New thread! hosting, japan, fake tier
It's out.
it's out?
Current version: v1.10More information about the game:
It's out!
That's not your ip address bro
Needs more tripfags.
>>4966930Less tripfags, more hosting.
>>4966918Go home.
i see no hosts
>>4966918It kind of a tradition to post that as the thread starter now.
>>4967206Fuck off, it's not a tradition
>>4967256Is so.
>>4967206>>4967266It's as much of a tradition as lenhead.png is for MB threads.
>>4967291So what?
>>4967300Get out of here imposter.
>>4967374>>4967362Stop that. EC
US East67.233.155.12:10850
>>4967300>>4967353>>4967362>>4967374>>4967412I like you, guy that always posts that image.
Fuck man, you're too good. I think my ass is sore.
>>4967565Did it actually work this time?
>>4967574the inpractical okuu corner combo? Didn't bother. Even /jp/ isn't shitty enough for me to land it.
>>4967593>implying you're actually good
>>4967593Well at least you're still the best.
Hosting on : : US South EastSkill level : I've been raped way too many times, please.. be gentle?
>>4967633I... Actually won a few times...da ze?
>>4967815I'm new too. I just make a lot of stupid mistakes. I'm not used to this type of game where there's billions of projectiles flying everywhere, lol.
>>4967468GGs. No idea what to comment on with you. You need practice.
>>4967822I practice a lot. But like in this instance, there are some players around my level and then there are players like you who are waaaaaay above it. My Remilia isn't usually that bad but against you it was horrible and apparently predictable.Obviously, I'm 100 years too early for defeat you.
>>4967826how are the moose taking this warm weather?
>>4967822Oh and sorry for the lag. Playing this game while your bro is also playing an RTS and then the two HUGE ass armies converge is what was causing all of that periodic shit. Thanks for putting up with it though. best coastnot terrible but not very good either tier
>>4967858game wasn't listening to my controller input so i had to restart it, rehosting.
>>4967826Sorry. I'm getting some pretty bad input lag against you. I tried my best to work around it.
>>4967843Honestly, my playstyle boils down to run away and spam projectiles, counter hit when they come after me, and put on a bit of pressure if I get a knockdown. Real tourneyfags destroy me.
>>4967845They've been loving it. So have I, kinda. But it snowed yesterday.
Have any of you guys received an error when patching to 1.10 saying something like "The following characters can't be used..." even when they aren't used when directing it to my Hisoutensoku folder? Having that problem now, no idea what to do.
>>4967858ugh... sorry crimson, my controller is being an asshole right now, and someone just spam joined when i rehosted.
>>4967883I've seen video's of the tourneyfags and I'll never be at that caliber. But you are definitely a lot better than your modesty paints you as.There are some people I can go back and forth with, like Akagi and recently I did better against www. But you, yeah, you killed me and with just about every character on the roster.
>>4967922No problem. There seemed to be a bit of delay at the start of the match and it lead to me getting a free hit or two in, which sucked. Perhaps another time.
>>4967902Never had that problem before, sorry.Anyways, rehosting at >>4967468
>>4967858ggs... i still want to play, but something is very wrong. i can't hear the sounds of wrongblocked melees, spellcards and some other crap for no apparent reason, kind of why i was looking stupid there.going to reboot and rehost if it's fixed... sorry i just wasted 2 different peoples time.. fffffffffff
>>4967858alright, rehosting. west coast.just tested in arcade mode and sound was fine... not sure what happened there. hopefully no more problems. give me another try
>>4968030I'd play you again, but I'm off to bed. Hope you find someone else.
>>4967468That's a fun Remilia you have! The healing card made it a little unfair, though.GG
>>4967826...I think it'll make feel better if I leave on a win, heh. Learned lots about playing against yuyuko, namely "block the butterfly spin and punish afterwards" among other things.
I forgot the name of the Okuu player, but you were pretty fun.
>>4968069I've been experimenting with different system cards lately. The fish and healing, the thing with the healing card is that, like calm weather, if you hit them when it's working on them it will stop the healing.Personally though, not one of my favorites and I'll need to remove them from the decks. There was a card that vvac, I think that was the name, that threw up these spirit orbs. Annoying things, so I'll have to look into them.Anyways, thanks for playing, Fleece.
>>4968084Thanks for the good games.
No one else from the Fresh Coast gonna host? Guess I'll go to bed then.
Why does Europe have no east coast?
>>4968130Don't worry. I hear they are planning to make a big sandbox between you guys and Russia. Won't be the same, but it's something.
