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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, EfNdJ1YUMAA9Sgw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25395398 No.25395398 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25395402
File: 793 KB, 2756x3720, 1579694546649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395409


>> No.25395401
File: 1.08 MB, 1156x1600, 83014832_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25395403
Quoted by: >>25395426

It is my duty to impregnate Aqua

>> No.25395404
File: 874 KB, 3840x2160, 1596693568317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395405
File: 98 KB, 697x808, 15258154630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395406
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1581506485815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395424


>> No.25395408
File: 435 KB, 561x420, 928673689367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395407
File: 73 KB, 288x288, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.25395409
File: 34 KB, 276x223, Peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395410
File: 23 KB, 222x197, 1597201624558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395411

shes having so much fun with this braindead stealth section...

>> No.25395412
File: 173 KB, 560x346, 5643978706322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395414

She noticed, but wasn't really hyped because that's how she is. Whoever was behind the account even chatted again because she lost that match.

Correcting grammar mistakes.

>> No.25395415
File: 335 KB, 415x526, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395416

I want to make Aqua hyperventilate by saying incredibly corny lovey dovey things!

>> No.25395417

Yes it takes a long time to become fluent in a language. But you don't need to be fluent in a language to watch an autistic Japanese girl play kids video games. The dialogue is very simple and easy to understand.

>> No.25395418
File: 986 KB, 1037x988, 5922659E-EA41-47B4-AB8A-E1D0550A2374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucks your bitch

>> No.25395420

tired of seeing this dumb cunt in the op

>> No.25395422
File: 51 KB, 526x545, Everyday until you improve yourself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395477

You see this little alien? She’s a Vtuber who does mounted archery in her free time, teaches a duck how to draw and teaches EOP Japanese to be able converse with their oshis for shit and giggles. She can fluently speak Indonesian, English and Japanese and knows German and Korean too, but that’s still not enough as she’s currently learning sign language and how to play the violin to become an even better Vtuber. What about you anon? Go do your reps so you can converse with your favorite chuubas before they suddenly disappear from the face of this earth. Go learn how to draw so your favorite chuuba can see and retweet it before you no longer has the chance to do so. Work out for a healthier life so you don’t get stuck in bed unable to do anything when all hell finally let loose all of the sudden. Go learn how to code to make a game to save your favorite chuuba from the permission hell. Do something, be better and make more meaningful memories with your favorite chuuba before everything become lost in time, like tears in the rain!

>> No.25395424
File: 33 KB, 200x252, aloe love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395438


>> No.25395425
File: 1.35 MB, 1071x1200, EeJvJx4U4AETmK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395447

I love Kanatan!
tfw bought Clubhouse Games but didn't get to play with her

>> No.25395426
Quoted by: >>25395455

Sorry but she bought out her gigolo using her vtuber bux to make him exclusive to her.

>> No.25395428

Your favorite Hololive girl is wonderful and will have a great day today!

>> No.25395429
Quoted by: >>25395437

So did Aki get a sub boost after her video crying because she has so few?

>> No.25395430
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 1594631892691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK fall guys onegai...

>> No.25395431

jesus christ aqua

>> No.25395432
File: 609 KB, 3840x2160, EfQxfksUwAAw_xq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395464

But doctor, I am Pagliacci.

>> No.25395433
Quoted by: >>25395448

>open two streams on Holotools
>start one
>other stops
how fix?

>> No.25395434
File: 19 KB, 331x391, spooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys

>> No.25395435

Sora, buy Fall Guys and play with the others....

>> No.25395436

>mfw watching Aqua play OOT

>> No.25395437

yes, a pretty large one too

>> No.25395438
File: 361 KB, 688x500, aloe love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395439

baqua's not struggling nearly as much on teh stealth part as I thought she would

my 7 year old ass got filtered by this shit so hard

>> No.25395441
Quoted by: >>25395450

I know that Kanata is a pussy magnet no need to rub it in my face, bro.

>> No.25395442
File: 324 KB, 1000x1400, 1596233125972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you done your Apex reps?

>> No.25395443
File: 602 KB, 2081x1170, 480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395445
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, ifuckinghatethisbitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly fuck Coco, the way she treated Watame is pure fucking bullshit

>> No.25395446
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1581246917691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395447
Quoted by: >>25395533

Hopefully when she streams it next time you get to play with her, Kanatafren.

>> No.25395448

search localstorage on archive

>> No.25395449

Is Polka going to be like Joker?

>> No.25395450


>> No.25395451
File: 488 KB, 768x768, AB616251-3A84-4D41-A4BD-9953BEEAED4B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So now that the dust has settled, what's /hlg/'s consensus on Lamy?

>> No.25395452
File: 24 KB, 264x165, 1596939512841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395522

>> No.25395454
File: 81 KB, 900x835, 1595910310517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395605


>> No.25395455

Can’t believe Aqua and Roberu were doxed in the same video

>> No.25395456

Robellu is a pretty cool dude who has discussed very self-aware and empathetic topics. She could sure do a LOT worse.

>> No.25395457

No, the song is Penis Onegai

>> No.25395458

Her meido will play with her first.

>> No.25395459
File: 949 KB, 1504x2048, __sakura_miko_hololive_drawn_by_kiaoekakishitai__ae3e3b614f5445d69203cafe0e2ee325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395494

Day 14 Thread #6

Going on a date with my idol girlfriend Mikochi!

>> No.25395460
File: 385 KB, 504x749, 1593055251966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back in my day we had AI and Luna, none of these fancy vtuber agencies you kids have *siiiiiiiiip*

>> No.25395461

Smashing her shins during the Deku Tree seemed to have gotten the blood flowing to her brain!

>> No.25395462


>> No.25395464
File: 477 KB, 667x757, honkhonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb doctor *honk*

>> No.25395465
File: 215 KB, 1039x1600, Pekora1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ Hololive OFFICIAL Tier List:

>Minecraft Arsonist
>Thugs Bunny
>Shitbull Oujosama
>Motherfucking Dragon
>Crack Smoker
>Hololive Host Club [Rucifer/ Jack Sparrow/ Bekora]

"Still Really Fun"-Tier
>Stock Market Pedophile
>Pedophile Pirate

>Everyone else


"This is unbearable to watch"-Tier

Outer God's Shit-Tier

>> No.25395466
Quoted by: >>25395517

unironically based choice from Sora

>> No.25395467

This has probably been asked before but where can I find an archive of videos that went private? I refuse to believe they're just gone

>> No.25395468
File: 776 KB, 926x927, founding_holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We... are all doomed...

>> No.25395470
File: 3.33 MB, 3177x3800, 1595632537939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395471

I've been playing it but I don't want to try playing with Towa again, too much pressure. I'm just happy she somehow forgot to remove me from her friends list.

>> No.25395472

Her actual gameplay isn't especially bad, she's struggling with some of the outdated mechanics and camera. I have no idea how old her room mate is but it doesn't feel like she played a lot of games as a kid because she doesn't seem to comprehend how these early 3d games work.

>> No.25395473

Yeah, but he could do a lot better

>> No.25395474

desu the only reason I even considered installing Apex was viewer participation games with the autistic devil.

>> No.25395475

Aqua is gonna get filtered on Darunia so bad...

>> No.25395476

Curly's better

>> No.25395477

At least I'm not an Indog

>> No.25395478

Is Aqua having a stroke?

>> No.25395479

what did she mean by this?

>> No.25395481

I hope Hikosan draws Pekora exercising too.

>> No.25395483
Quoted by: >>25395578

Looking forward to the inevitable drunk stream incident

>> No.25395484

>Aqua can't even communicate with an NPC

>> No.25395486

Watching Aqua sometimes gives me a stroke...

>> No.25395487

Speaking of Roberu, didn't he talk about how to make good conversation and how a conversation flows or something? Anyone have the link to that zatsudan, I need to do my social skill reps?

>> No.25395488
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, my love for you is like a truck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395631


>> No.25395490
File: 115 KB, 271x216, 1566308394358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... can I be a ritualposter too?

>> No.25395491


>> No.25395493

/t/ or chink archive https://v.ikx.me/

>> No.25395492

thank you blessed anon

>> No.25395494
Quoted by: >>25395512

In the afterlife?

>> No.25395495

Boring, safe and another talk streaming ASMR slut.

>> No.25395496
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1597272120179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395520

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25395497

what is the meaning of だいてんしあくあ anyway?

>> No.25395498

find the archives in the archive

>> No.25395499


>> No.25395500
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four fox, five fox, six fox, Fubuki~

>> No.25395502
Quoted by: >>25395555

Aloe gonna be dead in the water before she even debuts if she keeps chatting up T*wa...

>> No.25395503
Quoted by: >>25395542

it was yesterday's morning stream I'm pretty sure.

>> No.25395504
File: 240 KB, 921x1371, rin7914-1279723155045548033-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a hot day.

>> No.25395505

he literally made a flow chart and explained it all it was great

>> No.25395506

Why does Towa's autism know no bounds

>> No.25395508

She literally who'd Aloe... Alowa...

>> No.25395509

Seraph Aqua
She's named after a SMT demon.

>> No.25395511

autism is flaring up again

>> No.25395512


>> No.25395513

Why didn't he teach Astel

>> No.25395515
Quoted by: >>25395527

When is Miko's graduation?

>> No.25395517

I remember when Kaoru... played this game...

>> No.25395518
File: 318 KB, 395x511, 1594554934514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395532

>Why yes, I do stay up until 8 am tweeting stuff and lurking my coworker's chat, how could you tell?

>> No.25395519


>> No.25395520

I was worried that i didn't see you!
dont forget her!

>> No.25395522
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1597272148098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot your ayame

>> No.25395523

I'm going to make her womb even hotter

>> No.25395524
File: 73 KB, 230x230, 1597263184004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395526
Quoted by: >>25395554

There are some outliers but 24-30 is the bulk of hololive

>> No.25395527

After your mom's

>> No.25395528

Much appreciated

>> No.25395529

Did i miss korone play FNV? If not where the fuck is it

>> No.25395531
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, AHEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ting ting ting ting*
ano SAA
chotto SAA
minna SAA
matte SAA
majide SAA

>> No.25395532
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1594277380759.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the no sleep sheep!

>> No.25395533
Quoted by: >>25395560

I hope so too, very low chance she'll play it solo again but I believe.

>> No.25395534

I hear Zelda's lullaby and tears start rolling down my face automatically

>> No.25395535
File: 405 KB, 370x1024, SPOILER_omaru_polka_chaika_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396784


>> No.25395536
File: 337 KB, 1414x1000, Ee_DSEYUwAU9WZt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's like 21, and she said this is the first 64 game she's playing.

>> No.25395537

inaccurate size

>> No.25395540


>> No.25395541

>expecting some random elf to help defend an entire kingdom
Why is Zelda like this...

>> No.25395542

Oh okay, thanks anon.

>> No.25395543
Quoted by: >>25395556

Getting in bed listening to Aqua's OoT is top comfy. If only I didn't had to work tomorrow...

>> No.25395544
Quoted by: >>25395564

fun fact: they're not allowed to film at the pool anymore

>> No.25395546
File: 295 KB, 768x768, EfSBLaUX0AAYN0B[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395547

Filter for EOPs. Her drinking streams are gonna be great.

>> No.25395548

dai tenshi = great angel, closest English word would be arch angel

>> No.25395552

That's because she's meta and looked at their movement pattern before making her moves.

>> No.25395553
File: 404 KB, 801x243, Leech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes found a new host!

>> No.25395555
Quoted by: >>25395587

she watched towa's acoustic 3d live, probably took Aloe a lot of courage to post that

>> No.25395556

Just remember that hololive will be waiting when you get back

>> No.25395554

It's entirely possible her first console was a 7th gen one

>> No.25395558
File: 390 KB, 833x1102, 1596899337234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395559

>Dropped waifu Saria for a blond rich slut

The fuck Aqua...

>> No.25395560

I hope you'll get your chance when it eventually comes.

>> No.25395562
File: 407 KB, 824x824, 1581328064969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395606

drunk stream

>> No.25395564
Quoted by: >>25395624

Because of corvid? or what

>> No.25395565
File: 63 KB, 629x390, Gen 5 subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy will reach 150k when Nene debuts

>> No.25395566


>> No.25395567
Quoted by: >>25395597

I don't get it. What was Zelda even asking that required Yes or No? What if you say No?

>> No.25395568

>aqua feels guilty about two-timing saria

>> No.25395569

Wonder what she'll think of the fish.

>> No.25395571

I wish Kanata can suck me off

>> No.25395573

does anyone have a fap folder for the holos?,thanks

>> No.25395575

She's early 20's, was a kid during the wii era

>> No.25395578

Imagine she gets shitfaced and starts calling her ex-bf's name

>> No.25395580
File: 218 KB, 666x666, j5l7gb6xdng51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395579

no wonder the last thread was so slow there are two aqua threads on /v/

>> No.25395582


>> No.25395583


>> No.25395584

>Zelda's Lullaby is a triforce.
I just noticed.

>> No.25395585

>PPT sucking Roberu
Can’t wait for that accidental hot mic during his stream

>> No.25395587

that's cute and checked

>> No.25395588


>> No.25395589

Towa and Aki must be sweating yet they're probably not going to do anything different to try keep up.

>> No.25395591

This fucking onion

>> No.25395592


>> No.25395593

Aqua...your IQ...

>> No.25395595


>> No.25395596


>> No.25395597

If you would help her, if you answer no then you have to repeat the conversation until you select yes.

>> No.25395600
File: 1.46 MB, 1257x2100, hnz3zmvrfn551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, explain this to me, /hlg/.
Flare is supposed to be a half-elf right? But her appearance is clearly a dark elf of some kind, but I can't find any mention of her being half dark elf. What does this mean? Is she a gyaru?

>> No.25395601

Flare wasn't even at 100k early this year, was she?

>> No.25395603


>> No.25395604

Wasted design

>> No.25395605
File: 83 KB, 300x300, smuglilshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a more openly smug and flat earther chuuba?

>> No.25395606

wadehel, at this time of the day?

>> No.25395607

>aqua filtered by the first song

>> No.25395608
File: 1.53 MB, 476x353, mioCuto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't forget about her.
She's still cute, still lovely and still coming back.

>> No.25395610

She beat a puzzle that hard

>> No.25395611


>> No.25395612
Quoted by: >>25395666

half elf, half dark human

>> No.25395614
File: 908 KB, 3508x2480, EeVDEoHXgAIx03t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to sleep motherfucker

>> No.25395616

>and still coming back.
Uh? Kill la Kill is getting a second season?

>> No.25395618

Because she's using a controller with an analog stick instead of c buttons it was too sensitive and she accidentally put in the wrong inputs.

>> No.25395620

It means she's hot as fuck and needs to go back to Kuroinu and get ORK'D more

>> No.25395621

Maybe, But not one as racist and nationalistic as this based Bunny.

>> No.25395622
Quoted by: >>25395657


>> No.25395624

Nah, the owners got sick of cleaning up all the cum apparently

>> No.25395625
Quoted by: >>25395666

Black bull male father and white skinned, blond blue eyed skinned pure as snow female mother.

>> No.25395626

Choco's chat was surprisingly well behaved despite being mostly EOPs

>> No.25395627
File: 212 KB, 610x660, 1596818309799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395638

thats right

>> No.25395628


>> No.25395629
Quoted by: >>25395661

Imagine if aki debuted now instead when she did...

>> No.25395630

>Hates homos
>Hates faggots
>Hates trannies
>Is flat earther
The bunny keeps getting better all the time.

>> No.25395631

Bobby ain’t coming back.

>> No.25395632
File: 343 KB, 328x374, 1597239413165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395667

>Don't tell me you don't even have 300k subs senpai? What have you been doing all this time?
>I'm already over halfway to 200k after my debut! That subgrowth of yours... How pathetic!

>> No.25395633
File: 3.44 MB, 1313x2048, 1597239956670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the cute!

>> No.25395635
File: 74 KB, 191x164, Lamy bear sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395649

Why is he so upset?

>> No.25395636

Wtf, female Shadow looks like that?!

>> No.25395638
File: 100 KB, 610x660, BF6882AF-DE1E-4613-974C-1D2931AA41D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395655


>> No.25395639

what's the monkaS equivalent in youtube chat, I want to express my tension and anxiety watching my vtuber about to fail in the game.

>> No.25395641
File: 107 KB, 636x900, 1443254419371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan 200k by Monday.

>> No.25395642

quick rundown on the flatearther Pekora narrative?

>> No.25395643
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 8358211359201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395673

be an aqua tier gamer that isn't a retard....botan onegaii

>> No.25395644

Bobby respawned in a better place now...

>> No.25395647

me literally anywhere

even as one of their shirts or the shuriken or the floor onegai

>> No.25395648
Quoted by: >>25395665

Just watch


>> No.25395649

Thinketh of Ankimo

>> No.25395651

How can the Indogs even compete what the fuck

>> No.25395652

Half-elf, half-nigger

>> No.25395653


>> No.25395654
File: 739 KB, 829x847, 1596598353464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395655

did Shuba really wear that? I guess she does like Towa better...

>> No.25395656
File: 193 KB, 345x314, chrome_ufqhr3gE6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you gotta remind me

>> No.25395657

He said flat earther, not flat.

>> No.25395658

anemachi gets to come home from a long day at work to this every night

>> No.25395660
Quoted by: >>25395686


>> No.25395661

She'd have 137k subscribers instead of >200k?

>> No.25395662

frogposting is monkas now?

>> No.25395663
Quoted by: >>25395680

Subaru, Miko, and Okayu have been keeping her company. I bet she'll have some great stream ideas when she gets back.

>> No.25395664
File: 407 KB, 598x648, 1592436927214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot that she hates chinks.
There's a reason why people know her as Usada "Nanking is a Joke" Pekora among many other names that she has.

>> No.25395665

i felt myself losing brain cells watching that

>> No.25395667
File: 60 KB, 535x560, LamyLamoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395666

I can't believe that flares mother got blacked!! wtf i love flare now

>> No.25395668
File: 41 KB, 659x759, EfMJAJpUEAAvzKW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this retard so cute

>> No.25395669

EOP's who know how to behave are fine even though they still look dumb since choco can't understand them. Aki's EOP's used to be the same until reddit happened.

>> No.25395670
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1594456047852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smallhoursbros... how do you stay awake at this time?

>> No.25395672
Quoted by: >>25395696

>flat earther
no....not peko...

>> No.25395673

I want her to be as good at games as her as well, but with a Subaru and Okayu tier personality.
But we both know in our hearts she will just be a Roboco.

>> No.25395674

poor cat...

>> No.25395675

>when Roberu’s stream is done, YouTube auto play queues up a Kanata stream
Holy shit, even YouTube knows

>> No.25395676
File: 81 KB, 636x900, EVJZnmaUMAEzpch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would if you fuckers would invite me to something once in my life!

>> No.25395678

i like aqua's cat

>> No.25395679
Quoted by: >>25395690

At this rate she'll finish the game in two days

>> No.25395680


>> No.25395681
Quoted by: >>25395687

>no stars in her eyes
This Comet is fake.

>> No.25395682
File: 654 KB, 844x1194, 1584150839256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395695

I want the wheezing MIMIMIMIMIso soup back ;_;

>> No.25395683

Just /pol/ flatearthers being retarded. She just said she wishes the earth was a straight line so everyone could experience the same timezone, not that she actually thinks the earth is flat.

>> No.25395684

Choco's EOPs are known for being very well behaved, its part of her charm. Also she's cute when she tries to speak english to her fans and just laughs at herself for butchering it.

>> No.25395686

yeah im gonna go with abuna.

>> No.25395687

She lost them after getting corrupted by Cocock

>> No.25395688
Quoted by: >>25395707

Disinfo shill

>> No.25395689

desu Kanata dreams she could be as big of a leech as gen 5

>> No.25395690

>At this rate she'll finish the game in two days
You're delusional. This is gonna take her 40 hours minimum.

>> No.25395691

You were already got invited BITCH!
But you choose your boyfriend.

>> No.25395692

What did she do to chinks?

>> No.25395693

At least Okayu changed the thumbnail to immortalize him. That was real sweet.

>> No.25395695


VA: Nekomata Okayu

>> No.25395696
File: 599 KB, 1024x693, Nw32qAe9jEbwTCUD8ENFARiPXRjoVUIGlcDtcURaYN4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She seems more like a snowball earth kind of rabbit

>> No.25395697


Happy Choco!

>> No.25395698

Imagine how shitty the traveling would be

>> No.25395699

>not even good at leeching
pathetic desu

>> No.25395701
Quoted by: >>25395721


>> No.25395702

She was the most based chuuba until she mentioned flat earth, I'm sorry pepsicola

>> No.25395703

so this is the power of /jp/...

>> No.25395704


>> No.25395705
Quoted by: >>25395786

don't worry, Watame will soon be moving in with Moona at the Holomansion paid by her saudi oil baron father

>> No.25395707
Quoted by: >>25395737

Imagine writing this and not knowing how retarded you look here. This is why everyone hates /pol/ tourists.

