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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 430 KB, 837x1181, 2eb67bf8876ddbef74850293985d5c05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33930227 No.33930227 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

New Onahole guide:

New doll guide:

here are links to the more informative pastebins that are hosted on controlc, just in case

aural stim:
lube alchemy:

Pastebin nuked old guides so we have new links (keeping pastebin links here below just in case)
The ona guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
The doll guide: https://pastebin.com/rrUa6jKF

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>33865364

>> No.33930591

You had one fucking job OP.

>> No.33930692

Nardahlfag reporting in. It says it's supposed to be here within the day, but the last update was 6-7 hours ago.

>> No.33931094
File: 125 KB, 640x496, 6134757048_6ca67e60e3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want an onahole modeled after his favorite Vtuber

>> No.33931607

>Biden Bux mailed out today
can't wait to buy a hip and a couple of holes in two weeks

>> No.33931611
File: 88 KB, 800x800, puniana_sukesuke_exe_onahole_hip_transparent_8_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 more days and its here

>> No.33931667

mine came in the mail today
it had a really strong smell the first time you open the bag and it's oily as fuck
gonna wash it tonight and test her

>> No.33931874
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Ona reviews from last thread:

>135cm plus Nao (TPE doll)
>140 Esterek Doll
>Maccos Upper Swing
>Nikuman 2200
>Umi No Ana 2
>Gyaru In Heat Endless Fuck
>Eimi Fukada 'Immediate Service from a Maid'

>> No.33931906


>> No.33931972

How long do you guys generally expect the average 20 - 30$ hole to last, assuming you use it daily and keep it clean?

>> No.33932491

pretty much forever, as long as you clean and store it properly

>> No.33932507

Depends on how hard or soft the material is. If it's Nama Nikuman soft then six months at most before tears and gashes from hard peepee dickings makes it unusable.

>> No.33932508

thanks anon

>> No.33932566

Whats the quietest onahole I can get ?

>> No.33932606

Anyone remembers what are the onaholes disguised as ship garage kit models?

>> No.33932677

Unironically your hands. Every ona I've owned has had some degree of noise even with a lot of lube. I do have a few guidelines though. The thicker the ona, the more muffled the sound. Blowjob onas are always disproportionately noisy. And finally, for some reason onas get less noisy when you cum in them once.

>> No.33932714

I figured. I really want to go to town on my Venus tonight in the bathroom but dont want my family to hear. Maybe if I play loud rap music...

>> No.33932738

??? Take a shower?

>> No.33932749

you mean these?
https://www.kanojotoys com/blue-frame-uminari-battleship-masturbator-p-4075.html
https://www.kanojotoys com/blue-frame-amagake-airship-masturbator-p-4076.html

>> No.33932771


So softer onaholes are more prone to tears?

>> No.33933041
File: 63 KB, 500x450, F000391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listened to /jp/s advice and bought pic related last summer.
I kind of like it but... It's a little too tight around the base.
Like this thing wants to rip my dick off if I don't go absolutely crazy with lube.
Can anyone recommend something more suited for biggus dickus?

One more thing, it's looks like it starting to disintegrate on the inside, lots of little tears and tiny pieces fall off while I clean it.
Is it safe to continue using it like this if I always clean it thoroughly?
Or should I toss it to avoid a fucking UTI?

>> No.33933067

Consider getting a hard ona with high stimulation so you can get a good fap even when trying to be slow and quiet.

>> No.33933146

Yes. In terms of durability in most cases
Soft Dual Layer<Soft Single<Firm Dual<Firm Single

>> No.33933166

So, turns out DHL doesn't deliver on weekends, meaning that I wasted money on the shortest shipping time.

>> No.33933598

Kaichous tail....

>> No.33933621

You're good if you clean and dry it properly. The inner texture might become less enjoyable as it wears down, depends on personal preference.
>It's a little too tight around the base.
Does it feel that way with lube freshly applied or only after using it for a bit?

>> No.33933622

>Can anyone recommend something more suited for biggus dickus?
Look at Fuwa Pocha Torori-Na

>Or should I toss it to avoid a fucking UTI?
Only if you're a filthy fuck. tears aren't bad outside of simply not feeling as good. You should be able to dry any tear out.

>> No.33933670

Looking at the ingredients, yes, it's supposed to do that.

>> No.33933777
File: 381 KB, 485x720, Cico_chl_04 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good onaholes for lolcanadians?
I like the hip onaholes but 90% of the box art makes me paranoid as shit to order anything and I don't trust vendors enough with my life to remove them

>> No.33933851

If it's sold on Amazon's Canada branch, it's safe to order.

>> No.33934066

I honestly still don't really trust that
I remember reading horror stories about peoples lives being ruined because the art on the box was considered obscene

>> No.33934434

ngl i'm supremely surprised people didn't make genshin impact onaholes yet
the paimon meme would make them sell like hot cakes

>> No.33934637

Gimmick holes usually don't live up to the hype. I think the only one that actually ever ended up being good was the Nezuko blowjob ona.

>> No.33934656
File: 340 KB, 1920x1279, xycolo-153-sb-pro-body-emily-head-09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't decide, what do you think friends? Big or small?



Right now im partial to the 153 body, more tomboy.

>> No.33934676

Big, but only if you have the strength to lift her. Basically the weight of a real human.

>> No.33934736
File: 367 KB, 1920x1280, xc-158-body-emily-head-xcosp-6182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an issue anon im fuckin ripped, my muscle boners will be able to handle the weight of even the thickest rubber wife

>> No.33934744

I ordered perorin and lolinco from .ca a couple months ago they wrap the ona box in black plastic, anything thats already in here is safe I believe.

>> No.33934750

Go for the bigger one. More to play with and bounce while you fuck.

>> No.33935208

Lilith Uterus soft a good time or nah? Would get regular but it's sold out on toydemon. Previous onas were a Venus Real soft and a Lolicon Virgo.

>> No.33935270

Save up and wait for the regular, feeling that sculpted g-spot against your dick is so much better than soft.

>> No.33935350
File: 730 KB, 1280x1920, 2017_moldawien_soviet_bunker_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time /jp/ poster here, got recommended to this thread from a fellow /k/ommando.
I've been having a decent time lately and wanted to treat myself, since I've only ever used my hand.

Link related is what I want to get but I'm having a hard time picking the tightness for the two holes, since I don't know what the measurements for the toy aren't the most exact.
The whole thing is 8.25 inches long and 5 inches wide as per the website. But I'm assuming the width is the measure from the top of the hole end to the bottom of the hole end.
My dick isn't massive but I don't want to break it since it's 90 dollars before shipping.
I measure just under 6 inches long in effective length with a side to side width of 1 inch and an underside to topside width of .8 inches.

Any advice on which tightness options to go with lads?

>> No.33935400


Damn, I think a soviet bunker is going to feel a bit loose no matter how big you are.

Are you a giant?

>> No.33935498
File: 201 KB, 342x529, 1616818509279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ID this onahole from a manga? I wonder if it is based off a real one in real life.

>> No.33935517

lol no, the thing i want to fuck is in the link not the pic.

>> No.33935885

Ripped the hole opening on my Missley Elf hole after the second use, lads. The hole is kinda tiny, and my dick is a bit girthy so I'm curious if that's the reason for it, or is it just something that is bound to happen sometimes? If it is a girth-issue, would you guys say that I should stick to onaholes with bigger openings?

>> No.33936124

Give the lolinco extra virgin a try. Significantly different sensation than the Virgo.

>> No.33936140

Usually tearing the opening doesn’t really affect the hole’s sensation.

My YJY and ZXY developed small tears in the opening after the first few uses, but didn’t really affect the sensations at all.

