I love Towa!Checkout her latest covers!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEr8Z1tCSmk 「Kaiju no Hanauta」https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLIz-w5cyeU 「Otona Blue」And her album, 「Aster」!https://cover.lnk.to/Aster
>>OPVery sniffable
RIrika is a whore
>>45575846live aquacrew live
where's deso
Fucking Suisei through her sports wearhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGuJOvhZ-c0
EheheheheWan Wan!*giggle*
my pretty wife taso...
>>45575858Ooo that barking was so horny
Why did Roberu do it?
>>45575862Hime is too lewd...
>>45575867Village girl Iroha is sex, knows how to cook and is a trad wife duh.
>>45575867That's a weird way to say my name, Anon.
>>45575854>15分運動Towa did a 30 minute stream, Nene did an hour and a 30 minute stream, Suisei is doing a 15 minute stream? Did the sponsor just give them all the same amount of money and the stream time difference is based on their rates?
>>45575873>Suisei costs 6x more than NeneS-sugoi...
my poor kanatan...my poor poor pettantaso...
>>45575867You need to ask? Who wouldn't tap that?
>>45575859she looks so homely... I want another cooking stream...
>>45575867>superchatting roberu, the only good homo, on a private account gets you endlessly shitposted here>thirsting after men and barking for homos on streamTalk about it, get called a schizo
>>45575875That's a male
>>45575873there's a mengen main channel video at 19jst
>>45575881That's a girly girl
>>45575880>Roberu, good homo
>>45575883That's probably just for hoshimatic project though, I doubt it has anything to do with the sponsor.
>>45575893Will Lamy forgive me if I want to go back to her?t.ex-yukimin and ririkatomo
>holos suddenly sick for no reason during christmas seasonhmmmm
>>45575895The only one that didn't beg for hololive attention The only one who keeps their names out of their mouthThe guy who made his career without leeching The only one with actual fans, coincidentally
licking off taso's sweat
>>45575901>people get sick during winter seasonain't no way...
>>45575896Pizzachad's povhttps://imgur.com/2KyTyiu>>45575899Kek
>>45575901Or be like Kiara and produce a fucking doctor's letter to prove you are sick.
>>45575896cheap whore
>>45575880anyone who can't hand-diff 10 people on Mad Maggie isn't good
>>45575901Anon you can't be this oblivious, can you? You do realize holiday season around winter is the most influenza ridden time with other shit flying around to get sick, right?Just had friend and a acquaintance catch covid this month, news are full of ''big waves of flu going around, again''.
https://imgur.com/2KyTyiuFor those who missed
>>45575896Koyori-lite, they said.
>>45575867https://exhentai.org/g/2551468/1fe8df22db/Is Iroha the NTR holo?
>>45575918Don't even know this losers name you iPhone fag
>>45575919can't believe your friends are all lying whores...
>>45575897could be, just thought it could be part of it as it's only 15 minutes later
>>45575922that's Koyori
>>45575923It's the guy who humiliated Startend in VSai.
I will marry this menhera.
ririka is in heat
>>45575921Nah, Ririka has a personality, unlike Koyoleech.
>>45575932>beat a bunch of women at video games>it's an accomplishment More reasons why the cripple is the only good one
fat ass
prime burger hours sure are something, literally can't stop thinking and posting about cocks
>>45575922Angry Kazamatai will refute this(if they even exist in /vt//168/)
>>45575932Did he now?
>>45575941You see, burgers are built different
>>45575938>>45575920Falseflag gets stabby stab, still fun to see you cry.
>>45575939Sasaki won the co-ed Nijisanji marika tournament.Kirame is always the mahjong champion against males.Noah won with a full team of girls in Vsai Apex.
>>45575948mind control is my favorite tag...
>>45575951literally whos?
>>45575948Finally an image that is representative of the situation. Took you long enough>AlsoWHY COULDNT IT BE MEEEEE
Regloss fags status?CuckedYuckymen status?CuckedJoshuskun status?CuckedShionfarts status?CuckedNaisu
>>45575951I don't know who any of these fags are lolBut thanks for exposing yourselves homofags, no one here actually likes VCR and male collabs
This was probably the worst year of hololive
>>45575960Falseflagging retard status? Comparing a male GM and bipolar meltdowns to "you'll come back, dumb cucks"
>>45575948Still in shellshock at how badly Iroha is at technology, the hacked excuse is cream de la creme
HeiminGODS status?
Aki handing out lusting perms
>>45575963because my oshi got sick for a long time
>>45575968Excessive shart enforcing
>>45575969they promised to save this thread...
>>45575960Post like this is just a grinning mask while crying in disguise. Pfft
why did you let heimin win again
>>45575963Meh, as long as you avoided the various tournaments (especially the unkokai) the year was pretty solid.Probably my second favorite after 2022.
>>45575968cover being incompetent with their studios
Heimins will never win
>>45575969waiting for the long mengen later
>>45575965Let me change your status:Joshukun status: Cucked and malding
>>455759732022 was way worse than this year
I'm surprised they allowed Lapu to fly a helicopter again after crashing it multiple times last night.
The next year will be better.
Kanata is too loud
>Josh want the previous thread to died>Reason : Want to post Koyori tits>New thread>Not a even one picture of Koyori titsI will never trust Josh-kun anymore
>>45575975I told you guys last thread that Kanata's pink, canon nipples are needed.
>>45575969So tired of winning
>>45575995it's her money she has to blow to the medical staff
>>45575997Her new mic settings are pretty meh so she's not as loud as she could be.
What do?He's samefagging and falseflagging. It's hilarious.
>>45575995I have met Lap so many times just watching a medic POV, she dies like every 5min
Do you think Ririka Riregrets her words?
>>45576005Don't mess with the heimans
>>45575996Covid isn't spreading fast enough. I blame China. Otherwise next year will certainly be better
GFE is a mistake.
>>45576006I hope she doesn't curse my poor poor amanekanatach this time...
>>45576008The first 3 hours of the first GTA VCR was just her and Karubi just constantly dying because they didn't know how to use a seatbelt. Also, speak of the devil.
VCR was a mistake
>oh new thread?>fire up the lapbot
>Laplus, Hizuki Yui, Akarin calling for Robert to help them
roberu is having sex with laplus right now
We hate males here
>>45576031Number 1 healslut
schizos always get so active during the holidays, it's really funnystuck here, projecting your NTR fantasies with every post because you have no one to spend xmas and new year's eve with
VCR is great because it exposed all the whores in hololive
>>OPWe know laplus is a whore but how cheap is she? Could I score with a benjamin?
>>45576032Stop spreading narratives. Roberu only like hags and older women.
now youve done it homo.shart
why homoshitfarts
Ode to Joy
>>45575867Roberu would never, Iroha is like a 4/10 at best, Roberu is already on a whole different realm where there's only 9/10s and 10/10s.
>>45576054too big
>>45576045Why is she in a contact lens container?
Now that Suisei has a strangle hold on everything hololive, what is it's fate?
I want a Kanata gf for Christmas...
>>45576052That's me
>>45576063>what is it is fate?
>>45576063That would be Marine and her clique
>>45576063pink haired chads for everyone
Towa is a pure virgin lesbian saint.
>>45576059laplus is a cowboy...
>>45575919Viruses aren't just snowman magic you dumbass, the reason why people get sick more in these days is because they hang out with people more, there's more people on the street and more chances to get sick, but then the question is who is your oshi hanging out with and where?
>>45576072That 35P really ran this shit into the ground, huh?
>>45576060It's a candy.
>>45576072>Pure>Virgin>Lesbian>SaintChose 0
>>45576067's is also possessive.
>>45576074Kanata will have to wait a another year or two because I will only marry her with a house of my own
>>45576077lollmao even
>roberu is fucking all the blondesits not fair
>>45576077You're fucking retarded.
Thoughts on my girlfriend?
>>45576086who is the artist?
>>45576097cute pokemon addict
inject me kanata
SapGODS won
>>45576088Rules are a bit different with its/it's, its is the possessiveThat's just English being English
Watch Ao VCRhttps://youtu.be/4ofWG22fk1M
>>45576101what are they winning?
>>45576097Stop posting dead people
>>45576077>who is your oshi hanging out with and where?Schrodinger oshi
>>45576097I wonder if Hoshikawa will leak stuff like what she did when Haachama went on a break. I know she's close with Shion, too.
https://youtu.be/lgIW-HbNcAcNenechi live
>>45576104Ownership of this thread.
>>45576107She's not tho
>>45576095>viruses spawn out of nowhere and infect you at specific times of the year
I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
Haha! Another Ao's VCR stream! We love that here!
Holo for this feel?
sorry but I'm taking your oshi to a romantic trip to kamikochi
お大事に、ミオ。。。https://cover.lnk.to/Nightwalkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhEuY94DPiERecording some sort of 3D shilling stream today, no stream.
why is it always the anons that never go outside the first ones to talk about how the world works
>only won Honeyworks stage lotterymy luck...
>>45576114Friend doko...
>>45576116Why don't you go and check the stats of any Christian Country in the southern hemisphere?If your theory is correct there would be an influenza spike during the Christmas holidays rather than during winter.
>>45576077He thinks the only viable route of transmission is through human-to-human.Send this retard back to school.
>>45576116Retard, the viruses are always around. Cold weather and less sun just weakens the immune system, making you more susceptible.There aren't suddenly more people hanging out in the cold months than summer, what kind of retard logic is that
covid timeloops...
