divegrass soon!
>>35840006>KoroneYes>SubaruYes, now only Mi->RobocoDropped.
I love my schizophrenic wifedaughter slut like you wouldn't believe!
I love Towa!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ud73fm4Uoq0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53rJX52p3G8https://twitter.com/vesper_yomi/status/1419212194441359367
Pekora is a numberfag psychopath fake piece of shit
Pekora is the turbo whore of hololive.
>>35840030korone doing that to your dick
towa has a date
>>35840036Okayu, Korone, Roboco, Subaru, who's going to be the last slot for their Pokemon team? Mel, Matsuri, FBK, and Pekora have streamed it iirc.
I have been happy every day since I met Mikochi!Miko superchat reading https://youtu.be/YAA7kt8GQc8
https://mega.nz/folder/PyYiiDKa#6kyT7e9z-3oj-7gEyDafWASmile & Go fap
>>35840038Cute Towa!CuteIRyS!
It's amazing how Towa outclasses Irys on this, Irys is supposed to be this amazing singer and yet has a subpar cover
>>35840034>>35840037seeing double
Reminder that we hate>noel>mel>ayame>rushia>pekora>aqua>lamy>haato>miko>suisei>nene>towa>fubuki>matsuri>shio>choco>polka>marine>azkiAnd that these whores are offtopic and should be totally relegated to /vt/ along with their shitty cuck fanbases
>>35840059she's not bad by any means, the mix is shit
Rummy love!
>>35840059Towa loves her talented daughter Irys!
Fuck off>>>/vt/
>>35840069What do you use to upscale? 2xwaifu?
>No Towa, for the umpteenth time I do not want to see you make your "nipples dance"
I love Miko Miko Miko!!!
>>35840065pekora, aqua, miko, suisei, nene are ogay
Reminder to report these threads for pony content outside /mlp/ if you truly care about the state of /jp/If Holobronies won't fuck off from the board they've been exiled from, then we'll just force them off>>>/vt/
>wake up>Korone BFBBI love this dog like you wouldn't believe
>>35840046don't lewd the dog
Polka bebi.
Imagine being hurea...
>>35840094Never leaving
>>35840099Nene bebi!
>For the last time Mori, I don't want to come to some strange hotel with you. I don't know what this BB....C? is that you love but I don't want anything to do with it!
Hololive academy
>>35840103Not when the mods are on our side, VTeen. They're just delaying the inevitable because they don't want to see you cope by flooding the board again.
>streaming during olympic daysHave anything interesting happened in the last 3 days?
EOP hours are schizo hours eh, whod've thunk
>>35840115Not Hololive>>>/vt/
So pekora turbo whore, >>>/vt/ and holobrony buzzword /qa/schizo are the same person. What the fuck
been thinkin bout theon
More Holos should pander to EOP
>>35840102they don't even talk irl.here is a bit of cold harsh truth for you: Noel has IRL friends that aren't from Hololive, and when she meets them, she talks trash about Flare. >God today was annoying, i had to pretend to go on a date with that cunt >I like Hololive because it makes me rich but I wish I didn't have to pander to yurifags>At least ship with someone who smells good like Pekora. Flare's body stink is disgusting
because towa can catch catfish from dusk to dawn
>So pekora turbo whore, >>>/vt/ and holobrony buzzword /qa/schizo are the same person. What the fuck
>>35840122He's outed himself a few times now. Drank too much SEA water and fried his brain
Suisei is erotic !
>>35840122It's funny how >>>/vt/ does not exist in the niji thread at all
>>35840131Explains why Noel is a whore and no one likes her. She should just fucking graduate if she hates her coworkers>>35840133What a Chad
>>35840053The last member will be a cover employee telling them that they have too many people for them to greenlight the collab.
>>35840142it's almost as if.....nahhh couldn't be
>>35840084https://github.com/lltcggie/waifu2x-caffeBut I often retouch the output a bit in the photoshop.
>>35840142Because it's popular in Japan. Hololive will never ever get on Niji's level. Know the difference, it could change your life.
>>35840133>posting about untaxed gains
>>35840131Noel wishes she could hang out with cuties like Lain but instead she has to hang out with old hags like Flare. Unfortunately for her Lain doesn't hang out with whores.
I love my oshi very much!! She loves you too, Anon!!
>>35840133$20,000 is a few months' worth of work. If this guy is American, he shouldn't "retire" just yet... he will hate himself for this a year from now when the money is gone (if he's american, probably spent on cocaine) and he is starting college.
Is there anything Flare is useful for? She's mogged by 2 Nijis and a fucking homo regarding her papa's creations. Worthless bitch should just fuck off.
>exactly 1 minute per postYou don't even watch nijisanji retard, now go back to posting your whatever everyday shit on /qa/
schizos don't even try anymore...
>>35840057She has nicer tits than I expected but that's still no danchou
Someone is having a meltdown
>>35840178DMC3 and DMC4 someday... right? DMC3 Coop BP offcollab with someone please...
>>35840177He's a flip, that money will last him his entire life.
>>35840133>>35840165by the way, reporting to the someone to the IRS for this shit actually earns you yourself some money.
>>35840133Holy based
how is watame able to just talk for hours on end
>>35840177That's a bit over two years of work for me, personally.
>>35840133>bragging about making money with stolen contentSmart kid.
>>35840188It's just a normalnigger LARPing as a schizo.
>>35840194>reporting someone*brainfart
>>35840133Yeah, he was in contact Coco too
Anyone else been thinking about Minato Aqua's breasts more than usual, or do I need to go see a doctor or something?
>>35840178No one will marry that bitchy old hag so its either Hololive or the conbini.
Which lunaito had the best outfit?
>>35840094touhou sharts can fuck off to >>>/vg/
Reminder that Flare is the deadweight of Sankisei and has to cope with not one but 2 Nijis mogging her. She had to cut out her SC shit because KaigaiCHADs weren't having it with her kek No wonder she's unpopular kek
>>35840192flip here, lol nope. Maybe if he lives in whatever backwater farmland somewhere south here
>>35840164What the fuck does being popular in Japan has to do with anything? Niji by definition is a vtuber company as well. If you want /hlg/ out, then you need to kick /niji/ out and /vyt/ out as well. So go spam in those threads if you want vtubers gone. But you won't because you just want to shit up the thread.
>>35840215i want to know if she has a hairy ass
Filthy soulless whore
>>35840197She has a tendency to talk about the same things over and over, at least between streams.
>>35840209Better a normalfag than a shut-in sperg like (You), Holobrony.
Sora Love!
>>35840220Lack is embarrassed by her.
If your chuuba isnt here, then they are irrelevant fucking trashhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PTVuwhcYHs
Name this bandMel, Furea, Noel, Nene
>>35840197She just likes talking
>>35840225pls post boob sir you are very prety girl can i call you on skype and we can mary?
>>35840225She's a whore yesBut man look at those titties, god fucking dammit.
>>35840223/vyt/ and /niji/ don't flood /jp/'s catalog like /hlg/ does. Stop trying to pretend you don't know why we want VTeen trash off /jp/ for a second.>>358402192hu board.
>>35840236I only know Pikamee here
>>358402394 bitches
>>35840225Imagine the sag in 10 years, she's not going to be a good hag
Brownsada Turbowhora
>>35840225OH NO NO NO HOLOBRONIES DONT LOOK AT THOSE COWTITS>>35840239The 3 Whores and an Objective Failure
>>35840236nyanners is based. i mean, i don't like her streams. but she's a self made woman, and i can respect that.
This sound like aischizo for me lads, you can research in warosu for more information
Thread status?
>NOOOOOOOOOO HE CANT KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH ROOMMATEPOSTINGERINO Nice to see the Redditors finally fucked off to r/Hololive. Roommate posting is INEVITABLE and the Redditors pretending it should be moderated are only kidding themselves when they complain on 4CHAN of all places kek
>>35840267>self made womanshe transitioned from male to female?
>>35840236Wow anon. it's a gathering of literally whos and Pikamee
>>35840262Post small Coco
>Kiara starting up roommate activities>Amelia starting up roommate activities>Mori never stopped and has even increased roommate activitiesIt feels like EN is preparing to quit and won't renew their contracts, what is going to happen to hololive if half of their biggest gen just walks out in a few months?
>>35840271Could be worse.
>>35840065We only hate Noel, she has been one of the most hated vtubers since before /hlg/ was created and that will always be the caseWe don't tolerate whores
>>35840236>no HolowhoresDangerously based>>35840270>muh schizosSeethe. We stopped watching Hololive on July 1 btw
>>35840271Solid American hours/10.
>>35840273this is either a really bad false flag or a literal child. You have to be over 18 to post here
Mio forehead
>>35840271Match the time and you can filter them all, it just one schizo anyways
>>35840279can't believe they've been completely mogged by NijiEN. Cover fucked up big time by not going for a group that has actual unity.
>>OPthis might be the best holo canon art
Marine is an inferior HayasePekora is an inferior NuiNoel is an inferior FurenFlare is an inferior LainRushia is an inferior (pick any Niji she is boring, you can literally pick anybody)Hololive is the knockoff brand.
>>35840279>two of the worst influences and the only full EOP leaveAll-around improvement?
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking hell.
>>35840287kek her /jp/ threads are hilarious, Kishicucks are pathetic whiteknighting that brocon whore
>>35840276something like that
>>35840102Flare and Noel aren't even friends irl. Both Marine and Flare hate her
>>35840271Old man yells at cloud
>>35840293>NOT THE HECKIN FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGERINOGo back. It's inevitable on 4chan. You do not fucking belong on this website.>>35840299B-B-BASED
>>35840289I don't see ai-chan anywhere anon? Where is she now? Died from flooding?
>>35840194kek based
>>35840236>gmod is older than the average poster on /vt/how time flies...
>>35840279>Kiara starting up roommate activities???What was she doing for the past 10 years?
>>35840304is it possible to fit more zoomer buzzwords into one post?
>>35840294This is something I wish could become a trend. Foreheads are cute as fuck.Imagine Luna showing her forehead, imagine Ayame showing the space between her horns. God damn that would be hot.
