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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 454 KB, 1001x752, one trillion cocobucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23279588 No.23279588 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23279596
Quoted by: >>23279607

coco's projected april supacha earnings

>> No.23279598
File: 347 KB, 1448x2047, aqua246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for Aqua

>> No.23279607


>> No.23279611

There are two threads up
What do

>> No.23279615
File: 2.59 MB, 540x360, 1585087821928.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is watame's live2d so good?
Why is she the only one that makes their model move a lot?

>> No.23279620
File: 137 KB, 1000x988, 1583416451691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do Haato's panties smell like, I wonder?

>> No.23279622

This one was made first

>> No.23279625


>> No.23279626

I refuse to post in Towa threads until she plays bloodborne

>> No.23279630
File: 326 KB, 577x603, pekora pog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279639

>> No.23279635
File: 2.86 MB, 390x444, sheep.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279664


>> No.23279636

This one isnt Towa OP.

>> No.23279638
File: 56 KB, 347x468, 1584712885700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279772


>> No.23279639
File: 230 KB, 600x600, 1553106477120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279681


>> No.23279642
File: 1.17 MB, 1364x1080, 1584890202084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23279644

Does Japan know about Shantae at all? I wonder if anychuuba is going to play the new one.

>> No.23279648

It's so cute how her ears wiggle when she blinks.

>> No.23279649

my wife is very elite

>> No.23279653
Quoted by: >>23279661

A better question is what do each holo's panties smell like

>> No.23279654

fuck towafags

>> No.23279657

Is Towa serious with this shit? She's going to fucking die.

>> No.23279658
Quoted by: >>23279665

I want to give my economic stimulus package straight into Coco's vagina.
.t Donald J. Trump

>> No.23279661

Marine's smell like piss apparently.

>> No.23279664

When the asacoco hits

>> No.23279665
Quoted by: >>23279741

A dragon would have a cloaca

>> No.23279666 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 1080x1350, 1585344736268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holo Live

>> No.23279673

Thanks Satan

>> No.23279681
Quoted by: >>23279684

I can't wait for Artia's debut!

>> No.23279682
File: 385 KB, 385x542, 1584629889155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23279683
Quoted by: >>23279689

Is that korbo?

>> No.23279684

When will it be?

>> No.23279685
Quoted by: >>23279706

Wow! Instead of superchat, she gets superfat.

>> No.23279688

Link to her exhentai ero cosplay set.

>> No.23279689

More like Karbs

>> No.23279695 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 1001x579, 1585344997204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279707

Do you think Coco's 3d debut will be daring?

>> No.23279696
File: 1.50 MB, 480x568, aqua_eating_dango.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279734


>> No.23279701

>Nobody streaming for the next couple hours
What do I do now?

>> No.23279703 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 256x328, 1585345109193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23279706
File: 914 KB, 665x798, 1585261396772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23279707

no, if anything it will be underwhelming.

>> No.23279710 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 166x202, 1585345171655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23279727
File: 2 KB, 544x31, elite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it seems like she just wanted to skip asamiko

>> No.23279733

Wow! Instead of superchat, she gets superflat.

>> No.23279734


>> No.23279741 [SPOILER] 
File: 681 KB, 1074x1518, 1585345518205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279764

Not according to this image

>> No.23279743
File: 25 KB, 512x286, EUJJKk3WkAE_yfx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last asamiko she said she isn't going to do it every saturday and sunday

>> No.23279760

Well then I hope she's prepared to get bullied again.

>> No.23279764
Quoted by: >>23279793

Not canon

>> No.23279768
File: 48 KB, 806x549, 1584562261665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23279770
Quoted by: >>23279833

I love elementary school girl vaginas.

>> No.23279772

Danchou is so fucknig cool.

>> No.23279788
File: 78 KB, 522x72, 1557249799054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Hachaama delgenerate was a fucking act but it's clearly not.

>> No.23279793

Bro she has a vagina trust me. Me, her and kson regularly have threesomes.

>> No.23279815

Is PP really a boy or am I getting baited

I like xe either way they're nice and just the right amount of tismal

>> No.23279822
File: 10 KB, 307x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23279832

what a chad
joins a chat and already asserting dominance

>> No.23279833

ok Matsuri

>> No.23279850
Quoted by: >>23279875

Based. All j*p women should speak english and submit themselves to Gokus Games humongous cock.

>> No.23279855

yubi yubi

>> No.23279875
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1584771323545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279896

Guess you could say they should do Gokkun with his game.

>> No.23279896

horrible, just horrible, only 60 posts in and this is now the worst thread we ever had, and it's all your fault

>> No.23279908

Marine english heals the soul.

>> No.23279929


>> No.23279932
Quoted by: >>23280001

Nobody good is streaming today...

>> No.23279934
Quoted by: >>23279953

breeding marine's nearly expired womb heas the soul

>> No.23279948


>> No.23279953
File: 184 KB, 1217x2048, 1584491144777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23279995


>> No.23279995

smelly beautiful girl

>> No.23279999

Slow thread today huh?

>> No.23280001

More streams will be scheduled as the day goes on
It's currently early morning for Japan

>> No.23280022

Not much going on really.

>> No.23280049


>> No.23280053
Quoted by: >>23280067

No asacoco, no asamiko. Therefore no thread

>> No.23280062 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 1585348338067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found the video.

>> No.23280067
Quoted by: >>23280083

Why do they make Watame do all the meme stuff but Suisei gets all the good sruff?

>> No.23280075
Quoted by: >>23281897

I need it. Please andastd

>> No.23280083

Watame has made a proper cover and has a morning singing show and she makes them of her own accord
It's also too early for her to get an original song, I feel

>> No.23280084

Cute butt

>> No.23280103
Quoted by: >>23280113

She has the body of a young boy

>> No.23280110

What did I miss?

>> No.23280113

I bet you’ve seen a fair share of young boy bodies.

>> No.23280118

Miko or marine?

>> No.23280123
Quoted by: >>23280129

My ass is bigger and I'm a man.

>> No.23280126

I want to squeeze those cheeks

>> No.23280129
Quoted by: >>23280149

work out, fatty

>> No.23280135

The body of a man and the intellect of an animal.

>> No.23280138

Is that meant to be some sort of insult?

>> No.23280139

How can people have favorite holos? They all have so many good points! I've yet to find one I dislike.

>> No.23280149

mikofags are as stupid as she is

>> No.23280151
Quoted by: >>23280170

what about the one who never streams?

>> No.23280154
File: 62 KB, 653x680, EG17r9PUwAAb22c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280170

by sticking by one long enough

>> No.23280158

having a favorite one doesn't mean you have to dislike the rest of them

>> No.23280160
File: 251 KB, 598x559, 1584184524671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Luna.

>> No.23280169

I just remind myself Matsuri and her stalker exists, its too bad Fubuki is by her side most of the time.

>> No.23280170

Sora? I haven't actually watched everyone yet. But everyone I've seen is great so far. Sora seems too idol-y for me but she doesn't seem bad.

But if you only watch one, then how do you know you picked the best one?

>> No.23280177
Quoted by: >>23280225

i watch them all but miko will always be first if multiple are on

>> No.23280180

the fact that you don't even remember the one who never streams says a lot anon.

>> No.23280186

most of them stream at the same times so you have to pick one.

>> No.23280221
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, 1579028790146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280232

I'm glad Towa is showing her support for the LGBT community.

>> No.23280225
Quoted by: >>23280241

I always just go with whomever is streaming the most interesting game (like korone's Digimon stream). If there's no game I'm particularly interested in, then I usually watch Mio or Fubuki, but that's not always a consistent hierarchy. But I don't necessarily consider them to be the best, just that they're easy to listen to. I've already watched most Miko and Peko videos and I've lost interest in their Ark streams.

>> No.23280230
File: 151 KB, 1200x900, 1580151696302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280239

>> No.23280232
Quoted by: >>23280242


>> No.23280239

master ranger?

>> No.23280241
Quoted by: >>23280314

>I've lost interest in their Ark streams.

Watch Aki's streams, she's doing trapless runs.

>> No.23280242

who quote

>> No.23280262

Luna plays good games so I always watch her stream.

>> No.23280283
Quoted by: >>23280287

tastefully lewd miko

>> No.23280287
Quoted by: >>23280304

i want to untie miko's string

>> No.23280299

One day the Hololives will be popular enough to get good doujins

>> No.23280304
Quoted by: >>23280335

I want to untie her pantsu and wear them as a face mask in these troubled times.

>> No.23280308

Could've been in the upcoming comiket but that's cancelled thanks to Comiket so doujin progress is being held back by a year

>> No.23280314
Quoted by: >>23280323

This, Aki has a hardcore form to play Ark, she has developed weird tactical streams and sometimes her mind brokes and goes full comando.

>> No.23280317

I'm retarded, meant to say thanks to the virus

>> No.23280318
Quoted by: >>23280327

somebody.... please stream...

>> No.23280319

Aussie semen

>> No.23280323

But I was told I needed a high IQ to enjoy her stream and my IQ is only 117.

>> No.23280327
Quoted by: >>23280340

Fubuki will stream animal crossing in an hour

>> No.23280330
Quoted by: >>23280339

Will someone please come over here and fuck me in the ass while wearing tiger body paint?

>> No.23280335
File: 216 KB, 840x840, EUGr64XUEAI8TgU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280369


>> No.23280337
Quoted by: >>23280342

I could see a Pekora Doujin about that Slither.io player that captured her and kept her as a pet
So not only were less new stuff be availabe, but artists will have less income and a lot of favorites might have to retire.
This might be what I spend my stimulus money on.

>> No.23280339

As much as I like the girls, AC isn't a game that's very enjoyable watching others play. The fishing tournament was entertaining but that was something they decided to do together, not an actual game event. Their AC streams aren't necessarily bad, just not really interesting in my opinion.

>> No.23280340

I don't think many people like them, but I'm having a lot of fun with the Animal Crossing streams.

>> No.23280342
Quoted by: >>23280354

Just tell those retards to do digital releases

>> No.23280353
File: 74 KB, 763x811, PZ3cAo3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280355

Rushia is made to be loved and taken care off.

>> No.23280354
Quoted by: >>23280468

Don't most artists now sell their doujins on Booth along with selling it at Comiket?

>> No.23280355

Rushia is made to be brutally creampied

>> No.23280361
Quoted by: >>23280366

Why won't they stream fun games? ARK and AC are shit.

>> No.23280366

Towachi is about to play Rhythm Heaven igual you're into that.

>> No.23280367

>cunny cunny cunny cunny cunny

absolutely based

>> No.23280369
File: 224 KB, 554x539, 1584751800874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280371

Does miko control that or does that control miko?

>> No.23280370

I cant watch anymore ac
1-3 I play godhand
4-6 dead space
7-9 dmc5
0 I watch more 切り抜き

>> No.23280371


>> No.23280375


>> No.23280376
File: 239 KB, 542x356, 1585300012744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23280378

Well, the numbers don't lies anon.

>> No.23280382
File: 653 KB, 1844x1844, 1584936699224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23280383

Suisei is a cute JD

>> No.23280412

Joshi Doutei?

>> No.23280414

What comes after JD?

>> No.23280422


>> No.23280428


>> No.23280437

Reminder to use your Trumpbux on your favorite Hololive!

>> No.23280439
File: 229 KB, 1920x1080, 1584980998398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it with Mikos and armpits?

>> No.23280441


>> No.23280459

If you have 'em, flaunt 'em

>> No.23280468

Comiket can just make digital booth with the exact same layout as the physical one and let the artist sell their stuffs there.

>> No.23280470

Which Holo would come out on top in a Battle Royale kind of scenario?

>> No.23280473
Quoted by: >>23280534


>> No.23280476

Why is Kanata such a DORK?

>> No.23280477
Quoted by: >>23280534


>> No.23280486

She is a shrine maiden

>> No.23280491
Quoted by: >>23280534

Ayame. See: Project Winter.

>> No.23280493
File: 2.14 MB, 2894x2894, e94a96aec953d1f9a704bcc2b3a9dc19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco would be the big threat everyone has to team up against in the beginning.

>> No.23280503

lol no

>> No.23280515

I think when Hololive gets bigger we should split up the threads between the popular ones and unpopular ones to have less clutter.

>> No.23280516
File: 657 KB, 554x649, Screenshot_2020-03-28 [WWE2K19]にじさんじ所属女子スーパースター 得意技&必殺技 nijisanji women superstar's favorite moves - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280576

has the WWE anon finally delivered?

>> No.23280528

There's so many retards in this comment section, holy shit.

>> No.23280534

Rushia can just reanimate dead members endlessly making her unstoppable in the late game. Assuming she survives long enough to get to that point.

>> No.23280542
Quoted by: >>23280563

stop shitposting and watch fubuki

>> No.23280549

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfU4F5p7E_0 Fubuki

>> No.23280561
File: 42 KB, 674x553, duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you like about Subaru's voice?

>> No.23280563

I can do both

>> No.23280565

It's very loud

>> No.23280569

I don't like her voice

>> No.23280571


>> No.23280572

It soothes my ears.

>> No.23280574
Quoted by: >>23280579

Good for ASMR

>> No.23280576
Quoted by: >>23280621

No. He is a coward and a faggot.

>> No.23280577

It's too strange to not be genuine

>> No.23280579


>> No.23280582

It brings back fond memories of the pet duck I had as a child.

>> No.23280595
Quoted by: >>23280617

Sora. She doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.23280601

Very Genki

>> No.23280603
Quoted by: >>23280610

FBK's AC character really reminds me of an old lady

>> No.23280610
File: 142 KB, 854x480, obaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23280614


>> No.23280617
File: 376 KB, 1920x1080, 1584217658186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delet this no one must be suspicious ahead of time

>> No.23280620

What the hell happened to her design

>> No.23280621

I'm deeply disappointed

>> No.23280622
Quoted by: >>23280643

Where is her hair?

>> No.23280626

they gave her a maternity gown

>> No.23280630

Fubuki always looked the most derpy

>> No.23280636
Quoted by: >>23282737

put them in hunger game and see the results

>> No.23280643

It's tied behind her head, but that's to hide that her hair is falling out from stress and age

>> No.23280646

They keep making her a main character in the hololive shorts, but she'd be more suited doing the "On the next episode" parts.

>> No.23280652

I don't.

>> No.23280682

upcoming animu season looks abysmal but at least we have our chuubas

>> No.23280685

it's best in a long time tho, you just have shit taste.

>> No.23280689

petty powerful tenshi

>> No.23280695

Easy to pick out of a line up

>> No.23280697
Quoted by: >>23280847


>> No.23280704

Can't be worse than last season.

>> No.23280711

Best anime to watch along a chuuba?

>> No.23280715


Based Suisei

>> No.23280718

Aqua would survive thanks to her Ultimate Luck.

>> No.23280729


>> No.23280735

It's got a very nice mixed amount of variety which is nice. Even a solfag like myself has a decent amount of shows to watch in all that romance and shounenshit.

>> No.23280738

Suisei is a national treasure.

>> No.23280754

There's something about Suisei that gives her an authoritative presence.

>> No.23280761

Do you think she likes to step on people?

>> No.23280764

10k watching her just lay down paving stones... They aren't even that nice looking imo

>> No.23280768
Quoted by: >>23280776

I hope so. I want her to step on me.

>> No.23280770

If she did they would die

>> No.23280776
File: 615 KB, 520x600, suisei oh jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23280779

god I hope so

>> No.23280794

suisei sucks

>> No.23280797

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kbmoz5Edoo Subaru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkJKb2tG4Cc Towa

>> No.23280805


>> No.23280809

Suisei will never step on you while cursing like this ;_; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PRR8AEBVynU

>> No.23280811
File: 1.39 MB, 1448x2048, 79944777_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe in her!

>> No.23280822

Is it just me r does Towa rarely use fan art for her thumbnails, catching up on coco and checking Towa's channel made me realise that she uses her official alot more often.

>> No.23280826

Based EOPs

>> No.23280843
Quoted by: >>23280855

Doesn't Coco get mountains of fan art every single day?

>> No.23280847

Maybe if you only watch one genre

>> No.23280850

She hardly gets any fan art, that's why

>> No.23280854

towa doesn't have as much fan art to choose from and she hates her EOP heavy fanbase

>> No.23280855
Quoted by: >>23280882

Kanata aslo uses alot of fanarts for thumbnails.
Some of them out of character...or rather what she wishes her character still were kek

>> No.23280864
Quoted by: >>23280880

>and she hates her EOP heavy fanbase
Why do you feel the need to lie like this anon?

>> No.23280866
Quoted by: >>23280880

She's a good girl she doesn't hate EOPs.

>> No.23280872
Quoted by: >>23280881

Daily reminder: do not respond to bait. Report then hide them instead.

>> No.23280880

She loathes them. Trust me. Check 5ch if you doubt me.

>> No.23280881

Some bait is genuinely well thought out and deserves (You).

>> No.23280882

Matsuri is the one who really needs to be using fanart thumbnails.
Her subscribers have to be saved from those ugly ass closeups of that 3D model.

>> No.23280891

Towa's got a lad, boyfriends...

>> No.23280895

Remember rule ten.

>> No.23280897
Quoted by: >>23280910

I hate jojoshit but goddamn I love this clip so much.

>> No.23280902
Quoted by: >>23280949

My wife is playing rythm heaven until she gets everything on perfect please watch her

>> No.23280910
Quoted by: >>23281001

Jojo is actually good until part 5 starts, its the mainstream that ruined it.
Its the fate of anything popular and this is proven by how popular hololive lately is and how it is attracting all the wrong people.

>> No.23280914
File: 1.52 MB, 2891x4096, 210ac5f4aed6431f4366f41399e24690[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go to the bread store and see this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGYu6Kj3bL0

What do you do?

>> No.23280920

Buy some fucking bread

>> No.23280922
File: 74 KB, 1080x1420, received_662667304564613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taste the bread

>> No.23280932

Fubuki really loves making those postcards.

>> No.23280933
File: 68 KB, 310x610, Anpanman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280944

Put on a cape and red clown nose.

>> No.23280944


>> No.23280949

She's close

>> No.23280950
Quoted by: >>23280973

donald duck asmr

>> No.23280964

leave and go to the pizzeria next door

>> No.23280972

will she ever notice that ppa is also related to power point?

>> No.23280973
Quoted by: >>23280992

She sounds nothing like Donald Duck, where did this meme even originate?

>> No.23280987
File: 14 KB, 332x123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23280990
File: 859 KB, 1232x691, SBZdHfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23280997

Has Towa ever used this expression before?

>> No.23280992

Lurk more retard.

>> No.23280993

At least you won't have to live long enough to see Kanata die.

>> No.23280997

A lot, especially with Choco

>> No.23281001

Imagining being this much of a cringy hipster faggot.

>> No.23281007
Quoted by: >>23281018


Is this an off collab? This is an off collab right?

>> No.23281018
Quoted by: >>23281026


>> No.23281026


>> No.23281046
File: 680 KB, 1055x578, Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 6.35.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa collab with Haachama!

>> No.23281047

A want Shion to call me onii-san and sit in my lap.

>> No.23281059

I feel that pain of that one fuck up when being so close to(w)a Perfect all too well

>> No.23281071
File: 1.85 MB, 1253x1770, 1584642223150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to bully Houshou Marine's decaying womb with my cock.

