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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 236 KB, 2048x1390, 1538996466367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20511287 No.20511287 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20511298
Quoted by: >>20511309

Shit, I made the other thread, but I'm gonna use this one.
It's strange people took so long in making a new one.

>> No.20511300
File: 224 KB, 1200x800, DsqP7qiV4AY3hrS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farewell, yankee fox.

>> No.20511301
File: 243 KB, 1024x1024, 1522218041361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511330

>> No.20511308
Quoted by: >>20511320


>> No.20511309

Honestly the strange part is how people fight over making the new thread.

>> No.20511310
File: 79 KB, 940x531, 静凛のにじ3Dお披露目と17万人ありがとーとぱしょこん!_#しずりん生放送_-_YouTube_-_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511314
File: 682 KB, 1152x2048, Dvj8STcUwAETByW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511980

>> No.20511320
File: 93 KB, 783x800, IMG_20181023_230208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was her keyboard.

>> No.20511323
File: 68 KB, 936x541, 静凛のにじ3Dお披露目と17万人ありがとーとぱしょこん!_#しずりん生放送_-_YouTube_-_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511324
File: 597 KB, 2590x3624, 1544667689452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matsuri's still going on the Homolive server.

>> No.20511326
File: 77 KB, 720x1184, 1539826521248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511808

>> No.20511328

Ninja collab on the works

>> No.20511330

It's reassuring knowing that no matter the circumstance neet grandma will never quit the scene.

>> No.20511335
File: 387 KB, 1250x1600, 1542478795354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511343

>> No.20511339


>> No.20511340

Trigger is back on

>> No.20511343


>> No.20511362
File: 108 KB, 924x511, 2018-12-29_03-17-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot Mugi was in this, what the fuck is she going to do about her voice? She can't sing at all. Unless it's something like punk rock or heavy metal.

>> No.20511366
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, 1536808881322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy I'm excited. There needs to be more magnet covers.

>> No.20511369
File: 91 KB, 928x510, にじさんじコミケ95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511433

And they have to shill this too

>> No.20511370


>> No.20511393
Quoted by: >>20511401


>> No.20511401
File: 11 KB, 288x288, 1543612709259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She'll rape my ears alright

>> No.20511433

Which is the superior event?
The Virtual New Year's Eve seems like it has bigger names:

>> No.20511441
Quoted by: >>20511465

I wish there was some kind of blog or webpage that updated with which chuubas videos got subbed. It's going to take forever to learn Japanese and I want to be able to appreciate more chuuba content.

>> No.20511452
Quoted by: >>20511456

The last part of count0 is premium only I think, so the Nico one is probably better by default

>> No.20511456
Quoted by: >>20511464

That sounds dumb as fuck, I hope Eri and Patra are in the free part.

>> No.20511459

The virgin Nico vs the Chad count0

>> No.20511464

By last part I meant like an omake of sorts. All of the tubers should be in the free parts.

>> No.20511465
Quoted by: >>20511487


>> No.20511467

Uka is out by the way

>> No.20511480
Quoted by: >>20511601

Uka-sama really has a weak constitution
Can't be helped if it's the virtual influenza

>> No.20511485


>> No.20511487

Oh hell yeah. Airy gato my dude.

>> No.20511498

previous thread:

>> No.20511502

The Nico event is basically featuring the vtubers that going to appear on the anime series. So I hope at least a trailer or a sneak peek

>> No.20511538

Is that Meikaiji event later today or tomorrow?

>> No.20511539

There's also a chance that it will be shown at Comiket since they frequently air PVs there.

>> No.20511563
File: 210 KB, 1812x1397, DvkBQIJUcAAEnfT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511576

>> No.20511576

who is this masked man

>> No.20511580
File: 59 KB, 209x231, Screenshot from 2018-12-29 02-00-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511605

Even more puzzling than Oddai's addiction are those who watch him. Who the hell just sits there and watches someone play werewolf for 10 consecutive hours? Almost 800 people at least

>> No.20511593
File: 260 KB, 1920x1080, DvjtqsnUUAAN0X1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511598
File: 108 KB, 900x1000, 1539901488745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511609

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ak_I-Q0BNio mio

>> No.20511599

Colored contacts are universally creepy.

>> No.20511601

I want to fuck Uka's flu away.

>> No.20511605
Quoted by: >>20511627

Oddai streams are almost therapeutic. I keep it in the background if there's nobody else streaming

>> No.20511608
File: 1.55 MB, 708x1000, 1525356441409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Futa oni drawn by babiniku oni

>> No.20511609

Been waiting for this.

>> No.20511612
File: 81 KB, 509x738, クリスマスイブのお歌配信_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511613

>not rat ears for Hima
Dumb niwakas.

>> No.20511618
Quoted by: >>20511629

I'm pretty sure those are dudes. And I'm 100% sure they fucked after this

>> No.20511620
File: 175 KB, 2048x1148, 1521563419965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511627

People screaming like that one guy shouting about his PASSION or Oddai's high pitched filtered voice is therapeutic to you?

>> No.20511629


>> No.20511638

Early Oyabun

>> No.20511653
File: 146 KB, 720x1184, 1532298760779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511675

>> No.20511658
File: 96 KB, 993x1242, 1545862481199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best of cute gamer

>> No.20511675

that's another guy isn't it

>> No.20511677

That's weird and wrong because Kerin and Gorilla aren't in NIconico Countdown and Suntory Water isn't in the anime.

>> No.20511708
File: 228 KB, 1920x1597, 1540574243476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mg8NCyj7n3Q Rin!

>> No.20511721

Kazaki and Dola watching too

>> No.20511742

Looking through her older brothers old games it seems.

>> No.20511744
Quoted by: >>20511764

Yeah "older brother"

>> No.20511757
File: 179 KB, 1000x1337, Dvbr5o7VAAAp4Hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511786

AI is cute.
It's also a bit odd that she always upload early when she's going to be busy later that day, like she uploads the videos herself.

>> No.20511764

And that's exactly why I avoid giving a single penny to streamers

>> No.20511766
File: 384 KB, 1920x1080, DvkHj_8V4AEM6gR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More FanFest Ai-chan.

>> No.20511768


>> No.20511770

What's the point? The are japanese women, they lost their virginity in their early teens to some smelly old dude for yukichi.

>> No.20511778
File: 319 KB, 1000x1416, DqZp92IUwAEtzgt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514284


It's almost time for Kizuna AI 1st live to open.
I hope she has a wonderful time, I'd love to see her in a great mood for the collab with all the other Vtubers at count0.

>> No.20511786

I imagine she still does. Her videos always have an independent feel to them and her "I do whatever I want" attitude in her content make me believe she's doing this shit out of her garage or something.

>> No.20511789
Quoted by: >>20511820

Rin found an AV dvd among her brother's games!

>> No.20511794
File: 280 KB, 1536x2048, Dvkati7UwAAn618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511801

They have Ai-chan's new costumes' prototype figures there.

>> No.20511799
File: 235 KB, 2048x1448, 1522305829972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511801

I wish they would sell these figs without coloring them. I like the statue look.

>> No.20511804


>> No.20511807
File: 273 KB, 1538x2048, 1535818935094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512074

>> No.20511808


>> No.20511811

Am I the only one who have missed Space Alice new MV/original song? It's really great, bought it from google already. (thank god I didn't have to go through itunes)

>> No.20511814
File: 363 KB, 2048x1098, 1519918506219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511816
File: 42 KB, 768x768, 1534480756238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute giggling Rin!

>> No.20511820
Quoted by: >>20511821

And hidden inside with the 3 disc set of MGS was Tokimeki Memorial: Girls Side.

>> No.20511821

He also had a Tokimemo for PS2...

>> No.20511824
File: 200 KB, 1448x2048, DvCQvWhU8AAtVWo.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fill in the blank: I want to ______ Shiishii!

>> No.20511828


>> No.20511829


>> No.20511843


>> No.20511859

I hope kizunas concert goes well. I'm nervous for her.

>> No.20511861
File: 232 KB, 2048x1152, DvkfSXXU8AAesZR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511920

It says no pictures at the entrance, but I guess that's after the actual live starts.
Or maybe some people don't care.

>> No.20511863

Since it looks like most anons went to Comiket (or waiting for Kuromu's stream) I'm gonna shill new Kaf MV again:

>> No.20511880
Quoted by: >>20511891

I'm waiting for this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4tMrb-4-q0

>> No.20511884
File: 20 KB, 636x355, Capture_050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bullshit, no wonder even the japs dropped this kuso site

>> No.20511885
Quoted by: >>20514237

Is Koma shibari kill, or she will be temporary in coma?

>> No.20511891

Speaking of which, I told another anon a few days ago that Ruri's original song's music video would be shown here but I had misunderstood and it'll just be _a_ video of her singing it. My bad.

>> No.20511893
File: 272 KB, 1536x2048, DvkjNnUUwAES5Wk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20511913

This looks kinda cool.

>> No.20511896

This is nice.
Too bad about her design though.

>> No.20511913

are they all connected and change color at the same time

>> No.20511920 [DELETED] 

Quoting your picture btw kekzuna lel.

>> No.20511921
File: 286 KB, 1536x2048, 1540744324598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511924
File: 1.38 MB, 2725x3923, 1521278037663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511925
Quoted by: >>20511935


>> No.20511932

Is this a dude

>> No.20511935

That's a man in a wig
Check his twitter

>> No.20511944


>> No.20511947

Utako mama streaming with her sister!

>> No.20511951
Quoted by: >>20511996


>> No.20511953

More like an Imoko solo stream

>> No.20511958

Please watch my precious Inori's stream.


>> No.20511961


>> No.20511965
Quoted by: >>20512054

http://live2.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv317397481 deron hosting some sort of nico anime ranking

>> No.20511968
File: 1 KB, 24x24, 1515578947671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20511974
File: 140 KB, 777x1087, 1519388307379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20511980

is that a motherfucking

>> No.20511996
Quoted by: >>20511998

What'd they do?

>> No.20511998
Quoted by: >>20512002

Utako said she was going to play games with her imouto but she fucking LIED.

>> No.20512002

Why does that warrant an apology?

>> No.20512007

Because lying is bad.

>> No.20512009

They ended up schlicking each other on stream and had to apologize for it.

>> No.20512011

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QG-LLHGSI_w sakyu

>> No.20512016
Quoted by: >>20512180

Ichigo with more Minecraft

>> No.20512021
File: 153 KB, 1080x810, 1st live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20512042

Im so proud of her.

>> No.20512054
Quoted by: >>20512068

Vote for your AOTS if you haven't yet, decide before you click on any, it ends the you do so. And no, it doesn't have Thunderbolt Fantasy, so it might be a tough choice.

>> No.20512055

mmm, last time I watched Ichigo she used baby-speak and her name as a first person pronoun, now she has perfect diction and uses 私, わたくし and でござる... they grow so fast.

>> No.20512068

>it ends the you do so.
the moment*
poll is the blue link at the top o the video

>> No.20512074
Quoted by: >>20512099

Source? Google failed me.

>> No.20512078

interview with main cast of the anime

>> No.20512082
File: 289 KB, 887x302, 6519c163c10bd0e2851bc491345af2f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youtube has interesting sense of humor.

>> No.20512087

Meaquabros... This can't be happening!

>> No.20512099


>> No.20512112
Quoted by: >>20512117

12 episodes huh? Looks interesting. What is the anime even going to be about?

>> No.20512117

24 minute long gamebu skits.

>> No.20512122

It's time to say your goodbyes

>> No.20512128

Magical Dolls

>> No.20512132
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot3113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time you can see this picture on Youtube, 95% of people will say it's fake!

>> No.20512137

Looks like her parents didn't approve of her youtubing

>> No.20512138

So she's quitting in part because her parents found out and they don't approve of it?

>> No.20512142


>> No.20512149

i can only imagine how awkward of a talk that must have been.

>> No.20512157

Oh hey, Nanashi is there too

>> No.20512159

Fucking dumb japanese parents, how can koromo even daijobu?

>> No.20512160
Quoted by: >>20512244

"Shamefur dispray! Get real jobbu!"

>> No.20512163

Wait, kuromu is legit underage?

>> No.20512167

She really is quitting because her parents found out what she does and don't like it.

>> No.20512168

I would make my daughter get a real job too desu

>> No.20512176

This could've been avoided if upd8 got animare a spot in the anime.

>> No.20512180

That's an unhealthy amount of Minecraft per day

>> No.20512181

I remember when they first played this together and Neru barely knew Mouse and Keyboard controls

>> No.20512197

Is she stopping ?

>> No.20512199


>> No.20512219

Shiina shilling

More fun than I expected so far

>> No.20512231

Shiloh playing that Akari's boyfriend's game

>> No.20512234
File: 350 KB, 1447x2046, 1524744585002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumber than dumb bear.

>> No.20512237

Literally "Mom says i can't play with you guys anymore"

Aren't they making a lot of money of donos? What's the problem?

>> No.20512238
Quoted by: >>20513286

Yua https://youtu.be/mO13S01BTnU

>> No.20512244

Either >>20512160 or it's a lie.

>> No.20512245

Bombing the jews with admiral Shiina!

>> No.20512248
Quoted by: >>20512258

It's obviously bullshit, she's either pregnant or has terminal cancer, no one stop doing a job where they literally throw money at you because "their parents said so".

>> No.20512249
File: 95 KB, 946x2048, DvTZd0pVsAASBcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512253

>> No.20512253

Cute AI

>> No.20512254

Wait, where did she say that ?

