>>45568470on the other hand, it's pretty shitty to the newer holos that they have streaming quotas while older gens can literally not stream for months and then just show up for a special event for superchat dumps and merch drops then leave again for another 3 months. I wouldn't be surprised if Cover wanted to normalize all the contracts to avoid giving anyone preference over another.
pekora is being gangbanged by her husband jun hypno oji and hikakin right now
>>45568473In what world isn't she popular lmao
This is why you should always use a condom, even if your partner is taking pills.
>>45568496This one
I warned you about the chinks on the directors board forcing male collabs, you all laughed at me and called me a schizo. Now what.
>>45568500t. retard
usan is cumming and pissing inside miko right now
mr. take's lard body flopping around ion subaru's stick figure frame
お大事に、ミオ。。。https://cover.lnk.to/Nightwalkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhEuY94DPiEJoining werewolf collab as MC, 20.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrR8AI8WYOM
>streaming quotawe making shit up again?
Whore OPPost whores
She's probably just depressed and need some rest
https://twitter.com/murasakishionch/status/1737750765312307390https://twitter.com/murasakishionch/status/1737750765312307390https://twitter.com/murasakishionch/status/1737750765312307390https://twitter.com/murasakishionch/status/1737750765312307390https://twitter.com/murasakishionch/status/1737750765312307390NOTHINGBURGERKILL YOURSELVES
Well there you have it, the reason why there no Nikisei full collab this year
>>45568474>mutually agreed indefinite hiatusIt doesn't necessarily have to be "mutually agreed", it just says after discussion with her. I think they used pretty similar wording when they suspended the EN holostars.
>>45568502*laughs at you and calls you a schizo*
>>45568505this but pekora and her husband jun, hypno oji, and hikakin
Sora Love!
Is sex really that good?
>>45568513she does that all the time without an overly corporate notice from the main hololive twitter
>>45568513Yeah, she's just going to pick up welding again.
>>45568516Okay, I will no longer worry. Thanks for using twitter for me.
It's over
>>45568516Towa baby...
>>45568502You have no proof lol
>>45568516tl: i want to take a short break for holidays to focus on my long time boyfriend and his dogYou're welcome.
>>45568516>Would look at that, time for my conveniently timed depression again
>>45568516>NOTHINGBURGERHeh you wish
>>45568516so she really is pregnant huh
>>45568491It's also shitty how new talents get 500k subs pre-debut :)
I love Towa!VCR GTA at 20!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isIKpHgmUxo
Who is taking a break on christmas next?
>>45568491we don't know if they have quotas...if talent can't stream for some reason cover just gives them whatever time they need... Chloe just had a health hiatus too... I dunno it's just so weird and as always they won't say shit... it only damages the trust in the talents and the company
Ao has more than 5k viewers
>>45568516Why did she have to fearmonger using the hololivetv account? Lamy's hiatus only used her account.
>>45568510You already posted the biggest one, no one can one up you there.
She's actually pregnant lolKarma for the posts about Miko and Haachama
When was the last time she met other holos outside or at the studio?
>>45568544they do have streaming quotas, Yagoo said it in recent interview
I will marry this menhera.
nothingburger lol
>>45568558Was Shion the one making those posts?
>>45568516god why didn’t she just fucking say this from the start… my heart…
I hope Fubuki never plays pot oji after this year
>>45568544>we don't know if they have quotasThe audition form has said you need to be able to stream like ~3 days a week for awhile. Who knows if that's officially in their contract, but they obviously consider it important announce to list on the audition requirements.As for health breaks, I'm sure if there was a quota in their contracts, it would specific something like "unless otherwise authorized by management" or something.
>>45568516I dunno I still think it's overif it's health why won't cover say so? Why all this nonsense
>>45568552Maybe they thought people would be less alarmed if it looked like Shion and Cover are working hand in hand?
>>45568558Karma? That's good. All holos need to be pregnant
>>45568502Ok schizo
You people are fucking stupid
>>45568516Oh she just wants more time with her boyfriend, nevermind then >wait for meRUMAO fuck you
>>45568575not wrong
>>45568575You're a cuck getting his comeuppance
>>45568516This >>45568535 so that she'll have an excuse for the cold chickens.
I'll miss shion's suto6...
>>45568516She definitely has seasonal depression, Winter is the worst for people with that disease
>>45568552because Lamy has been complaining about her health for weeks, everyone who followed her knew about that
>>45568516>>45568535>>45568536>>45568576Shion's unicorns? Delusional!
>>45568568She won't after Mio forces her to do the gold pot endurance stream.
>>45568561citation needed
>>45568571well they’d be pretty fucking stupid if that was the line of thinking
>>45568584i want to post emotes here
Heimin planned this btw
notice that they don't even say it's because of health issues
>didn't stream in the first place>AHHHHHHHH I NEED A RESTthis company is finished.
>le depressionWho the fuck is falling for this shit?
I wonder if it's actually a contract dispute and they're trying to cut her salary or something due to lack of streaming and projects/activities. I imagine Cover isn't making a ton of money anymore so they're probably renegotiating contracts to save money and maximize profits. This is what you get for going public.
Looks like the unicorns won, huh?
>>45568583What about fans outside of that? Lamy is the center for the AR live so the official hololive account should let people know that she won't be available in a watchalong.
>>45568535>and his dogGoddamnit, why am I laughing at a schizopost?
depression is a meme btw
>official statement didn't mention any health/mental issue>actually never stream that much anyway yet for this occassion get a suspension of activity statement> had no scheduled appearance in upcoming official program>talent herself said she will be back "when she get better"Sounds fishy
>watchalong this dude
>>45568595>I imagine Cover isn't making a ton of money anymoreThe info is public, they are now making more money than nijisanji, but that's mostly because of plushies.
>>45568601How's it a schizopost when it's true, retard?When she's back in 3 months with a deeper voice will you still be this retarded?
>>45568595>I imagine Cover isn't making a ton of money anymoreThey made 1.6 billion yen in net profit last quarter. Shit bait.
>>45568607didn't read rumao
Cover is trying to push out Shion.
pekwhora next
>>45568595why is towa this stupid...
breast feed yo..
>>45568603>> had no scheduled appearance in upcoming official programShe's not in the countdown? She was announced to be part of holofes.
>>45568583Mild fever into mysterious disease, not everyone is as smart as Lamy.
>>OPShion OP, what a waste. Imagine caring for this useless fucking whore that abandons its fans during christmas
>>45568595Unsurprising that you don't understand money given your people pay in coconuts
>>45568593That's depression 101, you don't wanna do anything because of depression but since you are not doing anything, your depression will get even worse, depressed people need to at least have something to do to take their minds out of the gutter and distract them for a bit
Post the Excel spreadsheet
>>45568610I know you did, it's not enough text to not passively absorb Unless you're illiterate
>>45568595Stupidest post itt, and the compettiion was fierce.
It has to be boyfriend/pregnant?It can't be family issues, studies, mental health, or something else?
I blame Sakura Miko for starting this single mother phase in Hololive.
>>45568619>Mild fever into mysterious diseaseThat's not that unusual too
>>45568603Give the drama niggers a few days to cook up a headcannon.
>More drama Time for the thread to be unbearable for the next 24-48 hours.
>>45568619she was complaining long before the fever in Hololive started
>>45568626>studiesShion? Lol.>family Shion? Lol.>mental health Would have said so>something elseWhat? lol
>>45568617The countdown are just pre-recorded shit and Holofes is like 4 months away(unless her hiatus will be THAT long). I am talking program that require her to be there in person.
>Rushia>Peckers denied projects>ShionWhy does Miko's boyfriend usan hate Pekora so much?
>>45568632>still pretending to like Ririka You didn't even post during her stream today rumao
>>45568636If it's from official account then her hiatus being 4 months is entirely possible.
I fucking love Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko Miko!!!!!!
>Immediately jump to boyfriend and pregnancy conspiracyLiterally cum for brains in these threads. Can't stop thinking about cucks and cocks. There's more things going on than sex, incels
>>45568617We already know from last year that the Countdown Live is prerecorded, even the Hoshimatic aproject which I thought was gonna be live live is gonna be prerecorded according to Suisei.
>>45568632https://a.cockfile.com/JdZAaR.webmWe all know what Ririka wants.
>>45568627>>45568638Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint and she already has a girlfriend (Suisei)
>>45568645eating out kanata
Shion is depressedShion is depressed and all you fucks can do it laugh at her "coincidental break" near Christmas
>>4556863224-48 weeks more like
>giving birth while you're an 'idol'Woaw
>>45568605>they are now making more money than nijisanjioh, I was wondering why we suddenly had retard upsurge here, I thought it was because of VCR but this is the culprit
When is new pokemon releasing?
