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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 186 KB, 1200x1759, Ea2tqMDU0AMS4L4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25912759 No.25912759 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25912762
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>> No.25912763
File: 289 KB, 1503x2048, Eg0Vjr5U4AAmU5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25912764
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25912765
File: 131 KB, 709x800, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25912766
File: 234 KB, 1060x1500, 1574407131757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't they just hire a new VA for aloe and keep the character?
Current one had shit voice anyways

>> No.25912768
File: 126 KB, 1256x885, 1598121726438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912769
File: 136 KB, 850x940, 3B47132E-9BFE-4D21-B51F-3020C297EAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912837


>> No.25912770 [DELETED] 
File: 900 KB, 707x1000, 1598027748658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.25912771
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1568279254754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25912772
File: 974 KB, 2894x4093, Eao7TRiXQAI41M9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912774
File: 80 KB, 592x576, The tweet that saved Hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912775
File: 364 KB, 1000x1414, EgYvA3_VAAAxOWF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.25912776
File: 146 KB, 600x675, n35t1gbwr8k51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912777
Quoted by: >>25912805

That'd be weird considering her tweets and diaries asking her fans to wait until she can return. People would just blame Cover for forcing her to pretend she wanted to leave all of a sudden.

>> No.25912778
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913158

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25912780
File: 576 KB, 800x800, EgZqSaeVAAEAhR_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenechi Kawaii

>> No.25912781
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1597980119030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much sex do you think she's having right now?

>> No.25912782
File: 669 KB, 591x625, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912797

3D Choco ASMR a cute

>> No.25912783

>two seconds early
learn to be patient you dumb /vg/faggot

>> No.25912784
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912825


>> No.25912785
Quoted by: >>25912799

Everyone should kill themselves including me.

>> No.25912786

No, remember Ai-chan?

>> No.25912787

Only 200 more until Izuru hits 30k

>> No.25912788


>> No.25912789

Based a-CHAD

>> No.25912791
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, D4A7DDDC-6F57-4DED-B0A6-3611F29B20EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912882

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25912792

Early threads move so fast no one will realize I jerk off exclusively to Luna.

>> No.25912793

Where do i go to hear Lunas real voice?

>> No.25912795
File: 117 KB, 952x1416, IMG_20200805_005539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for the concert!

>> No.25912794

no one does

>> No.25912796
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1594176284614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.
I look foward to the PekoTowa collab.

>> No.25912797
File: 164 KB, 277x272, 1596423406471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco a cute!

>> No.25912798


>> No.25912799

You last to make sure we all go through with it

>> No.25912800
File: 554 KB, 1169x827, 80975355_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913818


>> No.25912801

A for Aloe!

>> No.25912802
File: 122 KB, 204x225, kuso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally a wombposter OP
>2 posts early thread
Meidos, let this one slip...

>> No.25912803

>check aloe graduation file
>check kanji letters
>kanji letter number 0831 = 失
>Meanings: Lose, Miss, Be fired, Be dismissed
Forget Fault, Error, Mistake Runaway, Flee, Escape


>> No.25912804

imagine someone telling you that you can audition for a cool role but the costume is filled with cum

>> No.25912805
Quoted by: >>25912934

I dunno why people are entertaining this idea in the first place when her strikes are gone now

>> No.25912806

it isnt much different

>> No.25912807
File: 293 KB, 385x356, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912832

I see you

>> No.25912808
Quoted by: >>25912870


>> No.25912810
Quoted by: >>25912870


>> No.25912811

I feel sorry for the girls who bought 2080ti recently.

>> No.25912812
File: 3.72 MB, 1600x2262, 1598902413945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look at comments on the graduation video
>Most upvoted Nip comment says she's lucky it was a graduation and not a dismissal and that she deserved it
Jesus Christ these bug eyed freaks really aren't human are they?

>> No.25912813
File: 436 KB, 900x725, 1598971576171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912870


>> No.25912814

All of it

>> No.25912815
File: 169 KB, 720x1024, Efc7nbYVAAElvHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!

>> No.25912817
Quoted by: >>25912898

that's because she retired because of the harassment and that's why people blame cover for not protecting her
Mio can say she was just burned out
the circumstances are entirely different

>> No.25912818

she will come back

>> No.25912820
File: 47 KB, 480x733, 1596128401300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for reddit posts being linked.
reddit screencaps being posted.
twitter screencaps from literal randoms.
Discord screenshots.
Non-vtuber youtube videos.
Random youtube comments.
being posted in this thread

>> No.25912821
File: 411 KB, 860x540, ゴズリング110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miosha...I'll never forgive Cover if anything happens...

>> No.25912822


>> No.25912824

go back white knight, you lost

>> No.25912825

I can't believe Senchou is shilling for Sega tomorrow!

>> No.25912826


>> No.25912827
File: 266 KB, 1538x2048, Eg0gFjsVkAAyn_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hash dropping faggot, I will find you if you don't bring me any good news.

>> No.25912828


>> No.25912829

F-flare my ears...

>> No.25912830
Quoted by: >>25912870


>> No.25912831
Quoted by: >>25912864

Does Hololive still bring you happiness anon?

>> No.25912832

I exclusively fap to Sensei!

>> No.25912834
File: 482 KB, 538x572, wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25912835
File: 1.71 MB, 1500x2121, EfoShTYUcAEEd1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this idiot.

>> No.25912837

More like sex with you sex with you

>> No.25912839 [DELETED] 

>3070 is a 2080ti for $500
I feel bad for the holos that couldn't fucking wait one month

>> No.25912840

referencing the dislike bombs on Haachama's mixer discussion from last thread, how do youtuber idolfags reconcile the fact that even irl idols are not blanket prohibited from interacting with males?
i can understand the idolfag desire to not see boyfriends, etc, but it's seems like a huge leap from that to "they must exist in a bubble universe where males do not exist"," and even beyond what irl idols are subjected to

>> No.25912841
File: 143 KB, 855x1200, 1592520692963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912883

Can't wait for the 5th!

>> No.25912842
File: 472 KB, 850x892, 1596294268728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>openly racist, homophobic and transphobic
is there a more based vtuber

>> No.25912843
Quoted by: >>25912912

Why are you reading the bugmen's comments anon? There's nothing of value there

>> No.25912844
File: 401 KB, 325x528, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the cone there?

>> No.25912845

Fuck off tourist.

>> No.25912846
File: 103 KB, 494x568, 1598896797013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913038

>> No.25912847
File: 711 KB, 1032x1457, 83014420_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*rin rin rin rin rin rin rin rin*
do re mi~
brrr brrr brr brr brrrrrrrrr brr
warabi ii~
*page flip*
na ni fa~
*canon in d major*

>> No.25912848

A job is a job
And the character already have fans

>> No.25912849
File: 317 KB, 1573x2048, IMG_20200726_203707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 34 Thread #1

Come back soon Mikochi...

>> No.25912850 [DELETED] 

she got all the attention from antis

>> No.25912851
File: 622 KB, 600x706, risu delet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you hit 'Post.'
Remember: Risu is watching.
Risu is everywhere.
Consider this a warning.

>> No.25912852
File: 49 KB, 557x517, 1592652632872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912853 [DELETED] 
File: 711 KB, 1696x1003, 1598977912130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying 2080ti

>> No.25912854 [DELETED] 

Prices won't drop too steeply considering supply issues

>> No.25912855
Quoted by: >>25913017

She's too good and innocent for hololive, should've went for Nijisanji.
She even likes Gintama too.

>> No.25912857

The majority posters in these threads is praising a holoanti and calling him "based". Shouldn't hlg just remerge with vyt since there's literally no difference?

>> No.25912858
Quoted by: >>25913909

>Risu just bought a 2070

>> No.25912860
File: 200 KB, 1217x1122, 1572661458694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with that, she's a sexy baby

>> No.25912861
File: 10 KB, 301x221, 32d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912871

>> No.25912862
Quoted by: >>25912943

Unlike Kizuna, the slut barely streamed for 1 hour and barely spoke during the 2 collabs she's had.

>> No.25912863

Arrent they mad because they cant cope?

>> No.25912864

Of course! So does /hlg/ in a strange way

>> No.25912865 [DELETED] 

Literally selling my 2080ti RIGHT fucking NOW

>> No.25912868


>> No.25912867
Quoted by: >>25912913

go back
nipchads BTFOd whiteknight already

>> No.25912869
File: 1.01 MB, 900x1200, 1598932791518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In the stu.

>> No.25912870
File: 386 KB, 1000x1214, 1598188426981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912871
Quoted by: >>25912917

Damn Choco gets to have tinnitus in her left ear next to THAT?

>> No.25912872 [DELETED] 

she can afford it buddy, relax

>> No.25912873
File: 421 KB, 1592x2048, Eg1MQTMXcAEW8WZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since Towa appears to be feeling better they'll reschedule their 3D collab for next week after Night Fever, right?

>> No.25912874
Quoted by: >>25912920

Now you understand why the girls pander to the American and European chads so much.

>> No.25912875

sex now!

>> No.25912876 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25912890

Who /2070 Super/ here?

>> No.25912878
File: 141 KB, 640x1386, 1598877964067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ningen-tachi! I summoned you today because of an important announcement.
>As you already know, today is my 1st year anniversary.
>Wow, time surely flies huh.
>Anyway, my Live2D is getting updated... today!
>Jya-jyan! Look, my right horn has grown!
>All of this happened because of your continuous support.
>Thank you! Let's have another wonderful year shall we?

>> No.25912879
File: 395 KB, 457x611, 1598940394116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame jinx blablabla

>> No.25912881 [DELETED] 
File: 145 KB, 380x384, 1598970608228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go back, whiteknight

>> No.25912882

I want Mel to submit to me.

>> No.25912883
File: 2.86 MB, 2580x1572, EYHhPUfVcAAEGR2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's only the ban lift date.
It's all about her condition now, I wish her well.

>> No.25912884
Quoted by: >>25912990

did haachama seriously buy a shit laptop so she can wait for the new gpus?

>> No.25912886

They are literally /r9k/ tier social outcasts, that's why.
Even Sora interacted with males.
Nothing wrong with idolfaggotry, it's the batshit insane ones Cover and a few of the girls are pandering to that are the problem.

>> No.25912887
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1592462312612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>redditfags still spamming aloe
worse than towafags

>> No.25912888

stop giving attention to tourists and report them

>> No.25912889

I wonder how Aloe feels about Nene

>> No.25912890 [DELETED] 


>> No.25912891
File: 315 KB, 1500x1500, Eg1P5o5U0AA_rZO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.25912892 [DELETED] 

>marketing shit

>> No.25912893
File: 641 KB, 564x840, 1598640794793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to grab risu's tail and rub my face in it while I fuck her in the ass

>> No.25912895
File: 505 KB, 800x850, 1598881420487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913158

Ponkotsu robot... your stream...

>> No.25912896
Quoted by: >>25913206

Those are just antis, they're everywhere in the entertainment industry not just Japan. You're on 4chan for fuck's sake look at how much vile shit gets produced here.

>> No.25912897

Is this gonna be the beginning of the downfall of Hololive?

>> No.25912898

Either way, people will be sad and along with everything that is happening they will lose confidence in Cover, directly or indirectly
Hopefully that guy who posted the code sha512 is just a (You)s farmer and Mio is safe...

>> No.25912900

There's 0 reason for Mio to graduate.

>> No.25912901 [DELETED] 
File: 300 KB, 480x480, futuraloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I probably talked with Mano-chan more than anyone - did I? I wonder if I did...well, Mano-chan and I talked a lot. I always worried about Mano-chan, and she always worried about me. Like, if I was happy, or feeling down, or if we were in a voice call with everyone, Mano-chan would send me a DM like "Nene-chan, are you okay?"

>If I was having a hard time, she'd be like "it's okay if you leave the call!" She'd always gently tell me these things in DMs. And like, when I was having trouble keeping up with a conversation, she'd be like "Nene-chan, are you doing okay? Are you keeping up?" She'd always ask "Do you want to talk about it later?" Yeah, so, it's a little sad, but, yeah. It's like Shishiron said! As long as you're alive, things will work out, and it's not like Mano-chan's disappeared or anything. Mano-chan herself still exists, she just graduated, so I want to keep doing my best so that someday, somewhere, she can tell me "I'm doing my best" and I can say "I'm doing my best too!" back. That kind of thing.

>It's not like we'll forget about Mano-chan, and the 5th generation is five people. It might look like there's only four of us now, but the 5th generation itself will always be five people, so whether that number decreases or not, the fact that there's five of us won't change. So that's why I've heard things like "Will you change your Twitter header now that there's only four people?" but I don't have any intention of changing it. Because, you know, if she disappeared from all of our profiles, everyone would forget about Mano-chan, and that'd be sad, I personally think. So I'd like her to always be somewhere! So it's okay, and I want to keep doing my best, so that should be enough, right? Did I get my feelings across?

>That's why even though I thought about whether I want to change the header and drew a new one, Mano-chan's still in it, and even if I change the header she'll probably

>> No.25912903
File: 138 KB, 483x1075, hororive_comiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912949

>> No.25912906
File: 524 KB, 3530x2500, EgVSOM3UMAAG5IW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest

>> No.25912908
File: 3.27 MB, 2480x3508, 1598881165492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912907 [DELETED] 

truly a chad among bugmen

>> No.25912909 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913044

still seething discord nigger? get over it already, she's dead and buried. Go find some other whore to virtue signal about.

>> No.25912910 [DELETED] 

The more I buy the more I save

>> No.25912911

a, a sheep, a watame
b, a drop of lamy's breasts
c, a name, I call their cunt
d, a long long distance, far
e, shortform for ecchi
f, don't press it for miko
g, a note to sing in SSS
and it brings us back to
h, a way, to say ecchi
i, a name I call myself
j, a thing, you add to k
k, the size of danchou's breasts
l, he's really pretty smart
m, the name for every simp
n, the lazy form of and
o, the whythefuckitypedallthisshitoutwhilebrushingmyteethisentirelylostonmebye

>> No.25912912 [DELETED] 
File: 1.23 MB, 792x886, 1598901597795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At the end of the day they're the ones that the girls read.
Of course she's going to retire if those are the 'nice' comments she's getting
Fucking in-human monsters, reminder that the shit that Nips did creeped out the fucking nazis

>> No.25912913 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 300x200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912975

Face of victory

>> No.25912914

No, never gonna happen, just like the Melganronpa. Towa lied, she is not sick just doesn't want to do the collab.

>> No.25912915
File: 1.65 MB, 640x1386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ningen-tachi! I summoned you today because of an important announcement.
>As you already know, today is my 1st year anniversary.
>Wow, time surely flies huh.
>Anyway, my Live2D is getting updated... today!
>Jya-jyan! Look, my right horn has grown!
>All of this happened because of your continuous support.
>Thank you! Let's have another wonderful year shall we?

>> No.25912916

>The majority posters

schizo samefag forgot to take his meds again

>> No.25912917
Quoted by: >>25912945

I can't believe Choco is stealing Kanata's thing to try and get more superchats

>> No.25912918

Mio break extended until end of 2020

>> No.25912919
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, 1595820256568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She finally joined the rest of 4th gen.

>> No.25912920
File: 71 KB, 1175x214, aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913422

today I reminded them who is the real chad

>> No.25912921
File: 505 KB, 539x510, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25912922 [DELETED] 

This is why I love apple because they discontinue stuff to keep the prices right

>> No.25912923
Quoted by: >>25912937

Luna shilling for mcdonalds

>> No.25912925
File: 99 KB, 772x1080, Ef6ZR1pUYAA-TJu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912927

maybe anons here are picking the most uncharitable intent for the dislikes
maybe the nips didn't like that she was talking to indies in general or maybe they they thought the stream idea was just shit

>> No.25912928
Quoted by: >>25912970

Aloecucks ARE towafags, they're the same retarded white knights.

>> No.25912929
File: 899 KB, 1024x666, 1598380128923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913000


>> No.25912930 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 658x836, 1597709423813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25912963

>still using a 1080 8GB
Feels good

>> No.25912931 [DELETED] 

>she'll probably
probably what, anon?

>> No.25912932 [DELETED] 
File: 773 KB, 1927x900, Eg0rGHEXYAAxNnS.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's why even though I thought about whether I want to change the header and drew a new one, Mano-chan's still in it, and even if I change the header she'll probably still be in it. So I've heard people say that we're only Holofive because there's five of us, but it's because it's us, the 5th generation, that even if the number changes, we're still Holofive, and even though Mano-chan's graduated we're still Holofive. That's how it is. Right?

You know, yesterday I was feeling really down, and I was sending Shishiron, Omaru, and Lamy-chan messages the whole time! And Lamy-chan was really sad yesterday too, but even so she still worried about me, and I thought "Ahh, I can't make you worry about me this much," but I still ended up relying on everyone. That's why starting today, I'll be eagerly supporting everyone, so I'll do my best! I'll do my best! I'll do my best at my own pace so I can stay with everyone. Is that okay? I think it's okay. Alright. Well, I'll leave the sad talk at that, and keep doing my best again starting tomorrow!

And as I say that, you guys (chat) are all being way too nice! I even started showing a sad side, even though I know I shouldn't do that! I know that I shouldn't really show my sad side too much, but you guys are being so nice that it makes me want to rely on you guys and share that sad feeling together. I hope you'll keep letting me try my best at my own pace until my feelings calm down, so that I don't drag things out. But the fact that I'll do my best won't change, so I hope you'll bear with me!

>> No.25912933

Luna going full Ronald.

>> No.25912934

Are we sure that videos can only be deleted if the strikes are removed though? I've heard that being bandied around here.

>> No.25912935
Quoted by: >>25912972

that would set a really bad precedent and enrage fans
so yeah sure, they could

>> No.25912936 [DELETED] 

My 1080 is still perfectly fine for watching hololive and browsing 4channel

>> No.25912937

aima robbin itto

>> No.25912939


>> No.25912942

>august 30th
nice try

>> No.25912943

Her friends know her as the succubus. Stop being retarded already. The antis would probably attack her just for sharing her body.

>> No.25912944 [DELETED] 
File: 1012 KB, 1278x719, 1587846787497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912945
Quoted by: >>25913166

It's just a bit of ear ringing nothing serious

>> No.25912946

Korosan no


>> No.25912947

oh soRRi soRRi

>> No.25912948
File: 267 KB, 946x2048, B9239F5D-B9D7-4795-9C02-4D01C20BB8C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want too much !!

>> No.25912949

thank u comic anon
hearty kusa

>> No.25912951 [DELETED] 

>implying they will be realistically available any time soon

>> No.25912953
Quoted by: >>25913108

sure, but it seems like enough of a trend where any stream with a male gets disproportionate dislikes, that it's reasonable to draw the most logical conclusion

>> No.25912955
Quoted by: >>25912965

Who will be the first Holo to stream HoMM3 ?

>> No.25912956 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913004

>In reality she never talks to her ever again
Poor girl will kill herself by the end of the year
Nips aren't human.

>> No.25912957

but he is based

>> No.25912958 [DELETED] 

Finally some good fucking cards. I've been waiting for over a year for them.

>> No.25912959 [DELETED] 
File: 192 KB, 418x418, 1593103516223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912960 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913020

My 970 is enough for Youtube

>> No.25912961 [DELETED] 

I bought 1050ti 2 years after the release date for a really low price... still using it now.

>> No.25912963 [DELETED] 

>still using a 1060 6GB and it's perfectly fine for most shit even at 144hz

>> No.25912964
Quoted by: >>25912999

Luna, I came for piano not burgers.

>> No.25912965
Quoted by: >>25912982

Unironically only Botan would possibly stream it.

>> No.25912967 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1598903114612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912969
File: 922 KB, 724x1023, 1595594069218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, Towa doesn't shy away from Kanata.
She seems invested in the 3D because of the ringfit and singing parts they added.

>> No.25912970
Quoted by: >>25913158

your mom is still sucking my cock

>> No.25912971


>> No.25912972
Quoted by: >>25913081

Fans are already mad

>> No.25912973
File: 677 KB, 1488x2105, EZVFLVlUwAQ_TxK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913112

Back off. She belongs to the dragon.

>> No.25912975 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 380x380, 1598971588478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel anons

>> No.25912976

The design is already tainted. Better to let her be forgotten once Nenechi gets whatever excuse to change the Twitter banner.

>> No.25912977 [DELETED] 

Pekora is going to flex her 3090, I can smell it

>> No.25912978
Quoted by: >>25913180

mel stream with the new outfit please

>> No.25912979
File: 23 KB, 350x539, firefox_aIxJXMdUKv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/g/ hours

>> No.25912980
Quoted by: >>25913158

I'm 100% sure people are just impressed at how based the dude is and still disagree with him. Try not to get literal shitposting/trolling get too under your skin you fucking pussy ass bitch, shit has been the site norm for years now and you can't just will all the newfags away.

>> No.25912982
Quoted by: >>25912997

You mean talk about it ;)

>> No.25912983
File: 146 KB, 340x374, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Luna's laugh make me so happy.

>> No.25912984
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1596222043288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anti hex poster

>> No.25912985

Good, they shouldn't talk to males except me.

>> No.25912986
File: 527 KB, 1061x1500, b738b9ea87421a2cdb9a7aa0e7b225f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25912988
File: 159 KB, 963x512, 1598971469537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone can check behind me here, but this is what the Aloe Switch that Nene showed said:


Mano Aru
Muffufufufufufufufufufufu aru
I challenge you to decide which of us is more worthy of being the true demon lord!!!!!!
I'm not gonna lose aru~!!! (The "I" here is wagahai, the way Aloe referred to herself)

>> No.25912989 [DELETED] 

What is this image that I keep seeing lately

>> No.25912990
Quoted by: >>25913010

You sure she's the girl with the plan?

>> No.25912991
File: 255 KB, 1410x2000, Miosha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miofa, I don't feel so good... I hope everything will be fine in the end...

>> No.25912992

true melposter is the only light in the darkness.

>> No.25912993
Quoted by: >>25913110

Not to act as i'm wearing a tin foil hat but what if Cover putted her on paid leave until people stop attacking?

>> No.25912994
File: 231 KB, 1340x2048, EfRUoj_UwAYVloL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit, thanks again.

>> No.25912996

I wanna impregnate this rat

>> No.25912995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913029

I wanna kneel on his neck

>> No.25912997

Once slavs start to outnumber JOPs in her chat she'll have to give in.

>> No.25912998

I missed the last thread, why are we doomposting about Mio now?

>> No.25912999
Quoted by: >>25913013

Shut up she's making bank.

>> No.25913000

going to her piano recital and getting her mcdonalds on the way home for passing the test and being a proud father...

>> No.25913001

First members only stream with Choco in forever and I'm immediately reminded why noone can replace her.

Sucks that it was on the short side, though.

Hoping that this revival of content is all leading up to some glorious anniversary celebrations.

>> No.25913003 [DELETED] 

It's the Japanese version of those wojak edits

>> No.25913004 [DELETED] 

Don't say something like that... They can have personal LINEs or something...

>> No.25913005
Quoted by: >>25913175

Kyou's song is a banger, actually
I hope they sing it on Cosmic Flower this Sunday

>> No.25913006

Mio... this fucking sucks

>> No.25913008

>Reportedly even young children are watching and videos of Pekora.
What do you think about this?
I mean, it seems the society is accepting vtubers. Soon we’ll see them on main stream media, which means those idols relying on degenerate web meme or sexual innuendos will soon die out, and it’ll be only the rabbit who will have survived and dominate the game.

>> No.25913009

You're such a gigantic pussy.

>> No.25913010

i mean she is 300iq so its pretty normal

>> No.25913011
File: 22 KB, 314x325, 1592433971088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913039


>> No.25913012 [DELETED] 

>Those prominent, juicy lips
>Those cold, dead eyes
>That unwashed, untouched hair
>That forward-leaning, confident posture
Sorry anons, this is what the ideal male looks like

>> No.25913014 [DELETED] 

anti face

>> No.25913013
Quoted by: >>25913158

Stop asking her to go to Brazil with your 10 cent superchats.

>> No.25913015 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913026

>Sweet, Fall Guys, ARK and Atari looking indie games are going to run really well now!

>> No.25913016

some faggot is larping as an insider leaking hashes of future cover announcements because kaoru's and aloe's graduations were leaked and people are buying it for whatever reason

>> No.25913017

Yeah, then she'd have 140K fewer subs, fewer superchats, no regular salary, but lots of merch. So much merch.

>> No.25913018

you missed more than just the last one...

>> No.25913019

She sure won indeed

>> No.25913020 [DELETED] 

>not using internal graphics
MAO of the L kind.

>> No.25913021 [DELETED] 

Can you transcribe Shishiron's?

>> No.25913022

She's free to have all the SEX in the world. Hololive was only holding her back.

>> No.25913023 [DELETED] 
File: 215 KB, 1000x683, faggot SD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913054

>go back white knight

>> No.25913024
Quoted by: >>25913556

There are IRL idolfags that are that insane and seethe whenever their IRL idols even looks at a man, they just don't have an easy way to express it through dislikes.

>> No.25913025
File: 228 KB, 750x1334, 1678D44B-AD03-4060-B2BD-37D92E153263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913128

Matsuri liked this...

>> No.25913026 [DELETED] 

Pien at 30 fps on 3090?

>> No.25913027
File: 1.03 MB, 3840x3911, af8d3b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What Lamy said regarding Aloe:
Gen 5 basically spent every day together before their debut for months
They had planned a lot of things for the 5 of them to do after the debut
She knows she has to work hard from now on with just the 4 of them but she hasn't fully gotten her feelings in order
Hopes Aloe is watching from somewhere
It's up to each of gen 5 about how much and when/if they want to talk about Aloe
She hopes that the audience will listen if they do decide to bring up the Aloe topic themselves and not to force the topic if they don't

>> No.25913028

why would yoblablabla

>> No.25913029 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913042

I'm guessing you're feeling butthurt.