>>35840220Noel is the deadweight of Sankisei she makes less in SCs than Flare and her viewership is worse, no one in hololive gives a shit about Noel there's a reason she's a among most hated vtubers and no one in hololive likes her
>>35840319>garry shit himself and abandonned gmod for RUSTfuck you garry, faggot
You are encouraged to smell Watame's armpits
>>35840325Good taste
>>35840299Absolutely based.There is nothing more overrated than Sankishit. Zero fucking good talents, the Reddit generation.
>>35840294I want to cum on her forehead
>>35840225Why does Cover continue to employ this useless piece of shit? She should just fuck off and go do JAV on her roommateHer numbers as a holo are a fucking embarrassment and no one likes working with her
>>35840194how would reporting a flip to an usa organization earn you any money, smart anon?
>>35840324Is it possible for (You) to realize no one likes C-chan and her consistent whore behavior? Just take the L already, cuck
>go watch korone's spongebob vod>she plays with japanese dubabsolutely ruined. no way im watching this
>>35840328But he's making gmod 2 on source 2
What's Aki's deal? Like what's her deal?
Is this what attention-starved people do all day to get their interaction with other humans?
>>35840339kek and the worst talent in the most overrated generation of Hololive behind Flare, who can't break 5K a stream anymore kek.
>>35840351where do you think we are
when does /jp/ play?
>>35840279>Amelia starting up roommate activitiesnice lie.
>>35840348onion female
>>35840351Indonesia is on another lockdown pls andstnd
>>35840334You can do it with any fucking Holo. All Holos have a Niji who does the same thing but better.
>>35840351What happens when a holo craves attention?
>>35840351>he willingly watches whores>he expects to be taken seriously when /jp/ is a board that consistently outs 3DPD whores and their cuck enablersBit ironic coming from (You) kek
>>35840359after this match
>>35840340what's with underage browns addicted to roommate posting
She is going to fart
>>35840360No lie, she streamed herself fucking her dog on twitch.
>>35840344Don't worry anon. Moona is going to play it on Thursday.
Why did Ricardo sperg out again? Someone else in Niji got graduated because of stalking again? Or another cancer patient?
Is this the panty thread?
>>35840197Some people just love to talk, anon.
Okite Okite
>>35840225she's so perfect for cowplay. jm glad she embraces it
>>35840365Just post the list so Holobronies have no recovery at all kek
>>35840368They stream or start making menhera posts on their roommate's Twitter
He's mad! He's mad!
>>35840371seiyuu posting has always been allowed in jp
>>35840368They get on their personal twitter and spread drama.
>>35840379i wouldn't consider any of the rambling in these threads by these individuals to be "talking"
>>35840368Pekora and Watame
Towa is ________
>>35840376Maybe his family got kungflu'd and his only source of survival is goddamn sinovac, maybe
>>35840371What's with Redditors addicted to crying about muh forbidden knowledge? Browns are pretty based ngl, at least they know what website they're posting on.>>35840376You're losing 2 Holos next month rumao rumao
>>35840377gaoudad is a patrician
>>35840376>>35840398why are you replying to yourself
>>35840396FAT FUCK
Have you noticed that Aqua stopped sniffing?
>>35840387>seiyuu posting has always been allowedkusa, seiyuu shitters migrated here when /vg/ and /a/ kicked them from their boards.
>>35840369I'm not 5 so whatever insults you throw at me won't work. But go ahead and tell me to cope, seethe, dilate, and to have sex if you want.
>>35840406fuck i thought we were talking about the schizo lmao ignore me
Noel 7.8kFlare 7.2k15k totalEven together they can't beat Lain.
>>35840404>calling me RicardoDon't insult me like that, anon.
>>35840278>Post small Coco
Sankishit is the most overrated aspect of Holoshit
>>35840215Yeah and the ones you posted are way too small
I'm pretty sure more people have 1cc'ed mainline 2hu games in /hlg/ than in the 2hu threads.
>>35840414Let him replied to himself anon, his country is in another lockdown, his vac is piece of shit. He has nothing left in his life except this shithole
Sankisei (particularly Flare the failure and Noel the whore) are failures and whores top to bottom. No wonder Reddit and EOPs flock to that stain on the brand.
>>35840236My cute wolf Pomu!
>>35840433It's why /hlg/ keeps winning and schizos can't stop fuming.
>>35840427Sorry! Please don't be mad at me
>>35840418>>35840425Pekora reclining, Noel and Flare mogged by Lain, Marine going mute and Rushia having menhera breakdowns it truly is the end for sankishit.
Reminder that Sankishit gave birth to Hololive's recline and Reddit Dragon temporarily saved it but post-graduation Nijisanji has inclined drastically since and Holobronies just cope and stay cucked forever kek
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVQw7FJ3rxcI don't get it, Aqua or Kanata don't refer to themselves in the third person, why is it so embarassing for other holos?
>>35840299And there's nothing wrong with that. Nobody expects a lot from just a small tech startup but as with most small companies it's soulful, family-like and doing its own thing. It's always good to have an alternative to a big soulless corporation even though technically it has better talent tailored towards commercial success.
>>35840419>94.8this woman should be required by law to pass on those delicious genes
>>35840445>moggedyou just keep outing yourself crossboarder>>>/vt/
>>35840299Everyone is inferior to Ayame.
Why is she looking at me like that?
>>35840300She was going to start streaming rather than just upload videos
>>35840418>Pekora reclining>Rushia still a menhera whore>Flare still being shit at drawing viewers>Noel still being a whore who can't draw SCs>Marine going mute and likely graduating in OctoberIt's beautiful...
>>35840460Mother instincts kicking in, better breed her fast
>>35840456it's just one retard replying to himself, best to just ignore him.
>>35840449It's because they're showing their "true selves", when they use third person or another pronoun they're playing a character.
>>35840418Noel is a fucking embarrassment. No wonder Marine and Flare hate her so much
>>35840225>jamaican guys are nutting between these RIGHT NOWI wish I was black...
Think about it Pippin *inhales from pipe* Could there ever be anything more cucked than simping for a women who you don't know what she looks like, you don't know what her actual personality is because she's putting on a "kawaii" act for Japanese man children, and you don't know a single thing the bitch is saying because she speaks a foreign language and your an EOP? It's very perplexing, Pip. *shakes head* I just don't understand.
>>35840460she's sweaty and thinking wiping off with that nousagi(me)
whens /jp/ playing? fuck the schizos
>>35840453Wrong quote, Watamate?
The cool Aqua
>>35840418Aqua has really fallen...
>>35840456Cope>>35840459Out, namefag whore enabler.>>35840452>family-oriented>not soulless>implying Holoshit isn't a big soulless corporationkek no wonder Holobronies have abnormally low standards and are vastly uninformed on facts.
>>35840449It's part of acting and their own pride.Using a third person allows them to separate their persona from their real self but by using a first person pronoun they feel embarrassed as their real self wouldn't act that way.
>>35840480Probably in about 15 minutes
>>35840418GO IRyS GO!
I feel bad for Marine and Flare, forced by management to collab with Noel.... No one deserves that, the rest of Sankisei deserves a raise just for putting up with that fake whore, imagine having one of the most hated vtubers in your gen what a pain in the ass
>>35840481my bad. how did that happen? meant for >>35840418
GUys numbers hae ruined my brain, I see numbers everything even in this post and on this page numbers
>>35840472Marine and Flare are equal embarrassments in their own right but at least they're not as bad as Noel is kek>>35840418>those reclines5ch was right and you fags didn't listen to me
>>35840418kek almost all of the "relevant" Holos like Aqua (who never was popular outside Zhangland anyways kek) losing views. I knew the bubble would burst and Nijisanji would reclaim the mantle it already had in terms of relevance
>>35840418And you don't seem to understand
This is why you don't use sinovac, unless you want to reply to your own post every 1 minute
>>358404183 million subs huh
>>35840503Numbers are part and parcel of discussion here faggot. Leave this thread or fuck off to r/Hololive if you don't like it.
>>35840513Speak English.
>Watame has streamed over 9 hours todayWatame...
>>35840485I see, still didn't denied that Ayame is better.
Aqua should get proper glasses
>>35840098She retweeted this so we're allowed to. you can't stop us
>>35840503ok i'll post some numbers
>>35840530I spoke in complete sentences, Zhang.Mad Holoshit is finally losing steam and Nijisanji reclaiming total dominance over the industry is happening again? Guess who isn't getting bought by Sony (hint: it's not Ichikara/Anycolor)
You guys told me that Marine is cute...
luna fashion show was better than the first one
miko kek
>>35840541All Holowhores are ugly.
>>35840545Did JAV kek
Any new rrats?
>>35840485You aren't even trying my dude.
>>35840540Holy shit point out his broken english and look at his seethe, enjoy your shitass vacc SEAdog
>>35840418can someone spoonfeed me on what the categories mean? I know the first is stream time
>>35840541That's not her
>>35840541there were some members saying that she is very cute
quick reminder
>>35840541kek, there's a reason why no one likes her around
Good thing that my sheep never had a schizo
>>35840542was it because the submissions were better this time?
>>35840556My English is fine. Seriously get your eyes checked and point out the grammatical errors before shitposting like you are.>>35840558kek she's fatter than Okayu and Polka
>>35840558Cope Holobrony it comes from her roommate Twitter before she took it down.>>35840560They were lying.
I don't know what's happening on the thread but /jp/'s up next on divegrass for those who are interested
I can't even get (You)s from a schizo...
>>35840567You weren't here a few days ago?
>>35840580fuck off
I know Moona and Reine can afford real vaccines but I fear for Risu. If she gets one of the ones they give to the average SEA rodent she's going to become a schizo like the ones who are infecting this thread right now.
>>35840555Why try when everything he said above is the truth?There's a reason why Nijisanji is the new alternative to Hololive post-Coco graduation. It's comfortably inclining and with a growing EN branch without drama so far, it's bound to continue.
https://twitter.com/uruha_ichinose/status/1419372965930553344?s=19is she suicidal?
>>35840541that's how i imagine herfat fujoshit
>>35840540Still lacking proper capitalization and punctuation. Try again.
