lmao.

>> No.25962340
File: 69 KB, 180x201, 1574067719865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sharp nails
>sharp teeth
>taller than me

>> No.25962341

It's cute, why would you be disappointed?
Just write your name in Japanese next time dummy

>> No.25962342

>supacha a holo
>name uses archaic kanji
>holo can't read it
The reps...

>> No.25962344
File: 999 KB, 1800x1493, 1596318447294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm spic trash but my YT name is an english word and she used the greek or italian translator option. It sounded like shit

>> No.25962346
Quoted by: >>25962373

why is her eyes so cool compared to the rest of her design
what the fuck is this

>> No.25962347
Quoted by: >>25962609

why do we keep going back in time, what the fuck stage of the loop is this

>> No.25962348
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, stalkersoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a (You)

>> No.25962349
Quoted by: >>25962417


>> No.25962350

nice, do you have any source?

>> No.25962351

When will Coco play Postal 2?

>> No.25962352

You’re falseflagging so now i’ll use Korone from now on.

>> No.25962353

me gusta

>> No.25962355


>> No.25962357
Quoted by: >>25962417

>taller than me
>166 cm

>> No.25962359

Hololive is not promoting it actively

>> No.25962360

Subscriptions are for Japanese only. Please, Japanese only.

>> No.25962361
Quoted by: >>25962719

korone te amo!!11

>> No.25962364

Is your name actually Kalashnikov?
dude gimme an ak

>> No.25962365
Quoted by: >>25962390

>it's a watame and korone abyss episode again

I fucking swear they've done this 3 times in a row now.

>> No.25962366

Ooof I hated that level

>> No.25962367
Quoted by: >>25962417

look at this smol boi

>> No.25962368
Quoted by: >>25962403

She kinda does but nowhere near good enough

>> No.25962370

she has said many times she has a high metabolism. Her roommate is super thin

>> No.25962371
File: 1.58 MB, 4560x2296, Ayunda Kaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your HoloTwitch

>> No.25962373

a frog. a fucking frog.

>> No.25962376
Quoted by: >>25962663

can we have rosalyn please

>> No.25962379
Quoted by: >>25962398

She kisses in Japanese! Wet sloppy kisses!

>> No.25962382
Quoted by: >>25962397

I hope SMOK will play Vermintide

>> No.25962383
File: 808 KB, 4096x2304, 20200904_004137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone want to do something so if aloebros want to join, just do it.

>> No.25962385

There's literally dozens of clips on youtube from her past unarchived streams, it's okay anon, even b*rdkun does it.

>> No.25962386
Quoted by: >>25962443

Korone, Doom Eternal onegai...

>> No.25962387

she probably checks the hashtag everyday, but will never repost or click like on any of them...

>> No.25962388

>Remember this section just from the lighting alone

>> No.25962389
Quoted by: >>25962501

no promotion literally just herself and artia doing it

>> No.25962390
File: 42 KB, 511x511, 1598454165166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962434

>Dog is wrapping up while sheep still hasn't even started her superchat reading

>> No.25962392
Quoted by: >>25962587

>everybody comes to play with casual EDH decks
>Aqua plays BUG infect
Hololive needs to do this to honor their savior Quarter Pounder.

>> No.25962393
Quoted by: >>25962548

These used to say removed due to copyright strike due to Capcom, but now say removed by the uploader:


>> No.25962395

Risu please give sex onegai

>> No.25962397

Nah, fuck that. I hope SMOK will play DRG.

>> No.25962398

What a whore.
Chinese sounds fucking awful

>> No.25962399

There's no confirmation but the ghost trick videos were deleted and someone accidentally scheduled a stream on Mio's channel recently

>> No.25962400

When will anyone play cold steel haha

>> No.25962403

Which is why she needs some help from YogiriI wish

>> No.25962404


>> No.25962405

>HoloWitch team just in time for fall

>> No.25962409

Based sheep so much Dragon ball shit today

>> No.25962410

watame is singing that dragonball song now

>> No.25962411
Quoted by: >>25962503

Is it still happening?

>> No.25962412

Toei's gonna fucking arrest Watame.

>> No.25962414

how many accounts will have to manage then?

>> No.25962416

fuck yea, savage raiding with 4 floortanks when?

>> No.25962417
Quoted by: >>25962427

Shut up in some places being shorter than 166cm is normal

>> No.25962418

Did Watame just speak spanish and the chat fucking behave?

>> No.25962420


>> No.25962422
File: 711 KB, 2155x4096, clown sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka pits

>> No.25962424
File: 2.38 MB, 1920x1080, BotanDuke3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962425

I'm too N75 to ever visit 5ch so I was pretty excited because I thought she was going to get into short scary stories videos until grandma started rapping

>> No.25962426

>charla head chala a capela
I love you sheep

>> No.25962427

Maybe if you're a woman

>> No.25962429


>> No.25962431

la sheepa cantando abertura de dragonball z

>> No.25962432

>contacted Hololive operation

As in they have connections to cover corp, or a meme group?

>> No.25962433

>rage comics
make an advice animal next!

>> No.25962434

Dangerously cute sheep!

>> No.25962437

coco is 180cm tall so those guys must be massive

>> No.25962438

spicchads stop dominating us...

>> No.25962436
File: 73 KB, 230x230, 45632436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962440

CN is not JP.

>> No.25962439

Watame likes rough sex

>> No.25962442

Risu talking about 4chan


>> No.25962443
File: 641 KB, 591x548, 1594794588491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962462

She hated it.

Seriously though, from the sound of it, she was talking about the smaller indie and less known titles.

>> No.25962444

Todavía es la hora de la siesta

>> No.25962445

I wasn't looking in the chat but she was talking in spanish.

>> No.25962446

Any holo

>> No.25962447

>tfw my oshi had to use google translate to read my username
I loved it

>> No.25962449

Si, watacompadre

>> No.25962448


>> No.25962451
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1596294268728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly racist, homophobic and transphobic
is there a more based vtuber?

>> No.25962452

Surprisingly, Aloefags are unrelenting. They even have the bilibili chinks on their side now. And 300 Japanese last I checked.
Real Cover employees moderate Reddit. T-chan for example.

>> No.25962454

Good, couldn't watch Astel right now so I couldn't check whether or not it was there so thanks for posting that

>> No.25962456


>> No.25962457
File: 2.18 MB, 2066x2923, 1598803489440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962565

>ywn spank the sheep

>> No.25962460

the Moona jpg she put up is perfect

>> No.25962461
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, 1595165040394.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962525

They are actually great. Especially Suisei's

>> No.25962462
Quoted by: >>25962476

Okay, Carrion then.

>> No.25962464

>its been Towafags all along

>> No.25962465
File: 272 KB, 2048x1158, 1592283161759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that we are entering slow hours, don't forget to do your reps anonymous!
>conversation skills
>social circle
You can do it!

>> No.25962468

we were talking about delutaya not holoen

>> No.25962469

>virgin people love moona
what did she mean by this?

>> No.25962472
Quoted by: >>25962503

I swear I'll be really stop being racist to chinks if Aloe comes back because of this

>> No.25962473
File: 192 KB, 850x1202, __civia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_ctrl_z__sample-0c1e9c0cec5aa0752d86bd85f72f5450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now need to do Chinese reps too
Where will it end...
A good design goes a long way, doesn't it
. Only CN I am interested in.

>> No.25962474
Quoted by: >>25962484

>the only girl to mention 4chan on stream
Risu why..

>> No.25962476
Quoted by: >>25962786

Did she finish Banjo Kazooie yet?

>> No.25962477

Cute korone

>> No.25962478

im doing my mastrurbation reps

>> No.25962481
File: 294 KB, 339x344, homowife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I watched the Noel/Festival stream... How can they both be so ポンコツ...

>> No.25962483

"4chan people love Moona because..."
>66 minutes
"... Who doesn't love the moon?"

>> No.25962484


>> No.25962485

I wonder if Risu showed Moona the LEVEL 19 clip...

>> No.25962486
Quoted by: >>25962496

What did she do in February?

>> No.25962488

>fuck that im gonna do my sleeping reps

>> No.25962489

She will speak in english

>> No.25962490

Risu please tell Moona I want to marry her

>> No.25962491

I'm just gonna play videogames then shitpost on the internet

>> No.25962493
Quoted by: >>25962581

not watching this fake bitch

>> No.25962494

>look up art for gen 5
>aloefags drawing shit to guilt trip nene
Fuck off and graduate like her already

>> No.25962495
Quoted by: >>25962528

What the fuck she actually does browse /hlg/
I appreciate that she didn't call out the hololive thread on /jp/ so we don't draw in more retards...

>> No.25962497

Civia has some great fanart

>> No.25962496

Streamed over Choco's 3D Birthday stream, the only person who did it

>> No.25962499
File: 27 KB, 425x48, 1574643816362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962524

Looks kinda sketchy. Sure it will reach Cover?

>> No.25962501

Risu and Moona reposted it too today.

>> No.25962502
File: 419 KB, 886x499, yubi2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962503

>fan letters motivate her to fight again!
>great comeback story!
If only the reality is this gentle... Shonen plot line doesn't exist. Friendship, effort, and courage can't save anything...

>> No.25962504

Civia is pretty sexy

>> No.25962505

Las Menheras...

>> No.25962507

i really hope she saw the love for here during divegrass

>> No.25962509
File: 58 KB, 621x206, 1598467207847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot mahjong reps.

>> No.25962510

I think you need to do your reps. That's not even close to how you spell "menhera."

>> No.25962511

wheres the pitanon when you need him..

>> No.25962512

>Checks the channel
>All these nice singing clips
Thank you anon

>> No.25962514


>> No.25962513


>> No.25962517
File: 385 KB, 590x791, 15468364636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962539

>Surprisingly, Aloefags are unrelenting.
They are most likely people who got into Hololive because of the quarintines happening in the world, so seeing their first new gen and one of them involved in drama and getting sacked by antis made them riled up.

>> No.25962519

>she saw the thread during divegrass hours

>> No.25962521


>> No.25962523
File: 24 KB, 588x168, 1581078538120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone gained 2k subs through this playthrough

>> No.25962525

where did you guys get this from? any link for the VILLS vid?

>> No.25962524
Quoted by: >>25962969

Accept the letters, then promptly place them in the recycling bin

>> No.25962526

>haven't watched watame's streams in a while
>look at chat
>it's no longer full green
wtf happened to the cult

>> No.25962527
Quoted by: >>25962541

Sounds based,subscribed

>> No.25962528


Don't worry she did the perfect marketing on 4chan

>> No.25962529

as if choco wasnt bullied enough by youtube...

>> No.25962531
Quoted by: >>25962616

How hard is it to get an Indo gf?

>> No.25962532
File: 2.10 MB, 1000x1778, __kiryuu_coco_hololive_drawn_by_yuyaiyaui__fb2fa5bbeb939f30bcaa48b00fd545d6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godspeed, even if it's not enough it'll still be a good moment for her.

>> No.25962534

Mound of venus

>> No.25962535

>Aloefags are Towafags
Who would've thought?

>> No.25962537
File: 878 KB, 676x1000, Clownpits21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962538

The god dog is literally unstoppable

>> No.25962539

That should rile up anyone who isn't a psychopath.

>> No.25962540

>Aloe leaves
>Replaced by literal unicorn

>> No.25962541
File: 308 KB, 459x466, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962542

Mahjong was aborted though when cover got Nintendo permission.

>> No.25962544
File: 145 KB, 828x1708, EdfR-eaU0AEV8mk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu, please tell Moona I want to feel her Moonas....

>> No.25962545
Quoted by: >>25962603

I only do this ones, sorry

>> No.25962546

Man, remember when 4chan hated Moona? Was it Risu all along? Did she engineer this change? A powerful treerat...

>> No.25962547
Quoted by: >>25962646

I'm certain the thread she opened was that one thread after divegrass where one of the first posts was someone saying they love Moona

>> No.25962548
Quoted by: >>25962575

that's not a definitive sign the strikes were removed. that could just as easily mean that whatever conversation Cover and Capcom had fell through and that they were told to remove anything videos infringing on their copyrights

>> No.25962549

Why is she so mean to us compared to Artia?

>> No.25962552

the yubiman....

>> No.25962554
Quoted by: >>25963599

fucking spat my water out

>> No.25962558
Quoted by: >>25962836

People die when they are killed.

>> No.25962559
File: 13 KB, 256x165, EgfuWYWUMAAD7Ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962592


>> No.25962560

Godspeed Aloebros

>> No.25962563
Quoted by: >>25962585

You mean the Bibi fatass and the Bibi-looking slime? That's how Aloe's familiars looks actually.

>> No.25962562

>Puts a bunch of stuff on screen
>Leaves her toys scattered around
>Stream ends there

>> No.25962564

Nobody play mahjong anymore,old man

>> No.25962565
File: 847 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962588


>> No.25962568
Quoted by: >>25962704

Is she capable of being the face of hololive once she passes FBK?

>> No.25962569

incline attracted a lot of new viewers

>> No.25962570

This yubi plot ark's too rich with twists

>> No.25962571

I'm still too scared to type in japanese in a holo's chat in case someone makes fun of me

>> No.25962572
Quoted by: >>25962579

Risu was the one who doxxed Iofi too

>> No.25962574
File: 89 KB, 240x240, 1597448645495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the best excuse you could come up with to skip your mahjong reps?

>> No.25962575
Quoted by: >>25962751

I thought you couldn't remove videos with copyright strikes on them? Why would it have taken this long otherwise?

>> No.25962576
File: 23 KB, 347x340, 1596406149513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, Moona really is /ourgirl/

>> No.25962579

I-Is she the Nene of holoID...

>> No.25962580

Botan knows Mahjong they're 4.
There's a chance.

>> No.25962581

How is she fake?

>> No.25962583
Quoted by: >>25962598

Did she do it on purpose? Rushia accidentally streamed a bit over Towa’s birthday but she immediately apologized and ended the stream once she noticed

>> No.25962584

you forgot gacha reps and archive reps

>> No.25962585

Yeah, both designs feel complimentary.

>> No.25962587

>Deck with an average cmc of 5
>Jank combo deck with a dozen moving parts
>Table police
>Group hug
Which holo do you think plays which?

>> No.25962588
File: 897 KB, 842x1191, 1598803438784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same desu

>> No.25962589


>> No.25962591

I played for like a week when they added it to FFXIV and then never played again

>> No.25962592

Slightly better than Haato

>> No.25962594

No. She did it on purpose

>> No.25962595
File: 338 KB, 2048x1075, 1596664668098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never thought i would care for this cute little autist

>> No.25962597

She's a woman

>> No.25962598

>Did she do it on purpose?
She even removed comments on the stream that were giving her shit for it

>> No.25962601
Quoted by: >>25962650

Don't forget her philosophical twitter posts

>> No.25962602

Iofi did a nene by being a retard, and not changing her steam name

>> No.25962603

That's still pretty good anonymous, but please remember to take care of yourself! A healthy body is the most important thing in your life, and having a good social life will open up the doors for new possibilities!

>> No.25962608

comedy gold

>> No.25962609

the time loop gets slightly bigger everytime we go through it

it feels like we're almost escaping but we never escape

>> No.25962610

tldr watame roommate was dating guy named mukkun for 7years and then she showed a friend list where the name of the blonde character is mukkun

>> No.25962611

I asked this couple of threads ago but when Kaoru's contract was terminated, were all his videos deleted of just privated? Aloe's three videos are currently privated so I wonder if this is a general approach from COVER or not.

>> No.25962612

Just type 草 or あ bro

>> No.25962613

I think you're in the wrong thread

>> No.25962615

I don't like holoID

>> No.25962617
File: 371 KB, 720x600, moonaglass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How we've come a full circle, my dear friend Coco... When we had that collab, I was just an apprentice and didn't know any better. I would like to extend you an invitation for another collab. Yes, indeed it will be another exciting stream of Super Bunny Man with your's truly. We will continue from the now infamous 'level 19', which I'm sure we will breeze through! Alas, the circle will be complete and the moon will eclipse the dragon.

>> No.25962616

Dude, Indonesia is a third world country. Show up at the airport with a wad of 100s and you'll have them lining up for marriage.

>> No.25962618
Quoted by: >>25962630

What the fuck

>> No.25962620

I highly doubt Cover is gonna go after ex employees to give them fan letters

>> No.25962622

they might laugh a bit but more in a harmless way im sure they appreciate the effort. keep it simple and you'll get your message across

>> No.25962623

haachama bros... she's asking for love advice to a literal prostitute...

