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File: 67 KB, 600x650, e0d25cb9c7a2736d9301cfc4476b3ac6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34003940 No.34003940 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:

here are links to the more informative pastebins that are hosted on controlc, just in case

aural stim:
lube alchemy:

Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links (keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>33930227

>> No.34004008
File: 603 KB, 896x673, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolf blow jobs..

>> No.34004070


I wonder if I should preorder on ToyDemon? Although I already have enough holes as is. I do need to throw away half of them however.

>> No.34004140

if it's anything like the previous Atelier, it will probably be sold out for more than two months after it gets released and have periods of being out of stock for months at a time.

>> No.34004230


Probably should if it interests you. I'm still hoping for an Atelier restock because the whole package just looks so neat.

Space Pussy!

>> No.34004408
File: 413 KB, 587x800, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34006388

Where could you find different panties for smaller hips? I checked aliexpress and there are some for dolls but they don't have exact sizing and the only ones that would fit are like size 3T and are just basic panty or kiddydesigns. Or is the answer just get a bigger hip?

>> No.34004657

>put in my address from 5 years ago when ordering from amazon jp
I almost decided to do the no signature delivery option, thank god I didnt. Why I put in my address from 5 years ago, I dont know.

>> No.34004799
File: 43 KB, 404x893, 51Il+4ibVIL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive used this powder a couple of times now to make my onaholes feel smooth and i gotta say, they do the job really well.

Not only does it smell good, like a girl, it also doesnt sting your dick like a baby powder would, and it doesnt clump or the smoothness vanishes after 1 wash like cornstarch.

Shits fucking good for onahole bros, make sure your onahole stays smooth, and she will make sure your dick is smooth and sharpened too

>> No.34004807

hey guys I'm new to onaholes. does this look good?
most of the good onaholes on the site look to be $30+. I'm just a bit worried about quality if its only $20.

>> No.34004885
Quoted by: >>34004951

Collab onaholes are usually terrible in terms of value, durability, and feeling. Seriously. You get what you pay for (box art)

Either save up 10 dollars more, or use your hand and spit combo in the mean time since thatll feel better

>> No.34004951
Quoted by: >>34005044

im fine with paying more. it just caught my eye because of the hentai its from. any ones you guys would recommend?

>> No.34004954

Presentation is nice, and I feel like they are being really faithful to the Atelier series schtick (extremely well done art, but gameplay is extremely variable and inconsistent with other series)

>> No.34005002
File: 49 KB, 240x240, 1568691426096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't bought any holes since otona was the new kid on the block, is toydemon the go-to for leafs now?

>> No.34005044
Quoted by: >>34005473

For bang for your buck, I would highly recommend the Tomax onaholes like Lilith uterus. They have normal tunnels with different colors like the one you posted except without the thicc tanned elf packaging

If you are really strapped in 30 dollars, i would suggest RIDE Moena Trinity Onahole regular/Hard version. Shit is intense yet not tight

>> No.34005066

Amazon.co.jp gang here only

Toydemon is getting hit with out of stock issues

>> No.34005383
Quoted by: >>34005550

That sounds like it'll get everywhere you touch, and you'll know because it'll smell like it.

>> No.34005473

hey thanks man. that Lilith one looks really nice

>> No.34005535

Should I save up for a doll or buy a torso?

>> No.34005550

Its just like any powder anon, and you only need a sprinkle on the onahole itself to make it feel smooth for a while

>> No.34005626
File: 39 KB, 458x458, big-beautiful-woman-doll-from-yourdoll-rinia-48ft-146cm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting bored with the hip I have (SPDX) so I've been thinking of the fantasia ass.
After also wanting some breasts (rockets), I'm thinking of going full degenerate and getting a thicc doll like pic related.
My question is will the quality of the tits and ass be that much worse in the doll than the fantasia/rockets, and has anyone every heard of adding a fake silicon pregnant belly to a doll since the few that fit this niche our so boring?

>> No.34006146

What should I do about tpe peeling on my torso? Do I need a heat gun/soldering iron, or is there something a little more practical I can use?

>> No.34006220
Quoted by: >>34006364

I have it. It's okay. Kinda tight and I'm not even that big. I was hoping for more stimulation but it's pretty bland. I have a couple of $20 or less holes I can recommend if you're starting out on a budget but it depends on what you're looking for. Something soft, something hard and stimulating, or something in between?

>> No.34006364
Quoted by: >>34008999

I'm thinking something soft to start out

>> No.34006383

That doll is going to be seriously heavy.

>> No.34006388

Dollbros what are some tips for workable positions? Only missionary seems easy to do. Doggy seems impossible to position and I was told not to put too much weight on her knees/arms.

Get those panties that tie up with a side strings, that pretty much fits anything since you can just tie it up tight.

>> No.34006432

mating press is best position for doll. everything else is awkward.

>> No.34006478
File: 152 KB, 1032x677, Screen Shot 2021-03-30 at 4.50.58 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons. i saw this in a review for the genius piston onahole


where can i buy this pillow for onahole fucking?

>> No.34006495
Quoted by: >>34006648

>Doggy seems impossible to position
Damn, really? That's one of the main reasons I'm interested in a doll. Is your doll too short for it?

>> No.34006505
Quoted by: >>34006537



boom there it is

>> No.34006506

Ya I could do that but I would want diff varieties like having diff outfits for a doll but way cheaper since it's only 1 piece of clothing and a hip not a full doll.

>> No.34006537
File: 2.83 MB, 720x1280, 1611628097451.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems kind of pointless.

>> No.34006648

I don't know maybe I'm not posing it right, the way joints work is a lot harder than I thought it would be.

>> No.34006926
Quoted by: >>34007329

whats a good dick bully with lots of sensations? i have two cheap onaholes and they feel really boring on the inside.
previously used a tenga flip white which is pretty good but soft.
thats my problem, half the people doing reviews are panty sniffers or lusting over box art. the other half dont know how to review "it sucks" etc. :(

>> No.34006930
File: 25 KB, 618x91, Screenshot_20210330-233051_Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DHL has been holding my Nardahl for 4 days. Anyone else experience this shit?

>> No.34006940

yeah dhl sucks.

>> No.34006978


Make sure to pick up some lube with whatever you buy, preferably some good lube. Most onaholes give you packets of lube, sometimes even small sizeable bottles, but it isn't always good stuff. The lube the Youkoso elf line gives you for example is both below-average in quality and a very small amount, 6 ml or so. Also, while I can't speak for Evelyn, the Missley and Delva holes from that particular line were fine but nothing amazing, so I wouldn't expect much difference from the Evelyn looking at it. But for the price I think it'd be perfectly suitable.

>> No.34007329

RIDE's Trinity Onahole series, specially the hard versions

>> No.34007550

My dick keeps going limp from all the repositioning with my doll. Is it this hard to get your dick in during real sex or is it easier with the girl guiding it?
I'm afraid I'll need viagra or some shit if I ever do the real thing now. I shoulda just stuck with sleeve onaholes.

>> No.34008200

That's because people unknowingly repeatedly position themselves. A doll is still, and can't buckle it's hips when you slam your dick to it's base.

>> No.34008227

limp ?
i'd guess i blame it on the temp of your doll. cold rubber shrinks penis. HOT FIRE LAVA PUSSY makes you hard as a diamond.
try using a heater...

>> No.34008259
Quoted by: >>34008901

Yes, that's me! I wasn't going to, then someone asked if I had the rest of the Niku-Mans so I decided to purchase those (and a few others that sounded nice).

But, uh, for the other 9 that I ordered the other day, the only possible justification is poor impulse control. Whoops!

>> No.34008729

Lately, I've been rinsing out my knob at the sink after pissing. The stench of pee and jizz that gets stuck under my hood really kills the mood. Anyone else do this?

>> No.34008819

Where can I buy Onatsuyu Pussy Juicy Lotion in the USA? It is out of stock at toydemon. Is there another good website?

Sorry first time posting here.

>> No.34008857
Quoted by: >>34008895

amazon jp.
for whatever reason nobody in the west is restocking onatsuyu, and the US amazon is removing all traces of onaholes and their accessories.

>> No.34008895

>nobody in the west is restocking onatsuyu
Not enough people are buying it currently. If enough people beg western sellers, they'll restock.

