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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 257 KB, 1141x956, 924ed609b1667c8a92ca629c041db67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24001565 No.24001565 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24001568
File: 99 KB, 936x514, EY0Y5Y8VcAIvmMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck the dog

>> No.24001572
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1569105670128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24001575

I'm sure this thread will be much better than the last one!

>> No.24001576
File: 127 KB, 850x911, mikochips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001598


>> No.24001577 [DELETED] 

Alright ritualposters do your dumb stupid shit, hurry up

>> No.24001578
File: 29 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.24001579
File: 1.06 MB, 2894x4093, 1567984846232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001614

Towa always wins

>> No.24001580
Quoted by: >>24001779

I'm going to buy this mat and take it to MTG tournaments!

>> No.24001581
File: 2.15 MB, 1418x1264, 1589857880574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001599


>> No.24001582
File: 80 KB, 824x824, EY1BFQEU4AAc47A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002097


>> No.24001584
Quoted by: >>24001627

Towa is officially the new queen of /hlg/

>> No.24001587
File: 313 KB, 650x650, daily dose.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24001589

Towa can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.24001591
File: 540 KB, 2120x1656, EZGYD55UcAIJkJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001602


>> No.24001593 [SPOILER] 
File: 81 KB, 850x632, 1590692941422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your 4th gen.

>> No.24001595
File: 1.29 MB, 1500x2000, 80089913_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch Towa and support her
New song cover will be released tomorrow!

>> No.24001598

i want to feed miko chips!

>> No.24001599

I love these three's outfits. They just also all need a longer version.

>> No.24001601
File: 612 KB, 2549x3541, 0ij6crv7x9i41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Korone studied Architecture at Tokyo U...

>> No.24001602

but this was Miko's thing...
Why is this bitch stealing again?

>> No.24001604

I want to fuck the robot, retard, festival, fox, dog, rabbit, freya, captain, sheep, devil, dragon, angel, baby, leaf
You can fuck the others

>> No.24001605

Thanks, doc.

>> No.24001608

Festival WILL be my non-romantic friend who I hang out with and play Vidya with!

>> No.24001609


>> No.24001612

I wonder if Luna is going to do an awkward interview with Choco some time where they both have to pretend this isn't the second time they're doing it.

>> No.24001613

Thanks doc

>> No.24001614 [SPOILER] 
File: 140 KB, 800x800, 1590693010968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001616

Can't believe you're still posting this when I only told you once a week or so ago. I admire your dedication.

>> No.24001618

I had a really good post in my head and I forgot what it was

>> No.24001621


>> No.24001622
File: 66 KB, 1791x614, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001624
Quoted by: >>24001631

Coco loves Hirasawa and Sopranos and shit, her taste is pretty good in general.

>> No.24001626
File: 867 KB, 679x916, 1590371763457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001627


>> No.24001628

the fact that they haven't suggests to me that they won't

>> No.24001631

Her boyfriends taste*

>> No.24001632

>watch miko fat japanese thing

>> No.24001633

Спасибо, док.

>> No.24001634
Quoted by: >>24001647

>based getting bigger every day

>> No.24001635

I wonder if Luna is going to play MGS and pretend it's her first time.

>> No.24001636

dibs on squirrel

>> No.24001637

Please watch Towa and support her

>> No.24001639


>> No.24001642
File: 1.30 MB, 1137x1054, Screenshot_2020-05-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001657

look how happy this thing is

>> No.24001643

>watch miko
thank you word cloud but I'm already doing it

>> No.24001644

>autistic homos holostars watching hololive watch watame

>> No.24001648
File: 247 KB, 593x661, upizoalfxtx41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo would look the best bald?

>> No.24001647


>> No.24001652
File: 228 KB, 1075x1510, 1588553684862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best singers!

>> No.24001656
File: 841 KB, 1600x900, EXp5eoJU0AMBqoI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001675

Join THE Kanata

>> No.24001654

>son getting girls

>> No.24001655

wasted design

>> No.24001657

That's right, "thing".

>> No.24001659
File: 786 KB, 876x999, 1590539306589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Abayo nigga

>> No.24001660
Quoted by: >>24001699


>> No.24001664
File: 62 KB, 208x246, Luna16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look Mom! He posted it again! "X word next to Y word next to Z word!" Haha it's so funny look at these unrelated words making funny phrases

>> No.24001668

dibs on the shrine maiden

>> No.24001669


>> No.24001670

you forgot to mention she's currently going through Kengan Ashura right now in preparation for the netflix anime

>> No.24001672

You should spoiler that for our chinese bros.

>> No.24001675

I joined on day one

>> No.24001676

>Autistic started happen
Literally the latter half of last thread

>> No.24001678

>Funny, yet son getting girls stream. Based.
Even the word cloud knows Roberu can't stop winning. Keep it up.

>> No.24001679

I can't believe /hlg/ is literally made up of a bunch of teenage girls...

>> No.24001681

The cat is mine.

>> No.24001682

What, still here? Hand it over. That thing, your yubis.

>> No.24001683

Something about shions forehead

>> No.24001684
File: 7 KB, 356x353, mllihfvte8p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Doc

>> No.24001685
Quoted by: >>24001725

You're my favorite ritualposter Lunabro

>> No.24001688

Preparation for what?

>> No.24001690
File: 41 KB, 765x488, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going too fast bros . . .

>> No.24001693

Coco should watch Baki with Noel.

>> No.24001695

I want to take my Holo to disneyland...

>> No.24001697

Just like our girls!

>> No.24001699
File: 532 KB, 1321x2007, elite wifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her elites

>> No.24001700
File: 284 KB, 2036x2048, bald miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001703
File: 1.37 MB, 600x338, 1590552410812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw someone tells you collabing with males will destroy your career

>> No.24001704
Quoted by: >>24001753

The only thing Korone is handing over are her kids to CPS after she left them too long in their cage without food and water while she was streaming Dragon's Lair

>> No.24001706
File: 76 KB, 960x680, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001726

>> No.24001709
Quoted by: >>24001732

How the fuck is DJT so slow but they're able to have full threads each day now too?

>> No.24001710

>hundreds of posts an hour
Why is hlg like this?

>> No.24001711

miko...you have to eat all the eggs...

>> No.24001713

We've reclined...

>> No.24001715

We are all 17 like senchou.

>> No.24001717

You should have seen /tg/ during the new Warhammer release. That thread got like 16 posts per second.

>> No.24001721
File: 2.06 MB, 1625x851, idol love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far in love are you with your oshi, anons? Do you imagine yourself with her, in sexual ways or just casually? Talking to her, laughing with her, marrying her? Do you imagine what it would be like to live together, sleep together and wake up to her smile every morning? Is it "idol love" for you, admiration and inspiration, or have you fallen into despair of never being with her?

>> No.24001722
File: 265 KB, 306x473, haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being unable to post an image of his favorite holo in this thread later

>> No.24001723
File: 333 KB, 4096x2900, EWlbvCDVAAACDYf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This depressed FBK meme is starting to annoy me

>> No.24001725

Lunafags are the worst posters in this general

>> No.24001726

Mogu mogu... Okayu is debu!

>> No.24001728
File: 446 KB, 474x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001730
File: 53 KB, 407x490, 1590386317948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001731
File: 303 KB, 2597x2049, Towa-Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait!

>> No.24001732

EOP flocking to DJT so they can watch Hololive as god intended.

>> No.24001734
Quoted by: >>24001772

why are you like this?

>> No.24001735

>anon makes a funny post
>it gets beaten to death for (you) fishers
the cycle continues

>> No.24001737

The Korone marriage and kids one is starting to piss me off too.

>> No.24001740
Quoted by: >>24001807

i'll hunt down that whore if she tries to talk with any of the homos

>> No.24001743
File: 125 KB, 564x690, 1589912860148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening.

>> No.24001746

god I fucking wish I was a G in Towa's house

>> No.24001747
File: 1.31 MB, 318x222, 1590037572529.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on.

>> No.24001748
File: 665 KB, 800x999, FubukiSad2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001750

Only for her roommate, caring about the character in that way is stupid

>> No.24001751

Come watch a sudden robot

>> No.24001753
Quoted by: >>24001761

At least they'd had the cockroaches then, right?

>> No.24001755

>old men hours
>female homos guys instead
>fbk reason collab boys
>always post popular narrative
So this is our new narrative, all female holos are old men, and the reason FBK collabed a lot with homostars was because she's a guy IRL who wants to spend time with the bros.
I hope this narrative don't get too popular though.

>> No.24001756


>> No.24001758

this fanbase has been going for a while now... where the fuck is all the giantess porn already?

>> No.24001759
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 1583227859495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002071

We wasabi eating

>> No.24001760

Excited for the new cover to drop!

>> No.24001761

The ducktape was to keep it fresh.

>> No.24001765

miko is doing a Q&A stream with ARK in the background but her answers are unintelligible

>> No.24001767
File: 730 KB, 1500x1250, 75779759_p9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called hololive anon, ever heard of it before?

>> No.24001768

you missed it by few months

>> No.24001769
File: 125 KB, 900x1245, 1588083611330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts the stream muted

>> No.24001770
File: 2.27 MB, 1770x845, guest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guest starring holos in the new VVV thing

>> No.24001772
File: 134 KB, 284x354, Luna46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half of these posts aren't even mine, I and few other anons took these luna pngs from some lunafag

>> No.24001776

I want to eat ramen with Korone and get fat

>> No.24001777
Quoted by: >>24001813

they are only quest givers
>old miko model

>> No.24001779

The other nerds are going to give you weird looks, anon

>> No.24001783


>> No.24001790
Quoted by: >>24001804

Why is Choco even here

>> No.24001792
File: 131 KB, 850x549, OG 3D TALENT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001798

if only eugene-a was there too

>> No.24001796

>old models
>not every GAMERS
It's shit

>> No.24001798

Gen0 is a treasure

>> No.24001803 [SPOILER] 
File: 168 KB, 399x317, 1590693804639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001827


>> No.24001804

She was probably popular when the company made a deal with Hololive

>> No.24001807


>> No.24001813

Wait are they really in it? I guess I didn't understand what the last thread was saying, I thought someone just said "look a vtuber themed HDN game" and other posts seemed to indicate it was just generic OCs.

>> No.24001815
File: 2.95 MB, 310x338, 43BBA87F-7F16-4BDF-B808-12F04CD35846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001816
Quoted by: >>24001862

roboco sounds like she is dying

>> No.24001823
Quoted by: >>24001850

roboco gorilla stream

>> No.24001824

>tfw Choco is probably this tall in comparison to me too

>> No.24001825

>No Festival
>But fucking Choco
Nani the fuck

>> No.24001827


>> No.24001833
Quoted by: >>24001847

yes they will be in the new nep game but only as NPCs which is ashame because if they had them as party members they would've instantly had my purchase

>> No.24001837

VTubers are basically just in the game as quest npcs, playable characters are Neps and OCs, IIRC.

>> No.24001841
File: 64 KB, 585x897, mio24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001844


>> No.24001846
Quoted by: >>24001861

>More females watch this than males

>> No.24001847

Which would be more disappointing to you, having no VA at all or having one or two "initial" lines that you never hear again and then just various greetings and sounds of agreement?

>> No.24001850

>all these unknown book titles you don't know

>> No.24001854
Quoted by: >>24001878

Getting quests from Koro-san!

>> No.24001860

Even though I love the wordcloud I still look forward to this ritual every thread.

>> No.24001861

Girls love ASMR.

>> No.24001862


>> No.24001863

>answering to English
too cute

>> No.24001873

keep showing towafags are mentally ill

>> No.24001874

It just makes me want to better myself

>> No.24001876

>kanata friends

>> No.24001878
Quoted by: >>24001898

>Collect 10 [mob name] Fingers
You think they're gonna be conscious enough to do shit like that, or will it be exclusively rng?

>> No.24001879
File: 10 KB, 301x221, 32d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24001882
Quoted by: >>24001919

My bet it's going to be just one sound clip, like "Yubi yubi!" or "Nya hallo!" when you talk to them.

>> No.24001884

Did Roboco fucking wake up 4am? What the hell's up with her sleeping rhythm?

>> No.24001889

Holy shit, what did you guys do to flood Roboco's chat? Never post her here again.

>> No.24001890

So only 1 girl from gen 1?

>> No.24001893

the repetitive lines would get old quickly but if they didn't exist at all i'd want them

>> No.24001898

To much effort for Compile Shit.

>> No.24001901
File: 176 KB, 800x1200, 1582631803078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a problem with the old Miko model (it's a shame it got pretty much discarded instead of bringing it back once in a while like for GTA streams) but you would think they could have replaced it during development since there's been enough time to sort it out if it was asked of them....or even have one as DLC? Nep games are notorious for them after all.

If only they didn't give slots to fucking Gamebu instead of adding more holos. Shame they aren't playable characters either.

>> No.24001904

i never understood people getting hurt by the girls having boyfriends until kaoru showed up...i'm not going to stop watching him, but it does change how i feel towards him

>> No.24001905


>> No.24001908

did you miss the part where she napped before her last stream and overslept by 2.5 hours? she's probably fully awake.

>> No.24001910
File: 1.11 MB, 2100x3000, 1590352806711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24001946

>sheep is still streaming minecraft

>> No.24001913

>sleeps too long at other times
>wakes up too early at other times
Who knows. I don't even know what she does in her free time.

>> No.24001918
File: 8 KB, 206x220, Memberships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you do the tier 3 if your favorite holo offered it

>> No.24001919
File: 28 KB, 563x539, 1590270867063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001920

yo idiot, this thread doesn't have that much power.

>> No.24001922
Quoted by: >>24002256

>You will never be able to listen in on the Holos recording hit sounds for Vidya because at most they'll just have VNs
so how long till indie autists make a HL fighting game? Cover would never make it, too much "we can't condone our girls beating each other up"

>> No.24001924
File: 1.53 MB, 1400x1746, 1589995736494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to clean Shion's entire body with my tongue.

>> No.24001928

Kaoru is literally married.

>> No.24001929


>> No.24001932

i also like food thank you miko

>> No.24001931

I don't think my holo would scam me like that, so no. She's a good girl.

>> No.24001934

>starting a stream at 4:15am
Do any of them have normal sleep schedules?

>> No.24001943

>what foodo do you rike?
Miko's so adorable

>> No.24001946

I count my blessing every day that this sheep woman has a terrible sleep schedule and is thuslly always streaming in the evening my time. When I go back to work after lockdown ends, I'll only be able to live watch the Holos that stream through the night.

>> No.24001948
Quoted by: >>24001959

apparently towa because she works part time

>> No.24001950

>watching fags
Are you gay? Do you suck dicks?

>> No.24001951

Towa. Rushia. Marine does too right? Aqua streams at the same reasonable hours too so that includes Pekora right?

>> No.24001953

maybe if it were 25 dollars like it is on twitch

>> No.24001954

Towa does

>> No.24001955

I want to have a cheese brooger with Miko!

>> No.24001956

Attention Mikoti is speaking elite english!

>> No.24001960

it's 4AM in japan, JOPs are asleep

>> No.24001959

At a bottom-tier pizza place

>> No.24001961
File: 87 KB, 896x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24001965
Quoted by: >>24001975

Whats wrong with sucking dick?

>> No.24001972

google translate please
miko's attempt to speak english is always cute because she has zero knowledge

>> No.24001975

It's gay

>> No.24001977

Which holo is the tallest?

>> No.24001980

We love menhera's here

>> No.24001982

>older women watch Noel

>> No.24001983

How are her roommate's stats?

>> No.24001984
Quoted by: >>24002000

Very comfy roboco

>> No.24001985

miko is so cute an precious
i can't take it anymore

>> No.24001986

Coco is the tallest Live, I'm not sure about the Stars.

>> No.24001987

everyone knows about them tits

>> No.24001988
Quoted by: >>24001997

>The female ratio starts to increase when the age goes up

>> No.24001989

The fortune teller.

>> No.24001991
File: 8 KB, 178x169, paypig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002235

I do

>> No.24001996

yeah, and i wanted to suck kaoru's until i learned he was married. i may be gay, but i'm not a homewrecker

>> No.24001997

The males start to die out by that age.

>> No.24001998


>> No.24002000

Roboco's voice is really comfy even if it does tremble.

>> No.24002003
File: 935 KB, 574x640, frog jump.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old women sitting down with little boys and watching Noel!!!

>> No.24002005

Very cute animated clip of Peko x Sio collab

>> No.24002006

World 35p

>> No.24002008
File: 54 KB, 344x680, 1561680590369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roboco woke up at 4am and just started singing.
Fuck she's so CUTE.

>> No.24002011

aqua csgo stream when?

>> No.24002012
File: 26 KB, 297x415, my wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002014

it's like watching your child learn about how big the world is

>> No.24002015

Reminder that Pekora was up until like 6am for a 9 and a half hour stream for a DQ5 board game

>> No.24002016

Her new layout and customization has made her even more cute and comfy.

>> No.24002018

Why do you hate fun?

>> No.24002022
Quoted by: >>24002038


>> No.24002027


>> No.24002029

What is /hlg/'s thoughts on the return of マイクラ I'm pretty happy about it, but I don't want to get my hopes up

>> No.24002031

I need to sleep but I can't stop watching Miko's attempts to bond with overseas viewers over fast food

>> No.24002033

Why does it feel like I'm reading the exact same posts from yesterday

>> No.24002035
File: 49 KB, 800x700, 1589981061640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly seeing this dumb idiot try so hard to be entertaining motivates me to try harder in my life. I've had thoughts of going on dates and seeing how excited she would be to learn about my culture but I know the chance of meeting her are basically zero. Hopefully I can meet someone that at least resembles her one day.

>> No.24002036
Quoted by: >>24002203

Miko loves cheese confirmed! Cheese haters BTFO!

>> No.24002037

Destroying my sleep schedule with Mikoti!

>> No.24002040
File: 67 KB, 615x696, EXyEu42VAAE-gLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to eat pizza with my wifu Miko!

>> No.24002038

i love how she just lumps everyone not in japan as the rest of the world

>> No.24002041
File: 328 KB, 348x441, 0C215A8B-CFA8-45CA-AF99-38D8602EEA64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002084

Because she’s funny, smart and cute.

>> No.24002042

Nice and raspy... nice...

>> No.24002045

>we've entered an endless recursion of time.png

>> No.24002048

I miss time loop posting, but somehow we escaped into perpetual shitposting hours instead.

>> No.24002051

Why are you doing this to me anon?
You know I get emotional when I hear Little Mermaid songs.

>> No.24002052

Kyon-kun denwa!

>> No.24002053

>miko's live event will just be a giant pizza part

>> No.24002054

Going back to MC makes me think that they're probably preparing for 5th gen's debuts.

>> No.24002055
File: 82 KB, 896x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002056

I want to watch Watame no Uta with Miko while eating pizza.

>> No.24002061
Quoted by: >>24002077

What if we transfer Matsuri and Fubuki to Holostars I think they'd be happier there

>> No.24002069

you're in a coma and the doctors are trying to communicate through holos

>> No.24002071

For some reason the mental image of Mio just spontaneously puking at a table or whatever with a bunch of other hololivers is still one of the funniest things HL has ever put out

>> No.24002073

Femcels fear the Stacy

>> No.24002075
Quoted by: >>24002081

It would be nice if they started to play it again, because then I'd finally have some free time by not watching the streams.

>> No.24002076
File: 23 KB, 347x340, luna_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more than half of her audience are EOPs

>> No.24002077

>what if we do *stupid thing* wouldn't that be a good idea?

>> No.24002078

haachama puking to entertain old men

>> No.24002081

based arkposter

>> No.24002082

Marine often takes naps before late night streams so she either skips sleeping or sleeps too little but it seems like she generally sleeps at night.

>> No.24002083

>25-44 year olds sit down and watch a young girl vomit on stream
it's too late for these people, they've failed.

>> No.24002084
Quoted by: >>24002136

>Pic unrelated

>> No.24002086

as expected of the chama, the perfect bell curve

>> No.24002087


>> No.24002092
File: 433 KB, 648x906, EZF_yKTUMAAQgB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24002094

don't talk like you don't belong in that age group

>> No.24002097
File: 225 KB, 390x392, 1590650704740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002223

Ur mum gae

>> No.24002099
Quoted by: >>24002135



>> No.24002100

stop ruining えーちゃん

>> No.24002102

A-chan's 3d debut will come before 4th gen's

>> No.24002107


>> No.24002112

>basically only men watch her
>mostly old men
>a fuckton of EOPs
>fucking pajeets
Cursed as fuck, I pity her.

>> No.24002113

40 year old fujo

>> No.24002116

She's a fucking angel. An ELITE angel.

>> No.24002117

chama is worldwide!!

>> No.24002118
Quoted by: >>24002127

And before Flare...

>> No.24002120

>millennials are finishing up college or have finish college and are settling down
>spend their time watching vtubers
how do you do fellow kids generation

>> No.24002124


>> No.24002126
Quoted by: >>24002204

Have we really looped back to posting these shitty fucking analytics graphs?

>> No.24002127
Quoted by: >>24002144

Well yeah, fucking HoloEN will come before Flare at this point.

>> No.24002129
Quoted by: >>24002165

>supposed to be doing reps
>listening to Roboco instead

>> No.24002133

Depends on the benefits, but if we're going by with what they have now then no.

>> No.24002135

A-chan continues to be the best backup singer

>> No.24002136
File: 379 KB, 919x1322, C08E0292-7FCE-40DC-8357-8F59705AB7FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe use that energy to rescue FBK from poverty m8

>> No.24002139

rumor has it lyger is getting fed up with matsuri's insistence on collabing with guys and he's soon to be a free agent.

>> No.24002141
Quoted by: >>24002178

Roboco's chest voice is super interesting. Whatever she's doing to get the sounds out just makes her sound like she's about to cry.

>> No.24002142

what's the narrative on the uno stream from earlier?

>> No.24002144

To clarify: EN will debut 2D, and then get 3D models, before Flare's model comes out.

>> No.24002145

God I want these 2 to do duets so much

>> No.24002146

I feel like I see this post every single thread.

>> No.24002147

>stinky foot fetish
>talks like a retard
>still in high school
>pukes on stream
haachama pleases old men for money!

>> No.24002149

I'd be lying if I said I don't like to fantasize about her, but I don't think you can really call it love if you don't feel any sort of frustration from not being able to be with her, and I don't have any of those feelings. It's all just good times enjoying watching this girl I like.