>>35840586Gotta try a new vaccine
>>35840586tree rats are safe from meme virus
>>35840558>he hasn't done his roommate reps
>>35840576where's the tits then???????
>>358405674th gen doesn't have any schizos, some heimins are otherwise fucked in the head but there's no dedicated schizo for any of them.
>>35840586>she's going to become a schizo like the ones who are infecting this thread right now>implying she isn't one of them already
>>35840590Give her a break, her oshi just graduated.
>>35840588>EN branch without drama so far>he doesn't know about the penguin
>>35840603>4 whoresFuck off
>>35840606umm, what about those sheepposters who constantly call Kanata a leech
>>35840582Have one on the house.
>>35840443I have no time to be mad when I could be thinking about Aqua's boobs
>>35840597Can you get the 'rona by licking armpit sweat?
>>35840580We're /hlg/, not /jp/
>>35840604That tit picture isn't her.
>>35840617what about them?
We need a better class of schizo. As it is now they all just repeat the exact same words over and over. So easy to filter.
Imagine the sex
>>35840611Literally only obsessive hololive tribalists give a shit about that though and it's not harming her or her branch in the slightest.
>>35840580i'm ready for heartbreak!
>>35840582don't spend it all in one place
>>35840617Those are just truthseekers, nothing wrong with that. It's like calling Miko a shrine maiden.
Miko is so fucking cute bros
>>35840597is this why Haachama started streaming again? She can leave the basement for 2 weeks while Iofi self-isolates
>>35840599>>35840576She doesn't have that mole in any of her other photos. That's not Marine
>>35840625When does /hlg/ play then
>>35840586Enjoy dealing with sinovacschizo anon, i'm sleep.ps. i'm got pfizer but feel like these whole vacc shit is bullshit af
>>35840617They have a complicated relationsheep with heimins
>>35840611The cute and funny penguin that makes Holobronies and Chumpedos specifically seethe by posing a threat to their corporation they bootlick?
If your oshi doesn't have schizo, he needs to get those numbers up.
Pomu is on the team!
>>35840655good one
Remember when Aqua had flat chest?
>>35840611No one cares except Holobronies>>35840649Posted on her roommate account months ago. Stay in denial, Ichicuck
>>35840649She edited it out you dumb simp. This comes from her roommate's Twitter.
>>35840666did they sack away cirno?
>>35840651They just inject everyone with sugar water and the jewish overlords are laughing their asses off at everyone making huge arguments about it.
>>35840664no problem!
>>35840657HOLY BASED
I wonder what Towa is doing right now
>>35840676She deserved that
>>35840673>>35840672Her roommate's twitter has been locked since early 2019, and the other photos of her look nothing like the one she posted
>>35840676gave away a dumb 90+ penalty last match
>>35840688glad to see shes gone. that was the worst thing i've seen /jp/ do since sanaes own goal
>>35840683yotsuba is so adorably cute, i just want to hug her
>>35840633It would be the greatest fight for survival
>>35840588Are are you calling yourself "he", are you schizophrenic? You didn't even read the post you were replying to if you misread family-like as family-oriented, stop embarrassing yourself.
>>35840694And it was posted there at that time.Are you that fucking dense like the other Ichitrannies ITT?
>>35840694Her roommate had another Twitter account that she was using until it got found in 2020. This is from that account.
>>35840700>family-orientedThat isn't supposed to be a good thing, nigger. We watch VTubers for creativity and originality. Which soulless corporate trash is neither. Ironic that those forced to do said soulless corporate trash things are whores anyways kek
>>35840697there's a daily Yotsuba&! chapter on /a/ if you want more Yotsuba pictures
>>35840687daradara with her girlfriend
>>35840719>donta smoka>a lesbiankek you don't know shit
When the western vtuber fad dies and all these EN retards who put their life savings and left their jobs just to become attention whores behind a .png die off I'm gonna laugh so fucking hard. Glad JP autism and idolfags will keep the superior branches going for years.
>>35840707So what happened to that account?
>>35840713That's not a thing at all. Nobody said the word "family-oriented" but you. I guess holoantis really are braindead and can't even read. Oh well.
>>35840730this kills the Nijishart
>>35840734Cope>>35840730And Hololive will die when that happens, newfag
>>35840731She deleted it. I don't know how you don't know this it was a big deal last year on 5ch.
>>35840731Deleted it because 5ch found it out. Your reps, newfag.
My...forbidden knowledge.....
I have been sexually assaulted by the watamates for the last time
Just woke up, how was the Marine tetris collab?
>>35840744That's a lie because the URL for that twitter image is still up. Why do you lie?
>>35840749her head is too small
>>35840756Fuck off. HH is based and been /ourguy/ since the start
>Open Watame Stream >Started Streaming 6 hours ago >Close Watame Stream
>>35840756good riddance but I'm sure he will just make another channel
>>35840761fucking schizos lmaothey're seething
Did you know? Usada Pekora doesn't exist. She's a fictional character created by Cover Corp.
>>35840761That is a repost by someone else.
>>35840756Fucking redditor faggots reporting our guy.My oshi is Moona btw
>>35840756get fucked you twat
>>35840760>2 known whores and a fat old hagProbably shit>>35840761Still posted on 5ch every day kek
>>35840754You don't need to post the same thing twice.
you wake up one morning and find that you have transformed. Your skin is browner and you SEETHE at the thought of HololiveNow, which is a worse fate? You have become a>Niji JP fanboy>Niji EN fanboy
Listening to old Mio streams are satisfying, her voice is just perfect for those sleepless nights.
>>35840756How many times this shit is going to be posted?
>>35840792I'm not a tribalist and like both
meido for fucks sake
>>35840784No it's not. I can see the tweet.
>>35840778>>35840779>>35840787Go back
>>35840798until it stops giving (you)s
>>35840792kek beware they might turn on their spam bots again
>>35840798Does it make you angry that your favorite youtuber is getting his channel deleted and his new one will be deleted before he gets to 10k subs?
We are losing again!
>anti faggots back>/jp/ losing hardfuck you faggots
>>35840792Toss a coin because I wouldn't be able to understand either language.
Fuck I would give anything to become Rushia's boyfriend. I would even kill my own mother.
>>35840803divegrass is on so i doubt meido is gonna do his job, well uwu don't do shit anyways so
https://youtu.be/-NkrIhL0NKoI'm so down for some good ol' SubaOka death games.
>>35840819the truth hurts I guess
not like this /jp/bros...
>>35840830You think Rushia will like that?
can't believe July is almost gone. anyway, shiraken collab in August 3rd, it's not minecraft this time so most likely GTA
>>35840804Thats where I got it from dumbass. That repost.
>>35840749Jesas christ Lamy
>>35840832anonchama... he's talking about the divegrass meido...
>>35840542More people is more fun in these kinds of streams. I wonder how much bad stuff Luna had to sift through...
>>35840837If she doesn't, she can revive my mother
so does anyone want to discuss STREAMS that happened today?
>>35840841That repost that links it to a nijiwhore? LMAONice one
>>35840846Use their built in chat then, faggotI can't read the schizo's meltdown with your spam
Eat. Sleep. Stream. Repeat.
>>35840851I tried to.
>>35840834we loosing? I can't watch because my lord and savior is streaming
>>35840840>July almost gone>still no new ARK arcbunch of liars
>>35840851Yeah Lain's Fall Guys was kino. Much better than whatever retarded shit sankishit was doing.
>>35840860anonchama, you're schizoing too much you're almost going braindead and mixing me with him
Say something nice about this cute clown.
>>35840856No it doesn't.
>>35840856NIJIKEKS EXPLAIN?????
lain? why are you guys talking about anime
>>35840833Oh yes I'm so ready.
>>35840879She and Luna seem like good friends, which means that she is a great person.
>>35840886I AM FALLING
otsumiko fags!
>>35840864It was 0-2 before, now it's 1-2 after Pessi scored
>>35840879I want to sniff her armpits
>>35840888The rules look real fun. You can submit a situation for them to act out. If they get embarrassed or laugh, they suffer a penalty game.
Gonna sniff this bunny girl's sweaty tights and nothing can stop me.
>>35840856It is Hayase Sou. Would have told you guys earlier but you honestly deserve this shit.
>>35840879I want to save her so bad
>>35840880Denial is the first stage.
>>35840879I want to have sex with her from the back and sniff her armpits
>>35840886Aloe's reincarnation
>>35840911You people are insane...
>>35840691I want to cum on Ina and Korone's large foreheads but something about this image bothers me.
>>35840879Very sexy pitclussy
Why is everyone shilling Nijisanji now?
>>35840851Matuli's gastric phone was cute.
>>35840901>can't tell if it's true or not because I don't know JapaneseYou win this round, holochad.
>>35840879She is big
>>35840924hime-sama, not like this...
>>35840851Okayu helped me ascend to the heavens with a mix of humor and intimacy.
>>35840851Miko was playing Minecraft again so there’s nothing much to discuss I guess. I haven’t watched the others yet so I don’t have much to say but the Marine tetris collab looks fun.
>>35840925Nijibeggars are shameless.
>>35840924The capeshit...
I will fuck the lion
>>35840925baseball game made the females beat Pekora which is rare for them now they getting cockyalso the new gen is 5 males one female and the female leeches of the fujos
>>35840925nijischizo lost his mind because his favorite girl is literally dying
I've been watching less streams of my oshi and binging archives of Mio... I feel like shit but I can't stop
>>35840925Check your eyes again and tell me that this is "people" shilling niji
>>35840901Deserve what and why, /vt/-kun? I get that you hate hololive and Marine but you really shouldn't post your own ugly whore when trying to throw shit.
>>35840927I know for a fact that it is Hayase Sou because I have seen facecam videos of her roommate.
>>35840899>>35840940Get on the line
>>35840959Who was your previous oshi?
>>35840879She has a cute girlfriend
amelia ASS
>>35840961I am not the fag who posted her in the first place you cunt. W
>>35840879She wants me to save her
>>35840959Mio is fine, she is a mama, you don't betray your oshi if you watch a mama.
>>35840965What's wrong, Friend?