>> No.20512258

t. never had helicopter parents

>> No.20512259

just watch the DVR you dummy
the very beginning she explains it

>> No.20512261
Quoted by: >>20512278

More Shellow

>> No.20512262

So... hebiko couldn't get monetized because her age, which means kuromu has to be an adult. Yet supposedly her parents could make a decision about her job.
I think it has to be a lie too.

>> No.20512267

1,242 people waiting for Meika and Tsukasa already.

>> No.20512269
Quoted by: >>20512283

>helicopter parents
>let their daughter to become a PUBG addict

>> No.20512270

Have you not been watching? right at the start, some friends of her parents found out what she does, and they don't approve of it, they don't really understand it and want her to get a proper job.
Here's the 2chan thread to follow better:

>> No.20512273

>they don't really understand it and want her to get a proper job.

>> No.20512277
Quoted by: >>20512280

Japanese parents don't understand the concept of enjoying your work. To them a proper job is one that prepares you for death by making you crave it every work day.

>> No.20512278
Quoted by: >>20514271

Flower Girl is still alive, but it looks like the video is older than last few weeks.

>> No.20512279
Quoted by: >>20512285

Just in this stream alone she made enough to live away from her parents.

>> No.20512280

We got a japanese parents expert here.

>> No.20512283
Quoted by: >>20512297

that’s just a hobby
this is a job and career path they don’t see a future in. they don’t understand the growth of internet entertainment and feel it’s playing around shamefully probably. Old people don’t get technology.

>> No.20512285
Quoted by: >>20512303

Because it's her last stream. She doesn't gets even tenth of this usually

>> No.20512288
File: 107 KB, 777x721, バーチャル.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512298

Japan doesn't seem that surprised, I don't think it's a lie.

>> No.20512297

Couldn't she have just showed them Kizuna Ai-chan? That worked for Meika in a way, since his dad didn't know what Vtubers were but knew her and thought she was cute.

>> No.20512298

Well it's Kuromu

>> No.20512300
Quoted by: >>20513017

It's believable enough to be true and doubtful enough to be a lie. We won't ever know unless one of them go insane and decides to destroy the rest of the group from the inside like that IRIAM shit.

>> No.20512303
File: 710 KB, 884x669, Screenshot_2018-12-29_11-49-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512323

>it's her last
>doesn't gets even tenth of this usually
every, fucking, time

>> No.20512317

Meika’s family feels especially close so I don’t think his family can be used as an example. If every family was like that there wouldn’t be any problems.

>> No.20512322

Didn't Kurumi also had to stop because of people close to her? I think that's what she implied in that one post she made when she briefly returned. Or maybe that was a fanfic. It's been a while

>> No.20512323

Stop, don't make me cry by posting Kiki now :(

>> No.20512324


>> No.20512327
File: 280 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three minutes to go!

>> No.20512328

I wonder if I could queue up along with her

>> No.20512331

K indeed

>> No.20512330
Quoted by: >>20512377

I can sorta see where her parents are coming from but at the same time they're old and lame. If I ever got that lame and out of touch I'd kill myself.

>> No.20512332

Here comes the pain...

>> No.20512333

Assuming it's true the higher ups definitely tried to step in, but failed.

>> No.20512340

Yeah, and Asahi can't do VY stuff from home because of his dad. This sort of thing isn't uncommon.

>> No.20512341

The only headcanon thing is whether it was a parent or a lover who wanted it to stop.

>> No.20512351

They are now talking who else could be in a similar risk, we know Haneru and Patra's parents are okay with it, what about the rest?
Touya mentioned his parents know and they watch him,( and not he wasn't talking about Mito and Kaede) Gaku's parent and who's 豆, Mito? know, Deron's parent's know too.
Most of the Nijisan's are probably okay.
Only the ones in smaller agencies could be in a similar risk.

>> No.20512354

New Enogu MV

>> No.20512355

I almost forgot about Asahi's case, this is pretty similar

>> No.20512360
Quoted by: >>20512379

Ichika is crying

>> No.20512361

Hololive Resistance

>> No.20512362

Are Omesis, Ai, and grandpa the only vtubers closer to 30 than 20?

>> No.20512364
File: 636 KB, 4032x3024, DvlERApUYAU9_4_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.
See you tomorrow at niconico, if you have premium and you're in Japan or have a proxy.

>> No.20512369

How was it? Did she do a cool flip?

>> No.20512371

Rin ! Closer to 40 than 30 though

>> No.20512373

Rin! is closer to 50

>> No.20512377

I can think of a legitimate reason. This kind of job makes it kind of hard to start your own family.

>> No.20512379

where's the crying chuuba collection when you need it?

>> No.20512386

hime is 80 yo

>> No.20512388

According to the comments, I've gathered Ai-chan was cute. Cool costume too.
Also full version of the anime OP, apparently.

>> No.20512394
Quoted by: >>20512418

Guys, we have them.

>> No.20512401
File: 1.06 MB, 1668x2393, 1541125531939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512423

>> No.20512412
Quoted by: >>20512417

Goodbye, Kuromu

>> No.20512417

I didn't watch too much of her, but she was always a joy in the collabs she took part in. I'll miss her.

>> No.20512418

Aren't the twins both voiced by the same person?

>> No.20512421
File: 1.06 MB, 2500x3500, 72345364_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512436

There are some comments about how this was the best live they've been to all year, likely exaggerating. And something about super saiyan AI, we'll know tomorrow for sure. Blonde Ai-chan might be interesting.

>> No.20512423


>> No.20512431
File: 245 KB, 1080x1722, Screenshot_20181229-191144~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512450

I really hope some chinkbro will stream the whole thing on bilibili tomorrow

>> No.20512432
File: 59 KB, 840x471, DvlFYukVYAAFhK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512456

Another screenshot, trying to find a video if possible.

>> No.20512433
File: 168 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat covered Flamingo

>> No.20512434
File: 143 KB, 825x1200, 1546081782197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512518

>> No.20512436

Is the concert going to be uploaded somewhere or something ?

>> No.20512442
File: 23 KB, 400x400, bzTd-OB5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuki live

>> No.20512443
File: 143 KB, 1200x675, DvlFtf4U0AA6wpM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512507

Now that Kuromu's over, I can finally watch this
Meika and Tsukasa are stylish as fuck

>> No.20512444

Only illegally. And only the Osaka performance.

>> No.20512445

Tomorrow it will be streamed to those who bought an online ticket.

>> No.20512450
Quoted by: >>20512460

>translated by Google
how did you change translator?

>> No.20512456

And got it.

>> No.20512460

It's the default on mobile now

>> No.20512464

His case was different, he streams for the whole night till morning, it's a bother for his family trying to sleep

>> No.20512467

the motion capture is on point

>> No.20512471

No way this isn't pre-recorded

>> No.20512472
File: 208 KB, 1200x1200, Dvk7EkfUYAAea18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20512477

Other clips.

>> No.20512481
File: 409 KB, 752x1063, 61624677_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512535


>> No.20512486
Quoted by: >>20512519

The selfie moment

>> No.20512488

I want more Imoko solos

>> No.20512487

hahaha this is so relatable

>> No.20512490
File: 213 KB, 1836x1333, 1517733278171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512503


>> No.20512499


>> No.20512503


>> No.20512504
Quoted by: >>20512512

Have some Eggplant to cheer you up

>> No.20512505


>> No.20512507
Quoted by: >>20512523

Did Ene draw Kaiji's new outfit?

>> No.20512512

Advocating viewers to use and lewd her daughter's (Tobari) MMD model

>> No.20512514
Quoted by: >>20512555

Hero about to sing on the singing contest!

>> No.20512515

Well, let's just hope that she comes back after getting a proper job.

>> No.20512518
Quoted by: >>20512524

How likely was it that she was at least one person's reason for living and now they're strongly considering suicide?

>> No.20512519

this can't be live

>> No.20512523

looks like Meika's artstyle

>> No.20512524

It's Japan you are talking about so, 100%

>> No.20512535
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512546

reminds me of this, too bad this fad is dying too

>> No.20512542

YUA: 29
Galaxy Alice: 34
Shiro: 26
Shiina: 26
Patra : ~27
Too lazy to look for more.

>> No.20512546

>reminds me of this

nowhere close

>> No.20512549

Goodbye, Hero...

>> No.20512555
File: 92 KB, 1200x675, DvlLwdIU8AEQJgI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know she could sing

>> No.20512559

Though I'll also add Azulim (close to 26) and Hibiki Ao (25).

>> No.20512560
Quoted by: >>20512575

Shiina is 26 ? That's surprising

>> No.20512564


>> No.20512568

Virtual Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.20512573

Let her sing too

>> No.20512575
Quoted by: >>20512590

She should be 25-26 if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.20512584

Are these pre-recorded or what?

>> No.20512586
Quoted by: >>20512606

How old is Ai?

>> No.20512588

We need to find Hero's parents and tell them.

>> No.20512590

You're correct

>> No.20512597
File: 162 KB, 1200x675, DvlN3YCVsAAihA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512602

BIG master

>> No.20512601

Yeah, all of them are. Magical Dolls did their own big song collab like this a few months ago and turns out having your guests sing live over Discord makes for a lot of sound quality issues.

>> No.20512602
File: 217 KB, 1057x591, 1539931384002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512617


>> No.20512603

what do you think?

>> No.20512605
Quoted by: >>20512802

2nd clip (which was longer) with sound now.

>> No.20512606

I don't think there's any info about her birthyear online, but I recon she's at least 25.

>> No.20512610

Ponko is like 31 or something.

>> No.20512616
File: 821 KB, 507x900, DvhLk0jVYAACcVk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512621

Is there anything this tensai baka can't do?

>> No.20512617

more crazy sentai when

>> No.20512621
File: 741 KB, 2590x3624, 1540198650426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become popular.

>> No.20512634

God I fucking love Meika

>> No.20512647

God I love fucking Meika

>> No.20512648 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 890x388, 1546084270002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20512654
File: 1.09 MB, 1629x720, DvlPVDXUcAIMm9u.png orig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512660

>> No.20512660

When you see mommy's new naughty book.

>> No.20512667

What the fuck, is he Keanu Reeves?

>> No.20512668
File: 40 KB, 232x246, 1545136229587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512683


Aoi devoting the last cover song of this year to her grandparents. She's such a good kid.

>> No.20512677
File: 32 KB, 400x400, kochou_momiji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512697

momiji "room cleared" compilation
Seems like she's only doing EOP content now.

>> No.20512678
File: 625 KB, 710x444, thumb2-kizuna-ai-art-cry-anime-characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20512679
File: 249 KB, 2048x1536, DvlNztzV4AEjyyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this A.I. so meaty?

>> No.20512683
Quoted by: >>20512922

She's such a treasure!
Remind me again, what do traditional japanese girls do on christmas night?

>> No.20512690

Dumb bear

>> No.20512691
File: 24 KB, 750x418, DvlRQvKV4AAXN4M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaiji's singing really improved, holy shit
And they broke 20k viewers!

>> No.20512694
Quoted by: >>20512712

Serial rapist and a tomboy

>> No.20512696

AIhater on suicide watch

>> No.20512697

>Seems like she's only doing EOP content now.
Yeah I even asked her if she was gonna make another one of her foreign student streams since they're in japanese but she hadn't even planned one. She's gone into the english vtuber swamp that dooms you to be forever unpopular

>> No.20512711

凸 待 ち 0 人

>> No.20512712

Choco side

>> No.20512713

https://youtu.be/URpf5yWYkZU sister/trap

>> No.20512718

Rantarou's doing a totsumachi with vtubers

>> No.20512721
File: 430 KB, 1536x2048, DvlRzepUYAA6V4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AI gamer looks strong.

>> No.20512722

What if she's Kurumi's sister?

>> No.20512727

Someone was just posting about Hinako singing music form Best Corea and she did it again to start off the stream.

>> No.20512731

This gonne be a huge disaster, isnt it?

>> No.20512737
Quoted by: >>20512750

Her parents are based. I wouldn't let my daughter be some e-beggar thot either.

>> No.20512744

Rin is 43.

>> No.20512750

She's not an ASMR streamer though.

>> No.20512755
File: 236 KB, 720x405, virtualsan_04_cs1w1_720x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on in this picture

>> No.20512768

Very cute.

>> No.20512772

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrP5iQ7qbiE Saito-san in a way only Cocoa does.

>> No.20512773
Quoted by: >>20512795

How is Megu so cute?

>> No.20512779

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8K3O_WgyUkY amahane
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL-NvPrYhNw shion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vy4Kb8YzvQ kaza
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QRccAVEOQQ tama
my alarm didn't go off and i missed the kuromu stream, i'm absolutely livid that's the reason she's quitting. shes probably made enough money to support her for years just from donations. it hurts /jp/

>> No.20512785

livid at her parents, not her. i dont understand their decision, at the very least shes not dying but shit

>> No.20512790

You guys really overestimate donations and what they're worth. Not everyone is earning JKgumi levels of money.

>> No.20512795

Tenkaiji almost ascended to heaven from that performance

>> No.20512801

they don't, but kuromu was definitely making a fuckton of money. maybe 'enough to last her a few years' is an exagerration, though, but making a couple hundred or even a thousand dollars an hour or two? that's an AMAZING gig. thats the part that really trips me up; nanashis girls usually only stream an hour or two every day or every other day. they can easily hold a normal job, i dont see why kuromu has to outright quit entirely. it's just parents being parents i guess, and its a million times better then that dumb rumor or her dying, but still

>> No.20512802

These have a shitload of post production, what kind of retard would believe these are live?

