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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 801 KB, 2800x4000, 20201202_131619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30079460 No.30079460 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30079485

fucking rrat

>> No.30079488

based as fuck but i worry that she's taunting the doxxniggers and they're gonna keep digging

>> No.30079496
Quoted by: >>30080650

So do I.
Anyways, please sell me any zombiecoin you have left...

>> No.30079500
File: 2.85 MB, 854x480, Shark Dance [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fty0mhs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the thread

>> No.30079506
File: 269 KB, 800x619, EoNtQG1VQAAXbup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079665

Gura is awake and retweeting art.

>> No.30079507
File: 71 KB, 640x358, 1604673745837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079554


Here's her singing Sorario Days

>> No.30079508

Jewloli has a stalker leaving tampons in her mailbox and bashing on her door, so she hasn't been streaming. She was still doing pretty decent with 150+ viewers in her last few streams, which isn't as much as the 300 she got but is still more than the <50 she started at.

>> No.30079509 [DELETED] 
File: 268 KB, 776x326, 1580201111589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder

>> No.30079510
File: 154 KB, 1007x991, 1582345053366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ame and Mikochi!!

>> No.30079516
File: 857 KB, 4096x2305, ri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a rice loli stream that was enjoyable

>> No.30079518
File: 73 KB, 768x1024, 1604502671221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There better be no rrat around in this thread.

>> No.30079519


>> No.30079523
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, EoJWbejVEAISwmO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079530
File: 203 KB, 601x361, 6i0vqopdatg51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki tries her best, she's great at reading, is getting better with comprehension and has similar ability to Korone to convey meaning without really handling grammar that well

it's hard to say how much of it is DeepL/google, but it's still more effort than most HoloJPs put in

>> No.30079536


>> No.30079537
File: 150 KB, 666x911, 1606924548570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079538
File: 874 KB, 352x640, 1587219371703.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079539

Dont start this shit again

>> No.30079540
File: 225 KB, 390x392, 1600484899948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079543
File: 1.44 MB, 1199x675, water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to keep up your motivation and do your reps while we wait for Gura, Chumbuds.

>> No.30079542

I don't mind seeing this in every thread.

>> No.30079544
Quoted by: >>30080216

Someone take Twitter away from her

>> No.30079545
File: 151 KB, 540x600, homodiscord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079549 [SPOILER] 
File: 97 KB, 756x855, 1606933237336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079553
File: 93 KB, 432x372, protochumguts drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, Vergil.

>> No.30079554
File: 145 KB, 1200x1600, 1603691517078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, what's with this quality? The audio is crisp, the lip movements are kino


>> No.30079556

>still more effort than most HoloJPs put in

>> No.30079560

fuck off

>> No.30079564

Did a holo get it?

>> No.30079567
File: 2.68 MB, 444x250, 1605135762942.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure how much longer I can go on without Ame...

>> No.30079570
File: 111 KB, 463x453, hotgey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079573
File: 533 KB, 1200x848, 1605796319587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thoughts on this absolute brat?

>> No.30079574

How likely is it you will end up with stalker 3 figure viewers? Seems really unfortunate.

>> No.30079578

whats the rrat for the Ina talking stream?

>> No.30079579
File: 835 KB, 919x1300, __aki_rosenthal_hololive_drawn_by_kumamiya__9e5e10e1fcefcfaa7b9ff0a296cbb18b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079580

it's long past time one of those pieces of shit got locked up in a fucking prison cell for this behavior

>> No.30079582
Quoted by: >>30079730

I said it already in the past >>/jp/thread/S29438549#p29439279

>> No.30079587

I'm beginning to think the holos actually are aggressively stupid and not just pretending

I watched Ina's (and then Subaru's for comparison) playthroughs of Half-Life 2 and HOLY FUCK

>> No.30079588

how do these psychos find people's addresses so quickly?

>> No.30079590
File: 87 KB, 631x800, sad frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no rep that will make me 6ft.

>> No.30079591
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 7mnT7mtC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079624

I'm lonely when she's not streaming!

>> No.30079596
File: 102 KB, 900x900, 453435315351435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30079599
Quoted by: >>30079667

I need a tako

>> No.30079600
Quoted by: >>30079630

What she do?

>> No.30079601


>> No.30079602

go back nigger

>> No.30079604
File: 142 KB, 2048x1536, 1601214074114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adore her

>> No.30079605

personality reps

>> No.30079609

i watch this in full every time it's posted. the tail slaps, cat shark, and hoodie are too cute.

>> No.30079610

Gacha rots the brain
Please understand

>> No.30079611

graduating soon

>> No.30079614
File: 47 KB, 348x500, 3415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your oshi
>what deck would she play in YuGiOh!

>> No.30079615


>> No.30079617

Cut them some slack, they are females.
They do very well for themselves all things considered.

>> No.30079619

>Recite your baseline.

And domino pepeloni began to order. A no-one pepeloni, within cheese pan, within cheese pan, within ear of pizza. And explained by my drawing, pepeloni on top, I pick this up away because I don't eat it.

>> No.30079620
File: 29 KB, 738x415, Tlacuache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave the rrats to me.

>> No.30079621

Ever stopped to consider the game is also shit on top of them playing like shit

>> No.30079622
File: 54 KB, 500x432, 1601433606408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She and chicken have grown on me. Having to watch mori's descent into madness helped me realize Gura and Kiara were actually pretty cool after all.

>> No.30079624

I want Ina to collab with Monoe but Monoe hates waito piggu!

>> No.30079627

a fucking 2hu

>> No.30079628
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, 1600967434637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079741

re: Koopa.

>> No.30079630

nothing it's a dumb narrative some fag is samefagging about, there isn't actually anything happening

>> No.30079631
Quoted by: >>30079722

I just wonder what made her do it though that she even got Gura involved. Suddenly not giving a fuck anymore, something should've happened in between right?

>> No.30079632
Quoted by: >>30079702

>homostar fujos hate het shipping as much as idolfags

>> No.30079633
File: 253 KB, 1422x800, 1606933420707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the Hololive fighting game.

>> No.30079634

Newfags (people not online before 2007) dont understand the reach of MLP in 2010-2014. There's ponies etched in the literal space station.
They think its something like furries or the sonic fandom, something that some people online did.

>> No.30079635

Is this about Astel?

>> No.30079638
File: 83 KB, 300x300, 1601723064938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080333

RRATO shimureta

>> No.30079639
File: 677 KB, 1068x561, pepeloni [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1z8joe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079642
Quoted by: >>30079707

Gura is for unity https://streamable.com/0e7unq

>> No.30079645

Has Kiara considered making her Holotalk into a subbed video instead of streaming it live? Has this suggestion even been made to her? If not I’m gonna consider superchatting it to her.

>> No.30079647
File: 7 KB, 227x222, 1606756408670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079648

>Question for Fubuki: Is there anything you want to tell foreign fans who may only know about or discovered your channel through your short meme videos like "I'm Scatman" or "Astronomia"? How did you feel when these videos went viral and fans started calling you "Meme Queen"?
This is the first question on the comunity tab for the FBK collab... i dont think this is a shallow question

>> No.30079653
File: 183 KB, 462x533, 3f269f5f3ea4f038d3ca37f3d6ce9bc6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a fucking Rozen Maiden, anon.

>> No.30079657

As long as you're above like 5ft7 you can bullshit your way through, they can't tell the difference

>> No.30079659

I like the pepeloni

>> No.30079660
File: 300 KB, 728x737, rratslayer kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move aside rookie.

>> No.30079661

>your oshi
>how likely is she to surveypost before 50 replies in

>> No.30079664
File: 685 KB, 1036x3476, droptions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30079663

Gura is the character that has low damage but high movement and fast attacks.

>> No.30079665
Quoted by: >>30079880

Gura please stream today, just do anything for an hour, I'm going to die

>> No.30079667
Quoted by: >>30079680


>> No.30079670

she wants to do it live because she doesn't have the time to sub and hour long video

>> No.30079671 [DELETED] 

please do it, if you guys actually voiced most of your suggestions to the holos instead of yelling into the void it would probably help them improve greatly

>> No.30079673

western women should not be allowed to play videogames

>> No.30079672

Why is Polka the most recent follow on Gura's Twitter?

>> No.30079674
File: 240 KB, 650x650, 1601408634652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079701

>Mori antis
>Dedicated zombie antis even before debut
Does /hlgg/ just hate the dead, or is it Thanatophobia taking the form of antis?

>> No.30079675

what the fuck happened to Kiara's stream? is it over? I can't find the link anywhere

>> No.30079676

Yes she considered it but the Chat said they'd like it live since it makes guest appearances possible and off-the-cuff questions as well.

>> No.30079678

she did, i dont remember her reasoning for not doing it apart from having to actually subtitle the video.

>> No.30079679

aki reddithal

>> No.30079680
File: 148 KB, 731x381, 1584875407730.pngf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079787

Ina has the best art

>> No.30079681
File: 176 KB, 1150x1200, 1605356386987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to all the rrats. Don't play your cards immediately, bide your time, get stronger, wait for the right moment to strike, and most of all, remember that she is watching

>> No.30079693
Quoted by: >>30079773

It's not.
She's just being a dumb bitch, it's fine. I hope you enjoy the same questions she asked Marine.

>> No.30079695

Ahh, fun times. Made some lifelong friends through this.

>> No.30079698

She was thinking of whether she wanted to do it live or subtitled before debuting it, she decided to go with live after giving it some consideration. I agree with you that it would be better subbed though.

>> No.30079699

>i dont think this is a shallow question
she didn't say every EOP had shit questions

>> No.30079700
File: 117 KB, 700x800, 1590429651919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everything on /jp/ that's not a vtuber a 2hu to you guys?

>> No.30079701

What does /hlgg/ think of fandeads?

>> No.30079702

Homos unironically fear that shit the most. They try to be professional as fuck because of the shit they would get if they seemed like they were trying anything with the girls.

>> No.30079704

she's just fucking with everyone, look at the "not really :D" at the bottom right

>> No.30079707
Quoted by: >>30079755

You do have to wonder what kind of mental gymnastics people who claim to hate one of the HoloENs but have another one as an oshi resort to. Like, do they have to convince yourself your oshi is lying or stupid when they say that they really like the Holo you hate and think they're an amazing person? I wonder, sometimes.

>> No.30079710

Her reasons against making it a video
>Time consuming to sub
>No random interactions like Ame appearing in the chat
>People like live shows more

>> No.30079711

Try that shit on my Ame

>> No.30079713

Almost rt'd cunny T u T

>> No.30079714
Quoted by: >>30079754

I know it’s a rozen maiden but it’s easy (You)s

>> No.30079715


>> No.30079716

I think the first stream after holotalk she talked about that a bit

>> No.30079717
File: 2.39 MB, 1000x1000, 1606929847157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079720
File: 158 KB, 343x399, 1606072667791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080432

That's not 2hu you dumb newfag

>> No.30079722

She didn't get Gura involved. Gura already followed the account. It just showed up again since it was restored.

>> No.30079723
Quoted by: >>30079802

Gura pretty much implies that Kiara is the person she talks to the most, next to Ame of course

>> No.30079726
Quoted by: >>30079758

oh shit, it is privated...

>> No.30079727
Quoted by: >>30080432

Get out of /jp/

>> No.30079730
Quoted by: >>30079845

I said a couple threads ago that the only thing preventing hololive from becoming something close to 2011 mulp is that people cant hololiveify other franchises.

>> No.30079731
File: 284 KB, 1500x698, POWER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/, I've come to a conclusion that I am still lacking in my POWER of UNITY.
give me good pics of your oshi's accessories or caps I can crop them out of so that I can show you all a true DEVIL'S POWER.

>> No.30079733

no one will ever deserve that much cuteness, anon.

>> No.30079736

Well if you want to be a fag and find it now there's an easy access to it so that perhaps they can stop shitting up threads.

>> No.30079737
File: 1.92 MB, 2315x2265, ogeys at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079739
File: 32 KB, 451x453, 1602980130035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incomparably adorable.

>> No.30079741

I don't want redditors or falseflaggers to ruin kwapi..

>> No.30079744

Help me, I can't do it

>> No.30079753

How did they explain the cheek pun in the first one

>> No.30079751

Gura should be the opposite, APEX strength but is too lazy and confused to move quickly.

>> No.30079752
Quoted by: >>30080479

I could see her being a little zoning shit with a long poke that throws tridents

>> No.30079754

you're not even me, but also yes I did post that for easy (You)s

>> No.30079755

They don't think simple as. Wanting your oshis friend to graduate is peak schizo behavior.

>> No.30079757
Quoted by: >>30079894

YouTube fucked up, it's under her past live streams. If in doubt, check that first.
Here it is anyway:

>> No.30079758
Quoted by: >>30079827

What the fuck are you talking about?
It's right there

>> No.30079759

Does anyone here have the "Gawr Gura has marked you for death" webm?

>> No.30079762

Sure, looks good but Nude dlc when?

>> No.30079764
Quoted by: >>30079776


>> No.30079766
Quoted by: >>30079811

For me, it was
>Calli, you're 15 degrees
>No, degrees

>> No.30079770

Vergilposter is still my oshi.

>> No.30079773

reading more of then there are plenty of dumb/meme ones, i gues shes not entirely wrong

>> No.30079774

Yes, specially the holahole threads

>> No.30079776


>> No.30079781
Quoted by: >>30079813

>hurr durr everyone used to be a brony
actual brony cope

>> No.30079787

Of couse she draws it herself afterall

>> No.30079790

Any rrats about this? Did they know each other previous to applying? Or just the regular roommate courtesy after getting in?

>> No.30079789

Why wouldn't she be? She's great.

Also if it wasn't just Gura watching some Polka VODs and liking her, then maybe they've been talking - possibly collab potential for the near future? Polka really like the ENs so it wouldn't surprise me if she just hit up Gura on discord and they managed to chat a bit.

>> No.30079791


>> No.30079792

The answer was in front of your eyes all along.

>> No.30079799
Quoted by: >>30079820

She didn't get her involved in what? What are you people talking about?

>> No.30079800


>> No.30079802

i dont think so, isnt she closer to Ina? after ame of course

>> No.30079809
File: 107 KB, 388x516, 1604032563927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079811
Quoted by: >>30081171

Remember when Gura said she's an apex predator and Mori said "ah yes, Apex. I'd like to play that some"

>> No.30079812

Ame was spotted in one of HER old twitch streams so they might have been at least familiar with each other.

>> No.30079813

Hit me up when the holocon happens and Ill buy you a beer. Two even.

>> No.30079816

i was amazed at this drawing for the first time, but, after seeing a faggot replied his tweet with "a reference", i realised the drawing was fucking traced

>> No.30079817
File: 44 KB, 669x763, 1606765327003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079820

Ame reactivated her roommate's account, then it showed up as HER most recent follow due to Twitter quirks

>> No.30079821


>> No.30079822

I watched Ina's HL2 playthrough and realized that the entire pre-end sequence is the foundation for all the shitty modern warfare games that came after it (as well as thanks to CS, too, come to think of it). Ina's skills notwithstanding that part looked like actual horseshit.

>> No.30079825


>> No.30079827

found it now

>> No.30079828

Probably roommate courtesy, asked Nene, she did the same

>> No.30079829

what if their camera glitched and showed their real faces for a moment wouldn't that we weird haha

>> No.30079830

it just means that you have to go back in the archives and lurk more, somethin simple

>> No.30079835
File: 161 KB, 579x576, 1606854832752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079879

'Ate Niji's
'Ate the moon
'Ate numbers
'Ate Indos (not racist just don't like 'em)

Luv tendies
Luv death
Luv numbers
Luv me rabbit

Simple as

>> No.30079837
Quoted by: >>30079956

Sora released a new cover

>> No.30079841

At least Mori and Kiara should be happy

>> No.30079845
Quoted by: >>30079912

Why? It didn't stop 2hus from redrawing absolutely everything into their girls.

>> No.30079847

That would be impossible.

>> No.30079850
File: 169 KB, 480x473, 1587854604483.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079854
File: 1.10 MB, 1274x540, 1606849251057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaaaah I CAN'T WAIT!

>> No.30079855


>> No.30079856 [SPOILER] 
File: 490 KB, 1280x720, 1606933921153.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079857
Quoted by: >>30079889

>why wouldn't she be
I would've thought she followed Polka a long time ago. I always figured the accounts were automatically set up by management to follow all the other Holos.

>> No.30079858
Quoted by: >>30079902

Is Mori open to facesitting?

>> No.30079859

Not possible

>> No.30079860
File: 1.46 MB, 1100x733, Bowling for Ame [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fde8zrh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080097


>> No.30079864

how new?

>> No.30079865
File: 36 KB, 506x512, 4t-3I1iyXEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079867
File: 40 KB, 970x808, benismae inais.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like 2hu threads, train threads and OC threads

>> No.30079869 [SPOILER] 
File: 40 KB, 323x389, 1606933962662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this roommate discussion
Only thing that comes to mind

>> No.30079873


>> No.30079875

Probably closer to Ina yes but everytime when Gura talks about talking to her Genmates on discord, it's guaranteed that she always name drop Ame and Kiara.

>> No.30079879

I love you Norfposter

>> No.30079880

No, let her rest for RFA and Yoga weekend.

>> No.30079881
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1467416574997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080710

Fuck me, here comes the 10th time I'm listening to Mori's Black Parade today. It's not even that good.

>> No.30079882

Anon... your anime reps...

>> No.30079886

It always gets a bit screwy right after it ends

>> No.30079889

I'm almost positive they are, which means it was either an accidental unfollow and refollow or management fucked up and didn't follow her in the first place.

>> No.30079890


>> No.30079891

>rushia is fake and only in it for money
>fanded will blindly defend her
>doesn't care for her genmates
you know, the usual...