>> No.25395708

>setting down to be a farmer instead of saving the world

>> No.25395711

Where are the horns?

>> No.25395712


>> No.25395713

Cool it with the anti semitic remarks

>> No.25395714
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 7629E8FB-9434-4725-A769-F786F411B337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see this little gremlin? He’s a Vtuber translator who does military surveillance in his free time, moderates the channel of his oshi and codes a program to check his oshi’s activities. He can fluently speak Filipino, English and Japanese and knows at least two other languages too, but that’s still not enough as he’s currently learning Python and how to legally stalk his oshi to become an even better Vtuber translator. What about you anon? Go do your reps so you can converse with your favorite chuubas before they suddenly disappear from the face of this earth. Go learn how to draw so your favorite chuuba can see and retweet it before you no longer has the chance to do so. Work out for a healthier life so you don’t get stuck in bed unable to do anything when all hell finally let loose all of the sudden. Go learn how to code to make a game to save your favorite chuuba from the permission hell. Do something, be better and make more meaningful memories with your favorite chuuba before everything become lost in time, like tears in the rain!

>> No.25395715

But she kneeled to the chinks

>> No.25395716

Aqua cheating again

>> No.25395717

tes tes tes tes

>> No.25395718
File: 451 KB, 1284x567, bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please consider purchasing the airheaded knights goods

>> No.25395719
Quoted by: >>25395752

oh shit she got permissions for DBD?

>> No.25395720
Quoted by: >>25395810

suisei is dead in that picture

>> No.25395721

Then what's the context of that post/image?

>> No.25395723

Stupid leech is irrelevant now

>> No.25395725
Quoted by: >>25395732

hololive fall guys in house when

>> No.25395727

who's going to teach Aqua how to HESS

>> No.25395728

>like tears in the rain!
Zoomerfags out

It's. tears in rain...

>> No.25395729
File: 86 KB, 630x900, 1593751832716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy choco is my favorite!

>> No.25395730


>> No.25395731

>Pekora supports the same timezone narrative
I thought Pekora posters were retarded, but really it was just their holo reflecting on them.

>> No.25395732

You literally can't create custom games for whatever stupid reason.

>> No.25395734

Pekora Fall Guys

>> No.25395735
File: 129 KB, 1491x1066, 327c037bc7c49caae35cedd1a499b9ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanshanghao bilibili-sama peko! nihao bili peko! i love bilibili peko! xiexie for the support bilibili
reminder he still does exclusives on bilibili and likes to say chinese during it

>> No.25395736
File: 446 KB, 1225x1969, 77002324_p6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395737

Pekora literally said she wants to bring about the next reich starting with the homostars and ending with the juden, shill

>> No.25395741


>> No.25395742

Haha, imagine being Suisei and you're constantly fucking both the cocock and the pretty penis round-the-clock

>> No.25395743

In her ass.

>> No.25395744
Quoted by: >>25395766

but where's anemachi?

>> No.25395745
Quoted by: >>25395777

Chink antis started spamming her with dead rabbits after she posted a NND video that was ripped from bili

>> No.25395746

I guess everyone's gonna do Fall Guys now huh.
She had a long section during last night's supacha reading where she pretended to be an infowars flat-earther, then talked about time machines, then excitedly read an article about black holes on wiki.

>> No.25395747

She made them angry, however superficial the reason is doesn't matter

>> No.25395748

WTF I love the mutt now

>> No.25395749

she can play with my indie vtubers...

>> No.25395750

being a filipino man would really suck

>> No.25395751


>> No.25395752
Quoted by: >>25395763

They got permissions for DBD a week ago, she's talking about the fact that the official DBD youtube account noticed her and was in her chat

>> No.25395753
File: 784 KB, 4096x2254, EebC3NoU4AAnzgX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395779

Maron > Saria > Zelda

>> No.25395754

>how to legally stalk his oshi
How do you even stalk someone legally? Also fuck off l*g*r

>> No.25395755
File: 820 KB, 4092x2602, EfNgtNqVAAEPik3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395757

just a retard /v/ermin who likes to post his reddit meme and pretend it has something to do with peko. she apologized to bilibili for her mistake and still streams there saying chinese and thanking them

>> No.25395758

Luna's piano streams are the best.

>> No.25395759

use me as a toilet roboco........

>> No.25395760
Quoted by: >>25395799

so she promotes the cylindric earth theory?

>> No.25395761


>> No.25395762
File: 803 KB, 715x1000, EeVJBGuUEAEOIZw@Parsley_F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395763

That's nice of them, Choco works so hard its nice to see it pay off

>> No.25395766

tied up in comet's wardrobe

>> No.25395767

WTF the memes are real she really is retarded

>> No.25395768
File: 371 KB, 720x600, moonaglass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Coco. Passive-aggressively shutting down the ARK server will not fix the underlying problems that you have. I'm honestly quite appalled by the behavior you exhibited yesterday when Lamy-chan debuted. You should know better to not take pills and go on a Twitter rampage no matter what kind of feelings you feel at that time. Yes, Holohouse didn't turn out to be what you wanted, but you should still try to strive for happiness in other areas. Lamy-chan did her best and really looks up to you. It's time you show her what a kind senpai you are. Oh, and I finished levels 19 and 20 with my new best friend Artia, we cleared them quite fast and had fun doing so.

>> No.25395769
File: 452 KB, 1447x2039, 5B29BBED-EBC3-4551-BF0E-D3229AC1EBF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395780

This Rabbit wants to be a mother. How many babies will you give her?

>> No.25395770
File: 2.07 MB, 3000x1052, 1594176050010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395771

>Gotta get some sleep so I don't miss nene debut.
>Still wanna watch Aqua.
What do

>> No.25395772

I thought this was the navy seal copypasta for some reason.

>> No.25395773

Recording? What did she record I wonder. And early too?...

>> No.25395774
File: 22 KB, 288x343, 1587472799108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25395775
File: 130 KB, 980x834, EfL9ppfUYAA73_9@hinattebosu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395776
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1592839730089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine taking those posts so seriously
Real brainlet hours

>> No.25395777
Quoted by: >>25395801

I still don't understand how that means she hates chinks. From that post I would've thought she actually said something negative about them like with gorilla and okamas.

>> No.25395778

shut up and put your greasy ass in my face, moona!

>> No.25395779


>> No.25395780

None, I'm already her father, she should find a nice young man that makes her happy.

>> No.25395782
File: 26 KB, 313x243, CocoFuckYou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395783

I like showerthoughts Moona

>> No.25395784

Pekora sounds like fun.

>> No.25395785

Go to sleep, anon, you have 5 hours left. Aqua's archive would still be there for you to watch later.

>> No.25395786

Watame is finally going to live her dream of having the biggest money numbers, despite being turned into a living sex toy for Moona's oily father...

Watambe... was it worth the price?
Could you really not have just sent an invitation to Coco and Kanata instead of finding surrogates?


>> No.25395787
File: 1.36 MB, 2894x4093, EfL3vwwU4AAhLEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395789
Quoted by: >>25395848

This brat has no business being so erotic but she somehow is.

>> No.25395790
File: 622 KB, 1548x2048, EfN1DYVUMAY4hCO@memeno_fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395791
File: 560 KB, 2730x1535, Honk yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395792

>aqua forgot where to go despite the 15 minute cutscene telling her where

>> No.25395793
Quoted by: >>25395835

She really is Pekora incarnate.

>> No.25395795


>> No.25395797
File: 178 KB, 833x1102, 1596899021090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395827

This. Nothing ever make sense in this cesspool. Just enjoy the chaos and shit on everyone but your favorite

>> No.25395799

Unless that theory is a proposal to reshape the earth, no, learn to read.

>> No.25395800
Quoted by: >>25395822

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pp4pgzsh_7M Flare singing stream

>> No.25395801

Chinks overreacted so much she may as well have said that desu.

>> No.25395802

Honk honk

>> No.25395803

Flare really likes TM Revolution songs huh...

>> No.25395804

Same, going to watch until she finishes. I think she'll finish soon.

>> No.25395805

By Allah she's based ok

>> No.25395806

Based Flare.
TM Revo has a higher pitch than her

>> No.25395807

I'm currently learning Python as well. I honestly don't know what to do with my programming knowledge, I just read and read books.

>> No.25395808

cute and funny!

>> No.25395809
Quoted by: >>25395845


>> No.25395810
File: 2.59 MB, 499x359, 1593303015250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395924

>Coco seducing you to fuck Suisei's dead body while she and Kanata watch
>tells you if you do it she'll collab with you and even give you a supacha
>Kanata will do the same
>all you have to do is have sex with a corpse

>> No.25395812
File: 3.83 MB, 2232x2912, Ee0ewzhUMAE_bm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395839

You can just sleep tomorrow.

>> No.25395811
File: 20 KB, 294x243, 1579837341298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395831

>Peko/Roberu/Aqua all playing Fall Guys.
Guess the permission just came in.

>> No.25395814
File: 11 KB, 275x183, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395983

>inviting reddit
The sheepcult has no room for that

>> No.25395816

Polka you were supposed to change personality tomorrow...

>> No.25395818

caffeine pills

go rest, fall asleep watching aqua, and catch whatever you missed in the VOD if you don't want to miss anything

>> No.25395819

POV : you are Anemachi

>> No.25395821
File: 953 KB, 2048x2042, EfDNnT5UwAAW6r9@memeno_fam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395820
Quoted by: >>25395952

>the earth is a snow ball lmao
How do people come up with this shit

>> No.25395822
Quoted by: >>25395852

How long has it been?

>> No.25395823

>Lamy at 140k subs
hololive is out of control

>> No.25395824
Quoted by: >>25395861

That guy asked for an explanation and I gave him one, brainlet. It's like saying you really believe Aqua hired a gigolo to take her virginity for explaining that this narrative comes from a certain video. You forgot your ">mfw" in your post by the way, which fits you perfectly.

>> No.25395825
File: 520 KB, 601x511, 1585251099858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me.

>> No.25395826

>tune in to Flare's stream
based elf

>> No.25395827

For me, I only shit on one holo. And its the one that brought reddit to us

>> No.25395828


>> No.25395831

>the pernission came in
>they just finally bothered to open the disclaimer and read it

>> No.25395832


>> No.25395834
Quoted by: >>25395858

I can't believe Lamy really ruined these threads with only 2 videos jesus....

>> No.25395835
Quoted by: >>25395869

Pekora is still alive bro

>> No.25395836

how many hours will she spend on chickens?

>> No.25395837

What side does Pekora support in the Finno-Korean hyperwar?

>> No.25395838

>she needed directions from chat

>> No.25395839

What the hell. This is one scary Aqua. Why would he draw this.

>> No.25395842
File: 224 KB, 1126x1500, EfN1R8KU8AALuFs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395853

Why are they so big?

>> No.25395843
Quoted by: >>25395875

Did you know Aqua is the queen of hololive?

>> No.25395844

What was she recording?

>> No.25395845
Quoted by: >>25395865


>> No.25395846
File: 107 KB, 1680x943, 1597029906538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based doggo.

>> No.25395847


>> No.25395848
File: 1.18 MB, 2507x3541, EfNX73TUMAEuKbf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395849
File: 229 KB, 1280x1144, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe they died on stream

>> No.25395851


>> No.25395852

since the last one? a couple weeks

>> No.25395853

Nice cold tub of genetics.

>> No.25395854

That dork isn't a slut!

>> No.25395855
Quoted by: >>25395871

Yes fuck Towa

>> No.25395856

wonder how many people have masturbated to her before she even debuts

>> No.25395857
File: 607 KB, 1200x848, EYlw0RtU0AITvxf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395858

It actually feels like the threads have improved massively lately. Not sure what's up.

>> No.25395859
File: 1.48 MB, 2001x1352, 81585672_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395930


>> No.25395860

It's a very good question that I'd love to know the answer to, she's been recording stuff for a few weeks already.

>> No.25395861
File: 135 KB, 563x795, honk_yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395888

>he still thinks people thought peko was a flat earther
Please keep posting

>> No.25395862

That's like saying they all hate their own race because of Japanese antis then. Faggot.

>> No.25395864

Flare singing Cutie Honey theme is perfect.

>> No.25395865

yamato kudasai

>> No.25395867
Quoted by: >>25395874

Choco comiket doujins when..

>> No.25395868

eating out shion!

>> No.25395869
File: 889 KB, 2556x2157, honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for too long *honk*

>> No.25395871

I'm trying to

>> No.25395872

>bilibili made her do a naked dogeza apologizing and exclusive stream to prove she's doing the naked dogeza
>still does exclusive streams speaking chinese in dogeza position
>nooooo s-she's just like us at reddit typing tiananmen for the epic ownage for chinese hackers

>> No.25395874


>> No.25395875
Quoted by: >>25396136

Did you know Aqua has a sex tape?

>> No.25395876
Quoted by: >>25395917

>Pekora is still calling it the chink virus

I can't keep supporting her if she continues being this racist...

>> No.25395877
File: 3.28 MB, 1269x1493, naenae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is tonight.

>> No.25395879
File: 11 KB, 194x259, 3455354658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a surprise! Considering how many times the nousagi here have been called /v/ by Aqua crew it's amazing how easily they can expose themselves. Didn't l*l* get banned for something like this?

>> No.25395880

Usually I think recording means 3D practice, so maybe that? How long has it been since her last 3D?

>> No.25395881
File: 353 KB, 1448x2048, 1595388399082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395935


>> No.25395884
File: 2.85 MB, 1100x1080, 1583941104846.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395885

Imagine being a 3rd-party streamer and watching this occur. Even the calmest person would probably feel intense bitterness.

Are leech posters people who tried to be a streamer?

>> No.25395888

My post pretty much said the opposite, brainlet. Anon asked where the narrative came from so I explained it to him. Real brainlet hours indeed.

>> No.25395889


>> No.25395890

Yea, fuck Coco.

>> No.25395891
File: 93 KB, 570x215, sched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

choose your way men of /jp/

>> No.25395894
File: 697 KB, 730x470, oshicapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn trap your oshi in a prison of their faces

Why even live

>> No.25395897

I sleep

>> No.25395899
File: 306 KB, 1200x1076, notwelcomepeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reply to this post to kill a homostar poster

>> No.25395900

Luna and Aki collab what on earth
Still going to watch Towa

>> No.25395901
File: 2.61 MB, 388x408, 1578337280537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395951

WHAT? It was 120k last night.
5th gen are gonna be so lucky holy fuck.

>> No.25395902

panel de pon is a good game so fuck towa

>> No.25395903
File: 58 KB, 255x144, 1597202676375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395975

>just /pol/ flatearthers being retarded

>> No.25395904

Will gen 5 be bigger than gen 4?

>> No.25395905

Any picture or video I see with an exposed female tummy my eyes immediately focus on that area now because of shion.

>> No.25395907

>japanese "horror" games
Big pass boss

>> No.25395909

I can't understand their blabbering

>> No.25395910

I'll probably keep posting here or start doing my reps

>> No.25395911

We need more retarded holo so polka is a good addition

>> No.25395912

Yes! I've watched Pika and currently watching Nose play it and it's very fun to watch. Glad Holos are finally joining in.

>> No.25395914

Holy fuck! Damn it! I'm a bit salty myself. Aki...

>> No.25395916

Her mother got impregnated by orc.

>> No.25395917
File: 43 KB, 680x383, 54364578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she is going to change any time soon, anon.

>> No.25395919
File: 63 KB, 457x497, 1592528133205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the choice is clear

>> No.25395920

It already is

>> No.25395921

So many fall guys streams huh... Does that mean they got permissions for all devolver digital meme games?

>> No.25395922

For me it's Flare.

>> No.25395923

Man, when was the last time I've heard this? Flare's setlist is blessed.

>> No.25395924
File: 12 KB, 206x260, 1595964701697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So what's the downside? Better dead than red!

>> No.25395925

Depends on the other members. Lamy will definitely not be that popular.

>> No.25395926

I can't believe pekora just called aki a glownigger.....

>> No.25395927
File: 218 KB, 392x503, 1585753822611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396114


>> No.25395929
File: 703 KB, 571x632, 1590529128937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the faggot who keeps posts shitty memes from reddit is there
Well at least /v/ can be of use.

>> No.25395930

Shame these 2 don't collab as much anymore with Matsuri always chasing new women.

>> No.25395933
Quoted by: >>25395948


>> No.25395935
File: 172 KB, 666x1000, sample-199e1398419b1a1bb159984ee7b9bc83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395936
File: 130 KB, 348x348, 1597241076216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5th gen 200k subs next week

>> No.25395938

I need the Flare falling over using the ab roller clip please.

>> No.25395939

Not gonna lie Kakariko is super comfy you never wanna leave

>> No.25395941
File: 1.79 MB, 1240x1754, 1596533902689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of things would you do to Shion's tummy

>> No.25395940
Quoted by: >>25395953

You can look at the permission in the description.

>> No.25395942

I'm kinda disappointed Aqua isn't beating the shit out of those chickens and getting KEKO'd

>> No.25395943

Hotline Miami when?

>> No.25395944

hopefully i want to meme hotline miami into existence now

>> No.25395945
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1595593619637s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not enough that Watame succeeds, others should fail
>calls up Moona's dad
>has him buy out Coco's bank then freeze her account after suspecting illegal laundering
>police don't believe her story about being a vtuber
>Kanata and Suisei don't have enough to keep the apartment for another month and have to move out

>> No.25395946
File: 556 KB, 670x565, damnbabypekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25395969

So this is the power of /pol/

>> No.25395947

Devolver is based they just protect their copyrigt and dont give a shit otherwise. Cant imagine it took much if anything at all

>> No.25395948

Luna was a repeated failure and Towa had the Yabee so I think they can both be happy with where they're at.

>> No.25395949
File: 66 KB, 851x475, 1593319125567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396114


>> No.25395950
File: 1.75 MB, 3840x2160, 82194615_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25395951

Yeah this is nuts. Sub growth is still inclining for the earlier gens. By the time 6th gen rolls around, they'll start at 200K subs before their debut stream.

>> No.25395952

It's just some creative writing.
Same with standard flat earth, the best living example of people pretending to be retards attracting genuine retards.

>> No.25395953

Well now why would I do that

>> No.25395954
File: 2.61 MB, 1916x1060, frozenreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco Twitter rant 2.0 incoming

>> No.25395956

left is such a no brainer choice, how can you pass up aki AND luna?

>> No.25395957

Damn, in a week or two they’ll all have passed Aki and Towa

>> No.25395959

heck yeah the big three Lion, (Donkey?) Clown and the succubi will get 500K subs this year if they try

>> No.25395960
Quoted by: >>25396021

Everyone always talks about wanting Moona to sit on their face but no one provides art of Moona's ass.

>> No.25395962
Quoted by: >>25396027

It's a mindset thing. I see mediocre art get posted to thousands of engagements on Twitter all the time but it mostly spurs me to keep trying harder so my own stuff gets noticed for its merits rather than sulk about it. I assume it's the same for a few people who actually work in the industry, Roboco is probably immune to this sort of thing by now.

>> No.25395964

Punch and kiss repeatedly

>> No.25395965

the longer you look at her sides... the weirder it looks

>> No.25395968
Quoted by: >>25395986

Coco's jealousy... desu if I were in her shoes I would be pissed as well

>> No.25395969
File: 2.17 MB, 1440x790, 1594149113585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is only one who can save us

>> No.25395971

Devolver Digital is like the epitome of not giving a fuck. You could probably shoot them an email calling them some of the worst shit imaginable and they'd still give you the okay to monetize.

>> No.25395972

What is this boomer-sounding song on Flare's stream?

>> No.25395975

Spreading narratives is pretty retarded though. Also you seem butthurt so I probably hit the nail on the head.

>> No.25395976

looking forward to the dry live view counts

>> No.25395977

I wonder if she looks like that IRL...

>> No.25395978

So what's the narrative behind Coco losing it?

>> No.25395980

G-d, sometimes I wonder why I keep coming back here during the storm that is gen 5 debut.

>> No.25395981
File: 266 KB, 1550x2225, EVBId-9U4AEvy6X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tickle until she pees herself.

>> No.25395983
File: 70 KB, 660x880, CULT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25395984
Quoted by: >>25396003

how's your portfolio looking, g-danon?

>> No.25395985

the onion will get filtered by Water Temple

>> No.25395987

She wouldn't mind

>> No.25395986
Quoted by: >>25396018

Wonder why she's suddenly so eager to do Asacoco 3.0?

>> No.25395989

Why is Coco such a jealous bitch?

>> No.25395991

Someone please help
I need to sleep but I can't stop watching a retarded girl play video games

>> No.25395992

She started "jokingly" numberfagging on twitter during Lamy's debut

>> No.25395994

took me a few to see the face...

>> No.25395996
File: 70 KB, 720x1200, IMG_20200813_130941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396014

My motherwife looks good in anything!

>> No.25395997

Me on the right

>> No.25395998
File: 1.04 MB, 906x1306, 1E7C95BC-363C-4F54-BB2A-E24D76985E8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion, yo.

>> No.25395999

put my ear to it and listen to the heartbeat of my children

>> No.25396001

Turns out she was the numberfag all along.

