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File: 304 KB, 650x679, Ee7LyXuUcAA0zI3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25382976 No.25382976 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>25383250


>> No.25382979
File: 1.97 MB, 1500x3000, 79070181_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.25382981
File: 858 KB, 2894x4093, 1574553574222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25382982
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.25382983
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25382986
File: 874 KB, 3840x2160, 1596693568317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25382987
File: 193 KB, 345x314, chrome_ufqhr3gE6b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25382998


>> No.25382988
File: 159 KB, 359x359, 1574599021460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe Love!

>> No.25382989
File: 52 KB, 684x513, 3carrots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 carrots

>> No.25382990
Quoted by: >>25383023

>she will be breaking off from hololive with a few other girls to form a new group
With blackjack and Towa?

>> No.25382991


>> No.25382992


>> No.25382993
File: 135 KB, 240x279, sadcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uso desshou?

>> No.25382994


>> No.25382996
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 60939978-C229-4FE7-82A8-803F6D7DA477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25382997

huge poggers brothers

>> No.25382998


>> No.25382999
File: 759 KB, 4096x2896, EfMgn64U0AA8u8N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.25383001
File: 234 KB, 1219x1198, EfOsleMU8AYuadG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383000
File: 1.62 MB, 1272x725, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383044


>> No.25383003

Luna is running roughshod over Flare so far in this game

>> No.25383004

>listening to watame and pekora supacha reading at the same time trying to understand both of them

is this peak listening practice?

>> No.25383005
Quoted by: >>25383064

Why do crying girls give me boner bros?

>> No.25383007
File: 351 KB, 1480x2048, Ee47O0qUwAQVzES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383089


>> No.25383009
File: 392 KB, 596x527, 1594688010916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you enjoy my Twitch debut soon, /hlg/

>> No.25383010
File: 43 KB, 680x383, 54364578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383012
Quoted by: >>25383057

brainlet here
please link botans supposed twitter or youtube channel

>> No.25383013
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1573334577452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is a whore

>> No.25383014


>> No.25383015
File: 3.26 MB, 3270x2894, Eet-lIoVoAAvKSm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383285


>> No.25383016

Haha but this is a Mario game, Bobby will definitely come back later right?

>> No.25383017
File: 382 KB, 1897x1427, 1594561078830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's cocock...

>> No.25383018

Sad Cat...

>> No.25383019
Quoted by: >>25383026

That hit Okayu pretty hard.

>> No.25383020
File: 51 KB, 683x683, 1585378348143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest, do you know who this is?

>> No.25383021
File: 1.92 MB, 422x394, Mio1144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never forget her! Awaiting her return.
I also hope Miko returns, I don't watch her, but I know how much joy she brings to her fans, and I want them to be happy too. We are in this together.

>> No.25383022

I was on a funeral and missed it, how was the 5th gen girl debut?

>> No.25383023
Quoted by: >>25383052

This narrative is so retarded I kind of want it to be true

>> No.25383025


>> No.25383026

give it another 5 minutes

>> No.25383028
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1590344469006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383072


>> No.25383029

The amount of autism in this collab

>> No.25383030
File: 1.35 MB, 1071x1200, EeJvJx4U4AETmK3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!

>> No.25383033
File: 671 KB, 2634x2508, 1590324603536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F for Bobby

>> No.25383035
Quoted by: >>25383328

Nene is Haato and Suisei's favorite right?

>> No.25383036
File: 169 KB, 854x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you manage your time when two of your favorites chuubas are streaming at the same time.

>> No.25383037


>> No.25383039

>Iofi doen't talk to them
She's really the best ID

>> No.25383041


>> No.25383042
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x3000, EfNq2aGUYAcNxk0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383043

are all women as horny as marine?

>> No.25383044

ah fuck I missed it

That part killed me inside

>> No.25383045

>Korone's Dragon's Lair is back
Surprised they were able to get permissions for that
>Revenge of the Shinobi and Space Channel 5 back
Sega permissions incoming?

>> No.25383046
Quoted by: >>25383093

>a fucking Mario game permanently killed off a character

>> No.25383047


>> No.25383049
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1596899337234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383050

This Artia stream is so adorable. How can anyone hate this chinese gremlin?

>> No.25383051

I watch miko's archive after pekora

>> No.25383052

I can't believe Coco is bullying Towa into following her...

>> No.25383053

That's 35P right?

>> No.25383055


>> No.25383056

But bob-ombs always were okay in the other games!

>> No.25383057
Quoted by: >>25383515


>> No.25383058

She's just BadNoel.

>> No.25383059
File: 13 KB, 970x474, ゴズリング79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383061
File: 746 KB, 2480x3508, EfO5TGHU0AAStvQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383060

Peak dementia if you have poor sleeping habits.

>> No.25383062

No, this is.

>> No.25383063

These Ark collabs are legit starting to piss me so much Risu isn't getting the fucking PC already.
Iofi Moona Artia Risu, the KINO

>> No.25383064

pecor is dat u

>> No.25383065

Flare and Luna are fucking cute together.

>> No.25383066
File: 839 KB, 1240x1748, 1597246218737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383100


>> No.25383068
Quoted by: >>25383133


>> No.25383069
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, chapter3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383110

sad okayu hours

>> No.25383070


>> No.25383071
File: 846 KB, 2893x4092, Moona.Hoshinova.full.2941241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383102

I love my drunk and ARK obsessed wife Moona!

>> No.25383072
Quoted by: >>25383087

Im a newfag why are they playing in chinese

>> No.25383074
File: 105 KB, 431x165, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383118


>> No.25383075
Quoted by: >>25383109

the price for this miracle is no dog stream

>> No.25383079


>> No.25383080

I never hate anyone, but artiafags here talk like a 12 years old with their twitchlingo is disgusting.

>> No.25383081
File: 797 KB, 604x1280, Polka_Honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385559

Hey guys *honk*

>> No.25383082

Are the gen 5 holos going to pay tribute to Coco? It's only fair considering they wouldn't have been nearly as successful if not for her shaping Hololive into what it is today.

>> No.25383084

All Coco information comes from one of the triad members posting on 5ch. So it was always accurate so far.

>> No.25383085
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1591644782439.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383222

The best thing about it is that it's just as dorky as you'd expect
Also while playing APEX on the phone with Kanata Suisei sometimes starts screaming out of nowhere because she's getting gunned down.

>> No.25383086

I hope Coco and cabaych join this autism but I doubt

>> No.25383087
Quoted by: >>25383266

Artia is chinese...

>> No.25383089


>> No.25383090

She's drink sake instead of water.

>> No.25383091

Artia is fucking RETARDED!

>> No.25383093
Quoted by: >>25383148


explain why

like, paper mario is supposed to be light hearted, right?

>> No.25383095

That's pretty weirdchamp my dude

>> No.25383097

How long has Artia been in America? Her English is pretty good

>> No.25383096

Priority 1) Oshi
Priority 2) If oshi isn't streaming I'll try to watch both.

>> No.25383098
File: 1.07 MB, 1401x1800, 1595846811292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously how can one hate Moona? Not intressted sure but hate?

She's like the autistic kid in class, sure you don't want to be friends with him but he's goddamn entertaining when he starts eating mud in the sandbox or gets up in the middle of class to give the teacher a haymaker to the temple

>> No.25383099
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383100
File: 2.36 MB, 2429x3402, 83255935_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tempted to say she's the Ayame of the IDs, solely carried by her design, but then again she's also the hardest working ID.

>> No.25383102

Absolutely haram.

>> No.25383104

nice catch anon

>> No.25383105

Average. Pretty standard cute voice imo, I think it's overly safe as a debut like the holo's gen 1 debuts... will be interested on her development like the evolution of pekora

>> No.25383106

Korone did a funny dance in the space 5 channel

>> No.25383108

What is artia's nationality?

>> No.25383110
File: 1.79 MB, 1867x1072, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383109
Quoted by: >>25383153

She cleared all of Mother, she deserves a break.

>> No.25383111

I can't believe marine stole kanata's wallet and also tried to fuck her

>> No.25383112
Quoted by: >>25383154

>blasphemous dead again
>shitposts gone

>> No.25383114
File: 316 KB, 640x317, sadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25383119
File: 3.14 MB, 2500x3536, 48B34739-5E42-4EFB-831F-41D8032E9A57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

Fuck these threads got fast

>> No.25383116
Quoted by: >>25383140

she is a fat fuck

>> No.25383117
File: 1.17 MB, 990x1500, 1595587047767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383118

i-is that shien on the top part?? bros?>>25383074

>> No.25383120
File: 1.24 MB, 400x400, 8a10f5f9272fcd57073171cdffef1b2e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383167


>Artia is actually streaming

>> No.25383122
File: 255 KB, 1489x2048, 1583327790795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IndoChino making Hololive great again!

>> No.25383124

Watameeeeee dont cry

>> No.25383125

>sheep is crying again
reset the counter

>> No.25383126
File: 518 KB, 3000x1316, EfOybb4U0AILBla.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color are her panties?

>> No.25383128

My autistic HoloEN children...

>> No.25383127


>> No.25383129

Artia is the most watched Ark stream on Twitch right now

>> No.25383131
Quoted by: >>25383172

Ayame isn't solely carried by her design, retard. Stop believing narratives.

>> No.25383132
File: 150 KB, 439x290, Watame counter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383194

Please Watame. Just a single day.

>> No.25383133

>Coco drinking so much she constantly has to take off clothing to cool down
>her disgusted look every time she raises her arms and gets a whiff of her own musk
>quietly mumbles to herself that she hopes Suisei can get plumbers over to hook up the shower and washer soon

>> No.25383135

She really isn't all too interesting. She's not really the type to play games, so expect zatsudans and utawaku more often than not. And hopefully the occasional drunk zatsudan/utawaku.

>> No.25383134
File: 97 KB, 318x337, 1588507736878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383137

Risu's the Ayame of holoID

>> No.25383136
Quoted by: >>25383214

is iofi also a hard worker tho?

>> No.25383138

Don't be like that Anon. I love her not because autism or whatever. Don't denigrate my feeling.

>> No.25383139

Damn, Okayu just had sniffles. If it was Watame she'd be weeping.

>> No.25383140

She doesn't look fat to me

>> No.25383141

why is watame crying now?

>> No.25383142

Artia is doing pretty well for herself on twitch.

>> No.25383144


>> No.25383145
Quoted by: >>25383170

Is ARK actually fun

>> No.25383147
Quoted by: >>25383238

autism duo gushing about PPT is cute

>> No.25383148

thousand year door is unexpectedly dark, the new modern ones are as dull and generic as you'd expect

>> No.25383149

After watching Artia and Moona interact. I am so happy I never started any reps. I feel like I am at my work and people desperately try to force me into small talk. It is not tiresome. It is painful. Clips are really a godsend. And the mistranslations are only a fuel for narratives.

>> No.25383150


>> No.25383151


>> No.25383153
Quoted by: >>25383202

she put an angry emoji on her tweet she wants to play more games, not take a break

>> No.25383154
Quoted by: >>25383197

Blasphemous is back anon.

>> No.25383156

oh shit is that GHOST BOBBY

>> No.25383157

>force ghost bobby
this fucking game man

>> No.25383159
Quoted by: >>25383190

more like IndoKino

>> No.25383162


>> No.25383161


>> No.25383163

What the fuck, so Marine really wasn't just pandering to the horny yurifag crowd?

>> No.25383164
File: 45 KB, 360x360, CF89C665-66EB-4B79-8E88-649BEC7B885D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this one new? Fuck it’s good

>> No.25383166

another one of "those" supachas that make her cry.

and she's been saying "i won't cry" all this time

>> No.25383167
Quoted by: >>25385299


Holy shit I didn't think a chat could be worse than the usual youtube chat.

>> No.25383168

why does the sheep not have many collabs?

>> No.25383169
File: 69 KB, 583x500, 1593774297723.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are those reps coming along anon?

>> No.25383170

Only if
>you play on a private server without power tripping admin
>you have your own enstablisahed gang on said server

>> No.25383172

You are both wrong. The sample size is too small to judge either way.

>> No.25383173

Origami King is actually good surprisingly

>> No.25383174
File: 246 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20200813_005823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>151 plays

>> No.25383176
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Four fox, five fox, six fox, Fubuki~

>> No.25383177


>> No.25383178

no, women masturbate much less than men

>> No.25383179

Level 19!

>> No.25383180

Suicidal people sending her supacha and it was JP too this time.

>> No.25383182

Moona has the highest hours clocked in the server now and is 20 hours ahead of the second place. WTF

>> No.25383183
File: 998 KB, 2894x4093, 1570117497338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fantastic post-stream zatsudan. All that silly talk about conspiracy theories, learning about black holes, and just generally goofing off. She sounded like she was having tons of fun and I'm sure every nousagi had fun too.
And then all those 好き supas as a finisher. As gay as it sounds my chest was warm all throughout.

>> No.25383181

Coco sahotages her

>> No.25383184
File: 31 KB, 351x307, 1596904313385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she deal with a japanese woman being a better chinese than her?

>> No.25383185
Quoted by: >>25383426

She isn't a leech

>> No.25383187

She's the kind of person that doesn't want to bother others so she expects others to invite her.

>> No.25383188

The Paper Mario games have always been dark.
Super Paper Mario was quite depressing. The newest one slightly less so, but still pretty dark.

>> No.25383189

I was doing my /fit/ reps but now I'm crying with Okayu...

>> No.25383190
Quoted by: >>25383229


>> No.25383191

Working on my fap reps while listening to Watame cry right now bro

>> No.25383192
Quoted by: >>25383234

Its alone at the top
t. Baqua

>> No.25383193


>> No.25383194
Quoted by: >>25383226

Maybe if you pay her enough she's gonna stop. Probably not though.

>> No.25383195
Quoted by: >>25383252

>720p highest resolution option


>> No.25383197

I guess my youtube fucked up. Everything after the Nichijou cover was gone even though I had it up earlier. I see them again.

>> No.25383198

white, obviously.

>> No.25383200

yes but they have more control of their sexual urges than men do most of the time

>> No.25383201


>> No.25383202

Yeah that sounds like Korone alright.

>> No.25383203
File: 166 KB, 317x279, chrome_uN9td4cj0R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383206
Quoted by: >>25383261

Is Moona isn't faking her voice? I don't socialize with women..

>> No.25383207

I wanna comfort Okayu, damn it

>> No.25383208
File: 94 KB, 1080x1080, 1595765580724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its breaking me

>> No.25383209

Cut the waterworks already sheep. This is just trite at this point

>> No.25383210

unadulterated autism

>> No.25383211
File: 90 KB, 210x230, firefox_PIMC5G78wx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25383212


>> No.25383213


>> No.25383214
File: 131 KB, 828x1721, EdfKOhVUYAAmfBh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu and Moona have more streams than Iofi, even after you remove all the shitpost videos.

>> No.25383215

Lotta good streams today
>Haachama feet drawing
>Lamy debut
>Flare Luna collab
>Sora minecraft
>Artia Moona collab

>> No.25383217

ah fuck it's hard to see okayu crying

>> No.25383219

Okayu please...

>> No.25383218

marine is an outlier

>> No.25383220

okayu ; ;

>> No.25383222

Do they roleplay with Kanata as a shota?

>> No.25383221
File: 42 KB, 478x539, chrome_KmDPs5Ftd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to click AT to see All Time bro. She has been the highest for the month though.

>> No.25383224


>> No.25383223

Okayu is crying...

>> No.25383226
Quoted by: >>25383255

What if you say that you love her content a ton and how it cheers you up?

>> No.25383225

Airani is there too

>> No.25383227
File: 44 KB, 600x900, 1597204320367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383247

Does anyone still have that Bibi collab alarm gif?

>> No.25383228
Quoted by: >>25383267

Why is this fucking bitch crying? It's just a fucking bomb.

>> No.25383229

I think he's referring to the /tv/ meme

>> No.25383230

Okayu... ;_;

>> No.25383231

Moona's autistic, fairly boring, and horrible in collabs, but you can't deny her hard work and long hours

>> No.25383232
File: 145 KB, 1000x1018, 1596050615416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck even I'm tearing up

>> No.25383234

It's Marine

>> No.25383235
Quoted by: >>25383284

Is there a particular reason why the indogs are the only girls that use streamlabs?

>> No.25383236

ogayu pls stop crying

>> No.25383237


>> No.25383238

Is EVERYONE in Hololive gay for Kanata or what?

>> No.25383241

All twitter says is just license, graduations, doxxes, drama.
I just wanna play puzzle games for YAGOO's sake!

>> No.25383242

She genuinely loves the game. I hope one day all of us will find our vidyas just like her.

>> No.25383244
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1575401673641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu fags are annoying
shut up already

>> No.25383245
Quoted by: >>25383411

>Space Channel 5 P2 is back
Korone's funnest stream ever. Everyone should watch it at least once.

>> No.25383246
File: 82 KB, 800x800, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah fuck...okayu...I'm not strong enough...

>> No.25383247
File: 29 KB, 860x906, 1594831596007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383292

No, sorry.

>> No.25383249

Watame and Okayu crying collab when?

>> No.25383250
File: 1.20 MB, 2896x4096, 1595972418840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko is my wifu!

>> No.25383251
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.25383252
File: 1.83 MB, 1334x749, twitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383262

artia... the resolution... onegai

>> No.25383253


>> No.25383254

I just realized that without her withe dress Pekora's design is a classic playboy bunny girl.

>> No.25383255

She can't handle praise too. Remember how Kanata's simple letter of appreciation made her cry even though she was expecting it?

>> No.25383257

WHY are Towafags like this??

>> No.25383258
File: 641 KB, 1080x810, 1593987532787.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25383259


>> No.25383260
File: 380 KB, 1340x1869, EbgMBeNU8AAkVrE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383374

She was pretty serious at first but started to just play into the jokes, she's not that idioticly autistic, maybe...
I doubt she'll do a zatsudan like yesterday unless it's member-only though.

>> No.25383261

Moona's actual voice seem to be the deeper one

>> No.25383262
File: 286 KB, 1280x720, 1578343841099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383282

Use streamlink.

>> No.25383263

fair enough

>> No.25383264

don't use my girlfriend to falseflag you bitch

>> No.25383265
File: 1.19 MB, 715x1000, Rami15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lamy is the cute

>> No.25383266

wtf is this?
She doesn't speak engrish? fuck her, unsubscribed.

>> No.25383267


>> No.25383268

can someone explain to me this

>> No.25383269
File: 228 KB, 1600x1920, okayuhug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383272
Quoted by: >>25383308

Not as annoying as the faggots going on and on about Moona and Artia

>> No.25383273 [DELETED] 
File: 521 KB, 662x488, mafumafu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just want you to know that one of them is rushia's boyfriend and they live together

>> No.25383278

>another one of "those" supachas that make her cry.
You mean someone talking about how they were considering killing themselves?

>> No.25383280
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1594048009963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu I want to comfort you but...

>> No.25383282
Quoted by: >>25383300

How does streamlink work? I tried the program Livestreamer which streamlink is based on, but I haven't tried streamlink yet

>> No.25383284
Quoted by: >>25383293

Youtube doesn't accept indo currency for superchats or memberships, they need to use VPN.

>> No.25383285

Cute intro

>> No.25383286

Moona stop flexing your big fat shark

>> No.25383287

luna's brain eventually stopped working

>> No.25383289

stop doxxing me its not cool

>> No.25383290

big pp

>> No.25383291

fuck off pole

>> No.25383292
File: 20 KB, 358x228, 1596360756999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383293

Oh okay, thank you

>> No.25383296
File: 1.21 MB, 1920x1080, 1595763282810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 14 Thread #2

I love Mikochi so much!

>> No.25383297
Quoted by: >>25383330

Imagine watching two autists when LunaFlare is on.

>> No.25383298

Nobody cares about Rushia.

>> No.25383299

I'd pound their bussy

>> No.25383300

There's a streamlink twitch gui if you think you're mentally deficient for cli

>> No.25383301

Thanks for being there for MIko...

>> No.25383302
Quoted by: >>25383465

but those are girls

>> No.25383303
Quoted by: >>25383353

I've only ever half assedly looked for roommate stuff, so the main revelation I'm getting from this is the realisation Marine has had at least FOUR Twitter accounts

>> No.25383304

So people are gonna keep making those suicide supas to play on the strings of holos now?

>> No.25383305

Hopefully its a healthy relation that will soon enough turn serious and provide Japan with the new births it so desperately needs!

>> No.25383306

so whats the deal with JP "fair use"?
Do they need to pay or beg for permission before streaming a game?

>> No.25383308

God's forbid we talk about streaming Holo's in Hololive thread

>> No.25383309

Yes, she's everyone designated boyfriend since they aren't allowed to have them

>> No.25383311

Rushia has hundreds of boyfriends, bro...

>> No.25383313
File: 151 KB, 850x1132, 54634567569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very fun stream today! I enjoyed it a lot. Now I think I'll try to get some rest. Later, nousagi!

>> No.25383314

WTF rushia bros

>> No.25383315

These look like, allah forgive me for uttering this word, g**ks

>> No.25383316
File: 398 KB, 1125x828, 9B8A05A7-6B1A-4856-867C-B18F47EAF5BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally went into facebook after so many years
>still friends with some of my old weeb friends who apparently are also into hololive
>he shared this post
a literal facebook page dedicated to posts a post from this thread. now you know why this thread has gotten so shit.

>> No.25383318

why are okayufags sad now?

>> No.25383321

Don't run from getting over it?

>> No.25383324

Don't run away from Getting Over It

>> No.25383327

Her voice is cute but I can't associate with Indonesians.

>> No.25383328
File: 1.26 MB, 4000x4000, IMG_20200812_234039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei seems to love all of them equally right now.

>> No.25383326


>> No.25383330

that seems redundant

>> No.25383331

I wanted to play along with some /sci/ jokes but I suck at that kind of japanese

>> No.25383332

Hello pekofag.

>> No.25383334

Holy Artia didn't she just start a week ago or something

>> No.25383336

Falseflagbro, how about you watch a stream instead?

>> No.25383337

When is there gonna be a Low Tier God of vtubers?

>> No.25383338

>Revenge of the Shinobi and Space Channel 5 back
>Sega permissions incoming?
Didn't the feature Korone in an official Space Channel 5 thing? I would have thought it was a no-brainer

>> No.25383339

It's primetime right now and there's actually people watching Moona play Ark. Really says a lot about these threads.

