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File: 257 KB, 1443x2048, EXfD0DUUcAA7Znu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23774649 No.23774649 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23774665
File: 19 KB, 126x83, 1570705385580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23774685

>> No.23774667
Quoted by: >>23774717

Does this guy ever play as other killers besides Nurse?

>> No.23774666
File: 33 KB, 416x430, 1589219110332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23774670
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1547931016009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23774671
File: 1.14 MB, 998x1035, okayu~n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774675

They can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.23774673


>> No.23774676
File: 384 KB, 1049x1126, 1589155266183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23774677

Do the homostars sing too?

>> No.23774678

I must fulfill my destiny and impregnate Coco

>> No.23774679
Quoted by: >>23774696

Fuck Towa.
Gonna go masturbate

>> No.23774680
File: 276 KB, 1446x2048, 1589177142051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774681

>tune in to aqua stream
>teammates are dead
like pottery

>> No.23774682

Wait a minute...

>> No.23774684

It's Rikka's and Kanade's speciality.

>> No.23774685
File: 534 KB, 720x720, AZKinose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it.

>> No.23774686

Is aqua the highest ranking apex player vtuber or what? Even niji homos are not in diamond yet

>> No.23774687
File: 826 KB, 1024x800, 2ca97e907e360232f0628e1041469dc936bf968d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23774731

this is doris

she weighs roughly 90 pounds

>> No.23774688
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1589016966490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone save haato

>> No.23774689
File: 94 KB, 719x920, IMG_20200425_152459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23774690
File: 3 KB, 128x128, fbkWorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fubuki retweeting new mcdonald's stuff

>> No.23774692
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1200, 20200511_210833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holostars posting starts now boys

>> No.23774693

thanks to Miko and Coco now I can't stop listening to part of your world

>> No.23774695
File: 671 KB, 603x705, cola dork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774696
File: 228 KB, 1500x1200, 1571275455988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to all the gen4

>> No.23774697
File: 24 KB, 442x280, Annotation 2020-05-11 210244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Japanese:
"Do not engage in idle chatter."
"Don't mention individuals who are unrelated to the livestream."
In English:
>basically stfu
Congrats, the EOPs earned this.

>> No.23774698
File: 133 KB, 752x1062, 1581221395952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How come nobody told me Ayame's mama was this cute and the queen of China? Seems to have pretty cute collabs with Haachama too

>> No.23774699

literally nothing wrong with liking macdonald, baka gaijin

>> No.23774700

This Holosanji has a really nice voice.

>> No.23774701


>> No.23774702

Stop stealing the pics I steal from twitter

>> No.23774705
File: 2.09 MB, 766x1006, 1589169214632.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleasantly plump.

>> No.23774707
File: 878 KB, 1035x1003, 1588701533572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23774768

I want to marry Pekora!

>> No.23774709

whos this cutie, 5th gen holo?

>> No.23774710
File: 54 KB, 800x800, EW9zPyWXsCIwlDW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civia can read your dirty replies to the automatic welcome message at bilibili


>Doris: https://youtu.be/jdTI3zTnyCg

>Civia (best girl ever): https://youtu.be/2ZEYShTTXy4

>Artia: https://youtu.be/mM9XEZv-Rl0

>Spade Echo: https://youtu.be/a56q-RM6XGI

>Yogiri https://youtu.be/Jld-rrnx_GY

>Rosalyn https://youtu.be/NorleG1HGM4

>> No.23774711

Rushia can draw cute if she tries

>> No.23774712


>> No.23774715
Quoted by: >>23774961

You have to remember that Japanese mcdonalds is superior in every way to American mcdonalds, their patties are folded over 1000 times to better concentrate the flavor, and are seasoned with unique traditional Japanese spices that bring it to levels far above traditional burgers.

>> No.23774717

why does the wolf shed tears?

he's gonna do sexy nurse cosplay for sensei!

>> No.23774720

I miss haatos old opening

>> No.23774721
Quoted by: >>23774739

She's got an awfully mundane design for such a big shot

>> No.23774722
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu's continuing Majora's Mask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G27pOV174m4

>> No.23774724

Temma actually winning against our son, Holopro collab has saved him

>> No.23774725
Quoted by: >>23774754

>a 10 year old is better than baqua

>> No.23774726

rosalyn seems like the towa of china

>> No.23774727

https://youtu.be/kmaZpltEGJ8 He needs to tune his guitar.

>> No.23774729
Quoted by: >>23774775

>why does the wolf shed tears?
anon keep trying to buy her hoodie.

>> No.23774730

imagine telling korone you're taking her to the park but then you actually take her to get neutered so you can cum in her repeatedly

>> No.23774731

cute sea bishop

>he doesn't have a steel gut
well, not everyone can be like the KING

>> No.23774732
File: 2.19 MB, 1428x804, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why don't people want to watch Festival?

>> No.23774733

wow not gonna watch her anymore

>> No.23774734

Actually, some Japanese creep being a creep to Watame earned this

>> No.23774738

every single one of them better than all the indo and the prostate users holos

>> No.23774739

That might be part of a success in a sense, she's the opposite of what her avatar might make you think.

>> No.23774740
File: 308 KB, 1300x912, 1571999672284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, we fuck dog!

>> No.23774742

shes a degenerate like me

>> No.23774743
Quoted by: >>23774792

Someone's trying to feed her wasabi.

>> No.23774744
File: 103 KB, 288x288, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.23774745

Someone needs to say it. The random inappropriate english chatter gets on my nerves too and I cant even speak JP yet

>> No.23774746
File: 2.78 MB, 600x336, Suisei reloading her rifle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Hoshimati Suisei at a grocery store in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and reloading her russian rifle in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cigarette packs in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to dance and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the packs and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any voicing chord infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cigarette and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by speaking in russian really loudly.

>> No.23774747

Is the killer Nurse just OP or what? Anyone actually play this game able to shed some light?

>> No.23774748
File: 490 KB, 1152x756, korone licks yubi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck the dog

>> No.23774750

that outfit is unexpected

>> No.23774751
File: 221 KB, 1545x2048, 1589249768675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23774796


>> No.23774752


>> No.23774754
Quoted by: >>23774767

doesn't chihiro sometimes play with an apex predator

>> No.23774756

okayu sexy beam from the voice pack

>> No.23774757

Sorry we won't talking in chat anymore haachama

>> No.23774761
Quoted by: >>23774810

>why does the wolf shed tears?
She's committing seppuku, check her left hand.

>> No.23774762

she's not even the first one in holo to reach diamond, ayame and astel were in diamond before she did it

>> No.23774763

Oh I thought it was Mea that the Billys liked.

>> No.23774765

I don't watch her cause her game selection is either apex or some other shit.

>> No.23774767

That was only once or twice. She usually plays alone or with other nijis.

>> No.23774766


>> No.23774768

good, now work towards it

>> No.23774769

How come she doesn't have many translated clips? You'd think she would be massive but I can't find a lot on her

>> No.23774770

Do you still hate her now?

>> No.23774771
File: 5 KB, 362x51, EOP Chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775476

JP speakers could never...

>> No.23774772

>carried by boyfriend

>> No.23774774
Quoted by: >>23774821

Nurse has a two part blink so it can subvert most if not all the escape methods the survivors have. Usually you can jump through a window or throw a pallet down forcing the killer to go around but nurse can just blink past it and hit you ignoring the obstacle

>> No.23774775

it would be nice to have copies of that hoodie made

>> No.23774777

I don't play Apex so I definitely didn't carry Astel

>> No.23774778

no thanks

>> No.23774779
File: 305 KB, 428x487, 1573606924646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774780

And disregard the SEA english subs if you can

>> No.23774781

watch her play in her archive instead of shitposting

>> No.23774782

please don't talking andastd

>> No.23774783

I feel like she uses Matsuri to gain connections to people like Norio and Matsuri's other popular friends, kinda disgusting

>> No.23774784

his build isnt op, he's just very good at it.

>> No.23774786

>ayames boyfriend

>> No.23774788
File: 886 KB, 1500x1500, 1570771483536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds lazy; very Okayu.

>> No.23774789
Quoted by: >>23774800

What was she doing?

>> No.23774792

that would make sense

>by speaking in russian really loudly
alright, that made it worth reading

>> No.23774793

bwain bwoken again

>> No.23774796
Quoted by: >>23774805


>> No.23774798

Civia daisukiiiiiiiii

>> No.23774799
Quoted by: >>23774814

I'm no borgar but McDonalds is the only restaurant where I can enjoy cheap delicious hamburgers and tasty as fuck fries while drinking Coke because for some reason every restaurant is shilling Pepsi so fucking hard and that beverage is for shitters.

>> No.23774800


>> No.23774801
File: 155 KB, 544x900, EXa8XeTU4AEuUj-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hating coco is literally hating yourself

>> No.23774803

>mfw ayame play apex by letting her boyfriend control the mouse and keyboard while she sits on top of him

>> No.23774805
File: 1021 KB, 1555x1600, b905d21d714e54f06b1687b171d8c2d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774806


Man Korone has so much more energy than the rest of the games. There's no way she's 82kg anymore.

>> No.23774807

He's better than the hololives holy shit.

>> No.23774808
File: 11 KB, 236x96, 1ad3f7657efc9e5614d0ebb58cf8893038c78bd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i admit, it was me
it's the same no matter where you go

>> No.23774809
Quoted by: >>23774853

where's your face bro?

>> No.23774810

there won't suddenly be something if I look at it a second time. I'm going to go with the wasabi-feeding theory.

>> No.23774811
File: 5 KB, 812x62, agoodnijishit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true JOP Chad

>> No.23774814
Quoted by: >>23774842

Pepsi is great, shut your whore mouth

>> No.23774816

How many subs/followers or whatever they're called does Artia have on Bili? Ain't got no damn clue how to find out.

>> No.23774818
Quoted by: >>23774835

Thanks to this pasta and the Suisei is half russian narrative I imagine her talking like the bandits from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. when not streaming

>> No.23774821
Quoted by: >>23774866

That sounds pretty strong, why would you pick a killer that can't blink?

>> No.23774822

I envy him

>> No.23774824
File: 1022 KB, 4096x1971, gen 4th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best gen

>> No.23774825
Quoted by: >>23774835

newfag here, how does live virtual concert works? do they dance at backstage or what?

>> No.23774828

The vets ordered a very special diet for her because she was so obese, all of Hololive staff had a formal written letter to not feed the dog

>> No.23774830

I like this one better

>> No.23774832

best hololiver

>> No.23774833

Pekora's going to get erased soon, being in Noel's way is a bad idea.

>> No.23774835
Quoted by: >>23774995

She's a quarter
I'd imagine it's over 500k but no idea where to see that, ask one of the CN posters
They dance in front of a camera that records their movements just like in their 3D livestreams

>> No.23774836

The perfect Inchou, and I support all Holos over everything else.

>> No.23774837
Quoted by: >>23774903

Tenma happy to have more than 200 viewers aw

>> No.23774838

>Japanese VAs are bet-

>> No.23774839
File: 1.01 MB, 3000x2256, 1588967327414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774841

Luna looks like she's going to flash that smile one day again and we won't see her again until many years have passed

>> No.23774842
Quoted by: >>23774856

pepsi max*
this better be what i hope it is

>> No.23774844
File: 781 KB, 1200x1697, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about this LEAF

>> No.23774847
File: 3 KB, 230x78, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23774857


>> No.23774849
File: 690 KB, 2048x1638, 1573331968605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23774851

Yagoo really has an asymmetrical legwear fetish, doesn't he?

>> No.23774853

Underneath Ayame.

>> No.23774855

What timeslots HoloEN could take without overlapping the main branch streams time?

>> No.23774856
Quoted by: >>23774861

it wasn't I bet

>> No.23774858

Stop disrupting the narrative

>> No.23774857
Quoted by: >>23774906

wasn't she supposed to be one of the popular ones?

>> No.23774859

nearly 100k

>> No.23774860

poggers in the chat

>> No.23774861

no it was not that dude singing mikoboat

>> No.23774863

specifically for apex I really like a lot of the english voices
revenant, octane, wattson and crypto all sound better in english

>> No.23774865
Quoted by: >>23774878

Oh, killer clown this time.

>> No.23774866

If your not good at controlling the blink you can overshoot/undershoot/travel to different floors. Blinking will put nurse in a recovery animation if you dont attack or blink again. Some of the other killers have instant down skills most notable would be Micheal Myers that has a 3 stage buff that gives him lunge range, speed, and instant down for a good amount of time.

>> No.23774868

Aim hero aquabros...

>> No.23774869
File: 303 KB, 391x631, 1586607213200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alright would be my #1 if her platform wasn't bilibili

>> No.23774870
File: 325 KB, 493x505, 1587265631059.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Asacoco will fix that hate right up.

>> No.23774871

chotto one minute, do 'people' really go to a concert to look at a giant TV?

>> No.23774872

None of them because the Japanese branch stream all over the fucking place but it's not like it matters, they are for different audiences. Even Moona can manage 1k viewers while the JPs are streaming

>> No.23774876
Quoted by: >>23774913


1 Million hits, bros.

>> No.23774877
Quoted by: >>23774892

I found a gem that I feel needs more attention from this general

>> No.23774878

Or not. I was hoping to see another killer.

>> No.23774880


>> No.23774881
Quoted by: >>23774893

how new....
its been a thing since hatsune miku

>> No.23774882

I need to stay away from the chinese holos. I did two years of chinese back in highschool and it's freaking confusing when you're learning japanese.

>> No.23774886
Quoted by: >>23774900

It's an English western game so i'll play it with English voices or else it'd feel weird and she probably shares the same feeling. Playing any anime games with EN dubs is a sin though.

>> No.23774887

That's zombie Okayu.

>> No.23774888

Noel is gonna get filtered so hard by the DLC bosses

>> No.23774890
File: 1.10 MB, 905x1280, 69ceec9080861c43b5f9c207da1b9933e66f0455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can draw well and it's cute when she rages at her teammates in english

>> No.23774891

just ignore her
i dont even remember she exists until faggots post her in the thread

>> No.23774892

Not a gem at all. It's very fucking shit
yes, this has been a thing since vocaloid anon

>> No.23774893


>> No.23774894

Aqua vs ayame when

>> No.23774900

What do you play Resident evil with then?

>> No.23774899

Where's the china anons to provide us with translated clips of civia, artia and nana? Rise up to the challenge my chinese friends

>> No.23774902
Quoted by: >>23774909

Now imagine planning your holidays and going to japan just to watch that giant TV.
That's you in a year.

>> No.23774903
Quoted by: >>23774923

god this just makes me think about how sad it must be to work this hard only to pull in so little viewers. i wonder if it bothers them anymore

>> No.23774905

Nameless King is harder than all of them

>> No.23774906
Quoted by: >>23774914

The most popular is Spade Echo at about 164k, followed by Civia at 144k. The least popular is technically Rosalyn at 79k, but Yogiri is gen 1 and at 82k.

>> No.23774909
Quoted by: >>23774946

I'm actually planning on going to Japan next hear. If the timing matches up I might actually try that.
And then call it retarded online.

>> No.23774910
File: 159 KB, 309x298, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

korone is not fat

>> No.23774911

>4 kills and top 6
>-8 LP
how the hell do you even climb in this elo, it's virtually impossible without a squad isn't it?

>> No.23774913
File: 297 KB, 1430x2020, 1589024374179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775042

this makes me want to rewatch nichijou even though it was shit

>> No.23774914
Quoted by: >>23774921

Why do they have barely any subs? Are those big numbers for a blbl channel?

>> No.23774916

Why is FBK the only one with a crown?

>> No.23774919

Since I started learning japanese I'm playing all my western games with japanese VA + japanese subs when they're available for better immersion. Overwatch has some really good VA, and I like Cortana's japanese VA in halo.

>> No.23774921
Quoted by: >>23774940


>> No.23774922

Why does it matter to you if she is or isn't?

>> No.23774923
Quoted by: >>23775033

I think it depends on how much he enjoys streaming vs how much he enjoys success. If his goal and dream is to just be a streamer or a chuuba, than so long as he has a stable enough fanbase to keep going he's probably happy. If he has a desire to be big then 200 feels really bad

>> No.23774925
File: 151 KB, 850x1039, Marine3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok admit it, how many of you could actually beat Senchou at this?


>> No.23774924


>> No.23774928

You get to top 2 obviously. The more kills you got, the more gains the higher you place too.

>> No.23774930


>> No.23774931

watching rushia last of us was great, what are other rushiacore videos like this? has she beaten other cover shootans or story intensive games?

>> No.23774932

Doxxfags hours
I'm sure theyll enjoy it too since they can speculate over which ones still have their dicks attached

>> No.23774933

I like her passive aggressive tone

>> No.23774934

Shes the sempai

>> No.23774937

That's why Aqua is actually the best. She didn't even need a squad to reach diamond.

>> No.23774938

Denial is one hell of a drug

>> No.23774940

Wow they have less subs than the holos that barely stream on there

>> No.23774941

The best vtuber. If Fubuki is the "Shitpost Queen" then this girl is the "Dark Web Messiah".

>> No.23774942

Aqua actually rescuing teammates...

>> No.23774943

I want to beat Senchou.

>> No.23774944


>> No.23774946
Quoted by: >>23774963

Good luck with that seeing as covid is gonna be here a while

>> No.23774948

>So fat that Okayu doesn't even touch Korone's model.

>> No.23774949
File: 35 KB, 461x331, EOP chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do EOPs think the world revolves around them?

>> No.23774951

It's monopolised by old VA. Every time watching western video with Japanese dub always same old boring voices I heard.

>> No.23774952
Quoted by: >>23774968


>> No.23774953


>> No.23774956

Formidable knock-off!

>> No.23774957

Marine could.

>> No.23774958

chunkywife korone

>> No.23774961
Quoted by: >>23774977

Every McDonald is better than American's. How can people eat that stuff is beyond me.

>> No.23774962

The fact he's not even a member makes it so much worse.

>> No.23774963

yeah, I'm hoping it blows over by next year. I was actually planning it for this winter but that's a no go.

>> No.23774965

>Not even a member

>> No.23774967

actually good

>> No.23774968

It'd probably be low quality foam like Roboco's.

>> No.23774969

actually surprised aqua reads grey chat

>> No.23774970

what is that song

>> No.23774971

you queue with esportsfags who could solo top 2 against diamondshitters

>> No.23774972
Quoted by: >>23774990

The EOPs in aquas chat are discussing her onion head

>> No.23774975

I honestly just don't watch any of them since the site is a pain to use. I can probably help translate some VODs though.

>> No.23774976


>> No.23774977

Its trash but sometimes you just get the craving.
Mcdonalds has a pretty unique bland flavoring that while its usually garbage, somedays you just get that taste in your mouth and you want it so bad.

I really want a cheeseburger right now.

>> No.23774978
File: 99 KB, 630x947, 1589165978837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775023

Slutty Senchou Sucks Seven Seamen

say that 10 times fast

>> No.23774979

That guy has a "leaving a livestream" fetish.

>> No.23774980
Quoted by: >>23774987

People also go to the cinema to look at a giant TV. The performances are pre-recorded so you can treat it the same.

>> No.23774981

This is unironically the biggest reason. Bilibili is such a goddamn chore

>> No.23774982
File: 98 KB, 1855x1072, 297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes a person write something like that in a japanese chat room? Imagine thinking you're so important that people care.

>> No.23774985
File: 37 KB, 387x390, 5d38847b635d26e9dcf9d218a03dbf60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont understand why they feel the need to spam either. Is this guy fucking autistic?

>> No.23774986
Quoted by: >>23775002

>"brb rushia gotta do my chores"

>> No.23774987
Quoted by: >>23775009

This isn't nijisanji anon

>> No.23774989

I think I'll watch this homostar more often, pretty enjoyable to watch this killer. How long does a game usually last in DBD, he seems to kill them pretty quickly.

>> No.23774990

makes me to filter them but I need the rest of the chat

>> No.23774992
File: 615 KB, 1280x720, 1578147758297.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mad man did it I can hear "her" theme mixed in damn !

>> No.23774994
Quoted by: >>23775114

I have a headache, so I'll go now, sorry /hlg/. bye bye guys

>> No.23774995
Quoted by: >>23775098

the cn hololive with the most subscription is echo spade with 160k
this guy does translation clips for cn hololive

>> No.23774996

I had a dream about her, and I don't even watch her that often.

>> No.23774999

JOPs announce that they're going to work all the time.

>> No.23775001
Quoted by: >>23775098

we already have at least 2
hopefully more will come
china members are a blast

>> No.23775002

"ok I'm back"

>> No.23775003
Quoted by: >>23775024

>tfw ive been getting maccas delivered almost daily for the past 2 weeks
>still lighter than korone

>> No.23775004
File: 290 KB, 1080x1080, 1588769336592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you will never get a 120cm 44kg cute girlfriend like Aqua.

>> No.23775005

Does reporting people in the chat actually do anything

>> No.23775007

can you stop posting the EOP chat screenshots, it's too cringy tanomu

>> No.23775009

Listen to their performances then listen to how they actually sing on their livestreams. It's either pre-recorded or they have live autotune.

>> No.23775010


>> No.23775012
Quoted by: >>23775036

Someone should post a screencap of JOPs doing the same and ask the same question.

>> No.23775013
File: 211 KB, 399x690, SPEAK ENGLISH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775063


>> No.23775014

who and who?

>> No.23775016

Wonder how many EOPs will be in Kanatas member stream

>> No.23775017

I'm reminded every day...

>> No.23775018

>it's too cringy tanomu
get the fuck outta here

>> No.23775019

>Is this guy fucking autistic?

>> No.23775021

>Is this guy fucking autistic?
he's in a streamers chat, of course he is just like the rest of us

>> No.23775023

tfw she's retweeted that

>> No.23775024

God I wish that were me. The burger part, I'm also lighter than korone.

>> No.23775026

Wasn't she like 112cm 48kg?

>> No.23775027

that's marine not senchou, dunno how people are confusing them

>> No.23775029



>> No.23775030

First Iofi doxxes herself, now Risu does it too. How did HoloID go so wrong?

>> No.23775033

He seemed pretty happy regardless. I only decided to check his stream out due to the FBK/MTR/Temma collab earlier today but I'll give it another chance probably.

I don't see any appealing traits about him yet. He's more laid back than Fubuki but without the charm.

>> No.23775034
File: 1002 KB, 690x1170, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this is blessed

>> No.23775035

t. EOP chatter

>> No.23775036

That would require us to know how to read japanese which little to none of us can

>> No.23775037
Quoted by: >>23775134

>mcdonald doesn't have addictive stuff in it
Yeah, I see it.

>> No.23775039
File: 66 KB, 802x668, 1588309060646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the days tourists were pulled in by the meme queen, now she has lost most of her powers

>> No.23775041
File: 321 KB, 2048x2048, 20200510_112227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've learned to live with the pain

>> No.23775042

When's Kyoani going to release a sequel?

>> No.23775043

aquas autism is really going to force her to keep trying to rank up in diamond with that insane penalty isnt it
I've seen the solofag disease claim way too many friends Aquabros...

