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File: 1.06 MB, 1200x912, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23453144 No.23453144 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23453151


>> No.23453185
File: 191 KB, 1240x1753, a7ojw0ppMyV_D7bLlAb_eeXGuSdphxdxtzHOz_Z8ORM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else thinks that Rushia is the biggest bitch IRL out of all of them?
>sounds like basic bitch when breaking character
>mentally exploitative to her viewers
>is boin boin IRL

>> No.23453199
File: 94 KB, 1920x1080, 1586482108253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23453218

>is boin boin IRL
I dont believe it

>> No.23453225

>is boin boin IRL
Son I'm gonna need some visual confirmation.

>> No.23453231

Thread just started and you are already shitting up, why are you people like this.

>> No.23453234

Maybe not, just because she has stiff competition

>> No.23453235

A cute washboard like Rushia can't have tits, it'd ruin everything.

>> No.23453242


>> No.23453254
Quoted by: >>23453314

Her own words

>> No.23453255

I think she's cute

>> No.23453257
File: 100 KB, 720x960, EVfwdMDXkAYZLqY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23453261
File: 543 KB, 850x879, 00b833b56e1ea186f72f0405822efb52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boin boin Rushia!

>> No.23453262
File: 1.15 MB, 2951x4085, EU1WjNDUEAApzs_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't yet, please vote in the two polls. This will probably be the last time I post them.

>> No.23453265

>FBK that high
Did you link this to /v/

>> No.23453274

Will this be an actual thread?

>> No.23453275
Quoted by: >>23453290

I've only posted it here but I think people have mentioned linking it elsewhere (someone mentioned a Korone discord at one point) but I also think it might have just been falseflagging.

>> No.23453276

I love the cute little menheramancer

>> No.23453278

Welcome to the Hololive anti thread, enjoy your stay

>> No.23453281
Quoted by: >>23453296

I'm more surprised about Towa. Not even because of the dumb scandal or whatever, she could literally suck a dick on cam and I wouldn't care, but she's just boring.

>> No.23453282
Quoted by: >>23453306

....why the fuck wouldn't it?

>> No.23453288

That joke about her being a D cup wasn't actually a joke.

>> No.23453290

My favorite is Korone but she already has the most votes so I voted for Rushia instead who is also one of my favorites and is low enough to need the vote

>> No.23453294
Quoted by: >>23453302

She's just pads her bra after everyone online bullies her about her flat chest

>> No.23453295
File: 56 KB, 443x860, firefox_IMvupLMteF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453300

Starting to think I watch too much

>> No.23453296

Honestly a lot of the results are exactly in line with what I expected when I put the poll together, but there are a few things on there that have surprised me.

>> No.23453300

Assuming that every single person who votes in one poll votes in the other, the average for the general "which do you like" poll is around 10 Holos per person.

>> No.23453302

She'd have to be using quite the lift and separate to get the cleavage I saw.

>> No.23453305

What you mean?

>> No.23453306
File: 245 KB, 480x480, 1582711474811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, people are still posting in the old thread. Some time ago a new thread end up getting deleted despite all the poster, because people still posting on the old thread, and when the old thread dead, they made another new thread instead moving to the existing supposed new thread.

>> No.23453308
File: 220 KB, 856x1230, 4619afd5348bb6feea908bb2b41a6de7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23453314
Quoted by: >>23459493

I'm looking at her RL twitter right now and she's definitely not boin boin.

>> No.23453315

Better than having the ghost bumper fuck up the rest of the board.

>> No.23453325

I'd like haato more if she didn't have giant tits
She acts really childish and dumb so the looks vs personality really clashes imo

>> No.23453326
Quoted by: >>23453363

Mods aren't retarded and realized this was a better option because when that happened anons would just create random 2hu threads to archive the old thread, killing some other threads in the process.

>> No.23453334
Quoted by: >>23453350

Sorry for being late, had to go to sleep. Did Pekora end up being publicly lynched for posting a niconico link to a bilibili video?

>> No.23453336


>> No.23453341


>> No.23453350

Yup. Chinese are still buttmad about it to, won't stfu about it on Twitter. Really just want them to fuck off at this point and I think most people in this thread are getting tired of talking about it too.

>> No.23453351
Quoted by: >>23453356

>matsuri tied for 10th
uhhh matsuri bros? wtf???

>> No.23453356

This was one of the biggest surprises of the poll, I really though everyone disliked Matsuri a lot more around here.

>> No.23453358

I asked for cute Rushia VA pics, not for a shaved monkey.

>> No.23453363

And that move was based as fuck if you ask me.

>> No.23453365
Quoted by: >>23453374

>haato in top 5

How? Why? Do you guys just love retards?

>> No.23453366
Quoted by: >>23453516

>believing the Matsuri doomposter who is also an Indofag

>> No.23453374
Quoted by: >>23453394

>Do you guys just love retards?
You don't?

>> No.23453375

A sperg or two constantly spamming threads can shape perception pretty easily.

>> No.23453380

I want to see more Hololives doing religious services.

>> No.23453388

I like the squirrel too but I can't vote for her

I actually did like her debut stream and thought her singing voice was cute. Hopefully she lives up to the hype instead of crashing and burning spectacularly.

>> No.23453392
File: 2.16 MB, 1660x892, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454706

>suddenly getting pekora bilibili meme vid recommendation

The chink overlords has spoken and now Youtube is following suit.

I for one welcomes our new winnie the pooh overlords.

>> No.23453394

If a human being doesn't show a little sign of competence it pisses me off and makes me want to beat them up.

>> No.23453402
Quoted by: >>23453424

imagine how fun it would be to beat up haato

>> No.23453404
Quoted by: >>23453424

Why are you only looking at the multi choice poll? FBK is at the bottom on the other one.

>> No.23453405


>> No.23453413
Quoted by: >>23453432

Surprised Miko is that high. Pekora/Korone/Haato/Towa seems about right. Thought Luna would be higher.

>> No.23453414
File: 218 KB, 850x850, 1586728321768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she really is just ID Korone, best of luck to Squirrel
>more videos
Korone Bandicoot
It knows. . .

>> No.23453415
Quoted by: >>23453443

Now's your chance if you have Smash Ultimate.

>> No.23453420

I think they gave up on the idol image thing huh

>> No.23453421
Quoted by: >>23453428

Why the fuck are you fags not watching Granny Marine and her baby granddaughter?

>> No.23453424
File: 143 KB, 600x441, 1586617288670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Alot of people like Fubuki, but probably not as their #1.

Do it through Tetris

>> No.23453425
Quoted by: >>23453443

Bubs you do realize that by playing a retarded character she's getting loads of numb skulls to pay her for free right?

>> No.23453428

Its nice to see Luna doing a lot more collabs lately.

>> No.23453432
Quoted by: >>23453469

>Surprised Miko is that high
I'm actually surprised she isn't higher, I thought she was going to be number 1 on both polls with Korone and Pekora coming behind her.

>> No.23453435

How did they decide on what videos to show? That fucking footshit with Haato is nasty.

>> No.23453443

I would but our connection is too far away. Although watching her suffer through lag would be amazing in itself.

Yeah and she's literally living in my head rent free because of it. Fuck I would forgive it if she was pretending to be stupid like aqua but she's not. Even aqua knows that her character is an act. Haato reminds me why the human race is doomed.

>> No.23453444

Luna collabs are always so awkward. She's strictly a character so no one can be natural around her because she herself isn't natural.

>> No.23453445

footfags are everywhere.

>> No.23453450
Quoted by: >>23453888

Korone needing people to hold her hand during debut was pathetic. I also miss cute Fubuki, she's too chill and mature now (excluding meme shit).

>> No.23453455
File: 183 KB, 638x758, 1567239722156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and its over

>> No.23453460

i think you mean based

>> No.23453468

Usada "sucking the emperors toes" Pekola.

>> No.23453469
Quoted by: >>23453501

No way, it always felt to me that it was just a small group who really loved her compared to Korone/Pekora's army.

>> No.23453471

Marine is making it work.

>> No.23453473
Quoted by: >>23453484

Another drama well-navigated, Peko

>> No.23453484
Quoted by: >>23453493

Its all that experience from people being mad at her on Nico in her past life.

>> No.23453486

The 5ch thread got like 300 new posts the minute she posted the tweet.

>> No.23453487

Man miko is so different from her introduction lmao

Her has the best change though

>> No.23453488


>> No.23453492

Smart, now she just needs to get the stream out of the way and then she can ignore them.

>> No.23453493

What did she to piss people off on Nico? I hear that a lot.

>> No.23453496
Quoted by: >>23453542

>shirakami fhunbuki
makes me laugh every time

>> No.23453497

wtf? what about us? we also use it.

>> No.23453498

Nothing good comes from pandering those bugs.
Reminder that pandering to chinks killed Kizuna.

>> No.23453500

Well shit that haachama foot sniffing was disgusting

>> No.23453501
Quoted by: >>23453523

I feel like she's one of the few I never see anyone say anything truly negative about. People say things about having trouble understanding her or tease her english skills but it never seems like anyone dislikes her to the extent of the other popular Holos.

>> No.23453502

Nice way to make the chinks go silent.

>> No.23453505

Why is peko so wise about streamer shit

>> No.23453509

I'd argue that was only on her early collabs with other people (Her collab with Kanata on that egg game was a little too much into the RP for me), everyone just seems to act as usual now.

>> No.23453513
Quoted by: >>23453589

>constantly switching between 3 languages

>> No.23453515

Sasuga Usoda "make chinks and taiwan fight each other" Pekora

>> No.23453516

Fuck off, I'm from id, Matsuri is still my favorite.

>> No.23453518

Marine has been laughing non stop, Luna's popularity about to sky rocket.

>> No.23453523

The only thing is people bringing up IRL shit. She's like 2nd tier popularity in /jp/, so is Coco. Peko/Korone/Haato being the top with maybe Towa doomposting.

>> No.23453526

Well played. As expected from our resident kusagi.

>> No.23453528

she's one of the few that's not a complete brainlet, in contrast with her character. also she probably consulted others on what to do which, again, is smart.

>> No.23453529

i rarely see haa-chama but are her connection always this shitty?

>> No.23453534

As others have said, it's experience

>> No.23453537

f*ck ch*na

>> No.23453539

Welcome to Australia.

>> No.23453542

Fubuki was mad cute back then.

>> No.23453546

Most of the time, yeah.

>> No.23453549


>> No.23453552

Trapped in Australia.

>> No.23453556
Quoted by: >>23453558

kek Peko's tweet is so straight forward
essentially "This is the source: [links] Alright then."

>> No.23453558

she left the NND video up too, She doesn't give a fuck about them.

>> No.23453559

It was already taken down from nico.

>> No.23453560
File: 265 KB, 1280x720, marinelunaart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453607

Luna's art is on point

>> No.23453561
Quoted by: >>23453578

the NND videos got deleted, doesn't really matter if she leaves them up or not

>> No.23453565

oh, nm then.

>> No.23453566
Quoted by: >>23453577

How did they pick which holoidols to showcase first?
Glad to see suichan there, at least they didn't put the shotacon meme

>> No.23453570

Peko was already a streamer before getting on hololive. Already friends with pre-hololive Miko too.

>> No.23453573

Everything fits except Haato that is way too high and obviously brigaded. Towa is suspiciouly high too.

>> No.23453577
Quoted by: >>23453586

Them having to show the model change in the beginning was kinda awkward.

>> No.23453578
Quoted by: >>23453587

Video wasn't hers, so the point stands

>> No.23453579
Quoted by: >>23453600

Sora's section was pretty lame. I'm glad she's in there but it doesn't fit with the rest of the video very well aside from looking like she's going from being happy to being completely disinterested with everything.

>> No.23453585

or maybe people just like them.

>> No.23453586

Yeah, it's a bit of a weird moment, but I guess they wanna play up her being a singing idol to contrast with her psychopath meme

>> No.23453587
Quoted by: >>23453596

If she deleted the tweet chinks would start accusing her of trying to cover up, it's a lose lose situation.

>> No.23453589

>>constantly switching
If all three are a part of the channel, it's inevitable for the introduction to go like that, but you could hope the general pattern later won't be so erratic.

>> No.23453590
Quoted by: >>23453852

really weak bait

underage who think theyre clever is really so tiresome

>> No.23453592

There are almost always Haato and Korone posts in these threads recently. Peko posting has ramped up more recently as well. I don't believe Towa is a favourite, people just like shitposting about her low subs/views and lack of collabs for FPS.

>> No.23453593

People here love Haato and Towa. I'm sure half of our antis secretly like them and are just addicted to shitposting.

>> No.23453595
Quoted by: >>23456936

would you sniff a haachama foot

>> No.23453596

Oh nono, keeping the post up was smart for sure

>> No.23453598
Quoted by: >>23453611

People love an underdog story. I think a lot of people here want to see her succeed even if they dont watch her. Right now she is a source of entertainment with everyone bullying her

>> No.23453600

Its supposed to showcase how she's not fazed but the horror shit going around but anyone who plays/watch games won't really think that stuff is scary anyway. Maybe if some rando watches the video.

>> No.23453603

I think the earlier poll with japanese names is more accurate.

>> No.23453607


>> No.23453610

Fucking Fubuki my sides

>> No.23453611

Suisei is considered a "cinderella" story, but is Miko not considered that because she actually was with a company before? Please no shit flinging or bullying senpais. I love both hardworking girls.

>> No.23453615

Based mommy foxcat.

>> No.23453617
Quoted by: >>23453637

Miko was set up to succeed and flopped but then succeeded after she said "nigger" so I wouldn't exactly call that a Cinderella story

>> No.23453619

>The official approved by Yagoo channel uploaded a highlights clip and used the Haato foot sniffing clip
Absolutely fucking based. Bless Yagoo.

https://youtu.be/pN6idptfgWE?t=101 [Embed]

>> No.23453620

The results of that poll and this one aren't that different. The most noteworthy change is Coco being in 3rd place instead of 7th.

>> No.23453622
File: 164 KB, 900x1200, 1585169540831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend is going to make Pekora cosplay for autumn and wants me to make Miko with her.

I wanted to do Peko myself since I don't have boobs for Miko and it seems impossible to pad with sideboobs

>> No.23453625

Look up retard

>> No.23453626

why FBK is so based

>> No.23453627

>the comment section
Oh came on, this is just typical popular zoomer idol contrary to the 90s image idol. You already know its still idol and the audience still full of idol mentality. Its still idol panderin and thats good, I know I will skip the stream if they collab with dicks, don't even bother disliking, they don't even care about dislike. I rather not watch it at all.

>> No.23453628

You mean this?

>> No.23453632

Cute. Good luck.

>> No.23453637

Yea, that makes sense. Thanks anon.

>> No.23453638
Quoted by: >>23453651

>make pekora apologize to chink


>> No.23453640

Miko is a real diamond in the rough, she went through some seriously hard times early on that would probably break a lot of the girls. The story about her going to a meet and greet event where no one booked her in breaks my fucking heart. But now she is an absolute powerhouse with a fantastic fanbase. She

>> No.23453645
Quoted by: >>23453768

2 Pekos are fine too

>> No.23453650

Be Miko dressed as Pekora and Pekora dressed as Miko

>> No.23453651

In all honesty she did pretty good, now they will shut up about it

>> No.23453652
Quoted by: >>23453676

are you ok anon

>> No.23453657

Holy fuck I want to make Marine a mom

>> No.23453659

I've heard that Miko was set up to be a big dick Vtuber ala Kizuna AI but failed what's the whole story?

>> No.23453662
Quoted by: >>23453676

she what anon?

>> No.23453663
Quoted by: >>23453676

Uhh anon-kun?

>> No.23453665
Quoted by: >>23453686

It really depends on when the poll was posted. Hololive is a 24 hour general now reaching all timezones.

>> No.23453668

Oh shit Miko anti got anon

>> No.23453669


>> No.23453671

Based horror movie anon

>> No.23453673
Quoted by: >>23453683

Zero viewers. Ask the old miko fags. The old 3Dfags also used to shit on her when he post it.

>> No.23453676

I thought too much about miko and my brain shut off. I dont even remember when I was going with that.

>> No.23453678
File: 506 KB, 2400x2500, EVQgpv5U0AATzF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no Anon fell down the stairs!

>> No.23453683
Quoted by: >>23453694

Yeah but like she wasn't alone right? I heard she had a team behind and shit.

>> No.23453684

One of the many failed chuubas coming after Ai showed there was a market. Way to go Sora for surviving so we can have Hololive.

>> No.23453686

That's why I wanted to post my english polls several times to get input from all time zones. Though I forgot to make note of what votes were coming in when so now it's just all mixed in together.

>> No.23453689

she became a "big dick" vtuber alright

>> No.23453690

This is your brain on elite.

>> No.23453694

Yes. Alot of people couldn't attract viewers during the old times, regardless of quality.

>> No.23453696
File: 1.45 MB, 2785x2071, back-to-the-future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when I was going

>> No.23453697
File: 184 KB, 461x461, footchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based footchama

>> No.23453698
Quoted by: >>23453704

I wanted to hear you talk about my wife more. I'm glad Miko was able to power through it all. I love her.

>> No.23453699

Too much passion and emotions

>> No.23453700

seek medical assistance

>> No.23453701
File: 378 KB, 2400x2500, 1586445850785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23453703
File: 311 KB, 1477x1888, ETprgtbUUAEIPXq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 0 went through tough shit, I'm glad Miko and Suichan didn't despair and made it with flying colors

>> No.23453704

Go watch Miko watching her old stream or the subbed video of parts of it.

>> No.23453708
File: 1.93 MB, 1280x720, fountain of Youth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453906

is this clip gonna be featured in the next upload ?

>> No.23453709

Chinks still fighting with one another in the comments, either saying the apology had no sincerity/that's it? or telling the antis to shut the fuck up. What's the crazy rabbit's end goal here?

>> No.23453710

Which VTuber has sat on the most miles of dick

>> No.23453711
Quoted by: >>23453719

Based Yagoo not kicking them out of the company

>> No.23453712

Elite brain

>> No.23453713

I've already watched it a bunch of times, but it's definitely one of my favorite videos from Miko.

>> No.23453715

tru 35p bless you anon

>> No.23453717
Quoted by: >>23453725

To destroy china once and for all.

>> No.23453719
Quoted by: >>23453765

one thing you can say about yagoo, that man is not a quitter, and he doesn't abandon his people.

>> No.23453723

How can anyone still support Miko after this scandal surfaced?

>> No.23453725

she won't forgive them for ruining her MGS3 vod

>> No.23453728

If It's the clip of her singing on the boat I'm gonna stab your fucking ass

>> No.23453729

Wow, I've never seen that video before, that's kind of fucked up.

>> No.23453730

I click on every single one even though I know it's going to be the boat.

>> No.23453731

Will you both fuck?

>> No.23453733


>> No.23453734


>> No.23453736
File: 692 KB, 1550x1550, 1586631242573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453755

Divide and conquer all of East Asia.

>> No.23453737


>> No.23453739

I can recognise the URL by now, but nice try.

Still opened the link, though.

>> No.23453740

Holy shit, the screenshots were real. It actually exists.

>> No.23453743
Quoted by: >>23453761


>> No.23453744

>Bending to the chinks
I thought she was based.

>> No.23453748

Not only do I watch this every time it's posted, I watch it every time somebody replies to it.

>> No.23453750

Remember to right click -> loop

>> No.23453751
Quoted by: >>23453786

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyyvAhTt_I4 at least i have something to watch, and it's better than watching holoID dox collab

>> No.23453755

I need a new dose of MGS Peko.

>> No.23453756
File: 362 KB, 493x821, meat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453832

thinking of buying 180g of Pekora merch

>> No.23453758
Quoted by: >>23453806

new azki song premiere

>> No.23453760

can we just agree that chink are trash and deserve to be nuked?

>> No.23453761
Quoted by: >>23453766

What's there to explain about a nonpology that is designed to get her off the hook and turn the replies into an infighting bloodbath?

>> No.23453764
Quoted by: >>23453779

Lol towa got cucked hard by luna. And she so wanted to do a drawing stream with marine.

>> No.23453765

Was he the CEO when they only had Sora?

>> No.23453766
Quoted by: >>23453777

I don't get what she would be apologizing for in the first place.

What happened? Spare no details!

>> No.23453768
File: 485 KB, 849x1200, 1585880955565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453790

You just gave me an idea. I think I'll make new year Pekora if she does normal one. Thanks

>> No.23453771
Quoted by: >>23453780

Towa's got her eyes on her next target. It's Subaru

>> No.23453775

Do the videos still exist of Miko from the pre-hololive years?

>> No.23453777
Quoted by: >>23453859


>> No.23453779
Quoted by: >>23453816

I don't think she cares about drawing with Marine, she wanted to draw with her mommy.

>> No.23453780

Thanks for the tinnitus

>> No.23453783

I have this on loop while playing WoWs and now I have unicum stats. Thanks Miko.

>> No.23453785

This was really good
Especially the part with Haato smelling her own STINKY feet

>> No.23453786

I wished Suisei did her singing streams during my workhours.

>> No.23453788


>> No.23453790

Please don’t be a tranny cosplaying as a woman. Please be a normal femanon.

>> No.23453791 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23453844

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

end their life

>> No.23453793

I can't believe Marine drew Luna getting slapped.

>> No.23453794

>yfw the PPTenshi's ear joke in that AsaCoco episode was a prelude to her disease all along
holy shit

>> No.23453796
Quoted by: >>23453813

Can't you just go to her channel and sort by oldest? Pretty sure she didn't lose her channel. She was under Cover which owns Hololive right? I'm not really a Mikofag.

>> No.23453802
Quoted by: >>23453811

Watame's boyfriend appeared too as a reference in a search bar

>> No.23453803

Adding fuel to the fire while laughing in the background.

>> No.23453806

I like AZKi's singing but her new and old designs are just so unappealing to me compared to Sora/Suisei or the others.

>> No.23453807


>> No.23453808

Her taste is impeccable

>> No.23453809

I for one welcomes our trap brethrens

>> No.23453811

Don't tell me... Is Korone being involved with the Japanese underworld real too?

>> No.23453813
Quoted by: >>23453824

Yeah, I found a japanese wiki that mentions
>Started activity as Vtuber from August 1, 2018. The operation at that time was the Sakura Miko Project (actually, it was operating as a separate project from Holo Live operated by Cover Co., Ltd.). Joined Holo Live from December 25 of the same year.
No idea on how accurate it is.

>> No.23453815


what the fuck, pekora has bf and they actually already married, now i hate pekora, unsub time

>> No.23453816
Quoted by: >>23456610

Towa wants to fuck her hot 14 year old mom. Very cute.

>> No.23453818
Quoted by: >>23454455

Cute is cute. At least they will probably get noticed by idols. What are you doing to get noticed?

>> No.23453820
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1572230875983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate their drawing.

>> No.23453822

Asacocos were cries for help

>> No.23453824

Yea, so you can just watch her old vids on her channel.

>> No.23453827
Quoted by: >>23453855

there's only one drawing on that page that's good

>> No.23453828

Both 10/10

>> No.23453829
File: 272 KB, 1399x987, 1586920676034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to impregnate Ui Mama

>> No.23453830

Its a masterpiece except for the bottom right.

>> No.23453832
Quoted by: >>23458334

Rabbit meat is pretty shit desu

>> No.23453833


>> No.23453835
File: 84 KB, 573x600, Usada.Pekora.600.2811039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry. I might post some stuff later at summer when I get something done on the cotume

>> No.23453837


>> No.23453838

Why doesn't Ayame's mama get more love? She's way cuter. Is it because of Uimama's loli shit?

>> No.23453841

Marine's taste is impeccable. First rating Shion as having the most punchable stomach and now this. She is a woman of culture.

>> No.23453842 [DELETED] 

Apparently chinks are also mad at Peko because she hasn't been streaming on Bilibili for a while. They are trying to shift the target to Noel as well because she didn't stream there last two months. Chinks are subhuman and deserve to be nuked. Japs should have killed more in Nanking.

>> No.23453843

One slap's not enough/10

>> No.23453844 [DELETED] 


>> No.23453847

There is only one perfect Marine in this and you guys already know which one it is.

>> No.23453849

Shion is only for stomach punching

>> No.23453850

Not enough degeneration, also she unironically has the bilibili chink bucks.

>> No.23453851
File: 184 KB, 1275x670, 1586945855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant tell if this is sad or cute but I still love it.

>> No.23453852

You seem angry

>> No.23453854

Her daughter rarely stream, and they don't have compability like Ui and her daughter (son?).

>> No.23453855

Marine, right? Right?

>> No.23453856

Squirrel is that anime character who you think is nakama but reveals herself as teki on episode 1.

>> No.23453857 [DELETED] 

Someone mad that a bunch of anglo retards are dying because thy don't have any healthcare? Based chinks doing the world a favor.

>> No.23453859

nice trips and thanks

So basically she retweeted some fan made videos of her that weren't from the original, Chinese source, but instead some Japanese guy tried to pawn it off as his own by removing the watermarks from those reuploaded videos.

She diffuses the situation by saying she didn't know and that she loves the original fan made videos and provides direct link to the sources

However, Chinese are upset that she didn't humble herself enough. Is this what happened?. Are there any missing details?

>> No.23453862

I can't believe Coco fucked Shion without protection and didn't even spend the night over when she was done.

>> No.23453864

She had some interesting justification for that.

>> No.23453865

Shion should have been the Hololive's punching bag.

>> No.23453866
Quoted by: >>23453885

Slutty outfit, boring personality, doesn't hide her irl mug. Btw she's rather popular among chinks

>> No.23453870
File: 826 KB, 1389x1047, a-cuck-suki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more... hatred.

>> No.23453871
Quoted by: >>23453919

卍组 collab and Suisei singing yeah!

>> No.23453872

I think the chinks are peeved with her not doing the bilibili streams that she promised two months ago and is just fuming about that now.

>> No.23453873

>Haachama literally thought the protag of the Zelda series was named Zelda
I wonder if she knows Metroid's gender

>> No.23453875
File: 526 KB, 800x1040, 1585618324474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna bully Houshou Marine's womb with my cock.

>> No.23453876

Yes the missing detail is that mainland Chinese are not human

>> No.23453879
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, 【アニメ】コスプレ女VS緑色のアレ - YouTube.mkv_snapshot_01.21_[2020.04.08_17.45.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453896


>> No.23453880
Quoted by: >>23458267

It was weird to post bilibilli videos from nico in the first place, any normal person likes sources , chinks or no chinks.

>> No.23453881

I don't think she even knows where samus comes from

>> No.23453882

She is full on zoomer
Literally me

>> No.23453884

>Miko and Sui didn't despair
Miko wanted to retire before the miracle that is GTA and Suisei wanted to retire as soon as she released Tenkyuu but both decided against it and kept on fighting

>> No.23453885
Quoted by: >>23453918

You gotta do what you gotta do anon. Respect the hustle.

>slutty outfit
Damn, I actually never saw her model's full body before.

>> No.23453888
Quoted by: >>23453904

>Korone needing people to hold her hand during debut was pathetic

Do you even cute?

>> No.23453889


>> No.23453890

Rewarding Senchou with the cock after a good job at punching Zionism!

>> No.23453895
Quoted by: >>23453915

I guess its a blessing that 4th gen aint really popular in china.

>> No.23453896

I'm glad her reaction to the womb bullying is changing over time and she's not just always nonplussed.

>> No.23453899

Lets be positive about Chinese fans, I love their memes

>> No.23453901
File: 493 KB, 256x223, trainsuplex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF bros... our time hath cometh

>> No.23453903

i appreciate the effort to get rid of the discord fags but it does make the thread very tiresome

>> No.23453904


>> No.23453906

>Le Matsuri pee xD
Fucking Matsuri fans. THIS IS WHY SHE'S LOSING VIEWERS you keep sharing the perverted parts and not the important ones. What about the time when she forced Tamaki to collab with Suisei? People would like her better than some pee jokes for the millionth time.

>> No.23453907


>> No.23453908
File: 136 KB, 720x720, miss_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top class woman has impeccable taste. Not surprised here. I wanna give her red supacha on her next zatsu, maji de.

>> No.23453910
File: 27 KB, 464x474, TwSBwn8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23453911

Based, Subaru just earned herself a new fan

>> No.23453914
File: 424 KB, 1280x720, Pekozilla2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23453915
Quoted by: >>23453970

Towa should pander to China.

>> No.23453918

Yeah, you can't really tell she's going full lightning under there.

>> No.23453919
Quoted by: >>23453999

Meant for anon who used the wrong set of characters

>> No.23453920

Blame lyger and co. for their degeneracy.

>> No.23453926
File: 64 KB, 568x320, Final-Fantasy-VI-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 she plays the PC version and not the SFC, PS, or GBA version

>> No.23453927

Sasuga my wife Roboco.

>> No.23453928

translate weebs

>> No.23453929

I bet my ass she's going to drop it halway through. World of ruins is a fucking grindfest in ff6

>> No.23453932 [DELETED] 
File: 154 KB, 720x1096, 1555872577483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23453933
File: 121 KB, 1285x1097, EVKCjjBUcAADFLH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23453965

>> No.23453934

What the absolute fuck

>> No.23453940

Is hololive more popular for EOP's? the ID girls pulled way more viewers than their Niji counterpart

>> No.23453941 [DELETED] 

Can we get a glimpse of real Coco from her sister/roommate streams?

>> No.23453949

I hope she cries when during the Rachel part or if she accidentally lets Cid die. It will all depend on if she's played it before I guess and if she will actually beat it.

>> No.23453957

Fuck pc version. My nigga Gau was broken and couldn't attack 8 times with cat scratch because x-attack and genji's gauntlet didn't work together lie in the snes one.

>> No.23453961
Quoted by: >>23453964

>AZKi actually hate suisei

>> No.23453964

>AZKI actually [headcanon] suisei

>> No.23453965

memema, meah!

>> No.23453969
Quoted by: >>23453990

Is the PC version bad?

>> No.23453970

shes scheduled to do a stream on bilibili this sunday

>> No.23453973

When Searching for Friends plays I might actually cry tbdesu

>> No.23453974

Indonesians are ESL, not EOP.

>> No.23453975
File: 163 KB, 767x1200, f81302d21c7180804de2b656c0fa88b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23453977

Being advertised on Asacoco helps a ton.

>> No.23453978 [DELETED] 

Made a meme:

>> No.23453980
Quoted by: >>23453991


>> No.23453985

You tried.

>> No.23453987

Rewatching the telephone game I just noticed a handful of the girls reversed their name order during the introduction, fucking westaboos

>> No.23453988
Quoted by: >>23454066

It's definitely true that you need to understand japanese if you wanna get into nijisanji JP. Too many important moments come out outpacing subbers, and some of them are too long that subbers don't bother (see: https://youtu.be/M-JUvoX0h4c )
But nijiID and holoID are the same in terms of language barrier, holoID just did a better job of debuting.

>> No.23453989

I like she just kept yelling to let people know her fuck ups

>> No.23453990
File: 85 KB, 610x343, thecast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454005

The sprites aren't as godawful as the FF5 PC version but pretty much anyone who has played the SNES/PS/GBA versions hates it because the art direction is so different and cartoony from the original character sprite work. It's a damn shame too because the redrawn enemy sprites are awesome.

>> No.23453991
File: 119 KB, 850x1202, epic haato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23453992

epic grass

>> No.23453994

Post it on reddit so I can upvote it please, you deserve gold for this.

>> No.23453999

I'm pretty sure the trio uses 卍组

>> No.23454000

Niji is just shit

>> No.23454001

You can tell they are friends IRL because Moona was so relaxed when Lofi was freaking the fuck out, not realizing her account was on-screen.

>> No.23454004

>Pekora brings in 20k views
>Haato can barely manage 5k

What happened?

>> No.23454005
Quoted by: >>23454037

I see. I was about to play this during quarantine, is the GBA version the best looking one?

>> No.23454008

I think Moona was just that dumb

>> No.23454011

Hololive has more EOP/ESL fans than Niji. HoloID girls debuted after Hololive experienced a big boom, while the same is not true for NijiID.

>> No.23454013

Moona is probably retarded.

>> No.23454014

Haato has a much more niche appeal
Also Haato doesn't have a hivemind watching her

>> No.23454015

I knew purple would be a fuck up based on her debut stream but I was thinking more of an Aki-type fuck up instead of that type of shit.

>> No.23454017

Maybe moona just hated that the Alien had no memes so she gave her one
What a good friend, doxxing her coworker like that.

>> No.23454020

Dat Sugita boost

>> No.23454022
Quoted by: >>23454033

Whats it with purple hairs trying to doxx their coworkers while they remain calm?

>> No.23454023
Quoted by: >>23454042

Is there a clip or something of the moment of disaster in Moona's collab stream?

>> No.23454028 [DELETED] 

No one is mad Ming, now go eat your bat soup.

>> No.23454031

More like moona didn't realize that lofi is that retarded to be using a universal handle and posted all her family's personal details on those account.

>> No.23454032 [DELETED] 

>Anglo retards are dying
All the big death countries are full of latinos what you high on kid? (Ignoring China's obviously fake claims of no deaths or new cases since like early march)

>> No.23454033

Aqua and Okayu are the only good purple-haired vtubers

>> No.23454035

why are people trying to blame moona for Iofi being retarded and using her general name for literally every fucking thing. that's not her fault Iofi's a retard.

>> No.23454037
File: 135 KB, 960x320, ezgif-3-5d0f3b4bc73c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454069

Depends on what you value. SFC/SNES (bottom) version is the best looking and best sounding. GBA (top) version is a bit too bright and the soundchip is a little worse. However, the GBA version has a more accurate translation, bug fixes, and bonus content (extra bosses and dungeons). It's really up to you. Ted Woolsey did the NA translations for Chrono Trigger, FF4, and FF6 back in the day on SNES and he added some meme lines and shit. I like both. Avoid the PSX version though, it's garbage because of the terrible loading times.

>> No.23454038 [DELETED] 
File: 254 KB, 1830x967, 1586232941849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.23454039

Why did Iofi used her personal steam acc?
Stupid alien, Moona did nothing wrong but surely feels guilty about this.

>> No.23454042

Here's the You bubs

>> No.23454044 [DELETED] 

China has the most deaths though

>> No.23454046
Quoted by: >>23454057

>having nosebleed on stream
She's dying right?

>> No.23454048
Quoted by: >>23454060

It being aliens fault doesnt make her less retarded

>> No.23454050 [DELETED] 

Just ignore the chink sperg.

>> No.23454051
Quoted by: >>23454062

I know you guys are shitposting but I hope none of you anons or people you care about die due to this pandemic and I also hope the few anons who have jobs don't lose them or take too big a pay cut. I'm so gay bros.

>> No.23454054 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23454059

I'm SeaChad though.

>> No.23454056
Quoted by: >>23454113

I still can't believe there is no guidelines of at least setting up a streamer account with family sharing enabled.
As far as I know, family sharing works for most games as long as there is no 3rd party clients, anti cheat and stuff like that.

>> No.23454057

Subaru had one during the Sans fight as well. I thought that clip was subbed way earlier?

>> No.23454059 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23454064

>falseflaggin dying SEAmonkeys
Sasuga chang.

>> No.23454060

what was she supposed to do? just not join the game again? there's literally nothing she could've done on her end. Even if moona didn't show it then, she'd have doxxed herself eventually anyway.

>> No.23454062
Quoted by: >>23454081

Meanwhile I'm an essential worker who wants my job to disappear so I can neet it up with my favourite chuubas. Its not fair that I have to work while everyone I know is staying at home.

>> No.23454063

Because you don't display people's personal info?
Streamers censor the screen when they're entering someone's AC code so people can have privacy so it's the same concept, give people some privacy so the other party doesn't get bogged by 30k friend requests after showing their account on live stream.
It's just worse in this case because the account being showed led to a full doxx of the person in question because they were trusting of their "friend" instead of being paranoid that the person they were collabing with was a drooling retard and would fuck up.

>> No.23454064 [DELETED] 


>> No.23454066

>HoloID just did a better job of debuting.

background noises and shitty internet, desu look painful debut for me

>> No.23454067
File: 111 KB, 636x759, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moshi moshi, based depaatmento?

>> No.23454068


It's finally Towa's time!

>> No.23454069

I think there's a patch somewhere for the GBA version which makes the graphics/sound match the SNES version much more accurately while leaving all the new GBA stuff alone.

>> No.23454071

Guess I'm skipping my daily watch then.

>> No.23454072
Quoted by: >>23454088

A steam name isn't supposed to be personal info, it shouldn't have been her fucking irl name or w/e. it should've been her chuuba name and there would've been no issues. no matter how you spin it, this is Iofi's fault 100%.

>> No.23454074
File: 95 KB, 800x688, IMG_20191206_110712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23462028


>> No.23454075

Give FBK some money for Hellagaur in 5 minutes

>> No.23454079


>> No.23454080

It becomes impossible the more time passes.
Games are fucking terrible for showing steam account names in full-view, in places they cannot be censored because they move.
When you have a game where your characters name is above your head in an FPS / TPS, you can't do shit there.
It's both their faults really, but mostly Lofi.

>> No.23454081
Quoted by: >>23454097

If I lose my job, I sadly won't gain any more chuuba-watching time since my favourites don't stream during my workhours. I work from home though, so you have my sympathy for having to work outside.

>> No.23454082

She did it!

>> No.23454085

What happens if Iofi dies in RAFT?
Would have her steam name popped up?

>> No.23454086

Shit, I gotta roll for Myrtle.

>> No.23454088

They're both at fault here
One's retarded for putting her personal info on her steam and the other one is retarded for treating her vtuber stream as a regular livesttream for friends and not giving a shit about the info she broadcasts worldwide.

>> No.23454090

Why was Pekora brought on for the 3D sponsored stream?

>> No.23454091

This song reminds me of a simpler time. It feels like going back and watching classic IOSYS videos.

>> No.23454093

Peko edit when?

>> No.23454094

maybe if she had streamlabs. superchats aren't going directly to her.

>> No.23454097

You can simply switch your sleep schedule if you do lose your job and get some online job in line with it.

>> No.23454099

holy based

>> No.23454101


>> No.23454102

this is a situation where 99.9% of the fault is on Iofi, and 0.1% is on moona. Iofi's just retarded. period. end of discussion.

>> No.23454103

Dangerously based.

>> No.23454104


>> No.23454105

3 nerds playing Apex soon.

>> No.23454111
File: 15 KB, 514x346, 1583573164659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454140


>> No.23454113

It's a steam handle, you don't use you real name or universal handle on those unless you are infested with the stupids or it's an account solely used for you inner circle of friends or family.

She most likely didn't pay attention in orientation and read the stuff they give her, for fucks sake they got months to prepare.

>> No.23454114
Quoted by: >>23454117

Hard pass

>> No.23454115
Quoted by: >>23454130


>> No.23454116

Should get rid of that whore Ayame and replace her with no one I want another Shion/Aqua only stream

>> No.23454117

watch for master zion

>> No.23454119

Oh nice, didn't think Towa was gonna Apex today.

>> No.23454120

>no towa

confirmed that ayame, shion, aqua, matsuri, and roboco hate towa

>> No.23454124

The best trio. Bakatare or whatever is fake shit.

>> No.23454125

I hope Iofi gets through this whole thing relatively unscathed

>> No.23454126

I knew Moona was the worst out of the trio and this drama just confirms it

>> No.23454128
Quoted by: >>23454137

Towa has been rather quiet today, maybe she is planning to surprise everyone and show up in the Apex stream.

>> No.23454129

I'm Yagoo and I can confirm that I hate Towa

>> No.23454130
File: 177 KB, 810x864, DOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454132

It was her fucking steam display name and that shit will pop up eventually on the chat or kill feed of some game.

>> No.23454133

Anon, they all hate Towa.

>> No.23454137
Quoted by: >>23454171

Snipes them and destroys them.

>> No.23454140

This shit's too much like school. If you don't make friends or get into a group early on, its going to be tough.

>> No.23454142
Quoted by: >>23454161

>Hatto is fighting mosquito on stream

She really does live in a pigsty

>> No.23454145

Is Towa the most pitiful holo?

>> No.23454146
Quoted by: >>23454159

I bet the reason Matsuri started playing Apex suddenly was because she wanted to help out Towa.

>> No.23454149
Quoted by: >>23454165

i bet towa crying right now...

>> No.23454150

is that even a question , i love her , shes my fav but defo the most pitiful.

>> No.23454151
Quoted by: >>23454160

Why don't we cut out the middleman because they just stealing clips from old american cartoons and movies and just photoshop hololives faces on top is something any anon can do, even doing meme text on an image with any hololive member on it can 1up them.

>> No.23454152

Flare or Aki. Towa has so much for what little time she has been a chuuba.

>> No.23454155

Whoa, it's alienfag vs purplefag now.

>> No.23454158

>Not live yet and someone dropped 10k on it.

>> No.23454159

Matsuri can't even help herself...

>> No.23454160

Isn't that what tarddeit does already?

>> No.23454161
Quoted by: >>23454175

Hasnt left her place since the lockdown started, keeps ordering uber eats.
Imagine the smell

>> No.23454162

I'd say Choco is the most pitiful. She's been deprived of her ASMR and doesn't really know what to do anymore. Flare and Aki seem to be managing fine in their niches like Towa is but Choco feels like a lost lamb.

>> No.23454165
File: 342 KB, 1920x1080, EVossPmUEAEH0KT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454191


>> No.23454167

Is kusagi not streaming today

>> No.23454169
Quoted by: >>23454215

I see what you were going for, but you failed spectacularly

>> No.23454170

Aki found a friend in alcohol. Towa is still all alone in this world.

>> No.23454171

Looking forward to Towa 1v3 those bitches, embarrass them on stream, and get along with them in the end

>> No.23454172 [DELETED] 

blame chink

>> No.23454174
File: 75 KB, 225x234, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23454175

More than enough to kill anything that moves

>> No.23454176

Chink got her.

>> No.23454179

Matsuri and FBK always help out

Shit, forgot about sensei. She's trying her best to pivot towards being a "gamer".

>> No.23454181

She would be better if she properly advertised her membership perks, her channel can't grow outside of people who already knew her because of it. She stil does ASMR streams all the time for members on twitcast

>> No.23454182

not mgs, but based peko gonna shit on chink

>> No.23454183


>> No.23454184
Quoted by: >>23454198

Matsuri is still averaging 100k yen superchat per day for the last 7 days.

>> No.23454187

this isn't fucking real

>> No.23454188 [DELETED] 
File: 303 KB, 2048x1536, Cex7MkfWIAM-mzY.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love bucktooth, hooked nosed Towa's roommate.

>> No.23454189

Fubuki gacha time.

