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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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19459203 No.19459203 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese language learning thread designed by and for those interested in traditional otaku media such as anime, manga, light novels, and Japanese video games.
If you have no interest in otaku media or want to request a translation, this is not the thread for you.

Read the guide before asking stupid questions.

Old guide site below.

Last thread: >>19450297

>> No.19459208 [DELETED] 

Good fucking grief took you losers forever to make a new one do you know how backed up I felt not having anywhere to post shit memes tangentially related to learning Japanese???

>> No.19459220
Quoted by: >>19459236

So I'm reading Nanairo reincarnation and I'm at the part where Makoto has to give semen. Am I understanding this right? He has to give semen to attract an Oni that can talk to Animals because giving blood is too dangerous?

>> No.19459236
Quoted by: >>19459246

good old fuckin nanarin claims another sucker

>> No.19459246
Quoted by: >>19459255

This VN is interesting though

>> No.19459250
File: 11 KB, 120x219, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19459255

its actually rooted pretty firmly in what made eroge good in the beginning

however if you cant fuckin read it its just jerkin off to a oni fucker fuckin his onis

>> No.19459425
Quoted by: >>19459580



>> No.19459445
File: 13 KB, 554x144, sorezore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19459453

I didn't know それぞれ has a kanji version, let alone three of them.

I assume there's not even a difference of nuance between a kanji being repeated twice and the second one being replaced with 々?

>> No.19459453
Quoted by: >>19459500

the kanji spellings are virtually unused

>> No.19459500

I genuinely only knew 各々 as おのおの.

>> No.19459525
Quoted by: >>19459527

Hello minasan!

I have been learning Japanese for 2 months now and am ready to start kana. Quick question though, do I need to learn both hiragana and katakana or would it be ok to learn hiragana only?

>> No.19459527
Quoted by: >>19459542

Could you please write that in English? Some of us haven't gotten to romanji yet

>> No.19459540

konnitiwa nihongo dekiru-dono-sama!

Is うっかり and 迂闊 etymologically related

>> No.19459542
Quoted by: >>19459928

i think it means everybody

>> No.19459580
Quoted by: >>19459645


>> No.19459622

>the current state of djt

>> No.19459645



>> No.19459799


what the hell is this dude doing

>> No.19459815

Milking retards.

>> No.19459838

Why does he only actually start learning Japanese 15 minutes into the video

>> No.19459853


>> No.19459860

What are you reading, DJT?

>> No.19459909

I’ve been using Duolingo for learning Japanese is that a good site? Keep in mind I’ve also used other resources to help with grammar and kanji

>> No.19459926

duolingo is bad

>> No.19459928
Quoted by: >>19460499

Actually I'll let you know that みんな (ローマ字:minna, as the gemification of 皆 [音:カイ 訓:みな、みんな]) means not only "everybody", but also "everything" and every[X] on a broader sense; as further noticed by the compound 皆無 (平仮名:かいむ、ローマ字:kaimu) denoting nonexistence (I suggest you to learn 無, being in the 教育漢字).

The mere fact that the ーさん (平仮名:-san) is attached to it does not allow you to distort the original sense of a Japanese word abused like that, to the point that the original kanji is no longer used on a common basis.

Of course I should not expect much from someone that probably has studied from sites like japanesewithanime et simila, but at least have the decency of not spreading your ignorance in this thread.


>> No.19460010
Quoted by: >>19460016

Does anyone know how many words have 発?
It just seems endless.

>> No.19460016
Quoted by: >>19460022

Are you actually asking or are you just trying to start a conversation?

>> No.19460022
Quoted by: >>19460027

They might be rare on this thread but that's a legit question.

>> No.19460023

Your post.

>> No.19460027
Quoted by: >>19460063

Okay, well in the first place it's not really meaningful to count how many words there are of a certain kind in general. There are endless uncommon words and you're never going to encounter most of them. If you qualify your question more it might be possible to give a reasonable response.

>> No.19460049
File: 1.77 MB, 1424x801, NnUnDuL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to mine all these words anons, they'll come in handy later.

>> No.19460063
Quoted by: >>19460072

発 is attached to all kinds of words tho, I'm asking because I know like 30 words with it and I keep encountering new ones with it pretty frequently. My question was mostly fired by the thought of it being the kanji with the most words.

>> No.19460072
Quoted by: >>19460102

It's definitely one of the top 100 most common kanji (as in counting in unique words), but there are a lot that are even more common, like 見, 食, 体, 外, etc. It probably just stands out more because its meaning seems not very basic.

>> No.19460102
Quoted by: >>19460104

Do they have more words than 発 tho?

>> No.19460104
Quoted by: >>19460144


>> No.19460108
Quoted by: >>19460179

Name a worse kanji than 然

>> No.19460138

we need classification

type of snow/snowfall:淡雪。粉雪。ぼたん雪。吹雪。パウダースノー。
type of meteorological phenomena:霜。あられ。ひょう。ダイヤモンドダスト。
氷点下。below zero degrees centigrade
樹氷。frost-covered tree

>> No.19460144

So I used my brain for a second and looked the total words ending and beginning with the kanji in jisho.
発 has 804 外: 889 体: 1230 食: 752 見: 803
体 is no surprise given the amount of physical conditions there are, wasn't expecting 外 to have so many but it makes sense after looking at some. I was thinking 食 would be 2nd given how much the nips love their food and 見 also lost.

>> No.19460153

見 is more common than 発 when you include words where it's in the middle.

>> No.19460158

A lot of those words are never actually used or are weird compounds like 大発作, 不揮発性化, 早発性痴呆, etc. When you don't count them 発 is less common.

>> No.19460179
Quoted by: >>19460208

isn't 然 useful? It sticks to many kanji and creates various adverbs
突然 偶然 必然 未然 全然 同然 依然 平然 俄然 憮然 悠然…

>> No.19460208


>> No.19460219
Quoted by: >>19461265

Is there any video publicly available where Matt speaks Japanese without a script?

>> No.19460245


Not entirely sure about 自らの死を持っていさめた. Can anyone tell me what it means?

>> No.19460281


>> No.19460326
Quoted by: >>19460371


>> No.19460358
Quoted by: >>19460371

自らの死: one's own death
持って: (usually written 以て or もって) do something with/by ~
いさめる:persuade someone not to do

killed himself in order to dissuade someone from doing something(do-or-die resistance here)

>> No.19460359


>> No.19460362


>> No.19460371

Thank you.

>> No.19460392
File: 178 KB, 321x357, happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two quick questions about kanji/words:
1) is there any name for 1-kanji-words? if yes then what is it?
2) is there any name for kanji that used ONLY in compounds (e.g.椅)? if yes then what is the name of them?

>> No.19460404

PS I don't want to know the names just for sake of it, I want to find some lists of those words, might be helpful with my study

>> No.19460488

Watashi wa daviddo-kun desu. Domo arigato gozaimasu.

>> No.19460499
Quoted by: >>19460505

Wtf are you a linguist or something

>> No.19460501
Quoted by: >>19460507

nihongo zyouzu desu ne!

>> No.19460505

Nah he's just a retard

>> No.19460507

spot an anglofag

>> No.19460516

Ohayo gozaimasu daviddo-kun. Watasi ha penisu desu

>> No.19460536

>Winter words

>> No.19460552

kore wa pen desu
arigatou gozaimasu
hentai baka

>> No.19460557

Pen to penisu no chigai wa nani desu ka?

>> No.19460559
Quoted by: >>19460565

>kore wa pen desu

>> No.19460565

Can you say this in romanji please?

>> No.19460571

nakadasi no yorokobi

>> No.19460582

へれい いss ぴにあぷる

>> No.19460586

nihongo gyoza desu nee

>> No.19460606
Quoted by: >>19460615

nihongo bouzu desu ne

>> No.19460615
Quoted by: >>19460633

teru teru bouzu desu ka?

ame ga kirai?

>> No.19460631

yakuza bossu デス

>> No.19460633

TERU ha warui-ko

>> No.19460648
File: 238 KB, 1999x1999, 4554355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'll come in handy later.

>> No.19460650

Watashi wa hambaagaa desu

>> No.19460693

Nothing like coffee an reps in the early morning.

>> No.19460767
Quoted by: >>19460788

>can never remember くせに in kanji

>> No.19460779


>> No.19460788

Thats what you get for not doing RTK

>> No.19460789


>> No.19460797
Quoted by: >>19460801

s-sore ga anata no pantsu ja nai!
s-sore ga watashi no okaa-san pantsu desu!
w-watashi wa hentai ja nai!

>> No.19460801 [DELETED] 


>> No.19460808
File: 13 KB, 728x306, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19460816


>> No.19460809
Quoted by: >>19460816

sou desu ka?

>> No.19460816 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19460819


>> No.19460819
Quoted by: >>19460821


>> No.19460821
Quoted by: >>19460823


>> No.19460823
Quoted by: >>19460826

You don't belong here.