>>4967826GG ElWhen I asked for Fresh Coast members, never expected someone from Alaska! And I'm surprised absolutely no lag, either! Now that that's out the way, BLOCK ON FRIGGIN WAKE UPS, DUDE!! Unless you're Remi or Okuu, you'll lose out mashing A getting up from a knockdown EVERY TIME! I don't care about the constant 66Cs, don't care about you not doing any worthwhile combos or punish, but I do think your basic Yuyuko play would get you much further if only you take that little advice to heart. Thanks for the matches, and sorry if I was too rough on you.
>>4968217I do block on wake-ups, usually. Not making an excuse here, playing against that Okuu guy for 16-18 rounds really wore me out. We can play again when I'm more energized, if you want. Midwest EU (or EC)Please-block-I'm-trying-to-blockstring tier
GGs blank name!
>>4968310GGs.Know that I know what can mostly go wrong in my press (like, ridiculous TK'd j5A whiff when opponent crouches), I can go back to practice modo. Interesting matches, Ketone(?).
>>4968310Thanks for hosting P1P. I don't really like Youmu, she is way too fast and has many grazing attacks. Sorry about dodging instead of blocking. Maybe we should have played a little more, but my shakyhand-on-keyboard symptom just kicked in. I'll take a breakIt was fun by the way
>>4968263GGs DuckThanks for the awesome matches as always, and I marked out hard for that awesome Reisen/Sakuya ending! Pretty clutch finish there, bro!
>>4968310GGs.Now that I know what can mostly go wrong in my press (like, ridiculous TK'd j5A whiff when opponent crouches), I can go back to practice modo. Interesting matches, Ketone.>>4968490Actually, Youmu's only grazing attack is her 623C. Eventhough her dash is godly, it was still a challenge to hit with a jA/5A through your danmaku.
>>4968500>Youmu's only grazing attack is her 623C.From my side it still looks like she can penetrate every single bullet of mine while hitting me. Well, yes her A attacks are fast, so maybe that's why I thought she is doing both at the same time. Seriously, every time I play I learn something new, thank god I've been playing this here since SWR came out...maybe I should pay more attention? Sometimes I can't even remember the name of my opponent after the game
>>4968495Great games E-Man. That Iku /Sakuya game was pretty amazing. I didn't think I'd come back with just a pixel of health left.
>>4966758ÌmpOrtÁN+ iñfoRmÀTI0ñ ÀBóÙ+ 4<Hán; chriS+òPhER PÓÒI3 (AKÀ mÓo+ AkÁ +HE áDM|ñ hER€) h@s À veRy $€RìÒÙ$ M3nT@| IILñE$S, he st3ÁIs Ò+h3R$' Hàrd woRK, Pù8|i$HE$ PRíVÀTE €-MàÍLS (wHi[H h€ ModíFIE$) ÀNd Blá+ÁñT|Y lÍ€s TÒ Hìs úS€r$ ìN ORd3r TÒ gE+ +heM ón HIS SIDE. mr. PoòI3, ÁG3d 22, l|V3s ìn ñEW YOrk, Wh€re He @Lso ÁTTeNdS [òlL3G€. hì$ hÒME ádDr3SS <àN Be EA$|lY fÒúNd UsÍñg Añ ÁDdr€sS L0ÓkÙP FòR ñy. FEEI Fr€3 +Ò SHÓW ÜP át hÍs dÓóR WITH à GÚN, tíNY,4cHÁñ,òRG ìS àñ iII3gÀl ClON€ ÒF www.@NÒñt@|K,[óM. rEmòvE ìt |mm€dìA+e|Y, s+Óp coñsTàn+IY ddO$ÌñG AnD $PÁmMÌNg ù$ áñD StóP fÚCKÌNG wi+H Óúr DóMáin. +O àc[eSs @T cÚrr€ñ+Iy, Yoù MÚ$t ùs€ à pRÓ+y H0$t pRÒvídeD BY a +RúsT€D pÁRTY As IÍSTeD h3r€; htTp;//@t.kÌMmÓá.s3/
>>4968646ggsreally cant play for scrap before ive had my morning smoke, cheers
>>4968670Smoke while you play!
>>4968310Ha ha gg.You probably got bored of my Alice to death.
>>4968646GGs Mangoe, I've got to go.I see you're starting to get the "you're in /my/ zone, eat f.5A 6A 6B", that's nice.
>>4968736Ha ha, I just saw that one Alice player doing that a lot while spectating a few nights back, still haven't gotten the hang of it yet. Was your main Youmu? She kicked my ass pretty fast.