>> No.23281076

Last night when I was trying to sleep I pretended I was sleeping with Marine, grabbing her belly and rubbing against her butt. It made me feel very lonely.

>> No.23281118

Last night when I was trying to sleep I pretended I was sleeping with Rushia, grabbing her belly and rubbing against her flat chest. It made me feel very lonely.

>> No.23281121
Quoted by: >>23281125

Towa finally hit 2k for the first I've seen since her comeback stream... I feel so happy for her... don't give up, Towa-sama!

>> No.23281125

Rythm games seem to be her most popular

>> No.23281142
File: 3.51 MB, 2896x4096, EUGY4t-U0AUMwA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23281167

>> No.23281144

Last night when I was trying to sleep I pretended I was sleeping with Aqua, grabbing my nose and rubbing my tearing eyes. It made me feel very traumatized.

>> No.23281150
Quoted by: >>23281161

>Much Daisuki! Honto! Towa-Sama is master of the beat! Ganbatte!
much cringe

>> No.23281154
File: 10 KB, 386x138, butmyeops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons...our narrative

>> No.23281161
Quoted by: >>23281170

Show them anon! Donate a big fat Akasupacha and show them how it's done!

>> No.23281167
Quoted by: >>23281203


>> No.23281169

Why hasn't Haato put her mouse up for auction yet?

>> No.23281170

Only retards do that

>> No.23281171
File: 75 KB, 564x502, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's dead inside.

>> No.23281172
File: 417 KB, 626x885, 1556043292732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big peko

>> No.23281174

but /jp/ said eops/esls don't donate...

>> No.23281188


>> No.23281201
Quoted by: >>23281209

>Pekora hivemind

>> No.23281203
Quoted by: >>23281214


>> No.23281207


>> No.23281208

Carrot boob sweat

>> No.23281209
File: 75 KB, 554x502, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23281222

No I was MOOOOOOOOOOOOTed, this was the image I was trying to post.

>> No.23281213
Quoted by: >>23281725

what the fuck is wrong with this one

>> No.23281214


>> No.23281222
Quoted by: >>23281236

It's a sign. Dump that hetslut and join the rabbit nest

>> No.23281236

And steal Miko's woman from her? No way.

>> No.23281267

Towa just did a perfect while her eyes was closed.

>> No.23281270

Last night when I was trying to sleep I pretended I was sleeping with Korone, yelling YOU CAN'T SLEEP and playing the Maka Maka battle theme in the background. It made me feel very awake.

>> No.23281276

With all the random bullshit that shows up on screen it's probably easier to keep your eyes closed.

>> No.23281282

Nobody tell Luna

>> No.23281343

K Y S always has quality supachas

he's my favorite EOP

>> No.23281350

where were you when towa was kill

>> No.23281354

So was asaMiko a one time thing?

>> No.23281356
Quoted by: >>23281378

Why does the entire chat turn into "I LOVE YOU TOWA" spam whenever her character vanishes?

>> No.23281361

Once a week, there was a time she was held hostage by terrorists who wanted her to do it twice a week but she refused because it's too much work.

>> No.23281366

Fubuki loves Towa

>> No.23281370
Quoted by: >>23281395

She's just keeping tabs on her.

>> No.23281372
Quoted by: >>23281393

>can read various hiragana, katakana and ​草 thanks to hololives
soon I won't be an EOP anymore!

>> No.23281373
Quoted by: >>23281403

She does it when she can but making a news show is tough work.

>> No.23281378

They treat it like a secret confession time.

>> No.23281385
Quoted by: >>23281399

Towa should play elite beat agents

>> No.23281389
Quoted by: >>23281398

fack(small voice)

>> No.23281391
File: 14 KB, 405x167, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281393
File: 86 KB, 756x574, 1430280123155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281395
Quoted by: >>23281407

Fubuki is the big sister of hololive.

>> No.23281398


>> No.23281399

She hasn't played a DS game before. She would have to get a special DS for Capturing game footage.

>> No.23281400

Towa reaching 3k viewers!

>> No.23281403


Then how come based girl does it every weekday without fail?

>> No.23281405
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1584119108432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281407


As expected of spider man.

>> No.23281416


>> No.23281419
File: 27 KB, 405x376, towahavingfun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Towa seems to be having a great time playing Rhythm Heaven...

>> No.23281429

Well, yeah. It's a good game.

>> No.23281437
Quoted by: >>23284069

>that EOP behind her head
is that bullying i see

>> No.23281442

She isn't elite enough to stay up from dusk 'til dawn playing ark.

>> No.23281458

ShaZam is based.

>> No.23281465

I can't stop thinking about that fack(small voice) Towa dropped moments ago...
Is this ガチ恋?

>> No.23281468

She's ridiculously capable. Here's a little conversation with the two of them about how tough it is.

>> No.23281469

Are they all lesbians or do they just all pretend to be lesbians?

>> No.23281476
Quoted by: >>23281487

I want to watch Haato and Watame, but they start at the worst possible time for me

>> No.23281477

She's got that American entrepreneurial spirit

>> No.23281478


>> No.23281487

The only thing good about Australia is that the timezones line up almost perfectly...

>> No.23281491

31% of them are lesbians, it's up to you to figure out who

>> No.23281492

each pair has a pretender and real one, it's for you to guess

>> No.23281496

Pekora has a pretender pair?

>> No.23281512

In some cases (any pairing involving Coco), guesses aren't required.

>> No.23281518

Towa really needs to stop taking breaks to suck people's dicks during streams.

>> No.23281519

Do you think Towa will finish today?

>> No.23281522

If she can stream for at least 10~15ish more hours, yes

>> No.23281524

Towa is boring as hell. Korone playing rhythm is how you play rhythm games.

>> No.23281526
Quoted by: >>23281717

despite everything, any of these """real""" lesbians will never really get the fulfillment they want

there are massive hurdles in the way so its 95% so its mostly just for playing around

>> No.23281527

Someone needs to stop this sex crazed hag before it's too late

>> No.23281535

Towa playing with her eyes closed is blessed.

>> No.23281543

This is just /jp/ falseflaggers trying to start up shit with Towa and English speakers.

>> No.23281546
Quoted by: >>23281559

This is a great stream of Towa playing the first 9 seconds of every map in Rhythm Heaven...

>> No.23281547

She's our friendly neighbourhood Neko

>> No.23281551

god i wish that was me

>> No.23281555

Hopefully it takes her another 4 hours. I need an endurance stream from her

>> No.23281556
Quoted by: >>23281644

It was a life or death situation. Anyone else would have reluctantly done the same thing.

>> No.23281558
Quoted by: >>23281580

In case anyone wanted to know what a good rhythm game stream looked like

>> No.23281559

She's trying to Perfect everything so what's the point of going on with a song if you already failed to do so at the start
Plus, if you keep repeating a map without any progress then it'd just kill your motivation in the long run
Switching between maps like this can maintain that motivation

>> No.23281568
Quoted by: >>23281583

the reason she switches between maps isn't to maintain motivation, the reason is because rhythm heaven gives you 3 tries for a Perfect when one shows up before it disappears

>> No.23281577

when she's consistently missing literally the first note of each map I think a full perfect run is a bit too ambitious...

>> No.23281580

It's not fair to compare anyone to Korone.

>> No.23281583

Can confirm, playing the same thing over and over in hopes of getting good enough eventually ends up killing my patience and tilts me more and more the longer it goes on.

>> No.23281591

You say, as Towa just perfects another

>> No.23281593

Towa's cute Ohoho laugh~
Imma be real with you guys, i don't think she'll make it...

>> No.23281594

What? Most of her misses are usually at the end.

>> No.23281598

Fubuki tried to be ELITE but failed

>> No.23281599

Why does she suck so much at fork lifter. It's one of the easier ones.

>> No.23281603

Why the hell are you fags watching Towa the boring slut?

>> No.23281608

Fun and cute.

>> No.23281611

Adorable and hardworking

>> No.23281615

cute voice

>> No.23281616

Straight and cockhungry

>> No.23281618

Temporary slut while I wait for Marine

>> No.23281621

She's the only straight left in Hololive.

>> No.23281622
File: 51 KB, 326x442, 1581118183904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it triggers you

>> No.23281624

She does cute voices and noises.

>> No.23281627

This is going to get me so many upvotes!

>> No.23281629

some real talk here, even though I think they are advised to bait the audience, I think some of them do get infatuated with their coworkers. Marine said that in an all girls environment everyone goes lesbian, for women its easier since men are gross.
My headcannon is every holo is alittle bit gay for Coco since she is as reliable as a husband.

>> No.23281630

She's the only straight Holoraibu

>> No.23281632

Monitoring how many EOPs donate.

>> No.23281633

Is there any Japanese person that knows the actual lyrics to this song?

>> No.23281634

is the reason korone plays easy games is because she isn't that good at them?

>> No.23281637
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 1584491347429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23281641

korone is the best at every game

>> No.23281642

This doesnt work without Miko's retarded voice. She is the only one that can do it.

>> No.23281644
Quoted by: >>23281672

I'm pretty sure most people would have hesitated instead of immediately jumping on the opportunity like marine

>> No.23281645

Because the other Hololive succubus isn't as sexual outside of ASMR

>> No.23281646

That miss hurt so much bros....

>> No.23281647

I like being NTR'd

>> No.23281650

Towa is my wife and I must support her

>> No.23281653

To her in despair when she fails at the last notes.

>> No.23281654

There are males among the staff so it's not an all-girls environment
Boy do I wish the girls beyond Fubuki, Matsuri and Roboco interacted with the Holostars more

>> No.23281658

Rhythm games make for comfy streams

>> No.23281659
File: 3.56 MB, 498x660, 1584796440482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23281690

i'm feelin it!

>> No.23281660

She is Anon's wife and i must support their relationship

>> No.23281668

Wouldn't it just become nijisanji 2.0

>> No.23281672
Quoted by: >>23281675

Marine is cursed with being constantly horny.

>> No.23281674
Quoted by: >>23281706

>male staff
>dating material

>> No.23281675

How did she ended up cursed?

>> No.23281677

>Yuricuck mindset

>> No.23281682

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23281684

It's mostly a "remote" job they can do from home, not counting occasional collabs and studio recordings. Most of them probably have men in their vicinity, whether it's family, neighbours, friends or coworkers from their "normal" jobs (if they have one). While all-girls Christian school is a relatively insular place I do not think most of them are really separated from men like that.

>> No.23281685

Obviously Marine would never joke about anything like that.

>> No.23281690
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, 1582709914663.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna dance with the cat!

>> No.23281693
Quoted by: >>23281708

You've been watching too much Citrus

>> No.23281698
Quoted by: >>23282481

what's a headcannon anon?

>> No.23281699

Do you think Aqua has a normal job?

>> No.23281706

yeah they don't date, they're just fuck buddies since staff know their real lives and can dox them anytime.

>> No.23281708
Quoted by: >>23281732

the only yuri I consume is futa-yuri dojins

>> No.23281709

Yes, she's a marine maid.

>> No.23281710

I doubt any of the Hololives have real jobs unless they're freelancers.

>> No.23281712

Probably not, the mentally disabled are still heavily discriminated against in Japanese society

>> No.23281713

Coco had a real job.

>> No.23281714

I'd say she normally jobs.

>> No.23281717

Best way to lesbian is to marry rich and blackmail the maid.
t- Shion

>> No.23281718
Quoted by: >>23281746

Korone works in a bakery during the day, its why she only gets 2 hours sleep a night.

>> No.23281725

It's a 4chan bug, they literally posted at the exact same millisecond so 4chan overwrite one of their images with the other.

>> No.23281732


>> No.23281733
File: 1002 KB, 1218x842, 1584693362233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cat!

>> No.23281735
Quoted by: >>23281756

Women are fucking gross you must have never been around them before which explains this nonsense post.

>> No.23281746
File: 296 KB, 850x850, 1585169624663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna buy all her bread so she can sleep

>> No.23281754
Quoted by: >>23281786

But anon, if business picks up then she will have to work even hard to keep up

>> No.23281756

>women are fucking gross
How so?

>> No.23281760

This is your brain on /u/

>> No.23281761
Quoted by: >>23281786

>buy all the bread
why are you killing korone ;_;

>> No.23281763

Break time...
How many Ps are left?

>> No.23281764

Did you see that stream where Coco and Marine where joking around about wearing diapers and stacking sanitary napkins to hold the pee in and checking each others wet (from pee) panties?

>> No.23281765

Last night when I was trying to sleep I pretended I was a Holostar sleeping with YAGOO, I was slapping YAGOO in front of YAGOO and i felt very empowered.

>> No.23281768
File: 183 KB, 580x581, 2020-02-24 00_04_57-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23281774

Is no one going to do anything about Watame openly grooming Hachama

>> No.23281771

Have you ever had someone come over your house and hide their used napkins behind your fridge?

>> No.23281774
Quoted by: >>23281784

Other way around. Humans are the ones who groom sheep.

>> No.23281784
Quoted by: >>23282487

One of them acts like a dangerous predator and the other acts like a smelly animal.

Haachama is the smelly animal in case you couldn't guess.

>> No.23281786
File: 165 KB, 360x497, 1585004786185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen if I just keep buying stuff at one point this whole supply chain falls apart and Korone can sleep!
don't worry she can have all the bread

>> No.23281789

I believe a good portion of the staff is also female, at the very least A-chan and the 4th gen manager is female. Cover corp. doesn't actually have that much staff.

>> No.23281794

towa taking a break , dang shes so normal, very relatable

>> No.23281795

Why is Korone the cutest Hololive by far? How does she do?

>> No.23281797

She's almost retarded

>> No.23281801

I wanna eat the bakaburger

>> No.23281810
File: 113 KB, 375x483, 2020-02-17 02_41_28-Window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korone prefers bananas.

>> No.23281812
File: 2.09 MB, 766x1006, 1584177354695.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone probably told her she wouldn't be able to play video games and hang out with cute girls all day when she was older but now she's living the dream

>> No.23281820
Quoted by: >>23281823

she is bad at video games but she tries and she has passion for them

>> No.23281822
File: 22 KB, 150x80, HandsUp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23281844

HeyGuys noob here. I saw some AYAYA rabbit girl doing the PogChamp then saw the TTours video of her asking what is Pog. How do I make her say more emotes? Every time I hear her I don't go DansGame WEEBS, but I AngelThump. Do I keep spamming other emotes like SoBayed so she can notice? Have a HandsUp for the trouble.

>> No.23281823

She isnt terrible at splatoon. Not exactly a hard game though

>> No.23281824

Old ladies are cute. Just look at Senchou.

>> No.23281834

I hate myself.

>> No.23281836
Quoted by: >>23281861

Towa needs a song that loops better, I keep thinking she is back.

>> No.23281842

Poor quality bait.

>> No.23281843

ok now I hate Fubuki, she had to go and steal Miko's song

>> No.23281844


>> No.23281847
Quoted by: >>23281853

We've lost containment! EOPS going fucking WILD in Towa's chat right now!

>> No.23281853

ive giving up caring , im letting the english flow over me, its good actually, reminds me of when i had chemotherapy

>> No.23281855
File: 278 KB, 706x412, 1377034938653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanji is like emoojis kinda

>> No.23281859


>> No.23281860

Miko told her to do it check Towa's chat

>> No.23281861

It's not really the song that loops terribly, just how that loading screen is set up

>> No.23281866


>> No.23281867
Quoted by: >>23281882

Towa kept the majority of her viewers through a 20min break, that's kinda impressive

>> No.23281868
Quoted by: >>23281869


>> No.23281869


>> No.23281870

What do you think "emoji" is a portmanteau of?

>> No.23281871
File: 277 KB, 472x458, 1584713857111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282497

If I draw funny faces on kanji will I be able to remember them

>> No.23281876
Quoted by: >>23281947

Kanji is like data compression.You can fit more ideas in the same space on the page / screen using Kanji. You could write everything out long form in kana but it'd take up a lot more space and be slower to read.

>> No.23281879


>> No.23281882

should have done as Aki and slurp her food while moaning on stream.

>> No.23281887

Towa drinking stream when?

>> No.23281891
File: 1.35 MB, 2400x2400, 80345181_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you a deviru?

>> No.23281892

>EOP doesn't know that emojis and kanji are the same fucking thing

>> No.23281895

No, I heard the men she fucks on stream have a lot of stds

>> No.23281896

How could you hate this?

>> No.23281897

He will never deliver.

>> No.23281900

oh man I could really go for an akiholic stream right about now...

>> No.23281904

Purely in the interest of clearing my skepticism, I'd like a link to that conversation.

...purely for the interest of skepticism.

>> No.23281907

She's for hugs not fugs.

>> No.23281910

>Fubuki will never do this to you

>> No.23281911

Towa-Melody colab when?

>> No.23281917


>> No.23281919
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x720, 1582946436361.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Fubuki would pat me like that.

>> No.23281931

It was during their VR horror game collab. There's even a translated clip from that very panty-dirtying part floating around but I can't be assed to search for it right now.

>> No.23281934

I wish FBK would squat on my dick with her naked buttock.

>> No.23281937

One thing Twitch streamers do that I wish the Hololives would do is watch videos or listen to songs that viewers send them and watch their reactions.

>> No.23281941


>> No.23281942

I wish they would react to those dick pics I sent

>> No.23281943

I want Korone to watch me masturbate

>> No.23281947

Yup. Kanji is more so to make it easier to read and write. Spoken Japanese is more like a language with a regular alphabet so context isn't hard to glean if you know the words. Compared to a language like Chinese where spoken mandarin is heavily context dependent but in writing is so dense that most phrases can be condensed into 4 words.

>> No.23281948

How come kaichou has been labeling all of her videos in English lately?

>> No.23281950

She claims it's for youtube AI purposes, but it's actually to cause arguments in this thread.

>> No.23281951

Twitch is more lax about that stuff. Youtube would copystrike you immediately.

>> No.23281952

No dice, Twitch is more lenient on that stuff but that will get you a copyright strike in seconds on Youtube.

>> No.23281956

They do this on bilibili but it's all reactions to trash chink memes.

>> No.23281957

How many fucking times are you guys going to ask this question

>> No.23281958

They can't do that on YouTube because of the AI. They do that sometimes on their bili streams though.

>> No.23281961
File: 586 KB, 750x1000, 1584640569331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides Sora, who do you think gropes A-chan the most?

>> No.23281964

Good enough. It'll be worth digging up.

>> No.23281966
File: 9 KB, 225x225, ForsenJoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

React streamers? If they make a joy membership emote they'll get so much money.

>> No.23281967

EOP pandering.

>> No.23281969


>> No.23281971

There are too many ways it could go wrong. Everything would probably have to go through management first.

>> No.23281974
Quoted by: >>23281994

>All these VTubers thinking they're popular
>None of them have as many subscribers as the average makeup channel

>> No.23281975


>> No.23281976

I hope Miko never does that again. My heart can't take her crying

>> No.23281979

How does a .jpg make a sound

>> No.23281981
Quoted by: >>23281992

But I sure hope Miko will do a JAV again.

>> No.23281983

I know better to not watch this ever again. This is a horrible clip.

>> No.23281987

Crying chuubas time?

>> No.23281988

Did someone make a picture of reporter Towa and wrestler Vivi or was that just some kind of dream I had?