KonkonAo sex
>>45576097your girlfriend is and has been cheating on you for 3 years with a twink
>>45576129There is.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmC2GAVyO0kUpdated Nene frame
>>45576137Post proof.
>>45576127At least you won one... Have fun!
>>45576132Cold months =/= fucking christmas and new year.
Konkon sounds like that hololive whore
>>45576141There are more lottery dates to try. I wanted tickets to the actual expo at least
I hope to have sex with Kanata soon.
>>45576138waki slut
>>45576151translate nerds
>>45576151NTA but >Australia>Christian country
>>45576132Yeah you can catch them easier but you still need to be around people who are spreading them
>>45576087https://files.catbox.moe/x9vjjs.m4aIt’s all of them.
>>45576157They celebrate Christmas.
>>45576158No you don't
>>45576134>>45576155I really like this guys style
>>45576140I literally just watched a TV coverage about how people get sick the most on december and it is caused for the amount of people on the street.
>>45576156more people get sick during winter
>>45576158pre-coping we live in a society and my oshi must be a basement dweller like me /convo
>>45576170By fox news, probably
>>45576170Well, that explains your retardation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGuJOvhZ-c0Suistream today!! at 18:30jst!!!Weird time but today will be Uchitore's shilling with mocopi 3d!Basically an exercise stream that'll last about 15-30 minutes.There's also an official channel members-only upload later at 19jst for Hoshimatic Project, a short interview featuring Suisei, Sora, Aki, Matsuri, Subaru, Nene, Koyo, Sakamata, and Iroha so check it out if you're a member!
>>45576167If you are born in a sterile room and then spend the rest of your life in a sterile room you won't catch a flu even if your room simulates winter temperatures
>everyone but Raden is a whoreI didn't expect this to happen
>>45576190What is Marine's go to order?
>>45576194Chicken nuggies
What would happen if you dropped Towa out of a plane
>>45576189Hajime is pure.
>>45576194Large potatoe
>>45576198based, what sauce?
>0/6should I try for that package thing?
>>45576199She's gonna make a toxic crater wherever she lands
>>45576182I am just going to be in the live chat lewding Suisei's belly button
>>45576199Same thing that happened when she dropped out of a chopper
Suisei and Miko are having hot and sweaty lesbian sex right now.
Ririka won
>>45576190Probably why she has a fat ass.
ririka asmr when
https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati/status/1738082910325125562SUISEI GOT THE PURPLE DISEASE
I hate all of you. It's all your fault. fuck you all i hope you have a shitty life.
Ririka literally lied to all her fansno asmrno apologybarking to a holostar on stream
>>45576227What are you going to do about it? Cry like a little bitch?
>>45576224rabyu shion
>>45576224ojisan don't go...
why does hololive hire whores instead of real pure virgin saints like some of these indies
>>45576224What the fuck did I do?
>>45576150I think the JTB package should be easy to get since it's first-come-first-serve but it looks like there's a huge premium for the hotel.
>>45576224What did you want me to do?
Huh, every doctor I ever met told me that cold doesn't make you sick.
I lost the fucking fes tickets raffle...
Suisei owns hololive and your little cum veggies oshi can not compete.
>>45576224Baiting the shitposting /#/fags is too easy anon you're better than this
>>45576249It doesn't retard it makes your immune system weaker though How hard is it to understand?
>>45576244Exactly why I would rather not. Unless that merch it comes with is crazy worth which I doubt
idiots don't catch coldsno wonder Nene never get sick
>>45576263I'm sick right now..
>>45576262Putting the Ho in Hoshimachi Suislut
>>45576224the signs were already there, shicucko
I think my oshi lied
>>45576230wao waohomocock
>>45576278Just look how pathetic that tail is. She is a disgrace to all wolves
>marine knows pekora so well she can predict her thoughts/actions>pekora only cares about herself and isn't interested in getting to know marine betterwhy are women always attracted to the dark triad types...
>>45576255Too much penis
at least aqua's still here
>>45576278Prime hag
>>45576290the more penis the hotter it is to self-insert as the girl
Are you calling on my phone?
I miss Lamy
>>45576289>>45576262STARTEND LOVE
only Bocchi is pure now
>>45576262>>45576289STARTEND LOVE
>>45576301Bocchi is a huge slut
>>45576301she gets fucked by Kita every day
>>45576262>>45576289( ^)o(^ )b
>Laplus played VCR so much she lost her voicehololive status?
this happened to shion
nazigumi never again...
>>45576318Very cute Ojou
Is Nene ok?
Lap has no friends in hololive
>>45576319Kuroe wishes, but Raito exists
>>45576316all whores need to graduate
>>45576334towa is her friend
mr. take's lard body flopping on subaru's stick figure frame
https://twitter.com/MO_OKAYU_GU/status/1738078851803328524W I D E Okayu
>>45576342Want a sodie pop?
>>45576334Didn't her roommate insult every unmarried woman over 27 or something? That wouldn't make her popular...
>>45576345they deserved it
>>45576330sio reincarnated why you are stuck with the old shit
>>45576345whats wrong with calling christmas cakes, cakes?
>>45576345wtf?! I love Lapu now
>>45576346just wait 6 years you cheeky brat
>>45576345Half of Hololive are over 27 and are not married...
>>45576357more like 90% at this point
>>45576345This post reeks of estrogen
>>45576357Yeah, and that half is trash.
>>45576345tell me which holos are below 27
>>45576357Exactly, that's why they all hate her and she plays with nijis and indie friends on twitch instead.
>>45576330Sio's fat ass when?
I only watch young holos
>>45576334Wrong, but it looks like you already baited the shitposters. Enjoy the shit thread
>>45576363shion chama lap and me
>>45576357>halfLiterally none of the holos are married whats this retarded wording
>>45576370he's not wrong thoughlap literally can't people to play valorant with her in hololive
>>45576374rabyu onyan
Azki's perfectly intact hymen
>>45576344ojou.... don't leave me too...
>>45576381Saved exclusively for me
>>45576335YT HATE
>>45576383we're just engaged dumbass
Give my back my Nene...
>>45576333this was so coolunlike Towa fax...
>>45576390This artist has such shit taste in panties
>>45576379onyan is definitely above 27 at this point
>>45576382she never will after her first christmas stunt, rest assured
>>45576388What went wrong?
>>45576395She's not even close to being 27
>>45576399I think the helmets are cool
>>45576263>>45576358Nene's snot nose...
all holos above 27 years old should retire already
>>4557639499% of straight men don't know how to match colors
ui is not hololive
I hate twitch but I'll be damned if it doesn't have great image quality.
>>45576409More hololive than regloss
>>45576412Was it necessary to post this? now I'm forced to masturbate....
>>45576406I agree
>>45576378She's made the effort to, schedules and ranks pose a problem though. Lapu thinks that Oujo is the best valorant player in hololive but the power gap is too big, she's tried inviting Matsuri but she would be busy, and the dung eater joined discord before but they couldn't play because she's gold rank
>>45576406>No LamyNever!
i only like raden and hajime
https://youtu.be/Qf_lC10KwVo?si=rRJANyry-jASf85Dsomeone save her…
Will regloss2 be worse?
4 Nene streams in a dayNekkos sure are being pampered
>>45576432you mean devis2
and she is gone again...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZVrn4lHLqwHiropapa please make more songs
>>45576420If anyone cared enough they'd just make a new account to play with herI doubt she finds much common ground with the older women
>>45576427She should graduate, that would probably help
>>45576182https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7W9X4XnN84Holyfuck another stream today at 20jst!!Zatsudan Collab with Kanade!!
Everyone calls my oshi a whore but she consistently streams on Christmas and new year
>>45576438Smurfing is against the rules
>>45576448All the way through sex hours?
holy shit i won lottery tickets for holofest stage 3
>>45576448They're just jealous
All Holos age above 30 should be forced to graduated and send to Breeding camp.
>>45576449Everyone does itAnd they don't have to even stream it
ummm bros?
https://www.twitch.tv/momosuzunene_hololiveTry #5?
>>45576450Yeah>>45576451Congratulations anon
>>45576460yeah and it seems to work on twitch
>>45576460Nene's trying out twitch?
Cover should arrange dating services for the girls. It would be bad if they end up unmarried into their 30s.
Everyone is a whore except my oshi.
>>45576459>Tokyo ghoulEvery fucking time, either him or Kanae
>>45576453with nigerian bvlls
>>45576464she’s determinedhttps://x.com/momosuzunene/status/1738086087812427967
>>45576459Ririka crawled so Ao could walk
>>45576462Yeah, king Kuzuha's
>asking Lappy for help with TwitchNene...
>>45576451Lucky, that's the stage I wanted
>>45576451The only good stage this year
>>45576475arupapi got that whore on a leash lolololol
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7W9X4XnN84SUIDESO COLLAB RIGHT AFTER TASODESO HNK BROS????
>>45576477That doesn't seem a good idea
>>45576477Lapu is currently distracted, and she's also tech illiterate... I hope she can help out in some form
Man I remember when Matsuri's room was filled with love live tapestry, now it's filled with apex posters, Hoshikawa and Hal/CR fags, modern shooters have doomed young women
>>45576262Aqua doko?