>> No.25396002

Googlefag is behind that narrative.

>> No.25396003

I think Kanatacoin is doing well despite what has happened recently, good for those who bought the Watamecoin which is doing better right now, though.

>> No.25396004
Quoted by: >>25396106

Why would she do that? Is she jealous?

>> No.25396005
Quoted by: >>25396029

Because it's fun to see retards being retards

>> No.25396006


Y-Yeah haha!

>> No.25396011

if you don't sleep now you can't watch nene's debut with us anon...

>> No.25396012
Quoted by: >>25396030

Have yet to watch it but how well was artia handling moona's retardation? The indo doesn't strike me as a person she'd genuinely get along with

>> No.25396013

>making fake narrative
Nice try /hlg/
The dragon will never be defeated

>> No.25396014
Quoted by: >>25396043

Gow many days left before she can stream again Miobro?

>> No.25396015

You can always sleep later. You can only watch Aqua play this live once in your entire life time.

>> No.25396017

EOPchamas used google translate and got something that sounded like numberfagging and jealousy

>> No.25396018

She knows nobody will remember her if she doesn't do Asacoco.

>> No.25396019

You know who won't play fallguys? Watame

>> No.25396020

5th gen got handed a very easy start on a silver platter compared to the other gen

>> No.25396021

we need to get the drawfags here to draw moona's ass

>> No.25396022


>> No.25396023

You can do it, Flare...

>> No.25396027
Quoted by: >>25396190

Have you been able to draw art of the Holos?

I feel like that's a free (you) magnet if you target certain girls. Sora hands out (yous) to some truly special pieces of art, for example.

>> No.25396028

>nobuhime is based on oda nobunaga
>whose one of the nicknames is the fool of owari
>fool is a synonym to jester
>polka is based off a jester

>> No.25396029

Only when they're cute like Aqua.

>> No.25396030

They had fun

>> No.25396032

Aki is leddit now. Sorry.

>> No.25396033
File: 131 KB, 850x1200, D98556EB-E314-41CF-949C-31A50BB04674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama let me lick the stuff off your soiled panties onegai

>> No.25396034
Quoted by: >>25396189

More holos should play Fight Crab

>> No.25396035

she tweeted something that sounds passive-aggressive which cocofags are in full damage control about

just watch, they'll reply "DO YOUR REPS" or something similar pretending they speak perfect japanese

>> No.25396037

Roberu's moving his Fall Guys stream to an hour earlier.

>> No.25396036
Quoted by: >>25396061

>Roberu, Senchou, Peko, and Aqua Fall Guys
oh that sweet permission

>> No.25396038

Ordinarily I'd say Towa but Panel de Pon is something I need to see

>> No.25396042

"You didn't see anything, senpai didn't see anything."

>> No.25396043

under 3 weeks.

>> No.25396046

Aqua's mouth keeps moving even though she's not talking. I wonder what she might be doing with her mouth.

>> No.25396049

oh fuck did he notice aqua's fall guys stream schedule?

>> No.25396051
File: 589 KB, 2296x3541, 1588953504040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396053

Fuck don't do this to me Lobel, I'm busy watching Flare right now.

>> No.25396055

eating chocolate?

>> No.25396057


>> No.25396058
Quoted by: >>25396071

She said she's eating Chocolate.

>> No.25396059
Quoted by: >>25396068

>steals maidens and locks them in her castle
The narrative checks out

>> No.25396061

Fall Guys is the official Hololive game now
ARK and APEX do not apply

>> No.25396062
Quoted by: >>25396122

Tis fine rosetai, honestly I think the sub spike is good for her as well. She sounds happier now and hopefully she'll use the opportunity to collab with the 5th gen to really get her boosted.

>> No.25396063
File: 130 KB, 1000x1300, EfIWJl8UEAAXgrB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a taste of sad cat.


Also gasp cat.


>> No.25396064
Quoted by: >>25396074


>> No.25396066

did coco shutdown the ark server? is the ark arc finally over will they stop playing it?

>> No.25396067
File: 94 KB, 1080x1080, 1595765580724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396068
File: 427 KB, 505x990, dearfellowredditusers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget about this.

>> No.25396069

Water: dies in Deku tree, forgets that Z-targeting exists
Also Water: sequence-breaks heart piece by accident

>> No.25396070


>Marine Fall Guys
Holy shit the craze is hitting hard and fast

>> No.25396071

>Aqua eats with her mouth open

>> No.25396073

This is the first time in my Hololive watching experience of someone moving their stream to be earlier.

>> No.25396074

Chocolate? CHOCOLATE!?!

>> No.25396076
Quoted by: >>25396093

you mean Clubhouse

>> No.25396077

Her tweet about the 100th gen starting at 500k subs while she still does Asacoco and hasn't completed GOI.
The Coco defense squad will try to spin it as Google translate creating narratives, but anyone with half a brain would see how she's being passive aggressive by reminding people those subs are because of the hard work from previous generations and reminding people she will do asacoco

>> No.25396078
File: 245 KB, 500x498, kanaleech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396118


>> No.25396080
Quoted by: >>25396091

Can you make private lobbies so they can have an all-holo clusterfuck?

>> No.25396081
Quoted by: >>25396148


>> No.25396084


>> No.25396085
Quoted by: >>25396107

>not knowing she always does this
You should have unsubbed a long time ago. Now member her right now.

>> No.25396086

Losing sleep to watch this.

>> No.25396088

>Roberu moves his Fall Guys stream to an hour earlier
>after he tweets this, Marine announces she'll be playing Fall Guys at the time he was originally going to start
what's the narrative here?

>> No.25396089

why not just make a collab
i swear these retards

>> No.25396090

Imagine a massive holo Fall Guys collab. Stars, ID, CN and all.

>> No.25396091
Quoted by: >>25396216

4 people on a team max

>> No.25396093

I like it because I'm can't understand Mahjong at all

>> No.25396094

>Aqua and Pekora starting FG at the same time
Why don't they just... play together...

>> No.25396098

Not if Bakatare has any say about it. Although she does have a lot of games she still wanna play like Link's awakening, minecraft and Ark.

>> No.25396099
File: 65 KB, 639x639, 1597136476505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396100

that's going to be hilarious

>> No.25396101

Is the PS4 in Japanese? I didn't even think about this because it's a popular game. I thought it would be Japanese for sure too.

>> No.25396102
File: 289 KB, 1500x1311, PSX_20200414_204549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her boyfriend(me) was feeling horny so she is doing double duty by giving me a rimjob. She likes Chocolate, you see.

>> No.25396103

Thank you Flare...

>> No.25396104

max party size is 4

>> No.25396105
File: 69 KB, 228x221, 324214312432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.25396106

She tweeted twice about the numbers, while no other holo cared about those

>> No.25396107

Does Aqua even do member only streams?

>> No.25396109

Roberu Fall Guys

>> No.25396111

>Imagine being a 3rd-party streamer and watching this occur.

Hololive brand is insanely strong at this point, it's essentially power-leveling their new talents. Expectation for the newcomers is accordingly high both from management and viewers.

High stress, high reward.

>> No.25396112

Good. I've been waiting for them to play it and utterly fail

>> No.25396113

She paid for the spot if you know what i mean

>> No.25396114
File: 566 KB, 633x671, iseewhatyoudidtherepeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job men we got both of them

>> No.25396115

roberu allowed marine to lick his ass in exchange for the slot

>> No.25396116


>> No.25396118
File: 435 KB, 416x541, gangilamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you hear me the first time? I don't do collabs with leeches like you. Now if you excuse me, I have some planning to do with Watame senpai!

>> No.25396117

And looks like I can't understand English as well...

>> No.25396119

Roberu and Marine have a lot of overlap in fans?
like me

>> No.25396120

All this 5th gen subs talk has kinda shattered my delusion that I'm not spending half my days watching corporate pushed e-celebs.

>> No.25396122

From one perspective, the timing of the Reddit boost could really be some extra emotional padding for Aki. Not in terms of just boosting her numbers, but reinforcing for her just how ephemeral the raw numbers truly are and how easily they can come.
Seeing hers get propped up so much by a single translated video will probably soften the blow when one of these gen 5 girls shoots by her in a week or two.

>> No.25396124

Wtf pekora is going to play Fall Guys?
That's a NEW game, what is this world coming to? Do they even have permissions?

>> No.25396127
File: 15 KB, 296x302, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396128

Roberu got told by Management to fuck off of Marine's time slot.

>> No.25396129

>peko fall guys
hoo boy

prepare for LOUD

>> No.25396130

Are the 5ch doxx true? Lamy doesnt sound like Lamp. after all. Is Nene's twitter following list a false alarm? Will we even get Nobu back? Will Tamaki X NobuPolka marshmallow collab ever happen? Find out in the next episode of Hololive V

>> No.25396131

He wants some /ss/

>> No.25396135

Mamma mia...

>> No.25396136

You mean that blurry shit with a guy fucking some random JK?

>> No.25396137


>> No.25396140

>new permission
>every proceeds to stream the same game
Why does this keeps happening

>> No.25396143

They're removable, Keep up with the lore bro!

>> No.25396144

why is Aqua's arm brown below the elbow

>> No.25396145

imagine deflecting this hard being bad at japanese

>> No.25396146

Yeah, usually once or twice a month. She hasn't yet this month, so expect it soon.

>> No.25396148
File: 42 KB, 214x269, sadbuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese reps
>chinese reps
>APEX reps
>art reps
>instrument reps
>mario kart reps
>tetris reps
>ARK reps
>minecraft reps
>goi reps
>mahjong reps
>gacha reps
>mario reps
>smash reps
>kojima reps
>crash reps
>fitness reps
>singing reps
>cooking reps
I'm so tired...

>> No.25396149


>> No.25396150
File: 279 KB, 811x588, flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396152

Who cares who makes it as long as its good

>> No.25396153
Quoted by: >>25396176

lol, don't believe them
The only believable one was nene, the rest was just shitposting

>> No.25396154
File: 194 KB, 800x517, REPSMACHTFREI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396214

Here, have a (You).

>> No.25396155
Quoted by: >>25396171

add fall guys reps now

>> No.25396158

>will probably soften the blow when one of these gen 5 girls shoots by her in a week or two
You know, I actually didn't consider this. I'm glad that redditors jumped on the Aki's bandwagon just in time to save her a big shock then.

>> No.25396160

She can't read English at all so obviously she can't find the setting to change it either... Why is the Baba so inept?

>> No.25396163

where's your "FALL GUYS REPS"

>> No.25396165

wait, Fall Guys has a Japanese option? When I watched Kuku play the game, she had to play it in English.

>> No.25396168
Quoted by: >>25396200

aqua actually finished that faster than me at age 10

>> No.25396169

Where's your Clubhouse 51 reps, son?

>> No.25396170

Her mouth is constantly overfilling with saliva so she has to keep her mouth open when she eats

>> No.25396171

i already watched qxc master it so now i'm a master myself

>> No.25396175
Quoted by: >>25396193

Roberu isn't a retard and knows no one will watch him play the meme game if Marine playing at the same time.
Get in early and maybe make a few bucks.

>> No.25396176

But the Nene twitter list...

>> No.25396177

Cover takes a lot of work to get those permissions so they want the talent to play them obviously.

>> No.25396178

just bob up and down saying penis penis like fbk to gain free energy

>> No.25396180

clubhouse reps where?

>> No.25396181

>mention numbers
>mention asacoco, which is on hiatus anyway
S-she's just joking about ARK guys!

>> No.25396182

>got KT's permission
>no one bothered playing KT's games at all except Pekora and Kaoru
Being a hololive's fan and a KTfag is suffering.

>> No.25396183

That happened to me when Lamy started deciding fanbase nicknames and signature emoji in her first stream

>> No.25396186
Quoted by: >>25396220

She's the only person I've seen play it and it was in English
Maybe Kuku is just a strange chicken

>> No.25396188

>Flare is a Rankafag

>> No.25396189
Quoted by: >>25396212

More holos should play Sausage Legend

>> No.25396190
Quoted by: >>25396225

Yeah, I drew a couple pics of Towa which got retweeted, but never to the level of several thousand engagements. I might do something for Miko's and Mio's return, so look out for that.

>> No.25396191

She's watched some movies with her members

>> No.25396192

Probably proof some of them were bored to tears of ARK and Minecraft.

Their growth really wasn't the product of Cover's work at all, and if anything Cover was functionally working to hinder them through sheer incompetence. These girls blew this up on their own. You're watching for them. Not for whatever dumb shit Cover does next.

>> No.25396193

but he moved it before Marine said she was going to be playing it.

>> No.25396194


>> No.25396196

She hates big boobs

>> No.25396198
File: 167 KB, 445x523, 1597220631344-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didnt do his fall guy reps

>> No.25396199


>> No.25396200

To be fair she has the rest of the listeners helping...

>> No.25396204
Quoted by: >>25396272

I got a fetish with crying girls, thanks catbro.

>> No.25396205

Pekora would not allow it.

>> No.25396206

Uh which gen didn't do that?

>> No.25396208
File: 20 KB, 551x558, 21766578_10155649974896772_5681076233191852219_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396209
File: 14 KB, 242x251, 1575083015528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Faggots,

My name is lyger , and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day shitposting in a stupid ass imageboard. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten attention from your oshi? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than spamming boing boing in Rushia's chat.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I translate videos to make my oshi more famous, and do military surveillance and programming in my spare time. What languages do you know, other than English/Spanish/Filipino? I'm also N1, and have a super cute oshi (She just made me a chat mod; Shit is SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my oshi

>> No.25396210
Quoted by: >>25396246

about to start learning katakana, anything I should keep in mind? hiragana wasn't too much of a problem, although I still have to take my time to identify the dakuten and the combinations

>> No.25396211

Shaman King kino..

>> No.25396212

More holos should play strategy games such as AoE II, Rise of Nations, Strongohld, Civ series.

>> No.25396214
File: 897 KB, 1920x1080, English lesson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only rep that you'll ever need

>> No.25396216
Quoted by: >>25396229

Was thinking whole private games like in PUBG, not just a party. But it seems that's not available

>> No.25396217
File: 161 KB, 2048x2048, 1592215682710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396252

is this sfw

>> No.25396219

>completely ignored the big triforce on the ground and navi's hilighting
this really is gonna be a bumpy ride

>> No.25396220

pikamee and hana have both played it

>> No.25396222

Imagine thinking about such dumb things. Numbers and all that don't matter once you find your oshi.

>> No.25396223
Quoted by: >>25396238

I'm sure the company can communicate internally.

>> No.25396224

Was it your the first debut stream you ever watched?

>> No.25396225

At least you got a retweet, mine only got a pity like. Do share your Mio and Miko's pics when you finish, anon.

>> No.25396227
Quoted by: >>25396243

They were talking in discord.

>> No.25396228

lyger... stop paying your hookers to wear the Matsuri mask....

>> No.25396229

Modern game development is putting the skeleton out there and then filling in everything later. Who knows what theyll put in it

>> No.25396230

That's literally what you're supposed to do on the 1st stream

>> No.25396231

Nene will be genki!

>> No.25396233


>> No.25396234

>Aqua's went wide for a moment there

>> No.25396237


>> No.25396238

They can't even communicate "we're nuking your archives" to their talent though.

>> No.25396241

Good luck in japan Iyger

>> No.25396242
Quoted by: >>25396258

Okay, but who will be the first holo to actually a win a round of FG?

>> No.25396243

do the Holostars share a server with the girls? I figured they would've had their own server.

>> No.25396245

its in like every language and is basically FOTM right now since everyone's done with ghost of sushi

>> No.25396246

Watch the matsuri katakana clip and don't bother with those she doesn't know

>> No.25396249

Well she is a lolicon.

>> No.25396250
File: 1.04 MB, 1359x977, 1596645706619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396294

Matuli has settled for worse, I see

>> No.25396251
File: 642 KB, 784x510, saltydragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame no Tenki? Doing lead-up into Asacoco 3.0 with Watame no Uta? Are you serious?
>I'm busy doing stuff for Lamy's Snowcast. It'll be a proper show every weekday. Why don't you ask Kanatan to do stuff as she lives with you now?
>There's a reason why Watame no Uta is not version 2.0 or 3.0...

>> No.25396252

Probably. Also someone explain the spinosaurus memes to me, it's adorable but I don't follow Choco at all

>> No.25396253


>> No.25396254
File: 478 KB, 645x749, 1588420352906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is a flatchad.

>> No.25396255
File: 183 KB, 948x669, 1597047721111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys gonna watch the fall guys marathon or only one or two?

>> No.25396256

how can she hate big boobs but love Noel?

>> No.25396257
File: 131 KB, 828x1747, Ecvh1v1UcAIQF2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When was the last time she mentioned doing Asacoco before she namedropped it during Lamy's debut?

>> No.25396258

Roberu, he's starting the game an hour before everyone else, SURELY he'll pull one out before Marine starts, right?

>> No.25396259
Quoted by: >>25396312

when I do reps with a card that has an example sentence, am I supposed to memorise the sentence or just the word? I would ask in djt but I was told to never post there

>> No.25396261

Uruha -> Roberu -> Marine -> Pekora -> Nene debut

>> No.25396262
Quoted by: >>25396280

Marine and Pecor

>> No.25396263

Shes just too nice to reject her...

>> No.25396265
Quoted by: >>25396310

Imagine the narrativeposting if they ever revealed that to be the case lmao. Im sure they talk to each other or schedule-kun

>> No.25396266
Quoted by: >>25396338

she really likes spinos

>> No.25396267

Obviously they have a discord with all Holopro+staff in them to communicate.

>> No.25396270
Quoted by: >>25396284

During a superchat reading bro.

>> No.25396271

Flare's song selection is fucking impeccable, I should tune in more often.

>> No.25396272

have you heard about the good sheep? crying is common and a membersheep is always welcome

>> No.25396279

>military surveillance
what is this supposed to be? reading cnn news?

>> No.25396280

>not throwing /ourhomo/ a bone

>> No.25396281
File: 182 KB, 922x618, pleaserememberus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396289

"You found an old picture on your attic."
"It appears to be a group of people from your past."
"You stared at the picture, but despite your best efforts, you could not recognize any of them."
"All you recognize is the date on the picture, 25th of July, 2020."
"You felt a sadness deep within you, but you're glad to have them back then."

>> No.25396283

>swinging her sword at a flying enemy nowhere near her

>> No.25396284

How long ago?

>> No.25396285 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 724x611, 0a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese here!
Why don't you translate the videos about hololive's problems?


Punish hololive for illegal acts!

>> No.25396287

Man I can't be bothered to translate clips of my favourite what makes you think I'd want to translate this?

>> No.25396288

Flare is amazing and it's a shame people don't tune in more often.

>> No.25396289

Shame what happened to that shrine maiden....

>> No.25396290


>> No.25396292

Your English is too good, chocoball.

>> No.25396293
File: 281 KB, 1556x1293, FC63DC02456D48058E8491BA632B9D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She breeds spinos all day everyday in ark. Someone post the panicked choco after a spino jumped off a cliff

>> No.25396294
File: 414 KB, 713x800, 1591425573739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396326

>using this picture when the homofag fears the crazy rabbit
You and your pitiful son aren't worth shit

>> No.25396297
File: 75 KB, 338x322, 1585910572731g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Asacoco is so good, why does it need version updates?

>> No.25396298

aqua got raped...

>> No.25396299

Our son, Peko and Baba

>> No.25396302


>> No.25396303

Raping Aqua's face!

>> No.25396305

Really is, I'll watch more of her utawakus from now on.

>> No.25396304
File: 105 KB, 320x320, 1592835789617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396375

Aqua got humped to death

>> No.25396306

This onion is giving me an aneurism

>> No.25396307
File: 3.97 MB, 1920x1080, RBC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played with Roboco a while ago...
She's too cute!

>> No.25396309

Imagine Choco's nose rubbing against Mel's bony chest to take this photo

>> No.25396310

also whoever keeps track of all the handwritten letters they've written asking for permissions and what responses they get

>> No.25396312
Quoted by: >>25396425

The sentence is for memorizing the word's actual meaning and usage. You can't learn it by itself.

>> No.25396314
Quoted by: >>25396319

This is gonna take forever holy shit just drop it already Aqua

>> No.25396315

Go back to /vyt/

>> No.25396316
Quoted by: >>25396347

can't believe the nips are wojakposters

>> No.25396317

god i wish i was that zombie

>> No.25396318

Good name

>> No.25396319

no fuck you, this is gold

>> No.25396320
File: 38 KB, 942x320, xTHD35vjBpSa7q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396404

Feel free to develop the narrative further.

>> No.25396322

>imagine deflecting this hard being bad at japanese

>only holo to talk about the numbers when everybody else was busy talking about the stream
>only holo to try to remind people of what her gimmick is during the stream
>d-do your reps, it was a joke!
I have to give it to Coco, she's really good at attracting braindead retards to throw money at her

>> No.25396324

Flare is great. Dunno how she's not more popular

>> No.25396326
File: 210 KB, 1666x1180, 5wescozkzrx41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396352

do you want me to post the mp3 anon? is that your goal here, I will.

