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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.59 MB, 2883x4072, 2ee9fb5758a4273ab1978fc9b9f99491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25075686 No.25075686 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25075689
File: 3.43 MB, 2480x3508, 1570811740331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch peko sing!

>> No.25075688
File: 362 KB, 530x445, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075699

I love Haachama!

>> No.25075690
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075828

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.25075692

>chat is 99% non-members
This is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.25075693

clover are f'n r*tards

>> No.25075694
File: 80 KB, 824x824, 1596058328897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She warned you and you didn't listen. Apologize.

>> No.25075695
File: 1.01 MB, 1202x945, Ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They murdered my girl

>> No.25075696
File: 88 KB, 488x637, myfriendshiinyuika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075724

>> No.25075698

Aqua made a good choice.

>> No.25075699

Congrats for your chuuba anon!

>> No.25075700
Quoted by: >>25075713

I can't believe Skyrim will be the new ARK...

>> No.25075701
File: 1.49 MB, 1750x2500, 81855085_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075796


>> No.25075702
File: 101 KB, 1033x985, 1592880739121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075704

Based imperial onion

>> No.25075705
File: 111 KB, 798x710, watame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075706
File: 2.67 MB, 1280x720, Firefox 2020.07.30 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075752


>> No.25075707
File: 270 KB, 2048x1541, 1596109427398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075754

Blame the faggot mods m8. This is what happens when you won't let any other board have hororive threads.

>> No.25075708

Why? She might get new members now.

>> No.25075709

Pekora's singing is boring

>> No.25075710

I kneel chinese XQC

>> No.25075711

Imperialbros can't stop winning.

>> No.25075713

i would take skyrim over ark literally any day

>> No.25075714
Quoted by: >>25075732

Is Miko still dead?

>> No.25075715

She's cute when she's not being a Twitch goblin

>> No.25075716
File: 161 KB, 1200x1156, EeLeEy3UwAIJWP_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075766

I love Towa.

>> No.25075717
Quoted by: >>25075759

aqua already figured out how to power level weapon skills early on...

>> No.25075718

>she knows the level up strat

>> No.25075719
File: 450 KB, 1500x1067, 907C4D11-C7A2-45AC-B36B-AE6C70A70965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.25075720
File: 791 KB, 671x653, what the fuck did you just say about me you little mogu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075722

Aqua is going to die before she gets out.

>> No.25075721
Quoted by: >>25075775

I was a member but Aqua lost me (and I'm sure lots others) when she disappeared for an entire month.

>> No.25075723
File: 2.18 MB, 2200x2700, 1591943023361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. The bunny knows we need some healing right now.

>> No.25075724

I have the urge to pee now

>> No.25075725
Quoted by: >>25075750

I knew the Japanese were kinda xenophobic but the imperials? Aqua is just straight up racist...

>> No.25075727

I'm a little bit drunk, is Haato l2d looks retarded or is this just me?

>> No.25075728
File: 358 KB, 2026x2026, 1596029978358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... can't smile Miobros... it's too much

>> No.25075729

>Vanilla Skyrim inventory UI

>> No.25075731
File: 4 KB, 384x75, 1580364425433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075760

This was 3 hours ago for different timezones

>> No.25075732
Quoted by: >>25075756

She ain’t coming back

>> No.25075733

The guerilla Mio collab is gonna' be hella' poggers, brother.

>> No.25075736
File: 1.25 MB, 800x3176, 1444551494962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075776

>> No.25075735
File: 1.49 MB, 1447x2047, 7FCC0833-757B-42C7-B2B2-F729A0C1E21D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame-sama I want a taste of your butthole onegai

>> No.25075737
File: 161 KB, 650x650, 1596072348338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio on Twitch when?

>> No.25075738
File: 2.66 MB, 1280x720, Firefox 2020.07.30 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077981


>> No.25075739
File: 10 KB, 453x247, 1592394950543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Aqua streams, I hope this works

>> No.25075741

Discord already dishing out warnings for talking about in game sides and politics kusa

>> No.25075743
File: 2.68 MB, 2700x1897, 1592513546449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be fun. I hope she does multiple streams with this game

>> No.25075742
File: 20 KB, 318x416, 1592863101572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everybody except for like one person sucking covers dick on that facebook post

>> No.25075746
Quoted by: >>25075764

I shit on FubuMio because FubuMatsu4lyfe but please protect your wolf waifu FBKing!

>> No.25075747
File: 2.66 MB, 3456x2200, 1407188941016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skyrim is coded well.

>> No.25075748

better cherish the memories you hold because soon they will fade to dust

>> No.25075750

They're full-blown xenophobic, like all good countries are.

>> No.25075751
Quoted by: >>25075785

Did they ask todd for permission?

>> No.25075752
File: 439 KB, 1920x1080, 1575431159381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077438


>> No.25075754
Quoted by: >>25075786

>"hololive eceleb fags OUT!!!!"
>meanwhile in DSP/DrDisrespect/shroud/vinesauce/etc threads
>"fuck off this is muh /v/ culture, gb2reddit"

>> No.25075755
Quoted by: >>25075771

reddit turned against cover though

>> No.25075756

Can't Rushia revive her? What backwards ass necro is she

>> No.25075757
Quoted by: >>25075847

It always does

>> No.25075758
Quoted by: >>25075847

>is Haato l2d looks retarded

>> No.25075759

>Looked up a stealth archer build beforehand and uses this level cheese
Truly the god gamer of Hololive.

>> No.25075760

Isn't he's the cover-slave?

>> No.25075762
File: 372 KB, 479x433, 1596117083129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They ruined her

>> No.25075763
File: 32 KB, 451x318, 1594180976863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard rumors than the guy who manages the Facebook page is some SEAnig expat, which would explain the cringy writing style.

>> No.25075764
File: 106 KB, 320x372, 1593621042290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075812

>suba is also fucked because some fuckwad manager deleted her videos

>> No.25075766 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1061x1500, 1596119420588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075814


>> No.25075765

If Mio is dropped then what's the point. Nobody is safe under Cover. I just hope she re-incarnates as a cozy wolf mom under Niji.

>> No.25075767
File: 72 KB, 256x167, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drain cat...

>> No.25075768

Todd's game is working as intended.

>> No.25075770
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, F06CEF1F-9005-482D-8AA0-192C434E0571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.25075771

Sounds almost too good.

>> No.25075772

Aqua is the only holo who does research before playing any game.

>> No.25075773

Thanks, shame like 90% of it is gone.

>> No.25075774
File: 27 KB, 442x403, haato wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like refined her.

>> No.25075775

It was just 2 weeks.

>> No.25075776

It's the most fun playstyle anyway. Magic is nerfed and the melee mechanics are dumb

>> No.25075777

my god some1 tell her to switch to firstperson

>> No.25075778
Quoted by: >>25075833

How come Haachama has three membership tiers?

>> No.25075779

The only reason you're watching this right now is because they got invaded by the USA, and once again Japan is falling behind because of their own closed-mindedness, you have incompetent companies like Cover who don't know how the Internet works

>> No.25075780
Quoted by: >>25075794

Who even still uses Facebook?

>> No.25075781

Are all the holos with an M cursed?

>> No.25075783
File: 409 KB, 484x441, 1573758978572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they made her better

>> No.25075785

How about you check the video description

>> No.25075786
File: 305 KB, 1338x1272, the boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah /v/ mods are ultra gay.

>> No.25075787
File: 120 KB, 362x437, 1595920536803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One final POWH before it all ends...

>> No.25075789
Quoted by: >>25075817

her eyes are really far apart

>> No.25075791
Quoted by: >>25075819

so how long will aqua last? will she play todds game beyond today?

>> No.25075792
File: 495 KB, 1851x2048, EeKr-VwUwAA_L0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so gently, you touched my heart
I will be forever yours
come what may, I won't age a day
I will wait for you, always...

>> No.25075793
File: 123 KB, 1200x848, 50282b62e0edc8165799bf5c97bd73a4 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a dream me and Marine fell in love with each other.
oh god oh fuck please no I do not want to be in love with an online personality.

>> No.25075794

I use it to chat with my normie friends

>> No.25075795
File: 118 KB, 320x320, 大天使あくあ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my little tryhard can't be this cute!

>> No.25075796
Quoted by: >>25075809

too stacked
too small

>> No.25075797
File: 57 KB, 700x394, ezgif-2-64edb6d4b5fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you're finally awake

>> No.25075799

I still have a Skyrim fully modded to be perfectly enjoyable of some sort experience until the SexLab kicks in messing it.
Don't make me want to play that shit again Aqua

>> No.25075800
File: 345 KB, 1200x1800, 1525472937665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075821

It's a damn shame you're forbidden from streaming all your favorite games. Don't worry, I'll let you show off Fallout 76. Free of charge, of course!

>> No.25075801
Quoted by: >>25077901

Pekofag we're both retards (unless this was previously privated)
Haachama Oppai

>> No.25075803
File: 385 KB, 592x631, 1594947472767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio getting a 90day ban for streaming is just a narrative right? i'd like to assume its just shitposting since she's close with subaru...

>> No.25075804
Quoted by: >>25075820

It's all SEAniggers would do you expect

>> No.25075805
File: 23 KB, 426x315, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the shill force is jumping on the one person not retarded enough to gobble their bullshit

>> No.25075806
Quoted by: >>25075823


>> No.25075807


>> No.25075808

>0.0% of 23.98GiB at 2.09MiB/s ETA 03:15:50
Wish me luck bros.

>> No.25075809

too gay

>> No.25075810

>im winning

>> No.25075811


>> No.25075812

Ironic that Mio is the reason for Subaru's channel's destruction.

>> No.25075815
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, 1596117046870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean? She's perfect.

>> No.25075814

Is this Towa's ultimate form?...

>> No.25075816

Marine... please not her...

>> No.25075817
File: 223 KB, 380x401, 1586058735520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with that?

>> No.25075818
Quoted by: >>25075851

>pekora and aqua streaming at the same time

>> No.25075819
Quoted by: >>25075829

Until bear.

>> No.25075820

So THESE are SEAhours

>> No.25075821

I've seen his face on so many edits it feels so fake now... 草

>> No.25075823
File: 43 KB, 132x143, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FORGOT PIC! smelly smelly waki!!!

>> No.25075824
File: 52 KB, 466x433, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25075825
File: 684 KB, 518x612, 1f28d0f660f1a8e2a800a0ecf2ad170ea1455254.png@518w_1e_1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075848


doris and civia playing man of medan

>> No.25075828
File: 22 KB, 400x400, gH6xdlYB_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076277

Your videos
Hand them over

>> No.25075831
File: 303 KB, 1600x1600, ffdd9ee4a8cc8ebbfc1ad304284f9828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it dead....?

>> No.25075830
File: 17 KB, 480x185, HOLOLIVEFACEBOOKMANAGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075862

Japan is so fucking retard with problems that in 2020 should be fucking easy to solve

>> No.25075829

that will awaken her to stealth archery though. if she figures it out then she will sail smoothly

>> No.25075833

Because she wants more of your money
Also, if you're thinking of joining and want to watch her membership streams, you must join the 2nd tier.

>> No.25075834

Yeah she's a big nerd

>> No.25075835 [SPOILER] 
File: 20 KB, 537x286, 1596119628341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently uploading mother 2 for catbros
see you in 4 months

>> No.25075837

>MioSuba died at the same time
They rode together until the very end.

>> No.25075838
File: 816 KB, 1273x1577, elite miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075865

Miko torrents where? I have checked 3 dead threads and can only find a few of her videos but like the whole set of Korone, Coco is there.

>> No.25075839

>Aqua powerleveling
She's such a fucking tryhard

>> No.25075840

The bitch who killed hololive

>> No.25075845
Quoted by: >>25075964

I feel so sorry for all the holos for having shit managers and swarms of bootlickers defending those managers...

>> No.25075847

Ok, thx. It's twitching like hell, i hope they'll fix it. I'm not her fun but i wish the best for all of them.

>> No.25075846

baqua hasn't figured out how to level up....

>> No.25075848

Holy fuck Chinese is ugly

>> No.25075849
File: 679 KB, 1079x1442, Screenshot_20200729-074201_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to give her a sub.... Right?

>> No.25075850
Quoted by: >>25075943

Unfortunately youtube copyright mechanics are not a narrative

>> No.25075851
File: 24 KB, 487x629, 1591603897252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch both

>> No.25075852
Quoted by: >>25075871

>Streamers need to take responsibility for their mistakes
Misochama... Can you imagine how much she cried?

>> No.25075853

>cut the guy some slack
I'd rather cut the guy for being an incompetent faggot

>> No.25075854
File: 51 KB, 486x368, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the spic

>> No.25075855
Quoted by: >>25075928

You're a fucking saint

>> No.25075857
File: 191 KB, 1350x1500, 0910a80dd7b0a56168871256cd9c7976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075943

If you want Haachama to stop being crazy, give her your dick right now. She is asking for it, she needs to be FLIPPED.

>> No.25075858

FBK successfully carried out her assassination of Mio. Now there's nobody to stop her from claiming the fourth L4D2 spot.

>> No.25075861
Quoted by: >>25075924

when you get a copyright strike on your channel you get your streaming rights revoked, it expires after 90 days
cover surely can pull some strings behind the scenes though, they're responsible for the biggest streaming group on youtube right now and youtube is a business not kindergarten so it's not like they really have to wait 90 days for that

>> No.25075862

The fucking "staff" of this page has no idea what the fuck is even going on. The song as a part of the pack is essentially a pre-release.

>> No.25075863

>fbk not even pulling 2k viewers

>> No.25075864

Yup. Towa (sin pecado) could even fight off Nega-Sora for a while I bet

>> No.25075865
Quoted by: >>25076045

spreadsheetfag where are you? nice work fag

>> No.25075866
File: 155 KB, 501x631, 1595872805086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075915

>those faggots replying to them
imagine being so brainwashed by a company

>> No.25075868
Quoted by: >>25076062

Please put this on the /t/ thread too

>> No.25075869 [DELETED] 

She's also wearing rags for maximum STEALTH.

>> No.25075870


>> No.25075871

I don't want to. It was anyone's fault but hers.

>> No.25075872
Quoted by: >>25075900

>Hololive Gamers
>can't play games anymore

>> No.25075874
File: 827 KB, 1020x1442, 6c4783296d3971804007868011d3f579 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075877
File: 740 KB, 2894x2542, EZfZcXwUMAItwzA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woke up thinking it couldn't get any worse than yesterday.
>everything older than a month is gone
>mio is gone
why bros...

>> No.25075880

Sure. I don't have anyone else to use my prime sub on.

>> No.25075881

If you remind me, i don't know what time is that

>> No.25075883

>cut the guy some slacks
Do the japs feel this kind of disgust when looking at JSLs?

>> No.25075885
Quoted by: >>25075928

Bless your soul anon, thank you so much.

>> No.25075884
File: 1.28 MB, 919x1300, EeLUiqFU0AI-eYn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076762


>> No.25075886
Quoted by: >>25075943

It's youtube policy not a narrative unfortunately, all we can hope is that she manages to work with youtube (unlikely especially since it would be through the middleman retards at Cover) or makes a Twitch or something (no chance)

>> No.25075887

Of course brother

>> No.25075888

Based as fuck

>> No.25075889

Does anyone have an opus of Okayu's Wakusei Loop?

>> No.25075890

Towa, your GF...

>> No.25075891 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, 1596119780772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075986

That's not even her final form.

>> No.25075892
Quoted by: >>25076090

Can't start downloading.

>> No.25075894


>> No.25075898
Quoted by: >>25075953

You dare to resist after a blessing like that?

>> No.25075899

Does this mean management gave her the OK to stream on Twitch?

>> No.25075900
File: 156 KB, 258x376, 1593770686095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't even go live

>> No.25075901

>Copyright infringement is a crime and the perpetrator can be punished by the victim -- the copyright holder -- who charges a complaint (parental offense, excluding some). Infringement of copyrights, publishing rights, and neighboring rights is imprisonment of 10 years or less or fine of 10 million yen or less; infringement of author's personal right, performer personal right, etc., imprisonment of 5 years or less or 5 million yen or less.
>In addition, if a corporation, infringes copyrights (excluding the moral rights of the author), the fine will be 300 million yen or less.
>Furthermore, even if it is for mere private use, knowing that it has been uploaded without permission and knowing this copyrighted work to be downloaded is provided/presented for a fee or if digital recordings are sold by sending/mailing, the punishment is imprisonment up to 2 years or a fine of up to 2 million yen.
>In all cases, you can be sentenced to both prision and fine.
Yes, Hololive committed a crime and they're sweating bullets right now.
Streaming video games without permission and receiving thousands of money from the whole globe has its price. Hololive isn't a bunch of individual streamers, they're a corporation passing off as individuals. Their whole business is crooked from the very foundation.
There's literally no excuse for this.

>> No.25075902


>> No.25075905

I have my twitch prime ready

>> No.25075904

what the fuck is aqua doing

>> No.25075906
File: 68 KB, 199x171, 1591367633127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the responses to him is literally no u

>> No.25075907

it goes well with her new image somehow

>> No.25075908

We truly live in the worst timeline...

>> No.25075911

Haha time for sheep healing.

>> No.25075912

Sorry Mio friend. I feel bad for you guys.

>> No.25075913
Quoted by: >>25075938

Guys, serious question
Why is Cover so fucking retarded?
What happened? Really, i can't understand

>> No.25075914


>> No.25075915

They're retards beyond saving. They think that because we love the holos, we aren't allowed to criticize Cover's fuck ups. They defend their shit managers and then act surprised when shit like the Mel stuff gets uncovered.

>> No.25075917


>> No.25075918

So this is how Hololive 2.0 begins.

>> No.25075919
Quoted by: >>25075979

Choco ark?

>> No.25075920
File: 92 KB, 256x256, 1592995869037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075984

>Holocaust? LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.25075923
File: 515 KB, 1764x2779, Mungs2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075945

Hololive? More like Holodead.

>> No.25075925
File: 105 KB, 270x270, keikaku_doori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying yourselves, Holodorks?

>> No.25075924
Quoted by: >>25075952

>cover surely can pull some strings behind the scenes though
>had to wait until kaigai nikkis begged some fat MtG sceptic to restore monetization

>> No.25075926

>wall of text
>mutt el goblino name
>le ebin frog

>> No.25075927

Farming one handed combat with Hadvard is actually smart here
He won't become hostile and you can't kill him, absolute training dummy, hell you can even train destruction spells on him like this

>> No.25075928

also seeding the korone punchout torrent as well, should i just stop all those and focus on okayu instead?

>> No.25075929
File: 9 KB, 349x98, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25075931

thank you ;_;

>> No.25075932

Big 草

>> No.25075933

based spic

>> No.25075934

Why is she showering with her clothes on? Is she stupid?

>> No.25075936

Bless you anon.

>> No.25075938
Quoted by: >>25076102

Small company got too big too fast. Never had any problems when it was just Sora but now even her old vids are in danger.

>> No.25075939
Quoted by: >>25075946

Aqua being an autistic tryhard is relatable to me and part of her charm desu

>> No.25075941
File: 3.03 MB, 5871x4175, 1595341260488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aqua beating up hadgar for exp
shes actually going to kill him once she leaves the cave

>> No.25075942
File: 158 KB, 276x414, 1577837736639.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075973

>Cover will die in your lifetime

>> No.25075943
File: 288 KB, 365x486, 1595992535595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every day manages to get worse than the previous one

>> No.25075944

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.25075945
File: 88 KB, 220x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075948
Quoted by: >>25076028

Honestly I really hate cover's management. I want to hate the guy managing the facebook posts but at least he is being straightforward and is trying to "descalate" the situation using weird ways...

>> No.25075946

100% fucking adorable

>> No.25075947

Can Gosling compete?

>> No.25075949
Quoted by: >>25078009

>they've all gone hollow inside

>> No.25075951
Quoted by: >>25075978

baqua is the target audience that made todd dumb down TES from morrowind to skyrim levels

>> No.25075953 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.19 MB, 2340x3120, 1596119962004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25075960

I do not think that I can.

>> No.25075952
Quoted by: >>25076024

you know what, you're right
Mio and Hololive is fucked
time to panic more

>> No.25075956

Imagine if Hololive moved platforms to Facebook, all the ESLs, EOPs and retards using their own personal accounts littered all over the comments and live chat

>> No.25075957

Its just Skyrim tho, why do you need to tryhard in fucking Skyrim?

>> No.25075958

you won't get away with this

>> No.25075959
File: 12 KB, 222x227, Suisei672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Suisei

>> No.25075960
Quoted by: >>25075999

senchou pits.........

>> No.25075963

Vanilla Skyrim's UI is so fucking terrible holy shit how can anyone play it like that

>> No.25075962

So... any bets on how Cover will fuck up even more this week ? They'll find a way to do that, right ?

>> No.25075964

The actresses are part of the business. They're getting paid to do all this.

>> No.25075965

>Mio banned
>FBK takes her place in SMOK
>Unit becomes FOKS
Just as planned...

>> No.25075966

I kneel

>> No.25075968

based spic bro

>> No.25075969
File: 120 KB, 1000x1000, EWM0BdCXsAEjNWX-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075971

bros i think aqua is legitimately retarded

>> No.25075972

>Noel just realized that her archive is missing even though she tweeted it earlier

>> No.25075973


>> No.25075974

so A-chan will be fired for being incompetent, won't she?

>> No.25075975

>Actually went with the Imperial just to level up by attacking him
Stormcloakbros we're still in it

>> No.25075977
File: 35 KB, 415x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25075979
Quoted by: >>25076065

Towa's 12 hour Apex with viewers.

>> No.25075980
File: 136 KB, 1000x750, EeK1I5AUcAAtVJ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076164

I can't stop listening to this...

>> No.25075978

I can see why they removed the strike at something but not hit due to stats making it like a dice roll, but I really liked that you actually needed skills at certain levels to progress in guilds and shit.

