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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 233 KB, 1448x2048, Eo38JR1U8AEJ7Jn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31046099 No.31046099 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.31046105
File: 112 KB, 1503x1081, かなたそ12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!

>> No.31046106

cytube new password onegai

>> No.31046107
File: 255 KB, 1566x1046, 1589678955207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


YONKISEI - Senbozakura

YONKISEI - Introduction

Towa - Error

Coco - Echo

Watame - Ai-Mai Chocolate


>> No.31046109
File: 199 KB, 1523x990, 1608130138811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046111
Quoted by: >>31046183

Towa doesn't look like Towa anymore :(

>> No.31046114
File: 3.71 MB, 826x2355, 1608360919474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being the loser being bullied

>> No.31046116
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>> No.31046117

link also please

>> No.31046119
File: 174 KB, 1100x1100, Epwv0tfUUAAhTul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so excited for my cat!

>> No.31046120
File: 417 KB, 1814x2048, EnfNvZGVoAIFgDV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lan Lan Lan Lamy!

>> No.31046123
File: 1.51 MB, 673x694, 1608556582678.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.31046124
File: 238 KB, 1000x1361, 1603458533020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046151

I love how out of shape Luna is compared to her genmates.

>> No.31046125
File: 749 KB, 848x1200, 1608179500235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is the biggest reason why Hololive is as big as it is today.
Pay your respects.

>> No.31046127

What the fuck is this padoru padoru meme? Some reddit zoomer shit again?

>> No.31046132

>heck previous thread
>ctrl+f Kiara 27 results, chicken 11 results
So did Kiara sing in the holofes or what?

>> No.31046135


>> No.31046136
File: 208 KB, 867x521, 1604536888767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046346

I also love Kanatan!

And hate yonkisei managers!

>> No.31046139
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, Why Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Chinks get official subtitles for the first live while the international fans get nothing?

>> No.31046141
File: 376 KB, 2048x1232, 20201216_133702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was shion yo's solo so lame? I like her but it wasn't very good

>> No.31046143

Yes. It's Fate Tertiary cancer.

>> No.31046144

holy bouncing juggies

>> No.31046146

Iya iya ii Ore no LAMY

>> No.31046147
File: 109 KB, 1253x704, 1596626063887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im happy for them all. They all were happy as fuck

>> No.31046148
File: 3 KB, 346x105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 AM

>> No.31046149
File: 562 KB, 2800x3700, EodYkI4VgAAdE-v-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene love

>> No.31046150
File: 2.17 MB, 3356x3035, 86007279_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Aqua!

>> No.31046151

Luna is dying, but she isn't well as clumsy as Kana at least I guess?

>> No.31046153

Me and my chink brothers kneel to the loctus queen

>> No.31046154

>everyone bouncing around
>except luna
>she just bends her knees a bit

>> No.31046155

How does that bit work? Are we looking for something in particular?
Also, this.

>> No.31046160

Not many people cared about the event it seems? it barely trended on Twitter, Star River trended all day long in comparison, it's kinda weird.

>> No.31046161

>Haachama's Big Red Heart
lmao she actually did it

>> No.31046162
Quoted by: >>31046217

Defiling the cute knight and making him a single mother!

>> No.31046164
File: 683 KB, 288x356, 1608551793852.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your favorite performance?

>Pekora singing Aozora no Rhapsody
>Haachama singing big red heart

>> No.31046165

I will not forgive Coco for her ruthless Watame bump

>> No.31046167

Live watch

>> No.31046168
File: 244 KB, 1455x1455, 1606241660131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046215

Solo song soon brother

>> No.31046169
File: 220 KB, 1135x1258, winku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049137


>> No.31046172
File: 1.36 MB, 1578x885, 1589149263484.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31046173
File: 222 KB, 1920x896, akutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love you love you

>> No.31046174

Honorary JP. Kneel.

>> No.31046175
Quoted by: >>31046236

PPT is slowly turning me into a gay

>> No.31046177
File: 382 KB, 479x796, 22-024929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to fuck this womb

>> No.31046178
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, 83419806_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So we got this Aussie cunt coming here, talking shit about watermelons...

>> No.31046181


>> No.31046182

I was curious how hlg felt about chikin when people werent shitposting and then people kept talking about her sorry about your thread

>> No.31046183
File: 2.30 MB, 720x720, 1608481256218.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046197

Towa is really cute now.

>> No.31046184

big retard onegai

>> No.31046186
File: 1000 KB, 278x496, 1608549899227.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046255

Where can I find a girl as cute as Aqua bros...

>> No.31046185

Lamy put down the booze.

>> No.31046187 [DELETED] 

homosharts not allowed

>> No.31046191 [DELETED] 
File: 567 KB, 878x1052, DC598708-90F0-4C1A-9B57-E3000EE22B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homoshart images and posts are offtopic
Post them in the dedicated POGCHAMP homoshart /trash/ containment thread.

>> No.31046197
Quoted by: >>31046220

This new person is very cute... But she's not Towa

>> No.31046198

It's a Curry Meshi Mircale!

>> No.31046199

>Not many people cared about the event it seems?
Can't tell if you slept through it, or just want to try to rewrite history. Either way, have a (You).

>> No.31046201

Lamy and Nene stop being gay and go to bed Lamy really gets around among holomem

>> No.31046203
Quoted by: >>31046471

Please understand she would shatter if she jumped

>> No.31046204

I wishe they streamed minecraft like Flare or Aqua. I really like those long streams.

>> No.31046206
File: 974 KB, 4096x2896, 20201214_002715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an akua for christmas

>> No.31046207

Barely trended? What universe are you in

>> No.31046209
File: 194 KB, 1384x2048, 1608571893413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a thick... tail.

>> No.31046211

Was this even an issue before? I still think some Holo will hard enforce a JP only chat next year.

>> No.31046212
File: 374 KB, 1172x720, dragonattack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046214
File: 101 KB, 530x733, 1608511914733b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046253

Guys, I have to let this out.
I used to think that idolshit was awful and that it embodied the worst traits of otaku culture, the only things I appreciated about idols were the hot girls in idolmaster.
But after finding Hololive I began to turn around on them. And after today's performance I finally had a revelation. I once was lost, but now I'm found. Was blind, but now I see. I finally realised what product it is that idols sell.
It's not the songs, the dances, or the looks of the idols themselves.
What idols sell is dreams, isn't it?

>> No.31046215

Soon is next year

>> No.31046216
File: 649 KB, 1800x1495, holostars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046217
Quoted by: >>31046283

H-huh? Boys can't get pregnant....

>> No.31046220
File: 151 KB, 1362x767, Epr6soxXIAIicIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046260


>> No.31046221
File: 1.79 MB, 960x960, 1608576041197.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046222
File: 1.11 MB, 2426x4096, EpOxHUAU8AI_R2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you fap to Aqua today?

>> No.31046224
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, 1608577437156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

womb if she real

>> No.31046225

I'm a pirate chad but I bought day 2 tickets just to watch Ayame

>> No.31046226
Quoted by: >>31046877

I can't stop looking at her belly.

>> No.31046232

4th Gen proresu collab when?

>> No.31046233
File: 5 KB, 199x90, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is hlg so agressive

>> No.31046235

why do fourth gen get treated like second class citizens at this holofes

>> No.31046236

How can a boy be that cute

>> No.31046237
Quoted by: >>31046363

I haven't done my narrative reps today, why are we blaming the manager?

>> No.31046238

>going this far for a shitpost

>> No.31046239
File: 941 KB, 3200x2700, 1607749764905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046319

Fuck off they're on Topic

>> No.31046240


The tail physics has really improved a lot, jesus

>> No.31046241

I'm pretty sure somewhere in this stream someone asked Watame about Haachama's ASMR, does anyone have the timestamp or remember approximately the time?
It's been bugging me that I can't find it anymore.

>> No.31046242

This is even worse than buying the entire thing.
Really? For fucking Ayame?

>> No.31046243

N-no and i never really watched her before

>> No.31046248

Fucking Cover kept killing off the traps.

>> No.31046251
File: 14 KB, 407x414, 1588926235294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well Kanatan was so lonely playing her party games alone I just had to join out of pity. No, I didn't buy a Switch, I just used her joycon so I still don't own a Switch. IT DOESN'T COUNT. I felt bad for her when she said she has nobody to play darts with her or whatever games she has there.
>Well the punishment game for losing was doing a something of winner's choice and Kanatan wanted a karaoke collab so I guess I have no choice. Pfft, can you imagine wanting ME to sing with her, she could've asked for an expensive meal or something. Lame as always. Anyway, I'll be practicing all week long for the collab starting right now.

>> No.31046253


>> No.31046255

special ed classrooms

>> No.31046256

The reason why AZKI is not more popular despite her great talent is because she almost never livestreams or gives opportunity for viewer interaction, which is presumably because of how she's being managed. Her manager is the same dipshit from upd8 (you know, the now-defunct company who killed Kizuna Ai's popularity?) who was letting Suisei languish for a year with no support, if you didn't know.

>> No.31046258
File: 451 KB, 1400x1860, 4B63E24E-5DF3-4D57-81AB-1391970BE75A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046320

Izuru’s looking pretty handsome here

>> No.31046259
File: 22 KB, 394x386, luna78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046556

>Look at me! I'll mock anyone displaying any kind of emotion and make fun of it with a wojak edit! everything is cringe!

>> No.31046260

Can we get the jacket with no Towa?

>> No.31046261

>day 1
>no idol costumes

what's gonna happen today for yabkisei?

>> No.31046262
File: 221 KB, 1200x1004, 1598498354104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046381

I wish they all were together more often

>> No.31046263

You fool now you've triggered them.

>> No.31046265
Quoted by: >>31047668

Everything thicc imagine the smell

>> No.31046266

N-not yet...

>> No.31046271
Quoted by: >>31046349

Meidos literally ban you for attempting to make a separate thread for Holostars
Believe me, us Holostars fans have tried enough times.

>> No.31046273

I fucking love yonkisei bros!

>> No.31046275

the holy trinity of /hlg/

>> No.31046276

Not to mention her model is garbage

>> No.31046281

I can't wait for Kanata and Luna tomorrow, today Gen4 were easily the highlight for me along with Red Heart.

>> No.31046282

Haachama needs to stop always collaborating with the fucking EN bitches. There's a shit tonne of other girls just begging to collab with her again.
-Suisei, Flare (karASHi)
-Aqua (they've been having a lot of interesting encounters in minecraft)
-Pekora (minecraft again, Konrouge Hoshio, Konpeko Tanaka)
-Subaru (what the fuck happened to that collab you two were talking about during chama's birthday?)
-Matsuri (longshot but please)
-Gen 1 in general

Stop fucking pandering to the EOPfags with all the EN shit.

>> No.31046283
Quoted by: >>31046303

Have you never read doujins where boys get womb tattoos and get bred?

>> No.31046285

I really like Lamy's minecraft streams, they're long and calming.

>> No.31046287
File: 490 KB, 1092x1229, 1602920207519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046382



>> No.31046289

>it's not gay if the tits don't touch

>> No.31046292

Did Coco actually contact Watame there?

>> No.31046293


>> No.31046294


>> No.31046295

It's going to be the same as the first day just with different solo singers. Maybe if YAGOO is nice they will let them sing at the end of the event too.

>> No.31046301

yes with her tail

>> No.31046303
Quoted by: >>31046375

Why would I read that?

>> No.31046304
File: 360 KB, 1500x2532, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049158

These are the top most watched channels in Japan for October and November anons. Pekora truly climbed to the top. Flare isn't doing bad at all.

As fun bit there is also the most watched games for November. We are never getting rid of the Apex curse bros...

>> No.31046305
Quoted by: >>31046417

Convince me

>> No.31046308

fucking disgusting

>> No.31046309
File: 1.87 MB, 673x717, 1592800071868.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31046311

I guess they're doing something secret or else I'm sure at least one of them would have

>> No.31046312
Quoted by: >>31046398

why the fuck do they even need "managers", have like 1 or 2 people coordinate all of them so important streams dont overlap and i guess have them book their hotels and other stuff they need because most girls are too retarded to take care of themselves.

>> No.31046314
File: 391 KB, 433x509, 1585647612494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046380


>pekora murdering shark

>> No.31046316

Japanese seniority memes.

>> No.31046317
Quoted by: >>31046376

Leech first on the list

>> No.31046319
File: 788 KB, 1554x2048, 56A9B55F-2DD4-4E60-9302-4F427945679A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homostars more like wholesomestars

>> No.31046320
File: 735 KB, 1800x420, 1607751231984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046425

I hope you gave https://youtu.be/IxT1xa3YGio a listen

>> No.31046321

I can see this happening

>> No.31046322

theyre recorded seperately

>> No.31046327

what were they thinking when they decided to make the concert "camera pointing at flat screen?"

>> No.31046329
File: 503 KB, 875x1664, Screenshots_2020-12-21-14-01-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31046335

Don't judge me anon

>> No.31046341
File: 2.09 MB, 958x1128, iftzm9pnbk061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is everybody from day 1 going to return on day 2 for the final song?

>> No.31046342
Quoted by: >>31046430

please understand, small tech company

>> No.31046344

It's sad this seems like something that could actaully happen at this point.

>> No.31046346
File: 850 KB, 3262x4096, EcKiRUaU4AIzWua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even with everything going like this she's still happy and I'm happy for her. It's still big two days for her. I just wish she could get something more. Maybe a live for her anniversary at least in January. Surely Cover can do at least that?

>> No.31046349

>us holostar fans
Anon you sound like a failed undercover cop

>> No.31046351

>demanding from a small indie company

>> No.31046352
Quoted by: >>31046420

Why else would Watame react like that?

>> No.31046353
File: 55 KB, 903x903, 1581046926030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046354
Quoted by: >>31046377

Don't spam this you fucking faggot.

>> No.31046356
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, 1603785541428.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046541

This is my adorable dorky westaboo dog wife. She has been working very hard and I am excited to watch her perform! Please say something nice about her!

>> No.31046357
File: 389 KB, 890x783, shien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are homostars so based
>Used to walk around town wearing pikachu underwear and no pants, because he thought they were shorts
>Set his twitter account's birthdate to his Holostars debut date, got banned for months as a result. This lead to him being known as a baby by the rest of the Holostars.
>Once accidentally hijacked the Holostars youtube account and started streaming on it, thinking that it was his own account, and it took him 15 minutes to realize what was going on when his manager messaged him on discord in a panic
>During Sora's birthday stream, when every other holo from every branch stopped streaming, Shien started a horror game stream where he clipped a peg on his face everytime he got startled, and had to stop the stream because he was in too much pain
>Did a cooking stream on his vertically filming unsecured phone and ended up recording his feet, got chewed out publicly by his manager and had to delete the VOD. Decided it would still be a good idea to upload it to Twitcast later that night anyways.
>Has a crippling ass fetish
>Sang 'nigga' twice in GTAV despite his chat warning him well in advance he probably shouldn't say it
>Once did a DDLC stream where he voiced all the female characters' lines in the highest pitch he could, ended up wearing out his throat and he couldn't stream the next day (he didn't learn his lesson, and did another voice acted DDLC stream later that week)
>Once electrocuted himself to the point of ejaculation on stream
>Formed a team to join a serious Vtuber APEX tournament filled with Diamond and Master players, on the condition that everyone in his team use controllers to play. They were last place with no kills.
>Fled an anime convention after a girl cornered him and ranted the entirety of The Disappearance of Hatsune Miku at him, leaving an enduring emotional scar
>Made the committee of the first Vtuber Apex tourney restart because he couldn't get in.
>Later was joined by some chump named Kawase and Pikamee in the tournament afterparty. Kawase gave most of his equipment to him and was only allowed to go all out when bossu sacrificed himself as a summoning catalyst to provide Kawase with the Mastiff. Kawase then got champion within 10 minutes of Shien's sacrific

>> No.31046360


>> No.31046363


>> No.31046367
Quoted by: >>31046443

If they did, I would cry like a baby.

>> No.31046368
Quoted by: >>31046394

If you got Matsuri pregnant, would you take responsibility?

>> No.31046373
Quoted by: >>31048898

Watame got really fat due to all those late night streams eating potato chips and crying about M*kkun / all the problems people SC her, Coco's right leg caught her side

>> No.31046374

Why is she like this

>> No.31046375

For uh. Research

>> No.31046376

They did chamatan practically every week for months. Then EN happened and she stopped. If anyone is a leech it's Haachama.

>> No.31046377
File: 328 KB, 593x562, 1593698433677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spam it more, gotcha

>> No.31046380
Quoted by: >>31046439

what general is V45? why do they have the shark in their lineup

>> No.31046382
File: 241 KB, 1920x1080, EprXEr0UYAMwYZu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046381
File: 38 KB, 1100x706, 1595500530987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046433

Yonkisei anniversary offcollab!

>> No.31046383

i'm willing to give the homos a chance if you guys post some good stream links

>> No.31046384
File: 1.93 MB, 1500x2000, 79911498_p4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046513

This song is really good, too bad it's associated with chinks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CZGFm-O5IOU

>> No.31046385

The screen on the stage breaks

>> No.31046386

What a legend

>> No.31046387
Quoted by: >>31046443

No, that's not how separating the cast works

>> No.31046392
File: 363 KB, 1572x1988, EkS_sR6VkAA90AY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More than wanting to be a chuuba or to fuck a chuuba, Hololive has made me want to manage a chuuba.

>> No.31046389

POG moment

>> No.31046390


>> No.31046394

I would feel obligated to protect the child from that upbringing.

>> No.31046398

Managers also help with streams and act as mediators between upper ups and the talents themselves

>> No.31046399

Here's where the thread dies. Too bad, last one was one of the best I was in this month.

>> No.31046400
File: 663 KB, 848x1200, 1607006825328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046448

Look at this pic.
Imagine getting your face really close to it.
Think about it for a minute.
Did your pp react?

