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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 65 KB, 134x280, yeess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5051514 No.5051514 [Reply] [Original]

I just invited a japanese girl to come live in my house for a year? should I make of comic of this?

>> No.5051523
Quoted by: >>5051536 >>5051538

Did she accept?

>> No.5051536
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, 1272585537122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come live in my house for a year.

>> No.5051546
Quoted by: >>5051538

>Only met her last night
Oh boy. This can only lead to your image.

>> No.5051538
File: 153 KB, 500x583, drama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5051546 >>5051548

she's still loking around for some places but she seems keen...I only met her last night..

>> No.5051548
Quoted by: >>5051610

... really?

Will you cook for me?

>> No.5051553
Quoted by: >>5051571

What kind of girl would agree to live alone with a guy she's just met for a whole year?

Something's missing here...

>> No.5051554


Crucify yourself

>> No.5051557
Quoted by: >>5051571 >>5051610

u shud kno i traned nack in yakuza earlier to you beter get redy to b owned

>> No.5051566

Only if it's hilarious.

>> No.5051571
Quoted by: >>5051589

A slut?

I thought you were dead.

>> No.5051576
Quoted by: >>5051588

she's a student, needs some where to stay and I have a rocking pad, plus she can help me with my japanese. she's quite cute

>> No.5051589
Quoted by: >>5051604

Ancient Yakuza Ghost Technique

>> No.5051588
Quoted by: >>5051609

Well, if she's willing... go for it I guess.

>> No.5051585

Its a dude.

Also fuck work, I haven't been able to post on 4chan in days.

>> No.5051598
Quoted by: >>5051601 >>5051607

don't get me wrong she's not attractive, there are no underlays of romance her. I just realised after we got talking and she said she needs some where to live I foolishly said "hey my house mates leave soon, come leave with me" better than a total stranger I say

>> No.5051601


>> No.5051604
Quoted by: >>5051641

how does it feel knowing you'll never hit the front?

>> No.5051607
Quoted by: >>5051617

You just said she is "quite cute"

Keep your story straight.

>> No.5051609

she seems more socialible than my current housemates, non of us have all been in the same room at any point and it's been a year now

>> No.5051610
Quoted by: >>5051641

Well I don't know how to cook much, but I can try for you!

u kno wat ur pushin tha borders with me im abot to explode with my chi at u if u dont stop that idont believ u nack isnt 1 of ur yakuzas u newb

>> No.5051616
Quoted by: >>5051628 >>5051623

This is what you can do... kill her and have sex with the body.

That's pretty much the only way you'll have sex with a woman.

>> No.5051617
Quoted by: >>5051629

a rabbit can be cute but you wouldn't fuck it...jeez technical a bit?

>> No.5051629
File: 127 KB, 1440x810, 1272420507329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying I wouldn't fuck a cute rabbit

>> No.5051628
Quoted by: >>5051635 >>5051643

ha that's hilarious, wait whilst I tell my girlfriend about this :P. contrary to belief many people on 4chan probably get laid on a regular basis. still good joke made me laugh.

>> No.5051623

Alternatively, eat her so her soul live son within you forever.

>> No.5051636
Quoted by: >>5051642 >>5051643

This thread smells like athens.

No doubt soon he'll start bragging about he has sex with his girlfriend how you're all losers.

>> No.5051635
File: 169 KB, 350x602, I like where this thread is going.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5051643

Oh boy.

>> No.5051641

Okay, I guess? Whatever that means.
ha u beter belive kido i traned him b4 and he ownd suigin with master rank yakuza bulet sprai

>> No.5051642

why brag? most of you have girlfriends right?

>> No.5051643
File: 47 KB, 4000x3138, 1215552118573 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go...

>> No.5051645
File: 68 KB, 138x282, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving this sub thread plot

>> No.5051647

invite to my house if she pays me enough i will show her my private area of aikido ;)

>> No.5051649
File: 253 KB, 488x355, wheresmygum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5051662

ya wel now ill b on my tows, u shudnt hav told me that mayb if ur tellin the truth i wudnt had been ready and he'd smash me up a bit b4 i'd kill him w/my chi blasts, but now that i no? ill b on gard, i stil dont blive u though.

if u dont b carefull im comin 4 u soon

>> No.5051651

I think its Yakuza Slang for fucking.

