>>OPI wonder if there are poems with just nice sounding words regardless of their meaning
>>31929804It's because of you unironic simps. I've been doing my /fit/ reps. I bench 165 5x5 and now I realize that women aren't worth it. Only the iron is dependable.
>You thought the stream was over?
Go do your reps for your oshi
Yozora Mel and Natsuiro Matsuri.
I love Towa.
Merry Christmas
*flash*The last thread was great anon
>>31930029superchat (stealth zatsudan) time ikuzoooo
>>31930033their duet 歌枠 was very nice i enjoyed them together another collab when?
>>31930041Good boy
Amazing stream today
i like coc
Has any holo watched Breaking bad?
Power couple of 2021!
>>31930041If only you could win fall guys corwns
>>31930068Based Coco.
Best of luck with One Gay Lin, Watame
>>31930027We heard you last thread. No need to say it again.
Who the fuck has Rushia/Matsuri/Noel/Shion/Polka as their oshi, what do you enjoy hearing them cry weekly about how miserable their lifes are despite the fact that they essentially won the lottery?Seriously what's the point in following people so stupidly unambitious, you have someone like Marine who's busting her huge ass making the best of the opportunity she got, meanwhile Rushia is completely contempt with mediocrity, and don't even get me started on the idiots who cry about being "lonely" yeah got to know that none of your relationships at holo matter shithead MatsuLuna, NoeFlare, MariRushia, AquShion all quite literally only work relationships worth shit. It's frustrating seeing people so stupid get any form of support when it's completely undeserved, they have done jack shit with the miracle that is joining hololive and on top of it they have the fucking gull to complainAll the menheras can go fuck themselves ungrateful cunts
>>31930072Hoshi no Kanata...
Super chat reading time!
He must be stopped.
I can't wait to hear miss seiso herself say the magic words!!!
Merry Xmas
>your oshi>your favorite copypasta
>>31930027You clearly haven't been doing them for very long if you think a sub 2 plate bench is impressive.
>>31930074No but I'm pretty sure at least one holo watched Supernatural.
Luna makes my heart flutter.
Watame be careful with SC reading... You've survived 4 days without crying already...
Yukimin are like "become Lamy" "assimilate into Lamy".You guys are small-time. Small-time, I tell you.When the Nenenstrumentality project begins, you'll realise you should've dreamed bigger.
>>31930087fandead should juat become yukimin full time
I didn't know Fandead and C*n*n's coomers are this easy to bait.
>>31930087I also genuinely hate pekora, thankyou
Rate her stream
Dead hours...
I thought i wouldn't catch to the thread, because i spent half of day looking porn in 4 different languages, but unfortunately 70% of posts were meaningless so it was pretty fast to catch up.
>>31930129Seems like it's been easier to bait people in general, this past month
Even when she's been cursed by the Grail, it's still Sora Love!
I'd buy Shion's forehead mouse pad
I hope kanatan is calling rushia right now or something.. since I'm def. not someone she would listen to.. she just got angry at me..
>>31930129It's not the fanbases, it's the saviorfags and incel crowds.
>>31930117TowaThe Shiendown
I'm still too dekinai to understand a lot of Shion's longer superchats, but I know she sometimes acts grossed out or scared of them. It's funny but I wonder what they're doing.
>>31930131Holy shit my nihongo reps pays out, I can read it!
>>31930067I hope Towa streams today too!
How will this go?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVDu2YhRrqM
>want to talk about my oshi>cant because schizos will just use her to falseflag nexti hate you guys sometimes
the only reason people hate blue clapper is because botan and lamy sound like shit in it.
>>31930129Only lowlife simps are fans of those two, what were you expecting
>>31930087Didn't read.
>OMG call Rushia NOW! She might be trying to kill herself after tweeting that thing...
>>31930155I want a Sion tummy mouse pad!
How do we save Rushia. Literally how? She's going to kill herself any minute now.
Rate my meme please. I got reddit gold with it so I think it's good enough for here.
>>31930178They sound fine though?
>>31930129Whats going on with c*n*n? All she said was that she was busy and moved her ear licking stream to next week. No kino meltdowns at the moment, unfortunately.
Well well
>>31930087Have sex
>>31930173>Having an oshiActually pathetic
>>31930173Never let anyone here stop you from reaching your dreams.
>>31930173That's the reason some of the people stay pretty quiet about their actual oshis and lend others for shitposting.
>>31930173You have the personal holo threads you can visit
>>31930178I hate it because it sounds like 2012 EDM
>>31930027https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EVKy35L7MMWhich one are you?
>>31930172I'm really excited to see Matsuri on the opposite end of the Menhera level love
>>31930141Too bad Youtube nuked her stream
>>31930183>Superchat readingSo yeah, basically dead hours in a couple minutes
Towa is a whore
>>31930187Hey, buddy. You got the wrong board. /v/'s two doors down
>>31930204Nothing really, Noel is just tired of the usual antis.
>>31930204Why do you care, simp?
>>31930172I fucking knew it
>>31930173Glad my oshi is never really a target for falseflagging
>>31930199I like these stupid doge memes, call me a redditor
>>31930240too much sex?
>>31930178I don't like it because I can't tell who is singing what and I don't think it's just because I'm retarded
>>31930156Kanata probably has notifications on Rushia's other twitter based on her behavior.
>>31930243I want to rub okayu's belly
>>31930173hahah your oshi simp
>>31930129When are the holos going to do in IRL life meet ups again? I want to see this thread meltdown when they see how jacked Noel's fans are again.
>>31930204>Caring about a woman>Caring about a camwhore of all womenLOL simping really be on a whole other level here
>>31930138Based Casino has done it again!
>>31930152Yea it's a real scooby doo mystery why that is
>>31930199Did someone actually spend money on this post?
>>31930178>You guys just don't like song because half the singing sounds like shit!Woah, s-sugoi...
>>31930255Are we gonna have another Luna Matuli situation?
as expected of burger hours
>>31930215WTF are you even doing on this thread?
>>31930280All of them are camwhore, anon.
>>31930204The meltdown happened last night anon
>>31930266Anon, I'm sorry, but all of the parts are clearly different. It's easy to tell who's singing even when they're singing in pairs during the chorus.
>>31930117>Polka >Super Hyper Ultra Deluxe MAX Nene MAX
>>31930266>I don't think it's just because I'm retardedIgnorance is bliss I suppose.
>>31930280>>31930253Which one of you is the faggot who bragged about having a sub 2 plate bench?
Ban anyone who crossposts on:/v//pol//fit//r9k//tv/
>>31930173>caring about local schizosWhy would you do that?
>>31930302>Rushia gets to hold onto Towa's soft and warm bellyI'm fucking jealous.
What is the ultimate boogeyman of the thread?
>>31930279A simp is a simp and also they are asian so beta for life no matter how much they train
>>31930308Enjoying free entertainment without personal attachment like you simps
>>31930199Doge edits are a yes for me. Have one more reddit goldEdit : accidentally sent you a reddit premium
Coco hates Marine so much that she invited the untouchable Sora to her meme review just to torpedo Marine's attempt to copy it.
>>31930172>inb4 Ollie's favorite Holo changes a month from now on
>>31930342>Ban anyone that crosspostsFtfy
>>31930138PORKA ORKAOMARUKA PORKAhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHoP_8EajkM
>>31930178I hate blue clapper because botan had it as her bgm and listening to it for an hour on repeat just made me hate how formulaic it is
>>31930342/a/ too. It's too infested.
>>31930199>Posted by u/Saint_Alphonsus 4 hours ago
>>31930319>>31930330i knew it, i didn't want to admit it but i knew it
>>31930272That would be good.. well she was definitely still around like 10 minutes ago.
>>31930295No. This zombie is based zoomer chad. but her n5 can't help it
>>31930367>Ollie learns the meaning of "don't meet your heroes"
>>31930351Jesus now I have to read up shit
>>31930377Now that is just being contrarian, not every song needs to be creative.
>>31930349Then you're either piss poor or not on the level to really even be on this thread.
Bros how do we save her? I don't want to lose another Holo...
No one replies to my post. .. Is it because im esl
>>31930220schizos from here leak to the individual threads all the time
>>31930079what did she mean by this
>>31930342Add /sp/ and /vg/ to that list and it's pretty good
>>31930345sheeposters ie sea ie XYZschizo ie (You)
>>31930346Yet they outlift you, a faggot who thinks he is strong despite still being a faggot with a sub 2 plate bench on beginner programming and unironically listens to the twinks on /fit/.
>>31930416NO IT WAS TO ME!
tried to avoid seanigger hours just to see burger hours actually being worse
>>31930345Risu.She doesn't lurk in these threads.
>>31930416that was clearly meant for me
>>31930291Reddit mobile app users get free gold weekly
Just add "simp" and "incel" to the filters and you eliminate burgerposting entirely.
>>31929045She should graduate and I say this as a Rushiafag. She should find one of the thousands of people who want to marry her and try to settle down she clearly wants a relationship more than she wants to be an idol.
Holy shit yukimin calm the fuck down what the fuck.
>>31930409not really, sora is going to appear in the next meme review and pekora browses 5ch
>>31930173>not posting about how you hate your oshi instead ngmi
>>31930377EDM is formulaic so that you dance to it while being drunk.
>>31930342Add /k/ /int/ /cgl/ and /g/.
>>31930353Who doesn't hate marine ? She is a fake
>>31930420I'm sure a few akusupa could save her
>>31930420Report it to Cover
>>31930419She got Sio'd, graduation announcement is coming soon
>>31930442I guess that makes me feel better
>>31930420As long as it isn't plain 死にたい I'm only moderately concerned.
>>31930399What if they bond over their shared menhera-ness and become an unstoppable force.
I really hope we can get an in-person performance this year. Would be a shame if we don't have one at what seems to be the peak.
>>31930451I feel like they're always having a nuclear meltdown these days.
People please do not be angry and do not feed the animals. Have a cute image.
>santa no unchhi
>>31930342Add in /hlgg/ and nijigger thread.
>>31930446Go to reddit of you hate seeing those words
>>31930351Don't forget Rushia just posted that she wants to die on her roommate's twitter.
>>31930424Maybe you're typing in your native language but interpreting it as eigo?
So Rushia is going to an hero and Pekora is getting Sio'd. Is this the end of Hololive?
>>31930495towa baby
>>31930485but those words are reddit words
I need mode brat & gapmoe streams
>>31930474I see this happening
How in the fuck did guys who constantly go about muh mgtow and calling anyone who even calls people who talk to women a simp manage to be even bigger attentionwhores than actual women assuming its not just shitposters who havent gotten bored yet?
>>31930030She's not doing hers so I'm not gonna do mine
>31930485Oh yeah, and filter "reddit" for the sekrit club tourist kiddies that like to strawman.
>>31930495She's going to burn out again...
>>31930353I doubt it was Coco who invited her, I think the other way around.
>>31930067cute Twap
>Rushia graduates>Lamy is now 2nd on the monthly superchat rankings, for now...Gokisei is getting too powerful.
>>31930496Only second impact, anon. Chill
Why are lamyfags freaking out again
>>31930464I can only afford one but I hope it'll help.
>>31930342I went to /v/ just to discuss Yakuza 7 and Nioh 2 last year. Most people on those threads are pretty chill and helpful.
>>31930530they hate women because they are mad that they dont get the attention they want
>>31930496towa is the future
reminder guys, nothing ever happens. it'll all blow over.
>>31930538Yikes! Meant for >>31930485Sorry, I just came here from r/Hololive and I'm not very good with quoting or spoilers.
