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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 428 KB, 1400x2164, EoGZmpAW8AANy_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30075870 No.30075870 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30075876
Quoted by: >>30077039


>> No.30075878
File: 144 KB, 500x500, 1606760194873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30075880

>dr pepper
this is the only reason i cant watch ina. dr pepper is so bad it tastes like cold medicine

>> No.30075884
File: 123 KB, 360x450, pikameee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30075885

Nice cock!

>> No.30075887

Anal with Kiara

>> No.30075889

plz crush my face like you trashed subaru's can tenchou

>> No.30075894
Quoted by: >>30075995


>> No.30075898
Quoted by: >>30075973


>> No.30075899
Quoted by: >>30075928


>> No.30075904
File: 1.59 MB, 600x600, 1606641750957.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078836


>> No.30075908
Quoted by: >>30075928

Spotted the seamonkey

>> No.30075909

Please Ame... Just a taste of your chicken nugget sauce...

>> No.30075911

Um it clearly says Dr. Oopsie.

>> No.30075913
File: 857 KB, 4096x2305, ri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076270

Kiara is comfy and energetic at the same time

>> No.30075912


>> No.30075916
File: 161 KB, 579x576, 1606854832752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076341

'Ate Niji's
'Ate the moon
'Ate numbers
'Ate Indos (not racist just don't like 'em)

Luv tendies
Luv death
Luv numbers
Luv me rabbit

Simple as

>> No.30075915

hey /hlgg/, guess what

>> No.30075921

Love chicken

>> No.30075923
File: 2.44 MB, 2337x2482, redraw colour (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dagger loli next y/n

>> No.30075922

Kiara's ass is out of this world

>> No.30075924
File: 718 KB, 400x300, 86494b0def461eb190ce99322208e647.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this chicken, Double G!

>> No.30075927
File: 73 KB, 500x500, tumblr_28da40d2e67531f3ed88df8a3b445aa8_55565cd8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artia starts live streaming
>Miko starts a stream shortly after
>Miko waits for people who have notifications on to arrive
>Miko ends the stream and does a raid on Artia's stream, causing Hololive fans to harass her
>Does this everytime Artia goes live
This is how Cover can get revenge for the chink spam

>> No.30075928

what? i'm white

>> No.30075929
File: 181 KB, 436x456, gargoogla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, it's me. great gargoyle. don't forget to stay hydrated, report and ignore doxxfaggots, and most important of all, love your oshi. hoocha. huhaha.

>> No.30075931

Longcat is looooooooooooooooooooooooooong

>> No.30075934
Quoted by: >>30076164

but why?

>> No.30075935
File: 171 KB, 512x310, chumguts book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30075938
File: 579 KB, 1280x720, We need to talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's serious now.

>> No.30075942

Kiara's laugh filters me so hard

>> No.30075944
File: 64 KB, 195x147, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076447

Give me your RRATs!

>> No.30075945

>watching SAO with miko
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BASED

>> No.30075951

Outed. You'd say the same thing about root beer too.

>> No.30075953

yes please

>> No.30075954


>> No.30075956
File: 111 KB, 800x1138, 56763463455546546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they're saying they need to ask Gega of America for permission? Well shouldn't that be a good thing since they're much more reasonable than the JP branch?

>> No.30075959
File: 100 KB, 389x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Ina mad at us?

>> No.30075961
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1606886748498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda dreading the ID voices lads.

>> No.30075963

Is Chimin's sleep schedule wrecked or something? She always streems until 4AM or something.

>> No.30075969


>> No.30075972

dangerously based

>> No.30075973
File: 23 KB, 576x432, Ah+you+leatherman+maybe+you+and+i+should+settle+_3090d051e311a3475f64cab762f35664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076205

Ah fuck (You) leather man

>> No.30075975
File: 91 KB, 247x286, 1606858136937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30075977


>> No.30075978
File: 67 KB, 612x612, 1604877049751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Ollie watches woohoofaggot


>> No.30075979
File: 265 KB, 1400x2046, EoJGK37VkAASRK-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white panties
Fake and gay

>> No.30075980
File: 144 KB, 902x593, 1604416236267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30075986

What makes you think that? That's how normal people sleep

>> No.30075988

Thank you Goomba Gamble

>> No.30075991

I mean I understand not liking root beer but Dr. Pepper is fucking delicious.

>> No.30075993
File: 13 KB, 477x476, 1581265637875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheres pekora...

>> No.30075995


>> No.30075997

But why?

>> No.30075998

Pretty much, and then she spends a couple hours Netflix'ing herself to sleep.

>> No.30076002

Yes, she has talked about it plenty across multiple streams. She can't go straight to sleep normally as well so she's basically up until 6 AM every day.

>> No.30076009


>> No.30076007

I want to kiss her forehead.

>> No.30076013

Thanks gorgonzola garfield

>> No.30076011

Pls understand she have a sword in her brain

>> No.30076015
File: 71 KB, 579x534, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top 10 holos for the day!

>> No.30076016

Yeah always fucked. She sleeps at 5 or 6 am usually.

>> No.30076018

Has /hlg/ stopped hating Kiara entirely now that Mori is the controversial one?

>> No.30076020
File: 251 KB, 236x272, 1606838326759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076105

I love watching Gura and all of her friends. You better be watching Kiara.

>> No.30076022

It's eternally wrecked. She tried to fix it, but then fucked it back up.
Doesn't help she also watches netflix for 4 hours before sleeping either.

>> No.30076021
Quoted by: >>30076075

Until they say they don't give permissions at all that's a Jap thing.

>> No.30076025
File: 92 KB, 600x600, chicken drawing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076063

does she even have a vagina? it could just be some random skin sown onto her crotch.
could she have a vagina on her arm or neck?
can i take off her head and fuck it?

>> No.30076028

Who is talking about longcat(RIP)?

>> No.30076029
File: 402 KB, 1920x2000, blehchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zhowa... Not like this.....

>> No.30076030
Quoted by: >>30076148

cant possibly be worse than ame's

>> No.30076031

Recommend me your favourite luna streams

>> No.30076034

>pronouncing vinnegar correctly now
Lmao, Manager-san must've got her the memo.

>> No.30076036

I just realized that rice game has the main character killing alot of rabbits. Does Kiara hate Pekora now? N-narrative bros?

>> No.30076038

Gura didn't even do anything.

>> No.30076039

We never did, that'd be tranny tourists and /cgl/.

>> No.30076043


>> No.30076045
File: 270 KB, 512x513, 1604913212702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does knowing that your oshi would never date you make you feel differently about her? For example,
>gura will not date a manlet or someone with a gay voice
>mori will not date a non-asian
>ame will not date a gosling
>ina will not date someone who is not a ff14 e-boy
>kiara is lesbo so she will not date (You) unless you're excessively chadly
As a manlet, it's hard to cope with the fact that Gura would just laugh at me and never seriously consider my love.

>> No.30076046
File: 347 KB, 1080x922, Screenshot_20201202-114235_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076176

Somebody made a cringey Soundcloud rap for Ollie

>> No.30076048
File: 3 KB, 130x60, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076507


>> No.30076051

Thanks Global General

>> No.30076057
Quoted by: >>30076246

never cared about HoloCN. Heard bits and pieces of the story, but Artia was a chink spammer for Coco? Why do we pretend she will be missed if this is the case?

>> No.30076058

That part I dont remember, but I also dont even remember where I saw the reference sheet in thinking of

>> No.30076063

>could she have a vagina on her arm or neck
Back of the knee maybe?

>> No.30076066


>> No.30076070
File: 40 KB, 360x360, 1606508138421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076131

marine is not feeling ogey
tenchu, numbers onegai

>> No.30076069

She exists

>> No.30076071

thanks gecko ganguro

>> No.30076072

This might actually be a dealbreaker. If she actually mentions him post-debut like Mori with critikal then Zombie Coin is getting sold

>> No.30076073

not really :D

>> No.30076075
Quoted by: >>30076211

Lots of Western devs have given Hololive permissions. How would this be any different?

>> No.30076078

thank you, Globglob Gabgalab

>> No.30076080

At least it took me to actually watch Shartemis to hate him, this zombie needed 0 minutes of stream time.

>> No.30076081


>> No.30076083

Gura could just take a break for a few months and she would still be inclining.

>> No.30076085
File: 93 KB, 753x800, 12f72498927308fda18a623b2d24fa28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dangerously based zombie

>> No.30076086
File: 847 KB, 884x1200, 1606764366090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im good

>> No.30076088

Always loved her since day 1. Can't speak for the rest of the general.

>> No.30076089

I remember during Ame's learning stream someone posted a screenshot there and the first reply was saying "Wow she respects her senpai unlike Mori". They always need someone to hate.

>> No.30076094

Go back

>> No.30076095

Thanks, Gar Gula, if you need to, take more days off till you recover. So you can be ready for RFA and Yoga

>> No.30076096

Sold at the speed of light.

>> No.30076097
File: 29 KB, 1000x600, woohoolad_coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076100
File: 107 KB, 588x836, rip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076103

Thanks Gargling Gigabyte

>> No.30076105

I am but only on collab.

>> No.30076108


>> No.30076109

Why is mori controversial.
Are redditors still upset that she made fun of their bean drink?

>> No.30076110

Are Mori and Zombie related or what

>> No.30076116
File: 561 KB, 1140x960, Pekora 68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>report doxxnigger for doxx
>get a warning
>report doxxnigger for off topic
>get a warning

>> No.30076117

>Kiara is gonna surpass Ina
why is Ina so lazy? is because she is rich?

>> No.30076118

Was anyone actually able to watch the movie with Miko? I only saw people say they were getting regionlocked.

>> No.30076119
File: 60 KB, 534x464, 1605808514184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you genki gonad

>> No.30076121

Mori 2.0

>> No.30076122

She did this https://files.catbox.moe/671mc4.mp4

>> No.30076123

Pretty sure the only people who hate Kiara are trannies, SEAnigs, and nutsackis

>> No.30076126
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1606884311244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another double Sakuna day

>> No.30076127

also, yes.

>> No.30076128

The accents are grating at first but they grow on you. Just hoping the anon that said daggerloli will be Twap 2 isn't correct.

>> No.30076129

Thank you gyaru guurah

>> No.30076131

>kiara destroying our rrats again
she's so based

>> No.30076136


>> No.30076138
File: 1.38 MB, 828x1488, 1583821861036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076217

>He didn't go all in on the lolicoin

>> No.30076142


>> No.30076148
Quoted by: >>30076191

Why even call her "Ame" if you don't like her? Call her Watson or something so its easier to filter you.

>> No.30076151

it's not cold medicine retard it's a laxative

>> No.30076156

You make jannies work they hate that.

>> No.30076159

Damn...if only that information was properly translated into Japanese instead of it being mostly omitted or translated like shit, we wouldn't be seeing the problems we're having right now instead of them having to turn on sub-only chat...oh well...

>> No.30076161

big red flag

>> No.30076164
File: 934 KB, 1200x1697, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken thigh

>> No.30076163

Oh no, not this attentionwhoring faggot... and she was my favorite....

>> No.30076168

I appreciate it, Gangrenous Gouda.

>> No.30076169

She only numberfags positive numbers now.

>> No.30076171

Having a firesale on zombiecoin right now guys

>> No.30076170

>My oshi is Gura
>I'm tall but also a giant loser
I'm in

>> No.30076176
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1599952678097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076533


>> No.30076188

Same anon, now I just ignore and hide the posts.

>> No.30076190
File: 404 KB, 1280x529, 1606375962699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077224


>> No.30076191
Quoted by: >>30076218

Whoa, there are actually anons who filter Watson?
I call her that, only because I'm used to it.

>> No.30076192

Someone post the vocaroo

>> No.30076193

thats a bit too crazy tony hawkchama..

>> No.30076196
File: 547 KB, 1000x577, 1580346056015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076197

Thank you i will buy all of them

>> No.30076201

Filtered. Dr. Pepper is an intellectual drink for the chosen ones

>> No.30076205

Which Holo is the boss of this Gym?

>> No.30076206
File: 479 KB, 2645x2366, 1605159551867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that only happens if your IP has a big history of bans

>> No.30076209

haha what if i squeezed her thighs lol!
what if i poked and prodded her belly haha and she get horny from it lol that would be weird i think

>> No.30076210
Quoted by: >>30076297

she just sabotages herself so chimkin could be not the last for some time and hopefully shut up about her numbers

>> No.30076211

They're not western devs.

>> No.30076216
Quoted by: >>30076621


>> No.30076217
File: 1.17 MB, 1129x1354, FuckYouAyame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076296

tell that bitch ayame, that she is a cunt

>> No.30076218
Quoted by: >>30076261

Watson is used in /hlg/.

>> No.30076220

announcing reports is against the rules

>> No.30076223

>gura will not date a manlet or someone with a gay voice
I'm in.

>> No.30076226

Just mortgaged my house for it

>> No.30076231

Sharkmeido said to report as offtopic/trolling. It's not doxx under the 4chan definition even if we've adopted that terminology. I've never got a warning for reporting it as such.

>> No.30076237

/hlg/? No, they hate her. Its the HoloEN they had more exposure before debut. Everyone else gets ignored but she gets actively shat on.

>> No.30076239


>> No.30076238

i just ignore those warnings and keep reporting as off-topic. the vast, overwhelming majority of the time when i report doxniggers, the posts are deleted and i'm not warned.

>> No.30076241

Will do Gojira Goulash

>> No.30076246

>Same time of day every fucking time
You do realize you're very easy to identify now, right?

>> No.30076250
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1604462389178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076253

>woohoofaggot couldm't get gura to notice him
>moves on to the new ID instead

>> No.30076261

Didn't know that, still calling her Watson though.

>> No.30076262

>man with the smallest
what did she mean by this?

>> No.30076264

I don't wanna bring up roommates too much but Ame was pretty based

>> No.30076270

She warms my heart like no one

>> No.30076272
Quoted by: >>30076318

Need to breed!

>> No.30076274

I forget, but some of his shit might've been pretty yab, talking about the Hololive politics. Maybe not, I usually just saw his thumbnails.

>> No.30076277
File: 343 KB, 1600x1200, eqf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which EN would lose the biggest % of current subs / viewers from an irl boyfriend leak?

>> No.30076276

warnings don't do dick so keep reporting

>> No.30076280


>> No.30076291

fucking sold. reinvesting everything on the peacock

>> No.30076294

tweet it to her

>> No.30076296
File: 199 KB, 1256x1080, 1579278513658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to being dead

>> No.30076297

But she has shut up about her numbers mostly. Only numberfags when someone brings it up now.

>> No.30076304

Welp, that's an easy unfollow.

>> No.30076306
File: 33 KB, 327x270, tako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 3 hours away
>2.3k waiting
Not a cult btw

>> No.30076308

Is that some eceleb or something?

>> No.30076309

I never bought her in the first place. Better safe the coin for my Mama

>> No.30076311
File: 1.94 MB, 1500x2122, c2ad1d748448ba5936c2367a2c10830c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076794

Still cautiously holding my peacockcoin, haven't been proven wrong yet

>> No.30076312

moona also watches him, chicken wins again babe

>> No.30076313
Quoted by: >>30076402

probably ame

>> No.30076317
Quoted by: >>30076443

nigga i was genuinely curious. can't be fucked to do my reps on CN lore.

>> No.30076318
Quoted by: >>30076345

Back of the line.

>> No.30076319

>As a manlet, it's hard to cope with the fact that Gura would just laugh at me and never seriously consider my love.
you misunderstood what she said

>> No.30076321

I knew Ame was in the right she elbowed Mori in the back of the head after she did that podcast

>> No.30076322
File: 346 KB, 471x471, polkaupu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you sold Mooncoin yet?

>> No.30076323

Can't wait for her to bring him up every stream.

>> No.30076324

Feels good to be in on pochicoin right now

>> No.30076326
Quoted by: >>30076338


>> No.30076331

>zombie turned out to be ironic weebfag who happens to watch woohoofaggot
I'm giving ID2 a second chance. I'm sure Reine and Anya are gonna be okay.

>> No.30076334
Quoted by: >>30076402

Probably Ame

>> No.30076336


>> No.30076338


>> No.30076341

>Moon gonna do an off-collab with your oshi's oshi after your oshi back to Her habitat

Now what ?

>> No.30076345


>> No.30076346
File: 589 KB, 483x602, 1600038206053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When /hlgg/ tells you to sell, that's when you gotta buy.

>> No.30076348
Quoted by: >>30076470

I have never. Not once. Gotten a warning from off-topic reports.
And I report a fuckton. So I'm calling bullshit on all of these narratives.
Report and don't reply.

>> No.30076350

I just want to be scolded by her.

>> No.30076352

She vowed to left as little dead hours as possible, please andstd

>> No.30076353
File: 185 KB, 318x343, 1606003003757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every HoloEn fanbase is full of whiteknights cucks

>> No.30076354

Anon don't be so defeatist, I once made a lesbian tranny who hated men because of his own self loathing love me. When it comes to love nothing is impossible

>> No.30076355


>> No.30076357
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1600441689954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing wrong with being in your oshi's cult

>> No.30076356

Thank you, Goulash Goop!

>> No.30076358

Ame's fanbase has the most SEAniggers.

>> No.30076360
File: 68 KB, 455x468, 1593886008168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moonabros care to explain?

>> No.30076361

is she gonna scold her chat again?

>> No.30076368

He just talks about Hololive news in 2 minute segments, but a bit less annoying than Hero Hei

>> No.30076369
Quoted by: >>30076445

>buy high, sell low
It's nice to see that /biz/ is still around to guide anons to bankruptcy.

>> No.30076383

unironically chiken. She interacts with her simps the most, especially on twitter

>> No.30076384

Never watched her solo streams, completely filtered by the accent.

>> No.30076387

>he didn't invest in raviolicoin

>> No.30076389

Which holo is jewish?

>> No.30076393


>> No.30076395

exactly, not a cult, do not question it.

>> No.30076396

I bought peacockcoin and lolicoin, laughing at all you zombie idiots

>> No.30076397

Don't take it seriously, Omaru-za.

>> No.30076401


>> No.30076402

how new? ameggedon made her fanbase stronger

>> No.30076406
Quoted by: >>30076448

Do holos have a permission to stream Mario Maker?

>> No.30076409
File: 196 KB, 462x768, 1606843661043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably Gura. Mori's fans are brozoned, people know the chicken is a whore, and feel like Inabros are too chill to care. Dunno about teamates.

>> No.30076414
Quoted by: >>30076736

Her yuri shtick, destroyed in an instant.

>> No.30076418

Hey KFP employees, I think we should bring up the possibility of having a pile instead of a line with our boss.

>> No.30076420


>> No.30076425
Quoted by: >>30076780

>kiara is lesbo so she will not date (You) unless you're excessively chadly
I like the odds

>> No.30076428

Huka papa left Kiara stream for cigarettes, never came back and ended up making another girl?


>> No.30076434
File: 399 KB, 605x669, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076519


>> No.30076439
Quoted by: >>30076511

Literally who and why do you know him?

>> No.30076441


>> No.30076443
Quoted by: >>30076673

>lazy and so fucking new he doesn't even remember DU YUposting
Even if you're telling the truth, you're not really much better than those bots, frankly.

>> No.30076445
Quoted by: >>30076678

Buy when pink and sell when green right

>> No.30076447
File: 174 KB, 1820x1213, y82xe-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

undo the ribbon to loosen the stitches

>> No.30076448


>> No.30076452


>> No.30076456

I'm still thankful that Gura didn't give him attention, even if he was in almost every post.

