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File: 440 KB, 900x540, Dkx6qgnVsAArfma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19697180 No.19697180 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>19686407

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

Recent Updates: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Recent_Updates

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF

Anon's guide to KanColle: http://pastebin.com/ec862KsG

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 1): https://github.com/Yuubari/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN 2): https://github.com/gakada/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/silfumus/ElectronicObserver

-KanColle 2nd Sequence has commenced, flash is dead. Maps have been reset and revamped. Some artwork for equipment has changed, including icons. Some ships have had their stock equipment changed. The max level cap has been increased from 165 to 175. Resolution is now set to 720p HD.
-There are now options for UI skins, one of which uses English for the top bar and ship sorting (DE is official). Sorting has been changed so that ships of the same class are together as well as filters for the type of ships displayed.
-World 7 has been added.
-The remaining server tranfers have been completed and everyone has received 20 free equipment slots.
-The June Ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment are the 16in Mk.I Triple Gun Mount, 16in Mk.I Triple Gun Mount + AFCT Kai, 16in Mk.I Triple Gun Mount Kai + FCR Type 284, and 20 Tube 7 Inch UP Rocket Launchers. One of the Big Seven, a Nelson-class, that used this equipment will be implemented in the Summer Event.
-The Summer Event will take place in the second half of August after Block 1 of the HTML5 transfer has been implemented in the first half of the month and is stable. It will be a medium-scale event (subject to change) and the EO will take place in Europe again.
-New voice lines have been added to celebrate 2nd Sequence. Suzutsuki has received a summer CG.
-Yuugumo-class will get more Kai Ni this year. Hyuuga will receive a Kai Ni this year as well.
-There are already plans for the 7th year of KanColle.
-Numerous Fletchers will be implemented this year. Matsu-class from the Type D Destroyers are being prepared for the 7th year of KanColle.
-There are plans for expanding ASW with equipment from the land of black tea like ASDIC and hedgehogs.
-Full implementation of 2nd Sequence may take a year.

>> No.19697188
File: 576 KB, 800x1128, __kasumi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_funitarefu__57d2d4abf73a42d1833e27e14c9f9f8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can agree that Kasumi's summer sprite was a success.

>> No.19697189

What do you think of block 1?

>> No.19697197

So far so good.

>> No.19697201

Ask me after the event.

>> No.19697204

EXP reduction wasn't a good idea.

>> No.19697208
File: 213 KB, 1199x521, 1525788209364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-5 is absolutely amazing for sparkling now

Since there's no troll sub on the first node anymore, even underleveled ships can be sparkled there. No need for OASW either since the fodder will have a hard time killing elite subs anyway

Pic related is a C rank on the third node, but even then it's miles more efficient than 1-1.
3 fuel total for 8 expeditions worth of sparkles, compared to max efficiency 1-1 which is 6 fuel and 12 ammo for 5 runs

>> No.19697209

The HD helps a lot.
>it's now easier to masturbate to the game CG thanks to the jump in quality
Kasumi is too sexually arousing for her own safety.

>> No.19697214

>compared to max efficiency 1-1 which is 6 fuel and 12 ammo for 5 runs
Meant to say 6 fuel and 8 ammo

>> No.19697233
Quoted by: >>19697246

If it's not broken don't fit it.

>> No.19697243
Quoted by: >>19697247

Remember when she wasn't popular?

>> No.19697246
Quoted by: >>19697252

>not broken

>> No.19697247

That was like 3 years ago.

>> No.19697249

Ranking meta now change to opASW squad+abukuma/Yura. Don't know if that's a good thing or not.

>> No.19697252
Quoted by: >>19697265

the game itself is not.

>> No.19697263

Does CVL+DD/CL/DE still work for 1-5 routing?

>> No.19697265

Yeah, there was little reason for the map change/reset. But, at the very least, its a nice change of pace.

>> No.19697266
Quoted by: >>19697284


>> No.19697271
Quoted by: >>19697284

I haven't had any problem with 1CL2DE1CVL.

>> No.19697284
Quoted by: >>19697289

Alright thanks. Might as well ask but which EOs so far have confirmed changes to fleets needed? I normally used bob squad for 2-5 and 3CA1BB2CV for 4-5.

>> No.19697288

Now you can run 4 DD without CVL/AV.

>> No.19697289

2.-5, 4-5, 5-5

>> No.19697315

Some of the random changes like the font or icons feel a bit weird but overall I think it's a good change.

>> No.19697318
File: 175 KB, 550x860, 1504066757995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19697340

>> No.19697321
File: 998 KB, 1600x1000, 59458336_p7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good sushi machine.

>> No.19697326

I don't like the map redesigns and adjustments but other than that it's great.

>> No.19697340
Quoted by: >>19697381

How long did it take for someone to make a CanThis version of this new meme?

>> No.19697351

any difficulty higher than leaving mamiya as my flagship while I sleep is still too high. hopefully she comes with block 2.

>> No.19697360
File: 104 KB, 630x1000, 1506734646351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19697730

>> No.19697381

I don't even know what that is

>> No.19697419

Can you still mod character portraits on the new version?

>> No.19697448

Where are you meant to level AVs?

>> No.19697453

I want to make my destroyer drink alcohol and then have my ways with her after she's drunk.

>> No.19697454
Quoted by: >>19697457

Three girls in that position, been seeing in twitter for the past couple of days with mostly imas girls.

>> No.19697457

for a moment there I thought it was a reference to one of the star wars movie poster.

>> No.19697505

this pose is newest meme from gundam

>> No.19697506
File: 565 KB, 1200x720, 7983ef0e-604a-4aef-ad93-85a902ce2d44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19704480

I actually scratched my screen when I see this fucking diagonal line. Well played.

>> No.19697515

Does the current version of Poi not work for anyone else?
I can launch the game just fine but whenever it needs to download assets, like the character icons in menus, it hangs forever and needs to be restarted.
I don't get the same problems in Chrome.

>> No.19697517
Quoted by: >>19697546

Enjoy your malware.

>> No.19697528

I really like this image: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2463015

>> No.19697536

People still play Kancolle? Just thinking about the sparkle grind makes me ill.

>> No.19697537

Try KC3. It works perfectly with the new HTML5 version and gets updated almost every day. It's really great!

>> No.19697545

Nu 1-5 is your sparkle stage for 6DD at once.

>> No.19697546

Don't listen to these fucktards. Just delete the poi folder in appdata/roaming. You will have to download everything again, but it fixes the problem perfectly. Also, install the new version in empty folder and delete cache before logging in the game. That worked for me.

>> No.19697548

People don't play Kancolle. Kancolle plays at you.

>> No.19697550

Fuck off already.

>> No.19697551

Chain Firefox with KanColle sniffer and EO.

>> No.19697555
Quoted by: >>19697560

Does 3-5 remain the same? Can you do 1CL5DD on south and 3CV2CA1SS on north?

>> No.19697560
Quoted by: >>19697565

Same. But I'd recommend overkill 3CA3CV.

>> No.19697565
Quoted by: >>19697578

Nice. So is this map the only way to get through transport quest?

>> No.19697572
File: 84 KB, 1202x744, IMG_20180818_234331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people gonna start missing flash at some point?

>> No.19697578

No, with route lock you can make use of world2 and world4.

>> No.19697584

The funny thing about these map adjustments is that the compositions have to comply to the previous quests, making the best strategy revealed itself. Fucking devs.

>> No.19697590

Fuck no. The game looks so much better now.

>> No.19697605

Fuck off

>> No.19697615

Besides the obvious bugs, the only thing I can complain about is that the animations happen so fast that they leave the voice lines behind, and they'll have to be resynced somehow

>> No.19697619

People playing on decade old toasters might miss it.

>> No.19697621
Quoted by: >>19697631

Arashio is one of my married DDs. It's fun that even her attack lines bleed into the MVP ship's line.

>> No.19697626
Quoted by: >>19697688

I can't see how battles are any faster. How much faster is game for you?

>> No.19697629

So, where to farm transports now?

>> No.19697631

Well that kind of already happened in Phase 1, though it was mostly because several of the new attack lines became longer.

>> No.19697635
File: 84 KB, 1200x675, Dk7WwfKV4AAqy9H[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19697643

>> No.19697636
Quoted by: >>19697644

Tanaka hates weekly/monthly /quarterly quests so no. Bm7 is a big fuck you.

>> No.19697643

How is she still not pregnant with that attitude? Huge mistery.

>> No.19697644
Quoted by: >>19697658

>Tanaka hates weekly/monthly /quarterly quests
Why didn't he just remove them then?