>> No.25075981

That Facebook post was really cringe. You could tell the PR dude read the replies and felt hurt, especially since he singled out the on calling Cover fucking retarded. I get wanting to appear relatable but when you're running PR for a corporation that just pissed off a large portion of their fanbase, now isn't the time

>> No.25075982

mio will feel responsible and will take sekinin by setsugyou

>> No.25075983

>Aqua is pretending that she playing Skyrim for the first
>Pretty obvious she's building up for game meta


>> No.25075984
File: 149 KB, 333x399, 1596115170323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075985

No way Aqua didn't research about the game firat

>> No.25075986

>el torre (nunca pantalones)

>> No.25075987

But it's still going.....

>> No.25075988
Quoted by: >>25076037

doesnt this kinda prove their managers are the one that apologized?

>> No.25075989

>that fucking giggle
Baqua's pretty cute sometimes

>> No.25075991
File: 522 KB, 752x1032, 1590943676582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't keep up with all that's happening, can someone please explain what's this doomposting about Mio? What did she do wrong?

>> No.25075990

alright this made me laugh thanks anon..

>> No.25075992

Now tell us what is wrong with what he said, or is shitposting your only forte? Have your (you) too.

>> No.25075993
File: 383 KB, 1390x1220, 326523623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll fuck up Ayame's new L2D.

>> No.25075996
File: 246 KB, 500x408, 1596099221403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25075997

Who do you think will take Japan within the next century, United States or China? I'm thinkin the latter personally

>> No.25075999
File: 1015 KB, 821x1080, 5e6691652a2a05080cad05d99a6b5060 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076110

The biggest oversight with Marine is that she's unbelievably sexy. I can't go on a hour of my day without thinking about plowing that tight pirate ass. I'd kill a man in cold blood just to spend a minute with her crotch grinding against my throbbing manhood as she whispers terribly dirty things to me as she suffocates me between her ambiguous thighs.

>> No.25076001
Quoted by: >>25076078

Might as well just repost it if it didn't get enough (You)s last time. Screenshotting your own post is pathetic.

>> No.25076004

This is some metal gear shit

>> No.25076005
File: 49 KB, 300x439, 1595804948867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076702

The Crusher of Canata
The Mauler of Mio
The Slayer of Subaru
The Killer of Korone
The Murderer of Marine
The Annihilator of Aqua
The Hammerer of Haato

>> No.25076006
Quoted by: >>25076125

>a hololive is literally trying to spoonfed me nihon
n-no, i wont budge! i wont learn this incomprehensible excuse of a language!

>> No.25076007
Quoted by: >>25076031

when power leveling goes wrong.. she didn't even save

>> No.25076008

Oh Hadvar can become hostile outside helgen

>> No.25076009
Quoted by: >>25076048


>> No.25076010
Quoted by: >>25076048


>> No.25076013


>> No.25076014
File: 48 KB, 533x576, 687474~1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio bros, it's hard to stay strong. I want to stay strong for Her, but things are looking bleak.
Do you think the ban didn't actually happen and everything is okay? There's no way there will be a 90 day break. There's just no way.

>> No.25076015


>> No.25076016

Miso is kill.

>> No.25076017

Based retarded spic thinking law agencies in Japan work just like in his own country.

>> No.25076018

She played video games half a year ago

>> No.25076019

Aqua is Stormcloak now.

>> No.25076020

Banned for 90 days

>> No.25076022
File: 1.07 MB, 1080x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Hey you, you're finally awake.
You were trying to stream without permissions right?
-"Walked right into that Capcom ambush, same as us, and that intern over there."
-"Damn you Capcom. Cover Corp was fine until you came along. Hololive was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've streamed
that game and been half way to vtuber top. You there. You and me -- we
should be there. It's these permissionless chubas what Capcom wants."
"We're all sisters in binds now, Mio."

>> No.25076023

>stabs man
>wait why is he trying to kill me

>> No.25076024

It's literally up to /hlg/, plebbitors and discordfags to fix this by calling up quarterpounder or keemstar or whoever the fuck again. Cover isn't gonna do shit. JOPs aren't gonna do shit.

>> No.25076026

honestly forgot this was happening because of how retarded the announcement for it was

>> No.25076025

New narrative: Mio killed Cover so she can stop Towa's exponential growth and laugh at her.

>> No.25076027

>What did she do wrong
Nothing, but she was the target of 2 capcom strikes. This pushed Cover to hide and or delete everything

>> No.25076030

unfortunately that's most likely to be the case, it's not like it can't be solved though (they can contact youtube to lift the ban and negotiate with capcom or find another platform for example) let's put our hope on cover

>> No.25076028
Quoted by: >>25076083

True. Facebook guy could've handled it better. But Cover could've handled it MUCH BETTER INSTEAD OF FKING UP LIKE A RETARD

>> No.25076029

The duet was so good. That, Apex collab with tiny Haato POV, Marine's birthday and song, Haato's L2D and now Aqua Skyrim. Good day for this SEAfag except for the archives being privated/deleted.

>> No.25076031

It should have auto-saved when she exited the cave

>> No.25076032
Quoted by: >>25076053

More like she's going to die to him.

>> No.25076033

She was unlucky enough to be the one hit by a copyright strike, causing Cover to go full panic mode and pull everything on every channel older than June.

>> No.25076034

She can't kill that man

>> No.25076035

Who's that cute girl?

>> No.25076036

there's still 4 more days left of the week to make bad decisions and then they have 4 more months left of year to fuck up even more

>> No.25076037
Quoted by: >>25076183

Yes the girls found out at the same time as everyone else did through the Twitter post which is a huge indicator of how fucking retarded Cover is

>> No.25076038

Mio got a copy strike and thus a streaming suspension, the posts blaming her are retards who don't pay attention or understand the depths of Cover's incompetence

>> No.25076040

Miso is as good as dead. I'm so sorry, anon.

>> No.25076041

>12 hours later
>the fact that one of the holos is a literal SLUT is forgotten

I hate Westerners who've been indoctrinated into the whole sexual liberation thing and think it's no big deal so fucking much. It should be a way bigger story than some old streams temporarily getting scrubbed.
Guess I'm off to 5ch, at least Japs have their priorities straight. Abayo.

>> No.25076042

Just woke up, some holos addressed the damage right? i saw a tweet where Mio cancelled a stream to deal with it. Also saw a tweet from Watame

>> No.25076043


>> No.25076045

Hes dead

>> No.25076046


>> No.25076047


>> No.25076048

Unironically, he wasn't becomming hostile inside the starting are
NEVER SHOULD'VE COME HERE (in the actual game world)

>> No.25076049

it's probably her first time but she undoubtedly looked up strats and guides beforehand

>> No.25076050

Go streaming

>> No.25076051
Quoted by: >>25076129

>Mio cancelled a stream

>> No.25076052
File: 256 KB, 480x270, couchrashing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was pretty nice of Lunatan to let us crash on her couch, wasn't it?
>Even Matsuri senpai came over and brought us some snacks, everyone's so nice at Hololive...
>But didn't you think it was a bit weird how when Matsuri senpai came over, she almost immediately went into Lunatan's room?
>If I didn't know any better, I would think they were doing it...
>But they stopped so quickly that either they have 0 stamina or they were just messing with us.
>Anyway I was thinking we should gather our wits after that thing with Duckcoin and Wolfcoin didn't work out...
>We could use Kanatan's image to promote some sort of a fundraiser for disabled kids and after we raise enough money, we just disappear with all of it.
>Go to sleep? Okay... Let's sleep on the idea...

>> No.25076053

well i was kinda close

>> No.25076054

A-anon where did the spic say that?

>> No.25076055

Kurokami I think

>> No.25076056

AQKN is a true gamer, she always tryhards

>> No.25076059

Miso... She's gone...

But I will remain here for her. I will save up for an akasupa for the time she comes back, I promise.

>> No.25076058

>Pekora's been practicing What Did I Do To Deserve This, My Lord off-stream and can't progress past the stage she stopped at

>> No.25076060

cute sheep

>> No.25076061

Angelfish... please bring it back soon...

>> No.25076062
Quoted by: >>25076090

It started working at least for my other computer

>> No.25076063
File: 92 KB, 475x604, 1596115233114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076076


>> No.25076064
Quoted by: >>25076072

which holo is the slut

>> No.25076065

Anon, would you waste your time on fucking apex? At least focus on tokinokise collabs.

>> No.25076066
Quoted by: >>25076129

Mio's dead anon...

>> No.25076069
Quoted by: >>25076094

>She doesn't know about the plot armor
I knew it was gonna happen and still laughed

>> No.25076070

She doesn't appear on Playboard (but you can get to her profile with a direct link), so something is definitely fucked with her channel right now.

>> No.25076071

You have no choice but to wait Miobro. Watch other girls in the meantime.

>> No.25076072
Quoted by: >>25076093


>> No.25076073
File: 1.45 MB, 919x1300, womb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the buyfag that bought marine's birthday set and the towa pins >>25073459
After placing the order I noticed people said I should have used booth instead of geekjack.
Why? What's the difference? Just so I could get marine's original song as a file?

>> No.25076074

Man, maybe I'm spoiled by Dark Souls but the animation and combat in Skyrim have no feeling of weight at all.

>> No.25076076
File: 476 KB, 501x487, 1584236884314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076115


>> No.25076077
File: 9 KB, 594x326, pounder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quarterpounder is banned on twitter and will be banned on YT soon.

>> No.25076078
Quoted by: >>25076099

meant for

>> No.25076079

Watamelon head

>> No.25076081

We're just waiting for more information

>> No.25076082


>> No.25076083


>> No.25076084
Quoted by: >>25076129

>cancelled a stream
Anon... I'm sorry...

>> No.25076085


>> No.25076086

you won't be missed
reminder most of them have boyfriends and laugh at people like you behind their backs

>> No.25076087
Quoted by: >>25076140

>leveling up
are you one of the purist fags who doesn't exploit single player games?

>> No.25076089

Nice bait, but everyone knows that you're an EOP

>> No.25076090

Meant for

>> No.25076091

It's Coco's turn to save him

>> No.25076093
Quoted by: >>25076132

how so

>> No.25076094

will he still stay hostile at riverrun? if she wont yield to him using R she might get stuck

>> No.25076096
File: 47 KB, 956x213, firefox_8yHKwJfRkY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076151


>> No.25076097

So Mio's career is basically over right?
>90 day ban
>she will be known as the vtuber that destroyed hololive
>even if hololive survives, everyone will keep their distance from her and management will keep a closer eye on her
>this ends up being too uncomfortable for her and she retires

>> No.25076098
File: 930 KB, 1650x2854, 1596120327281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she didn't want a 90 day ban she shouldn't have made fun of towa and wheezed at her

>> No.25076099

It was actually funny I just wanted to repost it...

>> No.25076100

she got a copystrike>cover shit the bed and started privating/deleting shit>now mio might feel guilty for being the "trigger"

>> No.25076102

>Never had any problems when it was just Sora
Meh, that seems like a copout to excuse laziness, assuming Sora also dabbled in video games and not just exclusively on idol activities. It's a licensing permission issue so size shouldn't be a factor at all. You could have 20+ chuubas committing an infraction and it'll still be fundamentally the same problem.

>> No.25076103

Imagine being dumber than a fucking spic.

>> No.25076105

Yes. you don't get it in at all in the geekjack release

>> No.25076106

Anyone that has standards would have realised that 5 minutes into the game

>> No.25076107
File: 497 KB, 800x999, 1596000897851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aqua tries to backstab her partner killing them second she gets a chance
>starts getting wrecked by him and starts apologizing and doing naked dogeza
>figure out how to damage him and getting excited hyperventilating like having an orgasm
>can't kill him so she escapes into the woods
perfect wife

>> No.25076108

So wait. By your argument every single streamer that plays video games on Twitch and/or Youtube is infringing copyright because...they streamed the game?

>> No.25076109
File: 1.46 MB, 2294x2180, 2812962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076146

It will be fine.

>> No.25076110

And to think her previous character was a lame loli. Sexy+cute pirate captain is the best.

Its feeling like China. Americans keep saying to reduce defense spending while shits going on. Can't even stop Turkey from buying Russian shit, relationship with India shaky, China's Navy is already strong and Russia's supposedly got some fancy shit to beat hypersonic. The UK's also fucking up.

>> No.25076111
File: 226 KB, 1920x1818, 1596120340449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly the kami gamer of chuubas

>> No.25076113
Quoted by: >>25076340

No one wants to jack off to Japanese keemstar retard

>> No.25076115
File: 272 KB, 607x554, 1596101720443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076116


>> No.25076117
File: 757 KB, 691x541, 1594577562441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking she researched beforehand
>implying this isn't her natural idiot savant instincts at work again

>> No.25076119

>Aqua getting lost on Skyrim mountain chasing a fox and a rabbit

>> No.25076121
File: 50 KB, 281x277, pogchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>81 / 813

>> No.25076120

I'm still playing ds3 but damn.
I like these games looks like fun
t. New to hack and slash

>> No.25076124

elder scrolls were never about the combat. it was more about immersion and being a comfy game in general. though I agree the combat is garbage

>> No.25076125

i-it's a dying language! i can just watch birdkun clips anyway!

>> No.25076126

that + the fact that geekjack has a limit to the number of times you can download the digital stuff + they are slow to ship physical stuff out

>> No.25076128
Quoted by: >>25076340

>Unironically think narrative with 0 source is more important than saving nuked streams
Good riddance

>> No.25076129

Just reread it...oh no

>> No.25076130

Just woke up.
Why did haato get so many dislikes?
What happened to Mio?

>> No.25076132

Killed Hololive and forced Kaoru to have sex with Rushia

>> No.25076133

Fuck off dramafag, it's no big deal. also kys

>> No.25076134

Maybe if everyone is as retarded as you. The suspension never would have happened if her managers paid attention.

>> No.25076135
Quoted by: >>25076147

"Never should have come here"

>> No.25076136

>miso got yabee'd

>> No.25076138


>> No.25076139
File: 356 KB, 1668x2048, 20200717_071741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidentally kills your idol company

>> No.25076140

I mean if it takes time and is tedious then yea? I'm not into grinding.

>> No.25076141
Quoted by: >>25076340

>literal slut
Do you have a source for this?

>> No.25076142


>> No.25076145

spics requesting shounenshit
songs color me surprised

>> No.25076146
File: 104 KB, 636x900, 1595070675292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah... we can trust Cover this time, right?

>> No.25076147

should of*

>> No.25076149

Well there goes Hololive's lifeline

>> No.25076150

Based boomer

>> No.25076151

reporting to r/4chan right now, thanks for the gold

>> No.25076153

Holy shit Aqua I'm fucking dying

>> No.25076154

It's better to not know about it.

>> No.25076155
Quoted by: >>25076174

is there a reason watame is painting her character purple?

>> No.25076157

This sure is one way to fuck up a first playthrough

>> No.25076158

Aqua literally got banned from Riverwood

>> No.25076160

Aqua is going to reset

>> No.25076162


>> No.25076163
File: 1.48 MB, 2048x1339, 1594416955284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is making me want to play skyrim again

>> No.25076164

okay kanta

>> No.25076165

>Why did haato get so many dislikes?
Annoying as shit using Luna's avatar

>What happened to Mio?
90 day ban because fuck Capcom and fuck Cover

>> No.25076166
File: 723 KB, 1150x1144, image0 - 2020-07-30T104809.093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076252

>previous character.
I have questions that need answers.

>> No.25076167
File: 267 KB, 451x506, vest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DSP will be the one to take down the copyright laws. He's been messed with for the last time!

>> No.25076168

haato was nothing important, just a shitpositng stream
mio is kill though

>> No.25076169

Baqua what the fuck

>> No.25076170
Quoted by: >>25076340

Fuck off

>> No.25076172
Quoted by: >>25076208

Aqua has gone full EOP pandering now

>> No.25076174

she is inevitable

>> No.25076175

ok japanese keemstar

>> No.25076177

She's revealed her true form of a skinwalker

>> No.25076178
Quoted by: >>25076225

Technically yes. But game companies won't bother suing individual streamers. Hololive is a company and they should've seen it coming. Blame Cover for not getting permissions for streaming AAA games.

>> No.25076179
Quoted by: >>25076340

Might as well post some proofs beyond hearsay to not sounds like some //tard?

>> No.25076180

>already broken the game
sasuga aqua

>> No.25076182

based Aqua committing crimes against Skyrim and her people

>> No.25076183

Some of them that got privated/deleted last night seem to get notice first(Subaru/Flare),the one that got nuked today probably the one getting the short end of the stick

>> No.25076184

Doesn't matter since she doesn't even stream

>> No.25076185
Quoted by: >>25076194

Skyrim has a storyline right?

>> No.25076186

Then why didn't they have any problems before? Sora has played videogames as most of the oldies did before.

>> No.25076187

>Why did haato get so many dislikes?
she asked for them during the stream and then later to switch them to likes

>> No.25076188
File: 48 KB, 498x456, 1534005018529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua playing the game the right way like a boss

>> No.25076189

Haachaama switched between Luna's live2d and as well as Kanata's before getting to her's.
Mio apparently is getting a 90day ban.

>> No.25076193
File: 730 KB, 2732x2026, 1594308245837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking sieds

>> No.25076194

Yeah Aqua just fucked it up too

>> No.25076195
Quoted by: >>25076340

Niggerkami has fans? Lol

>> No.25076196

aqua will get thrown in prison soon enough

>> No.25076198

I love this series

>> No.25076199

Ok now i'm woried for real

>> No.25076200
Quoted by: >>25076252

Has Jp Keemstar "leaked" anything more or anything of value yet?

>> No.25076203

How will our meido get out of this one...

>> No.25076204

Even with the Riverwood ban she can still play the game as a whole, but i think she locked herslef into having to join Stormcloacks now lol

>> No.25076205
Quoted by: >>25076242

Did, did Aki just overdo it?

>> No.25076206

Aqua is literally doing a Khaijit Bandit Walkthrough now

>> No.25076208

If that were true she'd have eng subs or dub on

>> No.25076210

Consider Japanese use dislikes/likes slightly differently than westernfags.

>> No.25076211

Is Mio banned for real or is it just speculation.

>> No.25076212

Nice game todd

>> No.25076213
File: 160 KB, 335x409, 1594543899027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076232

those memories are dead
have a nice day

>> No.25076214

Joke dislikes.

>> No.25076216

>Because she's the idol Hololive deserves, but not the one it needs right now, so we'll hunt her. Because she can take it, because she's not a hero. She's a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Miso Soup.

>> No.25076217
File: 241 KB, 2289x1821, phsok7pbtxa51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076255

is this that meta you were talking about

>> No.25076220

>playing skyrim with less than 35giga of mods installed


>> No.25076221
Quoted by: >>25076272

Like tears.... in the rain....

>> No.25076222

Real, wait for her in 3 months

>> No.25076220,1 [INTERNAL] 

thinking of getting the marin asmr/alarm but I have no idea what I'm getting myself into, is there any anon with samples?

>> No.25076224

Why was Haato crying?
Girl things we don't know about?

>> No.25076226

>senchou says "mmh"

>> No.25076225

Cover is weird. Cover doesn't get permission when streaming Nintendo and Capcom games. But Cover tries to get permission when streaming indiegames and western games... hmm...

>> No.25076228
Quoted by: >>25076249

>all what she has to do is sheathe and unsheathe
>chat spams to reload
are they fuckng retarded?

>> No.25076229
File: 6 KB, 100x100, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076244

>> No.25076231


>> No.25076232

Can’t believe she’s really gone...

>> No.25076233

>filtered by Skyrim
Why are girls so bad at videogames?

>> No.25076234
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, EcTeGg-U4AAaCUX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076246

Anyone know a good youtube audio downloader? Should have followed my instincts ages ago and downloaded every cover I liked, but the 'youtube to mp3's that I've tried have all been pretty shit.

>> No.25076235

Banned for 90 days due to strike

>> No.25076236
Quoted by: >>25076253

i didn;t want aqua to play skyrim

>> No.25076237

I'm actually worried about her, I hope she isn't blaming or beating herself up too much over it

>> No.25076239

US copyright law is probably part of why they're this fucked up
and if it's China they'll step on some political toe instead, again like the last few times
>China's Navy is already strong
they're just pretending, their carrier(s) aren't even nuclear powered

>> No.25076240

As the United States crumbles and falls from its former glory, China and Russia are passed the baton to lead the world. Between these two flourishing authoritarian states, who will be able to spread the most influence and achieve world government status? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z

>> No.25076241

nice reload baqua. you are going to prison anyway you damn doroneku i know you will start pick pocketing people

>> No.25076242
Quoted by: >>25076275

I had the stream muted in the background what did she do?
she sounds fine

>> No.25076244

wolf girl...

>> No.25076245

>she made Hadvar hostile ith combat
>now she is gonna pickpotet him

>> No.25076246


>> No.25076249

pretty sure she was well past the sheathe / unsheathe point. she had "killed" imperial guy and kept smacking him afterwards.

>> No.25076250
File: 1.52 MB, 1049x550, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076314

My little onahole can't be this cute

>> No.25076251
File: 144 KB, 744x1052, Ed_ZOhKUwAAyHKt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relying on youtube to not be a piece of shit and gambling on the chance that youtube's AI, which is notorious for banning people for absolutely no valid reason or explanation, to not ban one of your idoru's.
who honestly is at fault here?

>> No.25076252
Quoted by: >>25076377


Ask in the other holo thread, they know.

>> No.25076253

Then tell her to stop playing bro

>> No.25076255

>that finger position
my inner /ck/ is screaming right now

>> No.25076254
File: 78 KB, 850x664, korosama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't they stream on Twitch again? I doubt they would have to deal with this much shit if they just told YT to fuck off.

>> No.25076256

0 and YAGOO and graduates

>> No.25076260

If you're an individual, they let you pass. If you're a corporation, like Hololive, you need approval. Hololive received a lot of money from donations and probably thought this was enough to spin the legal matters into not directly receiving money from copyrighted material. Face the facts, Hololive isn't a small thing, they have producers, their actresses are very talented, they can sing, act, do voice work in general. This sort of talent ain't cheap. Of course game companies are going after them, and it's their own fault.