>>31930569>lamyfagsits one person they are all assimilated into one after all
>>31930353Marine is chicken of JP. She always talk before think and regret what she said. Chicken is still not on the regret anything she said tho so maybe Marine is still a bit better.
>>31930559do not shitpost with Lamy thank you
>>31930427size is all that matters, sorry dicklets
>>31930462>/cgl/Hi Kiara
>>31930559Why are Watamates like this?
>31930584>getting this mad
>>31930601>he doesnt have techniquelmfao
>>31930559This anon will be tied up like a pig and given cement shoes. Do not worry.
>>31930612That’s absurd!Anon, take your meds.
PPH will return as a holo.
>>31930613>>31930619>blatant samefaggingpathetic
>>31930584It's okay friend! You just need to post more and you'll get the hang of it soon :)
>>31930597No she doesn't, with the exception of the Shion thing, that was really just a joke, Marien doesn't overstep her boundaries
Bye bye Shion yo!
>>31930631I won't take my meds until all the menheras start taking their meds.
Umm, Watakeks???
why are you guys simping out so hard
>>31930353they're on different days anon. Not like they're competing over a timeslot. Not everything must have a narrative
>>31930584LMAO redditshits fucking destroyed
Want (You)s that much so he repiled non-linked postYou know samefagging still working right?
Shion's tummy!!!
>tfw occasionally shitpost about women and larp like an incel when im bored or need to vent if im in bad but dont actually mean it >actually attracted serious dyel larpers and actual woman hatersim so sorry
Well this thread is off to a good start. How about some survey posting to really get things going
>>31930658I miss him bros
>>31930072>Shonan no KazeAbsolutely based. I wonder if she got into them from Yakuza 0's OP/ED.
>>31930548Don't reply to the schizo.
Well this thread is off to a good start
What is 5ch's streaming board like?
[en] Watame: I collab more with my senpais than I do with those in my gen, huh
>>31930173God I love Porka...
I WILL save Russia
>>31930691They would have invited themselves eventually anyway.
>shion now likes the eldest hag LionIMAGINETHEAGEDIFFERENCE
>>31930584>>31930613>>31930619>>31930632This isn't reddit, reply or ignore, don't make your stupid half ass reply.
>31930640Not even close.
>>31930353Marine trying to bank on EOP when her English is chimp level. Pathetic.
>>31930658Delete this.
>>31930713I wonder why I don't see that in the chat.
>>31930691You fucking faggot, this thread was on a decline already but you had to fucking go and do it.
>>31930686*repiles my dick in your ass*
>5 hours in>Hasn't even started reading the 250+ SC Welp
>>31930691You keep lying to yourself if you're thinking that you're doing it "ironically".
The stream hasn't even started and the schizo is already seething.
why are you guys being so menhera right now
Damn tomorrow's member's stream will be narrative central!
Dodge it, Nappa!
>>31930714Levels of schizo you wouldn't even believe. Stay far away
>>31930719You're doing well enough already Putin, chill.
>tfw simp has lost all meaning to where you become one just by merely talking to a womanhow much longer until the term completely falls out of use now?
>>31930573>Nioh 2that's because nioh is all gameplay so most of /v/ can't talk about it and the threads are ok
>>31930753Why towafags so gay?
>>31930749Have you tried looking at the chat? It was translated by catsy.
>>31930764Is it time to join up with ARS?
>>31930077>Oshio drew Rushia just yesterdayIt's a sign
>>31930581>called holofive>only four members?
>>31930719Ok, Lenin. Have fun!
>>31930674But it's funner to imagine that everything is part of one big story rather than just random occurrences in a meaningless universe driven by entropy
>>OPdamn, noel gets to eat THAT?
>>31930034She's not very smart
Unsubscribe from Towa’s channel and dislike all her videos.Please?
>>31930778>the majority of /v/ raves that gameplay >>>>> graphics and story everytime>when a game that focuses on almost exclusively on gameplay they either stay silent or bitch about it being too focused on gameplaylmfao
>250 posts in and the thread is already not very goodJust nuke it already
>>31930754Praise Watame, savior of the dead hours, also she needs to hold for 4-5 hours until Roboco and Nene streams
>>31930803Done and done.
>>31930728>Not only ojiisans are attracted to her, obaasans tooYou're too strong Shion
>>31930719Навальный, ты уж постарайся...
>>31930784I'm looking at the chat but I'm ostly looking at the japenese chat so I miss those [en] a lot.
>>31930780your gay lmao
Watame cut the losses! Cut the losses and change the topic!
Why is Lamy a cat.......................
>>31930800You are GO TO HELL
>>31930803Yes my queen
>>31929865that better be kg's or Shionyo is going to laugh at you
>>31930728Shion likes hags because her grandma is her favourite family memberBotan is a nice hag they should get along well, she won't try to rape her unlike someone else
>>31930803Only if you stop catposting.I know you won't.
>>31930803Well, as you asked so nicely
>>31930809Based!You made me and Okayuu, my oshi, very happy!
>>31930790Deltafags are among the worst posters of these threads and that's an achievement honestly.
>>31929865>he calls that benchingfucking DYEL lmoa
lol how i i reply??/
>>31930778I'm surprised Nioh even has a following here
Where did the 犯人はヤス Shion meme come from?
>>31930803>Please Consider it done
>>31930821Wrong lamy is meowth
>>31930846i wanna know tooStill learning 4chan :D
>>31930829It was the opposite
>46 likes on Rushia's suicide tweet
>>31930728hololive is truly a grooming company..
>a lot of Hololive members are getting depressed and suicidal>meanwhile Aloe is getting happier and getting more views than most holos Interesting
>>31930857The meme is older than shion..
Gonna skip this thread
>thread is shit on the weekendsIt really isn't that surprising it's just made worse by (You) being here.
Rushia probably found a husband and is trying to extract the most amount of money on the way out.
>>31930857A game
kinda sad that the worst state the thread's been in for months happens on a friday nightdo you guys not having anything else to do? at least play a video game
If you're gonna larp as a newfag at least be clever with it. This shit is tedious.
>>31930905i play video games AND shitpost at the same time
>>31930874>suicidedon't scare the eops with your shitty translation
>>31930803Does this count as avatarfagging yet?
>>31930173If everyone adopts that kind of mentality there won't be anything but falseflagging left.
>>31930658if you expect a woman who's over 30 to never have had a relationship you are actually insaneif anything, that just proves that she's not a total menhera, if some guy could stand to be around her for a few years, and that there's a much lower chance she was out slutting around in her youth
>>31930846You post text or image and time of the post you replying to.
>>31930874I even bookmarked!
>>31930905I'm not 14. I don't play video games.
>>31930869>what? are you gonna cry?>I thought someone your age would understand that was something of only one night>You act like a virgin...Don't tell me you're one at your age?>...Really? pufffff AHAHAHAHAH
>>31930887Aloe doesn't exist anymore
>>31930874at least some fandead are posting some encouraging stuff..
das rite
>>31930924Mentally you're their though
>>31930735honestly being shit at english but trying is the sweet spot
>>31930928>he doesn't know
>>31930658Why are kenzocucks like this https://twitter.com/ainiRsdl4lfRMHl/status/1226756147945717760?s=20
>>31930887yeah, until her family steals her money again
>>31930917Ok sorry. Suicidal intent tweet.
>>31930087Are you saying you don't enjoy hearing women cry, suffer, and be sad? Gay
>>31930312feed me
>>31930905too worried about rushia at the moment to do anything else..
>>31930353Coco loves Marine idiot, stop trying to make narratives just because the existence of Marine make you seethe
>>31930936Post sheep to save this thread
Metaposting is as bad as any other shitposting
>Dead hoursGoodnight lads!!!
>>31930924video games are unironically more valuable than women
>>31930072Ok let's hear this who is the gayest person in hololive at this point besides Miko who is just openly gay as fuck and has said she is gay.
>>31930939I'm their what?
Weird thread. Have some Mikochi.
Here's the plan. You're going to close your internet browser and take 10 deep breaths. You're going to walk outside and breathe fresh air for at least two minutes. You're going to spend 10 minutes reviewing your japanese and doing flashcards. Then you're going to get a glass of water and sip it slowly while thinking about why you take 4channel so seriously and why you take every reply as a personal attack. Then after you calm down you can post again.
>>31930987Video games are for children. Buy a house.
What reason would a woman have to be suicidal considering they're living life on easy mode?Doubly so being financially successful?
One month has passed, do you want your oshi to play cyperpunk 2077 still? If banhammer lifted
>>31930976Can't you see that they hate each other so much that Marine was right on her first AsaCoco after the chink suspension was over?
>>31930971Women suffering will always be funny. Total laugh riot.A hoot, if you will
Brush your teeth.
>>31930999Nice trips
>>31930949Holy based
>>31931003I just have half the thread filtered at any one point there's really no reason not to after the last 5 months of tourism that occurred
>>31931003Fuck you , fart gigolo.
>>31931032Thanks Mikocci
>>31931006>Video games are for children.yes, and? i've literally broke up with my girlfriend back in highschool because she tried to make me stop gaming.
You know what the worst part about Sora is?Her model implies she’s a cute girl with a sweet voice, but then you hear her talk and her voice is kinda gross.
>>31930905I finished DMC5(again) with Lamy on the backgroound. Then I heard the news that Griffin's VA died.
>>31931032please post this everyday with the pic of miko I need the encouragement
>>31930173I talk about Marine anyways becuase that guy just lives here anyhow and he is kinda funny at this point.
>>31930829>grandmaJesus how old is Botan and how are people fine with that?
>>31931003You can't be angry if you don't care about anything
>>31931050Why are itoddlers like this?
>>31931028Might as well kill the images
Crashing this thread with no survivors!
>>31930927Shion is so cute
>>31931012The brain is an organ and like all organs it can malfunction and release the sad juice despite there being nothing wrong going on, and you don't know how to fix it and it keeps happening.
my brain auto filters any sheep post by default
>>31931003nah, im doing shitpost and vidya reps
>>31931050Keep posting
>>31931017Are these streams or that game any good?
I wish there were some real watame figuresI usually don't buy merch but fuck if I wouldn't try to get every single one of them
>>31931012Probably the same reasons millionaire comedians and celebrities on top of the world
Watame stop wasting images..
>>31931053Oh no a VA you knew about only from a singular game died... time to post a sad picture...
>>31931050>Sora's voice is grossShit taste, as expected from a falseflagging nousagi
>>31930874Wait wait wait did Rushia really kill herself? What the fuck why is no one talking about this
thingken about killing watamates
>>31930132I also genuinely hate you, faggot. Only thinking about your dirty brown skin makes me want to punch your ugly face. I hate SEAniggers like you
>>31931030meh, it gets boring after the the first or two times. i derive more enjoyment at trannies suffering than anctual women
>>31931012You give someone that has no real goals everything they want in life what else is there? Or it could be something else. Money and items don't cure depression at all. Actually really depends on the person. There are tons of streamers that literally have it all and are still sad sacks of shit when off camera.
>>31930994>Matsuri is openly bi>Coco is the "love the person not the gender" type of person>Marine has been open about liking women as well>Towa "women are fine too"Take your pick it's either of the four, the rest are either just yuribaiting or not brave enough to admit being attracted to women publicly which makes them cowards and disqualifies them
>>31931061female predators aren't real bro
>>31931032Eehhh, what a bother!
>watame is upset they didn't give her render shimapan
Watame proably faps to her own fanart
>>31931081There goes that 3rd image!
What's the one Hololive moment that makes you randomly giggle like a retard when you remember it in public?