>> No.23775044
File: 167 KB, 1375x1375, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775218

THE かなた only stream later!!!! I'm hype!!!!

>> No.23775045

You really don't want to get together with a womanlet and curse your potential children with womanlet genes.

>> No.23775046

she's fun

>> No.23775047
Quoted by: >>23775060

Why doesn't she include ID translation?

>> No.23775052

>matsuri idolmaster

>> No.23775053

Season ends soon and she can't derank so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.23775055
Quoted by: >>23775085

i hate her for bringing in /v/fags and normalfag EOPs

>> No.23775057


>> No.23775059
Quoted by: >>23775170

They're kind of burnt out at the moment

>> No.23775060
Quoted by: >>23775077

guess what language the image is in

>> No.23775063

You know, I usually laugh at you nerds for your hate of EOPs but now... get rid of them all.

>> No.23775062

She's Asian so her height doesn't matter, the children will always be shorter than you anyway

>> No.23775064

The Japanese post the exact same stuff. You people are fucking stupid.

>> No.23775065
Quoted by: >>23775074

doesn't the season end like, today?

>> No.23775069

Who is this cute 21st gen hololive?

>> No.23775072
File: 49 KB, 411x400, 02704de68e341c7e774f19158a3a78f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775073

who ever are the top tourist chuubas these days? miko and the dog?
i feel like even the matsuri bands of aids are less of a thing now

>> No.23775074

it is, most aqua posters don't know how the game works

>> No.23775075

>can't even punch
how are these people diamond

>> No.23775076
Quoted by: >>23775090

Prove it.

>> No.23775077
Quoted by: >>23775479

Yes but when they do it they are members

>> No.23775078


>> No.23775079

Children with Aqua...

>> No.23775082
Quoted by: >>23775170

It will be soon i heard they had blazing ideas raging through their office

>> No.23775083

So by your logic we can conclude Korone and the rest of Hololive are fatter than this girl

>> No.23775085
File: 219 KB, 300x300, 1587981952497.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK only wants to make Holos worldwide with wholesome memes

>> No.23775088
File: 135 KB, 600x419, 1589136387777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775097

If I got Aqua pregnant would she explode?

>> No.23775089
File: 2.52 MB, 1698x3389, 1589258612159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New comet spotted
Listen to her cover as well

>> No.23775090
Quoted by: >>23775105

The Japanese leave messages that they're going to work all the time, even through superchat. You will always hear the streamer telling them that "bye, work hard" or whatever when they read it

>> No.23775091

I don't get who does the deleting. There's no mods?

>> No.23775092

Apex is a team game.

>> No.23775094


>> No.23775097

She'd probably die during the birth

>> No.23775098
Quoted by: >>23775118

Really want more of those china girls after discovering they exist but I don't know Chinese and they don't have a lot of clips out there.

Nana is really super cute so I can see why she has the most viewers but Civia and Spade echo look really cute too.

>> No.23775099

the girls can personally perma ban

>> No.23775100

I'm as short as her so that's not a problem.

>> No.23775102

He posted it in the R18 tag and made Marine expect it to be lewd.
How many even knew about this tag?

>> No.23775104

pretty sure the only one revolving around it the hardest is you anon, people say stuff like this in both languages, a lot of times because they feel bad (however irrational it is) that they're not giving the stream a view anymore and if you can believe it they don't think to just leave the stream running

>> No.23775105

Going to work or anything through a superchat is better than "I have a headache" because they are supporting or going to work so they can support the streamer.

>> No.23775106


>> No.23775107

Holostars are so poor, they can barely see the games their playing on their faded monitors.

>> No.23775108
File: 465 KB, 626x885, EXp10B_U4AAWnfU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Haato retweets this kind of stuff bros... She's so lewd for a JK

>> No.23775110

japan servers

>> No.23775111
Quoted by: >>23775256

You can check the participants in the chat. Seems like it was Kanata who did it though.

>> No.23775114
File: 394 KB, 2131x1568, 1575375345080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, I'm kinda tired so I'm going to step out for a bit.
Before I go I just wanted to say that Towa is honestly amazing. I wasn't that big into Hololive at first, a lot of the streamers just seemed gimmicky at best, so I usually avoided them and kept up with some of the smaller independent girls. However I happened into Towa's stream one day and heard her singing and I was instantly drawn in. Her voice was just like an angel's, I could immediately feel my life turning around from that point on.
After immediately hitting the like and subscribe button I went through some of her older videos, and my god. Not only does she have the voice of a goddess she's actually a really entertaining streamer all around. I love just sitting back and watching her play some of my favorite video games, adding her own personal flare and wit to them upping the experience to one of just entertainment, to something that surpasses the simple emotion of fun and edges itself into something that can only be compared to as spiritual fulfillment.

Somedays when you're feeling down it can seem like the entire world is just conspiring to kill you, but being able to tune in to Towa's stream makes all of that stress disappear as if it never existed in the first place. Just being able to listen to Towa's voice is like taking a nice hot bath that relaxes your muscles and eases your tension. Knowing that her videos will be there for me to watch when I get home, and the knowledge that she will continue streaming and putting out new content in the future is enough to drive me to continue living on.

Honestly I'm just so glad that I was able to find Towa, her entire existence has proven to me that there is hope in life, and that we're not just living in an existential hellscape that just exists to string us along until we eventually die. Towa is truly an angel. The last thing I want to see before I die I Towa's smiling face as she has fun streaming her exploits to the world.
But be back later bros.

>> No.23775115

arent the other holos mods as well if they are there? or whoever has the wrench icon?

>> No.23775118
Quoted by: >>23775171

They are all precious, even the fish

>> No.23775120
Quoted by: >>23775129

She wears lewd pantsu after all.

>> No.23775121


>> No.23775123

This honestly really funny with that fat bass line complimenting their lagged movement.

>> No.23775126

Pretty much, I'd imagine they'd have some background people as well **beyond A-chan that is**.

>> No.23775128

Based towabro.

>> No.23775129

She wore those because she's a dumby though not because she wanted to show off her privates

>> No.23775130
Quoted by: >>23775143

She really has problems hitting high notes.

>> No.23775133
File: 1.43 MB, 2454x1273, EXvYeE9XQAAxck3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775162

What kind of mage wields an axe?

>> No.23775132


>> No.23775134
Quoted by: >>23775155

I wouldn't call it addictive, not anymore than whenever you get a craving for seafood or pizza.

>> No.23775135

if you were expecting me to read that you were wrong

>> No.23775136


>> No.23775138


>> No.23775141
Quoted by: >>23775160

Aqua's mouth manages to always be lubricated somehow

>> No.23775143

It's tough

>> No.23775145
Quoted by: >>23775168

When is that Zombieland Saga cover coming out with sankisei?

>> No.23775146

Where's the "i don't speak bugman language" option, dumbo?

>> No.23775148

Who is this guy? One of the devs for Marine's 2hu game?

>> No.23775150

i can't believe FPS KING USADA was playing for aqua's team with that kszk aim

>> No.23775153

Haachama has a dirty mind and is probably into some kinky stuff

>> No.23775154

Chink is pig disgusting.

It's called not voting.

>> No.23775155
Quoted by: >>23775184

I'd say addictive foods are the ones where you'll eat a huge amount if you don't pay attention

>> No.23775157

Gives me watame vibes

>> No.23775160

if I was autistic I would create an hour long video of aqua's saliva sounds.

>> No.23775161
Quoted by: >>23775238

It's not a game, just a music album.

>> No.23775162

She's a blue mage.

>> No.23775163
File: 10 KB, 568x71, firefox_LBsW6bObFu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you're blind?

>> No.23775164

Why are there so many EOP's in Kanata's waiting room. I don't get it. None of them have any awareness to speak of either

>> No.23775166
Quoted by: >>23775198

Make a bigger essay and post it on her comments like that guy does on the squirrel's channel, I refuse to acknowledge you as a Towa fan until you do so

>> No.23775168
File: 255 KB, 1200x1800, 1570049953526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said it'll come out late may, Suisei has an upcoming announcement next week so it might be around then

>> No.23775169
Quoted by: >>23775176

The fuck is the difference between Mandarin and Normal?

>> No.23775170
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1584771323545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775171
File: 145 KB, 1500x844, hololive doris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775172
Quoted by: >>23775310

all me

>> No.23775174


>> No.23775176
Quoted by: >>23775192

Normal people can't speak Chinese

>> No.23775180

>Do you're blind?

>> No.23775181
Quoted by: >>23775200

>If I was autistic
Well. It's never too late to change your ways anon.

>> No.23775183
Quoted by: >>23775192

the fuck is normal supposed to mean?

>> No.23775184

I mean I can't defend the shit McDonalds puts in their food, but I'd put it on the lower end of "addicting" if even that. Its not like you're going into withdrawals without it.

There's plenty of foods that don't have sketchy shit in them that you can just keep eating without realizing it though. Sweets in general have that problem, same with fried chicken.

>> No.23775185
Quoted by: >>23775200

>if I was autistic

>> No.23775186

>not able to speak cantonese, mandarin and hokkien
never gonna make it bro

>> No.23775187

It's not even like Kanata is even EOP friendly, since she machineguns and rambles so no one tls her shit

>> No.23775192
Quoted by: >>23775207


>> No.23775194

I wonder how many retards though this

>> No.23775198

Sadly I'm not that autistic.

>> No.23775199

you do though, reddit. you are the bugman

>> No.23775200

I just don't have that autism trait that gets people dedicated to making high effort clips.

>> No.23775201
Quoted by: >>23775437

As the other anon said, she has trouble with high notes. Is Suisei a soprano or contralto?

>> No.23775203

I call chinks bugmen and I get written up for racism, Fate makes Qin Shi huang a literal human moth and they get praised, life isn't fair

>> No.23775206

The OG shitposter. FBK and Dragon will never compare

>> No.23775207

>A:"can you speak the big china"
if i was A i'd deliver a hook towards your face

>> No.23775209

Why didn't holo have someone as good as her bros...

>> No.23775210
Quoted by: >>23775228

there's no reason to ever learn the dialects unless you want to talk to old people in hong kong or taiwan

>> No.23775213
Quoted by: >>23775221

Are there any cantonese vtubers?

I sure as hell would rather learn that than mandarin.

>> No.23775218
Quoted by: >>23775372

Whats the stream about? I'm only member'd to Coco.

>> No.23775221
Quoted by: >>23775257

>Cantonese over Mandarin
Why? If you're going to speak a degenerate language might as well speak the useful one

>> No.23775224
Quoted by: >>23775231

Matsuri fucking changed her Hamtaro stream to Shinymas at the last minute god damnit. I was looking forward to that.

>> No.23775227
Quoted by: >>23775237

my parents tried to get me to learn mandarin but i told them that it was gay so they forced me to learn it but I never tried so they gave up on me and called me a failure of a son that will never amount to anything

>> No.23775228

That's the only reason to go to those places or the mainland anyway, how else are you going to learn secret techniques?

>> No.23775230

>can't afford decent antenna or cables for her television
Sasuga poorfag

>> No.23775231


>> No.23775232

they probably wanna learn japanese instead of cantonese or a taiwan dialect. they're always singing japanese songs

>> No.23775233
File: 105 KB, 267x330, Luna64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Chinese people out of my American/Euro/Sea/Aussie/South America general.

>> No.23775234

that's for the best

>> No.23775237
Quoted by: >>23775255

Your parents are Chinese expats or something?

>> No.23775238

lame, how do you even make it hololive related then?

>> No.23775241
Quoted by: >>23775268

I've only seen one guy using English though

>> No.23775244

I want them in
I need more of these Chinese cuties, especially ayame's mama since she has Japanese videos instead of full chinese.

>> No.23775245

>talks about learning chinese
they're seanigs dude

>> No.23775247

I think most Chinese speakers in this thread are people who speak it as a second or third language thanks to parents or school though.

>> No.23775249
Quoted by: >>23775285

okayu you are too precious

>> No.23775250

ZUN-style fan music is nothing new. This guy made it just to commemorate the upcoming album.

>> No.23775251
File: 202 KB, 1200x1697, EXvO8VDU8AAIi6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776443

>pandering to Okayufags for more subs

>> No.23775253
Quoted by: >>23775297

Anyone have any other moments of concentrated chaos during collabs? This whole round was fun https://youtu.be/3Ql0oVy_Spo?t=3110

>> No.23775255
Quoted by: >>23775400

they are from taiwan

>> No.23775256

Based PPT

>> No.23775257
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, 1587006119455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cantonese locks out the MOPs from watching you.

>> No.23775259

Get out.

>> No.23775263
File: 949 KB, 947x534, shien....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch him.

>> No.23775264
Quoted by: >>23775275

Aqua sperging out, I cant handle it bros...

>> No.23775265
Quoted by: >>23775286

Based Himemori "The chinese need to pay what they owe nanora" Luna.

>> No.23775268
Quoted by: >>23775310

It's one SUPER autistic guy though

>> No.23775270

Is there a point in doing the extra and DLC bosses if you know you're not going to enjoy them?

>> No.23775273

You can always just learn it *without* a degree and just never put it on your resumé/CV though

>> No.23775275

She really is too adorable...

>> No.23775276

He's still on the default female skin.

>> No.23775277
File: 68 KB, 827x924, EXyMVpwU4AUeGho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grats Luna!

>> No.23775278

>Chinese people
most of em are probably SG, HK or TW

>> No.23775281

Years of market research, trial and error, female prototyping and however many sacrificed holostars so that we could arrive at the ultimate idiot.

>> No.23775284

I am bro, Boss and son

>> No.23775285
Quoted by: >>23775319

This was a fun playthrough. I was glad she liked one of my favorite games enough to cry.

>> No.23775286

Himemori "Nanjing didn't happen but it should have nanora" Luna

>> No.23775287

130k celebration video incoming

>> No.23775288
File: 649 KB, 616x900, 1574417200772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775289
Quoted by: >>23775308

why do you guys insist on being retards? you can't even learn japanese go larp about your non-existent knowledge regarding cantonese and mandarin elsewhere.

you ever gonna realize your "infograph" knowledge is a joke?

>> No.23775291

>excited to watch his Minecraft stream
>excited to watch Miko's Minecraft stream later
I guess I'm a Minecraftfag.

>> No.23775292

hide post >>23775263
thanks for the tools 4chan developers

>> No.23775293
Quoted by: >>23775460

ohno Flarebros...they are catching up...

>> No.23775296
Quoted by: >>23775316

When is one of the holos allowed to play one of the DS/GBA pocket monster: mystery dungeon game?

>> No.23775297

When Suisei killed everyone by herself in Project Winter.

>> No.23775302

Aqua is so weird desu

>> No.23775308
Quoted by: >>23775315

sure thing chang

>> No.23775310

It's probably >>23775172 kek

>> No.23775313

>Matsuri doing an APEX gacha stream tonight

>> No.23775314

You know, I just realised Trine co-op would be a pretty fun game to watch the Holos/Homos play. Would fit TriNero perfectly, too.

>> No.23775315

saying chang isn't a downvote, reddit

>> No.23775316
Quoted by: >>23775338

Okayu played the Switch remake. That's as close as you're gonna get.

>> No.23775317

i'm glad she found an audience for her weirdness

>> No.23775319

i've never even beaten the first dungeon, not sure why but i could never get into the GBC games

>> No.23775321

The question is will matsuri pick the 12 year old loli?

>> No.23775322

I love her the way she is.

>> No.23775323

I watched Artia stream Overwatch and it was fun. Hololive needs more salty gamer girls.

>> No.23775325 [SPOILER] 
File: 120 KB, 640x480, 1589260077107.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favorites your game suggestions
I hope she likes them. free, easy to run and full of story

>> No.23775326

apex... gacha? what

>> No.23775327

I was skeptic by the start but it went from 0 to 100 really quickly.
I can say that he is the inverse suisei, struggles with middle tones, but shines with high ones

>> No.23775328

Matsuri is beb

>> No.23775329
Quoted by: >>23775379

Gotta milk those paypigs

>> No.23775332

go watch twitch whores instead, it's the same shit

>> No.23775333

>i am a predator yay

>> No.23775334

whatever wang

>> No.23775336
Quoted by: >>23775345

>everyone is fucking playing shinymas
cool but also FUCK this isn't content

>> No.23775337

I desperately want a weird 148cm 48kg sweaty virgin NEET aqua girlfriend.

>> No.23775338

But that's not even a mystery dungeon game... :(

>> No.23775339


She's going to open a hundred lootboxes in the hope of a Pathfinder skin

>> No.23775340

whatever you say wong

>> No.23775341

What is it about having your holo call your name that feels so good

>> No.23775343

>Stop Korea-tan

>> No.23775345

this makes me glad that vtubers weren't big when kancolle was at its peak
i enjoyed playing it for what it was but holy fuck i can imagine every vtuber playing it

>> No.23775346
Quoted by: >>23775429

it's literally the only game where she can afford to be salty desu, she sucks so much at everything else it would be embarrassing to be salty when you carry no weight.

>> No.23775347
File: 30 KB, 375x307, EW-03R5UwAAOW22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Matsuri slurp~

>> No.23775348

I'm liking this new Arknights character

>> No.23775349
File: 68 KB, 592x543, moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moona is asking about your school memories, go translate your shitpost to ids and mess her up.

>> No.23775353

Hikki onion maid

>> No.23775357
Quoted by: >>23775371

>watch vtuber for the waifu experience
>matsuri is literally acting like me
what the fuck

>> No.23775360


>> No.23775362

they would for sure but gacha games are not streamable content, shit's so fucking boring even if all you're doing is pulling.

>> No.23775366

When she says mine I cringe though

>> No.23775367

Did she literally just steal Haato's idea?

>> No.23775368
File: 1.53 MB, 1479x832, firefox_sU4ESo2yfP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri looks like a fucking creep. Good thing she is one.

>> No.23775371

>watch vtuber for the waifu experience
woah we don't take in such pathetic individuals in our general

>> No.23775372


The description implies it's a zatsudan

>> No.23775373

I cannot stand the shinymas streams anymore, there I said it.

>> No.23775374

>nice body aqua chan
Who's this bro...

>> No.23775375

Same. I got my marriage and stopped though.

>> No.23775376

She has had that stream planned for a while I think

>> No.23775377

I don't. Go take a nap ya big baby.

>> No.23775379

She's overdoing it. Does Matsuri even have an Ansu or a yakuza gachikoi? I know L*ger isn't that rich/generous.

>> No.23775380
Quoted by: >>23775396

that's not new at all

>> No.23775384

rikka is such a nice senpai, letting trinero live in his house and letting shien take all those diamonds

>> No.23775385

It really is a wonderful coincidence how she ended up having a really sleazy looking model

>> No.23775387

Guys why dont they play other games

>> No.23775388

maybe someday, nothing against holostars or minecraft, my plate's just full as it is

>> No.23775389

Then you should be talking about the true 130cm 50kg version of Aqua instead of your imaginary bootleg

>> No.23775390
Quoted by: >>23775408

The reason she's doing this is because she refused to roll the gacha her last apex stream so people gave like $2000 to force her to.

>> No.23775392

I can't wait for his inevitable death and loss of all of those diamond tools.

>> No.23775393

theres one yakuzafag but he maxed out his youtube account for the week on the last apex gacha

>> No.23775394
File: 328 KB, 484x494, Shuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

無名の皆さん ごめんね、頭痛いから今日はこれで。。さよなら

>> No.23775396
File: 107 KB, 637x900, 1586243611654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775404

The art is, the cover isnt

>> No.23775399

>counting her hat

>> No.23775400
Quoted by: >>23775422

So they are chinese expats.

>> No.23775402

So is there any holo worth with technology than PPT?

>> No.23775403

It feels even better when they read your EOP message attached

>> No.23775404

i need to fucking sleep

>> No.23775406
Quoted by: >>23775505

She should be a Chinese holo if she's just going to steal idea from haato.

>> No.23775408

>force her to
Riiiiight. DIdn't know supachas can do that.

>> No.23775409
Quoted by: >>23775428

It's time for me to post that time I was throw in the trash can for my birthday

>> No.23775412

Bleach a chink!

>> No.23775415

Shien's gonna lose those, didn't even bother taking some armor for himself

>> No.23775416
File: 125 KB, 850x857, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_niminimisan__sample-392b2aeef8493f24e96d9647d38bbd22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kanata has millions of heimin, I am one of them.

if Kanata has ten heimin, I am one of them.

If Kanata has only one heimin, that is me.

if Kanata has no heimin, that means I am no more on the earth. Hit the Like if you think Kanata is the greatest Hololive & the greatest beauty, cutest kouhai and the most fantastic singer in the world.

I am proud to be in THE かなた!!!!

>> No.23775419

>The fukkireta thumbnail is STILL Ayame
What on god's green earth did Hololive mean by this?

>> No.23775420

I knew matsuri would melt over the 12 year old shinym@s

>> No.23775422
Quoted by: >>23775497

literally raging right now

>> No.23775423
Quoted by: >>23775445

Aqua legit seems autistic
I'm glad YAGOO gave her a place where her autism could shine. She feels like the kind of streamer vtubers were made for

>> No.23775424
File: 52 KB, 343x444, H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775427

she was the last girl in the rotation

>> No.23775425


>> No.23775428

>It's time for me to post that time I was throw in the trash can for my birthday
Tell us about it.

>> No.23775429
Quoted by: >>23775459

obsessed eop

>> No.23775431
Quoted by: >>23775441

>switch to festival stream
>immediately see her roll the 12 year old and orgasm

>> No.23775432

Ayame plays it on loop while she gets her womb bullied

>> No.23775433

lootboxes are basically gacha lite

>> No.23775434

And shinimas

>> No.23775436

Fake and Unbased

>> No.23775437

She's best singing more deeply, that's why tenkyuu is her best song.

>> No.23775438

No oh... No one told you? You've been missing out on so much power.

>> No.23775440
Quoted by: >>23775452

>retards typing FBI open up
I'm gonna come over there and strangle you

>> No.23775441
File: 1.65 MB, 1479x832, firefox_l851IZKOmw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775536

She's just starting and picking her first idol.

>> No.23775442
Quoted by: >>23775455

I'm not convinced that she couldn't make any model sleazy. Shion's permanently set her expression to the angry face, the actress's condition bleeds in a shocking amount.

>> No.23775443
File: 10 KB, 170x99, 1589241797832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775444
File: 37 KB, 594x70, cease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23775445

Interesting view, mind expanding more on this?

>> No.23775451

I refuse to believe that's a real person and not just someone shitposting.

>> No.23775452
Quoted by: >>23775468

strangle them extra hard for me, the joke doesn't work anymore. people use it way too often

>> No.23775453

stop posting your own eop comments its fucking pathetic

>> No.23775455
Quoted by: >>23775483

wait, that expression is supposed to be an angry face?
Has shion EVER used her normal expression?

>> No.23775457

He is at least admitting he needs to learn

>> No.23775458
File: 44 KB, 540x562, 1558204270688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775459

If that one sentence make me obsessed you're the EOP, or you really need to read the definition of the words you're trying to use.

>> No.23775460

I'm not sure those late night streams are doing good things to Flare's subscribers.

