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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 38 KB, 640x480, sjvJRwZ_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23387616 No.23387616 [Reply] [Original]

Image limit hit. Pray for Haato... Not because she's sick but because she's retarded.

>> No.23387636 [DELETED] 

Hololive has THREE threads!

>> No.23387639
File: 917 KB, 1570x4093, EVJ4UowU8AAL2m5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23387647
File: 2.58 MB, 600x600, HA-HAACHA-CHAMA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23387646 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387952

delete this thread

>> No.23387654 [DELETED] 

Blame this gay slow board we should really move to to >>>/v/

>> No.23387660

who is the lewdest holochuuba?

>> No.23387669 [DELETED] 

next time just make a silly touhou thread or two and kill the previous thread before making a new one

>> No.23387672


>> No.23387675 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387678

Kill yourself board spammer.

>> No.23387677

ITT: Enemies that unnerve me - my answer is, of course, Marine

>> No.23387678 [DELETED] 

It's not our fault this board is dead.

>> No.23387681
File: 277 KB, 626x885, 1586093728577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meme answer: Marine or Matsuri

true answer: Roboco or Aki

>> No.23387687 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387694

Then go back to your shithole

>> No.23387694 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387708

This is our home now.

>> No.23387705
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, 1579377768985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of creature is this?

>> No.23387707


>> No.23387708 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387716

>blaming /jp/ for being slow
Yeah both of you should fuck off to >>>/v/ or neck yourself.

>> No.23387713 [DELETED] 

Then go back to /v/, why are you even trying to fit in here when /v/ permits vtuber threads in the first place?

>> No.23387716 [DELETED] 

Sorry bro, but Hololive is idolshit. It belongs here and not /v/. Stay in your 100 2hu threads and shut up.

>> No.23387727 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387730

maybe you should marry images if you love them so much!

>> No.23387730 [DELETED] 

Got em

>> No.23387731 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23388042

I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.23387743 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387747

Image boards are not chat rooms. If you want petty shitposting feel free to depart anytime.

>> No.23387747 [DELETED] 

Image boards are for posting images. You know that right?

>> No.23387751 [DELETED] 


>> No.23387753 [DELETED] 

>Image boards are for posting images.
This is how we all know you're fucking retarded.

>> No.23387761 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387767

Did you suddenly lose the ability to upload images on imgur and simply link it in the threads that you needed another excuse to make your shit thread? Because that's what it looks like to me, you retarded crossboarding faggot.

>> No.23387767 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387773

>using imgur instead of catbox
Hello newfag.

>> No.23387769 [DELETED] 

Did I mention images somewhere in that post? No. But apparently you did.

>> No.23387770
File: 1.51 MB, 2836x2478, __murasaki_shion_hololive_drawn_by_shenbaibaibaibaibaibaibai__010ac9d71079ed8398f98e669140a98a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion is lewd

>> No.23387773 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387809

It doesn't matter whichever you use, you nitpicking autist. I'm just giving an example.

>> No.23387776 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387784


>> No.23387784 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387799

Kill yourself OP. This is the type of shitposting /jp/ doesn't need right now.

>> No.23387787 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387794

I feel bad for the virtual youtuber thread, I thought they were the faggots for all these years but turns out it was just you guys.

>> No.23387794 [DELETED] 

Did you forget that the sperg migrated to the hololive thread because /vy/ is pretty much dead at this point and is becoming a nijisanji spam shitshow right now?

>> No.23387797 [DELETED] 

Oh no, I can't post the same image for the 20th time, oh I'm so sad.

>> No.23387799 [DELETED] 

/jp/ should be happy to get any type of posting at all.

>> No.23387805
File: 440 KB, 960x660, EUjvJe-UwAAikLB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23387845

Stop fighting and talking about meta shit. If you have actual complains go to IRC. Now post Holos or fuck off.

>> No.23387806 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387814

if you really NEED to post an image you can always use /vy/, you know

>> No.23387809 [DELETED] 

imgur is the reddit one use catbox is for 4chan

>> No.23387814 [DELETED] 

I'm not settling foot in that garbage land.

>> No.23387818 [DELETED] 

It's sure as fuck better than here.

>> No.23387822 [DELETED] 

I literally don't even look at any of these threads, I was just on the front page and saw all this bullshit going on.

>> No.23387826 [DELETED] 

He's said that while posting here. How ironic.

>> No.23387845
File: 2.91 MB, 600x336, 1585750601350.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23387905

Based Okakoro poster.

>> No.23387857
File: 116 KB, 512x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why doesnt she stream vidya?

>> No.23387860
File: 274 KB, 1447x2047, EVJH3ucU0AALa9h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23387866 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387881

The last 4 images in that thread are of Towa, Sephira, and the porn dump anon though.

>> No.23387877

I wish FBK wasn't so fake

>> No.23387881 [DELETED] 

Yes, and? That doesn't make me wrong, though. 80% of the posts there are nijisanji related and it's even funnier because they have another thread dedicated for them too.

>> No.23387905
File: 352 KB, 300x382, 1579979555084.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23387912 [DELETED] 

The niji thread is a graveyard, people post in the vtuber thread because it's more active. This holo thread only exists in the first place because of autists who treat vtuber groups like some sort of console war in the first place, so of course it's going to be filled with autists.

>> No.23387920 [DELETED] 

>This holo thread only exists in the first place because of autists who treat vtuber groups like some sort of console war in the first place.
Hey newfag, your new is showing. That's not how the hololive thread was created at all. At least lurk 2 more years before posting.

>> No.23387930 [DELETED] 

I don't expect autists to see past their delusions, but the truth is what it is.

>> No.23387934 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387941

Kinda funny how autistic nijisanji fans are

>> No.23387941 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387983

The funny thing is I don't even follow nijisanji or their threads. I just hate the autists that make this place a dumpster.

>> No.23387948 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23387965

I just don't see this shitstorm you're talking about right now. As I'm writing this the last posts in that thread are now also Hololive related.

>> No.23387952 [DELETED] 

I agree. Why are there three Hololive posts but only 1 Nijisanji post?

>> No.23387965 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23388036

>I just don't see this shitstorm
What the hell are you even talking about? I wasn't even talking about shitstorms.

>> No.23387970
File: 1.18 MB, 624x906, senchou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you guys stop yourself from whipping it out when watching Marine?

>> No.23387978

I forget to put it on mute sometimes.

>> No.23387983 [DELETED] 

They sure aren't helping

>> No.23387991
Quoted by: >>23388007

Is watame really addicted to prongles or are the chips just a prop

>> No.23387995
Quoted by: >>23388019

I don't wear anything on my lower half, so there's no "whipping it out"

>> No.23388005

That's just OctoDad.

>> No.23388007

she eats a fuckton of them when streaming

>> No.23388013 [DELETED] 

Touhou has 71 threads (I counted)

>> No.23388015 [DELETED] 

go back to your containment thread nijifriend

>> No.23388017
File: 169 KB, 891x1200, EVKcA_SUwAAP1tp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23388044

https://twitter.com/lizhi3/status/1248231591991627777 based pochi

>> No.23388019
Quoted by: >>23388030


>> No.23388030
Quoted by: >>23388047

Mio still wears pants, just doesnt wear pantsu.

>> No.23388036 [DELETED] 

Shitshow, whatever, I'll admit I defaulted to storm because they're interchangeable. I don't really see a shitshow either.

>> No.23388042 [DELETED] 

And I want a good dicking, but neither of those is going to happen today.

>> No.23388044
Quoted by: >>23388061

Most overrated artist of all time just because people think he's a woman. Even Asanagi is less overrated.

>> No.23388047

God I wish I was Taiga right now

>> No.23388049 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23388053

salty nijitard go back to your dead thread

>> No.23388053 [DELETED] 

Thank you for providing an example.

>> No.23388054 [DELETED] 

not even bait at this point

>> No.23388057 [DELETED] 

Not your secret club.

>> No.23388061


>> No.23388071 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23388092

The ironic part is that it is actually the quality one. THIS one is the containment shitbox.

>> No.23388072 [DELETED] 

/v/ermin should stay on >>>/v/

>> No.23388079

Because she has taste.

>> No.23388089 [DELETED] 

fuck off, sperg

>> No.23388092 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23388116

If it's so good why won't you just stay there with the austistic nijisanji fans screaming at you

>> No.23388095 [DELETED] 

He's right though.

>> No.23388100 [DELETED] 

Well well well. Looks like the Janman deleted all the whining posts and kept the thread up. Sorry, you lose this one.

>> No.23388102
Quoted by: >>23388131

Lunabros > Towafags

>> No.23388103 [DELETED] 

Not videogames.

>> No.23388108

Why does she look like Mickey Mouse

>> No.23388116 [DELETED] 

That literally never happens. The Hololive ones are for shitposting, drama, and idolizing. Nijisanji is for fun, original content, and discussing the worldwide relevance of virtual performances.

>> No.23388117
File: 570 KB, 2048x1448, EU-B5PfVAAEW-yb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting actual hololive for a change.

>> No.23388127
File: 467 KB, 646x669, cockona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23388128

Kabaya a cutie

>> No.23388128
Quoted by: >>23388218

She's cute when she's singing. Not so much when talking

>> No.23388130

But that's a holostar.

>> No.23388131

But my existence is the gachkoi that has surpassed all gachikoi: I paypig for both

>> No.23388143
File: 89 KB, 347x344, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23388163


>> No.23388164
File: 45 KB, 690x570, Korone in cute clothes .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lower quality dog

>> No.23388166
File: 2.12 MB, 3040x2960, 79947925_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389205

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us
not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.


>> No.23388169 [DELETED] 

The threads branched off because have a single thread to talk about 50 fucking different topics at once is stupid.

>> No.23388174
File: 4 KB, 630x243, ark-current-players.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23388384

Why is PPtenshit playing ark? isn't he still on ICU?

>> No.23388183
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, greatodaze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a holo, but I like Pikamee so I'll talk about her. She's a bilingual possibly trilingual? vtuber who talks to both English and Japanese viewers pretty well. She's much better at it than Coco is, and she's much more engaging to both viewer types.

Yes, she is dog.

>> No.23388218
File: 400 KB, 595x750, EM_E4znWwAE7plr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree. The only time she isn't cute is when she is trying to do her Marine impression.

>> No.23388234

I haven't seen much of her, but I liked what I saw. The only thing that worries me is that her content per stream ratio is almost cut in half because she says everything twice, once in Japanese and once in English. Great for people who speak one language and want to learn the other though.

>> No.23388235
Quoted by: >>23388255

Kanata is a cute shonen

>> No.23388253

Oldfags educate me on the PC Engine/Turbografx. Were there any classics released on it like Mario or Zelda?

>> No.23388254

That's my bilingual wife.

>> No.23388255

Keep your perverted hands off our angel, Suisei.

>> No.23388264
Quoted by: >>23388285

How about you use this magical thing called Google.

>> No.23388267
File: 891 KB, 1191x666, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Towa is forced to whore herself out like this...

>> No.23388271

hate to continue to off topic post but pikamee's english voice really bothers me for some reason and I can't pinpoint it. It's sort of like a cartoon voice almost but there's something uncanny about it.

>> No.23388275

>forced to whore

>> No.23388278
File: 36 KB, 665x706, 1583774552361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please buy everyone's shirt

>> No.23388282

She has a very strong lisp.

>> No.23388285

Anons here are more knowledgeable than Google.

>> No.23388288

R-Type and Splatterhouse are pretty based
There is a slightly garbage port of Dracula X too
PC engine togethet with PC-98 was also the focus of the first wave of low budget jrpgs with dating sim elements

>> No.23388289

I'm not made of money anon.

>> No.23388302
Quoted by: >>23388311

I cant tell which one to buy, guess I'm getting both. Just need to figure out sizing.

>> No.23388308

Kanata's cool voice made me feel a little gay (as a male)

>> No.23388311
Quoted by: >>23388323

They don't sell about XL, sorry bro.

>> No.23388321
Quoted by: >>23388663

I honestly think the Amiga has more bangers to play unless you're looking exclusively for weeb content

>> No.23388323

Other end of the spectrum. 54kg skeleton

>> No.23388330

I cant, lyger bought all the stock.

>> No.23388342
Quoted by: >>23388360

how did she do so many other impressions but fuck up Pekora, when you just have to do the goofy laugh

>> No.23388344

disgusting leech

>> No.23388347
Quoted by: >>23388363

I don't wear clothes. We're on lockdown.

>> No.23388355
Quoted by: >>23388360

A lot of their best games were also released on Nintendo and Sega consoles (even first party ones, hudson was pretty mellow), but Korone doesn't seem to have a Sega Megadrive, so she can finally play the WonderBoy in Monster World series games.

>> No.23388360

Kanata couldn't summon arrows. Also, most of her impressions suffer from a lack of confidence. It's clearest with her Coco impression, but the first Marine hell was also pretty lackluster.

The goodest doggie.

>> No.23388363
File: 163 KB, 1190x1853, 1583035149885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you buy them now you'll be ahead of fashion later, it's a good investment.

>> No.23388369

Her Haato is pretty good.

>> No.23388372
Quoted by: >>23388383


Why haven't you bought 5 of your favorite hololivers shirts yet?

>> No.23388373

Shit design. Aqua and Luna's t-shirts are better.

>> No.23388380

But that's Kanata, not Towa.

>> No.23388383

dangerously based

>> No.23388384

Kanatan!? You said you had to end your stream because you had some work you needed to do.

>> No.23388394

I can't believe Kanata LIED to me...

>> No.23388396

ARK is work because you play it for the viewers not for fun

>> No.23388400
Quoted by: >>23388434

I wanted the hat.
It's not even Vivi as a shirt

>> No.23388434

The hat is just a bit too hard to produce unless you want a simple print without the ears, rings and badges. DIY is your best bet

>> No.23388441
File: 27 KB, 434x125, 1586440299522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23388447
Quoted by: >>23388454


>> No.23388454

I really like that image

>> No.23388462

Did Luna beat Shitwood?

>> No.23388464

we are so funny bros

>> No.23388468

Report him.

>> No.23388478


>> No.23388481

good neko

>> No.23388487

I am very bothered by Tamaki's left hand.

>> No.23388493

good neko

>> No.23388494

Nice newfag, keep it up.

>> No.23388496
Quoted by: >>23388545

Is a fourth thread possible?

>> No.23388516
Quoted by: >>23388569


I can't stop listening to this bros.....

>> No.23388518

Okayu os the Master of breeding.

>> No.23388519
Quoted by: >>23388532

god Yakuza writers are such hacks

>> No.23388532
Quoted by: >>23388540

You just realized this?

>> No.23388540

This is my first Yakuza game playthrough it feels like I'm watching a Japanese drama

>> No.23388541
File: 90 KB, 599x686, AWFD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.23388545
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, EU_tPMtUMAEuT74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23388556

God I hope so.

>> No.23388547

The beauty of this form is what takes it to the limit of menace. This skin remains unmoored by language; its visual ambiguities are inexplicable and its movements without form. Even the name is ambiguous and confusing. It's written in low-latency skysense, neither English nor Swahili. Your readers can't understand it, but you're aware of its power. This skin feels alive, alive in that psychological way that a stray cat creeps from behind a tree into a field of foxes.

>> No.23388556
File: 248 KB, 1810x1500, EUTOLkCUEAU-c2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best design by the best Hololive artist.

>> No.23388569

Can't they make an update on Roboco's and Azki's 3D models?

>> No.23388570
Quoted by: >>23388586

And somehow the shittiest live2d model

>> No.23388574

>Installed Pekora's voice mod for Spitter in L4D2 but forgot about it
>Suddenly hear a faint Pekopekopeko~ in the distance
>Confusedly Alt-tab to see if she was streaming
>Dies to a Spitter when tab back
Thank you for reading my blog

>> No.23388578
File: 842 KB, 2894x4093, EUsSEXHUwA0awFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine getting her pregnant and drinking her sweet milk for breakfast everyday.

>> No.23388586
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1584119108432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23388611

>shittiest live2D model
On what basis? You're just baiting right?

>> No.23388590

Yakuza history feels like mexican soap opera, no wonders Coco likes it so much.

>> No.23388601

its sells a ton in Japan too, the japs eat this shit up

>> No.23388603 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23388610

vtubers are cute..

>> No.23388606

Mexican soap operas are great. Those over the top drama moments are awesome and usually pretty funny.

>> No.23388610
Quoted by: >>23388613


>> No.23388611

You of us are mother,
Psychologies virtual:
Our o’erthrowing to life.
especially for me.

>> No.23388613

she's honorary HL newfag.

>> No.23388625
Quoted by: >>23388640

There's no such fucking thing as "honorary HL" when she does a bunch of collabs with Nijis too. Fuck off and stop making up terms to justify posting independent chuubas. Posting them with other Holos is fine but their solo and non Holo shit can fuck off.

>> No.23388628

No she's not, fucking stop it. Unless it is directly HL related keep it in the main thread. This isn't your little fucking hangout spot to talk about anything.

>> No.23388640
Quoted by: >>23388653

>s-she collabs with nijis too!

Not that I think solo Tamaki should be posted but holy inferiority complex

>> No.23388650

Until she becomes into a mama(papa) you can not post her, unless she made another collaboration with Holos.

>> No.23388653

I have nothing against Nijis, mouthbreather. I watch Lulu and Roa. I'm just saying if she only collab'd with Holos then your argument might have some merit.

>> No.23388654
Quoted by: >>23388663

>Dracula X port
It was the original version though.

>> No.23388662
Quoted by: >>23388672

I'm not saying you have something against nijis, quite the contrary.

>> No.23388663

We got /vr/gins in the house

>> No.23388672

Whatever floats your boat, anon.

>> No.23388689
Quoted by: >>23388709

Listen to 18 year old Marine's song.

>> No.23388692

What is the meaning of hololive?

>> No.23388694

>I watch Lulu and Roa

>> No.23388701
Quoted by: >>23388741

Holo(gram) Live (as in Live show).

>> No.23388708
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1080, 1563601092269.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna make it, USAbros

>> No.23388709
Quoted by: >>23388722

Marine has a very distinct voice, Bet she has to put some fake one on every time she goes out.

>> No.23388717
Quoted by: >>23388727

I can't believe Coco did us like that...

>> No.23388719

It means friend and family, hello and good bye, and is the legal and scientific classification of the first tear you shed on spring afternoons.

>> No.23388720
Quoted by: >>23388734


>> No.23388722

She once accidentally mentioned that management told her to not be loud in public because of her voice.

>> No.23388724
Quoted by: >>23388737

If we ever get an USA branch I'd like an younger Coco Kaine

>> No.23388727

On the contrary I believe she did it to us.

>> No.23388734

she's gonna break soon

>> No.23388737

"extreme stacy" bimbo vtuber? I... could dig it, actually...

also down for "self-loathing black super-weeb" vtuber

>> No.23388741
Quoted by: >>23388746

YAGOO was originally planning to make streams become available in AR too, not sure how that's going to work though.
At least they've managed to create an AR app even if it doesn't include all models.

>> No.23388744

Do you think any of them have been approached or recognized IRL?

>> No.23388746

I feel like YAGOO had a lot of ideas but most of them didn't go as planned

>> No.23388747

Be honest. Would you guys move to Hololive EN if it was released and they have some decent talent?

>> No.23388754

nope, Not interested.
Cute Japanese girls is 100% better.

>> No.23388755

God I hope not, can you imagine being hounded by a gaggle of autists?

>> No.23388758

Nope, I like the novelty of watching cute japanese girls

>> No.23388763

At least HoloFes was a success. That was probably one of his major goals.

>> No.23388767
Quoted by: >>23388773

No, considering the lengths they go through to not be recognizable in public.

>> No.23388768

YAGOO reminds me very much of that Notch idiot from Minecraft.
He had all these grand ideas, but when it exploded he was clueless as to why and had no idea where to go. He then got complacent as the money rolled in. THEN he went and pissed off several communities that were hugely influential and everyone hated him. Time will tell if YAGOO ends up going the same route.

>> No.23388773
Quoted by: >>23388804

Someone with a distinct body and voice like Noel might have a harder time

>> No.23388775

90% probably wear face masks.
90% probably don't speak loudly in public.
Most are probably scattered all over Japan.
Okayu has said she lives in the mountains and has no theater close to where she lives.

>> No.23388776
Quoted by: >>23389134

I would if she had a voice like Laura Bailey or Nyanners.

>> No.23388781

oh so this is what coco loves, two half naked men fist fighting

>> No.23388783

The most likely would Coco, though I'm sure anyone approaching her would say they knew her as kson to not seem stalker-ish.

>> No.23388784

Is he going to sell HL to MS for billions of dollars and then do nothing but shitpost on twitter?

>> No.23388787

Calm down nijifriend

>> No.23388789
Quoted by: >>23388797

>probably all scattered over Japan
That would be pretty stupid considering they have to go to Hololive HQ often.

>> No.23388793

I'm sure some have been recognized by people who have proceeded to not do anything. That's how I would act anyways.

>> No.23388795
Quoted by: >>23388817

Pretty much. I'm sure he has a bunch of ideas in his drawer, but just letting chuubas stream games and do their own thing has been working so well that he's not feeling encouraged to try new things.

>> No.23388794

I'm telling you guys right now that Scamco will eventually buy Hololive.

>> No.23388796

Coco fight her husbando now

>> No.23388797

but they don't, Also the studio wouldn't be at Hololive HQ because people the nut jobs would camp outside it.

>> No.23388802
Quoted by: >>23388817

My bets are on Softbank for the company that eventually buys and ruins Cover

>> No.23388804

noel's voice is not distinctive at all among adult japanese women
her body is tho. (god damn)

>> No.23388807

Long as Cover corp don't sell to some money hungry fuckers.

>> No.23388816


>> No.23388817
Quoted by: >>23388832

While drunk! Tweeting about Holostars and how they never became big.
Yeah pretty much that. He's still unsure how to even go about handling everything given the sudden changes happening, especially recently.
Hell look at Coco, she literally got a free card from Avermedia over some shitposting on Twitter. Suisei blew up despite them turning her down initially.
Hopefully not. But who knows how this industry will be in a years time. It's changing quickly.

>> No.23388822
Quoted by: >>23388833

Nothing wrong with that. Their primary goal is to make money, not to appease and make sure autists are always happy with chuubas.

>> No.23388823

>skipping battles
>waste debuffs
Coco should never play another JRPG after this

>> No.23388824
Quoted by: >>23388848

I don't hate Notch, and neither do any normal people. Should you even be here?

>> No.23388826

No, I think I would have a really hard time keeping my suspension of disbelief if they were speaking English. I would't be able to get the image of a 3DPD talk behind the character away from my head.

>> No.23388830

Yakuza going the turned based route was a mistake.

>> No.23388831

Coco's gonna have a hard time finding a man if Kazuma is the standard she has.
I guess you gotta be really strong if you want to tame the Dragon of Shitposting

>> No.23388832
Quoted by: >>23392754

>Susei blew up
200k isn't blowing up. My friend from high school makes make up videos and has 700k subs.

>> No.23388833

They'd make more money quicker if they sold out but in the long run they'll make a lot more with how it is now, I think VTubers are going to be a gigantic thing worldwide and Kizuna Ai and all them lot peaked way too early.

>> No.23388834
Quoted by: >>23388843

On what planet is Yakuza a JRPG

>> No.23388835
File: 16 KB, 468x172, sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23388837
Quoted by: >>23388848

He did literally nothing wrong. If anything the people who were way beyond out of line were the faggots who harass him and think he owes money to every indie game start up. To which is correctly says, “fuck off”

>> No.23388840
Quoted by: >>23388863

Kson is an attractive woman and makes six figures. She's pretty desirable.

>> No.23388843

real reason why kson will grow old single and alone, being the landlord of the Hololive House for generations to come

Yakuza 7, the one Coco is playing right now

>> No.23388845

I saw Towa at a conbini in Tokyo yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.
She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen cans of asacoco in her hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the cans and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each can and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.23388846

Has Miko said anything about playing more of the Biohazard games?
I don't watch her stream because I haven't finished the remake yet

>> No.23388848

I don't hate Notch either. I'm indifferent.
Why should I not be here? Oh no, I mentioned a game popular with vtubers created by a guy well-known for running around like a headless chicken, call the fucking waaahmbulance.
Exactly. Just a bunch of whiny babies upset they didn't add a billion dumb things. As far as I remember, the only legit thing he did wrong was lie about that dumb Youtube gaming group. Yogscast that was it.

>> No.23388853
Quoted by: >>23388866

Damn its been a while since I've seen this pasta

>> No.23388863
Quoted by: >>23388872

Kazuma is pretty rich too and he's a master at protecting his virginity

>> No.23388866

I'm trying to think what Holo would actually act like that. (Besides Coco)

>> No.23388872
Quoted by: >>23388893


>> No.23388877

>Kazuma's AI not attacking the girls

I love this detail

>> No.23388893

the purest lifeform

>> No.23388894

Unironically, Towa.

>> No.23388898

>PekoMiko just watch and don't go to help
What a bunch of assholes

>> No.23388899
Quoted by: >>23388917

They're all virgins since there is no footage of the act.

>> No.23388906
File: 1.52 MB, 788x1000, 1584314751798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love PekoMiko!

>> No.23388908
Quoted by: >>23388923

Aki is late for her FF7R stream.

>> No.23388914
File: 1.15 MB, 2951x4085, IMG_20200405_183212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.23388917

t. Rushiafag

>> No.23388923

she's busy reading loveless

>> No.23388933
Quoted by: >>23389284

PekoMiko poem is cool

>> No.23388940

PekoMiko is shit compared to Mikorone

>> No.23388948
File: 34 KB, 416x234, EVKxkOXUcAA9fJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikorone reeks of an old man's ass
because of Korone of course

>> No.23388950
File: 673 KB, 1200x1600, ERZm8HfUYAAQ_IW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmm pekomikopits... more pits would be nice

>> No.23388951

>14.7k viewers 20 minutes in for gatchashit
You guys told me that FBK had low view counts. What is this bullshit?

>> No.23388955
File: 378 KB, 2400x2500, 1586251366745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's enough Miko for every autist

>> No.23388958

i love pekomikopekopekomikomiko!

>> No.23388961

Gacha shit is a different monster.

>> No.23388963

Gachafags don't count as viewers, they might as well be bots.

>> No.23388965

If she keeps bumping her head enough, she can be with both of them at the same time without realizing it. Huzzah, multiple personalities

>> No.23388969

everyone loves gacha streams

>> No.23388973

smelly baba girl

>> No.23388979

the Miko will be cut in two, each woman to receive half

>> No.23388984
File: 305 KB, 492x421, 1584317642597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23388991

PekoMiko is so wholesome

>> No.23388993

haha i wonder if she hit her head again, altering her personality, acting all haughty and looking down on other hololives, haha that sounds fun

>> No.23388994
File: 870 KB, 2048x1448, 1582234409786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23388998

Pekorone when?

>> No.23389004

Korone hates Pekora

>> No.23389005
File: 16 KB, 499x164, Screenshot_2020-04-09 #2【DQ1】裏で 2Lv 上げちゃいました。【奏手イヅル】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of YAGOO.

>> No.23389008

Bet you can't get more fag

>> No.23389014
File: 299 KB, 672x894, EU_TiO7U0AATzu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23389015

>anon had more views with his pirated stream of holofes
i can't believe YAGOO is getting destroyed this hard

>> No.23389021

How do you cure homosexuality? Asking for a friend who lives in Japan and runs a wannabe idol brand.

>> No.23389027


>> No.23389028
Quoted by: >>23389268

After PekoOka

>> No.23389035

Oh god

>> No.23389041


>> No.23389044

Is Marine a slut?

>> No.23389057

She moved to Japan when she was 10 and "forgot english"

>> No.23389058

who dis?

>> No.23389061

She's just a natural lewd 31 year old recovering fujo

>> No.23389064

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.23389068

Nice fake sneeze.

>> No.23389069

The opposite actually.

>> No.23389070
Quoted by: >>23389080


>> No.23389074
File: 261 KB, 265x456, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this shill.

>> No.23389076
Quoted by: >>23389127

Watch a pro at work.

>> No.23389080

Well she's trying to not be one.

>> No.23389083

uuh based

>> No.23389084

Isn't she 48?

>> No.23389085
Quoted by: >>23389094

ARK is jank

>> No.23389086

based coco

>> No.23389089
Quoted by: >>23389095

That would have been hilarious if she actually streamed with Aver Media on her tits

>> No.23389091

ehhhhhhhhhh kusa

>> No.23389094
Quoted by: >>23389099

yes even the one who pushed the girls to play it said that

>> No.23389095
Quoted by: >>23389098

she did

>> No.23389097

That's very on brand for Coco

>> No.23389098
Quoted by: >>23389103

I looked at her recent streams and didn't see it

>> No.23389099

they need to play a better sandbox but nothing comes to mind with the same scale as ARK

>> No.23389103

it only started appearing with the latest one

>> No.23389110
Quoted by: >>23389120

Wow Ark is such a buggy piece of shit

>> No.23389111


>> No.23389113
Quoted by: >>23389132

aki is getting bullied

>> No.23389120
Quoted by: >>23389137

Blame Coco for her shit taste. I hope she retires as soon as possible.

>> No.23389127
Quoted by: >>23389136

Babby sneeze,. Here watch a real pro

>> No.23389132

aki doesn't even want to hit the soldier

>> No.23389134

nyanners is already streaming with her live 2d avatar anyways

>> No.23389136
File: 20 KB, 294x243, 1584733457113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beautiful

>> No.23389137

Starting to think its the Japs as a whole that have shit taste for gobbling this ARK fad up, even nijisanji loves this

>> No.23389142
File: 153 KB, 850x738, sakino-shingetsu_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're cute

>> No.23389143
Quoted by: >>23389193

is Rushia a fucking millenial to be shocked about this

>> No.23389147

Aki is eating ramen, and me too.

>> No.23389155

I love how people are talking about YAGOO selling Cover to some huge company considering that Cover was originally funded by several big Japanese companies (and one of those has big influence in vtuber industry and the reason why Hololive girls keep appearing in collabs together with Gamebu zombies).

>> No.23389161

I, too, am consuming the ramen.

>> No.23389162

Aki sipping ramen hard

>> No.23389163

Haachama Supreme, yum

>> No.23389164

I'm eating a maxend and shouting at Shion for being annoying

>> No.23389171

The worry is they'd be sold to some shiter of a company that would ruin them.

>> No.23389173
Quoted by: >>23389243


>> No.23389177

Stop it I hate thinking about Gamebu

>> No.23389192
Quoted by: >>23389202

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgokZ0fLcA4 matsuri&kotone korabo

>> No.23389193

I don't get it

>> No.23389194

I wonder what the Ark devs think about a bunch of anime characters being addicted to their game?

>> No.23389195

she might be one of those people who feels dizzy or other kinds of awful when they perceive looking around but without actually moving their head

>> No.23389196

Being VC funded and getting acquired are very different tho.

