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File: 68 KB, 800x533, wtc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21693949 No.21693949 [Reply] [Original]

Higurashi, Umineko, Kikonia, Rose Guns Days, Higanbana, Trianthology and anything Ryukishi related might be discussed in this hellish gameboard.

>tfw you realize dicklets must feel like Yasu

>> No.21693960
Quoted by: >>21694090

I've been reading Tsukihime and there's a song that goes DAAAAAAADADA.
Was Ryukishi inspired by that song for Higurashi? Or is it a kind of genre in Japan?

>> No.21694081
File: 74 KB, 569x158, FireShot Capture 640 - 「キコニアのなく頃に」ティザームービー - YouTube - www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just noticed the Ciconia PV states that the new WTC will 'begin' in summer 2019. Some guys here were worried it wouldn't be episodic, doesn't this make it sound like it will?

>> No.21694086
File: 538 KB, 798x634, 1529519371263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder of some anon's research from a few months ago:

So I've been reading medical documents and going through research done on the long term effects of full castration/penectomy on the body, especially when done at an early age (<11yo).

Castrated men develop a larger pituitary gland in the brain which is a gland that controlls several other hormone glands. They also tend to end up developing kyphosis which is basically a hunched back, can be slight or really fucked. Gynecomastia is frequently observed and the prostrate either dissapears or becomes extremely small.

All in all, from all of this, Sayo would have/be:

frequently tired
frequent headaches
easily agitated
mood changes
too much prolactin (innapropriate secretion of breast milk which can leak from no stimulation or even from clothing friction)
small puffy breasts would develop
growth hormone deficiency
excessive urinating
sleep problems
poor memory

Sayo was made for lewding and maximum protecting. What do you think, everyone?

>> No.21694090
Quoted by: >>21694104

Are you guys hype for the OP tomorrow ? I can't wait.

Link to the song ? It could help.
What do you think of Tsukihime sor far ?

>> No.21694104

I've finished Arcueids True Ending and I really like it. I'm kind of glad I'm reading this when I'm older, I can just imagine my younger autistic self being more autistic if I read this chuuni stuff back then.

>> No.21694156
File: 18 KB, 635x214, FireShot Capture 641 - 07thExpansion (@07th_official) - Twitter - twitter.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21694166

8 hours ago Ryu tweeted about the OP: 'Finally, it's tonight!'
It's currently 8pm in Japan
Could we be getting it sooner than anticipated? Midnight Japan time?

>> No.21694166
Quoted by: >>21694172

Didn't the original tweet literally say 0 o'clock (midnight) on the 15th?

>> No.21694172

O fuck I didn't see that

>> No.21694173


>> No.21694184

>small puffy breasts would develop
I don't need to hear more

>> No.21694189

When does this version play? I finished it not so long ago and can't remember it at all, only this one

>> No.21694193

My one plays a few times, usually after you kill something. It feels very similar to a track in Higurashi

>> No.21694234
Quoted by: >>21695324

It's probably from the original non-remade OST. I haven't heard the first one too and I had the remake.

>> No.21694300

I absolutely love this track. The remade OST for Tsukihime is also great. Anyway I didn't play Higurashi so I can't say but in Tsukihime, it's the "battle" theme in general.

>> No.21694382

>I didn't play Higurashi
cringe and kill yourself

>> No.21694388

>Didn't play Higurashi
What are you doing in the 07th thread

>> No.21694401
File: 28 KB, 370x320, 1557185670473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't play Higurashi
Get the fuck outta this thread.

>> No.21694451
File: 55 KB, 704x396, hnnkn007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't play Higurashi
Just WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with you man

>> No.21694489
Quoted by: >>21694504


>> No.21694504
Quoted by: >>21694509

What's this

>> No.21694509

The Ciconia OP.

>> No.21694526
File: 191 KB, 1226x616, miyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is she doing here

>> No.21694531

tomitake's also there
we already knew the old bastard Okonogi was gonna show up though

>> No.21694537 [DELETED] 

Fuck all squad 601 niggers

>> No.21694540 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.57 MB, 1920x1080, 1563108689147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21694552
Quoted by: >>21694571

Sprites drawn by Ryukishi and colored by someones else really is the perfect middle ground.

>> No.21694571

I really like the colors too.

>> No.21694576

Based platform X trice still alive

>> No.21694599
File: 308 KB, 1080x607, nigger squad real colors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21694607
Quoted by: >>21695344

Half of the cast is delicious chocolate
What did Ryukishi mean by this?

>> No.21694619
Quoted by: >>21694622

Did it get taken down or something?
I can't watch it

>> No.21694622

it got reuploaded

>> No.21694633
File: 65 KB, 643x309, FireShot Capture 642 - 07th Expansion「キコニアのなく頃に _ うみねこのなく頃に咲」 - YouTube - www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playlist shows it set to private
It wasn't supposed to air yet we found it too soon ;-;

>> No.21694642
File: 974 KB, 1098x573, miyao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe those Miyao edits with Bern's trolling face were actually legit

>> No.21694673
Quoted by: >>21694678

Ryu is reading these threads.

>> No.21694678
Quoted by: >>21695352

put keiichi in ciconia you fucking gook

>> No.21694685

It suits her well.

>> No.21694691

I want to lick miyao's arm.

>> No.21694733


>> No.21694754
File: 782 KB, 350x192, __takano_miyo_higurashi_no_naku_koro_ni__cfbc68e28f5e981e7694a988348df44c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time.

>> No.21694761

When did Tomitake fuse with Will?

>> No.21694780

Nice little OP. I love the chara design overall.

>> No.21694788
File: 488 KB, 690x690, JPEG_20190714_060635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend is very expressive.

>> No.21694799
File: 151 KB, 1200x811, DtMIclEUwAARCJD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21694807

What a cute girl!

>> No.21694807
File: 5 KB, 130x180, ,vhif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21694813
File: 182 KB, 1000x1200, DtOxlrZV4AAO_SD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21694824
File: 307 KB, 854x393, firefox_2019-07-14_16-07-16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wears a pants.

>> No.21694893

The video is pretty good but holy fuck the song is awful

I'm losing faith that this will be good more and more every single day and I want to kill myself

>> No.21694902

why so depressed, anon?

>> No.21694946
Quoted by: >>21695162

>one off game with barely more content in it than one half of Higanbana that never even got translated had a better OP than the next WTC
>series has been dead for 8 years and it comes back with this trash
>literally traced art from a previous game in the fucking opening video
The icing on the cake will be when this is confirmed to be a single entry project. This is so obviously being made just so Ryukishi can pay the bills but it won't even be able to do that.

>> No.21695094

Its out (officially)

>> No.21695103

I'm not really feeling the OP tbqh

Full OST out when?

>> No.21695135
Quoted by: >>21695242


somebody go buy it at comiket

>> No.21695148

why did the visuals get better but the music get much much worse

>> No.21695162

the chord progressions and the way it shifts through various motifs is just weird af to be honest, feels more like a bunch of songs stitched together than a cohesive OP.
I enjoy reading these kinds of comments, but if I were a content creator seeing someone talk about my work in this way I'd be too narcissistic to keep my emotional distance. I want to become the witch of detachment!