>> No.19460825

Hello all,

I'm working my way down the Genki path slowly but surely.. I just finished the "Japanese Writing System" that covers Hirigana/Katakana. Clearly I'm going to need to memorize this before I move onto "Greetings" (correct me if I'm wrong there, should I be moving ahead on just comparing letters in sentences to the letters on a seperate sheet of paper? I feel kind of roadblocked if I don't). But I'm wondering in terms of writing it out, is there a step by step stroke order for Hirigana/Katakana the same it's setup for Kanji, or do I just kind of eyeball it from the grid(s) offered? I'm not overly concerned with it being 100% perfect, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything here.

Also is there anywhere I can go for critique on my handwriting? Because my idea of an accurate 'a' could be terribly wrong. Whether that's a 3rd party site, a reddit user, or another text book I feel like that'd be a huge help as a beginner.

And does anyone have any tips for memorizing Hirigana/katakana? I'm making flashcards and plan on using a few other study strategies but I'm interested in what's work for other people as well.

Thanks in advance

>> No.19460826
Quoted by: >>19460827

But why?

>> No.19460827
Quoted by: >>19460830

You know why already.

>> No.19460830

No I don't, stop assuming things.

>> No.19460841
Quoted by: >>19460843

Already posted >>19424747
We need some variety dude.

>> No.19460843
Quoted by: >>19460851

Do you job.

>> No.19460851
Quoted by: >>19460857

No, I prefer matches to be clean and genuine.

>> No.19460857

There is no match.

>> No.19460903
Quoted by: >>19460908

What's the point in starting a new neocities page if you aren't going to start new google docs pages? All this amounts to is a pointless restyling of the "old" djtguide neocities page (one which I don't even find to be an improvement).

>> No.19460908
Quoted by: >>19460958

The old page is permanently unmaintained and cannot be migrated to a different owner.

>> No.19460958

>if you want to maintain this site, contact ...
Doesn't look like this one is maintained either. Owner of the djtguide neocities page and Google Docs pages was looking for ages for someone to take over from them, but nobody wanted to. It'll be the same story with this page too.

Not like there's anything to maintain anyway when all the updates are migrated from the Google Docs pages and they're completely unmaintained too.

>> No.19460961

It is maintained.

You don't care enough about the new site to so much as see what it contains, you're just shitting on it because it's not the old one.

>> No.19460984 [SPOILER] 
File: 375 KB, 600x450, 1532003612571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19461178

Keep fasting, one meal a day or you're a pussy and will never learn Japanese.

>> No.19460985

maybe i'm a genius but it's hard for me to empathize with people who think this retarded shit helps instead of just reading more

>> No.19461095 [SPOILER] 
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 1532005252782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19461110

grow big titties or you cant learn japanese

>> No.19461101

its ok dude djt is one big genius party

>> No.19461108

What are you trying to convey here?

>> No.19461110

Oh my god 巨大乳

>> No.19461124
File: 1.06 MB, 2048x920, it's real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19461136
Quoted by: >>19461141

Hey I've read Axanael guess that means I'm good enough to read Dies Irae and Rewrite.

>> No.19461141

Axanael is funny because it's easy to force yourself through.

>> No.19461156
Quoted by: >>19461162

lmao are we gona start doing charts again cuz ill make one that actually isnt bullshit for you retards

big ups to bumpin nursery rhyme tho that should be the 1 and only moege u read i think

>> No.19461162

>ill make one that actually isnt bullshit for you retards
do it i need help

>> No.19461165

look no further >>19461124

>> No.19461167

can i study japanese while having a social life?

>> No.19461178

No, start pissing and jugs and >>19460984

>> No.19461217

Don't forget: Japanese study isn't forever. There will be a time when you will be good. Once that times comes, "Japanese study lite" (or maybe "Japanese study lite+" lol) will be enough to allow you to keep progressing. Now days, I DO take time away from Japanese to hang out with friends and do other things completely unrelated to Japanese; it's great. But I don't regret those days when I turned down all my friends at all, because it's because of that that I have my Japanese ability. Also, there is a certain thrill that comes from truly giving your all to one single endeavor, and you could even say that choosing to hang out with your friends would be robbing yourself of having the unique experience of true dedication, which would be a tragedy in itself.

>> No.19461232

This is one of those times I wish I could upvote more than once....

>> No.19461237
File: 52 KB, 174x247, Screenshot_60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it /jp/
this masterpiece is most probably not going to be translated anymore
any tips?
how long till i can read this manga in jp?
also, how do i know its time to practice my jp?

>> No.19461247
Quoted by: >>19461259

How about you read the guide you useless waste of posting space.

>> No.19461249

rap battle me matt show me how good you are

>> No.19461250
Quoted by: >>19461256

What is that masterpiece's name?

>> No.19461253

Read the guide(s) in the OP, I'd recommend making a list of all the things you wanna read, play, watch or whatever in Japanese to keep you motivated, if you're learning just for being able to read one thing more than likely your motivation will dwindle after a while.

>> No.19461256
Quoted by: >>19461267

Grand Blue

It's a manga bout naked college men.

>> No.19461257

im making it now but i have to think of some games i havent read in a while..

>> No.19461259

people make these posts while ignoring guides for the positive attention dude. be nice and just give it to them. he wants social interaction.

>> No.19461262
File: 1.31 MB, 1215x851, Screenshot_40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am more afraid cause i am thinking of abandoning my neet lifestyle, i am thinking about beggining to practice sports, like running and swimming, i know that i still can study jap in the mean time, what i dont know is if i will be able to have time to enjoy the jap i learn watching animes or reading mangus

>> No.19461265
Quoted by: >>19461278

now why in the world would a man who tells you not to trust anyone until a native judges their speaking have a video of themselves speaking unscripted available for free

>> No.19461267

Grand blue? That gacha mobile game?

>> No.19461276

Worst post in this entire thread

>> No.19461278


really makes you wonder

>> No.19461280
Quoted by: >>19461290

>sports, like running and swimming
those aren't sports, they're skills

>> No.19461281
Quoted by: >>19461293

>if you're learning just for being able to read one thing more than likely your motivation will dwindle after a while
I've learned that after spending about 10 months, the only Japanese thing that I've actually read to completion is short news articles and artist CGs. I had actually bought a light novel, a non-fiction and a film novellization in paper form to test myself back in the start of the year, but I barely reached the first chapter of the light novel.

It's like I'm learning Japanese for the porn.

>> No.19461283
Quoted by: >>19461290

no its a new anime atm and its not good

btw ill tell u guys the best anime of the season its ゆらぎ荘

>> No.19461285
Quoted by: >>19461292

Grand Blue the anime/manga

>> No.19461290
File: 388 KB, 780x720, 1515370590241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19461302

>swimming is not a sport
you what you dipshit?
well the anime is shit compared to the manga but the manga is solid
i always laugh my ass off

>> No.19461292
File: 1.18 MB, 1200x630, ぐらぶる.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19461299


>> No.19461293

So why haven't you read any porn to completion in 10 months?

>> No.19461299
File: 515 KB, 810x728, Screenshot_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19461302
Quoted by: >>19461320

You guys don't belong here.

>> No.19461306
Quoted by: >>19461315

oh ive seen that 1 isnt that called free

it was bad too

>> No.19461307

Why are you reading that? Are you a fujo?

>> No.19461310
Quoted by: >>19461316

Those are the artist CGs. Also some one-off hentai chapters here and there. I used to sleep to hentai audio, but I've stopped and now I've started again and I understood only slightly more.

>> No.19461315
Quoted by: >>19461326

its not fujo
its the naked part is a running gag of the manga
to each their own

>> No.19461316
Quoted by: >>19461338

I was refering to VNs when i said "porn".

>> No.19461320
Quoted by: >>19461335

If there's someone who belongs here, it's them. Not being able to ever learn japanese is the mininum requirement for posting on //d////ht// and they clearly fulfill it.

>> No.19461326
Quoted by: >>19461340

I don't see what's so funny about naked men. Just admit you're a fujo.

>> No.19461327
Quoted by: >>19461340

How long are you gonna swim or run a day? 8 hours?

>> No.19461335

On one hand what you said is correct but on the other they're using reaction images.

>> No.19461338

Ah. My first VN I've played purely in Japanese is アイカギ, but I've stopped like five months ago because...I dunno. I should get back to it again. I'm currently playing 如月真綾の誘惑.

>> No.19461340
Quoted by: >>19461711

its ONE of the running gags
none of the characters are gay
the two protags also hate that the bodybuilders get naked but they get naked too because they drink 96% alcohol drinks
8 hours of work
then swimming and gym, i want to get fit after all
aside from time theres the problem of exaustion

>> No.19461368
Quoted by: >>19464514

一文字 and 漢字一文字 seem to be thrown around occasionally but in google mostly lead me to either lists of single-kanji names or at best some single-kanji antonyms. i don't know about the inverse. that's the best i can give you. if no one else comes up with anything, i'll consider doing a half-assed parse of 大辞林 later.

>> No.19461377
Quoted by: >>19461395

You forgot to put monobeno at 1.