>> No.25913030 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913144

Antichad's face isn't adenoid at all though, anons were saying that he would look good if he didn't wear glasses the first time the video was posted.
Either way you're using Chigyu wrong since being one implies being a low energy inkya as well and yet aloeanti was 100% based and even goading his haters on.

>> No.25913031
Quoted by: >>25913180

Then I will submit to Mel if (You) submit to me!

>> No.25913032 [DELETED] 

Still chugging along with my 650Ti

>> No.25913033

>Vtuber news reporters
Is that good or bad because i can't tell

>> No.25913034

>referencing the dislike bombs on Haachama's mixer
The what now?

>> No.25913036

she could come out and shill hard for Cover
asking one last wish from the fans to support Cover and the girls and shit to try to ease the hate from the aloe thing
they're a slimy nip corporation so it's not beyond them to make her do that

>> No.25913037 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, EdqbneYUEAEXErX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913073

Tourists importing their shit here.

>> No.25913038

Cute skinhead, what cancer is she suffering from?

>> No.25913039
Quoted by: >>25913062

Stay the fuck home https://files.catbox.moe/baz8ti.webm

>> No.25913040 [DELETED] 
File: 430 KB, 1278x719, 1581672381135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913041
File: 17 KB, 245x255, 1575252388675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe was the weakest of gen 5 and I'm glad she's gone!

>> No.25913042 [DELETED] 

these antis are a pain in the neck lately

>> No.25913043
Quoted by: >>25913114

Who's prohibiting her? She made the stream and got some dislikes, that's it, the dislikes are a minority and she's still continuing as usual with her recent streams getting the same dislikes as usual.

>> No.25913044


>> No.25913046
Quoted by: >>25913161

How mad must Aki's old audience that's stuck with her this whole time feel now that her chat is literally more EOP than Towa's normally is right now?

>> No.25913047

>>25912211 Awaken yet anon?

>> No.25913049

Lamy is telling you to do your reps

>> No.25913052

>In case no one was aware, Hololive fired everyone at the start of the year, and all the videos you've seen since January 1 are Kanata doing imitations.
I believe this

>> No.25913053
File: 260 KB, 853x458, 1598730315397~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913172

what if tree rat was meido all along

>> No.25913054 [DELETED] 


I KNEEL.....

>> No.25913055

Some guy copy pasted the Aloe "insider leak" and changed it to be about Mio. People ate it up because this shithole loves drama. Who knows if it's actually true but the fact that the rest of the message is literally identical gives me doubts

>> No.25913056

Its a matter of time, as their numbers grow the youtube algorithm will start dumping them onto millions/billions of peoples front page when they hop in to waste time.

>> No.25913059
File: 20 KB, 269x269, ZgcZkiU8_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based japchad dabbing on the sluts and /hlg/

>> No.25913060
File: 300 KB, 480x480, futuraloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I probably talked with Mano-chan more than anyone - did I? I wonder if I did...well, Mano-chan and I talked a lot. I always worried about Mano-chan, and she always worried about me. Like, if I was happy, or feeling down, or if we were in a voice call with everyone, Mano-chan would send me a DM like "Nene-chan, are you okay?"

>If I was having a hard time, she'd be like "it's okay if you leave the call!" She'd always gently tell me these things in DMs. And like, when I was having trouble keeping up with a conversation, she'd be like "Nene-chan, are you doing okay? Are you keeping up?" She'd always ask "Do you want to talk about it later?" Yeah, so, it's a little sad, but, yeah. It's like Shishiron said! As long as you're alive, things will work out, and it's not like Mano-chan's disappeared or anything. Mano-chan herself still exists, she just graduated, so I want to keep doing my best so that someday, somewhere, she can tell me "I'm doing my best" and I can say "I'm doing my best too!" back. That kind of thing.

>It's not like we'll forget about Mano-chan, and the 5th generation is five people. It might look like there's only four of us now, but the 5th generation itself will always be five people, so whether that number decreases or not, the fact that there's five of us won't change. So that's why I've heard things like "Will you change your Twitter header now that there's only four people?" but I don't have any intention of changing it. Because, you know, if she disappeared from all of our profiles, everyone would forget about Mano-chan, and that'd be sad, I personally think. So I'd like her to always be somewhere! So it's okay, and I want to keep doing my best, so that should be enough, right? Did I get my feelings across?


>> No.25913061
Quoted by: >>25913180

I've never seen angry Mel...

>> No.25913062

if only I could Mikoti...

>> No.25913063
Quoted by: >>25913084

If I get membership, would I have access to old membership-only streams?
Also, who has the best membership streams?

>> No.25913064


>> No.25913065

>Luna reading Big Smoke's order

>> No.25913067 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913167


>> No.25913068
File: 345 KB, 920x1782, 1591915636978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I had a dream about dressing Luna up I can't stop finding her sexy.

>> No.25913069

Its over, hololive is crumbling

>> No.25913070 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913071
File: 1.20 MB, 3472x4911, 1597947665885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913283


>> No.25913072 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913073 [DELETED] 

I love haneru's collabs but god damn they're hard to understand

>> No.25913074

>literal fanfiction
Fuck off you are not funny

>> No.25913076 [DELETED] 

Unfathomably based, making reddit and whorefags seethe.

>> No.25913075

It costs 550 yen a month bro

>> No.25913077
File: 327 KB, 531x486, 1596742985516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913078 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913098

5ch's version of soijak. Tourist-kun is spamming it because he thinks it's an epic hot new undiscovered meme. I wonder how long it'll take for wojak and pepe spam now.

>> No.25913079

Watame #1!

>> No.25913080 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 723x691, image_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It might look like there's only four of us now, but the 5th generation itself will always be five people, so whether that number decreases or not, the fact that there's five of us won't change
They were supposed to just be fun anime girls playing games
It wasn't supposed to be like this

>> No.25913081

but they aren't more mad

>> No.25913083

Possible insider dropped a hash. The hash matched the message he sent after the announcement was made. The message detailed the moment the announcement of Aloe's graduation would drop.

>> No.25913084

Marine has a loads and Your favorite would have the best

>> No.25913086

It was fake, sha256 hash can't contain characters other than 0-9 a-f

>> No.25913087
File: 773 KB, 1927x900, Eg0rGHEXYAAxNnS.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>That's why even though I thought about whether I want to change the header and drew a new one, Mano-chan's still in it, and even if I change the header she'll probably still be in it. So I've heard people say that we're only Holofive because there's five of us, but it's because it's us, the 5th generation, that even if the number changes, we're still Holofive, and even though Mano-chan's graduated we're still Holofive. That's how it is. Right?

>You know, yesterday I was feeling really down, and I was sending Shishiron, Omaru, and Lamy-chan messages the whole time! And Lamy-chan was really sad yesterday too, but even so she still worried about me, and I thought "Ahh, I can't make you worry about me this much," but I still ended up relying on everyone. That's why starting today, I'll be eagerly supporting everyone, so I'll do my best! I'll do my best! I'll do my best at my own pace so I can stay with everyone. Is that okay? I think it's okay. Alright. Well, I'll leave the sad talk at that, and keep doing my best again starting tomorrow!

>And as I say that, you guys (chat) are all being way too nice! I even started showing a sad side, even though I know I shouldn't do that! I know that I shouldn't really show my sad side too much, but you guys are being so nice that it makes me want to rely on you guys and share that sad feeling together. I hope you'll keep letting me try my best at my own pace until my feelings calm down, so that I don't drag things out. But the fact that I'll do my best won't change, so I hope you'll bear with me!

>> No.25913088
File: 453 KB, 1597x2048, 1584903304723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this guy become a papa/mama already.

>> No.25913090


>> No.25913091

Schizofag, stop being a retard please.

>> No.25913093
File: 2.55 MB, 1190x1080, inclining.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913094
Quoted by: >>25913158

fucking perfectionist anon. get your shit together.

>> No.25913096 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1591634339621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pekora said LITERALLY today she's waiting for the 3000-series to upgrade

>> No.25913097
Quoted by: >>25913129

Towa better not lie about this collab.

>> No.25913098 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913138

sounds like it hits pretty close to home for you?

>> No.25913099 [DELETED] 

I literally just bought a 2070 Super two months ago. Gonna be pissed if the 3070 is priced around 500 bucks.

>> No.25913103

Should've said that to manager-san then you bitch !!!!

>> No.25913105

Fully charged Robo!

>> No.25913107 [DELETED] 
File: 297 KB, 435x447, roberto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913108

it takes some time to filter the most retard idofags. Matsuri at first get some dislike when she collabs with males, but she keeps doing it, and it gets better now. The dislike ratio for her latest male collab is quite normal now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZ6rFJkTsc8

>> No.25913109

>Marine has a loads

>> No.25913110
Quoted by: >>25913148

I doubt it's paid leave but I'm hoping for something like that.
Maybe a few months later she will show up again. Mentally sound and ready to take on it. Two weeks is way too little time to solve real life harassment.
Plus nene said Holofive is real and will never die. She said Aloe is still around.

>> No.25913112
File: 2.16 MB, 1273x1800, EatBw_cUYAAd6nM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913183

But I love Coco too.

>> No.25913111

*creaking coffin noises*

>> No.25913114

im not saying shes prohibited, because youre right, she obviously isnt
im saying that it seems like thats what many holo idolfags seem to want, as evidenced by the dislikes and backlash many holos get when they have any sort of interaction, even completely chaste ones, with males

>> No.25913115

Can't wait for that nice Minecraft graphics.

>> No.25913116

Every time Luna takes huge gulps of something it's semen.

>> No.25913119
Quoted by: >>25913176

>Soon we’ll see them on main stream media
They are already appearing on TV anon.

>> No.25913121


>> No.25913122
File: 471 KB, 960x720, zbYJED2pYcH5KSax.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913188


>> No.25913123 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913126

its the chad vs virgin, but without the chad

>> No.25913125 [DELETED] 

Peko always win baby

>> No.25913128

based festival

>> No.25913129
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, 1595770206687.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913177

I want to see them dance together!

>> No.25913130 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913131 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913133
Quoted by: >>25913158

>I kneed
Yeah that's why your wife left you lmao faggot.

>> No.25913132
Quoted by: >>25913182

Well to be fair it is true that he has more balls than Aloecucks ITT and MASS white knights. Reminds me of DSP in a way, you can't really attack these sorts of people. Ascended NEETs are something else entirely.

>> No.25913134

Mio tweet brought back the hashrag doom poster because something weird is happening to her.

>> No.25913135


>> No.25913137 [DELETED] 

It's over anon, we lost...

>> No.25913138 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913170

Oh yes I dread wojak spam because I'm actually bald and I especially dread pepe spam because I'm a green frog, please don't make fun of me by spamming those.

God you tourists really have no clue why people don't want your /v/core trash huh?

>> No.25913139 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913140 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913141

Maybe the JOPs are more in the know that you ever will and say such a thing for a reason.

>> No.25913142
File: 367 KB, 407x490, 1593203510367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913648

I can't even feel anything anymore. What a shitshow. I hope HoloFour endure this.

>> No.25913143 [DELETED] 

Damn nvidia's marketing sure worked amazingly

>> No.25913145

I'm so nervous about Mio that I'm gonna shit thunder.

>> No.25913144 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913231

have you seen his face from the side?

>> No.25913148

Yeah when do think it will die down?

>> No.25913150

>Don't really watch or listen to Okayu's streams/vids
>Her Flos cover starts autoplaying after I'm done listening to my music playlist
>Can't stop thinking about how good it was
>Had a dream where a bunch of random shit happened and Okayu was just there for some reason
Is the universe trying to tell me something?

>> No.25913152

>maybe the nips didn't like that she was talking to indies in general or maybe they they thought the stream idea was just shit
No, it was literally every time a male came on. It was timed exactly to every time.

>> No.25913153

>all these cringes from both anti and aloefags

C'mon it is a vtb that barely has any content.

>> No.25913154

They didn't deleted the video, they just made it private

>> No.25913155
File: 186 KB, 863x1127, 1597981440579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913158
File: 486 KB, 2048x2048, 798123749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913156


>> No.25913157

What does Aki's new PC have, I didn't catch her mention of the specs?

>> No.25913159 [DELETED] 

why was this deleted ?
is the meido reaching new levels of faggotry?

>> No.25913160

Oh, I didn't know this was going to happen.

>> No.25913161

She did a stream with a dude and got no backlash. I think she's a king right now

>> No.25913162



>> No.25913163
File: 31 KB, 351x307, Nene13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913199

Uhhhm meidos? Why is this pink haired Choco ripoff not being deleted? I thought this was a hololive thread?

>> No.25913164

Well he did win. You can't win and be cringe at the same time.

>> No.25913165
File: 1.84 MB, 2591x3624, 1596815534762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to suck Lamy's clammy mammy whammies!

>> No.25913166

That's a relief, got me worried there for a sec

>> No.25913167 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913184

It wasn't Niji related so the maid had to delete it gomen.

>> No.25913168


>> No.25913171
File: 436 KB, 1280x1000, 81858594_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool cat...

>> No.25913170 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913200

muh boogeyman

>> No.25913172

The reason she deleted all those post was because we kept praising Moona instead of her...

>> No.25913173
File: 25 KB, 540x540, EgfL-RyUwAA05Fm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck happened to Mio

>> No.25913174
File: 129 KB, 1125x1229, 1598857643464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Mio is going anywhere
Either these retards are baiting or are mentally ill

>> No.25913175
Quoted by: >>25913278

not holo
But I hope so too

>> No.25913176

Only in Japan

>> No.25913177
File: 350 KB, 1946x1668, 1589188854648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sing in deep sexy voices together!

>> No.25913179


>> No.25913180
File: 41 KB, 390x355, 6F4DB6F3-E903-40EC-9364-45867CE9F505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully she will do that next stream !!
What. No.
Now you did !

>> No.25913182

You can shame his parents to make them disown him.

>> No.25913183
File: 2 KB, 125x125, amazedsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913230

>Kanata! the toilet's clogged and the shower head is broken, could you clean me up with your tongue?
>b-be right there mistress Coco...
>and grab me another beer I need a stiff drink after the dump I took, you may have to get the spatula for that one

>> No.25913184 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913202

isnt holo related either

>> No.25913187
File: 32 KB, 161x204, flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Flare really have a big female fanbase? How come?

>> No.25913188


>> No.25913189

The Japanese bros just protected the other holo girls from a possible breach
Thank you Japanese bros

>> No.25913194
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, 21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913391

The universe is giving you a suggestion is all.

>> No.25913195

So for every thread from now on, we will spend 500 posts and 100 images to talk about Aloe

>> No.25913196

Or maybe they're just inhuman monsters that lack the ability to have empathy

>> No.25913197
Quoted by: >>25913323

Anonchama... You might want to sit down for this one...

>> No.25913199
File: 393 KB, 617x617, 1597654484551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913200 [DELETED] 

t. /v/igger

>> No.25913201
Quoted by: >>25913234


>> No.25913202
Quoted by: >>25913226

How is translating something a Hololive member said not Holo related?

>> No.25913203
Quoted by: >>25913323

She's "sick"

>> No.25913205

>many holo idolfags
Going from the reactions they're not even the majority of the idolfags, let alone the majority of the fans.

>> No.25913206

But muh enemy, the idolfags are the enemy, right???
Antis are everywhere but now everyone is acting like if this is the end of chuubas.

>> No.25913208
Quoted by: >>25913251

Cute bigface sisters stream

>> No.25913209

hopefully the fact that they're not banned from talking about her means that she really did leave voluntarily and the door is open if she wants to return

>> No.25913210

Roberu really getting in with the VOMs girls.

>> No.25913211
Quoted by: >>25913315

its hard to take angry Mel seriously she looks so darn cute

>> No.25913213
File: 1.05 MB, 2229x4096, 1595749152410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913214


>> No.25913215
File: 74 KB, 230x230, 1570733240736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913254

>that one whiteknight seething so hard over a dead whore

>> No.25913218
File: 1.93 MB, 1770x2360, EUe0tG7XsAEmvAb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this place was full of watamefags, why is there no spam for her being champion?

>> No.25913219

sluts attract sluts

>> No.25913220

I'm actually surprised that she have a high supacha compared to others.

>> No.25913221

Shishiron's please.

>> No.25913222


>> No.25913223


>> No.25913225


>> No.25913226 [DELETED] 

she isnt hololive. white knight

>> No.25913227
Quoted by: >>25913391

Dont ingore your calling Anon

>> No.25913228
Quoted by: >>25913315

Either (You) or Mel have to submit to me. This is the rule.

>> No.25913229

people are just riding the doom wave from all the recent negative news

>> No.25913230

PLEASE get exorcised, you are full of demons and not the cute kind.

>> No.25913231 [DELETED] 

He has an actual chin and jaw. Just look at his lips.
You can identify chinlets from the front pretty easily.

>> No.25913232

Luna's getting so good at Country Roads. I'm so proud of her.

>> No.25913233

thanks you moona

>> No.25913234


>> No.25913237
File: 32 KB, 611x286, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913541

A-chan finally taking drastic action.

>> No.25913238
File: 88 KB, 333x291, 1598965079365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this screencap oozes so much based energy every time it's posted

>> No.25913242

Your fellow sheepchads are too busy shitting on Aloe right now.

>> No.25913243

She's cute as fuck tho

>> No.25913244

How is Nene not Hololive? Can you explain?

>> No.25913245

>Leave for a week and happy that Aloe is coming back
>Come back and she actually retired and the antis were more vocal and wrote in aloe's graduation video that she deserved to suffer more and they were just being "kind" with not doing more


>> No.25913247
File: 148 KB, 795x719, 1598752685689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the sheepfags are falseflaggers who all died when this was announced.

>> No.25913249

bless you grammar poster

>> No.25913250

because we're busy actually watching the stream unlike the rest of you

>> No.25913251
Quoted by: >>25913387

They were just talking about phones on twitter yesterday.


>> No.25913252 [DELETED] 

pekora already had a 2070 any way, many of the others were still using 10 series and some of the upgrades were full computer upgrades

>> No.25913254

>that one
Anon, 80% of this thread are whiteknights. They came from reddit because they can be a bit more edgier here, but their mindset are exactly the same.

>> No.25913255

I think I like Luna.

>> No.25913256

Nene isn't Hololive?!?! Okay retard. Come back when you can read.

>> No.25913257

Member Arigato!

>> No.25913258

oooh interesting

>> No.25913259

I can't believe Nene is fucking dead

>> No.25913260


>> No.25913261
Quoted by: >>25913395

Feel free back up that claim by actually sharing whatever secret knowledge you think the japs have or alternatively consider suicide.

>> No.25913262

Towa or Watame, who is better in APEX?

>> No.25913263
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1594140934848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else think Ayame is pretty based? A holo just got graduated for liking sex meanwhile Ayame barely ever streams because shes having sex with her boyfriend. Just doesnt care about her fans at all but still has more viewers and subs than most holos without even trying

>> No.25913265


>> No.25913266

crunchy roads~

>> No.25913271

you should just leave for another week
People are still having arguments about it here

>> No.25913273 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913320

Antichads won and put whiteknights in their rightful place, kneeling under them

>> No.25913274
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x720, ufllq3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only three more days.

>> No.25913275

this slut is mentally stronger for sure

>> No.25913276
Quoted by: >>25913299

Have you heard her male voice?

>> No.25913277
File: 2 KB, 125x102, 1591894500630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teko mi ho

>> No.25913278
Quoted by: >>25913329

she's very tangentially related, but yeah this is the last time i'll mention her

>> No.25913279 [DELETED] 

El orgullo de Holoestrellas...

>> No.25913280

I suddenly feel that "greetings from Brazil'" viewers are incredibly based for not giving a fuck.

>> No.25913281
Quoted by: >>25913314

I was too busy seething about 3070 for 500$ desu...

>> No.25913283

Here's some championsheep bgm:

>> No.25913285 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 600x600, 1598979233513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913286 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.68 MB, 206x286, 1598979235323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll tell you isn't
Roboco lmao

>> No.25913287
File: 404 KB, 800x1000, 1598377602665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913391

Follow the fat cat. Devote your life to her and you will find true happiness or despair everytime you remember you will never have a Okayu gf.

>> No.25913288
File: 493 KB, 1280x529, 1595993505726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome brother

>> No.25913290

Roberu building his harem.

>> No.25913291

How many women does roberu want in his harem?

>> No.25913292 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1278x719, 1598970597291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can meet either him or Mano Aloe on the streets tomorrow. Which will it be, and why?

>> No.25913293

Aloe will probably be talked about every now and then until this whole shit sinks

>> No.25913294
File: 23 KB, 433x234, 76785798965745635423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25915000

Say no more.
from MASS discord

>> No.25913296
File: 35 KB, 416x416, Efb1rC4UcAEjJ8m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their thirst for (You)s drives them insane
You can tell from their posting mannerism that they're fresh off boards where steering shit up and smearing the walls is the norm.

>> No.25913297
File: 444 KB, 672x550, 1598857646145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduated for liking sex

>> No.25913300
File: 385 KB, 590x791, 8416513684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913299 [DELETED] 
File: 220 KB, 331x307, furea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I am going to member her, she makes me feel things.

>> No.25913301 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913349

I want to meet the dog she fucks

>> No.25913302

Fuck off reddit

>> No.25913303
File: 299 KB, 646x573, Egmmq1aUMAAf9ll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913364

We have a new mastermind in town

>> No.25913304

I like Watame but Apex bores me to death so I'm not paying attention to the stream gomen nasai

>> No.25913305
File: 184 KB, 455x372, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913360

wesss bargeenyaaa~

>> No.25913307

What graduation video? The one with the rest of 5th gen talking?

>> No.25913308

The VOMS girls all admitted they bought Roberu's voice pack, hardly a surprise.

>> No.25913309

Everyone wants an extremely loyal oni girlfriend that prioritizes you and that will 100% be the mother of your children.

>> No.25913310


>> No.25913312

When people refer to Flares voice as deep her singing is meant yes?
Otherwise her voice doesnt stand out that much

>> No.25913313

Holy shit, Pekora is inclining so fucking hard. Aquafags must be shaking right now.

>> No.25913314

Too tired to reply. Also this >>25913281

>> No.25913315
File: 88 KB, 505x521, B0579E1A-6512-41E3-BAC6-95998D5561CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is because she is always cute !!!
There is no such rule idot liar !

>> No.25913316
Quoted by: >>25913346

who do you think will be the main actress for the new Hololive drama episode next week?

>> No.25913317 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 1000x683, faggot 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913318
File: 795 KB, 3168x4024, 1598883939951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't deny the cat

>> No.25913319

Didn't Narukami say he's dropping a video about Aloe? Where is it?

>> No.25913320 [DELETED] 

The possibility that there are people who unironically think like this frightens me

>> No.25913322 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913323
Quoted by: >>25913361

B-but she was just tweeting a few hours ago https://twitter.com/ookamimio/status/1300762407321522176
A-also didn't her diary said she was perfectly fine? Mio....

>> No.25913325
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1598803218930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the point in spamming when some people already posted it?

>> No.25913326 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck is this and how is it Holo related.

>> No.25913328 [DELETED] 

I'll meet with the 5th chad so we can stalk Aloe together and make fun of her when she shows her whore face.

>> No.25913329
Quoted by: >>25913410

Just fucking with you. I hope more people give her songs a listen like 蒼に躊躇う

>> No.25913330

or when she does the ikemen voice

>> No.25913331 [DELETED] 

if your last card was significantly worse you have nothing to be pissed about since it will be months before you'll actually be able to buy one
not to mention this chard is absolute bullshit lmao

>> No.25913332

We need some good news, Noel's roommate should make a new video bragging about cool is her girlfriend

>> No.25913336

She is イケメン

>> No.25913337 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913623

Can someone link this video, is this guy some anti?

>> No.25913340

Luna is going for the slav audience.

>> No.25913339

Lunch time with Luna is very comfy. I need to start watching her live more often.

>> No.25913343

Because they're busy watching her instead of posting on an Indonesian spice trading forum?

>> No.25913344

Luna pandering to Russians now

>> No.25913345
File: 792 KB, 1437x805, TheHornyGrail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913347 [DELETED] 
File: 1.83 MB, 2410x2480, 1583978286412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like she took that self-proclaimed computer-otaku's words to heart. I remember seeing that Akasupa and thinking; "What the fuck? Surely this is a bit above her interest".
Seems I was fucking wrong, Pekora continue to impress.

>> No.25913346

The bets are on Mio

>> No.25913348
File: 435 KB, 1920x1080, koala and toilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching the collab in debi channel
>he is not hiding the map


>> No.25913349 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913362

*I want to fuck her dog
fixed, sorry for the typo

>> No.25913350 [DELETED] 

103.50 nigger go away

>> No.25913353

Sometime this week because "something irregular" popped up. No idea what he means by that.

>> No.25913356
Quoted by: >>25913471

Do you have a favorite clip or archive from Mel to convince me to submit?

>> No.25913357 [DELETED] 

they spend their time obsessing over idols while feeling superior to them. truly deranged

>> No.25913359

They mean her イケボ.

>> No.25913360
File: 49 KB, 160x158, 1584289154457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the good stuff

>> No.25913361

Her throat is pretty swollen, so give her another week to rest and get better
Japanese colds are serious business anon

>> No.25913362 [DELETED] 

I'm not into animals like that anon

>> No.25913364
Quoted by: >>25913402

I thought she was just a brainlet that makes really good thumbnails and loves water

>> No.25913366 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913623

Who is this guy??? link to vid

>> No.25913368

She delayed because of Aloe, so we should get it in the coming weeks unless Cover does something else that upsets her.