>> No.34008901

>poor impulse control
I can't stop jerking while waiting for my shit to arrive.

>> No.34008910
Quoted by: >>34014846

Shower more, wash it with soap.

>> No.34008947
Quoted by: >>34009885

If you do end up buying it from amazon jp, keep in mind it is only available as an add-on item. So you need to spend 2,000 yen on other products to be able to buy it

>> No.34008999
Quoted by: >>34012912

I like the Honey Trap
Soft material, somewhat stimulating but not to stimulating and easy to clean and dry. The OFFPAKO After the Event and After School Girl Volleyball are also good starter onas. However, ToyDemon is currently out of stock of both so you'll have to wait. If you're willing to spend a little bit more, the DOSUKEBE Masturbate Plan is soft and has some heft to it.

>> No.34009185

Dumb question, but why doesn't sellers put whether the lube is water based or not?

>> No.34009265

>threw away the last pieces of the doll skeleton
I'm finally free.

>> No.34009357

Shoulda sent it to me bro...

>> No.34009415
Quoted by: >>34009495

In any other general that would be just about the most concerning thing I'd read all day

>> No.34009495


>> No.34009614
Quoted by: >>34019197

tamatoys discontinued the smell of schoolgirl's loafers before I could try it, fuck

>> No.34009728
Quoted by: >>34009763


>> No.34009763

moving in with gf

>> No.34009764

newfag hs student here
I don’t have credit/debit, nor paypal/amazon. I do have lots of hard cash, though. any chance I’ll be able to get one of these, if so how?

>> No.34009814

Can't you buy Amazon gift cards at stores with cash nowadays? Just do that and buy one + a bottle of lube before they finish taking all the onaholes off Amazon US.

>> No.34009885
File: 137 KB, 700x876, 1617185936126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34010233

Thanks, but just making sure... when you buy from AmazonJP do you need to get a proxy to ship it to the US? Or do I just need to pay more in shipping and it will work over 25usd+?

>> No.34009918
Quoted by: >>34009939

but you said you were free..

>> No.34009939
Quoted by: >>34010197

Im free from the burden of 40 pounds of brown TPE and a couple of steel skellingtons in my closet.

>> No.34010197
Quoted by: >>34010628

did your gf knew about the doll?

>> No.34010233

Nvm, I check what would happen if I bought 4 of them. Them shipping cost would be around $27 which is more than the items itself. I guess the shipping price isn't so bad if I bought a bigger item.

>> No.34010628

Nope. She knew I had some sex toys, but I never showed her my collection. Threw it away too, wasn't even using it for the last half a year or so.

>> No.34011574
File: 138 KB, 540x540, namachitsu-glitter-onahole-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34017139

Alright, I'm a bit under the weather at the moment so, sorry for the long weight on this one. But, let's talk about the Namachitsu Glitter. It'll be a short one this time, though.

Aesthetically, this thing is weirdly nice. The entrance is plain, but it just feels so solid. Not firm, either, but just like it's a thick slab of rubber. It's not tacky at all either.

Now, the rest of this review comes with a big old disclaimer that I'm uncut, which informs most of the rest. See, this thing is TIGHT. Not rough, not inflexible, but just fuckin' TIGHT. I actually had a lot of trouble, I needed to lube very thoroughly to get in or it'd pull my foreskin waaaayy too far back. It made the first moments kind of terrible, actually.

But when I actually got in there, it was bretty good! The tightness doesn't quite carry through and it opens up towards the end, but the little grooves felt pretty nice and made a nice 'track' to follow. Still, it kind of beats your dick up. It's definitely not for the faint-hearted.

Cleanup was a breeze, since it's so firm. You can easily get your fingers or a scrubber in there to scrub it out, and drying is just as easy for the same reason.

It's too tight for me to make it my daily in any conceivable universe, but again, this is very dependent on my foreskin and, for all I know, could be completely different for a cutfriend.

>> No.34012802
File: 8 KB, 271x186, 1588317636269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34013040

>venus real soft still sold out

>> No.34012869
Quoted by: >>34014846

That’s fucking disgusting.

Learn how to wash yourself properly.

>> No.34012912

Thanks my man I’ll check those out

>> No.34013040

This reminded me that I have an extra one unopened. I guess I made the right choice.

>> No.34013125

Nardahlfag here. She's arrived! But the problem is that she has a stain on her ass and the plastic was completely smashed.

>> No.34013424

coolmalesextoy.com has it for 20 bucks, minimum for free shipping is 75 though

>> No.34013550

fucking lol >>33988208
i asked for a link to cyclist girl in the last thread on amazon and someone posted it. there were like 8 in stock when he posted the link.
now theres 1 left in stock.

whos going to be the lucky person and grab the last cyclist girl?

>> No.34013705
Quoted by: >>34015251

Nardahlfag here. It's arrived! But the problem is that it has a stain on it's ass and the plastic was completely smashed. I assume the stain is ink from the outside packaging, as I had the same stuff on my hand. Tried wiping it off with a wet paper towel, my finger roughly, but it seems like it's not going to be removed easily.

Onto part 1 of the review.
The weight and size of this is something unwieldy for someone whose largest ona was "My First Girlfriend".
The breasts fill the hand nicely, and the nipples are really soft. The nips are a lot lighter than on the websites (or even inernalmonkey's review), which was what I was hoping for.
The package, again, was knackered. The plastic that hold's it was shattered. If there wasn't the standard bag that covers it, there definitely would have been shards of glass-like plastic inside. I don't blame the manufacturer (even though they should've used a thicker casing). The box is really pretty and includes the little chibi version of the character on the box on one of the folds. No lube, sadly.
This ona comes from china apparently. Personally, I don't really care. Anyone who knows what the difference between China ona and Jap ona, please do tell me. At least they're not western shit.
When I poke it, the navel is really soft. So soft in fact, I thought I was going to reverse chest burster it.
The pussy is lacking in shape, which is stupid for costing me nearly $500 in total. Same for the asshole.

I'd say I would recommend it so far. I have yet to penetrate it, so look forward for when I do. Also, Otona never gave me my tamatoys cleaning shit, which is okay, as i wasn't really expecting it anyway.

>> No.34013805

>whos going to be the lucky person and grab the last cyclist girl?
Nobody with that awful name change. Who would want that on their bank statement?

>> No.34013847 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 520x576, 1617200369878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I own the 25-inch Fantasia and a YL 158. While the breast are not as big as the one in your pic they are nice to play with.

Getting a doll is your best of both worlds as nothing truly compares to the Fantasia. It’s 80lb of ass shaped TPE.
Yes I have heard of people adding a fake belly and there are dolls with bigger belly’s now.

Spoiler: Stock pic of YL158 with boobs exposed for reference.

>> No.34014037
Quoted by: >>34014336

I order on amazon.co.jp now since the .ca has limited stock and they are also more expensive (onatsuyu is 30 here while jp is only like 7 dollars cad) also the shipping times lie its only up to four days delivery and even oddly, next day. Keep in mind they only operate business days so I only order on mondays.

>> No.34014236
File: 405 KB, 1060x988, 1439509230754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never do this

>> No.34014336
Quoted by: >>34014619

NTA, but how easy is it to buy off of amazon JP? Do they just accept foreign debit cards or something? No VPN needed or anything?

>> No.34014349
Quoted by: >>34014460

pic pls

>> No.34014366

custom clearance?

>> No.34014460
Quoted by: >>34014683

Of what?

>> No.34014619
Quoted by: >>34014833

Yes, they accept your card. You just login just like you would normal amazon and buy like you normally would. They also show the currency conversion during checkout.

>> No.34014683

the doll

>> No.34014833

Nice. Boy I'm an idiot for buying anything off amazon US. Thanks.

>> No.34014846


I shower and wash with soap every day. You guys telling me you leave the pee residue on your dick after peeing? Even if it doesn't smell, I can't stand the thought of a trace of pee stuck on me. If anything, I'm cleaner than you guys.

>> No.34014874
Quoted by: >>34020876

Got a link to buy it from Amazon JP or Toydemon?

>> No.34015003
Quoted by: >>34015125

Where can I buy one of those rocking machines and how easy is it to set up with a hip?