>> No.19461395
Quoted by: >>19461423

The whole chart's bullshit and needs to be scrapped. Whoever thinks Axanael is on the same levels as Dies Irae is a fucking drooling retard that thinks kanji puns are high literature.

>> No.19461399

i can't find flyable heart on nyaa i'm freaking out right now because i don't have access to private trackers oh fuck.

>> No.19461405
File: 31 KB, 531x270, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are my 美しいもの, /djt/

>> No.19461416
Quoted by: >>19461437

You're literally not looking for it you can't find it in nyaa.

>> No.19461423
Quoted by: >>19461505

Dies irae is a moege.

>> No.19461425

go to sukebei you tard

>> No.19461426


>> No.19461432

Dude don't tell him. Let him figure it out.

>> No.19461437

i couldn't
oh thanks man, found it. it wasn't on this nyaa i have bookmarked:

>> No.19461443
File: 34 KB, 322x499, nihongonotanpenshousetu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you spent actual money on Japanese learning items? I'm ashamed to say I've bought a dual-language short-story collection in like 2015 for 13 australian dollars.

Hadn't even finished it.

>> No.19461448

yes they were all wastes of money except hjgp

>> No.19461458
File: 113 KB, 1699x670, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it this one? Do I need the DVD patch?

>> No.19461464

>Is it this one?
>Do I need the DVD patch?
I just keep the ISO mounted.

>> No.19461476
File: 2.76 MB, 1242x2208, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A loong time ago I bought a shit ton of cheap Japanese apps, they were all basically worthless. Bought this book a few months ago. I like it.

>> No.19461478

i am wondering
will i have to have to decypher japanese letter by letter forever or is there a point where i will proficient enough to read it like i read western languages?

>> No.19461491
Quoted by: >>19461517

dumb question

>> No.19461493
Quoted by: >>19461517

>how long till i can read this manga in jp?
You will never be able to. Manga isn't reading.
Manga isn't reading.

>> No.19461497

Dies irae just has hard parts, it's not hard overall.

>> No.19461498

That's the one I downloaded, it just works.

>> No.19461503

Why are lowercase posters consistently the ones with the lowest quality of posts? unsurprisingly the newfag also posts with lowercase letters only, hmmmm.

>> No.19461505
Quoted by: >>19461512

Your sister is a moege you rambunctious ichthyosaur.

>> No.19461512


>> No.19461513

why are uppercase posters consistently the whiny children complaining about the thread while doing nothing to contribute to the state of their own worthless posting hmmmmm

>> No.19461515
Quoted by: >>19461522

Whats an uppercase poster?

>> No.19461516
Quoted by: >>19461568

>uppercase posters

>> No.19461517

>dumb question
but why?
explain pls
>manga isnt reading
anon stop shitposting

>> No.19461522

People who aren't sub-humans apparently.

>> No.19461525

It's not shitposting I'm serious.

>> No.19461526
File: 54 KB, 559x259, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good anon in this thread told me that eventually reading Japanese will stop feeling like you're solving linguistic puzzles, but this published author in pic related claims that there's no stopping that feeling of "solving" when you're reading Japanese.

>I have long been convinced that as we...read this foreign tongue, just beneath the threshold of consciousness, a voice continually shouts, "Look, Mom! I'm reading Japanese!"

>> No.19461536

This is always going to be a stupid argument because the presence of higher quality posts from uppercasers (which is the case) doesn't magically delete your bullshit.

>> No.19461537

if you read more you will get proficient at reading, just like anything else
does this published author know japanese

>> No.19461538

Is harumade kururu any good?

>> No.19461543
Quoted by: >>19461557

He calls japanese squiggles
also the way he writes is retarded

>> No.19461545

i don't think we're looking at the same thread because it is very common for lowercase posts to contribute more valuable discussion than uppercase posts
it just so happens that there are also more snide lowercase posts which take all of your attention and keep you from seeing the absolutely abysmal state of the potentially genuine but worthless "contributions" of uppercase posters

>> No.19461547

Whatashi wa matt no chinpo o shaburaretai

>> No.19461550


>> No.19461553
Quoted by: >>19461554

What's an uppercase poster?

>> No.19461554


>> No.19461557
File: 95 KB, 557x544, kanji banana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait until you read his opinion on kanji

>> No.19461559
Quoted by: >>19461569

if i learn katagana and hiragana can i already read manga

>> No.19461564
Quoted by: >>19461579

There has never been a single good post from a lowercase fag in these threads, all you guys do is argue about piss bottles and English grammar.

>> No.19461566

thanks for proving that he does not know japanese, now it can be discarded like the trash that it is

>> No.19461568

If you're posting in purely Japanese, you're neither lower nor upper case.

>> No.19461569
Quoted by: >>19461619

yes if they have furigana
i recommend reading manga with furigana without looking anything up at all for at least a week before """trying to read""" for real, doing so kills a lot of bad habits that would otherwise form, like trying to fully understand each sentence in isolation

>> No.19461570

haha what the actual fuck

>> No.19461575
Quoted by: >>19461581

It's funny because that book is Making Sense of Japanese, one of the few resources on Japanese para-linguistics that's actually worth reading.

>> No.19461579

willful ignorance does not change reality
the fact that you are engaging me on such a pointless argument at this very moment does not change the possibility that you have ever posted something that was not worthless shit, though it may not be the case

>> No.19461581
Quoted by: >>19461584

There are no western resources on Japanese worth reading.

>> No.19461584

There are. Also you don't know Japanese.

>> No.19461586
File: 18 KB, 474x70, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19461601

>harumade kururu
In which direction is the genre shift

>> No.19461589

To be fair kanji is a retarded system and defending it by claiming that homonyms couldn't be solved any other way, or by citing Japan's literacy rate is disingenuous because the Japanese have an average IQ of 105. The fact that smart people can memorize thousands of unique symbols doesn't mean it's efficient.

>> No.19461591

Kanji was a mistake. That doesn't mean it's a good idea to replace it, or that it's actively bad. If you take issue with them on more than a philosophical level, you are just illiterate.

>> No.19461594
Quoted by: >>19461596

^ this guy is a retard, let's laugh at him

>> No.19461596
Quoted by: >>19461605

you don't know japanese

>> No.19461597
File: 141 KB, 971x565, 1510026912606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>105 IQ

>> No.19461601
Quoted by: >>19461609

You little shit did you just post "show spoilers" tags?

>> No.19461603
Quoted by: >>19461612

Settle down, it's too early for this.

>> No.19461605
Quoted by: >>19461608

you already said that buddy

>> No.19461608

either i didn't or you're samefagging

>> No.19461609

I did!

>> No.19461612

It's never too early to be retarded

>> No.19461619

i see
what are some furigana mangas?

>> No.19461621

That's just completely average for civilization-capable humans i.e. whites and east asians, differences of less than 5 points on average are pretty insignificant as far as actual intelligence goes. Anyone who's not retarded can learn to read japanese.

Otherwise I agree with your post, kanji is an inefficient system.

>> No.19461623

>i cant learn japanese so it must be the languages fault for not being western not mine for being retarded
This is the average DJTer mentality

>> No.19461627
Quoted by: >>19461648

English spelling is actually worse than kanji because it means that representing colloquial speech in text is impossible without making it look fucking retarded.

>> No.19461629

they are more smart because of their educational system
that is i am not saying its muh hard work
obviously they work hard but their ancestors also had a good educational system which means they were smart
this characteristic goes on lineage

>> No.19461630
Quoted by: >>19461646

>civilization-capable humans i.e. whites and east asians

>> No.19461636
Quoted by: >>19461647

well i mean FUCKING MONKEYS can memorize 10 number sequences but you cant memorize some symbols?
what the actual fuck anon?

>> No.19461637

whether it is more efficient than the alternative or not is irrelevant to the fact that you don't need a high iq to be aided by it after you have committed enough time to stop sucking at it

>> No.19461640

And it's probably far too late to change it, huh? Not to mention the incredible amount of works produced in the current Japanese script.

I wonder how did the Koreans change from Classical Chinese (-ish) to Hangeul.

>> No.19461643

>people talking about iq as if it was a quantitive of true inteligence
iq is just knowledge, it doesnt mean jackshit to actual brain power

>> No.19461646
Quoted by: >>19461654

You know what I meant. 105 is above average so they're relatively smart. Don't much care if your threshold is arbitrarily higher.
Back to plebbit.

>> No.19461647

Honestly the average /dj-shitter/ is less intelligent than a baboon

>> No.19461648

So is japanese, if you write slang and slurs it looks dumb as shit.

>> No.19461652
Quoted by: >>19461657

It's almost like slang and slurs aren't meant to be written down

>> No.19461654

>Back to plebbit.

>> No.19461657

what did he mean by this

>> No.19461658


>> No.19461683

Someone make him stop.
Put his bones in a box.

>> No.19461711

>8 hours of work
You don't even know English.

>> No.19461719

Give the man a break he just wanted to fit in.

>> No.19461720
Quoted by: >>19461746

this is why i said PLANNING dipshit
this will probably be my routine, WHEN, IF I GET A JOB
for now i am living in mom basement

>> No.19461722

How does one know one knows English, anyway?

