>> | No.37351863 File: 435 KB, 1049x700, doll-house-140cm-silicone-akane-pic-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>37349361 >its going slow I'm thinking normally it would take around 3 weeks to a month in production for a silicone Irokebijin. Since Irokebijin 140 B is new, maybe a lot of people have been placing orders, so they are probably trying to catch up with people's orders? It's possible they just started working on my order even though I ordered a month ago. I hope not and that Akane is actually ready soon, we're starting to approach the end of November already. Otherwise I am looking at waiting until December, possibly making it 2 months.
>>37349439 That could have been an excuse instead of just telling me straight up that there are delays. Or maybe they don't really know why its taking so long. Vendors don't make the dolls, they are like the in between that sell them to you.
>>37349455 Why don't you just listen to the heart in your penis, what does it tell you to do?