>> No.34015125
File: 12 KB, 315x315, 3C6C887D-DFDD-4579-8F37-3D194970CCB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno. It appears to be some kind of calf/foot massager, but I’ve never been able to find one that looks like it could fit a hip on it.

>> No.34015251

It's been a few minutes after cumming. The holes are extremely tight, so tight in fact, that it squeezedsome of the blood out of my dick. When I pulled out, my dick was flaccid, and I watched it get immediately erect again.
The pusy has little bumps in the beginning, the bumps feels rough, but in a nice way, like someone giving you a back massage. Past the bumps is the realistic part. It's alright but lacking in detail.
The asshole I didn't use as much. The asshole is way tighter than the pussy.
The weight makes it a challenge to use 1 handed, and the size makes it hard to properly grab.
Looking at the non nono bits, it's beautifully designed, the clavicle is very pronounced, the spine is there, and the shoulder blades are pretty much squares. The navel is just an inverse cone.

Do I recommend after penetration? Yes, but only if you like heavy ona. The tightness is tighter than the lolinco series.

>> No.34015271

It's looks like a chi machine.

>> No.34016335

Damn. I don't even own any hips, but I'd consider buying one if I could set it up on a machine like this.

>> No.34016950

>Just opened my second box of onaholes
>Already thinking of ordering more and not even horny

I just love these fucking things too much bros. How many onaholes do you guys own?

>> No.34016974

one step closer to ditching the lube altogether

>> No.34017139

Interesting, considering it doesn't even look tight in the first place.

>> No.34017192

27 over the course of 5 years.
Had 38 but some were either too small (back when I didn't give a shit about dimensions and simply bought it), succumb to the passage of time or simply didn't want them anymore.
I plan on throwing away 2/3rds and more or less starting anew. I'm afraid of throwing out some of them since a good chuck that I own are discontinued, but they're so beat up tho.

>> No.34017235
Quoted by: >>34017457

Should I get Max 2? I know it's not a onahole but you're the only bros I know. I've bought a bunch of onaholes before and the thought of getting jerked off by someone on the other side of the planet is veeeeeeeery lewd <3

>> No.34017268
Quoted by: >>34027794

Lmao why so they call it that?
Cyclist girl is trash anyway. Not fun to use at all.

>> No.34017286

I started last summer and have spent about 250-300 every few months on em. I just like trying all the different ones out. I usually end up throwing em away, missing them and buying new ones.

>> No.34017457
Quoted by: >>34018081

What even is a Max 2?

>> No.34017483
Quoted by: >>34017570

Looking at the inside of the box, I can cofirm that the stain is from the box's inside print.

>> No.34017570
Quoted by: >>34017715

Could I get a store link to this?

>> No.34017640
Quoted by: >>34017724

>put in wrong address for amazon jp
>it failed to deliver yesterday
>I changed my address to the correct one
>get a text right
>they are trying to deliver to the wrong address again
what the fuck
how many times will they fail delivery before just giving up? I guess I will have to call them since this online address change obviously isnt working

>> No.34017715

Can't link directly because it's flagged as spam.

>> No.34017724

The square peg goes in the triangle hole obviously.

>> No.34018054
Quoted by: >>34020277

Several threads ago, I saw a .webm of a couple of huge hip onas in panties being set in front of some matching body pillows and I really wish I'd saved it for reference. What hip was that?

>> No.34018081
Quoted by: >>34018247

remote controlled onahole but western so fleshlight?

>> No.34018247

Seems decent enough according to reviews on Reddit. Upsides are that it's large and accommodating. Downsides say it's loud so live alone or have good sound damping/proofing.
We wouldn't really know much about the Max 2 since we stick to mostly Japanese-brand sex toys but if it appeals to you and you don't mind potentially being out 100 smackies, then I can't see a reason why not to buy it.

>> No.34018455
File: 33 KB, 180x180, A5A3AA54-DF61-4243-AE26-633856699437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same newfag kid here
I made a throwaway amazon account, and I need your wisdom. I wanna make sure my purchase is untraceable. fyi I live in the US so no legal issues should present themselves
any tips on receiving the package without my parents finding it?
any tips on hiding places? ; my parents aren’t nosy, but security helps
does amazon/govt keep track of deliveries to addresses? ; my amazon account has my phone# and address attached. The last thing I want is a confrontation from my parents
I don’t mind ordering from US, so tell me about the best ones still in stock. I don’t wanna shill more than $30 though
thanks brothers

>> No.34018799
Quoted by: >>34018831

>any tips on receiving the package without my parents finding it?

Amazon messages you date and approximate time of arrival. It's generally accurate.

>any tips on hiding places? ; my parents aren’t nosy, but security helps
It's a fucking 25 centimeter long rubber tube. Put it in a little box and put it under your bed or something if you have to.

>does amazon/govt keep track of deliveries to addresses? ; my amazon account has my phone# and address attached. The last thing I want is a confrontation from my parents
Your account does, yes. As far as I know, the only thing outside that is an email to your email address for a receipt.

Or just wait until you're 18, my underage friend.

>> No.34018831
Quoted by: >>34018849

>Or just wait until you're 18, my underage friend.
not that anon but I type way younger than him and I'm 21...

>> No.34018849

It's mainly the issue he presents of "oh no mom's gonna freak" about the rubber pussy and having to hide it.

>> No.34018872
Quoted by: >>34018894

>any tips on receiving the package without my parents finding it?
Just watch the tracking.
>any tips on hiding places
Under the bed, in your drawers, in the closet.
>does amazon/govt keep track of deliveries to addresses?
Yes, Amazon does. Government only watches your mail if they find something illegal. In some states loli art is illegal, so be careful.
>I don’t wanna shill more than $30 though
>I don’t mind ordering from US, so tell me about the best ones still in stock.
Not sure about Amazon, but the best ones imo are Mouth of Truth, Lolinco Virgo, and 17 Bordeaux.
Generally, the best ones are between $25-$80. Only spend $100+ if you've decided to become a masturbation wizard.

>> No.34018894

>Under the bed
Fuck, anon knows where I hide it

>> No.34018925

God I fucking love this purple haired ninja girl.

>> No.34019197
Quoted by: >>34019229

I FEEL YOUR PAIN. That's the only smell fetish product I ever wanted to try, thanks to a certain devilish primate. There are some other feet/socks oriented ones out there but they're hard to trust since I couldn't find any reviews.

>> No.34019201
Quoted by: >>34035890

what hip is that?

>> No.34019229

I mean demand obviously exists so sooner or later we'll get a replacement... I hope.

>> No.34019270
Quoted by: >>34019304

are these any good? https://www.toydemon.com/lotions-accessories/cleaners/toydemon-dry-stick

>> No.34019304

They get the job done and they do it pretty well. I wouldn't recommend leaving it in your toy for more than 10-15 minutes though, because you need to let the stick air dry too.

>> No.34019376
Quoted by: >>34027794

Dumping some quick reviews
https://www.otonajp.com/suji-niku-man Suji Niku Man
I bought it because I thought it was going to be tight and soft, but it's pretty loose. The bumps are nice on the inside and it's easy to clean, but I've already gotten some tearing on it after one use. Overall, 5/10.

Super Hard And Tight - Cyclist Girl https://www.otonajp.com/super-hard-and-tight-cyclist-girl
Easily my favorite onahole of all time. I've been using it like crazy since I got it. There's a curve halfway down it that is a crazy dickbully, and the material is the tight softness I was looking for. Absolutely amazed that you can get this for so cheap.

>> No.34019519
File: 8 KB, 259x194, 43525085-F48A-4643-BF86-EA1C74E5DFA8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not completely topic related, but you folks probably know more about this than /b/
I always thought cartoon cheesepizza was legal in the US, but I just read about United States v. Dwight Whorley. this guy got convicted for “using a [computer] to receive ‘obscene Japnese anime cartoons that graphically depicted prepubescent female children being forced to exchange in genital-genital and oral-genital intercourse with adult males’” (wikipedia). I doubt they’ll find all the otaku scum on my computer, but things could be different if I order an onahole with obscene box art.
tell me what you know, brothers

>> No.34019714

If it's sold on Amazon or a US based retailer like ToyDemon you're in all likelihood safe. If you're paranoid you can always ask the seller to remove the box though.