>> No.33936746

this only happens when they pass through customs

If its on amazon ca, its already in canada so you are fine

>> No.33937051

Do they restock pretty often or is COVID fucking onas like it has everything else?
I'm not really looking for a super dick bully, want something nice for daily use.

I'm open to suggestions.

>> No.33937183
File: 2.08 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210327_122549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm alive, I'm active, time for the Suji Niku-Man review!

Unfortunately the box is compromised, because the fat gyaru pussy squished it during shipping. It's a real shame, it's great art. Strong-soft is an underused niche.

Inside the box is just a small pouch of lube and the hole itself in plain packaging. Nothing special, which is a little strange. The Niku-Man girl is kind of an iconic mascot across the range, it's bizarre that they'd make the material upon which her art is displayed so throwaway.

>> No.33937205
File: 1.03 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210327_123025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, the first thing I noticed is the construction of the hole. As you might as noticed, the hole is perpetually open, which might lead you to believe that it's loose. Oh, buddy. So naive. No, the entrance is open like that because the thing is fucking solid as a block. You can stand it on in its own, the interior nubs are barely pliable, and all in all the thing feels sturdy. I think with this level of strength, a tighter hole would gatekeep 90% of men.

The interior feels like it'll be quite nice, but a little basic. Not a lot to say at this point. Still, for sheer comfort, this thing is incredibly easy to handle. It's sloped to fit into your grip and the extra rigidity makes it especially easy.

>> No.33937257

is this some kind of horse pussy ?

>> No.33937450

The verdict is in on the Suki, and it's pretty good!

Aesthetically, it's a little barren, but like I said, the shape is super practical. In addition, it doesn't feel tacky or sticky or rubber-y at all, despite the material. It might be because it has less jiggle than an ordinary ona, but whereas others might get squicked out by normal ona texture I can't imagine anyone feeling bad about this one. Really, really pleasant to hold.

The hardness is ever-present. It's kind of a crushing experience from beginning to end, but it's nice enough to bend for you too. It really feels like a sweet girl who's tougher than she realizes, like she's trying her best to be soft despite herself. The nubs are a little bare-bones, but the incredible firmness of the hole means they do their job admirably. It feels super nice to go slow with because the stimulation is so intense. And, unlike other hard onas, it doesn't ever feel like it's trying to force you out.

The cracks in the concept started to show by the end, because it was just so tight that my cock was a little sore, but the orgasm was so nice that I didn't really mind. It could be a problem with a longer session, but in 30 minutes I didn't notice a super-big problem. All in all, it was like an especially hard hug: it was a little tight, but you know it comes from a place of love.

For cleaning, the openness of the entrance makes it by far the easiest I've ever tried. Easy to rinse out, easy to manually clean since you can effortlessly get two fingers in there, and super easy to dry for the same reason. I can see this being someone's daily hole just for ease of maintenance.

For a mid-range ona, this is quite nice. I'd suggest it strongest for people with a death-grip, since it's got a tighter feel, but I think most people could have a good time with it.

>> No.33937485
File: 2.50 MB, 3424x574, list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final verdicts on everything but the Asuka. 7.5 might seem a little low based on the review, but it's the score that seems most appropriate taking into account everything, and accounting my personal taste. I also think 8 is the point where I could suggest the hole for everyone, and this hole just isn't recommendable for people who don't like a tight fit.

Next time, the $300 Body Touch! Technically sponsored content, but I won't let it affect my review.

>> No.33937933

Thanks for the review. Been looking forward to the Niku-Man Suji since it was up for preorder on TD.

>> No.33938062

Quite happy! The other 3 will arrive in the next few days, so keep an eye out for those reviews.

>> No.33938264

onaholes are cool and all, but I always end up getting a little too rough with them, even when I try and make an effort to be more gentle.

>> No.33938329

Just keep away from rabbits, Lenny

>> No.33939287

Just got done with the Asuka, and woowee. Full review coming soon.

>> No.33939538
File: 47 KB, 540x490, DH168 -2019 135CM NAO (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think maybe it was just too small for my penis. Mines pretty thick so It felt more like a vice grip and there is no textures or nubs in the mouth and throat. Just a very tight, slightly wavy channel that tops out within MMs of the head screw.

Probably because the animesque head design forced the mouth to be much smaller than usual bimbo-faced dolls.
Her lips widened after the irrumatio, so she actually looks a little better at least!

>> No.33939749
File: 2.11 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210327_220506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for the hole I was most excited to try, besides AIKA. For the simple fact that it was free due to a shipping mixup!

It's not something I would've bought myself, but I wanted the persimmon-scented lube that it pairs with that I didn't receive. I guess a $300 onahole in exchange for a $17 bottle of lube is fair, but damn. I love some persimmons.

Bland boxart, though. Big turnoff.

>> No.33939814
File: 1.77 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210327_220524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you can see, it's got hips for days, with the fancy bones and all. This is a proper high-end product and everything. They make it a lot easier to hold than the Niku-Man 2200 that just had a more solid part at the top to hold onto. But the bones also reduce the jiggle factor, which is my favorite part of the hip holes I've had so far.

>> No.33939853
File: 1.86 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210327_220729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First things first, this fucking thing is ENORMOUS. Here it is next to the AIKA meiki, which is itself quite a large hole for a hand-held. And it's got an incredible amount of heft, but as I found out the hips actually make it easy to use while sitting down whereas the 2200 was remarkably difficult, and the Gyaru in Heart it was actually impossible.

>> No.33939875
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It also comes with a nice pair of cute pink pantsu. They look nice on it, but they're not thin enough to let this thing's super-plump labia really show off.

>> No.33939976
File: 1018 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20210327_220952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, the weird thing about this. It has the puffy vulva look, but you pry it apart and underneath is a normal, traditional entrance. I'm not sure why it does this. I guess they wanted to have their cake and eat it too with the fat pussy thing.

The texture in the vag is super soft with gentle ribbing, and the ass has a similar soft texture but with grooves instead. Both are really, really pliable, so slipping in isn't an issue.

I've forgotten to mention until now, but the whole thing has a bit of a rubbery, oily smell, stronger than any hole I've done so far. I hope it fades, but if it doesn't, well, it's not that offensive anyway.

>> No.33940294

I recently bought a couple onaholes and have some questions.

I was initially planning to use some cheap condoms when I use the holes to keep it cleaner, or at least only orgasm after pulling out if I don't use one, but I see that the guide does not mention this option and just recommends washing with water and drying. Does cleaning basically completely nullify the "damage" that using it raw and finishing inside it cause?

The particular holes I bought were basically just the cheapest ones on motsutoys as a trial, so I have
>Tornado Roruseki
>Naughty fairy tales: Okazukin-chan
>Ju-C Petite 2
My initial plan is to basically go in order of intensity, but if anyone has any experience with which of these might be best for a first hole, I'd welcome opinions. If it matters, I will probably use the TYO lubricant, tried it out for fapping and it seems way better than the Durex lube(play massage aloe) I had used in the past.

The guide recommends buying a toy sack, is using at least some sort of cloth wrapping necessary for ona longevity? I was planning to basically just store them in the boxes they came in after cleaning.

>> No.33940374

are they realistically sized?
like would normal store bought panties fit this as well?

>> No.33940564
File: 54 KB, 540x540, body-touch-nursery-teacher-asuka-onahole-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onto the actual experience.

Let me start by saying two things about this. It's the polar opposite of the gyaru in heat, and it nails what it's going for, the lore being that it's the experience of having sex with a motherly kindergarten teacher. It's soft and pliable but not loose, so it has a really gentle squish in both holes. The vaginal tunnel's outer wall served to gatekeep for a moment, but once I slipped in it was perfectly fine, and really enjoyable. Bouncing it on my lap while I sat down was nice, but I found myself standing up, actually.

