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11502283 No.11502283[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which Touhou's powers would you want?

Normal mode: not Sakuya
Hard mode: not Yukari
Dante must die mode: not Reimu

>> No.11502285


Immortality has always been a dream.
Alternatively, Aya, because fast.

>> No.11502287

my answer is still komachi

>> No.11502288

reimu or yukari

>> No.11502303
Quoted by: >>11502316

the power of being fucked by dicks

>> No.11502300
Quoted by: >>11502318

Immortality would get boring eventually.

>> No.11502310

power of feeling bones

>> No.11502318

So would posting on /jp/, but here I am years later.

>> No.11502316
Quoted by: >>11502325

The power to be a good girl.

>> No.11502325

girl power: power of being naturally interested in dicks

>> No.11502320
Quoted by: >>11502332


What's her power?

>> No.11502324
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Quoted by: >>11502345


take care of the world's problems myself

>> No.11502330
Quoted by: >>11502339

all 2hus have that one
see: youmu

>> No.11502336 [DELETED] 
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The power to fellatio a hundred men to orgasm in a splitsecond.

>> No.11502332


>> No.11502344
Quoted by: >>11502352

We're talking about Sanae, not Youmu.

>> No.11502345
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Quoted by: >>11502445

This, You forgot UltraViolence mode. Not Okuu.

Once I dreamed of being Okuu and that I destroyed a city using my sacred fire, while spider-man and Hulk tried to stop me. Then we had tea on a aerostat.

>> No.11502339

Youmu power: power of being softer

>> No.11502340
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Seija, if you can really flip anything.
I'd go out, find a cute girl, and create a scenario where I am a potential raper and she is a potential victim.
And then I flip the scenario.

Hatate's is pretty great, too, if you're not a people person.

Patchouli's is very versatile, I'd probably pick this, and become a wizard.

Koishi, if there's no downsides to it. You get to remove yourself from society as you please.

>> No.11502341
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Quoted by: >>11502355


i win

>> No.11502342 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11502348

The power of being loved by many cute dicks!

>> No.11502352
Quoted by: >>11502354

but Youmu is a girl too!

>> No.11502354

are you sure about that?

>> No.11502355

Yuyuko power: being dead
maybe you won, but I don't think you can enjoy your victory

>> No.11502357

Actually its killing others.

Could you imagine just walking up to anybody, asking them to die, and then they just fall over dead?

>> No.11502363
Quoted by: >>11502374

What if they're deaf or listening to music really loud? you have to write it on a piece of paper?

>> No.11502361
Quoted by: >>11502368

Kill the people who don't hire your lame NEET ass.

>> No.11502368
Quoted by: >>11502374

then everyone else would be dead. sounds pretty boring.

>> No.11502374

But you're a ghost, so now you have hundreds of ghost friends.

Or they'd just be ghost bullies and not float around you and go float around some fucking rock or something and wave their sperm tail at you.

Do like a really suggestive finger motion or something.

>> No.11502376
Quoted by: >>11502380

I'll become a cute girl with pink hair too?

>> No.11502378
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I want to be a magician.
Cirno's power would be fine as well.

>> No.11502380

a cute fat dead girl with pink hair.
are you dating someone?

>> No.11502381
Quoted by: >>11502390

Eirin's "power" seems pretty convenient
Or maybe Koishi's power, at the cost of most of my sanity, I can do whatever I want, get away with it, and not feel any remorse... or any other emotions probably.
But probably Flan's.

>> No.11502390

Its too soon for Flan power
got to wait nine more hours

>> No.11502393

>all of these people wanting death and destruction powers.

Seriously? I want to be Letty.
I just want to float around the world aimlessly making it snow, and maybe stop by some random playground and help some kids build a snowman.

>> No.11502396
Quoted by: >>11502399

You'd be sleeping whenever it isn't winter. And the kids would probably run away from a creep like you.

>> No.11502397

Dude, its very cute but do you even chuuni?

>> No.11502399

Its always winter somewhere, i'm not confined to a small space like Gensokyo.

