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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 88 KB, 496x595, 131f27b62859f74ca7ce790c3e9b2441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
37347393 No.37347393 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>37364685

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:

new plush doll guide:

Here are links to the more informative pastebins that are hosted on controlc

aural stim:
lube alchemy:

For here's the wiki for those of you who don't like using controlC

Ejaculate Enhancement

Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links (keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>37303074

>> No.37347745

>Which service to buy from daimaoh?.. If it's a proxy do I just indicate the version (hard, soft) in the comments?
You can use BigInJapan, White Rabbit Express etc. If the proxy service has its own shipping address you put int, then you simply checkout like any other store. If they are the ones who buy it themselves then provide all the information you can.

>is toydemom the quickest/cheapest way to get a tomax venus in the US?
>What else should i get with it?

TPE feels better, and you only get mold if you're an idiot about maintenance.

>> No.37347944 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.68 MB, 3072x4096, FDdHHZkacAAp1G9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37348475

>see this pic on mizuwali's twitter
>immediately order doll
the wait begins

>> No.37348029
File: 249 KB, 1500x1500, R.896756459aa5bc67189c4910ce1c1a34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same survey from the previous threads


Recommend some onas, or hips, breasts, electrics (the latter three are optional) .

Just trying to get more feedback as to what the thread likes, maybe in hopes to update the coom.tech recommendations.

>> No.37348475
Quoted by: >>37348671

Where did you order from?

>> No.37348517
Quoted by: >>37349849

Best ona for butt stuff?

>> No.37348671


>> No.37348684
Quoted by: >>37349112

Did you get the 90 or the 140?

>> No.37349112
Quoted by: >>37349361

140. They told me two weeks production time but I'm expecting to wait until january.

>> No.37349361

Hopefully they stick to the timeframes but i doubt it. They told me three weeks and that was just under two weeks ago. Theres also that one anon thats been waiting for about a month and said that they are being strict with quality control so its going slow

>> No.37349420
File: 69 KB, 789x960, tenga-crysta-leaf-2957-156-0000_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37349488

Are there any onas like pic related? I want one that's clear and fleshy, not a thin sleeve. Almost like those slippery tube toys from back in the day.

>> No.37349439
Quoted by: >>37351863

strict about quality control, but not sending factory photos lol

>> No.37349455

Just looked at the prices...really torn between getting the Elsababe Yuki or the 140 Akane now as the prices are comparable. Guess that's a luxury of not being able to get one for at least another year - don't have to make a decision just yet.

>> No.37349488
File: 55 KB, 1000x802, 51oYayKXigL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37350923

Tenga Spinner

>> No.37349813
Quoted by: >>37349875

I'm not interested in anthro at all so I didn't really consider it. I also love how the akane manages to jump past uncanny but still have a very 2d anime-like face.

>> No.37349849

Like one that feels similar to anal?
I would go for Student Council President (Toysheart), Kakucho Anal Girls (a-One) or Churro Screw (G-Project)

>> No.37349875

Yeah, the head definitely is one of the biggest draws with the Akane. Plus, I suppose unlike Yuki you don't have to swap the whole head if you don't want to dress up the fucktoy like a cat.

>> No.37350567


Anyone who has this, How are the internals? How deep are the holes? How is the inside pattern?

Also, should I was considering buying a hip but should I skip right to torso?

Inb4 skip torso and buy a doll: I want a larger toy so I can see how much of a hassle cleaning and storing it is before I jump right to full body dolls.

>> No.37350660

Anyone ever try tampons for drying onas or hips? I'd heard of people using them for dolls many years ago, but I can see why they'd fall out of favor for lack of reusability with more dedicated tools, but I have some tight onas I don't use as often I could see tampons making drying that much easier than even a drying stick, especially maybe with a dual layer or something. Would there be any drawbacks aside from maybe going through them a lot?

>> No.37350923

Yeah something similar to that except with thicker walls, similar to the crysta I posted. I'm not even sure what you'd call it, the flesh of the onahole? lol.

>> No.37351328

Guy from the last thread needs to lay the law down on his wife or girlfriend. What kind of woman says she has a low drive and doesn't want to bang but then says you can't have toys?

>> No.37351497 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>37351514

He should just dump her a get a doll.

>> No.37351510

He should just dump her and get a doll. Seriously.

>> No.37351514


He should fuck the doll in front of her.

>> No.37351626
Quoted by: >>37351904

Anyone here have the Mage Kore tits? Planning on buying them eventually and was curious about how they felt and how durable they are. Looking for some massive booba and while they aren't the biggest, I love their shape.

>> No.37351863
File: 435 KB, 1049x700, doll-house-140cm-silicone-akane-pic-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its going slow
I'm thinking normally it would take around 3 weeks to a month in production for a silicone Irokebijin. Since Irokebijin 140 B is new, maybe a lot of people have been placing orders, so they are probably trying to catch up with people's orders? It's possible they just started working on my order even though I ordered a month ago. I hope not and that Akane is actually ready soon, we're starting to approach the end of November already. Otherwise I am looking at waiting until December, possibly making it 2 months.

That could have been an excuse instead of just telling me straight up that there are delays. Or maybe they don't really know why its taking so long. Vendors don't make the dolls, they are like the in between that sell them to you.

Why don't you just listen to the heart in your penis, what does it tell you to do?

>> No.37351904
Quoted by: >>37352247

The Minami-San ones? They're pretty fucking huge as far as booba go, so if you're into that they're fantastic. Good balance of soft but slightly firm. Very durable in my experience, just be careful how you pick them up since they can be unwieldy.

>> No.37352050
File: 89 KB, 612x716, 1525627617362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Question to people with a doll. Say your doll is worn out and you want a new one so you want to throw the current one away. Do you just put it in the trash? It wont fit right. Also wont it look like you are hiding a body lmao

>> No.37352061
Quoted by: >>37352225

Theres that one anon that chopped the thing up by skinning it then breaking the skeleton up into pieces. You could also probably find some dirty fuck who will take it off of you used.

>> No.37352225
Quoted by: >>37353012

Been doing some research as I consider buying a doll. Learned there's a very real second hand market. Wild.

>> No.37352247

Aye, that be the boobies I seek. Thanks for the info. Knowing that they're durable is pretty important since they're somewhat pricey. Thanks for the input anon, cheers.

>> No.37352426

Admittedly, my dick is saying the Irokebiijn. As much as I'd like to fuck a monster girl, I have to admit the Irokebiijn is cuter. And will raise far less questions in the event the doll gets discovered by others if it's a girl with fat tits in a catgirl outfit than an actual cat anthro with fat tits.

Doll repair services exist and probably would also be a place to send the doll if you want to get rid of it.

>> No.37353012
File: 6 KB, 245x245, 1560401451529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are they used, as in non virgin dolls?

>> No.37353038

some people think that's a feature

>> No.37353043

You'll see them often described as "lightly used, like new condition", but we all really know what that means. Not the market for me, but it exists.

>> No.37353100

You use scissors to cut the tpe off the skeleton and mix it with your normal trash over the course of some weeks. Then you use a metal saw to cut the skeleton up at weak points like joints, tape the now nondescript metal tubes together and dispose of them in whatever way you're supposed to dispose of metal tubes in your country.