The vaginal tunnel's ribs were fantastic. Not the most overwhelming stimulation, but a constant really nice amount. The ass's grooves were less ideal, and honestly, despite the fact that it was tighter and conceptually I like anal sex better, I went back and forth before settling on the vagina simply because it felt better.

As mentioned, the sensation is gentle and nice, but not particularly extreme. It was a total slow-burn up to orgasm, but unfortunately it also made jackhammering it (as I tend to do) less rewarding than the Gyaru in Heat. But when I finally got there, it had been such a nice steady climb that it was a really fulfilling orgasm.

Cleaning was a bitch though, due to the length of the tunnels, but the softness of the material makes it easy to get in there with your drying implement of choice. Certainly not the worst drying experience I've ever had.

Overall, a pretty good experience, and this would end as a glowing review, but I have to address something, which is the price disparity. For me? This was a great purchase. It was technically the cheapest onahole I got, but for anyone else it'd be 300 bones. For a third of that, you can get the Gyaru in Heat which I think is a far superior hip, and I couldn't justify spending 3 Gyarus on this. It's a lovely hole, but not at the price point it's being sold at.

Theoretically? Yeah, probably. These are short-leg panties though, so anything longer wouldn't work given there's no legs to feed through.

>> No.33940681

I'm glad this one turned out to be nice. And you're right, thicc-strong is a trope that needs to be used more often.

>> No.33940706
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Final rankings of these holes.

I feel bad about giving Body Touch Asuka such a relatively low score since it's still a dynamite jerking experience, but it's just so damn pricy. And I didn't even get to try the friggin persimmon lube. What a ripoff.

>> No.33940815 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 652x838, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really does! All the Nikus have relatively unique designs since bigger girls are kind of under-represented on onas, but the Suji is a whole level of unique on top of that. It's an interesting concept that they certainly achieved their goal with.

The others should arrive around the 31st so I can review the rest of the set, along with a few other ones.

>> No.33941057

I'm in need of guidance. I have the R 20 and the R 20 Puni. I like the head stimulation of the Puni but I enjoy the tunnel of the regular R 20. Is there anything that can mix those together?

>> No.33941294
File: 40 KB, 432x768, A68C7F53-574F-44F4-9C00-559015FEB933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For when I get one, do I clean these effectively? I don’t want it to get torn up or anything.

>> No.33941341

Wash it out with warm water and hand soap within an hour of finishing, regardless of whether you nutted inside or outside. Then you can use either a drying stick or a microfiber cloth on the end of a toothbrush/chopstick to dry the inside.

It's also good to occasionally pat it down with baby powder so it doesn't get too sticky.

>> No.33942800

Silicone is very much indestructible, you won't damage it unless you try very hard.
Refer to this link for a review on an "earlier" version of that same hole.

>> No.33943161


Thanks for the info! As long as they're still functional from minor tears I don't mind at all.

>> No.33944048

is meiki the only plush you can get
are there any bigger full sized plushes, like 5'8 or 5'9 tier

>> No.33944276

You have to clean and dry your ona no matter what you do, whether you cum inside or not, so the idea of trying to avoid cumming inside of it seems silly to me. If this concerns you then just try to avoid onas that are harder to clean than most.
You don't NEED a bag/sack but they're cheap and you want something to store them in. A cardboard box isn't going to protect it from moisture. If you want to be cheap, you can just use a ziplock bag.

>> No.33944580

Hm, I guess I'll make do with some zipbags or towels and baby powder for now, and order some bags if I buy new onaholes later, or decide to restock on lube.

>> No.33947017
File: 91 KB, 540x540, umi-no-ana-hard-mermaid-onahole-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related will arrive on tuesday
what am I in for?

>> No.33947064

>onahole general
Holy shit, have sex

>> No.33947245

I wouldn't pass up on the opportunity to nut inside my oshi if they ever managed to make a themed onahole with good quality.

>> No.33947450

something to beat the fuck outta your dick.

>> No.33947613

Make sure you're raging hard and ready to go before you start.

>> No.33948840

Is the gyaru hip big enough for panties? That's my main factor in getting a hip I wanna put cute panties on it but, I don't want to get a doll.

>> No.33948910

Get the fuck out of here, tourist

>> No.33948931

>have sex
After you.

>> No.33949109

>they wrap the ona box in black plastic
Hmm, okay I will look into it more
I don't order much on Amazon but some things say Japan import even on Amazon ca
Does that mean it will go through customs or are they just specifying that it was originally made in Japan?

>> No.33949439

I have. Rubber pussies are cheaper and less stressful.

>> No.33949523 [DELETED] 


Not having to deal with post ejaculation clarity is very underrated feature of onaholes and masturbation in general, especially if you are a paranoid person with good imagination

>> No.33949619

From the pictures in his review
It doesn't look like it's big enough, nor are the legs actually split to allow something like doll panties

>> No.33949753

I bet kid panties will fit. The size of the hip according to websites is around 175 x 170 mm
Good luck not looking like a pedo tho lol :^)

>> No.33949945
File: 498 KB, 860x1214, 105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm into NTR. Any onaholes made to give this feel?

>> No.33950051

buy any used onahole or doll from some anon.

>> No.33950427

kill yourself

>> No.33950487


Toydemon has a hole named "Netorare Cuckhold" or something like that. I think there are some lubes with semen-like consistency you can find somewhere, not sure what they're called though. I think I saw them on amazon jp. Although to be honest, if that's your fetish I think it just mainly comes down to your imagination or choice of porn. Not sure how ntr could translate well in terms of physical onaholes.

>> No.33950622

That's what online orders are for. They don't know/care what I am gonna use em for. The only problem is I am limited by the styles they don't exactly make cute frilly thongs in that size. Or do they?

>> No.33950772
File: 2.36 MB, 2500x3700, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the kind of hole I'd be looking for is something loose and floppy without much sensation like it's been used a bunch. A hole with slut tattoos on it would be awesome. Semen lube is a good idea though.

>> No.33950851


Not sure if it'd fuck up the material, but you could always try using a sharpie and just writing crude words / tattoos on it yourself.

>loose without much sensation

I tried the Youkoso Delva hole and it had a more mellow sensation, with a slight-slit opening rather than a hole so it wasn't tight going in and didn't give *too* much resistance. Might be something worth trying anon. Good luck to you!

>> No.33950887

The backstory on that one is that you're the one doing the cucking though.
>A hole with slut tattoos on it would be awesome
Stank Bitch. Not sure if it's loose or not.

>> No.33951148

It is only if you don't squeeze the air out. Great vacuum otherwise though

>> No.33952879

Any recommendations on where and what brand panties to buy for big hips, such as the Miracle DX or Kiwami DX?

>> No.33952947

So it's been a few years since I posted on here, I found a small Asian girlfriend and found out that my dick is unreasonably thick at 6 inches circumference.
Been single for a year and a half and onaholes are looking really appealing again.
Any recommendations for stupidly thick dick?

>> No.33953314

My Puni Ana DX Hard is very nice but it's maybe less than half the dimensions of something I would want.

Anyone have any recommendations on a full hip? Prefer hard and durable, and hopefully not too much of a bitch to clean.

>> No.33953857

I cum outside my onas, and other than a rinse with water, they’ve held up without any mold for years with just an air-dry. My oldest ona, a ZXY from 2014, is still going strong with no signs of mold inside.

Then again, I do live on the west coast in a dry environment, so there’s a lot less ambient moisture.