>> No.30079892
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1602274873064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080032

Could Gura do denpa?


>> No.30079893

You know it does genuinely make me happy that if Ame actually does actually come here even if it's just to read really quickly, that she may see my posts. I'm not someone who wants or needs constant attention, but I can't pretend it wouldn't make me happy and warm if she read one of my posts. Yes I know that's gay as fuck.

>> No.30079894

>no chat
was there a yab?

>> No.30079895
File: 135 KB, 684x813, 1606429560698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im actually looking forward to this weekend
for once

>> No.30079897
File: 1.77 MB, 3000x1840, 1606882626479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079898

>Mori will leave holoEN after moving back to America. and join Vs*ojo and immediately collab with charlie
wtf bros is this true

>> No.30079901

>miko debuts on twitch
>watame has a twitch channel
>ame also has a twitch channel
its time bros. hololive is beginning mass exodus to twitch

>> No.30079902

She won't say no, that's for sure

>> No.30079903


>> No.30079906

...Your point? It's traced from an ANIME screencap and much more detailed compared to the original one on top of that.

>> No.30079907

How long until she works her magic on ID2?

>> No.30079911

I sure hope it is

>> No.30079912

And if 2hu wasnt a dead franchise from an asian volcanic island it would be massive, yes. This is (used to be) the touhou board for dedicated touhou posting.

>> No.30079916

No doubt she likes Ina, but she strikes me as the silent type even in discord, so it's very likely she talks more to Ame and Kiara.

>> No.30079917
File: 24 KB, 596x195, 1583145090480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not, what the fuck are you on about?
If you're checking on mobile, reminder that mobile twitter doesn't display follows in chronological order.

>> No.30079918

>i realised the drawing was fucking traced
anon the original is pic is of a rapping zombie

>> No.30079921
File: 1000 KB, 1024x576, Notorious MORI [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8jofxo.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Narrative posters are a shadow of their former self

>> No.30079923

Yeah, it's true, the voices in my head confirmed it.

>> No.30079924

I hope she reads my posts of encouragement and also watches Blade Runner please Ame i beg you

>> No.30079926

Yes, my father is Yagoo and he said the exact same thing

>> No.30079927

Guys, how do we make Aki loved more?
Would spreading this link work?

>> No.30079928
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1593535062046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she hasnt already started

>> No.30079929
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1603844802895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30079933

Artia left one last bomb behind before she died.

>> No.30079940

I fucking wish

>> No.30079945


>> No.30079946

>due to careful curation of what's /jp/-enough or not.
Hypothetically, what would it take for /hlgg/ to be moved to /trash/?
I doubt /hlgg/ is here to stay given the way you described it.

>> No.30079951

Sometimes it can take an hour for the chat to reappear. That's completely normal.

>> No.30079950

who tf is charlie?

>> No.30079953
Quoted by: >>30079990

have you seen the updated version, anon?

>> No.30079956


>> No.30079959

Twitch is a better streaming platform anyway

>> No.30079965

>>ame also has a twitch channel
if you aren't talking about Roommate or Bubba. then that's a fake

>> No.30079966

she's not. she's way down the list, with gura's original day 1 batch of hololive talent follows.

>> No.30079967

No they're not, what about the archived streams Youtube offers?

>> No.30079968
File: 58 KB, 691x647, 1588838270574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079991

You're watching your oshi when this CEO comes and slaps your oshi's roommate's ass. What do you do?

>> No.30079969
Quoted by: >>30080059

Seems like live chat is just "rendering", or whatever process causes it to be delayed (presumably it goes through the spam filter a second time). If it was edited, there'd be a box with "Live chat replay is not available for this video." over the recommended feed.

>> No.30079971

>Hololive is moving over to twitch to bully Art*a with their numbers
Holy based.

>> No.30079975
File: 1.01 MB, 1250x877, 1601396249542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats the whole fucking point of the image you colossal retard, its a zombie idol show and shes a zombie idol

>> No.30079979

>El diseño de nene es hermoso.
>Does Nene know some spanish?
>separados por idiomas, pero unidos por nene
Fernando Cayetano... Your reps de no hacer el ridiculo online, onegai...

>> No.30079980

Anyone have a screen cap of the anon who admitted to warcrimes? I think it was in response to Gura or Ame asking if anyone was on the naughty list?

>> No.30079982 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 2929x2373, 2498084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel?

>> No.30079984
File: 2.42 MB, 3583x5059, 1606512733462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079986
Quoted by: >>30080094

>silent type even in discord
I don't think that's true, from the various Minecraft log yabs she seems to be pretty chatty and uses tons of emojis.

>> No.30079989

Just youtube being a small indie company

>> No.30079990
File: 139 KB, 313x289, 1606673405079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080039

I have not

>> No.30079991

>300k subs vtuber

>> No.30079996
Quoted by: >>30080114

Now I don't know how big Ame's roommate was on twitch but HER has a lot of connections in just twitch because of how big her YT channel was. It's possible that they did possibly meet before hololive

>> No.30079998
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1600756636795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IDs all debut at 5 AM PST
Are you going to watch them Ameribros?

>> No.30079999
Quoted by: >>30080016

Welcome to /hlgg/, take your meds and do your reps.

>> No.30080001
File: 45 KB, 827x590, 1577358265943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080066

>Mori will leave holoEN
If only that were true

>> No.30080003
Quoted by: >>30080271

To be honest I'm surprised she doesn't sub the whole video afterwards
It's only 1 video every ~3 weeks, can't be that bad.

>> No.30080008
Quoted by: >>30080016

Lurk moar

>> No.30080009

>Nene's design is gorgeous
>Separated by language but united for Nene
Basado para ser honesto familia

>> No.30080011

Content creators follow each other all the time. They were aware of each other.

>> No.30080012

I will almost certainly be up anyway due to my job so yes.

>> No.30080015
Quoted by: >>30080119

Well if she actually did ask for Watchalong advice then I hope she listens to it because I saw some good opinions in there like not doing too many public watchalongs because it only really brings in people spamming chat about where to find the movie or that she really doesn't need to worry about talking over the movie and should in fact talk even more.
I wish for a universe where they all had chats they could actually properly interact with but it is fitting for this fuck of a world to be the way it is. At least they have each other to talk with so they're not just stuck with giant spamming viewerbases and brown nosing yes sayers.

>> No.30080016

dont tell me what to do niggers, cope and seethe

>> No.30080026

Why are Noelfags like this?
t. Elfriend janitor

>> No.30080027

Gonna try for sure. Not gonna sub to them tho. Can't stand indog language.

>> No.30080032
Quoted by: >>30080288

To this day I still don't have a fucking clue as to what denpa truly is.

My brain can sort tracks into "denpa" and "non-denpa", but fuck me if you asked me to define it.

>> No.30080033
Quoted by: >>30080047

go back now faggot

>> No.30080037
File: 245 KB, 1191x1684, 1606926474340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand your cutest Gura pictures

>> No.30080038
Quoted by: >>30080074

Who do I contact for the reimbursement of my IQ points after watching the Haachama pepeloni clip?

>> No.30080039
File: 841 KB, 1761x2175, emori fullbod test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080115

here you go

>> No.30080040
Quoted by: >>30080092

How much money have you given your Oshi? You do support them right?

>> No.30080041


>> No.30080044

this isn't /pol/ (You)

>> No.30080045
File: 695 KB, 1081x938, 1602595716571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the zombie girl already

>> No.30080047
Quoted by: >>30080072

The only faggots who need to go back are the deadbeats that think charlie should be common knowledge in hlgg

>> No.30080049

Of course gotta give that support.

>> No.30080050

This is the song that sold me on her
Goddamn, she's talented

>> No.30080052
File: 685 KB, 2560x1924, 1578945763557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080134

do you know pekora?

>> No.30080054

Not possible with the iPhone they are supposed to use, Towa had a close call but she was using a workaround webcam.

>> No.30080055

Consider I want this now and Cover could get some indy outfit like Tasofro to make it for them.

>> No.30080057
File: 1.06 MB, 1404x1463, 1605988780784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is cute!

>> No.30080059

i suspect it also has to do with formatting the chat into some seekable format based on timestamps, so that it can show the right chat messages as people seek around in the video.

>> No.30080060
File: 35 KB, 750x508, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080089


>> No.30080066

>Mori leaves Hololive because they won't let her collab with trash
>The trash refuses to collab with her because she is now a nobody

>> No.30080069
File: 394 KB, 2284x2332, 1587248255904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080070
File: 2.44 MB, 2337x2482, 1606927434046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080071
File: 86 KB, 533x388, 79E1DD8B-E791-41B8-A785-24AAAD417404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080190

>You know it does genuinely make me happy that if Ame actually does actually come here

>> No.30080072
Quoted by: >>30080109

Damn you really haven’t lurked for more than 1 (one) day huh

>> No.30080074
Quoted by: >>30080112

You need to buy them back from Haachama directly with a membership or superchat

>> No.30080075

Death-themed holos have a lot in common huh

>> No.30080078

Nothing, i'm not a horsefucker

>> No.30080079

Let her be a hidden gem. She's doing fine and she is my secret hipster underground thingy.
>inb4 Aki Reddithal
The fags went on their merry way and well-behaved rosetai are all that's left.

>> No.30080080

of course not, i hope we get more girls like her in the future

>> No.30080081
Quoted by: >>30080203

zombiegal is the art*mis of our generation

>> No.30080085
File: 769 KB, 600x510, 1601517531853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080089
File: 43 KB, 749x497, HAHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080157


>> No.30080092

Like two 5€ memberships.

>> No.30080094


Do you even watch ina? she talks a lot about how she over exaggerates when she types, and she will say a lot more over text, but will rarely reach out to someone unless she's reached out to first. She's like most introverted people are, it's not about being quiet or not talking, it's about choosing when you act differently. Gura is really outgoing and probably reaches out to people without hesitation, so she and ina will probably talk a lot.

>> No.30080097
File: 967 KB, 245x250, 1606829526895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080309

t-two .. days... anon..

>> No.30080098

I don't think she'll be fully accepted until she does at least one direct collab with an EN.

>> No.30080101

i refuse to watch filthy, shitskinned indogs.
their voice + accent by default hard filters me.
plus, their roommates being extremely unattractive by default (because they're seanigs) is also a huge turn off.

>> No.30080105
File: 388 KB, 2169x1930, headpat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080107
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, 1606934449324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't seen the anime, you owe it to yourself to catch up because there are going to be a lot of references. It's also a fun show.

>> No.30080109

That was a different anon, anon

>> No.30080111

considering that she's a woman she probably just remembers the bad posts

>> No.30080112
Quoted by: >>30080316

That just sounds like a scheme to steal more of my precious IQ points.

>> No.30080114

*Shrug* More likely that she was another person Ame was watching on Twitch and that they actually hit it off during the summer when they all got to know each other.

>> No.30080115
File: 454 KB, 564x873, 1599961310609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's perfect

>> No.30080119

Anon don't use my happy post to complain about your own personal hang ups that you can't get over.

>> No.30080121

Anon i noticed you dont follow the hivemind, do not worry you maybe didnt notice but you are not supposed to like them, take care and be wiser in the future :D

>> No.30080123
File: 57 KB, 1048x234, IA M NOW TWEETING YOUR FAMIYLS ADDRSS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080124

The absolute state of "she's here" posters

>> No.30080134
File: 446 KB, 2276x2912, Ekr11reWAAA_82v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080144


>> No.30080147
Quoted by: >>30080345

>Ame reads your posts
>it's just you randomly saying you love her, you want to lick her armpits, you can't stop thinking about her, you want to impregnate her, etc
I'd rather have her read my messages in youtube and marshmallow where I behave slightly more normal.

>> No.30080148
Quoted by: >>30080186


>> No.30080150

pekora is the big chungus of hololive but who's the keanu reeves?

>> No.30080153

Does 5ch have SHE'S HERE posters too
Who do they think browses there the most

>> No.30080154

idk i think im gonna get filtered by the time I'm excited to see how they turn out though

>> No.30080156
Quoted by: >>30080436

>what would it take for /hlgg/ to be moved to /trash/
1. Thread quality hits /trash/ levels and meidos give up
2. Cover nukes their international branches

>> No.30080157


>> No.30080158


>> No.30080161


>> No.30080163

I should be able to at least watch Crazy Ollie, but I'm not sure about the others

>> No.30080165
File: 496 KB, 1282x2275, hahahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080166

Wanna see that sick Ollie.

>> No.30080169
File: 27 KB, 540x481, Hyperfun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average female height in Indonesia is 152cm, one of the shortest countries in the world
>Reine is 172cm, second tallest girl in the whole of Hololive

>> No.30080170
File: 72 KB, 909x768, A718EF2D-2A56-4FF3-90E1-72E21F88A0C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a board perfect for you:

>> No.30080173
File: 398 KB, 1422x800, 1606933429700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080176

Wait, that guy used the anime scene he was referencing as a reference? Shocking.
I'm also amazed how some people seem to think it's impossible to accurately replicate a reference without fucking tracing it.

>> No.30080179
File: 218 KB, 1500x2000, 1605465071297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080180

Nene profile picture annoys me, it doesnt look like her at all.
I mean, I guess it looks like generic blonde #532 but still

>> No.30080181

What zero Ame does to a teamate

>> No.30080182
File: 387 KB, 1618x2500, 1605497282233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080183


>> No.30080186

Nevermind the last link, for some reason it didn't have the actual farm despite having it in the thumbnail.

>> No.30080190

I realize after I posted it ok.
I've been up for nearly twenty hours but I did fuck up so I guess I deserve it

>> No.30080191
File: 45 KB, 431x436, 1604739292707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try.

>> No.30080194

A-Are we the ironic weebs?

>> No.30080195

>Caring about roommates
Go back

>> No.30080197

>non-art skilled art "critics"

>> No.30080203

Oh shit, the zombie theme will be used to explain the voice.

>> No.30080204

Ame told us to be nice to the new girls. You guys won't make Ame disappointed, will you?

>> No.30080205

EST always wins baby

>> No.30080213

Man, I'm glad that I'm not into vidya and mostly watch these streams for the "performance" and interactions.
Who cares if the girls suck at playing? It's not the point.
Cry more, gaymers.

>> No.30080216

I'm so tired of her already

>> No.30080218

Makes all the difference

>> No.30080219

I'll be up and it'll be fun to watch the threads when the tranny speaks for the first time, so yes. Hopefully they do most of their stream in a human language instead of barking, though.

>> No.30080220

How are you so fucking stupid?

>> No.30080223

Unironically doing G-d's work.

>> No.30080225

Everyone in this thread works overtime to act in a way that would make their oshi disappointed every single day, anon.

>> No.30080231

Ame wont know I've been shitposting about zombie if no one tells her

>> No.30080234

Crazy Ollie has the same energy as Kiara's twitter pre-debut

>> No.30080239
File: 215 KB, 363x350, EF7C98FC-5599-435C-8D8E-3C54481BD18C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080346

>Ame actually does actually come here even if it's just to read really quickly, that she may see my posts.

>> No.30080240

Didn't 5ch catch vtubers shilling themselves and samefagging there?
What they don't have is the delusional NO ONE COMES HERE EVER posters.

>> No.30080241

Lets not lie to ourselves, reddit is still there, Aki just made them assimilate

>> No.30080243

I wish there were more Holos that did cooking streams.

>> No.30080245
Quoted by: >>30080379

One thing is for sure, Ame's roommate was definitely a HERfag

>> No.30080247
File: 129 KB, 331x307, 1602478084841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080248

You're right anon. I was getting a little iffy on the zombie but I'm not gonna let tiny stupid shit like that put me off. Let's support the new members!

>> No.30080249

Most people in this thread would make their oshi ashamed of them. I'll probably watch them from time to time but mainly Ollie.

>> No.30080250

It’s Gura, she’s certainly breathtaking.

>> No.30080251

>go through Gura's likes
>plenty of art tagged #gawrt but doesn't show up when you search through the tag
How does this happen?

>> No.30080252
File: 324 KB, 708x802, 1604344123286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080255

>Liked way more Gura art than Gura did and earlier too.
HAHA You lose!

>> No.30080257
File: 1.87 MB, 2048x1042, Tako 3-inch gun M5 coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fire support at the ready

>> No.30080259
Quoted by: >>30080290


>> No.30080263

if not even more

>> No.30080264


>> No.30080270

Ame is busy with her own problems rn, she won't see us.

>> No.30080269
File: 411 KB, 1178x851, 1581158269618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based cunny, might have to go all in

>> No.30080271
File: 241 KB, 973x911, 1606749430610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080401

Every hour spend on translating is an hour lost not doing something else. And when your hourly rate is close to a thousand bucks, you should never do the work yourself.

>> No.30080272
File: 3.07 MB, 2003x1419, 1604418481621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is an excellent MC.

I wouldn't be surprised if she turns the thing on its head and start interviewing Kiara.

>> No.30080274

I'm doing my part and saving this

>> No.30080275
File: 518 KB, 2500x2156, 1600744482249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080276
Quoted by: >>30080334

Its not the same because they know for sure that SHES HERE for a bunch of them, and at least one non-Holo chuuba was caught shitposting

>> No.30080277
File: 102 KB, 618x487, 1606875291797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should her fan name be?

>> No.30080278

>"liberal white woman in her 20s comes to 4chan to read my posts"
This time for real: Meds.

>> No.30080280

JPs browsing 5ch isn't even a secret. The narratives there are about how often and what they post.

>> No.30080284

more like in after

>> No.30080283

She follows artists and those artists follow and retweet other artists

>> No.30080287

Do your weeaboo reps unironically

>> No.30080288

upbeat and naturally catchy, can't stop yourself from grooving to it

>> No.30080290
File: 953 KB, 2048x2042, 1589914908436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt cover just hire a new VA?