>> No.20512808


>> No.20512810

IM@S fans apparently (who should know both characters share the same VA)

>> No.20512812
Quoted by: >>20512894

Look at that lickable tummy holy shit

>> No.20512813
Quoted by: >>20512832

Anon's dogcat is a good singer, but the autotune makes me wanna shoot myself.

>> No.20512832
Quoted by: >>20512845

>good singer

>> No.20512835


>> No.20512836
File: 299 KB, 2048x1670, DvlXszaVYAEmNZU.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20512843

Burn it.

>> No.20512845

Yes, she's a good singer when there's no autotune. What part confused you, anon-kun?

>> No.20512846

I didn't see anything that looked like post production. What are you talking about?

>> No.20512853

An original song shown for the first time on this stream by Gorilla. Knowing him it's a shitpost.

>> No.20512855

I don't have problems with that being a boy.

>> No.20512859

Heh, they named Gorilla's song Banana.

>> No.20512866
Quoted by: >>20512891

Called it.

>> No.20512874
Quoted by: >>20512891

Even Rwanda people go to a live before anon.

>> No.20512891
Quoted by: >>20512901

what's going on?
can't enter youtube from work

>> No.20512894
File: 76 KB, 576x1024, Du2aGvdUcAAUURc.jpg orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512941

If the finished product looks like the previous one it will look like it's made of marzipan. So an especially delicious figure.

>> No.20512897

Robo is up.

>> No.20512901

It was an 'emotional song' that was just him fucking around.

>> No.20512911

Poor Roboco her MMD release was overshadowed by the Idolbu MMDs

>> No.20512917
Quoted by: >>20512921

Roboco's voice is adorable!

>> No.20512921
Quoted by: >>20512929

Shame about her voice tho

>> No.20512922

They go to KFC (alone), buy the special menu (alone) and take it back home to eat it there (alone).
It's a Japanese tradition.

>> No.20512929
Quoted by: >>20513103

Shame its so cute!

>> No.20512930

They should have released her VA as well.

>> No.20512933

You need to pre-order your japanese KFC dinner a month before Christmas.

>> No.20512934

Beilene please

>> No.20512937
File: 45 KB, 637x356, mushroom love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be helped since the model release was a surprise for everyone.

>> No.20512938

What is this collaboration?

>> No.20512941
Quoted by: >>20512985

Ai-chan figs make my dick hurt something fierce.

>> No.20512942

this mv is super high quality

>> No.20512953
File: 319 KB, 1270x2048, 1541392971837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, oh god, oh Jesus
Luna didn't accomplish her goal of 1M subscribers for this year

>> No.20512959 [DELETED] 


>> No.20512961
Quoted by: >>20512978

You think thats bad? Yua didn't accomplish her goal either.

>> No.20512969

Time for the axe

>> No.20512971


>> No.20512972
Quoted by: >>20512991

Fucking suits(literally) ruined everything.

>> No.20512974
File: 62 KB, 1000x1024, 1544659824525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20512976


>> No.20512978

I personally didn't even have one

>> No.20512985
File: 484 KB, 715x1000, 72336410_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20512994

Avoid strange thoughts about our Goddess. Her shapely figure is to be purely admired.

>> No.20512988

Chronoir kakkoi! It's just the same PV they made months ago!

>> No.20512989

I was hoping for a new song cover from Chronoir

>> No.20512990

/jp/ is always wrong

>> No.20512991

that was her idea

>> No.20512994

imagine being so much of a beta you cant jerk off to your favorite chuuba
i bet you're the same anon who had his first orgasm to ai and liveblogged about it

>> No.20512997

It's been a while since I've heard this song, but its still a fun one. Even if its the same song, a ton of people probably missed it because it was only on niconico for a time, I think.

>> No.20512998 [DELETED] 

Brothers, the time has come

>> No.20513001


>> No.20513002

it's not the same without the socks

>> No.20513005

>no socks
creator should off himself

>> No.20513006
Quoted by: >>20513019

Why don't Japanese websites have a "report" button

>> No.20513011 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 600x750, 1546088648054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20513013

Whoa too fucking far

>> No.20513014


>> No.20513017
Quoted by: >>20513034

What happened with IRIAM?

>> No.20513019

Because Japanese are a hive mind and report by mere thought.

>> No.20513029
Quoted by: >>20513035

Ruri singing Narumea's song!

>> No.20513030

Went to go make food, and in that timespan the ninjas part started up. Great.

>> No.20513032
File: 178 KB, 1042x823, 321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20513034

It's a shitfest. You're better not knowing anything.

>> No.20513035

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ1C7nvnmbg seedsgod
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK4JxyzGAoI yashiro pony island
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEAUFAdvvis iwaras new queen
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiyW-RsZNiI ichika playing kusoges
i'm pretty sure this song is her original one, not narumea's whoever that is

>> No.20513041
Quoted by: >>20513068

The im@s footage totally not pre recorded.

>> No.20513045
File: 384 KB, 894x1256, 71974846_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time Rin WITH a memory card

>> No.20513046


>> No.20513049
Quoted by: >>20513053

Whats the context for this? I don't see this on his twitter.

>> No.20513050 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>20513055

Pure slut with more smash bros.

>> No.20513053
Quoted by: >>20513058

The twatter is there.
The bottom ??? part is from Meika's livestream.

>> No.20513055

Also this.

>> No.20513058

I see it now, thanks.

>> No.20513067
File: 571 KB, 869x1341, 1521662125484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Rin! engrishu.

>> No.20513068

I fucking hate those spastic idolish posed japs do.

>> No.20513071

I want to believe...

>> No.20513074
File: 82 KB, 912x1200, Dte9bpIU8AExH8n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513184

Rin's got a save. I bet she left the PS2 on and ran out to buy a memory card immediately after the last stream.

>> No.20513079

furries are the same no matter the language, huh?

>> No.20513083
Quoted by: >>20513092

Oh wow, this vsinger stream is now no.1 in nippon twitter.

>> No.20513089

If she were to make an end of the year appearance, this would be the perfect place to do it

>> No.20513091

Why didn't upb8 hired this guy to make songs?

>> No.20513092

I still remember when my boy Meika only had less then 10k subs.So proud of him.

>> No.20513096

Donations is just one part of the money they get.

>> No.20513103

if only it suited her model

>> No.20513105

My heart can't take this, if he's not just teasing us like always. Today's been rough in this scene.

>> No.20513107

fucking kurumifags always beating the dead horse

>> No.20513118

Oh, I didn't know one of my obscure faves did a song for this stream.

>> No.20513120
Quoted by: >>20513133

KMNZ VR Live in Cluster

>> No.20513124


>> No.20513127


>> No.20513128


>> No.20513129

Fucking yoapapa

>> No.20513133

reminds me was this weeks show posted?

>> No.20513138

Metal vtuber, holy shit this is my thing.

>> No.20513139

Whose this guy doing this metal cover?

>> No.20513143
Quoted by: >>20513151

Mogari Bue

>> No.20513145

This kind of growl metal is fucking shit

>> No.20513149
Quoted by: >>20513151

There's a playlist of all the songs they'll be showing off between the guests.

>> No.20513151

Thanks, anons.

>> No.20513157

A Pre-recorded Yuni. Are they holding a leash on Yuni, why can't she just appear in a stream like a normal human being.

>> No.20513158

I don't keep up with Yuni, how does she already have 3 outfits? Doesnt Ai still only have one or two? How'd that happen?

>> No.20513165
File: 134 KB, 1208x678, 1533114652728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute fox is getting scared together with her friend, it's very cute and funny

>> No.20513166

She was literally just in a stream the other day, anon. Also, all of these videos are pre-recorded.

>> No.20513168
Quoted by: >>20513172

She's still at Ponpoko's house

>> No.20513172

some say she's still saying 'unchi' to this day...

>> No.20513176

Deronderon, Konderoooo~n!

>> No.20513177
File: 77 KB, 684x900, 1531354325431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20513184

At her age, running isn't healthy for her knees...

>> No.20513186

Was hoping the PV would be tsuyotsuyomuscleboys one, but this ones a close second.

>> No.20513193

God i fucking LOVE trumpets, thank you based deron composers

>> No.20513202

She actually plays the trumpet, I wish more of her songs used them

>> No.20513204

Thank iwaiwa for making it part of her character setting.

>> No.20513207

I know she does, that's why I love how every song has it, because I already love trumpets from RSE and 2hu.

>> No.20513215
File: 289 KB, 1256x821, meika!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boys are making it so far. Seeing all these collabs and huge events hosted by one of these two only further proves how great they are at working with people. God bless.

>> No.20513219

Not only that, but she actually played the trumpet solo part in that song.

>> No.20513221

Disco time

>> No.20513223

I'm in love with this kansai JK!

>> No.20513230
Quoted by: >>20513241

How is this guy a male?

>> No.20513234

what is with this things crotch?

>> No.20513236

Maybe now Ameno Sei will get noticed?

>> No.20513237

It's kinda funny Amenosei is there, back when Kurumi was exploding in popularity some blogs said her voice was alike Amenosei's VA.

>> No.20513238


>> No.20513239
Quoted by: >>20513271

Which song ?

>> No.20513241

It's unidentified, not a guy.

>> No.20513243

all these old as fuck dancing moves really capture the feeling they're going for, good song

>> No.20513250

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUI3jXWFlpg The link to this dudegirls PV.

>> No.20513257

Mari dess!

>> No.20513259
Quoted by: >>20513267

It's Mari's chance to turn the tables on YuNi!

>> No.20513260
File: 104 KB, 716x1011, pandy DESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20513266

chanmari without Pandy is meh

>> No.20513267

Welp. So much for that. Why am I not surprised.

>> No.20513271

The song she submitted for the VKouhaku
Kanadero Ongaku
Starting around 1:57

>> No.20513282

where is hosted that song contest thingy ?

>> No.20513286


>> No.20513289


>> No.20513293

here >>20512327

>> No.20513295


>> No.20513296


>> No.20513301

Strong intro from these two boys.

>> No.20513305
Quoted by: >>20513310

Those two riajuu fuckers should die in a fire.

>> No.20513310
Quoted by: >>20513315

These two are cute, fuck off.

>> No.20513315
Quoted by: >>20513325


>> No.20513317

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfsSyZWyMuk ponko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8AhXaQuTyA ikasumi video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP7xcq-I9Zk neru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbdfWRPkutE traplover
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOo9rcP96eM ayame

>> No.20513319

It's not really a contest. It's divided into teams like a Kouhaku but they won't be picking a winner or anything like that.

>> No.20513325

why are you so angry over two boys being on stream, relax dude

>> No.20513330

Holy shit, I like these guys

>> No.20513342
Quoted by: >>20513354

Speaking of those two guys, just checked their channel. They just made a thousand subs from this alone, when they apparently just recently hit 10k before the stream? That's pretty cool.
Not entirely sold on the music, but their skit was funny.

>> No.20513341

Meika is not a guy

>> No.20513345

Their faces aren't the most expressive though.

>> No.20513348
Quoted by: >>20513369

They are good but why do they look so faggy?

>> No.20513354

Make that 3 thousand. They were 9.2k before the stream, and are now at 12.2k. I love seeing these types of bursts in growths after an event like this.

>> No.20513366

I just noticed, VIC is hosting a companion stream to this event

>> No.20513369

They're going for the fujo audience

>> No.20513380

Huh, I didn't know Hal did singing videos. That's a surprise, I've always wondered what he'd sound like singing.

>> No.20513385
Quoted by: >>20513392

who that blue girl with spooky eyes

>> No.20513392
Quoted by: >>20513396

The playlist was linked earlier, all of the songs in these segments are there in order.

>> No.20513396


>> No.20513407
Quoted by: >>20513420

This Ohkami girl is sounding super familiar to. Is she a former utaite?

>> No.20513413

a fucking eurobeat(?) remix of the meme usa song

>> No.20513420
Quoted by: >>20513430

Several newer chuubas are retired utaite. Ame no Sei's VA retired years ago for example.

>> No.20513422


>> No.20513423

I don't watch Ichika but sure has a sexy voice.

>> No.20513430

Figured as much, even though its kind of obvious. It's gunna bother me not being able to place who that voice belongs to, though. Oh well.

>> No.20513432
Quoted by: >>20513438

Totally not Aqua was there too. Nice

>> No.20513433

Whoa that Suisei song reminded me of this.


>> No.20513438
Quoted by: >>20513449

is that supposed to be a pun on the name or are they actually the same/thought to be the same person, cuz if its the latter that song didnt sound familiar at all to me

>> No.20513442

who the fuck is shilling this AZKi all over youtube?

>> No.20513446


>> No.20513448

I still cant believe Ponpoko and Peanuts-kun got a popular composer to make a song for them. Or more like, he offered to make it for free because he liked them so much. Stuff like this really gives you the warm feeling, you know?

>> No.20513449

In her early official art and char design she looked like a carbon copy of Aqua from Konosuba, minus the hairpin. Probably many people said this and they changed her into a more idol-esque outfit.

>> No.20513465
Quoted by: >>20513480

Where the fuck did Ponpoko got so many contacts from?
I still remember when she did her homely videos showing her town and that dead deer.