>>45568608which billion
I'm going to start getting blowjobs at chinese massage parlors to spite heimin
>>45568636Holofes is prerecorded because Haachama won't even participate in the next one
>>45568622that's life, not depressiondepression is made up
>>45568651how about start taking fucking meds??????
all you're oshi are belong to me
1 billon to Shion's baby
I haven't been here in a few years. Why is my uohshi Shion getting suspended?! She did NOTHING WRONG AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>45568658She didn't even stream the DLC lol
whos the dad
>>45568663I'm still betting on Haachama being a surprise like Suisei showing up as a surprise for day1 of fes4.
>>45568661Or about 11.6 million USD
Don't worry VShojou is waiting
>>45568675thank you
>>45568662Don't forget to make them cosplay as Kanata.
will the schizo now make more painting and webms and flood the thread even more without any moderation?
any new rrats?
>>45568684do you even have to ask
>>45568680Here's some anon posting it a few threads ago>>45520728
>>45568669>>45568676bitch has best job in the world and has "no motivation"tragic
Is Shion pregnant? if its a nothingburger then why does it need an official statement from Cover??
>VCR will kill their channelsReality:
I'm glad she's not graduating at least.
>>455686951/4th of a Pekora waiting room?
i checked in on a normal general (not filled with beanpicking spics and malicious seaniggers) and everyone was so friendly to each other, remove third world free internet.
>>45568697Not yet
>>45568695Ao was already the bottom of the barrel so the only way for her to go is up
>>45568695VCR has been a blessing for everyone involved really (well, maybe not for mitti, maybe)
>>45568689>gross profitMost useless metric to be honest
>>45568695Are we pretending 5k viewers is bad now?
yagoo i need the grubble fighter game streams...
>>45568703Yeah, that's why I listed net profit/income. I don't think AnyColor lists that though, so that anon went with gross profit to compare.
>>45568689huh, had missed thatguess I'll skim through it at some point
>>45568699the difference here when it’s asleep is astounding
Are we pretending 5K is good now?>can't use ririka to shitpost >moves on to Ao
>>45568629Having a mysterious disease is not common, especially one with symptoms so severe that you cannot sit in front of a computer and yet remains undiagnosable and untreatable until next year.
>barely anyone cares about Shion even on redditwhat gives
>>45568710are we pretending she'll be getting 5k ccv after VCR is over?
>>45568706You literally have to list net profits anons just a dumbass misusing financial statements like all the dumb seanigs in /#/
Anyone glad Ao is doing better now?
>>45568712do you actually use reddit?
>>455687121) her audience is mainly Japanese pedos2) she does not stream anyway
>>45568706Yeah and give how much larger Anycolor is the difference in net profit should be very significant
>>45568690PekoMiko bros!
>>45568695>VCR stops>channel dead again
>>45568712>redditshion is one of the least EOP friendly holos and if not for interactions with gura they probably wouldn’t know she exists
Why is no one talking about Akari stream here?
Under 20k average ccv = irrelevant
>>45568712>redditI doubt they care about the big holos, let alone poor Shion.
>>45568712Cover killing their own company. No one cares. No men on stream, hololives new audience won't watch. If you can't put a holo next to a man to own the unicorns, why even watch?
>>45568727nice catch, anon!
>>45568725Im watching Nacho and Yui
>>45568710Well Ririka had a net decrease, so they can't use her to support their thesis. So now they're coping with Ao & or their newly found dead subs.
Fubuki no, don't make Subaru a degenerate otaku...
So official holos(dumb) that got pregnant:MikoHaachamaShion
>>45568717Nobody cares about Ao
>>45568738add Lamy
>>45568726Shuba, my poor shuba...
>>45568738you forgot Kanata
>>45568737I already did, you're welcome for giving her all the interests that made her popular
>>45568717I amShe can be pretty funny
>>45568738anyone else notice the pattern here?
stop shitting the thread heimin do it later
>>45568737I hope Friend does it
>>45568738your oshi
Shion is dead...
>>45568738which holo is intelligent?
I was wondering why it smelled like subhumans in here. The ENcels and seaniggers are shitting up the thread again because we don't tolerate them.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bicJ23A5X3IRaden and Jimmer radio
https://twitter.com/kanzarinsan/status/1737757339506397337There's something wrong with Kanzarin, why are women like that?
>>4556875909-14 CET is the worst time to be in these threads
>>45568758the smartest
>>45568759should expect it at this point, it’s a daily occurrence around this time
If you oshi doesn't stream on Christmas then she's a whore.I'm sorry but I didn't make the rule.
>>45568770the rave rules?
aqua ayame and shion are nepohires
>>OPThanks to everyone who has responded and reposted! I'll work everything out possibly in 1 week time, around the end of the year. Be sure to fill in the survey if you haven't done it yet!https://forms.gle/LXi8zHFGpbp2usWn8https://forms.gle/LXi8zHFGpbp2usWn8https://forms.gle/LXi8zHFGpbp2usWn8
Bocchi thread is gone...
>>45568774Mea's famous speech was when the popular talents of hololive were those 3 lol
>>45568766kuro-tan so slim...
>>45568774Yeah, mine.
based heimin
>>45568756Told you fucks to supa more condom money, what do now??
>>45568774>>45568777brown subhumans are subhuman
what do you call this meme outfit they keep doing fanarts? isnt this the virgin killer but o nthe extreme side?
>>45568780Dumb Chinese
pretty fucking weird posting the survey when dramasubhumans are around.
>>45568775thank you for your work
>>45568776Because fake Shion fans think they matter
>>45568775is there a reason why you post this during schizo hours instead of prime time, it's like you don't even want answers
>>45568788You sound frustrated
>>45568783Horn killer
>>45568775i already filled it out whats stopping me from filling it out again
TWE=Total Whore Extermination
>>45568739Aki love!
>>45568761why do this on this weird channel?they should do in on their personal channels they need the exposure... my poor hajime
>>45568787>>45568790eh, you can see that the words are copypasted from previous post just by looking at warosu.
>>45568792More condom money is needed for shion
>>45568795You're a good person and wouldn't do that.
>>45568795Towa will visit your dreams if you cheat.
>>45568795We trust in anon's moral fiber here
thoughts on this?how many chinese spyware does it have? i heard they secretly outsourced the project to beijing
>>45568751so gamers next?
Holo Daycare
>>45568783Virgin Destroyer
I'll miss the unchi jokes...
>he think he can bait me with towababy when i already memorized the post number
>>45568813your windows is bugged it has weird moonrunes
>>45568790>schizo hoursHuge cope of anons who oshi a whore>prime timeThread is dead then too. The only time this hole is "active" is when it's raided now. Survey anon just posted it at the start of a thread that's going to last a day.
>>45568787the survey has EN options and refers to the main branch as hololiveJP.
>>45568814Okayu is the only fertile woman in Gamers...
>>45568813No idea, but I couldn't launch it without making my pc date format into japanese.
>>45568813everything is spyware these days, even this site
>>45568823Okayu the vtuber and not Okayu the sumo wrestler, rite?
Holos for this feel?
>>45568821We still don't consider them hololive
am i going insane or BJ twitter icon looks like a face
>>45568672do aquacrew really
Petition to free shion from her suspension.
>>45568802Brown subhuman seethe
>>45568833That's way too taboo in Japan They need more people
Towa would keep streaming even if she was pregnant
I'll miss poop jokes.....
>Fubuki thinks Subaru doesn't know nice boatSurely she does...
>>45568672Singlehandedly funding HoloEarth VCR
I’m starting to dislike Christmas I need a Holo that can bring back the holiday cheer
Regloss nabepa...
>>45568842Watch Korone you retard
>>45568842watch your oshi and stop looking at this thread and watch the magic return
>>45568840She didn't watch it yet though?
>>45568842Sounds like Korone. This must be an EOPshart.
>>45568848Korone is depressing.
>>45568856Shaion yo...
>>45568854here's depression
>>45568856I just want her back…
>>45568856Raito's POV
Raden's... gone...
>>45568870towa sounds oddly cute here…
>>45568856Prolasped vagina, swollen limbs and breast with extended belly from pregnancy...
>>45568852Fuck, right, she's only watched Clannad. I don't think she's even seen the memes then...
>>45568877my 2view oshi
>>45568878that's her normal belly...