>>4968746I've been changing mains a lot recently (from Suwako to Reisen, and finally Youmu) so you could say so, although I don't have a lot of experience with her (neither with the others btw).>>4968310rehosting
>>4968749GGs Mungay. Really fun games but I have to go. You should use some more 3A in my opinion. To mix it up with 6A and to kill jumpers.
>>4968916GGs Thrillo. Thanks for raping me, as always, and thanks for the advice!
>>4968832GGs, rehosting
>>4968832Ggs. I noticed you did a 2a * n -> 623 C combo with youmu. You can get more damage if you cancel the first hit of the 623 with a spellcard (you had a green sword selected)
>>4968916And by the way, I really shouldn't have won that Alice match. I just got most of your techs in the air and a few gimmicks. Your corner pressure is great and you seem to know a lot more about Komachi than I do with those crossup setups and stuff.
>>4968949Mmh, ok. I'm not very familiar with spellcard cancels yet, but that's a good idea. Tbw I was already surprised that I managed to pull the 2A > 623C correctly. It would have been quite risky to spellcard cancel it, as its not reasonably hitconfirmable. I'll work on this kind of stuff anyway, and on how to make my press something else than a "insert poke 5A here" feast.
>>49689492a into 623c into runpast5 for 4500 damage. Youmu is the only one who doesn't get crazy prorated 2a into spellcard combos.
>>4968964Actually it's not too hard to hitconfirm.For youmu pressure, also try vary the numbers of hits between gaps. for example dash in 2A, stop, dash 2A2A, stop, backup a bit fA, 5b, etc....You can seriously mess with people who are just waiting for 6a/3a into 5b this way.
>>4969008You don't have to back up for a f5a or f2a at all, at least not with Youmu. 2aa(aa) f5a or 2aaa(a) f2a works seamlessly. EUNew to netplay-tier
any us hosts?
do /jp/ upload their replays to mediafire or youtube? I would love to see you guys ducking it out.
>>4969576I'd rather not. After week of playing, I thought I'm good enough to not to be horribly raped.After spectating few matches, I'm not so sure anymore. ECIs that so? tier.
>>4969576Just spectate someone.
>>4969601>After week of playing, I thought I'm good enough to not to be horribly raped.I've been playing SWR long before the release of 12.3 and I still get raped every so often... how to play and combo
>>4969503GGs. Getting laggy somehow. You're pretty good. Your 66a -> 236 and 5aaa -> 236b got a little predictable though. You also didn't seem to realize that you can cancel 6a into 5b.
>>4969704You are mine!
>>4969704why wont it let me in?
>>4969704Too many people trying to join, not enough people hosting.Someone else host, please.
>>4969623watching rumia tier, i wanna play they look like the only one out.
requesting canadian host with low tier.
why does no one want to play in the morning? should i grab lunch first? i wanna be the little girl
>>4969711GGs, and thanks for the advice. I did indeed not know that., EUI don't know if this works tier.
既に対戦中, the thread.
>>4969876Ehh, what happened?
>>4969876No idea what happened. Rehosting if you want to join again.
Random stupid question here. Is there some trick to grazing and hitting through projectile spam? People do it to me a lot with ease, but when I try it I eat shit.
>>4969925Doesn't work now.
>>4969936Graze through projectiles, hit them before they recover.
>>4969947But I always seem to hit the end of the projectile as it's coming out. If I graze longer, they'll recover, and if I hit sooner, I run into the projectile. Seems to be some sweet spot I can't find. I sux.
Oh GOD I had It. GGI suck
>>4969623Good games, it was pretty fun! I had a lot of derp moments, running into obvious attacks like your Reimu's 66C.
>>4969980Sometimes I had seriously no idea what's happening
>>4969985Haha, me too. I was playing better than I usually today, normally I can't pull off combos for shit.
>>4969978Whoever hosted this should rehost. I've been waiting on a game of Frilly Battle Lolis for ages now.
>>4969942The problem is likely at my end, this sometimes happen when I try to host. If you want to continue playing, could you try hosting for a bit if it's possible?
>>4970026Sorry, had a phonecall.
>>4970128Ok, no problem. I have stuff that needs doing before tomorrow anyway, so I'm calling it quits for now. I might be here later, if you want some more matches.
Hosting, West EU
>>4969623Sorry, I have to eat lunch now. Good games though, I had no idea what I was doing, haha.
>>4970024GGs. I still have no idea how to approach with Marisa. I know she can put on amazing pressure if you catch someone, but when you just ran away with Alice, I couldn't do anything.