>> No.25913370

I made this rule just now and I'm the CEO of /hlg/

>> No.25913372

Did the clown say anything about Aloe

>> No.25913374

>A holo just got graduated for liking sex
stop trying to defend nijifags

>> No.25913375 [DELETED] 

Hopefully you got EVGA so you can use their step up program.

>> No.25913376

Doubt it, they know as much as me since we both speak and read the same shit and post in the same sites.

>> No.25913378
File: 61 KB, 400x400, sio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Watame playing Apex with Roboco? What a waste of time

>> No.25913379
File: 47 KB, 869x389, firefox_tRTxuiKhj8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25915000


>> No.25913381 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 658x674, 1572575512620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913399

stay mad white knight

>> No.25913383
File: 120 KB, 640x506, 1598894594904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913472

If you're implying that she blames Nene, than that's probably not true. Sure Nene was the gate for doxxfags, but it was Aloe who carelessly left her own baggage out for anyone to see, even though she KNEW EVERYTHING.

>> No.25913385
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, noefure sway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- She's a drunk, therefore relatable
- She has a deep voice (normal and "Homura")
- She's a proven woman-eater
- I don't know, probably her design. It reminds me of female-oriented stuff for some reason.

>> No.25913387

Source on the song?

>> No.25913388
File: 1.12 MB, 2508x3541, Aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listen to Aloe's Happy Synthesizer cover
>doesn't make you happy
Aloe, please come back to us...

>> No.25913389

/g/ pls go
/v/ pls go

>> No.25913390
Quoted by: >>25913436

Only liking Aloe tweets by the looks of it

>> No.25913391
Quoted by: >>25913991

It certainly isn't being subtle
I'll tune into her next stream then. In the meantime I'll sub and follow on her twitter.
>Devote your life to her
Maybe. I don't have an oshi yet but I don't want to jump to becoming a gosling friend when I haven't watched her stream yet.

>> No.25913394
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1591908653223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why the fuck do they get sick all the time?
last time I was sick was 5 years ago.
Are nip's immune system that bad?

>> No.25913395

Deltaya was and still is a sexual freak who put on a fake act at hololive. Most people do not like being deceived or cheated on.

At this point only EOPs ignore this

>> No.25913398 [DELETED] 

The dark knight of 5ch.

>> No.25913399 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 900x683, faggot 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913400

Towa seems to have a sizable one too, she really is a mini Flare.

>> No.25913402
Quoted by: >>25913559

She WAS the 2nd best singer of her gen too

>> No.25913404

My relationship with Ayame is like my relationship the Patriots in basically every fucking way. I don't like them but I root for them because I know it's not worth the stress of hating people who just fucking win all the goddamn time. On the flipside if anything bad ever happened to them I would be celebrating.

>> No.25913405

Yes, she lost her footrest

>> No.25913410

She's really good, but I admit it's taking me some time to get used to her 3D model. It feels very off. It's cute in that it looks like a doll and has those thighs but the face feels off putting for me. Hope she collabs with Suisei outside of Mspe soon

>> No.25913412

What do you expect from a tiny island nation with centuries of inbreeding?

>> No.25913413
File: 33 KB, 551x306, busy guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913468

Narukami is a hard working busy man. Please andastand

>> No.25913414

Leave her alone Sio. Towa isn't even involved.

>> No.25913415

>succubus character
>fake act
bro... she was going to be a sex freak in character who will put marine to shame if only antis gave her a chance...

>> No.25913416

>Are nip's immune system that bad?

>> No.25913417
File: 174 KB, 1230x1077, 9916186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913482

>> No.25913418 [SPOILER] 
File: 942 KB, 1187x1500, 1598979555384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit on my face onegai

>> No.25913422

Are you the one from Antarctica?

>> No.25913423

I can't get over how fucking pretentious it is.

>> No.25913424

So? We did the same for Kaoru.

>> No.25913425 [DELETED] 

the collective manifestation of idolcucks

>> No.25913426
Quoted by: >>25913469

wait but JoPs were saying it wasn't about the sex thing, it was because she breached the contract
hmmm. Which is it?

>> No.25913427

>cheated on

>> No.25913428

The discussion about Mano every thread is literally just one long ritual post. Same fucking shit every thread.

>> No.25913430

When are we getting our own board? This thread is a shithole faster than most boards, at this point it's more necessary than another videogame board

>> No.25913432
Quoted by: >>25913454

Want to remind me what kind of character she played, anon?

>> No.25913435

Japanese cold is not a meme.

>> No.25913436
Quoted by: >>25913532

Sometime saying nothing will tell you more than saying anything

>> No.25913438

>gen 5 will always be 5 members
>I'm not going to change my headers with Aloe in them
>Lamy kept private messaging her asking if she's okay and wants to chat



>> No.25913439 [DELETED] 

some sperg that posted a video saying "haha I'm right and you're wrong" about the Aloe shit
Not sure why shitposters chose such an ugly dude to be their posterboy but I guess they don't have many options

>> No.25913440
File: 328 KB, 467x374, 1598844401230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, do you think after the next azur lane event the one after it will be a new hololive one? What girls do you think it will come with? My bet is Senchou, Korone, Pekora and Okayu

>> No.25913443

Because Ayame's drama wasn't popular with EOPs and there are no retarded white knight support groups to keep flaming up the issue

>> No.25913444

All the nips with powerful immune systems who could live in holes and eat maggoty rice died fighting for Nippon islands in WWII. The weak brew are what you see today.

>> No.25913445 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming shit, faggpt. Go back to r*ddit or d*scord, they like to talk about that slut a lot.

>> No.25913446

She probably gives a percentage of her compensated dating revenue to Yagoo, that's why she's off the hook

>> No.25913447
File: 154 KB, 305x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913521


>> No.25913448 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913485

>imagine being so mad you waste image multiple slots on this dumb fucking image

>> No.25913450

kino stream in 11 hours

>> No.25913451
File: 332 KB, 1084x1080, 1562200329333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913474

>faggot still spamming their literal who eleven

>> No.25913453
Quoted by: >>25913747

Based, I haven't got sick for the last five years too.

>> No.25913454 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 459x700, 1583737887775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An underage succubus?

>> No.25913455

So is Kanata the only one man enough to back up Aloe?

>> No.25913458
Quoted by: >>25913484

>sexual freak
It's really not much worse than some of the shit in these boards, unless everyone in 4chan is a sexual freak now.

>> No.25913460


>> No.25913462
File: 296 KB, 596x456, 1598409384420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thought he got the whole thing, it was merely the tip of the iceberg, gotta wait within this week for the whole scoop

>> No.25913463 [DELETED] 

why are you like this

>> No.25913464
Quoted by: >>25913494

I can't imagine how PekoTowa is going to work.

>> No.25913466

The LARPing is getting really fucking irritating, that's for sure.

>> No.25913467

I can't believe Watame just killed Aqua...

>> No.25913468
Quoted by: >>25914559

Cover sending people to kill him

>> No.25913469

it's whatever they need it to be at the moment

>> No.25913470
File: 78 KB, 398x398, 20200901_130004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard Towa is planning to do a English only stream, is that true?

>> No.25913471
File: 118 KB, 621x571, EDD7A373-DF9F-4EDE-8BA6-31521FFECE47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://pastebin.com/En6CsBuP But anon said I need to re-render these clips because of the resampling !
https://v.ikx.me/channel/YozoraMel I do not know what do you like so watch whatever you want !!

>> No.25913472

THis design is way better

>> No.25913473
Quoted by: >>25913510

Nene pretty much said she wouldn't take down her Twitter header no matter what. It's about all you can ask from them, given the situation.

>> No.25913474

Mark my words, mikotchi is fucking dead next week

>> No.25913475 [DELETED] 

Aloe so I can give her a basket of eggs and tell her it'll all be alright.

>> No.25913477

There's a significant rumor that Nijisanji's Hoshikawa Sara is going on hiatus or even retiring due to her family situation. That's probably it.

>> No.25913478

Because most of them are only falseflagging as watamefags

>> No.25913480 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913505

>literally has made multiple copies of this shit
Dude, you are literally seething right now and I guarantee people will act like antis to watch you seethe harder. Please stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.25913481 [DELETED] 

Fuck off

>> No.25913482
File: 765 KB, 736x850, 1598856496757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913499


>> No.25913483

the autist who falseflags as sheep and flare won't shut the fuck up about it

>> No.25913484

>everyone in 4chan is a sexual freak now
you should know by now they're much worse than that

>> No.25913485 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913516

I hope you're not mad about this image because it reminds you of your own face. Wouldn't want to wish that on you.

>> No.25913486

She mentioned it in her member only stream, yeah. No hard date or anything though, she just talked about wanting to do one soon.

>> No.25913487

as a sheep fag, whenever she streams, i usually give her my full attention and end up forgetting my 4chan tab

>> No.25913488

handyman roberu

>> No.25913489
Quoted by: >>25913507

She's the leech for a reason

>> No.25913491 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913520

>caring about a sexualized character being "underage"
wherever you came from, go back

>> No.25913494

It's going to be a disaster but I'll watch it

>> No.25913496 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913520

>fully developed body

>> No.25913497 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913499
File: 246 KB, 1500x814, Yamero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

>> No.25913498
File: 235 KB, 1535x2048, EglZpZCU0AAjIcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913500
Quoted by: >>25913565

Mio and Miko's graduation is all but inevitable at this point

>> No.25913501

I hope she don't off herself

>> No.25913502

I will dislike every Mel stream because of you.

>> No.25913505 [DELETED] 

I was editing the images so it could be a bit smaller so I thought why not just dump it all to make them seethe harder

>> No.25913507
Quoted by: >>25914458

I thought Coco treated her like a wife

>> No.25913508

I know nothing about this cute debiru on the watame/rbc collab other than its a he (she) from niji, but I want to fluff it.

>> No.25913509


>> No.25913510

This will be the 5th gens Fubuki "I'll never be a mouthpiece for saying something I disagree with" Shirakami

>> No.25913512

What family situation?

>> No.25913513

Why the fuck are Aloe whiteknights still unable to cope? They barely even fucking knew her.

>> No.25913514 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913515

If that happens, expect the Festival depression arc.

>> No.25913516 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913544

Nice reach faggot, keep seething over your dead slut

>> No.25913520 [DELETED] 

Tell that to the judge, pedos.

>> No.25913521


>> No.25913523
File: 487 KB, 1535x2048, Eej8Dp0U8AAFNcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913527

Lmao she can't even read english superchats

>> No.25913528 [DELETED] 

You should have posted "Nene:" or where this comes from so it doesn't look like fanfiction. A nene image would have helped as well.

>> No.25913529
Quoted by: >>25913718

Alright that PPAP clip was pretty cute, I'll try to catch her next stream

>> No.25913532

She liked something where she looks like a depressed fuck. That's quite something

>> No.25913533

She literally had 0 chance of playing her character though. She could have gone for the ultra coomer route.

>> No.25913534 [DELETED] 

monster cock energy


>> No.25913536 [DELETED] 

he feels personally attacked

>> No.25913537

Melanon, what kind of member streams does Mel usually do? Checking to see if it's worth it if it's ASMR I'm fucking off

>> No.25913539


>> No.25913538

she's becoming a grandma

>> No.25913540

They are not even actual whiteknights
They just want to make people mad by spamming their shit here

>> No.25913541
File: 1.41 MB, 2508x3541, EVnl-k_VAAA0eyD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't have access to membership content on every channel?
Damn cover are cheapskate.

>> No.25913542

It's 90% shitposters roleplaying as both white knights and antis who both think the other side is genuine

>> No.25913543

I have no idea, I just Google translate posts in the 5ch Nijisanji threads

>> No.25913545

That's nothing, just wait till Mio graduates

>> No.25913544 [DELETED] 

Not even an Aloefag but you really are buttmad, huh.

>> No.25913547

Can you all shut the fuck up and listen to Luna?

>> No.25913549

Why are bugmen unable to show empathy?
Young girls dream just got crushed and she'll probably end up killing herself

>> No.25913550


>> No.25913551

when were you when baqua deided?
i was at home eating ninjin when notif cum
abqua is kil

>> No.25913552

Has Debi ever broke character, or is she as unbreakable as Luna?

>> No.25913553
Quoted by: >>25913718

oh good the pastebin is working again

>> No.25913554

>Pekotowa collab
The two fanbases that ruined this place. Guess I'm taking a break tomorrow

>> No.25913555

Her lowest tier member streams are not ASMR

>> No.25913556

desu wa fags, there's an English only stream later
ironically, they're the same insane idolfags that will drop tens of thousands of yen buying the same single in hope that they (a male) get a ticket to attend a handshake event. "it's fine when I do it because I'm a true fan but bad when anyone else does it"

>> No.25913557
Quoted by: >>25913596


>> No.25913558
Quoted by: >>25913614

Man, I loved Aloe but you anons need to let her go.

>> No.25913559

So is she the first now, or does Polka still beat her to it?

>> No.25913560

Do you say that about a family that has a miscarriage bro? Or has a kid die to SIDS?

"Bro you hardly knew them. Just get a new one lmao"

>> No.25913562
File: 54 KB, 608x608, 1597487781162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913564 [DELETED] 

I don't live in a shithole where drawings have rights also I can fuck 14 years olds legally anytime. Must be sad to be a burger

>> No.25913565

Miko is fine, she's here to stay because clips are still being uploaded to her channel. Mio I'm not sure tho.

>> No.25913568

She really can't stop thinking about big gaijin dollars

>> No.25913569

Aside from the obivious point that her character was a succubus
>women pretending to be anime girls online play a character

>> No.25913570

Will the 3090 be able to run Pien at 60 FPS?

>> No.25913572
File: 70 KB, 228x221, rweradsfafarwerew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913573
Quoted by: >>25913590


>> No.25913581

And? What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.25913582

Luna is cute as fuck

>> No.25913583

>unbreakable as Luna
Haachama cooking broke Luna

>> No.25913584 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913624

how does it feel

>> No.25913585


>> No.25913587

Nothing will ever tame that beast

>> No.25913589
File: 799 KB, 1103x1080, 1598185255373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913628

Sheepgods don't need validation from this thread.

>> No.25913590

is a

>> No.25913591

I don't know but I want to fluff it then fuck it

>> No.25913592


>> No.25913594 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25913627

So a fully grown female will send you to jail if she small or flat

>> No.25913595
File: 135 KB, 600x419, 1590546572391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip aqua's pc

>> No.25913596

That doesn't fit with her baby persona.

>> No.25913597
File: 89 KB, 556x688, 1274EA72-6C89-4C29-9908-478BC67EF39C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Killing herself
Hopefully she'll stream it!

>> No.25913598

it'll probably be like that desuwa girls english only stream

>> No.25913600
Quoted by: >>25913622

Haachama cooking can break anyone

>> No.25913602

good oni.

>> No.25913603

Would you spam your jewbook with thoughts and prayers for those people for more than 2 weeks? There's feeling sorry for someone and then there's being an insane white knight who only cares because a m'lady was sad.

>> No.25913607

When will big tech companies start benchmarking their products using PIEN?

>> No.25913608

Pure seiso idol

>> No.25913609
File: 166 KB, 701x999, 104 - FHq5qBj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913625

>> No.25913611
Quoted by: >>25913639

Aqua... Tokioka... onegai...

>> No.25913612
File: 128 KB, 920x853, 1584910058412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do 35Ps even exist anymore?

>> No.25913613
Quoted by: >>25913681

She is liking Aloe posts on twitter nothing else. Her Persona of a Clow doesn't allow her to talk a out it

>> No.25913614

They probably won't let go until she returns in some shape and form. Maybe next 3 months?

>> No.25913616
Quoted by: >>25913683

From their perspective it's less of a deep love for Aloe and more of a hatred for idol culture
They don't care that she was only there for a few days, it's the principle around "someone was graduated because of antis" that sets them off

>> No.25913618

Pien is the new Crysis.

>> No.25913619
File: 1.48 MB, 1366x768, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is she suicide?

>> No.25913620


>> No.25913622


>> No.25913623 [DELETED] 

it was linked last thread

>> No.25913624 [DELETED] 


>> No.25913625

That's an incredibly smug Aqua

>> No.25913626

>muh empathy
When will it stop

>> No.25913627 [DELETED] 

Unironically yes...are you retarded? If you fucked a 15 year old then told the police "b-b-but she's fully grown" then you're gonna get v&.

>> No.25913628


>> No.25913629

enko legend.

>> No.25913630

>unbreakable as Luna
Luna is like Mr Glass but cute

>> No.25913632
File: 1.10 MB, 2993x3396, Aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913842

It has been less than 2 days, you schizo.

>> No.25913636
Quoted by: >>25913667

Damn you better do something about it then. But wait, you can't and are posting here instead. The antis did more than you. Might as well watch the ongoing streams.

>> No.25913637


>> No.25913638
File: 150 KB, 960x984, wzti01ye7ik51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she chose you to be her fourth boyfriend
what now?

>> No.25913639

I understood this. Am I N2?

>> No.25913642

Anon, who do you think is responsible for all the shitposting?

>> No.25913645 [DELETED] 

What if you was made to do it by her

>> No.25913647 [DELETED] 

he's the ultimate idolchad, slayer of whiteknights

>> No.25913648
File: 197 KB, 1035x266, Hololive Five Part 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913676

Civia will save 5th gen

>> No.25913649

holy shit imagine being a vtuber just to be a fucking animal

>> No.25913651


>> No.25913652
File: 305 KB, 1063x619, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based antiCHAD.

>> No.25913655


>> No.25913656

Yes is. She plans to do it somewhere near in the future but I expect it to be like Roberu's english asakatsu.

>> No.25913657


>> No.25913660
Quoted by: >>25913685

Nice guitar "skills" bro

>> No.25913663

tease her tail under the table while she tries to give the server her order

>> No.25913665


>> No.25913666

Yes lots of 35P usually at burger hours. And I'm always here shitposting and falseflagging

>> No.25913667

I dont even watch holoshit lmao

>> No.25913668

Luna/Subaru collabs are the best

>> No.25913670

Almost never. Luna cracks a lot more in comparison.

>> No.25913671

>LUNA brrrrrrrr'ing directly into the mic
Weird feelings

>> No.25913674
File: 198 KB, 360x450, nihonjinkeemstar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Antis will Pay

>> No.25913675

People who think they have an oshi might not really have an oshi.
If you dont revolve your schedule around your oshis streams, she isn't your oshi
If she doesn't make you happy or sad, she isn't your oshi
If you don't think about her often, she isn't your oshi
You just have a minor infatuation

>> No.25913676 [DELETED] 

>small or flat
That isn't an age, retard.
Wonder what she will stream.

>> No.25913677 [DELETED] 

You guys just can't help but show that you're from twitter, reddit or wherever the fuck these garbage memes come from, can't you?

>> No.25913678

Meanwhile on the other side, you have this:

>> No.25913679
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1596400419777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913721

At least it would be cute.

>> No.25913681

So will people start making more Joker edits

>> No.25913683
Quoted by: >>25913766

most of their money comes from otaku idolfags anyway. No one in their right mind would donate 10000 yen for an anime avatar on the internet

>> No.25913684

Haato is the one thing that consistently breaks Luna. It wasn't just the cooking. It happened first in Apex.

>> No.25913685


>> No.25913686
Quoted by: >>25913713

She is wearing her happy face

>> No.25913687

Plan three murders

>> No.25913688

sexface, pure sexface

>> No.25913689
Quoted by: >>25913724

You must do your part to improve the immune systems of the Japanese using your genetic material

>> No.25913691


>> No.25913692

Be surprised that I'm not the tenth.

>> No.25913693
Quoted by: >>25913714

but naru got his information from Sio who's gone now

>> No.25913695
File: 38 KB, 679x274, 1596324576786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her to get her elbows off the table.

>> No.25913696

>RBC and company getting bodied while Luna plays Wabbaly in the background
My sides

>> No.25913698

i will lick her pussy so hard hoping i could taste a trace of aruran's cock

>> No.25913702 [DELETED] 

Go back. Christ these fucking tourists.

>> No.25913705
File: 429 KB, 889x675, Activity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can only hope he doesn't hold back. This needs to be a bigger impact than the Kaoru one.

>> No.25913706

can you keep it in your discord?

>> No.25913707

Thank heavens I don't look like this

>> No.25913708
Quoted by: >>25913722

Do I know this hypothetical family? If they're at most an acquaintance I'd offer my condolences on hearing the news but I'm not going to mope for days about it. And an acquaintance is more than Aloe ever was.

>> No.25913709
File: 89 KB, 1125x1295, Eg2FENAUMAAa-3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913710
Quoted by: >>25913834

Seriously, both sides are so fucking cringe

>> No.25913711

Fencesitter. I guess getting doxxed himself will get him off the fence

>> No.25913713
File: 906 KB, 1200x650, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like this

>> No.25913714

Sio is still friends with Towa.

>> No.25913716


>> No.25913717
File: 467 KB, 492x566, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procreational sex with a succubus!

>> No.25913718
File: 264 KB, 946x2048, AED4CFF2-DB6A-42EF-A105-CC6A63A03AAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad you enjoyed it !!
The most recent one was a movie-watching stream if I remember correctly ! But most of the streams are ASMR I think.
It never stopped working, I just mistyped one character in the link... (´;ω;`)

>> No.25913720

Based satan Mikopi

>> No.25913721
Quoted by: >>25913763

She's very qualified

>> No.25913722

Hololive is family, nigga.

>> No.25913723

I wake up to the sound of music, Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let Aloe be

Let Aloe be, let Aloe be, let Aloe be, yeah, let Aloe be
There will be an answer, let Aloe be

>> No.25913724

but I'm a white pig.
They will never accept my tainted semen.

>> No.25913725

Sio's fat ass on my face

>> No.25913726
Quoted by: >>25913738

Why would I want to do that with someone who can't even Apex right

>> No.25913727
Quoted by: >>25913746


>> No.25913728

Holy based.

>> No.25913730
File: 442 KB, 917x945, 1583342138775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we just gonna peddle the same images/discussions every week? This shit is boring.

>> No.25913731

Ojou seems like she would be a hard women to flatter and flirt with

>> No.25913733
Quoted by: >>25913750


>> No.25913734

Ok bro

>> No.25913735

>Sorry but I feel really anxious and nervous when I'm with women so I'd rather stay alone. Also I'm unable to feel something for anyone thanks to my depression, and I'm afraid of any relationships because of my inferiority complex. I wouldn't be good enough for you. But I'd be glad if you would be my friend and we could talk online everyday and playing or watching movies together via stream or something like this! But I'll be boring I don't really know how to make a conversation interesting. I don't have friends, I didn't talk to anyone since years.

>> No.25913737

welcome to /hlvg/

>> No.25913738

1. Who said you were doing it?
2. Why does that matter?

>> No.25913741

Go back to youtube.

>> No.25913742


>> No.25913743
Quoted by: >>25913761

Fuckin idiots only Ui-mama matters

>> No.25913744
Quoted by: >>25913764

My baby princess is having so much fun!

>> No.25913745

>she'll probably end up killing herself
god i hope. imagine all the shitposting material

>> No.25913746

Debi's puff daddy costume is hilarious

>> No.25913747

Based, last time I felt really bad my WBC count was at 650/μL

>> No.25913749

Same shit happened when Kaoru got glassed and this time it was a girl so people are extra upset.
Both the doomposters and white knights will leave in a week or so.

>> No.25913750
File: 51 KB, 500x496, wallaby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913752

can succubi choose when to use the semen for energy or fertilization? or both? or do they have a fertility cycle like regular women?

>> No.25913753
Quoted by: >>25913804

I will never get tired of waraby
She should play Gwyn's theme

>> No.25913754
Quoted by: >>25913777

only until some new drama comes and everyone circlejerks over that. Hope you enjoy this cycle

>> No.25913756

Make sure to post more vids of you declaring your support Maloebros

>> No.25913758

When the redditors leave, so never.

>> No.25913759

Matsuri's content has really gone downhill since she started attaching Luna to everything. I don't even watch her anymore.

>> No.25913760

>started playing azur lane just because of the recent hololive event tweet

>> No.25913761
Quoted by: >>25913884

Kagura Nana > Ui-mama

>> No.25913762


>> No.25913763


>> No.25913764

I love her laugh so much it makes me so so happy

>> No.25913766
Quoted by: >>25913825

I doubt hololive antis are a major source of supacha

>> No.25913767

that's just sad
jut kys and be done with it already

>> No.25913768
File: 180 KB, 804x1638, EefW5XXU8AECfSw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTRing Sora

>> No.25913771
File: 217 KB, 800x1132, 1594435053907.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913784

>Fur Elise

Luna's recital, every stream

>> No.25913772

>it's literally whiteknight bugmen vs japanese bugmen

>> No.25913773

Based. But he's ugly as fuck, poor guy.

>> No.25913775
File: 306 KB, 1200x1076, 1598905092061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would your holo protect you like Pekora protects her nousagis?

>> No.25913777
File: 212 KB, 610x660, 1592146886252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not, I want the Cho Aniki hlg back the one where people got along and narrative posting was at an all time low and people had fun watching Hololive and not craving attention.

>> No.25913780

>all these recent luna collabs with different people
do you even watch streams? luna's had one recent one with festival compared to before she's branching out

>> No.25913781

>RBC 414 level
Is she any good?

>> No.25913784

Bless up

>> No.25913785

Flare is done who live?