>> No.23775462
Quoted by: >>23775484

I can't believe I just found a fairly active Kanata fan page because of this ppost. I don't watch Kanata often so heimin was strange to me.

>> No.23775468

It never worked, drawings don't have rights.

>> No.23775471


>> No.23775472


>> No.23775473


>> No.23775474


>> No.23775476

EOP Chads run this thread now

>> No.23775477

She's helping Haato with her homework.

>> No.23775478

>can't get away from moralfags even in matsuri's stream

fuck off

>> No.23775479
Quoted by: >>23775496


are you actually retarded? Why would an ID vtuber bother putting in the translation written in ID for her ID fans

>> No.23775480
File: 297 KB, 483x483, 1566764106361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775489


>> No.23775481


>> No.23775483
File: 745 KB, 224x216, 1584191514282.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She almost never uses any other expression.

>> No.23775484
Quoted by: >>23775516

Link it

>> No.23775485

Astel in the boss' chat

>> No.23775486

Shiengumi bros

>> No.23775487

What is this cursed collab?

>> No.23775488


>> No.23775489


>> No.23775492

>all one post apart
i will now watch your homo

>> No.23775494

Why am I watching Idol gacha now I want to masturbate

>> No.23775495


She's following Haachama's example and getting her viewers to do the work for her.

>> No.23775496

That was sarcasm anon, I just didn't look at the image. Of course it's not tagalog

>> No.23775497

It could be worse, at least I'm doing it on purpose.

>> No.23775498


>> No.23775499

Supa speaks anon. If she pocketed the money those same viewers are less likely to donate again. While now she gets to do a gacha stream and make back all that supa spent in people wanting to celebrate rolls.

>> No.23775500

>Haato invents marshmallow streams

>> No.23775501

good job getting me to open his stream

>> No.23775502


>> No.23775503


>> No.23775504

astel and rikka watching their kouhai show off how little he knows about everyone

>> No.23775505

Haachama took that idea from Subaru anyway
arguing about stream idea thievery between hololivers is a lost cause since they all jump on eachothers ideas

>> No.23775506

>385 viewers
Why is TriNero so popular

>> No.23775508

rent free and obsessed, eop

>> No.23775509

I can easily get most stage characters, but I'm absolutely destroyed by the player character faces varied by game.

>> No.23775512
Quoted by: >>23775520

>a tech company couldn't figure out a way to automate the thumbnail change

>> No.23775513

He's a dork

>> No.23775514


>> No.23775515

What's Shien going to do with all of those diamond tools

>> No.23775516


>> No.23775517

die, probably

>> No.23775519

is shien a kuroneko

>> No.23775520

>tech company
But hololive is a talent agency

>> No.23775521

Honestly I only watch Izuru because he's the only one who plays good games.

>> No.23775522

Why is Boss holding so many diamond tools and what for?

>> No.23775524

die in lava

>> No.23775526

They're legitimately more entertaining than non-Roberu holostars.

>> No.23775527

i spot based

>> No.23775528

Fuyu kind of is a more pure Matsuri.

>> No.23775531

it is, in fact, blessed

>> No.23775533

She was in an extremely awkward position where she was being gifted multiple back to back akasupas that were egging her on to keep buying apex boxes. She was streaming to get peacekeeper practice in and didn't intend for her stream to morph into a gacha party.

Granted she put herself in that position:
- she left a match too early and was penalized
- to run the clock down her "hand slipped" and she bought ten apex boxes
- as soon as she was through those lootboxes her viewers began a deluge of akasupas for her to continue
- the whales came out of the woodwork and continued to gift her and she got many new members

That unexpected windfall basically changed the momentum of her stream completely and she ended up not playing another round after that. She was stuck opening lootboxes.

>> No.23775534

so is shien just lost, what is he doing

>> No.23775536

Is she capable of making any other expressions while playing this?

>> No.23775538
File: 1.29 MB, 1440x3120, Screenshot_20200511-222908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775550

>Steelix fight in PKMN Ranger
Fuck I forgot how hard that fucker was. He made it look so fucking easy.

>> No.23775539

It's kind of cute how all the Homos support each others streams.

>> No.23775542

babuyama's voice and reaction is the best

>> No.23775543
Quoted by: >>23775551

has boss... seriously never played minecraft before, he looks like he has no idea what he's doing

>> No.23775544

Some EOP on twitter even apologised to her for giving her money and she replied to him telling him not to apologise for it

>> No.23775545
File: 593 KB, 960x789, Ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I see her in the thumbnail I smile

>> No.23775548

>hololives have their own minecraft server
>homostars have their own minecraft server

>> No.23775549

>turn on matsuri
>hear game say tomodachi and she loses her shit
not even ingame girls want to go out with her...

>> No.23775550

Holy fuck he's playing pokemon ranger? Why did no one tell me.

>> No.23775551

He hasn't even learnt that sprinting's in the game yet.

>> No.23775554

touhou under marine supervision.

>> No.23775555
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, EXgXsVqVAAE3rxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She proceeded to tweetstorm after telling us to take it easy.

>> No.23775559

poor girl

>> No.23775562

yeah that's why I posed that question, he looks completely lost

>> No.23775563

Matsuri reply to me...

>> No.23775565
Quoted by: >>23775568

why dont any of the holos use head bob?

>> No.23775568

because it can easily give you motion sickness

>> No.23775570
Quoted by: >>23775580

I get the feeling that half of /hlg/ doesn't know what the word dox even means anymore.

>> No.23775571

What is with Holostars fans posting simultaneously recently? Is there some kind of coordination? Multiple proxy?

>> No.23775572

>virus season so have to work from home
>just slacking and watching vtuber all day
I am doing my job very well boss..

>> No.23775573

It's because of her phone positioning. She would need a stand or something that puts it a little more level with her eyes. You can see the same effect on any stream where she's playing games and has her eyes focused on her screen.

Or she should ask Korone or Pekora since they position their phones pretty much perfectly.

>> No.23775574

>busy holding hands with her boyfriend
>only streams once a month
>still get 4 digit $$$$ every time

is ayame playing life on easy mode?

>> No.23775575

Matsuri is a side character that dies and everyone forgets about after a couple of seasons.

>> No.23775576
File: 151 KB, 767x581, 1581652511030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775588

Blessed Numerals

>> No.23775577

Idols can't sleep on the same minecraft server as other guys you moron.

>> No.23775578

I'm a hardcore fan with hololive, so many times I would even try to escape reality with lucid dreaming, I would be in the hololive house where I would often train with Suisei in the singing booth and help Matsuri with the Summer Festival, but one day as I was talking to Matsuri, we went to my dormitory for a private talk. She immediately said, "You know you could live with us forever.." I gave her a confused look and she continued, "We understand that you live on earth and you REALLY wish to live here". I then said "How..How did you know?" She then giggled and said "Because we've been watching you, silly!"

This was a dream come true and I almost cried right there. She then said, "I talked with YAGOO and he agreed that you would be PERFECT for holostars, you just have to do...one thing". She then held my hand and looked deep into my eyes and said "...You have to kill yourself for the transfer to work correctly." I then gave her some questions, "How long do I have before the deal expires?" She then said "YAGOO said 3 months.." I added by saying "What's the most painless way?..." She giggled again, "Suicide will require pain buuut...if you want it quick...Get a gun and a nice shot to the head works.

I then agreed and she gave me a kiss on the forehead, "I know this will be tough but once it's over and done, you'll get to live here!" I then woke up and this was last week and i purchased a gun. I might actually kill myself because that dream just felt too real to be fake and my life isn't doing so grand.

>> No.23775579

Stop spreading this meme she doesn't have a boyfriend aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.23775580
Quoted by: >>23775660

cool blog post doxxfag. this isn't an invitation to reply to me btw fuck off and die

>> No.23775581

Ayame sounds like she's sick every single time she streams, so no.

>> No.23775586
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 1569693592279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775587

Anon wtf Hololive is in THIS universe it is REAL already you fuck

>> No.23775588

You have to go back.

>> No.23775589

>I'm a hardcore fan with hololive

>> No.23775590

please some JSL tell roberu about the song of reverse time...

>> No.23775596

The only japanese I know is 草, should I post that instead?

>> No.23775598

Sorry, I've never played Majora's Mask. Just give him a shitty, curated google/deepL message I'm sure he'll understand

>> No.23775599

I'm not sure how to write that in Japanese...

>> No.23775602

Holy shit Matsuri's too load for my IME. Turn it down.

>> No.23775603
Quoted by: >>23775611

We need doxfags, so that less people would be this delusional.

>> No.23775604
File: 272 KB, 1304x736, staring joaquin phoenix as tokoyami towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23775605

this is just a doujin plot where anon is the manager for a female dorm
female dorm in this case being holohouse

>> No.23775611

Doxxfags drop blackpills

>> No.23775612


>> No.23775615
File: 105 KB, 1080x622, Screenshot_2020-05-12-13-35-18-79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, did any of you motherfuckers do this or is this legitimately some random japanese dude getting tired of EOPs? topkek

>> No.23775616

Ask Comment king, he's always there and knows english.

>> No.23775619

based JOP

>> No.23775620
Quoted by: >>23775645

i'm glad to be a newfag and never watched her streams, the way she says "senpai" would have turned me in a mindless gachikoi instantly

>> No.23775621
File: 527 KB, 800x800, 1577331604278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23775622


>> No.23775624


>> No.23775626

Amazing, send the EOPs to Moona instead

>> No.23775627

E-EOP chads, what the fuck

>> No.23775629

JOP Chads...

>> No.23775632
File: 263 KB, 1500x1060, 2749173792163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight anons

>> No.23775633

EOPchads...we got too cocky

>> No.23775634

Based oneeshota lover

>> No.23775635
Quoted by: >>23775640

>not even a member

>> No.23775636

>not even a 'please'
EOPs have really done it now.

>> No.23775637
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 1588775617335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775638
File: 300 KB, 459x514, 1588136901151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about another joke, Kaichou?

>> No.23775639

Astel no. You don't know what you're doing.

>> No.23775640

this. non-member opinions are irrelevant.

>> No.23775644

thats gonna be gone by the end of this stream...

>> No.23775645


okay whats with oni and their undiluted sex energy

>> No.23775646
Quoted by: >>23775657

damn babuyama with 430-450 viewers, how much does kaoru usually get?
maybe trinero really is what holostars need

>> No.23775647

How plastered was Senchou last night? The twitter videos looks bad.


>> No.23775649

Member > Non-member >>>>> English commenter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Other language commenter.

>> No.23775650

>Named it "pacifier"
He knows exactly what he's doing.

>> No.23775651

im honestly suprised rob read my comment
>has no idea what i meant and just starts talking about something else instead
i dont want to backseat and just say "play song of time backwards to slow time"

>> No.23775652
Quoted by: >>23775698

Yeah she said multiple times during her stream for people to ease up on the superchats. It was as sad as it was hilarious. There was at least one person who spread his akasupas across three different accounts (サブのサブ account). She told people again to calm down while she went to the bathroom and instead people continued to give her supas which she later discovered during her thank you stream.

She was jokingly asking why they didn't superchat / subscribe / +member during her 300k stream (and some other one, I forget) instead of something a weird occasion like opening boxes. She was joking but it does ring true.

>> No.23775653

>yagoo wanted to make an idol group like idolmaster
>gets matsuri instead
what went wrong

>> No.23775654

Haato's stream yesterday proved that EOPs aren't chads at all. Stupid, spineless fuckers

>> No.23775655

I want to pump this oni full of cum

>> No.23775656
File: 383 KB, 1280x1024, jan ken dumped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late delivery for the lucky anon who wanted "Watame being dumped".

>> No.23775657

I think kaoru gets around the same numbers starting around 250 then climbing up

>> No.23775658

Very, but still sober enough to play SA's EX stage, at least.

>> No.23775660 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1589262218884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775954

If you wanted Miko butt all you had to do was ask :)

>> No.23775662
File: 774 KB, 1366x636, 4th gen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775664

Stop bringing up ayame bros I beg you

>> No.23775666
Quoted by: >>23775677

Haato's stream proved that only children watch her.

>> No.23775670

>go to watch matsuri's stream for 1 second
>message from lyger pops up in chat
Every fucking time

>> No.23775671

And? she's still the best idol they can get.

>> No.23775673
Quoted by: >>23775690

just realized the idol matsuri picked looks a lot like her roommate right down to being an overaged hag with too much makeup and hair all over her face

>> No.23775674

He needed to pull some SSR but he only got matsuri and suisei.

>> No.23775675
Quoted by: >>23775738

it was very endearing but also scary at the same time, I just wanted her to go to bed and end the stream.

it seemed like a nothingburger though since she just woke up like n nothing happened at 4:30 am to tweet

>> No.23775677
Quoted by: >>23775706

If Uni students are children to you, yeah that's true.

>> No.23775678


>> No.23775680

Let's hope that's the case and that she isn't actually the depressed one on account of a break-up

>> No.23775684



>> No.23775685

I hate im@s so much. Wish they would stop playing it.

>> No.23775688


>> No.23775689

Sorry I don't watch the boring idols. Call me when one of the good ones does something similar.

>> No.23775690
File: 43 KB, 333x500, 1589262380826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I preferred Festival when she had some chubbyness to her. She is too skinny now.

>> No.23775691

What's the shiniest color?

>> No.23775692
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, 1560524895615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having a drinking stream

>> No.23775693
File: 6 KB, 450x42, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775695
Quoted by: >>23775715

>imas girl has a 4chan logo on her shirt

>> No.23775696

She posted all of those tweets after sleeping though

>> No.23775697
Quoted by: >>23775752

Nothing. Idols don't necessarily need to act a certain way to be idols. idolm@ster itself proved this with the myriads of different personalities in Cinderella Girls.

>> No.23775698
File: 7 KB, 506x127, 772d4e7855a6d0c547b4195e820a3bce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I akasuupa'd on the previous APEX stream and when she hit 300K but my pay didn't come in time for the 300K itself.

>> No.23775699

don't worry anon i'll do it next stream if i spot retarded EOPs.

>> No.23775700


>> No.23775702


>> No.23775705


>> No.23775706
Quoted by: >>23775716

If you can't afford to superchat, you might as well be a little bitty toddler.

>> No.23775707

Bro watch HoloFes, see her Fansa performance and tell me she isn't a good choice.

>> No.23775709

cute space-elf

>> No.23775711

need a stream where she gets smashed and just starts drilling herself

>> No.23775713
File: 97 KB, 983x871, EXpRekUUEAAmlEx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775715
File: 178 KB, 512x520, Kaho_Shiny_Colors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775987


she is also 12 so she is literally our girl from pre-2010 back when pedobear was the face of 4chan even has a bear shirt.

>> No.23775716

I want to supacha, but I can't think of anything good to say, but don't want to say nothing.

>> No.23775718
Quoted by: >>23775738

How do they keep up with that much sleep. I'm running on 3 hours sleep and I'm only able to keep up because of a strong coffee although the effects are running out.

>> No.23775719

Based fellow flipchad

>> No.23775722
Quoted by: >>23775743


>> No.23775723
Quoted by: >>23775806

She literally lied on her CV.

>> No.23775724
File: 361 KB, 900x464, 767676na-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775740

Can't wait for my NEETbux

>> No.23775728
File: 22 KB, 280x180, eop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are EOPs like this?

>> No.23775731
File: 760 KB, 698x720, 1527953958616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of gachafags...

>> No.23775732

Ironically matsuri is one of the strongest talents holo has when it comes to actual idol stuff. She's just a very weird person

>> No.23775734

Type in oink!

>> No.23775735

what is even the point in talking in chat if you are an EOP? there is zero point.

>> No.23775736

I wonder how contract renewals go in Hololive, like could they negotiate for more money?

>> No.23775737

gacha isnt fucking content

>> No.23775739
File: 31 KB, 241x73, firefox_JHxeSfpdZv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775749

That's pretty good. Hope she uses it.

>> No.23775738
Quoted by: >>23775769

was for >>23775675

>> No.23775740

Why isn't this 35万?

>> No.23775743

>a healslut

>> No.23775744

Thought it was just me. Too much of an autist to speak to my own holo.

>> No.23775745

So that was you. Based.

>> No.23775746
Quoted by: >>23775760


jesus who is the unfortunate holo who has to deal with this shit? because most of the holos I watch have very healthy chat people.

>> No.23775747
File: 760 KB, 760x839, 1589079021654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775749
File: 1.58 MB, 1252x1058, 1589232221729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she retweeted it so hopefully she uses it.
Her current opening screen is getting progressively more cursed.

>> No.23775750

good gacha is

>> No.23775751

It's for her subscriber milestone, probably.

>> No.23775752
Quoted by: >>23775758

trans idols when?

>> No.23775755

Gen 1 and 2 are recruited for their idol qualities.

>> No.23775756

Where is Matsuri getting all that premium currency from?

>> No.23775757

it was to celebrate her reaching 250k subs

>> No.23775758


>> No.23775760
Quoted by: >>23775779

Kanata... her pre-stream chat is filled with EOPs today for some reason. There were dumber chats before that but I can't see it anymore.

>> No.23775761

Looks like Matsuri's compuiter is too fast for her to anticipate an SSR the way Haato was able to due to the sheer lag of her laptop.

>> No.23775762

It is if you enjoy watching others suffer and go crazy

>> No.23775763
Quoted by: >>23775804

I saw someone post that's she's a game dev or something. Is that true or have I been deceived?

>> No.23775767

she seems to be the kind of gf you would like to play horror games with

>> No.23775768
Quoted by: >>23775782

Please stop fucking that dog haachama it can't be healthy for you

>> No.23775769

I have no idea. I'm honestly worried.

I mean even though you get paid to do this shit it's not healthy to just stream every 6 hours in a 24 hour period like Miko sometimes does or say Aqua's 14 hour APEX marathon

then again what do I care

>> No.23775772

infinite reroll is so dumb lol

>> No.23775776

Could've had Hamtaro kino but instead we get gacha rolling.

>> No.23775778

Based Mel, Haachama, Choco and Subaru.

>> No.23775779

They are probably leftovers from her DDLC stream

>> No.23775782
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>> No.23775785

haachama mating press

>> No.23775787
Quoted by: >>23775798

​Sure calling me an EOP is very cool. ​But are you sure you fully know English culture?

>> No.23775788
Quoted by: >>23775828

Me too bro, me too.

>> No.23775790

I guess but even among them after watching holofes she really stands out.

>> No.23775791

When is the Luna Haachama Watame Apex stream? I can't find it on their twitter or channel. Did anon lie to me?

>> No.23775793
File: 38 KB, 512x512, 1589189370215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




hai.. kawaiii


>> No.23775794


>> No.23775795

>Ayame will never yelp and grab onto your arm before laughing about how scary a lame jump scare was
It's not fair.

>> No.23775797

i fucking hate chat police

>> No.23775798


>> No.23775800

do homostars have female fans or just gay fans

>> No.23775802


>> No.23775804
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1579892377579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got Unity Studio installed.

>> No.23775805
Quoted by: >>23775834


im not a fan of ayame but after seeing her vids i want to protect her now

>> No.23775806

the real hire that YAGOO has wonder what the fuck happened with is Miko
she was supposed to be the perfect Idol Shrine Maiden to take down Kizuna Ai
instead shes an eroge playing memer that only has a career from attracting EOPs from clips of her being a retard

>> No.23775807
File: 45 KB, 827x590, 1583940166780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775809
Quoted by: >>23775826

matsuri literally just want to check on every girl isn't she

>> No.23775810
Quoted by: >>23775817

surprisingly mostly females
someone post the rooms of an average holostars watcher

>> No.23775812

>Haachama is coming

>> No.23775814

the smaller ones are mostly female

>> No.23775817 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1614x2260, 1589263213864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775818
Quoted by: >>23775825

did they hurt your feelings EOP-san?

>> No.23775821

These remixes always sound like shit. Can't believe people make a living remixing songs.

>> No.23775822

the homostars are dude virtual w/es right?

>> No.23775825

youtube is an english site
stop asking me to chat in english

>> No.23775826


every holo decides on a girl at the beginning then goes for her SSR on the infinite roll, rushia, haato and kanata did, its just that matsuri has really bad luck, the other girls got the SSR they wanted relatively fast.

>> No.23775827

Did they ever let the hologays into the Hololive minecraft server

>> No.23775828
Quoted by: >>23775848

Do your reps

>> No.23775829

how the fuck did you get a picture of my room

>> No.23775830

I'm sure he's counting the money and crying.

>> No.23775834

dont worry anon she already has a bf who protects her from streaming

>> No.23775835
Quoted by: >>23775847

hahahah good
i hope your feelings stay hurt
number 1 rule is be respectful, speaking language streamer dont give a fuck about it breaking rule number 1

>> No.23775836
Quoted by: >>23775850

Roberubros... what's got you guys so messed up in life...

>> No.23775839

be a true chad and not care what some jap loser thinks and be proud to be a english loser

>> No.23775840
Quoted by: >>23775851

What went right?

>> No.23775842
File: 1.96 MB, 948x1062, 1588945279105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775854

>> No.23775846


>> No.23775847

they should get off an english language platform then :-) until they do i think i'll stick around and chat with my fellow eopchads

>> No.23775848


>> No.23775849


>> No.23775850

My son playing gacha

>> No.23775851

This. What went so right? How did they find someone like Miko?

>> No.23775853
Quoted by: >>23775868

do male virtual tubers play better games and have better taste in vidya?

>> No.23775854
File: 1.83 MB, 948x1062, 1585337018214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775884

You saved the old version

>> No.23775856
Quoted by: >>23775872

youtube is international website you retard american pig, google is not just american anymore

>> No.23775858

>no FF6 for 4 whole days

>> No.23775859

the eopchads that come here to cry about chat being mean?

>> No.23775864

uplayinstaller(1) always gets me

>> No.23775865

Miko is perfect the way she is

>> No.23775866

the EOP chads that refuse to send a video message to a teenage girl that speaks English?

>> No.23775867
Quoted by: >>23775874

She's right at the end, too.

>> No.23775868

They usually just tend to be more skilled.

>> No.23775872

if it's international then that's even more reason i get to talk in english in any channel i want :-) man jap fags are retarded lol. just don't read the chat dumbfuck just close your eyes lmao

>> No.23775873
Quoted by: >>23775892


>> No.23775874
Quoted by: >>23775897

tfw lost my ff6 save

>> No.23775875
File: 18 KB, 303x615, 1577631906991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775898

>english language platform

>> No.23775879
File: 2.12 MB, 1252x1311, haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23775880
File: 1.65 MB, 3600x3600, 1328368724760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americans get shut down from speaking their language in a chatroom
>complain bitch and whine they cant infect their awful sense of existence anywhere
aw poor things aren't privileged for once

>> No.23775881
File: 366 KB, 401x459, chrome_2020-05-10_23-05-21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23775967


>> No.23775882

My sister's apartment looked like this.

>> No.23775884
Quoted by: >>23775920

It took me forever to spot the difference.

>> No.23775885


bro she couldve been inside a world and i wouldnt even notice

>> No.23775886

So messy aki! Clean it up geez

>> No.23775888
Quoted by: >>23775937

what's hoshikawa doing there?