>> No.24002150
File: 169 KB, 321x338, 2020-05-28_15-45-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better believe they're going to keep the holostar collab train going.

>> No.24002152

A-chan's 3D debut was back in the summer of 2018.

>> No.24002153
File: 98 KB, 796x443, wat4uiobp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collabing with 3 boys
>3 niji boys
If you were going to collab with boys, at least do so within your own company...
That slut Watame is corrupting everyone...

>> No.24002154

Thanks for the work on your Holostars x Matsuri collab translation, Lyger. I'll be waiting.

>> No.24002158
File: 336 KB, 633x590, 1585243880147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003313


>> No.24002160

Our son was, in fact, winning

>> No.24002162

Are we really going with translator narratives now?

>> No.24002165

better use of time

>> No.24002168

Lyger has to realise he has no chance against the SEAchad Matsuri met on apex the other day

>> No.24002169


>> No.24002170
Quoted by: >>24002192

Pekora's husband is Old Snake

>> No.24002171

Mio is a giant compared to other members irl

>> No.24002173

Matsuri the town bicycle

>> No.24002175

Tell me /hlg/, what do matsuricucks see in her?

>> No.24002176

idol love vs romantic love
ayamefags and towafags are simp cucks

>> No.24002178
Quoted by: >>24002308

I know, it's great isn't it?

>> No.24002180


and pinakamalakas na lahi!

>> No.24002182

Thanks to Watame,Fubuki and Matsuri were told by management to take the bullet and divert attention.

>> No.24002183
Quoted by: >>24002197

it's like girlfriend without the sex

>> No.24002185
Quoted by: >>24002190

I just realized I haven't seen Matsuriposter wholesome post for the past like six threads. I miss the guy.

>> No.24002186
Quoted by: >>24002239

she's clearly doing this to upset the idolfags but eventually she's going to run whatever gachis she has left out of town.

>> No.24002188

I like to fantasize a lot but never really anything sexual

Just being together and spending time, talking, cooking, going out, doing things, sleeping together and relaxing together
Being there for each other and being happy

>> No.24002189

No too far would be this

>> No.24002190

Why do you even miss lyger? that's creepy

>> No.24002192

Wrong.She love Big Boss the most.

>> No.24002194
Quoted by: >>24002213

>3 Niji boys
>Natsume (96neko)


>> No.24002196

budget kagura mea

>> No.24002197

You, every time. Stop making me want something that's impossible.

>> No.24002198

Matsuri...I just subbed...why now

>> No.24002199
Quoted by: >>24002226

>Cover would risk FBK and Festival for a literally who like Watame
Poor narrative, apply yourself.

>> No.24002202

Shut up Tamaki

>> No.24002203

She is LITERALLY me.

>> No.24002204

We're actually not in a time loop, instead we're slipping between different world lines, each with a different dominating topic. The "loops" are us slipping into a world line we've been to before.

>> No.24002206

I wish this was true

>> No.24002207
File: 194 KB, 2560x1440, ET5MNfaU8AA2YRS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002209


>> No.24002211
Quoted by: >>24002231


>> No.24002213

96neko is a vtuber now? How the times have passed.

>> No.24002222
Quoted by: >>24002240

>3 niji boys
Anon, only Mayuyu is from Niji. 96neko is indie and Rikka is literally from Holostars.

>> No.24002223


>> No.24002224

Miko just said she wants to try shooting a real jew.

>> No.24002225

I want to grab Miko by her love handles!

>> No.24002226

Watame has lot more gachikois than both

>> No.24002229

>Miko wants to go abroad to shoot a real gun
Miko is a /k/ommando? Mi/k/ochi....

>> No.24002230

>Shoe still on
How the fuck am I supposed to get a nice SNIIIFFFF like this anon

>> No.24002231

I completely forgot about the times when Watame has garbage internet.

>> No.24002233
File: 799 KB, 800x1259, EZHbDM1UEAENOpL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002325


>> No.24002235
Quoted by: >>24002607

I would probably for Miko but she would not do this without a good reason.

This reminds me that Hoshino Mea has a $25/month and $50/month membership and does member only singing lives.
Did someone try it out ?

Did you get something special from tier 3 ?
I only have tier 2 paypig status.

>> No.24002237
File: 458 KB, 2048x1152, EZISLucU4AAw0u_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any goals for this year? Miko wants to fire a real gun

>> No.24002238

Korone is fat?

>> No.24002239

All idolfags may be gachikois but not all gachikois are idolfags.

>> No.24002240

Also, 96neko is a woman.

>> No.24002243
Quoted by: >>24002257

What does any holocuck see in their favorite? They are all the same when it comes to their relation to you vs other people

>> No.24002246

Ive seen a bunch of vtubers being called バチャ by nips
What the fuck does it mean and should i rip them a new one for it?

>> No.24002248

So the narrative is true...

>> No.24002249

Come to the US Miko! I can help you with that! We'll have a great time!

>> No.24002250

Yeah she started vtubing recently on her sub channel

Also these 4 have already had a collab before recently

>> No.24002251

Based Mikochi, now do a reverse coco and move to burgerland

>> No.24002254

Why does Haato look so sexy in 3D but retarded in 2D?

>> No.24002256
File: 204 KB, 1792x828, D3ZuV5KU0AA2BVS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco's creator has been making some sort of 3D bullet hell game in Unity with a little chibi Roboco
He posted one picture that showed he's also modelled a chibi Fubuki for it. Pic related.

>> No.24002257

Calm down, Matsuricuck.

>> No.24002258

she's created an entire litter of puppies she isn't allowed to see....

>> No.24002259

I could have sworn she did her goals list a week ago.

>> No.24002261

Learn nip so I can play rune factory 5 when it comes out. If it comes out......

>> No.24002262

And old

>> No.24002265

Now that's a story I'd like to hear if she does. Not sure how I feel with her handling a gun though.

>> No.24002266

Holy shit Miko just dropped >implications that Matsuri is gonna get graduated soon because of the homostar drama

>> No.24002268

No wonder Miko is so fucking invested in Coco, she want to go to America and live the american lifestyle

>> No.24002272

that's really cool.

>> No.24002276
Quoted by: >>24002314

Bacha yuchuuba

>> No.24002278

Now this is a fake narrative i can get behind.

>> No.24002281

Roboco is too cute talking to overseas fans in Japanese like they'll understand her.

>> No.24002282

Thanks, you just fed a newfag without realizing it. I'll watch this with great interest.

>> No.24002287

2020 Plans & Goals
1. Post one Song Cover Every Month.
2. Collab with Real Person
3. Open a Bar and Grill
4. One-on-one collabs with other Holo Members
5. More Hololive Projects
6. Become an Elite MC
7. New Trial Version Eroge Streams
8. Get Better at Singing
9. Sing Enka (Traditional Japanese Style Music)
10. Become a Voice Actor for a Game
11. Eroge Collab (Wait for it)
12. Release more Merch (2nd Wave)
13. Increase One-shot Game Streams
14. Increase Chat and Karaoke Streams over Last Years
15. Stop Oversleeping and get Proper Rest for Noon Streams
16. Hit 350,000 Subs by the end of the year
17. Release an Original Song
18. Get More Corporate Projects
19. Sing with Sora-chan
20. Push for a Live Solo Event (Real)

>> No.24002289

Actual virgin unlike your favorite holo.

>> No.24002296

They have plenty of other more justifiable reasons to drop Matsuri

>> No.24002294

Thanks Lyger

>> No.24002297
Quoted by: >>24002319

She's gonna shoot someone if she gets her hands on a firearm

>> No.24002303
File: 247 KB, 2560x1440, sora-approved-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002466


>> No.24002308

Yeah, it is pretty great. She may not be the best singer but that little bit of uniqueness in her voice makes me want to keep listening.

>> No.24002311
Quoted by: >>24002407

>3. Open a Bar and Grill
What did she mean by this

>> No.24002314

>Bacha yuchuuba
what does it mean in English

>> No.24002315

>10. Become a Voice Actor for a Game
Miko...You're already voicing someone in 100% Orange Juice.

>> No.24002317

>Collab with Real Person

>> No.24002319

Yeah but imagine the cute noises she'll make while doing it

>> No.24002325
File: 1.01 MB, 2841x2841, EZHUSg8UEAEQ3gI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002406


>> No.24002326

She started streaming with a cat avatar a couple of years ago already.

>> No.24002327


>> No.24002328

can kuromaro get any more based?

>> No.24002333
Quoted by: >>24002365

>9. Sing Enka (Traditional Japanese Style Music)
nice, enka on the last karaoke stream caught me off guard but I enjoyed it

>> No.24002337
File: 335 KB, 1414x2000, EVZ_SqPUcAEAHZu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002346

>> No.24002340

She can do a collab with me tho *wink wink

>> No.24002343


>> No.24002347
File: 45 KB, 322x720, 1590095127656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A woman
>a homostar
>a niji boy
>3 niji boys
Good bait. You got me.

>> No.24002346

L-Lewd and wholesome.

>> No.24002348
Quoted by: >>24002360

Become N3 or at least N4

>> No.24002350
Quoted by: >>24002434

Aren't those models just ripped from Breakers?

>> No.24002355

yagoo would close hololive down before that

>> No.24002358

I want to take Miko deer hunting and have her taste my deer jerky.

>> No.24002360

I can say as someone at Pre-N3. It's a comfy level.

>> No.24002364

Aki's most popular video doesn't even have 100k views. Please watch Nekoze Punch.

>> No.24002365

Agree. Hope she does more enka songs.

>> No.24002370

Make a vtuber

>> No.24002376
Quoted by: >>24002390

Dumb sheep.

>> No.24002377


>> No.24002381


>> No.24002382

maybe the whore should do something else other than ASMR, she's clearly not good at it

>> No.24002383

Watame needs a "minutes since last accident at this site" sign.

>> No.24002385

I'd imagine it'd be like that Shigure Ui interview with her model superimposed into the real world

>> No.24002387
Quoted by: >>24002486

What on earth. I didn't remember this MV sounding this good, but somehow the way Aki lengthens out her words feels really nice to listen to.

>> No.24002390
Quoted by: >>24002425

fuck back off to 5ch nip

>> No.24002398

they do that pretty often.

>> No.24002401

It's not that uncommon. Roboco does collabs for singing streams and it's quite fun.

>> No.24002403

If Haneru managed to collab with a JAV actress, I believe that Miko could someone collab with a R18 VN seiyuu in the future.

>> No.24002404

>already failed
>kinda done after VRmix
>working on it
>she has done some but not this year
>done but only a signed card
>she's only 70k away
>done with Sakurakaze
>still working on it
Miko strong

>> No.24002406

What are the chances that Senchou is shaven down there...?

>> No.24002407

some of her streams and the one right now, she likes to pretend she's at a bar and listen to other's worries
it's where https://files.catbox.moe/yr7q83.mp4 came from

>> No.24002413
Quoted by: >>24002448

I'm a towafag but roboco is just too damn cute

>> No.24002415
Quoted by: >>24002442

wait so Hololive Cabaret is real?

>> No.24002418

>R18 VN seiyuu
this i can get behind

>> No.24002419

100%, a major part of her normal outfit is a leotard

>> No.24002423

As a cuckfag I'm happy Matsuri is cucking me with these boys.

>> No.24002425


>> No.24002428

Silly anon, 2D girls don't have public hair.

>> No.24002429
File: 25 KB, 474x474, handstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear Coco speak english for the first time
>realize that most of the hololive girls are putting on voices that are as ridiculous, I just didn't notice as much because they only spoke Japanese

>> No.24002434
File: 832 KB, 2480x3508, DrukhZeV4AA3Gp6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what Breakers is, but he definitely made the Roboco, he documented his process.

>> No.24002435

she has a heart shaped pubic hair with WOMB tattoo for sure

>> No.24002439
File: 2 KB, 181x69, chrome_G6lXnOawVc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002442
Quoted by: >>24002533

this was miko's plan all along

>> No.24002443

fuck that's a nice model

>> No.24002447
Quoted by: >>24002476

Miko has already collab'd with an R18 seiyuu I'm pretty sure.

>> No.24002448
File: 179 KB, 650x580, 1589527033414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002455


>> No.24002449
Quoted by: >>24002485

How new?

>> No.24002455

Blessed image. I want to look at it forever.

>> No.24002462

I've been seeing the others
>4th gen in general has a balance of male/female audience
>almost all of the other gens have a bigger ratio of males
>However both Sora and Suisei have a bigger female ratio
desu I was expecting that a lot of girls would watch Suisei

>> No.24002463

kek, the simps are mad

>> No.24002464

>you can rotate to look around the room
More production value than Suisei's Saga Jihen MV.

>> No.24002466
Quoted by: >>24002588

You were out for a walking the local park when you started to feel dizzy. You're not sure if you passed out or hit your head but you sit up on the path and look around in a daze. You don't recognize your surroundings. You see a massive structure off in the distance and realize it's a tree. You've somehow been shrunk! You get to your feet and start to sprint on the concrete path but your short legs don't get you very far before you are tired out. You sit down for a moment to rest. Just then the ground starts to shake and you look up to see Tokino Sora, your favorite Vtuber walking this way! You jump up to your feet and start waving and yelling to her. You managed to catch her attention! She stops walking and looks down at you initially confused. Then you see a look of fear flash onto her face. She's terrified of bugs. "Sora wait noooo!"

>> No.24002475
File: 457 KB, 1395x2048, 1589876885406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002476
Quoted by: >>24003197

she did but it was last year

>> No.24002477
File: 61 KB, 533x800, 1590439102032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 niji boys holy shit Matsuri you are crazy

>> No.24002482
Quoted by: >>24002495


>> No.24002485
Quoted by: >>24002539


>> No.24002486

Do you watch more Aki now compared to the last time you saw it?

>> No.24002487

She is going to lose her virtual virginity for attention!

>> No.24002490

I thought watame didn’t have many views because absolutely in this thread talks about her anymore. But she has a really decent following surprisingly

>> No.24002492

YAGOO, please...

>> No.24002495


>> No.24002497
File: 744 KB, 880x704, suichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002593

Of course only women would watch the pride of Hololive, she instills confidence that literally anyone can become an idol!

>> No.24002499
Quoted by: >>24002505

>eroge collab
she wants herself being raped...No...

>> No.24002500
File: 597 KB, 1920x1080, 1575807181004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002983

The first time I felt love it made me go almost crazy to the point I learned to completely ignore this feeling.
I didn't think I was still able to feel love, but I could recognize this feeling during Miko's latest 3D costume reveal stream.

I can't imagine it because vtubers are at their best when they are doing what they like and I can't imagine some of them having a family life.
They are more like a positive force, an online friend, trying to give me some motivation in life.

>> No.24002501

shes a horny virgin what do you expect
she will prob even grind on a post out door shes so horny

>> No.24002503
Quoted by: >>24002554


>> No.24002505

DWU was in Kamihime, Miko's next!

>> No.24002507 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 354x145, artia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nijiniggers enter this thread talking shit about hololive and idolfaggotry when they have yumes harassing female chuubas and artists that draw ship fanart
you can't make this shit up

>> No.24002509
File: 333 KB, 1600x1620, 1590483588840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002527

>> No.24002510


>> No.24002511

The character? 100% confirmed in the design overview pics.
中の人? 30% and even then just a lazy trim

>> No.24002512

Thank God I am not a simp

>> No.24002513

the funny part is that the dumb rabbit used the same voice even when she was cam whoring as a streamer

>> No.24002514
File: 1 KB, 169x62, Screenshot_2020-05-28 【黛灰 律可】協力?バトル?世界一騒がしいオーバークック2!【黯希ナツメ 夏色まつり】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething nips

>> No.24002519

They are just as bad as us!

>> No.24002521

based liker

>> No.24002524

That happens when you have men, I'm sure there are husbandofags for the Homostars as well.

>> No.24002526

kung fu-tan panda

>> No.24002527

Next minecraft stream when

>> No.24002529
File: 82 KB, 1327x758, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24002530

What website is this?

>> No.24002532

I'm not disliking because it's males I'm disliking because it's Nijis

>> No.24002533
Quoted by: >>24003347

God now I really want to see Miko continuing her Yakuza 0 playthrough, I want to see her playing as kyabakura manager dammit.

>> No.24002536
Quoted by: >>24002601

Like who? Nijisanji have fucking official coupling like Gunkan.

>> No.24002537


>> No.24002539

It as Aki as a playable character but she doesnt have a Nekoze punch attack

>> No.24002541

The poo sure like vtubers.

>> No.24002544

My love changes by the day, I've come to accept her more and more, each and every part from her brightness to her flaws. I still fall into the despair from time to time, but I think I've moved on that she'll find someone better. All those thoughts though are fun aren't they PPTbro?

>> No.24002545

Real solo event this year ?
I might have to go to Japan soon...

>> No.24002547
Quoted by: >>24002577

Haha yeah imagine if that were true...

>> No.24002548
Quoted by: >>24002563

The site is inaccurate. Chuubas have talked about their demographics and sometimes have ended up completely contradicting that site.

>> No.24002549


>> No.24002554


>> No.24002555

Mio predicting your death ASMR...

>> No.24002556
File: 232 KB, 1473x2048, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll forgive her no matter what she does right?

>> No.24002563

Yeah, I wonder how Choco would end up with such a high female ratio considering the content she does

>> No.24002567
Quoted by: >>24002590

I guess it makes sense why they're targeting IN as one of their branches, though Niji IN is doing pretty poorly.

>> No.24002569


>> No.24002573
File: 109 KB, 886x1700, 1589890409764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking Matsuri down the Isle!

>> No.24002574

Roboco + YuruCamp
The best thing in existence right here...

>> No.24002576

oh yes it's just normal when it's yumes but noooooo male gachikois are bad and pathetic simps

>> No.24002577

You fags keep talking about Kaoru's cock and semen, I won't be surprised.

>> No.24002580

I'm not even N5 but even Coco's Japanese sounds super silly, with the breathiness and stunted pronunciation and stuttered vowels.

>> No.24002584

I'm honestly impressed Matsuri's self awareness of her own character in that translated Lyger video. I wonder if the rest of the holos understand their fan's perceptions of them like that?

>> No.24002585

I want to drink away my worries with Mikochi

>> No.24002588

I've never felt so proud... someone saved this.

>> No.24002589
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 6DCF7E3F-7082-4165-B1B3-6E0348D10093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need to start caring more for my favorite idol. I wish I could be someone completely in love with her but I have troubles falling in love with someone who interacts with all her viewers.

>> No.24002590
Quoted by: >>24002603

The Hologirls seem to acknowledge the existence of their indonesian coworkers can't say the same about niji

>> No.24002593

Or you know, someone that they can sperg out about Ensemble Stars with.

>> No.24002598
Quoted by: >>24002617

They're both just as bad, you numbnuts.

>> No.24002599

as long as she doesn't suck lyger's dick

>> No.24002601

look at their fucking thread right now nigger

>> No.24002603
Quoted by: >>24002612

Iofi and Towa collab when...

>> No.24002607

Nothing yet, she's mentioned she's not sure what to do about it.
I just enjoy being financially dominated by a retard i guess

>> No.24002612
File: 147 KB, 2048x1395, 1560386387382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Iofi to teach Towa how to draw

>> No.24002613
Quoted by: >>24002631

So you don't know any examples and can't give any proof besides what other anons said?

>> No.24002618

Yes, unless...

>> No.24002617
Quoted by: >>24002664

you should fuck off permanently there then since you're not any better than us and in no position to talk shit about idolfaggotry

>> No.24002622

>miko ending
comfy stream
i hope if coco puts up the next ark server we cant get mikobird back

>> No.24002623
File: 261 KB, 1271x2048, 1589891728551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002626

Matsuri is gachikoi herself, no one cares.

>> No.24002630
Quoted by: >>24002693


>> No.24002631
Quoted by: >>24002729

are you dense? go look there, i'm not giving you shit

>> No.24002635


>> No.24002636
Quoted by: >>24002653

Funny enough a video of some Japanese lady being taught to shoot at an American firing range popped up in my youtube recommended a few days ago. Wasn't too interested but ended up watching the whole thing because the instructor was oddly engaging.

>> No.24002642

is pekora a virgin?
she seems gay like matsuri

>> No.24002643
Quoted by: >>24002671

Simps are bad regardless of gender.

>> No.24002644
File: 64 KB, 800x800, mikosleep1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to watch Roboco
sleep tight, Mikoti

>> No.24002646
Quoted by: >>24002840

What is this 35p?

>> No.24002653

I'm surprised Youtube AI is able to review the content I watch and recommend things based on that even if it was just a talking moment. The holos have gotten me interesting recommendations.

>> No.24002654

Miko took her cherry years ago mate.

>> No.24002656
File: 853 KB, 887x922, 1589166100404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002659
Quoted by: >>24002688

Hololive gacha mobage with shitty rates and a grindy and boring as fuck gameplay that you keep playing becaue you love the art and the holos fucking when?

>> No.24002660
Quoted by: >>24002697

Never seen a single example of this. You really shouldn't believe everything you see posted on 4chan.

>> No.24002661

she screams when someone sent her a dick pic so yes

>> No.24002663
Quoted by: >>24002700

she's saving herself for Sugita.

>> No.24002664
File: 17 KB, 245x255, 1589038632801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much anyone is better than you, my dude.

>> No.24002665

im somewhat happy that she gets a lot of collabs after the doxxing. fuck moona

>> No.24002668
File: 1.01 MB, 1300x1500, j3Tq64Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002671 [DELETED] 

fuck off to your thread nigger, go make your little shipping fanfic there like a little girl

>> No.24002672
File: 709 KB, 961x1200, 1590391455242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002678

>> No.24002677

Since when did 4chan have a search function?

>> No.24002678

>first thing I looked at was her forehead

>> No.24002680

Let's say a hololiveEN member comes on and forces all of the girls to state their real sexualities.
Would you rather
>they all come out as lesbians
>they all come out as asexual
>they all come out as straight but have had relationships in the past

You have to choose one.

>> No.24002682


>> No.24002683

>not being a robodachi

>> No.24002685
Quoted by: >>24002704

>thought EOPs were bad during holostreams but its 99% for the less popular chuubas
I'll never take haato's stream for granted ever again

>> No.24002688

Even with CN and ID included, their roster is too small for a starring role, at least for proper whaling.

