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2415634 No.2415634 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we love reverse traps? In real life reverse traps are usually feminazi's trying to put down men. But 2D we want them to manhandle us and make us their bitches?

>> No.2415640
File: 222 KB, 1181x787, f9b26c5de6e9a2cf72f2c9be50f4a2f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2415643


>> No.2415643
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>> No.2415647

>But 2D we want them to manhandle us and make us their bitches?
Uh, no?

>> No.2415660

my best friend till i was like 10 was a total tomboy
but then she moved

>> No.2415671

> In real life reverse traps are usually feminazi's trying to put down men.

Which is why 2D is superior. The same goes for lesbians.

>> No.2415674
File: 66 KB, 448x642, 1234955354715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're a nice change of pace, and probably my favorite kind of moe.

>> No.2415675

I don't really think many want reverse traps to make them their bitches. Does Wriggle look particularly dominant to you? No, she even looks weaker than most Touhous who look feminine.

Tomboys, as opposed to bulldykes, can actually be attractive in real life. It's just that most girls who look like tomboys are just in it for the attention.

>> No.2415678
Quoted by: >>2415686 >>2415740

My cousin is a total tomboy. She is on the swimming team, soccer team and does track. Has hair cut at around her ears and always has girls following her and telling her how cool she is. Sadly she's also a weeaboo but has no interest in yuri so she doesn't know what's going on.

>> No.2415679
Quoted by: >>2415737

That's a guy, though.

>> No.2415681
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they need more love than a more feminine character

>> No.2415684

By having them dress/act like men, it only accentuates and emphasizes all the more subtle differences between women and men.

>> No.2415685

I don't want them to make me their bitch, actually, the opposite. Conquering them would be so much more rewarding if they start off manly and "strong," before I make them realize their place.

>> No.2415686



>> No.2415690

Cool Picture Bro

>> No.2415698
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>> No.2415701
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>> No.2415707
Quoted by: >>2415766

thats pretty gross

>> No.2415711

Butlers > maids.

>> No.2415712

oh god.

>> No.2415720
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>> No.2415724




>> No.2415729
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>> No.2415737

I guess the breasts were a giveaway?

>> No.2415740

Explain to her how all those girls want her to fuck their brains out.

>> No.2415766

Really? I think that's awesome.

>> No.2415768

a reverse trap is a tomboy right? so what is a trap?

>> No.2415774
Quoted by: >>2415784


>> No.2415778
Quoted by: >>2415883

the "trap" part is when you open her pants and go "OH SHIT YOURE A GIRL"

>> No.2415779
File: 103 KB, 550x650, 1186139896187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh. I would much more admire a reverse trap to keep their usual attitudes, not just be "broken in" or whatever. That just makes them like everyone else then.

pic related.

>> No.2415781

Most tomboys are not reverse traps.

>> No.2415784



>> No.2415829

So instead of liking them for who they are, you like them because you want the satisfaction of molding them into your ideal woman? You're sick.

>> No.2415836
Quoted by: >>2415850 >>2415854

That's a totally natural manly desire. Women exist to serve men, and men exist to cultivate women. Women who refuse this sometimes need to be forced, for their own good.

>> No.2415836,1 [INTERNAL] 

I, for one, like reverse traps because I can relate to them mentally. Most girls are simplistic and stupid.

>> No.2415850
Quoted by: >>2415856

oh, 3D

>> No.2415854
Quoted by: >>2415868

Browsing /jp/ means you don't follow really follow your natural purpose. You should go out an impregnate one woman a day if you believe in living naturally like that.

>> No.2415856

The desire translates pretty well to 2d, I think.

>> No.2415868
Quoted by: >>2415886 >>2415902

Doesn't change the fact that women are at their best when they stay in the kitchen and do as they're told.

>> No.2415883

>the "trap" part is when you open her pants and go "OH SHIT YOURE A FUTA"


>> No.2415886
File: 47 KB, 633x870, 5548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's few female characters that do that.

open your horizons

>> No.2415902

What if she acts like a male, but you are able to convince her to work as a butler for you?

It's a win-win, right?

>> No.2415908
File: 81 KB, 800x600, ev_468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, butlers ftw

>> No.2415912

...Reverse trap butler... ohgodfapfapfap

>> No.2415923

Not the guy you're asking, but if she'd wear a business suit, it'd be alright.

I still don't think I'd take a reverse trap over a girl who actually looks like a girl if both were wearing business suits, though.

>> No.2415939
File: 78 KB, 800x600, ev_505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2415948

the animu was ok

>> No.2415948

The game kind of sucked.