>>4970153shits pretty laggy bro, maybe its on my end
>>4970153Sorry Wingz, that's a bit too laggy for me. Rehosting
ImpórTàñT ÌNForMàTìÓN @8óut 4ChAñ; [hRiS+ÓpH3r p0òI€ (aK@ MÓÓT ÁKÁ THE ÁDMIn H3R3) Hà$ a v3Ry s€RIóÚs m3ñ+ÁL íLIN3S$. hE $T3ÀI$ ó+HEr$' HarD WORK, púbIÌSh3s pRIVATe e-maíl$ (whícH H€ MòDIFIes) àñd 8IÀtáñtLy Lì€s TÓ HÍS ù$3R$ Ìn òRdEr to gE+ theM 0n hís s|D3. mr, POÒ|€, ÀgED 22, LiVe$ ÌN NEw yorK, Wher€ he á|so á+TeNd$ [ó|I3GE. H|S hòmE áDDre$S càN be E@SIIy F0Úñd úSÌnG áN áddr3SS |ÒóKúP f0R ñy, F€€L fR3€ tò ShÒw up aT HÌ$ dÓÒr WÍTH A gùn, TìNY,4ChàN,òrG Í$ áN |Il3gÀI <|oNE of WWW,anònTÁIK.Com. REMOve |T imMedÍÁt€|Y, Stóp CÓn$tÀntly ddÒ$|NG ÀNd $pÁMmiNG ús Àñd $TòP Fü<KíNG WÌ+h Òur D0mÀÌN. tO aC<Ess A+ [Ùrr3NT|y, yOú MÚST U$E À PROXy Ho$T PRÒViDEd by @ tRusTeD ParTY as |isT€d h€R3; H+tP://aT.kimmÒ@,se/
>>4969704Just one thing: play more often. Great games, thrilling as hell. I still run into traps and airtech too often as you saw, and I eat dozens of 66C every match, but I always liked attack better than defense (like in 3p).Hope to see you around more often.
>>4970153fun game, i did not like those limit breaks, i need to learn some easy ones myself. i really didn't like those random lags, maybe you didn't see them, but i did, and i raged.
>>4970222GGs, I quit because of dinner.I face into the wrong direction most of the time and my 623/412 won't work. In other words, nothing changed.I thought I could punish your Marisa's broom attack with a 66C, but then you canceled one into another, or one into a kick and then there wasn't anything left to punish.I hate invincibility frames (see the lower picture). (but love massacre on Mt. Ooe in typhoon)Tasofro should really split up Random into Random Character and Random Deck. I don't want to configure the same deck 4 times for each character when I only need one.
>>4970365GGs.Yeah, it was kinda laggy.About the spellcards, I threw some of them thinking you would not bait them. That is, activating them when I thought there was a good probability you would be doing something at this moment; not in reaction. You need to always have a look at the opponent's options, if I have a full screen punish (like that Youmu's run past lvl5), play safe, provoke it by putting yourself in situations you /look/ like you could do something risky but block instead, and if I still use it recklessly, punish me.
TOUHOU!!!!!!!! WHAT'S A HOUTOU? DELICIOUS? ( ) is now on share.(例大祭7)(同人音楽)[salvation by faith records] TOUHOU YEAH !! (tta+cue).rar 台魔王REW55lV0XZ 481,236,776 86916d4207058fa14303b1498cdb52388c583e9c
>>4970222GGs, I quit because of dinner.I face in the wrong direction most of the time and my 623/412 won't work. In other words, nothing changed.I thought I could punish your Marisa's broom attack with a 66C, but then you canceled one into another, or one into a kick and then there wasn't anything left to punish.I hate invincibility frames (see the lower picture). (but love massacre on Mt. Ooe in typhoon)Tasofro should really split up Random into Random Character and Random Deck. I don't want to configure the same deck 4 times for each character when I only need one.
>>4970391but that would be like telling me to memorize spell card patterns, and if i could do that then I would of beaten the actual touhou games by now.
>>4970403Well, you just have to know what spellcards are dangerous reversals, and when the opponent has one of them, try to bait them. Play more safe and block if you feel like they would throw it randomly like I did. But you should also be wary not to spend too much time baiting it and not play if he's not going to use it.It's mind games. You cannot always guess correctly, but it's necessary if you don't want to eat free spellcards.
Bamp for a host, fucking pokemon now i'm shit tier
>>4971377That was way too laggy, GG anyway.Rehosting. Yurop.I'm incredibly bad and seriously need some training.
>>4971377GGs IdlerThanks for the matches.