>> No.25076262

KoroTorrentArchive anon here, the seedbox seems to be working
I'm going to start uploading the files, I hope this speeds up your downloads

The original magnets should still work:

>Blasphemous (full: 1, 2, 3)

>Dragons' Lar (the original)

>Michigan From Hell

>Poly Bridge

>The Sniper 2

>Ib (full: 1, 2)

>> No.25076265


>> No.25076266
Quoted by: >>25076288

hadvadar didnt die, if she just unsheathe the guards will talk to her and she can bribe them

>> No.25076267

>Those Subaru and Korone videos weren't actually deleted by mistake
WOW LOOK AT THAT, turns out you actally can review stuff before taking it down!, shame you didn't do that for ORIGINAL SONGS and VIDEOS WITH NO GAMES.

Fuck you so fucking much Cover

>> No.25076269

>trusting jap Keemstar
Anon I...

>> No.25076270
Quoted by: >>25076319

Then you lose all your japanese viewers.

>> No.25076271

Lets hope for a swerve and the US teams up with Russia and China. Cover the entire world.

>> No.25076272


>> No.25076274
Quoted by: >>25076317

twitch takes 50%

>> No.25076275
Quoted by: >>25076346

There was some serious hurling -4 minutes of the stream.

>> No.25076276


>> No.25076277
File: 871 KB, 1114x1587, 20200730_215035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yagoo please bring back Ayame videos onegai. I'll trade any Holos for Ayame and her bi monthly streaming schedule

>> No.25076278

Why bother?

>> No.25076280

Aqua's already looking for ways to fuck herself over in the game, nice.

>> No.25076281

This Fox has gone too far...

>> No.25076282


>Chocobo Racing

>Metal Slug 1, 2 & X

>Cho Aniki (the Marine collab)

>Donkey Kong 3


>Punch Out

>> No.25076283
Quoted by: >>25076310

how can game companies live with themselves going after cute 2d girls like this?

>> No.25076285

I was thinking this was the case

>> No.25076286
File: 224 KB, 1547x1837, Ed2fpCuU8AASFi8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076324


>> No.25076287
Quoted by: >>25076338

>spend 15 hours installing mods
>play for 4 hours
>rinse and repeat the next year
every fucking time

>> No.25076288

the only reason he didnt die was he was flagged as essential until he gets to his fathers house. she depleted his hp and marked him as turbo aggro.

>> No.25076289

>china's navy.
I do not think you truly understand how big the gap is between the American navy and the rest of the world's navies combined.

>> No.25076291

She just had a bounty on her head for attacking him. She walked in town with the weapon drawn while Hadvar was back in town, setting all the guards to attack. If she cycled sheathe she would have triggered the guard surrender and been arrested.

>> No.25076292

>Marine's birthday 3D stream helped to distract me from all the bad shit going on
>Original song was hype as fuck
>Marred by cover not getting the licensing rights overseas for an original song
Everytime I think Cover can't get more incompetent they sadly prove me wrong.

>> No.25076294
Quoted by: >>25076515

>oga's gunpla stream
Sounds interesting, might actually watch a homo for the first time.

>> No.25076295
File: 965 KB, 921x1304, 1571646856666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076328

>Pekora is drowning her sorrows with karaoke and alcohol on a Thursday night

>> No.25076296

So Mio might be the first holo to graduate?

>> No.25076297

Echo watching Haachama cooking now https://live.bilibili.com/21641569

>> No.25076299

Skyrim has ARK vibes...

>> No.25076298
Quoted by: >>25076326

>picks cat
>turns into a thief
its like pottery

>> No.25076301
File: 445 KB, 1448x2048, 20200720_153225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat takoyaki with shion yo...

>> No.25076300

Original songs?

>> No.25076302

did aqua finish nier:a?

>> No.25076304
Quoted by: >>25076515

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yw2jWVU3LwU Luna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyX8vyrXiFw Oga

>> No.25076306

Reminder that Towa loves Pizzacock and that Aruran is a chad

>> No.25076305
File: 75 KB, 580x792, llrx9l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well has Narukami namedrop the slut?

>> No.25076308

sneaky archer soon

>> No.25076309

Sora-sama is gonna chokeslam every single worker at cover.

>> No.25076310

Because behind cute 2D are a bunch of Japanese salary men and salary women desperate for quick and easy cash? And that include the actresses themselves.

>> No.25076312

cover corp should be baying n-buna with how much they cover their songs in uta streams

>> No.25076313
File: 129 KB, 1193x754, pekoragaysexstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25076314
File: 941 KB, 2000x1310, 86085a151834d577494a1d912c928d63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>will never have absolutely rough, violent, and wholesome babymaking sex with senchou.
why live

>> No.25076315

Okay, /hlg/, you have to choose

>> No.25076316

Started playing minecraft again for the first time in 9 years due to Watame streams. I might return to my heavily modded skyrim playthrough. Is this the power of chuubas?

>> No.25076317

of sub money, and when you're a big streamer they take less
And you can route donations through streamlabs who take a tiny cut compared to youtube

>> No.25076318

>my housewife-tier gossip is more important than years worth of streams!!!!!

>> No.25076319

I'm sure twitch is bound by the exact same laws and automated copyright processes that led us to this point
think japanese esports is popular on twitch
but they're esports
air force too

>> No.25076320

It's nice she that she found the crime stuff interesting

>> No.25076321
Quoted by: >>25076368

An FBK Mario Maker stream is back, the Nintendo streams are all returning I think.

>> No.25076322
Quoted by: >>25076453

Coco will be the first to break off from Hololive. There I said it

>> No.25076323
Quoted by: >>25076370

Russia has more strategic reasons to be hostile to China then to US and if hawks can turn off their Cold War brains for a second chinks will get contained by US/Russia/India/Japan/WorstK

>> No.25076324

I want to be that thumb.

>> No.25076325

She's one step away from a ban (I think) and that's why they've locked her away. All we can do is listen to her and wait patiently. It's gonna be alright mio bros

>> No.25076326

She has a thing for rogues/ninjas

>> No.25076328

There is nothing wrong with drinking on a Thursday

>> No.25076329

>EOP chat saying Aqua killed Mio

>> No.25076330

Whoooo cares I just watch translated videos anyways if this shit dies I'll just move on to another shitty fad, what a bunch of overdramatic niggers. MUHHH COPYRIGHT MUH BAN WEHWEHWEH, yuck.

>> No.25076331
Quoted by: >>25076355

Yes with sex mods.

>> No.25076332


>> No.25076333

>Those Subaru and Korone videos weren't actually deleted by mistake
wait I'm a confused anonchama. So are the videos not deleted? Or are the videos deleted on purpose? please be the former... onegai...

>> No.25076335

why did the npcs attack aqua before?

>> No.25076336

Towa only loves female elf cock

>> No.25076337

When did this thread get so bad at narratives?

>> No.25076338
File: 3.82 MB, 2898x4000, 1595341644412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend 15 hours installing mods
i never understood this. its so simple.
>ultimate combat + tk dodge
>bog standard texture packs / 3d models that you use every time
>requiem or ordinator
>immersive armors / weapons
>mihail monster mods
>armor / weapon mods to suit your taste
congratulations you have modded skyrim in like 30 minutes

>> No.25076339

some discord tranny created a discord tranny containment thread, take your shit there

>> No.25076340

>the rising star of homos just up and left one day for absolutely no reason, with Cover deleting all of his tweets amd videos overnight

Whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess.

>> No.25076341
File: 412 KB, 2048x1339, blaqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076382

Here, have the improved version anon.

>> No.25076342

one hurts my ears and the other heals my heart

>> No.25076343

He's not banned. He just deactivated his twitter.

>> No.25076344

I don't think you've been keeping up to date on shit.

>> No.25076345

>names herself as ninjaaqua
who would've knew

>> No.25076346

That hurling was from best festival

>> No.25076347
File: 120 KB, 445x373, 1578701018765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Making excuses for a company accused of crimes
You wouldn't do that, do you?

>> No.25076348


>> No.25076349

armor / weapon mods to suit your taste is what takes 15 hours

>> No.25076350

Japanese keemstar's voice would never lie to us.

>> No.25076351 [SPOILER] 
File: 185 KB, 708x1000, 1596121049458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077018


>> No.25076354

I cannot be assed to watch on that website or to donate via streamlabs

>> No.25076355

And companion mods to add all the holos.

>> No.25076356

Takoyaki salty from 18 year old tears!

>> No.25076357

chasing literal who with sub 100 subscriber that occasionally got a buck or two won't give them anything so they normally don't give a fuck. the game changes when we're talking about people with thousands of viewer when thousands bucks flowing each stream

>> No.25076358

How long until Aqua is arrested for stealing a bowl sitting on a shelf?

>> No.25076360

But this is a thief....

>> No.25076361

Uhhhh how am I supposed to make a sex dungeon with just those mods retard?

>> No.25076362
Quoted by: >>25076374

>making excuses for a woman who made a huge mistake
You wouldn't do that, do you?

>> No.25076363
Quoted by: >>25076561

>all the restored streams are going to completely flood my sub box

>> No.25076365


>> No.25076366

You might as well play vanilla

>> No.25076367

Don't forget Coco, and probably every holo, Aruran is an absolute chad

>> No.25076368

>7 minutes ago
huh, you're right

>> No.25076369
File: 58 KB, 1085x257, basedKSON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076640

Based Coco's roommate streaming after this recent bullshit. Fuck Cover seriously

>> No.25076370
Quoted by: >>25076405

Please stop

>> No.25076372
Quoted by: >>25076391

how is tenshi minecraft going

>> No.25076374

Miso did nothing wrong.

>> No.25076375
File: 34 KB, 534x406, 69052255_2421843128141676_5582607978923556864_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076399

So wait. This whole fucking situation that's happening right now is because their legal team is absolutely horrible and they didn't even bother looking over if this would happen? What the fuck????

>> No.25076376


Ayame so happy...

>> No.25076377

can I get a full name because there are like three or more mimi's on the wiki.

>> No.25076378
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1594306448627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076379
Quoted by: >>25076398


>> No.25076382
Quoted by: >>25076738

nice, thanks anon

I don't know if you tuned in for Luna's 3D debut but I always wanted to ask if you could make a version for her too?

>> No.25076383

I bet it was the jews.

>> No.25076384

>Khajiit stealing shit

>> No.25076386

im starting to find gaming streams boring and are now going for the nearest zatsudan/utawakus, what is wrong with me?

>> No.25076387


>> No.25076388

Can't Mio stream on some other site for now like bilibili?

>> No.25076389

Meanwhile niji and all the small vtuber companies manage this problem by just not monetizing streams without permissions. Cover's not even going to take responsibility for being the single most retarded corporate entity in existence and just leave the heat to the talent.

>> No.25076390

You homofags hyped him up too much. Mad disappointed.

>> No.25076391

She teleported right on top of a nether fortress directly from her portal so she has a shot

>> No.25076393
Quoted by: >>25076406

Can two autists attract?

>> No.25076395

You obviously haven't read the thread. Please go back to Niji general or Niji general version 2

>> No.25076397

I can't believe that Minato Aqua is a furry...

>> No.25076398

It's a Konata copy pasta

>> No.25076399

More likely they couldn't solve the legal issues and just went "fuck that, let's receive as much money as we can before we leave the country".

>> No.25076402

You are starting to learn Japanese

>> No.25076403

twitch mods are simps for 3dpd only, they'll ban anime avatars for retarded reasons just like youtube

>> No.25076405
File: 15 KB, 128x128, 1595790226583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only a matter of time burger, kneel before your sino-russian overlords

>> No.25076406

A Towa and Flare interaction would be a fusion of two great autism powers to form the ultimate tism.

>> No.25076407


>> No.25076409


>> No.25076410

I don't think you understand the depth of the situation. the damage she caused her coworkers is hard to even grasp. there is no way she is feeling well. and keeping up fake streamer persona now is probably not going to work

>> No.25076411


>> No.25076413

why is she tweeting that just now? that was like 2 hours ago

>> No.25076412

Aqua... your meds

>> No.25076414

Aqua, NO! BAN.

>> No.25076415
Quoted by: >>25076480

>doesn't know about the procedure for graduation
Anon please...

>> No.25076416

Hololive is reclining.
Deleted streams, Mio taking a break in fear of getting more copyright strike, still no permissions, cover doing fuck-all to fix this,
Kaoru got the boot, a slut among the holos that caused it...
Please...just let me enjoy it like the good old days

>> No.25076417

No wonder you didn't understand.

>> No.25076418

>spend 15 hours installing mods

Looking for new mods. Trying them. Uninstalling them. Then looking for obscure mods or even ones already removed/hidden. Try them. Make them work. Uninstall them. Figuring out how to order mods to avoid crashing.

>> No.25076420

Japan is a weird mix of xenophobe and xenophile who hypes up any sort of foreign thing at random.

>> No.25076421
Quoted by: >>25076975

So does she just not get paid for 3 months...

>> No.25076422

Aqua no don't touch that little girl

>> No.25076423

Who came in first?

>> No.25076424

Fuck copyright law

>> No.25076425


>> No.25076427
Quoted by: >>25076494

Not only that. She's also a lolicon

>> No.25076428

the saga continues

>> No.25076430


>> No.25076431

there were scrims today? i didn't see

>> No.25076432
Quoted by: >>25076469

I do not think you understand that the majority of china's ships are there for fluff and the quality of the United States ships still outweigh the quantity of china's.

>> No.25076433
Quoted by: >>25076469

Get out chang

>> No.25076434

>no SexLab
>no BodySlide
Disgusting, if you don't pay for first home in Whiterun by selling your body you are playing Skyrim wrong

>> No.25076435

Consider her race, anon. The japanese gigachad looks like an average white man.

>> No.25076436
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1594000369890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all her hard work is paying off

>> No.25076437
Quoted by: >>25076512

Ok. I learnt from the Towa discord shit that some of you fags have ridiculously low google skills so I will give you a tiny tip. Google mimi with Marine's name in Japanese characters. The word mimi and the fact I said it was related to Marine should've been enough clues.

>> No.25076438

Fuck this made me want to play Skyrim...

>> No.25076439

How long until she steals?

>> No.25076442
File: 563 KB, 1055x1080, 1596113142705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.25076441
File: 75 KB, 768x544, EdKNCMQXkAAelXg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076455

Fort right off the bat, don't fuck this up cabaych...

>> No.25076443

Without a name this is literally twitter-tier western e-celeb gossip. Come back with a name faggot.

>> No.25076444

he gave her free stuff and she refused... baqua just wants to steal for the sake of stealing

>> No.25076446

this is the problem, instead of them being "retarded" or "lax", it literally is because they're too fucking greedy

>> No.25076448

Huh, they're actually returning some of stuff already

>> No.25076450

Kaoru wanted to have some action with Miko but she told him to fuck off and die because she only likes cute girls so he went to another girl who accepted, Miko told her stepsisters (A-chan and Sora) about the situation and Kaoru was fired instantly without even having time to say goodbye directly
here's a hint on who's the slut, it's a girl from the last 3 gens who doesn't interact a lot with her coworkers

>> No.25076452

*his, I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.25076453

With the money she's making? No chance.

>> No.25076456
Quoted by: >>25076550

Asian girls aren't into roided huge dudes

>> No.25076458

Your eyes are opening for the first time.

>> No.25076455
Quoted by: >>25076490

I'm blaming you for this.

>> No.25076457

They probably did it on purpose. Hololive has always been about sucking money out of gachikoi.

>> No.25076459

why would someone side with the imperials? didnt they try to execute you?

>> No.25076460 [DELETED] 

you know it would have been faster to just type out the name than to type all of that stuff, right

>> No.25076461

Kabaya.... Nnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.25076463
Quoted by: >>25076514

Most nip women prefer twinks

>> No.25076462


>> No.25076464

Music covers quick, onegai.

>> No.25076466


>> No.25076467

lol he was a worthless fat shit I hope they ban his youtube next

>> No.25076468

Funny how this guy didn't have any info on the permission apocalypse.

>> No.25076469

I just wanted a higher military budget...

>> No.25076472


>> No.25076473

Nijiniggers back to the cattle pen

>> No.25076475

A lot of stuff was fully deleted and that is never coming back though.

>> No.25076476


>> No.25076477
Quoted by: >>25076538

В голосину, блядь.

>> No.25076479
File: 985 KB, 4093x2894, 20200730_220230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all on fire dumb slutty Oni.....have some fucking respect for your colleagues

>> No.25076478
File: 58 KB, 238x147, AsEmirYgLr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant see nu-fbk enough liek this

>> No.25076480

Vtubers announce their graduation months before they graduate

>> No.25076481

You're learning that gaming is not their forte

>> No.25076483

>Kaoru wanted to have some action with Miko but she told him to fuck off and die because she is already pregnant
slight amendment

>> No.25076485

that's would pretty much confirm that she's banned but technically she can

>> No.25076486


>> No.25076487

Shion looks like she's having fun on her break.

>> No.25076488

>Aqua is the slut

>> No.25076489
File: 497 KB, 488x492, 1595832783795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Starts stream 30 min later than PPT
*Still beats her in viewcount

>Nothing personal, PPTards

>> No.25076490

Spoke too soon..

>> No.25076493
Quoted by: >>25076526

Can't wait for Subaru's Undertale to come back!

>> No.25076494

wtf I hate aqua now
wtf I love aqua now

>> No.25076496


>> No.25076497
Quoted by: >>25076540

Ayame, why..?

>> No.25076498

Do we have a list of what was deleted?

>> No.25076499

You've given the job of getting 4 holos together to make the most autistic stream possible. Who do you pick, and what should they do? Assume you've been given permissions and Mio has been unbanned

>> No.25076500

aqua is somehow ruining skyrim with her autism

>> No.25076503
Quoted by: >>25076596

You're supposed to type "5ch says".

>> No.25076504
File: 162 KB, 319x324, 1595942587909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people care about someone they will never see in real life let alone meet having sex
imagine being this fucked up

>> No.25076505

Nothing stopping her from recording a 2 hour MioSuba Ark collab and uploading it raw. It's a stream ban not a content ban.

>> No.25076506

if any hologirl is a slut it can only be festival or rushia since every other girl is too ブサイク IRL to even consider having sex

>> No.25076509
File: 478 KB, 2048x2040, 1596097387492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076539

Shion was right...

>> No.25076512
Quoted by: >>25076583

you know it would have been faster to just type out the name than to type all of that stuff, right

>> No.25076511

I hope she interacts more with Suisei

>> No.25076514

They don't, they just don't have a choice because every male is a twink in japan.

>> No.25076515

Remember to cherish our Holostars while we still have them.

>> No.25076517

Dude like just stop using hyperbole like gigachad and shit. I know you want to promote him but c'mon now. Its like the Cocofags hyping up KSON. Chill out about your oshis.

>> No.25076518
File: 880 KB, 789x772, 1592201049054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076519

PPT's journey had only just begun

>> No.25076520

How was that 3D viewership sheep?

>> No.25076521

Pekora, Moona, Aqua, Haachama

>> No.25076523
File: 74 KB, 991x715, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is fucking ridiculous, shut the fuck up.

>> No.25076522

Why is it okay to steal some items but not some others?

>> No.25076524
Quoted by: >>25076549

>Angelfish is still privated
What the fuck are they doing?

>> No.25076525
File: 141 KB, 1080x499, it's over ppt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076526

Same. Shouldn't take long, since it's one of the easy ones when it comes to permissions

>> No.25076528

Aqua, Towa, Flare and Pekora 3D.

>> No.25076529

When is YAGOO going to prison?

>> No.25076530

well lads it's been a hell of a day hasn't it

>> No.25076531
File: 3.91 MB, 3305x2976, 1595607131377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a girl from the last 3 gens
wow its almost like it could be nearly 3/4th of the holos!
try harder next time.

>> No.25076533

Next she's going to take her place at the Hololive house.
The sheep is getting too strong.

>> No.25076535
File: 435 KB, 1515x2020, 3253253252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076585

How is Kanata still this bad at Minecraft?

>> No.25076538

>Google Translate
you doin okay ukrainchama? hope russia didn't assfuck your country too much during the annexation

>> No.25076539

Goodbye monkey

>> No.25076540

>Last three gens
Gamers, 3rd gen and 4th gen

>> No.25076541
Quoted by: >>25076688

PPT just can't compete when she's not leeching off Coco.

>> No.25076542

Skyrim with cute anime voices is actually cringey.

>> No.25076544
Quoted by: >>25076578

Wonder where this influence came from. What's the lore behind NinjaAqua? Her self-insert and idol is a dual-wielding swordsman.

>> No.25076545
Quoted by: >>25076564

how do western streamers can play any japanese games on stream and don't get sued for it? Some are even PAID to play it.

>> No.25076546
Quoted by: >>25076611

Never understtod why everyone liked Skyrim
It sucked even when it came out

>> No.25076547

Here, your skyrim sir

>> No.25076549
Quoted by: >>25076567

PPT's manager...

>> No.25076550

Considering what males have the largest number of females chasing after them, other girls aren't into them too. Its just dudes online thinking that.

>> No.25076551

This is our only place, nothing can be done about this.

>> No.25076553

I have a friend who's really into gunpla, wish he knew Japanese so I could show him Oga's stream.

>> No.25076554
Quoted by: >>25076725

A-chan and Sora don't know anything about Kaoru till the day Cover released the statement.

>> No.25076556
File: 10 KB, 597x130, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076557
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1567785538908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076609

>> No.25076560

some are owned by communists

>> No.25076561

Wait, how do you make it alert you? Mine isn't triggering at all.

>> No.25076562

>only 14k viewers
do japs hate skyrim?

>> No.25076563

back to your flan fly thread

>> No.25076564

They stream on Twitch and don't have antis copyright trolling them

>> No.25076565

It was quite the eventful day

>> No.25076567
Quoted by: >>25076654

It's not on her channel. Though her own covers are still privated too.

>> No.25076568
Quoted by: >>25076586


>> No.25076569

>Please understand

>> No.25076571

Completing quests for NPCs increases the amount they trust you. You can take small items from their home at first, but if you manage to build more trust you can take more stuff.