>> No.11502432
Quoted by: >>11502437

>Dante must die mode: not Reimu
what is this meaning

>> No.11502438
Quoted by: >>11502706

quick question. Is Sakuya human or lunarian? Every single thing I've seen suggests she's human, but one damn poll I've seen suggests otherwise for some reason.

>> No.11502437

the special ability of having plot armor allowing you to do anything you want without consequence is off limits in that mode.

>> No.11502445
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Janitor-san, why did you delete my picture?. It wasn't that obscene.

>> No.11502470

what about tei/tewi powers

>> No.11502535
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Quoted by: >>11502565

Eirin because her abilities would be useful IRL.
Science is cool

>> No.11502556

Hong Meiling's
Next question

>> No.11502565
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Quoted by: >>11502597

Eirin does not do science, but spells and SCIENCE. Which is not compatible with IRL.

She is as realistic as Dr. Light.

>> No.11502597

In her official profile it says her abilities are "Creation of any kind of medicine; natural genius." Compared to other touhous Eirin's powers are pretty "compatible with IRL."

>> No.11502706

Her being Lunarian is a popular fan theory.
However, there is very little proof of this, aside from some dialogue in IN that hints at the possibility.

>> No.11502784
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Quoted by: >>11502804

patchy's, it's the most versatile or yukari's, being able to go to places would allow for more learning

>> No.11502785

What is your full name?

>> No.11502791
Quoted by: >>11503170

Mokou. Immortality and fire manipulation, what more could you need?

>> No.11502804

being able to instantaneously travel anywhere you want would be sweet
take trips around the world without having to buy any tickets or reserve hotels since you can always go home when you get tired

>> No.11502857
Quoted by: >>11502933


>> No.11502933

Being a mind reader would be pretty shit, if you haven't already lost all faith in humanity then you probably would after about 30 minutes of hearing their disgusting innermost thoughts.

>> No.11502943
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>> No.11502967
Quoted by: >>11502982

Remi's might be nice. I could fate myself to win the lottery or hit it big at the casino and be a rich NEET forever.

Wriggle's would be nice too.

>> No.11502982
Quoted by: >>11503090

Why wriggle's?

>> No.11503048
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Miko's. Her light and sword spells are very flashy. I would like to use those. And she has a sort of teleport too which would be very useful.

Or maybe Cirno's? I really like the cold and ice related things so it would fit well for me. Also having ice wings would be the best. As well as the immortality that comes with being a fairy.

Or...maybe I'd want Remilia's instead. Assuming she can actually alter fate. Also the vampire abilities would be cool too! I'd make sure to get a cool weapon like gungnir as well.

>> No.11503090

So I could finally enjoy summer nights without falling prey to six-legged vampires, or just be able to tell ants and flies to leave my room. Being able to control the most of the creatures of the world is a nice extra.

>> No.11503098

Youmu or Marisa.

>> No.11503129

I'd like to have Aya Shameimaru's power! She's super strong and a Tengu!

>> No.11503160
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Marisa or Sekibanki

>> No.11503170

Mokou is like a human flame, you'll burn everything even your home, your family and maybe your PC

>> No.11503181
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her powers,

looks easy get a good fortune selling flowers and stuff

>> No.11503202
File: 645 KB, 1200x1805, Yuugi irl (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>11503317

Yuugi's easily

>> No.11503229

Alice/Yuuka: I don't even know what Ultimate Magic is but it sounds pretty baller.

Utsuho: Well, the energy crisis would be solved, for one, that sounds all right. I'd probably be dead for all the people wanting to get to me/kill me, though.

Nitori: If her kappa intelligence and machinery came with it, that sounds neat. Otherwise, water tricks.

>> No.11503264
File: 1.99 MB, 2100x1271, byakuren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byakuren definetly.

Body manipulation magic seems exactly something that would be cool to have.

>> No.11503275
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r u 'avin a giggle m8

>> No.11503283
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Anything would be cool, even the power to make things follow a rhythm or other dumb shit.

Rinnosuke's seem pretty pointless though, at least Kosuzu would be amazing with certain books.