Just like how some people here would give some difficult kanji-only text when an anon dare to say he's good with Japanese, we should post Finnegans Wake when anons say they know English

>> No.19461723
Quoted by: >>19461735

watashi no IQ wa totemo sugoi
kore ga 175 desu
watashi wa sugoi omoshiroi desu ne

>> No.19461727

I know English.

>> No.19461735
Quoted by: >>19461748

arienai!!!! nihongo tuyo sugi!omae tensaika?

>> No.19461737

I don't know English.

>> No.19461746
Quoted by: >>19461756

Get a job first, if you actually get anywhere in Japanese you'll want to spent way more time than you can in it and you'll just decide to postpone doing anything with your life until you're satisfied with it. Though from seeing your posts I don't think that'll happen.

>> No.19461748

hai desu. watashi wa subarashi sugoi no tenstai. mirai wa watashi wa shigoto wa nihongo no sensei.

>> No.19461751

anon is probably right
my english is from games and books i read in english, i understand perfectly well what you guys are saying but sometimes what i write turns out to be wrong.
i think maybe i will learn the writing of english before learning jap

>> No.19461756
Quoted by: >>19461762

>if you actually get anywhere in Japanese you'll want to spent way more time than you can in it
Let me guess, you're an ankidrone.

>> No.19461762

Nah, I spend 25 minutes every day doing Anki (mining deck which I hate reviewing) and reading for over 4 hours, nice try though.

>> No.19461769

AJATTER? If I didn't get it right this time, I'm resigning.

>> No.19461770
Quoted by: >>19461812

>hating a mere 25 minutes

>> No.19461775

What's ajatt? Does it have anything to do with matt?

>> No.19461778
File: 199 KB, 360x370, ashatt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is ashart in a nutshell

>> No.19461779

it's what matt cloned and made even shittier

>> No.19461780

Somewhat. But Matt has created a more flexible method called MIA (mass immersion approach).

>> No.19461787

(matt's immersion approach)

>> No.19461791

No. I just read and review mined vocab. I don't do passive listening, I don't do sentence cards, I don't do retarded new wave meditation bullshit and. Has reading become an AJATT exclusive thing now?

>> No.19461798

I gotta say mattat has some dick sucking lips. I'd ram my little wiener down his throat all day.

>> No.19461802
Quoted by: >>19461812


>> No.19461804
Quoted by: >>19461811


>> No.19461811

private mo?

>> No.19461812
Quoted by: >>19461827

My bad I was gonna say "and I didn't do RTK" but that's not exactly true, I just quit it halfway through.

Do you autists actually like doing Anki or something?

>> No.19461826

Matt is so famous that he even has his own wikipedia page.

>> No.19461827
Quoted by: >>19461853

No but I put up with 2 hours every day so 25 minutes sounds like a dream.

>> No.19461828


>> No.19461836

anta baka? hentai! kore wa pen desu

>> No.19461837

Based RTK poster

>> No.19461838

what sore. onta(don't know katakana) desuka. private wa genius (don't know katakana) dadesu

>> No.19461846


>> No.19461853

I used to do 2 hours a day too when I was doing RTK but that doesn't change the fact that 25 minutes of reviews are boring as shit.

>> No.19461858


>> No.19461859


>> No.19461871

is this allowed?

>> No.19461879
Quoted by: >>19461889


>> No.19461880

Yes, that's actually an extremely advanced construction so don't worry about it if you're only a beginner. Though if you managed to use it correctly I'm sure people would be impressed at you.

>> No.19461889

yomichan doesn't work on this I'm fucking scared.

>> No.19461892
Quoted by: >>19461907

Watashi no pen wa Penisu desu. Penisu daga penisu janai, pen dakara.

>> No.19461893

imagine using yomi on kana

>> No.19461894
Quoted by: >>19461897

You're better off not knowing what he said, trust me

>> No.19461897


>> No.19461907

uwa!!!! omoshiroi desne!!!!! kuwasite hanasashite kuremasenka???

>> No.19461916
Quoted by: >>19461937


>> No.19461937
Quoted by: >>19461976

gomemasai watashe wa anata ga nani o itai no ka wakaremasen!!!! romanji de hanasashite kurarenai kana??

>> No.19461976

omai no ocasan wa debuda

>> No.19462008 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19462114


>> No.19462013
Quoted by: >>19462026


>> No.19462026

>falling for the reading meme

>> No.19462043


>> No.19462057
Quoted by: >>19462062

RTK, page 284.

>> No.19462062
Quoted by: >>19462066

epic, almost ready to learn japanese

>> No.19462066
File: 52 KB, 865x768, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19463334

Nope still got a long way to go.

>> No.19462114 [DELETED] 

this is more off-topic than daily english thread

>> No.19462141
Quoted by: >>19462157

how to get back to the habit of doing anki first every day? I could do it for a year but now weeks ago I shifted to doing it last and it ruing everything

>> No.19462157
Quoted by: >>19462171

Have you tried doing anki first every day? I think that way you could get back to the habit.

>> No.19462171
Quoted by: >>19462175

should K do it before eatinf?

>> No.19462175

we're talking about アンタ not 彼氏, and it doesn't matter, do it after eating if you can't focus before eating

>> No.19462192

>studying japanese for 14 years or something
>living in japan
>married to a japanese
>still N3 level at best

JFC how do I avoid becoming him

>> No.19462204

Don't learn a language you don't enjoy using

>> No.19462220
Quoted by: >>19462239

Which is why masturbating is one of the most important aspects of learning Japanese.

>> No.19462222

does he not enjoy it? i think he's afraid of it and thinks he couldn't possibly use it for at least 5 more years of dedicated anki and italki, but i don't know much about him

>> No.19462239

Of course
Probably not, otherwise he'd be consuming a lot of shit instead of wasting time trying to be Matt

>> No.19462242

He's more interested in making money telling people how to learn Japanese than actually learning it. Feels slimy.
He fully buys into AJATT and believes he could become fluent in a year or two of study if he wanted. He's just a piece of shit who'd rather scam people.

>> No.19462253

>married to a japanese
any pics/videos of his wife?

also I've just found the japanese from zero vs MATT videos and now there goes my day

>> No.19462261
Quoted by: >>19462272

do you guys think i could live in japan if i married a japanese?
i have no japanese blood tough

>> No.19462272

you'll have to stay married and renew a temporary visa for over ten years before you can apply for permanent visa, but it's an option

>> No.19462322 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 152x132, Doi014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doi014.jpgMy name is Hitoshi. I live Tokyo capital city on Japan.

I liek play amercican sport baseball i play at weekend.

My intrest is musics. I liek listen with my 'Chesney Hawks' tapes.
is good english singer liek Mr Cliff Richard.

I speak in the english and the german

Milk is nice drink. I drink 3-4 pints most day.

I live alone.

Who is want to come to Tokyo. Have extra bedroom my house.

My other intrests includes milk produckts. chesees, youghurt, ect...
also naked womens. Maybe combine both!!!!! hohoho!!!
Also i liek beers. I liek SEX

I looking forward in hearing from lady from other counrty, even
from USA or England with similar intrest.


>> No.19462333

I want to destroy AJATT. Guys, how to do this? We should have a section on destroying AJATT and making Matt sad in the guide. Who's with me?

>> No.19462348


>> No.19462350

Stop shilling for mett.

>> No.19462353


>> No.19462355

Your writing style gives you away.

>> No.19462357

Stop talking about anything related to AJATT

>> No.19462359
Quoted by: >>19462366

If you're saying he's the one who beats on lowercasers, he's not. Because that's me.

>> No.19462366

I also do this. Also not him.

>> No.19462369
File: 480 KB, 800x600, うさぎの小春.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19462375

That's funny, because I haven't posted here in months...

>> No.19462375
File: 111 KB, 843x844, 1530999721850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19462424

I have a good memory for writing styles.

>> No.19462423

Second part is roughly "also should not get lost"?

>> No.19462424
File: 1.83 MB, 1600x2130, Head_Odysseus_MAR_Sperlonga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19462442

All right. Show me a post that you think was written by me, and I'll tell you whether you're right.

>> No.19462442

I have no idea, I just recognize your writing style and have a positive response to it.

>> No.19462458
Quoted by: >>19462460

like a dog that is happy to smell someone again

>> No.19462460
Quoted by: >>19462468

Positive as in "it makes you feel good" or the other kind of positive?
Is this you?

>> No.19462468

>Positive as in "it makes you feel good" or the other kind of positive?
Positive as in recognizing writing styles causes brain chemicals to do things.
>Is this you?

>> No.19462486
Quoted by: >>19462512

japan loves bread
i love bread
i am japan

>> No.19462488
Quoted by: >>19462491

it might be infatuation

>> No.19462491


>> No.19462494

You're all going to be blown away when I tell you all 40 of the IPs in this thread are me.

>> No.19462503

That's funny, because only 39 of them can be yours.

>> No.19462507
Quoted by: >>19462510

Nice samefag.