>> No.20513466


>> No.20513469


>> No.20513476

Why the fuck is everyone eating out with Master, I want to hang out with him too

>> No.20513480

She worked for it. Did a fuckton of 24 hour streams, meme'd a bit, memes picked up and everything just clicked together for her. It only snowballed from there, I'm glad for her. Her, Meika, and Kaiji are basically the definitions of hard work and things coming together because of your efforts and a sprinkle of luck.

>> No.20513493

jesus christ master

>> No.20513505

He's busy shooting out his white christmas.

>> No.20513508
File: 230 KB, 1259x1250, 1533402498918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20513512

I want to impregnate Meika!

>> No.20513514


>> No.20513515

Karte, you can't say that about Master!

>> No.20513516
File: 171 KB, 1501x864, 1514813912461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513528

>> No.20513525

Oh jesus, Karte's going to dissect Kaiji too.

>> No.20513528

who's the red one on the far right?

>> No.20513539
Quoted by: >>20513593

Black themed clothes
Red eyes

Is she doomed to be killed too?

>> No.20513540

Jeeze, Karte's voice keeps cracking. She's so shy and so adorable.

>> No.20513541

too soon....

>> No.20513542

Stop shitposting and watch Karte's kino MV.

>> No.20513543

ichika is so excited...


>> No.20513555


>> No.20513557
Quoted by: >>20513571

Karte's dying...

>> No.20513569


>> No.20513571
Quoted by: >>20513586

I remember that meme

>> No.20513574

The letter K has too much power...

>> No.20513581
File: 175 KB, 900x900, DvkfhjlUcAE8usH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the new #くろむあーと from today is Kuromu smiling or laughing, the same as much of her art. I'm going to remember this boisterous lady at her best rather than dwell on goodbye.

>> No.20513586

It's not a meme, shes literally in a coma.

>> No.20513593

Oh no...

>> No.20513598

when will the kusomegane bullying end
me too anon, me too

>> No.20513616

She's livestreaming for god now.

>> No.20513619

Kanae must die

>> No.20513630
Quoted by: >>20513647


>> No.20513631

Kusomegane... this is so sweet.

>> No.20513632
Quoted by: >>20513640

Kurumi in Megane's rap

>> No.20513635

Bless this kusomegane

>> No.20513637
Quoted by: >>20513678

Kizuna AI...

>> No.20513640


>> No.20513641
Quoted by: >>20513653

Yeah, nice idea to leave this song for the last.

>> No.20513642

Such a sweet recollection on the entire scene, thank you Asahi.

>> No.20513647
Quoted by: >>20513657

Don't worry, she's the secret guest

>> No.20513653
Quoted by: >>20513664

There's still a secret guest, anon.

>> No.20513654


>> No.20513657
Quoted by: >>20513665

She's not coming back.png

>> No.20513661

Kuromu was supposed to show up as a secret guest...

>> No.20513664

Ok, for the last before secret boss/extra song

>> No.20513665

Try listening to what Kaiji was just talking about, anon.

>> No.20513678
File: 1.45 MB, 2849x4000, 1526732033742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513698


>> No.20513680


>> No.20513683
Quoted by: >>20513717

Kanna stream https://youtu.be/R1xOQvs-rxY

>> No.20513691


>> No.20513692

The secret guest is YUA!

>> No.20513694

its fucking nekomasu. that was disappointing

>> No.20513695

is it happening? (its not)

>> No.20513696

Oh shit

>> No.20513697


>> No.20513698
File: 109 KB, 689x997, PhotoGrid_1545867565353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know she's commando under that hoodie.

>> No.20513700

She's coming back right?

>> No.20513702


>> No.20513703
File: 196 KB, 1001x967, 71512123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umonetizable bat boozing on stream

>> No.20513704


>> No.20513708
File: 147 KB, 1051x600, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im crying

>> No.20513706


>> No.20513709


>> No.20513712

Will the curse be lifted, holy shit?

>> No.20513715


>> No.20513717
File: 15 KB, 300x103, Screenshot_2018-12-29_16-07-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20513722
File: 169 KB, 1045x584, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513734

ive been waiting forso long

>> No.20513723

Damn my husband Inui has a nice singing voice.

>> No.20513731
Quoted by: >>20513740

I can't believe this is real

>> No.20513733
File: 97 KB, 1046x584, shes back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513734


>> No.20513734


>> No.20513735

who ?

>> No.20513738

I love everyone in this thread! Have a wonderful new year!

>> No.20513739

Mmmm? What's going on

>> No.20513740

If you’re reading this, you’ve been in coma for almost a year now. We’re trying a new technique. We don’t know where this message will end up in your dream, but we hope it works. Please wake up, we miss you.

>> No.20513743
File: 180 KB, 1060x588, what a world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515458

fucking christ todays been a mess but im so fucking happy

>> No.20513747
Quoted by: >>20513836

I hope she comes back for real.
From the chat you can see she would get a handful of subs in a day.

>> No.20513750

That was the best post-christmas present yet

>> No.20513753

hearing them fuck around about karaoke at the end and all bullying akkun really got me

>> No.20513759
File: 321 KB, 800x772, 1544904057244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe this would have hit me harder if it had happened sooner and if the Tenmakinin hadn't ended up like they did.

>> No.20513760

How about all three of you Kurumifags just fuck off to the stream chat and jerk each other off there instead?

>> No.20513761

Moruru singing

>> No.20513763

God, what a wonderful world. I hope this is the comeback this threads been waiting for almost a year, now.

>> No.20513764

Will she appear here?


>> No.20513767

Don't worry, we can multitask.

>> No.20513777

Oh hai Mitosperg

>> No.20513781

The cursed content doesn't stop.

>> No.20513783
File: 201 KB, 2000x1000, DomS9_hU4AA74bD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stuff. Didn't expect all of them being there but Kurumi was obvious ever since Meika announced the guests and described the secret one. I know I'm not the only one who watched that stream.

>> No.20513788

Kuromu dies then suddenly Kurumi gets resurrected, what the fuck.

>> No.20513789
Quoted by: >>20513805

Whelp the stream and now this thread are cursed. See you all in a few days after the Kurumifags stop frothing at the mouth.

>> No.20513791
File: 108 KB, 1634x919, Screenshot_2018-12-29 バーチャル債務者youtuber天開司.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it say here?

>> No.20513797
File: 169 KB, 702x1024, kurumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513819

i'm so fucking glad I held out so long for her. i hope she shows up in the afterstream at kaijis place.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPSdeEUaFo8 futaba
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcibpeoz4Xw kanae
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7NzQKoyiBE okome
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHICLeDvFHk hell nurse
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naqWRteZVBw tamakin video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyL-Eq_0g_M mama

>> No.20513801

It says fuck off from this thread.

>> No.20513803
Quoted by: >>20513922

Can't believe Kurumi traded family members with Kuromu to be able to come back.

>> No.20513804

Tenmakinin anime coming out next year.

>> No.20513805
Quoted by: >>20513812

You just jelly kizuna doesn't get this much attention.

>> No.20513809

Episode 1 is over, stay tuned for the next episode

>> No.20513812

Hey she was feautured in Asahi's song!

>> No.20513817

Will we have to wait for another year to hear her voice?

>> No.20513819

kanae gaku?

>> No.20513828
File: 97 KB, 1039x563, 1536931966935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Promoted better upd8 ever could.

>> No.20513830
Quoted by: >>20513840

probably a one year celebration or welcoming in the new year, dont know, my brains still all jumbled from that pv and i cant read japanese for shit even when im focused

>> No.20513834

Soulless corporate fucks got btfo in this stream.

>> No.20513836

Sorry that was all me. I was just so happy my literally who favorite vy appeared that I just had to spam the chat.

>> No.20513840

(it doesn't say anything about the next episode though)

>> No.20513842

better than*

>> No.20513844
File: 155 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513855

The image that broke /jp/'s hearts.

>> No.20513846
Quoted by: >>20513856

Reminder not to get excited until you see a channel/twitter.

>> No.20513854
Quoted by: >>20513898

https://twitter.com/A_BOX_LAND/status/1079033711104933889 I'm so fucking happy he's no longer tugging our chains, and it actually happened.

>> No.20513855

3 fags beating a dead horse are not /jp/. Please stop shitposting.

>> No.20513856


>> No.20513860
Quoted by: >>20513866

>upd8 promoted better than upd8 could ever do

>> No.20513866
Quoted by: >>20513890

Don't you have a pile of money to count, suit?

>> No.20513869


>> No.20513870
File: 157 KB, 394x424, 1519886004135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20513872
Quoted by: >>20513903

Don't respond to boat rockers

>> No.20513883

Get in here


>> No.20513887

has anyone figured out the secrets of these YuNi music videos?

>> No.20513890

Our pile of money is called Kizuna. We're pretty sure we only have the one but we can't confirm because she's out playing with Sony's pile of money.

>> No.20513893

It's started!

>> No.20513894
File: 148 KB, 1063x590, gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513903

He finally got his duet with Kurumi, after all these months. I still can't believe its real.

>> No.20513895
Quoted by: >>20513905

kurumifags are so cancerous
she was never interesting
and she never will be
no matter how many times she dies
or comes back
a boring content creator and a mediocre singer

>> No.20513898

Karte is super happy

>> No.20513903

Nobody has, so far. Good on you, /jp/. It's fine to be legitimately happy for something once in a while, after all.
Well, technically he did I suppose!

>> No.20513904

Did you watch her explanation when she appeared in Meika's stream?

>> No.20513905

t. K

>> No.20513910

Why everyone hate kurumi? Not even Ai posters get flamed this much.

>> No.20513911
Quoted by: >>20513930

I'm so happy, when you think about it, the special video is the first actual Tenmakinin Ver. G collab.

>> No.20513914

Blame the fanfic posters.

>> No.20513918
File: 15 KB, 611x153, 1546096960475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20513919
File: 199 KB, 1059x594, 32412215364784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20513951

How much longer until Akkun gets drunk off something with barely any alcohol in it like last time?
Check every post and their timestamps after >>20513695 she's pretty well loved. Just a few people are angry that others are happy, I suppose.

>> No.20513922


>> No.20513924



Last episode

>> No.20513929


>> No.20513930

Isn't this the fake account from forever ago? I'll be waiting until Akkun retweets it himself.

It really is.

>> No.20513931

Aren't Ruri and Hero technically a kouhai here?

>> No.20513934

Blame her fanbase. She's not the most interesting tuber. She's okay, but her cultists ritually shitpost about her.

>> No.20513935

Thank you very much for your effort anon!

>> No.20513936

I saw that account a long time ago, it's a fake. The zettai isn't supposed to be in kanji.

>> No.20513939


>> No.20513943

thank you anon!

>> No.20513944
Quoted by: >>20513959

Kurumi is fine but her fans here are more obnoxious than Aifags.

>> No.20513947

this giant chaotic call where everyones talking at once feels really good

>> No.20513948

Thanks again

>> No.20513951

>she's pretty well loved

>> No.20513953

It's actually 3 different YuNis.

>> No.20513955

Literally just 2 guys shitting the thread, coincidentally the same number of niijisanshills.

>> No.20513959

Her fans go months without posting anything about her, though. There's been more posts about blobkurumi in the past 6 months then there's been about Kurumi.

>> No.20513967
Quoted by: >>20514001

Everyday I search for Kurumi and close the thread, hoping I will forget about her soon.
Every single day.
And now this happened.
I'm happy but it hurts cause I still don't know if she will come back.
It hurts being a lamb.

>> No.20513970

>There's been more posts about blobkurumi in the past 6 months then there's been about Kurumi.
painful but true

>> No.20513990


>> No.20513992
File: 884 KB, 1920x1080, Zippyshare.com - VIRTUAL BUZZ TALK! 181229_2.mp4 - Opera 2018-12-29 10.41.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My secret crush is there!!

>> No.20514001
File: 198 KB, 729x1032, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hopeful, but worried nonetheless. This was the best possible way to end the year for me at least, though. The first proper Tenmakinin Ver G collab, its that song, and obviously Kurumis there.

Even if nothing else happens, I'm happy with this. ;_;

>> No.20514004
File: 48 KB, 368x399, 1548745592491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514013

>seeders 0
Literally fucking end yourself, piece of shit.

>> No.20514010

Much thanks!

>> No.20514013
Quoted by: >>20514029

Don't use my mommydaughter wife for shitposting ever again.

>> No.20514017
Quoted by: >>20514030

Then you're either new or blind. There's a post about her almost every thread despite her being dead for nearly a year.

>> No.20514021
File: 363 KB, 1400x1749, DvmDO-dU8AAMC9G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514081

This lamb was working on this picture since the big collab started, and finished it just as it ended. How sweet.

>> No.20514024
File: 421 KB, 1536x2048, DvlRzeoV4AY2RV8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ai-chan's figures are so beautiful.

>> No.20514029

It's called a reaction image, grandpa. I'll use whatever I want and it's not a shitpost just because you don't like it. You have to be special kind of scummy piece of shit to upload something and not even seed it.

>> No.20514030
Quoted by: >>20514054

Even if that's the case, that's a singular post. out of a thousand. Does that really warrent being called as annoying as aifags?

Relax, anon. Let em have their moment.

>> No.20514035


>> No.20514039
Quoted by: >>20514050

tenmakinin is trending on twitter according to ruri

>> No.20514043

He provided a direct download you ungrateful twat, use that.