>> No.30076458
File: 336 KB, 804x1093, 84306761_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/omarupolka/status/1334179308181487618?s=20 CLOWN CUTE

>> No.30076459

As expected of the giant leech

>> No.30076462
File: 17 KB, 293x342, 1603745899732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076924


>> No.30076464

I already hated her because of the way she was interacting but every hour I find something new to help build my case.

>> No.30076468
File: 170 KB, 512x512, 1606490926999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying more.

>> No.30076469

Moonabros explain

>> No.30076470

Same, only time I got warned was when some meido refused to delete a mega link for some fucking reason

>> No.30076472
File: 97 KB, 1100x625, 1586387110843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say that I like /jp/ and do not want a /vtuber/ board
that's all

>> No.30076475


>> No.30076479

Having a healthy friendship with Ame!
Asking Ame out on a date!
Accidentally getting Ame pregnant!
Taking responsibility for Ame's baby!
Making dinner for Ame and her pets while she's streaming!
Pursuing a career while supporting Ame!
Struggling to make a relationship work with Ame!
Watching Ame get cuter every day!
Falling in love with Ame!
Making Ame my wife!

I love Ame!

>> No.30076487

that's because he's not dating the nigga anymore dumbass. if she started dating someone else again, teamates would drop her 100%

>> No.30076488

Based moon

>> No.30076491

it was contained in this place though, barely anyone outside knows about it

>> No.30076507
Quoted by: >>30076536

Anon, your woman reps....

>> No.30076508
File: 178 KB, 1000x1133, 1602998819810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over, architects. Time to find a new project

>> No.30076511 [DELETED] 

Cause he's a doxxbrap.

>> No.30076515

we really need an internet celebrities board(/incel/) so i dont have to deal with homofags and SEAfags

>> No.30076518

You're either a newfag or delusional. That rrat was rapidly buried and didn't leak that much.
Even with that, many anons here sold their Watson coins and the shitpost stench was palpable for weeks.

>> No.30076519

Got a chuckle out of me.

>> No.30076520
File: 174 KB, 781x1000, 1606137231397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true!

>> No.30076521

Takoin is stagnating
we need more sacrifices

>> No.30076522

Bigs Up

>> No.30076523
Quoted by: >>30076559

I mean, it still devastated her fanbase for weeks and the only reason it didn't destroy them completely is that there is strong evidence that they broke up.

>> No.30076524

Wait people are really going to watch ID2?
I thought it was all ironic?

>> No.30076527
File: 1.10 MB, 997x1152, 1605750776968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076528

>dr P actually filters non-intellectuals
wtf i thought it was just a meme

>> No.30076531
Quoted by: >>30076988

Gura's base has yet to be purified.

>> No.30076532

Moonafags care to explain?

>> No.30076533

You think it stands for Oh My Zombie! But it really stands for Oh My Zardoz!

>> No.30076536
Quoted by: >>30077751

Anon... your anon reps...

>> No.30076540
File: 289 KB, 1090x985, EoLKVbyVEAAe9Ou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30076549
File: 19 KB, 383x160, 1589471474757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No contest.

>> No.30076553

Erased in the garbage bin with mori. Feels good to have invested in peacock will wait and might invest in the dagger.

>> No.30076556
File: 69 KB, 463x453, 1594744884009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076557
File: 187 KB, 341x443, 1606171121345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy Polka

>> No.30076559
Quoted by: >>30077659

>strong evidence

>> No.30076560

Why are people bringing up a /vtuber/ board again? I thought we all already agreed it's a shit idea because it would turn into /doxx/ and /drama/?

>> No.30076561
File: 545 KB, 1080x1067, Screenshot_20201202-033541_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076785

You fools! Running around exchanging coin at the drop of the hat...the real strat is to wait untill after debuts to sift through the chaos. Possibly make a long term investment or scoop up some hot stuff and dump before hype dies down.

Or you could just watch and enjoy the streams and support each new member...

>> No.30076563
Quoted by: >>30076608

Ame's diet isnt exactly stellar

>> No.30076566
Quoted by: >>30076625

It's a small vtuber commentary/meme channel. His content isn't offensive in any way, people probably dislike the trap-ish(?) avatar and dumb catchphrase.

>> No.30076567


>> No.30076573

The EN hype carried over to the indogs. Hopefully they'll get filtered by SEAnig accents

>> No.30076575

I'll watch their debuts and immediately switch to something else when they start speaking awful doglish

>> No.30076580
Quoted by: >>30077871

Mori ironically
Gura unironically

>> No.30076583

(You) bait

>> No.30076584
File: 145 KB, 500x645, garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Waaaahhh a chuuba interacted with someone I don't like! Now I don't want to see her ever again!
Jesus, you're all children here.

>> No.30076586
File: 295 KB, 400x640, 1584548835794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078530

>This all started because Gura named her horse

>> No.30076587
Quoted by: >>30076786

This is true but in the sense you got your daughter taken instead of GFE.

>> No.30076588

Amegeddon made it so literally any new relationship related yab will bring the word "condomates" back to the thread and kill Amelia's GFE vibe which is the only thing she has going on.

>> No.30076596

>even when the baby is in the stomach
tenchou.... your biologyreps....

>> No.30076597

Moonabros don't watch....

>> No.30076601
Quoted by: >>30076811

>zombie is the mori of ID2
Awesome, it's good that she's filtering out idiots right now.

>> No.30076602

Never buy with low info. Too bad worm heads, your coins are dropping fast.

>> No.30076603

I'm going to watch parts of their debuts before quickly being filtered by their disgusting language, then occasionally attempt to watch them when I have nothing else to watch, only to be filtered all over again.

>> No.30076608
File: 52 KB, 553x800, 1605801941769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076741

Do you think we can feed her through her head hole?

>> No.30076613

>The boys with migo

>> No.30076615

I think reine might be to your liking

>> No.30076617
File: 215 KB, 465x395, 1593404914923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076722

>tfw I was reporting chink spam so much that I'm instinctively looking for this shit in chat
It's time to rethink my life, chinks are living in my head rent-free.

>> No.30076621

just another bottom feeder on youtube, tamed version of hero hei

>> No.30076625
Quoted by: >>30077148

People here generally don't like Youtubers like him and Hero Hei whose content is just reporting on shit happening on Twitter or repeating the latest drama. It's pretty lazy and leechy

>> No.30076626 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 1080x1074, Screenshot_20201202_182543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you fuckers did this?

>> No.30076635

Well we for sure already know who wouldn't

>> No.30076638
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1593591368323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ame but she has such a shitty taste in vidya or movies...

>> No.30076642
File: 244 KB, 325x325, PECOOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076744

Personally, I like bullying the 2hus.

>> No.30076643

We did. Remember, very large amounts of newfags

>> No.30076645
File: 168 KB, 1200x1156, 1604499312109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076712

No because I'm not a deluded schizo and thus do not think about dating a 2d character being played by a person on the other side of the planet.

>> No.30076646
Quoted by: >>30076752


>> No.30076648

what's so surprising about that? get your head out of your ass and consider this: let's say someone posts TF2 pic on /v/ or Yuru Yuri pic on /a/ that has the main characters there and their voice actors, what do you think a mod will do to people who report it as dox or offtopic? this is exactly what they see when people summon them here

>> No.30076653

Go back

>> No.30076658

>he takes shitposting seriously

>> No.30076660

Fuck off, woohoofaggot. Why don't you cut your balls.

>> No.30076663
Quoted by: >>30076825

You think same wouldn't happen with other girls?
What if it happened to Gura? How many delusional normalfags would seethe?

>> No.30076664


>> No.30076666
File: 361 KB, 1503x989, 1605552083634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love Polka!

>> No.30076669


>> No.30076673
File: 58 KB, 350x405, 1606798937396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076848

alright i guess, if you think i was trying to rrat then why not just correct me instead? it's a lot more helpful than coming out swinging, granted i was swinging as well in my initial reply. I'll go do reps on the lore now then

>> No.30076678

That's only for Rushiacoin

>> No.30076681

Time to invest in lolicoin I guess

>> No.30076680

koopa, also go back

>> No.30076683
File: 1.13 MB, 1006x1312, 1605499810260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076908

Watson or Kiara would get hit harder at first, but I think Ina wouldn't be able to recover from the damage. Gura is too big to fail over gachikoi at this point and Mori has already dragged her fans so far through the mud that anyone left just wants to watch.

>> No.30076684

I wish my oshi already filtered these people like FBK or Tower.

>> No.30076687

Go ahead, upvote it. :^)

>> No.30076691
Quoted by: >>30077153

At least those other ecelebs weren't doxxfags.

>> No.30076694
Quoted by: >>30076826

ah yes, the word used by 1-2 anons in this thread.

>> No.30076697

A Holo is a Holo

>> No.30076702
File: 2.22 MB, 1080x1154, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076703

Her roommate seems like someone who would let everyone know when she gets a boyfriend.

>> No.30076712
File: 83 KB, 647x900, EiC3tjVU0AAfN-R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn't preparing for when mankind uploads itself to the internet to marry his oshi

>> No.30076713

Noo kiara nooo what do you want to do with that rope

>> No.30076714

Thank you Gogiga Gagagigo

>> No.30076721

I don't even see them as real people in the first place. I wasn't even into vtubers at all until someone dragged me into it describing the entire thing as though it were WWE

>> No.30076722

Is that why our thread was mostly okay? All the nutsacki's where in Miko's twitch?

>> No.30076726
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1598667147492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076727

It tastes like Cherry Coke.

>> No.30076729

she's shallow as fuck. even friend is more interesting than her.

>> No.30076733
File: 20 KB, 220x215, gawr_gamera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks Gawr Gamera

>> No.30076735

Fuck off CDawgVA

>> No.30076736

that too.

>> No.30076738
Quoted by: >>30076796

Just as forced as chickenshits and tentatrannies

>> No.30076741
File: 161 KB, 842x517, architect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can to try, also peacock is still a safe fallback option too.

>> No.30076742
File: 492 KB, 857x1200, 86058045_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please have a good voice

>> No.30076744

Personally, I wanna fug Reimu

>> No.30076750
Quoted by: >>30076799

What the fuck are you doing meidos?

>> No.30076752

>She hasn't had a yab yet, so she's safe!
I'm all in already because I give zero fucked but you're fooling yourself if you think doing it even before debut streams is a sound investment.

>> No.30076754

Thank you Gyro Geralt

>> No.30076755

Anyone but Ame. Ame would fucking gain subs/viewers, like she already did in the past. How the fuck does she do it?

>> No.30076756

oh yeah. Has the zombie interacted with Rushia yet?

>> No.30076772
File: 865 KB, 1500x1500, 1604558865822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think ID Gen 2 debuts should get stickies or not?

It's at like 5AM-8AM in NA so I don't think the traffic will be particularly a big surge to handle, also there's no precedent for it but if they're going to be English speakers clearly they'll be closely watched here at least in the beginning.

I'm thinking realistically they're making all these outreaches to us but the second they talk it'll be funny accents/broken English and if anything they'll only speak a bit in English, and mostly talk in whatever language they usually use.

>> No.30076774
File: 570 KB, 1032x1080, 1602571291470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076817

Thing is: even if the Holo you follow has good tastes in vidya, they'll probably never get to play it anyways.

>> No.30076776

Never had moona coin.
Kiara said her order and it was double phoenix burger and pizza slice with pineapple on it, would that be fine with you? If not peacock might be a good candidate.

>> No.30076778

Is this one of those cases where she had a boyfriend a very long time ago and there's no reason to believe they were still together any time recently

>> No.30076780
File: 158 KB, 723x666, 1605651522156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'3'' god here. Kiara is basically mine. Mori liking JP manlets is not a problem, I prefer Calli anyway. This dorky mind-broken bitch will love me. I'm a generous god so I leave cunny to the next best candidate.

>> No.30076782
File: 32 KB, 400x400, RK4TYiD3_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga, /hlgg/.
I already told you, reinecoin will be the only one to go to the moon. Invest before it's too late and stop buying into shitcoins.

>> No.30076781

I don't think so

>> No.30076785

bro it's called scalping and i made a fortune on it during holoen debuts

>> No.30076786
File: 133 KB, 606x908, 1605770702368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's parent already promised her away

>> No.30076788


>> No.30076794

She seems to lean on english the most.

>> No.30076796


>> No.30076799

Insult Gura and post HER to make them appear

>> No.30076800

I will if they speak better English than the current ID trio

>> No.30076802


>> No.30076809
File: 2.43 MB, 1920x1080, 1606422241509.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076811

you forgot your
>t. deadbeat

>> No.30076815

thanks Gurrotine Gorilla

>> No.30076817
File: 2.33 MB, 1536x2311, 1605979093727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076819

Give her a break, that's what happens when you spend your teenage and early adulthood playing TF2 all day. She's learning other media exists.

>> No.30076825
Quoted by: >>30076987

By percentage, very few desu.
Remember Gura has the most ghost subs that came from watching her in memes.

Even amongst the ones that did stay, most probably wouldn't mind as long as the person in question looks good.

>> No.30076826

I dont really know why you're trying to downplay the amegeddon as some small yab but it lasted literal weeks.
You're probably kinda new and think im exaggerating but the fact its brought up every time there's a yab should tell you what it really was.

>> No.30076831


>> No.30076835

pretty much

>> No.30076836
Quoted by: >>30077526

>Pochi finally becomes a mama for a Holo
>Makes a bootleg Lize
What did she meant by this?

>> No.30076838

Which thread would get sticky?

>> No.30076841

I imagine there will be quite a bit of shitposting, but no worse then a big karaoke and those don't get stickies.

>> No.30076843
File: 132 KB, 878x1526, Em1YL-VXYAEGt9Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you describe Gura's last watchalong? It felt like more than GFE but not at the same time. Her cuteness has me entrapped.

>> No.30076846
File: 342 KB, 1080x1080, Screenshot_20201202-120453_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30076848

You're collateral in the face of faggotry that's been going on for over a month now. Sorry, but that's just how it is.
>I'll go do reps on the lore now then
You do that. When in doubt, archive should always be the baseline starting point.

>> No.30076850

She might but I guarantee you she will have a shitty accent

>> No.30076851
Quoted by: >>30076893

>what the hell is an Archangel
Is this Gatcha addict bitch serious?

>> No.30076853

>which is the only thing she has going on
I hate you niggers.

>> No.30076854
File: 348 KB, 601x579, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you draw the line between genki and annoying?

>> No.30076855
File: 317 KB, 375x426, 1601183092646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura wouldn't date you even if you were 200cm tall
Mori wouldn't date you even if you were an asian manlet
Ame wouldn't date you even if you weren't a gosling
Ina wouldn't date you even if you were a ff14 e-boy
Kiara wouldn't date you even if you were a femanon
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.30076872

High sexual impact clussy.

>> No.30076880
File: 1.72 MB, 1039x1476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30076929


>> No.30076881

>Kiara only wants to play games she likes which are all debuff games
>KFP wants Kiara to play games like Mario because she's funny when she plays them
I love my oshi but I wish she would pander to me harder

>> No.30076883

ame is a big gay

>> No.30076884

This is exactly how I thought Gura would turn out based on her "About Me".

>> No.30076885


>> No.30076886


>> No.30076891
Quoted by: >>30076996

Just woke up, is it true that the Sega permissions are only for the JP Holos?

>> No.30076892
File: 89 KB, 719x311, 1603999716588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076893
File: 97 KB, 380x478, Archange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only know one.

>> No.30076897

Everyone in this thread is fucking retarded except for me

>> No.30076898
File: 817 KB, 700x500, 1587375272925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077179


>> No.30076903

>make chuuba board
>restrict it to 1 page with only 6 threads at a time
>hololive, hololive global, nijis, jp indies, western indies, western alt indies
>only allow more threads if another community split occurs
There, it's easy.

>> No.30076908
Quoted by: >>30079218

Kiara would be hit more from the death of the yuriship and the insinuation that she likes dudes opposed to an actual boyfriend themselves.

>> No.30076909

moyra calliopman

>> No.30076912
Quoted by: >>30077021

Anon, the risky coins are the ones where the real money is. I bought chickencoin at the bottom and I've got seven yachts now. I just tripled my zombie holdings, I've got a good feeling about this.

>> No.30076913
File: 93 KB, 432x372, protochumguts drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daughterwife experience.

>> No.30076919

G-guys Chickim stream is on? The amount of discussion about the stream is making be doubt it.

>> No.30076921

so what are we gonna tako bout

>> No.30076924

A soundpost with this would be good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMuYfScGpbE

>> No.30076929
File: 1.80 MB, 1039x1476, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30076930

You learn to love her that way, even if it's hard at the beginning

>> No.30076937

>>ina will not date someone who is not a ff14 e-boy
im in. where can i link her my pink logs and ultimate clears

>> No.30076938

Idk but I love it

>> No.30076939


>> No.30076940
Quoted by: >>30077075

doesn't matter if it was shit back then, i'm talking about current times where the only people who bring it up are mostly ignored and fade away in the thread

>> No.30076943
Quoted by: >>30077187

>Zombie won't shut the fuck up on Twitter
I didn't think it was possible to be fucking sick of a girl before she even debuted, and yet here I am

>> No.30076944

make it 5 and merge /hlg/ with /hlgg/

>> No.30076947

>Moona just spoke spanish
Oh no bros, Nene's losing her edge...

>> No.30076949

chiknfags keep to themselves

>> No.30076951
File: 928 KB, 1400x1980, 20201202_120641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not her fault twitter wants to be lewd with a beutiful image of Flare

>> No.30076953

Why do you hate yourself so much? Maybe seek out a counselor.

>> No.30076954


>> No.30076956
File: 500 KB, 557x720, 1501809329547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kind of people a chuuba is willing to associate with indicates her taste and IQ. Do you really believe that someone who not only watches that disgusting retarded leech but is also willing to admit it will produce content you will enjoy?

>> No.30076960


>> No.30076965

Does anyone have an ASCII of ogey/rrat? I need it for... reasons.

>> No.30076966

Yes she is.
Come and watch anon, it's pretty comfy semi zatsudan

>> No.30076968


>> No.30076970

This art is horrible and you're horrible for posting it.

>> No.30076975

KFP and Takos spend the least time here and actually watch streams

>> No.30076977

Your words can't break thru my big hard autism self-confidence

>> No.30076978

Discussion will pick up when superchat starts

>> No.30076979
Quoted by: >>30077269

what did she said? I missed it

>> No.30076985
File: 2.55 MB, 1600x1200, 1606795690360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077049

man with the smallest balls goes here

>> No.30076987

>most probably wouldn't mind as long as the person in question looks good.
She seems like she's had a rough past so frankly just someone who treats her right would be paramount.

>> No.30076988

i think that proportionally her fans are less likely to care. i certainly wouldn't. it's clear from how much she filters from what she says about her personal life that there's no risk of her bringing it up, so it would have to be one of those stalker dox creeps finding it out somehow. i don't know how i could hold that against her.

>> No.30076994

It's the rice game, it will happen to Ina too.

>> No.30076996

No, only Sega of Japan gave Cover permission. EN can’t play the english version of the games

>> No.30076997
File: 902 KB, 676x1000, Reinepits2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077000

I don't like it.

>> No.30077005

bird calling out her viewers for asking basic as fuck questions for holotalk

>> No.30077006
File: 266 KB, 639x639, 1604115104166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077060

>merge /hlg/ with /hlgg/
No thank you

>> No.30077008

Yesterday. But all attention is good attention for her at this point, she just needs people to be aware of her and tune in to her debut. From that point, she can do whatever she wants. So thanks for helping out.