>> No.19697654
Quoted by: >>19697697

She doesn't let the TTK cum.

>> No.19697658

so we can suffer from more chain quests that give rare equipment. :^)

>> No.19697670

The only thing I'm missing are the old ram consumption and EO (stable).

>> No.19697678
File: 61 KB, 599x360, Dk8XVGAU0AAXwkQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replacement for Orel

>> No.19697680
File: 718 KB, 707x1000, __arashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_yunamaro__2f9b4ad407dbd5ef7bf5006b070a6831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19697697

>Ufufu~, Teitoku, if don't pull out in time, this buzzer goes off.

>> No.19697686


>> No.19697687
Quoted by: >>19697699

We have one for ammo and one for furl now. Alright. What's the composition for this, just one DD?

>> No.19697688

Total time spent I think is about equal, since initial loading is longer and the delays between animations are about the same. However, the animations themselves are noticeably faster. pulling a number out of my ass I would say they are between 10% to 20% faster than before. In some extreme cases, an enemy taking a killing blow doesn't even shake - their picture just instantly goes from normal to sunk.

>> No.19697689
Quoted by: >>19697691


>will never be a meme again.

>> No.19697691
Quoted by: >>19697700

Maybe we'll have some new memes.

>> No.19697694
Quoted by: >>19697700

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.19697697
Quoted by: >>19697708

Now way ttk would be able to control himself, buzzer or not.

>> No.19697699
Quoted by: >>19697703

Didn't we have one for baux in the previous thread, too?

>> No.19697700


>> No.19697703

Yes 2-2 for baux

>> No.19697708
Quoted by: >>19697731

She chain him in a chastity belt just before he cums.

>> No.19697711

Does 3CL 3DD work for 3-4?

>> No.19697713

It should.

>> No.19697716
File: 145 KB, 426x519, nu4-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19701193

Thanks anon for this recommendation.

>> No.19697731
Quoted by: >>19697737

This is a criminal offence.

>> No.19697730
File: 430 KB, 1428x2048, 1534657408340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gundam NT. Which is why >>19697360 is the best parody.

>> No.19697737
Quoted by: >>19697767

Not as bad as the MP finding you pounding a DD's cunny.

>> No.19697740

Ahaha, what the fuck were they tinking?! Unless, they wanted to spread this as a meme, which is very possible.

>> No.19697753

It's Sunrise, it very much is intentional.

>> No.19697758

Funny, I still hear the BGM when I got a catbomb.

>> No.19697767

Fuck the MP as well.

>> No.19697794
Quoted by: >>19701460

I can't help but wonder if Narrative's plot will somehow be based on the Rape of the Sabine Women

>> No.19697798
File: 48 KB, 383x689, UAwPTMn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess we got ourselves a preview for the next event -- Flagship Re/ Re Kai.

>> No.19697800

ISn't that just Elite Re?

>> No.19697808

For now.

>> No.19697813
Quoted by: >>19700321

1CAV 2CL 3DD went DHLJP, which is shortest route.

>> No.19697820 [DELETED] 

I can see my waifu's sweats so it's very good

>> No.19697825
Quoted by: >>19697826

Double Re Kai soon with Nu Kai crits.

>> No.19697826

Won't matter if she's only at the boss.

>> No.19697827

How is it possible to win this?

>> No.19697830

Kill flagship.

>> No.19697834
Quoted by: >>19697842


>> No.19697842

Wai, you can LBAS?

>> No.19697845


>> No.19697846

I'm moving up to world 4. So, what's the comp for 4-1 - 4-5? And do I have to clear nu4-1 before it?

>> No.19697859

7-1 is for unlocking 4-2.

>> No.19697860

But you still need to clear all the shit quests in w6 for it?

>> No.19697861
Quoted by: >>19698266

Just call it 7-1 like the devs and the nips. Also it's only for 4-2.

>> No.19697868
File: 276 KB, 500x750, Souryuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19697874

Ok so I still cant unlock my second fleet despite meeting the quest criteria. Help.

>> No.19697869

2-2, guaranteed 2 transports every battle that you can spam quickly.

>> No.19697874
Quoted by: >>19697985

Well, you should've posted your fleet instead of a dragon.

>> No.19697881

Can I use 1CL2CLT3DD in 3-4?

>> No.19697893
Quoted by: >>19697902

Has anyone tried farming the bucket node on 2-4? How viable is it?

>> No.19697902 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 480x360, YAMEROOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19697913

>no more resources friendly with subs

>> No.19697913
Quoted by: >>19697969

What? There's still 6-1.

>> No.19697964
File: 81 KB, 1138x324, turn on AA, Tanaka, ffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those jaggies

>> No.19697969

It's shit.

>> No.19697970
File: 272 KB, 1198x715, 4-5 turboroute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19697980

Based Tanaka

>> No.19697971
File: 28 KB, 601x213, 34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humikane got hospitalized.

>> No.19697976
Quoted by: >>19698012

Why can't it be fucking Shibafu or Tanaka that need to be put in a hospital?

>> No.19697980

What compo?
Oh god no, I need my SW and GUP artwork ffs.

>> No.19697985
File: 505 KB, 1020x563, Just Leveling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here they are
>file name related
All the wiki says is
- fleet 2 with quest A4: Have 6 ships in your fleet
but its still grayed out. What do I do senpai?

>> No.19697987
Quoted by: >>19697997

RIP aryan shipgirls.

>> No.19697994
Quoted by: >>19698089

Have you actually activated and cleared the quest and gotten the quest reward?

>> No.19697997

He's fine now anyway

>> No.19697999
Quoted by: >>19698089

Reload. If that doesnt work then post a screenshot of the quest. I dont think the conditions changed but its a possibility.

>> No.19698002
Quoted by: >>19698011

Why did they have to add Tsus to World 5? We burn enough bauxite throwing planes at them every event anyway.

>> No.19698011

Now you can spend even more baux there with even more bs comps and almost forced LBAS to some maps.

>> No.19698012

If only.

>> No.19698018
File: 267 KB, 1198x718, 4-5comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19698029

The standard comp

>> No.19698029

You need fast+ right?

>> No.19698036

Basically same with old 4-5 except you get to skip 1route by foregoing seaplane.

>> No.19698037
File: 114 KB, 596x1025, __z3_max_schultz_kantai_collection_drawn_by_shimada_fumikane__66e6e8aaf18c496afe96553049bb7971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19698042

Please don't die Humikane san

>> No.19698042

He is not going to die.
GuP have 6movies coming out in the following 6years.

>> No.19698043
File: 1021 KB, 1200x720, 2018-08-19 11-11-02 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1BB 2DD 2CL 1CLT gives you this route in 5-3.

>> No.19698046
Quoted by: >>19698073

God this map looks like total cancer.

>> No.19698050
Quoted by: >>19698059

Why do you have letters all over the place?

>> No.19698053
Quoted by: >>19698073

What the fuck is that shit?

>> No.19698056
Quoted by: >>19698070

I get the same route with 1FBB 2CAV 1CL 2DD and i think this is better because sometimes the boss has 2 CVL

>> No.19698059

It's a KC3 thing, he forgot to turn it off.

>> No.19698065
File: 77 KB, 801x481, 1534657511079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19698088

Fixed your shit

>> No.19698070

Can you get AS with it?

>> No.19698073

Looks better than it was before with that easy routing. Not that it was all that hard to begin with.

>> No.19698078
File: 379 KB, 1505x906, 1534660052566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19698158


>> No.19698079

>Can you get AS with it?
Yes use Suzuya&Kumano
Red gun
Green secondary gun(expansion)

>> No.19698080

Why is a battleship allowed? Everyone should do it with 5 destroyers and a CA like I did.

>> No.19698081
Quoted by: >>19698102

The map became a total joke after they implemented night support

>> No.19698088 [DELETED] 

Need fast ship? Can fast Ise k2 gets that route.

>> No.19698089
File: 940 KB, 1037x582, Quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.19698094
Quoted by: >>19698098

A shitload of unnecessary nodes and mandatory fuck yous from yasen nodes makes it worse than it was before.

>> No.19698098
Quoted by: >>19698117

>unnecessary nodes
You only need to fight 2 fixed yasen nodes without other routing gimmick or RNG bullshit.

>> No.19698102
Quoted by: >>19698117

People still get tremors from the thought of night battle nodes for some reason though. Guess they're dumb.

>> No.19698109
Quoted by: >>19698352

Does 「水雷戦隊」look like the A4 quest? I dont have any brainlet pics, but pretend I'm posting one.