>> No.24002689
Quoted by: >>24002713


>> No.24002690
File: 872 KB, 800x927, sleepingmiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002691
File: 325 KB, 485x327, asus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing the sponsor contract was just one stream and didn't stipulate the chuubas use the laptop because the encoding quality and fan noise was awful in FBK's Apex stream.

Surprised she even tried to stream, game, and run live2d on a laptop.

>> No.24002692

I want to see it every day

>> No.24002693

What is it with chuubas I like playing sad games? I don't want to see them cry, but she's playing To The Moon next

>> No.24002694
File: 44 KB, 426x759, d23f33tg54334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste, her forehead is so sexy.

>> No.24002695
File: 465 KB, 2560x1439, 53453463634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002712

Don't know what you're all surprised about. They alrady collabed like a month ago and it was gold.

>> No.24002697
Quoted by: >>24002732

things don't just suddenly become true or false when it's convenient to you shithead

>> No.24002700
Quoted by: >>24002723

Thats fine then its ok if its girls
26 yol is getting up there anon.....

>> No.24002701
Quoted by: >>24002713

Oh boy

>> No.24002702

Where's the transotherkin demisexual option though?

>> No.24002704

At least they behave themselves a bit. Sometimes if the holo mentions something, they'll go completely off like in Pekora's.

>> No.24002705
Quoted by: >>24002726

She could send that laptop to Risu or Haato

>> No.24002706

There are Idolmaster Gacha with less major characters. You just do 30 versions of the same character lol.

>> No.24002708
Quoted by: >>24002735






>> No.24002710
Quoted by: >>24002716

Crying gets them more supas

>> No.24002712

anything to stir shit

>> No.24002713

Wait, this thing has always existed?

>> No.24002714

lesbian 100%

>> No.24002715

I would rather not entertain this idea.

>> No.24002716


>> No.24002717

They're around 28 members iirc just from the og branch, that's like 3 more girls than bandori at least.

>> No.24002720

As you should

>> No.24002723

doesn't mean she can't do it, Sugita has to give in eventually!

>> No.24002725

Oh no anzu.... 35p bros....

>> No.24002726

What's the import tax on a $2200 laptop?

>> No.24002727

Risu only owns like five games right now, please understand.
Yagoo please...

>> No.24002728

Why does it matter? They're playing a role, they can change that whenever.

>> No.24002729
Quoted by: >>24002746

You don't know shit yourself, dumb EOP, Nijisanji had a fucking coupling competition like a year ago, get the fuck out here unless you actually give me real proof. Ebio collabed with Ars three days ago, and collabed with Hoshikawa yesterday and with Nui today, all girls, and I'm not seeing any hate. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.24002730

>they all come out as lesbians
This because it is the assumption I operate under already.

>> No.24002731
Quoted by: >>24002764

Didn't bandori get a 6th band?

>> No.24002732

I would be quite happy to accept it was true if there were actual examples shown of Japanese people doing what is claimed. Until then you shouldn't believe it and neither will I.

>> No.24002734


>> No.24002735

pretty sad story for a lesbian tsundere rabbit honestly.

>> No.24002737
Quoted by: >>24002745

what's this

>> No.24002738


>> No.24002739

Anzu... what a relief.

>> No.24002740
File: 75 KB, 778x999, 333fff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki smiling after getting supas!

>> No.24002742

48 if you include males

>> No.24002745
Quoted by: >>24002765

Nep collab, a bunch of vtubers are going to show up as guests.

>> No.24002746
Quoted by: >>24002763

i'm not seeing anything wrong with gachikois here too bro, just ignore them like you already do, you seem to be an expert. or maybe just fuck off back to your thread?

>> No.24002747

I never cared but is Anzu a gaijin?

>> No.24002750

Why does that picture exist?

>> No.24002751
File: 398 KB, 395x510, 1563027245956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dogshit meme is so forced and unfunny, holy fuck.

>> No.24002752

Tch. Give me depressed Fubuki unable to reconcile the fact that despite having the most subs her viewers and supachats are on the lower end.

>> No.24002753

>they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you're fine, when you're not really fine, but you just can't get into it because they would never understand.

>> No.24002754
File: 505 KB, 655x612, 1590429114639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002758

literally perfect

>> No.24002760
Quoted by: >>24002793

>Not playable
No thanks.

>> No.24002761
File: 312 KB, 1440x960, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

send... pc...

>> No.24002762
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1590275316855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm addicted to sad no supacha FBK mikochi...

>> No.24002764

Oh right, forgot about morfonica...
Well with the CN and ID branch it's still a lot more.

>> No.24002763
Quoted by: >>24002795

Maybe fuck off back to your own board, retard.

>> No.24002765

Not him, but for the newfag asking: emphasis on guest, they're gonna be static quest givers. Don't want you getting your hopes up.

>> No.24002769

Did anzu get beaten up by his yakuza gang?

>> No.24002770

Everyone knows indians are the true internet chads

>> No.24002771

why does she not collab with pekora right now? pekora needs her yuri love

>> No.24002773
File: 14 KB, 407x414, 1588800187107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002774

Does this mean what I think it does? Adult Sora model?

>> No.24002778

So can you filter by board in the search function?

>> No.24002779
Quoted by: >>24002838

live watame no uta + jyanken incoming

>> No.24002780

Towa drew it herself

>> No.24002781
Quoted by: >>24002799

She married Sora like yesterday Peko is old and busted

>> No.24002783

Straight with relationships because there's literally nothing wrong with that. Yurifags can burn.

>> No.24002785

Man, pajeets really are desperate for women, even the 2d ones aren't safe.

>> No.24002786
File: 20 KB, 318x416, 1589352403695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002789

tfw no roboco gf

>> No.24002791


>> No.24002793

Compile Heart is too fucking cheap to do that anon, just be happy that they get a console game debut.

>> No.24002794

Towa needs to have a pokemon battle with Korone's drawings first.

>> No.24002795

i have no idea why you nijiniggers are so fixated at populating this thread, your thread is literally dying and we don't even bother with it and yet you're all here trying to "fix" hololive

>> No.24002798

Anzu-san... I hope he makes a full recovery

>> No.24002799
Quoted by: >>24002822

i dont want my retarded pet rabbit to die of depression though

>> No.24002803

Sora really is graduating, huh

>> No.24002804

I rather they never touch the subject or mention it briefly.

>> No.24002814

Sleep tight, Mikochi
( ˘ω˘)スヤァ

>> No.24002815

>I am talking with Roboco-senpai and she is so kind
Risu collab!?

>> No.24002817

Why does Moona seem to get the most flak while the other two IDs seem to get away scot free
Iofi's retarded and Risu is poverty incarnate

>> No.24002822
File: 451 KB, 627x420, 1589752208350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe she should stop being a bitch!

>> No.24002826
Quoted by: >>24002957

they can't be together because of the quarantine so no offcollabs for now. also Pekora is getting way to popular so she's being forced to collab with other vtubers outside of holo, not enough time for Miko I guess

>> No.24002828
Quoted by: >>24002852

What. Wasn't there a post just in the previous thread about her aging?

>> No.24002830

I... think it's just a hair color change? I'm not really confident in my Japanese. Could also be referencing that she's "20" now.

>> No.24002837
Quoted by: >>24002879

Moona gets a pass from me for having the most delicious armpits in existence.

>> No.24002838

She's pretty clumsy with that soundboard.

>> No.24002839
File: 349 KB, 1920x1358, EY1tqz7U0AA-ZCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002880

Poverty and retard moe.

>> No.24002840

Onomatopoeia of when a coin gets dropped in the shrine donation box.

>> No.24002842

I'd rather watch vtuber-related thread burn itself to the ground. That is peak entertainment for me

>> No.24002845
Quoted by: >>24002882

Anon, I'm here because I watch Pekora, Shion and Suisei, you may not know, but hololive, nijisanji and all the indies watchers used to share the same fucking thread.

>> No.24002852

yeah, Sora actually ages unlike other vtubers.

>> No.24002854

Suddenly Watame no Uta.

>> No.24002855
Quoted by: >>24002870

Stop arguing over meaningless shit and watch roboco to heal your soul right now.

>> No.24002857

When will we burn ourselves to the ground

>> No.24002858


>> No.24002861

Anzu is probably hoping his Dad doesn't make it so he can get the rest of his inheritance money and spend it on Miko

>> No.24002863

A true hero

>> No.24002864

kek she fucked the audio so hard.
Oh god Watame, someone help her.

>> No.24002865
File: 403 KB, 1372x1760, 1590539878687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24002895

I want to marry Pekora!

>> No.24002868
Quoted by: >>24002884

But that would make him a yakuza boss.

>> No.24002869


>> No.24002870

But I'm too busy watching Watame.

>> No.24002871
Quoted by: >>24002896

What happened to everyone that the thread feels so dead today? Too many streams last night?

>> No.24002872

because the other 2 actually have good qualities.

>> No.24002873
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 23545636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Holo with worse taste in anime than Aqua?

>> No.24002876

Watame no Uta live.

>> No.24002879

this >>24002837
Hard carried by the design, seems like she's the more ID pandering of the trinity whereas Risu does english streams more and Iofi the jap collab ones

>> No.24002880

Moona was supposed to be the best but she became the worst... Alien was supposed to be the worst but became the best... it's always like this huh...?

>> No.24002882
Quoted by: >>24002963

and the nijifaggot reveals it's true colors
i don't care if you're here to watch our girls but you fags need to shut the fuck up about "fixing" hololive

>> No.24002884

If he becomes the boss does that mean the yakuza become a part of 35p?

>> No.24002887


>> No.24002891

What does she like?

>> No.24002892

I see she's gonna go the FBK route

>> No.24002895
File: 1.59 MB, 1513x1080, 1560063184017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003023

I didn't see you last thread Pekorafriend. I would have taken up the torch if I didn't forget, forgive me.

>> No.24002896

Too much turbo autism going on, even the regular shitposters and falseflaggers don't want to get caught in it.

>> No.24002897


>> No.24002898
Quoted by: >>24002914

She gets her taste from her boyfriend

>> No.24002904
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 1576475744719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24002905

SAO and Re:zero are her favorites iirc.

>> No.24002907
Quoted by: >>24003018

be nice to her... her setup is so shit she can't produce any content outside of recording herself with the IPhone Hololive gave her....

>> No.24002911
Quoted by: >>24002929

roboco recorded her own beatbox lol

>> No.24002914

Yeah and that's me.

>> No.24002916


>> No.24002921
Quoted by: >>24002935

Literally carried by her design

>> No.24002922

I understand now why Watame no Uta was always prerecorded.

>> No.24002924


>> No.24002925
File: 274 KB, 262x480, ☀.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roboco is so cute

>> No.24002929

I hope she makes it dlc.

>> No.24002932

does pekora watch anime?

>> No.24002935

Who else is carried by her design? Rushia?

>> No.24002943

Sometimes I experience the more indulgent side and fantasize about living together, but I know it's not meant to be. It's more than idol love, but I would like to keep it there. I want to help her reach all the success in the world before she inevitably retires. I'm inspired to live each day as fully as possible and it's thanks to her help.

>> No.24002944

Only the ones Miko recommends to her.

>> No.24002945

Based sheep

>> No.24002947

Here we go rockbros

>> No.24002951

Oh my god yes we need more memri with the IDs

>> No.24002953

Watame should sing more songs like this.

>> No.24002954


>> No.24002955

At least the fans made a nice remix.

>> No.24002957

Seriously I cant wait for offcollabs to come back.
I'm really needing my Okakoro back.
When my chuubas are together there really is no greater feeling.

>> No.24002962
Quoted by: >>24003049

I wonder how the holos even watch anime since they always stream during the actual airing hours.

>> No.24002963
Quoted by: >>24003094

When he fuck did I say anything about fixing hololive, are you schizophrenic? You talk about fans flaming vtubers, I ask for proof, you can't give any unless quoting some anon from another thread, from where I stand you're either an eop talking out of your ass or retarded.

>> No.24002965
File: 53 KB, 680x648, mikosleep4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to go back to work next week after 3 months of containment
Fuck my life, I'm gonna miss staying in bed all day long with my only worry being when is Mikocchi gonna start her stream

>> No.24002967
Quoted by: >>24002988

I want to carry aqua she looks small and light, imagine

>> No.24002968


>> No.24002969
Quoted by: >>24002971

Risu's tits jiggle too much

>> No.24002970

Watame pls dont pull an ashley simpson..

>> No.24002971

And that's a good thing!

>> No.24002972

Scissors bros okite okite okite!

>> No.24002977

Probably watch whatever is currently airing without giving much care.

>> No.24002978


>> No.24002981

who's dumber aqua or haato?

>> No.24002983

Watching Miko move is one of those things that also fills me with an embarrassing amount of happiness

>> No.24002984
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1576488283368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame singing at stupid o clock again.

>> No.24002987

>search vvvtunia
>First result
>"The various virtual Youtubers appearing in this game have all been caught by V Hunters and turned into V Cubes. After releasing them, they’ll be able to support you in your battle."
Sounds more like they're gonna be assists, which still isn't much but seems more substantial than the "cardboard cutout quest NPCs" everyone keeps implying...?

>> No.24002988


>> No.24002989
Quoted by: >>24003001

Is Roboco really a robot?

>> No.24002990
Quoted by: >>24003007

>literally his only post on twitter
based Risuner broke the silence for his waifu!

>> No.24002991

Look at her go!

>> No.24002992
Quoted by: >>24003014

I'm in the exact same situation bro. My government have been paying me to watch Hololive for the last couple of months and now I'll be stuck at work during the peak streaming hours. At least Miko streams late so I can watch her after work.

>> No.24002995

Is Roboco always awake this early?

>> No.24002996

is there a more rotten girl than matsuri?

>> No.24002999
Quoted by: >>24003024

Wait is Asacoco coming back

>> No.24003000

You'll be back in a bed watching streams nonstop in three weeks I promise you

>> No.24003001
Quoted by: >>24003009

Look at her legs.

>> No.24003002
File: 164 KB, 1250x1650, 1585467102670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003005

Haato with general decisions but I think Aqua had a worse score in Choco's quiz.

>> No.24003007

>Implying he didn't create an alt to hide his power level

>> No.24003008

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.

>> No.24003009

Oh now I see.

>> No.24003013

Everyone tries to copy FBK but they don't have the SOUL

>> No.24003014

Well I live in France so I'm probably gonna miss all her early hours stream, but I can enjoy all the late night one

>> No.24003015

genuinely cute

>> No.24003018
File: 220 KB, 461x461, EVTKx_tUcAAwjxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw this is literally the reason she made an insta

>> No.24003019
File: 50 KB, 536x550, 1590421155456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, why does she wear the mask?

>> No.24003020

>be Haato
>live and study abroad for years
>english is still terrible
>japanese somehow got worse too

>> No.24003021

That was pretty cool.

>> No.24003023
File: 1.97 MB, 2047x1447, 1590640485187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry Pekobro, I just do it whenever I'm on so it's normal I miss threads or arrive late to the party

>> No.24003024

No watame is just streaming late again and ending up at watame no uta time so everyone wants her to sing

>> No.24003025

haachama wears the crown of giga brainlet

>> No.24003026
Quoted by: >>24003032

Why are Aqua's iris so fucked up?

>> No.24003027

At most, at a very optimistic most, it'll be some bullshit like
>2d splash art across the screen
>"[Voice line!]"
>Disembodied attack effect on screen

>> No.24003032

Gaou papa is too good at drawing.

>> No.24003033
Quoted by: >>24003041

She has to take care of her facial skin

>> No.24003037

What's the narrative this WataUta bros?

>> No.24003039

Remove oil and keep it healthy.

>> No.24003041
Quoted by: >>24003046

She's a big idol

>> No.24003044

Watame broke off her friendship with Coco so she can't sub her videos anymore.

>> No.24003046
Quoted by: >>24003059


>> No.24003047


>> No.24003048
File: 150 KB, 675x900, EWjAsiMUYAAX12y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't stay that beautiful without proper skin care

>> No.24003049

You don't actually need a TV to watch anime nowadays.

>> No.24003051
File: 3.16 MB, 498x457, 1590249207351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004867

Fuck you, nigganon.

>> No.24003052

Watame's a cool sheep

>> No.24003054
Quoted by: >>24003085

Aqua is just the nerdy gamer type
Haato is pure retarded. It's not a competition

>> No.24003057

I like the Neps as much as anybody (especially Norie) but I wanted to wreck shit with a Marine/Miko/Korone/Aqua party.

>> No.24003056

It's okay, we still have Watame translator. He can do it.

>> No.24003058

Paper. Just you wait.

>> No.24003059


>> No.24003061
File: 1.16 MB, 1036x720, 1574649729158.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003090

>Haneru managed to collab with a JAV actress

>> No.24003062


>> No.24003063
File: 68 KB, 512x512, JJ4pgmgomx2g-_port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what you're asking and you're not prepared for an answer.

>> No.24003066
Quoted by: >>24003101

Isn't every girls in Japan a JAV actress nowadays ?

>> No.24003067

its kinda sad when you realize the exact same enjoyment you get from watching pekora is the same type of enjoyment she gets out of watching you praise her. she literally just wants any form of love she can get and its sad

>> No.24003068

Let's go rockbros

>> No.24003071


>> No.24003072


>> No.24003073


>> No.24003074
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1587791419776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003081

Has the thread finally looped back to the depression narratives?
I am a fan of those.

>> No.24003082

The winning move...

>> No.24003083


>> No.24003084
Quoted by: >>24003109

>that Coco impression
she better not be burning bridges by doing this impromptu Watame no Uta

>> No.24003085

Do other girls like Aqua really exist... how is she so perfect...

>> No.24003088


>> No.24003089
File: 524 KB, 2048x2048, 1590595656385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh lunabros where are you?

>> No.24003090
Quoted by: >>24003145

I'll spoonfeed you dummy. Here's Haneru with Hibiki Ootsuki

>> No.24003092

Oh no, I'm falling in love with Roboco's voice.

>> No.24003094
Quoted by: >>24003140

>are you schizophrenic?
There is at least one anon here who is legitimately paranoid with nijifags. You should just ignore him.

>> No.24003095


>> No.24003099
File: 117 KB, 630x900, 1590434996141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did upload anon already post the recent marine or coco member only streams?

>> No.24003101
Quoted by: >>24003124

Yes, everyone in Hololive has done porn except Subaru.

>> No.24003103

The sheep's final phase
>Sow discord with homostars
>Now throw shade directly at other holos
Keikaku as planned

>> No.24003105
Quoted by: >>24003141

Why do I love the dumb ones? What's wrong with me? Miko is my top 3 as well.

>> No.24003109

it's okay, this means Watame will collab with Towa instead!

>> No.24003111

>ywn take care of your holo in never ending fantasy land

>> No.24003115
File: 35 KB, 748x430, 1570419669901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003116

hlg show me the lewdest luna pic you have, I dont think she has something lewd

>> No.24003117

>ywn be a cute female holo

>> No.24003119


>> No.24003121

>Asamiko impression
Ok maybe this sheep is alright.

>> No.24003122

The saddest feeling of all

>> No.24003124

Except for Miko I don't think that anyone is confirmed having nudes on the internet. Not like anybody would want to see Korone fatass, or Sora naked anyway

>> No.24003125

I was trying to think up a Kaiji joke involving Tsunomaki Janken but I'm too much of a brainlet to come up with something.

>> No.24003126
Quoted by: >>24003151

Who is Nanawo Akari and why does every Holo cover her songs

>> No.24003134

All my holo does is remind me of my younger self anyways...

>> No.24003135
File: 684 KB, 1564x2048, 1590490218834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003189

say no more

>> No.24003140

>paranoid with nijifags
It's not that, he genuinely hates both companies.
He shitposts in all 3 threads.

>> No.24003141

naturally you here so you are dumb and your brain for better or worse wants you to target near retarded women because you have a higher chance of breeding with them

>> No.24003142 [SPOILER] 
File: 403 KB, 531x665, 1590699798973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003172


>> No.24003143
Quoted by: >>24003184

I'd like to see koro's disgusting post-pregnancy body. Haha just kidding

>> No.24003144
Quoted by: >>24003158

sleep tight mikochin

>> No.24003145

Thanks. I'm surprised it doesn't have more views. Shame the audio levels are all over the place and Haneru is ten times louder than Hibiyan.

>> No.24003151

I think I only know like two of her songs though

>> No.24003155

>Not like anybody would want to see Korone fatass, or Sora naked anyway
You underestimate my power

>> No.24003158

Sleep tight, Mikochi!

>> No.24003161


So Towa's menhera can from her mama

>> No.24003162

Don't try it.

>> No.24003163

>He shitposts in all 3 threads.

>> No.24003166


>> No.24003167

boots and cats

>> No.24003169
Quoted by: >>24003184

i fap to bbw all the time
skeleton women don't do anything to me now

>> No.24003170

Wow, that's even more pathetic.

>> No.24003172

Damn anon you're gonna summon the brapposters

>> No.24003175


>> No.24003178


>> No.24003179
File: 591 KB, 904x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003184
Quoted by: >>24003679


>> No.24003186

Boombot hivemind

>> No.24003187
File: 125 KB, 900x900, 1585174948458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she's cute

>> No.24003189

quite nice

>> No.24003190

Cute roboto.

>> No.24003195

The purest smile

>> No.24003197

Does Tami really have R18 voice works ?
I only know of her dlsite works.

>> No.24003198 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24003208

/r/prequelmemes is leaking

>> No.24003201

Watame getting Asacoco withdrawal and cutting her own...

>> No.24003202

Watame has lost her fucking mind due to AsaCoco withdrawal, she's re-enacting the entire thing.

>> No.24003204
Quoted by: >>24003211

how does this work while streaming? I swore they used their phone as their l2d capture.

>> No.24003206
Quoted by: >>24003221

watame's gonna get sued by the AsaCoco conglomerate at this point

>> No.24003208

kill yourself.

>> No.24003211
Quoted by: >>24003216

She froze her live2d while doing it.

>> No.24003213


>> No.24003215


>> No.24003216

oh that makes sense.

>> No.24003219

Which holos are good girls?

>> No.24003221

She gave us our fix when no one else did, she'll die a hero.

>> No.24003224


>> No.24003226


>> No.24003227

What did she mean by this?

>> No.24003228

Miko that is too lewd

>> No.24003229
Quoted by: >>24003236


>> No.24003230

Imagine just randomly chilling in your Holo's free chat and she suddenly starts posting there too and talks to you

>> No.24003236

good for punching

>> No.24003239


>> No.24003240
Quoted by: >>24003257

so this?