>> No.30077009
Quoted by: >>30077447

Why are redditors like this

>> No.30077010

He's right though.

>> No.30077011
Quoted by: >>30077083

>open chicken stream
>she's talking about someone numberfagging in the question suggestions
>keep stream open

>> No.30077014
Quoted by: >>30077177

Then ask your own questions you dumb bitch

>> No.30077015

Fubuki bros, answer the questions

>> No.30077017
Quoted by: >>30077150

Kiara wants your deep cut FBK questions

>> No.30077018
File: 44 KB, 934x521, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077134

huh, she's not kidding about all the 'how do you feel?' questions

>> No.30077020

sorry ill start typing out everything she says into posts

>> No.30077019

>squint at magnifying glass

>> No.30077021

>implying I didn't add chickencoin to my portfolio on day one.
It's only risky, if you don't know what you are doing :^)

>> No.30077023


>> No.30077024

B-b-but pochi peacock make my pee pee weird.

>> No.30077026
File: 196 KB, 1080x1440, 1605819063570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know that!

>> No.30077028

Gura self-inserted as buddy hitting on a blonde chic.

>> No.30077030

Watching the stream my man. Why what's up?

>> No.30077033

Just EN, ID and holostars iirc.

>> No.30077037

...which, realistically speaking, makes it kinda inevitable. Huh.

>> No.30077039

Did I miss something, I see someone saying on Twitter that EN is excluded from Sega permissions but I can't find anything about it

>> No.30077040
Quoted by: >>30077128

>Kiara realized her holotalk questions flaw after I posted about it
feels good, I just helped improve holotalk

>> No.30077044

Fucking cursed
Please be an Ojou

>> No.30077043

Her chat moves slow enough KFP doesn't need to turn the thread into a less cancerous chat like happens during Gura and Ame streams. They're kind enough to relay anything relevant to the thread though.

>> No.30077048


>> No.30077049


>> No.30077050

I'm not a chink, I was just shitposting. I still beleebe in Artia... kind of. My mind keeps on switching back and forth about her. I feel like at worse she was complicit in the harassement against Coco, and at best she really had nothing to do with it.

>> No.30077052

Ultra mega super destructive omega galaxy baby Nenechi losing? NEVER

>> No.30077055
File: 363 KB, 593x484, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need your RRATs!

>> No.30077057


>> No.30077056
Quoted by: >>30078788

I've been saying for years there should be a board about internet media like Youtubers

>> No.30077058

Just not a lot to talk about honestly beyond the occasional comment or brief discussion. Plus the schizos have been out in force today so I'm a little tired of posting.

>> No.30077060

its the most logical choice

>> No.30077063
File: 827 KB, 2100x2947, 1605414687818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>merge /hlg/ with /hlgg/
I want nothing to do with those faggots

>> No.30077064

No board has ever worked like that also the faster ones will just push the slower ones into the void whenever a new thread needs to be made. Again, every possible scenario involving a vtuber board requires a ton of mod supervision so they're just not going to bother. That's the main issue.

>> No.30077074
Quoted by: >>30077471

>implying a former idol would ever do this

>> No.30077075 [DELETED] 

Because it hasnt been relevant in a month. Im saying if there's ever a new relationship yab, it'll get the amegeddon buff and this general will go back to getting deleted every 25 minutes but this time it'll last three weeks.

>> No.30077077

Hukepapa... don't look...

>> No.30077083

Its actually about EOPs and herself not knowing shit about FBK to the point they cant even come up with questions.

>> No.30077089

Im watching all of them

>> No.30077091

The literally state of clip watchers

>> No.30077092

Screenshot this, she will introduce her boyfriend(me)

>> No.30077093

It's EN 1.5 so yeah obviously

>> No.30077094
File: 343 KB, 880x870, 1600939195119.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara became my second favorite because she gave the game I like a chance and still didn't drop it even though it's a hard debuff game.

>> No.30077098


>> No.30077100
Quoted by: >>30077140

Instantly seduced, just like the rest of us.

>> No.30077106
File: 848 KB, 676x1000, Flarepits14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077110

IDs don't have any getup with collabing with the homostars and do it somewhat frequently.

>> No.30077111
File: 2.03 MB, 1745x709, 1596304795751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Likes Pizza dad

>> No.30077115

I'm cool with merging back with /hlg/, as long as all /hlg/ posters get a 1 year vacation.

>> No.30077117

I'm still waiting for my Oshi to play Yomawari.

>> No.30077121

This sounds really fucking stupid... What are the chances that Cover is trying to get permissions for the EN girls too?

>> No.30077124

Meaning they'd have to go to Sega of America to be able to use NA copies, then. How long is it going to take Cover to get off its ass and make that happen?

>> No.30077129
File: 171 KB, 850x1063, 12mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm thinking realistically they're making all these outreaches to us but the second they talk it'll be funny accents/broken English and if anything they'll only speak a bit in English, and mostly talk in whatever language they usually use.
This is "Hololive Global", not "Hololive English". This thread should be enough.

>> No.30077128
Quoted by: >>30077205

what did you post? I wasn't paying attention to the stream

>> No.30077134
Quoted by: >>30077226

What did she say? That it's excessive/obnoxious?

>> No.30077135

>realized that asking clip fags for questions is a bad idea

>> No.30077138
Quoted by: >>30077231

Yes, because even ignoring the fact that they hate us and we hate them, let's merge the two together so we burn threads in an hour during a stream and render discussion completely unusable. That won't cause any problems.

>> No.30077139
Quoted by: >>30077169

disgusting. dont post ame again

>> No.30077140


>> No.30077143

I adore Gura so much.

>> No.30077145
Quoted by: >>30077194

So when is Zombie debuting? It should be soon enough.

>> No.30077148
Quoted by: >>30077344

Not everyone has time to follow all this stuff obsessively. Clip/news channels are good for that kind of thing. Hero Hei puts a lot of his own spin/bias on stuff, so I can see that annoying people.

>> No.30077150
Quoted by: >>30077279

Pickles or no pickles?

>> No.30077152

Pizzadad is a handsome and based man

>> No.30077153

WooHoo lad is a doxx fag?

>> No.30077161

ice cream in the winter is all the rrat you need

>> No.30077162

Reminder some japanon in 5ch have better chance to meet and marrying Mori instead deadbeats, and you know it will happen.

>> No.30077164

when i saw this i was convinced she would be licking buttcheeks

>> No.30077167 [DELETED] 

>new relationship yab
okay, must've misread your original message then. i do agree with what you're saying now, thought u meant just referencing past relationships

>> No.30077168

Sega of America publishes the games in English/outside Japan.
Sega JP permissions are dealt with but SoA aren't. SoA probably shouldn't be that big of an issue after SoJP reached agreement. JP companies are anal about permissions while the rest of the world doesn't give a damn (e.g. Capcom)

>> No.30077169
File: 209 KB, 731x768, 1580815257574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like FE AND Fate
You can't stop me bozo

>> No.30077173
Quoted by: >>30077583

Kiara confirmed on her current stream its only Sega of Japan so it only applies to JP. She still can't play Yakuza because she doesn't have permission from Sega of America. Even though she is in Japan.

>> No.30077174

LAM and Pochi's art might be wasted on a shit branch but I'm still going to watch them because why the fuck not. They seem to be able to speak English.

>> No.30077175 [DELETED] 

Not him, but I hope so. The constant waves of tourists is really boring.

>> No.30077176

>"so uhh... you're a... uhh... cat? haha"
>"neko janai! foxu, foxu!"
>"ahaha. She said she's a fox haha. Alright uhhhhh..."

>> No.30077177


>> No.30077179

>flat chest
>dr pepper
>gelnana looks like a cucumber
>time warping power
is Ina based on Kurisu?

>> No.30077180
File: 383 KB, 588x656, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077183
Quoted by: >>30077393

Stop hyping up the new ID girls, you're just setting yourself up to be disappointed

>> No.30077187

They have pretty strict social media quotas before their debuts.

>> No.30077192
File: 79 KB, 1079x1353, 1604014914928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077333

I said (You) not (Me)
Besides, if you think you're actually going to get together with any of the HoloEN you're the one who needs serious psychological help.
And if the thought that they wouldn't like you in some impossible scenario where you actually meet them irl has any effect on your enjoyment of their content, you need to fuck off.

>> No.30077194


>> No.30077195

thanks, nope, i want nothing to do with their schizos

>> No.30077198

Gura is based

>> No.30077204


>> No.30077205

I posted on her question community post telling her there is a flaw in asking clip only EOPs for deep questions since you need deep knowledge of someone to give them a deep question

>> No.30077207
Quoted by: >>30077351

>She only cares about JP questions
Chicken...your fans...

>> No.30077206

Is this the closest we're getting to a /k/ holo?

>> No.30077211

You just want threads burning for hours, we already dealt with our rrat infestation, they still have them tho, plus the fact that their anti-posting is retarded.

>> No.30077210

/alter/fags >>>/out/

>> No.30077213
File: 140 KB, 223x430, 1600319376546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think there'll be too much activity to warrant a sticky since ID in the first place is a niche in /jp/'s Hololive Not!Generals, that's my objective view on it. Subjectively though, I still would like stickies for the purpose of advertisement. If they turn out to be gems like HoloEN Gen 1, word-of-mouth is really useful in the internet especially since 4chan has a lot of traffic (from both regulars and newfags) and crossboarding-cultural exchange happens on a daily basis. Even /tg/ gets Hololive world-building threads from time to time.

>> No.30077217

I wish Gura was funny

>> No.30077220

>MRE stream
Fine you cunts win, I will check out a Homostar.

>> No.30077224
File: 30 KB, 583x583, 1606600196251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077255

help me...

>> No.30077223

I don't think it's necessary, IDs are not that big. Just let it happen, and if threads will obviously get out of hand, sticky one of them.

>> No.30077226
Quoted by: >>30077385

That it's slightly superficial and may be boring to some people

>> No.30077231

bro that like every fucking discussion on /v/ in a nutshell, its part of 4chan culture. It would also be easier for new EN viewers to find the right thread to post in

>> No.30077234

Why the hell would I invest in a safe ROI when I could be gambling?

>> No.30077235

kys FEcuck

>> No.30077239

You are doing God's work pitanon.

>> No.30077241

told you guys this stupid obnoxious capslock zombie sucks

>> No.30077245

polka belongs to /hlgg/. you have to use towa or watame to shitpost here.

>> No.30077247
Quoted by: >>30077301

Wtf Korone and Risu?

>> No.30077249

Well hlgg, what would YOU ask fubuki

>> No.30077250

Kiara gets better every day. How many times has she shat on clipfags?

>> No.30077255
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1599325277061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we going to make it brother?

>> No.30077256

I’m KFP and I actually spend a lot of time here because Kiara’s streams can easily be listened to while doing in-picture view. I know her gameplay isn’t gonna be good anyway so I just give 100% attention when I hear her suffering and screeching.

>> No.30077257
File: 732 KB, 600x338, 1602282094433.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Rrats, tell me what each Holo EN's ideal man looks like.
Not going to mention fit, attractive, financially secure etc etc because obviously they'd all want those things.
Someone she could build a strong rapport with, who's willing to tease her without taking it too far.
Country boys that are at least 6' 4" that look like they could bench press a tractor.
Someone family oriented and patient enough to accept her weird sleeping schedule and occasional need for solitude.
Japanese men.
Someone that she can push around easily.

>> No.30077259

lol have you never seen the IDs? Unlike JP, they have no qualms about collabing with Holostars and other male vtubers, they even had offstream ones apparently.

>> No.30077264

Normally one would ask /hlg/ for help, but...

>> No.30077268

It's brought up so much also because it was one fucking crazy night and shitposters thrived on it. Yes, people were affected. But the reality fucking is that vast majority of teamates didn't care, even at the outset. I've said this multiple times, but the amount of teamates barely reduced, based on the following weeks.
The shitposting about it hasn't stopped, of course.

>> No.30077269

I don't know, all I know she's now speaking perfect Spanish and making all the mexicans lurkers manifest in chat.

>> No.30077271
Quoted by: >>30077325

Are you seriously upholding /v/ as something that should be emulated?

>> No.30077273
File: 273 KB, 1080x1920, 1606851818002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you an IRL chimkin?

>> No.30077275

I seem to remember Pekora eating an MRE for one of the Metal Gear Solids.

>> No.30077279


>> No.30077292
Quoted by: >>30077328

oh cute it's an austrian cosplayer who's name starts with K and knows Japanese

>> No.30077298
Quoted by: >>30077360

>no one actually knows enough about FBK to ask proper questions

>> No.30077297
File: 72 KB, 600x398, rat in killer virgin sweater-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He likes em cold. It's a common necrophilia dog-whistle

>> No.30077301

What about them?

>> No.30077303

i wouldn't even a 2d one

>> No.30077308

>You could join the discord...
>very disgusted EEEEH noises
based bird

>> No.30077310
Quoted by: >>30077600

In a sense since he really likes doing Airsoft asmr.

>> No.30077311

KFP jannies learned that when they spam shit like "kiara gigastacy she is so cool woo" it awakens antis. So they keep it to themselves now.
Clever jannies.

>> No.30077316

Kiara’s is the opposite of attractive

>> No.30077321

Definitely tastes odd to me, but not in an unpleasant way. Buds sure are varied.

>> No.30077322
File: 523 KB, 1200x890, 1200px-Koopa_Troopa_Artwork_-_Super_Mario_3D_World.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please sir. Give me ogey/rrat ASCII.
I'm working on something.

>> No.30077323

Okay, this is really bitchy of Kiara.
>I want to start a talk show so foreigners can learn about JP holos!
>I'll outsource all talking points to the viewers!
>noooo you're asking the wrong questions you don't know enough about the JP holos!
I love the chikin but goddamn what the fuck

>> No.30077325

its the most popular board, so yes

>> No.30077327
File: 174 KB, 1112x1080, 1606729396242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077375

Mfw all this buy/sell memes with schizos made me curious of /biz/ now i have a stack of xrp and xlm and already made back my investment

>> No.30077329


>> No.30077328
Quoted by: >>30077357

No that her friend

>> No.30077331
File: 124 KB, 581x680, 1589559568340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077392

Be honest, is the state of the threads like this because of ID gen 2? That's the only explanation I have

>> No.30077333

But they like me in the impossible scenarios I create, we play vidya together and banter with each other.

>> No.30077334

I'm gonna akasupa Kiara an FBK question. Any suggestions?

>> No.30077336

I have never gotten a warning for reporting as off-topic.

>> No.30077337

I don't want new EN viewers, in fact I don't want most of you faggots.

>> No.30077338


>> No.30077343

Yes, she's cute, looks like my type.

>> No.30077344

It would take you less time to just do a search on Twitter/Google than watching their videos though. Especially the Youtubers who purposefully elongate their videos for the Youtube algorithm.

>> No.30077345

>How hard did you laugh when you abandoned the bugmen?

>> No.30077347

Pizza dad is actually based. He's worth checking out.

>> No.30077351

In this case she's right to though, no non-jap knows shit about FBK outside of memes.

>> No.30077353

/cgl/ would seethe

>> No.30077357

anon Kanae is austrian, knows japanese, and her name does start with K

>> No.30077360

what does her butt smell like

>> No.30077363

Missed a bunch of threads and too lazy to do my archive reps, why are you guys sleeping on Anya? Everyone is posting about either zombie slut who is already annoying as heck or generic onee-san who didn't even do anything yet besides posting a pic of herself looking down on you. Anya is a loli, a humanization of a weapon, her design is super cute, she seems very gentle and considerate to her senpais (unlike a certain zombie who decided to instantly shit up Sora's, Matsuri's, Nene's etc. DMs). But at the same time she knows what vore is and is not afraid to mention it. Seems pretty based to me. I hope she turns out to have a sweet voice but a sadistic side to her personality.

>> No.30077362
File: 6 KB, 349x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made her laugh, see ya virgins. And I typo'd.

>> No.30077366
File: 48 KB, 451x463, 1600468142360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Just what the fuck is she thinking?

>> No.30077368

I want Pizza Dad and Ina to have a pun off

>> No.30077372
Quoted by: >>30078991

Do you know Pekora?

>> No.30077371
File: 162 KB, 298x428, 1605733503328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God bless

>> No.30077375
Quoted by: >>30077476

Here a tip you should buy when the board pink and sell when the board green

>> No.30077376

Tell her that lol. No point yelling into the void.

>> No.30077377

Are surface level questions really that bad?
I thought the point of Holotalk was to introduce the Japanese holos to people who otherwise couldn't understand them.

>> No.30077378

>Kiara flat out saying JOPs gave her better questions than EOPs

>> No.30077379


>> No.30077381

6'4" Japanese country man who looks like he could bench press a tractor, who she could build a strong rapport with, willing to tease her, family man with patience and someone she can also push around
6'4" Japanese country man who looks like he could bench press a tractor, who she could build a strong rapport with, willing to tease her, family man with patience and someone she can also push around
6'4" Japanese country man who looks like he could bench press a tractor, who she could build a strong rapport with, willing to tease her, family man with patience and someone she can also push around
6'4" Japanese country man who looks like he could bench press a tractor, who she could build a strong rapport with, willing to tease her, family man with patience and someone she can also push around
6'4" Japanese country man who looks like he could bench press a tractor, who she could build a strong rapport with, willing to tease her, family man with patience and someone she can also push around

>> No.30077385

Fair enough, thanks.

>> No.30077386

bros my questions are inadequate

>> No.30077387

Does anyone have the clip of Gura saying "cute and funny" in the most recent member stream?

>> No.30077392

D*xfags and rrats just had all their plots spoiled, so they've moved on to the next best thing.
And it sucks because I like my new zombie and mommy friends.

>> No.30077393

Has any Hololive member been a dissapointment?

>> No.30077396

I'll never make it bros...

>> No.30077400
Quoted by: >>30078651

don't forget
>i can't do it myself because i can't be fucked

>> No.30077401

>oppai loli
That's why

>> No.30077405
File: 166 KB, 2048x1302, En-bK0ZVEAI78Jx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-we have to try... Ame says she'll be back... We have to believe her...
Be strong teabro...

>> No.30077407

Smart kiara, the EOPs will have good questions but JOPs will have better ones simply because they know what the girls are saying 100% of the time.

>> No.30077408

Those nervous giggles. Damn they really came a long way in terms of synergy.

>> No.30077414
Quoted by: >>30077961

Are you THE ZVN? That one FGO TL dude?

>> No.30077417

Watching your little sister gush over her crush.

>> No.30077418
File: 8 KB, 304x304, 1604913481618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What questions should Kiara ask FBK?

>> No.30077421

Debut and if they liked I watch them on dead hours I guess.

>> No.30077422

well yeah JOPs know about the talent, JOPs would give shit questions about EN

>> No.30077423

Yes. If you want a /k/ vtuber you need to go to some other group we can't talk about.

>> No.30077424

>It would also be easier for new EN viewers to find the right thread to post in
lurk a 100 years before posting
both for them and (You)

>> No.30077427
Quoted by: >>30077525

You forgot Mori likes manlets...

>> No.30077429

Problem is her not thinking ahead and bringing this up just a few days before the talkshow.

>> No.30077430

>Kiara literally NTR'ing the EOPs with JOPs

>> No.30077431

I would personally like Kiara to ask FBK random personal questions like what kind of anime/movies she likes or what her favourite book is.

>> No.30077432

My questions would get filtered.