Watame action figures
>Watame talking about how she always gets support from FBK, like when FBK tweets about Watame or how she watched her VARK concert with Oculus Quest>Watame never though she would get that close to FBK when she did her very first collab with her and Matsuri>Watame: I collab more with my senpais than I do with those in my gen, huh>Though I did collab with Luna>Ah, it’s probably better for me to chat about stuff like this in the members stream tomorrow huh>talking about how 4th gen is still close and chats a lot>Right, there aren’t that many games that we can play together>It’d be fine to play something like Momotetsu, but one person wouldn’t be able to participate so>Like it’s hard to play with 5 people>You could play with 4 people, but you know... you don’t want to leave one person out
>>31931115Griffon was great, fuck you
>>31931062Fat asses...
>>31931055Do you retards not brush your teeth or something?
>>31931053>tfw remember rewatching dogma and learned that alan rickman died a day or so after the rewatch
>>31931147I fap to my own fanart and I run a Minecraft channel.
>Your oshi>Your favorite holos mama/papa?
>>319311585 players is the worst possible size when it comes to playing games together
>>31931091This, genetic depression is real
Late 2019, early 2020 was the best time for HololiveIt's all boring shit nowadays.
>>31931193Shut the fuck up
Did Kuroboshi finish that Watame fanart he was drawing yet?
>>31931135who needs teeth when you can just drink breast milk
>>31931129I feel like Kana said something before, I could be wrong.
>>31931093You sure?
>>31930173As long as I have fellow Anons to discuss about her antics, I'll keep posting about Marine.
>>31930994Miko had a bf, shes not gay
>>31931197>>31931091thats a meme, money solves everything even that shit. just take meds lmao
>>31931158>Watame will finally call Towa a whore during her member's stream tomorrow
>>31931172If you get a deep clean every 3 months you don't need to brush your teeth at all.
>>31931012First world welfare, both the poor and the rich kind, is bad for the mind.The sweet spot for least mental illness is in a place where a person can comfortably work with purpose.
>>31931151Miko GTAV
>>31931042>girlfriendThe absolute state of these threads.
>>31931208She denied being gay before but there's also the "women are cute, it's natural to be attracted to them"
https://twitter.com/Znplus2/status/1347192002908102659>matsuri liked this
>>31931193Too early for that retard
>>31931196That's why gen 5 is so close, they booted the whore
https://twitter.com/houshoumarine/status/1347610470987886594Chad Ichimi.
>>31931064She has a fucking TAIL!?!?
>>31930220Have never seen any actual discussion over there.
>>31931220it was a month online relationship retard it doesn't countnice try
>>31931158I got it. She's trying to say either Towa or Coco should have graduated or that Luna should have went back to Niji.
>>31931228I want more Towa 3D...
>>31931193I want to marry Rurudo!
My fucking sides Watame
>>31931204Fuck off whore.
>>31931012??? "I'll do a livestream suicide show and build a grave"https://youtu.be/hc0ZDaAZQT0
What the fuck is going on in this stream?
>>31931251She's a sheep so yeah?
>>31931204Please Towa give me your banana
STOPif you're a stupid fffucking idiot you must check in
>>31931233>he needs purpose>not just doing whatever and going with the flow because you want tolmfao
>>31931254No, but this does
>>31931271Prep for reading the teary SCs
>>31931239Kana seems pretty fucking gay honestly, not going to lie
POG is back
>>31931271Just Watame being Watame
>>31931271Watame is having fun
>>31931158They can play dota, cs go, rainbow 6 and other esports
>>31930803I will do anything that makes SEAnigs seethe as hard as an iron kettle. Fuck kenzocucks and fuck Flip/Indog schizos in this thread
>>31931223Explain Robin Williams or that black very popular streamer that killed himself last year.
Membersheep irashai!
>>31931254Anon, that's not a thing
What does this mean?
>>31931061https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fLcBSeY0zkThis fucking lion I swear.
>>31931275genius trapped inside a dummies body reporting inlife is suffering
>>31931254you sound like the kind of sperg who says highschool relationships dont count either
>>31931193WatameNishizawa MMMMMMMMMMMMFUCK
>>31931275reporting in
>>31931259Towa's anniversary plans will be complete any day now.
>>31931119Are you duped this easily and was this is the first thing you saw when entering this thread?
>>31931324I already slept, its fucking 12:00 at noon here
>>31931151It's cute you think I would actually go out into public.
>>31931275I'll check inside of Towa
>>31931277You sound like an african refugee.
>>31931291Yeah Dota 2 is the perfect game to make sure you don't need to collab with your genmates in the future
Anons what would you expect from tomorrow's meme reviews?
>>31931012She is a christmas cake
>>31931118>the stream this screenshot is from got holocausted
>>31931275>tfw we'll never have porn with Towas official model
>>31931324Okay i will it's pretty late already.
>>31931342SEA detected
>>31931193Akasa Ai for giving us Marine in all her forms. She even got management foaming at the mouth for her daki's draft having "too much transparency".
>>31931311If online relationships count then I've had more sex than anybody else during high school due to all my ERPing with "girls" on Ragnarok Online.
>>31931172Half the people here haven't showered yet this week.
>>31931324No Miosha to sleep with, why even bother?
>your oshi>the way you like to give (you)'s
>>31931366I live in Arizona
>>31931359I love Towa!
>>31931324After I eat so I meet my sleep demon
>>31931324not wasted enough yet
>>31931306How are people okay with this kind of TLs? It would be much easier to do your reps than to decipher this crap. Fucking EOPs I swear to God
>>31931303>>31931357Chunky is a lucky motherfucker
>>31930905honored that you'd take the time to post this from the club
>>31931386Even worse.
>zooming for that armpit shotBased
>>3193137710 bucks says Aussie catfucker hasn't showered since he turned 18
>>31931306Poor Lamy...
>>31931366>SEA>NoonYour geography reps...
Might as well join at posting fat cat
>>31931250Those same guys even said that they would marry Mane-chan if she keeps being too busy to find a husband.
>>31931354Excuse me, the correct term is now New Year's Eve Mochi or New Year's Eve Soba. 30 is OKAY
>>31931347that sounds cool, but im not. Being left to my own devices and willingly isolating myself, free to do what i want and not do things that i dont want to (within reason of course)
>>31931429My Towa tapestry from holocomi came in this week, it looks so good.
>>31931366Your timezone reps
Watame still haven't read yesterday SC, we are going to survive dead hours at this pace
>>31931286On Twitch?
>>31931415Arizona is a comfy place to live in though
>>31931151shuba's manager deleting all her streams
>>31931420I feel like Lamy was extra autistic tonight
Garbage thread. Time for US to fix it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!!!
[en] Watame: Fubu-chan’s thighs are nice... wait, can’t you see her belly button!?
>>31931420>ocdit's just wife doing her best to keep the house in order
I'm here, seeking your knowledge and wisdom old onethese whoresdo they really fuck each other for fun?
>>31930887>more viewsMASSfags actually believe this.
towa has the voice of a tranny and its not sexy at all. its such a gutter voice that you cant even say it's sultry
>>31931295Etika was depressed, but there was people (included that Keemstar faggot) that lead him to suicide. Words can be stronger than fists. I'd wish my words could lead some schizos to end themselves ITT
Why is Shion so hopelessly depressed?
>>31930887>more views pffffff
I want Miko to smother me to death.
>>31931158>>Right, there aren’t that many games that we can play togetherYeah i fucking wonder why huh? who's the fucker who keeps on refusing to use a nintendo switch?
>>31931254>It doesn't countShe had a bf and wanted cock. Shes at best bisexual
>>31931420I want lamy to brbrbrbrbrb on my dick.
>>31931423I can't look at this image the same way after someone came on it
>>31931514>lead him to suicidewhat?
>>31931513Terrible bait. We all already agreed that Towa is perfection.
>>31931532as much i hate reddit dragon she is not required to play the fucking switch and is free to not play it
>>31931032are there really people who need to be reminded to brush their teeth
>your oshi>your favorite anime
>>31931021I still with Miko to play CP2077, sure it's a shit game, but I'd like to see her reactions to it. She can always make open-world games fun.
>>31931576you need to be 18+ to post here
>>31931577OkayuDragon Ball Z
>>31931123The hate is mutual, I also want to punch and nousagis on their ugly face
>>31930087Absolutely fucking based.
>>31931577AquaRozen Maiden
>>31931576my mom yelled at me for skipping meals, because its apparently not normal to skip them just to play vidya all day when im not working
>>31931577MelKyoukai senjou no horizon
[Important Notice]I want Kanatan to sit on my face.
>>31931562>WeSeriously kill yourself, cuck
>>31931580>sure it's a shit gameBegone console peasant
>>31931324stop telling me this in the middle of the afternoon mio
budget korone is live on twitch
>>31931295Robin Williams was part of Hollywood and Etika was always a schizo
>>31931580Miko has been getting her way with the permissions that she wants., so I think that management is going to reverse their decision after it gets the planned major updates.
>>31931580someone post the miko cyberpunk fan art
>>31931513She has inoperable tumors on her adenoids. She can't help sounding like that. Speech therapy can only do so much when you have rattling boulders in a sinus cavity between your nose and throat.
>>31931577Lamythe PSO2 episode 4 anime
Stop it I don't want to find Okayu sexy
>Every hours is burgerhour now.
>>31931592did a single neuron fire before you typed that?
>just walked into holoanti thread and i want to get outogey i'm sorry to called you niggers "anti". This "anti" shit is WEAK AS SHIT compare to them
I have been lonely ever since Haachama left!
>>31931666Nah, you're going to EOP and you're gonna like it.
Towa has a fat face.
>>31931635Why are you so angry at me? You're the ones that came to that conclusion. I'm just stating the facts.
>>31931669god I hate americansthey ruined hololive
>>31931581terrible, as expected of a debiru
It's time for the daily A-chan butt worship!
My insider at Cover has confirmed that Towa is a genius.
>>31931577PekoHaibane Renmei
>>31931602Then we are even. Hope you sleep well and continue your anti non sense tomorrow, SEA schizo. I'll be waiting
>>31931677Good, one less reddit reject misusing that word.
>>31931669just go to global they are creating insane memes
>>31931626pretty based
>>31931691better to have them deal with amerimutts than bugs
>>31930079Nice inspect element
>>31931699200 IQ Tower face
>>31931285Kanata just longs for the same kind of things idolfags value. Cute girls are the cornerstone of that value system.
>>31931525>>31931506She got a peak of 7.1k viewers on a channel with less than 50k subs.
>Kenzocucks MASS gen 0 SEAnigs spamming Towa images againRangeban SEA fucking when?
Suisei deleted the suicide tweet.
Ran out of Okayu
>>31931710two sides of the same nationalist schizo coin
>>31931699Tell us where Haachama is
I wonder if holos can see what currency the member is using to pay via YT Creator studio
>>31931699Towa is not a reliable source.
>>31931666She's already married to Chunky, so it doesn't matter
>>31931728That's trash tier.
>>31931403Went back to the original video(which wasn't even linked under this TL btw) and the exchange after is pure gold, with their takes on how hitting someone with alcohol bottles is an expression of love, and the picture where Lamy hits Botan with a bottle also makes more sense now.
>>31931701GOD taste, nousagi bro
I am going to marry Michael Neko
Watch the takodachi suffer!
I'm going to rape Pekora in front of her mother and then force Pekomom to clean my dick with a blowjob after I had taken her daughter's virginity and the rape her until she gets pregnant with more Pekoras
Godfield tournament when?
What I would give for an Anemachi wife...
>>31931754Mid-tier holos struggle to get those numbers, I'd say it's pretty good. Let's just see if it's consistent or not.