>> No.19698115
Quoted by: >>19698352

Wrong quest, you idiot.

>> No.19698116


>> No.19698117

Becuase it's twice as easy to get fucked over by yasen nodes than a normal one. Even with yasen gear.

>> No.19698119

>in the following 6years
I wish.
GuP will outlive all of us.

>> No.19698123
Quoted by: >>19698352

That doesn't even have the same resource reward numbers as the second fleet unlocking quest. Look at which one has 40 40 0 40.

>> No.19698127

Wish there was more summer CG (yukata or swimsuit) for carriers. Was thinking of doing swimsuit run of regular maps for the giggles.

>> No.19698131
File: 163 KB, 768x1024, Dk7MViTV4AAcggk[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19698135

That hair is pretty impressive.

>> No.19698139

Don't post 3DPD in this thread.

>> No.19698141


>> No.19698144

Prost more 3dpd here so faggots would suicide sooner.

>> No.19698158

Oh my.

>> No.19698172
Quoted by: >>19698208

You can only bring SPFs so she doesn't matter.

>> No.19698176
Quoted by: >>19698208

There are no planes for Tsu to shoot retard

>> No.19698207

There is tons of Strike Witches coming though.
Another FAG anime too.

>> No.19698208

Tsu elite (not even fucking common Tsu) just gave me a very clear idea of what to expect at the world 5 in general.

Would you kindly kill yourself imbecile?

>> No.19698233

That isn't even the comp with two red tsus, you worthless pussy.

>> No.19698242

6-4 is the most cancerous map. Prove me wrong.

>> No.19698245

Do I /really/ have to repair Kasuminx or can I just leave her at chuuha until summer ends?

>> No.19698247
Quoted by: >>19698263

Literally the easiest World 6 map.

>> No.19698252
Quoted by: >>19698263

t. Tanklet or WGlet

>> No.19698254
File: 1019 KB, 1368x1638, 20180819-174411695_4-5comp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19698274

2try to finish last dance with this comp. Having extra evasion to dodge the boss is actually very nice. Very noticeable compare to old 4-5.

>> No.19698262
Quoted by: >>19698278

Cleared it with a single tank and two WGs.
How shit is your equipment?

>> No.19698263
File: 141 KB, 426x519, 6-4 rev4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this couldn't guarantee your win.

>> No.19698266
Quoted by: >>19702254

Should've been placed last then.

>> No.19698268

ok but why jets?

>> No.19698274
Quoted by: >>19698291


oh fuck meant for>>19698254

>> No.19698276
File: 381 KB, 920x1095, 攻略編成_20180615-180414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no tashkent
>no Ise
>deadweight Zara
Come on

>> No.19698278

Did I miss a new meta?
I always got 6ships with meatshield at boss.

>> No.19698284
Quoted by: >>19698289

>this equipment

Lmaoing at your scrub fleet.

>> No.19698289
Quoted by: >>19698359

So easy you can do it with pretty much one super specific comp wit the best shit to boot.

>> No.19698291

Because there are many low HP escorts mob at 4-5. Jets actually work.

>> No.19698352
File: 540 KB, 1054x560, Second Fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19699125

Alright I figured out what I was doing wrong.
I didnt do A3 right. Thanks anyway.

>> No.19698359

to be fair, 6-4 is supposed to be the hardest normal map. you're not meant to have an easy time with it unless you've got good equipment.
if you're a new player, best you can hope is throw your fleet against it until you get the 5-ship comp or a lucky LBAS hit.

>> No.19698361

Oh? That's all I need? Thanks.

>> No.19698404

Use all bombers in LBAS or 1 fighter at most.

>> No.19698444
File: 745 KB, 1200x720, e1516e27-f164-4699-b0ba-b875c7c4e1f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19698462

So this is the power of torpedo squadron. So spicy.

>> No.19698446

Do they need to be at max rank?

>> No.19698462

The best part of this update is how they make 1CL 2DD staple for almost all maps. Compass RNG is finally gone.

>> No.19698466
Quoted by: >>19698486

Any news on 4-3? What's the routing?

>> No.19698471
Quoted by: >>19698552

And make you suck more dick at nodes for it.

>> No.19698486
Quoted by: >>19698543

AS 255-300

>> No.19698521
Quoted by: >>19698540

DDs are backbone of the navy.

>> No.19698540

Good thing the Abyssals can either ignore that or have DDs that are more similar to CAs than even CLs.

>> No.19698543

Thanks, it worked. I'll try the same for 4-4, see how it goes.

>> No.19698544

Helps a lot but you'll probably lose some ranks anyway.

>> No.19698545

I was probably just lucky, but I cleared 6-4 without using LBAS on the boss node by using a fleet similar to >>19698276. I sent the LBAS to C node instead after seeing double chevron bombers do a total of 24 dmg in exchange for getting wiped out by Abyss AA.

Only S-ranked twice out of all the sorties, though.

>> No.19698551

What's the composition? Tried 1 DD / 1 SS and got off-routed to node C.

>> No.19698552

Pretty much all the maps became easier at the expense of olel farming.

>> No.19698558

Add 3-2A too.

>> No.19698577

Going through w1 and w2, 1-4, 2-1, 2-2 and 2-5 became worse. That's just the start.
Solving RNG by forcing worse comps while facing the same enemies is not easier.

>> No.19698585 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19698592

Only plebs complain

>> No.19698592

They wouldn't if it actually became easier.

>> No.19698611

Might as well play candy crush or some shit at that point.

>> No.19698613
Quoted by: >>19698668

A Ru can't aim for shit, you're fine.

>> No.19698668

Flags have absolutely no issues aiming and anything beyond a CL is almost immune to the forced DDs.

>> No.19698849
File: 348 KB, 708x527, reward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19698881

tfw feels like clearing event without rewards

>> No.19698881

Will he inject that semen directly into her eggs? Or have it run through her veins?

>> No.19698933
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1033, CutOff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19699016

Anyone else having an issue with the latest EO cutting off the game screen like this? Changing the zoom doesn't help.

>> No.19698947

Just finished 5-3 with 1FBB 2CAV 2DD 1CL, any comp for 5-4?

>> No.19698960
File: 240 KB, 640x480, Type96_25mm-anti-air-gan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would give maybe 1 armor and 1 other random stat, but it's actually kind of weird that Tanaka hasn't added the enclosed triple 25mm.

>> No.19699016
Quoted by: >>19699097

Perhaps, re-apply stylesheet?

>> No.19699025
File: 149 KB, 750x913, Dk9cfA2UwAAtrbj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19699035
Quoted by: >>19699058

How so 1-4, 2-1 and 2-2 are now guaranteed boss node.with torpedo squadron.

>> No.19699058
Quoted by: >>19699086

nNd you are almost always forced to yasen and will get someone butchered unless they are of high level and not scrub tier.

>> No.19699086
Quoted by: >>19699131

Oh no, the horror.

>> No.19699097
Quoted by: >>19699108

You mean the ColorScheme files in the Settings folder? Tried it, and the game screen is still cut off.

>> No.19699108

Click on the ... icon ->uncheck Apply Stylesheet then recheck it again. The Apply Stylesheet don't work properly.

>> No.19699123

Are 3-1, 3-2 and 3-3 about the same as before?

>> No.19699125

Did you start playing after HTML happened?

>> No.19699131

>on the fucking easy maps

>> No.19699132

What do you do when your destroyer wife walks into the bedroom with a camisole so thin and small that she might as well not be wearing anything?

>> No.19699136

Tell her to get dressed or she'll catch a cold.

>> No.19699143
Quoted by: >>19699595

Realize this is a bad dream because I'm married to a non-destroyer ship.

>> No.19699152
Quoted by: >>19699415

Pound her relentlessly in a mating press position. Take a photo of her ahegao double peace

>> No.19699230

>Is it possible to use firefox engine instead?
Even if it's possible, not sure I'm up for the task.

>andante is working on implementing Edge
I really hope he'd worked on CEF implementation though, I doubt Edge would be more efficient in cpu and memory usage.

>> No.19699256
File: 80 KB, 549x442, 1503971623207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just when i thought there is no random routing.

>> No.19699291

For maximum fun.

>> No.19699415

tfw DD is not real and i will never give them a mating press

>> No.19699469
Quoted by: >>19699595

>destroyer wife
wake up because I realize I have better taste than that

>> No.19699495

There isn't, dont use BB

>> No.19699510
File: 151 KB, 1200x720, Dk936-GU4AgGwc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19699536
File: 258 KB, 1199x718, 4-2_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19699670

It either ACL or BDCL for me.
Never even see G before.