>> No.25396328
Quoted by: >>25396863

fuck primetime is coming too early

>> No.25396329

I clicked into Pecor's fall guy video on accident, then holy shit, there are like 50 literally who vtuber streaming this shit right now.

>> No.25396330

she breed lots of spinos in ARK:Aberration to the point of obsession

>> No.25396331

>Aqua gets raped to death

>> No.25396332

With so many people I can already imagine only hearing static because discord fucking sucks at audio.

>> No.25396334

She talks about it all the time because people keep asking when it's coming back.

>> No.25396336


>> No.25396337
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 1590693608858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396338

Adorable, thank you for this information

>> No.25396340
File: 2.91 MB, 720x720, 獅白ぼたん_ホロライブ5期生-つい出来心で… (イラストはsueさんから拝借_-_sue_kun-)_ほろふぁいぶ_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hololive V

>> No.25396339

Imagine stanning lifeless corporations and shitty copyright laws LMAO
Is is japanese cuck mentality?

>> No.25396343

Not enough memes/translated clips is my guess

>> No.25396345
Quoted by: >>25396432

Sensei just has so many cute moments...
>finds an unexplored canyon
>and a tiny space in the rocks with something on the other side
>cant get through on her bigass dinosaur
>keeps trying anyway
>leaves but it keeps bothering her so she goes back to try again

>> No.25396347

Case closed. Good work, detective.

>> No.25396348
File: 26 KB, 297x415, 1558735766535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, congrats!

>> No.25396349

Based nip but we don't care about your boring made up narratives, we have our own

>> No.25396352
File: 656 KB, 175x169, 1591419126974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396384

>noooooooooooo the schizo mp3!!!!!
Homofags are truly retarded.

>> No.25396353

It came out in a content desert and it's perfect for streaming.

>> No.25396354
File: 142 KB, 584x666, soy493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese here!
>Why don't you translate the videos about hololive's problems?
>[YouTube] 【ゆっくり解説】ホロライブ炎上騒動【無許諾配信編】 (embed)
>[YouTube] 【ゆっくり解説】ホロライブ炎上騒動【ライバー・関係者編】 (embed)
>[YouTube] 【ゆっくり解説】ホロライブ炎上騒動【7月28日~8月5日編】 (embed)
>Punish hololive for illegal acts!

>> No.25396356
Quoted by: >>25396361

One of these days Aqua will memorize the songs.

>> No.25396357
Quoted by: >>25396416

>no idea what fall guys is
>watch a gameplay video called "FUNNIEST FALL GUY SQUAD"
>get bored after 5 minutes
Am I too old for this shit or does everyone else have bad taste?

>> No.25396359

Flare is just straight up proof that sub count means shit all. She's among the top of vtubers in income despite having a lower sub count than all but a few Hologirls.

>> No.25396360
Quoted by: >>25396577

I hope you carried her to victory

>> No.25396361
Quoted by: >>25396397

Just wait till we get to the temple songs.

>> No.25396362

Is aqua reading a walkthrough? How is she so far into the game already

>> No.25396365

keeping up with the trend and the shared account schedule

>> No.25396366
File: 621 KB, 856x1406, EelysfVVAAAeiiL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25396367
File: 52 KB, 354x519, 1571439604975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts a fundraiser for a Japanese circus troupe.
>Posts Priconne anniversary stream which is the same day as Nene's debut.
What is this character.

>> No.25396368

it's been making the rounds everywhere, anon. just the game of the week/month

some even think they're going to go "pro" with it :|

>> No.25396371

>paralyzes all of them except the one in front of her
This game...

>> No.25396372
Quoted by: >>25396409

Are you winning son?

>> No.25396373

She's really interesting for sure.

>> No.25396374
File: 1.40 MB, 2480x1506, 1590931869674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aqua nooooooooooo

>> No.25396375

Doujins when

>> No.25396376
File: 65 KB, 310x271, 1596703270298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roberu and Marine are gonna stream Fall Guys at the same time
This is terrible. How the fuck am I supposed to pick when I like them both?
Probably gonna go with Roberu since I expect his commentary to be more amusing though.

>> No.25396377

she's not called chocosaurus bfor nothing. not only does she have what feels like a literal army of spinos they are strong. choco only breeds the finest spinos and cares for them like no other.

>> No.25396379

Alignment: Chaotic Nuetral

>> No.25396383

Chat help. Hasn't even started Death Mountain yet

>> No.25396384
Quoted by: >>25396421

I want someone to be autistic enough to keep track of how many times she has said the word "peko" since her debut too bad we don't have her full archive...

>> No.25396386

YAGOO could go to my mum's house and beat her with a tire iron and I would be okay with it if he kept hiring cute girls.

>> No.25396387

>among the top of vtubers in income
She deserves it. Her streams are fantastic.

>> No.25396388
Quoted by: >>25396417

Because Noel is the rich doctor women marry for Financial stability, but cheat on all the time.

We all know Flare is gunning for Rushia.

>> No.25396391

What the fuck I've played this game so many times and NEVER used a song to stun re deads...

>> No.25396393

Today's the day we incline to the moon Nenebros

>> No.25396392

A bitch.

>> No.25396395

I don't like APEX at all but this almost makes me wish my chuuba played it so I could try and play a game with her someday.

>> No.25396396
File: 801 KB, 952x885, 1597208569861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396412

No marine sucked and fucked the spot, he moved his stream up

>> No.25396397
Quoted by: >>25396423

I really fuckin doubt she'll get that far

>> No.25396398

The viewers are the walkthrough.

>> No.25396401

You wouldn't get it

>> No.25396402
Quoted by: >>25396412

Roberu is streaming an hour earlier now.

>> No.25396404
File: 426 KB, 640x626, 43525275436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This feels too easy...

>> No.25396406

>pekora doing fall guys at the same time as aqua fall guys

>> No.25396407
File: 553 KB, 775x915, 1592940690196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cocobros why /hlg/ hate us so much?

>> No.25396408

to be fair, gen3 are the best overall. Sasuga professional online cabaret.

>> No.25396409


>> No.25396410
Quoted by: >>25396420

>getting filtered by the 2 easiest songs in the game
This is gonna be a hell of a ride

>> No.25396411

True she gets a fuckton of superchats. Well deserved

>> No.25396412

Thank fucking god, wonderful news.

>> No.25396416

You need to care about the player

>> No.25396417

how dare you anon, Flare could never hate a girl who also has a peepee

>> No.25396420

How the fuck do you get filtered by songs

>> No.25396421

That is truly autistic, however someone made with pekora baby of the first episode.

>> No.25396422

I want to watch Roberu but Flare is still singing.

>> No.25396423
Quoted by: >>25396514

I really hope she enjoys it enough to continue. I'd like her to have at least one comfy series to accompany her more competitive/challenging ones.

>> No.25396424
Quoted by: >>25396437

they're playing together
same with robert and ookina chungusu

>> No.25396425

ok, so I look at the word and then try to recall the sentence from memory, is that right?

>> No.25396427


Roboco poll for her late night stream (MK or Smash)

>> No.25396428

They should collab, but autism won't allow

>> No.25396429

by being a retarded jap woman

>> No.25396430

I've watched Monoe, Pika, Lily, Ange, and just now Nose and they've all played it in English. Did Devolver just add it in? Or did they make a mistake in the description?

>> No.25396431

Astel and Miyabi want to play Drop Mens together

>> No.25396432
File: 418 KB, 1004x1300, IMG_20200810_200222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully she can start doing ASMR and lewd streams again as we got an actual succubus now and checkmarks are coming in.

>> No.25396434
Quoted by: >>25396483

She keeps confusing the C buttons when trying to use items too.

>> No.25396436

By being a retard

>> No.25396437

Roberu is doing it an hour earlier now because he fears the womb.

>> No.25396438

>fall guys is happening

>peko fall guys at 7

so they finally got permissions, huh?

>> No.25396439

The split happened because of her

>> No.25396440
Quoted by: >>25396478

maybe you shouldn't have shut down the ARK server out of jealousy

>> No.25396442

>Preserved Roses
Holy fuck I love Flare now

>> No.25396445

I don't hate you, cocobro, I only hate the dumb dragon herself.

>> No.25396446

>preserved roses
Flare's a fucking connoisseur. I hope she sings some of TM's Thunderbolt Fantasy songs sometime.

>> No.25396447
Quoted by: >>25396500

>flare proven subs means nothing
I thought we already knew that because of FBK.....

>> No.25396451

Such a quirky thing to use the ocarina to stun redeads before killing them. I usually just avoid them

>> No.25396453

Flare and Watame should do more karaoke collabs and even covers. They both love nerdy mecha songs.

>> No.25396454

Why is the Hyrule Shield in the graveyard

>> No.25396455

Maybe if she wasn't such a bitch

>> No.25396456


>> No.25396459

Both are selfish bitch that try to compete with each other and don't care about the others hololive.

>> No.25396460

1/9 dungeons completed

>> No.25396461

WTF there was a hidden free shield in the catacombs

>> No.25396463
Quoted by: >>25396477

everyone gets a round of hate just smile and post nice things about your holo instead

>> No.25396464


>> No.25396465


>> No.25396467

Aqua is so moe

>> No.25396468
Quoted by: >>25396493

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAmdwTma5Eg Luna and Aki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMJz94nmHjw Towa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlpxiYRjy2s Roberu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grfvEiASsmA Rikka

>> No.25396469

No, the reason is there are words that have similar meanings later and the sentence is how you tell them apart. Like what's the difference between fast and quick? You can't know exactly without a sentence.

>> No.25396470

Probably buried with a knight or a noble. You can just buy one too, it's not a legendary item or anything in this game.

>> No.25396472

For a second I thought MK meant Mortal Kombat

>> No.25396474

...that's just a theory

>> No.25396476
File: 53 KB, 407x490, Hurt - by Fubuki Cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get new game permission
>everyone topples over each other to play it because otherwise they're stuck playing the same old garbage

>> No.25396477
Quoted by: >>25396506

Coco's hate is older than these threads

>> No.25396478

Did she actually shut it down?!
I agree that's bitchy move but at least it will force her to make content with better games. Fuck ARK.

>> No.25396481

I want some comfy Mario Kart with Roboco.

>> No.25396483

Because they're supposed to be buttons but she playing with a pro controller so it's an analog stick instead.

>> No.25396482

What's the theory?

>> No.25396485

does Rikka busk a lot

>> No.25396487

Success breeds jealousy.

>> No.25396489


>> No.25396490

I'm looking forward to FBK Fall Guys if only to calculate her yoishos per minute.

>> No.25396491

Any drawfags wanna draw Aqua getting dicked by redeads?

>> No.25396492

this game is shit

>> No.25396493
File: 13 KB, 412x250, luna shirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396495
File: 598 KB, 784x510, theyseeyourbankaccount.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396496

>be Fubuki
>get called a cat

>> No.25396497

>everyone playing the super popular, new game right when Nene is supposed to debut
Is the fix in? Rigging to tank her?

>> No.25396498

Literally a day or two ago, and at least once last week.

>> No.25396499

Aqua just misread dialogue as "nanora"
Luna is poisoning Hololive

>> No.25396500

I don't understand why Fubuki keeps posting the meme videos when all it does is attract dead subs? Is it to make her feel not as insecure about the numbers but keeps on spinning the self perpetuating problem?

>> No.25396502

Just try to grasp how the word is used in the sentence. If you go trying to memorize all those lines you're going to burn out hard

>> No.25396503

>getting dicked by redheads

>> No.25396504

draw her wearing child link peter pan suit

>> No.25396505

I just cried because my life sucks and I'll never be like Pekora.
Pekora is the perfect human.

>> No.25396506

not saying it isn't but the timeloop for hate lands back on your holo eventually

>> No.25396507

nene is holocn, holojp doesnt give a shit

>> No.25396508

Literally the opposite if they direct traffic to her when they end their streams.

>> No.25396509
File: 109 KB, 767x767, 1593293882835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396527

Survival of the fittest

>> No.25396510

Nousagi here. I'll tell you what I think without putting into shitpost form. Rivalries and PVP aside, she fucked up her PR badly during Lamy's debut. Instead of trying to talk future numbers Coco should have shown fans that she wanted to work with Lamy. Welcomed her better. Shouldn't have said "asacoco" while numberfagging. It makes her look bad. Don't even try to say "google translate" because the nips got uppity, too. That's undeniable and now she is in damage control mode.

>> No.25396511

Luna fall guys is going to be so good but i won't be awake for it, fuck me

>> No.25396513

>calculate her yoishos per minute.
Please post results and analysis here.

>> No.25396514
Quoted by: >>25396549

She really struggling

>> No.25396515

Moona and Artia urged her to get on voice with them then she refused and suddenly the "server shutdown in 240 seconds"

there also was no tweet or anything from the devs or epic or anyone else about maintenance happening

>> No.25396516
File: 59 KB, 353x540, 1597099114620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



fall guys arc.... were inclining

>> No.25396518

She's a fucking burger. She should be on Twitch with the other burger thots and leave my pure nip wives alone.

>> No.25396521

Make a compilation video

>> No.25396522
File: 499 KB, 624x817, firefox_voAsrPUIKm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396524

so coco is like those boomer going
kids these days have it easy
you know back in the day we didnt have.....

>> No.25396525

Wait what the hell, all of hololive just inclined by like 4k average in a day. Was so focused on the elf I missed that

>> No.25396526

gotta squeeze the nipples while they're hot anon
the servers are already shitting themselves so they asked Gaben for help

>> No.25396527
File: 56 KB, 662x633, 1594323203954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396529

She is the reason for the influx of obnoxious EOP and SOP faggots.

>> No.25396530

what great about the game anyway ? I watched gameplay of it and it doesnt look very interesting

>> No.25396531

Fuck, I want to watch Roberu play this but I can't pass up Aki/Luna

>> No.25396532

Are you retarded? They're streaming before her and then they'll advertise her at the end of their streams. Trying to tank her would be streaming while hers is on.

>> No.25396533


it's literally the perfect game for collabs or solo for them, should be great.

>> No.25396535
Quoted by: >>25396548


>> No.25396537
Quoted by: >>25396553

She probably just likes doing them.

>> No.25396538


>> No.25396539

Yeah, it's weird. I don't know why either. Lamy debuting made all of 5th Gen increase too.

>> No.25396540
Quoted by: >>25396553

I think she likes making meme videos

>> No.25396541

They can team up and play with 4 people but they just play alone, that makes me think they just colleague, not friends.

>> No.25396543

Good post. Too bad you're way too rational for this place, anon.

>> No.25396544


it's takeshi's castle if it was a game, 60 people doing various courses where you have to beat other people to advance. simple but very fun.

>> No.25396546

I kneel...

>> No.25396547

>Moona and Artia urged her to get on voice with them then she refused and suddenly the "server shutdown in 240 seconds"
Aww. That is mean, shutting down when people are actively playing.

>> No.25396548


>> No.25396549

As long as she's having fun, which is honestly kind of hard to tell with her at times.

>> No.25396550
Quoted by: >>25396560

I thought that meme is only popular in this place

>> No.25396551

especially compared to what others were tweeting like watame for example really made the contrast that much more apparent

>> No.25396552
File: 198 KB, 981x917, holddragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurry up and escape while I hold off the dragon.

>> No.25396553
Quoted by: >>25396570

My contrarian 4chan nature doesn't accept such a simple answer.

>> No.25396554
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1591317059668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is responsible for
>Ark cancer
>Proliferation of shitty, manufactured meme videos
>Reddit meme culture ambassador to the other girls
>Giving shout outs and attention to western ironic weeb react channels

>> No.25396555 [SPOILER] 
File: 299 KB, 768x900, 1597305673446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396584

Miko would have loved to play this.....

>> No.25396557


>> No.25396559

Bros... I still have 4 archives from yesterday and now these Flare and pekora streams...

>> No.25396560

Where do you think this place got it from

>> No.25396561

More Flare and Marine collaboration!

>> No.25396562
Quoted by: >>25396581

She shilled them with descriptions of what they're going to be. Anon here posted a TL with the image, search the archive for "Lyger is a nigger" I'm not fucking kidding.

>> No.25396563
Quoted by: >>25396597


>> No.25396564

>takeshi's castle if it was a game
now I'm interested

>> No.25396565
File: 529 KB, 1920x1080, 1593665967976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396566

Flare is in an ever so saturated market of Vtubers. Among all of them, she's probably above average since there is nothing personality wise setting her apart from the others, but she does have good reactions and her collabs are fun.

>> No.25396567

>it's takeshi's castle if it was a game
that sounds kinda fun

>> No.25396569

all the girls would be terrible girlfriend material
>gambling addiction
>emotionally unstable
>old hag
there is no holo who doesn't check at least 2 of the things I've mentioned above.

>> No.25396570

She is not Coco.

>> No.25396571

is Fall Dudes just a Mario Party mini game?

>> No.25396573


Add another Fall Guys stream to the pile

>> No.25396574

>Giving shout outs and attention to western ironic weeb react channels
You think they're ironic?
I guess that's one way to feel better about the state of the world.

>> No.25396575
Quoted by: >>25396586

I got a new phone and it's taking every ounce of strength in my body to not make my ringtone mikoboat.

>> No.25396576

she's also the top earner. HOLLA HOLLA GET DOLLA

>> No.25396577

We lost right away. We even killed one early. I felt so bad.

>> No.25396578
Quoted by: >>25396822

So I'm not just the one that thought the same. And those fags last night tried to say I'm an idiot for noticing the passive aggressiveness of the tweet.

>> No.25396580

That was before she took the pills

>> No.25396581

I mean old gens got a growth boost too

>> No.25396583


>> No.25396584
Quoted by: >>25396806

Which miko? Do you mean Reimu?

>> No.25396585

5 FPS Towa...

>> No.25396586

Just get the original song.

>> No.25396588

>>old hag
These aren't bad things but there are definitely girls that don't check 2 of these things

>> No.25396589

Moona has all that, what is she then?

>> No.25396590
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1593323891853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow Coco is pretty cringe. Not fit to be the center of yonkisei

>> No.25396593

one of them is kinda like hexagon heat but the hexagons disappear, was the only thing i found fun in drop lads

>> No.25396594

>seaweed and gudako too

>> No.25396595

>playing in English

>> No.25396596

I hope you're doing your apex reps then anon, so next time you get her you can carry her to victory

>> No.25396597

My dude, that was adorable it made me smile when I woke up in the morning. Normally I wake up and am angry for 60-90 minutes. I don't think she should replace normal content with 60-second-or-less meme clips but they're not inherently a bad thing.

>> No.25396599

Oh boy, there will be a ton of great archives to watch when I get home from work

>> No.25396600

>Pekora and Aqua at the same time.

>> No.25396601

>Flare does a long high note
>Luna joins with nNAAAAAAAAaaaaaa at the same time
They're really in sync

>> No.25396602

>roberu first level is see saws
Yea pretty much but more chaotic

>> No.25396604

AZKi is only a somewhat old hag, thank you very much.

>> No.25396605
File: 533 KB, 431x543, twap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand all these nip horror games that the holos play, maybe I'm just that used to jumpscare shit but I don't find these scary at all, is there something I'm missing? Is it a cultural thing?

>> No.25396607
Quoted by: >>25396710

>Nousagi here.
>without putting into shitpost form
Making it too obvious.

>> No.25396606

Sub numbers obviously give them some kind of perks which is why they're trying to pander to EOPs even if they don't donate. In Fubuki's case being the highest subbed gives her a bunch of sponsorship deals. They're probably allowed to negotiate for a better % cut from supas if they have a higher sub count.

>> No.25396609

quick someone post irrelevant ASCII art to melt this dirty phoneposter's apparatus

>> No.25396610


>> No.25396612
File: 289 KB, 533x642, 1586733631008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat neckbeard makes a video about the girls' demonetization
>Coco features it and subsequently the re-monetization videos on her channel
>even talks about melody bringing in a rush of EOPs
the pain never ends

>> No.25396613

Give me the emotionally unstable autist, thanks

>> No.25396614

I am okay with most of the things on the list but not smelly, fuck shower at least once a day fukin pigs.

>> No.25396616
Quoted by: >>25396633

roberu you fucking suck

>> No.25396617


>> No.25396618

Did this actually happen or is it a narrative?

>> No.25396620
Quoted by: >>25396637

Miko hates faggots too.

>> No.25396621

Entire management team told Holos they had to play Fall Guys...

>> No.25396622

is Coco for chads only

>> No.25396623

she's hololive itself

>> No.25396624
Quoted by: >>25396717

The Kabaya Curse continues, Kanata thought she was getting a good roommate but she's just getting another jealous and vengeful fiend. How much longer can Hololive itself last?

But really, the server has even started to shut down while Coco's been doing a collab in ARK before.

>> No.25396625

I don't think the subs being mostly dead matters much to her, she clearly makes much more money from brand deals and sponsorships than super chats and a higher sub count is more important for that. It's quite obvious that she just enjoys doing them too, so why wouldn't she? They are popular with the fans and easy to make, after all.

>> No.25396626

>Coco is responsible for
>>Ark kino
Thanks, Coco!