>>45576475truly the perfect schizo pipeline with hlg at the end
They should streaming on afreeca.tv
>>45576484Seems like leeching and the prefix "Kana" go hand in hand
>>45576487That's an understatement, to this day she still has the permission request on the top right of her screen
>>45576493Is this the new om3tcw?
>>45576494>called afreeca>korean sitethey love blacks too much
my poor neneti…
>>45576480>>45576481its also stage i wanted so im really suprised i got it
It's momover...
Nene is back!!!
>>45576488It's the same thing that's happened since the start of time anon. Like that reporter who is dating the manchild that breaks his racket at Wimbledon. It's just for zoomer women, streamer clout is way more attractive than being good at sports.
>Gook infiltrated Hololive just to revive HNKHoly shitThey're not so bad after all
We're now doing acapella while hitting the table as a metronome.
>>45576357>Half of Hololive are over 27 and are not married...Which one do you expect to still be part of hololive (or join another corp/go solo) in 10+ years?
>>45576484She's a big fan of HnK
>>45576356Max Plapability
>>45576516All of Sankisei for sure
If Lapu actually bought the other monitor for chat, she could easily alt tab to see the discord messages
>>45576514How is collabing with the two of them separately reviving HnK?
>>45576399Lap abandoned them for twitch, chloe barely streams, I don't watch iroha.
>>45576524don't question the logic of shipfags, especially the logic from dead ships
>>45576399Koyori streams too much, produces wayy too much orisong, tweets wayy too much, collabs wayy too much. Worst of all, she loves Joshu kun too much
Nene remix...
nene is so easily entertained
>>45576521But that's not true even now.
>>45576537She also easily entertains me
Momosuzu Nene is a musical instrument.
Nene is rocking me
>>45576539How so?
umumumum aaa
>>45576543The greenwhore isn't part of Hololive anymore.
>>45576524One step at a time, faggotJust watch2024 will be the year of Hoshi no Kanata
>>45576516>still be part of hololive (or join another corp/go solo)So which of them will still be streaming in 10 years?Most of them, I'd say
My oshi will be in devis 2 and save hololive.
>>OPThanks to everyone who has responded and reposted! I'll work everything out possibly in 1 week time, around the end of the year. Be sure to fill in the survey if you haven't done it yet!https://forms.gle/LXi8zHFGpbp2usWn8https://forms.gle/LXi8zHFGpbp2usWn8https://forms.gle/LXi8zHFGpbp2usWn8
>>45576546Re read the question.
>>45576517https://youtu.be/8GDyZ9EPPMs?t=3165DESO LOVEHNK LOVE
>>45576552based heimin
>>45576552Weird looking Kanata
what kind of problem is nene having?
Nene has made this morning quite interestingshe should try doing a Twitter space next
>>45576565unironically the type of thing to cause her to have a melty but I think she’s in a good spot right now
>>45576571Why is she doing all of these frames?
It's been 1208 days since Mano Aloe "graduated" from Hololive I'm always going to love herALOE LOVE
>>45576578ALOE LOVE
>>45576575isp fucking things up for her
>looks at holodex>all males終わりだ。。。
traitorous whores
Roberu is so lucky....
>>45576427Marine...I hope she'll find someone to have kids with without graduating... Or she always can adopt
>>45576587Nene should use me as a stress relief ball
Ao and Kuzuha are having sex right now...
how do you hide homo streams in holodex
>>45576602she IS the stress relief ball
>>45576607you block their channel
>>45576578Beyblade love!
Lapu... gone...
>>45576614I want to grab her then
>>45576624The cover is releasing anytime soon now
Thoughts regarding how Cover corp fucked up the entirety that is Dev_is Regloss and any future JP debuts?Who will even audition for Hololive now that the new debuts are all stunted by management? The stigma has already set and nothing can change the preconception of the viewers.
>>45576630Shut up and smoke a ciggy, Raden
https://hololivesuperexpo2024.hololivepro.com/en/special/03/https://jtb-entertainment.net/tour/2024/hololivefesEXPO2024/tickets for gaijins opening in 5 mins
>>45576624I will learn Korean if Kanade manages to get them together.
So Ao graduated from the pizza gig?
>>45576624where did it all go wrong..
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!
>>45576634I already lost
>>45576624Kanata wishes to be Suisei but she will never be talented enough.
wtf I love China now?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7W9X4XnN84why does everyone want deso pussy
>>45576656So is genshin or that other chinese crap gacha finally gonna die?
>>45576662japanese are weak to korean women
>>45576656f2pchads won
>>45576664Probably not
>>45576662Hoshi no Kana...
we hate vcr here
>>45576662keso isn't afraid to ask for collabs
We fucking hate VCR and love beta here
>>45576662She has kpop pink pussy and nipple, the rest of the holos have them brown.
why is Ririka not collabing with her senpais? nobody asking her and she doesn't ask for anyone. Raden does, Ao does, hell even the quiet ones Hajime and Kanade do as well.
We must all put our differences aside, and band together to stop this menace. They've been doing this shit for too long. I will not waste an image slot on this thing.https://a.cockfile.com/WxTmwu.JPG
I won the stage 1 holofest lottery but lost the honeyworks stage, wao.
>>45576688towa's brown cock...
No one likes ririka that's why
>>45576692There's nothing you can do other than report them and then see them flood the tag with another 8 different accounts
>>45576671>ban daily login rewards>f2pchads wonbruh
>>45576691Everyone is scared of her because she is too similar. That's why she is forced to go outside to connect with others. My poor poor isolated ririka.
>>45576691She collabed with her en and id senpais
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a64E2rBqJRYRaden finished moving! No more ghost voices I hope.
>>45576692What's this?
>>45576701I reported them for the first 3 months when the thumbnail was the guy vtuber
>>45576707how embarassing
What would we do without Towa...
>>45576703they'll just shift those rewards to daily missions clearing which technically are not login rewards
>>45576711I'm envious of you if you don't know what this is.
Genshin lost. It's over
>>45576692it's just begging?
>>45576723>>45576727It's a plague to the art tags
>>45576706Hello Mel did a collab with ririka
>>45576692With Twitter as it is now there is not much we can do other than report and block
>>45576634I got the Honeyworks stage
>>45576735It was happening before musk took over so it's not like anything changed reallyI can't even remember a time where I opened my oshis art tags and didn't see them
>>45576742Subatomos fear this
fuck friendhttps://www.pixiv.net/artworks/114404287
>>45576739You're right but I feel like it's gotten worse recently
>>45576484this is the new HnK
>>45576738yeah same i got that only too
>>45576746they were fantasizing about white chads fucking subaru meanwhile it was a fat jap lol
Hoshi no Kanade bros!
What happened to Momoworld or what ever the new game is. No more permissions?
I've been enjoying EN more than JP lately...
Why does this thread smell so bad
>>45576742Why do they always have pink hair? Is it a requirement to date a holo?
>>45576739No South African man bad and literally Hitler ruined my life!
Thoughts on my oshi?
I can no longer continue my battle against sleep.Can any lunaito give me a goodnight kiss to heal my wounds?
>>45576784Get super aids and die faggot
>>45576780well that clearly is the color red so I guess not
every online stream is GTA
>>45576796last day
>>45576796What about offline streams
>>45576782What a whore
Pizza gang is noisy as fuck
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QZQQaElOY8Noel playing the Fat Fucks game again
>>45576783what a retarded cat
>>45576783Like cats like owners
Nice hospital
>>45576782Why is towa such a slut?
>>45576821I am just big boned...
Yahoo must be so happy with VCR streams his dream finally achieved to think retards here and Reddit actually took his joke about being idols seriously
>>45576189Raden will collab with guys sooner or later but at least it won't be regular streamers.Sumito Oowara started drawing his own vtuber design just because he wants to collab with her.
I can't wait for Google to made the DVD servers to combat the VCR streams
>>45576846I'm already looking forward to HDDVD
>>45576839I stopped following seiyuu idols because they also mingle with men, one of them even was gaming with a black man, no idol types are truly good inherently its based on the individual
>>45576849You might want to sit down...
>>45576189She warned that she will do male collabs beforehand, don't be disappointed when she eventually does
>>45576189Picasso will pulverize Raden's pussy
Raden have 4 mouth ulcers...
>>45576856better to be upfront and honest beforehand though
>>45576863Probably from stress
>>45576871Probably but she also said it was genetics. Even her grandmother had a lot of them.
>>45576866Yeah that's my point, she was honest enough about making her intentions clear so people can't call foul
Raden used to play a trumpet.
>>45576890Euphemism for long loud farts
I'll be mad if Raden starts meowing for some faggot on stream
>>45576189So when will roberu collab with her?
>>45576901>I'llyou sure will>ifwhen
>>45576849I'm rewatching an anime right now and the TV version looks better than the DVD because they aired it in 720p but DVD only supports up to 480, silly stuff.
Is it just me or does raden sound like she's talking to a can?
Raden's new apartment the has a bath that talks.
Laplus will hibernate after VCR isn't she
>>45576914There's definitely something different, I think she lowered her volume or fidgeted with her mic settings to not sound as loud
>>45576914sounds normal to me aside from her pop filter not working
>she was streaming next to a fucking conbinilmao
>>45576929This woman wants to be raped on stream as an art piece
Now that anon mentioned it Raden's audio sounds fucked up to me as well
Raden being so excited about her new apartment is kind of cute
>>45576929So the ghost was a conbini clerk?
>>45576938>she now has two apartmentsoh no the schizos....