>> No.24003241
File: 339 KB, 1160x1500, 1590453141798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003259


>> No.24003243


>> No.24003244


>> No.24003246

I'm glad she's back...ish.

>> No.24003247

Sora, Roboco, Fubuki, PPT, Okayu, and Coco

>> No.24003249

Hiro's streaming, ask him for a vtuber board, JOPs

>> No.24003251
File: 547 KB, 594x597, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the goodest

>> No.24003252

Anon... you know you could just talk to her normally when she's streaming right?...

>> No.24003255
Quoted by: >>24003321

#あさココLIVE trending again

>> No.24003258
Quoted by: >>24003286

She never said those two shows are her favorites, just among her favorites. She also likes things like Slow Start and kirara shows. Truth is that she have watched a lot of anime and often make references in her streams. She have said she can watch pretty much any genre and in a zatsudan not too long ago she decided to watch Hinako Note.

>> No.24003257

God I forgot Yomemi/Eilene did this.

>> No.24003259
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1587453053182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003304

only good girls can make this face

>> No.24003263


>> No.24003264

Ayame! She's a pure virgin!

>> No.24003265

the more a holo talks about sex the more pure they are.

>> No.24003267
Quoted by: >>24003315

I didn't even know Hiro streams.

>> No.24003268
File: 42 KB, 506x332, 1590364977974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf mom

>> No.24003270

Bros... what would you do if your favorite Holo graduated tomorrow...

>> No.24003271
File: 51 KB, 499x545, 35sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognize that file name...

>> No.24003273
Quoted by: >>24003294

I miss Moot...

>> No.24003275

Follow her roommate

>> No.24003276
File: 167 KB, 329x285, 1589411573025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003277


>> No.24003278
Quoted by: >>24003307

I still can't believe moot sold us out to this fag

>> No.24003282

Why is Wakame still streaming? Is she trying to pass up Kanatas 10 horas?

>> No.24003283
File: 438 KB, 501x443, 1590504815712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003302

No one mentioned Korone...

>> No.24003284

How about mechasexual?

>> No.24003286

Based Aquabro.

>> No.24003287

the original usage of this webm

>> No.24003288


>> No.24003290

Neck myself desu

>> No.24003293
File: 183 KB, 1439x1824, 6+3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003482


>> No.24003294

Moot was and is a fag but I kinda miss him too.

>> No.24003296

>haachama literally streams trying dick

>> No.24003301
Quoted by: >>24003303

Does this really happen ?
Who has a free chat ?
I only know that Leona has one.

The advantage of watching big vtubers is you don't make a bid difference, and it gives you the feeling she won't see your comments if it's not a superchat, which makes it easier to write something.

>> No.24003302
File: 872 KB, 1253x585, 1590685516714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003303

FBK and Choco.

>> No.24003304
File: 63 KB, 960x950, 1574825023388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and good bois as well

>> No.24003307

It was funny to me when it happened. I actually met Hiro a few years before he took over at a Nico streaming booth at a convention in London. I recognised him because I'm a fucking loser and when I went over to speak to him I saw that he was browsing the thread on /a/ that was following the Nico stream. Me and my friend got a picture with him but I lost it long ago.

Thanks for following my blog lmao

>> No.24003308

pekora would prob kill herself before they could graduate her. she mentally cant take another niconico failure

>> No.24003310

Uhh what does he even stream? His vids look like they're mostly just talking? Why does he get so many views?

>> No.24003311

Holos don't even have graduations.

>> No.24003313
File: 319 KB, 1536x2048, EWniB5PUYAsEmgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003337

Kanata is not wrong, it's only people who have "made it" say things like 'there's a chance' and 'you gotta try hard'. Because people who don't make it have nobody to hear them say anything. But that's why I love her. And I kinda want to hear all the "bad things" she's not telling, maybe because I'm starting to believe she is a real angel and not a character.

>> No.24003314
Quoted by: >>24003324

>spanish again
Roboco... why you too

>> No.24003315

He streams regularly. Mostly just talks about shit alcohol he bought.

>> No.24003316


>> No.24003321

It keeps happening.

>> No.24003323
Quoted by: >>24003375

Hiro is kind of internet famous.

>> No.24003324


>> No.24003325
Quoted by: >>24003361

Sora, Roboco, Miko, Shion, Flare, Watame, Kanata
The rest feels either fake or that something's not right

>> No.24003326
File: 85 KB, 287x287, 1584907335144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are gremlins they don't count

>> No.24003329
Quoted by: >>24003375

Are you pretending? It's not cute.

>> No.24003331

are you telling me he didn't interrupt you every sentence while going 'huh?' 'huh?' ?

>> No.24003335
File: 239 KB, 598x592, aruran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Risu is a good girl.

>> No.24003337
Quoted by: >>24003402

Good post. I still love my holo for telling me 'there's a chance' and 'you gotta try hard' though.

>> No.24003339

Does it mean we can go give him feedback directly on his youtube channel when he streams ?

>> No.24003341
File: 12 KB, 517x336, ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003365

>> No.24003342

Omeletto, Pizza dad.

>> No.24003343

Post the cutest clip of your favorite holo

>> No.24003346

Pizza Pistachio when

>> No.24003347
File: 1.16 MB, 1282x717, mi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003379

Why was it stopped in the first place?

>> No.24003348
File: 328 KB, 567x421, 897498273948273942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong with this girl?

>> No.24003349
File: 660 KB, 1036x615, bald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003365

>> No.24003350

well you heard watame, get to it anon

>> No.24003351


>> No.24003352

Nice, 'fuck me' sound clip from watame

>> No.24003354

>Even signing the Asacoco ending song
Ok, Watame has absolutely lost it. The Asacoco withdrawals are taking their toll hard.

>> No.24003355

Edited clip of Miko telling a story of one time she was reading One Piece

>> No.24003356
File: 137 KB, 947x997, 1590460337498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont compare my wife's gf to these things.

>> No.24003358

Based Pizza Dad

>> No.24003360

>Roboco about to speak thai now too
International holo...

>> No.24003361


>> No.24003362
File: 5 KB, 274x37, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sent this for ME.

>> No.24003363


>> No.24003365

Cute sheep

>> No.24003367

I feel like such a massive weeb every time i say "Haachama chama" but yet i can't stop

>> No.24003369


>> No.24003370

it's really cute how huge of an effect coco's format has on watame

>> No.24003372

First Fubuki and now Risu this Italian gets around...

>> No.24003374


>> No.24003375

I mean other than creating 2ch and then being run out of the jp community for selling their personal data to marketing firms, what else is he famous for?

>> No.24003376


>> No.24003378

Even Miko never reproduced this part for her Asamiko.

>> No.24003379

because of ARK

>> No.24003380

Watamechads where you at.

>> No.24003382
File: 91 KB, 293x243, Dont talking in the chat please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003385

All my favorites

>> No.24003386

She wouldn't have it any other way, kimowota

>> No.24003388
Quoted by: >>24003406

rich ojo sama tricked by tech parents into vtubing without ever developing a brain

>> No.24003389

I just realized but there's been a huge lack of haachama posting lately.

>> No.24003390

>other than being massively famous what is he famous for

>> No.24003392

Being one of the people in charge of NND when it launched.

>> No.24003395
File: 45 KB, 645x600, 1588195410162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well she sent this to ME!

>> No.24003402
File: 227 KB, 544x487, 1589810717683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's her saying it, I believe in it. I want to believe in it.

>> No.24003405


>> No.24003406
Quoted by: >>24003488

you know, it is kind of impressive with how nerdy Aqua is that she's not on the route for programming or something tech related. Maybe it's because of her love for singing that things turned out differently.

>> No.24003410

What is this sheep doing?

>> No.24003414
File: 369 KB, 1440x960, matsuri-recording.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003434

huh...that's weird....
where is matsuri going to record her next stream...?

>> No.24003419
File: 296 KB, 1448x2048, 1590457833713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do it for her

>> No.24003422

kissing this anon here >>24003362

>> No.24003425
File: 11 KB, 418x88, 1589693405060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003426

Saving Asacoco time slot

>> No.24003429
File: 92 KB, 2048x1152, EYsJma0UMAALB6I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri's time is almost over...

>> No.24003434

Recently I was watching a video about love hotels and they actually seem fun. I didn't know they could also be places to hang out to just game and eat.

>> No.24003436

Only Miko

>> No.24003437

I can't believe the Welsh are Germans now.

>> No.24003438


>> No.24003442

She's lonely

>> No.24003444
File: 583 KB, 220x215, suisei.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I genuinely mean it

>> No.24003446

that must be what she's doing!
just hanging out and gaming...

>> No.24003453
File: 112 KB, 1024x919, EYJYcdBUEAEhOTi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003454


>> No.24003457
Quoted by: >>24003654


>> No.24003460

watame beating the meat

>> No.24003462

Watame is slapping her meat live on stream

>> No.24003463
File: 2.83 MB, 616x1080, 1587811937988.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003549


>> No.24003464

Why is Noel so unsexy?

>> No.24003465


>> No.24003466

I can't believe Kanata made Coco stop doing Asacoco so she wouldn't have an excuse to talk to Watame

>> No.24003468


>> No.24003469

Hi Watame !

>> No.24003471
File: 2.87 MB, 796x960, 1590471611621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this Shotacomrade...

>> No.24003472

who the fuck is that dragon

>> No.24003473

I want to play games and eat with you anon.

>> No.24003475

this sheep man.....

>> No.24003476

Matsuri is such a good senpai

>> No.24003477

Guys I think Watame might be going insane.

>> No.24003479

>eroge collab
Can we drop the narrative that hololive is a idol company? this is akin to a idol saying her dream is to participate in a JAV. If it was a idol company, Miko would've graduated already.

>> No.24003481

Is Akirose Nthal and Zion okay with this?

>> No.24003482

Nice Tower even if the fishnets are in reverse

>> No.24003483

Anon, all of gen 4 was insane from the start

>> No.24003485

>sheep going insane
nice one
thats like saying pekora's getting depressed

>> No.24003488

Feels bad knowing we won't get "Aqua creates a Unity game marathon" stream.

>> No.24003489
Quoted by: >>24003865

You can cameo in an a porn game/actual porn without showing the character naked or getting fucked.

>> No.24003490
Quoted by: >>24003506


>> No.24003491

She was insane from the start

>> No.24003492

The jews fear the sheep.

>> No.24003496
Quoted by: >>24003509

yagoo only wanted the finest menheras

>> No.24003497
Quoted by: >>24003505


>> No.24003500

Watame's been crazy from day 1.

>> No.24003503

Party Hard

>> No.24003505


>> No.24003506

Alri adolf.

>> No.24003509

So that’s why he let Suisei in

>> No.24003511


>> No.24003513
Quoted by: >>24003523


>> No.24003515
File: 77 KB, 410x482, 9b5.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess fucked in the head works too

>> No.24003517
Quoted by: >>24003526

guys i think anon might be

>> No.24003520
File: 938 KB, 1062x597, 1590234836659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife!

>> No.24003521

ding ding ding

>> No.24003523

I can't get enough of these clips.

>> No.24003524

I grabbed my sister's MacBook when she was napping and I got onto her YouTube channel and subscribed to all the Holostars

>> No.24003525

I can't believe Matsuri is reclining

>> No.24003526

might be what? HELLO?

>> No.24003527
Quoted by: >>24003544

I'm back. how have your reps been? can you understand the holos yet

>> No.24003528


>> No.24003534
File: 1.21 MB, 1278x715, watame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is she so bubbly and bouncy

>> No.24003535


>> No.24003540

yosuga no sora

>> No.24003541

Good man

>> No.24003544

Surprisingly yes. Reps reminded me of certain words I missed that sound similar to others.

>> No.24003548
Quoted by: >>24003593

Does she really close her eyes to get this face ?
Her irl face expressions must be really cute.

>> No.24003549

Cute Zordon!

>> No.24003550
File: 166 KB, 407x371, 1588650771574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you offer your shota to suisei?

>> No.24003551

lack of sleep
brain damage

>> No.24003554

Who will win?, Who's next?

>> No.24003556

She's a sheep
Sheep are made out of cotton

>> No.24003557

Who wouldn't?

>> No.24003562

Delightfully devilish, anon.

>> No.24003564
Quoted by: >>24003580

She's stupid

>> No.24003566

Who's the girl on the right?

>> No.24003567
Quoted by: >>24003590

You just destroyed the last remaining chances your family had to have an offspring.
Congratulations !

>> No.24003568
Quoted by: >>24003578

I'd leave a fake mannequin shota sitting under a box with a stick holding it up, and when Suisei comes to claim him I close the box and trap her.

>> No.24003569

Oh no

>> No.24003571

did yagoo have a mental health issue check mark on his idol application and hire all the ones that answered yes?

>> No.24003572

I see Haato wants to be embarrassed on international TV again

>> No.24003573


>> No.24003575

Animals are like that.

>> No.24003576
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1587554251870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003615

>Sheep are made out of cotton

>> No.24003578


>> No.24003579

If this is true she's gonna be so fucking confused.

>> No.24003580

Aqua and Choco ASMR collab when...

>> No.24003583

Stop posting Haato.

>> No.24003585
File: 133 KB, 720x720, Haachama.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003587
Quoted by: >>24003624


your wife is quite precious

>> No.24003590

I mean he can always fuck his sister so theres that

>> No.24003591
Quoted by: >>24003601

her heart would stop functioning if she's stops moving for more than 2 minutes

>> No.24003593
Quoted by: >>24003671

a lot of the girls have fairly accurate face tracking so i'd assume she closed her eyes

>> No.24003595

Is Haachama the only chuuba dumb enough to force Coco to switch from her normal boke role to the tsukkomi?

>> No.24003601
Quoted by: >>24003606

Is this also why she doesn't sleep? Would sleep kill her?

>> No.24003602

If there was a fujoshit pandering Holo who was gay my sister would love them. I don't think there is though.

>> No.24003603
File: 101 KB, 405x234, muhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003608


>> No.24003606

it would be extremely painful

>> No.24003607
Quoted by: >>24003627

Yup, he's saving these poor girls

>> No.24003608


>> No.24003609
Quoted by: >>24003614


>> No.24003612
File: 52 KB, 518x680, ETJSdy6VAAEgBBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheep are made out of cotton

>> No.24003614

I want to bully that sleepy womb!

>> No.24003615

It's true, that's what all the white stuff is. It's the cotton from the inside coming out.

>> No.24003616
File: 448 KB, 544x490, shep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder what she is planning?

>> No.24003617

Oh god Matsuri would look so great with Hoshikawas outfit

>> No.24003619
File: 2.79 MB, 1575x2100, 1590675542868-jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003632

I want to marry suisei, scoop up my cum, put it in my mouth and drool it into her pussy

>> No.24003620

I thought 35p were kidding when they said she did this.

>> No.24003624
File: 189 KB, 1200x1600, 1590240613176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply the best

>> No.24003627

i could believe it honestly
only holo hes ever fired was a thief

>> No.24003628
File: 403 KB, 1500x1800, PSX_20200528_060826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24003632
File: 62 KB, 640x1385, 1589531302352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003633

>tfw never watch Coco's singing stream
>that track list

>> No.24003637

bunnys.....eggs oh i get it.
i know whos egg she wants

>> No.24003639
File: 274 KB, 986x1286, PSX_20200528_060923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003648


>> No.24003643

This makes me miserable.

>> No.24003647
File: 516 KB, 1756x2479, 1590048632041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't Suisei rejected by YAGOO at first?

>1st job interview
>YAGOO: What's your menhera?
>Suisei: Nani? I have none...
>YAGOO: Don't call us, we'll call you.

>2nd job interview
>Suisei: I'm a shotacon.
>YAGOO: Can you start right now?

>> No.24003648
File: 181 KB, 889x806, PSX_20200528_061742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003650


>> No.24003653
Quoted by: >>24003673

I don't get your point. There are a bunch with nothing wrong with them that have completely normal lives.

>> No.24003654

Wait what. Is that Rushia's 3D or live2d? That movement was amazing.

>> No.24003664
Quoted by: >>24003692

I forgot about this cute clip. Her current hair doesn't wave as much...

>> No.24003667

If I removed the harp would she die?

>> No.24003668

You can tell it's 2D from the neck.

>> No.24003669

Long neck implies that is the live2D

>> No.24003670

Usada Pekora interacting with a male would be like dropping a third atomic bomb on Japan.

>> No.24003671

I am now trying to imagine how she looks like when she is doing this.
I get the feeling her cute expressions carry over to her normal interactions outside of her vtuber activity.

>> No.24003672

>what's your menhera
>I can't deal with rejection
>Don't call us, you're out
>what? :'(
>Okay, now you're in.

>> No.24003673
Quoted by: >>24003763

if this is not a joke anon
I must ask if you ever been called special
because you really really are "special" if this is not a joke

>> No.24003676

I can't believe she accidentally ate Pekora's precious egg

>> No.24003677

Rushia despite being a technological caveman she has really good control of her model

>> No.24003679

>The size of those areolas
Very nice.

>> No.24003681

Suisei....Give me the Kanata collab now please....

>> No.24003683

>New collab announced
>Rushia and Pekora collab with Holostars
Can you fucking imagine the fallout.

>> No.24003686

Whose your favorite HoloEN so far guys? Mine is

>> No.24003689


>> No.24003692

it's because she's using her short hair model right now. I hope she preps the long hair again soon.

>> No.24003693
File: 406 KB, 458x515, 2020-05-28_17-58-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003695
Quoted by: >>24003721


>> No.24003698

she not capable
even in old videos she fears men and will verbally abuse them as soon as she meets them

>> No.24003699
Quoted by: >>24003739

I can't believe they hired Nyanners for HololiveEN

>> No.24003701

Why is third gen like this?

>> No.24003704

I would totally watch them play fallout

>> No.24003705


>> No.24003706

yagoo would create an apology video that later ends in his suicide and the holostar is forced to retire after death threats

>> No.24003708
File: 167 KB, 423x335, Suisei finds her target.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying she didn't use her relationship with the Bratva and the Yakuza to make YAGOO rethink his decision

>> No.24003710

When will korone stream with kaoru?

>> No.24003712
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwG4qS3JhYnOlM6M8z3A0rOQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003753

Sugita is not a man?

>> No.24003713

Marine outshone everyone in the backup singers

>> No.24003714

Is it just me or is that dance move that starts at around 25 seconds really awkward looking

>> No.24003716

This made me remember that I like Coco's English voice a lot better than her Japanese one. She sounds actually attractive in English. First noticed it during the one stream where whoever uses English has to speak English until the next Holo messes up. Coco's singing is nice on that note.

>> No.24003718

YAGOO dogeza.

>> No.24003720

They know their audience and wants to cater to them, there is nothing wrong with that.
I'd only accept Sugita for Pekora.

>> No.24003721

The cutest!

>> No.24003722

If it was a miserable old guy she'd find him cute

>> No.24003727

Any other holos talk about dealing with guys? I know Miko said that she had a harder time talking to guys when she was younger but got better about it.

>> No.24003728
Quoted by: >>24003747

I like the MV, but the music is pretty meh. Hololives don't really have good original musics.

>> No.24003730

I can see someone setting the Cover office on fire

>> No.24003732
Quoted by: >>24003886

Those words and that smile. Is there a more perfect Choco moment?

>> No.24003735


>> No.24003738

god I wish that were me

>> No.24003739

Not just 1 nyanners, but like 5 of them!

>> No.24003740


>> No.24003741
Quoted by: >>24003765

He has probably gone through some bad things in his life and improved himself to change his life which make him appreciate people who try to overcome their issues and appreciate them more.
He also wants to help people who went through similar issues.
He would fit in with /biz/ quite well.

>> No.24003743
Quoted by: >>24003831

That's because her Japanese voice is super fake, she's exaggerating how foreign she sounds when she speaks Japanese as part of her character.

>> No.24003744
Quoted by: >>24003770

Suisei sounds like a real singer here.

>> No.24003745

Pekora did that to all the people she talked to though...

>> No.24003747
Quoted by: >>24003771

>Saga Jihen
>Hololive original music

>> No.24003748
File: 667 KB, 1000x1397, EZHDC2kUEAAtYns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24003751

dat quick facial expression switch

>> No.24003753

He a cute girl tho.

>> No.24003755


>> No.24003761
File: 1.87 MB, 1274x716, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-chan is a pretty good DJ, and has a great L2d to boot

>> No.24003763

No I have not been called that.
I just don't see what mental illness for example Ayame, Marine or Watame have.
Answer without spouting shitty memes.

>> No.24003765
Quoted by: >>24003839

They could make a movie on his life, from rice farmer to internet tard wrangler.

>> No.24003766
File: 326 KB, 1110x1056, 1585670132136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more Iofi Subaru collab or Haato without her limiter please.

>> No.24003768
File: 322 KB, 1383x2047, EVjtzMBUMAArzju (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wouldn't bully this, would you?

>> No.24003770

I don't like Suisei very much, but I have to admit I like the singing in this.

>> No.24003771
Quoted by: >>24003780

Well, it's not a good cover either.

>> No.24003773

did watame really just play minecraft for 7 hours?

>> No.24003775

I want a Risu collab...

>> No.24003781

A-chan for HoloFes 2!

>> No.24003780
Quoted by: >>24003835

we get it, you're a contrarian.

>> No.24003782

Someone marry sensei you've got 5 years

>> No.24003785


>> No.24003786

Never. I'd give her my lunch money so she'd never have to eat paper again.

>> No.24003787

Iofi Subaru collab was surprisingly fun to watch. I don't even watch Subaru and enjoyed it.

>> No.24003788

nah shes like brutally savage to men no mercy
but with women... just watch her superbunny streams she will even hit on them but when they tries to hit on her back she attacks

>> No.24003790
Quoted by: >>24003810

I want this girl to get her own channel! Yagoo make it happen already!

>> No.24003792

>Haato without her limiter
Is the world even capable of handling retardation that powerful?

>> No.24003793

That's just her regular minecraft stream length?

>> No.24003795

I wish Suisei would stop shouting and use vibrato at the end of her notes.

>> No.24003800
File: 361 KB, 1773x551, Screenshot_2020-05-29 ホロARK最終決戦!!Aberration BOSS戦!!! - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the most random group ever. the chemistry is zero

>> No.24003799

I would bully her womb

>> No.24003803

Cute as HELL

>> No.24003806

But I want the comfy haato back...