>> No.34019735

In some states, it's illegal. I suggest reading up on your state laws for this kind of stuff.

>> No.34019846
Quoted by: >>34023871

>United States v. Dwight Whorley
Dude even glancing that case the dude was looking at and printing loli pics from a government computer.

>> No.34019892
File: 69 KB, 1500x1500, 714OKa-B24L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34020876

So I looked through the guide about powdering and there is no mention about baby powder. Is baby powder a bad idea? Also what powders do you guys use? And do I have to wash the powder off before I use it?

>> No.34019965
File: 916 KB, 642x781, SxLvTJm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to onaholes but I'll give my impression of the first two I ever bought and just got today.

Yes I've already used them twice. I'm 7.5 inches long, no idea how girthy exactly but I know that's a bit above average too I certainly filled up both these onaholes. I also don't feel like getting my dick hard to tell you for this review. So because of that I wanted my first onaholes to be something on the bigger side.

Upper Swing by Maccos Japan from Toy Demon was the first one I used.

Pink, Dumb-bell shape with a coin slot opening. Used the lube that came with, came hard and stuck it in. Felt plenty tight enough on the inside, it'd probably stay on my dick with little assistance.. Gotta say it felt pretty great, simulation around my head felt intense enough that I felt the need to sorta...brace myself while going at it but god damn used I got used to it it was amazing. Those nubs on the walls feel great.

I noticed that my dickhead did poke against and sketch the back when I really got into it so I was cautious about that. It's double ended but I can't really say I noticed a whole lot of difference in the moment though I would ever so often notice when I would poke against the center split, but it wasn't and awful feeling or anything. Orgasm was strong and satisfying. Clean up was a bit of a pain but that's it.

Jet Stream Momoiro Triple by Maccos Japan from ToyDemon as well.

Holy shit this is a big girl. I somehow missed that it was hefty as I was really only paying attention to length in my search and how it felt. She's got some heft to her.

Because of how big it is I used the packaged lube and lube I already had at home to make sure I had enough in there.

I laid down on my bed for this one due to it's size. Inside wasn't as tight like the other one but still enough that I could feel the walls perfectly fine. The simulation here once I got started was..gentle but not boring. I could have fucked this one with abandon if I wanted because though I'm long enough to reach the back I wasn't worried at all about my dick ripping through the back. Because of it's size I was able to take long strokes rather than shorter ones I'm used to doing and damn that was great. Stimulation was satisfying throughout even if I doesn't have a bunch of nubs and such. I was able to jerk off without any overly intense moments. Feels like it'll be great for long sessions but will still feel great for short ones too.

Clean up was pretty easy as well.

So yea onaholes are great, certainly better than a random fleshlight I bought years ago that sucked ass.

>> No.34020277
Quoted by: >>34020315

Your probably thinking of 25 inch fantasia

>> No.34020315

>$1030 for a huge hip
I could get a lifesize torso doll for the same price. But holy shit, that looks incredibly tempting...

>> No.34020331

Same, I need to know if there is a doll that has a jiggly ass even close to it.

>> No.34020365
Quoted by: >>34034704

Thanks, I knew it wouldn't be the same but I've searched doll forum and most people don't seem to be in the same mindset as /ona/, so I can't tell if anything actually FEELS good.
I do have one question, people say don't go with the insert as it's ugly but that seems like an incredibly bad idea, in assuming insert and use a lilith uterus or something would be much less of a hassle?

>> No.34020391

Mind giving a review of the Fantasia? Is it worth the insane price tag?

>> No.34020677
Quoted by: >>34048783

Are there any lubes that feel like saliva?

>> No.34020717
Quoted by: >>34020911

Here you anons go, feel free to screw controlc and use the wiki

>> No.34020833
File: 34 KB, 314x282, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34020944

It is the year 3000; Toydemon still hasn't restocked anything.

>> No.34020876
Quoted by: >>34020917

Because baby powder will sting your fucking dick if it even makes contact with the lube your using. Use above powder
$30 on Amazon US
$14 on Amazon JP

>> No.34020896
Quoted by: >>34020928

I've got around 600ml of lube, how long do you guys think that will probably last me assuming 1 - 2 faps a day? I was thinking I should probably at least double that amount. I'd like enough stockpiled to last me a year.

>> No.34020911
Quoted by: >>34021183

>Extra tips: have sex
In all seriousness though this is nice and navigable, thanks.

>> No.34020917

Perfect, thanks.

>> No.34020928
Quoted by: >>34021310

Onatsuyu's 370ml can last a whole year or 2 if you do the water relubrication technique.

3 Bottles could last you 5 to 8 years.

>> No.34020944

What are you planning to get m8?

>> No.34020966
Quoted by: >>34021098

On Amazon US, SANYO started to have plenty of their products with Prime shipping

>> No.34021098
Quoted by: >>34021132

can you post a picture of it, I'm outside and I'm super curious

>> No.34021132
File: 265 KB, 643x896, onhaol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres 9 pages and theres a lot of em but heres a preview

>> No.34021149
File: 15 KB, 128x128, 88a791d1c30cec1387a1d31f0a0fcb84413c468abe8630aa2ae054368794af53.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, thanks anon. I swear I've seen those on prime before... I got most of my onas off amazon, but maybe I'm just forgetting the smaller details.

>> No.34021155
File: 1.48 MB, 690x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34021167

hoi fellow agirifag,, heres mine...

>> No.34021167

that shit was small, thin, and didnt feel special. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone

>> No.34021172

its my first but yes i definently agree,, have to use alot of lube or its too tight and hurts

>> No.34021183

Yeah, I fucking hate the pastebins/controlcs
Feel free to post the wiki in the next thread

>> No.34021217
Quoted by: >>34021284

any suggestions on what to try next?

>> No.34021284
Quoted by: >>34021494

If you want intense but big enough for average sized dicks
If you just wants to relax, you could make it intense by adding less lube

>> No.34021310


Doesn't lube expire though? I think I saw there was a one year expiration date on the bottom of my Onatsuyu.

>> No.34021350

Onatsuyu lasts approximately two years from the manufacturing date. It's possible you might have gotten a bottle that had been shelved for a while if you only have a year left. Other lubes vary, it depends on the ingredients they use.

>> No.34021407

I haven't use an onahole in 3 years due to be busy as fuck in grad school till the other week, had a half empty bottle of onatsuyu that was about 2 years old from befor, so going on 5 years AND being open the whole time.
Didn't notice any difference whatsoever, it's good shit.

>> No.34021494

oo fluffy's art is so cute

>> No.34021636
File: 38 KB, 151x151, Screenshot (323) - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this a good buy for an average sized dude?
really liking the look of this one

>> No.34021652
File: 264 KB, 508x508, Screenshot (328).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34021686

shit, wrong link lul

>> No.34021653
Quoted by: >>34021673

Yes, very worth buying meds before using an onahole.

>> No.34021673

LMFAO hahahahha
a bottle of zoloft with this ona please

>> No.34021686
File: 210 KB, 868x1500, 81WvkP1fZ-L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just buy the original La Bocca De La Verita unless you're going to use the tongue and practice kissing or something. The tongue adds nothing to the experience (to your dick)

>> No.34021941

>Doesn't lube expire though
ive been using some from 2015 and my dick is fine

>> No.34022113
File: 40 KB, 468x394, 1249458204573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the slippery slope is very real

>> No.34022143

What did you buy?

>> No.34022681

I tried looking in the archive but couldn't find anything about it, is the Meiki Virgin: Aoi Chihiro hip any good for the hymen popping experience? I'm looking for one in that field because I never experienced that and probably never will, so I was wondering if any onaholes do well in that department.

>> No.34023225


>just got my new batch of onaholes
>preorder five more
>already thinking of ordering ANOTHER batch of these fucking things

Tell me about it anon. I can't go back to my hand.

>> No.34023418
Quoted by: >>34023616

>any tips on receiving the package without my parents finding it?
Check if there's an Amazon locker near where you live, and set that to your delivery address on your Amazon account. Then you can pretend you're going out to buy food or something and keep it in your car or bag and bring it into the house whenever a good opportunity arises.
That's what I used to do before I lived alone. This is assuming you have a car or are in walking distance from a locker. A lot of 7-11's have them.