>> No.25396629

>getting filtered by the see saws
He has become the meme

>> No.25396630


>> No.25396632

Did you choke or was it bestubutai?

>> No.25396633

it's his first time give him a break. everyone fucking sucks before they learn the control the movement and when to jump and not jump etc

>> No.25396638
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1596915776409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fallchads.. i-i kneel

>> No.25396637

Miko also hates hippies. No wonder pekomiko have so much synergy.

>> No.25396639
Quoted by: >>25396688

If anything that make Pekora, Aqua, Marine popular probably they follow the game trend.

>> No.25396640
Quoted by: >>25396662

and white cat is responsible for bringing in the first wave of EOPs, the worst sin imaginable

>> No.25396642

Doesn't Towa have like a 9900k and a 2080? Why is this game still lagging? Wrong settings or just severly unoptimized?

>> No.25396643


>> No.25396645


>> No.25396646

damn luna is better than me at panel de puyo

>> No.25396647

>stream telling aqua to go for every single secret possible
>despite the fact that she's retarded at this game
disable chat
I'd rather she either follow the plot in her slow, retarded way or to give up entirely than to see a try at going for 100% through a retard

>> No.25396650

Luna went hard

>> No.25396651

you can check out the twitch vod if you don't believe me https://www.twitch.tv/videos/708094285

>> No.25396652

Losing son...

>> No.25396653
Quoted by: >>25396697

They're interesting you know? There's a story to them. Also it lets you see a scared holo that you want to take care of. Like Towa being absolutely terrified so you just want to hold her close to you. Wouldn't it be nice to feel that?.

>> No.25396654
Quoted by: >>25396718

This game completely collapsed trying to run on Rushia's rig, so it's just kusoge.

>> No.25396656


>> No.25396657
Quoted by: >>25396712

Wonder if Okayu will get right back into Origami King today.

>> No.25396658
Quoted by: >>25396696

A tiny percentage will stick around and become paypigs. Pretty good for zero effort content. That's without going into the algorithm and being able to leverage it for sponsorships

>> No.25396659
Quoted by: >>25396718

It's the game, it fucked with OBS for whatever reason, it happens to pretty much everyone who doesn't have a dual PC setup.

>> No.25396661

I can't believe i'm gonna watch a homostar for the first time ever

>> No.25396662
File: 208 KB, 1279x781, Sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be rude, fren!

>> No.25396665

Took you long enough

>> No.25396667

>he picks the furry outfit

>> No.25396668

So, which holo is going to speedrun lvl 27 and play as a kokujin fall guy?

>> No.25396669
Quoted by: >>25396718

I think they're just poorly optimised like the pien game. Not sure why it's so bad for twap though, maybe it's the autism radiating from her.

>> No.25396670

aqua learning speedrun oot strats

>> No.25396671

Pro strats with Aqua

>> No.25396672
Quoted by: >>25396687

it's the only outfit he has

>> No.25396673
Quoted by: >>25396855

I really loved mio playing them with her support duck..

>> No.25396674

Did coco really setup the ark server? I thought they had a guy from cover do that

>> No.25396675

congrats you're now GAY

>> No.25396676
Quoted by: >>25396703

Me in the middle

>> No.25396680
Quoted by: >>25396699

HOW new?

>> No.25396681

why can't I be a shota again...

>> No.25396683

Their flaws are what makes them attractive to me

>> No.25396685
Quoted by: >>25397130


>> No.25396687

Nothing at all is better

>> No.25396688

>If anything that make Pekora, Aqua, Marine popular probably they follow the game trend.
Nobody would watch them if they didn't stream these meme games

>> No.25396691

He is your son now.

>> No.25396692
Quoted by: >>25396714

Are they? English might be but the Japanese are just saying general stuff, although I don't read every single one. It goes by too fast.

>> No.25396694

She kept talking about how big the world of vtubers has become, meta-tweeting, instead of talking about the stream. The only comments related to the stream were the ahoge at the beginning, how Lamy is ice type so she's the opposite of her and "Watame senpai face"
She should've instead done what Watame did, showing her charm while talking about the stream
21.5k likes already

>> No.25396695

Does anyone have the panicked Choco clip?

>> No.25396696

The algorithm hates short videos and dead subs

>> No.25396697
Quoted by: >>25396853

I-I would like that but she never ends up scared of these games...I know what you mean though anon. I always want to protect Towa.
>ywn hold towa close while watching horror movies and promising you'll protect her

>> No.25396699

2 hours ago

>> No.25396700


>> No.25396702


>> No.25396703

i envy you

>> No.25396704

Her boyfriend zi_ma set it up

>> No.25396705


>> No.25396708

Our son qualified

>> No.25396709

Stop doing side quests this is gonna take forever you stupid onion

>> No.25396710
File: 59 KB, 540x304, 7468428567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I falseflag to make some other fag look better? That doesn't make any sense!

>> No.25396711


>> No.25396712
Quoted by: >>25396740

doubt it, and i really hope she doesnt play fall out boys as well

>> No.25396713

The game is harder than it looks fyi

>> No.25396714

Both. Equally shit.

>> No.25396715


>> No.25396716
File: 1.17 MB, 720x1215, 1586554721787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396726

>roberu's chat

>> No.25396717

well then we need to find out what time it was when the server shutdown in her collab because it was around 2-3am JST that it did this time

>> No.25396718

Damn, that guy should concentrate on optimizing his games first before pumping out new games.

>> No.25396719
File: 113 KB, 500x488, 1593307727355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396796

FBK is responsible for
>Proliferation of shitty, manufactured live2D meme videos
>EOP american culture ambassador to the other girls
>Giving shout outs and attention to western streamers weeb channels before Coco
>no actual games because she is irrelevant despise being a hololive "gamer"

>> No.25396720

>>Reddit meme culture ambassador to the other girls
And it sometimes even made the girls feel a bit bad, like Okayu, because of the """""jokes"""""" getting lost in translation. Well, it was explained properly later, but this really should stop.

>> No.25396722
Quoted by: >>25397010

That's what others holo lacking.

>> No.25396723

>Towa removed her 2d
Is that what causes all the fucking lag when they play shitty horror kusoges? Or are they just retarded and don't assign cores or limit fps?

>> No.25396725

I can't believe Roberu is a thief...

>> No.25396726
Quoted by: >>25396742

you faggots caused this

>> No.25396728

>Someone post the panicked choco after a spino jumped off a cliff
I also want to see this

>> No.25396729
Quoted by: >>25396759

God forbid one person of over 20 doesn't tweet meaningless comments on the stream

>> No.25396730

Luna's pretty good at trash talking

>> No.25396731
File: 228 KB, 443x455, 1590588297171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kurokami and shirakami combo

>> No.25396732
Quoted by: >>25396741


you start off either plain or a wolf outfit, you earn more by getting points via placing well

>> No.25396734





>> No.25396735
Quoted by: >>25396757

who is the one at the right?

>> No.25396736

Blue you fucking thieves!

>> No.25396737

open source and bloatless alternative when?

>> No.25396738

Watching ghost train really makes me think how great it would be if any of them played Silent Hill 3

>> No.25396739

Pls andstd.

>> No.25396740

I was kind of hoping she would, but I doubt she'll try anything on PC until she gets her new one. Though, this game has a Switch port, doesn't it?

>> No.25396741

Dude im like level 35

>> No.25396742

I-I just posted a clip, I don't even like the meme that much...

>> No.25396743

its not interesting at all
just flavour of the month

>> No.25396744
Quoted by: >>25396781

>Towa's reading voice is her normal voice
I had almost forgotten what it sounded like...

>> No.25396745


sheep is very wise

>> No.25396748

Forget the water temple she's not even gonna make it trough jabu jabu

>> No.25396749

Yes, her stockings are the most important.

>> No.25396750

No, it's just on PS4 and Switch

>> No.25396752

not sure, i only played on ps4 because it was "free" on ps+

>> No.25396753

Robel is the scientist, his name is actually Roberu's monster.

>> No.25396754
File: 1.21 MB, 2480x3508, misobuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396846


>> No.25396755

It's a game full of "secrets" that everyone knows, backseating is inevitable.

>> No.25396756
Quoted by: >>25396796

Coco and Fubuki are both equally guilty for the garbage foreign viewer base.

>> No.25396757

Kill la Kill from Akame ga Kill

>> No.25396759

>moving the goalpost

>> No.25396758

gdi roberu your camera angles are shit

>> No.25396760
Quoted by: >>25396771

Aqua having so much fun with Zelda but has to play company mandated Fall Guys... has to end early...

>> No.25396762


>> No.25396763

pekora bullying Aqua once again...

>> No.25396764

ROBEL's bartender

>> No.25396765
Quoted by: >>25396915

Maybe for Pecor and Aqua, but Marine only ever gets high viewer counts from her zatsudans and collabs.

>> No.25396766

Is Towa a man?

>> No.25396767

>roberu bumped his fucking head on the ring
im fucking dead

>> No.25396769
Quoted by: >>25396779

This game is even worse then Pien, I'd rather watch Towa with some real horror game, like Amnesia or something.

>> No.25396771
Quoted by: >>25396799

I hope this means she'll pick it back up again, she's really enjoying it.

>> No.25396772

So Aqua is only playing Zelda during obon whether she finishes or not.

>> No.25396773


>> No.25396775

Dude needs to fix his xamera sensitivity

>> No.25396777

Ano saaaa
Minna saaaa
Atishi saaaa

>> No.25396779

Hey, not true. This game was way more interesting than Pien. Pien was garbage.

>> No.25396781
Quoted by: >>25396833

I wish Towa wasn't so conscious about her voice and everything.

>> No.25396784
File: 271 KB, 415x526, the clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396804


>> No.25396785


>> No.25396786

You have to wonder if as they add more members average viewer numbers will drop. When you have some collab between a couple of popular members that's often the only thing on for that hour. But when you've got 30+ girls who can't stream just because of that it becomes a little less justifiable unless it's something really important like 3D debuts doesn't it?

>> No.25396787


>> No.25396788
Quoted by: >>25396813


>> No.25396789

There's a story behind it based on actual nip stuff. I don't know about the others but Inunaki Tunnel and Ghost Train are pretty much urban legends.

>> No.25396790


>> No.25396791
File: 31 KB, 400x400, okayu-ARS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396809

>Did this actually happen or is it a narrative?
If you have to ask, probably didn't happen. All narratives nowadays are indistinguishable from headcannon. Any time you see a post about a holo being spiteful, mean, passive aggressive, cliquey, doing porn, or anything else that doesn't actually have some sort of official source to it and is meant to disparage the holo's personality or honor, just assume it's headcannon and move on. These people are retarded and are far too self-conscious to be considered reliable judges of human interaction.

>> No.25396792

this some gay ass furry outfit, son
only bossu skunks are approved

>> No.25396793

Damn the sheep is such a pro at numberfagging. 21.5k likes for a simple post.

>> No.25396794


more people also means more new viewers and more people to watch other streams, so it should be fine

>> No.25396796
File: 601 KB, 1240x1754, 83273958_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CoCope has been going strong since that salty numberfagging tweet...

>> No.25396798


Okayu... You have to move on.

>> No.25396799

I hope so too. I'm really enjoying it too.

>> No.25396800

Fall Guys might just be the most streamer friendly game recently

>> No.25396801

What's even the appeal of fall guys, that game is fucking trash

>> No.25396802
File: 1.59 MB, 3249x4096, EW3Fss2U0AAs_KH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396826


>> No.25396804
File: 3.23 MB, 2521x2521, PolkaWithLessDesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396838


>> No.25396805
File: 50 KB, 649x165, 1594401653696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396806
Quoted by: >>25396827

Who the hell is reimu?

>> No.25396807

Also this one https://streamable.com/0y4q1e

>> No.25396808

The good ones will stream whenever they want and get 30k viewers and the shit one will have to fight for the sloppy seconds

>> No.25396809
Quoted by: >>25396862

cocofags damage controlling this hard..

>> No.25396810


>> No.25396811
File: 675 KB, 1720x1699, me and my parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my mom and dad...

>> No.25396812
Quoted by: >>25396832

is it bugged?

>> No.25396813

H-how does she keep them fed?

>> No.25396814

>Fall Guys

>> No.25396815


>> No.25396817
Quoted by: >>25396820

You never watch Takeshi's Castle or what?

>> No.25396819

I understand everyone stopping for a debut or a 3D reveal or a birthday stream but I don't get why things like new alternate outfits or live2D updates require everyone else to stop in their tracks and cram their streams together in the same timeslot after it ends.

>> No.25396820


>> No.25396821
File: 123 KB, 400x400, Watame7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396839

How much will Cocofags seethe when thee sheep will have more subscribers than her?

>> No.25396822
Quoted by: >>25397201

Why would she be passive aggressive when she's currently the top earner?

>> No.25396823
File: 2.37 MB, 1857x950, okakoro5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396824


>> No.25396825


>> No.25396826

Going to Comiket with Mikochi!

>> No.25396827

inb4 User was banned for this post

>> No.25396828
Quoted by: >>25396844

First, take the stick out of your ass, second, enjoy your oshis stream, loser

>> No.25396829
File: 855 KB, 965x1330, noerugyudon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396846

Noeru papa...

>> No.25396830

how is she responsible for ark?
is she the one hosting the holo server for that game or something?

>> No.25396831

I hope this is watame's next costume
cover onegai

>> No.25396832

Bugged how? The view counts? No.

>> No.25396833

same, it's really soothing.

>> No.25396834

>Coco should do that, Coco should do this.
Absolute of Coco antis.

>> No.25396835

Kuro hitsuji eroi...

>> No.25396836

Well It's basically just takeshi's castle when you're watching it.

>> No.25396837
Quoted by: >>25396849

shitpost dad...

>> No.25396838
Quoted by: >>25396891

This makes my eye itchy.

>> No.25396839
File: 328 KB, 347x498, 1592859622097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396877

They will start need to sleeping pills too!

>> No.25396840
File: 101 KB, 713x730, 86106401346372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396842

He's losing...

>> No.25396843

Ive already forgotten all about that relic

>> No.25396844

I'm not gonna watch a streamer that plays a game that I am not interested in.
Fuck off.

>> No.25396846
File: 243 KB, 648x767, EfMHTl-UEAAXFbp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396856

Why do you do this to me

>> No.25396847

I'm friends with Ks*n on Steam, she has nearly 2k hours on it

>> No.25396848

Started the server, invited other holos to play. They get addicted. It's all coco's fault.

>> No.25396850
File: 245 KB, 1500x1800, EfPV8DRU8AAMQMX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396849

>fight crab
Based as fuck.

>> No.25396851
Quoted by: >>25396909

they only like her because of her romate

>> No.25396852
File: 29 KB, 460x120, ROBELU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396871

Don't change the channel yourself name anon...

>> No.25396853

>Towa and I would both be screaming

>> No.25396855


>> No.25396856
File: 477 KB, 566x680, akiraisins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like those pictures...

>> No.25396859

Why the fuck would you expect anything from EPIC who have literally nothing to do with ARK or its servers? The devs have nothing to do with the servers either because they run on private data centers

>> No.25396860
Quoted by: >>25396868

Sounds like you're not going to be watching Hololive for a while. Don't get me started on Niji who is also playing this game.

>> No.25396861

Then why are you complaining about the game, shit head. dont watch, retard

>> No.25396862
Quoted by: >>25397465

It's not just coco. It's literally all the narratives floating around this place for the past few months. It's utter garbage. Roommate posting is more grounded in reality than these narratives.

>> No.25396863

they need to plan when to start and end their streams around the gen 5 debuts later

>> No.25396864

Coco lives rent free on some people's minds for some reason and want to dictate the direction her career, not just here. Its weird. I dislike her and avoid her but somehow she still becomes the topic of the conversation about anything Hololive and its direction.

>> No.25396865
File: 16 KB, 563x93, 2020-08-13-013001_563x93_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396866

Roberu, adjust your camera, please

>> No.25396869

Pretty good forst whirlygog desu

>> No.25396867

what if she start rust server next?
and now you people can raid their base

>> No.25396868

nice try, faggot.
Already been watching it for an year

>> No.25396870

Every girl will have their dedicated fanbase of viewers, even bottom girls like towa and aki still get a consistent amount of viewers even when pekora or marine stream at the same time

>> No.25396871

>only 31k subs
Hahaha imagine getting btfo by a day one holos!

>> No.25396872
Quoted by: >>25396949

Shitposting is what you like, not the pictures.

>> No.25396873
Quoted by: >>25396982

>Aki retweeted this and replied to it

>> No.25396874
Quoted by: >>25397068

Generally the hope is the industry grows alongside of it.
It seems to be, even outside of Hololive, but only just barely.

>> No.25396875

fall guys look like a really fun game but I heard it doesn't have many maps so it gets repetitive. good stream game too
it's interesting that the battleroyale style of games becomes demonstrably more interesting when it's not being used for just a basic-bitch FPS or TPS

>> No.25396876

Watching Roberu playing this game is really fun actually.

>> No.25396877

>They will start need to sleeping pills too!
I already do though :(

>> No.25396880
File: 112 KB, 238x216, 1577776741864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25396881

>kuku laughing at him in the chat

>> No.25396882


>> No.25396883
Quoted by: >>25396905

I just really like towa model
is she the one with the best 3d model?

>> No.25396884

Why is Towa using a static image instead of her l2d?

>> No.25396885

our son is putting these kids in the dumpster

>> No.25396886

Well deserved
His wife is much better at this game than him

>> No.25396887
Quoted by: >>25397006

Don't even try, they masturbate thinking about it.

>> No.25396888

homos are the only ones that haven't been invaded by reddit and discord EOPSLs

>> No.25396889

Fall Guys is fun. I cant wait for a vtuber tournament with this, I need my Kuzuha punching Matsuri in APEX moment

>> No.25396890

She is the Batman of hololive.

>> No.25396891

scratch it then

>> No.25396892
File: 235 KB, 1488x1327, 1575059643108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa will be happy for Aki, and I will too!

>> No.25396893

>but I heard it doesn't have many maps so it gets repetitive
basically. shit needs way more maps and activities. They should also add super maps for those who have won like 20 crowns can spend them and participate in. There's so much shit they could do but probably won't

>> No.25396898

Wataoji is unstoppable

>> No.25396899
Quoted by: >>25396954

I remember when people used to say BR would die next year a few years ago...

>> No.25396900
File: 247 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396932

I recall three consequential news episodes having the following stories:
1: I've set up a server for this game I love
2: I'm happy so many people are having fun with my favorite game
3: What the fuck, they're playing it so much even off stream, what's wrong with them

>> No.25396901
File: 366 KB, 1056x1699, 1549621032811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her design is slowly growing on me.

>> No.25396902

>Roberu immediately runs towards the other team
this mean really needs to learn English...

>> No.25396903

If youre winning it starts getting repetitive around 20 hours imo

>> No.25396905

So you dont see her mouth open wide from the cock shes choking on

>> No.25396906

>fall guys look like a really fun game but I heard it doesn't have many maps so it gets repetitive. good stream game too
This is accurate and one of the maps is basically impossible to lose on and just involves standing around for 2 minutes. Other than that it's fun

>> No.25396907
File: 1.12 MB, 1332x1266, IMG_20200813_152449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25396929


>> No.25396909

Ngl I also only only like and subscribed to her roommates channel

>> No.25396911

God I need art of them together so much.

>> No.25396914
Quoted by: >>25396940

I fucking love Tail tag. It's hilarious to watch and play

>> No.25396915
Quoted by: >>25397020

>Marine only ever gets high viewer counts from her zatsudans and collabs.
Imagine being so bad you make the latest and most popular games for streamers unfun to watch.

>> No.25396916

Why does Towa's voice get three times as nasaly when she streams solo? It's not like that in collabs, it wasn't like that when she was in studio for 3D. It drives me nuts.

>> No.25396918

will haachama ever get good internet or is australian internet really trash

>> No.25396920

run roberu!

>> No.25396919

almost 8 months of coco's influence changed Hololive, no wonder

>> No.25396921

Can I get a rundown on this meme? And why is being able to speak 3 languages relevant?

>> No.25396922

It was laggy and choppy at the start, she probably changed it because of that

>> No.25396923

Towa can't into fixing OBS.

>> No.25396925

Kaneki Ken...please stop punch...

>> No.25396926
Quoted by: >>25396956

The game was lagging like shit, disabling the Live2D helping a little.

>> No.25396929
Quoted by: >>25397336

Is there a full image? It's not on gelbooru or Mamerakko's twitter.

>> No.25396931
Quoted by: >>25396937

roberus chat is 50% english

>> No.25396932
Quoted by: >>25396979

Will we ever get CAMP again?

>> No.25396933

>son carrying piss to victory
Im proud

>> No.25396934

>what if we combine Rushia and haachama...