>> No.24003807
File: 199 KB, 1280x1811, i-like-this-sort-of-thing-and-even-i-find-this-cursed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003822


>> No.24003808
Quoted by: >>24003824

She was building something, she had a blueprint and everything. I'm still not sure what the fuck it was though, even after seeing it finished.

>> No.24003809

Marine collabed with Ryuushen though, but I don't know if that doesn't count, because >male.

>> No.24003810

The sub-200k's would just instantly sudoku

>> No.24003812
Quoted by: >>24003895

Ayame is also kind of an idiot. Not on the same level as Aqua or Haato of course, but...

>> No.24003818

Aki and Choco have big chemistry

>> No.24003823

It's not that random, they all have something in common. Addicts. It's an intervention in disguise.

>> No.24003822

Delete this.

>> No.24003824

She was building a statue of flare in her mascots outfit

>> No.24003826

They don't have anyone else

>> No.24003827

I would COMB her hair

>> No.24003829


>> No.24003830

not only that, its fucking ark as well

>> No.24003831

>she's exaggerating how foreign she sounds
She definitely was for a few days after she debuted but I doubt she is anymore. You can look at her other self's content and see it clearly develop and change over time as her Japanese improves.

>> No.24003835
Quoted by: >>24003892

Nah, I just think that Okayu is the best singer of the bunch.

>> No.24003837

What was the problem with aberration? the learning curve?

>> No.24003839
Quoted by: >>24003853

It's strange there is nothing like this yet.
Is there no interview where someone asked why he chose to make a vtuber group ?
What caused him to become an entrepreneur ?

>> No.24003840
Quoted by: >>24003875

I got a Japanese copyright claim for posting these with the text inserted in them on Twitter, so I deleted the post, block the claim holder, and reposted them here anonymously.

Hete it is:
>初めまして。 大変恐れ入りますが、著作物への無断での文字入れ、トリミング、転載は全て著作権侵害に当たりますので御遠慮ください。即刻削除をお願い申し上げます。

>> No.24003841
Quoted by: >>24003850

How can you even swoon someone who's got all the money in the world

>> No.24003844
Quoted by: >>24003874

go watch some of the old aki miko collabs

>> No.24003845

The only people who even play ARK anymore. Literally nobody else to invite to such a group.

>> No.24003850
Quoted by: >>24003867

ever heard of the DENNIS-system?

>> No.24003852

There has been a Coco/Choco/Aki stream and a Coco/Miko/Aki stream and both were a lot of fun.

>> No.24003853
Quoted by: >>24004002

Did you really not see the video where he says the Sora boom lead to this where previously it was just a tech company? This is like standard knowledge.

>> No.24003860

Don't anons keep on posting the picture of Aki and Choco kissing together? Did they break up?

>> No.24003861
Quoted by: >>24003890

everything is so fucking dark and no comfy Miko flying on NTRbirb...

>> No.24003863
Quoted by: >>24003890

The absence of flying mounts probably. The closest thing you could get was a rock drake which can only be tamed via stealing eggs. Without the flying mounts getting around quickly to others is difficult if they are not in the same spot

>> No.24003865

Why want a eroge collab if not for eroge things? Then any collab would do.

>> No.24003867

But that's not a loving marriage...

>> No.24003868

How new?

>> No.24003871

When she started weighing stuff.
I love haachama

>> No.24003873

ARK addicts and relatively speaking they're the more practical adult members of hololive. There's plenty in common.

>> No.24003874

most of the people here started watching recently, they won't remember miko collabing with aki for views

>> No.24003875
Quoted by: >>24004055

To be fair, if I drew that picture and you re-posted it cropped with some nonsense that I didn't understand written on it, I'd probably not be pleased either.

>> No.24003881

Haato walked into Yagoo's office one day and asked him "is it okay if i vomit live on stream"?

>> No.24003885
Quoted by: >>24003917

the novelty of saying you did it. Why do people sign up to be background extras in movies if they aren't acting?

>> No.24003886

any time she's not streaming is a perfect choco moment

>> No.24003889
File: 2.45 MB, 1400x2000, 1590062183872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003924

Duck idol's lovely voice!

>> No.24003890

I actuaclly couldn't stand the argent exploring

>> No.24003892

that's what I said, you're a contrarian

>> No.24003895
Quoted by: >>24003980

She's also pretty lazy. She just likes to sleep, play video games and watch animal videos on youtube.
Not sure why she doesn't stream more, she seems like a massive homebody.

>> No.24003898
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, graduation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the life expectancy of a vtuber before the graduation?


>> No.24003900

Animal Crossing.

>> No.24003904
Quoted by: >>24004089


>> No.24003905
File: 410 KB, 997x391, gay rabbit noises .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for reference of how gay pekora is
she tries to softly hit on pp angel
angel calls her her pet taking away her tiny bit of dominance she had causing her to go nuts

>> No.24003909
Quoted by: >>24004117

Ayame has a voice which can be compared to a cheat code which would allow her to work as a seiyuu or in every other industry where she would have to talk in front of groups as a representative.
But she prefers to stay inside her home and stream with a virtual avatar.
She must have some kind of issue which makes it hard for her to have success without a virtual avatar.

>> No.24003911
Quoted by: >>24003954

How has some nutjob not managed to piece together her appearance from reflections in this video yet?

>> No.24003916
Quoted by: >>24003941

4 years

>> No.24003917

>Why want a eroge collab if not for eroge things?
Miko absolutely loves eroge. Of course it has to be an eroge. Being officially a part of one is partially this >>24003885 and for the symbolic meaning of being a part of a medium you love.

>> No.24003919

Who's the MOST menhera holo?

>> No.24003924
Quoted by: >>24003963

Fear of the duck! I have a constant feeling that something's always here.

>> No.24003926
Quoted by: >>24003973

reminder that haato is a 1st gen holo. let that sink in

>> No.24003930

Miko has extensively argued that she is an idol desu

>> No.24003931

Noel > Towa > Shion

>> No.24003933
Quoted by: >>24004008

Imagine seeing this tiny asian girl with her phone out walking around the store like an idiot. She's so fucking adorable

>> No.24003941

This. Choco only further confirms it.

>> No.24003945
Quoted by: >>24003990

i wish...

>> No.24003946
Quoted by: >>24003996

kusa this happened in the sio collab too

>> No.24003948

Subaru. The normal ones are usually the most mentally unstable and are just hiding it well.

>> No.24003950
Quoted by: >>24004116

Yeah, except right afterwards Pekora flips out and says that PPT is the rabbits' pet

>> No.24003953
File: 154 KB, 1200x1000, 1589406254662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24003954

I know you joke, but the reflection is so shit there's nothing really visible anyways.

>> No.24003955
Quoted by: >>24004117

Watame did not grow up in a normal family and has no role model for parents with children (no father figure ?).
This is also the reason she doesn't want to have a family as she can't imagine it.
To end up with your grandmother as a parent means your parents fucked up enough to not want you or to not be able to take care of you.

She must have went through some bad things in life which made it impossible for her to relate to most normal people with a standard family, and she couldn't fit in with the standard wage slave work but had to endure some low skilled works to survive which made her learn the value of money.

>> No.24003957
Quoted by: >>24004006


she's borderline normie, retard.

>> No.24003958


>> No.24003961
File: 77 KB, 461x461, 赤井はあと.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haato's last stream

>> No.24003963
File: 140 KB, 332x304, 1590186391788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I want to hear her singing it

>> No.24003967

Is Shion a masochist or is it because of her constant smug face?

>> No.24003968
Quoted by: >>24004009


>> No.24003973

Do her and festival get along well?

>> No.24003975
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24003983

she can be both
just look how brightly this idol shined!

>> No.24003980

Talking is too much effort, probably.

>> No.24003983

Eugene softly swaying in the back and also softly singing along was great

>> No.24003986


>> No.24003990
Quoted by: >>24004014

You know what? Not bad.

>> No.24003994

>watame what's your ultimate aim?
>to become god

>> No.24003996

glass cannon like matsuri but instead of getting shy it self destructs

>> No.24004002

I only saw the interview where he wanted to create an AKB48 vtuber group.
Do you have a link ?
Does he talk about his personal motives in it ?

>> No.24004004

He L2d is better than a lot of the holos, it's pretty funny

>> No.24004006

Towa just hides her powerlevel, she is clearly a massive dork

>> No.24004008

I'm impressed she hasn't got any reflection of her in that video. Maybe some poor Cover employee scoured the raw video and edited it.

>> No.24004009

Watching the fight in all three windows was great. Everyone got a good death scene.

>> No.24004011

I don't know why you guys joke about every hololive members being menhera when about half of them are stable. If you don't believe me consider this list


>> No.24004012
Quoted by: >>24004022

There's nothing on... Holo EN... save us...

>> No.24004014

dude is pretty good at what he does, but unfortunately the VRchat-tubers aren't actually interested in Vtubers or Hololive so none of them auditioned. It's a shame because there's actually pretty talented people in there

>> No.24004016



>> No.24004018

What does Towa think of her R18 art?

>> No.24004019


>> No.24004022
Quoted by: >>24004137

yeah watame is mental
watame is on

>> No.24004023
Quoted by: >>24004044

I like how Subaru implies that Noel would wouldn't fight back if you slapped her around

>> No.24004025


>> No.24004026

What's your wish collab?

>> No.24004027

Which Holo can you beat in a fist fight? Most of them seem to have tard strength.

>> No.24004028

Rushia is unironically probably the most menhera

>> No.24004029

Eugene A is very supportive of her girls

>> No.24004031
Quoted by: >>24004048

Fubuki wouldn't fight back, she'd be glad for someone to end it all.

>> No.24004032

Based list

>> No.24004034

mother coco gonna beat haatos ass for asmr stream

>> No.24004035
File: 103 KB, 1050x1000, 1572726737413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004037

you can 100% take Rushia off that list.

>> No.24004040
Quoted by: >>24004048

Fubuki would be glad to finally recieve something, even if it's a beating.

>> No.24004041
Quoted by: >>24004051

No those were just your SEA fans Towa

>> No.24004043
Quoted by: >>24004073

haachama why

>> No.24004044

Noel must be scary, the fuck... Aqua said something about her that I forgot too. Basically Noel did a power move with Aqua.

>> No.24004046
Quoted by: >>24004058

Flare is like actually autistic so I don’t think she can be called completely stable

>> No.24004048


>> No.24004049
File: 143 KB, 242x311, Chips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we get sheep to sleep?

>> No.24004051
File: 24 KB, 748x353, 1571289962465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004055

That's fair. But so is mass-distributing what some people don't like using every means necessary.
To be fair, all is fair in love and war.

>> No.24004056

Towa menhera tweets... just like Coco said...

>> No.24004057

None of them. I'd rather have them beat me up.

>> No.24004058

Flare isn't unstable like her wife though either

>> No.24004059

Oni and debiru!

>> No.24004060
Quoted by: >>24004079

kill her

>> No.24004063
Quoted by: >>24004084

Didn't Flare sperg out after seeing Miko's chart

>> No.24004065
Quoted by: >>24004074

feed her superchats untill she feels bad and fucks off

>> No.24004070

giving her some dragon juice

>> No.24004072

A menhera is good for recognising other menheras
They are both cute tho

>> No.24004073
File: 54 KB, 615x634, proteccherhaatons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004074


>> No.24004079
Quoted by: >>24004090

Tasty mutton.

>> No.24004084

Yes, and there have been other things in the past we picked on and came to conclusion she definitely has autistic tendencies for real.

>> No.24004086


>> No.24004088
File: 1.16 MB, 1238x1500, IMG_20200528_193242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving her food Korone

>> No.24004089

if we still had ASACOCO this week Aki would be more popular. After her drake went down in flames she spent like 10 minutes running around surface Reaper kings

>> No.24004090

Mutton is gross, you gotta get them when they are young for tasty lamb.

>> No.24004094

can we get matsuri to try to tame the wild rabbit

>> No.24004096

Coco said her father had all his stats in INT but was horrible in everything else.
She also said her mother made all the decisions in her household and her father mainly obeyed them, and that her parents rarely talk.
This means she had no proper father (men) figure in her life like most of us, which is the biggest reason for a fucked up life.

This is also the reason she likes the Yakuza games so much as the main character is an idealized form of the father she wanted to have.

>> No.24004102
Quoted by: >>24004123

matsuri doesn't tame, just gets tamed
see hoshikawa

>> No.24004104
File: 210 KB, 1200x1500, EYURzeBUEAct3TB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's growing bigger!

>> No.24004106
Quoted by: >>24004123

You keep that rancid slut away from Peko.

>> No.24004107

The idea behind labeling her a menhera was the same as making fun of Watame's internet connection. Her acting like that and the sheep disconnecting were things that were sure to keep happening but if you make a joke out of it then everyone can look at it in a lighthearted way from that point onward.

>> No.24004110

https://files.catbox.moe/hmftyt.webm Good times. I wish Aqua and Ayame did more things together again like they used to.

>> No.24004115

Good, she can do whatever she likes, but if other girls don't want to collab with cuck fags, EOPs then need to shut fuck up about "muh idol culture bad". Same goes for idolfags.

>> No.24004116
File: 211 KB, 1200x1200, EWNr6MHUcAExE11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbits were the only thing that distracted Kanata from her stream today, so maybe she is thier pet

>> No.24004117
Quoted by: >>24004187

Ok one more to go.
I still don't see anything wrong with Ayame.

>> No.24004118
Quoted by: >>24004132

nice narrative

>> No.24004119
File: 328 KB, 767x778, EZHT3jHVcAAPAkz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004128

もぐもぐ okayubros, just woke up from a nice siesta, how's the cat doing today?

>> No.24004120
Quoted by: >>24004132

This isn't even a narrative, it's just projection.

>> No.24004123
Quoted by: >>24004143

we need a rabbit tamer
peko needs to talk to a yuri slut to break her tsundereness

>> No.24004128
Quoted by: >>24004133

She's mogu moguing everything in sight

>> No.24004130
Quoted by: >>24004139

Is sheep STILL going?!

>> No.24004132

She said this in one of her streams this week.

>> No.24004133


>> No.24004134

I love that trio

>> No.24004136

Japanese studs help me out here.

I just saw a clip where Miko said 大きいなおっぱい (big boobs), but 大きい is an i-adjective, so why is the な added in there?

>> No.24004137

What the hell i thought she finished around when roboco finished she even said for people to move over at one point only to realize she was ending.

>> No.24004139


>> No.24004143

Refer to the Peko storytime about her (first?) big collab. First person she talked to was Matsuri and she couldn't even maintain small talk. Then went full tsun when Matsuri delivered tactical headpats

>> No.24004148
Quoted by: >>24004155

Thinking that the way they graduate from hololive is actually like this makes me sad

>> No.24004152

Interesting post. Really made me think.

>> No.24004154

oni power...

>> No.24004155
Quoted by: >>24004164

Anyone collabing with Holostars don't ng it as their last action before graduating confirmed? I like this narrative.

>> No.24004156
Quoted by: >>24004178

what a broken rabbit.....

>> No.24004160

triple... accel...

>> No.24004163

protect her from nightmares please

>> No.24004164

Doing* it as

>> No.24004165

Aqua's mic sounds so different there, it's like a different world.

>> No.24004167

Holos really like Michael Jackson.

>> No.24004172

He was pretty big.

>> No.24004177

Aqua won't collab with anyone, and Ayame won't collab with anyone who doesn't ask her. It's a sad state of affairs.

>> No.24004178
Quoted by: >>24004234

I mean maybe it's because of my filthy baka gaijin nature, but apparently Peko's brilliant idea for small talk was to creep on Matsuri's phone while she was reading manga on it.

Festival seemed to take it in stride, going by how the rabbit described it, but anyone who thinks starting a conversation from looking at someone's phone screen is probably not the best at normal socialization.

>> No.24004179

He was big enough to be popular in North Korea of all places

>> No.24004180
File: 585 KB, 566x758, 1584537069515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004193

Who are the least watched Hololive members in this thread? Shion gets shitposted a lot but I don't think I've ever seen anyone discuss her streams.

>> No.24004182

>one is an oversleeping kusogaki
>the other is a lazy oni
The gamer maid just can't win.

>> No.24004183

dude was a global sensation.

>> No.24004184

Sora and Towa

>> No.24004186

He is one of the most legendary artists to have lived so it is not surprise.

>> No.24004187

It's hard to analyze Ayame without enough content and comments on her life.
The only thing I could add is that she is the only Hololive who continues to use her character instead of her own personality as she still refers to her viewers as humans.
While she seems relatively healthy she may have some self-esteem issues which could be the reason she does not stream often and makes so much efforts to keep her character as a mask to protect her ego.
The less you put in a virtual personality the less damage you take from attacks.
Her antis may have caused her reduced streaming activity for some time even if she seemed to ignore it.

For Marine I don't know her enough to make an analysis.
Do you have some videos where she talks about her past ?

>> No.24004189

4 u

>> No.24004190


>> No.24004193
Quoted by: >>24004214

Mio and Mel for sure.

>> No.24004195

Who doesn't?

>> No.24004196
Quoted by: >>24004217

Thriller is literally the best selling album of all time

>> No.24004199
Quoted by: >>24004237

she probably said 大きな, for whatever reason 大きい has a na-adjective version. It means the same thing.

>> No.24004200
Quoted by: >>24004237


>> No.24004203

Might be a little different today with Pekora's air of success boosting her confidence. She's since really settled into her character.

>> No.24004204
Quoted by: >>24004213

my favorite
all else, especially your favorite, are depraved sluts

>> No.24004206

>Literally the dancing video
Even an armchair psychiatrist can observe her silently furious reaction to a 20-something chick asking you how old you really are to indicate insecurity in being an older woman surrounded by a crowd of younger ones

>> No.24004212
File: 1.49 MB, 4096x7110, Nekomata Okayu - Okayu's History With Ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24004213

But my favorite IS your favorite

>> No.24004214


>> No.24004216

how much money do I need to supacha Towa for her to rate my cock?

>> No.24004217

You just reminded me there needs to be a hololive thriller MMD

>> No.24004218
Quoted by: >>24004255

This clip still gets me.

>> No.24004221
Quoted by: >>24004232

Why did Watame take a break too? She could have gained more views if she filled the asacoco void.

>> No.24004222


>> No.24004224
Quoted by: >>24004249

The music video is legendary as fuck, I would love to see it.

>> No.24004225
File: 468 KB, 600x450, 1587595405328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squeeeazing za jews

>> No.24004227
Quoted by: >>24004292

It'll cost you one lifetime marriage to the debiru.

>> No.24004229

You need to drop an akasupa for her to rate your akasupa

>> No.24004228

also the way matsuri quickly backtracked and apologized
she wouldnt have done that if it was just a joke

>> No.24004231

Would Okayu share some of her ramen with me?

>> No.24004232

She's sleeping with Coco. The double break was to make more time for it.

>> No.24004234

The whole of third gen can't even make eye contact according to the dragon.

>> No.24004233

I don't get it

>> No.24004236

She really is an incredible philosopher

>> No.24004237

Thanks goys

>> No.24004239

>Okayu couldn't slurp noodles without specifically training for it
>Korone can't gulp down her drink without sounding like she's being waterboarded

>> No.24004242

Yeah, the rushed "ごめんなさい, ごめんなさい" double tap definitely gave it an air of "Matsuri realized she might have crossed a real line"

>> No.24004246

YAGOO seppuku

>> No.24004247

Someone explain this fat logic to me.

>> No.24004249

There was one with boatgirls years ago but it seems like that kind of creative OC is less common lately

>> No.24004254

Open up literally any Marine zatsudan and there will usually be some IRL story. She seems completely normal.

That's literally a joke she herself plays up all the time and she is only 27. The stream title yesterday was the same joke.

>> No.24004255


>> No.24004258
Quoted by: >>24004359

>watame likes dynasty warriors

>> No.24004259
Quoted by: >>24004282

>She seems completely normal.
Narrativebros, work your powers.

>> No.24004261
Quoted by: >>24004284

you're reading far to into a joke anon.

>> No.24004262
Quoted by: >>24004271

when is yagoo gonna get actual in house therapists for his holos. hes gotta be thinking about it

>> No.24004264

I go back to work for one day and I missed what?!?

>> No.24004265
Quoted by: >>24004273

Is Watame just going to stream until someone else starts streaming before she stops?

>> No.24004266

>She seems completely normal.
Literally nothing normal about a 28 year old virgin

>> No.24004267
Quoted by: >>24004319


>> No.24004271

One of Gen 5 will be a therapist, no point in paying two separate people.

>> No.24004273

if she does, she'll be going for another 4 hours

>> No.24004282
Quoted by: >>24004294

I heard from 5ch she regularly masquerades online as a literal cartoon and talks about her favorite danmaku series touhou.

>> No.24004284

>Festival literally saying ごめんなさい in an earnest, OOC voice instead of ごめん offhandedly
Yeah bro it was just a prank

>> No.24004289

She literally can't be virgin. Don't start this bullshit again.

>> No.24004292


>> No.24004293
Quoted by: >>24004706


>> No.24004294

just like the rabbit..........

>> No.24004295
Quoted by: >>24004326

Marine is genuinely hilarious.

>> No.24004296
Quoted by: >>24004312

the fact that you believe she even has a character means you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.24004303
Quoted by: >>24004322

Sorry, I forgot Jesus takes the virginity of every woman on their 18th birthday.

>> No.24004304

her own mother called her one you
actual retard

>> No.24004305

This reads like those psychoanalytical pretentious comments under translated Hololive clips

>> No.24004311

>Surprised she even tried to stream, game, and run live2d on a laptop.
Because 4900HS is 8c/16t

>> No.24004310


>> No.24004312
Quoted by: >>24004338

I know being unable to recognize faces is a sign of autism, is being incapable of hearing vocal inflection one too?

>> No.24004314

let the sheep talk bro...she's just lonely...

>> No.24004315

he was huge in japan and i feel like the media didn't cover the kid fucking part nearly as much other countries did.

>> No.24004316

What is there to apologize for when she is only like 6 years younger?

>> No.24004317

Guys, stop bullying narrativefags. They need this.

>> No.24004319

>13 out of 25
I really think if she just talked to english speakers frequently she'd be so good at it.

>> No.24004322

just ignore people who spend all their time wondering about the sex lives of people they'll never meet in person

>> No.24004326

Between her and Pekora, 3rd gen boasts the funniest comedians.