>> No.37353750
Quoted by: >>37354119

Does ToyDemon typically have Christmas/New Years sales?

>> No.37354119

Most of the time a $20 off of $125 or whatever

>> No.37354250
File: 51 KB, 664x884, B3B5587B-5811-4D65-8A95-4CE928114FB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Used silicone I would consider. Used tpe no way in hell. Tpe is great but you need to keep it clean and dry. Silicone is salvageable. You can boil most silicone.

I hate how this doll ended up costing so much money

>> No.37354437
Quoted by: >>37355846

I think it's finally time for me to try a Japanese onahole.
I've had a few American ones and like them more then biological holes.
But I recently wore out my gripper and have a 20 Visa gift card laying around so tell me what I should use it on.
I've heard the term dick bully thrown around a bit, and the concept reminds me of the American hole cheap thrills that was my second favorite hole, so maybe I'll try something like that

>> No.37354502

i know you're here monky

>> No.37354604
Quoted by: >>37354861


>You can boil most silicone
I mean... the general size and shape of most dolls would make boiling them very impractical, but you could pour boiling water down their holes to cleanse them if you wanted to. Silicone is the same material a lot of cookwear is made of, so it won't mind such temperatures. Anything under 400 Fahrenheit is fine.

>> No.37354861
Quoted by: >>37368948

i'm going to pour boiling water and instant miso soup into my doll's pussy and drink it

>> No.37354922

My tpe doll leg joints are way looser now than they used to be, it used to be quite stiff to move the joints around but now they move around very easily, does that mean I shouldn't be standing her up anymore?

>> No.37355164

>start getting mild back pain from fucking onaholes
>only 20yo

fuck, it's over

>> No.37355225
Quoted by: >>37368980

Any anons from Poland that can help where and how to obtain a onahole? I know there are multiple sellers that could deliver to Poland but I'd rather not have it go through customs.

>> No.37355253

Get /fit/ before it's too late nigga, then you can also fuck your onahole in front of a mirror and mire yourself.

>> No.37355496
Quoted by: >>37355636

How much did that doll cost and how tall is it?
Ashamed to admit I would probably fuck it

>> No.37355583

Did I read this correctly? I understand dolls and hips, but onaholes?

>> No.37355636
File: 55 KB, 694x922, 1ADE5974-CCF1-4320-A7FE-57063DC6AE7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

130 cm. It’s a shortstack

It looks like the price is around 1K + for a fabric doll that’s easily a third or half more expensive then they would be normally. I guess the product developer is getting screwed by rising logistics costs and a weaker yen.

It will be coming from Sakura dolls.

>> No.37355736
File: 140 KB, 800x800, 1F624A74-2E4C-4FB2-A2FD-53ED11614DE4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was incorrect. Production cost and shipping total to 150,000 yen so about 1.3 k. Easily double other dolls of this type.


>> No.37355771

I want a 130cam doll because I fucking love shortstacks, but very few doll makers make them that small.
And I don't want a fabric one.

>> No.37355846

Dick bully, in my experience, means the onahole is crushing your fucking dick and battering it with thick ridges and details as hard as you're probably fucking it.

The go to is the Lolinco Virgo and the one I'm personally referring to.

>> No.37355946
Quoted by: >>37355984

Tips on buying clothes for dolls? I have one of dollter's autome dolls and I'm just trying to find something simple for her to wear, but I'd like to avoid getting something that really doesnt fit.

>> No.37355984
Quoted by: >>37356032


Get a tape measure, and measure your doll's bust, waist, and all those other things. Check against the measurements for the clothes you are buying. My ElsaBabe doll is currently wearing a Monika cosplay, and despite it being the smallest option available, it's still just a little baggy on her.

Incidentally, since you've got an Aotume doll, there's a question I have to ask... do they sell them with the clothes they're modeled with? I know for most doll manufacturers this isn't the case, but... Aotume really seems to be marketing on the fact that they can look like whatever anime waifu you want.

>> No.37356032

>do they sell them with the clothes they're modeled with?
nope. They only shipped me the wig that went with the head I ordered. (I ordered the cirno-like doll but with "135B" type body)
Tried to order a cosplay for her but it really barely fit in some places, tearing the seams for the ass portion of the outfit.

Another thing to mention is that the aotume dolls' asshole is not meant for those with "above average" size. I'm 7" and I found that I was causing a slight tear when I used the ass :(

>> No.37356123
Quoted by: >>37356264

>I'm 7" and I found that I was causing a slight tear when I used the ass
Being this size genuinely sucks ass when it comes to onaholes and the like. There's a lot of holes that just feel like they're scaled wrong to your size, and entrances that are way too fucking tight. Not to mention tunnel length.

>> No.37356264

It's truly a cursed blessing. Aotume holes go 14cm max...

Also I dont want to be searching for "children's clothing", but all the measurements for tops and bottoms are huge compared to this doll.

>> No.37356453

I live in the U.K, and like Aussieland I imagine the U.K can be weird about toys given certain stores packaging, and I want to grab a Lolinco Virgo from someone like J-list, as they're reliable from what I have heard.
Any other UKfags been alright with them?

>> No.37356667 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 1366x2048, C4FC7359-24CC-4882-9C98-671083E5AF43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37357002

AliExpress has some absolutely wild options in those sizes. Also Asian women are smaller. And also I’m sure they are nefarious origins to some of the outfits. Especially the sex gear in that size range. Yikes

>> No.37357002
Quoted by: >>37357391

I have something ordered from aliexpress, but for now I'd like something to put on her. Should I just go to walmart and look with my own eyes for clothes?

>> No.37357309

Time to start doing crunches and sliding tucks.
Adding lumbar support to your back whilst sleeping or sitting also helps.

>> No.37357391

A simple dress can be made by cutting the toe off of a stocking.

Also most string bikinis can be adjusted.

>> No.37358433
File: 32 KB, 600x600, DSC09709_600x600_crop_center.progressive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cut off and discard the lady bits so you're left with an androgynous person-shaped object
>wrap it in a shitload of plastic wrap and duct tape
>take up a grappling art like wrestling or judo
>if anybody asks, say it's a dummy you use to practice your takedown technique
>bust out a sick throw to thwart any suspicion

>> No.37360895
Quoted by: >>37361601

you bought a child-sized doll. you need child sized clothing

>> No.37360907

tits too fucking big!

>> No.37360925

>irokebijin's assholes are textured

>> No.37361479

anons who tried both fleshlight and onaholes, which one do you prefer?
I know it's heresy to even mention them, but would you recommend fleshlights for someone who enjoyed hard onas like cyclist girl?

>> No.37361556

Ona, I always feel like I'm rubbing my dick raw even with a lubed fleshlight.

>> No.37361601
File: 36 KB, 438x437, __a_chan_hololive_drawn_by_popup__6bf2e3421f82bc53ff26d52bcac27f92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37361840

shes.... petite adult sized !!!

>> No.37361613
Quoted by: >>37363933

my fleshlight is incredibly soft compared to an ona. When I first got it I thought it was incredibly loose, but after a while I just use it normally and it gets me off... eventually.

>> No.37361663

After maybe 2 weeks of no fapping I broke the fast and now my mind is somewhat clear again. I feel can probably wait another week for my doll.