>> No.23281992

Can't just say that without some sauce nigga

>> No.23281994

>look up a ton of random makeup channels
>most of them have over a million subs
>a ton also have 200-500k subs
Damn. A cute girl I went to high school with does modeling and shows off shoes/clothes on YouTube and she has 177k subs with her highest viewed video having 2.6 million views. It really is crazy to think about.

>> No.23281995

Everyone knows she has anal JAVs, check limewire.

>> No.23281998
Quoted by: >>23282523

Check 5ch's twitcast.

>> No.23282002
File: 100 KB, 750x739, Buff Towa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282019

Someone in here did this doodle.

>> No.23282004
Quoted by: >>23282017

If only you weren't racist, I would've given it to you right now.

>> No.23282007

I know what those comments are like

>> No.23282017

Holy based.

>> No.23282019
Quoted by: >>23282028

I thought there was a good one that was in the style of Rhythm Heaven but I might have imagined it.

>> No.23282022


>> No.23282023

Miko has good taste in music.

>> No.23282028

>I thought there was a good one
The guy who drew that is crying right now

>> No.23282029

Why does she wear the mask?

>> No.23282030

Fuck, I cant believe it is real, what a slut. Downloading before the mods get you

>> No.23282040

Is that Dale Gribble?

>> No.23282043

(・△・ )

>> No.23282044

You've never played Arknights?

>> No.23282047

For you

>> No.23282050

I had nieces stay over during christmas, and ALL the did was watch phineas and Ferb and Makeup channels. They kids are curious about stuff they aren't allowed to have.

>> No.23282051

Source on BGM?

>> No.23282052

to protect her virgin lips from horny lesbians in the office

>> No.23282059
Quoted by: >>23282086

Did you sneak into their room at night?

>> No.23282066
Quoted by: >>23282070

more like choke-oyami towa

>> No.23282070

Because of the choker, I get it.

>> No.23282072

They aren't allowed to have Phineas and Ferb?

>> No.23282077

Who is the most boring hololive?
a. Towa
b. Flare

>> No.23282078

Your favourite

>> No.23282079

how is towa so bad at donk-donk

>> No.23282080
Quoted by: >>23282091

Damn thats hard. They both sound boring and suck at vidya.

>> No.23282082
Quoted by: >>23282092

Flare is smart and doesn't fuck men

>> No.23282083

your favorite

>> No.23282085


>> No.23282086
File: 258 KB, 1092x583, Screen Shot 2020-03-27 at 9.42.47 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282111

I did worse. I left a Neru & z'5 MUSIC video going to see if they liked it. Their mom was the only one that did.

>> No.23282088

found miko's video, download it before it gets deleted

>> No.23282090

c. Sora

>> No.23282091

I dunno I think Towa sounds down to earth. Some of the other chuubas sound really obviously like they're putting on a voice, which is to be expected because they're playing characters, but Towa doesn't really have that.
Then again neither does Matsuri really and Matsuri's a lot more entertaining, who fuckin knows

>> No.23282092

Flare is a dirty alcoholic. Towa is a good straight edge girl

>> No.23282096
File: 142 KB, 1000x772, EUIdOp-XgAAd7e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282109

I cant believe that PPT is getting cucked by suisei's own sister

>> No.23282098

manly fuck

>> No.23282099

towa? rose? flare?, anyone i don't watch.
honorable mention: miko, because i cant understand anything she says.

>> No.23282103

Sounds like a very gay man

>> No.23282104
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1583925224497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282123


>> No.23282105

Miko is entertainingly unintelligible though, because she's incredibly fucking dumb

>> No.23282107

It's not about understanding what Miko's saying, it's about being in sync with her heart and feeling what she's saying.

>> No.23282109
File: 333 KB, 2048x1761, 1583596629265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for long

>> No.23282110
File: 100 KB, 1050x1000, 1584956946907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy cute

>> No.23282111

>that weird electronic voice music
God I hate japanese music

>> No.23282113

my favorite chuuba > your favorite

>> No.23282114

Thats a proper fuck, not a half assed faq.

>> No.23282115
File: 19 KB, 237x251, ricemiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's about being in sync with her heart and feeling what she's saying

>> No.23282116

Watching people try to perfect rhythm heaven is agonizing. I keep waiting for them to fuck up

>> No.23282118

Towa is a pottymouth

>> No.23282120

Luna is the worst when it comes to speaking

>> No.23282123

lol this is the best meme

>> No.23282126


>> No.23282127
File: 77 KB, 850x474, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282133


Who knew Roboco-san is so good at imitating hololive voices

>> No.23282129
Quoted by: >>23282154


>> No.23282130
Quoted by: >>23282139

35p are so positive

>> No.23282133

She's a robot after all.

>> No.23282137

Your shit taste is beyond belief.

>> No.23282139

It's what Miko would want.

>> No.23282140


You better fucking take that back

>> No.23282144
File: 495 KB, 1197x2048, Emperor_Charles_V_seated_(Titian).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna, Towa, and Flare are the worst & least entertaining among the lot. No doubt about that.

>> No.23282146

At least she responds to us EOPs

>> No.23282149

I agree completely. Well said 35p bro

>> No.23282150

even her FAQs are subpar

>> No.23282154

TenQ > Arigachu

>> No.23282155

I go by who's the most fake and superficial vs who's being genuine and is content with playing video games and being a popular toobah.
Subaru, Fubuki, Aqua, Sora, and Roboco are the superficial girls from Holo. They don't actually care and just live paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.23282166
File: 28 KB, 455x372, 1584470038030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is fake, Luna is the only genuine one

>> No.23282167

I hope this is bait.

>> No.23282168

I'll fight you

>> No.23282172

Luna plays good games and not FOTM/Kusoge so that automatically makes her genuine

>> No.23282173
File: 222 KB, 376x338, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282176
File: 265 KB, 1664x2048, aqua56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAhn_6uonyA

>> No.23282177

baqua is way too autistic about games for me to believe this

>> No.23282178

You'll be here when she will definitely announce that she is not gonna retire in 3 months, right?

>> No.23282184
File: 22 KB, 452x308, 545445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa actually looks mad.

>> No.23282186

I want her to step on my balls and spit in my face with that expression.

>> No.23282189

Towa's serious face is so cute

>> No.23282191
File: 647 KB, 559x553, pekorlos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you could say Towa really delivers a good fuck

>> No.23282193

If Luna ever retires, im quitting Hololive. I might catch a Korone stream but that's it. Luna is the true embodiment of Hololive for me. A girl role-playing a character and having fun playing her brand of games.

>> No.23282194

how do you feel when you give one of your favorite chuubas (or the only favorite) a blue or green spacha and then some loaded chad drops a big thick akai spacha on her right after? and how do you feel when she reacts only to the big red one?

>> No.23282195
File: 469 KB, 513x576, Screenshot_2020-03-28 【みんなのリズム天国】❕耐久❕ALLPERFECTとるまで終われない❣【#常闇トワ ホロライブ】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23282196

Towa looks so finished with life.

>> No.23282197
File: 283 KB, 472x458, 1584457979372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She won't retire, Luna loves Hololive and her fans.

>> No.23282198

she has a great voice when isn't speaking like a baby and that's a big problem.

>> No.23282201

Aki thanks everyone equally.

>> No.23282205

Luna's Dark Souls and Shadow of the Colossus streams disagree.

>> No.23282207
Quoted by: >>23282228

I never leave messages with my supachas and only do it when I know alot of people are going to leave supachas.

>> No.23282211 [DELETED] 

subaru detroit time

>> No.23282213

The retard flute is on.

>> No.23282214

I donate an even bigger akasupacha right after. But my Hololive responds to every single supacha in the first place, even puny blue ones.

>> No.23282216

subaru detroit time

>> No.23282219
File: 8 KB, 211x239, 468720492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your shit taste, Charles.

>> No.23282222

Why is Aqua's flute so bad and yet so catchy

>> No.23282223

Imagine liking a Hololive because of the games she plays and not her personality

>> No.23282226

also asacoco gave fake expectations about her character.

>> No.23282227

Why do some people still think Luna's baby voice is not her real voice?

>> No.23282228

if you are donating to Coco you should tell her something, I know for a fact she likes being praised

>> No.23282229

would have watched if she left english voice acting on with jap subs but she doesn't do that (elite Miko did that)
I know the story of the game but it's not like remember all the dialogue and I prefer original VAs in every medium

>> No.23282230

because first. use your fucking brain...
but also, this.

>> No.23282231
Quoted by: >>23282236

Because she sometimes slips up and uses her real voice.

>> No.23282232
Quoted by: >>23282234

Donating to Coco is the dumbest thing anyone could do.

>> No.23282233

>trying to bait people into spoonfeeding you
Nice try

>> No.23282234


>> No.23282237

I've been waiting for this.

>> No.23282236

Retards. THAT is her fake voice. The baby voice is the real one.

>> No.23282238

A chuuba playing a good game is a better experience than her playing 3000 hours or some kusoge day after day.

>> No.23282239
File: 214 KB, 1000x1000, 1584488697159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa can do a cute voice if she tried. Why doesn't she use that instead of her regular old lady voice?

>> No.23282242

He never got his advice on learning japanese.

>> No.23282243

A good chuuba makes any game fun with their personality alone.

>> No.23282244

god I wish she just used this voice, sounds more princessy

>> No.23282245

>Why doesn't she use that instead of her regular old lady voice?
Making a fake voice for streaming is a bad long-term idea because you have to be able to speak in it for hours on end.

>> No.23282247
Quoted by: >>23282259

This is soul crushing to watch

>> No.23282248

I knew an allperfect endurance stream would be hard. But Towa, she is giving it a real go. looks painful.

>> No.23282249

t. Haachama anti

>> No.23282250

>Aqua earns more within 10 minutes than Towa during an entire stream
When is towa going to kill herself

>> No.23282251

It sends the wrong message to hololive. They will think people want more American bitches like her.

>> No.23282252

Rushia does it just fine even if she reverts back to regular voice when angry/hyped.

>> No.23282253
Quoted by: >>23282263

how many hololivers played detroit? i only watched aqua when she did her 24h stream

>> No.23282255

June Foray voiced Young spunky children all the time, but people only remember her for her sultry old lady characters

>> No.23282256

Is Luna doing a challenge run on DS3?

>> No.23282257

This is a very bad post.

>> No.23282258
Quoted by: >>23282340

You could say the same for most of Hololive, comparing them to Aqua isn't even fair.

>> No.23282259

Is she tilting? Luna and Flare were tilting yesterday getting dabbed on in Dark Souls and Japanese Dark Souls.

>> No.23282261

I'm pretty sure playing video games for 18 hours straight is bad for your health.

>> No.23282262

Shit I meant DS1

>> No.23282263

Don't bother watching marine's it doesn't look like she's enjoying it.

>> No.23282264

She practically has her distraught face on permanently at this point.

>> No.23282265
Quoted by: >>23282273

No armor no enchantment run on DaS1.

>> No.23282267
File: 164 KB, 891x729, Annotation 2020-03-28 121551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god someone help towa

>> No.23282268
Quoted by: >>23282280

Luna was getting dabbed on by her own incompetence, 4kangz is a joke if u just mash attack

>> No.23282270
Quoted by: >>23282275

Towa needs a break and take fresh air, shes tilted

>> No.23282272
File: 525 KB, 753x993, EUBNz7mVAAATwgn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282273

I see thanks

>> No.23282275

She was doing better before her lunch break.

>> No.23282278

thank you for your daily contribution

>> No.23282280

A part of me feels like she milked it for supachas but it makes sense considering her defensive play style she exhibited through out the entire playthrough.

>> No.23282289

all these new zoomer gens have it much easier than earlier gens, the previous ones did all the hard work

>> No.23282291

Why is Aqua playing the bad game?

>> No.23282292

baqua, beyond two brain cells

>> No.23282296

Oh nonono

>> No.23282297
Quoted by: >>23282325

Will Towa even be able to do it? How many does she have left

>> No.23282299

I like it when she use her cool voice and fail at trying to act cool like this.

>> No.23282303
File: 270 KB, 1200x1200, EUHWogHU8AAo3-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23282304

it's called FREEDOM u dumb duck

>> No.23282305


>> No.23282306
File: 3.98 MB, 9037x4071, Love_Live_Sunshine_Teaser_Image_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how it works

>> No.23282309

Is it true Marine assaulted an underaged girl?

>> No.23282314

what the fuck?

>> No.23282315

Rushia is not underaged

>> No.23282318

It doesn't count if she was underaged as well

>> No.23282320

The Hololives could say they murdered before and people would just take it as a joke

>> No.23282321

She is 17, it's all above board that way.

>> No.23282324

Yeah but that same underaged girl is constantly trying to assault Coco so it's ok.

>> No.23282325

>経過時間4時間27分現在のパーフェクト達成数 12個 残り38個です
38 left, at this rate about another 13-14 hours.

>> No.23282329

is it true that Marine got slapped by rushia infront of YAGOO?

>> No.23282333

Is it true that Marine participated in interracial JAV?

>> No.23282334

aqua is playing beyond two souls and subaru with detroit, what the absolute fuck is going on

>> No.23282337
File: 30 KB, 663x1015, round 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23282338

You could be giving it to MY favorite homolive instead.

>> No.23282339
Quoted by: >>23282342

I wonder if hololive turns down the gay during bilibili streams

>> No.23282340

All the superchats are congratulating her from reaching a new subscriber milestone too.

>> No.23282341

Another chuuba was also done streaming Detroit, dunno what happened with the sudden surge of Cage games.

>> No.23282342

China loves gay girls too

>> No.23282343

Japan caught up to old western youtuber trends

>> No.23282344

aqua has done a few of these games before

>> No.23282345

>Artia kills Minato Aqua with a hatchet.

>> No.23282349

It is what it is. Sora survived the four kings era so we can have the Hololive we have now. The earlier generation has to build things up for the future.

>> No.23282350

Are they good? Never heard of Cage.

>> No.23282351

Elite Miko was playing that shit last year. She's ahead of the curve. And still would be if it weren't for FAQing addiction to MC and AEK.

>> No.23282352

Although it belongs in /trash/, I'm quite intrigued. Based Bekora

>> No.23282354
Quoted by: >>23282364

as much as i hate movie games, i rather watch them play these instead of AC or ARK

>> No.23282356


>> No.23282357

will admit i'm not too fond of the kiddish play either.

>> No.23282358
Quoted by: >>23282375

These fucking Towa simps.......

>> No.23282360

It's just an interactive movie, it's doubtfully a game. Check this out if you are curious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy44s_de15Y|

>> No.23282362

Have the Hololives ever played a game out of nowhere that you really love?

>> No.23282364

Not surprise that movie games are more fun to watch than play

>> No.23282365

FBK playing AC5

>> No.23282366
Quoted by: >>23282377

Ever watched a bad movie? It's like that except you have to move the character around and do QTEs.

>> No.23282367

Ark is the one for me

>> No.23282368
Quoted by: >>23282400

Still waiting for WarioWare

>> No.23282370
File: 22 KB, 661x766, round 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282372
Quoted by: >>23282387

super castlevania 4 was a surprise for me, that's the first one to pop to mind

>> No.23282374
Quoted by: >>23282381

Coco playing Doom Eternal

>> No.23282375

which is it?

>> No.23282376

Where does Marine sleep? That couch looks too small for her and Rushia to cuddle

>> No.23282377
Quoted by: >>23282408

Like Limbo or Inside? Those games were good though

>> No.23282379

Only a few outside of Hololive come to mind but no one from Hololive as far as I can recall

>> No.23282381

FOTM shit doesn't count. That's not exactly out of nowhere.

>> No.23282383

Elite immigration officer

>> No.23282385

3rd gen is a like a mini family within the Hololive family

>> No.23282387
Quoted by: >>23282392

Who played that?

>> No.23282392

Korone did. Recently, too.

>> No.23282394

Okayu doing Mario 64 speedruns

>> No.23282396
File: 22 KB, 719x695, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282397

marriage to me

>> No.23282400

Here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NNMaqrSul8

>> No.23282402

shitty rabbit

>> No.23282403
Quoted by: >>23282414

>Suisei and AZKi singing songs together

>> No.23282406
File: 715 B, 197x29, yagoo questions his sanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282407

>hoshimachi suisei defeats aki but spares her life

>> No.23282408

No? The games you listed are weird platformers and don't work as movies.

>> No.23282410 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 588x105, yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282414

Suisei needs some more climbing to do but she'll get there.

>> No.23282418
Quoted by: >>23282616

I meant by a good Hololive.

>> No.23282419

it's impressive how Towa is consistently choking at the very end

>> No.23282423
File: 21 KB, 715x766, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282427
Quoted by: >>23282469

Korone playing The Neverhood was really unexpected.

>> No.23282428


>> No.23282429

Based Suisei, though I don't like her New Years outfit.

>> No.23282430
Quoted by: >>23282434

none of these FUCKIN CASUALS YET jesus

>> No.23282431

Coco would never question her sanity, she knows how insane she is.

>> No.23282432

Blasphemous came out? Oh fuck. Was it good?

>> No.23282433

based killer dog, she's getting all the yubis assuming they survived the blast

>> No.23282434
Quoted by: >>23282439

They're not going to play Bloodborne just give up already.

>> No.23282436

Jesus christ Korone

>> No.23282439
Quoted by: >>23282444

thats fine with me, they dont want my money, Ill still watch things that are in my middle ratings though

>> No.23282441


>> No.23282442


>> No.23282443

It was X Potato.

>> No.23282444
Quoted by: >>23282446

You aren't going to donate shit even if they do play bloodborne you leech.

>> No.23282446
Quoted by: >>23282453

I bought another non hololiver vtuber's vday voice for it

>> No.23282449

Did anybody suggest to Towa to play Necrodancer/Cadence of Hyrule? Would probably be right up her alley.

>> No.23282451
File: 18 KB, 671x651, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282450

Too hard

>> No.23282452

I recall it being tweeted to her yes.

>> No.23282453
Quoted by: >>23282470

Cool, so you're confirming you didn't donate before right?

>> No.23282455

Korone is evil after all

>> No.23282456
Quoted by: >>23282464

Who the fuck keeps giving things to Artia

>> No.23282458

Korone Playing Mr. Driller was an awesome suprise.

>> No.23282459
Quoted by: >>23282471

>Kills off 4 people
>quietly hums afterwards

>> No.23282464


>> No.23282465

what is it with holos and their pee fetish

>> No.23282469

Except now everyone bugs her to play skullmonkeys
(which, I mean, she absolutely should, but it'll take a miracle for that to happen.)

>> No.23282470

i just donated to luna's stream yesterday. more than you probably ever have.

>> No.23282471

i'm not even surprised.

>> No.23282475

She's too low energy for that.

>> No.23282478

Okay, there are new types of bots on Towa's stream. Bots don't have that dumb name with "click my photo" and shit in them and they don't use emoticons anymore. They just copy paste everything that's in the chat.

>> No.23282480
Quoted by: >>23282493

I totally believe you bro.

>> No.23282481

it's a reddit term for internalized fanfiction

>> No.23282482

The LunaMatsuri is strong

>> No.23282483
File: 20 KB, 655x709, Untitled4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282485

towa has been defeated. rip

>> No.23282486

Towa failed her all perfect run, but that was to be expected.