>> No.25076572

these threads are the biggest on the board
stop whining like a little bitch and demand a vtuber board if you really want change

>> No.25076574
Quoted by: >>25076616

what do the rest of /jp/ anons think of us enroaching on their board?

>> No.25076576

as it was in Todd's original vision before they fucked with it...

>> No.25076577
Quoted by: >>25076655

>those animations
people really dont use those do they

>> No.25076578

>dual-wielding swordsman
Is there anyone who unironically plays as this in Skyrim?

>> No.25076579

Just think of it like doijins at comiket.

>> No.25076581


>> No.25076583

Yea, but I wanted to give tips so the anon wouldn't have to ask the next time and can do it themselves? Literally the whole point I had to mention that Towashit in the beginning of the post.

I'd like a Suisei/Watame duet. Comet's already sung with Kanata and Towa.

>> No.25076584

I don't watch Aruran, I'm just a coping Cocofag because I don't want to accept the fact that an average nip fucked my oshii. At least let me believe that he was an absolute gigachad.

>> No.25076585
Quoted by: >>25076651

Makes me wonder if her roommate was this bad cause she seemed to stream Minecraft back then too

>> No.25076586 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 200x200, monke toast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076587

>Get called unprofesional
>Try and throw it under the rug with an edit

>> No.25076589
Quoted by: >>25076613

90% of jaypee posts here bro.

>> No.25076590

Artia, haachama, aqua, towa

>> No.25076594

I agree, it's ridiculous to have one fast thread like this and a hundred dead 2hu threads. Should be the opposite, one decently paced 2hu general and several slowers chuuba threads.

>> No.25076593
Quoted by: >>25076698

There's literally nothing wrong with this since it doesn't affect other threads

>> No.25076595

t. sneaky archer dual wielding ashbringers

>> No.25076596
Quoted by: >>25076630

it was actually Mea, she said it on her tweetcast

>> No.25076599

and? The first time i come here years ago was full of 2hu.

>> No.25076600

Someone sounds awfully seething right now.

>> No.25076601

post thread theme

>> No.25076604
Quoted by: >>25076632

When will Suisei drag Watame, Towa and Luna to Yakiniku+Karaoke?

>> No.25076605


>> No.25076606

its not our fault the korean meidos cut the post limit from 4000 to 2000

>> No.25076607

I did back at its release.

>> No.25076609

She killed thousands.

>> No.25076610


>> No.25076611
Quoted by: >>25076656

Because it's fun, unlike the majority of crpgs, plus it doesn't have a cringe story that takes itself seriously

>> No.25076612

Fair enough.

>> No.25076613

90% of /v/ too

>> No.25076615

Why do they think pandering to EOS, spics and SEAnigs is a high priority? They’re are fucking drain who watch translation videos and bring no income.

>> No.25076616

soon to be seen excursively in /trash/

>> No.25076618
File: 52 KB, 507x600, Ookami.Mio.600.2784828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I find Mio and hold her while she cries her eyes out agianst my chest?

>> No.25076617

>an average nip fucked my oshii
Sauce on this?

>> No.25076619

It looks like a lot of FBK's streams are back.

>> No.25076620
Quoted by: >>25076644

Isn't that only on Subaru/Korone part?Majority of them only have privated stream.

>> No.25076622
File: 17 KB, 519x132, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076694

I don't have the gut to tell him... From reupload mario tennis on fbk channel

>> No.25076623

I legitimately do not understand why djt is seething so much about this. You're literally going to the archive to bitch, how often do you browse from the fucking archive?

>> No.25076625
Quoted by: >>25076641

we don't do that here /v/.

>> No.25076626
Quoted by: >>25076657

It's a pretty fun high damage style. It's shit though but once you play through skyrim through the game becomes too easy regardless of difficulty. Good builds make it boring as fuck

>> No.25076628

AZKi bros..

>> No.25076629

imagine being such a bitch that you go to a containment thread to complain about it

>> No.25076630
Quoted by: >>25076678

all the WHORE of hololive info is coming from japanese keemstar though

>> No.25076631

I did and I had to fuck with dual sheathes and skeleton modding just for it to look properly

>> No.25076632

I hope.

>> No.25076633

Towa, Marine, Korone, Miko

>> No.25076634

Damn, this looks absolutely fucking terrible.

>> No.25076638

Am I going deaf or does Aki and aqua sound similar?

>> No.25076639


>> No.25076640

I made the mistake of looking at pre-stream chat.
Was the r*ddit shilling worth it coco

>> No.25076642
File: 1.55 MB, 850x1203, 96644732fdb7ca637720068be4f0e2d4 (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you imagine Marine's beautiful tummy getting fat because she is carrying your child?
as a joke of course, haha.

>> No.25076641
Quoted by: >>25076660


>> No.25076643

Someone explain me Mio's copystrike situation better though.
WHY is she barred from streaming for 90 days if she's shy of 3rd copystrike?
That means she could still have at least zatsudans, those don't break any rules.
Christ, I feel like someone should unironically tell Pewdiepie about this situation and he could tell what to do and what not with his Youtube experience.

>> No.25076644

Kanata's Makai Mura is never coming back...

>> No.25076645

I expect some doujin of aqua getting STDs from that wolf

>> No.25076649

>AZKi is the first to get almost all her stream back before Fubuki
I kneel....

>> No.25076651

It's just acting. My holo played a long time ago too and she acts like she doesn't know simple things sometimes.

>> No.25076653

I'm in love with Mio's avatar... why...

>> No.25076654
Quoted by: >>25076673

Suisei's other covers aren't privated except for Angelfish for some reason though, unless you count the utawakus as well.

>> No.25076655

I remember when I was young and used a Devil May Cry animation mod. Was complete shit because the damage I dealt was the same. Did the High Time animation, took me ages to land and the enemy could still hit me when I was in the air.

>> No.25076656
Quoted by: >>25076817

its got a shit story and the gameplay is far too easy and basic to be fun

>> No.25076657

You don't need a build, all you need is enchantment-alchemy feedback loop

>> No.25076658
File: 835 KB, 2484x1380, DXNbueaUQAAhdTE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076743

>Moshi moshi papa, deliver the D variant to me ASAP

>> No.25076659
Quoted by: >>25076724

Does she even play anything asides Overcooked?

>> No.25076660
Quoted by: >>25076683

yes we, now crawl back to /v/ rat.

>> No.25076662

>mind break, corruption, impregnation, rape
>happy sex

>> No.25076663

Why you care? Are we posting in your threads? No right? Then shut the fuck up

>> No.25076668


>> No.25076667
Quoted by: >>25076716

Youtube banned her for 90 days.

>> No.25076670

I used to be a member but I don't know if I will become a member again since she suddenly left for a month. What a waste.

>> No.25076671
Quoted by: >>25076800

Where can i read this?

>> No.25076673


>> No.25076674
Quoted by: >>25076716

Because they are all under one account (Hololive) they are probably afraid that another strike will fuck everyone else.

>> No.25076675
File: 1.13 MB, 3588x3596, off topic threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope, our board now

>> No.25076677

it looks like a few just went "report and move on"

>> No.25076678

it was a joke anonchama...

>> No.25076679


>> No.25076680

Me. Dual wielding bound weapon conjurer/stealth archer with maxed enchanter/pickpocket skills.

>> No.25076681

As a safety measure, so she wouldn't get banned FOREVER. The previous strike is supposed to time out in 90 days or something like that.
I know nothing about youtube except watching videos on it, that's just what I gathered from rumors in this thread.

>> No.25076682

Just you wait until some faggot gives a direct link here during the stream

>> No.25076683


>> No.25076686
Quoted by: >>25076746

It was never confimed anywhere that she is getting banned,she only say she will be taking break to manage this shitshow

>> No.25076687
File: 219 KB, 412x444, 1591646454736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a notification on youtube
>its from FBK
>click it
>its her and miko playing mario tennis
>fucking lose my mind
>it turns out it was just one of her videos being reuploaded
how the fuck is nintendo shit being reuploaded if they apparently dont have the permissions?


>> No.25076688

>leeching off Coco.
I wonder who's the real leech...

>> No.25076692

/jp/ is our board now.

>> No.25076693

>kyonyuu loli hololive

>> No.25076691

i'm a member and i don't talk there, i don't even have it on screen lol

>> No.25076694

just tell him... poor guy

>> No.25076696

Just know that there's no official word she's banned for 90 days. All speculation on the situation. Mio has only said she's taking a break. That doesn't mean she can't do things still elsewhere.

>> No.25076697

Let's use the rate at which each girl gets her videos back on youtube to know who is hated by managers!

I'm sure that whore Ayame will get everything back soon.

>> No.25076698

It literally speeds up JP and pushes other threads off page 10.

>> No.25076701

cry louder faggot

>> No.25076702
File: 1.10 MB, 952x1500, chris the barbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076703
Quoted by: >>25076711

>gunpla stream
>no camera

>> No.25076704
File: 953 KB, 1920x1080, EeLVs_bUEAA7WQE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076722

Please wait warmly for Roboco's 3D stream tomorrow...

>> No.25076705

Nintendo told them they could keep the videos up without monetization weeks ago

>> No.25076706

>People trying to backseat Aqua in english
Imagine being this pathetic

>> No.25076707

Might be a mistake.

>> No.25076709


>> No.25076711


>> No.25076713

Towa, Pekora, Moona and Coco

>> No.25076714

kyonyuu fantasy but san kisei when?

>> No.25076716
Quoted by: >>25076737

For her 2nd copystrike? I don't recall Youtube working like that.

Even with that shared-account thing that means Mio shouldn't be the one to shoulder the burden by herself, she could still stream SOMETHING like just talking or playing ARK because they have permissions for it.

>> No.25076717
Quoted by: >>25076765

And people were shitting on AZKi's manager...

>> No.25076719
File: 405 KB, 1144x628, health bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cover is still shit but looks like fubuki is being healed

>> No.25076720

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.25076721
Quoted by: >>25076739

The hell is Kanata doing

>> No.25076723
File: 259 KB, 1806x1806, EaFtQ2KUEAAxc7r-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25076725
Quoted by: >>25076752

>Sora replied to him on tweeter multiple times
>A-chan talks with Shinove all the time

>> No.25076722

Is Hinata going to be there?

>> No.25076724

I am pretty songs are getting privated too,but whether or not they are getting them depends on their manager.INNK work pretty fast since they only have 1 girl to manage anyway.

>> No.25076727

Miobro... For now, just send her a virtual hug. Draw some fanart and tweet it to her, send an encouraging message, anything that shows you love and support her, no matter what.
She'll be happy to received it.

>> No.25076728


>> No.25076729

>kyonyuu loli hololive
That's supposed to be Aqua, but her avatar doesn't reflect it that well.

>> No.25076730
Quoted by: >>25076757

Most thread are made after the other was archived, if there's constantly only one thread up the only consequence is that there's 1 less thread on /jp/

>> No.25076731
File: 6 KB, 337x42, Annotation 2020-07-30 231337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076783

Just stop

>> No.25076732

Akua story follow?

>> No.25076733

my husband flare and my wife towa!

>> No.25076735
Quoted by: >>25076811

I'm sorry I don't care about 20 2hu imagedump threads with a single autist in each.

>> No.25076736

Hololive is unironically the cancer of /jp/.

>> No.25076737

That's the problem, if she gets another copystrike, she's gone, and the copystrike expires in 90 days i think

>> No.25076738
File: 2.10 MB, 2048x1339, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go!

>> No.25076739

Her best

>> No.25076740

Second wave of hacking, to make sure the channels are properly stricken.

>> No.25076741

We used to make fun of Flare for an all-green chat though?

>> No.25076742
Quoted by: >>25076816

Most of the holos aren't good at games, so the novelty of them fucking up and fumbling around wears thin rather quickly. There is far greater value in them engaging with one another in collabs or actually knocking around ideas with people in zatsudans.

Only in rare cases will the holos be relatively skilled at whatever they're playing so the performance will be entertaining, or it's something that would be interesting to see your favorite holo experience. As is, the only games I tune into now are the Holos going through Death Stranding, the first few Holos playing something new, coop collabs, and Aki playing ARK.

>> No.25076743

Towa is fucked

>> No.25076747

I just woke up
Where the fuck are pekoras videos? is my browser bugging out or something?

>> No.25076746

Ah, so the 90 days thing is just spun out narrative here that she will be gone that long due to her saying she's taking break.
I get it now, thanks frens.

>> No.25076748
File: 248 KB, 407x478, sheep_jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076771

Nice try, Kanata.

Being a business conscious woman != leech.

Being a literal leech sucking viewers from Coco == leech.

>> No.25076749

oh no, not my 3dpd garbage thread...

>> No.25076750

Newfags are tiring me.

>> No.25076752

About Kaoru's dismissal.

>> No.25076753

Don't reply to shitposters.

>> No.25076755

If you've ever read a manga, visual novel, light novel or book, watched an anime, movie or TV series, played a game, listened to a song without paying for it, or worst of all god forbid illegally distribute copyrighted content like footage of you playing a game or covering a song (you better fucking hope you never recorded yourself singing Happy Birthday before 2015), I hope your whole family dies and you get assraped in prison, you criminal scum. No excuses for crimes. Copyright law is the law of God.

>> No.25076756

/jp/ is the cancer of /jp/

>> No.25076757

>Most thread are made after the other was archived
That's not true, you get early threads and multiple threads all the time.

>> No.25076759

It takes up exactly as much space as whatever shit general you came from, unless you're a touhou poster in which case it takes up .01% of the space despite actually being active

>> No.25076760
Quoted by: >>25076901


>> No.25076762
File: 1.30 MB, 919x1300, towa_modo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(half-assedly) towa now!

>> No.25076761

The narrative is that Hololive wants you and everyone to rewatch the archives you never knew you missed.

>> No.25076763

In our hearts

>> No.25076764
File: 959 KB, 1000x1320, 1594385781651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076886

Pekora, this was supposed to be a happy stream... Don't sing all these sad sounding songs.

>> No.25076765

INNK is abit...

>> No.25076766

Nintendo doesn't allow monetization,but they never copystrike any shit during the first permission arc.
You have to thank Capcom this time.

>> No.25076769

So why is virtual youtuber trending in japan right now?

>> No.25076768

Thank you Gigguk, K**n's chat is pure cancer now.

>> No.25076771

>being a leech == leech

>> No.25076772

I'd straight up quit hololive and go independent after getting all of my shit deleted like that.

>> No.25076773

Aqua, Korone, Coco, Moona.

>> No.25076775

Reminder people who do this also post in this general
You can easily find them if they link a translated clip

>> No.25076774


>> No.25076776
File: 15 KB, 630x165, mio....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the 90 day thing came out of google's guidelines anon

>> No.25076777
Quoted by: >>25076901

What order is this thing even in. It's like the guy just plastered the names in a random order.

>> No.25076779
File: 1.18 MB, 1276x956, 067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076780

More like 1.5 assed.

>> No.25076782


>> No.25076783
Quoted by: >>25076824

Sometimes I make shit up and pretend I’m translating

>> No.25076786
File: 1002 KB, 1000x1414, 1591082719450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mature Towa.

>> No.25076787
Quoted by: >>25076812

Pekora is a better singer than most of the Holos who think they're idols

>> No.25076788

Yeah sometimes retard makes them. Most of the time meidos delete them but they don't seem very active today. But other than that there's few consequences

>> No.25076790

I don't care about any of these, where's roboco? she had like 820+ videos hidden, she's up there with Miko at having the biggest backlog

>> No.25076792
File: 305 KB, 478x480, 1593268503365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amazing work, thanks a ton editCHAD

>> No.25076793
Quoted by: >>25076836

Is it just me or are there more faggots than usual in Peko's utawaku chat?


>> No.25076794
File: 352 KB, 900x731, 764b6e904bb48eb9bdd9be84b3dfa306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this rabbit

>> No.25076797

Of course they prioritize their paypig.

>> No.25076796

People backseating Skyrim of all things. There was backseat gaming for the SMOK L4D2 streams too and they were just playing campaign.

>> No.25076798

Man I hate capcom

>> No.25076799

Is on jetri

>> No.25076800
Quoted by: >>25076907

See >>25074982

>> No.25076801
File: 18 KB, 221x97, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope they revive Suisei's tetris streams.

>> No.25076802

Why is Aki straight up gone like Kaoru... Aki didn't actually do the narrative did she?

>> No.25076803
Quoted by: >>25076833

Damn towa's towas look pretty big today, must be in a good mood

>> No.25076804

A copyright strike automatically means 90 day ban. Look it up

>> No.25076806

Holy shit anon, this is good...

>> No.25076807
File: 58 KB, 881x496, EeLPmbJU4AEizhP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076808
File: 60 KB, 806x720, 1572162155220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how long do you think the streams will stay private? And what streams do you think won't come back?

>> No.25076811

It doesn't matter whether you like it or not, the fact of the matter that's what /jp/ is. That's like going to /po/ and complaining about not liking origami.

>> No.25076812

Noel is better

>> No.25076816

Well said. It's even worse when the games involved are shitty clickbaits like those poorly-made horror games. Becomes flat-out annoying instead.

>> No.25076817

It's fun for being sandbox and not applying a thousand limitations to your progress because le Dungeons and dragons did it, despite that being meant to be played in a group

>> No.25076818
File: 250 KB, 315x436, 1596044772619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now realize you'd rather see your girls being a part of Niji than this shit show

>> No.25076819
Quoted by: >>25076871

Boobs too big
I don't care about rurudos magical boob altering powers

>> No.25076822

>Perhaps in the future

>> No.25076823
File: 192 KB, 915x447, t24hqyimwyd51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076824

I know I*ger

>> No.25076826

This is the only thread on the whole board that has early threads actually deleted. Everyone else just makes early threads and doesn't give a shit.

>> No.25076827

You idiots. Looks up how YouTube strikes work.

>> No.25076829


>> No.25076828

>he didn't believe in archiving

>> No.25076830
Quoted by: >>25077477

Didn't Watame already buy her computer?

>> No.25076831

damn i think i prefer this version

>> No.25076833

She is happy because her dog is okay!

>> No.25076835
Quoted by: >>25076860

Subaru's streams aren't coming back.

>> No.25076836

someone says that every day

>> No.25076837

The popular talent will get them first,they are going by subcount.

>> No.25076839

Another one falls!

>> No.25076840
Quoted by: >>25076880

Aki has never touched a game aside from Ark so they didn't have to remove anything from her channel. She's not even being considered here.

>> No.25076842

baqua is a talos worshiper... dominion bros...

>> No.25076844
Quoted by: >>25076940

Her utawakus too, it's depressing to see almost all of them got privated.
the pride...

>> No.25076845
Quoted by: >>25076874

and this thread is also "what /jp/ is"

>> No.25076847
File: 791 KB, 1496x1019, list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That screenshot isn't the full list, this is. Or just go to jetri and check yourself.

>> No.25076849
File: 411 KB, 566x800, Houshou.Marine.full.3016297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>senchou is lonely, horny, and right in my age range

>> No.25076850
File: 210 KB, 362x378, 1594712344732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty hot

>> No.25076851

>it actually looks like Towa
Damn, I want to accuse rurudo of samefacing but this is still so good.

>> No.25076853

How do you shift the colors like that so well? Do you select only the hair then do it?

>> No.25076854

>Luna retweeted senchou's birthday stream
>didn't retweet Haachama's stream
Is she really okay with Haachama using her model like that?

>> No.25076855

yes, I suppose it's better if mod actually create a board for japanese E-celeb shit, hololive and whole vtuber has become too big for be just a general, several topics were discussed in one place and it felt like chaos. it also gives other opportunity for people who wants to talk about other e-celebs like unko-chan or mokou

>> No.25076856

It's the subchannel I think, same with Haato.

>> No.25076857
Quoted by: >>25076950


>> No.25076858
File: 95 KB, 480x480, はてなまーく.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25078018

Is Pekora's Metal Slug stream (【メタルスラッグ】クリアまでっ!これがほんとのぺこランボー。ぺこ!【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】 - rkVxLQ9Z7ks) available in any of these torrent/mega archives here?

>> No.25076860

Well obviously but I meant more in general. Utawakus? Nintendo?

>> No.25076861
Quoted by: >>25076899

I doubt Subaru's streams will come back thanks to the idiot who deleted instead of making private

>> No.25076862
Quoted by: >>25076950

Why are you like this?

>> No.25076864
File: 649 KB, 2048x3171, 1471d9ba8fa4b286d3388bdd520c0bbb (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what I do not get?
for how popular hololive/virtual youtubers are, there is a surprisingly low amount of doujins

>> No.25076865

she tried to warn us

>> No.25076866

she's fuming

>> No.25076867

damn Shio gets to eat THAT?!

>> No.25076868

I hope so too but I have a bad feeling about the Tetris 99 streams.

>> No.25076871
File: 78 KB, 384x197, 1595433816238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25076872

only other HoloLive thread right now is some discordfag thread. 99% of the time there is only one HoloLive thread, everything else is Touhou, /djt/ and some other shit like 10 people care about

>> No.25076874

It's not even virtual youtuber or Hololives
The main thread was fine back in the day
But now you have so many/v/crossboarders who just keep making God awful posts like

>> No.25076878

blame corona

>> No.25076879
File: 1.07 MB, 962x828, unknown-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's on her mind right now?
What are the chances of her moving to twitch?

>> No.25076880

This is seriously too funny. I can't help but laugh at it.

>> No.25076881

kaoru tried to warn us but got assassinated

>> No.25076882

I have nothing against 2hu and real 2hu threads. Literally no threads with more than 3 posters in them are affected.

>> No.25076883
Quoted by: >>25077063

Well niji has plenty of its own problems but gotta give it to them they handle the copyright and behind scene stuff pretty well, cover really needs to sort itself out in that regard

>> No.25076884

Fuck off bitch go back to onahole thread

>> No.25076885
File: 47 KB, 480x733, 1595632922775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aqua not exploring at all and ass blasting through the story
its probably for the best

>> No.25076886

I don't think she's happy...

>> No.25076891
File: 11 KB, 225x225, Hoshinova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076903

I unironically just want to drown myself in booz and watch Moonas fucking bandicoot streams.. what the fuck was the last even the last 30h.