>> No.2415976

"Doesn't change the fact that women are at their best when they stay in the kitchen and do as they're told."

You're never going to get laid if you keep thinking that way~

>> No.2415982
Quoted by: >>2415998

Female detected~

>> No.2415989
File: 370 KB, 888x1239, 1202223742362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong board?

>> No.2415998


FEMALE IN /JP/!?!!?/


>> No.2416017

Thanks for proving my point, woman. Go find somewhere else to shit up.

>> No.2416035
Quoted by: >>2416064

So the only reason to stay on a woman's good side is to get laid?

I see, I see.

>> No.2416048
File: 415 KB, 1024x724, 861a6effffc4db44d49b8b301f6ef540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2416098

As if there was something wrong with bondage and discipline.

Just get out, normalfag. Don't try to understand human sexuality.

>> No.2416064
Quoted by: >>2416105 >>2416143

You don't have to stay "on her good side." Just show her who the boss is like she really wants, and you'll get laid without having to kiss her ass.

>> No.2416083
File: 460 KB, 1126x1582, 1232278721401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2416107

>But 2D we want them to manhandle us and make us their bitches?
Not really. the attraction of 2D "reverse traps" is them being very weak and submissive, even if some of them do have a stronger exterior.

Mega bonus points if they put on a dress at some point, averting their gaze and blushing. I can barely contain myself just thinking about it.

>> No.2416098
Quoted by: >>2416137

Why the hell is only one hand tied? She could easily untie that with her other hand.

>> No.2416105 [DELETED] 

Who cares about getting laid. Get out of /jp/.

>> No.2416107

now I'm all excited.

>> No.2416110
File: 55 KB, 363x375, 1205623983078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just think Wriggle is cute.

>> No.2416119


I guess because they have tsundere qualities.

>> No.2416137

It's impossible to untie a good knot with one hand.

>> No.2416143

All of you, back to /r9k/

>> No.2416208

I don't actually like them for their "manly" qualities, but I do like the fact that it makes bringing out their feminine and submissive side that much sweeter.

>> No.2416222

> So instead of liking them for who they are, you like them because you want the satisfaction of molding them into your ideal woman?
I like this idea and I would like to subscribe to its newsletter

>> No.2416261
Quoted by: >>2416273 >>2416285

Anyone who seriously likes reverse traps for their masculine qualities is probably a gay in denial. Most people here just like them for the essentially the same reasons tsunderes are liked.

>> No.2416268

Less philosophizing on reverse traps and more posting pictures of them.

>> No.2416273
Quoted by: >>2416282

Ever heard of bisexuality?

>> No.2416282
Quoted by: >>2416288

>Suggesting that bisexuals aren't gay

>> No.2416285

I like tsundere because I like their tsun.

>> No.2416288
Quoted by: >>2416321

Gay means you only like men. Bisexuality means you're an idort. Any questions?

>> No.2416295
File: 110 KB, 806x625, Scrn.0001 15.48.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2416321
Quoted by: >>2416354

The only way to not be gay is to not have sex with guys. Having sex with girls in addition does not make you straight again.

>> No.2416354


>> No.2416368
Quoted by: >>2416400

For a joke character, he sure speaks the truth an awful lot.

>> No.2416370

>> No.2416390
Quoted by: >>2416400


>> No.2416392

"Why don;t you try saying that infront of her?"

>> No.2416400

Are you guys serious? Even some slightly athletic girl could kick the butts of every skinny nerd of /jp/, including me.

>> No.2416449
Quoted by: >>2416466 >>2416511

Impossible, all we'd have to do is grab their breasts, and they'd be putty in our hands, ready for us to mercilessly pleasure.

>> No.2416466
Quoted by: >>2416487 >>2416753

All they would have to do is smash our nuts and we would crumple like a wet paper bag.

>> No.2416481

There's strength in numbers. One by one, we would be destroyed, but no girl could stand the combined power of a thousand ronery Anonymous.

>> No.2416487
Quoted by: >>2416498 >>2416524

You've obviously never groped a girl before.

>> No.2416494
File: 83 KB, 792x1200, criminals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too scared of their rape whistles.

>> No.2416497

I'd dare say that it would take more than an average girl to beat me.

>> No.2416498

but hey have cooties

>> No.2416508

Enjoy your sloppy thousands

>> No.2416511
Quoted by: >>2416532

Well, the girl I knew in high school, seemed to have no interest in guys, and if she's still the same, I doubt that would work on her.

You mean no girl could stand the smell of thousand ronery Anonymous? Although I take a shower every day, and smell damn good, and it's likely that I'm not the only one like that here.