>> No.25913786


>> No.25913787

That time is never coming back unless you hardware id ban everyone that participated in these threads past that stream

>> No.25913789

Why do people keep saying her name like this, her name is A-Lo-Eh even her art hashtag was #まのあろ絵 literally reads as mano a-lo-eh with that kanji

>> No.25913790
File: 20 KB, 426x352, 1595847561660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still mad Luna didn't play the piano during her 3D debut. Something went wrong at the last moment, why would they make debut that much worse than the other ones

>> No.25913791

when will he stream?

>> No.25913792

Old /hlg/ was all narrative posting lmao
It was just higher quality

>> No.25913793

Nah, he'll just repeat everything we already know. Maaaybe throw a few light jabs at antis.

>> No.25913794

More likely that Narukami kills Cover off than the antis

>> No.25913795
File: 1.90 MB, 1041x2817, 1570542754082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913799

No it's not because they all hate each other, 5ch said so.

>> No.25913800

I'm surprised 5th gen aren't overlapping with Roberu's morning stream. Were they told to not fuck up the Holostar's incline?

>> No.25913803


>> No.25913804

I'll pay money for that, man. But is she good enough for it?

>> No.25913805

Izuru's in the rain cover

>> No.25913806
File: 430 KB, 2012x1807, towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913852

>> No.25913808

might be shocking but there is more to luna than just piano

>> No.25913809

>this is your average whiteknight

>> No.25913811
Quoted by: >>25913918

Anon, levels doesn't reflect the player's skills. Even Choco is lvl 87 and she's still in the basic.

>> No.25913812

Aloe vera
that's why

>> No.25913814
File: 772 KB, 1920x1080, 1595774059696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913815

I get feeling bad that she got fucked over so hard, but she had no content, why are people acting like she's been an established member for years

>> No.25913817

The Beatles

>> No.25913818


>> No.25913819

that's never coming back
this fad's gotten too big and Cover isn't helping by having some new drama every single goddamn week so we get tourists constantly coming here to shitpost all the time. There was a brief moment when all the pekoposters got banned that echoed those comfy times but that's as much as we'll get.

>> No.25913820
Quoted by: >>25913860

The thing is, you wouldn't even need to care since no one's gonna talk about her after few days

>> No.25913821

Festuval has been collabing with everybody but Luna recently. Even with other vtubers from other companies

>> No.25913822

>Flare is done

>> No.25913823

What would you say is the best hololive APEX trio?
Either in terms of skill or entertainment, your pick.

>> No.25913825
Quoted by: >>25914611

There are no such thing as antis, bro. They are all fans that just want the best for the girls and encourage them by harassing them.

>> No.25913826

Luna, Watame/RBC/Debiru on Apex

>> No.25913827

It made me laugh when in the next collab those two were together, like weeks after cooking video. Luna was still mad at Hachaama. Even Subaru noticed.

>> No.25913828

Which holo do you think would be most impressed/wooed by an expensive car?

>> No.25913829

We even got doomposting addicted insiders apparently

>> No.25913832

>enjoying holoshit

>> No.25913833

She's higher level than Botan who's only 140 Diamond, that should tell you everything.

>> No.25913834

>le based centrist
fuck off

>> No.25913837
File: 122 KB, 1280x959, 1598885900117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914115

Threads were getting slow again and Bakatare 3D almost felt like good old days but you need one drama and we are to cesspool level. Simply sugoi, get me out of this timeloop.

>> No.25913838

Anyone have that "remember what they took from you" edit with Aloe?

>> No.25913839

whendid I imply otherwise faggot

>> No.25913842

Don't pretend you haven't been crying about Aloe being suspended for the past 2 weeks.

>> No.25913843


>> No.25913844


>> No.25913846

Weren't they temporally banned only because of the ogey-rrat spam? Nousagis are too strong to be actually killed

>> No.25913847

I always knew you retards were the biggest antis around here.

>> No.25913848


>> No.25913849

Ayame/Shion/Matsuri was really fun.

>> No.25913850
Quoted by: >>25913866

because they're invested in the brand

>> No.25913852
File: 227 KB, 1011x868, 1587387237212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913932


>> No.25913854

>these are the people /jp/ worships

>> No.25913855

Aqua's autistic sperging is enjoyable, but the one hour or so I got of Botan + Nene I enjoyed far more than any other Holo Apex stream so far.

>> No.25913856

Looks way worse than based 5chad

>> No.25913857

Which is?

>> No.25913859
Quoted by: >>25913911

Pekora, Aqua and Rushia vs their previous customers

>> No.25913860

I won't stop talking about her!

>> No.25913862
Quoted by: >>25913880

yes but those 3 days they were on vacation were some of the most peaceful the thread has been in a long time

>> No.25913863
Quoted by: >>25913937

When you get some.
Retards stop being called retards when they stop being retarded as well. Shocking how logic works, don't you think?

>> No.25913864

Levels reflect their experience not skill. She has her moments but when in panic mode, her aim is all over the place. Her overall game sense isn't that good too imo.

>> No.25913866
Quoted by: >>25913925

She has tons of content outside of the streams tho, she's definitely good

>> No.25913869

Being shit at APEX isn't fun to watch, Aqua/Ayame/Astel collab please.

>> No.25913870

Still more relevant to her than fucking space invaders.

>> No.25913871 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 220x220, 12794562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913893

I made the post to laugh not to be reminded what my life look like

>> No.25913872

Artia/Aqua/Ayame/Botan would be a pretty powerful group
Aqua's the most entertaining next to Matsuri and Shion

>> No.25913877

Oh no no no no no whiteknightbros is this really the best we have?

>> No.25913878
Quoted by: >>25913919

JOPS will be satisfied
Overseas will be angered

>> No.25913880
File: 16 KB, 427x381, 1598904626432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913895

>3 days
3 hours you mean

>> No.25913881

I love my baby princess!

>> No.25913883


>> No.25913884

I like ui-mama but honestly this

>> No.25913888
File: 450 KB, 885x733, 93ba8c10e7cedd5526048381bfab5871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913957

Holy shit ok I get it now Lunafags. She is cute, interesting and somehow funny to watch. I get it. I'm having fun with her piano stream.

>> No.25913889
File: 194 KB, 1920x1080, DQGpTTkoeQU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913890

Why didn't they draw the feeeeeeeeeeeeeet

>> No.25913891

i wasn't banned tho

>> No.25913892

damn reddit looks like this

>> No.25913893
File: 811 KB, 607x578, 1596626989933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913910

just b urself

>> No.25913894 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 365x365, ゴズリング7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us Goslingposters laugh at Aloelosers

>> No.25913895
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1594737287473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913896

Matsuri, Astel, Gorilla

>> No.25913897

Why aren't we having fun!
Stop having empathy.

>> No.25913898

Embarassing. I don't get how you faggots can stomach watching shit like this, it's kryptonite to me.

>> No.25913899

She did have content, though. Just not under Hololive.
She'll be lucky to ever have any of that content opportunity ever again now that she's got those cunts stalking her forever.

>> No.25913900 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 1280x530, 1596163036906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913901

anon I...I'm sorry.
I know how you feel, it's going to be 大丈夫.

>> No.25913904

I don't fucking know but I hope soon, at this point it is just a circlejerk

>> No.25913905
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a bit too real anon

>> No.25913906
File: 1.98 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25913907 [DELETED] 
File: 2.27 MB, 2724x1088, al.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's based?
Who's cringe?

>> No.25913908

I'm still waiting for Haachama, Kanata, and Suisei APEX.

>> No.25913909

Admittedly, the 2070 is a good card. So it’s not a terrible loss.

>> No.25913910

Coach Roberu to the rescue

>> No.25913911

The battlefield is too small

>> No.25913912
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1598904186404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913960

Same. I stopped posting just because it was past midnight here. I had not a single ban, not even a warning.

>> No.25913913

Contents of Aloe message were dropped here when the announcement went live: >>25862892

I don't know who the fuck >>25911807 / >>25910877 is but hash dropping does not involve posting the contents of your message BEFORE the date it becomes true.

>> No.25913914

Is this the new episode of Lovecraft Country...

>> No.25913915

His melt cover is pretty fantastic

>> No.25913916
Quoted by: >>25913963

Is Debi voiced by a girl?

>> No.25913917

Go listen to her ASMR
I have never been interested in those but hers are so damn enjoyable

>> No.25913918

this, im a level 30 shitter but i get paired with level 200+ who are 10x more retarded than me

>> No.25913919

JOPs sure were satisfied with game bu and Ai

>> No.25913920
File: 13 KB, 315x160, 31B45A66-2268-4149-8BBA-3E544A7C39A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you realize Hololive will probably be Kyoani'd if Aloe is allowed to stay. This is what happened to AKB48 after a member announced that she's getting married.

>> No.25913922
File: 896 KB, 2543x3896, 280a3ff60d631367859cfc11285564a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25913954

I want ojou in a sexy outfit..

>> No.25913926
Quoted by: >>25914014

please stop this is the 5rd time I've seen this already

>> No.25913925
Quoted by: >>25913977

but they never knew about it until very recently
they were already weeping over her before

>> No.25913927 [DELETED] 

You're cringe for constantly spamming this shit.

>> No.25913928

So I heard Pekora wants a $1500 3090

>> No.25913930

Damn, I'm glad holostars picked him up.

>> No.25913932
File: 464 KB, 2334x1800, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say it ain't so

>> No.25913933 [DELETED] 

jomon or yaoi

>> No.25913934


>> No.25913936
File: 1.71 MB, 3541x2508, 200262c22b9fc70bbfc073c206cda11c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25913937
Quoted by: >>25914252

Good job! You truly showed him anon. Now go and save the world from the evil nipponese

>> No.25913938

Only if you can gatekeep the antis; like using it for HoloEN or HoloTwitch

>> No.25913939

How many of yall can actually understand Japanese?

>> No.25913941


>> No.25913942

How many Pekos are $1500?

>> No.25913943

There is legitimately no issue with being nice or overly-sentimental. It hurts literally no one. Being a retard who needs to gloat about being """"right"""" just shows a massive need for validation.

>> No.25913944

Mio's hash is not even real, it's not hex

>> No.25913945
Quoted by: >>25914042

dont they all suck at apex?

>> No.25913947


>> No.25913951
Quoted by: >>25914005

>Hololive will probably be Kyoani'd
I wish

>> No.25913953


>> No.25913954
File: 920 KB, 1056x629, 1596873978027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her outfit is sexy already though?

>> No.25913956 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25914017


>> No.25913955
Quoted by: >>25914017

Yayoicuck vs the YAMATO-JOMON BVLL

>> No.25913957
File: 23 KB, 347x340, 1598842158011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunachads keep winning

>> No.25913958
File: 2.09 MB, 1672x2500, 48019c16abe2bd9ff55c9495943757e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ojou... your stream...

>> No.25913960
Quoted by: >>25913992

i don't think anyone was banned for that.
and even if they were there no such thing as a "ban" on 4chan unless you're a newfag of course

>> No.25913961

Shion and Ayame still work really well together but Ayame and Aqua seemed to have drifted apart... It's a shame.

>> No.25913963


>> No.25913965
Quoted by: >>25914016

Stopped reading there.

>> No.25913966

That's pennies for her

>> No.25913967

The fag who's making a virtue signal video, because if it was actually a message to her then he would either speak Japanese or send a message in Japanese.
The chad who's shamelessly gloating at people who were wrong (and he was right).

>> No.25913969

Jesus, how anyone gets into an industry catering to that kind of autists is beyond me.
No idea if it's bravery or ignorance.

>> No.25913973
File: 507 KB, 2246x1546, EgsVb_EU4AAtb1S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914165

卍組 will rise again

>> No.25913972

well this is a big red flag
guess the Mio dude really was larping

>> No.25913974
Quoted by: >>25914016


>> No.25913975
Quoted by: >>25913997


>> No.25913976

Oh, i didn't bother to check but I guess that anon didn't use an actual sum anyway.

>> No.25913977
Quoted by: >>25914179

Problem is she's 100% being harmed in terms of online and physical abuse(phonecalls). She's only 19. If you haven't faced it you can't deal with that shit. I can't deal with that shit.

>> No.25913978

False analogy. Haters didn't have time to get invested in Aloe

>> No.25913980

What are you even talking about? Matsuri doesn't collab with Luna anymore. I know this because I only watch Matsuri when she collabs with Luna.

>> No.25913983

>ywn have Suisei as a CV with Suisei dive bombers

>> No.25913986
Quoted by: >>25914121

There is legitimately no issue with being right or judgmental. It literally hurts no one. Being a retard who need to gloat about being """nice""" just shows a massive need for validation.

>> No.25913987
Quoted by: >>25914237

>profound impact
she's been only around for 3 weeks guy

I'm eyerolling at this video, he must be from MASS

>> No.25913988

Oh no, broken glass.

>> No.25913989
Quoted by: >>25914067

Nah I'm of the opinion that virtue signalling retards are sickening and deserve death. Antichad's retarded and his opinions are as well but at least whatever he's doing is done with full expectation of heat and consternation.

>> No.25913990

Who the fuck is Aqua now close with? Holy shit. Shion? Only her? Probably Okayu?

>> No.25913991

Man, trust me you are in for a treat. Okayu's streams are peak comfy in every aspect. It's impossible to hate that beautiful fat cat

>> No.25913992
Quoted by: >>25914199

Says a fucking phoneposter

>> No.25913993

I love how livers have their own special cheer when singing

>> No.25913995

This is why male collabs should be banned

>> No.25913996
File: 707 KB, 736x726, 1596855089170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If all the women of Hololive were laid from end-to-end... I wouldn't be at all surprised."

>> No.25913997

>[Country Roads] Native

>> No.25913998

Somebody PLEASE help this dumb sheep properly set up her stream.
How the fuck she has new PC and NOTHING changed?

>> No.25913999
Quoted by: >>25914011

I slept on Luna. I regret this.

>> No.25914000
Quoted by: >>25914024

I like how people think holo girls are being bullied when the truth is that the girls who streamed on niconico experienced far worse before...

>> No.25914003

Aloe probably appreciated the kind words people were throwing at her but she doesn't even understand the language of the people supporting her and just decided it wasn't worth it. Imagine streaming to look at your chat and only understand the japs sending hate amongst the mindless "BE MY WAIFU" in several languages nonsense. Plus aloe was the type of girl to make fun of white knight retards like this. She's a slutty brat who likes to be teased not being able to have those interactions with your fans would be unsatisfying if I was in her shoes. She would've basically only been doing it for the money and not having any fun with it so it's no surprise she quit.

>> No.25914005

wrong thread 103.50

>> No.25914007

they get "sick" to take some time off

>> No.25914009
Quoted by: >>25914267

We need id's now. We then create list of faggots that should be filtered an enjoy our thread in peace.

>> No.25914010
File: 2.13 MB, 458x452, aUFfid8cpO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914011

get filtered idiot
also checked

>> No.25914012
File: 22 KB, 747x491, 5476347437843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914818

Migochi, you told me I don'd need gf as long as I hab you. What should I do now dat your gone too?


>> No.25914014

Is this just ESL posters or something I'm out of the loop on

>> No.25914016

Shit negro, that's all you had to say

>> No.25914017 [DELETED] 

How can you tell the difference?

>> No.25914018

Luna has ever break her character and use his normal voice?
I mean, like in a normal stream, not his older voice when she sings

I'm actually impressed how some girls can hold a different voice for hours.

>> No.25914020

Hololive 5rd generation

>> No.25914021 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 1023x334, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit late but here you are anon. Directly from MASS

>> No.25914022
Quoted by: >>25914051

>massive need for validation.
it's literally their entire point of being alive anon. Without it, they'll just be nobody who lives inside their parents basement. It's their way to cope with the fact that they will never become a respected member of society. They are the most pathetic kind of bugs in this earth.

>> No.25914023

Ayame sent Aqua a screenshot on discord of her buying her original song when it was just released so they obviously still talk to each other off-stream.

>> No.25914024

It is dying for a reason

>> No.25914026


>> No.25914028
Quoted by: >>25914100

whats the problem?

>> No.25914029


>> No.25914031
File: 915 KB, 4093x2894, EXQad4-VAAIB70O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your holo
>Japanese song you want covered by them
>English song you want covered by them

>> No.25914032


>> No.25914034

>he's never seen awakened luna

>> No.25914036
File: 238 KB, 459x368, 1596888363922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-gomen nye

>> No.25914038

They can't read Japanese. Ironic weebs are cringe as much as the average vermin.

>> No.25914039

we must appease the beast lest it destroy us all

>> No.25914040

Money. Unmarriageable, toxic, autistic, lonely men with disposable income.

>> No.25914041
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1598036961882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914042
Quoted by: >>25914082

Yes though I think Suisei has been getting better but I mean the OP said in terms of entertainment so I wanna see these 3. I'm sure it will be peak entertainment.

>> No.25914043

They are paid actors they better be good at keeping appirances up

>> No.25914044 [DELETED] 

Google the word "phentotype"

>> No.25914046

I guess you weren't leady after all.

>> No.25914048
File: 680 KB, 1143x775, chrome_2020-09-02_00-31-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914071

>> No.25914050

That wasn't even /hlg/

>> No.25914051

how does it feel though

>> No.25914054
Quoted by: >>25915219

Why the fuck did she prioritize using Medkit instead of Battery? RBC?

>> No.25914055
Quoted by: >>25914107


>> No.25914061

>6k+ viewers for Luna's late night stream
A couple months ago she only had like 2k or less for these, didn't she?

>> No.25914062

he's consuming my soul with his eyes wtf

>> No.25914063
File: 15 KB, 594x268, Mioh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914089

>Mio tweet recommended to me even without me following her
What does twitter mean by this?

>> No.25914065
File: 373 KB, 443x590, 不明.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The storm hasn't yet come to pass. Things will be a lot tougher from now on. Antis, Permission, nijifags, they all want our blood. It will be the trial by fire for everyone involved. But we will stay strong. As long as we're alive, there will always be another chance. Brace yourselves and prepare your mind for the next battle to come.

>> No.25914064 [DELETED] 

Also go back

>> No.25914067
File: 186 KB, 354x393, Son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being nice and having basic empathy/compassion is now virtue signalling
Not every one is as jaded as you.

>> No.25914070
Quoted by: >>25915283

covered with cum
covered with cum

>> No.25914072 [DELETED] 


>> No.25914071

All these flavors...

>> No.25914073
Quoted by: >>25914098

Why are they keeping Towa, Matsuri and Ayame with no problems?

>> No.25914075
File: 488 KB, 526x538, 222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914101

Leaked video of Ayame and her boyfriend

>> No.25914076
Quoted by: >>25914183

Why don't you ask the girls themselves you fucking retard; it's plain to see and obvious as fuck. All of these Japanese and Korean girls crave the celebrity and the reward, that's why they walk the narrow path of no boyfriends allowed and crazy stalkers/antis in Japan or sexual abuse and slave-tier working conditions in Korea. Do you honestly think that every single idol goes into it blind and deaf?

>> No.25914078


>> No.25914079
File: 240 KB, 850x1240, __kiryuu_coco_hololive_drawn_by_thongch20976570__sample-523f6032c32cfcd25544f687744e7cf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This covered by Coco, plz I know shes a terrible singer but that's so easy song to sing and shes better with english anyway

>> No.25914080

Shion, marine, and okayu are like the only ones she interacts with now so yeah.

>> No.25914081

Your favorite holo
Her favorite holo

>> No.25914082
Quoted by: >>25914129

cant fucking wait till haachama just fucking teleports because of her aussie internet

>> No.25914085
File: 98 KB, 700x622, Civia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sad Posters dry your tears, blessed unicorn is almost here

>> No.25914086 [DELETED] 

holy based desuwa

>> No.25914087

lots and lots of money anon

>> No.25914088

Duck onegai

>> No.25914089

It's a tweet that got a lot of engagement with people that follow the same people that you do

>> No.25914092
File: 147 KB, 702x575, 314663F9-EF37-489B-82CD-4220003D0481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but who is the bigger whore, Aloe, Towa or Rushia?

>> No.25914093

how slant can a person be before they're considered blind

>> No.25914094


>> No.25914095

closest is the haachama takoyaki video i think? an when she played the vr horror game
>wtf is this shit?!

>> No.25914097

>being nice and having basic empathy/compassion is now virtue signalling
>Being "nice" to some literal who who fucked up and didn't even have 2 hours worth of content
I fucking hate whiteknights

>> No.25914098 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25914155

Retards are still stuck on the idolfag narrative and nijiniggers are getting away with it scot free

>> No.25914100
Quoted by: >>25914134

Watch the stream and see for yourself.
It's not even 60fps...

>> No.25914101
Quoted by: >>25914142


>> No.25914103

天野月子 - 蝶

>> No.25914105


>> No.25914107

ESL posts are hilarious.

>> No.25914108

5th generation is gonna end the year with just 3 members. Mark my words

>> No.25914111
Quoted by: >>25914160

Your Mel

>> No.25914113

Cover should be organizing a Holo tournament for Mario Kart or any other game. They have the numbers and would do great if the Nijis collabs are to be trusted.
And even better if they add the Holostars and make them known to the external world.

>> No.25914114

Being nice is fine, being overly-sentimental is not

>> No.25914115
Quoted by: >>25914174

This. Saturday or Sunday, forgot when but it was getting really comfy again with 250 IPs at best. Now we are back into a cesspool until /v/ and /a/ go away.

>> No.25914116

Roberu threatened he would spread a swam of cicadas at the studio.

>> No.25914117 [DELETED] 

Not hololive, off-topic. Back to /vyt/

>> No.25914118
File: 40 KB, 712x375, 1575004360018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post THAT clip

>> No.25914120

Maybe it's because it's extremely lucrative and has the most basic of rules as a requirement, in fact they just require you to NOT do something.

>> No.25914121

>it literally hurts no one
But it did you retard

>> No.25914124
Quoted by: >>25914171

Has anyone asked how Luna's neck is?

>> No.25914123


>> No.25914126 [DELETED] 

really nigger?

>> No.25914127

Good evening Rober

>> No.25914128

Luna... Your wrist... Your finger...

>> No.25914129
Quoted by: >>25914159

That's the best part, and Kabaya will be the clueless Gib while Suisei is tryharding. Just imagine the chaos.

>> No.25914130

you didn't see the clip where Luna went full Christian Bale on another holo during a collab?

>> No.25914131

I want to marry Luna

>> No.25914132

Just keep up your hope and believe
KIBOU always wins in the end

>> No.25914133

okay sociopath

>> No.25914134
Quoted by: >>25914193

what ifshes playing at 60fps

>> No.25914136

>cheated on
This has to be an actual japanese poster.

>> No.25914139

X jigen e youkoso

>> No.25914140

>RBC using colourblind mode
is she actually colourblind or is she just using it because she thinks it gives her an advantage?

>> No.25914142
File: 1.25 MB, 254x833, 1598731724353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914143


>> No.25914144


>> No.25914145 [DELETED] 


>> No.25914146

I like this hornlet

>> No.25914149

>PekoTowa collab stream finally scheduled
>Dead by Daylight

>> No.25914152 [DELETED] 


>> No.25914153 [DELETED] 

jomons look more human

>> No.25914154 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25914164

how do you say desuwa in english

>> No.25914155
File: 493 KB, 596x527, 1596291780966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we keep telling you, you holoshits are the biggest retards around but you refuse to see it.
we literally fuck you company on front of you as you watch and you still pretend it's not happening

>> No.25914158

She stopped being a "literal who" when she got into Hololive. 160,000 subs is not "literal who"-tier at all.

>2 hours of content
It's about the squandered potential and crushed dreams. There's no reason why she is around right now other than bullshit autism on the internet.

>> No.25914159

imagine if they actually won

>> No.25914160

trip of truth

>> No.25914161

AHaha Cover doing ANYTHING... I don't think so

>> No.25914162

>Haachama, Kanata, and Suisei
honestly those trio would be great outside Apex too, imagine a Tricky Towers collab with them

>> No.25914164 [DELETED] 

desu wa

>> No.25914165
Quoted by: >>25914240

>That art
Thanks for reminding me. I need to do my daily prayer.

Dear Fishine,

Please draw an Nakiri Ayame hentai doujin.

>> No.25914166

I hope everyone has a great day, even the anons that hate happiness

>> No.25914171

It hurts noraaaaaa

>> No.25914172
Quoted by: >>25914188

realistically how does one support during a shitstorm? viewership? simping?

>> No.25914174
Quoted by: >>25914468

>This. Saturday or Sunday, forgot when but it was getting really comfy again with 250 IPs at best. Now we are back into a cesspool until reddit and discord go away.

>> No.25914178

No it didn't. Emotional damage doesn't count.

>> No.25914179
Quoted by: >>25914224

no proof that actually happened. didn't even report it to the police

>> No.25914181

Idolfags and unicornfags are the easiest to pick on.
Too bad Cover gave them a victory.

>> No.25914182

fucking retard

>> No.25914183

I honesty prefer being a J-idol over a K-idol. J-idols just need to act cute and grab the money, meanwhile K-idols have to train to dead

>> No.25914184

pretty sure it was a copyright thing so cover just said no

>> No.25914185


>> No.25914187
Quoted by: >>25914263

I hope AKB48 burned to the fucking ground. They're the one who popularized this cancer and they should reap what they sow

>> No.25914188

Simping so hard it scares the antis.

>> No.25914189


>> No.25914191
File: 188 KB, 336x306, lunakimochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna is the most talented retarded baby I've ever seen...these streams are so kimocheels good

>> No.25914192

They already did HoloKart tournament last year. The thing is both holos who usually emceeing/organizing this kind of thing are MIA right now

>> No.25914193

nothing? Also she has 144fps monitor so she's probably playing at something around that...
Stream quality is still shit tho

>> No.25914195 [DELETED] 

Ah, the classic "we lost but we actually won" cope

>> No.25914197

Nobody asked if you personally were or not banned. 50% of the bans are made public. Check the ban list yourself and see the ogeycalypse. 3 days ban for all of them.