>> No.34023481
Quoted by: >>34023563

Thinking about getting an onahole since I've been masturbating prone all my life and I can't get hard just through pumping. Will a Tenga keep me from getting soft, or is my dick just fucked up?

>> No.34023513
File: 669 KB, 712x400, EC6FE763-6564-46CD-A670-6160ADD730CE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so anons, better or worse than sex?
rate /10 the following ; masturbation by hand, masturbation by onahole, and sex
I haven’t bought one yet, and I wanna hear your opinion

>> No.34023563
Quoted by: >>34024949

You might benefit from a hip, but start off with an onahole first. Also, take a week or two off from jerking off so you have time to heal in case your dick is fucked up.

>hand: 5/10, nothing fancy but the cleanup is easy
>onahole: 9/10, there's something for everyone's tastes, cleaning can be a pain if you have a complicated hole or a huge hip, but they feel incredible
>sex: 7/10, depends on whether there's an emotional bond or not, how good she is, how kinky she is, etc. Cleanup is easy as can be, just give her a towel while you go to the bathroom

>> No.34023616
Quoted by: >>34023649

same anon here,
does that work with amazon.jp?

>> No.34023649
Quoted by: >>34039003

No, but because Amazon JP ships internationally with DHL, you can do something similar.
DHL has local servicepoints where they hold your package until they send it out for delivery. You can tell them not to deliver your package and just hold it at the servicepoint so you can go pick it up yourself.
I did this recently with a big hip but the servicepoint was by my local airport, so you need a car to do that. Then I brought it inside from my car when no one was home.

>> No.34023685

Too bad the pres onahole fucking rips quickly

>> No.34023776


>hand - 5/10
>Onahole - Varies a lot depending on holes, but would say an 8, maybe high 7 even with the weakest one I have. Maybe a 9 with the best one I've tried so far (virgin eternity onahole)
>sex - lol I dunno i'm a ~virgin -for- eternity~

Keep in mind however, that the orgasm from onaholes is the main selling point, at least for me. They are much, much better. I wasn't full sold on them until I had my first orgasm because I started with a pretty basic and mild-stimulation Ona, and it wasn't until orgasm when I really got to understand their greatness. Please keep in mind Onaholes vary greatly. Different hardness of materials, different textures for the interior, and different lubes which DO impact how things feel. I think there are also important benefits with Onaholes that go beyond just the act of pleasure. Two things i've noticed with Onahole usage is not only does my arm not get tired from using them like normal fapping, but my dick doesn't feel sore anymore after fapping because I'm not having to beat the fuck out of it to cum. That in itself makes it worth owning at least one.

>> No.34023824

You're tackling this problem the wrong way imo.
When I just jerked off, I never viewed it as a substitute for sex, it was more about my own personal private time to have fun and enjoy myself. Onaholes, dolls and other toys multiple the experience by a good amount (again, imo). If you like masturbating, either long or short sessions, and you're not one of those weirdos that view fapping as something inherently "wrong" then one of these toys is a good investment. Basically, for me, onaholes are masturbation+ or masturbation+++ if I find a good toy that I really liked.

>> No.34023871

That guy deserved what he got for being a complete fucking idiot.

>> No.34024080

What keywords do I use to search for a cute bra? All the results that I get are boring bras for sagging tits.

>> No.34024241
File: 124 KB, 768x1024, mywife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diy project

>> No.34024330

yes, this is what I'm talking about
I love diy projects when it comes to wanking

>> No.34024345


>> No.34024362
Quoted by: >>34024442

should i wash a fresh out of the box ona? im leaning towards yes, but is there anything special about like the powder or oil or something they dust it with?

>> No.34024442

Yeah go ahead.
I've never had any health concerns from a fresh onahole, but the worst that would happen is a slight irritation from the powder they use to preserve it.

>> No.34024767

I have seen the face of god, and He was crying

>> No.34024949
Quoted by: >>34025023

You guys are having sex....? Haha....

>> No.34025023

They're larping.

>> No.34025089

Which are the cheapest /ona/ approved onaholes on aliexpress?

>> No.34025797
Quoted by: >>34032366

I’m still in hs so I don’t have a job/allowance. I was thinking about getting 17bordeaux, but a lot of the reviews say the double-layer structure causes it to wear quickly. can this be avoided with proper care? I’d rather not go through the hassle of smuggling it under my parents’ noses more than once. I want something that’ll last me a good year (considering 2-3 uses a week), so do tell me from your own experience

>> No.34026079
File: 1.48 MB, 1425x835, 1617262687076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have experience with tomax Venus Real vs Venus Clone regular? I have the Lilith uterus Soft and it not as stimulating. Wonder if the venus real or the venus clone would be better for me.

>> No.34026829

Do people make those 3x3's of their favorite onaholes? My goal is to have enough favorite onaholes to fill out a chart like that, but I think that so far only the Witch's Temptation and Senpai Cowgirl would make the cut for me

>> No.34026847

The way of the future

>> No.34026930
Quoted by: >>34032386

Some tips :
rolled magazines make great weighted material for a "skeleton". Wrap multiple socks / tights / trousers / joggers around those for adding some softness.
For length, intersect those magazines, don't just line them end to end. That will get awful real quick.
For joints, leave a gap at ends, filled some socks with more socks until you make something jointy looking, tape those on to the end of joints, liberal use of tape is key. This will take some experimentation based on the joint in question. You can experiment with making sure joints move realistically by restricting movement in certain directions via tactical taping, but that is up to you.
There will be weird gaps throughout these joints, which you can pack with some loose material like socks, just tape loosely, you just need to get them packed in for the next step.
After that, you can use clingfilm for skin, or more expensive, paint on latex / silicone for actual fleshy material. Fiddly as fuck on the latter.
Congrats, you now wasted a weekend to get a monster. Fuck its brains out.

>> No.34026958

It depends on what "better" means for you. In terms of pure stimulation on your dick, onaholes are superior in every respect. Always. They are literally made to milk you. Add this to the fact that you are always going to be raw dogging an onahole vs wearing a condoms with a girl and onaholes will always feel better on your dick. However, sex comes with body warmth of another person, you can kiss, intimacy, all that jazz.
Basically, whichever is better depends on how highly you value pure pleasure vs intimacy. I lean more towards pleasure which is why I just prefer onaholes to sex but those who prefer to be intimate will prefer sex. Overall, try both and see what you like. Also, the two options aren't mutally exclusive so there's something to be said of mixing and matching.
Hand is worse than both always.

>> No.34027684

for measuring girth, use the toilet paper roll. there are two sizes of toilet paper roll (the inside cardboard) so be specific too. can ye fit in a toilet paper roll? a small can of redbull without the lid? a pringles can etc etc. cmon be creative.

>> No.34027697

$1000 anything isnt worth it until it can bounce on your dick hands free.
stick with cheap stuff for now.

>> No.34027794
Quoted by: >>34037793

>>34017268 "Cyclist girl is trash anyway. Not fun to use at all."
>>34019376 "favorite onahole of all time"
cyclist girl reviews are either hate it or love it. incredible.

>> No.34027933
Quoted by: >>34028952

how often does toydemon restock?

>> No.34027989
Quoted by: >>34028860

have sex incels

>> No.34028860

Why would I want to have sex in a cell? That's unsanitary!

>> No.34028917

Have you or anyone else here bought one of those robotic holes? And if so, can any be doll/hip inserts.

>> No.34028952

They said they check every week but it depends on when their suppliers have a shipment ready.

>> No.34030525
Quoted by: >>34030754

Not even if it's the biggest, most jiggly ass I've ever seen?

>> No.34030754
Quoted by: >>34030828

How would you even clean that?

>> No.34030828
Quoted by: >>34033138

I'll either have to git gud at lifting, or lay out a towel underneath it, spray it with toy cleaner, and fish it out the old fashioned way.

I wish I knew what the tunnels were like, the site doesn't have any cross section images.

>> No.34030847
File: 65 KB, 540x540, g-project-churro-screw-anal-sex-onahole-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright! This is one I was excited to review, and it did not let me down. Let's talk the Churro Anal Screw!

