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File: 1006 KB, 750x900, elonaug5orsomething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17512702 No.17512702 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>17519051

>New? Start here:


>1.70 and prior versions changelogs:

>Elona Custom Discussion:

>Chat server back online:

>Previous Thread

Current Version: Elona+ 1.70 (7/24/2017)
Latest Custom: E+C 1.70.1

Try setting the compatibility of the .exe to WINDOWS 7 if you encounter errors.

>> No.17512704
Quoted by: >>17512924

Sorry bros I was sleep

>> No.17512924

No xcuse4u

Another glorious OP, much appreciated.

>> No.17513528

is there a more efficient way to level combat skills than wrecking dungeons and spamming gauge?

>> No.17513559

Is there a solution to the bug where guests will not leave the house and take up servant slots (E+C)? Other than resetting the house preferably, but I'm about to try that too

>> No.17513566

From what I heard in these threads find a decently tough enemy with a healing ability and wall yourself in with it. Then just keep fighting with it as it heals itself.

>> No.17513567
Quoted by: >>17513568

They do leave but it takes forever and a half.

>> No.17513568
Quoted by: >>17513608

I waited a full month, all I got was more guests

>> No.17513588
Quoted by: >>17513602

lvl 32, haven't really encountered anything that heals itself well enough besides zeome.. at the moment I'm just spamming summon monsters and killing them to level

>> No.17513602

Why NOT just farm dungeons? Pick up the Statue of Opatos to reset them every 10 days if you need to. You should level all your combat skills and get some decent loot as well

>> No.17513608
Quoted by: >>17513637

I mean I did fire my maid.

>> No.17513637
Quoted by: >>17514706

Resetting got rid of the existing extra stayers (and not the normal ones, oddly enough), but hasn't solved the problem with new ones. They are supposed to leave after you exit the building, but they were still there on multiple exits/reenters and then spending a month (from 7/15 to 8/25) walking around the snow.

I know I can just not allow anyone to come in, but that's a pretty big feature to lose. If I wait until I have the "correct" 8 servants I'll still be cluttering up my home with extras that seem to never leave.

The bug started happening after I remanded the god I had staying there and killed the "shopkeeper" who did nothing (no options except talk and bye). Before then everything seemed to work normally, although I had too many servants to hire better ones.

>> No.17513670
Quoted by: >>17513689

I just don't get it, what is this game? Lurking and watching videos just confused me even more. It's like someone got a super computer, got high as fuck and added a fantasy setting, every shitpost known to man and everything the human-sized bunny next to him ordered him to into it, put it on 200% randomness and out came this. I just don't get it.

>> No.17513689
Quoted by: >>17513698

That description is mostly adequate.

That and some basic skinner box rpg elements and you have a pretty addictive game.

>> No.17513698

Of course by basic it's more like every single one possible. Everything is a skill to grind and you do it not just for your player character, but for pets too.

Kind of reminds me of Runescape, but there's more to do and the pacing is much faster. Plus the aforementioned shitpost humor.

>> No.17513814

What race/class do I pick if I want to be a min maxing faggot?

>> No.17513847


>> No.17513891

Personally, I'm quite fond of the Fairy Battlemage. I don't really know how well magic holds up in late game, but I guarantee you it's the best race/class for a magic-user anyway.

Fairy starts with huge Mana and Speed (the most speed of anything), with speed being king in Elona. They have a HUGE DV bonus that makes them pretty much unhittable early game, and continues to scale later (has both a flat and percentage increase). High base resists as well. Low health is easy to overcome, especially with such great defenses, but you can always just eat more hero cheese. The 1s equipment limit is nasty, but barely affects a Caster (who wants light armor anyway) and you can use Flying Scrolls to reduce an item's weight later if you need to equip something heavy.

>> No.17513920

Fairy is probably the min-maxing faggot race, because even though they have a massive penalty in being unable to ever use anything weighing more then 1s, they have MASSIVE innate resistances to most things.

>> No.17513948
Quoted by: >>17514079

And Flying Scrolls can permanently reduce any item weight to the <1s range if you have enough of them. Expensive and time consuming, but if you want to use any specific artifacts you can.

>> No.17514065
Quoted by: >>17514111

One of the ways is to do it like this is to find an enemy like hermit crab ect, destroy your speed as much as you can, and then just beat the shit out of it.
Your slow speed will allow it multiple turns to roll for a heal and you should have made yourself nigh invunerable enough to be able to heal back any damage taken.

>> No.17514074

Fairies can't use Magic Equip, however.

>> No.17514079

Particularly as Elona+ gets rid of the penalties for making items light.

That's true, but its hard to beat having high innate resists to most of the things in the game before you even have to consider your equipment.

>> No.17514102
Quoted by: >>17514110

Magic Equip is only a 20% buff. Medium armor gives you a flat -8% to your cast chance, meaning you will always have (at least) a 9% fail rate. I don't think it's worth the tradeoff, even before considering "giving up" the fairy race.

>> No.17514110

warmage counters part of that though, but it's till not that good IMO. Plus you have to spend a turn and stamina casting the buff, which only pays off after 5+ spellcasts.

>> No.17514111

sounds good. With fetters of earth I have around 10 speed

>> No.17514143
File: 117 KB, 459x338, spook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17514342

the ride never ends

>> No.17514342
Quoted by: >>17514823

Someone should play a lich character with a party of skeleton pets.

>> No.17514404

Do you need to be wearing medium armor, or be at its weight limit to be use magic equip?

>> No.17514412
Quoted by: >>17514434

Be in the medium armor range, which checks your [equipped] armor weight.

>> No.17514434
Quoted by: >>17514439

Unrelated to the fairy thing, but do weight classes take into account weapon weight?

>> No.17514438

There isn't light, medium or heavy armor. it just depends on your total weight equipped. Since medium is over 15 stones, you can't reach that as a fairy unless you had over 15 body parts.

>> No.17514439

Yes. And ammo.
It's the sum total of everything you have equipped.
Just look in the upper right corner of the equipment window.

>> No.17514474
File: 94 KB, 600x600, 85e4d1365ae50ddd90683713ce50e5c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17514486

Nobody will bat an eye if you slay all the gods or all powerfull beings?

or marry them

>> No.17514486

For the gods it's just an avatar, they're still hanging around.

>> No.17514541

starting class doesn't matter for lategame minmaxing purposes
it only affects starting stats+skills plus which class feat you get, but anyone can learn any skill in the game and you can change your class feat later on with a business card (to thief or warmage, probably)

>> No.17514644
Quoted by: >>17514670

how do I check my pets body parts? idk wtf to put on my fire dragon kid, is it just a martial arts pet with megid flame later on?

>> No.17514670

Go to their inventory, at the bottom of the Take menu you'll see a list of all body parts they have, blue for ones that have something equipped, black for empty.

>> No.17514706
Quoted by: >>17514749

Have you tried going back and forth between continents

>> No.17514749

I'm not that far into the main quest. I don't think I've even bothered to start the main quest.

>> No.17514785

if i put a pet into defensive mode will it still use healing spells?

>> No.17514823
File: 900 KB, 1921x1192, zombiearmies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17514826

Hello yes how can we help you?

>> No.17514826
Quoted by: >>17514841

How is that working out for you?

>> No.17514841
File: 1.82 MB, 1921x1192, undeadminions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17514846

Level 40 right now, could pretty trivially clear act 2 at the drop of a hat if I saw fit. The only real threat at this point is player error, since I have to manually direct my spooks to kill the shit out of things.

>> No.17514846
Quoted by: >>17514849

>manually direct my spooks
How? I don't know of any pet orders

>> No.17514849
Quoted by: >>17514865

I'm using Necromancy, not pets. Works a bit differently, since they're more like friendly NPCs than pets.

>> No.17514865
Quoted by: >>17515269

interesting, I still don't know how you do it, but it sounds neat.

>> No.17514884
File: 160 KB, 1230x603, blackjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17514942

blackjack can suck my dick

>> No.17514942
File: 141 KB, 559x378, pieceofshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17519349

what's this now

>> No.17514974

what does "It makes you pious" mean? I ctrl + f'd the equipment attributes wiki page and it's not listed.

>> No.17514980

sounds like a bonus to faith skill anon

>> No.17514988

faith bonus

>> No.17515041
File: 573 KB, 1279x771, keTfSJg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17515066

Hi jpsies, new starter here. I've been trying to get into things but I feel like even early on there's a lot of things that I am missing out on, and my potentials run down below 60% in the skills I'm working on. I'm pretty sure there's something dumb going on from my part.
I'm a mutant farmer and have gotten a ranch and at least some stuff set up, no feet yet so I wished for a bed. I've also been equipping gear with luck, but maybe this is completely useless from what the pastebins are saying, and I've also died a bit when dungeoning which probably fucked me over even harder.
I think I'm starting to understand what I'm fucking up at least, so I'll make a few new characters and see how things work out in the early hours. Should I save the level up points and spam platinum on one thing exclusively instead?

>> No.17515066

Oh and also for cooking, should I learn it myself or let my loli take care of it entirely? I haven't really understood how to use the gene engineering properly so I just do everything myself. And when leveling cooking in town it's fine to just spam rest and let time pass, right?

>> No.17515071
File: 809 KB, 800x601, capHP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange that the HP cap is 20 mill 15 HP instead of just 20 mill. Wonder why that is but that's the hard cap. Lv 6,666 seems to be the cap for monsters in the void. The wiki suggests the cap for the player is lv 10,000. Guess I'm getting closer to it.

>> No.17515091
File: 25 KB, 257x257, jojo145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.17515121

Why aren't you playing some sort of fairy warmage or are you but you changed the class at character creations? What do you think is the best race class combo

>> No.17515151

he answered that somewhere before I think, race and class don't matter too much later on especially at his level

>> No.17515232

fairy is bad for minmaxing unless you are into martial arts..and then its still not very good since your buffs couldnt be maxed. The one and only true race for minmaxing is mutant, and it sucks for roleplaying actually the opposite .
There arw several good choices for endgame, btw. Mostly depends on playstyle, and warmage is simply a 'safe' choice.

After 300 levels of the void i suddenly realised that enemies grow astonishingly slow with each level. I hope awakened dungeons are more difficult.

>> No.17515240

Last time i ask /elona
should i min-max my gene for loss mutant or give minimum necessities just to have a slght chance to get past act 1 without extra limbs?

>> No.17515243

I'll say it again, you can use Flying Scrolls to equip ANY item as a fairy. Unless for some reason you want medium+ equip weight there's no long term disadvantage.

Mutant is an interesting point though. You can get like 4 arms or something to max out melee damage that way, though it does come at a speed penalty.

>> No.17515244
Quoted by: >>17515256

Which one do you want to do

>> No.17515246

choices for endgame classes* i mean.

>> No.17515256

magic equip, and you can say farewell to 3x crit damage multiplier or sky-high two-hand bonus.

DESU i wnt to abuse gene to the max for once, but i'm afraid it'll turn the game into something extremely boring and i'll just level gardening on my endless plantations instead of finishing act 2/3 without taking hp damage

>> No.17515267

mutant is very, very complicated if you truly desire a min-maxed char. Speed penalty is fully avoided by riding a mount and/or using gamma core

>> No.17515269
Quoted by: >>17515273

You basically take the body parts that drop from mobs and resurrect them as zombies using necromancer coffins. Pretty sure the zombie level and type scales off anatomy, magic device, and how strong the monster you got the body part off of was. I could be remembering wrong though.

But every enemy your spooks kill increase your anatomy skill to make stronger spooks.

>> No.17515273
Quoted by: >>17515391

Oh? So i can become part-time necroshit to learn a bit about dissection and then swim in quickling stakes?

>> No.17515277

Fairy Warmage doesn't fit my playstyle. It's not a bad combo but it wasn't a good fit for me. Kai is a Eulderna Predator. Changed the class name at the beginning of the game just because I felt like it. No real reason but at any rate, I started out as a Predator and still am a Predator.

I personally went with a Eulderna Predator because I wanted to play a martial artist mage hybrid. Eulderna covered most of my casting skill needs while providing a good beginning attribute spread for hybrid play. Predator helps my martial arts out in providing me the eye of mind skill without having to join the fighter's guild along with other necessary melee skills. The innate increased crit chance and starting speed buff is nice too.

So I designed my class/race combo based on what I wanted to do in the game and what I felt comfortable with. This combo worked for me but I understand if it doesn't work for others. It's really up to the player to find what works for them and provides the most comfortable experience for them to achieve what they want out of the game.

>> No.17515285

Additionally, regardless of the gene this char will most definitely be my last and i'll drop this game after death.

>> No.17515294

>magic equip
Trash skill. 1.2x spell damage at the cost of wasting a turn and taking a -8% (additive) penalty to cast chance. It CAN work out in the long run, but 99% of the time it's not even going to be worth the effort to cast.

>> No.17515310

use it for buffs, meteors and god figths. Getting 3x spellpower cap instead 2.5x makes it such a trash skill yeah.

>> No.17515312

1.2x spellpower doesn't just mean more damage, it also means better stats and speed from buff spells.
Warmage class feat gives +5% cast chance so you can still be at 97%.

>> No.17515346

It's supposed to be impossible to get two of the same unique artifact, right? I have two Arbalest

>> No.17515352
Quoted by: >>17515363

It's just because you don't have it on you. If you left one at home, the moment you try to pick it up or drop the one you just got and try to pick that up it will turn into stardust.

>> No.17515353

Depending on which game/version you are playing, either the second one will turn into Stardust as soon as you pick it up while the first is in your (or a pets) inventory, or it will turn into a random different item of the same type.

>> No.17515363

Ah I see, I picked it up again and it turned to dust

>> No.17515391
Quoted by: >>17515514

Yeah totally, you can do anything you want whenever you want. You can get to level 4000 as a mage and decide you want to be a gunner.

>> No.17515404
File: 2 KB, 48x48, 62027074_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I had a dream where someone was talking in-character like a scientist about his research into ether disease. He said that very high level characters could get up to 27000 Perception from the ears of the beast. Kai appeared and said that was awesome, and started practicing in a basketball court with his waifus after giving cat ears to everyone. I told him it took him too long to do that. Then someone else said that they were making a Kaguya CNPC, and that she would be Weak to fire. But someone else replied that giving her a fire weakness was nonsensical, since she has a treasure that nullifies fire damage.

Now I want to make a Kaguya CNPC.

>> No.17515413
Quoted by: >>17515417

What did Kai look like

I-is he cute

>> No.17515417
Quoted by: >>17515433

Same as what he looks like every time he posts a screenshot.


>> No.17515433

You dream in anime?

>> No.17515459

You don't?