>> No.25383342

I just like her elf tits

>> No.25383343

Why are pekofags like this?

>> No.25383344
Quoted by: >>25383409

Imagine doing this instead of your totsumachi

>> No.25383345


>> No.25383347

I'd honestly fuck all of them. They look more feminine than Towa's roommate. Didn't know Rushia was a lesbian.

>> No.25383349
File: 297 KB, 483x483, 1590719737737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bing bing wahoo character dies
pathetic faggots

>> No.25383351
Quoted by: >>25383436

why would they perma kill a character in a mario game?

>> No.25383352


>> No.25383353
Quoted by: >>25383407

Which ones? Does that include the hololive account?

>> No.25383354

WTF am I a facebooker too?

>> No.25383355

What the fuck, Artia was streaming this whole damn time. Fucking Twitch.

>> No.25383356


>> No.25383358
Quoted by: >>25383393

>cute ESL English
>disgusting troll English
It's really strange to listen to. Artia sounds fucking hideous IRL.

>> No.25383359
File: 108 KB, 221x256, 1593275450825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree! We should all be talking about that dashing sheep Watame who happens to be streaming right now! Lets all rush over to watch her instead!

>> No.25383360

Okayu didn't even read supacha....

>> No.25383361

ok towatard

>> No.25383362


>> No.25383363

She also was supposed to be studying for finals all this week.
She might have been AFKing though.

>> No.25383364
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1591366296461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383365

she's a real gamer even off the clock unlike these f*kers

>> No.25383368
Quoted by: >>25384271

Okayu's too sad to read supacha, she'll do it next time. She was going to sing that one guy happy birthday at the end of the stream though...

>> No.25383369

Why did you show me this?

>> No.25383370

Must be hard being bald in Japan

>> No.25383372

All Moona collabs are so stiff and awkward, I love it!

>> No.25383374
File: 523 KB, 992x1403, 1581791667737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure the "Flat Earth" stuff was bait, at least I hope, surely our bunny isn't this stupid.
And yeah, yesterdays zatsudan was a one of a kind for non-member streams at least, after all she and people in chat pointed out that it had a member-stream feel too it.
One of the reasons she got all worked up about the love messages was that she was worried outsiders would come in and see a stream where she and the chat just say "I love you" to each other and find it creepy, and she doesn't want her nousagi to be thought of as such.
She is very kind.

>> No.25383376

lamy looks like a crackhead desu

>> No.25383377

crying is watame again bros...

>> No.25383378

>we have a Facebook and Twitter guy
This place sucks

>> No.25383379
Quoted by: >>25383415

Moona... it's been 66 minutes...

>> No.25383380
File: 83 KB, 300x337, 2b0350af32123033767683c4a21b5198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383418

Okayufags are always sad.

>> No.25383381
Quoted by: >>25384498

>Pekora profile picture

It checks out.

>> No.25383382

does lamy even bring something new to the table?

>> No.25383384


>> No.25383387
File: 659 KB, 2894x4093, 1596906772472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383435

I hope she feels better by tomorrow
That moment was a real punch in the gut for such a happy-go-lucky series

>> No.25383385

Time for another burger...

>> No.25383386



>> No.25383389

Moona...please...your cholesterol

>> No.25383390

this is making me want burgers

>> No.25383392
Quoted by: >>25384498

>Peko as his profile photo
no surprise there

>> No.25383393

Artia sounds fine

>> No.25383394

>Facebook faggot complaining about /v/ and tourists
I kept telling you that this place is literal reddit and you reddit faggots reported me. Can't handle the truth.

>> No.25383396

Holy shit Moona you fat fuck.

>> No.25383397


>> No.25383398

I would love to try and line and color it. Too bad I haven't done my drawing reps in forever.

>> No.25383401
Quoted by: >>25383439

I bet Artia is secretely seething
Chinese people hate fatties

>> No.25383402

>facebook shitter talking about "kino" hlg

>> No.25383403
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1574330939815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383405
File: 438 KB, 746x441, __10-2017b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383458

They look like hosts from those Yakuza clubs.

>> No.25383406

>I just ate four balls

>> No.25383407
Quoted by: >>25383488

>Hololive Twitter account
>previous Vtuber Twitter account
>Twitter account linked on her Pixiv page
>this older Twitter account I was unaware of

>> No.25383408

Sheep supacha reading is the comfiest time of the day

>> No.25383409
File: 705 KB, 554x570, SuiseiApple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totsumachi? what's that?

>> No.25383410

I’ve seen this faggot, he also promotes his shitty hololive Discord

>> No.25383411


>> No.25383412
Quoted by: >>25383444

>Artia ate 4 Baozi

>> No.25383413
File: 54 KB, 448x499, 1592003722709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my post made it onto your friends facebook profile
bow faggot

>> No.25383415

>Time for another burger then!

>> No.25383416

She's chinese. Don't worry she's chill though.

>> No.25383417

Fuck, Hanafuda is filtering me. Please help...

>> No.25383418
File: 496 KB, 521x540, 1597179335424.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all sad here.

>> No.25383420
Quoted by: >>25383494

Before was the time she edited her Live 2d for "muh haram" celebrations. The other reason was because she asked to not be lewded.
She probably meant to not spam her tags with lewds but fucked it up because of her terminal autism

>> No.25383421
Quoted by: >>25384714

They already had Sega permissions
There's a reason Korone's been mentioning a 2nd run of sggg, she wouldn't if she didn't have the permission for it

>> No.25383422
Quoted by: >>25383453

>people are actually surprised about this facebook page
It was known since forever that this cringefest exists
It's based, because it makes reddit seethe, discord seethe and even this place seethe. But sadly it makes me seethe as well, so it's not based.
4 of my copy pastas made it onto the page

>> No.25383426
Quoted by: >>25383484

>Collabing = Leeching
Do you even like hololive?
Also the sheep collabed over 130 times in asacoco, wouldn’t that make her a leech too by your nonsensical and embarrassingly retarded definition of leeching?

>> No.25383427
File: 3.44 MB, 1313x2048, 1597239956670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your portfolio looking?

>> No.25383429
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, TowaHappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383437

please don't falseflag with my wife

>> No.25383430

Artia sounds really underage or just retarded

>> No.25383431


>> No.25383432

Just go watch the Moona collab like everyone else.

>> No.25383433

abayo polandball

>> No.25383435

i honestly thought i was going to hate the game because im still mad all these years over sticker shit, but this is becoming one my favorite games of the year and the next chapter is fun as well i hope she gets the game over from a wrong choice

>> No.25383436

what's worse is that Olivia never moves on and starts calling other bombs Bobby

>> No.25383437

Towa no wife!

>> No.25383439

Dude Artia sounds fat as fuck herself

>> No.25383438

Just imagine anon's 77 year old grandma asking who that girl in the photo is and him having to explain Hololive and the concept of vtubers...

>> No.25383441

and now he knows you are here

>> No.25383444
Quoted by: >>25383466

That's like 600ish calories that's nothing

>> No.25383446
Quoted by: >>25383462

they look so gay

>> No.25383447

You only feel this way because you've never lost anyone in your life as no one loved you.

>> No.25383448

She's shy, like Towa.

>> No.25383449

>19 streams
>leave to eat
>come back
>sheep, indog, and knife ear are the only ones left
what the fuck happened?

>> No.25383451


>> No.25383453

>But sadly it makes me seethe as well, so it's not based

>> No.25383454
Quoted by: >>25383591

>The dude that has a twitter only follows Himawari and Nijisanji
Whats the narrative here?

>> No.25383456

Don't worry, its filtering Luna, too.

>> No.25383457

Watachama is back on the menu at least

>> No.25383458


>> No.25383459
File: 295 KB, 990x560, 243556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25383461

I fucking knew people would start making spachas like that all the time now after the first time got such a response, fuck sake, it's sweet and all but they probably don't want to know they're the only thing keeping people alive

>> No.25383462
Quoted by: >>25383585

Women love gay looking guys.
The ultimate red pill is to become a twink or die alone.

>> No.25383463


>> No.25383464

>nihonggo jouzu da yo!
that's what they always say..................

>> No.25383465
Quoted by: >>25383527

Now that you see what was her choice instead of you. How do you feel incel-kun?

>> No.25383466

What if Artia's like 4'5"

>> No.25383468

Is luna pretending shes older than anyone here how does she not know how to play these games

>> No.25383470
Quoted by: >>25383570

You might not believe me, but she sounds really dignified in Chinese.

>> No.25383472

I recall that she's a high schooler based on some retarded narrative

>> No.25383471


>> No.25383473

why do my pants feel tight every time someone posts the dragon...

>> No.25383476

choco used to grind ark everyday. does she not play anymore?

>> No.25383478

i'll never be able to draw

>> No.25383480

Iofi has a bunch of collabs that aren't on her main channel

>> No.25383481
File: 635 KB, 2048x1783, 1591032650249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383482

aloecoins are currently inflated because of the dox hoping to see it normalize soon so i can start on future plans i also went all in on her

>> No.25383483
Quoted by: >>25383502

Watame just praised someone for doing his reps. Do them.

>> No.25383484
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x1000, 1597250442681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383551

Do you seriously think that dude is old enough for Asacoco.

>> No.25383486

Didn't some guy make a video about that? How they say that when you're not very good, but ask you how long you've been in Japan if you do it well enough?

>> No.25383487

All in on Polka.

>> No.25383488
Quoted by: >>25383651

>Twitter account linked on her Pixiv page
>this older Twitter account I was unaware of
These two are the same account, she just changed the handle at some point. You can tell when you can find old replies @ing the old handle but twitter shows them as addressed to the new one.

>> No.25383489
File: 493 KB, 1280x529, 1596108919157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383529

I seriously feel sick to my stomach Catbros..

>> No.25383490


>> No.25383491

Flare stream crashed. just me?

>> No.25383494
Quoted by: >>25383517

i dont know where this "moona dont want to be lewded" narration come from, but moona never said "i dont want to be lewded", all she said was "do whatever you like, just dont tag it directly to me or use the twitter hashtag to post it.

>> No.25383495

It's like 2AM in Japan right now, anon.

>> No.25383496
Quoted by: >>25383533

Does Flare's stream keep cutting for anyone else?

>> No.25383497

I told you marine only pretends to be lewd and like shitty hentai artists for the hetfag crowd

>> No.25383499

>Towa-sama no wife
I Fucking Hate This Bitch

>> No.25383500

i dunno.... maybe they sleep?

>> No.25383502
Quoted by: >>25383518

I do my reps but I feel no closer to understanding what they're saying

>> No.25383503
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1597097022039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These girls sound like underage zoomers
>These girls are 29? Fucking old hag
The fuck do you people want?

>> No.25383505

She's usually streaming when actually sociable Holos are sleeping

>> No.25383506

I just saw YAGOO fly over my house!

>> No.25383510

This right here is the type of person who reports posts in this thread.

>> No.25383511

I like big tits, but I feel like hers are too big for the rest of her design.

>> No.25383512

What a fucking bitch. From now on, Aloe will be getting all my superchats.

>> No.25383513

I saw the one where somebody asked whos the most autistic hololive and it was followed by a bunch of replies saying "Korone".

>> No.25383514
File: 852 KB, 768x1024, Ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a finance leech and work hard on my reps and OCs

>> No.25383515

i meant the supposed dox
not that much of a brainlet

>> No.25383517

People making retarded narratives based on headcanon all the time

>> No.25383518
Quoted by: >>25383538

Use Anki for building up a basic vocabulary.

>> No.25383520

Towa is daughter!

>> No.25383521
File: 455 KB, 845x762, 6bb8e39ddbc06a8db27cdc1ea59845a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu...catbros...get well soon...good night..

>> No.25383522

fuck i want to have a date with her that ends with consensual handholding

>> No.25383527

I'll just have to dick both of them

>> No.25383528
Quoted by: >>25383539

Implying you don't do it to them too when telling them their english is good yet they can't form more than 2 sentences and it sound butchered as fuck

>> No.25383529


She'll be okay. She's been through sadder, it just hit her by surprise.

>> No.25383530
Quoted by: >>25383569


>> No.25383531
File: 2.39 MB, 640x622, 1575881087579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383566

Towafags keep getting BTFO.

>> No.25383533

Youtube kun acting up again

>> No.25383534

I want Lamy to have this face while she abuses my throat with her futa cock

>> No.25383537

Flare babysitting stream is starting to get a bit old. Luna is just-- not doing it for me at all.

>> No.25383538
Quoted by: >>25383548

isn't that what people mean by doing reps

>> No.25383539

yeah thats the point

>> No.25383545
Quoted by: >>25383704

>no EU-friendly allnighter vtuber with fucked up sleep schedule
missed opportunity

>> No.25383546
Quoted by: >>25383558

Anon won't be okay, though

>> No.25383547
Quoted by: >>25383765

19 year old sounding like a mommy to finally solve my mommy issues.

>> No.25383548
Quoted by: >>25383657

Not necessarily?

>> No.25383549

>YAGOO is a girl

>> No.25383550

I think she's alright. This is coming from someone who isn't even subscribed to Luna.

>> No.25383551

I still can’t get used to these threads being filled with pre-asacoco break newfags, these 3D yonkisei tourists are scum.

>> No.25383552


>> No.25383553

but i only have one favorite? I don't cheat on my wife

>> No.25383554

No they will ask you how long until you're going back home instead

>> No.25383555
File: 31 KB, 560x314, elite BABY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383588


>> No.25383557
Quoted by: >>25383602

It's pretty great, anon. Sorry to hear that

>> No.25383558

Have any of us ever been?

>> No.25383561

Flare is too nice to be a collab partner for Luna

>> No.25383562
File: 109 KB, 566x900, EcfG5SEVAAYy0Ni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gf is playing Ocarina kino tomorrow

>> No.25383563

I want them to not have an actress behind the image and be given the full fledged virtual experience I was promissed

>> No.25383565

>newfags don't know about みかりん
There's a reason everyone thinks she's a genuine lesbian or real bisexual.

>> No.25383566

Well fuck you sheepfag. If I asked your cult leader if she will be my wife she would just start crying.

>> No.25383567
File: 203 KB, 328x314, ru72n_iq1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383587

Now that you mention it, this gif really looks like Miko is giving some blowies to Lamy

>> No.25383569
Quoted by: >>25383612

Yuri mangaka mikarin flirting with singer nozomu.

>> No.25383570
Quoted by: >>25383596

Is her personality wildly different in Chinese too?

>> No.25383572
Quoted by: >>25383635

The Artia Moona conversation sounds like 2 children discovering Yu-Gi-Oh. Especially with them being ESL and all.

>> No.25383573
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1596466971066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i kneel...

>> No.25383575

That's the one, thanks man.

>> No.25383577
File: 84 KB, 277x277, whatever you say.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383578


>> No.25383580
File: 1.35 MB, 1055x1796, 6af9e2e77e7b424f06b7ad3b09378c40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your gf is hot.

>> No.25383582

goddamn, these just keep appearing
more and more hearts being broken

>> No.25383584

Made quite a bit on her debut. Just sold all my coins to invest into Nene. Planning on doing this with all of them then hodl on Polka

>> No.25383585

>Women love gay looking guys
girls love twink, women love men
or maybe women and men both have varied tastes and there's a buyer for every type of merch

>> No.25383587

God I wish that was me

>> No.25383588

Watch out Noel and Mio
There’s a new mom in town

>> No.25383590

Do your reps Anon. Build the AI technology so you can fulfill your dream!

>> No.25383589

these card games are completely luck based. where is the skill?

>> No.25383591

lurk more

>> No.25383594

>want to reply and tell her to be happy again
>remember im an EOP
autism please activate

>> No.25383596

Well, she's not retarded for one.

>> No.25383601
File: 53 KB, 768x768, EethoniU0AAel0G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on Nene!

>> No.25383602

Yeah, just not for me. I'll leave it on while I go take a nap.

>> No.25383603


>> No.25383604

why do they all love ARK so much?

>> No.25383606

Why isn't Artia thanking her subscriptions and donations??

>> No.25383607

Did some clip Okayu crying

>> No.25383608
Quoted by: >>25383682

So what is she then? A known slut like some other anon said last week?

>> No.25383610

>we will never get personalized vtuber AI's that only stream games you tell them to and discuss topics you want to discuss

>> No.25383612

That's gay but I approve.

>> No.25383614
Quoted by: >>25383648

I usually clip her stuff, but man, I don't know if I have it in me.

>> No.25383615
Quoted by: >>25383634

what happened to okayu? can't be worse than kanata's robbery

>> No.25383616
File: 942 KB, 900x1200, 74231842374320325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please...come back..i miss you..

>> No.25383617

I want to cum on Polka's face so hard it would wash away all the silly symbols.

>> No.25383619

How bad is Artia house in their server?
She is even amazed by Moona having a toilet....

>> No.25383620

Too many bugs for akkukinTV's liking

>> No.25383621
Quoted by: >>25383646

What the hell, Moona built a mansion ?

>> No.25383622

they didnt have dinosaurs in Japan

>> No.25383623


>> No.25383626
File: 158 KB, 878x1054, EfBxB0WU4AA0EGV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383664

Never give up.
Never waver.

>> No.25383628

imagine sucking lamy's extremely cold futa cock
haha no homo though

>> No.25383629

Speed time, place your bets!

>> No.25383630

It's one of the three games they're allowed to play, alongside Apex and Minecraft.

>> No.25383631

good game for socializing

>> No.25383634

Nothing bad, just an unexpectedly sad part in Paper Mario came up. Mood whiplash is powerful.

>> No.25383635

When is a holo playing yugioh power of chaos

>> No.25383637
Quoted by: >>25383655

How does this old hag have a better reaction time than Flare......?

>> No.25383638

Artia doesn't just sound young.
She sounds like she's picking her nose and stepping on ants

>> No.25383639

Crazy coincidence, anon, my wife is too!

>> No.25383641
File: 143 KB, 242x311, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this clubhouse games thing is a follow-up to the game I used to have on my DS like 12 years ago, I didn't even realise, sweet. Used to love that game cause you didn't need any friends to play it

>> No.25383640

Only we will anon. And once it happens I will no longer shitpost in this place. You will be free to stay loyal to your oishi while I speak to my best girlfriend IN ENGLISH

>> No.25383642
Quoted by: >>25383667

it's like upgraded minecraft with dinosaurs

>> No.25383643

How is she not lesbian?

>> No.25383645

> OoT is older than Aqua
Is this gonna be her first time playing it?

>> No.25383646

with creative mode enabled by admin console. but it's okay, she restarted her character!

>> No.25383647
File: 40 KB, 143x197, 1596935054264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383672

10% nenecoin, 30% aloecoin and 60% polkacoin

>> No.25383648
File: 107 KB, 959x1332, 1595730857880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did okayu cry

>> No.25383649

Artia's cool but Moona has the social skills of a ham sandwich

>> No.25383650

It's been about 66 minutes!

>> No.25383651
Quoted by: >>25383781

Maybe I'm retarded or don't know how Twitter works, but them being the same account doesn't make any sense to me
>both accounts seperately accessible (as in they exist, they're both locked of course)
>different join date
>different avatar
>different number of followers and followees
Although the apparently newer account from her Pixiv has 0 followers and only follows 6 accounts, which is strange...

>> No.25383652

>Marine act in a creepy way
>No one said anything
And you people shit on matsuri for similar behavior

>> No.25383653

He's only using speech intonation as what defines whether you're actually good or not
That's a problem for english fags mostly, it's a dumb video

>> No.25383655

more experience

>> No.25383656
Quoted by: >>25383709

>she still calls you her friend

>> No.25383657

have I been living a lie all this time

>> No.25383660

is this moona's cheater house or did she build it legit

>> No.25383661
Quoted by: >>25383715

Her bob-omb friend blew up to help her, and didn't come back.

>> No.25383664

AAA FUCK I really want to buy this Towa set but I just got my shirts and bought the voice pack and I need to pay my rent...

>> No.25383665

So she built the mansion twice?

>> No.25383666
Quoted by: >>25383688

I didn't pull out

>> No.25383667

It's amazing how bad Coco is at minecraft given how much Ark she's played.

>> No.25383668


>> No.25383671
File: 680 KB, 3810x2411, 1fe8c0a1f924fce08e17dd003db447bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti please don't go... https://youtu.be/7Wcr_vLtt2U

>> No.25383670

Happened to Pekora earlier, too

>> No.25383672

>no botancoin
You're not gonna make it.

>> No.25383673

I want to see Okayu cry.

>> No.25383675

Once you get your personal AI girlfriend who can tell you she loves you will you still set her to Japanese language?

>> No.25383676

Marin doesn't have horrible incel energy tho

>> No.25383679
Quoted by: >>25383818

she respects boundaries though

>> No.25383680
File: 296 KB, 2048x1446, Ee5KqEXU8AAQEeF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any day now...

>> No.25383682

She's obviously not a whore. Some popular Chad on NND named Jun said he asked out Mikarin a few times but she said no each time. Shes a lesbian no doubt.

>> No.25383683
File: 3.42 MB, 1775x2048, Zion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383685

He kinda looks like Yamapi (山下 智久).

>> No.25383686
File: 266 KB, 600x668, 5a61370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really miss her. I didn't realize just how addicted I am to this stupid dog.

>> No.25383688

Satan, you should have given her some contraceptives.

>> No.25383689

botancoin looks too risky since she's good at FPS and the rage over there is survival games right now

>> No.25383690
Quoted by: >>25384042

i dont think botan is gonna be popular considering that her roommate is a bit ugly

>> No.25383691

Probably legit. She nuked her first character

>> No.25383695

She start again with Iofi

>> No.25383694

>Aki's playing Ark off stream

>> No.25383697

Anon you need to lurk for a lot longer if you can't comprehend how the two situations are different.

>> No.25383699

Marine is experienced woman.

>> No.25383700
Quoted by: >>25383733

Watame is like a loving wife. I can always count on her to be there when I get home from work

>> No.25383701

It's almost like Marine is more charismatic and liked than Matsuri...

>> No.25383702
File: 36 KB, 393x447, 1596577634746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383744

Please stop using the Marine kneeling image so quickly. I want to be the one to use it one of these threads

>> No.25383703

Marine said several times she doesn;t overstep boundaries while Matsuri straight up tongued Roboco

>> No.25383704

Who is Watame?