>>45568870How young?
btw Irys had problems at the beginning of the stream and "manechan" helped her. So chances are she finally got rotated to female manager
>>45568699What general?
>>45568883not sure. she debuted in June 2021
>>45568732r/Hololive is dead because even them had enough of everyone trying to force homos on everything
>>45568885do your drama reps she already had a female manager a long time ago
>pregmant_gaki.png doko?
Why is Shion suspended?
>>45568889dude both her and kronii were fucking helpless with their audio setup shitpretty interesting that they have a female manager that can help with audio stuff
>>45568899sex scandal
>>45568908She should have stopped fucking dogs...
HOMOCHADS DOMINATINGhttps://youtu.be/XdWQ2DnfMd0
>>45568775How do I know if I already sent one? I legit don't remember if I already did
Not the first time. Winter season is depresshion and sickness.
>>45568812>>45568804The evidence is DAMNING
>>45568899She's been arrested for public indecency.
>>45568897ENcel suddenly chimping out when it's one of their ENwhores slutting out kek
>>45568927shionyo would never...
>>45568928i dont even care about her retard im a heimin
>>45568939Cared enough to seethe about some fucking ENshit that we don't tolerate here.
hololivemore like whorelive lmao
I'm laffin.
>>45568947Xmas pudding...
>>45568643Shion having a boyfriend and seeing males off stream with matsuri is common knowledge. She’s not depressed. She literally came back and collabed a lot to hype up her live, shill merch and fuck off again. I don’t know why it is so surprising for some people
>>45568813its not working for me...
>>45568957what's twa doing?
wasnt following gta or matsuri, what happened here?
>>45568961that's what laplus was asking
>>45568961comedy gold
>>45568955It's common knowledge that you suck cocks on a daily basis to beg for validation
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!2 Miko collabs stream today!- Werewolf game collab at 20JST https://youtu.be/qrR8AI8WYOM- Game of Life collab at 2130JST! https://youtu.be/sN-i61nuAII
https://twitter.com/hiragi_1014/status/1737403135541620766/photo/1 towife
>>45568969Stop ERPing
>>45568961Scripted Laplus
>>45568955surprisingly good english for such a brown post
>>45568961official JAV scandal, Matuli even shaved her head
>>45568961new hololive javtuber branch in the works
>>45568983What she doin'?
>>45568738Miko is a pure virgin lesbian saint.
>>45568516If it really is pregnancy, then Cover's legally required to give her 3 months maternity leave. That would mean she wouldn't be able to come back in time to record for holofes. So if she's not in fifth fes next year, then that will pretty much guarantee she had a kid.
https://twitter.com/suisei_submati/status/1737771053143957777>Accidentally bought a 50-METER long LAN cable instead of 5-meterWhat's wrong with Anemachi?
validationschizo should post his poop again
>>45568913Ririka was just a new towa after all...
She's gotten over it 30 times but still sucks at it...
>>45568997Sakuma LAN
>>45569007Nekomimi party!
>>45568975Stop crying cocksucker
>>45568997This is that gaming friend girl right?
>>45568544They don't say shit BECAUSE they can't be trusted, anon. Cover is full of liars and they do everything they can to protect whores. That's why they just banned hand cam streams with bare skin. They don't want the ones who're married or have fiances to be pressured into making excuses why they can't do a barehand handcam stream and show the skin indentation on their ring finger.
>>45569007My wives
I can't stop thinking about black p*nis
>>45568997Imagine being Sakuma, the shimaidon everyday sucking his 50 meter LAN cable
>>45568994retard maternity leave in japan can be 1 yearwhy do you niggers use labor laws in other countries
>>45568516Is lightt also going on hiatus?
>>45569015You've made it perfectly clear that you want to suck-a-my cock and beg for my validation. You can't have it.
koyofags deflecting
>>45569020that's a good one(funny enough one who was being accuse here by schizos of being married (Irys) is fine with showing her hands (tho she was shy before kiara made her do nail stream))
>>45568997She could easily find a 5m cable, a bit of excess isn't so bad
>>45568571It's only more suspicious because neither gave a single reason for the hiatus.
this suspension really explains the lack of AkuShio this year. When did Shion last call in to Akua totsu?
>>45569028good questionyou should go find out
i am no longer a joshucum
ohhh noooo it replied my suisei post with "sakuma!!!!!!!! xDDDD" what will I do now fuuuccckkk my life is ruined!
>>45568711This. Lamy, shion, and laplus are are all liars.
引っかかる点あるんだけど紫咲シオン本人と今後の活動について協議を行い今後とも紫咲シオンの応援をよろしくお願いいたします。これ矛盾してない?今後の活動ってことはやめるかやめないかを話してるんじゃないの?なのに今後もお願いしますって。ねねちみたいに方針変えるとか配信減らすとかの話ならまだしも元から配信頻度低いしそのためだけに休止する意味ない。シオンのポストも 超絶元気になって戻ったらまた会ってね。これが超絶元気になって戻ってくるからまた会ってね。 ならわかるけどシオンの書き方だと戻ってくる保証はないってことよな?これ引退マジであるぞ
i will forgive koyo in about 6 months minimum of no men before i member again
>>45569007these women are too old...
>>45569007why does Korone hate Koyori? I don't remember the last time they did a 1 on 1 collab (if there's even any)
>>45569050HAG LOVE
>>45569045It's good that you are honest.
>>45569048I mean... I'll hope for the best but prepare for the worst.
Feels validated
>>45569054because korone is a real otaku
>>45568902her manager is also her boyfriendmaneger kusssooooo was a huge tell
>>45568626Most of them do fucking nothing on the side other than maybe streaming on their original accounts and they sit on a lot of money. It's realistic to assume they take a lot of time off to be with their significant others, you don't need to be a shitposter or whatever to figure it out nor should it be taboo to at least consider this possibility. It's also not unrealistic to think some of them will willingly get pregnant to start a family while they're still young and have access to some good money in what is a pretty goddamn easy job. This shit happens with IRL idols, why would it not happen with the secretive vtuber women even more?
>>45569054Koyori barely does 1 on 1 collabs, but Korone was in the last 24h.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZJtMLMG_QA>Made a song that is literally about "going on a date during Christmas" and how it's the "season of love" instead of religionHow ironic
>>45569054Korone hates a lot of people then...
>>45569049Was it that bad? I mean he was not a male vtuber at least
>>OPYet another reason why you shouldn't oshi a young holo
>no u
>>45569067What's so ironic about it?
>>45568661The one that normal people use.
>>45569067..and one of them is a known whore
>>45569034the indentation only happens if you are fat. nothing can explain why she is always going out and having so many restaurants
it’s all so tiresome
>>45569069It took like 3-4 years before she had a 1on1 with friend...
>>45569082Koyo, my poor koyo...
Pekora is young
>>45569067In Japan it is
>>45569054But her appearance last time was an offcollab, she even tasted Koyo's meat.
>>45569054Korone hates leeches
shut the fuck up Nene mocopikino is about to start
https://youtu.be/sIi_L7f3FQMIt's time!
It's not pregnancy, it's never pregnancy.
>>45569067>Religion in 2023Pfft. Just say you are a pussy afraid of death.
>mutedOff to a good start
Let's go my dudes.
>>45569090relative to Korone, yeah
>>45569084having an active social life and ample disposable income to spend on eating out frequently would explain it just fine not that you’d know much about either of those things
>>45569067Seaniggers in charge of knowing what "ironic" means
Nene should mirror one of the Nenes
>>45569122Yet Korone is in significantly better shape, both physically and mentally
>>45568777"Mea's famous speach" was an old copypasta that was a deliberate mistranslation of the clip that it was posted with as a trap to make newfags look like retards whenever they posted and cited it.So congrats, retard. I have never seen someone disgrace themself the way you just did without even posting the clip. Holy fucking kek.
>>45569048She’s not gonna leave a job where she gets paid tons of money for basically just existing. She might be uneducated but she’s not retarded.
>>45569139I'll eat a kilo of watame
What is Mea's famous speech?
>>45569136>2023 retards thinks that old ass shitposts were sincere /hlg/ eternally trapped in never ending timeloop
>>45569139Ojou's is so cute
We love VCR and ririka here
>>45569139A figure or plushie would have been nice
>>45569161Correct. Also, we hate ENwhores and INdogs here.