>> No.30077436
Quoted by: >>30077878

>You're either a newfag or delusional.
not him but I was here for every thread that day
normal people moved on after 2 days at max
after that it was literal seaniggers (even the maido said so) spamming the same shit
and you anons are obviously people who don't come around these threads often, but keep trying to convince everyone else that Ame is not entertaining outside of her "GFE"

>> No.30077439

well there's a lot of retarded questions made by redditors and normalfags, but yeah chicken is also pretty dumb

>> No.30077440

Is Fubuki just really boring? She seems like a really nice person and loyal to her coworkers, but a lot of people seem to fall into Hololive because of her and then move on to other Holos.

>> No.30077442

Bros, does anybody have that cute chicken kiara image? I need to do my "I like this chicken" ritualpost but I'm a retard and deleted my entire folder with ogeys and other shit.

>> No.30077447

They are schizoid faggot like they are capable of telling you reddit will better than 4chan on every point then tell you 4chan is better on this point than reddit. And ego they need attention wether it's good or bad.

>> No.30077446

Between soon and never ever, how close are we to Kurokami Live2D?

>> No.30077449
Quoted by: >>30078134

So this cunt is basically Mori except more irritating and less talented? Yeah that's gonna be a SELL from me chief. I'm selling all of ID2 with her since Flintstone feet and yaoi hands don't really appeal to me. NEXT GEN

>> No.30077452

>Muse Dash, that's a good topic!

>> No.30077456

>muse dash

>> No.30077459
Quoted by: >>30077566

Why does this bimbo has 0 finesse?

>> No.30077461

irl chimkin is very mediocre w/o makeup, nope

>> No.30077463
File: 199 KB, 700x600, EoOx5aPVoAEAQbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, sometimes I get annoyed knowing that Enma lurks these threads, kinda ruins some of the fun

>> No.30077465
Quoted by: >>30077961

what the fuck are you doing here? thanks for the translations tho

>> No.30077467

>oh Muse Dash that's a good topic!
>.... oh aren't we banned?

>> No.30077468

Will you be my waifu?

>> No.30077469
File: 343 KB, 1978x1848, 20201117_101111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077961

Zvn why the fuck are you here? The fgo updates soon

>> No.30077470
File: 83 KB, 640x900, 1583204272724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll get through this together brother

>> No.30077471

Maybe not a boyfriend, but I could definitely see her doing it if she was getting married.

>> No.30077472
Quoted by: >>30077524

And what the fuck is wrong with it?

>> No.30077474

>Muse Dash

>> No.30077475
Quoted by: >>30077604

>6'4" Japanese country man
Chasing a white prince huh, poor girls...

>> No.30077477
File: 342 KB, 2000x2000, 24E90553-9070-439C-A10B-5C0AC995E906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077476
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599963212580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought when the board was making fun of the schizos for hodling for 3 years

>> No.30077483

No one knows here.

>> No.30077484

You lived before you knew them. Relax and enjoy the games alongside them.

>> No.30077485

>6'4" Japanese country man
Christ, they don't stand a chance of finding anyone.

>> No.30077487

The fact that she didn't think to come up with talking points by herself to begin with makes the entire thing a failure. There's so much wrong with Holotalk, starting with the fact that it's just a fucking Q & A any of the holos could've done by asking the western audiences instead.

She clearly doesn't know what a fucking talk show is. She also should've just had it pre-recorded and premiered like a normal person would. You could just talk and vet out what's good and what's bad. And even have subtitles over it so you won't have to fucking stop to translate midway.

>> No.30077490
Quoted by: >>30077733

If you make a talking show so the ENs can know the JP holos, it makes sense for you to ask EN fans for questions. If Kiara personally wants to know something she can just DM whoever on twitter, this show is not for her.
I assume most of the questions she got this time were complete garbage from EOPs that only know about her cat/fox joke so she has to use her own questions instead of "jeje so r u cat? LOL??".

>> No.30077491
File: 510 KB, 720x720, 1605661902191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077558

I WISH they gave Kiara a fancy suit for HoloTalk because her dumb meme outfit looks so out of place and ruins the talkshow atmosphere

>> No.30077492

Somebody req this to bubb4bot when it becomes active again

>> No.30077498

I'd like to know how she got into call of cthulhu

>> No.30077499

She's a friend, and I always support my friends.

>> No.30077502

She's pretty boring if you know 0 jap

>> No.30077506

Learn to archive rep, dude. I'm only spoonfeeding since I'm also doing it for free.

>> No.30077507
File: 1.15 MB, 956x870, 1603366263292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another reason to hate kiara

>> No.30077510

Is this the first Kiara cosplay?
>KFC, not KFP

>> No.30077512


>> No.30077514

Only if she tells us.

>> No.30077520
File: 99 KB, 471x300, 1580073219008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077598

The finger was weird enough, what the hell is going on here?

>> No.30077521

you have no taste anon

>> No.30077524

>Lolicons hate it
>Everyone else thinks she is a loli and aren't interested
>Only a fraction of people who are into retarded shortstacks are interested
You may even get a few footfags but she's the least hyped one.

>> No.30077525

Mori says she likes manlets
She also says she's gonna collab with indies, play Blasphemous, is good at Soulsborne games, will post her schedule early for members, one song a month, 9 collabs planned, ...

>> No.30077526
Quoted by: >>30077680

>Makes a bootleg Lize
you mean Lize from niji?

>> No.30077527

>Is Fubuki just really boring?

No, they just switch people every few months to keep content fresh.

>> No.30077528

How are you and Matsuri resolving your claim to wife Gura?

>> No.30077536

i'm not one of those crazy antis but i really just don't like her very much

>> No.30077538
File: 293 KB, 1660x2048, 7868766486876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hot.

>> No.30077543

I'm ashamed that the post with more replies in this general, is the shitpost that took 15 seconds to make

>> No.30077544

Risu watches his channel too. I guess it's an ID thing.

>> No.30077545

This. She should just create 1 post in EN and 1 in JP on her community tab. Problem solved

>> No.30077546

thanks garuda gascoigne

>> No.30077547

we already lost plugdj, dont make us lose this as well

>> No.30077548


>> No.30077550

I think a Japanese did one first, but maybe I have the timeline wrong.

>> No.30077552

EnMa doesn't lurk here.

>> No.30077557

Gura is based and only acknowledges artists on Twitter.

>> No.30077558

H*ke really did a number on her with that atrocious outfit
I unironically think it's one reason why she's dead last in popularity

>> No.30077561
File: 352 KB, 900x1282, 364AD619-FC46-4200-A91B-EA0C3928702D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How you holding up teabros? We’re halfway through the first off day

>> No.30077565
Quoted by: >>30078097

Gura is a loli and she's the most popular holo ever.

>> No.30077567

The show is literally for the EoPs though. The whole point is that Kiara translates so the EoPs have a better understanding of the girls. Why the fuck wouldn't she use questions from the majority of her audience that they actually want answered instead of JoP questions that might fly right over EoPs heads and not be what they're interested in.

>> No.30077566

Both of the EN holos in japan are retards that ran off to Japan to fulfil their dreams as a completely unironic turboweeb. That kind of autism basically requires a complete lack of finesse

>> No.30077569

She's pretty fucking great but if you're an EOP you'll get bored quick.

>> No.30077582

Why don't you do it? Did she go through on permabanning you for the furry song?

>> No.30077583
Quoted by: >>30078067

Her and Mori did fucking sponsored streams for them... they better get the permissions too.

>> No.30077584
File: 841 KB, 1761x2175, emori fullbod test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellas hows this lookin

why is he called pizza dad anyway? does he make them on stream?

>> No.30077585
Quoted by: >>30077658

I do, actually.

>> No.30077586
File: 276 KB, 1536x2048, chimkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second, this japanese girl was first

>> No.30077591
File: 80 KB, 550x655, 1606646931332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077820

It's going to be Mori all over again, isn't?

>> No.30077593

>most people have shit taste
Well, not really surprising anyway.

>> No.30077595

FUCK Dr. Pepper and FUCK all other kinds of soda.
Real chads drink only water and milk, if your stomach allows it.

>> No.30077596

"who the fuck are you?"

>> No.30077598


>> No.30077599

>Gura wearing pantsu
>Gura needing a bra for that matter

>> No.30077600

Sorry but this LARP hobby filters me hard. It doesn’t help that he eats MREs too since this is exactly what airsoft losers do to feel like they’re operators.

How oppressive are the gun laws in Japan?

>> No.30077601

I think the problem generally with Holotalk is that Kiara wants good/interesting questions, but due to the veil of anonymity that all the Holo performers have to maintain (however thin it may be), she can't go particularly deep or personal with anything she asks. So the questions almost entirely need to be about Hololive itself and the character's relationship with Hololive.

I think this is fine, mind you. I think Kiara may be exaggerating how important it is to have "good questions" because even if she just asked variations on the same questions every interview, she'd get such different answers that it would still be entertaining.

>> No.30077604

>Contradictory combination of traits that make it impossible to ever find
Now it's starting to look like women's expectations.

>> No.30077607

when is 1mill+ vtubers collab/celebration?

>> No.30077609

im already suffering from withdrawal

>> No.30077610
File: 65 KB, 995x969, 20201202_142319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open wide

>> No.30077615

He Italian

>> No.30077622
Quoted by: >>30077727

it doesn't matter the source of the questions just that they are good

>> No.30077624
File: 276 KB, 615x343, 1596971786238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077625

Has Chinkin seen these?

>> No.30077627

Its bad enough we have actual faggots and tourists here. Emma's the least of my concerns. At least if she is here she can help our oshis in ways this thread will never help.

>> No.30077631
File: 2.39 MB, 1000x1000, 1576246174546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078984

I'm not gonna make it

>> No.30077632

She has a wide appeal so people just abandon her when they find the holo the specifically appeals to them

>> No.30077633

Being a good interviewer is such a hard job, it requires a bunch of research to ask interesting questions and know about your subject so you can actually turn the event into something entertaining instead of a glorified Q&A
Asking randoms for random questions is a bad way to go about it regardless

>> No.30077637
File: 326 KB, 577x603, __usada_pekora_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_teriibol__e4fc7f33d0198778fe112ede80371859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077682

Do you know Pekora?

>> No.30077640

You're never gonna make it if you go full autismo on every little detail of fan art.

>> No.30077639

i like kiara's outfit

>> No.30077644

She looks like someone you'd find in the first few rows of a Google image search for "Japanese Women"

>> No.30077646
File: 1.34 MB, 1370x1034, 1605157456172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077772

I re-downloaded HotS so I can carry her if she streams it next time.
I also re-downloaded Overwatch because i know it's coming.
The things I do for this woman.

>> No.30077653

>ywn skip classes with ame in a toilet playing switch

>> No.30077655

FBK is an EOP magnet and an EOP filter at the same time.

>> No.30077659

>he lacks information

>> No.30077658


>> No.30077666

Guys the Korone, FBK, Gura 1 Mil collab is going to happen when Gura reaches either 2 or 3 mil. Or are they just going to ignore Gura and have a 1 Mil collab after Gura hits 2Mil+?

>> No.30077667

>but due to the veil of anonymity that all the Holo performers have to maintain (however thin it may be), she can't go particularly deep or personal with anything she asks
fuck off you don't need dox questions to have good ones

>> No.30077672

Neither of my EN oshis are streaming today and I don't know if Polka will stream. It's tough bro.

>> No.30077676

You describe it based on your IQ

< 100: daughter experience
>= 100: sister experience

>> No.30077678

was pandering to china a mistake?

>> No.30077680
File: 239 KB, 400x800, 20201202_142509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077682

I would kneel.

>> No.30077684

Sounds like my sister describing her ideal bf so I believe it.

>> No.30077686

The bird make her wear some

>> No.30077688
Quoted by: >>30077757

Nah, you can still ask deep questions without breaking kayfabe necessarily. The problem is that the EOPs don't know shit about the holo in question so how can they ask anything beyond "How do you feel about overseas fans?"

>> No.30077694
Quoted by: >>30077791

>>make chuuba board
>>restrict it to 1 page with only 6 threads at a time
>>hololive, hololive global, nijis, jp indies, western indies, western alt indies
>>only allow more threads if another community split occurs
>There, it's easy.
Probably the easiest way to slowly start the board up and develop the tooling to deal with automatic bans.

>> No.30077697 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 1187x832, 1606929935591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077742

n-no... i won't sell... you guys will see... zhowa won't m-mention him again and I'll be rich...

>> No.30077699
File: 562 KB, 1986x1192, 1602467550162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that when she comes back we're gonna get a big treat... we just have to stay strong. Catch up on any VOD's you may have missed in the meanwhile

>> No.30077700
Quoted by: >>30078223

Holy shit you people really live with your heads up your ass, first off "a new relationship yab" won't happen because it's pretty easy to hide, second off you are overexaggerating what even happened , go back to the archive and just one day after it, threads were normal
All this "what if" talk is retarded.

>> No.30077701

Good job, anon. Hopefully this'll make HoloTalk more interesting.

>> No.30077704

I don't know if it's Enma specifically but there are definitely Cover staff that lurks 4ch and 5ch

>> No.30077705


>> No.30077706
Quoted by: >>30077850

I thought it would be interesting to see ame or gura try this twitch thing to watch movies, but, I think they would rather be away from there anyway, with the exception of bubbabot

>> No.30077707
File: 377 KB, 611x814, 1595445941730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's annoying because Kiara herself looks amazing and has the best design of all of the HoloENs. But that outfit isn't exactly Kurisu tier.

>> No.30077708
File: 21 KB, 232x227, 1604703842251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend, are you ogey?

>> No.30077710

>What questions should Kiara ask FBK?

1. What do you think about IN2?

2. What do you think about EN? Does their growth surprise you?

3. What does it mean to be a vtuber?

4. In your opinion, why do indies do so poorly?

5. What do you think makes some vtubers better than others?

6. Why havent you collab with Gura yet?

>> No.30077712
Quoted by: >>30077796

Why? Nothing I've said here has affected any Holo negatively. If anything I hope my feedback when posts have asked for opinions has been helpful.

>> No.30077721

No one cares about chicken

>> No.30077722

Nice tummy

>> No.30077723
File: 2.91 MB, 448x800, rato_jesus_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye bye rrat

>> No.30077724

How so

>> No.30077725
File: 176 KB, 1001x1001, 1602125669684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077810

I miss her so much guys.

>> No.30077727
Quoted by: >>30077860

What I'm saying is though it doesn't matter if the questions are good if the majority of the people turning in aren't getting what they want and they feel like the questions aren't from them especially when the show is targeted towards them. There are plenty of EoP questions that would be good enough

>> No.30077728
File: 189 KB, 712x768, 1593670344936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done with TWEWY. I may start playing FFXIV for the first time soon.

>> No.30077730

Is Gura still her wife

>> No.30077732
Quoted by: >>30078296

looks pretty good to me, great job bro

>> No.30077733
Quoted by: >>30077905

No it the fuck does not make sense to ask EN question fans. She went into this knowing it's going to be dumb EOPs watching this shit. Why the fuck did she expect those SAME DUMB EOPS to ask good questions? You don't say you're making a talkshow for the western fans and then just put in no effort because "lol I already know all this info anyway".

>> No.30077734

Pekora joining the 1m club too

>> No.30077736
File: 8 KB, 227x222, 1604568236772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077740

Decent questions. TL it to JP and post it on twitter

>> No.30077742

man with the smallest portfolio here

>> No.30077749

I actually liked the questions she asked Marine, so I don't think her general approach is that bad.
Did people actually think they were bad or is this discussion happening because she has a harder time getting good questions for friend?

>> No.30077750

>was pandering to china a mistake?
fucking this

>> No.30077751

reps... your reps reps...

>> No.30077753


>> No.30077757

Yeah, this is true. Kiara wanted Holotalk to be a way of introducing the Holos to overseas fans, so asking us to also provide the questions is a bit backwards. Kiara should come up with questions herself.

>> No.30077760
File: 276 KB, 666x619, lanena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077762

>Check the question on KIara's post
>EOP just fucking around with dumb question
I understand her, we need to know Fubuki not just asking bullshit questionf of feelings that are pretty obvious.

>> No.30077763

What the fuck

>> No.30077764
File: 75 KB, 772x772, 1582584538615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm considering not visiting this place until Friday, if it's this bad during a stream

>> No.30077768


>> No.30077769

i'm sure the girls lurk these threads every once in a while

>> No.30077771

is she alive?

>> No.30077772

Well OW was already installed but I did the same.. not that I'm actually home to play it if she streams it at the same time as she did yesterday.
Oh well. Hope I can duo heal with her someday in OW though.

>> No.30077775

this creates a really funny image in my head of a huge super muscular japanese dude with just a barely below average asian face and glasses wearing a simple white shirt and holding a small work briefcase

>> No.30077776


>> No.30077779
File: 637 KB, 700x746, 1606913015649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077942

I was bored

>> No.30077780
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x1281, taskete v3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows, I don't think she's mad especifically at us, but she deleted her roomie raid videos the other day, and I heard she's being targeted by lolcow, but I don't visit that place so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.30077782
Quoted by: >>30077840

>hololive world-building
I'm interested. Thanks.

>> No.30077784
Quoted by: >>30078296

Looking really good, but you might want to check that your arms are the same size. I assume they're not supposed to be heavily different from perspective since they're both in the plane of her body. Otherwise it's a stellar design, though I think the boots are a little to Ugg-ish instead of rave-stompers, but I don't really remember what emo girls wore as footwear.

>> No.30077785

What did you do with the body of Hitomi Chris?

>> No.30077787

Kiara is a lazy bitch.

>> No.30077789

I didn't know Kiara spoke ID

>> No.30077791

>one thread dies
>three follow-up threads are made at the same time
>three active threads pushed into archive
remember the 2hus...

>> No.30077792

She listened to this.

>> No.30077793

I dunno, ask the "JP bros" their questions are better

>> No.30077794

>elf looks amazing and has the best design of all of the HoloENs
Slow down there, buddy.

>> No.30077796
Quoted by: >>30077868

They are killing rrats faster than they spawn. It's not fun anymore

>> No.30077803

You got to see how bad some of these questions are though.

>> No.30077806
File: 197 KB, 463x448, 1606440803244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30077810
Quoted by: >>30078199

She misses you too, anon. She has been playing Rune Factory and practicing ukelele to surprise you

>> No.30077811

anonchama... Gura would never date you even if you were her perfect type... or any holo for that matter...

>> No.30077812

>I unironically think it's one reason why she's dead last in popularity
that and her being a JP holo in disguise

>> No.30077817
Quoted by: >>30077916

Anon you understand the flaw in your logic right? The show is so that clip, and non clip Eops can ask questions TO LEARN more deeply about the guests. That's why the questions should come from them. Because that's what they don't and are interested in a actually learning.

>> No.30077819

4 is like your opinion man, there are tons of indie vtubers that are pretty big. It is just that a huge majority are literal whos

>> No.30077820

I wish. Skateboard punk-rock Mori would be fucking perfect to go with Emori and scene phoenix.

>> No.30077822
Quoted by: >>30077959

I remember the questions people offered for Marine being pretty decent (At least the ones upvoted) but she shot pretty much all of them down, I think people just aren't sure what she wants.

>> No.30077823
File: 126 KB, 1274x715, 8tkittkjz3h41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao look at these replies, they turn against anyone who does something that doesn't fit their liking. Truly most pathetic. As expected from /hlg/

>> No.30077825
File: 73 KB, 480x473, 1605784678485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077900

Tomorrow Gura will defeat the first stage of the Final Boss.