>> No.2416524
Quoted by: >>2416565 >>2416592

Breasts are sensitive, it doesn't render them a quivering blob helpless beneath your touch.

>> No.2416532
Quoted by: >>2416534

Actually I was thinking a thousand Anonymous combined together could pass Schwarzschild radius and gather into some kind of pedophilic black hole.

>> No.2416534
Quoted by: >>2416569

we can call it Sakura

>> No.2416565

Breasts are sensitive, it renders them a quivering blob helpless beneath your touch.

>> No.2416569

Nah, now a stellar object instead of man but with the same personality, Anonymous black hole would take off to the skies in search of young stars to predate on.

First stop is T Tauri.

>> No.2416592

Actually, if you've done that to a girl, it actually does have that effect.

>> No.2416594

but girls have cooties

>> No.2416596
Quoted by: >>2416648


>> No.2416601

I have done that to a girl, it only does it if they want it to do that.

>> No.2416648
Quoted by: >>2416650 >>2416741

Offended feminazi detected

>> No.2416650
Quoted by: >>2416730

It doesnt, it just tickles her

>> No.2416730

Makes her aroused, you mean. So tsundere~

>> No.2416741

I'm not a girl! Really, I'm not. This thread just is bad.

>> No.2416753
Quoted by: >>2416765 >>2416766

Wow. You have no tolerance for pain if that happens. The most a stiff nad-kick does to me is make me flinch and get a stupid look on my face.

>> No.2416765
Quoted by: >>2416783

I don't think you have any balls. Or then there is something really wrong with yours.

>> No.2416766
Quoted by: >>2416783

lol impotent

>> No.2416783
Quoted by: >>2416792

Haha. No, I just grew up around a lot of dirty-fighting Latino girls who hated white people.
I learned to deal with the pain.

>> No.2416784

Not feeling mindcrushing pain whenever I'm kicked in the balls is sign that you're impotent?
Damn, 4chan is better than any doctor, now I have proof of my condition.
Thanks, bros.

>> No.2416787
Quoted by: >>2416798 >>2416810

This thread makes me want to research the effect of touching female breasts personally.

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.2416792

In other words, you are impotent from being kicked in the groin too much.

>> No.2416798
Quoted by: >>2416807


She yells at you.

>> No.2416807

Sluts don't care, I'd be touching breasts all day if I didn't have any respect for myself.

>> No.2416798,1 [INTERNAL] 

At first, I thought someone was posting that gaiafag set of .gifs, caramelldansen gaiafag shit, and I raged when reminded that touhou sets existed.
But I took a closer and profound look, and saw the truth...why did I imagine that caramelldansen shit, fuck. fuck.

>> No.2416810
Quoted by: >>2416842

Wrist pull, elbow to the side, knee to the stomach, mace in the face.

>> No.2416830
Quoted by: >>2416836

I enjoy both traps and reverse traps.

Am I gay?

>> No.2416836
Quoted by: >>2416838


>> No.2416838
Quoted by: >>2416904


Am I still cool with /jp/?

>> No.2416842
Quoted by: >>2416871

I can handle the 3 first, but I'd better bring some laboratory goggles.

>> No.2416871
Quoted by: >>2416878

she will just remove then while youre bent over from the knee and hold your eyes open while she maces

true story

>> No.2416878
File: 17 KB, 316x322, generic fat person image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My extreme lifestyle has given me resistance to exterior forces.

>> No.2416879

Silly anons. That's what the taser is for.

>> No.2416889
File: 61 KB, 500x600, wriggleclick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2416906

This could have been a pretty good Wriggle thread.

>> No.2416904

trap here, you're still cool with me. ♥

>> No.2416906
Quoted by: >>2416919 >>2416962

fuck character threads.I don't browse the internet for 7 hours a day to talk about how a character is cute, I want to be flamed, talk about impossible stuff, amusing things.

>> No.2416919
File: 197 KB, 938x1539, 3752954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But Wriggle is cute.

>> No.2416920

The only reverse trap I like is Wriggle.
The others just aren't that cute or adorable.

>> No.2416962

that is what /b/ and other forums are for

>> No.2417139
Quoted by: >>2417260 >>2417278

Reverse traps are awesome, 2d or 3d. also this topic is a great example of why /jp/ will permanently stay vigins.

>> No.2417260 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2417278
File: 193 KB, 741x592, virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2417557


>> No.2417557

I lol'd.

>> No.2417726
File: 12 KB, 114x227, Parsee_Mizuhashi_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A challenger appears...