>> No.25383705

>Artia noticed Aki is logged now
>still wants her to breed her giga
Just breed her giga Aki

>> No.25383706
Quoted by: >>25383818

Marine knows how to respect other boundaries except noel's, matsuri just goes full speed ahead with everyone

>> No.25383707
File: 15 KB, 508x323, Screenshot from 2020-08-12 18-29-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383779

Damn there actually is a few people online the ARK server.

>> No.25383708 [SPOILER] 
File: 149 KB, 800x710, 1597253363626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The clubhouse game I used to have only have 4 games...

>> No.25383709

>we are friends!
>anon please do not be weird in my channel or I will have to ban you

>> No.25383711

its for the best, watching streamer hitting rock and tree is fking boring

>> No.25383713
Quoted by: >>25383768

Flare is too nice, Luna needs someone to bully/confront her to be good.

>> No.25383715
File: 112 KB, 1080x1453, 1592062473255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait does your friend actually fucking die in the new paper mario? i havent been watching her streams because i want to play it myself.

>> No.25383717
Quoted by: >>25383742

I don't like how negative all the people here are. So here is something wholesome for a change: https://files.catbox.moe/57iztj.mp4

>> No.25383718

40% Botancoin, 40% Aloecoin, 20% Polkacoin. Im satisfied

>> No.25383721

I am from the future. In one month, Lamy will be collabing with Aqua to play high level Apex. Loudly.

>> No.25383723
Quoted by: >>25383754

the last 20 minutes of the stream

>> No.25383724

Of course, what a dumb question.

>> No.25383727

I can feel it, the anti hours are approaching.

>> No.25383728

No, there are better sounding languages out there

>> No.25383729

Marine doesn’t get kouhais asking her if she really rapes girls.

>> No.25383730

She's farming all the stuff she lost in the RTA.

>> No.25383734

Ugh, (You)

>> No.25383733

Then why did her boyfriend leave her?

>> No.25383736

100% Polkacoin

>> No.25383737

Yeah, I can see it.

>> No.25383738

To be fair only her part of the conversation is in the screenshot.

>> No.25383739
Quoted by: >>25383754

Watch the last 20 minutes of today's stream then. Alternatively: Link's Awakening, Earthbound, Sumikko Gurashi movie.

>> No.25383742
Quoted by: >>25383806

You know that people can embed the video without playing it right? Nobody falls for this kind of shit anymore, it is 2020.

>> No.25383744

just add a black dot in the corner
yes and it was a glorious sacrifice he went out with a bang

>> No.25383746

Moona aint that cringe this time.

>> No.25383748
File: 477 KB, 667x757, honkhonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on Polka!

>> No.25383749
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, EeQSg3VUEAA0qRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384689

>> No.25383753

dumb anon there are no antis here... only tsunderes

>> No.25383754
Quoted by: >>25383764

>she deleted the vod

>> No.25383755

Marine doesn't burn every bridge she has because of her mental instability

>> No.25383756

It’s always anti hours anon

>> No.25383758

>Kanata and Marine knew each other before Hololive
>Towa and Coco knew each other before Hololive
>Kanata and Suisei knew each other before Hololive
>Towa and Mio knew each other before Hololive
>Mio and Fubuki knew each other before Hololive
>Miko and Pekora knew each other before Hololive
>Okayu and Korone knew each other before Hololive
>Okayu and Towa knew each other before Hololive
>Okayu and Mio knew each other before Hololive
I'm just gonna assume literally everyone in Hololive knows each other in some way or another.

>> No.25383760

You know who you are,
stop posting /hlg/ shit on artia's discord

>> No.25383761

I thought he kind of looked like 半田 健人 when he was in 555

>> No.25383763

he doesn't just die, he goes to a ship to get his dead bob-omb friend's fuse because he lost his own, so he could use it to blow himself up and save olivia

>> No.25383764

It's up for me.

>> No.25383765

> 19-year-old sounding like a mommy

Suisei sang her song.

>> No.25383766
File: 136 KB, 256x230, kino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.25383767

NND is small

>> No.25383768

her guilt doesn't help, she can't attack

>> No.25383770

Marine is horny and understands boundaries
Matsuri is creepy and gay with stalker tendencies

>> No.25383771

Hololive being the NND gang circlejerk isn't a very well kept secret

>> No.25383772
Quoted by: >>25383856

yes nepotism, and it's made them incline like a motherfucker too since their synergy is really good

>> No.25383773
Quoted by: >>25383816

Ha ha, imagine Polka honking her belly button after it pops out from being pregnant

>> No.25383775
Quoted by: >>25383821

>crying over video games character

>> No.25383774

You just realized that it's one gigantic nepotism fest? Congratulations. Imagine what new things you'll learn after you lurk more.

>> No.25383776
Quoted by: >>25383796


>> No.25383777
Quoted by: >>25383805

Choco, Shion and Haato didn't!
If you don't count Choco being good friends with Ui before hand anyway

>> No.25383778
Quoted by: >>25384304

Marine is obviously faking the desperate thot routine. Matsuri is a much better actor so some people are convinced she is real.

>> No.25383779

Gotta stock back up in resources after that raid. Not to mention Aki and Choco lost a lot of shit.

>> No.25383780

The non scouted ones like Noel and Flare probably didn't

>> No.25383781
Quoted by: >>25383864

Someone just took the handle or she made a new account to lock it down after changing away from it, it's that simple. The example that I just told you about it what it tweets look like when they are replies to an account that used to have a different handle. My account has those, so I know how this works.

>> No.25383785

Why do people keep spamming petia

>> No.25383786

>Pekora is a Backstreet Boys fan

Yep I'm thinking based

>> No.25383788

Polka and aloe are the only two I care about given the dox.

>> No.25383789

Plenty lf peoole hate Marine for thst reason in here anon but there's just a few Matsuri obsessed posters that make it seem like she's more hated

>> No.25383792

No joke. It all makes sense now.

>> No.25383793
File: 658 KB, 4000x4000, 1590954557385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a family.

>> No.25383794
Quoted by: >>25383867

>members only
i sleep

>> No.25383795

And that's a good thing

>> No.25383796

Noel is a local legend, everyone knew about her before hololive

>> No.25383800

Are you implying that there are hours in a 24 hour period that are NOT anti hours?

>> No.25383799

It was always funny watching newfags take the Coco vs Towa narratives seriously considering their roommate’s twitter interactions.

>> No.25383803 [DELETED] 

Coco, Kanata and Iofi are online too

>> No.25383805

I wonder if Haato knew anyone, I sometimes get the feeling Subaru did

>> No.25383806

Just like I said. You are so negative.

>> No.25383807
Quoted by: >>25384186

Pekora and Aqua bashed each other before Hololive

>> No.25383810
Quoted by: >>25383869

I miss Mio.....

>> No.25383811
File: 241 KB, 498x556, 1597086975964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383873

>> No.25383812

How does Kanata do it?, she's way too powerful

>> No.25383813

Subaru was part of that gaming group, she was in that video in which Towa and Okayu sung together

>> No.25383815
File: 57 KB, 173x167, 1593508547266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Aki relaxing off stream in Ark after having to deal with English explosion in her chat just to log in Ark, and see nothing but more english in their server chat...

>> No.25383816

Anon stop, you're not going to give me your fetish. You will NOT! Get out of my head Charles!

>> No.25383818

That's what she tells you but everyone is afraid of exposing her

>> No.25383819

i hate nepotism tbqh
imagine all the girls that know noone but are better than most holos

>> No.25383820

she knew the niji girl matsuri simped for

>> No.25383821

>Imagine not being emotionally invested in a character.

>> No.25383822

do we really need mio? no one ever talks about her anymore

>> No.25383823

sheep is live still, damn son.

>> No.25383824

Whats Jeanne's Coke?

>> No.25383826

Yachimatta peanuts!

>> No.25383829

Probably not. Most early gens didn't really seem to know each other
And she didn't really have alot of collabs early on. She did know Shion though.

>> No.25383830

I need her jacket

>> No.25383831

Marine didn't backstab her friend in a moment of need.

>> No.25383832

Noel one is still my favorite.

>> No.25383834
File: 1.48 MB, 1637x1158, Stupid sexy brat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s enjoying the summer days and you should do the same

>> No.25383835 [DELETED] 

I'd argue a lot of nijisanji vtubers are miles ahead of the holos but because hololive is the better known name they only get half the views(usually less)

>> No.25383837

What does Petia mean

>> No.25383838
Quoted by: >>25383867


>> No.25383841

I’m sure she’s crying over a pile of EOP superchats.

>> No.25383842

Tell me about the girl Polka is rumored to be (Nobuhime). Which holos does she already know?

>> No.25383843

Whos Mio?

>> No.25383844
Quoted by: >>25383889

Aqua knew Matsuri, Pekora and Shion

>> No.25383846
Quoted by: >>25383950

I think Moona and the ice goblin's growing on me. I want to follow Artia but I don't really like twitch. Is it worth it bros?

>> No.25383848

>tongued Roboco
She did what?

>> No.25383849

I was around a little before the split, I just wanted to bring up the topic of nepotism

>> No.25383850

>daily translated dairies
>no one ever talks about her anymore
Step up your narrative senpai.

>> No.25383853

Only the popular ones do. All the non-popular ones are left to dry by management, Good luck getting anything sorted.

>> No.25383855

Table tennis

>> No.25383856

You keep using that word despite a bunch of them going through auditions.

>> No.25383858
File: 13 KB, 103x223, 1c8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much is riding on her voice, it will either make or break her

>> No.25383860

Artia banded....

>> No.25383862

bootleg coco kaine that id made

>> No.25383863

I actulally forgot Mio was banned.

>> No.25383864

>Someone just took the handle or she made a new account to lock it down after changing away from it
Right, I'm an idiot, I didn't consider that.

>> No.25383865

Moona stop eating you fat fuck

>> No.25383866

Moona's dragon

>> No.25383867
Quoted by: >>25383888



>> No.25383868
File: 205 KB, 1080x662, 1593090560512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383869
File: 1.53 MB, 476x353, mioCuto.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay. Enjoy the diaries she posts. Look at all the art she likes and retweets. Tell her nice things on her twitter feed and count the days until she returns. Your happiness and positivity will make her feel the same. It hurts, but she'll come back.

>> No.25383872


>> No.25383871

She's not Nobuhime. Sorry

>> No.25383873


>> No.25383874

Who? Maybe I would recall that name if they had a cool hoodie or something.

>> No.25383875

If you weren't here during Gen 1 then you're a newfag.

>> No.25383877

Most, if not all of them. She's also best friends with Tamaki.

>> No.25383878

It's not purely nepotism. Those girls all knew each other because they built up a following on niconico with their quality videos

>> No.25383879

why does luna look like she has downs syndrome

>> No.25383880
Quoted by: >>25383908

Yes, Matsuri kissed Roboco. That's why I know Roboco is cute.

>> No.25383882

When did Matuli do this?

>> No.25383884
File: 89 KB, 1000x800, 1591440749068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383885

just facades

>> No.25383886

>His favorite Holo’s roommate is wearing fake nails again...

>> No.25383887

A lot of the nijis also play a variety of games while Hololive just plays fucking ark every stream.
Of course niji also has way more people so you're bound to find someone streaming something fun so maybe it's not fair to use that comparison.

>> No.25383888


>> No.25383889

I mean I guess you could say that

>> No.25383891

is it really nepotism?, most of them were just girls that sang on nico nico for under 10k listeners, most of them are those talents that really didn't catch on until they joined hololive

>> No.25383893
Quoted by: >>25383906

Well yes, It's a fucking closed-gate
The only actual non nepotism hires are clearly shion and haachama, twitcast

>> No.25383895
Quoted by: >>25383915

Feet Compilation

>> No.25383898

>watame 4 hours streaming now
i swear half of this is just supacha reading i like it though

>> No.25383899

who xD?
its that a gen 6?? XDD
only hololive discussion please xDdddXDDD

>> No.25383900

Nepotism doesn't mean they get the job for free. It means that hololive will audition specific individuals first. If they can't fill slots, they'll look outside of the friend circle.

>> No.25383901
Quoted by: >>25383955

Nijisanji has really good ones that aren't held back by the Hololive brand, but also has a lot of shitters

>> No.25383902


>> No.25383904
File: 252 KB, 1600x1000, EfPK9srVoAA824I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25383981

Poor Toumi didn't realize what was going to happen when he started making this piece...

>> No.25383906


>> No.25383907

You have Nijis who do nothing but play Apex or Splatoon. They just have more variety in the long run because there are so many of them.

>> No.25383908

She also kissed Gundou didn't she, and isn't Gundou not that attractive?

>> No.25383909

>Artia is fucking lost
Take a look at this Chinese goblin

>> No.25383913
Quoted by: >>25383948

How much drama do you think goes on behind the scenes? I mean no one anticipated the Kaoru contract termination, makes you wonder if all the holos really are on good terms the way they make it seem on camera.

>> No.25383914

She's still a huge liar and a fraud so almost as bad as a backstabber

>> No.25383915
Quoted by: >>25383942


>> No.25383916
Quoted by: >>25383951

>leaves one company because of shitty managers
>joins another company with shitty managers
an upwards movement!

>> No.25383917



>> No.25383919
File: 368 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20200812_143742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384017

>the Marine imitation collab happened when they theoretically barely knew each other
>I'm attracted to girls that use boku

I guess it makes sense

>> No.25383920
Quoted by: >>25383937

it's a actually sad that ppl bashing her for using free cam to build a house, hell ppl even accused her cheating mats as well into forcing this socially inept dork to delete her character. she just wanna build a house ffs.

>> No.25383921

Yeah and then Fubuki goes up to YAGOO and says "yeah that girl Towa she's a really nice and talented girl. She should be in for Gen 4" and then the hiring committee says "ok I'll take your word for it" without looking at her audition tape

>> No.25383925

I just read the archive, it was pretty funny how the retard numberfags spammed their shit but after 10 minutes all of them wrote that it's boring and she's bad. I liked it tho, she's cute, although probably won't be my favourite.

>> No.25383929
Quoted by: >>25383955

>They just have more variety in the long run because there are so many of them.
yeah that's what I said
also I'll take apex over ark any fucking day

>> No.25383930
File: 100 KB, 610x660, 1596818309799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25383931

>4 ears

>> No.25383934
Quoted by: >>25383976

If the rumors are true, just know that she will be the biggest shitposter to grace hololive

>> No.25383935

Doesn't work in Japan with their heavy tribalism.

>> No.25383937

I agree but at least she was able to bounce back really easily

>> No.25383938
File: 931 KB, 1736x1344, 1585000042147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Finally, thanks for staying with me the entire time. Please pray so that Pekora doesn't disappear tomorrow."
Seems like she had a ton of fun with all that conspiracy shit.

Sorry if this is butchered, I just found it funny enough to attempt to translate. Go easy on me JSL-pros.

>> No.25383940

Did she? I know she went on that date with her to disney land recently. For not being attractive Gundou fucks around a lot it would seem.

>> No.25383942

I swear Coco's voice teeters back and forth between funny and annoying

>> No.25383943

Niji's simply saturate the market with as many chuubas as possible, then they support the successful 20% and don't give a shit about the others.

>> No.25383945
Quoted by: >>25384199

>Festival singlehandedly keeps Luna's 3D debut from falling apart
>Festival immediately gives Luna a spot on her own birthday 3D stream where Luna proceeds to just lie down on the floor for like half of it
>Luna can't remember when Festival's birthday is even though she literally participated in it not even a month prior
I wonder who's the real traitor here

>> No.25383946
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1591646454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have 4 ears

>> No.25383947

When Marine's a creep she's usually just goofing off. Matsuri comes across like she has genuine issues.

>> No.25383948
Quoted by: >>25384002

you asume they care about the others outside of their friend group too much, at most they're just coworker who sea each other every other month

at worst some might have a problem with mel, noel's line of work, but noting more

>> No.25383950

just do it anon

>> No.25383951
Quoted by: >>25383961

At least she's not in DWU's situation..

>> No.25383954
Quoted by: >>25383966

extremely smug shion dabbing on metafags with her luck

>> No.25383955

Why are you discussing this here?


>> No.25383957

>Watame wishes she had more time to stream

>> No.25383959

why do japs have to add human ears? i fucking hate it

>> No.25383958
Quoted by: >>25384043

What the fuck is wrong with this bitch

>> No.25383960

Did Matsuri french kissed her? Because Matsuri explored Roboco's mouth.

>> No.25383961

What would that be?

>> No.25383962
File: 913 KB, 500x275, tumblr_opz5pgPeDp1uaylcyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holo is streaming
>its fucking ark

>> No.25383964
Quoted by: >>25384033


>> No.25383966

I can't watch Shion anymore after I found out she's a flat earther.

>> No.25383970

Did watame know nobody? wtf

>> No.25383971

>Coco didn't give Artia the password for the extiction server

>> No.25383972
Quoted by: >>25383991

>Luna doesnt know blackjack
Are you serious...

>> No.25383973
File: 1.98 MB, 1834x1979, ppduo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PPTrio? Huh, weren't we always called the PPDuo? Or am I just going crazy?

>> No.25383976

True or not, she's already on her way to becoming that.

>> No.25383978

>inb4 Aqua some how DSPs the entire game

>> No.25383980

>a comparison of Niji and Holo is not a valid topic because Niji is a forbidden word.

Shut up retard.

>> No.25383981
Quoted by: >>25384138

this shouldnt hurt to look at but it does

>> No.25383982
Quoted by: >>25384046


>> No.25383983
File: 872 KB, 971x1300, 1590376789209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua OOT in 7h

>> No.25383985
File: 327 KB, 2048x1463, Aki 1593911527030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384201

Imagine Aki relaxing while coming off the high of a bunch of people showing their support for her over the past few days, being in high spirits and getting along extra well with Coco and Kanata right now, the three of them grinding to recover the resources they spent on today's RTA and also to potentially prepare for a future Manticore Boss fight with the Artifacts they've collected.

>> No.25383988
Quoted by: >>25384005

Coco hates chinks

>> No.25383989

Dumb girls are cute

>> No.25383990
File: 956 KB, 1754x1240, EfJODnuUwAYofTH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384010

Ayame doesn't stream ark!

>> No.25383991

She's just a baby anon........

>> No.25383994

RBC...apex...you already overcome your trauma huh...

>> No.25383995

>people in the industry know each other
>people who live in Tokyo and are entertainers have met each other through NND
>therefore, nepotism
Fucking brainlets
It's as retarded as claiming that since a company hired 2-3 new recruits from the graduates of the local university of a certain promotion, it means there was nepotism

>> No.25384000

It's pure IndoChino

>> No.25384002

But I literally haven't made any assumptions, I asked a question. Besides, jealousy is a powerful thing.

>> No.25384003
Quoted by: >>25385910

In Japan you're expected to have at least a semi-successful career by age 25, nobody in Japan wants to hire a 35 year old noobie.

So the only holos that went through scouting or auditions are the young ones like Haachama or Shion? But Korone and Luna wouldn't have stood a chance if she wasn't already successful on nico nico

>> No.25384004
File: 43 KB, 326x378, aloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50% Aloecoin, 50% Polkacoin

Botan seems like she's going to be knock-off Okayu. Nene is too vanilla.

>> No.25384005

Xui Tzei...

>> No.25384006

Go make Sora, Marine, or Lamy your oshi then if you don't like arkuu

>> No.25384008
Quoted by: >>25384164

>a comparison of Niji and Holo is not a valid topic because Niji is a forbidden word
correct, now go back

>> No.25384010

>Ayame doesn't stream

>> No.25384012

>compare Nijisanji to Hololive, mutual biggest rivals
shut the fuck up

>> No.25384014
Quoted by: >>25384081

Thing is, Hololive kind of screwed up early on by monetizing every stream they did whether they had permissions or not.

Niji started out that way and quickly realized it could blow up in their face. Turned out well for them though as they got that partnership with...I think Konami? and some other game companies.

>> No.25384017

I wish Marine didn't have to use such a shitty avatar that forces her to pander to male fans

>> No.25384019

PPTrio is kill, only Redditduo remains

>> No.25384020

If you've seen the videos of live events with many of them singing together, it's an obvious conclusion to come to.

>> No.25384021
Quoted by: >>25384164

Go to the Virtual Youtubers thread if you want to have company meta shitposting.

>> No.25384022

Am I the only one who couldn't care less about 98% of the girls?

>> No.25384024

Please stop this isn’t funny

>> No.25384025


>> No.25384026
Quoted by: >>25384080

That's fake as shit. You guys got worked.

>> No.25384028

I want to be the bread in Artia's mouth!

>> No.25384029

>Flare and Luna are streaming
>Watame is still doing her hours long SC reading

>> No.25384030

>It's Botan's debut
>People literally jerking themselves off in the chat, waiting for this lion to say something
>She shows up on screen
>Fuck here it comes
>Belts out the most disgusting, unattractive, horrifying voice known to man
>Everyone immediately clicks off, viewcount becomes <1k
>Loses all her subscribers, becomes least subbed girl in 5th gen

>> No.25384031

>Artia just has a bunch of loaves of bread in her room that she uses to dip in milk throughout the day
What the fuck? Is that a Chinese thing or an autism thing?

>> No.25384033

>Towa's is subbed in spanish

>> No.25384037
Quoted by: >>25384498

Peko and Pekofags were a mistake.

>> No.25384038

it's a poor people thing

>> No.25384039
Quoted by: >>25384067

Isn't eating bread banned in China?

>> No.25384041

watame told me to go to sleep so i will
good night lads

>> No.25384042

Almost nobody cares about roommates. People believed that the person in question was behind Hinata back when her popularity was exploding

>> No.25384043

That's a little extreme, don't you think? I kind of liked Fubuki's rap.

>> No.25384046

I guess if people want this to be a niji thread, it may be time. haha

>> No.25384047
File: 248 KB, 825x464, 1508611778301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autism these two raidates....

>> No.25384049

This. Its not their fault 90% of their auditions are probably former NND streamers abandoning their dead website.

>> No.25384050

Yes. Everyone here loves all holos indiscriminately

>> No.25384048

It's called being poor

>> No.25384052

Same. I only actually care about Miko. I'm only here right now to shitpost.

>> No.25384051

Literally cannot go worse than Towa.