What does this face convey?
koyori's pigpiggies are still superchatting and watching stream after getting cucked. joshikuns are top 1 weakest male.
https://x.com/tukinousagi_815/status/1737460964516384795fucking lol
shion....i can't remember the last time I watched astream of her
>>45569169ホロの弱男コーン率1位 へい民2位 助手3位 雪民It's heimin actually
>>45569178I can. Life game with Raden
>>45569067You know this is Japan right? Jesus some of you are just too stupid to comment.
>>45569174This is supposed to be famous?
woooooooooooo hi hi hi
>>45569025No, you fucking retard. I am literally using Japan's labor laws you stupid ESL fuck. Japanese companies are required by law to provide at least 3 months maternity leave, you stupid shit-eating pig fucking faggot.
>>OPIs it true that she's going to finish high school and that's why she has to suspend her activities?
>>45569190Irony seems to be lost on you retard
Pull that shit Nenechi!
I miss GFE ririka
Always wait for Elves to vacate the area
>>45569198What irony am i supposed to be missing here?
>>45569213So you agree women are better behind a facade?
>>45569204>seanigger EN translations>fuck old contentFound a new shiny toy newfag?
>>45569178I can, she had one block collabs with Sakamata
>>45569224how new?
Wow it's just like Yakuza 0!
Shion is fucking dead and you're making retarded posts
no Peko stream...
>>45568997Wow, Sakuma's retarded. How did he mess that up so bad? How do you even accidentally buy a cable ten times as long? 50 ft cables are the size of a large dinner plate when rolled up, but he bought one 3 times that size! Well, sasuga the guy who thought he could end his stream by frantically trying to turn off his switch instead. Tech just isn't his strong suit, I guess.
Did Nene say anything about Shion's hiatus?
Disco should make a comeback
https://twitter.com/usadapekora/status/1737779438895669624>Pekora is deadPachinko HATE
It feels like mirror looking at nene
>>45569248I like that when wondering who had exploded, Ebio went 'eh, probably boss'
as she grows up Shion is getting increasingly uncomfortable with her very sexually suggestive underage model but changing models is not something you can do so she's basically stuck
>>45569224I found this one as well
I wonder what's going on inside Nene's head right now
>>45569263>changing models is not something you can doRetard age progression hentai is popular in Japan
>Holo werewolf is just one frame and 10thank god.
>>45569267not much
>>45569260They can tell by the morse code spam from the radio
>>45569263We literally have a skinwalker amogus.
>>45569267How sweaty her ass must be
>>45569142>she’s not retardedAre you sure?
>>45569255She's teaching the kids a good lesson, you fucking die 24 hours after pachinko
AZKi utawaku later
>>45569255Eveyone said it woukd destroy her voice.
I missed the first half an hour of Nene's mocopi, how was the start?
>>45569297You're looking at it
Anons, I interviewed for a job in Tokyo, wish me luck
>>45569016>Nekomimi>not a single cat presentnahone
>>45569255>no pekora streamWhat do i do now with my day?
>>45569301In this economy? Holy retard
Imagine the smell after eating all of that wasabi sushi
>>45569305If it gets me a ticket to Japan I don't really care
>>45569302koyori hates fat people
>>45569255what a shitty excuse, we all know she's just busy being creampied by her husband jun and countless other male e-celebs
>>45569289>Vertical streamhttps://twitter.com/yabelive/status/1737521287470489912If she's going to fuck me at least she better use her futa cock and not that horrible format of streaming.
Attack of the Nenes
>>45569301You are going to be working inside Towa?
What do you call a group of Nene?
>>45569316I want to be attacked by Nene's nenes...
get ready for cold chicken cucksagi
oh god my dick
>>45569321>>45569320>>45569324Subaru collab
>>45569307It's okay Koyori lives alone
>>45569319Imagine the smell...
>>45569301hope they hire you anon
>>45569327A mother shouldn't dress like that
>>45569299that was over way too fast
What the fuck is going with these helicopters...
>>45569301Good luck, don't forget to visit a shrine first thing if you get it.
>>45569303wait for the next one
>>45569320A swarm?
>>45569327Mio asking for more kids again...
>>45569327This outfit is rather silly
j_god status?
what is her problem?
>>45569314>The chink can't stop thinking in dicks Poor bastard
Shouldn't you be happy that your oshi got pregnant?
>>45569355What about bears?
How long do you guys steep bagged green tea?
>>45569368Bears don't seem to form groups very often.
>>45569301Anon is going to have to work for 12 hours a day and can't even watch Hololive anymore...
>>45569377>Mauled by a Bear Maul
>>45569351Silly but very sex
>>45569315It's fine for karaoke aside from not being able to see the set list
does Nacho even do anything besides streaming all day
>>45569267KABU KUWA
Why is Nene doing 2 of these streams when Towa only did one?
>>45569327stupid sexy wolf
>>45569385crash into other helis, drown
>>45569389Towa is a debiru and thus not a good person
pekora is eating her husband jun's hypno oji's and hikakin's poop and cum for dinner right now
Raito status?
>>45569397Why does Towa always get stuck?
>>45569397There's a lot wrong with Towa...
sukikira status?
>>45569410seth rogan...
>>45569157Illegal fanart.
>>45569403>>45569406Towa keeps sending you signals but you are too dense to notice what she wants, anon...
>>45569410At what point is someone more filter than human
>>45569389It's a two week training period running until the new year, they seem to have a set schedule
>>45569410my daughter is a yamato nadeshiko
>>45569351>>45569383it is dumb if anything
>>45569410show your feet again whore
>sakuma daisuke won>heimin won>raito won>homos wonThe yabs can't stop happening
>>45569418I would never do a Towa
>>45569418I'm married, I don't want a Towife
>>45569429Is that your wife? Looks like a towife to me.
>>45569351Yeah, seems like it would easily snap or come apart if actually worn outside of photoshoots
>>45569303Watch her favourite kouhai!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrR8AI8WYOM
I will never be japanese until I read one piece...
>>45569425lapfeet belong on my face
>>45569237>newfag retorts with "no u"Cry little newfag
>>45569431This is
I hacked Shion's phone and found a pic of her boyfriend that she's going to spend her entire break with. And it gets worse, in their Line messages they were discussing marriage and they're going to tie the knot. Sorry shiokkucks.
>>45569420Pretty much right away with the face morphing filters. Smoothing is one thing, but changing the bone structure? That might as well just be cgi
fuck friendhttps://www.pixiv.net/artworks/114404287
>>45569437That's someone's mother...
>>45569439>tie the knotYou think you're so clever huh, you bastard
>>45569439I am sure they tied the knot plenty of times
>>45569337All mothers are sluts. The living proof is the children they gave birth to.
Today I will marry Marine
>>45569454Are the children sluts too?
>>45569427>>heimin wonKanata collabed with males this year
>>45569301Hope you get beat up for being Chinese
Towa lost...
Raden love Lupin too much
>>45569460I am not Chinese, I'm kinda white
too many ears but otherwise cute
>>45569436You're definitely the newfag who was crying about reddit yesterday and are just trying to fit in.
>>45569479Newfag seethe lol. Add "seanigger clip watcher" to the list of your cardinal sins and you have the perfect subhuman.
>>45569301good luck! report back how it goes
https://twitter.com/hololivetv/status/1737774920543641613Why are Watame and Botan together. Where is Lamy
https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1737790019761508762[Sad News] Towa is a drug addict
Where is Twi...
>>45569481I'm not even the original anon, you're just too obvious.
>>45569484dying on her hospital bed..
Mio's always in these werewolf collabs but she never gets to become a werewolf despite being literally a wolf and a human.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1F3d0L26AaYMarine will marry ichimi too!
>>45569484the lion needs her food
shit I have no idea there's a questionnaire for this
Business wedding...
Is no one talking about Shion anymore? Was she that irrelevant here?
>>45569494>I'm totally not him but I'm offended on his behalf!Sure thing newfag kek
Can these cock chasing vcr whores fuck off already, 20 hours of eceleb dicksuckery streams every day Why are they even in Hololive anymore
>>45569498PUT THEM BACK ON
thank you reps, I will make marine a bride today
>>45569511Keep trying
Jinrou time!
>>45569517Keep crying "on the other guy's behalf", totally not for yourself lololololol
this hajime sounds weird...
Queen + twintail, that's a rare combo
that anon who wanted holos to swap models, Raden has just possessed Hajime's live2d
Marine is literally the cutest
why is miko round
>>45569533she loves round people
oh roboco's here.
RBC should be the first target
sharing a cola with hajime
>>45569541third worlders are weird
>>45569448ojou my love!
my cats.
https://twitter.com/oozorasubaru/status/1737788340295078190Suisei would be jealous
Nocturnal cat...