>> No.37361840

no shes a cute daughterwife you dress up in pajamas and sit in your lap

>> No.37362396
Quoted by: >>37362636

Just used an ona for the first time, I think my hand's out of a job. Cleaned, dried, powdered and placed in the original plastic holder, did I miss anything? I don't want any surprises

>> No.37362636

>did I miss anything?
yeah, you forgot to double check for dryness.

>> No.37362658
Quoted by: >>37363062

Venus Real Soft or Regular?
Which feels better?

>> No.37362854

alright you convinced me.

>> No.37362875
File: 1.58 MB, 320x320, 1634607467595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best lube for a softer/low stim toy? Gonna be buying one for the first time. I normally use Onatsuyu but I hear its on the thicker side which would be bad for low stim toys.

>> No.37362934
Quoted by: >>37364076

Insomnia if you can find it. If not you can just dilute your thicker lubes with some water in a separate bottle to make it thinner for softer toys

>> No.37363062
Quoted by: >>37399674

There's not much of a difference between the two if you're getting a Real in most cases. If you know you're really sensitive, I'd get soft. otherwise, regular.

>> No.37363622

has anyone tried using a douche to clean an ona before?
bought a dual layer recently and I don't want to be flipping it inside out like I do with the singles

>> No.37363881

just bought a Gokusai Uterus Duo
what am i in for? never owned one of these things, how do you even manage to clean it up? just pump it full of water and shake it?

>> No.37363933
Quoted by: >>37364132

I like to let my Onaholes air-dry for a bit after I dry them by hand. Better safe than sorry you know.

>> No.37363987
Quoted by: >>37370777

where is this from?

>> No.37364076

I'd love to try Insomnia but I don't think I've ever seen it in stock

>> No.37364132

did you reply to the wrong person

>> No.37364153
Quoted by: >>37364160

Anyone got experience with Meiki Bliss lube?

>> No.37364160
Quoted by: >>37364191

Yeah, it's okay. I felt it dried out pretty quick but it was nothing a bit of spit didnt fix

>> No.37364191
Quoted by: >>37364232

Is it as thin as toydemon reviews say? I want to try a thin lube.

>> No.37364232

I'll be honest, it's the only lube I tried and I had to dispose of my ona a while ago. So I cant give you a very good comparison. But it wasn't remarkably viscous. If you're looking for an outright thick lube i wouldnt get it

>> No.37364470

>shake it
since it's a through (penetration) onahole,, you just rinse it out and push a microfiber towel through it. (or a regular paper towel, but they aren't as absorbant)

>> No.37364484
Quoted by: >>37364511

Hi there, I just discovered that I can plug an onahole to my pc while I read VNs. Are electric onaholes worth it? I know nothing about all this.

>> No.37364511
Quoted by: >>37364632

check out eroscripts.com. it's worth it, but you should go for one of the multiaxis devices if you can afford it. avoid the wireless devices. the battery probably will not last long enough for your sessions.

>> No.37364632

Thx. Damn the future where sexebots exist doesn't seem so distant now.

>> No.37364638
Quoted by: >>37364875

How bad is the tear? I allways wanted one of their dolls but I also have a 7inch dick.

>> No.37364641

are the 140cm irokebijin dolls good for bondage? can I put them in all kinds of restraints without causing damage?

>> No.37364685
File: 2.98 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_3173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came in the mail

>> No.37364704
Quoted by: >>37364758

What are you going to call it?

>> No.37364711
Quoted by: >>37364758

post first nut >>>/b/doll

>> No.37364758

idk, probably nothing cuz it doesn't have a face, if I did name it tho it would be Mikasa
maybe, I don't think I'm that degenerate yet

>> No.37364875
Quoted by: >>37365120

I stopped using it as soon as I noticed. maybe 1-2mm of tearage, vertically, on one side towards the back.

>> No.37365120
File: 19 KB, 140x97, 1572410517619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make the cutest dolls but my dick is so big it would break them. Its not fair!

>> No.37365179
Quoted by: >>37365218

what is this?

>> No.37365191

They are pretty cute ;)
The vagina works fine, anon.

>> No.37365208

i have a pretty girthy cock and the vagina doesnt tear
the anus also only tears on the outer ring to a certain point, so you could probably continue using it regardless since once it tears its not gonna keep tearing and it wont interfere with cleaning

>> No.37365218 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 1280x960, photo_2021-11-18_20-15-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37374658


legs are bit hard to move, but it seems like the skeleton is made out of rubber or something idk
either way I think its worth it money

>> No.37366170

Should I buy magic eyes monster hunt, or N.P.G. Hidachitukko

>> No.37366179
Quoted by: >>37367033

monster hunter world and dlc was worth it imo

>> No.37366181

Toydemon shipping prices are ridiculous desu

>> No.37366584

Shipping rates have been fucked for years now. TD is fine if you're ordering enough to get free shipping. My last order was about $7 cheaper compared to Amazon.jp

>> No.37366633

Just makes me worried to keep using that hole. Plus I'm not really into anal anyways

>> No.37366644
Quoted by: >>37370110

she's way too heavy for casual lapsitting. what other anons say about having your doll on top of you is true; unless you're ravenously horny, your boner will go away if you're having to pick her up at all with your upper body.

>> No.37367033


>> No.37367614
File: 970 KB, 1928x1079, Screenshot_20211119-032149_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37367920

There are numerous ona available on American Amazon they are just hidden behind google searching for onahole on Amazon. The prices are great.

>> No.37368023
File: 51 KB, 1024x577, 3535333333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thing worth it? it doesn't have anal or vagina like look so I'm a little curious but at the same time the price is high so I wouldn't want to end up wasting my money

>> No.37368948 [SPOILER] 
File: 166 KB, 1200x1200, 1635401759647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37370500

No, a doll is not a soup bowl.

>> No.37368960


All shipping prices are ridiculous. Even Amazon's shipping is higher than it was 2 years ago.

Most likely not.

>> No.37368980
Quoted by: >>37369845

Wasn't there a polish website that sold onaholes?
Was posted a few times, but if i were you i would try out Amazon Japan.

>> No.37369563
Quoted by: >>37373946

tl;dr on best onahole/fleshlight?

I've never used one before

should I get a tenga

>> No.37369845
Quoted by: >>37370083

I think there's EasyToys but other than that I have no clue. I was thinking about AmazonJP but no idea if I want to deal with customs on this.

>> No.37370083
Quoted by: >>37370550

The wiki in the OP lists this explicitly polish vendor: https://www.szczytuj.pl/en/
You probably have other options with EU-based vendors, I don't think intra-EU shipping has to deal with customs. Check the wiki my man.

>> No.37370110

Shes only 40 pounds, which is less than half as heavy as real girl that age
Also yeah if you're trying to use her as a 40 pound onahole its not gonna work

>> No.37370143
Quoted by: >>37370274

Should I go with Sniper Mell or Rosa Spine Magical Teasing Hard. I want an open ended onahole, and there's not a lot of options.
I've already tried Armor Mesume Erina, Mischievous sister and lovely sister.

>> No.37370274

You can make any onahole open ended.

>> No.37370375

Why am I always getting recommended thin lubes? I find it hard to believe that Onatsuyu is the end all and be all of lubes.

>> No.37370500
Quoted by: >>37376721

I wonder if they'll make a sex doll with that face.