>> No.31046402


>> No.31046403

Kanatan is too powerful a force against Coco, Kanatan please make Coco buy a switch somehow

>> No.31046407
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, 1608310655525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046436

>Witch Doctor is on my recommendation tab

>> No.31046411

That'd be a real dick move to people who only got tickets for day 1.

>> No.31046417
File: 982 KB, 2334x4096, __minato_aqua_hololive_drawn_by_sak_lemondisk__b7fa7243c1abd40dce1501f5f83a283f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046538


>> No.31046419

unironically better than holofes

>> No.31046420

Her reaction is delayed so it's more likely she saw on the feed that Coco's tail technically clipped her and decided to react in character. She probably didn't think a bunch of spergs would take this as "omg coco kicked watame dangerous american dragon suspend her again."

>> No.31046422

Pekora said she'll just watch from her pc tomorrow.

>> No.31046423
Quoted by: >>31046552

I wish they actually did more of the dance. I know Aqua and Shion are young as fuck and Choco probably doesn't even know what Haruhi is because she's a basic bitch but still they could've danced it out more

>> No.31046424

I'm too lazy to post links. Pizza dads recent slang lessons have been fun. Izuru and Astel are good at singing. Tenma played gta v in a very polite manner.

>> No.31046425

Oh shit I forgot this was coming out, thanks anon

>> No.31046426

>I need these floor lights to show off my horrible power cable management.

>> No.31046430

~25 employees is pretty small for a company

>> No.31046433

If the offcollab is happening it's going to be after the show today otherwise it's never happening.

>> No.31046436
File: 2.98 MB, 444x572, 1599358143576.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046437

How is it possible that one model doesn't work properly? Did they really leave making it until the last few days or did they not test it properly? And how is the manager even related to the whole thing, considering they must not have much to do with making the models?

A true mystery.

>> No.31046438
File: 81 KB, 476x664, 1604806735281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046468

Do you want her to die?

>> No.31046440
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, 1597141231066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046535


>> No.31046439

the VR gaming general

>> No.31046441

I recognize thi- LOOK AT HER GOOOOO

>> No.31046442

Why didn't Aqua preform pogu pogu dance?

>> No.31046443
File: 257 KB, 716x620, 1555220169558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh. I assumed there'd be a final group shot of everybody at the end

>> No.31046448

I am not attracted to men or boys anon. The very idea you are proposing is quite revolting

>> No.31046450


>> No.31046453
Quoted by: >>31046498


>> No.31046454

Wait so they have the 4th gen idol costumes ready but didn't use them?

>> No.31046456
Quoted by: >>31046593

Probably. You can't really do an event like this without everyone singing the final song togther.
It'd be way more surprising if they didn't do it, it's tradition.

>> No.31046462

People assumed there would be idol outfits for Gen 4 too and look where that ended up.

>> No.31046468

If she dies, she dies

>> No.31046469

I thought it was going to be the Niji clip with society man

>> No.31046471

dont tell me she has RG3 knees...

>> No.31046473
File: 438 KB, 1489x2105, tireiden1 1339977977270943744_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is probably sleeping with Shion in the same bed right now

>> No.31046474

Well, she said a couple of weeks ago that they share everything and that's why she also has a Switch.

>> No.31046476


that's actually tiny as fuck, pretty much enough room for 1 dev team and if any one-two people left it would cripple the company with knowledge debt.

>> No.31046477
Quoted by: >>31046503

they had idol costumes but they weren't ready

>> No.31046480
File: 243 KB, 553x964, 1608481179487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046531


>> No.31046488

Anon your email reps...

>> No.31046489
Quoted by: >>31048745

Do your clip watcher reps


>> No.31046491

There are no outfits, they're just COVERing that up by making Luna a scapegoat.

>> No.31046493
File: 92 KB, 296x220, FBA4B9DD-6545-46B6-8F58-88EF442F0142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Miyabi has severe anxiety and has frequent vertigo, panic attacks
>Izuru was a delinquent and antisocial, disowned by his parents
>Aruran is an ojisan hobo who literally was only sustaining himself off of his arts and crafts after getting disillusioned with his teaching job
>Rikka is another ojisan who never managed to make it big in the music industry, poor as dirt and similar to Aruran
>Kira was literally made of glass and homebound due to his weak condition
>Suzaku had severe depression and fell into the wrong crowd
>Astel failed every audition to join boy bands and the like, said industry proceeded to collapse with the rise of K-pop.
>Temma is a high school dropout, dumb as dirt but a good lad, is practically a savant, has some undiagnosed brain issue
>Roberu is arguably the most normal, but was kind of in the same position as Aruran, just way younger
>Shien was the leader of a high school gang, but failed his college exams and got left behind with zero networking
>Oga wanted to be a VA, but he failed at getting notable roles of any kind, decided to try out vtubing. Also had abusive parents he ran away from.
>Kaoru was a fashion designer with bipolar disorder, lost his job after something unsavory happened with his family that was giving him money to go to fashion school and had to drop out turns out he was burning money to play in card game and beyblade tournaments

>> No.31046494
File: 278 KB, 500x500, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kana bought Coco a Switch for Christmas and said something like "I bought so we could play together" You think that would force Coco to finally play fucking Nintendo games or would she still be stubborn?

>> No.31046495
Quoted by: >>31046518

PekoMiko would have saved the concert.

>> No.31046498
File: 620 KB, 3508x2480, shien 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can only be one

>> No.31046500

They fucked up Luna's, so they decided not to have them all use it.

Look, if everything went right, this would be scripted. It's fucking COVER.

>> No.31046501
File: 653 KB, 960x864, 1608466802271.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yogiri > holofes

>> No.31046502

Shion should "accidentally" grope Aqua while "sleepwalking" like she did with Marine.

>> No.31046503


>> No.31046507

Luna's idol outfit had some issues and couldn't be used so the Gen4 girls decided to just not wear them period and perform in their normal outfits out of solidarity.

>> No.31046513

No it's associated with GAMERS OF THE WORLD

>> No.31046514
Quoted by: >>31046554

600k tweets anon

>> No.31046517


>> No.31046518
Quoted by: >>31046550

Are you a mentally ill yurifag?

>> No.31046523

They make enough money to hire 100 more people

>> No.31046526


>> No.31046527

She would play it with Kanata but probably never stream it

>> No.31046528
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046531
File: 172 KB, 2048x1152, Eprie2UU0AAS1Sf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046532
Quoted by: >>31046543

they should have it ready for tomorrow no?

>> No.31046534

Why doesn't the admin just make an /idol/ board? It would save /tv/ from celeb posting, /mu/ from kpop, and /jp/ from vtubers and be much easier to moderate

>> No.31046535
File: 958 KB, 817x723, 1590130127988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046603

I hate this fucking image so much

>> No.31046536

having everyone on day 2 would piss day 1 only fags off

>> No.31046538
File: 3.19 MB, 276x204, 1606446179034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sold

>> No.31046537

It's funny because the first game she ever played was a Nintendo game.

>> No.31046541

My doggo cannot be this cute!

>> No.31046542
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, getting down.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she was day 0

>> No.31046543


>> No.31046546

yeah man we were all watching Tokyo Ghoul instead cover is dead company we won nijibros

>> No.31046550

No. I just like the best friendship of hololive.

>> No.31046552
Quoted by: >>31046629

Shion is obviously the one who holds the group back, lets be honest. Aqua already confessed on stream that she knows the haruhi dance and has even done it when she was younger in the living room. Choco can dance if you train her and she's dedicated. Shion is a low ball and even sounded like she might graduate during her next year goals speech.

>> No.31046553

I was looking through warosu and found this in the global thread and the fact that they took it completely seriously is fucking hilarious to me

>> No.31046554

but half of those were fubuki, matsuri and ollie

>> No.31046555

Use the feedback section.

>> No.31046556

Lunaito I hope that post wasn't yours.

>> No.31046557
File: 286 KB, 469x470, 1607549463449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having MONTHS to prepare holofes and you can't even have idol costumes ready for a gen that debuted in 2019.

>> No.31046558


>> No.31046561
File: 502 KB, 2942x4096, fatchaama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the 14kg narrative finally disproven now?
There's no way Haachama could have danced like that if she was a fattie now

>> No.31046567

Of course Cover wouldn't say that they haven't made idol outfits for 1 year old gen.
Just say that something is bugged, I mean how many times did Subaru live got delayed because something was broken?

>> No.31046569

I already love broken people!

>> No.31046570
Quoted by: >>31046610

Send me

>> No.31046571
Quoted by: >>31046605

Basically this >>31046527
Coco probably wouldn't want to give up on something this long-lived but chances are she already plays with Kanata.

>> No.31046572
File: 198 KB, 463x476, 1586712263952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046584

happy face

happy dog

>> No.31046576

Because the site needs more /v/ spinoffs

>> No.31046580

they fuckin

>> No.31046581
File: 160 KB, 1748x1240, 1592197999166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what happened?

>> No.31046582
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, 1608468901335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046959

Prime example of soul vs soulless

>> No.31046583

god damn, i dont know why i expected a kpop level of singing and dancing.

>> No.31046584

Have Confidence!

>> No.31046587
File: 242 KB, 1280x1790, 1608525727872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046611

Duet please.

>> No.31046588

>everyone only started practicing two months before
Really Kanatan poster?

>> No.31046589
Quoted by: >>31046653

I like to believe we will see them soon.

>> No.31046593

It'll be pre-recorded so they don't need to be there

>> No.31046595
File: 861 KB, 1000x1000, EoJp-OAVcAAfy2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046596
Quoted by: >>31046781

>can actually play instruments well
>can actually play video games well
>can actually sing well
>can actually entertain well
Sasuga superior gender.

>> No.31046599
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 1604112144927.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never forget Yogiri

>> No.31046601
Quoted by: >>31046727

Your post has NOTHING to do with what i said.

>> No.31046603
File: 1.74 MB, 2186x875, 1601988360675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046996

Tomaranai... Owaranai... Hororaibu... I wonder how many of them are going to still be there for Holofes 3

>> No.31046604
File: 444 KB, 952x590, トワ(2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046606

Watch them not have any of them ready and just making an excuse with the least popular 4th gen. How do you have an issue with the outfit you were supposed to have ready before summer and one that can almost be copypasted from the other idol uniforms they made before?

>> No.31046605

Dumb dragon, at least stream you playing it with your wife.

>> No.31046608

Pekora laughing at Kiara being a sperg was a true blue funny moment bless the rabbit

>> No.31046610
File: 26 KB, 272x320, 1603381222374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking early now
>Nobody's discussing prep for day 2.
cyt info?
>Using E-mail
You guys are just begging for trouble there. I'll place my bets on Zhang, man.

>> No.31046611

Okakoro is nice but I hope they have a full gamers gen song.

>> No.31046614

>tfw small indie kpop stars can sing and dance better than Hololive

>> No.31046615
Quoted by: >>31046727

That is months.

>> No.31046617
Quoted by: >>31046727

what does them practising have to do with making new 3D models?

>> No.31046618

>missed divegrass

>> No.31046620
Quoted by: >>31046704

Both supporters and antis are pushing for a board now. It's hilarious how bad the management of this site has become.

>> No.31046621
Quoted by: >>31046715

Because anti threads would actually become an actual thing and invite legal action against the site

>> No.31046622

the chad energy is too storng

>> No.31046623

>expecting a bunch of ex NEETS to be on the same level as people put through the slavery of south korea's idol training industry


>> No.31046624

All the weight is in her breasts

>> No.31046625
File: 150 KB, 512x512, 35d996cdaa6984b0466b59a8759345d4957b3dd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yogiri graduated a couple days ago
>but her twitter was reactivated today

>> No.31046629

>lets be honest. Aqua already confessed on stream that she knows the haruhi dance and has even done it when she was younger in the living room
I can imagine her just doing it randomly in a store honestly

>> No.31046632
Quoted by: >>31046646

>Nobody's discussing prep for day 2.
You already missed it.

>> No.31046635

>and /jp/ from vtubers
Not all vtubers are trying to be idols

>> No.31046636
Quoted by: >>31046677

The new models were great at least.

>> No.31046638

If I made the holos wear symmetrical legwear would they die?

>> No.31046639

For the love of fucking god, Cover! Please keep tabs on this girl. Find a way to bring her back into the fold. She's too good.

>> No.31046640


>> No.31046643

I love deadbraps

>> No.31046645

How? It's stupid easy to make a burner email are ENfaga really this retarded?

>> No.31046646

Into the archives I go...

>> No.31046647
Quoted by: >>31046668

Probably so she can spam gibberish replies at Coco.

>> No.31046648
File: 153 KB, 1440x811, 1587974823867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same energy

>> No.31046651
File: 419 KB, 597x450, 1589403970071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046689

It would be extremely painful

>> No.31046653

It can only be made right if they have a full live concert to reveal the outfits. Full gen live with them singing together and on their own. Also alt outfits reveal soon before of after that.

>> No.31046661

Choco is alive

>> No.31046662
File: 75 KB, 455x372, 1607781431364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got no costumes because of her
>brought down the energy of the group
>barely moved or sang on stage
I'm sure rest of the gen 4 are now going to ignore her even more than before.

>> No.31046664
Quoted by: >>31046695

>posting about actors on /tv/ is bad
>posting about korean music on /mu/ is bad
>posting about a part of japanese culture in /jp/ is bad
My dude, the point of the boards is to talk about relevant topics, not about topic you specifically like, stop acting like a child, filters exist, hiding threads exist, use that shit you dumb fuck.

>> No.31046666
Quoted by: >>31046681

Not sharing a board with 3dpigs like kpop and tv.
Fuck off.

>> No.31046667

If you have to ask...

>> No.31046668


>> No.31046669

shes better at singing and dancing than the majority of JP holos

>> No.31046670

lol no, mods can barely moderate two shitty pseudogenerals as it is. 4chan is well on life support at this point
>the admin

>> No.31046672
File: 1.16 MB, 2480x3508, EpvMTJkUUAIQMmR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Koro has a big day
Please cheer her on!

>> No.31046675

Lamy is symmetrical

>> No.31046677

Kanata looks incredible

>> No.31046678
File: 2.53 MB, 1152x1800, 86262736_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31046681

Anon you already are...

>> No.31046682

Being a bit fat doesn't really stop you from doing a little dance

>> No.31046685

I hope she has something planned, but her solo anniversary stuff may end up being a bit underwhelming since its packed so close to Holofes and Christmas/New Years. We do know she's had plans for it since back in September though so maybe.

>> No.31046691

I can't wait to see Noel's performance!

>> No.31046689
Quoted by: >>31046709

They’re big girls.

>> No.31046694


>> No.31046695

stop pretending like it's anything but moronic that they havent made a vtuber board yet

>> No.31046697

They legit lost a gem

>> No.31046700

how is it luna's fault? They actually did it in solidarity with her, and they werent even mean to her. they'll get that outfit done for tomorrow and she'll be rocking it

>> No.31046701
File: 230 KB, 960x800, 4e35e10f28536b420d33b08ce7e2c15f7b82da9e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually the old account, not a new one with the old handle
What the heck?

>> No.31046704
File: 877 KB, 1184x963, 1600730758059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needs vtuber and other boards but gookmoot hates everything
>but having 4 or 5 new /v/ boards is fine even though all of them are still /pol/ and bitch about video games
Please look forward /vsp/ video game esports instead

>> No.31046708

Not ENfa, but I may be living in the world of 2002 computers.

>> No.31046709


>> No.31046712
File: 820 KB, 1775x2392, 1608581763784-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa new costume show too much skin, here anon I make it safe for works

>> No.31046714
File: 129 KB, 763x617, 1606463565776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046990

They stand with Luna.

>> No.31046715

>What do you mean I have to hire moderators for a site that invites schizos and radicalized discussion without limits???

>> No.31046716
File: 201 KB, 482x177, le global meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope not

>> No.31046719

>Making a board for some fad that will be on life support by the end of next year

>> No.31046720

>no streams
Lazy whores

>> No.31046723

Shien sama I KNEEL

>> No.31046725

she's going to do just fine!

>> No.31046727
Quoted by: >>31046757

If they have no knowledge of it, that means it's not being done. There's no point in doing stuff and keeping it a secret from your talent. Aqua's Sololive was in the making for over a year, but she never once expected there to be a HoloFes, so she only practiced for her Sololive with only a month of practice. If you have a whole year to prepare for HoloFes, wouldn't you just make every member practice for the entire year? Why try to fit it into 2 months? Exactly. The planning didn't even exist until 2 months before HoloFes 2. That's why everyone was put on the rush to practice. Sure they did better, but could they have done even better with more practice? Yeah, definitely. The bushiroad sponsorship also likely plays a big factor in why it happens in 2 months and not the entire year. If they give you month, you have to use it, especially before the year is up. There would be no other choice than to rush production. New tech, new gear, it just isn't feasible to get everything working much less 5 new models and model enhancements to the rest of Hololive members. There's even Home 3D. Hololive only has so many members, less than a 100 workers if I recall correctly.

>> No.31046734

I'd rather they keep their outfits and save the idol ones for something else.
Towa, Coco and Watame already had their solo...

>> No.31046735
File: 16 KB, 335x278, 165465465464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046737

They could have used their outfits and left Luna out, but they didn't. Where do you even come up with this stuff?

>> No.31046744

i have done my burner email reps

>> No.31046746
File: 31 KB, 388x411, 1606666731757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'll get that outfit done for tomorrow and she'll be rocking it
Hahaa... Yeah, for sure...

>> No.31046749
File: 145 KB, 800x789, 1597536932162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Luna didn't do her 3d modelling reps and ruined HoloFes 2...

>> No.31046751
Quoted by: >>31047659

The vaccine is coming and everythibg will open back up completely and vtubers as a whole will recline and fade into obscurity

>> No.31046753
File: 807 KB, 1500x2276, 1607081842203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-a-anon, do you really like me?

>> No.31046757
Quoted by: >>31047245

I'm not really sure if your post is a joke or not.
Cover had an entire year to make sure the idol outfits were ready, fuck off, there's no excuse for this.