>> No.25384054
File: 145 KB, 2048x1152, EfD7SU9UYAAgvAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being Botan's anti

>> No.25384055

>Artia says dog

>> No.25384056

>dipping bread in milk
what the actual fuck, you only dip it into soups

>> No.25384058


>> No.25384059

sounds like lamys reveal when she used that cutesy ass voice

>> No.25384062
File: 27 KB, 215x361, 1591316446670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata got robbed by a close friend
>Coco went on a tirade about gen 5 last night
>meanwhile Watame is making friends in Holo ID and CN

>> No.25384065
Quoted by: >>25384117

>ogre woman
>shit voice
>FPS god
Towa 2.0 confirmed

>> No.25384067

Eating is banned in China.

>> No.25384068
File: 2.02 MB, 800x800, __tsunomaki_watame_and_shishiro_botan_hololive_drawn_by_felutiahime__sample-f7e4868603df11952a83aab09376fd6d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25384071

>Belts out the most disgusting, unattractive, horrifying voice known to man

Subaru did that first, shes still fine

>> No.25384073

Yeah just like the Towa debut...

>> No.25384077
File: 1.01 MB, 2841x2841, 1596254692912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to be you

>> No.25384076

who of the new holos is it tomorrow?

>> No.25384075
Quoted by: >>25384143

you remember how Watame was going to be doing an Ark stream a couple days ago but did Minecraft instead because the server crashed and needed to be restarted? Artia was responsible

>> No.25384078

Can't wait for PP no Tenki segment.

>> No.25384079

who is the girl that got shopped out?

>> No.25384080

You're fake as shit.

>> No.25384081
Quoted by: >>25384175

it still baffles me that a japanese company, that should know how autistic japanese companies are, didn't expect something like this to happen

>> No.25384083
File: 12 KB, 360x344, 1575328608162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384127

>that "daisuki desu yo" from watame right before the stream ended


>> No.25384084

sounds like T*wa's debut

>> No.25384085
Quoted by: >>25384112

I love all the girls, the only holos I don't care about are the holostars and holoIDs.

>> No.25384087

Lamy's voice is perfect.

>> No.25384088

Why are you doing these sneak attacks to my heart Watame.

>> No.25384089

Is it true she has lung cancer?

>> No.25384091

Let some milk sit long enough and it becomes soupy.

>> No.25384093
File: 1.31 MB, 1240x1754, 1597085567100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384139


>> No.25384094

This post offends me.

>> No.25384096
File: 1.23 MB, 2480x2125, 1596040240645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever get nervous when you type in chat that they are going to point out that you're JSL/learning?

>> No.25384095
Quoted by: >>25384147

Mainland Chinese are mean and nasty as fuck.
Also shes studying aboard right? so shes not poor

>> No.25384097
Quoted by: >>25384139

A lot of females love pirates. Major lesbian magnet if I ever saw one.

>> No.25384099
Quoted by: >>25384192

Lmfao mommyfag mad.

>> No.25384102
File: 3.39 MB, 2177x3499, 72E6BB86-C13A-4F33-8249-2F5991A35330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wakanda Forever!

>> No.25384101

KanaWata Asobi Taizen... onegai...

>> No.25384103

we need more feet idols. im bored of haachama. she was never good actually

>> No.25384104

Nene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fJ7ueGLuXk8

>> No.25384105
File: 263 KB, 319x255, 1541029581028.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god sheep, my fucking heart

>> No.25384106

Cant wait to laugh at people like you when she's the number 1. I'm sure the whole ogre cope will be popular.

>> No.25384108

nah night watame lass. see you in the morning pal

>> No.25384110
File: 53 KB, 421x475, 1577837111421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4am my time.
Of course.

>> No.25384109

>Artia calling people underage

>> No.25384111
Quoted by: >>25384233

It really does confirm nepotism though because outsiders NEVER get in

>> No.25384112

But HoloIDs are girls too...

>> No.25384113

There's certain sweet Asian milk breads that go really well with milk.

>> No.25384115
File: 346 KB, 302x460, 1589547908519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totsumachi Suisei this saturday right Cometbros?

>> No.25384117

Towa's friend...

>> No.25384119

>that blue border

>> No.25384120
Quoted by: >>25384169

>meanwhile Watame is making friends in Holo ID and CN
How is that a win though?

>> No.25384121

fucking based

>> No.25384122

The Chinese

>> No.25384123

she better be a videogame programmer

>> No.25384124


>> No.25384125

No, it moves super fast. And chances are my brain won't catch someone saying "Eyo this retard just conjugated a verb wrong!" in Japanese.

>> No.25384127

And soon she's going to be doing ASMR

I don't have enough Gosling pictures for that moment.

>> No.25384129

I hope they do so I can improve my skills by being told by a real (and cute!) Japanese girl what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.25384130


>> No.25384131
File: 953 KB, 1000x1412, 1596542057871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384247

better take a nap anon you wouldnt want to miss it right

>> No.25384132

no, more clubhouse

>> No.25384133
File: 648 KB, 2192x4096, EfI0433UcAIgTPj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384148

I try not to bother ojou with my frivolous shit so I just keep my mouth shut and enjoy the streams.

>> No.25384134
Quoted by: >>25384258

Member only?

>> No.25384137
Quoted by: >>25384258

What? When?

>> No.25384138
Quoted by: >>25384155

He just revealed he was supposed to be making the usual lazy face until he saw that part happen...

>> No.25384139
Quoted by: >>25384168

She doesn't give a shit about the male fans just so you know

Well her female viewership is less than 5%.... It's really sad

>> No.25384140

>1 am
Well, fuck me.

>> No.25384141

Coco, this is your shit game, go help these two idiots restarting the game

>> No.25384142
Quoted by: >>25384161

>watching artia x moona right now for a taste of hololive in a language I understand
So this is what I have been missing in JP streams huh. Holy autismo

>> No.25384143

How the fuck can one person be responsible for crashing a server?

>> No.25384148

Based, same here.

>> No.25384147
Quoted by: >>25384188

Artia is likely a Hong Konger. Probably has family abroad.

>> No.25384149

At this point she's saving it for the 500k special

>> No.25384151

It's time to let go

>> No.25384152
Quoted by: >>25384182

Are you me? I haven't watched even one hololive stream since Miko's on break, that's more than a month already... I'm here just to shitting up the thread every day instead

>> No.25384153


>> No.25384154

never underestimate the ability of an autistic chink playing kusoge

>> No.25384155
File: 50 KB, 1328x173, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384222

saw that, got a good laugh tbdesu
also this

>> No.25384156
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1568343757538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.25384160

>meanwhile Watame is forced to hang out with the second class citizens of Hololive
Sounds like they've all got it rough

>> No.25384163
File: 1.05 MB, 921x925, 1581461658569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384184

Oh right, if any of you Nousagi missed it. The nostalgic collab is with Rushia on Friday.

>> No.25384164

>fags from the containment thread actually fucking gatekeeping

>> No.25384161

The others aren't these autstic, you miss the casual chatting Ark streams are

>> No.25384166
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1596884717105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the Totsumachi I want Pieces MV.

>> No.25384168
File: 304 KB, 800x1206, 1596917403427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384198


>> No.25384167

Nah, chat moves fast anyway and even if I did make a mistake I know no one would care unless I said something really off.

>> No.25384169
Quoted by: >>25384219

How is it not a win? sheep already has more subs than the leech and now is friends with Moona and Iofi who are friends with Artia, connections anon

>> No.25384172
Quoted by: >>25384207

Have you never played any online game before?

>> No.25384173

what is this game luna's playing?

>> No.25384174
Quoted by: >>25384236

Botan is not an ogre the 5ch leak is fake as fuck

>> No.25384175

nijisanji is filled with young people so it's kinda expected that they have more forsight

>> No.25384177

I don't wanna be a gosling fag but....

>> No.25384178
Quoted by: >>25384205

You're gonna wake up tomorrow to a dead Watame channel and an announcement of her suicide

>> No.25384181

Coco did? When? Are you shitposting?

>> No.25384182

Mikofags are cancer

>> No.25384184

gen 3 has been on fire this last few weeks

>> No.25384185
Quoted by: >>25384202

Why does Kanata have this on her PC?

>> No.25384186

I've noticed a few things that may hint that they have some heat so I'll believe this narrative.

>> No.25384188

Ah if shes HKers then shes fine, I have family at HK and theyre sweer.

Unlike mainland China tho... fuck them

>> No.25384189

This is why I always watch a watame stream until the end

>> No.25384193

how come you didnt tier 3 sub to moona and artia?

>> No.25384192

>he doesnt know
She has a mommy mode voice like Noel

>> No.25384194

oh boy here we go

>> No.25384198
Quoted by: >>25384224

Ew melting frosting.
Frosting is only good when it's cold and firm.

>> No.25384200
File: 2.14 MB, 1665x2835, EfI35dgUcAA2jmv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck, I thought it was only after Nene's debut. Doesn't she have dance lessons or something? Well, guess I'm not sleeping tonight.

>> No.25384199
Quoted by: >>25384328

>Implying matsuri didn't give her more than 5k viewers that werent gonna be there anyways.
>You mean the girl who is always wet for whorekawa despite that whore not loving her back?
>The girl Luna called when she was down and cared about out of camara (matsuri said it herself)
>The girl that later when Luna was sick in bed prefered to talk about whorekawa?
>and the girl that when chocosaurus baited Luna to think she didnt know matsuri birthday, got angry and havent interacted with her since?

Yeah Fatsuri is the traitor here. Shut up and lurk a bit more faggot before posting twisted shit.

>> No.25384201


they had a rough start but still won, that's perseverance for you.

>> No.25384202

I also have it

>> No.25384203
Quoted by: >>25384239

>couldn't care less about 98% of the girls
Anon that amounts to caring about only 2/3 of one girl.

>> No.25384205

If anyone's gonna do it it's Shion...

>> No.25384207


>> No.25384208

its in the stream title...

>> No.25384210
File: 306 KB, 1866x1050, 1565891900562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.25384215
File: 111 KB, 630x413, ppd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25384217


>> No.25384218
Quoted by: >>25384274

>Marine has been on the tenshibowl for quite a long time yet she isn't among the finalist

>> No.25384219

Connections to a collab poison autist and a twitch gremlin who likes to shittalk her co-workers behind their backs? Sounds right up numbersheep's alley. And what is Iofi gonna do for her, introduce her to Kaoru? Oh wait

>> No.25384220

ArtiMoona stream restored, peace achieved

>> No.25384221

when do we get nude models of them in MMD or SFM

>> No.25384222

>5 seconds after grieving over a lost friend

I love how she couldn't even deal with the game trying to cheer her up, but it wouldn't let her go back.

>> No.25384223

Aqua, Skyrim...
Pekora, Fallout...
Subaru, Half-life...

>> No.25384224

maybe it's cream?

>> No.25384226

The one they did just now? Pig's tail

>> No.25384227

goddammit sheep

>> No.25384228

My rating of Lamy:
Tits: A+
Voice: B
Personality: No idea because I'm EOP

>> No.25384229

Does anyone else get instantly erect when Marine talks?


>> No.25384230

That smug low effort thumbnail...

>> No.25384232

You want to know why hololive doesn't hire noobs?
Because when noobs stream, you can hear people or dogs or doors closing and opening in the background.

>> No.25384233

I don't think you know what nepotism means
All of them have had experience as online entertainers. Where do they get the experience? By streaming on NND, because there's no other place to do that. So There will always some link that connects one entertainer to another one.
And what do you mean by an outsider? Someone who has never touched NND? Where would that person prove their experience streaming long hours?
Or someone who streams on NND but barely gets viewers? Why would a company hire someone who wasn't capable of getting at least 3 digit viewers over someone who has proved to be able to get 4 digit viewers?

>> No.25384234

Watame already introduced herself to Kaoru... I bet he was the one she watched

>> No.25384235

It's time to let go.

>> No.25384236
Quoted by: >>25384267

Lamy's roommate was on point and she part of the list of people Nene's roommate followed recently along with other prospective Gen 5 roommates.

>> No.25384239

Well, Miko kind of isn't all there anymore

>> No.25384243
File: 1.05 MB, 2660x2660, quieres.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384279

I had this really strange dream where I was selected to do a quiz with Rushia as a fan appreciation thing so she came over to my house and we did the quiz and she literally didn't talk to me the entire time I was there. I was on my bed laying down and Rushia was laying on my stomach and our bodies were criss crossed. She was strangely heavy and I could feel the pressure on my stomach in my sleep. I didn't want to bring up any topics to discuss but I thought maybe it was too invasive so I just waited for her to talk to me but she never did. She then left and the dream ended there. It was pretty demoralizing.

>> No.25384244

Complete opposite scenario. She lets out the most unfitting, cute and sweet voice ever heard before, making Rushia sound like a hippo burping in comparison.
People love her voice but fucking hate that it's associated to such a tough looking character.

>> No.25384247
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 22fb9980af6b04e64f0bffa8e4f2dae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384347

I know a way to make it easier to fall asleep.

>> No.25384248
Quoted by: >>25384278

holy shit but it's fucking 12:00 JST why

>> No.25384250


>> No.25384249

nope, only her moans
her voice is shit and the pose is cringe

>> No.25384252

She's sweet and a little ditzy from the little bit I could make out.

>> No.25384253

god I hate apex so fucking much
can't the holos just play tf2?

>> No.25384255

personality is like haato's debut to me

>> No.25384257

>Judging her from her "roomate" looks.
Why do you even bother with V-Tubers?

>> No.25384258

Never specified anything. Just that she really wanted to do ASMR.

>> No.25384259


>> No.25384260

PC games getting dropped harder than Botan's stocks right now

>> No.25384262
File: 1.04 MB, 600x252, 1596995986378.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this is how she's been inclining so hard.

>> No.25384264

God she keeps trying to do this and can't get it right. It's a 10 second choreography with 6 movements, grow a brain you dumb grandma.

>> No.25384266

>supacha my oshi
>cheeks instantly heat up
>close youtube and pace around the room until later so I can't see her read it

>> No.25384267
Quoted by: >>25384334

The had lamy wrong

>> No.25384268
File: 226 KB, 480x480, sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much lurk this place for months and just started to post a lot ever since miko's last stream. being in this place for 12+hrs a day helps me relieve the pain of missing her.

>> No.25384269
Quoted by: >>25384289

Which one

>> No.25384270

TF2 is dead

>> No.25384271

That akasupa birthday guy is probably going to blow up the Nintendo building if she doesn't sing it next time.

>> No.25384273
File: 109 KB, 828x1725, EddxfsvU4AIYLR1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When she joins the Ark gang?

>> No.25384272

>hey Fubuki do you have any friends you could recommend to join hololive we trust your judgement
>what the fuck nepotism

>> No.25384274
File: 399 KB, 2048x1653, Edmx_exUEAAkEdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there's already a winner.

>> No.25384275

>Aqua OOT in 7h
9 hours, anon

>> No.25384276

Unironically would love to see the holos play rocket league

>> No.25384278

it's kamige, she knows she's not going to put it down for at least 12 hours

>> No.25384280

Moist as hell.

>> No.25384279

silent anonchama....

>> No.25384282


>> No.25384283
File: 631 KB, 2723x4096, EeUTLrwUEAIIJAy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384315

She emits pure breeding instincts

>> No.25384284

new pc...

>> No.25384287


>> No.25384289

the good one

>> No.25384290

Autistic, but cute. I'm sure she was happy

>> No.25384292

>debut already subbed
yamero, no more EOPs

>> No.25384293

MM was better

>> No.25384294
Quoted by: >>25384318

Marine is disgusting.

>> No.25384296

its a known bug fubuki did it too on accident once

>> No.25384295


>> No.25384299

This LunaFlare is top comfy.

>> No.25384300

>gotcha! = gacha
I can't take this

>> No.25384303
File: 27 KB, 442x403, 1597217877368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you shut the fuck up

>> No.25384304

So good an actor she throws hundreds of dollars at chubas she's thirsty for.

>> No.25384305
File: 543 KB, 1600x900, ppt_no_tenki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please stop...

>> No.25384307


>> No.25384310
File: 1.69 MB, 1900x1343, there are only 4 drinks on the tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you tip Tower?

>> No.25384311

Okayu's tears was delicious

>> No.25384314

what a thumbnail

>> No.25384315

She gay though

>> No.25384316

hell yeah

>> No.25384317

Lamy is definitely hiding her power level by putting out the most boilerplate basic casual nerd list of likes. Get to her first drinking collab stream and she's going to let loose.

>> No.25384318

oh gay

>> No.25384319

>Recommends M*o
>She nearly kills Hololive

>> No.25384322

she is a whore

>> No.25384325
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, 1597176419179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384344

Risu, Moona's been waiting for you....

>> No.25384328

Damn you Lunaitos are thin-skinned today. First of all, it wasn't about Festival bringing in the viewers, it was about the already godawful flaw of the event. Imagine if it was the same thing but Luna was completely on her own. Second, Hoshikawa this, Hoshikawa that, Festival donates to a bunch of nijis beside her all the time. Not to mention it's a running joke. And finally, if they are really that close you think Festival didn't DM her or talk to her on discord? It all had to happen right in front of your eyes? You're the kind of retard that makes narratives based on totsumachi.

Grow a thicker skin and a sense of humour.

>> No.25384329
File: 161 KB, 850x1245, 1591441024657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one friend
two friend
three friend
four friend
five friend
six friend
seven friend
eight friend
nine friend
ten friend
ryan gosliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing

>> No.25384332

>oldest hololive member debut
Did they just forget about Coco or something?

>> No.25384333

Fuck I want to watch it but it's too early for me

>> No.25384334


>> No.25384336
File: 89 KB, 1266x686, 【世界のアソビ大全51】いざ勝負!遊びキングのお出ましぺこおおおおおおおおおおおお!【ホロライブ兎_2020-08-12_20-58-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384458

She had a fucking blast with all the infowars shit and I think she was genuinely fascinated reading about blackholes near the very end of the supacha reading.

>> No.25384337

There are much better girls in hololive

>> No.25384338
File: 311 KB, 495x495, 4c531878daeb27e7a311fe818d32809fae0bac2e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself

>> No.25384339

With my Tower.

>> No.25384340

Tipping is rude in Japan so no.

>> No.25384344
Quoted by: >>25384383

Why Moona doesn't help her with getting a working PC?

>> No.25384346
Quoted by: >>25384375

Heard through the ramen line that Kanata was already trying to get Lamy to collab with her

>> No.25384347
Quoted by: >>25384393

You look away for a second and they grow two sizes

>> No.25384349

>Moona seems to be able to talk Artia without sperging out
does autism cancel out somehow

>> No.25384350

was the weather girl always like this? I remember her being more...fluffy...

>> No.25384351

Garbage play Zelda 1 or ALTTP
3D Zeldas sucked

>> No.25384354


>> No.25384355
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x734, EeBTiZ4UwAEaL3P.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25384357

Just because you don't like something doesn't mean its not popular. Moona's a hard worker and her collabs are winning people over. Lots of people here were talking about how cute she and Watame were together during the stream yesterday even though they couldn't speak english.

Also ironic saying Artia shit talks coworkers when that's exactly what Coco did on twitter yesterday. Artia is Watame's gateway into Holo CN if she wants it because she's good friends with Civia who happens to speak Japanese fluently

like I said, branching out and making connections which is more than holohouse have been doing

>> No.25384358
Quoted by: >>25384873


>> No.25384359

What actually happened to miko..

>> No.25384362


smug as fuck

>> No.25384366

Don't pair up those retarded yurifags with actual Lunaitos. Everyone knows /u/fags cry about anything that challenges their delusions.

>> No.25384367

The translator said it was obvious clickbait

>> No.25384369

She's dying...

>> No.25384371
File: 328 KB, 1925x1948, EfMnyEyU8AgRbRJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384382

I want to ____________

>> No.25384373
File: 956 KB, 1280x720, 1595341955423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already gets my tip.

>> No.25384374

Coco is a stacy
Artia is a betty

>> No.25384375
Quoted by: >>25384396

No surprise, she was super excited to finally have kouhais

>> No.25384376

I actually prefer it when she's not trying to act.

>> No.25384377
File: 88 KB, 1280x1000, okayu29.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this flare x luna stream is good recovery from paper mario
oyasashimi /hlg/

>> No.25384378

Holy based

I'm not the only one thinking this

>> No.25384379

Yes you just described nepotism.

>> No.25384380

You'd think by now with them getting certain things officially translated, they'd be doing it for significant streams like debuts. Gotta beat the leechers to the punch

>> No.25384381

Can you blame them? Coco's millenial is showing too hard to remember her in-character age

>> No.25384382
File: 407 KB, 505x683, 1594117955632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25384383

why would anyone want to help the peasant tree rat?

>> No.25384384
Quoted by: >>25384477

Luna doing RingFit live!

>> No.25384385

The first hololive 5th generation to debut. Yukihana Lamy, the oldest 5th Generation Hololive member to this date.

>> No.25384386
Quoted by: >>25384477


>> No.25384387
Quoted by: >>25384477


>> No.25384390
Quoted by: >>25384412

>Coco did on twitter yesterday
narratives poison your mind

>> No.25384391

No, PPT stands for PPTwo

>> No.25384392
Quoted by: >>25384477


>> No.25384393

Isn't it great?

>> No.25384394
Quoted by: >>25384477


>> No.25384396

leeching off their newness like a vampire

>> No.25384398


>> No.25384399

Dead, they've been looking for a replacement that sounds like her for weeks now. A-chan's been posting fake tweets of getting better this entire time.

>> No.25384401


>> No.25384402
File: 509 KB, 1504x2048, EfPQev4VAAAewbt.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25384404

moona's voice is actually cute

>> No.25384406

How can garbage play video games?

>> No.25384410

What if the entire world is the autistic one rather than Artia or Moona?

>> No.25384412

not a narrative if its true https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1293524865278816259

>> No.25384413

I know it is hard Ryan-san. It must feel overwhelming that you want to do so many things with her and yet you can't. But you should really consider what is most important in love. And that is if the other person is happy. Yes you don't have anyone anon, but at least she has everything. She is happy. She is successful. And that is how you succeeded. And all those things you would want to do together with her? She does it with her significant other without you knowing. Even those dirtiest most secret things you want to do with her she already did them with him. So keep sending her money so she can keep doing that.