First things first, this thing is fun to hold. The entrance isn't anything interesting but it's soft, stretchy and the screw shape makes it feel great. The entrance is hella tight, though the entire thing is squishy and pliable so it's not hard to get into.

The internal setup is interesting. It's a grooved corkscrew, with the intended usage being to work it in a screw-shaped motion. This made it difficult to dry but easy to clean, and I imagine it's a breeze with the right tools (I'm still just using wadded paper towel since my drying apparatus isn't here yet).

The actual performance is really nice, especially for a somewheat cheap (35 USD) and gimmicky hole. The entrance is nice and small so it builds suction very quickly, and it's easy to go all the way in very quickly due to its softness. I found it a little awkward to use the screwing motion at first, just pumping it up and down instead, but I eventually found myself following the groove just fine. It's good without the twist, but with it the entire experience goes up a notch. They really drive you in deeper. Very enjoyable.

The actual construction hides a lot of its shortcomings. The rubber is a little thin, but that's easy to miss because of the grooves, and I didn't have the issue of feeling my dick through it like I have with other cheap onas, and the stretchiness really accentuates it instead of being a downside like it normally would be.

Overall, damn this is a nice budget hole. It's not for people who like it a little harder since it's definitely a soft and gentle experience, but it sure was for me.

>> No.34032366
Quoted by: >>34035452

You want something indestructible? Go for the vacuum witch. That shit will last you until your dying day.

>> No.34032386

this is why I come to 4chan

>> No.34033086

I wish you could customize hips. I would literally pay 2-3x more for a slightly bigger version of the Kiwami with single layer tunnels.

>> No.34033138
Quoted by: >>34037894

An anon posted a pic last thread (might be in the archive).
Tunnel looked like a horrible cross shape, however, it was so stretchy that he could put an onahole in it which seems better and easier to clean.

>> No.34034704

Yeah the doll forum is kinda....unhelpful when it comes to the sex part of sex dolls.

For the YL158 I have an insert model and just shove an ona inside. Onaholes with more open entrances work best. Visually is eh I guess. It all depends on the size ona your using and the cavity on the doll. For example if I shove a thicker ona inside the belly bulges a bit or the lips spread a bit more.

I also have a yl141 and a SM170 built in. The sm has a much better bumpy tight tunnel while the yl has a smooth, lightly textured one. If you have a ona collection go with an insert model so you won’t have to worry much about the brands tunnel as there no information online.

>> No.34034729

I could use your help /ona/. I'm looking for more dick bully holes.
I've been getting by with the Virgin age admission: hard for the past 2 years but now that my current one is getting worn out I'm looking for a new hole to mix things up.
I tried the virgin loop darrin seven and didn't like how little "oomph" there was to it. The ridges were nice and stimulating but that was it really.
I'm pretty small at about 4.5 in (11cm) long and thin enough to fit snugly in a tp tube so I'm not worried about anything being too tight to fit in or accidentally ripping a toy.

>> No.34034816

Small review for "Schoolgirl Love Juices Liquid Bath Salts". Can't link because 4chan thinks it's spam, but I bought it from kanojo.
The smell is amazing, but the liquid is too viscous, and squeezing it out of the bottle is difficult. It doesn't dissolve very well. In the tub, the smell is faint, but still noticeable.

Does anyone know of any other lewd bath salts/bath stuff?

>> No.34034989
Quoted by: >>34035100

Do you need some special enema equipment to clean a fleshlight or can you just blast it in the sink/shower? I have an ona but that's easy since it's so pliable

>> No.34035100

A fleshlight is open-ended. You can just blast that sucker with water and soap. Way easier than a lot of closed holes and japanese onas

>> No.34035428

Is that aoi yuuki

>> No.34035452
Quoted by: >>34042374

dude lives with his parents, they're definitely going to hear him

>> No.34035532
Quoted by: >>34037129

Any good remote control onas you guys can recommend?

>> No.34035890

was looking for it too. might be this one?

>> No.34036607

Is it ill advised to use liquid hand soap to clean the insides of an onahole?
I recently found out that majority of my onaholes had been flaking and feels mushy as fuck (not the pleasant kind of mushy) when i put my dick in. Feels like soap is disintegrating the insides of my onaholes

>> No.34036710


The general consensus seems to be to avoid soaps alltogether and just stick to toy-cleaner / 70% isopropyl alcohol.

>> No.34036759

been using hand soap for the past couple of years with seemingly no problem

>> No.34036768

been using hand soap without any issues

>> No.34036793
Quoted by: >>34036963

I've always used liquid hand soap and never noticed any problems. Maybe it would depend on the material but I saw an onahole reviewer say the same and he's used tons of onaholes.

>> No.34036963
File: 164 KB, 1000x1000, super-mature-trinity_2048x2048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed onaholes like that one seems to disintegrate a lot more compared to dual layer types like pic related. That shit has been washed so many times yet the insides are still pristinely perfect, except that it gets sticky and grabs lint a lot

The only dual layer that I felt like disintegrating was Magic Eye's Mouth of Truth

>> No.34037129

Get The Handy and strap it to the ona of your choice.

>> No.34037236

I use liquid hand soap but I also stick to buying onas that are $30+. I'm sure there's some additional wear caused by the soap vs using toy cleaner, but I usually get bored of my onas before that becomes an issue.

>> No.34037793

I mean, I thought I had death grip syndrome but I guess not since using cyclist girl. I can finish with it but it's not as pleasurable as I would've thought. All I feel is tightness, I barely feel the textures at all.

>> No.34037804
File: 162 KB, 724x1100, 71C4zQrdMkL._AC_SL1100_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any tips for drying out the insides of tight onaholes?
My ona is very tight and has a curve in the middle so trying to push paper towel into the womb at the end is a massive pain in the ass, I used to wrap a paper napkin around a pen and push it in when I had an ona with a straight tunnel but that's pretty much impossible with this one, I don't want to be too rough on it either because I really don't want to tear the insides
I also tried to put it in front of a miniature USB fan, but since the entrance is so tiny, I don't think it's gonna dry it out much

>> No.34037894

Both of those options sound fine. If it was part of a huge doll, I'd jump on it. But since it's just a hip, I can stand to wait until another stimulus check.

>> No.34037965
Quoted by: >>34038323

You're probably not powering after use? My onas ever felt that way if I didn't powder them properly.
Washing with soap doesn't seem like it would disintegrate it. It's not like you're leaving the soap on it. I use handsoap. Great for getting rid of lint and making sure any lube/cum is completely washed out.
If you're rinsing it out completely then I don't see how 3 minutes of washing with soap can degrade your toy.

>> No.34038239
Quoted by: >>34038692

Dry stick and use chopstick/pen/finger with a microfiber cloth. If it can take a pounding from your member it can take some rough fingering to dry it out. It's much better to mess up the hole then to let something start growing in it because you didn't clean it properly.

>> No.34038323

?? I'm supposed to powder the inside of an Onahole?

I'm talking about the feeling inside, not the outside since I powder the outside just fine

>> No.34038692

I just take paper towels, twist them, then fold it, and twist again. I do this about 2-3 times for each hole.
You could also use tampons, as they are designed to absorb moisture. Either buy them online somehow or if you're brave enough, buy them in a real store.

>> No.34038709

Use a gentler soap, or buy ona cleaning stuff.

>> No.34038720
Quoted by: >>34038801

its not as embarassing when you tell a clerk that you want some tampons because your girlfriend is having an emergency and she cant walk around

>> No.34038801
Quoted by: >>34039405

I don't see why buying tampons as a man would be embarrasing at all
It's not like buying a cucumber and a pack of condoms

>> No.34038874
Quoted by: >>34038912

Looking for a soft hole with the fattest mons. I like grinding against the entrance and watching the lips spread as I enter.

>> No.34038904

TD is alright. Shipping takes way longer now because of weather in midwest. Still waiting for mine to ship.

>> No.34038912

"Lolinco soft". Should be easy to find.

>> No.34039003
Quoted by: >>34039449

Interesting. So to have them hold the package for you, would you have to go to DHL's website and request a hold?

>> No.34039405

Because it's a women's product that men would never have any use for normally except for very rare occasions.