>> No.25076892
Quoted by: >>25077042

you forgot
>tiny, cute face, and huge ass

>> No.25076893
Quoted by: >>25076923

>Shiawase Usagi
>Marin's going to call in
Fucking amazing.

>> No.25076894

Korone's Ultraman and Doraemon shit is 100% gone. Anything old enough that the companies died. Deleted shit (Subaru, Shion) is gone forever.
Other than that everything should come back by the end of the year

>> No.25076895

They're going to stream SM OK on twitch leaving FBK alone

>> No.25076897


>> No.25076898

>moving to twitch
can you drop this stupid meme already

>> No.25076899

Man I'd feel bad if the guy got fired for this but what a fuck up

>> No.25076900


>> No.25076901

i wouldn't be surprised if that's the case
doesn't fit on screen, still dying i'll zoom out the screen for my next post

>> No.25076903
Quoted by: >>25076925

why is she crying

>> No.25076904

After buying peko/towa merch from geekjack, i realized im prob not getting them anytime soon cause ems is block in US. If i want to get marine merch, is booth's shipping block in the US?

>> No.25076906

They had APEX collab before Haachama's stream. Of course Luna knows about it.

>> No.25076907

Fucking kek, i honestly can't believe that's from an admin for the official holo account

>> No.25076908
Quoted by: >>25076961

Miso is on suicide watch, her friends are all there for her.

>> No.25076909

Aren't you a little too busy dying of cancer to be shitposting right now, Iwanaga?

>> No.25076910

Why would they draw fictional porn when there is real porn of the chubas?

>> No.25076912

Does it affect you in any way that we take ONE (2-3 if repeated, but immediately deleted by the meidos) thread out of 100+ in the catalog? Fucking 2hufags

>> No.25076913


>> No.25076915
File: 7 KB, 108x162, explorer_BUqKGo0K4c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25076932

Is this how i start doing reps? with Iofi?

>> No.25076917
Quoted by: >>25077067

This is actually sad
Imagine the outrage if we had a YouTuber general, everyone would be shouting 'fuck e-celebs'

>> No.25076918
File: 96 KB, 768x564, 1595904894909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit.

>> No.25076919

sadness and 0. She will stay in streamer jail and start uploading videos once the manager says it's okay

>> No.25076921

>Usagi and Senchou
Finally, some light.

>> No.25076922
Quoted by: >>25076957

She can still stream on billibilli

>> No.25076923
Quoted by: >>25076986

Sadly not, she is just using a recorded version. But this just makes me miss Miko ;_;

>> No.25076924
Quoted by: >>25076962

gachikoi demand seppuku

>> No.25076925

She just remember she's Moona

>> No.25076929
Quoted by: >>25077014

>Luna doesn't use SSD
I think it's about time for her to upgrade her machine
She's still using 7700/1070 too

>> No.25076931

I hope she's getting some ice cream with subaru

>> No.25076932
Quoted by: >>25076959

>someone actually archiving Iofi
Good shit.

>> No.25076933

So you think it'll take that long? Well I better start filling up the Subaru playlist then. I thought about waiting a bit to see if they come back soon but maybe not.

>> No.25076934
Quoted by: >>25076960

Got into this shit like last week and just found out about Marine's audio set, are there any torrents for Coco's or any of the others?

>> No.25076936

someone was working on an a-chan one and a futa noelxflare one too

>> No.25076938

>pekora singing her parts in marine 2hu

>> No.25076940
Quoted by: >>25077045

Some of her utawakus are still up in Bilibili and some hoshiyomis managed to salvage the other ones that got nuked.
I'm just glad they didn't touch her debut video, but they nuked her other great streams too which is frustrating.

>> No.25076941
Quoted by: >>25076994

I feel bad for her, Subaru had it easy if you compare her to Mio. Mio's career fucking died.

>> No.25076943

I know to fix this thread
Move here Pekobros

>> No.25076947
Quoted by: >>25077013

Huh... I thought this was private

>> No.25076948

Fuck off with your twitch shilling, she can still stream on bilibili.

>> No.25076950

You know I'm right, though. All this permission shit stems from Yagoo's greed and MUH IDOLS bullshit
Meanwhile in Nijiland:
>not every stream is supposed to rake in money, girls are free to turn monetization on or off
>can stream anything, licenzed stuff is just never monetized
>no idolfags and idol antis
>no dramas of HL scale

>> No.25076951

Wow! 3 threads up in the worst case scenario that killed that thread about reimu nobody posted in it for the past 2 weeks!

>> No.25076954

And she's so far away. Even worse, you probably pass by at least one woman like that every now and then, and you will never ever know it.

>> No.25076953

The saku collab is deleted? That sucks that video was peak retard humor.

>> No.25076957

Fate worse than death

>> No.25076959

I just downloaded that video so i can check it whenever i want if it can have some use eventually, hope she does more jp for dummy

>> No.25076960
Quoted by: >>25077038

pay for it or look for it on your own faggot

>> No.25076961

Why would they be? She caused all of this. Knowing Japanese culture, shes being lectured right now or just told she made everything complicates for her senpai and coworkers. And theyre right.

>> No.25076962

Can someone screen shot what the delete and private button looks like? Is it possible to actually mistake them?

>> No.25076964
Quoted by: >>25077020

Comiket has been cancelled, twice.

>> No.25076965

I wonder how long it will take until one of these youtubers with a big audience doxxes a girl because he's so casual he doesn't even know you're not supposed to do that.

>> No.25076967

Imagine if Coco banned them all.

>> No.25076969
File: 671 KB, 672x730, 1595942567969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off you falseflagging faggot

>> No.25076970
Quoted by: >>25076993

Fuck off

>> No.25076972
Quoted by: >>25077003

Why is Baqua not displaying her chat...

>> No.25076973

>theres also an iofi thread up
so whos the sperg trying to get us banned?

>> No.25076974
Quoted by: >>25077010

Nahhh, I prefer them going Indie.

>> No.25076975

>cover fucks up
>talent can't stream
>withhold talent's paycheck for 3 months
I can see this happening with Cover.

>> No.25076976

Fucking retard, fuck off.

>> No.25076978

Well that explains it coherently, thanks for this information, learn more about shitty YouTube. And my returned hate for Capcom.

>> No.25076979

mikochi is being forgotten...

>> No.25076981
File: 55 KB, 354x380, 1596044551256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like peko and all but

>> No.25076982

Shut your ESL mouth until I tell you otherwise.

>> No.25076984

Payday 2, Stealth only runs with Aqua, Towa, Haachama and Ayame(can change this slot to Luna, Matsuri or Suisei) endurance stream where they have to run every map that can be done silent.

>> No.25076983

This is how I feel about the old stuff. It's probably gone for good. Shame I never got to watch them.

>> No.25076985
File: 7 KB, 128x70, 650032376734416975 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077034


>> No.25076986

Yeah the "duet" part and Marine being in chat confused me, this is definitely recorded.
What a great song though.

>> No.25076987
Quoted by: >>25077086

Oh no...not that 2hou thread with 6 replies in a week, all made by 2 people...

>> No.25076988

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZsKF58SNEo Aki

>> No.25076989

>thinking falseflagging works

>> No.25076990
Quoted by: >>25077019

She has actual genuine friends in hololive, it's beyond this.

>> No.25076991
Quoted by: >>25077027

What did he do?

>> No.25076993

Retarded niggerS
This thread is too fucking big and you have a mixture of actual posters and /v/ retards
You have to split the thread

>> No.25076994

I wouldn't say it died but she's gonna lose a lot of viewers by disappearing for 90 days, unless Capcom takes out those strikes.

>> No.25076995
Quoted by: >>25077041


>> No.25076997

If your thread is on the last page of /jp/ no one cared about it anyway

>> No.25077000
File: 34 KB, 141x108, dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are not Cover's legal team

>> No.25077002


>> No.25077003

is this your first aqua stream?

>> No.25077005

That's just Stheno.

>> No.25077006


>> No.25077004
Quoted by: >>25077070

Are you the same faggot that made that "Coco should've joined Nijisanji" post? Cry harder about your nosedive into irrelevance

>> No.25077008

fuck off

>> No.25077009

The Kanata...

>> No.25077010

>Why not ask the fan to make them an original oc for their new L2d
Was what I was thinking if they're going indie

>> No.25077011

You can cope all you want, but for someone so motherly, she was careless and got everyone in trouble. Its not just her who was affected, but every other member as well.

>> No.25077013
Quoted by: >>25077055

Why are Oga and Shien talking to no one...

>> No.25077014

There's plenty of drama and anti in any vtuber group, just cause this time cover fucked up on higher scale dosn't mean niji any better

>> No.25077015


>> No.25077016
Quoted by: >>25077039

>PPTenshi just slowly walks off the fucking edge and dies

>> No.25077018

Let's experiment with the temperature of Kusunoki's ass!

>> No.25077019
Quoted by: >>25077058

Why are you two responding to probably one of the shittiest baits I've seen yet? It is painfully obvious he is baiting with this topic.

>> No.25077020

Just put that shit on DLsite or something

>> No.25077021

Sure you wouldn't just say that, and just leave us hanging?

>> No.25077022
File: 12 KB, 206x260, 1595964701697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata already 1k viewers behind sheep
>Just drowned in lava
>Meanwhile Watame became purple

>> No.25077025

Cbbe > unp

>> No.25077026
File: 525 KB, 658x717, 1594240476238.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was i not clear the first time? fuck off.

>> No.25077027

He talked about Coco with pewdiepie's anime friend.

>> No.25077028


>> No.25077029

Sorry. I don't like bullies.

>> No.25077031
Quoted by: >>25077087

>nobody posted in it for the past 2 weeks!
This is the last post of the thread currently about to be pruned, the post was made less than 24 hours ago. You don't seem to realize just how much these threads speed up the board.

>> No.25077032
File: 90 KB, 809x506, EdIPYNzVAAILuoA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077033
File: 563 KB, 1000x1000, Ed6pw0uUYAApFYt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti please come back.. Pekora and Marine miss you...

>> No.25077034
Quoted by: >>25077156

Here's Miko JAV debut

>> No.25077035
Quoted by: >>25077178

Luna literally fled from there

>> No.25077036

It would make sense if we leaked and posted in your irrelevant momhu threads, but nobody here gives a flying shit about your outdated pastime

>> No.25077037

I just got home from work. What did I miss?

>> No.25077040

I hope she jumps off a bridge
because she has 90 days vacations to do some bungee jumping

>> No.25077038

The only weeb site I know about is Nyaa and I couldn't find it on there. Guess I'll do without.

>> No.25077039
File: 1.08 MB, 1414x2000, EeG6rawUEAAnxJj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my daughterwife is clumsy, please understand

>> No.25077041
Quoted by: >>25077186

>calls other newfags
>uses a newfag meme
Man I if I could I'd go back and stop the Azur lane collab and Hololive moments
Literally brought nothing good to Hololive

>> No.25077042

God, the first time she talked about her big ass I couldn't stop thinking about it for two days.

>> No.25077043

Why is there a path that requires you to cross a river? Who would get wet just to cross over?

>> No.25077045

Yeah, good thing there's enough dedicated hoshiyomis to archive her streams.
People tend to forget (or rather not remember) about bilibili for reasons, even though they have some of the other holos' streams that's privated/deleted.

>> No.25077046

Kanata sweetie, dear, I love you but are you actually retarded honey?

>> No.25077048
Quoted by: >>25077083

Stop fucking responding to sperg and report him.

>> No.25077047

Nobody except the bigger jerks would say that to her. It's likely that she feels that way about herself though, and that's where she needs support from her friends.

>> No.25077051

Fuck, the splitfag is back.

>> No.25077055

I don't know, it's weird, i'm scared

>> No.25077056

Fucking delete this

>> No.25077058

>if something tries to destroy my illusion and doesnt fit my fake view of the situation its bait

>> No.25077059
Quoted by: >>25077194

>Cocofags hyping up KSON
didn't know /hlg/ had so many chads. Towa's and Coco's roommates are fucking hot.

>> No.25077061

I just woke up. They even went after the dum bunn? Isn't she one of their biggest money makers?

>> No.25077063

The only thing I don't like about niji is how they rapidly churn out new "talents" and just abandons the ones who fail

>> No.25077064

The management took full responsibility several times for the copyright thing

>> No.25077065

It has begun.

>> No.25077066

Why don't they make their own holothread on /v/?

>> No.25077067

No this is different because reasons

>> No.25077068

How can that whore Pekora be singing while the literal Holocaust is happening?

>> No.25077069
File: 11 KB, 537x525, tube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two completely separate buttons.

>> No.25077070

>muh brandwars
Fuck off and die
Coco should just retire and come back with normal voice

>> No.25077074
Quoted by: >>25077168

>just abandons the ones who fail
what else do you want to do with them?

>> No.25077076

>downloaded shitton of archives of my favourites
>realized afterward I never watched archives before because always managed to watch most of their stream live
>even if I want to watch archives,never has the time anyway


>> No.25077077

Copyright system is fucking retarded

>> No.25077079
File: 107 KB, 991x1080, 1591276433800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4+ hololive related threads up at once right now
can we just ban this fucking retard?

>> No.25077081

Thats Aki sub account there was like 5 video when I was trying to archive it last night.

>> No.25077083

You sound like someone straight off the discord server. You should go there, they love moderation and banning everyone.

>> No.25077085

>Uploading pay-walled content

>> No.25077086

Why are you people like this? Is it because you come from fast boards like /v/? There's literally nothing wrong with that and there are plenty of boards even slower than /jp/.

>> No.25077087

You absolute retard
I don't give a shit about those threads, but it's a fact that this thread has to be split up
Just like the /vy/ general was

>> No.25077088

For song cover, don't you need to buy mechanical license to monetize it?
Wonder if Cover know about this shit if (from I read from you faggots), everything that goes into a cover song video comes from the holo's pocket.

>> No.25077089

>no dramas of HL scale
Remember when one of Toya's fans bullied one of the VOIZ guys into retirement? Remember Raito? Remember 20 or so other retired chuubas? Nijisanji is many things but drama-free isn't one of them

>> No.25077091

What the fuck bro.

>> No.25077092

>all those people telling others to not archive after permission arc 1
>all those people telling others to not archive streams after kaoru's death
>all those people telling others to not archive after the initial wave of permission arc 2
Doomposters were fucking right

>> No.25077094
Quoted by: >>25077157

Atleast you archived...
Some anon didn't and wanted to watch
t. Didn't archived

>> No.25077098

Mukirose was playing the long game

Now, she's the only channel to survive the fallout mostly unscathed

Ark was all part of the plan bros...

>> No.25077101

/hlg/ should be in slowmode
prove me wrong

>> No.25077102

Some covers no

>> No.25077103
Quoted by: >>25077134

Is Watame retarded?

>> No.25077104

Simply amazing. Subaru must have really sinned for her crimes with Mio.

>> No.25077106
File: 17 KB, 380x206, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its almost impossible to mistake it anon

>> No.25077109

>no dramas of HL scale
of course you won't, no one even care about nijis

>> No.25077112


>> No.25077113

Fuck off cunt, I'm from a period of 4chan that was nazi moderated to hell and wasn't filled with retards like you.
I'd gladly go back to nazimod 4chan than you cunts run free.
Fuck off back to /a/.

>> No.25077115

>somehow her fault when it wasn't
>b-b-b-but capcom and cover dindu nuffin

>> No.25077116

>/v/faggot gets angry that people don't want to share the same general with them

>> No.25077117

Make a torrent and delete it when everyone who would actually watch it download them...

>> No.25077119
Quoted by: >>25077147

what are the odds aqua can't figure out the "puzzle" and looks to chat for help?

>> No.25077121

The delete option is literally in a separate area.

>> No.25077123
File: 1.44 MB, 1280x720, 1582269755276.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25077124

4chan IS in slow mode and has been for the last 9 years or so.
It used to be that you could post without the 1 minute cool off

>> No.25077125
Quoted by: >>25077153

It's 3, but one is /v/ and the other is discord and everyone who posted in either should be purged

>> No.25077126

post your channel

>> No.25077128

Depends on what type of song and who owns it, for stuff like vocaloid covers I see most vtubers get permission from the creator though

>> No.25077131
File: 170 KB, 414x1380, 1491069934176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they love moderation and banning everyone
Sounds exactly like /jp/ I know.

>> No.25077133

>we're not being incompetent
I don't have a doubt.jpg big enough for this one.

>> No.25077134

Why what happened? I looked away a bit.

>> No.25077135
File: 440 KB, 1175x1102, weakshouldfearthestronk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077179

My daughter is retarded but I'm glad that she looks like she's having fun

>> No.25077140
Quoted by: >>25077189

how long will it take aqua to figure out how to use the claw to unlock the door? baqua...

>> No.25077141

>I'm from a period of 4chan that was nazi moderated to hell
When was that? Moderation's only become stricter over time
I was much more unruly in 2008 and I never got banned, now I get banned monthly whenever mods are in a bad mood

>> No.25077142

Why do both of yours look so different? Does it depend on which screen you're on? Some sort of advanced options?

>> No.25077145

RIP Mio, you will NOT be missed

>> No.25077147


>> No.25077149
File: 611 KB, 1122x633, hlg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking about roommates and replying to the splitfag.

>> No.25077148

Nice try, Capcucks.

>> No.25077150

do you guys prefer singing streams where they sing high-energy shonen openings, or slower chill songs?

>> No.25077152
Quoted by: >>25077172

Even the splitfag schizo from /vy/ is here now, it's the end times

>> No.25077153
File: 228 KB, 990x1400, 1592497864444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two normal threads
>one iofi thread
>one pekora thread
>one thread complaining about hlg being too fast
try again

>> No.25077156
Quoted by: >>25077180

Hah. I recognized that link. You can't trick me
still clicked it tho... mikoti... i miss you...

>> No.25077157

Just grab stuff that some anons share here

>> No.25077158
File: 316 KB, 763x390, 89074212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077213

>webms you can hear

>> No.25077160

I wonder if Aqua will be filtered by the claw-door "puzzle"

>> No.25077161

Sorry fellow hoshiyomi, but I don't think it's coming back

>> No.25077164
File: 701 KB, 1280x2160, 1592985619618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077165
Quoted by: >>25077223

You sound just like some faggot from /v/ who's trying way too hard to fit in

>> No.25077166

Is FBK even allowed to show this

>> No.25077168

There's a difference between treating your talent like people who aren't popular but clearly could have something going for them and just throwing them aside and letting them fucking perish in the youtube algorithim. Collabs and special events can go a long way, but Niji doesn't even bother to do that most of the time, and just wants to make money off the same handful of streamers for short term gain.

>> No.25077169
Quoted by: >>25077197

Try 2004.

>> No.25077171
Quoted by: >>25077221

Pekora is really emoi today.
I'm feeling healed already.

>> No.25077172

he never left.

>> No.25077173

I like high energy ones

>> No.25077175
Quoted by: >>25077223

Im sure you read about 4chan on ED or any other history catalog and other places and think you know what it was like "back in the days".

>> No.25077174

Depends on the time of day, but usually the latter. I'm tired of hearing Gurenge and the other 99 anisongs.

>> No.25077177

is this combat supposed to be fun?

>> No.25077178
Quoted by: >>25077228

Yeah she’s doing much better with holo

>> No.25077179

She's been having a good time in both Minecraft and ARK lately, it's so nice to hear her being in good mood.

>> No.25077180


>> No.25077181
File: 85 KB, 456x538, 1585611596636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked dramafags, meidos nuked your thread.

>> No.25077182

I generally prefer melancholic songs, which is also one of the reasons I love Mio's singing because her voice is absolutely perfect for such songs.

>> No.25077183

only when you have gore mods

>> No.25077185
Quoted by: >>25077210

I'm cancelling my memberships. Fuck Cover corp. I know it's not the holos fault, but I'm not supporting Yagoo and his team of hack managers anymore.

>> No.25077186
Quoted by: >>25077242

>Literally brought nothing good to Hololive
technically new gaijins give a slight increase to your holo's income either through supacha or merch
still not worth it tho. pls go back to the old days

>> No.25077187

It is fun. It gets more fun later when you get spells.

>> No.25077188

It's the same, mine is just for all my videos while the other anon opened a specific video

>> No.25077189

What do you mean you can open the door with the claw? I've always had to use console commands to open it

>> No.25077191
Quoted by: >>25077233

Didn't Nintendo say that it's okay to put it up, but stop monetizing it?

>> No.25077192
File: 36 KB, 496x375, 112495989528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember this lesson well.

>> No.25077193

>other holo threads got pruned by mods

>> No.25077194

Maybe its just me having different definitions/expectations when I see the word hot/gigachad/etc? Hot to me is like a really high level, its not simply good looking or above average. So I expect alot more but I know people gotta use hyperbole cause thats where we're at right now.

>> No.25077195

Now edit Mio disintegrating.

>> No.25077196

I'm the first post. I went to a video-specific editing page. The other Anon clicked 'options' next to one on the page with all the videos.

>> No.25077197
Quoted by: >>25077304

ah yes, very strictly moderated then

>> No.25077198

It's supposed to be but it isn't.

>> No.25077199
File: 194 KB, 1000x1419, IMG_20200409_003447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ship is so popular but they barely talk

>> No.25077200

I love the ones with piano arrangement

>> No.25077201

I'm starting to hate Mio lads.

>> No.25077202

Which is good in a way, I enjoy both holo and niji livers and sometimes get sick of all English comments so flee to a not popular niji liver

>> No.25077203
Quoted by: >>25077255


>> No.25077204

>no one even care about nijis
Many nijis have more subs than 1st gen...

>> No.25077206
File: 50 KB, 800x900, 1595633004740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now if they could only nuke the other 4 besides this one

>> No.25077207
File: 23 KB, 183x163, 1592052283334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077231

I took a nap
Is everything still fire, did anything come back?

>> No.25077209

arigathankyou meidos

>> No.25077210

>no image for proof
I'll give you a reply anyways for trying to act like a bitch.