>>31931535Eh she was getting catfished, back in highschool, at the high of her puberty, never met, ended badly. Plus nobody know their own sexuality until they're truly an adult which Miko is now.
Some of the people in this thread make Matuli look like a well adjusted normal person.
Enough of the fat ugly cat spam
>>31930156>I hope kanatan is calling rushia right now or something.. since I'm def
>>31931780Big tummy.
>>31931761He doesn't know...
>>31930994Get new material. Yuri bait jokes got old month in 2018
>>31931736Jesus Christ I just woke up how many suicides tweets are actually real?
Coco said she will buy a Switch when she reaches the 1 million subs.
>>31931648>D-doesnt count
>>31931800Kanata would prolly offer a double suicide
It's meme review but the guest is this person
>>31931776Just get a tulpa with these traits, that's what Suisei did anyway.
>>31931704I mean your usual neighbor schizophrenia thread not " THE anti has lefted to 2chan so it only holofans left that called 5ch" threadBut yeah, this feels much better with you retards shitposting in here
>>31931813She tweeted this.
>>31931012women aren’t suicidal, they’re just attention whores.
ATTENTION NOUSACHADSThis is a reminder that we run this thread>Pekora was a NND camwhore!It seems nowadays people call every women on internet camwhore unless she is covered with a burka. A camwhore is a woman who asks money in exchange for nudes.>Eeee....YUO NUMBERFAGS!Yes, I feel prideful seeing how my oshi grows and more people get to know her and appreciate her. Moreso, talking about numbers requires the person in question to be big, don't tell me your oshi is a failure is she? And by the way, learn english, are you a SEAnigger or what?>Aaaaaaaaaaaa...YOUR OSHI VISITS 5CHYes, so?, it means she is looking what things could she improve and look out for her flaws and yabs>Y-you are chumbuds of /hlg/!!!!Excuse me, a chumwhat? I think some crossthreaders have mentioned something like that. Are you a crossthreader? Or even worse, a shitposter from /hlgg/ that only wants to shit the threads?
>>31931767Wrong thread fellow Takodachi
>>31931638I played it on PC and I refunded in an hour. Still a shit game. Maybe I'll buy it again when it's fixed.
Why doesn't Rushia just buy a few new blood vessels for her brain?
>mfw nobody even said "Please call haachama"
>>31931842>SuiseiAnon your roommate reps...
>>31931769Just noticed that not only her asscrack is fucked up, her wings are also messed up
>>31930728>nowtheir stream was over a week ago
Who's better?http://poal.me/x10mhkhttp://poal.me/x10mhkhttp://poal.me/x10mhkhttp://poal.me/x10mhk
>>31931842you fags are naking a mountain out of a molehill
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70q7XE3bAXMWill Suisei ever return to her 2k climb in PPvsTetris?>8 consecutive days of SuiStreamsThank you state of emergency.
>>31931815I bet she already plays with Kanata off-stream.
>>31931735I hope it happens. SEAnegros are a serious cancer in these threads. Hope they would come back to their animalesque language forums and stop ruining this place
Shion's fat little butt, yo!
>>31931857VERY good question. Well fandeadcucks???
>leave for 30 minutes>thread goes to shit
>>31931870go back to global, poalposter
Why are we posting images?
>>31931842What conjugation is this? It's not quite shinitai.
>>31931844Coping chumsagi
>>31931532>>31931815meant for this
Why is sheep reading supacha at 5 in the morning?
>>31930691you’re asian. they’re the only blue pilled race left
>>31931403He's meh at best anywah
>>31931793I don't have enough Mel's in stock to keep up with you
>>31931890Never been there
>>31931904I dunno bro maybe ask global.
>>31931871Sure, a mentally fucked woman tweeting "I want to die" sure is insignificant.
>>31931894I don't know but deepl says it can mean I want to die and I don't want to die.
>>31931908>implyingIm a literal mulatto
>>31931791Mid-tier holos average 10k viewers.https://playboard.co/en/channel/UCvzGlP9oQwU--Y0r9id_jnAhttps://playboard.co/en/channel/UCdyqAaZDKHXg4Ahi7VENThQ
Can someone call Haato
>>31931923Why does nijis hate lulu? Something I'll never understand
>>31931904Look at this dumb ass newfag
>>31931896Another thread successfully conquered by the Rabbit Queen
>>31931933Here's the updated version
>>31931922And? women attention whore all the time so its nothing new >>31931843
>>31931916Me too.
You faggots have almost spent the image limit and we have half a thread left
>>31931904It's like noon. You do know she actually lives in Minnesota right?
>>31931904She'd rather talk than hear voices in her head talking when silence settles in.
>>31931951/niji/ gatekeep so hard they ban their own from their threads
>>31931922>Y-you guys don't understand! T-This is a serious situation and Rushia's life is in danger! She probably went to sleep already after making that attention whoring tweet
>>31931941>HI HOW ARE YOU
>>31931904Becauase she is single enjoy it while it lasts.
>>31931963>being gay
>>31931844Then why did she private her stream? does she feel ashamed everyone found out she's a numberfag and worst a 5ch-anti? I hope she's getting canceled just like Sio
The deed is done
Post:image ratio...
>>31931291>tell 5 hags to play dotalol
>>31931975Why Watamates?
>>31931982>not indulging in women being attention whoring retards means im gayits called being self aware and not falling for traps
For future reference, do your oshi image spamming in their respective threads.
>>31931998No, you're gay.
>>31931951To be an EOP nijifan is to be a contrarian hipster. Lulu's simply too popular with english fans, therefore they can't like her anymore
>>31931988Risu said she browses here and people called her based and redpilled
Hopefully I get to post new Okayu images since it's always the same image spam. Here's another one.https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/81327950
>>31932007You're the only one that's remembered my birthday :)
When Haato comes back, she is just going to say she was "having fun" with Hoshikawa
>>31931994Yeah MOBA is a great way to ruin friendships, they should play custom games instead, much more fun to watch too
>>31931771ERP goes on >>>/trash/
Another thread saved by Towa. Almost ruined by Okayu and Watame. Phew.
>>31931982women aren’t attracted to worryfags,bro. work on your masculinity and stop being a cuck
>>31932005Yeah, Kenzokus and fatcatfags pay attention! This is the Watame thread.
>>31932026But Hoshikawa and Nene are the hot item these days.
>>31931894Slurred/spoken casual version; あい often turns into え(ぇ).>>31931842I'm only moderately concerned.Basically its "man, I wanna dieeee" vs more worrying plain "I want to die"
>>31932039who even likes this shit?
And people wonder why we've been falseflagging as Okayuposters lately. Shit like this is the reason.
>>31932054You too sheepshitter
>>31932012So that's what happened with Hana. No wonder their local schizo keep acting up whenever someone post Hana.
>>31931978Fuck you
>>31932005I made sure to only spam images of Holos I don't actually care about.
>>31931988Ask her manager
>>31932012lmao, this is 100% true but would get deleted by the faggot butthurt nijimeido in their thread
https://files.catbox.moe/i75dhw.webmvery important
>>31931988Mane-san being mane-san>I-I hope she gets canceledShe's too big and strong to die
>>31931815What a bitch move
>Imageboard>No images
>>31932098Very gay. Did Lyle or Quincy standy you up today?
>>31931931>I don't want to die.Is wrong.>I want to dieIsn't wrong, but missing critical nuance, see >>31932057
This thread needs sheepfags, they're the glue that holds /ホロライブ/ together
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzBqCYxgZvQKanata is kill
>>31932057Thank you for the explanation.
>>31932085Pretty sure it's her decision, since she didn't private her Yakuza stream
>>31931881No doubt, she loves Kirby games.
>>31932117concernfagging is unironically a turn off for wome my dude. lay off the onions
>>31932112The 5ch experience. Behold
Where are the images
>>31931577Noel Zeta Gundam
>>31930178Honest thoughts: I hate blue clapper because it sounds like crap. Haha get it? Crap?
>Imageboards>Can't post imagesS-sugoi...
Ah we're back to smashing ratio again, sheeposters are back to their antics ?
Isn't r*ddit mainly EOPs? Is Marine even gonna be able to understand the memes?
>>31932112How new?
>>31932130not good enough
>concerfagging for rushia of all peopleshe'll be fine, you guys really need to stop doing this shit
>>31932139Okay Julian. Now hop on back to your faggot cum chamber where Bruce is waiting.
>>31932058For a moment I thought she had Kanata's signature catface on her cheek.
>>31932153Stop being a mouth breather
>>31932149Its 99% EOPs she'll likely have someone help for translating if I had to guess (or did that work prior and is why it took so long)
>>31932130>Most comments mention Moriなぜ
>>31932125Agreed. They're the only dumbasses that can make me chuckle in these horrible threads
>>31932149I imagine she probably either will get someone to translate or has already
>>31932166newfags falling for her menhera antics timeloop
>no stream of Mokkun dicking down Watame's disgusting ancient pussyWatamates we keep losing
Pekora browsing 5ch doesn't feel like a surprise at all.
>>31932149Marine has been doing her reps.
Shion Hoshikawa fucking when
>>31930178I completely agree because Nene's solo is too goodhttps://youtu.be/6YX-JINbum0
>>31932167>no rebuttallol
>>31932176quick sing = rap in EOP minds apparently
You faggot answer this question quickly : Which part that you love about your oshi?>tits>ass>thighs>armpits>hag>slut
>>31932149r/Hololive has mostly become a place where EOPs share bad memes about HoloEN nowadays. There's still the old folk lurking around, but they don't post much unless it's good/important enough for them.
>>31932149She's mute fluent.
>>31931844BASED nousagi. Fuck /hlgg/ and SEAnegros
>>31932189>watamate>doesn't even mate with watameWhat the fuck is this.
>>31932209Batty boy.
>>31932141Where are the imgur links?
>>31932187fucking newfags man
>>31932149She will have Coco on to deal with that.
>>31932205Shion wouldnt like Staceykawa
>>31932219Her soul
>>31932216EOPs should know that better than euros or nips.
>>31932096>She's too big and strong to dieSure, remember when everyone said that about Sio? THE mahjong vtuber, the one with muh yakuza backing?
Been watching JP holo streams with my daughter for a while now and now she knows more Japanese than I do... Kids language acquisition abilities are too good.
>>31932219Mikoti's sideboobs!
>>31932226>mute fluentwhats???
>>31932240They're friends anonchama
>>31932202The 5ch IDless holothreads are the equivalent of these threads, and we know the holoENs (and Risu) check these, so it makes sense that various holos would probably control+f the 5ch threads for their names
>>31932208The world isn't ready for her 3D debut.
>>31932187>>31932237>that post formatSamefag. Go back to school.
>>31931988>AshamedWere do you people come from? I wanted to see her reaction to Shuba burning her penguin, and Pekora literally admitted she was doing ego searching when she found the clip. She even made survey about her stream and posted the results in front of everyone
>>31932202Isn't 5ch the JP equivalent of r*ddit?>>31932219suichan armpits
Watamates are the kind of retards to spam chat with comments telling their oshi to go to sleepYou can't prove me wrong
>>31931773[Deleted]>>31931933>>31931878[File Deleted]Hmmmm naruhodo naruhodo.
cant wait for more Reddit Memes from marine this time guys haha, especially since how well they went with coco/towa last time, totally wasnt a complete boring disaster
>>31932149It took her some time to put the whole thing together compared to Coco who just get's it done the night before, so she either got them translated beforehand or will have someone (most likely chicken) helping her out
>>31932240Anoncham they even had a sleepover
Has Watame cried yet?
>>31932130>>31932136Why was Kanata recording this at 5am?
The angel is speaking in tongues...