Once every two weeks I do spray the inside with toy cleaner and let it sit until my next use. I use Berman’s toy cleaner, but the active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride, so any toy cleaner with that should be fine.

>> No.33953866

Vacuum witch is damn near indestructible for a large circumference guy like myself

>> No.33953866,1 [INTERNAL] 

what are some super perverted loli holes? my weeb partner and i have been enjoying my old puna ana dx and want something nastier. been out the game for years

>> No.33954600

Just tried an onahole for the first time. tenga egg I feel like this is the beginning of a slippery slope. But seeing the guides and how deep this rabbit hole goes is kind of intimidating. So many choices for holes, lubes, warming, and etc.

>> No.33955782

>you want something to store them in
Don't you anons just use the original packaging? My ona came in a plastic mold inside the box and that seems fine for protecting against moisture.

>> No.33955977
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Depends on the ona, some come in just a plastic/carton box with a plastic bag around the ona itself, the Ju-C ones for example.

>> No.33956244

Why do these give so much better kenja time than just hand? Is it psychological response from tricking your dick?

>> No.33956399

Did you seriously just ask this? It's a fucking different texture why do you think?

>> No.33956520

Ah I forgot about vacuum witch, thank you friend.

>> No.33957549

Update to the Gyaru in Heat:

The ass is phenomenal. Not as good as the pussy, since it loses some feeling despite the extra tightness, but still better than some other main holes. Really top-tier stuff.

>> No.33957626
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Not the ones the Asuka Body Touch came with, but maybe some? You'd need small ones.

Also, it is with some measure of regret that I should inform you all: as thought, the rather thin wall of rubber between the two tunnels broke sometime between now and the second use. It didn't affect the sensation at all (as far as I can tell) but it could be a factor to think about before you buy one. I personally don't mind, but it's something to consider.

>> No.33957631

Fuck, this is like the second time this year that I forgot to masturbate last night.

>> No.33957691

Don't beat yourself up about it

>> No.33957777

Well now I have to go look at cherry blossoms with a bunch of people near DC and tonight is the full moon party so I wont have a chance for a onahole session unless I blow one out quick on the toilet.

>> No.33958007

nice one anon

>> No.33958131

That's what we're here for, anon.

But the easy answer is: Cyclist Girl. Mash your dingus into a paste and be done with it.

I bought a 5pc set of mesh bags for a few bucks on amazon. I didn't like the sticky, smelly, and dusty plastic bags they came with. I do keep the empty boxes on display though.

>> No.33958274

Second opinion: having never tried Cyclist Girl for fear of having my dingus mashed to paste, do not listen to >>33958131 and instead get the Meiki no Saigen Marugoto AIKA.

>> No.33958348 [DELETED] 


>> No.33958515


>> No.33958543 [DELETED] 


>> No.33958664

Yea I was just joking. There are plenty of good starter holes. Memes aside, I personally recommend Lilith Uterus Regular. Good tunnel for the price and easy to clean.

>> No.33959273
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What am I in for lads? It arrives tomorrow.

>> No.33959573

I have no clue, but do tell us how it goes!

>> No.33959719
File: 37 KB, 364x364, ba_bu_mi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is my favorite onahole but I need to get a new one
any suggestions based on this?

also no I don't use otonajp, just a preview link

>> No.33959969

Something that won't last very long due to the separation of the layers.

>> No.33960176

I hope you guys have 6 or 12 bottles of Onatsuyu in storage. You better order now if you have under two or three.

>> No.33960188

Seventeen is too old for me. I prefer nine to thirteen.

>> No.33960896

Dang that is unfortunate guess you have to buy a big hip to use regular panties, I don't want to spend 300+ on a big hip and it ends up sucking just so I can put panties on it.

>> No.33961039

What's your budget?

>> No.33961062
File: 49 KB, 806x414, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Throw it away anon

>> No.33961169

I reviewed the Asuka Body Touch which is a very good hole, and that takes panties just fine.

>> No.33961185


Why? I was planning on stocking up from TD once they restocked. Are they going out of production or something?

>tfw just got into onaholes and getting good quality lube seems to be the hardest part because fucking everything is going out of stock

>> No.33961259

What makes onatsuyu better than other lubes?

>> No.33961271

>middle age man
>chronic smoker
poor dude tuckered out his heart for simply wanting an evening wank.

>> No.33961281

gotta pack my onaholes away and move in with mom. rip fap time :(

>> No.33961299
File: 41 KB, 284x426, 4526374913327-thumb-284xauto-4108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ended up trying out pic related, guess I'll do a mini review, to try and give back some info to these threads.
I think I made the right choice for which to start with, it wasn't very intense at all, did a leisurely 30 minute or so fap with it, not much better than with a hand but different in a nice way, at least at the pace I was going with. Could also be that I used too much lube, next time I'll try to use the packet of lube it came with and try and be more bold in movement/grip. It's nice for post-nut stimulation, if you're into that, but that's a bit too much for me.
Pretty quiet, keeps lube inside very well, I guess because of the nubby surface area. Material's pretty soft, I was kind of scared when I noticed my dick trying to poke through the end or its outer shape being distorted to resemble my glans, but my guess is that was entirely within normal ranges, I can't see any trace of it now.
One downside is that I think due to its length it makes cleaning and drying a bit bothersome as my fingers don't reach all the way to the end without squishing the whole tunnel, although since I have no experience cleaning onaholes, I might have been a bit needlessly thorough.
I'd say it was worth the 13 or so euros, if it stays usable for a couple months.
Ended up trying to use some too flimsy paper for drying purposes so some bits of it tore off inside the hole, guess I'll try and rinse it out again before putting it away, if anons say that's bed to leave in overnight/until next fap.

>> No.33961325


>> No.33961338
File: 159 KB, 888x766, Screenshot_20210328-130008_Email~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New onaholes in-stock at JList!

>> No.33961371

>guess I'll try and rinse it out again before putting it away,

Do NOT store it with any moisture, it'll go moldy super quick. These things are basically hotbeds for mold since you shove your dick in there and fill it with pure protein paste.

>> No.33961494


How fickle are they exactly when it comes to mold? I've been paranoid that I haven't been keeping my holes dry enough after washing them. I do my best to dry them with microfiber although sometimes I have trouble reaching the very end of them with the cloth. I also use a drying stick and they seem dry enough after that, but I never can fully tell if all the moisture is gone.

>> No.33961522

Anybody tried a Fondlove brand onahole? nothing about them in the guide

>> No.33961653

I don't fap often. Maybe once or twice a week.

>> No.33961749

Good joke. I found it a bit funny.

Seventeen Boredux is notorious for not lasing very long, even if you don't fap with it often.
It feels great, but you'd be lucky to get even six months out of it.

>> No.33961849

ALWAYS do the best you can. Even if it's not perfect it's way better than "Well there still might be some".

>> No.33962428

why does amazon jp ship faster than buying shit from amazon us for the same price

>> No.33962473

Maybe it has to do with where you live?

>> No.33962741
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I should be good

>> No.33962758

I keep loads in if its only a day when I use it again. Mold wont do shit. All these guys complaining about UTIs are bullshitting you and only really happens when you put foreign objects down your urinary tract. The fact remains, you still piss sterile urine every day and that cleans it out. Some shit on the outside of the tip of your dick isn't gonna fuck you up. Stop messing with people you hypochondriacs or trolls.

>> No.33962777

stale cum is also rank after only a few hours so that's also a very good reason to rinse it out whenever you can. Your living quarters must smell like a garbage dump. I hope you live alone.

>> No.33962882

>Propenediol, Propylene Glycol, Gluconolactone, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Sodium Benzoate.