>> No.21695193

I feel like what little hype there was just died

>> No.21695203
File: 595 KB, 720x620, 1514431571710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe for you, retarded doomposter

>> No.21695240

I don't think I ever really feel any OPs until i've heard them a few times, this mainly goes for umineko.

>> No.21695242
Quoted by: >>21695254

>Silver Empireo is the new Umineko OP
>The Ciconia OP is titled Ciconia No Naku Koro Ni, following the same pattern that Umineko did
Now if only the Ciconia OP were 1/1000 as good as Umineko's first OP because holy fucking shit I can't bring myself to listen to that garbage more than once

>> No.21695251

>the guy who did this arrangement is listed as being on the soundtrack of WTC5


>> No.21695254

Trianthology had a good OP at least.

>> No.21695260

Genuinely the worst song in any 07th work. Holy shit.

>> No.21695274
Quoted by: >>21695353

It's missing key musicians like zts, who did songs like dreamenddischarger.

>> No.21695277

I just woke up again to the new video and I haven't been this disappointed with something from Ryukishi I think ever. I don't want to come across as a shitposter but I'm starting to see the warning signs indicating that this might not be the same quality of the past games.

>> No.21695288
Quoted by: >>21695379

>all the music artists for the game are starting to talk about it on social media in the light of the first truly god awful WTC OP
Why did it have to be like this?

>> No.21695289


>> No.21695293
Quoted by: >>21695442

Am I the only one that really likes the trailers music? It fits good for an opening, what the fuck do you guys want?

>> No.21695296

Miyo is in. It's gonna be good.

>> No.21695320
Quoted by: >>21695562

>What do you think, everyone?
It's a bunch of crap because Yasu was castrated before he could even start developing any male traits or body shape.

A baby is not the same as a prepubescent kid. Otherwise young boys would just be lolis with dicks, which isn't the case IRL.

>> No.21695324

>playing remakes
Just why?

>> No.21695334

Blue Dragon Wang, Okonogi and Takano.


>> No.21695344

When the little mermaids cry.

>> No.21695346

I was hoping the opening would give us more hints and things to talk about but there isn't much outside of Miyo and Okonogi

>> No.21695349

So glad I lived to this day.

>> No.21695352

>implying he won't be a successful 80 year old politician even more perverted than Koizumi was

>> No.21695353
File: 223 KB, 1080x507, you didn&#039;t listen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21699480


>> No.21695357
File: 136 KB, 1000x1000, 1528448942586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would also help if you could watch it more than once without feeling intense sadness

>> No.21695379

Higurashi didn't even have an OP, who cares?

Unless you count the Hou one, which is pretty damn good visually but also chock full of spoilers.

>> No.21695407
File: 106 KB, 636x510, 1528420026647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21695416

>damage control over a When They Cry game having shitty music

I want to get the fuck out of this timeline right now.

>> No.21695416
Quoted by: >>21697206

I want to humiliate Maria in the ass.

>> No.21695427

We got a whole new fucking team out of it, what else do you want?

>> No.21695432

>all this shit about the OP music
>when it's more or less confirmed that Bern and Lambda is going to duke it out again

who here /teamwarcat/

>> No.21695437

already sick of the reactions
there's just no contenting people when it comes to new stuff that comes after a long pause

>> No.21695442

After listening to it again, it sounds just fine and I like it quite a bit too, especially at the end. Actually, it's pretty good. The more times I listen the more I appreciate it. It's a good OP, people just love to doompost. It's cool to be jaded and disappointed these days.

>> No.21695450
File: 133 KB, 1047x1200, D_cR5O6WkAQMOkK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that dress
>that hair
i wonder who THIS could be

>> No.21695451

Don't worry, you'll be even more disappointed once it comes out. You'll go in expecting a good mistery and find out it really wasn't a mistery at all.

>> No.21695459

Yeah, I really like the end of the song too where it glitches. I hope the game is going to be good.

>> No.21695464
Quoted by: >>21695470

Ryukishi literally said not to expect a mystery. Why build yourself up for disappointment?

>> No.21695470

That's the point.

>> No.21695477

Yeah. Same. I wasn't really fond of umineko original OP, but it grew on me over time.
Pretty much the same for ciconia.

>> No.21695481
File: 1.16 MB, 1120x624, lato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NA team when?

>> No.21695484

So... Ange?

>> No.21695486

The actual colors look so weird after getting used to the old preview ones.

>> No.21695498

I'm hyped for slav Asuka.

>> No.21695505
File: 85 KB, 891x717, 1543455476396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be good

>> No.21695513

I don't remember the Suparna guy having Etika's hairdo.

>> No.21695517

>end of the song too where it glitches
That's exactly what I meant! It gives off a really good feel, I think I can gather what the overall feel of the VN will be from that part. I hope it's something like that, at least.
True, I got really used to thinking the 601 princess is blonde. The tanned loli in pink threw me off at first but now I really like her.

>> No.21695521
Quoted by: >>21695536

Reminder that Tokyo still existed after Higurashi and didn't face any consequences for their conspiracy.

I bet they are the secret society pulling the strings of Miyao's faction, 100+ years after Higurashi.

>> No.21695525
File: 644 KB, 678x892, 1557103987666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21695530
Quoted by: >>21695630

>Tomitake was supposed to be Ryukishi's self insert in Higurashi
W-what's he going to do here?

>> No.21695536
Quoted by: >>21695618

>Featherine being the leader of Tokyo
it'll happen

>> No.21695547
Quoted by: >>21695573

Why are mysteryfags so fucking annoying? They even criticize Higurashi for not being a proper mystery.

Literally only Umineko was a mystery. I bet you guys never actually read Higurashi back in the day.

>> No.21695553

I love the song. Curently listening to it on repeat.

>> No.21695555

My theory that the African princess and her goons were actually grey-skinned aliens just got red truth'd.

>> No.21695562

Less than 11 includes babies you absolute dumbass. And youd be surprised how cute a shota can get when they have long hair, crossdress, and wear makeup, they might as well be lolis with dicks. They practically are the same until puberty begins to come in, only thing keeping them from looking the same is how we dress them up culturally.

Also none of those symptoms included anything about how the body changes after puberty brings in male traits, none are even related to developed male traits. Thats like saying a 4yo with a cough is different from a 18yo with one because the latter developed the deeper voice. Are you sure you can read?

>> No.21695564




>> No.21695573

I mean, it was a mystery, but you didnt play an active role as the investigator. It wasnt built around the mystery, it was more passive.

>> No.21695592
Quoted by: >>21695631

>the end of the song too where it glitches
It makes me wonder if we are gonna get countries fighting over 5th dimensional technology. Imagine scientists in the future finding a way to access the 5th dimension where Lambda and Bern exist.

Remember that Hanyuu and her clan were 5th dimensional aliens capable of manifesting in the third dimension. It's a canon thing. They were just considered gods by the ancient villagers.