>> No.31046759
File: 193 KB, 1100x1080, 1608188686304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still watching Divegrass

>> No.31046760

Rurudo keeps stripping Towa down...

>> No.31046763

Make a version without the bra straps. God that's so hot. Post it on her art tag too fuck

>> No.31046764

Disappointed he never did an Aqua one.

>> No.31046765
Quoted by: >>31048515

If they don't present the idol costumes today I'm recreating the kyoani incident with Cover.

>> No.31046766
File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, 20201221 hololive 2nd fes. Beyond the Stage [STAGE1] 1080p (liveholo).mp4_snapshot_01.47.02_[2020.12.22_04.24.49].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn Azki are too fucking good

>> No.31046769


>> No.31046770

Keep telling yourself that. They didn't like her before, some of them other holos even complained about her lack of stamina. They were professionals on stage but I'm sure rest of the gen 4 are not happy that they have to be dragged down by luna.

>> No.31046771 [SPOILER] 
File: 259 KB, 324x367, 1608582347113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Under no circumstance should you unspoiler this.

>> No.31046772

That implies that the outfit was actually ready for others, we don't know that.

>> No.31046773

no, i just want you to know if those chopsticks work as a stylus too.

>> No.31046780
Quoted by: >>31046910

>will be on life support by the end of next year
New english vtubers showing up every single day would like a word with that statement. The bubble will pop for sure but it's not happening anytime soon.

>> No.31046781 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 300x300, aruran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine thinking women are worth anything
Feels good to be HOMOCHAD

>> No.31046782

Who the fuck ctrl+f Kiara on the hlg thread?

>> No.31046783

Why won't Hoshikawa just date Matsuri

>> No.31046785

eh why not. thanks in advance

>> No.31046787
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1596874019997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046786


>> No.31046788

so cute

>> No.31046790

>Where do you even come up with this stuff?
By seeing how little they interacted with her before and how all of them were in top notch form except for her.

>> No.31046791
Quoted by: >>31046820

It was never actually said that Luna's was the only one that wasn't ready.

>> No.31046796

No sorry, my friend dared me to talk to you.

>> No.31046798

she thought it looked so silly

>> No.31046799
File: 163 KB, 428x431, 1608470609552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... Maybe they're preparing to purge everything from the account like the rest and keeping it active only to prevent impersonators? It seems Artia's has been wiped as well, I'm assuming the rest have been cleaned too
Might be the last chance to record anything from her Twitter in that case

>> No.31046800
File: 1.04 MB, 3000x2074, EnGmuFqUcAcESim.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to stop you right there.
Not going to allow a Luna schizo to grow right before my eyes.
Go away.

>> No.31046802
File: 472 KB, 1536x2048, 1598284993007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046849

she was fine on stage

>> No.31046803
File: 213 KB, 869x1228, NoelChristmas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys doing anything special for christmas?

>> No.31046806

>the after talk is just miko and marine talking while the others just nod in agreement
Extroverts power...

>> No.31046809
File: 448 KB, 606x523, 1608034105865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046863

Does anyone have the updated Character Introduction song?

>> No.31046810

So an anti actually went to jail or is just the chinks shitposting as usual?

>> No.31046811
Quoted by: >>31046862

i want to believe


>> No.31046812

Big wet fart

>> No.31046813
Quoted by: >>31046850

Anon chamas, the hint is still there >>31042552

>> No.31046814


>> No.31046817
File: 403 KB, 1591x1094, 1597509194646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yonkisei isn't like that.

>> No.31046818


>> No.31046820

It needs to be implicitly stated for you?

>> No.31046822
File: 506 KB, 1114x1216, 1606824991155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046921

No need to fight invisible enemies Cocochi, you have clearly won. Your love echoes in our hearts!

>> No.31046823

Hopefully listen to my oshi sing.

>> No.31046827
File: 60 KB, 235x164, 1598727277477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute teeth!

>> No.31046828


>> No.31046832

Rushia and Aquas solos, Aqua , Peko Haato combo song

>> No.31046834

I think I enjoyed watching by myself rather than with you guys because you guys are too negative

>> No.31046839

pls dun 1337 haxxor me

>> No.31046849

no she wasn't. There's a reason why she's the only one with no official songs.

>> No.31046850
Quoted by: >>31046869

I'm not watching that shit

>> No.31046852

Watching Noel

>> No.31046855
File: 891 KB, 884x828, awkward talk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saving this ridiculous response from her

>> No.31046856
Quoted by: >>31046994

But they all talk except Mel. Mel just doesn't fit for some reason, despite being a gen 1, but she also doesn't stream often, so I don't know what her deal is.

>> No.31046857

Why was the Poison King allowed to perform on the same day as Akwa?

>> No.31046859

There is like 4 people our of all of the hololive girls that can hold a conversation when it isn't like 1v1 with someone they have worked with for a year

>> No.31046860

Can all homo’s play instruments and sing?

>> No.31046861

Why don't you stop pretending like it's anything but moronic that they havent made a touhou board yet? Or is it ok for touhou to dominate the board dedicated to japanese culture in general? But the moment vtubers get 4 threads, or however many there is, they need a board.
Fuck off, this site doesn't need better moderation, it need less retards using it. Fuckers can't even use simple features like hiding, reporting and filters, learn to use the site before demanding change.

>> No.31046862

He's overblowing it but it's still a great read.

>> No.31046863

You're the one who was asking before? I actually linked it in the last 2 threads.
Part 2 of this most likely at stage 2.

>> No.31046867


>> No.31046869

You don't have to, just find me.

>> No.31046872

There are 60 menhera/autistic/inkya/degenerate/retarded/femcel women who spend dozens of hours a week recieving constant praise and attention from thousands of men, constantly told that they are attractive physically, that their voice is hot, that their personalities are sexy, they're told by thousands that they are desired sexually for hours upon hours a day. Some of them have been in this circumstance for literal years, and most have been doing this for months at the very least.

There is a 100% chance that at least one holo has masturbated to the idea of her fans. You know you would have done it at least once if you were in that circumstance, you've absolutely masturbated to weirder shit than that.

>> No.31046877

Kissable belly.

>> No.31046879
File: 1.36 MB, 3153x4096, 1607082078367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046949

PekoMiko is alive

>> No.31046883

Go back

>> No.31046882

I already found you TheKanata just email me the fucking password you fuck

>> No.31046888
Quoted by: >>31046924

she will have her song tomorrow

>> No.31046892

The holofes 1 restream on twitch the other day was ok. I preferred the restream in may when less than 70 people watched but yeah the rest of the retards here are terrible.

>> No.31046891

Just letting you know that I'm going to leak the password before it starts

>> No.31046897


>> No.31046898

>yonkisei aftertalk would just be Coco rambling
dodged a bullet there

>> No.31046899

That’s 4chan as a whole whenever something is released

>> No.31046902
File: 289 KB, 850x1903, RushiaDrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might spend slightly more than normal on alcohol

>> No.31046907
File: 638 KB, 1840x2552, Chowa on the mic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046906

Marine has masturbated on stream

>> No.31046908
File: 1.57 MB, 1536x864, 1594930247906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046930

I hope they get idol costumes, Kanata would look like a complete dork.

>> No.31046909
File: 378 KB, 800x800, 1588786446833.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046934

for me, its holofes 1

>> No.31046910

Yes, and the majority of those will give up within a year. The ones that survive will be the ones that receive corporate backing, but corporations are--correctly--being careful about overextending because they are not convinced about the long term viability of vtubing and how best to deploy vtubing to increase revenue.

>> No.31046911

got nothing to lose.

>> No.31046914

Kanata and Luna solos are both tomorrow.

>> No.31046918

>Fuck off, this site doesn't need better moderation
X to doubt

>> No.31046920
Quoted by: >>31047220

Very interesting

>> No.31046921
Quoted by: >>31046995

I just noticed how long her neck is... can't be unseen.

>> No.31046923
Quoted by: >>31047008

Coco is an introvert.

>> No.31046924
Quoted by: >>31047254

if you qualify "gasping for air" as a song

>> No.31046925
File: 178 KB, 1400x1400, 1581665141509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31046974

crab legs

>> No.31046930

anime cumtributech...

>> No.31046934

>not pekomiko

>> No.31046935

Please understand jp is the touhou board

>> No.31046941

>implying I wouldn't be fucking a different fan every night instead of masturbating

>> No.31046942

Can you niggers stop spamming the threads with your emails? Thank you that is all

>> No.31046943

It was probably that stream where she was talking about prostate stimulation. Her eyes were super dilated the whole way through.

>> No.31046949

Are those Xenoblade 2 pro controllers? Based image.

>> No.31046951

anon, there is no costumes, that just an excuse, and luna took the blow (her turn probably)

>> No.31046952
File: 1.20 MB, 1158x816, F6BC05CF-8B07-4402-96F3-2A2E0AC7790F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ogre can’t be this cool!

>> No.31046953

Marin has done so and literally said she finds the idea hot before.

>> No.31046957

anyone got pics of coco and kanata together?

>> No.31046958

Email me the link with the password anonchama

>> No.31046959

Prime example of normal video vs filming TV screen with your phone level of crap

>> No.31046961
File: 12 KB, 187x187, 1605866022182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these anons posting their emails when really you need the hosts email to message not the other way around

>> No.31046960

I'm going to report the cytube stream to cover

>> No.31046967
Quoted by: >>31046989

no kanata solo?

>> No.31046968
File: 748 KB, 1064x615, 1579739800275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046970
Quoted by: >>31047030

Did yogurt really...

>> No.31046972

Coco is just a loud introvert, Towa is honestly way more extroverted than her.

>> No.31046974
File: 546 KB, 1634x1648, 1607082719059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, drinking with my buddies in discord, while scrolling through hlg.
Very special

>> No.31046973

blain is bloken

>> No.31046975
Quoted by: >>31047789

I also think Shiokonbu's doujin is great, but it's literally fanfiction, bro.

>> No.31046981

Pfff based Chowa

>> No.31046984
File: 147 KB, 1200x675, ESDfWNlUEAAlln3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047064

That long back-and-forth that ensued was one of my favorite Asacoco arcs.

>> No.31046989
File: 186 KB, 670x681, 1593590418955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31046990

Where is that hand going?

>> No.31046991

I'll take her even if she made of plastic.

>> No.31046992

Nah it was a members only one where she was drinking. Watching the avatar spurge out when someone is masturbating is interesting

>> No.31046993

touhou needs more boards stfu newfag

>> No.31046994
Quoted by: >>31047059

Her manager raped her.

>> No.31046995

Now go look at Pekora and imagine what she looks like without the bunny around her neck

>> No.31046998


>> No.31046996

How many of the ones who participated in 2 quit before 3?

>> No.31046999
File: 86 KB, 965x1081, 1600234270564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have a ticket for tonight
>grateful i dont have to wade through hordes of zhangs for a stream
>will kinda miss boxchads antics if he streams again

>> No.31047001


>> No.31047003

Marine and Haato already done it

>> No.31047007
Quoted by: >>31047096

It was a members only stream where she got progressively horny and basically admitted to it towards the end of it
It was discussed several times on these threads

>> No.31047008

>Gen4 are all introverts
That explains why they have almost no collabs together. Naruhodo.

>> No.31047010
File: 30 KB, 406x406, 1603637387692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047041

Yeah i am sure "mrbigdickenergy" and like him are real emails.
Why are watamates so retarded?

>> No.31047016

2hufags are literally boomer schizos, please understand

>> No.31047021
Quoted by: >>31047076

>Coco being the one talking
Your funny

>> No.31047026
File: 26 KB, 864x422, 1607961286985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is it always the watame and flare shitposters?
surely there are other better holos for shitposting

>> No.31047027

Why did you guys give your email? what is Cytube?

>> No.31047030
File: 1.03 MB, 1183x763, yogiri and baobao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it's just her pet chinchilla, she just jokes about it sometimes.

>> No.31047031
Quoted by: >>31047097

Autism gen are all socially strange.

>> No.31047035
File: 621 KB, 4092x2746, EoxnvZmU0AI8suj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047066

Same, it was kind of fun.

>> No.31047038
Quoted by: >>31047152

I thought this was common knowledge. It's called the autist generation for a reason.

>> No.31047041

uhh the point is is that host anon isnt sending out messages, what the email is is irrelevant retard

>> No.31047044


>> No.31047046

cygames hentai site

>> No.31047049


>> No.31047051
Quoted by: >>31047099

Their fanbases are composed of mobsters, religious fanatics, suicidal cultists, larpers and cucks, and you wonder why they are treated as second class?

>> No.31047058
File: 944 KB, 1500x985, 1606175463089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

し し ろ ぼ た ん

>> No.31047059
Quoted by: >>31047094

Hi I'd like to apply for a managerial position.

>> No.31047064

I wonder how many people who were in these threads in february are still here.

>> No.31047066

are you 12 years old by any chance?

>> No.31047067

Idk everyone was giving it so I gave my too

>> No.31047070

/jp/ would be completely dead without holos.
There are fucking touhou threads that are months old that are still in the catalog.

>> No.31047074
File: 1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 1608470514141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047073
File: 2.24 MB, 232x232, 1590855423008.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047103

>why is it always the watame and flare shitposters?
She has no style
She has no grace
This holo has a funny face

>> No.31047076

She does talk a lot in yonkisei collabs though. I think they've got a nice balance going on for how little they collab.

>> No.31047077
File: 330 KB, 2000x1500, 1593827480421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wasn't Bibi invited to holofest?

>> No.31047080
File: 124 KB, 463x453, 1606907002772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047098

I'm retarded how the fuck do I dm people in the cytube

>> No.31047082

Ayamecucks can't be reasoned with.

>> No.31047084
File: 428 KB, 1448x2048, 1597504798344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>must watch clips of your oshi
post them

>> No.31047089

I found the chat spamming Coco Love on the zhang streams to be pretty great honestly.

>> No.31047094


>> No.31047095


>> No.31047096

When was that?

>> No.31047097

I think it's more just every other gen got at least one girl that socially retarded and talk enough to keep conversations going and get collbas going.

>> No.31047098

Stop trying to erp with me I told you I'm not interested.

>> No.31047099

They get treated leagues better than gen 5 though

>> No.31047102

fat fuck

>> No.31047103
File: 470 KB, 596x450, 1581586384288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047105
File: 387 KB, 582x650, 123125415211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, another heimin with a hot take on the situation. What a turn of events...

>> No.31047109
File: 334 KB, 1598x812, innk onegai.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049317

INNK onegai...

>> No.31047111

Mentally, yes

>> No.31047112

I fucking hate Coco, but I have to admit that her Echo was pretty good, I only listened to her meme songs so I tought that she was shit at singing

>> No.31047115

Search Pekora on youtube, all those "clips" are must watch

>> No.31047119

big thanks

>> No.31047124
Quoted by: >>31047146

So... regular /jp/?

>> No.31047126

Kotaro is keeping Bibi down.

>> No.31047127
File: 281 KB, 1448x2048, Ei4zedXX0AQR1Ln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job, fellow Nakirigumi.

>> No.31047128
Quoted by: >>31047178

Coco is really loud, but I am glad Kana is around now becuase somehow she makes her less loud when she is around.

>> No.31047130 [DELETED] 
File: 355 KB, 753x663, 1599761730109a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047155

Do. Not. Reply.

>> No.31047133
Quoted by: >>31047169

Anon... Your early 2010s weeb reps...

>> No.31047135

Watame talked like 4-5 days ago how much trouble she has asking for collabs. She actually requested for a few collabs recently, but it is bakatare and haachama, the people she collabed the most before.

>> No.31047136

My love is real

>> No.31047140
Quoted by: >>31047201

>but I have to admit that her Echo was pretty good, I only listened to her meme songs so I tought that she was shit at singing

>> No.31047142
Quoted by: >>31047187

Doesn the majority of the board want to go back to being dead as fuck though? I always see them complainhng about vtuber threads, regular idol threads, monster girl threads and shit like the rhythm game general

>> No.31047146
Quoted by: >>31047183

It's terrible isnt it

>> No.31047150
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x827, 1604667819603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047152

I feel like autist generation would go to Gen 3 if Marine wasn't there.

>> No.31047153

She does actual utawaku of Japanese songs and she's pretty fine there.

>> No.31047155
File: 104 KB, 220x222, 1603180588237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047156

spending time with with my oshi!

>> No.31047157

Will there be an OkaKoro duet?

>> No.31047158


>> No.31047160
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, EotNkh2UcAEKW_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope Okayu sings the DK Rap again.

>> No.31047167


>> No.31047168

Her and Korone have been talking about doing a collab for a while, might even happen soon since Korone has had newfound confidence lately.

>> No.31047169

It only took off in the last few years and on twitter

>> No.31047173

anon onegai

>> No.31047174
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, 1608571259501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wageslaving to afford my Fandead dues. How did the necromancer princess do?

>> No.31047176
Quoted by: >>31047221

>4th gen didn't even get asked what their goals are for next year

>> No.31047178

Kanata unlocks Coco's actual voice and it makes me hard

>> No.31047179
File: 497 KB, 1536x2048, Epyb_MVU0AAnHjV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you dress up as your oshi?

>> No.31047181

Peko shouldn't have big breasts

>> No.31047182
File: 448 KB, 621x691, happysheep1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame is strange in that she has good social skills when interacting with a lot of people in a nonpersonal way, but the moment she has to take the initiative be it asking collabs or having a 1-on-1 conversation she has trouble. She's obviously really shy.

>> No.31047183
Quoted by: >>31047241

slow boards are nice as long as retards don't show up and old /jp/sies are basically immune to regular bait

>> No.31047185

I'm going to setup a stream, but you can only watch it if you prove to me that you're a Gura channel member.

>> No.31047186

Autotune, her Senbonzakura was better.

>> No.31047187
File: 841 KB, 490x438, 1596939959249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047373

the board hates us because they think everyone one of them is a whore, they're /v/, or they're not otaku culture because everyone of them got hand picked by some CEO just to appeal to ironic weebs. The rest of this board is angry old farts who cant adapt at all and thinks that posting nothing but gibberish with 2hu images is worth our time, but if we do it, then its a problem.