>> No.37370550

Damn I fucked up. I thought that my country wouldn't be mentioned at all. Will check it out, thanks fren!

>> No.37370777

There was a Japanese craze of making Vine videos to the song "Party Monster", where women were pelvic thrusting to the beat.
You can probably find it on Youtube under "Japanese party monster" or something.

>> No.37372090

always wanted to try their Halloween styled fleshlights.

>> No.37372106
Quoted by: >>37374456

i found that the vagina "tunnel" on mine was not very well done, lots of loose pieces. they don't come off unless you really try to pull them out and you can only see so far inside.

>> No.37372139

same. the alien one always stood out to me for some reason.

>> No.37372264
File: 930 KB, 2048x1377, 1636632140885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So somehow I managed to break Mouth of Truth, Honey trap, and cyclist girl in 3 months only, even though I'm a small guy.
I thought these things are supposed to last years?
I was taking good care of them too, cleaning and drying and bags and stuff.
So far only my R-20 Puni managed to survive.
Can anyone recommend sturdy onaholes?

>> No.37372271
Quoted by: >>37373766

they should make an alien themed doll

>> No.37373766


Pretty sure there are some alien-themed dolls out there. At least with companies like WM that have hundreds of designs...

>> No.37373921
Quoted by: >>37374359

>order from amazon.jp
>package took two (2) days to get from japan to europe
>package will then take four (4) days to travel 15km between the airport and my place
Hey, at least it went through customs without any issues

>> No.37373946

Tomax Venus Real

>> No.37374359
Quoted by: >>37374393

what did ya get, anon?

>> No.37374393

Ju-C 7
Heard a lot about G Project, and I saw some good reviews on that one. Also kind of excited to try a sort of transparent ona

>> No.37374456
Quoted by: >>37374771

That's probably pieces of the hymen she comes with lol

>> No.37374507
File: 85 KB, 500x333, fleshlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37374701

I had a flight for some time. See on pic rel, I've drawn the plastic case in red. The red rectangle that I skillfully drawn is the circle your dick goes through. If you're girthy it'll press the insert on the edge of the plastic casing, and, with time, saw the insert. And your dick will no longer rub inside the insert but against the plastic casing, which is not good. (I'm 1.8i~inch diameter) Also if you're more than 6,5inches long, flight are too small.
I've had the Alien (the Na'Vi one) and the vaginal opening ripped up and down with time. The inner "cervix" as well. Also ripped other brands. The only one that is holding up perfeclty is the fleslight stamina training unit. So yeah mind the size.

>> No.37374658
Quoted by: >>37376157

So how is it anon?

>> No.37374701
Quoted by: >>37374746

flights seem like a lot of excess plastic

>> No.37374746

That's the case with most hard case Fleshlight-type holes tbqh

>> No.37374771
Quoted by: >>37374776

LOL, yeah I got her and it was practically sealed from how the legs were positioned for the 2 week trip from china.

>> No.37374776

no theres an actual hymen you have to break
I barely felt

>> No.37374784

customs fucked it first

>> No.37374788

That's pretty interesting, didn't know.

>> No.37374793
Quoted by: >>37374796

Shoulda said that on the website... I wouldn't have shoved my curious fingers up there instead

>> No.37374796
Quoted by: >>37375008

yeah same, I only got to do it properly when I got a new body recently (the old one had the insert vagina which was a total disaster)

>> No.37375008
Quoted by: >>37375084

I considered the insert-type for ease of cleaning, but it seemed like less erotic and sounds like plenty of things could go wrong. What kinda disaster did you encounter, if you dont mind me asking?

>> No.37375084

The insert vulva looks terrible, and the insert itself is set inside the vagina, meaning that its very easy to shove your cock between the insert and the cavity that contains it, requiring you to basically fuse it to the cavity, which could not possible go well
in the end, the vagina was so damaged it was unusable and I bought a new body. the new fixed vagina body is way better

>> No.37375427
File: 226 KB, 1200x540, itbegins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My journey begins...

>> No.37375534
Quoted by: >>37376373

What's that black one?

>> No.37375622
Quoted by: >>37375711

when you say you bought a new body, you mean you basically bought a whole new doll without the head? or did you buy one of their mini dolls?

>> No.37375711
Quoted by: >>37376132

a new whole doll basically

>> No.37376035
Quoted by: >>37379053

Is condomjp.com okay? I don't see it in the guide.

>> No.37376132
Quoted by: >>37376455

so... what did you end up doing with the other one? decorative?

>> No.37376157

for my first torso, pretty nice
I enjoy cuddling with it, using it isn't the best cause the thighs don't articulate that much, but maybe it just needs to be broken in
plus when you move the thighs forward it makes it impossible to fuck the pussy

>> No.37376320

some questions:
do you have to wash an ona when you first get it?
is soap and water a do it all solution after finishing?
how do you air dry if you live with roomates?

>> No.37376348
Quoted by: >>37378497

>do you have to wash an ona when you first get it?
please... please wash it

>> No.37376350
Quoted by: >>37376455

Can you post pics?

>> No.37376351
Quoted by: >>37379053

Is Onatsuyu fine for La Bocca or should I get a thinner lube for it?

>> No.37376373
File: 40 KB, 400x400, aee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37376393

Youkoso Sukebe Elf no Mori e Delva hole
Was ok. Used the lube packets from the box. Does lube really mess with stimulation? Because I think the free ones were way too much.

>> No.37376393

Yeah, figuring out the right amount of lube to use for each hole is a must, usually best to start with just a drop and work up from there as needed. Too much lube will really lower the stimulation and sensitivity to the feelings inside, but a decent amount can be necessary for some types of interiors. If I use the packets that come with the holes (which is rare) I use less than half usually.

>> No.37376455

i got rid of it

>> No.37376545
File: 311 KB, 342x512, calm down.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone suggest a toy that can fit 7.5 in. erect? I bought a tenga flip 2 months ago and the clamps for it eventually broke off so now i have to grip it to keep it closed. Preferably a inconspicuous design (no mouth/vagina/anus outer design)

>> No.37376552

just tried out some clothing on my doll... looked alright, but when I took it off there were blue stains on her. How bad did I fuck up?

>> No.37376599
Quoted by: >>37376913

Your supposed to wash clothing a bunch especially if its a dark color to get the excess dye out. You can usually wait for it to fade or try applying mineral oil.

>> No.37376721


Nah, would be too creepy.

>> No.37376810
File: 66 KB, 800x533, 1632941197072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wash clothing 2-3 times and even after that try to buy white clothing that you put on the doll first to act as a barrier so that any color bleding will be prevented.

Might need to get some paint solvent or benzoyl peroxide to clean the area.

>> No.37376886

Based. Delva was my first Onahole ever and it's alright. Not even close to the best one i've tried but it got the job done and was good enough to make me want to buy more. I wish more Onaholes / oppai and hips had darker coloring like that has.

>> No.37376902
Quoted by: >>37376913

If you brought cheap stuff that's dark, especially black, it's always going to stain like fuck.

>> No.37376913

Thanks anons. Lesson learned.

also >>37376810 i wish i could find the abby face on a body without super giant honkers. I'd be down to pound if she just had something more modest.

>> No.37377957 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>37381157

Irokebijin makes some smaller breasted bodies but they're all 90cm models. Maybe they'll release a larger versions later.