>> No.25384414

Luna tired already, hahah

>> No.25384415
File: 308 KB, 459x466, ちょこ怒ってるわよ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you lie on the internet

>> No.25384416


>> No.25384418

are you this mentally retarded or you dont follow their roommates anon?

>> No.25384421
Quoted by: >>25384440

>sheepfag is an EOP that fell for Google-sama's trick
no surprises there

>> No.25384423
File: 488 KB, 1552x2048, EfPQewJVoAAALHW.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25384424
Quoted by: >>25384482

Flare has gorilla strength..

>> No.25384425

>that's exactly what Coco did on twitter yesterday.
Are you braindead or did you really take the google translation seriously?
Please god tell me there aren't retards who take shitposts seriously.

>> No.25384427


>> No.25384426

why isn't there a vtuber with a full body nylon fishnet outfit?

>> No.25384434
File: 186 KB, 630x566, 1595540385696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moona please

>> No.25384435
File: 395 KB, 1462x1023, darknesssociety.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384555

>Please pray so that Pekora doesn't disappear tomorrow.

>> No.25384436

Do your reps.

>> No.25384439


>> No.25384440

stop pretending you speak japanese

>> No.25384444
File: 23 KB, 316x331, 1593324471937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384490

EOP newfag sheepfags everybody.

>> No.25384446
File: 172 KB, 880x880, 1592230171426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer seething that the new gen is getting free subs
id call her retarded but if i worked super hard for something just to see someone coast by less than a year later id be mad too
think about how people like aki or roboco feels

>> No.25384445


>> No.25384451

>Also ironic saying Artia shit talks coworkers when that's exactly what Coco did on twitter yesterday
First of all, don't get your narratives from googlechama. Coco was at most subtly seething about numbers. Artia openly said that Choco's (and Echo's) singing sucks, and that she's the only real gamer and entertainer and not just some cutesy idol. All that confidence of course comes from being the best at HotS FPS edition. What a joke.

>> No.25384452

Coco, Marine, Suisei, Choco...how does she do it??!?!?!

>> No.25384453

>heh, I was just pretending to be retarded
- t.Luna

>> No.25384456

bowling god...

>> No.25384457

Damn Flare is good at this bowling.
And Luna is starting to get hang of it too somehow.

>> No.25384458
Quoted by: >>25384518

That reminds me I have to extend my webm of her saying 好き with all the extra ones we got out of that end reading. I'll make it as gosling-tier as I can.

>> No.25384462

Damn cocofags are in full defense mode right now

>> No.25384463

She awakened...

>> No.25384464

Luna == Bowling GOD???

>> No.25384465
File: 787 KB, 1103x1080, wataboss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384499

>The Coco defenders in this thread...

After what she did to Watame, I can't understand how anyone outside Kanata and Suisei want to even breath the same air as her.

>> No.25384466

wait till they say they were just pretending to be retarded or something
hah baited!

>> No.25384468

lol Luna sharking Flare at bowling

>> No.25384475

Coco San...

>> No.25384476
File: 160 KB, 267x359, wink and a honk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheeks instantly heat up

>> No.25384477


>> No.25384480
Quoted by: >>25384519

>Coco was at most subtly seething about numbers
She was happy about hololive growth, there's nothing to discuss here, do your reps.

>> No.25384481
Quoted by: >>25384532

Isn't Moona like 28 and Artia like 18?
Why does Artia seem like the older one?

>> No.25384482

No match for 50kg grip tenshi.

>> No.25384484
File: 1.15 MB, 2892x4096, 1597111840237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loses mats early

>still wins ark rta through sheer hard work

>> No.25384487
File: 162 KB, 319x324, 1595942587909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384497

get an actual hobby

>> No.25384490

damage control already?

>> No.25384493

But Coco definitely had it easy too compared to gen 3...

>> No.25384494

How out of shape is this baby?

>> No.25384496
File: 215 KB, 331x354, What the fuck did you just say cunti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute chuuba faces

>> No.25384497

shitposting is a hobby

>> No.25384498

I don't even like peko desu. I just falseflag as a pekofag there.
I could care less about what you guys post here desu. I steal and post my own shit to here from time to time too.

>> No.25384499
Quoted by: >>25384530

Did what?

>> No.25384500

>Zelda 1
even adventure of link and minish cap are better

>> No.25384501

The only way to make narratives about Coco is through google translate...

>> No.25384502
Quoted by: >>25384552

>Marine is a lesbian
This is the shittiest narrative ever, who would believe it.

>> No.25384503


>> No.25384505


>> No.25384509

To be fair anon, Hoshikawa and matsuri thing was completely real, and matsuri has to let the shit go already it's not good for her or her relationship with other girls she may be interested on and get her shit together. Matsuri and Luna could completeley be talking seriously as well as just being good friends, but matsuri behaviour about relationships is not good.

>> No.25384512
Quoted by: >>25384544

Joke's on you, they don't even read them half the time

>> No.25384513

Luna god
I kneel

>> No.25384514


>> No.25384517

but their singing does suck, these threads were talking about it before she did

>> No.25384518
Quoted by: >>25384613

link this post when you do!

>> No.25384519

She was seething that Lamy got an 'easy' start. When her own stream struggled to hit 10k concurrent viewers, she was really bitter that the 5th gen came to her turf.

>> No.25384520

>corrupt raper king

>> No.25384522

Corrupted Raper King

>> No.25384524

But it looks like the purpose of this tweet was to emphasize that Lamy got 100k because she's a fifth gen (so a 100th gen would have 500k at the beginning). Even if her intention was not being salty, it kind of looks bad somehow because she was the only one caring so much about the number of viewers and subs

>> No.25384525
File: 149 KB, 234x283, win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25384527

Can someone explain to me why this post isn't a passive aggresive rant? Might be the lack of sleep though.

>> No.25384528
Quoted by: >>25385760

Gonna throw out some questions in Japanese to Lamy in her next few zatsudans. Any ideas on what to ask her?

>> No.25384530
Quoted by: >>25384562


>> No.25384533
File: 907 KB, 1200x675, Ec0KR4AVAAESK5L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marine knows she can't win but she still continues to compete

>> No.25384532

>Moona 28 year old
Explain this narrative

>> No.25384534

Luna and Flare is a streaming duo I didn't know I needed.

>> No.25384535


>> No.25384538


>> No.25384540

Did you see her 3D stream?

>> No.25384541
Quoted by: >>25384843

Artia really said she was the only real entertainer in HololiveM

>> No.25384544

it's because you have a shit oshi who don't care

>> No.25384547

She perfectly plays the role of a pampered princess who has never lifted a finger in her life.
She trained her whole life for it.

>> No.25384548
Quoted by: >>25384592

It was claimed Botan would be good at games, what are the odds she's actually good and not just a plat tier player

>> No.25384550

Will Aloe get shadowbanned?

>> No.25384551

the prettiest of penises

>> No.25384552
Quoted by: >>25384625

anyone who follows her, you cant fake liking for girls for years anon, she may not be lesbian but to say the least she's a clear bisexual. The shittiest narrative is believing the girls are profesiona lactor than can keep up the acting 24/7 for all their lifes.

>> No.25384553
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, grass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384632

>She was [headcanon]

>> No.25384555
Quoted by: >>25384598

reading this hurt my head

>> No.25384556

This thread are not coworkers
Compare that to Coco always asking for permission to bring someone up on AsaCoco to make fun of a KSZK moment

>> No.25384557
Quoted by: >>25384578

oh thank goodness she sent the positive message before the passive-aggressive one, that makes it a-ok!

>> No.25384558
File: 62 KB, 550x1200, EV_wnvFUwAAIaiw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I can't blame them cause even I am in love with her roommate. Of course with Kanata as well.

>> No.25384559


>> No.25384560

You didn't watch her stream? She was taking jabs at the 5th gen a lot.

>> No.25384561

wtf luna secret bowling hustler

>> No.25384562

Tfw ywn live out a yuri weeb dream of slapping tomboy ass and kissing shigure ui.

>> No.25384564

Just Coco defense force coming to rescue their poor dragon.

>> No.25384566

Luna is an actual bowling god

>> No.25384569
Quoted by: >>25384583

Flare has been growing on me a lot for the past few months. She seems really chill in her own way. Like a guiding light whenever she collabs with someone.

>> No.25384570
File: 38 KB, 350x442, 1583915295451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384580

>double strike.

>> No.25384571

Cocofags on damage control

>> No.25384572

There are people here unironically not watching Artia and moona right now?

>> No.25384574

Luna holy shit... bowling god...

>> No.25384577
Quoted by: >>25384798

>sent: 8:17
>https://twitter.com/kiryucoco/status/1293524865278816259 sent 8:28
things that make you go Hmmm...

>> No.25384578
Quoted by: >>25384593


>> No.25384580
File: 315 KB, 382x501, Naaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25384583

She's like this in all her streams, She's pretty underrated.

>> No.25384584

Artia is a cunt why would I watch her over Luna and Flare?

>> No.25384586
Quoted by: >>25384599

I bet Coco is secretly seething that she can't even get 6k+ on her regular streams

>> No.25384587

i dont watch non JP holo unironically, unless they hitch on to JP streams

>> No.25384588

Why is it always gen 4 targeted with these numberfag falseflaging? Watame never deserved this.

>> No.25384589

Are you just pretending to be retarded? i'm genuinely asking.
I mean you can't be shitposting, people laughing at you isn't trolling.

>> No.25384590
File: 47 KB, 543x322, 1596978147454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cultists making fools of themselves again
Will they ever learn?

>> No.25384592

You can see it by yourself here: https://www.youtube.com/c/erecoch/videos

>> No.25384593

you don't speak japanese and the more you pretend you do the more it looks like you're just in damage control

>> No.25384594
Quoted by: >>25384693

Do you usually insult your colleagues or discuss their shortcomings in front of clients or customers? Just because we all knew that Choco isn't exactly a musical diva doesn't mean that her kouhai from a shitty subbranch for bugmen gets to tell that to the world. Someone needs to remind Artia that she still works for a Japanese company.

>> No.25384595

You think linking one tweet somehow overturns everything else she did?

>> No.25384598

Welcome to youtube fansubbers
>I'll put this text on the busiest part of the screen
>wait... should I try to ensure its readability?

>> No.25384599

>I bet Coco is [headcanon]

>> No.25384600
File: 998 KB, 591x778, 1596734780561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384798

>welcome to a world where lamy only has dreams!
i cant believe coco would openly wish for lamy to fail like that

>> No.25384602

I am unironically watching them right now.

>> No.25384606

I stopped watching when Kanata went offline in ARK

>> No.25384609
Quoted by: >>25384631

>2 slices of lemon cake

>> No.25384611
Quoted by: >>25384631

>2 burgers and lemon cake

>> No.25384612

but thats someone named Eriko not Botan wtf

>> No.25384613
Quoted by: >>25384634

I have to download it first and depending on Youtube's mood the video might process in mere hours or in two days, so your post will likely be dead by then.

>> No.25384616

Gen 3 has some weird schizos here, don't know why, maybe Pekofags really are underage, we know most of them are spics too so it kinda makes sense.

>> No.25384617

>Two slices of lemon cake

>> No.25384618
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1595881786850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384647

I've been unhappy every day ever since I lost Miko

>> No.25384620


>> No.25384621

I'm tempted but I have hours of my faves saved up

>> No.25384623

>two slices of lemon cake after eating two burgers

>> No.25384625
Quoted by: >>25384654

>proffesiona lactor
Her tits are big, but she also lactates?? Doesn't she need to be pregnant for that?

>> No.25384626

>somehow overturns everything else she did?
Can I get the rundown on this, bros?

>> No.25384627

Lemon cake is pretty good tbdesu

>> No.25384629


>> No.25384630

Man I wish the coco defense force also defended Watame and Kanata when they were shitposted to hell

>> No.25384631

She's a growing girl! She's growing horizontally

>> No.25384632
Quoted by: >>25384798

>>25384538 >>25384553 >>25384559
Cocofags in damage control

>> No.25384634
Quoted by: >>25384935

i have 4chanx anyways so i'll still get a you

>> No.25384635


>> No.25384639

Why would I watch some annoying retard and her fatass autist friend?

>> No.25384641

>Reddit defense force is here

>> No.25384643

Wasn't Moona supposed to be a model

>> No.25384644
File: 539 KB, 3329x1866, 1592249248948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dragonfags are actually loyal unlike your fragile fanbase

>> No.25384646
Quoted by: >>25384675

Coco graduation soon...

>> No.25384647
Quoted by: >>25384679

That version of her avatar was complete shit compared to the original.

>> No.25384648

Did I just notice a yabee moment from Roberu's cumpet? Sounds like someone she's been living with handing out a glass of drink to her

>> No.25384649

You can't really shitpost with gen 3 with how successful they are. Gamers has Korone and no one cares about the older gens.

>> No.25384650
Quoted by: >>25384681

Most of the time it's sheepfags throwing shit at other holos

>> No.25384651
File: 89 KB, 677x621, t708gkbrwkg51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlg/ antis believe in googlechama translation
>r**dit provides actual translation
the absolute state of this thread

>> No.25384652
Quoted by: >>25384698

>still active

>> No.25384654

yes anon I have dyslexia

>> No.25384656
File: 107 KB, 700x800, 20190410212237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoisho! Hello friends, a reminder that Hololive is a happy place where we all get to have fun and laugh! There's no need to fight over numbers

>> No.25384657

>watching a literal cringe compilation

>> No.25384660
File: 1.20 MB, 2996x4096, 1596562549037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the Coco apologists in this thread, it's even worse than Towafagging. What she did today was just shitty of her and I don't know why she went down that path, especially when she at one point had said how they should respect the work their senpais have done for them in order for the 4th gen to grow so easily, yet when the 5th gen comes it's almost a slap in their faces.

>> No.25384661

At this point just hearing Moona mention food gets funnier to me with every time.

>> No.25384663

Let them enjoy thinking that this isn't the official Coco anti thread for a couple minutes

>> No.25384666
Quoted by: >>25384723

top taste sis

>> No.25384667

reddit bros we must defend our queen

>> No.25384668
File: 3.04 MB, 2327x2151, honks_wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384774


>> No.25384671

Does moona speak english?

>> No.25384673


>> No.25384674

Coco kicked Watame out of gen 4 because she didnt want to move to Holohouse.

Watame is genless now

>> No.25384675

Now that the EOP viewers are all akifags, coco literally has 0 usage.

>> No.25384677

EOPs runing everything as usual

>> No.25384678

Luna the dart chad.

>> No.25384679
Quoted by: >>25384695

Original as in old model or what?

>> No.25384680

Luna is just pretending this whole time

>> No.25384681
File: 89 KB, 262x262, 1597239556751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the sheep is kind though

>> No.25384682
File: 3.48 MB, 2361x1624, 30439d7bbaf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been defending yonkisei here for 6 months already, but seeing newfag sheepbros fall for it makes it hard now.

>> No.25384683

Redditchads...I kneel...

>> No.25384684

Oh good I can sleep in tomorrow.

>> No.25384685
Quoted by: >>25384706

20k viewers on Flare and Luna collab ? Why are people enjoying watching Matsuri getting cucked so fucking much ?

>> No.25384687


>> No.25384689

The image that saved /HLG/

>> No.25384693

because Choco is going to find that twitch channel, learn to speak english, and be able to understand that Artia was saying her singing is bad

I'm certain plenty japs told her it sucks in addition to people in these threads and then finally Artia. Thankfully Coco never insulted anyone or discussed anything controversial on the Morning News like the webcam or yabee incident, this shit happens all the time and they should be insulted for their shortcomings its how they learn and how they grow

>> No.25384694

You're 5 hours late.


>> No.25384695
Quoted by: >>25384883


>> No.25384696

underage kids
newfags again

>> No.25384697
Quoted by: >>25384756

She was making a joke

>> No.25384698

>Who is Kson?

>> No.25384699

Google sure is one big narrativefag.

>> No.25384700
Quoted by: >>25384736

Honestly the biggest problem in all this is Coco saying she's gonna be doing Asacoco as an old lady, or at all. How can she just lie like this?

>> No.25384701

How come every elf in Hololive is half-elf? Is there a lore that I'm not familiar with that explains this?

>> No.25384704

You're English good!
Hit me on Discord!

>> No.25384705

this isn't even a defense force thing
it's just something that's so easily proven wrong that I'm not sure why the shitposters would choose this hill to die on

>> No.25384706

I only watch the right side of the stream

>> No.25384708

God she tries way too fucking hard

>> No.25384712
Quoted by: >>25384756

Imagine being so autistic you don't understand she's joking. Do you need an /s tag like your reddit friends?

>> No.25384713

Coco abandoned Watame because she didn't ride the holohouse narrative and milking with PPT. This is not a headcanon.

>> No.25384714

SGGG was a special exception because it was sponsored stream. Revenge of the Shinobi survived the initial archive purge but was privated shortly after Sega announced a deal with niji. The stream coming back is a good sign.

>> No.25384715

What the fuck Luna?

>> No.25384716

Aki would love all of the tentacle monsters added to the game.

>> No.25384717


>> No.25384720
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1591367136181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon what the fuck is a squizo

>> No.25384723


>> No.25384724

Holy fuck

>> No.25384725

It's a cop out so they don't have to explain their elf lore and can pretend theyre humans.

>> No.25384726
File: 61 KB, 680x380, EcKJiUsUMAA3RFt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ignore it. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.25384727
File: 295 KB, 480x480, 1586674997775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384751

>close /hlg/
>watch current streams and then vods later

>> No.25384729

>There is a trap door in my house

>> No.25384730

>the webcam or yabee incident,


>> No.25384731
Quoted by: >>25384770

It is really this easy, it's not that hard to realize she made that tweet in a bitter mood, that's all, cocofags can't take that their girl isn't perfect or something.

>> No.25384734
Quoted by: >>25384784

Yagoo has his own elf sex dungeon and these are his daughters.

>> No.25384736

>Asacoco what's that?

>> No.25384738

get some sleep friend, for we must all be rested in time for Polka debut

>> No.25384739

luna with no mercy

>> No.25384740
File: 744 KB, 2800x3000, EUPGLonUUAEWmDr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384771

It's a family.

>> No.25384741

Luna absolutely demolished Flare

>> No.25384743
File: 839 KB, 1399x1000, 1596721431289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384761

elves are made for rape by stronger superior races
this naturally leads to a lot of halfi

>> No.25384742
Quoted by: >>25384764

shizos who really like splatoon

>> No.25384744

Yeah I think I like Googlechama more than this shit

>> No.25384746

Where's Aki when you need her...

>> No.25384748
Quoted by: >>25384762

So the stories were true. Actual Coco apologists and defenders. The tumor to the cancer of the vtuber industry known as Hololive has whiteknights. Pathetic.

>> No.25384749

>A-Chan is going to die

>> No.25384750

Nips are racists

>> No.25384751
Quoted by: >>25384783

>close /hlg/
>get lonely
not comfy

>> No.25384753

I have a friend who's named like that please forgive me...

>> No.25384755

How bout Stars, CN and ID?

>> No.25384756

>>25384697 >>25384712
Coco is the perfect example of schrodinger douchebag

>> No.25384758


>> No.25384759
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1593541087719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that the new clown girl can speak fluent English or was I lied to?

>> No.25384760

I know most of you are women because only women fall for narratives. Hololive threads would have been better if it was only males here.

>> No.25384761

But her mother is the half human

>> No.25384762

they come from reddit, what did you expect

>> No.25384764
File: 38 KB, 453x463, 1591381790580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384867

anon what the fuck is a shizo

>> No.25384767

i fucking love the eye tracking in these live2ds

>> No.25384769

>Lets invite Coco to our chat!

>> No.25384770
File: 203 KB, 390x292, 1591835164309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384829

Stop, i can't keep laughing at you like this, it can't be good for my health.

>> No.25384771
File: 170 KB, 413x407, punished_watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be a pretty broken family when Watame and Luna are tossed aside like rags.

>> No.25384774

4 days until her arrival sets this thread into flames.

>> No.25384775

You just don't understand Japanese anon. If you do more japanese reps you will realize the 2nd and 3rd layer behind each holo. Also I heard that people in Japanese chat can tell you what is the totalitarian and universal meaning of life. They figured it out unfortunately it is impossible to convey it in an inferior language. Then after you learn the meaning of life from them you can go to 5ch. I heard that this is the true holoutopia. Nobody there posts that he "hates /hlg/ now cause it is all X and there is no Y anymore". And when you eventually step off from the computer the japanese language will allow you to jump out of the window you will realize you can fly now. Keep flying though just in case a woman will see you since they will now instantly want your dick now that you speak japanese and trust me you don't want to be raped by a non-japanese subhuman woman.

Why aren't you doing your reps now?

>> No.25384777
Quoted by: >>25384915

>because Choco is going to find that twitch channel, learn to speak english, and be able to understand that Artia was saying her singing is bad
What part of "talking shit behind someone's back" do you not get? The "behind the back" part makes it even worse than saying it straight to the face.
>I'm certain plenty japs told her it sucks in addition to people in these threads
Wow, didn't know Choco reads our threads
>they should be insulted for their shortcomings its how they learn and how they grow
Does your boss stream your performance review over the internet live to thousands of people? Then again you probably never held a job by the sound of it.

>> No.25384778
Quoted by: >>25384796

Lamey sucks

>> No.25384782
Quoted by: >>25384822

Watame is good friends with Towa!

>> No.25384783
File: 28 KB, 477x372, Ece3PqrXkAAtelB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting lonely watching chuubas

>> No.25384784

But Aki's father was an elf and her mother was a Siren.
And Lamy's dad is an elf and her mother a human.
And Flare never responds to her human papa's tweets.

>> No.25384785
Quoted by: >>25384834

The autist duo is pinging Coco...

>> No.25384786

Oh no cocobros
The gremlin is dming our queen

>> No.25384788

These two fucking bitches

>> No.25384789

Will reach 1000 by the end of the month

>> No.25384790

Don't ruin the fun.

>> No.25384794

>with the arms on my back
What was the translator even thinking at this part though? There's not really a graceful way to translate that but this is nonsense.

>> No.25384795


>> No.25384796

on what?

>> No.25384797

If she's who everyone think she is, then absolutely not

>> No.25384798

Weapons grade autism.... every fucking thread.

>> No.25384801
File: 1.43 MB, 3508x2480, 1595667431615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gen 5 get a near enough 100k sub head start.
Damn I'd be feeling a little salty if I was other gens.
Lam got 100k for pretty much nothing.