Now stop going off topic or you will get another one. What holo are you watching?

>> No.25914198
Quoted by: >>25914223

but she's flat how can she be a whore? doesn't make any sense

>> No.25914199
Quoted by: >>25914259

first of all no. how did you even think that
second of all, what does that have to do with anything

>> No.25914201
File: 1.92 MB, 484x540, RrclIN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914202

>Thinking basic empathy isn't lost on dreamless tourists
Might want to fuck off for your own sanity's sake anon

>> No.25914205

havent heard that for years

>> No.25914207

Does Ayame really do compensated dating or is that just memeing?

>> No.25914208
File: 143 KB, 512x512, 1591679816477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914230


>> No.25914209

IIRC only 4 people showed up to her big minecraft stream (Towa, Kanata, Miko, Okayu)

>> No.25914211

>there's no reason
The reason is that she was a dumb whore. That's enough. She deserved it. Seethe, loser.

>> No.25914214

We need the 4k+ post threads back with no limit. The rush to post images alone encourages shitposting. Threads should be done when they are done.

>> No.25914215

probably shit internet

>> No.25914217

This is funny.

>> No.25914219
Quoted by: >>25914271

>not being nice by default when interacting with fellow human beings
Why are you like this? Do you believe people need to deserve the right to be treated nicely? What's your contribution to the world?

>> No.25914220

>It's about the squandered potential and crushed dreams. There's no reason why she is around right now other than bullshit autism on the internet.
Literally still have no idea how people don't understand that.
They MUST BE trolling, right?

>> No.25914223


>> No.25914224
Quoted by: >>25914417

>in the apology video
>that Cover made her do
>when she was already in trouble with fans and Cover
You're now just dismissing with points you don't like.

>> No.25914225
Quoted by: >>25914273

Can you schedule livestreams with strikes? A month has already passed and Mio is sick, will she be coming back after she gets better.

>> No.25914226

Apex right now sucks for shitters.
Everyone has 25HP worth of armor less in this new season so it's easier die and kill others. Mostly die.
Holos need a new FPS.

>> No.25914228
Quoted by: >>25914292

She had her bit rate upped during night fever, but then again reduced after live stream started buffering for some people. No idea if it's youtube fault or Watame's internet.

>> No.25914229


>> No.25914230
File: 195 KB, 463x453, 1598904890414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914231

They find a voice they can do comfortably without much effort.
Pretty much everyone can do this if they are above average intelligence and simply train for a bit.
A lot of people do it regularly without realizing, whisper voices, play voices, baby voices, sexy voices, formal voices, etc.

>> No.25914232

being right didnt

>> No.25914236


>> No.25914237
Quoted by: >>25914406

he is. he also commented and Koe's video about it. the funny thing is, they still think it was all about the live2d and the bf and sex tweets. they literally have no knowledge of the actual situation

>> No.25914238

It's true anon, has 4chan and 5ch ever lied to you? It's a place with trustworthy news!

>> No.25914240

Holy shit... I want that... Is he into vtubers?

>> No.25914241

Not anymore, unfortunately

>> No.25914242 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25914290

*protests in public over a nigger's death during a pandemic* but we're on the right side of history so...

>> No.25914243

Based, I wish I could have a 10th of the confidence this ugly fuck has.

>> No.25914245
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, 1598942864547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She laughed at that but deep inside she knew it's not funny.

>> No.25914246
Quoted by: >>25914323

Was she really expecting a lot of people to show up? Feels horrible if so, didn't know she was that disliked.

>> No.25914247

Do you think she would still hold a job or even be alive working in an industry where >>25913920 this happens if she did

>> No.25914249
File: 60 KB, 201x147, 1598904922934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914252

Why would I? I would rather join them.

>> No.25914254
Quoted by: >>25914266

Good ones are adapting. RBC does need to pick up a new game to play though.

>> No.25914257
Quoted by: >>25914279

Man, I could really go for some burgers right about now

>> No.25914259
Quoted by: >>25914465

The biggest ban evaders are phoneposters who arrived on this site in 2016.

>> No.25914260

of course they are, look at the IP count
children are fascinated by this being the fastest thread on the site so they flock here for attention, especially during happenings

>> No.25914262
Quoted by: >>25914310

>open Luna stream
>I'm loving it

>> No.25914263

How are they doing now? I haven't looked at anything 3D idol related shit in years. But I agree that they should drown in their own shit and die.

>> No.25914266

What should she swap to? Valorant?

>> No.25914267
Quoted by: >>25914283

ID's won't do shit against the biggest shitposters.

>> No.25914269
File: 363 KB, 1280x719, 1569247023673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit hololive strong
also an argentinian vtuber btfo'd all english ones kek

>> No.25914270
File: 1.11 MB, 955x1351, d5a5e946c51ec6690e52a7bcc7d76ec5 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914307

I'm lovin' it!

>> No.25914271

Lol literally no one "deserves" to be treated nicely. I like holos that appeals to my interests like Okayu and Subaru. A retard like Aloe who fucked up with her 2.5D and her badmouthing of other vtubers shouldn't cry about shit when antis go after her.

>> No.25914272

Aloe has been the biggest whore thus far seeing as she graduated for it. The other two are lucky they could control themselves at least

>> No.25914273

You can but the third strike kills your channel.

>> No.25914274
File: 386 KB, 658x500, aloe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not overly emotional, just stating facts as he sees them
Makes sure to get some satisfying brags in there, makes all saviour complex simps seethe
>unhinged over a girl who streamed for like 1 hour not getting a job
>looks like a fucking serial killer
>if she sees him saying this shit about 'meeting again' shes gonna call the cops and they will do nothing

>> No.25914275

So who's going to be the first holo to upgrade their PC?

>> No.25914276

Yes you fucking faggot holy shit are people so new that they can no longer ascertain whether or not someone is literally trolling them to rile em up and get a reaction?

>> No.25914277
File: 432 KB, 2066x2066, LJsBCn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914279

Disgusting fatso

>> No.25914281
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, 1591902543630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with all the retarded ESLs doing those awful baits lately? are we being raided by spics or something?

>> No.25914282
Quoted by: >>25914303

1 Teriyaki McBurger and 5 pc of McNugget for dinner

>> No.25914283

It'll definitely fix things

>> No.25914284

Subau... new faces... onegai...

>> No.25914287

>Teen wrestler kills herself
>Huge news in Japan
>Few months lather, they try to get another teen to kill herself
Sasuga Japan

>> No.25914289

I think i know what's happening in Watame's stream, she's probably playing at 144fps and trying to stream at 60 fps. This causes OBS to skip frames, which is why she keeps skipping frames

>> No.25914290
Quoted by: >>25914328

what the fuck has that have to do with anything talked about burger, the rest of us don't care about your shit

>> No.25914292

Yeah, night fever is actually 60fps, she reduced to 30 after it. I don't think it helped.

>> No.25914293

i want to lick luna's neck

>> No.25914294


>> No.25914296
Quoted by: >>25914305

>5 piece chicken nugget
she gets the kids meal doesn't she

>> No.25914297

>Luna surprised Mcdees "I'm loving it" isn't a Japan only slogan
what is she for real

>> No.25914299

Real dead hours now

>> No.25914300

In this case yes.
On western Twitter no.

But good thing we are Japanese here so we ignore that side of Twitter.

>> No.25914303

Luna... your injury recovery... eat well...

>> No.25914304

This is my fetish.

>> No.25914305

Statistically speaking, the kids meal menu is cheaper

>> No.25914307

i would pat her head except her guards would probably kill me

>> No.25914309

everyone who are featured in the Hologra posted in her channel and Shion

>> No.25914310
File: 401 KB, 446x515, take my fart nanora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheekeen naggetto naaaaaa

>> No.25914311

>saying this while posting the mexican looking chuuba

>> No.25914313

I can't even find the nip comment. How deeply buried is it?

>> No.25914315
File: 526 KB, 1680x1200, F69B7AEE-D820-43AB-BEE0-0F579150B92A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this woman is a 28 year old dyke and a groomer who would flirt with and send sex texts to her barely-legal freshly-18-year-old coworker and persistently solicited to do things like suck on her titties while using the pressure of her audience and playing it off as a joke.

Reminder that this barely-legal coworker just moved out of her parent's house and this groomer pirate immediately swooped in and slept at her place now that she's living alone in the city, feeling lonely and vulnerable. Reminder that she watched porn with this literal teen and brought alcohol despite the fact that she's not of legal drinking age. Reminder that she again solicited sexual acts later on in the night from this teen, and she crossed personal boundaries in several ways.
Reminder that they slept in the same bed and got way more than just "touchy" with each other. Just imagining her dyke fingers playing with that teen pussy makes me sick. This repulsive lesbian pedo was probably licking all over her lithe little body with her filthy mouth. The most disgusting part is how she took advantage of this confused teen's sexuality and tried to corrupt her to the dyke side by provocatively seducing her into groping and rubbing and fingering her under the bed sheets until she got cold feet.

How can anyone support this dyke?

>> No.25914316
File: 772 KB, 605x737, 1597236309609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, meidos, just nuke this thread for a day or two.

>> No.25914318

but muh 3090

>> No.25914319

Botan? Duh how is that even a question

>> No.25914320


>> No.25914322

We are being raided by /vyt/ which is full of spics larping as jsls if indie chats are anything to go by.

>> No.25914323
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, basedaqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914393

You should watch it if you haven't, her reaction when okayu and miko join near the end is really cute

>> No.25914325

this is why you die alone, anon

>> No.25914326

Was Risu right about otaku?

>> No.25914327

pls update me on this new meme

>> No.25914329

She didn't fume on her roommate's twitter at least.

>> No.25914328
Quoted by: >>25914367

The point is retarded virtue signalers are responsible for retarded shit like that, that's why they're cringe and hated.

>> No.25914330


>> No.25914331
File: 176 KB, 1400x1400, Eg0gKOAU8AAx5e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914345

Hope Okayu's feeling alright.

>> No.25914332
Quoted by: >>25914403


>> No.25914333


>> No.25914334

>badmouthing of other vtubers
oh you're a 103.50, you should have said so at the start

>> No.25914336

>does compensated dating
>we still have zero pictures of her
Is she batman of compensated dating?
(also compensated dating in ff14 doesn't count)

>> No.25914339

A-chan put a stop to it today.

>> No.25914340


>> No.25914342

Botan probably already had a preorder

>> No.25914344

Civia, please bring Yogiri and Rosalyn with you!

>> No.25914345
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1688, bbf285204f0d4f54cd13a32638623cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914446

What happened to her?

>> No.25914347

Where the fuck were the MASS retards when Hololive was struggling? How about how it is that they don't give a shit about the Homostars?
Is popularity and a vagina a prerequisite for empathy or something?

>> No.25914348

If Haachama were to announce she was getting married I would personally buy 4chan and/or 2chan from Hiro and delete /jp/

>> No.25914349

That's kind of hot

>> No.25914350

So? Aqua said Shion wasn't feeling well and Marine was busy, yet they both came twice in her 24h stream earlier and she appreciated that a lot. As of now, Aqua is definitely the closest with Shion within hololive.

>> No.25914351
File: 51 KB, 353x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914428

Lunas piano streams are nice has she done any nodame cantibile OP/EDs?

>> No.25914353
Quoted by: >>25914373


>> No.25914352

she didnt know how to pronounce google please undastand she is a baby

>> No.25914355

Risu is always right

>> No.25914356

Japanese are more sheltered than Americans. Not that it's a bad thing

>> No.25914358
File: 74 KB, 207x267, Luna42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lunas roommate has multiple Despicable Me Minions in her header
Wait, is the reason Luna never breaks character... Because it's not a character...?

>> No.25914359

That's beyond ESL.
The very first thing you're taught in school is how to count.


>> No.25914361
File: 993 KB, 646x848, ohohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914387

Lmao just listen some T-pain songs, it'll be the exact same experience.

>> No.25914362

Wow Marine is so based. She basically got it on with Ojisan favorite Shion

>> No.25914363

Any vtubers playing CKIII...?

>> No.25914367
Quoted by: >>25914390

don't you have school tomorrow timmy?

>> No.25914368

Oh fuck me, I forgot about that shit. That was depressing.
No wonder she hasn't been the same since.

>> No.25914369

she's on a break for a while, A-chan told her to stream more

>> No.25914370
Quoted by: >>25914493


>> No.25914371

Kore ga... American Dreammu

>> No.25914373
Quoted by: >>25914443


>> No.25914376
Quoted by: >>25914470

>She stopped being a "literal who" when she got into Hololive. 160,000 subs is not "literal who"-tier at all.
Not that guy but the number of subs you gain without actually making content does not automatically make you into someone.
You still have to see her content to judge her character, simply having subs is meaningless and surely you must have meant to portray it some other way.

>> No.25914375

Towa gave her shit for using the same picture for most of her thumbnails

>> No.25914377

Yeah that's right.

>> No.25914380

wait what's wrong with aqua? i know she's introverted but...

>> No.25914381

I've seen too many retards in my life to assume anything...

>> No.25914382

Her normal voice is just a faster version of it.

>> No.25914383
File: 88 KB, 152x325, pekoenter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914420

Kneel, homos

>> No.25914387
Quoted by: >>25914617

I don't get the t-pain meme

>> No.25914388

yes she's living the dream being a baby all day

>> No.25914390
Quoted by: >>25914431

Do you have a better word to describe that emotion/reaction? Happy to use it if you do.

>> No.25914391
Quoted by: >>25914418

I like to hear the sound of a woman's throat as she drinks

>> No.25914393

I did, was really glad to see Miko again even if she only typed. I was just wondering if Aqua knew only a few people had the time to show up or if she was genuinely expecting more. The latter would be pretty hurtful.

>> No.25914392

She puts a little bit of the "baby" character into Luna. But for the most part, it's not even a character, maybe.

>> No.25914394

I'm sure even Hal called it shit on Twitter at some point. Still plays it though. :^)

>> No.25914395
Quoted by: >>25914419

Peak eurotrash hours.

>> No.25914396
File: 348 KB, 800x1119, 82296534_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914423

How could we not support her?

>> No.25914400


>> No.25914402

So I should member her?

>> No.25914403

I thought her privating her utawakus are the usual practice for her?
she's really shaky, which is understandable why she doesn't have confidence in her singing

>> No.25914405
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, shitpost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914459

>> No.25914406

As I expected.

Yeah, how all these yt people reporting on the situation are just perpetuating misinformation on how this situation started instead of the ACTUAL cause of this shitshow...

It's fucking disheartening.

>> No.25914407

That's better than when she had her zero callers totsumachi.

>> No.25914409

I want to eat Luna's leftovers...

>> No.25914410
File: 384 KB, 513x555, 1591347168883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Burger Dream™

>> No.25914412

All older women like minions, nothing strange about it

>> No.25914413
Quoted by: >>25914482

Go to reddit if you want to write a fanfiction

>> No.25914414

This, she did it to herself. This is why babalive is the best, they're savvy enough not to do retarded angsty shit then abandon ship once things go south

>> No.25914417

>when she was already in trouble with fans
yes they were going for sympathy points. again no proof

>> No.25914418


>> No.25914419

it's always the same shitposter starting up

>> No.25914420


>> No.25914423

Me on the left.

>> No.25914425

It's not empathy, it's more signalling virtue. It's kind of a masturbatory thing to do that people do for attention. Fuck, I doubt Aloe even saw a single MASS message.

>> No.25914426
Quoted by: >>25914464

(grand) strategy games are shit games to stream unless we're talking about king/queen of zatsudan vtubers

>> No.25914427
File: 83 KB, 676x676, Azki326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914483

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.25914428

she's learning piano, she mainly practices the same several songs she reads from a book

>> No.25914429

No Japanese localization, so no.

>> No.25914432
Quoted by: >>25914491

Grow up. Being jaded isn't healthy.

>> No.25914431

look up a dictionary kiddo, stop using redditspeak

>> No.25914433

I'll cheat:

>> No.25914434


>> No.25914435
Quoted by: >>25914492

>3 days ban
>still thinking "bans" work
okay newfag

>> No.25914439

Honestly yes. Their daifugo collab with Watame was fun as fuck. I wish those 4 would do something again.

>> No.25914440


>> No.25914442
Quoted by: >>25914484

>Pikamee with +80k increase
holy shit

>> No.25914443

My son clapping cheeks

>> No.25914444
File: 133 KB, 291x297, aquantr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25915381

Well judging from said reaction I'd say she was expecting at least a couple more but its all speculation because I'm an EOP

>> No.25914445

yes many are that clueless, I remember discussing with one that genuinely believed that Japan was the only place on earth that experienced all 4 seasons

>> No.25914446
Quoted by: >>25914613

Took the day off because her throat was hurting.

>> No.25914449
File: 309 KB, 1360x1886, 1582381011085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914498

>An American dragon fighting a Japanese sheep for a boyfriend

>> No.25914450
File: 336 KB, 457x611, known.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so it's been a really horrible week. Things are just getting worse and worse, Aloe is gone, streams are coming back painfully slowly and Mio and Miko might be gone for good.

Surely it can't get any better than this, so let's all just give up now. It's over. It's all downhill from this point anons.

>> No.25914451

What's the context behind mentioning Aruran for? I don't get it.

>> No.25914455
Quoted by: >>25914522

>lamy was stealing EOP's from luna
>luna bought mcdonalds to bring them back
the IQ of this baby...

>> No.25914458
File: 211 KB, 623x611, 994361041300142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well evidently, I don't think Coco is a good husband for her

>> No.25914459

anonchama... your transparency reps...

>> No.25914462

So, are we expecting Botan to talk about Ampere in her tomorrow zatsudan?

>> No.25914464
Quoted by: >>25914499

>he doesnt want the great filter

>> No.25914465
Quoted by: >>25914516

it's just as easy to do it with a computer
you can just clear your cookies, and you're good
if you didn't know this, there you go i guess

>> No.25914467
File: 171 KB, 637x431, 1362279449247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25914468

Nice try. No one ITT is using Reddit spacing. If you want to falseflag, try harder.

>> No.25914471 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25914589

>aloe defenders
11 cm penis pinoys
>aloe haters
20 cm penis eurochads

>> No.25914470
Quoted by: >>25914587

>You still have to see her content to judge her character
And she was prevented from ever putting out any content.

>> No.25914473

is that thing still archived or not?

>> No.25914475
File: 22 KB, 340x340, 00012346969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know why

>> No.25914479

Botan has a 24GB GPU solely for playing AI Dungeon at realtime speeds.

>> No.25914482

Went there, they said Pekora slapped Yagoo with sashimi dildo

>> No.25914480
Quoted by: >>25914511


>> No.25914483
Quoted by: >>25914547

shitposting doesn't mean what it used to
the way it's used now, people love going to 4chan for the express purpose of shitposting since anywhere else bans you
I don't exactly know when shitposting shifted semantically from "extremely low quality posts" to "funposting" but it definitely happened.

>> No.25914484

kill da hoe

>> No.25914487
File: 2.98 MB, 2500x3100, 1e2da0ba5c617f6bb4793d7201694fe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy for this baby. Found her niche, has her own supportive audiences, a lots of collabs. I bet she is really happy than what she was in niji

>> No.25914489

I love this nugget eating baby

>> No.25914490

There was a vtuber who played Might and Magic
Can't remember who that was though.
The vtuber was absolutely silent, and her avatar was gloomy ass fuck.

or was that a fever dream I had?

>> No.25914492
Quoted by: >>25914653

they do for the technically inept the threads were noticably better after the wave of o*ey bans. you could also see the quality tank when their bans were up

>> No.25914493
File: 79 KB, 667x1200, _Civia_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914491

>mid twenties bleeding heart telling jaded oldfags to grow up
oh the irony

>> No.25914494
Quoted by: >>25914576

>when the ESL has a larger vocab than EOP

>> No.25914496
File: 64 KB, 500x619, 1501258733939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and Mio and Miko might be gone for good.

>> No.25914495

no one cares about who though chidose

>> No.25914498
Quoted by: >>25914594

Trying to cure Watame’s depression with a good old rape!

>> No.25914499

it's not going to happen no matter how much i wish for a gsg chuuba.

>> No.25914502


>> No.25914505
File: 351 KB, 695x850, nenechi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914554

Suisei Nene shonen karaoke duet WHEN

>> No.25914510

Fuck off Sio

>> No.25914511
Quoted by: >>25914615

if people donated dollars to nimu would she become millionaire considering ars has almost no value?

>> No.25914516

>he doesn't know

>> No.25914518

pikamee had as much sub growth as hero

>> No.25914520

It's just /v/ I think. Low IQ and all that jazz.

>> No.25914521
File: 2.23 MB, 2400x3470, 91e535fbd36583cce21c0e859de0067c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914638

So when is she coming to youtube?

>> No.25914522

she is a baby but still has a kingdom to oversee

>> No.25914524
File: 751 KB, 565x510, 1587217287568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't really been paying much attention about the Aloe termination fiasco, has the reddit's legion of white knights managed to start a shit fling crusade against 5ch or something?

>> No.25914525

I'm ordering mine right now

>> No.25914526

Roberu toots as he pleases!

>> No.25914527
File: 919 KB, 840x980, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna's laugh awakens a feeling inside me I haven't felt in years...

>> No.25914528

Who actually thinks her manager approved the test stream?

>> No.25914529


>> No.25914530 [DELETED] 

I don't use reddit

>> No.25914531
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, 1598638834948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So fellow Lunaitos, when did you realize you loved this chicken nugget princess?

>> No.25914532
Quoted by: >>25914579

and how do you know about that?
it's not like you're an cover employee

>> No.25914533

ok, but what's the problem supposed to be?

>> No.25914534

She probably literally is in to ageplay and DDLG.

>> No.25914536

Of course. This is your only alternative https://v.ikx.me/video/b7kOgX7B

>> No.25914538

Probably going to get some after this stream

>> No.25914541


>> No.25914543

You can't just choose the baby life

>> No.25914545

Nice headcanon, retard

>> No.25914546

What's this reverse jinxyame

>> No.25914547
Quoted by: >>25914603

>I don't exactly know when shitposting shifted semantically from "extremely low quality posts" to "funposting" but it definitely happened.
i've heard people say things like "haha that was such a shitpost" so you're definitely onto something

>> No.25914548

hime-sama please... let me suck on your armpit

>> No.25914549
File: 19 KB, 318x259, 1595172377069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914605

Luna just let it rip

>> No.25914551

when she sang in her mommy voice

>> No.25914552
Quoted by: >>25914573

What the fuck are you doing Luna

>> No.25914554
File: 24 KB, 686x192, 1570339452743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to think nene would be the best gen 5

>> No.25914557

Luna farting ASMR when?

>> No.25914559

>Cover doing any actual work

>> No.25914560
Quoted by: >>25914627

Rikka’s voice..

>> No.25914561
Quoted by: >>25914717

Lunaitos, does she always fart on stream like that?

>> No.25914564

her first ever piano stream

>> No.25914565
File: 1.01 MB, 1225x666, 1583157369069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914585

>> No.25914567

How no one sent her a clip of Artia being mean while watching her unicorn wife's collab is beyond me please come soon Civia your little english videos are so cute

>> No.25914568

>Goes to Youtube instead of Twitch
>Streams with other woman after giving Artia a kiss
The absolute Stacy energy radiating off of this Unicorn

>> No.25914570

Luna deserves all the good things
she's not even a thot

>> No.25914573

letting out a fat one

>> No.25914576

You obviously don't though, that's why you're just responding in third world English the moment you get pressed for an argument.

>> No.25914577

2 or 3 months ago I had always watched her but I didn't know she was my oshi until then

>> No.25914579
Quoted by: >>25914646

I totally am not. >>25914528 is.

>> No.25914580
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x850, gciwiv5yejk51[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914581
Quoted by: >>25914684

Hey hey people Sseth here

>> No.25914582

>aloe defenders
white men with superior genetics and intellect
>aloe haters
bug twinks living in their parents house and aren't even allowed to drink

>> No.25914583

They weren't even there in the permissions arc.

>> No.25914584
Quoted by: >>25914681

>calling yourself an oldfag

>> No.25914585
File: 313 KB, 628x681, 1593581270405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914587

Yes, although that still makes her a "literal who" in terms of actual knowledge of the person.
The anon you are arguing with is trying to convey that the reactions some people have towards her graduation is irrational since empathy is relative to how well you know the person and in this case, relatively, there wasn't a lot to know about her.
The level of empathy you feel for a random is always going to be less than what you feel for someone you have a connection with.

Now before you jump at me and call me Satan himself I don't find it strange at all to feel sad about the situation. It is an obvious tragedy.
But people reacting like she was their oshi are simply exaggerating.

>> No.25914588
Quoted by: >>25914684

You probably had a dream that Sseth became a vtuber.

>> No.25914589 [DELETED] 

do whites even have dicks that big? i need statistics and bell curves

>> No.25914590 [DELETED] 

>antis use reddit
why am I not surprised

>> No.25914591

It's really eerie how this became a thing.

>> No.25914592
Quoted by: >>25914618

McLunaitos rise up

>> No.25914594
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1598903754061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some sort of curse on the 4th gen where at least one needs to be depressed at all times? It went from Watame->PPT->Towa and now waiting on who to jump to next.

>> No.25914595

It was on Suisei's channel so it's still probably privated at the moment. So the chink site is the only way to see it >>25914536 like said.

>> No.25914597

cant fucking wait till we get these 3 get an offcollab haachama cooking

>> No.25914598

It honestly changes nothing. It had 3 views and nobody saw it until after doxfags went full schizos on her after debut.