>> No.25962624

she acts sweet and shit and I know she doesn't actually give a shit about me

>> No.25962625


>> No.25962626

Remember when we hated HoloID? when did they become /ourgirls/?

>> No.25962627

put this in the meme review Coco

>> No.25962628

Risu if you're reading this please tell Moona to unprivate 66 minutes

>> No.25962629

Aloefags, I kneel. Hope she gets those.

>> No.25962630

Ayame is so fucking based bros...

>> No.25962631

Fuck you, tree rat! Moona is better than you!

>> No.25962632
File: 591 KB, 900x675, 1596569079771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's waiting to be ripened for harvest

>> No.25962633

Not quite but close enough

>> No.25962635

Was just watching this
Kuku a cuCUTE

>> No.25962637

No superchat reading today for Watame. Tomorrow will be a Zatsudan superchat reading.

>> No.25962638

I mean...I think a decent prostitute would give good safe sex advice.
It's her job, afterall.

>> No.25962639

Kaoru's videos were privated. So, yeah...

>> No.25962640

They were privated

>> No.25962641


>> No.25962643

sounds like sensei needs to learn her place
ojou runs this shit

>> No.25962644

Anon... please...

>> No.25962645

I didn't ask for a fucking tldr
I asked to explain why the fuck this screenshot is like that
Also I learned here that any message to anyone on twitter = dating lmao

>> No.25962646

That has to be what happened. She was hardly a topic until she got weird on twitter.

>> No.25962648
File: 176 KB, 1100x1048, EguLmMDX0AMPPPD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based AloeCHADS

>> No.25962649
Quoted by: >>25962690

But that's the fun part. She'll read your name wrongly and she'll read it wrong next times that it will somewhat be a new nickname

>> No.25962650
File: 27 KB, 557x80, 1599146106370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want moona to make me happy with her hands

>> No.25962651

showerthought moona is the best!

>> No.25962652
Quoted by: >>25962707

everytime i wanna superchat my oshi, hes talking about something important and i dont want to take attention away from the discussion...another time, another time

>> No.25962654
File: 59 KB, 480x640, monkeys paw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dont holos notice us!?
your wish is granted

>> No.25962656
File: 341 KB, 1113x1324, 1594633920549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Sheep hours are upon us.

>> No.25962658
File: 544 KB, 1000x1000, Eem56NmU4AAVfha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to learn 百人一首 but I've stopped at 10th poem... Playing karuta by myself won't be much fun.

>> No.25962659
Quoted by: >>25962679

I hope holoEN gets a reverse Towa
a girl hated by EOPs but loved by JOPs

>> No.25962660

Oh shit Watame's going to the studio to record a song and also be in another Hologra!

>> No.25962662

Moona rando tweets are nice yes but
Risu please give sex onegai

>> No.25962663
File: 933 KB, 4096x2560, THE BEST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962959

>can we have Rosalyn please
She is too good for us.

>> No.25962664
File: 123 KB, 300x300, 1598895078817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu is our greatest ally oy vay

>> No.25962666


>> No.25962668


>> No.25962669
File: 949 KB, 2150x3036, 1598497309892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962810


>> No.25962670
Quoted by: >>25962696

All it took was gluttony, touching catballs and being good at footy.

>> No.25962671

based af

>> No.25962672

She left after the suspension for the live2d thing was over.

>> No.25962673

>Japanese Culture image board
>most of the posts are about non-JP vtubers

>> No.25962674

wtf i love moona?

>> No.25962676

Moona from her sheer force of autism, Iofi from being a language master, and tree rat from mentioning this place

>> No.25962679
Quoted by: >>25962686

Most of Towa's fanbase are Japanese.

>> No.25962680

>there are girls reading this thread right now

>> No.25962681
Quoted by: >>25962705

No superchat reading today anon.

>> No.25962683


>> No.25962684

How does Watame expect to go to sleep now when she's just eaten pudding and a cookie

>> No.25962686
Quoted by: >>25962768


>> No.25962687
File: 412 KB, 1500x2016, f201b0f777aa9d932a6980d954020925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such nice boobs going to waste!

>> No.25962688
File: 401 KB, 445x587, 72elhn3y5q251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Holo has the best overall design?

>> No.25962690
File: 65 KB, 463x453, 1598904751035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962856

>give SC to pekora
>reads my name better than expected
>give SC a second time another day
>absolutely butchered
What a racist

>> No.25962692


>> No.25962693

New blood. They will all convert to the true religion. Watame has 87% of the chatters as members

>> No.25962694

Stop sperging out astel

>> No.25962695
File: 104 KB, 1195x527, 1598555648525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"x"fags hateposts your oshi
>you let it slide
>eventually you've notice it all the time
>never post anything positive about their girl ever again
Am i the only one who does this?
And no, i'm not a Koronefag.

>> No.25962696
Quoted by: >>25962736

>touching catballs
Man this one still gets me, what the fuck is wrong her

>> No.25962697
Quoted by: >>25962750

She wasn't fired though.

>> No.25962698

Yes. I just don't feel the need to post about it constantly.

>> No.25962699
File: 66 KB, 895x352, Moona!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona is hilarious I don't know why people hated her at first..

>> No.25962700

I've learned to just not let that bother me desu
>like a streamer
>she sounds pure like she genuinely loves her audience
>find out through her social media she was married once
>and had a kid
>and now is a single mother after the husband left
>on top of it all she's like mid 30s
>all while pretending she's a 19 year old vtuber on twitch
roll with the punches I guess

>> No.25962701
File: 226 KB, 494x568, double autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962772


>> No.25962702
File: 205 KB, 800x800, EdTEKOeWsAImtRp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962755

I am watching, don't do funny things, i will know i am already behind you

>> No.25962704
Quoted by: >>25963675

I'd say no. She could probably grow into it but FBK and Marine are already so good at it why stop.

>> No.25962705

The night is still young.

>> No.25962707
Quoted by: >>25962775


>> No.25962708
File: 401 KB, 439x513, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't risu get in trouble for saying she's been in 4chan?

>> No.25962709

Do they live near L O N D O N ?

>> No.25962710
File: 6 KB, 330x318, Deep_Impact_approach_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underrated comment

>> No.25962712

>which is going to be like a siberian prison for holos who interact with EOP
You're confusing HoloEN for HoloTwitch

>> No.25962713
Quoted by: >>25962725

Is there some proper way to give them game suggestions or do I have to catch one of the rare "suggest me games" streams?

>> No.25962714
File: 1.45 MB, 3696x3758, DRAGON&#039;D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962732

Imagine railing Kanata and then having her make breakfast for you in the morning. Are Kanata's fans jealous of the dragon?

>> No.25962715
File: 2.85 MB, 2508x3541, 83910817_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cunny for ants

>> No.25962716

I unironically love her dumb jokes and autism.

>> No.25962717


>> No.25962718
File: 146 KB, 1201x665, Sonic the Hedgehog dot jaypeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962760


>> No.25962719


>> No.25962720

She's a chinese

>> No.25962722
Quoted by: >>25962745

We have streams going on, why are all you faggots talking about Moona and Risu?

>> No.25962723

Shut up, Moona is someone Hololive doesn't deserve

>> No.25962725

They have twitter tags for game recommendations. At least I know Korone does.

>> No.25962726
File: 67 KB, 662x900, 1574536432792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962764


>> No.25962727

Squirrel bitch you better not let Moona actually find this place or she'll inevitably get self-conscious and censor her autism

>> No.25962728

Fug, if Risu is around I'll try to tone down my rapeposting, I don't want Risu think I'm a perverted old man who thinks about rape 24/7...

>> No.25962730

>I don't know why people hated her at first..
It was combination of nobody watched her with cover up during mussie holiday.

>> No.25962731

If any holos are reading this, everything I said was ironic and or a joke. Licking girls armpits is gross and I totally don't want to do it.

>> No.25962732

I self insert as Coco so i don’t mind

>> No.25962733


>> No.25962734

We don't know but I think at least cover will know about it.

>> No.25962735

Okay, that's a sick burn for real

>> No.25962736

IF you have never flicked a cats nuts you're not living brother

>> No.25962737

We could always try contacting Nene instead. She might be naive enough to do it.

>> No.25962738
Quoted by: >>25962778

kek that Pekora Watame is making is small. Midge.

>> No.25962739

Astel needs to make an enderman farm this fucking Skeleton spawner is slow as shit

>> No.25962741

Would you you are a simp to the girls

>> No.25962743

sounds like any human being

>> No.25962744
File: 606 KB, 1440x959, 1594679328166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962878

probably rub one out, that usually works
im not even an ayamefag, but her design is perfect

>> No.25962745

indog shills trying to sell discount holos

>> No.25962746


>> No.25962747
Quoted by: >>25962781

What's up dogfag

>> No.25962748
File: 919 KB, 840x980, 1598982727940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962749

Alright I laughed

>> No.25962750
Quoted by: >>25962773

Even if she wasn't fired I feel like Cover really didn't do their best to keep her

>> No.25962751
Quoted by: >>25962904

To my knowledge you can't when it's a manual strike. Either it gets revoked by the copyright holder OR you have to wait for 90 days until the strikes expire.

>> No.25962753
File: 3.78 MB, 2508x3541, EeFde-4U8AAbQFe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25962752

Watame wakes up, streams for 8 hours, spends most of her remaining day browsing social media and feeling depressed, then goes to sleep and repeats.

>> No.25962754

yeah i dont think they were confirmed as couple

>> No.25962755
Quoted by: >>25962820

>i am already behind you
Then press those big squirrel melons against the back of my head.

>> No.25962756

I still don't get why Risu talks like she's fucking Russian

>> No.25962757
File: 84 KB, 207x232, 1599014856443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna try again?

>> No.25962759

>3 tombs side by side
>and Botan
sheep what are you not telling us...

>> No.25962760

Me on the right

>> No.25962761


Towa, go to sleep...

>> No.25962764

the most underrated waifu

>> No.25962767

If any holos are reading this, everything I said was completely serious. I want to rub, sniff, and lick every part of you.

>> No.25962768
Quoted by: >>25962841

42.59% of superchat earnings from overseas. Japanese are still majority although Towa does have the most overseas fans.

>> No.25962769
Quoted by: >>25962813

How do you guys even get through captcha?

>> No.25962770
Quoted by: >>25962933

Polka liked this polka

>> No.25962771
File: 296 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and redpilled akirose offending the westerners

>> No.25962772

The ultimate combination.

>> No.25962773

>I feel like
They didn't

>> No.25962774

She gave us plenty of reasons to hate her at first. Don't try to rewrite history.

>> No.25962775

Theres a lot of homos in this thread, anon

>> No.25962777

I'm pretty sure it's Noel.

>> No.25962778

She's Miko's pet lol

>> No.25962779

do you think coco knows about 4chan but actively avoid mentioning us?

>> No.25962780


>> No.25962781
Quoted by: >>25962829

I can see where you would think that, but no she's on twitch

>> No.25962782

B-but the armor values!

>> No.25962783

His name also wasn't mukkun obviously nickname

>> No.25962784

She was constantly pushing her Muslim shit until she got a concussion or something and now she's like this

>> No.25962786
Quoted by: >>25962806


>> No.25962788
Quoted by: >>25962894

he's trying to kill roberu's gimmick and shtick of being the winning son, so i think she's the splitfag

>> No.25962789

It's the nice girls effect. That's why it's perfectly fine to hate nice girls

>> No.25962790
File: 872 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962791

She used 4chan in 2010

>> No.25962792

She was muslim and during ramadan she drew covers on her shoulders bringing in anti prude people to shit on her. Then 66 minutes happened and we saw how autistic Moona can be.

>> No.25962793
File: 75 KB, 462x557, 1596396488575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962848


>> No.25962794
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, haram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hated her for
>Covering up her body, disrespecting her mama with that
>week 1 cancelling fan artists that want to make lewds
>this shit during the ahegao challenge https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova/status/1255437848377012227
>calling her fans Moonafiq (something about muslim shit, which is insulting apparently)
>Doesn't understand lewd jokes, that's why Coco had a hard time saving the collab

But after Ramadan she got her burgers and now she is cool. I wonder if she goes back again next year

>> No.25962795
Quoted by: >>25963523


>> No.25962799


>> No.25962801

why are you so obsessed with chuubas visiting this shithole?

>> No.25962802


A SexEd prostitute.

>> No.25962803
Quoted by: >>25962981


>> No.25962804


>> No.25962805

my inner chunni is loving this

>> No.25962806


>> No.25962807
File: 3.76 MB, 640x480, 1594287422378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-wait does sugar really keep you up? I thought that was just a myth?

>> No.25962808

Are you dead anon?

>> No.25962810
File: 866 KB, 676x1000, Tsunowaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962811
Quoted by: >>25962838

I have also cancelled my membersheep to sign up for AHOY because Marine sings more boomer anime songs. Gomen Watame but you wouldn't believe the things senchou can do with her Mouth...

>> No.25962813


>> No.25962815


>> No.25962816

I’d kill someone if Korone asked me to.

>> No.25962817
Quoted by: >>25964355

Coco is claiming she had no knowledge of internet culture before she started doing VTubing. Take it as you will.

>> No.25962818


>I want Miko to die
>depressed Fubuki

>> No.25962820

You are only getting bonked on the head, good night

>> No.25962821 [SPOILER] 
File: 303 KB, 1200x1600, 1599157363136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25962822
Quoted by: >>25962854

don't forget doxxing Iofi, even if it was an accident

>> No.25962824

Watame decided to stay for a bit longer for the 430k

>> No.25962825
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, 1595820256568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs more sleeping pills.

>> No.25962826
Quoted by: >>25962847

Of course she knows. She wouldn't directly mention it out of immense shitposting that it would cause here and in her chat(s).
Risu, Artia and I guess Moona have some big balls. Big, nutty balls.

>> No.25962828

Sheep going for 430K subscriber.

>> No.25962829


>> No.25962830
Quoted by: >>25962905

Do you have the template?

>> No.25962831

She's obviously getting boosted, Why is she trying to hide it?

>> No.25962833

that's her little brother

>> No.25962834

any of them that actually browse here probably have decent mental fortitude, which is a somewhat interesting trait

>> No.25962836

shut up sheero

>> No.25962837

That ahegao tweet is great though

>> No.25962838
File: 1.91 MB, 1000x1036, 1595683110880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962839
File: 27 KB, 737x266, 1598000735110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962841

almost no EOPs like subaru

>> No.25962842
Quoted by: >>25962873

>only one streaming
This sheep is pathetic

>> No.25962843

>Haachama vomits live
>Matsuri retweets thinly-veiled porn
>Miko streams eroge
>Noel/Choco """ASMR""" membership streams
Nothing happened there, so probably not

>> No.25962845
File: 275 KB, 1284x998, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962846
Quoted by: >>25962923

they're jealous of reddit obviously lol

>> No.25962847

They are foolish and don't know what they are doing, there's legit schizos here.

>> No.25962848
Quoted by: >>25962855

Guys I'm really worried about Haachama

>> No.25962851

Pretend I post the Coco image where Coco asks if people superchat just to have their name read out loud

>> No.25962849
File: 4 KB, 228x31, 1573116170679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962968

Cool mom Watame.

>> No.25962852

>4chan loves moona
If only she lurked 4 months ago

>> No.25962853

I don't think it's sugar specifically, just any food

>> No.25962854

I will always remember Sio

>> No.25962855

everything will be fire

>> No.25962856

Try for a third time

>> No.25962858
Quoted by: >>25962880


>> No.25962859

jelly of R*ddit getting meme reviews while here doesn't. I swear if Risu make a meme review from 4chan she's going to be /ourtreerat/

>> No.25962860


>> No.25962861
File: 182 KB, 396x408, number_sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is the sheep I knew!

>> No.25962862
File: 643 KB, 1041x756, Eg-qk_3UwAAct_S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gen 5

>> No.25962863
Quoted by: >>25962888

i t-thought sugar makes you sleepy

>> No.25962864
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, mio.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

casual wear Mio makes me diamonds

When she puts on the glasses it gets even better

>> No.25962865
Quoted by: >>25962928

i wish holos did countdown asmr

>> No.25962866
Quoted by: >>25962879

And it really shows

>> No.25962867
File: 60 KB, 446x488, BBAFCA9A-0AA5-44F0-85D4-FE04CABDD041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962877

Why ???