>> No.21695612

I don't think you understand the issue here, so let's play a game to demonstrate it.

Everyone post random vocal Higurashi/Umineko/Rose Guns songs that are inherently better than the trash that played in the Ciconia OP. Doesn't even need to be an OP. It can be a fucking character song for all it matters.


>> No.21695618
Quoted by: >>21695819

I mean, she was most likely Nomura. Both the anime and the manga made her look exactly like Featherine/Ikuko. A bitch pulling the strings and trying to overthrow the Koizumi faction to get more control over the organization.

And the whole goal of Tokyo was guiding Japan down the "right" path from before WW2 turned them into America's bitch.

>> No.21695630

That guy looks nothing like Tomitake. We've already seen a Tomitake expy in RGD and he was very similar to the original. Hell, even George looks more like Tomitake than this guy.

This dude feels like a mix between Will and Wang, wearing an outfit that resembles Tomitake in color only.

>> No.21695631
File: 1011 KB, 928x608, 1531682097683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be time travel
Contrary to what retards here think about Ryukishi somehow developing 20+ characters in a single VN, there will be multiple episodes, and at the end of them a bad end happens and Miyao goes back to the start

>> No.21695632

I didn't like the OP either but imagine losing all your hype for a fucking OP
Especially when we got to look at the best looking sprites in a 07th expansion game so far

>> No.21695633
File: 859 KB, 1200x675, 1561780555409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it

>> No.21695644

I'm trying so hard to like this fucking song but I just can't
Someone kill me

>> No.21695649

>Less than 11 includes babies you absolute dumbass
I never said the opposite. I'm just saying that a kid older than 3 is already too old to end up like Yasu if you castrate him. Puberty is not the only thing that shapes you to look like either gender.

The only reason Yasu was able to become an androgynous genderless cuck is because it happened when she was a baby. Any older than that and Yasu would've developed a few male traits that would look like crap when she became a supposedly female maid.

>> No.21695682

>They practically are the same until puberty begins to come in, only thing keeping them from looking the same is how we dress them up culturally
Bullshit. Lolis have softer butts and higher pitched voices, many years before puberty. And most importantly, feminine facial features that are noticeable even if they dress up as the opposite gender.

If you get your balls chopped off as a little boy, you are already past the point of no return and will look like an obvious tranny if you attempt to become a girl. Not as immediately obvious as some old ass dude attempting a sex change, but some traces of the boy's masculinity will remain and look a bit off.

>> No.21695689
File: 676 KB, 1280x720, ciconia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“Ciconia” will not be necessarily based on “solving a mystery” in the way that “Higurashi” and “Umineko” were written, but with messages to speculate over. A feeling comparable to “Neon Genesis Evangelion”
I'm hyped again frens

>> No.21695699

>bern's semen entering Lambda's womb.png

>> No.21695702

Ryukishi is going to challenge globalism and reignite Japanese racial supremacy.

>> No.21695718
Quoted by: >>21695738

>implying they will all develop equally
Many of them will get Hideyoshi'd without a doubt. And that's not a bad thing. The fact that they are all equally important to the PLOT doesn't mean they are all protagonists or equally important to the STORY.

Higurashi developed every single character, even the secondary ones. But that's because they were all important in one way or another. It was a simpler story with a much smaller cast. The difference is that the dozens of random named villagers that were important for only a few scenes didn't get sprites, while the less important characters in Umineko did (for immersion's sake, because it would be weird if some of the family members or magic characters didn't get sprites).

>> No.21695731

Calm down.

>> No.21695738
File: 89 KB, 1200x1016, DobGGIoUwAAvu34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21695906

I mean sure
But there is no way a VN with a cast this big will be a single episode long like some people think
It's just not enough to even give all of them a minimal amount of screentime

>> No.21695739
Quoted by: >>21696506

RGD was just as long as four WTC arcs and it managed to continue the story without resetting it even once.

Also, actual time travel is lame. It was cool in Higurashi because it wasn't truly a reset, just a single character switching dimensions and shouldering the guilt of all those worlds that got ruined and still exist.

>> No.21695756

>not liking lolis with raspy slutty voices
Killerina yourselfa.

>> No.21695774
File: 86 KB, 186x268, 1557555837947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21695790

Yeah, I'm thinking it's time to avoid this thread for the time being.

>> No.21695778
File: 52 KB, 1134x294, 6DQ7TdwE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google Translate is a riot.

>> No.21695790

thank you for posting this image

>> No.21695798

It's so weird to see Takano far off in the future, considering she's from the early 80s and doesn't even know what a cellphone is.

She doesn't even seem to be an expy. It's literally the exact same Takano design from Higurashi. What the hell?

>> No.21695808

What level of self suggestion do I have to put myself under to like the new OP? I don't think my brain can handle thinking 07th music sucks it might explode if I don't do something

>> No.21695811
File: 278 KB, 500x383, bobby-montoya-girl-scout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at all these male traits on this crossdressing 7yo. Not even in makeup.

Sure, there are minor differences, I'll give you that, but theyre hardly noticeable. Voice can be trained to be higher pitched and shota butts can be just as soft with the right exercises and exclusion of rougher sports.

The point of no return is ~12yo
Before that, the only things that lead to visual differences is intensity of sports (the effect on muscle on fat buildup/locations), makeup, hair length/style, and clothing.

Outside of that its just the voice and the dick. Hormones play a minimal role at that age because the body is focuses on developing the mind instead of bone structure, muscle density, etc...

>> No.21695812

Kill yourself you doomposter. Just leave this thread.

>> No.21695819
Quoted by: >>21695865

I thought she was Hanyu

>> No.21695823
Quoted by: >>21695911

maybe she is time traveling? or the scenes she appears are in the past

>> No.21695826

Imagine basing your view of an entire soundtrack on one song.

>> No.21695832


The level where you develop a non-shit taste. Get out

>> No.21695850
Quoted by: >>21695866

The fact that he's attractive doesn't mean he looks like a loli. That's clearly a boy.

>> No.21695863
Quoted by: >>21695879

>The point of no return is ~12yo
maybe 60 years ago. puberty generally starts a lot earlier now.

>> No.21695864

What's he thinking about?

>> No.21695865

Her design is a reference to Hanyu, but she's not literally Hanyu and never was. It would ruin Hanyu's entire character arc and her satisfying ending in Saikoroshi.

>> No.21695866

I bet the only lolis you look at are from cp studio shoots or instagram models. You're average kid doesnt look like how you think.

>> No.21695879

Maybe in America because of all the shit they put in food, but the rest of the world is generally still safe.

>> No.21695881
Quoted by: >>21695911

It could be a vessel modeled after Takano or something.

>> No.21695897

my wife looked cute in the op!

>> No.21695906
Quoted by: >>21695992

I'm really just afraid that the reason why we haven't gotten the same blatant confirmation of multiple entries from him like we always, always have for his past games has to do with his concerns with how people will receive the work. People are so fucking sensitive and spineless that if he takes pot shots at virtually anything some group will try to demonize him if it gets enough attention. Especially when it comes to the west's Umineko fanbase which was already loaded with the same kind of special snowflakes that since 2011 became part of all the rampant political bullshit going on today.