>> No.17515463

I thought we all did

>> No.17515467
Quoted by: >>17515480

Not him but I have before. Definitely not regularly though. I've also have dreamt in video game if that makes sense.

>> No.17515472
Quoted by: >>17515482

b-but why basketball

>> No.17515480

I usually dream in video game. Usually I'm simultainiously the character and playing the character, but then I occasionally become so immersed I forget how to operate the controls

>> No.17515482
Quoted by: >>17515510

Must be what godslayers do in their spare time.

>> No.17515483

I am going to fucking die of hunger while my pet chases after this faggot shade in the duel arena

>> No.17515488
Quoted by: >>17515491

You cant die in arena. You will die right after your pet dies(or wins), tho.

>> No.17515491

Drink milk or juice after the match.

>> No.17515508

what does rubbing do

>> No.17515510

According to mayan legends, it's what the gods do.

>> No.17515513

ask your dad

>> No.17515514

and decide to be a baseball batter, make a custom bat, ball and hat and oneshot putits while shouting 'strike!'

suden innocently perverted question detected

>> No.17515519

now i realised i never tried to rub myself in Elona that is . I wonder if Ano added some lewd flavor text for that.

>> No.17515524
File: 11 KB, 297x19, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17515531


>> No.17515526 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 42x16, 1503357537818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17515531


>> No.17515531

Brush doesnt count. Throw it away.

How unexpected. I hope its just an untranslated piece.

>> No.17515598

Translator's note: "What" means "what"

>> No.17515803

how do I increase the weight of my bullet?

>> No.17515814

For the quest which requires me to kill another guild leader, does that prevent me from joining either of the other guilds in the future? I want to get the sword and then join the mage's guild after.

>> No.17515816
Quoted by: >>17515875

cursed flying scroll

>> No.17515821
Quoted by: >>17515875

also, turn it into a heavy material like adamant if you haven't already

>> No.17515875
Quoted by: >>17516114

are they rare or something, never found one before (lvl 34)
yeah, I changed it to adamantium

>> No.17515900
Quoted by: >>17515911

is there a way you can target your spells or abilities? I keep shadow stepping to the wrong enemy and dying

>> No.17515911
File: 253 KB, 800x600, Elona In-Game Help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17515970
Quoted by: >>17515976

I got sexy dance feature and 30 performance and still can't do ensemble. Anyone knows what am I missing?

>> No.17515976
Quoted by: >>17515985

You don't gain new special actions until the next time you level up after meeting the skill requirement.

>> No.17515985

oh, good to know. thanks.

>> No.17516004

yeah I'm retarded. been using that for a while but just to check enemy power levels

>> No.17516073

Next changelog continued:

>Level of small gamble chests sold by shops now depends on the shop's invest level, so you might want to invest in inn shops.

?? But nobody uses-
>Unlocking doors and chests now give experience based on the unlock difficulty. This bonus is higher for chests that need lockpicks.

Oh hell yeah my dude

>> No.17516079

It's because the variable portion of the formula, the part that cares about stats, is clamped to 20mil. Then you add 15, like with all characters.

>> No.17516114

Flying scrolls are very rare, second only to scroll of attribute. If you get a Magic Shop to rank 160 they should sell 1 flying scroll about 1 in 5 to 10 restocks.

>> No.17516126
Quoted by: >>17521884

Is there any way to change that binding? I'm using a tenkey-less keyboard.

Currently I used the windows virtual keyboard and then used x-mouse button control to set MB5 to *, just so that I would have access to the key. Would be nice if I could just set it to something in game though.

>> No.17516150
File: 160 KB, 180x300, g8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Yacatect supposed to be a god that Noa actually wanted to implement before he quit, or is it full fanfiction?

Also, did we ever consider using discord for elona?

>> No.17516154

An elona discord already exist.

>> No.17516170

face it harry, elona+ is the true version now

>> No.17516174

That's the way I see it. At this point there's more Elona+ than there is Elona

>> No.17516178

The beginner's guide tells me to gene engineer a rouge wizard into my wife. I don't understand what it means by this. I got the gene machine and the gene engineer trait, what am I suppose to do from here?

>> No.17516183
Quoted by: >>17516203

Buy a rogue wizard from the slave trader. Use the gene machine, select your wife, then select the wizard. Then sleep every night for breakfast and sikk gains

>> No.17516186

Gene engineer a rogue wizard into your wife.
Seriously man, try before asking stupid questions. Grab two nobody pets and see what the fuck shit does.

>> No.17516203

Go to the town of Derphy. There's a slave trader there who will sell various human pets.
If you're level 10+ one of the options is a Rogue Wizard. If he offers a different pet, pick the first chat option to reroll it until you see the option you want. Then do >>17516183

>> No.17516272
Quoted by: >>17516285

How viable are pure melee classes like warrior? What races are good for them?

>> No.17516285
Quoted by: >>17516293

Perfectly viable, like everything else.
All of them, but Fairy is going to be balls to the wall at first.

>> No.17516293
Quoted by: >>17516301

But are they difficult compared to other classes that are more magic oriented?

>> No.17516301
Quoted by: >>17516323

Elona is exactly as hard as you make it. Class has nothing to do with it past the few hours, and race (baring snail) means little later on.

>> No.17516323

Race comes in three flavors for late game:
Fairy, with insane defenses but a 1s limitation forcing you to farm flying scrolls and do without weight-based bonuses
Mutant, with a variety of different body parts not available to standard races
and everything else. Even Snail can overcome his speed penalty to be basically the same as the regular options.

>> No.17516386
Quoted by: >>17516396

How do I incognito into a guild? The alarm goes off anyways.

>> No.17516396
Quoted by: >>17516415

Incognito after entering. Note that the guild master is never fooled.
Judicious teleport use is advised.

>> No.17516413
Quoted by: >>17516506

Although a Snail can never overcome the fact Cleaners will throw salt at you to kill you.

>> No.17516415
Quoted by: >>17516423

Worked, thank you! Is there a penalty for killing guildmasters besides karma loss, do you know?

>> No.17516423

I don't think so, they should respawn like anyone else.

>> No.17516506
Quoted by: >>17516767

On the flip side, if they survive long enough to reach South Tyris, Snails can pick up whatever limbs they want from Doctor Gavela. You could get 12 hands without having to savescum.

>> No.17516606
Quoted by: >>17516660

Is the Al'ud worth using?
It's giving me a bonus 150 to defense.
Warmage took me from 95% casting chance with it to 100% too.

>> No.17516660

It's a shield. Use it if you want PV more than melee offense.

>> No.17516767
Quoted by: >>17516792

You would still have to savescum, since Doctor Gavela only gives you random body parts. You could keep resetting every time you got a non-hand, but the amount of hero cheese you would need to make that possible is beyond reason. Were talking billions, possibly trillions to make up the life cost.

>> No.17516792
Quoted by: >>17518011

First of all, Gavela can be told what to do now.
Secondly, most people here play on Advancing.

>> No.17516925
File: 26 KB, 439x649, endlessDLC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking around a bit, there were quite a few more derivatives of Elona than I thought there would be.
Although a lot of them don't appear to be active anymore, a couple are still updated, such as omake_overhaul (a derivative of a derivative of a derivative?), and some of the rest at least lasted till 2015.

What made Elona+ the definitive spiritual successor? I guess it's the amount of new(fanfiction) content + consistent updates?

Kind of interested in what the others did/are doing though.

>> No.17516929
File: 154 KB, 334x495, itsfuckingnothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17516954

but nothing happened?

>> No.17516954
Quoted by: >>17516977

I do not understand what you are trying to communicate here.

>> No.17516977

>something crazy is about to happen

It's a message that just appeared suddenly when i was gathering in a dungeon.

Then a jingle sound played aseveral turns after, but I didn't notice anything

>> No.17516981
Quoted by: >>17517005

Read the message again.
>Something is crazy about something!

>> No.17517005

'something' - npc out of sight
'crazy about' - effect of fascinating dance, used by some friendly butterfly in your case.

>> No.17517103
File: 9 KB, 317x30, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17517161

You get the same message when rubbing yourself with or without a brush on you. When squeezing yourself you ponder your life decisions. Magic kiss on self doesn't do anything, bewitch shows the little animation but otherwise nothing. Using a stethoscope on self when female makes your character blush, but you don't call yourself a pervert (you already know).

>> No.17517161
Quoted by: >>17517182

Also makes males blush.

>> No.17517182
File: 23 KB, 235x216, wew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17518011

Advancing? I don't remember that difficulty.

>> No.17518013

It was renamed to "Essential" some time ago.

>> No.17518017

All the years until now ''normal'' mode had been called advancing.

>> No.17518354
Quoted by: >>17518410


>> No.17518410
Quoted by: >>17518490


>> No.17518429

How would i go about changing text fonts?

>> No.17518437
File: 10 KB, 276x24, rzn3dej.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17518476

should I eat little sisters if I don't need to complete the quest atm? stat boosts seem nice

>> No.17518477

They cannot make effective use of DW like a mutant or 2H like everyone else, however.

>> No.17518490

Are guns good? I was thinking of playing a gunner since I've never played one.

>> No.17518491

The spawn rate of Big Daddies drop as you eat more Little Sisters.

>> No.17518511
Quoted by: >>17518584

Ranged extra attacks are capped at 1 for regular attacks compared to 3 for melee, but ranged does have special ammo, and will get new gauge attacks in the next E+ version.

>> No.17518516

The quest is repeatable and is the only way to get duplicates of some precious items.
Killing Sisters permanently reduces the Big Daddy spawn rate.
It's a grade-A way to fuck your file over.

>> No.17518547

Guns are.. okay. kind of. you have limited 'charges' for special shots that actually deal substantial damage, and without that special ammo damage is pretty horrible. To recharge you need to craft one-use item or go back to town's blacksmith for refill.

However, guns are exceptionally strong with those ammo charges, especially burst ammo - its one of the hardest hitting tools in this game.

So, guns are good in general but require some flexibility from the player with item management.

If you want guns, i recommend going yerles or mutant. Best early gun type is machinegun, there are several good unique artifacts later, but avoid pistols. Shotguns are great for shooting at melee range, sniper rifles are exceptionally good overall if you get to some 200 skill/attribute levels, laser gun is always a safe choice after early game.

Xbows and bows are not much worse, sometimes even better than guns, btw.

>> No.17518564
Quoted by: >>17518612

I was going to get diablo for my little girl but then I got a drake rod from a dungeon. This is the first time i've seen "it stops time", "It deals (element) damage" and "additional attack" so I have no idea how good they actually are.

Which is better?


>> No.17518578
Quoted by: >>17518605

Why would being a mutant be good for a gunner, the extra arms?

>> No.17518584

its not '3' for melee. you can have up to 8 total attacks per round with melee, or some crazy 20+ attacks if you are multi-handed mutant, it all depends on build and melee style.
Easiest damage dealing method early is two hand melee style - 1 weapon without shield. Easiest lategame style is martial arts melee and magic.

But pretty much everything works in Elona, only some builds require more effort than others.

>> No.17518592
Quoted by: >>17518599

Can someone explain "Nefia Fever Mode"? All I know is that somewhere, something has better loot and probably more danger. I'm not sure what or where though.

>> No.17518599

Nefia is the name of the continent (elona = Eternal League Of NefiA)

Fever mode basically applies to every dungeon you can go into, I think, so just raid any ones nearby when it happens. You'll know it's under effect when you start seeing music tickets in dungeons.

>> No.17518605
Quoted by: >>17518728

extra hands/arms/feet
interlocking shooting mechanism is not a bad enchantment for gunner, and direct damage boost from gloves and claws makes it easy to boost damage.
Another important point about guns is that you get full benefits from wearing shield, unlike melee or mage characters. It greatly increases survivability of your PC.

>> No.17518612

Diablo is annoying on pets unless you disable spell animation completely. Drake rod is worse, tho.

>> No.17518613

I've never really tried melee to be honest. I always play a caster as my PC and load up on high-speed pets with ranged weapons. The last thing I want to do is tell a Bell or a Quickling to rush into melee range, and by the time a slower pet gets to the enemy it's either going to be dead, or it's too dangerous to risk getting close to.

Playing a melee PC would change my whole paradigm on the game, but I don't think I can get into just bumping into enemies for combat all game.

>> No.17518615

Elona need autocombat and auto exploration like Crawl. I want to otab for 8 hours straight.

>> No.17518622

I realize that a well-trained melee pet can probably handle the "too dangerous" enemies, the problem is they never really get a chance to train unless I grind them specifically. At least in a ranged party everyone gets a chance to take a shot.

>> No.17518629
Quoted by: >>17518661

It's max 1+3 attacks PER WEAPON in melee. 8 total attacks is the max with two weapons (1+3+1+3), so it's the max for most characters. If you have 10 weapons equipped in 10 hands you'll get at least 10 attacks.

>> No.17518633

Tyris is the name of the continent. Nefia is the in-lore name for dungeons, named after a previous era from which they originate.

>> No.17518635
Quoted by: >>17518695

Tyris is the name of the continent (divided into North Tyris and South Tyris). Nefia is the local name for what most games call "mystery dungeons".

>> No.17518636

bells are the best for melee actually. No hands make them perfect for MA once you boost their life with ruby gear and cheese. Evolved dragons are great as well.
But, its whatever suits your gameplay style in the end. I can suggest several ways to avoid problem that you mentioned, but i think you should just play how you like instead of min-maxing everything like some of us.

>> No.17518661

nope. math of elona is much fancier than thsi, and martial arts got limit of 7 extra attacks out of the box. I'd ask you to prove your opinion with a piece of source code related to this limit(you wont find it i'm afraid)

>> No.17518690

I think the flames around the clock appear when nefia fever is in effect. It doesn't say specifically, but they seem to coincide.

>> No.17518691
Quoted by: >>17518719

Martial arts is a special case where you can get seven "Furthermore" attacks with enough MA skill and "It increases the chance of extra melee attack" enchantment as long as you don't have a weapon equipped. Normal cap is 3 "Furthermore"s per weapon (this also applies to martial arts with a shield/claw equipped).
There is no hard cap of exactly 8 melee attacks per round; it's disinformation/urban legend. I've posted screenshots in previous threads of a mutant character getting 11-13 attacks per round.

>> No.17518695
Quoted by: >>17518949

oh, whoops.
thanks for correcting in a nice way.

>> No.17518702

Zero Shoot is also stupidly good.
Kiting means you can turn a mobility advantage into a certain victory if the circumstances are good.

Melee can thrive on "run forwards and mash arrow keys", ranged is about kiting and spacts and ammo.