>> No.25396935

She does a more cutesy fake voice when she's alone. In collabs i assume she's acting more natural and thus her voice is also more natural

>> No.25396936

its the kind of game where its more fun to watch other people play than playing it yourself
you cant really play with friend in this game

the game usually is fun for 2 hours
just in time for steam refund

>> No.25396937
Quoted by: >>25396971

no cancerous reddit tier memes though

>> No.25396938
Quoted by: >>25396951

I hate that stupid bell

>> No.25396939

Rikka's ~27 away from setting another record for the Homos by being the first to hit 50k subs

>> No.25396940

fuck tail tag. you can get so easily fucked over by some fucking aus ping

>> No.25396942
Quoted by: >>25397007


why would they actually kill a character in a mario game of all things?

it's supposed to be light hearted, okayu didn't even realize at first it was for real then boom, sad

>> No.25396944
Quoted by: >>25396963

Funny you should say that. I have exactly one EOP friend who knows about Hololive. He found out about it from some Discord and likes pizza dad, and also appreciates that the chat is slow enough for him to read when someone occasionally translates. My one data point doesn't prove shit, and I'm not trying to disagree with you. It's just an anecdote.

>> No.25396945

She knows nobody's watching so she can use her normal voice

>> No.25396946

Oshiete oshiete yo sono shikumi wo

>> No.25396949
File: 1022 KB, 1070x1018, marinsenchou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically find these kinds of pictures to be humorous and somewhat unique, they feel highly detail but there's a lot that feels off about them.

>> No.25396951

It would fit if she was a catgirl

>> No.25396952

Slime climb is the great filterer

>> No.25396954

it's the new trend after 'minecraft clones', it'll die down eventually but it should still stick around for a few more years

>> No.25396955

Fakee high pitched voice, and don't forget her ulcers, although she bought medicine a few days ago iirc.

>> No.25396956

How is Ghost Train, of all things, lagging?

>> No.25396957
File: 1.45 MB, 1579x811, chrome_fRwwl05fQ8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post them Recommendations /hlg/

>> No.25396958
Quoted by: >>25396978


>> No.25396959
Quoted by: >>25396981

I actually didn't know there was a lose condition on that stage. I thought it was just a race.

>> No.25396960

It's nasaly because she's sick right now.

>> No.25396961

Because the dev is a retard

>> No.25396964

Honestly speaking Aki technically should have more subs than towa based on how long She's been around. I also doubt towa would be bothered being lowest of theholos

>> No.25396963

pizzadad inclining

>> No.25396965

Fine, I'll give him one more sub.

>> No.25396966

Pretty much, you're not going to be winning any matches until you can clear Slime Climb without eating shit.

>> No.25396967

Is this guys account suspended or something

>> No.25396969
File: 53 KB, 325x333, flare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuu tan look like THAT?

>> No.25396970
File: 130 KB, 525x461, akitwap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love all the holos, and so does Towa! And auntie Aki is a nice girl, she deserves good things!

>> No.25396971

>no cancerous reddit tier memes though

>> No.25396972
Quoted by: >>25397014

How does he have so many subs compared to the other homos?

>> No.25396974

The camera and control feels shitty. Is it the game or Roberu's fault?

>> No.25396977

Towa is smoking??!!! did she lie to us???

>> No.25396978

I tuned in right as that happened. bros I thought our son was winning...

>> No.25396979

Who would think Coco can unite Aqua and Pekora in the same team even it's just a few collabs after.

>> No.25396980

>implying towafags wouldn't be stroking their micropenises to the thought of whiteknighting for the lowest subbed holo

>> No.25396981
Quoted by: >>25397002

It actually isnt a race, everyone can theoretically qualify iirc

>> No.25396982


aki is too nice, she sang for 3 hours for her 200k and ended up at like 208k.

>> No.25396983

lol this game is nuts, like takeshi's castle keeeeeeeeeek

>> No.25396985

When aren't cheap shit horror games horribly made?

>> No.25396986
Quoted by: >>25397004

That meme is natural and not synthetic like reddit memes

>> No.25396987

It's very regrettable that we don't have a drawfag to draw kuzuha dressed as kaneki absolutely decking Matsuri

>> No.25396989 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.24 MB, 1563x830, 1597307486013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397140


>> No.25396990
Quoted by: >>25397017

does coco ever come here?

>> No.25396991
File: 921 KB, 1597x775, 1574282057218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weird getting recommended the same asmr channel

>> No.25396995

>Aqua doesn't know what a Metroid is

>> No.25396996

Can the N1's here explain why AZKi's first concert was called "The Shitest Start"? Is there a wordplay I'm missing or something?

>> No.25396997
File: 25 KB, 377x287, lightningmcqueen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It-it's gonna slow down right?

>> No.25396998

Can I get this overview on my phone?

>> No.25397000

>he isnt proud of our son
Honey, please we talked about his

Roberu probably needs to adjust his sensitivity

I play on pc and its nothing like that

>> No.25397002

Yeah, I just never saw someone fall that far behind on that one. Poor Roberu.

>> No.25397004
Quoted by: >>25397013

It's the same shit as reddit memes, you're just biased because it's came from here

>> No.25397005

it's because F*UCK FROGS

>> No.25397006

Just because you didn't get any (You)s the first time doesn't mean you have to samefag, anon.

>> No.25397007

It's not like it's the first time a Mario game's done something like that. They sure tried to hit hard with this one though.

>> No.25397008

>thinking for 2.99 burgerbux it's optimized

>> No.25397009

I used to be stupid enough to think that the whole youtube doxxing shit was based on data retrieved from the sound of the video.

>> No.25397010

Considering how my Holo is so content by herself and I can't do anything about it, it honestly kind of hurts inside

>> No.25397011

>battle royal
>trying to stop other people from winning slows yourself down

>> No.25397012

I don't even think I've ever watched her before either

>> No.25397013

It didn't come from here it came from how Roberu responds to English messages

>> No.25397014
Quoted by: >>25397025

he's done a few songs with Matsuri as well as the 3d concert with her. exposure goes a hell of a long way. the only other Homo who was anywhere close was Kaoru who inclined hard enough during his three months to 40k

>> No.25397015

Can confirm, I'm doing it right now and I'm squirting wine all over the room

>> No.25397016

>Coromo ASMR
Interesting. Another ASMRtist I follow recently gave her a shoutout. She must be inclining in general.

>> No.25397017
Quoted by: >>25397065

She's the Watame shitposter

>> No.25397018
File: 1.55 MB, 1597x801, youtubekun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397020
Quoted by: >>25397133

Marine fucking sucks at games if you haven't noticed and unlike Pekora who's also bad, she doesn't learn. It's very hard to watch them. If it was Marine playing Crash instead of Pekora, she would have quit after the first stream.

>> No.25397021

You have full control over the camera, Roberu just doesn't know his right analog stick exists apparently. The game controls fine, it's meant to be ridiculous and chaotic when a whole bunch of players are trying to get through the same obstacle course.

>> No.25397023
Quoted by: >>25397031

Unironically this

>> No.25397025

Kaoru had networked like mad and had gotten the holostars so many collabs with other vtubers. Losing him is a big hit just because of that alone

>> No.25397026
File: 1.17 MB, 1591x795, dsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some sweet banjo covers

>> No.25397027
Quoted by: >>25397042

Aki getting blown the fuck out

>> No.25397029
File: 765 KB, 1086x521, 1594796211503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397140


>> No.25397030

It's obvious it's supposed to be a short game you play just for kicks and move on

>> No.25397031
Quoted by: >>25397049

I don't get it.

>> No.25397035
Quoted by: >>25397064

t. schizo

>> No.25397037

so many good streams today how do i choose... help

>> No.25397038

Aki will bring Towa to the moon with her. No one will get left behind! RBC, Choco and Mel are coming too.

>> No.25397039
File: 958 KB, 1189x649, chrome_2020-08-13_04-34-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being such a weeb

>> No.25397040


>> No.25397041
File: 9 KB, 225x225, smugpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397045

>pekora and nousagis
Its going to be a blast

>> No.25397042

Kneel Lunachama

>> No.25397044
File: 814 KB, 2164x772, 2020-08-13_10-34-48-020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397140


>> No.25397045

I expect colossal bullying.

>> No.25397048


>> No.25397049

Like wipeout but its a vg

>> No.25397052

>it all keeps Guh Huhing down Guh Huhing down

>> No.25397051
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, wiggle wiggle wiggle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397080

Towa...are you ok?

>> No.25397053


>> No.25397054


>> No.25397058

Winning son

>> No.25397059

Aqua's fall guys might be cancelled because of maintenance.

>> No.25397060
File: 1.25 MB, 1571x809, recommended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397061

roberu won that for the yellow team, he's the one who stole it

>> No.25397064
Quoted by: >>25397076

t. backpedaling schizo

>> No.25397066

Roberu is the ultimate fucking goalkeeper

>> No.25397065

Now that's a narrative i wish was true

>> No.25397067
File: 1.21 MB, 1378x682, Screenshot_2020-08-13 (1) YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397122

I'm not from /v/, I swear...

>> No.25397068

The industry has grown quite massively. This time last year all the biggest companies combined were getting about 20m views in a week between them. Now individually the two largest companies both beat that figure comfortably alone.

>> No.25397069

>roberu carrying team piss to victory every time

>> No.25397072
File: 721 KB, 700x1252, 1596940965660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sheep is too sexy, I am turning Welsh...

>> No.25397076

t. ESL schizo

>> No.25397077
File: 9 KB, 768x123, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397106

Try again next time schizo.

>> No.25397080

that knee bend at the end...

>> No.25397081
Quoted by: >>25397089

>fall guys
>no one is falling

>> No.25397082
File: 1.60 MB, 1562x774, 1584859496208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397085

how do feel about 5th gen?
and that clown, Polka?

>> No.25397086


>> No.25397087
Quoted by: >>25397110

This but turning into Kiwis

>> No.25397088

He's dead...

>> No.25397089

>roberu fell
this is your fault

>> No.25397090
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, FUCK FROG.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edgy engrish, nobody knows why

>> No.25397093

>this is our son...

>> No.25397094
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1569157408605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell

>> No.25397096

Famous last words

>> No.25397099
File: 1.29 MB, 1657x776, chrome_2Nrf3sUP1v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397189


>> No.25397101

>1.5k viewers
dang this really is a popular game

>> No.25397102

I just realized Roberu is doing fall guys at the same time as Rikka's 50k celebration. Narrativefags?

>> No.25397106
Quoted by: >>25397154


>> No.25397108
File: 1.48 MB, 1440x3040, polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397109
Quoted by: >>25397115

robel is inclining?

>> No.25397110

>Watame takes big Maori cock

>> No.25397111

You can't get a good feel for most chuubas until a couple months in.

>> No.25397115


>> No.25397116

>and that clown, Polka?
The moment narrativefags go after polka with their headcannon I swear to god i will dedicate myself to become a billionaire so I can buy out 4chan just to mod the shit out of them

>> No.25397117
Quoted by: >>25397161

O god, I can see Marine being very bad at this.. can she even make it pass round 1?

>> No.25397118

>Rikka's 50k celebration
No, it's countdown stream. He'll celebrates it later.

>> No.25397120

i want to like her but god that arm triggers me

>> No.25397121

Hes going to win this I am sure
Lets go...

>> No.25397122

>Girls Frontline
mein nigger

>> No.25397123
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, EbfiIeQU8AUPxS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is so fucking quiet playing this horror.

>> No.25397124

Imagine a haggis made out of Watame's heart, liver, and lungs.
My mouth is salivating right now.

>> No.25397126
File: 372 KB, 445x643, 1595537696835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played fall guys but ruberu's stream was really fun. I can't wait for the girls to play it and the eventual kino collabs.

>> No.25397127

>and he has more viewers

>> No.25397129


>> No.25397130

kinda late but pixiv user id: 44968193

>> No.25397131
File: 1.12 MB, 1299x691, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397133

I think clubhouse games is the only time I've seen marine do well at games and those barely count because they're 300 year old board games in some cases

>> No.25397134
Quoted by: >>25397269

here we go, i just made fall guys 300% better

>> No.25397136

Not sure how to react if she really is BUOOOOO.

>> No.25397138

you cant really do collab with fall guys tho
there is no party mode or such
at best you can just try to que at the same time and hope you get in the same room

>> No.25397139
File: 761 KB, 1125x597, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397140
Quoted by: >>25397171

>>25397044 /fit/
>>25396989 /v/
>>25396991 /jp/
>>25397026 /g/
>>25397029 /idk/
>>25397039 /tv/

>> No.25397142

This is the kind of game that was made for someone like Pekora, honestly.

>> No.25397143
File: 4 KB, 132x127, bless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397144
Quoted by: >>25397200

No one here is on a 4k monitor? Everyone seems to still be on 1080p and one guy on 1440p from all the screenshots

>> No.25397145
Quoted by: >>25397180

when will our winning son get more views than towa?

>> No.25397146
Quoted by: >>25397183

it was literally written in english PV

>> No.25397148
Quoted by: >>25397156

I just woke up
>Marine Fall Guys
>Pekora Fall Guys

Shame they're not doing a collab, it's perfect fodder for violent competitiveness which those two have in spades when they're together.

>> No.25397149
File: 1.32 MB, 1027x2300, womb52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 year old dusty womb...

>> No.25397151

They're as antiquated as she is.

>> No.25397153
File: 549 KB, 2283x1159, youtube recommendation algo is drunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397154

Are you implying someone would spend so much of their valuable time baiting towafags? once is more than enough.

>> No.25397156
Quoted by: >>25397187

dont forget robocco..

>> No.25397159
File: 478 KB, 1623x837, youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397176


>> No.25397160
Quoted by: >>25397184

4 people can queue as a party and if they do they'll always be put on a team together

>> No.25397161

Yea shes probably gonna take like 15 minutes to get a hang of the controls and whts happening.

>> No.25397163

I just rewatched the Ark cave RTA from Aki's pov.
Did she really grind for 10 hours, just to lose everything in the first 15 minutes? Damn.

>> No.25397164

You can literally queue into matchmaking with a group of four, and you'll always be put on the same team for team games if numbers allow.

>> No.25397165

Stop, I can only get so erect

>> No.25397166

I'm hoping it gives her the kick up the arse to actually do the things she talked about doing in the translated clip. She wanted to be more active this year and already she had been getting complacent.

>> No.25397167

Stop posting recommendation pictures, you're just wasting image slots

>> No.25397168

Nice to finally hear Towa speak in her natural voica of a 70 year old granny.

>> No.25397170

Yeah she really did

>> No.25397171

Literally how

>> No.25397172
File: 217 KB, 1573x764, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397173
File: 558 KB, 1048x551, recommended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397174

Bless you anon, thanks!

>> No.25397175

>MelTowa collab same time as Aqua
I'm sorry Mel but I'll be watching Aqua

>> No.25397176

>Rosario + Vampire mix
based as fuck

>> No.25397177
File: 1.42 MB, 1522x748, Screenshot_2020-08-13 YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397180

When he gets his 3D along with his boost.

>> No.25397181
File: 208 KB, 1040x1404, 1590537191821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexy granny though.

>> No.25397183
Quoted by: >>25397197

You're misreading. I know she's a clown. That's patently obvious. I'm saying that if these narrativefags go after my clown with their bullshit I will dedicate myself to buying this website. I can only hope they waste their time trying to tear down coco for the rest of their pathetic, socially inept lives.

>> No.25397185
File: 1.10 MB, 1684x1191, 1596805797533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397338

>Aah... Coco? Oh sorry Lamy, I thought it was someone else. Yeah, wish we could collab soon...
>Love ya...

>> No.25397184
Quoted by: >>25397198

so what happened if someone get eliminated in one of the single game?
are they suppose to watch?

>> No.25397186

What? You get put in the same matches and the same teams

The only thing against teaming is that its a battleroyal and your party members get btfo so you have to watch them instead of playing

>> No.25397187

ah, that wasn't there when I looked

>> No.25397188

>Aqua doesn't know what Majora's Mask is

>> No.25397189

>Blade Runner
I also get https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isIj3tuQTDY on my recommend for some reasons despite never searched it. Youtube is weird

>> No.25397192
Quoted by: >>25397206

Imagine eating it while wearing a kilt and listening to bagpipes with your mates.

>> No.25397197

But it would be better if she's nobuhime...

>> No.25397198


>> No.25397199

Kek this game must be 10x harder with his camerawork

>> No.25397200

You see. I spend all my money on merch and supacha.

>> No.25397201

Do you not see how much the Lamy inclined in just her first day? The other gens including the 4th had to work for those numbers. I'm honestly salty myself this kind of increase of subs is just crazy.

>> No.25397203

>1.5k viewers
He winning

>> No.25397204

pretty good bait, gj

>> No.25397205
File: 733 KB, 1920x1080, EfScZkcUcAYv2s4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fall Guys tomorrow

>> No.25397206
Quoted by: >>25397259

That's fucking gross
Haggis is gross
Eating Watame is gross DAMN
You should feel bad about yourselves

>> No.25397207

I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.25397209

Anyone have the really long matsuri KUNKA KUNKA KUNKA copypasta?

>> No.25397213
Quoted by: >>25397224

pekora's on view herding duty today right before nene's stream I see, popular meme game right before nene's debut

>> No.25397214

That Tokyo Active NEETs medley is pretty solid btw.

>> No.25397216
Quoted by: >>25397293

roberu caught the rona...

>> No.25397217
Quoted by: >>25397239

imagine eating Watame out

>> No.25397218

>fall guys is the perfect streamer game
>it also makes snobby /v/ elitists seethe
This is great.

>> No.25397219

kek, roberu please

>> No.25397220
Quoted by: >>25397256

towaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa why are you being autistic

>> No.25397221

Please devolver, put in custom mode, i need to see HPS get shit on again in another br

>> No.25397222
Quoted by: >>25397256

Towa is a DORK

>> No.25397223

0 and 1st gen redebut when???

>> No.25397224
Quoted by: >>25397237

its roberu>marine>aqua>pecor viewer train

>> No.25397225


Okayu's streaming at 7 instead of 11. Zatsudan.

>> No.25397226

Scared towa is hilarious

>> No.25397227
Quoted by: >>25397240

Jinxed is the only one i feel like you have no real control over winning whatsoever. They should add a bunch of hiding places or something

>> No.25397229

I can tell you Roboco, Pekora and Marine won't be playing Fall Guys again by themselves again outside of collabs. It's just not the kind of game they'd like that much

>> No.25397230

Towa getting mindbroken live on stream...

>> No.25397231

Towa Fall Guys when...

>> No.25397232

VOMS really like their babinikus and ladyboys huh?

>> No.25397233

I want to be on the Towatrain

>> No.25397234


peko fall guys is gonna be hilarious

>> No.25397236
File: 34 KB, 1080x508, TowaRetarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25397237
Quoted by: >>25397247

Aqua and Pecor are on at the same time

>> No.25397238
Quoted by: >>25397254

will Marine even figure out what to do in this game

>> No.25397239

Imagine going out with Watame to eat

>> No.25397240
Quoted by: >>25397265

the strategy is to get jinxed immediately and go on the offensive rather than running away and letting the rest of your team get infected

>> No.25397241
File: 2.75 MB, 762x1080, 1574653402778.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did she got to the cicada part already?

>> No.25397242
Quoted by: >>25397257

Lol more like "that game is for babies" pseuds

>> No.25397246


but she ended up getting some stuff back, and won the rta race


>> No.25397247
Quoted by: >>25397261

She changed

>> No.25397249
File: 123 KB, 655x491, 20200813_035041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397282

Ogey Not in my pc rn so I used my phone

>> No.25397250


>> No.25397251

[autism noises]

>> No.25397252


>> No.25397253
Quoted by: >>25397308

About how far in is the bit where she fails the jump 9 times?

>> No.25397254

No. And even if she does she'll still fail miserably unless viewers get in with her and carry her

>> No.25397256
Quoted by: >>25397275

What did she do? Tuning in right now.

>> No.25397257
Quoted by: >>25397288

Spotted the /v/ tourist

>> No.25397258

Aqua already stopped playing? Did she not like oot?

>> No.25397259
Quoted by: >>25397276

There's nothing wrong with eating Watame.
There's nothing wrong with eating haggis.
There's nothing wrong with eating a haggis made out of Watame's pluck.
And there's absolutely nothing wrong with eating a Watame haggis with your mate while wearing a kilt and listening to bagpipes.

>> No.25397260

His smile and optimism: gone

>> No.25397261

Oh, right you are.

>> No.25397262

What the hell is even the scary part of this stupid train

>> No.25397263

I can't believe Towa just killed someone

>> No.25397264

Luna's laugh is so cute

>> No.25397265

Ive tried that and you have to practically run down the other team's retards

>> No.25397266
Quoted by: >>25397277

Is this a good game, has anyone played it before?

>> No.25397267
Quoted by: >>25397354


do not eat the watame!

>> No.25397268


>> No.25397269
Quoted by: >>25397320

you forgot to quote this virgin >>25397134

>> No.25397270
Quoted by: >>25397339

It's just subs, call me when they start getting free money out the ass for existing.

>> No.25397273

I love my dork debiru.

>> No.25397274

When my son wins, I win.

>> No.25397275

She's making autism noises to calm herself down.

>> No.25397276
Quoted by: >>25397354

Absolutely everything you said is wrong
Fucking scots

>> No.25397277

Mel did.