>> No.34039449

Yeah, it's really weird how to even contact them. You need to call customer service, but the website redirects you to everywhere but the number. Best thing to do is just Google it.

>> No.34039527
Quoted by: >>34041271

but it's not like the store clerk is gonna think that you stuff them up your ass and pretend that you are menstruating

>> No.34039644

please do onahole tier list onegai

>> No.34041006
Quoted by: >>34041231

there is an ona washing kit on aliexpress , it includes a sponge on a stick and a drying tube . the drying tube has holes in it for dryness and its about finger width. so a holy tube finger girth...

>> No.34041231
File: 28 KB, 436x458, Screen Shot 2021-04-01 at 5.16.48 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its two dollars buy one already

>> No.34041271

excuse me , i need to buy tampons for my rubber vagina. it is on its period right now and wont let me fuck it. would you recommend super absorbent or extra flow?

>> No.34041401
Quoted by: >>34041540

I guarantee you they won't actually ask. Us cashiers are 100% dead inside after Covid. Just pay and leave.

>> No.34041540

also i need to buy the plan b for my rubber vagina. i did one too many cums in it and i'm sure its pregnant.

>> No.34041836
Quoted by: >>34041936

Looking for something to clean my holes with, any recs? Not a leaf btw
>Random nip cleaning stick

>> No.34041936

see >>34041231
its three american pig dollars on aliexpress.

>> No.34041937
Quoted by: >>34041957

how is this any better than putting the hole under the faucet?

>> No.34041957

do you see the tube part that the sponge is attached to? the sponge stick detaches, and then the tube is a drying tube because it has air holes.

washing with a hose/faucet is recommended. drying is what is important though.

>> No.34042118
Quoted by: >>34042205

Does this shit damage the inside of your holes?

>> No.34042205

a sponge and a plastic tube with the girth of your finger ?

might have to watch out for different plastics touching each other. but i'd say it hasnt affected my onas. i make no promises or guarantees.

>> No.34042207

So i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong but usually 2 -3 minutes after using an onahole my dick begins to dry off, but my onahole stays moist and lubed, which makes it a bit rough if I pull the onahole up towards the tip of my dick then back down. Am I simply not using enough lube?

>> No.34042245
Quoted by: >>34042307

Buying this is probably a bad idea if I don't live alone, right? Will people will be able to smell it in my room or on me even after washing?
Same question with the pussy juice scents too, because I'm interested in both.

>> No.34042250

That or you're holding the hole too low and squeegeeing the lube off of your dick and forcing the rest of the lube up deeper.
Most likely you're not using enough lube.

>> No.34042307

I dont think powders of any kind would linger around too long in a room, even in a closed room.

It would linger around if you pour an unbelievable amount in your room or you spilled it. tldr. No, someone cant smell the powder or parfume

>> No.34042374

Maybe he can just play the porn on full blast so it drowns out the sound of the onahole

>> No.34042702

Try remoistening the lube with a bit of water. If that doesn't work use better lube (something from the guide)

>> No.34043063

water based lube dries out quick.

>> No.34043119
File: 81 KB, 540x450, g-project-niku-man-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34046795

Beginning my rampage through the rest of the Niku-Man range, with the one that began it all.

First, aesthetics. It has the Suji's same 'bean' shape that makes it nice and easy to hold and manipulate, and an big wide opening with a butt. It looks really nice too, kind of like a legless chubby girl with an arched back. That description doesn't make it seem as good as it is, and I really like it. And, of course, the Niku-Lady is cute as hell, so that's very appreciated.

I have a cold so I can't quite tell the extent, but there is a rubbery smell out of the box. If you're sensitive to that, take it into account.

The inside, like I mentioned, is quite a wide opening, because it's a little firmer than the average. It's also lined all the way through with firm little nubs, which, in a weird way, are kind of more aggressive than the Suji, which was a genuine dick-beater. It's a lot softer and more pliable, but when the suction gets going they really press in, while still never really getting as tough as the Suji. The bean shape makes it fun to play around with and twist around in your grip, so you can find the best point of stimulation. I say this because, it might be necessary. Unfortunately for all its positives, the nubs just aren't enough on their own, and it can feel a little barren. Don't get me wrong, it's still fun, but the entire time I felt like it was just missing something. In addition the tunnel itself is quite short, so I found myself bumping the end quite a bit, and actually enjoying it quite a bit, since it felt like just a little bit more of the stimulation the rest of the tunnel lacked. Orgasm was kind of lacking too, it wasn't the oh-god-i-can't-move bliss of other holes. It was just kind of better than normal.

Overall it's a good hole, but just a little bit lacking, and I can't imagine who it's for anymore. It feels just a little like a relic. It's not soft enough to be a soft hole, and the Suji does the hard-hole thing better. I don't want it to sound like I hated it since I didn't, I just found better alternatives. I'd recommend it for a real fence-sitter, but if you knew what you wanted I couldn't imagine this being the best option.

>> No.34043125

Are you fucking dumb or something? The first thing they'd think is that you're buying it for your girlfriend/sister/relative or whatever

>> No.34043203
File: 321 KB, 660x883, 1617347737017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me kek

>> No.34043676

Hand and onaholes serve the same purpose... Release and having fun alone, or with some friend while you both fap to hentai. Sex is for intimacy with someone else. To feel their warmth, being called cute horny stuff and kissing. Plus the release.
I've had sex using condoms and raw. Came inside 3 different pussies years ago and tbqh... Onaholes are better. I couldn't last more than 20 seconds inside of it my first time and I can guarantee that you can last way longer when you're fucking the wet tight pussy of the girl you're retardedly in love.

I'd say hand 5/10. Ruining your orgasms instead of just edging will give you tons of pleasure. Learn to do this and your brain will melt just using your hand. Also fondle your balls or cup them.

Sex 7 or 8/10 depending on her skill, pussy tightness and dorty talk. Tight pussy is great. To grab onto her body while you thrust is amazing.

Onahole is easily 10/10. Made to make you nut. So hard to not cum in just a few seconds. I can't fuck it without cumming in less than a minute yet. I love my toy and plan on being pussy free from now on.

>> No.34043690

What's the best way to simulate paizuri? I'm interested in no other form of sex

>> No.34043697

Probably a doll with clothes or one of those torsos.

>> No.34043730
Quoted by: >>34043975

nice larp

>> No.34043975

He just asked our opinions anon. No need to be rude about my few experiences with women and short time with my onahole. We all just want to enjoy plastic, don't be bitter anon!

>> No.34044000

>So hard to not cum in just a few seconds

You may want to get that checked out.

>> No.34044226
Quoted by: >>34044626

give me your recommendation onahole, onegai

>> No.34044626

I love how self-centered people on 4chan are. The guys here really think that people are thinking of them and analyzing every move they make and not just simply thinking about some dumb meme video they watched last night.
Someone could ring up a suicide kit and I'd be thinking about badgers or some shit.

try asking what you want/expect out of a onahole and maybe more people will be willing to help. Because with a vague statement like that, It's literally different strokes for different folks.

boob toys. the ones people recommended here are both boob toys made by HotPowers or the Busty Ai Chan by Tomax

>> No.34044878

Used mild soap on a 17 evo and mouth of truth for a while now with no issues but maybe it is different for other hole types
I'd probably avoid any abrasive or antibacterial soap out of caution

>> No.34045080
File: 301 KB, 1348x1156, Screenshot_20210402-074148_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to see how much of a smellfag I am.

>> No.34045343

Can I use WD40 to lube up my hole?

>> No.34046413

no, petrochemical products are very bad for onaholes and will likely damage it beyond repair

>> No.34046601
File: 21 KB, 288x235, colormixing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out that the red/orange spots on my onahole that I was concerned about, was actually the colorant of some sort. Probably the batch was not completely mixed, or that oil seeping brought the colorant closer to the exterior skin, making it more visible. Not mold/bacteria, so that's a relief.
But now I'm hooked on reading and watching videos on TPE and other thermoplastic material.

>> No.34046795
Quoted by: >>34050547

Suji still sounds like a great choice, but I'm curious to see how the rest of the Niku line holds up. Sorry to hear about your cold too, get well soon!