>> No.30077826
Quoted by: >>30078362

FBK is a holo EOPs are attracted to but don't stay for despite her friendliness to them.

>> No.30077827

t. dwarf

>> No.30077829
File: 526 KB, 1000x800, 4546584688864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even stutters at armpits.


>> No.30077831

I wonder if they feel about us the same way alphabet agents do when they monitor /pol/, or if they have some sympathy for the non-schizos here.

>> No.30077836

>who the fuck is that dude
>see the twitter profile
Zombie... why...

>> No.30077837
Quoted by: >>30077933

did she say something about china?

>> No.30077839

Ask FBK this for Kiaras Holotalk

>> No.30077840
Quoted by: >>30078582

It's not exactly a general or a thread if that's what you're expecting, more like the occasional anon bringing Hololive out of here.

>> No.30077842

1mill collab once she defeats boss.

>> No.30077844

>the foreign lady character is actually kiara

>> No.30077845

Yeah I love chickin but Holotalk is very flawed right now. Would love to make it not live just premiere for fuck sake. Also how do you do a talk show 4chan experts?

>> No.30077846
Quoted by: >>30077920

Idk what Kiara was expecting EOPs don't speak Japanese so they only understand clips
So they don't know much about Fubuki outside of clips.
How was she expecting EOPs to know what kind of deep questions to ask
Also what in the world is her definition of a "deep" question?

>> No.30077849

>someone with a gay voice

>> No.30077850
Quoted by: >>30078445

twitch tv watsonamelia_hololiveen

>> No.30077857
File: 760 KB, 607x900, Em2n5chVcAELHnT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078012

Yap, new outfit can´t come soon enough.
You can see it in every fanart that is not depicting her in her OG costume.

>> No.30077859

Ask FBK's fans, I have no fucking idea on anything to ask.

>> No.30077860
Quoted by: >>30077967

>the majority of the people turning in aren't getting what they want
why do you assume the people are only watching to see EOP questions? Sane people are watching for the talkshow not because they have a tiny chance of their question getting on

>> No.30077865

Her outfit filtered me.

>> No.30077867

yes, she did


>> No.30077868

They kill them here before they spread to reddit and other secondary sites. That’s how you know they have a mole.

>> No.30077869
File: 117 KB, 287x313, 1587861839521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated that Gura was the first one to hit 1m?

>> No.30077870
Quoted by: >>30077906

>got gifted a sub to miko

>> No.30077871

>Gura unironically
No Jew gets this happy over Christmas

>> No.30077873

>she prefers the short hair look vs this

>> No.30077875 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 2360x1640, EoPNUTpVEAA7EFz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like a cuppa Koopa?

>> No.30077878 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 828x996, EYGh1wbWkAANEq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep trying to convince everyone else that Ame is not entertaining outside of her "GFE"
holy schizo, do your reading comprehension reps. I'm not an ame anti or a purityfag. it's obvious that teamates are using the "evidence" about her breaking up with her boyfriend as a coping mechanism, whether its credible or not doesn't matter. I just know (You) fags enough to know that you'll drop her any second if a second amegeddon happens.

>> No.30077881
Quoted by: >>30077999

I still prefer Ame. Kiara's hair is dumb and doesn't work well with "normal" outfits. Her eyes are pretty, at least.

>> No.30077883
File: 235 KB, 397x408, 1606746796676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077958

>Hololive world-building

>> No.30077885
Quoted by: >>30077918

I did this once but with a toad instead

>> No.30077890

Why is chicken stream so good rn?

>> No.30077894
Quoted by: >>30078094

When did Gura says the gay voice thing lol

>> No.30077900

someone post plin plin plon

>> No.30077903
File: 34 KB, 227x222, concerned_peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>likes pizza dad
>also likes smallest balls man

>> No.30077904

Guys when are we going to have another split?
>HoloKR gen 2 debuts
>/hlgg/ now stuck with 3 gen of ID 3 gen of EN 2 1 gen of HoloES 1 gen of HoloIn
>/hlgg/ splits into /hlgEN/ and /hlgID/ while the ones with HoloKR, HoloES and HoloIN now /hlgg/
When does it end??

>> No.30077905

She clearly overestimated how much the western audience cares about most of the JPs. Most of hololive watchers now are ironic weebs that have only ever watched clips and only know flanderized stock character versions of what each jp holo is like.
What questions do you think a JOP can ask Ina? If she likes to draw?

You know this because you're on the audience side and you know how dumb people are. Holos dont know this because from their side there's 6k dudes watching small talents like Lamy or Mio so obviously at last 10 people will have relatively good questions for Fubuki.
They're wrong.

>> No.30077906

did you explode

>> No.30077908

She's the wingman holo.
She brings you to hololive and introduces you to her coworkers but never hooks up with anyone herself

More seriously, it's one of those hard to translate appeals; like trying to explain how Ame is cute besides her gremlin noises to a JOP

>> No.30077911

She should do some silly personality tests in a collab, talk about their interests.
Pull out some questionnaires and teen magazines.
And poll some fan questions for any current hot topics.

>> No.30077914
File: 49 KB, 1114x514, 1600665378671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie...what the FUCK are you DOING...

>> No.30077915
Quoted by: >>30078254

>people dislike anyone who does something that doesn't fit their liking

>> No.30077916

>That's why the questions should come from them.
no you tard because they don't know about her they can't ask good questions to get to know her all they are asking is questions tainted by their perspective being only clip watchers. The show is so clip watchers can learn about them if their questions are shit then they aren't learning about them.

>> No.30077917
File: 423 KB, 591x735, 1605721824120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30077976

Wasn't he a clipwatcher?

>> No.30077918

which third world country do you live in

>> No.30077920
Quoted by: >>30077971

but the questions for marine were fine

>> No.30077923
File: 58 KB, 571x571, 1606573130485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 fucking hats, warriorCEOphoenixinlovewithcoworker. What the fuck was she and cover thinking?

>> No.30077930


>> No.30077933
Quoted by: >>30078224

Fubuki used to be very big in China. Until she gave chinks the middle finger during the Coco situation.

>> No.30077935

I really don't think this is unreasonable from Kiara. She asked EOPs for questions, didn't find them suitable for the format, and asked JOPs instead, getting better results. Her stated aim is to introduce a side of the JP Holos that you don't get from only seeing the viral translated clips. When it comes to that, I'd assume that JP viewers have a better understanding of what makes each JP Holo interesting beyond surface level stuff.

I do agree that she could have phrased it better, but that's just Kiara in general.

>> No.30077938

>No merchant gets this happy over Christmas

>> No.30077942
Quoted by: >>30078028


>> No.30077944

My mom made pancakes and I'm going to eat them.

>> No.30077954
Quoted by: >>30078083

That evidence came like a month later, Amegeddon lasted 2 days and filtered out tourists, I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.30077958

What's Pekoland's tax policy?

>> No.30077959

The last part it's untrue, the serious queston can on the part of "Did Fubuki Alter will came back as 2D Live?" or even "How did you managed to get into megane hole?". The problem is that many of Holo EN fans are actually new people and only know Fubuki for memes.

>> No.30077961
File: 677 KB, 1068x561, pepeloni [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1z8joe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been here, anons.

>> No.30077960

probably nothing beyond phoenix chicken restaurant joke

>> No.30077962

I wanted at least one OHNONONONO response to this, I'm disappointed

>> No.30077963

only if you're Jesus. Gura is our messiah confirmed

>> No.30077964

Not him, but we do this kind of shit all the time with cane toads.

>> No.30077966

No one's going to care about KR or ID enough to justify another split. ES is the only side branch that could legitimately fuck up the threads.

>> No.30077967
Quoted by: >>30078002

Not their questions, but JoP questions will be coming from a different perspective than EoP questions, and that could lead to questions being asked that the majority of people have no idea what they're talking about because it's based on having preexisting knowledge that wasn't translated, came from a very long tome ago, came from an EoP filter stream, are based on JoP only memes etc.

>> No.30077968
File: 116 KB, 591x735, 1606067079533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like 10 fucking verses


>> No.30077969

So I can buy cheap

>> No.30077971

Apparently not good enough for Kiara.
She ended up also asking Japanese fans for questions as well.
What in the world is her definition of deep?

>> No.30077975


>> No.30077977
File: 656 KB, 3484x2276, 1595505515885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I drop my oshi for something so pathetic anon? You're assuming shit you can't be certain of.
I never said you're an anti or something. I don't give a fuck what Amelia's roommate does and since you can't wrap it around your flatbrain, there's no point explaining it to you.

>> No.30077976

another hololeech

>> No.30077980

When Gura finally does her first JP collab, I will never stop shitposting about Ina. Lazy fucking bitch. Imagine getting into contact with JP senpais like Marine, and then canceling the entire affair solely because the potential collab times are outside of your comfort zone.

>> No.30077982

dear god, the crossover from the Kpop fanbase might actually be too much for me

>> No.30077988 [DELETED] 
File: 181 KB, 750x684, C8FB1789-F732-43FD-BB94-75D062E1636F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News about Koopa

We no longer need to gatekeep her because redditfags hate us anyway (4chan is conflated with 2ch/5chan now)

>> No.30077989
File: 317 KB, 2048x1534, 1605742035203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huke took a lot of drugs before he had to start drawing for SG3

>> No.30077995
File: 512 KB, 600x450, 1461734191094.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what oppai loli is.

>> No.30077998

Her voice filters me more than the outfit. It doesn't help that she has bootleg Peko mannerisms without Peko's personality.

>> No.30077999
File: 598 KB, 622x891, 1594750192565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078158

>implying her beautiful, vibrant, fluffy hair isn't the best

That's another issue. Too many competing elements resulting in a messy visual.

>> No.30078002

>that could lead to questions being asked that the majority of people have no idea what they're talking about because it's based on having preexisting knowledge that wasn't translated,
THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT, she wants to show them shit that's not clipfag only

>> No.30078005

she's absolutely right to ask JOPs for questions

if there was going to be a holotalk for introing Gura to Jap audiences, you fucking bet I'd want Kiara asking a question like "do you enjoy frustrating people?" to reveal the mesugaki nature to the JOPs

>> No.30078008

>Guys when are we going to have another split?
In three-to-four years when there are enough holos to congest the thread we could split Hololive English into its own thing.

>> No.30078010
Quoted by: >>30078088

Go back

>> No.30078011
File: 69 KB, 250x250, 1600129332716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't think of any personalized questions because I don't watch her and general questions might have to lean into controversial topics in order to be interesting. It's hilarious how chimkin went for the one niche where the viewers can't really pick up the slack.

>> No.30078012

Give us dirndl Kiara as her next outfit please, she can carry maßkruge instead of chicken.

>> No.30078013

Anya seems great, I love her dry sense of humour on Twitter. Very excited to see how she turns out. I'm middle of the road on the other two.

>> No.30078015

go back you literal retard

>> No.30078016

I always listen to pepeloni soundpost, every time it's posted to the end.

>> No.30078023 [DELETED] 

Not him but get off your fucking high horse anon. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about either.

>> No.30078022

Well she said the JP questions were good. It seems like she didn't get to them though since she mentioned in the talkshow that she had many more questions but they were running out of time.

>> No.30078028

There is also the audio only version

>> No.30078029


>> No.30078033
Quoted by: >>30078136

Anything bigger than Ina is too big

>> No.30078035

It still makes me laugh how blatantly it wasn't written by her but some ESL manager.

>> No.30078036

>they even stole our "go back"

>> No.30078038

too big

>> No.30078039
File: 1.68 MB, 206x286, 1600667930301.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the last narrative?

>> No.30078042

based EclipzeX77

>> No.30078044

when you bend to pick something up fatty

>> No.30078046

Gura and Ame are truly perfect for each other

>> No.30078049


>> No.30078048

We found out recently that Ina has an IRL job ontop of her commissions. So definitely not lazy.

>> No.30078052
Quoted by: >>30078126

ok anons since you're all so fucking smart, spoonfeed Kiara questions she'll never see because she's not here anyway

>> No.30078053


>> No.30078060


>> No.30078063
Quoted by: >>30078130

my theory is the outfit was originally better but Kiara was like "Papa, can you make my skirt more girigiri? and how come my tummy isn't exposed? hyahyahya"

>> No.30078067

They got money for those, it wasn't charity

>> No.30078068
File: 1.19 MB, 3305x1933, gen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so fortune tubers are really happening

>> No.30078069
File: 528 KB, 1080x1505, 1605937157149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078122

>Holotalk with Fubuki

Will the chinks spam the chat? Or would that only happen if she interviews someone like Haato or Miko?

>> No.30078070
File: 26 KB, 1060x737, Em55XDkW8AUP5Y_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since EN started, Gura has made my life considerably brighter. Her cute voice and mannerisms always perk me up and I listen to her karaokes every once in a while to get a boost of happiness. I hope she has a long and happy tenure at Hololive with her new friends. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.30078071
File: 76 KB, 680x673, 1605287771818c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>w-we don't need to gatekeep guys!!
fuck off

>> No.30078074

but isnt the whole point of the show is to make a bridge between EOPs and JP holos? JOPs can always superchat their question, i dunno

>> No.30078075

>speaking of lolis

>> No.30078076
File: 408 KB, 793x639, Chicken 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078146

>Thick Loli Rice

>> No.30078078
Quoted by: >>30078161

Deep is not clipfag questions I think.

>> No.30078081
Quoted by: >>30079304

Philippines, and I live in the country side with something that resembles a rainforest in my backyard. Other things I did was scream at goats until they faint, collect bugs and dig a hole then bury the bugs in said hole, and I trying to force 2 snakes fight

>> No.30078082

Yeah. Given her intentions for what the show is, asking the interviewee's fanbase as opposed to people who are in all likelihood EOPs that have only viewed clips is an excellent idea.

>> No.30078083
Quoted by: >>30078185

they will always cope, anon. even before that, it was the info ceo of sex leaked about livers having to break up with their boyfriends so everyone immediately assumed ame wasnt dating the guy anymore because she's a holo

>> No.30078085
File: 338 KB, 1787x2526, 1605881050207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess you're more based than I thought. Keep it up mate

>> No.30078087

Hitomi Chris never lef-

>> No.30078088

>Gets told to go back on R*ddit
>Gets told to go back on 4chan
Where's the man supposed to even go

>> No.30078090
File: 196 KB, 304x640, 1602651177686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of schizos
I'm laffin

>> No.30078094
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1604933779550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She mocked Santa's lisp during the Elf watchalong. Something along the lines of, "I'm Thanta with a lithp!"

>> No.30078095

Hopefully soon

>> No.30078097

Gura has a lot more going for her than just being a loli.

>> No.30078102
File: 21 KB, 443x507, EnCKJ41XYAEySu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Kiara, Cunnypilled

>> No.30078106
Quoted by: >>30078254

Gotta fuel those bait posts somehow

>> No.30078111

kiara hates her fanbase for being casuals who don't do their archive reps

>> No.30078115
Quoted by: >>30078254

Would you be fine with someone who likes a doxxfag?

>> No.30078117

It ends when we get booted off to /trash/ or finally get a vtuber board

>> No.30078119
File: 72 KB, 560x559, 1603165218392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I'm gonna make it bros...

>> No.30078122

I can't wait for the Coco interview.

>> No.30078126

Anal circumference at max dilation.

>> No.30078130

also give me more hats

>> No.30078131

Wtf why is she so mean

>> No.30078132

"aha! friends friends. kawaii zombie desu", she cant answer any other way because her manager is watching
"aha! friends friends. kawaii sharku desu", see above.
The correct answer is "most youtubers suck" and vtubers are just youtubers with an anime avatar. She knows this but cant say it live so no Kiara is not gonna ask.
Luck and brand awareness, thats why hololive and nijisanji mog everyone else.
Gura cant speak japanese. Fubuki cant speak english. Neither of them can get away with giggling for 66 minutes like Ame and Haachama because they're both The Biggest In Hololive.

You need to fill 2 hours. They need to be long ass questions.

>> No.30078133

Holos are moving to twitch

>> No.30078134
Quoted by: >>30078358

>less talented
You don't know that.

>> No.30078135
Quoted by: >>30078254

>liked because of her design
>people don't know shit about personality
>she spews cringe shit on twitter
>tops it off by acknowledging someone like that
Really makes you think why people started changing their minds.

>> No.30078136

shit taste

>> No.30078140

Yeah, I think the gist if it would be asking JP fans "what are things you would be interested in letting overseas fans know about your oshi?" and then having Kiara format it in a way that comes off as an interview question to be given that general sort of answer.

>> No.30078141
Quoted by: >>30078229

Yeah and that's what they'll ask moron! Theyll ask shit they don't know from they're own fucking level, not shit completely out of their view. It's not that ducking hard to understand that JoPs ans EoPs have different things they'd want to fucking ask

>> No.30078143
File: 1.57 MB, 2000x2000, 1606663772239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I concur with your blog.

>> No.30078146
File: 354 KB, 1515x1595, 20201118_063751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078148

Like she wasn't even rude with how she said it so why are people freaking she wasn't even rude about it? Like I get wanting to give EOPs a chance to ask question but if they aren't good why purposely gimp your show with subpar questions?

>> No.30078154

Is Ina the best Mincraft player?

>> No.30078156

I can't help but feel like Polka is being sarcastic about 80% of the time.

>> No.30078158
Quoted by: >>30078355

>>implying her [...] hair isn't the best
Correct. Looks horrible and assaults the eyes. The shade of orange is too intense, and how the fuck did Huke think orange and green were a good mix?

>> No.30078161

There were plenty not non clip related questions that she said no to. Requesting them to be deep questions is so vague and confusing

>> No.30078162
File: 513 KB, 645x582, 1606850901518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078231

only once?

>> No.30078164

Take your shitty personal project to >>>/trash/

>> No.30078165

What questions should Kiara ask FBK?

Can you please take Gura as your Minecraft apprentice?

>> No.30078166


>> No.30078167

I'm not a malet or gay and I have extra points for being bald so I'm good with Gura.

>> No.30078171
File: 711 KB, 2195x2312, 1600577260861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078172

Choose to stay in one and not interact with the other one. SImple as.

>> No.30078175
Quoted by: >>30078328

She seems to be the only one that can get shit done in a timely manner but I'm pretty sure she always has guides up while playing.

>> No.30078177


>> No.30078178


>> No.30078179

>Years after the fact and it had to be a complete self-starter with no input from Hiro at all
Sasuga. At least Koopa has the Yotsuba-green hair, it's fitting.

>> No.30078180

She is one of the only holos I still have trouble understanding after two years of watching hololive. That probably accounts for a lot of why the people who find her through clips move on to other holos.
Content-wise though, she's pretty based. She does a lot of varied stuff, dabbles into basically every game genre, ttrpg, etc. is competent at games and singing, has near encyclopedic knowledge of otaku culture and pretty based tastes as far as I can tell.
She's good at what she does, her 4 hours guerilla stream of waiting for marine and shion to wake up should be proof enough of that. I enjoy her a lot in collabs.

>> No.30078185

I'm trying to understand your post but the SEAglish is too strong

>> No.30078188

Wtf? I love Gura even more

>> No.30078190

In EN? Yes. In Holo? No.

>> No.30078192

Is there even much art of her?

>> No.30078193
Quoted by: >>30078269

How the fuck do you find Phasmophobia enjoyable.

>> No.30078197
Quoted by: >>30078289

You need to have a certain knowledge base, anon, to ask a coherent question. If Kiara was interviewing Gura for the JOPs and asked 'Any tricks for growing an avocado tree?' they would be completely lost and not understand why that's relevant because I doubt that her having mentioned one got clipped and translated for them. She needs to find questions that don't have such an in-depth knowledge barrier but show the side of FBK that she hasn't had come across to clip watchers.