>> No.19462510

Nice samefag.

>> No.19462512

Rice is still the staple carb.

>> No.19462520
File: 22 KB, 500x427, smart_gaijin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else here has their Smart Gaijin shirt for when they visit Japan?

>> No.19462523
File: 328 KB, 700x2432, JonBenetRamsey_ransom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this letter? Can you recognize the author?

>> No.19462545
File: 1.65 MB, 2664x1536, 1525842744289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19462550

What do you think about this letter?

>> No.19462550
Quoted by: >>19462561

kill yourself

>> No.19462561
Quoted by: >>19462578

Don't be jealous.

>> No.19462578

I'm not jealous

>> No.19462608
Quoted by: >>19464932

I'm going to read Flying Witch and it better be really easy or I'm gonna be mad.

>> No.19462662

This is fucking bullshit. The peel's surface kept breaking every fucking time I tried to write, what a fucking charlatan. God I'm fucking fuming.

>> No.19462668
Quoted by: >>19462684

go have a life retards jap is for japanese

>> No.19462677

why is it hard to use normal paper to write jap?

>> No.19462684


>> No.19462688 [DELETED] 
File: 536 KB, 2048x686, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that racist Japan NEEDS westernization and immigration to survive

>> No.19462697

Once again, recognizing the stupidity of kanji doesn't mean we want to enrich Japan.

>> No.19462696
Quoted by: >>19462706

Can you stop posting off-topic shit

>> No.19462706

that's extremely relevant though to the conversation at hand about making Japanese easier to learn.

>> No.19462716
Quoted by: >>19462724

But you're retarded

>> No.19462719

So why do you want them to cater to foreigners by making their language easier when the natives of the country are learning the language?

>> No.19462723
Quoted by: >>19462788

it's pretty good humor coming from someone who thinks that kanji is nothing but an obstacle for japanese
like this guy >>19462697 i bet he thinks it's a witty commentary on the usefulness of kanji

>> No.19462724
Quoted by: >>19462733

But so are you. And kanji.

>> No.19462728

no japan doesnt need this shit
japan is going full robot why the fuck would they need imigrants
>muh population decline
yes it will decline up to the point where it will estabilize
the modern problem is that countries always need more economic power, more population, but with robotics i believe it will be over.
let the industry to robots, humans can be teachers, scientists, and others things robots cant do

>> No.19462733

Ok retarted

>> No.19462738
Quoted by: >>19463049

don't give them the benefit of the doubt by supposing that removing kanji would actually make the language any easier to learn
if you think that kanji are a hard part of japanese overall as a language you don't know japanese
kanji make the written language easier and considering that written language is more effective than spoken language for becoming competent at more than casual converation there is clear benefit

>> No.19462747

Let's not revive the discussion

>> No.19462788

No silly. Kanji are useful because of homonyms. That doesn't mean they should exist. Hopefully Japan decides to modernize their writing system some day.

>> No.19462802
Quoted by: >>19462835

Oh no, is the DJT Library down for anyone else? Please don't be broken, all those manga are gone forever, I can't lose those books now.

>> No.19462808
Quoted by: >>19462822

Stop whining you dumb bitch.
Nobody wants you in this thread, and it doesn't seem like you are able to learn japanese in the first place, so tell me why the fuck are you here?

>> No.19462822
Quoted by: >>19462842

Calm down and stop responding if someone with a reasonable opinion pisses you off so much.

>> No.19462835

Download all of them next time.

>> No.19462837

throwing away access to centuries of literature and history in exchange for making the writing system simple is a bad trade-off, it worked for korea because no one gave a shit about anything written in korean when the transition happened

>> No.19462841

lmao another retarded eop bites the dust. Reminds me of Mark Twain.

>> No.19462842

I'm doing this for you. You could be doing more productive things that require less mental capacity instead of posting here. It's a big waste of your time and spirit.

>> No.19462860
Quoted by: >>19462888

What is your alternative when it comes to homonyms. I won't even touch the fact you know so little about this you think that's the only use for Kanji but go ahead and answer this.

>> No.19462863

Real Japanese people have literally no issues reading Japanese. You can watch any video of a native playing a game with complicated language and they breeze through Muramasa with no issues. There is nothing wrong with the Japanese language

>> No.19462888

Homonyms is just the best argument for using kanji. History is a bad reason because as always, specialists will translate those. More easily discerning a text is a bad reason too.
IDK, someone smarter can figure that out, as has happened many times throughout history.

>> No.19462905
File: 295 KB, 1460x1460, bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say I have a large collection of Japanese .srt files. Is there a way to make them searchable? What I mean is, putting in a word and getting corresponding subtitle files as results? That'd be extremely useful to me.

>> No.19462912
Quoted by: >>19462940

>Homonyms is just the best argument for using kanji.
wrong, try again
>History is a bad reason because as always, specialists will translate those.
it's not translation and they will selectively transliterate what they value
this does not apply to culture
>More easily discerning a text is a bad reason too.
>IDK, someone smarter can figure that out
not an argument

reminder that japan has very high literacy

>> No.19462926

lmao the education system has conditioned people to think that rigid study through textbooks is the most proficient way to learn don't be so hard on people
but yeah for sure you're definitely a genius and realized this on your own

>> No.19462928
Quoted by: >>19462945

So you literally just want to bitch because you don't want to put in the effort to learn Kanji and you swear that you the writing system can be replaced but can't think of any way to do it? Kindly go to /r/learnjapanese and procrastinate there instead.

>> No.19462934


>> No.19462940

>it's not translation and they will selectively transliterate what they value
People will selectively read historical texts so that doesn't matter.
>very high literacy
Because they're smart. Try teaching even gradeschool kanji to a 150 million africans and they'd get even less far than they do in English. Kanji is still gross and inefficient.

>> No.19462943
Quoted by: >>19462971

Use notepad++ and find in files, that's what I do with my text dumps from VNs.

>> No.19462945
Quoted by: >>19463011

>because you don't want to put in the effort to learn Kanji
Woah slow down there. Kanji is necessary to understanding written Japanese. It's just shitty and shouldn't exist.

>> No.19462949

>Because they're smart. Try teaching even gradeschool kanji to a 150 million africans and they'd get even less far than they do in English. Kanji is still gross and inefficient.

>> No.19462956
Quoted by: >>19462960

>Why do you want to ride the bus if you walk 20 miles on foot?

>> No.19462960

You've clearly not read what the original post was replying to.

>> No.19462962

>Try teaching even gradeschool kanji to a 150 million africans and they'd get even less far than they do in English

>> No.19462965

Who needs Google Docs?

>> No.19462971
Quoted by: >>19462980

That looks complicated, I don't really know how to operate command line tools but thanks for the suggestion.

This works perfectly. Thanks you.

>> No.19462973
Quoted by: >>19463019

/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.19462978

for f in ./*; do echo "$f"; cat "$f" | grep 戯言; done;

>> No.19462980

windows was a mistake

>> No.19463011
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1527289034605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man why can't everything just use the English alphabet??? fucking languages and their squiggly lines

>> No.19463019
Quoted by: >>19463040

but /pol/ is defending it

>> No.19463040

Nah that guy just wanted an opportunity to post his epic image and complain about jews
he sure is /pol/ though

>> No.19463049

don't tell all the davido-kuns this, kanji act as an imaginary barrier that stops most wypipo from learning Japanese even before they start


>> No.19463077

Is there any way to randomize fonts on anki?

I know back when I was doing wanikani last time one thing I liked was using that extension that randomized fonts since it felt like I got a better feel for actually recognizing the kanji in the wild vs just learning how it looks in one specific font.

>> No.19463082
Quoted by: >>19463086

search the archive

>> No.19463086

Aight will do

>> No.19463098
File: 19 KB, 857x95, 1532024874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch variety shows lmao

>> No.19463287
File: 23 KB, 362x626, dagomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does one get better at speaking fluet japanese without knowing any natives and beeing introvert?

>> No.19463294

ask again after you have learned Japanese

>> No.19463299

Talk to yourself

>> No.19463303
Quoted by: >>19463316

more input until you just automatically know what to say in any given situation

>> No.19463316
Quoted by: >>19463327

Not him but I did that with english and it didn't work, I'm still shit at speaking

>> No.19463327
Quoted by: >>19463337

congrats, you just got diagnosed with lower than average iq

>> No.19463334
File: 264 KB, 1907x940, the pain....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19463341

I'm 100 behind you. We can't quit now. Just one last stretch!

>> No.19463337

I'll have you know I'm a very smart boy. At least that's what mommy told me, and she's the most trustworthy person I know.

>> No.19463341

Godspeed brother.

>> No.19463361

in summary

based japanese this is so easy

>> No.19463370


based japanese

>> No.19463383
Quoted by: >>19464025


easy n&gga!

>> No.19463387
Quoted by: >>19464025


to fail
to fall
has kanji for bone because you break bones when falling

based japanese

>> No.19463407
File: 355 KB, 2069x969, hentai chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos ready for the cold hard truth

>> No.19463441

where's the cut-off between what you've read and what you haven't, between とてもやさしい and 優しい or 優しい and 普通?