>> No.17518719

There IS a single hard cap of 7 extra attacks. If you have more than one weapon you can get more than 8 total attacks, obviously. Burst ammo allows whooping 30+ attacks per round.
DW skill got extra attack bonus from the skill level, in addition to equipment's bonus.
Multi-handed mutants got soft cap of only 1 extra attack per weapon for DW style once they get past 6 hands.

>> No.17518728
Quoted by: >>17518731

Mutant gunner is for more ARMS, not hands. having more HANDS reduces extra attacks exponentially. read the code. Use gloves, not tonfas. Stop at 2 hands.

>> No.17518731
Quoted by: >>17518746

Multiple possible Shoot slots when?

>> No.17518740

Fuck you. We've posted this source code multiple times about 9-10 threads ago. Clearly you haven't been here so why are you talking. However, yes you are correct, melee attacks aren't capped the way they said it. Fuck, this code should be in the pastebin. Just google 4chan handkazu, it's the only result.

>> No.17518746

Probably never, to be honest. I think shoot slot check is hard coded to only accept 1, but I ONLY BRIEFLY SKIMMED that part. Would probably be real complex to change. However, I'd fuckin love it.

>> No.17518777
Quoted by: >>17518838

The formula's on the wiki:

It doesn't have anything about the extra attack caps, though, and I'm pretty sure that you can only get one extra ranged attack from "It increases the chance of extra ranged attack" effects.
The entire extra attack system is incredibly confusing. If I could understand the source code, I'd create a complete explanation of how the whole thing works (bits of source code with explanations of what they mean), and then the pastebin of it could be added to the OP.

>> No.17518808

if ( extraattack < 3 | (cdata(96, cc) == 0 & extraattack < 7 & attackskill == 106) ) {

Meh and here i've had some hope to revive this useless debate.
Pastebin should include simple:

Ranged could get maximum additional 1 extra attack without special ammo.
All styles of melee with weapons got maximum 3 extra attack limit per weapon.
MA can get up to 7 extra attacks.
DW get bonus extra attack boost from skill level, but limit is still the same.
Elona has a soft cap on 2+ extra attacks for multi-handed characters regardless of weapon types, penalty turns progressively severe after 6 hands, 1st extra attack doesnt get penalty.

>> No.17518810

how can I offer stuff to my God?

>> No.17518816
Quoted by: >>17518825

O or enter at altar of the god

>> No.17518821
Quoted by: >>17518830

How many potions do I need to give Pael's mom in Noyel to cure her for good?

>> No.17518825

Or better yet, at an unclaimed altar or the altar of another god. You get a large bonus for turning an altar that way. Just be careful not to turn all the altars of a god you might want to worship later.

>> No.17518829

do you guys think Elona set in the past or future

>> No.17518830

additionally, Martial arts never get a penalty from extra hands, but all your hands should be empty for this, effectively turning those hands into wasted bodyslots.

1 and wait.

>> No.17518838
Quoted by: >>17518852

Don't read the wiki. Always read the wiki. If you have a question, read the wiki first. Don't trust the wiki. The wiki is always wrong. Read the wiki page for every update and memorize what's changed. The wiki is always wrong. Read the decompiled failpile that the E+C modders have to use instead of reading the wiki. Drink heavily. Read the wiki.

>> No.17518840

How do Claws and Shields change the formula? You are supposed to still use martial arts with (only) those equipped,

>> No.17518842

The future

>> No.17518847

Yeah but the extra attack passive ONLY works when unarmed. It's an update.

Long ago. Galaxy far far away.

>> No.17518852
Quoted by: >>17518883

wiki is rarely wrong unless its a clear opinion of the 'you should, its best to, you definitely have to' kind - those are almost always wrong.

Changelogs 99% of the time are correct, but its not any better than reading source.hsp.

>> No.17518863

Shields of all kinds change attack style to 'shield', shich uses MA skill for damage calculation and trains MA skill. Yes we know its fucking confusing.

>> No.17518867
Quoted by: >>17518877

I meant after she transforms

>> No.17518871

I guess my end goal is now to acquire a Xaren Satelite Unit, give it custom AI to emphasize martial arts, and train the hell out of it. It'll be a while before I have the dominate levels to capture one though.

>> No.17518877
Quoted by: >>17518882

Spoliers She doesn't, you just become unable to give her anymore since she's not in pain an accepts her new form for paels sake.

>> No.17518878

I know Bell of Termination is faster, but shadow step saves a lot of turns that would be spent moving, plus I get the Satelite sooner.

>> No.17518881
Quoted by: >>17518887

Simply ALP copy <Karata> if you want a completely broken MA pet.
Black angel or child dragon are still better damage dealers on the long run, especially with custom AI.

>> No.17518882

Oh and I'm not sure how many get you there, I gave her somewhere around 20 I think, maybe more.

>> No.17518883
File: 621 KB, 600x848, elona brain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wiki has outdated info/ user guesses often enough that it should be noted. For a while the spell page for E+ said spells fall off at a distance (changed a while ago). I bet you think scarecrows actually affect gardening too.

>> No.17518884

I have a pro-jet that I soul-spindled for lower INI on a gene file.
Now that I've got her some cheese she's a MA powerhouse.

>> No.17518887


>> No.17518897

Karata is an npc that has both the Metal and resEle flags set, but unlike other metal enemies, does not lose the resEle flag if tamed.
Basically making it next to invincible.

I'm convinced it's a gross oversight, so I refuse to use one myself.

>> No.17518899

>elona brain
I love this

>> No.17518904

OK then, but how is the Black Angel better? I guess Lulwy's trick over the speed cap, once you've trained the fuck out of her speed?

>> No.17518917

Eating tem makes the quest permanently harder to complete forever.
Since you can do the quest infinitely for hero cheeses and happy apples this is a pretty bad idea.

>> No.17518919
Quoted by: >>17518930

Well there was only an assumption that scarecrows MAY decrease spawns on wiki.
With custom AI, you can keep boost and other buffs constantly on, and teach uncontroll/attribute/clear mind skills for crazy damage. Black angel got good speed bost as a bonus. Dragon Child got megid flame to boost elemental attribute attacks.
Karata is simply nearly invulnerable if you give him some life, and has no useless for MA hand slots.

>> No.17518922

how's utima as a pet?

>> No.17518930

That's what I was thinking, but even with Boost AND Lulwy's Trick after training speed as high as it will go with AP (800 according to wiki), the Black Seraph still wouldn't complete with the 1536 starting speed of the Xaren Satelite, or the 2000 speed of the bell of termination, plus of course the cMetal.

>> No.17518940
Quoted by: >>17523884

Its easy to boost speed, and base starting speed makes it really hard to gain AP unless you reset your pet stats, which makes high starting speed completely useless for lategame.

Boosting speed for pets with food is very easy now, It may be even a waste of AP to boost it with Leold's service.

>> No.17518949
Quoted by: >>17518956

I think Nefia isn't the era, it was the name of the civilization that used to thrive in North Tyris, but was wiped out or something.

All the random dungeons and such are ruins of Nefia, which seem capable of not only moving locations but also resetting. They also infect people who go inside them with "Nefia Syndrome" which causes insanity after prolonged exposure.

Adventurers seem immune to the later stages of Nefia though. It's basically a lore reason to explain why you see random neutral NPCs and the like in Nefia dungeons, they're infected with later stages of Nefia Syndrome.

>> No.17518956
Quoted by: >>17518979

Oh good, i usually wipe them out immediately. One dropped a treasure map one time so I feel obliged. Good to know I'm saving them.

>> No.17518962

Also, boost's main benefit is not speed, but %% str bonus which multiplies your damage. There is aslo a speed spell that boosts speed by up to 800. Megidflame makes elemental MA much stronger later. And all those benefits come with low INI, which makes AP farming very easy.

>> No.17518972
File: 49 KB, 1117x66, 4VXHH5P[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call the cops i dont give a fuck

>> No.17518979

The only way to actually save all those wandering little girls is to turn them into your permanently leashed and properly whipped to the point of complete obedience slaves.

>> No.17519001


>> No.17519032

You're getting ingame V&

>> No.17519037
Quoted by: >>17519046

Everybody loves Shena's ass

>> No.17519046
Quoted by: >>17519065

Raphael's ass is the best.

>> No.17519051


Add to paste maybe?

>> No.17519059
File: 706 KB, 743x482, 6aa2e080c7c1f6d8d6ddc7ee915de3f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17519065

If I choose a notable skill I don't have will It be automatically learned or no?

>> No.17519065

Silly <Rainbow Homo>
Yes, it also adds 10 levels to that skill.

>> No.17519081

What did you do anon

>> No.17519086
File: 9 KB, 448x21, smell ya later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17519098

Is there a reason why "pistols" suck? I've seen the damage spread and the range modifiers, I mean WHY are they that way? It sucks that there's no reason to use one. And goddamnit, that's a revolver.

>> No.17519110

They don't necessarily suck, if you find one with say elemental damage/invoke or that is living by all means improve the material, enchant it and use it. They are also the only gun that can use magnum ammo, which adds a nice number of damage dice.

>> No.17519119
Quoted by: >>17519130

Nah they still suck and magnum doesnt solve this.
Because they suck IRL too. Their only benefit of light weight is properly represented ingame.

>> No.17519121

Correction shotguns also use magnum

>> No.17519126

Additionally, elemental damage scales with base damage, so only invoke ignores bad rnagemod for pistol.

>> No.17519130

Ohhhhh okay, they make up for it when you have a very heavy magnum ammo. Gotcha.

??? By that logic magic should deal 0 damage because magic sucks IRL. It's a singleplayer videogame, why make one class of item much worse than others?

Oh dear god. Ok, maybe pistol is actually pretty good.

>> No.17519133
Quoted by: >>17519211


Wait that says ONLY invoke. What about a gravity sphere pistol? Does that solve it?

>> No.17519138

Does this ignore the ammo? Magnum sounds alright, 2d11+15 is nothing to sneeze at. But then again if you're going to be firing at close range all the time and want to use magnum might as well take a shotgun

>> No.17519145
Quoted by: >>17519211

That's what I mean, why have an item that is just all around worse than others in its class? Especially considering rarity is not at all a concern.

>> No.17519151
Quoted by: >>17519175

Pistols have better range than shotguns and better accuracy than machine guns and sniper rifles.

>> No.17519152

Give me one good reason to play Elona.

>> No.17519155

How does XdY+Z work on weapons, does it add +Z damage to X of XdY or to the Y?

>> No.17519157

There isn't one, don't bother

>> No.17519163

Elona is the kind of game played by people that look into it themselves and want to play it on their own without others telling them to

>> No.17519168
Quoted by: >>17519299

You roll X dice with Y sides then add Z

>> No.17519169
Quoted by: >>17519299

Z is a flat bonus after XdY are rolled

So if you have 3d5+10, you roll 3d5 (3-15 damage), and then add 10, for a result of 13-25 damage

>> No.17519175
Quoted by: >>17519182

I'm reading this "Elona Material Technical Information" packet and it says the opposite regarding accuracy, but yes to range.

>> No.17519178

2d15+15 is pretty weak if its reduced by 40%.

>> No.17519182
Quoted by: >>17519192

Pistols almost always have an large accuracy bonus in ()s at the end. Snipers have a large negative, and machineguns only get small numbers there.

>> No.17519192
Quoted by: >>17519204

Oh, weird. It says in this table that the base hit bonus for pistol is 7 and for machine gun it's 10, and of course machine gun range spread is objectively better all around*:

Machine Gun 08-10-10-09-08-07-02
Pistol 09-10-08-06-02
*pistol slightly better at point blank

>> No.17519204
Quoted by: >>17519218

Ok you are right, machine guns have bigger bonuses there. I really thought it was pistols

>> No.17519211

Because pistols suck, deal with it and move on.
You could ask Noa personally why he made this game close to traditional dungeon crawlers.
Pistol's only benefit is it's weight, which is important for some starts and fairy.

If you have troubles with comprehension,

Its a noob weapon for classes with low str and fairies.

Gravity sphere is nice but for endgame its only a support invoke for status effect. Damage scaling is pretty bad.

>> No.17519218

Yeah, this is what I don't get. I figured pistols would have something good going for them. I expected the hl1 .357 but got a .22 laserprinted by upright dogs

Man you are so rude. Why are you even here. Do you have fun?

>> No.17519226

I just dont understand why do you have to ask the same thing 4 times, getting basically the same answer every time. This is kinda rude towards those who answer your questions as well.

>> No.17519227
Quoted by: >>17519238

Because you were lying about game mechanics.

Why were you spewing lies about the game?
Oh, right, because you were being an idiot. Stay unfucked or fuck off.

>> No.17519229

It's true that in traditional RLs there are entire classes of weapons that are pretty much useless to the player. Like small wooden clubs. They exist to add variety, maybe to be used in a desperate situation, and for weak enemies to use.

>> No.17519238
Quoted by: >>17519246

No one lied about game mechanics here, bucko. Try reading the wiki!

>> No.17519246
Quoted by: >>17519250

>Pistols almost always have an large accuracy bonus in ()s at the end. Snipers have a large negative, and machineguns only get small numbers there.
>Pistols have better range than shotguns and better accuracy than machine guns and sniper rifles.

>> No.17519250

Read this page:

Then read this:

Then read this:

>> No.17519252
Quoted by: >>17519267

Zero shoot is a consideration for gun users.
It's fairly spammable, does not care about your gun's range, always crits, and doubles damage on top of that.
My mostly-wizard uses it as a "melee" option.

>> No.17519255
File: 154 KB, 618x622, 36818553_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of pretty rude posts in this thread as of late, is this because of that youtube video? Begone, evil spirits.

>> No.17519259
Quoted by: >>17519277

Hey guys, if wiki IS wrong, you could just fix it instead of whining about volunteer work not being perfect. You can even do this as anon.

There always has been some percentage of b& style posts and fed up remarks, its normal.

>> No.17519267
Quoted by: >>17519269

can you use burst ammo with zero shoot, actually? ..it would turn ammo-based weapons into best boss killers so i strongly doubt it, for some reason.

>> No.17519269

Just you wait! We're getting ammo-specific gauge releases next update!!

>> No.17519275
Quoted by: >>17519286

It may be an indirect boost for pistols actually.Just like magnum ammo back then.

>> No.17519277

This, it's just a couple of players editing pages when they feel like it, not nearly enough to reasonably expect them to keep it up to date. Anyone can edit it and if there's a template or something you don't know what to do with just leave a comment and they add the info in a while, I've done that pretty often

>> No.17519286

Exciting! Looking forward to the time stop release obviously.

>> No.17519296
Quoted by: >>17519327

But also more shop nerfs and old crafting recipe removals.