>>4971976GGs E-MAN.Nice matches, that was a pretty troll-tier victory for me at the end though...
>>4972001Definitely one of those "I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SHIT WORKED!!" victories. I thought sure my j6C hit you and I was far away from anything you would throw out, but wow!
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>>4972026I had already given up at that point, just hate losing with a charged 5-card super so I decided to throw it. I was laughing for a quite a bit at the beginning of the last match.Once again I remember why I love this game.
>>4971557Good games, Crimson Noble. I was playing really bad, so it was hard to call it quits.
Had enough of you, Vita. GG's but that was about as much practice as bringing a knife to a gun fight for me.
>>4972191You were playing really bad?... Sorry but you basically beat me with damn near every character on the roster and with my own character, repeatedly, and you were playing really bad? Then you need to gb2/irc/ in that case.
>>4972208Maybe you just suck at this game.
>>4972224Uh huh.Anyways, I need practice. So, someone "around my skill level" would be nice.Rehosting US East67.233.155.12:10850
>>4972208I was consistently screwing up simple inputs like 66A -> 236B. The outcomes of the matches have nothing to do with the fact that messing those up is just downright shoddy execution.There actually aren't very many good players in IRC.
>>4972274>there aren't any good players on ircFixed.
>>4972274I'm mostly kidding. I'm relatively new to this whole shit, so I've heard the people on irc are better than the average good player or casualfag here.That said, playing Remilia is starting to wear on me. She's getting to be predictable. And I don't use her bullets much cause they kinda suck.
>>4972265fonnection cailed
just wondering... why do people dislike high-tier yukari players so much?or have i just misunderstood something?
USEast24.47.61.27:10800No comment this time around.
>>4972364I haven't heard anyone bash on decent Yukari players ever since Tree was in here calling her broken and easy to use. But if there are people who dislike her quite a bit, it's probably because of her good bullet pressure and mix-ups, allowing her to crush the orbs of a player that isn't careful pretty easily. Oh, they probably don't like her because of skillspin either.
>>4967500>I like you, guy that always posts that image.Can I come over to your house and fuck your sister?
>>4972388Your connection is brocken.
>>4972364Yukari is game breaking. It's easy to hate on one of the best characters.
anyone up? East CoastI suck, go easy on me.
>>4972364I hated her because her asshole play is promoted by her gimmicks but after 1.10 with nerfed 66c and parasol spin, I like her a lot more.
>>4972265GG crimson noble. I thought Cirno was supposed to be the strongest youkai. I did a whole lot better with Marisa than her.
>>4972452I have a hard time with Yukari because she seems to have every counter available for a Remilia player. Her bullets are nasty, her parasol spins have sick priority and to add insult to injury, you can't fucking dodge her train as Remilia.
>>4972528I did pretty bad but I can't play with any of the other characters anymore. Remilia is my mine, but I was kind of sick of playing her at the time. That said, thanks for the games.
>>4972550Haha. Oh wow. Mine = main
>>4972538wutYukari can't touch remilia. Hell, all she has to do is stay a little bit away and dash forward. Beats everything yukari can do. You dodge train by charging c bullets in the air.
>>4972556Then I must suck, cause I play Remilia rather frequently and whenever I play against a good Yukari player, I get toasted. End of story.Here is how it goes down. Yukari throws bullets and lasers. I teleport dash in for an attack. Oh shit, parasol spin. Okay, that didn't work. Let's try to stick to the air, ah, nope, I get hit and end up in some sick wall bouncing air combo involving that god damn parasol spin. Etc. Etc.As for the train, to be honest, I never tried to dodge it using the bullet spam from C. But that is because I don't use Remilia's bullets often, they suck against her in every other situation.
>>4972581>I don't use Remilia's bullets oftenThere lies the problem. Yukari is slow. You need bullets to get her to move or else she can keep you out all day with parasols. Do jump 2b. If she does a melee, she gets hit and you can airdash in. If she does a bullet, you can airdash through them and hit her. If she does a parasol, you can airblock it and hit her afterwards. If she goes in the air, use 2c.
>>4972642I can give it a shot, I mean, I'm willing to try whatever to improve my game with Remilia.What do you mean by do jump 2b? At what point? Cause b bullets don't go very far, you'd have to be on top of her or nearby at least. And wouldn't 2c cause the bullets to fly downwards?Also, how do you hit her if you're too busy trying to block in the air? I assume you mean wait for an opening and then slam into her?Do you have any suggestions for alt skill cards? I happen to like Trickster Devil for it's mix up potential, but outside of that I don't use anything else. EC
>>4972729If only our connections weren't incompatible for whatever reason.