>> No.23454190 [DELETED] 

>password is yakuza
what does she mean by this?

>> No.23454191
Quoted by: >>23454230

What a day for her to get the thumbnail.

>> No.23454193

Why do you think AVGN is so popular? People enjoy toilet humor.

>> No.23454195

Nice OC

>> No.23454197 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23454205


>> No.23454198

Festival's doing fine. No need to get so defensive.

>> No.23454199
Quoted by: >>23458465

Fill me in why her and the others havent been doing much ASMR

>> No.23454200

Towa is an idiot, but I already can see her retardation by her decision to quit her job. Its fine if its a part time job, but imagine if its a company full time job.

>> No.23454201

Choco should start playing Souls game to salvage her career.

>> No.23454203 [DELETED] 

wtf i love towa now

>> No.23454204

She's definitely going to end up with the PC version since that's what she played for CT. It'll suck but at least she'll still be playing it

>> No.23454205 [DELETED] 

Is justice.

>> No.23454209 [DELETED] 

She really loves hats. I wish TF2 wasn't so dead it seems like it'd be the perfect game for her.

>> No.23454211 [DELETED] 

WTF I'm gonna like all her videos now

>> No.23454215

I have archived enough and I'm content with it

>> No.23454216 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23454228

Mods are fucking quick today

>> No.23454217
Quoted by: >>23454224

She'd be stuck at the first trash mob bro, wouldn't be very entertaining

>> No.23454219

Ayame collecting her monthly payments.

>> No.23454220 [DELETED] 

based mod

>> No.23454223

ah , now this a good joke , thanks anon, i smiled

>> No.23454224

If Noel can play it, anyone can.

>> No.23454226


>> No.23454228 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23454232

What did you expect from pol pastas? If the mods are quick enough to pick those up it's done for.

>> No.23454230

what do you mean? today is fine , today is fucking peachy for towa, shes had some much worse days than today lol

>> No.23454232 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23454238

I meant the photo of not-towa. Deleted within 2 minutes

>> No.23454233

No she need to find relaxing games so she can put her asmr into it

>> No.23454235

Has any chuuba done a playthrough of a Souls game with another chuuba who just talks to them/gives tips instead of actually being summoned?

>> No.23454236 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23454451

Well then no coco stream today

>> No.23454238 [DELETED] 

Probably because it got filed under doxx

>> No.23454242

But that won't attract viewers. She needs to build a viewerbase first.

>> No.23454243
Quoted by: >>23454249

fubuki has a streamlabs link at the end of her video description, retard

>> No.23454244
File: 26 KB, 554x177, 1574685563128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454246

What she could do is just put up a free chat stream on her 2nd channel, then direct anyone from ASMR videos on her main channel to it for superchats. It's a hacky workaround but it works.
It's also a way to get around monetization restrictions for certain games.

>> No.23454249
File: 21 KB, 387x441, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454280

think before you speak, retard.

>> No.23454251
File: 7 KB, 325x54, kson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, which one of you did this?

>> No.23454253

Is Ayame a leech? She barely even streams and it's probably her fault that the nazigumi died since Aqua and Shion seem just fine with collabing with each other, they should've invited Towa.

>> No.23454258
File: 3.19 MB, 2096x1178, Kekeroni and Cheese2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454259

What the fuck, coco roommate used full 3D streams?

>> No.23454260

I just hope this brings her back a bit more. I miss these 3.

>> No.23454261

she should ban the word

>> No.23454264

She has the rig for it but different from what hololive uses

>> No.23454266

she's been a vtuber for a very long time

>> No.23454267
Quoted by: >>23454288

Unironically yes.
At least she isn't pretending to be sick anymore and is doing 2-3 streams a week.

>> No.23454269

The mental fortitude to ignore all hololive related comments

>> No.23454270

It gets even more 3D than that.

>> No.23454272

Nice try Towafag.

>> No.23454273

literally everyone know, it's not some /jp/ exclusive knowledge

>> No.23454280

For whatever reason Fbk's streamlabs link been left with typo for a long while now. Not that it really matters, she doesn't even accept donations through it.

>> No.23454281
Quoted by: >>23454289

What an oni.

>> No.23454283
File: 3.13 MB, 2500x2600, 80812142_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454284
File: 336 KB, 757x546, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you free up your schedule ?

>> No.23454288

Don't know if the rumored wedding is true or not but I do wonder if she's gonna continue or quite.

>> No.23454289

A Japanese goburin.

>> No.23454291

Nah, she isn't a leech since she can draw in a decent amount of viewers by herself.

>> No.23454292

Fubuki has shit luck lmao

>> No.23454293

>all those [Deleted]
Jesus Christ.

>> No.23454300
File: 148 KB, 545x146, 1578311719652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454302

take it back now

>> No.23454303
Quoted by: >>23455027

I guess Towa has someone looking out for her

>> No.23454304

Noel x Xration when?

>> No.23454306

congratulation FBK

>> No.23454307
File: 367 KB, 1920x1500, EVh4mFDU4AIwFAi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454309

Ugly language
don't speak of the prophets in such a way

>> No.23454310

Matsuri is so disgusting she can't even get me hard.

>> No.23454313
File: 324 KB, 1980x1080, EVoHVnHUMAM8TU4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454315
File: 600 KB, 1920x1500, EVh__OjUEAEU3r4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454316

I can't compete with HellaCHAD.....FBK.....

>> No.23454317

Ew don't be rude to Noel please.

>> No.23454319

>2 hellagur
she has what again?

>> No.23454323
Quoted by: >>23454336


>> No.23454330


>> No.23454331

Look at all those gay unfunny "Subaru where?" replies

>> No.23454333
File: 464 KB, 682x800, 1571275525961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove it

>> No.23454334

>Login event into login event into another login event
This game is peak kusoge
Why is fubuki dumping so much money on this shit with no content?

>> No.23454336

Tbh if they were asking who would want to instead of telling, she probably declined cause she didn't have time or something
no... el

>> No.23454339
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x1716, a112d48fe819b3e60a292125815c6335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice to FBK new boyfriend

>> No.23454340
Quoted by: >>23454356

You mean you aren't enjoying having all these halloween unlocks in the middle of spring?

>> No.23454345

Where's her dark elf slave?

>> No.23454346

I refuse. Silverash is hotter.

>> No.23454347

That mole is fucking disgusting.

>> No.23454349

I killed 3 cockroaches that were living in my desk today. I wonder how many cockroaches Haato lives with.

>> No.23454351

he has a sweet sword

>> No.23454352
Quoted by: >>23454363

None, the spiders kill them all

>> No.23454354

So is your face but there's not need to waste a post on it.

>> No.23454356
Quoted by: >>23454372

Doesnt help that the general for the game manages to be worse than this four thousand posts general
The community for the game and the game itself turned out to be so disappointing

>> No.23454359

I dont think anything but Haato can survive in that room

>> No.23454363
Quoted by: >>23454369

Those spiders also killed the magpies that are bothering the neighborhood, pretty based.

>> No.23454367

>Why is fubuki dumping so much money on this shit with no content?

>> No.23454369

Spiders are friends that kill all of the pests

>> No.23454370

Collab when

>> No.23454372
Quoted by: >>23454403

Looks like here but with more people spamming based on fucking everything, can that word be added to the word filter already.

>> No.23454374
Quoted by: >>23454382

It's sponsored retard

>> No.23454375

Coco is the only Hololive that's openly active in her "previous life". She just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.23454376
File: 203 KB, 1200x888, EKM1zuYVAAA7NkV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing Arkshites
Hololive x AL Vol.II when?

>> No.23454378
Quoted by: >>23454385

Do you think VAs enjoy being anime girls or is this just an easy way to get autism bucks from nerds similar to e-thots?

>> No.23454381

Apparently Pekora acts differently on billibilli than she acts on youtube or is it just the chinese being autistic?

>> No.23454382
Quoted by: >>23454390

That is exactly what I just explained with my post anon.

>> No.23454383
Quoted by: >>23454406

Choco is so active on her other life that she started a premium fan club that's literally $100 a month, Coco is by no means the only one. This is completely ignoring Mel, Noel and others

>> No.23454384


>> No.23454385


>> No.23454389
File: 816 KB, 1280x738, wasshoi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Matsuri has to work at a bar because streaming wasn't enough!

>> No.23454390

I meant to post to the guy you replied to

>> No.23454391

So something along the lines of Puyo Puyo? Maybe a turn based JRPG works? Probably Persona 3.

Rhythm games are hectic, but short enough for quality content.

Arknights x Hololive works desu. I want Defender Coco Tiger Dropping shitheads and doping herself on Asacoco.

>> No.23454395

Noel is still active

>> No.23454399

can't wait noel doing her onee-san voice

>> No.23454401

Isn't Aak basically Coco? Except he is a furry

>> No.23454403

Nah that place doesn't discuss their topic. It used to serve it's purpose but now it's just a den of erp, shitposting and idiots baiting each other with the exact same posts and material. Reminds me of the thread for >>23454376 this game when I played it because it was pretty much the same.
At least all posts here are related to hololive even if it gets really bad sometimes.

I guess Fubuki is being sponsored or has something with Yostar to advertise Arknights to Japan?

>> No.23454405

Has Arknights made any collabs until now? Hololive needs to put that billibilli partnership to good use

>> No.23454406

Well she need that extra money since the Japanese government taxing the hell out of her for being a foreigner

>> No.23454408

There are still tons of replies going on to that post, their autism truly is something.

>> No.23454409
File: 1.85 MB, 1200x1697, 7ec43e3ba6c7ad09a3829273a91af71d 512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454442

I can't believe Matsuri got fired from the bar for drinking on the job!

>> No.23454410

thank you spatula arigato gozaimas

>> No.23454417

They made one with Hololive already, kind of

>> No.23454418
File: 3 KB, 225x34, 1586951105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's awake

>> No.23454419

Kanata tweeted on her previous life's account just recently saying she wants release new songs in the future.

>> No.23454421

CN had proper collab with KFC, then they also did some promotion for charity, it had a unit that could be obtained only by spending 5 yen that supposedly would go to charity but not sure if that counts as collab

>> No.23454423
Quoted by: >>23454485

I want a Hololive collab with some huge game that pulls the big bucks instead so both sides can benefit instead of some small game using the Holos as advertisment.

Something like Cygames would work since Granblue Fantasy and Princess Connect have massive playerbases so the girls participating in the collab would get a decent boost to popularity from the people discovering them through the game.

>> No.23454425

This girl already looks a whole lot like her.

>> No.23454426
Quoted by: >>23454438

Va11-Halla stream when? Now that someone suggested a chill game fits her, that's perfect.

>> No.23454428
Quoted by: >>23454440

Arknights is plastered all over Tokyo. I was there last month and even the trains had shit on it. Collabs are probably in the works right now

>> No.23454431

Yeah I think they complaining about the Niconico thing is just an excuse to do that, they really are butthurt, I wonder if it's even worth it doing it these late streams at this point if she is just gonna meet a horde of angry chinese complaining about her behaviour.

>> No.23454432
File: 1.40 MB, 1635x1843, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was...interesting

>> No.23454437

But I want to see Fubuki cosplaying as Silverash ingame

>> No.23454438

That'd be neat. She can do voices and shit too.

>> No.23454440

FBK confirmed 6*

Unless there will be a secret round 2 where the non-animal based hololives get to voice original operators like how Miko got one in 100%OJ

>> No.23454441

nope, they mainly just repost stuff like anons do here

>> No.23454442
File: 28 KB, 800x450, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't believe

>> No.23454443

Fuck Hololive collabs. If I am YAGOO I am putting Homostars in a gacha.

>> No.23454446

Isn't some anon said it's change to chinks vs taiwan flamewars in the comments

>> No.23454448

The things you say, you're unbelievable anon.

>> No.23454449


>> No.23454451


>> No.23454454

thanks god you aren't him

>> No.23454455
Quoted by: >>23454461

>What are you doing to get noticed?
i'm getting a Coco 入墨 on my entire back next year

>> No.23454456
Quoted by: >>23454469

can't wait for the doujins

>> No.23454459

Hololive could probably get a collab in a mid tier otome moba but does anyone really want Holostars in their game

>> No.23454461

But then you wont be able to go into the onsen!

>> No.23454462

Shion is so fucking bad lmao.

>> No.23454463

>Pekora making another t*ananmen incident
Beisudo depaato yonde!

>> No.23454464

Noel's tits are definitely saggy

>> No.23454465
Quoted by: >>23454473

Coco is going to stream while waxing. Now this is actual content.

>> No.23454468

Shion yo...

>> No.23454469

>all that good shit stuck behind a paywall
Someone be a hero and get it for us

>> No.23454471
Quoted by: >>23454479

Suichan soon!

>> No.23454472

Be the change you want to see in the world

>> No.23454473

It makes me laugh how self aware everyone is of the idol thing

>> No.23454474

500 yen is like 4 bucks dude. Just become a fan and get it.

>> No.23454475 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 404 KB, 720x406, 1586951755910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454507

coco's roommate...

>> No.23454476

Why does FBK keeps using those shitty 3 stars

>> No.23454479

What songs are you hoping for bro?

>> No.23454480

because some maps need you to have a good DP curve

>> No.23454482
Quoted by: >>23454503

How are artists even able to paywall their content when some random payer can just download everything and post it somewhere without anyone even knowing it was him

>> No.23454484

That's the beauty of AK. Most of the content can be cleared with shit tier 3* units. But that's only for big brain Doctors and not retards who just shove Silverash, Eyja, and Ifrit at all of their problems.

>> No.23454485

Hololive Deresute. Idoru da yo

>> No.23454487

she uses her favorites.

>> No.23454489
Quoted by: >>23454501

Tell her how op Myrtle is so she builds her NOW.

>> No.23454492

So if Risu is trying to be Indonesian Korone and Moona is trying to be Indonesian Watame. Then who is Iofi trying to imitate or going to imitate?

>> No.23454493

Haato actually improved alot between her last smash stream and the one prior.

>> No.23454494
File: 30 KB, 332x601, 2020-04-15 13_56_24-(10) 【緊急3D特番】#白上ブートキャンプ! - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454496

But FBK use E2 Silverash with skill 3 in every map

>> No.23454498

I can't say I know what I want. I'll see how it goes from there

>> No.23454499


>> No.23454501

she got like 8 copies of her already

>> No.23454503

who cares, you're not a seething artist.

>> No.23454506

waching waching waching

>> No.23454507 [DELETED] 

Sending her supacha to avoid taxes and hololive protection fees

>> No.23454510

Van Gogh

>> No.23454511

Big 3 and Saria can cheese almost every map

>> No.23454512

We won't know until there are more streams. Does squirrel even play retrogames?

>> No.23454513

all of her originals, but definitely 天球 most of all

>> No.23454514

Indonesian Chris.

>> No.23454517

This thread's been relatively peaceful.

>> No.23454518

CQC peko

>> No.23454519

The "and" exists for a reason. Silverash + some good + some shitters is still impressive in my opinion. I don't discriminate unless someone is straight up running like 8+ six stars or, worse, using a guide. Guidefags are pathetic.

>> No.23454522

Source on Miko's thumbnail?

>> No.23454526

Morning threads (my time) are typically fine because there's usually less people and it's lax since people don't try as hard to bait. This place is peak shit tier in those dead hours when nobody is streaming. Not counting drama or leaks, of course.

>> No.23454528
File: 312 KB, 640x572, EVVA6U5UUAEmALz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454548

aka supachaa

>> No.23454530

Are they wearing mocaps when their using 3d or is it the same tracking with live2d?

>> No.23454533

It's a crime that we will never get to watch Miko's JAV.

>> No.23454534

I'm happy that antis have gone, for now atleast. Hololive is a family, and we should support everyone.

>> No.23454535
Quoted by: >>23454549

With all the /v/ermin in here, why none of you shopped a hololive face on any of your viyda memes

>> No.23454536
Quoted by: >>23454540


>> No.23454538


>> No.23454539


>> No.23454541

She really really really likes Korone and wants to collab with her. Korone gave her the okay too and said that she wanted to do a collab too.

Moona has that shitty internet and did Watame's thing that was shown on Asacoco so the painter girl has to look for someone to look up to/copy like the other two. Maybe Suisei since they're both artists.

>> No.23454540

Give me the news

>> No.23454543
File: 29 KB, 632x607, 1586952087386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454546

She apparently likes the whole pixelgame asthetic, though I don't know if that means she actually plays older games or just newer ones like Undertale.

>> No.23454548
File: 54 KB, 518x752, 1586467234633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a mistake

>> No.23454549

I just wait for other people to make content and save it.

>> No.23454552
File: 81 KB, 800x532, 1584982709755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess the holo!

>> No.23454553

Jesus christ. New here and first time posting. I didn't Hololive had such a great singer.

>> No.23454554
Quoted by: >>23456326

Its going to hell in 30 minutes

>> No.23454556
Quoted by: >>23454566

Ain't she the best

>> No.23454558
File: 211 KB, 403x313, EVKWTUuUUAAsFiy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you kind anon.

>> No.23454561
Quoted by: >>23454569


>> No.23454562


>> No.23454565
Quoted by: >>23454581

That's an amazing range. The retard who rejected her must have been deaf.

>> No.23454566
File: 2.10 MB, 2103x2282, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_lunch_boxer__e43ed26e97e5cfae69583da940f5e71b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cutest!

>> No.23454569
File: 85 KB, 985x553, IMG_20200413_000533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454571

I don't keep up with this stuff much but started watching rushia's ring fit stream and her age and weight got revealed. Did her height ever get found out?

>> No.23454570
Quoted by: >>23454583

Suiseifags are so obnoxious.

>> No.23454572

suisei song choice pretty good today

>> No.23454574

Alones is pretty good.

>> No.23454580

>Le Matsuri is so lesbian and perverted xD
Does anyone's shtick get old faster than hers?

>> No.23454581
Quoted by: >>23454588

"Amazing" singers are a dime a dozen. You guys only think she's special because muh anime idol

>> No.23454583


>> No.23454585

I wish Mel is there to kapukapu me...

>> No.23454586
File: 3.38 MB, 3876x2563, IMG_20200415_090910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454603


This is really cute

>> No.23454588

what's your point?

>> No.23454589


>> No.23454591

Is Rushia going to play more RE games since she likes the remakes so much?

>> No.23454593

She's solid but she's not Sora tier.

>> No.23454595

You're not allowed to like holos I don't like

>> No.23454599 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 128x128, 1585906656828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo why is their 2 threads

>> No.23454600
File: 177 KB, 533x800, IMG_20200414_102640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko with tit upgrade when?

>> No.23454603


>> No.23454604

Who? Is that gen 5.

>> No.23454607

That the guy I replied to said some dumb shit. Lukewarm artists don't get signed

>> No.23454608
File: 923 KB, 2591x3610, 1563334242933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454642

Mel is you idiot

>> No.23454610

If you were kson you go to hololive, nijisanji or stay independent with your loyal 2k+ viewers.

>> No.23454612

Is Towa trying to find a new personality or this is just her menhera showing?

>> No.23454613

These songs are the bomb

>> No.23454617

Okay this setlist is actually kino

>> No.23454619

That was some pretty good english pronunciation.

>> No.23454620
Quoted by: >>23454632

Suisei wipes her ass with Sora's music and AZKI's music.

>> No.23454625

God that range is fucking great.

>> No.23454626
Quoted by: >>23454659

I think people knowing Coco is Kson boosted her main channel a bit

>> No.23454627

Suisei has improved so much over the years. So proud of her

>> No.23454631
Quoted by: >>23454638

one of the best OP's to ever exist.

>> No.23454632

You were saying?

>> No.23454634

this was only 2 months ago, and she's so much better now. the most hard working idol.

>> No.23454635
Quoted by: >>23454655

I'd poach from hololive and nijisanji and make my own faction at kson's house: Vtubers Sans Frontieres

>> No.23454638

Suisei really did it justice.
Strange... I don't see the name "AZKI" anywhere in the credits....

>> No.23454642


>> No.23454644


>> No.23454645

ook ook girl sing good

>> No.23454646

Is Suisei going to be Hololive's first singer at #1 on the Oricon?

>> No.23454647
Quoted by: >>23456326

Don't worry, America is waking up and it will soon be back to normal.

>> No.23454649
File: 86 KB, 640x640, strange_idol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bigger tits are a downgrade. There's really nothing wrong with being flat, in fact, it's better than cowtits by a long shot. Maji de.

>> No.23454653

wait, who's that?

>> No.23454655
File: 19 KB, 287x287, 1586563161653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458179

Conspiracy theory the Hololive house is actually the kson house and Coco is grooming the more vulnerable younger members into being her cumpets for when she starts her own chuuba company

>> No.23454657

It's crazy that even after living in Japan for a decade Coco's roommate still can't get citizenship. I usually support strong immigration laws but that's just ridiculous. She is getting raped by both uncle sam and the Japanese government for taxes.

>> No.23454659

not everyone knows that, there are always retards in both english and japanese asking is she coco

>> No.23454660

Suisei really likes her shounen series...

>> No.23454662

This is a good time to repost this.

>> No.23454669
File: 18 KB, 380x467, 1556034949776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suisei... she's really grown... I-is that... the OP? the best OP? and she singing it? Oh my god the tears... she's a star now. the best range in the universe. The greatest comet to ever hit mankind. I LOVE SUISEI

>> No.23454670

I think its probably her own issue

I've heard of a guy who has only lived for 5 years and got it just fine (sacrificing his US citizenship)

>> No.23454673
Quoted by: >>23454775

She still got a massive boost since Coco’s debut.

>> No.23454674

nice one watamefag

>> No.23454678

Jesus who is this? That's a fucking banger song.

>> No.23454679

How long did it take for Matsuri to reveal her power level?

>> No.23454680

>he greatest comet to ever hit mankind
I giggled

>> No.23454682

Even with nazigumi return APEX still a shit game, or they have shit aim idk

>> No.23454685

I missed the first 20 minutes of Suisei, what has she sang so far?

>> No.23454686

She has to marry a jap citizen...

Some of those are actively provoking her to slip up

>> No.23454688
Quoted by: >>23454748

She should be able to get it though. Maybe she doesn’t want to give up US Citizenship or something.

>> No.23454691

I really loved the part where she immediately lost pitch when the music stopped bros...

>> No.23454692
File: 75 KB, 230x267, Luna22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greatest comet to ever hit mankind

>> No.23454694
Quoted by: >>23454703

after dark, alone, rewrite

>> No.23454697
Quoted by: >>23454703

Alones and Rewrite, don't know the other song names.

>> No.23454700

Why does Fubuki have a Host Club in her AC Basement?

>> No.23454701
Quoted by: >>23454734


>> No.23454703

Ah fuck I wanted to hear Rewrite. Thanks.

>> No.23454706

Get out, /v/ermin.

>> No.23454710
Quoted by: >>23454717

I pray everyday that the Holohouse will become a reality.

>> No.23454712

How do I search for all the past Towa videos (especially the one where she laughs at my small penis)

>> No.23454713

I honestly don't understand why Suisei is so divisive. It's like you people just pick random things to be autistic about.

>> No.23454716
Quoted by: >>23454763

It's annoying when you guys suck her dick so much. She's a solid singer. You don't have to pretend she's anything more than that.

>> No.23454717

I don't want that to happen.

>> No.23454718


>> No.23454719

She has the worst posters

>> No.23454720

it's just autism, people hate when anyone besides them enjoys anything.

>> No.23454721

Well she is popular now not a small underdog anymore.

>> No.23454722
Quoted by: >>23454736

suisei is not a good singer

>> No.23454724

>200k subs celebration
>only 14k viewer

oh no

>> No.23454727

So it's not only EOPs who are doing that.

>> No.23454726

Autistic people are easily jealous and jealousy breeds hatred.

>> No.23454728

Don't worry just being born in the US is enough for dear uncle sam to go after citizens money from other country as well (and that's even if you haven't set foot in the US since).

>> No.23454732
Quoted by: >>23454752

She's trash and backed mostly by eops.

>> No.23454734


>> No.23454735

It is Watama, she can't handle Suisei's rise and has elected to shitpost in this very thread to hamper it.

>> No.23454736

It's fine, her audience aren't good listeners.

>> No.23454738

Suisei herself is not a problem.

>> No.23454739
Quoted by: >>23454749

it's rising anon

>> No.23454740

Every single time,Shion is the last one standing and failed to win

>> No.23454741

Nice song.

>> No.23454742

These girls can't win last circle at all, even with krabber

>> No.23454743

She tries to hard.

>> No.23454747

Ayame is just a better streamer

>> No.23454748
Quoted by: >>23454797

US Citizenship is crazy to give up. You can't get it back when you renounce it and being a US Citizen automatically allows your child to be a US Citizen regardless of where they were born.

>> No.23454749
Quoted by: >>23454761

>26 min
>only 15k

>> No.23454750

I hate Suisei because she makes me feel insecure about myself.

>> No.23454751
File: 87 KB, 1024x768, moona14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Area 15" Risu/Moona/Iofifteen talk show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MI--qCRnWYs

>> No.23454752
File: 744 KB, 880x704, 80035620_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454755

>She's trash and backed mostly by eops.
You are by far the dumbest motherfucker in this thread.

>> No.23454753

Do we really know she not a citizen yet? because that means she have to pay taxes for both countries.

>> No.23454755

t. butthurt eop

>> No.23454756

She's doing worse compared to Fubuki's 400k celebration with 4k viewers...

>> No.23454761

quote who

>> No.23454763
Quoted by: >>23454771

Shit vibrato, inhales too much, doesn't emphasize. Try again.

>> No.23454764
Quoted by: >>23454801

Poor Coco, literally losing money for nothing

>> No.23454765

I wonder what new drama is going to come from this

>> No.23454767

16k and rising, about to beat out the collab stream solo.

>> No.23454769
Quoted by: >>23454777

Who is doing a 200k celebration?

>> No.23454771
Quoted by: >>23454785

Show me your singing license.

>> No.23454773

wew dude who made you decide the king to decide that? We're still allowed to like and dislike things according to our own tastes, right?

>> No.23454774

Wait, I've seen you before..!

>> No.23454775

That mainly from people who already knew who Kson was in the first place but didn't subscribe.

>> No.23454776
Quoted by: >>23454786

What do you expect 200k viewers?

>> No.23454777
Quoted by: >>23454793

sui shit sei

>> No.23454779

See, she is even preventing me from spelling her name right, her influence is great..

>> No.23454781
File: 30 KB, 461x461, Richama!_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for another drama fuel.

>> No.23454782

She said on stream that the Japanese government took 20% of her pay check. That only happens if your not a citizen.

>> No.23454784 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x2000, 1574897351431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To celebrate the first holoID group collab, let's take some time to get to know our alien!

>> No.23454785


>> No.23454786


>> No.23454787
Quoted by: >>23454794

Hi /hlg/, I'm new. Link me a couple videos from your favorite girl to convince me to not start shitposting about her.

>> No.23454791
Quoted by: >>23454795

How many questions will it take before squirrel gets doxed?

I'm betting 10.

>> No.23454793

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.23454794

>no new IP
Nice try Suiseifag.

>> No.23454795

3 take it or leave it.

>> No.23454796 [DELETED] 

No one cares. Go away.

>> No.23454797
Quoted by: >>23454806

It's the worse citizenship to have in the world.
The only one which forces you to pay taxes in every country of the world and forces you to declare to each state and bank that you have its citizenship.

>> No.23454798 [DELETED] 

fucking autist, no one cares.

>> No.23454800

20% is fucking nothing I get stole almost 50% in my gay ass country.

>> No.23454801

Her whole life sounds pathetic and sad when you look back at it. No wonders she's autistic for truck simulators.

>> No.23454802 [DELETED] 

you better delete this faggot

>> No.23454803

Uh what the fuck? Why is Ayame streaming a swastika?

>> No.23454804
Quoted by: >>23454914

>Hololive and Youtube take 50% of your superchats
>the japanese government takes 20% after that

Poor Coco

>> No.23454806

It's the only citizenship with any value famalam.

>> No.23454813
Quoted by: >>23454826

No she didn't

>> No.23454814

you don't know anon? ayame are nazifag

>> No.23454816

Taxation is theft, anon. It's time to rise up.

>> No.23454817

>replied to doxxfag

>> No.23454818
File: 20 KB, 292x184, 45354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Aqua idea

>> No.23454819
Quoted by: >>23454827

>being this retarded
the swastika has been a celebrated symbol since our founding fathers, The Nazis, won WW2 along with the Japanese Empire like 100 years ago. Read a book, retard.

>> No.23454820

Why are kson's streams so boring compared to Coco?

>> No.23454822

The viewers Suisei attracts have very low emotional intelligence (autistic, sociopath , ..) which allows them to ignore her emotionless state and ignore her almost robotic performance.

>> No.23454823

yawn. nothing fresh to talk about again.

>> No.23454826

Yes she did? It was on her zatsudan where she first got paid.

>> No.23454825
File: 119 KB, 564x840, 1576599179741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only suisei was even half as good of a singer as watame

>> No.23454827
Quoted by: >>23455028

Did I just get warped to The Man in the High Castle universe

>> No.23454828

Why the fuck does everyone in Apex take so long to die? It's terrible

>> No.23454829

This but unironically. Suisei has zero fucking soul compared to AZKI. Don't watch Sora enough to compare.

>> No.23454830

Because she hasn't started RE3R yet for some reason. Probably just want to relax and draw with her viewers.

>> No.23454831

Time to finally leave a like!

>> No.23454832

Streaming for relax after work.

>> No.23454833

Why haven't you reported that whore of Ayame for promoting Nazi's propaganda on youtube?

>> No.23454834

>Tune in
>They keep speaking in Indonesian and I don't understand shit

>> No.23454837

Kson best content is when she does things outside of gaming. Her makeup tutorial was fun to watch.

>> No.23454838

Yeah I was watching Shirayuri play it a few hours ago. Nothing was dying and she had to reload every fucking 4 seconds.

>> No.23454840

Suisei is amateur tier. Watame is just garbage.

>> No.23454843

cringe live stream

>> No.23454847

Sora got a soul after she dropped the whole Idol act a few months ago.

>> No.23454849


>> No.23454850
File: 505 KB, 563x322, 1564769733588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454852
Quoted by: >>23454871

That because you watch that subbed video didn't you, go look up Japan taxes rate first and see how much it can be base on income, permanent resident, and location.

>> No.23454854

>Squirrel has 4 working ears but PPTenshi only has one.
Doesn't seem fair.

>> No.23454855

>thunder bgm
Sasuga ID.

>> No.23454856

She's training for the third Sino-Japanese war and giving support to Neo-Nazi Germany in the Third World War that is to come.

>> No.23454859 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 750x550, 2defaf98b98c07149a7c32ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some gaijin os balls deep inside Korone right now.

>> No.23454860
File: 101 KB, 750x395, 1586875718958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone will be playing some story heavy delinquent beat-em-up today

>> No.23454861
Quoted by: >>23454881

Can anyone update me on the amount of people watching Suisei's stream right now?

>> No.23454863

nice Luna is even in it

>> No.23454864

So who is the best singer in hololive? I personally think Suisei is decent but there's no way she is better than Sora, Azki, Watame and Kanata.

>> No.23454865
Quoted by: >>23454949


>> No.23454866

suisei on her own feels too bland , collabs make her more interesting but whenever its just her i zone out

>> No.23454867

High TTK is the only reason nip keep playing it.

>> No.23454868

jungle asian looking motherfucker

>> No.23454869

Damn what an ugly potato, how can anyone watch that shit.

>> No.23454870

>Rokudenashi Blues
oh baby

>> No.23454871

Anon, she isn't a Japanese citizen. Just accept this and move on.

>> No.23454872

sexy oni

>> No.23454874
File: 107 KB, 991x1080, EU_5EsKVAAAf0AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454876

fuck okayu

>> No.23454877

Yeah, that's me.

>> No.23454879

I hope she plays a Kunio game at some point.

>> No.23454881
Quoted by: >>23454910

Less than Marine Luna collab earlier.

>> No.23454882

Suisei will be three times better if she changes her colour theme to red.

>> No.23454883

Why does Matsuri trigger /jp/?

>> No.23454884
Quoted by: >>23454902

Coco since she gets the most viewers during her singing streams.

>> No.23454886

Nice, Luna is favorite all senpai.

>> No.23454887
Quoted by: >>23454949

Based dog killing her english fanbase

>> No.23454888

>Rokudenashi Blues
Pure kino

>> No.23454889

no, fuck you

>> No.23454890


>> No.23454891 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1024x800, ENETZfEUwAAUNpF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are old. She's cute now.

>> No.23454892

Cute. Would bang.
Based on what I've seen of Korone's roomate Miyasuke, this picture is really unflattering too.

>> No.23454893

Low magazine + high ammor = very boring game if you can't kill anyone

>> No.23454894

kino is back on the menu.

>> No.23454898


>> No.23454899

I'll be honest, this is the first time I've heard Suisei sing, she sounds like she could be ugly IRL.

>> No.23454900

disgusting, delete this

>> No.23454902
Quoted by: >>23454930

that was 280k celebration and it peaked at 36k, coco singing is a meme so it doesnt count

>> No.23454903
Quoted by: >>23454928

Anemachi will join Holo with red color and she will be her rival

>> No.23454904
Quoted by: >>23454911

That's just shopped.

>> No.23454906
Quoted by: >>23454911

Plastic surgery.

>> No.23454908
File: 89 KB, 473x900, EQsYGsMUEAATjLy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454910


>> No.23454911 [DELETED] 
File: 408 KB, 1128x1392, sukisuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454925

Nothing wrong with surgery

>> No.23454912

She's flat so at least we can conclude that she's not fat

>> No.23454913

>Randomly switching between Japanese, Indonesian and English

I need subs for this shit
I don't think I can last 50 questins watching this

>> No.23454914

wrong, Hololive takes all of it and give them a bonus on top of their normal pay check

>> No.23454915

It's a tie

>> No.23454916
Quoted by: >>23454922

Personally I think Suisei is second only to AZKi, followed by Sora. Watame and Kanata are a whole step bellow, though it's hard to tell what Kanata would be like if she could use her whole power level.

>> No.23454918

Do not speak ill of Suisei this way. This is not the hill you want to die on

>> No.23454919

>could be
There is a good reason she is a virtual idol and not real one.

>> No.23454921
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, japanese person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay faggot falling for filters, that pic is cute.

>> No.23454922
Quoted by: >>23454953

Towa sings way better than Kanata from what I've seen.

>> No.23454923
File: 6 KB, 160x183, 1586954668358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454946

Nice desu ne

>> No.23454925

>English Teacher-kun is slamming this right now

>> No.23454928
File: 371 KB, 818x645, 1582301942530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23454935

But Haato is red rival/friend already

>> No.23454929

>trying to copy peko


>> No.23454930

I've thought that thread's opinion was the bigger number the better? Was I wrong?

>> No.23454935

Akai haato is akai suisei in disguise

>> No.23454936

So this is the real power of a goblina.

>> No.23454937

Actually not bad for no makeup.

>> No.23454938
Quoted by: >>23454948

If this continues Towa might turn Hololive into the Holocaust..

>> No.23454939

Looks like I can go for 6 days straight, and rest on the 7th.

>> No.23454944
File: 122 KB, 607x635, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23454945
File: 283 KB, 1620x1433, 1566547994269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute yandere idol.

>> No.23454946

Oh I guess it is photoshopped. That's depressing as hell.

>> No.23454948

It becomes even worse when knowing that Towa is autistic

>> No.23454949

Does Korone know about Michael Jackson's Moonwalker game?

>> No.23454952

You're a retarded EOP, so I am moving on.

>> No.23454953

Towa just has raw power behind her voice, Kanata has a wider range. I like both though.

>> No.23454955

Luna gets lot of collabs huh

>> No.23454956

I wish she would kill me...

>> No.23454960

I like this fanart

>> No.23454961

>Ayame back-to-back collab

>> No.23454962

>replying to retards who deny clear evidence

>> No.23454965
Quoted by: >>23454980

Towa sang this better.

>> No.23454968
Quoted by: >>23454982

Because playing off with her persona is fun and she know how to go along with it

>> No.23454972

Yeah my hype for her has kinda died. One less vtuber cluttering my sub feed I guess.

>> No.23454973

Everyone loves Luna

>> No.23454975

They just want to pamper this 30 year old woman pretending to be a baby, ain't that the cutest shit ever.

>> No.23454976

She is their child.

>> No.23454977

Why does Ayame get away with have a boyfriend but Aqua can't play Smash with some dude?

>> No.23454979 [SPOILER] 
File: 389 KB, 900x835, 1586955180546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear, if Pekora isn't streaming tonight because of chink niggers...

>> No.23454980

When did she sing it?

>> No.23454982

Her early collabs were kinda painful to watch, but I think now the other Holos seem to know how to play around her RP and they're pretty entertaining.

>> No.23454983

it's her days off...

>> No.23454984

she isn't, she rarely streams late.

>> No.23454985

Ayame doesn't give a shit

>> No.23454986

What goes on in the mind of people that defend idols who get caught with boyfriends and still expect men to throw money at them? If you want to bring joy to the world, go donate to a charity you fucking simp.

>> No.23454987

time to kill chink

>> No.23454988
File: 179 KB, 512x512, 1586896486124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop, she's going to kill herself

>> No.23454993

Swe bro...

>> No.23454994

Ayame doesn't care. She told her fans straight up she had a boyfriend and that they should get over it in her old identity as "Emma."

>> No.23454996
File: 3 KB, 521x41, qzBtYYR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it with this shit already.

>> No.23454998


>> No.23454999

I can't remember the last time she missed a day of stream I guess she earned a day off. Hope the drama is not the reason.

>> No.23455001


i love suisei

>> No.23455003

Anon yo...

>> No.23455004

fuck you....

>> No.23455006
Quoted by: >>23455031

I am tipping her for her entertainment performance not to be my girlfriend, incel.

>> No.23455007


>> No.23455008


>> No.23455011


>> No.23455012
Quoted by: >>23455026

fuck chinks i was really looking forward to pekora peko

>> No.23455013


>> No.23455014


>> No.23455015


>> No.23455016


>> No.23455019

Suisei loves Kana-boon bros..I love her...

>> No.23455020


>> No.23455021
Quoted by: >>23455046

Your donation will just get lost in bureaucracy. Helping an individual is way more productive.

>> No.23455023

c-c-combo breaker

>> No.23455024

Is your quote button not working breh?

>> No.23455025
File: 40 KB, 211x185, 1568281089827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455026
Quoted by: >>23455042

Learn her schedule then crossboarder-kun...

>> No.23455027

What was deleted anyways?

>> No.23455028

Who the fuck is the Man in the High Castle? Do I need to report you to the Führer?

>> No.23455029


>> No.23455030


>> No.23455031
File: 288 KB, 480x550, 1585095482529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455041


>> No.23455034
File: 20 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455035

Meant for >>23454996

>> No.23455038


>> No.23455040


>> No.23455041

You don't tip your stripper or waitress when you go out? Oh wait, you probably don't leave your home.

>> No.23455042

i've watched pekora for months now. she has sometimes when she sets streams really late but i guess not today

>> No.23455043

Ellipses are essential for /jp/ cuteposting...

>> No.23455044
Quoted by: >>23455048


>> No.23455046

Your claim is baseless and you can still choose to help someone that's actually in need.

>> No.23455048

Streisand Effect, aniki...

>> No.23455049

Risu be careful around those two

>> No.23455051

ellipses are a habit I developed on 4chan, sorry...

>> No.23455053


>> No.23455054

The only thing I donate is my time and sperm.

>> No.23455057

Not really an argument in these times.

>> No.23455058

Do you get paid for (You)'s here or something?

>> No.23455059

Cute but you should be in bed or on the way to work, burgerboy.

>> No.23455062
File: 66 KB, 1080x371, IMG_20200415_090007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it with this shit already

>> No.23455063

Is "Haachama" the best nickname in Hololive?

>> No.23455064

I get paid by YAGOO himself to advertise HoloID here.

>> No.23455069
File: 1.10 MB, 834x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What the fuck? Nobody told me Coco's sister was this hot.

>> No.23455070
Quoted by: >>23455088

geez, attention whores are getting pathetic these days.

>> No.23455071
Quoted by: >>23455097

The only holo that would rub me the wrong way if she has a boyfriend is Rushia, and I don't even really watch her. It just feels scummy when someone panders to gachikois as much as she does while being in a relationship.

>> No.23455073

Luna stronk

>> No.23455074
File: 34 KB, 810x310, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cute. Feels good to be a towafag. I feel bad for her antis.

>> No.23455078

Sui so FUCKING cute.

>> No.23455079

Did Suisei just say 500k subs before the end of the year?
Honestly it's possible.

>> No.23455080

The number of (You)'s you have is directly proportional with your self worth.

>> No.23455081


>> No.23455083

Wasted design for an Asacoco joke...

>> No.23455084


>> No.23455087
File: 116 KB, 720x900, Towa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me

>> No.23455088


>> No.23455090


>> No.23455091

Ayame's exposure happened outside her streams, so very few people are even aware of it.

>> No.23455092


>> No.23455094

You never learn

>> No.23455096

I love her bros...

>> No.23455097

Isn't Rushia being herself way more these days to the point of almost completely dropping the nanodesu act

>> No.23455099

to wa . . .

>> No.23455100
File: 124 KB, 265x273, 1559885211006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hating Towa...

>> No.23455105

It feels so surreal to see her here, specially since I've been following her since she was at like 30K. Thought it would take at least a coupleoee motha for that.
Still, I'm very proud of my autistic debiru

>> No.23455104

squirrel japanese actually better than alien...

>> No.23455110

She's probably average looking. A 5 or 6 perhaps. She has a wide range of skills, so Vtubing is probably a perfect fit for her compared to being an idol.

>> No.23455111


>> No.23455113

Suisei is going to be the biggest member in Hololive long term. Believe me

>> No.23455116

>Did Suisei just say 500k subs before the end of the year?
No. She just said her next goal is 500k. Nothing about a time limit.

>> No.23455117

let's help suisei to get 500k subs before the end of the year!

>> No.23455120

It's not that I like you or anything, anon...

>> No.23455121

why does this trigger some people?

>> No.23455129

Towa is truly the genuine Sololive...

>> No.23455132

For Aqua and Fubuki maybe, but it looks a bit too high for Suisui

>> No.23455136

Too bad. Me and 10000 of my alt accounts are gonna unsub her now.

>> No.23455137


Wow Pekora must be really depressed if she felt like using her old account

>> No.23455138
Quoted by: >>23455154

Because it's annoying to read when every couple of posts someone is using it. It's especially consistent with Towafags who contribute absolutely nothing by posting her name followed by ellipses.