>> No.20514048

he's already said previously he cant provide the seeds for one reason or another, and only provided a torrent link because anons asked for one right? download it yourself then torrent it, retard

>> No.20514050
Quoted by: >>20514080

They aren't according to twitter
くるみちゃん is, though

>> No.20514054
Quoted by: >>20514059

Yes. Aifags at least talk about someone who is still active. Kurumifags are beating a dead horse for months now.

>> No.20514058
Quoted by: >>20514079

God I want to be this towel https://twitter.com/fuji_aoi_0618/status/1079040756755554304

>> No.20514059

whatever makes you happy anon, i guess

>> No.20514068

Guess I'm not catching up on the Kohaku until this afterpartys over, huh.

>> No.20514077
Quoted by: >>20514089

Still no pics of ai chan's live costume? What the fuck aifags?

>> No.20514079
File: 105 KB, 750x1334, DvmF2FOUcAApUzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I can't be this towel.. why do I have to suffer bros?

>> No.20514080
File: 33 KB, 263x461, trend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20514081
File: 379 KB, 1853x2048, DvjTbQZU8AAOHNW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514106

Her most dedicated lamb spend a whole year drawing Kurumi.
I'm glad he got to see her again, the guy seems so happy.

>> No.20514086

Guess I have to refresh

>> No.20514089
Quoted by: >>20514108

Not allowed. Wait until tomorrow.

>> No.20514094

Not him, but the 'lowest' tag there is Cyaron for me, even after refreshing. You mind providing a direct link to the hashtag?

>> No.20514106

Me too, he's been doing work non-stop. Hokan and Redakaneko all stopped after a point, which was understandable, but this guy didn't. Even if it was only a few pictures a month, checking his media tab.

>> No.20514108

I thought aifags are all chads and don't follow rules

>> No.20514115
Quoted by: >>20514125


>> No.20514117
Quoted by: >>20514131

Probably because the location is not set as Japan.

>> No.20514124
File: 91 KB, 293x479, trends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's mine.

>> No.20514125

https://twitter.com/makeagames2018/status/1079035043819937792 Meika's post had a bunch too. Surprised how big the boosts he got for everyone is.

>> No.20514131
File: 14 KB, 279x449, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514156

Nah, that's not it. I was wrong though, Cyaron wasn't the last, it was the second last. I've got no idea if you can 'refresh' the trends only, though. I've already done that control+F5 thing once or twice by now, list didn't change.

>> No.20514134
Quoted by: >>20514149

That is a very yummy belly

>> No.20514140
Quoted by: >>20514145


>> No.20514144

Choco ASMR

>> No.20514145

Thanks, I found it right after asking but its probably helpful for other anons anyways.

>> No.20514149
File: 598 KB, 800x1118, 72361959_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514165

What's the deal with you and Ai-chan's tummy?

>> No.20514154

ruri is thirsty for master's money

>> No.20514156

Is there any way to see the number of retweets #V紅白歌合戦 has?
It only shows which follows are tweeting about it, but not the number of tweets.

>> No.20514160
Quoted by: >>20514189

Sorry, I don't really fuck with twitter outside of retweeting chuuba art, so I don't know how trending stuff works.

>> No.20514165

Would ペロペロ

>> No.20514170
File: 156 KB, 1280x920, DvmLvjIVsAApg1N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20514174

Tamakin crying is something I didn't expect to see.

>> No.20514176

Tamakin once again proving he is, in fact, fucking perfect.

>> No.20514177
File: 87 KB, 1080x1003, DvmALMNUwAAufQF.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you can only see it on mobile if people you follow are tweeting it
I found this though

>> No.20514178
Quoted by: >>20515357


>> No.20514179
Quoted by: >>20514204

Tamakin is crying.

>> No.20514189

Same here.

Holy shit, I wanted to compare how big was this with NHK anisong event(40k retweets).
Damn VYs are the hottest shit right now.

>> No.20514191

I really want to give Tamakin a hug. He's always been a really nice guy whose just super passionate about music. Glad he's growing from this too.

>> No.20514199

Well, how do we perform Kurumi posting now?
Oh wait, just have to change 2 letters.

>> No.20514201

tsukatama てえてえ...
everyones crying too, i can see why that was a big emotional stream

>> No.20514204

What a drama queen. He's giving me second hand embarrassment.

>> No.20514212
Quoted by: >>20514344

It’s funny how shitposters will always try to downplay kurumi. It’s such a sad attempt.

Welcome back

>> No.20514215
Quoted by: >>20514223

I'm honestly really proud of you, /jp/. Even during a hectic time, barely anyone gave shitposters the time of day.

>> No.20514223
File: 216 KB, 1600x1610, 75156B3A-0548-41B7-B8C7-B190CDD9A9F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s because they’re new babies who have no idea how much she’s done for the scene. There’s a reason why she’s still gets fanart until this very day.

>> No.20514229
Quoted by: >>20514247

i can barely even remember the last time an event had me this genuinely happy for these people. maybe the ai cup, when some smaller chuubas got to have a genuinely fun time with Ai, and icotsu's SHAAAAAAAAAAA rang throughout the world?

there's really no point in getting negative over stuff, anyways. we're /jp/ the board that's always been filled with autists just trying to be happy over their favorite things, after all. its nice seeing these threads go back to the boards roots

>> No.20514237

She said something about maybe seeing people in the afterlife, so I assume she'll be coming back, but god knows if anyone will be able to find her in a sea of newbies.

>> No.20514240
Quoted by: >>20514260

Karte's turn at the 'mic' now. She went off to get some chocolate to calm down. I can't even imagine how she feels right now, honestly, but she's a lot more... active, I guess? Compared to the last big chat she was in like this. And in general.

>> No.20514247

>its nice seeing these threads go back to the boards roots
You mean the constant spamming?

>> No.20514246


>> No.20514254

Even Karte is murdering Master. Tenkaiji telling her not to apologize either, brutal!

>> No.20514258 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 962x610, 1546100720629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20514260
Quoted by: >>20514269

I like the new Karte, she's way funner now

>> No.20514266

The fact that he lambs kept drawing art and shit for roughly a year says a lot

>> No.20514269

Yeah, it's nice seeing her break out of her shell finally.

>> No.20514271

She uploaded short versions of all three of her major debut collabs from other channels (Aoi, Siro, Sora) to her own channel today for some reason, so yeah, they're all old videos. She's still very active, though.

>> No.20514284

Isn't this her 3rd live though

>> No.20514304
File: 5 KB, 450x46, akkun.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case you needed a reminder that akkun is the cutest boy, he's too shy to join in on this conversation

>> No.20514318


>> No.20514321

The entire chat is agreeing that Akkun is unbelievably cute, as expected.

>> No.20514344
Quoted by: >>20514360

Let them be.
Poor lads think every single anon in this thread is mourning Kuromu.

>> No.20514345

Man, there's so much being talked about in this afterparty, it's making me super nostalgic.

>> No.20514350
File: 298 KB, 765x335, 1549842201970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who have no idea how much she’s done for the scene

>> No.20514356
Quoted by: >>20514370

Fuck me, this roller coaster of emotions make me want to learn japanese again.

>> No.20514357

I found this
66k tweets at the moment

>> No.20514359

This fag is too easy to spot using omega sisters to shitpost. You’ll always be an eternal summer child.

>> No.20514360

I'm mourning Kuromu but I'm also happy Kurumi's shown up again. Many people here probably feel the same way, I can't speak for the 79 other posters in this thread, but a lot of people each have their own history with chuubas. A lot of conflicting emotions are happening today, it seems, but I don't think anyone is trying to actively upset anyone else aside from obvious shitposters, if that makes any sense.

It's okay to be sad for Kuromu, happy for Meika or Kaiji or Kurumi.

>> No.20514363
Quoted by: >>20514366

She's important because you can retweet her fanarts and imply you are an oldfag!

>> No.20514365

Don't use my low IQ wives to shitpost, thanks.

>> No.20514366
Quoted by: >>20514375

Why reply to yourself

>> No.20514367

Oh geeze

>> No.20514369
File: 203 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kuso malice reupload(?)

>> No.20514370

This roller coaster of emotions if making me glad I'm able to somewhat understand japanese. At the very least, the afterparty along with all the other good thats happened today has helped healing my heart, but todays still be a rough one.

>> No.20514375

Don't want to hear that from a kurumifag

>> No.20514376

Rion celebrating 40k

>> No.20514380

gorilla's taking tamakin under his wing!

>> No.20514393
File: 100 KB, 838x1200, Dvj8ei2UcAArNAp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiz fixed her facerig, time for Dark Souls again!

>> No.20514413

>how much she’s done for the scene
Best joke I've heard this week.

>> No.20514429

how many of you are watching the afterparty stream? threads slowed down a ton, so im assuming everyones trying to focus on it (like me) and try and get whats being discussed.
its a very warm-feeling stream

>> No.20514435
File: 640 KB, 1674x2790, DvmRv7-UUAEjQA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20514442
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, DvmRgSkV4AE3TdD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20514450
Quoted by: >>20514464

More like people went back to watching other things
Those types of streams where it's 10+ people tend to get extremely annoying with everyone talking at the same time

>> No.20514456

Not Orin.

>> No.20514457

Yeah I have it on the background while I'm translating the last few pages available of the Dola&Himawari manga

>> No.20514458


>> No.20514464

according to vic, tenmakinin is first on yahoo search too. even akkuns surprised
fair enough, but now its a lot slower and a lot less 'talking over everyone else' it was earlier
you're a madman for being able to translate and listen in on a stream at the same time, god bless

>> No.20514470

Yeah, took a while for them to calm down but it's a good collection of people.

>> No.20514473

Thank you for doing god's work, anon!

>> No.20514485

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oZce9t61qI ririmu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2cq3bt08dlo kuzuha
and kurumis biggest fan is live, too

>> No.20514492
Quoted by: >>20514497

Gorillas going to be selling some stuff at Comiket, including acrylic stuff and all that stuff. Can't tell if he said 'there will be' or 'there will not be' Kurumi merch too, though. I think the latter, but cant go back and check.

>> No.20514497
Quoted by: >>20514504

https://twitter.com/Gorilla_Virtual/status/1079024668835688448 Nevermind, he tweeted about it a few hours ago and I missed it, here's better context.

>> No.20514504

He was selling these same ones back around May or June too.

>> No.20514505

God bless Himemiya, that girl's love for Kurumi is unbound

>> No.20514523
Quoted by: >>20514535

here's the link, cuz why not

>> No.20514531

Blessed be Roboco's VA.

>> No.20514535
Quoted by: >>20514591

i didn't link it because some people seem to be really angry, don't want them bullying her on today of all days anon

>> No.20514539

Things that make people look at VTubers announced.

>> No.20514544

4D Roboco...

>> No.20514573

BANs anime doko?

>> No.20514580
File: 61 KB, 480x480, otp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aikari is the truth.

>> No.20514588
Quoted by: >>20514880

I've been trying to find himemiya doing the louise copypasta for kurumi again cause thats basically how i feel right now

>> No.20514591
Quoted by: >>20514598

What did you expect to happen? Honestly, the only time anons shit up the chat is when a bilingual chuuba is being posted. You have nothing to fear your japanese streamer from.

>> No.20514598

that's fair enough, but i'd rather be on the safe side then not, you know? even if it goes against my policy of linking every chuuba in my notifications feed

>> No.20514602
Quoted by: >>20514614

>Video unavailable
>This video contains content from TOY'S FACTORY INC., who has blocked it on copyright grounds.

>> No.20514606

Hero and Karte are flirting again!

>> No.20514614
Quoted by: >>20514618

Welp. I didn't get to see it since I was waiting on processing. Hopefully China's got it covered or something. Would be nice if anyone could post a backup link if they find one.

>> No.20514618
Quoted by: >>20514630

See what?

>> No.20514630


>> No.20514631
Quoted by: >>20514697

Akkun's going to be showing (if I heard it right) the parts he recorded for the video, before it got mixed into the other tenmakininverG members for a full chorus.

>> No.20514637

Well fuck me in the ass

>> No.20514638

Huh, weird, just checked a minute ago thinking that was the video you were talking about and it was fine, but when I opened it again it wasn't.

Well, I believe in reuploaders or Meika to figure it out.

>> No.20514642
Quoted by: >>20514756

>while I'm translating the last few pages available of the Dola&Himawari manga
Want to translate any vtuber hentai? Not sure where my other guy went but I'm still available.

>> No.20514651
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, DvmaQWVVYAAlUE_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As usual, the daimaou can't win against this tenshi.
Never thought I'd hear that line again from Akkun.

>> No.20514657

I feel a bit bad for Hero since she's definitely not familiar with Kurumi-chan but still tries her best to keep up with them (when they're talking about her).

>> No.20514671

She seems unfamiliar? Could'va fooled me, unless you mean the affirmative うん every now and then whenever someone else is talking about something is her being unfamiliar, I guess. Then again, so much has been talked about, It's pretty much all jumbled up in my head already.

>> No.20514683

Akkun's talking about how whenever his viewers see him in VRChat they jokingly get mad with him for not making any videos or streams.

>> No.20514690

its cute seeing the daimaou get super excited by talking about vrchat, and how he gets embarrassed when fans fangirl over him

>> No.20514693
Quoted by: >>20514696

Oh no she's becoming interested in VRC...

>> No.20514694

Im waiting for the achieve of V紅白歌合戦 thanks to faggot copyright holders did that shit

>> No.20514695


>> No.20514696
Quoted by: >>20514710

She's been interested in VRChat from before she was even Hero, you know?