>> No.37378075
Quoted by: >>37378254

Irokebijin makes some smaller breasted bodies, but they're all 90cm models. Maybe they'll release larger versions later.

>> No.37378254
Quoted by: >>37381819

Isn't the abby in that picture the 90cm version?

>> No.37378489
Quoted by: >>37378852

the guide says you can use a microfiber cloth to dry out a rinsed out onahole. does anyone have links to any they have personally tried?

>> No.37378497
Quoted by: >>37378504

are you supposed to wash a doll when you first get it as well?

>> No.37378504

yeah need to clean out the jizz from customs

>> No.37378579
Quoted by: >>37378618

Anyone know if tenderdolls is legit?
It's not in the doll list so I'm unsure, as the prices are rather cheap.
I just like that it offers smol dolls, I want me a good shortstack.

>> No.37378618
File: 117 KB, 1200x675, A7A6E64E-0145-4BAF-8495-CE797799CC67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If a site claims to be a vendor for a manufacturer then you should check the manufactures website to see if they are listed as an authorized vendor.

If the site doesn’t list who manufactured the doll they are either selling bootleg dolls or are just a scam.

>> No.37378705

Where is that one anon with the onahole ranking form

>> No.37378756

green is my pepper ;)

>> No.37378849

>do you have to wash an ona when you first get it?
Do you not wash clothes before using them for the first time ?
>is soap and water a do it all solution after finishing?
In my experience it is. Squeeze most of the cum out, soak in warm water with mild hand soap, wait for it to break down the gooey stuff, rinse profusely, and dry.
>how do you air dry if you live with roomates?
Don't, use cloth

>> No.37378852

Literally anything will work. You can probably get a pack of 10 for a few bucks at any supermarket

>> No.37379053
Quoted by: >>37379287

They seem to ship from Hong Kong as they use e-e-express in their shipping. Their shipping seems "cheap" but they also factor in the shipping in the product cost, which is why they offer "free shipping" for orders over 59. They do use PayPal so it'll be pretty easy to get your money back if they do scam you.

I personally wouldn't as all their social media links lead to blank pages and that I cant seem to find any terms and conditions on their site. You're better off using Amazon JP, HotPowers, KimochiiShop, etc.

I'd recommend buying a thinner lube unless you really want to apply water every single time.

>> No.37379287

I don't really get the obsession with thin lube.
Might be because I'm uncut but if I don't have a comfortable amount of grease in an ona, even a soft one, it's kind of unpleasant

>> No.37379346
Quoted by: >>37379997

>I don't really get the obsession with thin lube.
It all depends on the hole that you're using. Some holes work better with thinner lubes and some work better with thick lubes.

With all blowjob based holes, it would make sense to use the thinnest lube you can since you're trying to simulate oral.

>> No.37379997

Save your saliva in a cup for a week and use it for the ultimate in realism.

>> No.37380632
Quoted by: >>37382706

What one did you get and where from?

>> No.37380777

>thin lube
You feel more of the bumps, crevices, and folds with thin lubes.

Right now I'm experimenting with thick lubes and oral onaholes. It tricks my mind to think it's one of those snotty extremely messy throatjobs.

>> No.37381066

Where do you get the ona holders that you can attach to a regular dakimakura? The only place that I ever saw them on shut down awhile ago.

>> No.37381097

got the package today
cleaning was really easy. its my first one i've ever bought / used so while washing it, it made akward sounds but w/e

>> No.37381157
File: 48 KB, 500x375, 1428914659014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Irokebijin makes some smaller breasted bodies but they're all 90cm models. Maybe they'll release a larger versions later.
>release a larger versions
>a = singular
>versions = plural
>'a' larger version's'

>> No.37381453
Quoted by: >>37381768

>Shipment on hold right after clearing customs
T-this is normal, right?

>> No.37381768
Quoted by: >>37382851

Yeah, the employees are just using your item. The shipping will resume after they all get a round with it.

>> No.37381819

Forgot about the 90cm Abby, but that head is silicone only so it probably wouldn't look right when paired with a TPE body.

>> No.37382706
Quoted by: >>37382832

a black skirt from Amazon only 12 bucks

>> No.37382782
File: 24 KB, 720x720, 1631565518394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37383000

Venus Real Soft or Regular?

>> No.37382832
Quoted by: >>37382885

I mean the doll lol

>> No.37382851
Quoted by: >>37382867

No they aren't using the item don't be obtuse

>> No.37382867

yes they are cuck

>> No.37382885

lol. Aotume 145B

>> No.37382888
Quoted by: >>37382905

Where'd you grab it from?

>> No.37382905
Quoted by: >>37387055

Dollter's website

>> No.37383000

I like soft but remember to powder it

>> No.37383301
Quoted by: >>37383965

I have been wrapping some chopsticks with a microfiber cloth and insterting it to dry. I'm thinking to just stuff the whole cloth inside with holes that have chambers at the end. Would that damage the tunnel too much?

>> No.37383616

do i also have to clean the toy bag i bought my ona with or do i just stick it in there and leave it?

>> No.37383698

should you still wash white clothing when getting it regardless?

>> No.37383965
Quoted by: >>37384008

I ball up my microfiber cloth to let it wick up any moisture in the uterus if the onahole has one or if the hole is deep with a lot of nooks and crannies. However, I use one of those smooth microfiber cloths meant to clean glasses and other fragile objects.

>> No.37384008
Quoted by: >>37384795

>i ball up my microfiber cloth
theme for your reply

>> No.37384737
Quoted by: >>37391767

when i put a dry paper towl into the tunnel, let it soak all the water, put in another dry one to get the rest residue out the inside is so dry that it kinda sticks (dont know how to describe it better) to the paper towel. is this normal or should i be worried?

>> No.37384795


>> No.37384850
File: 931 KB, 654x646, FEkzRtCWUAMFiCi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37385519

Would you fuck it? I wonder if there's any femanons that lurk here and would ride it with a dildo

>> No.37385519

calm down anon...

>> No.37385746
File: 1.09 MB, 1079x1928, Screenshot_20211120-182712_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37385901
File: 1.02 MB, 1079x1928, Screenshot_20211120-184925_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37385991
Quoted by: >>37386470

Newcomer here, I can't even tell if I cleaned the hole properly. It sure felt good, that's about all I can say.

>> No.37386082
Quoted by: >>37386164

Goddammit I can't buy a doll so I guess I'll just buy a hip instead

>> No.37386164

save up for the doll. the hip will just lead to a doll later.

>> No.37386197
Quoted by: >>37387951

nice now post a vid

>> No.37386470

heh, new comer

>> No.37386509

I shouldn't feel so much lust for an inanimate object

>> No.37386830
File: 622 KB, 994x1200, Screenshot_20211120-205139_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a lazy good for nothing NEET that does nothing but lay in bed in her underwear all day while playing video games and streaming hulu and netflix

>> No.37386846
File: 904 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20211120-205018_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.37387055

Is that yours?

>> No.37387067 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>37389586


>> No.37387076
Quoted by: >>37389586


>> No.37387109
Quoted by: >>37387329

What's the doll name friend?

>> No.37387132

The best thing about dolls is dressing them up. And slapping their ass.

>> No.37387175
Quoted by: >>37387329

very nice... what kind of doll? silicon or TPE?