>> No.30080293
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x2272, 1606501230198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080361


>> No.30080294

more like shartemis twitter predebut

>> No.30080296

Nenechi I'm begging you, please don't scare my peacock mommy away...

>> No.30080298

>Everyone in this thread
Speak for yourself, shithead

>> No.30080300

Pretty much the artists she follows rt or likes other arts that she sees in her feed, so she likes/rt them too.

>> No.30080301
Quoted by: >>30080341

She's dubious. Low hopes for low disappointment and massive surprise.

>> No.30080302
Quoted by: >>30080328

I can't see it

>> No.30080304


>> No.30080305
File: 1.68 MB, 206x286, adHZOO4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have very good reason to think that way, though.

>> No.30080307

that's a good thing

>> No.30080309

Jesus, Ame really spoiled you guys into a bunch of bitches. Only 2 fucking days, pathetic

>> No.30080313
File: 477 KB, 1199x677, 3P6F0p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080464

>> No.30080315
File: 176 KB, 1448x2048, gura1421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080317
File: 923 KB, 3066x4096, 7BC5D10B-3255-480C-9D30-FC1065E42073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080316
File: 400 KB, 504x749, 1606775748705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama guarantees your IQ becomes stronger or your money back

>> No.30080319
File: 1.23 MB, 1400x2000, 86049636_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30080318

It's even worse. She is Kiara on crack.

>> No.30080320
File: 2.58 MB, 4700x2482, 1606856103276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080322
File: 780 KB, 828x1179, 2F95EF63-9BC4-43CA-92DA-28D33C7AA7B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone in this thread works overtime
Speak for yourself. I work overtime to defend mine, whether it be anti hate or just bait

>> No.30080321

I mean, we're only seeing a lot of them bc they're new and are getting more attentions.
I don't watch tons of Holo girls like Noel or Matsuri either, and it doesn't matter?
Indifference should be the default here if you're not into them. Hating is just unecessary.

>> No.30080323


>> No.30080327


>> No.30080328


>> No.30080332


>> No.30080333


>> No.30080334

Why won't they ENs love us like the JPs love their channel?

>> No.30080335

I did noy just woke up. What did Mori do again?

>> No.30080337
Quoted by: >>30081499


>> No.30080338
Quoted by: >>30080363

It will be something lame and uncreative like Zombros

>> No.30080341

I appreciate she's not acting like a retard on twitter

>> No.30080343
Quoted by: >>30080463

This is the strongest type of falseflag. Can't tell if it is or not.

>> No.30080344
Quoted by: >>30080534

She was criminally cute today as well, I fucking hate that bitch.

>> No.30080345

I mean true, but it's still nice either way. I don't say anything that sexual. Like yeah Ame is attractive, but not every feeling a guy has for girl has to be mainly or only sexual.

>> No.30080346

Who would do the watchalong? My bet is Mori.

>> No.30080347


>> No.30080351

5ch is pretty much 4ch + reddit so it's guaranteed that at most half of the JP girls lurk there

>> No.30080353

I haven't seen anything better than Kickflips

>> No.30080355

Like, how do you even hate on this

>> No.30080357


>> No.30080360


>> No.30080361
Quoted by: >>30080441

Wrong picture anon....

>> No.30080362

she said she wants to collab with charlie again

>> No.30080363

I would like to be called a Zombino

>> No.30080366

horsen PTSD kicks in

>> No.30080368

Oi Oi Ois

>> No.30080370

Stop calling it cunny when it has huge tits

>> No.30080372


>> No.30080378
File: 778 KB, 1773x1773, 1605039881603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely, japanese stream hours are usually good for euros

>> No.30080377

She can't keep getting away with this!

>> No.30080379

Yeah was. Now Ame is a shrimp.

>> No.30080380

She said nigger once

>> No.30080381
Quoted by: >>30080416

Apparently some dudes are making most hated vtubers lists are keep including Fubuki in them.

>> No.30080382
Quoted by: >>30080481

Horse is the shittiest animal

>> No.30080383
Quoted by: >>30080430

The Maggots

>> No.30080385
Quoted by: >>30080534

Sang a bunch of songs with no BGM on her Superchat stream.
And she was surprisingly good.

>> No.30080388

I wonder if she's learnt from the whole crap_gay fiasco or whether we'll see a repeat of it

>> No.30080391
File: 557 KB, 1262x698, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't scare me like this Ina.

>> No.30080393
File: 542 KB, 535x580, 1573140484255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work overtime to defend mine
Anon, she talked about that and told you to stop giving out (you)s.

>> No.30080394
Quoted by: >>30080430


>> No.30080396
File: 243 KB, 1000x1026, 1606673995208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30080397
File: 164 KB, 805x1201, i80cwyjhyq261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080398

It's padding and I refuse to believe otherwise until proven wrong

>> No.30080401

Now this is numberfagging I can get behind. Smart.

>> No.30080402

This containment thread^3 has been routinely disappointing Ame since the first 10 minutes of her debut stream. If not that, then her first Q&A with all the Gosling questions.

>> No.30080404

Some of them are artists that she follows either because they drew art of her or are working with Hololive. Those artists like and retweet art about her, which shows up on her feed. If you're only interested in art, it's really easy to fill up your art about a single subject (Hololive in this instance) by following 5 or 6 artists and just letting them fill your feed and follow the ones you like. I got a hundred FGO artists I follow and I only specifically went looking for a few of them.

>> No.30080406

>impromptu acapella is better than her serious performance
Truly the queen of scuffed.

>> No.30080407
Quoted by: >>30080453

To this day there are still people who tag their Gura art with #gwart instead of #gawrt.

>> No.30080410

>Astel called out shippers as virgins
>asked faggots to stop losing their mind about talking to coworkers

>> No.30080411

>what is oppai loli
Where do you fuckers even come from?

>> No.30080413

Do you have a Pastebin of her being cheeky or something? If not definitely start one.

>> No.30080415
Quoted by: >>30080496

I hate /an/ for making me this way

>> No.30080416
Quoted by: >>30080658

probably because FBK is overrated as shit.
yeah, she's friend. she's based because she shits on bugmen and collabs with homostars. but she's boring AS FUCK. hard filter.
shes the hololive equivalent to marijuana. shitty gateway drug that only casuals use and quickly move on from.

>> No.30080418
Quoted by: >>30080551

I'm waiting for 75% and/or 100%

>> No.30080422


>> No.30080423
Quoted by: >>30080442

She still sings like she's a really bad dub of an anime though

>> No.30080427

It worked great for Kizuna.

>> No.30080429

>all those HERFaggotry slip ups Ame makes while on-stream
This, definitely

>> No.30080430


>> No.30080432
File: 359 KB, 856x675, 1580460292694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rozen Maiden or how that shit is called is irrelevant and always was. This is the Touhou board, retards, and Touhou is known by everyone, even if they don't even know a shit about it or care about it. I only knew about the maid character because of desu posting, but everything else? Irrelevant. Pointless. Absolutely fucking WHO, WHEN, WHAT and WHERE. That's the difference between your pathetic shit anime and an actual successful franchise loved by everyone that keeps producing great fan arts, music, doujin, content of any kind. What did your desu shit anime produce? I'll tell you what: autism.
This board wouldn't exist without Touhou, and we wouldn't be here discussing Hololive (another thing more relevant and fun than your retarded anime nobody but 3 faggots and another 3 who died from old age watched). We should cast off every single faggot who didn't even get a single 1cc on any Touhou game on Normal, just to filter pathetic retards like you that think that spamming "desu" 1 billion times is any fun or do not possess the ability to push a few buttons and dodge a few bullets for 40 mins.

Not my fault you're coping because you wasted 20 years here. Go desu yourself out of existence. This is not even about "muh culture", because the board culture is Touhou, everything else is us allowing you on this board discussing your worthless shit. It's time to let go, oldfarts, everything you used to love is fucking pathetic compared to Touhou. Kneel and suck ZUN's dick, and remember to take it easy, so that I can keep see you seething here forever. Long live Touhou.
>but my defining 4chan culture
Died instantly, was unpopular, boring and stale and nobody cares about it anymore. Just like you, by the way.
>T-Touhou is dying too
False. Seethe, it's over retards. I just destroyed you.

>> No.30080433


>> No.30080435

Yeah and how would she react to this

>> No.30080437


>> No.30080438


>> No.30080436
Quoted by: >>30080697

More interesting is the implication that the split was actually to quarantine us, and that sharkmeido was iffy on our being here. He probably had the gun on /hlgg/'s temple on the day of the debuts, judging if we make the cut or not.

>> No.30080439

It's pretty much proven at this point. Sorry that you're unable to cope with the fact.

>> No.30080441
File: 227 KB, 1240x1754, 1605977339389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? I love the Chicken!

>> No.30080442
Quoted by: >>30080457

>literally sang in JP

>> No.30080444
File: 1.70 MB, 1191x1684, 85768857_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would make gen 5 even more sad if they just made someone else wear Aloe's skin.

>> No.30080447 [DELETED] 

Is haachama the only holo who is literally undoxxable?

>> No.30080449
Quoted by: >>30080534

She still lives rent free in the head of schizos

>> No.30080453

dumb ass fucking name i swear
what were they thinking

>> No.30080455

my bait is going cross-thread

>> No.30080457

Note the words
>really bad

>> No.30080460

If you search by top you'll get a twitter selection of posts, if you search by latest you'll get the whole thing up until it stops loading

>> No.30080459


>> No.30080462
File: 754 KB, 1221x1150, 1604165898165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080463

Anon...why would I false flag. I didn't even say anything negative. Is my post just that pathetic that you think I was trying to make teamates look bad?

>> No.30080464

Twas I

>> No.30080467

tbf, nenechi is indeed really cute

>> No.30080468


>> No.30080471
Quoted by: >>30080584

God that CGI has not aged well.

>> No.30080473
Quoted by: >>30080595

bc the avatar is never ever the main point

>> No.30080476

wtf i can't refute this!?

>> No.30080477

Nobody cares

>> No.30080478

Does Ollie smell bad?

>> No.30080479 [SPOILER] 
File: 202 KB, 350x650, 1606935248561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080574

>pokes you with her huge fucking normals from half the screen away all game while playing keepaway
Are you frustrated?

>> No.30080481

>t. his ancestors were conquered by BIG STALLION CAVALRY

>> No.30080486
File: 182 KB, 1165x2413, gura23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080489

It always catches me off-guard when I see 先輩 or 後輩 in text considering how common it is in speech, but maybe because I'm always used to seeing other terms like 様 or 君 in their stead in written speech.

>> No.30080490

Australia has a natural doxx barrier.

>> No.30080491

Cool, but fuck off

>> No.30080493
File: 628 KB, 1422x800, 1606934656103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed further.

>> No.30080497
File: 1.40 MB, 1300x1800, 1605218117160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080543

28 minutes into this katakana stream and Ame is pretty cute

>> No.30080496

Horses are for cowboy funtimes not degeneracy.

>> No.30080498
Quoted by: >>30080573

Haachama has been doxxed

>> No.30080501
File: 24 KB, 247x300, daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080557


>> No.30080502

Note your wrongness

>> No.30080507

I dont care for them at all, is that enough?

>> No.30080510

Subaru and Ayame are the closest to undoxxable.

>> No.30080511
Quoted by: >>30080577

Oppai loli is garbage. Fuck off.

>> No.30080512
Quoted by: >>30080743

I don't like pepeloni

>> No.30080513
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1584143417646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dub so bad it's in Japanese?

>> No.30080516

>check her tweet asking for names
>first replying is a doxxbeat
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.30080517

We've seen her hands in haachama cooking though.

>> No.30080518

>he doesn't know about "hey you twink gay fucking niggas"

>> No.30080521
File: 258 KB, 762x800, 1590361762433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080529


>> No.30080530

She doxxed her dad on stream anon

>> No.30080531

Zombie girls are very self conscious about the smell of decay, I bet she showers twice a day and uses lots of nice perfume.

>> No.30080532


>> No.30080534
Quoted by: >>30080566

So nothing new then. Are the rrats just starving?

>> No.30080535

No one cares faggot

>> No.30080537

the Darksliders

its my favorite grind trick in thps, sue me[/spoile]

>> No.30080542
File: 267 KB, 241x458, 1602245023471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically find this extremely cute

>> No.30080543

Yeah she was cuter than usual yesterday

>> No.30080551
File: 553 KB, 960x710, 1576722812917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this

>> No.30080552
File: 428 KB, 1279x922, 1602604931605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080554
Quoted by: >>30080622

Whatever the deck, we know how it would go.
>Ugh what does this card do?
>What, that's cheating!
>I didn't end my turn yet!
>You didn't shuffle the cards right!

>> No.30080557

Yes! Fucking this!

>> No.30080560

I want lolcow faggots to fuck off back to their hugbox

>> No.30080563

twitter search sucks, and it sucks more for high-traffic tags. her tag is a high-traffic tag.

>> No.30080566
Quoted by: >>30080810


>> No.30080567

Why didn't they protect her?

>> No.30080571

Probably no one if Rat Race of all movies is too "yab" for a watchalong.

>> No.30080573

Not real, just some schizo speculations. On the other hand we've all the Ens who have confirmed doxxes.

>> No.30080574

I main Faust, so no I'm not frustrated I'm rock hard instead

>> No.30080576
File: 167 KB, 474x544, 1584103919923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080632

I stand with Mori and Ollie
t. Undeadbeat

>> No.30080577


>> No.30080580
Quoted by: >>30080624

Is the Pepe on Ame's twitter header a FeelsWeirdMan or a FeelsOkayMan? Theyre similar except the first half she cropped out.

>> No.30080584

It’s 2002

>> No.30080586
File: 3.00 MB, 2600x1996, gura avrolancaster1945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080592 [DELETED] 

She has been doxxed and people can actually dig A LOT deeper but doing so is actually creepy, it actually get you arrested for being a creep.

>> No.30080595

not true, the avatar is what separates hololive from e-thots

>> No.30080599

A Vtuber is a strange existence, it's essentially a fictional character but one that is at least partially based on the real life person who is voicing it, everyone knows this so just popping in some other talent after one has to graduate leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouths

>> No.30080601
File: 122 KB, 204x225, 1589732855560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080602

Nice damage control, Astel. I know you're already fucked her with your INTERDIMENSIONAL COCK

>> No.30080604
File: 26 KB, 161x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080647

The Scourge.

>> No.30080608

Boondock Saints outyabs RR by multiple factors

>> No.30080610

Amelia Watson is Gura's OC

>> No.30080617
Quoted by: >>30080789

Rot is the process of flesh decomposing as it's metabolized (eg. eaten) by microbes and insects. If she was rotting, then there would be steadily less and less of her until there would finally be nothing at all. So no, no stink.

This is why the premise of zombie apocalypse movies is always absurd. A zombie doesn't stick around very long unless it's literally magic

>> No.30080619

So you're saying that if your oshi stopped streaming with her avatar, you'd never watch her again because she'd just be an e-thot?

The avatar is the price of admission, but you're staying for the personality of the actress.

>> No.30080622

>top decks bullshit when you're about to win
>ahahaha~ GET FUCKED!

>> No.30080624

It's neither because they're both dumb emotes. Also, maybe she was the schizo all along.

>> No.30080626
File: 242 KB, 452x410, 1596995028991.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when

>> No.30080627
File: 374 KB, 1936x2800, 1602475559745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080892

Big ups to My Boy, who seemed to be dorkier than usual today. Mori Love!

>> No.30080632

I stand with Ollie and Gura and sometimes when not at 2am I watch Mori
t. Necrobud

>> No.30080635
File: 150 KB, 900x1273, EoEFCPuUwAAZTil.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080974

Pretty tame innuendos. I honestly don't see anything out of the ordinary for a Holo here, but lolicons seem to be extra horny at all times. It's pretty hilarious.

>> No.30080636
File: 394 KB, 799x800, Kureiji_Ollie_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This situation with Ollie is like traveling in your uncle's car.

You ask your uncle where you're going and he says "it's a surprise". At first you're excited but as you're in the backseat of the car, you look down and find duct tape, a tazer and a gag ball.

As your uncle is driving deep into the woods, you start to get every disturbed thought hit your mind.

It's the same with Ollie and her twitter posts. We were all excited but as she posts more and more, it keeps getting worse and worse. We don't know what's going to happen but there are clear red flags that it's going to be bad.

>> No.30080637

>Your boy? Is he an old friend"
Not even a Brapbeat but that hurts

>> No.30080642

>So you're saying that if your oshi stopped streaming with her avatar, you'd never watch her again because she'd just be an e-thot?

>> No.30080644

Moo Nieu is the worst scene in the whole movie but everything involving Master Tang more than makes up for it.

>> No.30080646


>> No.30080647

ame is to blame for this post

>> No.30080650

I'm getting a kick out of the fact her very existence is pissing people. This is what it's like to be a Morifag I guess only with someone less cringe.

>> No.30080651
File: 659 KB, 730x1072, 1599235380318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My senses tell me that Amelia is cuter than usual today.

>> No.30080658

Your subjective opinion doesn't mean shit. Just because you don't understand what she says, and she won't scream like a retard for your benefit - you're going to say you don't like her.

There's no arguing with faggots like you. That's the last (you) I'm giving you.

>> No.30080657


>> No.30080660

This is a frighteningly specific and yet apt simile. I'm concerned both for you and for us, and for entirely separate reasons.

>> No.30080662

Too bad we'll never find out...

>> No.30080663
Quoted by: >>30080816

are you new to this or something?
ofc the avatar must be there.
that doesn't mean you can just switch out the talent behind the avatar and expect nobody to notice or react.
imagine someone replaced your fav with another voice and personality.

>> No.30080666
File: 346 KB, 1884x1225, 9788768674668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A DnD collab would be fun but the first stream would just be everyone spending 2 hours setting their characters up.