>> No.5051656
File: 89 KB, 186x281, batface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5051658
Quoted by: >>5051666

>I just invited a japanese girl to come live in my house for a year?
That's not a question. Be more assertive, you limp-dicked little /b/ faggot.

>> No.5051655

ya lyk any gurl wants 2 sea ur stupid aikido shyt 4 kiddies, il show her some chi an she'll know ur a losr

>> No.5051653
Quoted by: >>5051659

Do you have a tatami and all?

>> No.5051659
Quoted by: >>5051668

no ;)

>> No.5051662
Quoted by: >>5051676

i told u cuz it wuldnt b fare 2 hav the powr of yakuza n the elemint of supriz and us yakuza hav honer u no?

>> No.5051666
File: 72 KB, 174x230, my mistake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5051699

sorry, slip of the finger whilst typing..has anyone had any experience with socialising with japanese people in general?

>> No.5051668
Quoted by: >>5051675

What kind of area of aikido is that?!

>> No.5051675
Quoted by: >>5051677 >>5051684

in my bed ;)

>> No.5051676
Quoted by: >>5051686

ya so much honer, isthat wy u guyz run 2 guns n swrds? mayb if u actly fot with ur hands lyk real men ud hav sum honner but all u do is run 2 ur boss an shot @ ppl

>> No.5051677
Quoted by: >>5051681

That sounds silly, it must be pretty hard to teach aikido there.

>> No.5051681
Quoted by: >>5051694 >>5051691

not "this" kind of aikido ;)

>> No.5051694
Quoted by: >>5051708

ur diks 2 small even for karatey let alon aikido u losr

>> No.5051695
Quoted by: >>5051691 >>5051701

>is actually laughing his ass off right now

>> No.5051686
Quoted by: >>5051706

i hav 2 use guns cuz my fists r desigated a war crime

>> No.5051684
Quoted by: >>5051696

oh you do crack me up /v/

>> No.5051691
Quoted by: >>5051695 >>5051708

Oh, I see, so it's a different school then?

Must be a pretty weird technique if you can teach it on top of a bed.

>> No.5051699
Quoted by: >>5051709

Yeah, I have a banging hot Japanese girlfriend (shit is SO cash).
No, idiot, this board isn't even about Japan. Or comics. Or comics about Japan. Or even comics made in Japan.

>> No.5051696

> bringing up /v/

Confirmed for athens.

>> No.5051701

That's not how you quote someone!

>> No.5051706
Quoted by: >>5051742

ya wel mine r worse especily when i chanel my chi into them, i cud destroy evrythn with these thats why i had 2 get so strong ,so i wudnt acicdently end everythin but now im so strong frum that i can smash any1 wit just my low lvl ataks.

no1 has ever made me use my speshial teknique of putin my chi in2 my hands and smashin, an no1 ever will

>> No.5051708
Quoted by: >>5051713 >>5051719

it's not for ladies ;)
if my dicks so small why is your gf under my desk rite now??
owned nerd virgin

>> No.5051709
File: 58 KB, 236x175, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait...what? why the outrage?

>> No.5051713
Quoted by: >>5051724

It's not for ladies? Then why would you invite her!?

>> No.5051719
Quoted by: >>5051734

bcuz i broke up w/her and she jus lookin for any dick she can get now, urs is the only 1 pathetic enuf 4 sum1 like her u losr

>> No.5051724
Quoted by: >>5051727

i meant to write for western ladies gomen (butt's gf is amazing with the tongue)

>> No.5051727

Oh, I see.

Well, good luck then.

>> No.5051734

why did you break up?? prolly cuz you didn't give her what she wanted heh

>> No.5051742
Quoted by: >>5051750

i have 100 hand2hand so i better watch out ur chi wont do u any good if youre alrey ownd in 1 hit
i cud destroy ur hous by tuchin it

>> No.5051743
File: 36 KB, 480x480, 1273044507049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5051753

cuz i dnt lyk filthy whors

y u think she fukin u? givin u her STDs u stupd ashol njoy them tho u already got AIDS frum ur boyfriend in da yakuza

>> No.5051744

What would that be? Money?