>> No.21695911

Takano is a literal nobody. She's not important outside the events of Higurashi.

But Lambda seems to have taken a liking to Takano's personality and determination and enjoys changing her fate in alternate worlds to create new scenarios (like in Hotarubi). So she could be an alternate version of Takano who somehow got involved in different shit and became an imporant person, important enough to be summoned/brought to the future/become the model for a robot with a copy of her mind in the distant future.

>> No.21695934

does anyone have a 1080p shot of Miyao smiling like a lunatic I need a new wallpaper

>> No.21695970

Is that frog a real part of the opening? It appears at 0:58

>> No.21695980
Quoted by: >>21695992

Yeah, it's a reference to Pepe. Pretty crazy right?

>> No.21695992 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 334x506, 1542842117513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if that's the case, now I can post this here:

>> No.21695995
File: 192 KB, 1920x1080, Frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The frog was in the previous trailer as well. I guess it's Miyao's pet or something

>> No.21696005

It shows up twice in the OP
Guess the Gauntlets have AIs or something along those lines

>> No.21696010
Quoted by: >>21696066

>this is Miyao's Sakutaro
>Miyao is a fucking nutjob

>> No.21696025
Quoted by: >>21696073

>tfw Higanbana takes place in some forgotten ass obscure ass fragment that not even Lambda knows of
>Ciconia will have literally 0 references to it
Why live?

>> No.21696027
File: 44 KB, 521x545, 1305875769372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no zts

>> No.21696028

Why are frogs so popular in Japan? I remember them being shown a lot in Sci;Adv too.

>> No.21696038

It's gonna give him advice mid-flight, I'm telling you.

>> No.21696048

Imagine a butt-ass nude Satoko with this art style and coloring.

>> No.21696059
File: 241 KB, 1688x1904, really activates your little gray cells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suparna are the bad guys
The orbs of light are color-coded after their team(Miyao is blue, Grave Mole is green)
When Miyao gets shot and his squadmate is worried the orbs shooting at him are red, and the only team with a red filter is Suparna
Also Suparna means "Golden Wings"

>> No.21696066

This. I bet Miyao has a legit split personality disorder.

And it turns out one Miyao is Lambda and the other Miyao is Bern.

>> No.21696073

The only redeeming thing that could save this VN is Bern and Lambda appearing in it but let's not fool ourselves here, they're not gonna appear in it.

>> No.21696076

miyao just wants to get rammed
trust me i work with ryukishi

>> No.21696078
Quoted by: >>21696117

Try harder next time.

>> No.21696084

Okay but who is the Finn
Ryukishi promised a Finn

>> No.21696093
File: 385 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_oexok1gCm81uby7bko2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21696100
File: 117 KB, 600x454, tumblr_oi10a0qML21uby7bko4_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21696114
File: 490 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_oexok1gCm81uby7bko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21696117
Quoted by: >>21696182

>Can't refute
Here's the L. No need to thank me, love.

>> No.21696120
File: 355 KB, 527x487, two_of_them.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21696161

>ywn turn them into a human centipede and ruin their relationship forever

>> No.21696137
File: 567 KB, 611x429, unJKKknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you telling me that these lolis might as well be boys without dicks? Pathetic! Even though they are so girly and cute!

Midori is so feminine and lady-like. And yet, her body looks more like a boy's than a real woman's. Embarrassing! Lewd! The human condition of a loli kid!

>> No.21696153

Half the characters in that picture are dead as fuck.

>> No.21696161

Shion is a narcissist, so she probably doesn't mind licking was is essentially her own asshole.

>> No.21696182


>Making baseless claims without proof

Holy shit fuck off to whatever corner of the Internet you came from, rofl

>> No.21696187

Imagine the smell of a raped, decaying Marie at the bottom of a septic tank.

>> No.21696209

tbqh Marie is dead in such a way that it's almost like being dead in FFX. She can still talk with alive people no problem and she isn't even confined to the bathroom where she died. It's practically better than being alive, especially with the kind of life she had.

That reminds me though, where did the Higanbana manga stop? Did it continue to be absolutely fucking crazy?

>> No.21696211

Hello! Its my first time browsing jp for real, people kept making umineko threads on /v/ so i thought i'd try it and here i am! hey everyone!

>> No.21696220
Quoted by: >>21696595

who /cairo/ here?

hello anon

>> No.21696255
Quoted by: >>21696266

read higurashi

>> No.21696266
Quoted by: >>21696283

I need a little break from vn's i think, i'm pretty overwhelmed at the moment, but i'll definitely do that next. It looks good fun

>> No.21696283

nothing wrong with taking a break. vns can be pretty exhausting to read. but believe me when I tell you higurashi is worth it when you feel up to reading another vn.

>> No.21696296

is someone going to sub the OP

>> No.21696335

The mirror world chapter is underrated as all fuck.

>> No.21696336
Quoted by: >>21696461

Do we know what year Ciconia takes place?

>> No.21696428

Alright I had to listen to it a few dozen times but I kind of like the new song

>> No.21696448
File: 237 KB, 408x260, FireShot Capture 644 - 「キコニアのなく頃に」オープニングムービー - YouTube - www.youtube.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What characters are you guys interested in? I love this loli's design.

>> No.21696453
File: 228 KB, 294x426, bestgirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21696459

the older looking girl in the Cairo cell
I would fuck her until I passed out

>> No.21696461

We only know that it takes place 100 years after World War 3, but that doesn't really help much

>> No.21696464

Miyao is naturally more fuckabale but you're right, that one character is really cute.

>> No.21696465

Will Miyao be a virgin
Will his two teammates be fucking each other while he falls in love with a girl from either India or Egypt who gets killed early in the game

>> No.21696474

honestly Miyao if only for the strange rape smile he does after getting hit by a missile

>> No.21696506

Resetting is an important part of WtC. Now Ciconia could very well not reset, or make you think it doesn't reset until it does two episodes in, or play with the idea, but I think it will.

The explanation behind it will probably change, just like Higurashi's resets where literal time travel and Umineko was a weird meta thingy. I personally like the idea of Cico being a matrix-like simulation, with the simulation being rebooted every game. This could explain the bizarre abilities, why time is rebooted, and why it is so - simulating humanity's future under various duress.

>> No.21696595

me, hail brown girls

>> No.21696610
File: 223 KB, 400x400, ythytrjftyht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hype guys.
Not a specially amazing OP but I can't wait.
I trust Ryukishi more than my own mother, it will be a great game.

>> No.21696630
Quoted by: >>21696638

So you've seen all the characters, now the most important questions remains.

Who will fuck who? Who will die a virgin like Jessica? Who will fuck everything that moves like Kinzo?

>> No.21696638

I will fuck Tomitake clone.

You will die a virgin.

Priest girl 2 will fuck everyone in the battlefield.

>> No.21696692
Quoted by: >>21697527

It's funny because during the sakuracon panel he called miyao a girl and then corrected himself saying "they."