Yeah, ok... I've tried that. The kids hate it. That stuff doesn't taste as good as Shibari or Astroglide because those products use strait glycerin. If you want to fill up a tub with a lube water mix, that would be what to use. You want to lube wrestle in a small to large pit, get that.

If you want the kid to have a sweet pleasant experience licking your johnny clean after you bust one in her, use shibari or astroglide.

>> No.33962892

That is why you put it in the fridge.

>> No.33962933
File: 91 KB, 458x600, ADT799_228~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jlist has this one and

>> No.33962936
File: 86 KB, 400x597, ADT800_91~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A nekomata hole that looks interesting.

>> No.33962964
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Also firefox goddess.

>> No.33963009

Speaking of fire, any good lubes that are acidic/basic that burn?

>> No.33963121

Hmm, I use to order from 1 night love story NLS , but now it appears they have shut down international shipping.

>> No.33963232

I have this one and like it, it isn't too tight and the sensation of it is pretty nice, although I'm a onahole noob and only own 3 but out of them its my favorite.

>> No.33963617

Jlist has some pretty good sales now and then.

>> No.33963740

t. j-list employee

>> No.33963900

what a good vag simulation one?

>> No.33963916

Unfortunately german onahole technology is not quite there yet. I bought their blowjob one and while it looks really nice and is fun to play with it doesn't feel nearly as good as the Perorin.

>> No.33964631
File: 70 KB, 540x540, umi-no-ana-hard-mermaid-onahole-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What other onahole have a non-sticky or slightly grippy/coarse texture?
For example, I have the umi no ana 2 and R-20 puni, they feel nice to hold and easy to take care of.

>> No.33963916,1 [INTERNAL] 

newfag here, still in hs. I don’t have a credit or debit account, nor a paypal. I do have lots of cash on hand though. any realistic way I can get one of these before/for college?

>> No.33964829

I have settled for my first onahole now. But I have some question about cleaning. Can I use any type toy cleaner for onaholes or do I need a specific? Is toy cleaner enough for cleaning or should I also use a mild soap? If so what type of soap.

Also this is the onahole I have settled for if it helps. https://www.motsutoys.com/temptation-witch.html

>> No.33964834

>SukeSuke DX
the ass is kinda boring but i really enjoyed her vagina
if you're above average in size the cum WILL spill through the hole on the other end

all in all it's a fun hip that's really easy to clean but for 130€ not on the cheap side

>> No.33964898


I'd imagine whatever site you buy your onaholes from should probably also sell some basic toy cleaner that'll be fine for your onas. I've also heard 70% Isopropyl alcohol is a suitable replacement for toy cleaner.

>mild soaps

Some people seem to clean theirs with soap, but I've seen plenty of people say to avoid using any type of soap. Probably best just to use toy cleaner / 70% isopropyl and make sure you dry it well. Maybe get a dry stick too, they're pretty nice and cheap.

>> No.33965031

90% of the time I've never needed anything other than plain water to clean my onas. Both cum and any decent water based lube will rinse of completely clean with just plain water. I always double check them afterward and never see or feel any residue either.

The other 10% of the time I have occasionally used alcohol though, but being honest I did this more for the drying effect than I did for cleaning it.

>> No.33965072

>Meiki ZXY
>Tomax Venus Real

Usually the most recommended from what I've seen.

>> No.33965424

redpill me on torso dolls onabros. Are they durable and worth the cost? I know they're much harder to clean. I was thinking it'd be nice to keep one in my bed to sleep with and fugg. Not sure I'd want to throw hundreds of dollars at something that might break after a couple months though.

>> No.33965479

Can anyone recommend a small light weight cock sleeve? I want something that can stay on hands free. I've only own TOMAX toys and they're heavy enough to slip off.

>> No.33965620

how come japanese onahole reviews are so forceful?

>5.0 out of 5 stars This is a magical hole! Serly yaba good.
>Reviewed in Japan on January 21, 2021
>Verified Purchase
>Unlike hard things like Virgin Loop hard, the base material is fluffy and soft holes accept even during combat mode transition, so you can gently enter battle mode. The inside is a two-layer structure and a little stiff, if you move while putting rotations and twists entangled, a great pleasure will come. Even after the end, the son has a lingering finish.

combat mode? battle mode? they fuck like the army!


i mean, long awaited genius piston rider? how can you say no ?

>> No.33965953

Thanks for the replies! I'll pick up a toy cleaner and a dry stick off motsutoys.

>> No.33965971

I may not clean them with anything but water but I can definitely vouch for drying sticks, I really wish I had bought one sooner. They're fantastic.

>> No.33965973

Onaholes fucking ruined my brain. Every time I try to go without one, I just think about how nice it would be if it were otherwise.

>> No.33966033

Same, edging with my hand just feels like I have to piss now, after experiencing edging with an onahole.

>> No.33966265

First timer, EU, looking to spend 20-45 euros on something fairly realistic and closed-ended in the 14cm range.

>> No.33968440

I'll check those out. Just not sure if I want to bother to buy lube online or just grab some from a local store like cvs or target. Water based lube seems to be the way to based on all the comments and guides I've skimmed over.

>> No.33968490

Vacuum Witch from Toys Heart.

>> No.33969160

Of course. Happy fappings

>> No.33969913

Should I buy my lube at Target? I don't really care about discreetness but just want to know if Astroglide for my Venus will work out nicely.

>> No.33970433
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>> No.33970457

just try it. what confidence you have that you are asking us what dick lube you need ? we trust in you bro. be strong.

>> No.33970856

it just means it was imported from japan,

some things could be made in china, only sold in japan, and be considered japanese imports

>> No.33971302

What do yo guys use to store your hips? Also recommendations on a first hip?

>> No.33971548

Gyaru in Heat is a fantastic hip for a very reasonable price.

>> No.33972715

I don't see the point in this and I'm a footfag. Why ruin perfectly good soles with what's likely a mediocre tunnel?

>> No.33973486

To the anon who said that thrusting on his ona was his only form of cardio, godbless you. I get it now. It’s a pretty good way to get a sweat in.

Also, I hate having to feel paranoid keeping my onahole. The fear that I left it lying around fucking sucks.

>> No.33973496

got my first onahole - virgin loop

it was a bit underwhelming, it's not very stimulating, I do not feel the ribs that that are inside the ona or anything, am I doing something wrong like applying too much/too little lube or am I just desensitized from a lifetime of using my hand and being cut?

the climax on the other hand is much more intense for some reason, my mind kinda went blank and I started involuntarily moaning and had to immediately stop stroking my dick - something which never happened when using my hand

also, regarding cleaning no matter how much tissue I use when I push in my finger it isn't wet but it kinda has this slightly "clammy" feeling to it, does it still need drying or is it that just how the insides are supposed to feel like

all in all first experience barely justifies the fuss around applying lube/ cleaning but I was kinda nervous and not really in the mood to begin with and just wanted to try it out as fast as possible because there was no one home so that probably took away from the experience

>> No.33974519

Rejoice degenerates in the benelux

>> No.33974561

As long as it's water-based lube, it's safe to use. Don't buy anything with silicone in it.

>> No.33975528

no limit, I'm only looking for an hand ona so it's all around $30-60 anyway, besides tomax

>> No.33977081

Just got the Kiwami DX, and fucked it for the first time just now. Worked up a good sweat, 10/10.
But I think I might have been too rough because there's some red spots on the base of my glans on the side facing me. I hope that's from all the friction (I used plenty of lube though) and not because I forgot to wash the hip first.
Also it's pretty hard getting my dick in the thing when I'm lying on my back, because I can't hold the hip with 1 hand and guide my dick with the other, gotta be rock hard and hope it goes in when lowering it down with 2 hands.