>> No.25397282
Quoted by: >>25397294

wtf pikamee???

>> No.25397281
Quoted by: >>25397297

Towa is already almost done? Did she RTA? Holy shit.

>> No.25397284

thats a big time difference wow

>> No.25397287
File: 54 KB, 592x680, dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397305


>> No.25397288

Read it again, im the fallguys spammer

>> No.25397289
File: 1.51 MB, 1551x759, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397290


paper mario hit her hard so talking will prob help

>> No.25397291

They should try Tricky Towers.

>> No.25397293
File: 786 KB, 1037x988, 1596649264868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*cough* winning son... *cough*

>> No.25397294


>> No.25397295
Quoted by: >>25397301

Towa is so cute when she's scared.

>> No.25397296

God I love that autist.

>> No.25397297

she really doesn't like horror

>> No.25397298

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gF40HZvnRYU Marine

>> No.25397299
File: 905 KB, 1464x627, Rec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397314

Wow I'm fucking boring

>> No.25397300

Her still image is surprisingly fitting.

>> No.25397301

She sounds like a baby

>> No.25397302
Quoted by: >>25397317

Twapi is scared and so am I

>> No.25397303


>> No.25397304
Quoted by: >>25397398

Bro just read Tae Kim.

>> No.25397305

Hey Comet... totsumachi when

>> No.25397307
File: 3.35 MB, 2294x1119, 2020-08-13 04_55_12-YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397308
Quoted by: >>25397311

Around when Kanata's stream end time She was on the jump when I switched to her stream.

>> No.25397309

perfect match is the ultimate sub50iq filter

>> No.25397310
File: 1013 KB, 2591x3624, EfSXwL4VoAIRNo0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397311

damn, anon, hitting me with the zero escape puzzle clues

>> No.25397312

Lmao the camera dude

>> No.25397313
File: 1.12 MB, 1504x713, ytrec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397314

Sam in the bag still gets me to this day.

>> No.25397316

Roberus not moving the camera strat probably isn't a good idea for this one. Or he can just follow the crowd because this mode sucks

>> No.25397317

The blood soaked train is probably the scariest part of the whole thing.

>> No.25397318
File: 130 KB, 1033x609, Capture Reco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397320

hey i never said it was shit, the slide theme just makes it better

>> No.25397321


>> No.25397322

Dying live on stream with Towa...!

>> No.25397323
File: 168 KB, 788x1113, IMG_20200806_132158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397380


>> No.25397324

son... i dont know what to tell him..

>> No.25397325

>people in marine's chat saying there's going to be maintenance

>> No.25397326

Noel live in 3 minutes

>> No.25397327

Losing son...

>> No.25397329

robel coming in clutch with the goldfish memory

>> No.25397330


>> No.25397331

towa...I want to hug you..

>> No.25397332


>> No.25397333

Of course Towa would mess up that part...

>> No.25397334

Metagaming people by rushing to one tile, having everyone who didn't bother memorizing follow you, then jumping last second to the correct tile is the play.

>> No.25397335
File: 1.24 MB, 840x1500, 1596739358221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397336
Quoted by: >>25397362


>> No.25397338


>> No.25397339
Quoted by: >>25397428

Subs gets you sponsorship like that asus and what ever that game marine and fubuki were playing.

>> No.25397340
File: 1.65 MB, 1583x763, firefox_05QefvevsL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's comfy

>> No.25397343

the womb is going to get bullied

>> No.25397346
File: 282 KB, 393x385, 1594932964325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397471

Holy shit Towa how can you be so afraid of a stupid horror game?

>> No.25397347
Quoted by: >>25397623

I saw she was missing quite a lot of items

>> No.25397348
File: 1.28 MB, 635x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397399

Sora is that a fucking W*Stoid meme on your thumbnail? Fucking unsubbed you whore

>> No.25397349
File: 6 KB, 303x41, 1566185562922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397490

>> No.25397350
Quoted by: >>25397372

what was supposed to happen ? I only watch her playthrough

>> No.25397351


>> No.25397353
File: 2.27 MB, 1417x1998, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397521

>hey you watched this video a gorillion years ago now watch it again

>> No.25397354
Quoted by: >>25397367

It's miles better than what some sorry lot had to eat everyday in some parts of the world.
It's fucking great mate, you should try it.
Why not? She looks fucking tasty and juicy to me.

>> No.25397355

Towa fucked up again lads...

>> No.25397357
Quoted by: >>25397370

Time to go brrrrrrrrr again, Risuners.

>> No.25397358


>> No.25397362

Every fucking time god dammit what is with the Japanese and this shit

>> No.25397363


>> No.25397365
File: 237 KB, 550x750, 1596437684435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25397366


>> No.25397367

I would rather die than eat haggis

>> No.25397369
Quoted by: >>25397378


>> No.25397370

Risu... PC onegai...

>> No.25397372

It's pretty stupid because you can't know unless you were far away, but a monster starts running for you and you can run to the driver section.

>> No.25397373

>watching Aqua get raped over and over by redeads in her archive

>> No.25397375
Quoted by: >>25397388

Yea their Twitter said short maintenance is starting soon, rip stream

>> No.25397376


>> No.25397377

he got juggled...

>> No.25397378

His camera is always pointing so low, he can't really see what's in front of him

>> No.25397379



>> No.25397380

What's with the 5th gen and pits?

>> No.25397384

You're a sorry excuse of a lad.

>> No.25397385
File: 188 KB, 800x800, Ed01FFeWAAAGHvQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397507

Watch the rat

>> No.25397389

>Aqua won't be able to play it too

>> No.25397388

Fall guys saving us from watching Fall guys. The irony.

>> No.25397391

I knew i recognized towa from somewhere


>> No.25397394

>rebiru has more viewers than marine
The age of homo is upon us

>> No.25397395

ん?? How did he qualified??

>> No.25397396
File: 451 KB, 1545x2008, EbhVm6SU8AU3VEt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco fall guys onegai

>> No.25397398

tried, i dont like learning from textbooks
videos are better for me and ive learned more from her than that book

>> No.25397397
File: 2.20 MB, 1250x1748, 1590119897826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It keeps happening

>> No.25397399

Please understand, Sora is old and enjoys being old

>> No.25397400
Quoted by: >>25397544

Haggis is gross and is for the unwashed northern mountain dwellers
Refined folks like myself prefer a nice toast sandwich

>> No.25397403

God, Watame sounds so sexy when she's sleepy

>> No.25397405


>> No.25397406

1.5k watching Roberu. The Fall Guys hype is real.

>> No.25397407
Quoted by: >>25397430

By the way, I still don't get this stupid Ghost Train ending. The choices don't seem to coincide at all with everything else that happened. Supposedly the ojii-san tells you to choose your wife, but I always miss what he says.

>> No.25397408
File: 722 KB, 1195x622, recommendations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397414


>> No.25397409

>maintenance wvery day

>> No.25397410
File: 2.18 MB, 2066x2923, 1595180768345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397422

It's the thinking sheep's fetish.

>> No.25397411


>> No.25397412
Quoted by: >>25397439

>sure thing Marine senpai, I'll move my stream one hour earlier so you can stream!
Roberu playing 4d chess

>> No.25397413
Quoted by: >>25397439

Roberu foresaw the maintenance and played earlier.. That's very smart.

>> No.25397414
Quoted by: >>25397423

Based Yuuna

>> No.25397415

do you think it's stressful being a holo?

>> No.25397416

Know your audience

>> No.25397418

Sexy sheep.

>> No.25397419

Sorry, I watched those videos. Must have messed with your algorithm. By that way, she sucks. Watch Noel instead.

>> No.25397420

Did twap get the good ending? I figured it was the bad end since she got killed by that monster thing.

>> No.25397422
File: 897 KB, 842x1191, 1595616297941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and pitpilled

>> No.25397423
Quoted by: >>25397431

I've been subbed to her longer htan most of the Holos

>> No.25397425
Quoted by: >>25397461

Jeeze towa is done already?

>> No.25397427

So Lamy's fans are the yukimin, what will Nene's fans call themselves?

>> No.25397428
Quoted by: >>25397532

And 137k free subs aren't going to do that. It's safe to say those 137k are in everyone else's sub counts as well.

>> No.25397429
Quoted by: >>25397481

I think it's the bad ending based on her reaction.

>> No.25397430
File: 266 KB, 456x493, 1595183868279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397458

I don't know how she got the good ending this time.
Still Towa horror is great.

>> No.25397431


>> No.25397434
File: 208 KB, 500x2000, EfSRAgSXsAAXG6t[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25397436

Fallchads this was our time....

>> No.25397437
File: 407 KB, 1577x813, firefox_bNFVeleka8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397440
File: 566 KB, 1269x1691, 1593687988819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397464

Haggis is one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten, the only bad thing is it's supposed to be served with turnips which are disgusting
Image to make this on topic

>> No.25397439
Quoted by: >>25397511

Seriously, how Roberu know? This is some crazy 5D chess.

>> No.25397442

How can her voice get even more perfect?

>> No.25397444


>> No.25397445
File: 16 KB, 383x95, checked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive moments got a check mark, EOChads win again

>> No.25397446

If you're sheep and constantly getting suicide spachas it's probably quite stressful.

>> No.25397448
File: 37 KB, 456x244, 1592384371709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397449

Roberu... your camera...

>> No.25397451


>> No.25397453
Quoted by: >>25397556

I can't believe Marine made it to round 3 on her first match.

>> No.25397454


>> No.25397455

She got the good end

>> No.25397457


>> No.25397458

That was a good ending? I've not watched anyone play this before Towa

>> No.25397459

miko is dead so yea probably

>> No.25397460
File: 208 KB, 363x343, 1594871030661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>morning sheep voice

>> No.25397461

Towa rushing through horror games!

>> No.25397462
Quoted by: >>25397517


>> No.25397463

Marine got in

Prepare for shitting

>> No.25397464
File: 308 KB, 459x466, Die shitcunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397544


>> No.25397465

These threads are currently being overrun by two groups: children and flips (who have the mental capacity of children).

>> No.25397470
Quoted by: >>25397504

I feel Pekora should have been the one to play it first, Marine playing it will be a disaster.

>> No.25397471

Frightened women amuse me but sometimes they get too scared and it crosses over into making me just feel bad for them

>> No.25397472


>> No.25397474
Quoted by: >>25397559

Tbh this looks more fun.

>> No.25397475
File: 115 KB, 288x527, towa....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any Towabro clip the songs of the acoustic live? Especially Namidairo, she put a lot of emotion into that one.

>> No.25397476

For some of them probably.

>> No.25397478
File: 296 KB, 2500x1406, EfSfr5aU0AAmzL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397501


Poor cat's taking a break from the sadness today. Wonder what she'll be talking about, and why she pushed it so much earlier.

>> No.25397479

I wouldn't be able to handle a job where I'm constantly being compared to my peers in public and have to put on a show on a nearly daily basis for thousands of people

>> No.25397481

It is the good ending. It makes sense if you see the other ones. The car/light isn't there and you just fade away into the void. I think the monster just always gets you.

>> No.25397483


>> No.25397484

wait what? how is that allowed?

>> No.25397486
File: 1.08 MB, 999x724, Screenshot_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25397488
Quoted by: >>25397515

>Towa's fucking relief

>> No.25397489

>Everyone start playing Fall guys

Damn, hope they do some collab. Shit looks fun.

>> No.25397490
File: 16 KB, 1150x133, 2020-08-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking you're better than EOPs because you can copy/paste from Google Translate.

>> No.25397491

Youtube sure is generous this week

>> No.25397492
Quoted by: >>25397514


Marine hahahaha

>> No.25397496


>> No.25397497

>Meme Guys
Shit game desu

>> No.25397498

Who is HoloLive Moments?! Yagoo?!

>> No.25397499


>> No.25397500


>> No.25397501
Quoted by: >>25397513

sadness? ohm what's up with Okayu?

>> No.25397503
Quoted by: >>25397518

I want aqua or peko to play this, they're reactions are just mad

>> No.25397504

I disagree she will show how hard it is for shitters. The game looks easy when you watch it

>> No.25397507

Yes boss

>> No.25397508

I just hope they don' t overplay it, it'll get boring fast

>> No.25397510
File: 931 KB, 1919x638, Screenshot from 2020-08-13 18-06-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching the zatsudan masters play side by side.

>> No.25397509
File: 240 KB, 917x477, 4thgen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397578

Yeah I hope the 4th gen does a collab!

>> No.25397511

devs are secretly Homofags and are trying to help them incline by only allowing Homos to stream it

>> No.25397513
Quoted by: >>25397533

Paper Mario made her a little sad is all.


>> No.25397514

She doesn't know...

>> No.25397515


>> No.25397517

Cute Aqua going to watch Marine.

>> No.25397518

Aqua is suppose to be next, then pecor, but who knows now with the maint.

>> No.25397519

seems like a really fun job to me

>> No.25397520
Quoted by: >>25397541

their translations are fucking awful wtf

>> No.25397521


>> No.25397524


>> No.25397523

I want to kiss the sheep

>> No.25397525

Wait Moona forgot her mic on after stream and immediately went for another burger!?

>> No.25397528

Wonder what she'll do after she realizes she can't play anymore

>> No.25397531

my dick. I hope they make more Haato.

>> No.25397532
Quoted by: >>25397891

No but it gets you closer to those sponsored streams. Speaking of which How many holos has done sponsored streams 1 know Fubuki, Watame, Flare, Noel, Marine, Coco and Korone? I haven't seen the others yet.

>> No.25397533


>> No.25397534

>marines exp bar was almost level 2 after that single failed stage

>> No.25397535

Must feel good supachaing Moona knowing all your money goes to burgers and food instead of anything else like Vtubers and Gacha.

>> No.25397536

>Guy in pirate costume immediately groping marine

>> No.25397538

>marine is better with the camera than roberu
Our son...

>> No.25397539

>crab fight at 6am

Being a burger cocofag is suffering

>> No.25397541

name one youtube translation that isn't fucking ESL shit. I'd rather listen to it myself and slowly decipher it with my trash jp instead of watching a video where whole sentences aren't even translated and when they are it's liberal translations with broken english

>> No.25397542
Quoted by: >>25397561

Moona isn't streaming now, what are you talking about?

>> No.25397543

She got so excited seeing the other player with the pirate hat.

>> No.25397544
File: 491 KB, 1024x576, watalooinwaterloo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397566

Sure lad, enjoy your piece of toast sandwiched between your two slices of bread. Hope you don't die from the boredom while eating rubbish.
What's wrong laddie, you mad?

>> No.25397545

Marine is literally last place

>> No.25397547


>> No.25397550

haachama 3d cooking stream when????

>> No.25397551
Quoted by: >>25397562

While the Holos themselves are also getting checkmarks? Is this the result of some sort of official endorsement?

>> No.25397552

marine is absolutely horrendous at this

>> No.25397553

Marine is awful at this game

>> No.25397554


>> No.25397555

Well obviously, that's how she knew it was all in English.

>> No.25397556


>> No.25397557

>spics making better content than reddit
what is this timeline?

>> No.25397559

Because it is.
Crab Fight Club is kino vydia

>> No.25397560
File: 444 KB, 618x666, marine-crazy-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't go more than 30 seconds without making a sex joke, can she?

>> No.25397561


>> No.25397562
Quoted by: >>25397581

A lot of channel on Youtube have been getting checkmarks lately.

>> No.25397563

Marine won't finish seesaws

>> No.25397565
File: 308 KB, 480x480, 1591509253747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine..hold the back door

>> No.25397566
File: 369 KB, 580x508, Not impressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397660


>> No.25397568
Quoted by: >>25397591

Joke's on you, she never started.

>> No.25397569
File: 412 KB, 747x1547, chubbywomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397621

would you a chubby senchou?

>> No.25397570

The dedicated Okayu channel was pretty good. Also L`ger

>> No.25397572

She thinks she has to do it
I think she secretly has low self-esteem

>> No.25397575
Quoted by: >>25397599

Suisei Panel de Pon before/after her supposed totsumachi when

>> No.25397576
Quoted by: >>25397617

there are nuances to them anon. Yes almost all of them are shit but some of them, like hololive moments are even more shit than the others. I watched a few of the translated clips of Lamy debut and hololive moments were the absolute worst of the bunch

>> No.25397574
Quoted by: >>25397636

It's not her fault, she has a body meant for breeding.

>> No.25397578

It'd be great.

>> No.25397579

Ask in Risu chat PC when?

>> No.25397580

Most of the Holos won't be able to do slime climb

>> No.25397581

They got out if the netflix game and are instead concentrating on.....youtube. really high level business strats

>> No.25397582

marine you fucking JOP

>> No.25397585

At least it's not retarded like Fubuki, Suisei and Matsuri. What kind of cucks give money to someone who's just going to simp it to someone else or spending it all on gacha.

>> No.25397586

Aki's getting a 3d horror VR stream!

>> No.25397587

Noel is live and playing paper mario

>> No.25397591

Joke's on you it gave it to her again

>> No.25397592
Quoted by: >>25397758

Crippling depression

>> No.25397596

There is a void that needs to be filled one way or another.

>> No.25397598

First holo to beat slime climb?

>> No.25397599
Quoted by: >>25397633

After she spends a couple weeks practicing off screen.

>> No.25397600

hate to sate it but yeah he's pretty good.

>> No.25397603


>> No.25397605

She is the dedicated coomerbait streamer.

>> No.25397606


>> No.25397607
Quoted by: >>25397648

this game looks so fun

>> No.25397608


>> No.25397610

So close...

>> No.25397612

>Marin is awful at FallGame
Why is this old hag so dumb?
>She can't go

>> No.25397613

I really want to watch korone play fall guys. Imagine the fucking laughs from the mutt

>> No.25397614
File: 10 KB, 335x50, q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25397630

>> No.25397615


>> No.25397616
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25397617

Doesn't that channel translate Chinese subs to English?

>> No.25397618

>literally fell off after the timer hit 0
Come on Fall Guys

>> No.25397619

Aqua said she'll do Zelda again tomorrow at noon if anyone cares.

>> No.25397620

Why dont they have actual name ? It's just Fall Guy + [number]

>> No.25397621

Is there some other kind of Senchou I apparently don't know about?

>> No.25397622

This hot dog is so rude

>> No.25397623
Quoted by: >>25397651

Marine is going go sit through the entire games huh

>> No.25397625

fuck I wanna play this game

>> No.25397628

why is senchou this mentally challenged bros?

>> No.25397630

wait on which holo was that commented?

>> No.25397631

Jesus the absolute state of japanese ps4 players

>> No.25397633

shouldn't be far too different from Tetris so I doubt she will take a couple of weeks to practice it, unless she does it for Tetris reps overall

>> No.25397636

Japan please impregnate senchou

>> No.25397637
Quoted by: >>25397677

streamer mode to avoid sniping

>> No.25397638

>keanu reeves is so handsome
Cyberpunk 2077 confirmed from Risu if the fucking PC ever happen

>> No.25397639
Quoted by: >>25397665

No idea. I've come across them a few times and every time their translations and overall grammar have been pure dog shit

>> No.25397641

Don't worry. I'm sure she will and they'll all get clipped and compiled into a Hololive video.

>> No.25397642
Quoted by: >>25397677

probably streamer mode so people don't have rude names.

>> No.25397645
Quoted by: >>25397677

so the losers don't feel bad

>> No.25397646
Quoted by: >>25397677

They all have streamer mode enabled which masks everyone's names. You know, to avoid showing a dude named xxxNIGGERKILLERxxx on your stream.

>> No.25397644

Senchou did it

>> No.25397648

It's free on PS4.

>> No.25397649

Bug, it's been like that for days now.

>> No.25397647
Quoted by: >>25397654

is it possible to have a custom game with this? damn i can imagine holos playing this with their viewers

>> No.25397650
Quoted by: >>25397669

>"Marine's playing?"
Start the maintenance.

>> No.25397651

Are you replying to the correct post?

>> No.25397652
Quoted by: >>25397690

devs let the game read html code in steam names, so this is their temporary solution until it's fixed

>> No.25397654


you can do parties I believe

>> No.25397653


>> No.25397656

There is a bug on pc where u can use html code to make huge/weird names, they disabled it until they can fix it.

>> No.25397657

>Robel Ends stream.

>> No.25397660

Haha, no need to stay mad laddie.
Come watch the stream and let's have a proper laugh.
You're still a shithead for not liking haggis though.

>> No.25397661

Hilarious. They didnt secure their naming code so on pc you could name yourself html scripts and hack the game

>> No.25397662
Quoted by: >>25397683

>the whole race just fucking around to let marine win

>> No.25397665
Quoted by: >>25397714

If I'm remembering correctly they're the channel that translated ロリボ as loli boys

>> No.25397664

i predict marine

>> No.25397667

thank you kind anon

>> No.25397668

Towa no wife...

>> No.25397669

>Roberu called it in
Someone do the edit

>> No.25397671

Marine will be the only stream on soon... And there will be a maintenance for her game...

>> No.25397673

is haachama actually going to cook something edible?

>> No.25397674
Quoted by: >>25397696

Marine's english is as good as my japanese.