>> No.31047193

I was pretty busy the whole stream between twitter, polka/nene stream and rushia's free chat and there was no time for this place anyway.

>> No.31047195
File: 143 KB, 1200x674, EnZ72jgW8AEGstO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think they're doing right now?

>> No.31047194

will start a new world in 7 days to die with friends.

>> No.31047196


>> No.31047198

Easiest email farm I ever did see ya losers

>> No.31047201

That would explain it, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt

>> No.31047204

She had a song with Haachama that was really amazing.

>> No.31047205
File: 1.22 MB, 1405x1983, 1587475289431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did pretty damn good

>> No.31047209
Quoted by: >>31047977

How much do you like autotune?

>> No.31047210
Quoted by: >>31047244

The chinese "men" will do it without asking him

>> No.31047212
Quoted by: >>31047240

I thought she was going to sing it in English. Disappointing.

>> No.31047213

I'm taking hormones to become Lamy

>> No.31047215


>> No.31047219
Quoted by: >>31048028

She is shit at singing. Her Echo was shit. She can very few sing specific songs decently when she uses her normal voice instead of Mickey Mouse one, but that wasn't it.

>> No.31047220

You should probably watch the time Tamaki appeared for the first time in asacoco too if you enjoy some good old Coco dick-sucking, i think there's a clip too if you don't know japanese.

>> No.31047221
File: 319 KB, 527x490, 1579719363671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047283

It's not like Torpedo is going to follow them anyways.

>> No.31047226
File: 88 KB, 1116x692, 1607980919113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047315

>Towa was at the center on the holofest performance
I always knew Towa was the star of gen 4

>> No.31047225
Quoted by: >>31048120

None of them are professional on stage or anywhere else.

>> No.31047227


>> No.31047232

Drinking alone and jerking off to Marine

>> No.31047233
Quoted by: >>31047270

Hey that's pretty cool, did she translate it herself?

>> No.31047238

her duet with haachama was amazing

>> No.31047240

>Okayu singing in English


Not even a miracle could do that

>> No.31047241
Quoted by: >>31047297

>old /jp/sies are basically immune to regular bait
I'm not sure that's how I'd describe it

>> No.31047244

They are still literal men because they still have their dicks, stop this meme

>> No.31047245
Quoted by: >>31047346

>Cover had an entire year to make sure the idol outfits were ready
6 months at most, retardchama

>> No.31047246

wheres the vod

>> No.31047254
Quoted by: >>31048185

Where did Luna touch you?

>> No.31047255

Post Rushia and Haachama singing

>> No.31047256

I hope all of the complements she's getting inspire her to sing more often next year.

>> No.31047257
File: 257 KB, 1919x1133, 1606287977172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A shitposter war where we dress up as our oshis to play Mahjong like those Chinese translators
What would happen?

>> No.31047266
File: 2.50 MB, 640x590, clock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug her normal voice it hot, but I only hear it when Kana does something to embarrass her or she does something that put her in that lovey dovey state.

>> No.31047268
Quoted by: >>31047311

Why are small titted holos so much better than the big titted holos?

>> No.31047270

Nah, somebody linked it pretty early into the series. She tried to practice it at least, but I don't think the translation tried to keep the rhythm properly or anything.

>> No.31047274
File: 132 KB, 750x1083, B9BB2939-EA0D-4F68-9A60-98228D634237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where were you when coco killed zhang?

>> No.31047277

she was incredibly cute and charming. her solo song is one of my favorite parts of the concert so far and her duet with haato was amazing

>> No.31047281

They should fire the sound guy after that one.

>> No.31047283
File: 854 KB, 1284x718, 1596811325358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twapper tries.

>> No.31047284

Lunaitos would get dumpstered again.

>> No.31047292

One faggot would show up with covid and everyone dies

>> No.31047294
Quoted by: >>31047333

What the fuck?
I cant see em as males no matter how i try
im pretty sure im not only one too

>> No.31047295

I was there, shitposting in chat and reporting the streams

>> No.31047296


>> No.31047297
Quoted by: >>31047338

Protip: the kind you see in 2hu threads are all newfags, the ones I'm talking about will only show up once or twice a day. You can identify them easily.

>> No.31047298

What happened?

>> No.31047302

pekomiko christmas stream will happen like last time, stop worrying so much about them

>> No.31047303
Quoted by: >>31047354

Now that globalfags have gone back to their thread, what do you think about the holofes?

>> No.31047306

Noel is breastfeeding Flare to help with the nerves

>> No.31047310
File: 299 KB, 1000x822, Imoutowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have lots of clothes

>> No.31047311
File: 691 KB, 2362x3496, 1607804070924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're closer to the heart anon

>> No.31047315

>puts herself in the center

>> No.31047320

True, tomorrow I will not browse 4chan.

>> No.31047322

Zhang got banned from Nico live on stream.

>> No.31047323

please revive yogiri

>> No.31047326

Zhang got banned on stream while Coco was on

>> No.31047327

Mommy... Full fledge demon...

>> No.31047328

This makes my yellow fever increase even more

>> No.31047333
Quoted by: >>31047389

I operate via tranny rules, if they have a dick they're still legitimate men all the same

>> No.31047335
Quoted by: >>31047369

Hiro is salty he didn't manage to make a 4chan vtuber, so now he hates them.

>> No.31047338

not being here when bait is being droped is not the same as being immune to bait tho

>> No.31047339
File: 216 KB, 1350x1350, 1606045107047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047385

Miko is much better at being an idol than any other activity, migopis dont appreciate her correctly

>> No.31047342


>> No.31047346
Quoted by: >>31047398

Any competent 3d modeller could've made them in two weeks. Just copy paste existing ones, recolor, slightly edit proportions, adjust rig and weights as needed.

>> No.31047350
File: 41 KB, 512x512, 1576585345892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cover's company policy to purge the Holo's social media accounts
>when your oshi's time comes all traces of her original online presence will be wiped
>Youtube, Twitter posts and all like they had never existed

>> No.31047353

If only we can off-pako too

>> No.31047354

worth the money to watch mikochi sing in 3d

>> No.31047359

Can I get a quick rundown on this poster Mito thing? I literally have no clue. Also, why is Rushia like this?

>> No.31047360

money well spent, fucking autist

>> No.31047367
File: 356 KB, 531x486, 1579523967368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047413

Imagine a bunch of shitskin third worlders and fat burgers playing dressup lol

>> No.31047369
File: 343 KB, 328x374, 1597239413165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiro also tried to attack Lamy for the janny situation and made a retard out of himself after people called him out for not respecting his own jannies

>> No.31047371
File: 1.17 MB, 3543x3543, 7uifcclqij661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's excited for the second night of sankisei domination?

>> No.31047373

>everyone one of them is a whore, they're /v/, or they're not otaku culture because everyone of them got hand picked by some CEO just to appeal to ironic weebs
All correct.

>> No.31047374

In Japan before Meiji restoration they unironically perceived gender purely based on clothing and mannerisms alone. Fun fact

>> No.31047377

and thats why i am archiving all the streams my oshi is in

>> No.31047379

That's what archives are for

>> No.31047382

Mito literally explains it herself bro

>> No.31047384

idol outfits suck anyways

>> No.31047385

She's not an idol like an AKB48 member. She's an idol like Christ.

>> No.31047389

Nigga ofc they're biologically male
but cant see them as MEN

>> No.31047391

She did pretty great I would say.. just seeing her perform was worth the ticket price. Her free chat was also quite nice and after she performed it was basically just superchats.

>> No.31047397


>> No.31047398
Quoted by: >>31047605

Do people really care about that? I was happy just watching my oshi perform.

>> No.31047402
Quoted by: >>31047429

>when your oshi's time comes all traces of her original online presence will be wiped
They didn't delete Artia RTing this so they might leave it up on Yogiri's twitter as well.

>> No.31047403

Rushia played it up since they're "rival" companies and Mito is an entertainment genius and picked up on it without a second thought. These two need to collab.

>> No.31047413

>tfw not fat and want to crossdress but cant do it because im only half white
Fuck being part black

>> No.31047414

>Mario Kart
She's already hosting a big tournament next year!

>> No.31047415
Quoted by: >>31047460

she flew to JP just to do this or she already lived there?

>> No.31047422
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 1594191200260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take that shit back

>> No.31047424
File: 167 KB, 912x906, 5e9186d1919b745e8765a65cb74208f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flare and noel

No damn way, it's OKFAM time

>> No.31047426

>watching the live now
>no trouble understanding anything going on
>then haachama starts singing in an alien language

>> No.31047428


>> No.31047429
Quoted by: >>31047456

Is there really no way to archive a twitter account in its entirety without just screenshotting thousands, and thousands of tweets?

>> No.31047430
Quoted by: >>31047458

Just cosplay Flare

>> No.31047432
File: 2.83 MB, 2500x6000, New Years Costumes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Gen 4 and 5 will get New Years outfits?

>> No.31047431
Quoted by: >>31047609

>already unfollowed by Aqua

>> No.31047433

that's exactly why i archive their streams
because one day in the future in a lonely day, i want to be able to dust off an old hard drive, and at least for a while be able to hear her laugh again, wonder were i lost her acrylic stand, check her roommate's twitter which has been inactive for years, and remember that while it's over the memories of it will never leave me, just like and old internet friend who's email i lost, and the vague memories of a schooltrip. Think of the fact that i got to be there for what might have been the happiest period of her life, think about how even for a split second while reading my name she knew i existed, how she pushed me to learn a language, to improve my drawing, to go out an most and important of all, to be happy
to wonder if she keeps up with her old friends, if she has fanart still saved on her phone for when nostalgia hits her, if she still sings like back in the day, and just for the that day allow myself to cry thinking about her very last goodbye

and maybe to wish that wherever she is, married to a man or a woman, maybe even single, that above all she is happy. and that someone be it to my children, partner, friends or even a stranger that i can make someone as happy as she made me back in the days, because that might have been a fake persona, on a badly rigged avatar, but she really did make me happy

>> No.31047438

I love sankisei too but let's be real anon

>> No.31047440

>sankisei domination?
>Literally the two deadweights of Sankisei
It's going to be garbage, Flare should have been on day 1 and Rushia in day 2

>> No.31047441

Rushia literally can not into talking to people

>> No.31047443
File: 509 KB, 439x841, COMET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047529


>> No.31047446
File: 510 KB, 828x828, 1602457721908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047570

Fuck off, janitor. You fags couldn't even take boxbro down.

>> No.31047452
Quoted by: >>31047494

Your people are into weebism and other freak subcultures more than white people.

>> No.31047455


>> No.31047456
Quoted by: >>31047601

Internet archive

>> No.31047457

Only good pasta I've seen on this board

>> No.31047458

Thing is inhate dark skinned characfers too. Guess i'll just have to continue coping as usual then

>> No.31047460
Quoted by: >>31047556

rented a 3D studio herself with the help of a friend or collegue or smt. honestly she put in a lot of work of her own into it

>> No.31047461

After today, I'm having my doubts...

>> No.31047466

She will be even better in my memories than she actually was

>> No.31047467

Fuck how to archive twitter and load into a bot to contain her soul?

>> No.31047468
File: 805 KB, 1680x896, ENTER.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it worth the wait Haatons?

>> No.31047470

They couldn't even get gen 4 idol outfits done, what do you think?

>> No.31047473

Robocos so fucking sexy

>> No.31047476
File: 53 KB, 489x527, 1602904383058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pecor's legs

>> No.31047477
Quoted by: >>31047622

If I remember right she got a message from a friend telling her someone from her school was revealing she was a youtuber in the form small posters and threatening her. She even brought it to the police but in the end it was a nothingburger.

>> No.31047480
File: 924 KB, 1414x1080, 1605293712108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the Red Heart anon deliver?

>> No.31047482

Literally the single wort performer in Holopro
Boring without Marine
They fucked up by putting all the worthwhile sankisei on the first day and leaving the two no one cares about in the second day

>> No.31047483

If they don't , I will find a way to blame luna

>> No.31047485

>the weather is nice today isn't it?
Makes me laugh every time

>> No.31047487

At this rate? No.

>> No.31047491

Please give gen 4 something.

>> No.31047494
Quoted by: >>31047555

Still hate the sight of black people and part black myself regardless.

>> No.31047497

I wonder if Towa is gonna get more behind the scenes roles at Cover like Friend and Sora presumably have. According to Coco their shared routine was 95 percent decided by Towa with the last five percent being all the nodding in agreement with her decisions from everyone else.

>> No.31047498

That's kinda gay. I'd dress up as Aqua suck off anons though, maybe.

>> No.31047505
File: 84 KB, 583x891, hail_hololivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31047513

Rushia is precious.

>> No.31047515
File: 58 KB, 470x1017, 1585415555557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll be her time to shine

>> No.31047516

Ah the fabled clip watcher

>> No.31047520
File: 607 KB, 1764x2508, 1585446443816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047524


>> No.31047529


>> No.31047533

Bros, I missed the virtual divegrass match. Did we win?

>> No.31047539

Onegaishimasu OP-sama

>> No.31047541

Jesus when did Gen 4 become so passive?

>> No.31047544

the amount of people understimating Flare in this thread are surprising to say the least

>> No.31047545

It's possible that Towa might just have the most experience or organization skill among them for shit like that.

I don't know my Towa roommate reps.

>> No.31047546
File: 334 KB, 1550x1150, 1606375813350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, unironically my favorite part of the whole thing. Haachama's triumphant return to Japan with big red heart. It made my heart swell with pride for her. I even teared up a bit, i love my stupid daughter so much

>> No.31047549
File: 963 KB, 2837x4096, 1606418856398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for Furea!

>> No.31047550

Twap becoming the manager...

>> No.31047551

Fucking Kadomatsu Korosan, every time.

>> No.31047554
Quoted by: >>31047700

whys she in her regular outfit

>> No.31047556

damn I guess she really liked doing this.
makes me feel extra bad for her.

>> No.31047555

self hate is not good anon

>> No.31047562
Quoted by: >>31047593

Man Subaru’s New Years outfit is really good for how simplistic in design it is relative to everyone else’s.

>> No.31047563

Low IQ take

>> No.31047564
File: 625 KB, 1828x1734, 1598588904619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047891


>> No.31047565

Always was

>> No.31047568

She seems very confident when talking about things she's good at, everyone at Cover probably thought "yeah I don't think we'll come up with something better" and just rolled with it.

>> No.31047570

I didnt want to take down boxbro though

>> No.31047573

It was easily the most memorable part of day 1 for me and I'm not even a Haaton.

>> No.31047579

Anyone got a clip where Coco did the fucking FLIP

>> No.31047580

Gen 5 yes Gen 4 50/50 chance

>> No.31047585

Towa really is took on the role of their manager, good for her

>> No.31047593
File: 1.17 MB, 2500x2024, 1602670491956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats because her design fits well for that

>> No.31047595

>he doesn't remember Towa sleeps on time and is a neat freak in comparison to the rest of gen

>> No.31047601
Quoted by: >>31047666

That just snapshots part of a twitter profile right? Not the entire thing including all their replies right?

>> No.31047602


>> No.31047604

music band reps paying off

>> No.31047605

It's not a dealbreaker, but I'm still disappointment. It's a special once-a-year live, they should've brought their a-game and showed respect to those characters.

>> No.31047606
File: 83 KB, 640x803, EmZP0uYUcAA9Y7P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spending it with my oshi and then drinking myself to sleep.

>> No.31047609
File: 364 KB, 613x503, 1605185821177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047644

Did she ever follow her in the first place

>> No.31047611

yeah its all kinds of depressing

>> No.31047613

Dem legs Pegora

>> No.31047615
Quoted by: >>31047678

Flare is ok she's a Rushia tier singer with great taste, but Noel is straight up a debuff and discount worthy

>> No.31047616

That's just because Towa has experience with thinking up dance choreography.

>> No.31047622

I believe the police just told her to get a real job.

>> No.31047625

This IS the touhou board, retard

>> No.31047627
Quoted by: >>31047677

No. But we didn't lose.

>> No.31047628
Quoted by: >>31047676

I like the sentiment of this pasta but the more I think about it the more I realize I probably wouldn't be able to emotionally handle going back to her archives after she's gone

>> No.31047632
File: 824 KB, 1820x2048, DFA47F0D-8ACA-420C-98E5-FA99ADD907B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this debiru.

>> No.31047635

Why are you retards still posting emails when I told you that you were doing it wrong

>> No.31047637
Quoted by: >>31048205

Outside of a couple expections they never even use these outfits

>> No.31047639
File: 632 KB, 2508x3541, yukihana lamy hololive h3po4 chiba e6d574f5fe8d9beb4c9f437bb1bc1d18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047914

100% Lamy's yakuza father paid for it already. Why did you think gen4's idol outfits are delayed?

>> No.31047638

Don't forget her regular 6 AM morning run laps

>> No.31047640

Towa isnt neat freak, shes normal, the other holo are just nasty.

>> No.31047641
File: 2.56 MB, 960x540, 1595481748411.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047697

fucking dorks

>> No.31047643


>> No.31047644

Yes, around the time IDs joined MC server.

>> No.31047645
Quoted by: >>31047714

feel like they would've announced them by now if they were...

>> No.31047651
Quoted by: >>31047688

Was this all prerecorded? whats with the dead ass silence from watame's entrance? Normally you'd be getting everyone fucking hyphy

>> No.31047655

Tie. Nothing happened

>> No.31047660
File: 367 KB, 1000x1036, 134658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047794

I hope

>> No.31047659

people aren't watching vtubers because of covid you idiot

>> No.31047666

You should try it, I don't remember it fully. All I know that it was unbelievable slow.