>> No.25962868
File: 545 KB, 1280x720, 1599095597063.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962914

Noel ASMR is not lewd.

>> No.25962869

if she doesnt talk shit to her coworker its fine iguess

>> No.25962870

The pussy's not mediocre, this is top tier virtual pussy

>> No.25962872
File: 984 KB, 2920x4096, 1300097689623781377_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962893


>> No.25962873

its hard to believe everything has come so far that "15k" could ever be in the same sentence as a statement of doing poorly

>> No.25962874

watameee I thought we're past that already...

>> No.25962875
File: 13 KB, 219x339, 1593795171205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only you knew how bad things really were.

>> No.25962876

Drink that pain away, Aloe...

>> No.25962877
Quoted by: >>25962907

Because they're cute and probably smell nice!!!

>> No.25962878

fuck off ayamefag

>> No.25962879
Quoted by: >>25962955

I miss 2010 4chan, it was a hundred times better than this shithole.

>> No.25962880

Not even, She played Apex on stream and she was doing awful but her twitter is filled with champions screenshots, Rather her just come out that someone is boosting her desu.

>> No.25962881

>Post 24/7 in those threads
>Risu lurk here
>A girl watch and (you) my shitpost
Later, virgins

>> No.25962882

Festival loves her dumb shooty game this is her menhera outlet

>> No.25962883

Does 4chan still fuck up JPG images with RGB color space (P3) or is it fixed mow?

>> No.25962884
Quoted by: >>25962909

Food in general does, sugar additionally prevents deep sleep

>> No.25962885

Risu, if you read this I want you to know that I like both you and Moona

>> No.25962887
File: 98 KB, 700x622, Civia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962888

Sugar spikes your blood glucose levels and can make you drowsy if you hammer it

>> No.25962889
File: 136 KB, 1266x943, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962915

>two days until mio graduation

>> No.25962890
Quoted by: >>25962919

I can't wait until HoloEN comes out. Even if they're shit I'm only going to post about EN holos

>> No.25962891

Why would she? JP holos have done much 'worse' even in terms of appealing to japanese troll culture.

>> No.25962892

wtf we love moona?!

>> No.25962894

Now this is a narrative I can get behind.

>> No.25962893

>that last one
I wasnt gonna fap today...

>> No.25962897

She now has an alt outfit that hides all the naughty bits

>> No.25962898

She's teaming with someone way better than her for sure. Her skills probably land her in low plat, not fucking diamond.

>> No.25962904

I wish we had a decisive answer for this, it's gonna determine if Mio stays 60 days more in jail or not

>> No.25962905

Check the archives for a spoilered 'maybe later' from the 23th of last month
it's just the background though, you'll have to get your own Button.

>> No.25962906

>Astel talking about Kizuna Ai

>> No.25962907
File: 54 KB, 439x442, 2529E38B-D843-4B22-9395-C4F72D0F49BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962961

I do not understand. This is werid.

>> No.25962908

it was dancing mukuro or some shit

>> No.25962909

sounds like a big fucking lie
I don't eat nothing at least 6 hours before sleep and still sleep like ass...

>> No.25962911

It was a fucking surprise to know that the meme arrows are now official quotation mark outside 4chan, see discord and e-mail.

>> No.25962912

>those t-rex arms
drawfagchama.. your anatomy reps..

>> No.25962914
File: 146 KB, 742x591, 1593827245618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends on how strong your imagination is

>> No.25962915
File: 165 KB, 367x353, haachama....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 days

>> No.25962917
Quoted by: >>25962939


>> No.25962919

Me too, whatever happens it's going to be fun

>> No.25962921
File: 1.90 MB, 1041x2817, these are the faces of duck, you must conquer each.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962978

Subau... your face...

>> No.25962920
Quoted by: >>25962945

Remember, Coco used to talk with Kaoru on twitter and even led him to burn his by taunting him during a hair removal stream.
She's probably taking revenge for Roberu being a faggot and laughing on stream minutes after Kaoru graduated.

>> No.25962923

We made Katata laugh though. That's something.

>> No.25962924
Quoted by: >>25962962

To be fair isn't she playing Apex like all the fucking day? She's bound to get a few wins I guess.

>> No.25962928

Haato did one a few months ago

>> No.25962929
Quoted by: >>25962949


>> No.25962933

She changed her name to "original Polka" when Hololive Polka debuted and Hololive Polka commented on it:

>> No.25962934
Quoted by: >>25962984

More sheep goods! Specially for 500k!

>> No.25962935
File: 52 KB, 234x139, fubusewer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962966

>Ever since the end of the world cup, I've been stuck down here, begging for scraps of spachas...
>Sometimes a few ARS roll my way, but what am I going to spend it on?
>I can't move out of this sewer until I pay off my debts from buying that gun
>Maybe I should use the gun, just one more time?
>Who's to say there will even be a tournament next season...
>If only someone would send me a few USD...onegai...

>> No.25962936
Quoted by: >>25962976

There's literally zero point in getting boosted. She probably plays with her friends, which in APEX, is basically the only way to climb consistently. You can be like Aqua and hide in a ditch for 10 hours, but any normal person would play with their friends.

>> No.25962937

Watching coco is like a time machine to 2010 shes cringe as fuck but its the fun and cute harmless cringe

>> No.25962939


>> No.25962940
Quoted by: >>25962983

I don't see what's wrong with the ahegao post, that's actually funny.

>> No.25962942

Coco is a daddy's girl. She's jealous of Robertu being called son while she's not called /ourdaughter/

>> No.25962944

>uses spic translator for your english name

>> No.25962945

>burn his
dick, he burnt his dick because of Coco.

>> No.25962947

>>Noel/Choco """ASMR""" membership streams
Did you mean Noel and Mel? The streams that the holos do now are all 健全

>> No.25962948

Now I remember, I heard it in deresute back when I played, thanks.

>> No.25962949


>> No.25962950

No one cares, he's irrelevant.

>> No.25962951
File: 183 KB, 1392x817, sio....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25962952
File: 26 KB, 514x346, Aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25962980


>> No.25962953
Quoted by: >>25963279

One main difference between Aloe and Kaoru is that Cover specified Aloe was not good mentally while just giving vague personal reasons for Kaoru, doesn't mean much but it's an interesting difference.

>> No.25962955

compare these threads post-to-post with funposting threads on /jp/ from 2010 on the archives

>> No.25962957
Quoted by: >>25962999

anon plz, theyre not saying "not eating before bed will guarantee good sleep", they're saying "eating before bed will cause bad sleep"
you understand the difference between inclusive and exclusive statements, right?

>> No.25962959

>2nd lowest subcount in b2
>yogiri the lowest
This doesn't make any fucking sense.

>> No.25962961
File: 510 KB, 554x442, 1596291184216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you telling me mel with kinkshame me?

>> No.25962962

That's a diamond promotion screenshot. You don't get to diamond without being really good at the game or getting carried there.

>> No.25962963
File: 82 KB, 500x280, 1569906687644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All korosukies are dogs
>All onigiryas are fat
Im a catfag myself and have a slow heart rate disease, so I appreciate how chill she is. And her beautiful voice, glorious beautiful voice

>> No.25962966

stay in your drain dumb cat https://streamable.com/s4x0kw

>> No.25962968

Please draw more of your daughter onegai

>> No.25962969

If that doesn't work, they can tag Holofive or gen5 or something.

>> No.25962970
File: 3.14 MB, 2048x2732, a50ec1779fc78542d6a26fc3878d985b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check succubus tags on various sites
>literally nothing but Aloe for days

But she's hated right? Seriously she should just come back. This shitstorm gave her so much publicity she would easily be one of the most popular in no time.

>> No.25962973
Quoted by: >>25963039


>> No.25962975
File: 192 KB, 900x628, 1598360207431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead hours

>> No.25962976

her friend cr kawase.

>> No.25962977

Coco reminds me of a cool wine aunt.

>> No.25962978
File: 233 KB, 1916x1080, subaru loading screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the map, where do you wish to go?

>> No.25962979
Quoted by: >>25963176

Man I'm gonna be real with you, Mel's feet are fucking disgusting. I'm not a footfag but if I was, woo boy, would I be turned off

>> No.25962980

>tfw this image is forever relevant now

>> No.25962981

So what you fuckers are telling me is that muh mukkun watame's boyfriend is LITERALLY a
And literally almost deconfirmed?
Also that this fucking SCREENSHOT they post everywhere is PHOTOSHOP
What the fuck?

>> No.25962982
File: 180 KB, 1280x1536, 1590269727380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat fat so so cat

>> No.25962983
File: 181 KB, 339x343, 1596284731718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was during the asacoco bit, where roboco did an ahegao that even Coco didn't want to show it.
but it became a challenge where holos start doing their ahegao face and posting it in twitter.
Even risu did it
Moona asked Coco on how to do it, and we got this shit as a result.

>> No.25962984

Boob mouse pad when?

>> No.25962985

Watame is still going, not that you probably care

>> No.25962986
Quoted by: >>25963018

Sio... I hope Towa remembers her when she quits.

>> No.25962987
File: 592 KB, 1076x591, 1571124613835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korosan... please... can I get my ゆび back...

>> No.25962989
Quoted by: >>25963358

it means that they reached out to Cover through the contact page on their site for permission to send them. they're being sent through the usual channels for contacting talents (ie sent to the Cover office). Cover checks any mail they get and takes months to actually get through all of them (Watame only recently got these... https://twitter.com/tsunomakiwatame/status/1297909892179607552)), there's also no guarantee that someone at Cover won't change their mind or that Aloe's roommate will actually accept them.

>> No.25962990

Fuck, everytime I see a gen 5 fanart I can only think about how Aloe is not there....

>> No.25962992
Quoted by: >>25963572

Fame is all fun and games until spergs start calling your parents and your home.

>> No.25962995
Quoted by: >>25963045

Her Yabee also caused various news sites both JOP and EOP sites reported it too

>> No.25962996
File: 311 KB, 1024x1024, 1430ad2c-a9a5-4373-beb7-fcf9331d2d09_base_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12k Yen for a bag and a phone case? damn that's expensive!

>> No.25962997

430yen supas incoming

>> No.25962998

Astel was the one who said he wishes vtubers played into their characters more right?

>> No.25962999
Quoted by: >>25963026

but when eating and not eating both results in bad sleep then what?

>> No.25963001
File: 84 KB, 293x317, kamisheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheep 430k subs

>> No.25963003
Quoted by: >>25963052

and what's wrong with Moona posting that, it's funny.

>> No.25963004

Might as well stream on Youtube

>> No.25963005

what i remember most from that was Miko, of all people, was the one who didnt want to it, and posted a "grossed out" face instead
the absolute ironing

>> No.25963007

>had 2 stream
Oh fuck off

>> No.25963009
Quoted by: >>25963061

>Watame is becoming Polka with the props

>> No.25963011
File: 3.86 MB, 320x339, 1596743358306.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this sheep still inclining

>> No.25963015

Watame no. 1

>> No.25963016
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1595865099271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that's expensive you should've seen the prices for 1 hour

>> No.25963017

Choco's stuff better not be a disappointment

>> No.25963018
Quoted by: >>25963108

Why does Towa bring nothing but destruction on her path?

>> No.25963019

Yup, i fucking hate dead hours, time for reps, abayo.

>> No.25963020

at least you can use those no problem im not chad enough to use things like that festival face shirt

>> No.25963022

think of it as superchat with bonus gifts included

>> No.25963024

Cheaper than a 13k yen akasupa.

>> No.25963025
File: 281 KB, 600x680, watamagosling (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25963026

then that means you have a different problem with your health/lifestyle that is causing the issue

>> No.25963029

She's gonna play all night and cancel morning stream, right?

>> No.25963033
File: 2.37 MB, 2762x2065, EhAg9wuU8AArXIx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see them together.

>> No.25963032
Quoted by: >>25963055

huh? no
bag and case are just a bonus

>> No.25963034

Based, I can't wait for her to pass Suisei and Miko

>> No.25963038

stonks sheep

>> No.25963037

She's doing it for someone she loves! Her BF needs financial support.

>> No.25963039
Quoted by: >>25963073

Marine has done inmu references for example.

>> No.25963040
File: 38 KB, 680x405, 0EA24572-BED0-4927-8526-B41A9E46862F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963227


>> No.25963041
File: 28 KB, 281x282, 5B3A8878-65E6-4A45-906A-3BC6BC6FF5D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963063

What ?? No. I just do not understand why.

>> No.25963043
Quoted by: >>25963150

Yeah he talked about how Vtubers had stopped being about a character and were now just streamers with an anime avatar. Can't remember when though

>> No.25963045

You mean her quitting? The "Yabee" is nothing worse than a kid her age would spout daily

>> No.25963050
Quoted by: >>25963064

How important is character design in a vtuber's success?

>> No.25963051

They didn't play together, or at least Kawase wasn't using his cr_kawase account. Pretty decent matches.

>> No.25963052
Quoted by: >>25963096

It just leaves a bad taste, where everyone was going along in the joke, and you decide to be special.

>> No.25963053

>spend $500 on risu
>"a talking squirrel haha!"
>she spends it on new pc she will use to please literally everyone else
what a cuck

>> No.25963054

Watame has now 430k subscribers.

>> No.25963055

supporting Cover*

>> No.25963056

God i miss everything about may hololive

>> No.25963057

They were flirting on twitter and he has his name on her switch, not being her boyfriend would be hard.

>> No.25963058

powerlevel concealing items

>> No.25963060

The merch is shot but the voicepack worth it.

>> No.25963061

Watame did it first lmao...

>> No.25963063
Quoted by: >>25963139

Don't go down this rabbit hole, Mel poster...

>> No.25963064


>> No.25963065
File: 147 KB, 221x292, 1595941919499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know remember the Shien / Pikamee / Kawase impromptu collab

>> No.25963068

I think Yogiri is the lowest because I'm pretty sure she's the only CN that doesn't reupload her archives, which means the only things people see when they go to her channel are clips that they have to make themselves, which I don't think she has someone to make those anymore.

>> No.25963071
Quoted by: >>25963123

Do you think Korone was spayed by YAGOO, like a good owner should do?

>> No.25963073
File: 34 KB, 640x638, 1586472368018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963110

>trolling culture

>> No.25963074

Fuumimama always watching, cute

>> No.25963077
Quoted by: >>25963086

niggas told me to read or watch the promised neverland
what do you think about it holofriends

>> No.25963083

Part of it is fiction. Part of it is real.

>> No.25963084

bryant how long has it been its time to let it go..

>> No.25963085

WHY are you TALKING like THIS calm down

>> No.25963086
Quoted by: >>25963114

I think this post is off-topic.

>> No.25963087

>give somebody money
>they use the money
>whine about them using the money
Why do people do this? Who the fuck am I quoting?

>> No.25963088
File: 1.68 MB, 206x286, Siotalkingshitaboutrbc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not anyones fault that 5ch hates Roboco for being a whore, its just who she is

>> No.25963090

Powerful sheep.

>> No.25963093
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1596222043288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what they all say at first, but they all keep coming back for more

>> No.25963094


>> No.25963095
File: 471 KB, 868x1198, y1004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963134

Look forward to her HoloEN second gen debut. All your favorite dead holos are coming back

>> No.25963096

Nice, now you're thinking like a jap.

>> No.25963097

Watame has a well behaved chat, I mean she's so nice why would you do anything to upset her.

>> No.25963099
Quoted by: >>25963153

That image isn't photoshopped you colossal fucking mongoloid. You can even go back to the VOD and see where Watame cut it out

>> No.25963102

>15k viewers when she's the only streaming

>> No.25963103

can confirm i am a fat catfag doesnt help that im also a nintenyearold manchild either

>> No.25963108
File: 132 KB, 475x475, 1598808107699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never do a deal with the devil.

>> No.25963110


>> No.25963111

~2k in one stream like Korone.

>> No.25963112
File: 984 KB, 855x885, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the last thing she saw...

>> No.25963113
Quoted by: >>25963144

the peak of the tournament, Pikamee and Bossu is dream collab stuff

>> No.25963114

shhh nobody will notice if you don't report it bro...
I just know people have patrician taste here so I want to know what you think

>> No.25963115

What does "flirting" mean? Messaging somebody on twitter is not flirting. Also flirting is not equal dating too
When you say he has his name on her switch what do you mean? Fake photoshop screenshot from above or something else?

