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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 94 KB, 800x600, klondike bar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10723573 No.10723573 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>10723716

what would your favorite touhou do for a klondike bar?

>> No.10723579

No shit, do you know where you are?

>> No.10723578

Is this a secondary thread?

>> No.10723627

/jp/ is as far off secondary as you can get. Visit Doujinstyle if you want secondary.

>> No.10723633
Quoted by: >>10725147

Excuse-moi, but as a secondary I am deeply offended by your statements. We are respectable Touhou fans deeply caring about the story and characters, please do not mix us up with those dirty tertiaries.

>> No.10723634

With the kind of threads that this board gets every day, I kind of doubt it.

>> No.10723637
Quoted by: >>10725159

what's a klondike bar

>> No.10723649
Quoted by: >>10723657

>what would your favorite touhou do for a klondike bar?
>Most refined Touhou.
>Has Eirin ever known a man's touch?
>If Patchouli started lifting and developed her physical side, could she take over Gensokyo?
>which touhou would you eat a cornetto with?
>Mystia touhou is best touhou!
>Alice funposting thread! Please post pictures of Alice having fun in this thread!
>You'll never cuddle with Kogasa
>Have you ever cosplayed as a Touhou character /jp/? What was it like? Did anyone recognize who you were cosplaying as?
I'm quoting the catalog.

>> No.10723657
Quoted by: >>10723781

Everything's been discussed to death here. I don't even hang out on /jp/ anymore, mostly during events and game releases.

>> No.10723660
Quoted by: >>10723672

>/jp/ is as far off secondary as you can get.
There's no way anybody can actually fucking believe this.

>> No.10723672

who cares
fan elitism over who was into touhou "first" is fucking retarded. why can't we all just get along and enjoy touhou together?

>> No.10723674

Because some fans don't get along with other fans.

Which is no problem as they stay in their own communities.

>> No.10723681

Only if you stop spouting retarded memes which have nothing to do with canon.
Making these jokes a few times is fine, but holy shit you secondaries love running things into the ground when you don't even know their origin

>> No.10723709
Quoted by: >>10723713

I just find this all pretty dumb that people who think they liked touhou "before it was cool" are so elitist about it.

touhou's been discussed to death over the past couple years, there's really nothing left to say about the game canon and lashing out against people for discussing other things is silly.

besides personally i dislike the lewd discussions more, why would anyone want to fuck a touhou? thats disgustingly impure.

>> No.10723713
Quoted by: >>10723728

Please do not misuse blah blah

>> No.10723716

Remilia doesn't have Flandre locked in the basement. She chooses to stay down there because she's a hikki.

>> No.10723721
Quoted by: >>10723741

Prove it.

>> No.10723728
File: 262 KB, 600x600, 1347692249314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll misuse whatever I want
suck my dick, dude

>> No.10723730

I very rarely actually see anyone "spout memes" like people always complain about. And if they do, it's usually ironically. Not saying that's any better, but it isn't coming from the "secondaries" everyone loves to hate. I'm sure /jp/ massively overstates the problem.

>> No.10723733
Quoted by: >>10723740

These people actually exist, but they don't come to /jp/.

>> No.10723735
Quoted by: >>10723752

Please stop. /jp/ doesn't like surprises.

>> No.10723737

Misusing spoilers is a bannable offense, little kid.

>> No.10723741

It says so in one of ZUN's books, or something.

>> No.10723740
Quoted by: >>10723755

Then why does /jp/ complain about them so much? Just avoid them.

>> No.10723744

Flandre is not a hikki, she just obeys her sister. And she does not "stay in the basement", she "usually doesn't leave the mansion".

>> No.10723752

fine I'll stop
but only because I love you /jp/

>> No.10723755

Because /jp/ is full of miserable faggots who have nothing better to do than lord over people who they are supposedly superior to in some way.

>> No.10723781
Quoted by: >>10723827

And what are you doing here then?.

>> No.10723789

It's even worse when done ironically, people know they are being stupid and are dumb enough to believe it's funny when they do it anyways.
I prefer genuine retards, at least they can't help it

>> No.10723827
Quoted by: >>10724014

What are YOU doing here?

>> No.10724014
Quoted by: >>10724019

I don't even know anymore.

Good Night.

>> No.10724019

See you tomorrow.

>> No.10725147

Go die faggot

>> No.10725159

no idea either