>> No.25077212


>> No.25077213

>Lie down
>Try not to show pantsu
>Show pantsu a lot

>> No.25077214
File: 958 KB, 817x723, 64545364564646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>today's morning Haato is canceled

>> No.25077215
Quoted by: >>25077250

The upside to that is that it lets them be way more loose and experimental with designs. Last I looked they had a guy who's looks like the joker and one who's an actual dog. You wont get that over here. It's all insanely focus grouped for better or worse

>> No.25077216

Fuck off, I don't want to get bullied by you faggots

>> No.25077218

>moments taken before FBK pushed Mio into the ocean so she can play l4d2

>> No.25077217

Yes In VR

>> No.25077221

Same nousagibro. The only thing detracting from the experience is every time I look at the stream itself there's a ton of retards spamming unravel on chat.

>> No.25077222

Did Cover not do anything after arc 1 because they were worried it would hurt their growth?

>> No.25077223
Quoted by: >>25077248

But I hate /v/ too. I'd gladly see >70% of their population banned forever.
I DDoS'd that and Lurkmore wiki. Fuck that, fuck Menchi, fuck all of them. Those cunts are the reason you are here.

>> No.25077224
File: 130 KB, 348x348, Korone smug 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077265

Maybe you should just stop being a faggot and follow the rules instead of trying to piss off the mods then

>> No.25077225
Quoted by: >>25077277

FBK mario maker came back.

>> No.25077226

depends on the holo
like another anon said, Mio singing slower songs is perfect, just like Watame singing shonen ops

>> No.25077227
File: 18 KB, 268x88, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm feeling a DEEP sadness right now

>> No.25077228

Unless she quits and goes back there I'll consider holo better

>> No.25077230
File: 725 KB, 653x1000, 20200714_225647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077274

So when will we kill Mio because she destroyed hololive?

>> No.25077231

as far as I can tell not much has changed but it's getting to be burger hours so threads turning shittier than it was already

>> No.25077232
File: 523 KB, 1131x700, 1593433249169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077233

Fake news

>> No.25077235

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZsKF58SNEo Aki She's probably dead drunk

>> No.25077236

She gets too much supacha she had to stay up late to finish her homework.

>> No.25077237

Miso mama...

>> No.25077239

>Peko full emoi mode
she's getting lonely... if only there was a pink retard to comfort her again...

>> No.25077240

She's one of the most innocent and purest holos.
She didn't deserve this...

>> No.25077241
Quoted by: >>25077261

man Aqua is reclining hard after her break

>> No.25077242

I wonder if any gachikois are being scared off by the influx of faggotry though. I can't imagine how Rushia's paypigs feel, seeing her chat turn into absolute lunacy.

>> No.25077245
Quoted by: >>25077271

Did aqua learn that money song from mae?

>> No.25077247
Quoted by: >>25077401

I wonder how they did it so quick when she had only 3 gone.

>> No.25077248
Quoted by: >>25077304

That's not true, I'm here after hearing about it back in FF hentai boards on AnonIB

>> No.25077250

If you want variety and looseness go watch indies

>> No.25077251

Pull the the other one I’m getting banned all the time it’s worse now for moderation than ever

>> No.25077252
Quoted by: >>25077304

/jp/ and /a/ never become like that. Now I know where you came from crossboarder.

>> No.25077253
Quoted by: >>25077267

She didn't seem well emotionally, I hope she's alright

>> No.25077254



>> No.25077255
File: 315 KB, 800x800, 1592100543606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077273


I always fail the spoiler kill me あああああ

>> No.25077256

That animated shit on her head is super distracting

>> No.25077258
File: 3.27 MB, 2000x2328, 1595953868229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No need to thank me.

>> No.25077259

I'm sure you and the three others who watch her are devastated

>> No.25077260
Quoted by: >>25077289

Nope. She was rather composed during that stream.

>> No.25077261

And she's going to take another break soon too. She trying to go the Sora route I guess.

>> No.25077262

Coco Tifa cosplay!

>> No.25077263

I wish, it would be the final nail in the EOP coffin.

>> No.25077264
Quoted by: >>25077302

40 minutes on this puzzle I imagine. baqua..

>> No.25077265

The rules are bad

>> No.25077266
File: 345 KB, 1690x1648, 35235235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mio didn't deserve this...

>> No.25077267

>She didn't seem well emotionally
You guys say this EVERY MORNING.

>> No.25077268

make sure you sub faggot

>> No.25077270

I like both, especially themed utawaku. Kanata's ballad stream was one of my all time favorites.

>> No.25077271

of course

>> No.25077272

Fubuking please protect Mio. You're old and tired but you're the top. お願い!

>> No.25077274

I honestly thought it would be korone who would cause something like this since she prob the worst offender regarding content property infractions, never expected one of the shittest livers to be one that sinks the ship

>> No.25077273
Quoted by: >>25077341

Just type Ctrl+s
Some anon teached me that

>> No.25077278
File: 2.09 MB, 2200x2200, 1595949023751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While cover is burning this baka saves hololive thank you hachaana

>> No.25077277
Quoted by: >>25077358

Really? Then I hope it's coming back along with Nintendo's actual permission

>> No.25077280

That's a good thing.

>> No.25077281
Quoted by: >>25077321

What did I miss?

>> No.25077283

God I hope so, delete it all

>> No.25077284
File: 300 KB, 1000x840, 1593536059943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is that Clangfucker that said her Holo own her damn channel and unaffected by all this I bet he Sudoku himself already

>> No.25077285
Quoted by: >>25077363

Aqua's skyrim stream is great.

>> No.25077288
File: 117 KB, 768x1024, 1594971515224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077336

Wait fucking. Is that one Subaru 3D music video gone?

>> No.25077289

She's already sloshing her words and drinking some more.

>> No.25077290
File: 48 KB, 540x540, announcement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to make an announcement:
YAGOO's a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking oshi. That's right, he took his asian fucking smelly dick out and he pissed on my fucking oshi and he said his dick was "this big" and I said "that's disgusting".

So I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com: YAGOO, you got a small dick, its the size of this walnut except way smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby, all clean, no smell, no warts, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong.

He fucked my oshi so guess what? I'm gonna fuck the Earth. That's right this is what you get, MY SUPER LASER PISS. Except I'm not pissing on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher, I'M PISSING ON THE MOON. HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OBAMA, I PISSED ON THE MOON YOU IDIOT!

You have twenty-three hours before the piss drop-el-ets hit the fucking Earth, now get out of my fucking sight, before I piss on you too.

>> No.25077291

is this power move from cover? Will old archives now be pay to watch only?

>> No.25077292

Oh no, Ayame's teammate got hit pretty hard...

>> No.25077294

This shit is the first time I’ve ever seen this place take about Mio

>> No.25077295

aqua did it. she solved the hardest puzzle in the game.

>> No.25077296

Do you think lyger will share his matsuri collection?

>> No.25077297
File: 341 KB, 1478x2048, EbsWpGuWAAAELl0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion known how to cook
Essentially skill, I'm proud

>> No.25077298

Both are fine. What's more important is variety, I don't want to hear the same songs again and again.

>> No.25077300
File: 3.51 MB, 1920x1080, 1594037514590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077356

my favourite is the dog. I like it when she goes wowowowoow

>> No.25077301

Well if the plan is to hide any videos until cover gets proper permission then I wouldn't be surprised if cover themselves content strike any potential incriminating videos that show certain games receiving superchat etc

>> No.25077302
Quoted by: >>25077322


>> No.25077304

It was. Regularly. More so if you were in burger hours when the mods were actually up.
The fact CP was shitspammed out the ass doesn't nullify the fact it was banned regularly. The only reason it isn't spammed out the ass now is captcha.
Even worse. You came from a site created by the anarchist kiddies that spawned off from /b/s raid kiddies getting told to fuck off site-wide via threads filled with bans.
You're right, they never becOme that, they lost it. Well, /jp/ never had it in the first place.

>> No.25077306

This place has gotten too popular and I don't like it.

>> No.25077308

5000 IQ Aqua

>> No.25077309

I'll thanks you when you don't post liek a faggot.

>> No.25077310
Quoted by: >>25077370

Just watched the Mel Watame stream. They sound fucking good together

>> No.25077312


>> No.25077314

I fucking hope so

>> No.25077315 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 720x720, 1596123591311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With Mio gone, we can have a new holo fill in for her.

>> No.25077316
File: 34 KB, 407x404, 1595368207091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077361

>Tenshi 5.5k
>Sheep 7.1k

It's over Tenshifags, we have the high ground (and an eveleitaa)

>> No.25077318

youre loud...

>> No.25077319
Quoted by: >>25077470

She triggers my paternal instinct for some reason

>> No.25077320

I like both. Sometimes my holo does chill songs utawaku, sometimes she does full high-energy vocaloid-kei utawakus.

>> No.25077321

Discordfag trying too hard to fit it, made doomposting thread, dramafags and irlfags were there too.

>> No.25077322

kami gamer aqua I KNEEL

>> No.25077323

Why the fuck is she playing thirdperson?

>> No.25077325

It was slowing down before the holocaust.

>> No.25077327
File: 327 KB, 466x444, 1595161370353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spats or just straight out pantsu?

>> No.25077328

It's okay to post links to that here you know.

>> No.25077329

That was an AZkifag

>> No.25077330
File: 115 KB, 287x342, 1592528104168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sperg is now trying to roleplay as oldfag

>> No.25077331


>> No.25077332

I want to pat PPT on the head and tell her that she's a nice girl.

>> No.25077334

I want to eat shion yo

>> No.25077335

Feeling the presence of yabai

>> No.25077336

Just wait a few hours, it'll all be back up.

>> No.25077337


>> No.25077338

Fuck off to Niji general

>> No.25077339
Quoted by: >>25077413

I do unironically think she is getting bullied.

>> No.25077341


>> No.25077342
Quoted by: >>25077390

who the fuck plays skyrim in first person?

>> No.25077344

You know there are thousands of vtubers who have 10 viewers who you can watch.

>> No.25077345

the correct way to play. you just never look at your toon?

>> No.25077346
Quoted by: >>25077390

Because first person is shit.

>> No.25077347
Quoted by: >>25077372

Damn, Japan hasn't invented chairs yet? That's pretty wild.

>> No.25077348

>pekora sounds like the lesbian railgun bitch

>> No.25077349

I saw one anon getting a mega up for Okayu's Earthbound, so I'll upload SMRPG first for now.

>> No.25077351
File: 597 KB, 2115x3168, 54a484a787de171fb114379e491cec78ddcaee77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077373


>> No.25077352

I mean she probably does, her channel was basically untouched until she woke up.

>> No.25077353
Quoted by: >>25077393

Deleting CP isn't "strict moderation" newfriend

>> No.25077354

>spawned off from /b/s raid kiddies getting told to fuck off site-wide
sounds pretty based if you ask me

>> No.25077355

i love pekoras singing

>> No.25077356

Maybe she should wowowowo less and look after her kid more

>> No.25077357

Oh my god thank you

>> No.25077358

Surely they will get them before Suisei finally does her Totsumachi in 2029, right..?

>> No.25077360

her fov is really low and I imagine she has no idea how to fix it

>> No.25077361
File: 494 KB, 1920x1080, 1595495897151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My my you look awfully cute today Watame, i think we should start collabing more outside of Wata no Uta and AsaCoco!

>> No.25077362
File: 141 KB, 823x1200, EeKdi31U8AI5PPo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077392


>> No.25077363

She lost 4000 viewers than usual stream though.

>> No.25077364


>> No.25077366

She looks like Rushia's sisters mother. MImi's mother is so cute.

>> No.25077367

Shirookami Wio

>> No.25077368
Quoted by: >>25077386

>50% of this is just fartnite
You won't be missed

>> No.25077369

based if true. i doubt those attention whore would do that though

>> No.25077370
Quoted by: >>25077445

Noscript catpcha is back by the way.

And they were having technical problems with the audio too.

>> No.25077372

She now has a table. So at least it's an upgrade.

>> No.25077373


>> No.25077374
File: 1.16 MB, 705x1000, 1594303527793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already gave up her mage idea for stealth archery

>> No.25077378

coco is cosplaying as tifa and playing ff7

>> No.25077380

Wait a minute, that fan...

>> No.25077381

God I wish I were Pekora

>> No.25077382


>> No.25077383
Quoted by: >>25077410

He's a hipster bandwagoner, he won't watch anyone unless they already have a decent popularity

>> No.25077385

Hello? Based department.

>> No.25077386

she only had like 60 fortnite videos total anon.

>> No.25077387
Quoted by: >>25077432

Nah, we've talked about Mio before. Her taking FBK from Matsuri, her being the Akirose/Flare of GAMERS, her being a great host/mc, her wheezing, annoying she barfedlol, SubaMio and people wanting her hoodie. We just barely talk about her streams that aren't collabs.

>> No.25077388

I don't like it.

>> No.25077389
Quoted by: >>25077402

Only fun to talk about her during drama. Shes the blandest holo with every single other member doing something better and outshining her. She does have a few regular richfags but extremely unremarkable overall.
Her being a boring soccer mom and puking are the only qualities she has.

Shes not even a gamer, but is on the gamer gen for whatever reason.

>> No.25077390

Bethesda games have god awful thirdperson perspective.

>> No.25077391

Aqua got a bow and is cheesing model sizes. Pro gamer chuuba!

>> No.25077392
File: 58 KB, 647x606, very very h a p p y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man can dream.

>> No.25077393

Way to miss the point, you dumb cunt.

>> No.25077394

Mio Blanco!

>> No.25077395
File: 281 KB, 572x700, 6425352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Mio
>no Shion
>no Miko
I don't like this at all.

>> No.25077397


>> No.25077398
Quoted by: >>25077456

Peko Iro Days!

>> No.25077399
Quoted by: >>25077474

Peko being wholesome as fuck.

>> No.25077400

Wow, Aqua is a skilled stealth archer!

>> No.25077401
Quoted by: >>25077459

They eventually stopped trying to private certain videos and just privated everything before June, which is like three clicks

>> No.25077403

truly the true Skyrim experience

>> No.25077402
Quoted by: >>25077460

Her most redeeming quality was that damn jacket

>> No.25077405
File: 517 KB, 2048x3085, 1591200860622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who archived the most stuff? We, reddit, or discord? Who are the best hololive fanbase?

>> No.25077407

oh wow people were right coco only plays real games as kson

>> No.25077406

I’ve started dropping holo streamers and watch more smaller ones less chat spam and retards

>> No.25077408

He probably read about WT Snacks on ED once and thinks that's how 4chin was ran back in the day

>> No.25077410

Isn't "hipster bandwagoner" an oxymoron? No one watching HL at any point in 2020 is a hipster

>> No.25077412

Does it really matter? I switch between both.

>> No.25077413

by who? tell me their names and I'll sort them out

>> No.25077415

That's a clear example of what I like to call "quality coding and game design"

>> No.25077416
File: 139 KB, 200x200, Shodan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo would be most likely to play System Shock, assuming they'd get permissions and such?

>> No.25077417

Bethesda games have god awful *

>> No.25077418

Aki reached 180k!!! No cuckbox for her this time!

>> No.25077420

It's just a bunch of shitposters who want to shit on someone because no one wants to talk about the shit ass Kaoru narratives.

>> No.25077421


>> No.25077424

It was inevitable. I can't count how many times I tried to branch out in Skyrim only to somehow end back up as a stealth archer.

>> No.25077426


Haachama's rigger

>> No.25077427

based miobro

>> No.25077428
Quoted by: >>25077491

Whatever happened to the narrative that Kurisu was the one that started all the assault of permission on Hololive

>> No.25077429
Quoted by: >>25077497

Chat full of EOPs. No thanks.

>> No.25077430

We talk about her when she streams though.
Well, we did... guess we won't be doing that anymore.

>> No.25077431

Japanese clippers who make highlights out of every single stream.

>> No.25077432
Quoted by: >>25077512

Thats the thing. Mio is good together with others, but very boring and bland alone. The Miso example from long ago was perfectly spot on.

>> No.25077437

that Tifa cosplay looks damn good

>> No.25077438
Quoted by: >>25077471

Looks like a starfish. A very tired one

>> No.25077439
Quoted by: >>25077539

Comet is aiming those Tifa's thighs.

>> No.25077440

Fallout is great.

>> No.25077441

>slither.io 20k
>Skyrim 13k

>> No.25077443

handling a company that incline too fast truly is a bitch.

>> No.25077444
Quoted by: >>25077461

I knew Haachama made it look like shit

>> No.25077445

>Noscript captcha test

>> No.25077446

None because none would get permission.

>> No.25077448

third person when running around towns trying to get my characters cunt smashed
first person when in buildings/dungeons and combat

>> No.25077449
Quoted by: >>25077473

Aki you're too close...

>> No.25077451

I wonder why Watamefags and Pekorafags haven't clashed yet. Really makes you think.

>> No.25077452

How long is Aqua gonna get stuck on the first claw puzzle

>> No.25077453

Fuck Cover

>> No.25077455
File: 193 KB, 732x412, eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077480

is aki drunk enough yet

>> No.25077456
Quoted by: >>25077508

Why do they always sound like they’re about to cry when singing sorairo days

>> No.25077457

wow she looks very pretty right now

>> No.25077459
Quoted by: >>25077534

You can mass private and set time?

>> No.25077460
Quoted by: >>25077577

The jacket was comfy af youre right. But imagine being known only for being good with others, puking and having a cozy jacket. Thats Mio in a nutshell.

>> No.25077461
File: 102 KB, 240x198, chrome_1KAPINns6R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yea?

>> No.25077462
File: 169 KB, 850x1107, 1594809268506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077463

sure if you consider FF7R as a real game

>> No.25077464

She just went on full fuck cover mode then lol

>> No.25077467

Makes sense to me.

>> No.25077469
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, 1592201130415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same smug shitposting, they complement well, no need to fight.

>> No.25077470

Same, I have no idea why. I hate and love this retard at the same time.

>> No.25077471

>Marine's tired starfish

>> No.25077472

Skyrik might not be a good streaming game

>> No.25077473

Making a home in my giant aunt's pores!

>> No.25077474

She’s probably the best holo shame she also has the worst fan base

>> No.25077476
Quoted by: >>25077496

i really hope aqua dies to one of the traps

>> No.25077477

Don't think she set it up yet, the other day she showed her P is an old intel CPU (7700k?) and a 1660 GPU. She was playing in some stupid small res like 800x640.

>> No.25077478

Coco streaming.

>> No.25077479

Different fan bases. Normal people know Slither. Only gamers know Skyrim.

>> No.25077480 [DELETED] 


>> No.25077482

>Same as Matsuri
This explains the shit quality
Fuck this hack

>> No.25077483
Quoted by: >>25077550

Reddit and Discord bootlickers actually discouraged others from archiving the streams and didn't do shit as a result. This is the only place that actually gets shit done.

>> No.25077484

I'm both

>> No.25077485

Coco has PS4? I thought she is PC only.

>> No.25077486

stop talking about roommates

>> No.25077488

Have a (you). Tell me what link it is

>> No.25077489

No, I despise that retard, why would I be in support of him when I want the cunt banned?
Learn to read, you fucktard.
I'm probably one of the few people here that even bothered to report him.

>> No.25077490


>> No.25077491

>kson can actually stream FF7R
Man, if only the Holos got the permission...

>> No.25077492

Mio's hoodie...

>> No.25077493

Watametards know better than to mess with nousagis

>> No.25077494
Quoted by: >>25077544

>"Can I be your pet dog?"
>Wan wan wan,yeah,yeah okay.He danchou dog,yeah

>> No.25077495

Aqua....my ears...

>> No.25077496
Quoted by: >>25077557

close enough

>> No.25077497
Quoted by: >>25077532

Stare at the slut, not at the chat.

>> No.25077498

It looks so much better like this, how did haachama make it look so stupid?

>> No.25077499


>> No.25077500


>> No.25077501


>> No.25077502


>> No.25077503
File: 826 KB, 498x498, 1594829759146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077504
File: 107 KB, 465x410, 1593596100438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora's utawaku cheered me up a little. Thank you, comedian bunny.

>> No.25077505
Quoted by: >>25077527

Anon, she played Yakuza 7.

>> No.25077506

It's Kaichou's roommate youtube streaming

>> No.25077507


>> No.25077508
Quoted by: >>25077656

Because the song invokes strong nostalgia of everyone's favourite anime.

>> No.25077509

doesn't she love Yakuza? I thought that was Playstation only

>> No.25077510
Quoted by: >>25077527

Anon she played Yakuza 7, that's still PS4 only.

>> No.25077511
File: 16 KB, 611x129, chrome_GvFKMv9O5t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25077512

I was just replying to the guy who said this was the first time he's seen people talk (I assume he meant that) about Mio.

>> No.25077515

Is Aqua autistic?

>> No.25077516

I really fucking hate my roomate he won't do his dishes and keeps dropping onion on the floor

>> No.25077518
File: 620 KB, 569x556, 1596117004861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077519
File: 27 KB, 237x349, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the FUCK do i watch

>> No.25077520
Quoted by: >>25077538

She has like 6k hours on ps4 ark she only switched to pc within the last 2 years or so

>> No.25077521
Quoted by: >>25077575

It's not even her. Same room. Same stuff. Shit's not even packed.

>> No.25077524
File: 39 KB, 413x402, dunno lol__01__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077548

Sometimes, when a faggot annoy me with their spamming and shitposting, I think the moderation should be way stricter. Sometimes, when I'm shitposting and falseflagging and get banned eventually, I think the moderation is too strict and the meidos should suck my dick.

>> No.25077522


>> No.25077526

Dog god.

>> No.25077527

Oh right I forgot about it.

>> No.25077528

I have chronic ear problems and PPT inspires me to be a better person in spite of them.

>> No.25077530

>Not jumping ship to the roommate streams now that Hololive is dead

>> No.25077531
File: 308 KB, 822x539, 636512321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck did all these EoPs find cocos roomate!! I trusted you fags to gatekeep!

>> No.25077533

how is cover allowing this?

>> No.25077532

No thanks, auntie Aki it is.

>> No.25077534

Idk if you can set time, but you can just select every video in youtube studio and uncheck the most recent ones to not get privated, which is probably what they did

>> No.25077535

All of them

>> No.25077536

Why would a professional streamer not have multiple gaming devices?