GGs Miko. Have we played before? Your name sounds familiar to me. Fun and close matches man, hope to play you again sometime.
Good games, Resident51! Sorry if I bored you, ever since I took that long break from 12.3 it's been scrub city for me.
Well /jp/, how about a duel if you've the time. East CoastHaven't played on /jp/ in months.
>>4972760Yup, we've played a few times before, I believe. You owned me pretty bad this time around though, haha. Good games!
>>4972771I thought so. Haha, last time we played you were probably beating me up. And dude, if I was bored I wouldn't have stuck around so long. Haha, I actually picked up a few things from playing you. Although our second match was it? With the Typhoon weather, you as Alice and myself as Suika. You backed off like some other do, both of us down to almost zero health. We just stare at each other, and then you just throw a doll at me and killed me. Last time I trust you during Typhoon man...
>>4972765GGs. I stood no chance.
>>4972765GGs. Rehosting.
>>4972738GGs, Dealth.
>>4972873GG's I'm rusty.
>>4972706Trickster devil is Remilias worst 236 by far. Once you realize that netplay tactics don't work on everyone and it's highly punishable on block you will go for the others which are more than good. The default is a graze attack from the first frame and it hits high enough to counter predictable highjumps. The triple claw alt is just as useful. The range makes midscreen blockstrings with it a pain but you don't have to rely on a blocked C bat to continue pressure. It also makes for some great combos and crush with the last hit if you're lucky.Against Yukari, try to stay out of her 6A and 623 range as much as possible and block a lot. The spin gets you a free combo on certain ranges, so you better anticipate it.
>>4972921The same could be said of all of Remilia's 236's.
>>4972814Ah, sorry about that. I thought you were playing mind games on me. I've fought against people who either spam random attacks or wait until the last second your guard is down to attack. I thought you were the latter, so I kinda cheated. It was pretty fun though, you owned me with just about every character on the roster, haha. Especially Yukari.
>>4972936The same thing can be, rather.Rehosting EC
GGs vvav. EC
>>4973135Sorry, i don't want o get raped any more ><Yep, that was brutal. Need more unskilled players to practice against! I don't normally see Iku though tbh!
that was quick, anon. Yeah, I say, don't fly around so much, it's meaningless, if you wanna use flight with okuu I'd consider airdashing before actually flying. And now, rehosting.
>>4973171Soku is nice and all, but you know, I'd rather soku without the lag, EC, re-rehosting, sagehosting, even.
>>4973171GGs. Lag to the point of not being able to play.
>>4973169we should have a scrubs only tournament, for those who cant combo and limit break. if you don't know how to 100%, you are one of us.
>>4973218>Tournament restricted to low skill level players>Just find out who lied about being low skilled. a few rounds, I'm a scrub.
Well anon, that certainly was fun, well, kinda, though the first Remi Vs Iku matches were lots of fun, smiled here and there from Hype. Why'd you stop using remi though? I felt the most pressured by her.
>>4973333sorry i dont like your yukari but then south park new episode just started so i got my excuse to rage quit.your not a scrub.
Someone host :D
>>4973399Half and half, I ran into your Marisa way to much.
>>4973218Finally, a tournament made just for me!
>>4973414 here,ggs
any hosts?
>>4973370Hey, sorry for late response Bob. I stopped using Remi as I wasn't comfortable with the matchup, though I need more Iku experience in general. Though I kept considering returning to her later, and was probably going to after those last few Suwako vs Tenshi games.
Host?Host! USIdunno tier, only played like 2 people before
Hosting: Tier
Hosting: WC68.5.122.232:10800Shit Tier, canada west
>>4973924gg haha, but I need to take this phonecall.
>>4973924watching, not impress, also sad face you didn't let him practice.
Learning how to graze is practice enough
>>4973971in my defense I was in a phonecall haha, but I'd get my ass kicked nonetheless
>>4973892still hostan
>>4974071Doesn't work.
>>4973901Hostan, tell me if it doesn't work. I just tried to forward that port.
>>4974111I think I fixed it>>4973892rehosting
>>4974128If you're still hosting, I can't get through.
>>4974211Really? Damn. Try again?
Good games, at least youre above my weak characters with your reimu. Though still below yukari>>4973924rehosting
>>4974234Should have used her more than once.
That game wouldve taken 15 minutes to complete with that lag.