>> No.31047668


>> No.31047669
File: 1.01 MB, 1984x2807, __omaru_polka_hololive_drawn_by_keureu_tiqkdtiqkd10__6dbd237a0715f46555d62412add180d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047825

>tfw fat
>tfw could probably pull off a Polka

>> No.31047672
Quoted by: >>31047690

How is it done anon, am retarded

>> No.31047673

Subaru going "NEEEEEE" is the highest point in my life

>> No.31047676

Same, it took me like 6 years to dust off and play white knight chronicles 2 after the servers shut down because i couldnt go back

>> No.31047677

That's alright I guess.

>> No.31047678

Noel is kind of tone deaf, but she sings off-key in a cute way at least.

>> No.31047680

It's just me farming my (You)s

>> No.31047685
Quoted by: >>31047758


>> No.31047688

most of it is precorded yes

>> No.31047690
Quoted by: >>31047717

You need the admins email

>> No.31047694
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31047697

Marine is not even trying...

>> No.31047698

So after the first day of the second holofes, I think we can all agree that Towa is a shit and she deserves to be hated by everyone.

>> No.31047700
Quoted by: >>31048921

Everyone used the regular outfits for the solo songs.

>> No.31047702

I'd prefer something less specific that they could got more use out of.

>> No.31047704

Proofs? Because when the vaccines roll out the popularity and views of vtubers will go down the drain because everyone will return to work

>> No.31047708

Fuck I do this for non holos

>> No.31047710
Quoted by: >>31047767

I feel like every gen needs one of the girls to step up and do stuff for them becuase Cover is so shit. I mean every gen has a girl like this, so it goes to show they need it.

>> No.31047713

>would be mark burhle as a lunaito
fuck it

>> No.31047714

there is the promise of a big announcment at the end of holofes day 2

>> No.31047717
Quoted by: >>31047753

How do I get it what do I do with it

>> No.31047721

What the fuck? Lamy and Nene are STILL in the server.

>> No.31047722
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1592102836130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047744

Theres a reason not even a retard like matsuri could stand her

>> No.31047726


>> No.31047736

the vaccines will paralyse everyone so vtuber popularity will remain

>> No.31047739
Quoted by: >>31047772

5th gen 3D in January.

>> No.31047744

She couldn't keep up in bed?

>> No.31047745
Quoted by: >>31047763

Is this where I find the 2nd Stage restream?

>> No.31047751
Quoted by: >>31048015

you think people didn't use the internet before covid? what makes vtubers any different? use some common sense. people watch youtube at work

>> No.31047753

That's for you to figure out I have already been too gracious

>> No.31047754

I thought everyone already went to work

>> No.31047757

>sankisei domination
>flare and noel
Unless their duet is them fucking on stage, there is nothing they can do to dominate the second day.

>> No.31047756
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, トワ様いえーい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047758

Why is it not just んあああああ

>> No.31047760
File: 13 KB, 380x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31047761
File: 3 KB, 344x98, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 AM

>> No.31047763

In the archives.

>> No.31047766
Quoted by: >>31047897

6th gen

>> No.31047767

Who's gen 1? Gen 2 is Subaru. Gen 3 is Flare. Gen 5 is Botan.

>> No.31047768

False, I wouldn't give an iota of a fuck about vtumors if I weren't working from home all day.

>> No.31047772

god i hope. i need to see my oshi in 3D

>> No.31047773

That's the joke

>> No.31047776

Homosharts graduation.

>> No.31047779
Quoted by: >>31047996

it's going to be the GBF collab

>> No.31047780

blessed post

>> No.31047782
Quoted by: >>31047926

They could be idling next to some of the resource generating traps while sleeping

>> No.31047781

Cause that's n-aaaaa not n-naaaaaaaa

>> No.31047786

New Gen it seems
hope they have good design

>> No.31047789

If Marine didn't do it, then who did?
It's not a meme post either, you know I'm right, it's not like the girls are asexual, it's not like they don't masturbate, it's not like it's possible that over thousands of of masturbations that not one has once considered their fans as "material" for it. You know I'm right.

>> No.31047794
File: 169 KB, 850x630, 1a1e17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Coco's new outfit the girliest thing they can think of, so the other can bully her for it.

>> No.31047796


>> No.31047798
File: 508 KB, 800x800, 1599615018166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047876

Thank you for not biting the anti-Luna bait fellow yonkisei bros.


>> No.31047800
File: 1.29 MB, 1350x1909, EmXiZiFVcAAVaB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate how freaking cute Towa is

>> No.31047801


>> No.31047809
File: 423 KB, 1050x822, 1586027240637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha giantess...peko miko...

>> No.31047814
Quoted by: >>31047862

when are homostars en coming out? I think I'm going to audition

>> No.31047817
Quoted by: >>31047926

Nene was gathering materials for some project she wants to do yesterday so they probably stayed logged in to keep the automated farms working.

>> No.31047821


>> No.31047822

Post this every time some retard talks about "muh holofest incline".

>> No.31047825

She's more wide than fat, it's just not as cute IRL as in Hidamari Sketch.

>> No.31047826

Gen 3 debuted on April, got their NY outfits and were part of holofes.
Gen 5 debuted on August and weren't a part of holofes.
I don't think Gen 5 is getting NY's outfits, hope i'm wrong.

>> No.31047827

Fubuki duh, and gen 3 is Marine anon. Both them handle 99% of all of the collbas and other things for the girls.

>> No.31047832
Quoted by: >>31047879

>new gen
>4th gen still without idol outfits

>> No.31047835


>> No.31047836

i hope they are just making something cool as a surprise for the others and didn't just forget to log off causing another lightning related accident

>> No.31047837

Haachama's Big Red heart
Coco's Echo
Azki's Blue sky

>> No.31047838
Quoted by: >>31047850

she's second to Sora in overall talent honestly

>> No.31047842

No...that literally is her doing her best.

>> No.31047844
Quoted by: >>31048089

>it's not like the girls are asexual

>> No.31047845
Quoted by: >>31047897

HoloEN 2

>> No.31047850

Sora has no talent, don't delude yourself

>> No.31047851

Gen 3 is Marine, the other 4 couldn't care less about their Gen

>> No.31047852
Quoted by: >>31047880

Okay but what's the big announcement

>> No.31047854

Marine did it, but it was a members only stream.

>> No.31047855
File: 104 KB, 282x316, Akukin....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047858

why would a paid event aimed squarely at extracting cash from existing fans cause an increase in subscribers?

>> No.31047860
Quoted by: >>31047921

I fucking hate how freaking towa Towa is

>> No.31047862

Auditions for EN were open to both men and women, the lack of HolostarsEN currently is proof that it's not happening

>> No.31047864
File: 119 KB, 500x500, TowaSparkleSmaller.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047951

Dress outfit literally when?

>> No.31047867
File: 1.18 MB, 1920x1080, Ed2guaeUEAEIy2d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31047869

what even the logic for that? holofes is clearly for fans who are deep into it and not to atract new people

>> No.31047871

Oh shit forgot to sub after I crashed.
Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.31047873

At this point I would be surprised if gen 4 got NY outfits.

>> No.31047876
File: 1.81 MB, 498x498, 1607156704636.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048282

I loved how the sheep looked at Luna most of time.

>> No.31047877
Quoted by: >>31047892

Why are these people posting their emails?

>> No.31047879


>> No.31047880

Mori 3D

>> No.31047885

Anyone who believed it was a fucking moron. She's a Japanese teenager. Her idea of "fat" is probably "oh no I'm not anorexic anymore, I'm soooo fat!"

>> No.31047891

Hair down Twap is too powerful.

>> No.31047892
Quoted by: >>31047935

Retards got baited

>> No.31047893
Quoted by: >>31047925

I'm going to make August to October look like a fucking joke if yonkisei doesn't get New Year's costumes after they already fucked up the idol outfits.

>> No.31047897

i fucking hope not. well en gen 2 might be ok but for now cover needs to focus on the talents they have

>> No.31047900

>Flare in charge of being anything besides Noel's pet
rumao rumao

>> No.31047901

t. Okayu

>> No.31047905
File: 742 KB, 849x1200, 1585297254563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31047928

over/under on a mio cough?

>> No.31047907
Quoted by: >>31047949


>> No.31047909
Quoted by: >>31047960

firing coco and bringing back CN

>> No.31047913
File: 426 KB, 2048x1536, 1597573406844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it possible that 4th gen STILL doesn't have new outfits? It's been 1 year!

>> No.31047914
Quoted by: >>31047985

The more and more Lamy talk about herself and her hobbies and stuff, the more and more I think her being a yakuza daughter isn't a meme

>> No.31047918

fucking retard. I hope this is bait.

>> No.31047921


>> No.31047924

She paid it herself and she decided to not reincarnate and get her current fanbase since she said she didn't care about earning money

>> No.31047925

You wont do anything.

>> No.31047926

>half of the structures burn down due to lightning strikes

>> No.31047928

It was a freak accident. No way it happens again.

>> No.31047931
Quoted by: >>31048103

Gen 3 is both Marine and Noel, Marine handles social interactions and collabs while Noel is the one who is in charge of fixing their shit and housing everyone, she also covers all expenses for their offcollabs

>> No.31047933
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>> No.31047935

It's a throwaway anyway, doesn't hurt to try, given that nigger pretty much privated it at the last second.

>> No.31047936

JP gen 6 with lulu

>> No.31047938
Quoted by: >>31047970

>meanwhile pekora

>> No.31047940

>cover corp has been acquired by Disney ! Enjoy our original Star Wars: Virtual Idols series !

>> No.31047942

cursed gen

>> No.31047944
File: 277 KB, 463x724, 1605373931821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Never forget the ex-translation team of Hololive in bilibili started a crossdressing contest

>> No.31047946

She was trying. Trust me.

>> No.31047949
Quoted by: >>31048016

Neither are outgoing teenagers with a social life like Haachama.

>> No.31047950

You guys think that Haachama is virgin right after the holofes 2?

>> No.31047951

Sundress Twappi...

>> No.31047955

Selling Aqua to China to cover all the debt of CoverCorp

>> No.31047960

I would trade 5 Cocos for 1 Yogiri

>> No.31047963
Quoted by: >>31048008

roger goodell hires them to perform at this years superbowl!

>> No.31047964

NY outfits soon.
Alternate outfits on February/March.

>> No.31047970

She has her new year's outfit.

>> No.31047971

What the fuck am I supposed to do with that number...

>> No.31047972

That's just good content for later streams

>> No.31047973
Quoted by: >>31048014

hey! djt and onahole threads keep /jp/ alive

>> No.31047974

She's the mama of gen4 duh

>> No.31047977
Quoted by: >>31048190

The odds are pretty good that a significant portion of the music you've listened to that was produced in the last twenty years was autotuned to some degree. Also, Antares has been putting out releases specifically geared toward live audio for several years now, so using real-time pitch correction for live performances is way, way more common than you probably think it is. If you've watched Sharkzawa's karaoke, you've already experienced it.

>> No.31047976

I love Mr Koro so much it fucking hurts what do I do

>> No.31047982


>> No.31047984

Kakage daughter and chuuni racooni tanuki deban

>> No.31047985

The yakuza part is probably a narrative. She's clearly from a rich family.

>> No.31047986

Rushia already took her virginity.

>> No.31047987

I hope it's not another fucking generation. They need to pump the breaks on adding more talents, some don't get enough support as is

>> No.31047994

>it's a Hacha Mecha Miracle
I regret not being there when it aired
this is fucking hilarious

>> No.31047995

Some aussie chad fucked her already

>> No.31047996

Please don't, I don't want to start playing that shit

>> No.31047998

Coco sounds nice in these. I thought you guys said she can't sing

>> No.31048000

Aloe's return

>> No.31048003
File: 939 KB, 2894x4093, 1601744743843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would be the worst announcement possible?

How about Sony buying COVER?

>> No.31048008

My rammies get a good half time show

>> No.31048012

I would be fine with EN2 as EN1 was so successful, but gen 6 of JP seems to be a complete waste of time unless they got some major Yagoo scouting magic behind it.

>> No.31048014

>literally just /fgg/: learning a language edition

>> No.31048015
Quoted by: >>31048125

You know twitch exists as a platform right? The world of online "entertainment" isn't scoped to just youtube and vrtubers. Twitch also saw a rise in viewership. I'm sure more people watched porn livestreams as well. The people who want to watch them already are. The rest aren't. The only way they'll get another boom is if they get a massive youtuber to shill them or if they get more big mainstream media attention.

>> No.31048016
Quoted by: >>31048072

>social life

>> No.31048021
Quoted by: >>31048061

Someone graduates and it isn't Choco

>> No.31048022


>> No.31048026

Clearly never heard Coco sing my immortal

>> No.31048027

Just a new original song.

>> No.31048028
Quoted by: >>31048050

she needs to lose her southern accent

>> No.31048031

It's a graduation for sure isn't it? There's already too many members. So the only way to go is backwards.

>> No.31048035

Disney acquires Cover

>> No.31048037
Quoted by: >>31048182

Bye bye Yogiri

>> No.31048040

>no idol outfit

>> No.31048039
Quoted by: >>31048121

Merger with Niji ala Activision Blizzard where all holo tallents get slowly bullied out of the new company

>> No.31048042

I just finished watching the first day. I mean i don't have to say that it was great right? Here are the highlights for me:
>Towa just absolutely fucking rocked, took the center in senbonzakura which was amazing and then the live Error was also just awesome
>Rushia surprised me, really good performance
>Mikochi probably had the most idol-like performance of the night, extremely elite and cute in a traditionally idol-like way, surpassing even Sora in my opinion
>Peko's song choice was unexpected but fit her really well
>Haachama big red heart full version was nothin short of kino
>Azki's solo made everyone else look like amateurs
>Haachama and Rushia duet came out of nowhere and was better than i could have ever expected
>PekoMariMiko trio was fucking great
>The halloween song with the vampire, witch, necromancer and succubus was very thematically appropriate and good
>Kirameki rider with proper 3d models was fucking great and honestly just how the concerts should all be, it looks so much better than the "behind the screen' thing

That being said, here are my grievances :
>I wish they have Sora a more complex coreography, she's a really good dancer but even for her solo her dance was really simple
>I really, really, really wish they'd given Luna and Kanata solo songs (although now that i think about it they'll probably get them tomorrow)
>I don't understand why they gave Fansa to Choco? Maybe it's just me but it doesn't fit her at all. Especially since Matsuri's performance of it during holofes 1 was so iconic
>Really feels like Hare Hare Yukai was supposed to be Aqua, Shion and Ayame performing it but they put Choco there because Ayame ended up on the second day
>I know it's complicated but i REALLY wish that instead of separating the cast between two days we could have a large show with everyone in the same day. I think it's such a wasted opportunity not to have a fucking AKB-48 like performance with EVERY holo at once singing SSS.

Anyways i loved it, thanks for listening to my ted talk

>> No.31048043

collab with F/GO

>> No.31048045

Just what a yakuza trying to cover for the boss's daughter would say

>> No.31048046
Quoted by: >>31048082

Sony is already invested in Niji I think at least.

>> No.31048047
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>> No.31048050

>losing one of the most american things about herself

>> No.31048055

we want to see blood like in niji
bitches need to step up and stop doing the same shit with no results

>> No.31048061
Quoted by: >>31048088

Are you still here?
What are your usual hours?

>> No.31048066

>>The halloween song with the vampire, witch, necromancer and succubus was very thematically appropriate and good
Choco is not a succubus

>> No.31048068


>> No.31048072

Confirmed for an EOP clipwatcher. She used to go out every weekend with her friends back in Australia. The only reason it stopped was because:
1) They all graduated or transferred
2) Covid

>> No.31048077

EN Gen 2

>> No.31048081
File: 401 KB, 800x800, 1596087463827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PPT solo tonight
I can't fucking wait

>> No.31048082

>What would be the worst announcement possible?
Towa retirement, unless you're a towa anti, then rushia, pekora, or korone retirement.
Yes, Sony Music is an Ichikara investor. https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/ichikara/company_financials

>> No.31048085

no if i wanted to see that shit i would watch nijis. fuck off with that shit

>> No.31048088
Quoted by: >>31048117

>What are your usual hours?
24/7/ 365 days a year

>> No.31048089

This is cope, the girls wanna fuck

>> No.31048091

>I don't understand why they gave Fansa to Choco? Maybe it's just me but it doesn't fit her at all.
It fits her more than the menhera Matsuri now.

>> No.31048095

If Luna's solo isn't hajimete no chuu i WILL fuckin riot

>> No.31048103

Noel is unironically a good manager when it comes to business side of things and being a mom, but kinda bad at talking to people. Well Marine is good at talking to people and organizing things, but also yabs a lot. It works out well.

>> No.31048105
Quoted by: >>31048121

Hololive, Nijisanji, and 774 are merging

>> No.31048107

How long until stage 2 starts?

>> No.31048109

I'll forgive Cover for the lack of Gen 4 idol outfits if and only if:
1. All of Gen 4 get New Year's outfits.
2. Coco and Kanata get new Live2Ds after New Years with matching accessories.
3. Luna's manager is fired, and if the delay came from a 3rd party contract, they are also publicly identified.
4. Gen 4 gets an anniversary concert in Jan/Feb to show off the idol outfits.

These are my simple demands, thank you for your time and I look forward to your cooperation.

>> No.31048111
File: 229 KB, 1200x1479, EpDBWAOVEAUUL9r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048146

>> No.31048117
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>> No.31048120

Some are definitely more professional and take their job at Hololive more seriously than other(s).

>> No.31048121

now you are just stealing ideas from my doompost here >>31048039

>> No.31048122
Quoted by: >>31048317

Someone from JP branch will graduate next year, I can feel it.

I am not sure who though

>> No.31048125

The post said vtubers are going to recline not that vtubers won't experience another boom

>> No.31048129

about 12 hours

>> No.31048127

12 hours, get your sleep reps in. I'm wasted.

>> No.31048132
File: 23 KB, 265x253, 1605553491442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zion was not doing her best wasnt she ?

>> No.31048133
Quoted by: >>31048175

her male friends?

>> No.31048134

promise by who though?