>> No.25077537


>> No.25077539

What? Did E____u drop by at Tifa's stream?

>> No.25077538
Quoted by: >>25077589

But why, ark is garbage.

>> No.25077541


>> No.25077542

she watched her bf play it

>> No.25077543
Quoted by: >>25077569

kson doesn't have to deal with copyright bullshit since she's an indie. Cover is an incompetnet fuckup of a company.

>> No.25077544

Who doesn't want to be her dog?

>> No.25077545
File: 877 KB, 1184x963, 1596039223741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanata's voice when she's close to the mic
God just do ASMR already

>> No.25077546

With her face

>> No.25077548
File: 459 KB, 588x631, nanora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're based Lunaito

>> No.25077549
Quoted by: >>25077579

Your holo.

>> No.25077550

As far as I can tell, while there might be a lot of people who can't think, there are still some very dedicated fans that will have full archives.

>> No.25077553


>> No.25077555


>> No.25077556

I'm an EOP and I've known her roommate for months now

>> No.25077557
Quoted by: >>25077578

Yeah, the thing about Skyrim traps is that they may as well do 0 damage.

>> No.25077559
Quoted by: >>25077573

everyone is streaming even though it's past midnight.
it's like as if..

>> No.25077560

the one you like the most

>> No.25077561
Quoted by: >>25077611


>> No.25077562


>> No.25077563

Pekora amagami stream got archived by smugloli if anyone's looking for it.

>> No.25077564

>sToP tYpInG lIkE tHis........

>> No.25077565
Quoted by: >>25077582

Just woke up, is the Holo-caust over? Was the slut found out?

>> No.25077567


>> No.25077569

even then there are games she wouldn't be allowed to stream even without copyright issues as Coco
like that one game making fun of Trump because it also makes fun of CHINA in the later levels

>> No.25077572

Who hasn't gotten their 2D update yet? Mel, Aki, Ayame, and Subaru, right?

>> No.25077571
File: 703 KB, 578x620, 1596117544228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077573

They're grinding money in case Cover goes under soon.

>> No.25077574

Kanatan is too dorky for ASMR.

>> No.25077575


>> No.25077576


>> No.25077577

If you watch any other youtuber or streaming groups, most of them will have one person who is that type. They can't be a standalone but they're good at combo. Support essentially.

>> No.25077578
Quoted by: >>25077619

i actually died to it the first time I went into that place

>> No.25077579
File: 109 KB, 636x900, 1592930267138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077740

but i dont really like the game fbk is streaming and its not really conducive to her talking naturally

also she just ended

>> No.25077580

aqua already strafing like a pro....

>> No.25077582
Quoted by: >>25077617

Yeah, it was Mio.

>> No.25077583

Youtube and Twitter recommended her if you watched/followed Holos.

>> No.25077585
Quoted by: >>25077823

>How the fuck did all these EoPs find cocos roomate!!
shit like this

>> No.25077586

I love my Monstercat RicePorridge.

>> No.25077588
File: 181 KB, 500x500, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love Tifa

>> No.25077589

Idk man she has like 6k on ps and 2k on pc maybe even more now
She even calls it a shit game herself but still plays it

>> No.25077590

It's a youtube link

>> No.25077591
Quoted by: >>25077631

>More views than Tenshi


>> No.25077592

Aruran or Oga. I wish I was kidding.

>> No.25077593
File: 177 KB, 1156x1227, 1596037007416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so many oldfags. i wonder whats the average age of posters here now since the floodgates have opened. Post your favorite holo and age. Towa 25

>> No.25077594

>>25077541 chama...

>> No.25077595

Aki got hers and it's great

>> No.25077596
File: 213 KB, 2048x2048, 35p35chi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Mikochi!

>> No.25077599


>> No.25077601
Quoted by: >>25077723

>sports bra tifa kson

>> No.25077602
Quoted by: >>25077650


>> No.25077603
Quoted by: >>25077643

imagine if one day streaming technology lets you put your facecam in front of the game but behind HUD elements

>> No.25077604


>> No.25077606


>> No.25077607
File: 2.00 MB, 2000x2000, EeKOQXIUwAAkQGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077670

Kanata stated that she bought an ASMR mic on a twitter Q&A a few days ago, so it could happen soon if it doesn't happen during the sleepover stream tomorrow with Suisei and Coco.

>> No.25077608

Haachama's special ability.

>> No.25077610
File: 112 KB, 433x530, 1594053732861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would any one of you unironically watch a 3DPD? That beats the purpose of an ideal companion offered by Vtubers. From there you strive and struggle for the better using your vtuber as an example.

>> No.25077611

I will watch your homo now.

>> No.25077612

look at her for 2 seconds and tell me those little wiggling things aren't cute

>> No.25077613

Fuck off

>> No.25077614
Quoted by: >>25077651

Magic in Skyrim is boring as sin anyways.

>> No.25077615

Who is the thinking man's holo?

>> No.25077617

I can't believe Mio started another permission arc just to steer everyone away from the Kaoru scandal.

>> No.25077618

The other thread to talk about them was deleted.

>> No.25077619

I'm impressed

>> No.25077620

>only JSLs are allowed to know the secrets of Hololive
it's not even hidden

>> No.25077622
Quoted by: >>25077633

Hololive only please
hyper please

>> No.25077623

I think she already got/is getting the mic for it since it was requested frequently.

>> No.25077624

No one
If you're watching hololive, you aren't thinking in the first place

>> No.25077626
Quoted by: >>25077650


>> No.25077628

Do you miss the English "guys this is our secret, okay?" top comment on every roommate video

>> No.25077629

Aki got hers

>> No.25077631
Quoted by: >>25077644

it's crazy how she's gets more viewers than a lot of Holos even though her subcount is considerably lower

>> No.25077633


>> No.25077634

Hitomi Chris

>> No.25077635
Quoted by: >>25077766

Why are SEAhours like this!?

>> No.25077638
File: 104 KB, 800x682, the wreckage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077639
File: 535 KB, 1736x2456, EJDs-YsU8AAEF1-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this one

>> No.25077640

Based retard

>> No.25077641
Quoted by: >>25077695

Bless Peko singing all these boomer anisongs.

>> No.25077643

It can technically be done now, but on a game-by-game basis.
It's very hacky injecting geometry in to game engines in realtime.
I mean, case in point, voice chat huds.

>> No.25077642
Quoted by: >>25077673

If Pekora started a 3D channel you wouldn't follow her there too?

>> No.25077644
Quoted by: >>25077667

the power of being attractive and playing games that aren't mincraft and ark will do that

>> No.25077645


>> No.25077646

hajamojamasd :DDDD

>> No.25077647

She's one of the two holos you find the answer to immediately by just using any search engine of your choice

>> No.25077648
File: 512 KB, 868x827, auntie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my auntie aki so much! she makes me smile on a sad day like today

>> No.25077649

fuck you for making me laugh at this.

>> No.25077650
File: 86 KB, 278x238, 1596117321213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077651

so is melee, and ranged. skyrim combat is barely engaging

>> No.25077652

she cant read shit without her glasses

>> No.25077654
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, 1596082995952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw tranny slut detroyed Hololive in the blink of an eye
>tfw there's still retards who support Holostars

Homos were a mistake all this time. Repent yourselves, faggots

>> No.25077656
Quoted by: >>25077668

You mean I’m not special?

>> No.25077657
File: 407 KB, 910x509, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgive her...

>> No.25077659


>> No.25077660
Quoted by: >>25077680

What's the next step of Yagoo's plan?

>> No.25077661
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1590397920641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roommate posting

>> No.25077663

Mio was a tranny? I never knew...

>> No.25077664

she's american. if they don't like it, she'll sue!

>> No.25077666


>> No.25077667

i dont know about that

>> No.25077668

Your parents lied.

>> No.25077669


>> No.25077670
File: 550 KB, 967x639, h6c1s7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would be very surprised if she will be good at it. There may be high moe potencial though. Like a 12 years old girl trying to sound sexy.

>> No.25077672
File: 399 KB, 1920x1080, 1578443275454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077673

She's a chubster with flabby tits, so no

>> No.25077676
Quoted by: >>25077715

>2 stream has ended
>2 ark
>supa thanking
shouldn't be hard

>> No.25077677

Who's this?

>> No.25077678

>Pekor singing Aquarion
>Oga gunpla
what a comfy night, /m/chads

>> No.25077680

It's revealed that the slut of hololive was YAGOO and the narrative that the holostars was just his personal harem is found out to be the truth

>> No.25077681

those thighs aki please

>> No.25077682
File: 212 KB, 383x353, 1596032775069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077712

It takes the edge off but the endorphins just aren't there today

>> No.25077683

how will the ks*n streams will continue once holohouse becomes a thing? imagine her doxxing someone by mistake

>> No.25077684

i wish my aunt was my mom

>> No.25077685

Nah, something like this was bound to happen anyway. You can't cover up a company's shitty practices forever

>> No.25077687
Quoted by: >>25077720

actually them allowing tubers to still have personal accounts is probably the only thing they get right

>> No.25077688

My heart would probably melt if Tenshi does an ASMR stream

>> No.25077690


>> No.25077691

Not in the mood for shitposting now, but here's your (You) peko

>> No.25077692

I thank Aki and her new live2D for making my day after that shitstorm.

>> No.25077693
Quoted by: >>25077758

Pekora is fucking hot

>> No.25077694

kek fuck you you god damn bastard

>> No.25077695

She usually does whenever she does anisongs. Although I think I prefer her J-pop songs, her cover of 風になる is just heavenly every time.

>> No.25077696

FBK will reveal her new outfit and a new Arknights collab that will save Mio!

>> No.25077697
File: 712 KB, 594x628, 1596037667402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077781

the flappy things on her head are so cute now

>> No.25077698
File: 164 KB, 293x316, 1594172088010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd wheeze for that if I remembered how

>> No.25077700
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1596058411194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077699

close the door to her room

>> No.25077701


>> No.25077702
Quoted by: >>25077752

Alright I got curious on why the preview looks legit good but the reveal stream make Haachama look like a bigger retard. Here's what I think is the problem
>Haachama's L2D looks retarded whenever she open her mouth. I think the mouth is too big and the distance between the eyes and mouth is too far.
>Haachama's rig is broken so her movements are very stuttery its epileptic

>> No.25077703


>> No.25077704

i have never seen someone take this long in bleak falls barrow

>> No.25077706
Quoted by: >>25077750

Imagine a fluid strand between her two fingers like that haha
It feels like I can hear a panting Towa at the same time lol

>> No.25077707

just burself

>> No.25077710


>> No.25077711

all manchild

>> No.25077712

as long as it can numb the pain for just a little bit i am happy anon
aki, hold me tight...

>> No.25077713

Incredible thigh strength!

>> No.25077714

aqua about to be filtered by the dreadlord dauger

>> No.25077715

ARK it is then

>> No.25077716

It's still prime time Jimmy. Wait for your hours.

>> No.25077718

Shell probably just put something outside her room telling them to not come in it wont be hard they arent that retarded

>> No.25077719
Quoted by: >>25077814

Thread is filled with SEAfags right now

>> No.25077720

Nijis also have roommate channels though, or at least Shizurin does.

>> No.25077721
Quoted by: >>25077749

>PP's roommate accidentally walks past wearing absolutely nothing

>> No.25077722
Quoted by: >>25077768

We /m/chads just keep on winning.

>> No.25077723

Is it Adidas though?

>> No.25077725

Your cabaret slut is the one who sucked that dick.

>> No.25077724


>> No.25077726

I mean she can just use her normal voice instead of PPTvoice. She has much better voice control at lower range anyways.

>> No.25077727

The whole point is to not barge into other rooms

>> No.25077729

kanata's never going to beat the ender dragon, is she

>> No.25077731
File: 77 KB, 174x218, 1595540247307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Door locks exist and they already talked about the rules, nobody can enter another person's room without permission.

>> No.25077732


>> No.25077737
Quoted by: >>25077786

Yes anon, all house in Japan only using thin sliding door without lock.

>> No.25077738

I believe in the angel!

>> No.25077740

I want to do that to FBK

>> No.25077741
Quoted by: >>25077778

Tenshi pelase you're killing me drop the act now you can play properly now please

>> No.25077745


>> No.25077746

I bet you've watched "Noel's" ASMR videos.

>> No.25077747
Quoted by: >>25077780

Youtube pulls a "Walmart figuring out a teenage girl is pregnant before she or her parents have even realised"-tier pattern recognition and starts recommending roommates to people who've been watching the Holos

>> No.25077749

>ppt's roomate has a massive dick

>> No.25077750

drunk towa and aki sloppily making out while towa lies there blushing and aki is on top making her feel good!

>> No.25077752

The stuttering feels very authentic though

>> No.25077754

Cna Tifa play the whole FF7R?

>> No.25077755
File: 132 KB, 1100x1218, 1566653050346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077763


>> No.25077756
Quoted by: >>25077764

I decided to spend my disposable on bunch of MGs instead of spacha...forgive me

>> No.25077757
Quoted by: >>25077782

I'd be dumbfounded if Mio actually took a 3 month break and didn't just start streaming on twitch/biliibili

>> No.25077758

Now go watch her other NND stuff beyond Hestia cosplay with a push-up on

>> No.25077759

Wait who got banned? I was away for two days wtf

>> No.25077760
Quoted by: >>25077790

Aqua already played Skyrim, why she pretend to be dumb?

>> No.25077761

I will continue to support and believe in my half retarded angelic daughter, even to the end times!

>> No.25077762
File: 313 KB, 2132x1535, EeEXB8HVAAEr-ph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she does a fucking ikebo ASMR, I'll supacha all my savings

>> No.25077764


>> No.25077763


>> No.25077765

There are rules not to barge into someone's room unless they're late for a stream.

>> No.25077766

It's literally 12am

>> No.25077767


>> No.25077768
Quoted by: >>25077824

Add Northern Cross to that.

>> No.25077770
File: 98 KB, 600x350, 1594422762559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mio isnt quite banned but shes out of the picture for at least 90 days if cover doesnt do something about it.

>> No.25077771

Read the thread bro

>> No.25077773

I dont get it whats up with mio

>> No.25077774

if you life in civilized town you usually can lock your door

>> No.25077776

Mio. we dont know why, there was no statement.

>> No.25077777

why is aqua doing this dumb joke i did like 10 years ago?

>> No.25077778


>> No.25077779

unless aqua figures out how to favorite items the stealth archer dream will not happen

>> No.25077780
Quoted by: >>25077866

Youtube algorithm becomes scarily accurate sometimes.

>> No.25077781

they're great anon, i love my aunt so much

>> No.25077784

Wait. Why would anyone watch a 3D streamer who talk in a language they don't understand. I get Vtuber because they're kinda unique but not watching the roommate's case

>> No.25077782

people are being retarded, if Cover disputes like they should then it'll be just like when Coco got banned and she'll be back within a week or 2.

>> No.25077783
Quoted by: >>25077998

Mio, and it caused the whole mess we are in now
Mio ban is also a 90 days one and next time is channel deletion

>> No.25077785
Quoted by: >>25077874

Now Northern Cross.

>> No.25077786

I stayed at a sister's friend's place in Japan once, the house was so steep that I nearly fell down the stairs going down.

>> No.25077788
File: 193 KB, 392x408, sheep_of_war.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The builder helmet is on!

>> No.25077789
File: 128 KB, 920x853, 1575035159184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fire rises

>> No.25077790
Quoted by: >>25077818


>> No.25077793

Just let her stream elsewhere like Twitch, fuck YouTube and fuck chinktube too.

>> No.25077796

The homos

>> No.25077795

>Bokukko ASMR
I want

>> No.25077799
File: 422 KB, 553x549, 1596117187592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077808

>> No.25077800
Quoted by: >>25077819

Why isn't Aqua playing in first person?

>> No.25077803

can anyone explain what the fuck happened? I have no clue what's going on right now

>> No.25077804
Quoted by: >>25077839

>3 months without income

>> No.25077805
Quoted by: >>25077863

I often wonder how healthy people who depend on getting drunk on stream as a gimmick can possibly be. If she wasn't a 2D girl, Aki's skin would surely look like shit

>> No.25077806

Guys, this is no longer shiny smily story...

>> No.25077807


>> No.25077808

Need droll.

>> No.25077810
Quoted by: >>25077872

>like they should
The issue for people is less the fact Cover could dispute it and more that people have 0 faith in Cover to do anything but the most braindead option

>> No.25077811 [DELETED] 

why the fuck would you?

>> No.25077814
Quoted by: >>25077933

It's 12AM there dude wtf

>> No.25077815

What are the odds that Cover even knows how to handle this though? They seem kind of retarded.

>> No.25077817
File: 298 KB, 1539x1065, 1578929730848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077831

>> No.25077819

So she can look at big fat cat tats

>> No.25077820
File: 286 KB, 296x357, 1594420017377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077841

Bros i thought Aqua was an AUTISTIC GAMER why is she getting filtired by Skyrim so badly?

>> No.25077818

On her own, likely before becomming Aqua

>> No.25077821
Quoted by: >>25077858

Ks*n is a honorary holo

>> No.25077822

and I didn't mention them, I'm saying that one would expect Cover to fuck up in not allowing that too considering everything else they've fucked up in

>> No.25077823

why can’t fags leave well enough alone?

>> No.25077824

Bless this rabbit. I really wish they learn more /m/ songs asides Frontier and Delta stuff though.

>> No.25077825
Quoted by: >>25077868

Because you can support her without COVER's retardation all over the place.

If you supacha the roommate, YAGOO isn't taking most of it to fund a Holostar.

>> No.25077826
Quoted by: >>25077920

Read the archives

>> No.25077829

I don't need her to even do or say anything special, just whisper like here https://files.catbox.moe/uut5m8.webm Her voice's texture and the way she pronounces words is absolutely incredible to me and I especially love her quieter voice.

>> No.25077830

Its a secret anon hahaha

>> No.25077831
Quoted by: >>25077845

That's lewd
Is aunty aware her nephews are at an age where that's no longer acceptable

>> No.25077833

Japanese company that can't handle the pressure folds under it's own weight. Not the first time and won't be the last.

>> No.25077835

>kaoru deleted
>miko dead
>mio jailed
Could this get any worse?

>> No.25077836

still doesn't know how to sprint.... baqua...

>> No.25077837

What's the new narrative about Mio?

>> No.25077839

She'll collav instead tho...right?

>> No.25077840

Mio sub channel soon

>> No.25077841

Everyone with a functional brain knew that Aqua is just a meme.

>> No.25077842
File: 823 KB, 1961x1458, 1593429257600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077844
Quoted by: >>25077883

>Anemachi's voice is heard in the distance sometimes.

>> No.25077845

But I want to play with Auntie's portal...

>> No.25077847

Didn't they solve coco's ban in like a week?

>> No.25077849


>> No.25077850

Why does Coco's roommate use a Custom Maid 3D model?

>> No.25077851
File: 426 KB, 800x800, 1596105050202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moshi moshi

>> No.25077852

Wait did one of the holostars graduate?

>> No.25077854

I mean at this point it would be better to donate money to k*on than coco. Why would you give Cover more money?

>> No.25077855
File: 25 KB, 600x592, 47d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077871

Covers gotto to help Mio.. right?
You can trust Cover to do this.. right?

>> No.25077856

>everyone else is still alive, even if amputated
Yes, it can always get worse

>> No.25077858

No she's not you massive faggot

>> No.25077859

>ikebo AMSR
Suisei would cum buckets.

>> No.25077860

It can ALWAYS get worse.

>> No.25077863

You really think they actually drink alcohol on the job?

>> No.25077862

She was making a ton of money so they wanted to help her...

>> No.25077864
Quoted by: >>25077881

Aqua has discovered the power of stealth archery

>> No.25077866
Quoted by: >>25077909

It's just basing it on the substantial amount of people who are already subscribed to both the Holos and their roommates. It sees it as clear proof of a common interest and starts recommending them to people who aren't yet subscribed to them.

Basically the moment a roommate's identity slips out, it's inevitable..

>> No.25077867
File: 38 KB, 399x399, 1498485114217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys help
i need you to ruin Hololive for me by showing me how unattractive they actually are in real life
i'm already free from the whales that are Okayu and Mio and i need the rest to finally be completely free from this hole

>> No.25077868
Quoted by: >>25077915

>If you supacha the roommate, YAGOO isn't taking most of it to fund a Holostar.
So when I donate to my favorite chuuba i'm technically donating to my favorite Holostar too?
Hmm, this sounds too good to be true

>> No.25077870

Coco never got banned, just lost the ability to stream.

>> No.25077871

>trust Cover

>> No.25077872

I can understand this, they've shown nothing but incompetence so far, and I don't expect anything will change now, but i highly doubt they'll let Mio go on a 3 month vacation immediately after nuking all her videos. her career would literally be over.

>> No.25077874
Quoted by: >>25077930

I know its retarded of me because its Northern but my mind automatically changes it to Southern Cross. Shoutouts to 4chan introducing me to 403 ages ago.

>> No.25077876
Quoted by: >>25077976

Coco was just bad girl jailed by the AI
Mio has been copyright striked down by actual humans

>> No.25077877

>Ikebo omorashi ASMR
Suisei would cum oceans

>> No.25077878
File: 614 KB, 645x483, Hestia cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077996


>> No.25077879

Man the Coco character and Kson are way too different yet obviously similar at the same time.

>> No.25077881

Can you stop posting in chat about it

>> No.25077880

Knowing how Coco is like she probably threatened Yagoo with a gun

>> No.25077882
File: 13 KB, 479x177, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was cocos ban copyright strike related? These retards cant even get the rights to their own song let alone take care of a big company striking them.

>> No.25077883

>I have to monitor THREE holos now to hear Anemachi

>> No.25077884
Quoted by: >>25077925

coco doesn't get banned for copyright though
and isn't her ban is originally 1 week anyway?