>>45576944That would require some weird acoustics, the two instances of the ghost voice sounded like a woman whispering right next to the mic.
>>45576946Do you not know what moving means anon. You sound stupid.
https://youtu.be/DGuJOvhZ-c0It's time!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGuJOvhZ-c0Suisei started! Get in here friends~
>Suisei can only manage doing this for 15 minutes
I just miss Gura ;_;
>>45576949but did she spell out that her old apartment wasn't in use anymore?what if she keeps her boyfriends there like all the other holos with two apartments?
Why is Suisei brown
been away from some time. surprised anons can still keep up with these new gens. thought it'd be like going at it for a few gens but eventually sticking to an oshi or a few, but I guess that'll just lead to finding another place whose content is more focused on your oshi rather than staying here for some ritualposts and esoteric humor.
>>45576984did you see what happens?
These exercise moves aren't that demanding...
They even put NDX into Holo Parade
Suisei this is only the warmup why are you already dying
>>45576984I’ll always check out new JP debuts but in the end there’s only one for me
>>45576984I eventually settled on Koyori. Covid-period i was watching almost everybody. In HoloJP of course.
anyone here bought the hoshimatic outfit?
>Used a ultra rare ticket to get Marine
>cossack danceHer ruski heritage is showing
did shion really take official vacation to play the pokemon DLC because cover failed at getting permissions?it’s not even that long
>>45577002if I had a full sized onahole I would
>>45576970Anon you're really stupid aren't you. She's not that rich yet to afford 2 apartments you faggot. She can't even buy a KU100 and has to settle for a 3DIO and have to wait to even get a pen tablet.
>>45577002Not really, i only collect merch that i like. It's retarded seeing so many resellers trying to sell off their merch or those limited edition handwritten postcards.
the suisei fat allegations are dying
>>45577002it's not even available yet retard
>>45577027maybe her boyfriend can chip in
>>45577034You can be fat and still flexible. A korean porn video taught me that.
>>45577027she’s rich enough to rent two apartments while I live in my car…
Raden's streaming in the studio. That's why her audio sounds like shit.
Mocopi is dogshit… She looks like a ragdoll
What's wrong with Suisei?
Suisei moves like a fat person...
And Raden almost lost a monitor from moving.
>>45577051She's evolving into the ultimate lifeform - the crab
https://www.twitch.tv/laplusdarknesss_hololiveGET IN HERE
>>45577048ENsharts lost
>>45577015Is that the excuse you're actually trying to fabricate for her?
>>45577048My oshi already knows I cheat on her.
>>45577048Well well well
oh shit, I forgot to remove suisei's filters
>>45577051She's an athlete
Suichan with that abstract dab
https://www.twitch.tv/laplusdarknesss_hololive Laputyan!!!
>>45577048I hope this can be hacked to get the chat history of any user
>>45577048It's over...
who fat fuck here
*makes a burner account*
Suisei stop stalling and exercise already you fat fuck
>>45577048>Oshi checks chat history>草 spam in 25 different streams
>>45577048Who is going to menhera the most?
>>45577048spectrum90 status?
>>45577074I'm feeling a bit called out
Do not let Fubuki and Hurea see thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=835zGQgejDE
>>45577058Time to see if she can pull of her revolution
>>45577074wtf are you me?
>>45577048>user chat historywtf I don't want the cringe joke I made once thinking it'd be funny to be permanently in my records
>>45577074Reminds me of Usagi kpop filpshart shitposting and copy pasting a gura shitpost onto Pekora stream instead of 草
what is suzy doin
>>45577079Gotta let them know you are still watching somehow...
>>45577087That's happened multiple times at this point
>>45577048can miko see my mean messages in the gta with rutyan vod?
I’m guessing they can only see the history of their own channel so they won’t see me harassing EN whores
Suisei just kicked Mike Tyson in the face...
>>45577097Anon is gonna get banned...
I rarely actually type anything, I just like to use the channel emotes.
>>45577048i only ever post nice things
>>45577096She’d have to stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nB52mb_uAoFirst Okayu utawaku in a long while. Vertical, but what can you do.
Suityan is literally black now…
Karubis laugh sounds so fat i love it
>>45577080Molest the hajimer
Lapras cant shut the fuck up
>>45577103it’s not like holos even moderate their chat themselves
>>45577105Lamy will find out that you typed "Get fat! Get fat! Get fat!" in her free chat when really drunk a few weeks ago...
>Dying alreadyDebumachi... Otsumachi....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7W9X4XnN84Don't forget Hoshi no Kanade stream later as well!
Only 30 minutes like Twap
Wait, I have some stuff I wrote that I wish I didn't.
>>45577048>took them literally 10+ years to copy a basic moderation function from twitchindian companies are great
>>45577130Keeping it short is good advertisement for this kind of product.
suisei gorda
>>45577123is l*ger still moderating festival's chat?
>>45577121do not
in my drunken stupor i once chatted on an en stream how do i hide this from my oshi bros
>>45577142it will probably only work in their own channel
>>45577142graduate account I wish there was a way to transfer membership badges
>>45577126Oddly specific
>>45577142They oviously can only on see things you did on their own channel. Right?
>>45577048Nene can now stalk people even better now.
>>45577048>They don't delete all their chat messages after a stream is over
The contrast in movement and fitness was expected
>>45577151cover will have access to all holo accounts and purge antissince EN is not hololive you don’t have to worry
>>45577153>my oshi streams the chatits over
>>45577109https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mgJV3nd6bkError before it's even started, that's a good sign...
>>45577142you can delete your comments herehttps://myactivity.google.com/page?hl=en&utm_medium=web&utm_source=youtube&page=youtube_comments
>>45577074>Your oshi finds out you posts on other streams chat. You're dead anon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOTxwiOsO50Shion yo...
Where is my Luna stream?
>Vacationyeah with mehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOTxwiOsO50https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOTxwiOsO50https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOTxwiOsO50
Raito won
nothing wrong with being fat, some girls like subaru seem to really find fat people attractive
Subaru says a lot of things
Subaru says too many things
Aqua RTing lewd fanart again
Subaru lied about Towa's ass
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1YJhqtgXtUWhat holo original would you like remixed?
>>45577189saying is one thing, doing (fat men) is another
Miko Night at the Museum watchalong later https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1738104079249977731
>>45577196ぽ or mawaruna just to see what they do
Did Shion not get the memo?
>>45577203Did you?
I like the karaoke lyrics display.
>>45577166>>45577169nani the fuck
>>45577199finally a watchalong after a long time
Wait, Shion's graduating?
>>45577209yasumi just means break, it's not vacation
>crawling to en viewers
>announced suspension of activities>continues the activitiescouldn't she fucking do this stream first? I don't get it
>>45577219imagine the BBC she took...
Nosex by Rurudo
Noel Beber
>>45577219Her English is pretty bad for somebody who lived overseas that long
>>45577221if she did the stream first people would be worried about white text on black background and shitthey announced it was planned with the company and she would show up anyways, now she can explain properly without people spamming chat with IS SHE GRADUATING?!?!?!
>>45577166>>45577169>>45577221She needs those superchats before she leaves
does anyone have a clip of gold ship performing umapyoi densetsu with holomens? i forgot what event that was
Shion's gonna uravalo with Raito till morning anyway so what's the difference
>I don't want these creepy gachikoi viewers>every Holomen makes sure they stream on eve and christmas day.They're so fucking annoying.
>>45577224Rurudo is a pervert
>>45577232this one? Vtuber fes 2022
Akutan schedule... Why...
Lapu's Kakumei...
>>45577224rurudo should post her Kanata lewd stash already
>>45577224where is this from?
>>45577254Subaru stayed in leafland for two weeks
>>45577098kek, based
https://twitter.com/minatoaqua/status/1738143688633856290https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati/status/1738143935757992079Onyan my poor Onyan
>>45577229>people would be worried about white text on black backgroundBut they never posted that>now she can explain properly without people spamming chat with IS SHE GRADUATING?!?!?!What are you talking about, this is the kast stream she will be having for a whole, where would they be spamming that? Here? While she's in the middle of explaining herself?
>>45577269>no VSPO lewds policy>here's Nosex by Rurudo by the way this shit makes no sense
>>45577224>>45577269what the fucksince when is this allowed at VSPO?
>>45577224>>45577269A new age is upon us.
>retarded mods from holo channel will check chat history and ban spammers
>>45577285kusa bros...
>>45577277It's a no porn policyThat isn't porn
>>45577276I'm just saying having a tweet announce it before the stream explanation is better than just doing a stream about it, it doesn't make fans unnecessarily anxious
>>45577224>>45577269rurudo draws literally everyone except Towa
>>45577269thats so ugly
>>45577294Maybe Towa should try being cuter
>>45577291everything made by Rurudo is porn
The ghost that's been haunting Raden's a couple. lol.
>>45577302Towa isn't
>>45577302Does that make towa posting nsfw?
>>45577292>official account making an official statement about an apparently straightforward break>not making fans unnecessarily anxiousAnon what fucking world are you living in, Shion just casually announcing it herself in a stream would have people freaking out about it way less.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=zOTxwiOsO50I won't stream anymoreGive me money, virgins
we love shion here
>>45577317literally who?
sex with 2010 shion
purple holos are cursed
>mittii and matsuri together againYabe
>>45577315>just casually announce an extended breakyeah that's not a thing unless you want to be flamedshe would need to tell her fans she has an important announcement to make, which would make them worry and attract dramamongersa tweet is instant and saves a lot of trouble, then people who care can listen to her
>>45577269someone draw (me) fucking beni
Okayu is too high today
*turns your oshi purple*
>>45577326He's out of ban already?