>> No.23455140
Quoted by: >>23455153

7 Days to Die, the new hotness.

>> No.23455143
Quoted by: >>23455191

Please oh Lord in heaven, hear my call and tell Towa to algo sing this

>> No.23455145

I wasn't here for the Ayame boyfriend shit and I don't really understand the full context either but how the hell did she get away with having a boyfriend knowing how autistic jap idolfags are? Why is it fair that everyone else has to stay celibate while she on the other hand gets dick on the regular?

>> No.23455146


>> No.23455147

Most of girls are getting 2k per day on regular days these days so yeah.

>> No.23455148

Died in the womb, eaten by the more powerful twin.. Oh the things that could have been..

>> No.23455149

How do you fuckers find this shit

>> No.23455150

it's not her, someone took the account name after she changed it.

>> No.23455151


>> No.23455152

Luna! On the front page!

>> No.23455153
Quoted by: >>23455160


>> No.23455154

The contribute by punctuating Towa's constant state of suffering.

>> No.23455157
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, 205468672_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23455158

that's her roommate anon

>> No.23455159
Quoted by: >>23455164

Anon, we know many of them have boyfriends. Everyone knew about Watame's boyfriend for months and don't care.

The Aqua and Towa thing were about things outside of there being a man involved.

>> No.23455160


>> No.23455164
Quoted by: >>23455174

Towa thing had nothing to do with men and everything to do with lying.

>> No.23455167
File: 73 KB, 598x304, gbdbdf .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455188


>> No.23455169

Because they're fucking retards who don't understand why it's discouraged and rightfully shat on in the first place. Same goes for proper grammar and punctuation. May as well oust themselves as newfags.

>> No.23455171 [DELETED] 

>500k before the end of the year
There's 260 days left, she needs to 283k subs during that time.
For now she gains an average of 1.6k subs so if she can keep it like or more it should be easy.

>> No.23455173

what's the drama this time?

>> No.23455174
Quoted by: >>23455179

Exactly what I said, retard.

>> No.23455178

There's a thing called illusion, if the boyfriend thing never comes up on stream and you don't break character people will most likely don't care about you having a boyfriend irl or not.

>> No.23455179
Quoted by: >>23455195

Reread what I typed.

>> No.23455180

Calling yagoo handsome

>> No.23455183

no drama, just DEEP SQUIRREL LORE

>> No.23455185


>> No.23455186
File: 1.41 MB, 2891x4096, 4c8aee08af233d0828db5c76b2ef34eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to protect her bucktooth smile

>> No.23455187
File: 16 KB, 594x612, 1570383949075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to watch Luna's stream but not Towa's stream.

>> No.23455188

The chinese are so kind

>> No.23455190 [DELETED] 

>>23455079 (You)
>500k before the end of the year
There's 260 days left, she needs to 283k subs during that time.
For now she gains an average of 1.6k subs per day so if she can keep it up like this it should be easy.

>> No.23455191

Not sure how well it would suit her voice, I'd be interested to hear her take on a english song though. She has some skill with english pronunciation.

>> No.23455192

Trying to fit in: the post.

>> No.23455195

Do you enjoy being retarded? A man was involved with Towa's incident, but it had nothing to do with there being a man. Hence, it was a thing outside of there being a man involved.

>> No.23455198

>500k before the end of the year
There's 260 days left, she needs to 283k subs during that time.
For now she gains an average of 1.6k subs per day so if she can keep it up like this it should be easy.

>> No.23455201
Quoted by: >>23455214

>old account
>has no followers or tweets

>> No.23455202

Fucking embarrassing. I never knew Suiseifags were samefags.

>> No.23455203
Quoted by: >>23455216

i miss pekora...

>> No.23455207
Quoted by: >>23455220

Socialblade predicts Sui to reach 500k subs by December.

>> No.23455208
File: 162 KB, 1197x1197, Hoshimachi_Suisei_2019_Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See for yourself.

>> No.23455209
File: 151 KB, 828x1770, 1586728179470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you finally love her?

>> No.23455210

stop that

>> No.23455211

Anon, that's pathetic.

>> No.23455213

delete this, still cute btw

>> No.23455214

She deleted everything

>> No.23455216
Quoted by: >>23455224

Stop this
Pekorabros are too good to be using those

>> No.23455215

take it easy hothead

>> No.23455217

Yes, after she asked me to kiss her.

>> No.23455219
Quoted by: >>23455227

Bros Haato wants to go to go on more epic dates...

>> No.23455220

Not gonna happen, I'm gonna unsub my bots around october.

>> No.23455221
File: 125 KB, 564x690, maxresdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455222
Quoted by: >>23455226

I try to but every day she does something that makes me not like her again.

>> No.23455223

can you do it with green and yellow, just for science?

>> No.23455224


>> No.23455225
Quoted by: >>23455240

All Pekora wanted to do was show her fans a funny meme video of herself and the Chinese had to ruin it just because someone on NND decided to rip it.
Why are they surprised a Japanese person doesn't browse bilibili regularly.

>> No.23455226
Quoted by: >>23455298

like what

>> No.23455228

I like Towa

>> No.23455227
Quoted by: >>23455244

Well why aren't you taking her?

>> No.23455229
File: 85 KB, 456x538, 1585611596636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455236

What's the point of subscribers when it doesn't directly translate to views, membership or superchat? I never quite understood the boast about this. Average view count is far more important and actually meaningful by comparison.

>> No.23455237

that's in reference to our 25 hour non-stop fuck session

>> No.23455238

RIP Luna nara...

>> No.23455240

chink should blame the uploader instead of pekora desu

>> No.23455241
File: 117 KB, 287x313, Luna28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455242

Cute Anemachi

>> No.23455244

She's too fat for dates.

>> No.23455246
File: 2.18 MB, 2048x1322, EK3k78GWwAEi8Ls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a lot of thought that went into her design. It doesnt work as well as the real thing.

>> No.23455247

I've loved her since she showed her feminine side cleaning houses. I'm trying to learn japanese so I can understand her valentines message to me.

>> No.23455248


>> No.23455249


>> No.23455250
Quoted by: >>23455262


>> No.23455255
Quoted by: >>23455268

Can't believe she did this herself...

>> No.23455256

Three times the sub

>> No.23455259

>Subaru, FBK, Mio and Luna together
Can't wait for more Mio's wheeze.

>> No.23455260

It's just a milestone not a metric for success. Don't think much about it.

>> No.23455262
Quoted by: >>23455323

Rikka also just finished his Birthday Stream and no one knew about it, which is a shame he's the cutest of the Stars.

>> No.23455264

You're in a room with Holostars, Towa, and Matsuri. You have one gun and only have one bullet. Who are you putting out of their misery?

>> No.23455267

It's all about getting an extra chance to exploit simps in celebrative stream.

>> No.23455268

false flaggers are cringe

>> No.23455269

the more important metric is actually watch time, not view count. subs are usually important when negotiating ads and partnerships though.

>> No.23455270

I'm still as indifferent as I've always been.

>> No.23455272


>> No.23455273
Quoted by: >>23455294

Myself to save everyone else

>> No.23455274
Quoted by: >>23455294

>You're in a room with Holostars, Towa, and Matsuri.

>> No.23455276

Myself, so I can leave this shitty world behind.

>> No.23455277


>> No.23455278

That's kinda cute...

>> No.23455279
File: 43 KB, 575x1024, DR7qBnJUMAAMUAU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon why are you questioning shit post logic?

>> No.23455280


>> No.23455282
Quoted by: >>23455386

>That bit where she sees the cockroaches for the first time
Hnnnng, an absolute cute.

>> No.23455283


>> No.23455284

Asymmetrical legwear is an abomination.

>> No.23455285

Wait, what happened to the 7 Days stream?
I went away for a minute and come back to dead.

>> No.23455287

How do I kill all of Holostars with one bullet

>> No.23455289

Thank you for mercy killing me, Anon

>> No.23455292

Guys I'm fatiguing so hard, I'm trying to take the N1 at the end of the year and trying to memorize 100 words a day how do people do this?

>> No.23455294


>> No.23455295


>> No.23455296

Business presentations.

>> No.23455297

wrong and also shit taste

>> No.23455298


>> No.23455301

What caliber is the gun? Can I line up everyone and shoot them all with one bullet?

>> No.23455304

I'm always impressed by how Okayu noticed, and moved to cover for her in an instant. Ikemen Kyatto.

>> No.23455306

Line up everyone then shoot myself.

>> No.23455307

Luna can't start the game need to reboot her PC.

>> No.23455309

Defend this Pekorafags.


>> No.23455310

I mean start take lesson instead of try blindly learn it on your own?

>> No.23455312


Moved to 11 pm JST

>> No.23455313

Over years. N1 will probably take at least 2 years casually unless you are full time studying just japanese for one year

>> No.23455316
Quoted by: >>23455382


>> No.23455317

Its fine when its a rare thing. But all the fucking girls do it. It drives me up the wall too because it comes off as the designers trying to make them "unique"

>> No.23455318

she cute

>> No.23455319
File: 208 KB, 1280x720, 1556958646876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455324

Even here is without Towa...

>> No.23455322
File: 156 KB, 1000x1200, EU1FhITUYAAJMtw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455323

Just find it ironic that they're not allowed to play at Hololive servers so they have to try something similar.

>> No.23455324
Quoted by: >>23455332

Do Holostars hate Towa?!

>> No.23455325

>trying to memorize 100 words
yea good luck

>> No.23455326

>trying to memorize 100 words a day how do people do this?
They don't. You must have fallen for some DJT shitpost if you believe you can do that without being some autistic savant.

>> No.23455330

Who's adison?

>> No.23455332

Everyone hates Towa...

>> No.23455333
Quoted by: >>23455382

100 words a day is pure hell anon and the dread is probably going to get even worse as the time pass, you should probably take it slower.

>> No.23455335

except me

>> No.23455336

its more of a milestone that requires the chuuba to do something kinda special or extra and usually they get a little push from management. It doesnt really mean anything really, its a milestone like a birthday.

>> No.23455338
Quoted by: >>23455382

I did 40 words a day and passed anyway.

>> No.23455339
File: 45 KB, 900x900, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora masturbating to PS4 theme on stream when?

>> No.23455340


>> No.23455344

Why does she always sniffle her nose?
Actual bunnies do that too and its kinda cute

>> No.23455345

pekora sniff worth 10 billion yen

>> No.23455346
Quoted by: >>23455383

Do the girls get their silver play button for 100k? I've never heard anyone talk of it so maybe management keeps them

>> No.23455349

I can cosplay as YAGOO, if you know what I mean.

>> No.23455350

red doesn't match her outfit

>> No.23455355

I like Tejima sensei

>> No.23455356


>> No.23455361


>> No.23455365
Quoted by: >>23455392

That's actual part of rabbit survival instinct, pekora on the other hand probably have sinus problems.

>> No.23455370

She's a professional. She makes sure to sniffle her nose at least once every ten seconds.

>> No.23455371

https://twitter.com/Kreuzer00/status/1250041543689297921 wtf eop suiseifags

>> No.23455381

Thats cool as fuck

>> No.23455382
Quoted by: >>23455768

Apparently there's 18000 words that have a chance of appearing in the test, which would take me half a year to learn if I keep at my current pace, although I feel like I'm going to burn out. Sorry, I'll take this to DJT.

>> No.23455383

I think they do get the shields, animare got it but kinda don't really talk about it unless they got anything interesting story with it.

Norio talked about how she had to go to youtube office to get it.

>> No.23455385


>> No.23455386

Post it

>> No.23455389

She retweeted it yesterday.. but it is kind of cringe. The picture is legit though.

>> No.23455390

So does this make her an honorary bolter bitch now?

>> No.23455391

big yikes.

>> No.23455392

she definitively does have sinus problems and that's probably because she is using nasal speech for her voice.

>> No.23455398

Iofi and Moona are really holding Risu down, the squirrel is wasted in that ID shithole

>> No.23455400

Based. Only insecure fags dislike RPfags.

>> No.23455406

Yeah 40k shitters are always cringe.

>> No.23455408
Quoted by: >>23455421

Holy fuck Aqua

>> No.23455410
Quoted by: >>23455445

It cute

>> No.23455412

Sasuga speedrunner

>> No.23455413


>> No.23455414
Quoted by: >>23455420

>no one noticing Aqua went live playing horror game
Nvm, ragequitted

>> No.23455416

The best part of this meem is reddit and discord friendly too! Go ahead and share it there, and never comeback.

>> No.23455417

Luna is in

>> No.23455420


>> No.23455421

I agree, fuck Aqua.

>> No.23455422


>> No.23455424

Luna punch Towa's dead body!

>> No.23455428

wow thats the most Luna will ever sniff in her life

>> No.23455430

RIP Aqua

>> No.23455431

My new headphones finally came in the mail and I wanna test them out. Which holo makes the best ASMR?

>> No.23455432
Quoted by: >>23455442

that's not luna's stream

>> No.23455434
Quoted by: >>23455442

>stream moved to Subaru

>> No.23455436

I like her voice and her singing streams.
Until she starts singing duets with her boyfriend it won't change her performance..

>> No.23455438

Haachama obviously

>> No.23455439
File: 504 KB, 1000x896, EUlwFDlU0AEBNNX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss pekora

>> No.23455440


>> No.23455442


>> No.23455445

It's only cute without snot

>> No.23455448

noel roommate

>> No.23455453


>> No.23455455
Quoted by: >>23455469

I want to suck the snot out of peko nose...

>> No.23455457

It was at 11k before the technical difficulty.

>> No.23455460
Quoted by: >>23457644

What headphones did you get Anon?

>> No.23455461

Be honest.

>> No.23455462

She got 10K before but kusoge won't started.

>> No.23455466

this makes me like suisei more

>> No.23455467

Solo climb Bunta...er Sololive Towa

>> No.23455468

It would be glorious if real.

>> No.23455469

Matsuri why aren't you sucking off tamaki's tamakis?

>> No.23455470


>> No.23455474

Probably getting banged by her black boyfriend at the same exact moment you are writing those words

>> No.23455475
File: 6 KB, 196x298, 1586886226438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455488

>All going live same time

>> No.23455476

sorry I only answer polls that are in japanese

>> No.23455483
Quoted by: >>23455499

I hope the whole thing gets settled quietly soon. I'm assuming they do have an obligation to stream at Bilibili and Pekora has been neglecting hers recently so her fans there have been waiting for her to return, though with all the angry people in the mix right now it's going to be awkward to get back in. Do the other girls stream on that site more frequently?

>> No.23455484

ANyone got the clip of Pekora climbing the stairs?

>> No.23455487

I don't post about my favorite period. The less her name comes up here the better.

>> No.23455488


>> No.23455489
Quoted by: >>23455502

Did they upgrade the 7dtd server?

>> No.23455494


>> No.23455499

Haato just streamed there, and I think a couple others had karaoke streams there recently. I don't think most do it outside of what they are ordered to do, so it seems the complaint is just about the quality of those mandated streams. Haven't seen any Peko ones, but Haato's bilibili streams are pretty entertaining.

>> No.23455502
Quoted by: >>23455627


>> No.23455506

unironically based

>> No.23455507

marketing retard

>> No.23455511
Quoted by: >>23455519

It's weird and depends on who, Aqua does it quite often and also because Meaqua is a big deal over there.

>> No.23455515
File: 554 KB, 1872x2048, 1585005377156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I'm gonna watch soon is based Miko's based as fuck FF7R stream like I do every day she's been streaming it.

>> No.23455517


>> No.23455519
Quoted by: >>23455624

Isn't she also number 2 on their superchats

>> No.23455520

Why are they using nanora nanora?

>> No.23455526
Quoted by: >>23455532

Kinda cute that they are letting Luna host the stream and giving her more exposure

>> No.23455527
Quoted by: >>23455545

It's interesting watching Holostars play a superior zombie game while the girls fuck around in 7d2d. Why doesn't Subaru play Dying Light?

>> No.23455532
Quoted by: >>23455534

Well, they like Luna.

>> No.23455534
Quoted by: >>23455540


>> No.23455536

have the holos encountered the titty zombie

>> No.23455537


Miko is so fucking cute!

>> No.23455538
Quoted by: >>23455577

why is there two threads up?

>> No.23455540


>> No.23455541

>the vtuber clips are funny as fuck
>enjoy stuff like sui's singing streams
>understand too little JP to properly watch any stream because I don't understand anything that isn't basic ass bitch anime-tier Japanese
Send help, what do?

>> No.23455545

The boys are semi-competent gamers.

>> No.23455549
Quoted by: >>23455785

Do your reps

>> No.23455553

pretend you know japanese and larp on the threads

>> No.23455554

wait for AI translators

>> No.23455555

watch haato's EOP stream in one hour

>> No.23455556
Quoted by: >>23455785

Just do your reps anon it's not that hard

>> No.23455558
Quoted by: >>23455785

Do reps.

>> No.23455564


>> No.23455568
File: 535 KB, 1191x1684, EVpZfgiU8AAGa_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Coco in a bit

>> No.23455571

stare at the chat and shitpost about EOPs everytime you see an English comment

>> No.23455577

The other one hit the image limit and died awhile back.

>> No.23455581

Should I steal my sister's switch so that I can try to get Haato to visit?

>> No.23455587
Quoted by: >>23455596

does bili archive their streams? I'm trying to find haato's stream from a couple hours ago, but navigating this site is pure awful.

>> No.23455590

Only if you fill your island with debuchamas

>> No.23455591
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1579613338006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455592

she's the best

>> No.23455593

Only if you propose to her after you go on your virtual island date. Don't forget your tribute of clothes and cash.

>> No.23455596
Quoted by: >>23455600

Check back in a few days. Bili vods take a while to show up.

>> No.23455597

The shin takarajima bit had me in tears. Even the explosion was perfectly timed

>> No.23455600

this site really is the worst, thanks anyway

>> No.23455601
File: 1.25 MB, 1429x2000, EVnMtV3U0AAPd6L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455693


Marine horage

>> No.23455603

Hot. She seems like the type of girl that needs a BBC daddy instead of wimpy, limp dick aznbois.

>> No.23455605

Her last stream I think was with Civia and that's up.

>> No.23455607
Quoted by: >>23455638

How are Americans so obsessed with black men? I see them bring them up a lot.

>> No.23455608

Turn your brain off and just enjoy the voice.

>> No.23455609

keep watching even if you don't understand. don't bother with trying to understand every single word but really listen
you will notice certain words being said often but you have no idea mean what
when that happens, look it up. since they say it often it's something worth learning if you're going to keep watching

keep doing that
as you can tell it will take a while since it's the very casual and passive way to do it but it's very natural

unless you can't understand what your holo is mumbling under her breath through her face mask and hazmat suit
at that point you stop watching the stream

>> No.23455611
Quoted by: >>23455676

https://youtu.be/iQgVURlXppE Okayu

Even if I'm the only one who likes 雑談

>> No.23455618

Ending had me tearing up and I'm not even a 35P, why is she so perfect?

>> No.23455624

Yeah, she and mea basically owns bilibili

>> No.23455625


>> No.23455627


>> No.23455629
Quoted by: >>23455642

I want to like Miko but I hate whores.

>> No.23455630

Ask Noel for some helps.

>> No.23455632

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nd_oKm9TAOI Mel

>> No.23455633

Oh no Towa...

>> No.23455636

holos looking out for pekora and saying fuck you to the chinks

>> No.23455637


>> No.23455638

I don't get why americans have this BBC obsession either.
Look at Africa and you'll see tons of skinny, low-test black guys.

>> No.23455642
Quoted by: >>23455655

Miko is pure.

>> No.23455643

Congratulations! I knew she would make a good mum

>> No.23455646
Quoted by: >>23455685

coco what the fuck is this stream

>> No.23455647
File: 19 KB, 480x270, 06706a61bdf3948b10d15defdee04591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>furyo Korone

>> No.23455651

can't believe Towa went over to her house to beg Choco for a collab

>> No.23455653
Quoted by: >>23455675

What the hell is doing Coco?

>> No.23455655
Quoted by: >>23455682

a pure slut

>> No.23455656
Quoted by: >>23455675

what the fuck coco

>> No.23455659


>> No.23455661
Quoted by: >>23455698

Japanese girls rolling their R's is my favourite.

>> No.23455663

No more bili bili streams?

>> No.23455669

The chinese bugmen must be seething kek

>> No.23455671
File: 95 KB, 608x602, 1579041827955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23455672
Quoted by: >>23455689

Is this ASMR Coco?

>> No.23455673

Towa and Choco are cute

>> No.23455676

Zatsudan is prime content. Only EOPs dislike it because they don't have anything to latch their attention to.

>> No.23455675

waxing zatsudan

>> No.23455681

She sounds like she's about to give birth

>> No.23455682

She's a pure shrine maiden.

>> No.23455685
File: 43 KB, 707x1000, KazumaKiryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is just getting ready for her yakuza daddy to give her the D later obviously.

>> No.23455689

I'd rather subaru ASMR over this.

>> No.23455690

Hey retard, I love Okayu's zatsudan and I don't even understand what she's saying.

>> No.23455692
Quoted by: >>23455740

Huh. Didn't know Choco had a kid.

>> No.23455693

Watching this I'm reminded of the recent post where some dude tiered Marine as not putting on an act and everyone agreed

>> No.23455696
Quoted by: >>23455725

>I love Okayu's zatsudan and I don't even understand what she's saying
Who's the retard here?

>> No.23455698

Any drawfags here? We need Korone drawn in Cromartie style

>> No.23455700

I want Korone to tell me "What the fuck you ate looking at?!"....

>> No.23455703

Do any of the Holostars speak Anglais?

>> No.23455709
Quoted by: >>23455744


>> No.23455712

>Coco waxing zatsudan
This is a cutting edge world we live in...

>> No.23455714

Does waxing really hurt this much

>> No.23455715
Quoted by: >>23455744


>> No.23455718

Not even enough time to get archived, impressive.

>> No.23455719
Quoted by: >>23455744


>> No.23455722
Quoted by: >>23455737

Yes. I waxed my entire body when I stopped being a Hikki and decided to date. It fucking sucked.

>> No.23455723

Chowa or Towcho

>> No.23455725

You for assuming EOPs hate zatsudans.

>> No.23455728

Grab a bunch of leg hairs and rip them out at once, now imagine that over a larger area.

>> No.23455730

i wish

>> No.23455731

Coco birthing noises

>> No.23455732
Quoted by: >>23455754

She's using epilator, worst kind of waxing.

>> No.23455736
Quoted by: >>23455993

She is gonna strike the pubes too?
I need to know

>> No.23455737
Quoted by: >>23455763

Are you a cute trap? Post feet please

>> No.23455738
Quoted by: >>23455762

Haato and Coco, primarily.

>> No.23455740
Quoted by: >>23455752


>> No.23455743
Quoted by: >>23455774

How can you get headache from reading Dazai Osamu's work?

>> No.23455744

Triunality of man

>> No.23455745
Quoted by: >>23455780


>> No.23455749

Probably. What I'm curious about is how a dragon can be so hairy? Is she one of those mexican furred serpents?

>> No.23455752
Quoted by: >>23455765

Explain then N2fag.

>> No.23455754
Quoted by: >>23455760


>> No.23455755
Quoted by: >>23455777

What the fuck is VIO?

>> No.23455756

I actually thought they were boring when I first got into hololive, but they're some of my favorite now.

The good one's really just have a way of turning mildly interesting stories into really pleasant experiences. It's baffling.

>> No.23455757

Do you really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and overreact for views?

>> No.23455759

Chowa easily.

>> No.23455760

because it hurts so much

>> No.23455762
Quoted by: >>23455851

Holostar is the male version of Hololive

>> No.23455763

I'm a lanklet...

>> No.23455765

I'm not sure where to start because I don't know how you managed to glean Choco has a kid from that tweet...

>> No.23455768

It is more important that you actually read a lot, like multiple hours a day, and listen to a lot of Japanese rather than focusing on the amount of words you "learn".

>> No.23455771

It says in the translation that a "devil" was "crying" so loud that it was being picked up on the mic...

>> No.23455773


>> No.23455774

The burden of knowledge.

>> No.23455776

some chick waxing beating a group collab and marine playing a horror game

the state of hololive

>> No.23455777
Quoted by: >>23455782

It's the hair area around your pussy and asshole

>> No.23455778

He obviously ran it through google translate. Even DeepL gets it pretty close

>> No.23455779

you forgot a word. Zatsudans are prime SIMP content, since you're just talking to the streamer. At least in games you watch them play. not simp around talking about simp things.

>> No.23455780


>> No.23455781
Quoted by: >>23455887

My little sister, Shion, is very cute

>> No.23455782
Quoted by: >>23455787

What's it stand for?

>> No.23455783


>> No.23455785

I'm guessing DJT has a nice guide on how to get started?
I have a how-to-learn-the-kana book from 5 years ago at home, maybe I should get to that.

>> No.23455787
Quoted by: >>23455803

It's the shape, going down it's V then I then O

>> No.23455788
Quoted by: >>23455807

Choco cancelled her stream because she heard Towa crying?

>> No.23455790
Quoted by: >>23455797

>how to learn kana

>> No.23455793


>> No.23455794

You need to go back.

>> No.23455796
Quoted by: >>23456142

Chocoyami Cowa

>> No.23455797
Quoted by: >>23455812

Hey, everybody's gotta start somewhere, I picked it up but never used it.

>> No.23455798
Quoted by: >>23455829

the relevant kana literally takes a few hours to learn completely

>> No.23455799

This is an extremely cursed stream

>> No.23455801

go nuts famalam

>> No.23455803

I see, so I'm guessing she's gonna skip epilating VIO area on stream then? If not she's a madman

>> No.23455805

Anon, you can get a good grip on kana in a day if you try. After that, just check back on the more obscure ones once in a while.

>> No.23455806

fuck Coco stops stealing other viewers with your fake idol shit.

>> No.23455807

Yeah. She stopped after Choco gave her some milk though.

>> No.23455808
Quoted by: >>23455847

For EOP Chads in here, here's how you find the latest translated videos:

>First, search for JUST the name of the chuuba. For example, if I wanted to find translated videos for Pekora, I'd search for 'pekora' only in the searchbar.

>Next click on 'Filter', and select Sort by Upload Date.

That's it! There are so many translators with less than 500 subs. Go subscribe to them.

Godspeed, EOChads.

>> No.23455809
Quoted by: >>23455820

That makes me like them a lot more lmao. They play off each other well.

>> No.23455812

yeah my bad. but good luck at learning kanji.

>> No.23455816

I hope she skips that permanently. Sounds painful as fuck, whats wrong with a good old razor?

>> No.23455818
Quoted by: >>23455823

At the risk of sound gay, I find this cute.

>> No.23455820

They do lots of collabs with each other, didn't expect to actually enjoy watching them as much as I did.

>> No.23455822

Her doing her makeup was even better, got so many views too

>> No.23455823
Quoted by: >>23455837

sounds gay

>> No.23455824

Grows back quickly

>> No.23455827

She's removing it permanently, razor doesn't work that way.

>> No.23455828

Coco is a simp magnet

>> No.23455829

How do people manage to do this? I've been doing weekly classes and my own study for 2 months and I cant get katakana to stick in my head. Hiragana is fine and I've even started on a few kanji but katakana is just impossible.

>> No.23455832

That was the sweetest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.23455831

Girls are pretty mental about this shit, apparently they dislike how using razors still leaves the jagged ends sometimes. Epilating removes the roots so it's smooth.

>> No.23455833

please block every once in a while...

>> No.23455834
File: 54 KB, 199x285, Screenshot_2020-04-15 【#桐生ココ】激痛永久脱毛しながらまったりお茶のみ雑談はできるのか【#ココここ】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If not she's a madman

>> No.23455836

Does anyone else shave their arm and leg hairs? They make me feel icky...

>> No.23455837

Still cute though

>> No.23455838
File: 517 KB, 536x529, uhhhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's going for it

>> No.23455839

the absolute madwoman

>> No.23455840

Yeah... Kana is like 0.00001% of Japanese. It won't even feel like the inhale of your first breath once you actually start studying.

But you have to start somewhere. Start your reps now.

>> No.23455841


>> No.23455843

>telling some one who doesnt play fighting games as a norm to block


>> No.23455845

girls do

>> No.23455847
Quoted by: >>23455888

uh i think i may have made mistake somewhere https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1z56eqG2XCI

>> No.23455848

It still grows back anon

>> No.23455849
File: 87 KB, 332x202, Screenshot from 2020-04-15 15-26-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455871

Cursed streams.

>> No.23455851

oh fuck I'm retarded

>> No.23455852

I do

>> No.23455853

Does she not realise real japs always keep that area....shaving the mosaic pixel area implies she's a whore....

Then again, she probably is one, to the yakuza.

>> No.23455855

Coco should have asked Shion to wax her

>> No.23455860

I wonder how YAGOOs blood pressure is right now

>> No.23455861

I just kept doing this
repeatedly until I knew them

>> No.23455862

it's 2020

>> No.23455864

That stream actually looks really fun.

>> No.23455865
Quoted by: >>23455883

How about we crash a Holostar collab stream sometime and have fun with the boys

>> No.23455868

Higher than tokyo tower.

>> No.23455869

is it not waxing but that other thing that spinning thing pulls hair out, that shits fucking painful

>> No.23455870

The real grass was the bushes in Coco's body.

>> No.23455871

AI-kun has returned from his training in the mountains.

>> No.23455874

I think he's worried this will take off like ARK did.

>> No.23455875
Quoted by: >>23455889

Imagine Coco accidentally nicking a part of her vulva or clit lmao

>> No.23455876

Based idol

>> No.23455879
Quoted by: >>23455892

What will it take to push it over the Skytree?

>> No.23455880

Hiragana just seems to be easier because your textbooks use it more often than katakana
just anki everything until it clicks

>> No.23455883

why don't you tongue punch my asshole instead?

>> No.23455884

I think by the end she understood the concept of anti-air, so at least the learned something.

>> No.23455887

Very punchable!

>> No.23455888

you do find some hidden gems like this one lol

>> No.23455889
File: 28 KB, 251x274, 1579994238553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455922


>> No.23455892

Second fucked up from ID branch.

>> No.23455894

Just write it a bunch and read. Mnemonics can be a great help too (for kanji as well). I still can't tell ツ, シ and ン, ソ apart half the time though.

>> No.23455896

a start is a start anon. there is a thread in /jp/ dedicate to study japanese good luck.

>> No.23455898

I find Katakana the hardest too. They are not as distinctive from each other like Hiragana are. However, since Katakana are not used as much as Hiragana, I've just skipped brute memorizing them. I'll look up characters I can't remember and just switched everything in my phone and such to Katakana so that I have to constantly, passively see them and connect them to words I already know. It's been working pretty well so far, there's only a few Katakana I struggle with.

>> No.23455902

Yagoo is watching this and laughing, I can feel it

>> No.23455905

It's weird how well coco's streams do when she does literally anything other than playing video games

>> No.23455908
File: 403 KB, 531x665, 1586780650538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23455939

I love Luna!

>> No.23455909

How is Coco still monetized?

>> No.23455910

coco NO!

>> No.23455913

Haachama please start your EPIC stream ASAP

>> No.23455914

Has anyone watched this?
YAGOO was pretty active in the chat too and it was overall pretty chill

>> No.23455915

So, how to suggest a game to a low-prescence hololive like Choco or Towa?

Choco: Va11-Halla
Towa: TF2

>> No.23455919

Does it count as ASMR if you're literally torturing yourself?

>> No.23455921

I'm boycotting Coco

>> No.23455922
File: 429 KB, 1654x1172, 1580796140447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ffs when are we getting a hololive designed by Raita?

>> No.23455925

What's the best way to learn only spoken japanese, I don't care about learning how to read or write

>> No.23455926

She is American at the end. Plus she's probably a whore to the Yakuza.

>> No.23455928

her gaming stream get 8-10k+ constantly but the games she plays suck hard

>> No.23455930

hopefully never

>> No.23455931
Quoted by: >>23459542

Anon, as much as I like TF2, nobody is ever going to stream that game.

>> No.23455932
Quoted by: >>23459542

>how to suggest a game
By not

>> No.23455933
Quoted by: >>23455977

hopefully never, it looks like dog shit.

>> No.23455935

Raita should design a menhera girl

>> No.23455936
Quoted by: >>23455991

>I still can't tell ツ, シ and ン, ソ apart half the time though.
read more 外来語

>> No.23455937

Never because they can't market skeletons to China

>> No.23455938

Razors doesn't remove the root so removing it by pulling is the only way.

>> No.23455939
Quoted by: >>23455958


I hope this zombie kusoge becomes the next ARK

>> No.23455940

Move to japan for a year, do the trial by fire

>> No.23455941

not soon enough

>> No.23455942


>> No.23455946
File: 1.76 MB, 2894x4093, IMG_20200327_004019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Mio is the comfiest Holo and the best mother for my children.

>> No.23455949
Quoted by: >>23455963

Fuck Coco i am watching doggo

>> No.23455952
File: 174 KB, 247x316, Unbennant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23455953

nobody but an autist like you would want to watch towa play that old shitty hat simulator

>> No.23455956
Quoted by: >>23455959


>> No.23455958


>> No.23455959

thanks for catching up haato

>> No.23455960

It's because Coco's non-gaming stuff is Western bait for nips. They get to watch a gaijin be a gaijin in fluent Japanese. It's like a circus show.

>> No.23455963

This, didn't though I would grow fond of her.

>> No.23455964
Quoted by: >>23455992

Easy, make some fanart. Choco would be an interesting watch.

>> No.23455965


>> No.23455970
Quoted by: >>23455988

there's this radio in japan that teaches japanese words and phrases that you can listen to if you have the app, other than just get a dictionary or google translate, write down some words and constantly repeat it to yourself over and over and over

>> No.23455973
Quoted by: >>23455986

Has the spic haaton finished his epic island?

>> No.23455974

you missed it....

>> No.23455976

She started there

>> No.23455977

i bet you hate asanagi too...

>> No.23455985


>> No.23455986

He's doing it for Towa.
I don't know if anyone has an island for Haato

>> No.23455987

Well, that's ONE way to hit those high notes....

>> No.23455988
Quoted by: >>23456022

Do you happen to know the name of the radio?

>> No.23455989

My ChocoXTowa headcanon is going pretty damn good.

>> No.23455991
Quoted by: >>23456040

I probably should get back to studying in general since I haven't done anything for ages, but something about those characters just completely fucks with my brain. If they are in a word I can make sense of them most of the time, but if they are alone my brain just completely blanks out.

Maybe I should follow my own recommendation and just ram some mnemonics for them in my head.

>> No.23455992
Quoted by: >>23456014

That's the secret. That's it; that's literally it.
Choco should play games that require 0 mechanical/execution skill. Preferably ones that aren't AC.

>> No.23455993


>> No.23455995
Quoted by: >>23456028

I want to be monster girl quested by Fubuki and Mio!

>> No.23455996
Quoted by: >>23456004

Absolutely based, singing some whitney songs while ripping the hairs out of your asshole

>> No.23455997
File: 1.20 MB, 2263x3285, 1584986296972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23456000

The best way to learn spoken Japanese is moving to Japan. If that's impossible, the next best way is learning written Japanese while consuming a lot of written and spoken content.

>> No.23456001

uhhh how the fuck is coco not doing idols stuff allowed dislike squad assemble

>> No.23456004

she planned to make this as entertaining and erotic(?) as possible

>> No.23456007
Quoted by: >>23456014

She does love her shitty indie VNs.

>> No.23456011
Quoted by: >>23456036

ahh, I made an upsie
he didn't mention where he was from

>> No.23456014


>> No.23456016

They're all over 30 why don't they used lasers yet wtf hairy whores.

>> No.23456017

watch hololive

>> No.23456018
Quoted by: >>23459570

tf is an anti

>> No.23456019
Quoted by: >>23456034

is she really ripping off her ass hair?
even I haven't had the balls to do it

>> No.23456022
Quoted by: >>23456064

I forget the exact name but I'm pretty sure it's an NHK one

>> No.23456024

this is what your idols do when they're not streaming bro

>> No.23456028
File: 72 KB, 630x1200, IMG_20200415_140342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make little mio pups with mio.

>> No.23456031

Swear to god, the shit that women do

>> No.23456032

She's here to sink the idol industry with no survivors.

>> No.23456033

Gayest post in the jay this week.

>> No.23456034
Quoted by: >>23456070

>ass hair?
I usually shave it but they mostly suggest to use a cream that disolves hair or something

>> No.23456036

The spic was for Towa. There were others who picked up AC for Haato.

>> No.23456037
Quoted by: >>23456059

This little pup is already nopan at this age!

>> No.23456038

YAGOO.... Save the dream!

>> No.23456039

i like her wheezing laughs

>> No.23456040
File: 23 KB, 318x298, zdtxauxvosp31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just learn the strokes and write them over and over again

>> No.23456041

I wish Hinata would join Hololive. Her channel is slowly dying...

>> No.23456042
Quoted by: >>23456069

I don't think I'm ready to see haato go on multiple cute animal crossing dates again. Is this how cucks feel?

>> No.23456044
File: 212 KB, 662x800, EVpjL4dU8Ag-wmD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23456047

Is Mio the most normal person in all of Holo?

>> No.23456050

Is there no blocking in dog's game?

>> No.23456051
File: 22 KB, 400x400, 1570292226873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23456052

this stream is proof that coco can take a shit in yagoo's mouth in a stream and everyone would still applaud her for it, hell the day she does it she'll be renowned a virtual legend god emperor

>> No.23456053
File: 212 KB, 1448x2048, EVn_rL9UYAEZKip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456082

>> No.23456054


>> No.23456059
File: 268 KB, 674x449, YAGOO_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pups should be all natural. Hadaka or go home.

>> No.23456060


>> No.23456062

Mio or Okayu

>> No.23456063

Looks like GYARI's daughter.

>> No.23456064

you can google names for some too, a couple have programs that teach japanese, also make sure to constantly be consuming japanese media

>> No.23456066

wtf i love holo usa now

>> No.23456069

Korone has been fighting this fat nigga for how long now?
no, they'd like it. That's the difference between someone who's been cheated on and a cuck.

>> No.23456070

Why shave your ass hair? Doubt women even care about that

>> No.23456072
Quoted by: >>23456103


>> No.23456074

Hey, so, uh... who is she waxing for?

>> No.23456076

Dog is dumb.

>> No.23456077

As said, my brain is being retarded. I've written that shit probably hundreds of times, but it never sticks.

Now that I think about it, I can write them just fine even though I'm rusty, but the moment I need to read them in a word that I can't immediately recognize I start to get confused.

Just end me...

>> No.23456078

Okayu is a fat nerd. She is also a willing friend of korone. That alone makes you far from normal.

>> No.23456079


>> No.23456080

Is Coco taller than YAGOO?

>> No.23456082

Do you think the girls pick their noses while streaming?

>> No.23456083
File: 75 KB, 800x400, 1572758189985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I'll never understand people who think they can learn everything visually, it might be working for some but learning how to write is literally a life hack to remember things.

>> No.23456084

but anon said coco never thanks superchats...

>> No.23456086


>> No.23456085
Quoted by: >>23456489

Okayu's too otaku to be normal. Mio seems to have her shit all together.

>> No.23456088

No thanks, I think I'd rather deal with Coco Kaine

>> No.23456093

To feel good.
Having no hair on your body feels nice.

>> No.23456094

Haato forgot to download another animal crossing update. Why is my wife so stupid?

>> No.23456095


>> No.23456096
Quoted by: >>23456206

post sauce

>> No.23456097
Quoted by: >>23456128

Nah that Subaru.

>> No.23456098
Quoted by: >>23456152

So ASMR gets shut down but ripping the hair out of your asshole is fine?

>> No.23456100

endless superchat reading time for coco

>> No.23456099

You can't block command throws....

>> No.23456103
Quoted by: >>23456109


>> No.23456107

I'm a male and i dont wax for anybody

>> No.23456109


>> No.23456111
File: 113 KB, 850x1201, A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgetting best girl and true route

>> No.23456112
Quoted by: >>23456156

That is the cutest thing I've seen in a while. I wish I had a cute wolfgirl wife.

>> No.23456116

Save us from Coco shitposting Haachama

>> No.23456119
File: 15 KB, 333x117, 1584952122006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23456118


>> No.23456120

Matsuri invited herself to Coco's house in that other stream

>> No.23456121
Quoted by: >>23456165

YAGOO made a bet while drunk about making an idol group out of oldhags sluts already in relationship and if it was successful the nijiman would have to pay him a beer.

Mio said that Okayu is a madman too.
Is there any Mio wheezeing pic?

>> No.23456123

The good ending.

>> No.23456125

her bf takaya kuroda

>> No.23456128
Quoted by: >>23456169

Subaru's a westaboo though, and she's slowly being corrupted as time goes on.

>> No.23456127

Cutest drooling retard idol!

>> No.23456129

The problem is, they look nearly identical when digitally written because they are almost identical. That takes visual repetition to differentiate. Writing it won't help you read digital script, because you can write it more distinctly.

>> No.23456131

Quick, somebody call Peko to teach her the basics of CQC.

>> No.23456132

Cucked out of being cucked.

>> No.23456133

>learned how to block when fighting the grab character
Dumb dog

>> No.23456134

She does it purpose right?

>> No.23456138


>> No.23456139
Quoted by: >>23456187

Did you miss marines stream where she was getting turned on by flares shota voice? I think she falls into the same category as fubuki and suisei.

>> No.23456141

Pls understand she has autism.

>> No.23456142

>Just Towa but with giant tits
I like that.

>> No.23456146

not really
though it will grow back but the hair becomes smoother

>> No.23456148

fuck yes Miko time

>> No.23456150
File: 2.58 MB, 600x600, AAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23456152

It's youtube anon. Of course it makes no sense.

>> No.23456154

That one is rotten.

>> No.23456156
Quoted by: >>23456218

Fullbody VR followed by mind uploading when.

>> No.23456158

Haato is close to me on a soul level.
I am literally as retarded as her and my cooking is just as bad

>> No.23456160

How do you accidentally uninstall a game you are actively playing? The fuck is wrong with her? Did Stalker-kun finally track her down and is bullying her IRL?

>> No.23456165

I hope YAGOO got his damn beer then.

>> No.23456166

I assume this is true for most of her fanbase. They get to laugh at her, and feel better about themselves.

>> No.23456167
File: 872 KB, 895x1200, 1583061568495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo...

>> No.23456169

Being westaboo is pretty normal there,Mio on the other hand love occult stuff like tarot reading

>> No.23456170

Fuck, I want my Haato ASMR. Why the fuck is youtube so strict with it?