>>35840967I'm so handsome. How can other nousagi even compete?
>>35840977https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLOx8QZgE0EBEE LOVE
>>35840962I don't care anon, I was just mocking the nijifag who conceded and instantly stopped posting kek.
>>35840976You will watch avengers endgame again with luna, slav anon
>>35840606Sheepposters are Watame schizos, they just do it differently than other schizos.
>>35840991Why cant we watch Nolan kino Luna?
>>35840973Then answer question, nijishit.Your line here seems to be that the thread deserves to be shit because people don't want off-topic shit in it.
sauna :DD
>>35840962Bro you are so cool
>>35840994or maybe he just go to sleep, CUZ IT'S FUCKING 4AM NOW, DOES HE DON'T HAVE WORK TO DO TOMORROW?
https://youtu.be/LYFciXBcXIQsuichan wa???
>>35841002The thread deserves to be shat on because the thread shits on my oshi constantly. Why should I help people out who shit on my oshi?
Kanata isn't sitting on my face enough
>>35840998If the films please Luna... then I have to...
>>35841005I want Pekora to do this with Towa
>>35841020Your oshi is off-topic, EN/ID/nijimonkey.
Don't forget to listen to this today.https://youtu.be/ZE8gTiKBjA8?t=3284
>>35841020Who's your oshi? Other than blatant schizophrenics nobody shits on holomem here, and you shouldn't take these schizos seriously.
>>35841026Still going to lose.
>>35840879She has a fat ass
>Ctrl+F [Deleted]
Take it easy
No one cares about my oshi enough to schizopost about her.
>>35841023Kanata is too sleepy.
>>35841031>>35841035Not an EN/ID and I am not going to say. JP get shat on here all the time and not just by Nijiniggers or schizos, if you can't defend them from your own why bother defending them from Nijiniggers?
>choco is still playing APEX even on her roommates accountChoco... this is just like ARK all over again.
>>35841045Agree, female loki ruined this show
>>35840851The skateboard stream was kino.
Watame opened a drink
>>35841055people only doompost about my oshi. I don't think anyone here has watched her enough to schizopost about her
>>35841062what is kanata doing?
>>35841066jesus christ
>>35841061So your oshi is nijiEN then.
>>35841005>Dead corporate shipRoru
>>35841074Schizos don't watch streams to begin with.. They just parrot shit from these threads. Retardation begets retardation.
>>35841088>>Dead corporate shipt.faggot
What do you think Towa smells like?
Who the fuck is that StrongestFairy on /jp/ team
>>35841089EOPs are schizos?
Is it finally hornyposting time?
>>35841051Lmao at the samefagging
It's over /jp/bros...
>>35841105You tell me
>>35841083you tell me
>>35841126SEX FRIEND!
>>35841087No HoloJP. I am not going to name her because then the Nijinigger or the just her normal schizo is going to spam posts shitting on her.
>>35841115Wish I had more lewd/not straight up nsfw okakoro pics
>>35841099The nijiEN that's dying to cancer. /jp/ neets will continue shitting their diapers while shouting about holos despite this.
>[Deleted]>52 matches
>>35841139You can feel their lewd gamer energy in even the tamest of pics.
>>35841138You just said Marine deserves to be shit on so your oshi deserves to be shit on in equal capacity. Why are you acting like you're better than everyone else?
Are we free? Is it over?
>>35841159Yes, back to endless baiting and schizoposting.
>>35841088The other way around.
>>35841159SEA nijishill was terminated
>>35841157True, but still
>>35841176This looks like a doujin cover
>>35841183I wish it's true, the niggers would be back sooner or later
>>35841187I'll see what I've got
I would watch Towa if she didn't stream Apex all the time.
>>35841154Nijinigger posts are still up.
>>35841180>lamy drew pomubased
>>35841181what if i like all three?
>>35841201very cute despite being 3d
>>35841183I hope, and hope he dies with his shitty vac too. Such a disgrace for niji fanbase
>>35841158Fine my oshi is Matsuri. Shit on her all you like.
>>35841201Kinda cute.
>>35841201>Liked by Matsuri and Hiro but not Luna herselfbased baby
>>35841185cute boy
I blame polka, it is no coincidence that the 2 games where she is present are the only ones where we lose.
>Watame at the 10 hour mark for today
>>35841213He is going to say that Marine and Flare hate Noel and no one will defend her because Marine and Miko constantly get defended here but Noel, Matsuri and Pekora get endlessly shat on.
>>35841243Absolutely no jiggle in that boys chest.
Okayu likes Aqua.
>>35841248just the way i like it
>>358412173d is the highest point of a vetuber career
>>35841246Yeah no one defends poor Pekora.
>>35841249She should invite Aqua to the Unite team. Her autism would be perfect.
>>35841263Not to the extent that Marine and Miko get defended.
>>35841246>He is going to say that Marine and Flare hate NoelThat's a fact
Is there R18 art of Pekora and Towa?I need it.
>>35841251wow suisei was on some sort of variety show? what was the theme? how to be a cunt?
>>35841271Only if you don't count using Pekora to attack Marine and Miko which is what you do all day every day even without provocation
>>35841286She was playing the best player of tetris iirc. She lost.
Noel isn't doing GTA today? I thought GTA sundays were back on
>>35841289Thats not me. I am a Matsurisu. This shit is all purely observation.
>>35841294Anon... it's Monday
>>35841292Why did you reply to that schizo
>>35841303That doesn't chsbge the fact that you use Pekora to shit on the holos you hate, and you already said you hate Marine.
>>35841312I'm bored.
>>35841305Alright so it might be Monday in whatever country Noel is in but here in America it's Sunday and it's Sundays when Noel plays GTA
>>35841277If Marine hates Noel so much she shouldn't eat her french fries or her studio in general and if Flare hates Noel she should return her mic and delete her audio settings.
Are we liv
How much would Matsuri have to pay Fubuki to do this?
>We are reaching the 8 hour markSomebody PLEASE impregnate this sheep.
>>35841328That's a tiny chimpo
>>35841330Fubuki does look kinda bored.
sex jpgs
>>35840538But she is one of the lewdest holos, anon
>>35841314Thats not me. I don't hate Marine but I am not going to defend her whenever people shit on her. Why should I defend her whem ichimi don't do the same for Matsuri?
We got haachama back, she'll return any day now too, right?
https://youtu.be/6GsCmnZnllkBLUE AND ORANGE LOVE!
>>35841347Shion yo next week!;_;
>>35841347Post more hornyposts of her, maybe we'll get her back
>>35841349Orangina Suisei?
>>35841345You hate Marine. Go ahead and shit on her.
>>35841353cute boy
>>35841320You don't even like Noel. Why do you care about her playing GTA?
>>35841330She'll do it for free becasue Fubuki likes Matsuri!
Another Watame stream goes by, another thread with 0 discussion about it.You CANNOT tell me nothing interesting happened, isn’t she like always saying interesting stuff in her superchat readings?Sheepfags are basically Haatards 2.0, every single one of these sad bastards is an EOP.Pathetic, these are the same people who leechpost.
>>35841352I guess it can't be helped
>>35841363the fuck do you want I'm busy chatting with her
/po/ are useless pieces of shit...
>>35840630What does Towa's sweat taste like?
>>35841384Thats a guy isn't it?
>>35841363That just means they watch the stream instead of posting here.
>>35841374These two are basically flaunting the fact that they're fucking at this point and it's driving me mad.
>>35841391dude who gives a fuck about the 4cc
Did Matsuri and Luna really kiss in real life?
>open Watame stream>See Watame still streaming>stay and watch Watame
>>35841356I don't though, I don't know why you think that.
>>35841391and we lost to them... I will never forgive Cirno.
Kanata is too loud
>>35841363I think a few days ago she said she likes to watch Lamy's streams. I couldn't ask about it in the thread at the time because I was banned for posting porn.
>>35841408You said she deserves the hate.
/jp/ IS DEAD
>>35841428/jp/ IS ALIVE
>>35841397Would you prefer they stop?
>>35841363I'm watching her while trying to do my reps. why would I discuss her here? to give some schizo something to attack? Besides, It's just a zatsudan. relax, listen, and shut the fuck up
>>35841432LONG LIVE /jp/
>>35841404Better question, which holos haven't secretly kissed each other irl?
>>35841363She's not my oshi why would I talk about her
>/jp/ gets to get blown the fuck out in the KOsy-yay
>>35841015This song is so fucking good
>>35841443Imagine the smell...
Sheepfags are pathetic
>>35841391I take it back, /po/ I love you!
>>35841417No I said that the thread deserves to be shit for everyone or at least that is what I meant. Besides someone posting a picture of Hayase Sou's roommate is fucking mild compared to the shit that gets said about Matsuri, Noel, Pekora, Rushia etc.
>>35841446Aqua and Shion.
>>35841432WE'RE STILL ON IT
>>35841450the vocals are nice. The rest, meh
>we were one goal away from being killedturkey 2002 shit
>>35841404Would you kiss your sister on the mouth?
>>35841459Fuck you I like everything about this song
>>35841464god we are going to get assblasted in the next round, I have absolutely 0 confidence
>>35841456You said Marine specifically deserves hate.
>>35841464/vr/ needed to beat /jp/ on goal difference because /jp/ beat /vr/ head-to-head
>>35841473It's fine if you like it. Music is subjective. Don't cry when others don't like the thing you like
>>35841477He’s right, Marine is the Kiara of JP and deserves every bit of hate that she gets here
>>35841475just enjoy the ridei've seen worse /jp/ teams make it in, namely the 2020 winter squad>>35841479so they needed six goals today?
https://twitter.com/7216_2nd/status/1419397749930299392Festival is gonna be horny all week...
>>35841477Where did I say that. Link the post.
>>35841251>>35841292the entrance was longer than the game itself
>>35841464That match was fucking intense
>watch matsuri play gartic phone>every round ruined by EOPsWhy are they so cancerous?
>>35841435Yes. It gets in the of me parasocially pretending I'm they're friend and makes me feel like I'm a third wheel.
*whips my cock out in front of Towa*
>>35841488They needed to win 4-0, 5-1, 6-2 etc.