>>45577331But my oshi is already purple
>some people here are literally unable to comprehend a stream where Shion explains her situation must be EN babs or I don't know
>>45577326dick too good
>>45577327>a tweet is instant and saves a lot of troubleAnon, today's stream is likely only happening for the sake of damage control after seeing the fallout from that tweet
I love Okayu's huge milkers.
>>45577246YES! do you have some webm clips of that? or yt links
collabing with males doesn't affect koyori's numbers at all
>>45577331purple Lamy would be coolwhat would lorewise need to happen to turn Lamy purple? would she be more violent?
never forget that Cover and Cygames erased this version https://streamable.com/f7hzxr
>>45577271at least aqua's still here...
where the fuck is pekora
>>45577350I wanna milk my cat
>>45577338they won’t be able to comprehend the stream either considering they can’t understand japanese
huh I thought Shion was suspended, not taking a break
>>45577271is this the first time aqua does a schedule?
>>45577371>>45577372these two posts being one after the other is pretty funny
>>45576484She's HnKfag after all
Kanata is a whore
>>45577380proof next thread?
>>45577380Yeah, mine
white man's whore
remember to always leak heimin content
>>45577366Aqua is present everywhereeven in the air
>>45577327>which would make them worry and attract dramamongers…anon? what do you think happened in the past 24 hours, especially before she made a statement herself?
>>45577347Hopefully she saw everyone shrug and say she is basically graduated already
>>45577271So there IS a Christmas relayWhy has Mio not announced it yet
https://youtu.be/f7W9X4XnN84HNK time!
>>45577400my onaholes
Joshu kuns really hates liveposting huh?
>>45577353took me a while to find it but dozohttps://streamable.com/jvvexi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyX2E3gEFlcGET IN HERE HEIMINDOMO
>>45577271>Aquamarine streamMarine sure is streaming a lot after saying she'll have to limit her activities to let her throat recover
dumb whore
>>45577407She's teased it in AsaMio and other streams. Probably trouble scheduling since she said it won't even last the whole day until midnight like usual.
>>45577427stop leaking, dipshit
>>45577424She is graduating.
I'm gonna leak that kanata is being a baka
Hoshi no Kanadeso...
>#Kana's Music Conversation>talks about foodnaruhodo?
leaking my cum in kanata
Why does Raden call Kanade Kanady?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi2GNCyC0swI literally forgot Botan has this jacket
Kanade's first impression of Suichan
>>45577444food is an important part of life.
Ao is rizzing every girl
>>45577231sad poorfag
>>45577456I wish Riz would do Ao, I want to see her fat ass in pants
kanadechi is young
Is the gook really dumb and seiso?
deso won
>>45577419Spam liveposting is cringe unless there are something important or interesting happened on stream. Posting screenshot is fine for me
Not watching Suicunt. Sorry Kanade
This is not the HnK stream I was expecting...................
Why did Kanade thank Suisei yoru wo mataide?
>>45577478She likes Tenkyuu and Template
taso status?
>>45577483leaking on my face
HnK bros we won
>>45577483looking for sex art in her hashtag so that she can tweet it later and induce erections on heimin
>>45577420thanks, fellow hag lover!
If you want to marry Lui nee you have to wait 2000 years.
>>45577483currently being masturbated to (by me)
>>45577493But her eggs...
Hajime has no video game common sense
>>45577495Why is Kanataso so sexy and rapeable?
>>45577500She's mentally a child
>>45577446it started as a pun on Canal City Hakata which is like a huge store in her birthplace city
>>45577502She’s a tease
>>45577196this one as it's betterhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKI7MDfmIzo
everybody wants to have a piece of kanadeti
>open Hajime's stream>hear a child babbling>keep the stream openI finally can have a father experience...
Suisei really eats Famichi before recording, states the the oils help
>>45577521You already had Miko before
>>45577526miko doesn't act like a literal bumbling child. she's just a retard!
>>45577526Miko's fat tits cause cognitive dissonance.
>>45577505She also sounds like a child
Love Noel
>>45577526Old and busted
>>45577527Was she on a stream?
WTF it took 20 minutes for her to even understand the concept and now she is gonna one shot it
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LQ3DWm547MYsenchou....please share this board full of young girls...
>>45577526No child has those tits THAT obscene
>>45577526Miko is not a child, she is just dumb
Well the baby finished it
Hajime that's too quick....
Hajime is actually a genius? wtf
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giK_CZLlCToROBERT CAN'T STOP WINNING
What's with Suisei's 3d debut?
>>45577541Hello Liar
>>45577565What about it?
huh I didn't know there were more than 1 yomawari games
Noel will grind DS2 off-stream to get through it quickly
>>45577565It's the first 3D live ever, not counting Fes. Before Suisei all they did was variety show.
>>45577581I want to go back
>>45577580i want an ojou daughter…
Dumb question, but what makes a rice cooker differ so much in price?
>>45577564I prefer him with Emahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvCAX16cR08
>>45577564Roberu is playing dangerous game getting close to the menhera
>>45577583Me too but to subpar actually live performances instead.
Reminder that Sakuma is just a rebound relationship, Suisei's true love has always been Kanata
>>45577586features and tech support
>>45577564https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_t8GgbzWWUOur son is streaming now
>>45577596he's keeping the real HnK alive
>>45577605Medics getting ready for a raid
>>45577595Well some of them did try to do it live live
I wish Suisei released cover songs like before
>>45577589why did kanata distance herself from these two...
>>45577600They just look so unnecessarily advanced at the higher price ranges, Lapu bought a rice cooker recently
>>45577624towa prefers watame
>>45577624Kanata not very good with her friendships for whatever reason, does she and Luna talk anymore.
Kanade should be aware that shilling is effective
>>45577624For Towa, they have never been that close, managers just keep forcing them together because Angel and Devil archetype For Suisei, Marika
>>45577593Barely interacted with hinano, he has been getting close to Ema instead.
We Towaiting?
>>45577629They literally just talked about Sekiro lately
>>45577624coco happened. yonkisei is fractured.
>>45577624they kept inviting her to play with males
https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1738164836335501411Sad news...
>>45577625When did she say that? In a GTA stream?
tfw no sexcation with raito
GTA revived hololive, GTA is also the death of hololive
Everyone loves Suisei.
more like poopygay
>>45577650Yeah, a bit ago before they reestablished their gang
>>45577653you mean everyone loves deso
>>45577652why did they never make a holoserver
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB3omDsZQ44Last day of Towa
>>45577668Ask again during dead hours
>>45577670towa paizuri
>>45577670Towa is stuck in the idol mines...stream delayed...
I hope Raden takes Kanade's drinking virginity
>>45577657Thanks, that's why I didn't know about it.
https://twitter.com/kajimakoto/status/1738141053134516649Sweater wolf
Is the 25th not a Holiday in Japan? Noel says people will be working so she'll steam at night.
>>45577668you can't populate a city with 10 holos who play a couple hours a day in different time slots
>>45577688No, it's still a normal day for them
>>45577688The first and second day of Christmas is a meme
I hope Kanade won't drink
https://twitter.com/tokino_sora/status/1738160092552499289Your gif reps
Waiting for Towa Ch. 常闇トワ
>>45577686Calm down
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqB8V91bQ_cThis will never be you
kaneda only collabs with flat senpai
Sora Love!
>>45577695all 5 pixels
>>45577688Couples celebrate Christmas eve in Japan, nobody cares about Christmas day.
>>45577695pixelchads won
Is Kanade really bad with money? She included that in one of the questions.
>>45577703Why does she look like that
>>45577698NO, BIGGER!
nooo deso dont gooooo noooooo
>>45577711maybe her butt hurts
>>45577712Anon, stop, you are going to regret this
https://www.youtube.com/live/zOTxwiOsO50?si=JRN1awmvv2iGy2Mvit’s time
>>45577713Sorry pal, Suisei's rate is much higher than Kanade can realistically afford
>>45577721Pekora played too much Pachinko and died.
>>45577720eh? jesas?
>>45577725>/live/>keeps tracking string on the linkdie
It'sVACATION TIME!!https://streamable.com/o6iomb
remember that what you type in chat will be recorded and used against you
Shion's new intro will never have the soul of the old one
Shion was suspended for interacting with EN whores like Gura
>>45577750I only type greetings and buzzwords these days anyway.
Did Shion think about killing herself like Haato?
>I am tired of being in the internet>as a zoomie
>Shion is starting to hate streamingit's so fucking over
Shion sounds pregnant
i refuse to watch fps whore shion
>>45577773wtf how did you get my chat logs
I just heard a baby crying
>hates the internetfinally a sane zoomer
Towa must be so sweaty right now
>>45577750that's why i shitpost here rather than there
After Shion graduates from the internet and tries to reintegrate into normal society, I'd love to know how much she regretted it a year later
not watching, is Shion going back to school?
Why is Aqua not streaming
The zoomers don't know how good they have, they should get some soul crushing work to understand it properly.
>>45577652you mean it revived a couple of lazy whores who only stream if they can play with twitch males
>>45577790that's why she's keeping her options open instead of graduating the character
the married woman is singing
>tired of streaming>never streamslooks like she took inspiration from your whore gura, sharts
What's going on with shion?