>> No.19699547

1-5 rewards less XP now, but it's also much easier. Never completed a "1-5 C-rank" quest in one try before.
CAPTCHA was boats. How appropriate.

>> No.19699569

Pull her down on the bed and start tongue-kissing her. Then go down on her and finger her while eating out her navel.

>> No.19699595
Quoted by: >>19699612

>not having a DD wife
The younger the girl, the better she breeds.

>> No.19699612
Quoted by: >>19699649

Sorry I prefer my girls with meat on them

>> No.19699649
File: 137 KB, 991x1400, __akatsuki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__46ab3fc9bf35ee10ff466e80c5c4ef9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>them THICC thighs and big loli belly
>no meat
Shit taste.

>> No.19699667
Quoted by: >>19699693

>tfw you will never destroy this lady in bed

>> No.19699670
Quoted by: >>19699706

Oh? I went ACGL with 3CLT3DD

>> No.19699693
File: 69 KB, 634x597, b43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19699706

Good though.
ACGL is good for transport quest since you can kill 5/sortie. You can now complete both transport and world4 weekly.

>> No.19700056
File: 339 KB, 900x1148, confused fat submarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19700065

>last dance on 4-4 is Nu flagship instead of Armored Carrier Hime

>> No.19700061


Finally nips have found replacement for Orel.

>> No.19700065
Quoted by: >>19700084

The Hime only appears on my 1st and 2nd kill

>> No.19700084
Quoted by: >>19700132

Showed 3/4 times for me, but didn't bother to show up for last dance. Nice.

>> No.19700086
File: 137 KB, 976x1158, 5e077c8ed4eb4954e21b0fcb132648da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19700127

Holiday forever Dechi!

>> No.19700127
Quoted by: >>19700143

Meanwhile Abukuma is busy as ever.

>> No.19700132

Also, do I need to clear 5-1 to unlock 4-5? It's doesn't look unlocked yet.

>> No.19700143

Yura-neesama can't help her?

>> No.19700171
File: 887 KB, 1168x827, 1455039651980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of my face brat

>> No.19700226
File: 290 KB, 1200x1478, Dk9B3w3VAAAwFGv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left or right?

>> No.19700233


>> No.19700240

Left, and then left again.

>> No.19700265

Right because she isn't a bitch.

>> No.19700312

I don't get the purpose of SPFs and daihatsu there.

>> No.19700317
Quoted by: >>19700679

What are those numbers? Prices?

>> No.19700321
Quoted by: >>19700355

How do I not C-rank the boss node?

>> No.19700322

New fuel farming spot(1-3) can collect 1960 per hour theoretically

>> No.19700328
File: 909 KB, 1024x1280, 70291001_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a fun game: guess the identity of the girl on the left.

>> No.19700340


>> No.19700355

Same as every node, snipe the boss.

>> No.19700378

Why is Littorio ruining my wife?

>> No.19700383
Quoted by: >>19700403

So... Do we have LBAS at 5-5 or not? If we do, how to unlock them?

>> No.19700403

You buy 3 more bulldozers and build a base there yourself.

>> No.19700411

Don't kid me anon.

>> No.19700494
Quoted by: >>19700556

I thought they added the possibility to remove equipment from ships in dock?

>> No.19700556
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1534092789379.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19700595

The option always existed.
When you're selecting equipment click the blue button.

>> No.19700595
Quoted by: >>19700680

You can't remove those that are repairing.

>> No.19700602

Reminder there's only half a day left to sign up for DMM's points giveaway.

>> No.19700622


>> No.19700624


>> No.19700627

I'm more interested in knowing when they give the points out.

>> No.19700640
File: 356 KB, 1200x720, beachprostitute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19700664

What a slut duck.
Too bad that Suzuya didn't get swimsuit or even that yukata.

>> No.19700641

Why did the have to give Roma granny glasses?

>> No.19700647
Quoted by: >>19700663

Honestly, its only worth it if you play the games listed.

>> No.19700663
Quoted by: >>19700674


>> No.19700664

She charges for previews.

>> No.19700672
File: 1.07 MB, 1149x621, 2-5 fleet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't into 2-5.
I have confirmed that I have nuff LoS, but someone always taiha before boss.

>> No.19700674

Chances you get the points are extremely low, especially if you just start today and only have one chance.
If you play those games they list, you get guaranteed free stuff.

>> No.19700679

It's the approximate number of times they've been fucked.

>> No.19700680
File: 511 KB, 1208x357, wowzies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19700703

But you can.
Go into anothers ship equipment, click the blue button, look for the stuff that's equipped on the ship which is in the dock. Then you can put the equipment of the ship being repaired on another ship and then remove it.

>> No.19700703
Quoted by: >>19700724

That's so roundabout and can't really be considered removing, can it? He probably also meant clicking the X to remove them all instead of 'transferring'.

>> No.19700709 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 577x588, -4ada3Q5-8dxhK2kT1kSg1-gc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shizuma really good at drawing.

>> No.19700712
Quoted by: >>19700753

Keep pushing; rotate with different DDs. The route nodes are even easier now that there's no Ru.

>> No.19700724

>He probably also meant clicking the X to remove them all
That's what I meant, but anything will do. It is damn roundabout though.

>> No.19700740

You need a fast fleet for the good route. Time to bench that drunkard

>> No.19700750

Why aren't you using Abukuma?

>> No.19700753
File: 1.72 MB, 1754x2728, 62961482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But there is a Wo at Pre-Boss node. This fleet goes from the south route by the way, what will be of the monthlies?
I don't remember that being there.
Trying this like the backwind of Zuiun.

>> No.19700758
Quoted by: >>19700813

What comp for the 2-5 monthly? Also, do I need to clear it to unlock 4-2? Want to know beforehand.

>> No.19700793
Quoted by: >>19700813

He needs LoS/working ears, presumably.

>> No.19700813
Quoted by: >>19700828

Abukuma + 3DD + RJ + tamagoyaki

I had enough even with Abukuma.

>> No.19700828

>Abukuma + 3DD + RJ + tamagoyaki
I said monthly, that means using the mokous.

>> No.19700835

don't lewd my daughteru!

>> No.19700848
File: 273 KB, 1189x708, 2-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, good luck with that. The route is bullshit.

>> No.19700891

>tfw actually believe anon and spend 1000 yen on nothing

>> No.19700934
Quoted by: >>19700947

What do I do for 4-5 if I don't have enough turbines?

>> No.19700947
Quoted by: >>19701021

You craft more turbines.

>> No.19700949
Quoted by: >>19700968

A few hours left and I still didn't reach 5-2 - lads, how do I reach the boss node in 5-1? Old combo of 2CA+1CL doesn't get me there.

>> No.19700968
Quoted by: >>19701266

5-1 3slow bb 2ca 1cl like your monthly
5-2 2cv 2ca 2dd

>> No.19701012

What is going to be the most efficient way to do the 20 transports and 20 carriers quest at the same time now that Orel is gone?

>> No.19701021
Quoted by: >>19701193

Do I need Fast+ or Fastest?

>> No.19701023
File: 558 KB, 1024x768, __admiral_and_ro_500_kantai_collection_drawn_by_subaru_797529__3fd3e1a6c8e733070b8fe90e76831482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moar LoS with fleet secretary.
Thank you m8.

>> No.19701193


>> No.19701209

Good update, but I was hoping the refuel quest would now count mass refueling.

>> No.19701229
Quoted by: >>19701323

How are we supposed to do old quests now that the maps have all changed?

>> No.19701266
File: 10 KB, 205x190, 1526134953810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much obliged

>> No.19701291
File: 257 KB, 1207x720, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what I used in 2-5 with 100% clear rate. Replace Zara with Myoukous and 2CAV with 1 drum each is a must. You might need to sparkle them because of the fuel/ammo penalty. If you want to clear it normally, have Zara with the best Zuiun and Kyoufu. At least 3 observer seaplanes are required for F>J.

>> No.19701323
Quoted by: >>19701368

Either wait for information to come out, or figure it out yourself. 1-5 is much easier now

>> No.19701368
Quoted by: >>19701455

>the easiest EO is now easier
>most other maps have less routing rng but get worse
>certain quests become even more of a chore than

>> No.19701392

Seems Sagiri drops on the boss node in 7-1.

>> No.19701403

1-5 - easier
2-5 - harder
3-5 - same
4-5 - +/-0
5-5 - harder
6-5 - easier

Seems about the same

>> No.19701410
Quoted by: >>19701444

Did you go north or south for 3-5?