>> No.30078198

Sio deserving it.

>> No.30078199

Don't forget your Japanese reps, Ame.

>> No.30078205

I was all in on reapercoin, I'm going all in on zombiecoin. I'm riding this straight to halloween town

>> No.30078206

Compared to Haato, Pekora, Moona and many others? No.

>> No.30078207

But didn't she already say that most of the questions submitted for the Marine episode were too serious? I don't know what kind of questions she's actually looking for.

>> No.30078209

Probably easier to deal with if you have a fixed set of allowed threads.

>> No.30078210
File: 1.63 MB, 1280x720, Cry, Kiara! Give me your tears! - Angbir.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078245

Feels Good to be a ChimkinMelia Chad

>> No.30078215
File: 565 KB, 1278x555, 1597012345168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is the sun

>> No.30078216
File: 544 KB, 2321x2543, 1606355951252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078217


>> No.30078218

It's just the reactionary shitposting nature of this place, happens all the time.
Then everyone forgets about it the next second.

>> No.30078219

Not even rude desu, EOP are retarded

>> No.30078220


>> No.30078223 [DELETED] 

Thread was "normal" because of meido, but the fact is that teamates never dropped their spot as the second bigpest fanbase here.
And it wasn't just because of any evidence.
Nigger, I don't give a fuck. Yes there are people like that, but I talked about the evidence back then just to quell the schizos. I was in the happening with many other teamates, when there was no evidence, saying that roommate shit is roommate shit.

>> No.30078224
File: 154 KB, 1280x1195, 1584494851345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pandering to China is always a mistake.


>> No.30078227

>I have not been looking at the numbers at all

>> No.30078228

>Open number stream
>close the stream

>> No.30078229
Quoted by: >>30078416

the purpose is to inform the eops about the guest, if their questions aren't letting Kiara inform the eops about the guest why use them

>> No.30078231

Sometimes up to 3 times in a row.

>> No.30078232

rrats are desperate for anything. They tried to stir up something over the fucking "pff" translation. That's how starved they are.

>> No.30078233

I think I speak for everyone here when I say we don't wish to associate with dogfuckers.

>> No.30078235
Quoted by: >>30078550

No need for another split. HoloJP has to go back to /hlg/ unfortunately and /hlgg/ will fulfill its original role of being a containment thread for non-JP Holos, the alternative is /trash/.

>> No.30078236


>> No.30078238
Quoted by: >>30078259

>I haven't been looking at numbers at all
Fuck off numberfags!

>> No.30078239

She's like the Reimu of 2hu.

>> No.30078240
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1602963826424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda of depressing how few views Mori's karaoke gets (clips wise). I understand Kiara since her karaoke is god-awful 9 out of 10 times but Mori's is mostly amazing.

>> No.30078243
File: 38 KB, 213x134, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078244

>I don't
>if this counts

>> No.30078245
File: 564 KB, 2336x2648, 1606550477191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078246


>> No.30078248
File: 504 KB, 800x748, 1595223144343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078309

Was laughing along with my oshi during a movie watchalong, feeling pretty good

>> No.30078250

Maybe he should just learn how to not be a retarded faggot

>> No.30078254
Quoted by: >>30078465

I will form my opinions after her debut

>> No.30078259


>> No.30078261
File: 272 KB, 1235x1748, 1605281815977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078263

is she still mining 2x3 mines or some ineffective shit like this? this honestly makes her one of the worst

>> No.30078264


>> No.30078268

Out the window, headfirst.

>> No.30078270

Kiara has come a really long way. I've been publicly banned for shitting on her and I would defend her for this.

>> No.30078269

asking the real questions here

>> No.30078275
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1604475596160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078381


>> No.30078276
File: 285 KB, 2010x1658, 20201112_090300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078316

>I havent even been looking at the numbers

>> No.30078280
File: 609 KB, 580x750, 1604548890857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078284

>open Kiara stream
>"I have not been looking at the numbers at all"
>close stream

>> No.30078289

>hey would be completely lost and not understand why that's relevant because I doubt that her having mentioned one got clipped and translated for them.
or get this Gura could talk about how she mentioned growing it on stream and then teach the JOPs about how she is a gardener. WOW turns out you can explain this shit

>> No.30078290
File: 366 KB, 528x528, gosling_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pepeloni. You know the pepeloni?
Do you always order the domino? Domino pepeloni
Do you always order the pepeloni?
And without pepeloni
>and without pepeloni
Pepeloni! Do you like pepeloni?
Cheese pan. Do you always order the cheese cheese pan?
>cheese pan
How can you explain the cheese pan?
>cheese pan
Do you always explain the cheese pan by your drawing?
>cheese pan
Do you always order the cheese pan?
>cheese pan
the cheese pan in the ear of pizza
>cheese pan
Pepeloni. What do you order?
when you order pepeloni, what's on the top?
Do you always pick up the pepeloni?
Do you eat the pepeloni?
>i don't eat the pepeloni
How about you repeat that three times?
>i don't eat the pepeloni
>i don't eat the pepeloni
>i... i don't...

>> No.30078296

thanks lads, I'll go and double check the measurements.

>> No.30078298
Quoted by: >>30078370

Because she's a part time holo. Tentacultists know this because she has fully explained her work situation to us.

She works a regular 9-5 job but with terrible late hours and still does freelance artwork and is a holo.

>> No.30078302
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x2193, 1602027053222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts.

>> No.30078304

Catching up on some of the early Ame streams I missed. Saved for such a time.
Currently going through Superliminal Part 1.

>> No.30078306

Their shit is not fully live subbed, so EOP's will mostly be clip fags. I get what she means, but I personally don't really care about the JP only holo's. I don't understand them and they don't understand me. She will not make ppl learn japanese that way. I find her holotalk a bit futile in its end goal.

>> No.30078307

Literally COPING
lmao chicken is pathetic

>> No.30078309
Quoted by: >>30078340

Did you get through on prime or just synch up? Curious as to which regions actually did work

>> No.30078312

Oh you have no idea how bad it can get
t.amesame schizo

>> No.30078313
File: 41 KB, 591x735, 1604583835339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078311

did they ever reveal who built the heart

>> No.30078316

im happy for our boss :)

>> No.30078319
File: 66 KB, 525x525, takokneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy for chicken

>> No.30078325
Quoted by: >>30078439

I hope she gets well soon

>> No.30078328

No, Ame is. Even if it is with help of chat she tries to come up with stuff herself.

Its hard to fuck up when you follow a guide to the T

>> No.30078330
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078365

Half the reason I post it is to listen to it again, the other half is to spread the good word. Have another one I post just to listen to.

>> No.30078331

the shrimpeloni

>> No.30078332
File: 162 KB, 729x1032, 20201118_063354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres quite a bit, but im stuck phoneposting so I dont have my full sakuna folder at the ready.

>> No.30078340

I'm in Australia and it worked fine with my prime

>> No.30078346


>> No.30078354

Something like what were the biggest changes since 1st gen debut and now

>> No.30078355
File: 2.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1580961261052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The teal / orange contrast is pure eye candy you pleb.

>> No.30078358

Fair enough. That is a wild assumption on my part, but she's pretty much confirmed more irritating than Mori and that alone is reason enough to sell. When she debuts and inevitably proves my wild assumptions correct it'll just further confirm sell to be the right decision.

>> No.30078361
File: 43 KB, 463x453, 1601775673891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch the chickenshit, did she really said that she likes loli's? If that's the case i'll watch her

>> No.30078360

She streams more than Mori despite having just as much side work as Mori.

>> No.30078362

She was my first and she will be my last.

>> No.30078365
File: 1000 KB, 1024x576, Notorious MORI [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8jofxo.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same with pic related

>> No.30078367

Hiro really fucked up

>> No.30078369

lucky anon

>> No.30078370

>Mori literally quits her teaching job to focus more on Holo
>*na can't even bother to quit her completely irrelevant freelance work solely because she wants a few extra shekels

>> No.30078381
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1604344735265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

>> No.30078382
Quoted by: >>30078418

Speaking of numbers, Gura is going to kill AI Games by the end of this week.

>> No.30078387
Quoted by: >>30078472

My take:
>don't have the guests in this random order, instead always have someone who has a big thing coming up on your show (the sports festival would've been perfect)
>this will be a talking point in itself, benefits the guest too
>don't shoot questions like your interviewing for a school project, rather have only the topics ready and ask the questions organically as they come up during their discussion (might be too advanced for Kiara)
>add things that actual talk shows have, a fake band? canned live audience laughter? a co-host (not an actual person, a mascot or something as a joke)
My humble opinion is that Kiara should've done this together with Ame, she lives for hijinks like this. Also as an American I'm pretty sure she has more of an idea on how talk shows are supposed to work.

>> No.30078385

she still garbage tho

>> No.30078386

>I have not been looking at numbers


>> No.30078388

I'm actually happy. I'm doing important tests today and tomorrow. My mind is at ease.

>> No.30078389

I'm glad, Ina.

>> No.30078396

>what is 4chan?
Moona bros...

>> No.30078398
File: 220 KB, 1584x1351, EnVwaoJWEAIeoHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few months from now Gura and Ame will off collab
To make it worth the trip the one visiting will stay for a week and sleep over

You know it'll happen, right?
They will have incredibly sex. Gura will bite her boobs and thighs, Ame will teach Gura about the pleasures of getting your cunny eaten out

>> No.30078399

Please explain.

>> No.30078403

I unironically hate the ironic pog stuff.

>> No.30078404
Quoted by: >>30078442

>loli rice
>thicc loli rice
>speaking of lolis

>> No.30078407
File: 1012 KB, 1191x1684, 1605840930342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and she's constantly lusting after Gura

>> No.30078412
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1601358196276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has she done to to us

>> No.30078414

Oh... so she watches the doxfag. How utterly depressing. It'll be amazing when he doxxes her too just to milk that sweet sweet Youtube cash cow.

>> No.30078416
Quoted by: >>30078477

You're assuming that they won't. You could go to the comment section and see all the suggestions. Even if some are rough she can just ask them slightly differently. Literally why the fuck would you ask your audience for questions and get them hyped up just to throw them away

>> No.30078417

She has been on record saying "Flat is Justice"

>> No.30078418


>> No.30078420

Kiara is unironically based for shitting on EOP questions and not pandering to the fucking clipwatchers and their "haha are you a cat?? do some more memes like scatman hahaha that would be poggers"
Just learn a bit of fucking jap and boom, you're understanding 15-20% of JP streams already, not that hard. Clips are good for catching up on the funny moments from past streams because you can't watch them all, but relying on clips entirely is reddit meme review tier shit.
Yes, some deep questions are what a talkshow needs, not 20 questions asking "is this meme piece of info about you true or not" and "WHEN WILL YOU COLLAB WITH GURA".
Don't send me back to /hlg/, I love my two wives Lamy and Ame equally.

>> No.30078423
File: 219 KB, 311x445, thechama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever seen someone go Gosling over Chammers. It just seems so weird to think about.

>> No.30078425


>> No.30078429

just search sakuna_hime on danbooru

>> No.30078430


>> No.30078431
File: 165 KB, 979x979, 1605029580738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't get it

>> No.30078439

Is she ill?

>> No.30078442


>> No.30078445

Could be a squatter

>> No.30078446

It's over. She's going to break up with us.

>> No.30078451
File: 9 KB, 412x232, 106554801_870716193421514_351263811145157321_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078452

Are all of those concepts, or do I have to look for the 4chan v-tuber thread in /trash/?

>> No.30078457
File: 293 KB, 597x641, kiaraloli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078460

Will you be my wife?

>> No.30078463

shes a cute retard

>> No.30078464


>> No.30078465

girls are doing twitter pre-debutes for you and you're just going to ignore their hard work because they didn't debut yet? by that logic you can wait until their graduation. let the narratives flow freely through your mind and have fun, you don't need to get worked up and actually start to believe in them.

>> No.30078466
File: 590 KB, 1024x1217, 1580204070435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078542

Glad I hated both of them before this shit dropped

>> No.30078467

literally UOOOHHH'd during the gura collab

>> No.30078472

>add things that actual talk shows have, a fake band? canned live audience laughter? a co-host (not an actual person, a mascot or something as a joke)
ame mentioned fake commercials

>> No.30078475


>> No.30078477

>get them hyped up just to throw them away
sane people don't give a shit if she doesn't use their question

>> No.30078478
File: 190 KB, 1000x1414, 1606918474034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're safe here, mommyfag

>> No.30078479
File: 342 KB, 600x600, 1601772352629.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through shark, unity.

>> No.30078481


>> No.30078482
File: 1.08 MB, 2000x1404, 1581978375067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How new are you?

>> No.30078483
File: 659 KB, 739x492, 1606099563818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other Christbros pray for their oshi?

>> No.30078485
File: 231 KB, 1188x2048, 234CFF49-D680-4D00-A6FC-A194989435C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she will get better soon.

>> No.30078487
Quoted by: >>30078927

She is Gen 1, there was enough time for Goslings to develop and burn themselves out

>> No.30078489
File: 119 KB, 1024x576, b1zevap01l261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078554

Did.. Miko delete her twitch already?

>> No.30078491

Would they give us a sticky for the debut?

>> No.30078492

she said she is not feeling well and postponed her minecreaft stream, probably a cold

>> No.30078493

what if you worked at domino's and had to take haachama's order

>> No.30078496

gura and ame double squirting orgasm UUOOOOHH

>> No.30078502

>Neither of them can get away with giggling for 66 minutes like Ame and Haachama because they're both The Biggest In Hololive.
They 100% can get away with it just from the fact they are the biggest talents in Hololive, fucking retard.

>> No.30078506

I read some of the top questions in reply to her community.post there were no meme questions like you posted

>> No.30078509

Not him but the JoPs wouldn't give a shot because it's not a meme that had attachment to. You really think Kiara having to explain JoP only Fubuki memes to the chat is gonna keep them engaged? Theyll get some lols and then theyll eventually get bored that none of their shit is getting talked about

>> No.30078514

Hey FBK, give use some cute alternate outfit ideas for EN and ID2

>> No.30078521
Quoted by: >>30078618

Just pregnant luckily, the treatment won't take long.

>> No.30078525

Doesn't 4chan has feature for automatically make new threads?

>> No.30078530

Makes sense I guess. It wasn't Mori who opened the floodgates, it was Gura all along. Wonderful, how will chumbuddies defend this?

>> No.30078532

she's literally actionposting

>> No.30078533

I'd give her the pepeloni pizza without pepeloni.

>> No.30078534

The question is would Kiara even think to ask for context for people who don't know?

>> No.30078538

Imagine both of them wanting your baby.
Anon akachan ga hoshi.

>> No.30078539
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1604741941228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 hours until Ina stream

>> No.30078541

damn she really does love pussy

>> No.30078542
File: 320 KB, 1600x1200, rent free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori antis let her live so rent free in their head they can't hate anything without relating it to her

>> No.30078544

wouldnt pass baseline

>> No.30078547
File: 103 KB, 400x400, birdhappy2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tenchou has found happiness

>> No.30078548

Moona mentioned 4chan...

>> No.30078549

She's been sick since the Outlast DLC stream I think.

>> No.30078550
Quoted by: >>30078663

>HoloJP has to go back to /hlg/ unfortunately and /hlgg/ will fulfill its original role of being a containment thread for non-JP Holos,
Wrong. All discussion allowed here. Spergs stick to /hlg/.

>> No.30078554


>> No.30078555

>I can always go back and visit
chicken please move back

>> No.30078556

This is the 2nd time kiara made me want to learn japanese, where do i start bros

>> No.30078563
Quoted by: >>30078604

It depends on your taste. I dislike non-stop chaos on every stream.
Fubuki has content that can vary from one extreme to another. One stream will be a really chill laid back stream, another will be the legendary VOID.
Even in multiplayers, she'll either just run around calmly doing whatever she needs to and kill rarely, other times she pops off like a savage - one hilarious moment is Amagi Ten asking her for food, and Fubuki headshots her ending with a one liner - "That's your food."

She'll sing, play games, play ttrpg, zatsudans, draw, etc, etc, etc. She's make anything entertaining, provided you understand her. She's also very welcoming of her fans, who happen to be from fucking all over the world.

It might be this lack of consistency that is also impacting her, since people usually watch a youtube channel for a certain type of content. Fubuki doesn't settle down into doing just one thing.

tl;dr I'm a Fubufag, I love Fubuki.

>> No.30078566

You're the face of Hololive JP, and even hololive as a whole. Your kouhais and genmates rely on you a lot [one or two examples here] and you always seem to be ready to jump in to help [example, Shion+Marine late stream comes immediately to mind].
Do you feel this is your job as a hololive senior? Do you actively work on it or it's something that comes naturally to you?

>> No.30078568


>> No.30078578

Clips of her cursing in japanese from the kiara collab are getting 100k views, she's already selfsustainable

>> No.30078576

She has a cold

>> No.30078580

>Kiara also killed the gun narrative earlier this stream

>> No.30078582

too bad

>> No.30078584
File: 125 KB, 1200x950, DkM4M75U0AA4Gkq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up 4chan vtuber contest

>> No.30078585

I would give the call over to the manager of course

>> No.30078586
File: 1.12 MB, 1107x1389, 1606150059053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She coomposted at lewd kanatan art crying over her stomach and thick thighs. Kiara knows what makes a girl cute.

>> No.30078589


>> No.30078590
File: 3.28 MB, 1920x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079402

Would holos play GTA4? It's pretty old by now, maybe R* could even allow them monetization?

>> No.30078591

i think it is more of a chimkin's audience problem, rather than EOPs in general. Also it is not that easy to just come up with a good question without a starting point. Which is yes, for most EOPs that is just some random clip

>> No.30078592
Quoted by: >>30078657


>> No.30078593

I still don't know what Haachama meant by "cheese pan"

>> No.30078595
File: 95 KB, 463x463, kiara smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078640

>Kiara realizing she fucked up by picking up another really long game
dis birdbrain

>> No.30078596

What did she say? Missed it.

>> No.30078603

Go to /djt/ and get the links and resources then peace the fuck outta that shithole and never go back.

>> No.30078604

You and me both.

>> No.30078605
Quoted by: >>30078659

>i don't want to play the same game for months and months
wait, why is her plans JRPGs then

>> No.30078607
File: 35 KB, 241x115, 1591960067251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some faggots in the earlier threads said I had shit taste for hating on the zombie

>> No.30078609

it's okay, at least gura still has a gun

>> No.30078613


>> No.30078615

It's a pepeloni with cheese pan, the ear. The no one. Understandable!

>> No.30078618

Sorry guys, it was me

>> No.30078619

>I don't want to only play one game, every day,all week
Loboco.... APEX...

>> No.30078620
Quoted by: >>30078662


>> No.30078622

this holy shit so much this

>> No.30078623

Hiro held a contest to design a 4chan tuber back when Kizuna was blowing up, but he never did anything with it.

>> No.30078624
Quoted by: >>30078675

That's basically the same as numbers right?

>> No.30078626
File: 348 KB, 697x1199, 1602108664263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078637

cheesy bread?

>> No.30078636

>I don't own A gun

She didn't say anything about multiple guns, though.

>> No.30078640

One of her qualities is that she tries to improve her streaming experience. She came a long way since debut, however bird brain.