>>35841488before the match, /vr/ was -3 on goal difference and /jp/ was 0. so, /vr/ needed to beat /po/ by 4 goals
>>35841487Fuck off I didn't say that and its not true.
>>35841502*towa whips out hers*
>>35841501I'm sorry to hear that, anon, because it's probably only going to get worse.
Oops, sorry Korosan I didn't know you were changing.
>>35841490You said "Ichimi" need to pay and you agree with this guy >>35841485
>>35841489Looks like she didn't get pregnant after I went in raw on her
>>35841502please tell down...
>>35841506Don’t back down, you were right, Marine is a selfish and loud piece of human garbage.
>>35841493i actually am shocked they made it in after leaking in 4 goals in one half. this trily is the worst /jp/ squad making the KO's
watamates, how are you able to watch the sheep for so long?
*sits on towa's face*
Any good streams today? I don't really see any that look interesting
>>35841520What's Bibi doing?
>>35841506Why are you defending Marine, you fucking piece of shit?
Which Five Holos would you want in a Hololive version of the Gaki no Tsukai's NYE 24h batsu?
>>35841511I haven't used the term "ichimi" in this thread until now.
>>35841519It's love. I can listen to her talk forever. Plus, I'm learning JP so hearing her is a constant motivation
Towa didn't piss after we had sex the other day and now she has a UTI
I miss Watame no uta
>>35841532going to get a snack
>>35841534SMOK and 1 other. Maybe FBK, Peko, or Luna.
I want to beat Suisei up until she's unconscious
>>35841533I am neither defending nor attacking her.
>>35841536Why did you jump into ny conversation with this guy >>35841345 then?
Doctor! I need a doctor! My wife's towater just broke!
>>35841519Because she is our oshi
hituji...don't go...
don't leave me sheep...
>>35841541>>35841564do you guys sync your sleep schedule with hers?
>>35841509That's okay. I know what I have to do.
>>35841550You said "it's not true" to deflect criticism from marine. That's called defending.Also why did no one else defend Marine? You said everyone else does it in this thread all the time.
>>35841540Why do you fuck Towa's urinary tract? That's gotta be painful
>>35841561I stand corrected, I have used the term ichimi but I never said she deserved to be attacked just that I am not going to defend her if she was because after all ichimi don't do the same for other Holos.
>>35841573She pretty much has the same schedule as me (EU) anyway, but of course I make adjustments when necessary or possible.
>>35841569>cat owns another catis Shishiron allowed to do that
>>35841581Because no one else in this thread knew that that was Hayase Sou's roommate.
>>35841582Anon... Her banana...
>>35840954I care very little about this but, Isn't that kinda childish? I mean this is not something new, she gets surpassed all the time, but not by the same chuuba. And that is the reason why she is in the top 5 since last year, because of her consistency. And is not just her. All the top streamers of the world stay in the top because even on a "bad day" they still gather a descent amount of viewers.
Haachama went on an indefinite hiatus because she got pregnant from her boyfriend. Yes Haachama is young. Young and stupid so she didn't use a condom. But it's fine, she got an abortion and psychological counseling and now she's back.
>>35841588Cats owned cats before Gokisei was even conceived.
Big vTuber Garry's Mod collab is starting if anyone is bored of Watame spacha reading.Watch Pikamee's PoV so you don't support the enemy
>>35841569Is Shion's cat still even alive?
>>35841601Kanata no!
I really really want to rape Hoshimachi Suisei. Something about her flat chest and her proud cute pure idol image really turn me on. I really want to rip off her idol clothes and expose how she's just a mere woman in front of me, whose only purpose is to be fucked as my personal whore. I want to ravage every inches of her little body as she tries to resist, only to realize how powerless she is against me. I want to fuck her in every possible position while groping her cute little tits, enjoying every seconds of her arousing moans. I want to fuck her for hours while she's thinking about how her fans will think of her, now that their cute comet idol is just a sex slave made purely for sex purpose. I want to whisper "Help will never come. You will never escape from here. Your idol career is over now and you'll spend the rest of your life as my personal sex slave" in her ear as she cries and struggles to escape until she eventually gives up. After I'm done with her, I won't even let her rest. I'll insert a rotor in her pussy and turn it on, leaving her moaning in my basement all the way until the next day, where I'll repeat this process over and over again until her mind is completely broken.
>>35841603>>35841605what's the power dynamic here? is it the same as Shishiron-Lamy
>>35841595You literally replied to a post that pointed out the photo was of a nijiwhore so others knew. You also defended marine from this claim >>35841487
>>35841573a little. for me she starts her stream at 9am so I have to wake up early. Not too bad but my problem is that I fall a sleep late, like 3am, so it's a bit of a struggle at times.
Honest question.Is there any reason to dislike Mio?
>>35841608not a tribalist, I'll be watching Pomu's but mute if it's mostly the loud bitches screaming.
>>35841623An actual human being wrote this. This person has a family, friends, class mates or colleagues, people who care about him. And he wrote this.
>>35841639How many fucking pets does Ame have?
>>35841640if you're Taiga, then yes
>>35841627Nyassu is Okayu's genius superdarling daughter.
>>358416502 dogs, 2 cats right now.And fish.
わためぇ.. どこ?I miss you
>>35841629Well there goes your idea that I think Marine deserves hate, when I am even defending her after I said I wouldn't.
>>35841660bros i can read this......am i gonna make it?
Suisei rape thread? Suisei rape thread.
>>35841661Why defend Marine when the entire thread was going to defend her even though it didn't?She deserves the hate
>>35841286>newfaggot>shit opinionChecks out
>>35841662as long as you keep doing your reps and never stop, you eventually will. がんばれ!
>>35841670Because I actually like Hololive and as such I have nothing against Marine. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about most ichimi and 35p here who only care about their oshis.
God, just the idea of mindbreaking Suisei is already so arousing. Imagine trying to mindbreak a prideful tryhard idol who never give up on anything in her life, it would be a real challenge and that's what makes it so fucking arousing. Imagine ravaging her body as she cutely resists, thinking that she will never succumb to the pleasure, but as you fuck her more and more violently, her determination will slowly but surely fade away.
>>35841679If he's 18 now, he might make it by the time he's 30.Good luck!
I thought Suisei was /vtsg/'s cumslut, not ours
>>35841684ichimi and their oshi deserve to be attacked and driven out you fucking idiot
>cirno fucking over /bant/ toorumao
>>35841534So, two pairs and a single that can get bullied by everyone?MiComet as Matsumoto/HamedaOkaKoro as Endo/TanakaSubaru as Hosei
>>35841696Based based based
>>35841322>He actually believes in the scripted interactions
>>35841696You just want everyone out you fucking schizo. The fact that all the posts about Matsuri haven't driven me away prove that they won't leave anyway.
>>35841717Oh please god tell down
>>35841718Cute boy
I like cute girls
>>35841401>dead corporate ship
Pekoschizo is the turbowhore of /hlg/
>>35841730why is that boy so shy
>>35841717I genuinely want to know what his net worth is
The only one I recognize out of those is N*anners...
>>35841725Ok pussy the ichimis and 35p will never defend matsuri if you don't attack their whore oshis firstDid you think you could just whine about them to get them to support you?
Suisei has small breasts.
>>35841344Never said anything pointing to the contrary, but since she usually just brushes offs lewd things on-stream to keep it family friendly people fall for the cute and innocent dog narrative without acknowledging her sex hag aura
>>35841730weird boy nipples
>>35841736>>35841724This faggot is open about being an ichimi. He shits on Noel continously. He probably also makes shitposts about Matsuri. This is why I don't want to defend Marine.
>>35841734said every holo
>>35841743what is that text to speech voicewhy are they all so obnoxious
>>35841743I watched Elira a couple of times and she was pretty comfy.
>>35841746Yeah, they're perfect
>>35841743why is there a m*leyabe...
>>35841648I don't see anything wrong with that post
>>35841758Like look at this shit he even does it in Marine's /vt/ thread. https://archive.nyafuu.org/vt/thread/6636172/Also his posting style is the exact same as the shitpost against Matsuri. Why should I defend Marine when this is what her fans are like?
>>35841758You literally just defended Marine you fucking schizo.
>>35841648They should be proud
Towa's hairy butthole...
>>35841743Why do they keep swearing and talking about dicksThis is horrible
>>35841797There's nothing wrong with defending Marine, specially with how many schizos hate her for no reason
>>35841797I won't in future. Fucking worst fanbase here by a fucking mile.
>>35841816Marine deserves the hate for directing her fanbase attack other holo members you fucking idiot
>>35841761>what is that text to speech voiceIt's that mute from vShojo, she has like a voice box that she uses to talk.
>>35841796>Why should I defend Marine when this is what her fans are like?Because the fans shouldn't have an impact on how you enjoy a holo, there's literally nothing wrong with Marine and allowing the schizos to shit up the place just because she makes them angry only make the threads worse and encourages other to do the same
>>35841640mostly witchcraft and her cursing your favorite holo.
wrong fucking thread vshitjo, we only like Pomu here
If you're a newfag and you haven't watched it yet, I recommend you watch the Fubuki and Matsuri asmr stream they did together.
you aren't actually riding a shitbox but a proper car right anon?
>>35841831Marine fosters this schizo mentality and tells her fans to hate other holos. Why do you think they hate Noel so much?
>>35841826She didn't do shit retard. Marine is one of the kindest and most loving Holos, Marine genuinely has done nothing wrong and doesn't deserve any of the hate she gets
>>35841831Why doesn't that apply to Matsuri? Why doesn't that apply to Rushia, Noel, Pekora, Korone etc.? Why should only Marine get defended?
>>35841569CAT DOXX????
>>35841845There's plenty of things to dislike a criticize about Noel. You can't expect someone who does what Noel does to be on everyone's good side
>>35841851Why won't you defend Noel and Matsuri like this, schizimi? Marine absolutely tells her fans to hate other holos.
