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File: 14 KB, 234x187, Topimage_(2ch).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12637540 No.12637540 [Reply] [Original]

Which are some good boards on 2ch? or the ones you like to visit?
I dislike VIP, seems to be full of kids. I like nijiura may in futaba. Nothing like it in 2ch?

>> No.12637547

2ch is shit ever since some American took it over.

>> No.12637564 [DELETED] 

I like aquarium board at futaba

>> No.12637572
Quoted by: >>12638053

The animay board.

Learn about new shitposting trends before everyone else, easy.

>> No.12638053
Quoted by: >>12638641

I only browse the download board.

You're telling me 2ch has that kind of influence on 4chan?

>> No.12638081

some of the boards are slow as shit

some of the kyara boards are filled with threads that get bumped once a month with something like "X is cute!"

>> No.12638083


Choose your destiny

>> No.12638641

>You're telling me 2ch has that kind of influence on 4chan?
It's a source of inspiration. Or a trigger.

>> No.12639186

>not full of kids
go to img, pleb

>> No.12644002
File: 100 KB, 350x804, 85b6c5cb85fd38719848861c4bd9e82b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the faster the shittier.

>> No.12646780
Quoted by: >>12646968

>2ch is shit ever since some American took it over.
Hiroyuki cocksucker confirmed.

>> No.12646830

2ch has always been shit, stop kidding yourself weeaboo.

>> No.12646968
Quoted by: >>12646976

Did Hiroyuki make another site?

>> No.12646976
Quoted by: >>12646983


>> No.12646983

That explains a lot of things, but I was wondering what he did after losing control of 2ch.

>> No.12651383

holy shit that's probably old news but i just found out that hiroyuki made another 2ch called 2ch.sc. as far as my japanese gets me i think it's a seperate 2ch but now with so called crawl threads. in those crawl threads you can countribute on either side and the other people get so see it. here's the stickyed post:

【2:3】★★ 2ちゃんねる(sc)へようこそ

1 名前:2ちゃんねる ★ :2014/07/19(土) 10:00:00.00 ID:???

その2ちゃんねる創始者 西村博之が新たな2ちゃんねる(sc)を開設した理由は以下に記載してあります。

 昨今の2ちゃんねるの現状に関して。 http://2ch.sc/www2chscindex.html




>> No.12651423


>> No.12651484

Well, that explains some patters I saw on matome blogs before and couldn't fully understand. In other words, the source of the quoted posts was 2ch.sc but the same text could also be found on the original 2ch if you googled.

>> No.12652731
Quoted by: >>12655934

It's like if 4chan archives had a proper posting mode in addition to ghost posting.

>> No.12655934
File: 130 KB, 640x480, 1410807241231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12656635


>> No.12656178
Quoted by: >>12656180

heyyyy 2 channeler here
any questions? 何か質問ある?

>> No.12656180 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>12656192

Does 2chan ayy lmao?

>> No.12656192
Quoted by: >>12656212

dunno what exactly you are asking me but I often find 2ch threads hilarious

>> No.12656212
File: 8 KB, 200x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12656233

What are 2ch memes?

>> No.12656233

2ch's meme... hmmm
a while ago 2 channelers started saying ほんとこれ (meaning like "seriously this") when agreeing on something. and someone shortened it to ほんこれ (honkore), and around that time Kantai Collection was getting popular and Kantai Collection's abbreviation (艦これ "kankore") sounds similar to honkore, so they started using "kankore" instead of honkore.
does this count as a meme?

>> No.12656237

I guess.


>> No.12656241


>> No.12656245

also I wouldn't recommend VIP either, it wasn't too bad several years ago.
what I browse in 2ch is Kenmou, where is one of the most popular board atm, it's full of westaboos though

>> No.12656254
Quoted by: >>12656282

That's pretty funny, got any more?

>> No.12656282

hm. this is an old and a bit overused meme but when a shitty thread is made and someone can't be bothered to give a proper reply to OP, they sometimes say "うんこ" (unko meaning poo) and others say "ちんこ" (chinko meaning penis) and then "まんこ" (manko meaning vagina). it needs to be said in this order and when these replies are posted in a row people praise it and ignore OP

>> No.12656303
Quoted by: >>12656309

So it's kind of like dubs?

>> No.12656309
Quoted by: >>12656317

more like a combo

>> No.12656317
Quoted by: >>12656534

The only combo I can think of still in use here is the cartoon animals taking a shit at subway and that seems to be pretty different in intention.

Maybe Bane

>> No.12656383


What? I thought the site bans non_japanese IP from posting?

>> No.12656534
Quoted by: >>12656667

Don't remember Longcat, friend? There was also a Kyube version.

>> No.12656562

>3 poverty
Neets. Neets never change

>> No.12656635

What message is this memeavatar supposed to convey?

>> No.12656667

I said currently.

>> No.12663389
Quoted by: >>12664208

| \
     |Д`)   No one is here.
     |⊂     I can dance now !

     ♪  ☆
   ♪   / \    RANTA TAN
      ヽ(´Д`;)ノ   RANTA TAN
         (  へ)    RANTA RANTA
          く       TAN

   ♪    ☆
     ♪ / \   RANTA RANTA
      ヽ(;´Д`)ノ  RANTA TAN
         (へ  )    RANTA TANTA
             >    TAN

>> No.12664208

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       /  /   |  |    し',;;、'。.;;/     / ̄/
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     (  /   /  l  と と )  て ̄          /
     し'   /__) (_(_,J

>> No.12664543
Quoted by: >>12664559

what is the equivalent of "cancer" or "shitposting" in 2ch?

>> No.12664559
Quoted by: >>12664594

Ending everything with ww and using slurred words/being DQN.

>> No.12664594

>Ending everything with ww
So basically almost everything in vip?

>> No.12664747

Huh, that's actually pretty funny.

>> No.12666805

what's kancolle's reception on 2ch?

Is there a huge backlash against it, or is it's fanon very mixed?