>> No.37387225


Irokebijin 140cm orders temporarily suspended due to backlog of many orders

>> No.37387265
File: 855 KB, 1280x326, erection_lost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got the bad news from dolltochina.


>> No.37387329
File: 1.04 MB, 1079x1928, Screenshot_20211120-220014_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's silicone akira from piper doll
i do want to warn anyone thats thinking about buying one that piper dolls silicone is extremely soft and easily damaged.
it feels as soft as wmdolls regular tpe but with a foam core.
tpe is stretchier and way easier to fix thought
also they don't come impeccable, the one i got at least wasn't.
there's a lot of little chunks missing around the seam lines. i think they tear off the extra silicone after molding instead of cutting it

>> No.37387350
Quoted by: >>37388006

Did they send you an email saying your order was on hold or something?

>> No.37387428
Quoted by: >>37387951

I am still waiting on you to upload a video of you fucking it to /gif/

>> No.37387511
Quoted by: >>37387629

ever since i started working at amazon where i walk an average of 15 miles a day my erections have gotten a lot firmer and i went from dribbling little spurts of semen to shooting thick ropes with a lot of force
i have to be careful or itll spill everywhere after i cum in one of my onas

>> No.37387552

Glad I got my order in a week ago

>> No.37387629

Fuck off Bezos

>> No.37387668
File: 342 KB, 575x540, 562-5623240_strained-pepe-you-re-two-strokes-from-busting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit i want a doll so bad bros, i won't get one though because i know that if i get one i will literally never be able to leave and go to real girls ever again

>> No.37387683

>i will literally never be able to leave and go to real girls ever again
I don't see the issue

>> No.37387816
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, 20210831_175145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get one.

>> No.37387867
Quoted by: >>37387951

When are you going to provide some clips of you banging it?

>> No.37387873

I havent got an email from Dolltochina yet so im still holding out hope my order is still going through.

>> No.37387911

holy shit imagine being so successful

>> No.37387951

is this a popular fetish or something

>> No.37387962
Quoted by: >>37388283

>is penor in vagoo a popular fetish or something

>> No.37387967
File: 146 KB, 396x335, 1584429190879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. That just confirms my fears. >>37351863
I fucking knew it...

>> No.37388006
Quoted by: >>37388181

I asked a question about extra heads and they happened to mention it. Said the manufacturer stopped taking orders yesterday.

>> No.37388104
Quoted by: >>37388283

I can't speak for anyone else but I don't own a doll and I want to see you put it into action after showing it off so much.

>> No.37388181
Quoted by: >>37388248

I know they stopped taking orders but under normal circumstances do they let you order an extra head for the 140 B?

>> No.37388248

Extra heads should be available once they get things sorted out. We shall see...

>> No.37388283
File: 1.07 MB, 1079x1928, Screenshot_20211120-234538_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll think about it
what if i just use a dildo on her?

>> No.37388309
Quoted by: >>37389194

Nah, wouldn't be the same

>> No.37388323
Quoted by: >>37389194

Anything is a good start though I would prefer the real thing. Help bring more awareness into the world of dolls and convert more people under to indirectly advance sexbot development.

>> No.37388406
Quoted by: >>37389194

no, i'd prefer a full and proper demonstration

>> No.37388747
Quoted by: >>37389194

I want to see balls drained inside of her

>> No.37388909
File: 684 KB, 672x675, 1609065783079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this any good?

>> No.37389194
File: 109 KB, 320x323, interested.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is doll cuck porn a thing? is this something that people are into?

>> No.37389200
Quoted by: >>37389204

you haven't seen the customs gangbang videos?

>> No.37389204

admittedly, i'm new to this.

>> No.37389586


>> No.37389631
File: 108 KB, 564x542, 1560672111756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37391767

Noob here, I want to try something stimulating. My shithole country has chimera, bangee and virgin loop (all hard). Which should I pick?

>> No.37389644
File: 40 KB, 300x300, 1628753626331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37391767
Quoted by: >>37396099

>is this normal
plus paper towels are meant to be more abrasive. Go to your local store/online and buy the cheapest microfiber towels you can.

move, lmao.
Okay but seriously if you're able to, try and order from Amazon JP, KimochiiShop, KanojoToys, or another store that ships worldwide. If not, then settle with Chimera.


>> No.37391792
File: 1.50 MB, 2900x4096, 1623824561373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37394036

got into clothing my torso and I have been unable to enjoy it since because I always cum so fast...
its crazy how much of a difference it makes, specially when used for paizuri

>> No.37393499
Quoted by: >>37395010

Do you consider it cuckoldry to watch regular porn in which a guy fucks a girl? How does making it a doll change that

>> No.37394036

but seriously, I need clothing ideas

>> No.37394137
Quoted by: >>37394473

How do you get the toydemon free shipping to activate?

>> No.37394473

Order $75+ and use the code

>> No.37395010
File: 65 KB, 220x173, poke-stare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37395929


>> No.37395929

Glad that we can agree, now post the video

>> No.37396037
File: 69 KB, 1000x1166, H25f64ea0054645508b0e710896a73bbeM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone here who owns the 150cm Estartek Sakura doll? I wanted to ask how comfortable they are to cuddle and/or sleep with if you guys do that. What position(s) are ideal to use and what should I be careful of? And are there any outfits or articles of clothing that are better than others to put on her while sleeping?

>> No.37396047

when they list the doll's height, is that usually height with or without the head attached?

>> No.37396099

Thanks for spoon feeding, but only one anon reviewed it which I have seen. Any budget hip suggestions for 15+ cm?

>> No.37396127
Quoted by: >>37396386

Can I just show up to the DHL office at the airport and ask for my parcel ? It's a 20 minutes ride for me, and the tracker suggests it's going to be stuck there for another 3 days or so

>> No.37396212
Quoted by: >>37396251

how do you properly use the toydemon dry stick? after rinsing my ona out of all the water possible i leave it in for 5 minutes and while it does look like it works i can still hear that squishing sound which means theres some water still in

>> No.37396251

You should be gently squeezing and kneading the outside while the stick is in there so it makes as much contact with the stick as possible. Also, keep your ona with the hole facing down so that gravity will naturally draw some of the excess water out towards the entrance - and therefore, the stick.

>> No.37396366
Quoted by: >>37396417

Goddamn I just wanna fuck my onahole all day but I live with other people

>> No.37396386
Quoted by: >>37396678

If it's in customs hell, you probably won't be able to speed things up, otherwise get in contact with DHL to see if you can change the delivery from your home to that specific office, they're usually cool with that.

>> No.37396417
Quoted by: >>37406987

I only get this chance once a week and sometimes not even that so I know your pain.

>> No.37396450

I got the normal version.
I'd recommend the soft version though (I'm like 90% sure it's out of stock on Amazon though), I'd like to use it for longer sessions but its interior is pretty stimulating. Honestly might be the most stimulating onahole I have in terms of tunnel design, the bumps it has do all the work, it has no vacuum or choke points.
I only really use the vagina, the ass never felt that interesting to me, you can also rotate it around and get into different angles and the experience is different from each side which is pretty good.
It was my first hip so I wasn't really sure what I was getting in terms of size but it was smaller than what I had in mind, it's the size of the big Lolinco?
You definitely need some uses to break it in and mine even has a small tear because I keep putting it on top of a table and thrusting which does start to damage it but I have used it like 30 times and probably can use another 30. You can fuck it in bed but it's gonna be less fucking and more you humping it because the tunnel isn't that deep nor does it have the weight to stay in place if you move too much.
I'd definitely recommend it though, it's pretty cheap from what I remember and will be a good gateway for you to figure out what your next hip will be.