>> No.23389200
Quoted by: >>23389229

>Miko trying to get Pekora impregnated by Queen Reaper

>> No.23389202

Matsuri sure do gets a lot of collab. Is she that popular with vtubers?

>> No.23389205

a splendid image

>> No.23389206
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1586027842873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389228

>only 44 images
the fuck?

>> No.23389213

ive thought about them running a modded minecraft server but itd be just as bad honestly

>> No.23389218

I'd wear the white one when it's bright out and the dark one in any lighting. A keychain of a 2D vivi would be nice.

>> No.23389224

I hope they play runescape

>> No.23389227
Quoted by: >>23389236

I want them to play modded factorio MP

>> No.23389228
File: 647 KB, 596x548, 1555326756906.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of discussions. Here's a Shion banging her head on the table webm

>> No.23389229


>> No.23389236

I want them to play Bannerlord.

>> No.23389243
Quoted by: >>23389266


>> No.23389244

They should play Atlas.

>> No.23389247
File: 1009 KB, 1000x1000, EVIkjEMUYAEtK8_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389253

Too bad Haachama probably won't ever touch another horror game again

>> No.23389248
File: 175 KB, 344x400, Screenshot_2020-04-09 Yomawari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389286

my dog run away

>> No.23389253
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1569811416722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is so cute

>> No.23389255

Move? No, but I would divide my time further.

>> No.23389263

it's a shame that the ff7 remake is a complete clown show with time jannies and other retarded shit

>> No.23389266
Quoted by: >>23389470

So investments from VC firms? You made it sound like entertainment giants were funding it.

>> No.23389268

I feel like there's some untapped potential there.

>> No.23389273
Quoted by: >>23389454

They butchered the lore?

>> No.23389274
Quoted by: >>23389293

Absolutely not. Imagine the type of trash who would be doing it. It would be 1000% foam girl tier autism.

>> No.23389275

People deserve it for still supporting squenix.

>> No.23389277

Cute alien

>> No.23389282


>> No.23389283

>30 fucking minutes late
No wonder Aki failed.

>> No.23389284


>> No.23389286

Subaru called the dog Korone in Yomawari, if I remember correctly. Well, until it got hit by the truck.

>> No.23389293

Surely there exists an American version of Korone.

>> No.23389297
Quoted by: >>23389308

her name is pikamee

>> No.23389298

SAGGY tits

>> No.23389299

I like when she :)

>> No.23389300


>> No.23389304

Is Peko pregnant yet?

>> No.23389305
Quoted by: >>23389318

That's some foam adventure tier shit right there.

>> No.23389307

fuck no

>> No.23389308

Her Japanese is too good.

>> No.23389309

Saggy tits, smelly armpits, bushy tail

>> No.23389311

>they have some decent talent?
Only in this case. And even then, I would still watch JP.

>> No.23389315
Quoted by: >>23389331

Tell me about Kanata. Barely anyone here talks about her outside the she's dying meme yet she's the 2nd most popular 4th gen. Why is that?

>> No.23389318

That’s exactly what I thought too.

>> No.23389321


are you ready?

>> No.23389328

Which holo would produce the tastiest bathwater?

>> No.23389331

She's a leech.

>> No.23389335
File: 716 KB, 755x1116, tyko102_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389351

This one

>> No.23389334

Nah I'll wait for Aqua's playthrough.

>> No.23389336
Quoted by: >>23389351


>> No.23389337


>> No.23389340
File: 2.19 MB, 3500x3000, 1585078178168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389351


>> No.23389341
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1584470038030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Luna is so popular

>> No.23389350
File: 204 KB, 1653x2338, ETpBI8DUYAAI73k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23389351

But can she respawn like Watame?

>> No.23389352
Quoted by: >>23389378

Is she good at vidya?

>> No.23389354

everyone loves Luna

>> No.23389359

Pekora playing some MonHun shit there

>> No.23389374
Quoted by: >>23389387

>Sui said this now PPT

>> No.23389378

I didn't watch her CC too closely, but she doesn't seem incompetent at least. She held out on the final battle in CC for awhile. That unwinnable one.

>> No.23389380

Probably taught some Jewsih magic shit.

>> No.23389383

Miko and Peko friends for life through becoming VTubers...

>> No.23389386
Quoted by: >>23389408

Glad this 35 year old woman can still keep up with girls a decade younger than her

>> No.23389387

Kanata is weird

>> No.23389393


>> No.23389394


>> No.23389400
File: 72 KB, 1024x426, EU9cyYnUYAAUbft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389409

PekoMiko >>>>>> KoroMiko

>> No.23389404

What if Luna is actually a mama-like figure to them behind the scenes?

>> No.23389407

watame got all the collectables and got a costume!

>> No.23389408

Stop bullying my 35 year old little baby

>> No.23389409


>> No.23389411

aki being a professional strimmer

>> No.23389412
Quoted by: >>23389420

That's Coco

>> No.23389420

that's not behind the scenes, tardo

>> No.23389421


>> No.23389423

I wonder how many holos had the chance to fondle noel's knight cups offline.

>> No.23389428

Luna, I accidentally forgot to mute my mic before I fucked 2 guys at my house and they heard it all on stream! What should I do?


>> No.23389429

I blame PS4

>> No.23389437

what happen?

>> No.23389444

She can't get the game to work properly

>> No.23389446

>watame's stream has a dedicated translator now
>all these english comments
it's fucking over...

>> No.23389447

PS4 being PS4

>> No.23389449

Aki got a banging BGM.

>> No.23389454

Yup. Usual Nomura shenanigans.

>> No.23389461

Akibros... I can’t believe aki is fuckin dead for real this time.

>> No.23389465

Lin's been around before BoR and he used to occasionally translate Miko streams live

>> No.23389470
Quoted by: >>23389487

>Mizuho Capital Co., Ltd. (みずほキャピタル株式会社, Mizuho Kyapitaru Kabushiki-gaisha) is the venture capital firm affiliated to Mizuho Bank, the second-largest Japanese bank in terms of assets.
>GREE, Inc. (“GREE”) is a global leader in building top-quality, high engagement free-to-play mobile games.
>OLM Ventures Inc. Leading Animation, CG Animation and VFX studio

>> No.23389479

Now I feel at home again !

>> No.23389480

What the actual fuck are KusaPekoMiko doing? It's actually sad that even these two can't make Ark streams fun.

>> No.23389487
Quoted by: >>23389500

Those are three VC firms my friend

>> No.23389489

They taking the game seriously because its too hard and buggy

>> No.23389495
Quoted by: >>23389509

Chillin', having fun, and looking for Rock Drake eggs!

>> No.23389496
Quoted by: >>23389497

did aki give up? wew

>> No.23389497
Quoted by: >>23389502

no she said wait a moment

>> No.23389500

You made it sound like they weren't big enough though.

>> No.23389502 [DELETED] 

nigga we been waiting for an hour

>> No.23389509
Quoted by: >>23389527

Didn't the find one already? I heard Peko shout happily about some tamago a while back when I tabbed in out of boredom.

Then I tune in again and they are committing group suicide off of a cliff. PekoMiko as usual, I suppose.

>> No.23389511

females and technology bruh...

>> No.23389516

how long is a moment in time?

>> No.23389518


>> No.23389523

Coco knows me really well.

>> No.23389527

It's a pretty low-tempo stream, so that's understandable. I can tell these past few days Miko has been taking it easy which is good considering her head injury.
I'm personally having a lot of fun with their antics.

>> No.23389535



>> No.23389538

For Korone fans I recommend you this dude on twitter, he makes some really good highlights videos https://twitter.com/ShijimiJiru_ff/status/1248293277876420610

>> No.23389542


>> No.23389546


Do you guys think this is candid? I think it's in their contract to act in character but I also believe their character is pretty much their irl behavior. I guess it's the voice and quirks is only what's different

Also make sure you watch miko's turn to be woken up

>> No.23389547
Quoted by: >>23389568

Is Roboco streaming with a man?

>> No.23389548

Is gaijin 4koma the most resilient meme?

>> No.23389556

FF7 confirmed to brick PS4?

>> No.23389559

Well, her CC stream ended up cutting into FF7R, that's why FF7R was late. CC ended around 12:30.

>> No.23389560
Quoted by: >>23389579

I like hearing the girls just after they wake up when they're voice is all rough and hoarse.

>> No.23389564

everyone sounds normal apart from Subaru.

>> No.23389568

Yes Robokun

>> No.23389575
File: 600 KB, 558x581, Neanderthal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389684

say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens

>> No.23389579
Quoted by: >>23389630

Now this is great. I imagine them in their PJs with bedhead.

>> No.23389589


>> No.23389592

Just realised Matsuri teasing Luna is in fact a 20 something toying with a 35 year old. I wonder how that dynamic works IRL, maybe matsuri is degen enough to try and mess with the CILF off cam too

>> No.23389597
Quoted by: >>23389603

FBK saving Aki. FBK so nice...

>> No.23389603
Quoted by: >>23389606

What was the problem?

>> No.23389607

thanks FBK technical support

>> No.23389606

fuck knows something to do with her PS4, FBK was in chat and fixed it.

>> No.23389609
Quoted by: >>23389619

Fubuki is too good for this world

>> No.23389612

It's always the older one who will level herself down so Luna must be really approachable.

>> No.23389616

Why are Matsurifags so braindead?

>> No.23389618

literally no proof that Luna is 35 but lets keep spreading this.

>> No.23389619

She's a good fox

>> No.23389627
Quoted by: >>23389633

>he doesn't know

>> No.23389630

In case of interest, some Morning Pekora

>> No.23389631

Is fubuki older than Aki?

>> No.23389633

the photo doesn't mean shit.

>> No.23389638
Quoted by: >>23393018

Are you really so selfish you'd rather Watame be less popular?

>> No.23389640
File: 774 KB, 1091x1544, EVCz8DiX0AEkCKk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389654

This smug momdog.

>> No.23389641
Quoted by: >>23389661

>watame's crying again
meme translations were a mistake

>> No.23389645

Everyone except Towafags loves Luna.

>> No.23389647
File: 2.05 MB, 2000x2960, EVIbJo7U0AEpc-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23389648

Watame is crying over that game AGAIN?

>> No.23389651


>> No.23389652

who's more annoying the anticoco autist or the ark hater who can't shut the fuck up about how much he hates the game?

>> No.23389654

You can't just post my mom without my permission, anon.

>> No.23389656

you monster

>> No.23389657
Quoted by: >>23389662

>he isn't there when the based anon do it

>> No.23389659


>> No.23389661

What's so tear-jerking in that ending?

>> No.23389662
Quoted by: >>23389676

I seen his autist post last night, It proved nothing.

>> No.23389663

Watame sure likes slurping on ramen on stream

>> No.23389672

to be fair it probably hits Watame harder because she was raised by her grandmother

>> No.23389676
Quoted by: >>23389683

So you're either shitposting, in denial, or don't know Japanese.

>> No.23389678
File: 311 KB, 786x2048, EVJ4UowU8AAL2m5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23389680

Oh yeah I forgot about that her mentioning that, Makes sense.

>> No.23389683
Quoted by: >>23389864

didn't ask virgin, It proved nothing that he dug up some old posts on 5ch.

>> No.23389684

Forget about that punk, I'll take on Aki.

>> No.23389687
File: 1.72 MB, 1356x762, 1584566199075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one week of Asacoco later

>> No.23389691

How many Holos have been raised by their grandmothers? All of them?

>> No.23389692
Quoted by: >>23389696

just 3

>> No.23389693
Quoted by: >>23389703

That's a long tail

>> No.23389695
Quoted by: >>23389701

Can't wait till Watame gets a new outfit, Holding that stupid harp looks dumb.

>> No.23389696
Quoted by: >>23389730

Who are the other 2 ?
I remember Miko saying something about living with her grandparents last year.

>> No.23389698
Quoted by: >>23389710

How many Holos ARE grandmothers?

>> No.23389701
Quoted by: >>23389708

I prefer she keeps this one for some time than risking having a worse Fubuki tier new outfit...
Imagine if the new one makes her face expression less expressive.

>> No.23389703
File: 202 KB, 694x1084, 1586369733422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a big girl.

>> No.23389706

>those random FPS drops in Aki's FF7 stream
Yeah, I think I'll wait for a PC port...

>> No.23389709
Quoted by: >>23389719

>FBK fixed Pekora's stream
>now fixed Aki's ps4
How many time has FBK done this and why is she so competent

>> No.23389708

that really depends on their artist

FBK's artist just has mixed feelings about FBK due to the way he always draws his white fox girls and how FBK actually acts.

>> No.23389710

Only Towa.

>> No.23389712 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.83 MB, 898x652, 1586453919882.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389716

behold the great dragon and her efforts to care for hololive

>> No.23389713

Aqua is smol

>> No.23389716

I find that qt though. Imagine insects being better than some mothers

>> No.23389717


>> No.23389719

It's the duty of the queen. It's kind of like chess.

>> No.23389730

Korone and Haato

>> No.23389733

Yes, it is a lesson in appearances vs reality

>> No.23389734
File: 235 KB, 686x526, 1585762084031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to sleep early and wakes up late everyday
>gets donation and salary by playing games
>loved by other hololives
Luna is living the dream.

>> No.23389738
Quoted by: >>23389781

Scolopendra have great mothering instincts

>> No.23389742
Quoted by: >>23389783

I wish I were a 35 years old with a voice of 0 year old

>> No.23389744
Quoted by: >>23389783

Not bad for a 45 year old lady.

>> No.23389747
Quoted by: >>23389761


>> No.23389749

That's what 40 years of experience does

>> No.23389752
File: 65 KB, 680x478, EOmsCjSUEAE0wRJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23389761
Quoted by: >>23389767

>she lost the egg at the end of the stream
That's gonna be a kusa from me, peko.

>> No.23389765

Not bad for a girl who is in her mid 20s.

>> No.23389767

I can't believe it

>> No.23389780
Quoted by: >>23389783

Pretty good for a 50 year old woman.

>> No.23389781
Quoted by: >>23389814

Insectoid generation hololive when?

>> No.23389783

Why do you guys have to kill every joke?

>> No.23389790

I cried at the ending of the game and I didn't even get any of the context in the game. I was also mostly raised by my grandma as well.

>> No.23389791

I'd rather it die an early death than to live to be a stale meme.;

>> No.23389792

Are you trying to imply Luna was not old when this world was young?

>> No.23389799

大切じゃないものなんか、ない !

>> No.23389800
Quoted by: >>23389844

Fuck Luna's dumb schtick but all Holostars deserve love.

>> No.23389801

Aki is so fucking bad at this holy fucking shit.

>> No.23389808
File: 1.70 MB, 1500x2000, 1585939672619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23389851

Has this place finally stopped being tsundere towards Towa?

>> No.23389812

Please... pity watch... Matsuri... lower than... Aki... just mute her... stream...

>> No.23389814
Quoted by: >>23389841


>> No.23389819

I'll wait for the better squirrel thank you.

>> No.23389820

I miss the dog

>> No.23389826

How will you repay me for this service, hmm?

>> No.23389827

Who are the holos with the dumbest and the smartest designs?

>> No.23389840

Smartest design: Marine because it's perfectly calculated to do weird things to my dick

>> No.23389841

Civia is a gay unicorn.

>> No.23389842 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 112x112, peepoClap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23389843

if I do, you owe me TWO full Luna stream views

>> No.23389844

>all Holostars deserve love
why is that, anon? what exactly did they do to deserve it?

>> No.23389851

I never was. Her fps streams are something to watch, when there's no one else I'd rather.

>> No.23389854

I don't andastd, there's interference on the line

>> No.23389863

She is doing just fine and very much enjoying her collab with Kotonen

>> No.23389864

>using virgin as an insult
How embarrassing.

>> No.23389865

OK, I'll give her a pity watch, but only because she is in her neko-mimi modo.

>> No.23389867

If my computer wasn't acting up today, sure. Does YouTube not track if a stream is muted? I wonder.

>> No.23389871


>> No.23389876

Fuck off seamonkey.

>> No.23389879

Fuck yeah SEAmonkey.

>> No.23389880

Is Aki about to die to the tutorial boss?

>> No.23389881


>> No.23389882

I am curious about the squirrel and only the squirrel

>> No.23389885

We got too cocky Akibros...

>> No.23389887

fuck me seamonkey

>> No.23389889
Quoted by: >>23389905

Fuck off, I died to that in the original because lol reading

>> No.23389894
Quoted by: >>23389900

she cute https://twitter.com/airaniiofifteen/status/1248284836013342720?s=20

>> No.23389896
Quoted by: >>23389908

Spoken like a true furryfag.

>> No.23389897

Why can I be a member but not give superchat? I thought if one was unavailable the other one would be unavailable as well.

>> No.23389900
Quoted by: >>23389912

WHy are they light skinned?

>> No.23389902

idk, she didnt defend much and attack randomly

>> No.23389905

The bootleg copy I got as a kid was in fucking Japanese before I knew what the fuck Japan even was, and I'm pretty sure I beat it before going to trade it back in.

Now I kinda wish I hadn't.

>> No.23389906

akibros no...

>> No.23389907

it depends on your country and your method of payment i presume

>> No.23389908

She has a cute design.

>> No.23389909


>> No.23389912

wait for the poo in the loo holos

>> No.23389913 [DELETED] 

Indonesians should fuck off.

>> No.23389914
Quoted by: >>23389919

The absolute state of Aki. I can't even grass about this. It was just embarrassing.

>> No.23389917

>aki went for the puss option
Akibros... I thought she was better than this.

>> No.23389918

Can't wait for the Indonesians to BTFO some lesser holos. >:)

>> No.23389919
Quoted by: >>23389934

I didn't watch her play CC. Is she bad at games in general?

>> No.23389934
Quoted by: >>23389938

Yes. Very.

>> No.23389937

They have different rules, I can't supacha because I have no credit card and that's the only thing it'll accept, whereas memberships allow google pay/paysafecard.

>> No.23389938
Quoted by: >>23389943

She should play in classic mode then. She looks like she can't handle doing that many things at once.

>> No.23389939

Is she drunk? Might that explain it?

>> No.23389943
Quoted by: >>23389949

Is classic mode turn based?

>> No.23389949

Classic mode makes regular combat automatic. All she would have to do is input the ability commands.

>> No.23389950

she even playing in easy

>> No.23389954
Quoted by: >>23389971

Marine has been coughing a lot. Senchou's got corona...

>> No.23389965

Aki please, you're embarrassing me in front of my 4chan friends.

>> No.23389971

No, being coughed on by Senchou will allow you to be a living skeleton and walk all the way to Japan without worry

>> No.23389973

Is she gettin bullied in chat? Pls no...

>> No.23389980

No wonder Akirose is so unpopular. Shitty design and bad at vidya.

>> No.23389987

>bad at vidya
i dont understand why this is a common requirement for faggots here to like someone
go play it yourself then

>> No.23389990

why is Marine looking for this villager.

>> No.23389998
Quoted by: >>23390018

so it can pin her on the bed and fertilize her

>> No.23389999

Aki did it, in easy mode...

>> No.23390002
Quoted by: >>23390021

I'm glad to hear her play something she can be more enthused about than solo ARK. She was having lots more fun when playing with Luna though.

>> No.23390007

and she's eaten too much

>> No.23390008
Quoted by: >>23390019

Because at some point seeing a streamer struggle with basic things becomes unwatchable. You don't need to be good as long as you are entertaining, but you can't be absolute shit.

>> No.23390013

He's fairly unique I guess.

>> No.23390015
Quoted by: >>23390047

Don't get pissy, ESLfag. There's a different between being genuinely good, being decent, and being downright terrible. Being bad at games is amusing for a little while but then it becomes annoying.

>> No.23390016
Quoted by: >>23390046

Aki should play Dark Souls.

>> No.23390018

I doubt her ovaries even work anymore

>> No.23390019

Prime example - Miko. She's far from great, but she her singing while grinding mobs in Ark a few days ago made me actually enjoy an Ark stream, and that's a goddamn achievement.

>> No.23390021

at least someone here gets it instead of just spouting ESL and EOP at people they dont agree with

>> No.23390022
Quoted by: >>23390029

That was a fun stream.

>> No.23390026
File: 64 KB, 182x426, MIKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23390037

miko just has a great personality

>> No.23390029

She should really do it more. It got genuinely hype at one point.

>> No.23390031
Quoted by: >>23390048

Miko always somehow makes it in the end though, she's a fighter. A terrible fighter but still a fighter.

>> No.23390037

If Miko has a great personality then why did nobody show up at her meet and greet?

>> No.23390045
File: 560 KB, 1808x986, 1585801259318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it wasn't advertised well

>> No.23390046

Oh, now that would be something.

Less me "getting it" and more just having different priorities. It's true that people lay it one a little thick when someone's not good, considering they could just watch someone else, but it's fair enough to want to see someone at least take their time and learn instead of rushing on with reckless plans constantly. There's a balance to be struck by both sides.

>> No.23390047

What's got your panties in a bunch?

>> No.23390048

Persistence goes a long way.

>> No.23390055

Because the people who really appreciate it hadn't come to know her yet

>> No.23390056

They did. Lots of people showed up to meet Ayame, who Miko was paired up with.

>> No.23390059

because she was new, virgin.

>> No.23390062

Nothing wrong with doing that while also providing a counterargument

>> No.23390063
Quoted by: >>23390663

the painter will be the Hana of HoloID

>> No.23390065
Quoted by: >>23390073

I'll be there the next time she has one hopefully.

>> No.23390069
Quoted by: >>23390107

Are we using virgin as an insult now?

>> No.23390073

Sorry Anzu bought all the time slots. Better luck next time (except he'll buy them all next time too)

He deserves it though.

>> No.23390076

Nothing wrong with that. If you don’t want to be treated like a fool, don’t post foolish things. Again, if a retard gets treated like a retard, they brought it on themselves.

>> No.23390078

>sucking off paypigs
Disgusting. Literally worse than sucking off Lyger.

>> No.23390081

What a guy

>> No.23390082

I should buy Miko a pink hard hat so her head will be protected.

>> No.23390083
Quoted by: >>23390141

Because Pekora is a NEET

>> No.23390086

>Matsuri 1800
>Marine 15 000
Oh nononononono

>> No.23390091

send it in the next gift session

>> No.23390096

Gen 1 and 2 are old and busted now, besides Aqua. Gen 3 is Hololive now.

>> No.23390097 [DELETED] 

SEAfags who pretend to be native english speakers

>> No.23390107

Don't acknowledge crossboarders.

>> No.23390108
Quoted by: >>23390133

sounds like a good drawfag idea

>> No.23390109

Pekora's design is pretty dumb but I guess it fits her. Aki's floating twintails are ridiculous. Roboco is a mixture of good (robolegs!) and bad (her "pants" and clothes). Shion's clothes are just a huge mistake that ruin her otherwise nice design.

As of good designs, I really like Kanata, Towa, Korone (all of her costumes), Choco's New Year costume, Suisei's normal costume, Mio's normal costume... Really, most Hololives look at least decent.

>> No.23390111

The more respect I have for Fubuki the less I like her

>> No.23390119

>lower than Towa's average

>> No.23390126

what other holos will get on the FF train

>> No.23390128

Suisei has a perfect design. It screams "cool idol"

>> No.23390131

Aqua most likely.

>> No.23390133

I feel like Miko should have at least one or two dedicated drawfags in these threads with how many people like her. Towa and Okayu even have ones. I'd try but I'm terrible at drawing.

>> No.23390136
File: 1.62 MB, 256x222, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only "FF train" I want to see is this bad boy.

>> No.23390138

Probably most of them for an easy boost in views.

>> No.23390141
File: 27 KB, 599x412, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now imagining this situation where only Pekora attended Miko's first meet and greet

>> No.23390147

Why weren't you there for Miko in her time of need?

>> No.23390158

I didn't even know who she was. And she won't ever know who I am.

>> No.23390164

i also have no drawing skill or i would
i could probably make something similar to that alarm clock someone made for her with enough effort though
i dont have the oil money anzu has

>> No.23390166
File: 9 KB, 484x80, 10_31_53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this kind of people called?

>> No.23390168

I was at Uni, but I'd like to be there for her in the future.

>> No.23390170
Quoted by: >>23390182

It is kinda strange... I love Miko the most of all but I've made Towa art, Haato art, Watame art and no Miko art.

>> No.23390171

The entire western fanbase

>> No.23390174

we call them based

>> No.23390176

What an hero

>> No.23390178


>> No.23390179


>> No.23390181
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, 1583773379375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23390182
File: 176 KB, 800x1200, 1584752476787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's counting on you then

>> No.23390185
Quoted by: >>23390194

Is Aki also a shotacon?

>> No.23390188
Quoted by: >>23391548

Aki getting wet for ikemen cloud and sephiroth, pausing to take pictures of them

>> No.23390190


>> No.23390191
File: 568 KB, 600x1067, EU6K9TMVAAEKPG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna bully Houshou Marine's 腹 with my 拳骨

>> No.23390194

not sure but she'd probably make a good wife

>> No.23390195

a normal empathic person

>> No.23390198


>> No.23390200

Too much

>> No.23390201
File: 570 KB, 1038x1334, 1586409486010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23390229

get out of my room mom i'm playing video games

>> No.23390205
Quoted by: >>23390217


>> No.23390206
Quoted by: >>23390210

Is Marin talking to someone else?

>> No.23390208

>the post that destroyed /jp/

>> No.23390210
Quoted by: >>23390276

Flare's huge fucking tits.

>> No.23390216
Quoted by: >>23390228

Watame & Coco serious chat tomorrow.

>> No.23390217

finally an accurated one

>> No.23390220
Quoted by: >>23390230

Girls are incapable of defending themselves. They need a big strong man like me to protect them.

>> No.23390224
Quoted by: >>23390231

Not a fan of her design either. I feel it might be dragging her down. Pair that with her laid back and uninteresting personality, she's got nothing special going about her.
On a plus note, she seems to be working hard in her own way.

>> No.23390225


>> No.23390228

Does Watame have any antis?

>> No.23390229

Clearly not playing hard enough if you can give a response like that

>> No.23390230

unironically what that thought process boils down to

>> No.23390231

She's super nice, and she gets fucking wasted on stream in a night gown. What's not to like?

Oh and she also has shark teeth.

>> No.23390232


>> No.23390235


>> No.23390237
Quoted by: >>23390246

aki's drunk streams are some of the best

>> No.23390239

Akibros... Our Akistream...

>> No.23390240

Aki, she's....

>> No.23390241

unlucky aki....

>> No.23390242

FBK please save Aki...

>> No.23390246
Quoted by: >>23390311

It's kinds pathetic that someone had to be drunk to be entertaining.

>> No.23390249

>drinks alcohol
yickers no

>> No.23390251


>> No.23390254

>tilted ARK stream
>ps4 dies
>PC dies
someone save aki

>> No.23390255
Quoted by: >>23390288

>she also has shark teeth
Never seen them outside of that one image on twitter

>> No.23390256
Quoted by: >>23390923

If they start speaking indonesian I'll immediately close it. I'll accept JP or EN only.

>> No.23390257
Quoted by: >>23390270

Hopefully Aqua streams FF7R. I want to watch someone with actual game sense play the game.

>> No.23390260

Coco is probably just trying to sell the Hololive Fun House idea.

>> No.23390263

It might just be about the amount of work they do behind the scenes for their shows and reclaiming some of that time. They both mentioned that stuff recently.

>> No.23390265

I can’t believe aki was caught in the explosion... akibros who will remember her?

>> No.23390267

it seems aki is the target of shitposters today

>> No.23390270

Aqua did express some interest when she played the demo. Will definitely have much better gameplay than Aki who unfortunately is part of the audience that needs to play on Classic mode

>> No.23390271

I can only see the Hololive funhouse as being a good thing for everyone. More collabs, more pranks, more fun. And the best part is, with so many different people living under one room we will undoubtedly get some juicy drama.

>> No.23390272

And yet again, she rises from the ashes

>> No.23390276
File: 225 KB, 1448x2048, EVLNejrVAAE-CK5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I can talk to Flare's tits

>> No.23390281

I'm all for the Hololive Love Hotel.

>> No.23390282
Quoted by: >>23390392

the older holos are getting really unlucky lately

>> No.23390285
Quoted by: >>23390558

There isn't enough porn of the holos doing lewd stuff on stream. It seems like such an obvious concept.

>> No.23390286


>> No.23390288

space elves have shark teeth

it's a fact

>> No.23390290
Quoted by: >>23390414

poor aki she really wanted to play too

>> No.23390295

Yes, people who hate bouncy tits.

>> No.23390297

Watame recently talked on Twitter about how much time and effort Watame no Uta takes even though it's just 10 minutes (and sometimes not even that) of material. She mentioned that it would probably be much more efficient to use that time for streaming instead but she wants to keep making it as long as people enjoy it. Then Coco joined in saying she understands that and it seems like they agreed to have a talk about it. Kanata supported Watame too, and also Flare. Seems like Bakatare really keeps together.

>> No.23390298

imagine living with your co-workers
that would be hell

>> No.23390299

Suisei fags.

>> No.23390310


>> No.23390311

Most people are like that, anon.

>> No.23390316

How long until Shion rapes Coco in her sleep after moving in? I give it two week tops.

>> No.23390331

Also said she'll likely take days off from it occasionally starting in May.

>> No.23390333

Probably there someone at 5ch who accused her as Coco leech like Kanata.

>> No.23390334
Quoted by: >>23390357

This week at the Hololive Funhouse, used tampons have been found in the fridge, can Aqua hide Mae before the other Holos can find out?

>> No.23390335

5ch of course

>> No.23390350

Watame seems to really like the interaction and reinforcement she gets from the audience during her streams.
She was really happy during/after he members only stream too.
The tweet was a while after that so I wouldn't be surprised if she started seriously wondering why she works so hard behind the scenes when she could be spending more time interacting with fans directly.
Either way she's an extremely hard worker and everyone praises her for what she produces so a serious think about it will probably do her good.

>> No.23390351

Who do you think will have a lovely talk with Luna next?

>> No.23390353
File: 207 KB, 1556x2048, 1585154418715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking late for this but does anyone have an actual source on these?
Just interested on what the 2nd anon said honestly
It's probably shitposting but with Korone's autism I can believe it so I really want to make sure because that's kind of hot

>> No.23390355

Raging lesbians drug raping everyone!

>> No.23390357

Guys I haven't seem Okayu in a while and I think I heard someone screaming from inside Korone's closet

>> No.23390358

>a 130cm womanlet raping a 180cm GigaStacy
yea no

>> No.23390359
File: 163 KB, 1920x638, Screenshot_2020-04-09 Sauce Found .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon please

>> No.23390360

I hope it's Choco

>> No.23390362
Quoted by: >>23390384

>big tiddy 36 yo woman
She sucked many dicks anon

>> No.23390365

do other holos even talk with luna? matsuri and coco are the only ones

>> No.23390366


>> No.23390367

read next time

>> No.23390372

Okayu moved to Tokyo a while back.