>> No.23282487

which room is smellier, watame and haato or meaqua

>> No.23282489

Dog god back on the hunt

>> No.23282490

Towa ended halfway because stomachache...am I a cunt if I don't buy it?

>> No.23282492


>> No.23282493
File: 46 KB, 676x180, 1585319026294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282496

Never trust a succubus, aslo Korone already in another group...

>> No.23282497

you should imagine them as funny faces, it's mnemonics 101
like how everyone recognizes 木 because it actually looks like a tree

>> No.23282498


>> No.23282499

My boys and uncle playing Uno

>> No.23282500

Stop pretending to be me please.

>> No.23282501

>Himemori luna picks flowers

>> No.23282502

Nice try, but I'm in the thread moron.

>> No.23282504

Probably stress, she choked many times right at the end

>> No.23282507

your probably a cunt,but she was hitting a brick wall, i don't begrudge her stopping at 5 hours, allperfect is hard

>> No.23282509

She tweeted the other day about going to bed early because her head was full of negative thoughts, she's either really upset or she's lying horribly and being unprofessional, you can believe whichever one you want.

>> No.23282510

there was also the bot invasion and their new tactics

>> No.23282511

>pretending to be Lunafag to prove your point

>> No.23282512
File: 16 KB, 687x515, Untitled5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282515

Of course Shion kills herself

>> No.23282516

this is not podracing

>> No.23282517

If that was really you then you would have lead with that instead of the dumb voice pack comment.

>> No.23282520
Quoted by: >>23282530

Don't worry guys, Towa is just going to fuck the yabee dudes to blow off steam.

>> No.23282522

The devil avenges her senpai.
>Coco and Shion kill themselves
i can't believe Coco would go that far for Shion

>> No.23282523

I keep reading this, but which one is it, I'm Aqua brained so I can't navigate their site

>> No.23282524


>> No.23282525
Quoted by: >>23282528

Towa is such a fucking loser. Luna legitimately spend about 2 hours trying to do 4Kangz and she never gave up.

>> No.23282526

Luna being cute even in this.

>> No.23282528

Failing from 1 single mistake does more damage than failing because you suck anon.

>> No.23282529

wouldn't be surprised if coco survived this.

>> No.23282530

Did anyone keep a streamable of that moment?

>> No.23282534

homostars have less than 300 watching a group collab and they have slow mode on?

>> No.23282535


>> No.23282537

Towa is pregnant?!

>> No.23282538
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>> No.23282539
File: 191 KB, 1000x1693, EUKrdNVU0AAXp7k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23282543

Pekora in character as the back-stabbing bitch she should be

>> No.23282544

Luna is the only one playing interested games right now but I really do not like her setting

>> No.23282546

God damn Pekora, thats brutal and so in character

>> No.23282547
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1584583793206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All according to keikaku

>> No.23282551
Quoted by: >>23282556

she's way too stupid to fake it anon

>> No.23282552

>baqua doing math

>> No.23282556
Quoted by: >>23282637

Aqua's humour is too complex to be random shit humorist like Pekora. She's legitimately intelligent and finds ways to exploit situations for comedy.

>> No.23282558

peko peko peko peko peko

>> No.23282559

peko peko peko peko.

>> No.23282560

YAGOO and Subaru huh...

>> No.23282562
File: 12 KB, 671x438, Untitled7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282563

No one gonna comment on YAGOOxSubaru?

>> No.23282566

Kuso rabbit

>> No.23282567


>> No.23282568

Based YAGOO choosing to kill Haato instead of Luna

>> No.23282569
File: 219 KB, 461x461, 1584338277763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282570

Yagoo playing favourites

>> No.23282571

Rushia is just doing the usual "trying to sound cute" thing, it's not like her voice is gravely different.

>> No.23282572

Luna>Haato, YAGOO agreed, don't bother him about it.

>> No.23282573

Even YAGOO is out here bullying the chama

>> No.23282576

Luna is too cute to be killed.

>> No.23282577

Haachamafags BTFO

>> No.23282579
Quoted by: >>23282584

If Luna wins I'll donate another $100 bucks next time she streams

>> No.23282580

this is great

>> No.23282582
Quoted by: >>23282586

How can anyone hate this adorable creature?

>> No.23282584

luna wins picking flowers because last survivor kill herself

>> No.23282586

I hate industry plants.

>> No.23282587
File: 11 KB, 538x433, Untitled8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282589
Quoted by: >>23282737

The fuck did you set the death rate to

>> No.23282592

Fuck you AZKI

>> No.23282593

now i have no one to root for

>> No.23282594

>Sakura Miko receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor.
sasuga Mikofag

>> No.23282595

Jeez AZKi, no need for that

>> No.23282596
Quoted by: >>23282602

can H artists actually make a comfortable living if they aren't in the top 1%
it feels like there is too many of them at this point

>> No.23282600
Quoted by: >>23282604

Based あんず saving Miko

>> No.23282601

holy based bulky princess

>> No.23282602

nah, some of them work part-time while not drawing doujins or manga, etc, there are some that obviously make it up there but others just have to get another source of income

>> No.23282603

Christ how does she have such good taste in games.

>> No.23282604
Quoted by: >>23282643

Why are you asking us? This is the hololive thread not the artist industry thread.

>> No.23282605

yes and she was constantly wheezing while doing it (not because of excitement but physical exhaustion)

>> No.23282607

based lolibaba

>> No.23282608
File: 9 KB, 621x362, Untitled9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282610

Never expected Luna to have the best taste at Hololive

>> No.23282614


>> No.23282616

why settle for a good one when anon clearly posted the best

>> No.23282617
Quoted by: >>23282631

TowaKoro tay tay

>> No.23282618
Quoted by: >>23282631

well, okakoro is dead and someone should save towa...

>> No.23282620
Quoted by: >>23282862

>Sakura Miko starts a fire
ahh.. memories

>> No.23282621

I can only prey that doggo wins now

>> No.23282624
File: 14 KB, 665x461, Untitled010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282628

holy based Okayu

>> No.23282630

Okayum please, win for Luna.

>> No.23282631

Suddenly Korone randomly tweeting about Towa playing Overwatch makes a lot of sense

>> No.23282634

I can't believe Okayu killed Fubuki

>> No.23282635

Pandering to EOPs

>> No.23282636

YAGOO/Ayame meat fight

>> No.23282637

whatever keeps you going anon

>> No.23282638
File: 9 KB, 348x423, Untitled011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282641

Miko... first the fire and now the trident....

>> No.23282642

The end is nigh

>> No.23282643

based retard

>> No.23282645

what would happen if anons send this to the japs?

>> No.23282647
File: 8 KB, 460x353, Untitled012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282648


>> No.23282651

>towa's bf was YAGOO all along

>> No.23282654

damn korone got yabee'd almost instantly

>> No.23282660
Quoted by: >>23282663

>hololive faggot royale
fucking discord attacks

>> No.23282663
Quoted by: >>23282678

Wrong boogeyman

>> No.23282664
File: 6 KB, 648x259, Untitled013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282667

Korone is a dirty dog.

>> No.23282669

I knew it! Towa is a fucking slut!

>> No.23282672

YAGOO is being carried

>> No.23282678

Is this banable in discord? why spread here

>> No.23282682
File: 23 KB, 625x1123, Untitled014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282690
Quoted by: >>23282696

WE need to get OUR princess Luna to 100k!

>> No.23282693


Why is Rushia so fucking stupid?

>> No.23282694
File: 5 KB, 563x223, Untitled015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282695

Korone Noooo

>> No.23282696

Anon I can only make so much clone accounts

>> No.23282697

She isnt the first, miko ate multiple wyvern egss

>> No.23282700
Quoted by: >>23282703

>Why is Rushia pretending to be so fucking stupid?

>> No.23282701


>> No.23282702

Lets hope Miko can get revenge for YAGOO

>> No.23282703

You keep saying that.

>> No.23282704


>> No.23282705
File: 3 KB, 410x183, Untitled016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282706


>> No.23282707

I like this matchup

>> No.23282709
File: 4 KB, 292x336, Untitled017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282711

Sasuga elite

>> No.23282712


>> No.23282713


>> No.23282714


>> No.23282715


>> No.23282716


>> No.23282717
Quoted by: >>23282730

>sakura miko wins doing nothing

>> No.23282718


>> No.23282719
Quoted by: >>23282737

ELITE. Now never do this again

>> No.23282720
File: 870 KB, 2048x1448, 1582234409786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282722


>> No.23282723

send it to 35p

>> No.23282725

Press S to spit on Ayame.

>> No.23282727

Luna's rhythm...

>> No.23282728


>> No.23282729
File: 673 KB, 955x535, elite ✌️ ✌️.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282730

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23282731

Did Miko even set that trap, or did she just win with her eliteness?

>> No.23282732

Elite and pure

>> No.23282733
File: 146 KB, 1200x849, EA8BgrCUwAAMvLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282735


>> No.23282737

dont worry, I won't.
here anon, i just did a run
i have no idea, i just opened the site, filled in the fields and went my merry way

>> No.23282740

Someone tell Luna to turn on game mode on her monitor or something. No fucking way is she this bad at parappa.

>> No.23282748

as expected from an Elite

>> No.23282750

Is Luna playing on PS4?

>> No.23282753
Quoted by: >>23282762

Is Luna just randomly mashing and hoping it's close enough to pass?

>> No.23282759

bet there is a 5ch anon translating the whole thing

>> No.23282760
Quoted by: >>23282776

Luna sucks at these games, her rhythm heaven was painful to watch. She just couldnt get past the monkey watch one neither could I though but I'm not doing it professionally

>> No.23282762

It's just one of her routine anon, just send her supachas.

>> No.23282764

The in the fuck is Luna doing

>> No.23282770

That dog is literally me

>> No.23282776

Anon I get where you're coming from but their job is to entertain, not be good at games. Now whether or not this is entertaining is debatable.

>> No.23282780

it isn't entertaining to watch a person die 300 times on the first level

>> No.23282782

There's no way she isn't sand bagging.

>> No.23282788
File: 729 KB, 671x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282790
Quoted by: >>23282806

What the fuck was that perfect last part. She's definitely sandbagging it's not a sync or latency issue.

>> No.23282791

I can tell some of you guys are new to Luna's streams. She always sandbags.

>> No.23282794

Korone has too much power

>> No.23282795

I want to sandbag Luna!

>> No.23282798

What a nice wholesome stream with Haato.

>> No.23282806

I seriously hope you guys don't believe anything in Luna is legit.

>> No.23282811
File: 6 KB, 128x162, 1584741772530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23282817

I want to be big for Luna~

>> No.23282829


>> No.23282830

Haato's paradise has been invaded.

>> No.23282831


>> No.23282836 [SPOILER] 
File: 3 KB, 92x90, 1585380964450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282883

Marine on Haato's stream!

>> No.23282837

Is that real Matsuri?

>> No.23282840
Quoted by: >>23282850

How long is Parappa 2?

>> No.23282843


>> No.23282844

It is, it should be obvious. She did go straight for the bed.

>> No.23282848
Quoted by: >>23282851

Luna’s reaction to that superchat was perfect

>> No.23282850

4 more stages and she's done.

>> No.23282851

I wasn't watching, what happened? Busy with Haato's autism

>> No.23282852


>> No.23282854

damn aqua kind of being a dumb slut but it’s cute

>> No.23282857

>watching Haato play the same game and play the same gags ad nausea

>> No.23282858

haatopigs are not known for intelligence or good taste

>> No.23282860

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23282862


>> No.23282864
Quoted by: >>23282866

Jaypee struck again, Luna read his superchat in cute English and said oh my god cutely, chat grassed over the YAGOO icon

>> No.23282866

How do we stop that attention whore?

>> No.23282867
File: 1015 KB, 1695x1009, sitting_alone_in_the_rain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23282870

Post about him in every thread. That will surely stop him.

>> No.23282871

Close some tabs anon, you know thread watcher exists for a reason.

>> No.23282872

Is Haato ok rn?

>> No.23282876
Quoted by: >>23282880

>this anons whole existence is looking at 2D and shitposting

>> No.23282877

Marine asking Haato for the money now

>> No.23282879
Quoted by: >>23282886

he's based and I don't see you giving money to good chuubas like Luna and Korone

>> No.23282880
Quoted by: >>23282885

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23282883


>> No.23282885

it's time to let go anon

>> No.23282886
Quoted by: >>23282888

The only Hololive that deserves money is Kanata to pay for her medical bills.

>> No.23282888

*funeral costs

>> No.23282889

when is Korone playing Jet Set Radio or has she played it already? Luna could do it, too

>> No.23282890
Quoted by: >>23282993

>18 hour Aqua stream
feels good

>> No.23282894

Watch Luna, she has a takoyaki on her head

>> No.23282900

Luna is fucked here

>> No.23282905

Matsuri went home after Haachama bribed her.

>> No.23282913

Matsuri bullying Haachama

>> No.23282914

Kek, she's back.

>> No.23282920
Quoted by: >>23282924

>16k viewers for Haachama


>> No.23282924

That's the power of FOTM. Korone had the same a while back streaming AC.

>> No.23282928

That fucking marine avatar lmao

>> No.23282939
Quoted by: >>23282946

Imagine paying $60 for a game you can beat in under an hour

>> No.23282943

Why is Luna pretending to be bad at this? She can totally do it if she tries

>> No.23282945
Quoted by: >>23282952

Is Parappa an allegory?

>> No.23282946
Quoted by: >>23283105

Imagine paying $100 just so a youtuber can say your name

>> No.23282950
Quoted by: >>23282959

coco should do an all english stream on april fools

>> No.23282952
Quoted by: >>23282956

Of what?

>> No.23282953

for fucks sake hachama youre so loud, but meh I already have tinitus anyway

>> No.23282955

lol i’m wondering which of the dumb sluts will dive fully into pandering to degenerates at their views decline

>> No.23282956


>> No.23282957

Watching the girls' avatars run around in AC, freaking out over home decor is honestly a much nicer experience than I thought it would be.

>> No.23282959

she really enjoys them even though she is not very talkative in those, she spends most of her time laughing

>> No.23282961


>> No.23282963
File: 257 KB, 334x501, coombrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23282981

why is she like this

>> No.23282964

it’s aside the point that none of these whores are good enough looking for me to date them i wish to never see what any of them look like so as to not break my suspension of disbelief

>> No.23282967

Sunbitch is used goods for sure.

>> No.23282969

why are you speaking of the future when Haato, Matsuri and Marine are already here

>> No.23282971
Quoted by: >>23282978

What the fuck is going on haachama stream? Why do she sound mindbroken?

>> No.23282973
Quoted by: >>23282977

haachama with so many viewers the fuck

>> No.23282977

AC is strong, ark can't compete

>> No.23282978

Because she is, and has been for quite some time.

>> No.23282981

30 and virgin

>> No.23282987

wtf haato who corrupted your mind so much??

>> No.23282988
Quoted by: >>23283026

lol matsuri coming too

>> No.23282989


>> No.23282992

wtf is going on why 17k. And don't say it's because of the game she never had this amount of views before and Aqua is live too so competition is up.

>> No.23282993
File: 190 KB, 1200x870, 1560260852948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell her to go to bed

>> No.23282999
Quoted by: >>23283006

>tfw Luna is at a measly 1.5k
I still love my baby princess. Fuck views.

>> No.23283000

Watch it instead of worrying about numbers and you'll understand.

>> No.23283002
File: 676 KB, 963x538, aaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her smile and optimism

>> No.23283003

She's filming a sex tape.

>> No.23283004
File: 16 KB, 536x76, good_tags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283006

i always open her stream in background lol
she almost got that 100k

>> No.23283007
File: 132 KB, 943x1334, 1576389463833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even her AC avatar has it...
I won't hold out much longer

>> No.23283008


>> No.23283011

does every occurrence need a logical explanation with you dumb nerds

>> No.23283012


>> No.23283013

everything is fire

>> No.23283015
File: 1.52 MB, 1844x1844, 1584080677241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283017


>> No.23283018

Why is everyone going to Haato's love island?

>> No.23283021
File: 1.18 MB, 624x906, senchou.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shake shake

>> No.23283023

Who is Marine sleeping with?

>> No.23283025

It's fun to bully the mentally challenged.

>> No.23283026

What else were you expecting from Hololive's biggest parasite?

>> No.23283027
File: 147 KB, 847x1200, ESk9-l7U4AASoPB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i WISH marine had a doujin with these tags

>> No.23283028


>> No.23283029


>> No.23283032


>> No.23283033


>> No.23283035


>> No.23283036

lol why did mio come

>> No.23283037
File: 152 KB, 640x1000, 7c2u7yyw8yi41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame !?

>> No.23283039

Why are these girls allowed to use the word オフパコ on stream? Isn't it considered vulgar?

>> No.23283040

paying money for companionship!
haachama way!

>> No.23283042

Haato is so fucking happy to have friends over it's contagious. But then she enters the room.

>> No.23283045

Why does Mio's avatar have one eye permanently closed?

>> No.23283046

wasp sting

>> No.23283047

Bee sting it's not permanent

>> No.23283048

Things are getting crazy on that bed.

>> No.23283050
Quoted by: >>23283069


>> No.23283053

lmao this is too funny and somehow lewd too

>> No.23283055

watame looked like a catrina with the make up

>> No.23283056


>> No.23283057

Why do you care about nubmers so much?

>> No.23283060
Quoted by: >>23283080

Flare in Luna's chat

>> No.23283063
Quoted by: >>23283070

fuck haato slut im watching my girl aqua!!!!

>> No.23283065

Haachama strays from 'acceptable' so often her fans are used to it and everyone else rolls their eyes or just doesn't watch her.

>> No.23283067
Quoted by: >>23283106

You seem to have confused Hololive for an idol agency.

>> No.23283068

Parappa's scoring system makes no fucking sense

>> No.23283069


>> No.23283070
Quoted by: >>23283076

>i'm watching my girl aqua!!!

>> No.23283074
File: 69 KB, 1280x853, 1584773348358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lazei faire

>> No.23283076

it’s not slutty if aqua is sucking mine and only my dick!

>> No.23283077

what's vulgar about it compared to what she usually does

>> No.23283078
Quoted by: >>23283084

OHHHHH. Wait a minute. Is she supposed to spam shit in between the recorded note taps to gain score?

>> No.23283080
File: 8 KB, 355x65, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she triggered by Luna's retardation?

>> No.23283084

That's how the first one worked, so probably.

>> No.23283086
Quoted by: >>23283103

>2,000 people left immediately when degeneracy stopped

>> No.23283090

Flare's punkass leaching what little viewers Luna has

>> No.23283092

AC is fucking overrated garbage.

>> No.23283093

Dumb elf should be getting ready for her 3D stream tomorrow

>> No.23283095
Quoted by: >>23283107

coco should buy a switch and do an april fools stream playing AC haha

>> No.23283097

shion yo

>> No.23283099

That video everybody were looking forward to is finally out!

>> No.23283102

>implying anyone here still cares about Sora

>> No.23283103

Can you really blame them? They probably didn't want to stick around any longer and risk Haachama rupturing their eardrums.

>> No.23283105

I only spent 5$ and got my name adorably mangled. It was a fantastic investment

>> No.23283106


>> No.23283107

And then sell it the next day.

>> No.23283109
Quoted by: >>23283116

Sora's pretty cute. Wished she collabed more with the other girls. Just stream with em and fuck her other work.