>> No.25914599

okay this one based.

>> No.25914603

Arigatou Kiryu Coco!

>> No.25914605
File: 403 KB, 531x665, 1586780650538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914607
File: 151 KB, 942x898, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're back in the green for views

>> No.25914611

>fans that just want the best for the girls and encourage them by harassing them
Fuck idolfags so much. I'm mad again big kusa.

>> No.25914613
Quoted by: >>25914672

Maybe the 6+ hour Mario autism streams were a bit too much for her, but I'm sure she's going to be in top condition for today's Shadow Corridor

>> No.25914615

any latam peso is good when you're an argie, even ARS itself

>> No.25914617

Okay zoomer I'll spoonfeed you. T-pain was popular back in the 2000's and infamous for autotuning the shit out of his singing

>> No.25914618

teriyaki mcburger and 5 cheeken nuggers ready hime sama

>> No.25914619

I don't want MASS anywhere near my homos.

>> No.25914620


>> No.25914621

MASS was a giant paper tiger that did nothing and now they have no cause to exist, the original creator is already leaving the server. It's gonna be a server for people to just idle on in like a month.

>> No.25914622
File: 1.99 MB, 1240x1790, 79959071_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914701

i'm gonna marry this cow

>> No.25914625

>not this
It's literally perfect for her.

>> No.25914626
Quoted by: >>25914692

Obviously, there are still seats for English vtubers, why are there so few pro players?
It'll be worth starting up and running a vtuber agency business.

>> No.25914627

Matsuri adds absolutely nothing to this cover, I could even say it sounds worse because of her.

>> No.25914629
Quoted by: >>25915140

was this from Nene's stream earlier?

>> No.25914628


>> No.25914630
Quoted by: >>25914664

Hopefully Coco is next and she commits suicide

>> No.25914633


>> No.25914634

when I randomly gave her a chance and watched her shadow of the colossus streams

>> No.25914635

Nah the white knights are all limp wristed faggots that are all talk

>> No.25914637
Quoted by: >>25914671

I'm 27

>> No.25914638
Quoted by: >>25914657

Oh shit, I just realized we can get more Haato x Civia streams.

>> No.25914639

When is Coco's depressed arc?

>> No.25914641

when i heard wallaby and gugulu
but i love her in a platonic way as she is only 0 years old

>> No.25914643

>raided by /vyt/ again
>raided by facebook edgy kids again
>raided by /v/ again
>raided by discord again

>> No.25914645
Quoted by: >>25914696

literally what reason would cover have to lie about that? they already said they suspended her for breach of contract for leaving the vid up, if it wasnt authorized they would have just said that

>> No.25914646

oh shit it's famous hacker Anonymous
okay I believe him

>> No.25914647

We got Gen 5 to paper over the cracks of the Holo-caust, what will we get to paper over the cracks of the Aloe-caust?

>> No.25914649

Seems like it's just burn outs, hope no one get develops manic depression.

>> No.25914650
Quoted by: >>25914678

Why did has Aqua stopped streaming?

>> No.25914651
Quoted by: >>25915317

Totsumachis are usually scripted and aquas thing is being sololive. The other members don't dislike her she probably just doesn't ask for collabs very often since she's usually pretty awkward unless she has people approach her and be her friend. A lot of members tuned in to her concert and sent support

>> No.25914652

Luna (Shin Nanora Forme) is too strong to be depressed.

>> No.25914653

it only seemed better because we were going through so much drama in the past days and that night was particularly bad with the spam

things calmed down because there was nothing new to shitpost about until the Aloe thing hit

>> No.25914655

Can you post silent bob instead of the chink jesus.

>> No.25914656

Congratz you figured it out, they are all virgin white knights

>> No.25914657

we can...but should we? their collab was so awkward

>> No.25914660
File: 293 KB, 1366x2048, 1590048691319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this rate, Pekora is really going to reach one million before the year is over. What a fucking Christmas miracle that is going to be.

>> No.25914661
Quoted by: >>25914716

Her nnd video gave me more empathy than from most other holos
I didn't care much for her before that

>> No.25914664

this but with towa

>> No.25914666
Quoted by: >>25914757

>raided by burger
>raided by EUfags
>raided by whites
>raided by arabs
>raided by israel
it never stops huh

>> No.25914665
Quoted by: >>25914703

Aloe didn't use autotune though...?

>> No.25914667

Rikka shits all over the singing of the girls that have collabed with him

>> No.25914668

Don't forget risu

>> No.25914669
File: 565 KB, 1234x1859, EgPhgYYU4AEkXuJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914691

Forgot about it, you're right
I love nene so much

>> No.25914671

holy shit first is coco posting on this thread and now MARINE?
I love you beautiful girl

>> No.25914672
File: 499 KB, 1000x850, EdwoO1YUEAEgw8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you put that black magic on me, Ricky Bobby.

>> No.25914674
File: 1.61 MB, 964x1007, 1598621638561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914693

>White men
Well according to the jetri Aloe support site, you're wrong.

>> No.25914675
File: 1.19 MB, 1684x1191, calltoppt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe when the sheep steals her boyfriend?

Don't jinx it...

>> No.25914676

can haato wingman civia to collab with aqua

>> No.25914677


>> No.25914678

because you didnt do your english reps

>> No.25914679
Quoted by: >>25915331

Still sad how popular Miko got in these threads. There was only handful of people posting about her at the beginning of the year. I did a lot of the linkposting to shill her. Now, she's gone and people still discuss her. Quite the change.

>> No.25914681
Quoted by: >>25914732

I'm past my thirties, young buck. I wish I wasn't an oldfag but I'm comfortable with reality. I'm also comfortable with the fact that Aloe's gone and it's time to move on.

>> No.25914684


nevermind, found it

>> No.25914685

Is it weird that I'm suddenly in the mood for McDonald's chicken nuggets?

>> No.25914686

I'm closer to the fourth decade than the third.

>> No.25914687

Aqua and Coco combine for like 70 million views lost...

>> No.25914690


>> No.25914691


>> No.25914692

how can someone watch a non japanese vtuber?
western women are whores

>> No.25914693

cope bug

>> No.25914695


>> No.25914696
Quoted by: >>25914756

Where did Cover officially post a statement confirming that? Only Aloe said this, as far as I know.

>> No.25914697

Korone is also the fifth most subscribed Vtuber, taking Siro out of the race and could beat Akari by next week.

>> No.25914698

Don't forget to use coupon code NAAAAAAA for 5% off your next order

>> No.25914699

im loving it!

>> No.25914701

Sorry man, beat you to it. I can invite you to the wedding if you want

>> No.25914702 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 466x553, 1595157581557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914703
Quoted by: >>25914740

Wasn't her voice modulated during Happy Synthesizer

>> No.25914705 [DELETED] 

Nowadays only retards aren't trilinguals

>> No.25914706

Towa laughed at her for using the same face for every thumbnail. When Subaru asked later off stream if her thumbnails really suck Towa answered straight "yes", later Subaru showed how she really did use the same face for a lot of them because she literally has just three expressions. I think by this point Subaru is one the most shafted holos compared to how much she does to its members and pulls her own and their weight. It's not like she's a dead weight to the company.

I'm actually starting feeling more and more pissed about it ever since the purge. Videos deleted, forced to explain the situation and apologize on her own, worst rigged model no Live2D update (the only one from her gen, Aqua got hers before the current wave), barely any studio participation despite taking dance and singing lessons, no new outfits/3D models so she's stuck with her old one, no help with PC problems. Now she's the most active member helping Mio and Miko with anything she can. I know she's happy with what she has because she had literally nothing before Hololive, but she takes her job so seriously would it really kill Cover to throw her a bone?

>> No.25914708
Quoted by: >>25914792

I'd like to see a Clubhouse collab featuring those 4, would be interesting to watch

>> No.25914709

Exactly why, it'd be great.

>> No.25914710


>> No.25914711

How do you say chicken nugget in romaji?

>> No.25914715


>> No.25914716

I only got that she was a retarded hypocrite from that stream.
I mean it's one thing to go into an industry you say you hate and support another country's abusive idol industry since I get that it was too big a chance to miss out on to chase her utaidol dream, but how fucking retarded can you be to foresee the EXACT ORDER OF EVENTS and do nothing at all about it?

>> No.25914717

Every stream.

>> No.25914718

Tsumugu is cute, but god damn does she need to turn her mic way the fuck up.

>> No.25914719

I love Aloe but please don't associate me with mayos.

>> No.25914720
Quoted by: >>25914758

Jesus danchou it feels like her 450k celebration stream was just a couple weeks ago

>> No.25914721

Bubs you have some studies to do on the moruruna-rax

>> No.25914722
File: 884 KB, 1236x665, chrome_2020-09-02_01-00-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914779

>"onaka ittai"

>> No.25914724

Really? I thought the contrast was nice, here’s another

>> No.25914725


>> No.25914730
File: 173 KB, 560x346, 1598905273611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to blow my superchat load on her face when it happens

>> No.25914732

you aren't "comfortable with reality", that's just a copout; what you are is farming self-esteem points in a wasteland of a thread

>> No.25914734

imagine some kind of arc where haachama knows shes not that good in english and actually becomes an english god

>> No.25914735

>watame that low
maybe i'm biased but it feels like she's gotten a lot of attention, not as much as korone but still...

>> No.25914736

Not at that rate, mathchama. Fubuki and Korone will though. We're going to have two 1m celebrations at this rate.

>> No.25914737

Aqua is going to be overtaken by a rabbit!

>> No.25914738

What about reddit?

>> No.25914739

tfw holos just got a 2080 in their machine... TIME TO UPGRADE

>> No.25914740

Yes. She used a synthesizer... for Happy Synthesizer....

>> No.25914741

>7k viewers
Holy inclines, baby.

>> No.25914744
Quoted by: >>25914872

can we have a separate hololive fan thread? i don't feel like posting in this anti thread

>> No.25914743

We're already passed it, she doesn't seem to be killing herself on sleeping pills anymore and moving in with Kanata did wonders for her mental health already.

>> No.25914748
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1589237318036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, I'm out

>> No.25914749

Doxxing and real threats are easy to talk about until they happen to you

>> No.25914752
File: 1.04 MB, 2869x4072, 158388c25dacb08bef508e9e6a48362e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua, you were supposed to be the chosen one...

>> No.25914753
Quoted by: >>25915724

>gen 1 is a massive success that changes the industry
>gen 2 is underwhelming
>gen 3 is a mindblowing leap that makes gen 2 look like a joke
So what's RTX 4000-series gonna be like?

>> No.25914754

>6 watching
nice try but i dont care about furries

>> No.25914755
Quoted by: >>25914787

MASS flags on their messages is empirical proof against this though and you can't convince me americans are white.

>> No.25914756


>> No.25914757

with that logic ban all IPs that are not from Japan

>> No.25914758
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x718, 1595157381658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>13K weekly
>feels like her 450k celebration stream was just a couple weeks ago

>> No.25914759

/hlg/ is like Poland in the WW2

>> No.25914761

since her emo phase, pretty much the only reason I ended up in the Hololive hole

>> No.25914762

>Aqua dethroned this month

>> No.25914767
Quoted by: >>25914794

theres an alternate timeline where she speaks perfect english

>> No.25914770

Towa bully.

>> No.25914773

Why is Towa such a cruel bitch with Subaru?

>> No.25914774

I almost feel like that was intentional with this cover specifically. Matsuri has done a lot of singing collabs with Rikka in the past and he usually shits on her in comparison, but the decision to have him front and center on her channel felt like she was trying to advertise him.

>> No.25914775


>> No.25914776

Damn didn't know VI had a jap translation.
Did VII also get one?

>> No.25914777
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, 1598913705747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cat girl wearing a trash bag as a shirt, is frowning while she's groping a pirate's ass, while the pirate looks very happy about the situation

>> No.25914779
Quoted by: >>25914871

He doesn't know Japanese or English.

>> No.25914780

All the VOMs girls would suck his dick.

>> No.25914781

shut up you dumb baby

>> No.25914782

Her time is now

>> No.25914783

Jesus christ Towa, she was fucking dead on too


>> No.25914784
File: 188 KB, 800x800, Ed01FFeWAAAGHvQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna repost it every thread
Actually should clip it for convenience

>> No.25914785

Kanasuba is cute! https://files.catbox.moe/aulc59.webm

>> No.25914787

Americans are white.

>> No.25914788


>> No.25914789
File: 196 KB, 1216x623, 1592619922382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru is one of the only girls she can bully.

>> No.25914790

She keeps postponing her english test stream even though she said she wants to do it eventually.

>> No.25914791
Quoted by: >>25914832

In 90 days she would have, considering the same rate, 958k subs. And that leaves the entire December month for 42k subs. Surely that is no issue and that is assuming the rate doesn't increase.

>> No.25914792

Fuck someone needs to revive this group again. I'm rewatching it again since an anon linked it here and fuck I can't believe this was so long ago.

>> No.25914793
File: 269 KB, 640x708, 5kadfvof1ik51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Can you beat Aloe Flappy Bird?

>> No.25914794
Quoted by: >>25914827

haachama is definitely better in english than what she shows in her streams,hopefully when she finally gets to europe shell be god tier in english

>> No.25914798

She probably earns more money than you do, stop crying over trivial things.

>> No.25914800

>bulgarians towering over their neighbours

>> No.25914799


>> No.25914801

Why are they keep singing Deco27's songs? 99% of the songs sucks.

>> No.25914803

She's literally just streaming to her friends probably, even I get more than that.

>> No.25914805
Quoted by: >>25914832

>not at this rate mathchama
>106k every 30 days
>4 months left
>360k subs left

>> No.25914806
File: 1.15 MB, 1500x1500, EbiEk3WUEAUlzco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Subaru can take it.

>> No.25914808


>> No.25914809
Quoted by: >>25914867

Subaru tried to fill the shoes of Mio in that one Werewolf game but she probably feels like she's not there yet.

>> No.25914810

That accent is disgusting

>> No.25914811
File: 691 KB, 1200x900, 1572985394101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914845

She will definitely be getting an aka when it happens, I just have to figure out what I want to write, luckily there are a couple of months left.

>> No.25914812

Half of them are niggers

>> No.25914815

Damn that guy is good.

>> No.25914814


>> No.25914816
File: 713 KB, 1000x1000, EgZ1XzkU4AUSwBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914893

They're friends and honest toward each other.

>> No.25914817

She's just a bit autistic...

>> No.25914818
File: 127 KB, 1280x959, Sendhelpls3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know fren. It has bin ears sice I last feel gud.

>> No.25914819

I feel warm when Lunatan says "arigachu"

>> No.25914820

It's gotten to the point I'm afraid the freegang will can me for giving them so much shit to review. But I hope the next couple days will be more relaxed.

>> No.25914822
Quoted by: >>25914849

>450k celebration
Did Noel really?

>> No.25914821

If you're an EOP who started watching hololive during the last 6 months, then you are the cancer killing hololive

>> No.25914823

it's because she's her friend. Though I disagree with spending so much time on thumbnails when we could get more content

>> No.25914824
Quoted by: >>25914868

Tree rat risua please give sex onegai

>> No.25914825


>> No.25914827
Quoted by: >>25914850

better yes perfect no
nothing wrong with it I know she doesn't like using english she's usually pretty vocal about that part

>> No.25914829
Quoted by: >>25915004

are you ready /hlg/

>> No.25914832

gomenasai, I was the mathchama all along

>> No.25914833

Context matters. Ai had a ton of stream and hours put in before the announcement.

>> No.25914834
Quoted by: >>25914860

Where did I say anything about money?

>> No.25914838
File: 636 KB, 4096x4096, 1598965554641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but mostly to Ctrl+F 'Miko' for news and encouragement. I'm watching and linking indies instead.

>> No.25914837 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25914949

Niggers aren't human nor Americans. Fuck off retard.

>> No.25914839

Statistically, they'd likely be spic

>> No.25914840
File: 37 KB, 138x141, 1591811864044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914902

That wasn't really her right? Just a shitposter...

>> No.25914841

Thankfully I'm an ESL who started watching hololive during the last 6 months

>> No.25914842


>> No.25914843
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1590837934134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 of 215

>> No.25914845
Quoted by: >>25915334

Lol simps. She's not even going to acknowledge your big superchat load until the end of the stream when she throws in a quick thank you.

Pekora has the thousand akasupa stare

>> No.25914846

sorry haha

>> No.25914847

damn, that's really well made. Pretty hard too.

>> No.25914849

No I'm retarded. I was thinking of her 400k celebration which was over a month ago

>> No.25914850
Quoted by: >>25915685

why doesnt she like english again?

>> No.25914851

What the fuck is up with all the poor grammar in this thread


>> No.25914853


>> No.25914857

She’s the only person streaming no competition way too many tourists spamming her chat

>> No.25914859

I just feel like her voice is too weak and she gets overshadowed by Rikka.

>> No.25914860
Quoted by: >>25914903

>nooo she's not getting loads of shit on top of her above average pay packet!!!
If she was struggling and starving then sure, complain about it because they could boost and help her out. At this point though it's just first world problems.

>> No.25914868
File: 671 KB, 500x667, snipesu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you Anon
be careful

>> No.25914867

Subaru was being nervous about that collab for a whole month before it happened, I don't think she'll be able to host anything again for some time.

>> No.25914869
File: 262 KB, 1456x729, polkahime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's going to beat her former self

>> No.25914871
File: 43 KB, 575x1024, DR7qBnJUMAAMUAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure one third of the clippers have bare minimum knowledge on nip and english and the rest is just 50% bullshitting it.

I've seen a mio clip where it's literally a fuggin doujin rewrite.

>> No.25914872

they're just tsundere anon. Apart from the ones that aren't. Those are just retards

>> No.25914873

Once Polka's collab ban is up I think she should be able to help take over some of those organizing duties, hopefully.

>> No.25914874

Stopping by the コンビニ, you want anything to snack on while watching Hololive?

>> No.25914876

based indie bro

>> No.25914877


>> No.25914878

Good thing I'm ESL then.

>> No.25914885
File: 211 KB, 950x942, 234555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what americans consider white

>> No.25914888

wtf I thought it was a joke..

>> No.25914890

i want haachama takoyaki

>> No.25914891

>the world has places that arrent native english
Who would have thought

>> No.25914892
Quoted by: >>25914940

what's the weird whistling noise in luna's stream?

>> No.25914893
File: 17 KB, 193x206, 1595593735484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914918

>when Towa cut her off at the end

>> No.25914895

It'd be funny if she held a 239k sub celebration.

>> No.25914896


>> No.25914897
Quoted by: >>25914952

>>I've seen a mio clip where it's literally a fuggin doujin rewrite.
Wait really? Do you have a link?

>> No.25914898

Luckily I can watch raws.

>> No.25914899

Different situation
Aloe has 2 hours streamed and all the controversy surrounding her VA. Antis hate her, JP holo fans don't give a shit about her, only reddit white knights would be outraged and we all know how irrelevant overseas fans are

>> No.25914901

There's nothing to watch, but get me an onigiri with an interesting filling.

>> No.25914902
File: 698 KB, 497x488, 30-160312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914935


>> No.25914903
Quoted by: >>25914942

That wasn't the point at all, you're trying too hard.

>> No.25914904

>that still makes her a "literal who" in terms of actual knowledge of the person.
She was still an upcoming name for hololive, and hololive has a decent track record of recruiting good talent.
>But people reacting like she was their oshi are simply exaggerating.
Yes those people are retarded. Most, if not all, of them never even heard any of her past stuff probably because their discord circles shun looking into any of that. Those people saying "thank you" and all of that shit makes no sense.
It's ridiculous to come here and act like people HERE didn't know about her content when the links were posted multiple times.

>> No.25914905
Quoted by: >>25915100

upd8 btfo

>> No.25914907

Aloe's shift is probably right now. Tell her I said hi.

>> No.25914911

This is not the game I was expecting for the PekoTowa collab.

>> No.25914913
Quoted by: >>25914943


>> No.25914917

Strong Zero

>> No.25914920

She should honestly, it would be a great joke. Not sure if Cover would let her.

>> No.25914921

anyone got a link to the antichad vid where that screenshot that keeps getting posted comes from?

>> No.25914918


>> No.25914922

>Im everywhere and you guys know that

Do we?

>> No.25914925


>> No.25914926

Hope you get doxxed, king

>> No.25914927
Quoted by: >>25914970

Despite making up only 13% of the populat...

>> No.25914928

Bring me some melonpan.

>> No.25914930


>> No.25914931

>naming your kid after greatest ally

>> No.25914932

Get fucked. Too bad you can understand English or spic-speaks.

>> No.25914933

Get me something salty

>> No.25914934

the criteria changed
it's no longer like this

>> No.25914935
File: 1.95 MB, 311x311, 1597189229992.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914937


>> No.25914939


>> No.25914940

Clenched sphincter.

>> No.25914941
File: 67 KB, 689x655, aloe 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25914973

It's too hard for me...

>> No.25914942
Quoted by: >>25915063

>she takes her job so seriously would it really kill Cover to throw her a bone?
She's doing very well and so Cover would be prioritizing other things. I'd rather they help Mel and Choco out before Subaru.

>> No.25914943
File: 208 KB, 1040x1404, 1590537191821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914944

What fucking game did you expect? Apex? lol

>> No.25914945

Why does her old channel still have membership?

>> No.25914947

Thanks for your input, Mr. Goldstein.

>> No.25914946
File: 68 KB, 538x403, 1537422600776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong Zero onegai.

>> No.25914948

Risu if you're here, MORE AYUNDA!

>> No.25914949
Quoted by: >>25915032

/vpol/ is leaking

>> No.25914952

I don't sadly, but it was a clip of her playing the goose game.

>> No.25914956

Her return will be one of the greatest. I have my money ready

>> No.25914957
Quoted by: >>25914991

Towa Smoka!?

>> No.25914958

Look at all these ojiisans.

>> No.25914959

bring me some cheekeen nuggetto
am robin' it naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25914960

Clearly not this.

>> No.25914961
Quoted by: >>25914991

NO NO Towa donta smoka!

>> No.25914963

Guys. It is getting stale now with the same shit repeating over and over. Go somewhere else, or at least make some interesting OC.

>> No.25914965
Quoted by: >>25915035

Copyright for songs are worse than game permissions. There are lots of pajeet companies abusing the copyright strikes for songs to get the monetization of songs that are not even theirs

>> No.25914966

This is going to be extra autistic.

>> No.25914968
Quoted by: >>25915054

In addition, other members were voicing complaints about her actions and statements. I would have quit, too, if nobody wanted to collab with me.

>> No.25914971

wtf I thought Towa wasn't supposed to be based?

>> No.25914970

...EOPs take up 50% of the chat

>> No.25914972

>Kemono vtuber
>But her voice is pretty chill
This is pretty difficult

>> No.25914973

I got up till gate 5...

>> No.25914974
Quoted by: >>25914985

So, they're still selling the 5th gen T-shirts with Aloe? Or if I buy it now, I get a redacted label on her place?

>> No.25914977

One of those salty sweet aloe drink, cheers

>> No.25914978


>> No.25914979
File: 1012 KB, 336x498, 1586856201707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25914981

That would be a great not-so-inside joke

>> No.25914982

She never said she hated it you fucking dumb fuck

>> No.25914983
File: 152 KB, 1481x950, movingon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25914984


>> No.25914985

It was available for two weeks

>> No.25914987


>> No.25914989

>not watching Ars

>> No.25914990

youre free to leave with the rest of them

>> No.25914991


>> No.25914995

holy fuck...

>> No.25914996
File: 90 KB, 850x850, 22398bf43198f7d7b210b5228d968815-zoom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong pleb

>> No.25914997

We are under a raid.

>> No.25914998
File: 338 KB, 407x490, 1593190849839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's in your opinion the saddest Holo stream?

>> No.25914999

It's okay Towa
I smoke too

>> No.25915000
File: 407 KB, 480x733, slurpray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very wonderful

>> No.25915002


>> No.25915004

If i get more stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snNKhkxwO1I

>> No.25915005


>> No.25915006

why would i watch a fucking currency you dumb fuck

>> No.25915007

Gone but not forgotten

>> No.25915008

why are nenefags like this?

>> No.25915010
Quoted by: >>25915040

fuck meidos

>> No.25915012
File: 116 KB, 750x999, FBK offering2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.25915015


>> No.25915016

Not him, but I was expecting Clubhouse.

>> No.25915019
Quoted by: >>25915045

Aloe's apology stream...

>> No.25915022
File: 34 KB, 679x360, 1598520975841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25915023

risu tell Iofi I love her but don't show her this shit hole

>> No.25915025
Quoted by: >>25915160

Wow, Towa is so desperate for views she will even collab with Pekora. That's a new low for her.
Might as well collab with Fubuki next

>> No.25915026

pepsi max

>> No.25915027
File: 285 KB, 560x500, 1597545550496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>streak of pink hair
>winking with the same eye
Surely, this was intentional.

>> No.25915028
File: 15 KB, 239x211, 1596369212160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least i can take solace that real idol fans have major influence in the vtuber industry
imagine if people as irresponsible as Aloe who badmouth and disrespect the industry were allowed to join gain influence within it. thankfully something like that was prevented

>> No.25915029
Quoted by: >>25915130

You and I are opposite sides of the same coin. When we face each other, we can finally see our true selves. There may be a resemblance, but we never face the same direction

>> No.25915030


>> No.25915032

Better than being in this timeloop

>> No.25915034


>> No.25915035

Fucking hell then how did Tenjin Kotone got Egoist's permission to sing those songs?

Also did any of them got permission to sing Only My Railgun?