>>31932260Zion is playing the long game, she is going to trick Hoshikawa into getting fat. Dont underestimate the brat.
>>31932271Why the fuck would I post in chat when I have sheep to post?
why does aqua still have her p*g emote? when is someone gonna let her know that she's supporting terrorism with that emote?
>>31932259Can read English but can't speak
>>31932274>Isn't 5ch the JP equivalent of r*ddit?It is, its way more all-public than 4ch
what is it that your oishi does that makes you go UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
>>31932271I've never seen a member tell Watame to go to sleep.
>>31932130I guess someone was watching Nene yesterday
>>31931988>I hope she's getting canceled just like SioBefore Pekora gets cancelled, the vtuber phemomena will die in the west. Only some nips and maybe the last SEAnig schizos will keep watching them. The day Pekora stops streaming, everything ends
>>31932248these are the same people who worship YAGOO and his face but still call any Asian man in a suit YAGOO
>>31932303She's part of the Manjigumi so she probably doesn't give a shit.
>>31932274Looking at the archives deletion time, the first one deleted the post to post >>31932146The next two deleted files to post >>31932058 and >>31932221
>>31932283She also mentioned needing to check the copyright on every meme that she plans to use which might've taken a while
>>31932219>>31932219Her red heart.
Anons really throwing the fishhooks now
>>31931728People only care about her cause she was once part of hololive if this would happen in other company people will not care. Also ALOE SEX
>>31932238God I hope it's Coco, I have nothing against Chicken but she won't be able to explain shit like Coco
>>31932149Heh. I remember that one reddit post where that one dude thought Marine was fluent in English but just forgot
>>31932202I mean no shit, we already know that Towa, Noel and Marine also browse 5ch, pretty much all holos do, do you really think some internet recluses with decade long careers aren't aware of 5ch
>>31930540Nose... Your Apex addiction...
>>31932303You don't get it anonymous. Twitch said it's the face that's racist, not the pog itself so they're going to replace itTherefore, it's obviousAqua is going to become the new face of pog
>>31932306The pog pog dance.
>>31931933>>31932318So cuckvanposter is a kenzoku?Why?
>>31932315But they know about rap for whatever it's worth.
>>31932253She fell because she was found doxing and shittalking her coworkers. Peko instead just egosearched for all we know. Moreso, Pekora has made strong ties with her friends and she isn't an Aloe who would quit like a coward.
https://i.imgur.com/akz1uVB.png>Foxy Day! 'Tis I, Shirakami Fubuki!Who the fuck subbed this lmao
>>31932306When she kill a hooker to take her money back.
>>31932336Kiara will turn all the memes about herself or how she relates on them
>>31932318>>31932274>He know our tricksTowabros... watamefriends...what do we do now?
>>31931863nice irony retard
>>31932355yeah I dont want aqua to become the face of right wing insurrectionist terrorism worldwide.
>>31932318why are kenzoku like this?
>>31932219her chill demeanorshe is one of the few holos I can watch with having my brain hurt. A lot of the girls just have way too much energy for me
Pekora will help Marine understand the memes, Pekora's English is almost as good as Coco's these days.
>>31932357>you will never pogu pogu dansu in capitol hall with aquaWhy even live?
>>31932219Miko's AhogeMiko's lipsMiko's sideboobsMiko's armpitsMiko's pantsu window...
>>31932357Racist fascist.
>>31932367Aqua's "A-quality day" killed me
>>31931682ANON LOVE!
When are we gonna round up all the Twitchfags and take down Aqua for appropriating Twitch culture?
Ina come save us from meta posting...
>>31932336Chicken by her own admission can't even speak english that well. Coco's english may have deteriorated to the level of a pensioner but she's still native.
>>31932240They knew each other before they even became vtubers
>>31932380>Suisei deleted the suicide tweet.>Post a tweet from RushiaAnon?
>a kenzocuck posted this >>31931933Kek how fitting
>>31932386>right wing insurrectionist terrorism worldwide.>muh right wing terrorismThe guy they used the face of didnt even do shit.
>Pekora liked the picture of the cosplayer with the nipple showing againPeko......
>>31932341There was also a comment that mentioned she went to study overseas, meaning he somehow thought Marine actually went to Harvard
>>31932202Pekora should buy a laptop dedicated to web browsing and posting or use a phone
>>31932424>He didn't see the Suisei's suicide tweet
>>31932425How do you know kenzoku posted that?
>>31932358Them being cucks isn't a narrative. A regular on the /trash/ thread is a kenzoku who wants others to fuck Towa.
>>31931061>how old is Botan%%Over 40%%. Yokota was a pretty famous game commentator.
>Watame is getting to the depressing t*iwan supachasF
Here we go again...
Reset the clock. Fuck.
>>31932429What did he even say again?
>>31932269According to the girls that's twitter.
>>31932446It doesn't matter, the reply chain was talking about Suisei, and they responded with a tweet from Rushia.
>>31932219I love her everything, please stream.
China please nuke Taiwan
>>31932445Or she should just disable a fucking most visited feature on Chrome
>>31931736>the suicide tweetWait, what?Fucking hell, I can't keep up with those girls and those threads.
Was a good run lads, we almost lasted a week
>>31932449The dedicated vtuber slut thread or the ntr general thread?
>>31932448Read these posts >>31932274 >>31932318He deleted his "cuck van" image so that he can last post his towa image. Honestly hilarious. You can confirm the deletion time in the archive too.
>>31932469after locust king has been graduated
>>31931682Stay strong Haaton, every thread is one thread closer to her return
Ok she lasted 4 days this time. Sadly I can't post my beloved Ron Paul "It's Happening!" gif but just pretend.
>>31932386She'll become both that and the face of Chinese nationalism in the span of less than 6 months. This onion is too political for her own good.
>>31931682She has a collab with the Chicken this Sunday that hasn't been canceled yet.Hold out hope.
>>31932469Why would they do that to part of their own country?
>>31932479Based kenzocuck
Why is she such a crybaby?
>>31932469You do realize that Chinese mostly VPN to Taiwan and HK to do superchats on Youtube right?
goddamn just pretend you care and you just rake in SCs from SEAnigs wanting the anime girlfriend experience. Watame is pure evil.
So are all the girls gonna get a sensitivity update from cover on not saying POG anymore? Aqua must be heartbroken
I can't help to laugh each time she cries.
>European hours>Thread goes go shit
Why is she crying again
she's crying again ffs
>>31932461He supposedly supported that white woman and the trump supporters who broke in the white house. Even though they have no actual proof and are just witch hunting people who dont agree with the lefties
>>31931842What the fuck?
>>31932478vtuber slutposting
>>31932479>not spam refreshing the page to snipe images when other people delete theirsngmi
>>31932506You'd have to be pretty fucking heartless to not get emotional over messages like that.
>>31932517>SEANiggers and Burgers shit on the threads that were 10 times better during peak Euro hoursWhy would Euros do this
>>31932479Kenzoku are cucks, nothing new
Fucking hell. This is a new low for Kiara. She's STILL pissed off about Moona?https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1316392127513927681
Is anyone else a little disappointed in Pekora after learning she regularly browses 5ch and is apparently obsessed with numbers? I feel betrayed
>>31932508That's why vinxi stopped superchatting Watame and moved to nijisanji?
>>31932512All of the girls do thst to begin with, retard
>>31932475A bit over 4 days...>>31932517Yesterday around this time wa good, because all the schizos left to shitpost on /pol/.
Now for what reason is the stupid sheep crying this time?
>>31932408It's so weird that her English is detreating. My native language vocabulary has also gone to shit, but that is because I have been in English mode since early teenage years. I still speak my mother tongue fluently, it's just the technical words that I forget sometimes. Coco on the other hand has been in Japan already as an adult and didn't even speak it that well until recently. Why the fuck is she forgetting the pronunciation of uncommon English words?
>>31932535Don't tell them my tricks.
>>31932542Towa baby...
>>31932518thinkgen of life
>>31932548You really need to step up your falseflag game anon, you look like a redditor
jesus fuck I literally hate watamefagsthey are without a doubt the worst posters on this entire boardlike literally why do you spam images?
>>31932535>Does it twice posting towa by using the same method of deleting file instead of postkek, you've been exposed kenzocuck. baited by a watamefag too
>>31932516hopefully EN sets the main branch straight with their support of white nationalist terrorists. Calli and Kiara need to talk with management.
>>31932518https://i.imgur.com/ZNlaBeX.pngShe just got to this akasupa from earlier.
>>31932538>heartless It sucks but its nothing worth crying over especially if you dont onow the person at all
>>31932556English pronunciation is as bullshit as kanji.
>>31932516Tough luck. Twitch decided to continue use the word and just change the picture.
>>31932561it makes me forget about how horrible this world is.
>>31932518New Taiwan Dollar superchat again
>>31932561Are you new?
>>31932561Sheepposters aren't actual watamates. They just take advantage of how expressive she is.
Looks like rushia is fine.. she deleted the tweet and changed her header right now.
>>31932535I'd believe you snipe it but having both towa images come after [File Deleted] just proves you did itDont worry, everyone knows kenzoku are cucks anyways
>>31932219none of the above
>>31932561They are falseflagging Subarufags.
>>31932542She's collabing with the new ID to incline her and beat Moona
>>31932555>Mind controlThis is the good stuff
>>31932508And you realize those are a minority?
>>31932561Nice try kenzocuck>>31932479
>>31932561I masturbate to posts like these, unironically
I want to post images.
>>31932574She probably feels like she does know them at this point with how often they update her about their depressing life.
>>31932556Unironically because she has no one to speak English with.
>>31932561The images convey my heart and spirit
There will never be a good thread.
>>31931577KoroneShinseiki GPX Cyber Formulahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDLMV-znaHg
>>31932341If you're fluent in a language you can't forget it.. You can get worse at the language sure, but completely forget it?
Can we kill this thread and make a new one so i can post images?
>>31932291She's still awake taking care of Rushia.
Will New Taiwan people ever stop depressing Watame
>>31932479>>31932591Watasharts are pathetic. Keep crying.
>>31932618Dont deny it, ever notice how they shit on literally every Holo except for Subaru?
Survey posters please save us.
>>31932598t. cometnigger
>>31932588>A deep red picture instead of some 2D male idol fuccboisI'm somehow not calming down about this.
>>31932479>posts a photoshop image of a van with supposed "boyfriends" in order to cope from being cucked by his oshiWhy the fuck is this so fucking hilarious. Kek
>>31932583>everyone but me is a false flagger
>>31932619Just collab with EN already Coco...shark is waiting
>>31932556Maybe she has not used any english in years. Coco is in a foreign country speaking the foreign language.My native language has got worse due to english too but I'm still in my home country where I will use it often enough.
>>31932572Goddamn I'm tempted to write up a sobstory and akasupa her if biden comes through with that $2k stimulusI love this weepy sheep
>>31932648>your survey>your favorite surveypost
>>31932651But you're the cometnigger
>>31932648>Your oshi>Your favorite oshi costume?
Towa please stream.
>>31931794Could be right
>Buenas noches WatameVamos hermanos!!!!!
your oshiyour favorite monster hunter weapon
>your oshi>your favourite car
>>31932572why do people send her shit like thisdo they think it's fun to make her cry or do they actually think she wants to hear about iti really dont understandif they use her as an escape from their shitty life then they shouldn't want to make her sad
>>31932260>>31932288>>31932417Did they ever collab after they become Vtuber?