>> No.23390373
Quoted by: >>23390404

I love Watame no Uta but if she prefers to interact with her fans more that's fine as well. As long as she's doing something that makes her happy.

>> No.23390375
Quoted by: >>23390385

Apparently Suisei and Kanata

>> No.23390381
Quoted by: >>23390385

she did a collab with aki recently, kanata and suisei talk to her

>> No.23390384
Quoted by: >>23390419

Who cares about that, you're never gonna get near any of them and you can't be reborn as a nip in the past to get with them either

>> No.23390385

>Suisei and Kanata
I can't imagine it

>> No.23390386
Quoted by: >>23390395

Hololive house is a shitty idea but oh boy would it be funny while it lasts

>> No.23390391

She chatted with Flare about Dark Souls on discord.

>> No.23390392

Doujin where you are a frequent superchatter and everyone makes jokes about how randomly you switch between tiers, unaware that it is your signal (along with some ambiguous symbols) for the color and style of underwear you'll have your v-tuber where for you that night Is the cringe killing you yet?

>> No.23390395

It should just be a one month thing.

>> No.23390396


>> No.23390398
Quoted by: >>23390421

I agree, doing 2 songs, plus commentary from a co-worker, editing and stuff 5 times a week, plus streams and collabs seems like hard work.

>> No.23390399
File: 411 KB, 2000x4000, Okayu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna draw Okayu every day!

Cocodoko and Okayu were strong. So strong I got half the stream I wanted today, but that's fine.

This picture looked brighter on my other monitor, I need to adjust my display apparently.

>> No.23390404

I just want her to always be happy, safe and cramming potato chips into her cute sheep face

>> No.23390412

More like flirting with her

>> No.23390414

All the more reason to look forward to the next time. But not she's probably left wanting to play more but not wanting to progress off-stream. Well, an alternate save couldn't hurt.

>> No.23390416
Quoted by: >>23390420

Did Okayu kill a noodle man?

>> No.23390418
Quoted by: >>23390946

im curious if she'll pick up a miko style watauta where she just does it live on the stream without editing

>> No.23390419


>> No.23390420

There's a pixie/suezo monster that Okayu kept joking looked like Stretchman.

>> No.23390421

Yeah nothing wrong with taking breaks now and then to recharge, especially with everybody going slowly crazy due to isolation.

>> No.23390423

Matsuri being passive agressive in the replies!

>> No.23390425


>> No.23390428

luna is pretty mature for a baby

>> No.23390429

So that's why she feels so extremely motherly.

>> No.23390430

Old hags making moves on younger girls!

>> No.23390432

earlier in the Marin/Flare stream Flare said that Noel told her in discord that she couldn't sleep since her throat is hurting...

>> No.23390433


>> No.23390434

I don't understand Coco/Watame fretting, If you want to take a break from doing daily thing then just do it, No one will be pissed you can bring it back whenever you want, It's not that big of a deal.

>> No.23390435

matsuri had her chance but blew it off

>> No.23390438
Quoted by: >>23390458

Koronevirus confirmed to claim another victim...

>> No.23390440
Quoted by: >>23390461

Everyone she gets close to keeps getting taken away!

>> No.23390444

Kanata seems to talk with everyone. She’s so earnest, I love her.

>> No.23390445

I hope Noeru is okay

>> No.23390456
Quoted by: >>23390484


>> No.23390458

don't be disrespectful, ESL-pig

>> No.23390460

Nip idolfags will be.

>> No.23390461

Literally me!

>> No.23390466


>> No.23390467

>Coco doing another "talk" stream with Watame.
Oh boy in before she does this with literally every member.

>> No.23390470

Except Towa of course

>> No.23390471

At least she's doing it on sheep's channel instead of leeching again.

>> No.23390472
Quoted by: >>23390480

Oh know watamebros.
Coco is going to end Watame no Uta

>> No.23390474
Quoted by: >>23391134

TV sitcom with Coco as a psychiatrist trying to deal with the rest of the holos messed up personalities.

>> No.23390476
Quoted by: >>23390491

Matsuri and Kotone get along really well. That was a fun stream.

>> No.23390479

This is both sad, cute and hilarious.
Poor Miko. I'm glad she stuck at it. I'd have been sad if she quit.

>> No.23390480

Coco was the one who encouraged her to do it in the first place, she just told her that it'd be a lot of work and that she should be ready to commit to it

>> No.23390483

Do you really think she needs to leech?
Aqua is the one who need it at this point, she didn't even get 10k earlier

>> No.23390484
Quoted by: >>23390528

Virtual AKB48 huh, YAGOO?

>> No.23390485

and there's nothing wrong with that

>> No.23390491
Quoted by: >>23390495

Is it possible to not get along well with Korone?

>> No.23390495

dumb anon

>> No.23390508

To be fair Aqua really needed it and Coco is one of the few who can actually do something like this.
Did you see the Aqua and Tamaki stream earlier? It was so shallow and they are supposed to be close friends

I want to see that kind of serious talk between Coco and Fubuki though, that would be high level, Watame at least knows how to interact with people so it should be more interesting than Aqua though

>> No.23390512
Quoted by: >>23390730

Anyone have the list of songs played during Hololive 1st Fes?

>> No.23390513

She should chat with AZKi, maybe then someone will care about that weirdo.

>> No.23390525

That would be extremely interesting between Coco and Fubuki.

>> No.23390528

Are you suggesting AKB48 can't produce all sorts of things from their succulent thighs?

>> No.23390531

What did they talk about in the Tamaki stream?I also I wouldn't blame Aqua for not wanting to have heavy conversations on stream 2 days in a row

>> No.23390538

I don't think she has the mental capacities to have that kind of heavy conversation without someone guiding her through it like Coco did

>> No.23390540
File: 41 KB, 433x433, AZKi key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking AZKi, come by and say hi tomorrow, maybe?

>> No.23390543

Do you think FBK doesn't think the girls should primarily have fun rather than bending over to fans? FBK probably thinks the same way or else she wouldn't keep doing homostars collabs and pissing off some of her fanbase

>> No.23390546
Quoted by: >>23390549

A discussion about humanity, philosophy and arts.

>> No.23390549

This is what I expect and that's why I'd love it.

>> No.23390558
Quoted by: >>23390564

>ywn eat out your favourite holo during stream
>slowly and to the point of soreness

>> No.23390559
Quoted by: >>23390583

Does Japanese culture have alot of drama with roommates?

>> No.23390564

I want to sit under her desk and do lewd things while she's streaming

>> No.23390573

so senchou likes suiseiseki, flare likes shinku and noel likes suigintou

>> No.23390576

Imagine her having to not make any weird noises and her avatar just making lewd faces

>> No.23390581

especially when the stream isn't going as they planned

>> No.23390582
Quoted by: >>23390639

How can we trick Korone to play Onimusha 2?

>> No.23390583

Is there even a big roommate culture in Japan? I figured most live in a small 1p

>> No.23390590

Why am I not surprised that Marine likes the meme one

>> No.23390599

Watame just extended her song corner for the next month so immediately backpedaling on it would be in rather poor taste. Besides, she said that she wants to do it if people enjoy it. I imagine it has less to do with fretting over antis or whatever but rather just feeling obligated to give people what makes them happy.

>> No.23390601
Quoted by: >>23390607

she's a cumbrained fujo so not a slut, but perpetually in heat

>> No.23390606

Marry? Nay!

>> No.23390607

I've never seen her shipping any guys

>> No.23390609

Wtf I love Marine now

>> No.23390610

Suigintou is the cutest one so it makes sense. Noel's and Flare's choices have a very cute dynamic

>> No.23390613
File: 126 KB, 636x900, ET8jQkjUcAYiGmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy my shirts or else.

>> No.23390616

Coco and Watame just need to take breaks now and then to avoid burnout. Maybe Coco can try and see if another holo is willing to guest host asacoco once or twice a week.

>> No.23390620

I think it's more to dispel the notion that it'll be a permanent fixture and to handle expectations. I think right now, people think because it's pre-recorded, that life things won't effect the airings and such, when that is definitely not the case.

>> No.23390621
Quoted by: >>23390627

Face masks? Why? I doubt that their models are based off of how they look in real life in any way

>> No.23390626
File: 875 KB, 889x450, 1585082828875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23390627

Wait I'm fucking retarded you're talking about sick masks not something that would change your face

>> No.23390630
Quoted by: >>23390996

Coco was too ambitious by trying to do it almost everyday, not enough interesting things happen daily and it's a pain coming up with stuff.

>> No.23390635

It's like you have never heard her talk.

>> No.23390637

what are you gonna do die?

>> No.23390638
Quoted by: >>23390660

My kind of woman

>> No.23390639

would be worth it for Gogandantess alone

>> No.23390641

With Kabaya joining the morning duo they could just have 2 out of 3 on a daily rotation.

>> No.23390647

Not even the worst thing she said

>> No.23390653

Fuck I want keep her as pet and pin her down on the bed.

>> No.23390659

Cute yawns throughout this stream

>> No.23390660
File: 91 KB, 1792x828, 1586231306037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23390669

>you and matsuri will never masturbate each other while reading loli porn

>> No.23390663

Doubt it, she seems like a real SEA monkey, advertising she knows 5 languages but in reality doesn't speak any of them at a competent level.

>> No.23390669

>you will never go to matsuri's house to check for radiation

>> No.23390671

FBK. She was in Aki's CC stream and was into it. Wouldn't be surprised if she's a FFfag.

>> No.23390672

The whole point is to keep their real identities hidden so they can live their lives like normal humans. You'd have to somehow run into one by sheer luck and befriend them and even then they probably won't tell you.

>> No.23390678
File: 104 KB, 800x902, EUxRuquUMAAi-EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23390692

>no tits
>man chin
How can we know if PPT is actually female?

>> No.23390681

Nips are shy, but me ? If I heard Pekora laugh I would run up to that bitch and give her a pack of tissus so she can blow her fucking nose once and for all

>> No.23390682

This only confirms that Watame is leeching from Coco's success again.

>> No.23390683

Coco realizes they'll be able to hear each other on all the other streams, right? Unless they buy an actual mansion, their rooms will be right next to each other.
Can't wait to hear Coco's roommate in the background of some hololive streams.

>> No.23390688

FBK is in every stream

>> No.23390690

For me it's otokonoko heaven, you can't go wrong with that

>> No.23390692
File: 440 KB, 512x497, 1584643220774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one way to find out.

>> No.23390694

I laugh every time I see this.

>> No.23390697

More like Aqua knows that Tamaki doesn't really have what it takes to help her current problems, so she's keeping it safe.

>> No.23390698

Bros haachama is so cute and I have to live my life settling for shit woman in comparison. It hurts so much.

>> No.23390700
Quoted by: >>23390719

She has talked about soundproofing.

>> No.23390701

probably because you don't speak japanese

>> No.23390703

>Coco leeching
Good one. Now check Shion's or Haato's channel for their most-viewed videos.
Fucking sperg...

>> No.23390706


>> No.23390708
File: 73 KB, 1000x1030, EEzuhgpU0AA5jcD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23390709

That would never happen because Pekora never went out in public ever since her mom called her gorilla when she was working out

>> No.23390715


>> No.23390716

Why is Katana making a rasengan

>> No.23390718
File: 210 KB, 850x1202, mizutamako_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her a lot too.

>> No.23390719
Quoted by: >>23390759

There's only so much soundproofing can do against k*ons manic screeching.

>> No.23390730
File: 230 KB, 586x808, fest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23390905


>> No.23390736
Quoted by: >>23390755

What if Towa instead of Kanata? Imagine...

>> No.23390738

Can anyone beat PPT at this game ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk-EExcKbT0

>> No.23390740
File: 391 KB, 2048x1146, EUz0o8DUUAAGYxm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23390752
File: 204 KB, 1488x2105, EUxBfG5VAAAJ_H4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid wanna /ss/?

>> No.23390755

She need wake up and answer her phone first.

>> No.23390759

I think it was senchou who said after meeting her in person that her voice isn't actually as loud as it seems from watching her content. Then again senchou is extra loud herself.

>> No.23390761

Haachama is her own boyfriend.

>> No.23390768

I want to titfuck Marine

>> No.23390779

I want to put my head on their chair and have them sit on my face for an entire stream. Imagine if it were Miko and Asacoco just comes and goes and she's not stopping playing ARK any time soon. So who knows how long she'll just sit there.

>> No.23390781

I want to breed Mio

>> No.23390785

Sometimes I wonder if that's her real voice

>> No.23390788
Quoted by: >>23390807

Who was your first Holo wife? And do you still love them?

>> No.23390791
Quoted by: >>23390835

Yogscast deals with that with Hat Films. It's not really a big problem it's actually kind of fun to hear another stream room during a stream.

>> No.23390797

She's cute but would you really want to spend the rest of your life with someone who has so little autonomy

>> No.23390798
File: 78 KB, 1395x793, EU_Is8_U4AAlyEk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23390823

who doesn't?

>> No.23390807

No to the second question

>> No.23390809


>> No.23390823

she said the n-word. that's unforgivable

>> No.23390829

She did it! My wife is very capable she flouts has to put her mind to it.

>> No.23390830

It looks edible

>> No.23390835

It wouldn't really be a problem if they weren't also doing streams outside of their hololive characters.
I know most of them that do don't even try to hide it, but they're probably still suppose to keep some kind of separation between their personal streams and hololive streams. Being able to clearly hear a stream that is suppose to be from someone "unrelated" to hololive in the background of a hololive stream would be pretty bad.

>> No.23390836

>have Kanata gf
>buy her shirts
>sniffs and sometime steals them right off of you with the excuse that they're really hers

>> No.23390837

my god she's done it
probably under strict adult supervision but a win no less

>> No.23390846
File: 2.21 MB, 2894x4093, EU9G4tkUMAAhRwN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get mogged by Mio!

>> No.23390854
Quoted by: >>23391030

>have to
What's absolutely stopping you from working hard and meeting her?

>> No.23390857

well, you're not a true gamer if you have never said it

>> No.23390861
Quoted by: >>23390945


>> No.23390866

Well done Haato. Knew you could do it!
When's our date?

>> No.23390867

very nice

>> No.23390870

aqua 2018

>> No.23390875

Adorable dork

>> No.23390885

Good for her

>> No.23390886

She's such a fucking dork

>> No.23390902
Quoted by: >>23390933

doesnt change her voice at all for her character thats pretty neat

>> No.23390905

Thank you

>> No.23390908

If I could watch over a world where everyone was this free to be happy every day, that would be the life. Not to be confused with thinking Aqua never has problems, I mean that moment specifically.

>> No.23390910

>her personality is not fake

>> No.23390917
Quoted by: >>23390922

Do you love your wife enough to waste time coloring her drawings.

>> No.23390922

Oh, please. I have no wife.
Props to that fine fella though. They're nice.

>> No.23390923

Don't be racist.

>> No.23390930
Quoted by: >>23390951

Oh fuck off

>> No.23390931

I'm not even being racist. Stop being butthurt.

>> No.23390933

most of them don't do it because they don't really care if someone finds out what they did before becoming vtubers

>> No.23390939
File: 82 KB, 570x555, smug_hina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23390951

>Don't be racist.

>> No.23390945


>> No.23390946
Quoted by: >>23391158

Honestly would be the right call. She can even still do the janken stuff live, either by switching to a preset video or legitimately doing it live.

>> No.23390948

Don’t be a faggot over non issues. Anon can support who he wants.

>> No.23390951

being racist is against the rules

>> No.23390953

don't be a soft cock

>> No.23390958 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23391085

Hey retard, reddit is 2 blocks down.

>> No.23390961

I'm also curious about Not-Luna and Probably-Not-Fifteen

>> No.23390962

Well, it's a good way to get money from a tete stream... I mean, look at Coco/Aqua's stream... plus what others said.

>> No.23390963

wrong site buddy

>> No.23390983

Fucking adorable she can barely sing the god damn song

>> No.23390988

>that much excitement over Iori Minase CD.
I love this introverted nerd.

>> No.23390996

They could just alternate every day of doing both shows every morning.

>> No.23391001

Why do so many people think that just because they acted similarly in the past, that is their "real" personality. They were still entertainers, if they were putting on a fake persona now, they almost definitely were then too.

>> No.23391002

Aqua is too decent at video games to be fake. She's legit just a nerd

>> No.23391016

you've never touched a girl in your life have you.

>> No.23391018
Quoted by: >>23391033

Who cares about reality? Where do you think you are?

>> No.23391030

>Living in australia
No thanks, that place a dumpster fire. Plus the chances of meeting her are like 1 billion/1 her name isn't akai haato irl

>> No.23391033

I care

>> No.23391034


>> No.23391047

Sorry that you're in denial, they're paid to entertain people, obviously they'll put on a show.

>> No.23391055

Well, you shouldn't.

>> No.23391079
Quoted by: >>23391109

I can't remember which stream it was, but I once saw Kanata telling a story about one day when the 4th gen went out to eat and they discovered Kanata was actually the loudest among them because she was the only one who could get the waiter to listen when they called.

>> No.23391083

I love when coco says neeee~

>> No.23391085
File: 77 KB, 827x858, 1575457951257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23391097

Matsuri is pretty much herself when you listen to her old videos and her stream with Mamatsuri and brother.
Coco's pretty much just overdrive of herself.
Korone and Okayu are literally just rebrand of AyaMina Games. WIthout the doggo and gato gimmick.

I guess to it's safe to assume others just put gimmick in their own personality. Pretty much YAGOO told them to bee urself through this character

>> No.23391102
File: 2.99 MB, 355x201, highschool_girls_laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23391103

That's an art in itself.

>> No.23391109
Quoted by: >>23391138

She speaks too loudly without realizing because she's going deaf.

>> No.23391114

99% of the people here haven't

>> No.23391115
Quoted by: >>23391140

Senchou is never going to get Raymond

>> No.23391125

I dare you to say Rushia is fake.

>> No.23391128

Korone is fake

>> No.23391130

Her flat tits are fake.

>> No.23391134

Dr coco at night and Asacoco in the morning, pretty good

>> No.23391136

Strange. I can listen to Aqua's voice all day when she's 2D but the moment it's attached to a real person I just can't stop thinking about how annoying it is.

>> No.23391138
File: 332 KB, 526x900, EUlvXadUUAUyoG8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't bully the angel.

>> No.23391140

She should just buy an amiibo card off of ebay at this point.

>> No.23391145
File: 2.82 MB, 1080x590, 1582448321237.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's geniunely a sssssssssssslllllllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttt

>> No.23391150
Quoted by: >>23391172

>that cat

>> No.23391152

truly kimoota

>> No.23391154
Quoted by: >>23391172

Good kitty

>> No.23391158

it would let her do both things and works pretty well for miko

>> No.23391162
File: 152 KB, 1280x1007, 1571946765827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23391167

Morning News in 14 Minutes

It's this time again Rockbros!

>> No.23391169

We know more or less where she lives and her school though

>> No.23391172

>you'll never protek Rushia's purity because it's gone

>> No.23391174

If you look through the previous thread archives, you can find the school she goes to and her school photos, shouldn't be hard to find her if you actually want to.

>> No.23391175

Miko can literally recite entire scenes of her favorite eroge/anime, she is definitely a huge otaku

>> No.23391177

I don't care about purity. A good cat is a good cat.

>> No.23391179

She's got a nice pussy.

>> No.23391181

Fucking stop already, no need to summon stalker anon again

>> No.23391186
File: 46 KB, 426x412, 1586352597266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23391201

>he's still posting when he was BTFO last thread
This isn't considered a slut at all
considering Pekora, Noel Miko have done worse on stream but are considered pure
but keep seething

>> No.23391190


>> No.23391191

Watame singing an English song!?

>> No.23391193

disco sheep

>> No.23391197

Who here /bornintherightgeneration/?

>> No.23391200
File: 2.19 MB, 152x188, bouncing watame.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha this is great.

>> No.23391201

Point isn't what they do on camera
Rushia was clearly manipulated into showing her thighs while the other girls did it willingly
Of the 4 people you listed only Rushia is plausibly pliable enough to actually be a slut
Keep coping

>> No.23391205
Quoted by: >>23391212

The Japanese subs actually had a translation of the lyrics. Neat stuff.

>> No.23391212

All the song corners have translations, which is probably why Watame is growing tired of it since it requires more editing than a simple livestream.

>> No.23391213

>ABBA ranger
cheeky lil sheep with her puns again

>> No.23391214


>> No.23391216

Watame's taking a lot longer on working is probably due to her putting EN and JP subtitles. I bet these subs were from google too.

>> No.23391217

From ABBA to toku, what a crazy sheep

>> No.23391218

Watame is too epic.

>> No.23391221

Rushia is a flawed human being and, therefore, it makes me love her more.

>> No.23391223

Watame's model has the best face when she looks angry.

>> No.23391224

Doesn't Coco help with the subtitles?

>> No.23391229

>Point isn't what they do on camera
You mean how Noel literally only showed her big breast on camera? You mean how Pekora worn a paizuri cosplay outfit on steam? You mean how Miko literally masturbated(?) on stream?

>Rushia was clearly manipulated into showing her thighs while the other girls did it willingly
Ok, and how does this make Rushia a slut?

>Of the 4 people you listed only Rushia is plausibly pliable enough to actually be a slut
This makes no sense and you're coping with Rushia making more superchat money than your favorite Hololive
Your posts are obvious/v/posts and it's quite pathetic
continue to seethe

>> No.23391230
Quoted by: >>23391248

Speaking of which, Kanata's morning show was supposed to debut April 1st before she got cancer and postponed it, and I haven't seen her mention it since. Did she just give up on it entirely?

>> No.23391231

No. If Coco was helping put the subtitles, she might as well put english subtitles on her AsaCoco CMs but she never does that.

>> No.23391233

Lurk more, holy fuck.

>> No.23391234

Ah, scissors again

>> No.23391236


>> No.23391239

??????? what

>> No.23391240
File: 448 KB, 800x450, watamechan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again I scissored with Watame.

>> No.23391243


>> No.23391245

someone mentioned rushia's irl twitter yesterday, anyone got a link?

>> No.23391246
File: 510 KB, 512x512, 1567836044498.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being so obsessed with a vtuber's past that you constantly call her a slut, whore and anything else you can come up with
What's the reason for doing this? It won't make them quit and a majority their fans don't give a shit

>> No.23391247
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, 15858860957401.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has been so long but I finally won!

>> No.23391248

Jesus Christ, what's next Boneitis?

>> No.23391251

So that's why her neck is like that

>> No.23391253


>> No.23391261

I can't unsee, fuck.

>> No.23391263

Sub a live stream, are you retarded?

>> No.23391264
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, 1573416036885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23391266


>> No.23391265
File: 647 KB, 1036x981, image0.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reason watame likes cheeps so much is because cheeps sounds like sheeps
Am I an Aqua?

>> No.23391266

Still adorable

>> No.23391268

But anon does or he wouldn't give me free (You)s every time, anon. I'm doing it for him.

>> No.23391269

An unsightly burn from back when she was almost turned into roasted mutton.

>> No.23391270
Quoted by: >>23391283

because his life is so boring and empty that he needs to defame other people he doesn't even know just to feel a little bit better when in reality nobody but him cares

>> No.23391272

Is sheep secretly a degenerate? She doesn't mind being called out for being dirty and stinky.

>> No.23391273
File: 37 KB, 312x333, 1563608887447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Anon, WE are aqua.

>> No.23391274

Watame song corner is not live.

>> No.23391275

Welcome to the club.

>> No.23391280

Tanigo is YAGOO's first name, right?

>> No.23391281

Watame likes chips because she's fat

>> No.23391283
Quoted by: >>23391311

Good way to let everyone know you're fuming senpai

>> No.23391286

>AsaCoco CMs
Have you asked yourself that?

>> No.23391288
File: 1.94 MB, 856x1200, 1586364451167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame is the cutest waste of a design!!!

>> No.23391289


>> No.23391290
Quoted by: >>23391528

rare Towasama asacoco

>> No.23391293

Towa three times a roll.

>> No.23391297
Quoted by: >>23391304

Towabros... She's gonna make fun of her again isn't she.

>> No.23391299


>> No.23391302

I feel a sudden urge to draw watame cosplaying as hanako
brb give me an hour or so

>> No.23391303

is that chorizo?
I like chorizo

>> No.23391304
Quoted by: >>23391322

bros... the dragon is doing it again...

>> No.23391306
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1586367404257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we get Ayame to stream as frequently as the others?

>> No.23391308

Now this is based

>> No.23391311
Quoted by: >>23391321

I don't care if someone knows who they are or not but spamming their pictures here just for attention is really pathetic even for someone autistic like him

>> No.23391316
Quoted by: >>23391323

make her break up with her boyfriend.

>> No.23391317

Double her wage only if she streams at least daily during week-days.

>> No.23391321

the seethe in this post

>> No.23391322

Towabro... Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.23391323

If only they had been far away enough from each other when the pandemic started.
She'd stream every day just so he could see her.

>> No.23391327

Wait until she gets all the dicking she needs to calm her ass down to sit and stream daily like the others.

>> No.23391331

Aquadoubters are dumb, retarded and gay.

>> No.23391332

CMs aren't live you dumbass.

>> No.23391333

ehhhh Kusa

>> No.23391335


>> No.23391343

was there a Towa ban that got lifted recently? she's back at asacoco again three times in a row now this week

>> No.23391347

This lazy demon is someday going to graduate and marry the love of her life, become a mother, then grandmother and pass away surrounded by people she loves.
Meanwhile your favourite hololive is going to die alone after her cat passes away, living meagerly off what she managed to save before her popularity faded. There's no justice in the world.

>> No.23391349

She just stopped being boring

>> No.23391351
Quoted by: >>23391367

It's probably pure coincidence but it's been 4 weeks since she's returned.

>> No.23391353
Quoted by: >>23391369

Towa doesnt really have that many funny news around her.
Whats coco going to commentate? how she threw a game of Apex/OW?

>> No.23391357

If at least this doxfag could do a proper pasta to scare away the purityfags, it would be nice.

>> No.23391359

She needs the push after the whole hot mic thing. Of course it would be jarring if they did it right away.

>> No.23391367


>> No.23391369
Quoted by: >>23391383

The fact that her membership got delayed due to YouTube ai would have made for a fitting story.

>> No.23391371

Its Luna who hasnt appeared in a while now

>> No.23391372
Quoted by: >>23391600

Even with knowing the exact city and school it would still be like 1 million/1 chance that you actually come off as a friendly to her without looking like some creepy stalker. It would have to happen naturally

>> No.23391376
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, 1568412716885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it safe to say that everyone loves PP Tenshi?

>> No.23391377
Quoted by: >>23391426

IRRC coco need some permission from victims to appear on news so maybe towa is kinda okay now ?

>> No.23391381

WoWS sponsorship

>> No.23391383

Didnt that happen during a weekend? might be ebcause of that.

>> No.23391384

Real question is why isn't Choco's trainwreck of a GTA stream isn't being covered on asacoco.

>> No.23391388
Quoted by: >>23391423

Coco mentioned this weekend, she's running out of things to talk about.

>> No.23391390

because its pitiful

>> No.23391393

Choco's irrelevant

>> No.23391396

I dont think coco is good at gta

>> No.23391398

I really like the CocoPP ship.

>> No.23391399

what happened? not enough views?

>> No.23391404


>> No.23391406

Stop bullying Choco

>> No.23391407

choco coco or shococo

>> No.23391409

>more Haachama
soon she's going to break

>> No.23391410


>> No.23391413
File: 218 KB, 461x461, 1583151243548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23391415


>> No.23391416

Coco really loves shitting on Haato

>> No.23391422

What is with 1st gen blondes and their bad luck?

>> No.23391423
Quoted by: >>23391488

I'm honestly surprised she has been able to do it for so long. I wouldn't be surprised if she did AsaCoco three times a week soon. Unless she goes full on journalist and reports on Nijisanji as well.

>> No.23391425

Her GTA streams are borderline rage bait by how bad she is.

>> No.23391426

if >>23391377 is right haachama loves appearing in asacoco

>> No.23391427

i'm lazy, link the archive

>> No.23391428

More like Coco really loves Haato, just secretly.

>> No.23391429
File: 54 KB, 518x752, 1586384444931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23391436


>> No.23391431

Just curious, is the middle finger also vulgar in Nihon?

>> No.23391433

Haato's been baiting for asacoco slots since the first English collab

>> No.23391434

akirose's pc dying wasn't in today's asacoco

>> No.23391436


>> No.23391442
Quoted by: >>23391461

Her first GTA videos were migraine inducing.

>> No.23391446

Maybe she was asked to be featured but she refused because it was too embarrassing to her.

>> No.23391447

Outside of a few people Coco always asks permission before mocking them on asacoco.
As far as we know Haachama isn't on the free material list but who knows what they talk about on discord.

>> No.23391450

I thought she was getting complaints that her cooking segment were shit and it was discouraging her, kinda glad she's back to it. As long as she has fun.

>> No.23391459
Quoted by: >>23391478

asacoco should be a weekly premiere that's around 40 minutes long instead of a daily stream, having watame no uta as a segment and miko as a co-host so coco doesn't have to do all the job alone

>> No.23391460
Quoted by: >>23391487

Are nips retarded? its easily her most entertaining segment.

>> No.23391461
Quoted by: >>23391497

They still are. She spent almost an hour trying to land a plane.

>> No.23391462

Weird that Coco is actually starting to learn this game. I don't think I've ever seen anyone become even barely competent at it before.

>> No.23391466

does everyone have toasters or what? theyre streamers they shouldve decent machines

>> No.23391469
Quoted by: >>23391502

What's her problem?

>> No.23391473

You should wait until the end before posting anon.

>> No.23391474

Wow, it was fucking NOTHING

>> No.23391478
Quoted by: >>23391539

for her sake thats better but the news arent going to be as fresh and coco feels pressured to deliver everyday anyway since this is like her defining program

>> No.23391481
Quoted by: >>23391509

I think she plays it normally on her other channel.

>> No.23391487

nip anti are always retarded

>> No.23391488

They should just alternate asacoco and watame no uta, takes the pressure of both of them.

>> No.23391490


>> No.23391491

swap to chaturbate

>> No.23391494

No, It's just a running gag and a way to pender to EOPs. You never seen those faggots in Miko chat every times she say "fuck u" ? These faggots are giggling like it's the best joke ever

>> No.23391497

At least she can drive a car semi-competently now.

>> No.23391502
Quoted by: >>23391511

i love bakatare

>> No.23391503

>I thought she was getting complaints that her cooking segment were shit
But they are really fun.

>> No.23391506
Quoted by: >>23391522

Apex threesome when

>> No.23391509

It's not her channel, shitlord.