>> No.17519299


>> No.17519327
File: 948 KB, 2349x1338, 1360930500301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God. aa......aaaaAAAAAAA

>> No.17519334

They ARE being replaced with new ones, but, well, we'll see how it pans out.
Ano doesn't have a hardon for "bloat removal" like some certain people do.

>> No.17519349
Quoted by: >>17519372

>inb4 dealer gets 21
It happened waaay too often.

>> No.17519372

On the other hand
>dealer hits on a 20 and busts

>> No.17519374

Back to the Rogue.

not the case for elona+ anyway. i dont remember any feature that ano removed without adding better features in it's place.

>> No.17519501

nah, just people being jerks sometimes

>> No.17519521
File: 7 KB, 254x199, jack-in-the-cho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17519982

It might be overpowered, but if I ever get to mashing sprites together, I want to make a monster from Monster Rancher called Jack-In-The-Cho and it'd be perfect. Probably arm it with socks and panties for the best nonsense.

Of course, I'm not terribly good with sprites so if anyone else wanted to try that'd be great. If not, I'll get to it eventually I figure.

>> No.17519556

hey, i'm a complete retard and i want to get server working, how should server.txt file work?

>> No.17519561

Almost all the packs are outdated, isn't there anyone capable of updating them?

>> No.17519563

look* i meant how it should look and how can i get it working. Instructions in link posted aren't clear enough for me

>> No.17519723

Yes, *anyone* is capable of updating them. All you have to do is take the newest default sheet, compare it to the old pack sheet, and copy over the handful of new sprites that were added from new to old.

>> No.17519731
File: 1.09 MB, 1558x1202, elonachat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete the server.txt file you have. Make a new one from scratch and name it server.txt Only one thing needs to be in it and that's the address in which you're connecting. I screenshot my server.txt file in my picture. Yes, that's all that's in it. From there you need to go into config.txt and make sure server list is changed to 1. Boot up your game and go to options then to network settings. Make sure use network is set to Yes. You can set the other stuff to Yes if you wish. Now load your save. You should see a small box showing the address of what you have in your server.txt file. It should look like what I have in my pic.

To chat you hit the tab key on your keyboard and a dialog like my pic will open. Enter what you want to say there. Chat should appear in your log and you can see a dedicated log of chat by expanding your log with the / key on your keyboard and then hitting tab until you reach the chat tab. Should look like my bottom right picture. My msg, hello /jp/ should be found in the chat log.

Due to how people seem to be having difficulty with setting up chat, I wonder if newer Elona Customs can come bundled with correct server.txt and config.txt files set up so new people can automatically start chatting if they want to.

>> No.17519732

Well why didn't anynoe do that and upload it?

>> No.17519741

You are capable of doing that, just like everyone else.

>> No.17519760
Quoted by: >>17520393

There's many and people often just make their own. I personally just use the default. Probably the only way things like this get updated after the original authors vanish is because some guy wants to use one and updates it for himself, then posts it for others to use.

>> No.17519771
Quoted by: >>17520393

Most of us who actually bother with making up to date custom spritesheets make our own versions instead.

>> No.17519817

thanks dude, now all is clear and sound. Thanks for the effort.

>> No.17519863
File: 26 KB, 409x69, fuglyfox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17520008

>> No.17519982
File: 4 KB, 48x48, jack-in-the-cho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this?

>> No.17520008
File: 86 KB, 852x480, the ugliest mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17520166

what are the most useful buffs? offensive spells?

>> No.17520181

All of them.
Ice Ball if you're going to debuff before blasting, Magic Storm otherwise. Meteor for killing fucking everything.

>> No.17520263

best wait to level speed is eating shoes?

>> No.17520328

11am wake up from shit bed in derphy. Hungry but only have beer on me so I drink enough not to die from hunger.

12pm find dungeon my level to do. Everything is fine until I meet the imp boss and die from some condition I can't pronounce. Wake up in my cave with a condom in my ass with less gold and stats than before and I'm very hungry.

3pm whore myself out in derphy to afford whatever shit the inn serves up. At least it's filling. Decide to try the arena. Orc was easy but a couple tuns later some thieves took a bit of my fight money. decide to restock on alcohol.

6pm do some hunting quests. Piece of cake and not bad gold. Decide to buy some food stuff and head over to vernis to maybe finish some quests. Top baby gang of bandits attempt to rob me. Wanted to run but they beat the shit out of me.

8pm wake up in my cave with less gold none of my food stuff and my feelings hurt. Curl up on the cave floor and cry myself to sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day.

This is a typical day for us right? What's your day like for your character anon? Dare I ask what a day is like for a player that actuAlly know what the fuck they're doing?

>> No.17520337

Buffs: All
Offensive spells: Everything but acid ground, fire wall, chaos eye, dark eye. Focus on ball spells/meteor for best damage/Lv. Of course, darkness bolt is easier to get stock for than Eclipse, so it's good enough.
Even Web can be ok at mid levels. Probably not lategame void, but one day I'll get there and tell you.

Near-useless spells: Gravity, Restore Body/Spirit. At least Mutation lets you change your name. Level them all anyway, just because you might as well.

>> No.17520368

I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Brace yourself, this is what my midgame is like:
>Be me, Lv95 caster
>Wake up at dawn day 1
>Run around and check all my shops on schedule, Seven League boots +1k speed means it takes me 15 minutes to move 1 overworld tile
>Check for adventurers, duel glove them and sell their shit after changing their materials (RIP, no longer a thing after next update)
>By noon, this is done, so I reorganize my (full) 4-D pocket and do some fusing. One high potion of soma takes 10 hours, so I usually just do a couple bottles of water.
>It's evening now, but of course my character doesn't sleep but every 2 days. I dive a dungeon, spam oracle every time I change a floor, dump my shit in the shop.
>Use my statue of Yacatect. Check if I can use my statues of Kumiromi yet and if the day contains a 3 or a 9.
>Dawn of day 2: More dungeon diving, reup my potentials with blessed potions I got from shop checking day 1.
>Afternoon: Reading books I got from shopping if my LRN potential is acceptably high
>Evening: More dungeon diving, maybe walk along the roads for travelling vendors (I want a living sniper rifle)
>Night: Use my statue of Yacatect. Check if I can use my statues of Kumiromi yet and if the day contains a 3 or a 9. Go to sleep at 9pm on the nose, using a paperwork happy bed I carry around for max good sleeps.
>Wake up next day to 2 items and breakfast made by my wife, ready to check my shops (48 hours passed) and sell that shit she made, after turning it into griffon scale.
>Living the dream

>> No.17520380
Quoted by: >>17520460

Christ I can't wait to hear Kai's day

>> No.17520382

I'm new to JP and Elona. I've played a few different classes and races, but I wanna know what are your favorite races/classes to play? (Not looking for best, but rather prefered)

>> No.17520393
File: 1.30 MB, 1584x1488, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the one I made recently, combining from several different hodgepodge of sprite sheets to my taste.

Since I personally don't like an overabundance of monster girls or excessive out-of-place cameos (all these touhous, kantai and FateGO) I had to spend literally several hours dissecting existing ones and then making sure they fit properly and then cherry pricking sprites I liked the most.

And even then, there are still sprites I left in here that I'd probably like to replace but I didn't yet because I haven't progress far enough in the game to notice them.

>> No.17520402

If we're talking about favorite, I like Lich for roleplay value. You're probably going to get a lot of comments that say if you didn't pick Fairy/Mutant/Golem then your race doesn't matter in the long run at all.

>> No.17520404

I like farmers for a peaceful and comfortable start farming in Yowyn. Elea are nice, I like all the human races too.

>> No.17520408

if only the elona sprite uploader website was easier to browse...

>> No.17520412

is that big red/black dragon kalameet ?

>> No.17520420
Quoted by: >>17520435

How is changing the material of your shop fodder even worth the effort? Just spend that time gathering more materials and you get to craft 50 extra panties. If your pets all have gathering skills, they will shower you in rare materials after a dungeon or a couple void floors. Interact with self to collect mats from all pets at once.

>> No.17520425
Quoted by: >>17524470

Not him but you did good anon

>> No.17520428

probably. There tends to be a lot of elona sprites of existing IP.

Kalameet is something I'm okay with. Although maybe it'd be better if kept that sprite as a user one

>> No.17520435

Because often you can spend the equivalent of 10k to turn something from being worth 100k to being worth 2m. Consider the best case scenario, which is common: Perl has value mod 400, Griffon scale has value mod 1100. It takes one change material scroll to turn Perl into Griffon scale. It doesn't exactly triple the price, but it's very nice.

However, forget I said any of that, because materials will matter much less in the next update. Maybe it will matter so little that making 50 more panties won't cut it either...

>> No.17520460

wake up
kill every god
go to level 1000000 of the void
kill giant near immortal crabs
give helpful advice
sleep optional

>> No.17520463

o shit ty

>> No.17520471
Quoted by: >>17520481

I lied actually, the best case scenario is your paper bulletproof vest with 3 "maintains" mods and a "negates." Paper has a value mod of 20. Compare that to 1100.

>> No.17520481
Quoted by: >>17520496

100k to 2m would be nice, but you then go on to say that it's only a 2.75x mult at best. It would probably just be easier to find or make another half dozen of whatever you are selling.'

That's way more than a single scroll though. For 11 scrolls it had better be something damn valuable.

>> No.17520491

yea, nito is in there too

>> No.17520496

Definitely, I save them for valuable things like that. I assure you, it's not valuable to you as a player but those mods are $$$. Also I don't make the scrolls, I just buy them. You're buying gain material scrolls from your magic vendors, why not buy change material?

>> No.17520623
File: 244 KB, 571x379, woo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17520706


Yerleswood was actually significantly less fearsome than Ulzassil was. Probably because I don't think it managed to land a single blow.
My martial arts pet adds chaos damage with Attribute, and she blinded it on the first hit.
I followed up with Slow and Mist of Frailness, and my team and I finished it off before slow wore off.

The default music for South Tyris Chaos Forts is pretty damn good.

>> No.17520646
Quoted by: >>17520657

I'm probably just too incompetent to find this info on the wiki, but what does weapon hardening actually do?

>> No.17520657

Enchants it, every +1 = +1 to damage and +1 to hit.
You can also do this for armor, where it's +2 DV/PV. This is probably the most cost effective defense improvement in the game for the first few +s

>> No.17520669
Quoted by: >>17520692

Do arkhai make great pets or something? I saw some posts a few threads ago about people upset they couldn't find one and now I've found one.

>> No.17520683

does this mean moongates will start working again if I use this?
Will people be able to explore my home etc?

>> No.17520688
Quoted by: >>17520694

No sadly.

>> No.17520692

Might be for an arkhai ranch. Every 15 days or so you get another arkhai, which has a chance of dropping an Astral Light Pen. It's not good odds but I rarely see arkhai in dungeons so I think it's fine to do.

>> No.17520694

That's disappointing.

>> No.17520706
Quoted by: >>17520718

how do you add an element to unarmed?

>> No.17520718

The "Attribute" special action. Pets can get it by purchasing the "Tactical Martial Arts" AP ability pack for them, which also gives them Clear Mind and Body Blow.
Players earn it on level up after having at least 40 Martial Arts skill.

It adds elemental damage to unarmed attacks with the element based on the user's highest resistance, but you can set it to an element manually by using the Element Eyes item from the dwarves.

>> No.17520736

valkyrie sprite is off by 2px

>> No.17520794

I'm a Yerles Gunner and I'm wondering which guild would be best for me?

>> No.17520819

Did the new chat server just become kill?

>> No.17520842

mage guild is best for everyone in terms of long-term usefulness because of the ability to order specific books -- everyone wants buffs and utility spells, even if you don't use magic to do damage

thief guild and fighter guild are mostly useful for the exclusive skills their trainers teach
fighter guild has eye of mind (aka critical chance)
thief guild has pickpocket and trap detection

note that you can get these skills without joining the guild by breaking/sneaking in and using a disguise kit to talk to the trainer

>> No.17520853
Quoted by: >>17520885

This one: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Flame_Edge
or this one? http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Claymore_(artifact)

Damage dice alone they're pretty close, just not sure how the other attributes factor in.

>> No.17520870
Quoted by: >>17520876

they all suck for a gunner, I went fighter's guild to get the sword for a pet and blacksmith enchanting cost
library of the gods in lost irva has a spell writer who allows me to reserve books despite not being in the mage's guild, but I don't know if she actually does it or if the menu is bugged

>> No.17520876

You can use the crow but it doesn't get as many books in stock and they cost a lot more. It is still nice though if you're not in the mages guild.

>> No.17520880

You can also get them with a (blessed) scroll of gain attribute or directly via wish.

>> No.17520885
Quoted by: >>17520917

Flame Edge hits significantly harder on a normal blow (higher base damage, Fire damage)..
The Claymore will occasionally outperform it though, thanks to crit and absolute pierce.

I'd opt for the Flame Edge.

>> No.17520898
Quoted by: >>17521030

Is there a way of increasing the resolution past 1280?

>> No.17520909
File: 1.28 MB, 1060x854, cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 AM: Get served breakfast in bed by my allies. While eating breakfast have one of my allies report how much my shops made the previous day along with news on whether I'm due to fight in the arena, news about other adventurers and their activities, and anything else of note such as herb seed gathering day.

7 AM: Meet with my 8 house servants which sell magic goods. Purchase wonder scrolls, gain material scrolls, and sometimes spellbooks of wish when they carry them.

8-3PM: Explore another 50 floors of the void looting everything I come across including monster meat. Every now and then break for an herb snack. Once finished swing by a healer and informer to patch up my allies, uncurse stuff and restore their attributes, and determine if any of them have capped out their AP. Collect all materials from my allies.

4-6PM: Tend to my farms and ranch. Once that's done I drop all the loot I got from the void and stuff I harvested into the appropriate shops. If I have a decent amount of materials I'll craft stuff to sell in those shops as well.

7PM-9PM: Train some spells and around this time sit down with a meal with my allies at my restaurant/food shop. Dine on steaks, herbs, and let the wine and beer flow. Once suitably drunk and tired somehow make it home and to my bed where sometimes an ally is there to warm it. Have fun with her, doze off, and repeat this daily cycle for the time being.

>> No.17520917

Thanks for the input, already have that one upgraded so it'll save me some money

>> No.17520932


>> No.17521030

try config file

>> No.17521038
Quoted by: >>17521070

can I have a different sexy time screen for each of my many ladies?

>> No.17521057
File: 131 KB, 378x385, ey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right.
I forgot that Lulwy decided to take up residence in Vernis.