>> No.5051745
Quoted by: >>5051750 >>5051780

Piss off already.

>> No.5051746

I wish I had some kind of "Tangent" picture to show how this thread went off on one.. still good though


>> No.5051750
Quoted by: >>5051785

I don't talk to /jp/ outside of 4chan.

100? that all u got? wat a noob u r i always new u wer a newb but that bad ? com bak when uv got at least 10 tims mor than that mayb then ud last more than 1 second aginst me.

>> No.5051753
Quoted by: >>5051757 >>5051772

hmm thats strange she was a virgin the first time i did her
u sure u did youre job properly??????
oh and stds dont affect me i know aikido and i can send them back to her lol

>> No.5051757


>> No.5051780
File: 81 KB, 301x360, Sion doesn't know where to begin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a disgrace to true Lucky Star fans everywhere!

>> No.5051775
File: 25 KB, 478x468, bro fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5051783

nack...for you

>> No.5051772
Quoted by: >>5051789

ur so jelos of my chi that this is the bst u can do now? no wunder u nvr try 2 fite me any mor

>> No.5051783
File: 33 KB, 400x301, bro fist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, yeah, whatever.

>> No.5051785
File: 117 KB, 458x457, 1235685651803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't talk to /jp/
>talk to /jp/
That's like talking to your dog, except much more pathetic. Get some friends.

>> No.5051789
Quoted by: >>5051807

ur chii is crap and last time we fought u threw some shiny shit at me and i sent it back to you and you went full retard from the shock and came here and spammed /jp/ to the point u got banned for spamming and u were like "why am i banned!??!" after u regained consciousness ure no match against me accept it nerd

>> No.5051799
File: 17 KB, 293x360, chandler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>5051836

That didn't even make sense, Ren.

Or whatever I'm supposed to call you when you switch trips.

>> No.5051800

I talk to my dog but it's cool I also sleep with her.

>> No.5051803
Quoted by: >>5051836

my first time in /jp/

>> No.5051807
Quoted by: >>5051821

u kno wat u losr ur getin me mad but i wont let u trik me into lettin down my defense w/anger insted, ill just let this mak me strnger for the next fite u an me have

u beter bring it soon sun cuz im gona smash ur face in even sooner if u keep runin frum me.

>> No.5051816
File: 10 KB, 272x224, live action kengoku senkan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a mess.

Pretty fun though.

>> No.5051820
Quoted by: >>5051833 >>5051832

Well, seeing as how you posted some Sonic I'm thinking it will be full of horsecock and furry faggotry so NO.

>> No.5051821
Quoted by: >>5051831

bring it nerd i beat u b4 and ill beat ur nerd ass again evry time u bring it *cracks knuckles*

>> No.5051831
Quoted by: >>5051851

*punches moniter so hard it flys thru the walls in2 the bakyard*

u kno wat, i wil bring it cuz the truth is u nevr beat me u just got luky an u kep sayin its a 'win' u didnt win u got lucky and ran away after that but this tim no mistaks an no luck 4 u

>> No.5051833

>81 posts later, no horsecocks
Anonymous, you're a terrible a prophet.

>> No.5051832
Quoted by: >>5051858


>> No.5051836
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, 1237084645161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it doesn't make sense
>implying you aren't just avoiding the point


>> No.5051851
Quoted by: >>5051859

i beat u so many times i lost count ur just a bitter nerd

>> No.5051852
Quoted by: >>5051859

u beter wach out assbutts b4 suigi gets mad u dont wan 2 anger a fuqin expert aikidoka

>> No.5051858


Oh, don't be coy. I think we both know what Sonic the Hedgehog is all about.

(p.s. the answer is horsecocks)

>> No.5051859
Quoted by: >>5051872 >>5051883

dat bitter isnt me its ur tears everytim i beat u an u cryin

ur such a newb look @ u runin bhind suigui agin wy dont u fite ur own fites u pusy

>> No.5051872

cryin of laughter at ur shity chi that aint no match for my aikido

>> No.5051883
Quoted by: >>5051883_1

im just warnin u b4 u get ur ass rekt

>> No.5051883,1 [INTERNAL] 