>> No.23775890

Go to sleep americans. Please...

>> No.23775892

Her KSP streams were pretty good. Have a subbed clip.

>> No.23775893
Quoted by: >>23775910

Do they post in the holostars hashtags?

>> No.23775894
Quoted by: >>23775929

Can't figure what the arrows are pointing to. Tampons?

>> No.23775897

Were you the guy saying you'd never lose your save because you have it backed up on your DS?

>> No.23775898

wow look at all the cool languages i can talk in when i watch hololive streams. it's not just english, i can even go there and talk in whatever bosanski or catala are. thanks, youtube, for giving me even more reason to say people who only want to see japanese in chat are retarded mouth breathers :-)

>> No.23775899

Hope she loves it so much she plays 4, 5, or 7 next.

>> No.23775900

This is what happens when hololive consumes your life.

>> No.23775902
Quoted by: >>23775919

Imagine if she saw this

>> No.23775909

No worries bro, hope you don't get banned by those elitist japs haha

>> No.23775911

someone said that she wants to keep playing more after she finished the locke sidequest

>> No.23775910

No, Roberu and Izuru asked people to send them pictures of their dirty rooms with a message in their DMs.

>> No.23775912
Quoted by: >>23775967

I would seethe so fucking hard if she played FF7R next.

>> No.23775913
Quoted by: >>23775931

go cry to people who give a shit, you sound like whiny baby who got banned from a twitch chat

>> No.23775918
File: 382 KB, 1550x2048, EXj_OEiVAAA6AiW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the queen of /hlg/

>> No.23775920

I still can't find it please help

>> No.23775919
Quoted by: >>23775925

Would her quarter white genes make her like it?

>> No.23775921

Shien is such a fucking idiot, it's great.

>> No.23775925


>> No.23775927

She was going on her "yadda yadda yadda" fits when she realized she was basically done with the game after looking for Deathgaze and doesn't want it to end. She will definitely play another game in the series.

>> No.23775928


>> No.23775929

It's just Izuru and Robel pointing out various stuff while reviewing the room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWHhnqO0hxs
I was just too lazy to screencap them without arrows.

>> No.23775931

i've never been banned anywhere, probably because the holos appreciate and seek out my EOPchad support :-) imagine saying i'm the one crying btw when people here get SO MAD to see english in international youtube chat that they screen shot it and come here to whinge about it.

>> No.23775932

when watching him the d word definitely comes to mind

>> No.23775934
Quoted by: >>23775951


>> No.23775937
File: 164 KB, 946x2048, 1588914516956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so am I
Making matsuri watch

>> No.23775938

Only 4 Holos have a claim to that title. Sora for being the original, Aqua for having the highest supacha earnings, Fubuki for having the most subscribers, and Pekora for having the highest average views. Miko is a nobody. Always was always will be.

>> No.23775939

can you please stop, it's cringy tanomu

>> No.23775942

I'd rather leave than call her a queen, much less mine

>> No.23775944

Didn't know we had a queen, I thought we were an autonomous collective.

>> No.23775945
File: 29 KB, 632x607, 1586952341906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still feeding eop bait
I thought you guys are better than this.

>> No.23775947
Quoted by: >>23775952

what the fuck is he trying to do

>> No.23775948

The gap between his avatar and his actual personality is so good

>> No.23775949

who's matsuri's oshikyara?

>> No.23775950
File: 145 KB, 750x937, 1589258653041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll be able to marry our own AI Hologirls soon, guys.

Once this happens, which hologirl will be your wife?

>> No.23775951

when they're out of arguments and all they've got left is meme words is when you know you've won :-) smells like... victory. don't worry dude, you can post a wojak in response to this post and totally own me this time :-)

>> No.23775952
Quoted by: >>23775969

Spell TriNero out of dirt.

>> No.23775954

sauce? no way that's miko but it's a cute girl

>> No.23775955

shien what the FUCK are you doing

>> No.23775956

>9000 people watching a virtual idol opening lootboxes

>> No.23775958

>Already rolled 4 Megurus
Maybe blondies were her calling after all

>> No.23775959
Quoted by: >>23775975

somebody tell me what babuyama and astel is doing

>> No.23775962
Quoted by: >>23776022

The succession will go: Sora>FBK>Aqua>Pekora

>> No.23775964

Did Matsuri just set a new record?

>> No.23775965

ill buy a gatebox when we can get custom characters and i can get tomato to do all the lines

>> No.23775966
File: 450 KB, 1980x1080, 890D7B9A-FC2F-4132-A406-C4151870E1C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanatan sounds like she's having a lot of fun!!

>> No.23775967
File: 83 KB, 318x337, 3b6dbfb52f2172109a4cbedde0a0ee4770ffe3cd7520ca8f7b54aa64f677f279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


her best reaction will be when she realizes the 2 missing dragons are on the kefka's tower, also tears are pretty much guaranteed at the ending.

Not gonna happen, Subaru has mentioned that she is getting addicted to pixel-based JRPGs many times now, I don't think picking Live A Live, then CHRONO TRIGGER, then going to FF6 was a coincidence either, there is definitely another holo giving her very good advice on their discord, so we can expect her to pick another kamige after she is done with FF6

she also mentioned she is interested on the seiken densetsu series so SD3 or Legend of mana could happen.

>> No.23775968
File: 893 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The answer to Kizuna Ai was a smelly hikikomori who lives in pajamas 24/7
Absolutely genius

>> No.23775969
Quoted by: >>23775981

>Astel had to come in and show him what an e looks like
Jesus christ

>> No.23775970

Japanese are gambling addict.

>> No.23775971

King of Hololive: Fubuki
Queen of Hololive: Sora
Pride of Hololive: Suisei
King of /hlg/: Roberu
Queen of /hlg/: Miko
Pride of /hlg/: Towa

>> No.23775972

The Japanese are addicted to gacha who would've thunk

>> No.23775973
File: 140 KB, 237x266, chrome_2020-05-07_00-22-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wont care if i have to only eat onigiri for life

>> No.23775975

Shien is spelling TriNero out of dirt but doing a terrible job of it while Astel is making it out of proper materials

>> No.23775976

The doom posters are defeated...for real this time

>> No.23775978
File: 79 KB, 268x260, Luna3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pride of Hololive

>> No.23775979

Maybe one day, Miko

>> No.23775980

It's an East Asian problem. Singapore literally restricts and bans locals from gambling while allowing foreigners to gamble. Also she's doing her rerolls for her initial SSR choices.

>> No.23775981
Quoted by: >>23775986

Bros... Is our boss retarded?

>> No.23775982

Oh no. /hlg/ has shit taste...

>> No.23775983
File: 4 KB, 359x34, Screenshot_2020-05-12 夜桜応援歌(ヨザクラエール)【さくらみこ 応援BGM】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanata's chat is pretty bad huh? i wonder why people think asking multiple times helps

>> No.23775984
Quoted by: >>23775996

>Aqua for having the highest supacha earnings
Pekora is currently earning the most.

>> No.23775985
Quoted by: >>23776294

If ever go this far I want you guys to promise me you will murder me slowly and painfully to the point I regret every single decision I ever made that lead me to this point.
Thanks guys.

>> No.23775986

This has been known.

>> No.23775987

>Has tits

Is she really 12 or is that just a meme?

>> No.23775988
Quoted by: >>23776035

she was almost crying when she went to kefkas tower the first time thinking that terra will die, i cant wait
>that moment in the ED when locke and celes' themes link together

>> No.23775990

brave post. /hlg/ will deny it but it's the truth

>> No.23775989

Boss' mafia asking for urgent orders on his phone meanwhile he's playing minecraft and making noises like an idiot

>> No.23775994

Where's poalfag when you need him?

>> No.23775995

astel literally babysitting him... nobody told me homostars are this てぇてぇ

>> No.23775996

Aqua still has the highest career earnings.

>> No.23775997

>instead of moving the sign or making it smaller they level the hill next to it to make space

>> No.23775998
Quoted by: >>23776024

of course, eop fags can't even recognize one of the best jrpgs of all time, i wish they'd just fuck off

>> No.23776003
Quoted by: >>23776016

i love miko but 35p get out numbered by peko and koro fans by far

>> No.23776004

Maybe they think that she can't hear them.

>> No.23776005

Based japanese engineering

>> No.23776006

Subaru romancing saga when...

>> No.23776009
Quoted by: >>23776018

>shien finally figuring out he already made an 'r' previously
bros... he may actually be a retard...

>> No.23776010
Quoted by: >>23776171


>> No.23776011

I will never understand the appeal of gachas. It's not even something physical and the amount of money some people will spend on them is truly a mystery.

>> No.23776012

35p will hate him, but Miko really is a nobody compared to those 4 and even more in hololive

>> No.23776014

You can tell Shien hasn't played minecraft in so many years that he is spam clicking a fucking sword

>> No.23776015

>Shien almost dying to zombies during the great hill clearing

>> No.23776016

Korone is the Queen of /v/ and Peko is the jester of /v/
Miko is /ourgirl/

>> No.23776017
File: 23 KB, 680x634, 1580014701358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, YOU move

>> No.23776018


>> No.23776019

>astel sleeping together with shien
you cant do that on stream!

>> No.23776020

The girls in this are really cute, Idolmaster I'm guessing, how do I get into it?

>> No.23776021

that yawn...

>> No.23776022

The queens of their respective generations.

>> No.23776023
File: 105 KB, 644x633, rip holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros....what went wrong...

>> No.23776024
Quoted by: >>23776070

Zoomers dude. I went to film school with my vet money, and they didn't recognize the Matrix.

>> No.23776026
Quoted by: >>23776199

Not an Apex stream, it's an English test (grass)

>> No.23776027

Most I've ever spent on one was like $50 just because I had an iTunes card from christmas I didn't really care about

>> No.23776030
Quoted by: >>23776038

My favorite waifu > your shitty waifu

>> No.23776032

i'd rather her not because these threads are shit and you'll attract that one ESLfag who hates any girl that is popular

>> No.23776034
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1589173783999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776035

My only regret is that we won't get to watch Shadow commit suicide in the tower.

>> No.23776036

Honestly if the squirrel streamed in JP/EN exclusively I would totally watch. She's super endearing and has one of the best voices in Hololive.

>> No.23776037
Quoted by: >>23776056

I like the girls in the other idolmaster games more, the girls in shiny colors seem pretty weak.

>> No.23776038

holy based

>> No.23776040

R-release Pekora, quick!

>> No.23776041


>> No.23776042

More people unanimously love Senchou and Marine more than Miko, she's hardly our girl
Marine would probably be one of the closest to us compared to miko

>> No.23776043

The actual gachas are physical. You collect toy collectables and sell the rare ones you don't want. It's just evolved into the digital shpere which is worse.

>> No.23776044
Quoted by: >>23776075


there's a translation for shinycolors if you're interested.

>> No.23776046
File: 62 KB, 473x631, 1578545936138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776047

Who the fuck is that tokyo ghoul protag guy? For apparently the most popular niji I sure haven't heard shit about him.

>> No.23776050
Quoted by: >>23776165

Does Matsuri's oshi even have a SSR card? Why hasn't anyone told her yet?

>> No.23776051

Sleep well, Mikochi.

>> No.23776052

She needs to flee the shithole that is Indonesia, it's one of the worst shitholes to be an anime girl in. If her identity gets leaked, she might actually be stoned to death by the rabid muslims, it's fucked.

>> No.23776054

Whaling for straight rolls is just disposable income but gachas put out packs that are actually worth buying like small monthly packs that give big benefits, pick tickets that allow you to buy a highest rarity char for $20~30 among other things which is what the casual spenders like me buy.

>> No.23776055

Thats what she gets for playing that western VN

>> No.23776056
Quoted by: >>23776068

shut up I love Juri and Asahi

>> No.23776059

Kuzuha strong

>> No.23776060
Quoted by: >>23776072

Don't worry, YAGOO is already fixing her papers.

>> No.23776061
File: 221 KB, 2000x1455, EXMhSTrUcAEnA9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776150

sleep tight mikotii

>> No.23776063

I don't think anyone here actually watches Marine, most of the posts about her are about wanting to fuck her and never about her streams

>> No.23776064


>> No.23776065
Quoted by: >>23776101

speak for yourself
people only meme about Senchou because they wanna fuck her. 35P love is more pure than that

>> No.23776067
File: 143 KB, 750x1800, 1587621450963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kanata stop being entertaining i have work to do fuckkkk

>> No.23776068

Based Asahifag

>> No.23776069

Her karaoke streams were JP/EN iirc
If ID crashes and burns which it probably will I hope they just shove her into Gen 5/6 or whatever

>> No.23776070
File: 157 KB, 838x1000, EM8ksNGVAAApNqJ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the holo discord is even worse, I wanted to check their opinions on subaru FF6 but literally no one was watching it , they where only talking about aqua apex, when I mentioned it they just replied with "oh she is still playing that? why does it take so long? is she grinding for levels? I've never played an FF"

>> No.23776072

Based YAGOO saving girls from poverty and adding guys to his harem

>> No.23776073

ShinyMas allow you to retry the gacha?

>> No.23776075

>This type of tool that modifies game files is not allowed per the game Terms of Service. Please use at your own risk!!! We are not responsible for any actions taken towards your account if you use this translation tool.

Yeah can't wait to be banned

>> No.23776079

you fucks told me matsuri is dying but she has 9000 viewers

>> No.23776081

She's reclining

>> No.23776082

I do but I'm not good enough to understand her all the time yet. Her tastes are great though.

>> No.23776084

It's just gambling, anon. People should stop pretending gacha is somehow any different from casinos. Physical or digital, it doesn't matter. How the system takes advantage of your brain are why it's effective regardless.

>> No.23776085
Quoted by: >>23776128

no game on earth allows you to retry the gacha
Some might allow you to retry your STARTER roll but no game allows you to take back your roll

>> No.23776086

Only one time

>> No.23776087
Quoted by: >>23776103

i don't watch any streams because i'm an EOP, i just like the occasional narratives posted here and how my favorite holo is praised to be the best and or insulted to be the worst

in the end, /hlg/ is more fun

>> No.23776088
Quoted by: >>23776136

Props on you for actually trying to give them a chance, I wouldn't touch that group with a 10 feet pole

>> No.23776091

they were talking about them for the first 2 streams then everyone forgot about them, to be honest JRPGs are boring as fuck to watch even if Subaru makes them interesting

>> No.23776092

>rabid muslims
They're coward in small numbers, IDs stalker are more fucked up.

>> No.23776096
File: 107 KB, 848x919, 1587276208765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won, Matsuribros
Thanks for affirming my conviction to never join them.

>> No.23776097

I prefer noose diving.

>> No.23776099
Quoted by: >>23776148

Are they watching our boys at least?

>> No.23776100
Quoted by: >>23776136

That makes too much sense. The discord is filled with children instead of different breeds of autists.

>> No.23776101

>speak for yourself
Same thing could be said for 35p trying to generalize miko as anything like our girl or hlg's queen but that never stopped them didn't it

>> No.23776103

Why not start to learn jap so you can actually watch her and have fun with her? I really don't get it

>> No.23776104

Try watching Korone's Siren streams. A bunch of SEA retards asking "what game" and "why is she playing this stage again"

>> No.23776105
File: 104 KB, 663x900, 1588903928631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically really hope she plays Undertale

>> No.23776107

Shien feels like a bumbling fool, he's making the name out of dirt???

>> No.23776108
Quoted by: >>23776125

this has been bugging me and I have been wanting to clarify during dead hours but when saying reclining, don't you mean declining

>> No.23776110

Have any of you anons got banned or your message deleted? one anon said he got banned by Aqua and was unable to post in any other Holo chat.

>> No.23776111
Quoted by: >>23776151

is matsuri's gimmick "creepy pedophile but it's okay because she's in her 20s and japanese"

>> No.23776113

That's what I just watched to get my impression of her. She's also great because her Japanese is really easy to understand for a N5 EOP like myself. Great for learning whereas JP Hololive members are way to fast.

>> No.23776114

He's probably lazy but will rationalise it with something like "I'm too old" or "I'm too stupid"

>> No.23776117

they wouldnt do that theyre too much of a pussy

the chance of them finding out where she lives, where she used to study, who her friends are, and exposing this information to the media however

>> No.23776118

it's a nice idea but the weather right now is too hot for me to do anything let alone be productive

>> No.23776120
Quoted by: >>23776131

Is this an official discord run by Hololive or a fan one?

>> No.23776121

most aquafags posting here right now are newfags that started to bandwagon after her apex stream

>> No.23776122

What would I do to get banned? It's not hard to follow chat rules that have been in place for over a year now

>> No.23776123

yeah the difference is it's actually true this time
sorry your hag can't compete with the elite shrine maiden

>> No.23776125
File: 215 KB, 462x442, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776126

no. because in general it doesn't make sense to talk in the chat especially when it's moving so fast and you have nothing important to say, even more so if I'm an EOP, so I don't

>> No.23776128

At that point why not just allow you to pick a free SSR of your choosing from the pool?

>> No.23776130
File: 36 KB, 698x253, chrome_2020-05-12_16-31-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subarufag this is your chance

>> No.23776131

It's a fan one with Artia and stuff in it I think (never been there)

>> No.23776132
Quoted by: >>23776175

I hope she stick to 1 language every stream.

>> No.23776133

>Kanata ignoring the item shop guy


>> No.23776135

whats even the purpose to chatting unless youre going to donate a supacha
the chat literally goes to fast, bitching about chat is useless

>> No.23776136
Quoted by: >>23776159


I think the worst part was their complete inability to understand what kind of game FF6 was

>why does it take so long for her to beat it?
>because FF6 is a 50 ~ 80 hour game
>wow, so it must be really grindy, it must take long to get to max level right?
>n..no.. its 50 hours of exploring the world for hidden spells/equipment, secret plot stories and recruiting characters...

>> No.23776137

She sang some ID songs and talks Indonesian too in her karaoke streams.

>> No.23776140

I also tried to look at the discord for some discussion because this place is a shit hole. I never there could be any more worse place to talk about holo's live. I tried to talk about Aki and Choco streams but they barely care but they spam the chat hard when the "discord favorite girls" is streaming like Aqua, Matsuri and fucking Towa.

The only good thing they also barely care about Coco outside of Asacoco.

>> No.23776145

Her face looks so young in that image, but those tits.

>> No.23776146


>> No.23776147

Why does the CT in Kanata's stream look so good
What version is that

>> No.23776148

Some of them probably do, but I doubt many. They have a homostars chatroom but it seems pretty dead considering two are streaming right now

>> No.23776149
File: 307 KB, 1467x2048, EXvifYVWkAURMfr@SasakuraMomizi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776366

Pixiv too large: 81494784

>> No.23776150

i want to kiss mikochi!

>> No.23776151

She's good at singing, good in collabs and is one of their best dancers but the latter is hard to do because of the virus. She's also a loveless virgin and failed normalfag idolfag. I still love her.

>> No.23776153

I always knew Towa posters were from discord.

>> No.23776154


>> No.23776155

>At that point why not just allow you to pick a free SSR of your choosing from the pool?
You don't get gacha games
It's normal to reroll your starter roll for your desired outcome. If a game gives you a free SSR pick straight up then people will save that and still reroll to start with two SSRs or more. Same deal with games that allow you to reroll your starter roll, you reroll that until your desired outcome since its just pushing a button, roll your real gacha currency and burn the acc if it's shit.

Gacha reroll hell is pretty real and painful.

>> No.23776156
File: 13 KB, 287x287, 1588392078563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776164

>be idol
>matsuri is my producer
>get molested b4 and after every show

>> No.23776157

I think it's more a blessing that they leave our girls Aki and Choco alone

>> No.23776158

bros wtf... I hate Towa now...

>> No.23776159

that is the thing though, there is no plot in WoR outside of the character sidequests once you get the airship but thats what makes it great and discord zoomers will never understand

>> No.23776160
Quoted by: >>23776170

It's a shame, because I actually like how discord can be set up to streamline discussions in topics without splintering the userbase so hard.
The issue is that most discords are EOP tier

>> No.23776161

>reddit spacing

>> No.23776162

>Towa got claimed by the Discord Chads
Not like this bros...

>> No.23776163
Quoted by: >>23776308

She's on a level of otaku as strong as or probably even stronger than Mikochi. Her content is good. If you know Japanese, give her zatsudan streams a try. Marine has an amazing knack for story-telling. She's also great calling into other chuubas' streams. Miko is good and I also love Marine because they both have those aspects to them.

>> No.23776164

>be producer
>matsuri is my idol
>molest b4 and after every show

>> No.23776165

Someone tell her so she can move on from this waste of time.

>> No.23776167

Because there are still nine other spots giving you the chance to obtain more SSRs or SRs. They've basically simplified the reroll process so people don't have to spend up to 30mins each time for just a singular 10 roll.

>> No.23776168
Quoted by: >>23776184

If someone clips all these clips of Shien referencing JoJo his channel will blow up with EOPs

>> No.23776169 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 1200x675, 1589265382912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776191


>> No.23776170

The only good Discord servers are the private ones you run with your friends.

>> No.23776171

Anon please read the title.

>> No.23776172
Quoted by: >>23776206

You should make a contaiment room for each girl

>> No.23776173

And yet this place is still eager to make a boogieman out of Coco.

>> No.23776174
Quoted by: >>23776189

PC after they fixed it

>> No.23776175

learn Japanese and Indonesian you monolingoid

>> No.23776176
File: 919 KB, 960x540, 1562245061524.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you ignored the other 2 and just made a sweeping generalization on 1?

>> No.23776177

I just rewatched the ending scene/credits and cried like a bitch. Can't wait to see Subaru's reaction. The ending song transitioning into the Final Fantasy main series theme gave me goosebumps all over again.

>> No.23776178

Their stream chats don't really have much discussion. Mostly just emote spams. If they do discuss a stream, it goes off-topic and not really related to what the streamer said. Most of them can only pick-up basic Japanese words so when they hear it, they just repeat it like parrots. This place despite being a shithole is actually a much better place than that server.

>> No.23776179

It's one person.

>> No.23776180
File: 75 KB, 675x1200, 1588548666005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776181

Why are 35p like this?

>> No.23776183

they only talk about pekora, korone, aqua, suisei and towa, the rest get mostly ignored even if they're the only one streaming

>> No.23776184

No time like the present anon

>> No.23776185
Quoted by: >>23776203

Why would anyone want to learn any of the Indonesian languages?

>> No.23776186
Quoted by: >>23776227

Vtubers aren't something physical too.

>> No.23776187

is matsuri rerolling shinymas or something? I'm not watching

>> No.23776189
Quoted by: >>23776196

What was broken initially?

>> No.23776190

Gacha is for wageslaves that haven't discovered hololive.

>> No.23776191
File: 214 KB, 279x327, chrome_2020-05-05_11-10-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776195

steam, why havent any of them played the SNES version of stream

>> No.23776192
Quoted by: >>23776251

Miko is on her way to wherever is Sora at right now.