>> No.30080667

It's amazing how she already has antis

>> No.30080669
File: 234 KB, 1364x2048, EoOGodHUwAAxwgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*a's in your path*

>> No.30080670
Quoted by: >>30080703

Since she's a zombie and has to be removed from the ground, fans should be "digger nicks"

>> No.30080676
File: 372 KB, 483x602, hands up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you quoting my post from almost 2 days ago faggot? Did I live in your head that long for calling you a newfag?

>> No.30080679


>> No.30080689

I listen to these /v/ the musical and I was surprised by the amount of girls, not something you expect of 4chan

>> No.30080690
Quoted by: >>30080726

yeah but the your uncle's car finally exits the forest and you arrive at Disney World

>> No.30080691


>> No.30080692
File: 2.32 MB, 524x570, 1605028908311.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else not have an oshi? i just cant feel it, maybe i've become a monster

>> No.30080695

t. Illidan

>> No.30080696

I don't see how that's an issue considering that JPs had a separate stream just for that.

>> No.30080697

If you were here since pre-debut, all of what you said is obvious hell, the very first /hlgg/ thread had the message "Let's talk about non-jp holo vtubers here." on it.
I consider "Japan is on the globe" a cop out at this point, a necessary evil and leverage to have /hlgg/ stay on /jp/.

>> No.30080703
File: 3.93 MB, 10000x10000, big zhong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080698

the zombie will turn out to be the shyest and quietest member of ID 2 weeks after her debut

>> No.30080701
File: 376 KB, 480x961, Screenshot (129).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first tweet gura liked today was ame mamas nya-me drawing

>> No.30080702

W-What does Ina need to talk with us about...?
I'm nervous, bros...

>> No.30080704

she is actually (I'm her boyfriend (we're having sex))

>> No.30080707
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1606541557565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck 2hu

>> No.30080709
Quoted by: >>30080728

>black shorts
Yeah, it's shit.

>> No.30080710

it's not perfect but man it has SOUL

>> No.30080717

I'd rather watch Choopa desu

>> No.30080718

Sounds fun, that's what FBK did on her channel when they were setting up their characters for the Cthulhu TRPG.


>> No.30080719
File: 2.37 MB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pact is sealed.

>> No.30080720

Her liking someone you hate will just do that. Next Mori indeed, only she seems to be more like the lol randum waffle of d00m type poster than a Hot Topic sperg.

>> No.30080721

>Kiara flirting with all of Mori's female NPCs
>Gura murder hobo'ing everyone
>Ame complaining about all of her rolls
>Ina being the only one on the DM's good side and playing the game properly

>> No.30080726

So his buddy who works there can help him spitroast you.

>> No.30080727

DnD with normies is a soul crushing experience. I hate all people who start DnD

>> No.30080728
Quoted by: >>30080759

I think it's just the shadow.

>> No.30080729

I think the best way to do it would be to have Mori brief them offscreen, and then have each of the ENs do a solo character creation stream with chat sometime through the week leading up to the collab, so the collab can just start right up with all of their complete characters and jump right into the first session.

But I know this will never happen because Mori will invite more unrelated work onto herself and then flake while apologizing profusely.

>> No.30080730
File: 130 KB, 310x302, 1602455104048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just your favourite bro, doesnt have to mean gosling e-girlfriend

>> No.30080731

Iofi's PSO2 character creation was fun so I wouldn't mind DnD set up probably

>> No.30080740

peko...easy on the rrats...

>> No.30080743

i thought you disliked the basement? time for another go for you i suppose

>> No.30080744

>that cuff seam
If you're gonna cosplay at least do the costume part right.

>> No.30080746

I always felt that way when I had been on /a/ for a decade but never felt like I had a proper waifu.

Haven't found any trouble finding an oshi, though.

>> No.30080747
File: 705 KB, 846x920, 1600964814106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080844

In the name of the Mama, the Papa, and the Holy Chuuba. Amen.

>> No.30080749


>> No.30080752
Quoted by: >>30080791

It's amazing how she already has fans, too. You realize this goes both ways? If you can like her for reasons before debut, other people can dislike her.

>> No.30080757


>> No.30080758

That was just Ame being dumb. It wouldn't actually be a problem.

>> No.30080759

Gura's no pan.
No pan means going commando, hence no shorts, panties, bandaids, light, shadows or time.

>> No.30080768

If none of them seriously appeal to you, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.30080771
File: 1017 KB, 2088x3282, 687468435453435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's fan art is starting to blend together so much I actually can't tell if this is a new one or not. I'm sure I've seen it before but it was just uploaded to pixiv?

>> No.30080782

What classic game should Ina shit on next? I'm thinking she should play System Shock 2.

>> No.30080788
File: 459 KB, 600x600, uke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080789
Quoted by: >>30080830

Zombies have a desire to eat flesh so they must metabolize in some way. So the assumption would be a zombie that doesn't eat rots away, but a well fed one would not rot any worse than how bad they were when they rose from the dead.

>> No.30080787

How so?
>capslock all the time
>annoying, loud, obnoxious
>unironically watches woohoolad

Give me a reason to LIKE her right now.

>> No.30080791

anti don't just "dislike"
they actively hate and act on that hating
huge diff
don't be an anti even if you dislike her (or any girl)

>> No.30080792

That's just how DnD goes. They'd just have to make characters beforehand, although it would be pretty fun to watch them do.

>> No.30080797


>> No.30080799


>> No.30080800


>> No.30080804

>someone less cringe.
Mori is at least self aware.

>> No.30080805

It never died.

>> No.30080807

Correct, I would stop

>> No.30080808

I thought it was an undertale reference the whole time, am I too jaded?

>> No.30080810

Launch ze protocol

>> No.30080816

which literally happened

>> No.30080819
Quoted by: >>30081007

anyone got timestamp for when she talked about vtubers?

>> No.30080821

Final Fantasy VI (bonus if she compares it to XIV)
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario 64
Mario Kart 64
Zelda: OOT
Pac Man

>> No.30080822

why do you read her Twitter then?
I don't like her design, so I just don't... follow her

>> No.30080826
Quoted by: >>30080923

Please explain how any posting in this thread has been the latter and not the former, then, retard. We can call the zoomer zombie an obnoxious cunt without attacking her. Especially since she is, in fact, being an obnoxious cunt.

>> No.30080827

>Cover has gotten itself in a pretty big debt and need to pay it back FAST
>They decide to sell the talents for life then shut down the company forever
> Who would you buy and how much would you pay?

>> No.30080829

Cute fangs

>> No.30080830

>so they must metabolize in some way
This is (not) true

>> No.30080831

If she shit on any of the 3D Fallouts straight to Ame's face, I would kneel and never stand again.

>> No.30080834
Quoted by: >>30080947


>> No.30080837

grave diggers

>> No.30080843
Quoted by: >>30080923

"Anti" has lost its meaning when you guys used it against anyone who said anything remotely critical or negative about anyone

>> No.30080844
File: 1.14 MB, 900x900, 09186278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blessed be thy name Gura

>> No.30080846
Quoted by: >>30080947


>> No.30080849

>It was actually part of a "stuff I drew in November" post on Twitter that the artist (re?)uploaded to their pixiv.
My head.

>> No.30080851
File: 528 KB, 2480x3496, EoKa5tDUUAEF64z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080854
Quoted by: >>30080953

makes idolfags seethe and destroys yagoo's dreams

>> No.30080855

you're in a bubble
undertale is not THAT mainstream

>> No.30080856

Amelia instills deep feelings within me.

>> No.30080865
Quoted by: >>30080909

>almost 5k people waiting
This is gonna be Ina's most viewed solo stream besides her debut because of all the shortsighted dramafags, isn't it

>> No.30080866

anything Nintendo so the /v/edditors can kill themselves

>> No.30080867



>> No.30080870

god i want that to happen to me

>> No.30080873
Quoted by: >>30080885

nice joke

>> No.30080875

Drawfags love Gura. Her pixiv tag already surpassed like 90% of the existing holos in number of arts.

>> No.30080879
File: 506 KB, 515x528, 1601994027135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30080978

>Gura is really outgoing and probably reaches out to people without hesitation

>> No.30080880
Quoted by: >>30080899

What's the best Chrono Trigger version on PC

>> No.30080885
Quoted by: >>30080975

You're the one who said "classic" games.
Koikatsu is boomer core.

>> No.30080886
Quoted by: >>30080916

>>capslock all the time
>>annoying, loud, obnoxious
These are all positives

>> No.30080887

>undertale reference

>> No.30080888
Quoted by: >>30081004

I didn't watch any of her HL2 streams, is that what this is about?
Did she hate it?
She better, the Half Life games aged like shit.

>> No.30080892
File: 318 KB, 837x1181, 1606627892100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this dork

>> No.30080897
Quoted by: >>30081041

Are you ogey?

>> No.30080899
Quoted by: >>30080924

Emulated SNES. The Steam version is shit.

>> No.30080903
Quoted by: >>30081041

Same with them.

>> No.30080905

You might just like someone in gen 2. Who knows.

The current HoloEN girls don't encompass all personalities on earth.

>> No.30080908

Honestly, the only time this thread has even remotely crossed into true anti territory was when the one Takotranny harassed Kiara on twitter, and even then that was just one faggot from here leaking shitposts. I guess you could raise a point that in creating those shitposts we do give people who want to be proper antis fuel, but that doesn't make random shitposters actual antis.

>> No.30080909

Its perfect really. Everyone watches this nothing burger and now they are forced to watch the rice game right after. Inatelligent.

>> No.30080914

how does ame do based shit even when she isnt streaming

>> No.30080915

Ame and Gura.
Bout tree fiddy.

>> No.30080916

Definitely not for me, but to each his own

>> No.30080920
Quoted by: >>30081041


>> No.30080922

Amelia = Reimu
Gura = Cirno
Ina = Alice
Mori = Komachi
Kiara = Sanae

>> No.30080923

Do note that I never call you or anyone an anti
again, the opposite of "like" is "indifference", not "hate".
I don't like her (or any HoloID) either, so guess what, I just don't read her Twitter or watch her streams or talk about her.
why do you feel the need to advertise how much you hate her?

>> No.30080924

I'd say the NDS version is pretty good too

>> No.30080927

It's a "5'11 vs 6'0" kind of picture.

>> No.30080926


>> No.30080930

I want her to play Super Metroid

>> No.30080931

She's going to be the next Kiara but without the scat, vore and impregnation fetishes.
She's perfect

>> No.30080933
Quoted by: >>30080967

Yeah, session 0s are a given

>> No.30080934

gura pls

>> No.30080936
Quoted by: >>30081041

Sometimes canon is wrong

>> No.30080939
File: 299 KB, 985x1513, 1597422572543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is really outgoing and probably reaches out to people without hesitation

>> No.30080947
Quoted by: >>30081871


>> No.30080949

But now with indog language and even worse esl.

>> No.30080950

She's going to be the next Kiara but without the scat, vore and impregnation fetishes.
She's fucking horrible

>> No.30080953

She seems to talk a lot about being a zombie idol though?

>> No.30080952
File: 177 KB, 1035x1400, 1589460056349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081031

>Gura = Cirno
I like this post

>> No.30080956

4 inches.
Ame is 4'11
Gura is 4'7
Also you know why they're drawn like that. Gura is the loli, and Ame isn't combined with more mature figure. I do agree that some make Ame way too big, but a tiny exaggeration can be adorable in some fanart. Not all fanart has the exaggeration either

>> No.30080957

As much as I could give, though I doubt I could ever outbid the oil princes that would inevitably pay millions for their new wives.

>> No.30080958
Quoted by: >>30081187

she's dead

>> No.30080962
File: 761 KB, 608x900, 20201201_121943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30080964
Quoted by: >>30081733

That's normal, you're not a schizo.
Yes, everyone having one is a schizo.
Most of posters here are a schizo.
I am also a schizo.
Schizo schizo schizo.

>> No.30080967
Quoted by: >>30080990

I can't believe Mori ruined the DnD collab by not doing a setting up her character stream beforehand like all of the other girls

>> No.30080968
File: 194 KB, 500x380, 1606786870531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is really outgoing and probably reaches out to people without hesitation

>> No.30080972
Quoted by: >>30081042

ame is 170cm

>> No.30080974

No, you don't get it, it happens cause normalfags keeps doing the
>Muh FBI meme
>Ravioli ravioli
>loli shark isn't lewd
So to counter that we have cunnyposters and cunnyseurs. Yes, I know some normalfags secretly likes them too.

>> No.30080975

not >>30080821 and the right answer could only have been Artificial Academy 2

>> No.30080976
File: 31 KB, 340x269, Zombie_swordsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Follows?

>> No.30080977

Original Thief, bunnyhop everywhere, kill everything
Abe's Oddysee, not being to quicksave and having to replay entire sections after fucking up once
Super Metroid, noob bridge filter, not being told where to go or what to do
HoMM3, everything

>> No.30080978

Let me rephrase, really outgoing to people she's already "close" with, not randos.

>> No.30080982

Nah she's shy as fuck
Both Kiara and Cali talked about their first meeting with the whole group, and both mentioned she looked like a shy, quiet girl

>> No.30080990

How many more hypothetical collaborations has Mori already ruined?

>> No.30080992
Quoted by: >>30081041

Don't blame artists. They often make Gura a lot shorter than Ame in collabs too on streams.

>> No.30081004
Quoted by: >>30081074

She said it was garbage and didn't have a real story because there were no cutscenes or quest objective markers.

>> No.30081005
Quoted by: >>30081061

>She's going to be the next Kiara but without the scat, vore and impregnation fetishes.
You can cross vore off of that list already

>> No.30081007



>> No.30081008

>5'11" vs 6'0"
>tfw 5'9" so I can't be made fun of
Hahahaha I won!!!

>> No.30081011

Can you guys refrain from doomposting until they actually debut

>> No.30081013 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 575x332, 1606436270534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High priestess Bogna'nis gets me every time

>> No.30081016
File: 427 KB, 3000x1688, 1_wyBlVnrEORmNIDxUR-Hs5g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a single holo that would be capable of understanding and appreciating Xavier: Renegade Angel for what it really is instead of the "haha, funny snake-bird guy" way?

>> No.30081018
File: 1021 KB, 421x389, 3BD7AD43-183C-43CC-9117-D5DFF6FBBFCC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah no?

>> No.30081019

The chuubas are more comparable to the dark gods tho, some even have cults n shit.

>> No.30081021

Romero or a variation of that.

>> No.30081023

I'm sorry bro, it's dead, that song hasn't been aknowledged yet. I'll try to put the # there as last resort.

>> No.30081026

not to you

>> No.30081031
File: 569 KB, 595x842, __star_sapphire_touhou_drawn_by_sakurame__760738109128d46ebd6f0856deece5b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081142

have you considered

>> No.30081032


>> No.30081039
File: 114 KB, 850x669, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_klaius__sample-2ac31f1c354ea9012bacc7319e17b2d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081073

You clearly don't know anything about Gura. She's a memelord, maybe, but she's also very introverted and pretty clearly doesn't like initiating.

>> No.30081040
File: 256 KB, 1500x1120, twoopaas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troopa reporting in.
Don't forget tomorrow, /hlgg/

>> No.30081041

I truly and sincerely think all fanartists who excessively alter proportions of Japanese-style characters should be mocked out of the Internet. Especially doujin artists. Every single attribute is hugely exaggerated, and it's fucking disgusting. Slight height difference? David and Goliath. C-cup breasts? Grotesque dangling torpedo tumors. Occasional haughtiness? Full-on latex-wearing mommydom.

Fuck them. Fuck everyone like them. Fuck everyone who enables them. I go looking for art because I like the characters as they are. Take your goddamn caricatures to Tumblr and keep them there.

>> No.30081042

Ame is 150cm

>> No.30081045

Wouldn't even be surprised if Mori and Ame have seen it.

>> No.30081047

Nobody post it

>> No.30081050
File: 151 KB, 414x385, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081127



>> No.30081053

I like Ame she's cool

>> No.30081054


>> No.30081055
File: 159 KB, 1056x1132, 1605559947716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Gura considered a loli? She's not that tiny, just a few cm shorter than Ina, her vocabulary is that of an average grown up, she is canonically 9k years old. Is it just because of being flat and high pitched voice?
I mean, she can pass as a lolibaba, which is a superior form of loli anyway, fuck that kiddie shit.

>> No.30081056

Her boobs are too

>> No.30081057


>> No.30081061

Well at least there's no scat and she won't start asking her entire chat to impregnate her at the same time after she gave birth to them
And she likes my oshi so all is good

>> No.30081069
Quoted by: >>30081152

What? ground zero during the armegeddon and pre-podcast were pretty bad, but I don't remember that as being that terrible.

>> No.30081070

tall women lie about their height all the time, they are like reverse manlets

>> No.30081074

There is barely any story in HL2, so yeah.

>> No.30081073
Quoted by: >>30081142

stop saving samples retard

>> No.30081080

Gura is such a memeshitter there's no way she hasn't already seen it

>> No.30081083
Quoted by: >>30081120

You sound like you should go back.

>> No.30081087

I doubt it.
They'd be the first human beings doing so.

>> No.30081088
Quoted by: >>30081173

Mega Man

>> No.30081093
File: 120 KB, 1125x671, 1606908592319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081167


>> No.30081094
File: 105 KB, 435x353, 8D24AD8C-8F31-4A29-BC5B-254D695155B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura is really outgoing and probably reaches out to people without hesitation, so she and ina will probably talk a lot.

>> No.30081095

Do people outside of this board know about her?
Are anons going to be the only people tuning in

>> No.30081097
Quoted by: >>30081120

Anon you're subjective art opinions don't matter. Take your fucking meds and just enjoy the art you enjoy or make your owl if you're that fucking butthurt

>> No.30081098


>> No.30081099
Quoted by: >>30081116

you are crazy

>> No.30081100

me too she's the coolest

>> No.30081101
File: 376 KB, 637x847, 9253ad6808c10ffb6d586db1f2f02d9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praying that HoloEN Gen 2 has a big booty brown girl.