>> No.23391511
Quoted by: >>23391689

When did bakatare start anyways?

>> No.23391513

>page 9
Is someone going to make the new thread or should I?

>> No.23391515
Quoted by: >>23391533

Fubuki's FGO video was very cute, especially when she was talking to Caenis
Vtuber da!

>> No.23391516

>106 images

>> No.23391519
File: 34 KB, 629x629, smug_JK_emote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, go ahead and make one.

>> No.23391522

with Ayame, not Towa.

>> No.23391528

Call me deranged but Coco was most likely forced to feature Towa in an attempt at damage control over the rumors of them not getting along, which is now as good as confirmed

>> No.23391533
Quoted by: >>23391562

Is FBK the only one who plays F/GO? I thought it was a lot more popular in Japan.

>> No.23391537

What makes hololive very popular?

>> No.23391539

Yeah, I can't imagine her quitting the 5 days a week thing. Maybe split Friday up and make it slightly longer, with Watame and Miko?

>> No.23391540

wait so her not being on the show is proof they don't get along, but then also her being on the show is proof they don't get along?

>> No.23391541

Nah, those rumors were around all the way back in January.

>> No.23391544

Good range of designs and personalities, most of them are kemonomimi and theyre actually fun to watch.

>> No.23391545

Hololives management really is ridiculously hands off.
It's great in some ways for the freedom it gives the girls but it pisses me off how more than half the girls have admitted to filling up their C drive and not knowing what a D drive is and being too scared to touch it.
The fact that their top subscribed talent didn't participate in the group song because she didn't notice the first message and there was no followup is pretty ridiculous.

>> No.23391548


Cloud is cute.

>> No.23391555

get to work making her happy photoshop anons

>> No.23391556

It's all about the timing. Having her this late confirmed that it's just a forced decision.

>> No.23391558


>> No.23391562

Nico nico culture probably doesn't have that huge an overlap with Fate.

>> No.23391564
Quoted by: >>23391607

That's because the vtubers aren't employees of cover/hololive, think of them as uber drivers it's basically the same kind of contract
So the management can't actually say that much, especially if the vtubers are making them money, which is something they actually all manage to do, even Choco-sensei

>> No.23391566

Based ADHD threadmaker.

>> No.23391569
Quoted by: >>23391584

The Watame Coco morning program duo ARK stream might be the time where Watame announces she's about to stop Watame no Uta. It's a lighter version of the Maid Dragon stream and Watame has been stressed about it recently on Twitter.

It's incompetent thats for sure. Poor A-chan.

>> No.23391572

I'm up for a sketchy doodle for you lucky anon. Third reply is win reply.

>> No.23391575
Quoted by: >>23391591

A huge number of brain dead NEETs with nothing better to do.

>> No.23391577
File: 132 KB, 1024x1024, EVLUus_U4AE6y-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The punishment for セクハラ is death!

>> No.23391578

I wish Watame and Coco weren't playing ARK for their life counseling stream, Raft was like the perfect choice for that kind of thing.

>> No.23391579

Anon has chosen a narrative and now anything tangentially related to his narrative exists in support of it.

>> No.23391581
Quoted by: >>23391607

>The fact that their top subscribed talent didn't participate in the group song because she didn't notice the first message and there was no followup is pretty ridiculous.
Wait what, you mean Fubuki?

>> No.23391584

Watame JUST said that she is going to keep doing it as long as she can because she enjoys it even though she knows it's not an efficient use of her time.

>> No.23391586

Haato sucking Coco's tits

>> No.23391587

Towa riding a lion

>> No.23391591

Considering the amount of special chats hololive gets compared to others, I doubt the viewers are mostly neets

>> No.23391592

Suisei cooking pasta

>> No.23391594
Quoted by: >>23391602

Haato eating a turtle

>> No.23391600

Just don't namedrop her or anything like that. I am 100% sure the best way to approach someone you stalk is by pretending you have no idea who the fuck they are. Being in the same age range roughly (guys can be a bit older and women and be a bit younger) and not being obese or disheveled helps. When I was in college I used to work as intern at the student office and it was trivially easy to find girls' class schedules and student IDs and shit. If there was someone I found cute in my classes I'd just look them up and then pretend to be randomly smitten in the hallways
I'm not even good looking but most girls at least humored me for a while and I got a girlfriend out of it for a while

>> No.23391602

Damn so close anon. I'd like to see Haato eating a turtle.

>> No.23391607

I don't see how this prevents them from providing basic advice without being asked. Nobody said anything about ordering the girls around.
Yes on asacoco just now it was revealed the reason Fubuki didn't sing was because she didn't know they were recruiting for the song.

>> No.23391609
Quoted by: >>23391631

watch the Aki FF7R archive if you have nothing to do during the dead hours its CUTE

>> No.23391614

Yes, subs was missing a day coco was too tired to add them

>> No.23391617
Quoted by: >>23391778

That is literally the worst way to go and the start of a disasterous explosion breakup. You have to tell them you know who they are. Just don't be a creep and you'd be fine.

>> No.23391618

I was in a similar position and I wish I thought to do the same.

>> No.23391620

NOOOOOO my narrative about coco and fubuki not interacting is RUINED

>> No.23391621
Quoted by: >>23391640

Hololive have 25 employees and only give one manager for each "year"
It's definitely understaffed which is one of the main problem but it's better than becoming huge like nijisanji and getting in the red

>> No.23391625
Quoted by: >>23391647

Hololive's management is so fucking incompetent. They're letting their streamers get pushed around by a handful of antis and Coco of all people is the one who's trying to hold everyone together even though she's only been here for a few months. Where the fuck are their managers?

>> No.23391629

They've played so much ARK already that they can play the game on muscle memory alone. On top of that, the game is so boring that the viewers' attention will be focused exclusively on the conversation. It's the perfect game to have a talk.

>> No.23391631
Quoted by: >>23391635

Does Aki have a nostalgia for FF7 or Crisis Core was her first FF7?

>> No.23391632
Quoted by: >>23391640

it's better that they have freedom...

>> No.23391633
Quoted by: >>23391641

I knew Fubuki would've been clamoring to be in something like that. Sasuga manechan.

>> No.23391635

From what I've heard about FF7R I feel sorry for anybody who plays it who hasn't played the original.

>> No.23391640
Quoted by: >>23391659

Nobody is asking for their freedom to be taken but if they don't manage schedules and they don't even provide tech support what exactly do they do?
Even so assuming that these single managers at least work an 8 hour day what are they spending their time doing?
That said Matsuri confirmed the hololive support staff are also nerds that stay up all night and sleep all day so assuming they work in any normal fashion would be foolish.

>> No.23391641
Quoted by: >>23391645

She sounds sad on twitter. Lots of ellipses.

>> No.23391642

Did Coco ever explain why she didn't sing?

>> No.23391645


>> No.23391647

>Coco of all people
youre making sound like coco is useless and doesnt work hard enough, you should shit on earlier generations or even the most popular for doing jack shit all this time

>> No.23391651
Quoted by: >>23391685

She said on yesterday's asacoco she didn't know they were recruiting.
Fubuki seeing yesterdays asacoco report was the reason she told coco 'hey I didn't know either"
Coco did say she probably would've refused anyway though.

>> No.23391655

time to bully coco

>> No.23391656

"forgot" to see it

>> No.23391659
Quoted by: >>23391669

I agree with giving them better tech support, but what's the benefit in managing their schedules?

>> No.23391661

With Watame it's sure to be a different atmosphere either way and probably not as heavy. It was almost comical how fitting it was when Aqua opened up right as the music started playing with her character staring off into the horizon though.

>> No.23391669

Are you ESL? Nobody is arguing for that.

>> No.23391676
Quoted by: >>23391687

Coco is a miracle worker. She doesn't have to be doing what she's doing and yet she is. She took a lot on. Trying to hold together and rally 10-20 people for a project is hard work and a lot of time.

>> No.23391685
Quoted by: >>23391711

I'm guessing Korone is probably in the didn't see it camp as well since she has sung before while poor Haato is trapped in a savage land. Still must of been weird for Fubuki seeing her character in this huge collab and not singing and wondering what the hell is going on.

>> No.23391687
Quoted by: >>23391696

You give her too much credit. She's just more involved than others and no one knows whats happening off screen.

>> No.23391689

It all began when Fubuki started gifting horror games to flare and asking her to play it with her, flare eventually yielded after this stream (you can see it towards the end): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTQorITDEyk
At the same time Fubuki somewhat developed a crush on Watame after their offcollabs and started popping in her streams more often, while Flare has always been watching and lurking in Watame's stream chat and dealing with the spambots so they ended up taking Watame along for the horror game ride

>> No.23391696
Quoted by: >>23391706

She also seems to be more outgoing/extroverted compared to past members. I think the credit is deserved.

>> No.23391702

Ah thanks, that's sounds super cute. I love it when these groupings are formed organically instead of being forced.

>> No.23391706
Quoted by: >>23391721

Its because they're Japanese.

>> No.23391707
Quoted by: >>23391738

The best part was the following day when Fubuki woke up and tweeted wondering why the fuck they gave their group such a stupid name.
I love these dorks.

>> No.23391711

Poor FBK. She loves shit like this too.

>> No.23391721


>> No.23391726

I meant it more in a way that Coco is already one of the most overworked streamers in Hololive, and yet she's still finding the time and energy to do this, even though it really shouldn't be her job.

>> No.23391738
Quoted by: >>23391760

What's the tare part of bakatare supposed to be? Dipping sauce?

>> No.23391744

Huh, two of the Holo ID girls have streamlabs donations enabled

>> No.23391751
Quoted by: >>23391760

Is this the word Coco was using in today's program? 案件 - Anken

I had thought she was talking about getting her first sponsorship, but is it?

>> No.23391755
Quoted by: >>23391773

Did OP sage'd the thread or something?

>> No.23391756

already smarter than the rest of hololive

>> No.23391760

Digging into the etymology of insults is rarely worth it.
Yes they use that to refer to sponsored content.

>> No.23391768
Quoted by: >>23391827

youtube doesn't have superchats in ID.

>> No.23391773

is it possible?
That would literally solve the imagelimit problem

>> No.23391775

Fubuki NOOOooo...

>> No.23391778
Quoted by: >>23391901

This is somewhat of a celebrity we're talking about, though. If you declare yourself to be a fan you're immediately placed in the "fan" slot which kills any sort of friendship you could have with them, because fans are supposed to watch from a distance and vtubers have even more layers between the person and the fan than usual. Someone as autistic as Haato might also become immediately awkward or scared of interacting with a person who knows their idol persona, specially if it's a man

>> No.23391781



>> No.23391786

hololive likes sponge bob

>> No.23391788
Quoted by: >>23391806

What's ゲリラ

>> No.23391790
Quoted by: >>23391811

>next recommended video is literally something that Peko has done before posted on a channel with 8 subscribers
I swear, you don't even need to try to doxx people anymore. As long as somebody has posted something on the Internet in the past Google will just hand it to you without asking.

>> No.23391791
File: 244 KB, 391x438, 1581756738358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way Flare's voice cracked was really cute.

>> No.23391793

I don't suppose the pasta la vista meme is worthy of a scribble in light of Suisei's Hitman streams?

>> No.23391795
Quoted by: >>23391822

FBK playing FF7R

>> No.23391798

her voice will be trademarked by Cover soon

>> No.23391806
Quoted by: >>23391814

Guerrilla. As in, guerrilla warfare. In streaming context it refers to sudden unplanned streams, usually at fucked-up hours in the morning.

>> No.23391811
Quoted by: >>23391881

I used to be adamantly against looking at past history but this happened to me and now I'm down a rabbit hole.

>> No.23391814

>In streaming context it refers to sudden unplanned streams
Now I feel dumb. Kinda like gorilla filming context

>> No.23391822

I should not be smiling at this, but Sephy boy is just an edgy dork in the end.

>> No.23391826
File: 530 KB, 773x900, EA3r7pcVAAAm1-R.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23391835

I didn't think Flare had the balls, that's pretty funny

>> No.23391827

Good for them. More money and not even holo management can fuck that up

>> No.23391835

>Another character with mismatched socks

>> No.23391857

I thought you had died. Nice to see you still alive.

>> No.23391878
Quoted by: >>23391921

>Cat: Please, you must not do this. Cease this foolishness for your own sake. Aw shit...

>> No.23391881
Quoted by: >>23391900

It's actually fucking creepy what it is.

I don't mind knowing a thing or two about what my chuubas have been doing before. Most of the time it just makes me like them more because it lets me realize that they aren't just putting up a show for money but are mostly genuine about what they are doing.

Sending me down a doxx rabbit hole though? What the fuck, Google AI? Makes me wonder how much cringy shit I could find about myself if I really tried.

>> No.23391888

And exposed armpits. There are WAY to many characters with exposed armpits for it to not be intentional pandering.

>> No.23391899

and that's a good thing

>> No.23391900
Quoted by: >>23391923

As an otaku, I'm already inherently creepy.

>> No.23391901

My point is, if you actually DO succeed in starting a relationship and then tell them later that you actually did know who they are that's a huge problem. You have to just be honest and if you end up in a fan slot oh well. That's life.

>> No.23391904

Adorable STINKY dork.

>> No.23391906
Quoted by: >>23391985

>Fubuki somewhat developed a crush on Watame after their offcollabs
Oh? Did they offcollab often? I must have missed that.

>> No.23391909

Imagine the collective smell

>> No.23391911

Didn't her cat died early this year?

>> No.23391912

How do you know this? Experience?

>> No.23391917
Quoted by: >>23392437

Well yeah that's school, if I was attending the same school as haato you bet your ass I'd try to sneak my way in. It's the natural interaction that would be the hard part for someone who is already out of college like myself. I'm only about 4 years older than her so I wouldn't come off as too old but I would have to stumble across her in public places she willingly goes too where she would be open to interact cause approaching her at school would definitely come off as creepy and no normal person would interact with some stranger walking up to them on casual walks.

>> No.23391921

I know everyone is ignoring this but based on that liter bottle and the cat you can tell that Rushia is smoll

>> No.23391923
Quoted by: >>23391936

Just for clarity, with "creepy" I meant Google recommending things this accurately with very limited info, not as much the act of looking at it. I think the latter is just basic human curiosity.

>> No.23391924

The best chance is if you don't know their Vtuber identity and it coincidentally happens to comes up. Or ''happens''. Still hard to pull off successfully and naturally enough.

>> No.23391936

Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up then.

>> No.23391950

dead hours are shit

>> No.23391952

Did Aki ever manage to get her PS4 to work so she could bumble through FFVIIR?

>> No.23391958
Quoted by: >>23391959


>> No.23391959
Quoted by: >>23392022

Did she do ok? ;_:

>> No.23391960

Cuck senpai desu FAQ U.

>> No.23391962

which hololive is the closest to a twitch thot at streaming ?

>> No.23391963
Quoted by: >>23393072

Time to sleep, anon, so you can wake up in time for your chuuba's stream.
FBK rescued her and she streamed for a while until her PC apparently crashed as well. She played on easy and died to the first boss. So... ehm, yeah.

>> No.23391966 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1586472050319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko butt.

>> No.23391968

Go to sleep, do your reps, or draw a pretty picture if this is all you have right now.

>> No.23391974

That's not very elite of you.

>> No.23391979

>Korone and Okayu are literally just rebrand of AyaMina Games

>> No.23391980


>> No.23391985
Quoted by: >>23392031

there was that mario party stream with Marine and Suisei and the massive karaoke collab

also another fun fact: Watame's the first 4th gen to feature in Fubuki's Lobotomy Corporation

>> No.23391992
Quoted by: >>23392027

Stop with this slanderous lies. Do you have more of the set or video? Of course, for research purposes

>> No.23391996


>> No.23392003

wasn't that video lost forever since it was hard as hell to find in the ocean of FC2?

>> No.23392004

Slutty, I want her to crush my ballsack

>> No.23392009
File: 522 KB, 720x729, 49a58cd.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392024

>> No.23392022

Not really

>> No.23392024
Quoted by: >>23392192

this isn't funny at all

>> No.23392026

why are we not hitting 3k posts

>> No.23392027


>> No.23392031

Oh right, I forgot about those. It's very nice to see they get along. Organic friendships are the best to watch.

>> No.23392033

Nice desu ne. Thanks anon

>> No.23392034

Holy shit. Miko is lewd.

>> No.23392035

That's hot!

>> No.23392039

Sigh I just got done with my dick anon and you post this? Guess it can't be helped

>> No.23392040


>> No.23392041

No Korone stream today.

>> No.23392044

no korone stream so /v/ didnt stop by today

>> No.23392048

looks like AquaShion is back on the menu!

>> No.23392052

It's been nice. We only have the good Korone fans here right now.

>> No.23392053
File: 44 KB, 833x802, 1582799156155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392079


>> No.23392055

you're onto something
thread has been pleasant too

>> No.23392056
Quoted by: >>23392070

Gross, I have a better ass than she does. I bet she has no tits either.

>> No.23392057
Quoted by: >>23392067

I bet they talk about coco a lot

>> No.23392064
File: 3.55 MB, 2605x3684, 1562476106157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23392065


>> No.23392067
Quoted by: >>23392102

not everything revolves around coco

>> No.23392070

I'm starting to think they only started with this ''accurated character chest size'' after the Gen 2
Gen 1 and Gen 0 are all lies

>> No.23392073

They're all fakes...

>> No.23392074
Quoted by: >>23392117

This saddens me but it's also probably the truth. Why can't we just have nice things?

>> No.23392076

It seems the 30 day vacation from society has rotted your brain, now you can have another from 4chan itself.

>> No.23392077
Quoted by: >>23392088

Yeah, biggest lie was Matsuri isn't really flat. THEN WHO WAS THE BAND-AID

>> No.23392078
File: 26 KB, 864x422, 1586383132162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkera Shion yo yeah!

>> No.23392079
Quoted by: >>23392084

I want to push her around real fast on that chair.

>> No.23392084


>> No.23392088
Quoted by: >>23392094

Bigger breasts just means bigger band-aids. You also just need to cover the nipples, so there's that too.

>> No.23392090
Quoted by: >>23393036

all the gamers ones have the same chest size IRL
even korone

>> No.23392094

Oh... Sometimes your mind just focus one thing and forget other things

>> No.23392095
Quoted by: >>23392108

I'm looking forward to Ao Oni with Rushia after Pekora's stab at it

>> No.23392100

Truly one of life's greatest pleasures

>> No.23392102
File: 274 KB, 1906x2048, 1586309210825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but Hololive sure does.

>> No.23392108
Quoted by: >>23392115

You really cannot top that stream. Her jokes were too good

>> No.23392112
File: 223 KB, 512x512, laughing_JK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23392113


>> No.23392114
File: 235 KB, 2048x1236, 1586409318257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High performance.

>> No.23392115

If they were twins I might be bothered, but they're more than different enough. I'm on 4chan to begin with because I like seeing different perspectives to new content in "real time".

>> No.23392117
Quoted by: >>23392131

korone is too cute for her own good

>> No.23392120
File: 12 KB, 720x324, 1586468542149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo..

>> No.23392123


>> No.23392124

This is the most forced pairing of all.

>> No.23392126

but minecraft neighbors!

>> No.23392128

Unironically better than Kanata's Coco impression.

>> No.23392131
Quoted by: >>23392147

True that. It just ends up attracting a bunch of the crowd that only cares about cute noises and broken english. Korone has more to her than that.

>> No.23392137
Quoted by: >>23392156

NobuHime is going to be one of the 5th gens. I just know it.

>> No.23392140

wtf I'm gonna buy PS5 now

>> No.23392147
Quoted by: >>23392164

I love how she can make the worst kusoge enjoyable.

>> No.23392151

why won't korone collab with anyone that isn't miko or okayuu?

>> No.23392155

She called in on Kanata's stream just a few days ago.

>> No.23392156

If so, good for her.

>> No.23392160

I'll take 100

>> No.23392164

I like how clever some of her jokes are. Her and Okayu are both big into comedians, and it shows.

>> No.23392166


>> No.23392168
Quoted by: >>23392178

Shes said before that she doesn't like starting the convo for collabs cause she's shy.

>> No.23392173

One day Miko will finally be able to go to Korone's place for an offcollab

>> No.23392178
Quoted by: >>23392182

she hosted a off-collab on her house with the whole gen 3 back when it was a new thing
I could say she isn't doing it again because of corona reasons but I dunno

>> No.23392179

Korone's one of the few who doesn't live in Tokyo, right? That definitely adds to her lack of collab appearances.

>> No.23392182

Poor Senchou ate something so bitter she cried in that one.

>> No.23392191
File: 161 KB, 847x1200, EUpdxtFU4AM_H9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't really top Rushia and Marine in forcedness

>> No.23392192

You'd be wrong.

>> No.23392193

Please thread, don't die, I'm almost done!

>> No.23392195

And have sex.

>> No.23392196

there wont be a off collab in months anyway thanks to corona

>> No.23392198
Quoted by: >>23392209

even if she can't live that far away, she visits Akihabara like every week

>> No.23392201
Quoted by: >>23392210

it makes you wonder how they're supposed to break up pairs if even one party doesnt want to be.

>> No.23392202

>only 1k posts
What killed the hype?

>> No.23392203
File: 319 KB, 1920x1080, the big dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before getting into Hololive, I thought it was about a bunch of virtual sluts with ASMR and 3d fanservice (thanks to Aki, mel and roboco). Blessed Korone's 3d debut dragged me into this.
I miss the comfy slow threads with a little information about Kizuna AI and a bunch of praise for the fad, but I'll enjoy this crazy ride while it last.

>> No.23392206

no drama

>> No.23392207

everyone knows its one way and marine herself aint that committed

>> No.23392209

Trains are super convenient there, most of them stop right into the usual streaming hours though. Not saying it's a definite stopper, just another contributing factor.

>> No.23392210
Quoted by: >>23392220

I mean Rushia and Marine are already effectively broken up. Rushia just stopped playing along, both do their own things without bringing it up, and now when they do hang out Marine just applies her normal level of horniness to Rushia.

>> No.23392220
Quoted by: >>23392225

Effectively and officially are two different things, but I don't think neither Marine nor Rushia really mind being considered a pair

>> No.23392225
Quoted by: >>23392245

I don't think they "don't mind", fan culture doesn't give them a choice.

>> No.23392229

I think 4th Gen is immune to tee tee, homo vision and forced pairings huh

>> No.23392234
Quoted by: >>23393272

Senchou is like the loud black woman of Hololive.

>> No.23392245

>still get fanart and special bits on official videos without needing to do yuribait

Marine even kept the bgm where she's screaming Rushia on her pre streams

>> No.23392246

Suisei and Kanata
Towa and yabee
Hime and Matsuri
Coco avoids all advances and only likes buff yakuza men.

>> No.23392250

I think you're mistaking hype for shitposting.

>> No.23392252
File: 25 KB, 1080x501, 1586474802766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392262


>> No.23392255

4th gen has normal levels of that kind of stuff. Gamers and 3rd gen are the outliers.

>> No.23392257

I argue that 4th gen is a complementary generation, just look at Watame x Haato, Suisei x PPT, Matsuri x Luna, Shion x Coco, and Roboco x Towa.

>> No.23392259

Shion yo...

>> No.23392260

Based Coco

>> No.23392262
File: 21 KB, 720x372, 今日もかわいい.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392270


>> No.23392263
Quoted by: >>23392278

Haachama is forgotten

>> No.23392270
File: 25 KB, 1080x586, 1586474820235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23392278


>> No.23392281

Not at all if you actually bother watching them actively. And considering they were talking until morning yesterday a collab coming up was inevitable.

>> No.23392290
File: 22 KB, 1080x417, 1586474839794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392331

Predict next Aki stream problem

>> No.23392327

it could be because shes has much more confidence lately, shes more will to put herself, out there she seemed genuinely surprised by the number of members she got, and of course everyone is stroking her ego about her cover, she barely even posts for her old twitter account anymore. she so much more active on towa twitter these day.

>> No.23392331

She gets コロナ'ed

>> No.23392333
File: 455 KB, 1280x1024, susei singing about pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I could've done something better but this is the best I could. Hope you like it, lucky anon. You can tweet it yourself, don't worry about crediting because I don't give a shit. I did it for fun.

>> No.23392336

Cute and nice trips

>> No.23392341

i think its because they are all so close really, it feels weird to pretend to want to fuck your friends. as apposed to some character from another gen

>> No.23392350
File: 140 KB, 800x1023, EVJjOgoUcAEC1RY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe PPTenshi's mama is an Onigiriya.

>> No.23392351
Quoted by: >>23392387

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vP29TbkQFDA Fubuki

>> No.23392353

Luna and Towa are separate from the PP Trio

>> No.23392355


>> No.23392357

>it feels weird to pretend to want to fuck your friends
Haha, yeah...

>> No.23392361

hopefully noone sees this , i really dont want towafags eoping all over the chat asking them to invite her. towa would be so embarassed

>> No.23392367

3rd gen is arguably the closest though

>> No.23392387

her streams are so boring but im bored and desperate

>> No.23392399

The only reason I can't watch Noel's stream is just that she's too lewd for me. I can't take my eyes off those udders. Makes me want to suck on them whole night hnng.

>> No.23392404
File: 160 KB, 1212x1584, ERA5VMcUYAAYkJw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392417

Going to ask about this one more time

>> No.23392407

Does coco call towa menhera because she just have normal mental health problems like depression and anxiety as apposed to everyone else in hololive who are autistic?

>> No.23392411

Dang, that's pretty good

>> No.23392416

she went to her house for mikkorone 24h
I don't think any holo has entered miko's room tho because it must be really messy and she doesn't wants to clean

>> No.23392417

It's shitposting

>> No.23392428

Warukunai yo ne

>> No.23392437

I am vaguely aware that Haachama's school is an all-girls one, so even if you were a guy in studying age you'd be cut off from most vectors unless you stood in front of the school at the time the girls go out and hit on them like some weird-ass vagrant. Depending on how autistic Haato actually is in real life and if you somehow got her discord or some shit it would be pretty trivial to badger her into meeting you IRL as long as you pretend you don't know shit about her being an idol.
If anyone is reading this post and wondering what kind of sick-in-the-head degenerate I am, I promise I just like theorizing about how I would tackle a problem. I'm also 3 continents away so it wouldn't amount to shit even if I was a creep.

>> No.23392439

Who's the better singer?

Suisei or Okayu?

>> No.23392446


>> No.23392448


>> No.23392451
Quoted by: >>23392462

I haven't heard okayu sing

>> No.23392457

Rushia really enjoyed RE2R. Rushia not acting is pretty nice.

>> No.23392459

Okayu's voice is my favorite, but Suisei is easily superior.

>> No.23392461

Coco and Kanata are practically a married couple.

>> No.23392462


>> No.23392473

I wish Coco would fuck Kanata silly. Like fuck the gay right out of her.

>> No.23392478

hey that's pretty good

>> No.23392479

one is an easy going person who that likes to take a slow pace, the other actually tries to push her limits and see where her talents go.

different niches in the end

>> No.23392482


>> No.23392485
Quoted by: >>23392577

banter doesnt mean marriage

>> No.23392492
Quoted by: >>23392502


Kanata tweeted from her other account. She seems slightly more optimistic than the previous tweets.

>> No.23392499
Quoted by: >>23392525

I like her Lemon.


>> No.23392502
Quoted by: >>23392539

How's she handling her corona?

>> No.23392525

very nice!

>> No.23392539

like a queen

>> No.23392573
Quoted by: >>23392611

Damn Watame has a canon of a voice. I thought she was gonna butcher ABBA.

>> No.23392577

They frequently talk about each other on their streams, the banter is just a small part of it. On top of that, Kanata seems to hang out at Coco's place a lot, or at least she did before the social isolation began. One time Coco started feeling hungry during an ARK stream and half-jokingly asked Kanata, who was also playing and watching the stream, to bring her lunch. Kanata said "okay" and a few minutes later she just showed up there with a bag of groceries and hung out in the back while Coco streamed.

>> No.23392583

Oh, I forgot to add. Kanata actually continued to play ARK on Coco's other computer.

>> No.23392588
Quoted by: >>23392597

>One time Coco started feeling hungry during an ARK stream and half-jokingly asked Kanata, who was also playing and watching the stream, to bring her lunch. Kanata said "okay" and a few minutes later she just showed up there with a bag of groceries and hung out in the back while Coco streamed.
link? that sounds tee tee

>> No.23392597
Quoted by: >>23392638


>> No.23392611

her saturday night hangout version of Balalaika really sold me since she even laughs in key

>> No.23392626

Kanata lives like 10 minutes from Coco's house

>> No.23392627

Why is the pptenshi shirt so expensive

>> No.23392638

just bros being bros

>> No.23392663

Medical bills and funeral proceedings.

>> No.23392670

manufacturer takes a cut, hololive takes a cut, pp gets her cut, and then shipping

>> No.23392677

Japanese comet cooking spaghetti

>> No.23392682
Quoted by: >>23392716

Kanata is a dorklord

>> No.23392688
File: 126 KB, 1200x675, DgpJwmlUEAA2UvQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan isn't THAT sheltered.

>> No.23392697

No that's the pinky finger.

>> No.23392700
File: 2.81 MB, 842x720, 1573043868728.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case you thought senchou couldn't possibly be any more based, here she is talking about wanting to punch luna and rushia


>> No.23392716

Cute dork. I want to buy her an oven.

>> No.23392719

PPT is too pure for this world.

>> No.23392733

Very cute!

>> No.23392739

Is it worth learning Japanese just for these chuubas? It sucks relying just on the translators.

>> No.23392743

you forgot the part where watame came after that

>> No.23392751

Unironically Okayu. Suisei's is well suited for powerful dramatic songs which is good for idol-type stuff, but Okayu's is like sweet caramel that always hits the perfect tone for anything lower energy. She's much better at karaoke as well

>> No.23392754

200k is a lot relative to the market.

>> No.23392755

I wish PP would come to my house and bring me natto rolls.

>> No.23392764

Hololibe x Sesame street colab

>> No.23392772

What the fuck

>> No.23392779
Quoted by: >>23392839

Are you starting from 0?
If you had your feet wet with nip already then just slowly getting better at listening while watching them and looking up things you didn't understand isn't bad
It's what I've been doing, just making notes at what time of the stream there was something I didn't quite understand and then looking it up later

>> No.23392782

Pekora would if she felt like being a troll. Maybe Haato in a bad mood.

>> No.23392788

No. Japanese is only worth it if you consume an insane amount of Japanese content or plan to work there. I read Japanese LNs a lot so I started learning about 2 years ago and really I find myself relying on my dictionary less and less every month. LNs aren't exactly high class literature, though. Although 90% of them are translated like absolute shit.

>> No.23392794

Well, fuck Towa I guess.

>> No.23392798
Quoted by: >>23392813

A lot of Japanese singers have that deep voice.