>> No.37396596
Quoted by: >>37396604

who else likes to go outside after fucking onahole without thoroughly removing the smell of lube and cum from dick?

>> No.37396604

Only naked otherwise it's not worth it.

>> No.37396678

It says it's out of customs already, it's just waiting to be shipped for some reason. My guess is they are overloaded. I'll give them a call and see if they can do something about it.

>> No.37396690
File: 194 KB, 1200x900, cow-girl-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick review of the toysheart cow girl ona. bought it from amazon for only $30 which is more than a steal. i wasn't sure if it was legit or not but turns out it was! link here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082Z3L9GF?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details

this is my third toy from toysheart and first with the "virgin skin" which feels really nice to handle, has very little smell, and has a very quality feel to it. the ona isn't that big but the material feels really hefty and meaty while being fairly soft. sensation wise it's somewhat mild while still offering good stimulation. when i first got inside it i was actually surprised by the intensity of the stimulation given how soft the toy feels. there's also some decent suction going on which gives it a nice milking feeling that pairs well with the spiraling folds that are nice and soft and massaged and moved as i stroked. overall i really like this one and the price i got it at amazon was unbeatable.

>> No.37397129
Quoted by: >>37397237

I got a doll, and then a gf. It's not like women can see an "owns a sex doll" flag in your in-game stats or anything.

>> No.37397237

I think he was making the comparison that he'll never WANT to go back to real women after he buys one.

Which is completely understandable and many of us share his pain.

>> No.37397261

I'm pretty sure owning a doll for 2 years costs less than having a girlfriend for 1.

>> No.37397458
Quoted by: >>37397604

exactly why I dumped mine last year and I'm saving up for a doll

>> No.37397604
Quoted by: >>37397714

amazing. which ones you got your eyes on?

>> No.37397689

If a doll can offer you an experience so good that you don't want a girlfriend, then maybe you should stick with the doll.

>> No.37397714


Hoping someone who already owns one gives me an answer soon. Dakimakura pillows don't really make for good substitutes for the feeling of sleeping and cuddling with another person.

>> No.37398007

i don't typically cuddle at night with my aotume doll just due to the awkwardness and it's not as soft as a daki. Also, it's far from the extreme warmth you get from cuddling a real person.

>> No.37398091
Quoted by: >>37398222

Is an Aotume doll similar to the Estartek Sakura? I thought Aotume dolls were TPE, this is a plush doll.

>> No.37398127
Quoted by: >>37398222


I wish I could cuddle my doll more. The temperature isn't really much of a problem (my body is warm enough that I don't tend to wear clothes when I'm in my room), but she is heavy, and there's not really any comfortable positions. Also, she creates a dip in my bed that isn't good for my back...

>> No.37398222
Quoted by: >>37398299

my fault. a plush doll sounds nice now...

I have an air matress, so the dip my doll makes is huge. However I do try it every once in a while with clothes on her, since it's a softer feeling to cuddle than tpe.

>> No.37398248

but you can make babies with women. not with dolls. plus you can talk with them

>> No.37398260

>talking to women in 2010+11
have you tried getting to know one recently?

>your doll can't talk

>> No.37398291

You must be fucking your onas in a murderous rage. Kinda based desu.

>> No.37398299

I'm going with plush for now because they're easier to maintain, lighter, and less expensive. Maybe I'll go with a TPE or silicone doll in the future, but right now, a huge tiddy plush doll is exactly what I need.

>> No.37398393

That's true but I can't have on demand condomless sex with a woman whenever I want like I can a doll. Dolls are the only thing that can keep up with my libido

>> No.37398421
Quoted by: >>37398496

dolls arent as huggable as dakis because they simply arent a giant soft af pillow. However, I can wrap up and hold my 135cm doll and its actually really good. If you dont move around in your sleep, its actually pretty nice to cuddle. the weight and general feeling of the human form adds a lot. Plus, when you wrap them up under the covers with you, when you wake up they'll probably be warmed all the way through.

>> No.37398462

It's worth noting that the aotume doll's fixed vagina is pretty much a copy of the lolinco.

>> No.37398485

>plus you can talk with them
no thank you, I've talked to one woman this month and regretted it

>> No.37398496
Quoted by: >>37398513

This is helpful, thanks. I can get over the lack of softness because I want something that feels a little closer to human, and temperature isn't a major concern because I'm basically a walking space heater. I'm a bit concerned about the internal skeleton and how sturdy it is - I don't toss and turn violently in my sleep or anything, but I tend to shift from side to side every so often because I hate the feeling of one nostril getting plugged up.

>> No.37398513
Quoted by: >>37398549

Try to avoid rolling over on top of her. If you spoon and make sure her arms are on the other side of her body, its very hard to damage her and you can hug her all you want. The main downside to cuddling with the dolls is that the wigs always get tangled especialy when they are longer than shoulder length. You'll want a way to bind the crap out of the hair, like multiple ties, clips, and maybe even something like a beanie hat to keep it under control.

>> No.37398532

You know, I'd like a kid, but I don't think I can afford one. The guys at work who get paid the same as I am (some even slightly more) are struggling, even with the free biden kiddy bucks.

>> No.37398549
Quoted by: >>37398582

Okay, makes sense. My last question is whether or not there are any ideal clothes or outfits to put on her while I sleep, or whether it's best to have her fully nude. I know materials don't rub off on plush dolls (at least nearly not as badly as they do with TPE) but I want to make sure I'm not going to put anything on her that might cause an issue.

>> No.37398582
File: 854 KB, 2240x4000, 20211120_001854-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37398640

You definitely want her completely covered up. Thigh highs, pants, long skirts, long sleeved sweaters, etc. If you leave her skin exposed you'll increase the odds of superficial damage, and oil will leach and stain your sheets. A thick layer of clothing all over her body will stop all of the above.
When you buy dark clothes, wash and soak it multiple times to get out the excess dye. Cotton and polyester clothing are the least likely to stain.

>> No.37398640
Quoted by: >>37398649

Oil is still an issue with plush dolls?

>> No.37398649
Quoted by: >>37398688

No, i thought you were talking about tpe dolls.

>> No.37398688

Yeah no, I'm this anon >>37396037
Sorry, I thought I specified that already...

>> No.37398830

anyone from asia order the tomax venus real? what site did you use?

>> No.37398840
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Quoted by: >>37399005

will a doll cure my loneliness

>> No.37399005

dog (don't fuck it), doll, heated blanket, perfume and/or candles, replika ai, jp voiceworks or youtube whispering asmr, air pods or bluetooth speaker on doll for maximum cope

>> No.37399546

>dog (don't fuck it)
Well what's even the point of getting one then?

>> No.37399589

white woman spotted

>> No.37399606
Quoted by: >>37399637

the point of the dog is that it reacts to your affection

>> No.37399637
Quoted by: >>37399662

I think it can do more than that. I will get the most bang for my buck.