>> No.25384802

oh no bro you exposed our 6 hour old shitpost!!!!

>> No.25384803

based goblina

>> No.25384804

>Watame and Luna stop getting involved with Coco
>views and subs are skyrocketing
>PPT start living with Coco
>her channel is dying faster than FBK

>> No.25384806
File: 95 KB, 793x1024, 1597084789270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking 90% of people here actually watch streams

>> No.25384810

you guys must have the patience of a saint to deal with all the shit that gets thrown at your holo without sperging out. the difference between you and towafags is like night and day

>> No.25384812

Hololive promotes mixing races, this is not a narrative it is a well known fact

>> No.25384814

If watching other people having fun with eachother while you sit there alone in your room doesn't make you somewhat lonely you might have the tism.

>> No.25384815
Quoted by: >>25384925

Flare does respond to lack papa though

>> No.25384817

Coco prolly said that considering people were surprised at the numbers Lamy pulled by comparison.
Chances are once Corona ends and Hololive starts declining that particular scenario won't happen though.

>> No.25384819

I get lonely watching archives

>> No.25384821

Is A-chan implying she's really old?

>> No.25384822
File: 280 KB, 394x447, 1596622806887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that changes everything then...

Towa acting as a messenger between PPDuo and the rest

>> No.25384823

On a nice big popsicle

>> No.25384824
File: 696 KB, 208x450, 1596823251964.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weapons grade autism
yeah i know people like you who can't understand a simple joke are often classified as autistic

>> No.25384827
Quoted by: >>25384842

The literal state of this fucking thread. Jesus christ.

>> No.25384829

It's fine anon, you can always go back to niggit and pretend coco is a profesional who makes no mistakes.

>> No.25384828

You're trying to explain it to twitch retards who spam pepe and pog Anon.

>> No.25384830

Can't imagine how independent vtubers feel...

>> No.25384832


>> No.25384834


>> No.25384837
File: 14 KB, 395x168, 1590485730870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come chat with me and Moona poggers!
>Coco see the ping
>close the chat imemediatly

>> No.25384839

>you might have the tism
You don't?

>> No.25384842
Quoted by: >>25385358

Hopefully it's finally enough for you to fuck off for good, but we both know you're way too pathetic to do that.

>> No.25384843
Quoted by: >>25384909

Did she fall in love with /hlg/ after that fan-art and she is now trying to court this place by being a shitposter?

>> No.25384846

If she's actually as painfully boring as she let on in her debut then she'll probably stall before 200k if that makes you feel any better

>> No.25384847


>> No.25384848
File: 332 KB, 998x998, kson-coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kson streams from the holohouse
>inevitable accidental doxx for suisei, anemachi and kanata
really how is this going to work

>> No.25384850

-20 social score

>> No.25384853


>> No.25384852

Coco is done for anon

>> No.25384856


>> No.25384858
File: 317 KB, 1080x1448, IMG_20200811_014157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona making it to 80k. Ain't much, but it's an honest work.

>> No.25384860


>> No.25384861

>Coco is actually joining in

>> No.25384862
File: 178 KB, 687x1237, 1595102280879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25384863

Coco is coming to murder Moona and Artia

>> No.25384864
Quoted by: >>25384930

Why are cocofags so anti fun compared to the bitch they worship who unironically invites reddit shitposts

>> No.25384865


>> No.25384866
Quoted by: >>25385352

thats not how the holohouse works retard.

>> No.25384867


>> No.25384870

Oh no bros Coco is probably drunk and all hopped up on pills this is not going to be pretty

>> No.25384872

She's far from good but she's still better at English than that lazy fuck Haato.

>> No.25384873

we are da world, we are da sheeldren

>> No.25384874
File: 30 KB, 470x282, chrome_MayKslN7kw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she allowed to do this?

>> No.25384875
Quoted by: >>25384890

Same. Pekora/homos too when they were being shitposted. People don't realize that newfags will unironically buy into the narratives and then run them into the ground. I've been called a Towafag, Sheepfag, Kanatafag, and Cocofag within a single thread. I have zero Gen 4 memberships or subscriptions. Riddle me that.

>> No.25384876
File: 187 KB, 316x331, 1592876747058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25384896

>*swallow and entire bottle of sleeping pills*

>> No.25384878

her own streams

>> No.25384882
Quoted by: >>25384943

They have their own rooms

>> No.25384883
Quoted by: >>25385333

But her new model design is exactly what Miko wanted, and it has more soul. She personally requested for longer hair that showed her growth and maturity, matching ribbon with Pekora on her leg, also a more erotic outfit. I personally love it more than her old one.

>> No.25384884
Quoted by: >>25384899

I'm not gonna lie anons, I enjoy shitting on your oshis and seeing you all go in damage control over what clearly are mental gymnastics, some of you even start to believe them even though I like most girls and enjoy them, faggots.

>> No.25384885


>> No.25384886

Men is referring to her members who paid for the privilege

>> No.25384887
Quoted by: >>25384913

What happens when a doped up dragon collabs with two autists?

>> No.25384888

Will Artia openly shit on Coco live on air?

>> No.25384890
Quoted by: >>25384917

shut up akifag

>> No.25384896

[Funny moments]

>> No.25384897

Coco is coming so we can settle this by asking her if she was salty about gen 5 debut

>> No.25384898
File: 371 KB, 720x600, moonaglass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia, should we stop? Coco clearly is cooked on something and is making things pretty awkward... We'll finish this faster if we do it just the two of us.

>> No.25384899


>> No.25384901
File: 292 KB, 2048x2048, 1529593154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got 100k for being the cute

>> No.25384902
Quoted by: >>25384920

Its fucking 3 AM in Japan

>> No.25384903

>I already added you to the clan Artia and Moona, should we end it here?

>> No.25384905
Quoted by: >>25385352

They have strict rules that they won't enter each other's rooms and Kson probably has a big enough noodle to close her door and have a bunch of sound proofing shit in her room so any voices don't leak in.

>> No.25384907

google does it again

>> No.25384908
Quoted by: >>25384941

>totsumachi but it'll be an open line for members to call

>> No.25384909
Quoted by: >>25384923

She posted on /jp/ before she even joined Holo, as her other chuuba self

>> No.25384910

OH shit, membership stream.

>> No.25384912

As if a yandere human can't get her claws on a shota elf to pound her hips into him until his pelvis breaks,

>> No.25384913

We are gonna make the 66 minutes look lik a fucking joke

>> No.25384914
File: 80 KB, 300x150, 1575553229024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Botan and Polka will make it past 200k by this time next week

>> No.25384915
Quoted by: >>25384990

japs talk, especially on NND which matters way more than Youtube to these girls and chances are someone on NND mentioned Choco's singing being bad

and apparently you've never held a job outside of retail if you think companies don't discuss employee performance with other people even if they aren't on the call

>> No.25384916

Ayamechads, we won.

>> No.25384917

shut up suzakufag

>> No.25384918
File: 1.22 MB, 800x900, 1597169252403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit we're witnessing history in the making

>> No.25384920

Sleeping pills have stopped having an effect on coco a long time ago...

>> No.25384919
Quoted by: >>25384933

>inb4 Coco doesn't come

>> No.25384921


>> No.25384922


>> No.25384923
Quoted by: >>25384960


>> No.25384925
Quoted by: >>25384937

Lack is a mama

>> No.25384927

Which holo is most likely to be a user of Adderall?

>> No.25384930
File: 1.05 MB, 1600x1400, 2936c777bee324f9089d02c2f8cb980c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a pacifist who is against shitting on other holos to have fun like retarded 15 year old /v/ermin in a console war.
Maybe you should grow up anon.

>> No.25384933

She came

>> No.25384934


>> No.25384935

Alright, I'll try to remember your post anon but I make no promises.

>> No.25384936
Quoted by: >>25384994

Akifags are the masterminds behind all the shitposts

>> No.25384937
Quoted by: >>25385031

I don't think he is

>> No.25384939
Quoted by: >>25384964

You are a retard anon. There are fucking strict rules in the holohouse and the doors to her room lock automatically when she is on roommate account. They only open when she streams on porhub. In fact I really liked the handjob vid she did with Kanata yesterday.

>> No.25384941
Quoted by: >>25385015


>> No.25384942

I-Is the narrative actually true?

>> No.25384943


They have two large single-room apartments. I guess they'll just put up some makeshift walls or rent some large soundproof booths.

>> No.25384944

I'm really mad about Gen 5 getting so many subs!

>> No.25384945

It's not going to happen but a bunch of people will expect it to happen and her channel will get a decent boost.

>> No.25384946

>still in denial
wake up already, she was being passive aggressive and you know it

>> No.25384947
Quoted by: >>25384981

Holy shit she's coming too.

>> No.25384949
Quoted by: >>25384981

Aki is also coming!

>> No.25384950

Did everyone just forget about the World Hololive Collab with Iofi and the Rosalyn? Why are you losers excited for fucking Ark?

>> No.25384951
Quoted by: >>25384981

>Wait for AKIROSE to come
aw shit

>> No.25384954

Just show how rapeable elves are

>> No.25384953
Quoted by: >>25384985

Shut the fuck up Coco!

>> No.25384956

The spaghetti are already all over the floor

>> No.25384957


>> No.25384958

Cocobros don't look!

>> No.25384960

5ch said so

>> No.25384961


See? >>25384944

Want to apologize more or are we done here?

>> No.25384962

> Aki is coming as well

Moona your spaghetti...

>> No.25384963



>> No.25384964

big if true

>> No.25384965

Fuck off retard

>> No.25384967

I bet you're learning a lot by hearing "arigato peko" 50 times.

>> No.25384968


>> No.25384969

Who cares about those boring cunts

>> No.25384972

I want to see Coco bully Moona and Artia

>> No.25384973
Quoted by: >>25385017

>lost ownership of their dragons and otters
Artia... Moona...

>> No.25384974


>> No.25384976
File: 1.49 MB, 1447x2047, 20200728_095840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayamecucks are never a meme. They still worship her despite knowing she sells her body for old men.

>> No.25384977

Bros is this happening?

>> No.25384978
File: 470 KB, 1624x1992, baby polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-Herro I'm-a Omaru Polka. Ahmoo Curown-yes *giggles*

>> No.25384979

This fucking sudden collab.

>> No.25384981
Quoted by: >>25385005

What? to Artia's stream?

>> No.25384984

coco...I kneel...

>> No.25384985

No u! Motherfucker.

>> No.25384986


>> No.25384989

>Maybe you should grow up anon
what are you doing in 4chan anon, this is a place for adults to behave like kids

>> No.25384990
Quoted by: >>25385162

> chances are someone on NND mentioned Choco's singing being bad
Retardbro, what part of colleague vs some guy on the internet do you not get? Are you disabled?
>if you think companies don't discuss employee performance with other people even if they aren't on the call
Do they discuss it on their Twitch streams retardbro?

>> No.25384992

Holo Tweet: おやすみ~
Google translate: I am now going to sleep with a bunch of men.

>> No.25384994

Can’t believe they went as far as manipulating reddit just to shitpost and falseflag here

>> No.25384996

Hope you guys enjoy my voice tomorrow, I paid good money to be with ojou

>> No.25384997
Quoted by: >>25385060

Flare and Luna sure are having a blast!

>> No.25384999

This is too much ARK autism concentrated in a single area

>> No.25385000
File: 200 KB, 488x488, 1596938978916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco going on a rampage on HoloCN and HoloID after raging at 5th gen...

>> No.25385001

t.Arin Hanson

>> No.25385003

It is not shitposting if it is true.

>> No.25385005

She's joining in-game with Coco.

>> No.25385006
Quoted by: >>25385039

Nobody believed me when I said Coco had insane defenders in these threads watching any remark about her all day

>> No.25385007

So an Indonesian, a Chinese and an American walk into a bar.

The bartender asks: "is this some kinda joke?"

>> No.25385009

Coco doxx them out of hololive, you can do it

>> No.25385010

Why are you like this Reddit dragon?

>> No.25385011

>Aki crying with 180k
>One of my favorite vtubers has 13k
I love Aki but she made me very salty

>> No.25385012
Quoted by: >>25385040

Morning RFA with Noel!

>> No.25385014

She retired k-*on

>> No.25385015
Quoted by: >>25385037

I meant that as a what if

>> No.25385017

How the fuck is that possible? What are these two retards doing?

>> No.25385020
Quoted by: >>25385061

What if Polka say Polka at the end of sentences?

Like Peko but Polka

>> No.25385023
File: 386 KB, 1446x2048, Snowelf .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385067

I hate you fucking bitch

>> No.25385025
Quoted by: >>25385052

Go back to facebook faggot.

>> No.25385027

They left their tribe or something whatever that means

>> No.25385028
Quoted by: >>25385109

So an Indonesian, a Chinese and an American walk into a Japanese bar.

The Japanese bartender asks: "is this joke? get out, this is japanaeese onry bar!"

>> No.25385029

Ark is so fucking stupid and badly designed

>> No.25385031
Quoted by: >>25385062

He IS a mama

>> No.25385032
File: 352 KB, 1060x1000, 1594553706407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25385035

Could you please fuck off and never talk to Suisei again?
I don't want you or your leech to hang out with my girl anymore.

>> No.25385037

It will literally never happen. Even Haachama isn't stupid enough.

>> No.25385039

I just like ruining narratives, Coco is still shit.

>> No.25385040
File: 1.45 MB, 2250x3000, 1595563250398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shes given up on her rematch with pekora
she never had a chance anyways

>> No.25385041
File: 183 KB, 562x233, 1597156085841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385058

I know. I don't like Gen 5 either. But we hate your stupid mickey mouse voice and your R*ddit tendency even more. Also please tell Kabaya to go deaf

>> No.25385043


it's fun but jank in spots like many games

>> No.25385044

>the bartender says "OOKINI"

>> No.25385045
File: 9 KB, 186x186, lamy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385073

Ice is super effective against dragons

>> No.25385046
Quoted by: >>25385070

Seems like the dragons are linked to the tribe, but they both left

>> No.25385048

I can't help but laugh whenever Artia tries to say tribe.

>> No.25385049

ARK is stupid

>> No.25385050

Ok artia

>> No.25385052

You forgot the wojak and maybe 2 or 3 trannies in your post.

>> No.25385053
File: 2.61 MB, 1916x1060, frozenreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385064

Leave Coco to me.

>> No.25385055

Yeah, that's why she streamed on that channel when the holocaust was happening

>> No.25385056
File: 99 KB, 677x336, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25385058
File: 1.25 MB, 1127x539, Die bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't shitpost with the nurse thank you

>> No.25385060

It's a really great stream!!

>> No.25385061

She might use it at the end of questions, because か is used in place of a question mark in casual Japanese.

>> No.25385062


>> No.25385063

Okay the autism is getting too strong.

>> No.25385064
Quoted by: >>25385088

Why is she ahegaoing

>> No.25385065
Quoted by: >>25385085

>Tits that big
>Non-existent nipples

Hate when artists do this shit.

>> No.25385066
Quoted by: >>25385087

Can Coco fix this with admin powers or they fucked?

>> No.25385067 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25385092

Fuck you. 100k subs on your first stream? That's insane. I had to bust my ass to get those numbers and it just gets handed to you? You better watch you ass back at the office because I've got my eyes on you! This dragon was raised in the US of A and I've got American-sized fists!

>> No.25385069

>go away /v/
>go away Facebook
>go away Discord
>go away Reddit
You faggots all need to leave.

>> No.25385070

Why is the tribe still active when both members are gone?

>> No.25385073

The dragon fears thecArtia

>> No.25385075


>> No.25385077

Since when Watame higher than PPT?

>> No.25385078
File: 769 KB, 1400x862, moondragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385113


You can't make this shit up

>> No.25385080
Quoted by: >>25385129

How can you hate or love someone that didnt even debut yet?

>> No.25385081
Quoted by: >>25385089

i-i dont get it

>> No.25385083

Well she got a cute tifa cosplayer in her place last week.

>> No.25385084
File: 544 KB, 2181x1526, EfOvsfLUwAAGaZM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to watch my precious Nene's stream tomorrow, okay?

>> No.25385085
File: 2.59 MB, 1812x2575, 1594768285648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385151

blue board please understand

>> No.25385087

The tribe must still exist in the server, she should be able to solve it... it's ark though...

>> No.25385088

The pleasure of being chilled inside.

>> No.25385089

A x, a y and a z walking into a bar is a common joke set up

>> No.25385090

Quick what's the narrative in 300 words or less

>> No.25385091
File: 15 KB, 628x101, 1585908551154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK.

>> No.25385092

Sora started with 13 viewers back in 2017

>> No.25385094

I want a /jp/ ogs only hololive thread, full of tripfags and spambots, is that too much to ask?

>> No.25385096

I don't care about that numberfagging, but I hope sheep reaches 400k this month.

>> No.25385097

Im about to watch lemy's debut, bros tell me, does she sound cute at least

>> No.25385098

>in casual Japanese

>> No.25385100

Because bad game design, thats why.

>> No.25385102
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x900, ppleech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 weeks ago, coincidentally a little after PPT started her leeching spree

>> No.25385103

Not everyone feels a destructive kind of envy when watching others have fun anon, it is entirely possible to enjoy entertainment without turning it into a self-destructive feeling.

>> No.25385104

>coco high on sleeping pills deletes everything from the server

>> No.25385106
Quoted by: >>25385145

i dont think this narrative is funny either but muh comf image posters can eat shit. fuck off to discord you boring faggot

>> No.25385109


>> No.25385111

this picture made me realize that I forgot luna was 4th gen

>> No.25385113

Explain this, Coco defense force

>> No.25385114

I can't read this.

>> No.25385115

>Can't imagine how independent vtubers feel...
Groups are stronger than individuals.

>> No.25385117

She sounds like LULU

>> No.25385121

Watamelon rap widened gap and then it kept going.

>> No.25385122
Quoted by: >>25385139


>> No.25385125

Coco losing to the numbers more heavily than FBK...

>> No.25385128
Quoted by: >>25385166

>unmute artia and moona
>immediately mute artia and moona
Really enjoying the stream despite this

>> No.25385129

But they debuted on twitter already.

>> No.25385131

Lamy has the kind of voice that enables top tier regret videos when she watches it again in her one year anniversary stream

>> No.25385132

Different anon, but I just tend to post a nice comment about my favorite without any other posts linked if there's a ton of shitposting about her.

I like every single Hololive, though I do have a favorite.

>> No.25385134
Quoted by: >>25385161

Go open a hololive thread on /b/ if it doesn't miraculously kick off then you will get a pretty accurate simulation of what would happen if people here would go back.

>> No.25385135

she sound like rushia
so yeah

>> No.25385136
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1593509950612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385201

This is some real TOP KUSA moment

>> No.25385137

120k subs

>> No.25385139

This is not tanoshii

>> No.25385140
Quoted by: >>25385211

I need to do more kanji reps anon, what does it say? 120k subs?

>> No.25385142
Quoted by: >>25385161

>goodbye 95% of this thread

>> No.25385144


>> No.25385146

Damn right comrade

>> No.25385145

>muh comf image posters can eat shit
>fuck off to discord you boring faggot
I never used discord in my life and acting retarded isn't "funny", grow up.

>> No.25385149

Sasuga Google-sama.

>> No.25385150

God Artia is soooo fucking retarded.

>> No.25385151
Quoted by: >>25385167

is that a futa noel...

>> No.25385153


In VERY causual Japanese. And in formal Japanese.

>> No.25385156

She's cute, has potential, remember to dont judge completeley her now as she will break character soon, may become someone like Noel

>> No.25385160
Quoted by: >>25385190

Take me back to 2017 Hololive

>> No.25385161

>slow = bad
Why causes this mentality?

>> No.25385162
Quoted by: >>25385321

you cant actually be this retarded...how old are you? here I'll break it down
>NND talks
>which makes its way to 5ch
>which makes its way to 4chan
>which then makes it everywhere else including twitch, including Artia's stream
chances are Choco already knew her singing was terrible before Artia said something. Does that make it right? no, but she did it anyway and chances are Choco won't ever find out because she's never heard of Twitch and probably doesn't have an interest in Holo CN

as for companies, they do talk performance. Most of the time they bring it up in company meetings
>you failed to meet this deadline
>you came in at 11:00am every day this week when work starts at 9:00am
sometimes they will hold private meetings where performance is discussed and even then there is always at least 1 other person present in the room because someone could easily come back and say
>they told me I'm not doing well in this company because I'm a woman!
and if you didn't have any witnesses in that office with you it's their word against yours

I hope you take something from this very simple lesson on how trickle down works, and how actual business works because I suspect you will need it when you actually become of age to be a functioning member of society

>> No.25385163

We know the indogs but what about the updogs?

>> No.25385165

Dark blue like on her corset. Mature anime women wear dark toned pantsu.

>> No.25385166

it might be the yellow fever talking, but two asian ESLs joking around in broken english is cute to me

>> No.25385167

It's a Flare Noel

>> No.25385169

>Can't post image

>> No.25385170
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, 7qd7mk1g5nc51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get asshurt for Lamy shattering records with her debut
>Go on a Twitter rampage
>Take some pills after (and before)
>Go grief Artia's and Moona's ARK collab and delete their pets and clan

>> No.25385175

Go back ESL.

>> No.25385177

>Damn I'd be feeling a like Id have to step it up if I was other gens.
I hope they use this to light a fire under their ass and to become a stronger performer and grow as an entertainer.

>> No.25385178
Quoted by: >>25385193


>> No.25385179
Quoted by: >>25385325

I wonder if Aki was asleep before Coco called her.
>Oi time for Ark

>> No.25385180

Should be out dogs dumb anon

>> No.25385182

faster = more people like = its more popular = im justified in my support

>> No.25385183

I've been subbed to this one vtuber who has made 0 progress the last 2 months in terms of views and subs and she only gets 7 viewers on average on her streams.
I would probably quit after witnessing the 5th gen debut.

>> No.25385170,1 [INTERNAL] 

IOFi still is in the old clan

>> No.25385184

Why would Towa do this?

>> No.25385185

>he doesn't know

>> No.25385186
Quoted by: >>25385203

Its a good thing that Holo will never found this place.