>>35841851>Marine is one of the kindest and most loving Holos, Marine genuinely has done nothing wrong and doesn't deserve any of the hate she getsMarine is my oshi, and even I know that's not completely true
>>35841873So she does deserve all the hate she gets in here then
did towa's dog die?
collab onegai
>>35841864Besides Noel showing off her tits everything else that gets posted about her is schizo nonsense. See for an example of this >>35840131
>>35841852People don't like Matsuri because she's mentally unstable. It's very different
>>35841879Not all, but I could see some deserved criticism
I'm going to bed now, and you poor cunts are going to have to endure 700 posts without images during dead hours.
Why does Suisei make anons horny?
>>35841884wheres marine anon????
>>35841896>Implying I won't just leave the thread
>>35841898because se is a stacy
>>35841895Ok what is that criticism ichicuck?
>>35841896i don't care about this thread anymore if anon isn't in it.......
>>35841882I didn't
>>35841883You know what I want to see? A collab between Korone, Okayu and Pekora. Just these three.
>>35841852>Matsuri There's a lot of things wrong with Matsuri, to the point were most of her former fans have abandoned her favor of someone else. Shittng on Matsuri is not only a /hlg/ even her own viewers shit on her because her behavior is exhausting >RushiaThat's angry schizos and incels who can't cope with how much money she makes. Rushia should be defended but as someone who doesn't have wide appeal to EOPs there's no that many people here who like her>NoelHer roommate, the forced yuribait and other things makes people disliking her completely justified. Sorry but you can't get offended when someone shit on hers because there's plenty of things to disliked about her>PekoraPekora is constantly being defended, Nousagis are easily the biggest fanbase in these threads >KoroneNo one hates Korone
>>35841916Could Pekora withstand the bullying and teasing that she would receive?
>>35841907She deserves the criticism for the "manga in the fridge" thing
>>35841916The Pekora bullying would be so immense. I wouldn't even mind more Clubhouse Games just to see Okayu obliterate both of them again.
>>35841898She's really cute, her voice is really good, but god damn she's fucking dumb.That's hot.
>>35841873Nothing Marine has done is objectively bad. Her content might not be for everyone but there's nothing malicious or bad about it, certainly nothing to warrant the unreasonable hate she get's
>>35841005>>35841088>>35841093>>35841181>>35841213>>35841246>>35841263>>35841271>>35841289>>35841303>>35841314>>35841345>>35841356>>35841408>>35841417>>35841456>>35841477>>35841490>>35841511>>35841536>>35841561>>35841585>>35841758>>35841796>>35841831>>35841845>>35841864>>35841885>>35841852>>35841886>>35841922STOP SAMEFAGGING JESUS FUCKING CHRIST TAKE YOUR MEDS
>>35841765Cute boy.
>>35841898Because if we're ever on a long road trip together and I need to piss I can just do it in her ass instead of stopping at a gas station.
Why the fuck are these chuubas not starting with Prop Hunt yet?
Will Pekora ever stream on Twitch again? Or was it a quick cash grab
>>35841951dick and toilet jokes are more important
>>35841916Imagine if you throw in towa in the mix too, maximum teasing.
we won homobroswe won
>>35841926That was literally the only time marine has been goodShitting on fujos is good
SuiPeko 1 on 1 collab when?
>>35841938I never said she deserves hate,maybe some criticism here or there
>>35841938>>35841987Stop talking to yourself you mentally ill freak
>>35841922I am pretty sure Matsuri doesn't deserve to die like the anons here say she should and just because someone has ex-fans doesn't mean they should get hate. Noel isn't the only Holo who has a yuribait pairing nor is she the only one with a roommate who does amateur gravure and you literally couldn't give another reason to hate her.Pekora's roommate constantly gets posted here, she constantly gets accused of all sorts of things from being a numberfag to being a fake bitch.Korone has the sad dog doom poster who is a schizo making up bullshit about her numbers.
>>35841978Pekora is always just an afterthought to Suisei.
>>35841743All of these chuubas share most of their audience just by speaking competent english. Holo EN and ID are no different.
>>35841916Could be great. Though throw in a 4th; maybe Towa or Botan and have them do a Mario Party collab
>>35841973I'm a fujo
>>35841994Pekora always gets defended so it does not fucking MATTER what gets posted about her.
>>35841978Suisei/Pekora collab would either be amazing or a massively awkward mess. Probably hinging on if Pekora brings her combative banter A-game or not. Suisei doesnt mesh too well with holos who are overly shy imo
>>35841973I don't understand how straight men tolerate Marine's love of talking about BL. Coco got so much shit for pandering to reddit but Marine does the same thing and people defend it.
>>35842005Yeah of course you are and marine is a fake fujo who hates BL
>>35842020>Suisei doesnt mesh too well with holos who are overly shy imoI honestly like SuiAqua collab
>>35841743Froot is the only one I give a shit about in the slightest. She is a less talented and slighly lewder Ina.
>>35842012Really? >>35840256
>>35842023Yeah no one defended poor Coco except the thread is always full of /pol/ whenever anyone doesn't like reddit review.
Pekthe is or a holo of whorelive.
I heard that Noel met pekomama once when she drove Pekora home.I wonder if that was an awkward meeting.
>>35842027I like it but only for the novelty of them I guess. Watching Suisei desperately trying to elicit a response and exert stacey pressure on Aqua was very funny the first time I saw it but it would quickly get dull
>>35842034Irrelevant when no one defended Marine either.
>>35842045Its like watching two chill mothers cracking up over how they have to tard wrangle their dumb kids
>>35842045I NEED to marry these hags
Pekora didn't pass her driving test but to be fair, she took her driving test in Tokyo. I imagine Tokyo has one of the worst traffic conditions on planet earth
>>35842023Marine does not even like BL she makes fun of it
>Still no "E" holoAlphabet bros...
So according to ichimi:>Matsuri should kill herself because she menhera posts on Twitter and plays Apex with men>Noel should have her head caved in because she sells pictures of her tits and has a yuribait pairing>Marineschizo calling her a redditor is the biggest tragedy in the worldGee I wonder why people have a problem with you.
Reminder: Anyone referring to anyone with a fanbase name is a dumb shitposter.
>>35841853collab please
Please wheelbarrow us again chink, it’s better than the Marine /u/ schizo talking to himself for hoursThe HoloCN whores are deadTaiwan is a countryWinnie Pooh
>>35842071I don't know if that counts but there was Spade Echo, the pride of Hololive China
>>35842082You can't disprove any of the points about marinefags though. They are the most rabid shitposters here and they hate hololive.
>>35841994>Noel isn't the only Holo who has a yuribait pairingShe's the only one that's this fucking obsessives over it and by all means she's the one who pushes it the hardest despite the two of them having a very shallow "friendship"
>>35842071There is no "B" or "D" holo anyway.
>>35842100OkaKoro is the same though
>>35842045Mio love Taiga hate
>>35842104Bokoyami Dowa...
>>35842111OkaKoro has been friends for years
>>35842099Not that person. Dont give a shit, schizoposter.
bring back cocock
There is no T holo
>899 / 301defend this
Noel is contractually obligated to do yuribait, because if she didn't, people would look at her roommate activities and call her a whore.She makes videos where she pretends to swallow men's cum, but it's ok right? She's only doing it for money but REALLY she's a lesbian because she loves flare. It's that sort of thing.
>>35842134>tfw no t-back holo
>>35842100Flare pushes it a million times harder than Noel. Noel only brings it up when asked about it.Also explain this: according to you Noel is simultaneously this unlikable person who has no friends in Hololive but you also claim she is a normalfag with a ton of friends outside Hololive which would imply that she is very likeable. Which is it?
>>35842134Towa is a T-girl
>>35842142I want to go back to the >310/301 days...
I think I'm going insane, anons... I need to become a woman, but not just any woman... I need to become Lamy. NOW!
Yuribaiting is cringe in general. I mean we all know is fake soo I don't see the point of forcing that shit onto the viewers.
>>35842169I'm glad my holo is an actual lesbian and not a yuribaiter
What's the closest everyone has gotten to becoming Lamy? For me I paid someone from craigslist to text me 5-10 times and address me as Lamy,
Can we address that Noel is in an interracial relationship? Flare is an elf while Noel is a human.
>>35842177Based Marinebro
https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1326355021093498880towa baby...
>>35842167Yukimin are so fucking insufferable holy shit
>>35842184I became Ramy for a few minutes, wasn't as fun as you'd expect.
>>35842180where's ollie
>>3584218918k likes, that has to be her most liked tweet
>>35841587shitty bear...
>>35842202God I hope not. That'd be sad.
>>35842149Flare doesn't "pushes it a million times harder than Noel" Flare doesn't give a shit about Noel outside of when they're forced to collab, she's mostly focused in Shiraken, Bakatare and working with Marine on the thousands of things they're recording together, In general Flare is just a flirty person who doesn't put much weight on ships because that shit doesn't matter, you can very easily tell who a Flare's best friends and that Noel isn't one of them, that's why Noel trying to pretend they're close is annoyingly fake. I don't give a shit about Noel's life outside Hololive
>>35842201Promoted to honorary EN
>>35842189Getting close to the 1 year anniversary.
>>35842185Flare is in a relationship with Marine.
Thoughts on Houshou Marine (CV:Ookami Mio)?
Gen leadersSoraFBKAquaFBKPekoraKanataBotan
>>35842206> I don't give a shit about Noel's life outside HololiveCool so you will stop making up bullshit about her brother, her dating life and her health? Also I am glad we have established that the only real reason you hate Noel is because of the yuribait.
>>35842230Breed twice as hard
>>35841922Rushia is my oshi.. but then i'm also not an eop.
>>35842202Pretty sure Towa's last April Fool's tweet had about double that.
>>35842202Her Coco graduation tweets have over 50k likes there is also this https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa/status/1418548241684074505
For a literal idol, Nene has some rough song covers.
>>35842253literally the best hololive cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_xMgw2j9v8
>>35842253Idols don't have to be good singers.
>>35842253The 2 covers on her channel are really old sice they were recorded way before release. From before she started doing consistent voice training, she's fucking fantastic in the one with Reine she kinda makes Reine look bad in comparison
Nene, Miko, Kanata, Rushia, and Mel are the only holos that have roommates cuter than the avatars.