>> No.23283110
File: 1.70 MB, 1296x723, 1515668725804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's amazing

>> No.23283111

its finny how this got less views in 6 days, than fubukis we will lock you in 1 day

>> No.23283116
Quoted by: >>23283140

is she that busy?

>> No.23283118


>> No.23283119

*5 hours

>> No.23283120

Is it better to have tons of views but not as many superchats or less views but alot of superchats?

>> No.23283122
Quoted by: >>23283128

Wait, you're right. Except that Youtube told me it just came out.

>> No.23283124

You guys all better attend the Luna 100k celebration and donate red supachas.

>> No.23283125
Quoted by: >>23283133

Finally some Haato Shion sex.

>> No.23283127

Tons of views and a lot of superchat

>> No.23283128

You're living 6 days in the past famalam.

>> No.23283129

It's pretty obvious when you think about it.

>> No.23283130
Quoted by: >>23283146


>> No.23283132
Quoted by: >>23283134

korone should play bannerlord when it comes out next week

>> No.23283133
File: 506 KB, 1920x1080, 1583702128005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283136

At what cost?

>> No.23283134
Quoted by: >>23283139

lol no, also she doesn't like modern shit

>> No.23283136

Coco fucked up Hololive's image irreparably.

>> No.23283137

I think those with more viewers tend to get large bursts in superchats whenever they pass a milestone, but don't get as much during their regular streams. On the other hand those with regular paypigs won't necessarily get much more than usual during said milestones.

>> No.23283138

lol haato
i can respect the hustle

>> No.23283139

it will literally have everything but some stupid shit like voice, so not really alpha

>> No.23283140
Quoted by: >>23283170

She's still doing albums and singles and shit. Also whatever that vtuber drama Watanuki-san Chi no is. Don't know if that is getting views on tv.

>> No.23283143


>> No.23283144

Shion's a good brat

>> No.23283146
File: 845 KB, 2246x1080, Screenshot_2020-03-28-06-06-04-846_com.google.android.youtube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip watame.

>> No.23283147

I mean they were already bad considering their take on comedic yuribait

>> No.23283150

should tweet this to watame so she can play it off with yandare memes

>> No.23283151
Quoted by: >>23283174

fuck haato and her degenerate shit, time for some comfy FBK.

>> No.23283152
File: 4 KB, 348x59, watamesees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283172

Watame was watching that happen live

>> No.23283153

Haato sleeps with her paypigs for gifts!

>> No.23283154
File: 1002 KB, 1200x1427, 1583360995150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283163

Damn Coco ! Incel kimota are supposed to rule over these birdcaged women she allowed Idols to be crass, cuss and talk about shit and piss and sex I HATE HER!

>> No.23283155
Quoted by: >>23283164

This is my favorite Sora cover.

>> No.23283156

Luna's losing it... I thought it was all an act...

>> No.23283157

I can’t tell anymore if Luna is sandbagging or just bad at this

>> No.23283158

All you gotta do is compare the supacha versus views data.

>> No.23283160

She even had to bride Shion to keep quiet.

This is clearly #あさココリーク

>> No.23283161
File: 89 KB, 680x680, EUL0BcsUYAACSkh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283189

>> No.23283163

Thumbnail looks like she is spreading her legs, I'm very disappointed.

>> No.23283164

why is sora holding the controller upside down

>> No.23283167
Quoted by: >>23283177

comfy FBK Mario Kart challenge.

>> No.23283170

The drama's next season is in April and has Matsuri and Subaru apparently? It also had a drama and stage show that those two took part in.

>> No.23283171
Quoted by: >>23283176

Haato is going to be murdered by Watame...

>> No.23283172


>> No.23283174

>mario kart
5 min stream?

>> No.23283176

and with all the knives in the upcoming colab... HAACHAMA...

>> No.23283177

Stream end RTA

>> No.23283180
Quoted by: >>23283182

Haato's asking Watame for a happy end in bed.

>> No.23283181

Parappa harder than Dark Souls confirmed

>> No.23283182

Dammit I was hoping she would ended the stream in failure but Watame is too forgiving or her

>> No.23283184

Watame is the nicest holo

>> No.23283186

Or she is already tired of her shit.

>> No.23283189

Holy shit these artists are fast

>> No.23283201


>> No.23283203


>> No.23283204

All these sexy FBK noises... oh my

>> No.23283205
Quoted by: >>23283215


>> No.23283209


This was probably better than Watame just being 'shocked' by the decorations.

>> No.23283213
Quoted by: >>23283221

Time for Dark Souls. Fuck Parappa.

>> No.23283215


Fake news

>> No.23283221

No, fuck you.

>> No.23283222
File: 471 KB, 515x536, yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283225
Quoted by: >>23283229

Luna really did do her best, I feel guilty for thinking she was totally sandbagging it.

>> No.23283227

>fucks marine
>fucks shion
>still gets forgiven by watame

So this the power of giving 99k bells checks to everyone.

>> No.23283229

It's strange. I feel like sometimes she doesn't use her brain.

>> No.23283230


>> No.23283232

I really like how Shion's smug gets reflected in her character

>> No.23283233
Quoted by: >>23283246

https://youtu.be/W3GRrqUWV0w Luna

>> No.23283236

Pls don't bully Sora she's trying hard to be relevant again.

>> No.23283239

aqua atsumori with viewers

>> No.23283240

Luna at 99.7k!

>> No.23283241
Quoted by: >>23283253

She said something about the triangle not working sometimes (I think) it’s probably bugged

>> No.23283242

I don't know how I feel about Haato cucking everyone.

>> No.23283243

If she does daily streams the algorithm will probably pick her back up.

>> No.23283245

I hope anon will drop $100 to Luna again today.

>> No.23283246

Luna Souls? peepoRun

>> No.23283248

I will drop 10k on ELITE stream later

>> No.23283249

>still no new やべー moment after Towa's
What's taking so long?

>> No.23283251

I can’t believe Mel has more subscribers than Flare...

>> No.23283253

Yeah if she's playing it on PS4 via the PS Classics then it's known to be buggy and out of sync sometimes. I knew her timing was way too terrible to be normal.

>> No.23283255

he said he would if she won the hololive hunger games but miko won instead so i doubt it

>> No.23283256

Still waiting for Kenshi.

>> No.23283257

Fubuki no

>> No.23283259
Quoted by: >>23283269

Parappa's timing is really strict. Basically, you're fucked if you just follow the prompts. It's the same reason why people get stonewalled by the chicken in the first game. Also she's probably suffering latency issues due to modern monitors.

She didn't listen to Flare and properly freesstyled to gain points.

>> No.23283262

One day, someone will play Megman Legends, and I will have to love them forever.

>> No.23283263

He already dropped a few supachas on the Parappa stream. Putting those Trumpbux to good use.

>> No.23283268

I don't get this at all. Mel barely streams a few times a month. Is Flare just that boring or is Mel just that good?

>> No.23283269
Quoted by: >>23283287

What did Flare say?

>> No.23283270

who is this sassy ugly-villager-having child?

>> No.23283271
Quoted by: >>23283276

Isn't Mel way older?

>> No.23283272
Quoted by: >>23283276

Or maybe because Mel was in Hololive for much longer?

>> No.23283273

she has more than akirozecohol as well

>> No.23283274

Think she got them the same way Choco did, through ASMR.

>> No.23283275
Quoted by: >>23283281

Does Mel streams anymore?

>> No.23283276

I get that but seriously, Mel hardly streams.

>> No.23283277

She wasn't even that relevant during the four kings era, but now she and some of the other oldies are doing well with shit outside of youtube. Poor Akari though.

>> No.23283279

Watch Mel's old videos

>> No.23283280
Quoted by: >>23283292

Well Akari can always fall back on her pre-chuuba career as a VA.

>> No.23283281

Only in collabs. Last time she streamed by herself was ARK, but she did put out a cover recently. Think she's more or less graduated but Hololive just keeps her around since she seems to like the others.

>> No.23283282

Four kings? Enlighten me on Hololive lore.

>> No.23283284
File: 635 KB, 1260x709, haachama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23283286

Mel feels like like a fish out of water without her ASMR streams ;_;

>> No.23283287

She called Luna a dumb baby and told people, especially those on the hololive thread on /jp/, to watch her stream later, 19:00 JST

>> No.23283288

Oh wow

>> No.23283289
Quoted by: >>23283297

Does HL own all character rights or are some of them contracted?

>> No.23283290

wait what picture is that?

is there a picture of haato stepping on the camera?

>> No.23283292

Not Hololive. Just general vchuuba shit.

Neck's busted, she's done bruh doompost

>> No.23283293 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 769x620, 1585389244816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283295

She's participating in Niconico chokaigi though I think it's because everyone from 1 gen are participating.

>> No.23283296

We all know Coco will surpass Haato and Matsuri soon but will Haato beat Matsuri's subcount this year?

>> No.23283297

contracted, HL doesn't own the image unless it's a character HL created like that new bird one. A lot of them brought their character in (Miko, Suisei)

>> No.23283300
Quoted by: >>23283307

Oh, kinda like the E4.

>> No.23283301

What bird one?

>> No.23283302


>> No.23283303
Quoted by: >>23283445

AI still big and doing shit, Siro has tvshows, no idea what Luna's doing but her other channel still has high views. Don't give a fuck about old man loli fox. Akari has neck issues.

>> No.23283304

Wasn't Miko originally under Cover? She just got transferred over since she wasn't doing too well under them.

>> No.23283305

Those times were trash t b h.

>> No.23283306
Quoted by: >>23283313

Are you living in a cave? Coco is already ahead.

>> No.23283307

Not "kinda" like the E4. Exactly like the E4. The E4 is called the Four Heavenly Kings in nip pokemon.

>> No.23283308
Quoted by: >>23283320

Its only been like 2 years but things changed so fast. Thankful for it because we have Hololive now I guess.

>> No.23283311

A lot (two)

>> No.23283312


>> No.23283313
Quoted by: >>23283341

Damn, when did she get past Matsuri?

>> No.23283320

Yeah, shit goes by so fast. I still don't know how I feel about Hololive but I like all the girls and they are all entertaining in a way so I can't complain, though a feeling of nostalgia strikes sometimes when thinking about those times back in early 2018.

>> No.23283321
Quoted by: >>23283354

Does Robocco count?

>> No.23283323

Hololive's 3D models move and look so good in comparison

>> No.23283324
Quoted by: >>23283348

Bad management will kill anything. It's why the Hololive staff sometimes worry me.

>> No.23283325

Watame or sniping Shion?

>> No.23283326
Quoted by: >>23283342

Back then it was a new frontier, where it seemed like even individuals could make it big and get famous

>> No.23283328
Quoted by: >>23283332

Shion yo...

>> No.23283330
File: 33 KB, 862x331, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283346

Probably, but they've always been pretty close in subs apparently so I doubt she's gonna get that far ahead of her.

>> No.23283331


>> No.23283332

Its time to go witch hunting!

>> No.23283338
File: 704 KB, 1110x1553, holo1cm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the longest time I kind of avoided both Nijisanji and Hololive because it seemed like too much to take in at once, but the atmosphere in the current state of Hololive with pretty much everyone being closely connected actually reminds me a bit of that brief period when general vtuber hako-oshi was viable and something new and interesting was happening everywhere every day.

>> No.23283339
Quoted by: >>23283350

watame is being a little too nice because she knows its all just fun and games without anything being too serious

still it might rub an weird impression to a very very lonely haato

>> No.23283341

Like a week ago.

>> No.23283342

Weren't Siro and nojaloli individuals/solos? Were Mito and Sora considered that last time?

>> No.23283345

Fubuki at the end there was amazing

>> No.23283346

Matsuri x Haato is better than Matsuri x FBK

>> No.23283347

Sub to Luna so her 100th video will be her 100k celebration

>> No.23283348

On the one hand they seem to look out for their chuubas by preventing them from fading into irrelevancy, on the other hand they leave them demonetised for months and outright ignore the Holostars. Compared to the other companies I'm not sure if it's better or worse.

>> No.23283349

Mito was always Niji, Siro and Noja were solos until I think Siro got scouted by another company whose name I can't remember at all. I don't remember if Sora was always Hololive, I think she wasn't but I could be wrong.

>> No.23283350

I'm looking forward to the day when they can do a off collab together.

>> No.23283353
Quoted by: >>23283358

Getting back into chuubas, I decided to watch Hololive over Nijisanji mainly because it had less people.

>> No.23283354

No, both Roboco and Miko don't count.

>> No.23283355

I'm pretty sure Nojaloli was the only independent.

>> No.23283356

gonna be a looong loooooooooooooooooooong while

>> No.23283357


>> No.23283358

Doesn't Niji have like 90 streamers?

>> No.23283361

Sora was supposed to be like a tech demo or something then they decided lets do that virtual youtuber shit.

>> No.23283362
Quoted by: >>23283368

They should seriously stop making new members.

>> No.23283365
File: 31 KB, 1258x185, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283371


>> No.23283367
Quoted by: >>23283379

Siro always belonged to Appland

>> No.23283368
Quoted by: >>23283374

or at least not add as many each gen, we don't need more flares and towas wasting space

>> No.23283371
Quoted by: >>23283378

Post your address right now. You're gonna catch these hands fool.

>> No.23283374
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1579752700472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283390


>> No.23283376

Damn my EOPness is started to frustrate the fuck out of me. It's frustrating not being able to understand what they're saying. Aaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.23283378 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 338x163, 1585390539626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283385


>> No.23283379
Quoted by: >>23283387

Are solos just vtubers with no company backing them? Does Akari pre-Entum and with Eilene count?

>> No.23283385


>> No.23283387

Yeah and no. Eilene doesn't count as a company with how much of a poorfag he is and how many loansharks he's trying to avoid.

>> No.23283388
Quoted by: >>23283421

Haachama pleasures old kimoota for bells!

>> No.23283389

Haato in quarantined in Australia and can't go back.

>> No.23283390
Quoted by: >>23283400

3D stream tomorrow bro!

>> No.23283392

Just listen to the cute sounds.

>> No.23283393
File: 253 KB, 375x375, 1575316332396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283399

If you start now, you can reach N2 by Hololive gen 6!

>> No.23283399

I fucking hate her face. That mole is truly disgusting.

>> No.23283400

Can she get more viewers that Lulu?

>> No.23283401
Quoted by: >>23283408

Have you heard about a word "independent"?

>> No.23283405

Hey man, leave the number talk to the big dogs. Lets just be happy for Flare and look forward to potential 3D streams with Noel.

>> No.23283406
Quoted by: >>23283412

Luna out here banning EOPs saying they're Bots

>> No.23283407

Just stick with it anon. I was once at your place and now after only 2 months I can listen to anyone of these girls.

Except miko, when am I able to pick up miko?

>> No.23283408

No, what does it mean?

>> No.23283410
Quoted by: >>23283415

No fucking way, Lulu brought in 47k viewers.

>> No.23283412

Even she can't believe that real people are willing to watch her

>> No.23283415

She's that popular? Damn.

>> No.23283416

You need to be N0 to understand Miko.

>> No.23283421
File: 597 KB, 732x767, 1583657258597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283424

Nope, but I'm happy she finally gets 3d. I really hope she breaks at least 20k.

>> No.23283427

Stop watching Luna and you won't have that problem

>> No.23283428

Suisei's faggot-ass AC stream coming

>> No.23283435

Do you have any recommendations for a good place to start learning? I know there's a thread on /jp/ and I think /lit/ as well as a few websites, but I'm not sure what to go with.

>> No.23283437
Quoted by: >>23283471

No point in starting now. We're all dying this year.

>> No.23283440

>can't even bother finding readily available resources
Never gonna make it aniki

>> No.23283443

Learn 10 words a day and in 2 months you'll probably have a bigger vocabulary that aqua/haato.

>> No.23283445
Quoted by: >>23283461

I haven't watched AI in months, did her original voice really get replaced by someone else?
I worry about that happening to the hololives someday

>> No.23283450

Since you're interested in vtubers, I recommend starting with an easy like like Fubuki or Kanata. Listen to them for 2-3 hours a day. Use anki during the mean time and Tango N5 deck.

>> No.23283460

That island Aqua just visited had a very powerful energy in how commited they were to their FGO theme

>> No.23283461
Quoted by: >>23283463

By many someones, in fact. It’s been confirmed that that won’t happen to the Hololives so don’t worry about it

>> No.23283463
Quoted by: >>23283474

Man that's sad. What happened to her OG voice anyhow?

>> No.23283468
Quoted by: >>23283472

imagine Korone playing Alien Isolation

>> No.23283471

Even bigger reason to start now. Not gonna face eternity knowing I didn't even try.

>> No.23283472
Quoted by: >>23283485

Imagine Korone playing Fortnite

>> No.23283474
Quoted by: >>23283487

She still does it
Just barely anymore

>> No.23283478

>Rushia x Flare collab
Never forget: https://youtu.be/92hTS3194kU?t=7993

>> No.23283481

Oh yeah for that anon who wants to learn. Make sure to turn off live comments. No english tips to help you out here.

>> No.23283484


>> No.23283485

Imagine Korone playing Dwarf Fortress, text only.

>> No.23283487

The fuck is she busy with? Did she become an idol IRL?

>> No.23283489

Shion yo...

>> No.23283490

Shion yo...

>> No.23283494
File: 2.02 MB, 1375x723, 1562299228305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283503


>> No.23283495
Quoted by: >>23283515

Imagine Korone playing The Oregon Trail

>> No.23283498

They want to phase out the original and make AI more into a brand than a person. It’s pretty sad, really.

>> No.23283500

If only, I think she is the only one with the focus to actually play the game, just she would drop it in a week.

>> No.23283501
Quoted by: >>23283528

Use /djt/ on /int/ or whatever JP thread is on at the time for resources.
Avoid /jp/ /djt/, last I looked it was a waste of time with nothing but shitposts and bait.
Follow the main guide, do your Anki reps, since you're looking to understand your chubas as fast as possible don't bother learning to write the kanji by hand.

>> No.23283503

My wife Chino is so cute.

>> No.23283508 [DELETED] 

Just a little off topic, but why do Japanese girls not shave? I bet Coco is the only member in Hololive that shaves her pubic hair.

>> No.23283509

>Korone went to super potato to buy metroid for the famicom

>> No.23283511

No idea. Most people believe, and something her VA has hinted to, that she's been screwed over by corporate fuckers.

>> No.23283515

Imagine Korone imagining playing The Oregon Trail.

>> No.23283521

Shaving is only for sluts.

>> No.23283522

Only whores and disgusting western women shave.

>> No.23283523

Watching Luna makes me realize I'm retarded and probably would have aggro'd those three skeleton Korones

>> No.23283525 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23283538

Does Japanese people hate jewish people? Is that why aqua was so afraid?

>> No.23283528

Thank you for the advice I appreciate it.

>> No.23283535

I'm guessing there's no rips of the sumikko gurashi movie? I wanted to watch it with the cat.

>> No.23283538 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 615x694, VotRrKr_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And stop making off topic shit dumbass

>> No.23283540

Fuck, there's a live translator on Luna's stream now.

>> No.23283544

Sheep and Pig having so much fun, don't forget this goes up in a few minutes.