>> No.25385187
Quoted by: >>25385202

「Lamy Ch. 雪花ラミィ」のチャンネル登録者数が120,000人を突破しました

>> No.25385189


>> No.25385190
Quoted by: >>25385222

Who gives a shit about this boring Sora bitch? I'd much rather watch Kizuna Ai right bros?

>> No.25385193
Quoted by: >>25385226

He's the fake one, ignore him.

I never fuck up

>> No.25385194 [DELETED] 
File: 476 KB, 1669x2048, EdIWU46U8AAZo_u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25385198

Literally /v/, but they will deny it.

>> No.25385200

We still have 40 image slots dumb anon

>> No.25385201

It took me like 15 seconds of looking at the word TOP to realize that it's not an acronym.

>> No.25385202


>> No.25385203

Anon why do you think Shion has depression?

>> No.25385205

why is artia laughing like peko

>> No.25385206

She can pay me to have sex with her. Hell she doesn't even has to pay.

>> No.25385207


>> No.25385210

I'd rather be an indog than an incat

>> No.25385211

It's saying it has gone above 120k subscribers

>> No.25385213


>> No.25385214

kill yourself doxxfag

>> No.25385217
File: 237 KB, 500x500, 20200724_072307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385226

Fucking retard

>> No.25385218
File: 729 KB, 3508x2480, 1596198051309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25385219

whos this :)
luna please drop this bitch

>> No.25385221

I'm glad Moona and Artia are having fun together.

>> No.25385222
Quoted by: >>25385245

Man thinking back on it, what a fucking twist of events for the clone and corp shit to fuck over Kizuna Ai

>> No.25385224

The only holos who worked for their subs were Gen 3 and below. The others just got handed their subs instantly by being part of hololive and due to the hard work of their senpais.

>> No.25385226


>> No.25385228


>> No.25385229
Quoted by: >>25385248

Aki is a dood?

>> No.25385231

Auntie saves the day

>> No.25385232

I had a question about Lyger. What will he do when he finally realizes festival's pussy is untouchable for him regardless of what he does?

>> No.25385235
Quoted by: >>25385313

No shit anon. And?

>> No.25385237


>> No.25385238

Aki is here

>> No.25385239


>> No.25385240
File: 78 KB, 183x233, 1593697456502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385830

>Aki comes
>Moona and Artia use english with her

>> No.25385241


>> No.25385242
Quoted by: >>25385266

Why is Aki naked

>> No.25385246

Now this is a good stream

>> No.25385245

She kinda stagnated on a scene that's constantly shifting, I think the chuuba economy moves these days mainly because of collabs which was something Ai was heavily restricted on

>> No.25385247

>Get asshurt for Lamy shattering records with her debut
>Go on a Twitter rampage
>Take some pills after (and before)
>Announces she's bringing back Asacoco
>Its more raunchier than it was before management meddling

>> No.25385248

please leave and never return newfag

>> No.25385249
File: 728 KB, 887x955, Screen Shot 2020-08-12 at 11.29.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you enjoying Flares Super Metroid run so far?

>> No.25385250
Quoted by: >>25385305


>trannies and faggots taking the joke seriously
Are they trying to ruin vtubers now too?

>> No.25385251
File: 25 KB, 1046x617, EfNvYlTU4AE4jMO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato is the best Holoartist and purposefully didn't add the chinese girl to the group drawing.

>> No.25385252

Welcome to life. But I get you. I often wish most of the managers on earth would just die.

>> No.25385254

>Playing Ark on stream
>Playing Ark off stream

Might as well change name to Ark Rosenthal

>> No.25385260

How many times do I have to explain this shit to you retards Holy fuck it's so fucking tiring.

>> No.25385261

i thought coco is on moona stream

>> No.25385262

why are gen3fag like this

>> No.25385263

The same he does every day. Convince himself that he has to creep more and continue what he is doing.

>> No.25385265

reddit apple...

>> No.25385266

To show off the mukimuki body she has
They run faster naked

>> No.25385270
Quoted by: >>25385346


Now that I think about it, I don't think I have ever seen Flare roleplay as an elf.

>> No.25385272

>gen 3

>> No.25385275
Quoted by: >>25385322

doxxing polack is here again I see

>> No.25385276
File: 105 KB, 333x331, EdJpVEhUwAAiqAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I do that, it'll just invite more shitposts her way. Not like there's a lack of it here.

>> No.25385277

Hololive Jappen

>> No.25385279

What are they going to do on ARK now that the avengers have assembled?

>> No.25385281
File: 364 KB, 566x800, Ee5qIyKVoAAo2tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame does what she damn well pleases. Also maybe learn to read some Japanese, it'll save you from silly mistakes like this.

>> No.25385282


>> No.25385284

Before the permission arc, Coco is expected an episode of Asacoco right now and people look her up. But now, she is more obsessed in numbers than Watame and it is pretty sad.

>> No.25385288
File: 572 KB, 420x645, 笑顔.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to restore Choco's happiness fellas?

>> No.25385291

Well shit it is Hololive Worldwide.

>> No.25385292

Gen 3 had it easy too you dumbfuck.

>> No.25385294

>Cabaretfags pretending they've worked a day in their lives

>> No.25385296
File: 240 KB, 917x477, 4thgen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25385297
File: 20 KB, 431x165, EfNc1ClU4AAtwrX[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25385299

Just remember this whenever a retard suggests that a vtuber should move to twitch.

>> No.25385303
Quoted by: >>25385328

Make her a mother

>> No.25385305

>those comments

>> No.25385307

>bungle Ark raid and lose a lot of shit
>want to do some early morning grinding to recover but get roped into helping two autistic ESLs

>> No.25385309
Quoted by: >>25385328

Have her play DbD with Lamy and Towa.

>> No.25385308
Quoted by: >>25385328

Invite her out on a date and when she thinks you are the perfect man for her, ask her to pay for the gas bill

>> No.25385311
Quoted by: >>25385496

I think the same but when i see a bunch of people shitting on my oshi i can't help but leave a possitive comment, just to counter some of the anti hate.

>> No.25385313
File: 185 KB, 368x409, 1593016195915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of seeing gen 4 shitters think that their oshi worked hard for any of their subs when all the hard work was already done for them

>> No.25385319

Even Artia does her reps

>> No.25385320
File: 387 KB, 630x1200, ED632682-E35F-4AB7-8503-34400897D9C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama let me lick the stuff off your soiled panties onegai

>> No.25385321
Quoted by: >>25385505

If underages aren't allowed on 4chin, why mentally incapable people are? You really should run your posts by your legal guardian retardbro
>chances are Choco already knew her singing was terrible before Artia said something
The point was never whether or not Choco knew it already (she did) or if she finds out that Artia has said. The point was that Artia shittalks her colleagues behind their backs, that's the point you were arguing against you colossal fucking sperg.

As for your armchair CEO diatribe I didn't even bother with reading it, because you didn't answer the fucking question question: do companies stream performance reviews on public Twitch or Youtube channels faggot? Do they or do they not? They don't, so that has nothing to do with what Artia did. Shut the fuck up and take your meds schizo.

>> No.25385322
Quoted by: >>25385413

>doxxfags are one person
Holy shit how stupid are you

>> No.25385323

Allow her to play DBD again
restore her model to pre-update
let her be sexy without the fear of being banned

>> No.25385324

Give her more akasupa bitch what're you poor don't you care about her and her declining body weight what's she at now 80kg?

>> No.25385325

she was on the Ark server already

>> No.25385326

>Coco becoming the thing that she warned to not be

>> No.25385328
File: 795 KB, 930x664, 好き.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is not an option unfortunately
Needs one more person

>> No.25385329
Quoted by: >>25385354

2 girls 1 cup but it's Artia and Moona

>> No.25385331
Quoted by: >>25385357

Literally only Gen 0, 1, and 2 did.

>> No.25385333
Quoted by: >>25385375

>her growth
Her throat tumors?

>> No.25385336 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 607x173, 1597258188683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking sorry

>> No.25385335

Lamy will play DBD with Choco-sensei and all will be right in the world.

>> No.25385337

I fucking hate gen 4!

>> No.25385340

>moona and artia slingling literal poop at each while Coco fix their shit

>> No.25385341
Quoted by: >>25385373

Damn they are really happy...

>> No.25385343
File: 228 KB, 1000x980, 1596799894816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hololive would have died if sankisei didnt carry the fuck out of it

>> No.25385346

Confirmed part of Hololive Cosplay generation

>> No.25385347

The void answered the call...

>> No.25385350

Immensely. It's been ages since I've played the game and it's interesting to see it again through a new player's eyes. She shows a lot of persistence when fighting the bosses that you can't help but cheer her on.

>> No.25385352

>a nip recognizes k-on on the streets.
>stalks her to the holohouse
>sees all the holomembers living there

>> No.25385354

My pp is hard

>> No.25385355
Quoted by: >>25385386

why are these two autists so cute holoEN will be nothing like this

>> No.25385356
Quoted by: >>25385445

Why do you screenshot your own posts?

>> No.25385357

Literally only Sora did

>> No.25385358
Quoted by: >>25385377

I'll stay just to shit on your raging ass lmao

>> No.25385361

Pekora and Marine saved hololive

>> No.25385362

But it wasn't bad?

>> No.25385363
Quoted by: >>25385496

I just look at this way, if my oshi ever made the mistake of opening a hlg thread, I want her to see at least one nice post. It's the least I can do when I've watched hundreds of hours of her content.

>> No.25385364

But this has been amazing

>> No.25385368
Quoted by: >>25385410

Didn't Coco just join to fix some shit and then left?

>> No.25385370

All this talk about hard work and free subs... Does this mean Sora is the real unsung hero of hololive?

>> No.25385371

desu gen 3 is peak Hololive, everything went downhill after that

>> No.25385373

its the irrelevant Holo branches vs. one of the top ones

>> No.25385376
File: 310 KB, 1447x2039, EZOhaBpUcAAFLEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but still so fuckin cute
i love this stacked little gremlin a lot

>> No.25385375
Quoted by: >>25385384

No, her pregnant belly

>> No.25385377

Do it faggot

>> No.25385378

>Coco leaving the house without a mask
good fanfic though

>> No.25385381

You could replace the other gen 3 members and not much would change outside of gen 3. Pekora and Marine are the only ones with actual relationships outside of that clique

>> No.25385382

Uh, Flarefags?

>> No.25385383
File: 279 KB, 414x517, 1586693154054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking do it again, put SMOK team in it this time.

>> No.25385384

Pregnancy doesn't make people cough.

>> No.25385385

>Luna can actually banter pretty well
Sorry Watamates I'm defecting and becoming a Lunaito

>> No.25385386

HoloEN is going to be worse and every way possible

>> No.25385387
Quoted by: >>25385400

Ask reddit to give her pity subs

>> No.25385389
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, 1591902543630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco is now a bigger numberfag than Watame
lmao she's scared of becoming irrelevant now that gen5 is debuting, go make asacoco again bitch but this time make sure it isn't boring as fuck like v2.0

>> No.25385392

Yeah that's a more plausible scenario, specially since she probably stands out way too much. A 180cm woman wearing full Adidas clothing and sounding like Mickey Mouse next to a midget with terrible fashion sense would ring a bell for any Hololive fan.

>> No.25385393

Oh no, Flare...

>> No.25385394

They're having fun
what's your point fag

>> No.25385395
File: 864 KB, 2048x2048, Houshou.Marine.full.2817036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25385396
File: 54 KB, 942x336, 94185620_120000896329227_3075775171865346048_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this place have such a gigantic hate boner for lyger? Is the jealousy of him being with his oshi really this uncontrollable?

>> No.25385398
File: 116 KB, 850x601, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385429

>Anyone who has a problem in ARK asks Coco for help
>She's always there happy to help, even at 4am.

>> No.25385400

She already has plenty of subs though

>> No.25385402
File: 939 KB, 804x719, 1596723536807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you guys know, i absolutely love this woman

>> No.25385403


>> No.25385405
Quoted by: >>25385491

i wish flare was my dad

>> No.25385409

Fuck off *y*e*

>> No.25385410
Quoted by: >>25385655

No, Moona and Artia invested her but then they fucked up with their tribe and Coco had to fix their fuck up

>> No.25385411

Good for you!

>> No.25385413
Quoted by: >>25385460

It is him though.

>> No.25385414

b-but Bakatare!

>> No.25385415

As a friend right?

>> No.25385416

Facebook. Go.

>> No.25385417

big kusa

>> No.25385420
Quoted by: >>25385432

You know Coco is 180cm in real life, right anon?

>> No.25385424

Jokes on you dumbass I AM lyger

>> No.25385425
Quoted by: >>25385441

And the tail and horns, too?

>> No.25385427
Quoted by: >>25385439

She's really easily recognizable. How many nip women wear full Adidas?

>> No.25385428
File: 714 KB, 648x973, 1582962512438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco... please stop this madness. I don't care if I have to be excluded from you and the 4th gen... but please don't hurt the 5th gen, HoloID and HoloCN!

>> No.25385429

She is the server admin, no shit they have to ask her for these kind of technical things

>> No.25385430
Quoted by: >>25385541

I remember that thread... and Lyger getting BTFO as usual. Still not as good as the thread where whatshisface said /hlg/ was ruining hololive with narrative posts

>> No.25385431

>Luna can actually banter pretty well
You're only finding this out now?

>> No.25385432

I know, that's why I said it

>> No.25385433


>> No.25385436

Everyone knows you're the worst posters here, no need to keep confirming it guys.

>> No.25385439


>> No.25385441

The tail's a buttplug and her horns are her glasses.

>> No.25385442

>like retarded 15 year old /v/ermin in a console war
it's funny because those are the only people who unironically think Coco is good

>> No.25385446

Me too!

>> No.25385445

4chan is my life. It isn't for you?

>> No.25385451

>Everyone knows you're the worst posters here, no need to keep confirming it guys.
But I was insulting Gen 3? Anon??

>> No.25385452

Shut the fuck up nygger

>> No.25385453

This but with Mio

>> No.25385454

She's not that tall and her actual voice doesn't sound like that. She sounds more like she's on the cusp of being an old lady. I'll give you the clothing giving them away.

>> No.25385457

Jesus christ that's cringe *yger please go back to discord

>> No.25385460

I'm Canadian, you dolt. Maybe you should leave the identity patterns to anons who have IQs above 100.

>> No.25385462

Not a shitpost or anything, but how many days does watame need to overtake coco at this rate?

>> No.25385467
Quoted by: >>25385482

This stream feels like watching a spin-off anime...

>> No.25385468
File: 15 KB, 443x455, 1592552844521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, let me try. In two days Festival massively fucks up something.

>> No.25385471

Its amazing how she went from one of the biggest hambeasts to this.

>> No.25385474

Has Noel even played a PS4 game?

>> No.25385477


>> No.25385479

Depends on how hydrated she is.

>> No.25385480

Around the end of the year probably

>> No.25385482
Quoted by: >>25385564

Which one?

>> No.25385483
Quoted by: >>25385504

>he cant even shitpost right

>> No.25385484

I miss a month ago when nobody used the word "oshi" in this thread.

>> No.25385487

just woke up, how did the debut go?

>> No.25385489
File: 328 KB, 501x443, 1596206840213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So newfags talk about 5th gen getting everything on a silver platter not knowing how much shit 4th gen got for the same thing, it was hard and got to tenshi the most, and 5th gen will go through same shit

>> No.25385491

So you can get kidnapped by Ridley and cloned into an army?

>> No.25385492

This. If Towa was in gen 1 she'd have graduated soon after the yabee moment.
Dude. Just come out and confess to l*ger already.

>> No.25385495

>sankiseifags claiming they did anything when it was Sora, FBK, Matsuri and Aqua carrying Hololive on its backs
3rd, 4th, and 5th gen are just riding the wave their senpais laid out for them

>> No.25385496

Based. One of the few decent posters left. I hope your oshis don't suffer the same fate in these threads (if it hasn't happened yet).

>> No.25385497

>not working hard

But I do agree with the sentiment. Now that the there's a high risk of freeloaders entering Hololive. There will be people that give it their when it comes to auditioning but once they're safely in they'll just freeload.

>> No.25385500
Quoted by: >>25385531

It's amazing to see what a photo filters can do today!

>> No.25385501

The flavor of the month fags that watched her are fucking off to other holos now that asacoco and 3d debut are over, so probably like a week or so.

>> No.25385502
Quoted by: >>25385610

I think I'm in love with Suzumomo Nene

>> No.25385504

I don't do that, grow up.

>> No.25385505

If you really aren't going to acknowledge anything that was said and instead continue to say really outlandish things like
>do companies stream performance reviews on public Twitch or Youtube channels
>As for your armchair CEO diatribe I didn't even bother with reading it
then there's no help, I wish you luck in future endeavors

>> No.25385509
File: 101 KB, 274x434, kneel EOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't.

>> No.25385507

18k people watching? They barely get 4k when streaming solo

>> No.25385508
File: 840 KB, 788x1113, EfNKQWzUEAAXt4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25385511

Me too!

>> No.25385514
File: 86 KB, 672x672, image0_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one piece fumihiko did of Shuba

>> No.25385516
Quoted by: >>25385543

When artia isnt screeching about overwwtch as a twitch zoomer shes pretty cute

>> No.25385519

Pretty good, she's pretty mellow, essentially noel 2

>> No.25385520

Good for him but I just want to tell you I'm going to marry Choco next year

>> No.25385521

luna x flare is surprisingly entertaining

>> No.25385522
File: 2.50 MB, 225x225, 2348755451221.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25385525

Aki lite version, Lamy content is literally the same
>drunk zastudan
But debutted with a "can't dance or really sing or get into sports" so she is going to be that, a lite Aki

>> No.25385528

There's nothing else on

>> No.25385530
Quoted by: >>25385555


>> No.25385531
Quoted by: >>25385562

Wait. You didnt see her recent streams? Oh no no no

>> No.25385532

why are leafs like this

>> No.25385533

Always the hardest arc of the new gens

>> No.25385534


But that isn't a woman, that is a Husky.

>> No.25385536

I want to take Haato out to a nice restaurant and tell her that I am cancelling my membership and unsubscribing in order to make room for Polka. By doing this in a public place I can be sure she won't make a scene.

>> No.25385537
Quoted by: >>25385563

>2 collab masters
>noone else is streaming
It is a mystery.

>> No.25385538
File: 106 KB, 655x908, af34b0b1a0ac9fc8b4764fc94874dd2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>walk through Tokyo
>accidentaly walk into a woman
>hear "fuck!" in a mickey mouse voice

>> No.25385539

This place is hatred incarnate and it lashes out at anything and everything. Also pure jealousy

>> No.25385540
File: 206 KB, 491x536, EfJ3XCZWAAAtcBU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comrade botan,
I will have to inspect your wakis

>> No.25385541
File: 31 KB, 383x209, Annotation 2020-06-13 083338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.25385542
File: 230 KB, 1440x990, 1592061901604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but with Towa after I help her gain some weight.

>> No.25385543

she is /hlg/'s cute little sister

>> No.25385546

Watlamy... the armpit collab........

>> No.25385547

i feel you bro

>> No.25385550
File: 18 KB, 897x196, 1578823339811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think people don't know you post here l*ger? Stop talking in third person in order to fellate yourself in public.

>> No.25385551

lyger-sama, i kneel...

>> No.25385554

Hololive viewers like seeing cute girls doing cute things TOGETHER.

>> No.25385555

Me too!

>> No.25385557
File: 744 KB, 1597x1000, 1596889469143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEASE this mindless BABBLE.

>> No.25385559
File: 31 KB, 543x567, honks in pixel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385579


>> No.25385560
File: 795 KB, 1103x1080, watamina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385605

So it's the only way... I have to pass Coco in subs so that she'll come back to her senses...

>> No.25385562

I've seen it, but what I meant was that cosplay pic of her.

>> No.25385563

>No one else

>> No.25385564

Not one specifically, just thinking about the trope where the main characters from the original series make a cameo in the spin-off series. Honestly didn't expect Coco and Aki to come.

>> No.25385569

Haha yup that is the one, good times

>> No.25385571

Cute hat

>> No.25385572
File: 659 KB, 1324x885, 1593031649102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 3 will never be topped.

>> No.25385573

Kinda similar to Pekora's debut, with her hair down and bigger boobs.

>> No.25385574

>pekomarifags thinking their holos did anything
I know gen3 fans are retards but holy shit. Hololive was already on the rise when gen3 debuted, they just simply rode the wave, the real Hololive "saviors" were the ones in the Azur Lane collab

>> No.25385575


>> No.25385577
File: 245 KB, 110x110, 1593483551743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the shitstorm if after her debut, Botan will have more subs than Aki, Towa and Mel

>> No.25385578
File: 105 KB, 719x235, 2020-08-12_210012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one should I pick ?

>> No.25385579
File: 691 KB, 2414x2158, honks__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25385581
Quoted by: >>25385606

You wish you polish faggot.

>> No.25385582

She was cuter when she was fat

>> No.25385584

I believe Luna is the most talented holo in everything.

>> No.25385587

Make ui-mama ui-grandma!

>> No.25385589

Coco's 150k+ ahead and is still growing at a pretty similar rate. Marine on the other hand has a good chance to pass Coco

>> No.25385591
File: 240 KB, 1505x1210, EfNsNGbUEAE1eJP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please don't hurt the 5th gen

>> No.25385595
File: 469 KB, 602x790, 1593267171246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385628


>> No.25385596
File: 340 KB, 553x510, 角巻わため🐏@ホロライブ4期生_on_Twitter_🙏_#雪花ラミィ初配信_https (2020-08-12) 08-51-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25385598

The one with the Jojo reference

>> No.25385597


>> No.25385600

>Coco is working hard
I love this meme, especially now that asacoco is gone and she's reaching for the bottom of several barrels for content

>> No.25385599

Not Sushi.

>> No.25385601
Quoted by: >>25385701

>Lamy watches jojo
yeah I'm thinkin Polka Coin

>> No.25385603

>CAM girls livestreams

>> No.25385604
File: 13 KB, 327x263, 1597237360029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute... I didn't think about this too hard earlier, and I don't know if I missed anyone else bring it up, but...
>born: 1810/11/15
>age: 210
You idiot! You're 209! Your 210th birthday is a couple of months away!
>hates math
Okay she checks out.
Was it intentional?

>> No.25385605
Quoted by: >>25385627

But the sheep isn't even growing faster than Coco, at least check holostats before chosing a target for shitposting.