>> No.25963116

Is "Haaton" supposed to be a variation of the word "Hardon"?

>> No.25963118

she has well behaved viewers similar to Choco and sometimes Haachama

>> No.25963122

Yeah man

>> No.25963123

Korone got spayed way before hololive

>> No.25963126
Quoted by: >>25963196

They also made dancing videos together.

>> No.25963127

pekora gets 30k when 3 others are streaming

>> No.25963130

no, it's Haato+ton(pig)

>> No.25963131

Yeah, He's also still going on about his views on being/becoming a vtuber.

>> No.25963134

Chris coming back as HoloEN was her gameplan all along. She did her best to sabotage JP so EN could surpass them.

>> No.25963133
File: 1.20 MB, 685x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big fat aqua titties
also HoloEN soon
that trainwreck will be even bigger than those whores aloe and towa

>> No.25963135
Quoted by: >>25963325

She's already talked about her squad on stream, try opening your ears. She said she climbs with Pakael and Gil.

>> No.25963138
Quoted by: >>25963196

It was a long time ago, and even if she dated him at one point I don't think she is anymore just by looking at her fucked up streaming hours and schedule.

>> No.25963139
File: 18 KB, 221x237, 75F2FC66-C3AD-42B7-8655-46568D84A101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if you say so !

>> No.25963141
Quoted by: >>25963164

She wants the chin-chin

>> No.25963144

As always, someone randomly tries to insert Holostars into the discussion. Why are you faggots so annoying?

>> No.25963145
File: 448 KB, 606x523, 1598620029334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm still not sure what to put inside Pekora senpai (the effigy)

'You should leave her head empty'
-Random viewer in chat

>> No.25963147

The new matsuri keychain is pretty cute

>> No.25963150
Quoted by: >>25963188

this is why i love luna i want to watch a baby princess i know im getting a baby princess when i watch her

>> No.25963153

EXPLAIN THEN why does it look like that? only profile names aren't blurry as fuck. Everything else - chat, interface, live2D is blurry af.
As I said before I don't even exactly doubt muh boyfriend thing but nobody explained why shit is blurry.
Link to the VOD? It isn't privated?

>> No.25963155


>> No.25963160
Quoted by: >>25963273

Flirting for 7 (seven) years!

>> No.25963161
Quoted by: >>25963236

Have you never heard of image focus you retard?

>> No.25963163
File: 323 KB, 949x771, 1598509265051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know your place scum

>> No.25963164
File: 324 KB, 680x591, 1596465443182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people would kill to get paid for doing what they love.

>> No.25963165
Quoted by: >>25963236

thats not a photoshopped screenshot, i saw it happen live. she cut it out of her archive and you can see where that happened. this is a stupid hill to die on

>> No.25963166
File: 505 KB, 640x793, okayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963222

Bros... Okayu's laugh gives me life...

>> No.25963168

but I'm a fit catfag...

>> No.25963169


It's a portmanteau of "Haato" and "ton", meaning pig as in tonkatsu.

>> No.25963172
File: 258 KB, 498x498, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963182

why are you so obsessed? just fucking ignore it if you don't want to look at it. don't be a baby

>> No.25963174

Sheep is so charming

>> No.25963175
Quoted by: >>25963193

>watame doing coffin dance

sheep no! that's cultural appropriation!

>> No.25963176

You lie. Her feet are perfection. The apex of feet. She keeps her nails cute and polished day in day out and never let's their distintctive, delicious smell fade!

>> No.25963178

>coffin dance with Miko in the background
Watame pls...

>> No.25963180
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1597097540112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys here? There's no one streaming. Close your browser and do something productive

>> No.25963182
File: 1.82 MB, 1041x842, 1584444086660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963248

shut up retarded faggot

>> No.25963183

you're late anonchama

>> No.25963184


>> No.25963185

>singing the dancing pallbearer song in front of the effigies
what the fuck did Watame mean by this

>> No.25963188

Based lunaito

>> No.25963189

>cant talk about bossu's feet or ears
its all i wanted to do here tho

>> No.25963191
File: 75 KB, 960x484, AFB904CA-4875-4746-8C4C-44F6A2585B09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically speaking, these are the only holos that actually matter, the rest could graduate and nothing would truly change.

>> No.25963192

Is there any hope for Towa?

>> No.25963193

She's not even trying to hide the fact that they're tombs anymore. All she needs now is the bodies to fill them.

>> No.25963195
File: 430 KB, 1200x1166, 1580735660354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did towa win?

>> No.25963196
Quoted by: >>25963225

Since when making dancing videos together is dating.
She made them with some girl too are they also dating?
I'm also interested was she actually messaging him on twitter FOR 7 years or it WAS 7 years ago?

>> No.25963198

yes, graduation

>> No.25963199

But I have to keep up my autism reps

>> No.25963200

Realistically speaking you're a fucking phone faggot.

>> No.25963201


>> No.25963202

So this is the power of the japanese fans... http://chng.it/BJkjk67wnr

>> No.25963203

The sheep demands viewers

>> No.25963205

Korone your archive

>> No.25963206

But Watame is streaming right now you dong

>> No.25963207

newfag here, How much Yen was the SSS NND ticket.
I wanna be ready when they do it again.

>> No.25963208
File: 1.34 MB, 924x912, 1596628018493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you get that butthurt about it, it just makes me want to post more about them

>> No.25963210
Quoted by: >>25963308

Towa reminds me of Astel, they're both awkward and play Apex.
Watch Astel.

>> No.25963212
File: 384 KB, 1463x2048, 1578143884183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio bros, how are we feeling?

>> No.25963213
Quoted by: >>25963232

Korone still in the negatives...

>> No.25963214
File: 64 KB, 451x553, tired mio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching archives. Speaking of archives... Miosha is nothing but archives now...

>> No.25963215
Quoted by: >>25963223

I still don't get the inshallah Watame symbol, was it because of that one janken with the finger?

>> No.25963216
File: 282 KB, 400x365, radical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon broski, you gotta let it go dude

>> No.25963217

is this some joke I don't get or are you really gonna shit on watame like that

>> No.25963218

>top 10 of most viewed live vtuber today

>> No.25963220

aku-tan... your growth...

>> No.25963221
Quoted by: >>25963254

What the fuck, I thought it would die at 5 signatures

>> No.25963222

this, but also her death and panic gibberish

>> No.25963223
Quoted by: >>25963247

Watame no.1

>> No.25963224
File: 188 KB, 1000x753, EftBJwrVAAI0G4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963428

matuli... haachama... onegai...

>> No.25963225
Quoted by: >>25963347

>FOR 7 years
This one

>> No.25963227

Battered Wife Tenshi

>> No.25963228

Korone what the fuck? Didn't someone posted she's 712k just a thread ago?

>> No.25963231

I'm thinking about buying the Ayame voice pack and uploading it to catbox to post here. Would it gave me a lot of (You)s?

>> No.25963232

Only because she had to reprivate like 20 videos that came back a few weeks ago.

>> No.25963233
Quoted by: >>25963385

like 80usd if i remember right i bought it and watched with everyone but its been a while

>> No.25963234
Quoted by: >>25963263

i wonder what made astel start opening up so much more often, first the gachikoi thing and now this whole mc stream. he opens up during his zatsudans but this is really often now. i dont mind but im worried something happened...

>> No.25963236
Quoted by: >>25963253

So it's ACTUALLY photoshoped?
Ok sure. As I said I don't even doubt boyfriend thing that much but screenshot looks weird with how everything is blurry except middle part.

>> No.25963237

Asacoco will return next week.
It will be the first showing of the HoloEN.

>> No.25963239

Keep crying about it dude, I'm sure it will change something

>> No.25963240


>> No.25963241
Quoted by: >>25963385

Think it was 8000.

>> No.25963242
Quoted by: >>25963265

Is Watame doing a endurance stream?

>> No.25963244


>> No.25963245
File: 318 KB, 373x442, 1599128719837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is now.

>> No.25963247


>> No.25963248
File: 215 KB, 990x1400, 4DRFhyUp2j8iy492Aj4qd8J80l2dGxFiq40SCRayn_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25963250
File: 1.60 MB, 2891x4096, 1593402323645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25963249
Quoted by: >>25963363

Buying subs as expected of a bitch

>> No.25963251

If the Pekora collab showed me anything, it's that she's just too niche and she'll probably just get Choco level of subscribers at most. But it doesnt matter, she still does well compared to a good chunk of streamers/youtubers all over the world and her cult would follow her to the ends of the earth.

>> No.25963253

Yes the image has been edited to make you focus on the middle of it
No the image is not fake like you're trying to imply

>> No.25963254
Quoted by: >>25963427

woah it's almost like...her antis were a loud minority?

>> No.25963257

I don't really care if anyone's streaming or not (unless there's an English-only stream) since I don't watch holos live because I don't know Japanese.

>> No.25963258
Quoted by: >>25963363

Yeah jesus. 2k during the stream and another 2k not even an hour later.

>> No.25963259

Take your pills, Coco.

>> No.25963260

Add two more to that list. Lose Okayu and you lose Korone. Lose Kanata and Coco is demoralized.

>> No.25963262

>Towa complained about Gold armor losing it value in today Apex stream
>few hours later they fixed all the armor health

>> No.25963263
Quoted by: >>25963345

probably just reflection from recent events

>> No.25963264

>them low kill counts on her end
yes she's 100% getting carried or at the least playing with a high tier stack that she wouldn't usually be in.

>> No.25963265

No this is just called being single

>> No.25963268
File: 37 KB, 392x408, watame_y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he STILL hasn't invested in sheepcoins

>> No.25963273

holy fuck that retard is taking it hard that watame has/had boyfriend , who would have guessed that 32 years old woman actually date people

>> No.25963274
Quoted by: >>25963297

This is a reverse psychology trick to make you post more homos

>> No.25963275

Fast. I wonder if it reaches five digit number.

>> No.25963276

Sora is too much of a figurehead to get canned.

>> No.25963279
Quoted by: >>25963311

Yeah and the wording, graduation and contract termination.

>> No.25963280

>600 viewers
I Astel inclining?

>> No.25963281
File: 258 KB, 1600x1600, EgKaeoGXsAAxop6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963296

Towa choked.

>> No.25963282


>> No.25963284

I don't want to pay for her boyfriend's dancing lessons.

>> No.25963285

Kinda amusing how Watame is grinding no continue run for Zelda in hopes that "true ending" will be something different...
We are in for a lot of tears...

>> No.25963286
Quoted by: >>25963367

>linking sankakucomplex
Fucking hell.

>> No.25963288

Future graduates:
miko - health concerns
haato - family pressure
watame - suicide
aqua - marriage

>> No.25963289

Are you expecting >5 kill games regularly in high plat? Also making it to diamond via placements is boring but still legitimate. Not saying she's diamond tier, but she's at least doing something in her games

>> No.25963290

>Slower growth than Okayu
Sell them already you lunatic

>> No.25963291

I'm watching Kanata's archives.

>> No.25963294


>> No.25963295

I'm a wataneet

>> No.25963296

>Towa choked.
Haha what a loser noob

>> No.25963297
File: 136 KB, 233x291, 1598247708694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, is it working?

>> No.25963298

Man this Hololive Official girl is pretty cute. Is she part of Gen5?

>> No.25963299


>> No.25963300

Nice. All holostars need at least one clip that goes viral

>> No.25963302


>> No.25963304
Quoted by: >>25963427

There's a lot of initiatives like this one going on for Aloe. Maybe she wasn't that hated afterfal.

>> No.25963305


>> No.25963306

Watame: double suicide with boyfriend.

>> No.25963308

Must be thanks to kind posters like >>25963210
recommending him. I'll tune in too.

>> No.25963310
File: 254 KB, 640x837, 1593433325363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't deny my unease
I'd like another tweet confirming everything's okay but for now all we can do is wait

>> No.25963311
Quoted by: >>25963451

I didn't notice that one, I suppose Kaoru got contract terminated?

>> No.25963314

None of the non-gen could get fired or canned, they're the most protected holos in hololive.

>> No.25963312

>...Who doesnt love the moon?
You can physically feel she's trying to hold herself from saying "Autism"

Still, what the fuck are you doing pandering to this place, there's too little to gain for too much risk

>> No.25963315

It will be worthless when Miko returns. We all know it.

>> No.25963318

>Watame - suicide
>Aqua - marriage


>> No.25963319

Who do you think is the most popular holo among their peers?

Subaru always gives the impression of trying to be friends with everyone.

>> No.25963321
File: 118 KB, 322x331, 1594746520148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love you

>> No.25963322

Watame said she loves me lads

>> No.25963323
File: 983 KB, 965x783, MioFreed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25963324

I love you too sheep.

>> No.25963325

Well I rarely watch her but if she's playing with Pakel then she's getting carried, Like I said I'm not bothered if she or not.

>> No.25963326

Her voice or her design. Pick one.

>> No.25963327
File: 133 KB, 1600x900, 1598901609111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25963329
Quoted by: >>25963351

Watame said she loves me bros
How isnt she the best holo?

>> No.25963328
Quoted by: >>25963351


>> No.25963330

towa - cancer

>> No.25963331

Yes, slow and steady but all the stars are inclining.

>> No.25963333
Quoted by: >>25963593

Why is the dog doing that well? Did something happen?

>> No.25963334

Lose Kanata and not only will the holohouse be the weirdest thing, but Coco will get incredibly upset
Also lose any gen 3 but rushia and that's how you break their generational unity

>> No.25963335


>> No.25963336

Powerful debiru. She's totally gonna wreck her sleep schedule now.

>> No.25963337

why's watame keep humming the coffin dance song

what do you know, sheep

>> No.25963339


>> No.25963340
File: 743 KB, 640x268, gosling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963351

"i love you"

>> No.25963341
File: 23 KB, 216x263, 1568077800389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numberfaggots are the blight upon this thread.

>> No.25963342
Quoted by: >>25963590

Wtf, is she better than Aqua?

>> No.25963344

You are watching Astel right now, right anon?
Astel Leda, from the Holostars. Born June 6th, he calls his fans Astellas. Astel Astel Astel, why aren't you watching Astel?
Here's his channel
Here's his current stream
Make sure to watch Astel.

>> No.25963345

true, that would explain him talking about his ex girlfriends

>> No.25963346


>> No.25963347

That's kinda fucked up... If they were together for 7 years... ooof
poor sheep
(hope they still are)

>> No.25963348

the comments are all in english and chinese though

>> No.25963349

Subaru, Coco and Kanata are pretty much universally loves by other holos.

>> No.25963350

>Watching this while Watame came back on stream one last time to do the coffin dance theme
Wtf dudes....

>> No.25963351

Uh guys she was clearly talking to me.

>> No.25963353
File: 366 KB, 2048x1909, Ee5gYBdUEAIatZ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy dead hours, friends

>> No.25963354

I can't believe Miko is going to die.

>> No.25963355

>Gorilla dancing
My sides.

>> No.25963356
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1599145685687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25963357
Quoted by: >>25963370

Let's request watsme to sing witch doctor?

>> No.25963358

Eh I think Cover wants her to come back. Assets are still assets, if they can get their money back they might be fine with it.

>> No.25963359

All this astel posting makes me miss Astelbro. are you still around? did astel driving away gachikois drive you away too?

>> No.25963361

As much as I want her to do that I think having things go irl scared her off for good.

>> No.25963363
Quoted by: >>25963447

Her eekum bokum shit is viral on twitter.

>> No.25963365
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1569725901804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25963366

The super darling of Hololive

>> No.25963367

probably still better than linking ann

>> No.25963368
Quoted by: >>25963453

looks like we upset the schizo again

>> No.25963369

The rest are there to fill the space between prime hours

>> No.25963370


>> No.25963372

Coco - starting her own group

>> No.25963371

Dead hours? What are you talking about?
Why aren't you watching Astel?

>> No.25963374

Are you fine? Dont forget to take your meds

>> No.25963375

Nah she still posts here

>> No.25963378
Quoted by: >>25963405

>Dead hours
I guess I can do my Crusader Kings 3 reps now...

>> No.25963379
Quoted by: >>25963437

They haven't break up yet. It's just membersheep cope.

>> No.25963382
Quoted by: >>25963406

Remember when being a contrarian meant you watch Towa instead of watching exclusively non-jp holos while wanting a literal slut back in idol group?