>> No.34047513

Do it and post pics

>> No.34048783
Quoted by: >>34050082

>the first two I ever bought and just got today
>Upper Swing
>Jet Stream Momoiro Triple
Those are some random ass Onaholes, you're the first one on /ona/ to have ever mentioned them.
>no idea how girthy exactly
Just warp toilet paper around your dick, or anything to the same effect, and measure it using a ruler.
Not that anyone really cares about that spec, girth is only relevant for whether or not you can use a loli hole.

Also, I'll tell you right now that hole length is pretty forgiving, so if you're big you don't have to worry about it for sleeve type onas since you don't feel shit on the base of your dick anyway. You should try some of the better known stuff in the guide though.

Magic Eyes has one that's supposed to feel like saliva for their Boca de la Verita series.

>> No.34049407
File: 551 KB, 634x720, 1613354948470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you guys use an onahole for? Come on, out with out it. I'm ready for those 10 hour maniacs with dicks of steel

>> No.34049421

5 minutes if I'm just watching porn

30-60 minutes if I'm following along with some erotic audio, depends on the length

>> No.34049555

La Vie En Roses Maiden is a bitch to get in

>> No.34049627

Never longer than 10-15 minutes
Can't relate to those edging maniacs

>> No.34049646

I try to go for an hour at least, to justify the time wasted cleaning. If I wanted to just get it over with quick I would use my hand.

>> No.34049682
File: 340 KB, 1028x732, 1581850772283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34050989

>get horny
>use ona
>feel satisfied
>clean my dick
>wash the ona
>dry it
>powder it
>put it in a bag
>put the bag in the drawer
>sit down
>feel horny again
it's so bothersome

>> No.34049847
File: 225 KB, 443x478, jokrcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threw out a bunch of ona today. It got to the point where it just took up too much space and I only ever used a few of them. In total 6 ona met their doom. Felt oddly sad about it but it had to be done. Now my collection is nice and tidy

>> No.34050082
Quoted by: >>34050158

>you're the first one on /ona/ to have ever mentioned them.
We've mentioned Upper Swing a dozen or so times since it came out. Yeah, it's not as talked about as the "tried and true" but it's also a fairly recent hole, in terms of onaholes and compared to stuff like Lolinco.

>> No.34050158

Copy paste tricked me, it's the Jet Stream Momoiro Triple that never was.
>compared to stuff like Lolinco
Good to know.

>> No.34050547
File: 446 KB, 1356x762, Alpha_blogg.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the well wishes. I'll be trying the Delta next, which bucks the trend by being super tight and having a frankly bizarre opening that looks a lot like the Alpha Blogg from Metroid Prime 2, so we'll see how that compares to the Suji for dick-beatery.

>> No.34050989

Just use it twice lol

>> No.34051836

there are freaks here who want to buy your used onaholes. for next time, consider selling to them.

>> No.34051898


>not just using your old Onaholes and making refurbished Onahole Starter-kits and giving them to your local homeless people to help them out

Yare yare daze, /jp/.

>> No.34052482

A few minutes. Once I tried edging by watching an episode of some completely unerotic anime. I made it to the end no problem, but my dick was just tired and kinda sore before I whimpered out a nut.

>> No.34052558

normally however long a scene lasts in the eroge I'm playing

>> No.34052861

>threw out a bunch of Ona

rookie numbers

>> No.34053515

Usually 30 minutes to an hour. I've gone for like three or four hours before but once I've edged long enough it will still feel really good even when the lube starts drying up and then I'll have a painful realization when cleaning up that I've chafed the hell out of my pee pee.

>> No.34053585

depends on my mood. if I have shit to do afterwards, 10-15 minutes tops with a super stimulating ona. if I have time to relax, 45 to 60 minutes with one of my softer holes.

>> No.34054246
Quoted by: >>34055113

>my DHL package is covered in tape that says it was repacked
i hope the people that repacked it thought i had good taste

>> No.34055113

they probably took a picture of it and posted it on their social media

>> No.34055196
File: 6 KB, 248x337, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did they mean by this

>> No.34055491
Quoted by: >>34055987

I want to toss some of mine because they're just worse versions of some of the other ones I have, but every time I'm about to toss something I use it one last time and then convince myself not to throw it out.

>> No.34055538
File: 169 KB, 575x446, 1563555307285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34055987

>don't want to get rid of the boxes because the art looks nice
>can't put them on display because it's a goddamn onahole box

>> No.34055987

yeah thats how it be
i have almost every single box i've hidden in amazon boxes for the day i can display them

>> No.34056511
Quoted by: >>34058018

Same here. It’s like a funko pop collection I can never show anyone

We should start a thread of our boxes for display

>> No.34056587
File: 324 KB, 1539x2048, 1617414674687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is baby powering your onahole really necessary? I mean it only effect the outside of the onahole right? Any long term problem if I dont do it?

>> No.34056683
Quoted by: >>34057725

It'll turn into a magnet for dust, lint, and other particles if you don't powder it every so often. Makes it a little more tacky and sticky too. You want it to be smooth, clean, and comfortable in your hand while you use it.

>> No.34056689
File: 168 KB, 366x316, 1617415075443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34058446

there are freaks here who want to buy your used onaholes. for next time, consider selling to them.
Yeah I remember googling some random onahole hip and then clicking on a reddit link. The guy was selling a USED onahole hip for $150 and someone bought it. The seller claimed, "he never came inside it because it would be hard to clean" but I know he is lying.

Poor cuck buying other used good (literally).

>> No.34057157
File: 55 KB, 540x531, 1615340006351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand 6/10
Ona 9/10
Real pussy 7/10

>> No.34057542
File: 1.65 MB, 1347x2400, gynoid-silicone-sex-doll-pic-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those moles on her body
God damn that's hot, more dolls should do this.

>> No.34057725

powdering is good if you want to keep your onas nice and smooth like below poster said
an alternative is to wrap your ona in a tshirt or something and jack off like that so your hand is never actually touching the ona

>> No.34057754

Longest I edged for was an hour. How anyone can edge for longer than that is a mystery to me.

>> No.34058018


I preordered the Astrologer's Atelier Onahole because not only does it look like a really cool onahole (has a star imprinted on the interior, very neat) but the box looks very classy as well. Will definitely display the fuck out of -that- particular box.

>> No.34058083
Quoted by: >>34058451

Does using condoms with onaholes make cleanup much easier, or is it not worth the rubber?

>> No.34058405

Bria has anyone tried the new atellier ona?

>> No.34058446

And Reddit talks about 4chan being a bunch of degenerates

>> No.34058451
Quoted by: >>34058568

Not worth it. Just pull out and shoot outside like in those Asian cartoons you watch

>> No.34058568
Quoted by: >>34059811

But I don't like pulling out :(((

>> No.34059725
Quoted by: >>34060275

So for some reason the shipping company labeled my package as coming from the United London (even though I ordered from Motsutoys and the tracker says it shipped from the Netherlands), now I have to declare what my package is because it's stuck at customs.
Has anyone had to deal with these faggots before? I don't really have a problem with providing the receipt (none of them are loli holes anyway) but nonetheless it's pretty annoying.

>> No.34059811

>But I don't like pulling out :(((

that's what your dad said to your mom when she gave birth to you.

>> No.34060135
Quoted by: >>34060324

I tried out a packet of "G PROJECT x PEPEE LOTION" that came with one of my holes today. It wasn't bad, but after finishing I began thinking, was I supposed to dilute it with water? It was extremely thick, and now that I look at it the pack has something that could be instructions to dilute it 1:4 on it.

>> No.34060275

"aircraft cup" like they say on aliexpress

>> No.34060324

depends. thick lube has its use with firmer holes but its your lube. do whatever you want to it.

>> No.34060842
File: 50 KB, 540x540, niku-man-delta-onahole-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>34061042

Before I get into the Niku-Man Delta review proper, let me bring up the most iconic thing about it. Which is the friggin weird mouth shape thing it has for an opening. Super weird! I guess it's meant to be the fat folds around the pussy, I guess? Either way, it looks wacky. You could probably pass it as something other than a pocket pussy if you had to.

>> No.34061032
File: 1.47 MB, 897x900, 1617036325355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh Bread
Fresh Bread

>> No.34061042

That's a Monster Girl trope thing.

>> No.34067864


>> No.34068821

has any tried this?
