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12172007 No.12172007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>12172378

what would your mom do if she found out you're a virgin

>> No.12172011
File: 580 KB, 980x1400, 06_l2403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12172082

My Mom knows I'm a virgin, and she thinks I'm some kind of Elliott Rodger. She wants me to go to counselling so they can stuff me with pills.

>> No.12172107
File: 59 KB, 800x485, meth_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe they'll give you meth

>> No.12172128
File: 622 KB, 300x458, elliotautismrodge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12172150
File: 162 KB, 1278x983, 1388548280872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12172180

My parents wanted me to be a virgin till I find the right one and I bought all their nonsense. Now I'm an old virgin who has never experienced relationships with the opposite sex other than in fiction and fantasy. My mom now usually talks about me getting married and giving her some grandkids. I don't know if it's my fault or theirs.

>> No.12172163
File: 69 KB, 400x300, 1132-must-not-fap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12172215

My mom want me be virgin until the right time, but I want to be virgin forever.

>> No.12172176
Quoted by: >>12172195

It is both of your faults. Its their fault for telling you that and your fault for listening.

I wouldn't wanna lose my virginity to the "right one". Think how awkward sex would be with no experience and with no relationship experience it's likely your relationship will fall apart. Unless of course the spouse is a virgin as well but that is unlikely.

>> No.12172180
Quoted by: >>12172195


>> No.12172195
File: 359 KB, 792x540, 1401967400508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12172236

Thanks for that lazy, cop-out "both" answer. I really didn't think about it that way. Wow, you should be a marriage counselor.

>> No.12172215
Quoted by: >>12172265

Nice image macro /v/ro ;)

>> No.12172236

If you wanna lose you virginity you have to go outside and find a girl who well take your virginity its not rocket science. How do you go about finding a girl? Look around they're fucking everywhere, I'm pretty sure at least one person is willing to fuck u. To pussy to do it? Will have fun with your virginity.

>> No.12172247
File: 30 KB, 326x282, 1389145363212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose my virginity to a girl? But that's forbidden love!

>> No.12172248

My parents pretty much said I was going to be a virgin until I was 20 something to me when I didn't even know what sex really was. I guess they really wanted me to be pure or some shit.
They suck as parents though.

>> No.12172262
File: 105 KB, 503x576, 4bc33bb9f7567451163e4f3263fd7356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12172266

Why do people still care about losing their virginity when it really doesn't matter?

>> No.12172265

I always laugh whenever someone said /v/ro, br/a/h, /g/entoo and the like.

Keep up the good work.

>> No.12172266
Quoted by: >>12172387

Because nobody wants to be a loser.

>> No.12172369
File: 236 KB, 675x1000, 1386566902255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12172372

My mom wants me to stay pure.

She gives me a stipend of NEET bucks each month so that I won't have any reason to leave the house and then potentially lose my virginity.

>> No.12172372

Your mom is the best.

>> No.12172378

My mom knows I'm a non-virgin though. She basically high-fived me afterwards after seeing my messed up sheets.

>> No.12172387
Quoted by: >>12172415

Jesus was a virgin. Are you saying Jesus was a loser?

>> No.12172396
Quoted by: >>12172408

what would i do if i found out my mom's a virgin

>> No.12172408

Look for your adoption certificate to confirm your suspicions.

Alternatively, check the FBI database for missing children and see if you match any of them.

>> No.12172415

there is no real evidence one way or the other fo that...

>> No.12172434

I'm going to blog about my sad and boring life. I'm such a pathetic human being that I just had my first kiss a few days ago and I'm 21. Everything went great but after a while she told me to stop. She said she liked it but she would prefer to stay as friends. Of course after a few days I discovered she was with other guy and here I am playing visual novels and feeling like shit so yeah, I think I'll keep being a virgin for a long time.
There goes one of those "first times" of my life. Yaay!

>> No.12172444
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1389030756024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>12172446_5



>> No.12172446

Your heart is weak.
Females are fickle and random. If you don't make the cut, it's because rolling natural 20's is really hard in real life.

>> No.12172446,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_14

I want to loose my virg, any tips?

>> No.12172446,2 [INTERNAL] 

There are no girls willing to take your virginity without some sort of monetary compensation. Virginity is the greatest turnoff for a woman because it means you are unwanted so there must be something 'wrong' with you. If a girl finds out you are a virg she will lose all interest, even if she's the religious type.

>> No.12172446,3 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_4

i wanna fuck a loli

>> No.12172446,4 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_7


you forgot to say "any tips"

>> No.12172446,5 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK this guy dropped some serious ownage on that homo

>> No.12172446,6 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_8

I seriously hope there are no virgs on W.

>> No.12172446,7 [INTERNAL] 

no thats the other guy

>> No.12172446,8 [INTERNAL] 

im saving mine for nagi ;)

>> No.12172446,9 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_10

what does it feel like to be an adult virg?

>> No.12172446,10 [INTERNAL] 

you know you sneeze and it feels good? kinda like that

>> No.12172446,11 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_12

Why do I have a feeling you same dorks frequent /pol/ just to fuck with me. Either that or the retards there type the same drivel you guys do.

>> No.12172446,12 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_13

why do I have the feeling you probably browse /v/ or some shit

>> No.12172446,13 [INTERNAL] 


Are you trying to tell me browsing /jp/ exclusively matters now? Besides I don't (except for when E3 comes).

>> No.12172446,14 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_15

It's really not that hard. If you aren't disfigured or something there will always be some girl slutty enough to have sex with you.

>> No.12172446,15 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_16

give it a rest normie

>> No.12172446,16 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_17

Trust me, I'm not normal, but there have been a few times when I've rejected girls. There was also that one guy at the electronics store who asked me if I wanted to make some money doing some stuff for him.

>> No.12172446,17 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_18

>"I'm not a normie!"
>"I've banged tons of babes dude its not hart"
sounds pretty norm to me

>> No.12172446,18 [INTERNAL] 

What about "rejected" don't you understand?

>> No.12172446,19 [INTERNAL] 

/warosu/-fastest way to lose braincells

>> No.12172446,20 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_21

hey bro i think u like dudes more than u like chicks cause theres no way a wbro would pass up some pussy

>> No.12172446,21 [INTERNAL] 

if only those girls were lolis

>> No.12172446,22 [INTERNAL] 

lmao u got dunked on by josh

>> No.12172446,23 [INTERNAL] 

Anyone here wants to unvirg my virg?

>> No.12172446,24 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>12172446_25

Being proud of your virginity and hating "normies" is such a 2008-era thing when we were still getting all of the /a/ out of our systems. I'm pretty sure the average w bro dips into some fujoshi omanko every now and then.

>> No.12172446,25 [INTERNAL] 

some what?

can you speak english, dork? smh

>> No.12172446,26 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

ne to

>> No.12172446,27 [INTERNAL] 

me too