>> No.21696715

i want to fuck ange

>> No.21696743

too many cowtits for my taste in this OP

>> No.21696830

If there's an American team, I am obligated to wish for their victory.

>> No.21697015


>> No.21697106

I agree completely with what this fine gentleman said.

>> No.21697119

The level where you stop being a retarded crossboarder like ~60% of this thread.

>> No.21697158

Fuck off back to your shithole.

>> No.21697182

These threads fill up so fast, I wish the bump limit was higher

>> No.21697206
Quoted by: >>21697271

literal shit taste. Maria, including her ass, exists for protecting

>> No.21697261


>> No.21697271
File: 219 KB, 850x1239, D5F768B1-C371-433E-975B-FE1A37EB7922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21697671


>> No.21697350
File: 307 KB, 650x899, Ushiromiya.Rosa.full.79248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21697404


>> No.21697404
Quoted by: >>21697433

Kill yourself Rosa, you shameless fucking whore. Even Kinzo is better than you.

>> No.21697433

If Kinzo had dicked young Rosa maybe she wouldn't have grown up looking for daddy figures to fill the hole, figuratively and literally.

>> No.21697502
File: 201 KB, 520x394, 1528524847075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21697513

Cute lolee

>> No.21697526

But she's a cancer patient.

>> No.21697527

He's a girl when he wears the dress.

>> No.21697531
File: 256 KB, 1116x1000, 1555774892952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21697552

>> No.21697552
Quoted by: >>21697584

Wait, when did he ditch the classic Tomitake hat for an RGD mafia man fedora?

>> No.21697582
Quoted by: >>21697740

Lolis with dicks are better anyway because you can easily make them dry cum and twist their faces into all kinds of silly ahegaos. Cunnies are awkward and it takes long as fuck to make them cum, even when it's a super hairy adult one.

>> No.21697584
File: 275 KB, 1500x1000, 1541841386787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21697597

When he went to France that one time and gave Witch Hunt his blessing to translate RGD into English I'm pretty sure.

>> No.21697587
Quoted by: >>21697590

Waste of a good edit, as nobody plays the fighting game

>> No.21697590

I really wish more people would play it, I like anime fighting games.

>> No.21697597
Quoted by: >>21697614

That's the most perfect cosplay I've ever seen. And it's all thank to that highest quality facial expression.

>> No.21697605

Princess mode is a blessing. Traditional fighting game controls are fucking awkward garbage even after mastering them.

>> No.21697614

tbqh I would fuck a girl that could make a face like that until it literally killed me

>> No.21697633
Quoted by: >>21698145


>> No.21697642
Quoted by: >>21697665

But she's got a pathetic, vulnerable, silly-looking, undignified human ass...

>> No.21697665

As opposed to what?

>> No.21697671

Why do lolis wear panties with cute bears, hearts and stuff? Their butt cracks will inevitably break the image in half, making it look like crap. Literally the entire middle part of the picture is getting wedged between her cheeks, obscured from view.

Are they stupid?

>> No.21697674
File: 112 KB, 910x1200, 1530564332460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21697689

This but unironically. What's the point of having something cute drawn in the back of your panties, right in front of the place you poop from? There's nothing more uncute than an asshole.

>> No.21697708
File: 1.03 MB, 1352x2524, 1555770948822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ what the hell happened in this thread

>> No.21697714

>ywn warm your hands between Maria's cheeks during a cold winter night

>> No.21697721

I want Miyao to be a robot who looks down on humans because they've got humiliating asses.

>> No.21697726

asshole. shit. condition.

>> No.21697727

>no pubes
Lame. Only actual lolis can get away with being bare down there, otherwise it looks unnatural and super boring.

>> No.21697731

Reminder to report humiliation faggot whenever he posts.

>> No.21697740

Not to mention that with loli cunny you can only put the tip in at most, but the asshole can always be trained to stretch no matter the age.

>> No.21697748

His posts recently opened up the world of cagando-eating to me and I'm really grateful for that.

>> No.21697770

autism has become an epidemic

>> No.21697774
File: 477 KB, 1306x1200, e19c15f720e9a7b602c920ff0a1651e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21697820

>> No.21697820
File: 369 KB, 1017x332, 12416134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21697824
File: 166 KB, 1280x1280, pa.206392.6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21698571

This cover is awesome.

>> No.21697851

What is this detective trying to achieve with that?

>> No.21697913


I mean, I wouldn't trust my mother to write fiction, but I trust Ryukishi07 to write something interesting because he seems to get it as an author. May not be what we're used to but I think it will be enjoyable.

>> No.21697930

I always joked about how umineko fags are the only ones complaining because they want the exact same game again. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.21697981
File: 110 KB, 377x284, warcats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're dumb as heck if you think they won't appear again
Just check out the warcats logo

>> No.21698027
File: 491 KB, 792x1068, 1518184049406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the problem?

>> No.21698040

Do we have a translation of the OP's japanese lyrics?

>> No.21698059 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21698063

How did humiliation even become a thing?

>> No.21698061 [DELETED] 

>hating humiliation

>> No.21698063 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21698088

One faggot that used to be b& on sight.

>> No.21698088 [DELETED] 

Actually, humiliation is the main theme of Higanbana. It's not like most of the loli protagonists were in any real danger. The bullies weren't trying to torture or harm them, let alone kill them. The only thing that was threatened was their dignity. Their ego. Their happiness as human beings. Their place in the social hierarchy.

Think about it. Higanbana is depressing and grim as fuck, but most of the time the lolis were simply fighting to avoid the terrible fate of public humiliation. Permanent loss of dignity. The impossibility of having any pride ever again.

The real enemy was humiliation. Not a serial killer or a weird government conspiracy. Just the fear of humiliation. If they simply gave up on their pride and accepted being humiliated by everyone for the rest of their school life, there would be no conflict or even a story to tell.

>> No.21698114 [DELETED] 

Why should they settle for a shit life instead of risking their life to achieve happiness? It's better to die fighting than to live comfortably licking asses and being humiliated. After all, emotional wounds never heal.

>> No.21698123

Lewd lolee armpeets!

>> No.21698145

I'd fuck a boy who could make that face

>> No.21698177

I bet Maria's farts are super loud when she's sitting on the toilet because she refuses to learn proper manners.

>> No.21698227

Pathetic! Just imagine Maria talking to Sakutaro on the toilet and randomly BRAAAAAAAAAPing mid-sentence, paying no mind to it

>> No.21698245
File: 100 KB, 540x300, 1517548783750.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this is the power of /jp/

>> No.21698272

No, sometimes he posts about how pathetic Ange is.

>> No.21698305

It's so humiliating how even the cutest girls immediately lose all restraint and inhibition once they sit their fat human asses down on a toilet seat and let their assholes go wild.

I bet they feel really relieved, but also super pathetic! The human condition of every single cute girl that ever existed, both 3D and 2D! Lewd!

It's so bizarre how JAV aactresses literally get their assholes fucked on camera for a living and yet Ushiromiya Ange would commit suicide if a large number of people saw her nude body in public. They are both human beings, and yet Ange is the only one humiliated by such a thing!