>> No.25915036


>> No.25915039
File: 1.29 MB, 498x280, 77.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is the cutest!

>> No.25915040
File: 350 KB, 1384x908, Ef8okcGUEAAYxdP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25915430

I want to fuck meidos too

>> No.25915041
Quoted by: >>25915058

Korone subnautica

>> No.25915044

Aloe's apology was gut wrenching

>> No.25915045

The group collab they did right before that was pretty sad too, everyone was commenting on how quiet Aloe was, she probably already knew.

>> No.25915049


>> No.25915050
Quoted by: >>25915082


>> No.25915051

Choco... Peko, why won't you play DBD with her, why won't anyone?

>> No.25915052

So want to bet those ears are fake?

>> No.25915054
Quoted by: >>25915103

what are you talking about

>> No.25915055

by the end of the year if the rates dont drop we'll have three 1ms and quite a few 900ks

>> No.25915056

Kind of wish this was Botan's voice

>> No.25915058

Why was it sad?

>> No.25915059
Quoted by: >>25915137

Speaking of, did anyone mention the Aloe hash drop on Reddit?

>> No.25915060

Tell Moona to do her hot dog reps.

>> No.25915063

You're saying like I'm asking for special favors here or something. Both Mel and Choco had a new Live2D rig by the way, Mel has a new outfit too. Can you give me a reason why Subaru didn't get an update when literally every other holo in Gen1 and 2 had? And don't forget that FBK, literally the top subbed holo, had an update and an outfit too. Did she need lots of help? Maybe it doesn't work like you assume it works in Cover?

>> No.25915064

The guy complaining about Subaru not getting enough stuff, gen 4 has 0 alt outfits despite being like 9 months old already.

>> No.25915066

I'm watching her clones

>> No.25915067

Do the hololive China members speak cantonese or mandarin? Wikis only specify "chinese" and google (reddit archives) are worthless.

>> No.25915070

It's not up on youtube ATM but

>> No.25915071

ok guguru

>> No.25915078
Quoted by: >>25915285

I wonder what the IDs think of what this place usually says about them, or the change in their usual treatment, like most people slowly getting used to Moona's autism and Iofi's incredible set of skills

>> No.25915080

Haato went on Twitter and made fun of the hate wen she went full Haachama making videos of it. She did a bait and switch with her live 2D update getting massive hate for it and was just happy some people got the joke.

She gives no fucks.

>> No.25915081


>> No.25915082
Quoted by: >>25915107

08:00 JST is a weird time for a celebration stream

>> No.25915083

does this unrelated streamer count as fury

>> No.25915088

Nijifaggots dislike bombing the stream while Korone held back tears

>> No.25915090
Quoted by: >>25915221

Because Ui is lazy.

>> No.25915091
Quoted by: >>25915184

Monoe at BAR ROBEL today!

>> No.25915092

Korone got bullied by NND autists.

>> No.25915093

luna bans you if you say "morur*" in the chat?

>> No.25915095
Quoted by: >>25915267

Are chinese vtubers also property of the goverment?

>> No.25915098

Aloe actually got graduated? Wtf happened?

>> No.25915100

Upd8 are the Impact of Vtubers
>lost Kizuna AI
>lost Nobuhime
>lost AniMare
>lost Aipii
>and lived

>> No.25915101


>> No.25915103

Don't mind me. Just dropping subtle hints for the sexbros.

>> No.25915106

Nothing will top Aloe's apology stream, but I'm curious what's the 2nd saddest stream.

>> No.25915107

She is going for max EOP appeal

>> No.25915109
Quoted by: >>25915126

I guess permissions from sony music.

>> No.25915110

Choco by far.

The girls I pity the most are Choco and Noel. I don't know Mel enough to feel sorry for her sorry.

>> No.25915112


>> No.25915113


>> No.25915117

polka does the same

>> No.25915118
Quoted by: >>25915267

From the clips I've seen, it's all mandarin.

>> No.25915119

"Mentally and Physically not prepared"
Basically doxxed and harassed at the start so called it quits

>> No.25915120


>> No.25915122
Quoted by: >>25915147

I love my baby princess!

>> No.25915123

Any of the HPS POVs during the APEX tournament

>> No.25915125

They are only white when they committed crime.

>> No.25915126

I hope Cover just fucking buy the entire VEVO

>> No.25915127

I think all of them have filters for their past selves. Some anon got banned from Polka's stream chat for mentioning Nobu, and Coco has the same for Kson iirc.

>> No.25915130
Quoted by: >>25915183

Yo, buddy, still alive? And thanks, friend. See you again.

>> No.25915131


>> No.25915133

>Dead hours

>> No.25915134

what does it mean

>> No.25915135

>PekoTowa collab
holy shit the thread is going to be absolute garbage, hope it's as awkward as the AyaPeko collab and they never interact again

>> No.25915137

NND and Niji autists attacked her mid-stream and she was nearly crying.

I really don't know what's with this cursed industry.

>> No.25915138

That was a sassy NNNNAAA she is harassing EOP nannies

>> No.25915140

Yes, she addressed this at the end of Supacha readings. Being a Nenebro never felt more good.

>> No.25915144

The clown who sold the world

>> No.25915147


>> No.25915149

unhappy set...

>> No.25915150


>> No.25915153

Kanata utawaku while her channel was actively being nuked. Sure everything's ``fine'' now but it was really poignant at the time. Of course, the VOD has likewise been nuked.

>> No.25915154


>> No.25915155

No shit retard. What did you expect?

>> No.25915156


>> No.25915157

That was just hilarious. Two people with too high expectations and Ayame having to carry the conversation and mood since match 1.

>> No.25915160



>> No.25915159

I hope it is as autistic as possible.

>> No.25915161
Quoted by: >>25915398

the absolute state of america

>> No.25915162

EOPs are ruining lunas streams a whole bunch of her big donators didn’t tonight

>> No.25915163


>> No.25915164

It's a game both girls like and I believe in Towa.

>> No.25915165


>> No.25915167
Quoted by: >>25915225

I mean, it's a no brainer that you shouldn't bring up their past selves. Even some western streamers do it. In Nyanners chat you cannot write pomf.

>> No.25915168
Quoted by: >>25915196

Daddy daddy do~ rikka’s smooth voice is stuck in my head now

>> No.25915170

I hope she does a Gintama utawaku eventually. She's a big fan and grew up with it anyway.

>> No.25915173
Quoted by: >>25915199


>> No.25915177
Quoted by: >>25915200

lmaoo you're so bitter

>> No.25915178


>> No.25915179

She has a filter you brain dead eop

>> No.25915181


>> No.25915182

Fucking kek, I never saw this. My sides.
Man, that whole discord thing was awful.

>> No.25915183

Those who survive a long time on the battlefield start to think they're invincible. I bet you do, too, Buddy

>> No.25915184


>> No.25915185


>> No.25915187
Quoted by: >>25915211

This destroys Yuri narrative fags https://youtu.be/bFt914FX3ZU

>> No.25915188

babywife finishes time for reps I guess

>> No.25915189

I havent watched Luna streams in a while now. Piano stopped being comfy when the EOPs showed up.

>> No.25915191

Dead hours? Still waiting for any of your favorite covers to get unprivated? Some of those with millions of views are still missing, I wonder if that means they just don't have permissions at all for those, and can't reupload them at all.

>> No.25915194

If it was possible, ranked endurance grind to platinum with Haachama, Luna, and Aqua. I don't really care whether people are good or bad as long as they are entertaining. As far as past collabs go, Haachama, Watame, and Luna first Apex collab was probably the most entertaining Hololive Apex. It goes beyond just breaking Luna in that the entire stream was entertaining. Haachama calling the win at the start of the last game and ending the game with 0 damage but a CHAMPION. If it's skill, then throw Botan, Aqua and Ayame together and see if they how it works out. I don't watch Hololive girls for skill though, because there's just better options if that's what matters.

>> No.25915196
Quoted by: >>25915246

Rikka has a good voice, but I don't really think he fits that song.

>> No.25915199


>> No.25915200

You’re hurting her income it’s Luna that suffers

>> No.25915201


>> No.25915204
Quoted by: >>25915622

>Marine will overtake Coco is 3 days
Go go Senchou

>> No.25915205

I really like that outfit for something more relaxed. Marine rockin' that beret.

>> No.25915208

but I supa :)

>> No.25915209
Quoted by: >>25915310

do you have a link for that watame luna haato apex?

>> No.25915211

Wonder if I should clip the member stream just to shut up the yurifags once for all
But on the other hand it's a member only stream and I don't want to betray her or cause any problem

>> No.25915212
Quoted by: >>25915438

When she talked about punching Marine in the stomach and also asked for more lewds. Her voice is a filter for many people, but she is actually fucking hilarious and I find her really lovable. Really enjoyed her Super Metroid streams.

>> No.25915213


>> No.25915219

what do you expect from the worst Apex player in Hololive?
t. not Sio

>> No.25915220
Quoted by: >>25915231


>> No.25915221

That may be true but it's not Ui who does the rigging. Just seems strange that it was a planned event with everyone getting updates and one of the shittiest rigs in hololive didn't get any. Though if it was Haachama-tier I guess it wouldn't make it better.

>> No.25915222


>> No.25915223
Quoted by: >>25915262


>> No.25915224
Quoted by: >>25915274

i supacha and member i can't control EOPs but I won't stop supporting my 姫

>> No.25915225
Quoted by: >>25915263

nyanners (taylor) a fucking whore tho. I'm glad her sister is dead

>> No.25915226
Quoted by: >>25915241

At this rate she will collab with western Vtubers

>> No.25915227
Quoted by: >>25915244

>tallest one is 5"10´

>> No.25915229

Her personal stuff got sniffed out and she have talked smack about people she worked with at the time. Also did a closed circle stream that was friend only where she used her holo skin back in May, didn't remove it and the thumbnail shows Aloe and it's visible to other even if it's not actually accessible to them.

She kinda did a lot oppsies and struck out while the rest didn't have much dirt getting dugged out.

>> No.25915230

Fuck I missed the thread when Watame surpassed Kanata.

I loved the Tick Tock memes from watamefags

>> No.25915231


>> No.25915232

Don't bother, yurifags were already claiming that she only says that as to not alienate her male fanbase.

>> No.25915235

I'll definitely drop an akasupa when she passes AiGames.

>> No.25915237


>> No.25915241
Quoted by: >>25915559

Artia wanted to collab with Towa...

>> No.25915242


>> No.25915244

average american height

>> No.25915245
Quoted by: >>25915275

It's fine if it's only a clip, as long as it's not a full stream.

>> No.25915246

He gives it a very different mood

>> No.25915249

I don’t care about EOPs but they’re probably going to drive away some of those akasupas and she recently just lost a big one

>> No.25915251

Post the numbers.

>> No.25915252

Don't even bother doing that. Yurinigger will have to learn to become an adult or become a member himself.

Don't feed the teenagers ITT.

>> No.25915253

feels good to know my oshi is just around the middle and free from any drama whatsoever

>> No.25915255

If you count her current outfit she actually got new outfit the quickest. New L2d riggings doesn't mean it'll be better (ex: Haachama, Choco). Her current one makes her morning Zatsudans feel even more special. It'll come you just gotta wait. Hololive pretty much paired her with Mio because they have the greatest chemistry together. She just moved so its likely she'll do more once she settles down.

>> No.25915259

Good but way too many just spamming and the least amount of supas I’ve seen her get for so many viewers

>> No.25915262

Just saying. If I hate it, then some japs will hate it too.

So no surprise Luna's income is being affected.

>> No.25915263

>her sister is dead
Wait what?

>> No.25915264

Mine specifically

>> No.25915265
Quoted by: >>25915314

This was the best OC to come out of all that numberfagging.

>> No.25915267
Quoted by: >>25915503

thank you!

Good question. How are they classified as entertainment personality or creative work (like a cartoon)?

>> No.25915269
Quoted by: >>25915346

wouldnt aqua be tilted at haachama teleporting and doing nothing?

>> No.25915270

Does anyone have an archive of Shion's deleted streams?

>> No.25915271

> Marine, Noel and Flare call themselves the Oneesan-gumi
> I'm older than Noel and six months older than Marine

I never wanted an older sister to pamper me, anyways...

>> No.25915273

that's alot of things, do you have enough shit for everyone?

>> No.25915274
Quoted by: >>25915335

Please post your member I need to trust you have her interests at heart

>> No.25915275

If you really care about her you know there's no need for that. The yurifags here are the same as any other narrative poster.

It's really not fine even if it's just a clip.

>> No.25915276
Quoted by: >>25915294

Polka is about to take over Nobuhime...

>> No.25915279

AyaPeko wasn't a collab. They talked for a grand total of five minutes.

>> No.25915280

>sio going nuclear

Idol bu is truly suffereing

>> No.25915281


>> No.25915283

Hello sex department? ookini

>> No.25915284

Matsuri bullying Rikka!

>> No.25915285

She say she visited this place few days ago and seen funny things, awesome things, handsome things and questionable things

>> No.25915286
Quoted by: >>25915420

Ignore the niji retards that replied to you.
She talked shit to nijitards a year ago. Nijis found out and harassed her IRL into quitting. That's it.

>> No.25915289

Clip it, we know that only Miko is the real lesbian in hololive. Marine and Matsuri are just pretending.

>> No.25915290
Quoted by: >>25915330

Me too, some anon has any idea of around when it happened?

>> No.25915291


>> No.25915293

Choco has even started using her 3D rig now

>> No.25915294

So Tamaki Collab when

>> No.25915300
Quoted by: >>25915329

there really isn't much Shion stuff archived for whatever reason >>>/t/954312

>> No.25915303
Quoted by: >>25915358

>Rushia and Kanata give off imouto vibes
>They may be older than me

>> No.25915305


Let's hope her interviews are going well.

>> No.25915307

same tbhdesufampai

>> No.25915309
Quoted by: >>25915341

Gone but coming back

>> No.25915310
Quoted by: >>25915322

Sheep PoV. I think Luna's is still privated.

>> No.25915314


>> No.25915315

did you try the chink site?

>> No.25915317

>that one moment during Aqua's 400k totsumachi where she kept spilling her spaghetti over Suisei

>> No.25915320

i still find it hilarious how all those people rained superchats on hime, and then she came back lol

>> No.25915322


>> No.25915323

me too

>> No.25915326

Your currencys has way less value than theirs.
Anything below red is worthless.

>> No.25915327

As soon as the collab ban expires.

>> No.25915329

One anon was saying he was working on downloading her entire channel when it all went down
I wonder where he went

>> No.25915330
Quoted by: >>25915498

around the day watame made the watamelon video

>> No.25915331

Probably because people didn't realize they actually liked her until she was gone.

>> No.25915332

Is it true that, regarding Aloe, Botan said the door was always open for her? I remember some anons saying that yesterday when Botan streamed.

>> No.25915334

Being simp for your oshi never feels more good.
The smarter way for her to read is probably to congratulate her before she hits the mark desu.

>> No.25915335

I have 2 months with her and I'll be upgrading the tier when I can later tonight

>> No.25915336

>have unlimited superchat money
>have 20+ talent and always hiring more
>can't cover night hours

>> No.25915338

Matsuri's new live2D is fucking shit.

>> No.25915340

How's everyone's No Simp September going so far?

>> No.25915341
Quoted by: >>25915352


>> No.25915342


>> No.25915343
Quoted by: >>25915375

>Your currencys has way less value than theirs.
fuck off i'm not south american
do you even support her?

>> No.25915345

pretty sure they're still happy that she's back anyways

>> No.25915346
Quoted by: >>25915380

Of course. I also want a Payday 2 All Stealth map clear endurance with Haachama, Aqua, Luna and Suisei/Ayame/Towa/Marine(I'm not sure on the 4th slot)

>> No.25915349

Can we get Sega permissions then.

>> No.25915350

At least there's Flare, right?
I'm only 8 months younger than Marine so she's just outside of neesan zone for me.

>> No.25915351

If it's true, you'll see someone translate a clip on it for easy youtube views pretty soon.

>> No.25915352

Is what they said about Haruhi season 3.

>> No.25915353

how new?

>> No.25915355
Quoted by: >>25915508

Image hosting site please

>> No.25915356

No Miko and Watame was busy with the collab

>> No.25915358
Quoted by: >>25915396

Rushia is older than Flare, and Kanata is younger than Pekora. Take that as you will.

>> No.25915359

started strong with an akasupa

>> No.25915360

ARS akasupa

>> No.25915363

that was going to be covered by aloe's sex afterglow streams

>> No.25915364

I see so how long before she everyone her hair is dyed

>> No.25915367

Why do you think HoloEN was planned?

>> No.25915371

Everyday until Elite return!
Live version:
VRMix.01 version:

>> No.25915372

You just know that they are gonna go visit her minecraft grave

>> No.25915373


>> No.25915374

Maybe through JASRAC. They have online application for license iirc.

>> No.25915375

Don't donate, don't speak nihongo, don't pay attention to the stream. I only watch the chat so I can complain about comments.

>> No.25915376

Already threw an akasupa on the 1st day!

>> No.25915377

They can but they don't want to. It's more profitable to stream during the day, because Japanese people donate more.
If you have Pekora stream at night, she can't stream at daytime

>> No.25915379

Guys, this Anti guy was fucking right.

Aloe was obviously lying that she was "doxed and harrassed", 5ch is even confirming what he's saying.

Aloe claimed that someone doxxed her phone number and address and got stalkers. First off, it's insanely impossible to dox a japanese phone number unless it's in the public or you gave it out. Japan isn't like America or Europe. Most Japanese do not register their phone numbers. Also you would need their name which was never leaked, so how the hell was her number and house address leaked??

Second off, there is literally no proof of any doxing of personal info, 5ch has found no proof that she was doxed, which shows that she was playing the victim card. The reason she said this was because of the twitter messages showing that she loved a lot of sex.

I know people don't like this guy but he's exposing that Aloe is just not a good person and was lying about a lot of shit



>> No.25915380
Quoted by: >>25915436

too bad we dont see the aussie and the maid collab anymore

>> No.25915381

Iirc this was in the middle of a 24 hour stream and she did the minecraft thing at around 7 am JST, it's no surprise not many people showed (Specially since most of them had stayed up late collabing with her).

>> No.25915384

Shame it wasn't Minecraft. She could get blown up in Pekoras poop mountain.

>> No.25915385
Quoted by: >>25915755

I thought Choco couldn't sing?

>> No.25915386

inb4 Polka/Tamaki collabs banned after the first one because of Tamaki being a fucking dumbass

>> No.25915388

No, she said that as long as you're alive it's not over and that you'll still have opportunities. People just assumed it meant Aloe has a chance to come back to Hololive.

>> No.25915389

anon, the announcement was about a new novel, not about a new season

>> No.25915391

>Nobuhime 238k subs
>Polka 236k subs

Less than 24 hours before she overtakes her ghost.

>> No.25915393
Quoted by: >>25915478

>Yeah, but mostly to Ctrl+F 'Miko'
What the fuck. That's very accurate.

>> No.25915396
Quoted by: >>25915435

>Kanata is younger than Pekora
Definitely not. They are at least on par.

>> No.25915397

>5ch said

>> No.25915398

Those are criminals. Whites don't get arrested for shit.

>> No.25915399

Didn't coronavirus cancel that?

>> No.25915400

Okay fag

>> No.25915401

I dunno but she spoke about suicide and the importance of living. So we have an idea of what Aloe is going through

>> No.25915402

I just realized, at least 3 holos (FBK, Korone and Pekora) will reach 1 million subs before the year ends, and it's also possible that it'll become 5 if Marine and Coco can keep up their momentum.

I honestly didn't expect them to blow up this much. Even back when quarantine started 60k a month was big enough already and that was the boost that gave them most exposure but they're even bigger now today with the ridiculous influx of subscribers.

>> No.25915403
Quoted by: >>25915455

it seems like Cover doesn't set schedules for the girls, so they're free to stream when they want
so why would they waste time streaming during dead hours, instead of during prime time when, even if they have to compete for viewers, they're still getting more viewers in total?

>> No.25915404

>doesn't quit despite her "scandal"
>makes fun of Subaru's no-face problem
>this >>25914783
Perhaps Towa isn't so bad after all...

>> No.25915405

you can get botan, korone, and luna to pamper you instead
considerably better deal if you ask me

>> No.25915407

5ch told me you eat 50 cocks for breakfast

>> No.25915406

>unironically listening to what 5ch and some random anti said

>> No.25915408
Quoted by: >>25915425

>noel membership has been sucking money out of my phone for the last 4 months
i thought you have to manually extend your membership...
well, guess am a big gyudon now

>> No.25915410

I hope both you and him die.

>> No.25915411

Flare at least gives off the vibes of a cool older sister that played Snowboard Kids with you after school. Also I want to see Flare play Snowboard Kids.

>> No.25915414

get a life dipshit, she's already gone

>> No.25915416

Sorry but no
promotions good
permissions bad

>> No.25915418


>> No.25915419

here we go again

>> No.25915420

>talked shit
Didn't she just say there was a problem with stalking in the industry and Chitose left because of stalkers?

>> No.25915421

>Aloe claimed that someone doxxed her phone number and address and got stalkers. First off, it's insanely impossible to dox a japanese phone number unless it's in the public or you gave it out.
Mel 2.0...

>> No.25915422

Just waiting for my oshi, the true queen of the night to come back.

>> No.25915423


>> No.25915425

If chuuba makes member only stream, but you are not there, can you watch it in archives?
And do you get access to all previous member streams?

>> No.25915424

it was only 2
always knew 5ch is not very trustworthy

>> No.25915427

Funniest, you mean?

>> No.25915428

>Japan isn't like America or Europe. Most Japanese do not register their phone numbers.
You need phone number to verify google account and few other services like LINE, corporations and government is how you can find people because both don't give a shit about keeping your info safe.

>> No.25915430

So round...

>> No.25915431

thank you
that's what i've been saying. it's obvious bullshit to garner sympathy points

>> No.25915433

Fuck off nijitard.

>> No.25915434
Quoted by: >>25915576

Will this be played?

>> No.25915435
Quoted by: >>25915522

Kanata is allegedly around 26 and Pekora turned 27 earlier this year.

>> No.25915436


>> No.25915438

It's really funny because Marine also retorts by saying she wants to punch the shit outta Luna too.

>> No.25915439


>> No.25915440

>Wonder if I should clip the member stream just to shut up the yurifags once for all
I have Marine's membership and I'm fine with this just so these dumb /u/tards can fuck off already. Don't let the discordfags and redditfags stop you.

>> No.25915441

At the moment Noel's playlists are dead and she deleted the community posts from about 6 months ago until 2 months ago so all those members streams are as good as gone until she fixes it

>> No.25915444

stop linking your buttbuddy's channel faggot

>> No.25915445

That one sponsored Shion yo... stream.

>> No.25915443

This was the best outcome for her and them, though.

>> No.25915446
Quoted by: >>25915479

What? Yagoo pretty much has a crush on norio and how can polka or tamaki screw things up now?

>> No.25915447

The 1.5 million of AI Games seemed like an unreachable number...

>> No.25915448

I unironically hope he kills himself so I can make a youtube video talking about how i was right and how does it feel for him to be wrong

>> No.25915449

You can watch them just finding them with YouTube’s shit system can make it hard

>> No.25915452
Quoted by: >>25915484

Yeah that's all she did but Nijimudslimes took that as an offense since it makes their black company looks bad for not taking care of their talents.

>> No.25915453

Why the fuck would they stream for the NEETs with no jobs and no money?

>> No.25915454

What the fuck?? How do they know that?

>> No.25915455
Quoted by: >>25915626

Watame at 2 AM probably has more viewers than Watame at 9 PM

>> No.25915456
Quoted by: >>25915544

really? so why should she retire and say no to raining red superchats? literally 160k subscribers without even doing anything yet.

>> No.25915457

Korone got dislike bombed by JOP corporate bootlickers and was either crying or holding back tears by the end of her stream. She was also acting subdued to her usual self during it. It hurt pretty bad. Even the JOPs felt guilty because when Korone said on twitter that she did have permission, the dislikes actually went down by several hundred (but were still around 800, most dislike bombs don’t get above like 250 unless you’re Sio-tier disaster).

>> No.25915458

Yeah there was no direct shit talk at all

>> No.25915459

Just scroll through membership page.

>> No.25915466

Yes or at least if she didin't deleted.

>> No.25915465

Lemon Cola if they still have it. Thank anon.

>> No.25915467

So any new narratives or any drama?

>> No.25915468

Then why the fuck did she quit? She had no reason to bail besides being harassed hard, like getting phone calls at home.

She never would have given it up if she didn't have a serious reason.

>> No.25915469

Why Aloe is still a thing?
Surveyposting go
>your holo
>favourite drink

>> No.25915470

>they hated him because he was right and they were wrong
how does it feel, /hlg/?

>> No.25915473

I wonder if you were saying the same shit when the Mel stuff was happening. I honest to god hope you die painfully.

>> No.25915474
Quoted by: >>25915537

>favorite holo
>favorite kirby copy ability
>favorite seafood
>how much exercise you've gotten this week
>last thing you've shoved into your anus
>should seaniggers be genocided
>favorite insect

>> No.25915476
Quoted by: >>25915544

if she wasnt being harassed then why did she retire?

>> No.25915477

Their dynamic is a lot of fun. They both know the other person is doing cutesy shit and it annoys the shit out of both of them. I would love to see a 3D collab with these two idiots and see how fast they get out of breath.

>> No.25915478

Same, literally me too. But I sometime also posting here and there

>> No.25915479

Cover fears the antis.

>> No.25915480

The insomnia neets obviously do have money cause that’s when Korone and Watame generally stream.