>> No.25963383

I can see why you would say that...

>> No.25963384

Coco if you include notoriety. She gets looked at alot to see how to milk EOPs and how not to be so stiff (dancing, acting/mannerisms, trends, singing to an extent).

>> No.25963385
Quoted by: >>25963411

That much!? Fucking hell. I don't superchat or membership anyone so I'd thought I would give by via this way, Thanks.

>> No.25963387

I remember him barely reaching 100 in his late night minecraft stream.
He really inclined hard
And the 50% overseas fans at play there

>> No.25963388


>> No.25963390

hold me lamy mama i dont like dead hours

>> No.25963392
File: 236 KB, 828x1792, 1596891200589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks rammy

>> No.25963393

Fubuki - Crimes against humanity

>> No.25963394

Mio - forgotten

>> No.25963396

Miko, Subaru, Kanata

>> No.25963400
Quoted by: >>25963788

Are there any Marinefag here? How longs are the ASMRs in her birthday pack?

>> No.25963403

Dead hours are lonely, I was hoping Watame would go for just a little bit longer

>> No.25963401

Shion - depression

>> No.25963405


>> No.25963406
Quoted by: >>25963435

you're eigo reps anonchama...

>> No.25963407

Thanks bro I'll give him a watch.

>> No.25963408
Quoted by: >>25963424

im still here, i was talking about him earlier too. i still talk about him here whenever i can

>> No.25963409
File: 1.06 MB, 1231x1080, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was talking offcamera to Mukkun and forgot to mute

>> No.25963410

daily reminder that it's better for your holo to have had a long term boyfriend than for her to have been perpetually "single" because:
if someone was able to put up with her for that long, it means she's more likely to actually be a caring and loving person irl and
she's much less likely to have been hooking up with multiple dudes

>> No.25963411

it was a good time. still waiting on my blue ray copy

>> No.25963416

Literally everyone is a future graduates

>> No.25963418
File: 103 KB, 230x276, 1596714768850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Digging holes and taking souls

>> No.25963417

Actually, I will do that instead
Thanks anon

>> No.25963419

my narative :
> They met in college.
> He found a job ,she didn't.
> She Lived doing YT/NND things fed by him
> He broke because got tired of her.
> She needed money, so she did hololive audition + maybe other agency.
> got hired and know she feel lonely.

>> No.25963420

Hololive is family.

There are warm friends here.

>> No.25963421

June 6th? Why does Astel have the same birthday as Watame? That's very rude of him.

>> No.25963424

cool. sorry for calling you out

>> No.25963423


>> No.25963426
File: 3.21 MB, 2047x3035, 4ce0c959f4bfcd1fff34ed38fe929af3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

¡Me voy a vivir a Rusia!

>> No.25963427
Quoted by: >>25963510

To be honest, she broke down before she could even try.

>> No.25963428

Haachama looks hot in here

>> No.25963430

Isn't Watame birthday all week?

>> No.25963432
Quoted by: >>25963455

Cover - Bought by Apple

>> No.25963433
Quoted by: >>25963457

Luna > Watame

>> No.25963435


>> No.25963436
Quoted by: >>25963481

Looks like polka has zero people to talk about her

>> No.25963437

being together for 7 years and not getting married or having children is also kinda fucked up when you think about it

>> No.25963438

>Same time


>> No.25963439

based headcanon

>> No.25963440

fuck it,might as well

>> No.25963444


>> No.25963446
Quoted by: >>25963456

aki and botan will save dead hours again, r-right?

>> No.25963447
Quoted by: >>25963493

Pikamee got 80k subs from her clip. Wonder how much Korone can get from this.

>> No.25963448

nah, its fine. im always surprised when people remember me since its been so long since ive done my 10k astelposting

>> No.25963450

Gorilla coming in at the end makes this whole thing.

>> No.25963451


>> No.25963452
File: 1.24 MB, 1216x902, 1583877583960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try towafag she isnt retarded like towa

>> No.25963453
Quoted by: >>25963579

Free (You)s and free advertisement for the stars in a reverse psychology sort of way. It's not too bad actually.

>> No.25963455

*by Tencent

>> No.25963456

Astel already saved it.

>> No.25963457
Quoted by: >>25963464

Watame > Luna

Still the 2 best from 4th gen

>> No.25963458
File: 456 KB, 680x485, rngj2g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963508

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.25963460

I've never seen Okayu not get along with somebody. I'd probably say Subaru though, because she also puts a lot of effort into forging new bonds.

>> No.25963459

It's really hard to leave this place.

I bet everyday-I-will-draw-Okayubro is still here.

>> No.25963461
File: 1.01 MB, 1152x648, 1597956159440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever think about the fact that you're eventually going to watch your oshi for the very last time and not even realize it? I thought that was interesting

>> No.25963462

nuh uh
my oshi will continue being a hololive until she's 100

>> No.25963464

Luna > Watame

>> No.25963469
File: 242 KB, 328x442, 1593589705302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these people wanting to send letters to Aloe or want to send messages of support, Have you ever thought maybe she doesn't want to keep this shit going? Why are you just acting on your own maybe Aloe just wants to forget all this shit and move on.

>> No.25963468
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 1587146611967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anzu you better come back and take care of Miko

>> No.25963472

except Watame had a job as a teacher irl

>> No.25963474
Quoted by: >>25963616

YAGOO enka collab when?! https://streamable.com/iet67c

>> No.25963475
File: 24 KB, 700x467, 42E9as7NaTaAi4A6JcuFwG-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963612


>> No.25963476

>fed by him
Based architect mukkun

>> No.25963480
Quoted by: >>25963546

I'll always be grateful for it because he became one of my favorites after I rewatched him because of you

>> No.25963481
Quoted by: >>25963501

She didn't stream today and she was just doing meme tweets. No Aloe tribute likes either

>> No.25963482
Quoted by: >>25963516


>> No.25963483
Quoted by: >>25963546

i miss the wholesome posting, how times have changed

>> No.25963484
Quoted by: >>25963519

I completely forgot about him
Wasn't he supposed to come back?
Fuck I miss his cute little drawings now

>> No.25963487
File: 90 KB, 844x665, 118766013_3817341954962650_8344343778678794729_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963503

>> No.25963488

A pretty good shill post ngl.

>> No.25963490

That's not how it works.

>> No.25963491

Gen 2 of Holostars debuted before Gen 4 did. Astel and Temma debuted beginning of December while Roberu debuted a few days before Kanata

>> No.25963492
File: 94 KB, 1121x931, 20200903_145828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963547


>> No.25963493

Well the Pikamee one was pretty funny plus all the Jojo fans claimed that one.

>> No.25963494
Quoted by: >>25963529

Aqua got to Diamond with an average of ~300 damage per game, so I'm not sure what your point is.

>> No.25963497
File: 211 KB, 403x313, 5A5B3792-4FE6-4104-9295-E84D3B9B53B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963509

>> No.25963496

Ha ha ha ha. Astel is on fire today. I enjoy Astel's content. I recommend checking out Astel if you like good content.

>> No.25963498

>she isnt retarded
H-haha, yeah, there's no way she wouldn't contact her friend for three months over a misuderstanding, haha...

>> No.25963499
Quoted by: >>25963512

So this is the famous /hlg/ dead hours...

>> No.25963501

Still don't understand what the 5ch copypasta was about

>> No.25963502
Quoted by: >>25963540

Hey watame just ended aprubtly

>> No.25963503
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1590630095704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait his name isnt Yagoo?

>> No.25963504

Yeah I can't see how this ungraduation can happen... it'll be even bigger shitshow...

>> No.25963505

imagine the smell

>> No.25963506

Ever since I watched Kaoru finish SotC and wondered what game he'd play next, yes.

>> No.25963507
Quoted by: >>25963567

Probably not though, most of the time people don't just get disappeared if it was a planned agreed upon retirement.

>> No.25963508

I actually understand this clip fully now from doing my reps. Maybe one day that will apply to japanese too.

>> No.25963509

Risu, play good game, onegai...

>> No.25963510

More the reason for doing this kinds of stuff, with enough support she might just want to give it another try.

>> No.25963512

No, these are Astel hours.

>> No.25963516
Quoted by: >>25963573

I know you drew that Okayu in the recent canvas. Good job.

>> No.25963518
Quoted by: >>25963736

Anon Watame is the one that had a lot of different jobs. From Working at a hospital cleaning dirty toilet bowl to being a preschool teacher.

>> No.25963519

I still upload sketches occasionally. A bit busy the past week though.

>> No.25963522

Not the ones that commit suicide before.

>> No.25963523
Quoted by: >>25963565

Does korone actually have a child I dont care personally but where does this come from?

>> No.25963526


>> No.25963527

Yes it's Tanigox

>> No.25963528
File: 17 KB, 395x277, 1583761574584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963556


>> No.25963529
Quoted by: >>25963758

Aqua is a far superior player to Matsuri and has gone to Diamond on STREAM TWICE.
Matsuri progression is mostly off stream and most of the matches are 1 kill games.

>> No.25963533
Quoted by: >>25963578

Her boyfriend's cologne. They cuddle alot.

>> No.25963534

It's his Idol name

>> No.25963536

>aqua - marriage
Who in their right mind would want to marry that chuuni midget?

>> No.25963538
File: 66 KB, 680x647, Eg_NivgU8AAaZhm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wake me up when holo becomes enjoyable again

>> No.25963540

She was ending for like half an hour lmao

>> No.25963541

Because it's not about her, it's about them. They have to be her savior no matter the cost.

>> No.25963542

anon, why is it so hard for you to accept that has had a lover at one point? She's an attractive girl, as far as i can tell from her roommate and obviously her personality

>> No.25963543

milk and flowers

>> No.25963544
File: 434 KB, 1201x896, skeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963571

>> No.25963545

I really doubt Cover would let any of the big Holos go without a proper send off, unless something crazy happened like they died (no jinx post plz).
They would have a literal angry mob ready to burn their office down if they did.

>> No.25963546

that makes me really happy, im glad you can appreciate him now. hes a good boy, people just need to give him a chance
i miss doing it...but i stopped because a lot of drama started happening, and i couldnt bring astel into that mess.

>> No.25963547
File: 959 KB, 1200x934, 82948583_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963568

>400k was 11 days ago

>> No.25963548


>> No.25963549
File: 356 KB, 757x425, 1597261803189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25963600

>Dead hours
Post vtubers that say desu wa.

>> No.25963550

Mio, Miko, Subaru, Okayu, Coco, Noel, Marine and Luna

>> No.25963551
Quoted by: >>25963580

why I can't find this stream?

>> No.25963555
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seven fox, eight fox, nine fox, Fubuki~

>> No.25963556

Wow it jumped from 300 to 1000 from when I refreshed

>> No.25963557
File: 177 KB, 281x321, 1597329406602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25963558

I like the Ayame totebag but I dont want the phonecase

>> No.25963561

I think her issue is she doesn't have a good example from her parents for a successful family relationship and somehow still feels she doesn't deserve to have a happy family life because of it.
Instead of trying to focus on her own future all she wants is to buy a house for her mother.
This is the opposite logic of how it should be.
The parent should support his child to become an adult and to be a part of society.
She still feels she doesn't deserve the love of her parents and thus does not deserve to be a parent.
Because of this all her long term relationships are going to fail when the question of a family comes because she rejects it subconsciously until she solves her past issue.

>> No.25963563

is she ded?
are nijifags this dangerous?

>> No.25963565

Yes, we fucked a few years ago and she didn't tell me she got pregnant, and then one day she called me asking me for money, and then I sued her ass
What a bitch right

>> No.25963566

>imageboard desuwa
>can't post images desuwa
s-sugoi desuwa...

>> No.25963567

I think he's more talking about the inevitability that you will eventually watch your final vtuber video.

>> No.25963568
Quoted by: >>25963586

500k at the end of this month.

>> No.25963571
Quoted by: >>25963595

All the porn we missed on... I can almost fap to it...

>> No.25963572

>calling your parents and your home
no proof

>> No.25963573

I was just happy somebody more skilled than me was there drawing her too. Pretty sure I still have another one of her he did in the past. Really nice thighs.

>> No.25963575

how in fuck is this dog exploding still

you'd think she'd be close to saturation

>> No.25963576

Risu I love you, you can have my nuts!

>> No.25963577

Yes, I enjoy every korone stream as the last one.

>> No.25963578

she doesn't have one. she's too clingy to watamates

>> No.25963579


>> No.25963580
Quoted by: >>25963614

She private it as soon as she ended that stream.

>> No.25963582

ですわ hours

>> No.25963583

Why is Astel so amazing bros?

>> No.25963585

Entire Vtuber industry is going to shit. Nothing is as fun as a year ago.

>> No.25963586

It's going to be a close one

>> No.25963587

I guess I'll watch the Ayame 3D archive then

>> No.25963589
Quoted by: >>25963609

sweaty cunny that hasnt been washed in days...

>> No.25963590

>Wtf, is she better than Aqua?
No she is not, Aqua ranked up last season on the last few days from plat to diamond, solo, and on stream

>> No.25963591

I think about it every time she streams and always prioritize her above everyone else. I don't want to ever take her for granted.

>> No.25963593

eekum bokum blew up on twitter

>> No.25963592
Quoted by: >>25963698

Don't underestimate reality, anon.

>> No.25963594

Miko will come back and you'll say the vtuber industry is saved

>> No.25963595


>> No.25963596

>favorite holo
>favorite to love-ru character

>> No.25963597
Quoted by: >>25963628

oyoyoyoyo how new desu wa?

>> No.25963598

Burden of proof is on 5ch and everyone claiming that she lied.

>> No.25963599

she always like this whenever she got complemented by others. seems like she just doesnt know how to react. moona you adorable fat fuck.

>> No.25963600
Quoted by: >>25963694

I've actually noticed that Haachama said it a few times in her Fall Guys English-only stream. I don't know if she used to say it before, if she's saying it now because of Mei or if it's just that my bwain is bloken from watching too much Haachama.

>> No.25963601


>> No.25963604
Quoted by: >>25963641

Where's your proof?

>> No.25963607
Quoted by: >>25963630

Are you guys enjoying Astel's stream?

>> No.25963608

Probably when Miko comes back, and that is if she didn't become more restricted with her game choices because permissions except ARK and minecraft.

>> No.25963609

>ywn take deef breaths of Watame's sweaty gamer girl butt as she eats pudding and cookies

>> No.25963611

1 million yen for ayame to giggle in your ear.

>> No.25963612

premium as fuck

>> No.25963614

so no one was able to record or make a clip of that moment?

>> No.25963615


>> No.25963616


>> No.25963617

The moment you label it an "industry" it's shit.

>> No.25963618

i bet she has a hairy butthoel

>> No.25963619

>Have you ever thought maybe she doesn't want to keep this shit going?
yeah that's why I only expressed my disappointment in the situation in this thread. I think continuing with hololive wouldn't have been good for her, so I hope that her decision to leave was hers alone and that she can get over this awful chapter in her life in one piece. because I know how awful it feels to see that all your bridges have been burned as a young adult. You feel helpless but you can most definitely come out the other side. The challenge is getting over the suicidal thoughts.

>> No.25963620

>did astel driving away gachikois

>> No.25963621
Quoted by: >>25963676

Is she in first place for the roberubowl?

>> No.25963622

>Fav Holo
>Fav Video game
>Game you're currently playing

>> No.25963624
Quoted by: >>25964281

man, she's old
that's hot

>> No.25963625

>Favorite Holo
>Song you want them to sing if they haven't already

>> No.25963627

I'm getting ready to propose to my aqua gf so you are correct

>> No.25963628

wow this post desuwa very kawaii desuwa very cute desuwa

>> No.25963629

Yami, but just because I'd rather be enjoying Black Cat

>> No.25963630

Pretty much. How about you anon?

>> No.25963632
Quoted by: >>25963658

fuck off, can this shit be bannable yet?

>> No.25963634


>> No.25963635

a better response would be that "any proof she provides would only potentially lead to even further doxxing, and she would likely have been instructed by the police not to share it"

>> No.25963636

How new desuwa?

>> No.25963639
Quoted by: >>25963722

He spoke about the importance of distance between him and his fans and also spoke about his past romances to make sure fans understood that he's a real person too

>> No.25963640


>> No.25963641
Quoted by: >>25963677

>guilty until proven innocent
absolute state of aloefags

>> No.25963644


>> No.25963645

In the End

>> No.25963646

Holos that put effort to communicate to their co-workers.
Coco, Mio, Marine, Fubuki, Kanata, Subaru, Miko.