>> No.17521061

Fighter's Guild has the best early game benefits I'd say, the savings on enhancing your equipment will save you a ton early on.

It's also the only Guild with an actually useful final reward.

>> No.17521070
Quoted by: >>17521308

No, probably not the way you're thinking of anyways. I do have a different bg_re16(sleep sharing) and bg_re10(breakfast) image for each of my allies and swap them out though when focusing on a particular ally. Have a backup folder in the graphics folder where I just keep all those pictures for swapping in and out. It's certainly not the ideal solution but who knows, one can hope that in the future you can really have multiple pictures for different allies that the game will be able to intelligently draw from.

>> No.17521073
Quoted by: >>17521098

Couldn't resist Shena's ass.

>> No.17521074
Quoted by: >>17521273

Does "It speeds up your travel progress" from multiple equipment stack? And is there a cap?

>> No.17521098

No one can resist Shena's ass.

>> No.17521271
File: 531 KB, 808x634, moongate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The server that held the list of homes to visit has been shut down. So visiting the homes of Japanese players isn't possible.

Having said that, Moongates and by extention the Show House still work...kind of. While you don't have a file listing pum files to pull down due to server shutdown, you can still enter houses and other user created content that you manually put in your user folder.

For instance, an anon created custom dungeons for people interested and a custom battle for me. Those pum files should be located in one of the pastebins I think. I downloaded the custom battle and can access anon's creation using the show house or moongate like I have pictured.

I think it's possible to export your home in Elona using the F8 key. This will generate a pum file of your home which you can then share with other players. They would just download your pum file, put it in their user folder, and access it using the show house or moongate in their game.

The mod pastebin could be used to provide a list of houses people can download and visit.

>> No.17521273

yes, dunno

>> No.17521308

such a dedication.

>> No.17521577
File: 21 KB, 640x424, 17-08-23 03_11_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17522262

If only I was not a gunner, and that I had a pet that could fully use it.

>> No.17521749
Quoted by: >>17521757

If I use a scroll of inferior material on my happy bed and turn it into one made out of paper, does that give it any sort of penalties to the potentials it can give? Or can I just lug it around with me instead of an eastern bed or sleeping bag considering it would weigh so little.

>> No.17521757

Making it paper does nothing but make it weigh less, no downside, carry one with you if you got it.

>> No.17521884

Change it through the config file

>> No.17522070


>> No.17522138

yes it dose

>> No.17522262

Save it for your gene

>> No.17522306

WHAT THE FUCK I had 3 potions of cure corruptions and they gone. i didnt even died they just gone.

>> No.17522319
Quoted by: >>17522362

I didn't even died either, anon, but 30 years of my life are just gone.

>> No.17522321

Fire or Ice damage may have got them.

>> No.17522339
Quoted by: >>17522352

fuuuck. i was getting blasted by fire hounds all the time. next time im gonna store them in home..

>> No.17522340

How do you stop that from happening? (besides dropping them somewhere, eg. I carry my happy bed with me everywhere but I don't want zapped out my inventory one day)

>> No.17522352
Quoted by: >>17522376

Dudes buy fire+iceproof blankets in the general store or try to find em in dungeons, always keep one of each on you. Also get resists against the respective element, if you get your resists high enough it prevents item damage so often that you won't even need the blanket (until enemies show up with spells so strong they overpower your res)

>> No.17522360
Quoted by: >>17522376

High enough Fire and Cold resists, fireproof items by mixing them with fireproof liquids, carry around Fire and Cold proof blankets (make sure they keep a good amount of charges).

>> No.17522362

Aniki you are approaching the dad zone, it is all downhill from here

>> No.17522376
Quoted by: >>17522418

Thanks, >>17522306 made me check if I'd lost anything, and turns out I'd also lost the potions of cure corruption I'd been collecting, fug, lesson learned.

>> No.17522418

just go gamble, you get more potions of cure corruption than you could ever know what to do with

>> No.17522558

Usually. I'm not sure how the pets determine what is 'better' but I've handed them items with more DV or more PV then what they have, and sometimes they don't switch it out until I take the old item.

>> No.17522710

mind sharing the sprite sheet? ;)

>> No.17522715
Quoted by: >>17528583

I would, but I'm not at home for the time being.
Check back later.

>> No.17522743
Quoted by: >>17522832

which has the best class skill foor a ranged attacker? hit chance seems better than extra attack

>> No.17522832


When attacking from range you almost always get the jump on enemies.
Thief makes it so you always crit when attacking an unaware enemy (instead of 1/3 chance). Crits don't miss barring Greater Evasion, so this is a major boost to ranged characters.

>> No.17522851

my little girl is killing everything faster than me, should I make her wait in town so I can do dungeons solo and level up martial arts?

>> No.17522896
Quoted by: >>17522908

set her to defensive so she can still train skills by walking around but wont attack

>> No.17522902
Quoted by: >>17522910

Outfit her in indestructible plate armor and give her a +10 enchanted living sword 20 times her weight, give her shadow step and increase her speed, tag her with another swole little girl and gather treasure in peace as they obliterate everything around you

>> No.17522908

Nice, I thought the only way was to use the directive skill, my last character had more charisma.

>> No.17522910
Quoted by: >>17522931

>give her shadow step and increase her speed
He's obviously in early game i.e. ages away from being able to spend AP.

>> No.17522931
Quoted by: >>17522938

Even if he wasn't it would take quite a bit of effort for all that, it was just a joke. Especially getting a living weapon of a weapon type we can't craft.

>> No.17522938

Oh. Yeah.
I kinda missed the forest for the tree there.

>> No.17523056

There's a "Teach a spell or ability" option under the custom AI menu. How does that work? Seems to be stuck at 0%, so there must be something special you have to do.

>> No.17523209


Just take your waifu to the puppy cave, set her to do nothing else but the move you're trying to teach her, and ignore the error messages until she eventually hits 100%.

>> No.17523241

Where do you guys get your atmospheres for your pets?

>> No.17523271
Quoted by: >>17523362

Looking for a good way to increase the charisma and negotiation of the ally managing my shop.

>> No.17523285
Quoted by: >>17523323

I didn't realize the pet got the ability off the bat. I had assumed you had to do something like use the ability or just train it passively over time. Either of those would probably work better in game

>> No.17523323
Quoted by: >>17523376

Perfect, now I have a Bell of Emergency with extra HP that immediately casts Emergency Evasion, then Shadowstep, then Provoke. I haven't figured out how to get it to only cast Provoke once instead of spamming it, but it still seems to get attacks in somehow so it's all good.

>> No.17523362
File: 50 KB, 352x220, shop register menu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17523368
Quoted by: >>17523388

lol I just went to South Tyris and got absolutely destroyed. I thought I was strong enough after beating the main quest and Utima..

>> No.17523376
Quoted by: >>17523379

What's your Provoke command? Something like "Target Buff != Mist of Frailness: Provoke"?
I faintly remember someone in a previous thread having similar trouble, and it turned out that they were checking for the wrong hex.

>> No.17523379
Quoted by: >>17523389

Exactly that. I couldn't find anything better to check for though.

>> No.17523388
Quoted by: >>17523472

If you can beat Ultima the general South Tyris "trash" shouldn't pose a threat.

>> No.17523389
Quoted by: >>17523393

I searched for a bit and found some old threads that said to use "Target Status = Fury". Try that.

>> No.17523393
Quoted by: >>17523415

Er, I mean "Target Status != Fury: Provoke".

>> No.17523415

If that works the only thing I have left to worry about is collecting enough hero cheese. Arms are expensive to add, and a tank needs HP too.

>> No.17523472

The problem is that I only barely made it by spamming zero shoot, crits and interlocking shooting mechanism, so once I'm out of stamina I'm basically dead. My speed is awful too, at around 90... increased it once thanks to leold

>> No.17523485
Quoted by: >>17523542

how do i best utilize the sasumata for training purposes? just got my hands on one but i have no idea what im doing

>> No.17523542
Quoted by: >>17523586

1. Find enemy
2. Walk into them
3. Keep going until your relevant potentials are trash.

>> No.17523586
Quoted by: >>17523642

Might as well make that enemy an asura or something similar so you can train evasion at the same time.

>> No.17523642

scrub question, but wouldn't the asura just die?

>> No.17523655

That's why you're using the Sasumata.

>> No.17523664
Quoted by: >>17523666

Sasumata carries a -460 damage penalty, which I believe is multiplied by whatever damage multiplier you have, meaning it is unlikely you will EVER do a positive amount of damage with it.

>> No.17523666

right. I overlooked that attribute, mb

>> No.17523716

Wow it seems people's days are quite different from each other. Seems like beginner player concerns are different than advanced player concerns. I'm so jelly. I swear I'm going to get out of my shithole and build a harem to serve me as well. When I finally make it rich and take my revenge on all those monsters or bandits that kill me.

>> No.17523742


Anyone have info about him?

>> No.17523767

he sicc

>> No.17523774


>> No.17523829
Quoted by: >>17523842

I decided to check out Karata. Unless the resEle flag doesn't directly show on resistances, either E+ or Custom has fixed this. He had Superb magic resist, but none of anything else after I copied him.

>> No.17523842

resEle is not resistance (so it doesn't show up).
It makes them immune to elemental damage.

>> No.17523858

He's one of the secret characters you gotta use a wish for. See this page for more info on how to do that: http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Insane_book

>> No.17523875

Damn that's pretty clever. Didn't cross my mind that you can change the background images. How did you get the sex option to show up? I only have various things which I assumed was just sex all along. How do I do the things you mentioned you do?

>> No.17523880
Quoted by: >>17523961

<sleep sharing> has a chance to happen if your pet is soul mate or above and both of you have a sleep sheep in your inventory

>> No.17523884

With Elona+Custom, do you really even NEED AP for pets? A 1500 base speed pet won't need speed training obviously. You can customize the AI, so you don't need change battle style. You can teach them abilities and spells that you know with the same menu, so you don't need to spend AP to gain abilities. The only thing you can't do is give them feats. Barrier looks like it could be pretty fucking overpowered for certain pets, but none of the other ones come close to making up for only having half the speed. All this of course is without grinding your ass off.

>> No.17523911
Quoted by: >>17525975

>wake up
>eat breakfast cooked by waifu, collect equipment made by waifu
>check if either food shopkeeper or blacksmith shopkeeper needs training
>go to putit ranch, brush and milk putits, pick up items, drop off putit milk/putit steaks/putitoros/putit skins at food shop
>go to fairy ranch to check if any fairies spawned
>(feed waifu any fairy meat, she still needs more magic resistance)
>maybe check the magic shop to see if they have any potions of evolution/potential or flying scrolls
>work on whatever I'm currently trying to do
>(current mission: speedrun Nefia for small medals so I can buy a Garok's Hammer and put +extraattack on the paper whip I have in my ranged slot, and then again to get +critrate on my paper bullets)
>drop off the junk that I pick up (monster parts, useless miracle equipment, whatever) at the relevant shop
>drop off useful items (bottles of water, scrolls of superior material, etc.) in the stash for that kind of item (bookshelf, potion rack, specific piles in the bandit den and slime den)
>eventually get sleepy
>keep going until 9 PM
>sleep in the blessed paperwork happy bed I carry with me everywhere

>> No.17523961

The last option is user-defined, "%txtEXAct,EN" in the pet's talk file.

Only the pet needs to be carrying a sleep sheep.

A non-caster with a caster pet would want to use AP, since you have to get a spell to L50 before you can teach it.
Also, I don't know if it's possible to teach Itzpalt's Absorb Magic to a pet via custom AI, and even if you can, the Tactical Heal action is actually a different action, Harvest Mana, which costs less SP to use (and can therefore be used more frequently by a custom AI).

>> No.17523967
Quoted by: >>17523991

how do multiple hits work in this game? I've heard a bit about it for martial arts.

>> No.17523991
Quoted by: >>17524076

Here's part of it.
Good luck.

>> No.17524068
File: 762 KB, 1280x768, foodsharing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The various things option you mention is merely a placeholder. You can change it to whatever you want if you have a pet/ally talk file. Thought the same thing as you about what was going on so I just labeled it sex. You can also with the pet talk file customize the reaction of choosing sex or whatever you labeled the placeholder. Entry headers are:


For more info on those entries you can check the changelogs as that's where I learned about them.

Not sure how to answer the second part of your question as it's pretty open ended but I'll try. If you go to bed at a decent time, like 9PM, you'll wake up early enough for a breakfast event where all your pets help out in cooking breakfast and you all eat together. This even helps restore attribute potential. I have a palace so I can have 8 magic vendors. I normally check in on them. They tend to restock every 3 days. The void is a hostile place which you can access by buying a license for it from the NPC Miral.

Farms,ranches, and shops are property deeds you can buy at the embassy. They come with a book you can read to learn how they work and you can always check out the wiki for them. Pets are almost always hungry and after I'm done dumping loot and crafts in my shops I make sure to feed them. Sometimes I use food sharing or I just dump food on a table for my pets to eat since my food shop/restaurant is one of the places I usually end up visiting. Food sharing pet lines can also be customized using a pet's talk file. I haven't dabbled in that yet but I'm sure the changelogs have more info on it. Sleep sharing can be done either through the squeeze special action or your ally will initiate it themselves sometimes if they have a sleep sheep.

Make them or edit the pictures you find online to work with the game.

Not that anon but AP to bonus points is repeatable and is the main service of Leold that I use after I finish grabbing other stuff off him. So AP does stay a valuable resource for quite awhile. Managed to fast track my pet skills through AP to bonus points and would suggest people to check out that service.

>> No.17524076
Quoted by: >>17524086

thanks, that looks like just what I needed.

what is it referring to when it say "Class bonus"? Gunner I assume?

>> No.17524086

Yes, 5% for gunner/warrior to get first extra attack. only used for first one.

>> No.17524087

what's the easiest way to teach a pet carpentry and tailoring? i looked through the wiki and none of the slave trader NPCs seem to have those skills to gene-engineer over.

>> No.17524097

you can get tailoring from mushrooms and carpentry from 'giant' race NPCs like trolls
get a monster ball and start hunting

if you want to teach the skill to multiple pets you might wanna put your catches on a ranch to get some copies

>> No.17524100

Tailoring is mushroom (puppy cave) and carpentry is fire ent

>> No.17524107

You dont exactly NEED AP for custom, but it makes things much easier, and you get access to unique feats (manashield and so on) and abilities that you wont be able to teach via custom. Also what Kai said above, bonus points is the greatest and most important thing in AP shop in the long run, feats aside.