>> No.33977727 [DELETED] 

Anyone have physically demanding jobs? I was wondering if anyone has sat down and did some research on whether having a kid use a onahole on you and ejaculating affects your physical performance? I know the general consensus is that it drains you of life, but is there any evidence of this? If you have her whack it off the day before, does that mean you will be more rested and relaxed the day after and that will make you more able to perform physically or will the loss of semen require more resources to produce more and drain you of potential strength and stamina the next day as you are "recharging".


>> No.33977844

Should I get a puni ana torso or save up for an estarek doll? It seems like the doll would have all the advantages and more. Then again, the positive things people are saying about some of these torsos is tempting.

>> No.33978508

Anyone else like to snack while fapping?
I usually have gummies and hard candy with me.

>> No.33978534

Also this hip burns through lube super fast, what the fuck

>> No.33978545

They did a study with soccer players and compared the performance of those who abstained from sex before vs. those that didn’t- no difference in the two groups

>> No.33978665

Get a hip and start working out instead!

>> No.33979074

Redpill me on crystal clear onaholes.
Which are the best ones ?
Is it really clear enough to see your dick cum in it or is it just blurry ?

>> No.33979490

who quote

>> No.33979652

Great hip choice!
You shouldn't be be having issues lubing the vagina. What lube are you using? Did you try remoistening with water/spit instead of adding more lube?.
The anus definitely drinks lube and I have yet to figure out a happy medium between "bone dry" and "leaking lube everywhere, then dry". Despite this issue it still manages to be the better of the two tunnels.
If you're lying on your back it's better to just use the anal tunnel since it's positioned more straightforwardly (plus you can better feel those glorious cheeks that way).
No idea what the red spots could be.

>> No.33979968

I probably should have asked before I purchased it, but how subtle is the amazon jp shipping? DHL says it will arrive in two days but will it be marked as adult toys or something?

>> No.33979978

It's pretty discreet, most of the text on the label is in Japanese anyway.

>> No.33980004

health & beauty item or something

>> No.33980314

How do you get the jizz out? I got a naive sister onahole and it takes forever to rinse it out, and It's starting to tear probably because I stretch it open too much cleaning

>> No.33980395

just bought that one today on a whim since it's relatively cheap.

Will report back once it's arrived.

>> No.33980434

>venus real rich soft is a few inches longer(i'm 6.5 and it's 6.7) which is fine
>however my girth is 1.5 inches thicker than it
Surely I won't run into loosening issues TOO soon?

>> No.33980500

So, I finally tried mixing J-lube and put about 2 tablespoons in ~250ml of hot water.
While I got no real clumping, the result is waaaay runnier and liquid than I expected. With the store-bought lube I can turn the squeeze bottle upside down and it won't flow out, while with this it would flow out.
I am wondering if I should add some store-bought lube next time and/or just need a higher powder/water ratio.

>> No.33980693


Sometimes I have to squeeze my onaholes a bit to help push out leftover cum, especially if they have crazy tunnels. Some holes just require a bit more effort and water. Toy cleaner might also help break the cum up a bit too.

>> No.33980760

pls respond

>> No.33981134

Loosening isn't as big of an issue as you think it is. You should, however, take it easy in case you tear the entrance. Lube generously and start slow, just like the real deal.

>> No.33981413

Had a shower thought. How would you order the five senses in terms of how important they are to your arousal?

>> No.33981427

thanks anon
i'll purchase when my folks leave town

>> No.33981435

I'd say sight and touch are equally high, sound is in the middle, and smell and taste are equally low.

>> No.33981598

Touch, Hearing, Smell, Sight, Taste. Honestly I've seen so much porn that I'm pretty desensitized by sight at this point but nice sounds drive me wild. Also if something smells bad it's immediately offputting, moreso than sight in my eyes

>> No.33981790

I just keep mine in the box it came in with some silica gel packets to prevent moisture

>> No.33981841

touch > hearing == sight > smell > taste

I am a /voice/ fag though that practically lives on gwa and dlsite.

>> No.33981852

currently wrapped in a blanket.
Did buy some sacks though for easier storage, that doesn't immediatly give away to everyone that visits me, that I am a giant degenerate.

>> No.33982726

It’s really small. A single line that says “health and beauty product”.

If you don’t look at the return address, it would look just like a regular Amazon package.

>> No.33982962

my wm B19 torso doll arrived today and it wasn't as heavy as I expected. so far, 9/10. I got it in ultra-soft tpe which i think may be a problem in the future but so far it seems durable enough.

>> No.33982968


>> No.33982986

What is the worst ona you ever used?

>> No.33983206

The Taimanin Asagi 3 was pretty fucking bad. Loose, flimsy, and had a nasty chemical smell.

>> No.33983244

I'd have thought the soccer players who'd had sex would struggle to run properly on account of the sore bumholes

>> No.33983350

I am going desperate trying to find this listed on Amazon, and I've no luck I swear I saw it listed a while ago.
https://www kanojotoys com/sacred-smell-hijiri-pussy-fragrance-bottle-p-4954.html

>> No.33983440 [DELETED] 

I assume like normal soccer players score with hot younger age teens. Homosexuality is frowned upon and degenerate.

>> No.33983764

Is salt in a small cotton bag a useful way to suck up moisture in an onahole?

>> No.33983904

Anyone have catdoll sasha 126 cm?
Is really that different versus the redhaired one?

>> No.33984000


>> No.33984147

I love you, you saint of a man.

>> No.33984190
File: 884 KB, 1078x858, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look out for my fellow degenerates. I bought this exact product a month ago and it's definitely worth it. Takes me back to my high school days when I first learned to fingerbang a girl. Use it sparingly - it's a small bottle and you want the smell to be subtle.

>> No.33984266

Underrated post

Example of someone with a sore bumhole

>> No.33984267

Thanks for the advice, I'm new to making multiple Amazon accounts but I hope it'll connect my accounts because I have a few things in my american shopping cart.

>> No.33984308

I'm afraid US Amazon and JP Amazon are totally separate. Or, at least, I haven't found out how to link my accounts yet. But shipping from Japan isn't as bad as you think - it only took me a few buisness days to get my bottle.

>> No.33984327

Fair enough, I can use an Amazon gift card from america to put on my account for the japanese account, right? I don't wanna go through some hectic currency conversion adventure, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you.

>> No.33984369

It's cool, I'm not busy. I'm afraid they don't take US gift cards on the JP site, but they were able to accept my debit card and handled the currency conversion for me. With the small fee for conversion and shipping charge, the whole thing was the equivalent of $31. A bit steep, but I think it was worth it.

>> No.33984407

Fuck, yeah I don't got a debit/credit card, I guess I'll have to ask my buddy to buy me the coochie spray and I'll reimburse him.

>> No.33984461

Good luck! Also it's not a spray - although it would be very handy if it was - it's more like a bottle of eyedrops. So it'll come out as a liquid rather than a mist.

>> No.33984503

Oh, damn I thought this was a spray so I need to be extra careful what's your recommendation for drops? I assume 1-3? I want to put them on a pair of panties.

>> No.33984527

Yeah, that's the ideal amount. It comes out a little fast if you're not careful though, keep your squeezes gentle.

>> No.33984528


>> No.33984606

I've handled essential oils, so I'll probably do the ol' dangle and wait patiently for a drop to happen.
Thank you so much Anon, may your orgasms be amazing.

>> No.33984677
File: 15 KB, 112x105, PepePray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too, I hope you like it!

>> No.33984776

I get the feeling I will.
I'm gonna mix different less lewd scents with the pussy scent to imagine I'm sniffing different vidya/cartoon/anime/etc. character's panties.
Looking for it on JList.