>instagram hate girl hates internetWow, what shocking development
Noel is gone...
>>45577797didn't she just sang yesterday?
>>45577799She started crying saying she doesn't want to hate her job and internet is too much for her
She should get some meds instead
>garbage reason for hiatus>yeah I'll still do membership wallpapers (I love your money tehe)fuck off.
>>45577811yes. i think she slept in the studio booth. again
Qrd what is Shion's excuse?
why she hates internet? the biggest hate she got is from that Raito shit
>>45577818Sounds like a (you) problem if that's enough to make you pay $5 a month
It's at least good to know that the holos who don't stream hate their job
>>45577818Heimin relax Kanata is streaming again...
>>45577802It's actually scary that you think she hates instagram.
>>45577819Her poor husband...
>>45577818don't forget the money from the kuroa account.
>>45577821She wants offpako without anyone bothering her
/vt/ is going to meltdown over a holo they never bother to watch again kek
>>45577820there is no excuse, she's just depressed and tired of having to stream a couple of hours once a week
>>45577832always funny to see
go to school
>>45577827Seaniggers don't get to opine
>>45577832>over a holo they never bother to watch again kekThat's quite literally all of them
>>45577812>Japanese girl that didn't even finish high school and giga jirai menhera are smarter than our schizos hereBeautiful
to be fair I'd hate having to do with twitter antis too
>get 40k viewers for taking a break
>>45577834>stream a couple of hours once a weekLOL LMAO WE ALL KNOW THAT'S NOT TRUE.
>>45577732Someone should convince her to use her heart beat rate monitor while doing gambling.
why is she streaming if she is taking a break
Shion is such a joke, as well as anyone trying to defend her.
Towa has arrived
You can only hate the internet by being permanently glued to it, her problem is that she has an unfulfilling addiction to it.She only has to deal with antis because she's giving them attention in the first place. She should just stream into the void.
>>45577849its not only her, almost all of them take antis far too serious
idk if it’s the schizos getting to me or if i’m just being insensitive or what but as much as i want to keep supporting her and wait for her return this all feels so… ignorant? selfish? i should have more faith in her but come on this is your fucking job and it’s really not a hard one at that
>>45577818Did you intentionally omit the part about how it's because she already ordered a few in advance and that it'll stop once she runs out? No? You're just a subhuman then? Got it
>>45577718how can such a thing even exist
>>45577856No one forces you to support her, imagine supporting someone that doesn't care about you at all.
>>45577845it averages out
>>45577869>imagine supporting someone that doesn't care about you at allthat's all vtubers though
>>45577872watame cares about me
People act like streaming is the easiest job in the world but it's constantly finding things to talk about while thousands of Karens give you shit, its like customer service hell and not everybody can just ignore them.
>the exact same reasoning she gave every single year but this one require suspension notice because ????
TL-kun onegai, Shion's transcript
>>45577880Yeah that’s what’s getting to me
>>45577879Feed the duck until exploded
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVGQBKXUwQMFinal day of Aki being the best Boss of Neo Police
>>45577856I mean... it's kinda understandable. She's been in hololive for like forth of her life, that's pretty crazy. She barely knows anything else. Internet is a toxic shithole, taking a break from it is a good thing
>>45577880Because she's not returning anytime soon
Thank god GTA is almost over
>>45577884We don't feed subhumans here.
>>45577892"People" would get upset if I described them more accurately.
>>45577884"I need raitos nonstop holiday creampies more than I need you losers"
>>45577895next one once 6 comes out :^)
>>45577880It will be a longer time, after she has disappeared for 4 months it will be nice to have that tweet to point as to why.
>>45577750Have you guys seen this before?
>>45577880My guess is that it's because she failed to meet some streaming hour quota
holos that go on break without notice should refund all membership fees and merch that their fans bought
>>45577902Yes but soon they will be able to do it natively and very easily instead of relying on a third party site
>>45577905>my guess is [insert subhuman delusions here]
>>45577884I want Raito to palp me all throughout Christmas and bath in his stinky cum
>>45577878I would agree with you if you are talking about literally any other holos that streams near daily but this is about streamer who barely even stream in the first place
>>45577902why do sea fucks hate each other so much
>>45577905>streaming hour quota>whwn EN existebin
>>45577902is this new? link it
>>45577914Poorcuck seethe
>>45577891I guess that’s a fair way to look at it. I’m around the same age as her and to think about doing the same thing since I was 16 or whatever sounds exhausting, but surely there’s a better and more tactful way to handle it
>>45577914Why aren't you a streamer?
Noel says this is her worst year and apologizes for not doing well and taking so long with Zelda, and yet she still streamed far more than all these "depressed"" holos.
Pekora is going to sleep...Grubfes for the next two days.
I think Valorant sucks and ruins lives
>get in a fight with raito>hate the internet>take a break from the internet>blame internet>starting to hate streaming>while not streaming most of the timeWhy are they like this
The shiokko defense force is working really hard right now
>>45577914True Shion should be miserable too because you are
>>45577884So fucking funny of her to stream on 22dec but not 25dec. She clearly hates her fans
>>45577923if i was born a japanese woman i would do it in a heartbeat, too fucking bad i was born in a country were the government will fuck me in the ass every month with ridiculous taxes
I'm in copecel mode
>>45577905here’s your (You) retard
>>45577925>Literally released her first cover and an entire original album plus lots of kino 3DsWhy does she always focus on the negatives?
>>45577880because this one comes with a timeline to decide if she is actually going to stream afterward as stipulated by the ne contract to come into force after the fes
>>45577902Wait, I thought the ENposters were falseflaggers?
>>45577905There no streaming quota you fucking cretin. I mean there is job that they obliged to do like recording but that doesn't require being on the internet to get burned out off it which is her main reasoning.
Shion should graduate and finish her school
No Pekora so I'm just going to watch Raden and play Granblue as this thread is too fucking brown
>>45577939I just want to tell you all i hate all of you parasocial fucks on 22 dec so raito will rail my ripe coochie on the 25dec on our trip aboard
>>45577870Where's Towa
>>45577902why are saplings like this?
shion should graduate from life
>>45577916Old, and deleted the moment someone pointed out the "man I love fauna" post was captured.>>>/vt/>>64469506
>>45577933yes. everyone should
>>45577902SEAchad sapling?
>>45577947She also releases all those ASMR where she masturbates with dildos and "accidentally" shows her nipples, those take time to produce.I love how much quality content she puts out, she really has passion for this shit
>>45577969why are ENs so lazy
>>45577953>can't dedicated an hour a day to a piss easy job for at least 3 years>finishing school that will require her to go outside from 9 to 5 pm, not counting extra curricular activities and time dedicated to study at home and finishing hwthere is a reason why she is a dropout, you know
>>45577927she'll either have make up sex with Raito or find a new boy toy, unfortunately we don't know her new valorant account so we can't track her anymore
>>45577927Did the 1st one really happen?
Noel and Mel graduation next
>>45577985I hope you’re samefagging and not actually engaging the coconut farmers
>>45577980she should still finish school
>>45577978Bijou is right there, despite debuting in the middle of the year.
bye bye shion get well
shicucko status?
How is raden's eigo SO bad
bye bye you damn brat
>>45577969Koyori should step up, Pekora is getting old and she won't be able to hold the line forever
To commemorate Shion's semi-retirement, I'm going to fap to old guys/sin sacks fucking Shion senselessly.
>>45577996I feel sorry for them
>>45577902It's funny, the new generation of retards groomed by 4chan /vt/
stupid lazy e-celeb fucking whore never come back
>>45577978things were getting real dire before advent. outside of kiara and mori basically everyone in EN is as motivated to stream as shion/ayame/aqua and they're happy to coast by doing tha bare minimum.
>>45578008Illegally based.
Only Pekora's crab dinner can save her now. please
>>45578013but enough about me
ENcels chimping out because they fucking wish their ENwhores gave enough of a shit to give prior notice before taking a break
>>45577902why is it ALWAYS some SEA creature?
The police are building a swastika out of their bodies
>>45578025No don't go...
Shion should've waited for the annual nikisei collab before making her decision.
>>45578027do you really have to ask
>>45578025zionyo... please come back...
>>45578033subaru just said there's no nikisei collab this year...
>>45577940Don't kid yourself, if you were Japanese girl you would most likely be your average jirai menhera
>>45578026I am no shart, anon. I have never liked nazigumi's streaming practices. You vehemently trying to defend this is pitiful.
>>45578038Well yeah, it's because of the hiatus.
>doesn't stream>is tired of streaming>zoomer>"i'm tired of being on the internet">announce she's suspending all of her future activities >but membership stays onIs this the fabled Gura strategy?
What does kuroa put on her fanbox anyway?
>>45578043Lucky i am not retarded enough to prey on zoomers with mental illness.
>>45578046it's ok anon you can watch the archive
>>45578053offpako invitations to the biggest donors
>>45578053nude photos of her extremely flat chest
Why are chumcucks shitting on Shion?
>>45578040Cry harder ENcel. You will never be tolerated
>>45578043If it works it works
>>45578043I would pay her to fart on my face
Towa is fucking dead
Towa's gang is doing an orgy
>>45577969The fuck is Botan doing
>>45578006>Koyori>Not old Common man
>>45577966i mean, what site is this? i've only used the one that was discontinued which i forgot the name.