>> No.17524117

did you edit her in like that afterwards or can you actually make them appear like that when speaking to them? Cause portraits got nothing on that

>> No.17524125
Quoted by: >>17524200

how come you didnt cap polearm and twohand yet, did you skip grinding with -tactics armor and sasumata or they dont help much after 1,5k lv point?
you use 'change atmosphere' option to select full body portrait

>> No.17524133
Quoted by: >>17524138

What's the custom AI routine for cheer? Check ally or player? For what status?

>> No.17524137

No that's not a post edit. It's an actual full body portrait you can have in game that will show up when you talk to your pet. Full body portraits are placed in the graphics2 folder located inside the user folder. You then get your pet to use the full body portrait by talking to them and selecting the change atmosphere option. From there you choose the full body portrait you want them to use.

>> No.17524138

ally, check speed buff

>> No.17524168
Quoted by: >>17524179

im at level 18 now. im not doing bad so far i think.

I have a museum and a cozy home. I filled museum with about 40 diffretn cards and figures but my income is lower then taxes still. I have about 250k and im just fucking around collecting ancient books and platinum coins.

any stuff i should preper for ? do ?

>> No.17524179

>have 250k
buy a shop

>> No.17524181
File: 1.79 MB, 1800x2335, 7d76941f3da859062b56db65307def7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17524186

hmm, maybe I could take pictures from a booru site and convert the png to a bitmap, problem is I can only find a few that use the same pose with differing facial expressions.

Yours looks really clean compared to the ones I've seen though. Props

>> No.17524186

Go on exhentai, and search "character" with just the Game CG category enabled.

>> No.17524200
Quoted by: >>17524226

Haven't capped two hand and polearm yet because admittedly, I haven't gotten serious about efficiently grinding them. If I wanted to grind them out quickly I would do exactly as you say. Equip the Sasumata, wall myself in with a single creature that preferably can heal or regenerate themselves, and go to work. If they can't heal themselves I can always do it myself with healing touch.

Instead of doing the aforementioned, I'm just killing enemies in the void as they appear and when they block my way to the next floor. In the process, my skills and attributes are raising, just not as efficiently as I would if I got serious about it. My main goal is to reach void floor lv 6,666 to see if there's anything special about it. Working on polearm and two hand for me is just something I'm doing for fun which incidentally I got to a decently high level and found was actually a pretty good damage dealing style.

>> No.17524226
Quoted by: >>17524275

>Equip the Sasumata, wall myself in with a single creature that preferably can heal or regenerate themselves, and go to work. If they can't heal themselves I can always do it myself with healing touch.

*Ignore the healing part. Would just need to find a strong enough monster to get skill exp and wall yourself in with them. Sasumata does 0 dmg and two hand and polearm should level fine despite the 0 dmg.

Was remembering my days where I was trying to cap tactics along with my MA and to cap tactics you have to deal at least 1 dmg. So I was using the Sasumata to build gauge and using a weak weapon and Mani's last god reward to kill my gauge damage as much as possible

>> No.17524275
Quoted by: >>17524322

Do you really have to do at least one damage? I'm getting tactics exp still.

>> No.17524306

I wish every character had the smooth scrolling effect

>> No.17524310
File: 211 KB, 815x637, Pain and suffering is eternal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has this happened to me. My wyvern can't kill this bell but i'm slowly starving to death on the sidelines, forever trapped by the rules of the arena.

Is there any way to solve this problem?

>> No.17524314

Don't worry you can't die there.
But once the fight ends you'll probably die as soon as you walk, so hopeefully you have some juice or some other food you can eat instantly.

>> No.17524322
Quoted by: >>17524956

My posts have been a mess sorry. Let me clarify. You can use the Sasumata to level tactics just fine for quite awhile however there will come a point where merely hitting an enemy with a normal attack no longer levels up tactics. Only gauge attacks will level up tactics past that point. On top of only gauge attacks leveling tactics, the gauge attack must do damage to level up tactics. So what I did going forward was I used the Sasumata to build up gauge since it does zero damage and would use the gauge attack on the weakest weapon I could get my hands on which was a paper sox at the time. Since I still was doing a bit of damage the monster would eventually die unless I healed it or it healed itself. Now the above is what I experienced when I went to cap my tactics which happened several versions back. I have no idea if you still need to do gauge attacks after a certain point to still gain tactics exp.

So far I'm able to level both the polearm skill and two hand skills using the Sasumata and only do normal attacks. Still going strong at around 1600 polearm and 1400 two hand.

>> No.17524361
File: 2.13 MB, 1396x1200, firedragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17524375

So, I've had this fire dragon child for a while now and some trash mob just dropped an evo heart and I already had the machine heart, so I evolved it twice and now it looks badass. Problem is, I've never been too invested in my pets and idk wtf to even do with this guy, he's just been my meat shield the entire time. What do I do with him? Just keep giving him gear with better PV and keep him an MA pet?

>> No.17524371
File: 320 KB, 1290x877, wacko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17524448

I don't know how to feel about this invoke.

>> No.17524375
Quoted by: >>17524557

well if you evolve him one more time he'll get Megid Flame which gives enemies a huge reduction in resistence to fire/cold/lightning and is a pretty core part of any mage's strategy

>> No.17524422
File: 10 KB, 619x197, SpeedStrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17524479

>true beginner to game, a new arrival to north tyris!
>wake up in the cave after being saved by Eleans
>exit the game
>launch elosnack
>modify existing equipment to ludicrous levels
>jump back into Elona
>kill these filthy Elea elves
>rush through main story quests
>reach Zeome
>pop a cap in his ass and beat the game
>admire final score
>close game, uninstall elona
>play better games

>> No.17524448

Well at least there's nothing bad on that lightsaber. The invoke at least sort of helps you out.

>> No.17524449

>got to the bottom of a dungeon
>boss music playing
>can't find the boss anywhere
>start mining all the unexplored areas
>boss music still playing
>mined in criss-cross patterns to reveal every last red spot
>have to sleep
>wake up
>boss music still playing
>decide to just brute force it and mine the entire map (good source of ores eitherway)
>a long time later
>boss music still playing
>not a single wall left on map
>might suffer mild autism
>running up, down, left, right, can't see shit, and I've got a pet which can see invisible mobs
>give up
>go up stairs
>sudden thought occurs
>go back down stairs
>no boss music, text says boss can't be sighted on the floor
I g ot the boss music seared into my skull

>> No.17524461
File: 60 KB, 735x298, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know why my Exile instructions sometimes can't be read? Seems to happen when the monster is around a corner, maybe out of sight? Usually everything works okay.

>> No.17524470

I agree. I'll use it. Saves me lots of time, so I can have more fun! Thanks a bunch.

>> No.17524479

Funny thing is I keep coming back to this game. It's just so good despite how old the game is. Also speedrunning act 1? Please, you speedrunners need to at least finish Act 2 and parts of Act 3. I'd actually watch it if no faggot cheats or faggot tool assists were used.

>> No.17524481

Exhentai. Game cg category. Hitomi.la too because I'm a scottish jew who can't into spending points.
The hard part isn't findign cute sprite, it's getting characters with multiple sprite for expression change.

>> No.17524482

do you guys name yourself with a title? seems like every npc has one

>> No.17524490
File: 5 KB, 216x18, a7a3c7817bef0b9749ad8be640ceda16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the image

>> No.17524547

You mean like "anon the faggot"? No I just use the regular name + aka

>> No.17524557

>Megid Flame
Are the dragon and the fox brother the only pets capable of learning this?

>> No.17524559
Quoted by: >>17525859

Do you mean the string you select at the character creation, or if we use a name containing a fake title? "OP, le fag"?
The latter-> why would you do that??
The former-> it's a plain text string in one of the datan files, all the datan can be safely opened and changed in any text editor, so just do it already.

>> No.17524579

According to wiki, it is possible to abort the match-in-progress by hitting "Esc".

>> No.17524601

>Doesn't ranch putits

Are you bullied, mentally handicapped or both?

>b-but it's too easy

And? Was life a contest about who has the biggest struggle?

>it's addicting!!!

It's not, as long as you're not under-aged and you can brush them in moderation

>it's....IT'S EXPENSIVE!!!

Who forces you to buy a ranch deed every day, fucking peat-gavel

>> No.17524676 [DELETED] 

The stat loss from sickness is temporary right?

>> No.17524677
Quoted by: >>17524689

Is it true you can get enemies drunk by throwing booze at them? I wanna fight a Big Daddy in one of the early dungeons and I wanna try cheesing him by making him drunk.

>> No.17524689

>Is it true you can get enemies drunk by throwing booze at them?

>> No.17524762
Quoted by: >>17524787

I had the same problem. Try replacing "<= 5" with "< 6". I think that's what fixed it for me.

>> No.17524787

I'll give it a shot, thank you

>> No.17524874
File: 21 KB, 390x42, ZA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17524944


jojo panty dual wield build?

>> No.17524929
Quoted by: >>17524952

What's happening here is that the target is in range but your pet can't shoot - like you said, it's out of sight. They can't shoot through walls.
Change the last line to move forward at any distance, this way if shooting fails they'll move forward to try to get sight.

>> No.17524935

I've got >4025 favor(/piety), 100% pray charge, and my faith level is >40, but when I pray at god's altar I don't get the 4th reward? Been reading http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/Gods#Rewards_for_Favor

(God is Itzpalt of Element, I got the <Elemental Staff> just a few days ago but haven't been able to get the <Magic Canceler>)

Anyone know what's up?

>> No.17524937
Quoted by: >>17524951

you gotta summon them at truce ground or with a wish and talk to them to get that final reward

>> No.17524939
Quoted by: >>17524951

For the final reward, praying isn't enough, you gotta actually talk to them.
Pray in the truce grounds during november to summon them, or wish for them.
If your house is rank 1, you can wish for any god and invite them to your house for safekeeping while you grind faith.

>> No.17524940

You need to summon the corresponding god for their 4th reward. To do this, simply pray to the altar during November, but keep in mind that as with all other rewards, the summon itself already takes up favor, so you'll have to get it back up to 4025 and speak to them when that's done.

>> No.17524944

Yare yare daze

>> No.17524951

Damn, thanks anons, I've got rivers of rods flowing out my ass so I'm good on that front, but November's ages away, probably gonna stock up on all the God's preferred offerings and try to slam out all their rewards on the 1st of November.

>> No.17524952

Oh that makes a ton of sense, thanks

>> No.17524954

You can only summon one god each November, iirc.

>> No.17524956
Quoted by: >>17525136

What do you do to keep your potential up during these heavy grinds? Surely you don't exit the dungeon ot whatever to visit a trainer? I know about potential potions and breakfast, but potions have been rare for me and my breakfast doesn't do that much since my pet's cooking low.

>> No.17524962


>> No.17524969

You can try savescumming wells/fountains for wishes and drink from the Holy Well in Noyel whenever it's available.

>> No.17524972

You could also Wish for the god at any time, even if one has already been summoned. It does not matter how the god gets there, you still get the gift, and if you don't Pray you don't lose any favor.

>> No.17525104
Quoted by: >>17525616

Which damage spell should I be specializing in? Currently I use Lightning Bolt. As far as I can tell it has superior high-end scaling compared to magic spear (depending on your magic level, Lightning Bolt overtakes Magic Spear around spell level 50 to 100), plus it benefits from both Wet and Element Scar. The downside is that more things seem to be completely element immune than magic immune, and there's a gauge release for Crystal Spear though I'm not sure how effective that really is.

There's also the Ball spells, which I don't really use because I don't like having to move to within 3 tiles of my target. By that point my pets will likely have already killed it unless it's particularly tough, so that doesn't give me too much to train against.

>> No.17525112
Quoted by: >>17525118

So i made a character and in the tutorial its telling me i dont have the correct ammo for the bow? i have the arrow in the ammo slot and the bow in one of my hands

>> No.17525118

bow goes in the ranged slot dummy

>> No.17525136
Quoted by: >>17525159

Mainly potions of potential for attributes. For skills it's growth scrolls or yes going back to town and spending plat to raise skill potential. I find plenty of potions of potential on invested magic vendors either from my home or in various towns. Takes a bit of time to set up due to gold for investing but it's worth it since it makes getting those potions easy.

I'm not exactly irked by the plat cost to train skills. That is easy to overcome since I can make lots of platinum from doing panic and challenge job board quests. Only takes seconds for me to finish them as well. Only thing that irks me is the amount of times I have to come up from the void or a dungeon and see the NPC to raise skill potential. Once you get your skills really high some skills don't even raise unless your potential is at least 300. Luckily I have a nice stack of growth scrolls that Kai can consume so I can just keep grinding longer without having to head back to town to raise skill potential.

>> No.17525159
Quoted by: >>17525612

I see. I have around 2 mil around now and I only have 3 magic vendors at around rank 85. Knowing Kai, he's got them at like level 99999999, but what rank would you suggest I get them to for reliable potential potions? Btw thanks for always responding in such detail.
I have another question as I've been seeing people mention that getting spears as living weapons is easy due to them being craftable. My carpentry is at around 50 and I'm running out of mats for leveling fodder. At what rank should I start crafting spears? Apologies if all this stuff is on the wiki, I'm terrible at finding info on it...

>> No.17525199

What is the best way to get my pickpocket skill up? I posted the Big Daddy post before. Booze only made him mad...

>> No.17525220

steal from quests?

>> No.17525231

Steal trees in the wilderness, just make sure everything is dead first.

>> No.17525252

In what way have the wronged you that you want to kill them this early?

>> No.17525406

So i completed a quest but cant find the quest giver

>> No.17525433

C'est la vie

>> No.17525437

Sometimes the fuckers will spawn on the other side of a wall, check nearby buildings.

>> No.17525555
File: 23 KB, 388x304, elona chat difficulties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17525646

Is anyone else unable to get the chat running?

It was working for me perfectly fine for a few days, then one day it spewed out a bunch of HTML in the message box when I tried logging in. The server.txt file contents got changed into that HTML, so I changed it back to elochat-proxy.shiroko.yi.org%elona.squares.net% but get pic related when I log in which has some garbage just before the url (top box is shown when I load the game normally, bottom box is shown when I use japanese locale), and the chat is blank in-game and no messages I send show. I redownloaded Elona+ and Custom and redid the chat setup (config.txt "serverList" to "1", sever.txt to elochat-proxy.shiroko.yi.org%elona.squares.net%, windows 7 compatibility) and tried a fresh new game but get the same error.

It was working before so I'm not really sure what happened to break it.

>> No.17525612

My early game I concentrated on getting my magic vendors to shop rank 150. I started to see them more often starting from shop level 100 but decided to go for rank 150 for a little extra push. While currently I have shop levels at really high levels, early and mid game I had all shop levels at either lv 100-150 for a very long time. It's only a more recent thing with me having shop levels at absurd levels. Mainly because I'm earning so much gold now instead of in the past.