>> No.30081104
File: 293 KB, 1660x2048, 20201202_211337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30081105
File: 176 KB, 400x352, 1606883676062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrote a song complaining about Gura and Ina collabing
>She's the one that pushed the collab for weeks
Whats her problem?

>> No.30081106
Quoted by: >>30081149

Mori is the original (big) Rumia

>> No.30081107

>>>annoying, loud, obnoxious
You haven't even heard her speak

>> No.30081116


>> No.30081118

Just superchat every HoloEN Xavier Renegade Angel quotes until you get a bite

>> No.30081120

Fuck off. My opinions are right; yours are wrong.

>> No.30081124
File: 137 KB, 594x730, 1606077622817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inquisitors becoming heretics for Ina, servant of the Dark Gods

Just as keikaku

>> No.30081127

bottom right of the thumbnail says "not really <3". The bottom right is covered by the [LIVE] thing so you might not have seen it unless you have thumbnails blown up

>> No.30081130

it's all just semantic.
"She's cute af" is enough.
I mean, if you want to get pedantic, "smol" is the best term for her. So small it's cute.

>> No.30081131
Quoted by: >>30081157

I love Ame, she's amazing

>> No.30081135
File: 736 KB, 3679x3288, EoKq5SCXUAEGrBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this poster fears mommies

>> No.30081142
File: 834 KB, 916x1064, fairies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you considered
fucking a fairy? Yes.

Original is too big for 4chan dingus.

>> No.30081143
File: 897 KB, 2036x2039, 1606651338871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081195

Good question actually. I'd personally consider Gura, Shion and Echo JC while rest of the Holos are JK. The real question is, should JC be considered loli territory?

>> No.30081144

Lolibaba is also in the way she acts.
Remilia is not a lolibaba, despite being infinite years old, same for Gura. Because they don't act like babas.
Regarding being a loli, she looks kinda childish so I think she qualifies as one. Amelia is almost as short as her, but looks like a teenager girl more than a brat.

>> No.30081148
Quoted by: >>30081166

The only appeal lolibabas have is they're not fucking retards but instead depressed chainsmoking drunks with experience.

>> No.30081150 [DELETED] 

Why is this profile of chicken privated and the other isn't? Does she do onlyfans porn or something on this account?

>> No.30081149
Quoted by: >>30081197

Mori is Sanae because dude jewish Sanae lmao

>> No.30081152
Quoted by: >>30081548

Amegeddon and the Podcast shit didn't leak out. You didn't have people attacking Ame and Mori in their mentions on twitter, leaving hateful comments/trying to organize dislike bombing on their videos etc. The difference between a shitposter and an anti is that an anti actually acts.

>> No.30081157

I'll give her a lick.

>> No.30081158

Absolutely based

>> No.30081159

her problem is that she's too cute, smart, beautiful, supportive, loyal, kind, caring and cute.

>> No.30081166

Well, that's purely subjective.

>> No.30081167

Ummmm based?????

>> No.30081171
Quoted by: >>30081209

Anon...your autism

>> No.30081174
Quoted by: >>30081198

She is 4'7
Ame is 4'11
Ina is 5'2

>> No.30081173

I don't think any of them could even clear a single stage of NES Mega Man

>> No.30081178
File: 308 KB, 1258x643, firefox_2020-12-02_20-17-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081179
File: 447 KB, 2016x2948, 1606846738243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30081181

That show sucks

>> No.30081184
File: 7 KB, 319x315, 1606798132192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFPbros got scat fetishes?

>> No.30081187

you mean undead

>> No.30081192
File: 203 KB, 828x731, CA0E08E5-6020-4366-B69B-8435F5C985DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did she mean by this

>> No.30081191

you took that seriously?

>> No.30081194

holy kek

>> No.30081195
Quoted by: >>30081323

I think Menhera explained the difference and why Shion isn't a loli.

>> No.30081198


>> No.30081197

Mori is big Rumia because low self esteem closet homo tomboy who eats souls.

>> No.30081203

Amelia is standing on a box

>> No.30081204

You sound like you have a small dick.

>> No.30081205
File: 371 KB, 1366x768, image(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082032

Will Ame ever play true kino?

>> No.30081209

yeah that was supposed to be "some time"
my bad

>> No.30081210

Dangerously based

>> No.30081211

>without impregnation

>> No.30081212

Ina stands on huge platform shoes, keep in mind.

>> No.30081214


>> No.30081216

why do good girls get the worst shitposters

>> No.30081218 [DELETED] 

She's a cutie.

>> No.30081220
Quoted by: >>30081280


>> No.30081223
Quoted by: >>30081280

>I want attention
pretty simple anon

>> No.30081225

>doesn't act like a lolibaba
Gura acts like a 40 year old woman pretending to be a 12 year old.

>> No.30081228
Quoted by: >>30081280

She want to sleep with Matsuri

>> No.30081236
Quoted by: >>30081280


>> No.30081238

Well I guess she qualifies as one then

>> No.30081239

Me too, I don't feel the whole "love" people tlk about. I like gura, and watch every stream, even her supachat reading, drop any other stream to watch her, make room in my schedule to watch her and even called in sick at work for her karaoke, member, supas, the whoe thing, but because I enjoy her content and want her to do and be well, and be happy when she is/does, but not my oshi, just invested in her.

>> No.30081241

>he lacks critical information

>> No.30081242

are you a boomer who can't into jokes or something?

>> No.30081245
Quoted by: >>30081280

Gotta start leeching early

>> No.30081248

No, she doesn't.

>> No.30081249

Avatar is tailored made to fit the person behind.

>> No.30081251

I want more Streetlight Manifesto covers by Ame. Her "Gura doesn't know I exist" brought back waves of nostalgia and made me look up the original song again.

>> No.30081252 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30081317

Maybe she wants privacy from people like you

>> No.30081253
File: 923 KB, 607x800, 1602802526070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081728

>Without the impregnation fetishes

>> No.30081254
File: 483 KB, 1749x1182, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_saane__4b619870d46b466aa74987e79d3fa5a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I was moping about Mori, but now I rewatched her last karaoke and my faith is restored. Like, what the fuck am I even thinking, of course she's my oshi. Of course I love this dork.

>> No.30081255
Quoted by: >>30081280

ok now she's REALLY fucked it

>> No.30081258

She wasn't even mentioned here, yet she walked into the conversation like she owned the place...is this hololive's biggest menhera yet?

>> No.30081260
File: 47 KB, 915x455, 1606770469610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081280


>> No.30081261
File: 1.39 MB, 3508x1974, EoPhS4IVcAE3sZ0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081324


>> No.30081264

Loli is a body type, not a personality.
That said it really doesn't help that Gura pretty squarely falls in the "bratty" category which only further cements her "obligatory loli" status.

>> No.30081266
Quoted by: >>30081280


>> No.30081267
File: 498 KB, 1402x2048, EoOJXiFVcAETYRD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081271 [DELETED] 

She did some embarrassing stuff on that account.

>> No.30081272

Gura's mind: BOOBA

>> No.30081275


>> No.30081276
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1605119680577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I both hate and love loving this dork, but I always fucking love this dork regardless.

>> No.30081277
Quoted by: >>30081314

Anons why don't you go to their goddamn debuts or if your lazy a damn wiki and just look at their heights. If you want to say "shoes"
Then we have no fucking clue. I figure that either the height is considered the full design shoes and all or maybe it's their height without shoes.

>> No.30081278
Quoted by: >>30081350

>5k waiting
People won't be mad at her when there's nothing serious, right?

>> No.30081279

people define words differently
what you typed is literally what I consider someone having an oshi.

>> No.30081280
File: 82 KB, 586x606, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081281

Now I know why she likes the woofag.

>> No.30081283
File: 74 KB, 196x563, 1589732259992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw invested in oppai loli coins instead
Feels fucking good

>> No.30081288

Well, Gura doesn't exactly act like a loli either. She is definitely way closer to baba than to loli.

>> No.30081291

Have you honestly tried opening up your closed off soul and giving it a go?

>> No.30081296


>> No.30081297

I don't know. Let's see if tourists pick up. All I know is I'm watching and that's it.

>> No.30081298
Quoted by: >>30081338

You guys weren't kidding. Ollie is like Kiara but x100 if her twitter actions are to go by. She's not even afraid to take on the Menhera incarnate, Matsuri.

>> No.30081299
File: 6 KB, 373x56, 1591009554843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this supposed to mean?

>> No.30081308

Yes, all of you are 2hus to me

>> No.30081313

fucking yab

>> No.30081314
File: 37 KB, 393x80, 1602938394238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons why don't you go to their goddamn debuts
How fucking ironic

>> No.30081315
Quoted by: >>30082108

what is wangy

>> No.30081316

not really

>> No.30081317 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30081476

But it's my right as a schizo to stalk her

>> No.30081319
Quoted by: >>30081369

You got that backwards. Lolibabas are 12 year old girls trying to pass as snobby 40 year old women.

>> No.30081320

hooh wangy wangy....

>> No.30081323
Quoted by: >>30081478

Well Festival is the biggest cunnyseur of us all so I'll trust her judgement. Do you have a clip?

>> No.30081324

>takodachis are toilet voyeurs
Inafags are kazakhs?

>> No.30081325

is this the new uooooooh?

>> No.30081326

Teenagers are the brattiest age category there is.

>> No.30081334

Do being undead make you more horny?

>> No.30081335

meido please... the doxxfaggers

>> No.30081336

is the thread on fire? I just got back from my reps.

>> No.30081338

Ollie is either going to be amazing or super cringe, no inbetween.

>> No.30081340


>> No.30081342
File: 478 KB, 727x720, 1582830146667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081344


>> No.30081347


>> No.30081349

I love her

>> No.30081350

I won't. I just want to hear her soothing voice.

>> No.30081351

Isn't someone this aggressive towards Festival like kryptonite for her?

>> No.30081352
File: 283 KB, 1249x1495, EoKrFiaVQAQbBkP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081353
Quoted by: >>30081427

I still want to know which senpai reached out to Kiara for a collab next week.

>> No.30081355
Quoted by: >>30081407

She has to be a tranny

>> No.30081356 [DELETED] 

WHY IS MY CHICKEN CRYING? I can't read Nipponese someone translate please.

>> No.30081358

A loli is not just about the size. They have butterflies in their heads. They are dreamers and kinda eccentric too.

>> No.30081360

advanced autism

>> No.30081361
Quoted by: >>30081487

Just like Mori

>> No.30081363

This just oozes zoomer
I like it

>> No.30081365
File: 168 KB, 1254x1200, 1601937553235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081403

>no inbetween.
I think you'll find that there is a very possible in-between.

>> No.30081369
Quoted by: >>30081400

Gura is 9,000 years old, though.

>> No.30081370


>> No.30081371

Menhera hand.... HOOH HOOOH WANGY WANGY!

>> No.30081376
Quoted by: >>30081441

Hey guys, do you remember that time Kiara was playing with a baby on stream?

>> No.30081377
File: 48 KB, 172x169, 1590236029792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.30081382

Need to breed Zombo Bussy

>> No.30081383


>> No.30081384


>> No.30081387
Quoted by: >>30081453

Are we finally boarding the Event Horizon? It's about time.

>> No.30081392


>> No.30081390

Orud and busetad da!

>> No.30081394

I hope she turns out to be as wacked out as festival

>> No.30081397
Quoted by: >>30081477

Alright and do we ever see her with her shoes off? Do we know how tall her shoes are? Do we know how tall the other's shoes are? Do we know if they're counted in their height totals? If we don't know that then we have to go on the only info we do know and that's listed height.

>> No.30081399

How big of a disappointment will it be if she debuts and her energy is far less than she displayed? As though she's Ina when live-chatting but Kiara when giving time to compose and send text.

>> No.30081400

With the body of a 12 year old.
Not that it matters, she doesn't act 9000 so she isn't lolibaba.

>> No.30081403
Quoted by: >>30081429

keep telling yourself that deadbrap

>> No.30081404
File: 267 KB, 1000x1417, 1605490507144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to listen to more Polka asmr
>But I only listen to it while I sleep
God I wish I could go to bed already

>> No.30081405


>> No.30081407
Quoted by: >>30081521

Cover isn't that brain dead

>> No.30081409

what in the goddamn

>> No.30081410
File: 386 KB, 612x626, 1601067177645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081411

Suffer well, fellow Death Knight

>> No.30081412

>Kureiji Ollie
>acts crazy

>> No.30081415 [DELETED] 

A shitton of people have a private and a public account, precisely so that not the entire public can look and archive venting

>> No.30081419
File: 38 KB, 540x516, yabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081421
Quoted by: >>30081452

I agree but your post is still autistic

>> No.30081423

>give her the dick

>> No.30081425
File: 782 KB, 589x723, 1604391150638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081427
Quoted by: >>30082235

Noel probably, she it was `sugoi`

>> No.30081429
File: 584 KB, 1894x2048, 1600561346374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will, thank you. Mori Love!

>> No.30081431
File: 108 KB, 505x438, 1606913055730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081790

That was pretty insightful. Tree rrat is based, can't be denied.

>> No.30081430

>spreading the Priestess's legs

>> No.30081434

I like Ina and Kiara so I’d be ok with that

>> No.30081435

i fucking hate this dumb bitch. attention whoring faggot. reminds me of a twitch camwhore.
not to mention she watches doxfag trannies like woohoo

>> No.30081437


>> No.30081440


>> No.30081439
File: 6 KB, 383x53, 1590799531782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spread the priestess

>> No.30081441

>Secret talent of mine? Make babies laugh.

>> No.30081443
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 1591722223517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATTENTION: Amelia is cute and I hope she gets to enjoy watching her big TV on her new couch as soon as possible.

>> No.30081444
Quoted by: >>30081474

I'll be disappointed if she debuts and she's actually extremely laid back.

>> No.30081445


>> No.30081447

oralu ka?

>> No.30081449
Quoted by: >>30081514


>> No.30081453
File: 533 KB, 1414x2000, 1606770831019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for the timewarp and timelineshifting. Where do you think the wormhole will spit us out this time?

>> No.30081451
File: 2.38 MB, 2064x1457, 1605302286577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The next step of Ina's plan is in effect... Soon we shall all bare witness to true fear...

>> No.30081452

We're all autistic here.

>> No.30081455
Quoted by: >>30082108

what's wangy wangy?

>> No.30081460


>> No.30081462

>*jaw drops to floor, eyes pop out of sockets accompanied by trumpets, heart beats out of chest, awooga awooga sound effect, pulls chain on train whistle that has appeared next to head as steam blows out, slams fists on table, rattling any plates, bowls or silverware, whistles loudly, fireworks shoot from top of head, pants loudly as tongue hangs out of mouth, wipes comically large bead of sweat from forehead, clears throat, straightens tie, combs hair* Ahem, you look very lovely.

>> No.30081466
File: 17 KB, 676x380, ollie2dewannawanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wanna wanga?

>> No.30081471
File: 948 KB, 1851x3291, EnmMAeqWEAEELrb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081469

What does a 9000 year old act like?

>> No.30081474

I'll seriously doubt it, at least during her debut. She'll probably act super crazy.
After? Maybe she'll get tired and do an Haachama.

>> No.30081475
Quoted by: >>30081545

Ame actually seems kind of thoughtful sometimes (definitely only sometimes) and also wouldn't be afraid to try to put it in words so is the closest bet.
Gura may see something deeper but would be unable to put it in words, so wouldn't try since she'd be too worried about embarrassing herself trying to sound deep.
Kiara takes shit too seriously to admit analyzing a silly show so much, whether or not she got anything out of it.
Mori probably wouldn't appreciate it, she's less serious than Kiara but always seems too caught up being a worker bee to really think about things like that.

Ina I don't know, I can't tell if she's very insightful or not. Being an artist doesn't make you intelligent, and she's done some dumb stuff like ignoring literally all the dialogue in HL2 and then complaining there's no story. She doesn't pretend she's smart either with the one brain cell thing, she just doesn't overtly act dumb and goofy so it's not immediately obvious.

>> No.30081476 [DELETED] 

its your God given right

>> No.30081477
File: 226 KB, 1766x2021, 1601422862616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do we ever see her with her shoes off
I fucking wish

>> No.30081478
Quoted by: >>30081588

It's a pretty old one https://youtu.be/PDmf4y6yCqw?t=130

>> No.30081479
Quoted by: >>30081752

Some faggot from here shared her on r*eddit with caption
"4chan vtuber"

>> No.30081481
File: 53 KB, 443x383, 1605661163323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone make me an edit.

>> No.30081482


>> No.30081483

Ask Gura

>> No.30081485
Quoted by: >>30081526

>I don't have an oshi
>Proceeds to describe what people do and feel for their oshi
"Denial" has lost all meaning in this thread

>> No.30081484
File: 615 KB, 568x3692, polka yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka had the best predebut, where she completely switched personalities and roleplay every single day.

>> No.30081487

Nah, for a certain demographic, Mori is normal and relatable as fuck.
I've seen many millenial dorks who are also that sort of clumsy and nervous.
Ollie is just... out there. Very menhera.

>> No.30081496

Gigastacy Zombie

>> No.30081499

dont know why this one made me laugh so hard

>> No.30081501
File: 12 KB, 232x227, 1605291248329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the sort of chaotic zoomer energy Hololive needs right now, I love it.

>> No.30081503

I want that patch.

>> No.30081509

I hope her and Gura does a setup so they can play Switch games without delays and also for Gura to stop collabing using wifi from across the room.