>>45569545kekekekekekekek newfag is this mad it got exposed. For someone who's "totally not that guy" *wink*wink* you sure are being super buttblasted
everyone wanna be santa because he's fucking fat
so what actually happened to Shion??
>>45569550Collab when...
and twitter is broken as well fuck this shit
>>45569459>no male voice on stream>just farmed/mined all game without interacting with other players>didn't play along with laplus shenanigans with kazukun>had pity sex with sakamataHymen is safe.
I'm glad her mama gave her these dull eyes
You don't need to be rich to marry Marine she will pay everything for you
>>45569551Suisei doesn't even like TOA that much (rightfully so it was trash). BanNam is super desperate to have Subaru promote their shit game.
How does Laplus have fans
>>45569554but that's every cat...
>>45569551arise a shitdlc even shittier
>>45569545Wouldn't surprise me if he was the same retard from the Mea post that is now melting down after embarassing himself
Wtf no one told me Bantou and Raden are having an offcollab
aiee witch and ghost
>is a wolf>is a fortune teller>runs a villageOh yeah, Mio is every role at once.
isn't this mafia?
>>45569531Fancy setup
>>45569576Wow, "totally not that guy" wink wink nudge nudge, you sure are mad
>>45569509Everyone knows about her boyfriend. Why did you expect someone like that to be popular?
>>45569584man woman...
I don't understand how this wedding stuff promotes a server provider company.
>>45569589mafia is werewolf
>>45569554Is Okayu supposed to be cute or sexy I'm confused
>>45569592mad even
>>45569589Same foundation, yes.
>>45569561Works on my machine
>santa is just a manwhat the fuck, think of the children
>>45569564I wish her mama would finally put some glasses over her eyes
>>45569576He's quite obviously a massive newfag who's upset at being called out for it. It's not like this thread culture isn't easy to imitate.
>>45569595I already switched to ConoHa. I dont even live in Japan.
>>45569608>totally not that guy
>Santa is just a man>Reindeer is an idiot that thinks it's a villager
>>45569560sorry but Korone monopolized Botan's collabs with Gamers
they could've just play 11 people amogus or salem
hajime’s stupid goblin laugh is pretty cute…
Who will be the first christmas cake
>>45569607focus on the game fubuki
where's lamy thoughalso botan's being awfully quiet... I'm onto her
>>45569618Yes, imagine a Lap Hajime collab...
please release a newfantia update matsuri i'm horny
>>45569628why did they put me in this game?...
why is Matsuri a cat
miosha no...
>>45568539how is this shitty?also regloss???
I guess the point is to show how easy it is to create pages using their service and how it can support the traffic from a collab with Marine, considering how easy other sites die whenever a Holo mentions them
>actually writing paragraphsjp ichimis are unhinged
>mio dedthen who was host?
No Ao no watch
I can save Marine.
>>45569643You just exposed yourself as a phoneposter, faggot.Kill yourself.
polka?! it's first rounf
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWdrdlWAC8khttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA5JjEePTwUwhat happened to marine's wife and child?
This means Marine will get married next year.
elderly brain...
>>45568516I could fix her...
>>45569655They left her, she was a gambling addict...
Marine's clique.
hag needs correction
>>45569664just ignore it
>>45569655Makora and Pemari are dead already.
>>45569662You could have fixed her, it's too late now
>>45569664dumbfuck thought you're talking about his post above yours.
What would Roboco's cake taste like?
miko's just thinking using her dick...
>>45569682Oil and metal
so they're restarting and redistributing roles, right?
Waiting for Towa Ch. 常闇トワ
>>45569697This but amanekanatach
>botan talksshe's a villager
https://www.twitch.tv/laplusdarknesss_hololiveGET IN HERE
>let's meet as neighbours osanajimi in the next live
>>45569697>>45569701both should start fucking again
Isn't it suspicious that everyone suddenly started getting sick after Towa's sololive?
chama actually can't do poker face
>>45569718Being cleared as villager is a good thing.
Two bakers?
Festival cant lie for shit
>>45569725and two kyojin whats
>Christmas ASMRTowa confirmed not a whore
>>45569475>kinda white>kinda
Laplus is dumb
Everything keeps exploding today, it's that fucking ghost messing with them
>>45569729she is the purest woman despite her interactions with men. innocent and stupid, prone to being taken advantage of.
poru's interjecting with random under the breath tsukkomis isn't helping..
>Towa took medicine for her nasal voice but it didn't work fast enough so she took different medicineTowa you're not suppose to do that...
Did Towa fix her nasal voice? I can't tell the difference.
Invincible fortune teller
>>45569741there's no cure to purple disease
I am 50% white
>>45569747too fucking fat
>>45569747debu friend...
>>45569713Remember back when some unhinged artist drew a 60 pages KanaTowa manga? That's was funny
that sounds like some magical girl patissiere dialogue
miko's way too quietsus
>>45569757That was just a few months ago and it was cool.
>>45569757he was trying to keep the legacy alive... it should've been his timeline...
>>45569760She is terrible at this...
everywhere I go on vcrgtgay, I hear lapu's dumb laugh...
>>45569717Purple Disease...
>>45569771Most holos are awful liars
Hang the "baker"
Matsuri is kill
Festival's cake obsession failed her
>>45569773When did she stop give a damn about her laugh, I don't remember laughing her that way at debut at all
>>45569773Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
>>45569789>Obey and Survive
I am:96% white2% flip1% Malaysian1%% Finnish
>>45569789cute livery
waitif she's a keekiya, then she's not the mad man?
>>45569789>Obey and survivepowerful
so it's either nene or miko?
https://www.iwara.tv/video/bQzpEEDsH5EiElGotta need sheepbros to explain what happened here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIUkQ5yyNV4rare furea stream
>>45569800I guess she wasn't that convincing
>>45569805Miko seems bit too suspicious
>my supr funny post didnt get any yousgod you faggots are boringim going back to vtcaptcha:T0WVV
>>45569820she's too quiet and when she interjects, she raises her voice.classic imposter miko
When will Towa stop streaming GTGAY RP so I can watch her again
>>45569825In two days
Aki caught Dogura bounty
>>45569825it ends 23rd at 2am jst
>>45569825asmr on christmas eve. be there or be free of the purple disease.
>>45569822ahoge ume
>>45569795100% subhuman
>>45569724Towa better sweat next time
how the fuck is everyone suspiciousexcept chama and botan
Lap is a cop now?
>>45569835Towa will heal the unicorns' horn with her asmr...
It feels like 90% of the server is in the police or a gang now
nenechi ayashi
>>45569838Wtf since when am i meido
>>45569847People just want to PvP at this point
i hate depresshion...
>>45569853why does depression fuck shion
3:3lmaoup to luck
>>45569856That's not Raito
lap is a loud kid
Lap baby...
Botan nooo...
but botan's not...
cemetery cats
marine REALLY wants kids…
Aunty is stealing presents from people's homes...
>>45569869not cat!
>>45569795>FinnishWhere is your Mongolian part bro
Boring boring BORING
all the cats are dead
all cats are dead...
>>45569872I really like this image
they will sack miko now
miko, you lived far too long to not be suspicious
>>45569731European, I'd say I am white but some wouldn't consider me as such
>>45569871maybe she should stop pretending to be a dyke and let me hit it
Towa and her gang are not even doing anything
>>45569890>they will suck miko now
korosan's no knight of mine
>>45569871better start posting parental propaganda to her twitter tags now and groom her into being a mother
I like when Mikoti says "Popo"
>>45569897opinions from burgers don't matter
>>45569900That's not true, they are beating and killing each other
>>45569901Miko wishes
>>45569897Slav anon...
it's always funny to see miko trying to worm her way by asking about other roles /irrelevant thing instead of accusing others
>>45569897so you're either shitalian or slav huh
>>45569902she was never meant to be a guard dog...
Roboco's voice makes my dick hard
my gf
Nacho a cute
Polka must be the madman
クルー「ゆっくり休んでね!」( ^)o(^ )「マジでゆっくり休みます!」................
>>45569916POV: You're a male eceleb
Is a Christmas relay happening this year?
>>45569897So lunaito got a job i Japan huh?
my retard
>>45569410the only virgin lesbian saint in Hololive
>>45569928I'm not the lunatio
are they trying to give miko anxiety or something? just put her out of misery already
>>45569929POV: You're a happy anon
>>45569907Not each other, just Towa.
graveyard is starting to be quite packed
>>45569932She's maybe one of those things
Roboco is the last hope for the village...