>>35842256Haha, no.
>>35842253I like Idol sengen >.<
Towa just kissed me...
>>35842235>Also I am glad we have established that the only real reason you hate Noel is because of the yuribaitIts always just been that everything else he says is headcanon. My favorite being him claiming she isn't an otaku when she likes fucking obscure shit like Zambot 3.
>>35842260May I save this image?
P*ka collab is fucking garbage lmao
>>35842302I put a computer virus in it
>>35842256The IDs consistently have the best music.
>>35842311Only Reine
>>35842311Only Towa
Don't watch Mio
that impersonation of Marine was pretty good
>>35842326The sad thing is, I don't even care. There's nothing of value to debuff. They're all so far from consistently being anime that Irys could sanitize each and every one of them and it wouldn't make a difference. Time to get off the ride.
>>35840325And when everyone has foreheads... hahahahaha.... No One Will.
>>35842342Was this post generated by an Ai?
If Flare doesn't care about Noel, why did she agree to go on a GTA5 date with her?
>>35842206>working with Marine on the thousands of things they're recording togetherMarine and Flare have literally never recorded a song together or anything else for that matter. They only do an utawaku together once every 6 months.
>>35842345In Gura's recent stream, a dog in the game was antagonizing her, and she said "If I had a... we'd be having chop suey tonight" and some retard took that as Gura being racist against chinese people because of the eating dogs stereotype.
>>35842359This fucking cat knows exactly what she is doing.
>>35842358If Flare loves Marine why do they only do one-on-one collabs every 6 months. (The one before the last one was in December)
>>35842359I hate the new cat, bring back the not so lewd, and slightly insecure about her weight cat.
>>35840730saving this for when we all get uploaded into the digital conscious server in 4 years so I can laugh at you
>>35842367It's just a line from p.h., anon. Don't be silly.
>>35842373maybe, find an indie, or i dunno give up on limiting yourself to live2d usage and find a regular streamer again like the old times
How to get a gf like Bluerose Suisei?https://youtu.be/ZfDYRy17CBY
>>35842387Create an imaginary one in your head, duh.
Hahaha Mio said sus lmaooooo
>>35842387Don't give up. She's still single.
>>35842362You don't watch Flare OR Marine. They just recorded something a few days agohttps://twitter.com/houshoumarine/status/1413050544164274177?s=20And there's a lot they've worked on together that simply isn't ready for release for Gensokyo Holoism 2, she's already recorded her anniversary and birthday lives and Flare is definetly a part of them, also don't be disingenuous faggot. Marine and Flare used to have monthly utawakus the only reason they haven't been that consistent this year is because of the constant lockdowns they had one last month https://youtu.be/Z3N98K17Jdg and the only reason they aren't having another one this month is because Marine's throat is fucked, there's also a cancelled minecraft collab with Flare for the same reason. Every week or every other week they're talking about meeting the other irl
>>35841066international embarrassment
Taiga's been real quiet ever since Tawa moved in
>Cat ballsMiosha!?
are those balls on Mo's stream?
>>35842358>Flare's collabs with NoelBarely over one hour, always full of dead air they instantly end when they find an excuse to do so, rare as fuck>Flare's collabs with MarineMultiple hours long, offtcollabs whenever allowed, full of soul and love between the two. Flare is always trying to work with Marine despite being regularly cucked by Marine's schedule
Tawa's massive banana....
>>35842383This is the 4th line reading from when they started over a year ago. The first one had her reading lines telling people to choke her. This is nothing new.
>showing us Tawa's ballsis Mio in heat?
>>35841066Tony would never
this guy is very goodhttps://twitter.com/tabakko/status/1419298947034587138
>>35842423I mean in general, she's been way more lewd this year.
>>35842442Wrong thread.
>>35842446>miko is not a numberfag btwogeyhttps://youtu.be/d9xyIG3T-Lc
>>35842364Why did you reply to me
>>3584240A fucking 11 second twitter voice note doesn't count. It took them 11 seconds to record that.Lockdowns only happened in April, why were there no collabs in January, February or March? Marine off collabed with fucking Ayame of all people instead.Noel and Flare also talk about meeting all the time, except they actually collab together unlike Marine and Flare who only do it once every 6 months.>>35842418NoelFlare collabs (monhun and gta) have all been around 3 hours this year.
>>35842455Miko doesn't want chama's "numbers" she wants the chama cock.
>>35842435Please get out of the storm drain, Aqua. It's dirty down in there.
>>35842451ching chong ping pong
>>35842455Why did you reply to me, retard?
>>35842362They have recorded exsctly one song together but no one knows about it because they have never sung it again.>>35842401You're being totally disingenuous. That recording session had a bunch of members and not just Marine and Flare.They never did off collab karaoke monthly either so that's another lie. There were TWO back to back then a month break and then it took 8 months for the next one.
I want it balls deep in mio
can you hurry up with posting so I can post topical images
>>35842473back of the line buckoroo
Sora is my girl...
>posts: 1001>IPs: 149what happened here?
>>35842486no meds
>>35842470>That recording session had a bunch of members and not just Marine and Flare.No it didn't. The big recording for game shop Maruyama happens on Sunday >There were TWO back to back then a month break and then it took 8 months for the next one.No they didn't you fucking retard. Every time there wasn't a lockdown they collabed every month without a fail, Flare herself called them her monthly utawakus with Marine, it's not their fault that Japan has been extra retarded in regards to how they handle the Coronavirus
>>35842481OUR girl
>>35842470He used a fucking 11 second twitter clip as proof that they are constantly recording together. If that took more than 20 seconds to record Marine is worse than special needs kids.
Why is a normalfag like Subaru even in hololive? Lying cunt should really fuck off, i hate her so much
>>35842466At least post coco, you stupid fuck.
>your oshi>which would you rather have: one hundred thousand dollars in hundreds, or one hundred thousand pounds of one dollar bills?
what ifjust hear me outwhat if you could snugglewith all the hololivesat once.
>>35842492There was no lockdown in January, February and March. There were no collabs then. Tons of members did off collabs then Marine and Flare didn't.
>>35842458>A fucking 11 second twitter voice note doesn't count. It took them 11 seconds to record that.The point is that they met irl you fucking retard>NoelFlare collabs (monhun and gta) have all been around 3 hours this year.And Flare is miserable thorgh the entirety of it, it's night and day compared to her collabs with Marine
>>35842442>all the "XD forbidden knowledge" retards in the repliesGod I hope my oshi's roommate never gets popular
aqua is so cute... how can someone that cute be related to someting as evil and ugly as china?...
>>35842505do I have to include kiara, ollie, ayame, korone, choco, rushia, and aki?
>>35842505>allI dont want to smell cum like ayame
>>35842517I hope my oshi's roommate stops threatening to kill herself
>>35842512Flare was giggling the entire time during the GTA collab.Also why didn't they play monhun one-on-one together like Noel and Flare did? No lockdowns stopping you there.
>>35842511This collab https://youtu.be/b2O8RqGXxwM specifically happened because they weren't allowed to meet irl. There's fucking discord screenshots on Flare's twitter of her begging Marine for a collab and both of them being sad because due to the lockdown they were allowed to have a proper singing offcollab like they always do
was she rejected by someone?https://twitter.com/masimasi0/status/1419202754480771081
>>35842487https://youtu.be/6UejZC6dmAo?t=71She said so herself. I'm watching her second live again
what's going on in this thread
>>35842512>And Flare is miserable thorgh the entirety of it, it's night and day compared to her collabs with Marineholy projection batman
>>35842531ugh the EOPs responding are so repulsive
https://twitter.com/uji_aso/status/1419348485141241858?s=19Boinboin Matuli...
dios mioget it? miohaha
>>35842530Still none in January and March. I guess Marine would rather collab with Ayame than her supposed girlfriend just like when she abandoned her to go have a concert with Sana and Creamy Mami while Noel looked after Flare.
>>35842492>Every time there wasn't a lockdown they collabed every month without a failThen why did they ONLY happen in September, October and December? Where are all the other streams? In your del/u/sional head?
>>35842553>click on profile>see cunny>close tab
>>35842554That's actually funny
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UN1ab6vj97sOh no no no
>>35842554Mio Dio covers…
Rate this clip.https://streamable.com/w6ehcb
guys look i'm posting a holo's roommate's twitter. how fucking cool am i? i'm totally not a newfag, right?
>>35842548>complains about the english but not about the chinesemmm I smell a mainlander
>>35842554holy diver
>>35842580very cool
>>35842580go be cool where you came from >>>/vt/
>>35842548"people" who use the word "responding" are so repulsive
*uses an image of [holo] while making retarded posts*haha don't you hate [holo] now hope she graduates soon
Kemono live collab…
>>35842530Lmao that collab is barely over an hour. What happened the the 3 hour long collabs?
>>35842610Because that's a marshmallow reading stream retard. Those are always on the short side
>>35842603shhhh anon shhhh.....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaWvNltP6DMshion's voice is so cute...
I refuse to believe this Marine Flare Noel """discussion""" isn't done by a mentally ill schizo samefagging with a pc and 2 phones
towa shat on the carpet again
>>35842621when is she coming back?
>>35842548"people" who type out groans are so repulsive
>>35842629When KanaCoco mindbreak her with sex into streaming again
>>35842624Why would it be? My line is that there are no real lesbians involved and will fight every single creepy yuriturd until they cut their cocks off.
>>35842615So according to you they were so desperate to collab but all they could do was a shitty marhmallow reading stream instead of literally anything else?
>self hating eops complaining about other eopsnaruhone
>>35842637Same. There are no real lesbians and Noel is well liked despite the schizos retarded claims.
>anon pretends to be above shitflinging but partakes in it anywayI see
Okayu's new found overt lewdness and confidence with it are a sight to behold
>haven't checked /hololive general/ in a few hours I wonder if I can post images aga->ZZZZZZZZzzzzzz
>>35842629hopefully never
>>35842643ignore them and watch comfy Mio instead, anon!
>>35842643I'm playing Towafall 2 instead
>>35842649I wonder if her confidence transfers to real life with her boney body
I'm doing my friend reps and this blue ID girl is pretty fun
>>35842649Did she have sex?