>> No.25963649
Quoted by: >>25963756

You underestimate the autism of people in here and in 5ch

>> No.25963650

>your holo
>should surveryposting be bannable?

>> No.25963651

He did a stream talking about how there needs to be a line between him and his fans, and talked about his past relationships (2 gfs, 3 daughterfus) to make sure it sunk in

>> No.25963652


>> No.25963653

she's never going to be hololive, anon
just give it up...

>> No.25963654
Quoted by: >>25963665

>surveyposting at 1300 posts in

>> No.25963656

>Favorite Holo
>Do you answer surveys in this thread

>> No.25963658

Technically your post is more off-topic then all of those you quoted.

>> No.25963659

Any interesting streams from the past 8-ish hours?, i'm already watching the menhera showdown and flare minecraft

>> No.25963660

This explains why they parted way arround her 30s.

>> No.25963663
Quoted by: >>25963933

Post Desuwa channel please

>> No.25963665


>> No.25963666
Quoted by: >>25963696

3 girlfriends
one was only for a short time though

>> No.25963667


>> No.25963668

not that anon and not that i don't believe her but theoretically burden of proof should be on her

>> No.25963669
Quoted by: >>25963681


>> No.25963671


>> No.25963672

All the songs from Revue starlight

>> No.25963673

What else is there to post besides surveys and gossip?

>> No.25963674

turning Watame into a mama before she expires!
she won't have to rely on parasocial relationships to thrive if she's ceaselessly filled with developing children and taking care of her family!

>> No.25963675
Quoted by: >>25964004

Why Marine? Pekora looks like a more powerful figure for the best vtuber by a mile

>> No.25963676

>First place
I mean if you call the legal wife first place I guess.

>> No.25963677

>no she lied for literally no reason
>here's our 0 pieces of evidence to prove it
>so she lied, clearly!!!1
antis are the guilty until innocent fuckers

>> No.25963680



>> No.25963681
Quoted by: >>25963699

But anon you just answered surveys

>> No.25963682

i like the ですわ girl

>> No.25963684

What the fuck are you doing, you sly dog

>> No.25963685

Civ 5
Country Roads

>> No.25963687
Quoted by: >>25963705

Nothing, this is peak burger hours, abayo thread.

>> No.25963688

what a madman, he wans't kidding when he said he didn't give a shit about numbers anymore and just wanted to play apex

>> No.25963691

all of them

>> No.25963693


>> No.25963694

I noticed that she said desu wa exactly like Hirasaka Mei says in the collab with Watame. I haven't noticed her say desu wa before.

>> No.25963695


>> No.25963696

>Breaks up with his GF because she's too cute
Astel yo...

>> No.25963697

Post about Astel

>> No.25963698

This >>25963592
and don't believe on Cover

>> No.25963699

No he didn't

>> No.25963702

How the fuck are you gonna try to psychoanalyze someone you not only don't know but barely even know the identity of?

>> No.25963703

Your Oshi
Your second favorite

>> No.25963705
Quoted by: >>25963718

>burger hours
>at 3pm
don't kid yourself

>> No.25963707

Metroid Fusion

>> No.25963710


>> No.25963711


>> No.25963712

hopefully after the house, she will have some closure and move on.

>> No.25963713


>> No.25963715

>your favourite holo
>your favourite female character from anime/manga

Kumiko from Hibike Euphonium

>> No.25963716

>fav holo
>how racist you are

>> No.25963717

It doesn't really fucking matter if she's getting phoned or not. A concentrated effort to harass is already a dick move

>> No.25963718

Every hour is burger hours, anon

>> No.25963719
Quoted by: >>25963847

Actually it wasn't the only time she said desuwa during that collab.

>> No.25963721

>she lied for literally no reason
lied or not, she obviously got many sympathy by doing it

>> No.25963722
Quoted by: >>25963749

based, when was that?

>> No.25963723


>> No.25963724

Hava Nagila

>> No.25963725

As racist as Peko

>> No.25963726


>> No.25963727

>Holos that you're membershipped to
>Non-holos that you're membershipped to

>> No.25963728

nice desuwa

>> No.25963731

Me >>25961746

>> No.25963735

>Can't post surveys

>> No.25963736

Doing shit jobs doesn't pay an accomodation in Tokyo.
But at least this explain why, despite being 30 yo her roommate is almost a nobody.

>> No.25963740

I think it's fine as long as they're not seriously expecting her to come back or anything. The messages might even give her the closure she needs to move on with her life

>> No.25963742
Quoted by: >>25963782

What's your favorite Astel video?
What's your favorite thing about Astel?

>> No.25963743


>> No.25963744

not much, I only hate gypsies

>> No.25963747

>Can post text

>> No.25963748
Quoted by: >>25964164

>asking people to back up accusations of crime is guilty until proven innocent

>> No.25963749
Quoted by: >>25963815

He also spoke about fan stuff with Izuru in their zatusdan together

>> No.25963750

well to be fair buying a house is not her only dream.
She talked today about why she joined hololive - basically she wanted more people to listen to her songs. So that and also budokan dream, original songs dream etc.

>> No.25963752

How favourite holo?

>> No.25963753


>> No.25963754

>chronoir and valz

>> No.25963756
Quoted by: >>25963789

Sounds like a discord call

>> No.25963757

How ne-chotto matte surveychama??

>> No.25963758
Quoted by: >>25963939

Okay? Never said Matsuri was better. Why do you care though?

>> No.25963760

no because there's nothing to "prove"
assume for a second what she says is true, what reason would she have to try to prove anything online? shes got other things to deal with. and besides you know that any "proof" she provides would only be scorned by antis as illegitimate, or even used to try to dox and harass her even further

>> No.25963761
Quoted by: >>25963797


>> No.25963762

Mei is an underground vtuber sensation. All the other vtubers know about her.

>> No.25963764


>> No.25963766


>> No.25963767


>> No.25963769
Quoted by: >>25963863

Pekora, Marine, Kanata, Coco, Watame.

>> No.25963771

imagine gently prodding senchou's butthole with your pp


>> No.25963773

I agree with the petition since it's telling Cover to keep the door open for Aloe someday. Trying to directly involve her in these efforts is just putting your feelings over hers

>> No.25963774

Please watch this cute video of Sora

>> No.25963775
Quoted by: >>25963799

why is watame in 3fps?

>> No.25963776


>> No.25963777


>> No.25963781

>your imageboard
>you can't post images?

>> No.25963782

APEX tournament
Social autism

>> No.25963783

Why the fuck do people actually hate on Towa? Is it all just banter?

>> No.25963784


>> No.25963785
Quoted by: >>25963850

i feel like the only way she would be able to prove it would be to record an anti call, which could lead to worse things because the anti would then be able to confirm her phone number and spread it around

>> No.25963787

tbf lied about cutting ties with bf for no reason so it's not weird to think that

>> No.25963788
Quoted by: >>25963878

Yeah I'm here.
Special message 3:39
Sleep together ASMR 9:51
Alarm ASMR 7:02
Hot spring ASMR 9:53
Special message is the best one

>> No.25963789
Quoted by: >>25963827

you can certainly separate the audio so it isn't heard in stream. even so being in a call with a bunch of dudes while your streaming is pretty yabei

>> No.25963790


>> No.25963791

>dead hours
>thread is still alive

>> No.25963792

shion yo

>> No.25963793

Diversity for Israel

>> No.25963794
Quoted by: >>25963862

>favourite holo
>why are you spending your time here when you could have a successful, happy life instead? What's your problem?

>> No.25963796


>> No.25963797

God how fucking depressing is it that Danganronpa is someone's favorite video game. What a dire thing to read

>> No.25963798
Quoted by: >>25963923


>> No.25963799

Her PC and brain got infected with Haachama.

>> No.25963801

she is a lying whore with shit voice and garbage fanbase

>> No.25963802
Quoted by: >>25963839

I have a question, is Coco retarded? Her English is so shit lel, Artia has much better English and she is a chink.

>> No.25963803


>> No.25963805

>Can't post Towas

>> No.25963806

If they were calling her house, another family member must've answered the phone at some point. They could also provide phonerecords which show increased activity from unknown numbers during the time period when the calls happened. If they filed a police report about it, it would also support their side of the story.

>> No.25963807

Hyper please

>> No.25963809

>Exiles or Cadence and Cascade, she's been capable of doing acoustic songs so why not

>> No.25963811


>> No.25963812

>Holo thread
>Aloe no longer holo

>> No.25963815

absolutely based

>> No.25963817

I know right? It should be Danganronpa 2

>> No.25963818

>Favorite Desu
>Favorite Wa

>> No.25963821

how old?

>> No.25963823

desu wa~

>> No.25963824

How old?

>> No.25963825

Holy shit Astel, calm down!

>> No.25963826
Quoted by: >>25963923

alright that got a good chuckle out of me I submit today mel poster but tommorow is another question

>> No.25963827
Quoted by: >>25963898

Yeah for sure. Honestly I don't mind but a lot of the times people are dishonest about it to have an edge with their waifufags so it gives a bitter taste

>> No.25963828


>> No.25963829

>Your least favorite holo
>Why is it Ri

>> No.25963830

What's wrong with that?

>> No.25963833

Star Citizen

>> No.25963835
Quoted by: >>25963923

This is a nice one, thanks for the laugh.

>> No.25963837
Quoted by: >>25963871

>Open borders for Israel

>> No.25963839

This is how americans sound like. Just listen to their president.

>> No.25963840
Quoted by: >>25963846

I want to electrocute Shien until he...

>> No.25963842

I mean DR is far from my favorite game but there are far worse out there

>> No.25963844

It's mostly banter. She's not really anything special though, and her "fans" are just doing it to white knight.

>> No.25963845

>checked twitter
>actually a good bunch of JOPs supporting Aloe and insulting the industry
>that change dot org petition has almost 1500 firms already

>> No.25963846


>> No.25963847
Quoted by: >>25963908

Post timestamps

>> No.25963848
Quoted by: >>25964028

>Your favorite holo
>The last doujin you fapped to

>> No.25963849
Quoted by: >>25963879

Missed the last hour of Watame stream because work, but now can't find it in the archive

>> No.25963850

>anti would then be able to confirm her phone number and spread it around
does this meant anti harass some random unconfirmed number?

>> No.25963851

It's a lot easier than you think to reverse engineer someone's subconscious.
The subconscious operates on a simple set of rules based on your childhood memories with some added traumatic experiences.
You have to imagine what rules would generate a particular outcome.
If you don't want to have children it means you were not happy as a child and did not get enough love from your parents.
If you don't have an example of how to be a parent in a working family it's going to be hard to make one yourself.
She said in her stream she wanted to buy a house for her mother.
This is not normal
Everyone should prioritize his own happiness.
Her mother made decisions which led to her life and it's not the rule of a child to correct them.
The child however was powerless until adulthood and deserved to get enough emotional support from her parents.
Buying a house is a way to try to buy the love of her mother and get the love she failed to get as a child from her by proving that she became a part of society able to buy one.

>> No.25963852


>> No.25963856
Quoted by: >>25963915

Just got another lewd skeb approved for Aloe /hlg/, I'll post it when it's done

>> No.25963858

I say nigger every day

>> No.25963862

I've never been happy and I don't believe I ever will be.

>> No.25963863

Kanata, Towa, Coco, Korone

>> No.25963864

A literal communist SJW

>> No.25963868


>> No.25963869
Quoted by: >>25964024

The sane JOPs just needed to know that they're not that few before they can act/voice out their opinion.

>> No.25963870


>> No.25963871

USS Liberty Incident

>> No.25963872

I can't believe Pikamee browses these threads

>> No.25963874

Aqua, Aki, and Roboco
Kaga Sumire

>> No.25963877

>twap, shuba shuba, miko and aki
>izumi and kuku

>> No.25963878

Thanks anon, you convinced me to buy it.

>> No.25963879
Quoted by: >>25964061


>> No.25963880


>> No.25963883
Quoted by: >>25964098

wouldnt be the first time

>> No.25963884

I am not a racist, I hate all humans equally

>> No.25963886
Quoted by: >>25964098

yeah, you can have a good idea of who the number belongs to, but really you have no way to know for sure unless you hear their voice (i doubt she would even get to say hello before they started threatening her). ive seen it happen before, had a friend get threatening phone calls and messages, only to find out his phone was leaked as belonging to some random guy at another college that did something bad. dont remember what though

>> No.25963887

Depends. Surveyposting at start of thread is retarded, but at >1.5k post with no images left, why not?

>> No.25963889

why did Iofi make this?

>> No.25963891

I literally went to Wakonda Elementary, you tell me.

>> No.25963892 [DELETED] 


>> No.25963894
Quoted by: >>25963937

Good, soon Japan will be as accepting of promiscuity and multiculturalism as the west. Our plan is working.

>> No.25963893
Quoted by: >>25964003

It's honestly depressing how much influence few dedicated antis have. Not just with Aloe's case.

>> No.25963895


>> No.25963897

I'm a gamer

>> No.25963898

most have their own stance on it aside from the (You) farmers. Im not a tortellini fan but I won't boycott her streams she did her "time" and made her own niche so good for her

>> No.25963899

Miko Watame Sora Coco
Bell, Leona, Hoshino Mea

>> No.25963901

I wonder what Astel at for lunch today.

>> No.25963902

Autism test

>> No.25963904
Quoted by: >>25964002

>I only hate gypsies and and romanians

>> No.25963907


>> No.25963908

I only remember timestamp when Watame and Haachama was talking about armpits.
I would have to watch the stream fully again.

>> No.25963910

I believe Israel should lead the way in destroying all walls and borders between peoples, for the good of Humanity. Further, they should fully accept LGBTQ2+ paradigms, so my chuuba can thrive in peace.

>> No.25963913


>> No.25963914

A Marxist-Leninist

>> No.25963915


>> No.25963916

>haha Aloe more like poo poo
*aloe leaves*
>wtf I was only joking. Pls come back

>> No.25963920
Quoted by: >>25963947


>> No.25963921
Quoted by: >>25963930

Astel's losing viewers, you guys are watching him, right?

>> No.25963923

What ?
I am glad you liked it !! (*゚∀゚*)

>> No.25963924

>staring at you
>doesnt look directly into the camera even once
what did she mean by this?

>> No.25963929

Asians have weird fetishes, like Moona's mukbang

>> No.25963930


yeah, it's pretty comfy

>> No.25963932

Wait, is this A-chan?

>> No.25963933

hirasaka mei desuwa

>> No.25963935

They need to learn how to banter without sounding like sociopaths

>> No.25963936

00111110 01011001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100110 01100001 01110110 01101111 01110010 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101000 01101111 01101100 01101111 00001010 00111110 01001000 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01100010 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011

>> No.25963937

>say the N word
>gets deleted from the idolgroup (that consist of whores) of her dreams
nice try nijifag

>> No.25963939

>Okay? Never said Matsuri was better
Goes without saying

>> No.25963940

The worse i ever do is make slight racist jokes with co-workers. I'm not really a racist. I do hate bald people though

>> No.25963941

alright i have a question to ask

we all know that a high budget Hololive anime is an inevitability. Post your ideas for what would you like it to be about.
Should they make one SoL with all the cast or make multiple with each one capitalizing on the Holos' backstory like an idol anime about the normal girls and a fantasy anime about the fantasy type characters

Yagoo is in this thread right now taking notes and will award the anon who has the best idea with an e-date with his oshi

>> No.25963944


>> No.25963947

Is that a penis

>> No.25963948


>> No.25963950
Quoted by: >>25964016

I'm sorry dude but you LITERALLY have no idea what you are talking about.
Also quit larping

>> No.25963951

Does petitions from change.org even work? unless it was made by the company then it will be just another ego masturbation stunt

>> No.25963955


>> No.25963956

>The playing card motif is "".
Uh oh.

>> No.25963960

I believe that all races and cultures have some admirable elements, and that they should best preserve them by keeping to themselves

>> No.25963961

Gas the kikes, race war now

>> No.25963962

>there's nothing to "prove"
except there is? >>25963572
>any "proof" she provides would only be scorned by antis as illegitimate
fair point, like i said, it's not like i don't believe her and she doesn't need to prove it (it's not like we're knowing it's true or false would change anything anyway) but saying burden is proof is on the anti is just silly

>> No.25963964

you aren't smart, Robocco

>> No.25963965
Quoted by: >>25964079

>If you don't want to have children it means you were not happy as a child and did not get enough love from your parents.
This statement alone is beyond retarded.