Why is Towa jacking off right in front of Selly?
>>45569919either her or matsuri
>>45569943a saint?
>>45569933I'll make sure you are reminded of it every day
>>45569946That's what she usually does in private
>>45569904makora broke her…
popo keekiya fo sho
>>45569943yeah, in hololive
>>45569932Kill yourself retard, that's Miko only.
>>45569871She can adopt one of the younger holos, like Kanade
>>45569951>I'll make sure to show I'm obsessed with cocks every dayftfy
mikochi... you blew it. but pretty sure everyone knows already
matane migger
>>45569871She should get some sperm then, she has enough money to have a child alone.
>>45569960Yagoo is the virgin lesbian saint in Hololive
Towa is so proud of Aki being the boss of neo police
>>45569973Yagoo has a kid anon...
is it mikkorone? fuck I'm confused
>>45569971No need, I’ll take one for the team, don’t worry
>>45569974Why is that thing at my front door?
either korosan's the smart as fuck werewolf or she's mega idiot
>>45569976Meanwhile Aki is just fishing and doing petty crimes to pay off her debt...
>>45569986It's Korone we are talking about, she's a master of deception
lmao korosan
>>45569974Told you to take out the trash. Now it stinks
Gorone is too scary
what the fuckit was korosan I kneel
All of Towa's friends like Lap more than Towa...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anZJ4dEszcQWe love chillas here.
>>45570002Can you blame them?
Botan, fooled me good
duh, matsuri of course
>>45570002People tend to have soft spots for children after all
It's clear all you fucks never watch Korone enough.
>>45569977proof next thread?
>>45570002Towa will be a hag soon...
>>45570013Especially if they are fuckable
>>45570014I will watch her after she beats gynoug
no wonder, the guard died first and then immediately korosan said she's the guard.miko is actually villager...
Oh she was indeed the baker
It was kind of suspicious that Korone didn't bring up who she protected on what day but I still glossed over that, damn. Botan was kind of obvious the moment she shocked and overlapped Nene.
>>45570018what is fuckable about this?
>Shion is pregnantHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Raito's whore
>>45570014but the way she said she protected okayu was convincing
>>45570022I was kind of believing her over Nene
>>45570021I thought she was the knight too until Okayu died
>>45570025Kanzarin draws some great stuff, but she's a bit fucked up
>>45570031She did it once in amongus as well.
>>45570036yeah, but I thought it's just a 200iq gamble move to not protect okayu
dead thread, /vt/ won
These VCR GTA streams are 95% idling
what's the purpose of santa tho
santa and retarded elf...
>>45570034Her argument was sound but Nene's reaction sold me on her side. This shit happens to her too much.
miosha dies again...
>>455700512 people who can vouch for each other
>>45570005it's a decent chillas art game, i don't mind
>>45570053fair enough
>>45570050Everything the VCRfags show you is just waiting for a funny thing to happen while watching a boring stream.
>>45570059That's almost illegal
https://youtube.com/watch?v=YIUkQ5yyNV4Who the fuck is this blonde aryan chick
miko's santa or retard?
>>45570059beni's bloody ass...
migger...holy fuck that was fast
>>45570072Do you even need to ask?
Fuck this supposed Santa
it's over
Selly is getting rid of the purple disease for good
Towa has been kidnapped by a korean and dropped from a heli over and over...
>>45570082I want to pinch her butt
fubusan's sus
Towa stuck in a timeloop....
>>45570081nothing burger
>Ririrka playing with a homostar, EN homostar, EN niji and fucking RPRnow THIS is why I love hololive...
>>45570081They're just friends.
Unironically, SEA blocked 4chan since 2 days ago.
>>45570097Toko is there, she's cute
>>45570097The EN niji is Japanese at least
>>45570081>Ririka's thumbnailThat's when you know it's really over
>>45570069>red eyesnot aryan enough
>>45570101sure doesn’t feel like it
>>45570109Well, at least Malaysia and Singapore.
jesus my ears
>Out of gas 500 meters away from homeAunty...
>>45570101they need another earthquake, hopefully another volcano eruption
fuck, matsuri's screech + polka hurts my ears
>>45570114Indonesia also blocked 4channel this week.
>>45570114Singapore is pretty modern and cool, the place is cleaner than even some cities in Europe
>>45570114ah, missing a couple big names there. makes sense now
>>45570125>>45570114sure doesn't feel like it. what sea vpns bypass 4ch?
>>45570114>inuland and flipland still activeno wonder
>>45570123repeat of 2004 tsunami soon hopefully
Friend was too easy
santa imposter foobs deserved kill
Fuck friend.
>>45570128Nice try, not gonna reveal mine.
Towa should be arrested for vandalism
Towa branded Selly...
Roberu is masturbating
RIP Botan
smart choice honestly
Are Raden and the other dumb baby voice regloss not whores?
>Fubuki and Botan dead early againMan, they really hate white holos
eh, fubuki's white?
Lapu's abusing her power as a cop
if fbk's white, miko's santa claim is either bogus or fbk's a moron
>>45570161define whore, are you talking about christmas or streaming with males
>Twitch ads on ingame TV scared Aki
>>45570128You can turn on VPN to open the page then turn off VPN to send a post, as a r*ssian I have to do it like that.
>mikomiko is an idiotno wrong
>>45570168Lap should watch superbad and act like the rogan cop
>>45570161I thought the baby voice got exposed for dating her manager.
Korone seems hellbent on taking down Miko
>>45570192That's the Korean
is flare the only holo without boyfriend yap? maybe unicorns should watch her ....
>>45570198wtf i hate kanade now
Nene has been awfully quiet
>>45570196I mean, only 2 people claims to be santa and one of them died while allegedly white.so the other santa is either suspicious or retarded, so killing her would be beneficial I think.
Filthy Saiyans
>>45570161Kanade is young and is being groomed by the good holos, Raden is surprisingly fine (despite never really promising anything to begin with; she even said she might collab with men, but if it is for the sake of talking about art and stuff like that she might get a pass) and Hajime is an incognita.
>>45570214So cool
This is illegal...
korosan's aggressive maneuver backfired
Nobody seems to care about Laplus
>not nigger treeaww
>>45570230I only care about her when I want to masturbate
gamers is looking slightly different today
https://twitter.com/momosuzunene/status/1737816067140173853Nene is metagaming
Driving without seatbelts is cool now, kids
>>45570238I was actually talking about the server, both qpi and Hinano kinda just dismissed her like you would with a kid
>>45570231It would make everyone too suspicious
wait who's the fortuneteller? chama or roboco?
>>45570247why is this allowed
>>45570243(((Elves))) brainwashing human youth again
>>45570219Jimer just do whatever she wants so she might collab with men, but I think for now she won't since she is just collabing with Holo first
>>45570249Mio doesn't like shaving
I thought that was actually Seth Rogen on the truck...
>>45570272but she's being sus as fuck right now
>>45570278she's just retarded
https://twitter.com/hakuikoyori/status/1737818074110443990What did she mean by this...
>>45570081From gachikoi queen to towa in less than a week.
>>45570280too many retards
>>45570273It's fine since Flare gave her the pass.
>>45570296Flare isn't black
I'm betting on Pol as the other wolf
holy fuck wolf win>mikohow
>>45570290it's making my brain hurt
okay, roboco's the mad man. no wonder.too many chaotic elements
>>45570281Permission to grope
Nene really was an idiot reindeer...
fubusanta... christmas is cancelled this year
>It's all scriptedYAB
white knight...
Gomen Koronsan...
korosan was actually guard dog this time?
>less views than the homos for the same contentreflop is finished
merry clistmas
can't believe roboco carried the 2nd round
>>45568516bitch is lying about her depresshion again, despicable
GoogleTL-sensei it's been a while...
merry christmasjinsei game next
>>45570340FO FO FO FO
Ririka won
Santa abandoned...https://twitter.com/shishirobotan/status/1737820482882486328
>follow mewhat the fuck is this movie, korosan? it's gonna be guro, isn't it?
>>45570358Vertical loading screen is so cute...
>Confirmed whores who will be with their boyfriends for XmasLamyShionLaplus
>>45570358cute even when vertical
>open collab on watame channel>entire superchat bar is filled with member giftswatamates are scary.
soon, we will be blessed by the sheephttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sN-i61nuAII
>>45570365Village deserved it
>>45570367No, it's not 90s japanese horror
>>45570378that's not very nice thing to say
>No Pekotyan stream today
>>45570370Towa will stream on the 24th but not on the 25th. Does she count?