>>45578064get in line buddy
“Raito” never existed
>>45578062Have fun crying dumbass and blaming any criticism on sharts. My oshi actually streams, unlike yours. Have fun waiting for her return.
>>45578027This is the same SEA that is screaming about phase connect (an EN corpo) every day in the numberfag thread.
>>45578065I knew the police were evil, I'm glad Lapu left
>>45578006??? Koyo and Peko are both of child bearing age
whores and cucks KNEEL
wtf Fubuki's sneezes are fucking cute
>>45578079Stop begging for my validation ENcel. Not gonna watch your inferior cunts
>>45578085Koyori is 40yo
>>45578087zased... so fcking zased
post your cutest and funniest shions
>>45578081yeah but that thread is full of monkeys
>>45578087Medics created a gang and going to save(kill) police
>>45578094My son has gone full psycho... fucking champagne tower...
>>45578094There's no crime if you stop it from ever happening...
Noel will be playing Yakuza and people told her to start with Kiwami, isn't 0 a better start?
>>45578106Fans have constant wars on what's the best place to start
>>45578091Explain why she is GFE then
>>45578106starting with kiwami sounds miserable with the Majima everywhere shit
>>45578106Yes, if you are planning on playing kiwami then 0 is the proper starting game, unless she's planning on playing ps2 games
Friend should be naked. You'll be less scared that way.
First Neo Police, and now Towa's cafe. Lapu is relentless with her gambling
>>45575920I'm glad it was pizza dude the strongest virgin in Holostars.
>>45578112She's lonely.
>>45578131why is the water pink oh God is hime dissolving
>>45578121It's the last day time for her to own twap
>>455781060 is by far the best starting point, jp fans are retarded
>>45578131Slutty child T0T
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvPk8fa_tKgDoes Meru even know that the medic force are starting a riot?
I bet the only think keeping Shion from graduating is a sense of obligation to the company, think about how far in advance they plan their shit, she's probably a major component of something half a year away and feels bad about potentially ruining those plans.Hololve's coherence is impressive compared to other companies and it's presumably a major part of why its been so successful. While members from other companies are jumping ship left and right, Hololive's had barely any graduations because they're effectively emotionally blackmailed into staying. You wouldn't want to ruin everything for everyone and be the beginning of the end of Hololive's successful streak, would you?
Raden has a streaming switch.
>>45578147I doubt she does
>>45578124Cum jar worthy Suisei
>>45578138The cotton candy princess
>>45578152My bet is on the idol activity, she still likes and want to participate to Holofes and other big events, but she lost her drive for streaming
>>45578147>Does Meru even knowMeru isn't the smartest cookie out there...
>see post with more than 3 lines of text>instantly hide itit's just that easy
>>45578124What is there to say about this? The fire died down and the nips don't care about their rrats anymore. Suisei overcame yet another yab.
Rejoice and give thanks, for she has come to offer her mario RPG blessing one last time!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN3HaAh5XIo
>>45578166It just takes up space between pretty images
>>45578152>be the beginning of the endbut we had completely voluntary graduations before, she wouldn't be the firstI think she's just scared of losing her income even if she can't put up with internet scrutiny anymore, unless she got some passive income through the years
>>45578166Yeah, I've never read a book either
>>45578152She's definitely family related to one of the higher ups. She gets too much special treatment
>>45578175reading a book is way different than reading a paragraph written by brown hands about shit they have no idea about
Matsuri, Roberu and their medic gang are going to wage war against the police for fun until the end. I think I'll watch this over the other slops rn.
Towa is committing a mass shooting
>>45578183What was the reason? Unpaid debts, or feeling under appreciated?
>>45578178Is Ayame also a nepotism hire?
>>45578166Comes here for the shitpost and filters the intellectual discussions. Naruhodo ssg Shionfags
>>45578180I like Q&A (inspiration for the movie Slumdog Millionaire)...
found too many cute chubas by watching GTA
SubaOka my beloved
>>45578184true cop
>intellectual discussions
why is hajimer so hecking bebber
>>45578188nah, they just want to shit things up on the last day since they've been well-behaved since server opening. Roberu and Haseshin led the movement iirc.
>intellectual discussionlmaoooooooooo
>>45578195This one?
>>45578202For the hell of it, also a reasonable choice
so you guys think Kanade owns a samsung or an iphonehttps://x.com/otonosekanade/status/1738180331445105030?s=20
Subaoka Marika.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK1TtDfXJmU
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6IwhTuKSRkIT'S OVER...
Meru has intellectual discussion all the time!
>>45578152Cover corp hiring zoomers was a mistake.
we won
>>45578206The cutest
>>45578218This picture and your text reminded me of the coaching Suisei was giving her for the puyopuyo tetris tournament.
Kys grannyfuckers
>Towa goes to heist>dies within 5 seconds
>>45578227Only intellectual discussions shion makes is which safe days Raito is going to palp her raw.
>>45577890Aki love!Neopolice love!
>>45578228Good ol' Towa...
>>45578224Suisei absorbed Meru's genias IQ into herself...
>>45578221I'm talking about her personal phone, Cover gives them an iphone to start their holo career
>>45578218how does she manage to be so stupid and so sexy at the same time…
>>45578219Nah, when there are so many hags pretending to be teenagers, the genuine youth emitted by those zoomers is fucking palpable
>>45578237Suisei became dumber...
>>45578234Good Boy!
It's Watao!
>>45578043The gura strategy would be doing the same thing without announcing anything
>>45578246christmas lust with Aki at the police station
Neopolice hate Aki hate
Watame has been working overtime...
>Melfuck this whore
>>45578255No! What is wrong with you
>>45578244>genuine youth emitted by those zoomersWould explain the amount of retard lolicon in the board, yeah.
manechan HATEhttps://twitter.com/shishirobotan/status/1738170542694478309
hecking bebber..
holy shit hajime did itshe is unironically quite attentive
>>45578147Do you think she cares about what is going on in the game she doesn't even do anything but flirting with guys
>mel is lost and has no idea what's happening
>>45578263Honda players can't catch a break
>>45578152Or you know, the easy money income and the comfort of other holos doing the job for her?
'member when Botan was the best gamer holo?
Jimer...my poor poor bebber...
holy fuck koyori.. reminded me of cowboys and indians
*cums on rica’s feet*
>>45578238They can still tweet from their personal phones though. Nene tweets from Android sometimes.
A life of violence wasn't meant for Lapu
well she found everything anyway, no need to finish the gamegood job hajime
>>45578274dont break her
https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35/status/1738176695797240175https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati/status/1738167514067251594MICOMET LOVECOLLAB ON THE 17TH NEXT MONTH
Watame is a diligent sheep indeed
>>45578273HA HA HA, but honestly fuck you guys. Botan is still a FPS God, just like how Suisei is a Tetris God and Mio is a Mario kart God
>>45578286Can you maybe remind me closer to the day
Okayu can shoot beams out of her ass?
>>45578271it's fine because she promised to not get mad at Pekora
>>45578291>tetris godPOST THAT WEBM
>>45578289i sometimes do this
medics fail
Miosha is a Cabbage Fart God...
bantou is actually quite pleasant to listen toher voice and pronunciation are kinda hypnotic honestly
curry love
>>45578296Controllers fault
>>45578189Ayame only pampered by Mio and FBK.
>>45578277Noooo nononono nunnnunununu!
Mel joined the server at the worst possible time
>>45578314She craves violence
>>45578314Good. She doesn't even do her medic jobs properly
I have a dream, that one day holos will be able to do zatsudan about the troubles of their life as single mothers and how much hard work is being a streamer and motherhttps://youtu.be/Qf_lC10KwVo
>>45578286I was about to ask what they were shilling as a joke before opening the links and lo and behold, they ARE shilling something again
Watame just sniffed that dogs butt....
>>45578059shit I'm missing out
Mel is so out of touch its kind of amazing
>>45578326Seriously, if they put off settling down because of this job and end up being single, 45 year old cat lady spinsters, I'll feel kinda sad and sorry for having betrayed Abe.
>>45578327I really like rin mama's drawingsspeaking of which, fresh off the presshttps://twitter.com/rin7914/status/1738142439607775734
>>45578306Friend is so hot here
Watame might be getting sick...
>>45578326You won't get that from Marine because she will graduate before marrying.
another one bites the dusthttps://twitter.com/natsuiromatsuri/status/1737822178811560414https://twitter.com/natsuiromatsuri/status/1737822227478032690
damn that was a pretty crazy killer and then 2nd killer for okayu
[Good News] Towa has lasted longer than a minute without dying
post images, thx
>>45577905Streaming quota is for first year holos, she's a veteran and can take all the time she wants.
>>45578364Who is this
>streaming quotanice meme
>>45578376FATalso (((we))) HATE chiikawa here
>>45578357I can't even think of any time Botan and Matsuri have interacted
>>45578372my daughter, be nice
[Medic update]they plan to shit things up a bit more since police caught their asses in Union just now. Mel seems excited.
fucking dmg sponge
>>45578380yesterday was the latest timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrR8AI8WYOM
[Sad News] Towa is dead
>>45578388Mel looks weird here
>>45578394-sad +good
>No Pekotyan stream today
StopPostingBigWallsOfTextIt ScaresOur RetardedPosters.
>>45578328Well they are business partners...