>> No.25963966

wtf is this /vy/ acelerator

>> No.25963967

>haha Aloe more like poo poo
I don't know why I laughed at this so much

>> No.25963968

So, is Towa is collage or something? She's like 25 right? Are Ayame and Shion still in education too? Is that why they stream less than the rest of them?

>> No.25963970

Racism is retarded.

>> No.25963971

Israelis are some of the best dancers in the world. If you guys don't believe me just google "Dancing Israelis".

>> No.25963972

0111110 01001111 01101011 01100001 01111001 01110101 00001010 00111110 01110010 01100001 01110000 01101001 01100100 01110100 01100001 01100010 01101100 01100101 01110011 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101

>> No.25963973

What were her favorite subjects in uni?

>> No.25963974

no. and people are actually donating to that shit website kusa

>> No.25963975

Chris, stop posting

>> No.25963976

>18 viewers
Why. Now I'll feel guilty if I leave

>> No.25963977

give this money to Watame Mom House fund instead

>> No.25963979

I'm extremely racist, always get 1st place in any racing game I play.

>> No.25963980

what...kind of person do you have to be to send that type of message in a public chat? i hate eops

>> No.25963982

Aqua, Luna and Towa

>> No.25963983
Quoted by: >>25964000

>You will never see your favorite holo react to your favorite game
I just want to see her react to FFXIV...

>> No.25963984

Say sike RN

>> No.25963985
Quoted by: >>25964013

>A literal communist

>> No.25963986

>Post your ideas for what would you like it to be about.
cute girls doing cute things

>> No.25963990


>> No.25963991

Socialist that supports liberation from racial oppression

>> No.25963994

I hate everyone equally

>> No.25963995

Holy autism.

>> No.25963999
Quoted by: >>25964006

if that person is from here, please die

>> No.25964000
Quoted by: >>25964054

Your favorite game is a MMO?

>> No.25964001

i agree, what im saying is all the talk about
>burden of proof?
is silly, because there's nothing productive that will come of it.

>> No.25964002
Quoted by: >>25964044

I expected better from a Slavbro

>> No.25964003

it's like how in the west a few loud SJW type faggots can complain about a product they don't even consume and they get what they want
shit sucks all around and no medium is safe from these types

>> No.25964004

Pekora is too much of an autist to be attending those public things like FBK and Marine do.
Pekora and Korone will eventually be 1 and 2 in subs but FBK and Marine will still be the public faces that represent hololive.

>> No.25964005

Hologra is fine by me. Just make it 5 minutes with more elaborated jokes and presto.

>> No.25964006

W-what did they type?

>> No.25964008
Quoted by: >>25964412

Towa is learning something but we don't know what. I think it's possible that she doesn't actually learning, ahe just had a second job in the past and that was the cover-up story. She's 29 iirc or even more.

>> No.25964009

I want to cum in Polka's stupid glove.

>> No.25964010
Quoted by: >>25964071

What happened?

>> No.25964012

Miko and Mio will return, some people just have no class

>> No.25964014

name one absolute PURE holo

>> No.25964013

Ok maybe last part is a bit of an exaggeration. I'm not american after all

>> No.25964016

Please provide arguments if you want to argue why this is incorrect.
Until you do I will take it as a cope from someone trying to deny his own issues.

>> No.25964018

When's ALICE going to record a new cover?

>> No.25964019

Literally just do the Nichibros approach of having a different cast or perspective with a lot of short SoL comedy skits, just a less wacky Hologra, but that would require good writing

>> No.25964022


>> No.25964023

>Your favorite holo

My favorite holo
My answer

>> No.25964024

Japan and their herd mentality

>> No.25964025


>> No.25964028

Do Holostars have doujins?

>> No.25964029
Quoted by: >>25964196

Origin stories! Lore episodes!

>> No.25964033

Why post this?

>> No.25964034

A is real 2020

>> No.25964036

Asamiko Newsman saves Japan from the degeneracy of YAGOO and his army of fake idols.

>> No.25964037

68 74 74 70 73 3a 2f 2f 66 69 6c 65 73 2e 63 61 74 62 6f 78 2e 6d 6f 65 2f 6f 31 78 63 67 78 2e 77 65 62 6d

>> No.25964038
Quoted by: >>25964074

>that Ayame 3d stream
good thing she never streams or i might have to give this little semen demon money

>> No.25964039

Now I want to see Korone fucked by huehue monkey and a mexicaan

>> No.25964040

One episode needs to be presented as though its completely normal, but Kanata is every voice.

>> No.25964042

ohnonono towacucks?

>> No.25964043

y-yagoo can you bring back aloe?

>> No.25964044

There was a similar survey in the past what revealed that we have plenty of slav towafags here. I think only suiseifags were more. And nowadays probably Botan too.

>> No.25964045

The only pure holo is festival, and she's a femcel.

>> No.25964046

Go ask Tatsuki to direct.

>> No.25964047


>> No.25964048

Do we have any oshi polls up

Surveys are cool and all but I wanna see a more comprehensive look at /jp/'s taste

>> No.25964049

My blein is bloken minna

>> No.25964053

Someone got rid of the nigger from the image

>> No.25964054

FFXIV is a final Fantasy game before it is an MMO. It also has had the best story than any recent game.

>> No.25964055

Petitions don't do anything but show that there are people willing to take a few seconds to increase the number of at the top of the petition.

>> No.25964058
Quoted by: >>25964082


>> No.25964059

abayo chocoball

>> No.25964060
Quoted by: >>25964105


>> No.25964061

Thanks Sheep bro

>> No.25964062

that will be the big twist

>> No.25964064

broke NDA
made penis sashimi
talked shit about Hololive
called out fans for doxxing Chitose
and was promptly fired for it

don't forget

>> No.25964065

Astel is the best

>> No.25964063
Quoted by: >>25964156

now make them both black

>> No.25964068

An anime with some kind of story would be dumb I think. I would much prefer something akin to a normal TV variety show where they just acted themselves.

>> No.25964069

you mean ive been answering these surveys and no one is even compiling the data? what the fuck guys

>> No.25964071

just some vaguely harassing messages in astels chat. like "i want to run my fingers through your hair and down your chest!" and things like that but spammed it for a good few minutes. it was getting progressively worse too. astel even commented on it and said he didnt like it. キモい...at least saying that made her go away

>> No.25964072


>> No.25964074
Quoted by: >>25964101

do not give the oni money
she's there to trick young male individuals into giving her services.
She's a basically a succubus that will allure you. But unlike an actual succ, she won't have sex with you.

>> No.25964076
Quoted by: >>25964087

cringe and chigyupilled

>> No.25964077

Would you make dick sashimi out of your own body parts for your oshi?

>> No.25964078

>from atlanta
>not fucking a nigger

>> No.25964079

>This statement alone is beyond retarded.
It's completely correct. Almost everyone wants to fulfill their biological purpose, the only reason not to is if you're mentally damaged in some way (e.g. abused. gay, nihilistic)

>> No.25964081

There's a chance they don't even notice it exists. emails may at least land on their tables

>> No.25964082

Incredibly haram

>> No.25964084
Quoted by: >>25964102

I am still a virgin, just like my little sister Shion

>> No.25964085
Quoted by: >>25964337

Literally murdered Abraham Lincoln and Roosevelt and got away with it

don't forget

>> No.25964083

Please make a holohouse SOL anime

>> No.25964086
Quoted by: >>25964259

>high budget

>> No.25964087

its the truth and you've twisted the narrative so much you cant see that its the truth

>> No.25964088

pretty much the chitose is the part they're seething. They don't really care on the others but just use it to add to random harassments

>> No.25964089

Who's the smartest holo, not money making wise but IQ wise?

>> No.25964093
Quoted by: >>25964110

literally everything you wrote is wrong

>> No.25964092
Quoted by: >>25964185

Why are you so obsessed with interracial sex?

>> No.25964094

Everyone should watch that one Shien stream and hear him moaning and panting once in their life

>> No.25964095


>> No.25964096


>> No.25964097

Do different casts of chracters and different approach to them, some just SoL, some fantasy, some mixed. Just do skits, an strict storyline wouldn't work here. I'd love to see that plot of Subaru's life story being incorporated in SENPAITACHI lore animated, as in the rest of them being divine beings who watch over her since her childhood.

>> No.25964098

kek, look like i underestimated the antis

>> No.25964099

That is my fetish

>> No.25964100

Pure as in hasn't had sex? Matsuri and maybe haato and shion.

>> No.25964101

This. Do not be tricked.

>> No.25964102

your little sister molested a 28 yo. OL

>> No.25964105


>> No.25964109

this is excellent bait
half truth, half bullshit

>> No.25964110
Quoted by: >>25964128

and yet you didn't try to prove me wrong which means I automatically win

>> No.25964111

inb4 Kanata because of that meaningless test that nobody (not even Choco) took seriously.

Want the real answer?
Your least favorite

>> No.25964112

ok Chang

>> No.25964114
Quoted by: >>25964140

this but unironically

>> No.25964113

Probably Coco. She actually the one who said that she likes to study. Also actually bilingual

>> No.25964115
Quoted by: >>25964206

god I hate femcels

>> No.25964116


>> No.25964118


>> No.25964119

Nobody will believe it anyway because MUH PROXY. And I know this time for sure, Membersheep will use proxies.

>> No.25964121
Quoted by: >>25964161

The fuck. Dude isn’t even that popular how did he have the bad luck to get those psychos?

>> No.25964122

cabaya easily

>> No.25964123

is civia roommate cute?

>> No.25964125

Kanata is the smartest because she knew better and skipped the Hong Kong question

>> No.25964126


>> No.25964127


>> No.25964128
Quoted by: >>25964141

No you're still wrong
but also retarded

>> No.25964131

>Miko hasn't tweeted anything for 4 days now
I'm scared 35p...

>> No.25964133

Luna is smartest

>> No.25964134


>> No.25964138
Quoted by: >>25964158

>his oshi didnt score high on the chart

>> No.25964139
Quoted by: >>25964167

there's an old narrative that coco have 138 or 148 IQ and probably the highest among holos

>> No.25964140

B-but I was being unironic, usually I cringe at that kind of stuff but he sounds so good

>> No.25964141

how does it feel? to know that i'm right and you're wrong? huh?

>> No.25964142

Still in awe at how high Noel is, specially after her BOTW play through she really is a woman of contrast

>> No.25964144


>> No.25964145
Quoted by: >>25964240

minato aqua is monkey

>> No.25964146

Everyone knows Asian women love White men.

>> No.25964147

Academics? Probably Iofi, Civia, Coco

>> No.25964149

>this high
lol you can judge her IQ by her puzzle solving in BOTW
spoiler - it's not very high
Same for cabaya, this test means fuck all

>> No.25964150


>> No.25964151

>Miko hasn't tweeted anything for 4 days now...

Here you go, it's past all the retweets.

>> No.25964152
Quoted by: >>25964166

https://www.twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1301394768690253830 ???

>> No.25964156

this desu senpai

>> No.25964157

No u

>> No.25964158
Quoted by: >>25964186


>> No.25964159

The high school stories didn't work!

>> No.25964160

>Towa moving her head closer to Peko's
>Pekora coiling away in disgust

>> No.25964161

i dont know, it was so sudden too. i thought it was bait from here but that girl seemed serious

>> No.25964162
Quoted by: >>25964179

Coco for being american educated and/or Iofi for being a tryhard.

>> No.25964164

Who's the one taking who to court here? She doesn't name names, but you're the one trying to protect some nebulous antis' honor by claiming she lied.

So it's on you to prove she lied. If she deliberately claim Yamada Tarou harassed her, then it's on her to prove it, otherwise it's a slander.

>> No.25964163

i really want to like miko but i fucking hate people that use emojis

>> No.25964166
Quoted by: >>25964197

Well, that's weird, Because i just checked and last ones for me shows August 31st...

>> No.25964167

Is it really a narrative if it's true?

>> No.25964168

>Can't post rrat

>> No.25964169
Quoted by: >>25964243

>it's not like i don't believe her
then why are you arguing in the first place faggot?

>> No.25964171

Isn't Noel one of the few holos with a degree?

>> No.25964174

Someone remind me, what was that sexy Luna art tag she talked about earlier.

>> No.25964177

so what's the big deal?
even if she becomes a irl stalker so what?
she's a woman, he can easily defend himself from her.

>> No.25964178

It's cute when they're japanese girls

>> No.25964179
Quoted by: >>25964228

I thought we were educated stupid here in America.

>> No.25964180
Quoted by: >>25964201

>Miko graduates
>All the holos write how sad they are on twitter
>A day later literally every single holo is back to streaming like nothing happened

You know this is what would happen, right?

>> No.25964182

>chink women

>> No.25964183

I can't believe Miko flew above my house!

>> No.25964185
Quoted by: >>25964202

Coco with white guys is also interracial sex

>> No.25964186

Sorry Watame is not there

>> No.25964187

Yeah she went to university but that means nothing if you don't know what the degree is (even more so in Japan)

>> No.25964189

How does Korone do it? She's basically getting noticed left and right nowadays

>> No.25964193

Is Aqua actually that dumb?

>> No.25964192
Quoted by: >>25964204

Name ONE (1) thing more comfy than Luna's BGM

>> No.25964194
Quoted by: >>25964526

what the hell are you talking about

>> No.25964196

>An anime about Marine as a pirate captain sailing the seas for booty both in the form of treasure and cute girls
i feel like something like this would be a huge hit if produced by a proper studio like WIT

>> No.25964197
Quoted by: >>25964219

Her most recent retweet is something that was posted August 31, that's probably what you're seeing

>> No.25964198

Astel is too pure for this world, we don't deserve him

>> No.25964199

You'll love Suisei then ٩(๑ᴗ๑)و

>> No.25964200

The avatar yes

>> No.25964201
Quoted by: >>25964232

Peko will never be ogey again

>> No.25964202
Quoted by: >>25964274

It's interspecies because Coco is a dragon

>> No.25964203

Temma is on Astel's chat

>> No.25964204
Quoted by: >>25964222

Luna's piano

>> No.25964206

do incel women even exist?

>> No.25964207

She might have a degree but a degree is not exactly a good IQ indicator

>> No.25964208

Possibly signed a blood pact with the global cabal

>> No.25964209


>> No.25964210

>i fucking hate people that use emojis

>> No.25964212

no one knows what the CNs look like. Despite Chinese autism, they've never found the CN roommates.

>> No.25964215


>> No.25964217

I dunno who this is but that's cool

>> No.25964219

Ah, that makes sense, thanks anon. I don't really use it that much so idk how it works.

>> No.25964220

There are people here who aren't watching Astel right now. Just let that sink in.

>> No.25964222

Uhhh I'm thinking based

>> No.25964225


>> No.25964226

What a prankster

>> No.25964227

Moretsu pirates except its marine

>> No.25964228

Still much better than what japanese get

>> No.25964231

I fucking hate these bitches

>> No.25964232

Pekora doesn’t care about anyone but herself, don’t fool yourself.

>> No.25964235

based doggo

>> No.25964236

Probably Coco and Iofi.

>> No.25964240

>tanoshii ehehe

>> No.25964241


>> No.25964242

It should be “Towa is a whore-ah” pronounced like Mayor Quimby.

>> No.25964243
Quoted by: >>25964249

my point is, until she give a definite proof, it'll stay as unproven statement that you can choose to believe or not.
although whether she want to prove it or not is totally different matter

>> No.25964244
Quoted by: >>25964312

>sailing the seas
So it will just a compilation of her delusions?

>> No.25964246

Good one, Lamyfag

>> No.25964247

do you guys think schizo kun is actually tsundere for the stars? its not until i see him that theres an abundance of holostar talk

>> No.25964248

you should see the questions, it's a quiz not an IQ test

>> No.25964249

Are you slow?

>> No.25964250

>Tamaki trying to be relevant again

>> No.25964255

hes a nijishitter he's slower than his thread

>> No.25964256

When I say I hate a certain holo, I don't actually mean it.