>> No.23456171

Marine has a powerful voice

>> No.23456174
Quoted by: >>23456198

Are you a girl?

>> No.23456176

if haachama cancels today's stream I'll fucking pinch myself.

>> No.23456177

You guys told me she was a gamer...

>> No.23456179
File: 268 KB, 805x843, image0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora has had enough of bilibili

>> No.23456180

Yeah, I think Okayu isn't off tilt but she isn't ''normal''.

I heard Subaru is quite the normie. Mio is definitely the most normal and sane Holo.

>> No.23456183


>> No.23456187

Women getting turned on by shota is normal. Fubuki is an otaku and suisei a psychopath on top of that.

>> No.23456189

Fortune telling and horoscope stuff is super normie tier in Japan.

>> No.23456190
Quoted by: >>23456212

what's her name again?

>> No.23456192

much harder to accidentally uninstall on switch but I accidentally uninstalled MHW on ps4 once when i meant to close it

what a special girl my daughter is

>> No.23456194
Quoted by: >>23456214

Oh no, Coco is singing.

>> No.23456196
Quoted by: >>23456214

She really likes this rockabye song huh?

>> No.23456195
Quoted by: >>23456214

>coco singing
oh no

>> No.23456197

>learning how to write is literally a life hack to remember things.
I love writing things down, I think it makes you focused on a thing you're learning for longer so it sticks better
I believe it was both production and writing what I see that allowed me to learn all the 常用漢字 in just 4 months

>> No.23456198

Girls are the cutest when they're borderline retarded and can't function without help. That's why I love haachama

>> No.23456201
File: 1.78 MB, 1920x1080, 1586919652802.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does A-chan smells like?

>> No.23456202

Am I a pedophile if I enjoy Haato's English only streams? I mean she sounds like a little girl, acts like a little girl, and has the English vocabulary of a 6 year old...

>> No.23456206
Quoted by: >>23456456

She was a little depressed because of all the attention her DOOM stream got and started stressing that those viewers would only see her as a meme instead of someone who actually cares about her streams a little bit ago. That's the closest thing he might be meaning.

>> No.23456209

She's super inept and autismal, a real dojikko. She needs a real man to take charge in her life and set her straight.

>> No.23456211

Kill them all peko, kill them all.

>> No.23456212

Usada "/pol/" Pekora

>> No.23456213

>Pls understand she has autism.
is there an haato edit with the hat?

>> No.23456214

its her SC reading song and a excuse to practice probably

>> No.23456215
Quoted by: >>23456264

I bet you can trick her into doing all kind of ero stuff and she's still none the wise even after having her ass gaping wide open.

>> No.23456218
Quoted by: >>23456262

I can't wait, but choosing between my actual waifu and Mio will be hard. Looking at another wolf is probably already cheating.

>> No.23456219
File: 188 KB, 640x360, Koromartie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23456220

Haachama and her fanbase are both S and M.

>> No.23456222

instant ramen and sweat

>> No.23456223

Subaru actually learned enough english to talk about the avengers movies on English-speaking boards though. That's a step beyond.

>> No.23456224

Stopped reading there
Americans please go and stay go

>> No.23456225
File: 151 KB, 1185x1000, 1581511509791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456250

if we are getting an american hololive then we are probably getting a russian hololive sooner or later

>> No.23456226

By that logic, Luna's entire fanbase, especially the nips, are pedos.

>> No.23456227
Quoted by: >>23456265

She probably mixed up uninstall and update

>> No.23456230
Quoted by: >>23456236

Like a mom to be.

>> No.23456236


>> No.23456239

coco literally singing now

how to stop her?

>> No.23456241

My cummies.

>> No.23456243

>the nips, are pedos
Uhm yes?

>> No.23456246

Maybe nobody reported her yet, try it and find out.

>> No.23456247

she doesn't actually understand the menus when they're in english

>> No.23456248

wtf is wrong with her english

>> No.23456249

subaru is probably a literal redditor if that's true

>> No.23456250
File: 390 KB, 695x958, 1586526481939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456269

I can't wait

>> No.23456251

imma watch 35p

>> No.23456252
Quoted by: >>23456277

Wow, really? Did she post with her Holo account or something?

>> No.23456255

I mean, that's not wrong.

>> No.23456257

Same here
Not trying to feel better about myself I just think it's funny and endearing that she has the same flaws I do

>> No.23456258
Quoted by: >>23456342


delinquent life looks so fun in that game

>> No.23456259

This makes a terrifying amount of sense...

>> No.23456261
File: 301 KB, 436x437, haachamaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23456262
Quoted by: >>23456291

And just make a big pack with alpha and beta females. Many animals have multiple females mating and staying with the same make. Like lions.

>> No.23456264

Matsuri actually did that once. She kept groping her but Haato didn’t realize what she was doing and just thought Matsuri was touching her by accident or something.

>> No.23456263

Probably true... but how long has she been living in Australia again? Her English should be better by now. Plus, her reading comprehension actually seems really competent.

>> No.23456265

I don't know why you would update that way, just relaunch the game and it checks for an update anyway. You can't fuck up.

>> No.23456269

Who is this semen demon

>> No.23456272


>> No.23456275
Quoted by: >>23456300

her chat is saying she deleted it to make space for other games. makes sense since she spent half an hour installing a Tetris update on the stream after her last EOP stream.

>> No.23456276


>> No.23456277
Quoted by: >>23456345

Pretty sure it was before she became a holo. It's just a story she talked about on one of those IQ test streams.

>> No.23456278
File: 153 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towabros... Towa's not playing FPS anymore...

>> No.23456279

I am that stupid.
Oh also i doxxed myself, twice

>> No.23456281

Some dead russian 12 years old princess

>> No.23456282
Quoted by: >>23456296

Senchou was an OL

>> No.23456283

Anastasia from FGO

>> No.23456285

She doesn't even understand them when they are in Japanese.

>> No.23456287


>> No.23456289

ok boys
you still have 1 hour to prepare your island

>> No.23456291
Quoted by: >>23456365

yep I'll add in grey wolf from kemono friends as well then. Something about these designs just tickles me.

>> No.23456292
Quoted by: >>23456336

Damn shes really embracing the western crowd huh. Doesn't get more reddit than Undertale.

>> No.23456293
Quoted by: >>23456367

They updated the schedule site.

>> No.23456296


>> No.23456299
Quoted by: >>23456334

Has any holos done genocide route besides Subaru?

>> No.23456300

Is the Switch really that screwed for storage space?

>> No.23456301
Quoted by: >>23456320

Danmaku is just FPS for japanese anon.
Also undertale is really popular in Japan, so it's not as reddit as it looks.

>> No.23456302

That's good. Good for me at least, probably not good for her because that's obviously the things she loves

>> No.23456303

I'm in the same field for both languages except she's more of a gullible, dumb teenager. I find it rather endearing. Like someone you want to mentor and protect.

>> No.23456305

Some guy in chat said her sd card is just really small and has to rotate which ones she can store. I love how cute she is.

>> No.23456306
Quoted by: >>23456325

Okayu's zatsudan was nice. Now I'm going to catch up on some sleep with the soothing sounds of Miko screaming in the background.

>> No.23456312

I've done it when trying to download an update before on Nintedo switch. I was paying more attention to something I was watching on the computer and repeatedly trying to download it as soon as it released.

>> No.23456313

Nah, I have a 500 gb SD card in my switch and I stored pretty much every big games released to this day, It's way enough

>> No.23456314
Quoted by: >>23456338

She probably doesn't know you can put a SD card in. The slot is hidden in a stupid place.

>> No.23456315

my wife

>> No.23456318

Thanks for confirming.

>> No.23456320
Quoted by: >>23456330

>it's not as reddit as it looks
t. discord

>> No.23456322
Quoted by: >>23459142

Poor Haachama. Where do her superchats go though? I can understand not wanting to buy a new PC while stuck on that rock, but an SD card for the Switch surely shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.23456324

Even in Towa's thumbnails, she is dead...

>> No.23456325


>> No.23456326

You were right.

>> No.23456327

Can't wait for her to collab with Marine for Touhou 9 then.

I honestly doubt it.

>> No.23456330

Hi, /v/. Enjoying your visit?

>> No.23456334
Quoted by: >>23456357

The only Undertale stream I've watched is Korone's

>> No.23456336

>Doesn't get more reddit than Undertale.
Anon, the JOPs suggested her Undertale...

>> No.23456337

that's adorable. poor haato

>> No.23456338

That's both embarrassing and cute. Sasuga Haachama.

>> No.23456341
File: 4 KB, 337x44, 1562342867176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456371


>> No.23456342

There's a lot of honesty to delinquent anime/manga, it's just boys being boys: skipping school, chilling with their buds, having "harmless" fights over nothing

>> No.23456343

Haato's BGM is on! She's probably gonna play something else.

>> No.23456345

Ah, so she was a bigger Westaboo than Korone even before Holo.

>> No.23456348

that's such a cute thumbnail

>> No.23456353
Quoted by: >>23456418

It only has 32 GB of internal storage so it isn't that much.

>> No.23456357
Quoted by: >>23456385

Pretty sure Korone beat Undertale before she joined hololive. Or is this her former persona?

>> No.23456365
File: 40 KB, 417x300, 1584795989246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure are a manslut, Anon. Keep chasing those fluffy tails and don't let silly stuff like polygamy get in your way.

>> No.23456367
File: 100 KB, 275x255, Screenshot from 2020-04-15 16-21-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23456371

>already breakdown
thanks coco stream

>> No.23456375
Quoted by: >>23456441


>> No.23456377

Haachama apology stream

>> No.23456380

Doesn't sound so genki...

>> No.23456381

>my blain

>> No.23456383

what's wrong with choco

>> No.23456385

I don't remember her saying so but it looks like she knows what's she's doing.

>> No.23456386

Wtf bros, you told me Choco never gets collabs.

>> No.23456387 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x2000, 1586964227794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are such hypocrites. If pic related was happening to Haato you guys would be going ape shit. But since its this newbie Indo girl, you don't give a shit. Fuck you guys.

>> No.23456388
Quoted by: >>23456401

her what is bloken?

>> No.23456389

very broken indeed

>> No.23456391

haachama's brain broken?

>> No.23456393

Sasuga Haachama

>> No.23456395

People don't care about a literal who
That's normal

>> No.23456396

Fuck off.

>> No.23456397

*windows noises*

>> No.23456399
File: 240 KB, 1200x957, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_sakino_shingetsu__371653fba4ef2613a9241ad4eeebb641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxpGjdo_Ris Peko NO compilation

>> No.23456400

Christ someone save this dumbass from herself

>> No.23456401


>> No.23456402
Quoted by: >>23456407

>if something bad happened to [vtuber that has been around a long enough time to garner a fanbase] you guys would be upset!
Wow that's crazy

>> No.23456403
File: 318 KB, 373x442, 1555707458604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23456404

This is peak Haachama

>> No.23456405


>> No.23456407
Quoted by: >>23456417

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23456409

That's wrong, posting it between ourselves last night was funny. Spreading it is just malicious.

>> No.23456410
Quoted by: >>23456422

haachama literally can not stop fucking up

>> No.23456411

I mean, of course? Still you got like 8000 post out of it.

>> No.23456412

Everytime I hear the windows sound I chuckle

>> No.23456413

Nobody cares. Fuck off.

>> No.23456414

What the FUCK she is DOING

>> No.23456415

She's pretending, guys.

>> No.23456417


>> No.23456418

Can you get one with better storage? I mean my phone has 4 times of that.

>> No.23456419

this is the best stream haachama has done ever

>> No.23456420

I"ve always wanted this.

>> No.23456422

And I like it !

>> No.23456424

Haachama faking PC issues to get out of speaking English

>> No.23456425

And yet instead of just forgetting it like the rest of us have you decided to drudge it up for the 20th time by posting a fucking photo with all her information on it

>> No.23456426
Quoted by: >>23456459

guys please don't reply to that's literal bait

>> No.23456427

>Kaji Yuuki

>> No.23456428

>literally mashing on her keyboard
I can't take it bros, I don't care how retarded she is I love everything about her

>> No.23456430

It has a sd card slot. So you can get 500gb card for it.

>> No.23456432
Quoted by: >>23456449

She's not smart enough to come up with a plan like that.

>> No.23456433

>Coco wacing AsMR
>Haachama Windows errors ASMR

>> No.23456434


>> No.23456435

Nothing hypocritical about that.

>> No.23456436

Remember to report the doxxfag so he has to move his fat ass and restart his internet connection everytime he tries to start shit

>> No.23456437
File: 473 KB, 1381x1920, 1586635106523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, this is going in my Haachama segment. Grass.

>> No.23456438

fuck off.

>> No.23456439

eigo fukin mudukashii desu ne

>> No.23456441

Who is Matsuri sleeping with to get all the collab ?

>> No.23456443

>This is so horrible you don't give a shit fuck you
>Lemme post the pic so more people see it lmao xd lol haha
If you really cared you would just ignore it

>> No.23456444
File: 1.06 MB, 1992x1241, EVKRrCPUYAAB2p_.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to watch your favorite """"idol's"""" song at least once a day!


>> No.23456445

Haachama being a retard would be funny if it weren't so sad

>> No.23456446

I'm not feeling fluent enough for Haato's stream.

>> No.23456447

>not doing english only anymore

>> No.23456449
Quoted by: >>23456464

She could be a legendary software beta tester with her abilities.

>> No.23456452
File: 59 KB, 1000x1000, EVkjHIsWAAAmVo_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom, I'll be on the news again

>> No.23456453

oh my god you are such a fucking loser.

>> No.23456456

Thanks anon. Things like these reminds me that it's entertainment industry and survival of the fittest, I don't want those feels

>> No.23456457
File: 489 KB, 587x820, 1586661231143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what will I masturbate to tonight

>> No.23456458
Quoted by: >>23456462

Oh wow she's close to 100k

>> No.23456459

redditors can't help themselves. they must save chuubarino from ebil doxxers

>> No.23456460

She is so pathetic bros...

>> No.23456461

Used goods can't be idols anon...

>> No.23456462
File: 74 KB, 829x659, EVaE6yWU0AQNWzC.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456479

Mind if you give her a pity sub? Ask your mom to sub too!

>> No.23456463

Why do you all reply to this shit. Just ignore and report then carry on with the thread as normal. It's not hard.

>> No.23456464

More like a UX tester. If you can Haato-proof it, you can be sure it's gonna be intuitive for everyone else.

>> No.23456465 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 959x193, 7582848285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456476

Remember to report the sperg for doxxing.

>> No.23456469

>all those wrong answers in the chat
I hope they're trolling

>> No.23456470

Is hachama extra retarded today?

>> No.23456472

>Used goods
Bubs, all idols have to go through the initiation and become used goods.

>> No.23456473

Love the way Miko says, "Tifa"

>> No.23456475

I think I'm starting to have too much asacoco. I just had a wet dream about Coco and Kson, with Coco being my classmate and Kson being my teacher. What do I do?

>> No.23456476

Done. Thanks for the reminder anon.

>> No.23456477
Quoted by: >>23456487


>> No.23456478

Tell me about this usagi, why does she say no so often?

>> No.23456479
Quoted by: >>23456493

I'm already subbed to her and it wasn't out of pity!

>> No.23456482

>Up-to-date hardware and storage
Pick one. They love selling underpowered, under speced shit.

>> No.23456483
Quoted by: >>23456501

That's normal, actually.

>> No.23456484
Quoted by: >>23456501

get better taste

>> No.23456485
Quoted by: >>23456495

>pics of people on their phones
the fuck is that

>> No.23456487

this isn't her normal brand, this is extra.

>> No.23456489

Except for being a new age hippie.

>> No.23456490
Quoted by: >>23456497

What the hell is "elderly man hunting"

>> No.23456491

Get fucked. Fujoshits deserve hell.

>> No.23456492

bait. Don't reply to this shit.

>> No.23456493
File: 1.37 MB, 1270x1920, 80670535_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23456495
File: 25 KB, 845x291, 1570655915192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's shitty wasei eigo

>> No.23456496

Is this a legitimate learning app? Jesus Christ.

>> No.23456497

Sugar daddy hunting

>> No.23456498
File: 841 KB, 2893x4092, 1583519555696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds hot.

>> No.23456501

It was pretty hot, though. What's wrong with Coco? Kson, sure, she's a 7/10 3d, but Coco's pretty hot.

So I'll be okay?

>> No.23456503
Quoted by: >>23456511

anon why aren't you dreaming of coco kaine?

>> No.23456504

Choco Toko

>> No.23456505

Emma Watson collab

>> No.23456506

Why can't they just buy those phone aps/games and not be spammed with ads every click?

>> No.23456507

ponytail coco with glasses is hot

>> No.23456508
Quoted by: >>23456518

Haato would be a bad wife.

>> No.23456510

I've turned around on haato, shes so fucking dumb. I love her.

>> No.23456511
Quoted by: >>23456543

She's my phone wallpaper.

I can't help but keep thinking about it. Haven't stopped thinking about it ever since I woke up six hours ago.

>> No.23456513

I almost never dream about weeb shit but I've legit been having dreams about Marine recently.

>> No.23456514
Quoted by: >>23456529

It's time anon, it's time for you to ascend to a high plane by end it all.

>> No.23456517
Quoted by: >>23456535

She literally changed the entire stream, not even english only anymore. I think she was stressed out

>> No.23456518

This post made me unreasonably angry

>> No.23456520

what's 5ch's reaction to coco's retarded waxing stream

>> No.23456521
Quoted by: >>23456549

I love Haato, this app is not gonna help her english

>> No.23456525

You guys keep talking shit about Haato's english but this app seems worse

>> No.23456529
Quoted by: >>23456568

What was your dream about, anon?

Here I come, Gensokyou.

>> No.23456531

>haachama literally see the chatbox for the answer
why even i watch this?

>> No.23456532

we need to go DEEPER

>> No.23456533

FUCK Emma Watson

and haato too

>> No.23456535

I'd be stressed do if I accidently deleted the game I was going to play 10 minutes before I was supposed to stream it.

>> No.23456542
Quoted by: >>23456562

Is it still gaijin if it's foreign born ethnic Japanese?

>> No.23456541

I would rather watch Animal Crossing than this

>> No.23456543
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1583629410724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456557

Please describe what happened in the dream.

>> No.23456545

I hate being ...... with old men

>> No.23456546

this haato stream is pure torture...

>> No.23456549

Agreed, she is in australian higschool, this is kindergarden shit

If kusona hadnt started she'd make better progress just going outside talking to people

>> No.23456550

I just hear her voice in my dreams

>> No.23456555

Fuck, I can't take her retardness anymore. Haato is cutely inept.

>> No.23456556
Quoted by: >>23456629

I just want more comfy haato animal crossing streams

>> No.23456557

I'll put it in a pastebin if enough people want to read it. Kson's a good teacher, for some reason.

>> No.23456558
File: 344 KB, 1421x2048, moona24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks that Moona had to be the third-wheel in that stream. Hope they do another one of those feauturing her, but probably won't since she's already done some Q&A. In any case, what're your thoughts on the latest out of Indonesia? Did you like the talk show format? I did. It was well done, and it'll be nice to see what else they've planned for that.

>> No.23456559

She got a role in JAV.

>> No.23456561

>Haato fags seething because they expected more Animal Crossing english cringe.

>> No.23456562
Quoted by: >>23456570

You are a gaijin only if you don't look Japanese.

>> No.23456567
Quoted by: >>23456631

this app is literally shit.

>> No.23456568

We went on a boat ride, wasn't even a pirate ship just a normal modern yacht or something. Can't really remember much of anything else.

>> No.23456570

k thx for the info

>> No.23456572

I'll use the "Find in Page" feature as much as I damn well please!
These threads go up to 4000 posts! I'm not searching them manually.

>> No.23456574


>> No.23456575
Quoted by: >>23456591

You've got to give us a little more info than that.

>> No.23456580

What is this app

>> No.23456582
File: 972 KB, 1559x673, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456643


>> No.23456583
Quoted by: >>23456632

I think Moona should be bullied and fired for getting her Iofi doxxed

>> No.23456584

You didn't do anything sexual with her? Marine is literally slut supreme. I'm sure she would have been down to fuck.

>> No.23456590
Quoted by: >>23456599

wrong board

>> No.23456591

see >>23456568
Also I remembered she was speaking Japanese but my EOP dream self could understand her just fine.

>> No.23456594
File: 1.98 MB, 1996x2931, 1557989057122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do. Before I run out of cute Cocos.

>> No.23456595
Quoted by: >>23456615

Didn't Pekora play this a while ago?

>> No.23456597
Quoted by: >>23456643

Haachama stop

>> No.23456599

This is /jp/ - Otaku Culture isn't it?

>> No.23456602

Marine crying on stream
too scared to continue horage

>> No.23456604

Well, she is considered good at English by Japanese standards, so it's not like their level it's that high.

>> No.23456607

Why do people like this Shin Takarajima song so much

>> No.23456610

Rurudo does seriously sound like a middle schooler. Voice changer or is she actually 14?

>> No.23456614

all that build up just for that

>> No.23456615

Her getting distracted and playing the ads was the best part

>> No.23456616
Quoted by: >>23456628

Yes. /id/ - SEA Culture must be somewhere else.

>> No.23456618

it's kino

>> No.23456619

Fukkireta is better anyways.

>> No.23456620


>> No.23456624
Quoted by: >>23456628

yep it's not /id/ indonesian culture

>> No.23456625

Who do you think models all the lolis she draws?

>> No.23456626

Missing it because kino haachama....

>> No.23456628

Keep crying.

>> No.23456629

I'd take any of the usual kusoge she plays over this retarded phone app.

>> No.23456631

What kind of broken english is this app teaching ?
who speaks like that ?

>> No.23456632
Quoted by: >>23456644

Hardly her fault that Io15 used the same name for everything.

>> No.23456634

How fucking new are you to not know this meme app?It on the same level as the one with Takashi guy.

>> No.23456637

She was obviously using a voice changer because her voice went up to some unrealistically high pitch a couple of times.

>> No.23456641

It's a fucking tune. Learn the lyrics and sing along, even just the teine part is good enough.

>> No.23456643
Quoted by: >>23456656

If she's this desperate to find content to play for two hours, we should get her to play Peasant's Quest

>> No.23456644

Rookie mistake, you hate to see it
What did Moona do though?

>> No.23456645
Quoted by: >>23456751

They spoke too much ID for my tastes.
Moona will be the Towa of ID.

>> No.23456646

Why not. Can’t be less interesting than the doxxing shit and Haachama embarrassing herself again.

>> No.23456647

It isn't supposed to teach you anything.The app is basically a shitpost.

>> No.23456648

It's just a feel good test with meme sentences just to bank on ads from gullible people.

>> No.23456651
Quoted by: >>23456657

stupid holo id poster. now they even fighting with themself

>> No.23456650

Moona should get sacked for doxxing Iofi and playing dumb.

>> No.23456656

This is going to be an hour stream. Hard to believe it has the same amount of viewers as her AC stream. Must be JOPs.

>> No.23456657

t.obvious SEAfag

>> No.23456658

>What did Moona do though?
She didn't try to hide the name until it was too late. Besides that, nothing.

>> No.23456662

SEA/JP split when?

>> No.23456663

No. This is /jp/ - only using > format exactly as the site FAQ specifies.

>> No.23456666

Korone (or any holo) singing Cromartie OP when?

>> No.23456670

Just that, but she didn't anticipate that level of retardedness from her co-worker.

We are talking about a literal universal handle that includes personal account with her own family details and pictures of everyone of her family and her friends.

>> No.23456671

>haachama plays shitty kusoge in english


>> No.23456676

based Haachama exposing newfags and shitting on EOPs by rehashing content she did months ago
Okay seriously she could've played something else with the EOPs, she didn't have to do this cringy shit

>> No.23456677
Quoted by: >>23456688

Do you think Emma Wattson watches Haachama

>> No.23456684

i took the ac english only bait and now too lazy to close it

>> No.23456686

A-chan got turned on by getting eaten by Yoshi and trapped in an egg in Super Smash Bros.

>> No.23456687
Quoted by: >>23456710

Someone get this poor little girl her glampa ;_;

>> No.23456688


>> No.23456690

I really hope Haato doesn't stop doing English streams again because of this.

>> No.23456693

Didn't Haato say that people are always talking about drinking her bath water in the chat? What kind of fanbase did she amass? Imagine being degenerate enough to actually want to do that.

>> No.23456694

She was suppposed to play AC but the retard unistalled it by mistake right when starting the stream, now she backed up on this joke app but is pure torture regardless

>> No.23456696

Agreed she could have done anything else that would have been better than this shitty stream.

>> No.23456700

holy shit she's actually bailing, she can't handle this anymore

>> No.23456701
File: 664 KB, 974x1041, big_mistakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23456848

I'm a Towafag and I feel bad for Haatofags

>> No.23456702

>only 30 minutes

>> No.23456704

haachama just took a fat stinky dump on EOP's lmao

>> No.23456706

Anons thirsty for Haachama to hang around on their island

>> No.23456707

Guys I feel bad for Haato

>> No.23456709

based 'chammer dabbing on EOPs

>> No.23456710

she wanted her to die you EOP

>> No.23456712

EOP haatons are third class listeners. Now they'll have to wait another month for a decent English stream. That shit wasn't even one hour and she put no effort in at all.

>> No.23456711

Haato fans are pathetic.

>> No.23456715

Haato, what the fuck was that?

>> No.23456716

Not even her could take it anymore

>> No.23456718
Quoted by: >>23456731

Hope you guys did your part.

>> No.23456722

why is moona so fucking dumb?

>> No.23456728

You could tell that she didn't like doing that. I feel bad for her

>> No.23456730
File: 47 KB, 442x489, EVPRNgaUYAAPrq1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit design
>shit voice
>shitty debut
>even shittier internet
>ESL below Haato tier
>her parents are in the middle of a divorce process
>has nothing going for her other than being shit at everything
>doxes her coworker
>doesnt even realizes she basically fucked Iofi's life forever
Sucks to be Moona.

>> No.23456731

I liked the video just to spite you

>> No.23456732
Quoted by: >>23456767

She literally did a panic stream trying to save the day

>> No.23456736


>> No.23456735

>Chat is disabled for this live stream.
rage quitting.

>> No.23456740

So she already recovered from giving birth? She finally got scheduled.

>> No.23456741

I hope asacoco doesnt cover this later, this is just sad and not really funny

>> No.23456746
Quoted by: >>23456753

why she even announce it in the first place then?

>> No.23456747

Did someone watch Sora's nico member only stream from 3 days ago ?

I can't understand what she is saying at the start around 13 minutes when she says she has some issues with youtube and may only do MVs in the future.

>> No.23456749

Unironically based, I didn't like her debut but I'll support her from now on.

>> No.23456751

She's not dumb enough to be their Towa

>> No.23456753

Try to keep up, retard.

>> No.23456758

I left for a bit and missed out, why did Haato bail so early?

>> No.23456760

Moona first to an hero on stream.
Her internet cuts out before it happens though

>> No.23456761
Quoted by: >>23456793

I bet her pussy postpartum feels really soft and warm.

>> No.23456764
Quoted by: >>23456810

She doesn't talk to the locals and barely speaks to her relatives I bet. She is a proper loner autist at school too so it's not surprising her English isn't what it should be

>> No.23456765
Quoted by: >>23456902

Why does Ayame still have fans

>> No.23456766


Very nice.

>> No.23456767

It was honestly worse than nothing. Should've rescheduled or canceled it altogether, it was so bad.

>> No.23456768

Imagine being a Haatofag and having to deal with a 30 minute stream while Korone puts out another quality 6+ hour stream.

>> No.23456772

It's nice to see four Ayame streams lined up

>> No.23456774

Nobody really understands the inner workings of Haachama's mind enough to unironically answer that.

>> No.23456777

You known Haato is most likely crying now

>> No.23456778
Quoted by: >>23456791

Here we go again making a pointless drama about Indogs and IDolfags.

>> No.23456780

I like both

>> No.23456781

Tried to do something else for the stream since AC was uninstalled. Did that shitty English test game.

It was pretty shit, constant fucking ads. Chat was getting restless. Ended it instead

>> No.23456782
Quoted by: >>23456799

I was going to show haachama around my "free Hong Kong" island to get her banned in China

>> No.23456783
Quoted by: >>23456826

She did an English stream a couple days ago, why do you think it'll be a month before another? I'm sure she will have a make up stream for this one since she basically fucked up

>> No.23456784

Haachama headshave and dogeza stream when?

>> No.23456785

I respect her for playing videogames for so long this often, even if she's terrible at it.

>> No.23456786

I don't see how this has fucked Iofi's life up other than some people on 4chan knows who she is

>> No.23456787

She fucked up on doing her planned stream and tried doing something else to make up for it.

>> No.23456789

No, that would require her to have the self-awareness to know she's a fuck-up.

>> No.23456790

She deleted Animal Crossing from her Switch and had to do an emergency "English" stream to try and damage control.

>> No.23456791

It's the same 2 or 3 guys samefagging. Just ignore it.

>> No.23456793

Takes more than a month to heal up.

>> No.23456795

She finished the app's test and didn't have anything else prepared

>> No.23456796
Quoted by: >>23456847

Go back to /v/ with your tribalistic bullshit I like both of them and haato would've had a really nice animal crossing stream today if it wasn't for her tiny sd card

>> No.23456797

Imagine not being both.

>> No.23456798

I have no sympathy for Haatofags for putting up with their girl's retardation

>> No.23456799

Do you know how getting selected works?

>> No.23456801

self-sabotage to get out of streaming in English.

>> No.23456804

I'm starting to feel really bad for Towa, I guess it's true that girls are vicious when it's only them.

>> No.23456806

Her real address got leaked. She's a lesbian btw.

>> No.23456808

There goes her confidence with english only streams, bet she won't do another for a few months

>> No.23456809
Quoted by: >>23456828

>live in a country full of people she can't interact with because muh engrish
>can't go back see family and coworkers because co-vid19
>get stomach ache from eating burnt food
>get made fun out by her viewers all the time
>is the laughing stock of her company and get bullied publicly by her kohai daily
>has to play a game she don't enjoy because she deleted her favorite one

>> No.23456810
Quoted by: >>23456851

She's also been trapped inside for a month, I hope she collabs with more english speaking chuubas. She'll learn english better by talking to an actual person as opposed to EOP/ESL retards in chat.

>> No.23456813
Quoted by: >>23456829

Is this the thread where we learn how to sabotage vtubers?

>> No.23456815

Towa is probably one of those girls who only have male friends and is hard for other girls to get along with.

>> No.23456816

Okay bros, how do we save Haachama?

>> No.23456820

She forgot to install animal crossing so she panic stream a shitty app game she already played months ago. Im guessing it stressed her out so she didn't even do it english only like was planned.

>> No.23456821
Quoted by: >>23456841

What makes you think that she's worth saving?

>> No.23456826
Quoted by: >>23456837

She only does a few English streams every month.

>> No.23456827

Choco will be her caring mommy and not let het get sad again

>> No.23456828

>>has to play a game she don't enjoy because she deleted her favorite one
she could have just played super bunny man, and tried to commentate in english, I don't know why she went for lowest common denominator trash app as a replacement.

>> No.23456829

It's just 1-3 anons trying to stir things up. I guarantee you majority of /hlg/ don't give a fuck/

>> No.23456831

It's only a matter of when will the indo creeps try to dig Iofi's archive

>> No.23456832

well she certainly brutally stopped. I won't say she is crying but she probably realized it wasn't entertaining at all.

>> No.23456836

She's back here in Australia now? I thought she was in Japan

>> No.23456837
Quoted by: >>23456884

Yes but she really enjoyed her last animal crossing one so I'm sure she'll end up doing more than usual

>> No.23456841

She's cute. What other reason do you need?

>> No.23456842

she never left

>> No.23456844
Quoted by: >>23456850

Because she don't have any friends to play with...

>> No.23456845
Quoted by: >>23456872

Anon she finished Super Bunny Man

>> No.23456847
Quoted by: >>23456896

i dont understand why /v/ermin have brought this whole my chuuba is better than yours with them
why are they like this

>> No.23456848
Quoted by: >>23456871

I'm a Towafag as well as a Haatofag
Both of them are such fuckups that it's endearing

>> No.23456849

Haato is retweeting lewd fanart and shitposting on twitter

>> No.23456850
Quoted by: >>23456868

she plays it solo all the time

>> No.23456851
Quoted by: >>23456867

>collabs with more english speaking chuubas
She needs to have actual normal conversations with english speaking people, not just in a stream, otherwise it'll end up like the Civia stream where Civia did the talking 90% of the time and Haachama could only respond with hahaha yeah yeah.

>> No.23456852

Her father was too worried about letting her come back on a plane because of corona so she never ended up returning before Australia closed borders

>> No.23456854

When your mind is racing and stress kicks in you tend to make dumb decisions

>> No.23456855

I'm assuming she went back to Japan for holofes in January.

>> No.23456856

It reminds me of Love is a Battlefield.

>> No.23456857

pros and cons of corona affecting out vtubers and the amount of vtuber content we consume

>> No.23456858

It's simple, we cure the Corona.

>> No.23456862
Quoted by: >>23456900

Haachama's putting up a strong front!

>> No.23456863
File: 1.68 MB, 1631x7825, Screenshot_2020-04-15 jp - Hololive(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you motherfuckers have nothing else to talk about?

>> No.23456865


>> No.23456866

She could have played literally anything else and it would've been fine. Wasn't even an English only stream.

>> No.23456867

I agree completely, but covid is probably making that impossible right now.

>> No.23456868
Quoted by: >>23456885

But that's just sad, It's a coop game

>> No.23456870
Quoted by: >>23457007

Kill yourself.

>> No.23456871

At least they will never be a victim of high expectations. Every fuck up is another day in the office.

>> No.23456872

she's finished it multiple times

>> No.23456875
Quoted by: >>23457007

Why do you even bother coming to this thread?

>> No.23456876


>> No.23456879
Quoted by: >>23457007

why are you even here? fuck off

>> No.23456880
Quoted by: >>23457007

why share that if it bothers you so much

>> No.23456881
Quoted by: >>23457007

>hl thread
>talking about holos that are currently streaming
wow what a concept

>> No.23456882
Quoted by: >>23457007

>You guys are seriously talking about hololive in a hololive thread?

>> No.23456883
Quoted by: >>23457007

>Stop talking about the holos that are streaming

>> No.23456884
Quoted by: >>23456892

I thought the same until this fuck-up of a stream happened.

>> No.23456885

it's her favorite game, she loves playing it coop or solo. she just endurance streamed it solo the other day

>> No.23456886
Quoted by: >>23457007

now do one but filter every Holo's name

>> No.23456887
File: 67 KB, 644x644, Screenshot_142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creates a safe space for himself

>> No.23456888
File: 350 KB, 2048x1489, EVpyBDyUUAUmM_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato makes my high quality penis the big quality penis.

>> No.23456889


>> No.23456891

the piglet spammers are shit tier drones

>> No.23456892

Please don't blame her it isn't her fault she was born a retard

>> No.23456893
Quoted by: >>23456956

guys i hope h*ch*ma has a good rest of the day!

>> No.23456894

I'm planning a way for her to feel like she's and unwanted scum that's better off dying.

>> No.23456895

she's just trying to hide the pain

>> No.23456897
Quoted by: >>23457007

>haha i filter the popular chuubas! give (You) for my controversial opinion please!
Okay faggot. And before you ask, I'm quoting you.

>> No.23456896

why don't you go ask them if you care so much?

>> No.23456898

seriously wtf is wrong with her man, her parents must be ashamed of her

>> No.23456899

redpill me on haato

>> No.23456900

She doesn't have a choice, it's her job after all.

>> No.23456902

Can't quit that top-tier avatar design.

>> No.23456903
Quoted by: >>23457007

Based. Share your word filter list anon, I wanna get rid of the shitposters.

>> No.23456904

nice, excluding faggots from all discussion has never been easier moona

>> No.23456905

A continuation of her callout in Watame no Uta

>> No.23456907


>> No.23456908

Should we be worried that Towa is crying in the Hololive office

>> No.23456909

she is a girl and has feet!?

>> No.23456911

Korone's crying bros...

>> No.23456914
Quoted by: >>23456926

This is no proper apology for today madness

>> No.23456915
Quoted by: >>23456939

Korone's crying again. Maybe this game is too manly for her

>> No.23456916

Haato has gotten dumber ever since Coco debuted. Do you think Coco is secretly sapping away Haato's intelligence? Was this her plan all along?

>> No.23456918

This sad fucker.

>> No.23456919

I see the Americans woke up. See you guys in 14 hours.

>> No.23456923
Quoted by: >>23456929

I thought she was crying at choco's house?

>> No.23456924

If she did board that plane to japan and got covid, she would probably get treated and be cured by now. Her current situation is just sad.

>> No.23456926

She'd probably fuck up that too.

>> No.23456927

More like Haato's playing up the retard angle even harder to bait coverage on asacoco.

>> No.23456929
Quoted by: >>23456932

I have no idea

>> No.23456930

Although it's good that her father was thinking of her safety that was a terrible idea as both japan and australia at that time had very low numbers and even if she got it, it would barely affect a girl at her age

>> No.23456932
Quoted by: >>23456951


>> No.23456936



>> No.23456937

No its her situation thats fucking her up. She and Coco had good english streams

>> No.23456939

*sniff sniff* her fake crying is obnoxious, she's been doing it too much lately

>> No.23456940

Fuck yeah, you cunts know what state she's in? Gonna hit me up a vtuber girl

>> No.23456942

I don't understand how anyone could be as big of a faggot as you are

>> No.23456944
Quoted by: >>23458568

hates her cancerous EOP fans but doesn't want to lose their supas and memberships completely

>> No.23456945
File: 137 KB, 1000x988, 1583160989572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe there's people legitimately upset at Haato for doing a shitty 30 minute stream, don't you know how she's like already you autists.

>> No.23456947

She's dead inside, hiding behind that smile

>> No.23456951
Quoted by: >>23456969

she means a relative you fuck tard.

>> No.23456953

Ok, so now it's already gotten this fucked, how do we end haato's suffering?

>> No.23456956
Quoted by: >>23456970

day is already done in australia.

>> No.23456958
Quoted by: >>23456977

no, explain

>> No.23456962


>> No.23456960

nah, she'll be fine.

>> No.23456967
File: 78 KB, 1395x793, EU_Is8_U4AAlyEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't be able to watch miko today, please enjoy her for me

>> No.23456968

I wish but i'm not being paid to stream, i still do it for free like a brainlet.

>> No.23456969

yea okay

>> No.23456970

I stand by my words

>> No.23456972
File: 226 KB, 700x838, 1584770860372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Return that carrot to its rightful owner

>> No.23456976

I think she deleted the shitpost stream. Had she been awake for 24 hours or something?

>> No.23456977

She's a walking endearing disaster

>> No.23456978
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the few anons who were interested in the wet dream story.

>> No.23456982

Haachama suki suki

>> No.23456983

Don’t worry I enjoy her everyday in every hole.

>> No.23456984
File: 206 KB, 1920x1080, 1586364834110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will do 35p

>> No.23456985
Quoted by: >>23457004

her AC stream that was literally days before was completely fine

>> No.23456987

I will enjoy her for you anon but the time i'm done she might not even remember who you are.

>> No.23456996
Quoted by: >>23457031

What the fuck.
Don't watch her recent waxing ASMR stream you horny fuck you might not be able to handle it.

>> No.23456997
Quoted by: >>23457020

Any word on the 5ch antis?

>> No.23457000

don't worry, her 7r play is always the most interesting for me

>> No.23457002

this place is literally filled with faggots equivalent to old ladies gossiping that talk about everything but the holos

>> No.23457004
Quoted by: >>23457043

The chat was cancer and there was some cringe memes going on but other than that it was fine. Probably the reason why she was going to have another one so soon.

>> No.23457007

Y'all bitches just ignore the fact that there are other chuubas besides haato. Make your own thread.
towa, haato, coco, haachama, hachama, pig, lofi, moona, squirell, indo, i want to bully marine's womb.

>> No.23457010

Do we already know why 4 of the holos didn't sing ochame kinou when even mel did?

>> No.23457011
Quoted by: >>23457050

Do you actually filter 90% of the thread or are you just making a point?

>> No.23457014
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1586293398427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23464577

>i want to bully marine's womb

>> No.23457017
Quoted by: >>23457041

haato was fucking streaming and it was a disaster, are you fucking stupid? I already know the answer is yes, but I have to ask anyway

>> No.23457019

go be retarded somewhere else
join your favorite's discord or something

>> No.23457020
Quoted by: >>23457039

Watame is a 5ch shitposter
Mea is trans
Flare has autism

>> No.23457022

Her real fans understand, it's the memefags that want her to spout "epic" every 5 seconds that are upset.

>> No.23457025

you spelt squirrel wrong, you're welcome :)

>> No.23457026

based, enjoy the (You)s from these retards

>> No.23457029

Coco and FBK didn't notice the notification asking them if they were interested in joining. Haato is in Australia. Korone ???

>> No.23457030

what if the girls filtered our supachats...

>> No.23457031

I feel like that would just ruin my boner. I don't wanna look at a woman's hairy legs.

>> No.23457032

Please don't be mean to my wife, she may be mentally disabled but she tries her best.

>> No.23457037
File: 1.54 MB, 1844x1844, Haachama autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick worried about what would Haato's future be once the chuuba fad dies. She's clearly not able to take care of herself, and will likely die if left on her own for more than a week.

>> No.23457038

FBK didn't know they were recruiting
Coco can't sing for shit so if she was given a spot she probably gave it to someone else
Korone I have no idea but she probably gave her spot to someone else
Haaсhama is in australia and might've not been able to record anything

>> No.23457040
Quoted by: >>23457073

You forgot korone

>> No.23457039

nobody talk about ayame?

>> No.23457041

> haato was fucking streaming and it was a disaster

>> No.23457043

Chat being cancer is nothing new. I was talking about the stream.

>> No.23457042
Quoted by: >>23457058

what do you think waxing is for

>> No.23457045

Fubuki and Coco apparently missed the message and nobody followed up with them, Haato is stuck in Australia. I haven't heard anything for Korone but I'm guessing she was too busy playing kusoge to notice the message.

>> No.23457047
Quoted by: >>23457058


>> No.23457049

thta's hot

>> No.23457050

to be fair if you're interested in only some of the hololive there is a lot to filter

>> No.23457051

then shut the fuck up and fuck off

>> No.23457052

delinquent dog is qt

>> No.23457053

>i want to bully marine's womb
How much of a dick sucking faggot you must be to filter that?