>> No.24004329

My Dad still thinks I am a virgin too because I have never had a GF. Who the fuck talks to their parents about their sex life?

>> No.24004337
File: 422 KB, 1980x1080, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You even can just tell what anon in this thread cant even understand basic human emotions in hololives and think its all acting. i feel sad for that anon

>> No.24004338
Quoted by: >>24004364

you can try to ad hom all you want, but at the end of the day you still have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.24004341

Bros... If Marine is a virgin I am flying to Tokyo right now

>> No.24004347

She's her own father, she payed for her college and more.

>> No.24004350

you are a fucking retard and i can prob pinpoint every retarded post you have made

>> No.24004351

The end of Mio's video the other day should tell you all you need to know about the Holos and how "real" they are.

>> No.24004353
Quoted by: >>24004362

Good luck getting there with no passport.

>> No.24004354

Is this a joke?

>> No.24004359

She better be a Wei supporter.

>> No.24004362

What makes you think I don't have one?

>> No.24004363

If your parents didn't pay a prostitute for you after your 20th birthday they don't love you

>> No.24004364
Quoted by: >>24004389

>Doesn't think Matsuri has a distinct character voice from her normal voice
>t. never watched her twitcasts or any other zatsudan by her

>> No.24004365


>> No.24004366

I wish. Maybe I hold her too high but I doubt a girl as good as her would go to her late twenties without finding a boyfriend.

>> No.24004367

Yeah because all of them do the exact same kind of performance, right?

>> No.24004368

Good luck finding her among 7,111,611 people.
Well you'd probably limit yourself to a particular age group and it'd be more like 1-2 million, but still, 1 in 2 million.

>> No.24004369

Prime burger hours with the everything is fake narratives again. I hate being stuck in the time loop

>> No.24004372

Narratives keep this thread alive never forget that

>> No.24004373
File: 189 KB, 1020x1447, 608fdbb1f2243849685de24c372ae745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs someone to use her dying WOMB before it dries out

>> No.24004377

at last the sheep is shleep..

>> No.24004378

I know where most of the holos live, and I'm planning on going there when this korone virus blows over.

>> No.24004379

No, Marine literally said in in her stream the other day when she was talking about her parents egging her on about getting married and it's also when she revealed she was turning 28 this year. Still doesn't mean jack shit. Bitch is too hot to be a virgin. I don't care if she said she went to an all-girls school and was the office freak.

>> No.24004385
File: 98 KB, 338x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civia has good taste

>> No.24004386

Im glad she changed her voice, its way better now

>> No.24004388

what started the womb thing

>> No.24004389

I've watched all of her content, and she's extremely consistent between all of it.

>> No.24004391
File: 85 KB, 248x268, Luna18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004394
Quoted by: >>24004398


>> No.24004397
File: 28 KB, 605x185, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these dorks

>> No.24004398


>> No.24004399
File: 1.15 MB, 3840x2160, Screenshot (300).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this retard needs a nuke

>> No.24004403

what if she's just ugly

>> No.24004413
File: 29 KB, 860x906, 1575550846983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004414

It's about not reading too much into what they're doing. I'd rather listen to one of them say "I have trouble speaking to people" than hearing some bored, analytical nerd piece apart every interaction they have on the internet and then explain who they are instead of the vtuber themselves via actions or words.

Post clips fag.

>> No.24004416

She still has a womb

>> No.24004419
Quoted by: >>24004431

But I'm the one who said she can't be virgin. Why are you going off on me?
Also her only living parent is her dad.

>> No.24004422
Quoted by: >>24004433

She isn't. And no, I am not posting it so don't ask.

>> No.24004423
File: 764 KB, 1280x800, 兎田ぺこら.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004429

I never noticed that Pekora keeps carrots in her pockets too.

>> No.24004426

demon devil collab when?

>> No.24004429

Why does she carry so many carrots around with her

>> No.24004431

She has a step mom.

>> No.24004433
Quoted by: >>24004455

what if she's just gay

>> No.24004435


>> No.24004436

shut up retard

>> No.24004441
Quoted by: >>24004465

This might be the reason she likes to play games if she had to take on an adult role early as a child and was not allowed to be a carefree child enough in her childhood.
Usually you flee your family if they are toxic to your mental health.
This would suggest one of her parents is very manipulative, probably her mother.
Even if you are forced to take on the roles of adult and parent early in your childhood, you still crave a true role model later in your life, and to get back the time you could not be a child.

When you are forced to be an adult early in your life you still need someone to push you forward as a parent or have an idea of how to be your own parent.

>> No.24004445
File: 43 KB, 564x186, ksksksksksk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004460

Don't shitpost with Luna.

>> No.24004446

>Post any clip that illustrates your idiocy
>"Uh ackshully that was clearly a joke I win again =)"
Good bait

>> No.24004447
Quoted by: >>24004456

>no response
>no like
rip towa

>> No.24004449

Only 3 of those are me you sperg.

>> No.24004450

If the rabbit around her neck isn't appeased it'll strangle her to death.

>> No.24004451

Just find a random girl in Tokyo and pretend its her. They all look the same anyways

>> No.24004452

to pleasure herself and her girlfriend

>> No.24004454

When did Marine stream with her mother?

>> No.24004455

ok she might be gay

>> No.24004456


>> No.24004458

Stop assuming every anon that responds to you is one person.

>> No.24004460
File: 126 KB, 935x859, DxHgKN0U8AEDtlI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004466

cool i got both of you

>> No.24004461

>only 3
So you're only 50% retarded? Good to know.

>> No.24004465
Quoted by: >>24004518

Gonna need original ksonfags to weigh in on this.

>> No.24004466

based 9 bro

>> No.24004467
File: 29 KB, 493x172, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally none of these are me

>> No.24004469
File: 122 KB, 1113x624, 1586726628813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like a girl teaching her confused grandma how to play main cruft

>> No.24004472
Quoted by: >>24004507

Guys, nobody cares that you would marry Marine.

Marine is looking for a guy that isn't beneath her.

>> No.24004473

My grandma who lives in some small town in Syria knows about him

>> No.24004479

Wait, so if I start doing a different voice I can block all of my real emotions from coming out? Why didn't you tell me sooner? It could have saved me years of pain.

>> No.24004484
File: 145 KB, 358x299, 1590449169643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how to catch a retard 101
I impress myself

>> No.24004486
File: 741 B, 437x201, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What compelling evidence

>> No.24004491
Quoted by: >>24004496

miko and her grandma step sister wife idol!

>> No.24004492
Quoted by: >>24004501

Are you seriously still going with your epic 40 year old Marine vs 20 year old Matsuri narrative?

>> No.24004493
File: 41 KB, 395x185, IMG_4005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can 3 of those be you if one of them is mine and 2 are from the other anon?

>> No.24004496
Quoted by: >>24004559

That's a lot of adjectives

>> No.24004499
File: 2.35 MB, 292x298, 1567484568447.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004503

>> No.24004501

How can you tell Marine was telling the truth in her zatsudans? After all, it's impossible to tell by voice alone when someone is being serious or not :-)

>> No.24004502
File: 161 KB, 1280x1000, o73gsti29t051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrible editing skills anon

>> No.24004503
Quoted by: >>24004509

Roboco is sleepy

>> No.24004504

Did Marine have a stream with her mother like matsuri?

>> No.24004507
Quoted by: >>24004566

She's literally gay and has no interest in men anyways.

>> No.24004510
Quoted by: >>24004513

You have to go back

>> No.24004509
File: 311 KB, 2048x1441, 1589239354060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy Holos

>> No.24004511

Holo server....

>> No.24004513
Quoted by: >>24004522

Thats racist

>> No.24004514
File: 1.08 MB, 1382x733, ppt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004530

Our girl.

>> No.24004516
Quoted by: >>24004523

With how she is I'm 100% she's fucked some loser at a con just to see how it felt

>> No.24004518
Quoted by: >>24004528

I can't remember in which stream she said this, only that it was this week.
Does someone have a link to the stream where she talks of her family and how she moved out at 18 ?

>> No.24004520

Noel's Meniere's disease is acting up again...

>> No.24004522

Not really.

>> No.24004523
Quoted by: >>24004533

Which Holo is most likely to have fucked a dude in a con portapotty and why is it Miko?

>> No.24004524

Does your grandma know how to moonwalk?

>> No.24004525
Quoted by: >>24004531

telling hololive emotions is as easy as telling how fat Okayu is........ the nightmares haunt me

>> No.24004527

Will they be opening the MC holo server for tourism?

>> No.24004528


>> No.24004529

Yeah I don't see this happening. As much as I don't care I 100% know this would be fatal.

>> No.24004530
File: 122 KB, 916x2000, 1590415542667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of /hlg/, Amane Kanatan!

>> No.24004531

Okayu is a sexy fit cat with purple hair silly anon

>> No.24004533

Does Japan even have portyapottys?

>> No.24004534
Quoted by: >>24004545

What a cute boy!

>> No.24004536
Quoted by: >>24004545

Look at her go!
Because you can't hear her -- oh wait, that's HER that can't hear...

>> No.24004540
Quoted by: >>24004567

Of course she's lying
everyone knows Marine is like at least 35 and not fucking 20 like the idiot here says all the time

>> No.24004545


>> No.24004546
Quoted by: >>24004562

Post your

>> No.24004547

Cover should put duplicates of the server up for sale

>> No.24004551

>living alone after high school
LMAO. Coco is so full of fucking shit. This is why I can't take you faggots seriously when you talk about these stories they tell. She's obviously omitting the part where she went and lived with her boyfriend after high school.

>> No.24004552


>> No.24004556

Noel pads her chest

>> No.24004558
File: 181 KB, 768x999, 045d899d8b4ba58fcdde6d3284144db6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying is immoral.

>> No.24004559

sora's a complicated girl

>> No.24004561

Okayu is a fat powerlifter. Korone is helping her bulk so she can go up a weight class.

>> No.24004562

You'd laugh at it

>> No.24004565

China has a separate one I think.

>> No.24004567

Didn't autists already reference her talking about being a teenager when Pokemon red and green came out? Or was that someone else?

>> No.24004566

why do you talk when you have no clue what you're talking about?

>> No.24004576

She's way older than that you retards Watch clips sometime instead of talking out of your ass

>> No.24004580

May have been Korone, who is actually 35

>> No.24004582
Quoted by: >>24004588

Dude if that was true she would be like fucking 35

>> No.24004583

Which holos are turning crazy enough to mix up their real and their fictional selves?

>> No.24004584

Thank you !

>> No.24004588
Quoted by: >>24004599

Hmmmm it's almost like there's a pretty crystal fucking clear
there or something

>> No.24004589

Literally Luna. Bitch is literally 30 something and lies on Twitter about how she's in her mid 20s.

>> No.24004590

Tenque I rab yu!

>> No.24004591
Quoted by: >>24004606

Haato, australia has corrupted her

>> No.24004594

i dont know many 18 year old couples that live together

>> No.24004595

That's a good way to get a herniated disc, Aqua

>> No.24004599
Quoted by: >>24004638

I am just gonna believe what she says about her being 28 and tell you and the rest of your little narrativefag buddies to fuck off.

>> No.24004600

Haachama is going full DeviantArt instead of just acting like a degenerate
Either that, or she has an iron constitution to act out wanting to see a bunch of disgusting dude feet and then staring at them for an hour

>> No.24004601

Many have already adopted the persona as the person.

>> No.24004605

I love when Marine goes all feminine and mature

>> No.24004606
Quoted by: >>24004631

Haato has no character, it's all just her

>> No.24004609
Quoted by: >>24004632

Trust me, I know a bunch. Also Kson has talked about living with her boyfriend(s) before. Obviously she had to omit that part because people would get really angry.

>> No.24004614

Poor aqua was really dying here

>> No.24004616

Marine is 30-31, that is why she is sensitive about her age because she has just passed 30. If she was older or younger she wouldn't be making such a big deal.

>> No.24004623


>> No.24004624

PixARK is free right now, do you think it'll become the new fad?

>> No.24004631

You cant act out of character if you are the character

>> No.24004632
Quoted by: >>24004646

I wish I knew how to live alone at that age, not even alone, just away from parents. This is why you don't shelter your kids too much, end up growing up not knowing how to do shit.

>> No.24004634

Did she say she's just barely still in her 20s?

>> No.24004636

>women are sensitive about their ages
Perish the thought!

>> No.24004637
File: 136 KB, 885x1254, orig[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004638
Quoted by: >>24004649

Stay fucking fooled then retard
She got mad at Matsuri for real so she can't be 28

>> No.24004639

Do they even have a "real" self when all of their social interactions are done based on their vtuber identity ?

Imagine someone having all their social life interactions coming from 4chan.
What would be his real identity when all he knows is his anonymous identity ?

This virtual identity would be more real than the real one using fake masks to fit in society.

>> No.24004641
Quoted by: >>24004652

offline collabs when...

>> No.24004642

The boyfriend could have been a few years older.

>> No.24004645

Cosplaying as a pirate with Marine!

>> No.24004646

Living alone and being able to masturbate whenever you want and watch whatever you want without your parents bothering you is amazing. I started saving up for a home as soon as I graduated college. Fuck that shit, I hated living with my parents again after I graduated.

>> No.24004648
Quoted by: >>24004740


>> No.24004649

>She got mad at Matsuri for real
no, she really didn't

>> No.24004650
File: 53 KB, 308x405, 1590181882792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004652
Quoted by: >>24004663

after fucking corona goes away.
the virus is killing all the holos mentally and physically

>> No.24004655

Are you actually claiming that she's always lying?

>> No.24004657
Quoted by: >>24004724

Yeah and that lines up with her being 30-31 because she could probably get people to believe people in real life. If I was a 30 year old woman I would also say I am 28/29.

>> No.24004663

It's fine, Abe has saved Japan and is lifting the lockdown measures now. Even though Japan has tested less of their population than Brazil

>> No.24004664
File: 338 KB, 1448x2048, 1582397068660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there. are you happy now. god damnit. i hate you.

>> No.24004665

Where do you guys draw the line with the IRL shit and the character? On a scale between the most commited vtuber who 100% commits to her character (essentially never mentions her real life) and Mea (talks about disgusting shit and her real life boyfriend) where do you guys prefer?

>> No.24004668
Quoted by: >>24004676

Hope Japan hasn't forgotten that the 2nd wave of the spanish flu was much worse than the 1st.

>> No.24004669
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004804

>Their real life activities and ages?
>I don't care about those kind of things.

>> No.24004670


>> No.24004671
Quoted by: >>24004794

>Imagine someone having all their social life interactions coming from 4chan.
Been there. Sometimes I felt at a loss of words in my native language because most of my interactions were here, in English.

>> No.24004672

think for a fucking second about the population rate of japan. its not unlikely at all that Marine just has been using a dildo for her sexual urges for the last 15 years and loves to vent like shes actually had love

>> No.24004673

mea. give me mea

>> No.24004674

That was obviously a lie to cover up the truth.
Just read the tone of her voice.

>> No.24004677
File: 171 KB, 1361x822, sexuality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's settle this once and for all
Seriously I could use some help I guessed on half of these

>> No.24004676

Everyone's basically pretending they aren't going to have the 2nd wave or they are going to be able to control it, even though at this rate it's going to hit during winter during peak flu season

>> No.24004680

Commit to the character 100% if I wanted real life bullshit I would watch normal streamers

>> No.24004682
Quoted by: >>24004698

>mfw holos go to a lesbo dinner party and all die a week later from corona
Oh god no pls no

>> No.24004683

my mommies..

>> No.24004685

It's not easy to tell your parents at 18 you want to leave their home when they want to keep you and are ready to pay all your expenses.
Paying for a child's expenses is a way to keep him under your control by keeping a link with money and have him rely on you.
This is what a manipulative/narcissist parent would do when he realizes his grip on you is weakening.

Of course healthy parents want to help their children, but their children would not feel the need to leave the home at such a young age and would accept some form of support if there is no power play in it.

>> No.24004689
Quoted by: >>24004717

don't reply to the crazy guy who thinks about the sex lives of his chuubas 24/7

>> No.24004690

He's a good artist.

>> No.24004693
Quoted by: >>24004725

This looks like something taken from twitter by an user with rainbow flags on their name.
What's next? You're gonna add demisexual and pansexual?

>> No.24004696
Quoted by: >>24004721

As real as possible without telling me about:
Past or current lovers
Sex life

>> No.24004698
Quoted by: >>24004709

They are young healthy girls, they will be ok

>> No.24004701
File: 230 KB, 387x357, 1588721320469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine someone having all their social life interactions coming from 4chan.

>> No.24004702

Okayu is not heterosexual, Korone literally fingered her on stream

>> No.24004706

jesus, those subs are the most cancerous thing ive ever seen

>> No.24004709


>> No.24004710

don't mind the irl stuff but personal stuff should be kept to themselves

>> No.24004712

luna loves matsuri though

>> No.24004713
Quoted by: >>24004744

Where's the clip?

>> No.24004714
File: 1.42 MB, 854x480, FBKing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004728

Yay Fubuki! Congratulations on reaching 600k! Wow, nice gacha luck Fubuki! Yay gacha! Yay China! Thanks for not reading our spachas and collabing with Holostars instead, Fubuki! Yay boys! Yay money! Yay memes! Yay Fubuki! Fubuki 好き 好き 好き!

>> No.24004716
Quoted by: >>24004746

What the fuck.

>> No.24004717
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1588728531187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora bf here.Ask me anything

>> No.24004719
File: 232 KB, 380x349, 1587351941686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004794

haha yea

>> No.24004720

>Imagine someone having all their social life interactions coming from 2ch-5ch
you have a tiny brain smaller than haatos

>> No.24004721


Basically this >>24004696

>> No.24004722
Quoted by: >>24004763

I think you're confusing the aggressor and the victim here

>> No.24004723

Do the carrots in her hair rot? No?

Thats because she changes them

>> No.24004724
File: 4 KB, 149x103, 1588328258209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004819

You are wrong but please come up with your best narrative to disprove this.

>> No.24004725

It's just straight, gay, both, slut, and not interested in sex, anon, not everything is an evil agenda

>> No.24004728
Quoted by: >>24004799

>FBK rolls Mostima twice in a single batch
>I have yet to roll her in about 15 rolls now
Fucking trash game but good for her I guess...

>> No.24004730
File: 355 KB, 626x727, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004742

biggest joke ever told
good one anon

>> No.24004731

Didn't know I had this fetish until now.

>> No.24004733

Sup bro, why're you calling yourself her bf when I'm her bf bro?

>> No.24004737

Is it true that she makes you wear an eyepatch during sex?

>> No.24004736

>Sugita posts on /jp/

>> No.24004739

how did you unlock the nsfw version

>> No.24004740

Thanks it feels nice to hear a voice from 4chan instead of always reading.

>> No.24004741

how does it feel to have a pet that does nothing besides play video games all day

>> No.24004742
Quoted by: >>24004747

Me and peko daughter

>> No.24004744

I don't have its been posted here before though

>> No.24004746

literally just means they have no desire to ever have sex. they feel no sexual attraction to anything.

>> No.24004747

ok miko you can go play gta now

>> No.24004752
Quoted by: >>24004758

Boyfriend? More like babysitter lmao.

>> No.24004754
File: 72 KB, 222x264, Luna14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004773

>not using Tomorrow

>> No.24004755

Didn't mention an agenda. Not everything is a catalogue of sexual orientations.
The only lesbian/bisexual there is Matsuri and the rest don't mention their sexuality. And no, joking with their coworkers means nothing.

>> No.24004757

When will I be able to donate to our boy kaoru?

>> No.24004758

i love pekora but this comment fucking hurts because its fucking true

>> No.24004760

Just ordered this and rurudo's book of melonbooks.

>> No.24004762

roboco is probably bi

>> No.24004763

Okay I remembered wrong, I knew one of them was fingering the other

>> No.24004764

I want to grope Okayu as a joke.

>> No.24004768
File: 142 KB, 570x900, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to date or fuck the holos
rather have them be my friend to play games with

>> No.24004770

also japan has been gay before the word gay has fucking existed
so much gay

>> No.24004773
File: 283 KB, 472x458, 1590202177361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004786

>he uses tomorrow
enjoy using glasses after you fuck up your eyes

>> No.24004775

This is why you're gonna die a virgin

>> No.24004776
Quoted by: >>24004830

She's just too nice to say no.

>> No.24004780

>Festival immediately broken at even the slightest bit of riposte
Bless this adorable glass cannon

>> No.24004781

get the fuck outta here. go back to tumblr

>> No.24004782

I am like him i am ok with that

>> No.24004783

when did that become a bad thing

>> No.24004785

There isn't any ideal place on that scale, each chuuba needs to find the approach that works best for them. I'm fine with either extreme so long as they are entertaining to watch, and so far I haven't felt that the amount of IRL stuff they bring to their streams has a very high correlation with that.

>> No.24004786
File: 150 KB, 359x383, Luna1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already use glasses, dumbo

>> No.24004788 [DELETED] 
File: 184 KB, 850x1274, xiao-lin-jiu_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to make a list because my autism forces me to.
Streamercore (strong charisma, assortment of skills, personality-centric)

Idolcore (toss up of skills, journey of growth, connection-centric)

Idol-Streamer Hybrid

Everyone Else
-I do not know enough

Each category has their merits, but I prefer the idolcore.
*personality-centric: content is the personality; universal appeal
*connection-centric: content is derived from the personality; specialized appeal

>> No.24004787
File: 81 KB, 288x254, 1589907585172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never gonna make it.

>> No.24004791
File: 517 KB, 2809x4096, 1568355350638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24004803

>rurudo's book

>> No.24004792
Quoted by: >>24004807

She needs to get pregnant so she can breastfeed Shion.

>> No.24004794

It's not so bad at least we can have healthy discussions with like minded people which would be almost impossible in the world outside.

This applies to vtubers to some extent.
They use youtube instead of 2/4/5ch but the discussions are similarly based on written messages by the viewers.
I feel Watame could end up doing a 24 hour stream if she got a good feeling from her stream and started streaming after waking up.

>> No.24004795

I was going to get Gaou papa's Aqua one... then it disappeared... Now the best I can hope for is scans.

>> No.24004796
File: 1.31 MB, 301x250, 1542400181812.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bunch of hikki NEETs are trying to decipher feminine psychology about covering up their ages
Doyle's books has nothing on this shit.