>> No.25397676

yes those translators are changs.

>> No.25397677

>fall guys narrativefags

>> No.25397678

Why do all the holos use xbox controllers?

>> No.25397679

The devs assign everyone random names right now, there were people using names to cause you bugs. It isn't streamer mode

>> No.25397680
Quoted by: >>25397694

At this point her cooking a perfect Beef Wellington would be a great joke

>> No.25397681

I care!

>> No.25397682


>> No.25397683

they are gatekeeping, pushing people off

>> No.25397687

>check Risu stream
>using the real voice
Fuck this tree rat always find a way to ruin my day

>> No.25397688
Quoted by: >>25397726

She'll also play Apex late at night, I wonder when she plans on sleeping. Please Aqua, I'll need to sleep eventually too.

>> No.25397691

Thank God marine's chat coached her

>> No.25397690

What kind of code lets you enable that? I thought it's off by default to use HTML.

>> No.25397693

how do you pronounce AZKi?

>> No.25397694

i want that as a 3d cooking stream

>> No.25397695
Quoted by: >>25397727

So do you need a PS+ or Nintendo Online Service to be able to play Fall Guys? The game looks fun from what I've seen and I'm considering getting it.

>> No.25397696


>> No.25397699
Quoted by: >>25397742

you dont honestly think any holo has the technical ability to set up a ps4 controller on pc, right anon?

>> No.25397703
Quoted by: >>25397724

>gyoza again
>this time, with oil
You just know she will DRENCH that shit in oil

>> No.25397704

It gets boring really fast desu, it's a meme game

>> No.25397705

imagine SMOK playing it

>> No.25397706

Coco uses a PS4 controller.

>> No.25397707


>> No.25397711


>> No.25397714
Quoted by: >>25397733

did they never think that loli boys are called shotas

>> No.25397716

why is risu so shit

>> No.25397717

Because PS controller is shit.

>> No.25397719

Most controller button icons for pc games nowadays are xbox by default, even if you use a switch pro controller or a ps4 controller

>> No.25397720


>> No.25397721

and here i wish duck would use her real voice when streaming

>> No.25397722

The same as ascii

>> No.25397724

i mean still edible but pretty bad for diabetics

>> No.25397725

Gosling editor bros, I need you.

>> No.25397726

Same, I didn't expect her to play so long until her next stream and there's still the debut stream. No sleep today I guess.

>> No.25397727

Ps4 with online gets it for free i believe

Pc is 20 freedom notes

>> No.25397728


>> No.25397730

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyd9KTKYWQI Sora fight crab

>> No.25397731

This. EOPs in chat turning it into their personal chatbox from time to time, gives me a chuckle though.

>> No.25397732


>> No.25397733

Yeah but it was just shorthand for loli voice
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking honestly

>> No.25397734
Quoted by: >>25397752

do it yourself seanig

>> No.25397735


>> No.25397736

Marine just Massagu Go'd! I never thought I'd hear that again

>> No.25397737

WTF the Holos are taking our FOTM game.

>> No.25397738


it's only $20, can't go wrong desu

>> No.25397739

99% of games still use xbox icons only

>> No.25397741

Azuki aka red beans

>> No.25397740



>> No.25397742

But they all use Steam, a PS4 controller is literally plug and play as a result.

>> No.25397743
Quoted by: >>25397825

It gets old really fast, unless they add like shitton of new stage and maybe custom made stages in the future like mario maker.

>> No.25397744

This game doesn't have Japanese localization?

>> No.25397745

Without U

>> No.25397747

Risu PLEASE!! Atleast pretend..

>> No.25397749


>> No.25397748

Please be nice to Risu guys

>> No.25397750


>> No.25397751

The Xbone controller is the objectively best controller, what do you mean? Even game devs use them.

>> No.25397752


>> No.25397753

Ah, SMOK...
or some say 'KOSM'.

>> No.25397754

Sora playing a game?
A meme game at that?
What the fuck is going on tonight?

>> No.25397756


>> No.25397757

Risu's real voice sounds like a young Russian boy

>> No.25397758

yea i know anon... life is pain...

>> No.25397759

What is SMOK? I only know about SOK

>> No.25397760

>Ayunda: "I have PTSD from big large rooms"

>> No.25397761


>> No.25397762

free on ps+

>> No.25397763
Quoted by: >>25397781

>maintenance for aqua but marine can still play


>> No.25397764

How the fuck did she get a match

>> No.25397767

I don't think Aqua can even read that is the funniest part of it.

>> No.25397772

are you fucking serious what the fuck

>> No.25397773

>Marine still playing
Narrativefags are in shambles.

>> No.25397774

It doesn't even need it desu they could remove language altogether and it would be playable

>> No.25397775

What did you expect from a has-been slutty hostess? She probably sold special service too
Her viewership is 55% underage as well

>> No.25397777
Quoted by: >>25397821

>Roberu calling Mediatonic to let her bitch play one more game.

>> No.25397778

Meanwhile Marine: lol

>> No.25397779


>> No.25397780

The Xbox One controller is objectively the best controller to use with PC overall due to ease of use and a great layout.

>> No.25397781
Quoted by: >>25397792

Marine's round isn't over

>> No.25397783
Quoted by: >>25397810

>only $20
Bit steep to me for a game like that. I could get the entire FO collection with $20.

>> No.25397784


>> No.25397785

true but japs dont buy xboxes, I figured they'd just stick with what they're used to.

>> No.25397786

Holy fuck

>> No.25397787

>30k viewers

>> No.25397789

Marine > Aqua

>> No.25397790

playstation > xbone on dpad focused games imo, the stiff clicky dpad sucks ass on 2D platformers

>> No.25397791


>> No.25397792

she just started a new one

>> No.25397793
Quoted by: >>25397802

Who is this bitch playing with Risu avatar?

>> No.25397800

Her stream wasn't listed on holotools, weird. Interesting to hear a holo's real voice for the first time.

>> No.25397801

Please understand....

>> No.25397802

Her roomamte

>> No.25397804

>asymmetrical sticks
>can't claw

>> No.25397805


>> No.25397806

Risu's onee-san voice is much better than the normal squirrel squeaking.

>> No.25397807
Quoted by: >>25397834

>30k viewer

>> No.25397808

game is weird... i even found out that there are hacks in the game to fly all around

>> No.25397809
Quoted by: >>25397820

I can't believe marine qualified

>> No.25397810

its more fun to watch than it is to play

>> No.25397811
Quoted by: >>25397840

>sana and aqua seething that marine still gets to play
this is funnier than i thought

>> No.25397812


>> No.25397813

I thought this had Japanese subs?

>> No.25397814

Oz Key

>> No.25397815


>> No.25397816


>> No.25397818

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyd9KTKYWQI Sora

>> No.25397819

Ahh, I want to membership Risu...

>> No.25397820

yeah, qualified to be a cum dumpster

>> No.25397821

>Roberu and Marine were working in cahoots the whole time to make sure Aqua couldn't play the game
>the only condition was that one of them had to move their stream to ensure they'd both get maximum viewership

>> No.25397824
Quoted by: >>25397828

>all those players simping for Marine and let her win

>> No.25397825

Well, you can say that about Fuzion Frenzy, Mario Party or anything like it, but the group element is what makes them endlessly enjoyable. "Gets old fast" is looking at them rather dishonestly.

>> No.25397826


>> No.25397827

this is the ultimate filter level

>> No.25397828

They can't even know she is Marine

>> No.25397829

Marine got slimed.

>> No.25397830


>> No.25397831

According to steam it does

>> No.25397832

Sora, download Fall Guys soon

>> No.25397834

Marine is always one of the highest for live viewers in general. Combine that with an extremely popular FOTM game and you get high viewership. I feel like we haven't seen a huge hit game like this since pre 1.0 PUBG.

>> No.25397835

>Youtube doxxed Aki's name

>> No.25397837
Quoted by: >>25397850

>that hotdog just blocking the way

>> No.25397838

Server maintenance in 3... 2... 1...

>> No.25397839
Quoted by: >>25397850

>that fucking hotdog

>> No.25397840

Gee Marine why do you get special privilege...

>> No.25397841
Quoted by: >>25397850

>This hotdog
The great filter

>> No.25397844

I want to slime inside Marine's mouth!

>> No.25397846


>> No.25397847


>> No.25397848



>> No.25397849

Only the ps4 version has japanese for some weird reason

>> No.25397850

wtf i hate korone now bros

>> No.25397851

RIP Marine.

>> No.25397852

I've always loved the 360/xbone controllers, but after using the switch procontroller I have a new favorite

>> No.25397853

>Sora didn't play fall guys because she knew it would maintenance hours ago

>> No.25397854

Marine yo....

>> No.25397855

Risu your voice changer...

>> No.25397857

Maintenance got marine

>> No.25397858

fuck this maintenance bullshit

>> No.25397859


>> No.25397862

for something that quickly got repetitive it's kinda expensive IMO.
well, at least it's not $60 blackjack and poker

>> No.25397864


>> No.25397865
Quoted by: >>25397871

Is this risu's normal voice? Is risu a boy squirrel?

>> No.25397866

how long is maintenance on this game anyway

>> No.25397867

anyone here bought the game

>> No.25397869

>Server maintenance
>Marine: Nani?

>> No.25397871

She is an hag

>> No.25397874

Shouldn't be longer than an hour.

>> No.25397875

wtf suisei with society man?

>> No.25397877

the dev is preparing for pecor

>> No.25397879

Apparently not for Steam version yet, but the PS4 versions has it.

>> No.25397881
Quoted by: >>25397903

Apparently, it automatically loads a language based on your country & regional format, which is the most retarded fucking thing, just make it an option you fags. In any case, it doesn't seem to be working.

>> No.25397882


>> No.25397888
Quoted by: >>25397900

>asking how long maintenance is
Lets just hope it's an hour.

>> No.25397889

No, because it's gonna be forgotten in a couple of weeks and eventually gonna be free on PC too

>> No.25397890


>> No.25397891

canata rushia miko suisei

>> No.25397892

Long enough to stop any future collaborations with Cover, Devolver's lawyers will be notified soon enough.

>> No.25397894

need to stop being EOP one of these days

>> No.25397896

>Roberu, Marine, Aqua, and Peko playing Fall Guys
>Sora, Aruran, and Coco playing Fight Crab

>> No.25397897
Quoted by: >>25397907

Damn, Risu sounds like THIS?

>> No.25397900


the devs are tuning the game to make it even more trollworthy for pekora

>> No.25397901
Quoted by: >>25397962

PS4 has japanese right? teach marine how

>> No.25397903
Quoted by: >>25397917

What if that's what the maintenance is for? They saw all these Vtubers streaming and were like
>shit it's not even working

>> No.25397904

This is Risu ideal man

>> No.25397905

>immediately chose Pantsu
big kusa

>> No.25397906

Woah that's some nice BGM Sora.

>> No.25397907

Be careful

>> No.25397908


>> No.25397909
Quoted by: >>25398016

Are they preparing for that NHK special thingy?

>> No.25397911

>Fight Crab

>> No.25397912

I'd take this over ark any day.

>> No.25397913

Weebs translate

>> No.25397914

>same time

>> No.25397915

No. It's another flavor of the month streamer game.

>> No.25397917

Nah, it's for the content update, they are readding a beta map and making some changes

>> No.25397918

I wonder if anyone regrets signing on Risu.

>> No.25397921

Don't bother, this game won't retain players for more than a month.

>> No.25397922

It's popular so might as well enjoy it while everyone else is too.

>> No.25397923

Why does Sora have no membership?

>> No.25397924

It says:
Do your reps, Anon-san.

>> No.25397925


>> No.25397926

Basically Aqua is gonna rape marine after marine is finished streaming

>> No.25397929

I regretted investing on her...

>> No.25397930
Quoted by: >>25397942

The rendering in Fall Guys is kinda impressive (on the character select screen, at least), look at the highlights and soft shadows, they look like vinyl toys

>> No.25397931

this risu voice is surprisingly arousing
bros, help me

>> No.25397932

>balance and map
Oh shit really really? based devs

>> No.25397935

Not on youtube, but she has a NND membership set up.

>> No.25397937

She decided not to as she has one for NicoNico

>> No.25397940

i played the beta
its not worth it

>> No.25397941

something about the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.25397942

they look like mighty beans with arms

>> No.25397943

I think they're adding the map in a later patch, they said tonight's update is just a hotfix for something.

>> No.25397945

It was "free" for PS plus users so yeah. It's fun for short sessions but I can't play it for more than half an hour

>> No.25397944

ohnonnoo senchou is going to throw money already

>> No.25397946

They are talking how Coco was rude to the 5th gen yesterday

>> No.25397947

Someone gift Senchou her pirate outfit now!

>> No.25397950

i'd like her if this was her debut voice from the start...

>> No.25397951

I don't

>> No.25397952

if this was on switch too it would even be more popular

>> No.25397953


>> No.25397954

anyone have that screenshot of a translated clip saying something like "catch a feeling of something yabai!"

>> No.25397955

based and goslingpilled goslingposter

>> No.25397957


>> No.25397956

I love this Risu voice.

>> No.25397958


>> No.25397960
Quoted by: >>25397973

Suisei training and prepping for events while other holos rack in supachas from playing games...

>> No.25397961

Marine called Aqua, now they can be useless together

>> No.25397962

Marine is playing the PC version. Aqua will play on PS4.

>> No.25397963

Basically Aqua is saying she wasn't chosen then Marine says it dropped on her.

>> No.25397964

Marine no, don't let aqua in

>> No.25397966


>> No.25397968
Quoted by: >>25398092

>Sora has 2k viewers and Marine has 30k

>> No.25397969

i love aqua

>> No.25397970

>Marine 5pm
>Aqua 6pm
>Pekora 7pm

>> No.25397971

So is Aqua's real voice just like a retarded Shion?

>> No.25397973
Quoted by: >>25397994

Training what

>> No.25397974

>fall guys is CANCELLED
>lost watchers resort to sora's crab battle

based luck, sora deserves the attention

>> No.25397975

Ps4 probably bought exclusivity

>> No.25397976

2 Holos complain about maintenance.

>> No.25397977
Quoted by: >>25397993

temma's roommate requested to follow my private account i use to follow their roommate twitters and i felt real fear before realizing he follows everyone back on his second account

>> No.25397980
Quoted by: >>25398045

I feel the same way x10 but with Subaru

>> No.25397981

didn't she say at the start of the stream that she played a test run beforehand?

>> No.25397982
Quoted by: >>25397991

is that aqua's real voice

>> No.25397983

>80K players on Steam right now
uhh, I don't think this is just FOTM, unless it just ends up being another PUBG I guess

>> No.25397984

marine...the pirate outfit...onegai...

>> No.25397985


>> No.25397986

They can host their own server? Marine Aqua and Pekora playing fall guys with each other please.

>> No.25397987

Marine and Aqua are collabing now apparently

>> No.25397989

Aqua sounds a bit off, did she take a nap after her Zelda stream?

>> No.25397990
Quoted by: >>25398041



>> No.25397992

Suisei's NHK recordings are going well I see.

>> No.25397993

kek, what the fuck are you doin homobro

>> No.25397991

Sounds like she just woked up.

>> No.25397994

Her throat

>> No.25397995

>the number of exclamation points on every YAGOO "おめでとう" tweet is related to the numbered milestone(two for 2*, three for 3*)
why is he like this?

>> No.25397996

How long is the server maintenance anyways?

>> No.25397998

Aqua's mic quality sounds so weird over Marine's Discord.

>> No.25397999

what the fuck is this currency


>> No.25398000

It's only an indie game, isn't it? It got so popular so fast the servers couldn't handle it and then the game started getting review bombed as a result. With this sort of success it'll probably end up on the Switch eventually, that's if it doesn't stop being the flavour of the month by the time it happens.

>> No.25398001

Just as autistic as the girls, I see.

>> No.25398002


>> No.25398003

You can party as a group of four, but you can't make a server yet.

>> No.25398005

she was streaming earleir

>> No.25398006

Indian Rupees

>> No.25398008
Quoted by: >>25398023

it's 100% FOTM game.

>> No.25398009

>learn potential form of verbs
>suddenly streams make significant more sense
why did no one tell me this?

>> No.25398010

Just go on google's app store and download the translate app and have the camera look at the text

It's something about trying to play together but maintenance

>> No.25398011

Indian rupee

>> No.25398012
Quoted by: >>25398039

The game is new and by an indie studio, so that's not an option. There's no private servers, no crossplay, and overall a lack of minigames. Not to say that it's a bad game, but there's a ton of improvement if they want to maintain popularity.

>> No.25398013

>wild Aqua appeared

>> No.25398014

The game's honestly would be real boring if there weren't a whole bunch of people causing chaos.

>> No.25398015
Quoted by: >>25398074

Is this real. I refuse to believe it...

>> No.25398016

she said she's doing recordings today so yes

>> No.25398017


>> No.25398018

She's been streaming Zelda for the past five hours and, only stopped to play FG.

>> No.25398020

Video Game currency

>> No.25398021

Imagine the noise complaints from fucking aqua and all the sound she'd make.

>> No.25398022

imagine talking to aqua over discord. this is some kind of ASMR


>> No.25398023

As long as the devs keeps it interesting, i.e. add more arenas/maps, server browser maybe, and more content, I think it'll keep going strong.

>> No.25398024

>senchou putting baqua's image at the bottom left

>> No.25398025

90% of his tweets are おめでとう. Might as well mix it up a bit.

>> No.25398026

unless they add maps and content at an incredible rate, it is absolutely a fotm and will die soon

>> No.25398027
Quoted by: >>25398047

Verb conjugation is the backbone of language

>> No.25398028

Have you literally never studied another language before?

>> No.25398029

Hylian Rupees

>> No.25398031

Where did you learn those from, Tae Kim?

>> No.25398032

Yes, I want to play with Marine.

>> No.25398033

assassins creed 2 money

>> No.25398034

I do every day.

>> No.25398035
Quoted by: >>25398053



>> No.25398036

Because every language is 70% verbs

>> No.25398037


>> No.25398039

why no crossplay, should be the first future they implement

>> No.25398040
Quoted by: >>25398060


>> No.25398041

if I concentrate hard enough I can imagine that this is her sucking my dick

>> No.25398042

Hardest choice has to be made today and I do not have the strongest will. Watching Sora or ara ara Risu.

>> No.25398043


>> No.25398044

aqua is so cute

>> No.25398045
Quoted by: >>25398083

mind sharing an example?

>> No.25398046

Sora a cute

>> No.25398047

I didn't realize できる was used every other sentence.

>> No.25398048

I don't get it. You mean the られる?

>> No.25398049

Holy shit Aqua is so cute

>> No.25398050
Quoted by: >>25398065

Looks kind of boring honestly
And I like Mario Party

>> No.25398052

Why is Aqua so cute?

>> No.25398053

Does Aqua Slurp when she's nervous

>> No.25398054

Microsoft tech support tokens

>> No.25398056

she's a sperg

>> No.25398058
Quoted by: >>25398077

Are they doing a Clubhouse collab now?

>> No.25398059


>> No.25398060

>first reddit
>then a childhood "friend" stole from her
>now a fucking leaf
She never gets a break...

>> No.25398061

... please shut up.

>> No.25398062

She really is. I love her so much.

>> No.25398063


>> No.25398065

Its harder than it looks. I disagree that watching is better.

>> No.25398068


>> No.25398069

Thumbnail making collab!

>> No.25398072

Fall guys caused Aquamarine collab so you should thank the game atleast

>> No.25398073
Quoted by: >>25398095

damn aqua sounds cuter now? explain this

>> No.25398074


>> No.25398075

God I wish Aqua paid me to take her virginity...

>> No.25398076

what a cute dork

>> No.25398077

I think they're just gonna do some drawing until Fall Guys is back

>> No.25398078

why the fuck would you? japanese has anime girls and chuubas as a driving force behind wanting to learn it, the fuck do other languages have?

>> No.25398079

Private discord msging

>> No.25398081


>> No.25398080

True Neutral doing a power move.

>> No.25398082



>> No.25398083


>> No.25398085

Verbs are the most important part of a sentence. That applies to any language, anonchama

>> No.25398086

Uhhhhhh french gives you... the language that sounds bad

>> No.25398088


>> No.25398090

Most schools force their students to study another language for at least a few years

>> No.25398091

Then what does this mean?

>> No.25398092

Welcome to forever where one is a normal idol that regularly does stuff outside YT and the other is a cosplay old woman who l gets lots of exposure and collabs with the other Holos on YT

>> No.25398093

>tfw maint will end just before Pekora's stream
Damn, I'm in awe of rabbit's luck.

>> No.25398094

I can't stop watching senchou's tits

>> No.25398095

shes not doing her Aqua voice, shes doing her normal voice
sounds like she just woke up

>> No.25398097

Is YAGOO autistic?

>> No.25398098

But what does the Aki one mean... was she failing so hard that he's super proud he gave her two whole kanji?

>> No.25398099


>> No.25398100

What a fucking autist, just like his employees.

>> No.25398103

Why is Aqua so fucking autistic?

>> No.25398104