Just invest a little bit more in your 3 magic vendors. Try getting them to lv 150 and then watch over them like a hawk. All vendors restock in about 3 days. If you have Custom, when you talk to the vendor it should show the exact hour countdown of when they restock. Make sure you check in with them every 3 days to see if they carry a potion of potential. If you want, you can speed up time by just walking around on the world map. If your speed is really high then mount a very slow creature and Rest on the world map to advance the days quickly. As for how many potions of potential you need, you only need 4 which you will need to bless. Each blessed potion of potential restores 100% potential to all attributes except speed. So 4 should get all attributes to max potential 400%/superb. It just gets easier to get potions off of vendors the more vendors you have at lv 150 or more. Aside from getting potions of potential from invested magic vendors, if you have the materials and enough alchemy skill, you can create potions of potential using alchemy tools. I know I've had Kai create some to supplement his overall supplies early on.

As for crafting living spears, you can start trying to get one as soon as you can craft spears successfully and can craft batches of them. What you're looking for are miracle or godly spears though since living spears emerge only from those grades. Keep crafting spears in batches and eventually you'll get a living one. It's only a matter of time. Lucky days provide additional help in getting a living spear. It's nice to craft on those days but isn't necessary to get a living spear. I've gotten plenty of living spears outside of lucky days.

>> No.17525616
Quoted by: >>17525855

ice does more damage than lightning and in recent versions of elona+ also benefits from wet, although there's no way to stop it from breaking the potions that would otherwise become your loot

>> No.17525621

What is it that you guys enjoy about this game?
I've been wanting to make a spiritual successor, but I really want to nail what makes the game feel special.

>> No.17525623

head to a snowy wilderness area around noyel
kill all the nearby monsters
there should be tons of "trees of naked" around, steal all of them (these weigh 14.0s so you need 28str to pickpocket them)

>> No.17525646
Quoted by: >>17525688

someone earlier suggested deleting and recreating server.txt

>> No.17525688

Fascinating, that worked, must've been something to do with the file itself.

>> No.17525839
File: 82 KB, 1155x73, ElonaPlus Custom 1.70.1 - 2017-08-24 08_38_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is my game really corrupted or is the game just messing with me?

>> No.17525842

eat another you doofus

>> No.17525855

Cold damage can also break items other then potions according to a post and screenshot either last thread or the thread before.

>> No.17525859
File: 15 KB, 1003x19, fortune3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It likes to lie.
cdatan.s1? Wow, it was that easy?
All that wasted time rolling for an alias I was barely okay with.

>> No.17525866
Quoted by: >>17525873

Is it possible to cheat special actions onto pets that would otherwise not be able to learn that action?

>> No.17525873
Quoted by: >>17525903

You can use Elona Custom to teach pets special actions that you yourself know.
If you mean exclusive skills typically only available to a single monster, Elosnack is the only way.

>> No.17525887
Quoted by: >>17525895

I just payed the taxes and that summoned 4 ancient liches who killed me and my hired swords. I never felt more confused.

>> No.17525895

Did one of your pets drink from the well?
Wells are dangerous.

>> No.17525903

that was a java program wasn't it
Oh well cheating shouldn't be easy.

>> No.17525906

Boot up elosnack to kill a dungeon boss. Ever since my pets have been crafting things titled gay and I keep finding things with titles related to failure. I'll play legit this time little girl. Promise.

>> No.17525923

>drinking from well in palmia
>bunch of monsters pop out
>flame bolt them down
>realize I just used flame bolt in the city
>not a drop of rain in sight
>guards behind monsters got hit
>city catches fire
>guards chase me out as the city burns

>> No.17525926
File: 658 KB, 1280x793, THE HORROR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17525943


>> No.17525975

This is similar to what my days look like in Elona.

Try to get a pet and become friends with it. Sleep earlier and get breakfast. It's the common denominator for all these other players that seem to know what they're doing. It is the most important meal of the day afterall. Stick to your job board quests and don't carry cargo around so you don't get bullied by bandits. You can turn your game around anon. I believe in you.

>> No.17525999
File: 900 KB, 690x968, 1488469363312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>remote attacks from ranged weapon proc main weapon attacks instead
>staff with Nightmare invoke and #####+ "enhances your spells"
>whip with #####+ "enhances your spells"
Time to grind that stave skill up.

>> No.17526163
Quoted by: >>17526284

so i eat raw things to get points.. i ate some raw ring with constitution on it and it said my const develops but thers no increses in stats.

>> No.17526262
Quoted by: >>17526264

Oh I know that already, those lich fucks came out from paying taxes. Never paying taxes again.

>> No.17526264
Quoted by: >>17526276

There is a well in the embassy where you paid your taxes. Your pet drank out of it.

>> No.17526268

whats the pixiv tag for elona pccs?

>> No.17526276

Wait. Now that I think about it there is a well. I am going to beat my little girl tonight. Thanks.

>> No.17526284
Quoted by: >>17526461

you've had 10.001 con and now youve got 10.205 con.

explain in detail please

>> No.17526396

do the benefits of rolling a fairy even matter past the early game?

>> No.17526411

what do i do with pets that are 10 level lower then me ? they die all the time.

How do i evolve my goose ?

>> No.17526448
Quoted by: >>17526478

Innate resistance is outclassed by gear, extra DV is not worth the drawbacks later considering the amount of attacks that pierce/always hit, and even after eating the hero cheese from all three quests that give you one, assuming you spend all your rewards on cheeses you'd have to get 125 little sisters worth of cheese (17 pcs) just to break even with a standard human race on life.

So I'd say no

>> No.17526461
Quoted by: >>17526478

nevermind, misread.

DV bonus is %% and Ano multiplied DV worth by 2 or 3, additionally base resistances are still important for lategame, you'll save enchantment limit for something useful.

>> No.17526465

That reads like some light/web novel chapter about protag day, truly a marvelous game.

>> No.17526466

You equip them better and gene engineer high level monsters onto them.

When you have the appropriate heart, you can use it and select target to evolve it if you meet the relationship requirement. Since goose needs an extremely rare god heart, you're not going to be doing that for a long time. Ordinary evolution hearts on the other hand are pretty easy to get and evolve a bunch of other creatures like your little girl.

>> No.17526478

Thats for midgame fairy
Thats for lategame fairy

Use pet arena, feed your pets high-quality food to boost stats, dont kill everything on sight and let your pets do something. Investment is the fastest way to level pets.

You need to kill a god in act2 to evolve it.

>> No.17526616
Quoted by: >>17526640

Wait so my character is the only one that gets sleepy every 2 days instead of every day? The hell?

>> No.17526640
Quoted by: >>17526653

No, most characters are like that. It depends on your speed however how much actual time passes

>> No.17526653

Oh, ok, I see. I was concerned because of all the posts about sleeping every day.

>> No.17526703

Use Curtain of Smoke to put out fires.

>> No.17526705
Quoted by: >>17527929

So I haven't gotten around to beating act 2, but I'm reading into Artifact Fusion and I have questions.
Do enchantments raise the "power level" by magnitude of enchantment or is it signed integer? That is, I see that +105 Resistance in an element is +210 power level (double 105). So is -105 Resistance -210 power level?
Essentially I want to know if I can use mildly cursed/bad items to get more "room" e.g. trading -9000 in fishing for more mind res.

>> No.17526761

If I had to pick three points, I'd go with:

1. Nippon Ichi-tier capability to power up your character(s), fight bonus bosses, etc.
2. Extreme customizability. Pets can have a custom sprite, portrait, and even speech.
3. Captivating setting. The world has interesting characters and backstory, and also has a bit of realism to it, e.g. you can visit a port town and buy cargoes of fish, and then sell them at a distant city for a profit.

There are other important things as well, but those are the top 3 from my perspective.

>> No.17526937
Quoted by: >>17527178

It has mindless korean tier grinding and yet it's not super fucking boring somehow.
Good luck nigga, nobody will ever be able to recreate its magic.

>> No.17526965
Quoted by: >>17527178

humor, wide range of possibilities.

>> No.17527178

I think these two points make the foundational reason why Elona is so fun and repeatable. The point of video games is to advance our skills and powerlevels (this idea coming from the work/play psychology of our innate desire to learn skills outside of work), but that requires grinding. Punching the same orc all day gets boring fast so the grind really halts our progress in becoming powerful, which eventually leads to quitting a boring game. But thanks to Elona's unique humor it allows us to continue grinding without really realizing it's a grind. Its humor is unique in both the international and national scale. What I mean is that Elona's humor is unique in that you'll never find a similar humor, in let's say, American video games. However, this also applies even in the wide range of video games, even adult ones, especially of Rance series' VERY similar sense of humor, which I am very familiar with Elona is still differentiated along all of them.

These are some really cutting edge topics in psychology that I'm studying right now. The psychology of games and why Elona is so successful. My two cents any ways.

>> No.17527219
Quoted by: >>17527621

Is the Defender's Absolute Protect ability worth my (first) god heart, or should I spend it on my Black Angel instead for Lulwy's trick. She's using the Wind Bow though, so she already gets Lulwy's Trick as a proc, though I could shuffle my pet equipment around and give her the next-best bow instead. My front line is made of Metal and I'm not sure if Absolute Protect intercepts damage before or after reduction.

>> No.17527361
File: 258 KB, 622x411, increase will by 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17527427

>It increases your Will by 0
th-thanks (why's it even mention it?)

>> No.17527427

It's probably a 0.9 or lower increase.

>> No.17527621
Quoted by: >>17527951

defender if on loss mode, else black angel.

>> No.17527795
Quoted by: >>17527815

What is the "mutation" item for fusion? Doesn't seem to be a potion of mutation or any Rod that I can find.

>> No.17527815

book of mutation, rare one

>> No.17527891
Quoted by: >>17527938

for what purpose?

>> No.17527929
Quoted by: >>17527971

yes, -210 power level
no, it doesnt substract from the enchant limit to get more room

>> No.17527938
Quoted by: >>17527947

you get higher crit damage from bullet weight, up to 362+(half of the rest of equipment weight) stones. Max crit multiplier is 3x damage

>> No.17527947

same for all weapons, just for weapons with ammo it uses ammo weight instead of weapon weight

>> No.17527951
Quoted by: >>17527981

Looks like Absolute Protect isn't available as an action in the custom AI menu. Unless it's an "always on" sort of thing, that means the angel is definitely the way to go.

>> No.17527959
File: 83 KB, 563x122, panic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17528404

>> No.17527968

best part is that you can use ranged martial arts or DW with this. Multi-handed dw with invokes is really good.

>> No.17527971

fake and gay

>> No.17527981

its always on, since its a bitflag rather than an ability.

Anyone knows if [it enhances your spells] increases invoke damage on weapons?

>> No.17527982

Can the junk you get from fishing be used for anything at all?

>> No.17528013
Quoted by: >>17528051

I don't see the bitflag for it listed on http://elona.wikia.com/wiki/NPC_bit_flags..

>> No.17528051

regardless of that, its always on and is triggered by separate routine

>> No.17528306
Quoted by: >>17528542

I would also like to know this. My SUSPICION is "yes" because control magic affects invokes.

>> No.17528404

Next change should really be to better scale the rewards to the jobs difficulty and level

>> No.17528409
Quoted by: >>17528461

Either that or a gun that deals damage based on your fame

>> No.17528449
File: 13 KB, 459x27, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add me to the next screenshot please.

>> No.17528461
Quoted by: >>17528465

Maybe make fame actively relevant for some stuff.
Add some way of increasing/decreasing fame via cheating or bribing bards to bullshit about you.
Steady daily decline of fame would also been a neat thing, so if you're a reclusive hikki that only moves from his farm to house to sell stuff to the one dude working in a cave for you then you won't exactly be very famous.

>> No.17528465

>Steady daily decline of fame would also been a neat thing
That's a good idea

>> No.17528501

give her the heavy D

>> No.17528542

Well its a sligtly different case. enhances spells only adds multiplier to spellpower variable, thus its useless if spell scales with something else. like, cheer scales with CHA instead of SP, thus this enhancement is useless for Cheer.
I'm afraid that invokes use weapon skill level instead of SP. Need someone with a set of +enhances spells equipment to test it, i guess.

>> No.17528565
Quoted by: >>17528614

not really true, some racial feats other than fairy are valuable late game
low damage but low risk, short teleport was made for them, goes well with alias "Eraser"
I can't tell you how much it pisses me off when I see bitwise operators used to evaluate truth

>> No.17528574

I got 3 coins for killing a bunch of gays that blew themselves up soooo

>> No.17528583

You home yet, anon?

>> No.17528614

That's HSP for you. x \ y is remainder of division instead of integer division, too.

>> No.17528623
Quoted by: >>17528898

Fuck me I forgot. I have a memory like a colander.
Reply to this post in like an hour.

>> No.17528637

I just like the next change to give golems near infinite strength/power spell that cures dim that's triggered every turn, so that even if by some chance you get dimmed you'd still get it auto removed every turn.

>> No.17528702
File: 14 KB, 622x20, spear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17528752


>> No.17528752

>Aka: White knight, virgin nu-male

>> No.17528805
Quoted by: >>17529012

why can't I summon my god in november? I'm at 4025+ favor and haven't summoned any other god this year. Is it because I converted during this month?

>> No.17528898

it's time

>> No.17528920

I just noticed a stray pixel, one minute.

>> No.17528928

You were 8 minutes and 4 seconds too late anon.

>> No.17528937
File: 1.51 MB, 1584x1488, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17528988

Here's my 1.69 sprite sheet. If you're on a newer version you'll have to add in new NPCs yourself.
It's a big fucking custom mish-mash of a few other sprite sheets to my taste.

Also you'll need to re-save it as a .bmp, obviously.

>> No.17528966
Quoted by: >>17528974

new thread when

>> No.17528974

Sorry, this is the last elona thread

>> No.17528979

But I like these threads

>> No.17528980

elin is out????

>> No.17528988

ty <3

>> No.17529012

What's your faith?

>> No.17529017
File: 272 KB, 734x950, 1441564789314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17529021
File: 418 KB, 711x449, 6c9b5aa9c4e54cca82c1294e2fd0c13c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

npc adventurer is trading this in his inv.

Is there any reason at all for me to pickpocket this thing at my level?

>> No.17529036

how fucking high a level do I need dominate at to catch this nigger ent

>> No.17529051
Quoted by: >>17529078

you can use it once to kill zeome or smth. dont use it as a weapon.