>> No.25385606

Take your meds.

>> No.25385609

choose to do your reps EOP

>> No.25385608

>the real Hololive "saviors" were the ones in the Azur Lane collab
preach fellow oldfags

>> No.25385610
File: 28 KB, 557x190, suzumomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a cute moment.

>> No.25385611


>> No.25385613

>fag ass anon walks over my oshi
>she has to take a three months long break

>> No.25385614
Quoted by: >>25385691

Coco worked hard to leech off the content her fellow hololive members worked hard on, yes

>> No.25385615

Doxfags, falseflagging, towafags and senseless arguing are removed almost completely
Theres 20 times more ritual posting at the start of each thread than now.

Yes or no?

>> No.25385618

Where's the lie though?

>> No.25385620


>> No.25385622

I think they're probably prepared for it now, and one of the seemingly-dorkiest Gen5s claims to be a fan of Kabaya and has likely seen what she went through.
They just need to pursue what they wanted to regardless of what shitposters cry about.

There can't be a soul remaining that doesn't know the entire gen 5 is standing on the shoulders of giants now with Lamy literally at 120000 subs after (2) videos.

>> No.25385625

please do not be mean to my ice princess wife

>> No.25385626
Quoted by: >>25385642

>walk into a group of elevens at the shibuya crossing
>shout WAKE ME UP
>hear goofy tier high-pitched SAVE MEEEEE from a japanese white girl wearing full adidas

>> No.25385627
Quoted by: >>25385643

Did you even read the post you replied to?

>> No.25385628
Quoted by: >>25385690

Not when they sound like Artia, or as unironically autistic as Moona.

>> No.25385629
Quoted by: >>25385657

Are you looking forward for Nene's debut?

>> No.25385631
File: 1.51 MB, 640x360, 1497497122582.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25385660


>> No.25385634
Quoted by: >>25385767


>> No.25385636

The imposter syndrome they have must be insane.

>> No.25385637
File: 85 KB, 208x188, 【初配信】ホロライブ5期生の雪花ラミィです!【#ほろふぁいぶ】_-_YouTube_-_Vivald (2020-08-12) 08-46-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25385638

Deepest lore.

>> No.25385640
Quoted by: >>25385679

Coco's earnings alone can fund another 3 generations of newcomers.

>> No.25385641

>Is the jealousy of him being with his oshi really this uncontrollable?
No you're not, and never will.

>> No.25385642
Quoted by: >>25385669

>japanese white girl

>> No.25385643

Did you?

>> No.25385646

discord, reddit and 4chan should be used by all people who considers themselves a fan complementary, each one holds a part of the fandom and has a good part needed to understand your oshi properly, but diving too much into one of them will male you a complete autist, in reddit the cringe whiteknights, on discord the fucking spammers with the same jokes and on 4chan the narrativefags drama loving faggots.
Being only in one is like being in a fake bubble, you need balance.

>> No.25385647
Quoted by: >>25385767

I'm fine with that since ritual posts are harmless fun

>> No.25385649

How she survive the boom?

>> No.25385650

>Coco pulled the killswitch on MoonaArtia

>> No.25385651

Luna talks like a retard

>> No.25385652
Quoted by: >>25385705

I don't think you know the meaning of that word

>> No.25385653


>> No.25385655

They asked her for help because they needed to use a bed owned by coco but they weren't on the same tribe and couldn't use it, they didn't invite her

>> No.25385657

I'm more excited for the mommy collabs desu

>> No.25385660

One of these days meidos gotta turn flags and id's on for /jp/

>> No.25385661

Based enlightenment seeker anon

>> No.25385662
Quoted by: >>25385767

Sure, it'd be easy to filter out.

>> No.25385665


>> No.25385666

And that's a good thing!

>> No.25385668

Coco... why...

>> No.25385669

how else can you describe her considering her taste in music

>> No.25385673
Quoted by: >>25385692

>B-but Coco doesn't do anything wrong...

Shuts the server down when Artia and Moona are having their collab.

>> No.25385674
Quoted by: >>25385710

Except I don't want anything to do with discord and reddit and people like you infest this place with PC faggot mentality. And I give up. There is too much cancer here to clean up anyways.

>> No.25385676
Quoted by: >>25385688

>french text

>> No.25385677
Quoted by: >>25385767

God yes, what the fuck

>> No.25385678

Shut the fuck up you little bitch

>> No.25385679

All that money went back to the clan, that's how money laundering works.

>> No.25385680

Nobody replies to ritualposts. But doxposts leads to people mass replying and the thread derailing for several hundreds of posts

>> No.25385682

I actually really wish theyd do that. Theres still ways to go around both, but for 90% of the shitposters its too annoying to do.

>> No.25385683

She's like 3 years old

>> No.25385684

I can't wait for Towa to be completely obsolete after the 5th gen demon has her debut stream.

>> No.25385685
Quoted by: >>25385730

>needed to understand your oshi properly
do EOPs really?

>> No.25385686

Coco gets 2-3k subs a day without Asacoco and she comes back soon with 3.0, so never.

>> No.25385688
Quoted by: >>25385711

>Watches English subbed content
Yeah that's an EOP alright

>> No.25385689

based! me too

>> No.25385690


>> No.25385691

Are you the same anon that got butthurt everytime Coco talked about herself in AsaCoco 2.0?

>> No.25385692
Quoted by: >>25385713

>been about 66 minutes since you two logged on, maybe call it?
>it's up to you, we're fine!

>> No.25385694

Why is Coco such a raging cunt? They were having so much fun

>> No.25385695

What a fucking bitch.

>> No.25385698

It's the end for Dumb and Dumber... good collab, good collab

>> No.25385700
Quoted by: >>25385802

Day of the rake soon

>> No.25385701


>> No.25385702
Quoted by: >>25385802

Day of the rake soon dogfucker

>> No.25385704

What is with the bitch's problem? I'm starting to fucking hate that bitch.

>> No.25385705
Quoted by: >>25385728

sorry SOP

>> No.25385706

i just want the flags, i dont want my horny posts to be linked with my wholesome posts

>> No.25385708
Quoted by: >>25385762

The best and only
>part needed to understand your oshi properly
is withing her streams, not within shitty narratives, sucking server admin's dick or posting "HAHA WATAMELON" ad nauseam.
You're cancer.

>> No.25385707

Seriously, fuck you Coco

>> No.25385711

>guy speaks english and french
You are retarded

>> No.25385710

and that's why you are part of the cancer anon

>> No.25385712

watame ended early when she was supposed to end 3 hours from now

>> No.25385713

Level nineteeeeeeeeeen

>> No.25385714
Quoted by: >>25385735

Lmao coco hates foreigners

>> No.25385716
Quoted by: >>25385898

sheep has more hats than a tf2 player

>> No.25385717

I think discord autism and 4chan faggotry is enough for me

>> No.25385719

Why would Coco do this?

>> No.25385721

Why are you guys saying it was coco? Maybe it's epic doing maintenance.

>> No.25385722
Quoted by: >>25385734

No wonder anon fucking hates that bitch

>> No.25385724

>Miko still getting 2k-3k subs per day despite her channel being one of the most heavily nuked and hasn't recovered.
How does our girl do it?

>> No.25385725

The only two languages that matter are English and Japanese, so yes.
EOP means English obsessed peasant so if you're watching content subbed in English as opposed to raw you're definitely an EOP

>> No.25385726

what's ligma?

>> No.25385727


>> No.25385728

>he thinks that's spanish

>> No.25385731

Did Coco really unplug the server just to spite them?

>> No.25385730

I forgot 5ch, roommates, niconico and 2ch sorry anon, but my point stands

>> No.25385733
Quoted by: >>25385748

I hope Botan and Lamy pass Coco in subs in a few months just to spite that bitch.

>> No.25385734

I Fucking Hate This Bitch and so should you

>> No.25385735

Of course the dragon from the Bible Belt hates muslims and chinks.

>> No.25385736

you aren't supposed to point things out

>> No.25385737

>Coco sabotages Moona and Artia because they're having fun
Someone needs to edit a picture of Coco with the caption "It's not enough for me to succeed others must fail"

>> No.25385738

What's indog

>> No.25385742

How many viewers Lamy's stream got?

>> No.25385745

Shush, narratives.

>> No.25385744
Quoted by: >>25385766

Bots, unironically.

>> No.25385747

the only languages that matter here are japanese and English no one gives two fucks about whatever else

>> No.25385748

>few months

>> No.25385750


>> No.25385751

>EOP means English obsessed peasant
not sure if you are retarded or just pretending. Here's a (you) though.

>> No.25385752

What's updog?

>> No.25385753
Quoted by: >>25385780

>Theres 20 times more ritual posting at the start of each thread than now.
>on average theres about 30 ritual posts
>every thread would have 600 ritual posts
>image cap would be hit before the thread even starts

>> No.25385755

Flare the backgammon expert.

>> No.25385756

I can't believe Coco emailed Epic and got them to do maintenance during Artia and Moona's collab.

>> No.25385758

She is the heart an soul of hololive
Just admit that you are a retard and move on

>> No.25385759

surely they would tweet first that ARK servers are going down for maintenance

>> No.25385760

>Gonna throw out some questions in Japanese to Lamy in her next few zatsudans. Any ideas on what to ask her?
see >>25385604
You know what to do.

>> No.25385761

>they are having fun?
>dömp it

>> No.25385762

So are you faggot.

>> No.25385764
Quoted by: >>25385793

You can use 4chan alone if your brain is big enough to filter garbage posts and not get influenced in any way by them. If you're the type of person who started hating "Xfags" for "insulting your holo" or some equally mundane shit then you're not fit to post here.

>> No.25385765

But the guy is clearly an ESL
Expert in Several Languages!

>> No.25385766

More EOPs from translated clips.

>> No.25385767

he said 20 TIMES, theres at least 15 rituals every thread, that means image limit meet instantly

>> No.25385769

>using "watches translated content" as an insult in the place dedicated to giving head to a translator
his head

>> No.25385772

Stop anon, we are having fun by acting retarded, why do you hate fun?

>> No.25385773


>> No.25385774

? I'm playing right now

>> No.25385776

I don't know anything about managing Ark servers but she has been fucked over on stream by the automatic maintenance herself plenty of times.

>> No.25385778

You could make it 200 times and it's still a no-brainer.

>> No.25385777

Sheep finally noticed russian watameito's tweet. She was communicating with him in the chat earlier

>> No.25385780
Quoted by: >>25385814

The true 5ch experience... Finally we would become complete.

>> No.25385783

I heard that it was Coco who used sleeping pills on Luna so that Luna missed the first collab with Flare.

>> No.25385784
Quoted by: >>25385914

The same way she always wins polls here.

>> No.25385785
Quoted by: >>25385829


>> No.25385786

I can't wait to see Towa as a senpai.

>> No.25385787
Quoted by: >>25385812

>needed to understand your oshi properly
How about go on Twitter to interact with her directly and actually watch her streams?

>> No.25385789

And the rest of the thread would be actual proper discussion while you can filter out ritualposts and share images through links? Fucking sign me up any time.

>> No.25385790
Quoted by: >>25385796

>EOP means English obsessed peasant
Go back to ligma's server.

>> No.25385792

wtf I like Coco now

>> No.25385793

I'm the one doing the narratives to make the faggots hate me anon

>> No.25385794

>to save apperance Coco pulled the plug on the other map too

>> No.25385797

Fuck yeah I am an EEEB

>> No.25385796
Quoted by: >>25385815


>> No.25385798

true, yea your right

>> No.25385799

Flare is teaching you retards backgammoin and you guys are shit posting over an ARK collab.

>> No.25385800

Oh no how will I get by without my epic sheep falseflagging and depressed FBK sperging

>> No.25385801

It's a springboard anon, Gen 0 were literal who's for ages, Gen 1 got to bounce off the bit of success they had, then Gen 2 even more, and so on
If we end up with Gen 10 then they might be getting 300k before their debut or something.

>> No.25385802
Quoted by: >>25385817

Go back to /int/ or /pol/ or whatever other shithole you crawled out of.

>> No.25385804

images are overrated

>> No.25385807
Quoted by: >>25385813

I can't believe Coco was Mel's manager.
Yeah, "that" manager.

>> No.25385808


>> No.25385809

The server reset once in a while, half of Choco ARK streams end with server shutting down.

>> No.25385810

Do you think IDs and flags would fix a lot of the issues in these threads? Just one of the two? Or would make things worse?

>> No.25385812
Quoted by: >>25385900

>Only follow their twitter and yt channel
You will never success anon

>> No.25385813

>I can't believe Coco was Mel's manager.
>Yeah, "that" manager.
Wtf I love Coco now?

>> No.25385814
Quoted by: >>25385860

Her birthday stream is going to be interesting.

>> No.25385815

lig matsuri

>> No.25385817
Quoted by: >>25385881

If all of Canada was rangebanned the quality of this website would improve considerably.

>> No.25385819

>Towa edits her model
>no more bibi
>blond streak in her hair
>Broken Towa

>> No.25385820

Flags would only make things worse.

>> No.25385821

RingFit is a gift to humanity.

>> No.25385822

Whenever I talk to someone when I have a cube of ice in my mouth...

That's how Luna sounds like.

>> No.25385823

Sorry mommy its sleep time

>> No.25385824

she's very active on twitter, interacts with the new gen and pretty much every other girl who cares about her coworkers has talked about her and how they miss her, also subbed clips

>> No.25385826

Bros I can't believe that bitch pulled the plug on the autists just because everyone in the main branch is having fun collabing on a Switch game...

>> No.25385829


>> No.25385830
Quoted by: >>25385911

I wish Aki would come on my face!

>> No.25385832
Quoted by: >>25385876

Doesn't help /pol/ so why would it help here?

>> No.25385831
Quoted by: >>25385930

Would make them worse.
Flags would just add a bunch of unnecessary /int/ shitposting every time some argument starts and IDs are Reddit.

>> No.25385834

Would only make things worse.

>> No.25385835

Good stream artia. Twitch just brings out her brattiness and autism full force

>> No.25385837

I am filtered

>> No.25385836
Quoted by: >>25385863

>290 IPs
No wonder this thread is filled with so many retards

>> No.25385838

objectively speaking, is Coco based?

>> No.25385840
Quoted by: >>25385867

>Doxfags, falseflagging, towafags and senseless arguing
One of these is not like the other

>> No.25385844

Fucking kek

>> No.25385845

IDs are the only option

>> No.25385846

Coco showed them a vision of the future where you hang around with Watame: a dragon stomping on your server connection, forever. Why else do you think the only people who the sheep collabs with these days is Shirakami "I don't give a fuck" Fubuki and a member of the elf mafia.

>> No.25385849

I do the same. Scary to think that there are people who are too intimidated to post something about their holos just because there are people who shitpost about them. Maybe it's just my experience with shitty fandoms but this thread isn't nearly the worst I've seen in terms of shitting on someone's favorites.

>> No.25385850

It would only make shitposting worse because the regular shitposts would not go away and nationalist shitposting would increase.

>> No.25385851

At this point just call the next thread "I fucking hate this bitch"

>> No.25385852
Quoted by: >>25385913

All the holos should play Ringfit to expose their physical fitness. Pekora's stream was very eye opening.

>> No.25385856
Quoted by: >>25385931

Based of what?

>> No.25385857

It is already here. Visit facebook.

>> No.25385858

Stop bullying luna

>> No.25385859

She still get translated clips almost every day

>> No.25385860

Was meant for this >>25385604 I'm not sure how I did that

>> No.25385861

Punished Towa
An akuma denied her subscribers

>> No.25385863

Yeah and you're the biggest one.

>> No.25385866

>towa adds a paper bag to her model over her head

>> No.25385867

"Towafags" obviously refers to the obsessed towa antis

>> No.25385868

Stop making fun of luna, do it to towa instead

>> No.25385869

Nah she's cringe. Propped only by Reddits because "much epic American chuuba"

>> No.25385872

it'll just add a different layer of shit for people to latch onto

>> No.25385873
Quoted by: >>25385890

This is a stupid board game

>> No.25385875


>> No.25385876
Quoted by: >>25385903

It helped them unironically become better than /v/, seems like something relevant to this thread

>> No.25385877

flags would make it much worse, at that point any hopes of actual discussion are over, and people would just shit on each other based on their flag, same with IDs

we just need better meidos

>> No.25385880
Quoted by: >>25385904

Why would Indonesians fix the issues here? They themselves are the biggest problems.

>> No.25385881

If all of the world was rangebanned there would be no more doxxposting and hatred in this thread.

>> No.25385884
Quoted by: >>25385907

When did you realize that the Holohouse is filled with literal Satans?

>> No.25385890

You're a stupid board game!

>> No.25385891

No, she's the opposite
>haha xivdeo creampies amd i right fellow kids XD

>> No.25385893

Perfect, I will be already in bed, ready to work out

>> No.25385895

Welcome to vtuber world.

>> No.25385896


duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh nanoraaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25385898

watame about to bust out the burning team captain

>> No.25385900

Is there more? Should I be following them anywhere? Their NND channels aren't active and gives a shit about Bilibili?

>> No.25385903
Quoted by: >>25385946

>/pol/ better than anything
holy shit I needed a good laugh thanks

>> No.25385904

Seen this joke coming from a mole away, yet I still keked

>> No.25385906

I think backgammon sucks

>> No.25385907
Quoted by: >>25385927

Hey, you watch your mouth, Anemachi is an angel.

>> No.25385908

>actually said "waifu" out loud
Objectively not based.

>> No.25385909

>you're laughing, you killed Hololive and you're laughing
>how about another joke, Coco?

>> No.25385910

Yeah anon the hololive idol agency hired a 35+ year old. Keep believing those narratives.

>> No.25385911

With a antigravity detached futacock floating in the air?

>> No.25385913
Quoted by: >>25385932

how did she do anon?

>> No.25385914
Quoted by: >>25385933

By being a favorite of a lot of people?

>> No.25385916


>> No.25385917
Quoted by: >>25385936


I want to hug her and tell her everything is gonna be okay

>> No.25385919

Quite possibly the most cringe holo

>> No.25385921

Im afraid to imagine which country is responsible for all the shitposting if flags were on.

>> No.25385922

wtf is this game?

>> No.25385925

Y-yes please...

>> No.25385927

>Believing Anemachi even exists...

Anon, don't tell me you bought into the narrative? It's just Suisei doing voices.

>> No.25385929

So was the 5th gen leak real? I didn't hear lamy's roommates voice so I have no idea

>> No.25385931

Based of your poor understand of the English language.

>> No.25385930

I dunno. I think it explained everything to me, when it turned out that the doxxfag was a fucking Pole.

>> No.25385932

She started off on a boss stage and got destroyed and was out of breath well into the supacha read after.

>> No.25385933
Quoted by: >>25385959

You mean there are over 200 mikofags in these threads?

>> No.25385935

Luna's voice sort of reminds me of Chara.
It's cute.

>> No.25385936

God I want to beat her face in with a bat

>> No.25385937

Don't look at my daughter ever again

>> No.25385944

It's Canada or some bumfuck latin american/SEA country.
t. leaf

>> No.25385945

Cringe redditor

>> No.25385946
Quoted by: >>25385957

It's true though. /v/ is the undisputed worst board and you /v/tards are the only people in denial about that.

>> No.25385947
Quoted by: >>25385958

There was a thread that got moved to /bant/ yesterday someone linked here. The results were eye-opening.

>> No.25385950

Without asacoco she's objectively the worst holo

>> No.25385951


>> No.25385952
Quoted by: >>25386016

Just look at what time it is.

>> No.25385953

they got her wrong, only nene is correct

>> No.25385956
Quoted by: >>25385971

Oh wait, you're telling me Luna has more subs than Towa?

>> No.25385957
Quoted by: >>25385977

/v/ is literally /pol/ with a videogame flavoring

>> No.25385958

We already knew pekofags are all spics, nothing new came out of it.

>> No.25385959


>> No.25385960

Everybody in this thread is from South America, but most of them use proxies

>> No.25385961

we did a poal not too long ago and there was a /bant/ thread yesterday revealed most shitposters are euros towaposters are flips and doxxfag is a polack

>> No.25385962

Speak for yourself, I know plenty of women who're horny for Marine.

>> No.25385970

>going to bed in the afternoon
Nice sleep schedule, gremlin.

>> No.25385971

Towa is the least popular Gen 4 yet she gets so much attention in /hlg/

>> No.25385972

>/hlg/ can't into backgammon

>> No.25385973
Quoted by: >>25385984


>> No.25385977

It's /pol/ with a tranny flavour, way more users, and with the average age of a poster being lower by 5 to 10 years. And no IDs.

>> No.25385978
Quoted by: >>25386000

That Artia stream had me smiling the whole time fuck.

>> No.25385980

The doxfag who writes long schizo-looking copypastas is a Pole.
(One of the) doxchartposters is Algerian.
The posters obsessed with Towa are all Flips.
Americans are good boys who dindu nuffin.

>> No.25385981

Is there already porn like this? Cause this feels like a great new niche and fetish you had no idea you have.

>> No.25385982
Quoted by: >>25386002

Pekoland, obviously.

>> No.25385984

Too early

>> No.25385995
Quoted by: >>25386003

"Hi, I'm from 4chan, can you please say Based Department?"

>> No.25385996


Subs up

>> No.25385997

It's a holothread, not armeniathread.

>> No.25385998

I'm Euro family!

>> No.25386000
Quoted by: >>25386018

Artia is like that cringy little sister you love and hate at the same time

>> No.25386001

Americans were sleeping and being cozy in bed

>> No.25386002


>> No.25386003

Herro! Basedo departoment? Ookini!

>> No.25386004

The leaks are real, Nene's roommate followed all of 5th gen's roommates, anyone who says otherwise are just coping because they're 5th gen favorite is ugly.

>> No.25386010

Hey you take that back, I love backgammon. I used to play it with my grandpa all the time. It's pretty much a prerequisite to being a medfag.

>> No.25386011

Americans are the idiots who reply to all that bait

>> No.25386014


>> No.25386015


>> No.25386016

Guess my timezone from my post.

>> No.25386018

I have an actual little sister and Artia is way funnier and not into gayshit so she's better in my book.

>> No.25386019


>> No.25386020


>> No.25386023

i hate this eye makeup, it makes them look so disgusting ew

>> No.25386022