>> No.33985135

Perfect, thanks!

>> No.33985201

how long does J-Lube last? Can you just make a bunch of it at once, put it in a bottle with a cap and leave it?

>> No.33986694

I'm using onatsuyu, I haven't tried remoistening the lube but I'll try that now.
The red spots were probably from not washing off the powder stuff that comes on it before using it.

>> No.33987162

How do yall deal with tpe skin peeling?

>> No.33987279
File: 42 KB, 742x629, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its already past 8 bros.... what the fuck why would they lie to me./....

>> No.33987351

I've dipped myself to other lubricants ever since the Onatsuyu shortage and I've tried Shibari and Astroglide. Both of their lubes are so fucking watery that it's impossible for your asshole to not be soaking with lube after you finish. The only lube that I know of that doesnt leak and go all over the place is onatsuyu. Seriously, fuck the western lubes.

>> No.33987388


>tfw getting into onaholes during the Onatsuyu shortage

Holy fuck, I'm so glad I managed to at least score a bottle of it. I've tried a few basic lubes so far and they all have bad consistencies or they dry way too quick. I wonder if the suez canal shit is also effecting restocks for it?

>> No.33987450
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JP still has supply for Onatsuyu. The only affected ones are the US based sellers like ToyDemon and Amazon US. I used to buy on Amazon US but they phased out Onatsuyu off their marketplace and ToyDemon has been out of stock for months.

>> No.33987460

Have you tried insomnia?

>> No.33987484

which ships go through the suez anyhow? jp/china> california via air/sea or jp/china > Europe via rail

maybe i am retardo

>> No.33987499

>having a kid use a onahole on you
what? why do you keep larping in these threads?

>> No.33987523

use a proper enema hose with pressure. blow the ona up with water pressure and it will then shoot water out.... no stretching required.

>> No.33987534

I have not. I've tried nearly all of the included lubricants on my onahole collection and they're all hit or miss. It's either too thick, dries too quick, or thick to the point you lose the feeling.

>> No.33987550

feel.............. a million miles later... smell, sight, hear, taste wtf taste lol get out of here.
who cares what it looks like. a doll in the dark is just as good as a doll in the light. unless you are taking pix for instagram or something. showing off to your friends, hey look at my sex doll its cute!

>> No.33987560

he's not talking just for onahole but in general... are you saying you don't watch porn when you jerk off?

>> No.33987569

no. salt will concentrate but also crystalize then leak water out again.
what you want is silica gel packets, like they put in food to keep mositure down. you can buy it in bulk at amazon.

>> No.33987590

panty sniffers itt

>> No.33987604

There are fewer things in this world that are nicer than the smell and pheromones of a woman in heat.

>> No.33987633

this is the onahole thread.
in the context of onaholes, having little designs on the outside of the onaholes adds nothing for me.

>> No.33987645

What's even in the pussy scents.

>> No.33987652

i dont disagree mate. chair sniffing anons know.

>> No.33987883
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I've been using pic related since an anon shilled for it a couple of threads back. Been alternating between it and Onatsuyu.

>> No.33987895

does anyone have a link to hard and tight cyclist girl on usa amazon (also jp amazon, in case price is better)? i think it has a bad translated title and i dont want to search for the bad words...

>> No.33988111
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it smells like what an innocent school girl would smell like during the summer heat...

>> No.33988138
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Half of this shit is out of stock on toy demon and Kanojo shipping price has got me fucked up. Thoughts anons?

>> No.33988148


>> No.33988149

>$143 shipping
bruh. just wait until it comes back in stock on ToyDemon or use amazon JP.

>> No.33988160

you do know your getting scammed extremely hard with that shipping fee? go with Amazon JP if you are not a cuck

>> No.33988164

amazon JP uses DHL solely anon holy shit

>> No.33988208

I can't find it on JP for some reason, even searching the whole ToysHeart brand, and changing the URL to .co.jp doesn't work either like it does for other holes.

>> No.33988238

Being a virgin, when I try to imagine what smell you panty sniffers are talking about I just imagine a pissy smell. Should I buy one of those pussy scent bottles so my brain learns what it is?

>> No.33988257

Yes. There aren't any traces of urine smell in the bottle we were discussing above.

>> No.33988280

Alright, also I meant to say I imagine a mix of sweat and piss when I think of pussy juices or used pantsu

>> No.33988288

There's a small hint of sweat in the scent, and something that might suggest she's been wearing panties soaked in juice all day. But if you've ever fingered or fucked someone in your life, you'll recognize the scent. It's not 100% accurate, but it's a lot more true to life than other scents I've seen people review.

>> No.33988393

thank you kind sir. yeah i played with searching using copy and paste. maybe i'll try some more.

>> No.33988557

Buying a hip made me realize how shitty my refractory period is. I can orgasm 3 times in 1.5 hours while lying down with my Venus Real, but after coming once with a hip I can't even get my dick in the thing an hour later. And if I do, it'll shrivel up and pop out after a few thrusts.
It's probably cause I can use the Venus Real anyways even if I'm a little limp but for some reason it's a lot harder to stay hard if I'm thrusting into something.
This is why I'm afraid to buy a doll because I'll only be able to fuck it once per cleaning session instead of 2-3 times in a row like I'd want to. I guess nothing beats the comfiness of lying down with a good sleeve.

>> No.33988594

No pissy smell unless you buy one of those extremely specific scented ones. Majority of the panty smell stuff like >>33988111
smells like a light girly smell cologne with a hint of "sweat" musk to it. It's really light, but when you are fapping it will probably actiavte your monkey mode or something. If you just want something good to smell at during your work day or something or motivate you, just buy one of the panties or scent bottles

>> No.33988659

I used one of those anime girl scent colognes and my coworker thought I've been around with some girl or something. I guess it works bros, makes me feel good

>> No.33988873
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Hey friends. Aussie here who purchased before the dumb shit went down last year, so I don't need to buy again for a while.

I know the OP mentions that J-list is the only retailer against shipping to Australia, but last I checked a lot of the shipping options that show up across most sites were saying that they were not wanting to ship to Australia, the main one was DHL I believe.
Now this was admittedly very soon after the changes took effect so months ago now, because I figured I might as well just focus on other shit for like half a year and check back, question is whats the scenario look like now? has the dust settled and customs taken the dick out of their ass and I can use DHL again on most retailers? Orders at the time where just defaulting to cancel with a message explaining that the shipping solution wasn't available, and retailers like amazon japan just refused to accept orders with australia as a location sometimes when it was adult goods

>> No.33988987

What's the loudest onahole I can get?

>> No.33989076

your mouth.

>> No.33989483

vacuum witch was pretty loud

>> No.33990031

How is the Kabejiri?
Is it a good hip to start off with?

>> No.33990320

its natural. hips and dolls make you orgasm cum while onas and hands make you mechanically cum.
i can whack it every day with my hands, but after a good doll fuck, i'm not super horny/erection for another 3days. go figure.

>> No.33990541
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Are dakimakura silicone tits worth it?

>> No.33990867
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My Seventeen Bourdoux finally came in. I'm kinda disappointed with it. I'm a small guy and it's just long enough that I can't enjoy the uterus gimmick. The material is nice but a little plain on the texture. Guess I'll have to look into loli holes now.

>> No.33990942

Explain to me why I would choose an onahole over a fleshlight as an anon who's bought neither before.

>> No.33991478

Which should i buy: mouth of truth or mouth of truth perorin? Is tongue in mouth if truth perorin movable? Can you stick the tongue out and back in them?