>> No.31048135


>> No.31048136
File: 787 KB, 767x1200, __yukihana_lamy_hololive_drawn_by_haoni__6aa1ff757cf6571d1e5b4f6cff86fee3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had a dream about Lamy and Towa last night
>hardly even watch them
>it was us going through some fallguys sort of obstacle course
It was nice, but why?

>> No.31048137

12 hours

>> No.31048139

2nd Stage is senpaitachi and Suisei's stage

>> No.31048146
File: 130 KB, 989x1065, EpZNKUCU8AAXnEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048153

I'll forgive Cover if they give all of Gen 4 idol outfits, except Coco, who gets fired

>> No.31048154

5 minutes

>> No.31048155
Quoted by: >>31048206

They won't get matching accessories for NY's those outfits have probably been in the works for a long time.
If it happens it will be for their second outfit.

>> No.31048157

What are the odds Matsuri sings My Little Sister tonight?

>> No.31048158
File: 1.32 MB, 1200x1346, 81082189_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31048160

Graduate robot guy and the homosharts already.

>> No.31048162
Quoted by: >>31048194

>"muh holofest incline"
Didn't Suityan get a significant boost after NNS? I distinctly remember her beginning to incline super hard around the start of February.

>> No.31048163

>Luna out of breath after the first song
Imagine the sex with her

>> No.31048164
File: 190 KB, 2048x1990, 1591121376328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048199



>> No.31048166
Quoted by: >>31048229

At the very least she is from a rich family, it's pretty obvious at this point.

>> No.31048168

No way 2nd day outdoes 1st day

>> No.31048174

>kneeling to the EOPchads once again
Thanks for learning Jap for me. Here's a (You) for your troubles as a reward.

>> No.31048175

Girls. All of them Asians. She never made any white friends. Her best friend was a viet girl. She was the only Japanese in her entire school during her 3 years there.

>> No.31048177
Quoted by: >>31048215

Just a friendly reminder. Wouldn't want anyone to make a mistake and get ejected before the big stream.
>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

>> No.31048178

Fuck anon......this one made me laugh

>> No.31048179
Quoted by: >>31048299

can I watch the 774's live show somewhere? I don't watch them, I'm just curious how good rhey are compared to the holos

>> No.31048181

I didn't watch their after stream, did Rushia and Haachama talked about how they were able to practice for their duet? I thought Haachama was forced to be in self quarantine when she got back.

>> No.31048182


>> No.31048184

So the typical Asian girl that just starfishes?

>> No.31048185

Ask me that again after her next collab with some of the gen 4 members. Although I will probably be waiting for a long time.

>> No.31048186

>Gen 4 gets an anniversary concert in Jan/Feb to show off the idol outfits.
But the anniversary live is happening with Watame, but I'm not sure all of gen 4 is going to be part of it. She mentioned people she hasn't collabed with before.

>> No.31048187


>> No.31048188

Mane-chan can't be that retarded...

>> No.31048190

>implying Gura uses Autotune
I see it's this schizo again

>> No.31048191

didn't the gook become a normie that made real friends and ditched haachama

>> No.31048193
Quoted by: >>31048218

Can you even send DMs through cytube?
Are you still watching?

>> No.31048194

>I distinctly remember her beginning to incline super hard around the start of February.
Thats when she had her 3D stream

>> No.31048196
File: 1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 1600505607719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twap has been inclining way too much these past 2 months.

>> No.31048199
File: 593 KB, 1820x2048, EpllyywVgAIQHF_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know your place, Bibi.

>> No.31048203
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>> No.31048204
Quoted by: >>31048223

please remember to report every single illegal stream, thank you!

>> No.31048205



>> No.31048206

Seems like something that wouldn't be hard to add in it is a static thing that doesn't move and is small like rings or something

>> No.31048210

Arigathanks OP-kun

>> No.31048211

I dunno bro. I'm a virgin

>> No.31048214

Gen 3 was July/August

>> No.31048215

Are you gonna change the password and drop hints again or limiting it purely to the email crap

>> No.31048218
Quoted by: >>31048245

Yes, still here. Click the name

>> No.31048219

Haachama has had a hard life...

>> No.31048220


>> No.31048223

I've already forwarded the text document with all the people who watched the streams on it

>> No.31048225

It's pre-recorded so that's something they can do in a day

>> No.31048227
File: 604 KB, 1920x1080, holofes2day1 - 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048295

I'm not a nousagi but I think Pekora's solo was the cutest part of day 1.

>> No.31048229

Could you Lamybros elaborate on this? Is she an equestrian/took classes in things like calligraphy or poetry recital?

>> No.31048232

As long as she moans I'm cool with it

>> No.31048236
Quoted by: >>31048277

Alright, now I'm excited. It's going to be a duo with Luna.

>> No.31048238

I'm glad, hope she knocks it out of the park with her next cover too.
I think her singing just gets better too.

>> No.31048242
Quoted by: >>31048262

Her viet friend was the first one to ditch their lunch group with the thai bullies. She remained friends with Haachama but refused to eat with the thai bitches. Haachama eventually left the group as well.

>> No.31048245
Quoted by: >>31048297

Shit ain't working boss, don't tell me I have to make a fucking account now

>> No.31048246
Quoted by: >>31048261

but I saw in IG, she sent jp snack to some male aussie.

>> No.31048249

> not watching vtubers while working

>> No.31048251


>> No.31048259
File: 2.16 MB, 2365x4689, 1604994916736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really excited for Suisei's performance!

>> No.31048261

Sure thing buddy.

>> No.31048262

Oh okay. I misremembered that then.

>> No.31048264

I play vidya while im working

>> No.31048266
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>> No.31048269

I like Towa's singing voice but this is a really unfortunate song choice. She's literally can't be better than Melissa, it's unfair to even compare but everyone will, and she will looks like an absolute amateur besides her.

>> No.31048276

You pretty much guessed tea ceremony, tasting booze, calligraphy, poetry and stuff along these lines. She talked about at some point.

>> No.31048277

>4th gen singing with anybody else

>> No.31048282

She was probably worried if she was the one that'll have to catch Luna if she faints

>> No.31048286
File: 421 KB, 635x667, 1590140065800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great moment

>> No.31048287

I get away with watching streams at work because my boss does the same

>> No.31048292
File: 44 KB, 1052x976, 1607354544638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any smug Nenes so take this instead

>> No.31048295
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>> No.31048297

I don't know what to do with that number...

>> No.31048299
Quoted by: >>31048341

Yeah here

>> No.31048300

gen 5 was a complete disaster and aqua has reclined hard
the english branch is the future i wouldn’t be surprised if they shit out 5 more english gens before they do another japanese one

>> No.31048302

You forgot flower arrangements, but what >>31048276 said

>> No.31048307
File: 29 KB, 570x374, it's time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came back home from work, missed the whole thing.
1) was it pre recorded?
2) was it kino?
3) any torrents out yet?

>> No.31048309

She also has certificates in a bunch of shit too

>> No.31048310

Don't worry, we'll get an Ayame and Towa duo too.

>> No.31048311

I wonder who she is going to be paired with for songs? AZKi and Sora won't be there and I guess it won't be Kanata since 4th gen is completely segregated.

>> No.31048314

As long as Towa does her best her cover will still be nice to listen too.

>> No.31048316
File: 1 KB, 229x53, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're out

>> No.31048317
Quoted by: >>31048339

Mel, Roboco, Choco, Aki, Luna...probably one of these 5, since nobody cares about them.

>> No.31048318
File: 79 KB, 1920x1080, 1595425816113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048411

who is this cutie

>> No.31048320

>1) was it pre recorded?
>2) was it kino?
Big red heart was hype
Use your brain

>> No.31048325

do you think the amount of yabais gen 4 had is the reason for that?

>> No.31048324

Meant for this, linking fucking with me

>> No.31048326

Haachama had a similar upbringing.
>ballet, tea ceremonies, French lessons (for who knows what reason)

>> No.31048328

Yes for all 3

>> No.31048331

>aloe decided to go full retard
>gen 5 doesnt even deal or talk with her anymore

>> No.31048332

>yfw Aneemachi is the announcement at the end

>> No.31048333

How did they not have a PekoMiko duet?
Like what the fuck?
Did they think it was too easy and predictable or something?

>> No.31048338
Quoted by: >>31048534

lol, that will be the end of the China arc. Syphon off as much money as possible from EOPs. Then at the end of Stage 2, Yagoo comes out on stage, publicly denounces Coco, fires her, and swears eternal loyalty to Xi

>> No.31048339
Quoted by: >>31048403

>Mel, Roboco, Choco, Aki
OK, I get it.

>> No.31048341

Well it's better than nothing, thanks anon. Was it good? If it is, then I'll buy it.

>> No.31048343

How new are you?

>> No.31048347

not pre recorded just lip sync

>> No.31048348

Deserved. At least Towa has a dedicated fanbase.

>> No.31048349

Haachama was practicing alone with a video of the choreography and I think that was it. Most of the stream was just girls talk with some bits about the holofes here and there.

>> No.31048352
File: 160 KB, 1242x685, 8BD9E8B7-7E2F-4207-B4BE-1A666953EF05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post memberships, anon. Rate other anons' taste.

>> No.31048356


>> No.31048359

>missed the whole concert
>wont be able to see live reactions to them performing
Bros...are we gonna do a watchalong so i can watch and be hyped with other people..? It's lonely here..

>> No.31048360

We did get them singing the Mikakunin op with Marine and it was fucking kino.

>> No.31048364
Quoted by: >>31048438

Except Haachama is the opposite of cultured. She's a gremlin.

>French lessons
Japanese love the idea of French culture.

>> No.31048365 [DELETED] 


>> No.31048369

Any streamables of Haachama's songs?

>> No.31048370

PekoMiko is cringe, they're sick of each other

>> No.31048372

Gahaha, your waifu WILL taste the Baguette

>> No.31048374

You were so close anonchama...

>> No.31048375


>> No.31048376


>> No.31048377

They are dumb

>> No.31048378

Coco's new year outfit will be a chinese dress with hairbuns

>> No.31048380

- had many refined hobbies growing up
- grandmother bought her a grand piano for birthday/christmas one year
- refers to her father as otou-sama; has a deep respect for her father

>> No.31048384
Quoted by: >>31048433

Wrong. Towa's version will be better and you'll reflect back on your post and think about how hard you were wrong

>> No.31048386


>> No.31048388
File: 24 KB, 1080x269, Screenshot_20201221-223033__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048390

stop hiding your currency pajeet

>> No.31048393 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 564x463, 1608586282043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048394
Quoted by: >>31048438

>French lessons
Her sister studied in French

>> No.31048402
File: 20 KB, 738x275, membersheeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a saviourfag

>> No.31048403
Quoted by: >>31048485

Worse than any of them in terms of superchat earnings, viewership, subs and members

>> No.31048405

I've been wondering about Coco's shitposting reviews and I think they're not good for Hololive in general. That one episode she had with Subaru where they showed the graph how pure Subaru is and the meme started digging hard into what she said in the past with the screencaps, ending with the five is five quote made her pretty uncomfortable.
The other one with Miko where it shows a screencap of the stream where she returned and a text message where the dad says stop screaming so loudly at night like it's a real message made Miko think it's a genuine screencap instead of an edit. It's different cultures and they may not understand that it's fake, like how Haachama doesn't grab the concept of an image conveying an emotion with >tfw

>> No.31048406

Just go to restream, it's more fun seeing people spam on chink

>> No.31048409
File: 27 KB, 99x699, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048437


>> No.31048411

One of Hololive's top idols, Akai Haato.

>> No.31048413
File: 23 KB, 715x344, 123421354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048414
Quoted by: >>31048435

Wait just a bit.
We're going to have more pekomiko soon.

>> No.31048416

They've moved on. You should do the same.

>> No.31048417

You can just sync the vod and watch Chicken's watchalong, she even does translations if you are an EOP.

>> No.31048422

>Japanese are ironic weebs

I guess the people pretending to be offended are either kids pretending to be oldfags

>> No.31048424
File: 74 KB, 258x472, memba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nutters WW@

>> No.31048426

That's not hard though.

>> No.31048428

Good post for once.

>> No.31048430
File: 25 KB, 743x233, 63334d59-b832-481f-a7ce-8880e5bbc13c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048432
Quoted by: >>31048473

Is Patra's membership content any good?

>> No.31048433

I honestly hope you're right because I like Towa much more than Melissa but I think it's almost impossible. Melissa just killed that song so fucking hard that I can't even imagine anyone else singing it as good.

>> No.31048435
Quoted by: >>31048620

you said that last time and it didn't happen

>> No.31048436

>he doesn't know

>> No.31048437

Father of /hlg/....

>> No.31048438
Quoted by: >>31048491

She wasn't always like this. She once told a story of how she led her own posse in elementary school and reprimanded anyone who didn't act like a "proper ojousama". She used to call her mother "okaa-sama" as well. One time she got lost in a department store and yelled "okaa-sama" over and over again to find her mother. Imagine how her mother felt.

England you dumb nigger.

>> No.31048439

The man with nothing left in his wallet

>> No.31048440
File: 54 KB, 386x753, Bild_2020-12-21_223305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048478

>hidding curency
its ARS isnt it?

>> No.31048442

Very based

>> No.31048444

the older ones don't starfish

>> No.31048446
Quoted by: >>31048493

>telling aloe/MASS niggers to move on
Lmfao they'll never do that

>> No.31048449

Ojou-sama 1 and Ojou-sama 2..

>> No.31048451

Coco having no tact? No way

>> No.31048454
Quoted by: >>31048858

they were only doing it because Cover was still trying to get Aloe back. As soon as she denied coming back for her birthday they dropped her.

>> No.31048455

I'll email you the stream password, please send proof of your Gawr Gura membership to chumbuds@tfwno.gf

>> No.31048461
Quoted by: >>31048500

>French lessons (for who knows what reason)
Japanese people are the biggest Ouiaboos in the world is why.

>> No.31048463

Why does Torre cry every time she sings error?

>> No.31048464


>> No.31048467
File: 9 KB, 289x183, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048482


>> No.31048468

ci vous plais...

>> No.31048469
File: 632 KB, 900x737, 1583018295568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'7 so I'd totally rep her original outfit.

>> No.31048470

Miko already had a lot of songs and they felt the PekoMiko quota was filled by the song with Marine. I'm sad there wasn't a PekoMiko duet too but it's fine. Pekora also said after she wants to do more with Miko

>> No.31048473

Yes. She does very good ASMR content, and parts of it will be member only.

>> No.31048475

Show your recent superchats

>> No.31048478

>Kuku and Roberu

>> No.31048481 [DELETED] 


>> No.31048482
Quoted by: >>31048619

What the fuck kind of currency is that kenzoku

>> No.31048483

I don't even like Rushia but her song is really good and her 3D is cute

>> No.31048485
Quoted by: >>31048513


>> No.31048488

I know she doesn't stream much, but it's a bit harsh to put Ayame in the non-vtuber category.

>> No.31048490

downloading the torrent now, if i stream it on twitch, would you bros watch it with me?

>> No.31048491

high school in England
college in French

>> No.31048493

The fuck does MASS mean? Is it another word that reddit kids love to use? I swear to God there's a new word each fucking week that keeps being spammed

>> No.31048500
File: 745 KB, 224x216, ;ood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel they dont like us anymore....

>> No.31048502

Stop being simps
Stop being proud of being simps

>> No.31048504 [DELETED] 


>> No.31048508

tell me anons
why do they call it superchat?

>> No.31048513
Quoted by: >>31048548

Check for yourself if you don't believe me. One of the worst in the company when it comes to numbers.

>> No.31048514 [DELETED] 


>> No.31048515

Idol costume is legacy only, reserved for up to gen 3, the holos that put HL in the map.

>> No.31048516

the only news we get out of france nowadays is whom beheaded whom

>> No.31048519

Holofest 1 or 2?

>> No.31048520

Wrong again. She's doing college in Japan.

>> No.31048522

It's a way to get attention, youtube themselves said this. Holos simply adopted the term, they don't even think it's donations.

>> No.31048524

Newfag spotted

>> No.31048529 [DELETED] 

I want to believe

>> No.31048534

Oh boy the Yakuza 5 ending

>> No.31048541

Stop saying the s word or I'll call the twitch police

>> No.31048543
Quoted by: >>31048589

Well Paris syndrome exists.

>> No.31048544

I have not given a single dollar to Hololive

>> No.31048548
Quoted by: >>31048581

I don't need to check because I know better than you. She has more subs than Mel and Aki and earns more than Mel and Roboco, maybe also Choco.

>> No.31048550
File: 10 KB, 102x256, ships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048563


>> No.31048553


>> No.31048554
File: 464 KB, 530x561, 1608434412878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048661

Has it really been so long that we have post-Aloe graduation newfags now? How are you not in /hlgg/?

>> No.31048555

Her English pronunciation is good when she's not mumbling on purpose.

>> No.31048559
File: 55 KB, 701x719, mems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only mem girls who feel like they are virgins who would probably fuck their fans

>> No.31048560
Quoted by: >>31048607

Matsuri is singing another Honeworks song for HoloFez. No. 1 to be exact.


>> No.31048563


>> No.31048566

call what

>> No.31048568
File: 821 KB, 1200x1500, 1605552033054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im still happy for luna

>> No.31048574

Where the fuck do you idiots get your fake news?

>> No.31048575

Because that's how they're called?

>> No.31048578
Quoted by: >>31048609

But all of those are whores

>> No.31048581
Quoted by: >>31048618

As I said, one of the worst.

>> No.31048583
Quoted by: >>31048709

It can't be helped.

>> No.31048589

Biggest meme in the universe there's no bigger meme

>> No.31048591

>>made Subaru uncomfortable
>she said she was sweating from laughing too hard and liked it so much she wants to make an r*ddit account too and do meme review again
Stop treating them like retards, they do understand what irony is.

>> No.31048595

Which holo gives the most membership content per month?