>> No.30081508

Like a "boomner" pretending to be a "zoomer"

>> No.30081513
File: 157 KB, 1400x1400, raiden.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081514
File: 291 KB, 700x750, 1597091854150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, she's dead, her pussy is frozen

>> No.30081515


>> No.30081517
File: 73 KB, 640x640, AAAAAAA HELP ME NIGGERMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081518

You don't know how 9000 year old Atlanteans act, and don't pretend to.

>> No.30081521
File: 183 KB, 665x432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081523
Quoted by: >>30081816

Imagine the day cover delivered her live2d rig to her and explained she was gonna be the clown of hololive.

>> No.30081526

I think that was the whole point.

>> No.30081527

Zombie is Aloe after having sex.

>> No.30081528

Depends, I classify myself as a DD, and end up using oshi with "favourite" instead.

>> No.30081530

listen and never fucking doubt again
fucking faggot

>> No.30081532
File: 42 KB, 540x640, 9FD598FD-B4D8-493F-9D52-2FF147DDF6C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081533
File: 1.73 MB, 1725x1769, 1606794504590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081578


>> No.30081534

Pls understand sword in brain

>> No.30081535

I like this.

>> No.30081539
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1606702643898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30081541

tell that shit to whoever keeps showing a huge height difference in their avatars in collabs.

>> No.30081542
Quoted by: >>30081566

Dude, my main is Gura too, but I literally skipped a bunch of her streams bc I'm not into those games (like Soma or Outlast).
if you watch them all regardless, she's your oshi.

>> No.30081544

coochie lips

>> No.30081545

>capable of understanding and appreciating Xavier: Renegade Angel for what it really is instead of the "haha, funny snake-bird guy" way?
You mean in getting all of the word play, or getting the satirical aspect of it? Because neither is particularly difficult.
Either way I feel like Mori would be the only one that would truely enjoy Xavier.


>> No.30081546

She would need to be able to be that hyper on stream for hours to salvage this. We need a cocaine mode chuuba.

>> No.30081547

Amelia's debut taught me to net judge chubas by their first appearance

>> No.30081548

The amegeddon did leak. Remember when she nuked her communtity tab because someone was spamming shit.

>> No.30081552
File: 43 KB, 472x480, 1602917402790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081553

>re-watching some of Gura's karaoke from last month
>listen to https://youtu.be/5nzQkenTCeU?t=38
>actually start feeling guilty about the upcoming RFA stream
Fuck how can Gura's voice be so angelic.

>> No.30081558

If an anon from here actually does make it into Holostars/Hololive, or starts streaming to pad out their application, what's the protocol to ensure >muh sekrit club doesn't suffer a massive containment breach or get invaded by a tourist wave that's too large to handle? Being blatantly associated with the notorious hacker, this mongolian basketweaving forum, in ANY capacity is a major YAB. It could even affect their prospects of passing auditions or avoiding graduation watch if they do get in.

>> No.30081561
Quoted by: >>30081593


>> No.30081564

based post

>> No.30081566
Quoted by: >>30081603

>he skipped Outlast streams
Anonchama, that some of her best material...

>> No.30081567

Ask Marine

>> No.30081574
File: 191 KB, 828x1792, EoJmQ-fVgAMieXc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just you wait
she will debut and have annoying voice and seanigger accent that sounds like she constantly has cocks in her mouth

>> No.30081575

Always remember that everything they say is about sex. If a holo mentions her brother, it's a sex partner. If its a friend, it's a sex partner. If she seems happy, it means she had sex. If she is sad, she didnt have sex, but then she had double sex. If a holo is going to the toilet, shes actually going to have quick sex. If she went on a date with another holo, they actually went to have sex. If she fails on a puzzle in a game, its because she is having sex right now and is being distracted. Table smash? Not a fist but it's her hitting the table, because she's having sex. Did she oversleep a stream? Sex. She was having sex and couldnt stop. If she starts a guerilla stream it's because she's having sex right now, but wants to be risky with viewers. Whenever a holo takes a break, its not because shes tired. You know why she takes a break from streaming? To have SEX. Whenever a holo talks about her family, shes actually talking about her sex roleplay she had. The story of a journey with her mother or father? Sex roleplay. She actually had sex. Whenever she laughs, cries or hiccups, whenever she humu humus or thanks someone during a collab, whenever she gets big numbers or is being bullied she's actually having SEX at that very moment. Not only that, but everything is actually a keyword for sex. Thanks for the aka supa = thank you for the sex
Im tired this week = im tired from the sex, but ill have more sex
Im planning a collab = Im planning to have sex
Oh sorry, that was just my family in the background = oh im having SEX right now
Thank you for all the support everyone = thanks for all the sex im having right now.
It all revolves around sex. All holos, every single one, have sex every day, every hour, every moment. Every single narrative, every single noise she lets out is because of sex. The sex she is having. All holos read these threads and theyre here right now. All while having sex. They keep having technical difficulties because they have so much sex, it fries electronics in their room. Theres so much sex happening in their room that the sex waves cause Youtube datacenter to malfunction. Every yab moment is because they cant stop having sex to think straight.

>> No.30081576
File: 7 KB, 397x91, clickbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over five thousand people waiting for it

>> No.30081579

What wrong with her?

>> No.30081578
Quoted by: >>30081701

Is her earring a soda can pull tab?

>> No.30081583

is this real?

>> No.30081584
Quoted by: >>30081720


>> No.30081585


>> No.30081588

Seeing matuli with her mouth open all the time feels really fucking weird now

>> No.30081590

Do indies just copy shit hololive does and call it a day? I'm already seeing doog/reaper copycats

>> No.30081591

I'm sure that they're advised to give the impression that they want people to have of them in their pre-debut tweets. Kiara mentioned before that she acted even more energetic on Twitter to show how she's outgoing and energetic

>> No.30081593


>> No.30081594

Is this supposed to turn me off?

>> No.30081596
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x1125, 1603904950051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who doesn't?

>> No.30081597
Quoted by: >>30081645

We're fucking scared.

>> No.30081598

What? Raiden this is madness you can’t

>> No.30081599

>it's real

>> No.30081603

I genuinely dislike horror games. I've long accepted it.

>> No.30081604
Quoted by: >>30081765

Anything less than an ID Polka will be dissapointing at thispoint.

>> No.30081606

ask Bodganoff they are calling

>> No.30081607


>> No.30081608


>> No.30081610

it's a body type you retarded mongoloid

>> No.30081612

I'm only there to document the pre-stream AO-chan prophecies

>> No.30081613


>> No.30081616
File: 445 KB, 1077x1485, Screenshot_20201202-142907_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081674

This fucking zombie I can't

Also for anyone wondering
>128 tweets

>> No.30081618

People love drama

>> No.30081619
Quoted by: >>30081670

Made me check but how come the fake acc is still alive?

>> No.30081620

I wish Polka's lower half was as lewd as Roboko's

>> No.30081622

Watamates really are retarded

>> No.30081625

>people say she's not the best singer out hololive

>> No.30081628
Quoted by: >>30082139

Obviously we expect said streamer to not acknowledge us in any way shape or form and not rely on 4chan humour for content because they ought to have a personality of their own anyways.

If someone wants to dig deep enough to determine that they came from here, whatever. It's not really a yab unless they're wearing it like a fucking badge of honour.

>> No.30081632

>it's real
zombiecucks will defend this

>> No.30081636

I won't fall for it this time

>> No.30081637


>> No.30081639

i feel bad that gura is your oshi then bro...

>> No.30081640
File: 89 KB, 298x363, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081797

It was great. I was really hyped up for her, especially after her previous life was confirmed. Then got filtered by this

>> No.30081641


>> No.30081643
Quoted by: >>30081792

You don't actually have to jerk off to it, you know. Most people are just funposting about it anyway.

>> No.30081644

I feel bad for laughing at this kek.

>> No.30081645
File: 156 KB, 850x998, 1601410205545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just going to talk about FF14...

>> No.30081648

Hololive isn't even original itself. They're just using anime tropes from the past forty years.

>> No.30081650

Fucking based, all in on zombiecoin

>> No.30081651

fake acc

>> No.30081655

Same thing Ame and Mori does. It'll drive us insane with countless SHE'S HERE/NOT HERE arguments but that's the one of the few ways to keep retards out.
A single rolled-r rrat on her own volition would also suffice.

>> No.30081657

we did deadbeats
yaboi says trans farts

>> No.30081658
File: 243 KB, 768x434, 1606489440526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive aren't the first to do the shit they do either.

>> No.30081661
Quoted by: >>30081696

>Not waiting in line to see Ina kill herself live on stream

>> No.30081663

Why's she crying? Did Mori beat her up?

>> No.30081670
Quoted by: >>30081744

Inspect Element

>> No.30081673

I don't like them either, but I watch Gura, not the game.

>> No.30081674

I'm loving the 'brat energy' she has. Just like in my animes.

>> No.30081679

I meant to quote this.

>> No.30081682
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, 【ENGsub】Matsuri Talking About her favorite Loli 4-9 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081683

Please vote

>> No.30081688


>> No.30081689
File: 7 KB, 332x34, unknown-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck did they mean with this

>> No.30081690 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 496x897, efkbyv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30081693

Letting Amelia enjoy her break!
Doing my reps for Amelia!
Living a better life since I started watching her!
Smiling more because I'm doing more with my life!
Trying to be a better person!
Thanks Amelia!

>> No.30081694 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 429x431, 1606937636437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will ascend past our mortal forms into something greater...

>> No.30081696

I thought this was Ina's penis inspection stream.

>> No.30081701
Quoted by: >>30081763

Pretty sure it's a zipper

>> No.30081702


>> No.30081706

>Hey since Ame isn't gonna stream for two days guess I'll buy and beat Tittyfall 2.
>Requires Origin even on Steam.
I hate companies.

>> No.30081710

work work work
It pisses me off everytime someone say she's talented. It's belittling all the effort she puts in singing

>> No.30081711
File: 223 KB, 960x561, 2020-12-02_14-34-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is hol. gonna add ID_2?

>> No.30081712

Go into the water
Live there, die there

>> No.30081714

Go back

>> No.30081719
File: 327 KB, 600x600, 1586018520560.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please someone stop InabaTewi, he's losing it

>> No.30081718

Literally who?

>> No.30081720

Tentacle porn collab with Womb onegai

>> No.30081721

2 pm Eu neet CHAD here can't wait.

>> No.30081726

>oppai loli

>> No.30081727
File: 71 KB, 960x720, MS ZETA Gundam - Ep. 47 - A Descent into the Maelstrom (720p DUAL Audio).mkv_snapshot_21.57_[2020.12.01_16.30.42].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're reaching menhera levels that shouldn't be possible

>> No.30081728
File: 143 KB, 242x311, 1605495804942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No scat, vore and impregnation fetishes

>> No.30081730

What? This is madness! You-

>> No.30081733


>> No.30081735
File: 2.44 MB, 2600x2900, 1606702700722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081740

based Ina, now even i want to watch it and i hate her

>> No.30081741
File: 205 KB, 2000x2000, 1583046225142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are lovers.

>> No.30081742
File: 1.88 MB, 640x532, 1603425108256.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wangy wangy? Any IDs care to comment?

>> No.30081743

Never played a 2hu, never will.

>> No.30081744
Quoted by: >>30081806

What? Are you telling me how you changed it? Yeah I know that, what I mean is why is there a fake account of the zomboid? This one to be precise https://twitter.com/kureijioIIie

>> No.30081745


>> No.30081746
File: 404 KB, 992x1403, EoQVhsMVgAAAbO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I welcome our new cringezombie.

>> No.30081749
File: 332 KB, 460x436, 1591618162804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AO-chan is tkmiz

>> No.30081750
Quoted by: >>30081925

Sounds like Gura was using autotune on her Sunday Morning karaoke you can hear it clip towards the end

>> No.30081752

I'll do it koommander

>> No.30081754


>> No.30081755
Quoted by: >>30081891

Talent doesn't mean what you think it means, ESLbro.

>> No.30081757

>people arguing Kwappers HERE or NOT HERE status
Isn't this all basdd off of some anons weird greeentext dream?

>> No.30081758
File: 421 KB, 516x1079, fd0864721f8cf5705f908c4653305780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Teamates dominate these threads, no matter what others tell you.

>> No.30081763

Oh. Well, same energy.

>> No.30081765

Polka is a very different energy to this though

>> No.30081769

All of the IDs follow him. Also I've at least found her entertaining so far compared to Moona who you laugh at, not with, and outside of her twitter she's not a very compelling, interesting or funny streamer.

>> No.30081774
Quoted by: >>30081888

The zombiegaki is for fucking roughly from behind with her arms pinned

>> No.30081777

Remember when some anons were talking about making a coin meme trading website? Whatever happened to that idea?

>> No.30081778

What does it say?

>> No.30081779


>> No.30081780

This is amazing

>> No.30081782
Quoted by: >>30081840

now THIS is a rrat

>> No.30081783
File: 501 KB, 2480x3508, 1600756418612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081821

Is every chuuba from the underworld going to be cringe?

>> No.30081788

POV: futa zombie dick

>> No.30081790
Quoted by: >>30081892

Risu is actually massive brain but I think she gets shoehorned a lot by her audience

>> No.30081792

b-But but my UOH my s-sweaty.. pantiNG LOLI small SMALL Sweaty GILLS UOOOOOOOOOOOHHH

>> No.30081794
File: 5 KB, 230x215, 1606253839396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30081795
Quoted by: >>30081851

She's just talking about dicks again

>> No.30081797

translate it weebs

>> No.30081803

Teamates... I think we need to start looking for work

>> No.30081806
File: 203 KB, 682x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs gonna bug

>> No.30081808
Quoted by: >>30082125

>The tranny is crazy and dead
very cool cover

>> No.30081810

>everyone bar deadbeats is about 50/50 on employment
well that explains a lot

>> No.30081811
File: 33 KB, 172x140, Mogi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081939

>that Mori job/jobless ratio

>> No.30081814

Of course they do. Because they don't have jobs.
Teamates please take care of yourselves. I'll pray for you.
t. deadbeat

>> No.30081816

>But doctor, I am Polka

>> No.30081817

How new?

>> No.30081818
File: 501 KB, 642x618, Takodachi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdyi8jy.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081876

May 20th birthdays unite!

>> No.30081820
File: 15 KB, 597x90, 1606168449490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL Gura

>> No.30081821

Rushia isn't cringe

>> No.30081824

What I'm more concerned about is that there's 43% of Anons with no jobs here. Or did you guys leave out stuff like "I'm still in school" and similar

>> No.30081826
File: 56 KB, 368x750, 1603907351506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082022

I can beat EoSD on Normal using continues, am I still allowed here? Stage 4 and 5 filter me.

>> No.30081834
Quoted by: >>30081861

Unlimited cunny T o T

>> No.30081835
File: 121 KB, 1920x1080, Gura trying to sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081836

Ame is on break so you can find a job

>> No.30081840
File: 160 KB, 730x1100, 1597033911378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But wait there's more
tkmiz made YKK

>> No.30081842
Quoted by: >>30081944

>Starts talking about 3D
>Game is also talking about it
Though her mentioning the fact that her real self is the streaming one since it's the one she lives as the most is interesting perspective, even if somewhat controversial

>> No.30081844


>> No.30081849

What are the narratives on why Ina is so mad? What do we have to talk about? Is she mad because we called AO chan a cunt? Cause AO chan is a no fun allowed cunt and every time I see a pinned message from AO chan at top of chat it sours the experience and I don't even chat. Fuck AO chan.

>> No.30081850
Quoted by: >>30081885

>'Deadbeats' are the only overwhelmingly employed fanbase

>> No.30081851


>> No.30081854


>> No.30081858

Someone posted a screenshot of her being posted on reddit last thread... so yes

>> No.30081861
File: 123 KB, 600x600, 1583757891927.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30081872

>unlimited cunny

>> No.30081864
File: 787 KB, 604x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081867


>> No.30081868
Quoted by: >>30081932

>What I want to do

>> No.30081869
File: 2.54 MB, 2410x3172, Gura2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoga soon chumbuds...

Have a sweaty gura

>> No.30081871


>> No.30081872

Cunny all the way down

>> No.30081876

Aww, that's too bad. One day later and she'd be Gemini like me :3

>> No.30081877

Rushia is peak cringe for normalfag women and femcels

>> No.30081878

It's not real!

>> No.30081880
Quoted by: >>30081917

*pachi pachi*

>> No.30081881
Quoted by: >>30081931

>Wah why isn't AO-chan letting us talk about e-celebs?!
Fucking kill yourself.

>> No.30081883

Fuck no, this is NEET country dummy.

>> No.30081884

I have a job. Being a student usually also means that you're jobless by the way.

>> No.30081885
Quoted by: >>30081903

they were all forced to work at mcD because they're findom fetishists
why do you think they're called deadbeats

>> No.30081887


>> No.30081888

>Not detached

>> No.30081889
File: 1.24 MB, 629x888, the ancient ones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to see who AO-kun is...

>> No.30081892
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1606919945701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be the case. I should listen more to her streams. I usually watch moona instead, but the moon only has a big appetite and voice.

>> No.30081891
File: 137 KB, 636x358, stupidfuckingmonkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081893


>> No.30081895

Oh no, Oji-sans won't like this....

>> No.30081896

Working on it but covid shot my plans since I can't get certified

>> No.30081897

Based Gura.

>> No.30081902

Fuck off nigger

>> No.30081903

me and you both know it's IT, the actual most soulless employment path
t. deadbeaIT

>> No.30081906
File: 228 KB, 872x432, Screen Shot 2020-12-02 at 11.39.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's not mad ffs

>> No.30081908
Quoted by: >>30081936

>Deadbeats are the only ones that consistently have jobs
Well I guess that's how they give their boy fat akas

>> No.30081909


>> No.30081910

I have been! Tell them to hire me! I've actually got an in-person interview tomorrow.