>> No.20514697
Quoted by: >>20514713

He said he may upload his cut of the video. Kurumi and Akkun both put together their own versions and the one shown on the stream was hers.

>> No.20514710
Quoted by: >>20514719

I'm just afraid that she'll become stuck there and stop making videos/streaming

>> No.20514713

That makes more sense, yeah. I thought I heard him mention "Kurumis video" but wasn't really sure what he meant, because I noticed Mizuna shot the shots for the MV that we saw so I was thinking to myself "maybe I misheard?". Guess not, though, thanks.

>> No.20514716

Stop wasting your time feeding EOPs.

>> No.20514719
Quoted by: >>20514762

I doubt that'll happen, because she's got a huge variety of things and people she's into that dont align with VRChat. She just wants the ability to collab with a ton of 'new' chuubas and, you know, experiencing VR.

>> No.20514723
File: 136 KB, 1000x1210, Dvk2cBVVsAAtJ8N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514771


>> No.20514756
Quoted by: >>20514770

Maybe? I don't know, I've never translated hentai

>> No.20514762
Quoted by: >>20514776

Yeah I guess.
Also lol at @ her being afk while they were talking about Kaf.

>> No.20514770
Quoted by: >>20514986

Stick to normal stuff like you've been doing, hentai will get translated by someone else and its not like their plot actually matters. It's not worth the time, especially if you like translating comfy stuff found in threads like these. t. former hentai translator

>> No.20514771

Do robots really dream?

>> No.20514775

Hero is smashed.

>> No.20514776
Quoted by: >>20514818

She was sleeping at her keyboard, actually. Cute.

>> No.20514785

Akkun's become a girl!

>> No.20514792

Yeah, Hero is absolutely smashed.

>> No.20514803
Quoted by: >>20514815

Are they talking about how real life friends contacted them, and went 'hey I wanna try my hand at that virtual youtuber thing too'?

>> No.20514807
Quoted by: >>20514837

the demon king is flirting with the hero, i knew this scene was just an anime

>> No.20514813
File: 315 KB, 2158x2507, 1536384097036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514911

>> No.20514815
Quoted by: >>20514827


>> No.20514818

I'm like 90% certain that's what Kousaka's been doing, too. I'm pretty sure he hasn't said anything for like an hour and a half unless I just keep missing it.

>> No.20514819
File: 274 KB, 1536x2048, 1544660554761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514911

>> No.20514822

The kurumi saga comes to a close huh?

>> No.20514823
File: 112 KB, 648x900, 1535070316338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514911

>> No.20514827
Quoted by: >>20514829

Correct me if I'm wrong then, but did Meika mention that Master texted him in real life that he wanted to try too?

>> No.20514828
File: 518 KB, 1497x2000, 1536436530691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514911

>> No.20514829
Quoted by: >>20514840

I wasn't paying attention to that, sorry

>> No.20514834
File: 279 KB, 1792x2000, 1525587398312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514911

>> No.20514837
Quoted by: >>20514846

While Hero is flirting with Karte.

>> No.20514840

Thanks anyways, I wasn't sure if Master texted Meika to ask him about starting the chuuba thing, or to tell him that a friend asked him that same question. Thanks anyways.

>> No.20514846

karte's flirting back too, hero's pheromones in full effect

>> No.20514863

Would be nice to have a fanart side to side of Kaiji's drink stream and Tsukasa's.

>> No.20514867


>> No.20514875

Hero is like the ultimate fucking special exception in entum, she's a bright genki sun flower who mixes well with eveyone

>> No.20514876

Kousaka's getting his moment to brag, showing off a breakdancing video he's done when they asked about 10 point tracking.
There was fanart of Kaiji's stream, way back when.

>> No.20514880
Quoted by: >>20514914

I got you.

>> No.20514881

What is this break dance they're talking about?

>> No.20514895

It's somewhere on Kousaka's twitter, but I can't find it myself, no ones liked or retweeted/linked it though.

>> No.20514896
Quoted by: >>20514903


>> No.20514903

Thanks, anon.

>> No.20514904
File: 611 KB, 714x1012, dola09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514929


>> No.20514911

I'm really gunna miss her. Her parents are fucking retards.

>> No.20514912
File: 604 KB, 714x1012, dola10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514929

>> No.20514914

Not my proudest fap.

>> No.20514921
File: 302 KB, 714x458, dola11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20514929


>> No.20514923

fanart of tamakin as this when

>> No.20514924

This feels like a kurumi run back and now kuromu is feeling the brunt of retarded parent.

>> No.20514927

Same. I feel really bad for her fans, Animare, Mea and Aqua.

>> No.20514929


>> No.20514955

Yopapa before the stream ends.

>> No.20514962

What a hectic day it was in the scene.

>> No.20514969

Kizuna is here too today.

>> No.20514980

it would be incredible if ninjas could break 30k before new year

>> No.20514986

>hentai will get translated by someone else and its not like their plot actually matters
The plot thing is probably true, but everyone just assuming that someone else will do it is why there has been a grand total of 2 translated since July.

>> No.20514988
File: 21 KB, 556x96, Screenshot_2018-12-29_19-31-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20515000

68k retweets already

>> No.20515008

Who cares? You guys spammed the thread and now Twitter.

>> No.20515012


>> No.20515034
Quoted by: >>20515047

Christmas miracle that we've been waiting for
Why bother replying to the eternal summer child

>> No.20515039

So Kurumi activities is back or what?

>> No.20515042
Quoted by: >>20515058

Don't reply or apologize to obvious shitposters, anon. There's plenty of people just angry that people are happy.
No idea, honestly.

>> No.20515043
File: 65 KB, 455x749, DutKsxbX4AAO_rV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515062

Ruri's self-set end of year goal was actually 20K subs but she increased it to 30K when they reached it a month ahead of time. She also wanted 10K followers and she's already at 21K.
Gotta say, following their activities has been a very happy time for these past few months.

>> No.20515045

NHK pls

>> No.20515047


>> No.20515058

sorry, won't ever happen again

>> No.20515059
File: 171 KB, 839x1024, 1525192917600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20515062
Quoted by: >>20515068

Ninjas are the biggest feel-good story of this scene, honestly. I hope they can break past 30k before new years as well.

>> No.20515068

I wonder if akane ever regretted leaving them.

>> No.20515069

To the anons wondering about the VOD to the event, Meika thinks the video will be put back up after a couple of days.

>> No.20515072

Doesn't look that way yet but unlike previous times it's quite clear we haven't seen the last of her.

>> No.20515083

Maybe. Who knows? Things could have been totally different with three of them, after all. For better or worse.

All I know is I'm happy they're growing, and happy with it too.

>> No.20515084

Akane is swimming in cheater money.

>> No.20515088
Quoted by: >>20515105

You can ask her yourself in about 41 hours.

>> No.20515105
Quoted by: >>20515116

If you mean that upcoming stream's thumbnail then they've already said not to misunderstand it. They put her there because they'll be looking back at everything they did during the year.

>> No.20515108
File: 57 KB, 1138x851, DvmmwgfU8AAhY6x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515142

first gta now pubg

>> No.20515116

Oh, so she's still on the endless mission then.

>> No.20515120
File: 388 KB, 1280x720, criminal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20515122
File: 7 KB, 320x135, gumi pantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the first time we see Gumi's panties?

>> No.20515131

Am I crazy or are there two people here having the same conversation over and over? I can't be the only one who has noticed this?

>> No.20515140

Yeah and they’ve been going on and off about some small time tuber for the past 4 hours

>> No.20515142

Shame the devs put a region lock in pubg. I can't play with chuubas anymore.

>> No.20515143

No, you are crazy.

>> No.20515147

What makes you think that? There's at least three of us having the same conversation over and over.

>> No.20515151
Quoted by: >>20515166

The thread has over 80 unique hits in it, you are, in fact, completely crazy.

>> No.20515160 [DELETED] 

Dola's 4am comiket report

>> No.20515161
File: 249 KB, 1395x1920, 1518029990615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515167

dola comiket day 2

>> No.20515166
Quoted by: >>20515169

80 replies and 800 replies, so it's truly like a dozen of people talking to each other

>> No.20515167
Quoted by: >>20515177

Who is this lady with such a clean and mature voice?

>> No.20515169
Quoted by: >>20515184

That's some flawless logic, how could I ever argue against it?

>> No.20515173

Chad literal whose collaborating with each other VS Virgin idol cash grab concert.

>> No.20515176

Yes, actually. It's you and me.

>> No.20515177

kirei no doreiku

>> No.20515179

Did they say whether the nijisanji comiket streams will be archived at some point?

>> No.20515182

I'm... not sure. I could have sworn they mentioned they'd be multistreamed on both youtube and at the booths, but clearly thats not the case.

>> No.20515184

Just because there are 80 IP it doesn't mean that each one has posted 10 times. A lot of people, like me, only post one or twice.

It would be nice to have ID do I could filter the few people who continue with these dumb discussions

>> No.20515201

I hope Dola goes for 5 hours again

>> No.20515202

On second thought, I support this notion. Imagine filtering all the kizuners.

>> No.20515203
Quoted by: >>20515262


>> No.20515214

No, they gotten visible a few times before but it took a couple of videos

>> No.20515233

In case it weren't obvious anon, I was making fun of the other anon.

>> No.20515239

Damn when? I don't remember and I looked really hard. But her latest video her skirt had much stronger physics so we could see during the entirety of it. The video was cute as fuck too.

>> No.20515243
Quoted by: >>20515271

I posted, at least, 700 times already

>> No.20515262

That's nice, thanks anon.

>> No.20515268


>> No.20515271

And 70 posts were by me, so the rest of the users made 1-1 posts. It checks out.

>> No.20515274

I think this was the first video that they got really visible, they used better angles in the videos before

>> No.20515281

Just looking at her makes me feel cold. That's some serious dedication.

>> No.20515300

Oooh. Actually I think it's just she has a new model clothes. If you check the video she has different sockets too. I believe she also might have changed her 3d model undies from panties to bloomers because you couldn't see anything otherwise. It's especially noticeable in her "what can I do in 45secs" video where her skirt goes quite high but you never see anything. She clearly wasn't wearing bloomers before.

>> No.20515322

Actual footage of Luna in the streets after Sony took their share.

>> No.20515328

I didn't think any collab could beat the Tenmakinin collab. Then, 9 or so months later, the Tenmakinin Ver G. collab happens.

>> No.20515339

We get it. You’ve been saying the same thing for like 5 hours. It’s time to stop spamming.

>> No.20515353
Quoted by: >>20515368

It's started there and will end at there.

>> No.20515357
Quoted by: >>20515471

What? I just got here and watched >>20514178 though.

>> No.20515359
Quoted by: >>20515386

I love how you didn't speak up against the kizuna figure spamming anon. Really makes one wonder.

>> No.20515368

I didn't even think of it that way,. the Tenmakinin's collab was one of the many ways the scene as a whole 'opened', and looking at it like that its nice seeing them end the year off too. A nice bookend.

>> No.20515369
File: 16 KB, 291x408, dab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20515372
Quoted by: >>20515386

AaaAAAaAAaAaaaaAA I woke up late and missed the entire red white collab stream but it's great to hear about everyone's success. Any idea if the copyright issue will be solved? This is just too big to get taken down like this forever

>> No.20515375
File: 67 KB, 1200x678, 1546099392563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515412

>> No.20515386

ignore him, dia-kun's just angry that no one talked about his favorite and is angry about it
according to another anon earlier on meika's already figuring it out but it'll take "a couple days". the afterparty was linked somewhere earlier too, and a video on nico has the grand finale of everyones favorite group

>> No.20515396
Quoted by: >>20516067

Thats not me! Im really happy that every was happy about their chuuba returning, I even looked in the google docs for her subbed videos so I can get a feel for what shes like but i couldnt find it please stop thinking im the shitposter ;_;

>> No.20515399

Yeah I know there's a lot of recorded clips floating around but it's better to watch the whole thing and not ruin the excitement than to try and piece together everything from bits. Anyone remember how long the stream was? I can't believe we finally had the Tenmakinin ver G. collab, it was overdue for almost an entire year

>> No.20515400

>even during her dab you can see her cute bloomers
Also it's normal, it's a loli vtuber and children love fortnite, so it's in-topic.

>> No.20515412

I really hope this isn't the last we hear of these cowboys.

>> No.20515415


>> No.20515421
Quoted by: >>20515430

that's understandable. the stream was... fuck, i wanna say 4 or so hours? maybe 5? and the afterparty which is on kaijis channel was about 5 hours as well. you likely won't see the actual event itself for a day at the absolute least, assuming someone recorded it for some reason it'd take them that long to upload it, with shitty japanese internet + the time it takes for some anon to find it in the first place. if you're good at japanese i'd recommend watching the afterparty, some interesting stuff was talked about there, lots of reflections on the people themselves and the scene as a whole and talking about a buncha stuff. it's rowdy near the start but if you can get past that (or outright skip it, your call) to an hour or two later, it's absolutely worth it

>> No.20515430
Quoted by: >>20515457

any interesting bits for people who dont know moonspeak?

>> No.20515432

Why is Dola so based ?

>> No.20515440
File: 185 KB, 1000x1000, 1524980353739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If next month's academic test isn't canceled it will have only four Animare members...

>> No.20515454
Quoted by: >>20515462

The replacement animare should be a snakey. I like snakes.