>> No.30078642
File: 2.88 MB, 3600x1466, 1604706249970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078643

>bootleg Lize

>> No.30078644
File: 307 KB, 643x758, Catholic Gigachad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078646
Quoted by: >>30078894

Some rando in chat asked her detailed gun specs and she was like
>I have no idea what you're going on about

>> No.30078651

No, she said she is like us she don't know much about them herself except for pekora she would be able to have the question by herself since she watched all of pekora video.

>> No.30078654
File: 55 KB, 636x653, 1595325787478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina zatsudan title is so worrisome, I'm scared...

>> No.30078657
File: 179 KB, 351x355, 1590872161364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078912


>> No.30078659

Sucks that the genere she loves sucks for content.

>> No.30078661


>> No.30078662

Risu is no longer the top RRAT after the moon rabbit arc. She's trying to climb her way back up by any means necessary.

>> No.30078663

>All discussion allowed here
Sure, why not? I didn't say otherwise.

>> No.30078665

I should start praying again

>> No.30078668
Quoted by: >>30078770

is it the worst general on /jp/? it looks really bad every time I get even the smallest glance of it

>> No.30078669

I think 'pan' means bread in japanese, so 'cheese pain' or cheese bread makes me think that she's referring to cheese stuffed crust.

Also I don't speak japanese so I could be super wrong.

>> No.30078675

I'll let you have this.

>> No.30078681
Quoted by: >>30078711

>Kiara is a scatfag

>> No.30078682
Quoted by: >>30078711


>> No.30078683
Quoted by: >>30078711

>lick my sweet... shit


>> No.30078684
Quoted by: >>30078729

She orders the cheesy crust special from Pizza Hut, but it comes with Pepeloni by default so she picks them off.

>> No.30078686

Cheese crust

>> No.30078687


>> No.30078690

>lick my snot
>drink it
jesus christ chicken

>> No.30078693

I just want the SENPAITACHI to stream more

>> No.30078694

>lick my sneeze shit drink it
that joke was better in her head wasn't it?

>> No.30078699
Quoted by: >>30078746

I know you mean well, but having to explain a joke completely kills any semblance of it being interesting or funny

>> No.30078700


>> No.30078702

tenchou please stop this.

>> No.30078701

>oral bacteria is good bacteria

>> No.30078704

pan = bread, Cheese bread ie stuffed crust

>> No.30078706

She's either talking about stuffed crust or a pan pizza where the cheese goes all the way to the ear of the pizza.

>> No.30078707

>Lick my sneeze, drink it

>> No.30078708

Kiara giving me corona!

>> No.30078709
Quoted by: >>30079233

i love how gura's watchalongs are a mix of goofy jokes, cute noises, and insightful filmmaking commentary

>> No.30078710
File: 946 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078859

Here is your cheese pan.

>> No.30078711
File: 69 KB, 915x455, 1604698155640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078758


>> No.30078712

the ear of pizza, with pepeloni
but then AWAY! cause I don't eat it from the ear

>> No.30078714
File: 109 KB, 478x426, 1606027112779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078744

I love Haachama and I love her pepelonis.

>> No.30078715 [DELETED] 
File: 204 KB, 2048x1281, gufiyhcub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys made her and now you guys are forgetting about her. Watch her guys.

>> No.30078718
Quoted by: >>30078797

But you don't understand we have to preserve Hololive culture, that culture being whatever I like and none of what I don't like. The consequences for failure are dire, the chat I shit on all the time for being annoying and useless will have new people I don't like in it, and it is possible that a Hololiver might collab with someone I don't like for one (or even two, TWO) hours.

>> No.30078723

chimken what the fuck

>> No.30078724
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1604339673455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078780

Would you lick kiara's bacteria?

>> No.30078727

I literally got into hololive when she streamed english minecraft a bunch of times earlier this year when the coofing started, Goslinged hard back then.

>> No.30078729


>> No.30078730
Quoted by: >>30078931

Ok other than djt, like youtube and website resources

>> No.30078734
File: 39 KB, 351x348, 1584768352866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078776

>Kiara wants to spread the chink flu using her cultists as bio bombs
>She uses her saliva to infect them
>She is "positive"

>> No.30078735


>> No.30078736

>german has weird fetishes
absolute pottery

>> No.30078743


>> No.30078744

Based and Pepeloni pilled.

>> No.30078745
Quoted by: >>30078756


>> No.30078746
Quoted by: >>30079088

>but having to explain a joke
but in that case it wasn't even a joke her avocado tree isn't funny it's something she has

>> No.30078748
Quoted by: >>30078777

Stop shilling unless you want a horde of antis flooding the chat. It's off topic.

>> No.30078749
Quoted by: >>30078807

Wasn't she gonna apply for Hololive?

>> No.30078750
File: 121 KB, 328x313, ghostling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just saw a clip uploaded with Mori singing Sorairu Days acapella style and its kino
I'm going ghost once again, still blows me away at how good at singing she is.

>> No.30078756


>> No.30078755

Chicken really is a complete degenerate kinky sex freak.

>> No.30078757

I hate being reminded that there are bigger EOPs than myself in these threads that don't understand cheese pan or the ear thing

>> No.30078758
File: 84 KB, 1064x715, 1606501354067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078978

Please undastand boss is tired.

>> No.30078759

This just isn't the place for frequent reminders. I don't make the rules.

>> No.30078762
File: 1012 KB, 809x3650, Screenshot_20201202-125259_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zombie anons??? Care to explain?

>> No.30078765

the ear of pizza

>> No.30078766
File: 54 KB, 677x677, 1601737034800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love this fucking chicken so much it hurts.

>> No.30078768

Fuck you, Dr. Pepper is great. Especially anywhere with a fountain where I can make vanilla Dr. Pepper. They need to sell that shit proper in stores, none of this cherry vanilla or cream soda bullshit.

>> No.30078770

It's a bunch of people unironically namefagging and overall procrastinating their own learning. Anytime anyone asks a question, a bunch of retards just act smug. It's just a huge timesink where nobody is having fun, so I don't know why it exists.

>> No.30078771

No superchat reading again... God hates us.

>> No.30078772

I would never forget, but we need to migrate discussion elsewhere sometime soon.

>> No.30078773

I didn't make anything, in fact I think it's all just attention whoring and off topic since they're indie

>> No.30078774
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x720, poggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078776
File: 515 KB, 1121x710, 2htia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just according to keikaku...

>> No.30078777

Can we make the argument that this vtuber is the OC of these threads and therefore on-topic?

>> No.30078780

Of course

>> No.30078786
Quoted by: >>30078860

>Neither of them can get away with giggling for 66 minutes like Ame and Haachama because they're both The Biggest In Hololive.

You clearly haven't seen enough of Fubuki. She gives absolutely no fucks - nobody tells her what to not do.

>> No.30078787

>There is a board slowly growing in the undergrowth

>> No.30078788

Think about it this way, there's 2 reasons to split into a new board. The first is just containment, if whatever general you have shits up the board for everyone else (see /pol/). The 2nd is the threads themselves are being negatively impacted by other board tourists ex: /hlgg/ was on /v/, the threads would have more randos from /v/, rather than /jp/. Can you imagine how much more shit /hlg/ or /vtuber/ threads would be, if they had tourists from pokimane threads or some shit.

>> No.30078789

idk who this bich be tho lol fr fr

>> No.30078790
Quoted by: >>30078838

the true /jp/ pump and dump experience...

>> No.30078791

It's saving up for a big Superchat day, buckle up buckaroos.

>> No.30078794


>> No.30078795

>SCs after Mario
>Mario is during sleepreps time

>> No.30078797
File: 229 KB, 415x415, 1468902634888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078798
File: 114 KB, 210x233, 1577368360852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina will graduate?


>> No.30078799

i have it on good authority that haachama posts on /int/

>> No.30078800

I'm starting to think that she's not Kiara 2.0, but Kiara is the weaker version of the zombie

>> No.30078801

Nah, koopa is OC of this thread, the vtuber isn't

>> No.30078807

Yes, but she needs experience before she can

>> No.30078810
Quoted by: >>30078869

Do you think Chikin will ever surpass her WoW AMV/ Emo scene girl SC reading?

>> No.30078812

extralong superchat for good boys who are patient

>> No.30078814

Look in the bottom right

>> No.30078818




>> No.30078820
File: 99 KB, 864x864, 1591069587618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed that Huke's not watching Kiara's streams anymore. Kind of a downer.

>> No.30078821

Chickin caught the Rona boys

>> No.30078822
Quoted by: >>30078892


>> No.30078825

When are the new ID girls debuting? are we hyped?

>> No.30078826

Yes, but there is a point in which it overtakes the threads
She needs to be Moris circle levels of posting, a post every couple threads and maybe a few replies, and maybe a reminder post every few streams

>> No.30078828

Is that a twitch emote? Oh my God I'm so mad!

>> No.30078831

Honestly, that was the worst singing she did that stream. She couldn't hit the high notes, unlike Sakura Days where she stayed lower and in her range. Still good, mind you, but not as good.

>> No.30078832

You can make any argument you want. That one is very weak and incorrect.

>> No.30078836


>> No.30078837

Shut up!

>> No.30078838

Reminds me of the jewloli people were shilling from /vyt/.

>> No.30078839
Quoted by: >>30078881

what does she do with the pepeloni

>> No.30078841

She's way more of a Katana-owner desu.

>> No.30078845
Quoted by: >>30078930

hes busy with steins gate

>> No.30078847
Quoted by: >>30078928

To do a talk show properly you need to not dominate your guest and let them do most of the talking.

You're supposed to also be able to banter with them etc too, basically be like insta-friends with anyone who walks on that stage and not have it seem fake. Or at least, that's how typical late night shows go which Holotalk clearly is made to be like. Kiara is more of like, just reading off a list of questions most of the time. Her guest literally could just look at the responses to her twitter post for questions, talk by themselves on the set, and the result would be close to the same minus Kiara's live translating it. Kiara needs to have fun with the guest and such, be more spontaneous. Sort of like how she interacted with the Subaru collab stream in particular, that was good if not basically-ideal.

For something serious about someone's important IRL achievements in whatever, you're acting somewhat like a biographer as well, trying to pry into all the interesting/unknown bits about someone, which vaguely seems a part of what Kiara was looking to do - only that's not exactly workable with a fake anime-ish character. Her getting annoyed at EOPs asking "what's your favorite burger lolol" for the 500th time is a symptom of Holo's own excess success from meme clips more than anything but also of Cover's own pandering to the le wholesome chungus *clap clap next meme* fucking inane garbage on reddit blowing up the ratio of (useless) secondary vs primary fans.

>> No.30078848
Quoted by: >>30079353

>Astel is currently ranting about shipfags on twitter
fucking kek

>> No.30078850
Quoted by: >>30078968

not really

>> No.30078855

No. Part of it is cause it represents anons and therefore shouldn't be mentioned nor aknowledge. You can follow her but not shill her. That's how I take it. tl;dr: Offtopic so no.

>> No.30078854
Quoted by: >>30078987

>watch her guys
>no link tho lol

>> No.30078857
File: 705 KB, 846x920, 1604877107799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I started yoga on Monday and it's a very similar sensation. Then Gura posted her schedule yesterday and now I can imagine us doing yoga together everyday. Truly a divine coincidence.

>> No.30078856


>> No.30078859
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, peak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078860

She gives no fucks about antis but she cares the most about delivering a good stream. She's not gonna force Gura to stream with her if its not gonna be a good stream. They *literally* cannot communicate.

>> No.30078862
Quoted by: >>30078959

gura is retweeting, therefore she has not succumbed to the coronavirus

>> No.30078863

ATTENTION: Unimportant waste of time

>> No.30078864

Was probably there more for support than anything else

>> No.30078865

So if JP fans ask questions that require context will Kiara think to ask for context for people who don't understand?

>> No.30078869
File: 10 KB, 387x73, song.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that just depends on what get's SC'd and if that SC message has a good tangent for her to talk about so it's luck, but at least we will be getting scene karaoke soon

>> No.30078870 [SPOILER] 
File: 666 KB, 1113x821, 1606931859987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen Cover is on my trail I don't have much time /hlgg/ you have to

>> No.30078874

yes you could understand maybe 15% of the streams by studying a bit, if you dont know a lot of grammar it is really easy to misunderstand what someones talking about just based off random words you pick up. i dont see how its any fucking better than watching clips

>> No.30078876

Ah shit, listened to the whole thing again.

>> No.30078878

I think he got a lot of new projects to deal with, he was there for Hinotori at least

>> No.30078881

she likes pepeloni

>> No.30078887

She mentioned that in today's stream and was sad about it. He's a pretty famous artist so I guess he can't NEET with us forever. He still supports her vehemently on his Twitter.

>> No.30078888
Quoted by: >>30079059

Didn't she stop streaming because she got the true Japanese streamer experience and pick up a stalker?

>> No.30078889

I can't believe Mori brought pogshit to hololive

>> No.30078892

3 is a good question. I have no problems with that one, I dont comment to be rude.

>> No.30078894

That's exactly the sort of answer you give when you want to throw people off.

If anything this doubly confirms Kiara owns at least two guns.

>> No.30078896

just imagine how kiara would feel if zombie surpasses her in subs...

>> No.30078897

>bottom right
so she's smart but hates idols...

>> No.30078899

Would it be a surprise though? We already know Risu checks this place and zombie is on a whole different level of energy. Undead rrats soon

>> No.30078908

fri sat sun

>> No.30078910
File: 58 KB, 642x680, EiM5NCrXsAAl8IE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30078975

Gura is awake and retweeting. I know I shouldn't jinx it but I hope she streams Minecraft today.

>> No.30078912
File: 3.53 MB, 600x480, 1600617802682.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078913
Quoted by: >>30078940

Has she said when that's coming?

>> No.30078918

>3.3k waiting
How high will it go? There's still 2 hours.

>> No.30078921
File: 1.08 MB, 902x784, Ollie Lore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079071

I prefer this, but that's because I'm /u/ trash

>> No.30078922
File: 5 KB, 317x120, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078927
Quoted by: >>30079239

I think this is the first time I've seen goslings compared to stellar formation.

>> No.30078928

>Sort of like how she interacted with the Subaru collab stream in particular, that was good if not basically-ideal.

>> No.30078931

Here's some assorted tips.
>The Itazuraneko website in /djt/ has a basic guide, links to light novels you can read online, and visual novels you can download.
>Start with shit like pokemon or Zelda for video games.
>Listen to whichever JP holo you want for listening practice or use https://animelon.com/ with the EN subs turned off.
>Wasting half your life on Anki is fine (not really a waste, but god is it a drag), but it's not the be all of learning.
>Always prioritize what you find fun over what you think will help you the best or what is "at your skill level." It's better to slog through something that's hard for you than to cruise through shit you're not into and dread going back to.
>Get on twitter and try to strike up convos with Jap fans, especially ones that are interested in EN holos and trying to learn English. I don't do this, but it seems like an easy way for someone to tell you how shit your JP is for free.

>> No.30078930

are they still milking it?

>> No.30078932
File: 498 KB, 1080x1527, Screenshot_20201202-061519_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debut schedule

>> No.30078934

>the most reddit post of all time
>can't just reply with "go back to r*ddit"

>> No.30078935

I still follow her but she hasnt done a youtube stream in a while. Im the one who feels dumped here...

>> No.30078938
Quoted by: >>30079292

>Start watching old Luna VODs
>She's actually really fucking good at Dark Souls
Well that was unexpected

>> No.30078940

When the numbers get to her again.

>> No.30078943
Quoted by: >>30079019


I don't like this weird new aura of newer holos thinking it's super cool to indulge in ecelebs and non-Holo vtubers who are yab as fuck.

>> No.30078950
File: 271 KB, 850x1201, Oshiete cirno-sensei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see, the ultimate recipe to making EN/JP collabs work is to first, have both parties have a basic understanding of each other's language and second, only pick games you have to focus on. Former is important because we all know giggling and making cute noises won't carry a collab for 66 whatever minutes. Latter is extremely important because as cute as ESL/JSL chuubas sound having them try to converse with each other with their minimal language skills will only turn everything into an awkward mess. That's why they have to pick a game that requires full attention and leaves no room for zatsudan. If you havent realized by now, HoloAmon9us and CaliKoro are deemed as the peak EN/JP collabs because they were playing according to these rules.

>> No.30078951
File: 45 KB, 680x677, 1601430506159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's dead hours for the next 2 hours post cute clips of your oshi https://files.catbox.moe/671mc4.mp4

>> No.30078953
Quoted by: >>30079025

Anon theres been an ad telling me this for days now.

>> No.30078956

Rate the stream!
>Rate the stream
Rate the stream!
>Rate the stream

>> No.30078959

Nice deduction, Watson.

>> No.30078962

Why does it look like a made up language?

>> No.30078968
File: 40 KB, 220x159, 1597156411134.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok it's official now Ina a big S. This is very hot...

>> No.30078970

Why is Gura retweeting swimsuit art

>> No.30078973
File: 472 KB, 617x720, 1587521389639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indog language is fucking retarded almost brazil tier

>> No.30078975

if she does and she still sounds sick, it's going to really test my resolve not to concernfag.

>> No.30078977


Thanks, Gwentin Garrantino

>> No.30078978
File: 35 KB, 277x345, birdbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30078979
Quoted by: >>30079036

Because it is

>> No.30078981

Why isn't this on youtube? This is a better fan song than pop on rocks.

>> No.30078982

8/10 I mainly used it as background noise while playing video games.

>> No.30078984

I dont know why I love these edits so much kek.

>> No.30078985

every language is a made up language

>> No.30078987

google koopa fortuna. Fortuna as in fortune. As in 4 leaf clover. Get it?

>> No.30078990


>> No.30078991


>> No.30078992
Quoted by: >>30079054

Imagine being Ina, being asked by Marine, your senpai, to collab with you, and then saying "fuck off bitch your times aren't good enough for me".

>> No.30078993

How though?

>> No.30078994

how new

>> No.30078996

I really like Kiara/10

>> No.30078997

Wow, I thought that would take way longer. This is what happens if you become a vtuber for fun then tards yell at you when you're streaming yourself playing a game you don't even enjoy. I hope HLfags are happy.

>> No.30079002
Quoted by: >>30079036

arkdut seranga datket nebal

>> No.30079004
Quoted by: >>30079103

she didn't even have her debut yet, besides if i remember correctly the girl herself said earlier that she understands this is off topic, she probably doesnt want random fags shilling her every thread, she also mostly, if not always, posted her OC during dead hours so you might even be going against her wishes here

>> No.30079011

Penguin debut?? I thought they were only 3

>> No.30079013
Quoted by: >>30079109

I've been told that she actually says "I suck" at the end

>> No.30079014
File: 68 KB, 316x396, kill me [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fiwlgok.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079089

>> No.30079017

Like Kiara but hate rice/10.

>> No.30079019

So, what? Holos should only engage with other Holos?

>> No.30079021


>> No.30079024
File: 283 KB, 495x495, 8aecqtczht251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are any of the Holos going to play Cyberpunk next week? I can see Korone or Botan playing it

>> No.30079025

Oh really. I block ads...

>> No.30079026
File: 120 KB, 275x264, 1576348398771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079029
Quoted by: >>30079309

Looks like someone smashed their keyboard.

>> No.30079028
File: 254 KB, 368x493, 1606415718541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079030


>> No.30079033

what the fuck that's not a real language.

>> No.30079034

You guys think the RFA VOD will stay up?

>> No.30079036

It reads like the gooback language from South Park.