>> No.19701424
Quoted by: >>19701444

>6-5 - easier
W6 wasn't even touched. How is it easier?

>> No.19701430
Quoted by: >>19701444

I thought World 6 didn't change?

>> No.19701444

It's one of the three maps that had no change to it whatsoever. Both north and south are viable depending on what you have. I did north for speed this month

All night and sub node consumption has been adjusted. The south route for 6-5 is now viable and more consistent option. You reach the boss without ammo penalty from south now

Only 6-1, 3-5 and 6-2 are completely unchanged

>> No.19701455

I shudder to think how the new ttks will do that one quest on 5-1 with 3 DDs.

>> No.19701459
Quoted by: >>19701490

>5-5 - harder
just finished 5-4 and want to tackle 5-5 can you explain the differences?

>> No.19701460

Rape is always good.

>> No.19701466

Did they forget they had quests when they give the go ahead for these map designs?

>> No.19701486

Isn't that the one with Yura K2 and Murasame K2? Don't think many new ttks will be rushing that particular quest.
I'm guessing 3DD 1CL is a particularly bad routing for 5-1?

>> No.19701488

>5-5 - harder
Did they remove the "hurrdurr 20% offrouting chance" parte, at least?

>> No.19701490
File: 53 KB, 383x689, Dk0nS4OVAAAx3f_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still have random off route too, and the off route rate is very high unless you have extremely high LOS

There is 4DD based route through night nodes as well where with enough LOS you can avoid all off routes but don't expect to clear in 5 runs with it

>> No.19701500
Quoted by: >>19701505

>2-5 - harder
Great, because that stupid 4DD monthly wasn't hard enough already. Fuck.

>> No.19701505

You don't have a night node for the monthly anymore though

>> No.19701506

Deep dick her.

>> No.19701527

>1-5 - easier
1-5 was always a joke map

>2-5 - harder
fuck the fat man

>3-5 - same
hoppo wasn't touched

>4-5 - +/-0
actually cheaper now

>5-5 - harder
who thought 5-5 needed to be harder? masochists?

>6-5 - easier
never done it, sounds annoying

>> No.19701530

Nope. It's still random offroute.

>> No.19701536

1 big gamble through yasen node is better than multiple surface nodes

>> No.19701537

So you'd rather take the extra node and 3 Flag Ru? Retard.

>> No.19701546

With that fleet I'd take the yasen anytime.

Even if I bring a million LOS?

>> No.19701575

Didn't check with crazy amounts of LOS but I highly doubt that. You expect Tanaka to be reasonable for once?

>> No.19701591

Having like 190+ Cn=3 LoS seems to reduce offroute rate

>> No.19701599
File: 1.11 MB, 1200x720, 2018-08-19 20-15-23 63.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19701623

With 60 LoS I never strayed once so far. Also, there is no longer any slow bullying.

>> No.19701623
Quoted by: >>19701654

How hard are the preboss nodes compared to old 5-5?

>> No.19701635

That one is much easier because the biggest problem was 80% chance of offroute.

>> No.19701654
Quoted by: >>19701668

A lot easier. There's a subnode, so that means no penalties at boss. Plus, the pre-boss Re-chan has a chance to be non-elite, so no opening torpedo nuke.

>> No.19701668

>the pre-boss Re-chan has a chance to be non-elite, so no opening torpedo nuke
holy shit this is actually good
inb4 only for low t-level

>> No.19701676
File: 43 KB, 563x290, new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19701704

It seems that old ways don't work anymore. Shame, it was nice when everything worked as intended.
So, what's the new thing for 4-5? And no Fast+ please, I don't that many holepunchers or turbines.or even boilers.

>> No.19701704
Quoted by: >>19701721

just finished 4-5 without very fast turbines. Use classic 3 CA(V) 3CV and go through Abyss Naka preboss.

>> No.19701721
Quoted by: >>19701739

>go through Abyss Naka preboss
I would very much rather not, but I guess there's no choice.

>> No.19701734

Damn it, I shouldn't have put off doing these old quests.
Trying to do B85, but something is throwing me off course on the new 2-5.

>> No.19701739

its not that hard her fleet keep missing because diamond formation

>> No.19701779
Quoted by: >>19701818

Did most weeklies and monthlies with the new maps and so far the only ones that seem harder are the 2-5 ones, rest is easier/more consistent or the same as before, not sure what the problem is.

>> No.19701818
Quoted by: >>19702013

Because most "rest" are actually worse.
Making less routing rng but forcing weaker fleets or extra combat nodes is mostly worse than before.

>> No.19701882

Because i'm done with all new maps except 5-5 here my verdict
world 1 easy baby mode
world 2 easy except 2-5
world 3 easy
world 4 easy
world 5 hard 5-3 is easier but still annoying 5-4 is no longer baby mode 5-5 pending
world 6 same
world 7 easy

>> No.19702013
Quoted by: >>19702231

Maybe if you're a retard wasting resources bringing 4BB 2CV on all maps when CLs, CVLs and DDs do just fine.

>> No.19702015

Why do people say 5-5 is harder, it feels much easier for me.

>> No.19702043

People love to whine

>> No.19702048

Because they only look at screencaps of the boss and then start complaining without even playing the map, it's the same every time people see new event maps.

>> No.19702231

By "do just fine" you mean get wrecked everywhere outside world 1 and 2?

It's one of the few maps that got easier if you have LBAS, but it got one comp that is almost twice as hard as before.

>> No.19702254

Read the previous thread, the maps are placed based on their distance from Japan.

>> No.19702299

>We apologize for the confusion caused by this nuance.
Well, at least I got some gomenasais. Fine. It still requires some getting used to though.

>> No.19702367
File: 148 KB, 991x1400, __i_19_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__85fb83d594c4012da83246a25f0b54d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iku is ready to celebrate her release from 2-3.

>> No.19702386


>> No.19702391

and from my base

>> No.19702393
Quoted by: >>19702399

If I didn't know any better, I'd think that Iku was a huge slut.

>> No.19702395
Quoted by: >>19702424

This is completely unnecessary

>> No.19702399
Quoted by: >>19702408

Now that I look at it, he forgot her third tail.

>> No.19702405

No, I got hardly any retreats, mostly just scratch damage.

>> No.19702408

He's such a fuck-up.

>> No.19702424

It would probably make more sense to truly new admirals, as they would be clearing it in the order of the icons (whereas they threw us a bone and left the first maps unlocked). Although then new admirals have to comprehend that it goes 3, 7, 4.

>> No.19702432

jesus the chrome ram memes were real

>> No.19702480

I'm not going to do my best this week.

>> No.19702484
File: 51 KB, 900x700, IMG_20160922_073728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19702487

it eats ram over time so you can just refresh since its fucking fast now
normally i use iridium but since its a couple of versions behind on windows i updated my ungoogled chromium since its pretty much clean of random shit, runs really fast
so i would recommend a clean ungoogled chromium for botecolle (get ublock just to play safe because i saw some shaddy urls being loaded by dmm) and run the game there, its a great temporary solution until they update and fix kcv

>> No.19702490
File: 86 KB, 939x439, completely fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of toasters are you playing on? You don't have at least 16gb of ram on your machine?

>> No.19702499
Quoted by: >>19702527

I'm just going to chill till the event starts

Did you think we were lying? Everything google touches turns into a bloated ugly mess

>> No.19702527

No chilling, you have maps to unlock and quests to do.

>> No.19702538
Quoted by: >>19702683

Fuck you Yodo.

>> No.19702549

Close some tabs. It's directly proportional since Chrome keeps tabs memory-isolated.

>> No.19702552
File: 792 KB, 744x1052, 1428413996988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19702566


>> No.19702557
File: 58 KB, 722x500, it's fine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can do them later
It'll be fine

>> No.19702561
Quoted by: >>19702569

KC3 team says that the game is caching audio clips after they play once

>> No.19702566

Hentai of death.

>> No.19702569

Fuck off back to the wiki.

>> No.19702582

>Jani Jani someone is talking about the wikia viewer!

>> No.19702586

I'm just saying that might explain the memory usage

>> No.19702652
File: 13 KB, 195x199, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New utility maps.

>> No.19702683

I want to fuck the Yodo.

>> No.19702685

>Leveling: 5-2, 7-1
Is this supposed to be straight to the boss/offroute or just the first node?

>> No.19702746
File: 339 KB, 1280x999, 1456524658829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the line then.

>> No.19702832
Quoted by: >>19702882

Is World 7 the place to grind in early game?