>> No.31048598

Same. I dont donate money, become s member and watch their member only streams on cytube on top of watching the holofest on twitch

>> No.31048599
File: 31 KB, 424x424, 3BC46932-B2BB-4877-9843-AAAF5F8037D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048624

Why is Luna the only one who isn’t jumping?

>> No.31048603
File: 319 KB, 600x575, 1596877685719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048657

I thought one of them was copying the other but no, they actually made the same comment at the same time. I'm so sad we won't see Bakatare singing as a unit.

>> No.31048607
Quoted by: >>31048791

Anon, Matsuri has an original song she never sung at a live before

>> No.31048609
Quoted by: >>31048673


>> No.31048612
File: 295 KB, 400x640, 1607365996679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think that would work out too well

>> No.31048617

Come on anon, you don't learn how to appeal to men like her without some real life practice.

>> No.31048618
Quoted by: >>31048689

No, you said she's worse than any of them without having a clue and hoped nobody would notice.

>> No.31048619


>> No.31048620

Seems pretty much like pekora is suggesting that there is more pekomiko in the future

>> No.31048621
File: 3 KB, 112x112, alex_valle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me, bitch nigga. Oh wait you cant lmfaoooo

>> No.31048622

Thanks for the heads up on Lamy, bros.

>> No.31048624

her bones..

>> No.31048630
File: 62 KB, 184x182, ON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's to hoping Zhang will make it tomorrow
Though I doubt he'll bother without Aqua

>> No.31048634 [DELETED] 

I do it for Suisei and Twoppi

>> No.31048637
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, 1606814292398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048896


>> No.31048639

Put it into the om3tcw cytube.

>> No.31048641
File: 99 KB, 1000x1024, DT_tiXEVAAAbpNg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only have one membership

>> No.31048643

>That time some people Rushia knew got married and she got super drunk and tried to pretend the people in her chat were babies trying to feed them milk
People meme about her, but ya she probably is.

>> No.31048648

>he doesn't know his other oshi is Towa

>> No.31048652

>HoloUters 1
this anon gets it

>> No.31048654

Didn't they already say they'd do christmas 3d together?

>> No.31048656

how did aqua do? Did my oshi do well?

>> No.31048657

There was actually more to which Watame replied later too.

>> No.31048658
File: 1.03 MB, 800x1016, Aqua wink.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhhhhhhhhhh I love her!

>> No.31048659

Is Haachama an actual ojousama? I thought she reinvented herself because she hated the LARP.

>> No.31048661
File: 409 KB, 366x479, 1605549501379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are you not in /hlgg/?
I speak japanese

>> No.31048665
Quoted by: >>31048740


>> No.31048667
Quoted by: >>31048702

how do i not fuck up the cytube stream? i dont want to repeat today's experience

>> No.31048666
File: 389 KB, 743x841, 1596806151759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048701

>> No.31048670
Quoted by: >>31048732

>he didn watch it on cytube
>or in the twitch stream that only had 20 people watching

>> No.31048673
Quoted by: >>31048715

She's a Niji, that makes her a bully.

>> No.31048678
File: 149 KB, 1287x727, 1578389211013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31048679
Quoted by: >>31048710

Since we had so many original songs on Day 1, I'm guessing Shallys is a given.

>> No.31048680

My daughter Haato worked hard and did a good job

>> No.31048681

Good taste. Rushia is the most pure holo. She even works at a nice cafe.

>> No.31048685
Quoted by: >>31048752

Her family is fucking loaded. She was raised an ojousama.

>> No.31048686 [DELETED] 


>> No.31048689
Quoted by: >>31048726

She is worse than any of them. She has less subs than some, less viewers than other, less superchats than the third etc.
In the end, she's one of the "bottom of the barrel" group.

>> No.31048691

She's well off. I don't know if she's living in a mansion outside of Tokyo rich, but her dad definitely rakes in yen.

>> No.31048693


>> No.31048694
Quoted by: >>31048720

>people say euros don't pay
>half of the membership replies are 190 cm tall, muscular, white EuroChads

>> No.31048697

Not really. As far as I know miko has definite plans for christmas though.
They might be with pekora.

>> No.31048698

terrible, she tripped over during a song and everyone laughed at her

>> No.31048701

Ojou no!

>> No.31048702

Get OP's email and ask him for the password before the live.

>> No.31048705
File: 25 KB, 428x424, 1600198726447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048736

Does Polka have health issues other than depression and obesity?

>> No.31048709


>> No.31048710

Anon she explicitly said she'd doing the full version of it tomorrow

>> No.31048715

Good I want to be bullied by her

>> No.31048718

she was amazing and had some great songs. even had a Aqua Peko Haato combo

>> No.31048720
File: 89 KB, 347x344, 1605789969402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>190 cm tall
freaks eww

>> No.31048722
File: 342 KB, 1448x2048, 20201214_002615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She did good

>> No.31048723
Quoted by: >>31048807

What makes you think that? She hinted nothing here.

>> No.31048726
Quoted by: >>31048786

You said she's worse than any of them in all these things. This is a lesson for you not to open your mouth on things you don't have a clue about.

>> No.31048730
Quoted by: >>31048797

Why no one cliped Pekors song, ebery fucking catbox is Akai Haato

>> No.31048732
Quoted by: >>31048751

>cytube changed to a cryptic password
>20 people on twitch stream implies only 20 people found it
no, I did not

>> No.31048734

Is Euro the most expensive superchat/member currency...

>> No.31048736

isnt she a relentless hikki that doesnt like going out?

>> No.31048739

not counting indofags, there aren't actually people below 180cm in this thread right?

>> No.31048740

Marine most likely is, people who act like that and talk about lewd things like that 99% of the time are. Like 90% of of sex knowledge comes from

>> No.31048744

But Haachama...

>> No.31048745
File: 3.86 MB, 1366x1537, completely unrelated comments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048747
File: 1.36 MB, 1447x2046, 1600446123079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049109

Kanata's sweaty thighs in my face....

>> No.31048751
Quoted by: >>31048792

>only 20 people found it
Archive reps

>> No.31048752

What happened for her to end up so wrong...?

>> No.31048753
Quoted by: >>31048804

Korone requires a 190 cm tall man because she's 185 cm herself

>> No.31048754

Pound might be more expensive.

>> No.31048758
File: 9 KB, 715x158, amanekanatach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048760
File: 46 KB, 408x510, kizuna disgusted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He owns a wojak edit of vtubers

>> No.31048761
Quoted by: >>31048821

Did the Chinese manage to crash the Holofes with no survivors?

>> No.31048763
File: 2.60 MB, 640x422, 1608359194249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048794

Sorry, I'm only 186cm, thought that must be like a skyscraper to you!

>> No.31048762

you can just use a vpn to use a different currency
I wouldnt sink as low as using ARS though

>> No.31048769

Goddamn Marines bouncy tiddies are making me so hard

>> No.31048775

PekoMiko christmas is pretty much confirmed, but i won't be a 3D just a regular offcollab, Miko want's to take it easy after holofest

>> No.31048776 [DELETED] 


>> No.31048780

pizzadad and roberu the only respectable ones

>> No.31048781

I always loved Haato but the live really made me realize that I love her way more than I thought I did. Glad I ended up buying both tickets instead of just Day 2.

>> No.31048784

Poland gets screwed the most iirc

>> No.31048787
File: 227 KB, 1000x822, 1605011487053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049106


>> No.31048786
Quoted by: >>31048816

She is, now you are just grasping at straws. As I said, bottom the barrel group. But they made their own bed...

>> No.31048791

She's literally been dropping hints on Twitter that she's going to sing this song.

>> No.31048792
Quoted by: >>31048995

Actually I even had a twitch channel open that claimed he'd stream the show the day before and he didn't deliver.

>> No.31048794
File: 1.00 MB, 1280x1000, 1606180633539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cut down the tall trees!

>> No.31048795

Pound and that danish shit iirc are more expensive.

>> No.31048797


>> No.31048799

How do I entertain myself the next 12 hours until Day 2 starts?
I'm bored out of my mind with nothing to do
What do I watch, nobody is streaming for hours yet, this is suffering, the wait is killing me

>> No.31048803

Great British Pound is slightly more worth

>> No.31048804

Sorry, Korone needs someone who's at least 160m

>> No.31048807

The way she is saying
just seems like there is going to be something that she just can't announce yet.

>> No.31048811

She went full コミュ障 on the stream. Like just a short while after the collabo started she muted the mic, started panicking and talked to the chat who told her that everything will be fine etc until she calmed down. She was still super nervous the whole stream anyway..

>> No.31048813

Until her dad brings her to Philippines and she drank the water there
It's all downhill from there

>> No.31048814

damn what if in an alternate universe hoshikawa was able to become haato and haato had to settle for being a niji

>> No.31048815

What's the lineup for day 2?

>> No.31048816
Quoted by: >>31048873

No, I'm just referring to your post to which I replied wrong and which you now try to defend with flailing arms as if it weren't still there for everyone to read. You don't like her, good for you and nobody cares. You numbers statement is wrong.

>> No.31048820

It’s fun anon, you should try being tall

>> No.31048821

No, but they managed to get their own stream spammed to death

>> No.31048822

indies, do your reps, play some games for once

>> No.31048827
File: 30 KB, 1080x309, IMG_20201221_224834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048829

Thank you lovely nousagi

>> No.31048830

Hololive has enough whores. That'd be a dark timeline.

>> No.31048832

go to sleep

>> No.31048836
File: 513 KB, 1720x1210, 1592013938198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jerk off, watch archives, reps, game, or watch MNF

>> No.31048837

>not 180+ cm tall
freaks eww

>> No.31048844

Is there a single holo that take down all of hololive if they graduate?

>> No.31048845

the audience... corona please...

>> No.31048847
File: 97 KB, 703x682, 1605381285362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlg/ filled with manlets
What's next, you all don't have proper, well groomed beards and chest hair?

>> No.31048851
Quoted by: >>31049201

Matsuri would still be acquaintancezoned.

>> No.31048852


>> No.31048853


>> No.31048856


>> No.31048857
File: 407 KB, 664x573, 1608554782639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048869

>tfw emailing everyone fake passwords

>> No.31048858

>Giving on being part of the 1% of the vtuber mountain

>> No.31048859
File: 412 KB, 457x544, 1599557923938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 149cm tall
All is good in the world.

>> No.31048861

>tfw Whore is probably the only decent performer for day 2

>> No.31048862

If PekoMiko christmas it's just how the performance plan worked out, they didn't think it was a big deal and didn't have the right songs or something. If no PekoMiko christmas then they're intentionally chilling out on PekoMiko, maybe because they're worried about it becoming too influential toward post-hiatus Miko's image or something.

>> No.31048866

manlets when will they ever learn?

>> No.31048869

You got the one with Migo, Womb and Pegora?
You too?

>> No.31048871 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>31048966


>> No.31048873
Quoted by: >>31048902

But it's not. Going by the numbers, she is one of the worst. It's not about whether I like her or not, it's about holos being bad at their job and eventually they will have to suffer consequences.

>> No.31048877
File: 34 KB, 746x493, mem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048878

Write a letter to your oshi

>> No.31048881
Quoted by: >>31048970

Which whore?

>> No.31048884

b...but i read a blogpost once that said japs dont understand sarcasm...

>> No.31048890
File: 256 KB, 500x397, 2eb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048903

Just sleep fucking faggot

>> No.31048893

Archives, reps, Marumaru or have this on repeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uCgjikjo40

>> No.31048896

so this is what happens when chuubas go to brazil...

>> No.31048898

>crying about M*kkun
Am I behind on my roommate reps? I thought they lived together.

>> No.31048899
Quoted by: >>31048950

She did great! https://files.catbox.moe/zgy8ca.mp4

>> No.31048900


>> No.31048902
Quoted by: >>31048957

You started saying she is worse than a number of specific others in all metrics and were wrong about that. Do you understand now?

>> No.31048903

I woke up 3 hours ago since I went to bed at like 3pm after staying up all night for Day 1..

>> No.31048904

I have hair all over my body since i went through like some kind of half puberty at 11 but people tell me i sound like a girl even though im 25. I even catch my mom abd grand other refer to me as "her" sometimes. I unironically hate having all this fucking body hair

>> No.31048906

the audio engineers earned their pay

>> No.31048909
File: 40 KB, 462x582, firefox_KZhr5a3jBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048929

fubuki is my oldest one at 7 months because im a newfag

>> No.31048919
File: 141 KB, 895x1515, PTi9P1Pq2P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31048921

Most of them were using their idol outfits. 4th gen didn't, but the others did

>> No.31048926
Quoted by: >>31048948


>> No.31048929
Quoted by: >>31048976

>two of them has a child
Is this your fetish, anon?

>> No.31048932

check average indo heights and you'll see why

>> No.31048939
File: 1.05 MB, 947x714, 5832CA69-9590-4F96-8CED-04D147C75627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31048972

Seeing the Dollars and Euros on the membership posts. I feel slightly bad for using VPN to get India's currency and paid $3 instead of $7 in my currency.

>> No.31048941
File: 49 KB, 742x427, 123132414123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049057

>No matter what, I'll won't call you Haachama.
>Haato-chan is Haato-chan!
>I still love you, though!

Pretty sure Matsuri is down to collab. Haato might be avoiding her, however. She didn't respond to Matsuri's message welcoming her back, after all.

>> No.31048947
Quoted by: >>31049079


>> No.31048948


>> No.31048951

Im american and im 162 cm

>> No.31048950


>> No.31048954


>> No.31048957
Quoted by: >>31048987

She is. Some of them may be better in some aspects, but overall, she's the worst performer. It's no accident they forgot to get her an idol costume, nobody cares.

>> No.31048958

it reminds her of her boyfriend

>> No.31048959
Quoted by: >>31049019

Coco and Kanata live together, and Watame and Towa have visited and IIRC they were trying to move closer. Luna's the only oddball, she hangs out with Subaru and Choco more than she does anyone in Gen 4.

>> No.31048961
File: 17 KB, 350x278, 1606768584351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You pay with your soul, anon..

>> No.31048962
Quoted by: >>31049079


>> No.31048964

Pekomiko daisenso is not exactly that kind song that can be sung live

>> No.31048965
File: 160 KB, 1280x720, towaerror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which holo covers are so good, you can't help but associate the song with the tuber themself?

I think Towa sings Error so damn well she might as well own it.

>> No.31048966


>> No.31048967

>chest hair
No, all of my hair is on my back.

>> No.31048970


>> No.31048972

As long as you arent using ars, its fine

>> No.31048976

i'm an oji-san who would bone single moms

>> No.31048978
Quoted by: >>31049079


>> No.31048984
Quoted by: >>31049041

First I hated the fact that Cover couldn't be fucked to get them a choreographer for their first show and they had to do everything themselves, but after watching it I loved it, compared for instance to the Curry ad that felt that felt a bit too prefabricated, this had more soul somehow, and I'm not saying it in a meme way, like, this is what I would've expected to see from them and I throughly enjoyed it. I dunno, maybe I'm copping hard and not even realizing it but I liked it.

>> No.31048986

Shes Pekoras second pet after all

>> No.31048987
Quoted by: >>31049082

>Worse than any of them (Mel, Roboco, Choco, Aki) in terms of superchat earnings, viewership, subs and members
This is what you said, brainlet. This is also wrong. Whatever else you have a problem with, nobody in this thread cares as I already told you.

>> No.31048991

Noel is the only whore in stage and she's objectively the worst

>> No.31048992
File: 197 KB, 955x995, 1605802899637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049034

I pluck my chest hair with tweezers

>> No.31048995

There were 2 channels with lower views and only one deliver

>> No.31048998

>can't even be ARSed to pay for the inactive ones

>> No.31048999
Quoted by: >>31049079

Boludo basado

>> No.31049005

Watame's bubble love is some garbage character song from a forgotten anime, but fits her so much you'd think it's an original

>> No.31049010
Quoted by: >>31049035

It's just the seaniggers, I'm a Eurochad and 187cm

>> No.31049012
Quoted by: >>31049212

Fuck off with the Error shilling already, this song is so fucking boring at this point. Just sing the Brilliant again.

>> No.31049015
File: 117 KB, 247x272, firefox_MWNgXKg1rn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049044

how was the stream? i'm torrenting it right now

>> No.31049016

Did Suisei sing Error yet or any other holo?

>> No.31049019
Quoted by: >>31049506

>Luna's the only oddball, she hangs out with Subaru and Choco more than she does anyone in Gen 4.
The same applies to Watame too, just with different people.

>> No.31049018
Quoted by: >>31049060

>I think Towa sings Error so damn well she might as well own it.
This is why no one likes the Kenzoku, you annoying cunts spam the chats of every small indie that tries to sing with your annoying towa shit

>> No.31049021
File: 557 KB, 478x581, 1602908998950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 190 cm but no chest hair and shit beard
count your blessings i guess

>> No.31049030
Quoted by: >>31049079

50 ARS in my country's currency is 80cents. Jesus.

>> No.31049031
File: 93 KB, 750x750, 1590130427597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049099

how good will her singing be?

>> No.31049034
File: 396 KB, 479x719, sushiveteran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049213

If you can pluck your chest hair with tweezers, you must not have almost any.

>> No.31049035

I'm european and 174 cm. Half of the girls are taller than me.

>> No.31049038

>Which holo covers are so good, you can't help but associate the song with the tuber themself?
Okayu's Umiyuri Kaiteitan and Wakusei Loop.

>> No.31049041

Every time I read about Cover, it's always the same - "Cover didn't do anything, they had to do it themselves"
What exactly is Cover doing for them?

>> No.31049042

But Watame enjoyed it

>> No.31049044

It's probably worth torrenting.

>> No.31049052
Quoted by: >>31049088

I'm sorry anon, you should've not skipped your height reps

>> No.31049055

A lot of songs I dont know/didn't know the originals of so I associate them with holos. Dadada tenshi, pekoras alien sing, error, hana ni bourei etc

>> No.31049056
File: 409 KB, 1440x2707, 20201221_170038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049093


>> No.31049057

I hadn't seen this. I don't think Haachama is intentionally avoiding her. She gets really distracted and has a one-tracked mind so she tends to forget everything else once she has her mind set on something. Look at how she's pretty much ignored all the other JP girls in recent months. She didn't even respond to Hoshikawa's live or her congratulations message for graduating.