>> No.23776193

Boss trying to hard to make a trinero sign lmao

>> No.23776194

i feel like matsuri, korone and miko are all different flavors of plebfilters before you get to senchou who is worse than all of them but hides it better...

>> No.23776195

Danchou when she sees my membership subscription to Canan...

>> No.23776196
Quoted by: >>23776222

They just lazily ported the mobile version and everything, especially the UI, was horrible

>> No.23776197

Of fucking course Towafags are discord cultists.

>> No.23776198
File: 422 KB, 1280x520, 1588609880320.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776199
Quoted by: >>23776205

Yeah I know about that stream but I think I saw an anon post there will be another Apex stream. I guess anon lied.

>> No.23776200

I always post about her late night streams though

>> No.23776202
Quoted by: >>23776207

out of dirt...

>> No.23776203
Quoted by: >>23776215

so you can understand what the cute squirrel says

>> No.23776204
Quoted by: >>23776224

Damn Mamatsuri looks like that?

>> No.23776205

He probably saw that stream thumbnail and didn't read the title (or tried translating it in google/deepL) and just assumed they were going at Apex again

>> No.23776206

that would be the ideall but they insist on keeping chat channel separated by Gen and not by vtuber

>> No.23776207

This N is going to be the death of him, Astel please help him out

>> No.23776208
Quoted by: >>23776243

>and Indonesian
I'm not that desperate to watch her

>> No.23776209

>why are [x] like this?
did you got bored of shitposting about suisei or what?

>> No.23776210

You can see him spend a few seconds just processing whatever it is he's doing.

>> No.23776211

Basically the EOP magnets.

>> No.23776213
Quoted by: >>23776250

>imagine saying i'm the one crying btw when people here get SO MAD to see english in international youtube chat that they screen shot it and come here to whinge about it
>wow look at all the cool languages i can talk in when i watch hololive streams. it's not just english, i can even go there and talk in whatever bosanski or catala are. thanks, youtube, for giving me even more reason to say people who only want to see japanese in chat are retarded mouth breathers :-)

isn't that what you're doing tho, only from an EOP perspective?

>> No.23776214

Why does Kanata say "noice"

>> No.23776215

But I can speak English and Japanese, so why would I bother with Bahasa or whatever it is she speaks?

>> No.23776216

Why are you like this?

>> No.23776217

shut up falseflag niggers

>> No.23776218

Apparently the Towa cult meme came from reddit and discord. They spam that shit all the time.

>> No.23776219

why are suisei fags like this?

>> No.23776221

I don't care if she stick to JP or ID, but switching languages every 5 minutes is irritating as fuck.

>> No.23776222
Quoted by: >>23776262

>They just lazily ported the mobile version
Sounds like every Squeenix port.

>> No.23776223
File: 161 KB, 2048x2048, EXgZhK1UwAIUmS8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776239

day 50 of i still have no fucking clue what sensei is doing in ark or whats happening but im cozy

seriously though aside from dinosaurs i couldnt tell you a single thing about the game that ive watched many hours of

>> No.23776224
File: 411 KB, 618x978, 1587442094172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Mamatsuri's roommate is prettier than Matsuri's

>> No.23776225
File: 83 KB, 1200x675, wke_N4jZVEzjx5Jx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't have friends...

>> No.23776226


I do. I loved her Yoake no Mariko! Also I was impressed by her 2hu

>> No.23776227

Yeah but I don't have to pay to watch them, excluding member streams.

>> No.23776229

it's that time for the /hl/ shitpost schedule

>> No.23776231

This post is the personification of the wojack crying mask image

>> No.23776233
File: 189 KB, 428x487, 1589020036367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco apology post

>> No.23776234

Tell me everything about Yogiri.

>> No.23776235

you are not supposed to point that out...
shes hiding her english power level

>> No.23776236
Quoted by: >>23776257

Potatrio is my new favorite trio

>> No.23776237

Is choco still hatching her queen or king?

>> No.23776238

How did suisei become an EOP magnet?

>> No.23776239
Quoted by: >>23776280

Thanks for always supporting the school nurse. She might not always say it but she really appreciates her viewers

>> No.23776240

I always thought her presence in these threads was beyond forced. Now I have my answer

>> No.23776243

b-but cute sqrrl go brrrrrr and has dlc v-voices

>> No.23776244

I honestly don't think anyone on this board right now has seen anything by Yogiri

>> No.23776245

I didn't watch Asacoco, what happened?

>> No.23776246

Coco throwing her mother under the bus just two days after mother's day?

>> No.23776247
Quoted by: >>23776315

Marine's 3D is one of my favorite 3D debuts of all time.
I just want peace between the tribes.

>> No.23776250

Dude stop replying to bait he already stopped posting

>> No.23776251


>> No.23776252

So towafags are from discord, how awful.

>> No.23776254


>> No.23776255

coco influence

>> No.23776256
Quoted by: >>23776269

I wonder if Shien realises he can just spell it out in chat and copy the letters that way.

>> No.23776257

#ぽてとりお is way too strong. Others can literally not compete

>> No.23776258

what the fuck did she do

>> No.23776261


>> No.23776262

Yeah, basically. Some time ago they fixed it though because people were complaining a lot on release.

>> No.23776263


>> No.23776265

this explains the suiseifags too

>> No.23776266

happy mothers day mom im tossing you under the bus so the internet sees im not at fault here

>> No.23776267

was it that serious? holy shit this is a real apology post

>> No.23776268

I tuned in once and she was playing creative Minecraft while singing. She unironically seems like the chink version of Towa.

>> No.23776269

Boss's brain is really churning.

>> No.23776271

Can I get a TL;DR because that is a fucking lot of text to parse

>> No.23776274

How far is Watame in FF9? I just started playing for the first time too and I am at the village after the Ice Cave where you fight that swole black mage.

>> No.23776275

happy mother's day....

>> No.23776280
File: 33 KB, 277x346, choco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always have her in the background at least
and shes also the only holo im a member for

>> No.23776282

I have new drama. Coco is apologizing for what her real mother did in today's asacoco

>> No.23776283

level 13~

>> No.23776284
Quoted by: >>23776297


>> No.23776285

It's almost a set ratio too, is she trying to hide it in there? Nice Nice Noice Nice Nice

>> No.23776286

massive subs explosion and she only sings or plays tetris so there's not so much to understand from her
also lyger is a huge suiseifag too so he shills for her just like matsuri

>> No.23776288
File: 407 KB, 512x512, 1580123987110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one of the main Towafags in these threads (I've made a lot of OC Towa edits, including this one and some of the webms), I don't even have a discord account. I can't speak for others obviously, but at least not every Towafag here is from discord.

>> No.23776289

What did her mom do? Break some copyright?

>> No.23776290
Quoted by: >>23776321

already posted slowpoke

>> No.23776291
Quoted by: >>23776301

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vR_oslnKRV0 suisei can't top inui

>> No.23776292


>> No.23776294

I'll read you the Bible instead

>> No.23776297

I don't want it translated I want a summary

>> No.23776300


>> No.23776301


>> No.23776302


>> No.23776303

Unironically, yes

>> No.23776304

and I want to have sex with Aqua. Let's see who gets lucky first.

>> No.23776307

Kek, like a kid making her mommy do her homework

>> No.23776308

Only japs like marine and that's because they have shit taste

>> No.23776310

Music is a universal language
You don't need much to understand tetris
Also she has a lot of neat translated clips that help paint a picture of what she's like. It's safe to say she has a lot of appeal, including EOPs

>> No.23776311

shit taste

>> No.23776312

>Coco throwing her mama under the bus to avoid blame
A true American

>> No.23776313
Quoted by: >>23776320

a dog but she's niji instead of holo's kusoge loving dog

>> No.23776314
File: 152 KB, 564x752, korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776315

I like her too even if I don't watch her a lot but idk why some anons are fighting over nothing, peak SEA hours I guess

>> No.23776316

she used copyright material in asacoco, which was provided by her mama

>> No.23776317
Quoted by: >>23776320

How new?

>> No.23776319
Quoted by: >>23776563

KNN aneki went trending on twitter after the stream. It's best to avoid that particular scene so this is a good quick response.

>> No.23776320

Go back to your nijishit thread

>> No.23776321
File: 345 KB, 500x500, sad demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry friendo, let me also apologize in discord

>> No.23776322

Literal fucking mother or her fucking illustrator?

>> No.23776323
Quoted by: >>23776349

That was it? I didn't watch AsaCoco because I was asleep, so what was the actual copyrighted material?

>> No.23776325

Stop lying, Towafag. Your nefarious scheme has been exposed.

>> No.23776326

the illustrator or her actual mother? and no im not being funny.

>> No.23776327

on her zatsudan stream coco tlaked about how her family found out about her vtuber gig and enthusiatically want to help her even they are internet illiterate
coco's real mom made a CM for her with the use of copyrighted material
her mom only wanted to help
now coco and her mom are getting bullied

>> No.23776330

Did anyone save the original video?

>> No.23776333

Her real mom because it says mama dragon
that is unfortunate

>> No.23776334

Her actual mother

>> No.23776335
Quoted by: >>23776347

new narrative
coco hates her real mom

>> No.23776337

after 3 seconds of digging, this is the footage
pretty stupid desu, it's a harmless video that just happened to have copyright content, and no one should feel bad or be held responsible

>> No.23776338

Waddup simps, took (almost) a month break from watching any vtubers related shits, now am already got a real human cutie pie gf (no kidding), so I won't bother to watch any of this shit again, see ya never simps! buhbye! enjoy your shitty virtual e-thots!

>> No.23776339

You guys are so funny

>> No.23776341
Quoted by: >>23776365

Don't need to know Japanese to understand her streams.
Short and easy to understand streams.
Lots of translated clips.
Didn't attract many EOPs until she exploded in popularity in March.

>> No.23776343
Quoted by: >>23776419

and now to save face she is redirecting the blame on her mum? what a fucking cunt

>> No.23776344
Quoted by: >>23776357

Damn. Always feel bad when someone's Mom fucks up because they don't usually know much about anything because they're women from an older generation but they have a heart of gold so they wanna help as much as possible.

>> No.23776346

new narrative
I hate myself

>> No.23776347

Better new narrative:
Coco set her mom up so she could publicly flame her when she fucked up

>> No.23776349

It was from Cookie. You have to know about old Niconico memes to understand why people paid any attention to it.

>> No.23776351
Quoted by: >>23776364

>real mom made a CM
Wtf I thought all parents were technologically stunted.

>> No.23776352


>> No.23776356

It's because she's the top dog now everyone who hates her will attack her for any reason. Coco's in no way my favorite holo but I don't wish any kind of harm towards her.

>> No.23776357

>they don't usually know much about anything because they're women from an older generation
That's sexist as fuck dude

>> No.23776359

That's it? What's the copyrighted material? Is it the audio?

>> No.23776361

What a great daughter Coco is.

>> No.23776362

Sasuga. Thanks for the detective work, anon.

>> No.23776363

nonono you can't just hate asacoco

>> No.23776365
Quoted by: >>23776374

Her first popularity boom was with non stop story, but she really exploded with her 3D live, she got 10k subs in the hour it was going on

>> No.23776364

she is, but she tried for her daughter

>> No.23776366

nice hair buns

>> No.23776367
File: 5 KB, 156x156, 1588021958331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

geris barely know what the fucking internet is nigger

>> No.23776368

women that are as old as Coco's weren't allowed to leave the house without a male around so it's not really sexist

>> No.23776369


>> No.23776370

They didn't know about kson before?

>> No.23776371

why are japanese so anal about copyright?

>> No.23776372
Quoted by: >>23776380


>> No.23776373
Quoted by: >>23776392

I told you guys, coco manages the HoloEn account

>> No.23776374
Quoted by: >>23776386


Also made her the top Japanese Twitter trend for a bit

>> No.23776375

>dragonpapa interrupted her in the middle of a stream
>dragonmama tried to help without knowing it had copyrighted material

>> No.23776376

that separates them from chinks.

>> No.23776378

I don't think they are but if someone you don't like fucks up then you have something to bring them down with and make them apologize

>> No.23776379

Coco's so desperate for being relevance again, so she started this drama.

>> No.23776380
Quoted by: >>23776399

Folks, when they send dragons over, they're not sending their best. Now, Towa, she has the greatest streams, the best streams, the most fantastic streams.

>> No.23776381

I can empathize with having those type of parents

>> No.23776382
Quoted by: >>23776405

Coco a momma's gal!

>> No.23776383
Quoted by: >>23776397

Its Matsuri you practically signed up for this knowing the levels of degeneracy she contains in that head

>> No.23776384

Credit where credit is properly due. There really isn't any need to attack someone over it if it was a one time mistake though

>> No.23776385
Quoted by: >>23776414

Why even reply to an idiot or pretender making sweeping generalizations?

>> No.23776386
Quoted by: >>23776404

Worldwide, you mean

>> No.23776388
Quoted by: >>23776415

>mom is depressed because she screwed up her daughter's online channel
poor mama

>> No.23776389

-kicks door to room yelling real full name-

>> No.23776390
Quoted by: >>23776407

Yeah the rerolls are getting boring. She should just accept Meguru as her surrogate Hoshikawa and pick her.

>> No.23776391
File: 32 KB, 588x226, mamacoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, they went too far.

>> No.23776392

Imagine still trying to push this narrative.

>> No.23776393

Coco's dumb boomer parents are cute!

>> No.23776394

>shes still fucking rerolling
is this worse than haato yet?

>> No.23776395
Quoted by: >>23776409

who is she rolling for?

>> No.23776396

I'm going to redirect the time I normally spend reading /hlg/ towards practicing my kanji reading and so on. I'm not going to be here forever.

>> No.23776397
Quoted by: >>23776424

She can't even pull the girl she wants as an SSR, it doesn't exist yet. What is she still going on for?!

>> No.23776398


>> No.23776399
File: 294 KB, 451x1409, 1566117592689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't drag Towa into this.

>> No.23776400

come on guys, you seriously can't hate coco and her mom for this. they didn't do it out of malice. poor old woman just wanted to help her daughter.

>> No.23776403

Rolling for a specific SSR is retarded anyway

>> No.23776404


I didn't know it was worldwide, that's awesome

>> No.23776405

Her family is pretty warm. Her dad started learning how to use the internet too to help her.

>> No.23776406

Coco's mom is probably crying right now.

>> No.23776407

i've rerolled for like a week
you friends dont know how bad reroll hell is

>> No.23776408


>> No.23776409
Quoted by: >>23776417


>> No.23776410

honestly that's kind of endearing

>> No.23776411

Coco's mom did nothing wrong
Coco is a cunt tho

>> No.23776413

I bet Coco's mom is hot.

>> No.23776414

Because they struck a nerve
All his reply does is prove them right

>> No.23776415

She should be depressed, because her daughter has abandoned 3d guys for a video game character.

>> No.23776416

Since the anti's can't go after Coco herself they go after her mum. Disgusting

>> No.23776417

Matsuri has top tier taste

>> No.23776418

Maybe one of those apology interviews tomorrow, except with her mom.

>> No.23776419
Quoted by: >>23776573

Coco didn't say it was her mom's fault, she said someone else got anal about the copyright and started attacking her mom online.

>> No.23776420

Can't wait for a holohouse so we get more yuri ships.

>> No.23776422

I don't think anyone is hating on them other than the usual "COCO IS NOSEDIVING" sperg

>> No.23776423

but do you stream? this content's dogshit

>> No.23776424
Quoted by: >>23776451

She can. I think there's only one non-limited though, so pretty low chances.

>> No.23776425

>dragonpapa interrupted her in the middle of a stream
I was wondering why there was those pictures of the dragon from dragon ball barging in to coco's room. Must have missed it.

>> No.23776426

imagine attacking someone's mum because of a segment on a 20 minute news parody show
idol culture japs can go die in a fire

>> No.23776428

what stream specifically? fell asleep so im kinda behind on the drama.

>> No.23776429

It wouldn't have really become a topic of discussion but in this case it's sounds from Cookie which is associated with the Inmu crowd which is a bit controversial. Coco's response was really fast and thorough though so no one with any sense should mind.

>> No.23776430

Some western/english people have rerolled for weeks on twitch and people watch them and donate to them. I guess matsuri thought she'd do the same?

>> No.23776431

i had a good chuckle, thanks

>> No.23776432

O-or what huh?

>> No.23776433


>> No.23776434

Apparently some horrible person uploaded Mama Dragon's voice in a website after that CM and now that website own her voice or something, thats the reason for the copyright strike.

Antis are finding clever ways to attack Coco.

>> No.23776435
Quoted by: >>23776448

Aight boys, where do I find hololive real faces I heard Rushia is hawt

>> No.23776436

it's just two guys

>> No.23776438

settle this once and for all, /hlg/

>> No.23776439

Any games you wish any of the hololives would play? I'd like to see some of the more off the beaten path games for the nips. Maybe something like Bioshock or the most recent Prey, hell, even Red Dead 2 would be an interesting ride with a holo.

>> No.23776440

>are ya lifting kenzoku?

>> No.23776441

Have you ever seen those houses where content creators all join together after collaborating online? They don't turn out well.

>> No.23776443

Shameless RAT

>> No.23776445
File: 429 KB, 740x861, ERpbaN5UwAAFD01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco's mom did nothing wrong

>> No.23776446

Feels bad man

>> No.23776448

Your timeslot is long gone you doxxfag.

>> No.23776449

I wonder if shes the type of girlfriend to flirt in the way that you treat her like a galge heroine

>> No.23776450
File: 911 KB, 1013x973, 1558035928293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776451
Quoted by: >>23776569

Oh, the wiki the other dude posted is old, or is it support blue card and not produce?

>> No.23776452

time to whip out my twenty devices to rig the poll

>> No.23776453
Quoted by: >>23776474

Now try rerolling in a game that doesn't let you just spam rolls at the start until you get what you want. I wish all games were like that.

>> No.23776454

Holohouse takes another step forward.

>> No.23776455
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, 1584935437933.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy Watame FFIX stream.

>> No.23776456

How is this a fair poal if you don't list all the Holos

>> No.23776459

>no Flare
rigged poal

>> No.23776458

This actually happened too. She'd have a sign on her door saying "streaming now" and he'd come in and say "Hey, I saw the sign says streaming but are you streaming right now?"

>> No.23776460

Twitch has idiots that just open lootboxes so we dont really have much of an excuse, People will tune in for just about anything as long as they like the streamer

>> No.23776461

It was actually Coco's own doing. She's only using her mother's name to escape the blame.

>> No.23776462

>best singer
>multiple choice
>not every hololive

>> No.23776463

Anime girls are different from trash westerners right?

>> No.23776464

unironically risu

>> No.23776465
Quoted by: >>23776485

Astel building the Taj Mahal wtf

>> No.23776466

YAGOO will fire coco? neat, my dream come true

>> No.23776467

>being rigged by towa discord
lol what a joke

>> No.23776470


>> No.23776469
Quoted by: >>23776500

no pekora with sugita blessing to incite the masses to watch hololivers

>> No.23776471

>no Fubuki
shit poll not even going to vote

>> No.23776472

You managed to misunderstand literally everything about the situation, impressive.

>> No.23776473

they apex gacha corruption stream caused this, shes going to spend all her money gambling now
this is actually good for her since it will stop going to hoshikawa

>> No.23776474

>Now try rerolling in a game that doesn't let you just spam rolls at the start until you get what you want
I did that already
Reroll on a game with 30~ min long tut and like 5 singles to start out with

>> No.23776475

Not all of them

>> No.23776476

No, I don't think so, but I guess it ain't really bait if no one bites it.

>> No.23776477
Quoted by: >>23776490

Oh boy its the coco drama again
No wonder she's the new face of hololive

>> No.23776478

>going to Burmensia now
Oh no watame....

>> No.23776482

Towa's voice is fucking cancer.

>> No.23776483

Guys, this Coco situation is bigger than what people think.

She could actually be fired for it

>> No.23776485

Meanwhile Shien spending 15 minutes struggling to spell one word with dirt

>> No.23776487
File: 302 KB, 1008x1444, 3091b9b7be3e4a8e553c81284dceacae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish.

>> No.23776489

can the sheep don't stream at the same time as PPT aaaaaaaaaaaaa who do i watch

>> No.23776490

She's going to have another boost and she'll push ahead of Korone.

>> No.23776491

>dragonpapa interrupted her in the middle of a stream


>> No.23776492

It's Burmecia time, it won't be so comfy

>> No.23776493

You know the discordfags will all vote for Towa even though she's not actually the best, right?

>> No.23776494

copyright is serious business

>> No.23776495
File: 96 KB, 850x765, matsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri's stream left me with a question for all of /hlg/


>> No.23776496

I really hate to say this but Coco might be fired. Japan are crazy when it comes to copyright laws

>> No.23776497

>She could actually be fired for it

>> No.23776498

Cygames collab with Hololive when? Gen3 fits well with GBF.

>> No.23776499

>No Moon-A
shitty poll

>> No.23776500
Quoted by: >>23776601

Now that Minori Chihara has been outed as a two-timing adultering slut, it's only a matter of time until they find something to shit on Sugita for. Peko needs to distance herself.

>> No.23776501
Quoted by: >>23776515

>Guys, this Coco situation is bigger than what people think.
>She could actually be fired for it
source: [my ass]

>> No.23776502

I only really have an idea of what AZKi, Towa and Suisei can do, so count me out.

>> No.23776503

That's the first time I'd seen Astel's building but that's really impressive. He'd be fit to make time lapse videos of those on his channel, he'd probably get a load of hits from that.

>> No.23776504

It's shit.

>> No.23776505

Can some retard not fishing for free (you) actually translate coco's tweets thanks

>> No.23776506

Well, since she asked.

>> No.23776510

>She could actually be fired for it


>> No.23776512
File: 31 KB, 393x566, firefox_WYM9ny6sep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776525

vote for everyone except suisei.

>> No.23776511

can't believe coco is fucking dead

>> No.23776513
Quoted by: >>23776531

Remember when chat told PPT that EOPs called her Perfect Pitch Tenshi, and her realization when that's still just PPT

>> No.23776514
File: 428 KB, 640x667, 1589214325147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She could actually be fired for it
Weak narrative, she will only have to pay a few bucks in taxes and copyright

>> No.23776515

Not him but he's right. Japan doesn't play with copyrights

>> No.23776516


>> No.23776517

I think it's time for us to ban all mentions of Towa from here on out
It is clear that they are a blight on this sub and contribute to zero discussions aside from just saying Towa... and to insert themselves into random ongoing discussion and also bring up Towa for no reason

>> No.23776518
Quoted by: >>23776543

none of them play gbf while like 6 of them play princess connect. Pekora is the only endgame out of them but Luna is pretty close.

>> No.23776519

calm down sperg she's not going to get fired

>> No.23776520
Quoted by: >>23776546

Now that I think about it, I've actually coomed less after I started watching the holos.

>> No.23776521


>> No.23776522

What's with the influx of terrible poals? There used to be some dude who made decent polls with a wide range of answers but these polls are either incomplete or are full of retarded meme answers.

>> No.23776523
Quoted by: >>23776559

Holy fucking shit Miko slapped coco

>> No.23776524

HELLO? Based department?