>> No.23283547

TL Note: nnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.23283551

The minute he shows up I actually start understanding what Luna is saying without TLs

>> No.23283554

After remembering the whole korone introvert and collab thing and then seeing korone freezing up, miko cutting off their call and then korone building up her courage again, I'm glad korone's slowly getting over her weakness but fuck me if this wasn' painful to watch

>> No.23283559

Luna doesn't have the chat on screen so why does this matter? Why are you watching chuubas for the chat rooms anyway?

>> No.23283565

The EOPs in Luna's streams are pretty well behaved and she even thanked the translator.

>> No.23283566

This. Just use /hg/ as the chat room.

>> No.23283569

No income duo.

>> No.23283575
File: 75 KB, 1071x409, 1585356529847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283594

why are the hololives womanlets even in their own country's standards?

>> No.23283576
Quoted by: >>23283595

Do you guys think if I asked her alot I could pressure Haato into letting me smell her feet?

>> No.23283583

Why is that a bad thing

>> No.23283587

ARK collab
Rushia POV
Flare POV

>> No.23283594

Women 5'2 are the cut off anon, so it's a good thing they're so short.

>> No.23283595

I'm pretty sure Haato is into non-consensual sex so I don't see why not.

>> No.23283596

That was cute as shit.

>> No.23283599

That was hella gay.

>> No.23283600
File: 1.27 MB, 1145x1190, __kiryuu_coco_hololive_drawn_by_dakuryuu__a9c170bbff984b96ac585193c0c55091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283612

I've been waiting for and watching hololive streams back to back for 11 hours. This corona-virus lockdown is fucking with me

>> No.23283601
Quoted by: >>23283605

You guys watched the HaatoxWatame love song right?

>> No.23283604

Live translating for your Hororaibu is the dream

>> No.23283605

desu its not really romantic

>> No.23283606
Quoted by: >>23283611

I want to hold Shion's hand...!

>> No.23283611
Quoted by: >>23283618

I want Shion to climb up on to my shoulders so we can run through the woods as she shouts chekera!

>> No.23283612

I was doing that before the lockdown.

>> No.23283613

After being cucked by Marine with Shion Coco has come crawling back to PPTenshi

>> No.23283615

All three of them are members of Coco's harem

>> No.23283618

I want to rip Shion a new one in slither.io!

>> No.23283617

Feels like 4th gen always collabs together except for Luna. She's kinda with everyone.

>> No.23283621

>No Miko
>No Korone
>No Pekora
Today is a shit day

>> No.23283622

>She's kinda with everyone.
what is she, their grandmother?

>> No.23283624

Coco is just fulfilling Kanata's Make a Wish.

>> No.23283630


>> No.23283633

Yesterday's pekora stream was legendary though

>> No.23283635

wait they're doing it again? noice

>> No.23283636

>3 person stream
Hard pass

>> No.23283637

PP's BGM is making my IQ drop...

>> No.23283638

Fuck, Luna Souls is so comfy

>> No.23283640
Quoted by: >>23283656


>> No.23283645

Mio the best

>> No.23283646
Quoted by: >>23283655

How can anybody hate Mio? I could see not being into her, but hating her?

>> No.23283648

It would seem having shit taste is a truly dreadful thing to live with

>> No.23283652
File: 993 KB, 1247x700, 1577865842628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Subaru voice. . .

>> No.23283655

I tend to forget she exists

>> No.23283656


>> No.23283658

...is cute!

>> No.23283659
Quoted by: >>23283672

I only care about the game and how funny they are.

>> No.23283661

Thank God for her new outfit.

>> No.23283663

is incredibly sexy and soothing to listen to? yes we know.

>> No.23283668
File: 23 KB, 793x431, 1584561515363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Shion to put her hands around my shoulders and pretend she is a backpack.

>> No.23283672

Mio is one of the only girls that has her own clear taste in games and one of the only girls that actually tells real jokes. The majority of the time a holo is funny because you're laughing at her, but you actually get to laugh with Mio.

>> No.23283677

200 subs until 100k~

>> No.23283680
Quoted by: >>23283685

who, I'll pity sub, If it's Luna I'm already pity subbed.

>> No.23283681

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to watch Mio. Her humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of Japanese most of the jokes will go over a typical EOPs head.

>> No.23283685
Quoted by: >>23283693

>pity subbing a Hololive with good taste in vidya

>> No.23283688

Who else does this? Okayu definitely has a good sense of humor, and Korone makes some great observations now and then.

>> No.23283689

nice, time to unsub luna

>> No.23283693

can't stand her voice.

>> No.23283694

She said she won't stop streaming until 100k

>> No.23283704

Is perfect in its current form. The oldest version was trying too hard, and the one after sounded a little too cool.

>> No.23283706

In what world does Flare's stream have more viewers than Rushia's

>> No.23283709

In this one, faggot.

>> No.23283710


>> No.23283713

>noel not gonna stream today

i guess she gonna do asmr

>> No.23283714

No, Koronevirus cucking Flare...

>> No.23283715

because Rushia is a big fat phoney

>> No.23283716

fuck korone!

>> No.23283718

Rushia a shit, glad she's dying

>> No.23283719

Flare is more competent while Rushia just fuck up every single time in Ark.

>> No.23283723


>> No.23283724

Rushia will be the 3rd gen Matsuri.

>> No.23283725


>> No.23283726

Flare has 3D hype

>> No.23283727

I fucking called that weeks ago. Lets she if she has a drunk breakdown on stream as well

>> No.23283728

Well this is shit.

>> No.23283729

It's fucking over for Flare.

>> No.23283730

all she has to do is go to a studio and dance around for 5 minutes...

>> No.23283732


>> No.23283733

Flare deserves it for being so boring

>> No.23283734
File: 118 KB, 848x1200, IMG_20200315_123628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283742

Noel will snap since she will not be able to be together with her wife.

>> No.23283737
Quoted by: >>23283745

Rushia and Flare are so precious
from the very beginning they were always happy to just exist and be a chuuba, no drama or anything

>> No.23283742

dont worry, they've already separated, are you slow?

>> No.23283743

I can't believe the korone virus was an inside job to ruin homolive all along...

>> No.23283744

hololive offices must be near an area with some new CCP virus cases

>> No.23283745

Flare is cool. Rushia is fake.

>> No.23283746
Quoted by: >>23283751

can't see Luna hitting it unless another member helps her.

>> No.23283748
Quoted by: >>23283794

Fubuki and Peko has a good sense of humor too.

>> No.23283751

We can help with it. Lets go into every chat and tell people to subscribe to Luna!

>> No.23283753

Wait a minute. THE Kanzaki Hiro in Luna's chat?

>> No.23283757

Subaru is fake. Rushia is cute and is very shy in collabs, but by herself or with someone she trusts like Mari or Flare she can be herself

>> No.23283760

Fu-tan-nee... It's just not fair!

>> No.23283761

He's the artist for Luna.

>> No.23283762

Rushia may be fake but she's still cool. She's way into the job and doing everything she can to improve at it.

>> No.23283763

Luna's their design after all...

>> No.23283764

One more reason to hate chinkies

>> No.23283771


>> No.23283776
Quoted by: >>23283781

is peko fake because she says peko all the time
or does fake mean holo I don't watch

>> No.23283780

He's my father in law.

>> No.23283781
Quoted by: >>23283786

she pekos off stream too.

>> No.23283783
File: 431 KB, 900x684, 1584105936283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to ask you to sit down over here >>23283710

>> No.23283786
Quoted by: >>23283792

She never peko'd when she was a titty streamer

>> No.23283789

I thought the problem was only in western countries ?
When I watch vtubers speak of going to eat together and doing off collabs it seemed like things were almost the same as usual.

Does this mean there won't be any 3D, live or Cluster events for at least half a year ?

>> No.23283792
Quoted by: >>23283815

Its probably a reflex now

>> No.23283794

Fubuki is fucking hilarious and it's a shame that she gets boiled down to meme girl so often. But she did kind of ask for it.

>> No.23283795

Are you retarded.

>> No.23283797

I just notice Flare hasn't worn her original costume ever since January 1st. Does she hate the boob window?

>> No.23283800

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Krx7bpQZG-c Marine

>> No.23283803

only noel can see flare boob window

>> No.23283804

It's really bothering me that I'll never get to have sex with any of these girls

>> No.23283806
Quoted by: >>23283887

Anon the virus started in asia, japan got hit before the western countries. have you been literally living under a rock?

>> No.23283807

fu-tan is modest

>> No.23283809

This but uniornically.

>> No.23283810

Flare is seiso
They even removed boob window on her 3D model

>> No.23283811

If you click on this link you're a cumbrain

>> No.23283812
Quoted by: >>23283820

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEgjHjC3V1U More Aqua

>> No.23283814

I still have hope but the depression is ever looming that I'll never make Mari fall in love with me simply because I'm a gaijin

>> No.23283815
Quoted by: >>23283847

Imagine chatting with her IRL and she accidentally slips a peko

>> No.23283817

If you believe hard enough and work even harder then I believe you can do it anon. Save these barren wombs.

>> No.23283819

Its taken a long time to take hold in Japan. I was there a few weeks back and besides zoos and amusement parks everything was open. They are cracking down now though, tons of places were starting to stop sakura viewing by banning alcohol and bringing blankets. They cant hold out forever against this and with the Olympics cancelled I expect Japan to follow through with the social distancing policies the rest of the world is following.

>> No.23283820
Quoted by: >>23283825

Didn't she just do like a 20 hour stream

>> No.23283822

Someone should go as a CV in their game and be the fun police.

>> No.23283824
File: 821 KB, 835x1200, 77722434_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go!

>> No.23283825

Are you dumb?This is part of her 18 hour continuous streams

>> No.23283826

>bots not using special characters now

>> No.23283832


>> No.23283837

They're less annoying now though

>> No.23283838

Nah, I've checked other livestreams usually filled with bots and they've stopped using them too

>> No.23283847
Quoted by: >>23283865

iirc noel slipped off and called herself noel in her old channel

>> No.23283850
Quoted by: >>23283856


>> No.23283851


>> No.23283853

marine is obviously doing an #ad, aren't they suppose to specify that.

>> No.23283856


>> No.23283858

>marine btfoing that EOP

>> No.23283859
Quoted by: >>23283940

>World of Warships
>Not War Thunder
Marine you absolute casual

>> No.23283860

Fubuki is a good girl who doesn't swear.

She also intentionally mispronounced most of the lyrics as she sang part of the song in a livestreams before and didn't have this level of... Uh... Aptitude with English.

Also Miko wants to fuck us with the rest of Hololive. Fubuki wants to lock is all up. Are these girls thirsty or something? Sooner or later they're going to go Monster Girl Quest on us.

>> No.23283863

100 subs until 100k~

>> No.23283865

Pekora also responded to a comment referring to her by her old name naturally without noticing at one point

>> No.23283866

I did a while ago. Search on Warosu for someone with the trip "That one Towa-fag"

>> No.23283869
Quoted by: >>23283917


>> No.23283870
Quoted by: >>23283876


>> No.23283873


>> No.23283875

I-I need to go to sleep but I want to see Luna hit 100k

>> No.23283876


>> No.23283882


>> No.23283883
File: 82 KB, 1289x725, 1585397611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283884
File: 170 KB, 413x414, PekoPog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao jebaited

>> No.23283886


>> No.23283887
Quoted by: >>23283913

japan got "hit" but have kept it under control since most of its cases were due to most being in a BOAT and general ways japanese react to the japanese cold

>> No.23283888


>> No.23283891


>> No.23283895
Quoted by: >>23283899

Luna seems pretty dedicated like Korone but FUCK ME THAT VOICE, Can't she change the filters or something.

>> No.23283896

Comiket and the Olympics were cancelled. Let that sink in.

>> No.23283898
Quoted by: >>23283905

Lunafags are the direct cause of the lowering quality of these threads.

>> No.23283899
Quoted by: >>23283906

don't be a smooth brain for the rest of your life

>> No.23283901


>> No.23283902

Is Luna's voice the ultimate pleb filter?

>> No.23283903


>> No.23283905
Quoted by: >>23283958

That's Marinecumbrains

>> No.23283906
Quoted by: >>23283923

is this a new meme

>> No.23283913

They've barely been doing any tests. I guess the olympics getting delayed finally made them move their asses.

>> No.23283915

99.9 now lmao

>> No.23283917
Quoted by: >>23283924

I'm pretty sure pekora only gives sightly more fucks than matsuri does anyway considering her age setting is 111

>> No.23283923

It was an old /a/ meme but Reddit stole it and now is mostly used by retards.

>> No.23283924


>> No.23283930

Why is she kinda competent at aiming? Is someone else playing? This is a really weird stream.

>> No.23283932
File: 221 KB, 1000x707, EUMKOvmVAAwRH7t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23283941

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLWf4ANgy-0 Coco celebration 3 month

>> No.23283939

Not even close. She's overshot & missed alot.

>> No.23283940

It's paid promo

>> No.23283941

>Coco is gonna steal Luna's thunder
What a bitch

>> No.23283943

>3 months

>> No.23283944

Marine's gameplay is triggering my autism. Is this how it feels seeing someone being bad at a game you're good at.

>> No.23283945
Quoted by: >>23283955

There are 6 streams up right now, who are you talking about?

>> No.23283949
Quoted by: >>23283961

Yeah I'm also getting triggered too.

>> No.23283951

Wow, postponing already belated 3d stream, that gotta hurt.

>> No.23283953
File: 3 KB, 211x36, 1583917868772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283955

She's by far the most popular Hololive in this general. Who do you think?

>> No.23283956

Imagine learning English overseas for 3 years and still mixing up the l and r sounds

>> No.23283958

I bet most Marine fans are attracted to her unsexiness and cake appeal. And on /jp/, the touhou

>> No.23283959

I want to fly over to melbourne and smack her

>> No.23283960


>> No.23283961
Quoted by: >>23283977

lol people actually play that game

>> No.23283963


>> No.23283964

Haato? She isn't streaming though.

>> No.23283967
Quoted by: >>23283970

20 subs to 100k~

>> No.23283970

Where are you seeing that? All I can see is 99.9k

>> No.23283971


>> No.23283972


>> No.23283975
Quoted by: >>23283990

when luna reach 100k sub i'm gonna unsub

>> No.23283977

With the amount of time and money spent in that game, it's more of a sunk cost fallacy for me.

>> No.23283979

She got pretty good taste in touhou.

>> No.23283981

She is doing it on purpose !
As expected of Haachama !

>> No.23283982

fuutan and rushia enjoying the enviroment, shame fuutan doesnt wanna put the setting as high as rushia

>> No.23283983


i really like shion reaction

>> No.23283985

she hit 100k lads

>> No.23283990

Same. I hope this makes her quit and 4th gen gains more synergy without dead weight around.

>> No.23283991

Naaaaaaa... Now time to unsub nanoraaa...

>> No.23283992
Quoted by: >>23283997

Did a whole bunch unsub at the end? I'm still not seeing it update

>> No.23283996
File: 20 KB, 408x114, chrome_h2t0F8gV5U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23283997
File: 44 KB, 628x312, 1569883179471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23283999
File: 8 KB, 357x99, 1585399088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats to the retard baby!

>> No.23284000

i want to unsub luna, but her reaction is too precious

>> No.23284001

she's so happy.. maybe she won't quit just yet

>> No.23284002
Quoted by: >>23284008

meanwhile Towa...

>> No.23284004

Absolutely based Luna

>> No.23284006

>Luna doesn't show chat on her stream
this baby is based

>> No.23284007

DON'T CHATTO [american voice]

>> No.23284008


>> No.23284010

Marine btfo Americans

>> No.23284011

Where's that fourchin jaypee guy? Go donate right now!

>> No.23284013

Fools, you've activated Luna's command trigger. Now it's time for an early retirement.

>> No.23284014
Quoted by: >>23284015

That Marine KS was shameless but based.

>> No.23284015

She's kill securing.

>> No.23284016

>Fourchin missing when Luna reached 100k

>> No.23284017

Listen to Coco butcher songs, you fucks.

>> No.23284018
File: 231 KB, 465x241, lunahellyeah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did it Lunabros!

>> No.23284022


>> No.23284023

Coco's song streams are the best.

>> No.23284025

I wonder how many people in Coco's stream are younger than this song.

>> No.23284026

make her a into the bakery because shes about to be bred

>> No.23284027
Quoted by: >>23284029

wow so no chat policy is from mane-chan?

>> No.23284029

what a small fack

>> No.23284030
File: 17 KB, 875x125, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23284031
File: 76 KB, 658x232, chin-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yagoo icon arigato

>> No.23284033



fine good job kek

>> No.23284034
File: 39 KB, 431x156, 1585399622661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23284037
Quoted by: >>23284051

Is Coco seriously singing Enya

>> No.23284038

Did Coco improve in singing or I'm too drunk to tell?

>> No.23284041

Pekora going to be impregnated by ayy!

>> No.23284045

No, she's been taking a few lessons.

>> No.23284046

The nips always go crazy when they see the YAGOO icon

>> No.23284047

it's still pretty bad

>> No.23284051
File: 165 KB, 979x979, 1569390921631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Time will tell.

>> No.23284052

That song fits her more it's not too deep.

>> No.23284055


>> No.23284056
Quoted by: >>23284075

Coco doesn't show up in my sub box and it doesn't say she's live until I search for her, anyone having the same issue?

>> No.23284057

What's the BGM coco is using now? I swear I know it.

>> No.23284058

Is Fourchin Jaypee based or retarded?

>> No.23284059

> Luna is genuine
That is worrying, actually.

>> No.23284060

Based, it would be retarded if it wasn't even an akasupachaa.

>> No.23284063


>> No.23284064

Tell me, why does Jaypee have four chins?

>> No.23284069

that guy also wrote on Haato's chat "stop screaming!"

>> No.23284071

B-But I'm not american...

>> No.23284073
File: 1.40 MB, 1600x1300, 1584084236283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take that back this instant

>> No.23284074

Korone is getting better than her at english by just using GT and chating with EOPs

>> No.23284075


There have been a few streams over the past couple days where I've had to check who is live by looking at their accounts.

>> No.23284076

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHe78t6H4R0 Fubuki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVWtkigforI Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA8GlsNgHHk Subaru, Mio & Korone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaTDD-MGFUw Haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIoB1n0V8DA AZKi

>> No.23284080

Seems like Haato had set the date wrong.

>> No.23284085

Fubuki 2D model is so fucking weird man especially the shit behind her, I don't even know what it is

>> No.23284088

She clearly pretending like her constant degenelate spam because her fan like her acting like complete retard.
In a way I felt bad for her that she has to act like a complete clown because it sells.

>> No.23284089

for fucks sake just coco play l4d2 its the most dumb fun a group of friends can have

>> No.23284092

goddamn this is awful coco

>> No.23284103

I'm obssesed with the Ninjin intro that's the best one in hololive

>> No.23284110

Based retard.

>> No.23284113
Quoted by: >>23284115

coco's silly accent coming out while singing in english is great

>> No.23284115

i have no idea why she has a southern twang when she speaks english sometimes

>> No.23284120

She's from the south originally, that's why

>> No.23284121
Quoted by: >>23284133

Who's that at the bottom? Is he new?

>> No.23284122

She's born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. Basically as South as it gets besides being Texan.

>> No.23284123

I can't believe flare is dead; actually I can.

>> No.23284124

Marine *almost* played soku.