>>45578392stop being a baby, she drew you just few days ago
>>45578388police are busy with actual gang heist right now
>>45578392yukimin have been feral since morning healing stopped
Im so tired of whores
>>45578392That'd require the yucky men to have been okay at some point in time.
Fubuki is terrible at this
>>45578356But what about getting pregnant, nothing can stop her from flying to America to get a test tube baby in her womb.
Buy the voicepacks.
>>45578410With Shion out, Iroha has everu reasons to give Cammy another try
>>45578399I first would like to thank of big wall of text-kun for providing the most detailed of information and proof. I would also like to thank the shitposter for larping on additional information and dox on the virtual youtubers.
Did Ririka win?
So streaming a couple hours a week was too much for Shion so she's taking a break?Sure sounds like she's going husband hunting so she can quit working for the rest of her life
Shion just had enough because she can't play on VCR with other ecelebs without shiokkos and trolls chimping out
Neo Police won their last heist and Aki even survived
>>45578427sorry my bad
>>45578388Showed their armory to Sumire and told that they have been stealing guns from police the whole time.
>>45578427Raito is not in VCR though
>>45578429Did I ask?
>>45578414Getting pregnant happens after marriage for her.
I really like this picture.
How can Shion even live if working a few hours a week is too much for her?
>>45578437If you like it so much why don't you fuck it?
>>45578437we know, lyger
>Aki >committed to the role play and play every day>even made a boss by her team despite having zero experience>Mel>log in once every 5 days and expect everyone to teach her everything >didn't even bother to learn anything by herself
Raito is homosexual. He was never Shion’s bf
>>45578440She bought some bitcoins earlier
>>45578427>Shion just had enough because of the lack of new Pokemon gamesfix'd, her being in the VCR GTA would make no change for her streaming schedule
>>45575969heimin wonabove and below
>>45578445Hehe classic Meru...
>>45578440Doesn't she have parents? Even Akwa's mom still helps her out.
>>45578454Parents usually die 20-30 years before their children
>>45578445She's not a nerd and has a life outside gaming
>>45578445Mel needs to be corrected
>>45578445Reminds me of that picture of a hardworking girl vs girl that sells her hugs.
Is Tomo a girl or a boy? Or is it Rio situation with the girlish voice on a guy?
>>45578454She dropped out of high-school, you really think her parents support her?
>>45578419is there a sheep pack?
>>45578435Her body will crawl for a baby, I have seen enough successful women lose it and get pregnant just because women's brains are cursed to want babies.
God bless every Holo who takes into account their viewers feelings and acts decently
Is this dude seriously that butthurt because noone cares about his walls of drivel
>wake up>look at Nenechi's live tabWhat did I miss...
>If it's one-on-one, Heimin will win.That's what the people say in my neighbourhood. The news are spreading fast.
>>45578425Hiring retarded zoomers was a mistake.Letting them do whatever the fuck they want was the problem.Aqua at least allowed herself to be groomed by Marine.But fucking Shion and Ayame are le zoomers and should be on a leash.
Aki has eternally dabbed on mondo
>>45578481An anon said she was having ISP issues, she also tried out twitch before she gave up
[Sad News] Towa's hymen is still intact but she's still a whore
>>45578474What posts are you talking about, have some confidence in yourself, anon
>>45578481Malfunctioning on either her OBS side or her ISP.There's also a twitch VOD (check the last part of it if nothing else because she DJs with her own voice there)
>>45578494Yeah, mine
>>45578494I bet she sucks mad dick or does fancy handjobs!
Watame wants to try her hand at verticle streams
>>45578498Stop her now, anon
>>45578497Towa doesn't even know what a penis is
>>45578497Towa 100% sounds like grapefruit lady
>>45578498convince her otherwise, watamate
>>45578502>>45578506I haven't experienced one before though... I'm curious
>>45578485>Aqua at least allowed herself to be groomed by Marine.What the fuck do you think Mio is doing to Ayame?
>>45578503How did she know that one of her cafe workers was giving a blowjob then?
>>45578503Yeah but...Kanata does.
>>45578509Towa just ran away at the sight of men doing something weird to each other because she's a pure virgin lesbian saint.
>>45578511Kanata saw Towa's penis...
SubaOka is going to bully poor Ao-kuyu...
>>45578510Not good enough
>>45578508If you have a vertical monitor, it's not too bad. If not, it's not as enjoyable
>>45578515Towa's penis is NOT REAL
Towa looks like a real hag in vcr
I haven't watched a single vertical stream
>>45578510Mio is enabling Ayame. Everytime she does her "fortune telling", she always advises Ayame to go at her own pace and don't overdo it.
>>45578524Wait till you see what's beyond the opposite screen of a Towastream...
>>45578511Kanata saw her own penis
>>45578525Ayo this anon has horizontal eyes!
cute married woman is singing a christmas song
>>45578538Those are the kinds of songs that her husband doesn't hear from her...
What's the anniversary thing that happened during Watame's jinsei game yesterday?
Towa is going to play The Finals after this GTA is over
Next challenge boss to fall to the sheep
>>45578546membership gifts, wondered if it was some kind of celebration
>>45578527>Mio is enabling Ayameaka she is grooming her and Ayame just let herself be pampered.
https://steamdb.info/app/2687600/charts/HOMO DOMINATION
>>45578485need a hard working zoomer to inspire the rest to work harder.
>>45578551That part I know but I didn't know what anniversary it is about.
>>45578558>£10.99 fuck off homos
>>45578326How many times do you want to post this clip
>>45578559That's seemingly impossible
full party wipe...
Why is pekora not streamingIs she cucking me again
>>45578572yeah with me
Oh yeah, AyaFubuMi 3D stream is happening during Mio's usual fortune telling stream time. Everyone is free from her curses for one day...
>>45578559That'd be Aqua
nousagi are so spoiled, Pekora takes like 2 days off and they start bitchingkys you have no idea how good you have it
>the CCP backpedaled on the gacha limits because it would lose china too much moneygachabros our daily logins are safe
>>45578532Towa is a little girl
This boss is pretty tough
>>45578596for you
Why do nips celebrate Christmas harder than NA itself
>>45578595You have to say holos for this feel to at least attempt to make it relevant to the thread lil bro
>>45578591I do know how good we have it.I still miss her but I won't bitch about it.
>>45578558>all-time peak>18lmao
>>45578600Lol no?
>>45578600They love Holidays
<span class="sjis"> _ γ.:{ .:.:.:/:, .-.:.:.:.:.:.. ̄ ̄ ̄.:.:.:.:.... __00 /{ _.{.:.:.:.:/:, .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..、 └ マノ __,, __,, ,{.:.:.r'.:.:.{.:.:.:.:.:./ , .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.、 くノ ノ´ ノ´ ア゙ ア゙ ァ゙ ァ゙ .:叭.:.:.\ 乂.:.:.:.:.:.:.`.ー.:.:.:.:.:、.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.\ /.:.:.┌‐-、:`^'ート.:.:__/⌒}.:.\.:.:.:\.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. _...-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.\三\_.:.:.:./ 、_,}.:.: /\.:.:.:.ヽ.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:., _...-:.:.:.:.:/.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:\≦} ̄ _ 7.: /o 。_V/.: }:、.:.:._:.:.:.:′ / ⌒ /.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:./ :T′ } `^''冖'^_´-二とつ.:.| V ヽ:.:.:, /.:.:.:.:.:.:.:./.:.:/:/ .::.:.:.: ノ <ニ- ̄ |.:.: l ⌒ }.:.:.} /.:.:.: ⌒/.:.:7:/.:/.:叭 |.:.:リ ノ.:.:ハ .:.:.:.:./ O o 。:/ .:.:.:.,:∧ _-ニ> _ ノ.:/ 7彡:イ.:.:.} / .:. / ハ. ノ:.:.:.:.:.:. o 。//: とつ/ /\ `^''冖^´ __ /__:ノ .:. } ′.:/ ゝ<__ .:.:乂_イ/.:.:.:.∧ \ \ \___.: イミ :.:.:.:.′ ./.:.:.:.:.:.:_.:.: - /.:.:. ノ ∧ \/ ,.イ; // _,) {.:.:.:{ /.:.:.: ´乂_.:.:. イ 7.:./.:}h,_ V/:.// _ / :.:.:.:V..:.:./ ./.:.://.:/{ /.:/:/⌒≧=- -=ヽ V// ,/ `ヽ 乂_ ̄_フ /.:.://:./ 〉.:.:.7 γ \ \.:.γ⌒ .// ./ , /.:.7 .ハ /.:.:/.:/ {.:.:.:.{_,人__ \.\\. ///v′ ′ {.:.:.{ 乂二 イ _〉'"  ̄ 7=-二 _ ≧=彡 } } 乂:.:.、 {.:/ -‐ '` / 〈/ `¨⌒ / ̄ { / ,:l ⊂ニ⊂ニ ヽ⌒ヽ _ ィ} / / (  ̄ } _ -=≦⌒ .7 ./ / /</span>
>>45578605I laughed
Lapu is a graphic designer
>>45578600but they don't?
>>45578619Is it her passion?
>>45578600Lui's group was in in awe to see how fucking HUGE christmas is in America.
>>45578600They just love KFC
>>45578630She's having fun right now making an album cover
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>>45578642Umm, those tits look quite fat
>>45578642beautiful tits
>>45578642rab u onyan
late Nyahello Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!
>talking about what they'll do as grandmasSomeone save SubaOka...
Aunty is flashing me again...