>> No.30079037

Very nice and comfy, just like i love my chicken streams.
I still have to decide whether sleeping early or not going bed is better for catching SMS or at least the supacha reading tomorrow

>> No.30079040

Why aren't you?

>> No.30079041

This. I wouldn't expect a SC like that to come through during a celebration stream, if only because those tend to get swamped.

>> No.30079044

>Penguinman debut
Every time.

>> No.30079047

Maybe she lied to you but fell for you after.

>> No.30079048
File: 179 KB, 128x128, 1606311972763.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079116

ok but where did the pink hair come from

>> No.30079051
Quoted by: >>30079096

Ame said she would.

>> No.30079053
File: 130 KB, 1324x1228, 1605962670499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8/10 cute sneezes and fun moments. Thank God she will play offstream tho

>> No.30079054

i dont understand this rrat

>> No.30079059

Not permanently stopped but she's been working on moving house, she just did a stream today actually. I still follow her and talk about her on /vyt/ but she hasn't done a whole lot lately so not a lot to talk about

>> No.30079062

yes, but i will record it. it is imperative to record all of your oshi's streams live, to ensure that her work is preserved for posterity.

>> No.30079063
Quoted by: >>30079231

I wish I could unsubscribe twice from Mori and the zombie

>> No.30079064

Good stream, but please no MMORPG/10

>> No.30079069
File: 961 KB, 3909x2549, EoOqdImUcAAMhgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In case you haven't noticed yet, Gura knows exactly what she is doing.
She is a very sexual mesugaki. She knows she's a loli, she loves being a loli and above all she loves riling up horny men.

She gets off to how excited she makes them, whether it's through her talking about being commando or rubbing her feet on glass. Anything works for this absolute BRAT

>> No.30079067


>> No.30079070

>next week
sorry anon we need 1 more month to finish it thanks for your support

>> No.30079071
File: 43 KB, 283x357, 1606112082448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079130


>> No.30079075


>> No.30079079

She couldn't hit the high notes. That being said, it's a better performance than during the concert. I think she has trouble timing vocals with the music sometimes and goes completely flat when it happens. Didn't notice that in the acapella.

>> No.30079080
File: 69 KB, 600x502, 02122020190312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079078

No but I know something that will.

>> No.30079081
File: 226 KB, 1000x748, penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


penguin holo WHEN?

>> No.30079082

So guys what is the power level of HoloID 2 since we had this discussion about HoloMth.

>> No.30079083


>> No.30079084

rrats are starving anon....

>> No.30079088

Right, but it's something that's way better on stream than something to be discussed about later. I feel like with the short timeframe given, there would be lot more interesting things to be talked about

>> No.30079089

Ouch. What stream is that from, again?

>> No.30079090

Someone needs to archive it just in case,

>> No.30079095

>Mori's is mostly amazing.
Do deadbraps really?

>> No.30079096
File: 238 KB, 810x1061, 1582086382044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079176

>mfw she goes for the gay route

>> No.30079101
File: 874 KB, 600x490, 1583055603519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she still wants the BKC (burger king cock)
how do we compete KFPbros???

>> No.30079102

>zombie > loli > poochi

>> No.30079103

Listen here fag. It's fucking dead hours and nothing is on. I don't simp and I don't owe the girl anything. I don't care for her stupid wishes. She's getting the shill even if she doesn't want it.

>> No.30079106
File: 18 KB, 402x360, 1599910712179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about two steps away from becoming a full blown Mori and Zombie anti

>> No.30079108
Quoted by: >>30079143

>Krispy Chicken stopped her from killing herself
I belieb

>> No.30079109

Yeah, I've never heard anyone use 下手 to describe something being shit, only someone being shit at something.

>> No.30079112

Ina sucker punched Marine's head

>> No.30079115
Quoted by: >>30079215

want to make babies with boss/10

>> No.30079116

white and red makes pink

>> No.30079119
Quoted by: >>30079164

It's just heavily English influenced and using Roman letters. You wouldn't be able to read much more ID than that.
For a real fake language: https://nypost.com/2020/08/26/most-of-scottish-wikipedia-is-written-by-an-american-in-a-fake-accent/
or https://www.bbc.com/pidgin

>> No.30079121

Ina said she would.

>> No.30079124

>burger king instead of KFC

>> No.30079125

After I get my fucking mothgirl.

>> No.30079127

She wants the pepperoni, without the pepperoni, with ear.

>> No.30079130
Quoted by: >>30079212

I hate that I heard this in his voice

>> No.30079134


>> No.30079135

What was the yab bits that could bring it down?

>> No.30079137
File: 6 KB, 457x72, 1598905997464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079393


>> No.30079138

I agree

>> No.30079140
Quoted by: >>30079178

>he doesn't know
>he's still in on zomshit

>> No.30079143
Quoted by: >>30079170

is this the secret to her trash can destroying ass

>> No.30079145

7/10, bit cozy and she kept it interesting. Shame about no superchatto yet though.

>> No.30079146

It's a good day to be a lolicon.

>> No.30079149

I think I'd give her extra pepeloni

>> No.30079148
Quoted by: >>30079174

Are you also a Miko anti? She flat out streamed on twitch.

>> No.30079153

Everyone is. Its going to be the new fad game.

>> No.30079157

>Reine last
Best for last. Reinecoin chads stay winning.

>> No.30079163

It looks like it’s breaded with corn flakes, or rice krispies

>> No.30079164
Quoted by: >>30079198

is welsh fake

>> No.30079170
File: 314 KB, 625x415, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079174

No, I will protect MIko, she was forced to stream there.

>> No.30079175

Kiara energy and Mori cringe, an undead vtubing machine that never needs to rest and doesn't even know when she should.

>> No.30079176
Quoted by: >>30079238

>not going lesbian V
>not having a massive futa cock

>> No.30079177

Is this what being a deadbeat is like? Having people hate on your favorite for the pettiest of reasons? I finally understand them.

>> No.30079178

rrat bros...

>> No.30079179

>fad game
Its the most anticipated game of the year, anon.

>> No.30079180

wait, so why did ame self-dox on her twitter?

>> No.30079182

It's not a rrat, Ina said she was planning on collabing with Marine but they ultimately didn't do it solely because Ina couldn't be bothered to deal with the JP timezones.
>muh sleep

>> No.30079184
File: 1.12 MB, 943x562, file_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079191
File: 288 KB, 1433x2023, 20201129_134249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079193


>> No.30079195
Quoted by: >>30079379

Mori can speak N4 japanese and lives in japan. Korone has been doing her eigo reps for a while now and even with her broken english you could understand what she was saying.
They both have 10 times more knowledge of the other's language than Fubuki and Gura combined. You being in this board probably knew more japanese than Gura did 3 weeks ago, which was literally none.
AU collab was still mostly watching your oshi's POV 80% of the time because you can only speak during meetings and those are literally 90 seconds each.

I dont know why you think the biggest collab in the history of hololive should be rushed and carried by deepL but I can almost guarantee you wouldnt like the result nearly as much as you think.

>> No.30079197
File: 441 KB, 505x714, Greedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079309

>Yuk kita sambut mereka dengan hangat!

>> No.30079198

Sadly not, I have to look at that disgusting keyboard mashing of a language whenever I travel near the border

>> No.30079199
Quoted by: >>30079330

in her past life she went on a 3 minute rant about how good the BK chicken was

>> No.30079205

Ina slapped Marine in front of Yagoo

>> No.30079206
File: 269 KB, 800x619, EoNtQG1VQAAXbup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079244

>> No.30079209
Quoted by: >>30079228

To be fair, crispy chicken is fucking good

>> No.30079210

>implying it comes out this year

>> No.30079212

It shouldn't be any other way

>> No.30079215

Same but different bossu.

>> No.30079216
Quoted by: >>30079232

Then seriously filter all indog talk until debut because it's going to get worse before it gets better

>> No.30079218

i mean, she lusts after the guys on watchalongs and game streams so...

>> No.30079220
Quoted by: >>30079290

She's asking for a deep dish pepperoni pizza with a cheese-stuffed crust. She takes the pepperoni off herself once she gets it, because she doesn't know how to ask the restaurant for a cheese-only pizza.

>> No.30079224

It is pretty decent for a burger king burger i'll give her that

>> No.30079223

Doing her FoxBurgerKing reps, I see.

>> No.30079228

she used to eat it weekly

>> No.30079230

Brozoned by mori maybe. But calli loves her chat

>> No.30079231
File: 269 KB, 503x501, 1594516718383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you faggots forgotten how Haachama spent an entire stream whispering "poggers" in your ear way before Mori got that emote? I won't stand for this slander.

>> No.30079232

Why do that? I love watching retards seethe at someone who hasn't even debuted yet and it's an Indog on top.

>> No.30079233

Yeah she's the best to watch movies with by far.

>> No.30079237
File: 81 KB, 288x254, abayo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079238
Quoted by: >>30079298

I wonder how popular of an implant it would be if we had that technology

>> No.30079239


>> No.30079241

Kinda of depressing how Mori gets any views at all, I understand Kiara, Gura, Ame, Ina, but this bitch deserves to be booted.

>> No.30079247
File: 655 KB, 3031x4096, 1580521691264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30079244
Quoted by: >>30079443

i don't deserve this much cuteness

>> No.30079251
File: 86 KB, 433x427, 1600198198835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this what being a deadbeat is like? Having people hate on your favorite for the pettiest of reasons? I finally understand them.
Welcome brother

>> No.30079252
Quoted by: >>30079342

I dont see any self dox on her twitter retard

>> No.30079254

They'll have a 1 mil collab with Pekora and Mori instead
they'll call it 'The Deadly 4'

>> No.30079257

Because it is
Bahasa Melayu is the true OG language of which Indogs stole from

>> No.30079261
Quoted by: >>30079382

I missed it live and it was really surprising that it took me a while to find an archive link. I even considered doing a torrent myself, but I assumed there was no interest.
I guess MCR is a really hard filter

>> No.30079268
Quoted by: >>30079316


>> No.30079269

Mori antis don't watch Hololive

>> No.30079270

Off topic trash

>> No.30079271

rice/10. Good feedback section on HoloTalk that will positively affect HoloTalk, and make it, in my opinion, the closest to Kiara's intentions as it can reasonably be.

>> No.30079272
Quoted by: >>30079429

This one is ok, but all the clips of her singing from the concerts are honestly making me wonder how anons are goslinging over it, it's pretty much shit. I can't listen to her singing outside of rap parts. Even ignoring being off key or off beat, some of her singing habits annoy the fuck out of me. Like how her voice is constantly going back and forth instead of just holding a note constantly, or how her note endings don't sound smooth and end up sounding like her guhs.

>> No.30079274

Burger King is shit, makes sense Kiara would shill for them.

>> No.30079280

I am now officially a Mori anti

>> No.30079281

Would you watch them play the game?
Im gonna wait until I'm able to play it

>> No.30079283
File: 24 KB, 1001x263, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079336

All this talk about Dominos has made me ordered a Pepeloni pizza. Going to take out the Pepeloni after I get the order.

>> No.30079284

Because she doesn't care about her face being public I guess

>> No.30079285


>> No.30079290

>because she doesn't know how to ask the restaurant for a cheese-only pizza.
incorrect she does know about cheese-only but a cheese only is different from a pepperoni after you remove the pepperoni. The flavor from the pepperoni is baked lightly into the cheese instead of a planin cheese

>> No.30079291


>> No.30079292

she has hundreds of hours in monster hunter dude

>> No.30079293

Haachama has the retard defense and she speaks nip, mori and the zombie have no excuse

>> No.30079298

You just need to become a tranny

>> No.30079299
Quoted by: >>30079358

No that would be KFP, at least Mori does actual yabs to warrant the shitposting.

>> No.30079301

Haachama does it ironically

>> No.30079304
File: 80 KB, 550x655, 1606729653333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30079475

>these are the seanigs i have to share the thread with

>> No.30079303
Quoted by: >>30079349

I fucking keep telling you her love for fast food isn't just part of the design she's a lunatic for it.

>> No.30079305
File: 9 KB, 206x244, 1606617233584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay when pogchama does it

>> No.30079309

Phew, I thought I was the only one. Shit's weird.

>> No.30079310
Quoted by: >>30079440

Haachama speaks English almost fluently, don't fall for her lies.

>> No.30079313

She orders the pan pizza that has cheese and toppings go on top of the ear.

>> No.30079316

Imagine listening to girls vomit in electrostatic headphones

>> No.30079321

>schizos on /hlgg/
>watching JPs
it'd force the to reevaluate the bs they're spewing about 'hololive culture', it'll never happen

>> No.30079325
Quoted by: >>30079410

Sorry but the best EN/JP collab was Kiara/Subaru , but that's a bit unfair given that there is no language barrier.

>> No.30079324
File: 12 KB, 372x302, 1595138260865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this smug mesugaki

>> No.30079328
Quoted by: >>30079373

Why is Haato so autistic.
I love this fucking retard.

>> No.30079330
Quoted by: >>30079392

It's good to know random shit like this is actually genuine

>> No.30079333
Quoted by: >>30079377

I cant believe mori psionically mind controlled haachama to get her to whisper poggers

>> No.30079336

Use Hachama's sponsor code to make sure she gets a kickback, anon.

>> No.30079338

she was feeling cuter than usual today (which is true) so she decided to dab on haters

>> No.30079339

>Another dwarf want dig a hole alone and resentful.
We can still see your nose despite the beard and the dirt.

>> No.30079342
Quoted by: >>30079359

no her actual twitter

>> No.30079343
Quoted by: >>30079383

Why are zoomers and now Holos using this dead meme from ten years ago nowadays anyway?

>> No.30079349

>she's a lunatic for it.
yup she used to eat one of those sandwiches 3 times a week. Kiara is exactly the same as "Kiara"

>> No.30079353

Which shipfags? Is it about people shipping him with Ame?

>> No.30079355

The precedent has already been set with attempts at Artemis and Africat/average rose discussion in /vyt/ that western vtubers without a connection to a japanese company are off topic in /jp/. The only connection Koopa has to a japanese company is that someone from this thread dreamed her into existence as a hidden sixth member of HoloEN. That seems like a tough sell to me.

>> No.30079358

>actual yabs
t. someone who wasn't there for actual yabs

>> No.30079359

If you're referring to another vtuber who isn't Amelia Watson you can fuck off

>> No.30079364

>the zombie have no excuse
Sword in brain

>> No.30079365
Quoted by: >>30079406

Haachama repeated an english word she didn't understand because her english chat spammed it. She doesn't know any better, not her fault.

>> No.30079371
Quoted by: >>30079470

I love Gura's member streams and I don't even care if she's lying about how much she likes her members because she's so sweet and cute and embarrassed with her words.

>> No.30079372

Is this one of those things where foreign fast food is higher quality than it is here? because I've never had anything good at burger king.

>> No.30079373

Just eat the fucking pepeloni

>> No.30079377

When will Mori's reign of terror end?

>> No.30079379

Aside from Gen 0s, isn't Korone the only viable partner for an EN collab? I've seen a couple anons say Aki's eigo is good as well, but I haven't watched her enough to comment on it.

>> No.30079380

Why am I getting fucking flashbacks about ulillillia degreasing pizza with paper towels

>> No.30079382

I don't even care about the MCR shit but her Bad Guy karaoke had a ridiculously erotic voice, Bohemian Rhapsody was great, 2019 Guy was hilarious, and overall her setlist was just amazing.

>> No.30079383
Quoted by: >>30079414

Memes are in rotation, zoomers who are just getting into Twitch culture get obsessed with an ancient emote. I expect coolface/trollface to get a resurgence any day now.

>> No.30079386

I love how both cute yet openly lewd she is

>> No.30079387

no! away! i don't eat

>> No.30079388

What stream, I need this.

>> No.30079390

I can't look at penguin girls without thinking of grape-kun

>> No.30079392

>It's good to know random shit like this is actually genuine
if you ever wonder why Kiara can talk about her past life without it sounding out of character, it's because she is her character.

>> No.30079393

I feel bad for those that went in on zomcoin.

>> No.30079396

Mori refused to explain what "pog" is to Haachama when she asked. People shit on her but I still beleb that she's a good girl even if she acts retarded sometimes.

>> No.30079399

yup, retards hate my oshi for no good reason

>> No.30079402

Miko would jump on it without a doubt.

>> No.30079405


>> No.30079406

The best thing is that she then repeated pog to her teacher.

>> No.30079410

Well I obviously excluded Kiara collabs since those are just JP-only with live translations.

>> No.30079413
Quoted by: >>30079451

>watching JPs
The faggots dont even watch EN before schizoposting most of the time

>> No.30079414

>any day now

>> No.30079416

She has bigger balls than 99% of the people in these threads. Gura too for playing along

>> No.30079422


>> No.30079423

Poggers Daddy

>> No.30079424

Calm down kiara

>> No.30079425

A new game that they are allowed to play? Everyone will just like rice loli. Holos are desperate for new games to play.

>> No.30079426
File: 193 KB, 750x556, 1603405081602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The delineation is that she'd be an entirely Western vtuber and hence simply not able to pass the bar for /jp/. In other words, the exact same metric as to why vshojo and Artemis aren't topical for here either. It's a given that it's kind of unfair in the sense that she can't just suddenly choose to not be Western, but /jp/ itself is not for Western things period.

HoloEN is already close-enough to arguably too-western-for-/jp/ as it is, and it is not incorrect that one of the potential rationales of this thread split from /hlg/ was an assumption that it was going to have to be jettisoned off the board if EN proved a disaster. Things have turned out better than expected, for now, in part due to careful curation of what's /jp/-enough or not. It'll have to stay that way.

>> No.30079427

but she only wants a hint of the pepperoni that's like asking someone to eat a bay leaf

>> No.30079429

For me just watching the first karaoke stream and not having a gura level of expectation made me gosling along with the thread. I'm also got no singing experience what so ever so I don't really key on the mistakes shes making, so hearing input from you guys is useful. Hope she gets better or a singing teacher or something so I can kneel once again.

>> No.30079430

I love the pepeloni!

>> No.30079431

You know Gura... I could really go for some guerilla Minecraft tonight. But since you're still feeling unwell I guess Minecraft is just completely off the menu this week, huh.

>> No.30079434
Quoted by: >>30079458

only women and twinks like MCR so those are the only people watching the MCR karaoke clips

>> No.30079433

>Implying they watch EN
Remember that Mori antis believe she doesn't even interact with her genmates

>> No.30079437

It was an asmr stream, so it'll be members only now, maybe someone uploaded it in the archives, but don't get your hopes up. the first one she did after coming back from chinkjail. (and possibly subsequent ones, I couldn't say)

>> No.30079438

Moripog is great fuck you guys

>> No.30079440

If she's almost fluent I'm a fucking native speaker

>> No.30079442
Quoted by: >>30079469

I love TOWA!

>> No.30079443

Then do something about it anon so that one day, you do

>> No.30079447

Facebook, etc, etc ,etc.....

>> No.30079451

Fuck off newfag, just accept people dont like Mori and think she's trash along with the zombie

>> No.30079452

I love you, Gura!!!

>> No.30079455

i think zombie is pretty poggers

>> No.30079456

I love you, Gura!

>> No.30079458

black parade is understandably awful

>> No.30079459

Covid needs to fuck off.

>> No.30079461


>> No.30079462

i love you, gura! i hope you feel better soon!

>> No.30079469

good choice

>> No.30079470

I don't think you can fake liking Elf to the point of knowing it by heart, watching her honestly enjoying something is enough for me.

>> No.30079471

Where's your motivation?

>> No.30079475

Not my fault I had an interesting childhood