>> No.23392804

dang I feel bad for Towa

>> No.23392810

I hope she post jealous tweets again.

>> No.23392813

I mean
What the fuck she is good

>> No.23392815

Nobody can answer that for you. The value you get out of it is extremely subjective. Though if you're not into other kinds of weebshit I'd advise against it.

>> No.23392819
Quoted by: >>23392828

they're just teasing the 3P stream

>> No.23392826
Quoted by: >>23393365

The Kemonos of Hololive can stop time and do any manner of lewd things to anyone without them knowing or ever being found out. If you move to Japan, you're favorite Kemono hololive might see you as her next victim.

>> No.23392828

aw, i like this unfounded optimism anon, very cute

>> No.23392839

having watched thousands of hours of anime I'm able to gut-feel my way with the conversations pretty well, to the point where I can identify the odd word I don't understand and just look it up via latin letters
I'd say that's enough for this shit, there's no need to spend tons of time learning to read literally any of the scripts
so yeah, just watch colloquial programming with subtitles until you can bullshit it

>> No.23392856

her fukkireta part was incredible although that most likely got touched up on
very talented, shame she is a skank

>> No.23392858
Quoted by: >>23392872

that ライオン cover is so good

>> No.23392867

Almost positive she has played or still plays FF games as she sometimes hums the victory theme. Pretty sure she recently mentioned FF7R in one of her recent streams, though I haven't the Japanese knowledge to understand what was said.

>> No.23392869
Quoted by: >>23392888

It's a reference to porn plots where the protagonist can stop time and proceed to molest or rape people.

>> No.23392872

its probably my favorite towa moment

>> No.23392882

Suisei is such a fucking show off.

>> No.23392886

I love her https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fs31l5qEJXE

>> No.23392888

It's actually a reference to Marine wanting to fuck animals such as dogs.

>> No.23392894

Stuffed Flatbread is a dynamic emoji. It's capable of communicating your desire for the trusty Omani kebab or Egyptian falafel all the way to expressing the various emotional capacities associated with semi-portable Middle Eastern cuisine. Feeling like asking your significant other to spend a Friday night in with some Netflix and Indian takeout? Try Stuffed Flatbread.

>> No.23392899

These translations are killing me. Also they left out the best ones.

>> No.23392902
File: 146 KB, 351x501, 1585805983615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392910

>> No.23392906

She also said she wanted to punch Pekora

>> No.23392908

Is AzKi really a better singer than Suisei? Even Mio has a clearer voice than her.

>> No.23392910
Quoted by: >>23392917

Ugliest holo

>> No.23392911
File: 3.51 MB, 1920x2160, a6aef03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392947


>> No.23392913
File: 78 KB, 743x1024, EVFndbXUUAIHU-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mod increase image limit?

>> No.23392917

it's very convenient, though, you must agree, that she rarely pops up ever in collabs?

>> No.23392927
Quoted by: >>23393076

Haachama's throat is still fucked so besides the uno collab today she's taking the day off.
Except she then said that she really wants to stream even if its in a quiet voice later tonight maybe.
Honestly knowing her I'm surprised she managed to restrain herself this long so the late night stream is probably guaranteed unless her friends talk some sense into her after UNO.

>> No.23392932

that asacoco has the lowest supacha among her vids

>> No.23392934
File: 96 KB, 859x1200, EUlAxTQUwAAmEG6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23392941

That is pretty based

>> No.23392947

Matsurifags are so fucking cringe.

>> No.23392948

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozANadM_Y8U 11 hours!

>> No.23392956


>> No.23392957 [DELETED] 

Make sure to report and ignore all Hololive ID posts.

>> No.23392960
File: 1.13 MB, 1109x606, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23392977


>> No.23392963

fuck off

>> No.23392967
Quoted by: >>23392975

So they get to use streamlabs for donos

>> No.23392975

How is using Streamlab donos to bypass YouTube supacha even allowed?

>> No.23392977


>> No.23392981
Quoted by: >>23393071

matsuri hate towa, fuck matsuri

>> No.23392984
Quoted by: >>23393000

>Didn't even include her Luna imitation

>> No.23392987

Who is the smartest and stupidest hololive?

>> No.23392990

Aqua and Aqua

>> No.23392992

same reason most creators can advertise patreon and shit. youtube can't do fuck all about it.

>> No.23392996
Quoted by: >>23393080

Towa is unironically probably the dumbest since Haato probably pretends. Smartest is Akirose or Coco.

>> No.23393000

Told you that learning Japanese is useful.

>> No.23393005

The Hololives may be lacking in views but their supacha numbers are always ridiculously high. YouTube would probably come knocking if they tried to bypass it.

>> No.23393017
Quoted by: >>23393061

>Japanese captions have karaoke effect
What the fuck. Since when could youtube captions do that?

>> No.23393018
Quoted by: >>23393073

Yes. Watame is shit.

>> No.23393021
Quoted by: >>23393084

I wonder if she did the bassist.

>> No.23393036

mio is heavy-set and okayu is a fatass, there's no way either of them aren't chestier than that

>> No.23393040

Pekora is very intelligent!

>> No.23393061

I can't believe you know Japanese and never turned on Watame's English caption.
Chekera those subs

>> No.23393065
Quoted by: >>23393107

Cute Gorilla

>> No.23393068

I can't believe 3/4ths of Gamers are hogging all the food. Poor FBK.

>> No.23393071

not true, matsuri took towa out for a meal when she was on suspension

>> No.23393072

yeah, that was hard to watch. I've watched aki play action games and perform acceptably; how can she be that bad at one-button FF15 combat

>> No.23393073
Quoted by: >>23393101

Hey fuck you

>> No.23393076
File: 276 KB, 381x538, Dies Irae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully she streams and ends it because of some retarded reason again. Last two nights have been fucking hilarious, she deserves the rest though she works too hard.

>> No.23393080

Aki is a dork 3/10 times she does something.

>> No.23393084
Quoted by: >>23393140

She probably did the rounds daily.

>> No.23393101

The truth hurts doesn't it?

>> No.23393107

I can't believe Gorilla was the first 4th gen to get a 3D debut.

>> No.23393111

Coco and Aqua

>> No.23393112

>Announcing stream this early
Feels weird

>> No.23393116

>okayu is a fatass
Poor Korone really has no self-esteem to be a chubby chaser.

>> No.23393134

Korone's fat too, anon. Unless she miraculously escaped obesity in a year by playing video games all day.

>> No.23393140


>> No.23393150
Quoted by: >>23393403

Probably gonna play PC Engine shit and forget about Doom.

>> No.23393155

I can see that.

>> No.23393161

they're both flat-faced moon-faced fujos, no two ways about it... doesn't help that korone is faker than even luna

>> No.23393164

But it says Soon

>> No.23393173
File: 380 KB, 637x900, EVFIuNnUUAIqjET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23393187

Who cares what Hololives look like in real life. You are in love with the character they play not the actual person. It's the same as actors in a TV show.

>> No.23393194

What is Towa even doing in 3 hours that she can't stream Apex with Matsuri or Roboco? She doesn't have classes anymore right

>> No.23393204

Towa is in college?

>> No.23393213

She might not have been invited at all.

>> No.23393217
Quoted by: >>23393280

matsuri hate towa

>> No.23393220

I can't believe not even lewd artists want to draw lewd pekora...
Zero ero power usagi

>> No.23393223
Quoted by: >>23394225

This makes me hard.

>> No.23393226


>> No.23393233
File: 41 KB, 461x358, spammer16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting mad over dedicated translators

Is that why your new shtick is to shit up chats with falseflags like this?

>> No.23393235

Pekora is emergency rations, you don't lewd your food do you?

>> No.23393239

How come Rushia has porn but Pekora doesn't? Does that mean cutting boards are sexier than rabbits?

>> No.23393244

English has no place in Hololive. Anywhere.

>> No.23393246 [SPOILER] 
File: 246 KB, 1597x1783, 1586484720828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23393522

Rushia is very lewd, anon.

>> No.23393249
Quoted by: >>23393269

But Artia speaks English and there's going to be a bunch of Hololive EN vtubers

>> No.23393256

You're desperate lol

>> No.23393260

smartest: miko by a very long shot, she's extremely quick-witted

dumbest: akirose is in the running -- so is roboco -- but I'm gonna lay my vote down for mel.

>> No.23393261
Quoted by: >>23393356

Isn't that the one piece of shit that annoys everyone by being edgy in comments?

>> No.23393262
Quoted by: >>23393274

pekora has plenty of lewds if you know where to look

>> No.23393269
Quoted by: >>23393281

>Hololive EN
I cringe every time I see this. I know it's inevitable and it's going to be awful.

>> No.23393272

Well, she IS from Georgia.

>> No.23393274


>> No.23393279


>> No.23393280

you guys do realize that it could be as simple as neither roboco or matsuri knowing that towa A) would play with them, or B) plays APEX

apply hanlon's razor, kids

>> No.23393281
Quoted by: >>23393290

Hololive EN is just going to be Coco but speaking English instead of Japanese

>> No.23393283

Rushia only exists for lewding while Pekora is for loving.

>> No.23393290

That's even worse.

>> No.23393292
Quoted by: >>23393306

everyone here know that matsuri hate towa anon

>> No.23393299
Quoted by: >>23393306

Yeah they don't spend all day obsessing over each other like we do. Matsuri may have planned her stream, and then Roboco reached out to her and didn't think to invite Towa in. Towa might have wanted to join in but was too shy to speak up about it. So now Matsuri and Roboco are going on ahead without her, not aware that they're hurting her. If they even are hurting her because Towa could not even care that much about trying to play APEX with them right now.

>> No.23393302

Pretty much

>> No.23393306

that's projection, ESL-kun

I'm sure that towa would like to be included but I'm also pretty sure that menhera-chan feels anxious about playing with roboco and matsuri, both of which are her senpais, and likely neither of whom she knows very well yet

>> No.23393308

I can't believe Matsuri didn't invite Towa, Towa loves apex...

>> No.23393311

pretty sure matsuri and roboco both know that towa plays apex.

>> No.23393313

But no one loves Towa.

>> No.23393315
Quoted by: >>23393424

that's kaichou, not senchou
kaichou 会長 = chairman
senchou 船長 = captain

>> No.23393325

after finding out that they communicate so little that neither coco nor FBK knew about the ochame kinou group thing, and that somehow nobody else mentioned it beforehand, I find that anything's possible (with regards to their ignorance of each others' activities)

>> No.23393327

They probably do but again it's also possible Towa herself didn't ask and they didn't want to ask her either. There are all sorts of reasons, just because they aren't playing together doesn't mean they instantly hate each other. Otherwise every single Holo who hasn't visited someone else's AC island means they instantly hate each other.
That's not true I love her.

>> No.23393332


>> No.23393337

How can you love an annoying existence like her? She's for bullying.

>> No.23393339

Why the fuck everyone like to falseflagging Matsuri when her reputation already tarnished by herself plus lyger translation. Give Matsurifags a break please.

>> No.23393348

I will never give "Insert Holo here"fags a break, they are the easiest (You)s of my life.

>> No.23393352
Quoted by: >>23393353

there are those of us here who are grownups (or boomers, in my case) and recognize that this attempt to foster some kind of "matsuri hates towa" narrative is completely unfounded

>> No.23393353

ok boomer

>> No.23393356
File: 1.04 MB, 1400x1678, schizoposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23393359

They used to mass spam "nigger" and "japanese girl loves western cocks" but after getting filtered they resorted to acting retarded on purpose. Their most recent shtick is to comment "coronavirus" randomly with the intend to cause the stream flagged and removed.

>> No.23393357

I want to drink Mea-chan's rancid piss!

>> No.23393359
Quoted by: >>23393366


>> No.23393365

The only downside is not knowing you were lewded by them.

>> No.23393366

based on what?

>> No.23393368

whom quote?

>> No.23393371


>> No.23393374

Matsuri can be good but she's not my type

>> No.23393393
Quoted by: >>23393408

Shion's laugh is so pure

>> No.23393399
File: 104 KB, 1618x436, spammer10b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23393411

Spam bots were found in other games, though mostly concentrated in Coco's videos. They even attacked some 3k view stream Kson was streaming. To further prove that they're not just attacking indiscriminately the recent spam bots also stopped appearing for a whole week after ARK streams stopped at the same time, and when Hololive started streaming ARK again they suddenly spring up, this time ignoring slow mode, and bypasses most current emoj and keyword filters as told by Coco.

>> No.23393403


>> No.23393408

shion is the pure and innocent girl that everyone thinks miko is (not hating, I love miko -- though I do wish she was a little bit ecchi in her act)

>> No.23393411
Quoted by: >>23393480

any ideas in how to suspend those accounts.

>> No.23393412

I don't truly believe the whole "Matsuri hates Towa" thing but if it was true I'd drop Matsuri forever instantly, even if I find her to be the most boner inducing of all Holos.

>> No.23393413

it's not true, it's just retards trying to stir shit

>> No.23393417

Guys I keep having dreams about dating Haato IRL how do I stop

>> No.23393424
Quoted by: >>23393438

Oh shit you're right. I misread that.

>> No.23393430

It's true, you just don't want to believe it.

>> No.23393431
Quoted by: >>23393447

Honestly the whole "Matsuri gay xD she loves rubbing clits with Luna xD Hoshikawa spaghetti xD" shit is way worse than the Towa falseflagging. At least that shit is genuine and Matsurifags are mentally ill.

>> No.23393436

>dating Haato IRL
That sounds horrible.

>> No.23393438

Don't listen to that retard. Kaichou specifically means "the superior of a societal microcosm." Not "chairman."

>> No.23393440
Quoted by: >>23393443

You're lucky.
At best, I have dreams about watching chuubas and understanding what they're saying.

>> No.23393443

Heh, I also had those dreams. Also Chuubas gave me my first "thinking in Japanese" dream. That shit was surreal.

>> No.23393445
Quoted by: >>23393452

this is some nerd shit, "chairman" is fine in the context of coco's nickname

>> No.23393447

It's mostly her design when I say she's boner inducing.

>> No.23393448

Matsuri gay xD she loves rubbing clits with Luna xD Hoshikawa spaghetti xD

>> No.23393451

Just imagine coming home from a long day of work to Haato's delicious cooking

>> No.23393452
Quoted by: >>23393473

No it isn't because she's not even a man. How can she be a chairman?

>> No.23393457

Then she trips and spills it all over your face

>> No.23393459

and then dying to severe food poisoning

>> No.23393462

I'm not an okapi

>> No.23393463


>> No.23393465

Yeah, I more or less know what kaichou and senchou mean. I was mostly referring to my mixing them up. I never rely on others' translations, I am happy picking up my dictionary for words I am unfamiliar with.

Thank you though.

>> No.23393466
Quoted by: >>23393486

real towafags like matsuri cuz shes one of the few holos who interacted with her after the incident. of course not enough to subscribe to her, shes not roboco but still , gotta respect it. all this shitposting is shitposting.

>> No.23393467

I know how you feel I've had a couple of those. Its painful to know there will never be a cute retard attempting to have English conversations with you while holding your hand.

>> No.23393471

Take it from a semi-normalfag. Young and immature girls aren't worth the hassle.

>> No.23393472

Sounds good to me. Burnt gyozas sounds delicious.

>> No.23393473
Quoted by: >>23393493

this, she's clearly a chairdragon

>> No.23393476

Aki vs choco, who will have more viewers today?, place your bets:

>> No.23393480
File: 75 KB, 549x305, spammer9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23393504

Sadly no, it's someone with blackhat SEO techniques and few knowledge in disinfo who happens to enjoy vtubers and is gatekeeping it hard. He's using both compromised accounts from people who clicked on virus links plus there's a generator out there spamming these by the thousands.

Good thing though, every tiniest things EOPs do make him extremely asspained, so I'm glad that despite his efforts he has no power over what Hololive does. It's just annoying for viewers.

>> No.23393486
Quoted by: >>23393503

How does Roboco have "do whatever I want" powers? She's really easy going so maybe she just stays under everyone's radar.

>> No.23393490

Dead on arrival.

>> No.23393492
Quoted by: >>23393509

both of these are sad
how do we save them

>> No.23393493

I guess the right title is ryuchou then.

>> No.23393502
Quoted by: >>23393599

Does Choco enjoy GTA5 enough to keep playing it every night? I'm very confused.

>> No.23393503
Quoted by: >>23393528

smaller but more dedicated fanbase. im guessing older too.

>> No.23393504

This is the bad kind of autism. I wish he would change it up. Nothing wrong with some good autism if it's clever.

>> No.23393506

Could Kanata even fight off Coco irl? I thought Coco was considered really tall for a girl in Japan.

>> No.23393509

No one cares about Choco outside of ASMR streams and since those are dead so is her viewership. I've never even watched Aki before so who knows.

>> No.23393513 [DELETED] 
File: 728 KB, 1422x1975, Screenshot_20200409-200056(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23393517

Fucking stupid little cunt would serve me charcoal on a plate, I'd still eat it though

>> No.23393522

I dont see any lewd, just cute.

>> No.23393526

Aki is actually the fastest growing vtuber. Her current growth is thanks to ARK.

>> No.23393527 [DELETED] 

Absolutely BTFO

>> No.23393528

I've only watched her a few times but it's always so relaxed. Like everyone just shows up, hangs out for a bit then goes about their business with no pressure.

>> No.23393534

We won idonosianbros.

>> No.23393537
Quoted by: >>23393584


>> No.23393538
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1581645399750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23393541


>> No.23393543

Absolutely BTFO.

>> No.23393544

They're so desperate haha

>> No.23393547
File: 717 KB, 800x900, 1586487957851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23393550
Quoted by: >>23393570

Mods and janies don't do their job and don't want more, more news at 6.00

>> No.23393562

when is aqua gonna do a proper 400k celebration

>> No.23393563


>> No.23393568

Aki is drinking again...

>> No.23393569
File: 214 KB, 1140x1240, 1582135416314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Towa's best video?

>> No.23393570
Quoted by: >>23393588

ironically enough that post was them doing exactly their job, get fucked

>> No.23393571

Choco deserves more. Is her ASMR ban permanent or temporary?

>> No.23393575

The ones she cancels.

>> No.23393578

Her new cover.

>> No.23393580

Membership ASMR

>> No.23393582

Her latest drawing stream.

>> No.23393583


>> No.23393584

>早 but with the plant/grass radical
Haha get it because grass and weeds are plants that grows fast?

>> No.23393588

Telling people to report and ignore certain posts doesn't count as "announcing reports."

>> No.23393590

Choco is definitely one of the more intelligent Holos. Her ability to piece together broken English and reconstruct proper sentences really shows her intelligence.

>> No.23393593

Great now all the nips are gonna think we aren't funny.

>> No.23393595

we aren't

>> No.23393597


>> No.23393599
Quoted by: >>23393621

She seems to enjoy the sandbox part of it, story not so much. I think it's largely due to people being there already.
It's every morning for her though so there probably is more motivation to play it than what's obvious.

>> No.23393604


>> No.23393605


>> No.23393606
Quoted by: >>23393694

She actually said it's funny in one of her stream, get fucked

>> No.23393610


>> No.23393614
Quoted by: >>23393626

My mistress is playing GTA so watch her please.
Aslo dont tell my wife.

>> No.23393616


>> No.23393617
Quoted by: >>23393630

The 早 is phonetic.

>> No.23393621

she really should be playing online then, you can make a cu- ... somewhat reasonable-looking female character, and it's basically nothing but sandbox

>> No.23393622

Did anyone grab the Korone thumbnail for the Fukiretta video? Ayame, Matsuri & Okayu were posted on the official twitters in 1080p, and Roboco's was only posted in 720p but I couldn't find Korone's at all.

>> No.23393626
Quoted by: >>23393634

>my wife
Which one? I'll tell her right away.

>> No.23393629
Quoted by: >>23393636

its not korone's turn yet /v/tard

>> No.23393630
Quoted by: >>23393638

No it isn't. They're both meaning radicals. Not every kanji has both a meaning and phonetic radical.

>> No.23393634

Don't tell Towa that im watching the one who felt her up.

>> No.23393635
Quoted by: >>23393673

They change it everyday, just wait for her turn. But I doubt she'll get one.

>> No.23393636
Quoted by: >>23393673

Comments on the video claim Korone came up already, never saw it myself.

>> No.23393638
Quoted by: >>23393650

草 - ソウ
早 - ソウ

>> No.23393644



>> No.23393646


>> No.23393650
Quoted by: >>23393711


>> No.23393656
File: 141 KB, 260x247, choco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ok everyone , this collab is gona save choco

>> No.23393665

I can't believe Aqua is fucking dead.

>> No.23393670
Quoted by: >>23393795

He meant this video
But as for the claimed conversation, it's bullshit. I know because if it were there the jap comments would have timestamped it.

>> No.23393673
Quoted by: >>23393681


>> No.23393674
Quoted by: >>23393689


>> No.23393680

Aqua will do FF7R

>> No.23393681
Quoted by: >>23393705

>believing youtube comment

>> No.23393686

I don't have to watch Aki anymore https://twitter.com/minatoaqua/status/1248449399128088583?s=20

>> No.23393689

Fuck, don't remind me. It's almost time for that namefag autist to appear.

>> No.23393693
Quoted by: >>23393707

>aqua do FF7R

rip aki viewer, FUCK AQUA

>> No.23393694

This is just a low effort adaption of the one artwork Suisei commented about though.

>> No.23393695
Quoted by: >>23393727

Don't overthink kanji, you'll lose your mind. 草 means "grass" and is read くさ and there's words where you read it as そう. That's all you should commit to your head.

>> No.23393697

jesus that bloodcurdling scream

>> No.23393702

you must watch aKi and you must like it too


>> No.23393703

aqua is a fucking bitch, she gonna steal aki viewer, why the fuck coco want to help that stupid fucking bitch, i bet after that stream aqua continue to suck that SSB pro player dick

>> No.23393705

Why would I doubt them?

>> No.23393707

Oh boy, antis are gonna have a field day with this one.

>> No.23393711


>> No.23393712 [DELETED] 

BASED and ESLpilled

>> No.23393717

now this is ESL

>> No.23393719

My favorite chuuba has already done 4 hours of FF7R though.

>> No.23393721

I can't believe aqua was pursued and sexually assaulted by two attackers!

>> No.23393726
Quoted by: >>23393759

I'm going to false flag by talking like a retard and act annoying while claiming I'm an aki fans.

>> No.23393727

Anon, I'm N1 and I collaborated with James Heisig on Remembering the Kanji. My name is in the credits. I've even been asked by Abe-sama himself to be his personal English translator but I turned him down because it would mean less time to stal- I mean enjoy Marsuri-sama.

>> No.23393729
Quoted by: >>23393736

I understood the older one with tetris and Haato but whats the thing breaking through the door and why Rushia?

>> No.23393733
Quoted by: >>23393739

u mad bro

>> No.23393736
Quoted by: >>23393755

its a reference to the scene from the shining, playing off the "suisei is psycho" thing

>> No.23393737
Quoted by: >>23393750

RTK is a waste of time.

>> No.23393739 [SPOILER] 
File: 103 KB, 735x960, 1586489497288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23393740

Lygger please

>> No.23393742
Quoted by: >>23393874

I wanted Matsuri to collab with someone in Apex but I'd rather it was someone other than Robocco.

>> No.23393745

Another Matsuri's sibling?

>> No.23393749

>I collaborated with James Heisig on Remembering the Kanji
Way to squander all your credibility.

>> No.23393750

RTK is true etymology. Anki is just "say this in this situation without really understanding the root of what you're saying"

>> No.23393751
Quoted by: >>23393760

What is this thread

>> No.23393755
Quoted by: >>23393829

I understand that. That was what the older one with the tetris piece and Haato was. This is just an image version but with Rushia and whatever the thing Suisei is using to break the door. I'm asking whats the thing being used and why Rushia?

>> No.23393759
Quoted by: >>23393767

Don't worry anon, only idiots would think aki fans aren't well behaved.

>> No.23393760

The thread subject is right there, retard. You know how to read right? You have eyes?

>> No.23393765
Quoted by: >>23393779

RTK is arbitrary ideas being attached to component parts of Kanji to help you remember them.

>> No.23393766

This bait is too good, but I won't give you anything more than a (you).

>> No.23393767
Quoted by: >>23393843

Only idiots think Aki has fans to begin with.

>> No.23393768
Quoted by: >>23393788

i wonder what kamige pekora is playing today. her past few streams have been some of the funniest peko streams to date
the peko domination has started peko

>> No.23393778
Quoted by: >>23393787

If you're going to namefag, come up with an original name, at least. Furthermore, your behavior reflects poorly on the company who's name you're using.

>> No.23393779

You're thinking of Wanikani. When James and I collaborated on RTK we hired a Chinese Kanji etymologist to dissect the original chinese meaning and then James and I worked on adapting those meaning to the Japanese meanings before crafting a good picture into English. Those "arbitrary ideas" are the same ideas the Chinese and Japanese had when they attached meanings to these characters we call Kanji.

>> No.23393781

I've been wondering for a while now what the contractual requirements for daily streams is for holo chuubas. There's such a wide variety of output frequency.

>> No.23393787

whom quote?

>> No.23393788
File: 1003 KB, 426x240, _あつ森_時は来た_天才カブトレーダーの結末を見届け 3m36.5s - 3m40.8s (-EROjYAvvPo) 2401 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23393795
File: 433 KB, 1448x2048, EOqZTU6VUAAObc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already knew about that video but maybe there was another one of them being together, though it doesn't really matter in the end since it's all bullshit until proven otherwise
Thanks though

>> No.23393799
File: 620 KB, 1143x1200, 1586009100297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based bunbuncha

>> No.23393801

Pekora is too damn funny

>> No.23393802

i love this fucking idiot so much

>> No.23393816

I love.schizophrenia and google ranking

>> No.23393817
File: 163 KB, 812x1200, EUeMae8UMAEE89d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb usagi

>> No.23393823

She's funny but man her memelord chat is fucking obnoxious, it's almost twitch levels bad

>> No.23393829

>used and why Rushia?
She's a small fragile little girl

>> No.23393832

As expected of Pogkora

>> No.23393835

PPTenshi ghost rule cover 1m soon!

>> No.23393838

I supported Sensei today.

>> No.23393842

Nah fuck that leech.

>> No.23393843
Quoted by: >>23393862

Somehow, she has nearly 3k viewers while playing ARK of all things... and has less EOP/ESL than Choco...

>> No.23393844

pekora's streams are pretty much an elaborate back-and-forth comedy skit between her and her chat. her chat bullying her so much is part of what makes her stream great

>> No.23393849

I ignore the chat 90% of the time

>> No.23393852

This was awesome, grats to pptenshi!

>> No.23393853

how do i get rid of ESL forever, they make me vomit every time i see an english coment

>> No.23393862
Quoted by: >>23393883


>> No.23393864

you can not

>> No.23393866
Quoted by: >>23393888

vocal cord parasites

>> No.23393869

Don't worry, japs are know for shit taste

>> No.23393873

sorry! i meant to say EOP!

>> No.23393874
Quoted by: >>23393914

why's that? roboco isn't too bad at shooter games (well, she's decent at fortnite anyway) and she's SO FUCKING MOE I'M GONNA DIE

>> No.23393877
Quoted by: >>23393943

Towa's losing it.

>> No.23393878

If you told me that the reason Hololive Indonesia exists is to drive all the gaijin back into the SEA then I'd believe it.

>> No.23393879

Towa doesnt have her cover on her youtube home page, god this retard.. someone help her.

>> No.23393883

Maybe. I'm watching Choco naturally. As others should be.

>> No.23393884
File: 733 KB, 1200x901, EUlwF32UwAkZ9Ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23393915

>> No.23393888
Quoted by: >>23393912

>vocal cord parasites
I'll release the eng strain first.

>> No.23393891


>> No.23393900
Quoted by: >>23393926

Aki manages to get 2.5k-3k regularly now, that's actually pretty damn good
People here are used to other hololive members being monsters but if she was in nijisanji that would be a very good mid tier

>> No.23393902

that is the final straw, i cannot believe Hololive, a japanese company, of all companies, would do this...

>> No.23393903

I'm gonna touch those eyebrows tenderly

>> No.23393908
Quoted by: >>23393945

I hope that's a damn success then. Perhaps that's why they picked such memey girls - gather all of the SEA and twitch ''memelords'' to them.

>> No.23393912

Such a lust for revenge.

>> No.23393914
Quoted by: >>23393936

Don't really care for her. Skill in games is also not something I care about that much when watching chuubas.

Stop being a fag that cares more about chat than the chuuba.

>> No.23393915

I'm bad at quoting peko forgive me

>> No.23393926
Quoted by: >>23393948

Nijisanji's fucking huge tho, you can't compare

>> No.23393927
File: 495 KB, 2048x1536, 1585271842635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scan when

>> No.23393929
File: 104 KB, 850x690, abara-heiki_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very seductive and cute eyebrows

>> No.23393936

if i don't fight for the chat, then Hololive will die because i'm not there, I hate that i have tried everything (out of my own pocket even) to try and purge the EOPs, but they keep comenting..

>> No.23393939
File: 458 KB, 821x1000, EUlwENJUMAEc514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23393966


>> No.23393943

oh my god, I wish I could draw
I'd draw towa as one of those kurogyaru with the extremely dark tanned skin and fucked-up face makeup

she said she wanted to see a "dark" picture after all...

>> No.23393945

Other SEAmonkeys won't watch Indonesian vtuber.

>> No.23393948

You can actually, only a few manages to hit 5k
Even well known ones like Rion or Gundo hover at 2-3k, Hajime without the ark boost is at 1.5k, Ririmu streams earlier peaked at 1800 which is a shame since she is really good

There is probably less than 10 that get over 5k really

>> No.23393955 [DELETED] 

what would u do if u see EOP in real life?

>> No.23393962
File: 178 KB, 403x313, 92579258_113172167012437_7547792405764767744_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23393964

meanwhile a retarded bunny pulls in 10k doing literally nothing

hell ayame had 7.5k for a free chat stream that she spent most of going "yep the other hololives sure are great"

>> No.23393966
File: 169 KB, 1300x1900, 1583689688364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork

>> No.23393971 [DELETED] 

Make fun of em in my local language.

>> No.23393984 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23393998

Immediately 来る and おならを始める

>> No.23393986
File: 72 KB, 468x1200, EVJaKwWVAAQp49V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23393991 [DELETED] 

"eeeeeeeeeeeh kusa"

>> No.23393998 [DELETED] 

i would slit their throat, they are extrmely obnoxious and never learn their place

lol, that's a good one!

>> No.23394001

>design wasted on a filthy sea

>> No.23394003

Fucking squirrel Haneru

>> No.23394004

>Korone with the parts changed out
Deez nuts.

>> No.23394007

Now you realize these fuckers have free access to their 3D models, and the shitters choose to make these shitty memes.

>> No.23394008

Too cute for SEAfags.