>> No.23457054
Quoted by: >>23457091

you watch it for the cute dragon sounds

>> No.23457056


>> No.23457057 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457074

>Korone randomly drops something in english
>EOPs in chat

>> No.23457058

Was she waxing her face?

True, but I don't want to look at the before-the-waxing part.

>> No.23457059

Korone was probably sleeping

>> No.23457060

Maybe she just doesn't take this vtubing thing very seriously

>> No.23457063

wtf, that's the kind of thing you wouldn't just send one message and roll the thing out the next day, how did they not notice it

>> No.23457064
Quoted by: >>23457092

She's from a well to do family. She can be as retarded as she wants and she'll be fine.

>> No.23457065

based filterCHAD

>> No.23457066
Quoted by: >>23457091

well it was a coco stream, so you don't see anything

>> No.23457070

Why don't you just ignore the posts you're not interested in like everyone else? Are you that much of a sperg that you can't stop yourself from replying if you read them?

>> No.23457073

At least koroneposters don't spam the whole thread with their shit

>> No.23457074

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23457075

perfect opportunity to start using alternate nicknames to refer to the chuubas to bypass the filters

>> No.23457077

That's how uncoordinated hololive management is

>> No.23457078
Quoted by: >>23457124

I only follow 2 holos and I don't feel the need to systematically hide everything else anon. Garbage in garbage out, filtering imageboards is beside the point of even going to them.

>> No.23457080
Quoted by: >>23457157

she play flash games while they are still available

>> No.23457079
Quoted by: >>23457099

She will be fine, EOPs fans despite being the one making the most noise while crying are also the one contributing the less when it comes to support.

>> No.23457081
File: 363 KB, 1000x1392, IMG_20200415_132414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457083

Watch her on bilibili

>> No.23457085
Quoted by: >>23457100

Pure elf maiden Aki saying the n-word.

>> No.23457087

The perfect cartoon character straight out of Looney Tunes. Goddamn, if that's acting then she's flawless at it. Love it.

>> No.23457090
Quoted by: >>23457104


That’s the point of waxing. And it’s not like she showed pics of her legs, you just get to enjoy her screams of pain as she removes her pubic hair.

>> No.23457091

This is intriguing. I might look it up, then.

Why is there so much hate for Korone, anyway? She's my favorite chuuba.

>> No.23457092

If her mom is a trophy wife, she probably is hot/cute so can follow her mom steps and become a trophy wife herself.

>> No.23457096

who are you favourite HLL?
for me it's はあと, トワ and ココ

>> No.23457097

The same management whose incompetence got their brand new member doxxed on their second stream.

>> No.23457099

yeah, that's kind of to be expected when she streams in English three times a month at most.

>> No.23457100
File: 262 KB, 420x585, 1553459885920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457113


>> No.23457101

ah, so you're a newfag, explains a lot

>> No.23457104

>pubic hair
guess I gotta go look it up now.

>> No.23457105

Risu, Iofi and Moona, in that order.

>> No.23457107

Get a fucking load of this pussy lmao, can't handle seeing shit he doesn't like so he has to block it all, I think reddit or discord might be the place for you buddy.

>> No.23457109

She waxed literally everything, including her pubic and ass hair. It was great.

>> No.23457111

She's good with her feet and likes to degrade her viewers, too bad I can't think of anything where these skills would be useful. Maybe she'll become an english audiobook reader?

>> No.23457112
Quoted by: >>23457239

she said her labtop wasn't working, that why she picked the app

>> No.23457113

Based tulpaman

>> No.23457114


>> No.23457115

Alternate alphabets such as cyrillic and armenian contain chatacters that look almost identical to latin letters, but which use a different identification code. This is the basis of 90% of scam URLs that are identical to the original.

>> No.23457121

And to be fair, you can also just fucking scroll past them.To bother with a filter at all is autistic. No different than wandering into a thread that you have zero interests in just to piss on everyone's parade like a poser.

>> No.23457122
Quoted by: >>23457178

Anon, please, my dick can only be so erect. I don't get why ass hair is so appealing to some people, but the thought of her smooth and nude body is hot as fuck.

>> No.23457123

It also got 17k people listen to her screech in pain

>> No.23457124

I mostly ignore too but sometimes it's difficult to follow specific things in middle of all the noise that's when i use a filter.

>> No.23457125

Well she's on track to failing her subjects. She probably wouldn't even be a wife when the time comes.

>> No.23457129

doggorino is my number one

>> No.23457130

They lose their minds if she takes a day off streaming, just wait for the next one, we might hit 5000 posts.

>> No.23457132

Why? I thought japanese people liked hair because theyre all disgusting bastards

>> No.23457133

Bold tastes. I like シオンよ best myself

>> No.23457135


>> No.23457136
Quoted by: >>23457154

Use the main thread they are slow and you can talk about your favorite holo there without seeing holos you don't like

>> No.23457137

speaking of the coco waxing stream, I have that archived for personal use if it ever gets put down

>> No.23457141

She has a gaijin boyfriend.

>> No.23457145

>I wonder what /eop/ thought of Haachama's meme stream
>people are unironically upset
I'm glad none of you show up to her regular streams

>> No.23457149

bath streams

>> No.23457153

Fuck off lyger

>> No.23457154
Quoted by: >>23457171

Last time I checked the main thread, every mention of hololive is either ignored or triggers a shitstorm.

>> No.23457156
Quoted by: >>23457170

Which holo is the one you want to get into but just cant? For me it's Watame. I want to watch her, but there is just so much stuff from my favorites that i can't find the time (also her bgm sucks these days which really puts me off her streams)

>> No.23457157
Quoted by: >>23457173

Probably the best option, since this is a terrible time to be buying games, and emulation is not an option.

classic western flash games would be a good way to get the EOP fans involved and introduce the Japanese fans to stuff they haven't seen before.

>> No.23457158

>haato is streaming on bilibili now
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.23457160

Holy shit only 6k until Coco gets 300k

>> No.23457161

I'm not mad just worried if she's ok
Something about that stream didn't sit right with me idk

>> No.23457166
Quoted by: >>23457262

ebin green arrow meme post

>> No.23457167

Haato is going hard on karaoke. She's improved from the short time she's taken those singing lessons

>> No.23457168

Guess Coco really is a gaijin

>> No.23457170

I really want to watch Subaru more but it's hard enough following my favorites.

>> No.23457171

As long as you don't talk about Hololive too much and the nijisanji cultists feel like they are in control of the thread you'll be fine

>> No.23457172


Sora is so cool.

>> No.23457173

What are considered the classic flash games in the US? I'm sure we used to play in the same websites but the tastes gotta be different because of culture right?

>> No.23457174
Quoted by: >>23457185

How's her mood? I don't wanna listen to sad Matsuri right now.

>> No.23457175

Aki had the worst stream debut, period.

>> No.23457176
Quoted by: >>23457289

so basically
you've crafted a safe space for yourself?
shouldn't you be in >>>/lgbt/ like the faggot you are or on twitter blocking people who say mean words?

>> No.23457177
File: 362 KB, 700x737, 1578952895114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haato hours
>Towa hours
>Korone hours

these are the worst time possible to browse /hlg/, prove me wrong

>> No.23457178
Quoted by: >>23457203

Better get it quick before it gets taken down. I’m surprised it’s still up.

>> No.23457179

Haachama literally hadn't slept in days. I wonder if she dropped out

>> No.23457181
Quoted by: >>23457211

Why doesn't she do this as Nozomi Sato?

>> No.23457182

You forgot during asacoco.

>> No.23457185
Quoted by: >>23457196

seems chill

>> No.23457187

We EOP and ESL are fans too. To receive respect one must give respect. We're just striking back. Haato must apologize to EOP and ESL.

>> No.23457188
Quoted by: >>23457262

Why are bilibili streams only allowed

>> No.23457189
Quoted by: >>23457208

>Haato ended her stream to run to the Chinese chads
my sides

>> No.23457191
Quoted by: >>23457262

So she hates EOPs and ESLs confirmed?

>> No.23457192

i want to be the drop of bathwater that entered matsuri's butthole

>> No.23457194

I want to do to a hololive concert one day just to pick like 30 wallets from the hapless nerds in the crowd

>> No.23457196

Good. If hear her bitch again about Sara I'ma give Sara a visit.

>> No.23457197
File: 36 KB, 297x378, 1578117158905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457198
Quoted by: >>23457218

Why isn't she getting a counceling session with Coco if she's depressed?

>> No.23457199


>> No.23457202

Is this true? Why would she not sleep?

>> No.23457203

>skimming the video
>it's heavy breathing and asmr-tier squealing
>but also some dragon growls and words I can't understand since eop

The perfect balance. I'll save this.

>> No.23457206 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 2368x1124, 1586968773259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion is my depression friend! Too bad kanji is so complicated.

>> No.23457208
Quoted by: >>23457249

She comes to us English chads out of her desire to do so but only goes to those cockroachs because she's forced to by her contract.

>> No.23457210

Lately has been worse during ID streaming hours.

>> No.23457211

That's a completely different hororive's name

>> No.23457212
Quoted by: >>23457262

stupid bitch, go to bed

>> No.23457214

Well she did stream with civia so that's probably why

>> No.23457218

there's no benefit for coco
Maid Dragon was for making the most popular girl play ark again
WataCoco was for the morning programs

>> No.23457219
File: 17 KB, 144x239, 1583534642592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go get some help man.

>> No.23457221

>Korone hours
isn't that like 10+ hours lol

>> No.23457222

Do your reps.

>> No.23457223

nice OC, remember to tweet it at her

>> No.23457224
Quoted by: >>23457242

You sure you're not a Towafag?

>> No.23457225
Quoted by: >>23457266

school is canceled literally everywhere nigga, the fuck would she drop out of

>> No.23457229
Quoted by: >>23457252

most felt something was off for haato

>> No.23457230
File: 70 KB, 209x210, 1570913773112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457231

Make sure to tweet it to her to show your dedication.

>> No.23457232
File: 82 KB, 660x495, emo-kids5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457234

Cringe. Just end yourself already.

>> No.23457235

You are that "lesbian", right?

>> No.23457236
Quoted by: >>23457262

And her retarded EOP fans will never know how lowly she thinks of them. Truly cucked.

>> No.23457239
Quoted by: >>23457255

How the fuck was she streaming then?

>> No.23457242

do you think Towa would be happy if I did this?

>> No.23457246

Of course the only person to know japanese has to cope in such a way. Don’t you people see how difficult it is now?

>> No.23457249

That cope would have worked if her last stream didn't literally just happen.

>> No.23457252

Maybe she's stressed about school? She said her session was starting soon so she has to stop streaming as much.

>> No.23457253
File: 648 KB, 1418x657, Smartest witch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brain power that Shion has is very intense!

>> No.23457254

Oh child, she will never be happy.

>> No.23457255
Quoted by: >>23457311

Her laptop was fucking around but it wasn't flat out broken nigga like damn use your brain

>> No.23457257

Oh no. Miko has spotted another cutie. Will she forget about poor Jessie that quickly?

>> No.23457259
Quoted by: >>23457270

You spelled it wrong, dummy

>> No.23457260

>miko's reaction to any cute girl
i can relate

>> No.23457262

She's absolutely fine infact she gained an excuse to sleep at a reasonable time now that she's finally realised she has normal school hours coming up.
She's been taking 2-4 hour naps in gaps between streams but yeah not ideal
I can't tell how many of you are just shitposting but bilibili channels loop replays of old content 24/7 when the streamer isn't live

There's too many other stupid posts in this thread for me to be bothered but do yourselves a favour and don't stress out too hard over situations you literally don't even understand.

>> No.23457263

Smug Shion is very powerful.

>> No.23457265

Is PPT...........the smartest HL?

>> No.23457266
Quoted by: >>23457276

she got online classes

>> No.23457267

Those are some really shitty cuts. Did you scrape yourself with a razor? If you're going to write on your own body with cuts you should at least use a blade with sufficient width. Scalpels are perfect. But a kitchen knife works too. Just be careful not to nick your arteries.

>> No.23457269

sorry nigga I just reading posts dont actually check shit

>> No.23457270

tuioso yo

>> No.23457271
File: 77 KB, 1080x607, 1586899435628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457272


>> No.23457273

Shion yo

>> No.23457275

>We EOP and ESL are fans too. To receive respect one must give respect. We're just striking back. Haato must apologize to EOP and ESL.
Oh come on now. Did you miss the Pekora-chink kerfuffle

>> No.23457276
Quoted by: >>23457395

So did I nigga but they all done by now, even if she has them I'm sure no one cares about showing up

>> No.23457280

She also has dedicated fans

>> No.23457283
Quoted by: >>23457313


>> No.23457285


Congrats on Kanata's cover getting 1M views.

>> No.23457287
Quoted by: >>23457310

the sound of Matsuri putting her panties are so fucking hot

>> No.23457289
Quoted by: >>23457352

I'm not the only who filtered the thread in the first place, i only do so when I'm looking for specific posts at a given moment and you should really stop your stupid assumptions like the faggot you are.

>> No.23457290

we get it, you're used to no effort garbage. you can fuck off now haatocuck.

>> No.23457291


>> No.23457294
Quoted by: >>23457303

Who cares? Suisei's still better than her.

>> No.23457295

Congrats ppt

>> No.23457297
Quoted by: >>23457348

well at least someone is learning to write...

>> No.23457300

>She lived to see this achievement.
I'm so glad.

>> No.23457301

>the leech's most popular video is her leeching off someone else's song

>> No.23457303

who cares for suisei, watame is better

>> No.23457309
File: 216 KB, 574x759, 1585042477090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama should play AI dungeon

Itll probably help with her english or further cause her to go insane either way would be a fun stream

>> No.23457310

I don't care how degen she is, I'd still wife her

>> No.23457311

only thing fucked is her head

>> No.23457313
Quoted by: >>23457317

Some shitty twitter meme with blacks dancing while wearing a coffin on their shoulder.

>> No.23457317

Thanks anon, but I know that shit. I want the source of that pic.

>> No.23457318
Quoted by: >>23457327

>Sora is so cool.

>> No.23457327

She's still cool for me.

>> No.23457329

Obviously the porn stuff isn't an option
As mentioned earlier, homestar Runner Stuff like Peasants quest.
The original Chibi Knight
Those old escape room games

>> No.23457330
Quoted by: >>23457342

who died

>> No.23457336

>miko dancing to the loading screen
my heart

>> No.23457341
Quoted by: >>23457356

I know discord groups raid /v/ a lot and now that theres been posts about chuubas in /v/ its not surprising if the discord kids are now raiding in here. They use the same sentence structure and shitposs so just report and ignore whatever they say.

>> No.23457342

hitomi chris

>> No.23457343
File: 584 KB, 1080x1920, j0bqShu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457348

Might be a good way for >>23455894 to remember which is which

>> No.23457352
Quoted by: >>23457410

yeah okay bitchboy but you don't get to call anyone a fag when you have to filter a thread, faggot, ever heard of ctrl+f or (You)s?

>> No.23457356

>They use the same sentence structure and shitposs
you would know wouldn't you, faggot

>> No.23457364

Fucking chinks, he even has choco as his avatar. Fuck em, not halal

>> No.23457365

actually based. chinks will make that stupid bunny bow down to them.

>> No.23457366

Why are the chinese like this?

>> No.23457367

newgrounds still work

>> No.23457368

Imagine being such a glassheart, fuck these bugmen

>> No.23457369

Seriously undeserved.

>> No.23457370

She says she has 3 or 4 more songs in the works. One is supposed to be coming out soon. PP strong.

>> No.23457378

fuck those insects

>> No.23457382
Quoted by: >>23457387

wtf is wrong with those bugs

>> No.23457387

They live in a shithole country that literally oppresses them. So they lash out like this to pretend their lives aren't shit.

>> No.23457390

god i wish we can fucking napalm bomb those chinks already. WW3 when?

>> No.23457395
Quoted by: >>23457423

go be retarded somewhere else/v/ermin

>> No.23457397

>passing on "in 1997 hong kong was returned to which country?"

can't believe PPT would violate the one china policy like this.

>> No.23457399

I cant wait for the bili stream for peko to do a stream just to literally dab on them end it in 2 mins and say there's your promised bili stream

>> No.23457410

not convenient enough.

>> No.23457411
File: 105 KB, 749x678, 1584897214315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457412
Quoted by: >>23457442

I have this weird feeling some chinese dude posted this on a chinese message board and the chinese equivalent of anons mass responded with the chinese equivalent of based

>> No.23457423

the fuck is a else/v/ermin nigga like damn

>> No.23457425
Quoted by: >>23457435

why are they mentioning Taiwan and Hong Kong to Pekora

>> No.23457426

I'm glad Chinese people are tolerant, what it would be if there weren't.

>> No.23457427


>> No.23457431
Quoted by: >>23457484

>look at yourself as a ball

>> No.23457435

They think that Taiwan and Hong Kong are literal insults to people, for some reason.

>> No.23457436

>Matsuri just said she likes man's smell, the ones that gives a huge ''male'' impression, like the taxi seat or the teatcher room

uhhhh.... you guys told me she was lesbian

>> No.23457440


>> No.23457442

It’s a good and bad way when you see there can be similar people even across the ocean and language.

>> No.23457444

How Haachama could have saved the day
>Apologize for being a dumb girl right at the start
>Keep the stream English only
>Look at her switch or whatever games are installed on PC
>Ask at the chat which one they would like to see the most
>Stream that
That shit joke app stream was a fucking disaster

>> No.23457451

Matsuri is a cheerleader isn’t she. She’s always been cheering Chad on.

>> No.23457452

I told you she's bi several times

>> No.23457453

is there anything she CAN'T do?
(aside staying alive)

>> No.23457454

It upsets me when I think how much better the world would be if someone just fucking genocided China.

>> No.23457458

I honestly thought that haachama was just pretending to be dumb but she's really dumb as bricks

>> No.23457460

we need more mgs pekora memes about her sabotaging whinny the poohs plan while dress as big boss.

>> No.23457467

I hope she collabs with Luna and they make 45 minutes of fart sounds then end stream without reading super chats as an apology

>> No.23457468

If i was Pekora i would give them the middle finger at this point and tell YAGOO he can forget about me streaming on Bibili or dealing with chinks any time soon

>> No.23457470
File: 9 KB, 300x194, Matsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457725

>Pekora shitstorm
>meanwhile doom posters can't talk about her

>> No.23457471
File: 52 KB, 707x654, 1586581578814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457502

Atria/peko collab where they dab on mainland when?

>> No.23457473

Women are not men.

>> No.23457475
Quoted by: >>23457485

EOPs were too scary that’s why.

>> No.23457478
File: 333 KB, 545x378, 1584901447681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone in the good old days..

>> No.23457482

What did the rabbit do

>> No.23457483

>like the taxi seat
what did she mean by this?

>> No.23457484

>cute, fluffy Pekoball

>> No.23457485

Streaming that app would have driven mad everyone, no shit people were getting upset

>> No.23457487


>> No.23457488

This is why you never give into chinks.

>> No.23457489
Quoted by: >>23457499

Sorry I can't help it

>> No.23457491

Its easy to think of things to do in hindsight, haato is a very spastic immature girl so in the heat of the moment with people waiting for her to do something she probably looked at her phone and thought "teaching english to japanese people with these crappy app would be funny right" the stream was shit but I do feel bad for her and won't be judgmental of her entertainment skills

>> No.23457492

half the fags on here barely function in society.i worry about you , haato will be fine.

>> No.23457495
Quoted by: >>23457566

Having impressions now determine if you are straight or not?
I swear the level of retardation in this thread really delivers.

>> No.23457499

that meme has it's own music yo idiot

>> No.23457500

Everything wasn't working for her and her best option was to do a makeup date or a phone app

>> No.23457501
Quoted by: >>23457514

I just came to matsuri reading my name

>> No.23457502

They'll do it once Artia makes a YouTube channel to further shit on bilibilifags.

>> No.23457504
Quoted by: >>23457532

Actually it makes me wonder, had the Kuomintang won what would China be like today? Would it have been allied with the US in the cold war as a bulwark against the USSR and then devolved into a similar sort of corporatist shithole as America complete with a government system being abused into deadlock by bipartisan shitflinging?

>> No.23457505
File: 537 KB, 976x549, ITeuewY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457522

Another game finished by the doggo.

>> No.23457506

She could've saved the day by doing literally anything other than what she ended up doing.

>> No.23457508

good thing nobody outside this thread is autistic enough to seriously criticize a literal meme stream
go ahead and look at the reaction on twitter from both nips and eops nobody is mad except you

>> No.23457512

What is Pekoala problem huh? Fakin bitch hate yahoo
am i light fellow hololive?

>> No.23457513
Quoted by: >>23457541

Because she started panicking

>> No.23457514

how do you donate in that?

>> No.23457515

She probably wants a dick down her throat but she probably feels more genuine love for females. She openly bisexual

>> No.23457516
File: 431 KB, 1105x754, Korone Blues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat me to it

>> No.23457517
Quoted by: >>23457536

pandering to the insects is always a mistake

>> No.23457518
Quoted by: >>23457531


Spade Echo is live!

>> No.23457521

I'm glad the Great Firewall is getting taller

>> No.23457522

Why does she like the coffee pepper so much?

>> No.23457524
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23457527
Quoted by: >>23457539

How do you say 'based' in chinese?

>> No.23457530

Opium war 3, when?

>> No.23457531

Chinese knock-off version of Luna.

>> No.23457532

They'd be like South Korea just bigger and less wealthy

>> No.23457533

My favorite part is that after all this they're supposed to be victims

>> No.23457534

Just because she posted some cringy memes, seriously man.

>> No.23457536

they give more money than you EOP/ESL or whatever you are
china still number 1 you lose we win

>> No.23457537
Quoted by: >>23457554

I think everyone here can relate

>> No.23457539


>> No.23457541

How do you know?

>> No.23457542
Quoted by: >>23457600

Feel sorry for Pekora she was having a good week then she tweeted out a fun video of herself and it all went to shit...

>> No.23457546

Once she remembered she uninstalled AC she typed in chat that it would take 30 minutes to reinstall and it took her 20 minutes to actually start the stream.

>> No.23457547
File: 1.20 MB, 1056x1600, Margaret-Thatcher-1980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thatcher room

>> No.23457548

no homo but vaginas are disgusting

>> No.23457554
Quoted by: >>23457569

Only BBC for me.

>> No.23457555

Nice try Coco.

>> No.23457556
Quoted by: >>23457635

I liked the stream. The app was pretty weird and funny. I was looking forward to English Animal Crossing but this was fine too.

>> No.23457566
Quoted by: >>23457590

why are you sudden in the defensive?

>> No.23457564
File: 42 KB, 684x447, 2020-04-15 19_09_20-(11) 【ろくでなしブルース(SFC)】て・てめぇは許さねぇ!クリアまでやるんだァ!!【対決!東京四天王】 - YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23457569

Personally I'm all about the Chinese dick. Easier to manage and they pay well.

>> No.23457573

C stands for flat Chest.

>> No.23457574

That is much weirder than Haato...

>> No.23457576


>> No.23457580

they also fucked the world's economy over eating bat soup so they owe us reparation for every death.

>> No.23457582

is she sniffing seats in a taxi? what the fucks wrong with this girl.

>> No.23457583
Quoted by: >>23457647

>feels more genuine love for females
I can tell you are an EOP by this post only and joined the Vtuber bandwagon on the azur lane collab

>> No.23457588
File: 368 KB, 461x431, rushia_cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457590
Quoted by: >>23457612

why are you sudden in the offensive?

>> No.23457595

It's great how they animate the scene.

>> No.23457596

Holy based

>> No.23457599

Watching Rushia played RE is already bad for my blood pressure,with how she often missed item literally in front of her eye and forgetting the route she just passed 2 seconds ago.
Then I start to imagine how bad it would be if Choco played it.

>> No.23457600

Worst thing is that she seemed to genuinely like all the foreign memes, and now she gets shat on for basically nothing.

There needs to be retribution. Is there a way to report them to the CCP for using Twitter?

>> No.23457601

what a shitter
Miko didn't need that shit

>> No.23457602

Korone's gonna do a 3D dancing stream in the future

>> No.23457608

I hope watame jo- oh right.

>> No.23457610

Guys, why do all those Holos love Luna? Is it because they also want a child of their own?

>> No.23457611
File: 2.12 MB, 1419x759, Delicious food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo is the poorest? Coco, Pekora, Matsuri?

>> No.23457612
Quoted by: >>23457649

Bro, Matsuri is bi. This isn't news. She literally talked about getting married and having babies, among other stuff. It isn't an open secret.

>> No.23457615
File: 1.12 MB, 2253x2105, 80697710_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458762

We love Okayu, don't we folks?

>> No.23457617

This is normal. Male sweat has pheromones.

>> No.23457618

Also chat telling her to shoot the big, pulsating, and pink weak point on final Nemesis.

>> No.23457620

to be honest, none of the holoiivers are particularly good at game except for a few rare exceptions. You should work your expectations around this concept.

>> No.23457623

is that bean sprouts with chopped sausage

>> No.23457628

Are they even allowed on Niconico? Report them for that.

>> No.23457633

Definitely Matsuri and by choice, since she keeps simping Hoshikawa.

>> No.23457635

don't defend that crap newfag, she already played it in a stream long time ago, literally the equivalent of reusing jokes

>> No.23457637

Watame should be in the running and Pekora shouldn't be
Hell considering Pekora is an autistic neet she probably doesn't blow all her earnings on makeup and taking her kouhais out for expensive food like Matsuri does so she might actually be pretty well off.

>> No.23457639
Quoted by: >>23458414

reminds me of that one where you put spaghetti noodles through hotdog slices lmao

>> No.23457640

It's poor man's pasta.

>> No.23457641
Quoted by: >>23457655

i think miko will pull longer than korone since korone aready beat the game quickly, alas i'm wrong

>> No.23457644

Superlux HD681 and AKG velour pads. Came in well recommended from audiophile friends

>> No.23457645
Quoted by: >>23457712

nice spacing, chuubarino protector

>> No.23457647
Quoted by: >>23457668

Im just making an assumption based on the shit matsuri says about hoshikawa. I could be totally wrong but thats what it looks like to me

>> No.23457648

Sprouts are so fucking good. I wish they didn't cause food illness here.

>> No.23457649

doesn't matter really, it's just weird some people think because you're into one gender they assume the other become non-existent for them.

>> No.23457652
Quoted by: >>23457673

She's going to be so uncomfortable when the hair grows back.

>> No.23457655

I'm surprised she beat the game just mashing out special moves.

>> No.23457656

There were different questions last time

>> No.23457663

hell pekora's activities outside streams are petty much a mystery?

>> No.23457664

She's really fixated on being an idol though, I highly doubt she doesn't have a huge makeup studio.

>> No.23457668

just because you didn't saw how ''genuine'' she is towards males (since she can't show that to the viewers) don't means she care more about girls anon

>> No.23457670

haatocucks love watching her play the same kusoge repeatedly with no effort put in

>> No.23457673
Quoted by: >>23457701

After the first couple times that goes away. I'll never forget the pain after the first time I shaved my balls.

>> No.23457676

Pekora is professional enough that I have no idea whether she's an autistic neet or mostly normal in life.
I think she has mentioned going out with unrelated friends before thugh

>> No.23457680

Probably going to be awhile, unfortunately. I wonder how many 3D debuts we would have gotten this year if it wasn't for cornoa.

>> No.23457691

During the peak of the ark fad we knew exactly what she was doing because she appeared in the online list on everyone elses streams 24 hours a fucking day
I'm assuming her regular lifestyle isn't that much more healthy now that ark is dead
I'm sure she has a decent amount of stuff but I doubt she compares to Matsuri who is only poor due to her her hobbies.
Pekora's earnings are pretty high among vtubers anyway.

>> No.23457696

pekora is probably one of the most level-headed member unironically.

>> No.23457701
Quoted by: >>23457710

I feel like every guy was stupid enough to shave their pubes before. Never again.

>> No.23457704

Well, I appreciated Haato streaming herself doing reps. It was fun watching her flex how good her Japanese is.

>> No.23457706
File: 276 KB, 381x538, Dies Irae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope haato doesn't take this stream fail to heart. All her other streams this past week have been so great and I genuinely want her to succeed in what she loves

>> No.23457707

Korone is a bitch.

>> No.23457709

>tasty poverty food
>kills you
there's always a catch

>> No.23457710

Trim don't shave

>> No.23457712
Quoted by: >>23457828

I'm sorry for giving a shit about something I like, R*dditor-senpai.

>> No.23457715

any holo id

>> No.23457716

then send her a supacha with at least $5000 in it

>> No.23457722
File: 745 KB, 606x541, can't wake up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457742

When I first heard of virtual youtubers I had all sorts of thoughts about what that would be; there's quite a variety of weird and wonderful.

>> No.23457725
Quoted by: >>23457739

It's Anons from here making twitter accounts and posting it here for (You)s
but /v/fags will believe anything

>> No.23457726

Kanatan came from a poor family...

>> No.23457736

How dare you share this. I'm reporting you to the CCP.

>> No.23457739

sure chang, this is the first time chinese people get this angry online over something stupid.

>> No.23457742

They seemed a lot more professional back in the Kizuna Ai days but the recent ones seem like a mental asylum

>> No.23457748
Quoted by: >>23457765

She's definitely into otaku shit but I'm pretty sure she's mostly normal in real life. Not that we really know. She could be completely insane..

>> No.23457749

Hopefully she can make enough before she passes so that they can afford a nice funeral.

>> No.23457757
Quoted by: >>23457814

even worse is when they get angry their inner bug man comes out and we now have this>>23457343

>> No.23457763
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, haa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change the next stream's thumbnail to this

>> No.23457765
Quoted by: >>23457806

Multiple people have confirmed she peko's IRL. She's not normal by any means.

>> No.23457767

I literally just went to the actual tweet and most of the chinese post are the thumbs up emoji
but hey you/v/tards aren't the smartest

>> No.23457766
Quoted by: >>23457802


>> No.23457768

Good video.
Memes aside, what a shit dog.

>> No.23457769

I hope she makes enough to buy a quality hearing aid while there's still time

>> No.23457774

What would happened to Haato if her family wasn't rich?

>> No.23457777

Imagine being him right now

>> No.23457781

She wouldn't be in Australia, and therefore, happier.

>> No.23457784

She would not have lived to be a vtuber.

>> No.23457785

She would have gone through Japanese high school like a normal girl and graduated by now.

>> No.23457786

When 3rd gen has a collab in Ark few month ago I am sure that there talk about skin moisturizers or something and Pekora said she only use some random off brand she found on mart.

>> No.23457787
Quoted by: >>23457811

Tricked into prostitution

>> No.23457790


>> No.23457793

Cigarettes and vinyl

>> No.23457795

I know it won't change anything for most of you /pol/fags but most of the people angry at pekora are Taiwanese

>> No.23457796
Quoted by: >>23457847

CCP have no power against Canadian citizens.

>> No.23457797

>Haato will forget about Veradis
>It didn't mean anything

BTFO haatocucks.

>> No.23457798

Probably be in a country where she can understand the language being a normal teenage girl

>> No.23457800

>spamming chinkoid memes

>> No.23457802


>> No.23457803

I doubt she cares. She didn't try at all.

>> No.23457804

>tfw she remembers that simp but not the epic dude
smdh my head...

>> No.23457806

There's the one NND clip where past-life Miko confirms that Peko's laugh is real. I can't imagine living a normal life with that laugh.

>> No.23457808

i image half of Japanese are poor since everything is crazy expensive over there and taxes are pretty high.Thats my assumption on videos on youtube of Japanese people living in the net cafes and anime.

>> No.23457810

To be fair Pekora tweet of the shitstorm is full of "deleted" comments now

>> No.23457811

she would be tricked into doing it for free

>> No.23457813

I don't know what tweet you're looking at but i'm seeing deleted tweets right now and some china shitpost like "handle with care". sooo are you making a nothingburger?

>> No.23457814

The ones on the offensive probably weren't even fans in the first place. They just saw an opportunity to shitpost a Jap and swooped in like vultures. In a way I feel bad for the Chinese fans who just wanted her to stream more on their site but this whole thing just attracted the wrong kind of attention. Those silly meme videos were obviously made by people who enjoyed her content

>> No.23457815

>this is the first time chinese people get this angry online over something stupid.
You mean just how this thread got angry over how Korone, the Hololive with the most/v/ fans, acknowledged a post and deleted the archive
so upset that they called him yellow nigger and made him private his twitter
Or how you guys doxxed the Indonesian Hololive and constantly link her private information in her tweets?

>> No.23457816

So they're Chinese then

>> No.23457821
File: 203 KB, 576x739, 20200414_025143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was as based as Veradis.

>> No.23457824

imagine being the epicccc kid right now

>> No.23457825

haa-chama apologize stream soon

>> No.23457826

Is this a troll post baiting for (You)'s

>> No.23457828

you should be apologizing for being an oversensitive faggot

>> No.23457830

laffin at the all the twitchkids yelling simp during that stream

>> No.23457837
File: 13 KB, 500x259, 1457613017796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457841

>haato fans
pure undiluted cringe.

>> No.23457842

Jesus christ I wake up and pekora and haato are causing shitstorms, what the fuck is wrong with people
Also congrats to my cute daughterwife finishing RE on assisted with a C rank

>> No.23457844

Some of us aren't retarded and can tell between traditional and simplified chinkrunes anon

>> No.23457846
Quoted by: >>23458101

Was it even a fail?
She delayed 30, played 30 minutes, then ended the stream. That's technically her hour of work for the stream.

>> No.23457847

You got a chuckle out of me with that one.

>> No.23457849

Watame is the last one standing.

>> No.23457851

>took his money didn't even give him a kiss
Fucking bitch.

>> No.23457852
File: 762 KB, 1134x635, 1585511592394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haato that high

>> No.23457853

I wish him and Haato a happy marriage

>> No.23457854

Not even chinese people do that kind of faggotry you stupid esl. learn to read.

>> No.23457856
File: 108 KB, 420x339, 3609EB77-38C8-4856-BAEC-8D71C7F468DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457874

New Hololive anti thread when? I can make it if there's enough interest for it.

>> No.23457857
File: 43 KB, 481x1969, 1586972354437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kanatan is the smartest hololive and Bakua is the dumbest

>> No.23457858

holy mother of fake news

>> No.23457859

I hope she chokes on melonpan.

>> No.23457862

Why do people keep bringing up the "yellow nigger" thing like he even understood what it meant. If you put it into google translate it literally just says "yellow black person", which is completely inoffensive. It's much more likely that hundreds of Japanese people tweeting him made him delete his account rather than a single English comment.

>> No.23457866

I hope she goes on until WataUta and AsaCoco

>> No.23457868

Retard should've made this another English stream. What a cunt.

>> No.23457869
Quoted by: >>23457872

Watame went through 2 anti attacks and came out stronger.

>> No.23457871

Uhh bro that bilibili OC why are linking the wrong person??
I am going to have to report you to the chinese association for not linking it to the rightful owner.

>> No.23457872

How could anyone hate watame?

>> No.23457874

I'll post there again. I feel like we have enough material again for a meta discussion of Hololive without people baiting.

>> No.23457876

No that tweet literally banished him to the shadow realm.

I think it's more of a joke on how stupidly underage the anon is when he made that tweet. and he's posting here of all places lol

>> No.23457877

This ranking matches my internal assessment of their intelligence pretty well

>> No.23457879
Quoted by: >>23457906

>Why do people keep bringing up the "yellow nigger"
Because it shows how much this thread has fallen to /v/
Imagine seeing something you don't like online? Should you ignore it?
No I'll call him a nigger! That'll make me based and redpilled.

>> No.23457880

I've been wondering, how come all of asia is into otaku shit like anime and vtubers except for worst korea? You'd imagine vtubers would pander to Koreans and use a Korean streaming site too but I guess there isn't any interest. Is it because SK hates Japan or something? Here i thought noone in the world hated Japan more than mainlander chinese though.

>> No.23457881
Quoted by: >>23457892

If PP's so smart, then why is she going deaf?

>> No.23457886
Quoted by: >>23457947

Said she wasn't popular enough while Aki exists

>> No.23457889

why are no hololives playing bannerlord? are they even real gamers...

>> No.23457890
Quoted by: >>23457905

So the chinks want pekora's head. What is 5ch take on this? Does Pekora have a lot of antis?

>> No.23457891
Quoted by: >>23458073

> Is it because SK hates Japan or something
you poor naive child.

>> No.23457892

the brain is sucking the ear

>> No.23457895
Quoted by: >>23457919

There should either be a vtuber board or separate thread because I can't stand being in the same thread as Koronefags

>> No.23457896

google "耳塚"

>> No.23457898


>> No.23457899

She's dumb and stinky.

>> No.23457900
File: 49 KB, 828x828, EVqYnENU4AEP-F3-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even a week old and already better than all the Holostars

>> No.23457901
Quoted by: >>23457921

What test was this?

>> No.23457905
File: 64 KB, 800x800, 1580665032455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if japs side with the bugs then i'll nuke them

>> No.23457906

>Imagine seeing something you don't like online? Should you ignore it?
Yeah the fucking irony in this post

>> No.23457908

I am convinced in my headcannon that Veradis is an aussie and they were dating IRL before the whole lockdown so now they are doing it online and at samd time they are teasibg us their relationship

>> No.23457909
Quoted by: >>23458073

lol, you are so bluepilled.

>> No.23457913
Quoted by: >>23457926

Who's life is she going to ruin next?

>> No.23457914

I honestly didn't care until her lol so epic passive aggressive Aqua bullying, but that shit was pathetic. Now I hope she's forced to retire soon.

>> No.23457917

why did miko ended so early? is she preparing for the ARK cave exploration with coco?

>> No.23457918

she didn't date me

>> No.23457919

What do you have against Korone?

>> No.23457921
Quoted by: >>23457999


>> No.23457920

Fucking Japan, I swear.

>> No.23457924
Quoted by: >>23457945

is this image supposed to be a joke? im cringing so hard how maga it is.

>> No.23457926

squirrel is next
moona is a mastermind

>> No.23457927

His twitter says he's from the US but he could be lying

>> No.23457928
File: 142 KB, 416x383, 1528056423261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if japs side with the bugs then i'll nuke them

>> No.23457930

>Comparing female to male streamers

>> No.23457932
Quoted by: >>23457974

Is this an IQ test? Checks out

>> No.23457933

>Aqua dumbest hololive

It checks out

>> No.23457934

>caring about empty Indosubscriptions

>> No.23457935

All three IDs together have more than all 9 Holostars together do

>> No.23457936

Can you repeat that again but in English this time?

>> No.23457938

why did everyone abandon ark is it because of the drama or did everyone got bored of it.

>> No.23457940

You really think Haato is that smart

>> No.23457945

seriously how the fuck could you ever put Germany in any non lawful alignment.

>> No.23457947
File: 1.62 MB, 2000x2313, 70390523_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23457962

Shut your whore mouth. Just because Aki is EOP/ESL filter that doesn't mean she's unpopular

>> No.23457950
Quoted by: >>23457966

Mainly Animal Crossing.

>> No.23457952
Quoted by: >>23457965

Doubt, Haachama isn't smart enough for not blowing up veradis cover

>> No.23457956

>Chaotic good
>Lawful evil

This is a dumb image.

>> No.23457959

Haato is too autistic for a bf anon, she doesn't even have friends

>> No.23457961
Quoted by: >>23457972

>animare playing league of legends

>> No.23457962

Stupid hair
Stupid face
Stupid ears

>> No.23457963

Holy shit most of these hololive girls are dumb as fuck

>> No.23457965

1 second into the stream Haato accidentally puts the guys social security number and home address on screen while screaming

>> No.23457966

well understandable, i do like the reaction they have when they go to fan islands.

>> No.23457967

No, she didn't say why
Maybe she got a boyfriend? That would explain her absences these days

>> No.23457968

Towa is 1k away from 100k,make sure to prepare something for her Towabros

>> No.23457970
Quoted by: >>23457988

Aberration is significantly harder, and it also removes flying which all of them liked, so most of them just got bored and stopped playing.

>> No.23457972

Nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.23457974

It's a generic trivia test, same as the one ppt answered earlier in the thread

>> No.23457976

Or maybe she wanted to go see or talk with Pekora, they have been friends for years after all

>> No.23457977
Quoted by: >>23458006

they got bored, there's not so much to do in aberration and they barely interact with each other so most of them play offstream
peko no longer plays, miko still plays by time to time and aki now has the longest playtime

>> No.23457978
Quoted by: >>23458006

Bored, abberation was a mistake. Should skip to genesis.

>> No.23457981
Quoted by: >>23458198

How does she get lessons in singing and ongaku then? Or how did she become a vtuber then? Is it just her personality was that bright? How did she get the opportunity? Does she only watch youtube?

>> No.23457983

who gave that god like idea of playing metal gear 3 to pekora? i hope she keeps playing more icon ps2 games that would boost her views up and subscribers.silent hill 2 when?

>> No.23457985
Quoted by: >>23457992

Aberration being hard, Aqua drama and FBK making a mistake made everyone less enthusiastic about it. No flying really made it tedious and the environment doesn't look as good as the Island.

>> No.23457988
Quoted by: >>23458036

Ragnarok is baby tier in comparison, you can literally get the best monster egg in 2-3 hours
It's good for beginners which is what they were

Niji using it for their next map when they are all used to the game isn't such a good idea though

>> No.23457990

Silent Hill sucks dick and so does the rest of the Horror/Survival genre.

>> No.23457992
Quoted by: >>23458024

What did FBK do?

>> No.23457993
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x1280, 133267537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23457995

what's stopping them from playing iconic games anyway? It's a good way to gain viewers. Is it a matter of personal (shit) taste for these girls?

>> No.23457997
File: 713 KB, 688x664, angry cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23457999
Quoted by: >>23458032

ah so not a useful measurement whatsoever

>> No.23458000

She's dating the ojisan that helped her when she hit her head.

>> No.23458004

it's too expensive to provide iconic games for each member of hololive, imagine all the time it takes to install things and not break their PC

>> No.23458006
Quoted by: >>23458038

I guess they should of gone with aqua's plan and pvp each other, she could of saved ark.
genesis is trash from what long time fans say.

>> No.23458008
Quoted by: >>23458040

Of course, only Korone, Mio and Okayu actually love games.

>> No.23458010

5th gen confirmed?

>> No.23458013

Haato is too autistic for a bf, she just gets pumped and dumped by any bogan that can make her laugh.

>> No.23458015

seethe more kojimape

>> No.23458014

Where did her moles go?