>> No.31049060

When did this happen? I don't think any kenzoku EOP would watch indies and her JOPs maybe aren't that annoying.

>> No.31049065

Do your anki reps

>> No.31049066

Cover is around 6 people.

>> No.31049071

Be honest with me. Am I retarded?

>> No.31049075

>I'm european and 174 cm. Half of the girls are taller than me.
wut. only 1 roommate and 1 actual holo are taller

>> No.31049077

paying them a salary for one, getting sponsorships for the other

>> No.31049079
Quoted by: >>31049424

Thanks. I'm a burger

>> No.31049082
Quoted by: >>31049133

It's not wrong. Overall, it's correct, even if some of them are better in one or two things. But even that will change in a couple of months. I mean, look at this
Sign of times to come.

>> No.31049088

Don't feel bad for him. I am 128 cm.

>> No.31049091
Quoted by: >>31049112

will the cookies still be valid even after closing a laptop?

>> No.31049093

Beri beri beri based suprelit

>> No.31049095
File: 1.52 MB, 1300x823, aqushion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049146


>> No.31049098
File: 215 KB, 821x860, 1583240171563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049141

I'm sick of this shit. I need the Apex streams back as fast as possible.

>> No.31049099
File: 187 KB, 1332x1680, 9cb2e5db93b6b9875b2e62d58bef9ccc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31049104

I'm in love with Haachama
There, I said it.

>> No.31049106

l unironically used my NND trial to watch your solo Migobi, please andastd

>> No.31049108
Quoted by: >>31049131

I meant where I live. I see girls around 185 cm every day.

>> No.31049109


>> No.31049111
Quoted by: >>31049159

I don't think that's physically possible unless you're an actual midget

>> No.31049112

If it doesn't get refreshed probably, otherwise you know what do don't you anon?

>> No.31049117

Now that I think about it, PekoMiko Daisenso is so hyper I don't think it's possible to be sung live. Still, I'd love to see PekoMiko duet though.

>> No.31049122
Quoted by: >>31049140

Good taste

>> No.31049124

only porka

>> No.31049125
Quoted by: >>31049585

i wonder if pekora's mom watched

>> No.31049127

>tfw between 162-165 cm
I dint think any of the girls or roomates are taller than me

>> No.31049131
File: 1.49 MB, 2894x4093, 1607330283812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh, my condolences
where, tall girls are my fetish

>> No.31049132

This. That song would require an equally fast, upbeat dance routine.

>> No.31049133
Quoted by: >>31049189

There is no room for subjective judgments like "overall" in a statement that is factually wrong. I know you need people to validate your hate for Luna but saying things that you can't back up is not how you do it.

>> No.31049137

I found the mistake. She forgets to shake her hips after the Chu Chu Yeah at 1:20.

>> No.31049140
Quoted by: >>31049195

Taste of Tarantula

>> No.31049141
File: 146 KB, 1050x865, topi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049238


>> No.31049146
Quoted by: >>31049259

>Sleeping at Shion's place
>Marine isn't there this time

>> No.31049153

Guys Miko and Rushia are going to get cancelled...

>> No.31049155
File: 1.03 MB, 1087x901, 3E14959E-3F72-4012-9885-A809B7FC632C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Towa's roommate.
She deserves better. I would swim to Japan and take her out on a date if I could.

>> No.31049156
File: 155 KB, 850x1202, 88d30e20384619b7a0a76b888e2d3e50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch holofes 1
>notice azki is a great singer and her outfit is cooler than i thought
>decide to check her out
>watch holofes 2
>notice those same things and realize i still haven't watched any of her streams
real talk though, can't wait for suisei tomorrow bros

>> No.31049157
File: 41 KB, 661x415, memeber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too close to the Mel 6 month to drop her even though she was almost inactive the last month.

>> No.31049158

Wow, really didnt expect flare in top 20, its rare that her subs dont climb the same way

>> No.31049159
Quoted by: >>31049217

>it's not possible to be a midget unless you are a midget
You don't need to make fun of me anon

>> No.31049160
Quoted by: >>31049182


>> No.31049164
File: 163 KB, 1042x1503, 8c28754a12d804f4c1109fce074d33ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you not love the chammers?

>> No.31049166


>> No.31049170 [SPOILER] 
File: 828 KB, 2048x1679, 1608588366685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31049173

>japanese only event
>complete english songs

>> No.31049175

>>notice those same things and realize i still haven't watched any of her streams
There isn't that much to be honest anon, I'm sure you could watch all of her streams before the next fes no problem

>> No.31049177


>> No.31049182
Quoted by: >>31049203

Am not

>> No.31049185

get a job hippie

>> No.31049188
File: 289 KB, 473x555, watabargar1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, do you use those children's trolleys with a flag when you go to a supermarket?

>> No.31049189
Quoted by: >>31049242

I don't hate Luna, I just chose 5 holos that are bad at their job.
Nobody is defending 4 of them, only you are defending Luna.
That should be enough to tell you have relevant they are.

>> No.31049195
Quoted by: >>31049215

Would you eat bugs to prove your devotion to your oshi?

>> No.31049196
File: 233 KB, 366x558, 1604176446617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alakazam, Alakazoo-
The Holofes announcement will be EN gen 2!

>> No.31049199

AZKi is a great singer, but her singing streams are a bit weird, you see she runs out of breath often.

>> No.31049201

Matsuri refuses to chase coworkers.

>> No.31049204

Why are holoredditors so cringe about piracy, don't they understand that it's not actually a loss if a slavnigger pirates it considering he wouldn't have bought it eitherway.

>> No.31049203
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049230

You are a filthy dirty slut

>> No.31049208

>okayu unchanged

>> No.31049209

H**o H** is getting better, used fanart of A-chan crying and everything.

>> No.31049210
Quoted by: >>31049285

you mean holostars EN right?

>> No.31049212
File: 218 KB, 1000x1343, EpsDUlDVQAA-rSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31049213

No i'm just really obssessed

>> No.31049214

stop doxxing matsuri and okayu like that bro

>> No.31049215
Quoted by: >>31049286

I think my oshi would probably puke at the thought and it would make her uncomfortable

>> No.31049217
File: 258 KB, 1446x1514, 20201218_212802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't mean to, I'm just tactless, have a cool Marine as an apology

>> No.31049218
File: 177 KB, 650x650, EmSlD-nU0AEpcUq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31049219

I bet you wouldn't even fit in 1 of the requirements she has for a good bf

>> No.31049222
File: 540 KB, 1000x1000, Coco hearing about poor chinese citizens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049307

For those who want to throw away their money you can buy your ticket at this time, I was able to do it after trying 3 times.

>> No.31049225
File: 19 KB, 917x202, 2349499203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049246

8 months now.

>> No.31049226
Quoted by: >>31049296

sorry, only Shion knows how to make that wand work

>> No.31049230
Quoted by: >>31049245

Im not, i only SC lamy

>> No.31049232

Fuck your magic sheep

>> No.31049235

What happen?

>> No.31049237
File: 139 KB, 369x350, 1605926455839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31049238


>> No.31049239

She doesn't sing enough denpa in her utawakus

>> No.31049240

It will be good but it will not be fair for the people who only bought day 1

>> No.31049242
Quoted by: >>31049644

I'm not defending Luna, I'm correcting you on a wrong statement. You see that as me defending her because you need validation for your anti sentiment. Many such cases!

>> No.31049244

>browse thread for 1 - 2 hours
>grab streamable links and torrent
>going to bed after checking on the thread again for like an hour
Worked for day 1 just fine.

>> No.31049245
File: 208 KB, 249x544, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31049308

Matters not. Filthy whore

>> No.31049246

I'm sorry

>> No.31049247

I just loved Sora so much

>> No.31049257

I don't know why I clicked that. I guess I just assume you guys are compulsive liars at this point.

>> No.31049258

>treerrat reporting the steeams

>> No.31049260

If it's a new gen, EN gen 2 Is unironically the best move right now, the market is booming and 5 talents are not enough to satisfy it

>> No.31049259
Quoted by: >>31049411

They're friends but for real, it's different

>> No.31049264

Hope the best for Kanata and her dream!

>> No.31049266
Quoted by: >>31049304


>> No.31049265

She's cute and Kotaro is taking good care of her.

>> No.31049267

Did they unlock her boob physics?

>> No.31049269
Quoted by: >>31049404

I love Haato again I thought I could let go but not after this

>> No.31049273


>> No.31049285


>> No.31049286
Quoted by: >>31049544

deep down it would excite her. Eat the bugs to make her happy.

>> No.31049287

Can't wait to see her performance!

>> No.31049292

Why would you announce EN 2 at a JP event?

>> No.31049294

Senbonzakura is such a good song that you could put literally anything over it and it'll be listenable. Yonkisei did a good job though.

>> No.31049296
Quoted by: >>31049366

I wish Shion knew how to make my wand work...

>> No.31049303

Catching up on HaaRushi stream
They're fun together
I hope there will be more of them in the future
Rushia is really good in collabs in general
I don't undersntand how she always drop spaghetti when meeting people in Minecraft

>> No.31049304
Quoted by: >>31049348

I think it's just dandy.

>> No.31049305

Old woman is my thoughts

>> No.31049307

No thanks I'll just watch it for free an hour later.

>> No.31049308
Quoted by: >>31049345

D-dont punish me choco sensei

>> No.31049315

Thank god no gen 5

>> No.31049317

I hate the fucking frog so much

>> No.31049320

Only Miko

>> No.31049322


>> No.31049329
Quoted by: >>31049368

Nigger Coco also sang in English

>> No.31049334
Quoted by: >>31049395

i assume you're a female right?

>> No.31049341

Avg faggot here is shit skin from south east asia lmao

>> No.31049343

the flare ayame duet is gonna kick some balls bros

>> No.31049344

>I can read most of the lyrics
Holy shit, reps are working

>> No.31049345
Quoted by: >>31049378


>> No.31049348

me on the left

>> No.31049354

Yonkisei were amazing.

>> No.31049355

they know weebs will do it for them

>> No.31049357

Hags shouldn't be allowed to be this cute

>> No.31049360

What's Big red retard?

>> No.31049366

based ojisan

>> No.31049368

that's why I said songs

>> No.31049373

my big red peppeloni

>> No.31049374
Quoted by: >>31049406

Thanks, jaypee! Now post obesehus

>> No.31049378

I kneel...

>> No.31049379
Quoted by: >>31049448

Ai mai chocolate is such a shit song

>> No.31049385

my big black tarantula

>> No.31049387
Quoted by: >>31049407

Damn anons you all are soo tall what the fuck
And here im

>> No.31049395

I'm male

>> No.31049401
Quoted by: >>31049433

No you are not

>> No.31049402

>Your oshi
>Are you under 180cm?
Of course not

>> No.31049404

look man she asked us to never let her go

>> No.31049406

haha not like /jp/ covers up that or their fucking endless ecchi threads, but they claim we're the problem. its always us for why /jp/ is somehow bad

>> No.31049407
Quoted by: >>31049430

are you vietnamese

>> No.31049410

Does any anon have the first Rushia solo performance?

>> No.31049411

It was nice seeing Aqua and Shion talk without the kayfabe in the aftertalk. They really do seem like friends.

>> No.31049414 [DELETED] 

mikoboat@sharklasers.com is it time to do this song and dance again?

>> No.31049422

even fucking ID1 who started later had new (NY) outfits before yabkisei, that's how cursed they are

>> No.31049424
Quoted by: >>31049439

Who are you hiding from

>> No.31049425

Took me a second to get what was behind Marine

>> No.31049430

No, he is literally 12 years old

>> No.31049431


>> No.31049433

I'm am, I have one down there, you know?

>> No.31049438

Me too

>> No.31049439

the govt

>> No.31049444

Thankfully I'm not

>> No.31049446
Quoted by: >>31049490

You are a female with a penis then

>> No.31049448

It’s boring

>> No.31049449

Will Gen 4 ever stop being the dark horse of hololive? being perpetually stuck under the shadow of Gen 3 doesn't do them any favours

>> No.31049456

Not wanting to bring fanbase wars but sometimes I feel Hololive picked all the weirdos that failed at life and to join Nijisanji, and Nijisanji got all the "cool kids" for their table.

>> No.31049457


>> No.31049462

What size is your penis

>> No.31049466
Quoted by: >>31049501

The amount of (you)s this got makes me want to give up watching hololive and posting in the thread. You guys are actual idiots.

>> No.31049472

Here are mine.

>> No.31049476

You couldn't be more wrong, Niji is also full of menheras and failures

>> No.31049478
Quoted by: >>31049519

gen 5 is the dark horse

>> No.31049479


>> No.31049488

ah the talantula

>> No.31049490
Quoted by: >>31049499

That's impossible I have all the secondary features a male has and zero females, I can't be one.

>> No.31049492


>> No.31049493

I just realized Coco slapped Kanata’s ass at the beginning, before they sing Senbozakura.

>> No.31049499
Quoted by: >>31049557

No one that small could be male. It is not possible

>> No.31049501

>he wasn't here to experience the real hell in april-july

>> No.31049504

Do you even watch niji

>> No.31049506

Oh no, with what kind of people does the sheep hang out?

>> No.31049508

Of course, I don't carry any filthy European or African blood.

>> No.31049511

The only dark horses are Towa and Luna
And maybe Kanata

>> No.31049512
Quoted by: >>31049561

I sometimes feel like I'm arguing with literal 13 year old girl here.

>> No.31049514

You mean to say the black sheep, dark horse means something else.

>> No.31049515

Can't wait for Flare to whip out the denpa at Holofes.

>> No.31049516

Tamaki did say Matsuri was the type who'd let all her fans fuck her. And you're not wrong: when I was a teenager and girls from chat rooms/online games liked me, I'd jerk off thinking about them.

>> No.31049519

Gen 5 are newbies, Gen 4 has been part of holo for almost a year and they still don't feel like a proper part of hololive, meanwhile Botan is pretty much everyone's friend

>> No.31049520

those three are dark horses given their talent level

>> No.31049526
Quoted by: >>31049571

About the same size as my hands, but I have the same size of hands as my sis, so pretty small I suppose.

>> No.31049532

I was taller than my 6ft dad when I was 11.

>> No.31049533

exactly 180cm

>> No.31049534


>> No.31049540

You say that but they are doing well and Towa just organized a huge collab.

>> No.31049541

nobody becomes a chuuba because they were one of "the cool kids"

>> No.31049539

>they still don't feel like a proper part of hololive
yes they do

>> No.31049544
Quoted by: >>31049622

>eat the bugs she prepared to me
>say yummy
>"that was delicious, but you know what is more delicious? You."
>grab her by the waist and kiss her mouth passionately
>then regurgitate all the crap she just fed me

Would that make her even more horny?

>> No.31049552
Quoted by: >>31049618

Mito is a fucking weirdo dude

>> No.31049554


>> No.31049557

Uhm, danny devito?

>> No.31049561

People in this thread... used to believe in things

>> No.31049564

171 cm

>> No.31049565
Quoted by: >>31049614

>coco sings
>dick bery hardo
>coco talks
>dead dick

>> No.31049568

I'm a big guy

>> No.31049569

next time you see a retarded post on /hlg/ just remind yourself that it's being made by a 150cm indonesian boy living on a rice farm

>> No.31049570
Quoted by: >>31049601

Chuubas in general wouldn't be interesting if they weren't a little bit weird.

>> No.31049571


>> No.31049572

People who were here before Gen 3 say the same thing.

>> No.31049574


>> No.31049575

Son of a bitch I was expecting Bibi, I had forgotten about this image.

>> No.31049583


>> No.31049585

I think Pekora said she watched but she was asleep when Pekora got back. https://youtu.be/MNl7USVDLgg?t=415

>> No.31049586

I disagree because the majority of nijisanji is eh talent, there are too many to make a generalization like that. But if we're talking only about their top talent, like Mito, Sasaki and Lize, I might agree. Not sure about "cool kids" but they definitely feel like a clique.

>> No.31049590

Fuck you..

>> No.31049601

Chuubas in general wouldn't be chuubas if they weren't a little bit weird.

>> No.31049602


>> No.31049605


>> No.31049609


>> No.31049610


>> No.31049614

Wow, Coco made you cum untill your dick died

>> No.31049615

Those idiots forgot to change Okayu any

>> No.31049617


>> No.31049618

Mito can handle conversations like a human being just fine, same goes for many others but I might be generalizing from the 5 nijis I have actually watched.

>> No.31049620

nijisanji is full of sociopaths

>> No.31049622

She would marry you on the spot

>> No.31049624


>> No.31049625


>> No.31049626

When is Cover going to enable hand tracking on home 3d?

>> No.31049627

nah, streamers in general, not just vtubers, attract the oddest sort of menhera failures subaru being such a normalfag is acutally kinda impressive, but i guess she was just really unlucky

>> No.31049632

Yes, got both shitty genetics and shitty habits all around

>> No.31049638

It really is impressive how all the Holos basically were nowhere in their lives...

>> No.31049644
Quoted by: >>31049672

It's not anti, it's realistic. When I see any of them moving from the bottom of the barrel, than you can boast that you corrected me. Unless they graduate before that.

>> No.31049651


>> No.31049662

That looks really rough, but I'd really like to see cover try harder for good home3d so twap can do her tiktok whore dancing.

>> No.31049663

What the fuck, this looks way better than the chunky ass Home 3D models we got. It's like an alive being.

>> No.31049664


>> No.31049667

and I wouldn't have it any other way

>> No.31049672

I'm not talking about how realistic it is but why you are doing it. Also learn to spell then if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.31049673


>> No.31049674


>> No.31049675

Barely just under by a cm, I am the king of the manlets

>> No.31049677


>> No.31049681

I just came.

>> No.31049684

Is there a streamable of all aqua appearances?