>> No.19702882
Quoted by: >>19703061

You need OASW capable ships for that so I'd say no.

>> No.19702963
Quoted by: >>19703101

wtf? You guys said 5-5 is the same, but actually it's easier with no bullshit routing.

>> No.19702991
Quoted by: >>19703002

Is there a way to guarantee off-shoot for 2-2?

>> No.19703002


>> No.19703061
Quoted by: >>19703078

Then what place is?

>> No.19703078
Quoted by: >>19703090

1-5 like always.

>> No.19703090
Quoted by: >>19703134

But I thought 1-5 wasn't doable now since you no longer get 540exp for flagship in any of the nodes?

>> No.19703101
Quoted by: >>19703198

Yeah, no Re pre-boss bullshit.

>> No.19703134

Yeah, but at the same time sub nodes' resource consumption have changed so it's still the best choice. 7-1 can and will fuck your shit with opening torpedoes.

>> No.19703146

Ah, alright then. I'll just do my grinding there until my DDs and CLs are strong enough.

>> No.19703198

And no-random ekaze.

>> No.19703208

7-1 is for comfy ranking.

>> No.19703405
File: 61 KB, 600x906, 1534480815346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19703410


>> No.19703410
Quoted by: >>19703425

Comfort ship

>> No.19703425

Only good for Double Attack with 3 WGs.

>> No.19703533

I'd love to personally reload her weapons.

>> No.19703555

She's definitely DA'ing with my rocket.

>> No.19703561

Which node and what would be the ideal setup?

>> No.19703573
File: 66 KB, 700x891, CqjKYc9UMAMkQdQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we should just scrap all these dupe subs we have now?

>> No.19703578

Okay how the hell does one get to node E in 1-5 without being off-routed? I've tried 1CL 2DD's 1CVL and I've also tried 2CL's 1DD and 1 CVL.

>> No.19703589 [DELETED] 

I've only used 3 DE's and Gamby and it works every time.

>> No.19703614

So I'm finally back. How did the devs screw us over?

>> No.19703616
Quoted by: >>19703627

Maybe it's like the old 1-5 where the only way to take certain paths is to arrive at the node with 5 ships and leave with 4.

>> No.19703618

Bruh. 16 GB to 32 GB of RAM is standard now. Get Chromium if you don't want Google's botnet. Or Opera.

>> No.19703627

Well I had got to node E when I used 6 ships but I don't think its possible to reach the boss node with 6 ships.

>> No.19703629


>> No.19703635
Quoted by: >>19703653

What's in node E that you need to go for?

>> No.19703642
Quoted by: >>19704795

What's with her spine? Also obese lolis are not good.
Oh Orel isn't a thing. Good thing I only kept one dupe of I-58 and one dupe of I-168. Didn't Orel much.

>> No.19703653
Quoted by: >>19703673

It takes you to the boss node.

>> No.19703655

They didn't.

>> No.19703659
Quoted by: >>19703696

Only people who got screwed over are those who were used to oreling.

>> No.19703669

Made some things easier, some things worse.
I'd say the pros are outweighted by the cons but you need to check for yourself. 2-5 quests are now cancer and you need fast+ to have an adequate 4-5 route are some of the most ass moves.

>> No.19703673
Quoted by: >>19703691

Just take the F route.

>> No.19703691
Quoted by: >>19703942

I honestly didn't notice that F node can take you to G which can then take you to boss node.

I'm an idiot.

>> No.19703696

I see. Well it sucks about 2-5 and 4-5. It sounds like EOs were changed the most, in therm of difficulty. Don't have enough hole punches so I might have to buy some when I get my next job.
Never oreled enough for it to matter.

>> No.19703708
Quoted by: >>19703723

>I'd say the pros are outweighted by the cons
Maybe if all you did was orel and 5-4.

>> No.19703723

I'm judging by weeklys and monthlys. Some were made easier but more got screwed over.

>> No.19703725
Quoted by: >>19703739

>adequte 4-5
FAST 4-5 is easy mode.
Also, from my impression
>2-5 is harder, sure
>5-5 becomes easy mode bar the last dance where Wo channeling Enterprise
>6-5 is still the same except south route is viable now.

>> No.19703739

>double Re and/or an extra hime while still having the sub is easymode

>> No.19703747
Quoted by: >>19703771

You say that like War Hime is any threat. She's weak as fuck since she's from 2013.

>> No.19703757

2BB 4CV works most of the time anon. Just use those IseK2's planes to snipe everything with CVCI.

>> No.19703762

Regular fleet, its not hard, maybe for certain quest it can be.

>> No.19703771

Variants of Wo are harder than she is after all.

>> No.19703786
File: 1.17 MB, 1065x959, 2018-08-20 00_38_02-艦隊これくしょん -艦これ- - オンラインゲーム - DMM GAMES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, titty dragon.
Nei secoli fedele.

>> No.19703787
File: 170 KB, 800x1022, 27f37da3dd62d1e6f176c983c7a4e8c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing like tits and booze.

>> No.19703791
Quoted by: >>19703834

>16 GB to 32 GB of RAM is standard now
what the fuck I have 4GB

>> No.19703805
Quoted by: >>19703810

>Get Chromium if you don't want Google's botnet
isn't chromium like chrome for linux or something??

>> No.19703810

No, it's the base for chrome. You can install it on any OS.

>> No.19703819
Quoted by: >>19703832

Fuck 2-5

>> No.19703832

I can't believe I get to say this for 2-5 again after so many years. Git gud.

>> No.19703834
Quoted by: >>19703843

dont listen to these retards, they are the same subhumans saying w10 is completely fine

>> No.19703843 [DELETED] 

>people with at least 16GB of RAM
The only subhumans here are you third world faggots who can't afford something other than a toaster.

>> No.19703868

Just use firefox if you don't have much ram. At least it knows to cut of the resource usage down when the tab is not active.

>> No.19703910

Pola is my spirit animal

>> No.19703931

>No Junyou
>No Nachi

>> No.19703935
Quoted by: >>19704171

What's the comp for 4-4?

>> No.19703942
Quoted by: >>19703951

If you're still curious by the E-route, it can be done with 4 DE

>> No.19703951

I have neither so I'll just go the long way.

>> No.19703993

Just like how unique named planes are the standard carrier planes, right?

>> No.19704017

Chromium and Chrome Canary is the same thing?

>> No.19704033

Ask the fags that pretty much make it the standard.

>> No.19704042

I just did, since you're the only person in the world who thinks it's standard.

>> No.19704055

He thinks he's talking to the same peson.
The industry already came to the point where 8 is the comfortable minimum. It's not "our" fault if you don't have it.

>> No.19704057

Are you telling me that Murata, Tomonaga, Egusa, Iwamoto, Iwai, 64th, 55th, 244th, 303, etc are not standard? Because they are.

>> No.19704101

Now you're pretending to be someone else? I shouldn't expect better from someone misusing surprise boxes and green text. You just described 8 as a standard, too.

>> No.19704106
Quoted by: >>19704127

Comfortable minimum isn't exactly what I'd call standard.

>> No.19704114

Is there a better comp than Zara/2CA/2CAV/CLT for 2-5? Pre-boss keeps fucking me over even with AS

>> No.19704118

What's the recommended fleet for 2-4 now?

>> No.19704124
Quoted by: >>19704133

Treat your paranoia anon.
Start by taking deep breaths and at least attempt to percieve that there might be more than 1 out of 66 people that are talking to you while the point they make is not that much exaggerated if you look at the current technological advancements.

>> No.19704127
Quoted by: >>19704164

Comfortable minimum is exact definition of standard. "Standard" means the minimum baseline developers expect users to have. For example, the Oculus Rift and Windows Mixed Reality recommended specs list 8GB of RAM. SteamVR only lists 4.

>> No.19704133
Quoted by: >>19704150

If there were more than one, the other you would've replied instead of disappearing while you contradict yourself.

>> No.19704150
Quoted by: >>19704167

Oh. You can keep believing that.
But there was no place where i contradicted myself when calling 8 a comfortable minimum.
Also, if you took the guy saying 32 seriously, you are also suffering from some severe case of retardation.

>> No.19704162
File: 127 KB, 707x1000, IMG_20180819_164005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19704164
Quoted by: >>19704195

Don't they usually have minimum and recomended as separate categories? But minimum is not the condition in which you will necessarily enjoy the experience.

>> No.19704167
Quoted by: >>19704182

This entire argument was you seriously arguing for 32 being standard while I was making fun of you.