>> No.23394009

Switch Gen 5 design with this please

>> No.23394011

That is just a function of size really though with so many streamers you don't get the "I am a fan of this company therefore I will watch this streamer because they are part of it" type effect. Many people just watch the ones they are interested in because it is almost impossible to keep track of the majority of the group. That results in plenty of individual streamers with lower figures whilst the overall amount of viewers of Nijisanji can reach is generally higher. I imagine if Hololive continues being as successful as they are currently they will eventually run into this issue more and more as they attempt to expand and it becomes more difficult to keep things integrated. There is after all only so much money you can milk from a certain number of streamers.

>> No.23394013
Quoted by: >>23394015

Such a top tier design.. and will probably get wasted. Almost certainly.

>> No.23394014 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23394026

Wow, some 5' SEAmonkey screaming at me in gook. So intimidating.

>> No.23394015

Just like Ayame and Mel

>> No.23394016
File: 3.80 MB, 2031x2952, shion201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to trib shion until she has a shivering, toe-curling orgasm

>> No.23394026 [DELETED] 

You're damn right, these SEAmonkey (southeast asians for those who don't know) are but the minorities.

>> No.23394027
File: 469 KB, 1280x720, haachama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dumb girl too

>> No.23394030

Give her a dog tail and this could have been Korone's little sister.

>> No.23394032

I'm on to you

>> No.23394035

The main audience for vtuber streaming is probably less than 300k too if we are being optimistic and alot of these vtubers are fighting for their attention

>> No.23394041

Will drop her harder than little boy if the similarities rise up.

>> No.23394043

How could Hololive do this, after all I've done to make sre there's no place for EOP in Hololive

>> No.23394053
Quoted by: >>23394059

Lord, I'm about to commit to 19 types of diseases all starting with the letter H.

>> No.23394059

Headpat? Handholding? Which one?

>> No.23394064

Suisei is probably the one with the best looks to personality compatibility right?

>> No.23394065

I find it funny when i watch older hoolive animations Haato is a completely different character than what she is now.

>> No.23394072
Quoted by: >>23394173

Too bad Coco doesn't want to.

>> No.23394075

Probably somewhere around there. Looking at what was probably the biggest overall simultaneous viewership day of the last month nijisanji had around 165k watching, hololive 55k and others were about 3k.

>> No.23394077
File: 559 KB, 1600x900, EVM3j2kU4AYZVAf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394080
Quoted by: >>23394124

>good personality

>> No.23394082
Quoted by: >>23394098

I keep hearing companyfags are a minority or don't exist but people sure like bringing them up in arguments

>> No.23394087

yeah, probably

>> No.23394088

That's the primary problem; the actual market is small. They need to attract more people in. That's probably the primary reason why Holo is going SEA - trying to get more ENG and SEA paypigs.

>> No.23394096

Cute, though all indonesian vtubers suffer from low view counts because JP doesn't really care about indo vtubers. Wish her the best though.

>> No.23394098

I didn't think this was an argument as much as a discussion about the industry generally as it relates to hololive.

>> No.23394102

Yea, though I wish she stream more varied games.

>> No.23394105 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23394110

Choose one and only one.

>> No.23394107
Quoted by: >>23394161

Fucking coco worshipper

>> No.23394110

What even is this comparison

>> No.23394111
Quoted by: >>23394120

They should had branded Hololive SEA instead of ID if they want to attract more audience.

>> No.23394114
Quoted by: >>23394123

Choose one and only one.

>> No.23394116
Quoted by: >>23394124

she plays games im interested in watching , has a wonderful voice i love to hear, but shes just a bit too bland for me to get excited enough about to watch

>> No.23394120

SEAfags hate each other.

>> No.23394121
Quoted by: >>23394132

Is the squirrel /fit/?

>> No.23394123

Tell Hololive that. They're the ones that likely think that. That's why they have 3 ID girls...

>> No.23394124

I don't mean she has the best ratio of looks and personality, i mean that she's the one whose personality matches her looks the best. Pekora is also really good in this regard, while Towa is the polar opposite, being tragically miscast

>> No.23394125


Matsuri has zero defenses

>> No.23394127
Quoted by: >>23394136

Yeah and most talented.

>> No.23394129

Only Japanese donate, these "zoo monkeys" called SEAsians would never supacha (donation for those who don't know)

>> No.23394130

Towa could definitely play up the mismatch. Gabriel Dropout did something along those lines, Towa could play a similar style.

>> No.23394132
File: 13 KB, 435x138, risu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394136

No. Suiseifags are retarded.

>> No.23394137

Not sure if I like her humor, but she does seem cute.

>> No.23394138

How many SPOONS?

>> No.23394139

Yeah... lost interest now...

>> No.23394141

that's not even debatable

>> No.23394143
File: 45 KB, 827x590, 1583806287697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not retarded I even asked my psychiatrist and he said no

>> No.23394145
Quoted by: >>23394150

The girls behind these holos are Indonesian right? Pretty disgusting honestly

>> No.23394147
File: 513 KB, 900x900, EVMrF9fUUAAVcLU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394148

I wonder if they'll be more succesful than Nijisanji ID. Their vtubers all have Holostars tier of relevance, aside from Hana, the one who's not actually Indonesian. Kinda feels like the SEA monkeys don't actually want to watch the SEA chuubas.

>> No.23394150

Most likely Chinese Indonesian.

>> No.23394155 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23394164

I can't believe this thread is infested with a lot of disgusting Indonesians.

>> No.23394156
Quoted by: >>23394162

I thought it was only Americans who watched the Indonesian ones.

>> No.23394157

Could have sworn this dude drew a pissing Pekora. Guess he deleted it from Twitter.

>> No.23394160

I'm Greek

>> No.23394161

which girls aren't?

>> No.23394162

Not even Americans are that bad.

>> No.23394164 [DELETED] 

You do know that there is probably a market study on where they should expand to, right?

Probably a majority of viewers come from there and not burgerland

>> No.23394165

They must be really cheap to run considering they continue to introduce new streamers in spite of that.

>> No.23394166

Can't wait for the Selamat Pagi~ greeting!

SEA ESLs win again!

>> No.23394168

> best ratio of looks and personality
Maybe thats because she made the original design herself

>> No.23394172

ESLbros rise up!

>> No.23394173
Quoted by: >>23394180

Coco would split her in half like takeout chopsticks.

>> No.23394179
Quoted by: >>23394492

EOPs have ruined my life

>> No.23394180
Quoted by: >>23394184

That's hot.

>> No.23394184

For us yes

>> No.23394185

For a general that's 95% EOP you guys sure do complain a lot about yourselves.

>> No.23394190
Quoted by: >>23394192


Nice projection

>> No.23394192

I'm N3 so I officially dont count as EOP anymore

>> No.23394195


>> No.23394201

Shut up about EOP/ESL/JOP/whatever. You should be talking about the girls, not about yourselves.

>> No.23394203

this is jp so maybe these ids shouldnt be allowed... but this also is hlg, and they are holos.... どうしよ~*

>> No.23394205
File: 210 KB, 654x375, Screenshot_20200405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is an ESL so I can talk about ESLs.

>> No.23394206

It will likely be a failure. They concentrated their operation in only a single country instead of the whole SEA market.

>> No.23394217

>You should be talking about the girls
Yes but only the Japanese girls.

>> No.23394219
Quoted by: >>23394256

"i'm N1,N2,N3,N4,N5"

stop self-proclaimed

>> No.23394223

We're the only force necessary to deal with the SEA menace,. As long as English still exist in Hololive we will never stop our work. The hero you dont deserve, but you need.

>> No.23394224

i don't know , english speakers that invest hololive streams are gona be so happy with how much these SEAs are gona talk english they might cum there pantses.

>> No.23394225

He draw something like this but it ended up being of Aqua.

>> No.23394227


>> No.23394228

Chocozen makes me diamonds.

>> No.23394230

It ESL anons and self hating weeaboo that hate anything not pure japanese, why do you think Coco is hated so much here.

>> No.23394237


>> No.23394242

Who's supposed to be bondrewd?

>> No.23394247

ESL = English Speaking Leech?

>> No.23394248


>> No.23394249
Quoted by: >>23394259

lurk more

>> No.23394252
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, aki-tifa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki as Tifa hnnnnnnngh

>> No.23394253
Quoted by: >>23394273

and Coco is JSL

>> No.23394254
Quoted by: >>23394266

Wasn't it Fubuki or Coco

>> No.23394256

I'm H1N1.

>> No.23394258


>> No.23394259

Egg Soup Lunch? Anyway, i think I hate them

>> No.23394264
Quoted by: >>23394279

English as a Second Language.

>> No.23394266

In his comics he was just drawing straight up Coco as Bondrewd.

>> No.23394267

Personally I'm not much of a fan of her voice style or her sense of humour. I don't hate her just not someone I would ever choose to watch if she wasn't doing a program like Asacoco.

>> No.23394269
File: 612 KB, 1100x820, EU2j9_UU4AExd0Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23394273

Only if you're talking about them within that context. Bitching about which languages this thread speaks is off-topic.

>> No.23394275
File: 369 KB, 769x769, 1586364667222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a database of holo yukkuris? some of them are probably really old.

>> No.23394277

t. self-hating esl

>> No.23394279

Awesome, if I start using it, will it makes me an N1? (that's highest rank in this thread right?)

>> No.23394280

That because Haato is lurking here.

>> No.23394281
Quoted by: >>23394297

Is it really though?

>> No.23394284
Quoted by: >>23394295

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_EGqCVayxA Danchou AC
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5rtDZZb1Jc Kaichou ARK

>> No.23394291
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, EUyXJ_fWAAAO3N5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394295

Why does Noel live in garbage? Did she forget to bow before he who shall not be named?

>> No.23394297
Quoted by: >>23394300

If you're not talking about Hololive, yes.

>> No.23394298


>> No.23394300
Quoted by: >>23394311

You can argue that talking about the Hololive fanbase is on topic.

>> No.23394302

The real reason why anons do that is because they are weebs who don't know japanese and are just complaining about the only thing they can understand

>> No.23394303

ARK stopping for a week and reduced to 2 streams per day is not to your liking?

>> No.23394304

They should make an anime with Aqua as the protagonist and a hentai anime with Choco as the main girl.

>> No.23394305


>> No.23394310 [DELETED] 

page 10 new thread

>> No.23394311 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23394338

That's not what most it is, though. For example >>23393955

>> No.23394314

Pokémon names sure are weird these days.

>> No.23394318 [DELETED] 

Fuck off SEAmonkey, let this one die first.

>> No.23394323 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, Indoshit.

>> No.23394331 [DELETED] 

We didn't even reach the image cap yet dumdum

>> No.23394332

It would be nice if we could go back to that.

>> No.23394336
Quoted by: >>23394343

>not even 2k posts
Dead general

>> No.23394338 [DELETED] 

Examplar JP only vanguard

>> No.23394343

Korone didn't stream.

>> No.23394346

what would u do if u see ESL in real life?

>> No.23394347

Why is Noel so soft and hugable?

>> No.23394348

Anyone else just look for people talking about your favorite hololives instead of reading the whole thread?

>> No.23394349
Quoted by: >>23394357

I see them everyday, in the mirror.

>> No.23394352

Yeah, but sometimes I read.

>> No.23394353
Quoted by: >>23394405

Towa is fucking dead

>> No.23394355
Quoted by: >>23394395

English Second Language for those who don't know, we're at war with them

>> No.23394356 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23394371

BASED Janman.

>> No.23394357

You poor boy, that's a pity.

>> No.23394371 [DELETED] 

I will not give up.

>> No.23394372
Quoted by: >>23394378

I read a lot of the thread but I always search for Luna and Aqua first.

>> No.23394378

Interesting combination. When considering your favorite hololives, would you be excited for them to collab or prefer them solo/with other holos? I myself enjoyed the last time my favorites had a stream together, so I'd definitely be the former.

>> No.23394380
File: 230 KB, 347x589, mikoEUR5ontVAAIP0KW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off retard
talk about your favorite holo instead

>> No.23394384

I'm surprised Holo or Niji hasn't invested in Filipinos. They have about equivalent English to ID and there seems to be plenty of Flllipinos into Vtubing. Not that I think they'd get much more views.

>> No.23394385

>people use english language not japanese language

>> No.23394388
Quoted by: >>23394398

I'm surprised how Rushia manages to be so popular when her total sub count seems low.

>> No.23394389

Solo is usually better than a small collab(2-3 people). Large scale collab is a different story though.

>> No.23394390
Quoted by: >>23394412

Post the absolute funniest official Hololive skit.

>> No.23394392

I want to watch Miko's JAV.

>> No.23394393

I'd watch anything that had either of my favorites. I'm not really picky but I don't like massive collabs because it's hard to pick up what they're saying when it becomes chaos of everyone laughing or talking over each other unless they take turns to speak or something.

>> No.23394395
Quoted by: >>23394399

>war within one self

>> No.23394396


>> No.23394398

ive never really watched rushia but i know she has outspoken fathers and husbands here
its most likely because she is flat

>> No.23394399
Quoted by: >>23394406

Everyone is at war with themselves, it's part of being human.

>> No.23394401

I think I am starting to understand Coco's appeal. She the over chatty neighbor that keeps you company with ADHD

>> No.23394405

Towa no ;_;

>> No.23394406

What is a man? But a miserable pile of... 草

>> No.23394407

all the people who can speak Japanese are on 5ch, check twitcast.

>> No.23394409
Quoted by: >>23394431


>> No.23394412


>> No.23394415
Quoted by: >>23394421

Hey guys, just have to say I'm really proud of you for keeping the image posting down enough that we haven't hit the limit. Its a group effort and you all deserve a pat on the back

>> No.23394421

No Korone and Haato streams for a day really helped.

>> No.23394422
Quoted by: >>23394431

I wonder how drunk she would have to be to let me see her thighs

>> No.23394425
File: 1.34 MB, 879x1537, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An image of Danchou's big tits that serves no contribution to the thread other than pushing us towards the image limit!

>> No.23394430
File: 147 KB, 855x1199, EU_CYIZUUAEMipm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394431

Meant for

>> No.23394434

I love Yamada Hermione.

>> No.23394435
Quoted by: >>23394436

I want to like her tits but there's a disgusting mole on it.

>> No.23394436

I want to lick her mole so bad

>> No.23394438

T-Rex arms

>> No.23394439

I want to just nuzzle into her butt so bad

>> No.23394440

There is a lot of smoke. I think someone set off a flare on there

>> No.23394447


>> No.23394450

At the very least post something from the past 3 days

>> No.23394453


>> No.23394454
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1584771323545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394455

Ah, home.

>> No.23394460

Her ass makes such a nice clap. Okayu is a lucky girl

>> No.23394464

20 more minutes lunabros

>> No.23394466
Quoted by: >>23394485

Minecraft is so much nicer to look at than eurojank.

>> No.23394476
Quoted by: >>23394482

Why don't they just fuck already?

>> No.23394482

Korone sexually harassed Okayu on stream and ruined their relationship. They only play up Okakoro now because fans expect it.

>> No.23394485
Quoted by: >>23394528

only if your brain can't process anything greater than blocks. What's the matter? too much detail for you? too many enemies and not just creepers and skeletons? cry me a river. pity streaming minecraft just shows it's really dead.

>> No.23394486

Imagine being a nip artist auditioning to design a Vtuber for your fav company in hope to see your design get voice by cute nip girl only for your MO to be sent to some SEA shithole.

>> No.23394490

I'd still be grateful. Fucking competition is fierce in Japan. You know how diamond dozen artists are there.

>> No.23394491
File: 996 KB, 810x756, 79790293.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at her go!

>> No.23394492

Your life was already shit.

>> No.23394494

puffy vulva

>> No.23394497

Projecting much lol

>> No.23394498

off to go fuck miko

>> No.23394499
File: 271 KB, 600x623, 1585847789414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone is one of these girls who talk shit about you to your partner behind your back just for lulz.

>> No.23394504

sound like almost every girls.

>> No.23394512
Quoted by: >>23394516

only like 3 people know japanese here and one is a complete sociopath

>> No.23394514

Does she main Waluigi?

>> No.23394516

I can't believe Suisei posts here.

>> No.23394519
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x921, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come watch the retarded baby princess be shockingly good at Dark Souls with me in five minutes!

>> No.23394521
File: 67 KB, 577x1024, 1556531241937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23394535


>> No.23394522


>> No.23394524


>> No.23394526

I love Aki but this 10 IQ babby princess is 100x better than her playing vidya

>> No.23394528
Quoted by: >>23394550

Yes, my brain can't handle the amazing smoothness and beauty of Ark, with its amazing combat, taming, and crafting systems.

I reall love looking at the personality of the chuuba with what they build in minecraft or AC. In ARK, it's just a big steel door that has a bunch of awful dinosaur models jammed together.

>> No.23394534
File: 413 KB, 1448x2048, EVOFBwsUUAE0u7g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow... miko...

>> No.23394535
Quoted by: >>23394545

Yes. Okayu confirms on that tete zatsudan that she needs to warn Korone when it's too far.
There is nothing wrong with it tho.

>> No.23394536

Sorry anon, I've been far too deep for far too long for that to mean anything anymore. You might still get some new people with it though.

>> No.23394541
File: 1.74 MB, 960x540, 1586235702155.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394542

>koroneshits back
well it was pleasant

>> No.23394545
Quoted by: >>23394571

>There is nothing wrong with it tho.
[x] doubt

why bother needing a warning at all?

>> No.23394550

They haven't even touched building good looking houses yet, because there are other things to do than building houses and mining diamonds, like the gacha event right now. Funny minecraft and AC looks more like a chore compared to ARK.

>> No.23394560
Quoted by: >>23394610

I'm not sure why she likes bending her ass over. I love her for it though.

>> No.23394562

idol desu

>> No.23394566
Quoted by: >>23394581

Her 3D model is cuter than her Live2D model but it kind of lacks the same smug energy

>> No.23394569

Please watch my cute PS5

>> No.23394571

There are people like that everywhere, you can still be friends with them.

>> No.23394576
Quoted by: >>23394616

Please tell me you don't actually believe that. I feel sorry for you. The only reason any of that is entertaining is because the people doing it are fun. Watching monsters stand stone-still and flash damage numbers above their heads for 10 minutes would be akin to torture in any other circumstance.

>> No.23394578

Aki base look amazing

>> No.23394581

It's the eyebrows

>> No.23394582

Aki's too addicted

>> No.23394584

Why don't they invite Towa?

>> No.23394585

matsuri hate towa

>> No.23394587

roboco carrying hard

>> No.23394588

Thank you whoever it was who linked me that streamlink guide.
I'm pretty computer illiterate but I've finally managed to get it working so I can play and record streams at the same time.
This thread is alright sometimes.

>> No.23394589
Quoted by: >>23394681

Is fun but I want to see Matsuri's POV

>> No.23394591

Towa went to sleep right now 'cause she's feeling ill.

>> No.23394595


Too small.

>> No.23394598

matsuri's default face is cute

>> No.23394600

All of them aren't bad, only the person playing them. Watching Miko playing kusoge is entertaining, watching some vtuber playing Minecraft to hoard another 100 diamond is boring, watching Miko hoarding 100 diamonds is hilarious.

>> No.23394601
Quoted by: >>23394623

Yeah, depression when you aren't invited to play your favorite game by one of your only good friends because the other person playing hates you does that.

>> No.23394604
Quoted by: >>23394622

You've got around 8 hours until we turn to shit again, it should last anywhere from 3-8 hours once it starts.

>> No.23394607
Quoted by: >>23394622

repost the guide

>> No.23394608
Quoted by: >>23394612

Towa has severe social anxiety, she used to avoid the 5th gen collabs by "accidentally" missing the messages about it. Now she fakes sick like this, Coco needs to slap some sense into her.

>> No.23394609

Towa fell off stair like Miko

>> No.23394610
File: 112 KB, 433x530, 1586498095243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23394614


>> No.23394612

What do the other 5th gens look like anon from the future?

>> No.23394614

Thank you

>> No.23394616

They don't even do that anymore, speak like someone who doesn't know what they're talking about

>> No.23394622

It was this https://streamlink.github.io/cli.html#tutorial
I still had to do a bit of googling for stuff I didn't understand because I'm retarded.
It was linked to me during real autism hours anyway...I think.
I normally change my sleep schedule based on Haachama's schedule but shes been deceased for 3 days so I've lost all sense of time.

>> No.23394623

I can't believe matsuri cucked towa like that

>> No.23394624
Quoted by: >>23394633

Hololive figures when

>> No.23394628

-a lazy cat
-an artist with kid and non-kid forms
-lulu from nis-

>> No.23394631

Colo literally just did it in her live stream to a giant enemy crab.

>> No.23394632

Judging from what we've seen so far I'm guessing the others will be themed around being as overtly frilly and edgy as possible. Chuuni gen.

>> No.23394633

I'd buy a Peko Nendo to go with my Hinata

>> No.23394634

patra and her crab girls

>> No.23394636
Quoted by: >>23394663

Children of the current Holo couples. Pekora and miko's kid is so adorable.

>> No.23394639
Quoted by: >>23394645


This is pretty good.

>> No.23394641
File: 583 KB, 1024x768, norioopekodrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem, anon.

>> No.23394643
Quoted by: >>23394689

Only cause they have to build-up to start it all over again. It's not like I really want them to play Minecraft or AC either, I'd just prefer it to this.

I'm just glad all the members who actually know a good game got sick of ARK. Fubuki was the only member of Gamers who took to it, and she used the reset for aberration as an excuse. Aqua got in trouble for trying to breathe some fun into it, and decided to drop it instead.

>> No.23394645

For being so unpopular Aki sure gets a lot of high quality fanart.

>> No.23394646
File: 200 KB, 1099x1499, EVMr_qlUEAEkTB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394647

i want to lick that tummy

>> No.23394650

wtf why is noel hanging out with old man?

>> No.23394653

thank you for your service and this incredibly attractive father figure

>> No.23394660
Quoted by: >>23394682

When will this sheep be arrested?

>> No.23394663
File: 173 KB, 1336x894, EOCYtzJVAAETiq0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394664
File: 741 KB, 837x468, fdvdfbdgfsbsdgfbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23394666
File: 126 KB, 1192x583, EVONRUDU4AAWsXc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394668

Did Luna continue her DS3 play off stream? I swear the last time she streamed she was still far away level-wise from being able to use the Winged Knight Halberd.

>> No.23394669

bitch you live like this?

>> No.23394675


>> No.23394677


>> No.23394678
Quoted by: >>23394700

The funny thing is most vtubers can only dream of being that popular, For every one of her there are 10 that never get above 100.

>> No.23394680
File: 280 KB, 1600x865, howls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23394681

Matsuri is way out of her depth with the players they're being matched up against.

>> No.23394682
Quoted by: >>23394705


>> No.23394685
Quoted by: >>23394700

She's getting 500+ subs and 30k views each day. She's working hard recovering from the getting plateau'd last year. Pls don't buli

>> No.23394686

But the minecraft is better????

>> No.23394689
Quoted by: >>23394713

Fubuki was actually playing behind the scene. Coco discovered her gas collector and newly renovated base recently.

Something must have come from upper management. I can at least agree that they were trying to avoid an ARK burn out, but pretending the girls don't enjoy them is just delusional.

>> No.23394690
Quoted by: >>23394709

if only they had a 3rd. maybe some kind of purple haired devil girl...

>> No.23394692

A lot of cute Luna's sounds today.

>> No.23394694

Ah ah ah
Nyapeko nyapeko nyapekooo

>> No.23394699 [DELETED] 


>> No.23394700

I know, I'm happy she's starting to get more recognition. It's just an observation I made that I found interesting. She doesn't get as much fanart quantity wise, but the quality of the ones that she does get tend to be pretty decent.

>> No.23394701

Fuck this phase of Crystal Sage. It's bullshit.

>> No.23394703 [DELETED] 


>> No.23394704

Poor girl would have negative IQ

>> No.23394705

>asked to make fun of others
>get made fun instead
Why is Subaru perfect for bullying

>> No.23394706
Quoted by: >>23394721

Pink Bat
Blue Hero
White Water Cooler

>> No.23394707 [DELETED] 

fuck off

>> No.23394709
Quoted by: >>23394741


>> No.23394710
File: 108 KB, 1181x1748, 1584565227533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.23394711 [DELETED] 

Is it feels that good getting all of those (You)s and red notif?

>> No.23394712

There are two (2) vtuber threads on /v/ right now.

>> No.23394713
Quoted by: >>23394730

Fubuki's taste is a mystery to me. I think she might just like everything. I don't want to discourage the ones who truly enjoy it, like Miko. I just can't help but feel like there has to be a better community game out there. Then again, I can't think of anything off the top of my head, so I'll just deal with Ark for the time being.

>> No.23394715
Quoted by: >>23394728

Why are you on /v/

>> No.23394716 [DELETED] 

Is that the EOP thread? Oh boy!

>> No.23394717


>> No.23394719 [DELETED] 

Stealth threads don't count.

>> No.23394720 [DELETED] 

Seeks help or go here with your kin.
Or just kill yourself, you fucking cretin.

>> No.23394721

>White Water Cooler
God, the things I would do to make that a reality.

>> No.23394727

coco not even 10k viewers, she's done for baka dying channel

>> No.23394728

I like video games

>> No.23394729 [DELETED] 

this shit with the threads is the worst but there is no end in sight because of autist

>> No.23394730
Quoted by: >>23394753

I feel bad for calling you delusional then, I want everyone to have fun too, and ARK was that breakthrough in both skills and variety that I've always wanted. If the new Hololive girls manage to make modded Minecraft with a lot of autistic crafting popular then I'd be very happy.

>> No.23394731

If Luna can barely handle Crystal Sage then she's gonna get riggidy rekt by Aldritch.

>> No.23394735
File: 24 KB, 201x311, hololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23394752

Is this miko?

>> No.23394737

More like Crystal Sage is handling her ass

>> No.23394738
Quoted by: >>23394743

What are they saying?

>> No.23394740

>RBK has sticky keys on

>> No.23394741

that's a maid anon.

>> No.23394743

It's /ss/ stuff with Youtubeくん

>> No.23394744

Thats why I want to watch her POV

>> No.23394751
Quoted by: >>23394758

Does Aldritch also create clones in the 2nd phase? Because Luna is much better at dealing with any enemy one on one.

>> No.23394752

that's towa, miko is pink

>> No.23394753

Don't worry about it. I haven't been able to sleep so I'm just bitching about shit. I enjoyed early ARK a lot too. I like anything that makes them collab or interact more. I wonder what the next big thing will be.

>> No.23394758

I don't think so but he's a projectile fucker. Luna always gets fucked by projectiles like she did against Manus and 4Kangz.

>> No.23394761 [DELETED] 
File: 2.80 MB, 670x1076, ppteasing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The same male and gibara posting every time.

>> No.23394762

this Matsuri x Roboco collab is pretty wholesome fun

>> No.23394763
Quoted by: >>23394774

7dtd probably, though the server they're hosting it on seems like $5 / month package, which makes the game runs horrendously on stream.

>> No.23394767

Does Roboco have the game set mostly to low? She knows her priorities.

>> No.23394769

Rushia playing ao oni. I can't believe so many of them haven't played such a classic before.

>> No.23394772

>Matsuri actually downed someone with a hemlok while Roboco just tried to snipe with R99
that was painful

>> No.23394774

Subaru's collabs in it were fun. Seems like FBK's version wouldn't even start so she gave up though.

I could see that being fun for a big event or two, but it seems less deep than ARK by a long-shot.

>> No.23394780

Matsuri is better than Roboco?

>> No.23394782

Absolutely not.

>> No.23394783

Roboco stop running away holy shit

>> No.23394785
File: 424 KB, 1200x675, 79438806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23394786
Quoted by: >>23394797

Matsuri is the best hololive at apex, she's simply hiding her powerlevel

>> No.23394788

>watch chocos GTA stream
>she sounds so out of it unless she dies and just goes "lol that sucks"
Was this just a bad day for her or something? This is painfully boring.

>> No.23394789
File: 920 KB, 1056x629, 1567388840691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentleman, it's brainstorming time. Come up with some extremely lewd stream ideas that won't get them banned.

>> No.23394791
Quoted by: >>23394797

Yes. She is the best Hololive to date and beyond.

>> No.23394793
File: 685 KB, 984x1253, IMG_20200409_191351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23394881

My daughterwife is live

>> No.23394794

No but she's pretty fucking loud

>> No.23394796

You get more variety in loot/zombies as your level gets higher or the date moves along. So there's a bit more to it that what's going on now. But you're probably right it having less content overall than ARK.

That server's gonna make it real hard to enjoy though, even shuffling zombies warp all over the place, so running zombies are just gonna be a completely impossible shitshow.

>> No.23394797

Nice, I love her even more now.

>> No.23394798
File: 133 KB, 393x148, chrome_hrQQx4PXQW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Fubukichad.

>> No.23394800

I played it with a friend for many weeks, the end game is just trying to see how big the hode gets until one of our PC can't handle the lag anymore. Modded 7dtd is a lot better though since there are many landmarks to visit and raid, but suffer the same problem as the base game in that there's no final boss, so we both eventually got sick of it within 3 weeks.

What it lacks in a goal it makes up for autism building. It's literally the same technology as Minecraft, which is Voxel. There's also gacha mechanic in literally every containers, so the girls may appreciate that. Too bad the dev removed turds from the game though.

>> No.23394801

Could just drink and play never have I ever

>> No.23394804

Luna needs to be a bit more patient

>> No.23394805

Time for Aki FF7R... Are you prepared to get stressed out?

>> No.23394807

She's literally only gaming because her ASMR got demonetized. She's a literal example of "doing it for the money." She doesnt seem to enjoy it much and she's not good at it.

>> No.23394808

Literally anything they do they will lewd. They can't not. They had a goddamned kindergarten stream where two of them were nude and Matsuri had a sub on a leash.

>> No.23394809

Honestly there's nothing close in terms of what the girls would want (building, exploring, sandbox elements, tangible goals to achieve) apart from Minecraft and ARK. The most similar games I can think off the top of my head don't fit most of the criteria. Subnautica and Kenshi are probably the best fit, but they aren't multiplayer. Terraria absolutely does not work on a large scale server setting with people playing at different times, and Starbound has fuck-all content. Maybe Don't Starve and Stardew Valley might work, but I don't see those being particularly more interesting to watch than what we have right now. Probably the only one that might work is Hytale whenever that comes out, we'll be stuck with Minecraft and ARK until then.

>> No.23394812 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23394820

page 10 new thread

>> No.23394813
Quoted by: >>23394821

You have to have a high IQ to enjoy Choco's GTAV streams, such as yesterday's that involved around an hour of her crashing her plane.

>> No.23394815

>she's not good at it
Yeah I noticed that too holy shit.

>> No.23394816

There's... Colony Survival... bleh

It does meet the criteria though and allows you to draw and decorate and design buildings and things.