>> No.20515457

most of the interesting stuff was mentioned in the thread, can't exactly give you timestamps but give the thread a read. it doesnt cover 100% of what was said nor is what was covered 100% accurate, but still gets the points across

>> No.20515458

>Anyone remember how long the stream was?
just use the thread
starts at >>20512327
ends around >>20513743

so a little over 4 hours

>> No.20515462

Replacements for VA's is a very rare occurance in Japan, and hasn't happened in this scene yet to my knowledge. Don't know why you assume there'd be one.

>> No.20515467
Quoted by: >>20515491

the whole group should be cancelled desu

>> No.20515469
File: 1.12 MB, 1500x1833, you lolicon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515954

>Gumi will never call you a lolicon

>> No.20515471

What was so good about it?

>> No.20515472
Quoted by: >>20515509

Not replacing the VA, replacing the character, like when a character dies and someone new comes in to fill their spot.

>> No.20515476

There was that elf.

>> No.20515481

>hasn't happened in this scene yet

>> No.20515484
Quoted by: >>20515510

I wonchu...

>> No.20515485
Quoted by: >>20515510


>> No.20515486

Wasn't Kuon stillborn and only pushed out two videos a VA before taking 3 month long breaks? I don't really count her, but fair enough.

>> No.20515487

Kizufuckup concert got shrugged into irrelevancy, meanwhile a literal who upd8 member stream gets a whooping no.1 trending in twitter with 70k+ tweets.

>> No.20515488
Quoted by: >>20515510


>> No.20515491

I think YOU should be cancelled, Anon

>> No.20515495

Futanari oneesan's VA voiced another 2D vtuber before becoming futanari oneesan.

>> No.20515498

I wouldn't say that counts, she was still in prototype stage, that one video can't even be called a proper intro. But it was a shame because damn was it so good

>> No.20515505
File: 155 KB, 1280x720, gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this gorilla doing?

>> No.20515508

it also got into the yahoo search. Shit is fucking crazy

>> No.20515509
Quoted by: >>20516067

I don't think they'll do that, Animares not as close as the demons but they're still close enough that adding another person would just make it weird.
This isn't who you're talking about, but I just remembered that Cthulhu girl who had a girl VA before going to TTS or something. But yeah, I'll back down on saying "it hasnt happened", but its still an incredible rarity.

>> No.20515510

And fuck KuonP as well

>> No.20515515

Why are Akkun’s hands so low?

>> No.20515518
Quoted by: >>20515556

>Futanari oneesan's VA voiced another 2D vtuber
inb4 YUA

>> No.20515521

The collab today was only good for people who still cares about the Tenmakinin, kind of like a band getting back together for a concert. Good for those who cares but nothing special for everyone else.

>> No.20515523
Quoted by: >>20515557

It was a dream come true, the Tenmakinin's importance for the scene as a whole can't be understated, and seeing the Tenmakinin Ver G. all come together for the first real time with THAT song? That's as エモい as it gets.

>> No.20515533
Quoted by: >>20515593

>Good for those who cares but nothing special for everyone else.
you werent here in january or february were you anon?

>> No.20515535
Quoted by: >>20515548

>people like what they like
That could be said of any stream ever.

>> No.20515539
Quoted by: >>20515593

hey guys imagine if hololive changed roboco's VA and now she has a properly fitting voice now haha

what would it be like though? How do you think roboco should sound?

yeah ok dude just ignore fans of literally everyone else who appeared

>> No.20515542
Quoted by: >>20515555

Yea, feels like comiket and ai 1st fuck up didn't happened at all.

>> No.20515545
Quoted by: >>20515563

Wait, so the crazy mitofag/nijisanjifag is also the original Kurumifag? Everything makes sense now.

>> No.20515546
Quoted by: >>20515577


>> No.20515548
Quoted by: >>20515565

There's plenty of people here nowadays who find something they like in not liking what others like. At least, thats the only reason for how many angry people there are in these threads, they have to like being angry right?

>> No.20515555

I don't think you're not shitposting, but in case you aren't, less than 2500 people could fit in the venue and they're not allowed to talk too much about it.

>> No.20515556

I can't remember, it was such a long time ago.

>> No.20515557
Quoted by: >>20515579

Mito was more important for the scene than them.

>> No.20515562
Quoted by: >>20515576

On another note, Kurumi sounds different. Not a lot, but still.

>> No.20515563

what does what your post is saying have to do with my post?

>> No.20515565

This post makes me A N G E R Y.

Delete it immediately or I will shitpost for a week about it.

>> No.20515567

I throughly enjoyed that after party even without the Tenmakinin factor.

>> No.20515576

She sounds like an old man.

>> No.20515577

I wanna suck on DWU's hag titties!

>> No.20515579
Quoted by: >>20516018

Fair enough, Akkun's gone on record to say he likely would'va quit if he didn't see Mito blow up as much as she did. But still, the Tenmakinin's legendary collab is legendary for a reason, after all. Not just because its an enjoyable collab, but it kind of paved the way to collabs even being a viable thing in the scene, on top of inspiring people to become chuubas themselves. "If these chucklefucks can have fun playing kusoges why couldn't I?" was a strong mentality that led to a bunch of good chuubas, independant or otherwise.

>> No.20515581

Ladies please, I know one thing we can all agree on...
Mememe's socks are ugly!

>> No.20515584

Rare devilman

>> No.20515588
File: 34 KB, 748x552, DdETz3BV4AEc-h-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20515591


>> No.20515592


>> No.20515593

I've been here since last december

I thought the dude was only talking about the Tenmakinin part since that's what the first post he replied to was talking about.
Ofcourse the collab as a whole was more special but I still probably wouldn't call it the best or anything.

>> No.20515595

It's not about the looks, but the SMELL!!

>> No.20515596
File: 104 KB, 1060x592, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515615

The fuck you just say about my socks?

>> No.20515597

>not allowed to talk about Ai concert

Jesus Christ, thats fucking retarded.

>> No.20515604
File: 93 KB, 740x515, 1541820852794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20515606
File: 9 KB, 361x361, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515612

>Jesus Christ, thats fucking retarded.
Welcome to upd8, anon.

>> No.20515612
Quoted by: >>20515616


>> No.20515615

I still have no idea why a peach was chosen to draw as Mememe

>> No.20515616
File: 48 KB, 361x361, unchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515705


>> No.20515628

This is incredible.

>> No.20515637

Suits in Japan are only efficient at one thing, ruining every emerging industry.

>> No.20515653

It's why Iwanaga is the best suit in the entire industry, because he does fuck all but hire more people and somehow makes the most money desu.

>> No.20515686


>> No.20515688
Quoted by: >>20515740

Arent most people choosing not to talk about it to not spoil the performance in best azumanga?

>> No.20515690

It's a good thing most suits a year ago were laughing at VYs, consider it a temporal fad that would die before 2018Q3. It let the scene grow naturally, despite Niijisanji market clog.

>> No.20515695

Kongyo biiiiiiiiiimu!

>> No.20515698
File: 30 KB, 418x72, 1539236922024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds of the Valve attitude a bit, just hiring the most talented people and letting them do whatever.

>> No.20515705
File: 304 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ray would be proud

>> No.20515720

Fuck off, Iwanaga. Give Hajime a new outfit already.

>> No.20515725

Except it actually works for Nijisanji and not for Valve

>> No.20515740
Quoted by: >>20515753

That's correct, but they were also not allowed to record or take pictures. So I'd gather they also shouldn't mention details either.
It was the same for AI and Miku's collab.

>> No.20515753

Why would you not want people to promote your concert? You had it running during a much bigger event in the scene, and also had it running during Comiket. Wouldn't it be in your best interest to make it seem like you just HAD to be there?

>> No.20515769
Quoted by: >>20515771

>Why would you not want people to promote your concert?
Jap suits are beyond retarded.

>> No.20515770

Hopefully things will slow down a bit soon. We still have the two New Year events and then the NHK on the 2nd I think and the anime starts like a week after that

>> No.20515771

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting that.

>> No.20515777
File: 24 KB, 567x580, 1546115181748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20516143

>> No.20515788

Oh, it absolutely won't be slowing down. The best you can hope for is the first week of January to be relatively slow so you can catch your breath.

>> No.20515807

NHK must be seething because a garage concert with 2D and 3D girls completely BTFO their anime song event.

>> No.20515825

They also must be seething because some single person with a fraction of Ai's subs managed to sell out a concert hall all by herself, practically the day it was announced.

>> No.20515834


>> No.20515849
File: 63 KB, 768x1024, DvlwbjjU8AIcmQ7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20515869
File: 2.69 MB, 2508x3541, 71573814_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The comments suggest just that, they just don't mention details.
I can give you a quick runthrough:
They were saying Ai-chan's vocals were expressive and full of emotion.
They were surprized she was such a good dancer.
They found the new costume to be very cute.
They felt close to one another as the audience.
They liked the club style and the DJs, even if it's not their usual thing.
Some more exaggerated stuff like that it was the best live they've been to all year/ever.
That they want to go to Osaka's as well, even if they didn't reserve their tickets.
That they'd recommend it to people that like club music, even if they aren't otaku.
And so on.

The #KizunaAI tag actually did trend for a little after the show, if rather low.

>> No.20515892
Quoted by: >>20516136

so basically nothing important was missed then and ais suits are still retarded?

>> No.20515895
File: 335 KB, 1081x1080, 1541731710822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20515909

The OYUAbun

>> No.20515906
File: 399 KB, 1971x1762, 1535949491429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20515909

You know, YUA showed up in Kusomeganes rap, so technically YUA was in a concert with more viewers then Ai. She's finally had her days, YUAfags.

>> No.20515913
File: 1.51 MB, 1634x919, Screenshot_2018-12-06 (17) 【スマブラ】初心者による大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ SPECIAL!【にじさんじゲーマーズ 椎名唯華】 - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning Shiishii

>> No.20515921

>That they'd recommend it to people that like club music, even if they aren't otaku.
Fucking riajuu should die.

>> No.20515935
Quoted by: >>20515946

dola's simple and clean was very nice

>> No.20515946

Oh, is Dola singing? I wasn't watching her stream, tuned out of chuubas for the day, but if she's singing I'll tune in.

>> No.20515954
Quoted by: >>20515981

>check her first post on twitter
>dozen of people spamming her "peroperopero *fapfapfap*" in Japanese

>> No.20515961
File: 102 KB, 910x550, Dvl6a0XUcAEFAs7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sharu business card mentioned in her stream

>> No.20515981
Quoted by: >>20516012

Also spics and kebabs

>> No.20516012

They're obsessing over her delicious loli tights. There were so many of them that they blocked people who did that to her.

>> No.20516014

Some of those people scare me

>> No.20516018

Luna and Nekomasu brought tons of new fans and vtubers to the scene. Mito inspired a wave of 2d vtubers. Tenmakinin were completely irrelevant outside of your fanfics and headcanon, and collabs would have been a thing regardless of who did it first or who was successful at it first.
>"If these chucklefucks can have fun playing kusoges why couldn't I?"
Yes, because we really need those kind of people in the scene. Where would we be without chucklefucks playing kusoge? Thank god for 天魔機忍.

>> No.20516029
Quoted by: >>20516068

>Tenmakinin were completely irrelevant
your bait literally could not be more obvious, in fact i'm so impressed by it heres your one and only (you)

>> No.20516038

Dola's streams are so comfy.

>> No.20516040

Shiishii said anything about Kuromu?

>> No.20516051


>> No.20516052

Really, this being a voice changer user is super impressive.

>> No.20516055

Dunno, having been watching, not really sure what'd she say though aside from just "well this fucking sucks" I suppose.

>> No.20516063

>red n black singer
don't get too attached to her, anon

>> No.20516067
Quoted by: >>20516089

>I even looked in the google docs for her subbed videos so I can get a feel for what shes like
She deleted everything on her channel when she quit, so there wouldn't be anything in that spreadsheet.
>This isn't who you're talking about
Isn't it, though? I didn't follow either of them that closely, but I could have sworn people here said the voice for the Cthulhu girl was the same one that became the futa fox and left the former to go TTS for the one-month anniversary message (and then I don't remember ever hearing about them again).

>> No.20516068

I've got facts and numbers to support my argument, all you have is your headcanon. Keep pushing it and maybe someone other than your discord friend will believe it.

>> No.20516072

Who are you quoting?

>> No.20516084

>practically the day it was announced.
If you're talking about Kaede's event, she got her event sold out nearly at the same window of time that Ai's Hello World. So don't talk shit.

>> No.20516086

Well she just mentioned her but no specifics

>> No.20516089

>Isn't it, though?
Honestly, it could be? It'd make sense why one reminded me of the other, I suppose. It's been so long.

>> No.20516092
File: 1.17 MB, 1509x1223, kiki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20516116


>> No.20516096

Not exactly the NHK is going to held their own vtuber song event and it's produced by the studio behind virtual-san wa miteiru

>> No.20516108

Way much better than I expected. And much better than current "singers" in the scene.

>> No.20516116

There should be a chuuba starter guide that warns people about the letter K and black and red color schemes

>> No.20516136

It's just you mad because it's not nijisanji related

>> No.20516137

What does the post you're quoting and NHK have to do with your post? Why are you so desperate to push fanbase wars?

>> No.20516143
Quoted by: >>20516155

Asking for getting mating pressed

>> No.20516152
Quoted by: >>20516217

>Mito inspired a wave of 2d vtubers
The mortal blow that is killing the fad and put it in this absolute state

>> No.20516155
Quoted by: >>20516177

Respect the elderly

>> No.20516170

>just hiring the most talented people and letting them do whatever.
So all of them have to stream PUBG and minecraft, instead of effectively "do whatever"?