>> No.37399662

the vet bills for destroying your dog's hole will probably be more than for destroying a doll's hole

>> No.37399674
Quoted by: >>37399763

Don't they break in and loosen up after a while?

>> No.37399763


>> No.37399831
File: 408 KB, 848x1200, female_doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think about it bros. How cool would it be to train a female dog to eventually become a cock hungry nympho slut that constantly craves your cock 24/7? Think of all the benefits of having a doll compared to a dog. A dog's hole is organic so it will be warm for you any time. It self lubricates and has the ability to clench down on your member. Not to mention the reactions you can get out of pleasuring a dog which you can't get out a lifeless doll. I'm not sure about the cleaning after use but aren't they supposedly "self-cleaning" anyway?

>> No.37399834

>having a dog compared to a doll*

>> No.37399881
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>> No.37399889

If it was a dog-turned-human, maybe. Furries are okay too. But I'm not a dog fucker.

Nice Korone butt tho

>> No.37400183

I'm pretty new to this and I am considering getting an onahole, fleshlight or something nice for starters, any tips to buy something in tacoland or am I completely fucked over by customs/shipping here?

>> No.37400225

Buy a female dog instead. Doubles as a pet and an onahole.

>> No.37400323

what's the difference between the 140 and 140B?

>> No.37400349 [SPOILER] 
File: 777 KB, 1536x2048, F0EB676A-2CCB-4648-A7C4-5B59DC57944C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37400451

Thankfully Fucking animals gives you dick cancer.

>> No.37400415
Quoted by: >>37401104

How can I make myself insane? I want to reach a level of delusion where I can manifest a tulpa and make it possess a doll.

>> No.37400441
Quoted by: >>37403052

why does it take literally hours for my holes to heat up using a blanket? can i speed this up? am i supposed to wrap it extremely tightly around the hole or something?

>> No.37400451


>> No.37400456

dis nigga nervous

>> No.37400713
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>> No.37401016 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 700x683, 0809B4AF-A818-4F15-B490-6AF2E14BEB44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37401158


Take your pick, cancer dick.

>> No.37401104
File: 484 KB, 1500x2000, 5D81732E-DF6D-4D91-B450-BBFBE9C75269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take creative writing courses with a focus on character creation.

Tulpas are extra bullshit cope.

Imaginary friends are a normal coping mechanism for loneliness. Your imagination is powerful but your not making anything that is actually real.

>> No.37401158

Everything now causes cancer, apparently.
Also, I won't search it. Don't want google to think I'm some king of an animalfucker.

>> No.37401206

>Literal animal fucking discussion
This thread has seen better days.

>> No.37401209


>> No.37401328

You have to think outside the box and see the practicality of pet fucking.

>> No.37401873
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>> No.37402385
File: 62 KB, 318x570, ewfewfewf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got SSI Japan Real Body Kitaoji Kanon?
its on sale now and i always wanted it but the reviews on amazon jp are not very good

>> No.37402395

or should i bite the bullet and get Puni Ana Miracle DX for 60 more?

>> No.37402398
Quoted by: >>37402428

Just get a doll if you're thinking of a full torso

>> No.37402428
Quoted by: >>37406640

I dont have the space to hide a doll also its way more expensive

>> No.37402693
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1368, 51fbc02669cde2efb263e4040355b742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>37403249

Anybody here can tell me how Alchemist's Atelier is? I heard that it has pretty good suction and makes a lot of noise.
I'm looking to try something different after my first onahole which is Venus Real Soft. It would be nice to get something that gets really loud when I use it.

>> No.37402978 [SPOILER] 
File: 921 KB, 1600x1120, everybody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't sleep with them, but I do hug them and cuddle before and after. The one on the right is the softest.
I usually spoon with them/put them on top of me.

>> No.37403011

Sounds pretty comfy desu, thanks.

>> No.37403052


This is the only USB warming stick that doesn't suck. The whole UV light cleaning bacteria thing is a meme, but it warms up really fast and the little ring light at the end turns green when it's ready. It's usually good to go after 10-20 mins as long as you plug it into a sufficiently strong USB power source, like your phone charging brick.

>> No.37403242

Any news about the 170cm 19 kg WM doll?
They said coming out this year

>> No.37403249

>any tips to buy something in tacoland
Tacoland seems to vary a lot.. We get some people who say they get it through just fine. We get others who said their shipment was sent back. No one really knows the exact reason.
If you buy something from Amazon JP, buy something that has pretty simple boxart. No lolis, no obscene artwork. No lube or powders alongside that (since liquids and powders are something that get flagged more often than not anywhere in the world) and just cope with lube from your local store from now. If it goes through successfully, then you can probably escalate.

>I heard that it has pretty good suction and makes a lot of noise.
You heard correctly. Because of how large the chamber is, it has a very powerful suction effect. Other than tha, it's above average. Great durability, nice stimulation. Would recommend.

>> No.37403300

I went ahead and dipped my toes into the purchase of my first 2 holes, virgin 8 loop and temptation witch, lets hope i dont become too much of a degenerate now

>> No.37403451
Quoted by: >>37403644

I wanna see the one on the left without a shirt or bra.

>> No.37403493

No one?

>> No.37403563

Which one on the right?

>> No.37403644 [SPOILER] 
File: 371 KB, 1984x2976, Ha882339489b241f3bbb0512c10e2b442m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not specifically her, but the same body.

>> No.37403677
File: 2.48 MB, 2340x4160, IMG_20211121_223047996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My haul

>> No.37403716
Quoted by: >>37403750

How does the sex hole work, and what is the maintenance like?

>> No.37403750

It's removable, with practice it takes literally 5 min to take out, wash, dry, put back.

>> No.37403779
Quoted by: >>37403807

is it like the meiki plushes where you can use whatever ona you want, or do you have to use the one it comes with?

>> No.37403807
File: 1.05 MB, 900x675, tokyo-meiki-story-neo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing stops you from fitting a 3rd party hole but you might need to reshape it somewhat, depending on the size/style.
So far I only found pic related to be a perfect fit for the small one, but I am not a big fan of how it feels.

>> No.37403999
Quoted by: >>37404232

How is the hole that comes with it?

>> No.37404232 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 1280x848, nightwear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It works for me as part of the whole experience.
I don't know how well it would work just by itself without the doll, but I'm not really an onahole user so I can't comment.

>> No.37404395

goddamn the venus real isn't in stock anywhere. i may have to settle for a meiki maria.

>> No.37405089

replika ai seems fucking scary to me

>> No.37405184

I have it, boobs are godlike but holes are very average.

>> No.37405544
Quoted by: >>37405875

Onatsuyu is still foaming up in my onahole during use making its lubrication quality worse and making bubbles. Is my hole breaking down or reacting to it?

>> No.37405875

it could be mixing with whatever you use to powder the holes if you do powder it. i've had a similar issue with corn starch getting inside the holes when i powder them and then mixing with lube whenever i use the hole making the lube thick and almost useless.

>> No.37406431

I really shouldn't have ordered a hole the week of black friday but the horny can't be stopped

>> No.37406471

New Thread

>> No.37406640

mini doll

>> No.37406987

All of my onas are currently put away in a storage and I haven't touched them since early september. I'm looking for a new apartment and lives at my dad's for the time being and just using my hand for that long is a pain
