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10226829 No.10226829[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the Touhous are pretty."

- I'll be seeing you soon, Lanza.

>> No.10226842

What if Lanza went on his rampage because his homu thread got deleted on /jp/

>> No.10226844
File: 19 KB, 645x773, 1355782790402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally feels good, man.

>> No.10226848

Who are you quoting?
"I'll be seeing you soon" is a strange last name, especially when it's preceded by "Lanza"

>> No.10226857
File: 250 KB, 320x180, 1355628230472.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Complaining about 4chan rules and moderation outside of /q/ will get you banned.

>> No.10226863
File: 43 KB, 200x185, 1353200006311715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up you homo.

>> No.10226857,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'd like to see the janitor sleep after seeing this.

We all know Lanza was a /jp/ shitposter who had enough.

>> No.10226870


Being a little faggot anywhere will get you mocked.

>> No.10226877
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Being a fgt will get you flipped the fuck off.

>> No.10226887

I look a lot like Lanza.

Anyway, this whole "gun control" thing is retarded.
What we need is for someone to go on a rampage using unconventional weapons. No guns. No knives. No bombs. I'm talking stuff like... a baseball bat with nails driven into it.
That would prove to people that guns aren't the problem. It's psychotic losers.

>> No.10226897

>low score
>needs sufficient technique and muscle power
>can't beat self to death when cops come

>> No.10226898

I bet every socially awkward computer nerd in America has been getting weird looks since Friday.

>> No.10226905

You could charge the cops with the bat and have them execute you

>> No.10226909

>can't beat self to death when cops come
Just stick some explosives on yourself.

>> No.10226918


Which in turn will create more mass killers.

>> No.10226923

Why would you kill yourself?

Just do it in a state with no death penalty and you'll be taken care of for the rest of your life. They even have internet in some prisons these days, and nobody is going to fuck with a crazy serial killer in for life with nothing to lose.

>> No.10226926


every socially awkward computer nerd in America has been getting weird looks since the 80s

>> No.10226930

fuck yo ujaninot

>> No.10226930,1 [INTERNAL] 

If that were true he would've left his HDD so /jp/ would be traced to and deleted.