>> No.19463449
Quoted by: >>19463463

everything i put on there i read and thought about before putting it on there

alternatively i never read any of these and just made it all up

>> No.19463463

your suggestions aren't complete shit, i would accept you as a bride

>> No.19463475
Quoted by: >>19463482

I thought you never read Muv Luv.

>> No.19463477
Quoted by: >>19463579

I thought dies irae was supposed to be muramasa tier

why, i pry, is it on futuu on all of your lists

>> No.19463482
Quoted by: >>19463489

guess what i did recently after a discord recommendation lol

>> No.19463489

Pretty sure I was the one who recommended it to you. Glad I convinced you if it was me.

>> No.19463495

it mustve been because actually i cant think of anyone else whod say that

>> No.19463504

jamal is actually a pretty cool guy when he isn't obnoxiously posting his rap songs, whoda thunk

>> No.19463513

fuck off dumb discordfags

>> No.19463525

dont worry im over discord now it was a brief experimental period in my life

>> No.19463579

he put them in the same tier

>> No.19463593
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, 0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19463638
Quoted by: >>19463650

you cant say that word thats illegal

>> No.19463650


>> No.19463659

no the other word the curse one

>> No.19463662
Quoted by: >>19463665

どこ the fuck did my ○ go

>> No.19463665
Quoted by: >>19463670

you got censored dude

>> No.19463667


>> No.19463670
Quoted by: >>19463676


>> No.19463676

haha i get it maru because of the circle nice one mate

>> No.19463687


>> No.19463759

Motherfucker = クソクソ野郎

>> No.19463890


>> No.19463942
Quoted by: >>19463952


>> No.19463952


>> No.19463973


>> No.19463990


>> No.19463993


>> No.19463998


>> No.19464025

>stay overnight

>> No.19464051

it is just git r dun

>> No.19464072

>tfw you know 5 languages and can mix and match them to improve mnemonics

Imagine being an EOP in 2001+17

>> No.19464073

Based nihongo

>> No.19464078

you can even shorten it to na for more epic efficiency

>> No.19464082

based nihongo

>> No.19464085
Quoted by: >>19464101

>only 5
you are a baby

>> No.19464087

Those blessed Japanese

>> No.19464098

Japanese actually makes sense

>> No.19464101
Quoted by: >>19464127

There are exactly 3 languages which when put together cover 99.9999% of all quality pornography ever produced.

>> No.19464102

Do you find it difficult to explain a concept in your native language sometimes and have to switch to a different language to be able to get it across?

I've found recently that my grasp of Indonesian is slipping and I've started dreaming in English again.

>> No.19464127

Russian, Japanese and English?

>> No.19464128

>not 颱風
I bet you also write 綺麗 as 奇麗

>> No.19464151

no I write it as きれぇ

>> No.19464173
File: 29 KB, 566x566, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in japan for over 20 years
>have a japanese wife and two kids
>can't even read kana

How is this even possible?

>> No.19464177


>> No.19464190

I don't even know why you felt the need to ask.

>> No.19464203

Yes, and monolinguals in every language think you're dumb or "showing off" when your brain is really working on a whole another level above them. You know how EOPs and monolinguals in general don't understand the difference between 正直 and 素直 or 見る 観る 視る etc because they're all translated as "see"?

That's their entire life, in one miserable limited language. They actually can't comprehend that there are concepts that can't be translated. I have this theory though that on a subconscious level the monolingual is aware of it because they inevitably lash out at you if you dare even implicitly suggest that there might be a whole wide world of other rich cultures to learn about while they're busy "snapping".

This is peak EOP

>> No.19464208

I tried to formulate various answers to your question but I wasn't able to come up with a single reasonable one, good job you win this one

>> No.19464218

Forgot to add, it's not that your grasp in Indonesian is slipping, it's that you're freely thinking outside of the (Indonesian) box which complicates putting your thoughts into words in Indonesian. On every level except social, this is a good thing.

>> No.19464222
Quoted by: >>19464273

>A monolingual doesn't understand words in other languages
A s t o n i s h i n g

>> No.19464228
Quoted by: >>19464278

these guys are the worst because they live like theyre on vacation there but its their life

otoh they live every day like its a vacation so can you really hate

i cant but ill tell you this i wouldnt buy him a drink to wash down his epic sandwiches from the vendo machine lmao

>> No.19464231

whew, I'm not even an EOP and I cringed

>> No.19464252

He's probably one of those people who tell you that learning Japanese is physically impossible and that kanji should be changed

>> No.19464264


>> No.19464273

Honestly he's not all wrong, just look at DJT

>> No.19464278

>epic sandwiches
Japan does have some lovely-looking sandwiches, though.

Whenever I see something in Japan that's neat, I can feel that spark, that weaboo phase I thought I moved past, coming back.

>> No.19464287

you're not wrong up until your theory but you sound like a pompous and unpleasant person to be around

>> No.19464291


>> No.19464302

They're fucking sandwiches
Who the fuck cares about fucking sandwiches
Here motherfucker, I'll show you something neat.

>> No.19464316

he seems pretty good to me no one can be expected to master katakana

>> No.19464328

never turn off your antenna of wonder my man

im not a food guy either but you dont gotta be a dick head and post the panaka vid

>> No.19464329

Still don't know the difference between へ and に, and I've been learning this langauge for 3 years now.

>> No.19464334

you know how some words in english just sound right together or like how you instinctively know if a or an goes before a word its like that

>> No.19464335


>> No.19464339

Nobody uses へ

>> No.19464343
Quoted by: >>19464348

Guys I think I found eric-sama >>19464329

>> No.19464346


>> No.19464348

no he would have said 20 years

>> No.19464370

let me teach you the abcs of weeaboo
phase a: japan is amazing
phase b: japan is bullshit
phase c: japan is a country
there is nothing wrong with enjoying neat things about japan that you don't find in your home country when you have reached phase c

>> No.19464374

Wait, when I open the embed the title is 調子乗り過ぎてる後輩, but when I played the title changed to "People who get carried away"? What's going on here?

>> No.19464377


>> No.19464378
Quoted by: >>19464406

d: japan is where they make the weird pornos

>> No.19464385

You have javascript enabled.

>> No.19464388

clearly you have youtube open in anglo subhuman language
please change language and then come back

>> No.19464391

change ui language to japanese, looks like youtube supports localized video titles

>> No.19464395

Fun fact: 99% of gaijins never make it to phase C

>> No.19464405

phase d: japan genuinely is bullshit like all non-western countries

>> No.19464406
Quoted by: >>19464416

what kind of person doesn't know that in phase a or at the latest phase b

>> No.19464415

>VNs are a great resource to learn from
>VNs are inherently boring disgusting garbage

>> No.19464416

the d was intentional to weed out noobs

>> No.19464417

to reach enlightenment you need to realize that western countries are bullshit too

>> No.19464419

phase e: 英語使えなく買った、にっぽんさいこう

>> No.19464422
Quoted by: >>19464452

Nah that's the edgy uninformed /pol/ teenager phase, completely unrelated

>> No.19464428

>I'm too ADD to read
damn, dude. I'm sorry your life has to be this way

>> No.19464430

>Your mom is a great resource to fuck
>Your mom is inherently boring disgusting garbage

>> No.19464441

Does anyone feel alienated from their old friends? They never grew out of their weeaboo phase and when I rarely drop by to see what's going on in their discord they're posting le funny hentai ahegao face meme shirts. They legitimately don't understand that Japan is a normal country for normal people. When I visited Japan the first thing one of them asked was "did you see the oreimo train" because there was one train in Tokyo with Kirino on it 5 years ago when it was airing that he read about on /a/.

My former friends can't be this stupid!

>> No.19464442

they arent boring you just gay


>> No.19464448

>boring disgusting garbage
sとp projecting my dude

>> No.19464452
Quoted by: >>19464471

there's way too many positive metrics associated with western countries to dismiss it as teenage edge. and I don't see it as a /pol/ viewpoint because people on both sides of the political aisle would have massive issues with culture in non-western countries.

>> No.19464456

You sound like a cunt

>> No.19464462

ive been there it really sucks when everyone isnt into the finer parts of weebdom like me and still like all the low level trash

>> No.19464463
Quoted by: >>19464468

>in their discord they're posting le funny hentai ahegao face meme shirts.
I've only ever seen this out of people that got into Japanese stuff after 2007

>> No.19464468
File: 10 KB, 177x197, どらえもn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19464483

Man I wish people were more into posting Doraemon memes

>> No.19464469

get on my level

i cant be friends with anyone that doesnt know japanese

>> No.19464471

I genuinely can't understand what you're trying to say but yikes

>> No.19464483
File: 18 KB, 320x207, DaAfKjAV4AE0H8T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19464486
Quoted by: >>19464499

I don't know why you're expecting somebody to be honest about how shit VNs are after they force-fed themselves VNs for months.

>> No.19464488

This is what superior weebdom looks like, boys. You better engrave it into your brain.