>> No.17529057
Quoted by: >>17529078

>It brings an end.
random adventurers have that when you're at level 10?

>> No.17529078
Quoted by: >>17529123

I tried using touch of sleep on him but he just glares at me so I just reloaded my save just to get back my karma. I wont bother trying to get it for now.

>> No.17529123

Wait until next update then trade again.
> Reduced the effect of materials and equipment attributes on equipment prices.

That axe is expensive because of the "it maintains" mods, and titanium is a pretty good value mod (worth a little less than gold). You'll find that axe is easier to trade for after 1.71 is released.

>> No.17529143


>> No.17529156
File: 507 KB, 1290x800, summon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is giving me a stroke wtf am I missing. As mentioned before, I haven't summoned a god this year.

>> No.17529171

How'd you get potential to show in your skill tracker?

Also maybe it's because of your god revenge whatever debuff.

>> No.17529176
Quoted by: >>17529218

Special rewardEdit

If you speak to them while you have enough favor to receive their god weapon, they will give you their special reward. The individual artifacts are listed above under the Personal Gift category. Keep in mind that if you are using the Truce Ground summoning method mentioned above instead of a wish, your favor will be reduced by 15% after the prayer, i.e. if you had 4025 favor when summoning, you will have ~3421 and the summoned god will not award you the item when you talk. You can prepare for this by either saving up a lot of favor before praying (~4700+), or, if your Faith skill is not high enough, by bringing extra sacrifices to regain the lost favor after the god is summoned.


>> No.17529187
File: 123 KB, 614x413, UI Tweaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17529193


>> No.17529193

Is that a mod?

>> No.17529201
File: 165 KB, 800x480, 54bbe25de852d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw lv 32 but my faith is level 74 cause I sat in Palmia doing all the Party! quests and Preaching instead of playing an instrument (and getting mad dosh and platinum)

>> No.17529202
Quoted by: >>17529237

It's in the game options, not hard to find but I'm not on my pc atm

>> No.17529208

If it's not there for you it might be an elona+ custom feature

>> No.17529211
File: 14 KB, 184x117, Elona+Custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17529218
Quoted by: >>17529679

Yes, I know that. My problem is that the god won't show up even though I have received their third gift and I have enough favor.

>> No.17529237

Ah thank you. Last time I played Elona was xmas so I'm still getting used to the new changes. It's like a brand new game.

>> No.17529292

I've removed the debuff with elosnack to see if that was the case, but it still did not work.

>> No.17529297

how much does the type of armor (light, medium, heavy) matter? what would be the downside of a wizard or thief using heavy armor?

also what should a martial arts user use?

>> No.17529343

Equipment weight affect casting chance

>> No.17529351

A spellcaster with the warmage feat (+5% cast rate) can use medium armor (-8% cast rate) with little trouble, plus it lets them eventually use a move that boosts spellpower.
Heavy armor gets unacceptable with a -20% cast rate.

>> No.17529388

Do attributes affect how fast you level up skills, for example is someone with 14 charisma going to level up the perform skill faster compared to someone with 5 charisma?

>> No.17529400

Whats the fastest way to level kumiromi of harvests favor so I can get the pet?

I have a putit ranch next to the altar way but its going to take ages if putit corpses are only worth 1 favor and I need 1500.

>> No.17529423
Quoted by: >>17529444

Gods have specific offerings they like, for Miromi it's vegetables, so start up a farm. Cooked and rotten veggies work too.

>> No.17529428

I just did that, vegetable farming, and going into random areas finding the edible plant things, also destroy the altar and hop back and forth between palmia and noyel

>> No.17529444

>also destroy the altar and hop back and forth between palmia and noyel

Why would I do this?

Thanks, I've been using corpses.

>> No.17529462

>Why would I do this?
Altars respawn (with a few exceptions ive forgotten) unaligned so you can offer up the best thing for your god and claim the altar for bonus favour

>> No.17529469

Favor granted by corpses is based on the weight of the corpse, up to 10s. Also they become worthless if they rot.
So gaining favor from corpses means either farming heavy corpses (starting an alien infestation in palmia is a fun way to do that) or chucking any heavy corpses you find adventuring in your cooler box to offer later.

>> No.17529489

Should I set up a magic shop? Anyone got proof of getting something good from them? Like rods of wishing?

>> No.17529513

Are you seriously asking for proof? Rods of wishing won't appear, but invested magic shops are the best way to get potions of potential.

>> No.17529564
File: 436 KB, 800x601, shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a martial artist that casts spells stick to light or medium. If not, then heavy is fine.

As far as I'm aware there is only one attribute that can help boost skill exp gain and that's learning. Read the Elona+ part for more info.


Magic shop as the one run by your allies? They're not exactly the best money makers. Food shops and the blacksmith are better choices if you're looking for gold. As for item trade ins, magic shops can be useful for that. I've seen spellbooks of wish, rods of wish, treasure maps, gain attribute scrolls, and other nice stuff show up in my safe.

If you're talking about magic vendors some notable things I've seen on them, especially invested ones, are potions of cure corruption, potions of potential, potions of evolution, descent potions, flying scrolls, spellbooks of wish, and other nice stuff. I don't recall ever seeing a rod of wish for sale on any vendor though.

>> No.17529587

>Groggily wake up and eat breakfast with my party, made by a little girl.
>Go around my palace and check my corner garden I have set up in home for everything not herb seeds, also fish a bit until it is about 10 am.
>Check my magic and goods shop real quick to see if they have anything good.
>Walk next door to Port Kapul. Check to see what us for sale, turn in guild bounties, do a little arena fighting, and clear out quests for the locals.
>Check to make sure that stupid food vendor hasn't accidentally summoned more demons into the town with his monster attracting equipment. Must remember to raise pickpocket skill to steal the damn thing.
>Stock up on Tuna from the trader and prepare for a journey.
>Proceed to travel across N Tyris clearing out easy dungeons, doing quests for all towns but Derphy, and eventually arriving at Noyel.
>Sell my cargo and immediately buy Christmas trees.
>Return home with scroll.
>Check with my butler if I have any visitors.
>If I do I teleport with them to my sealed lava chamber to see if they are hostile or have any cursed equipment on them. If all checks out I teleport them out. If not...
>Piddle around selling cargo in Port Kapul, selling junk I found on the trip to merchants, and putting away useful stuff into storage until time for bed.
>Send my party members to their rooms and then crawl into my bed.

More like a half week instead of a day, but that is the average routine of my level 30 Juere tourist.

>> No.17529617

>tfw checking store room long afterwards and finding out I had hundreds of unused vegetable seeds I'd tucked away for this but forgotten about
fuck, I really wasted my time searching wilderness for edible plants

>> No.17529625
Quoted by: >>17529996

>Not practicing Family Bed

>> No.17529653
File: 57 KB, 636x427, interlocking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17529658

The decrease in fishing really makes this unusable.

But offensive enchantments on a melee hand slot will still affect my shooting, right?

>> No.17529658
Quoted by: >>17529803

Nigga what
Just unequip it when you fish, it's a pretty good weapon. yes, it still affects your shooting.

>> No.17529679

Is there a way to reset the god summoned on truce grounds value using elosnack? I can't for the life of me find a reason why I can't summon Jure. I've spent like an hour on this issue and I'm starting to get pissed off

>> No.17529733
File: 549 KB, 498x268, 1484773636332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep these stories coming. I enjoy reading them despite the fact that I'm jelly of all of you. I've taken some ideas from what I've read and going to actually put some more thought in my character and what I want to do with him.

>> No.17529754
Quoted by: >>17529790

Best shopkeeper feat for a blacksmith? If I only care for making money, then aesthetic sense?

>> No.17529756
Quoted by: >>17529769

for now I've resorted to savescumming the fountains in the truce grounds but it's either impossible or I have the worst luck

>> No.17529760

To train pet's weight lifting do I have to give pets a lot of crap to carry so that their inventory weight is 50%-70%?

>> No.17529761
Quoted by: >>17529790

Dumb question but does equipment in the range and shoot slots affect melee?

>> No.17529764
File: 20 KB, 627x154, torch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how many of you guys bother to carry torches around with you?

>> No.17529769

Wonder if Elonsnack use breaks some stuff in the game. I've stopped using it myself due to some very odd things happening in my game. It's all for the better at least. Now I'll actually take the time to learn the game. For your god problem maybe it really is because you converted that same month. Just wait almost a year and in that time start saving up stuff for the next god you're going with?

>> No.17529777
Quoted by: >>17529846

Wait what? What do you need a torch for when you always have permanent lighting? I actually don't know if they even work.

>> No.17529779
Quoted by: >>17529846

the hell is a torch

>> No.17529790

It can


>> No.17529803
File: 63 KB, 625x626, bxeAwbN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17529817
Quoted by: >>17529821

Am I doing something wrong with the Sasumata? I walled myself in with a random mob (in this case blade alpha) and it levels polearm incredibly slowly and doesn't level tactics at all

>> No.17529821
Quoted by: >>17529836

Skill levels and potential?

>> No.17529836
Quoted by: >>17529921

sub 20 and 400, is the mob just too weak?

>> No.17529846
File: 790 KB, 1008x1454, torchlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're usable tools, and they aren't too amazing in retrospect. They brighten out areas you've been to/magic mapped/sense objected.

Usefulness depends on the player. If the player can't see shit and tends to miss things blitzing through dungeons or is maybe colorblind, it might be more useful.

>> No.17529847
Quoted by: >>17529851

Hey guys I can't seem to add poppy to my party for whatever reason. It keeps saying it's full even though nobody should be in my party in the first place

>> No.17529851
Quoted by: >>17529854

maybe you got some dead pets hogging space

>> No.17529852
Quoted by: >>17530059

Honestly, I wish a torch would just expand the sight range of the player so super ranged options like sniping had more options.

...Even though a sniper carrying a torch around sounds like the most retarded thing to do.

>> No.17529854

Possibly, I should only have one though I'll have to check

>> No.17529863
Quoted by: >>17529949

Does lighting a torch and leaving it on the floor at home still work?

>> No.17529894

not directly, but higher attributes will make you better at using the skills might lead to easier training depending on the skill

>> No.17529921
Quoted by: >>17529938

Keep your potential as high as possible. For weapon skills, enemies need to have a certain amount of evasion or your weapon skill exp gains will dry up. This forces you to fight stronger monsters with better evasion. Tactics should be leveling fine as long as you're keeping its potential up. The void is a better place to level stuff than normal dungeons as enemies there scale.

>> No.17529938

tactics aren't leveling up at all for whatever reason. I'm also not sure if I can survive boxing myself in with mobs while doing 0 damage..

>> No.17529940
Quoted by: >>17530052

while using the Sasumata it's not leveling is what I meant

>> No.17529949

You can just use the torch in the bar in Derphy.

>> No.17529966
Quoted by: >>17530047

if you want to use elosnack you could just cheat yourself a wish and wish for the god, which gets the same result

>> No.17529996

Why would all 6 of us cram into a bed when I can just give them each a room to call their own?

>> No.17530039
File: 1.65 MB, 1584x1488, character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17530051

not that anon but I have a similar one for 1.69

>> No.17530047

I'll just wait it out till next year to see if my save file is messed up

>> No.17530050

Now that I think about it. The reason why tactics is probably not leveling using the Sasumata is because you need to do damage for tactics to get any exp. When I was training MA I would equip Mani's Mechanical Binder to kill my damage but not too bad that I was doing zero. Use that instead of the Sasumata to help level tactics. Sasumata should be able to level polearms fine. You can also use the Sasumata to build gauge and use a gauge attack on a weapon that actually does damage to gain a decent amount of tactics exp. For instance, you can put the Sasumata in the shoot slot and shoot the enemy with it to build gauge, trigger gauge attack, and melee with a weapon in your hand slot.

>> No.17530051
File: 28 KB, 536x572, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the first time I've lateposted because threads don't autoupdate after restoring a browsing session, won't be the last

>> No.17530052

maybe you have to deal damage to level tactics?
try a different weapon

>> No.17530054

well shit I didn't get the binder before converting...

>> No.17530059

An every day torch that adds view distance sounds a little over powered. Besides this game isn't meant to extend vision beyond 800 x660 (probably) due to the nature of RPG Maker.

How about a unique artifact that allows you to see through walls, with some moderation? Or At least know that something beyond a wall or fog of war depending on Detection or something?

Either way I'm totally using torches now. Thanks for the find anon.

>> No.17530065
File: 520 KB, 1616x906, e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17530095

This isn't RPG Maker m8.
Also you can extend it to larger than the options if you fiddle around in the config file.
Faces hidden to protect the innocent.

>> No.17530067
Quoted by: >>17530095


??? delete your post?

>> No.17530095
Quoted by: >>17530104

It ain't? I seriously didn't know. It looks like every single RPG maker clone out there so I just assumed. >>17530067 nah fuck that.

>> No.17530104

>Besides this game isn't meant to
> I seriously didn't know

Lemme talk about some shit I don't understand either. Gender dysphoria is not a mental illness and is only congenital with severe depression due to the western environment

>> No.17530120
Quoted by: >>17530141

So what is the use of the sasumata

>> No.17530141

The Sasumata should work fine in leveling polearms and two hand if you're going that route. You can shoot the Sasumata to gain gauge and then trigger a gauge attack off of your melee weapon in your hand slot to gain tactics exp. Alternatively, you can use the Mechanical Binder to kill your damage and level up your skills. Just keep in mind what I said earlier about enemies needing a certain amount of evasion to get weapon exp. If you find your weapon skill progress has halted look at its potential and if that's good you may need to find a stronger enemy with higher evasion to begin getting weapon skill exp again.

>> No.17530296
Quoted by: >>17530307

Can you if so how do you charge rods ?

>> No.17530305
Quoted by: >>17530326

I got a Black Cat from the goddess of luck, should I set her up as a mage? Ranger?

>> No.17530307
Quoted by: >>17530320

After some level of Magic Device you will get the Draw and Refill Charge special actions, which let you destroy rods for charge points, and spend 10 points to recharge a rod (or any chargeable device). You can also use scrolls of recharge.
Rods of Wish and Dominate cannot be refilled.

>> No.17530320

Just realized i am a manabattery looks like i aint using rods now

>> No.17530326

I have her set up as melee so she can make use of the Decapitation ability I got her from Leold (Tactical Attack AP pack).
If she gets the killing blow on something and it drops equipment, she'll probably lick it, blessing it with an extra enchantment.

>> No.17530327
Quoted by: >>17530337

How would I make my on sprites for this?

>> No.17530337

Just make them and slap them into the existing sheets, usually.
1. Most sprites are 48x48
2. Pure black (0,0,0) is considered transparent.