>> No.21698322
Quoted by: >>21698362

Just tried the Golden Fantasia game, now I know why it isn't popular.

>> No.21698346

If only Ange could let go of her useless pride and do porn. She would earn money by taking dicks up her hairy pussy on camera! Just imagine how lewd that would be! Ange would really enjoy it, no doubt about it. She's an exhibitionist at heart.

She doesn't even have a family to disappoint, no prudish old grandma to be horrified by her career choice. Why doesn't Ange just do porn?

>> No.21698362
Quoted by: >>21698372

I thought it was fun; I haven't played a going have in 10+ years before then

>> No.21698372
Quoted by: >>21698384

I don't know why but every move feels so awkward, also the UI in general is shit and the sprites are blurry and low-quality.

>> No.21698384
Quoted by: >>21698405

I don't agree with any of this

>> No.21698405
File: 947 KB, 743x770, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? The moves change when you're close to the enemy, making them very awkward and you can't deny that these sprites aren't low-quality.

>> No.21698427
Quoted by: >>21698432

Having proximity normals is pretty standard fare for fighting games

>> No.21698432
Quoted by: >>21698455

What other fighters do that?

>> No.21698455

Street fighter, Guilty Gear, UNIST (1 character), Killer Instinct

>> No.21698463
File: 45 KB, 513x364, 70981909_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the fighting game because it reminds me of the potential sprite porn that will never be.

>> No.21698475
Quoted by: >>21698483

I think the sprites are quite comfy, not sure what you were expecting from them.

>> No.21698483

The sprites itself are good, I love the EVA one but they're blurry, I wanted them to be more sharp I guess.

>> No.21698571

tasteful for sure

>> No.21698984

No, it's just one or two guys who've been doing this every day for about 2-3 years now.

>> No.21699013

>finished the first higurashi game

>> No.21699022
Quoted by: >>21699049

finish the game before coming in here, don't ruin the amazing experience

>> No.21699049
Quoted by: >>21699051

I've already watch the anime so the experience is ruined already for me

>> No.21699051
Quoted by: >>21699062

i actually watched the anime too first but it was like 7 years ago and i forgot everything

>> No.21699062

Everyone on MAL told me the VN sucked. Plus I had never played any VN's before except literally two days ago.

>> No.21699101

Did you watch the Umineko anime too?

>> No.21699116
Quoted by: >>21701574

sadly yes, I feel really bad. I just hope I wasn't such an arrogant when it came to VN's and original sources

>> No.21699192
Quoted by: >>21701594

>Everyone on MAL told me the VN sucked.

What sort of monkey would say something like that?

>> No.21699318

I love Beato!

>> No.21699420
File: 539 KB, 2048x1536, 1378819759259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on MAL has extra chromosomes.

>> No.21699480

i'm having a flashback of 9 years ago when the anons don't stopped complaining about things.

>> No.21699500
File: 258 KB, 700x600, 1362088926598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21700418

>> No.21699657

Guys, I'm seriosuly starting to fear that Miyao might actually be a girl. I can't sleep now knowing that my boyfriend might be taken away from me.

>> No.21699730

So basically WTC5 is a massive bust.
>no mystery
>probably no timeloop
>will never top umineko
>no sightings of lambda or bern to atleast give us an extension to their story

>> No.21699741

>>will never top umineko
Are you trying to say that Umineko is something god-like? The game is good, not a masterpiece, especially with that ending.

>> No.21699754

Who are you quoting?

>> No.21699771

umineko was the peak, its obviously not godlike

>> No.21699907

pettan....? pettan....?? tsurupettan...????

>> No.21699914
File: 277 KB, 1920x1080, 20190513194702_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21700063

Higurashi already topped Umineko back around almost 20 years ago anyway. There's a reason why Ryu consider Higu be his magnum opus

If Ciconia was as half as good either of WTC or even RGD then that would be enough

Also Lambda might not since there's already Takano but Bern pretty much indirectly confirmed from warcat symbol

>> No.21700116
File: 13 KB, 281x283, ehhe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people complaning
keep seething faggots while I'll enjoy Ciconia joyfully.

>> No.21700157

I mean, at least it was actually related to umineko discussion. Other anon just made it spiral out

>> No.21700391
File: 488 KB, 158x165, Angry JewHam.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21700413

Where the FUCK is zts?!?!?!

>> No.21700413

Cutest GBA game.

>> No.21700418

Is this leading up to, dare I say, humiliation?

>> No.21700422
Quoted by: >>21700485


>> No.21700427

who are yerina



>> No.21700464 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21700483

Humiliation is simply a forced state of humility. A girl getting stripped down by her bullies is being forcibly humbled by them.

>> No.21700483 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21700535

A bully stripping a loli in public is actually humiliating herself too. After all, the bully looks just like her victim when naked. It's like casually saying the word ass. She's humiliating herself by bringing up the topic. So by exposing her classmate's naked loli ass for everyone to see, she's technically exposing her own ass too. Because they more or less look the same. She's human too.

>> No.21700485
File: 394 KB, 598x564, 1553075533599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21700510

GREEN HAIR nooooooo

>> No.21700526

Your opinion is wrong.

>> No.21700535 [DELETED] 

>tfw bullying is a force of nature that humiliates both the bully and the humiliatee

>> No.21700537

I haven't seen tits this big in proportion to the body since Meryl.the

Based R07. Even his lolees tend to have oppai.

>> No.21700545
File: 2.00 MB, 809x930, pettan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21700551
File: 48 KB, 500x328, umineko lolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows what makes for a good female character design.

>> No.21700565

Nina had bigger tits than those sluts.

>> No.21700576

How come the pachinko art was so terrible at drawing appealing breasts? Did the artists not realize that simply giving everyone literal beach balls was stupid and looked freaky and fake as shit? Were the artists aliens who just assumed bigger = better?

Seriously, it's so fucking terrible it looks like it was poorly made on purpose.

>> No.21700579 [DELETED] 

Not when she's got an ass that shits.

>> No.21700608
File: 136 KB, 453x464, mar_waraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny since in the original art even Maria looks like she's rocking a B-cup at least. Like what >>21700537 said

>> No.21700616

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Kei Natsumi the artist behind the pachinko art?

>> No.21700673
File: 1.90 MB, 2302x960, pachinko bust good and bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21701827

I think it's pretty hit or miss. Some, like Natsuhi, Jessica, and Beato, look fine. But then you have Eva's sagging to her navel, Kyrie's rocketing out to points, and Gaap's being excessively uneven.

>> No.21700678

That's clearly just the shape of her dress.
Maria and Ange are completely flat.

Satoko and many of the girls in Higanbana are preteen girls with budding breasts. And so is Rika, but she's super flat and underdeveloped because unlike Satoko she doesn't have a history of absent father figures.

>> No.21700693

Maria was intended to be flat and she's portrayed like that in every version of Umineko. Satoko is an oppai loli in every single version of Higurashi, including the anime and the original sprites. We even get to see her completely butt ass naked, so it's not like her shirt is creating the illusion of breasts. She really does have them.