Guess I'll go ship the niji thread until you retards finish your regularly scheduled chimp out
how do i say based in japanese
Don't go Mio..
Is Mio cute or sexy?
>>35842725Sexily cute.
>>35842649that gyaru okayu fan edit awakened something inside of her
>>35842739why are you here then? go to 5ch or your chink board
stay based bottom text
>>35842751实际上,世界上有许多不同的材料,例如这种 Nichiri 金属。这是未ganyunun götü çok güzel知的抵达日本一个月后,恶魔在世界各地迅速蔓延恶魔büyü sikim在每个国家适应不同魔不知何故是正魔不知何kadın hakları göt deliği故是正魔genshin is a chinese softwave不知何故是正
>>35842739have you tried /ホロライブ/ at /vt/?
Let's settle this once and for all.Which Holomem is Marine truly in love with?
>>35842742Me too...
I will marry Minato Pogqua
Card game holo when?
>>35842771Man,I always wanted vera for my entire life.I wanted her to destory my cockand my balls with her feet while she trashtalk at me as a pathetic dog that begging to be tortured for the entire life. I always wanted her to look at me as a pathetic pig. This red haired,soft mothery abusing voice,beautiful psychotic smile came to this world to destory uncontrollable horniness and our manhood to become her servant for an entire lifetime.whenever i saw Vera, my urge to let her to destory me sexually become much much MUCH WILDER than the horny apes that begging to mate with it's partner to survive.I can't help myself but knee myself to make a seat for her to seat. I yearn for her in a way primal and worship her as a goddess who wishes and promised us to cleanse our lust. I would commited more war crime than every countries around the world in history just to lick and smell her feet after she's returned from the battle. I must let her to do a nursing handjob just to suck her delicious,creamy mistress,goddess motherly milk while enjoying my post-cum torture by her. I want her to roll her hair around my penis and let her touch my dicktips with her soft sadistic finger just to feel the pleasure to get rewarded by her.I would stir her juicy sweet sadistic Goddess mistress cream into my tea and drink it. I would let her piss into my mouth just to taste her delicious pee whenever she like it. I would also open my mouth just to let her drooling her aroused saliva into my mouth and taste every single drop of her saliva as a bitch who is disperate to deserve punishment as a reward. I would let her ride me until my hips gave up and broke my pelvis just to satisfied her. I would cum inside her nonstop even until my soul gave up from my body.I would sell my soul just for her. Even after meal, i would lick every stain of doritos on her finger. I would also let her to destory my prostate until i become a female for her.
>>35842772BasedIt's catching on
>>35842771She even sucked Shion. Based hag
I really love IRyS. Like, a lot. Like, a whole lot. You have no idea. I love her so much that it is inexplicable, and I'm ninety-nine percent sure that I have an unhealthy obession. I will never get tired of listening that sweet Nephilim voice of hers. It is my life goal to meet up her with her in real life and just say hello to her. I fall asleep at night dreaming of her holding a personal concert for me, and then she would be sorry tired that she comes and cuddles up to me while we sleep together. If I could just hold her hand for a brief moment, I could die happy. If given the opportunity, I would lightly nibble on her nose just to hear what kind of sweet moans she would let out. Then, I would hug her while she clings to my body hoping that I would stop, but I only continue as she moans louder and louder. I would give up almost anything just for her to look in my general direction. No matter what I do, I am constantly thinking of her. When I wake up, she is the first thing on my mind. When I go to work, I can only focus on her. When I go come home, I go on the computer so that I can listen to her beautiful voice. When I go to sleep, I dream of her and I living a happy life together. She is my pride, passion, and joy. If she were to call me "Onii-chan," I would probably get diabetes from her sweetness and die. I wish for nothing but her happiness. IF it were for her, I would give my life without any second thoughts. Without her, my life would serve no purpose. I really love IRyS.
Why is the chink spamming again?
we love china here
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Sneed 六四天安門事件 重複的號碼 The Sneed Ban of 2019 天安門大屠殺 The Simpsons General Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Janny Struggle 大躍進政策 Comfy Simpsons Thread 文化大革命 The Great Sneedposter Cultural Revolution 人權 Off-topic garbage 民運 Gucci Loafers 自由 Sneedom 獨立 S11E5 多黨制 7-8 max 台灣 臺灣 Formerly Chuck's 中華民國 /tv/ - Television & Film 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Gummy Bears 達賴喇嘛 Farmer #1 法輪功 Farmer #2 新疆維吾爾自治區 He does it for free 諾貝爾和平獎 劉暁波 City slicker 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 I CAN'T SNEED 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Tranny Janny 劉曉波动态网自由门
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Sneed 六四天安門事件 重複的號碼 The Sneed Ban of 2019 天安門大屠殺 The Simpsons General Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Janny Struggle 大躍進政策 Comfy Simpsons Thread 文化大革命 The Great Sneedposter Cultural Revolution 人權 Off-topic garbage 民運 Gucci Loafers 自由 Sneedom 獨立 S11E5 多黨制 7-8 max 台灣 臺灣 Formerly Chuck's 中華民國 /tv/ - Television & Film 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Gummy Bears 達賴喇嘛 Farmer #1 法輪功 Farmer #2 新疆維吾爾自治區 He does it for free 諾貝爾和平獎 劉暁波 City slicker 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 I CAN'T SNEED 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Tranny Janny 劉曉波动态网自由门.
https://youtu.be/aG1JkWojZTgTowaSelly LOVE
Dumb, smelly and filthy chink, not even 10 minutes and your spam is over?Pathetic
>>35842808This is too funny.
>>35842804english, do you speak it
>>35842777i wish. i miss silly hat even if she spoke a disgusting language 99% of the time.
I want to listen to the heartbeat of Noel
>>35842816Browsing /hlg/ with le tired cat as my mascot improved my experience at least twofold.
>>35842832You can do that right now.
>>35842832https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZ0CUP56oHo here you go
>>35842830>silly hatkiara is still there
For me it's PekoTowaSui APEX on the 28th.
>>35842862>Towa>playing APEXWow
>>35842862Pekotyan carry!
>>35842830>Rosalyn graduated>got Chon to make her another avatar>she continues to participate in the Chon family collabssomewhat amusing
>>35842862We could have a blue woman collab with Lamy but Towa ruins it
I want to have passionate sex with Suisei
I've been sexually harassed by a watamate
I think nijinegros should come back to their thread/board/discord now
>>35842862When's the PekoTowaBotan?
>>35842862To add to this, I will be disappointed if they don't get at least one champion round. Towa is nowhere near the peak of APEX skills but given the sheer amount of APEX she plays she should at the very least be able to carry the other two in a wood lobby.
>>35842912If Twap smurfs then they can win. If she's going to play on her main account and drag them out of the potato matchmaking bracket then it's a lost cause.
>>35842862Ok but when it's the AkuPeKorone APEX collab?
>>35842907They haven't figured out a date. When Pekora talked about having another collab she said end of July or start of August. It's not clear if that was the Payday collab but given the timing it almost definitely is.
>>35842935When Korone would consistently get 20k viewers like the other two.
>>35842935September 31
>>35842956The other two don't even get 20k anymore...
>>35842912She carried Ame and RBC when they posted together
Flare is so autistic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGgD6jH-JfU
>>35842996I know. Isn't she great?
I used a random number generator to determine the members of the next Pekora collab: Pekora + Marine + Aqua + Suisei. How would it go?
Haachama is probably looking at the latest Niji numbers and kicking herself for not reincarnating there as planned.
>>35842498I want to cum inside her
>>35842862Will they play for more than an hour?
>>35842862>>35842862https://youtu.be/XwdR6yGVY1k?t=3262It really nice to know that Suisei just casually said "Pekotyan i want to collab with you!" out of nowhere and Pekora agree straight away.Maybe they are a bit more closer behind the scene
anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens
>>35843015just remove either Pekora or Aqua
>>35842996Hope she graduates soon
Where are Luna and Miko collab with Hiyo??
>>35843049Why? Don't tell me you actually believe the narrative that they hate each other
>>35842835>/hlg/What’s that?
who is this person and why is always lamy quoting him???https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Ayukihanalamy%20to%3A_revelink&src=typed_q
>>35842455If you shitposters actually watch streams, Haachama wants to collab with Miko too. In her return stream Haachama confirmed a Minecraft collab and wants to play GTA with Miko. She even wants to do a japanese test collab with A-chan as the host.
>>35843123it's lamy
>>35843086horny lunatics general
>>35843170Sick fuck
https://youtu.be/ltK6RxHdW2gsomeone give her a kid
Why is the rest of Sankisei so incompetent compared to Marine? It has been almost two years for all of them and yet nothign they've done even comes close to Marine's achievementsWhat are they even doing with their time and money
Is it just me or does Towa sound like a man or a tranny? like is she actually a mtf?
>>35843206Towa is a male to male
hate to break it to you all but If your oshi has more than 5 asmr videos she's a whore
>>35843206Towa is a baby
>>35843226Lamy's is dying!
This thread is not very good
>>35843241eh, it could've been a lot worse. the thread started off poorly but it mellowed out. right now there are only one or two schizos shitting up the thread.
>>35843241don't worry, we're gonna get bumped off soon and the next one will be worse
https://twitter.com/tomoti1329/status/1419305498394828804/photo/1lmao, he deserves it for having such a shit taste in chuubasDumbfuck
Do Suisei and Kanata still hate each other?
>>35843276I think so, I have a theroy that I came up with today, I think around the time of the mario kart tournament Suisei was a huge cunt to kanata and kanata never spoke or collab with her since.
>>35843276You have to care enough about someone to hate them.
My retarded daughter wife chammers
I wish Towa was here...
https://youtu.be/6MnZ4rFX0joKoro-san Spongebob watch along when?
Towa tried to sell her organs for money but they were worthless because she has stupid organs
I hate fubuki like some sort of nigger yet i dont know whyYou fags fucked me up
more 2 threads and we will be free
>>35843341I hate her because she refuses to acknowledge china's sovereignty over taiwan