>>45570394Towa hates Christmas, so she's probably gonna pass the day getting drunk and crying because she's lonely.
oh korosan's using the comfy warchalong background
>>45570391dis must be my rucky day
>>45570351Aruran over
>>45570394She never said she wouldn't stream on Christmas, she just didn't have anything on her schedule
>>45570370>Confirmed ENcels who will cry to sleep every night You
>>45570394christmas eve is the day for lovers and the time slot where the japanese vagina opens, no one cares about 25
Damn it, I didn't expect to wake up to a pseudo-yab. Shion's quote tweet of the announcement makes it seem like it's nothing but a simple break but why would they make an official announcement about it...At least it's not in an image, I guess.
/vt/oddlers really took this xmas sex meme and based their entire personality around it
I know it's selfish of me, but I think Shion should've waited until the annual exodia collab happened before she announced her hiatus.
>his oshi won't stream on Christmas>goes full damage control>despite making fun of other fanbases last year for the same thingroru
Towa did...something...!
nyaharo again
this purple bitch is cracked
I like NTR
ew watame why do you have to put that shit
>>45570455As long as the art is nice, any genre besides guro is fine.
The absolute state of Ririwhore
>>45570466Me too i like scat
>>45570460Nenechi fulfilled her role well
chammer's chammers
So lovely...
>>45570477she is great like that
Aki paid off the Laplus debt
>>45570370Lamy is single
NTR - The game of life
>>45570499the police aren't so bad after all
chama was the one that didn't download jinsei game before, right? or was that the train game?
Towa reunited with her weirdo group of friend....
>life partner
>>45570519that tree...
>>45570528every house needs a Christmas tree
>>45570515last time she couldn't stream the game
watame gonna cuck miko out of her elite status too
Towa is full of piss...
they grew up so fast...
Did Towa just smash into Aki?
>>45570556Selly did
oh yeah I forgot about the grubble festhttps://twitter.com/shishirobotan/status/1737827335477641665
5P with the kids!
Fanbase for this feel
>>45570571tao tao...
they're speedrunning life
>>45570571All the fanbase that likes to ship their oshi
Very good songs, mediocre anime.
>>45570573Pretty good but is that triple echoed "Waaaah" at the start normal?
>>45570585Thankfully never watched guilty crown
>>45570590Yeah, mine
>>45570589I just checked the original and shion's randomly n they had the waah waah waah
>>45570601Oh, you missed out. It's a wonderful shithshow
>>45570604I am just really used to Noel singing it during karaokes
>>45570585That's every anime with EGOIST involved
>open towa stream>hit thumbs down>close towa streami've done my part
too many breedable women and not a single one wants sex with me
>>45570615But Guilty Crown was the reason for EGOIST's existence
Already this unlucky...
that karma lol
>>45570616>Anon didn't notice that Towa flipped his monitor upside down beforehand so he actually liked Towa's stream
how do we save matsuri
*Hides my oshi's VCR stream*
friendship ended with chama
Towa told Matsuri she was a fucking retard
>>45570637By rubbing her belly
we be jacking our motherfucking cocks off to VCR streams
chama being deredere
Best Vtumor with easy JP ??
watame the bull
>>45570637make her record another sex tape
>>45570663KanadeShe's JSL so she uses basic vocab and speaks slowly
i dont want this whore koyori in watame's stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pLr2FBww3oQNoel vertical ASMR
Towa's so dumb...
Why did they even bother saying Shion is taking a break when it's not going to be any different from the rest of her year?
nagisa a ho
>>45570663aqua talks at .5 speed but shes always busy getting plowed these days
>>45570667>using JSL for listening practice
>>45570663Watame. She's so slow she sounds normal speed at 2x speed
>>45570691it's a convenient excuse for her so she can have a christmas vacation with Raito
>>45570691Because she was still tweeting, now she won't so they don't want people to get worried.
sex with nose and benis
>>45570712While Towa watches?
>>45570702funny way to spell Kanade
>>45570706The question remains the same, she doesn't need an excuse to be with anyone given that she already barely streams.
Aunty is flashing me her booba...
>>45570499Lapu didn't care for the money, nice to see that Aunty still went through with it. Aunty trying to run from her debts was funnyhttps://youtu.be/fccg9sBn4hM?t=149
>>45570706Raito never existed. It was a fake account
>>45570699it doesn't mean she's bad at it, she speaks it quite decently, the point is she doesn't use hard words and is slow which is what you wanted
>>45570731lolinb4 debunked
https://youtu.be/anZJ4dEszcQKanata will be playing the new Chilla's Art horage in here!!
>>45570734but the new chillaslop is bad...
>>45570728Aki is always serious about her debts
why isnt Iroha playing VCR with her bf?
taso sounds extra nasal
KONKANATAtaso your audio...
konkanata~~chisaitaso today
>>45570710>they don't want people to get worried.An ominous post by the official Hololive account is definitely the best way to go about that
taso really likes the pun in the title
>>45570745spoiler that shit
>>45570710She went weeks without tweeting without warning before, there's no difference
Koyo just NTR'd everyone
Kanata doesn't want to go to the world of Jisatsu...
>>45570740Roberu got a huge harem already in medic team
taso your screen capture...
>>45570771I really don't think Botan is well suited to this sort of thing.
Good stuff
this is pawahara on taso
>>45570771this makes me sad
>>45570771GTARP is pointless unless you are terminally online, you can't play it for couple hours.
>>45570775Botan really just wanted to chat about sf6, she wasn't really into the gta of it all
Who requested Youkoso Japari Park you beautiful bastard
I don't feel the difference with the settings.
BG3 has Japanese on steam now, who will play it?
>>45570787hopefully no one
>>45570787Really can't think of anyone
>>45570780Ironically I think the privated stream where she was just fishing and chatting and venting was longer than her other VCR GTA streams
>>45570771Aki would welcome Botan into her gang
>>45570787It's too convoluted for holos
>>45570771botan just like me fr
GTA rp is stupid and if your oshi engages in it she is very lame.
>>45570787It's censored so who cares.
>>45570787Maybe like 2 or 3 of them will try it out, but I'm still hoping for a full holo party to play the game together
>>45570800Only on PS5, steam is just an added language to the global version.Holos would turn off all those settings anyway.
I will show Kanata how to use her hole.
I'll give chama babies
>>45570806Those floating seeds look wrong...
>>45570808I am sure Kanata knows how to use her hole very well, with all the self study she did
https://twitter.com/bang_dream_gbp/status/1737835529650266426Expect some gacha shilling
so close to himechama..
>>45570806JesusThis reminds me, she hasn't had a new outfit in over a year
I don't think Kurapika lives here, taso.
Akai Haato almost got BLACKED.
The most hardened criminal
>>45570825Because her casual outfit is too damn powerful
watame winning
Tefal is a sign of a modern household.-Kanata
>>45570821They covered Sakamata's cleavage...
replacing chama with nagisa huh
>>45570833It would be nice to see her others more, though. I was glad to see her in her suit outfit in a recent official stream
>>45570821I wish Sakamata wasn't just a shill streamer now
time to drink hand soap
>>45570787most holos don't care about AAA slop, let alone w*stern one
>>45570806that image collage was nice
>>45570821In addition to song collabshttps://youtu.be/WpPPVmf2dnIhttps://youtu.be/07zNyRnvbDo
>>45570851Apologize, they love this GOTY
>>45570851GOTY are not slop
>>45570787I would love to see holos play it but I seriously doubt there will be more than one or two who will play it. We might see a couple 4 holo collabs who play it for a few hours and never again
>>45570859>caring about some bought awardsyou sure are the target
Kanata doesn't understand if she's suck into the video or not.
lmao what fucking bad luck for everyone
>>45570787fuck I need to finish my run incase they play it
Double kill
remember to buy toilet paper in bulk guys
>>45570866Kanata probably won't understand the story of this game
>>45570874Not again...
>>45570870If holos do start playing, I image you'll have a LOT of time to finish before they catch up to you
>>45570874Shill post sponsored by the Big Shit industry
taso needs to be gang raped
>>45570883I just started act 2...
>Do you have any ARK games on your phone?
just busted a fatty for lui #cumsquad
>>45570887Ah, you might have something to worry about then.
taso wants to be careful because of the guro warning earlier
>>45570883Holos usually rush these games
Flare did it!
Flare got herself in holoparade
Imagine naming your baby after your oshi
taso is proud that she found the toilet before watching the video
I accidentally found out where that meme came from so here's another towa with it.