>> No.11503290
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>> No.11503305


>> No.11503317
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>> No.11503339

The answer is Tei

Good Luck is always a good thing

>> No.11503606 [DELETED] 

Touhou boards belong here.

>> No.11503613 [DELETED] 
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Quoted by: >>11503809


>> No.11503617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11503717
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You know what's good in life.

>> No.11503809 [DELETED] 

if you werent a namefag you would just delete it but you are so i guess it's to be expected

>> No.11503957

just walk around paris like that butler in Blood+ but less emo

>> No.11503977

You could gap your penis into cute lolis from 6000km away.

>> No.11504125
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I always liked Alice's doll army, plus being a magician is pretty awesome.

Nitori would be cool if her skill as an engineer also included software engineering

>> No.11504145

Remi's fate manipulation, anybody's magic, Kaguya's manipulation of instants and eternity or Suika's, because the ability to gather things is incredibly broad.

I'd be happy with the sake gourd, though.

>> No.11504238

Fuck hard mode, I'll take Yukari. It'd be like having a gloryhole in my bedroom.

>> No.11504272
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Obviously Sekibanki. Time to get spooky!

>> No.11504346

Screw your modes, Sakuya's powers to screw with space and time are awesome.

>> No.11504349

Satori, but I would act like I can't read their mind.

>> No.11504390
Quoted by: >>11504686

Who wouldn't want Suika's powers?
Density manipulation plus an array of other helpful abilities, with an oni's strength.

>> No.11504406

Easily Komachi. The power of both space & death? AND I get a boat? Aw yeah.

>> No.11504632
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Yabbadabbadoos, so I can judge myself into heaven. Or Suikas to live out Giantess fantasies.

>> No.11504686

Vampires are close to Oni strength, right? And they're faster. Flan/Remi are really low generation, so they'd be crazy strong, and their special abilities are both crazy good to boot.

>> No.11504720

Because immortality is best.

>> No.11505627
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1. Eirin. To be cleverest is a power!
2. Mokou. Flame control. Without immortality
3. Cirno. Making ice, lowering the temperature is a fine too.
Or other power that have applied nature.

>> No.11505649
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Quoted by: >>11505684

But you can't drag your feet through cities and kill hundreds of thousands of people as Remi/Flan ~

>> No.11505684

I can accept that sacrifice.

>> No.11505699
Quoted by: >>11505734

Sure, but you can never go out in sunlight again.
Which I suppose doesn't matter to the average /jp/sie.

>> No.11505707
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>> No.11505734

A parasol seems to be enough for Remi, so I should be okay if I make sure I don't have to go out when its too bright and layer up.

>> No.11505735
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Quoted by: >>11505745

Does Yukari's manipulation of borders actually give you nigh-omnipotence, or is that just retarded fanon?

>> No.11505745

Retarded fanon.

>> No.11505769

Yuugi's ability to punch the laws of reality, komachi's power to manipulate space or seija's power to reverse things

>> No.11505795
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Quoted by: >>11505823

satorins! i want to read the average /jp/er's mind!

>> No.11505823
Quoted by: >>11505830

Why bother? All you'd see is dicks.

>> No.11505830

then i want to read the average normies mind!

>> No.11505859

I'd want Rumia's powers
Darkness is the best

>> No.11505868

You'd still probably end up seeing dicks.

>> No.11505870

Even more dicks

>> No.11505881


Funny, I was thinking Mokou. Wanna fight to the death forever?

>> No.11506074

Seigas. I would be the best burglar.

>> No.11506192
Quoted by: >>11506231

Power over shekels?

>> No.11506231

she can manipulate distances
there are a lot of practical applications

>> No.11506239

are there any shapeshifting touhou? i want to shapeshift into a little girl

>> No.11506279

Most touhous are animals or something that did shapeshift into little girls. Mamizou's power in particular does it.

>> No.11508814


>> No.11508836
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Infinite unlimited booze !

Oh, and strength/toughness, mist/multi/mini/mega form / density control.

>> No.11508848

Kisume, the power to be cute and live in a bucket without ever having to leave is sure to help me in my quest to be 'super-NEET'

>> No.11508938
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chen power