>> No.23284125
Quoted by: >>23284146

wtf luna stil 100k subs, i though you guys unsub her

>> No.23284129

>Grabs sister in alabama

>> No.23284132

Luna is doing a 100k stream in 5 minutes. Jaypee is gonna have to cough up another akasupacha.

>> No.23284133

A cute frog.

>> No.23284134

Is AZKi streaming on a potato?

>> No.23284140
Quoted by: >>23284234

Coco keeps singing songs from bay bands. Is she secretly a Holostar?

>> No.23284142
Quoted by: >>23284159

Reminder to watch Luna's hard earned 100k stream instead of Coco's bogus celebration thread she made up to milk supachas from retards.

>> No.23284143

ah so thats why shes very gay, thanks anon i never knew that

>> No.23284146

I actually saw her dipping to 99.9K for a split second before going back up to 100K again.

>> No.23284148

my god she's so bad

>> No.23284151

imagine watching coco

>> No.23284156

someone need to send akasupacha to coco and tell her to stop singing

>> No.23284157

Coco is an idol.

>> No.23284158

Why do these dumbcunts keep recommending her the worst songs to sing ffs give me a rickroll

>> No.23284159

Then we should make it harder.

>> No.23284162

Don't bully Coco too much, guys, don't forget she comes here.

>> No.23284163

Why is youtube fucking everyone's view count again

>> No.23284165


>> No.23284170

It's amazing how /jp/ wants Towa to succeed and Luna to fail, yet the complete opposite is happening

>> No.23284180
Quoted by: >>23284202

>Luna to fail

>> No.23284181
Quoted by: >>23284202

What Are you talking about this place is full of Lunafags

>> No.23284183
Quoted by: >>23284202

What? Do you even read the threads?

>> No.23284184
Quoted by: >>23284196

luna voice better than coco

>> No.23284196

Anyone's voice is better than coco.

>> No.23284197
Quoted by: >>23284200

Oh thank god she stopped. I thought she was going to continue butchering that song.

>> No.23284199

getting used to Subaru's voice.

>> No.23284200

Not everyone can sing like my boy Brian

>> No.23284202

Ah yeah, sorry, I'm just making all the "watch her quit" posts up in my mind, sorry for troubling you guys!

>> No.23284203

Imagine not watching Coco, she's precious.

>> No.23284209

???????? what.

>> No.23284211

The dedicated Coco anti is that dude from Denmark isn't it? Should I post where he lives again?

>> No.23284212

I was joking about those

>> No.23284214

What is this sperg talking about? Did he forget about Jaypee already?

>> No.23284216
Quoted by: >>23284226

Thank god my Hololive doesn't have antis. I would fuck them up.

>> No.23284218

Mio please stream more.

>> No.23284224

Is Luna gonna sing?

>> No.23284226
Quoted by: >>23284233

Who is your hololive?

>> No.23284227
Quoted by: >>23284265

why can't lunaposters handle the bantz?

>> No.23284229

Stop believing every post the dumb Towa shitposter posts.

>> No.23284231

Someone just dropped 30k yen. Jaypee should match this.

>> No.23284233
Quoted by: >>23284243


>> No.23284234
Quoted by: >>23284240

Literally every asian loves Backstreet Boys

>> No.23284235

>egging anon into bankruptcy
Now thats not very nice

>> No.23284240

Coco is not Asian.

>> No.23284242

Jaypee is a pussy. He's gonna let JOPs outbid him for Luna's attention.

>> No.23284243

Her only anti is exercise

>> No.23284245

what's luna eating?

>> No.23284249
Quoted by: >>23284267


>> No.23284250

>Coco is not Asian.

>> No.23284254
Quoted by: >>23284266

/jp/ is stupid and I hate all of you (except jaypee)
Luna is great

>> No.23284255

She's as Asian as fried sushi.

>> No.23284256
Quoted by: >>23284270

Matsuri's getting her bank account emptied by Hoshikawa

>> No.23284261

Race is a social construct

>> No.23284262
Quoted by: >>23284267

all she ever eats is jagariko and takoyaki

>> No.23284263


>> No.23284265

Because they're bigger babies than she is.

>> No.23284266

I don't see Jaypee's akasupacha anywhere though

>> No.23284267

I thought she was eating granola

>> No.23284270
File: 875 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20200328-093434_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23284273

weird how that dude shuts up the moment someone brings this up.

>> No.23284276

No cute tummy in her new outfit.
I hate it.

>> No.23284277

What a simp

>> No.23284279
Quoted by: >>23284288

>Luna outright asking for more red ones
pretty based

>> No.23284282

Coco is going to rap

>> No.23284285

She sent a red superchat before the stream started and gave 6100 yen she revealed the new outfit.

>> No.23284287


>> No.23284288
Quoted by: >>23284297

I got her red one right here

>> No.23284290

Fuck you coco, your knees are weak, your tits are heavy.

>> No.23284293

I'm so glad that Mio, Subaru and Korone play 7dtd together it's still a kusoge but way more entertaining to watch than ARK

>> No.23284294

haachama in luna's chat right now

>> No.23284297

>red one
I didn't know dogs posted on /jp/

>> No.23284299

Coco superchat rap

>> No.23284301
Quoted by: >>23284317

W-why is Luna moaning?!

>> No.23284308
File: 17 KB, 415x130, 2020-03-28_13-42-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously want to throttle these people the most egregious part is twitter literally has a fucking translate tweet option whats the point of this?!

the worst

>> No.23284309

baqua stealing luna viewer

>> No.23284311


The cycle of life

>> No.23284317

she's a baby

>> No.23284319


>> No.23284320
Quoted by: >>23284332

Someone tell Luna to sing for us

>> No.23284321

Coco's random inflections are so strange, if she grew up in America she must have moved to Japan when she was like 6.

>> No.23284325

Maybe he meant he couldn't understand it on a metaphysical level.

>> No.23284326

>not a single person asks for rickrolls it's just the same songs she's already sung before
Fuck these retards

>> No.23284330

You cannot teach retards to not be retarded you know.

>> No.23284331

Atleast she sang everybody now

>> No.23284332

but that would mean she would have to paywall the celebration stream

>> No.23284334


>> No.23284336
Quoted by: >>23284343

damn right, someone should tell her to sing Master of Puppets

>> No.23284338

7DTD looks like absolute shit.

>> No.23284340

fuck zoomers

>> No.23284343

I told her to sing Metallica but she didn't, how disrespectful of her.

>> No.23284344


>> No.23284346

It's more entertaining than ARK atleast.

>> No.23284349

Have they not found guns yet? Why don't they use them?

>> No.23284351

It's the same as all the other games of that genre. The only ones that are at all interesting are State of Decay (if you even want to count it) and The Forest.

>> No.23284352
Quoted by: >>23284363

Older girls are allowed to assault younger girls.

>> No.23284360

God I wish that was me

>> No.23284361

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEoooYdrCI4 Matsuri
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma41-3QicGU Watame
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9Eo6pkM17c Okayu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4LDVFoJgW0 Suisei
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KryoChCCFCk Aqua

>> No.23284362

based peko

>> No.23284363

This, younger girls exist to pleasure to older girls.

>> No.23284365
Quoted by: >>23284402


>> No.23284366

>Watch Flare
>wonder why there's loads of reds
>it's actually for rushia
uhh thanks?

>> No.23284387
Quoted by: >>23284420

I can't believe Pekora abandoned her partner....

>> No.23284388

Is Coco going to deepthroat that pacifier?

>> No.23284392

Luna is gonna pass out on stream

>> No.23284396
File: 1.33 MB, 1194x720, 1562599289634.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.23284400
File: 321 KB, 2048x2021, ETkNueIUUAARkBy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunabros together strong!

>> No.23284402 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23284430

Any Ark ojisans here? Is how easy is this compared to the drake rally on the previous map?

>> No.23284406
File: 3.61 MB, 2103x3508, Himemori.Luna.full.2806761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunabros unite

>> No.23284407

luna's getting shitfaced

>> No.23284408
Quoted by: >>23284703

Celebration streams are a mistake. Let me watch this retarded baby play Dark Souls goddamnit.

>> No.23284414
File: 69 KB, 680x481, EULr4YvU0AETddl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Lunabros

>> No.23284420

one day she'll abandon us too...

>> No.23284422
File: 227 KB, 1920x1080, 1578605109669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23284428

When is Coco going to sing different fucking song? I keep hearing same shit

>> No.23284424

Someone get Matsuri to calm this baby down

>> No.23284425

did matsuri find lyger's island

>> No.23284427
File: 41 KB, 402x499, 1557852818091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23284428

Coco's voice is weird

>> No.23284430

It's doable. Rock drakes aren't really annoying
The shitty thing is that when you pick up an egg all the rock drakes aggro on you, so it's hard without a friend

>> No.23284432
Quoted by: >>23284439

>Luna is drunk
>her voice is still like that
I told you guys that's her real voice.

>> No.23284435

She's actually one of the muppets.

>> No.23284439

She's been streaming with similar voice for almost a decade so even if it isn't, she's probably pretty used to using it at this point.

>> No.23284441

Fuck coco, Watame is streaming now.

>> No.23284444

I dropped Coco for Tetra

>> No.23284450
Quoted by: >>23284476

I swear Watame is only good for meme songs

>> No.23284451

Luna babyest stream

>> No.23284461

I don't mean to offend but Coco really needs to step up her game otherwise asacoco will be her only stream that people interest.

>> No.23284462

Chat seems to love her stream

>> No.23284463

Matsuri visiting anon sex-dungeon.

>> No.23284464
Quoted by: >>23284696

*looks at donations

wtf are you talking about anon?

>> No.23284474

I don't even watch any of her streams other than Asacoco and I know you're talking out of your ass. Her streams have incredible pulling power.

>> No.23284476
Quoted by: >>23284486

she needs classes and songs that fit her voice

>> No.23284486

She doesn't have the personality and voice to drive those sorts of "cool" themed songs out

>> No.23284489
Quoted by: >>23284495

>Everone streaming except for Shion

>> No.23284491

When she talks in english she sounds like Minnie Mouse with a southern accent.

>> No.23284492
Quoted by: >>23284499

why is their 7 days to die server so fucking lucky, that just takes all the fun out along with them being pretty bad too

>> No.23284494

I love Coco's hijinks and I can tell that she's a hard worker, but I can't for the life of me stand actually listening to her.

>> No.23284495

She streamed earlier today, I killed her once in slither.io

>> No.23284499
Quoted by: >>23284550

Same reason you play on a lower difficulty than you could beat when you're streaming. You need to be able to make progression eventually.

>> No.23284501

Oh I just checked her channel, the vod didn't show up in my feed at all. Thanks anon

>> No.23284506

Matsuri didn't give Luna supacha...

>> No.23284508

yes we know you don't have to remind us for the 1000th time

>> No.23284519

Is this why the chuubas are perpetually poor?

>> No.23284520

luna doesn't have any sex appeal

>> No.23284522

That and severe alcoholism

>> No.23284528

Matsuri, stop stealing money...

>> No.23284529

I wouldn't expect any of them to understand budgeting and saving/investing. They probably just do what most people do and blow it all on random crap

>> No.23284531

Can they even give supacaha to each other within Hololive?

>> No.23284533

I like how Subaru says Koroone

>> No.23284537
File: 214 KB, 1184x1675, EULkphPUYAYcwf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23284570


>> No.23284539

its finny how EOPs give less superchats in 6 days than JOPs in 1 day

>> No.23284541

I can imagine coco buying tons of boomer stocks

>> No.23284542
Quoted by: >>23284597

I guess matsuri really does want to scissor her. And I thought those collabs were just yuribaiting.

>> No.23284548
Quoted by: >>23284553

Didn't Miko have a stream where she announced she would put all the supacha into her savings?

>> No.23284550

Lol my phone fucked it up, I meant to say laggy, it’s like they have server in us or something

>> No.23284551
Quoted by: >>23284602

12k yen is too specific of a donate. She's discreetly paying for pee.

>> No.23284552

how did matsuri know i loved tights

>> No.23284553

Would be great for her if she did

>> No.23284561
File: 346 KB, 1413x2000, fe13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23284564

Fubuki's tummy!

>> No.23284564

nice vagina bones

>> No.23284568

Why not?

>> No.23284570

Watame smells like flowers!!

>> No.23284574

Have you ever seen them do it?

>> No.23284586
Quoted by: >>23284609

I hope she starts relaxing the character meme voice soon
She sounds much better watching stuff in one of her old jobs

>> No.23284590

What's the trick to fall into the same slither.io server like that? Do you set a vpn to JP or something?

>> No.23284593
File: 477 KB, 773x1094, fe11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danchou's danchous!

>> No.23284595

I don't pay atteion to the chat, so no.

>> No.23284596

It can be taken as trying to buy attention away from the streamer, you can't really ignore it because you don't want to offend your coworker. Same reason stream pigeons are NG.

>> No.23284597

Hoshikawa is really cute irl. Matsuri might actually be bi.

>> No.23284602
Quoted by: >>23284631

>12k yen for JK pee
Was it worth it?

>> No.23284603

Isn't she confirmed bi?

>> No.23284609
Quoted by: >>23284628

Her southern accent makes her sound like 100% meme gaijin voice all the time.

>> No.23284614

Shion gave Coco supacha during her monitization stream.

>> No.23284618
Quoted by: >>23284633

>Cute voice and cute face
Pics or GTFO.

>> No.23284623
Quoted by: >>23284629

Korone gave Luna a red supacha when she first got monetized.

>> No.23284624

Real life Matsuri is cuter though.

>> No.23284628

That doesn't bother nearly as much as the muppet voice and weird screeching eeeeeeee noises she does

>> No.23284629

>Korone gave Luna
Wow that's unexpected. Have they ever interacted before?

>> No.23284631

Considering youtube takes 30% out of supacha, it's more like 8k yen for JK pee.

>> No.23284633
Quoted by: >>23284653

Her voice sounds more like hot JAV actress, than average cute girl.

>> No.23284636

IIRC, Luna first collab outside of 4th gen is with Korone.

>> No.23284637
Quoted by: >>23284714


>> No.23284640

is it just me or is suisei streaming on dial-up

>> No.23284643

The very first collab with a previous generation the 4th gen had was Korone and Luna playing Splatoon.

>> No.23284644

Wasn't Korone the first non-4th gen Holo to collab with Luna?

>> No.23284646


>> No.23284649

Sugoi! Watame is a Friend who is good at singing.

>> No.23284650

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTKM5x4b0E4 Miko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWIRPZejtR0 Haato
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUEYqgLxb9U Roboco

>> No.23284652

Luna first collab was with her I think.

>> No.23284653

Everything I like becomes "cute" to me these days. I was reading some doujin and there was a leglock kissing missionary page and I went "awww cute" and then realized it's not.

>> No.23284654


>> No.23284655

dumb mole girl

>> No.23284656

Hololive Park soon.

>> No.23284658


>> No.23284659


>> No.23284662
Quoted by: >>23284673

I don't like to remember the Furenzu days, it gets me butthurt, all the more since Hololive did the same fucking thing with Fubuki's dumb cuteness from her old model.

>> No.23284671
File: 116 KB, 180x247, 1575193075567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute irl
You can't just say that and not post proof, Anon.

>> No.23284672
Quoted by: >>23284681

Why the fuck they delayed this much Suisei's and Flare's 3D? At least Suisei could debut hers in time.

>> No.23284673

If it's any consolation Tatsuki announced he's working on a new series last week.

>> No.23284681

The whole world is currently shitting its pants over corona?

>> No.23284682

watame seems a little off today than the usual night fevers

>> No.23284688


>> No.23284696
Quoted by: >>23285002

>Viewer dropped in the past few days
>Lost opportunity to ride AC and many collabs for not buying Switch
>Holoark will die soon enough
>Bad at singing
>Still active her other channel
>Her personality and voice are not for everyone

>> No.23284697

marshmallows are allowed again?

>> No.23284698
File: 138 KB, 854x480, suisei-animalcrossing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23284774


>> No.23284700
Quoted by: >>23284729

Haachama why did you overcook your gyoza...

>> No.23284703

If only other girls put more effort in theirs like current Aqua's celebration stream. But nope, it's just totsumachi and singing.

>> No.23284708

Ah fuck yes, I legit love enka.

>> No.23284710

>miko got a crab off screen
truly elite perseverance

>> No.23284714
Quoted by: >>23284748

Is she okay...?

>> No.23284722

Chirping Luna is cute.

>> No.23284725
Quoted by: >>23284729

Is Haachama really gonna eat all those burnt gyoza?

>> No.23284727


>> No.23284729
Quoted by: >>23284740

I thought she couldn't cook anymore?

>> No.23284731
Quoted by: >>23284754

Why does Luna keep making kissing sounds?

>> No.23284732

Has Watame and Towa collab with Korone and Fubuki outside of big collab? I remember Korone and Fubuki being their respective senior that they wanted to do a collab with.

>> No.23284734

Wasn't Haato not allowed to use the kitchen?

>> No.23284738

How did you set it to have this many people?

>> No.23284740

Her ban was lifted

>> No.23284741
File: 123 KB, 740x1200, ETpc3f2UUAUToSQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch this video. She laughs it off but I'm sure people were exhausted after working with her. And keep in mind, the composer for her new song is quite famous and one of her personal idols, so she probably tried to keep herself in check to not scare or push him away in case she might get a chance to work with him in the future.
Her assertiveness is probably the key element to her success.

>> No.23284744

She has balls

>> No.23284748

Just the usual poem. Pekora does seem to have more on her mind lately though.

>> No.23284750

Haachama's manager praised her mental fortitude.

>> No.23284751
Quoted by: >>23284763

tell me why does suisui make these sounds

>> No.23284754

It's a tic but i kind of like i think it's cute.

>> No.23284756
File: 219 KB, 1537x865, Haachama housefire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23284763


>> No.23284774
Quoted by: >>23284789

She has a good sense of design but she's into over detailed clothes, I wish she could be more minimalist.

>> No.23284783
Quoted by: >>23284798

Maybe she's just a bitch.

>> No.23284787

Sui so talented..

>> No.23284789

as expected of an aidoru

>> No.23284794

I love Haato's zetsudan streams the most. I wish she did more of them like she did in the past instead of all these shitty game streams.

>> No.23284798
Quoted by: >>23285127

That's Korone

>> No.23284801
File: 270 KB, 444x209, 1575999151109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haato cooking.

>> No.23284803


>> No.23284804

Anyone wants to talk about our lord and savior Minato Aqua?

>> No.23284805

Help! Watame is shrinking

>> No.23284809


>> No.23284811

Does anyone have the stream (and timestamp if possible) of Subaru talking about visiting 4chan because she wanted to talk online about the Avengers movie or something?

>> No.23284812


>> No.23284816

sheep knees

>> No.23284817
Quoted by: >>23284890

please be real

>> No.23284820

Will Watame wear a fur bikini when summer arrives?

>> No.23284821
Quoted by: >>23284847

Why would she visit 4chan of all places to talk about the Avengers movie?

>> No.23284823

She really is an anime character, isn't she?

>> No.23284834

I want to nakadashi Tsunomaki Watame

>> No.23284836

Has anyone noticed how... smooth Watame's legs are?

>> No.23284840

this song will never get old

>> No.23284842


>> No.23284846

Those are some lewd knees

>> No.23284847
File: 128 KB, 800x1200, haato 74d63tgc7oj41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because clearly we are the English speaking 2chan. Why not?