>> No.24004798
Quoted by: >>24004811

>be best friends with holo
Wouldn't be such a bad way to go out, hopefully before her if anything, but then she would feel the sadness of me being gone.

>> No.24004799

moist mama come to me

>> No.24004801
Quoted by: >>24004811

I'm like him, I just want to hang out with them, and I'm not a virgin.
But I bet you are, because women don't like types like you with your mentality.

>> No.24004803
Quoted by: >>24004816

Adopting this Towa!

>> No.24004804


>> No.24004808

You guys are aware that Haato doesn't really live in Australia, right? Just like Korone doesn't work at a bakery, and Marine isn't really a pirate captain

>> No.24004806

There's only Boomers here, get it right.

>> No.24004807
Quoted by: >>24004826

why do you think women need to be pregnant to nurse? have you never heard that women start producing breast milk with just a few months on nipple simulation?

>> No.24004810

Every day I get more and more depressed that I'm not friends with the Holos, playing video games and having fun collabs with them, and talking to them between streams about random things.

>> No.24004811

>and I'm not a virgin.
Yes you are.
Men and women can't be best friends.

>> No.24004813


>> No.24004814

Dating means they're your friend that would choose to hang out with you over anyone else outside of their own family. The sexual stuff is the added bonus

>> No.24004815

Senchou is the pirate captain

>> No.24004816

Raising her so she doesn't become a menhera!

>> No.24004818
Quoted by: >>24004842

And all the holos are really guys with voice changers.

>> No.24004819
Quoted by: >>24004899

>disprove this
What is there to disprove? You posted a random image claiming that someone is a certain age?

>> No.24004820

Next you're going to tell me Miko isn't actually elite and Pekora didn't save the world with Snake.

>> No.24004821

>mixing in a truth with two falsehoods
Nice try, retard. I know Korone works in a bakery because she told us that it's the place where she met her ex-husband.

>> No.24004825


>> No.24004826

I knew that. I just want Shion to cuck Marines baby out of milk

>> No.24004828
Quoted by: >>24004847

The funniest part is that the person being talked about has their real fucking birthday out in the public

>> No.24004829

ive seen her internet spazz like sheeps shes in fucking kangaroo land

>> No.24004830

saying no is one thing, countering with "is that all?" is another

>> No.24004832 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1590710531572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko JAV .Don't open

>> No.24004833

Why is /jp/ like this?

>> No.24004836

Where else would she buy vegemite?

>> No.24004837
File: 1.41 MB, 1000x1000, 1333809984492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and Marine isn't really a pirate captain

>> No.24004838

Obviously those are fake, unlike Peko being 111 and coming from Pekoland.
She wouldn't lie to me.

>> No.24004839
Quoted by: >>24004857

The more it replays the angrier she sounds

>> No.24004841

I'd like to take Pekora out on dates regularly where she can unwind from a long stream

And then we fuck

>> No.24004842
Quoted by: >>24004851

They are all Yagoo

>> No.24004843
Quoted by: >>24004866

yeah... Hachama is in Flipland making adobo and sinigang

>> No.24004845
Quoted by: >>24004860

These don't work on Streamable because you have to press play on them unlike Catbox which just auto plays.

>> No.24004846

Aussie here, I had sex with her for 10 dollarydoos and a kangaroo got into my house and ran away after Haachama threw up in its pouch

>> No.24004847

>has their real fucking birthday out in the public
You're so fucking stupid dude. みかりん lied about her age like when I made a facebook page I lied about my birthday too. Unless her birthday certificate is posted, fuck off.

>> No.24004848

i wish towa would rate your cock, family member

>> No.24004849

This thread is 90% /v/ shit.

>> No.24004850


>> No.24004851

>hololive is just a man with severe schizophrenia and a dream
Someone make a film already.

>> No.24004853
File: 1.12 MB, 2894x4093, 1589309977671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm as yurifag as you can be and I find it extremely disturbing that you want to categorize what real people are attracted to

>> No.24004854

Based certificate poster.

>> No.24004856

this is masterful bait, kudos

>> No.24004857

really really really sexually frustrated 26yol lesbbunny

>> No.24004858 [SPOILER] 
File: 265 KB, 1600x1037, 1590710683414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I found this exclusive secret image of the REAL LIFE hololive offices.
Only open if you're prepared...

>> No.24004860

Catbox saves filenames so everyone knows what it is just by looking at the link

>> No.24004862

It's burger hours right now

>> No.24004864

Marine always tells the truth, I can tell because she says it honestly, everyone else is insincere and lying all the time, I can tell because nobody can tell whether or not someone is being honest

>t. marinefag

>> No.24004865

Where's Mel?

>> No.24004866

That explains why she likes to smell her feet...

>> No.24004867

Look at her go!!

>> No.24004868

>categorize what real people are attracted to
are you a newborn? people have been doing this for hundreds of years.

>> No.24004869
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, HaatoAnimalFarm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But then what are those black moving things which she sometimes sees in her room and then prevent her from sleeping ?

>> No.24004870
File: 236 KB, 1024x727, 1559781266238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See Peko talking a lot about キングダム
>Realize it is a current running anime, third season
She also called it; "ぺこらの大好きなキングダム".
Is Pekora a fujo?

>> No.24004871

Wouldn't you like to know, fucking stalker?

>> No.24004872

Are you a Canadian?

>> No.24004877
File: 524 KB, 601x833, cc1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004878

Yea those "irl stores" haato went too? That was a virtual world she created from scratch. She hides how smart she actually is you know!

>> No.24004879
Quoted by: >>24004888


>> No.24004880

Oh no the abos got in

>> No.24004881
Quoted by: >>24005037

Can we agree burgers are the best narrativefags by far?

>> No.24004882
Quoted by: >>24004890

Pekora gives me fujo vibes so I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.24004883

Why are doxxniggers like this?

>> No.24004884

Based Yagoo

>> No.24004885

God fucking damnit. Time to hit up the canan general again.

>> No.24004887
Quoted by: >>24004910

So she must be like 40+ years old right?
30 is the earliest age to be embarrassed about and she lied about her age 10 years ago

>> No.24004888


>> No.24004889

Based, she needs a psycho like kira in her life

>> No.24004890

Cope harder marinefag, just accept that the person behind your waifu is over 30. It's cool, dude, the sooner you welcome the truth into your life the better it will be.

>> No.24004892

Imaagine playing guitar with those hands
Holy shit I'm hard

>> No.24004893

When will Haato sing a Australian song like Waltzing Matilda or Down Under?

>> No.24004894

I was thinking her hands look hot for the past weeks...

>> No.24004898


>> No.24004899

I told you to give me your best narrative. This cop out is fucking weak.

>> No.24004900
Quoted by: >>24004922

Drawfags, future papa kakage is live.

>> No.24004902
File: 77 KB, 782x428, 4z3rtxjvyiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those nails
>Likes girls and Flare
She lies through her teeth.

>> No.24004901
Quoted by: >>24004938

>Shitposter is so caught up in his shitposting he replies to the wrong person
Sadly, it is more common than you think.

>> No.24004904

You're delusional, there are probably no exclusive lesbos among holos.
A lot of women are bi or at least somewhat bicurious, but even if they prefer women, they'll still eventually settle down with a man, at least in Japan.

While many Western homo men and women can get away with pursuing homosexual relationships throughout their entire lives, in more traditional societies llike Japan marriage is still viewed as a mostly socioeconomical arrangement between two individuals rather than some union borne of true love.

A regular Japanese woman's mind operates in a traditional framework where she simply can't really imagine not getting married or not having kids at some point. She may "fool around" with girls while young, but at some point she'll make the rational choice to get involved in a stable relationship with a man. Even Matsuri often goes "when I eventually get married" as if it's inevitable.

>> No.24004905

nigga we have all of the moon rabbits info niconico fags got that info long ago

>> No.24004906

that anon is right though, it's disrespectful to gossip about which celebrities might be gay. It violates their right to categorize themselves or to choose not to do so. Fag hags do that shit all the time and don't realize why it's harmful.

>> No.24004907
Quoted by: >>24004980

Then don't do it here you don't need to turn Miko marrying Sora on minecraft some sort of serious defining matter just have fun with it, I think even people on other websites would think you are being weird.

>> No.24004909

You fucking babies keep talking as if being over 30 is bad, I'd take her over some early 20s drama queen any day

>> No.24004910
Quoted by: >>24004964

>30 is the earliest age to be embarrassed about and she lied about her age 10 years ago
>"you guys are all NEETs trying to analyze female psychology which is clearly impossible"
You're a hard one to pin down, tardo.

>> No.24004911

bullshit and samurai were buttfuckers

>> No.24004914


>> No.24004915
Quoted by: >>24004923

30 years old is when women fuck the hardest

>> No.24004917

Sasuga Haachama, getting other people to film videos of Australian malls and grocery stores so she can stay in character!

>> No.24004918

there's a lot of lesbians in japan anon.
there's a lot of businesses centered around catering to lesbians as well.

yeah traditionalfags might still push for marriage and parents might be stupid, but there's no shortage of actual gay girls in gay relationships in their adulthood in japan.

its not the 1900s anymore grandpa, times have changed.

>> No.24004922
Quoted by: >>24004941

>using ref
That's a yikes from me.

>> No.24004923
File: 33 KB, 177x278, 1455924589355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004924


>> No.24004925
Quoted by: >>24004936

Sitting outside on the dumpster. The only thing keeping her from sinking into the garbage is Subaru who had already been shoved into the dumpster.

>> No.24004927

hes even wrong in the 1900 1800 and 1700's

>> No.24004929

maybe /lgbt/ would be more up your alley, fag. nothing wrong with shipping real people, only tumblr thinks otherwise.

>> No.24004930
Quoted by: >>24004940

Can we talk about Holo boyfriends now?

>> No.24004931
Quoted by: >>24004960

The live action movie is airing on tv and she's been saying she wants to watch it together on stream for a while now.

>> No.24004933
Quoted by: >>24004939

Okay anon can you stop before you devolve the thread into polshit

>> No.24004935

it's "/hlg/ pretends we know how japanese society and especially japanese women work even though nobody here lives in japan" hours, huh?

>> No.24004936
Quoted by: >>24004955

I love you Subaru dumpster anon. I just wanted you to know.

>> No.24004937

you seem lost anon do you not know where you are?

>> No.24004938

How is he shitposting? He seems pretty much spot on to me

>> No.24004939

Don't reply to /u/shitters. They're all mentally ill.

>> No.24004940


>> No.24004941

He's doing figure drawing reps, baka.

>> No.24004942
Quoted by: >>24005025

Marine is a beautiful 31 year old woman, she isn't 40 and she definitely isn't 28

>> No.24004944
Quoted by: >>24004961

Ah, you made me think of the manga where the homeroom teacher works at a lesbian brothel and her student inadvertently hires her.

>> No.24004949
Quoted by: >>24004962

This is worse than last thread, sugoi.

>> No.24004950
Quoted by: >>24004969

How the hell has she not accidentally shown her face in these IRL videos? I can see that on the shots on her countertops she's using a stick to hold her phone, but that shot of her walking into the store was incredibly risky of her.

>> No.24004952

why are the gays claiming our holos?

>> No.24004953
Quoted by: >>24005010

Hololive showed me that women can be autistic too

>> No.24004955

I'm not actually him, I just look up to him.

>> No.24004956

A couple of the holos have a hatred/fear of men that prevents them from forming proper relationships. They'll probably get over it and get married eventually though.

>> No.24004957

I'm not against it as long as you do it in a light hearted manner, getting all serious about it sucks out all of the fun, please understand my point of view we are probably birds of the same flock.

>> No.24004959

I read a lot of commentary on high school relationships in anime, so I have some expertise in the subject

>> No.24004960
Quoted by: >>24004979

So it was like that, I was trying to understand her tweet but I was unsure if the part where she mentioned "同時視聴" meant if she was now able to catch it on time or if she wanted to watch it together with her viewers.
So if I understood it correctly she wants to watch it tomorrow together with us after her DQ stream right?

>> No.24004961

ah that one kind of sucks desu. i know what the author is going for, but the characters aren't fleshed out enough to make it work.

>> No.24004962

How the fuck is discussing the Holos bad? It's way better than off-topic shit. Literally what the fuck is the problem? If you don't like the conversation then change it or fuck off back where you came from, tourist.

>> No.24004964

What the fuck are you going on about?
Don't we both agree she lied about her age?

>> No.24004965

inb4 EOP filtered xddd lmao

>> No.24004967

You can read the manipulated man if you want to understand how women think.

>> No.24004968
Quoted by: >>24004975

All I can think about is that sandbag vtuber whenever I see eye bags now.

>> No.24004969
Quoted by: >>24004987

She probably edits out anything she thinks would get her caught. There's a lot of jumpcuts in those vids.

>> No.24004971


>> No.24004972

welcome to the world dude, you literally can't stop people from doing it, I don't know why you'd even try.

>> No.24004973

somewhere on 5ch theres a bunch of women fanboying over some male vtubers and doing the the same thing we are how does that make you feel anons

>> No.24004975
Quoted by: >>24005077

Please support Akira.

>> No.24004976

>Try using both hands

>> No.24004979
Quoted by: >>24004995

I'm not sure if it'll be a members only stream or not though.
But the movie is up on nyaa if you want to watch along.

>> No.24004980
Quoted by: >>24005007

no ones doing that though?

>> No.24004981

I hope they are fangirling over Roberu

>> No.24004983

male vtubers are bros so I'm happy for them

>> No.24004985

We've crossed that line a long long time ago buddy.

>> No.24004986

everyone would love towa if her voice was always like that

>> No.24004987
Quoted by: >>24005032

still incredibly risky to do, there's a chance she could miss something very minor and get found. Also doesn't help that by filming these locations, some dude could probably track where she likely lives and goes to school. But she probably doesn't have enough Australian fans for that to be a problem.

>> No.24004990
File: 323 KB, 743x694, maxresdefault copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24004991

more like fags
>how does that make you feel anons
wishing it would happen here so we finally have an excuse to talk about the holostars

>> No.24004992

I should become a male vtuber.

>> No.24004993

I don't think about 5*h at all.

>> No.24004995

I'm a member so that won't be an issue and thanks, I'll definitely download it and watch along. I've wanted to see something together with her ever since I saw that Okayu watched Godzilla with her viewers.
Sounds like a nice comfy stream.

>> No.24004996
Quoted by: >>24005070

why are you like this:
4channel bad
5ch good

>> No.24004997
File: 208 KB, 1040x1404, 1590537191821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005055

I love Towa as she is.

>> No.24004998
File: 8 KB, 531x483, IMG_20200529_082015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24005000

Idol fans with lesbian fetish/yurifags will twist things as long as they can tell themselves there's 2 idol girls kissing and in a relationship. Or make everything about them being gay.
We've learnt nothing from the stans.

>> No.24005001

>Okayu watched Godzilla
Which Godzilla and was it a members only stream?

>> No.24005002

don't open this, it's a virus that makes you post "Towa . . ."

>> No.24005004


>> No.24005007
File: 236 KB, 1200x1457, 1583127909593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see what's funny or light hearted about this you just put them on a list and decide for them what they are attracted to, this is my final reply but I hope you understand my point of view.

>> No.24005009
File: 181 KB, 1049x1126, 1575208369978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer her as she is.

>> No.24005010

I really am surprised by how similar we can be. It feels good to not be alone...

>> No.24005012
Quoted by: >>24005036

Yeah, I've actually been looking forward to it.
I am a bit worried cause I'm not sure when and where the commercials will be though.

>> No.24005013


>> No.24005014
Quoted by: >>24005048

Fuck I honestly can't remember. I don't really follow Okayu but I saw that her fans in this thread were talking about seeing a movie with her.
Might not even have been Okayu really, but I'm fairly sure it was.

>> No.24005015


>> No.24005016

it was Shin Godzilla I believe

>> No.24005018

don't worry it doesn't actually do anyTowa...

>> No.24005019

Towa . . .

>> No.24005021

Hell no, I love her husky voice.

>> No.24005022

s-she's lonely guys haha she became a chuuba to make friends
she hates selling her body haha once noel takes off she'll stop
she's putting in s-so much effort it'll be any day now....

>> No.24005023
File: 626 KB, 849x1200, 81500862_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of your idols are virgins or regret every relationship they have ever had.
you should feel happy about this anons

>> No.24005024

Don't care as long as they are entertaining to watch.

>> No.24005025

That's just your delusional headcanon based on you being 30+
I know 28 is based on a fake birthday though, no one is born on christmas.

>> No.24005027


Shin Godzilla


>> No.24005028


>> No.24005032

I mean this is the same girl who thought showing her dad's work video to the world was a good idea. Her decision making is a bit irrational.

>> No.24005033
File: 114 KB, 1280x1000, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005056

>> No.24005035


>> No.24005036

Good point that might be a bit hard to keep track off since I assume they can't stream any audio either.
I'm sure she'll give some kind of reaction when a commercial starts but it'd suck to get desynced.

>> No.24005037

Its the only thing that entertains me through dead hours

>> No.24005038

>no one is born on Christmas
Except for, you know, that one guy.

>> No.24005039
Quoted by: >>24005082

>decide for them what they are attracted to
you're actually delusional if you think that's what's going on here. that anon even said they were mostly guesses. also fun fact, no one can decide anything for them, most of the people on this site can't even speak the same fucking language. get off of your high horse.

>> No.24005041

Nice, thanks.

>> No.24005043


>> No.24005044
File: 49 KB, 160x158, Luna82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24005045
File: 247 KB, 750x499, EYtFCjFUwAATN87.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005099

back to pol with you

>> No.24005047
Quoted by: >>24005065

>being happy about their loneliness
You don't really like them, right anon?

>> No.24005048
Quoted by: >>24005051

It was Shin Godzilla


>> No.24005051

based Anno

>> No.24005053

Imagine a virus that replaces every T press with Towa...

>> No.24005054

Jimmy Buffet?

>> No.24005055


>> No.24005056
Quoted by: >>24005084

Oh no Korone is going to die of smoke inhalation! She never should have shared the kitchen with Haachama!

>> No.24005058

>no one is born on christmas.
you fucking dumbass, just because it's weird doesn't mean it's impossible

>> No.24005059
Quoted by: >>24005071

Do you think Coco parents stop speaking English to her after moving to Japan?

>> No.24005061
Quoted by: >>24005118

I wish there was a virus that replaced me with Towa...

>> No.24005062
Quoted by: >>24005081


>> No.24005063

I mighTowa... have a biTowa... of an issue wiTowa... h my compuTowa...er, anon...

>> No.24005065

i love them thats why i am telling you how they feel to make you feel like shit

>> No.24005067


>> No.24005068

You want to know better someone you spend more time with.
Didn't you do this in school, when you saw a classmate being constantly surrounded by women and imagine he was gay ?
This wouldn't hurt the concerned person because he either would really be, or he don't hear you talking about it.

>> No.24005070

Who the fuck is saying 5ch is good?
They are braindead marineniggers that believe her lies and even think she's 27
4chan is also fucking shit though for the exact same reason but at least we got some sensible people here

>> No.24005071
Quoted by: >>24005114

how do you know her parents spoke anything other than English?

>> No.24005072


>> No.24005076

Anon you have no soul

>> No.24005077
Quoted by: >>24005092

She's a good girl

>> No.24005080
Quoted by: >>24005092

kusa this fuckin idiot still believes in Santa

>> No.24005081

chotto one matte. that's the wrong file!

>> No.24005082
Quoted by: >>24005087

just don't make lists

>> No.24005083
File: 476 KB, 451x539, 1588142266300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hospitals are closed on Christmas, dummy

>> No.24005084

You seem to forget the time she singlehandedly set a kitchen on fire because she wanted to see if she could light a candle with a butane torch.

>> No.24005085
File: 516 KB, 2048x1364, EYrKbhzUEAAzeGh.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005093

My uber driver just pulled up in this...

>> No.24005086

I just want them to be happy!

>> No.24005087

I don't

>> No.24005090
File: 180 KB, 799x1200, EN0B8R1UEAAlfi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24005092

I was talking about Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, of course.
meme response

>> No.24005093

I hate being reminded that Haato's character design is actually hot.

>> No.24005097
Quoted by: >>24005102

I'm surprised she can use a keyboard with nails that long.

>> No.24005099

What the fuck does that post have to do with pol?
Anyone that disagrees with you rabid yurifags is pol now?

>> No.24005101

If you switch places with Haato, do you think you could learn japanese faster than Haato learned english?

>> No.24005102
Quoted by: >>24005113

I too am surprised at how women manage. It feels like when that happens to me, my ability to play decreases by at least 30%.

>> No.24005103
File: 43 KB, 595x847, EZIiO7cUMAAKZ8L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005177


>> No.24005106

stupid devil i love her

>> No.24005107

Towa...haTowa... would be greaTowa...

>> No.24005109
File: 177 KB, 100x100, 1590447933645.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

super cute towa

>> No.24005110
Quoted by: >>24005159

everything they don't like is either /v/, /pol/, or /vg/

>> No.24005111

>Got into hololive because I thought they were funny
>End up being worried for their mental health

I'm quoting humanity btw

>> No.24005113
Quoted by: >>24005134

Good thing she isn't particularly known for her gameplay.

>> No.24005114
Quoted by: >>24005157

because they are japanese

>> No.24005115

Can't wait for her cover tomorrow!

>> No.24005116

So according to 5ch (at least as of a few hours ago) the general consensus is that Watame probably hates Luna with a passion.
Apparently Watame was trying to get all the other hololive girls to refuse to do collabs with Luna from now on.

>> No.24005118

a virus that makes me towa's family member forever so i can live the rest of my life with her!

>> No.24005120

If Haachama is slowly forgetting both her japanese and english, what language is she using to shitpost when she is not streaming ?

>> No.24005124

Probably not. I'm equally as retarded as her when it comes to studying and there's more english on the internet to be exposed to than Japanese.

>> No.24005125


>> No.24005126
Quoted by: >>24005158

>We've learnt nothing from the stans.
10/10 haato is a nobel prize winner compared to you

>> No.24005127

How are girls supposed to massage the clam with such long nails?

>> No.24005129

No chance, I'd be too busy smelling my feet all day

>> No.24005128

>So according to 5ch
Why are narrativefags like this?

>> No.24005131

Laziest narrative ever.

>> No.24005134

She's literally known for one reason only. Well, two reasons. And it's actually her roommate who's known for those reasons.