>> No.23776525

I vote for only Sora, Towa and AZKi

>> No.23776526

Boss may be a retard but he's our retard

>> No.23776527
File: 492 KB, 1000x855, EXQSPWxUYAEeEZ3.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kanata was pretty detached from the story of CT on her first stream
>now is really hooked

there is no doubt that CT starts to pick up when you go to the future, its truly crazy to see how easily this game gets pretty much anyone hooked, thats why its a kamige.

>> No.23776528

ah yes, thank you for your insight japanese copyright law-kun sasuga
i'm sure your reliable source is also your asshole

>> No.23776529

Holy fucking shit Senchou slapped marine

>> No.23776531

That was really cringe, forced and fake.

>> No.23776532


>> No.23776534

At least try with your retarded narratives.

>> No.23776535
Quoted by: >>23776553

>no Matsuri

>> No.23776536

it's your fault for posting them constantly, of course other people are gonna do it if you keep doing it

>> No.23776538

How can boss be so retarded?

>> No.23776539
Quoted by: >>23776557


>> No.23776540

t. some dude

>> No.23776542

Watame has two cute big horn

>> No.23776543

>Noel: Light
>Flare: Fire
>Pekora: Wind
>Marine: Water
>Rushia: Dark
That's why they can start playing it.

>> No.23776544

Go back.

>> No.23776545
File: 264 KB, 600x800, 1588090167710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776566


>> No.23776546

I coomed once, then when I got to know them I haven't coomed in 2 months.

>> No.23776547

Kanata and Rushia are the fakest cunts in Hololive.
>referring to yourself in the 3rd person

>> No.23776548
Quoted by: >>23776557

>no arknights

>> No.23776549

As expected of pathetic pretending tenshi

>> No.23776550


>> No.23776551

>the mom vid was a 4d chess move to get coco fired from hololive so their daughter's life can be saved
based cocomom

>> No.23776552
Quoted by: >>23776652

fuck senchou

>> No.23776553


>> No.23776554
Quoted by: >>23776586

funny because 2300ad is actually my least favourite timezone in the game, the lavos reveal and death peak are pure kino though

>> No.23776555

Holy fucking shit Aqua slapped Aqua

>> No.23776558

Boss still using the fucking default skin too. Astel help this man out

>> No.23776557
Quoted by: >>23776596

you tards realize there's an add answer button right

>> No.23776559

in front of watame?

>> No.23776561
Quoted by: >>23776577

Coco's mom declared her voice as free use. A shady ass website claimed it and used it to copyright strike.

>> No.23776563

who the fuck is KNN aneki?

>> No.23776562
File: 136 KB, 319x393, 1589212165900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776644

>/hlg/ pretends to know japanese work culture
>now /hlg/ pretends they understand japanese copyright law
you lot don't even know the copyright law of your countries, let alone a complicated country like Japan's

>> No.23776564

This is all that happened dumbass spoonfeedee. Cocomom made some funny video with copyright stuff, Coco got flamed, apology.

>> No.23776565


>> No.23776566
File: 98 KB, 765x1000, Baby dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a d word

>> No.23776567

I remember being really hooked once the trial showed me eating the old guy's food.

>> No.23776568
Quoted by: >>23776579

>12 Meguru SSRs
>Still no Fuyuko
Jesus fuck thank god this game is never getting an EN release

>> No.23776569
File: 106 KB, 801x512, gacha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Producer card. This is straight from the drop rate list in-game.

>> No.23776570
Quoted by: >>23776574

Who is Matsuri rolling for?

>> No.23776571

Are you paid to promote poal or something

>> No.23776572

did anyone get a pic of our boss's specs? kinda curious what kind of pc he has.

>> No.23776573



>> No.23776574


>> No.23776576

Yuri is trash especially when forced

>> No.23776577

Someone reuploaded today's mama cm on that website and now that website owns her voice

>> No.23776578

How did you guys first experience Chrono Trigger? I'm pretty sure I was around 12 or 13 and was given a zip disk with a bunch of roms and zsnes on it. It was also how I first played Earthbound.

>> No.23776579

It feeds on her subconscious lust for Hoshikawa

>> No.23776580
Quoted by: >>23776959

>virtual idol antis are just as hostile as real idol antis
really make me think

>> No.23776581

shes a pretty good singer but not great just like everything she does except sexually harrass

>> No.23776582

Kaho-chan is really cute bros...

>> No.23776583

this one should have been multiple answers

>> No.23776584

Ahahahaha, what a kusoge

>> No.23776585


>> No.23776586
Quoted by: >>23776619

What's your favorite? Anything other than 12000 BC is a wrong answer, keep that in mind

>> No.23776587

It's brave of you to pretend that you speak either Japanese or English.

>> No.23776588

Good to see this thread actually has good taste

>> No.23776589

Coco might be fired

>> No.23776590

Borrowed a friend's PS1 version when I was a kid.

>> No.23776591
Quoted by: >>23776623

shocking I have 3 gfl bros itt, I thought I was the only one left

>> No.23776592
Quoted by: >>23776609

Look at this zoomer that didn't have an SNES.

>> No.23776593

All these EOP and ESL that had to resort to shitting on this thread because they can't understand Japanese...

>> No.23776594

I haven't played it yet but I own it. I just really dislike Toriyama's art style.

>> No.23776595

Nice to see some GFLbros here here

>> No.23776596


>> No.23776599

same but i was 9 and got given snes9x as well
>tfw only finished it the first time using action replay for max level
it was my first RPG along with FF4 and 6, only did it at end game though

>> No.23776600


Jesus fuck.

>> No.23776601
Quoted by: >>23776625

>Now that Minori Chihara has been outed as a two-timing adultering slut
what? i thought she just went to the farm for old voice actresses.

>> No.23776602

>Coco did nothing wrong
>She might be fired
>Towa, Aqua did something wrong
>Lmao, Towa/Aqua fine


>> No.23776603
Quoted by: >>23776608

Criminal penalties for copyright infringement in Japan include:

A fine of not more than $500,000 or imprisonment for not more than five years, or both, for the first offense.

A fine of not more than $1 million and imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both, for repeated offenses.

>> No.23776604
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1588392083231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776768

it never ceases to amaze me how this general can not interpret english as well as they pretend to interpret japanese
are you all secretly haato stupid

>> No.23776605

guys coco might be forced to commit seppuku because of this it's not funny...

>> No.23776606

Yeah I barely lurk here now. I am usually on 5ch where the actual discussion on Hololive happens. This place is kinda secondhand.

>> No.23776607
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, 1576212335783.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/gbfg/ sucks dick but the game is nice.

>> No.23776608

haha...time to sell asacoco for real

>> No.23776609

I'm not sure being 28 is zoomer territory. My parents just didn't allow me to have video games for a good portion of my childhood, so I had to find workarounds.

>> No.23776610
File: 31 KB, 350x496, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776631


>> No.23776611

Tell me who did a criminal act?

>> No.23776613

Watame, you can't eat Vivi brothers......

>> No.23776614

Played it on my cousin's SNES when I was 10

>> No.23776616

Boss signing out with the god tier Ghast impression.

>> No.23776617
Quoted by: >>23776649


>> No.23776618



>> No.23776619

good thing my answer is correct though, corridors of time was what made me start caring about music 600ad being a very close second though

>> No.23776620

What coco did is actually illegal. What aqua and towa did is not despite what disgusting idolfags think.

>> No.23776621

guys coco might face the death penalty, copyright is serious in japan..

>> No.23776623
Quoted by: >>23776656

Still waiting for that Bakery girl remake.

>> No.23776624
File: 292 KB, 1400x1125, 1587194877529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776708

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_e5k_Gw4h50 GW Singing Stream for live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpUQ-5dSJTk FANSA Cover
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Dr_qvnXJPE 君の知らない物語 Cover
Have your (You)

>> No.23776625

Recent scandal that she's been fucking a couple of married men for many years.

>> No.23776626
Quoted by: >>23776659

How does Matsuri's stream have that many views? I thought her time was over.

>> No.23776629
Quoted by: >>23776642

twitch chat man children who got their feelings hurt because they can't spam memes in a chatroom where they're told they're not belong
the irony is twitch has had chatrooms for long time that can be labeled language specific and you'd be banned on sight for even speaking not the language of the chat's choice
i wish youtube would adopt a similiar option

>> No.23776630
Quoted by: >>23776654


Matsuri reacting to this would be fun

>> No.23776631
File: 34 KB, 600x336, suisuisuisuisuisuisuisuisui.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776633

guys coco might be forced to shave her hair and do a naked dogeza because of this it isn't funny...

>> No.23776634

wtf coco just started a twitcast stream and has a wakizashi in her hand i'm scared

>> No.23776636


>> No.23776637

Kanata is a fake bitch. She gauges her audience and acts the way they want her to. She's gonna love it even if she thinks its boring.

>> No.23776639

What copyrighted stuff was it even? Disney stuff?

>> No.23776640

thread going so fast nobody will notice https://files.catbox.moe/om3tcw.webm

>> No.23776642

Even if it was an option they probably wouldn't do it since doesn't benefit them super hard

>> No.23776643

Camera head dude do be dancin tho

>> No.23776644

The only thing I know about japanese law is the retarded conviction rate and "guilty until we force you to admit your guilty or we kill your family" level prosecutors

>> No.23776646
Quoted by: >>23776653

ThEy ShOuLd PlAy My FaVoRiTe GaMe

>> No.23776648

burger hours.

>> No.23776649


>> No.23776651
Quoted by: >>23776698

Guys Coco will face life sentence on Tokyo court. she just got her summon to the court right now.https://twitter.com/_ka_son/status/1259428728423084074

>> No.23776652

yea i think thats the idea

>> No.23776653
File: 37 KB, 372x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776654

I like her unit but the gyaru is really ugly
She'd have the best unit in the game if the gyaru was replaced with some actually cute girl

>> No.23776655

miko has a stream in 40 minutes and she's still sleeping

>> No.23776656

corona's fucked it over forever probably.

>> No.23776658

Nice try faggot, trying to slip a mikoboat in

>> No.23776660


>> No.23776659

The power of idolfags (and gacha)

>> No.23776661

Her mom's voice got copyrighted by a company who reuploaded it on their site.

>> No.23776662
Quoted by: >>23776683


>> No.23776663


>> No.23776664


>> No.23776665
File: 49 KB, 557x517, 1582682083384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776673

Kanatan voicing characters in games is so good. I love this chatterbox tenshi.

>> No.23776666
File: 271 KB, 1080x1552, EXx-2CqU4AInhdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23776667

Towafags ruined /hlg/

>> No.23776668

What if we take the law into our own hand, bros? SHe did something illegal, we should give her a visit.

>> No.23776669

You literally just described Subaru.
Western games fucking suck.

>> No.23776672

It's Youtube's shitty system that fucked it up. When a company claims a clip like the commercial's voice, youtube will accept that company's claim instead of the original content creator. Youtube doesn't care about free content creators, only established companies with legal power.

>> No.23776671
Quoted by: >>23776717

her mom's voice was uploaded by the manlet anon on a shady japanese website. and that website copystriked coco due to that voice

>> No.23776673

Any game she plays will basically be voiced by Amane Donata

>> No.23776674
File: 1.77 MB, 389x450, 1586796120397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this insane desire of wanting Haachama to play Darkest Dungeon

>> No.23776675


>> No.23776677

how many more hours?

>> No.23776678

>putting Aruran in with that trash

>> No.23776679
File: 62 KB, 208x246, Luna16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776680

>Big name western games are off the beaten path

Let's get real weird: SS13 holostation with every single member.

>> No.23776681

quality facebook meme thanks from sharing it from your sea shithole group

>> No.23776682

No one wants Moona though?

>> No.23776683

It's been a while since I've seen shionchair

>> No.23776684

On a serious note, Coco is in serious hot water. The copyright laws in Japan are insane. Her job is at risk.

Now is it HIGH? Eh, I would say half but she will be punished for this.

>> No.23776685

>zip disk

What are you, 40?

>> No.23776686

I played Magia Record, Azur Lane, Shiny Colors, Bang Dream and Kamihime Project but currently I'm not playing any.
I don't mind sinking money, it's how much time they suck away that's the problem. Bang Dream was the least worst about it.

>> No.23776688

Suisei anti getting all uppity and samefaggy again...
Always hilarious

>> No.23776690
File: 214 KB, 964x1153, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776704

>> No.23776691
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 1579773314491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know you have shit taste, Satan

>> No.23776692
Quoted by: >>23776707

That's... every Holo streamer. Their job is to entertain, after all. If they don't act excited, they'd be boring.

>> No.23776693

ellipsisposters are the only good posters in this general...

>> No.23776695
Quoted by: >>23776773

maybe you should learn japanese to understand what really happened

>> No.23776697

The punishment is collaborating with Towa.

>> No.23776698

Holy shit

>> No.23776699

>Towa playing with her boyfriend
>Watame and her 10 boyfriends hate coco and kanata
>Kanata dying
>Luna have cancer
>Coco copyright strike

4th gen is the most fuck up gen, change my mind, protip, you can't, YAGOO need to disband 4th gen

>> No.23776700
Quoted by: >>23776715

I'm glad Matsuri isn't spending her own money on this trash

>> No.23776703
File: 1.08 MB, 800x800, 1587855089865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776704

Why didn't she rename Vivi?

>> No.23776705

zip disks were still around 20 years ago, especially in 3rd world countries

>> No.23776707

Luna openly said Uncharted 4 was boring as fuck and dropped it after like 2 hours.

>> No.23776708
Quoted by: >>23776729

stop it festivalbro... i love matsuri too but we have to admit her singing is not at the level of those in the poal

>> No.23776711

You are right, I also want to see coco life ruined, it's all her fault, who's with me?

>> No.23776712


>> No.23776715
Quoted by: >>23776728

Yeah she should spend it on Hoshikawa instead

>> No.23776717

>an anon from /jp/ brings down coco's regime of EOP terror because he's also an EOP and didn't read the terms of the shady japanese site
If that's what it actually is then holy shit

>> No.23776718

I'm glad she doesn't pull punches.

>> No.23776720
File: 235 KB, 686x526, 1589104883125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776722


>> No.23776723


>> No.23776724

Sleep tight, Mikochi...

>> No.23776726

What if we dox coco's mom?

>> No.23776728
Quoted by: >>23776742

Holy shit shut the fuck up about Hoshikawa

>> No.23776729

She isn't the best but the it's biased unless you include everyone. There are some songs that she does better than anyone else, like FANSA.

>> No.23776730
Quoted by: >>23776752

The funny thing is, this isn't Coco's fault this time, it was some sperg who reuploaded that CM to a website that claimed it as their own and sent a strike AFTER.

>> No.23776731
Quoted by: >>23776748

Coco is making bait and controversy to boost her popularity again. I knew she would do this again since this is only what she's known for other than AsaCoco. If she gets fired then fucking good.

>> No.23776732
File: 84 KB, 510x518, 1588009743646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dangerously based

>> No.23776733

>Coco might get fired

i hope i get my SC back

>> No.23776735
File: 313 KB, 584x713, 1587829958861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna us based, what else is new

>> No.23776738

pretty based, too bad her voice filters the fuck out of me nanoraaaaaaaa~

>> No.23776739


>> No.23776740
Quoted by: >>23776749

I'm 28. I just so happened to have a zipdrive on the computer I was using at the time. I really lucked out if I'm being honest.

>> No.23776741

Luna is one of those rare idols who are genuine and will do what she wants.

>> No.23776743
Quoted by: >>23776758


Coco is quitting hololive and will join NijiChads instead

>> No.23776742

Tell that to matsuri, not me.

>> No.23776744


>> No.23776745
File: 97 KB, 636x900, EWSuFqvUwAM3t10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked Luna before but this is based. I'mma give her a membership.

>> No.23776746
File: 77 KB, 463x970, brave_2020-05-12_00-25-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776769


>> No.23776748

I agree bro, I cannot wait to tighten my hands around her neck after she's kicked out the street, my revenge will be sweet and swift...

>> No.23776749 [DELETED] 

>tfw 27
>tfw was stuck with windows 95 an

>> No.23776750


>> No.23776751

I still haven't

>> No.23776752

Let the retards here have some fun, they're bored of the current streams

>> No.23776754
Quoted by: >>23776901

Please tell me this isn't actually because of the KNN姉貴 bit.

>> No.23776755
File: 333 KB, 1600x900, check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she'll wake up more energized for the next stream!

>> No.23776756
Quoted by: >>23776763

CT is shit don't know whats the hype behind it

>> No.23776757

I honestly wish my favorite was as straight-forward.

>> No.23776758


>> No.23776759
File: 395 KB, 1000x921, 1587811621158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


despite her tiny appearance luna is pretty mature on what she wants and what she doesnt want

>> No.23776760
File: 597 KB, 2590x3624, 1588886406941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776777


>> No.23776762

I'd like them to play a good game that I don't know.

>> No.23776761

WhaT's happening here? Why did this make me deaf?

>> No.23776763

This. FF6 and DQ5 are far better.

>> No.23776764

What if we bomb coco's house? She did something illegal after all...

>> No.23776765
Quoted by: >>23776795

God I love detached sleeves.

>> No.23776767

I hope Valorant doesn't spread to the other holos, it's such a boring game to watch

>> No.23776768

wtf do you mean secretly

>> No.23776769
File: 2.92 MB, 960x540, 1571863693175.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776770


Last time she played it she was having trouble with the menu and UI due to being in Korean.

>> No.23776771

this coco stuff will stay for 2-4 thread, worse 1 week

>> No.23776772

>Watame get confused
>kills Subaru

>> No.23776773

Wait, what the fuck happened?

>> No.23776774


>> No.23776775

Yeah she said it felt more like a movie than a game and that's why she didn't really enjoy it.

>> No.23776777
Quoted by: >>23776797

>any of the holos/homos could easily fuck this
>none of them have
I'm gonna take one for the team, bros...

>> No.23776778
File: 11 KB, 80x79, rozadead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm the only one who play Real™ Game™.

>> No.23776781


>> No.23776782
File: 185 KB, 1748x1181, EXnuJZnU8AI3S1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776783

Luna is the one based Holo. There's probably one or two others, I could see Fubuki doing the same.

>> No.23776784

Holy shit I like her now!

>> No.23776785
Quoted by: >>23776808

What's /ourboomertranny/'s up to?

>> No.23776787
Quoted by: >>23776794

Don't let Pekora read this post

>> No.23776789

Luna: My negative feelings are written all over my face
Luna's face: :D

>> No.23776790

knowing japanese should be a requirement in this board holy shit

>> No.23776791

>people are surprise luna is voicing out her opinion
You guys actually think these girls only play games they don't like? Who would even do that hahahaha...

>> No.23776792

Wtf I love luna even more?

>> No.23776794

too late peko! i hate luna nao peko!

>> No.23776795
File: 838 KB, 4000x4000, 1588959368753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776809

they emphasize a quality part of a girls body

>> No.23776796

captchaboss when?

>> No.23776797

based lyger

>> No.23776798
Quoted by: >>23776806

I do know japanese though

>> No.23776799

Wtf I love Luna now! I am totally not samefagging to pretend Luna is more popular than she actually is! I totally care about the dumb baby princess now!

>> No.23776800
Quoted by: >>23776818

If Coco mom and dad speak japanese why did she have to learn it a couple of years ago?

>> No.23776801

She has like 10k viewers currently, which is more than what she gets from her usual streams.
And you bet your ass she's going to be showered with congratulatory super chat once she gets her reroll target.

>> No.23776802

Best holo confirmed

>> No.23776803

Guys why aren't you talking more about Coco copyright? Where are my brothers at?

>> No.23776804

miko is still sleeping so please watch my cute boy in the meantime

>> No.23776806
Quoted by: >>23776825

That's chinese.

>> No.23776808

celeste so suicide stream incoming

>> No.23776809

did... Miko post this?

>> No.23776810

didnt she play through Dark Souls in a hardcore manner? double based

>> No.23776811
File: 63 KB, 194x192, 1582396136836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat shit luna's the best.

>> No.23776812

there's more lunafags here than you think, we've been over this a lot of times. How come people always get surprised over it?

>> No.23776813


>> No.23776814

This but unironically

>> No.23776815


I found that hard to believe so I checked out and its true


I also remember her saying FF7R was boring and didn't resemble classic FF which she loved but I dont remember exactly where, she was doing a sidequest.

>> No.23776816

How far along in the game is he?

>> No.23776818
Quoted by: >>23777068

She's American

>> No.23776819
File: 241 KB, 850x1204, __himemori_luna_hololive_drawn_by_tonari_no_kai_keruberosu__sample-33aa7f5849019b5798401dccab1423ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a dumb baby princess she sure is endowed at her chest and legs

>> No.23776820

wait is this true I might have to be a luna fan

>> No.23776821

Stay mad.

>> No.23776822

Put me in the screenshot

>> No.23776823

Did I miss anything with Shien's stream?

>> No.23776824
Quoted by: >>23776857

I hope Kson had a good sleep session. She kinda needs it.

>> No.23776825

No, this is chinese: 草
It's completely different you imbecile

>> No.23776826
Quoted by: >>23776847


>> No.23776828

You don't tell me that this is how based she is /jp/. I might buy a membership now.

>> No.23776827

Luna was humming classic FF songs the entire time in FF7R. Luna really can't into those newer cinematic AAA movie games.

>> No.23776829

Miko's awake

>> No.23776830

>I also remember her saying FF7R was boring and didn't resemble classic FF which she loved
Every day I love this princess more

>> No.23776831

When is Lyger going to Supacha? His girl needs more money and all he is doing is commenting in her stream.

>> No.23776832

Based baba

>> No.23776833

Nothing much, he just crafted a bunch of diamond tools from Rikka's chest and spent 40 minutes making a TriNero sign with Astel.

>> No.23776834

Why is Coco visiting her parents anyway?

>> No.23776836
File: 227 KB, 1400x1050, 1587924347958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776867

But I'm a Matsuribro.

>> No.23776838

he cant play minecraft or spell trinero

>> No.23776839

Luna confirmed not playing MGS

>> No.23776840

>this game is tiring
Based Luna shitting on overrated western trash.

>> No.23776842

what if haachama got doxxed and i get to have sex with her?

>> No.23776841

mother's day

>> No.23776843


>> No.23776844 [SPOILER] 
File: 572 KB, 750x750, 1589269062018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has posted some interesting things to membership.

>> No.23776846
Quoted by: >>23776873

She lives with them.

>> No.23776847

Thanks to an anon earlier I now know that this kanji means "not/without" so I was able to read this sentence! Thanks /hlg/!

>> No.23776848

Shit, I knew Luna played the old FFs but I didn't have confirmation. Thank god, Luna is based as fuck. I might have to member her and watch her more now...

Also: fuck FF7R. Finally beat the game recently.

>> No.23776850

Just boss being a cute retard

>> No.23776853

good, I wouldn't want her ruining it.

>> No.23776854

Finally Towa can collab with Coco!

>> No.23776856

He fell into lava and died.