>> No.19464498
Quoted by: >>19464524


>> No.19464499


>> No.19464501
Quoted by: >>19464516

What a redundant bitch.

>> No.19464514

thanks, I couldn't find anything either

>> No.19464516
Quoted by: >>19464525

you talkin shit about yuno dude ninja gon get choked out


>> No.19464524


>> No.19464525
Quoted by: >>19464530

Fuck off with your shitty moeblobs.

>> No.19464529
Quoted by: >>19464531

Where does Summer Pockets fall on the 1-10 VN difficulty scale?

>> No.19464530
Quoted by: >>19464565

youre the grand blue guy arent you

>> No.19464531

oh hey youre just in time to check out my latest chart where that very title is listed >>19463407

>> No.19464550
File: 80 KB, 549x416, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, I can't interpret this at all, what is ん中 and ではな even?

Thanks, anon! I'm gonna go and learn some stuff

>> No.19464563
File: 49 KB, 340x200, omaeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19464565
Quoted by: >>19464570

Grand Blue dude only used lowercases stop falseflagging.

>> No.19464566
Quoted by: >>19464606

More like できない

>> No.19464570
Quoted by: >>19464588

i dont think thats true stop dodging

i mean i could be wrong and not care less but youre grand blue guy now

>> No.19464580
Quoted by: >>19464618

Is narcissu really that easy? I read it in English and felt like it'd be relatively difficult.

>> No.19464588
Quoted by: >>19464618

I'm not even the same guy you replied to originally asking if they were the Grand Blue guy I just wanted to make it clear Grand Blue guy was one of the lowercase posters like the rest of the sub-humans.

>> No.19464591

when I double/click on ITHVNR nothing happens.

>> No.19464598

good, now you can finally start learning Japanese

>> No.19464604

Oh cool, didn't check the chart since I assumed all-ages titles wouldn't be on it.

>> No.19464606
Quoted by: >>19464618

I did get the meaning by googling that exact phrase, but I don't know how you get there.

me an unable very true

>> No.19464610

Imagine that there's people who watched 600 anime series and never even learned Japanese

>> No.19464618

i mean if its your first time reading you should read unko chan but i picked narcissu because its more serious than normal moemoe shit and unless youre actually retarded i think its impossible to fully mess it up to the point where you cant in a nutshell tell me what it was about plus its really short

also i dont see any reason why youd be able to read something like aquaplus but not be able to read narcissu

ok grand blue guy

i mean お前ん中 has ・・・・ on it so that means you gotta focus on it really hard

>> No.19464625
Quoted by: >>19464652

Is policenauts really that easy even considering the fact you can't hook text (at least to my knowledge)

>> No.19464629

Remind me of that time my calligraphy teacher told me "Once you finished the page you can sleep" and when I'm done he adds, "with your eyes open."

Fuck that guy.

>> No.19464652
Quoted by: >>19464660

trust me im not considering shit like texthooking

i dont think someone whos concerned about texthooking is gonna breeze through it but i think its certainly playable start to finish where again you dont fully fuck understanding the whole thing up and on screen stuff will prolly help reinforce some words for you

>> No.19464660
Quoted by: >>19464678

what level do i have to reach where i won't care about texthooking?

>> No.19464678

to be honest policenauts was one of the first games i played using a paperback dictionary

its not a dense game youll be ok once you get in and do it

you can always appreciate the finer parts of it later though i dont want to give false expectations it is a game written by kojima from the mid 90s

to answer your question though i have no fuckin idea because we didnt have those back then and the way it goes with a dictionary is over time you just use it less and less

i guess maybe the answer is when you can sit down and check out something new and not think where is my dictionary (or text hooker as it were)

>> No.19464680
Quoted by: >>19464893


>> No.19464705

Daily reminder that depending on yomichan, text hookers etc. will just make your learning progress slower.

>> No.19464716
Quoted by: >>19464780

key word being depending

>> No.19464756
Quoted by: >>19464780

it's fine if you make an honest attempt at recognizing the word before looking it up
if you're still going to look it up either way it doesn't matter if the looking up process is easier
the pitfall of something like yomichan is that it requires discipline because the looking up process is so easy that you can do it faster than you can recall words that you have a weak recollection of when the act of successful recall would be very beneficial

>> No.19464780

now I'm scared I was going to use yomichan for every piece of text ever.

>> No.19464793

I use zkanji under the proviso that I have to actually first type what I think the word is. Only copying and pasting it if I can't get it.

I am still very much dekinai, but I'd like to think that additional bit of effort would help me.

>> No.19464800

read physical media ez

>> No.19464804

dont worry i text hookers arent all bad

they are a fast way to get those pesky trouble words outta the text and into your clipboard so you dont just be lazy and go well i cant pronounce it but its this kanji and this kanji so its prolly something like insert more common word and skip it and move on

>> No.19464808
Quoted by: >>19464869

Where would sayooshi fit in this?

>> No.19464822
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, mpv_2018-07-20_02-17-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19464838

What is this「白+又」?

>> No.19464838
Quoted by: >>19464852


>> No.19464843

Is this not essentially what AJATT is?

>> No.19464850

Yo is that Dogen

>> No.19464851
Quoted by: >>19464855

i can't read japanese but it might be

>> No.19464852

Fucking lazy-ass shortcuts.
Thank you.

>> No.19464855


>> No.19464867

Yes except for the shadowing and sns part, production should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.19464868

Yep. The monolingual transition is supposed to help you think solely in the target language.

>> No.19464869

never read it but i recognize it so maybe ill read it next

looking through some vids my assumption is its prolly 普通 but i wouldnt really judge till i read it fully

thanks for the rec

idk what ashatt is but that sounds like a good way to learn english on that page right there

especially the sns part

>> No.19464893

So the ではない means 'only' in that phrase?

Also I'm very ashamed to not realize の as a possessive particle can also be shortened to ん.

>> No.19464932
Quoted by: >>19464950

Manga isn't reading though.

>> No.19464941


based japanese

>> No.19464950
Quoted by: >>19464953


>> No.19464953
File: 79 KB, 546x466, manga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19464957


>> No.19464957


>> No.19464996


based japanese

>> No.19465026



>> No.19465034

why do they censor some letters in porn like ち丸ぽ

>> No.19465043

shits mad 破廉恥 dude you dont want filthy language polluting your vision

>> No.19465053


>> No.19465061


>> No.19465112


>> No.19465148


>> No.19465201

How do you learn to read japanese peoples names

>> No.19465207

Don't read, feel

>> No.19465209

know a lot of names

>> No.19465222

You feel them

>> No.19465225

oh hi yo

based japanese

>> No.19465234
Quoted by: >>19465240

You know that guy earlier who was trying to fit in by pretending to be a neet?
That's jamal rn

>> No.19465236

A lot of meditation and passive listening

>> No.19465240

im not the dude spamming based japanese like retart

>> No.19465250

also i dont fit in i take over the show

>> No.19465254

Then he should feel real fucking bad for being mistaken for you.

>> No.19465266

? why

>> No.19465292


>> No.19465299

i'm mistaken for him all the time and it feels good, also i only posted two of those

>> No.19465306


>> No.19465352
Quoted by: >>19465386

i'm the original based japanese poster and i also only posted two of them, so there are at least three of us

>> No.19465378

Why is reading about how to learn English in Japanese so comfy? What do you think is the most comfy thing to read on the net in Japanese?(Please post link)

>> No.19465386

woah, I didn't know we had japs in this thread.

>> No.19465453

heres your original based jap


>> No.19465505

Just got linked here by someone else. I just wanted to say I left DJT two years-ish ago due to Jamal being so annoying, and the sight of him still shitting things up here is a pleasant reminder that I made the right choice. Keep on shitposting, Jamal, you might save more people from wasting their life on DJT.

>> No.19465526
Quoted by: >>19465543

he actually only came back around this march

>> No.19465543

who does this shit

>> No.19465551

i mean having this thread here now already did quite a bit towards that goal dont you think

youre welcome dude but did you learn nihongo yet

>> No.19465557
File: 373 KB, 861x344, whothefuckru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19465563

im the guy who brought u fine vids like that and many more

shame on a ninja for turning the subs on tho lmao

>> No.19465608

the thread was legitimately worse without him
he's one of the most helpful people here and i say that unironically
that's how shitty this thread is

>> No.19465610

you weren't here before jamal

>> No.19465612

Only thing worse than Jamal is his lowercase shitposting lapdog.

>> No.19465622

you shoulda seen this thread in like 2016年 b.j. (before jamal)

its what caused me to rise from the earth on a quest to find 良い日本語 or destroy everything

>> No.19465624

i wasn't here before jamal but i was here before march
there are at least three

>> No.19465629
File: 374 KB, 1918x1075, cool posting crew 2k16 actually i guess 2k17 now huh holy shit now its 2k18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also here at the cool posting crew there is no hierarchy everyone just chills and does them without hatin

>> No.19465636

also that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me

>> No.19465647
Quoted by: >>19465742

>I don't do sentence cards
I believe that reviewing correct and typical Japanese sentences helps a lot to learn how to use Japanese properly. It is also important to read and read again every structure that is new to you, so that you can remember them. If you only read a manga or something without taking any pause to think carefully about the “new” sentences, you will hardly remember any of them.