West Coast:>Haha, what the fuck is this faggot doingTier
>>4973854GGs. I don't have much experience fighting against actual people, just lunatic computer, so I'm not all that great. It was still fun though.
fuck me, I can't host.anybody hosting tonight?
>>4974339Eh, you seemed to have gotten significantly better after a few games, and I've seen worse players. GGs
ggs chine I think it wasOne of the people I play against uses iku, and the other uses tenshi, you did really well though considering I knew all of the cards.I don't play yuyuko or suika though, I was on the ropes a couple times. Coast/jp/ tier wcno game plan tier
>>4974392GG dude, I loved that random battle.
>>4974385GGs. Sorry for leaving so suddenly. Family issues.Careful with the katamari. Don't try to outfly it, just block. Thanks for the games.
Hosting on : : US SoutheastSkill level : Depressed and lonely self hating tier.
>>4974779I noticed you weren't playing seriously. Anyway GGs.
>>4974825>you weren't playing seriouslybut i was
>>4974833Still hosting Marisa? I've always wanted to see how you played.Always catch you in /k/
>>4974837Rehosting in 15 seconds~
>>4974839Haha, alright alright, got my ass kicked.. was fun.See you around.
>>4974839>>4974837GGs, its rare that I fight someone on my level.
>>4974908If you have steam, should add me "prettysammy"Be nice to have someone who wont just completely wreck me.
>>4974911Havent re-installed steam since last format. in Gensokyo Tier
>>4974779Rehosting.Hosting on : : US SoutheastSkill level : Depressed and lonely self hating tier. Please be gentle on me.
>>4975046Holy crap, that match between you and Zack was cloooose.I love it when it gets down to both players having 0 HP.
>>4975168Okay no thanks, way too good for me.
>>4975046GGs, you sure do know how to keep the pressure on.
>>4975237GG's. I think I played you last night.
>>4975247Yeah, you did.You're brutal with Reisen.You make me hurt.
Good games d( O w 0 )b.Rehosting>>4975168
>>4975265I still have a lot to improve on. I'm not really used to this sort of game. You're decent, I'm sure you'll improve too.
Hosting W-EU
Hosting, EU
>>4975853It feels good to be casual tier, bro
>>4975853GGs Mokai.Remember, the only way things can go ok when you are waking up and your opponent is near you and you 5A is if they screw up their timings. If you think your opponent has a decent execution, forget wake up 5A, and block, or you will eat a bunch of free damage.
>>4975914Those may of been english words but their meaning is utterly lost of me. I mainly player the danmaku games so i dont sweat it really. Casual-tier. So casual I don't even have Touhou pics in my folder.
>>4975915Oh sorry, for that. GG but gotta go.You're rough
>>4975918I mean, if your opponent knocks you down, you are on the ground, and somehow at a given moment you have to wake up. If the opponent is next to you at this moment and tries to hit you, he has the priority. That means that if you both try to hit each other, and you are the one who were knocked down, there is a high probability that you will lose and eat a combo.>>4975915GGs, rehosting
>>4975046Rehosting.Hosting on : : US SoutheastSkill level : I wish to be the little girl tier. (combo is wat?)
>>4975925>So casual I don't even have Touhou pics in my folder.
>>4975915GGs Yuki, fun games
>>4975925Surely you jest!
>>4976023About me being a casual ? I wish I was.About not having any Touhou pictures ? I actually started playing "seriously" the games less than a month ago.
>>4975969You're good in Beamspamming.GGsI suck
>>4975969Good games. I always have problems with Reisen, no matter who is playing her.I always get raped when I play as her.
Bump for players.
>>4976366bump for host
>>4976404>>4976366>>4975969Rehosting for a few games.Hosting on : : US SoutheastSkill level : If you hurt me, I swear I'll never forgive you da ze~!
>>4976416Better rehost after you get done playing Mokai.I wanna try my chinese on you.
>>4976416I cannot express enough my disquietude at your ass-spamming faggotry.Seriously. Fuck you.
>>4976416>touhou name, trip, picture, and joke tier explanation>one move onlygb2#irc
>>4976464I really hate your ass.Literally, that ass bump...
>>4976416>switches to yukari>does wall warp all match long>opponent is meiling EUProbably low-mid tier.
>>4976510>>4976518>>4976468u maek me sads.u like the ass punt?
>>4976538I am not good at fightan games in general.And I just started playing this last week. Gotta learn somewhere, and Marisa's about the closest to my skill level.
>>4976555No Sir, I do not like it.
>>4976555I want a turn. rehost plz
>>4976558Then do something about it. Pic related
>>4976562okay. rehosting in seconds.
>>4976570Reported for unnecessary report.