>> No.24005135

i bet shion is pretty in real life

>> No.24005137

How many chuubas actually went to an all-girls school?
We all know their careers started with them getting dumped by Kawasaki Chaddo-san when they reached the age of 20 and that's why they're trying to embrace the manless lifestyle of idoldom

>> No.24005138


>> No.24005141


>> No.24005142
File: 39 KB, 399x399, 1590405778103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Watame like anyone

>> No.24005144
File: 528 KB, 607x800, 1561733943043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005169

Makes sense. Luna is pretty much unlikable in any way possible.

>> No.24005145
Quoted by: >>24005165


>> No.24005146

Welcome to the family, son.

>> No.24005147

WhaTowa... is wrong wiTowa...h you

>> No.24005148


>> No.24005153
Quoted by: >>24005258

Where the streams at?

>> No.24005154
Quoted by: >>24005175

Can someone still be pretty if she's 145 cm?

>> No.24005155

Maybe PPT?

As far as I remember

>> No.24005156

Rumors say she's actually pretty friendly with subaru because she isn't threatened by her voice.

>> No.24005157

that doesn't mean they speak Japanese
they could also be mutes or mimes

>> No.24005158

What do stans have to do with pol, retard? You seem so familiar with it maybe you are the one that should go back there.

>> No.24005159
File: 318 KB, 640x640, MikoGambling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget /biz/ (gambling addicts) !

>> No.24005160

Very carefully

>> No.24005162
File: 363 KB, 418x524, 1590582165602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes me.

>> No.24005163

I was thinking about trying to find a livestream of the tv channel itself, since I know people do that for other things like to watch anime and stuff.
I think this is it, but I'm not 100% sure.
Either way, hope we can both enjoy watching with Peko, anon.

>> No.24005165

She's garn ta use strayan, moight.

>> No.24005169

That's a really smug Luna

>> No.24005170


>> No.24005172
Quoted by: >>24005189

>hates Kanatan for doing better than her
>hates Luna because she gets a lot more collab
>stabs Coco in the back after leeching off of her since day 1
>hates Towa which is a given

>> No.24005173

I'd like to think I could, but I probably couldn't.

>> No.24005174

god I wish this narrative were true

>> No.24005175

Yes, what does her height have to do with whether or not see is pretty?

>> No.24005177

sleepy mikochi

>> No.24005176


>> No.24005181

Ok sure but it's still an obviously fake birthday because she is older than that

>> No.24005186

Shion seems like the most basic of the girls honestly, not too geeky and not too normie perfectly balanced.

>> No.24005187
File: 1.58 MB, 1252x1058, 1582266700145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I exchange places in Haachama, I'd be a Filipino.

>> No.24005188
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 何も無し.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this count?

>> No.24005189
File: 309 KB, 2048x1306, EYneCz-VAAU1gsB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>hates Towa which is a given

>> No.24005191
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, 1569474283714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had that thought as well since I do know a lot of sites stream the Japanese TV network online, and it would be by far the easiest way to stay synced even if it guruguru's.
Thanks I'll dig some myself and see if I can find out which channel it will be on.
Hopefully we both can enjoy it without hiccups.

>> No.24005192

Wish streamers would put up a blurred thumbnail in the corner or something so it's easier to tell which scene they're on.

>> No.24005194
Quoted by: >>24005208


>> No.24005195

I bet there's still faggots here that think pekora is not genuine

>> No.24005199

She genuinely loves money

>> No.24005202
Quoted by: >>24005210

>GTAV gambling
>Konosuba gacha
>Dream Club gambling
mikochi is spiraling out of control!

>> No.24005203
Quoted by: >>24005224

Don't drag pekora into your shit.

>> No.24005207
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1583205834017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24005208

>When you're so mediocre you have to over-enthusiastically react to anyone who gives you attention

>> No.24005210
Quoted by: >>24005222

Was there any control to spiral out of in the first place?

>> No.24005213

How would this narrative fit with Watame's personality who does things based on how she feels more than planning, and ends up doing Watame no utas on 6+ hours minecraft streams mixed with zatsudans ?

Why are there so incompetent ?
The reason memes and narratives work and get spread is because they are based on truth.
You have to understand someone enough if you want to shitpost efficiently.

This is what Towa meant when she said she liked her antis as hurtful comments can only come from someone who knows her enough.

>> No.24005214
Quoted by: >>24005227

She genuinely loves bullying Aqua

>> No.24005215

>i want to fuck the baby
it's awwwright

>> No.24005216

Marine and Noel are lying about that, they did not go to one

>> No.24005217

PPT did.

>> No.24005219

Rent free

>> No.24005221

Anything interesting there to see on her desktop?

>> No.24005222
File: 123 KB, 1920x1080, elite fall 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gave a point

>> No.24005224

i could post it all right now anon dont make me

>> No.24005225

god I love her

>> No.24005227

It's literally impossible for anyone to bully Aqua, she recoils with extreme violence against the slightest provocation

>> No.24005229

How does Haachama collab with other V-tubers, for example the 3D collab with Matsuri, if she lives in Oostralia?

>> No.24005234

>Dad knows English
>Sister knows English
>Currently live in a English speaking county
>Go to an English speaking school
>Live with grandma and other family members that only speak English
How can Haato be this bad?

>> No.24005235

Miko actually died falling down those stairs and that was the branching point into an alternate time line we're in where Fubuki gets no supachas and Watame goes to jail for loli crimes instead of Matsuri.

I mean Festival

>> No.24005236

How is it humanly possible to coldly construct every facet of your personality and behavior like Rushia does

>> No.24005237

She comes back to visit, presumably during school breaks
The only thing interesting is she's a filthy desktop-file-saving casual

>> No.24005238
File: 2 KB, 376x61, narrative.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under 50? I'm proud of you guys!

>> No.24005239

maybe if you're interested in aki herself as a small time game dev
it's mostly her work stuff, so i assume she has 2 seperate PCs

>> No.24005241

>think up a good shitpost about mariSHIT
>have to save it for the next thread because it's going to get a billion (You)s
just you wait, you salty bitch

>> No.24005242
Quoted by: >>24005251

Imagine there were people who thought that Miko would topple down Ai. Haha.

>> No.24005243
Quoted by: >>24005265

Maybe airplanes exist

>> No.24005246

Just be born a woman.

>> No.24005247

hololive is yagoos daycare for retards

>> No.24005249

Ask every Twitch thot and e-girl ever

>> No.24005251
File: 358 KB, 900x636, EY5i66gUwAIOPDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we just apart of miko's dreams
i believe mikochi will topple my flag!

>> No.24005255
Quoted by: >>24005340

not that you would know, but many women use shower heads to masturbate

>> No.24005256
Quoted by: >>24005268

It's going to get ignored and you'll be disappointed

>> No.24005258
Quoted by: >>24005282

There are no streams only narratives

>> No.24005260


>> No.24005262

miko is a retard staring into a snow globe and all of us are in her imagination

>> No.24005263
File: 119 KB, 750x721, 1589853747410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005287


>> No.24005265


So then she could live in Japan and simply visit Australia

>> No.24005268

ignored? but anon, you already replied to it

>> No.24005270

I can already tell you're a low grade shitposter.

>> No.24005272
File: 213 KB, 2048x2048, EV4XJqKUMAIDewc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im blessed for this dork to think about me

>> No.24005273

but she and haato collabed with her...

>> No.24005274
File: 311 KB, 733x865, watame1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24005277

pekorafag your girls gay as the one you hate

>> No.24005278
File: 682 KB, 648x906, 1583426727640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you think of idols you hate, does it ever give you fetishes for something you normal don't like?

Recently I've been imagining myself with Subaru. I don't care for her, but she becomes infatuated with me and would come up to me every day to beg me to go out with her, giving that innocent smile of hers whenever I tell her no and saying "I'll see you tomorrow then".
Eventually it would wear me down and I'd agree to go out with her. I'd take her to one of those escape room stores and we'd have to spend the next hour working together to solve the puzzles and escape. However before going in I'd make sure to slip some laxatives in her dinner and pay off my friend who runs the rooms.
At first she wouldn't realize what happened and happily be attempting to solve the puzzles and urging me on with that bright smile of hers. But eventually her bowels will start screaming for release, she wouldn't understand why but she knows she needs to get to a toilet immediately. She's hit the emergency button and slam on the door to get out, but my friend will have conviently taken his lunch break at that time leaving us locked in together. Eventually she wouldn't be able to hold it in anymore and she'd desperately grab a trash can to use, begging me to look away. She'd cry as liquid shit spews out of her, wishing she was dead for embarrassing herself in front of her crush.

After she finishes I'd walk over and pat her back in an attempt to comfort her sobbing and embarrassed self. Once she starts to think maybe it'll all be okay though I'd dunk her head into the trash can full of her own liquid shit. She'd struggle and attempt to get out, unable to breath in her filth. And right when she gives in and takes in a big lungful of her own sewage I'd bring her back up so she could breath again before repeating the process. Eventually she'd stop struggling, and once she finally gives in to her suffering the bell would ring and the door unlocks as we've failed the room and our time is up.
I'd throw a towel on her head and walk her out the back, giving my friend a nice large tip to help with the cleanup. We'd walk to the side of the building and I'd tell her she's absolutely filthy as the feces dries on her face. I'd walk her over to the dumpster, lift her up, and set her down gently on the bags of garbage, right where she belongs.

>> No.24005279
Quoted by: >>24005328

But she fell down her house's roof when she was a child and trying to fly.
Did she get isekai'd at that time ?

>> No.24005282

I guess the real Hololive was the narratives we made along the way.

>> No.24005283

That would be the best timeline honestly.

>> No.24005285

sheep machine broke

>> No.24005286

>FBKs twin already banned off youtube
top kek

>> No.24005287

Korone, I know you're hurting, but you didn't have to go this far in making Okayu you're daughter...

>> No.24005291

My only chance being inside a girl, Ill take it.

>> No.24005292

>Subarufag is a bigger degenerate than Haataons

>> No.24005296

You put a smile on my face whenever I read your posts.

>> No.24005299
Quoted by: >>24005313

I like making dumb outrageous narratives just to get proven wrong and overreact to that

>> No.24005302
Quoted by: >>24005316

I wish this were just a daydream, it seems more like a nightmare.

>> No.24005303


>> No.24005307

Her Korean sister?

>> No.24005313

>there are still people ITT who think Marine isn't >30

>> No.24005314

Subarufags are either chinks or /d/egenerates

>> No.24005315

She's not even that bad I think she gets easily discouraged and probably doesn't really make an effort to learn further, even when speaking Japanese she If she opened up and just talked to people English she would be way better.

>> No.24005316
Quoted by: >>24005320

*A7X Starts Playing*

>> No.24005320
Quoted by: >>24005329

I remember when they were still good

>> No.24005323

Based スバ虐 poster, I thought I'd never see you again.

>> No.24005324

This definitely seems to be the channel it will be broadcasted on.
But I have no clue where to find a stream for it.

>> No.24005326
Quoted by: >>24005360

>this thread is so retarded they dont know niconico 2channers have already made niconico wikas of every girl they love way back in 2015 showing everything about them

>> No.24005328

yes that's why she thinks she grew up in the virtual world but in reality sora brought her back to the real world

>> No.24005329
Quoted by: >>24005356

RIP The Rev

>> No.24005330

They're not...

>> No.24005332
File: 1.12 MB, 336x306, 1590174367455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24005333

I thought it was established that they were Uncle Maos

>> No.24005334

Uno streams always get the best content out of collabs desu

>> No.24005338

Thanks pal, we were just talking about you. Keep up the good work.

>> No.24005339
File: 525 KB, 545x559, 1575486705739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did we ever find out why Flare has N. Korean flags behind her head?

>> No.24005340


>> No.24005342

bakku to za future?

>> No.24005344

Started out てえてえ and ended up wistful on Miko's end when she revisited Shike village.

>> No.24005345

>Narrative, but
Do you think she spends any time with (Aussie) friends in straya? Or is her timetable relative to her streams, how often she is apparently ready on discord at any moment to answer someone else calling, etc., indicative of her being a NEET?

>> No.24005350

Most autistic hololive

>> No.24005352

She's anti-humanitarian which is natural for elvenfolk

>> No.24005356
Quoted by: >>24005382

didn't think it was possible for a drummer to carry a whole band

>> No.24005358

gay relationships are a meme unironically

>> No.24005359

Obvi not a NEET, excuse my retardation

>> No.24005360
Quoted by: >>24005370

I'm still waiting for Roboco's.

>> No.24005362

I'm not a Subarufag though.

>> No.24005369
File: 759 KB, 1268x749, haachama_irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005384


If you look closely, at the bottom you can see the shadow of her finger (holding the phone/camera, which makes up most of the shadow)


>> No.24005370
Quoted by: >>24005383

Don’t hold your breath

>> No.24005378

I wish there were more videos of her extensively speaking in english

>> No.24005382

They were different after he died. Also he wrote a lot of their songs and not just the drums. He was definitely the heart of the band.

>> No.24005383

Don't tell me what to do.

>> No.24005384

her burning herself a new asshole with spicy ramen is not enough for you anon?

>> No.24005385

So you guys want to discuss Cocos idea of a Hololive house again?

>> No.24005386

actual obsession, you need to spin everything into a negative light. that is sad

>> No.24005387

It's the southern accent

>> No.24005391

Why don't they just go on more trips together again?

>> No.24005392

It will only work if they keep the menheras out.

>> No.24005393

she's genuine and loves her family

>> No.24005394
Quoted by: >>24005410

Why doesn't she just room with Kanata?

>> No.24005395

She said she used to have friends but they moved away, and I think she's just a weird awkward girl. She clearly loves talking to people and being out and about so she isn't a neet but even in her own streams you can see how awkward she can be sometimes just talking about her own ideas.

>> No.24005396

>Waifu fagging over actual real human beings
man yall scum

>> No.24005397

Trips are expensive

>> No.24005399
Quoted by: >>24005410

Doubt it will ever happen but if it did it would be awesome. I hope they wouldnt get sick of each other from it though.

>> No.24005400
File: 295 KB, 1366x768, nekoze punch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 posts left, watch Nekoze Punch.

Is Aki the most unpopular holo? Not even 100k on her most popular video...

>> No.24005401

They just might soon. Matsuri and Luna's chat stream yesterday shows them planning trips in the future.

>> No.24005402

Impossible, Kanata is moving in and she's a menhera magnet.

>> No.24005405

Hololive Cabaret Club

>> No.24005407
Quoted by: >>24005419

Wouldn't it be awkward to have sex with their bfs in the hololive house?

>> No.24005409

Put this on your phone as the alarm sound:

>> No.24005410
Quoted by: >>24005427

Like bees to sugar.

>> No.24005411

Thank you

>> No.24005412

It's going to be an empty house.

>> No.24005413
Quoted by: >>24005456


>> No.24005416

Welcome to the idol world

>> No.24005418
Quoted by: >>24005446

The channel should be 日本テレビ while 金曜ロード is the segment I think.
I'm just not sure if there are multiple 日本テレビ channels or if the one I linked earlier is the only one.

>> No.24005419

what do you think they do after they go out to eat?

>> No.24005420

Alcoholism is bad Coco.

>> No.24005423

How? It’s not in an audio format

>> No.24005424

>Miko will never physically slap me awake

>> No.24005427

What the fuck are you talking about, anon brings up a decent (if admittedly old) topic and you're acting like it was some kind of bait for (You)s all along. No wonder why this thread has gone to shit.

>> No.24005429
Quoted by: >>24005442

Why do you guys keep using catbox it's so shit

>> No.24005431

I didn't even realize that was the same pattern as the north korean flags. Most people don't really care about that korea.
When you search "Korea" in google, it defaults to South Korea.

>> No.24005432
Quoted by: >>24005480

Aki's songs are a lot more experimental than the normal HL basically a VN OP songs or covers. It makes sense they wouldn't be as popular. Also YT doesn't handle the spatial audio correctly on Nekoze Punch so it kinda defeats the purpose of it. It doesn't change as you look around like it does when you watch it wearing a VR Headset.

>> No.24005434

i think it's a cool idea Coco

>> No.24005435
File: 1.01 MB, 1253x707, subaru is watching closely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, there you are! I'm glad Subaru still inspires you to practice writing.
I don't hate any holos, at most there are some I don't prioritize watching but I think everyone is pretty good. The best thing about them is that even if they're not my cup of tea alone, most often do various collabs and shine there, and I think I 'get' them more by watching that. But I don't really have any fetishes associated with any them.

>> No.24005437
Quoted by: >>24005476

Holohouse but it's just Kanata and Coco

>> No.24005439

>he doesn’t know bait posts when he sees them

>> No.24005442
Quoted by: >>24005447

Send alternatives

>> No.24005443

She should try to rent a vacation home and try out the experience with a few members for 1-3 weeks first.
This is a cheaper and easier way to try it out first.

But what she really wants is a replacement of a family with friends from Hololive.
It won't get a lot better than her current relations with Kanata and Watame.

>> No.24005446

Ah you are right. My bad, didn't mean to confuse you.

>> No.24005447
Quoted by: >>24005484


>> No.24005450

That's the flag of Thailand retard.
Flare is a Thai Elf

>> No.24005452
Quoted by: >>24005523

we just went over this last fucking night.

>> No.24005454
File: 20 KB, 1245x347, bamboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005466


>> No.24005456

clearly i like them as people too much while most of you guys just see them as javs.
the anti-gay hololive fags are worse than the yuri fags.

>> No.24005461

And a house together is cheaper?

>> No.24005462


Imagine you start a new job, and you get along with all your colleagues, but after a few months/years your boss tells you that you should move in with them and live with them

>> No.24005463

As much as I like Aki, ARK is fucking terrible to watch and I don't care about it being just background noise.

>> No.24005464

More expensive than buying a house?

>> No.24005466

Oh shit I made it in

>> No.24005467

>all those 30yr+ third worlders

>> No.24005471
Quoted by: >>24005514

Aki is just ahead of her time. Nekoze Punch, the elven shit at holofes and everything inbetween is great.

>> No.24005474

Is Coco more depressed than we intially thought?

>> No.24005475

Rushia was basically the NND version of the Twitch thot before Hololive. She only cares about attention and money. She has no real talent and isn't an otaku. Bitch has no fucking business being a vtuber.

>> No.24005476

It's going to be exactly that 90% of the time.

>> No.24005478

way more depressed than most of you think

>> No.24005480

Aki should get into post rock or create a new genere like post ASMR, maybe she can get away with it and grow her fanbase.

>> No.24005481

Rushia is very talented at what she does though.

>> No.24005484

>locked resolutions
>doesn't let you download
>clips can be taken down
The only thing streamable is good for is being fast and easy

>> No.24005483
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1587342905089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24005494

Actually she only has business being a vtuber.

>> No.24005485
Quoted by: >>24005491

Why would Coco be depressed? name one reason

>> No.24005486
Quoted by: >>24005497

>design an Australian character
>make her blond and blue eyed

Why is Japan so racist? Everyone knows that Australia is full of Chinese people

>> No.24005487

autistic pekorafag strikes again

>> No.24005489
Quoted by: >>24005507

Even Flare and Luna's most popular videos have over 100k views. I think Aki's actually the only Hololive without a video with 100k views.

>> No.24005491

She wants to make a holohouse and needs sleeping pills to sleep (this one was supposed to be a secret for the members)

>> No.24005492


>> No.24005494


>> No.24005495

based colorblind retard

>> No.24005496

I think she's pretty funny at least, have to give credit where it's due

>> No.24005497

They should have made her an aboriginal

>> No.24005500

It's a terrible idea Coco, it isn't going to work.

>> No.24005504
Quoted by: >>24005517

I like Pekora because of her genuine reactions and commentary. She's just so genuine, you never see her putting on a character or fake personality.

>> No.24005505
File: 2 KB, 1920x1280, 1920px-Flag_of_Thailand.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24005507
Quoted by: >>24005519

Nekoze punch is one of the best holo videos it's kinda sad

>> No.24005514

Aki's singing is legitimately pretty good. I wonder why she doesn't do it as much.

>> No.24005515
Quoted by: >>24005533

It improved a bit since last week when she got recognition for her tremendous efforts by a viewer.
I suspect her tendency to overwork comes from a lack of recognition for her efforts from her parents due to being the second child.
Getting this instead from her viewers moved her enough to change and decide to stop Asacoco for 1 week.

>> No.24005517

shes not broke yet and called you pigs yet
she will soon though

>> No.24005519

Wish I could experience it in VR

>> No.24005520

Oh, looking at this site, it seems that the one they're showing is actually an extended version?
So it probably would be best to find a stream for the channel.

>> No.24005522
File: 133 KB, 280x300, EA4c6BqVUAAXHg6-280x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco and Kanata wants to start holohouse? Why don't they get married and move in together already?
Towa and Aki only collab with each other? Geez why don't you two kiss already?

>> No.24005523

You mean this morning

>> No.24005525
File: 329 KB, 1402x2048, EY5cT4_UwAAKUm5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she's honestly like decent and she's made the huge step to actually be able to cross translate.
She sounds good when she speaks slower desu.

>> No.24005530

because the anti-gay anons wont donate to them

>> No.24005532

What is she eating

>> No.24005533

>second child.
But she's an older sister

>> No.24005534

sneaky areola

>> No.24005535
Quoted by: >>24005555

Why is she not wearing pantsu? Is this the next fetish?

>> No.24005537

This brat deserves a punch to the stomach

>> No.24005538

Kanata's body and mind belong to Suisei already...

>> No.24005541
Quoted by: >>24005554

Shion stop shipping other holos together and get back to shipping yourself with Aqua

>> No.24005542
File: 759 KB, 1185x1159, EYsclklVcAEs0XY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better behave next thread anons

>> No.24005546
File: 775 KB, 768x768, 1581794126023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24005547
File: 282 KB, 1748x1250, 1589987893051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towa and Aki Kiss

Literally the dream

>> No.24005548

cheese fondue

>> No.24005550


>> No.24005552

Just kill this thread real quick.

>> No.24005553

big kusa

>> No.24005554

you are trash.
you rather the girl have nothing while you have your sick dreams

>> No.24005555
File: 1.53 MB, 2450x1500, 1590385409348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mochi probably
She probably can't be bothered to put them on most days

>> No.24005556

Haatos thighs...

>> No.24005557

Don't be so jealous Shion yo... You had your chance with Coco