>>31932626A good thread doesn't come from the posts people create, but from the way you interpreted them~Tsun Zu~
>>31932656You make fun of someone so much they turn into schizos. Honestly I pity towafags for months since that YAB
>>31932660she's afraid that the chinks will go after her, when chinks fear the shark
>>31932648How is that any better than poals
>Your oshi>Your nationality
>>31932674NoelOriginal knight outfit
>>31931158>Like it’s hard to play with 5 people7 days to dieGolf with friendsKilling Floor 2Swat 4And that's just PC. There are games if you care enough.
>>31932548I'm glad you feel betrayed. We real nousagi love her being worried about her audience, her popularity and her numbers, because she's a real PRO. If that makes her happy, I'm perfectly ok with that, and if you hate her for that, you never liked her in the first place.Now go to sleep, Bambang
>>31932684PekoraChargeblade KING
>>31932479Why are towaflips still awake? Why are they shitposting at this hour?
>>31932654On mobile it's a purple header now. Twitter just seems to be rather buggy on locked accounts..
>>31932688Because seeing women suffer and cry is always a delight
I just realized Coco Kaine's name is a pun and I feel really stupid.
>>31932662But she did often speak English during her streams even before Hololive, and her family is still there for fucks sake.
At this point I honestly can't tell if everyone gets baited by obvious shit or if its same fagging
>>31930436>burger hoursIt's eurofriend hours right now. It'll be burgerhours in another 6-8 hours
>>31932724It's 9pm, you stupid nigger
>>31932588The header is worse than before
>>31932660Coco x Gura would be pretty bad.The Shark can't really take banter at all so Coco would just be incredibly careful and tip toe around her for an hour before awkwardly cutting the stream.
>>31932714>garbage>actually alright>repetitive trash>lmaowow so many games
>>31932693"I-It's not like I gathered a bigger army than yours to conquer your territory or anything, geez don't be so full of yourself"~Tsun Zu
>>31932479What the hell is that image even? all I could recognize is jun, abe, masketta man and roberu.
>>31932728JOP anon...
>>31932733Choose the option that lets you sleep better at night
>>31932704imagine doxxing yourself
>>31931577Towa Tatami Galaxy
>>31932688I'm pretty sure some of the stories are made up shit just to make her cry.
>>31932744t. Tasteless zoomer
>>31932688These people are usually really lonely people and they get attention in the form of kindness in return.
>>31932724I'm a SEAnigger and was about to go to sleep but then STAR_ uploaded a TF2 commentary just now and I had to watch it
>>31932616I don't like this at all. On one hand I really like Watame on the other hand I feel like shit with not liking that guy at all.
>>31932764>I'm a SEAniggerHow much do you hate yourself to post here when even meidos hate you
>>31932479Towafags........................why are you like this?
>>31932739They don't have to roast each other, they can just make Yabai jokes non-stop. Easiest 66 minutes of my life
>>31932588how the fuck it signals that she's fineshe literally never was fine
>>31932690Not yet but they might on the future. Even the first Hoshikawa Haato collab took a year before it happened
>>31932744Who cares about your tastes? I care that they absolutely can collab if they cared enough.
>>31932704Towa Norwegian
I wish Watame was my oshi so she'd never ignore my supachas
You get to marry Flare but only she gets to drive. No cheating by using public transport, walking or having a slow car. Elf friends would you do it?
>>31932752Mukkun and that one guy people suggested me to put because something many months agot.the one who made that edit
>>31932033I think it would be hilarious if we ever get a MOBA collab with 5-10 holos.
>>31932788They need to enjoy the game, not just look for a game the 5 of them can play
>https://streamable.com/ljkuspCOCO LOVE
>>31932704AkiI have double nationality
>>31932788>my tastesyeah me and anyone who watches streamsenjoy 1k viewer garbage streams
>>31932758Some of you kenzouku arent so bad
>>31932687KoroneNissan Skyline 25GT Turbo
>>31932810Flare has a licence, she's just shit at driving in games
>399KShe can do it!https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFTLzh12_nrtzqBPsTCqenA?sub_confirmation=1
>>31932793You just need to join the membersheep
>>31932688They do it for the "irl" (You)s
>>31932843But anon I'm already subbed...
>>31931577KoroneHayate no gotoku
>>31932815Ahh yes, the one if many cursed edits. I wonder what 2021 will give birth to
Imagine these threads if watame and towa didn't exist
>>31932836I thought only Coco and Noel had liscenses?
gotta say, having to switch to Japanese IME and then toggling on katakana every time i want to control + f the catalog to find this thread is a bit annoying
My grandmother's got covid and is currently hospitalized. Should I superchat watame if she dies?
>>31931577MikoHololive is my favorite anime
>>31932826>he cares more about the game than the actual people playingAnd you're delusional if you think a yonkisei stream would pull shit numbers, regardless of what they do.
>>31932479So this is what happens if you whorepost towa so much huhYou turn someone into a schizo
How does Noel's roommate have small nipples for such absolutely massive tits
>>31932706Hell no. Your SEAnigs are way worse than mutts
>>31931577PekoraZero no tsukaima
Would you guys trade Towa/Watame for Aloe?
oh boy I can't wait for 400 more posts of spam! thanks watamates!
>>31932817Yonkisei Dota:Luna carryCoco midTowa offlaneWatame farming supportKanata hard supportWatame rushes midas. Luna complains that supports aren't doing anything. Kanata feeds.
>>31930857It's an old L dies type nip joke. Shion was also confused by it when someone brought it up which her chat found funny
>>31932784I mean fine as in she didn't do anything stupid.. obviously she isn't completely fine.
>>31932787Where can I read more about their relationship?
>>31931844>n-no she's just looking for things to improve onRiiiight. Just like Sio, right?
>>31931577KanataRozen Maiden
>>31932899WHAT THE FUCK ANON>>31930857
>>31931577HaachamaTengen Toppa Gurren Laggan
>>31932876>not having the catalog set to "latest reply"
>>31932872Flare bragged about her license at the start of her first GTA stream, Noel is the only one who actually drives
>>31932896Fuck off kenzocucks You guys are worse than Aloefags
>>31932878Please superchat to your grandma instead, she needs it more
>>31932880yonkisei is the worst performing gen (of the gens that matter) when it comes to views. even EN beats them.
>>31932730You're right about the streams but I think english becoming an optional thing rather than a necessity might change how bad the deterioration gets.Also doesn't her family speak native level Japanese though? Wouldn't make much sense for 50+ year olds to move to Japan from America if they didn't.
>>31931577WatameMadoka Magica
>>31932878Send it to gdq
>>31932588ssg PPT.
>>31932843I hope she will stream tomorrow.
>>31932872Does Noel have a license to sniff her hamster's butt though?
>>31932876just filter the thread to the top lmao
I have developed a crying fetish after hearing Watame and aloe cries
>>31932947That comes with the hamster
>>31932883Godlike genetics (apart from the ear illness) + stealing her brothers food during childhood to grow big and strong
>>31932934Didn't she brag that her mum has the gold driving licence?
>>31932942Lol i completely forgot that exists
>>31932942Sorry I'm not a homosexual
>>31932872>Noel had licenseI wonder if she can fit her milkers in the Kei car?
>>31931577AloeBoku Dake ga Inai Machi
33 year old boomer here, am I too old for vtubers?
>>31932872Coco has an american license?
Holy shit, Shitsuraku Petri is only 3k views away from 1M and it's only been half a month.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PYi1080Q7kPush it harder, Porridgebros
>>31932983Noel has pretty good airbags in her car
How good does my Japanese need to be to be able to groom an indie?
>>31932815How does it feel to be a cuck kenzokek
so why do we stay in a dead thread for an hour or two? just make a new one. mods dont care so why should we?
>>31932878Use it on your parents. I'm sure they are hurting, even if they don't show it
When we inevitably get a KanaCoco 3D wedding stream, who would you pick for each role in the ceremony?>BrideCoco>GroomKanata>OfficiantMiko>Maid of HonorHaachama>Best ManSuisei>Bridesmaids (up to 3)Aki, Watame, Fubuki>Groomsmen (up to 3)Rushia, Towa, Marine>Flower GirlLuna>Ring BearerPolka
>>31931577TowaWelcome to the NHK
>>31932987No, I'm 33 myself and most of the vtubers are in the same age range.
>>31932937Other than chicken, EN consistently pulls over 15k, what are you talking about?And again, you're delusional if you think a full unit that hasn't collabed in half a year is going to have shit numbers.
>>31931577WatameKara no Kyoukai
>>31932987Not if you enjoy watching them
>>31930419She oppened chrome and 5ch was on her frequented sites
>>31932899I don't even know what L dies meme is...
>>31932987You are just as old as Watame, slightly older than Coco, and younger than Korone and Botan.
>>31932979But gdq is for trans, not homosexuals.
>>31933011ice cream! holy shit my reps paid off
>>31932995I'm giving her all I've got, cap'n.
>>31932987You're literally younger than some of the holos
>>31931988No one can cancelled Pekora anymore, she rules Hololive now
I can't believe AZKi sang Hemisphere! I'm mad that I wasn't able to see it live but I'm pumped that she sang it at all.
>>31933016If you don't even know what that is you're clearly underage and shouldn't be posting here because I know what that is
>want to shitpost>no way it will get noticed without an imageFuck you for ruining the thread with your image spam
>>31933009>unitcmon anon no one like 4th "gen"other than maybe ppt they could graduate and no one would care.
Alright guys, write a sentence about a family member dying and you have to SC Watame the resulthttps://app.inferkit.com/demo
>>31932941I don't think her family speaks Japanese all that well, and they sure as fuck speak English to each other. Her dad wrote her a letter in English and shitposts on twitter in English. Also he complains that he can't discuss movies with his coworkers because Japanese versions have retarded names.
Something about you anons makes me act weird
>>31933001No idea because I don't delude myself with streamers at the other side of the ocean and haven't watched a Towa video in my entire life.
>>31932979Well, your superchat post fits right with them.
>>31931577PolkaSteins;gatevn is better tho
>>31932987I'm 33 too. They replaced the comfy feeling that SoL anime use to give me
>>31933007I’m 77 years old and love vtubers. I will die watching them.
>>31932987You're too young.
>>31931577AloeKemono Friends
>>31933024As annoying as it is to have to relearn a new set of the same kana when going from hiragana to katakana it really is nice to just see something in katakana and having a 90% chance of being able to read it since it's likely just an English word.
>>31932817Ayame/Aqua would basically be babysitting.
>>31933057You can just say kanonchan1203 now
>>31933054drumroll crash...
>>31933039Coco's dad (true) sounds extremely based
>>31933005The most important question isWho's gonna be the one to catch the 3D bouquet Coco is gonna throw?
Meidos, there are people spamming lulu pics in this thread.I just made a thread that you deleted, so why aren't you in here doing your job?What do you do? If you don't want be a moderator, then step down and have someone else do it. You are doing a terrible job.
>>31933038>My little sister is death there in an operation so close to the start of my treatment that the chemo hadn't even worked by the time she went in.>Her little body couldn't take the same treatment as mine because it had been so damaged, but it was a risk we had to take.>The only thing that got me through the last 3 weeks of my treatment was knowing that there was a positive outcome waiting for me at the end.>I held on for so long. We were on the waiting list for a bed in the Queen's Medical Centre
>>31932987I'm 33 too, welcome to the club.
>>31933057>>31933077Japs really like MonHun huh?
>>31932969how bad are the Japanese at driving, if Flare is bragging that her mom is a safe driver
>>31933036Get good at shitposting so you don't need images as a crutch to fix your lacking quality
>>31933005>>Bride>Coco>>Groom>KanataThe thing is, which one is funnier, Papadragon walking Coco down the aisle or Oshio walking Kanata down the aisle
>>31933077Nah, that's kinda cringe and edgelord, do you say Luna Ch. 姫森ルーナ everytime you talk about her? No, just Luna.