>> No.19704171

Not sure if some of the CV need to be light. I blew through all the maps with Zuihou, literally ezmode now.

>> No.19704182
Quoted by: >>19704201

At this point, it's your paranoia about thinking you are still talking to the guy who started it while also thinking that "i was just loling therefore you are stupid" is an adequate defence for taking someone making an exaggerated piont seriously and acting up on it.
Afterwards not being able to take an actual valid point as valid because "i was loling therefore you are stupid".
Locked in a cycle mate.

>> No.19704195

They usually do, but developers use the categories differently and one's minimum could be another's recommended. In VR, they go straight to recommended because framerate drops cause nausea for some people. It's a good example because they avoid separating minimum and recommended, and because it's a recent, high end use.

>> No.19704201
Quoted by: >>19704214

What is your actual valid point? That you were just pretending to be retarded all along?

>> No.19704213

I like the face.

>> No.19704214
Quoted by: >>19704330

That was the point you were making about yourself in the previous post.
I was saying that 8 is the comfortable minimum and you taking the 32 guy seriously means you are mentally impaired.

>> No.19704255
Quoted by: >>19704262

Samuel "Born to Kill" Roberts

>> No.19704262
File: 134 KB, 1200x731, 1525663922478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Body of a child, mind of a rapist.

>> No.19704263

I like the butt.

>> No.19704268

Which destroyer has the cutest panties?

>> No.19704273

So with the new week are there any recommended maps for weeklies? I know only about 4-2 ACL for World 4, 2-2 CBA for transports and 3-3 for World 3 so far

>> No.19704275

Thunder brother

>> No.19704277
File: 1.31 MB, 1240x1754, __arashio_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kobayashi_chisato__bb2f3ebba939d5a20441f22d9ceb19b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends. I know which one has the lewdest.

>> No.19704292
Quoted by: >>19704299


>> No.19704299
Quoted by: >>19704304

She's not allowed to wear panties on my base. We established that on our first night.

>> No.19704304
Quoted by: >>19704334

What does she wear? Knickers? Bloomers?

>> No.19704330
Quoted by: >>19704393

Making fun of you is supposed to be retarded now? That's quite the ego.

>>19704033 called 32 standard.
>>19704042 was where I said nobody except you would take 32 seriously.
>>19704055 was the only reply. It and >>19704033 were the only posts you could possibly interpret as taking it seriously. You just called yourself mentally impaired.

>> No.19704332

Oh, Ayanami Kai now comes with a Type B gun.

>> No.19704334

A mixture of our cum and my saliva, either dry or wet.

>> No.19704339

Based devs effectively killing sub niggers

>> No.19704347
Quoted by: >>19704356

I don't know, man, I'm standing on like 30 subs total and I don't know what I'm gonna do.

>> No.19704356
Quoted by: >>19704363

Hey, free slots.

>> No.19704363

But I like them, and I like to imagine myself going into the sub dorm to submerge in the wet softness of my gorillion subs.

>> No.19704393
Quoted by: >>19704520

>argue wit a dude who baited you
>only one person can disagree with me
>i didn't take it seriously, i was making fun of "you" all along, i.e. pretending
Then you show some serious lack of self awareness acting as if responding to bait makes you the real "funposter".
My ego has nothing on your's, considering you still think you are talking to the same guy that baited you. And now you are projecting me taking the 32 post seriously, my ego be damned.
The first reply "i" did was indeed that said named planes are considered standart as those are the first to go into your fleet, making them "standard", not rare, occasional or special in their use. Your standard CV comp is using them, not basic noname planes.

>> No.19704409
File: 185 KB, 600x600, 1534649656516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19704470
File: 558 KB, 1000x560, 1530213019313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2-5 Last dance
>the damage meter didn't explode

>> No.19704480

Report that fag, also report tanaka for that diagonal.

>> No.19704483

Its good for me, like that anon said, just delete the data in roaming and start from zero.

>> No.19704488

where the fuck are my extra 80 pixels?

>> No.19704490

I'm just constantly being taiha'd in all my sorties instead

>> No.19704497

>sparkling in the first place

>> No.19704520

>i didn't take it seriously, i was making fun of "you" all along, i.e. pretending
You have some problems understanding English, and I don't just mean all those typos.

>The first reply "i" did was indeed that said named planes are considered standart as those are the first to go into your fleet, making them "standard", not rare, occasional or special in their use. Your standard CV comp is using them, not basic noname planes.
You wrote all that about baiting, and now you post bait like this. You know that proves your excuses wrong, right?

>> No.19704526

It was anticlimactic when that happened to me in 5-3. Are they adding new bugs as we go along?

>> No.19704565

DMM tax.

>> No.19704661

The old one (800x480) was also short pixels. It's still the same strange 5:3 aspect ratio.

>> No.19704747
File: 765 KB, 1192x710, fuckyoutanakayoufuckingfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

63 LOS. I guess you were just really lucky anon

>> No.19704767

What's the best place to finish daily/weekly carrier quests now?

>> No.19704771

Wait for Phase 3.

>> No.19704795

She has puffed out her belly by arching her back to show her prowess as a shipgirl and a lady. And I said nothing about obese.

>> No.19704824

Mutsuki pre kai damaged sprite looks even better in HD.

>> No.19704829
Quoted by: >>19704897

Force your fleet to go ACGL at 4-2.
You can kill 5transport per sortie.

>> No.19704897
Quoted by: >>19704960

But there is only one Carriers with that route though, BDCL has at 3. But i am not sure about the chance

>> No.19704914
Quoted by: >>19704968


>> No.19704960

Do EO like 5-5 or 6-5 for carriers.

>> No.19704968

But where is Sendai's plane?

>> No.19704993 [DELETED] 

Is Musashi a nigger?

>> No.19705000


>> No.19705015

I sent subs to 1-4 for this. 4-2 sucked for carriers.

>> No.19705016 [DELETED] 

She's an African-American

>> No.19705021

Okay what the fuck. 5/6 times with LOS 50~60 i was offrouted to this god forsaken node Q with 3BB3CV and 2BB4CV. Am I blind and missing something or just cursed by fairies?

>> No.19705036

Give her chicken and see her reaction to find out.

>> No.19705106
File: 1.53 MB, 300x169, 1453941857355.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big E is going to be dark and flat.

>> No.19705108

The routing for boss is still random you retard. No amount of LoS will save you.

>> No.19705122

Fuck off.

>> No.19705130
Quoted by: >>19705225

What happened to the 3CV 3SS route?
Doesn't work anymore?

>> No.19705145

The Grey Ghost is going to be another Abyssal Infiltraitor like Akitsu Maru.

>> No.19705162
Quoted by: >>19705227

My laptop overheats like crazy when i run this on chrome now - any suggestions? aside from getting a different laptop

>> No.19705212

I dont get this, did i miss something?

>> No.19705215
Quoted by: >>19705250

Gundam poster, japanese forced meme.

>> No.19705225

It goes the same route. It's no longer just surviving Re, now there are other enemies that can hurt you pretty bad like Wo Kai or Ru Flagships so hard hitting fleet is recommended to kill them. The main adventage of 3SS3CV was 100% boss, now it's random like standard fleet

>> No.19705227
Quoted by: >>19705263

Don't run it on chrome

>> No.19705250
Quoted by: >>19705264

Which Gundam? There is a new Gundam? Is there anything new after Twilight Axis?

>> No.19705263

attempting on opera rn

>> No.19705264
Quoted by: >>19705438

see >>19697730

>> No.19705267


>> No.19705271
File: 29 KB, 360x360, 6km1VB5Y_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to show her the wonders of anal.

>> No.19705278
File: 1.44 MB, 1000x1480, DlAccz3U0AIQC84.png large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just roll with it.

>> No.19705280

Red T should be illegal in PvP.

>> No.19705282

Are they saying event on the 31st or Lawsons collab on the 31st? My nipfu is weak.

>> No.19705296


>> No.19705299

Lawson collab is in September.

>> No.19705315


>> No.19705334
Quoted by: >>19705353

I want her to become a real ship so I stop forgetting she exists. And in my wildest dreams I'll hope she passively sparkles the fleet.

>> No.19705345
Quoted by: >>19705350

did bobsquad 2-5 requirements change? i keep getting sent zigzag through 4 combats and a fuel whirlpool with 56 LOS and standard 2CAV/4bobs

>> No.19705346
File: 41 KB, 400x568, 42006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to unlock A1, A2?

>> No.19705350

2-5 is hell now

>> No.19705353
Quoted by: >>19705561

It's no coincidence they announced the event start date at the same time they changed their picture to her, right?