>> No.21700701

>her tits are bigger than her butt cheeks

>> No.21700743
File: 182 KB, 485x380, maria original bust lines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21700823

>That's clearly just the shape of her dress.
I dunno about that. Sure the top part of the corset-like segment could create that impression, but how do you explain the shape of the shadows beneath each breast, or the way the eagle on her chest is clearly warping in a spherical shape?

I agree with >>21700693 in that she was most likely INTENDED to be flat, but when it comes to the original art that's certainly not the impression I got.

>> No.21700773

Also given Maria's similar history of an absentee father figure plus her Ushiromiya genes, I think it's safe to say that even if she's flat at 9, she'd most likely be developing a modest bust by the time she reaches Satoko's age. In my mind, it's Satoko > Maria > Rika

>> No.21700776 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21700798


>ywn be Santa and get blackmailed by super cute lolis who are actually humiliating themselves by using the human condition that they themselves are part of as blackmail material
Literally why live? As opposed to figuratively.

>> No.21700789

"But they are actually humiliating themselves!" is my favorite meme.

>> No.21700798

>British lolis without fucked up teeth
Literally how? Literally every single British person I've ever met had terrible teeth.

>> No.21700823
File: 207 KB, 320x180, Dlanor cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does Dlanor fit into all THIS?

>> No.21700834
File: 1.78 MB, 1676x1663, chie_book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21700840
Quoted by: >>21700919

why did chie even get a sprite, I thought she's going to be the bad guy or something

>> No.21700889
File: 853 KB, 1920x1080, akane busty walking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21700900
File: 203 KB, 1032x960, rud_akuwaraib1g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boo, boo, boohoo! it do nnot sound jest like my dai xaki musics in the old days! it fucked! it bad!

none of you steakheads have actually been around for an 07th games release since you pea brained faggots don't know what a rose guns days or a higanbana even is. you monkeys have exactly two states of being, flaccid or erect, that's what happens when you stroke your shrimpy to the beat of dreamenddischarger every single day for 5 years. does the phrase "cautious optimism" mean anything to you? have you ever thought of things in other than black and white? how about your ears, did you jam pencils into them as a child? tell me, what will it take to make you into a human being anybody enjoys the company of? nah, you're right, that is also meaningless to you worms. you're the kind of people who actually think mystery is unquestionably integral to the storytelling, especially in higurashi which was wimpy enough for 12 year old me to solve. anyway y'all ready for the reading party this sept? gonna be real cool. that song is a fucking jam.

>> No.21700914
File: 849 KB, 1437x1846, aiko_tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21700919

Because Ryukishi has a hard on for Ciel and really wanted to draw his alt version I guess

>> No.21700920

it's just umineko-only /v/tards shitposting about ciconia

>> No.21700933
Quoted by: >>21700947

I wish this guy would draw more of the main cast.

>> No.21700947
File: 1.03 MB, 1676x1947, jealous_rika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21700992

She will never grow any older because she represents the Knox rules and her father is dead so he can't expand or update them anymore.

>> No.21701007

Mareea replaced her missing father with the holy ghost or some other chuuni delusion.

Satoko is not an autistic fuck, so she unconsciously missed having a father figure and her body started developing early as a survival mechanism to attract a protective male.

>> No.21701019
File: 171 KB, 447x430, dlanor bust dawn manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21701075

Yes, but the manga seems to imply that she already has a slight bust. And the original sprites don't offer much help.

>> No.21701034

Chuunis by definition are super cringy 13 year old 8th graders, stuck between childhood and adolescence.

You need to have a hairy pussy and at least some oppai to even qualify as a chuuni.

>> No.21701039

Rika lost her dad too though. And while she may have had Kimiyoshi, she still must've been experiencing the same feelings as Satoko to some degree.

>> No.21701046

Rika is just a regular orphan. Satoko has been lacking a trustworthy father figure since she was 4.

>> No.21701075

Satoko > Dlanor > Maria > Rika

>> No.21701099 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>21701184

Rikaのdad was an old-fashioned village priest who considered corporal punishment a valid method for education.

Even though Rika is 11 and probably has a developed sense of dignity and pride, her father literally spanked her bare loli ass in Saikoroshi when he caught her sneaking inside the ritual tools shed.

>> No.21701113
File: 1.17 MB, 2001x1758, rosa_eva_hypnosis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21701151
Quoted by: >>21701171

When I first read Umineko I was totally expecting Rosa to grab Maria's head in a fit of rage and slam it against the floor, accidentally killing her and spending the rest of the episode killing people to cover up her crime.

Still surprised it didn't happen. That woman can go crazy at the drop of a hat, especially if Maria throws a tantrum or humiliates both Rosa and herself in public with her immature behavior.

>> No.21701171

I mean, that was one of Battler's theories back in Episode 3 regarding Maria's cause of death.

>> No.21701175
File: 1.39 MB, 1320x1234, eva shirt lift no nipples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosa is so done with Eva's shit.

>> No.21701184 [DELETED] 

Come the fuck on, anon. Lolis are mindless idiots that don't even see the shame in their own humanity and use the word ass without a care in the world.

>> No.21701235
File: 3.80 MB, 2429x1174, Rokkenjima oppai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is Battler's birthday. Celebrate by posting boobs.

>> No.21701260
Quoted by: >>21701274

nah, fuck that homosexual

>> No.21701261
Quoted by: >>21701521

What I've never understood is what level of answer Ryukishi wants the reader to come up with before the end of the final question arcs in both series. For example, he's written that exactly one playtester got the "right answer" for Onikakushi, but it's unknown how developed that answer was or what specifically he was looking for.

>> No.21701264


>> No.21701274
File: 339 KB, 600x600, 1550307138528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, fuck you

>> No.21701276
File: 1.02 MB, 1457x1944, chie_tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21701285
File: 251 KB, 757x1100, ed87eda546a880c4edfcd75bf7153b2f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21701337


>> No.21701295


Based Ryuukishi. Even though Satoko had the most attitude and pride in the whole cast, she was shown completely naked like a goddamn animal just so we could see that her budding breasts are in fact real and foreshadow her rocky relationship with her 10+ fathers.

>> No.21701298
File: 35 KB, 603x474, aiko_angel_mort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21701332
Quoted by: >>21701470


Reminder that the loli in this doujin in based on young Shannon. She's a real girl in this story but was born with a dick too. She gets humiliated and degraded by every single kid in her school and her childhood friend (a stand-in for Battler) is too much of a pussy to stop it, so he joins in on the bullying.

Give it a read, it's pretty good. There is a standalone 9th chapter and then another tank of like 5+ more chapters that end the story.

>> No.21701337
File: 271 KB, 1200x800, yande.re 101987 beatrice cleavage sadakage umineko_no_naku_koro_ni virgilia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The student must surpass the master.