>>31930420Who is this?
>>31933016Ok let me explain it in plain english, L Dies hope that cleared it up.
>>31932944Bless PPT.. Looks like she's the only person who is close to her and checks that twitter account.
>>31933098You're the one who can't resist talking about "roommates". Not me.
>>31933084Noel is going to fight tooth, keyboard and nail for it
>>31933079I heard he unleashed hell upon the chink menace, but Coco had to stop him
計算Coco's roommate loves to count her subs.
I want to fuck this slut.https://files.catbox.moe/nf61sp.webp
>people trying to decrypt menhera antics againkak
>Ina Ring Fit in 30 minutesWill the thread recover or is it just going to make things even worse?
>>31933070I can already picture a Hololive inhouse LoL match going. Aqua on one side and Ayame on the other. Aqua tryhards on another mid champion besides Ahri for days, then bans Ahri locking Ayame out of champ picks and proceeds to stomp by ganking an inexperienced bot lane composed of two Holos who barely finished the tutorial.
>>31933125I don't think she wants to fuck you
>>31932971Ever since covid hit, many forgot. I just check very specific runs now.
>>31933125Don't call her a slut. She may be close friends with Choco yes, BUT she is not a slut
Does Coco's father not really know about her job? I like to think that her father flames the chinks and she tells her to stop.
Mikochi playing with cocks!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3pbK7Bz5gk
Watame is so goddamn cute
>>31933134Right thread.
I lost my father when I was 15. I had just became the age to own a scooter and asked my dad to buy me one. One day he called me and said he had a surprise for me and to wait for him. He never came. I got a call from paramedics a while later telling my dad had been in a traffic accident while trying to drive a car and a scooter simultaneously. He lost his life that day.
>>31933038send her this>my massive cock was out of her now and was lubed with a generous amount of spit, it wasn't long before i was really fucking my sister. >"look at mom" she said, i turned my head to her as i slapped her hard across her ass, her eyes met mine as she moaned. >"i'm gonna cum in your ass slut" i told her as i slowly, but forcefully fucked her ass, i did it fast so that i could cum. >i kept it slow and it felt amazing, she was moaning louder as i fucked her harder and faster and soon she came.
>>31933079I always picture him as the "Jews fear the samurai" guy.
>>31933134This isn't global, anon.
>>31932704OkayuAustraliaI also like dicks in my ass
>>31932987>>31933007>>31933053>>31933092This is what no pussy does to a man
>>31933134>Ring Fit-no 3Ddon't care
>>31933156This is a good one, slap an $11 ARS on top of it
I’m gonna fuck your oshi
>>31933148Please play Yakuza again Miko...
>>31933146>he search for posts talking shit about her and call them zhangs
>>31932934>Noel is the only one who actually drives>You will never drive from Daikoku to Tokai with Noel at night
At least Global has images, what do we have? Nothing, the moderator ignores us, watamates spam images, and the entire thread becomes worthless for 1000 posts. We are essentially a fly on a pile of shit.
>>31933134>computer artist playing RFAOh no she's going to die
>>31933134>Wheezing hikki ring fitI'll check it out
>>31933183you will never
>>31932817it would definitely be fucking hilarious but a disaster as well mobas are not a good match for hololive
>>31933134Isn't she a complete shut in?She's gonna fucking die.
>>31933018Don't forget about Mio. She's not even a year younger than the older one of Korone's multiple ages.
Was walking my dog, did I miss the sad SC?
>>31933175You will be the same in 20 years.
>>31933145Sluts don't hang out woth virgins. Same goes for guys too.
im gonna DM your oishi my penis
>>31933134I'm going to post here during her stream, guess what? I'm not going back.
>>31933212But... But Subaru hangs out with Choco...
>>31933193>the reason she told her tatsunokos to stop arguing to chinks was because of his fatherなるほど。。。
>>31933146He does know she is a Vtuber/Holo, he would often barge into her room. She also explained to him why Twitter shitposting is going to get them doxxed. And I am not sure but he probably did shit on the chink menace>>31933116
>>31933195metaposting is several orders worse than sheeposting
Imagine touching Mio's tail.
>>31933193>Coco's dad may actually post here and shitposts his own daughter snd bugs as well shitposting in general
>>31932998Just make them learn english
>>31933134>skinny hikki whose addicted to soda doing exerciseShe's gonna fucking die
>>31933134I'll watch EN shit this once.
>>31933125You have enough Yuan? She's CCP property before she's a slut.
>>31933156Since that faggot LiveTLer enabled people to send sad fanfic superchat why don't some of you go and do that already?
>>31933054caught me off guard ngl
>>31933230>daughter warns him>he still does it anywaysKek
>>31933232I'd rather she touched my ``tail''
>>31933229>>31933233Papadragon is, as always, incredibly based
>>31933244Because it's not actually funny outside shitposting here.
>>31933106I always wonder how direct the holos are with each other about their past/alternate accounts. I assume they are aware of them, but it's probably kinda akward to bring up if they didn't know each other before.Like, could Rushia outright ask Noel for advice in dealing with antis?
>>31933208>of Korone's multiple agesKorone's roommate was born in 1985.
赞扬毛泽东和习近平。 我将恪尽职守,捍卫共产党。 邪恶的龙必须为她的行为道歉!
>>31933232I want to touch Towa's sensitive tail.
thanks for the narrative generator >>31933038>Rushia's roommate, Margaret Zikal, also said the exhibit wasn't well thought out.>"It was disrespectful because the Holocaust is not something that you make a joke out of. So we're paying homage to a horrible time in history, and making fun of it," she said. >One of Rushia's mother's cousins was killed during the Holocaust. Rushia said she feels sad that her work was hurtful to others. >"I felt that I wasn't doing my job as a Holocaust ambassador to bring awareness to it and make people more knowledgeable about
>>31933241It's called renminbi not yuan.
>>31933258shitposters never learn
>>31933134Didn't she get tired from whisking takoyaki mix for 3 minutes? what is she thinking?
>>31933145Is that the friend Choco talked about crying to her about only getting onenightstands?
>You have enough Yuan? She's CCP property before she's a slutZhangjak.jpg
>>31933304No that was just Choco talking about herself
>>31933258She should be grateful, she has a father who will literally have her back no matter what
>>31933279Dont most of them know each other from their past lives or atleast heard of them back then? Wouldnt be surprising its more like an unspoken thing until the need arises to bring it up for something
>>31933134That's gonna be a pretty short stream...Hopefully she doesn't overdo it
>>31933259>``tail''go back to /jp/
>>31933038>Towa went and bough a new cat from the pet store nearby that is suppose to be like the big brother of Oga.>The pet store lady said it was a rare kitty.>Towa is okay with it.>She has a favorite toy now too.>She will only play with this one and Oga just ignores it.>Oga is working on trying to run.>I thought he was going to go get in the house the other day, but he just stood on the stairs staring at me.>It was so hot yesterday too.>He was running the fan.>He got up on the screen because it was still light outside and
>>31933134I will now masturbate to Agnes' heavy breathing
>>31931844Absolute COPE from the nouFAGis. You guys must be having a real tough time right now.
>>31933279I guess if they are close enough that's probably possible and a lot of them know each other way longer than hololive exists.Rushia is probably a bad example for this since she doesn't seem like someone who asks anyone for help. Which also explains the other holos/mane-chan asking her all the time if she's okay.
>Watame's streaming>5:40AM in Japan>Started streaming 6 hours ago
>>31933016Do you know Snape kills Dumbledor
Hologram Circus isn't as good as I first heard it in her debut...
Wait, whats with Pekora now? Can anyone redpill me with the ultimate narrative?
>>31933390She egosearches on 5ch and likes to look at stream numbers.
>>31933281Some people say she's 35, some people say she was lying about her age all the time. Who am I supposed to believe?
>>31933038kek>Towa's roommate and roommate-in-crime is Pol, a crossdressing man, who seems to have a level of status that just can't be ignored. Towa is introduced to Pol's friend Caro after Pol has to borrow money to pay for their internet, and ends up inviting Caro over to the apartment to help her study.
>>31933390She accidentaly showed her browser's homepage which had the most frequently visited sites thing shown.Turns out she religiously checks the numberfagging sites and 5ch, not that either of those things is a surprise.
>>31933381u forgot the e it's dumbledoer
>>31933390Which of the following narratives would you preferA: Pekora egosearches her name in the 5ch holothreadsB: Pekora shitposts about miko in the 5ch holothreads
>>31933387Polka isn't as good as I first saw her in her debut
>>31933387>tfw the tv size version is better than the full version because somehow the former flows better than the latterMan
>>31933411You'll have to go back in time and watch her early NND videos that nobody archived.
>>31931577WatameZettai Muteki Raijin-oh
>>31933390She's posting depressing and suicidal tweets on her roommate account
>>31933415what numberfagging sites?
>>31933415Have a pic or timestamp of that?
>>31933342Teresa in HololiveEN gen 2 when?
>>31933420i would be surprised if a holo(other then nigger of nippon/ame/risu) actually see this shit site.
>>31933420Pekora is also friend with Sio. You know what that means.
>>31933445There's a webm of it that people have been spamming the last couple threads. I'm sure someone will post it again soon.Was during her God Field stream today, while Shion was on.
why is marine looking at reddit?
>>31933322She is. Coco is a daddy's girl after all. She has to stop him from doing it because she knows he would nuke the entirety of China if he could
>>31933459Sio is innocent.
>>31933458Chicken also browses
>>31932704Pekoramentally Japan
>>31933146All he has been told is that she does internet idol-like activities that include livestreaming. Her mother knows everything though.
>>31933427She changed the whole dynamic of the song to make it about being a depressed fox. What a dumb choice.
so what were the big plans about?
>>31933470hippo earsamanekanatach can't convince me otherwise
>>31933438I assume stuff like Playboard, VNUMA, and shit like that.
>>31933479Did you seriously miss the contest?
>>31933479She wants those EOP subs
>>31933479She had a low percentage of overseas viewers and wants to change that.
>>31933458Mori is a long time lurker/poster compared to the other ENs who browse this site
>>31933465Is Pekora an actual schizo now?
>>31933494trying to pass out on stream for akasupas
>>31933428>Miya Samurai archive was killed by YT
anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens
>>31933497Amane Kabaya!?
>>31933497Still cute.
>>31933479she's thirsty for that big kaigainiki cock anon
I just realized that if Pekora frequents 5ch then she's clearly aware of the AquaPeko narratives. Where the fuck is the chest Pekora?
>>31933518anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens
Wait Sora is next guest on shitposting review? oh god.....
>>31933484i thought she is on 5ch too?
watame go to sleep...
>>31933038>Korone's house was surrounded by students who were welcoming her home.>"Thank you guys, thank you, thank you," she beamed as she hugged each and every one of them.>And then she brought them all in the kitchen.>"I'm sorry about last night," she explained, laughing.>"But I was so worried that I wouldn't see you all again."Korone was a teacher!?
>>31933518I'm only still here because I can't quit this thread.
>>31933479Because she set up a contest there MONTHS ago.
>>31933427It's clearly isn't the original version, since she added the whole Polka oruka thing, it's not bad by any means it's just that the change into a slower pace in the second half kills the mood and it never get's quite as upbeat afterwards
>>31933513Now that you mention it I haven't seen the Aquaschizo in 5chan today...
>>31933534Well she knows of the Jun one and what other narratives have spawned from there?
>>31933537Not like this Soda-sama...
I still don't get why rushia didn't kick me from her follower list even though she was clearly angry..