>> No.30081913

Amegeddom really made her stronger, huh. I guess only unicorns really left.

>> No.30081912
Quoted by: >>30081990

I laughed when I thought Gura actually said this but then I didn't think it was funny anymore when I found out it's fake.

>> No.30081914

Damn, I see my other fellow deadbeats also work, we have to earn those akasupas man.

>> No.30081916
Quoted by: >>30081942

Anon, you didn't have to bully Marine like that.

>> No.30081917

coco come back...

>> No.30081922
Quoted by: >>30081996

Hang yourself.

>> No.30081925

i hear a small dropout (~2:23.50 in the file below) but it's not characteristic of autotune, and the vocal track as a whole is very much not characteristic of autotune.

>> No.30081931

Ina is like Bob Ross. Imagine if before every Bob Ross show, some fucking angry no talent hack was like DONT BE AN ASSHOLE WHILE BOB IS PAINTING. It would kind of ruin the experience. Also nice reading comprehension, I don't even chat in Ina's streams but seeing it first thing every time I open one up is tiresome.

>> No.30081932
Quoted by: >>30081983

she really is 5ch's Mori

>> No.30081933

boobs too big

>> No.30081934

The only person she's mad at is herself.

>> No.30081935

Yeah but I want her to be.

>> No.30081936

Even if I’m working a shit job I’m constantly employed. and it fucking sucks

>> No.30081938
Quoted by: >>30081974

S-She is just practicing for the Holofest! r-right?

>> No.30081939

Deadbeats? More like Kareshi 彼死.

>> No.30081941

Are you frustrated?

>> No.30081942
File: 79 KB, 848x1200, 1586501416773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082087

What? Marine 1'cc'ed PCB on Hard the other day.

>> No.30081944
Quoted by: >>30082283

Explaining the reason as that is kind of weird, but the idea that you behave more like yourself online under an avatar than you do irl where you have to comply with a lot more social rules should not be that hard to comprehend.

>> No.30081945
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1605692758498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081946

Why is she so mad though?

>> No.30081947

operating touchscreen at burger assembly line isn't IT memefart

>> No.30081949

We're entering a depression with enormous unemployment rate, plus this is 4chan where all the neets reside already.

>> No.30081951
Quoted by: >>30081969

That sounds like buffering

>> No.30081956

Do you not know what talent is?

>> No.30081957

What's the best way to get Ina to scold me?

>> No.30081962

>doesn't look like a child

>> No.30081964

>I can't go out like this, dying here is fine
>Tissues please

>> No.30081965
File: 3.16 MB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30081966
File: 226 KB, 390x398, 1605234865768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30081967

We need more Ao-chans especially after the SHITSHOW that was Gura's chat during her 2nd Superliminal stream

>> No.30081969

more specifically, it's that the buffer was empty and the audio was lost.

>> No.30081970

Nice but you forgot her tail. If you don't want to draw it just hint at it being there.

>> No.30081972
Quoted by: >>30082110

Sounds like it lagged and it cut a bit.

>> No.30081974

don't worry about her too much, she's regularly updating her members so nothing terrible is happening
also still doing roommate shit

>> No.30081973


>> No.30081976

Bottom right on thumbnail.....

>> No.30081977
Quoted by: >>30082014

She'll be Mori but likeable

>> No.30081978

Considering how bad tons of other holo chats have become, especially Gura's with the odd eceleb that tries to leech off her, having an AO of her own would be a genuine blessing.

>> No.30081981

But what if she actually is?

>> No.30081982

Need to work on my loli reps..

>> No.30081983

Explains why I like her so much. Zatsudan are objectively the best holo content and any holo willing to lean into that instead of hiding behind videogames constantly is top tier.

>> No.30081985

Rushia isn't from the underworld, she's a human necromancer. Right?

>> No.30081988

Oooh I'm gonna

>> No.30081990
Quoted by: >>30082035

Gura would never make a tweet to help promote upcoming Holos

>> No.30081991
Quoted by: >>30082372

missed that stream, gonna watch it, how did the japanese like it?

>> No.30081996
Quoted by: >>30082056

cool headcanon, reminds me of pre-debut loli Amelia

>> No.30081998
Quoted by: >>30082034

It is if you're good at embellishing the work experience section of your CV

>> No.30082001

These threads kinda suck... its just people being negative or jumping to wild conclusions which turn out wrong every time... idk why you'd believe any of the girls come here more than once a month to laugh at you

>> No.30082004

I'm a Chumbud in school

>> No.30082006
File: 923 KB, 1000x1000, 1596828146798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Blue eyes
>not hydrodynamic
>horse legs
Only the hair looks like Gura, this is heresy!

>> No.30082007

>no holo plant girl

>> No.30082008


>> No.30082010

>Nice design
>Makes you seethe
>Stichded togheter so you can just detach her head or bottom to carry as a portable onahole

>> No.30082012


>> No.30082014
Quoted by: >>30082054

So exactly like Mori

>> No.30082015

>I don't even chat in Ina's streams
Then why the fuck do you even care? Just close the chat like the normal person that you claim to be and enjoy the stream.

>> No.30082016
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, 496E2B15-9AB0-4AD9-95FE-0983DA8115AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082022
Quoted by: >>30082037

> what does 1cc mean

>> No.30082025
File: 250 KB, 1274x349, chumguts grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082067

Oji-sans are the real kusogakis.

>> No.30082029

Looking Right because you left me
Looking Left because you don’t treat me right

>> No.30082031

Unironically disappointed this is the first fanart I've seen for the RFA

>> No.30082030

speaking from experience, seanigger?
honestly, I know that passes as IT in that general area, I work with enough flips and poos

>> No.30082032

The only hope of a girl playing map painters is Koopa

>> No.30082033
Quoted by: >>30082070

Based. Undeadcoin is going to skyrocket.

>> No.30082034

I guess that's why the analysis I get doesn't know the difference between incoming and outgoing telegram

>> No.30082035

you clearly are a retard

>> No.30082037

complete clear

>> No.30082039

There's this thing called lockdown that fucked me out of a job

>> No.30082041

I like it anon

>> No.30082047

please respond

>> No.30082048

They in fact need more AO chans especially in Gura's chat to control that eceleb plague.

>> No.30082051
File: 288 KB, 834x1200, 1540357583507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082084

The only thing I hate more than my CS job is myself.

>> No.30082053

go back please

>> No.30082054

Mori is too Jewish to be likeable

>> No.30082055

when the idea takes root

>> No.30082056
Quoted by: >>30082091

>Implying Gura would give herself tits

>> No.30082057

Reminder she's a 9000 year old cute hag

>> No.30082058

Where have you been Anon? There's been plenty of RFA art for Gura even before she anounced it.

>> No.30082060
File: 9 KB, 225x224, 512F20AA-8212-4ABE-8A90-D07AF706C8EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A different form of MOTIVATION

>> No.30082061

How fucking shit can be your country that they fire you from your job because of the lockdown.

>> No.30082062

HololiveES Cactus girl

>> No.30082063
File: 671 KB, 1200x1093, 1600539656284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082064


>> No.30082065

Ignore the pedophiles, you've done good work.

>> No.30082066

Bros do I have to go to /trash/ to talk about /ourgirl/'s debut tomorrow

>> No.30082067
File: 316 KB, 724x724, 1606429964660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082090

Chumguts, you're the most based chumbuddy in these threads. I just wanted to tell you that.

>> No.30082068
File: 72 KB, 2383x289, cuxu7a7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082070

isn't it ironic that when I buy the Deadcoins is when I feel most alive?

>> No.30082072
File: 455 KB, 635x512, 1605940886829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why hasn't anyone else called out the fact that Reine's design looks like shit? She's too tall and her face is too sharp. She's also the most bland-looking one out of ID Gen 2, how can she ever hope to compete with Anya and Ollie?

>> No.30082073
File: 912 KB, 2480x3508, 4848643453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082074
Quoted by: >>30082171

Hey at least you get paid a lot.
Cubicle dronework pays me pennies.

>> No.30082080
File: 3 KB, 124x124, naisu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30082082
File: 447 KB, 431x545, 1606631220291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082084

More comfortable crying in the lambo than the streets

>> No.30082085

I'm sorry for you Anon, I hope it gets better soon

>> No.30082087

Why does she sit like that?

>> No.30082089
File: 2.95 MB, 1279x2000, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W- WOMB...

>> No.30082090
File: 413 KB, 468x468, chumguts grasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082091

>implying Gura would give herself half-assed model with eyes spazzing every few minutes

>> No.30082094

use the fucking youtube chat

>> No.30082093
File: 568 KB, 1200x1742, 1606775242469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleanse yourself brother

>> No.30082095
Quoted by: >>30082159

Kill yourself dumb cunt

>> No.30082096
Quoted by: >>30082359

>boobs too big
Is it true tho?
We never had official art of Gura showing her """cleavage""" or without her sharkcoat from her mama.

Maybe by checking out mama's art, if you find any of her characters with a hint of boobs, we can understand if she has them too.

>> No.30082097

This reminded me of this poll

>> No.30082099

check the donation

>> No.30082101

>look mom I said it again!

>> No.30082104


>> No.30082106

I like the hard lines but tits are a little too big

>> No.30082107

Hey man, I'm a student, not much I can do for the next 2 years or so except leech off my parents

>> No.30082108

She's sniffing Matsuri. Wangy wangy as a joke kinda got attention through the Louise copypasta translated poorly. English version is this

Louise! Louise! Louise! Louiseeeeeeaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!! Ahhhhh… aa… a, aahhh! Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Louise Louise Louiseeeeuuuuuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Ah Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! Kunkakunka(sniff-sniff)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! SuuHaa(Breath in and out)! Good smell…Kunkun(sniff-sniff) Nhaah! I wanna Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff) Louise Francoise-tan's pink blond hair! Kunkakunka (sniff-sniff)!AhaA! Mistook! I wanna mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Hair hair Mofmof(fluffy-fluffy)! Karikarimofmof! Cuincuin(onomatope) Louise on novel volume 12 was Cuuuutteeee! AaaAA!…AAA…AhAaAAAA!FaaAAAnnn!! Congratulation 2nd season was on air! Louise-tan! AaAAAAA! Cute! Louise-tan! Cute! AhAAaAA! Comic volume 2nd was sold and I'm happ… NooOOOOO!!! NyaaAAAAAAAN! GyaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA(Aaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh)!!! GahhhaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAA! Comic is not real! Oh…novels and anime is too… L o u i s e I s N o t R e a l? NyaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN! UwaaaaAAAAAAAAAAA! GetchaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!!! Noooooooo! HaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAn! Uwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! This! Fxxk! I give up! I give up such a real(life)…te…what? Look? Illustlated Louise-tan is looking at me? Illustlated Louise-tan is looking at me ! Louise-tan is watching me! Illustlated Louise-tan is looking at me ! Louise-tan on anime is watching me! I feel relieved… The world is not that bad! Iyahhoooooooooooooo!!! Louise is with me! I did it, Kety! I can do it! oh, comic's Louise-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAaaaaaaaNnnn!!! NooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo!!!!!!!!!!! AhAnAAhAAna, Ms Ann!!!! Si, Siestaaaaaaaaaaaa! HenriettaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! TabathaaaaaAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! UUtUuuUUU!!! May my wish to Louise! To Louise on Halkeginia!

>> No.30082109

<span class="sjis">WOOOOOOOOOOMB

>> No.30082110

The stream I mean, cause it's not something you can prevent.

>> No.30082112

What do you do when the chuuba is that one that has to take the meds?

>> No.30082113

I just realized that you can literally go dumpster diving in the /trash/

>> No.30082114 [DELETED] 


>> No.30082116
Quoted by: >>30082151

That's pretty crinch anon, that's pretty crinch

>> No.30082117
File: 1.71 MB, 850x1233, 1604603076167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082120

Why do you not pay attention to threads?

>> No.30082123

gura's version of plastic love is better than the original. not on a technical level but her voice is just incredible to listen to

>> No.30082124
Quoted by: >>30082149

>Mori, virgin with a job

>> No.30082125
File: 185 KB, 318x343, 1606003003757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082126
Quoted by: >>30082172

use capitalist

>> No.30082127

AO-chan will purge the unclean and get rid OF THE MEANCE, that are ECELB FAGGOTS. Only Ina's and Kiara's chat are bearable. The former thanks to AO-chan and the latter thanks to strong cult-like audience.

>> No.30082130

Did the Ame Twitter situation get solved yet? I'm still surprised if it is her that pulled that stunt since she knows that the lolcow seagulls already archived all her past stuff but I really want the girl to just finally get some rest regarding that stuff. I guess Ame's situation would teach Gen 2 to make sure to private their old accounts and delete anything too personal in the future even if they are small indies

>> No.30082132
File: 3.02 MB, 3000x2516, 1604987468671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also has gills

>> No.30082133

Ina is her own biggest rrat
>Late schedules
>Vague explanation for no collabs
>This thumbnail
Ina if you're reading this I appreciate all the food, rrats have been starving

>> No.30082134

>Listen to what the priestess has to say and spread her words.
...Takobros? are we in trouble?

>> No.30082137

and we thought the drunk deadbeat nearly choking his neighbor to death was bad

>> No.30082139

That was something of a concern after I saw she posted some hlgg coupon on her twitter, hopefully there isn't too much of that.

>> No.30082140

Anon, your reps...

>> No.30082143
Quoted by: >>30082174

gura is an actual mythological siren

>> No.30082146
File: 879 KB, 1553x1993, 1605931109879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082197

Also this one

>> No.30082147
File: 565 KB, 1000x1000, z5nbcacw7ln51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082163

She found out no one made a Kiara Padoru

>> No.30082149

Birds of a feather

>> No.30082151

You will be ashamed of your words and deeds once Gura gets a form-fitting outfit.

>> No.30082152

Wow, this makes uohposting look like amateur hour

>> No.30082155

Based, but I hope you die, Astel. Don't ever talk to ame again. Got it? Good.

>> No.30082158


>> No.30082159
Quoted by: >>30082201

You should be locked up

>> No.30082163
File: 359 KB, 1000x1000, 0a6e77eef303828783be0fa38a06e813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082213


>> No.30082164

No one cares

>> No.30082166

Except AO-chan is easily ignored by not acting like a nigger.

>> No.30082167
Quoted by: >>30082215

Yagoo! Another Holo whose main color is green! Onegai...

>> No.30082170

Really? Source?

>> No.30082171

eh, it's decent relatively to my country but I'm one of the slavbeats so it's nothing exciting
'rona kinda ruined the possibility I had to move to Ireland to do same shit for 5 times the money

>> No.30082172
Quoted by: >>30082186

Same thing

>> No.30082173

it’s been days and gura still hasn’t liked or retweeted ames song...

it’s blatantly obvious that Amelia wanted gura to see it but didn’t want to come off as clingy or obsessive on discord DMs, so posted it on Twitter instead
to the uninformed viewer, sure it seems like a meme song haha ina ntrd gura oh no

but in reality it’s an extremely somber, moving piece straight from amelias heart. the song literally reflects her pre hololive days as a well known massive HERfag, though gura barely acknowledged her then

then they start hitting it off.. but ame watched gura play portal 2 with ina and saw all the fun they were having, no, SHE was having, and she got jealous

I have no doubt in my mind that Amelia is the mega gosling for Gura, not the other way around. She bounces around and flirts with other chuubas because it’s one, a coping mechanism, and two, a way to hopefully make gura jealous.
that’s why she rejected guras collars for two weeks, she wanted to make Gura jealous. Dependent on her. But in reality, she found out that she was the one that needed Gura. But the damage had already been done, there was an awkward rift between them, and Gura stopped asking for collabs.

Long story short, her song was basically a final, impassioned plea to gura. To reignite the kindle of their burned out love for one another.

I mean, it just makes sense. Why did Ame say that she didn’t want to bother Gura with asking her for a movie collab? Isn’t that normal between friends? Oh, it’s because she has romantic feelings for Gura and it was basically akin to asking her out on a fucking date. Something that she wasn’t mentally prepared for yet

>> No.30082174

I've been saying this but no one wants to admit the truth.

>> No.30082176
Quoted by: >>30082214

do chumbuds really?

>> No.30082179


>> No.30082180


>> No.30082182
File: 410 KB, 900x900, 1606355476808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082184

Have you tried not being retarded?

>> No.30082186
File: 73 KB, 768x768, 1605538288325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same thing
Same desu!

>> No.30082188

Reminder that Gura is a fully grown woman

>> No.30082189
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1605849696575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082299

I got fuck over and can't do my final university practice, so I'm stuck here until 2021

>> No.30082190

Based, go fuck the other Homos, don't touch my oshi she belongs to us until she graduates, then you can fuck her with you Pacific crossing dick

>> No.30082193

oh my god this narrative is real!

>> No.30082196


>> No.30082197


>> No.30082199

I don't know what is happening but I like it

>> No.30082198
File: 979 KB, 700x700, ina2spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082201
File: 217 KB, 476x531, 1580664969471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deflecting with 3d garbage here
fuck off biden voter

>> No.30082202
Quoted by: >>30082250

Doesnt that mean that teamates are just pollfags?

>> No.30082206

your meds anon

>> No.30082205
Quoted by: >>30082310


>> No.30082210

So is my dick

>> No.30082211

i haven't thought about zero no tsukaima in years

>> No.30082212
File: 431 KB, 691x691, 1606546349982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when did 2d=3d?

>> No.30082213

Thanks *right click* *save* *zip*

>> No.30082214
Quoted by: >>30082321


>> No.30082215 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1606938754212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's better than green? Lime. I fucking love lime. My absolute favorite color. Why it's so good? Why it's so mesmerizing? I don't know, it just is.

>> No.30082222

it's fucking over amesame bros...