>>45570915towa baby...
AZKi should never visit Brazil
Kanata is pretty casual with the reveal of a possible a ghost.
>>45570919>be me, 50 years old>starting a new job>arrive at work, coworker greets me>"Hi, I'm Steve, what's your name?">"Towa Baby"
>Voldemort came
kanata doesn't know the instructions to fish...
how does flare cheat?
Someone turn that motorboat off
>>45570953Her (((Elven))) powers
Flare doesn't know sakamata lore
>>45570946>towa shot him
Great set list bean
Noel is squeezing me
taso wants to pick up the saw again as a weapon
naked rurudo
>>45570161Raden dissuades people from gachiing her. So much so that she jokes about doing farting and burping stream. She also keeps saying to not SC recently and that she's fine with member subs. I have no I dea why she keeps saying the SC thing when the thing she wants, 3DIO, pentab, and a new laptop costs a lot of money. It might be because she can't read the SC's since she's moving this week.
meitanteitaso wonders if the mannequin's movement is some sort of a puzzle
>>45570997>Raden dissuades people from gachiing her. So much so that she jokes about doing farting and burping stream.Is she going after Lunaitos?
rikotan pubes
>>45571005unless Luna also talks about her hemorrhoids I don't think so
Kanata hears sashimi from the radio
>>45571009The poor osanajimi watching her peers succeed in life..
Towa just sneezed directly into my mouth
Towa just sneezed on my cake
>>45571005I forgot that that was Luna's thing in 2020. lol.
Lapu was just exposed to biological warfare...
taso just pissed herself
kanataso peropero'd me
Aunty is making autisitic noises again...
>>45571017Iroha is so lucky
>>45570844They were just being considerate for Yukina
>>45570946Has it been a week already?
>>45571017That's a fucking broom
I think Kanata confused herself more by turning around at that cutscene.
Purple hair winning at life,Blondes...
>matsuri is now a medicyabe
>>45571056She is about to have half-a-server worth of patients
kanata should be spanked for breaking that doll
>>45571043Time moves so fast when you're old
taso's gaki laugh is unnerving
When does this lame gta vcr shit end? Vtubers are like the one escape from gta rp infesting everything else but now I'm surrounded.
Noel can't say "ganbare! ganbare!" Without thinking something lewd.
we love VCR and hate whiners here
>>45571083Nothing lewd about it, it's your dirty mind!
>>45571082>streamers are where I escape from streamersare you stupid?
>>45571090Hey, it's her dirty mind bringing it up.
pokobee is too fat and blocking kanata's way
>>45571099HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAhHHHLet me guess, suddenly Regloss is a sidebranch, I am right?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Watama and Akai doxxing Koyori house
Kanata is too dumb to get scared.
>>45571099kawaii pojitibu...
Mee kow tea...
>>45571099busai negatibu...
>>45571017I wish Rikotan would come back to ero content
Ririka needs to stop killing her channel and play VCR off stream and go back to her regular content.
don't jinx yourself taso
>misses all the spook by turning around>huh i don't really get scared that much
Aki is warlike
>>45570993You can't say that without posting any links
>>45571146can you at least keep replying to your previous post so I don't have to see it please
Kanata is feeling strong today so it's her turn to protect the listeners.
Why are there male voices on Ririka's stream right now?
We love Ririka here
kanatan is very strong against horror, she didn't even react to that scare...
taso's heart is already dead
Amane Kanata (無敵モード)
miko is so generous
god damn kanata isnt fazed at all what a boring ass stream
Easy money
Towa is so fucking useless...
>>45571175KoyoHaato printing out babies
Kanata has just noticed after an hour that the TV gives out hints...
>>45571100both of your dirty minds should take a shower then
>>45571179Kanata reverted to her debuttaso today
>>45571179I think it's because she misses the audio cue buildups so the jumpscares lack impact on her.
>>45571193*revert back to
>>45571209if Kanata could hear you saying such things she would be very upset
Koyo sexo
Holofans are getting married and having kids and can afford to make lewd drawings of their oshis.https://twitter.com/omi282828/status/1737755722191077392
>>45571209I didn't mean it that way, it's just that the only sound effect she has reacted to consistently is the bell after each objective. Maybe it's in her audio settings since other chillas games were fine.
Noel's droplets...
>>45571250Aki should hire a personal paramedic that can revive her every time she dies.
nice censoring chillas
>>45571259They do have an ex-paramedic in the gang
what would happen if Towa was pregnant
how do I meet a dumb blonde poor girl?
game baited taso with that perspective
Why is Laplus dead? She wasn't part of the heist
>>45571301you've done it now
Kanata wants to feel scared when engaging in horror media.
>>45571297Poor Koyote, bullied by mane-chan
At least police provide free street magic shows
Lmao self-destruct
Noel said Christmas ASMR will be full of ichaicha and picking up comments.Have any of the other girls in the Christmas concert said if they'll stream after the watchalong?
Noel is gone...
>>45571298She fell off a building while exiting a helicopter
Ok that's enough/male/i/males/i/homo/i/homos//whore/i/whores/i
>you are the bad guybravo chilla's art bravo
>>45571338round fuck
>>45571005Luna still burps in her drunk streamsThe last year's twitter space where she was drunk as fuck was hilarious and disgusting
Kanata is flabbergasted by the story
i don't get this kusoge at all
This is the worst chilly arts game ever.
Kino VCR moment
thats a rat not a hmaster, stupid heimin
>>45571347>>45571359Don't talk about my pure son like that...
>c parto?
>>45571359>>45571347You called?
>Laplus brapped up the prison
taso's muteki mode got broken by that ojisan
kanata is only scared at the very final jumpscare
Why does Towa have her shoes off
why homoshitfart why
>>45571408She's not american
otsukanata...mengen tomorrow
OTSUKANATAlot's of things to look forward to
burgers sleep in their shoes
>>45568539We know nijifag, we knowalso there's a board for fags like you>>>/vt/
kanata stream on 23/24/25thyeah Unicorns won.
Watame piss prpr
Mmmm delicious sheep piss
>>45571427Okay but what about 22 and 26?
>>45568502Janny clean this fag up
i hate that koyori betrayed me
>>45571441doesn't matter
>>45571441yes, mengen tomorrow and on the 26th maybe, 27th announcement
Towa just said she loves me
Towa loves me
>>45571452>>45571450she said that to selly
Kanade's settings have infected Kanata's settings
>>45571444Whatever you oshi did can't be worse than what Iroha did
>>45571454I'm Selly
>>45571454I'm Selly's boyfriend
>>45571427Kanata never disappointed me, I love her so much
>>45571421The stream ending was the thing I was looking forward to the most
close game
>>45571467Towa NTR'd you with >>45571463
taso will try to fix her mic after this
that's a nice mengen idea
>>45571444She was never on your side to begin with. It's only your headcanon that got betrayed
kanata is already feeling mechanholy about the year passing so fast
>Can't stream for 3/4ths of the year>Can stream for 5 days leading up to christmasIf anything that's really suspicious
>>45571464The roberu being the designated stud male of hololive rings true till this day
>>45571485*melancholyI can't into eigo today...>>45571486she was literally dying
*sekkuharas miko*
Le cut inside Aki
>>45571488But he isn't anything "of hololive" becuase he isn't hololive. And as such: Offtopic, go back.
taso love
kanata takes strange supplements
>>45571480I'd fuck Selly while Towa watches
don't push yourself too hard taso...Heimin can survive for awhile with just voice tweets
>>45571444>t.retard still crying for attention on 4 different threads.
>>45571486Thats the telling sign of lying whore, yes. Literally the Rushia's mindset.
>>45571509drugs for black companies' employees...
>>45571509Kanata will take all the meds
>>45571510selly nakadashi
>>45570333VCR is a buff the shills said.
>>45571464that shit was months agono one really cares about iroha
it has been 24 hours since pachinko killed usada pekoraPACHINKO HATE
cute taso yawn
>>45570333They could have played minecraft instead wtf.
dont care about Kanata
fixing your sleep schedule is important taso
>>45571529It's just funny, outting herself as Matsuri-lite behind the scenes. Cock hungry
EN next OP
>>45571535Even though that would be better, I am so tired of minecraft.
ASMRgods our voice has been heard
>>455715237 days of lies and deception
I don't want Kanata's covers to be member-only. I want it to spread worldwide.
Ao's fucking dead and everyone's laughing
whoresada pekwhora is the turbowhore of hololive
>>45568738You forgot Gura
>>45571532Don't gamble kids.