>> No.33991826

Rina Crystal Hard didn't do it for me at all, first and only 'hard' ona I've bought

>> No.33992023


>> No.33992327

A lot of onaholes are cheaper then fleshlights and better feeling to boot though of course this depends on the onahole. The fact that theres not just one brand of ona means you have a lot more choices as well. Fleshlights seem to focus more on privacy that's why they have that black flashlight design but not having it allows for higher quality in your fapping experience.

>> No.33993168

Fleshlights are a floppy tube that you put into a hard can. That means you can't directly apply any pressure on it, unlike most japanese onaholes.
To compensate, they are generally only made out of harder materials, unlike onaholes which can be extremely soft.

Also, fleshlights don't have anime girls on the box.

>> No.33993778

What's the smallest hip I can get

>> No.33995478

Okay, this time around I tried out the packet of lube that came with it, some kind of Onatsuyu, honestly this was way better than the first time around, even though actually manipulating the hole was a bit more bothersome(maybe I stretched it out a bit?), will experiment next time to see if that was due to the amount of lube and not quality. If I knew ahead of time this session would have been better, I'd have saved it for when I had more time, I had to rush it as I only had so much free time today.

>> No.33996533
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I had saved like 20 tabs of different onaholes on Amazon US, but after a few months they all disappeared. I know amazon US sucks, but what's up with this purge?

>> No.33996705

We all bought them. You waited too long.
Just kidding amzn us sucks

>> No.33997038

Just use Amazon JP, US has been phasing out anime stuff ever since they took down those LNs like NGNL and goblin slayer last year for "sexualizing minors".

>> No.33998044

Original has rougher teeth. Perorins tongue is moveable but will tend to flop back into place so you can't really use it for much. I prefer the perorin.

>> No.33999138

are there any cheap good drug store alternative lube to Onatsuyu? like maybe the Durex Tingling lube
my shit is running out and I can't go a day without jerking off

>> No.33999469

Just buy a super cheap onahole on Amazon JP and add like 10 bottles of Onatsuyu to the order.

>> No.33999593

why wouldn't you just buy the lube on it own though?

>> No.33999628

Customs would think you are selling counterfeit Onatsuyus if they saw bulks of bottles on your parcel

>> No.33999644

You can't, it's an Add-on Item

>> No.33999894

anyone tried both venus real soft and venus real clone? i was hoping to hear opinions on which is better

>> No.33999924

venus real soft and venus clone soft*

>> No.33999959

venus real, has a better 'enveloping' feel to it. dots on clone technically offers a little more stimulation with the dots but it doesnt compare

>> No.34000228

Got scammed by eu.otonajp.com and told /ona/ about it.

Had to tell me credit card company everything but I just got a letter that I am getting my money back, 400 euro.

So, don't make the same mistakes as me. First: Don't buy at otonajp.com or naughty-nippon.com (formerly eu.otonajp.com)

Secondly: Try to get your money back when being scammed and don't wait to long.

>> No.34000246

Just wanted to say thanks /ona/ for giving me advice in a former thread

>> No.34000381

how were you scammed?

>> No.34000439

How to fuck do I stop nutting too quick bros? I warmed up the Meiki ZXY wit lube and just nut within like 2 mins.

>> No.34000580

these things are engineered by professional japanese scientists and they are designed to make you nut as fast as possible.

if you nut to fast, try edging and going slowly.
10strokes per min is gonna make you last longer than 60 strokes per min.

>> No.34000778

>Got scammed by eu.otonajp.com and told /ona/ about it.
Were you the one that they told you they're not associated with Naughty-Nippon so they can't refund your order? I just got a newsletter for Otonajp's Easter Sale but it was sent out from info@naughty-nippon.com LOL...

>> No.34000794

carnivorous shark my ass, I was thrusting for 20 minutes straight and just couldn't cum no matter what
just 3 days ago I blasted out a big load just with my hand alone, yet this supposed "super dick draining" onahole lost to my cock
I am a bit disappointed, I expected a lot more

>> No.34000909

Are there any dangers to using saliva as lube?

>> No.34000920

It's not comfortable compared to actual lubes.

>> No.34001302

Bacteria, will dry out super fast like water, have dry mouth and might smell.

Do not use spit.
Many threads ago anons repeatedly advised against spit for stupidly obvious reasons.

>> No.34001382

Jesus Christ stop being poor and buy lube.

>> No.34001450

Where can I get like thongs or frilly panties for smaller hips? Or should I just get a full size hip since my only options for a small hip are like size 3T panties?

>> No.34001463

CQ Roll Soft or A Taciturn Girl Big?

>> No.34001627

i've not owned taciturn girl, but i can say cq roll cervix tears quite easily

>> No.34001887

How about the Lilith Uterus? Out of stock and a bit pricey but its a similar design. I thought bungee touch was supposed to be durable; is it the design or is Tomax TPE just that much more durable?

>> No.34002195

where to buy? I will try it and report the results

>> No.34002412
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Hey fellow pervs, it's ya boy back with another batch of onas to review! No hips this time, just all handhelds including the rest of the Niku-Man range. I'm going to start with Glitter on the end though, since it shipped without a box.

>> No.34002714
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You are doing gods work. Keep it up.

>> No.34002854


Absolutely based. Also that's a lot of nikuman.

>> No.34002935

Yes! Then I can grade all 5 on an objective scale.

I actually considered this since it's the only real trap onahole, but I decided against it since, aside from the cock that I assume is unusable anyway, it'll just be a relatively pricey torso. Plus the artwork is hella jank, look at how small the trap's dick is.

>> No.34003234

Where did you get all of these?

>> No.34003340

Kanojo. Shipping was expensive but it's pretty much my only option as an Ausfag.

>> No.34003364

The reviews say otherwise. I got the mama Mia hip and it's not as fun to use as I thought it would be. If the holes were positioned better I would've enjoyed it a bit more. I guess if you're 6+ inches, you just might enjoy it more.
Cleaning isn't that big a deal. I use a nasal squirt bottle thing to flush out both holes in the tub. Then use some handsoap to thoroughly wash the insides followed by another flushing with the bottle/using my fingers. Wash the exterior, dry the insides as best I can with a clean microfiber towel. Use dry sticks and finally powder.
30 minute process. It's fairly new and only used it like 3 or 4 times. It's not good for prone bone which is what I wanted a hip for. I'm thinking of getting the gyaru endless fuck or the virginal bloom for my prone bone needs. I had the virginal ordered but because I had a pre-order item tacked on it was taking way too long so sadly I canceled it.
On a side note, I'd have to say having the ass cheeks slam against you is pretty fun. Only thing is when Jack rabbit fucking it, I feel like I'm chafing and can barely feel anything. Best position is cowgirl with your back up against something.
Do more research on hips and choose one based off the positions you want to do and how big you want it along with reviews. If I could go back, I might have considered getting the kiwami or the "Do you like perfect hip girl" on toy demon. They were near the same price but the mamma Mia was newly released and had discounts on it.

>> No.34003426

Don't become that much of a degen anon. Don't go past hips. The venus real is an amazing toy though. When I first got it, I popped 3x within 15 minutes. Something that's never happened to me before even during sex.
With a hip, it's just a lot more work to fuck. Especially if it's 20 pounds or so. On top of that the insides might not have that perfect texture you're looking for.
An ona and a hip are just two different experiences. The positions that you use them in are just different so it's not really your fault.
What hip was it anyway?

>> No.34003459

Oh, aren't you the guy that just reviewed a few toys this past week? You bought another batch of toys?

>> No.34003742

It was the Puni Ana Kiwami DX. I definitely won't go any bigger than this one, and I'm still trying to find out how to make the most satisfying use out of it, like positions, duration since I can only come once, etc.