>> No.30082223

Meds onegai

>> No.30082225


>> No.30082227

I'd be really surprised; usually when Holos have to retard wrangle their audience, they get it over fast at the start of a stream then get back to the happy times

>> No.30082228

Cute face, nice thighs, tits too big, arms and hands look out of proportion compared to her face.

>> No.30082229

AmeSame love. I even love reading /u/ schizo posts now.

>> No.30082235
Quoted by: >>30082273

I thought that was referring to the holotalk guest, meaning it's friend?

>> No.30082236

Who knew the day would come where someone would menhera over Matsuri of all people.

>> No.30082237

I fucking hate /u/schizos

>> No.30082240
File: 907 KB, 802x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True by Atlantean hydrodynamic standards.

>> No.30082241

Based, this is why nijisanji will always be inferior to hololive

>> No.30082245

The thing is that all she did was bring back attention to it. A couple shit posts and retards here and there but things were mostly calm. She basically stirring the pot again.

>> No.30082246

You should get that checked out

>> No.30082247
File: 1.08 MB, 1668x680, dewannawanga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

de wanna wanga

>> No.30082248

Not quite, sonny. It stands for 1-credit clear which is comes from back in the day when at arcades you had to put a coin in for an attempt to beat the game. Learn your gaming history and heritage.

>> No.30082250

Not a teamate but I always click on polls since they're harmless, fast to respond and sometimes get a laugh out of me.

>> No.30082257

based but I need a source for this claim

>> No.30082258

I keep waiting for someone to post the /a/ pee copypasta with how much pee a 9700 year old atlantean would produce over time but I guess the real weird shit stays there with fate arguments

>> No.30082259

Someone that understands some of the finer points of this better than me make a gura edit

>> No.30082260
Quoted by: >>30082285

What did the bottom spoiler say?

>> No.30082263
Quoted by: >>30082276

The rrats weren't starving, they've learned how to do double backflips at sanic speeds. Who knew.

>> No.30082264
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1580720758862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura has standards

>> No.30082265
File: 655 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20201127-214854_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082284


>> No.30082271
Quoted by: >>30082298

Ina was never the same ever since Marine cancelled the collab

>> No.30082273

i dont know, she said sugoi my mind went directly to boobs kek

>> No.30082274

so I did all my reps, is all this ame shit just made up? at no point was her roommate's twitter ever not deleted, are people just trying to troll?

>> No.30082275
File: 19 KB, 250x244, 1603751946434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia anti's now resorting to LARPing

>> No.30082276

This is only due to the starvation

>> No.30082278

Astel please teach me how to teleport my dick like you.

>> No.30082279
Quoted by: >>30082326

But anon, her favorite color is white!

>> No.30082280


>> No.30082282

Uhh so what do you guys think of the zombie girl based on her tweet? She looks like a more extreme version of Kiara to me which may people think of as annoying. But I like Kiara so I might as well check out her debut...

>> No.30082283
Quoted by: >>30082330

There's no such thing as someone's "true" or "verifiable", and there never will be until we get some sort of mind meld shit.

The squirrel is actually right, because either the avatars are being molded off the personalities, or the personalities are being selected off the avatars, if anything, 2d/3d models would be MORE their personalities, because all a "personality" boils down to is the image someone wants to project of themselves into the world.

>> No.30082285

Something like "Everything above is completely made up, please dont come after me alphabet agencies"

>> No.30082284

Miko is so fucking elite

>> No.30082286

I want Senchou to teach my dirty secondary self more about 2hu and then cosplay as my favorite! I want her to prey upon me by using my favorite video game characters!

>> No.30082289

some faggot made her tell /hlgg/ to take their meds. Might as well clip it but i can't be assed to do it.

>> No.30082290
Quoted by: >>30082329

To me the only one who behaves like a boomer is Calli.

>> No.30082298

>Marine cancelled the collab
I hope they nuke Japan again

>> No.30082299
Quoted by: >>30082467

What did you have to do? Our Uni had to stop a lot of experiments for the last semester and only a few were allowed on-campus for a short time. This semester it's better but still not great. An old friend had to extend for one semester since she couldn't do the necessary Lab reps which almost cost her the degree.

>> No.30082302

I forgot how good Live Again was.

>> No.30082303
File: 863 KB, 965x831, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082364


>> No.30082304

They have no new material and teamates don't give a shit so they're literally going full schizo.

>> No.30082306

>10k waiting

>> No.30082307

t. zoomer

>> No.30082310

Yes, she's just a little short for her age, okay?

>> No.30082311

I never disliked Kiara; but zombie is turning me off really fast, feels like a melodycrew style Holo

>> No.30082315
File: 558 KB, 702x790, 1603766688922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking Reines has a shit design

>> No.30082316 [DELETED] 

Mori rejected her proposal of hot steamy sex.

>> No.30082321
Quoted by: >>30082388

she is pretty good but i wouldn`t go that far, she still struggles with some notes and has other problems. anyway not trying to pick a fight, so take your (you) and lets agree too disagree

>> No.30082322

Those are all good reasons to LOVE her

>> No.30082323

EOP clipfag detected

>> No.30082324

Antis gonna anti and they have no material

>> No.30082326
Quoted by: >>30082353

I'm talking about my favorite color. And she has lime everywhere. When she made like 9 lime beds in her debut stream I knew she's a girl after my heart.

>> No.30082329

I keep being reminded that millennials are already old to the new gen
feels bad man

>> No.30082330

Aren't you just agreeing with me?

>> No.30082331

Kill the thread before Ina's stream
>Your oshi
>Holo with the best footwear/feet
>Will you do your reps today?

I like Noel's knight boots
Already did my /fit/ reps

>> No.30082332
Quoted by: >>30082342

I never pay attention to that, how much is it usually for her streams?

>> No.30082334

If you want cunny posts you should just ask for them, anon, no need to be so restrained.

>> No.30082337

Discord account and the steam account are larping but the twitter that came back is most likely Ame, I doubt someone hacked into it and Ame is just done with the lolcow seagulls

>> No.30082338

Title and thumbnail clickbaiting is too powerful. I wish the girls did this more.

>> No.30082339

>Work in manufacturing sector
>Had a fairly comfy time ordering supplies working from home half the time for the past 9 months

>> No.30082342


>> No.30082344
Quoted by: >>30082377

Graduation streams usually get more, poor Ina...

>> No.30082343

>I like Kiara's sneakers
>Been doing my Japanese reps all day

>> No.30082346
Quoted by: >>30082407

Can you stop samefagging? No one but you spams "LARPing" all the time

>> No.30082350
Quoted by: >>30082387

>Working from home since I went out of state for Thanksgiving
>Can watch Holos at work now
I never want to go back

>> No.30082353

You have good taste, I thought you were rping a little, keep it up jellybud.

>> No.30082354

How is your dick a fully grown woman?

>> No.30082357
File: 29 KB, 157x224, 1601061752287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fuck kanji.

>> No.30082355
Quoted by: >>30082376

>Uhh so what do you guys think of the zombie girl based on her tweet?
She's been tweeting so much I have no idea which one you're referring to.

>> No.30082359

She said she wanted a more form fitting outfit too so we'll see someday. Based on the art she likes on Twitter she seems to imagine herself as having small buds with thick thighs.

>> No.30082361 [DELETED] 

>15 minute mute for roommate posting
>not even a ban
I see why there's a recent surge in doxxposts.

>> No.30082364


>> No.30082365


>> No.30082367

>your oshi
>would you drop her if she had an onlyFans

>> No.30082372

They were melting, it was like watching their daughter/imouto learning JP,
>"very good!"
>"you are so smart gura"
>"now say this..."
some were gosling
>"this is so cute I can die with no regrets"
>"I hope one day we can get a full stream of her speaking like this"
>"she's even cuter in japanese!"
and when she was teaching swearwords
>"don't teach her that kusotori!"
>she sounds cute even cursing"
>"now say cunt"
A lot of fun

>> No.30082376
Quoted by: >>30082512

sorry I meant tweets

>> No.30082377
Quoted by: >>30082512

I can't believe Mori is making Ina graduate

>> No.30082378

I love her and I can't wait for her debut

>> No.30082380

>Your oshi
>Holo you've jerked off the most to

>> No.30082381

Okay so we all know Ina isn't actually mad but that's no fun
So give me your narrative
Why is Ina mad?

>> No.30082382

i would buy her onlyfans

>> No.30082383
Quoted by: >>30082428

>We need to talk

Famous last words

>> No.30082385
Quoted by: >>30082470

Gonna be the biggest twist of all time if Gura isn't actually HER

>> No.30082387

I share the sentiment
Except I always watched Holos at work
It's comfy to be indispensable enough that no one will tell you to stop

>> No.30082388
Quoted by: >>30082515

>not on a technical level but her voice is just incredible to listen to
I'm not that anon but you're being an imbecile. It's normal to prefer one singer's voice over another, not everything is about objective singing ability.

>> No.30082390


>> No.30082391

She seems more like if you took Gura, made her incredibly extroverted, and then even dumber.

>> No.30082392

Ina's whore platforms

>> No.30082395

>not really

>> No.30082396

All I know is that I want her to collab with TakaMori when the collab ban ends.
She's either going to be a yuri tornado or their incredibly hyper daughter and both sounds hilarious

>> No.30082394


>> No.30082403
Quoted by: >>30082528

I hope Mori gets her own ao-chan someday. probably won't happen but would maybe shut some of the more obnoxious ones up.

>> No.30082404

Gura is a literal zoomer though.

>> No.30082407

Yeah this shit is getting obnoxious. Just let it go and stop trying to push the LARPing narrative.

>> No.30082408

I'd subscribe

>> No.30082409


>> No.30082410

Gura makes Facebook mom tier jokes so I can see why you'd say that

>> No.30082413

I have never jerked off to a holo.

>> No.30082414
File: 90 KB, 824x802, 1606858296163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082431


>> No.30082415
File: 20 KB, 199x253, 1601656526019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kanji, it's too strong...

>> No.30082416

Yeah, A couple bucks

>> No.30082417


>> No.30082419

No she fucking needs one, I would have fap material forever if she did one

>> No.30082421

I was going to start doing reps but I got error after installing Anki

>> No.30082422


>> No.30082424


>> No.30082425

I like Moris heels
Yes, i am going to the gym later

>> No.30082426


>> No.30082428

>over 12k waiting to be lectured on stream

>> No.30082431
File: 20 KB, 960x582, 1600050247473.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082432

I don't post either but loling at the double standards where loli = not pedo, but posting some vtubers = doxing

>> No.30082435


>> No.30082436

it's Mori's fault, she slapped Ame in front of Yagoo after Ame said collabing with Cr1tikal will kill Hololive
Ina was seething ever since

>> No.30082438
File: 174 KB, 1480x832, AHHHHH TUSKETEEEE [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fedgcal.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082439

I don't get off to Holos

>> No.30082441


>> No.30082442
File: 1.73 MB, 1132x1200, 1581115483783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082474

Give me your rrats or I'll shoot.

>> No.30082444
File: 1.52 MB, 2480x2876, 1588947149417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30082443

>Ina's schlongs
>Never will

>> No.30082446

Never did to an holo

>> No.30082448


>> No.30082449
File: 127 KB, 1016x1598, 1606376320134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30082539

Ah, the pepeloni! Pepeloni! The no-one!

>> No.30082450

never jerked off to a holo im very particular about porn

>> No.30082451
Quoted by: >>30082492

Hopefully after Kiara's collab, it wasn't just totally professional goodbyes right?

>> No.30082452

Ew feet

>> No.30082454

to laugh at us anon

>> No.30082455

This is true. Fuck Ina, she's the only one who needs her BF to control the chat like a nazi.

>> No.30082456

>christmas tako

>> No.30082457

you answered your question, it's to create contrast. The other 2 holos are not that great but next to the bland one, it's ok.

>> No.30082458

Feelin festive

>> No.30082459

The new intro is here!

>> No.30082463


>> No.30082464


>> No.30082465

My /fit/ reps and /lit/ reps are done throughout the entire day.

>> No.30082467

Work on public services (or governament bussiness idk, I'm a ESL-kun). The funny thing is that I had a place to do it in a secure enviroment but my shitty uni dind't let me for no apparent reason. Thank god I don't have to pay for the extra semester.

>> No.30082468

Guys Survey post to kill the thread.
>Ear of Pizza?
>Take out pepeloni?

>> No.30082469


>> No.30082470
Quoted by: >>30082559

How would this even happen? Would HER have to upload a video or does Gura have to collab with HER

>> No.30082471
Quoted by: >>30082513

Is that a gucci pattern on Ina's tentacles?

>> No.30082474

If I were to die by the addidas lion, I'd die a happy man.

>> No.30082477

do you like my new hat

>> No.30082478

Merry Christmas!

>> No.30082479

Comfy piano remix...

>> No.30082484


>> No.30082485


>> No.30082486


>> No.30082487 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30082541

Isn't it usually a 3 day ban though?

>> No.30082488


>> No.30082489

She is 21

>> No.30082490

>new theme
>New hat

>> No.30082492

It took a long time for her to tweet about it on twitter, so maybe not

>> No.30082493

Horribly depressed, can't believe Gura complained to management to have Ina graduated

>> No.30082495


>> No.30082499

i love christmas so much

>> No.30082500

I'm drawing boobs

>> No.30082502

Mori elbowed Ina in the back of the head in front of Yagoo

>> No.30082505

Damn I'm festive

>> No.30082506

i don't eat it

>> No.30082507

Cute hat you've got there, takos

>> No.30082509
Quoted by: >>30082534

Loli is not pedo you dumb faggot. Go back.

>> No.30082512

So far I have a positive impression of her since she likes my oshi. Tweets don't give a full picture of someone's personality. Remember Kiara seemed like she would be a Polka type character from her early tweets.
The Lethal League saga just took a dramatic turn.

>> No.30082513

No, it's Louis Vuitton

>> No.30082514

The cheese-cheese pan

>> No.30082515
Quoted by: >>30082546

>gura's version of plastic love is better than the original.
ogey chumshart

>> No.30082517

Well yeah she's over 9000 years old

>> No.30082518


>> No.30082520


>> No.30082521
Quoted by: >>30082574

Ina is the classiest holoEN girl.

>> No.30082524
Quoted by: >>30082569


>> No.30082528

Mori made it a point that she is pretty much okay with anyone saying anything, she's like a /b/tard in that regard
it goes as far as her first member streams when she said it's okay to even call her a piece of shit

>> No.30082527
Quoted by: >>30082560

>15 minute mute for roommate posting
>not even a ban
I see why there's a recent surge in doxxposts.

>> No.30082529

Matsuri and Marine

>> No.30082531

>your oshi
>which fanbase member could you beat in a fight

>> No.30082533


>> No.30082534
Quoted by: >>30082610

right back at you, there was never any doxing in those threads

>> No.30082535

I look so cute wth my new hat

>> No.30082536
Quoted by: >>30082555


>> No.30082537

Not at all

>> No.30082538

Tall leather boots are cool
started jp reps, did some draw reps
Marine and Gura

>> No.30082539

When did Haachama evolve from "cute ojou tsundere" to "absolutely bombshell thick bimbo retard"

>> No.30082540

NO! AWAY! I only eat pepeloni pizza

>> No.30082541 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30082597

Jannies are indirectly encouraging doxxing by being this generous.

>> No.30082542

This is the best christmas BGM yet, no contest.

>> No.30082544

Who has the best Christmas BGM?

>> No.30082546

t. deadbeat

>> No.30082548

I can't believe Ina is breaking up with me...

>> No.30082550


>> No.30082551

>20k waiting
Sasuga octopus

>> No.30082555

here *unzips dick*

>> No.30082556

How does that disprove anything? stop trying to infantilise adults

>> No.30082557

the 15 minute mute is usually followed by a ban.
the mute is from the janitor and the ban from the mods follow shortly afterwards

>> No.30082559

It would have to be a live collab.
Honestly that timeline would be amazing, kinda sad that it is almost impossible.

>> No.30082560

They know what time the sharkmeido sleeps

>> No.30082562


>> No.30082561

Polka I guess. Even then I didn't cum, but I can't help but get hard during her ASMR.

>> No.30082563

chumbuds for sure

>> No.30082564

o fuk

>> No.30082567

ina ina inaaa?

>> No.30082569


>> No.30082570


>> No.30082571


>> No.30082572

she's mad...

>> No.30082574


Nobody could dispute this in any way shape or form

>> No.30082575

Tako bros... she angry

>> No.30082576

WAH >:(

>> No.30082578


>> No.30082577


>> No.30082579

That's a bad analogy but I understand the point you're trying to get across.

>> No.30082580

Oh no!

>> No.30082582


>> No.30082583


>> No.30082584

>She looks upset

>> No.30082586


>> No.30082587

Ina dying...

>> No.30082588


>> No.30082590


>> No.30082589


>> No.30082592

I don't mind, teamates are based.
t. deadbeat

>> No.30082595


>> No.30082597

long bans encourage evading

>> No.30082598


>> No.30082599

Shit Ina's pissed

>> No.30082601


>> No.30082600


>> No.30082602


>> No.30082603

>angry wah
Oh no...

>> No.30082604

Holy shit angry Ina is so fucking hot

>> No.30082606

>serious face ina
oh no this is going to be bad takotachis...

>> No.30082607

Brb KYSing myself right now.

>> No.30082605

>Ina is PISSED!

>> No.30082608


>> No.30082609

I love you, Gura!

>> No.30082610

>Not understanding go back
Fucking newfag

>> No.30082611


>> No.30082612

oh fuck shes gonna kill me for not doing my reps

>> No.30082613

She heard we called her boring...

>> No.30082615

Priestesss i am sorry

>> No.30082614


>> No.30082616


>> No.30082619


>> No.30082618

i love you, gura! i hope you feel better soon!

>> No.30082620

fuck haachama

>> No.30082622

OH FUCK, She's mad