>> No.23458019
File: 2.88 MB, 2894x4093, 6dnz66d6x9m41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girls supposed to be Hololive why can't I find her in the list

>> No.23458020

Just gotta wash them properly.
But yeah Sprouts are a risky one, easier to fuck them up compared to salad leaves and the like since they are more humid and smaller.
A good thorough wash and light cooking is nearly guaranteed to prevent food poisoning, and if you do get it for it to be minimal impact. (given you have a good diet in general)

>> No.23458022

who tf approved left design? idols aren't supposed to be slutty

>> No.23458024
Quoted by: >>23458049

Went to twitter immediately (as always) to complain about losing her progress when in fact it was just a stat reset. got some hate from her and stopped streaming ARK. Rare moment of FBK fucking up.

>> No.23458025

Coco planned to get them off worked

>> No.23458026
Quoted by: >>23458047

shit taste or normie.

>> No.23458032

It's just fun and games anon, that test just shows who graduated from highschool by the skin of their teeth.

>> No.23458033
File: 197 KB, 946x2048, b6959d2dbe03bfc9147a013b042f59d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458094

Let's ask the important questions:
Shion tit upgrade when?

>> No.23458036

Kuzuha, Ibrahim and Hajime are fully focused on LoL now so I doubt they will play the new map, my guess is that niji wants to use it to focus on the less known tubers

>> No.23458038

Maybe extinction ?

>> No.23458040
Quoted by: >>23458056

Pekora and Miko seem to love games too. I mean, Miko can stream almost as long as Korone at times...

>> No.23458039

Korone is the only gamer I respect because she actually has a retro collection and doesn't play SFC games on her Switch.

>> No.23458044
Quoted by: >>23458085

these girls are casuals that are more in line with twitch thots really
except Gamers and Marine Touhou

>> No.23458045
Quoted by: >>23458060

YAGOO is a lucky man.

>> No.23458047


>> No.23458048


>> No.23458049

I don't follow her so her fucking up is news to me, always seemd like FBK could avoid all stupid drama.

>> No.23458054

What did she think of Jill and Carlos?

>> No.23458056

Sorry, yeah, Miko's fine too, but she didn't know who Tifa was though.

>> No.23458060
File: 2.40 MB, 1280x720, yagoo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes he is

>> No.23458063

AKB48 he said...

>> No.23458066
Quoted by: >>23458089

Yeah, her not really knowing FF7 is surprising. Especially as FF7 is bigger in Japan than in the West. I suppose everyone has that one pop culture thing that slips by them.

>> No.23458071

>C is the same color as her
Simply amazing.

>> No.23458073
Quoted by: >>23458117

Okay Korea has a massive hateboner for Japan because of History yeah, worsened by how modern japanese don't really know about this past which no doubt irks them, but I'm pretty sure China has a massive hate hardon for Japan too what with Nanking and the invasions and all. All I'm trying to ask is why otaku shit isn't as big of a subculture in SK as it is in Mainland China.

>> No.23458075
Quoted by: >>23458100

Miko became such a lazy bitch always making excuses not to stream and making 2 hours stream

>> No.23458078
Quoted by: >>23458182

Miko is an anime otaku and not a game otaku

>> No.23458079

Why is Aqua not very popular(relative to some other members) among EOPs?

>> No.23458081

Are Matsuri's "drunk" steam legit?
Seems like she's faking it.

>> No.23458082

There is so little scheduled live today wtf is going on

>> No.23458085

marine is a generic thot like the rest
Gamers are the only ones into games

>> No.23458089
Quoted by: >>23458163

FF7 and FF in general isn't really that big in Japan. In fact some Japanese people think it's a western franchise. DQ is significant bigger.

>> No.23458090
Quoted by: >>23458121

Haatobros? Did Haachama changed her profile pic just now? Why she does the double peace sign?

>> No.23458091
Quoted by: >>23458126

Aqua is extremely popular among EOPs, what are you talking about? She has translated clips on par with Matsuri.

>> No.23458092

Her videos are hard to get into.

>> No.23458094
Quoted by: >>23458187

She's gonna need even more black boyfriends for that to happen.

>> No.23458098

She's pretty popular to those who care about good gameplay since there's no language barrier with that but anything else she's pretty boring. Chinks love her though for some reason.

>> No.23458100

She streamed for 6 hours 2 days ago, give her a break
Miko had been streaming more for longer time due to ark being such a grind, that's all

>> No.23458101

Failure in the sense that she knew people were waiting for her english only and then maybe feels like she let those people down

>> No.23458102

She's too pure for these douches

>> No.23458103

Because she isn't skilled on /v/

>> No.23458105

Anon she literally streams audio of herself taking a bath. She will do anything for attention.

>> No.23458109

If you mean her chat, she has rules and mods. so they don't get free reign.

>> No.23458110

I can't understand her in her streams.

>> No.23458112

What if 7 Days to Die becomes the next fad, spear headed by Subaru

>> No.23458114
Quoted by: >>23458209

Combination of Aberration map being shit, harder, Animal Crossing and FF7R coming out.
She should have picked a better map, or even stayed on that one for a while longer.
I still feel bad for Flare since she only just recently started working on her house when server was getting changed. RIP.

>> No.23458115

My guess is this is due to the situation with Pekora.
Korone also used to know her in her past life though they don't interact much now

>> No.23458117

I dont wanna go all /pol/ on you but the main reason is because their pride and their feminist culture and government. China doesn't have that yet thanks to whinny the pooh keeping that shit on lock down.

>> No.23458116

None of the drunk stream are legit anon they are just zatsudan with roleplay.

>> No.23458121

The number of fingers she has held up are the number of brain aneurysms she has each week

>> No.23458122

What is this?

>> No.23458123
Quoted by: >>23458145

Anon it's 3AM, wait at least 9 hours.

>> No.23458125

It's time to drop the idol shit and just create a Hololive entertainment group which includes idols.

>> No.23458126

Whenever I watch Aqua's livestream, I don't see a lot of English comments in the chat.

>> No.23458129

Watame's unusual high level of affection towards Coco recently makes me uncomfortable

>> No.23458132
Quoted by: >>23458156

Have you checked what hour is now over there?

>> No.23458134

The other Holos only play when Subaru invites them so I doubt it, would be nice every now and then I guess.

>> No.23458136

But Rushia.

>> No.23458137
Quoted by: >>23458164

She seemed a bit tired today in today's stream, but maybe it was just me.

>> No.23458141

Baqua is boring, I like her for the gameplay though

>> No.23458143

the latest drunk twitcasting stream with Tamaki/Norio was the fakest thing I ever read

>> No.23458145

I know that but there is still so little scheduled ahead...

>> No.23458147
Quoted by: >>23458648

don't reply to him, the peko "hate" hour already passed so he's trying to start a new one with a different holo, ignore him and move on

>> No.23458152

She is her emotional crutch after her boyfriend broke up with her.

>> No.23458154

I like her, She's a cute introvert who loves anime shit like me.

>> No.23458156

It's only 3 AM.

>> No.23458161

Watching Haato is like reading a mindbreak eromanga at times..

>> No.23458163
Quoted by: >>23458167

For sure, DQ is much bigger. But FF7 in particular was fairly big in Japan. It was the most successful FF over there.

>> No.23458164

I felt it too, her voice felt pretty ragged at the start
Like she was crying or screaming not long ago

Well either she just had heavy sex with her new boyfriend or she was busy comforting Pekora for hours, whatever you decide

>> No.23458167

DQ1-3 speedruns when?

>> No.23458169
Quoted by: >>23458192

I hope she's alright. That's all I want.

>> No.23458173

Maybe not. It is very niche game

>> No.23458174

>Well either she just had heavy sex with her new boyfriend or she was busy comforting Pekora for hours, whatever you decide
>tfw these two images in my head
Why do you do this to me?

>> No.23458176


>> No.23458177

I think it's time to go back to /v/. Old narrative-driven game streams are never a guarantee, they might piss people off when they don't actually finish the games.

>> No.23458179


>> No.23458180
Quoted by: >>23458199

Bannerlord is horribly unbalanced right now, and there aren't any JP translations.
That said Eli Conifer is playing it after her Warband playthrough.

>> No.23458181

The JAV premiere

>> No.23458182
Quoted by: >>23458186

She's a big eroge player.

>> No.23458183

Chinese are so made some of them started to add dislikes on all pekora video

>> No.23458187

Is it chatty old woman hour again?

>> No.23458186

That too

>> No.23458192

Yeah, I'm joking about the BF thing, she legit felt a bit more depressed than usual through the stream so it's probably just the situation with Pekora that affected her
Again they had been friends for years

>> No.23458193

Wait, is that what Miko is actually supposed to look like?

>> No.23458196

The only person who's going to be able to understand it is Coco and she has shit taste in games

>> No.23458197
Quoted by: >>23458205


>> No.23458198

She used to go under a different alias for years before her hololive debut. She has several songs uploaded on nico and youtube, including a bunch of collaborations, and she did some streaming too.

>> No.23458199

>that spoiler

>> No.23458205

Sorry anon, I will leave and you can project yourself into to the girls sucking a guys cock. It's dead hours anyway.

>> No.23458209

I remember her mentioning that she knew their stuff will go away when her PC was on the way. She only wanted to get serious with the next map IIRC.
Then the new map bombed..

>> No.23458214

Don't worry, I could tell it was a joke. I don't mind people saying they have boyfriends and all. I'm just worried about the both of them if it's really about the Pekora situation.

>> No.23458213
Quoted by: >>23458280

Interesting, how did people find that out?

>> No.23458216
File: 65 KB, 800x1200, ESqlUQOUwAEQsxN.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Towa's almost 100k
Towachads rise up

>> No.23458218

Come on man it's right there in the videos name.

>> No.23458219
File: 296 KB, 850x850, 1586301392847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about this guys. I can't enjoy Watame's content anymore. It just not the same

>> No.23458221

keep your fantasies to yourself next time, okay bud? thanks, pal.

>> No.23458227

There's only one person streaming, what the fuck are people suppose to talk about? Obviously it's shitpost hour.

>> No.23458228

>It's dead hours anyway.
theres your answer, anons become faggots when there is nothing going on

>> No.23458232

It's probably a placeholder name

>> No.23458236
Quoted by: >>23458283

you're an incel then.

>> No.23458237
Quoted by: >>23458258

Well once you're down, you can only go up but even Luna is now gaining subscription at a higher rate...

>> No.23458239

why? what changed that wasn't already known?

>> No.23458240

Anika and Giraffe was her best though.

>> No.23458242

Same, she's streaming way too much now that she's been dumped. It's not special anymore

>> No.23458243

No shit, that's exactly what it says.

>> No.23458244
File: 361 KB, 1538x2048, IMG_20200411_225739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she should apologize to Kanata and the rest of the 4th gen, then maybe I won't feel like she's a backstabber.

>> No.23458252

She has a nice voice and sings well but i need more than that bro.

>> No.23458253


>> No.23458254
Quoted by: >>23458294

Lonely watame with a broken chat

>> No.23458257
Quoted by: >>23458272

Will Korone touch on arcade danmaku games like Dodonpachi or Ikaruga?

>> No.23458258
Quoted by: >>23458290

why are lunaposters like this...

>> No.23458259

same. just unsubs her. now i only watch asacoco every morning

>> No.23458260

But, anon, I want to know what it is.

>> No.23458264

Yeah I really can't relate when she's getting married... I'll stick to korone kthxbai

>> No.23458267

Actually, until the West forced themselves down China's throat, the view in China was that citations were unneeded because readers should recognize your sources.

>> No.23458269

It's almost certainly.

>> No.23458272

you'd know the answer before asking if you weren't such an obvious crossboarding casual tourist

>> No.23458276

Being a vtubers making millions every months for one hour of work a day must be really tiring, I hope that Pekora doesn't kill herself over some chinks calling her out on twitter.
Being a chuuba is probably the easiest job on the planet, you don't even have to deal with the "everyone know who I'm when I go outside" part of being a popular livestreamer, so stop giving them pity every goddamn time

>> No.23458279
Quoted by: >>23458309

>marine is a generic thot like the rest
I want /v/ to leave

>> No.23458280

I imagine initially people who used to follow her old alias recognized her voice, from there, reading her twitter posts pretty much confirms they're the same person.

>> No.23458282

Guys it's ok to have a dead thread when nothing is going on, surely you guys have something else to do besides shitpost even with the lockdown.

>> No.23458283

there's no reason to be into idols if you're not an incel

>> No.23458286
Quoted by: >>23458300

>she did some streaming too.
Link on one of her streams?

>> No.23458290

Lunabros are naturally better than Towacucks.

>> No.23458291

She literally said at the end of the stream she was still deciding on whether to play Ark or AC at that time so she put a placeholder title for now

>> No.23458294


>> No.23458296

You're definitely retarded mate.

>> No.23458297

Thank you, I missed the end of the FF7R stream.

>> No.23458299

>Ark or AC
There's just no good choices, I guess.

>> No.23458300

I'd link it if I could find one. Here's her twitcast page. You can read old viewer comments there. Maybe you can find old streams too, but I don't know how twitcast works.


>> No.23458304

weebs translate this

>> No.23458309
Quoted by: >>23458321

/vr/ chad here, i'm only around for Korone.

>> No.23458313
Quoted by: >>23458479

I care about them.

>> No.23458315

>live tags

>> No.23458318

Half of her channel is that clip on repeat.

>> No.23458321
Quoted by: >>23458540

She's a slut bro, 4 boyfriends and who knows how many cocks she's stuffed into her snatch

>> No.23458323

I think she used to say that she felt more like a boy but I don't this is the case anymore considering she's a cute female angel

>> No.23458325 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 237x188, tags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458399

Kanata is a dyke? Somehow I'm not surprised.

>> No.23458326


>> No.23458328


There's this too.

>> No.23458329

but my babies... they need my protection.

>> No.23458330

It's hard to believe someone with a really stupid sounding voice like Miko has showed her butthole to people on the internet.

>> No.23458334

Unsurprising, since rabbits are made of shit.

>> No.23458339
Quoted by: >>23458367

Those are like current trending tags, they don't have anything to do with the current page you're on.

>> No.23458343

Which kusoge we could try to get them in?

>> No.23458344

>stupid sounding
Her voice is pure sex.

>> No.23458345
Quoted by: >>23458355

if it's so easy why aren't you a vtuber?

>> No.23458347
Quoted by: >>23458373

My heart bleeds to think Peko has been crying, she puts up a funny front in her streams but isn't she quite reserved and shy in real life.

>> No.23458349

so she was worried about peko after all, what a nice friend

>> No.23458350

That explains her cool voice.

>> No.23458353

Wow she nuked the shit out of her twitter. Smart.

>> No.23458354

Kanatan is flat, how can I be sure now...

>> No.23458355

I doubt that anon is a a girl or knows japanese.

>> No.23458358

She's like a cute little brother to everyone

>> No.23458360
Quoted by: >>23458369

I will accept FtM Nozomi-chan if that is his choice.

>> No.23458362

She's hot and I would definitely bang

>> No.23458366
Quoted by: >>23458404

Even without knowledge of timezones you can easily figure out when the Americas wake up based on reading the content of this thread.

>> No.23458367

This. I seriously doubt Kanata has ever touched PUBG and APEX.

>> No.23458369

I won't, fuck that tranny if she does that and I'll be glad she is going deaf.

>> No.23458373
Quoted by: >>23458378

Very. She cries when she has sex with her boyfriend still.

>> No.23458374
Quoted by: >>23458381

If Kanata transitioned would she be transferred to Holostars?

>> No.23458375

I hope the chinese are proud

>> No.23458378
Quoted by: >>23458426

Wow, Miko must be really rough.

>> No.23458380


>> No.23458381
Quoted by: >>23458389

rather would she be transferred to Suisei's strike zone

>> No.23458389

wrong, still not a shonen because shes trapboi not a fighter climbing to top

>> No.23458390

Oh god ... we've really been invaded by /v/ ...

>> No.23458392

Explains the gorilla strength
good for him

>> No.23458399

I don't see half of those tags on her channel. I think they're unrelated to the channel as the other anon said.

>> No.23458401

Yeah, not like a lot of them put any effort in streaming either. Just mostly playing some games and reacting to what is happening.

>> No.23458404

Indeed. I always said the site went to shit when they became the majority posters, and this lockdown has proven it even more so because loads of people out of work / education.

>> No.23458409
Quoted by: >>23458419

This is good. It'll scare away all the vshitters.

>> No.23458410
File: 3.59 MB, 2500x3000, __inugami_korone_hololive_drawn_by_kutar22__8ca62cca09bc60fd747e9524500e36ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you play/do if you were a japanese vtuber? What would your quirk be?

I'd play all those glorious PS1/2 I never got try and roleplay whatever I'm playing at the time, acting that way towards the viewers too. When not in RP character probably just act naturally, nothing over the top.

>> No.23458412

I can't believe a girl with a sexy voice like Miko's hasn't.

>> No.23458414

I got some cans of that m8, its some good shit
Might crack one open now actually and make a toastie

>> No.23458416

What's the JAV code anyway? or was it more of camgirling that she did?

>> No.23458419
Quoted by: >>23458458

No it won't you retard, it will make them double down on the shitposting.

>> No.23458424

I'd be Korone's leech

>> No.23458425

I'd be Aqua but I'd hate being Aqua

>> No.23458426

I just realized... Peko is basically Tifa.

>> No.23458428

Miko and Pekora are friends, not conjoined twins for god sakes. If Miko is depressed, don't just assume it's because of Peko and bring her into it. She's her own person. Worry about her more. This is why those rules exist, because of asperger fucks like you guys.

>> No.23458431
Quoted by: >>23458466

sheep actually sleepy and yawning

>> No.23458439
Quoted by: >>23458467

I'd just be Jerma

>> No.23458441
Quoted by: >>23458499

Wait which rules what are we even talking about

>> No.23458443

I'd be a 2d pewdiepie

>> No.23458447

>decision to quit her job.
When did that happen?

>> No.23458449
Quoted by: >>23458454

I would play only roguelites and call myself tamago and my fans would be tamagotchis

>> No.23458450

It's been lost, buried, and deleted. It's pretty hard to find. No one wants to willingly give it up.

>> No.23458454

Egg boy

>> No.23458455

I would play whatever the other vtubers play so I can have friends even with social anxiety like baqua. My quirk is being myself like vtubers.

>> No.23458456

... alright? Not like we are going on twitter and saying any of this directly to her, are you autistic or something?

>> No.23458458

Then that make it easier to spit and report.

>> No.23458459

>Peko and Miko have been good friends for years
>Peko had to deal with a lot of stupid drama recently

Yeah, there's no reason for Miko to be upset. They're not women or anything.

>> No.23458462
Quoted by: >>23458484

Miko nuked it.

>> No.23458465

A bunch of holos were demonetized for various false positives and one of the more common ones was ASMR flagging as porn. They aren't doing it because they want to stay monetized.

>> No.23458466

What happenes to her chat? Did ARK bored the shit out youtube too it turned off her chat?

>> No.23458467

Vtuber that only plays tf2 while beatboxing fucking when

>> No.23458472

I'd even go as far to say that good friends is an understatement.

>> No.23458474

So long as a code exists it can be found, some anons managed to dig up one of Ai Uehara's super early AVs where she fucked a black guy. That vid wasn't even on Empornium or any other big tracker.

>> No.23458476
Quoted by: >>23458523

her mods will ban you and they can ban you from chatting in other hololive streams

>> No.23458477

Recommend me the good clips from the hololive 3D anime shorts

>> No.23458479
Quoted by: >>23458500

Hopefully one day you realize that the idole industry in Japan is one of the worst in the world
Watch chuubas for the entertaining aspect of it, but don't get attached because when It's not gonna work anymore they just gonna use a new persona and letting all the fans behind, they don't care

>> No.23458483

You people didn't get this from me.

>> No.23458484
Quoted by: >>23458512

Nothing is trully nuked, someone somewhere has a copy

>> No.23458487

The one with Aki pissing
The Korone ones

>> No.23458489

Just watch them but mute the audio

>> No.23458494

You weren't supposed to you shithead

>> No.23458496

Where did you find this?

>> No.23458499

Not talking about other chuubas in a stream. Because morons can't keep their headcanon to themselves.

Peko had a single controversy during a massive boom of success. Meanwhile, Miko literally fell down the stairs and had to stop streaming for a while.

>> No.23458500

I already know that. I'm luckily here for the person behind the chuuba so it won't bother me if they moved on to a different persona or if they started doing more IRL streaming.

>> No.23458501

Change the link at least, lazy anons

>> No.23458504

I always found her streams kinda boring, so nothing's lost.

>> No.23458505

jesus fuck Miko can make those sounds!?

>> No.23458506
Quoted by: >>23458802

Old man homostar that plays both new and old games. Tries to act cool but gets overly emotional over certain kind of scenes in games. Also I'd never touch FotM games until maybe a year later.

>> No.23458508

korone 2.0

just the weirdest/obscure old shit

>> No.23458510
Quoted by: >>23458532

Who the fuck is streaming this thread

>> No.23458512
Quoted by: >>23458549

I'm pretty sure there is some chinese guy that is offering a bunch of money for it, still nobody had turned up more than screenshots.

>> No.23458513
File: 52 KB, 577x566, 1578521925562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.23458516
Quoted by: >>23458579

I would mostly play fighting games online at a slightly above average level, play with viewers and try to get other chuubas to play with me. Failing that I'll GM call of cthulhu and scare the shit out of everyone

>> No.23458518


>> No.23458521


>> No.23458523
Quoted by: >>23458545

How do I become a mod for hololive? Do I do it for free?

>> No.23458526


>> No.23458527

Stop it. Miko wouldn't want this.

>> No.23458528

I miss ARK. I can't believe I typed that.

>> No.23458531

That's pretty wild, I'm saving it while I still can.

>> No.23458532
Quoted by: >>23458570

You are, to /v/tards who will believe every shitty take they see here.

>> No.23458535

Miko...... 35p....

>> No.23458536
File: 37 KB, 800x850, 62070371_2320883531492741_4701566498383069184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hololive rust server when?
whose gonna be the first to censor the cocks?

>> No.23458540

doesn't matter to me.

>> No.23458541

miko is such a sweet girl i hope she feels better soon

>> No.23458542
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1557074302072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23458545

Aren't the mods other chubbas?

>> No.23458548

*forget to censor

>> No.23458549

Okay I'm no Mikofag so I'm wondering how the fuck people even found out she did AV if the video hasn't been seen by anyone and only a few alleged screens exist

>> No.23458550
Quoted by: >>23460990

Yeah, I've seen it. Here it is.

>> No.23458552
File: 443 KB, 3000x2000, PKE_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ganbare, Miko!

>> No.23458559
Quoted by: >>23458582

and do you think no one in 5ch has searched for it around the entire internet knowing how autistic they are? also not even they can say if she's the girl in the video or not so the obviously photoshopped comparison is used to bait newfags, but you can believe whatever you want

>> No.23458562
File: 509 KB, 2000x1500, ETfIjhEUcAIpB_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ganbatte 35!

>> No.23458563
Quoted by: >>23458651

This too based

>> No.23458564

Someone has been trolling her fans about it since her days as Mashiro but no one has ever seen that video

>> No.23458568
Quoted by: >>23458594

>Supacha and membership

>> No.23458569

Miko caught the shionvirus...

>> No.23458570

Some speculation on 4chan won't hurt anyone

>> No.23458571

Miko injured her head half a week ago. I doubt she's crying over a nearly week old injury.

Yes, it could have been a bunch of stuff. But to think that Peko's troubles could have absolutely nothing to do with Miko's mood is foolish. You clearly haven't seen women consoling each other before.

>> No.23458572
Quoted by: >>23458598

It was linked to her previous identity ~2015 when she was less popular, when she debuted in hololive the video was mass DMCA'd suddenly, so nobody seems to have a copy on hand anymore.

>> No.23458575

Cunt using what happened to Peko just to attention whore and make it about herself. Honestly scummy.

>> No.23458576

All my solo streams would either be Mount&Blade, Rimworld, or Minecraft.
I'd collab with the girls and the boys every so often to stay relevant and steal fans, only to disappoint them with my 8 hour streams where I just play the game and read chat every minute. I'll be having fun though so I don't care if they leave.

>> No.23458579
Quoted by: >>23458583

So basically Aqua and FBK.

>> No.23458582

If you put it that way it seems pretty obvious that the video doesn't exist then. Even when you consider how less anal Japanese are about media archival.

>> No.23458583
Quoted by: >>23458647

Smash isn't a fighting game though
Also I'm pretty sure my IQ is 3-digit

>> No.23458592
File: 560 KB, 1808x986, 1585801259318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458648

>fags trying to shitpost miko again
ganbare 35p

>> No.23458594

love how this meme popped right back up right after the AC stream. shits too funny.

>> No.23458595
File: 180 KB, 659x464, mikopi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

35P know what's up.

>> No.23458596
Quoted by: >>23458621

The video 100% exists, I have a full thumbnail roll of the video, there's just no way to tell if it's actually Miko without audio though.

>> No.23458597

This isn't funny anymore.
Stop posting Miko's past life, maji de.

>> No.23458598
Quoted by: >>23458645

If it was linked in 2015 then why was she able to stream as Mashiro till 2018 with no problem?
Why was she picked by Cover?

It's just trolling since the beginning, the fact that nobody has that video or even a title despite the fact that many people that used to follow nico nama are now part of the vtuber fanbase isn't strange to you?

>> No.23458599

Are you retarded or pretending to be retarded, because one there no Miko jav it just fake anti shit from 5ch, second the girl in the pic was underage is the reason way no one can find the video.

>> No.23458603

I like Watame

>> No.23458606

The person behind the chuuba is a fake persona, you don't know them. When a chuuba is changing character they don't tell the fans about it, If you are lucky maybe they do a goodbye streaming, but that's it.
Take Korone for example, she had two channels before becoming Korone, she never mentioned moving on another channel to any of the fans. Same for Luna, Pekora, or Miko, they deleted the previous content, fuck the fans, and moved to something new.
Now take Coco, Noel and Mel, they are the smarts one because they know that Hololive is gonna die one day that's why they keep alimenting two channels, but still they don't tell the fans about it. Can you imagine being a Mel fan, not having any new content for months, but she still upload just somewhere else without telling the 120k fans on her hololive channel ? Again, they don't care, she has more success on her second channel so fuck the fans on the first one.
Coco is probably the one who respect the most her fans because even if she doesn't talk about Hololive she doesn't try to hide it at all and she didn't let her fan behind even after becoming one of the biggest vtuber out here

>> No.23458611

Watame at the table alone looks so fucking depressing. Oh no.

>> No.23458618
File: 1.58 MB, 1415x765, No pantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458624

No pantsu confirmed

>> No.23458621

>full thumbnail roll of the video
>no way to tell if it's actually Miko without audio.
>100% exists
anon, breath in for a second and think about what you just posted

>> No.23458624

if you dont wear pantsu no one can see them

>> No.23458625
Quoted by: >>23458641

It does exist but I didn't bother saving it that time since, you know it's out on the internet. didn't expect it to actually be erased from the internet.

>> No.23458630
Quoted by: >>23458676

At this point most of kson's fans and kson herself don't care.

>> No.23458631

I feel like Watame is well liked within Hololive even with the unsavory comments she made, I hope Towa stays strong.

>> No.23458634

I'd play shit like Kenshi, Stalker, Mount and Blade, Shin Megami Tensei, and Fire Emblem, basically shit that has high replayability and mod value; plus whatever new Japanese games catch my eye. If I had no choice but to fallback to a main game I'd play Dota since it's the only shit I can stand to play semiconsistently that has a fanbase, and when content gets SUPER sparse then I could finally work on my vidya backlog.

>> No.23458635

>but she still upload just somewhere else without telling the 120k fans on her hololive channel ?
They can't tell their fans about second accounts. Even Coco has said nothing. It's in their contracts...

>> No.23458637

miko also deleted a singing stream because she accidentally referred to herself as mashiro when she was acting out a scene from clannad

>> No.23458641
Quoted by: >>23458670

I know which one you mean, I was in the thread when it was posted too, and this one is 100% not Miko, as the anon said before this video was nuked since the girl was underrage
Miko is 24-25, can't be her

>> No.23458642

What's the problem? He said a video, with that girl, exists. And that there is no way to prove that it is Miko. Did you misread or something?

>> No.23458643

I don't know them. I like the content that the person behind the chuuba makes and that's enough to warrant me following them. Even if they left without warning, I'd still try to. I'm not entitled to them caring about me. I would just like to support them as an individual.

>> No.23458644

Did you really think old women would talk about BBC?

>> No.23458645

It's not a JAV, there is no "title". It was a camshow on FC2 that was ripped and reuploaded to a specific porn site, and then it was mirrored to a few other sites from there. Around the time she debuted, they all got DMCA'd at the same time. All the thumbnails/screenshots come from an old thread on a Japanese image board for talking about streamers.

Are you retarded? I'm saying the video itself is real, as in the screenshots that are commonly associated with Miko are screenshots from an actual camshow on FC2, but whether it's actually Miko in the video is what's up for debate, and there's really no way to prove it without audio from the video, which nobody has so far.

>> No.23458647

>Smash is not a fighting game
Ok Coco.

>> No.23458648

this shit happens every day and I'm still surprised some anons still fall for it, I guess I was right after all >>23458147

>> No.23458650

Just realized hololive thread would make the worst vtubers based on game choice alone.

>> No.23458651

That was pretty funny only because of how hard it blindsided me.

>> No.23458653

Coco managed to make it pretty obvious, Canan literally calling herself danchou onstream makes me think they don't care THAT much.

>> No.23458665
File: 952 KB, 853x480, lonely sheep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23464615

she wants cocochin's company

>> No.23458666
File: 1.77 MB, 389x450, 1586796120397.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458737

My Korone isn't a bitch, when she is gonna retirr and become some other animal girl she will tell her fans, right?

>> No.23458669

its like coco said, if a liver fucks up, its probably largely on their own, management is just back up if they dont know what to do.

>> No.23458670
Quoted by: >>23458688

Unless you have proof that she's not miko then you can't make that claim. the burden of proof is on her since they look alike and coincidentally the video "disappeared". plus there are more underage looking live chats than her.

>> No.23458672

So cool

>> No.23458676
Quoted by: >>23458692

Yes, that's what I like about Coco
That's why I say It's shitty, the day Hololive die everybody is gonna get left behind

>> No.23458680
Quoted by: >>23458695

Anon, our shitposters are nothing compared to 5chs. They are even nice enough to stay on the anti-threads and leave the main hololive thread alone.

>> No.23458682

They can make it obvious, but saying ''how dare they not tell their Hololive fans about their second channel!'' is ridiculous.

They don't care if chuubas have second channels. But you still can't mention it. You have to separate your Holo life from your personal and secondary lives.

>> No.23458684
File: 219 KB, 1400x1920, EVpB2lsVAAAQ36_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458689


>> No.23458687

>Canan literally calling herself danchou

>> No.23458688

That girl from a tiny thumbnail looked like any random japanese women out there

>> No.23458689


>> No.23458692

That's how Chuubas work. Everyone understands this going in. That's one reason why we have all of this doxx information; we know where they are even if they can't tell us directly.

>> No.23458695

antis here have no actual effect on the chuuba at least.

>> No.23458698
File: 3.80 MB, 2031x2952, 1586491702477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I score an anime ASMR wife? Serious question.

>> No.23458699

Shion does ASMR?

>> No.23458703
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x848, IMG_20200324_223818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think both are entertaining theories

>> No.23458704

be black

>> No.23458708
Quoted by: >>23458727

What if hololive unionized and utilized collective bargaining to get a better contract and more support from management

>> No.23458709

While this shitty conversation is going on Miko is replying to everyone on twitter

>> No.23458711
Quoted by: >>23458724

She did an ASMR stream once and couldn't stop giggling iirc. Her voice is nice though

>> No.23458713

d. Lyger

>> No.23458714


>> No.23458717

all 3

>> No.23458720

I noticed. I think I might send something.

>> No.23458721

Be black if you want a shion gf

>> No.23458723

Shion they've been having a lot of tete moments last week

>> No.23458724

I love that bitchy witch

>> No.23458727

This is what killed gamebu though to be fair the company they worked for was really horrible

Glad Matsuri did a collab with one of their reincarnated vtuber recently

>> No.23458728

She's already married to her bath.

>> No.23458731
Quoted by: >>23458745

she has to milk peko's misfortune while it lasts

>> No.23458734

how is that wrong? I always act differently according to the context. For example when i was in college I told all my "friends" that I'd stop talking/caring about them after graduating. They thought I was joking but I wasn't and now I can act differently in my university

>> No.23458737


>> No.23458738

based sociopath

>> No.23458745

>She has to milk peko


>> No.23458757

Isn't that what japanese people do?

>> No.23458759

When's Hinata coming over to Hololive
I want to watch her not stream fps games

>> No.23458762

I'm her number one fan, but what of it?

>> No.23458763
Quoted by: >>23458828

5th gen

>> No.23458764
Quoted by: >>23458771

Bring concrete proofs and we will talk, that's all

>> No.23458765

Patra and Mary are the real deal. I don't really bother with the holos' amateur asmr as much as I love them

>> No.23458771
Quoted by: >>23458782

that's your problem bud.

>> No.23458772
Quoted by: >>23458872

What about Choco? What did you think about her stuff when she did it like once every night or two?

>> No.23458775
Quoted by: >>23458804

You're alright. But it's a bad comparison, you're not making a living off your friends' affection.

>> No.23458776


>> No.23458778
Quoted by: >>23458819

Korone and A-chan collab was めっちゃてぇてぇ

>> No.23458781
Quoted by: >>23458803

i thought EOPs loved the dog?

>> No.23458782
Quoted by: >>23458795

The burden of proof is on the accuser big guy

>> No.23458791

oh that was just awkward
korone kept on talking about how good their relationship is while miko barely replied

>> No.23458795

not my problem, you can believe that's not her for all I care.

>> No.23458802

Literally me, except I would whore myself out to FotM games so I could collab with the cool chuubas occasionally.

>> No.23458803

that stream felt very eerie for some reason
they only like okakoro because they think they're an actual gay couple

>> No.23458804

They're entertainers, not your friend. If you think chuubas are actually your friend, you're only deluding yourself and that's your problem.

>> No.23458806
Quoted by: >>23458815

But she'll join Towa and play Apex. Roboco too.
Which is a good thing, his mind will finally implode. More.

>> No.23458810
Quoted by: >>23458844

I still can't believe 17k people listened to a girl remove her body grass

>> No.23458812

I liked PekoMiko Ark, but it wasn't as high octane as some of their other collabs. A lot more laid-back and, well, it's Ark and Ark is hard to watch sometimes.

>> No.23458813
Quoted by: >>23458821

They won't. They won't translate a clip that makes Korone look awkward or bad.

>> No.23458814
Quoted by: >>23458835

They are our friends. They say they love all their fans and dedicate a huge part of their lives towards making each other happy.

>> No.23458815

Nobody is gonna join Towa.

>> No.23458817

First of all, people aren't that simple. Second of all, if they're entertainers then we're customers and we can still absolutely expect them to be considerate of us.

>> No.23458819

They were shit talking each other the entire stream and you can feel that korone meant some of it

>> No.23458821

was it that bad? we all know korone is a spaz but miko is wholesome

>> No.23458823
Quoted by: >>23458831

Really tired of people in this thread not understanding idols.

>> No.23458826

I wish there was more lewd Rushia art.

>> No.23458827

That's hilarious to hear since I remember Koronefags gushing about how great it was at the time.

>> No.23458828

that not how it work retards

>> No.23458830


Abadango is a fan of ui-mama, Marin and Noel, you know his next targets

He doesn't care about Miko though, thank god

>> No.23458831


>> No.23458832

cocofags everyone

>> No.23458835

Considerate yes. Expecting to be treated special? No. There is a stark difference in relationship between an entertainer and their fans... and two people who have formed an actual friendship.

Just because they're not your friend doesn't mean they don't care about you. It's not black and white. People are not that simple.

>> No.23458840

>if they're entertainers then we're customers
donations don't make you a customer

>> No.23458843
Quoted by: >>23458855

Miko literally worked in the adult industry
Her femdom audio clips are literally still up and for sale ffs
How hard is it to do a single Google search

>> No.23458844
Quoted by: >>23458852

And there was 2 collab at the time, even Marin was airing
Coco too strong

>> No.23458847

After what happened to Aqua none of them will respond to him. The guy is a huge attention whore anyway so this is for the best.

>> No.23458850
Quoted by: >>23458869

No you aren't or you would've already been watching random japanese thots, but you are here pretending to not watch because of the cute anime avatar.

>> No.23458851

t. yellow negger

>> No.23458852

When is her sub growth rate stopping
Even FBK hasn't hasn't stopped and will overtake Tsukino Mito soon

>> No.23458854

antis are still disliking his videos pfft

>> No.23458855
Quoted by: >>23458880

Anon, Choco voiced an Ero-ASMR like 2 months ago, that doesn't mean she worked in JAVs.

>> No.23458858

a toxic attention whore is going to leave my Miko alone? good news

>> No.23458860

Exactly, and the reaction here was so positive because the thread is full of tourists and crossies.

>> No.23458861
File: 383 KB, 992x1403, EVqrcC_VcAA59Ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458901

Thank you Fubuki. Thank you for putting long-hair loli Okayu in people's heads.

>> No.23458868

That game is even more about staying each other in the back, no one's gonna do it as a team, maybe solo.

>> No.23458869
Quoted by: >>23458914

These are random Japanese thots with cute anime avatars. I like the otaku ones who like anime.

>> No.23458872

Choco and Noel are pretty good and listenable. I like the HoneyStrap girls better still, but they do a good job. I read Choco is getting one of those KU100 head mics soon

>> No.23458873 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x2000, 1586979017771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458896

She's also a doxxing piece of shit. This image is literally her fault.

>> No.23458876

there's 6,013 likes vs 76 dislikes on the video

>> No.23458877
Quoted by: >>23458941

Being a donee doesn't make you an entertainer.

>> No.23458879
Quoted by: >>23458907

The reaction everywhere was positive

>> No.23458880

not my problem, you can believe she didn't for all I care.

>> No.23458883
Quoted by: >>23458889

let him roleplay as a idolfag

>> No.23458889

ah just like the holos are roleplaying as idols

>> No.23458890

Norio Wakamoto voicing a genderbent Diao Chan in Koihime Musou was really the highlight of his career.

>> No.23458891

Alright hold the fuck up I need source for that

>> No.23458895

expectation vs reality

>> No.23458896

Not tired of resetting your router yet?

>> No.23458898
File: 1.97 MB, 2047x1447, 1578106132919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this bunny

>> No.23458901


>> No.23458904


>> No.23458906

Neither I.
I cancelled my membersheep and unsubscribed from her channel. It was for the best. Seriously thinking about asking for a refund on the SC I sent her.

>> No.23458907

No, you're right. The people that care about professionalism have already been scared off, especially from Coco.

>> No.23458911

His targets are the motherly types

>> No.23458913

it's sas but there's not so much one can do about it, maybe I'll have to reject my humanity and become a janny for the best of us

>> No.23458914
Quoted by: >>23458956

>I like the otaku ones who like anime.
None of them are like that. They are just pretending.

>> No.23458917
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, thankyou microsoft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am waiting to see a hololive member using notepad with all sorts of cute Kaomoji after Powerpoint proved to be effective!

>> No.23458919

Wouldn't Matsuri scare them off first?

>> No.23458923

I'm glad the FGC laughs so much at pro smash that this guy has to seek attention elsewhere. lol

>> No.23458924

So fucking sad she killed herself because of all the hate she was getting. Poor Miko affected the most.

>> No.23458926

You will all be coming to Towa's stream in less than 4 hours, r-right?

>> No.23458929

maybe. might drop a dislike and head out like usual.

>> No.23458931
Quoted by: >>23458939

I hate undertale

>> No.23458933
Quoted by: >>23458939

That depends anon, what is she streaming?

>> No.23458932

nice pekos

>> No.23458934
Quoted by: >>23458962

this shitty rabbit used Miko as a stepping stool, leeched off of her hard earned work and then dumps her emotional baggage on sweet Miko...
what a piece of shit skank

>> No.23458936

I'll be there if I can finish my reps in time anon.
Setting a daily goal has been really helpful

>> No.23458937

I swear Patra hard carries HoneyTrap.

>> No.23458939
Quoted by: >>23458951


>> No.23458941
Quoted by: >>23458960

Well, that was just retarded.

>> No.23458944

I have classes sadly.

>> No.23458945

>I'll be there if I can finish my reps in time anon.
just do your reps while watching

>> No.23458946

Literally the most professional in 4th gen and one of the most in the entire of Hololive

>> No.23458949

Good luck on your reps

>> No.23458951

Sorry anon I can't stomach Undertale, you have fun though.

>> No.23458956

The only way for you to know if this was true is to personally go up to one of them irl and see for yourself and I doubt you have done that.

>> No.23458958

I am from EU bro

>> No.23458960
Quoted by: >>23458968

I know, because it followed your logic.

>> No.23458962
File: 227 KB, 400x541, IMG_20200315_234121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23458982


>> No.23458963

for blundertale? fug no
I just wanna get into a siege match with her to tell her not to kill herself

>> No.23458967
Quoted by: >>23458973

Professional entertainer maybe. Professional idol?
Tsukino Mito's style is better and has more taste compared to Coco's western raunchiness.

>> No.23458968
Quoted by: >>23459004

Wasn't even that anon. You're just retarded.

>> No.23458970

I want Watame to cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26k46kr-PFw

>> No.23458972

Daily dose

>> No.23458973

Mito has been boring recently though the april fool was genius
Hope she will get her form back

>> No.23458976

Just realized the mediocre 3d scripted hololive animations have official jp captions so I can rip them and use subs2srs to mine them for new vocabulary.

>> No.23458982

Miko's head a stepping stone

>> No.23458985
Quoted by: >>23459002

No, I'm not the crazy one here. Waxing yourself live online to attract attention from horny males doesn't qualify as professionalism anywhere outside the sex industry.

>> No.23458986


>> No.23458987

*5 hours, less than 5 hours.

>> No.23458991


>> No.23459000

God I hate Haato's BGM.

>> No.23459001 [SPOILER] 
File: 913 KB, 488x490, 1586980081846.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which of the Holos would enjoy Runescape the most?

>> No.23459002

Pretty sure it would qualify as subversive high level comedy in the west.

>> No.23459003

She's definitely hard-headed

>> No.23459004
Quoted by: >>23459058

I wasn't that anon either, you're just exceptionally retarded.

>> No.23459009

Get with the time gramps.
And speak american.

>> No.23459010

Never post this again

>> No.23459016
Quoted by: >>23459022

Wow who's this cutie, I want to play FPS with her.