I read Flyable Heart, and when I opened it again, I realized I had viewed loads and loads of useful structures without remembering them which was such a shame. I’m reading Muramasa using the “pause and think” method at present. Now after a few days of daily reading, when I take a look at a Japanese text, many structures are familiar to me - “hey, I remember reading this one in Muramasa”. Therefore, I believe this method is efficient and I would advise it to all learners. Sometimes, we don’t realize how wealthy a single text can be - loads to learn just in one of them.

>> No.19465661

sentences are good but the overall flow of a passage and how complete thoughts are expressed is just as important too and thats not comin offa flashcards so why not just skip that shit and read more?

right cause japanese is context based language and looking at single random sentences offa flashcards is only marginally less useless than looking at single words or single kanjis

>> No.19465684
Quoted by: >>19465734

jamal my man when do you suggest we drop anki
khatzumoto said he had 7000 cards, is 7000-10000 a good mark to stop adding cards completely and just read more and more

>> No.19465706

as soon as possible you dont need em

i think i understand what youre saying though is that by that number of flashcards you supposedly are at the point where you naturally figure out words and just dont worry about shit too much anymore

sounds like thats up to your discretion i think but the thing is you never needed em in the first place if you were doing your due dills with that not only "compelling content" but content encompassing well basically everything both 2d and 3d

>> No.19465713

when your ego is so weak you jump at obvious shitposts as if they're asking you for help

>> No.19465720

when your ego is so weak to turn heel after just one reply to your obvious bait

>> No.19465726

that's the thing. it's not my post and even i could tell it was a shitpost

>> No.19465728

thats the thing i didnt make any posts before this one

>> No.19465732

i didn't say you did

>> No.19465734

>>19465684 here, it was a real question and thanks for answering it

>> No.19465736

then whos posting right now ?_?

>> No.19465740

jamal this is your mother speaking please stop posting and come to the dinner table

>> No.19465742
Quoted by: >>19465743

Manga is not reading though.

>> No.19465743

thats a paddlin

>> No.19465749


>> No.19465772
File: 43 KB, 925x711, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19465778

nvm I waited 4 hours for someone to spoonfeed me but nobody did so I googled it and found the solution in 10 seconds. I just had to copy a file from system32 to the wow64 folder and now ITHVNR launches. what a silly reason to not launch.

>> No.19465795

you learned a valuable lesson and leveled up your google fu

on this day a epic winner is you

>> No.19465815
Quoted by: >>19465835

a wise man once said uppercase posters dont know ninongo

>> No.19465835
File: 28 KB, 625x575, firefox_2018-07-19_23-14-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19465841

that pic is actually pretty funny when you cut it like that but i dont get why youre quoting those 2 posts

>> No.19465851
Quoted by: >>19465858

Just laughing at those two retarded lowercase fags that think they're human, don't mind me.

>> No.19465858

but your post gives away that you live in the southern hemisphere

>> No.19465865
Quoted by: >>19465875

He probably thought it was funny that a lowercase poster just deflected blame for the quality of the thread when one of the most recent stretches of shitposting had just occurred between two lowercase posters.

>> No.19465875
Quoted by: >>19465882

ive never seen uppercasers be that funny ever

>> No.19465882
Quoted by: >>19465888

Your standard for humor is appalling

>> No.19465888
File: 605 KB, 512x588, get.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19465896

a sad state for those that rock the uppercase

anyone else wanna get fucked up while im here

>> No.19465896

/v/ get out

>> No.19465933
Quoted by: >>19465980

I have a confession to make.
All my 'good' posts are in uppercase.
And all my "good" posts are in lowercase.

>> No.19465952

I'm just beginning my journey into reading. I'm starting out with NHK Easy News. What's the deal with adding こと after verbs? Is that like saying -way or -thing?
For example:

Does it basically mean Smoke Products when it says "吸うこと"?

>> No.19465973
Quoted by: >>19466016


>> No.19465980
Quoted by: >>19466016

careful you dont want me to start using uppercase

smoke products every day dude

>> No.19466016
Quoted by: >>19466026

help him man c'mon it would take you 2 seconds you're both fluent.

>> No.19466022

This string alone should be enough to tell you what こと is doing here.

If you still can't tell just read a grammar guide.

>> No.19466026

sorry this is the thread where youre supposed to read the bad guide before posting which i think you can find that information in

>> No.19466034

ok ok here you go this should answer your question


>> No.19466037

Okay so I read the guide and apparently こと turns 吸う into the noun "smoking" so that it can take the を particle. Thanks!

>> No.19466046
Quoted by: >>19466055

what's it like to have such selective vision
look anywhere in the thread to see useless uppercase trash and legitimate lowercase discussion
note that your post is a great example

>> No.19466055

I too think that discussing piss bottles and posting raps are quality posts.

>> No.19466060

did you see how many uppercasers were talking piss at that time

you cant pin that on lowercasers that was a full fledged djt family affair all coming together on a topic they all understand for a change: pissing into plastic containers

>> No.19466081

lowercase posters give off this aura of knowing japanese i cant explain it but i just feel it

>> No.19466083
Quoted by: >>19466096

you should focus less on bad posts and more on good posts
i never said lowercase posters don't make bad posts, i said they make good posts, which is more than can be said of your kind

>> No.19466096

There has never been a single good lowercase post in all existance.

>> No.19466098

when the lowercase boys come out everyones scouters be blowin up off they heads


>> No.19466099

there has never been a single good lowercase post in all existance.

>> No.19466105

there has never been a single good lowercase post in all existence

>> No.19466110

i have never been so proud of my case

>> No.19466115

lowercase more like lower class

>> No.19466120


>> No.19466125
Quoted by: >>19466130

you don't know japanese

>> No.19466128


this is who i do it for

>> No.19466130

nobody knows japanese dude the language's retarded

>> No.19466133

fair point

>> No.19466135
Quoted by: >>19466149

it's my bed time. i'll see you guys tomorrow.

>> No.19466137

japans fuckin bullshit anyway

>> No.19466144

maybe we should learn korean i heard they got rid of kanji how fuckin based

>> No.19466149

oyasumi dude

>> No.19466205
Quoted by: >>19466213

Even the dumbest, poorest, opportunity-deprived Chinese person can learn upwards of 5000 Hanzi.

Kanji has ZERO to do with intelligence and 99% to do with hard work and learning them. If you just happen to have them ingrained into your soul when you're young, the "hard work" part of it means nothing.

>> No.19466208
Quoted by: >>19466232

i can't even last long enough to finish in english

>> No.19466209
Quoted by: >>19466220

Chousen 挑戦 (challenge, defiance, dare)
Chousen 朝鮮 (korea)

>> No.19466213
Quoted by: >>19466227

Did you reply to the wrong post? I'm not sure when I implied it required high IQ to learn.

>> No.19466220


>> No.19466224

this is proof they are sneaky bastards who will steal anything they can

>> No.19466227
File: 80 KB, 487x384, Screenshot 2018-06-28 at 22.51.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I mean to reply to some other shitposter who I'm too lazy to find now

>> No.19466232
Quoted by: >>19466239

if you masturbate while reading you will never truly be able to appreciate the mind of romeo

>> No.19466239

actually its only during that brief moment of mental clarity post ejac that you truly understand romeo

>> No.19466255

>Lowercase Posters Discussing Literature

>> No.19466278

>uppercase posters new to thread

>> No.19466292

why do uppercasers hate on everything

>> No.19466308

posting here so that 5 years down the line i can boast to the youngsters that i was here back when caseposting was a thing

>> No.19466313

please dont be here in 5 years

>> No.19466319

oh i definitely will i might even know enough japanese to read yotuba by then

>> No.19466323

it's yotubato

>> No.19466325

you better just be posting the latest raps and carrying on my 意思 in general

>> No.19466329 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>19466336


>> No.19466330

now let that fuckin outro play


>> No.19466336
File: 35 KB, 345x278, hold the aids plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19466337


>> No.19466342

How's this for Opposite Day you fuckin' noobs?

>> No.19466354


>> No.19466358


>> No.19466361

if matt is so smart, then why hasn't he written a book

>> No.19466363

keep slayin those sentence decks bro

>> No.19466370

matts had plenty of time to write a book considering he spent all his time in the toilet hiding from real ninjas


>> No.19466405



>> No.19466457
Quoted by: >>19466551


>> No.19466459

If a writer writes 必殺技(ひっさつぎ), what does that imply? That its nuance is more like "killer move" or "killer skill" than "killer technique"?

>> No.19466544


>> No.19466551
File: 51 KB, 491x585, 1531328580632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19466560

im not answering any questions till someone appreciates my toilet hanako but with matts name and response joke

>> No.19466593


>> No.19466842

It seems to be normal Japanese even if native hears this.
Anon, you guys, you should try practicing.

