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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11630424 No.11630424 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/ why do you like Touhou?

>> No.11630431
File: 207 KB, 640x436, Pow right in the kisser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The music and fun games.

>> No.11630434

Why does Zun like beer?
It doesn't even taste that good.

>> No.11630452
Quoted by: >>11630483

Acquired taste.
Or maybe you just drink shit beer.

>> No.11630459

I can't stand the taste of ANY alcohol. I just want to threw up. How can people lie to themselves, aren't they masochists?

>> No.11630468

You don't drink beer for the flavor.

>> No.11630469

same reason people smoke because it's cool

>> No.11630471
File: 61 KB, 720x720, 1347692225864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you some kind of weak homo fuccboi who only drinks fruity stuff or something

get drunk through your ass and die

>> No.11630475

Maybe not in 2hops4u America.

>> No.11630483

I remember drinking something with a logo that was an orange slice, something with a funny name like Snirmynose or something, and some other beers that all tasted more or less the same as the ones above.
They all tasted so bitter. People told me it was like drinking bread, but I don't see that at all.

>> No.11630487
File: 1.40 MB, 344x311, 1382489800567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fan games and the fighting games

they add new gameplay elements to games I already like and wish had more to their series.

for example, the way bossfights work in koumajou densetsu add a small bullethell element to a game series (classic castlevania) which is already about dodging the bosses attacks and countering.

>> No.11630489
Quoted by: >>11630495

No, I'm not. Why are you even thinking like that? I know, it's a bait

>> No.11630490

Sure you do.

>> No.11630495
File: 69 KB, 665x493, 1349840820939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont pretend like you arent some hairless effeminate cute girlyboy

>> No.11630505

I-is this what they call a femdom otaku?

>> No.11630510
Quoted by: >>11630517

I think you are the one!

>> No.11630517
File: 41 KB, 185x185, 1347613427746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11630527

i drink beer and other alcoholic drinks so no

>> No.11630527
Quoted by: >>11630600

Enjoy your piss drinks then.

>> No.11630545
Quoted by: >>11630588

I used to be like that. At first I would drink just for the drunk, but gradually I started to appreciate the flavors too.

The cheap booze I would buy also had a lot to do with it.

>> No.11630588
Quoted by: >>11630618

You know if you eat enough feces you'll start to appreciate the flavors too.

>> No.11630589
File: 1.95 MB, 320x240, 1378580323418.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11630600

wow dude you cant bully someone who was just bullying you...

>> No.11630618
Quoted by: >>11630681

Does feces get you intoxicated?

>> No.11630681
Quoted by: >>11630695


>> No.11630695

post in this thrad if you are JENKED like hell right now!

>> No.11630903
Quoted by: >>11630932

Whiskey is always delicious, even when diluted in milk.

>> No.11630911
Quoted by: >>11630926

Who is this cute anime and what is she from? Obviously some kyo-ani thing, but I'm not sure which.

>> No.11630926
Quoted by: >>11630980

It's funny because Googling the image yields the result right away.

>> No.11630932
Quoted by: >>11630950

Whiskey and milk? I hope you're not lying to me anon, because I'm going to try this next time I have some whiskey.

>> No.11630947

Shock Top? That stuff's bakas

>> No.11630950
Quoted by: >>11630967

Try whiskey and apple juice, it's much better and takes away any negative taste from the whiskey that you might not like.

>> No.11630967
File: 739 KB, 900x900, 1349048295602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiskey is plenty sweet already. Why would you ruin it with apple juice?

>> No.11630971

Ales and heavier beers tend to be called liquid bread. That being said, I'm going to enjoy myself a nice Stone APA tonight. I fucking love this beer.

If I had a loli I'd let her have a sip. Just a sip.

>> No.11630976

Post the .gif

>> No.11630979

Drunk lolis are the best though. She probably wouldn't like it anyway.

>> No.11630980

I just wanted to call the picture a cute anime.

>> No.11630981
File: 24 KB, 293x208, 1384064493962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roladka smith

>> No.11630982
Quoted by: >>11631019

That's irresponsible as heck but I want to see an intoxicated loli..

>> No.11630983

i dont like wine or beer very much, and rarely even drink soda. i was thinking of buying some sake and forcing myself to drink it, and then when people (my family) make fun of me for not wanting to drink anything i can tell them my tastes are too refined.

but i know you guys are probably going to say sake is shit and call me a weeb.

>> No.11630985

Sake is good but you're a weeb and you probably wouldn't like it.

>> No.11630987
File: 57 KB, 204x250, 1347396099386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11630989

you can't have a refined taste if you just drink sake, weeb....

>> No.11630989

Sake is disgusting piss.

>> No.11630991

I've only had sake once, but it was alright. Very mild in flavor, but smooth.

>> No.11630994
Quoted by: >>11631005

Sake is good hot, but when it comes to beer and wine you need to find the kinds that you like. I can't drink red wine because it's disgusting garbage, but I like white and sangria. Beers I only really like Stouts and wheats, and none of that bud light baka stuff.

>> No.11630997

That sweet rice wine that I forgot the name of tastes really good. I don't even think it's actually alcoholic though.

>> No.11631005

>Beers I only really like Stouts and wheats, and none of that bud light baka stuff.
Same here, wheat beer is nice. I still prefer cider over beer, though.

>> No.11631016

I looked it up a bit and it seemed like I pretty much only drank Pale Ales. Not sure what the general opinion of that is and how it compares to other stuff.
It's a shame though, since liquid bread sounds like the greatest thing ever. You don't have to deal with all that chewing and complete lack of moisture.

>> No.11631018
File: 398 KB, 768x1024, owl beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11631063

Best girl coming through

>> No.11631019
Quoted by: >>11631030

It's not irresponsible. It's not like you're getting her really drunk. Just one sip of beer. Just enough to make her giggly and relaxed so she will want to suck it.

>> No.11631026

Pale Ales are the worst beers that people manage to get inexplicably excited over. I'll never understand the appeal of those and IPAs

>> No.11631030

Or let you lick her.

>> No.11631028

Pale ales are bitter as fuck. No wonder you didn't like them.

>> No.11631063
Quoted by: >>11631106

Hitachino is the only beer I can get here which is *actually* from Japan. Too bad it's $6 or $7 for a little bottle.

Also, no you shits, Sapporo is imported from Canada.

>> No.11631076
File: 526 KB, 480x540, jp demanding moot to del jp over the years.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11631111

is this what they call ``stealth thread'' otaku?

>> No.11631106

One time my local shop in AZ got some Orion, their premium draft. I don't know how. I got one bottle and drank it on a hot summer evening. It tasted really good. Very carbonated, not a lot of flavor, but what flavor I could taste was very clean. When I went back for more, they had exhausted their stock and were unsure if they would get any more.

I miss it very much.

>> No.11631111
Quoted by: >>11631119

What is this from?

>> No.11631119

Servant x Service.