>> No.23394817

Will somebody ever play a Megaman game of any kind?

>> No.23394818

Is there anything else that she likes?
If she wants to be lewd, isn't easier to just make porn behind some paywall and tease it in some pornsite stream? I'm pretty sure YAGOO wouldn't mind.

>> No.23394819
Quoted by: >>23394848

I'd rather they not play Stardew. Terraria isn't that great either, the Ai clones tried to play that.

>> No.23394820 [DELETED] 

Here >>23394720 go there, and stay there.

>> No.23394821

>only an hour
Is she improving? Last time I watched she was chasing a motorcycle and it was really high IQ.

>> No.23394822
Quoted by: >>23394833

Probably korone? I don't think anyone else would have interest in older games like those, especially the earlier ones that can be a little challenging.

>> No.23394825
File: 2.62 MB, 2225x1236, psycho-nurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23394891

She does like GTA she's just not very good at it. Over time she's getting better though and the missions are starting to get easier.

>> No.23394826

She loves Dead By Deadlight and GTAV. Maybe Hello Neighbour as well.

>> No.23394828

Okayu, Korone, Luna, Subaru. Those are your best bets for MM. Everyone else plays FOTM and newer games.

>> No.23394829
Quoted by: >>23394832

That's not true. I've seen her getting excited in games before, even going as far as watching its trailers when the server's down and using techniques from foreign tutorials to win a game. She probably just thinks GTA is boring but is a staple game so she has to play that.

>> No.23394830
Quoted by: >>23394845

I can't say. Yesterday was the first time I watched her play GTAV.

>> No.23394833
Quoted by: >>23394838

Imagine thinking Korone is the only one who plays retro.

>> No.23394832

Sorry for some reason i thought you were talking about Roboco

>> No.23394834

Matsuri's going to be the guest on Suisei's radio thing this Sunday. Get hype festivalfags.

>> No.23394835

Those are most of the ones I follow already. If Okayu or Korone would play X or Legends, I could die happy.

>> No.23394836

she is very slowly. her playthrough will be done by the end of the year at this pace

>> No.23394838

No you're right, I forgot that Subaru just recently finished chrono trigger. Other than that though I guess I just haven't been paying attention.

>> No.23394839

Korone's recently played Contra and Metal Slug, so it'll probably be something she'll get to soon enough.

>> No.23394840

Some vtubers literally stream themselves masturbating and moaning on camera, youtube AI aren't that smart

>> No.23394844
Quoted by: >>23394877

Whoa Roboco and Matsuri level is so high, is it really easy to level up in Apex?

>> No.23394845
Quoted by: >>23394876

It was a thing of beauty I think she spent around 2 hours trying to do that single chase mission where you need to shoot a guy off his bike, Austin Powering her car every opportunity she got.

>> No.23394846

She wouldn't have played Dead by Daylight if she was only in it for the money.

>> No.23394848

Terraria is great if you play coop with a friend or 2 and progress through the entire game together, you can easily sink 50 hours into just upgrading gear and fighting bosses. But that requires them to actually collab with each other, since the world is persistent and changes permanently as you progress, hence why it wouldn't work for their case. It also starts off excruciatingly slow and isn't the easiest thing to figure out without prior knowledge, so I can't imagine that being much fun to watch until they beat the first boss. I'd still love to see a PekoMiko playthrough though.

>> No.23394853
Quoted by: >>23394866

Alright Luna... You can stop sandbagging now..

>> No.23394854
Quoted by: >>23394857

How many pekos can Pekora chain in one peko sentence peko?

>> No.23394855
File: 893 KB, 1121x1160, maka maka stopu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask any holo to go in Korone's house and play it while she sleeps.
Does any holo have real retro consoles setup besides Korone?

>> No.23394857

As long as peko allowed it peko.

>> No.23394859
File: 61 KB, 392x841, Mini luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for Hoshikawa's rejection video followed matsuri's suicide stream.

>> No.23394862
File: 2.59 MB, 1280x720, 1579816424668.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who decides who plays which anyway? I get the impression that the girls pretty much play the game of their own choosing

>> No.23394863

Okayu and Luna, probably. Mio played some DS games at one point too if those count.

>> No.23394864

Don't Okayu and Subaru mostly play old rpgs instead of "action" ones.

>> No.23394865


>> No.23394866

No red akasupacha, can't do.

>> No.23394867

Okayu has her n64 at least. She doesn't mind using VC or the PS store though.

>> No.23394869

brb I have to check her channel.

>> No.23394870

Choco has an a SFC and a SGB.

>> No.23394874

Some games are streamer trash though, such as apex or minecraft. These ones are a given, but I'd agree that the girls do get to pick what they want to play.

>> No.23394875

Except for very specific cases like sponsored streams the Holos have free reign to stream anything they want, as long as they check with staff first.

>> No.23394876
Quoted by: >>23394909

Choco's GTA streams are fun in how bad she is. It doesn't feel like she's being bad on purpose as well.

Just based on looks, it looks alot less appealing compared to MC and Ark.

>> No.23394877
Quoted by: >>23394896

Yep, also it isn't really that high because of that same reason, high would be like around level 200-300. Matchmaking is mostly dependant on level but it can vary depending on the level of the people in your party, it's decent.

>> No.23394879

For the most part I would assume that is the case. Perhaps management might give suggestions for ideas if the girls want them or if they think it a certain game could do well. If it is something sponsored then probably told to play it.

>> No.23394880

GBA and DS games are painfully underplayed by the Hololives.

>> No.23394881
File: 2.00 MB, 1600x1900, 1585735156066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23394883

Don't forget to donate your akasupa

>> No.23394882

I love everything about this image

>> No.23394883

I don't donate to whores

>> No.23394886

Not new or retro enough

>> No.23394887

luna is too cute

>> No.23394889

when is marine going to play rapelay?

>> No.23394890
Quoted by: >>23394920

Mio did Ghost Trick at least.

>> No.23394891

she pretending to be bad at the game

>> No.23394894

>Luna's English

>> No.23394895

unironically better than haato's

>> No.23394896
Quoted by: >>23394900

There is no rank system that can go up and down like in valve game?

>> No.23394898

A blind playthrough of the Ace Attorney games would be fun.

>> No.23394900
Quoted by: >>23394908

You mean like a ranked system? Yeah, there is, but that's a specific game mode of it's own that's entirely dependable on your current rank, obviously there's tiers and you level it up the better you do in a game.

>> No.23394904

Tell me about Danchou. Why does she decorate her AC house like a trash heap

>> No.23394908

Thanks for the info, anon.

>> No.23394909
Quoted by: >>23394968

Don't let anon fool you, it just 2D Minecraft with so extra stuff (some stuff Minecraft is copying and adding to their game)

>> No.23394910
Quoted by: >>23394934

Flare is a lucky woman

>> No.23394911

>Why does she decorate her AC house like a trash heap
It's a reflection of herself.

>> No.23394913

Its a tie for me, i feel like okayuu has more natural talent but suisei really pours her heart out when she preforms

>> No.23394914
Quoted by: >>23394919

my cute daughterwife can't be this baka

>> No.23394918
Quoted by: >>23394936

>there won't be a game like Planetside where Hololives form a platoon battling with other chubbas

>> No.23394919

my daughterwife isn't the brightest when it comes to puzzles

>> No.23394920

>least favourite hololiver streams my favourite game
I don't hate her or anything though so maybe one of these days I'll get around to that archive.

>> No.23394922

Ace Attorney sucks

>> No.23394926

or Ghost Trick

>> No.23394929

FBK please play the rest of Ace Combat 7.

>> No.23394933

Worst part of DS3 coming up. Fuck the swamp.

>> No.23394934
Quoted by: >>23394944

I know it's a big meme that she's the harem protag, but she's really just a precious girl.

>> No.23394936

Hololives don't know what war and battles are

>> No.23394937

Coco please just do castle crashers or L4D2

>> No.23394942

Fans heard garbage bags shuffling whenever she moves around her room, they figured out Noel lives in a pigsty.

>> No.23394943

I will pay hiro if he makes posting on this board, jp only.

>> No.23394944

Jesus christ that gap is too much

>> No.23394947
Quoted by: >>23394952

Have any of the holos even done a game that would require co-op over multiple episodes to finish?

>> No.23394948
Quoted by: >>23394954

2010 called, they want their taste back.

>> No.23394949

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HcgfCLqJj0 PPT in 24 minutes.

>> No.23394951
Quoted by: >>23394956

She's the apex predator after all.

>> No.23394952
Quoted by: >>23394959

they hate each other too much to commit to doing something like that

>> No.23394954

Look anon L4D2 is probably the most fun you can have playing with friends without a doubt

>> No.23394955
Quoted by: >>23394964

rushia brute forcing a puzzle game...

>> No.23394956


>> No.23394959
Quoted by: >>23394973

Guess Okayu and Korone are our only hope, until it ends up in a rape due to overexposure that is.

>> No.23394960

This. Used to play it with my sisters all the time on Xbox 360. Plus they were nice and let you bring a guest onto Xbox Live.

>> No.23394963

Which holos would get into vermintide 2?

>> No.23394964

Pure necromantic power

>> No.23394965

Warhammer sucks dude.

>> No.23394966

Can't think of any, Korone might find the rats to be cute though

>> No.23394967
Quoted by: >>23394979

eh i havent played it but it doesn't look that interesting, sorry anon

>> No.23394968

Terraria is more combat-focused than Minecraft.

>> No.23394969


>> No.23394970

What other holos like poop jokes to join her in cc?

>> No.23394972
Quoted by: >>23394981

the ones who like action games might get into vermintide 1, since it isn't shit, but never 2

>> No.23394973
Quoted by: >>23394980

Not even that big a fan of the game, but A Way Out would be an amazing collab for those two.

>> No.23394975


>> No.23394977
File: 1.68 MB, 1352x1723, 1571374535494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they all suck at fps games

>> No.23394979
Quoted by: >>23395012

It's like left for dead, but good. But the devs are idiots, and consistently make the game worse.

>> No.23394980

Was one of the games I was thinking of when I asked that question, kinda surprised none of them hopped on that meme. Guess it might not have been on the radar in Japan.

>> No.23394981
Quoted by: >>23394988

Problem is that currently 2 is more popular so there's that, it is pretty shit though, can't really argue that, but knowing the JPs they will most likely find a way to make it fun.

>> No.23394982
Quoted by: >>23394990

Pekora just has to work harder on getting Hinata onto Hololive

>> No.23394984
Quoted by: >>23395013

Aki has same subs as Luna, the fck

>> No.23394985

man I wanna do lewd things to matsuri

>> No.23394986

Based Luna already going for Friede head after beating Crystal Sage

>> No.23394987
Quoted by: >>23394989

she's going to get fucked

>> No.23394988

2 is in such a horrible state of flux, some patches it's pretty decent and then they manage to break everything again

>> No.23394989

by me

>> No.23394990
Quoted by: >>23395014

>he doesn't know

>> No.23394991
Quoted by: >>23394995

Does she know that it's DLC you're not supposed to do for 20 more levels? It's still doable pretty early if you know what you're doing, and Luna's good, but I don't think she's THAT good.

>> No.23394993

I want to rub my face on her tummy.

>> No.23394995

>Luna's good
No, she isn't and yes some peoples already told her in the chat

>> No.23394998

I wanna drink her beer.

>> No.23394999

>No, she isn't
>he's falling for the sandbagging

>> No.23395000

Why does Luna like jagariko so much?

>> No.23395003

Seems Aki's really enjoying FF7

>> No.23395004
Quoted by: >>23395010

My daughterwife already has 6 red superchat

>> No.23395005

If you beat O&S in one try then you're good at Dark Souls. I don't care what anyone says.

>> No.23395007
Quoted by: >>23395048

I fucking wish anon I fucking wish.

>> No.23395008

Don't forget that she didn't get hit once in the second phase of the fight.

>> No.23395010
Quoted by: >>23395016

Is one of them yours? If not, you're a fucking disgrace.

>> No.23395011

fucking this ,I want some SALVATION

>> No.23395012
Quoted by: >>23395022

Nerfing dodge dancing was the best thing they did.
t. ironbrap

>> No.23395013
Quoted by: >>23395029

Aki mostly have JP subscribers. Not many foreigners subs to her, you can see most members are Japanese. Chat is comfy most of the time. I want her to have more subs but I find flood of ESL and EOP horrifying

>> No.23395014

know what?

>> No.23395015

Didn't she take a few tries in her challenge run? Or did she just diddle around for so long I didn't notice in between checking in and out

>> No.23395016

All of them are mine

>> No.23395018

Fubuking skin when?

>> No.23395020

I think I unironically like Luna!?

>> No.23395022

My fellow Dawi of distinguished tastes.

>> No.23395023

Man, Dark Souls 3 had some amazing art direction.

>> No.23395025
File: 235 KB, 782x1024, 1585999240947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's really the reason behind Rushia getting so much fucking money dumped to her? Does she actually encourage people to superchat or something?

>> No.23395027
Quoted by: >>23395042

It wasn't her first Dark Souls run, anon

>> No.23395028
File: 14 KB, 432x195, take.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23395080

Really puts into perspective how much effort WataUta takes.

>> No.23395029

Waking up to Nekoze Punch and doing my reps in the background is honestly really pleasant, wish the day drinking elf would get some more love.

>> No.23395030

I want a Hololive podcast

>> No.23395032

>necromancer calling upon God

>> No.23395033
Quoted by: >>23395075

She grows on you in a weird way.

>> No.23395034
File: 129 KB, 727x992, 1585059000762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but you should be donating all your akasupas to her

>> No.23395037

>is cute
>plays good games
>usually finishes games
>never breaks character
>reads and thanks all supachas
>sometimes reads English comments
>thanks any translator in the chat
Literally what's not to like

>> No.23395038

Got lucky by attracting whales

>> No.23395039

She really needs to collab more with others, her collab with Luna was great.

>> No.23395042

Yeah but she said she hadn't played it in a while and that's still impressive considering she was SL1 and not wearing armor.

>> No.23395043

1. It wasn't her first DS run
2. She's playing like a pussy by shielding and hitting with a lance, everybody can easily beat the game with that setup, even DSP
3. Stop sucking her baby dick

>> No.23395044

Rushia is the daughterwife that 30 year olds with means are attracted to. It's really that simple.

>> No.23395047

her voice

>> No.23395048
Quoted by: >>23395080

At least she played this mission.

>> No.23395049
Quoted by: >>23395062

Sadly that series came out pre-AL collab and HoloFes when Hololive was smaller so it got very little views and thus, its demand is seemingly too low to bother going back to it.

>> No.23395055

>everybody can easily beat the game with that setup
Then why do people say the game is hard? Should people be forced to play a certain way?

>> No.23395056

Didn't get to watch Rushia last stream 青い鬼 game because I was in prison
glad I can watch my daughterwife play it live now

>> No.23395057

She was using a sword against O&S and basically the entire DSR playthrough. I'm not sucking dick, I'm giving credit where credit is due. It's ironic that you're basically doing the opposite by just shitting on something because someone is praising. Kill yourself and stop being a sperg.

>> No.23395058
Quoted by: >>23395066

She doesn't directly encourage people to superchat, but she's really good at generating gachikoi since she actively plays up her role as your daughterwifemother. Verdict is out on whether she's predating your wallet or if she just really likes the attention and the money is a bonus.

>> No.23395060
Quoted by: >>23395068

her design
her voice

>> No.23395062
Quoted by: >>23395085

Didn't she got sponsorship from Bamco?

>> No.23395063
Quoted by: >>23395071

Dark Souls really isn't that hard

>> No.23395066
Quoted by: >>23395077

she's not a mommy yet

>> No.23395068
File: 109 KB, 551x1080, Himemori.Luna.full.2803565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with based papa Kanzaki?

>> No.23395071

So now we're getting into the "X game isn't hard" dick measuring contest?

>> No.23395072
Quoted by: >>23395079

>my daughterwife luna streaming
>my husband pptenshi streaming
which do I watch? This is so hard

>> No.23395074

She should be flat.

>> No.23395075
File: 21 KB, 288x288, 1584292802427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder all the girls are hanging out with her
She's a dutiful girl, I like her weird noises and her naaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.23395076
Quoted by: >>23395088

He isn't wrong though, she can't roll to save her life and O&S isn't particularly hard, the first phase is just tedious without a summon, but it kinda plays right into her playstyle of just diddling around in guard.

>> No.23395077
Quoted by: >>23395081

she will be in 9 more months

>> No.23395078
Quoted by: >>23395190

I'd like that design twice as much if there wasn't that dumb crown

>> No.23395079

Watch PPT. You won't get to watch her for much longer anyway.

>> No.23395080

She would be the most adorable thing on the planet if she were to mess up from time to time the lyrics and the coolest aneki in Japan if she were to sing the "fire up" kind of songs like AoiYuuki instead of trying to look like some world tier professional singer.

Her not coming back for more AC and Korone dying every ten seconds in MS made me lose all respect I had for them and I no longer consider their "Gamers" group title as anything but a joke.

>> No.23395081

That was a secret
how'd you find that out?

>> No.23395084

Because peoples actually play the game with a setup they like, not a way to cheese the game. Of course you can just guard every attacks with a great shield, poke the enemy and then run like a pussy, but where is the fun ?
She didn't use a sword : https://youtu.be/nagYMmFoGns?t=8292
Also she died for hours against the four kings because she couldn't cheese it by just blocking and hitting, she had to actually learn how to roll.

>> No.23395085
Quoted by: >>23395106

still didn't finish it

>> No.23395087

>Waking up to Nekoze Punch and doing my reps in the background is honestly really pleasant
Akibros really are men of culture.

>> No.23395088
Quoted by: >>23395095

>she can't roll
This is factually wrong. She's pretty good at rolling. It's just that she usually refuses to roll no matter what.

>> No.23395090
Quoted by: >>23395103

rushia is big brain

>> No.23395092

Shit design
Shit voice
Shit gimmick
S-tier gaming streams

>> No.23395093

wow bros it's kinda hard switching between threads...
someone make a third one!

>> No.23395094

If they have fun playing like that they have fun anon. If someone wants to use the chain and sickle in Nioh or the two-handed swords in Codevein, just let them play what they want.

>> No.23395095

Look, we can go microanalyze every facet of Luna's DS skill. The bottom line is that she isn't good at Dark Souls in any way, shape, or form.

>> No.23395097
Quoted by: >>23395102

It's not a dick measuring contest, it's what >>23395084 said. Dark Souls is as hard as you want it to be. If you want, you can grind until you can go full havel, use a busted weapon, and summon 3 guys to beat the boss for you. The difficulty of the game depends on how many of the available options you use to cheese it.

>> No.23395098
Quoted by: >>23395112

So when will PPT die of throat cancer? It have been a month already!

>> No.23395099


>> No.23395101

>The bottom line is that she isn't good at Dark Souls in any way, shape, or form.
She beat the game at level 1.

>> No.23395102

Obviously any game is easy if you abuse it's mechanics. Luna actively handicapped herself. She wasn't a havelshitter like Noel.

>> No.23395103

To be fair, it takes a lot of skill to turn Animal Crossing into a horror game.

What is her obsession with basements anyway?

>> No.23395104

Of course. A faggot like him usually only watch other people play Dark Souls to say "it's actually easy" or "git gud." It's their only enjoyment in life.

>> No.23395105
Quoted by: >>23395122

If she can beat it, she's good enough.

>> No.23395106

Theyr're just casual gamers like the rest now.
I hope she will, someday.

>> No.23395107
Quoted by: >>23395115

Anyone can do that if they just cheese everything.

>> No.23395108
Quoted by: >>23395113

They're gamers for playing with your feelings!

>> No.23395110

What stream? I recently beat the game at level 1 too

>> No.23395112
Quoted by: >>23395118

It was her ear anon.

>> No.23395113


>> No.23395114

the overacted mannerisms for most of the characters in the FF7 reboot are just awful to look at

>> No.23395115
Quoted by: >>23395155

>she's not good at the game, she just knows the mechanics so well she can abuse them expertly to win without leveling once
Are you listening to yourself

>> No.23395116

I wouldn't say that much, it's passable, by the sheer definition of being able to complete a run. Comfy enough to watch and she isn't incapable of learning like some others.

>> No.23395118
Quoted by: >>23395123

Wait I thought the tweet was he (female) can't sing for a while?

>> No.23395119
Quoted by: >>23395160

Play a platformer and every time they die, they have to take a sip of water. トイレは禁止
Stream ends when they reach their limit.

>> No.23395122

My 10 year old nephew beat all the Dark Souls games and he's mentally disabled.

>> No.23395124

I bet you can't beat a multi-buffed Artorias like Luna did.

>> No.23395123
Quoted by: >>23395131

he just did a 4 hour song stream
he's doing everything he can before his voice gives out forever/he dies.

>> No.23395127
File: 253 KB, 449x395, 1576988966842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua Shion Apex.
>Aqua wants to do FF7 remake as well.

>> No.23395128
Quoted by: >>23395132

Wtf how can you be your own nephew?

>> No.23395129

>mentally disabled
So it runs in the family huh

>> No.23395130

Retards can do mind numbing things better than normal people. I know this because I train them for a living

>> No.23395131

What a brave soul.
Can't wait for the national mourning when he will finally leave this world.

>> No.23395132


>> No.23395133

Cute PPT english.

>> No.23395134

PPT english so good

>> No.23395136
Quoted by: >>23395142

Stop with leddit rumor PPTesnhi is dying shit.

>> No.23395142

that meme started here you retard.

>> No.23395144

Here's an idea: If Luna's trash at the game, why not invade her and prove it?

>> No.23395145

>sometimes reads English comments
Everything is good except for this

>> No.23395146

No it didn't. Reddit broke the story.

>> No.23395147

Luna EOPs are well behaved.

>> No.23395149

Its true, reddit is killing vtubers and kanata was the first victim of this discovery

>> No.23395150

you're really stupid

>> No.23395151
Quoted by: >>23395158

oh PPT doesn't have membership yet..

>> No.23395152
Quoted by: >>23395173

stale, unfunny, mindlessly repeated memes are fine so long as they’re OUR stale, unfunny, mindlessly repeated meme

>> No.23395153 [DELETED] 


>> No.23395154

you mean kanatan's twitter when she posted she was going to the hospital

>> No.23395155

DS1's mechanics aren't all that hard to abuse, pick the stat you want to level STR/DEX or some other meme, find a suitable weapon and whack things until they die. Keeping your weapon upgraded is way more important so as long as you know that you single tidbit can pull off pretty much any meme without too much effort. I've seen girls run through whole areas without taking damage as long as they were instructed on those very basics of the game, it isn't as hard a game as polygon journos would have you believe anon.

>> No.23395156

Did Matsuri/Robocco win any of the games?

>> No.23395157

Lu Knight bros are wholesome

>> No.23395158

First one in, last one out

>> No.23395160

This is gonna make me cum buckets

>> No.23395163 [DELETED] 

Quit linking your stupid thread and let us finish this one until it's archived you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.23395164 [DELETED] 


>> No.23395166
Quoted by: >>23395197


>> No.23395171

Guy I have already forgot about FBK's original design...
Something is wrong with me... The souless one is growing on me...

>> No.23395172 [DELETED] 

Thanks i forgot to report it.

>> No.23395173
Quoted by: >>23395187

In no way did I imply that was true, stop projecting schizo.

>> No.23395174

oh kanata is playing fubuki's stage, this should be fun.

>> No.23395176

I made sure they didn't win any.

>> No.23395179 [DELETED] 

Noone except discordfag visiting your thread eh?

>> No.23395181

It's the eyes
they hypnotize you

>> No.23395184

Stop, don't you dare.

>> No.23395186
Quoted by: >>23395211

Fubuki has one of the worst designs in Hololive. Even her original one.

>> No.23395187
Quoted by: >>23395200

Guy says “stop with leddit humor”
You feel so strongly about this topic you have to correct him to make sure we all know actually it /ourmeme/
Stay mad for getting called out, tardo

>> No.23395190

she needs it because they stole the himedere design from Miku's The World is Mine design.

>> No.23395193

"If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you" gives a whole new meaning into the FBK version of that copypasta.

>> No.23395195

Man nobody told me the fire sword was do broken in this part

>> No.23395197
Quoted by: >>23395203

Sad. They need Aqua as the third man to carry.

>> No.23395198
Quoted by: >>23395206

being a newfag who never see fubuki original design make me feel so good

>> No.23395199

Listen here, I've beaten Bloodborne including the DLC without any summon so I believe I'm at least average in Souls game. After watching Luna play, I went back to Dark Souls and tried to fight Artorias the way Luna did and I was destroyed quite a few times by him. It takes some skill to use her playstyle and she certainly is skillful at it, which means she is good at the game.

>> No.23395200

man you're really fucking stupid. you didn't call shit out, you're just flat out wrong, it's not reddit humour if it didn't originate from reddit, monkey man.

>> No.23395203

Or Towa...

>> No.23395205

but matsuri hate towa

>> No.23395206

I wished I was a fan during peak FBK x Matsuri

>> No.23395207

Why does Luna keep making those sucking sounds

>> No.23395209

Babies make noises.

>> No.23395210

I love Towa but I will not lie to myself and claim that she could actually carry them to victory when she's usually the one getting carried in APEX.

>> No.23395211
Quoted by: >>23395218

Nothing is as bad as Luna's

>> No.23395212

They're all so bad at mario maker.
I thought all Japanese were amazing at mario.

>> No.23395213

Don't instruct people on shit, let them go in blind. Whats the point if you tell them shit already?

>> No.23395214
Quoted by: >>23395218


>> No.23395215

Its make her viewers hard.

>> No.23395216

Grannies love prunes

>> No.23395218
Quoted by: >>23395225

meant for
>>23395211 (You)

>> No.23395220
Quoted by: >>23395223

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X_s1bttZj0 AZKi in 26 minutes.

>> No.23395223
Quoted by: >>23395247

finally, a real streamer

>> No.23395224 [DELETED] 

Why don't you newfags go to the new thread already. this thread's dying.

>> No.23395225


>> No.23395226 [DELETED] 

The same reason I am still watching PPT

>> No.23395227 [DELETED] 

you mean oldfag?

>> No.23395228 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up already

>> No.23395229 [DELETED] 

Why don't you kill yourself already, you imbecile.

>> No.23395231 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23395241

I wonder who is behind this post?

>> No.23395232 [DELETED] 

ok boomer, here take some (You)

>> No.23395241 [DELETED] 

(You) farmer who get hard everytime his notification become red.

>> No.23395247
Quoted by: >>23395252

Don't be sarcastic about my singer waifu

>> No.23395248
File: 88 KB, 827x1022, teshima-nari_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mikochi.

>> No.23395249
Quoted by: >>23395261

I'm not against making a new thread when the image limit's been reached and the old thread's been up for a while. A 2hu can afford to die, but that thing's an abomination that was unnecessary by any stretch even on this slow ass board.

>> No.23395251

Mod or jannies, if you can deleted all this post, do the same everytime they make a new thread before the old one dead.

>> No.23395252

but I love Azki

>> No.23395253

if mod = god then mod better archive this thread

>> No.23395254

Do you have a timestamp for that fight anon, I seem to be to drunk to find it and now I'm interested as to how she actually muddled through that. I'll get back to you with a proper reply once I've seen that.

>> No.23395256
Quoted by: >>23395294

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_03_BqUFBcM FBK in 19 minutes.

>> No.23395258

I'm starting to think rushia has vision problems

>> No.23395260

Rushia's more of a trooper than I expected.

>> No.23395261
Quoted by: >>23395269

>I'm not against making a new thread when the image limit's been reached and the old thread's been up for a while.
this thread has been saged from the get go and it worked, we're at page 10 without reaching 3000+ posts
We should always do this from now on

>> No.23395263
Quoted by: >>23395274

She's trying to smack her lips like her black boyfriend, so cute

>> No.23395269

It's fine to let it pass naturally, no need to forcefully evacuate people just yet since it is such a slow board, that thing was created hours before it was actually necessary.

>> No.23395271
File: 1.69 MB, 1414x2000, 80402946_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why Aki always wear that lewd outfit?

>> No.23395273
Quoted by: >>23395279

She's that tired from searching a cup of water ? That's one unhealthy baby

>> No.23395274

No bro you're thinking of Shion

>> No.23395275
Quoted by: >>23395296


>> No.23395278
Quoted by: >>23395284

Fucking shit tier design.

>> No.23395279

Anon, she's almost in her 40s, her bones probably crack whenever she tries to move given the lack of collagen.

>> No.23395280

I wonder how the Live2D tracking works

>> No.23395281

Steam has some free live2D tracking software on it if you want to test it with random models. I think Aqua's is actually publicly available.

>> No.23395284
Quoted by: >>23395292

Shut your mouth.

>> No.23395287

It might honestly just be down to varying definitions of good, good at a game for me implies above average skill, not just "good enough to finish it"

>> No.23395288
Quoted by: >>23395407

Somewhere after the 3 hour mark.

>> No.23395290

So anybody can become Aqua...

>> No.23395291

because it's comfy and also sexy

>> No.23395292

Truth hurts doesn't it you son of a bitch

>> No.23395293
File: 293 KB, 1008x1564, 1586340253389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to _____ Noel's _____

>> No.23395294

Gonna be boring for EOPs

>> No.23395295

Wakaru is pretty terrible it's not even worth trying right now. On an absolutely baller ass PC it still runs at only a few frames per second with the tracking wigging out constantly. There are much better alternatives out there.

>> No.23395296
Quoted by: >>23395322

I like hearing her struggle.

>> No.23395298
Quoted by: >>23395316

I've made one. You chop up every parts you wanna move independently in Photoshop, then link them together, then spring across a web filled with vertices so you can move each part more naturally. Hard to rig without your first model looking like Pinochio though.

>> No.23395301

hold noel's hand!

>> No.23395302

Because she wants to make my peepee hard and earn my supacha

>> No.23395304

Nurse, wounds.

>> No.23395306

I don’t think Kanata knows how to run in this game...

>> No.23395307

Pat her head.

>> No.23395310

Lick Noel's Boots!

>> No.23395316
Quoted by: >>23395363

Hows the response time? Are there any Live2D programs that are essentially real time?

>> No.23395317

delete, mole

>> No.23395319

Fix noel's vcr

>> No.23395321 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23395327


>> No.23395322

that's always the best part

>> No.23395325


>> No.23395326
Quoted by: >>23395338

Is Aki the type of person to get lost on her way to the convenience store? Somebody please go save her from herself.

>> No.23395327 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23395349


>> No.23395328

Azki time bros

>> No.23395329

I like that she streams long, shows that she is trying her best, and that she plays legit games

>> No.23395333
Quoted by: >>23395341

Sell me on how I can get used to the voice

>> No.23395334
Quoted by: >>23395347


>> No.23395338
Quoted by: >>23395361

We spent like 3 hours one day trying to lead her back to her base in Ark... So yes. If she only gets lost though and doesn't fall down concrete stairs she's at least better than Miko though.