>> No.23776857


>> No.23776858

I work at a law firm and I can confirm Coco is going to be fire from this.

>> No.23776859

Luna did play MGS 1 and 2 as Momoru when she was in Nijisanji. I don't think she ever played 3, 4, and 5 though.

>> No.23776860

So this is the average Towafag...

>> No.23776861
Quoted by: >>23776872

it is worth every cent

>> No.23776862

>2 hours of rolling
>10k viewers still watching, supacha starting to come in
What the fuck is wrong with the japs

>> No.23776863
Quoted by: >>23776909

I hope Hololive/Cover will start to copyright claim all the original content the girls make like AsaCoco to prevent theft like these in the future. Imagine if the girls or Rikka made an original song, posted it on youtube, and some outside company claimed it as their own.

>> No.23776866

>she can't enjoy cinematic games
wow didn't know luna is from /v/

>> No.23776867

>Matsuri's face when she sees a gohololi that's old enough to be Mamatsuri

>> No.23776869
Quoted by: >>23776892

but google translate said it was part of impossible this language makes no fucking sense

>> No.23776870

3 other people plays my shitty Gacha game not to mention being included in the poll at all.

>> No.23776871
File: 306 KB, 1500x2000, 1588434707946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dreams at all this time but Kanata's stream is longer that one hour for a change and I actually caught her live today so I'm happy.

>> No.23776872


>> No.23776873
Quoted by: >>23776890

I thought for sure that she said she'd moved out in the recent years

>> No.23776874
File: 75 KB, 230x267, 1589103900258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon /hlg/ will be all lu-knights

>> No.23776876

Good riddance! Always hated that cunt.

>> No.23776877

Based Luna, knowing the Fukushima kino from the Kojima kusoge.

>> No.23776878
Quoted by: >>23776912

did aqua finish the FF7R?

>> No.23776879
Quoted by: >>23776911

fuck luna

>> No.23776880 [SPOILER] 
File: 88 KB, 550x550, 1589269219520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco is going to be fire
Ah, I see. Yes, the true dragon. At last.

>> No.23776881

Why is there 10k people watching her play gachashit anyways? I thought Matsuri was only pulling in ~2k for her streams.

>> No.23776883

/*/ hates everything including things they like.

>> No.23776884

Why are Towafags like this?

>> No.23776886


>> No.23776887

>as Momoru when she was in Nijisanji

>> No.23776888

Watching people lose their minds in reroll hell is very therapeutic.

>> No.23776889
Quoted by: >>23776910


>> No.23776890
Quoted by: >>23776929

She lived alone for a while but moved back in sometime last year.

>> No.23776891

you should know what it is anyway because of how often they say it in JoJo anon

>> No.23776892
Quoted by: >>23776910

無 - without, lacking
理 - reason

>> No.23776893

cute shoes

>> No.23776894
Quoted by: >>23776907

lunafags are disgusting diaperfags

>> No.23776896

How new?

>> No.23776898

I came in her eyes my bad

>> No.23776897
Quoted by: >>23776941

Why did she quit niji

>> No.23776899

Look at this loser wearing garters with plaid socks.

>> No.23776901
Quoted by: >>23777104

It is and she was supposed to be our based nikkei kaichou, but it turns out shes as much of a ironic weeb niwaka tourist as the EOPs she attracts, and she doesn't even recognize the most basic bitch Reiwa era NND meme.

>> No.23776903
Quoted by: >>23776920

antiCoco bros, where are ya at?

>> No.23776905
Quoted by: >>23776942

>Luna's favorite games are retro and dark souls
So she's the korone of 4th gen eh...

>> No.23776906
Quoted by: >>23776943

I dunno man. I can never predict Matsuri's watchers in particular. They ditch her for what seem like fun celebration streams, give Luna more views for the initial Apex collab, have Matsuri triple her views for the next one, then suddenly come full force so she can pull the gacha. It's a fucking roller coaster.

>> No.23776907

How do you think we collect our shit for shitposting?

>> No.23776908
Quoted by: >>23776934

Played it on an emulator on my N-Gage QD switching from Horizontal/Vertical screen depending on the location.

>> No.23776909

Coco and her mom's mistake was SAYING it was free use, Cover wont protect them after that and anyone can claim it as their own with legal power. Some smart Anti used it against her .

>> No.23776910
File: 93 KB, 859x905, chrome_2020-05-12_17-42-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put them together and you get impossible
my sub 50 IQ brain will never be able to handle kanji

>> No.23776911
File: 118 KB, 850x502, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23776923

You'd be gay if you didnt want to

>> No.23776912

>doubting the autist gamer

>> No.23776913


she used to be a nijisanji streamer

voice same and all

>> No.23776916

I like her attitude and taste, but her streams are so boring I can't do it. Sorry, I've tried.

>> No.23776917

my mom is a holo intern and Coco is getting promoted to holoEN

>> No.23776918
Quoted by: >>23776950

If you aren't watching Choco, you're wrong.

>> No.23776920
Quoted by: >>23776938


>> No.23776921

whoah epic grass moment bro

>> No.23776924
Quoted by: >>23776986

If she dropped the baby gimmick I'd watch her. Haato got to change hers from an ojou sama to a retard, why can't Luna change to something else?

>> No.23776923

there are infinitely better girls, not only in hololive, but in her own gen.

>> No.23776925

I want to eat chinese food now

>> No.23776926


>> No.23776927

Watame ended up in the late game dragon farming spot.

>> No.23776928
Quoted by: >>23776948

Sorry Matsuri but I unsubbed, I cannot watch you mindlessly roll for hours on end

>> No.23776929
Quoted by: >>23777001

>moved back in sometime last year.
probably to save up for hololive house

which I still think is a bad idea, because the ones who will totally sign up for it are lazy shits who never clean up after themselves

>> No.23776934
Quoted by: >>23776998

You actually owned a taco phone? What country are you from?

>> No.23776936
Quoted by: >>23776966

Imagine if RU, UDK, KNN et al all became vtubers. I think as an apology Coco should be fired and replaced by KNN.

>> No.23776938

We should celebrate with Coco's head on a stick

>> No.23776940

But it's /v/ who loves MGS, the most cinematic ''game'' of all.

>> No.23776941

Because Sasaki Saku bullied her. They were both in Nijisanji Gamers before it was dissolved. Sasaki is an absolute cunt who talks shit about Nijisanji quite often and complains to her fans a lot. She has this "me against the world" attitude and it's really fucking annoying. She even wrote a song about it and it has 5 million views. She probably knew Luna was a weirdo adult with a baby complex so she saw her as an easy target. She saw an opportunity to join Hololive Gen 4 and pick a character that was more in line with her personality and she took it and never looked back.

>> No.23776942

yeah but Luna plays good games

>> No.23776943

The nice thing is the chat moves slower in the important streams and we can interact. But it makes me sad because it means a lot of people are just touring for fads (APEX) or gambling.

>> No.23776945
File: 96 KB, 500x1080, Amane.Kanata.full.2803561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777049

i want to take care of kanata

>> No.23776946

im getting mixed signals about what happened, ill just look at reddit and discord later

>> No.23776947

Spoonfeedme bros, i know about the cookie and homo shit, but what the fuck is a knn

>> No.23776948
Quoted by: >>23776957

It's rerolling where she doesn't even spend any money but eh you just wanted a you right?

>> No.23776949

Coco will be moved to Bilibili making Asacoco for CCP propaganda.

>> No.23776950
File: 134 KB, 500x500, G11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going right to bed and Choco herself values sleep, so no, I'm not. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.23776952
Quoted by: >>23776987

Think of it like this.
>There's no reason for it to be this way
>It's impossible for it to be this way
It functions similarly to how it does in Chinese as well, it's just a different way of putting words together compared to English.

>> No.23776954
Quoted by: >>23776992

this is the end cocobros... she's already saying her farewells...

>> No.23776955

This is my favorite Luna narrative.

>> No.23776956

Now that would really be dangerous

>> No.23776957
Quoted by: >>23776981


>> No.23776959
Quoted by: >>23776991

At least they aren't like sport idols antis where they go to your game to literally stab you in the back so that their player can win.

>> No.23776958
Quoted by: >>23776976

> ill just look at reddit and discord later

>> No.23776960

can a nijifag actually tell me if the stupid degen panda is a bully or not

>> No.23776961

Fubuki should've done what Matsuri did to recoup her loss.

>> No.23776962
Quoted by: >>23776980

>Choco herself values sleep
Oh, anon... you sweet, summer child

>> No.23776964

I'm sleepy, so I'll go now, sorry /hlg/. bye bye guys

>> No.23776963

Coco is the only holo that hasnt sold her soul to bilibili yet.

>> No.23776966

You are so right, by the way what do you think about acid attacks?

>> No.23776967

please go back

>> No.23776969

>ill just look at reddit and discord later
The absolute state of /hlg/

>> No.23776970

I can't sleep anymore. This shit is gay.

>> No.23776971

It's a 1/2500 chance. She would have a better time rolling for Pathfinder skins.

>> No.23776972
Quoted by: >>23776985

>can I eat the boss

>> No.23776974
Quoted by: >>23777005

But what did she actually do to luna?

>> No.23776975
Quoted by: >>23776995

Sakufags will just tell you that anything negative about her is made up by antis on 5ch because people hate her. She does complain a lot though. A while back she cancelled a scheduled stream and immediately put up a members only stream and talked about how unfair Nijisanji was treating her.

>> No.23776976

I'll trust them with better translations and insight on this than an Anon

>> No.23776977
Quoted by: >>23776996


>delivery delay because of noel want to collab with flare

what a bitch noel is

>> No.23776978
Quoted by: >>23777004

/hlg/ shitposting has more truth to it than any genuine interpretation from some redditor who tries to read japanese

>> No.23776979


>> No.23776980
Quoted by: >>23776990

if she didn't she would never sleep during stream times

>> No.23776981

Thank you for your honesty. Here's another one on the house.
Is this another delusion trip or is that real? I can't tell.

>> No.23776983

>another megu

>> No.23776985
Quoted by: >>23777126

This boss gave something really strong that was missable right?

>> No.23776986

Maybe it's not a gimmick.

>> No.23776987

i think i sorta get it when you say it like that

>> No.23776988
Quoted by: >>23777023


noel will play sekiro? holy based

>> No.23776989

>matsuri gets 10k viewers from idolshit
ohnono bros I think she will keep playing this game now

>> No.23776990
Quoted by: >>23776999

She doesn't miss streams by accident she does it because she's so existed her alarms don't wake her up anon

>> No.23776991
Quoted by: >>23777000

Imagine stadium fights but with idolfag fans. Would pay to see that.

>> No.23776992

What kind of stupid language decided that rice and meal would be the same word?

>> No.23776995

Aren't complaints about Niji management relatively common?

>> No.23776996

learn to read. flare pushed back her own stream to watch noel's collab. big lesbian energy.

>> No.23776997
File: 29 KB, 238x241, 1588683318038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23776998
File: 144 KB, 1212x734, Nokia-N-Gage-QD-978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the taco one, It's pic related. My dad bought it from UAE when he worked there. It was a present for my Highschool graduation. Also I'm from PH

>> No.23776999

exhausted, fuck
the kind that eats way too much rice

>> No.23777000

sengoku jidai but with idol and vtuber clans

>> No.23777001
Quoted by: >>23777011

That's most of the Holos...

Actually, who does /hlg/ think are actually clean with their house?

>> No.23777003

What do you expect from a language that's literally knockoff chinese

>> No.23777004

I would believe you if it was 2 months ago.

>> No.23777005

The bullying is a meme, don't pay attention to that. It's far more likely that she just didn't like her channel growth or character. She was at like 80k subs before she quit and everyone else in gamers like Sasaki and Himawari had like double or triple her subs. There was a rumour that Luna was scouted alongside Coco so she probably just took the opportunity to start over.

>> No.23777006

I cannot see that Panda Dork bullying our Princess of Terror desu.

>> No.23777007

Too many false flagging faggots in these threads.

The Coco story is this: Coco's Mom made a stupid meme video for her, she told Coco she made sure everything in the video was copyright free, Coco double checked and thought everything was fine with it.

Turns out one of the sound effects she used was a voice clip of a Nico Nico Douga uploader that someone uploaded to a sound effect site without permission.

Coco's mom obvious didn't know this, neither did Coco, anti's proceeded to freak out about Coco using the clip without permission, Coco herself deleted the video, there was no copyright strike. She reuploaded it replacing the clip with her own voice.

>> No.23777009
Quoted by: >>23777026

>coco did something heinous
>nnobody talking about it

Hmm? Did you lose the fire? This is huge guys

>> No.23777010

matsuri thread up

>> No.23777011


>> No.23777012
File: 127 KB, 420x422, firefox_2H3wHX7pJW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saudi Arabian Towa

>> No.23777013

nice narrative cocofag

>> No.23777016
Quoted by: >>23777021

Was Luna part of the recruitment post? They specifically state which character was taken and which are up for audition.

>> No.23777018

an interesting narrative

>> No.23777019

The design/voice always felt like a mismatch desu

>> No.23777020

First Peko now Coco who will get fucked by NND reuploaders next

>> No.23777021
Quoted by: >>23777063

Luna was already taken.

>> No.23777022

Incredibly common. You think a company dumb enough to flood their own market is well managed?

>> No.23777023

I think she'd actually lose her mind, she could barely handle DS3

>> No.23777024


>> No.23777026
Quoted by: >>23777043

Coco responded

>> No.23777025

I want a holo to play an old ass wrpg like Balders Gate or Morrowind. Does my dream have any chance of coming true?

>> No.23777027
Quoted by: >>23777034


>> No.23777028

Usada "fuck chink" Pekora

>> No.23777029
File: 44 KB, 960x540, Kizuna-Ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame carried by Subaru

>> No.23777030
Quoted by: >>23777071

why are copyright laws so fucked up

>> No.23777033

It's saudi arabian robocco, she's the cunt collabing with the jihadist
Towa would never touch that shitter unlike robocuck

>> No.23777032
Quoted by: >>23777060

Sseth HoloEN!

>> No.23777034

she's getting a collab no matter what it takes

>> No.23777035
Quoted by: >>23777056

English is like that too. Fish can mean the animal or the act of catching that animal.

>> No.23777037


>> No.23777036

Pekora did it intentionally to fuck with the chinks.

>> No.23777038


>> No.23777039
Quoted by: >>23777067

We should dox Coco's mom because she fucked up NND etiquette, the face when she realized how much she fucked up will be delicious

>> No.23777040

Yeah, when EN come out

>> No.23777041
File: 1.36 MB, 2891x4096, 1588145860042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh the factory CT music so fucking GOOOD

>> No.23777042

Highly unlikely, anon. Old wrpgs are almost entirely comprised of a demographic of 30 year old white men. Your best shot is with HoloEN.

>> No.23777043

You posted Miko Boat, grats, you get to live.

>> No.23777044
Quoted by: >>23777054

Coco if you read this, maybe its time to retire AsaCoco in two days, on its 100th episode.

>> No.23777046

There's a Wizardry in Korone's backlog, so maybe someday.

>> No.23777047

Watching Matsuri do gachashit reminds me of old FGO and GBF videos of people dumping huge amounts of cash for fucking nothing

>> No.23777049
File: 122 KB, 916x2000, EV-0L7dVAAAfAZI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777094

Kanata seems like she'd be a deceptively low maintenance person just because she wouldn't want to bother you while in reality she needs and truly appreciates all the support you can provide.

>> No.23777051
Quoted by: >>23777057

HoloEN is probably your only realistic shot for that type of game.

>> No.23777052

>Luna was unpopular even in Nijisanji

>> No.23777054
Quoted by: >>23777073

Also if you're reading this, we're coming for you, protect your family well

>> No.23777055
Quoted by: >>23777072

>wake up
>matsuri is still rolling
what is wrong with this game

>> No.23777056

You can usually determine the difference because one is a noun and the other is a verb. Imagine if fish were also the generic word for a meal. That would be confusing as fuck.

>> No.23777057

Maybe if EN does it, the other branches could see it and become interested. I remain doubtful, though.

>> No.23777059

The Coco Anti are actually indonesians who subscribed and praised Moona

>> No.23777060
Quoted by: >>23777100

Sseth will be in holostarsEN, gen 1 TriNegro

>> No.23777061

I got into that shit back in Puzzles and Dragons. I'm glad I'm free now.

>> No.23777062

So this is that fabled Matsuri """"substance""""

>> No.23777063

So the confirmed scouted holos are Pekora, Rushia, Luna and Coco. I wonder how their contracts differ from the ones that auditioned.

>> No.23777064
File: 409 KB, 676x1000, EW7CLizUMAgGz2n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777065

Gundam Build Fighters

>> No.23777066

new narrative

>> No.23777067

do it yourself inept retard
not your personal army

>> No.23777068

American Dragon Jack Long?

>> No.23777070

>Choco herself values sleep
I can't remember the last time she slept more than three or four hours.

>> No.23777071

Japan's are particularly weird.

>> No.23777069

no they are fans of other 4th gen trying to bring down the most popular member

>> No.23777072

>.044% chance
Idk you tell me

>> No.23777073

Also if you're reading this, you're a QT.

>> No.23777074

"USA"da fuck the chinks Pekora

>> No.23777075

The worst part is, that she hasn't even begun. It's just starting out without spending any money.

>> No.23777077

Can someone explain to me what the hell is Matsuri doing? Is she rerolling to get her waifu?

>> No.23777078
Quoted by: >>23777112

Imagine being a currently active NND streamer and not knowing the Reiwa era memes
kson yo...

>> No.23777079

That's where grammatical particles and context comes into play.

>> No.23777080
Quoted by: >>23777115

You can reroll infinite times for your first 10 roll so shes aiming for a particular SSR

>> No.23777081
Quoted by: >>23777091

Just let them relish in this moment, they probably rarely get to be this happy and excited.

>> No.23777082

I imagine they probably got slightly better pay, since some of them were partially established and they had to be incentivized to leave

>> No.23777083
File: 977 KB, 1280x720, haruhi5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I keep imagining it as Miko inviting 110 to join her day job of wearing a mascot suit and dancing around together in front of a fast food joint

>> No.23777086

What did Rushia do before Hololive?

>> No.23777087

Yeah. Standard gacha practice now is to give you infinite free rerolls for the first 10.

>> No.23777088

Miko continuing her run in modded Minecraft

>> No.23777089
Quoted by: >>23777132

is that her mom's voice?

>> No.23777090

drinking ]spoiler]cola[/spoiler]

>> No.23777091

I spent good money for the google spambots to ruin her streams, but she went and fucked herself, so I'm excited lol

>> No.23777092
File: 1.12 MB, 1525x2160, 1587669570743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777102




>> No.23777093


>> No.23777094

This are reminded me of this after so long:

>> No.23777095

At least they give you the SSR you want until they become worthless 3 months later.

>> No.23777096


>> No.23777099
File: 56 KB, 561x315, Dbsc77sUwAEQtGd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, i'm so dumb, commit sudoku time

>> No.23777100

>Sseth will be in holostarsEN, gen 1 TriNegro
Alright, that was pretty good.

>> No.23777101

NND socializer.

>> No.23777102

her voice is ruining the music aaaaaa

>> No.23777103


>> No.23777104
File: 85 KB, 480x640, 1546225982781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest heartbreak. I have become disillusioned with the tourist dragon.

>> No.23777105

On the bright side the days of shit like Monkeygate are hopefully behind us

>> No.23777106

Watch Mikoti's live

>> No.23777107
Quoted by: >>23777117

Coco says that she didn't even check her mother's CM before uploading, that must be a load of bullshit.

>> No.23777112
Quoted by: >>23777138

I'm pretty sure she has used a few of those inmu phrases before but she probably hasn't watched Cookie. It is ten years old by now after all.

>> No.23777115


Okay I'm new to this. Is she aiming to get her waifu and she's done? What's the endgame? Who is her waifu for this game? Is she rare to get or something?

>> No.23777116

The chinks also use the same word for vegetable to mean "dish", as in a portion of food. This includes meat and fish, and to differentiate them they have to specify whether it's a vegetable or not. Languages are stupid regardless of origin, I guess.

>> No.23777117

she checked bro
how do you even verify if its copyright free or not is another story
there's million of "free content" on the internet

>> No.23777118
Quoted by: >>23777140


>> No.23777119
Quoted by: >>23777127

Any bets on how much supacha Matsuri gets when she finally gets Fuyuko? My money is on no less than $500

>> No.23777120
Quoted by: >>23777140

no https://files.catbox.moe/kg1g6w.webm

>> No.23777122

Here's the sound effect she used by the way, uploaded to NND commons, marked as royalty free.

>> No.23777123

Anon you're right, BUT you should have let funpost more

>> No.23777124

we girls frontline now

>> No.23777126

Maybe from steal, nothing is missable beside Hades and his crafting and Vivi best wand and spell you get 10 minutes before Necron

>> No.23777127

>doesn't even spend real money on rolling
Why would people even donate haha..

>> No.23777129

She's trying to get her waifu, an SSR. Drop rate is .044%

>> No.23777131

i've read japan's copyright laws. she's not gonna be in trouble if the content was stolen from the very beginning. so the main receiver of punishment should be the uploader of the sound effect and/or the site itself for overlooking something like this. coco and her mom isnt at fault here. they're simply just caught up in some bullshit they barely had anything to do with it.

>> No.23777132

No, it a voice that uploaded illegally to no copyright materials website. No one care before but Anti took a chance.

>> No.23777135

its ironic that a Cookie meme is biting her ass right now

>> No.23777136
Quoted by: >>23777149

i'd really rather watch matsuri reroll all day over seeing some sperg spam all day over one coco tweet. Can really see that this place got the /vg/ cancers from the AL general and other gacha generals with how autistic this place gets when the janny isn't around to clean up.

>> No.23777138
Quoted by: >>23777151

If it's ten years old, why do people in this thread keep saying it's from the Reiwa era?

>> No.23777139

Hell no.

>> No.23777140
File: 111 KB, 259x274, 1584061868336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777141
Quoted by: >>23777161

back from 5ch coco antis thread, they say they will defend coco this time

>> No.23777142

Just fuck the blonde

>> No.23777143

By being an autist and finding the legit source. Also abusing copyright claims.

>> No.23777144

0.44% to get a specific SSR and she's been at it for 3 hours now. Most people want to play gacha because of some speicifc character they've seen before and this one happens to be Fuyuko.

>> No.23777145
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1567621521905.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many discussions for me to follow. I'll just post this dancing Suisei.

>> No.23777147

>pekora gets higher base pay AND earns the most through supachas
It's not fair.

>> No.23777148
Quoted by: >>23777164

depends, what is she playing?

>> No.23777149

You have the livechat to talk about Matsuri yell KAWAII.

>> No.23777151

>trying to get someone fired for a 10 year old meme

Absolute state of antis

>> No.23777152
File: 197 KB, 980x588, 1588913113806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777162

time to sleep while listening to miko's cute goblin voice

>> No.23777154


>> No.23777155

Why would I do that when best boomer is streaming?

>> No.23777156
Quoted by: >>23777184

Move over, it's Towa's era!