>> No.20516176
Quoted by: >>20516223

They've been promoting it for months and tickets are already sold out. It's not a tour. Why would you "promote" a concert that has finished? What kind of dumb logic is this?
It was a closed event for 2500~ people. Of course it's not going to trend. Nobody outside of those 2500~ people even knows what actually happened there and those who were there apparently weren't allowed to take pictures or even discuss any details.

>> No.20516177

The elderly need love too.

>> No.20516179
Quoted by: >>20516196

mito and kaede never streamed pubg or minecraft, are you okay in the head mister succalot?

>> No.20516189

>they're not allowed to talk too much about it.
probably to not ruin the Osaka goers

>> No.20516192
Quoted by: >>20516203

All of them want to play PUBG and minecraft, please understand.

>> No.20516196
Quoted by: >>20516243

Exceptions don't disprove the rule, mitofriend

>> No.20516203

>please understand.
3D Moemi when, Eilene, WHEN?

>> No.20516211
Quoted by: >>20516231

what are you even talking about you fucking idiot

>> No.20516217
Quoted by: >>20516227

In defense of Mito, it's not her fault that the vtubers who were inspired by her are talentless hacks and lazy leeches. Mito made her own success, just like Ai and Luna. Like her or not, she's a honorary king and deserves some respect.

>> No.20516220

>Name starts with "K"
>Mainly black and red color scheme
What other characteristics are cursed?

>> No.20516223

I can only guess at what their intent was, but my assumption was they meant promotion of current events for the sake of future events, which is hardly a dumb idea. It's also one upd8 regularly fails to embrace on any level.

>> No.20516226


>> No.20516227

The only sin Mito is guilty of is that she allowed to get flanderized too soon and too quickly

>> No.20516231
Quoted by: >>20516243

seething because no one took the Kurumi baits earlier so they went back to shitposting about Ai and Nijisanji like usual

>> No.20516243

moira, mugi(?), gaku, ago, alice(?), utako, gilzaren, homeless cat, live king, momo, azuma(?), naruse, the other voiz reject, rions girlfriend. the retired one, the other other voiz reject, sayo, megu clone, tsukimi, ichigos sister, kakeru, chinami havent touched pubg or minecraft with barely 10 minutes of research done
seems >>20516231 is right that you're seething no one took your bait

>> No.20516254
File: 279 KB, 1078x2048, 1545575144576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pink is a shade of red.

>> No.20516257
File: 177 KB, 1016x720, DvmCWDbUcAA6Bm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20516266

>> No.20516258
File: 8 KB, 305x81, grandma!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donating to the underlings again

>> No.20516266

God, Asahis so fucking cool.

>> No.20516278

my fire drake turned into a child!

>> No.20516279

You did though

>> No.20516280


>> No.20516281
File: 707 KB, 752x1062, 72072817_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just came to me but, today on the niconico stream for Ai-chan's live, the non-premium users can watch around half like usual; it's also region locked. Anyway, the thing is that the first half is the DJs' part in which AI doesn't appear at all.

I guess we'll have to keep our eyes peeled for the Chinese to throw us a link.

>> No.20516290
Quoted by: >>20516299

As expected, upd8 is literally retarded as usual. Shame.

>> No.20516296

You took the effort to prove someone wrong, but you need to learn how to read, exceptions don't disprove the rule

>> No.20516299
Quoted by: >>20516309

It's likely a deal with NicoNico to sell Premium accounts. So money.
Not that I disagree.

>> No.20516305
Quoted by: >>20516322

Kizuna Ai is such a soulless product now.

>> No.20516309

Why are they making deals with nico to begin with? They have nothing to gain by putting her on an unpopular website, especially when the last time she did a big event there they fucked it up horrifically. And it's not like upd8 is lacking in money, anyways. I feel bad for Ai.

>> No.20516316
Quoted by: >>20516762

To be fair, she has only a handful of songs and you can't really expect her to fill a whole program by herself at this point.

>> No.20516322

I disagree, she's a real human bean (A.I.).
I'm happy for her, I want to see her happy on the count0 stream with everyone else too.

>> No.20516323
Quoted by: >>20516403

My SCP seems fine today.

>> No.20516356

Dola saying she won't sing to the BGM of the music she's listening to, and a minute later breaking out into song because she can't hold it back anymore is cute!

>> No.20516361
Quoted by: >>20516378

Dwango/Kadokawa knows the vtuber fad is probably what is saving their dying platform from being closed. That's why they are investing so much on it. To the point of creating an open platform with other companies and the foundation of an anime studio. Probably until now Google saw the potential of the fad with Ai receiving the badge at the fanfest

>> No.20516370

>Why are they making deals with nico to begin with?
Because AIchan is a virtual youtub- OH

>> No.20516369
Quoted by: >>20516406

Dola's a natural mama!

>> No.20516375
File: 208 KB, 2048x1536, 1530928695645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20516400


>> No.20516378

That's a fair enough point, but how did they manage to get the eye of upd8 is what I wanna know.

>> No.20516400


>> No.20516403
File: 104 KB, 956x1031, 1536321183153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20516555

I expected the other blonde SCP

>> No.20516406

mommy posting needs to stop
calling all of these young women mothers is very rude

>> No.20516412

I was poking fun at how her chats calling her a natural mama, I would never try to steal away my sunflower daughters mother from her!

>> No.20516413

Finally this thread is almost off the catalog.
You shitters better not make a Kurumi thread or some irrelevant shit like that.

>> No.20516415

Not him, but the answer is usually money.
Also you guys keep saying that upd8 has a ton of money but that's not entirely true. They have a ton of funding, which is different.
Or maybe after these events and the crazy amount of money that Kizuna AI moves they really are well off.

>> No.20516420
File: 550 KB, 1838x977, 1545401163887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a sort of models But what a hell is this?

>> No.20516422
Quoted by: >>20516440

So make a kurumi thread, gotcha.

>> No.20516430


>> No.20516433

Normally I'd agree, but she's okay with it, she even roleplays as Hima's mom.
It's also okay to call the Oni mom that.

>> No.20516434


>> No.20516440

I want a Kuromu thread

>> No.20516442
File: 170 KB, 879x1200, 1532996598566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516445


>> No.20516447

Tomorrow is the broadcast for Ai-chan's second showing of her 1st live. Maybe you guys could use the main visual as OP.

>> No.20516449


>> No.20516456
File: 138 KB, 721x1080, 1539991065444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516459


>> No.20516463

Those fucking eyes, this is absolutely cursed

>> No.20516466

No, not Kizuna thread either

>> No.20516475


>> No.20516476

Why do you care so much about what the OP is?

>> No.20516478

CURSED please DO NOT open

>> No.20516483

Post this next thread, too.

>> No.20516486
File: 223 KB, 1367x2048, 1544114841566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516494

Why is Hima so cute?

>> No.20516500

cutest vermin

>> No.20516502
Quoted by: >>20516516

Oh well, I'll take solace in that the new year's thread's OP will probably be related to that nico stream with most of the bigger chuubas.

>> No.20516511
File: 73 KB, 600x720, 1545819148383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516513

Where do these people who sing find these karaoke tracks?

>> No.20516516

Man, who cares? I know I never scroll back up to the OP so the image used is forgotten almost immediately.

>> No.20516526

>Man, who cares?
No one except that one guy who freaked out when his Ai OP wasn't used, before flooding.

>> No.20516531
Quoted by: >>20516541

Money, it's always money. Especially given that KDKW shot their golden goose in the head

>> No.20516534
File: 107 KB, 800x1000, 1521887722532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516538

I don't, I was just joking. I'm sorry.

>> No.20516541
Quoted by: >>20516564

My point wasnt 'what was it about', but rather 'how does dwango offer them meaningful money' I suppose.

>> No.20516543
Quoted by: >>20516554

Hajime is joining the Nijisanji resistance!

>> No.20516554
Quoted by: >>20516649

Good on him, I hope he can finally get a good one over on that bastard COO.

>> No.20516555
Quoted by: >>20516608

How come Yuuchuba SCPs are semen demons?

>> No.20516564
Quoted by: >>20516574

It was probably a vast amount of money plus things like using KDKW's connections and such

>> No.20516572
File: 164 KB, 850x864, IMG_20181127_191830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20516615


>> No.20516573

And the best collaboration of 2018 is...

>> No.20516574
Quoted by: >>20516609

That's a really good point, didn't consider that. Thanks. I still don't agree with the dumb shit upd8 is doing overall, though.

>> No.20516575

It's not the first time Kadokawa do business with Activ8. One of the first photobooks with AI was released by Kadokawa and Hachigatsu no Cinderella Nine (known for promoting their game by having Arihara Tsubasa doing collabs with Ai) is a franchise owned by Kadokawa

>> No.20516578

Shiina wants to join Haruto's harem! He really is the greatest pink magnet

>> No.20516585
Quoted by: >>20516593

udon chestbutt...

>> No.20516593
Quoted by: >>20516603

Anyone saved that video before it got taken down?

>> No.20516603

It was taken down?

>> No.20516608

Because they're JOPs and can't read the SCP wiki to understand what the SCPs are about

>> No.20516609
Quoted by: >>20516622

Wasn't today's singing competition stream facilitated by upd8? I'm pretty sure they tweeted about it.
There's also count0, but that's more money making deals.

>> No.20516615

Too damn cute!

>> No.20516622
Quoted by: >>20516627

>Wasn't today's singing competition stream facilitated by upd8?
From what I understand, not really. Meika and Kaiji reached out to the countless people they knew themselves, upd8 had no hand in it aside from Meika being under their label.

>> No.20516625
File: 463 KB, 1728x2592, 1520900912426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>20516640

>> No.20516627
Quoted by: >>20516637

What about YuNi?

>> No.20516628

Luna is dumb.

>> No.20516632

Yes the ad was taken down

>> No.20516633 [SPOILER] 
File: 106 KB, 576x1024, 1546122085401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516636

Please tell me there is a full video

>> No.20516637

Fair enough, its less 'no hand' and 'very little to do with'. Pretty much all the setup was left to the two boys, after all.

>> No.20516638
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot3114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electric brain girl Siro...

>> No.20516640
Quoted by: >>20516662

This one is a man.

>> No.20516649

Iwanaga is the unofficial sponsor of the resistance though

>> No.20516650
Quoted by: >>20516658

hearing this fire drake relaxedly talk about stuff while senbonzakura is going off in the background is... something

>> No.20516651
Quoted by: >>20516663

Based Chiitan

>> No.20516657


>> No.20516658

oh right after i say this the fire drake gets into it

>> No.20516662

that man is hot.

>> No.20516663

He's dead now.

>> No.20516669

what the fuck chiitan isnt a girl?

>> No.20516674


>> No.20516676
File: 218 KB, 858x1016, 1540523057181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20516688
File: 35 KB, 438x274, hornless drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516691

I was grinning like a moron when this happened. Call me what you will.

>> No.20516693
File: 2.40 MB, 800x1200, 1534885698679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516696
File: 21 KB, 357x219, chiisai drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516703

I was grinning too, but for some reason my cheeks became wet. It must have been raining...

>> No.20516706
Quoted by: >>20516717

Same here.
I knew she was the secret guest but still I was happy as a kiddo on christmas.

>> No.20516714
File: 320 KB, 1365x2048, 1544636833618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20516717
Quoted by: >>20516739

Kaiji talking about the stream where she showed up, talking about one of his biggest inspirations, so on and so forth for a good minute or so with Meika had me absolutely fucking elated. A part of me thought it was her the entire time, but I knew it was unreasonable, but that exact moment I knew.

>> No.20516719
File: 366 KB, 1280x720, 1078971661070680064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chiitan extends its flesh to intimidate natural predators.

>> No.20516723

Extreme sex appeal!

>> No.20516726

This is a SFW board, delete this. The sex appeals too powerful for us poor virgins.

>> No.20516731

Carlets, when will they learn

>> No.20516736

I just jizzed on my pants

>> No.20516739

When the song started to play I knew for sure she'd be there

>> No.20516744
Quoted by: >>20516761

These dola streams remind me of why I started watching her in the first place. Insanely comfy, shes interacting a ton with her chat and is sincerely interested in what they're doing, right now she's talking with someone whose cosplaying some character.

>> No.20516747
Quoted by: >>20516764

I was looking for a repository of Luna's udon ad, but I found the free part of LUNA TV's last episode. In order to avoid the man who uploaded the video to get his youtube channel deleted, I will upload the episode to zippy

>> No.20516761
Quoted by: >>20516766

Get a gf ASAP

>> No.20516762

What is Kaede supposed to do then? She has nothing.

>> No.20516764
Quoted by: >>20516805

I didn't post it?

>> No.20516766


>> No.20516767

Ugh I'm gonna need multiple mops to clean this mess

>> No.20516777

Say CHOTTO and HETERO for 1 hour and then sing 2 or 3 songs

>> No.20516790
Quoted by: >>20516804

Kaede has like, 10 original songs doesnt she?

>> No.20516792

Where's the negative sex appeal to cancel out this infinite sex appeal?

>> No.20516804

It's apparently 20, looking at her playlist

>> No.20516805

Do you already posted the episode to zippy? I'm talking about LUNA TV, not Talkin' to the moon