>> No.23459022

You're shit out of luck if you're not in JP.

>> No.23459023
File: 514 KB, 1920x1080, 1585067283273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone would enjoy fishing!

>> No.23459027

Pekora is so cute when she's seething. The other girls just get mad normally, it's no fun

>> No.23459033
Quoted by: >>23459466

Partiboi69 is great. His mixes are fire plus the videos are actually really amusing

>> No.23459034
Quoted by: >>23459107


>> No.23459035
Quoted by: >>23459042

That's not true at all.

>> No.23459037
File: 259 KB, 900x1200, 1586863288785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I really can't see any other way to end this glorious stream. Pekora seething while way to fall plays is just perfect.

>> No.23459038
Quoted by: >>23459045

>screeching over it instead of muting the game audio
rabbit brain

>> No.23459039

I like seeing Pekora, Noel, and Rushia angry.

>> No.23459042

I agree with him. Prove us wrong.

>> No.23459045


>> No.23459047
Quoted by: >>23459056

I agree with him. Prove us wrong.

>> No.23459051

I'm coming around. Coco really was a good girl all along, and she's the one that's going to save Hololive management from themselves.

>> No.23459053

Rushia has an anger routine that's not just getting mad normally.

>> No.23459056
Quoted by: >>23459063

Okay, exhibit A >>23458972

Your turn

>> No.23459057

I would watch them play Runescape, it's a fun game to explore but grindy.

>> No.23459058

Nice try samefag.

>> No.23459059

I really liked that webm of Mio being broken by Okayu.

>> No.23459063
Quoted by: >>23459066

Not convinced.

>> No.23459066
Quoted by: >>23459073

I don't believe that you're not convinced.

>> No.23459073
Quoted by: >>23459109


>> No.23459074

But is it better than Mio throwing up wasabi?

>> No.23459075
Quoted by: >>23459096

>The other girls just get mad normally
Clearly you never watch any other holos.Noel throwing tantrum during that KSZK Mario Kart was amazing.

>> No.23459078

Someone find me that twitter video or webm of Luna playing Yoshi's Island and getting saved at the last second

>> No.23459080

If Watame really is the shitposter/anti people are claming right now, can we expect something about the current Pekora situation in the coming WataUtas?

>> No.23459081


>> No.23459083
File: 54 KB, 220x307, 15645735768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now aiming...

>> No.23459084

Aqua's attempt at an answer is cute.

>> No.23459094
Quoted by: >>23459133

Here you go.

>> No.23459096
Quoted by: >>23459102

Okay now I wanna see that. Do you have a link?

>> No.23459101

This Maid Dragon thing is Coco's calculated PR stunt to:
1. Give Aqua some ease of mind
2. Improve Coco's image to Aqua fans so they subscribe to her and reach 300k faster
3.Make the top two girls, Aqua and FBK in chat, go back to Ark.
4. Shill the idea of the Hololive house to Aqua, making more people donate to her with that in mind
5. Show Anti's they don't mean anything while cementing Coco's place as a pillar of Hololive more and more

If it was sincere they would have done it offscreen

>> No.23459102

She also sperged out hard on one of her Dark Souls streams after she got demonetized

>> No.23459107

what fuck is そめちめす

>> No.23459109

Fine, here.

>> No.23459112
File: 454 KB, 1120x412, The_List.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is objectively correct

>> No.23459118
Quoted by: >>23459120

Ok Watame.

>> No.23459119
File: 271 KB, 2048x1142, EVh-7p3UwAE1pdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You actually believe her act?

>> No.23459120
Quoted by: >>23459151

ironic, watame is the biggest coco cock sucker right now

>> No.23459125
File: 157 KB, 1192x785, dBynT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, it's 5ch going through Watame's likes on Twitter and correlating it with ancient japanese folktales about rabbits.

>> No.23459127

Another bad game choice from Towa. Everyone has already seen Matsuri or especially Subaru play this.

>> No.23459128

Sex partners? 100%

>> No.23459129
Quoted by: >>23459162

The numbers...
what do they mean...

>> No.23459130
Quoted by: >>23459249

Which time?

>> No.23459131

Coco is a virgin. Just look at her irl.

>> No.23459132
File: 144 KB, 1057x999, 1586976737133[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all Pekora had do to was be quiet and everything would've resolved itself.

>> No.23459133


>> No.23459135

What the fuck do those numbers represent?

>> No.23459138

The chinks hated pekora now because she didn't stream on bilibili for 3 months already

>> No.23459142

Hopefully her family is putting them in a savings / trust for her and Haachama isn’t blowing it all on Uber eats for every meal.

>> No.23459143
Quoted by: >>23459152


>> No.23459146

I will be haatos 1st so edit this list next week

>> No.23459147

>Taiwan News
Is this uncensored journalism or just anti tabloid shit

>> No.23459149

Check the reponses to find the samefag, then remember it's shitposting hours (Though to be fair the last hour was very peaceful overall).

>> No.23459150

wtf is this real? Aqua's finances are gonna get destroyed

>> No.23459151

She looks like the type of personal who suck up to people in strong position and kick those who are falling

>> No.23459152

atleast i'm not a vtuber faggot like you

>> No.23459155


Damn, they're really gaying it up.

>> No.23459156

You think Aqua has it tough? Think about Mea.

>> No.23459162
File: 55 KB, 398x460, 1585516446629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23459200

You're too pure for this place

>> No.23459165

Her family is super rich, don't worry about her

>> No.23459166

She's eating ramen for 90% of her meals though.

>> No.23459167

mea is stinky

>> No.23459168

Mel's pretty much retired, isn't she.

>> No.23459174
File: 2.46 MB, 1419x757, Go home.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seeing that Okayu is a 0 means your list is incorrect.

>> No.23459175

Why is Miko so high and why is Rushia top

>> No.23459186

I would rather not

>> No.23459188

This has always been a sidegig for her, if she annouced her retirement right now no one would bat an eye.

>> No.23459190
File: 272 KB, 1000x2015, EC14D28F-B5B2-4F0F-BBB1-BF51C52CF2F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23459197

I’d try to rope people in for DnD sessions like what SENPAITACHI does sometimes. I’d also play games people would probably not think of doing for livestreams, like Dungeon Crawl or Cataclysm.

>> No.23459192

It wasn't offscreen because one of its main objectives was to make the viewers themselves realize was how much thinking is really going on behind the scenes and all the things a professional streamer has to consider.

>> No.23459193

Shion has a black boyfriend so that part's obviously wrong.

>> No.23459196

I started working at home because of the outbreak, so we're spending a lot of time together.

>> No.23459197

>that design
who tf asked for this?

>> No.23459200

Then Watame should be 1
Her love is pure, and she'd be a fool to leave such a cool dude.

>> No.23459201

god i miss vibrant Rushia

>> No.23459202


>> No.23459206
Quoted by: >>23459222


>> No.23459208

He left her first so, don't worry about it.

>> No.23459209
Quoted by: >>23459268

WTF?! Watame has girl friend!

>> No.23459215

>cool dude
I'm not so sure about that.

>> No.23459216

My cock

>> No.23459217

gotta suck the tits of the rising star more

>> No.23459218

Isn't haato one of the lower earning vtubers? She still probably makes a lot but not as much as the others, that plus hololive and YouTube probably extract a certain amount. I wouldn't be surprised if she does waste her money on useless shit

>> No.23459219
File: 1.45 MB, 1158x1643, EVqh5SbUcAglGTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23459319

>> No.23459222

Artia... we'll never get that Haato x Artia stream now.
Seriously though, I wonder how this will affect Holo China and the sponsorship stuff.

>> No.23459223

My dick

>> No.23459225

Isn't Aqua still the most superchatted chuuba on youtube? I wonder how much money is it compared to what she makes on billibilli

>> No.23459227

At 25+ having 5-10 partners is roughly 1 partner a year or less. It's not that slutty.

>> No.23459229

What a sheep

>> No.23459234
Quoted by: >>23459266

The Hololive wage gap is only partly true, it's mostly accounted for by streaming hours. Haato didn't stream much before quarantine.

>> No.23459237

in America, maybe.

>> No.23459238

She's in Canada right? Maybe she won't be able to stream on bili at all

>> No.23459242

They just gotta be brought to JP and Cmade into real Holostars, I guess. Cilvia and Artia are both good girls.

>> No.23459243
File: 269 KB, 900x1295, C298D2F7-5119-49C4-841D-3326DD5B56B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. I wish there were more pics of her.

>> No.23459245

It's for a future gen called Hololive Sisters with her and Anemachi.

>> No.23459247

10 partners is really low nowadays

>> No.23459249
Quoted by: >>23459324

It was this one.

>> No.23459255

I can't imagine Marine having more than 1 partner, based on her personality and what we know of her office life.

That said, >3 guys = slut. Unless you're like 40, 50.

>> No.23459256

don't worry, YAGOO will move artia and civia to holoEN

>> No.23459257

>What would you play/do if you were a japanese vtuber? What would your quirk be?
I'd play blobbers and name my characters from donators to the superchat.

My quirk would be One for All, because AMERICA.

>> No.23459260
Quoted by: >>23459714

Well, the West is more slutty than Asia. They're still sluts, even if it's ''low''.

>> No.23459264


>> No.23459266

Seems like you are asking for your chuubas to not try their best if you are paying them for streaming hours rather than how much money they are making

>> No.23459267

I know it's funny but it's fake news

>> No.23459268

Who do you think Coco was deforesting her crotch for?

>> No.23459269

Shion yo?

>> No.23459270

Absolutely pekino what a great way to end that stream with something so memorable

>> No.23459271
Quoted by: >>23459303

women are fucking disgusting

>> No.23459273
File: 151 KB, 1200x1200, EPN4hTaUYAELI-q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's kinda late now, but why the collab of Senchou and Towa's mama from a week ago has live comments disabled?

>> No.23459274

threesomes with Shion and her black boyfriend

>> No.23459275
Quoted by: >>23459281

Herself? She isn't japanese so having a jungle down there is probably uncomfortable.

>> No.23459280

Maybe the mama asked for it

>> No.23459281

anon it's shitposting hours you can't just give a sensitive answer

>> No.23459284
Quoted by: >>23459294

Flare looks like an alien. Her head is too round and her neck is too long. Is she supposed to be a space elf?

>> No.23459287
File: 2.48 MB, 1420x758, coco liquid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they get away with it?

>> No.23459288

Still mad that because of two retards who didn't read messages, one autist who was probably sleeping after 20 hours of kusoge, and the biggest dumbass of all who lives in australia, we can't have the full cast ochame kinou

>> No.23459289
Quoted by: >>23459312

Are you actually retarded or just pretending?

>> No.23459291

It's what happens when part of the stream is edited out. Marine had showed a risque image on screen without thinking.

>> No.23459294

Her papa is ... not very good at drawing women, he also did Ririmu from Nijisanji. Compare them to Aruran and it's night and day.

>> No.23459295
File: 438 KB, 984x246, Better list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But this is even more so

>> No.23459303

Filthy creatures that should be spayed I agree. At least Homostars is pure..

>> No.23459304

Britbongs aren't people

>> No.23459305
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, aSSOczq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23459322

Because she had to edit this out

>> No.23459307

I won't bother dating any of them. I'll just rape.

>> No.23459311

Going on a date with Towa...
Holding Toaw's hand...
Calling Towa cute and watching her get flustered...

>> No.23459312
Quoted by: >>23459332

what do you mean? times change, boomer

>> No.23459315

What did chat mean by this?

>> No.23459316
Quoted by: >>23459350

Could you put the remaining 3 on the bottom to make this more accurate? Thank you!

>> No.23459319

Translate it weeb.

>> No.23459322

those huge feet are disgusting holy shit

>> No.23459323
File: 2.49 MB, 314x578, 1586662428870.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You now realize that the girls fall for Coco because she's 5'11".

>> No.23459324


Poor Mio. I love this one. This was one of the best competition streams.

>> No.23459327

She would want to die... but secretly enjoy it.

>> No.23459329
Quoted by: >>23459399

Shion might but only if you're a black man.

>> No.23459332

So you're just pretending. At least put on a trip or a name so I don't need to see your shitposts.

>> No.23459339

Sharing Towa's body with her other boyfriends!

>> No.23459342

her contact give her 50% of sc compared to the other girls

>> No.23459346
Quoted by: >>23459351

why does Marine do the T-rex arms thing so much?

>> No.23459348

It's great, she does exclusive stream for her members instead now i would say it's a win.

>> No.23459349
File: 183 KB, 1582x1080, IMG_20200415_173430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459350
File: 440 KB, 988x328, 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go!

>> No.23459351

So you focus on what is in-between.

>> No.23459359

I miss CocoMarine
Snarky rude kouhai and unreliable perverted senpai

>> No.23459367
Quoted by: >>23459376

Choco is too desperate to [headcanon] Towa.

>> No.23459371

Starting a family with Towa-sama...!

>> No.23459374
Quoted by: >>23459387

How many girls does Coco have in her herm?

>> No.23459376

look, it's the cringe denial anon again

>> No.23459385

Which holos would be the lowest maintenance?

>> No.23459386

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93-tujhCiJE Watame no uta

>> No.23459387
Quoted by: >>23459421

In her what?

>> No.23459397


>> No.23459399


>> No.23459401
Quoted by: >>23459422

She bought ?

>> No.23459403


>> No.23459408
Quoted by: >>23459767

Mel and Aqua. You'd have to cook for yourself though, since they'd never be home.

>> No.23459411

>The resemblance of a wedding ceremony as the initiation rite suggests that the trainee, still a virgin, had become the bride of the kami she served (called a Tamayori Hime 玉依姫). During her trance, said kami had requested the girl to his shrine. In some areas of Japan she had to bring a pot filled with rice (meshibitsu) and a pan. An old, long-abandoned practice, had the miko engage in sexual intercourse with a kannushi, who would represent the kami. Any resulting child would be considered the kami’s baby (mikogami 御子神 ).

>> No.23459412

What's the best way to learn Chinese? I want to ask artia to turn me into an ice cream

>> No.23459421
File: 603 KB, 662x614, Howdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459422

domp eet

>> No.23459424

Dog God.

>> No.23459425
File: 946 KB, 1400x5552, do not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23459437


>> No.23459427


>> No.23459432
Quoted by: >>23459438

Morning News in 14 Minutes

It's this time again Rockbros!

>> No.23459437


>> No.23459438
File: 170 KB, 500x1000, 1583696380838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your service

>> No.23459444

more like Whorone.

>> No.23459445

No problem! As for the supachas, you need at least 3-4 reds before they'll do anything with you!

>> No.23459449

there are no english subs

>> No.23459453


>> No.23459454

I fucking love Doraemon. Thanks Watame.

>> No.23459455

Coco hates Watame today

>> No.23459458


>> No.23459463

Watame Coco talk stream reveals that Coco isn't the one that subs it

>> No.23459464

Coco punched Watame's fiancé

>> No.23459466

Good taste anon.

>> No.23459468
Quoted by: >>23459482

Isn't Coco at Watame's right now?

>> No.23459469
Quoted by: >>23459552


She's awake.

>> No.23459470
File: 471 KB, 480x480, bkq8rn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Watame is a wolf in sheep's clothing

>> No.23459471

Can't believe her BF that subbed the videos has dumped her.

>> No.23459475


>> No.23459476

18 takes holy shit

>> No.23459482

Is that why Coco ripped out her body hair?

>> No.23459483
Quoted by: >>23459563

EOPbros... Watame doesn't care about us anymore

>> No.23459491


Wew lads

>> No.23459492


>> No.23459493
Quoted by: >>23459515

What's her twitter?

>> No.23459497
Quoted by: >>23459512

No wonder Coco went to Watame's house today.

>> No.23459501

That's deep man

>> No.23459502

You guys know Cover is buying subs right? Do you really think all the chuubas subs just steadily go up the way they have been, even when they aren’t streaming, while their average views count stays consistent?

>> No.23459510

Me too pog

>> No.23459512

is that tweet real? what about social distancing? wont they get a lot of backlash for not adhering to that?

>> No.23459513
File: 133 KB, 475x475, Scissor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459515 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x1080, 1586984100887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's lying.

>> No.23459517
Quoted by: >>23459791

i wish miko wasn't ruined for me

>> No.23459518


>> No.23459520

W-w-where are the subtitles?

>> No.23459522

nice dynamite body very sexy boin boin

>> No.23459523

What the FUCK Coco

>> No.23459528

I'm a ​見る派 chad.

>> No.23459529

do you look at the toilet if you just took a shit?

>> No.23459533
File: 1.89 MB, 1691x805, coco stream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23459537

I would eat her pussy out asap.

>> No.23459539

Flare replied in chat idols dont take a shit

>> No.23459542

The HoloIDs will.

>>23455915 c >>23455932

>> No.23459544

Depends if I had sex before or not

>> No.23459549

mmm cute russian 3d pits

>> No.23459551

I want to be scolded for being worthless by artia!
I want to be furiously abused for having low stamina in sex with artia!
Tricked out of all my money by artia!
Please abuse me artia!

>> No.23459552

Another day another chance to shitpost when is her bilibili prison sentence over so she can come to youtube

>> No.23459554

Needs an extra panel of Towa despairing that even a random rabbit gets a collab before she does.

>> No.23459563

she never did...

>> No.23459562

Considering I don't think the majority of people even read back what they're typing before they post here, I'd say no.

>> No.23459566

Social distancing =/= quarantine.

>> No.23459567

seems like filter fucked up her left eye, looks like it's about to pop out

>> No.23459568
File: 170 KB, 1080x1560, EVqqF1IU0AAJFs6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time

>> No.23459570
File: 44 KB, 666x496, Screenshot from 2020-04-15 14-00-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459571
Quoted by: >>23459585

wow flare go back to sleep

>> No.23459575

haha depressed people are such fucking babies

>> No.23459577

There's more danger going to a typical supermarket / store to get food than going to your friends house.

>> No.23459578

I mean it is gross, but you should look, otherwise how would you know if there is a problem in your stomach? Shit says a lot about your health and no one is watching you taking a shit anyway so might as well.

>> No.23459583
File: 103 KB, 554x1199, EVpprVlUcAMOpvi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there anything worth watching in the 50 questions stream or were there any good questions?

I really don't want to sit through 50 questions in indonesian

>> No.23459585

She's addicted to asacoco.

>> No.23459588

she's crying because her self-sabotage retardation cost her another date with Veradis

>> No.23459593


>> No.23459596


>> No.23459597

MIKO'S LIVE IN 65 MINUTES I REPEAT ELITE SHRINE MAIDEN LIVE IN 65 MINUTES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70e2xgVQAzI&feature=youtu.be

>> No.23459598

Why is she crying? Did Veradis dump her for a smarter Holo?

>> No.23459600

seen nobody watched probably not.

>> No.23459601

Squirrel likes Undertale and Stardew Valley, so you can probably expect her to stream similar games.

>> No.23459602


>> No.23459603

What the FUCK did she edit out then? I don't recall anything else that would warrant it, but I know they have been friends for a few years so maybe either one of them said something they shouldn't have.

>> No.23459604

Haachama and Veradis sitting in the tree K-i-s-s-i-n-g!!

>> No.23459610


>> No.23459611

miko please I don't want to cry...

>> No.23459612


>> No.23459614
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, EUyXJ_fWAAAO3N5.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459623


>> No.23459624

coco making fun of haato's fuckups live

>> No.23459626


>> No.23459627
File: 1.11 MB, 1414x792, animal uninstall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459628


>> No.23459631

>she made to AsaCoco

>> No.23459632
File: 21 KB, 224x269, 1581022603314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miko saving me through GW hell.
Miko....Thank you.

>> No.23459635
Quoted by: >>23459648

>Pepe guy got Haato to say EPIC every 5 seconds and even put it on her stream title
>Veradis is her boyfriend now

Those two guys must be feeling so good to recieve all that attention from their retarded girlfriend now

>> No.23459637

There really is.

>> No.23459638

Squirrel said she likes nuts. That's it

>> No.23459639

I want to hug Haato and tell her everything will be okay. Then sniff her feet.

>> No.23459641
File: 1.26 MB, 1422x796, F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459648

Haato knows epic is cursed now so she'll never use the word again.

>> No.23459651

Coco should start paying Haato royalties from how much she puts her on the news

>> No.23459653

Why isn't Coco showing the chinese dogs attacking Pekora for no reason?

>> No.23459654

mind broken

>> No.23459656


>> No.23459658

What happened and why were the bugs upset?

>> No.23459666

She rarely covers drama

>> No.23459667

AsaCoco doesn't actually report serious stuff

>> No.23459669

this would look so much better if the background was some wasteland shithole and not civilization.
I need fanart to be realistic to some degree
great piece tho

>> No.23459672


>> No.23459673


She said before that she would use a news that could hurt of her coworker

>> No.23459684

Miko is an angel. Shitty rabbit doesn't deserve her.

>> No.23459685

my idorus...

>> No.23459686

What the fuck is happening, my sides

>> No.23459687


>> No.23459688
File: 5 KB, 156x156, 1583855357777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco finally snapped

>> No.23459699
File: 1.74 MB, 1418x791, cocoain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459700
Quoted by: >>23459739

Do average nips even know what MDMA is?

>> No.23459701

Is coco high or what? Why does she keep endorsing these pills?

>> No.23459703

Coco's a loose cannon

>> No.23459704

Coco finally broke

>> No.23459708 [DELETED] 

Pekora has some , do they count?

>> No.23459709
Quoted by: >>23459729

I unironically want to see her push this as far as possible

>> No.23459710

No more news I think

>> No.23459714

Even your idolized japanese women are whores anon...

>> No.23459715
Quoted by: >>23459740

Coco finally burned out.

>> No.23459717
Quoted by: >>23459737

Is trying to get fired so she doesn't have to do asacoco anymore?

>> No.23459721

>tfw you realize she means misuninstalled

>> No.23459722

If you're out of news then why not make fun of the Holostars
Dumb dragon

>> No.23459723


>> No.23459724
File: 31 KB, 264x206, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, she says it a ton after visiting Pepeisland. She even put it on her next video thumbnail because she's EPIC.

>> No.23459729

We already got pulling hair from her ass live and drug apology, what comes next?

>> No.23459730

No shit. But Japanese women don't fuck 70 men in a year like many Western women. They haven't gotten that far yet.

>> No.23459735


>> No.23459737
File: 741 KB, 951x532, no news.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23459747

The new manager told her to start making Asacoco low quality.

Really she should just trim it down to three a week.

>> No.23459738
File: 841 KB, 883x534, rushia flat on the ground.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Rushia lying flat on the ground?

>> No.23459739

>As a developed country in Asia, Japan also faces the same serious drug abuse problem as the developed countries in Europe and America.

yes they know

>> No.23459740

How do you send a dragon to rehab?

>> No.23459743

Instead they go to male strip clubs where they toss money at oiled-up muscular men gyrating

>> No.23459746

What is Flare doing

>> No.23459747

Funny how she ever said that Monday asacocos were hectic because there is too many news

>> No.23459749
Quoted by: >>23459847

She already said she would stop at the 100th episode, just 25 or so to go

>> No.23459751

>Luna will retire first, she always end quitting
>Towa will retire first, she fucked up big time YABEE
>PPTenshi will retire first, she's dying
>Watame will retire first, she's not mentally strong and has a BF

Plot twist: Coco retires first due to burnout

>> No.23459752

You've got no proof.

>> No.23459755

she's clearly walking on the wall

>> No.23459757

*end up

>> No.23459758

Please, the sooner Hololive loses her influence the better.

>> No.23459763

I don't get it.

>> No.23459765
Quoted by: >>23459802

Are you people serious? Are you actually autistic?
She's taking the piss, she isn't LITERALLY out of news. Fucking hell.

>> No.23459767

Where do they go that they’re not home?

>> No.23459769

Been away for a week. When did Mio make a comment on Towa? I thought they avoided the subject like a plague.

>> No.23459773

Japanese women are thirsty as fuck man, It's just that the mans in Japan don't have time to fuck them. I don't had a lot of sexual experiences in my life, but a lot of them came from the three times I was in Japan, It's really easy to fuck a japanese women if you aren't a ugly midget

>> No.23459779
Quoted by: >>23459999

Hololive honestly doesnt need her anymore. Yes she reached more audience, but now that audience is exploring the other channels without her. Take her Coco fans to kson or something and we all win.

>> No.23459783

bless this cute shrine maiden

>> No.23459787

why she said she enjoys making them

>> No.23459791
Quoted by: >>23459811

why is that anon

>> No.23459794 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1500x2000, 1586985892425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is Coco NOT covering this?? People doxxed lofi so hard that now we know her irl name as well as her family as well. What the fuck Coco, do your goddamn job.

>> No.23459801 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23459808

It's probably for the best to not pay attention to it at all

>> No.23459802

she's definitely suffering from burnout though, you can clearly see it for the past few days

>> No.23459808 [DELETED] 

Think about what you just said and stop giving it yous

>> No.23459811

I have a bad case of idolfaggotry

>> No.23459812 [DELETED] 


>> No.23459814 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck would she cover it?

>> No.23459817 [DELETED] 

She's Lo-fi because her connection is shit

>> No.23459821

Were they all druggies and smokers?

>> No.23459822
Quoted by: >>23459857

AsaCoco news should just be 3 times week

>> No.23459826
Quoted by: >>23459846

But that's Moona

>> No.23459828

based artiamod

>> No.23459831

It may take a little while longer to disappear. I've seen that happen before.

>> No.23459835
Quoted by: >>23459856

Its not that there aint enough news, its just that she would need to patrol every stream to find something news worthy, which is impossible

>> No.23459837

>simple cuckbook search
who cares? it's better to just ignore them

>> No.23459840

Oh yeah she is burnt out a bit, for sure.
Hopefully she takes it a bit easy, steps back and gets some clarity and figures out where she wants to go with things. She's in a good position, but full-on burnout could slap her shit senseless and rip any fun out of what she does.
She'll get there. She's determined and smart.

>> No.23459844

Jannies should just purge any non-Japanese Hololives from the thread while they're at it.

>> No.23459845
Quoted by: >>23459883

How do you keep up with all the drama in Hololive?

>> No.23459846

Hey I wasn't talking about dumb drama, I'm just making fun of her bad connection

Didn't she lag during her debut stream too? Seems like she could buy a better internet connection too.

>> No.23459847

She didn't.

>> No.23459852

because a whole 10 people care about indoshit

>> No.23459854


>> No.23459856
Quoted by: >>23459872

She might want to hire a dedicated editor to do that stuff plus clipping and editing. Big name youtubers have teams for that.

>> No.23459857
Quoted by: >>23459870

Should just alternate with Watame so neither burn themselves out. We have asamiko on saturdays so if somebody else wants to do a morning show on sundays we can have the entire week covered.

>> No.23459860
File: 214 KB, 650x888, comic549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23459865

Why not just make Asacoco a weekly thing?
Put it on mondays only to start the week with it and be done with it

>> No.23459870

Asa miko is done and finished anon

>> No.23459872

The most important thing is a news filter.

>> No.23459878


Sucks for the Chinese, but hopefully this will be another wakeup call for Western companies.

>> No.23459880

It's one day a week now instead of two.

>> No.23459883

Every morning when I wake up I open up the archive and read every single post made while I was asleep.

>> No.23459887

only on sundays because she uses all her jokes on saturdays

>> No.23459892

miko addressing her depression

>> No.23459904


>> No.23459910

The Miko can get down too?

>> No.23459912

How would the corporation handle a holo killing herself?

>> No.23459915
Quoted by: >>23459926


>> No.23459919

depends which one

>> No.23459920
File: 317 KB, 1669x2048, IMG_20200415_184042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23459923

they wouldn't even give a shit if it was Towa

>> No.23459924

A lot must be on her mind

>> No.23459926


>> No.23459928

She turns the lack of news and blatant stalling into their own jokes but I think more than anything else she's putting the manager's advice to use and lowering the hurdle a bit. If today's episode does get people to start posting leaks in the tag more again then that'd be great though.

>> No.23459930

How would they handle towa?

>> No.23459931


>> No.23459934

Let's have 2 scenarios then
>Popular one
>Unpopular one

Do you think they would just go "she retired lol" if it was unpopular one?

>> No.23459937
File: 1.70 MB, 1500x2000, 1585939672619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you accept a kiss from Towa?

>> No.23459939

sure I guess, my standards are pretty low

>> No.23459940

depends where she's kissing

>> No.23459954

only after I confirm that she doesn't have the scent of cock on her mouth

>> No.23459953

stream canceled. miko just offed herself with peko.

>> No.23459955


Find a song you like that your favorite holo has sung and post the link.

>> No.23459957

Social distancing, please understand.

>> No.23459958
Quoted by: >>23459988

There wasn't one. It was a stream to start in 75 minutes.

>> No.23459964

It starts with an 'eye' not an 'el'.

>> No.23459965

Of course I would, what kind of man doesn't accept a kiss from their wife?

>> No.23459968

Towa is one of the prettier holos

>> No.23459970

Congrats Ayame for hitting 200k subs!

>> No.23459971
Quoted by: >>23459985

The joke's on us. Subaru's always been the only holo.

>> No.23459974


>> No.23459976
Quoted by: >>23459998


>> No.23459977

What if it actually did happen, and they had Kanata impersonate them since she actually could. Also what if it was one of the biggest most popular ones, and suddenly Kanata is now playing someone much more popular than herself. They eventually come up with some excuse and retire Kanata and just have her permanently be the other chuba. We all watch and have no idea until some conspiracy starts to brew up on 5ch with someone recognizing verbal ticks or references or something and blows the whole thing open and we find it all out like a year later... a year of watching and cheering on and laughing with a dead person. Holy fuck.

>> No.23459982

Who's the prettiest of them all?
Who's the ugliest?

>> No.23459985

My tomboy wife is so talented!

>> No.23459988
Quoted by: >>23460059

Oh you actually worried me for a second there. I don't even watch Miko but I have a weak spot for depressed people

>> No.23459989
Quoted by: >>23460016

Do you need to be over 30 to be a holo?

>> No.23459990

>Do you think they would just go "she retired lol" if it was unpopular one?
Not even. It would be more like, "she stopped contacting us and hasn't responded to our messages".

>> No.23459993

AZKi has the most fucked model

>> No.23459998


>> No.23459999

She's gonna be Coco Kaine on kson's channel.

>> No.23460000


Big memorial with everyone crying and remembering the good shit, like when Steve Irwin died.

Fake goodbye letter to her fans and bury all info as deep down as possible.

>> No.23460001

Shion and Subaru right?

>> No.23460004

>a year of watching and cheering on and laughing with a dead person.
You're cheering for the character. In most cases they are distinct from their actor.

>> No.23460007

Cover apologizes for their talent misbehaving.
Mio shits on her for reflectinf badly on her comrades

>> No.23460008


>> No.23460013
File: 84 KB, 207x232, 1564819854946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23460066

Fuck, is this why Kanata's been talking about her disease more and more? So they can kill her off without raising suspicion?

>> No.23460014


I'll admit I clicked this because of the title but youtube has been reccomending me Towa videos and she's not bad.

>> No.23460015
File: 111 KB, 637x900, EVp3LYOUwAE8Bo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you share your lunch with her? She claims to have forgot it.

>> No.23460016
Quoted by: >>23460052

>Got an undergrad in 2018
More likely made the account when she was underage and used a fake birthdate.

>> No.23460024

Seriously I can’t be the only one who thinks her eyes look weird

>> No.23460025


>> No.23460026

Read that as pettier. Works both ways.

>> No.23460030

Cool feature

>> No.23460035

I'll buy her love with candy and onigiri

>> No.23460036
Quoted by: >>23460084

Who sang it better??

>> No.23460037
Quoted by: >>23460078

The song really stuck out to me when I watched the movie.

>> No.23460038
Quoted by: >>23460065

What are you, a woman?

>> No.23460040

There's a chart with most of their real faces floating around. How valid is that?

>> No.23460042

How do we put an end to Coco's reign of terror?

>> No.23460044

yeah I mean she'd just take it anyway so might as well split it instead right

>> No.23460046
Quoted by: >>23460095

>yeah, doesnt kizuna ai have like 3 different VAs by now?
Yes and it pretty much killed her.

>> No.23460050
Quoted by: >>23460081

Sorry to beat on a dead horse but do you think the chinese problem is over? Pekora is on radio silence and apparently she did promise them a stream some days ago and there's a horde of them complaining and hating on her, who the fuck would want to stream for a public like that, it's only gonna cause more butthurt.

>> No.23460051
Quoted by: >>23460087


>> No.23460052

30 now means like 22 at 2012

>> No.23460054
File: 989 KB, 1155x1768, 80755281_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23460063

As has been discussed ad nauseam, the event was minor and her handling of it was the problem.

>> No.23460056


>> No.23460057
Quoted by: >>23460099


>> No.23460059

don't worry, the waiting room wasn't showing so she made a new one

>> No.23460060
File: 1.86 MB, 1429x2000, 1562892162232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion isn't ugly you ugly ! get out of her village too

>> No.23460063
Quoted by: >>23460150

its not what you think though, she forgets to mute her mic in apex and embarasses herself by letting all her teammates know she's streaming.

>> No.23460065


>> No.23460066
File: 284 KB, 509x381, るきんぐぐらす.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23460074

Nice she's pretty cute. Moderately boin. Anymore/her twitter?

>> No.23460076

bros... i think she found her true love...

>> No.23460078

Suisei + Cecile Corbel

>> No.23460080


>> No.23460081
Quoted by: >>23460094

She needs to do a bili stream where she plays civ 6 as japan taking over mainland china and naming it taiwan with abtupt stream end

>> No.23460082
Quoted by: >>23460153


>> No.23460084

Disregard that Artia fucked the song's title.

>> No.23460087
Quoted by: >>23460100

You need to include the timestamp, anon
Unless you mean any song she sings is your favorite

>> No.23460092

Find a cute anime girl to teach you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yis2mzn5ClA

>> No.23460094

Go one step further and just play as Japan in HOI4

>> No.23460095

how and why

>> No.23460099
Quoted by: >>23460128

Wow, I haven't watched Mio a ton, she has a really nice singing voice.

>> No.23460100
File: 545 KB, 1280x720, 1579844644815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23460101
File: 180 KB, 1500x1500, Dxy217_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23460210


>> No.23460102
Quoted by: >>23460112

Is that from her twitter? Care to link it please?

>> No.23460112

it's private

>> No.23460123

Yeah thanks to the faggot chinks. The Chinese can go fuck themselves.

>> No.23460128

Mio's voice stole noel's coach (lover) from her.

>> No.23460129

Ah that's a shame. Makes sense though. There's probably some anon here with access though so we'll have to wait and see

>> No.23460131

Flare has pretty good taste

>> No.23460133
File: 248 KB, 720x673, 1586986410410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complete chink isolation soon

>> No.23460137


>> No.23460143
Quoted by: >>23460190

Do not let this thread deceive you from the fact that Towa is actually just kind of a huge dork.

>> No.23460147

we are the people......

>> No.23460148

Uhhh bros is this true?

>> No.23460149
Quoted by: >>23460226


>> No.23460150

I don't have working headphones and I'm sharing an office with someone teleworking, so I need to divine the contents of clips through my mind's eye.

>> No.23460151

Honestly I wonder if haato would legit date one of her fans. You guys always say that she hates living with her grandparents, she hates australia in general, and how she has no friends so she's got to reach somewhere for comfort right? Of course, I don't think veradis and her are actually dating but I wonder if he did make her feel happy that stream.

>> No.23460153
Quoted by: >>23460202

Even though she's purposely sounding silly here, her English pronunciation always impresses me, it's obviously not perfect, but she has a much different English accent than a typical Japanese speaker, it's not necessarily always better, but it's just interesting that it's so different.

>> No.23460154
Quoted by: >>23460171


>> No.23460158


>> No.23460162
Quoted by: >>23460233

You know they just gonna ban normal people but paid troll farms still gonna have access outside.

>> No.23460163
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1566321552672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People always shitpost about flare's singing, but I like it.

>> No.23460165

>Good evening to chinese listeners, this is Pekora; I want to say something today; regarding, not having streamed in Bilibili for the past three months I profess sincere regret. Really sorry. I want to cheris every wild usagi on Bili. Lastly I’d like to thank everyone on the sub group. It’s thanks to their efforts, Pekora can leave(have?) such good impression on Bilibili. Truly, thank you very much!

>> No.23460169

I'm not a weeb I don't listen to japanese songs

>> No.23460171

Wasted design and wasted voice.

>> No.23460174
Quoted by: >>23460223

why not just watch her on youtube? Bili's player sucks dick

>> No.23460175
Quoted by: >>23460179

she sounds like shes having fun singing
which is what I care more about

>> No.23460177

Mio has some pretty nice J-pop taste.

>> No.23460179

Pretty much the reason I enjoy Watame's singing live streams.

>> No.23460181
File: 35 KB, 768x768, ESRJZZsXsAIJVK5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23460183

A few of them have sang English songs

>> No.23460184

mega cope coming from that pepelane guy in the chat

>> No.23460186

Straight to the point

>> No.23460187

Setting up her audio properly would go a long way.

>> No.23460190

Man Towa is such a cutie, she wants to make mommy proud and she's jealous of Marine my fucking heart.

>> No.23460191


Here's one for you then

>> No.23460194

Miko should play omega labyrinth life and get demonetized

>> No.23460198

Coco pretty much sings only english songs.

>> No.23460200

Coco singing 'I Believe I Can Fly' while ripping hair folicals out of her crotch was a truly moving performance.

>> No.23460202

I wonder if it's because of all the western media she watches, unconsciously learning actual English pronunciation.

>> No.23460205

Where do you see that? I see a message about accidentally linking the NND MAD, nothing else though.

>> No.23460207


>> No.23460210

youtube really has it out for miko

>> No.23460213
Quoted by: >>23460224

luna playing gacha game. how do you feel?

>> No.23460214

Disregard that, I suck dicks. It's the first post here: https://space.bilibili.com/443305053/dynamic

>> No.23460215

Better link.

>> No.23460217
Quoted by: >>23460242

This is Flare'a fault

>> No.23460222
Quoted by: >>23460235

the watame haato song is still stuck in my head and its been 3 weeks shits too catchy

>> No.23460223

Youtube is blocked in China

>> No.23460224


>> No.23460225

I guess I'll go watch Flare. Hope Mikochi takes it easy.

>> No.23460226

Go back and die there

>> No.23460230

I love Kanatan

>> No.23460232
Quoted by: >>23460248

You don't have to watch her if it bothers you that much anon, why would you do this to yourself.

>> No.23460233

>normal people
Anon they're chinese

>> No.23460236
File: 2.64 MB, 1522x2200, 1576044893547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23460235

I watch Korone's love trial everyday for some reason

>> No.23460241
Quoted by: >>23460269

Maybe she just didn't feel like it anon. I wouldn't want 35 to stream while obviously not wanting to be there

>> No.23460242

It's not, Flare is always streaming when Futaba is streaming in the morning, there is no time slot thing, It's just Miko making things up (again). Poor Flare is probably gonna get some shit for that.

>> No.23460246
Quoted by: >>23460299

Cute boy dancing

>> No.23460247

>Luna playing priconne
I wonder if she was able to roll herself

>> No.23460248

Miko told us to

>> No.23460250

Usada "I want Pooh in my vagoo" Pekora

>> No.23460254

This guy is exuding some massive dick envy.

>> No.23460264

So what I want to know is if Fubuki actually fumbled her words but her management thought it was cute and forced her to keep it or if it was an accident.

>> No.23460269

But she wanted tho ? Nobody asked her for a stream, she announced one because she couldn't sleep and wanted to thanks the fans for the support. I'm not gonna watch Flare anyways, I'm just getting tired of Miko making excuses every days.

>> No.23460277
Quoted by: >>23460280

I'm glad so many holos have covered ようこそジャパリパークへ

>> No.23460280

Even Holostars

>> No.23460282

shion has to have the best avatar relative to their personalities
she's such a smug brat

>> No.23460284

That ain't surprising. But it's partially because of herbivore men, and the lack of access for women, that they're not as big of sluts as Western women.

And? Throwing money at a dude is not the same as fucking them. I'd rather a girl waste money at a strip club than get fucked by six guys.

Either way. Japanese women have the capacity to be full sluts but their environment precludes them from being on the same level as Western women.

>> No.23460288

Kabaya is a cute boy!

>> No.23460297

Boy, Girl, I'd still fuck the ever loving shit out of that angel dork.

>> No.23460299

Wow, I didn't expect Subaru to be a better singer than Ayame.

>> No.23460302
Quoted by: >>23460331

Stop with your anti bullshit, Miko's youtube page was bugging I saw it myself and it's a guerrilla since she can't sleep, not a regular thing

>> No.23460305
Quoted by: >>23460370

I thought this one was cute, I like the animation. I've never watched Okayu but she shows up in a lot of collabs of holos I like and am starting to like her.

>> No.23460312

My favorite holo and one of my favorite artists.

>> No.23460313
Quoted by: >>23460351


>> No.23460317
Quoted by: >>23460522

If it was an unplanned stream to begin with and she decided to cancel it then you're not losing out on anything. Flare probably wasn't the main reason she decided to cancel in the end but she was probably a large factor. Why encroach on a colleague's planned stream for an unplanned stream that she might not have been fully up for? Miko literally put in 160 hours of stream time last month, not to mention slogging through 2 years with constant streams. She only slowed down recently due to injuries and supposed depression. Give her a fucking break.

>> No.23460322

I'll personally never forget how I got into the Towa train when I saw her throwing wheat at animals because the poor girl didn't know that you need to right click on the animals to feed them.

>> No.23460323

I was really curious on what Miko's depression stream was gonna be like, thanks Flare.

>> No.23460327

sharing a smoke yes but kissing no

>> No.23460331

She was in chat communicating with everyone too and people in chat seemed understanding of the frame bug issue

>> No.23460333

Same but with the Holostar twink or Nijisanji's Mashiro

>> No.23460334

I'm glad they will be released from those people soon.

>> No.23460338



Hope you are happy

>> No.23460339
Quoted by: >>23460373

Kanata reminds me of a squeaky toy

>> No.23460351

Boku no friend...

>> No.23460352


>> No.23460355

Did we ever find out what Miko was depressed on?

>> No.23460359
Quoted by: >>23463534

Probably peko getting harassed

>> No.23460361

Oh no anon, she's gonna mess up your tight schedule, damn Miko!

>> No.23460363


>> No.23460370

Okayu's probably the comfiest chuuba in my opinion. Always nice conversations, good jokes, and engages with her chat. Must be fun to be around, because she seems to always have a lot of collabs that she gives to the other channel.