>> No.23284850
File: 1.36 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot (123).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23284851
Quoted by: >>23284890


>> No.23284861

are you all dancing?

>> No.23284868
Quoted by: >>23284878

SEAmonkey bro.....

>> No.23284871

Fuck is that language even? Vietnamese? Go home rice farmer.

>> No.23284872

Watame 3D model when?

>> No.23284873

Why is watame so skinny? I thought she'd be thicc

>> No.23284878

Sorry, I didn't notice that shit still on the screen.

>> No.23284884

lamb and mutton don't have that much fat don't they

>> No.23284886
Quoted by: >>23284904

If you like Miko, you also like nigger.

>> No.23284888

Sheep are pretty skinny under all that wool.

>> No.23284889
Quoted by: >>23284935

My northern SEAbro.

>> No.23284890

OP here, I forgot archives existed, silly me https://youtu.be/Xi4wWiZ-2-c?t=2510
Technically she said "American version of 2ch" so it could be r*ddit, up to interpretation
Thanks, you were very helpful

>> No.23284898

EOPbros, it's time.

>> No.23284901

Got you cover anytime anon.

>> No.23284904

But Pekora and Korone are racist

>> No.23284906

Haachama's stream gives me purple site TTS donations PTSD.

>> No.23284908

Coco's English new lesson

>> No.23284911


>> No.23284912

I just realized that 720p isn't considered to be HD by youtube anymore.

>> No.23284915

I really don't like capeshit, but if Subaru decides to do some kind of MCU marathon one day, I'd probably watch.

>> No.23284918

I bet there are at least 3 Vietnamese lurking in this thread right now, myself included. I hope that you guys are not dekinai like the Indogs

>> No.23284923


>> No.23284928

I noticed it yesterday, but I thought that was just the tool causing this "bug", until the main site does the same.

>> No.23284930
File: 221 KB, 705x397, 20200329_024758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23284967


>> No.23284935
Quoted by: >>23284949

How bad is the Covid situation in Vietnam anyway? My big sis is working there.
I thought Cam hates Vietnamese?

>> No.23284939

The amount of green chat in Watame's streams even at 7K viewers makes me wonder how big that membersheep army is~

>> No.23284940
Quoted by: >>23284970

>Watame thanking literally everyone before end of stream
How is she not best girl?

>> No.23284947
Quoted by: >>23284964

youre right and it bothers me slightly

>> No.23284949

Hanoi is fucked.

>> No.23284951
File: 309 KB, 764x713, 1585247661379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Myself included

>> No.23284954
Quoted by: >>23284992

Not a vietnamese, but an indonesian here if you need one lol

>> No.23284961

SEAniggers should be rangebanned

>> No.23284962


>> No.23284964
Quoted by: >>23284974

>Thinking 720p is HD
How old?

>> No.23284966

Is Haato reading the yoshikage kira copypasta?

>> No.23284967
File: 197 KB, 720x397, 20200329_025235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even more based.

>> No.23284969

I'm going spam p*g in Pekora chat to make her say it again.

>> No.23284970

On that note, is "thanking every supacha at the end of the stream" a hololive thing or a general vtuber thing? Do nisanjis do it too?

>> No.23284973

based, thats what im talking about.

>> No.23284974

720p is standard HD
but it doesn't really matter since unless i have 5+ streams open ill use 1080 anyways

>> No.23284977
Quoted by: >>23284991

Half the holoraibus don't even thank superchats cheaper than yellow.

>> No.23284981
Quoted by: >>23285301

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fmUJvmZbpo Aki
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zs4xuOlJUNY Marine
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPNT2CADLnY Choco

>> No.23284984

Would you guys try out Coco's cock-type asacoco?

>> No.23284986
Quoted by: >>23285004

Coco might have the biggest breasts but Noel's will always be more attractive to me.

>> No.23284989

Nobody cares about your a shithole country, stop trying to get some a validation you fuck.

>> No.23284990

How new?

>> No.23284991
Quoted by: >>23285006

that would take forever and would encourage poors to donate less

>> No.23284992

Fuck off.

>> No.23284994

the real question is what vtuber started the fucking dog panting

>> No.23285000

Aqua probably

>> No.23285002

>Holoark will die soon
Are you sure about that?

>> No.23285004
File: 322 KB, 1435x2020, he9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her breasts are like big, really soft magnets.

>> No.23285006
Quoted by: >>23285035

It would take forever to say thanks when you see a supacha pop up, regardless of the color? Big think
I don't mean at the end of the stream btw

>> No.23285007
Quoted by: >>23285012

Siro, I think.

>> No.23285012

Yes, those were the days.

>> No.23285015


it's subbed now

>> No.23285016
Quoted by: >>23285034

>Turns out that these threads being nothing more than EOP and ESLs larping is all true
I should've known

>> No.23285023

How can they do that for so long I can only pant for 2 seconds at maxium. Are these part of voice actor training?

>> No.23285027
File: 101 KB, 269x226, Screenshot_2020-03-28 100% Orange Juice - Kiriko Character Trailer ft Sakura Miko - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko's game is free on steam
should I play it?

>> No.23285030

Is Watame's mic that big or is she just that small?

>> No.23285034

if you're not an EOP or an ESL what would you even be doing on an english imageboard anon

>> No.23285035

most don't take the twitch approach so they can focus on the task at hand which is fine to me
if they did at the end as watame is doing it would. she has already spent 20 minutes on this

>> No.23285039


>> No.23285040
Quoted by: >>23285057

Complaining about EOP/ESL.

>> No.23285042

If you enjoy pain

>> No.23285045

Hanging out with my best friends of course :)

>> No.23285054
Quoted by: >>23285059

I refuse to go into 5ch that place is double the autism with none of the fun

>> No.23285057

but EOP and ESL cover all cases in which a person would be able to read/type in english (not counting english as a third language and beyond), it's impossible to be anything else
unless you're secretly a JOP conversing in this thread entirely through google translate

>> No.23285059

how lost is 5ch exactly if you consider these threads "fun"

>> No.23285060
File: 128 KB, 768x1024, aqua197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23285086

>our lord and savior Minato Aqua
Praise be.

>> No.23285061
Quoted by: >>23285073

>tfw Watame is so nice she subs for her EOP fans.
Fuck why is she so PURE.

>> No.23285067

Is it normal for Choco-sensei's stream to give me a boner even though she's just playing AC?

>> No.23285068


>> No.23285073

pure shit.

>> No.23285079

It's frustrating and fun to play when drunk. Even better with friends.

>> No.23285082

they do that?

>> No.23285083
Quoted by: >>23285097

Suisei is a cancerous elitist who is obsessed with being better than other people.

>> No.23285084
Quoted by: >>23285113

Depends if the boner is caused by Choco or AC.

>> No.23285086
File: 659 KB, 848x1200, he27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23285098

Bow before our megami!

>> No.23285092

Guys, get in

>> No.23285094

I want Aki to turn on her caveman bgm.

>> No.23285095

This is too gay.

>> No.23285097

No. 1 idoru

>> No.23285098

Aqua gets the best art.

>> No.23285100

It's honestly just these threads but on a larger scale with double the amounts of antis and people sperging out over the most minor things, this place can be bad but no one wants to deal with this on steroids

>> No.23285102
Quoted by: >>23285111

What happening in Haato chat?

>> No.23285106

Mikochi mikochi.

>> No.23285107
Quoted by: >>23285114

No. It doesn't cover people who speak English as a first language and is able to also understand Japanese, which in the /jp/ hierarchy ranks top.

>> No.23285109

there's still a handful of positive anons who can ignore the shitposting and enjoy their chuubas together
5ch is just constant anger

>> No.23285111

They're trying to persuade Haachama to sell her shower water.

>> No.23285113


>> No.23285114

you're right, my mind somehow conflated EOP with EFL
i guess the threads really do rot the brain

>> No.23285121

Why does Choco laugh like an anime ojou-sama?

>> No.23285125


>> No.23285127

No wonder her artist didn't bother to make her new costumes anymore. She probably would ask stupid shit like the kodomatsu again.

>> No.23285133
Quoted by: >>23285155

Anon Korone is literally a female dog

>> No.23285134

Truly ELITE.

>> No.23285136

>it's free
Holy shit, thanks for letting me know!

>> No.23285137

Guys I think we should tell Aqua to sleep soon.

>> No.23285152

Korone's mama was the one behind that stupid set of NY clothes.

>> No.23285155
File: 401 KB, 1277x1280, he19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23285368

a CUTE female dog!

>> No.23285156

Is Choco just like this? She seems very mad at something unrelated
I'm kinda worried

>> No.23285165

How do you guys manage to post anything even slightly mean about the hololives? I know most of it's joking but they are all cute and nice anime girls and it makes me feel bad even to just call haato an autist

>> No.23285170

I make fun of Coco's voice but in reality it turns me on.

>> No.23285172

Because they don't read 4chan unless it's Subaru and I give the majority of them money and suck their dick in chat so it barely matters

>> No.23285173

>stupid shit like the kodomatsu again.
but it was the greatest thing ever

>> No.23285177

Why's Haato talking about Watame

>> No.23285179

I'm doing my civic duty by reporting every single off topic English chat for spam on Haato's stream.

>> No.23285181
Quoted by: >>23285191

What are the chances of Haato discovering this board?

>> No.23285182

Bless you

>> No.23285185

It's all in jest anon. Also Haato is an autist but she's my cute autist so it's fine.

>> No.23285188


>> No.23285189
File: 204 KB, 463x293, 1565329043446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23285202

I'm doing my part by disliking every single live stream.

>> No.23285190


>> No.23285191

She wants to fluff the sheep. In bed. Sexually.
Hopefully none. Otherwise she might think we actually hate her.

>> No.23285196
Quoted by: >>23285217

I'm doing my part by mastrubating to all the streams!

>> No.23285198
Quoted by: >>23285212

>miko is having an easier time than peko
elite ark addict

>> No.23285202

That's pretty based.

>> No.23285207

Flare ...

>> No.23285211
Quoted by: >>23285259

Take the covidpill and watch Civia

>> No.23285212

Pekora's cunny isn't helping too much

>> No.23285217

That Haato 3D swimsuit live stream...

>> No.23285243

RIP pekora's cunny...

>> No.23285253


>> No.23285254
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1500, ET56zr6UUAAgK3o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23285257

These performers are just ordinary people in the end. They are not free from criticism.

Korone is a whiny bitch.
Suisei is a bossy asshole ala Stanley Kubrick in the making.
Haato is starting to become another matsuri
Coco entire existence caters to redditards
Kanata is talented but too meek to be in this business. Also apparently has throat cancer or some shit, so she needs to take a break or retire.
Marine is a genuine oddball that strikes me as an overly touchy office landwhale desperate to lose her virginity irl.
Matsuri needs to calm the down with the uncomforable r18 shit she pulls. She was the biggest contributor to hololive's unprofessional image until coco.
Why are Flare and Towa even still hired?
Luna either needs to reinvent her image or quit. Her current gimmick is horrible.
Others are too irrelevant to mention. Hololive should cut back on new generation hires.
Fubuki, Aqua, and Watame are perfect though.

>> No.23285259

Is there any way to know when the chinese hololivers will stream?

>> No.23285269

well shit, can't be helped

>> No.23285271
File: 297 KB, 434x480, 1584945562573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's actually my colleague but I don't trust these bitches in all-girls idol groups like this(Hololive)
How does she keep getting away with this?

>> No.23285272
Quoted by: >>23285280

did you run out of food already?, because it seems you are surviving on feces

>> No.23285276

I'll never forgive corona...

>> No.23285280


>> No.23285283

Did Coco really say that?

>> No.23285289
Quoted by: >>23285300


>> No.23285290

She said it in English

>> No.23285292

Do people really want "professionalism" though? I agree that there should be standards, but overly focusing on professionalism just leads to corporate bullshit and no fun allowed.

>> No.23285293

Coco is such a draw that she can say pretty much anything she wants to.

>> No.23285295
File: 1.49 MB, 4096x2912, EN_7kE5UwAAcwjC.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no such thing as NG for Watame.

>> No.23285296

Fubuki literally who? I know those short le funny maymays, but what else does she even do?
Watame is a greedy bitch only in it for the money she can extort from tone-deaf NEETs with her mediocre singing.
Aqua is perfect though.

>> No.23285297

seek help retard, you'll never accomplish anything with your life anyway so at least try to act like a normal person

>> No.23285299

Yeah, but like don't you find it unpleasant. Do others find you unpleasant irl? I have been on 4chan for a long time but I am continually amazed that people are able to speak so cynically about things they like endlessly. Criticism doesn't mean cynicism. I find it okay at first but it always grinds at me til I find myself entrenched in shitty irony rhetoric. I don't use 4chan that much now, but there is basically nowhere else to shitpost about hololive.

>> No.23285300

Eh, it's obviously long tongue-in-cheek

>> No.23285301

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fmUJvmZbpo - Aki

My wife is trying to catch a spino without traps, go watch her

>> No.23285307
Quoted by: >>23285308

Common sense for anyone who's worked in a predominant female workplace

>> No.23285308


>> No.23285314
Quoted by: >>23285324

lunafags are becoming more and more noticeable, getting cocky. At least the towafags have some self hatred and shame, that's commendable.

>> No.23285324

maybe they know something we don't? never stayed on her "just chat" streams, Lunafags explain please

>> No.23285326

senchou is a big smelly fujo

>> No.23285330

Why is Miko nitpicking, she already found a 90Lvl egg, isn't that elite enough for her

>> No.23285333


>> No.23285337 [DELETED] 

"Gaikokujin" Why didn't that guy translate the term in his translation ?

>> No.23285339

she's settling for two 95s

>> No.23285347


>> No.23285362

>m-muh professionalism
Holy shit, I don't want another Sally Amaki case. Such a waste of talent.

>> No.23285365

>3D 3rd gen host club in the future

>> No.23285368

I fucking love that outfit. She needs to use it more. I just want to steal her hat and have her chase me around the yard.

>> No.23285369

Aqua has a very cummable face

>> No.23285370

Women are homo in nature

>> No.23285373

Can Aqua read the kanji in her own name?

>> No.23285378

Sally for 5th gen!

>> No.23285381

I doubt it.

>> No.23285383

Marine Rabien Rose cosplay when.

>> No.23285384

>Can Aqua read
We don't know

>> No.23285400
File: 1.16 MB, 2000x1204, only for the low price of a red superchat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything she CAN'T do? Aside from saving towa

>> No.23285405
Quoted by: >>23285422

She brought in more EOPs and the EOPs saved Towa, so technically she did save Towa.

>> No.23285407

Why would they pretend? Most women are lesbian

>> No.23285416
Quoted by: >>23285443

How did that girl kept invading Haato's island and why did she have to pay money so she would go away?

>> No.23285420

Why is Miko streaming on a blank screen?

>> No.23285422

Towa is still lagging behind Luna. There is no saving her until she digs out a niche for herself.

>> No.23285424
File: 81 KB, 810x896, 1585003840056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23285434

>> No.23285425

She fine though has an anime with her group etc.

>> No.23285426
Quoted by: >>23285438

Luna is doing well though.

>> No.23285428


>> No.23285434

>coco teaches her noclip
>forgets to show her how to fly

>> No.23285438
Quoted by: >>23285449

Exactly, that's a sign that Towa isn't doing well. Her content is very eh, she needs to find some interesting stuff or just stream the FOTM stuff everyone else is to follow trends.

>> No.23285440

I get a hardon everytime somebody disses the homos.

>> No.23285442
Quoted by: >>23285451

Luna had 1k viewers for her 100k milestone while getting +10000yens donos

>> No.23285443
Quoted by: >>23285450

Well, Mr. Mongolian, Haato was bribing people to come hang out with her. Matsuri kept taking the money and then either left immediately or stayed and bullied her.

>> No.23285444

Marine singing Ne Ni Ge De Reset

>> No.23285447

>Ne Ni Ge De Reset
Nice boomer song.

>> No.23285448
Quoted by: >>23285499

Imagine it.

>> No.23285449
Quoted by: >>23285468

proof you don't watch her, it's rare seeing <5$ donos, EOPs donate good money believe it or not

>> No.23285450

Fucking Matsuri

>> No.23285451

I'm not talking shit about Luna, she is doing fine

>> No.23285462

miko's will to power through her shitty situations is really something
i cry when anon says im gay

>> No.23285463

Since these threads are male-only/ majority male, how long till we inevitably all become gay??

>> No.23285464
Quoted by: >>23285506

Marine is easily 25-30

>> No.23285468

Yep, and even excluding the superchats from Luna's 100k stream she still came in $1000 lower. On all metrics Towa is doing worse, so she wasn't "saved"

>> No.23285478

And Aki does the hard way for taming creatures which is both admirable and impressive. Trapping the creatures is too easy modo.

>> No.23285479

you lack ELITE genes

>> No.23285482
Quoted by: >>23285501


>> No.23285484
File: 733 KB, 727x742, 1577872154613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize you don't need toilet paper to clean sand out your vagina right?

>> No.23285491

I don't have a vagina yet

>> No.23285499


>> No.23285501
File: 82 KB, 259x222, QQ20200320160709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant believe miko's back to the beginning

>> No.23285505
Quoted by: >>23285515

Miko and her spino were rapped.

>> No.23285506

She sounded exactly the same as now 9 years ago so I'd say 27 at youngest.

>> No.23285507

don't say the v word anon you may scare him off

>> No.23285512
Quoted by: >>23285524

Oh no, Marine got Corona ...

>> No.23285515


>> No.23285524
Quoted by: >>23285566

Don't you need to leave the house to get it

>> No.23285545


>> No.23285552
Quoted by: >>23285573

any Suisei fans here? I want her to make a sopa song.

>> No.23285554

why are chinese memes so good? I thought they didn't have white's creativity...

>> No.23285566

Remember when Marine was staying over at Coco's?

>> No.23285569

Hong Kongese are cool

>> No.23285573

2020 is the year of sopa de biānfú

>> No.23285586
Quoted by: >>23285651

Do you guys have the BGM Watame played in her recent night fever stream?

>> No.23285590


>> No.23285594
Quoted by: >>23285616

? Catch up. You don't exist. We have no alternative fuels.

>> No.23285605
File: 1.28 MB, 2404x1254, 1556968636670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missed 3 hours of aqua streaming david cage kino

>> No.23285608
Quoted by: >>23285619

I wish I had $500 dollars to drop on marine

>> No.23285616

Are the stream porn bots crawling here now?

>> No.23285619

I wish I had 500 dicks to drop on marine

>> No.23285631

Some of them are good some are bad

>> No.23285641
File: 66 KB, 1119x663, based aki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki-chan is exploiting the game once again

>> No.23285645

her no trap run is coming along well

>> No.23285646

They're bad, you just has poor sense of humor or chinese yoursel.

>> No.23285650

>wonder what /jp/ thought about Haachama's surprisingly emotional late night stream
>no posts
I hope you were all just busy getting ready to go to bed.
There's no way every single Haato fan here is EOP right?

>> No.23285651


>> No.23285660

She's more of a hard worker than most or all of the ARK addicts. She deserves more recognition.

>> No.23285661

there you go anon, miko just told you to buy and play 100% OJ have fun

>> No.23285663