>> No.19705389

Go away NAACP.

>> No.19705391
File: 363 KB, 1441x2048, 5812__0350f1ca6da6c3e44197b897b5323d5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19705429

Pudge the lady killer.

>> No.19705396
File: 1.37 MB, 1224x738, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the fuck my fucking chrome is loading everything from zero every time i want to play some fucking kancolle eh?

Does this shit happens on EO or fucking Poi?

>> No.19705408

so pretty and cute

>> No.19705414

I wish they would tell us when the new Bob ship would come.

>> No.19705429

What do female lolicons even due?

>> No.19705436


>> No.19705438
Quoted by: >>19705448

I didn't know Unicorn got a sequel.

>> No.19705442

I don't remember this Shig being in the game.

>> No.19705448

Yeah a shitquel no one asked for.

>> No.19705449
Quoted by: >>19705582

They sit on the loli's faces and force them to give cunnilingus

>> No.19705480

Increase the cache size

>> No.19705502
File: 67 KB, 253x305, 1534510813389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hummm i'll try that and if it works im going to give you a prostate massage. It's on the house.

>> No.19705523
File: 43 KB, 191x257, 1476942031106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19705537
Quoted by: >>19705550

How many? I have the same problem.

>> No.19705550

No idea. I switch over to firefox/palemoon

>> No.19705561

It is, they've done that shit before.

>> No.19705579

Alternatively, play Sono Hanabira 5.

>> No.19705582

It would be hotter if that was reversed since they would know how to please them better.

>> No.19705586

No, it does not.

>> No.19705613
File: 398 KB, 541x800, thanksbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19705618

holy fucking god damn shit bro it works thanks now bring me that anus. まかせて!

>> No.19705618
Quoted by: >>19705627

Shitkaku a shit.

>> No.19705627
Quoted by: >>19705630

Fuck you, she's cute.

>> No.19705630

There's nothing cute about an NTR slut.

>> No.19705645
Quoted by: >>19705652

that meme is old and busted

>> No.19705647

>NTR slut
Just because some artists decide to write NTR of her it doesn't mean it's canon. I can understand Suzuya but Shoukaku? Fucking retarded.

>> No.19705652

And so is Shitkaku's loose pussy.

>> No.19705658

As long as the doujin where the meme is born is high quality, it'll -never- die.

>> No.19705693
Quoted by: >>19705792

Where is his C94 works?
Ironically all his post shoukaku are almost all vanilla or pseudo enkou

>> No.19705710

What about that lightbulb one.

>> No.19705739

5-5 with 3FBB 3CV, FBBs are equipped with radars for LoS instead of shells still E kaze

>> No.19705776

No one will ever forget it. When we got an Uzuki desk, everyone immediately pointed out the light bulb lamp.

>> No.19705792
Quoted by: >>19705811

Who, Hiten? It doesn't seem like he even put up anything other than an illustration book at the Comiket though someone will probably upload to sad panda at one stage.

>> No.19705804
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x943, chrome_2018-08-19_22-39-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19705811

Yes hiten.
Both M.A.N.A and E.R.I.N.A were underwhelming after the shoucucku doujins

>> No.19705843

While the quality isn't as amazing as hiten's is still decent enough to keep being remembered.

>> No.19705867 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.06 MB, 1371x2000, 1534737191682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greatest Admiral or Greatest Admiral?

>> No.19705879

Shit admiral, he betrayed humanity for a slut and will now have to live on the run until the JMSDF finds him and executes him, while his slut wife will be forced to be a prostitute for the rest of HQ.

>> No.19705886
Quoted by: >>19705890

That bullet hole is ridiculously small.

>> No.19705890
Quoted by: >>19705911

only .22lr

>> No.19705896

Always makes me want to scrap Ooi.

>> No.19705901

Is being scrapped painful?

>> No.19705904

Based TTK.
Very rare to have a redemption arc in a NTR manga. Shoucucku is still a NTRslut though.

>> No.19705909
Quoted by: >>19705968

That's how I imagine at least. Good lord Ooi is such a fucking cunt that I'm getting angry.

>> No.19705911

bounced around in his skull

>> No.19705916

Can't be greatest if Shoukaku already got defiled in part 1 & 2.

>> No.19705968

what lightbulb one? Should I be concerned?

>> No.19705970

Makigumo's masterpiece.

>> No.19705987

Depends how desensitized you are

>> No.19705990

The doujin where Ooi bully Uzuki for making a pass at Kitakami. Dog is also involved

>> No.19705995

Dog is the MVP of that doujin.

>> No.19706007

Dog should have assaulted Ooi.

>> No.19706014

What's the LoS requirement now for 2-5?

>> No.19706020

She accidentally bumped into her when she thought she was going to get found out for keeping a dog in the base.

>> No.19706049
Quoted by: >>19706066

why can't Houshou be real

>> No.19706066

Houshou was real. There are photos of her to prove it.

>> No.19706069

Hey, shit, I just did my first run of new 2-5 and half the bar got depleted. Did this shit get nerfed?

>> No.19706075

Wait, never mind it was just a visual bug during the battle.

>> No.19706078
File: 211 KB, 708x1000, a9e0cc251469bf6c5565f227c7dc68f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19706081

No, the bar is still bugged.

>> No.19706085
Quoted by: >>19706097

Fucking retard. It's still 4 kills.

>> No.19706089
Quoted by: >>19706137

Why did Kuma have to ruin Ooi's fun?

>> No.19706097

You can't call me retarded for getting excited at a bug,

>> No.19706122
Quoted by: >>19706140

Is there some other requirement to 3-1 apart from killing the boss? Does it have to be done more than once?

>> No.19706133
File: 603 KB, 842x1158, 1403550936547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19706142

Why is she so autistic?

>> No.19706137

Why do we never get to see Kuma ruining Ooi?

>> No.19706140
Quoted by: >>19706154

If you mean 3-2, clear 1-5.

>> No.19706142
File: 487 KB, 792x1000, 1456802911872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not enough night action in her life.

>> No.19706147
File: 94 KB, 613x1200, 1509039285305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Kuma so cute?

>> No.19706149
File: 615 KB, 1199x812, DJnRFr3UEAA2T7q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19706152

First reset of the week and I'm already butthurt without my subs doing the work.

>> No.19706152
Quoted by: >>19706157

Blame the fatfuck for that.

>> No.19706154
Quoted by: >>19706156

I mean I'm at 3-1 and 3-2 hasn't gotten unlocked from beating 3-1, but I guess I'll try 1-5

>> No.19706156

You have to clear 1-5 as well.

>> No.19706157

Keep crying, fatfuckfag.

>> No.19706172 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 581x79, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he saying?

>> No.19706206

Who's the most sexual without even trying?

>> No.19706230
File: 182 KB, 850x1154, 1534494355563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19706236


>> No.19706250

Unironically this.

>> No.19706251

Only correct answer.

>> No.19706256

Yank CVs.

>> No.19706286
File: 223 KB, 1003x1200, DY26_l3U8AMOwDz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19706295
File: 1.24 MB, 1199x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you faggots said 2-5 got harder, this shit is still a joke.

>> No.19706305
Quoted by: >>19706323

Okay you do bm7 next.

>> No.19706307
Quoted by: >>19706323

Wait until you have to do the bob squad monthly quest.

>> No.19706310

The CVLs carry your sad ass for 2-5. No carrier fleets are fucked.

>> No.19706316
File: 264 KB, 750x1046, 1534685704134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I can properly explain how useful the ship class selector is. Speeds things up soooo much

>> No.19706323

The only time I ever bothered to do that quest was when it was require to unlock a different one. It's just 2 screws, who gives a shit.

I used to run bob squad every month without stop until today. I'm pretty sure I still will even with cancer route, I just didn't feel like playing with routing right now since I'm in a rush.

>> No.19706344

Is NuiNui dropping hints that she's getting a swimsuit sprite?

>> No.19706378
File: 1.47 MB, 4067x5950, __pt_imp_group_and_supply_depot_hime_kantai_collection_and_nyantype_drawn_by_akira_kadokawa__6b28d0c51de4ad866b694febc0285764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Supply Depot Sunday! Hi-res official best girl in celebration of the start of the html5 rollout!

>> No.19706426

Now that I think of it, Crab sounds autistic too.

>> No.19706435

Fuck off.

>> No.19706437

I wanna cum all over her glasses in hd

>> No.19706448

Her feet are sexy.

>> No.19706556

Anything special about August 31st other than the Gleiwitz incident for WW2?