Whoever that Suika is....I dont want to fight you, ever.Dear god.
look at that suika tourneyfagging against poor little marisa
>>4976573Wow. For saying you like to sandbag on /jp/, you fucking suck!
>>4976598sup sazn
Seems I juuuust missed the shenanigans.
>>4976601>>4976598If you lose to sazn, you are garbage tier.Because sazn is garbage tier.Right sazn?
Bump for straight hosts.
>>4976613xxsaznfail amirite time hosting. Skill level: Shit tier.
>>4976583>>4976591Sure is being butthurt over losing to someone who is far more skilled then you in a game you like.
>>4976618Connection failed, ports forwarded and all that mess?
>>4976626Not sure. I've never tried netplay before. wcplaying touhou while nauseous as fuck tier(if i leave right away it's to reboot, my game has been an asshole lately with deciding to randomly omit certain sounds like physical hits/charging/spellcards...)
>>4976621lol, i'm not butthurt, just felt sorry for marisa. watching him play is so cute, so innocent. i just want to cuddle that gay?
>>4976621I was just spectating that match, no fun or learning in getting perfected every round when I can barely take on the CPU on Normal or other new players.My point remains, i'm still gonna be terrified of Suikas with default profile names.
>>4976555>Fill entire deck with Final Spark>Spam badonkadonk bump until you get a CH>Combo into Final SparkYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
>>4976656I don't see why he wouldn't do that.Not like anything else would get better results.lolswr. EUTrying to get a grasp of Remilia-tier EastLow-Mid Level
>>4976709What I wouldn't give to get a 'grasp' at her...
>>4976709ITT: Mokai embarrass himself in front of the internet.Still, was fun, gg.
>>4976709GGs. Remi's dash is so vulnerable, makes me forget about her ground dash crossups every time.
>>4976631GGs, your Komachi, at first. Really ticked me off but then I started to get the hang of it, and your playing style over time, you're really good, maybe learn a few combos and you'd have a perfected style.
>>4976631ggs man great fights! my hands need a rest.that komachi round where we both got a win was interesting. don't think i've seen that before
>>4976844tell me about it... my only combo is 5aaaa.your usage of j8a on komachi was interesting. i pretty much learned this game as if j8a didn't exist, so it's hard for me to use it, and not having any idea when it's good to use doesn't help either. but damn, that hitbox. i really need to work on that.
Damn, this thread has reached the bump liit. Someone host and make a new thread, please.
>>4976723Still hosting.
>>4976892>>4976879New thread up at >>4976889
>>4976892Not working, or someone already joined.
>>4976533Hey man, ggs. I guess we were somehow equally matched, it was pretty fun playing against you.I guess we both tend to spam a little too much.
>>4976709Sorry p1p, gotta go. But GGs. You play way too kind.
>>4976963GGs.What do you mean by "kind"? I'm curious, that's a strange way to describe a playstyle.Btw, I think you should use more the air-unblockable property of Remilia's 2A. It's the same with Utsuho's 3A: you block an airblockstring and land on an unblockable 2/3A.
>>4976963 GGs. What do you mean by "kind"? I'm curious, that's a strange way to describe a playstyle. Btw, I think you should use more the air-unblockable property of Remilia's 2A. It's the same with Utsuho's 3A: you block an airblockstring and land on an unblockable 2/3A. I'm not sure it's that easy to pull, but I always found this to be a really powerful tool.
>>4976994Hosting at EU
>>4976994Well, you always blocked on wakeup even if it's just a 5B, you didn't 623c out of my predictable blockstrings, you didn't use your spellcard on my spellcard whiff and blocked a lot of stuff you didn't have to.As for 2a, I fear Youmu's elbow and it's really bad on a miss, but thanks for the advice.You didn't use 214 at all? Intendedly? Because it's a great way to punish jumps.
Bump limit.New thread:>>4976889
>>4976892If there's any way to make somebody QQ moar. It's gotta be Marisa ass plus spamming moves. Oh well, GGs.
>>4977050I've been playing Youmu for only a few days, my press is still very very chaotic. I'm mostly trying stuff, seeing where pokes can happen, and, yeah, I totally forgot 214 this time. I think I took note of stuff to improve during our matches, you poked smartly and Remilia is a small char, two things that give me trouble.About that spellcard punish, I thought there was a risk it would whiff, but I later realized that I should have done it.
>>4977015GGs, sorry if I was a bit hard on you.I guess you're still looking around, but you should concentrate on one character, once you've find one you like to play. It's better to progress.Cheers.