>> No.23777157

fine, at least it isint matsuri

>> No.23777158
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, EXsSfQ6UEAAmofV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does this stupid duck outfit so sexual?

>> No.23777161

I mean, its a stolen inmu meme after all.

>> No.23777162


>> No.23777164
File: 378 KB, 800x800, 1587880912338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777172


>> No.23777165

>why does this stupid duck outfit so sexual?

>> No.23777166
Quoted by: >>23777173


>> No.23777167
Quoted by: >>23777171

Do you think she will get down Gibra's path once she gets Fuyuko and do the monkey sounds

>> No.23777168

maybe someday

>> No.23777170

Cookie is a popular although older meme on NicoNico. Kson is a Niconama streamer who knows inmu. I'm not buying that her "mom" just accidentally found a KNN voice sample online. More likely Coco just lied after the enormous shitstorm since Cookie attracts the worst kind of audience.

>> No.23777171
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, 1589219149767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once she gets Fuyuko

>> No.23777172


>> No.23777173
File: 29 KB, 128x110, 1586031638725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777187

but she's cute

>> No.23777176

>talk about the intricacies of japanese copyright law, ten year old Marisa and Alice Cookie Kiss inmu, and NND culture
>suddenly the EOPs and ESLs complain they can't use the thread as their chat room

>> No.23777177

Oh gosh anon you are such a faggot

>> No.23777179
Quoted by: >>23777181

Perfect outfit for boys.

>> No.23777181
Quoted by: >>23777191

holy fuck that's a boy?

>> No.23777182

>Garnet is haachama
What did she mean by this

>> No.23777183

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23777184

I'm content with Towa's reasonably paced growth

>> No.23777185
Quoted by: >>23777196

Isn't this pretty fuckin unlucky at this point? She's had to have done something like 5,000 total rolls at this point

>> No.23777186

I'm glad we're having this Moment together and band against Coco for violating the legendary Cookie, you did me proud bros

>> No.23777187
Quoted by: >>23777204

Then show me a cute picture of her, because I haven't seen any.

>> No.23777188

Watch Mikoti's live

>> No.23777189
Quoted by: >>23777200

I've watched Aki fly around in a hot air balloon for a very long time now

>> No.23777190

I really want to fuck someone dressed like this.

>> No.23777191

>those hips
I hope that's a boy. Rectangle bodies are gross.

>> No.23777192

kill yourself

>> No.23777195

So is Coco getting fired or what? I'm assuming she's in charge of EN so hopefully she gets let go and the whole thing gets canceled.

>> No.23777194

And thus, she separated from Wantaso to continue her journey. She would try to defeat Naga alone without his help.

>> No.23777196
Quoted by: >>23777203

Some people spend days or even weeks. A guy in Japan sold his car and didn't get his waifu in FGO after rolling with all the money.

>> No.23777197


>> No.23777198

Think about it this way. Instead of being a dorm for a bunch of hormonal young adults, it'll be more like a retirement home for women who can never retire.

>> No.23777199

Only if she's sued

>> No.23777200
File: 1.34 MB, 852x1041, 1568182530559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the meaning of life?

>> No.23777201

im fine with that, the narratives are fun to read

>> No.23777203

There was also that one guy in FGO who rolled so many times on the Cu/Nightingale banner trying to get Nightingale that he ended up getting 15 Cus and using jew wheels to get her

>> No.23777204
File: 802 KB, 700x1073, 1585947872611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is cute and she even has armpits

>> No.23777205

She move to HoloCN, no copyright could touch her there.

>> No.23777207
Quoted by: >>23777224

some sad fuck will spam until he's tired about how her career is ruined like how he ruined his life
absolutely nothing will happen
we'll go back to normal

This wont even take weeks, it'll be less than 24 hours.

>> No.23777208

I stop watching this.

>> No.23777209

>11k viewers now
At this point I just think they want to see her misery

>> No.23777211

meh I have cuter armpits.

>> No.23777212

imagine the clothed side paizuri

>> No.23777214
Quoted by: >>23777257

Post pics

>> No.23777215

literally nothing will happen as always, just enjoy the shitpost made by some mentally ill coco anti

>> No.23777217

Faggot. Cookie shits are worst than Asacoco meme spammers

>> No.23777220

The day has come, Coco is finally given the ax, or as I'd like to say "fired". I can finally sleep like a baby.

>> No.23777221
File: 95 KB, 291x272, 1587196003710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777257

uhh can i see?

>> No.23777222

lol even kanata knows matsuri is on gacha despair now lol

>> No.23777223
Quoted by: >>23777229

I'm a Mikochi member and I never see anything like that posted. I'll have to go back through the old stuff maybe.

>> No.23777224
Quoted by: >>23777233

>This wont even take weeks, it'll be less than 24 hours.
The japs have soften too much. She should honestly be considering seppuku.

>> No.23777227

kanata is low endurance like me!

>> No.23777229

It's in the community posts. Some of the links may be dead sadly.

>> No.23777230
File: 36 KB, 665x706, 1580255810479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really wish i was a jk and had a matsuri gf

>> No.23777232
Quoted by: >>23777353

It's not really a copyright issue since no one will sue. It's more of a decency issue because KNN (the voice actress) was emotionally damaged due to hurtful Cookie memes so spreading the meme is a bit like online bullying.

>> No.23777233
Quoted by: >>23777263

I know right? She should kill herself, with a razor across the wrist, nobody fuck with Cookie

>> No.23777235

>legendary cookie
lmao the only legendary thing about it is how awful it is

>> No.23777236
Quoted by: >>23777249

A bunch of people may have lightly said they wanted to move in but chances are it's going to be just Coco and PP anyway. There's no problem with those two.

>> No.23777237 [DELETED] 
File: 3.61 MB, 1480x4696, 1589271603225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for off topic but is this most up to date version?

>> No.23777238

She's dying

>> No.23777240


>> No.23777242
File: 176 KB, 1200x899, EM1y2vQUwAEn6vj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate their stat

>> No.23777244


>> No.23777245
File: 66 KB, 768x768, 1589077434185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777310

Yes, as a 30+ constantly tired and bored of games man I can relate.

>> No.23777246

Oh boy another manufactured outrage that will get Coco a bunch of pity supachas.

>> No.23777247

Can some /jp/ historian give a run down on what the fuck this 2hu NND meme is that she ripped off? I'm reading a translated Chinese wiki page and it seems the like voice actor behind the clip isn't even active anymore, she got doxed and harassed off the internet years ago.

>> No.23777248

What stat?

>> No.23777249
Quoted by: >>23777279

Wait I thought that was just a meme, is YAGOO actually trying to start up a Holohouse?

>> No.23777250

That SEAmonkey anti is really upset because despite Coco being American, she'll always be ethnically Japanese, unlike him.

>> No.23777251
File: 287 KB, 1200x899, ENaX6HaUcAQzoJ6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23777252

>Pekora leashed

>> No.23777253

why is she crying? WHO MADE MY WIFE CRY??

>> No.23777255

Unchain Pekora rabbits are not pets!

>> No.23777257

I guess miko fans really are megapervs
I'm not going to give you creeps anything.

>> No.23777258
Quoted by: >>23777294

No it needs to add Marine's full face photo and Suisei's past life twitter icon.

>> No.23777259

Isn't it you guys' faults?

>> No.23777262

PPT apparently can milk paypigs with a simple arigacho

>> No.23777263
Quoted by: >>23777276

Why can't you dumb fuckers ever learn how to conjugate English verbs. All you have to do is remember when to add an S.

>> No.23777264

I like this. It has that anime 90s OVA quality to it.

>> No.23777265
File: 582 KB, 2508x3541, 1588872380847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777273

>healing festival
you love to see it

>> No.23777266
File: 123 KB, 899x1200, ELV2AkkU0AIrG_F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777395

>> No.23777267

>Mio's roommate
Mama mio!

>> No.23777268


>> No.23777270
Quoted by: >>23777278

lets just say, in terms you'll understand, Cookie is the gachimuchi tommy wiseau of the Touhou franchise that has crazy retarded followers

>> No.23777271
Quoted by: >>23777294

No and it has a bunch of really bad pics for some of them when better ones exist

>> No.23777272

Need to update Matsuri pic with a more recent one with less distortion.
Aqua one is fake. The closest one so far to my knowledge is a twinshot with Mea (Bittersweet time) with both faces stamp covered.
Roboco has a leak and looks pretty cute.
Suisei is Endolu so should update with her former twitter icon.

>> No.23777273

I've never seen someone get fucked this hard by a gacha
except demo playing fgo

>> No.23777274
Quoted by: >>23777288

Korone also might have been scouted, she was active as a vtuber for Upd8 previously.

>> No.23777275

I posted my tits. Some pit ain't gonna hurt.

>> No.23777276

The s button on my laptop is unironically broken.

>> No.23777277

anyone thought this is a h-doujin before opening it

>> No.23777278

Who? Can you put it into /a/ terms?

>> No.23777279
Quoted by: >>23777299

No, it's Coco's own pet project to move out of her parents' place and into a better streaming environment with soundproofing and 3D equipment and whatnot.

>> No.23777282
Quoted by: >>23777300

Copyright is serious in japan. If damages are perused this could be the end of holoive. They;ll probably fire her to minimize damages, but either way, Coco's gonna have to deal with the legal consequences of this for the rest of her life. RIP

>> No.23777285
File: 213 KB, 1800x1400, EXjbdIYVAAEc87d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear some names every single stream, sometimes more than one time, and I'm a bit jealous.

>> No.23777286

what happened?

>> No.23777288
Quoted by: >>23777293

GAMERS are scouted. They're FBK's friends.

>> No.23777289
File: 9 KB, 231x61, firefox_oifdsDX4SF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777291

its far too late for doxxfag hours

>> No.23777292

>Noel using a sword and not her mace
I'm mad.

>> No.23777293

>They're FBK's friends.
Only Mio is Fubuki's friend. She didn't know Korone or Okayu.

>> No.23777294

Thanks. I'll delete my post as a courtesy.
Sorry again for off topic.

>> No.23777295
File: 4 KB, 281x28, firefox_NlFrX1b1mU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this nigga like you wouldn't believe. This dumbfuck used to spam so much in Choco's streams, and now he's in Miko's.

>> No.23777296


>> No.23777298

tell him to kill himself then

>> No.23777299
Quoted by: >>23777356

I see, not sure how that's gonna turn out, since I don't think we're exactly up to date on the living situations of everyone. All I know is Okayu lives with her grandma in a onigiri shop

>> No.23777300

The agony on Coco face will be legendary. I hope she picks trash to eat once she's fired, maybe put into prostitution haha.

>> No.23777301
Quoted by: >>23777314

>Aqua one is fake.
Please don't lie to me

>> No.23777302

Just block him bro.

>> No.23777303

He's also one of those "translators"

>> No.23777304

so its not even the character? Just a certain outfit for them? And searching for 3 hours now?

>> No.23777305
File: 362 KB, 820x1080, Marine&#039;s smile by 紅村かる 78457181.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, not qualified to, have something nice instead

>> No.23777306
File: 269 KB, 2048x1364, EW6qQ9rXQAElZG3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777465

I want a black rabbit counterpart to Peko's white rabbit

>> No.23777307

not a furry but freya is kind of hot

>> No.23777308
File: 3.66 MB, 2563x1438, PerilsOfGacha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you don't gacha, 3 hours of rolling and nothing to show for it

>> No.23777310
File: 273 KB, 768x768, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777311

First you need to understand Inmu owned its popularity to the poor acting of the gay porn actors. Many MADs were made and significant amount of fun was had by making fun of everyone involved.
Cookie was then linked to Inmu because the original Cookie voice drama had similarly terrible acting. KNN herself is from like the 3rd "Cookie" video or something like that. Basically all are poorly acted Touhou voice drama.
Now the thing is while gay porn actors only act for the porn, these amateur VAs were at least somewhat serious in acting their drama. So needless to say all the mocking and memes were hurtful to many of them. They also attracted retarded "fans."
That's basically the gist of it.

>> No.23777313
File: 417 KB, 784x795, 1584004941125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People only say they have cute armpits when they want to show them off, I bet you have smelly armpits.

>> No.23777312

There's also one guy with a Geass icon that hard spams Tenma chat

>> No.23777314
Quoted by: >>23777320

It's literally some other whore, you can just image search it

>> No.23777315

>Coco is already the 3rd most sub holo
How is she speedrunning this bros

>> No.23777318
File: 129 KB, 900x1200, EXzcLzKUMAINlPU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23777319

just wait until the supacha's start rolling in.

>> No.23777320

God I hate /hlg/ so much for getting my hopes up

>> No.23777321
Quoted by: >>23777370

Shame she's kinda irrelevant after this part.

>> No.23777323

Asacoco sold like opium in china

>> No.23777324

I want a Marine bust in my home.

>> No.23777325
File: 405 KB, 1024x768, Nyto neat NN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777327
Quoted by: >>23777338

>attacker, spell caster, attacker, attacker, chaos
>no tank
>no healer
unbalanced fucks.

>> No.23777328

500k sub when apology stream with fuck ton of SC

>> No.23777329


>> No.23777331

Hot glue magnet.

>> No.23777332
Quoted by: >>23777360

Actually not very common at all. Infamously the Nijisanji Resistance was started and then died because they ran out of stuff to complain about.

>> No.23777333

You forgot your apostrophe and S to indicate possessive. Also, eating out of the trash, while common in your native Philippines, does not happen to most people when they are temporarily unemployed.

>> No.23777334


>> No.23777337

I wanna bust in Marine's home.

>> No.23777338

Noel is the tank.
Pekora is the healer when they eat her.

>> No.23777339
Quoted by: >>23777350


she is actually the luckiest, over 10k viewers and tons of supacha rolling in, as a comparison haato, rushia and kanata got them in less than an hour.

>> No.23777341
Quoted by: >>23777373

Her superchat for this stream is actually pretty low. But you're right anon, I superchat to her every stream just to hear it.

>> No.23777342

So basically Coco pissed off the highest level autists possible

>> No.23777343
Quoted by: >>23777370

>not a furry but freya is kind of hot
She's called Sex Rat for a reason. A new lewd model of her came out, there has been a number of good animations released with it. Check it out.

>> No.23777344

i want to bust in marine

>> No.23777347

Watame isn't crying much at the sight of Burmensian genocide

>> No.23777349


I can not wait until a tsunami kills you so I don't have to read your garbage English anymore.

>> No.23777350

Aqua never got who she wanted and gave up.

>> No.23777351
File: 315 KB, 500x500, 1587543682109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post toes right now

>> No.23777353

I remember seeing a million nip shadowverse meme videos using that voice clip though. Sounds like bullshit to me.

>> No.23777354

Holy shit guys, check YAGOO's twitter, he just announced that he'll do a public apology for Coco's fuck up and will be publicly slapped by Coco in front of all the Holostars to show his sincerity.

>> No.23777355

she's so fake bros...

>> No.23777356
Quoted by: >>23777374

Well, PP seems serious. She said she'd put some money towards it herself if it ever came that far. The estimated cost is two hundred million though so it's not happening anytime soon.

>> No.23777357

>Roboco has a leak and looks pretty cute
nice if true, never want to see it though.

>> No.23777358

Guys... If the Cover gets sued over this, they're pretty much guaranteed lose. What the fuck can we do to stop this?

>> No.23777360
Quoted by: >>23777428

Actually good to hear. I don't watch many nijis, but after a bunch of youtubers I watched got bent over by groups like Machinima I can't help but feel bad whenever a company does a youtuber or streamer dirty

>> No.23777361
Quoted by: >>23777383

damn miko got serious with that final swing

>> No.23777362

>crying to dead rats
Black Mages life matter more

>> No.23777365

Proper adult shouldn't cry at video games.

>> No.23777364

Miko did it.

>> No.23777366
File: 77 KB, 690x720, 1534645053074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuri right now

>> No.23777368 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 500x380, 60b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck so thats where this guy is from?

>> No.23777369

Miko killed that fucking naga in cold blood.

>> No.23777370

You fucking degenerates I was only kidding

>> No.23777372
File: 211 KB, 1280x720, ezWCLJtt05RRmShA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll use this webm for ritualposting every time the thread is dying.
Abayo Nigga!

>> No.23777373


>> No.23777374

With a price tag like that I don't see how it could happen without them convincing YAGOO to invest in it. I don't think any of the holos make enough money to throw that around, even if they are doing well overall

>> No.23777377
File: 626 KB, 800x800, 1533474643851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777378
Quoted by: >>23777398

what did Aqua do?

>> No.23777382

>guaranteed lose
Go post on whatever the dumbfuck Indonesian equivalent of this site is.

>> No.23777383
Quoted by: >>23777392

i want miko to finish me off

>> No.23777384
Quoted by: >>23777416

It's getting really interesting how devs and even music composers are noticing vtubers now. Having Mick Gordon show up in Hana from niji's Doon Eternal playthrough was really funny.

>> No.23777385
File: 146 KB, 1202x2048, 1589024265128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okayu streaming that word game that aqua and marine played later

>> No.23777387
Quoted by: >>23777458

RIP Kittan

>> No.23777388
File: 329 KB, 630x566, matsuri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you aren't an anime girl so you can't get paid to roll gachas for hours upon hours

>> No.23777389

Idol power sure is something.

>> No.23777391

>3 hours rolling and still can't get what you want
Nice game japan

>> No.23777392

me too

>> No.23777393

God doesn't hear Matsuri's voice.

>> No.23777395

i like these, thanks for sharing

>> No.23777396
File: 912 KB, 842x960, 1589039183926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23777397

Does any idol game have a canon female producer?

>> No.23777398

playing with SSB pro player for 10 minute while ignore the other because he give red SC to her

>> No.23777399
Quoted by: >>23777464

Every other fuck up was PR shit. Coco broke the law, and the responsibility will be transferred to the parent company if they don't distance themselves. If she doesn't leave the whole company could die. That's why this is serious.

>> No.23777401

Why do the Nips have such advanced memes?

>> No.23777402


>> No.23777404
File: 280 KB, 599x599, 1586585670377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not as fun without suffering

>> No.23777405

oh she got it

>> No.23777406


>> No.23777407

Matsuri did it, and now I'm deaf.

>> No.23777408


>> No.23777409

My ears!

>> No.23777410


>> No.23777411


>> No.23777412

She got it.

>> No.23777413
File: 464 KB, 1045x624, milkme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777414


>> No.23777416

I wonder if things like this made YAGOO want to try a Hololive EN. Coco has a large English fanbase following and Hana from Nijisanji, despite being marketed for the Indonesian market, also has a large English fanbase.

>> No.23777417

Ow my ears, thanks Matsuri.

>> No.23777418


>> No.23777419

my fucking ears ahhhhhh

>> No.23777420


>> No.23777422 [SPOILER] 
File: 286 KB, 1920x1080, 1589272886300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777423


>> No.23777424

Towa actually did something wrong but Coco's actions could legitimately cause legal action against the company.

>> No.23777426

Her screams are music to my ears.

>> No.23777427

>don't roll what you want
supachas roll in
>roll what you want
supachas roll in

>> No.23777428

If you want more context, the bullying thing is unproven shitposting but Sasaki herself is a known drama queen. She does complain a lot about the company but keep in mind that she quit the company despite doing really well because she was told not to play Nintendo games during Nintendo's stream sperg years, then they let her back in when Nintendo got over that and she immediately took to making a video where she took shots at her co-workers. Admittedly, those shots might've been more playful than spiteful but she did take them.

Other nijis tend to be positive about the company and the fact is that it does deal with most problems faster than anyone else in this market. For all we know it's possible the company really is awful behind doors, that the vtubers are expressly warned not to say bad things about it, and that Sasaki only gets away with it because she brings in a lot of money, but the public image at the very least is that Nijisanji has the best management in the market.

>> No.23777430
Quoted by: >>23777446

>all this for a fucking CARD and not a character

>> No.23777431

here comes the free supacha

>> No.23777432

>if she doesn't quit the entire company will go down
anon you're getting too obvious please stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.23777433


>> No.23777434

A-chan tweet about Matsuri stream

>> No.23777435
Quoted by: >>23777451


>> No.23777436

>Reroll Fest

Time to oshihen

>> No.23777437
Quoted by: >>23777445

>people actually celebrating vtubers in gacha shit
sasuga /hlg/

>> No.23777438




>> No.23777440
Quoted by: >>23777456

See, that's why nipponese are addicted to gacha? The instant you get what you want from gacha, the endrophins flood your brain and broke you as a person.

>> No.23777441
File: 106 KB, 752x1062, EXfU6-8UMAE8-r0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777460

Can't wait to hear that scream in bed with her.

>> No.23777443

She did the face

>> No.23777444
File: 1.04 MB, 2220x2986, EXQnfYgU0AAEJ5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777445

Just keep in mind several anons actually spent the last three hours watching Matsuri mindlessly reroll for a fucking jpg.

>> No.23777446

She got both, actually.

>> No.23777447
Quoted by: >>23777453

12k must be her best in months. Was this her last stream?

>> No.23777448
File: 265 KB, 768x768, tenshi_ni_naru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777462


>> No.23777450


>> No.23777451

YouTube filters "kappa" to a stupid emoticon. Why can't it filter out this pog bullshit?

>> No.23777452 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 474x822, 1589273097894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23777453

she played apex with fubuki and one of the dudes last night

>> No.23777455

Matsuri is now a gacha holo...

>> No.23777456

This is what happens when you don't just let your citizens do drugs.

>> No.23777458

a real fucking hero

>> No.23777459

I want to press my face into those ass cheeks

>> No.23777460

Reminder that beating a male to death is one of the things on her bucket list.

>> No.23777461
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, NIBBA.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777462
File: 402 KB, 337x563, 1584062919890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777463

shion yo...

>> No.23777464

Yea I also hope someone will sue her over a niconico meme, like what happened to Pekora resharing bilibili meme. SHe'll be fired finally

>> No.23777465

The anti-idol Pekora. Fucks males on stream and gives no fucks.

>> No.23777466
File: 108 KB, 900x1200, EXzdkchUEAASGSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23777473


>> No.23777467

Bad eyebrow translation and no hat. 3/10

>> No.23777468

Are people really more concerned about gacha rolls than the potential firing of a hololive or the end of hololive as a business?

>> No.23777469


>> No.23777472


>> No.23777473


>> No.23777475

>A-chan is a festivalbro

>> No.23777476
File: 228 KB, 955x1500, 1589173955243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23777477

Yeah, a normal man, I ain't normal.

>> No.23777479


>> No.23777480

As far as I am aware it is entirely baseless, never seen a shred of evidence for the claim. The only related thing that actually happened that has truth to it if I remember correctly is that they streamed the same game at the same time, which is common in a company of nijisanji's size, and some nobody on twitter said Sasaki was more entertaining, Moruru replied to it instead of ignoring it. That was shortly before she retired.

More than likely what happened is that she left because she is a serial quitter, her growth was garbage compared to many of her peers who had doubled or tripled her sub count and her contract was more than likely already running out given that it was almost exactly a year when she retired.

>> No.23777482


>> No.23777483

We would enjoy it too much, so we don't fit the criteria.