>> No.25077886
Quoted by: >>25077922

Does Mio receive salary from Cover even when banned? Surely she has to otherwise there's no benefit to being a part of Hololive as opposed to going indie

>> No.25077888

Mio is going to be Towa'd by Cover.
They're going to throw her under the bus and sink her existence to the bottom simply because Yagoo can't get his Perfect Idol dream out of his ass and run a business properly.
Hell this only happened because Cover doesn't want to bleed everything dry of money and didn't get permissions.

>> No.25077891
File: 1.04 MB, 2894x4093, 13e865210d2045c7f019515357375787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is honestly nothing that I want more in this world than to find things to bend Marine over and fuck her on.

>> No.25077889

ow my gah

>> No.25077890

if her channel is indeed restricted from streaming, then it's against the Youtube guidelines to stream on other channels. that includes collabs

>> No.25077893 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.16 MB, 1670x5283, 1596125187395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you are ready for this lad?

>> No.25077894

just fucking leave you weak willed limp wristed homosexual

>> No.25077896

She isn’t fat you’re thinking of oyaku or mio they’re big girls

>> No.25077897

its unironically getting worse each day anon...

>> No.25077898

here it comes bros. the door filtering. stream ending in 5 minutes

>> No.25077900

Just like us.

>> No.25077901
File: 55 KB, 1000x1000, 1570960354739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have sworn I went an extra time to check her channel when you asked me if I had those videos and I didn't find it then.
But I might just as well be retarded, it isn't impossible.

>> No.25077905

When will the fucking flips go to sleep already? I don't want to see any more monkeys in this thread.

>> No.25077904
Quoted by: >>25078002

do it yourself. there's a youtube channel dedicated to exposing that

>> No.25077907

This Mio 90 day shit is literally made up by hlg you fucking gullible brain dead retarded fucks.

>> No.25077908
File: 223 KB, 303x338, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077918


>> No.25077909

I'm sure k*on and c***n are really upset about holo fans who now pay them directly bypassing Cover's cut that they don't deserve anyway

>> No.25077910

SubaMio Ark? GONE

>> No.25077912

If that's all it takes to free you of Hololive, you were a pathetic loser in the first place. Go to twitch and simp for the 3d girls there.

>> No.25077913
File: 55 KB, 720x784, puffectsheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077914

Who is shion?

>> No.25077915
Quoted by: >>25077950

You're also funding the retard that deleted almost all of Subaru.

>> No.25077917
Quoted by: >>25077923

She's at the puzzle

>> No.25077916

ill take one miko and one shion please

>> No.25077918

haha lulu da

>> No.25077919


>> No.25077920

>Read the archives
Why do people keep saying this like it's a reasonable suggestion? Do you realise how ridiculous you look? These are the fastest, most active threads on the entire site the majority of the time.

>> No.25077921

Wait til you find out about Coco
she's super cute

>> No.25077922

If she feels like starting over with 0 sub rather than 300k, sure

>> No.25077923
Quoted by: >>25077941

She'll be here for a while

>> No.25077924

She didn't read the book did she?

>> No.25077925
Quoted by: >>25078128

the offense doesn't matter, coco got a community guidelines strike on a livestream, Mio got a copyright strike on a livestream. the punishment is the same. if the strike is disputed and removed then the ban gets lifted.

>> No.25077926

coco got banned for literally no reason except for youtube being youtube

>> No.25077927

Fuck off doxxfag

>> No.25077928

now someone post the real one.

>> No.25077929
File: 456 KB, 547x605, 1595942570450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>audible HAH
me just now

>> No.25077930

Well I originally remembered it as Northern Light....Shaman King OP.

>> No.25077931
File: 120 KB, 900x1020, EbrnAL7UMAA_TRf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry about your lost Miobros, I know what it feels to lose your oshi even if it's temporal, please don't give up on supporting her or change her for another holo

>> No.25077932
File: 40 KB, 417x300, 1581504253889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is it to manage/produce idols? seriously people having been playing video games on Youtuber and making money of it for a fucking DECADE. This is ridiculous how the fuck do you need "permissions" ? I understand Nintendo they've always been a greedy shit company but literally every other publisher/dev is getting that way all at once? no this shit is something else it's either a flaw in HL or a flaw in YT and i'm willing to believe the later or I HOPE it's the later.


Time for twitch Artia might be an idiot an other ways but at least she can play whatever the fuck she wants AND make money without getting retarded copyright strikes, she payved the way all the girls need twitch accounts NOW YAGOO YOU FUCKING IDIOT

I don't even watch Mio i'm mad as fuck now tiered of this shit, AND HAVE SOME GODDAMN TRANSPARENCY WHEN THIS SHIT HAPPENS SAME WITH MIKO AND KAORU, FUCK !

>> No.25077933

Well I guess I'm going to bed now! They'd better not be another shitstorm when I wake up!

>> No.25077934

i wasn't here when it happened, how was the AKB general when minegishi happened?

>> No.25077935

I know multiple people who stopped playing the game because of the door

>> No.25077936

Impossible because many of them are actually pretty hot. Towa is surprisingly attractive.

>> No.25077937

kill yourself already >>25076776

>> No.25077938

Look up youtube guidelines for copyright strikes, it actually solely depends on if they treat archived live streams as regular videos or live streams.

>> No.25077939
Quoted by: >>25078127

just ctrl+f you lazy fuck

>> No.25077940
File: 154 KB, 430x251, itsover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25077941

Or not

>> No.25077942

Famous last words

>> No.25077943
Quoted by: >>25077954

Imagine not watching the stream. She read it.

>> No.25077944

>Check coco's stream
>Greetings from the Philippines!
Putangina naman

>> No.25077946


>> No.25077947

Link? I still jerking off to Shizurin please

>> No.25077950

That's not so good...

>> No.25077951

damn shion looks like THAT?!

>> No.25077952

200 IQ Aqua

>> No.25077953
Quoted by: >>25078040

Here we fucking go again... How do they never get sick of this fucking song?

>> No.25077954

She shouldn't get filtered then

>> No.25077955
Quoted by: >>25078127

There's a search function, burgerbro.

>> No.25077956

this one is new

>> No.25077957
File: 378 KB, 900x675, Akai Haato watches Coco and Moona collab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25077988


>> No.25077959
File: 96 KB, 1000x600, 1581384910015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for Cover to get it's shit together...

>> No.25077960

If you search Kanata's roommate, you'll just fall for her even more

>> No.25077961

>doubting Aqua

>> No.25077962

How did this dumb autist get it?

>> No.25077964

i actually did get filtered by this

>> No.25077965

what game is who playing

>> No.25077967

Why is Aqua playing Skyrim?

>> No.25077968
Quoted by: >>25078021

Honestly just fuck off with numberfagging

>> No.25077969

Tensai onion

>> No.25077970

Whose big comeback are you watching tonight, Artia's or Jerma's?

>> No.25077971
Quoted by: >>25077999

Are you merely pretending or actually this retarded?

>> No.25077972

Who's house is Watame visiting? Aki's?

>> No.25077973

>aqua praising herself after the door the riddle
love this girl

>> No.25077976

So Capcom is unironically the bad guys. Literally the only company that copyright struck Hololive after 2+ years.

>> No.25077977

baqua playing skyrim

>> No.25077978

they make a new company with completely different vtubers. management is perfect for them and they surpass even kizune ai.
holos are never heard from again.

>> No.25077979

chat told her to look at the book

>> No.25077980

A while ago didn't a holo's pokemon stream get copyrightstruck and nothing happened?

>> No.25077981
Quoted by: >>25078049

That's A-chan working the camera in such situations, right?

>> No.25077983

Todd has been watching Vtubers lately and donated a copy.

>> No.25077985
File: 312 KB, 810x810, 1590786826647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25078016

someone please feed aki something

>> No.25077984

He was talking about the puzzle door in skyrim, Aqua

>> No.25077988 [SPOILER] 
File: 371 KB, 711x831, 1596125441216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute....that explosion

>> No.25077989

Do you guys want Mio to get a bunch of whiteknight overseas fans when she comes back like Towa did? She is the Towa of GAMERS afterall.

>> No.25077991
Quoted by: >>25078048

Bethesda permission.
She might even play a whole playthrough out of the sheer despair of having nothing else she can monetize for a while

>> No.25077993

Cabaya was never doxxed. That pic is fake.

>> No.25077994


>> No.25077995

No one fucking cares

>> No.25077996

I want to sexually fuck Pekora's roommate. I don't even care how she is looking, i would do it anyway.

>> No.25077997

I can't believe Mio got graduated...

>> No.25077998

>Mio ban is also a 90 days one and next time is channel deletion
Why? Does she have another active copyright strike on her channel? Don't you need 3 of them to get a channel terminated?

>> No.25077999
Quoted by: >>25078030

Do you think the rules don't apply to Mio or something?

>> No.25078000

Small reminder that while the pictures are funny the names come from the real doxx image

>> No.25078001

you people are actually pea brained morons.

>> No.25078002


>> No.25078003
File: 51 KB, 501x443, mouthfix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roommateposting when there's 8 streams happening
It's all so tiresome

>> No.25078006

Granted, they fire everyone and become a tech company, selling their gear, services, and studio to niji

>> No.25078008
File: 316 KB, 1448x2048, XFMr5y5quCyHdzI83k9W5MlzNU88uB1WhebdOnpmIPo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solved the claw door that fast

>> No.25078009
File: 505 KB, 487x495, mio cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've all gone hollow inside

>> No.25078010
Quoted by: >>25078091

>Like a 12 years old girl trying to sound sexy.
Some of Haachama's oldest ASMR streams are basically this

>> No.25078011

no permissions to play good games

>> No.25078013

you are pathetic.

>> No.25078014

Minecraft is boring nothing unusual.

>> No.25078015
File: 443 KB, 722x658, 1_violent_fox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the 90 days thing been officially stated yet or is it speculation because of the strike? Strikes and the 90s can be overturned if the content creator and striking company come to some sort of agreement...

>> No.25078016

nevermind she found some leftover karaage

>> No.25078018


>> No.25078019
Quoted by: >>25078093

Mio is the opposite of Towa. Towa blamed the management for her fuckup, Mio is taking the blame that should be on management.

>> No.25078020

I can't believe kabaya was van gogh all along...

>> No.25078021

Any time you see "OHNONOONONONONO" it's /v/ faggots, just ignore and move on.

>> No.25078022
Quoted by: >>25078045

actually, why hasn't anyone started a VtuberEN company already

>> No.25078024

If something happened that caused my chuuba to leave and she stayed around streaming with her roommate, I would 100% follow her but it would be a different relationship/mindset involved when I watch her stuff.

>> No.25078023

>Hololive have to come to an agreement with Capcom

>> No.25078025

yeah they sure are!
thats why mio said she was taking a break from streaming from today onwards right!?


>> No.25078028
File: 360 KB, 728x800, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_abara_heiki__52529987016a892aac3caa50e0e757b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows she can rely on her good looks. It's sad to know she's preparing for her life after Hololive death and it's even sadder to think some of the other girls won't make it. My chest hurts so much right now

>> No.25078029

Worst thing is it really tempts me to post my favorite roommate because she's such a qt, but yeah, not hololive.

>> No.25078030

Do you think you can just make up narratives without any official word from Hololive?

>> No.25078031
Quoted by: >>25078089

>mio will miss her birthday stream if the 90 days shit is true

>> No.25078032
Quoted by: >>25078042

Roommates can actually play what they want to

>> No.25078033

And Ark is just Minecraft with dinosaurs

>> No.25078034

>Mio will have to get bukkaked by every worker in capcom
90 day ban please

>> No.25078035

Imagine the sniffs

>> No.25078038
File: 351 KB, 338x808, the last one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Roboco is the only member of the UNDOXABLES left.

Also did anyone save the version with Abe as all of them?

>> No.25078040
Quoted by: >>25078085

Jesus. Thats nearly as bad as that Cuphead tutorial guy.

Its popular. Its not at Gurenge's level of popularity but I preferred the holos spamming Shin Takarajima. Never forget burgerfags on twitter saying LiSA only got successful due to Gurenge.

>> No.25078041

enlighten us Einstein

>> No.25078042

Okay? and how is that hololive related

>> No.25078043
Quoted by: >>25078068

Kabaya was never doxxed. Both of those pics are fake.

>> No.25078044

I have no idea how it struck an ancient video for a single Capcom game in the first place, it would be funny if it was a false positive and all of this shitstorm was for nothing.

>> No.25078045
Quoted by: >>25078136

Because then they have to compete with actual western streamers for western viewers and with actual nips for weeb viewers.

>> No.25078046
Quoted by: >>25078127

Take some keywords:
Private / Deleting

>> No.25078047

coco got a week ban a few months ago. I doubt mio got 90 days.

>> No.25078048

I want to see ARKbrains get addicted on TES

>> No.25078049

I'm sorry to tell you but the holos do work with male staffs.

>> No.25078050
Quoted by: >>25078064

aqua is going to get slapped by this dumb zombie

>> No.25078051

Guess we'll just have to wait and see how long the Mio "break" lasts!

>> No.25078054

this one was a good laugh but i need the real one pls

>> No.25078055
Quoted by: >>25078093

The miso soup clip already gave her a bunch of those anon. There’s literally no stopping it. They’ll get filtered when she organizes another collab

>> No.25078056
Quoted by: >>25078069

Literally just report, filter, and ignore. These people only post because people give them attention.

>> No.25078060

You're jumping to conclusions and panicking bro...
Noel also streams on her OG channel and that doesn't mean she wants to leave.

>> No.25078062

Jerma isn't in the upper echelons of streamers but Artia is way too low to be put up against him.

>> No.25078063

Finally someone who gets how a monkey's paw works.

>> No.25078064


>> No.25078065


>> No.25078066
File: 360 KB, 1190x2000, 1596051565362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25078081

Post favorite surviving vids.

>> No.25078067
Quoted by: >>25078095

Minecraft can be fun. The problem is Kanata is just... not very good at it. It's literally just her gathering materials, going into the nether, dying, and starting over on loop and it gets dull.

>> No.25078068

Not talking about her face anyway

>> No.25078069
Quoted by: >>25078102

>Literally just report
I would but
>You have to wait a while before reporting another post.

>> No.25078070

I just want the collab picture of all of the roommates.

>> No.25078072

One anon came up with a good theory last night, that being that YAGOO just had his bum friends work and told them they didn't need to do anything, just collect money. It probably explains why Cover was stupid enough to private FUCKING EVERYTHING in a scorched earth approach.
Granted things may be different in Japan than the rest of the world, but I assume if you'll be indie then you wont have to deal with these dumb permissions.

>> No.25078073

100% speculation by the retards in here.

>> No.25078074

>implying that flips actually watch streams

>> No.25078075

As long as her personality is even roughly in-line with her claims regarding it, I'll love her even if she's a blob.

>> No.25078076

The latter one.

>> No.25078077

just mental filter them... I gave up trying to report them

>> No.25078078
File: 42 KB, 287x671, suidox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss when Sui-chan was unknown.

Thanks for spoiling it, PPT!

>> No.25078079

I wonder what Korone's next incarnation will be like.

>> No.25078080

Your favorite, no matter what the shitposters say.

>> No.25078081

Nice try cover I'm not letting you delete anymore

>> No.25078083

Why is Cover so fucking incompetent?

>> No.25078084
Quoted by: >>25078154

Magandang gabi anon...
I just realized we don't have an appropriate "Goodnight"
inb4 hurr durr tagalog

>> No.25078085

>Never forget burgerfags on twitter saying LiSA only got successful due to Gurenge.
Sounds like every faggot who sees one of the popular new shows and think it is the singer's "biggest hit" simply because they like the show so much or rather they haven't watched anything else where that singer appears-

>> No.25078088

got a link?

>> No.25078089

She's still accepting gifts... send her something nice...

>> No.25078090

Ghost Trick is notorious for copyright, I doubt it's a false strike in this case.

>> No.25078091

Does Haachama have PPTs voice, I think not.

>> No.25078094
File: 1.52 MB, 2700x1904, 1594299958769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25078129


>> No.25078093

I meant in terms of numbers and growth.

Bro, I watch subbed vids and I don't even know what clip you're talking about. Having said that, I don't think I've watched a subbed Mio vid that wasn't vomiting or playing with FBK.

>> No.25078095

My angelic daughter is half retarded Anon, please understand...

>> No.25078096
Quoted by: >>25078133

Is Pekora fucking retarded?

>> No.25078097

>hololives won't have a clean criminal record in your lifetime
Why does it have to end like this?

>> No.25078098

At least we still don't have her face.

>> No.25078099


>> No.25078101
Quoted by: >>25078130

There was a chest there? Never found it

>> No.25078102
Quoted by: >>25078140

The delay is like a minute at most, it isn't that bad.

>> No.25078103

By god you guys are exaggerating this shit, the streams will probably go back up when hololive gets in a safer situation regarding the strikes

>> No.25078106

>singing let it go
the eops...

>> No.25078107

>Streaming video games without permission
Can't believe I've ever read such a stupid statement, but here we are I guess.

>> No.25078108

Sure, hooknosed jew and rodent teeth

>> No.25078114
Quoted by: >>25078132

The only good part about this week was the live 2D updates and Miko not streaming for even longer

>> No.25078115

Reminder that she will peko in bed and in real life.

>> No.25078117
Quoted by: >>25078145

They're already going back up you slowpoke

>> No.25078120
File: 632 KB, 748x719, 1595939564520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25078163

The Suisei x Sora collab is shit

>> No.25078121
File: 36 KB, 297x376, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25078122
Quoted by: >>25078144

I miss Towa.

>> No.25078123

kek are you braindead or something?

>> No.25078125

Even the fat ones aren’t bad looking they just need to diet

>> No.25078126

How many times do we have to say this, a lot of streams were also deleted, for Shion, Subaru, and even Korone.

>> No.25078127

I'm not even the one asking what's going on you idiots, I know what's happening, I've been following it for the past 17 hours,
>check the archives
>use the search
>dude just hit ctrl+f
are hardly adequate answers for someone who doesn't even know where to start. I'm not saying you need to spoonfeed a blow by blow breakdown of events, but more than "y'know, look it up" would be useful. Replying with basically nothing is just to boost your own ego.

See, that's a fucking start. And how much more energy did it take?

>> No.25078128

iirc coco's ban is literally youtube AI being retarded (or at least that what's she said on asacoco) while mio's is actual strike.
coco also only get 1 week ban so cover is totally useless that time. i don't know if mio's 90-days ban is real or just blown out of proportion like always but i won't expect them to actually reducing the ban

>> No.25078129

I wanna stick my wiener in the buttcrack

>> No.25078130

sasuga god gamer aqua knows those things by instinct

>> No.25078133

What did she do now? Isn't she just in a singing stream?

>> No.25078132

Both of those things are bad, why do you hate Hololive?

>> No.25078134

>x,y, zed
Ah.... truly a patrician

>> No.25078135

>mad japanese idolfagsl dox and bully the fuck iut of Mio
>she commits suicide
Will that be enough to Yagoo to get his shit together?

>> No.25078136

look at senzawa. there's a big market for Vtubers in western countries and a bigger one (but poor) in SEA. I know a fact that most ESL and EOP who only watch translated clips because they dont understand Japanese

>> No.25078138

Be thankful that she's actually somewhat careful so her face is still unknown.

>> No.25078141

I don't know what you're talking about but
Koei Tecmo is also known for being stingy with monetization, they're the only example I can name off the top of my head because I saw a tuber forgot to turn off monetization once and rushed to restart the stream

>> No.25078140

When I report a lot it gets stuck there. 5 minutes and it still says that

>> No.25078142


>> No.25078143

The issue is no longer videos being removed. the issue is the fact that it happened in the first place after the shit that happened with nintendo months ago.

>> No.25078144

Kenzoku, just watch her arch... oh...

>> No.25078145

I was asleep. What happened to the deleted ones (i.e. Subaru's)?

>> No.25078146

cute boy

>> No.25078147

Holohouse is a launch platform for Cocolive to happen. Just watch.

>> No.25078149

>340 IPs

>> No.25078152

The US Navy could literally single handedly dick slap every other Navy in the world combined, this is not an argument.

>> No.25078153

gone forever, her manager is going to commit ritual suicide live

>> No.25078154

I think I'm like one of the only few Malaysiafags here so I have no idea what you said but thank you and good night I guess. Please get excited for FBK's new costume stream on the 1st of August!

>> No.25078155

Subaru hasn't gotten her turn yet.

>> No.25078156

Honestly, wouldn't the hololive talents getting absorbed into nijisanji not be too bad a thing?
>More creative freedom
>Management less retarded about copyright
>No longer on a ship that all the money in the world couldn't save from sinking

>> No.25078157

She is actually getting to the first dragon, but i am quite sure she will just speedrun the main story and barely do any side stories or guilds

>> No.25078158

Aki cute

>> No.25078160

>Aqua's viewers keep dropping
Japan really have no interest with western RPG.

>> No.25078162

All me

>> No.25078161

There's no possible way I can love my daughter even more than I do right now

>> No.25078163

Sora is shit and all the fake groveling the other Holos are forced to do towards her as the great senpai is cringe as fuck honestly.

>> No.25078164

You imagine with Cover generating money for youtube they would be in contact, so shit like this wouldn't happen.

>> No.25078304

HOLOcaust happened, brought tons of tourists who want info (plus a guy on YT posted about this place). You can't get those from YT/***dit/****ord, super heavy moderation from those places means they can't discuss anything beyond what's officially posted in tweets.

>> No.25078305

I wish we were back in time a few months ago too anon but we can't go back...

>> No.25078306

Why does it matter who the "endgame" is against when the Dovakhiin could easily solo the entire Aldmeri Dominion?

>> No.25078307

It boggles my mind to this day

>> No.25078309

Everyone conveniently forgot about Rushia slutting it up thanks to Mio taking the hit.

>> No.25078322

vanilla skyrim still has the bug that drops orcish weapons before dwarven. fix your fucking game todd

>> No.25078323

Every time I think Aki couldn't possibly get cuter, she does.

>> No.25078324

She's also getting chubby again.

>> No.25078325

This, so much this, we are anonymous, never forgive, never forget. WE ARE LEJUN! PRAISE ENCYCLOPEDIA DRAMATICA!

>> No.25078328