>> No.25964259

it's not out of the question that they could make a deal with an established studio
i mean they're getting pretty big

>> No.25964262

I like to watch Luna's streams, they are comfy

>> No.25964264

Now I know what will be my answer when someone ask which is the worst collab

>> No.25964265

he normally pops up after one person talks about holostars, and then the homos talk about the stars to spite him, probably

>> No.25964268

yes, one of them is a holo

>> No.25964269

>An anime about marine taking as many part time jobs as she can to finally be able to afford a ship

>> No.25964270

She's got some habits that are really entertaining to listen to

>> No.25964271


>> No.25964273 [DELETED] 


>> No.25964274

and also the melanated are not human

>> No.25964275
Quoted by: >>25964295

Good thing EOPs won't understand a single word.
TamaCoco is becoming a classic at this point.

>> No.25964277
Quoted by: >>25964330

I don't post about the homos THAT often since, while I do like them, I only watch them when there are no holo girls streaming. But he has already gotten butthurt over some of my posts which only makes me post about them more just to fuck with him.

>> No.25964281
Quoted by: >>25964298

As a sheepfag its your duty to ensure that her bloodline will continue

>> No.25964283

You are a man with good taste. Luna, Subaru and Matsuri have the most entertaining streams.

>> No.25964285

Matsuri's a qualified electrician. Not even shitting you.

>> No.25964287

She needs to be to make her collab with Polka a big thing.

>> No.25964288

damn, didn't know it's Temma's first time watching Astel

>> No.25964289

If it brought Aloe back, absolutely. Without pain suppression medication either. Big ol' meat slicer.

>> No.25964291

god dog has too much power

>> No.25964295
Quoted by: >>25964303

LunaTama is better

>> No.25964296

Source? This sounds like a fun story

>> No.25964298


>> No.25964299


>> No.25964300

thats pretty cool trade skills are great she can always fall back on that. electricians in my area make good money

>> No.25964301


>> No.25964303

I like LunaTama but MarineTama and TamaCoco are always better for me.

>> No.25964307

>fav holo
>fav manga

>> No.25964308

Is this what these threads are like now when there is no drama to sperg about? How depressing. A bunch of bait about stuff that can be easily checked. It's nothing but retarded newfags in here.

>> No.25964309


>> No.25964312
Quoted by: >>25964387

>The ending is her waking up at 5 AM in a room covered in trash
>Camera pans out to her corporate wageslave uniform hanging on a door hook
>"Aaa... mata yume ka..."
Truly kino

>> No.25964313


>> No.25964317

Black Lagoon

>> No.25964318


>> No.25964319


>> No.25964320


>> No.25964325

One Piece

>> No.25964326

check out /cgl/

>> No.25964329


>> No.25964330

Same, it's pretty pathetic they get that butthurt about it.

>> No.25964332

All the meaningful posters are busy watching Astel right now. You should too.

>> No.25964333

Spirit Circle

>> No.25964335


>> No.25964336

cause this post just adds so much more to the thread right? just go do reps or watch archives its shitflinging hours

>> No.25964337
Quoted by: >>25964353

she was trying to shoot Kennedy okay it was an accident

>> No.25964338

Succubus Stayed Life

>> No.25964339


>> No.25964342

I'm listening to Roberu chair archive over watching astel

>> No.25964343

Jitsu wa Watashi wa

>> No.25964344

Towa is...

>> No.25964345

Paizuri with Lamy and her inverted nipples

>> No.25964346

>this is what anons actually think

>> No.25964347

Fun how similar those two things are. I like the cut of your jib, Anon.

>> No.25964350

Based, TTH 6 is my favorite

>> No.25964353

Aloe Ruby...

>> No.25964354

Anon most women prefer to date inclusively within their race and this also applies to Asian ones as well

>> No.25964355

She didn't recognize dril from the meme review. So I could believe it.

>> No.25964356
Quoted by: >>25964373

Tamaki wants to be the Joe Rogan of Vtubers

>> No.25964358

How was the Towa/Pekora collab?

>> No.25964361

>Fav holo
>Fav jav

>> No.25964362
Quoted by: >>25964449

One of the big probems I can see with having an anime made by a proper studio is time. From what I understand they can take years of planning and the good studios can have all their production capacity booked out for years. Imagine if you went through all that only to have the members you chose to focus on be graduated by the time it came out.

>> No.25964363

>live until I'm 100

>> No.25964365

>Coco said in her Fall Guys stream that she invited Matsuri for Meme Review
Matsurisu... we were too cocky...

>> No.25964369

kubera if webtoons count, also anything made by aka

>> No.25964370
Quoted by: >>25964375

It was shit like everything else involving T*wa

>> No.25964372
Quoted by: >>25964388

>Everyone knows Asian women love foreign man.
There fixed it for you

Don't forget to support Coco and his Cocock

>> No.25964373

>Coco: so that's when she was like DESUWA
>Tamaki: did you see where that guy tried to convert lions? Kanata pull that shit up

>> No.25964375


>> No.25964379


>> No.25964381
Quoted by: >>25964491

I told you a dozen times that I won't submit until you fix your goddamn out of focus feet

>> No.25964382

Nooo I hate matuli nowww

>> No.25964385

nice chemistry, fun moments, shit game

>> No.25964386
Quoted by: >>25964397

Kokou no Hito

>> No.25964387

>every episode ends with her waking up from an episode-long dream of adventures with her fantasy crew
>final episode is just her getting through her boring OL day and chatting with her friends who also never made it as chuubas, like a shy but kind half-deaf part timer girl at a cheap caffe Marine goes for lunch or a gaijin cosplayer with horrible drug addiction who keeps asking her for money

>> No.25964388

i still dont understand the obsession with the french

>> No.25964389

They kissed

>> No.25964390

It was better than I expected, DbD was a poor game choice but they still made it work sometimes, their interactions were fun so I hope they try another game next time

>> No.25964391

Shibuya Kaho I guess I don't really watch JAV

>> No.25964392

Coco didn’t say she invited her, Coco saw her in chat and asked her on the spot. Matsuri said. yes

>> No.25964393

Love Roma/Gunsmith Cats

>> No.25964394

Julia Boin

>> No.25964397

True taste, are you me?

>> No.25964398

Does Matsuri even pander to EOPs? or know any english?

>> No.25964399

/pol/ told me otherwise

>> No.25964400

>Tableau d'images
>Impossible de publier des images

>> No.25964402
Quoted by: >>25964413

Astel really has come out of his shell

>> No.25964403


>> No.25964404

>reading manga

>> No.25964405

They had fun.

>> No.25964406



>> No.25964407


>> No.25964409

I want to see them together more, I thought they were a good pair.

>> No.25964411

Onani Master Kurosawa

>> No.25964412

>ahe just had a second job in the past and that was the cover-up story
She mentioned having (and later quitting) a job so not a cover up. She has never mentioned what she's studying as far as I know tho.

>> No.25964413

yeah, his openness is really nice. im glad he can feel comfortable enough to talk so freely

>> No.25964415


>> No.25964417

Is your oshi older than you?

>> No.25964422


>> No.25964423
Quoted by: >>25964426

same age

>> No.25964424
Quoted by: >>25964481

You may not believe this, but meme review is content intended for Japs, the whole point of it is explaining western memes to JOPs, this means it works with any holo no matter how much they know english.

>> No.25964425

based femcel

>> No.25964426


>> No.25964428
Quoted by: >>25964482

mahou sensei negima

>> No.25964429

>Soulful holo
>Soulless holo

>> No.25964430

Ayame's job takes a lot of her time.

>> No.25964433

Am I a terrible person for wishing Coco would invite Sensei to a meme review?

>> No.25964434


>> No.25964435

By a couple years at most

>> No.25964436

No because I'm a grandpa

>> No.25964437


>> No.25964438

an angel.

>> No.25964439

Nouveau à quel point ?

>> No.25964440

shes older but not by much

>> No.25964444
Quoted by: >>25964469

when is Marine gonna show up for meme review though?

>> No.25964446

If you mean the roommate yes, she is older.

>> No.25964447

if we get a random Holo sleepover every week, I will forgive this fucking bitch for doing the meme review.

>> No.25964448

Surprisingly good chemistry, like they were already friends.

>> No.25964449

yeah you have a point. time is a major issue
also i assume voice acting for the anime would also hinder their streaming so they'd have to stream a lot less during it

>> No.25964450

Yeah, by like 9 or 8 years allegedly which is really fucking nice, i like older women

>> No.25964451
Quoted by: >>25964470

i remember her saying she quit a job just before the yabai incident

>> No.25964453

Only by few years.

>> No.25964455

>invited Matsuri

>> No.25964456
Quoted by: >>25964511

Suiseifags deserve it.

>> No.25964457

According to 5ch, 1 year younger

>> No.25964458

Only by few months so basically same age as me.

>> No.25964460

>Ayame's idol outfit

oh god my dick

>> No.25964465
Quoted by: >>25964621

I'm giving Astel a chance and he sounds like a pretty chill dude. I'm surprised he's at only like 610 viewers. Crazy how hard it is for male streamers to get anywhere, but I mean normal streamers would be shitting themselves if they got those numbers. So it's still pretty good, if he was on Twitch he could go for partner with these numbers lol

>> No.25964467
Quoted by: >>25964509

i'd actually tolerate it a lot more if the girls are there to react

>> No.25964468

While I do want Choco to become more relevant, I’m not sure she’d make a good co-host for this

>> No.25964469

If they ever announce that i would actually make a reddit accont just to wombpost

>> No.25964470

Yeah, it was around that time.

>> No.25964471

Yeah, but it feels like she is younger.

>> No.25964473

Ferme ta gueule stp

>> No.25964476

It wasn't an intelligence test it was trivia, it more shows that she doesn't really learn anything outside her interests or limited knowledge

>> No.25964477
Quoted by: >>25964501

>it's another kagura mea believes nanking was an inside job episode

>> No.25964478

Like 85% are older than me, it's pretty crazy to think about.

>> No.25964481

>explaining western memes
she giving them the worst and most cringe ones
but i guess those are easier to explain

>> No.25964482

Based. You reminded me that I need to check my backlog of UQ holder

>> No.25964486
Quoted by: >>25964503

Almost every holo is older than me

>> No.25964488

If she has fun with it I'm all for it.

>> No.25964489
Quoted by: >>25964516

She was a sushi leader

>> No.25964491

I do not like that version because there is model clipping I think.

>> No.25964494

Why do n77s suck off 5ch

>> No.25964495

Astel! Astel! Astel!
He's the most relatable!

>> No.25964496


>> No.25964499

Now theres a collab I would like to see

>> No.25964501

>Tamaki I'm gonna be honest with you I'm...I'm kind of retarded

>> No.25964502

Isn't Sheep like 4 y/o?, no idea how much older is her roommate but don't think she is over 31

>> No.25964503

Fuck off you dumb akachan

>> No.25964509

friendly reminder that /hlg/ bullied PPT into quitting meme review collabs with coco

>> No.25964511


>> No.25964513

its been pretty slow recently by this threads standards. i wonder if there really was a big ban wave after aloes graduation

>> No.25964515

>most women
I still have a chance!

>> No.25964516

Wasn't that a past job before Hololive? Not sure about it though, haven't done my roommate reps.

>> No.25964517

Every holo is older than me even Shion

>> No.25964518

Watameme... when...

>> No.25964522

she panders to ESL stalkers but is terrible at eigo so sort of

>> No.25964525
Quoted by: >>25964590

pretty sure it was folks from that eternal 1700 posts thread that might be on 3 days

>> No.25964526


>> No.25964527

Whatever happened I'm enjoying it. This is a really chill vibe.

>> No.25964529
Quoted by: >>25964562


>> No.25964530

underage not welcome

>> No.25964533
Quoted by: >>25964620

Robel and Matsuri has such good chemistry.


>> No.25964535

Pekora? Yeah

>> No.25964537

>pretty slow
kusa, these threads used to last around 6 hours. We are still super sonic fast.

>> No.25964540

She should get Towa to do it, sometimes i get the feeling that Towa understands more online english culture than coco does. Which is fucking bizarre I know. Not gona happen tho. I don't think Coco wants to stream in the same house as Towa ever again.

>> No.25964543

>/hlg/ bullied PPT
where the fuck did you get this narrative? it was all nips
during the stream, anons were very happy with Kanata being there

>> No.25964544

Nice revisioning of history, 5ch scum. PPT is the only tolerable thing about it.

>> No.25964547

she is both 25 years younger than me and 12 years older than me

>> No.25964548

Wasn’t it the jOPs?

>> No.25964550

Wrong. When given the opportunity, Asian women are more likely to date White men than men of their race.

>> No.25964551

>its been pretty slow
No it's not fucking newfag.

>> No.25964552
Quoted by: >>25964590

There was a ban wave like 2 days ago during the desuwa spam thread

>> No.25964553

every holo but Shion and Haachama is

>> No.25964554

620+ deleted posts a few days ago.

Roommate shit got deleted instantly, even casual roommate talk, that meido stayed for hours.
Best thread in months

>> No.25964555

she's 111 so yeah but her roommate isn't

>> No.25964556


>> No.25964559

im older than all but 2 holos

>> No.25964560


>> No.25964562

Aqua... Skyrim... OoT...

>> No.25964563

Underage b&

>> No.25964564

Piss off, Kabaya was the one who made the whole video tolerable.

>> No.25964566

Do you still call Haato/Shion your daughters?

>> No.25964569

Nonsense, she was adorable.

>> No.25964570

>5ch nigger trying to redirect the blame
One visit to the archives proves you wrong.

>> No.25964571

>Each week a different guest holo
Sounds fun

>> No.25964573

it was just a jannie. i wasn't banned

>> No.25964574

Miko's femcel rage https://youtu.be/OUvOlNA6Nx0

>> No.25964575

Astel is so amazing

>> No.25964576

anon, i used to be able to refresh these threads every few seconds and get 10 new posts every time. this was months ago.

>> No.25964577

Yeah, Peko is two years older than me.

>> No.25964579

weve got over 300 ips
but the shitposting hasnt been quite as bad the last few days, for whatever thats worth

>> No.25964582

It was the usual Kanata antis calling her a leech, /hlg/ had nothing to do with it.

>> No.25964587

I hope something really bad happens to ks*n irl

>> No.25964588

I wish we could send supacha to meidos.

>> No.25964589

Still 300+ IPs, not a great sign

>> No.25964590

I got banned during the spam some day ago. It was only for a day though
Most of the other anons that got caught up in it should be unbanned by now

>> No.25964591

it's because drama died down and most people moved on waiting for the next thing to shitpost about

>> No.25964592


>> No.25964593

so we've reached the point where 12ppm considered slow?

>> No.25964595

Probably because everyone's having a good time watching Astel

>> No.25964596
Quoted by: >>25964606

Nope, just Luna and Botan are older than me

>> No.25964597

She can actually do it in rotation with others as guests. Would spice up the boring meme reviews like with tenshi

>> No.25964599
Quoted by: >>25964625

Is kirameki rider the best Holosong?

>> No.25964600

i was actually in awe at how aligned the people here were in thinking Kanata turned it from an absolute shit fest into something horrifically cute thanks to her reactions

>> No.25964601

Holohouse seems like a bad idea in general, can't do anything but think it'll end in a hilarious disaster.

>> No.25964606

Same age as Mio?

>> No.25964608
Quoted by: >>25964615

man kinda wish there was a hololive gacha game where I could use fbk, ayame, and flare in a line up consisting of their samurai series units. shame

>> No.25964609

Take your meds.

>> No.25964613

sadly, no. I'll never be fubuki's shota...

>> No.25964614
Quoted by: >>25964622

I hope Towa really does move into the holohouse!

>> No.25964615

i want them in arknights i would gacha so hard

>> No.25964620

Ngl speaking with no filter and making your fellow tubes uncomfortable seems fun

>> No.25964621

I remember he was way lower than that a couple months ago. The apex tournament really help him.

>> No.25964622

towatame room when

>> No.25964624

nothing of value will be lost

>> No.25964625

It's a better solo or small group song, SSS is better for bigger groups.

>> No.25964626

I hope Astel makes it to Masters!

>> No.25964627


>> No.25964628

Said incresingly nervous anti for the 10th time this week...

>> No.25964629

Surely Coco is not gong to announce a 3D collab stream with Matsuri at the end of the Meme Review

>> No.25964630

who would be the worst guest holo

and why is it artia

>> No.25964632

astels english is so cute

>> No.25964633


>> No.25964633,1 [INTERNAL] 

how do you know she's 32?