>> No.23395341

Picture a 30 year old hag doing it and realizing how funny it is.

>> No.23395343
Quoted by: >>23395351

When I made my model, I ended up using about 32 layers. Hololive's vTubers use an iPhone X setup and the facial tracking is done using the Face ID API, I believe. It has an infrared camera that helps out with depth recognition even in poorly lit conditions. (Towa's incident with Coco where her camera feed was revealed suggests that this is the setup they use) From there, the tracking data is translated into inputs which manipulate the model. Using a software like Cartoon Animator (Hololive probably has its own proprietary software) allows the iPhone X to process the model and stream it via WiFi to the PC, which can then capture the input and output it to OBS. This way, no additional overhead is added to their PC which would be running a game already. Expressions can be selected manually and hotkeys can be assigned to them.

>> No.23395347

you're pretending to be retarded right?

>> No.23395348
Quoted by: >>23395357


>> No.23395349 [DELETED] 

They can't wait until this thread archives.

>> No.23395351

Huh. Guess that explains why they all have iPhones.

>> No.23395353 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23395359

pretty sure its just one retard spamming

>> No.23395356
Quoted by: >>23395369

Wait a minute I thought the Cathedral was after Farron Keep

>> No.23395357

they seem to be doing okay if they can afford live concerts for azki

>> No.23395359 [DELETED] 

Im sorry for my retarded brother anons sometimes he gets a hold of the computer and wont stop making threads

>> No.23395360

Anon.... I'm sorry.... but her singing and dancing is a bit....

>> No.23395361

I hope there won't be any intricate dungeons in FF7. For her and our sake.

>> No.23395362
Quoted by: >>23395376

I thought she was supposed to be better than suisei....

>> No.23395363
File: 268 KB, 1920x1012, live2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It reacts instantly, though it experiences low FPS if I'm both streaming and playing something heavy like ARK at the same time. More detailed rig with a lot of vertices also put more strain on your machine, so definitely need a beefy pc if you wanna both stream games and do facetracking. Facerig on steam has Live2D addon. It's the only one I used to make this, which comes with its own Facerig Webcam, so you can start broadcasting in Facerig, then choose the Facerig Webcam option on your chosen streaming app.

Live2D itself isn't free though, I've just been using free version.

>> No.23395364

jaypee is a contamination board created for touhou

>> No.23395365

I'm surprised how dead that thread is. Sometimes it feels like there are alot of posters but there's really only a few.

Didn't imply they weren't doing good.

>> No.23395369

No, the road of sacrifices connects to the cathedral and Farron.

>> No.23395371
Quoted by: >>23395402

Holy fuck, Okayu's playing Paper Mario, just like I was hoping a while back. I may need to change tomorrow's drawing of her.

>> No.23395376
Quoted by: >>23395386

Her singing so far is technically better. But she definitely needs a better design and model. Does the company use their own shit when doing lives outside their studio or do they use whats prepared/available at the venue?

>> No.23395384
Quoted by: >>23395396

I’ve always wondered what each hololive member would be doing right now if they weren’t playing games

What would there streams look like

>> No.23395386
Quoted by: >>23395403

idk, comparing this to suisei's 3D debut or Birthday lives, she's just kinda flat out worse.

>> No.23395387
Quoted by: >>23395393

Is it better to have IRL attendance at your live or higher number of stream watchers?

>> No.23395392
Quoted by: >>23395417

the hell is that? lol. you can make one on photoshop

>> No.23395393
Quoted by: >>23395408

AZKI has neither

>> No.23395395
Quoted by: >>23395410

Azki has some delicious thighs I wish she could do away with the hobo blanket already.

>> No.23395396

Probably sleeping.

>> No.23395402
Quoted by: >>23395414

Paper Mario is doodoo. Someone tell her to play Superstar Saga

>> No.23395403
Quoted by: >>23395461

Listen to Suisei's singing again (especially the 3D debut), Azki has less mistakes. I like Suisei's voice more though.

>> No.23395405

Getting tired of the twitch EOPs begging my daughterwife to play shit western games

>> No.23395406
Quoted by: >>23395417

It would seem like a good idea to have another pc for rendering the live2d avatar and composition and broadcasting.

>> No.23395407

Thanks, I was wondering how she fared against best boi. Now looking at that, it seems she can roll to her life, barring some weirdness with his jump-attacks she did good, letting him level up without getting any damage is a problem, but that's mostly a knowledge thing, a mechanics thing that isn't immediately apparent since I guess the particle effects would seem threatening, so you would have to know about it or find out about it through trying. In general there's many opportunities for her to get damage in even under challenge run rules, her diddling around playstyle is not favorable for this fight for this reason.

All in all I would have expected her to rekt more by just letting best boi level up, so in this case I'd say babby did gud. I'll readjust my opinion to say she's good under certain circumstances, but over the whole game in general I still wouldn't call her good, but that's a matter of standards.

>> No.23395408

got em

>> No.23395410
Quoted by: >>23395416

but she did...for now. Man, I really want her first design back.

>> No.23395413
Quoted by: >>23395421

Thats one of the worst things, especially when the game is at an "emotional" moment and the chuuba's super into it and they just spam shit like please play undertale! or something.

>> No.23395414

You shut your whore mouth. That is also a very good game though.

>> No.23395415

"Concerts" with 500 people?

>> No.23395416
Quoted by: >>23395445

I hate her first model's hair.

>> No.23395417
Quoted by: >>23395453

It can? I thought it's just for unprofessional flash tier animation so I've never bothered to try it, might switch over to it once my Live2D freemium expires

A phone can work just fine

>> No.23395418
File: 96 KB, 261x311, 1586152691318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23395430

>EOPs are spamming Rushia chat with cringe reddit memes and Soviet unions jokes
>Also spamming to watch JoJo and other shit games
>there are EOPs who still try and say that the Japanese are worse than this

>> No.23395419

RE sucks though she owes us a good series.

>> No.23395420

How can the INNK have a concert? I thought everyone was locked down? Where's Flare 3D dammit!

>> No.23395421

It's the SEAmonkeys doing it, especially during these hours.

>> No.23395424

She's probably getting like 50 people max.

>> No.23395425

Her hair still scuffed eh.

>> No.23395429

inb4 I wasn't talking about the amount of people watching her now but capacity of the places Azki held her concerts at.

>> No.23395430
Quoted by: >>23395539

Why do Americans love Jojo so much and thinks everyone else loves it as much as them?

>> No.23395432

t. EOP

>> No.23395433

I doubt that since I'm a SEAmonkey and nobody here likes those games people keep asking for.

>> No.23395434
Quoted by: >>23395441


>> No.23395435

all those people gonna die from coronavirus aren't they?

>> No.23395437

Who would have thought that Coco would become a wholesome life councilor.

>> No.23395439

A new strain the Azki virus!

>> No.23395440

Wait, AZKi concert is live?

>> No.23395441
Quoted by: >>23395464

I noticed the already little number of posts about Flare further dropped after the 3D stream was cancelled.

>> No.23395442
Quoted by: >>23395465

the fact that find that renting a venue for her to perform profitable means they're making some good money off of it. and yea, a concert a concert.

>> No.23395445
File: 225 KB, 1271x1581, 1586310527889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't

>> No.23395447

Yes but we don't know in which recurrence it will happen.

>> No.23395446
Quoted by: >>23395467

Read the title, it's just a restream of her latest live. 10 times in a row.

>> No.23395449
Quoted by: >>23395471

Y'up. Hence >>23395420

>> No.23395450
Quoted by: >>23395471

yea, don't you see all the people there?

>> No.23395453

You only need the Live2D program to build your model. It reads a PSD with layers and you do all your rigging in it. The program you'll be using at the end simply has a plugin that allows it to run Live2D moc3 files and it's associated files. This means you can build the whole thing while running the trial version and you don't need to buy the full version of Live2D.

>> No.23395454

When will we be getting squirrel girl and albino chinese girl?

>> No.23395460

I hate how much those banghorns remind me of melonpan's demon/succubus costume.

>> No.23395461
Quoted by: >>23395478

Idk, all of her original songs sounds better to me, could just be a room with better acoustics though.

>> No.23395462

The 14th, right? I think that's when they are debuting.

>> No.23395463
Quoted by: >>23395472

squirrel girl in 4 hours

>> No.23395464

At least many people watched her birthday stream.

>> No.23395465

Isn't such venue a bit small for Hololive's Virtual Diva?

>> No.23395466
Quoted by: >>23395472

Squirrel girl in 3.5 hours.

>> No.23395467


Both her designs seem very China

>> No.23395468

depends on how many people they expect to show up.

>> No.23395471

I thought it's rerun or someshit. Thanks for the clarification.

>> No.23395472

Wow tonights gonna be fun then watching her debut

>> No.23395473

AZki's singing really doesn't do it for me but she's certainly on another level. You can hear her going for some really ambitious shit and hitting it that you couldn't expect any other holo to try.

>> No.23395475

It is a rerun.

>> No.23395476

enjoy the WKWKWKWKWKWK because they don't know what grass is

>> No.23395478

You can like the songs more, I do as well. But pay attention to the singing. Suisei's pitch and her voice. She's not as consistent as Sora or AZki as of now.

Hololive is small. I know we are in the Hololive thread but don't be like that one delusional anon who wanted to compare them to the level of something like Love Live and IM@S.

>> No.23395480
Quoted by: >>23395504

Azki's singing shines only in several of her original songs. Generic jrock shit flattens it.

>> No.23395481
File: 813 KB, 1280x720, 1566652776337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ui Mama okay in /hololive/? I love her...

>> No.23395483

I liked her in either her c8* era or her 7uta era the best.

>> No.23395484

I'm only going to give the purple one a try.

>> No.23395486

I don’t know why talking about watame wouldn’t be fine here

>> No.23395487

betul betul betul

>> No.23395490

I am personally on the "if it isn't a Hololive collab then don't post them" but I certainly tolerate her more than Tamaki since atleast she's Subaru's mama.

>> No.23395491

Look at that smug face.

>> No.23395494

Ui Mama sucks, Ayame's mama is the superior cutie

>> No.23395500

If I were new to Vtubers I would think UI is the one signed to Hololive instead of Subaru since it seems that more people talk about her than her daughter

>> No.23395501
File: 682 KB, 648x906, 1556997449693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People here should appreciate Donaldo more.

>> No.23395502
Quoted by: >>23395505

Big Luna.

>> No.23395504

These songs are the most Azki in my opinion.

>> No.23395505


>> No.23395506
Quoted by: >>23395510


>> No.23395507

What do you have against Tamaki?

>> No.23395509

She's not affiliated to Hololive in anyway.

>> No.23395510


>> No.23395511
Quoted by: >>23395520

EOPs getting out of control in Rushia's chat
going to have to ban them soon

>> No.23395512
Quoted by: >>23395519


>> No.23395513
Quoted by: >>23395522

He's intimidated by the tower of babel

>> No.23395514
File: 9 KB, 230x219, 15155155.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23395519


>> No.23395515

Not him, Tamaki's too flat, no bulge.

>> No.23395516
Quoted by: >>23395524

Westaboo but too Japanese for western fans. Detroit playthrough is great.

>> No.23395518
Quoted by: >>23395561

Superb design ruined by shit gimmick, her natural voice is 10/10 so I'm quite butthurt she went with this shit and no one told her it was a bad idea, now no one has the balls to do it anymore since any kind of serious talk would feel like shitting on her harder than life does on Haato.

>> No.23395519
Quoted by: >>23395528

That's not how burden of proof works.
The 中の人 is a girl so I am just gonna refer to Tamaki as one.

>> No.23395520

It's mainly Indonesian faggots.

>> No.23395522

I would like it to be revealed that Tamaki actually has a tiny dick and every girls busts his nuts.

>> No.23395523

I'm a very shallow person and unless I know what the person behind the vtuber looks like I won't watch them.

>> No.23395524

If that’s true how come korone is so popular?

>> No.23395528

Tamaki is an accomplished mangaka, seiyuu, and makes it well known who she is irl. She even does irl face cam every now and then.

>> No.23395529

Is APEX the next big thing in hololive? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvtGz052dC0

>> No.23395530

shion yo...

>> No.23395531

Yes? and? What does that have to do with anything? I don't care how famous she is. She is not affiliated with Hololive in any official capacity.

>> No.23395533

Towa apex collab when...

>> No.23395536

Has Shion played any shooters aside from AEK if that even counts?

>> No.23395538


>> No.23395539

Someone probably told them the japanese were crazy about it and run with it, thats how these things usually play out

>> No.23395544

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjSN-mf10dw Danchou DS3 in 12 minutes.

>> No.23395547

I fuckin hope not. The next big thing needs to be Rainbow Six Siege.

>> No.23395550

Dont worry anon i love subaru too dont feel left out

>> No.23395553

Thats a awful idea anon, let them play RUST instead since its on the same tier

>> No.23395554

Too hardcore for holos, and too long.

>> No.23395555

>no towa

aqua and matsuri really hate towa huh

>> No.23395560

Yeah they don't want their idol image tarnished.

>> No.23395561

I got pass the shrilling voice easily because I can understand her. I just see it as a normie filter.

>> No.23395563

I am working on loving her, one archive at a time

>> No.23395564

Why didn't they just cash in on the Fortnite craze??

>> No.23395566

Towa's sleeping and she might have banged her head before she went to sleep.

>> No.23395567

They don't want to attract anti's.

>> No.23395569

that's just an excuse so towa fans not attacking aqua and matsuri

>> No.23395570

I wasn't sure if that said she hit her head or that she had a headache.

>> No.23395572

I'll take it. At least it's not boring as sin like Animal Crossing. The only downside is the 3 player limit per squad.

>> No.23395573

Pro fps playa Shion!

>> No.23395574

Wait scratch that she's been tweeting in the last half hour.

>> No.23395575

Suisei bros
she is singing with a male...

>> No.23395578

She already did a duet with Kabaya.

>> No.23395579

I fuck I remember this Holy Knight fuckers. I always wanted their weapons because the light was so cool.

>> No.23395580

Kids don't generate supacha.

>> No.23395581

matsuri too, neat.

>> No.23395582


>> No.23395584

The fucking irony.

>> No.23395586

Better cash in on the Warzone craze 2bh.

>> No.23395587


>> No.23395591

Normie might not be the right word for it but i see what your laying down anon Subaru's voice used to be grating on me but she just grows on you if you watch her enough

>> No.23395594
Quoted by: >>23395635

>Bilingual Bonus: The second member fluent in English after Haato

>> No.23395596

How do I get past the barrier gate to enjoy discord streams

>> No.23395598

Accomplished mangaka ? He just published a 6 volumes 4komas in a dying magazine and It was adapted in a very low-budget short-anime, It's not that big of a accomplishment

>> No.23395600

Luna English cute

>> No.23395609

Shion/Aqua apex should be an enjoyable shit show.

>> No.23395611
File: 70 KB, 1649x31, trollerino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23395618

Alright which one of you is this

>> No.23395613
File: 995 KB, 1448x2048, 80656268_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel's 250k celebration when?

>> No.23395618

Based ARK antis.

>> No.23395620
Quoted by: >>23395633

Duo's only...

>> No.23395622

Thanks for reminding me of how much I loathe tvtropes.

>> No.23395626
Quoted by: >>23395633

why does noone do 3 people apex streams, is it really that hard to get 3 people , fucking autistic nips

>> No.23395630
File: 372 KB, 651x301, 1586342535256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today was a good day to be an Apexfag.

>> No.23395631

Noel is too cute when she's grasping for her limited eng vocabulary.

>> No.23395633 [DELETED] 

Seethe harder towafags

>> No.23395635
File: 75 KB, 230x267, Luna22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23395637

I bet a red supachat they won't win any round.

>> No.23395638

You better keep that promise.

>> No.23395649
Quoted by: >>23395655

towa has covid

>> No.23395650

you better donate YAGOO

>> No.23395651

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIpc5IS8IU0 suisei uno collab

>> No.23395652

Aqua's voice is so nice....

>> No.23395653

>it's another Luna gets dabbed on by an enemy she can't backstab episode

>> No.23395655

Cute! Oh, Very Incredible Devil!

>> No.23395656
File: 474 KB, 1200x748, EVFeUkUUwAEtwZB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kElui34REPI Pekora

well, at least pekora better than indonesian hololive, so i'll watch pekora instead

>> No.23395657
Quoted by: >>23395662

Looks awes-
Nevermind. Guess I'll watch Korone instead then.

>> No.23395659
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1583165750464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haato and Matsuri in one stream
Rather keep my ear drums in tact to be honest.

>> No.23395661

Can't you see the towafags are hurting , all we know is pain. Forgive them

>> No.23395662

irredeemably shit taste.

>> No.23395663

Says coco was supposed to come one hour ago but she never came

>> No.23395664
Quoted by: >>23395667

t. Lyger

>> No.23395667
Quoted by: >>23395670

Don't insult me

>> No.23395669

Is Suisei/Haato/Matsuri a common Uno group?

>> No.23395670
Quoted by: >>23395674

You already do that when you defend Matsuri

>> No.23395671

>common Uno player
>common Uno group
Not really.

>> No.23395672

Degenerate Trio!

>> No.23395674
Quoted by: >>23395677

sorry, you've already proven your opinion is worth less than shit. maybe next time.

>> No.23395675
Quoted by: >>23395680

>expecting koronefags to have great taste

>> No.23395677
Quoted by: >>23395680

This but right back at you.

>> No.23395680

you're right, not sure what I was thinking

>no u

>> No.23395681
Quoted by: >>23395702

>babby's first Hololive
>not shit taste

>> No.23395683

>Asleep Legends
Break time!

>> No.23395689

shion carry aqua ass

>> No.23395696

Does Shion pick Wraith because she matches her playstyle or because she only wants to play as cute characters?

>> No.23395700
Quoted by: >>23395712

Who's gonna clear the Cathedral first? Noel or Luna?

>> No.23395702
Quoted by: >>23395708

>baby's first hololive
>not sora, miko or fubuki

>> No.23395705

I'd prefer for PUBG to make a return.

>> No.23395707

Apex is fast paced and one of the decent FPS, PUBG or Fortshite is the real sleeper.

>> No.23395708
Quoted by: >>23395731

Everyone and their mom always says the band aid video is how they found out about Hololive, following would be Miko's nigga and Fubuki's scatman, then Haato's english streams.

>> No.23395711

god, Azki's first design is so much better, even in motion.

>> No.23395712
Quoted by: >>23395727

Is Luna still playing DS3 like a retard?

>> No.23395715

This, it's the closest thing we will ever have to a new Titanfall. ;_;

>> No.23395724

Don't remind me.

>> No.23395727

That's the only way the Princess plays

>> No.23395729

I rather watch another PUBG zombie.That was the real shit.

>> No.23395731

Fubuki and Miko's shit was before the bandaid stuff pretty significantly. personally my first exposure was Miko's nigga and Aqua getting dunked on in smash.

>> No.23395732

Are you gonna watch Noel's singing stream?

>> No.23395734

No she cant sing

>> No.23395735

she's trying to kiss you

>> No.23395741

aqua invit shion play apex, and shion host it, but i have a feeling that shion don't enjoy it

>> No.23395743

When are we getting a collab stream with 1 chuuba from each gen?

>> No.23395744
Quoted by: >>23395755


>> No.23395749

She's like level 80 in Apex.

>> No.23395752
Quoted by: >>23395757

can you try that again but in english?

>> No.23395755


>> No.23395756

Shion has played Apex before, anonくん

>> No.23395757


>> No.23395758
Quoted by: >>23395768

Why does Aqua always have to carry

>> No.23395760
Quoted by: >>23395765

Reminder that Shion invite Korone to play Apex

>> No.23395765
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, 1577034815509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone playing FPS

>> No.23395768

Not as much as Coco

>> No.23395773

roboco and matsuri barely hit 2.5k viewer earlier, and shion and aqua at 14k, yeah yeah number fag whatever , its just interesting

>> No.23395779

>its just interesting
Not really.

>> No.23395783

Tell me about Luna, why does she like the Minion

>> No.23395785
File: 5 KB, 199x253, yarimasune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Danchou just throws out a casual やったぜ after defeating an enemy with explosion
D-do you guys think she knows about Cookies?

>> No.23395789
Quoted by: >>23395801

Shion and Aqua are having some good bantz.

>> No.23395799

shion yo

>> No.23395801

they should just play tf2 and confuse the fuck out of everyone

>> No.23395803

You could make Aqua stream with Towa and she would still hit 10k+ viewers, It's just like that man

>> No.23395804

Shion and Aqua is a pretty major pairing in Hololive. But also both alone usually pull high numbers compared to Matsuri or Roboco.

>> No.23395807

That's Roboco's shtick.

>> No.23395812
Quoted by: >>23395851

Nah I think warzone is even more faster. It just sad that no one in holoraibu played

>> No.23395815
File: 161 KB, 293x666, Moona.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23395818
Quoted by: >>23395854

wtf jaypee

>> No.23395823

When is Artia gonna ditch the chinks she clearly doesn't give a shit about and stream on YouTube?

>> No.23395829
Quoted by: >>23395854

Based jaypee

>> No.23395835
Quoted by: >>23395849

I literally can't deal with chinese youtube it's worse than nicovideo

>> No.23395844
File: 408 KB, 1067x2048, Screenshot_20200410-064138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23395931

So this is this Sunday at ~17:00. Is there a better way of listening to Suisei's block than downloading an A&G app or waiting for the archive?

I hope Matsuri uses her natural singing voice rather than her character voice. It's actually very good.

>> No.23395849
Quoted by: >>23395877

asia can't into good ui design

>> No.23395851

I would like to see them play Warzone and maybe even Battlefield IV or V.

>> No.23395854
File: 13 KB, 620x302, jaypee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does jaypee keep embarrassing us

>> No.23395856

If she likes to strip then she's best girl

>> No.23395860

Kek. I pissed myself when she read it outloud.

>> No.23395870
Quoted by: >>23395873

Angry Luna is very cute.

>> No.23395873

Call her Janemba. She doesn't like that.

>> No.23395874
File: 62 KB, 208x246, Luna16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23395877
File: 566 KB, 622x426, firefox_q43SkTcxJg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would even want to watch their videos like this?

>> No.23395878
Quoted by: >>23395889

can't wait for EOP to learn indonesian language!

>> No.23395880

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkH-KiTYjRI Subaru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YTaVoujaUU Coco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jogUeASaDq0 Kanata

>> No.23395884
Quoted by: >>23395944

>open video
>close video

>> No.23395885
File: 107 KB, 1161x484, 1586516122773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no excuse not to watch.

>> No.23395889
Quoted by: >>23395916

I know Selamat Pagi from Nichijou.

>> No.23395890

please subscribe to Subaru so she can hit 200k.

>> No.23395891


nah, i don't want chink to steal my data

>> No.23395893


>> No.23395896

I do have a good one: It's Artia

>> No.23395897

So YouTube isn't allowed but Twitter is? I will never understand China.

>> No.23395898

They already know about your futa collection. Just give in already.

>> No.23395899

There's my excuse.

>> No.23395900
Quoted by: >>23395912

When's that?

>> No.23395902
Quoted by: >>23395915

Shouldn't a dragon have a human tattooed on her back?

>> No.23395904
Quoted by: >>23395909

Google and the American government already knows about all the shit you do, who cares if some chinks do.

>> No.23395905

I'm highly anticipating this albino

>> No.23395909

it's fine as long as it's not chink

>> No.23395912

The day that comes after the 10th.

>> No.23395915
Quoted by: >>23395932

Maybe it's her relative.

>> No.23395916

next you will learn how to curse like kontol

>> No.23395925
Quoted by: >>23395958

wow man, das lacist.

>> No.23395928
File: 313 KB, 1463x2048, moona10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for her debut. She's proven rather pro-active on twitter, and I hope that carries over into her streams.

>> No.23395931

>Now roading

>> No.23395932

Maybe her ex?

>> No.23395934
Quoted by: >>23395945

Watame is the thumbnail today for Ochame Kinou!

>> No.23395944

You forgot the "look up new translated clips" part.

>> No.23395945

I didn't know you could do that

>> No.23395948
File: 70 KB, 1440x316, 1586516756166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Artia even live in China?

>> No.23395953

This, the only good chinks are the ones who hate their country and seek refuge in another country like Artia. She'll start streaming on YouTube sometime this year, guaranteed.

>> No.23395958

i'm okay with taiwan

>> No.23395964

These girls always choose either wraith or pathfinder.

>> No.23395965

>Pekora will never goes 80km/h fragging with an EPG while calling other [RDDT] peko.
Why even live

>> No.23395967

I wonder if their allowed to do that. Civia can only do collabs with other Hololive members on bili, she can't go on YouTube.

>> No.23395968

Wow, assuming she would be waking up around when the stream starts, that would put her in NA timezones. I predict Western Canada, that's where all the chinks live.

>> No.23395969
Quoted by: >>23395994

not surprising, he's one of the most fun to play characters in the game

>> No.23395972

Towa seems to main Lifeline.

>> No.23395974

Don't worry, the rest of the world will collectively nuke China once the full extent of the deaths from Coronavirus are found out.
It's hard to notice when half a huge city die even for an intelligent person, so several tens of thousands will be even harder to notice. 3k my hairy ass.

>> No.23395975

what happened to coco I thought she's going to stream the last chapter of Yakuza 7

>> No.23395978

She doesn't. If I remember correctly she said she was studying overseas. Somewhere in NA I assume.

>> No.23395979
Quoted by: >>23395993

Pathfinder and Wraith are very accessible and easy to get used to without feeling like a brainlet. The real brainlet, boring move is always picking a R99 and PK.

>> No.23395985
Quoted by: >>23396000

capture card problems
so much for being sponsored

>> No.23395988
File: 102 KB, 273x261, yy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23395993

But I like when Shion sings about the Peacekeeper

>> No.23395994

I still want them to try octane

>> No.23395998

She can't figure out how to use the capture card she got. So much for whoring herself out on twitter.

>> No.23396000
Quoted by: >>23396010

Bros I thought Coco was technically knowledgeable

>> No.23396003

Rushia chin so big

>> No.23396010
Quoted by: >>23396017

webcam thots cant into peecee this is fact

>> No.23396015

>beg for a new one for free
>can't use it

>> No.23396016

I like her design already

>> No.23396017

Coco doesn't do webcam though...

>> No.23396021
Quoted by: >>23396040

Please give Subaru a pity subscribe so she can get 200k...

>> No.23396023
Quoted by: >>23396067


>> No.23396024

Damn it's dead. Where are all the seafags today?

>> No.23396029
File: 85 KB, 456x538, 1585611596636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23396067

>he doesn't know

>> No.23396030

kamu memanggil saya?

>> No.23396032

I want to suck those tiddies

>> No.23396033
Quoted by: >>23396042

She used it at the beginning of the last Yakuza stream but it started stuttering hard at parts for some reason.

>> No.23396034
Quoted by: >>23396041

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-WyD1YIca0 Marine

>> No.23396038
Quoted by: >>23396044

Is this an Indog live? Fuck what a waste of a good design.

>> No.23396040
Quoted by: >>23396050

I could've sworn all the 2nd gens had hit 200k already.

Its time to admit that there are barely any seafags and the comments with bad english are still westernfags.

>> No.23396041
Quoted by: >>23396051

Why do you fuckers keep linking these streams like 10-30 fucking minutes before they start? Just do under 5. Goddamn.

>> No.23396042
Quoted by: >>23396057

When she got it, the avermedia rep replied to her and told her to be sure to uninstall the drivers for her old card because they could interfere with the new one. I bet she didn't do that.

>> No.23396044
Quoted by: >>23396055

> Fuck what a waste of a good design.
all three of them are
meanwhile Gen 5 looks like shite

>> No.23396050
Quoted by: >>23396064

>Its time to admit that there are barely any seafags and the comments with bad english are still westernfags
b-but my narrative

>> No.23396051 [DELETED] 

Make me, bitch ass nigger.

>> No.23396052

never gonna get sponsored ever again

>> No.23396054

Literally what the fuck were they thinking when they designed Deacons of the Deep

>> No.23396055

Fuck you I want to rub my dick on the chuuni racoon's tail

>> No.23396057

Holy fuck, this is like PC 101. Wtf Coco.

>> No.23396058

Man I love her design. Such a shame to waste it on the SEA monkeys.

>> No.23396059

they should all play bannerlord, or outer wilds

>> No.23396062

Will you shut the fuck up about Bannerlord already? They're never gonna play it

>> No.23396063

"Let's copy that shitty boss fight from Bloodborne, which was a copy of a shitty boss fight from Dark Souls 2"

>> No.23396064

Those youtube statistics/analytics ain't accurate bruh

>> No.23396067

Why do you act like Coco's previous life is not well-known on this thread?

>> No.23396068
Quoted by: >>23396083

Someone from Niji is playing Bannerlord, you could check it out if you so want to.

>> No.23396073
Quoted by: >>23396081

Maybe we can improve on Celestial Emissary? Maybe we can improve on Royal Rat Vanguard?

>> No.23396074
File: 489 KB, 1644x1123, EVO8IOTUcAIDZSL orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23396088

That's an ELITE shrine

>> No.23396075
Quoted by: >>23396080

Are you retarded? It's well known that it's her roommate.

>> No.23396078

Because they probably just found out about it. Its like wrestling fans who just start to read the sheets or what other people post about the dirtsheets.

>> No.23396080

She doesn't do 3D streams anymore. She streams with her avatar.

>> No.23396081
Quoted by: >>23396094

What's really fucking sad is that they had an improvement of those fights, it was called the fucking Phalanx.

>> No.23396083
Quoted by: >>23396102

I only watch Gibara, Lulu, and Chaika.

>> No.23396087
File: 473 KB, 869x1200, EVNgE6DVAAU1IJc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23396108


>> No.23396088

they need to do the sticker thing like they do for anime characters for all HL characters.

>> No.23396089

5% max

>> No.23396091

When are they going to pick up a MMO. FFXIV maybe

>> No.23396092

She literally did a webcam stream 4 days ago.

>> No.23396094

Ehhhh I don't know about that

>> No.23396098
File: 408 KB, 441x432, riGBG6VA50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy senchou

>> No.23396102

Based, also Kanda was the one that tried out Bannerlord when it came out, could check him out.

>> No.23396103

This is why Luna should stop playing with lock-on.

>> No.23396108

I want to fuck her feet

>> No.23396112

Anon I...

>> No.23396113

Selamat pagi Anons!

>> No.23396114
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, 【アニメ】コスプレ女VS緑色のアレ - YouTube.mkv_snapshot_01.21_[2020.04.08_17.45.33].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23396116


>> No.23396117

It is way past her bedtime.

>> No.23396118


>> No.23396122

God Senchou is the biggest nerd and I love it.