>> No.23460371

Poor Miko can't catch a break now....
Fucking shitty rabbit ruined everything by angering the insects.

>> No.23460373


>> No.23460378
Quoted by: >>23460390

When she hit her head, it actually raised her IQ, so she's been having to force herself to act stupid for the last week.

>> No.23460381


>> No.23460384
Quoted by: >>23463534

mostly likely her very close friend, the blue rabbit

>> No.23460387
Quoted by: >>23460424

Watching them cut in front of each other the whole stream was cute

>> No.23460388

Wait what's wrong with Miko!?!? I love Miko!!

>> No.23460389

Kanata sneezing noises are really something else.

>> No.23460390

Miko's ahoge was pushed back inside her head. Now she's grasped the ultimate truth.

>> No.23460392

no one knows but it can be because of the peko drama, the lack of social interaction with other members because they can't go to the studio, it could even be because of her FF7 playthrough

>> No.23460397

What the fuck is that noise

>> No.23460400

What the fuck is wrong with her

>> No.23460401

The cry of an angel.

>> No.23460402

I think xe wants to have a cool image as evidenced by their personal twitter where they're way more aloof but either because of the kanata persona or just lacking the capacity they end up seeming adorkable most of the time, ikemen voice or not.

>> No.23460404
Quoted by: >>23460417

She could also just be on her period.

>> No.23460412

Kyhu kyhuuuu

>> No.23460413

My boy あんず has been giving her too much money, she feel bad about blowing guys behind his back

>> No.23460414
Quoted by: >>23460482

I didn't realize PPT played Super Ghouls n Ghosts, I need to watch her more.

>> No.23460415


Ask her if it's OK to go as Rushia.

>> No.23460417

Oh shit. That explains everything.
Leave it to a woman to know what wrong with another woman.

>> No.23460424

two big dorks having fun together

>> No.23460427

I love Miko

>> No.23460429

A dying angel

>> No.23460433

I love 35!

>> No.23460445

~daisuuuuuki mikkocchi~

>> No.23460447

With Flare's answer to Miko on twitter I'm starting to believe the theory that she has asperger

>> No.23460451
Quoted by: >>23460466

Miko or Flare?

>> No.23460459
Quoted by: >>23460466

Flare or Miko?
Flare has too many friends to have Aspergers.

>> No.23460466

Tons of people with aspie have friends
Her last tweet was pure can't read the mood asperger

>> No.23460468

Why is nobody except the loyal 35P at Miko's side now that she needs mental support?

>> No.23460469

Every time I hear that theory it just cracks me up because it's slightly believable

>> No.23460474

This is the content I signed up for

>> No.23460477

Because Miko is a secret bitch.

Doesn't seem like it to me, but maybe I have aspergers.

>> No.23460478
Quoted by: >>23460592

If Miko really did stream the anti would have had a field day anyways saying she changed the time to beat Flare on her own ground
Not streaming is the right move in this case

>> No.23460482
Quoted by: >>23460500

She actually finished the first run of the game too, even after erasing her save by accident and losing 6 hours of progress.

>> No.23460484

What's the mood?
Is Miko dying and all of Hololive preparing for the funeral?

>> No.23460485
Quoted by: >>23460502

https://youtu.be/VsdzcirjcNg speaking of the sperglf

>> No.23460491
Quoted by: >>23460513

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsdzcirjcNg Flare

>> No.23460493

maybe they talk to each other outside of twitter anon

>> No.23460500
Quoted by: >>23460690

pretty funny how the only homo who wasn't able to finish makaimura was Korone

>> No.23460502

Time to dislike this stream, fuck her for taking Miko away.

>> No.23460503

Read Miko's twitter.

>> No.23460505
Quoted by: >>23460524

Miko stopped since her streaming after changing the time could be seen in a really bad light, heck even someone here did so imagine the anti

Flare somehow couldn't understand that

>> No.23460512

i'm in these threads solely for the doxxing posts....

>> No.23460513
Quoted by: >>23460523

We need to watch Flare it's what Miko would have wanted

>> No.23460519
Quoted by: >>23460528


>> No.23460522

I hope she will take a few days to recover.
Seeing Miko happy is more important than her doing constant marathon streams.

>> No.23460523

>watching Flare
hahahaha funny

>> No.23460524

Since when has two streams going on at the same time seen as a bad thing? Hasn't Miko streamed during Aki hours with the same game even when Aki needs more help than Flare?

>> No.23460528

やったー!I'll be watching Flare while I wait.

>> No.23460527

Is holo schedule broken again? I thought they fixed it, but it's not showing Towa's undertale stream.

>> No.23460532

he has more autism than flare please be nice to him

>> No.23460537

Flare is "special"

>> No.23460542

Bros i think i love Towa.

>> No.23460547
Quoted by: >>23460640

Phew, is the drama bullshit over now? Let's all have a nice day finally.

>> No.23460553

Are they both fucking retards?

>> No.23460555


>> No.23460556


>> No.23460558

yeah but they are cute retards

>> No.23460563

Flare is fucking most of the Hololive cast and Miko is fucking me, so yes.

>> No.23460565

And Flare is playing a chinese game

>> No.23460566 [DELETED] 

No, Flare is just autistic. Miko is a retard, a lovable one, but a retard nonetheless.

>> No.23460567

>Flare probably wanted to watch her stream.
Sounds about right.

>> No.23460576

>diagnosing people with subsets of autism now
Can people not just be obtuse or weird without being vaccine babies nowadays

how would she get so much holopussy if she's aspismal

>> No.23460579


>> No.23460580
Quoted by: >>23460583

She even talked about bilibili
She is amazing
Her having asperger just make her more lovable really, she was just bland to me before

>> No.23460583
Quoted by: >>23460595

Flare did WHAT?

>> No.23460584

Miko only has rabbit pussy though.

>> No.23460586

she was having breakfast before starting the stream so probably, the only one you can blame is youtube really

>> No.23460589
Quoted by: >>23460656

No one here actually thinks Flare has autism

>> No.23460592

There is no rule about who is allowed to stream at a specific time.
I don't watch Flare and a good portion of Miko's viewers also don't.
It would not have made a big difference.

Antis are just negative parasites trying to create drama out of jealousy from the popularity of vtubers.
They only want to bring them down because they think that if they can't be successful in their life nobody deserves it.

>> No.23460593

I wonder who else doesn't streeam on billy bill, I haven't seen Korone or Miko tweet they're doing a stream on it unless its before 2020.

>> No.23460595

Slapped Aqua in front of Coco.

>> No.23460601

based rushia dabbing on pinoy sea niggers

>> No.23460602
Quoted by: >>23460699


>> No.23460603

it looks they all slowed down if they didn't stop at all in the recent months, only really active one over there are pretty much only the hololive china.

>> No.23460606

Maybe both just want to sleep more. I woke up at 7 today, answered an email, then went back to bed until 11 when I actually did my first task.

>> No.23460610
Quoted by: >>23460658

Aqua has taken so much shit in the past weeks, but here she is happy to be alive and to provide some quality steams for her fans. Meanwhile Miko is canceling all her streams because "muh depression" and Pekora is probably crying because some chinks badmouthed her on twitter. Sasuga hololive top idole ! https://twitter.com/minatoaqua/status/1250560058410201088

>> No.23460615 [DELETED] 

Which hololives are racist? I'll marry one of them and make a bunch of racist hapa babies that go around making Japan more and more Japanese after I die from old age.

MMMMMM TMMM d$$$b ^ /T$; ;-/TMMMP
MMMMM; .^`M; d$P^T$$b : $$ :: "T(
MMMMMM .-+d$$ $$$; ; d$$ ;; __
MMMMMMb _d$$$ $$$$ :$$$; :MmMMMMp.
MMMMMM" " T$$$._.$$$; T$P.'MMMSSSSSSb.
MMM`TMb -")T$$$$$$P' `._ "" :MMSSSMMP' </wbr></wbr>

>> No.23460618
Quoted by: >>23460626

i want shitposting hours to end

>> No.23460620
Quoted by: >>23460638

you okay there anon?

>> No.23460625

this is one of the shittiest baits I've ever seen.

>> No.23460626

Blame Miko. They're only shitposting hours because nobody's streaming.

>> No.23460629

Poor Flare, nobody is watching her

>> No.23460632
Quoted by: >>23460641


>> No.23460634


>> No.23460638 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23460639

The ascii didn't format correctly. I'll just repost.
Which hololives are racist? I'll marry one of them and make a bunch of racist hapa babies that go around making Japan more and more Japanese after I die from old age.

>> No.23460639 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23460659

Instead consider not posting at all.

>> No.23460640

Just wait a few hours, the next drama is surely just around the corner.

>> No.23460641

Can you imagine watching one of the most boring chuuba playing the most boring type of video games at 1 in the morning ?

>> No.23460649

game is muzukashi to watch with poor nihongo

>> No.23460652

>1 in the morning
Anon, please go to sleep, it seems that you're having a stroke

>> No.23460655

I hoped that at least the Europoor had better understanding of time zones

>> No.23460656

I do

>> No.23460658

Meant for >>23460610

>> No.23460659 [DELETED] 

I'm going to keep asking until I get the answer!

>> No.23460661

How come youtube been messing up for me lately? It keeps on stating that people will premiere at a certain time but make it two hours later

>> No.23460663

Stream time's been moved, did she realise she had school? She's missed her first day. moved from 1pm to 4pm for non Aus people.

>> No.23460669


>> No.23460686

My wife needs help

>> No.23460689

Someone please put her out of her misery.

>> No.23460690

That's genuinely surprising.

>> No.23460693
Quoted by: >>23460704

it's time for pekora to retire

>> No.23460699

Cute autism dog

>> No.23460700

thank god

>> No.23460703
Quoted by: >>23460716

Watched Suisei vods, didn't know she was a talesfag. I'm now her fan

>> No.23460704

Wow, 3521 posts and 100% EOPs.
Looks like it's time for anon to graduate from hololive

>> No.23460713


>> No.23460714
Quoted by: >>23460723

Well, it won't matter much longer anyway. China is putting up the Great Wall of Fuck Foreigners. So Hololive won't have to give a damn about Billibilli or what the Chinese think.

>> No.23460716

I found it strange that a female tales fan would have something other than Vesperia be their favourite game.

>> No.23460723

> China is putting up the Great Wall of Fuck Foreigners.
>source Taiwanesenews.com

>> No.23460735


>> No.23460736
Quoted by: >>23460842

i miss pekora...

>> No.23460738
Quoted by: >>23460739

Which one does she mention being her favorite? I just heard her say she played Graces and not understanding the system, potentially being young af when that came out. Maybe that's why?

>> No.23460739
Quoted by: >>23460748


>> No.23460741

He's been trying to push "Miko is a bitch" all week. He must be desperate because he even tried it on reddit.

>> No.23460742

Probably all of them.

>> No.23460748

Huh, still not too surprising. One of the old classics before the ps3 era shit

>> No.23460761
Quoted by: >>23460779

Well a lot of Tales of fans are fujos, most of them likes Symphonia because of Zelos

>> No.23460779

Fujos also like Guy/Luke dynamic and Yuri/Flynn

>> No.23460783


>> No.23460784
Quoted by: >>23460794

Help! What is that website where I can see the karaoke streams of a holo but with the songs already sorted by title?

>> No.23460785

I like Ayame

>> No.23460793
Quoted by: >>23460815

Asacoco TL
I can't believe that NDMA is a real thing

>> No.23460794
Quoted by: >>23460839

Read the thread.

>> No.23460803

Watame casts a sleeping spell on you >>>/wsg/3392307

>> No.23460811
Quoted by: >>23460847

When it comes to streaming donations aren't actually donations, they are tips. Streamers have to pay taxes on their earnings same way street performers do. They just like to call them donations to make it sound less business-y, but in the end they are still payment for a service.

>> No.23460814

oh fuck I've been seduced

>> No.23460815
Quoted by: >>23460825

Aparently it's a cancer-inducing hepatoxin???

>> No.23460818

Matsuri draws well

>> No.23460825

Coco was a cancer all this time

>> No.23460826
Quoted by: >>23460835


>> No.23460827

Needs to fade to white into the skyrim intro.

>> No.23460828
Quoted by: >>23460858

I think the other 2 holoIDs should dox themselves to show solidarity with Iofi.

>> No.23460835

She's probably remaking the stream since notifications were bugged for it. Seems to be a problem today.

>> No.23460837

Literally a harem anime protag

>> No.23460839
Quoted by: >>23460881

No I believe it's not jetri. It's the one where each girl has an individual page.

>> No.23460840
Quoted by: >>23460874

Towa Undertale

>> No.23460841
Quoted by: >>23460862

>Rushia will never finish Dark Souls

>> No.23460842
Quoted by: >>23460848

Don’t worry she is planning to stream mgs2 to boost her ratings.

>> No.23460843

>Towa woke up early because she thought she had her stream scheduled at 9 rather than 9:30
What a dork.

>> No.23460847

You sound like DSP.

>> No.23460848
Quoted by: >>23460888

I think she said she was going to do peace walker next

>> No.23460849

With the rate Choco sensei's playing GTA, how long will it take for her to finish the game?

>> No.23460855


>> No.23460858

I would eat irl lofi's pussy all night long. She's a cutie.

>> No.23460860
Quoted by: >>23460869


>> No.23460862

neither RE4

>> No.23460867


>> No.23460869


>> No.23460874

Thanks, youtube is shit for updates.

>> No.23460878

Anyone have that voiceclip that comes with the matsuri t shirt?
apparently it sounds lewd?

>> No.23460879

Do you think there are any secret friendships in Hololive? Like two girls who are very good friends but never collab because they have differing tastes in games and never publically interact because they're always talking directly to each other through Discord?

>> No.23460880


>> No.23460881
Quoted by: >>23460889

This one? http://covers-singer.com It only have four of the girls though

>> No.23460886

Sounds like Coco and Korone.

>> No.23460888

I hope the lack of easy mode won't hinder her too hard. Helps that the autoaim is extremely generous for boss fights. the APC fight will be interesting to watch.

the detractorsphere sure has wide reaching tendrils

>> No.23460889

Yeah that one. Oh I thought it had all of them. Thanks anyway.

>> No.23460890

Quick question since I’m a gay lurker. Why is hololive much more popular than nijisanji on 4chan/reddit? Seems like nijisanji is non existent.

>> No.23460891

Why keep it a secret. Friendships are great for hololive and for both girls. If you can't find a game, find some way to interact.

>> No.23460894

Please, she's a dork, don't misunderstand.

>> No.23460897

This is it bros. Towa is breaking 100k this stream.

>> No.23460898

Nijisanji is more popular if you go to 5ch so therefore is more of a presence in Japan.

>> No.23460901
Quoted by: >>23460921

Hololive has significantly more translated stuff. That's about it.

>> No.23460908

The same reason famous existing vtubers want to join Holo and former Nijis left to join. Hololive is a family. Niji is a free-for-all.

>> No.23460916

-More translated clips
-Girls only (homostars might as well not exist)
-Better designs

>> No.23460918

Just split off holostars from hololive already. Yagoo can run the homos and Coco can run the girls.

>> No.23460919
Quoted by: >>23461238

I'd imagine with Niji being so large its hard to build a career in there, like the equivalent of being a new employee in a huge corporation no one has time for you and you kind of just get left struggling on the side.

>> No.23460921

but also scatman

>> No.23460925

Which hololives have had sex with each other just for fun hahaha

>> No.23460929



>> No.23460932

That's pretty much how things work already though. They need to merge them and actually treat them as equals if they want Holostars to succeed.

>> No.23460934
Quoted by: >>23460941

PekoMiko, not even a doubt about that.

>> No.23460939

Me and Haachima

>> No.23460941


>> No.23460947
Quoted by: >>23460978

Something off about Flare's voice today.

>> No.23460950

>miko's number one romance choice in hololive is haachama because she's blonde and has twintails

>> No.23460956

Nijisanji's cast is too fucking big, Hololive you'll see a funny clip and will instantly go "Oh look that's Fubuki man I love Fubuki" Nijisanji's highlights are a bunch of unkwnowns for the most part

>> No.23460960

If I was a holo I'd have blonde twintails because I like them, now you're telling me I'd also have a chance with Miko?

>> No.23460962

it helps they have the same amount of intelligence.

>> No.23460965

Why does she have such a huge thing for blonde twintails?

>> No.23460966

Mikos got good taste

>> No.23460967

I'm gonna start watching Towa!
as soon as all EOPs disappear from her chat

>> No.23460969

How will fans react though? I think it's just Matsuri who often collabos with them and it seems fine.

>> No.23460971

So never.

>> No.23460973
Quoted by: >>23460995

I'm sure she didn't take her personality into account

>> No.23460978

She did mention at the start that she has a hoarse voice today

>> No.23460980
Quoted by: >>23460985

She only has a large amount of EOPs due to the hours she streams. If you check her Dead by Daylight stream earlier, you'll see way less English comments.

>> No.23460981
Quoted by: >>23461000

Some girls would have a rough start but eventually the dislikes would die down, a bunch of paypigs would disappear too though

>> No.23460985

I'm pretty sure that's just because DbD is boring as fuck.

>> No.23460990
Quoted by: >>23461002

Was she talking to an actual person there?

>> No.23460995

its okay if she's cute - likely miko

>> No.23460999
Quoted by: >>23461011

Honestly I'm more worried about some of the girls themselves. Some of them are so deep in the idol mindset they refuse to even acknowledge Holostars exist.

>> No.23461000
Quoted by: >>23461031

was holostars doom to fail from the very beginning?

>> No.23461002
Quoted by: >>23461021

She's talking to her squad mate in game. Imagine it, a random dude bro has sat down to play PUBG and has been paired up with an elite japanese miko.

>> No.23461004

I can't really blame her

>> No.23461006

So Miko just confirmed what we all knew
What she said about her computer breaking was a lie, she was actually talking all night with Pekora

>> No.23461010

What a good friend

>> No.23461011

It's by YAGOO's design though. I think because of the idol shit, he thought letting them interact might have negative impact on her girls.

>> No.23461014

I had a feeling

>> No.23461018

Talking, or fucking?

>> No.23461021
Quoted by: >>23461053

Interesting. I thought a multiplayer game like that would separate their players by regional server.

>> No.23461027

can you imagine laying in bed all night next to pekora, talking about life and consoling her through hard times?

>> No.23461029
Quoted by: >>23461058

Are the holostars marketed as male idols? Might be the reason they are failing since the male nijis just come off as bros.

>> No.23461031

Huh, so I think YAGOO's thought process was, I made this pseudo idol group using these guidelines and it was kinda sucessful, now I'm gonna do the same thing again but male, in reality not many girls watch chuubas so he had no market for the male hololives, if he tries changing it radically now from it being an all girls group would he scare away a good part of the fanbase? Who knows?

>> No.23461034

what if she was doing both at the same time

>> No.23461037

god i wish i was pekora

>> No.23461038

She was counseling that bunny cunny

>> No.23461039

I wonder why anon was so anal about us talking about a probably right assumption, no one is even surprised.

>> No.23461042

Which holostar is voice acted by YAGOO?

>> No.23461043

Fucking lucky rabbit

>> No.23461045
Quoted by: >>23461054

At first that was the case yeah. But now that they're allowed to interact and collab, only Fubuki and Matsuri actually do. Ironically, I find the notion of leaving the Holostars to die while the girls are being so much more successful very un-idol like. But then again, idolshit never made sense in the first place.

>> No.23461048

>all night
fuck that i want to sleep

>> No.23461053

I did too, but I guess PUBG is small enough to warrant global severs?

I'm kind of jealous, I want Elite Miko on my team. Though I love how the guys can't believe that Miko is actually Japanese.

>> No.23461054
Quoted by: >>23461060

They are allowed to collab but Holostars isn't called Hololive so in a meta sense no one associates them

>> No.23461057

Don't quote me in this but didn't a nijifag say some of their girls lost a lot of paypigs because of their interaction with males? If this is true, YAGOO made the right choice after all.

>> No.23461058

Not sure, but the Holostars definitely stream as if they're just bros. It's just hard to get a proper audience when you're just guys; Niji guys had the upperhand by having both sides interact.

>> No.23461060
Quoted by: >>23461129

That's part of the problem yeah, going back to what I said earlier about needing to actually merge them.

>> No.23461061


>> No.23461064
Quoted by: >>23461094

>Miko couldn't be upset about Peko's situation
>Miko wouldn't care about Peko's issues
I guess that anon got BTFO now.

>> No.23461065
Quoted by: >>23461093

It's true, not one deny this
In nijisanji the guys are much stronger than the girls in term of spachaa and members

>> No.23461066

I decided to look back at the polls so I can finally gather some data and I think there might have been some tampering. Last night when I last checked Korone was top of the number 1 poll at around 20% of all votes, which in itself was a little suspicious but I was willing to accept, but now Matsuri is at the top with 62 votes to Korone's 55, when previously I'm pretty sure Matsuri was around 10-15 votes at most.

>> No.23461068

i wouldnt doubt it at all. I know alot of people say hololive is mainly idolfag etc. But watching niji from afar their fanbase are probably the same or worse depending who it is.People get attached to the character so it would make sense logically.

>> No.23461069
Quoted by: >>23461112

>wanting males in hololive
No thanks, I'm not gay.

>> No.23461072
Quoted by: >>23461080

I'd be glad to take the spot of either girl. With this, I can imagine their RL selves are both great, lovable personalities.

>> No.23461080


>> No.23461083

You gave Lyger too much time to fire up his bots.

>> No.23461093
Quoted by: >>23461121

nijisanji male members aren't so bad but i cant watch them since they tend to play the same boring games like everyone else or i know they are going to be good at playing the games. Reason why i could watch peko mgs gameplay her reactions are the funniest shit i seen in a while.

>> No.23461094

Did I say that retard?
I said don't make headcanon assumptions. If Miko wants to talk about it, good on her. She's a nice girl who would if she feels comfortable about it. You definitely aren't doing her any favors though if you end up ignoring personal problems in favor of your fanfiction.

>> No.23461098

Nothing strange with that. Korone also got 24 votes from me alone.

>> No.23461105

Elite NEET

>> No.23461106

>miko elite neet

>> No.23461109
Quoted by: >>23461126

Please sub to Towa. Only less that 1000 needed for 100k. Please help us protect her bucktooth smile

>> No.23461112

>I'm not gay
2020 and you still like women instead of men.

>> No.23461116
Quoted by: >>23461127

Is it confession time?
I voted 10 times at least for Haato.

>> No.23461118
Quoted by: >>23461138


Nice deflection retard. You were actively denying the possibility that Miko cared about Peko. There was no fanfiction, it was a plausible explanation for why Miko was feeling down today.

>> No.23461121

I like a few of them like Yashiro
Mostly because I like IIDX though, LoL is shit so I don't watch the others

Anyways the main problem with guys getting in hololive is that they would most likely be much better gamers than the girls
Look what happened to Ark, the girls were just glorified cheerleaders, even Himawari who supposedly played 8000 hours of it or some shit

>> No.23461126

sorry anon, my mom said she won't let me use her youtube account anymore

>> No.23461127

I might have accidentally voted twice because my choices vanished at one point and I felt pretty bad but now I see people are just voting non-stop for their favorites and it kind of ruins the point of doing it to begin with, oh well.

>> No.23461129
Quoted by: >>23461163

I don't really mind female vtubers interacting with males, the few nijis I occasionally watch do it frequently and it leads to great interactions, but being an all-girls cast is part of Hololive's identity. If they start intermingling with the dudes too frequently it wouldn't take long for a huge portion of the current fanbase to lose interest and a smaller portion to start actively hating them. It's not even about idolfaggotry, it's just that a good deal of people just want to watch cute girls doing cute things and that's what Yagoo said he'd provide them with.

>> No.23461134

Why are you so anal about this, thinking Miko was worried about her friend seems like the normal thing to assume, did you think she was going to get flak by being too much of a good person, seems like some really weird logic.

>> No.23461137

This, definitely. The Holostars are definitely higher skilled than the Hololive girls. It could cause for some friction.

Though I appreciate and enjoy FBK and Matsuri interacting with them. I'd rather they all succeed.

>> No.23461138

I'd love to see where I said this. Because I remember saying:
>don't just assume it's because of Peko and bring her into it

>> No.23461139

Go merge your ass in some dick, faggot.
Stop forcing this shit.

>> No.23461141
Quoted by: >>23461160

Miko's mood seems to have considerably improved.

>> No.23461142

Why does Towa say "oh my god" like an elderly Jewish man?

>> No.23461148

I think it's fine if female vtubers interact with guys and I support them, but it's gay as fuck so I'm not going to watch it.

>> No.23461149

I guess you're right.

But is there someone in Holostar that can beat Suisei in tetris?

>> No.23461151

Bernie "Towa" Sanders

>> No.23461152

To put it simply, Towa's voice is ugly.

>> No.23461153

when is the minecraft update coming out? I want to see my special girls miko and flare play together again

>> No.23461155

I hear it as "Oh mein gott"

>> No.23461158

Will any of them play Terraria?

>> No.23461160

she does sound a lot better

>> No.23461161

Seems like a game Aqua would enjoy

>> No.23461163

this so much, its the reason i can watch hololive and became a fan since they give me the same vibe of watching moe anime.

>> No.23461165
Quoted by: >>23461181

anyone else listen to matsuri's bath streams and just, imagine...

>> No.23461172
Quoted by: >>23461202

Depression is a possible side effect from concussion / brain damage. Why so many football players and pro wrestlers kill themselves.

>> No.23461175

https://youtu.be/FhKaEVNY0co thos mean pekora sugita collab will happen soon

>> No.23461178
Quoted by: >>23461229

>Miko and Pekora are friends, not conjoined twins for god sakes.
>She's her own person.
>Peko had a single controversy during a massive boom of success. Meanwhile, Miko literally fell down the stairs and had to stop streaming for a while.

You sure were adamant in denying the possibility of this. You were actively fighting against the idea that Miko might have been consoling Peko. You actively fought against the possibility that Peko might have been upset. You were getting upset that people even brought up the possibility.

A possibility that proved correct. You're just a loser retard.

>> No.23461180

If Peko doesn't quit

>> No.23461181

>when you hear the panties drop

>> No.23461185
Quoted by: >>23461197

Reminds me of that time she broke down and started crying because she was terrible at PUBG compared to her male teammates. I definitely don't want to see a scene like that in hololive. Males just tend to be more competitive about gaming. There's a reason you don't see many girls in serious competitions.

>> No.23461186
Quoted by: >>23461200

That would be great to see. I could see that being the new Minecraft/Ark now that it's dying.

>> No.23461190
Quoted by: >>23461201

Miko is depressed because she hit her head last week

>> No.23461192
Quoted by: >>23463534

Lots of things. Peko last night was probably what broke her down. The last emotional straw.

>> No.23461194

aqua vs anyone from hololive pvp ark would be a genocide.Even coco 2000+ is no match for aqua, and i can understand why people were worried about her going solo in the game.

>> No.23461197

Seeing Suisei getting beaten in tetris or Aqua's speedruns getting destroyed would be sad to see

>> No.23461200

But they have 7dtd anon right?

>> No.23461201

Miko has brian problems

>> No.23461202

I worry about that head of hers

>> No.23461203
Quoted by: >>23461218

Suisei in Tetris might be the one thing Hololive could give the Holostars a challenge in. Suisei put up a fierce fight against Tetris 99's 2nd/3rd rank player.

>> No.23461204

you sure she didnt say "oy vey"?

>> No.23461212

Some of the 3rd gen tried it before. The game doesn't look great to stream.

>> No.23461215

So Miko is going to play Ark later today
Thank god for no animal crossing

>> No.23461218

But imagine Suisei the cool tetris girl potentially not being the best in her group anymore and it being a dude instead, it would be so ordinary so normal.

>> No.23461219

oh shit i can see this collab reach a million views. Please YAGGO make this shit happen. Though i can see peko sperg out because of her anti social skills.

>> No.23461226

>make friends with Korone again
>fall from the stairs and get depression


>> No.23461227

She isn't the best. It's YAGOO.

>> No.23461229
Quoted by: >>23461270

None of those statements are wrong statements and are actually the correct way of seeing problems people have. If someone is hurting, the worst thing you can do for them is incorrectly assume what is hurting that person to said person.

This situation is like seeing a person in a wheelchair and one guy saying he's probably mentally retarded and the other guy saying maybe he's just a cripple. If it turns out the guy is actually mentally retarded, it doesn't mean the first guy is being a better person.

>> No.23461231

That is true, it would suck. I like thinking of Suisei as the Tetris Queen of Hololive.

>> No.23461235
Quoted by: >>23461243

holy shit Towa reached the nirvana

>> No.23461238

It kind of isn't like that at all though at least with regards to just being left to struggle as a newbie. The newest group of males are already doing collaborations with long standing members and each other within the same week as debuting. And the previous group of newbies before them are now part of all the big collabs events, as well as regularly having their own smaller collabs with more experienced members and their own regular group collaborations that have become increasingly popular.

>> No.23461241
Quoted by: >>23461259

Korone did domestic abuse and falling down the stairs was an excuse???

>> No.23461242

Why is Sugita using the kpop haircut

>> No.23461243

i can't believe towa fucking die

>> No.23461253

Don't joke about his hair please, it's a sensible subject

>> No.23461255
Quoted by: >>23461281

nah Suisei and Aqua are in their own league. I can tell without a doubt most males wouldn't catch up to aqua. Aqua plays way to good compare to the average person in any game, just watch her play style from her old vids. Also aqua is a super tryhard in LOL which proves her gaming skills.

>> No.23461257

Except Aqua's speedruns are impressive regardless of gender. I have a friend who's naturally very talented in any game he plays and not even him can beat Sekiro in an hour.

>> No.23461259

I can't believe korone wants to disable miko to get pekora just for herself

>> No.23461262

he's a 40 years old man who wants to look cool

>> No.23461270

Bro. We're not fucking talking to Miko. She isn't browsing this board. People were speculating what might have been the problem because people were curious and worried.

>> No.23461272


What did she mean by this?

>> No.23461275

She was getting fucked and was told to do a double peace on twitter.

>> No.23461279

I think Haato might unironically be a coomer..

>> No.23461281
Quoted by: >>23461314

Aqua is pretty mediocre at Smash or Apex, there is no doubt some of the holostar would destroy her in most games

Doubt they are at Suisei's level in Tetris, she is actually upper middle tier which mean she is better than 95% of most gamers

>> No.23461283

It is against the rules to start another general before it has been archived.

>> No.23461285


>> No.23461291

It's retarded image spammer.

>> No.23461293

You are not a mod.

>> No.23461296

Depends on the meido

>> No.23461297

You are free to report it and let me maids do their job.

>> No.23461299
Quoted by: >>23461323

it's not, only boomer think it's against the rules

>> No.23461304

No, Miko... Thank you.

>> No.23461311

I'm surprised nobody has sperged about you using the word general yet.

>> No.23461314
Quoted by: >>23461326

meh smash and apex aren't good indicators in skills. I know friends who are god like in games like rainbow and suck ass in apex. Same with fighting games where they are good in tekken or street fighter but dogshit in smash. apex and smash are literally meme tier games ( melee is a bit different though).

>> No.23461315

I want to start a /Holostars/ general. Who'll join me?

>> No.23461321

Only one way to find out.

>> No.23461323

but aren't we all boomers who have been in this shithole since 2004.

>> No.23461326
Quoted by: >>23461353

>only games I like take skill

>> No.23461330

>noel roommate actually have meniere

oh no...

>> No.23461331

That will hardly have any activity and won't do anything to slow down this thread.

>> No.23461333
Quoted by: >>23461343

I would think a thread about hololive means holostars is perfectly on topic.

>> No.23461337
Quoted by: >>23461350

That's ppt.

>> No.23461341

is hololive recruiting at the ear clinic?

>> No.23461343
Quoted by: >>23461385

You might think that, but you would be wrong.

>> No.23461345
Quoted by: >>23461371

I hope Korone never finds /vr/
Haato should learn English by shitposting here like I did.

>> No.23461347
Quoted by: >>23461370


>> No.23461350
Quoted by: >>23461365

>he doesn't check noel roommate tweet


>> No.23461353
Quoted by: >>23461393

but smash and apex are meme games. Does that make ninja the best fps player in the world because of dogshit fornite?

>> No.23461361
Quoted by: >>23461367

Who apologized this week?

>> No.23461365
Quoted by: >>23461370

You gotta be shitting me

>> No.23461366

Anon is a Prophet

>> No.23461367


>> No.23461368
Quoted by: >>23461407

Miko noises and elite song! (・△・ )

>> No.23461370


>> No.23461371

Imagine if she started pumping out all the 4chan memes she would find here.

>> No.23461383
Quoted by: >>23461418

No... Noel please don't leave me...

>> No.23461385

So it is settled. I'll go make one.

>> No.23461390

I feel kind of bad for making fun of her horrible singing now.

>> No.23461392

So did Noel and Kanata go to the same doctor and become friends that way over their shared disease and that's how Kanata got into HoloLive?

>> No.23461393

Or maybe different games take different skills and getting your ass kicked at games you don't like doesn't make them memes?

>> No.23461399

What the fuck

>> No.23461407


>> No.23461412

Peko is based as fuck.

>> No.23461415

あああああああ (音無し)

>> No.23461418

better give noel a lot of superchat so she can buy her medicine bros...

>> No.23461421


>> No.23461431

Oof. That would be terrible if true. I could believe it unfortunately...

>> No.23461437

Hajime (and Aki, but he doesn't count) were there right from the start collaborating with the girls, then Ago and Gaku, then Kanae and Kuzuha.
They were always integrated, there wasn't a situation were they suddenly appeared and started talking with the girls and made them lose donators.

>> No.23461443
Quoted by: >>23461477

but they are anon, apex is the modern day cod for zoomers and modern day smash was made/cater for kids.

>> No.23461444

Miko with no Peko, Korone with no Okayu, Noel with no Flare...

>> No.23461445

people will make fun of it...

>> No.23461448
Quoted by: >>23461483

Wiki says it's about 1/500 people. That's not extremely rare.

>> No.23461450

I still haven't finished my neptunia backlog..

>> No.23461451

I too have watched Yuki Yuna is a Hero!.

>> No.23461456

That's actually old as fuck, Pekora was a nico nico camwhore that ditched her fans because wanted the easy vtuber money, Miko was one too.

>> No.23461461


>> No.23461467

Time to finally start playing nepu's meme game.

>> No.23461470
Quoted by: >>23461490

Deaf idols are the future

>> No.23461474
Quoted by: >>23461487

I wasn't around Nico back then so I didn't get to see that. Her shit was scrubbed when she became Pekora, which was smart of her.

>> No.23461475

Streamers in nico live aren't camwhores, heck Marin, Korone, Okayu, Mio and even Aqua were too

And you obviously don't know how nico live works, Pekora as Itou just played the screaming bitch because that's what people wanted, the whole hit up exchanges was one of the reason she was somewhat popular

>> No.23461477
Quoted by: >>23461499

Surely for something designed for kids, it'll be a fucking breeze to win blindfolded amirite? Such a poser.

>> No.23461478
Quoted by: >>23461492

>It's estimated that there are 600,000-750,000 cases of Ménière’s disease in the United States, with 45,000 to 60,000 new cases diagnosed annually. Worldwide, Ménière’s disease impacts 12 in 1000 people.
Seems pretty common.

>> No.23461483

Still, 2 of 28 having the same 1/500 condition? Those are some insane odds.

>> No.23461487

it's not scrubbed just that most of it was member only or live only

>> No.23461489

Good girl Towa saving the lesbo fish!

>> No.23461490

I wonder what Deaf ASMR is like.

>> No.23461492
Quoted by: >>23461569

I wouldn't call 1.2% a common condition. Still pretty rare.

>> No.23461496


>> No.23461499

please tell me your from /v/.

>> No.23461503

I think it is more of a self selection bias combined with having an audience of doting fans. The job itself is the kind of job that is going to be attractive to people who might have those kinds of issues to begin with as compared to being in a regular office job. Then on top of that you end up with a bunch of fans who will give you money, listen to your every word and tell you how much they love what you do all the time. A lot of people in daily life have their own issues too, but most people just don't bring them up because they know nobody wants to hear about it.

>> No.23461508

I hope it isn't as bad as Neptunia RPG. It shouldn't in any case. Fucking leafs.

>> No.23461513
Quoted by: >>23461536

>Each year, about 6,000 babies are born with Down syndrome, which is about 1 in every 700 babies born.

Haato's condition is way more rare

>> No.23461524
Quoted by: >>23461556

is Neptunia still relevant after their fourth installment?

>> No.23461536

Haachama's condition is ADHD.

>> No.23461544
Quoted by: >>23461567

Thinking about making a hololive thread on /int/. Who’s with me?

>> No.23461552

Getting into these vtubers was a fucking mistake. Like I was expecting idolshit but instead some of the stuff that's happening to these people makes me actually care about the people behind the anime waifu. And hearing about these people's problems just makes me relate to my own

>> No.23461555

Is Towa pulling a Haachama?

>> No.23461556


>> No.23461558

Korone, Okayu, Mio and Aqua, or Shiina and Sasaki didn't stream showing cleavage or wearing a bra as the main focus of their streams like Pekora, Miko, Noel.
There's a clear difference between the type of content they did, I don't think it wrong to call it camwhoring.

>> No.23461560
Quoted by: >>23461627



>> No.23461561
Quoted by: >>23465555


>> No.23461562

It makes me love and care about them more. Maybe YAGOO picked these girls knowing this going in.

>> No.23461565
Quoted by: >>23461659

You need to take a step back and reevaluate what the fuck you are doing. You are going too deep into this shit.

>> No.23461567

Only if you make it for virtual performers in general and not just one or two companies and/or one or two countries.

>> No.23461569

Rare is usually defined as under 0.5%.

>> No.23461572


Suisei is twice the singer.

>> No.23461583

Well they lucked out big time, earning far more than the average salaryman while sitting at home playing games. Makes me wish I was a cute Japanese girl with problems.

>> No.23461585

Was nep rpg that bad?

>> No.23461592

Pekora did it once for a Hestia cosplay, cosplaying isn't camwhoring
Her main content was playing games, she wasn't Canan

>> No.23461607
Quoted by: >>23461865

If you call that camwhoring, Coco's roommate was the biggest street whore.

>> No.23461613

She and Tenshi can split a pair of air pods.

>> No.23461627
Quoted by: >>23461638

Everytime I look at Noel's replies it's a bunch of people with Noel avatars does this happen to every chuuba?

>> No.23461638


>> No.23461653

So the average youtuber for the past decade then? Not to dismiss the problems involving the job itself, but I don't see how any of this is new to be surprised about. Being a Vtuber is fundamentally not that very different.

>> No.23461659

I'll never donate large sums of money to them because it is a waste of money and money won't solve all their problems, I've also already accepted I'll never meet one considering one astronomically low that chance would be. So I'm basically just coping with the pain

>> No.23461670

Still no Ileheart...

>> No.23461771



>> No.23461822

This won't matter because every chink uses VPN anyway.

>> No.23461865

Kson is nothing compared to Noel, She mostly just cosplay character in the games she played.

>> No.23462028

Can someone post/explain the whole pekora vs china tweet fiasco please?
Sprey for being out of the loop but half the time any info is just in japanese like >>23454067

>> No.23462086
Quoted by: >>23462133

>Peko posted a Billibilli video on Nico and tweeted it out
>China got pissed that she didn't source/link to Billibilli
>Got really upset
>Peko gave a basic apology

Something like that.

>> No.23462099


>> No.23462133
Quoted by: >>23462264

She didn't post the video on nico
She just put the link on twitter since she liked it, she literally just wanted her followers to have a good laugh

>> No.23462165

So Miko "fell" downstairs

>> No.23462230
Quoted by: >>23462507

Why did all the other homos abandon Asacoco live today?

Are they socially distancing themselves?

>> No.23462264

Right. I didn't care enough to validate the entire story since he was a faggot who couldn't be assed to ctrl+f. but you're right.

>> No.23462507

Coco had to put the lights on herself to censor all the shit that happened recently

>> No.23462518

damn, even Tamaki is in it, might cop

>> No.23462727

Noel's really on a different tier of suffering huh.

>> No.23462896

You're right. So how does being mediocre in apex translates to "no doubt Aqua will be destroyed in most games by the holostars?"

>> No.23463314
Quoted by: >>23463465

I check here for the first time in months and the thread is nearly 4K replies
How predictable...

So the bunny’s best option is to get the fuck off bili and leave those losers in the dirt, right? She really shouldn’t have apologized because now they can claim the high ground

>> No.23463465

>now they can claim the high ground
They were already doing that and it's just as vapid with the apology.
>So the bunny’s best option is to get the fuck off bili
It would be if it were an option.

>leave those losers in the dirt,

>> No.23463534

Pekora will pay for this...

>> No.23464013

EOPs and live translators should get the fuck out of Aqua's chat. Her chat was one of the cleanest and now it's ruined.

>> No.23464521

Posting on page 10!

>> No.23464577

based marine poster

>> No.23464578

nooo, we're supposed to have 4k post again

>> No.23464615

anon post the PP image with her lonely birthday party, i cant believe they changed places

>> No.23464741

I Love Vtuber Tsunomaki Watame

>> No.23464759
Quoted by: >>23464804

are all the /v/ tourists gone?

>> No.23464804
Quoted by: >>23464817

Nope, they'll come when Korone streams.

>> No.23464817

fortunately korone off today

>> No.23464983
Quoted by: >>23465029

I know its gona be a suck ass bad time when theres a tweet from the clover account

>> No.23465029
Quoted by: >>23465045


>> No.23465045

clover, the company that runs hololive

>> No.23465062
Quoted by: >>23465117

based rabbit make corp apologize like that

>> No.23465117
Quoted by: >>23465126

it wasn't loading for me at the start but now that i read it im glad peko wasnt thrown under the bus.

>> No.23465126
Quoted by: >>23465664

Yeah, but more stream on bilibili now.

>> No.23465555

Please don't link to my thread like that.

>> No.23465664

thats the worst part truely, pekora having to submit and everyone else fucked for it. all because the chinese got mad over a stolen video that was originally from fucking youtube

>> No.23465691
Quoted by: >>23465778

I don't want to watch my idol on some botnet farmer site.

>> No.23465778

i dont either anon, might as well bootleg it on youtube or stop watching, my poor rabbit

>> No.23466186 [DELETED] 

Does Hololive mandate the girls do bilibili streams? I always assumed they did but this pekora shit is making me second guess this.

>> No.23467659

it's laughable really, chinese screaming about copyright.

>> No.23467685

Can we reach 4k posts on 2 threads?

>> No.23467916

Someone's finally playing Apex with Towa