>> No.21701375
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, Battler Ange Beato breast heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21701470

>piss drinking

>> No.21701521

Just use your head. It's been a long time since I've read Higurashi, but I'm pretty sure "K1 is a delusional unreliable narrator afflicted by illness X that also afflicted Tomitake" and "Rena/Mion are not trying to hurt K1" are as far as you need to go for Onikakushi; it should be pretty obvious that none of the overarching stuff can be solved in detail until much later.

>> No.21701543
Quoted by: >>21701549

Just read the thread.

I beg to disagree with some anons above.
I really liked the OP overall and I'm hyped as fuck for Ciconia now more than ever.

Not buying the "not thinking" stuff Ryukishi mentioned, since the apparently that's because we will act as pieces in the gameboard and not as players, and that likely means we just won't exactly have an objective perspective of things nor that the character focused on will be in any way reliable (much like Higurashi).

My conclusion is that this won't follow fair-play murder mystery like Umineko exclusively did, but also won't put us in the shoes of a detective having tips and investigating the mystery per se in the story, it will be more straightforward.

I'm pretty sure it still will be a mystery nonetheless.

>> No.21701549

>but also won't put us in the shoes of a detective having tips and investigating the mystery per se in the story
And about that I'm including both Higu and Umi in the equation, of course.

>> No.21701574

Actually >>21699116 guy here, no I did not watch umineko, I might just have to read the VN

>> No.21701594
Quoted by: >>21701601

Ive literally never heard of anyone saying that before, not even jokingly. I doubt anyone has even had the thought cross their mind. Anon must be full of shit.

>> No.21701601

I've heard plenty of people shit talk the vn, but never anyone claiming the anime was better.

>> No.21701827

Wasn't Eva like 50? I doubt the artist did it on purpose though. I'm more bothered by the droopy eyes.

>> No.21701845

What are the official rankings for Higurashi's moms?

- Akane
- Hanyuu
- Yukie
- Rika's mom
- Aiko
- Rena's mom
- Satoko's mom
- Natsumi's mom

>> No.21701852


>> No.21702075
Quoted by: >>21702373

ushiromiya Ange shameful mammal condition, she's just an evolved ape lewd, pathetic, humiliating!

>> No.21702183

Fuck off retarded doomposter

>> No.21702373

usually hates these but kek

>> No.21702399
Quoted by: >>21702403

ciconia can't come soon enough, you guys are pathetic.

>> No.21702403
Quoted by: >>21702410

just like satoko

>> No.21702410
Quoted by: >>21702430

loli kids are pathetic

>> No.21702427

Miyao looks cute, i love her!
she's the best.

>> No.21702430


>> No.21702459

Not a fan of the OP. I thought the song was better during the trailer.

>> No.21702467
File: 51 KB, 195x195, RzLJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21702492


>> No.21702492
File: 3 KB, 125x108, 1501612802290s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21702496

any proofs of Ange being an actual girl? maybe she was a boy and never showered herself with the girls in the school that's why she smells so bad and was bullied by her classmates.
Battler never tried to flirt with her even when he thought that she was "Gretel" but he tried to grope her cousin Jessica.
Lambda helped Yasu eunuch.
Bern helped tranny Ange.

>> No.21702524

Umineko started with big tits and lewd and ended with a lot od gay characters fuck off Ryukishi

>> No.21702573
File: 27 KB, 300x411, Beatrice_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miyo and Okonogi in
>Bern in
>mfw Bern and Miyo may interact

>> No.21702770

Ciconia will be glorious and you will like it.

>> No.21703077
Quoted by: >>21703088

Ange's cumdump

>> No.21703088

who does Ange pump her cum into?

>> No.21703125

Amakusa's ass

>> No.21703278

which girl will Miyao have a crush on?

>> No.21703297

Promoted Cornelia

>> No.21703316

boy* she's an heterosexual girl.

>> No.21703345

Ushiromiya Ange

>> No.21703372
Quoted by: >>21704449

Wants to get cummed inside of by

>> No.21703412

Furudo Erika

>> No.21703486

Eva's corpse

>> No.21703568

But Ange is the gay and hoping for a girl.

>> No.21703575

Her hand but she likes to pretend it's Mammon with Sakutaro watching.

>> No.21703606
File: 240 KB, 765x884, Battler beato breast grab 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21703780
File: 160 KB, 910x1200, 1555797578808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't believe that the official Umineko manga visualized Erika riding Battler while completely naked

>> No.21703868
File: 211 KB, 700x923, Erika Battler fantasy censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, the vn was pretty explicit on what she plans to do with him after the wedding.

>> No.21703901
File: 313 KB, 949x1400, classic erika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21703975

Atleast post the proper pic you silly anon

>> No.21703927
File: 967 KB, 1460x2017, rika&#039;s_mom_tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21703941

Rika was robbed of her genetic potential.

>> No.21703975
Quoted by: >>21703993

D-Did I just see Erika's humiliating butt crack? The most prideful character in the seriesのpathetic naked brapper. Lewd!

>> No.21703993
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 0bfe3d044f6b3550b7bc341e7c00f304e5b6663a76d47bfc80bcd9f8898bd343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21704010

what's shameful about a nice ass crack, there's loads of erotic body parts on erika besides it

>> No.21703994

Akiyama had a couple of tracks in Umineko as well

>> No.21704010
File: 947 KB, 900x1200, Erika boobs big censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21704031

How about these?

>> No.21704031
File: 241 KB, 708x1000, erika 104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21704279

Beautiful bags of goodness indeed !.
But there's so much more body parts you can use from erika to fuck

>> No.21704259

Obvious best girl. I'm calling it.

>> No.21704279
Quoted by: >>21704290

Her whole body is one big bundle of sex appeal.

>> No.21704290
File: 126 KB, 846x1200, erika swimsuit 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21704412


>> No.21704409

Miyao's a globalist.

>> No.21704412
File: 789 KB, 721x807, Erika penis play censored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21704497

Erika inspecting your "theory"

>> No.21704449


>> No.21704497

Her skilled tongue would make quick work of such a thing.

>> No.21705043
Quoted by: >>21705144

thinking about buying EVA's dress just so I can masturbate and cum on them

>> No.21705144
File: 714 KB, 760x1078, 116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21705210

Imagining that it's been freshly worn, sliding your hands inside to feel the warm fabric that had just been in contact with her bare flesh.

>> No.21705186
File: 23 KB, 128x128, deal-with-it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably something happened to north america, since there are no sight of them this whole time

>> No.21705210
Quoted by: >>21705431

holy fuck please

>> No.21705251

Wow, Ryukishi didn’t even ask ZTS to make any songs...

>> No.21705266
File: 103 KB, 288x254, IMG_20190123_195539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all over.

>> No.21705296

Good, he was overrated anyways.

>> No.21705431
File: 812 KB, 760x1078, 138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slipping you head inside and rubbing your face against the inside of the dress' bust portion for an indirect motorboat, imagining her bare breasts filling the slight bulges.

>> No.21705589

Nice, Takano's face stills looks like she's a braphog who would force you to be her fart slave.

>> No.21705598

such a slut.

>> No.21705621
File: 129 KB, 666x856, 4533c6552d21093779e0a737d70045a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