>>31933489I don't watch polka like that but didnt she also edit the video and replsced lamy and aloe or some shit too?
Why do Heimin call amanekanatach Kabaya?
>>31933518anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens
>>31933458>>31933484Proof of Ame and Chicken coming here? Risu outright stated visiting this place a few times and Calli's roommate has tweets complaining about /v/ being retarded, the only thing Ame has is her ex browsing /r9k/.
>>31933537The worst part is that it's probably because some faggots in her chat were asking her if she knew about reddit, so she went and asked Coco and got wrapped up in this
>>31933470Sniff the bum.
>>31933584her great grandfather founded kabaya foods
>>31933589>mori >bitchig about /v/Lmfao
>>31933566>Pekora keeps matching games and words with Jun just to fuel the narrative.Cheeky usagi.
>>31933604Fuck off, im not Noel... i think?
I really want to fuck Shishiro
>>31933589Chickenwhore posted on 4chan as her roommate in the past and she's also a complete otaku, its very likely she still browses
>>31933584Because she likes cabbage
>>31933518>anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happensanyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens
>>31933515huh, when did that happen? could've sworn it was still around fairly recently
>>31933589the BR2049 stream and i think chicken mentioned 5ch as the bad place or something not sure
>>31933327The funny thing about Sankisei is that they were all actual strangers to each other before holo, i guess some of them might be aware of who Noel was due to her size but that's about it.Oh and one of Marine's oldest friends is also a pall of Noel, maybe she was aware of Conan through her
>>31933458Ina used to be in the /vg/ Linkshell for FFXIV back in 1.0. Chocobros, the Lindblum one.Who knows if she still browses this shithole, probably does considering her interests in obscure otaku shit, but at one point or another she definitely did.
>>31933603Sora is the only holo actively using english to communicate with her overseas fans so it makes sense that he wants to participate in the EOPcore show. I don't doubt she'll be next on the chicken's thing. Then she'll have participated in both orange women's shows.
>>31933647Didnt she mention this site or atleast these threads as (((the bad place))) in a stream at some point?
>>31933537Was it confirmed it's not an offcollab or is there a chance of Sora visiting the Holohouse and making Kanata finally clean her room?
>feeling burnout>see what happens
>>31933038>Noel, the female Knight, stood outside waiting.>Noel was the youngest member of the team, and her features were like those of a cherub.>The sight of the chubby girl put a deep ache in Yang's chest.>Shame.>The gods were truly cruel to choose someone like her to fight the fallen.>But she would not give up.>Especially after last time.Noel is fat confirmed, the chinks are not happy about it
>>31933678I think she said she lurks yeah but you'll have to ask global for that, I dont particularly watch her
>your oshi>do you feel the burnout?
>>31933582There's a reference to every Gen 5 in the song, she kept the lines in, but changes the devil and elf from Aloe and Lamy to Towa and Aki
>>31933589>her exoh anon....
>>31933617It's pretty scary how much Mori's opinion about games reflect the collective hivemind of what /v/ thinks about them
>https://files.catbox.moe/dyvni1.mp4i cant believe my dog turned into a seagull
Words can't properly describe the pure elation I am feeling that we finally witnessed the downfall of Pekora. Can't wait for the incoming suspension and graduation.
>>31933642Not yet, perhaps. There's plenty of time.
>>31933459It's now my narrative that Pekora and Sio run their own shitposting discord
>>31933701KoroneYes but it might be because I'm depressed
>>31933722S-stay away from me, flare
>>31933584Kanata really likes Maid Dragon, specifically Kobayashi.
>>31933719Why are nousagis like this?
>>31933701PekoraNot really
>>31933701MioYes. I want her to play Burnout, but it has to be Burnout 3
I fucking swear watame gained like 20 members from reading superchats alone
>>31933701anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happensanyone else feeling the burnout from hololive? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens
>>31933684wait....the cocock and pretty penis......was the horny sora poster right about everything...
>>31933701SuiseiFrom my job, yes
anyone else feeling the burnout from >>OP? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a thread and see what happens
>>31933701>Watame>Criterion make another fucking burnout you fucks. Nothing scratches the itch.
>>31933719Based Watamate.
>>31933668Marine never liked ASMR so I doubt she cared despite her friend.
>>31931577KoroneMilky Holmes
>>31933756big plan is working...
Damn sheep actually reads green and blue superchats? what the fuck
>Shien accidentally reveals he goes on 5ch because he suddenly deleted a post he made on his roommate account immediately after 5ch called attention to it despite the post being made months before 5ch found it: Nothing happens>pekora has 5ch noticeable as one her most visited websites: SHES TOTALLY CANCELLED GUYS!!!!!!come on
>>31933684Cover would never allow it, they're going to stream from the studio and Coco will be kept in a separate sealed room
>>31933660Captain of the USS Enterprise
anyone else feeling the burnout from shitposting? it's starting to get boring to be honest. i'm planning on taking a break for a week and see what happens
>>31933795Anything for money
>your oshi>would you rather have a thread with or without images>why?
Do you think Pekora contacted Miko to comfort herself after her massive fuck up today? Do you think Miko gently took the crying Pekora in her arms and kissed her?
>>31933795Yes, she reads everythingWelcome to membersheep
>>31933716>>31933617i mean really what could be more /v/ than bitching about /v/
>>31933039Papadora speaks multiple languages.
>>31933810Instead of shitposting, just tell ENshits to go back to where they belongin the >>>/trash/
im feeling the burnout anons...
>>31933785Her friend also does(did?) ASMR, that and for most of Noel's career she was just a zatsudan streamer
Reminder to Crap your Hands.
Let's settle this once and for all.http://poal.me/cy5czu
>Watame ending stream just in time for Ina despite still having a lot of supacha to go throughCute sheep
>>31933691>Noel's boobs are too big.>Too freaking big.>No wonder he started masturbating every time she walked into the room.>She brought her face up close to mine and pursed her lips.>"You mean your brother's penis has been rubbing on your tits all night? Do you know how old you're getting to be?">"Yeah, the bell rang. That's when you knew it was time to leave.">She was on her knees, stroking my cock againNoel also confirmed brother fucker.
Ninomae Ina'nis from Hololive EN will be playing Ring Fit in 2 minutes. You guys think she'll feel the burnout?
>>31933806Coco WILL breach the containment and she WILL teach Sora REAL English
>>31933803Pekora is bigger, but you should know that they are just people shitposting because they are bored and there's nothing to do and shouldn't be given attention.
>>31933668>might be aware of who Noel was due to her sizeBOOBA
>>31933810you need to be well rested to write some good narratives so just take a break from shitposting for a while.
Let's settle this http://poal.me/aa4tx0http://poal.me/aa4tx0http://poal.me/aa4tx0
>>319338035ch is not 4chan.It's reddit-tier, as in even politicians admit to posting there sometimes.Now if any holo posts on futaba, that would be quite the surprise.
>>31933803let bossu shitpost......
Which holo will play the burnout racing series?
>Watame sending her viewers to InaCollab when?She already talked to Ina's papa, I'm sure she has permission
>>31933844That explains why she has a relatively large femlae audience, although I feel most of them are still thirsty lesbos
>>31933803EOPs think 5ch is Japan's 4chan.
>Your oshi>How you spell Towa
>>31933718Wow. That is some full seagull shit
>>31933860I mean, any corporate vtuber getting caught on a shitposting forum definitely isn't going to look good no matter how big they are.
>>31933803>Shien: some Holostar nobody cares about>Pekora: one of the most famous Hololive vtubersWow who would've thought the reaction would be different?
Once again Watame managed to hold back the dead hours long enough for someone else to pick up the torch. Thanks, Watame!
>>31933584Because Haachama can't spell.
>>31933803Literally all the holos browse 5ch.Polka literally made an entire stream about keeping her voice in check after 5ch shat on her for being too loud and scaring the pure fragile ENs in that collab
>>31933824Pekora always seeked Miko to confort her everytime she fucked up, just like the first chink incident.
>>31933859Is Sora going to say Motherfuckers?
>>31933881b-but the anti threads.....
>>31933803People think it's gonna be a repeat of Sio despite the Sio situation being much different.
>>31933803ShiePeko teetee
>>31933936That was a funny stream. She even had a dB meter.
>>31933944Worse, she's going to say Next Meme
>>31933701PekoraNo, things are fine, and am looking forward to her Yakuza stream
>>31933907What reaction? It's literally only schizos in this thread.
God damn Ina is FLAT!
Blonde Among Us collab pleaseThe remaining spots can be filled by HSKW and pikameeor maybe Temma
>>31933795Marine and Pekora does too on zatsudans as long as it's not a fucking essay.I had marine talk about /x/shit in the past
>>31933906>So what? Burgers literally had a president who did nithing but straight up shitpost on twitter for 4 years and even have celebreties (both meme internet ecelebs and actual celebrities will shatner) heavily allude if not outright admit to browsing and shitposting on fucking places like /tv/
>Ina RFAPlace your bets on her physical capabilities.
>>31934005Isn't it perfect?
>>31933881Some parts of 5ch are similar to 4chan, but there's also plenty of reddit in there. It basically the catch all site for any discussion in japan.
>>31933701MatuliYes, i'm playing paradise
>>31934018non existent
>>31934018Luna tier.
>>31933851>implyingShe finished all her supec
>>31933944Best thing Coco would do is pretent to wishper somethign into Sora's ear and say "Now say it to the chat Sora-paisen", then as Sora starts saying "Mother-"Coco cuts to the ending screen. This way both Seiso and Yabai parties will be content
>>31933936that's more just an assumption she saw 5ch in specific commenting on that. it would have to be a way more specific complaint that they address for them to be found browsing any discussions online. Like if someone made a very specific complaint about an EN on global or here and the next stream they ended up trying to fix that complaint, that would be pretty telling. But something like "Oh she's a little loud" is something you could find just about anywhere.
>>31934018worse than mine and i am "my 600lb life" tier
Ina sounds like she wants to die and she hasn't even started yet...
>>31934015>Japanese culture = Western cultureEvrytiem
>Rushia has tons of money, adoring fans, friends, and an amazing job>Wants to dieWhat's her fucking problem
She has literally no breasts.There is simply nothing there.
>>31934018luna with out the moaning....
>>31934018trip to the hospital
>>31933803Bro Noel's roommate had directly addressed 5ch and no one give a shit, it's not a big deal at all, Sio got in trouble because people allegedly found what she posted and it wasn't all nice Yagoo's 5ch history was also leaked with the whole Note thing, and nothing came from it because there was nothing interesting
>>31934069that's how she sounds normally
>>31933803Nobody actually cares about Pekora visiting 5ch though. There is like 1 shitposter samefagging and recycling the same comments
>globalturds in the thread
>>31934075Yes. Japs are unironically copying western culture more and more
>>31933851She finished it all, stupid. Because she read mine near the end after I sent it
>>31934018Horrible.She barely ever leaves her house and just draws, reads, and plays games all day.You can tell just how fucking nervous she already is
>>31934050>>31934053Stfu dumb fats
>>31934084She might as well be a boy
>>31934018I think there's going to be an upset and she'll be moderately fit
>>31934082More money, more problems
>>31934116why are lunaitos so rude? I just want to be friends
>>31934116She said so herself she has 0 stamina
>>31934099I don't think it's good for her mental health to visit it but 4chan posters being upset their oshi visits 5ch would be very strange to say the least
>>31934082Things that won't change with all the stuff you mentioned.
>>31934084That's hot
>>31934103yeah time for me to sleepabayo
>>31933537oh yes!
>>31934084Lord bless Kuroboshi, he's too good for this world
Sex with amanekanatach.