>> No.25915481

>you clearly havent watched watame coco or the energy drink dog if you think late night has no money

>> No.25915482

First time I saw her

>> No.25915484
Quoted by: >>25915550

Hey you can't say that Niji is black, they have an anti-harassment squad now

>> No.25915486
Quoted by: >>25915493

>5ch is even confirming what he's saying.

>> No.25915487

What are the odds that the yakuza who lost money because of the antis find this kid? I hope they chain his ass up and throw him into the Pacific for making them lose their precious yen.

>> No.25915490


>> No.25915492

>Sio-tier disaster
Man, that stream was something else.


>> No.25915493

>5ch said

>> No.25915494

4chan is confirming you're a faggot

>> No.25915495

That's a running joke now, Kanata basically did the same to Marine and started punching her in ARK when she was doing a baby voice.

>> No.25915496

Not that anon, but internal strife.

>> No.25915498

Thanks a lot.

>> No.25915500
Quoted by: >>25915679

Nice bait, I'll bite. Consider this anon, Aloe already said that some people might already know her face since she already did some live concert/event thing as an utaite.

>> No.25915499

>go to djt
>none of them can actually speak japanese
everyone on /jp/ is larping about being able to speak Japanese aren't they?

>> No.25915502

I'm sure someone will tell you she didn't quit, she was fired.

>> No.25915503

I'd figure just their companies are property but its china so...

>> No.25915505


>> No.25915507

>all the butthurt replies
i love seeing whiteknight faggots BTFOd

>> No.25915508
Quoted by: >>25915578

I tried catbox and it keeps shitting itself on me. just know it's not meme currency and I do care deeply for luna

>> No.25915509

>another fucking timeloop
>dead hours until Roberu
You know what. I spend way too much time in this basement and there's beautiful night out there. Time to go on a trip.

>> No.25915511

I am fucking livid right now. Good job you gaslighting fuck. You really want to kill her, huh?

>> No.25915512

Choco streams (Apex) she always seems so damn down. Saddest shit I've seen is Sio pretending to have fun while getting disliked bombed and shit on while streaming. (honorary holo)

>> No.25915513

berry flavored seltzer

>> No.25915515

i did not mean to meme arrow that

>> No.25915516

Who are you quoting?

>> No.25915520

Just the incels. They're rejected by their own people so they pretend to be japaese.
the japanese don't want you either

>> No.25915521

What do you mean?

>> No.25915522

Allegedly, she estimated to be around 26-29.

>> No.25915523
Quoted by: >>25915557

d-do your reps haha.....

>> No.25915524


>> No.25915525

>all the LISTEN & BELIEVE bullshit in response to this post

This bitch clearly dropped out because she couldn't handle being held to account for past sins.

>> No.25915526

Because as Nene said, Gen 5 will always have 5 members.


>> No.25915527

what the fuck I told them that in confidence

>> No.25915528

Night hours are Miko, Korone and Watame's timeslot, and 2 of them are out now because busy and sick.

>> No.25915531


>> No.25915532

some people have weird shifts or stay awake during night, it's not that weird
but really I just want my 24h coverage

>> No.25915533

HoloEN will change Cover from the inside and bring Aloe back

>> No.25915535

Late night is legit prime time for suicidal office workers. Personal experience.

>> No.25915536
Quoted by: >>25915568

Okay incel where yours proof

>> No.25915537

2 mile jog daily
Praying mantis

>> No.25915538

I can absolutely believe they would fire her, but they would have said they terminated her contract like Kaoru.

Hell, if she left on bad terms, Nene and Lamy wouldn't have been allowed to bring her up.

>> No.25915539

ginger ale

>> No.25915540

Here, have a (you).

>> No.25915541
Quoted by: >>25915567

I love hololive but I hate whores like Aloe, Towa, Ayame and Rushia. Cover should really consider to fire them. And tbdesu, Aloe deserve it.

>> No.25915542

Ah I forgot about that one
Yeah that's... that's definitely up there

>> No.25915544


Not him but you guys aren't getting it. After the sex tweets, she became super embarrassed by it and tried to use the victim card to get support and have antis be shamed. Yet the Japanese saw through her lies and she just decided to quit. The EOPS don't know the full story of this, which is why they're still supporting her.

I hate antis too but Aloe was lying. She was never harassed or doxxed at all

>> No.25915548

Yes. Isn't it obvious when no one here talks about zatsudan streams. I can't even speak English by the way

>> No.25915549

Guys guys you won't believe this!
5ch just said hololive is NOT REAL, we are all hallucinating

>> No.25915550
Quoted by: >>25915688

>their fans harass and bully girls into retirement
>make an "anti-harassment squad" that actually can't do anything just to save face so people can't blame your talents for your fanbase's shitty behavior

>> No.25915553


>> No.25915555

are we really going to think Cover is smart enough to try to garner sympathy points for firing someone

because if they were smart enough to do that, they would have just kept her on board after investing on her for months. no matter how many antis she would have gotten, she would have earned them some money. imagine wasting a 160k subscriber channel.

>> No.25915556

thanks kojimbo

>> No.25915557

There's nothing wrong with doing your reps. /djt/ is all about telling others that they have been doing the wrong reps all along and need to start over.

>> No.25915558

Can someone spoonfeed me about Sio's situation? inb4 lurk more, but i have no idea even when it happened

>> No.25915559

>loud autist and quiet autist
Would be fun if only they shared a common language

>> No.25915560
Quoted by: >>25915589

we didn't get Sega permissions back after Korone took part in an official Sega stream for their 60th anniversary, why would we get it here?

>> No.25915562

Learning to speak Japanese properly requires physical human interaction which they haven't had in a decade.

>> No.25915564

Strawberry milk

>> No.25915567

Can you really love something if you can't love all of it? You probably wouldn't even eat your oshi's poop, anonchama.

>> No.25915568

where's yours that she was called, faggot
ever heard of the burden of proof?

>> No.25915575

Lurk more and not-hololive related fag

>> No.25915576

I wish. Did Nobuhime ever streamed that game? We still don't a holo that do ROTK/Nobu strat type of game.

>> No.25915577

water, preferably cold

>> No.25915578
Quoted by: >>25915693

I hope you aren’t lying I am Luna’s lyger and if she is going to have EOPs you fuckers are going to supa!

>> No.25915579

>antis do shitty thing
>antis then try to claim they didn't do shitty thing so they can't get in trouble if she actually does off herself

>> No.25915580

>past sins
Such as?

>> No.25915583

As an insider, what's the point of not using a trip?

>> No.25915585

But, bro, I have it on good authority that you aren't real.

>> No.25915586
Quoted by: >>25915610

>implying they won't get cancelled within 24 hours of debut
HoloEN is putting a much larger, albeit less autistic, group in the driver seat of being able to doxx them.

>> No.25915587

And i'm asking for your proof

>> No.25915589

That was NND sponsored.

>> No.25915590


>> No.25915592

>antis on NND are absolutely bootyblasted because PekoMari sponsored stream
So that's why is shitposting more active than usual. No wonder.


>> No.25915593

the sin of liking sex and being extremely horny

>> No.25915595


>> No.25915596
Quoted by: >>25915630

So any announcement or mention about Aloe from the other holos yet?

>> No.25915598

I went to check how many dislikes she actually had and realized this stream was almost 3 months ago.
I thought i started watching hololive 2 months ago, but i have been addicted for 9 fucking months.
I should seek some help.
I sink 90% of my time to vtubers what the fuck is wrong with my brain.

>> No.25915599

None of you are ever going to go to Japan and meet or even fuck any of these girls. Hell most of you don't understand what they're saying 80-90% of the time. Does it matter what they do off stream? Can't just have fun with them playing the game and fucking up or succeeding (with some light hearted bullying)?

>> No.25915600

having the NERVE to insult nijisanji!

>> No.25915601

>50 cocks
pfft baby numbers, I can eat at least a 100

>> No.25915605

it's all so tiresome

>> No.25915608
Quoted by: >>25915628

Kool Aid

>> No.25915607

Please andastand it is japanese culture to deflect blame and be a nigger online.

>> No.25915609

She touched a penis.
You have to understand virgin-kun has never had sex this greatly offends him.

>> No.25915610

Want to bet how many are fan of Hololive

>> No.25915611

Aloe was suspended for two weeks on the Live 2D thing, yet once her sex tweets leaked, she tried to put blame on antis and say they were calling her phone and stalking her. None of that ever happened. It was to gain sympathy as a financial gain, yet the JOPS saw through her lies when they started questioning shit and she decided to quit.

>> No.25915612

You can tell a bugman posted this because he claims you don't get it and expresses fake concern.

>> No.25915613

Why would anyone that actually understand Japanese stays at djt? That general is basically blinds leading the blinds.

>> No.25915614
Quoted by: >>25915654

it's pointless to try to explain it to these retards
they don't care about the truth, they just wanna rally to protect "the poor weak girl"

>> No.25915616

Diet coke

>> No.25915617

Which stream was that?

>> No.25915620

>ctrl+f deleted
Can botan sing?

>> No.25915622

That 5k difference has been there for a month, their channel is growing at the same rate.

>> No.25915621

I like surveyposting because it shows which fanbase is fucking retarded

>> No.25915624
Quoted by: >>25915649

She shitposted and doxxed her peers, Note's fucked up not only letting people find her ID address (which is how they found her) but also made a public statement saying it was her IP and people got mad. Now she in a hiatus until futher notice.

>> No.25915626

That is true, when she recently did an early Zelda stream she had half as many viewers as she did the previous day

>> No.25915627
Quoted by: >>25915656

Not when I drop my akasupa on that bitch

>> No.25915628

Hartwall original long drink

>> No.25915629

so why do they keep bringing up the NDA breach

I still think the tweets weren't significant at all, because they had practically almost no reactions, no retweets, no likes. it seemed like her twitter was just a circlejerk between her friends.

she was going to play a succubus character that "liked to be teased" and you think she wasn't up to being "super embarrassed"?

>> No.25915630
Quoted by: >>25915810

>Lamy said she misses her and wishes her the best
>Nene said she's keeping her twitter header no matter what, and that Holofive will always be five, no matter what.

>> No.25915631

It wasn't directly attacking them. Very passive, but the nijis took offense anyway. They were just looking for an excuse to attack her, they found it and went for it.

Really sucks but... Not much to say. Sorry if I confused you more for a second. I tried to avoid dragging the whole explanation, the details of everything that happened don't really and sometimes get twisted in half truth. The core is a bunch of faggots scared a young girl into quitting. Everything else is lies.

>> No.25915633

Fuck off bugman

>> No.25915635


>> No.25915638

Seriously? What for? Do they hate Cygames now too?

>> No.25915639

please anon i only don't understand 50%

>> No.25915640


>> No.25915641

All Luna members here immediately upgrade your member level!

>> No.25915643

You have no way to prove this. Stop obsessing.

>> No.25915646

Coffee なのら

>> No.25915647

they hate themselves so much that they can't love anything anymore, autism is destructive

>> No.25915648

I will go to Australia and rape Haachama

>> No.25915649

Thanks, Anon

>> No.25915650

>Expecting me to believe Japanese lies
Your culture when it comes to idols is awful, get the fuck out of here.

>> No.25915652

>343 IPs
Why won't you fags leave

>> No.25915654
Quoted by: >>25915745

Nah the truth is I fucked your mom last night and two nukes weren't enough.
Why won't you UNDERSTAND this is the truth?!

>> No.25915656

You should be more wise with your money, anon.

>> No.25915657

Did you know that when the indie vtuber got featured on Haachama's stream several days ago, his friend contacted him and asked "wait what the fuck, you were xxx vtuber on haachama channel?"

That's only a literal who and he got instantly recognized because he was featured on a huge channel. With the scandal as big as Aloe, it's not impossible for her friend or enemy or just normal acquaintance really to leak her shit for shits and giggles.

>> No.25915663

her greatest sin is she has never planted her fat ass directly on my face

>> No.25915664
Quoted by: >>25915744

>Believing Aloe who made multiple lies before

>> No.25915665

The only thing that Botan can do is talk about games

>> No.25915666
Quoted by: >>25915726

This is our board now, 2hunigger

>> No.25915667

wasn't Flare between Noel and Marine age wise?

>> No.25915668

Aren't they putting Cygames in a bad light by saying Hololive is doing stealth marketing for them, hopefully they actually do something.

>> No.25915671

I've been stuck here everyday since may.
I can't leave.

>> No.25915672

- she trampled over the happy memories of Nijisanji fans by saying a chuuba quit because she was doxxedd and harassed
- she failed her manager and the company by not properly deleting the test stream on time
oddly I haven't seen any purityfags among the antis, just Nijifags and bootlickers

>> No.25915674

I'm going to impregnate shion and theres nothing that will stop me

>> No.25915675
Quoted by: >>25915699

おい お前ら 4chが俺たちはホモだって言ってたぞ

>> No.25915676

HoloEN will be the end of Cover

>> No.25915677

Why would i leave?

>> No.25915678

>Otaku Culture is awful, please leave the Otaku Culture board
I don't like either but come on

>> No.25915679
Quoted by: >>25915720

again, sympathy points

>> No.25915680

Holos feels like crack because you always comes back and wonders whats going on with their lives. Then you get real idol moments when they sing. It reminds me of the days when MorningMusume were at their peak where they had their own shows appeared in big Comedic Personality channels.

>> No.25915681

Right after you

>> No.25915682

Favorite Holo
How many mcnuggies could she eat in one-sitting

>> No.25915684
Quoted by: >>25915748

was it Anchor Arms?

>> No.25915685

probably just wants to connect more with her japanese fans, honestly

i think part of why lofi isn't that popular is that you have like a 66% chance of not knowing what she's saying in a stream if you're not also a super polyglot

>> No.25915686

Talking shit about girls like this is a part of idol culture, and I want to respect it.

>> No.25915688

The nips think that it's actually more for internal strife and in-fighting. They just need to make a public showing to not make it conspicuous.

>> No.25915690
Quoted by: >>25915855

What about the narrative that 5ch is following the area where she lives looking for news on suicide?

>> No.25915693

well you can tell that to the rest of them I've at least give her akasupas and like I said I'm upping my tier of member later

>> No.25915696


>> No.25915697

Easy there, Ojisan.

>> No.25915698
Quoted by: >>25915718

Burden of proof lies on the accuser? You're accusing she lied first though?

>> No.25915699


>> No.25915702

Cringey niji

>> No.25915703

probably ex bf angry at her for mocking his nip dick and preferring Korean dong

>> No.25915707

who the fuck cares if a succubus in training loves sex? what do all holos need to be pure?

>> No.25915709

Her ass is like SUPER fat, good shit

>> No.25915710

Idolshit is not /jp/

>> No.25915713
Quoted by: >>25915749

This shouldn't be allowed, she needs to be fired

>> No.25915714
Quoted by: >>25915762

Yes but sometimes they might not have chat logs enabled as archives so you might be missing out on what they are replying to.

>> No.25915715

hopefully she does eigo streams again

>> No.25915717

40, I'm on a diet now

>> No.25915718
Quoted by: >>25915788

are you that retarded. it relies on who made the first claim
you were the first to make the claim that she was called so it's on you to prove it

>> No.25915719

I literally live in Japan right now and it's only a matter of time until they hold a fan meeting event again and meet my oshi. And no, I'm not lygger.

>> No.25915720
Quoted by: >>25915763

Okay I rephrase.
Aloe said "well some of you have already saw what I looked like already".

>> No.25915723


>> No.25915724
Quoted by: >>25915756

i fucking hate this card

>> No.25915725

>wake up
>slut getting terminated wasn't a dream
I'm so glad to be alive bros.

>> No.25915726

Nice try Satan but you're contained here.

>> No.25915727

get a load of this niglord

>> No.25915730

Hey Dad, how's your day going?

>> No.25915729

Strawberry milk

>> No.25915731
Quoted by: >>25915766

>Idolshit is not /jp/
the absolute state of this board

>> No.25915732

>Why Aloe is still a thing?
No new drama to replace it. Here are some thing to look forward to.

-Civia arc
-HoloID Second Gen arc
-Coco&Pika collab
-5th Gen 3D debut

>> No.25915733

Why are you contradicting this post >>25915544 ?

>> No.25915736
Quoted by: >>25915768

German stream when?

>> No.25915739
Quoted by: >>25915802

With covid? Fat chance.
Also aren't those meetings with a computer screen?

>> No.25915742
Quoted by: >>25915805

Will cover really allow her to come back? Botan and Nene said like there won't be another chance.

>> No.25915743

Why are there still schizos desperate to "prove" that Aloe was a whore and a bad person? If it's really nips concernposting about this, why do they give any fucks what western fanbase thinks about her? I thought they hate EOPs anyway.

>> No.25915744
Quoted by: >>25915783

Good thing nobody else than that whore Aloe would lie on the internet.

>> No.25915745

seethe more faggot

>> No.25915746

I still believe Aloe will return.

>> No.25915748

Might be, I forgot. It was on his twitter.

>> No.25915749

fucking BASED

>> No.25915752

>literally a 2 hours long pricunny ad
>stealth marketing
Do nips really?

>> No.25915754


>> No.25915755

Anyone can sing in studio

>> No.25915756

>RTX 5060 gets recalled and taken off production after a critical failure that sets the card on fire is discovered

>> No.25915759

I envy you anon I'm planning a trip there but it won't be anytime soon unfortunately since they won't let my country go near japan

>> No.25915760

>stealth marketing

>> No.25915762

I can't speak for any others but Marine definitely has the chat log enabled for member streams.

>> No.25915763

who? where? there's nothing to indicate that's true

>> No.25915766
Quoted by: >>25915861

Back in my day, we wanted you cunts banned from this board. Sadly the mods never listened.
Then moot ruined the board even harder.

>> No.25915767

Abe was a whore and a bad person, glad the bitch is gone

>> No.25915768

lofi marches to goosestep to

>> No.25915770

I'm crying if this is real it means all that time I used solveing captcha didn't go to waste. Thank you Meidos.

>> No.25915771
Quoted by: >>25915804

I honestly feel like this shit is criminal.

>> No.25915774

Link or screenshot?

>> No.25915776

imagine if she changes it to the exact same pose once she gets her 3d

>> No.25915779


>> No.25915780


>> No.25915782

Should've commited all the way and made it 2x32, even if she's not pulling coco numbers she should be getting more than enough
Also, that's definitely a cluelessly following /g/ guides kind of build

>> No.25915783

>Idols are like cult leaders they need to be perfect
>the idols in question are in their teens
remember you're talking to idolfags

>> No.25915784

Hot chocolate

>> No.25915785

See for yourself.

>> No.25915786

>Did you know that when the indie vtuber got featured on Haachama's stream several days ago, his friend contacted him and asked "wait what the fuck, you were xxx vtuber on haachama channel?"
Was it one of the babiniku?

>> No.25915787


>> No.25915788
Quoted by: >>25915824

Chain literally started here, dumbass >>25915379

>> No.25915790

don't you dare talk about miko like that

>> No.25915791
Quoted by: >>25915878

>whiteknighting for unfeeling corporations that don’t even know you exist
whats the logic in that

>> No.25915795

Nobody is going to dispute that, he was a politician.

>> No.25915797
Quoted by: >>25915844

she said it in her big twitcasting video that she didn't delete and people dug up

>> No.25915799

You take that back right now fucking faggot

>> No.25915800

Himemori Luna

>> No.25915802

yeah, you go into a little both and they're on a screen and you get to talk to them. Nintendo actually does a similar thing at conventions with the whole "talk to Mario!" thing

>> No.25915803


>> No.25915804
Quoted by: >>25915822

what shit.stop being vague faggot

>> No.25915805
Quoted by: >>25915839

Her support base far outweighs the hatebase but I don't know if se wants to come back, saying you graduated is a big deal

>> No.25915806

190 posts deleted.
Some already left anon. It's alright.

>> No.25915807

>cotton in mouth singing
so she can't, huh

>> No.25915809
Quoted by: >>25915828

5ch said lulu is the sexiest holo

>> No.25915810

Is there any full video out there about this?

>> No.25915811

I won't buy this shit, if you post stupid/embarrasing shit for everyone to see then you won't quite because some fags are mean to you, it would be like stopping posting on 4chan after two years of being a regular because some retard told you suck at English.
Then again, maybe I'm wrong and she was dropping spaghetti hard plus she was more of a sissy than the koronefag who got BTFO.

>> No.25915812

anon abe just retired have some decency for at least a short time after

>> No.25915813


>> No.25915814

How could you talk about abe like that?

>> No.25915815

RIP ;_;

>> No.25915816

Rumchatta Hot Cocoa or Pumpkin Spice Latte

>> No.25915822

THIS shit

>> No.25915823

So when might Aloe return?

>> No.25915824
Quoted by: >>25915860

yes someone questioned her claim that has no proof in the first place. are you that retarded or just dishonest?

>> No.25915825

Nobuhime was doing so well as indie why did she want to go corporate?

>> No.25915826

yea i would love a pork cutlet sandwich

>> No.25915827
Quoted by: >>25915868

Idolshit is not Japanese culture. Koreans have it as well. It's a problem of the industry.

>> No.25915828

She isn't, that would be debi

>> No.25915830

Shishiron loves streaming right when I usually sleep huh?

>> No.25915831

Aloe juice

>> No.25915832

Okay. I regret taking this bait. Good night, and watch indie girls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxepCTjRYj8

>> No.25915833


>> No.25915836
Quoted by: >>25915863

HoloEn is being announced next week or something, right?

>> No.25915839
Quoted by: >>25915867

I know that but this is unprecedented within hololive sphere.

>> No.25915838

Here's your you.

>> No.25915840

How could she? And she calls herself Aloe's friend...

>> No.25915841

What the fuck! Delete this.

>> No.25915842


>> No.25915844
Quoted by: >>25915876

>she said
that's not proof. her word is not gospel

>> No.25915846

She was under upd8

>> No.25915847

>Yet the Japanese saw through her lies
can't fool their piercing slant eyes

>> No.25915848

5ch confirmed that all 5ch users love sucking dicks.

>> No.25915849


>> No.25915850

Yeah, the kiss is worth it though

>> No.25915851
Quoted by: >>25915861

Get out of /jp/. You should also get banned.

>> No.25915852
Quoted by: >>25915869

>5ch said
At least post the comment links or the thread next time. ctrl+c ctrl+v isn't so hard to do.

>> No.25915853


>> No.25915854

I'd hate to be a chuuba because I don't like to carry the weight of other people's expectations

>> No.25915855

all of these are narratives
hell i dont really trust women

>> No.25915856

moscow mule

>> No.25915857

Menstrual fluid

>> No.25915858

I know a lot of people call her 'based' for this, but I really think it was crossing a line.

>> No.25915859

Couple of month give or take, she'll be making her return on one of those animal videos.

>> No.25915860
Quoted by: >>25915891

The post literally says
>Aloe was obviously lying
So the first claim for the Burden of Proof was theirs, you illiterate fuck.

>> No.25915861


>> No.25915862

What are you talking about anon
If you aren't Niji or Holo you're indie

>> No.25915863

no, everyone is just believing some "rumor" that said aloe would graduate the day she was supposed to come back even though everyone was saying that would happen.

>> No.25915864
Quoted by: >>25915881

everybody already memorized this webm faggot

>> No.25915865
Quoted by: >>25915903

She will come back as a sex education vtuber

>> No.25915867

Yeah not even Mel who was absent for months ever mentioned graduation

>> No.25915868

There's a fuckton of other countries with tea culture, and even a board for food and cooking, but if I made a japanese tea thread it would be perfectly /jp/. Same goes for idols.

>> No.25915869

It's a shit post, anonchama.

>> No.25915871

I always had a feeling this was true

>> No.25915873

Nobuhime wasn't and idie, and given how she talked about thing her financial situation after her last gig wasn't stable, sure she would have gotten some backing from friends, but in dire times there's nothing like a stable salary and a guaranteed success. that and maybe tamaki recommended hololive to her

>> No.25915874


>> No.25915876
Quoted by: >>25915885

then why did she get fired for it

>> No.25915878

The same logic why normies are now circlejerking to Aggretsuko and Netflix because she said "fuck capitalism"

>> No.25915880

What's wrong with that?

>> No.25915881

you got me, it was actually THIS

>> No.25915882

The water that made her sick

>> No.25915884

Cute whispering, I guess

>> No.25915885
Quoted by: >>25915899


>> No.25915886

How many people do you think will watch super big collab (baseball tier) from Hololive?

>> No.25915887
Quoted by: >>25915902

>idolshitters are now trying to say there were part of the original /jp/
Hillarious, you fuckers moved here in 2013 when moot fucked this board into oblivion.

>> No.25915889
Quoted by: >>25915906

>under corporate since the beginning

Then why did she jump ship?

>> No.25915890


>> No.25915891

because there us no proof in the first fucking place you dumb faggot

>> No.25915893

Because Antis are seething about the western support for her

>> No.25915894

Go back to your shit thread(s).
The rest of the board hates you. Even more so than the rest of the board hates these threads, in fact.

>> No.25915895

Feels like someone's gay and wanted to post his bf reacting to the situation

>> No.25915898

Probably not , this info was gleaned from a horribly unreliable website.

>> No.25915899

why did she quit over it

>> No.25915901

>trampled over the happy memories of Nijisanji fans by saying a chuuba quit because she was doxxedd and harassed

>> No.25915902

Idolfags will deny this

>> No.25915903

>sex education vtuber

Hard times for that nice lady and crew, hope they make it through the year.

>> No.25915905

If the mods didn't listen, then guess who's wrong? Obviously not them since they make the rules. You also don't own /jp/, you huge fucking faggot.

>> No.25915906

Upd8 is on life support
