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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 72 KB, 960x944, EoWQRUbVQAA9zRr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30288323 No.30288323 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.30288327

IJWU, did Mori ruin the collab?

>> No.30288329
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>> No.30288328
File: 55 KB, 734x784, state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this healthy?

>> No.30288333
File: 46 KB, 478x726, 1599842419506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia Watson

>> No.30288335

xth for jay

>> No.30288338
File: 111 KB, 360x317, 1603930596912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288376

I am hopelessly in love with Amelia Watson...

>> No.30288339
Quoted by: >>30289148

I have to ask, was anyone mad enough to send the recent Ollie art to 5ch

>> No.30288341
File: 468 KB, 2048x2048, 1605838327892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288343

>open hlgg
>have to deal with faggots replying BUT JAY every five posts again
>close hlgg

>> No.30288342

these threads have never been healthy

>> No.30288344
Quoted by: >>30288428

Kiara q&a in an bit over an hour

>> No.30288345

She thanked about 15 akas and teamkilled Ame more times than I can count, I'm done with this fucking bitch.

>> No.30288346
File: 517 KB, 484x636, 1607232431992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288349
File: 881 KB, 915x798, 1606375584459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the alleged yab from the stream. Gura said suck my toes.

>> No.30288352
File: 164 KB, 805x1201, EoOU9GcUUAAp2vg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was a fun collab, kinda mellow due to the low difficulty meaning there's no real urgency or threat to either of them.

>> No.30288351
File: 2.85 MB, 854x480, Shark Dance [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fty0mhs.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288631


>> No.30288354

Mori literally drove Amelia off a cliff and then teabagged her

>> No.30288356

>Polka discovering the fun of mining in Minecraft
The HoloJP server really spoiled them huh.

>> No.30288358

I love Yasai-senpai!

>> No.30288357
File: 36 KB, 1334x750, 1607227828997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fear not /hlgg/

>> No.30288360

she kept on pressuring Ame into discord sex, it got pretty awkward so they ended the stream

>> No.30288361

She made real progress surprisingly quickly on doom, its just that she only has to stand around and click on enemies so far, so there's nothing pushing her to trying things.

>> No.30288363


>> No.30288364

Reminder: Chumbuddies are paying for the sex vacations

>> No.30288369
File: 139 KB, 600x600, 1604793214475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you forgive her yet chumbuds?

>> No.30288370
File: 677 KB, 1068x561, pepeloni [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1z8joe.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had pepeloni pizza for the first time in months to celebrate my mom's birthday. I didn't away the pepelonis, though.

>> No.30288371
File: 1.49 MB, 1200x900, pepeloni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah! the pepeloni

>> No.30288372

Ummm chumbuds..?

>> No.30288373
File: 383 KB, 1000x1108, 1606276757970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moririn.......... you'll never get better if you only play for an hour...............

>> No.30288376
File: 555 KB, 497x937, 1597151453085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too bro, I honestly can't imagine my life without her at this point

>> No.30288379

No, it was cute, but the game required all of their focus. There's potential for improvement.

>> No.30288380
File: 931 KB, 720x1280, 1607241119701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288431

Are you ready for your teabagging, deadbeats?

>> No.30288383 [DELETED] 

*according to 5ch bros*

>> No.30288384

Where do you think we are?

>> No.30288385

No, it was pretty good actually. Narrativefags got their anuses reamed once again.

>> No.30288386
File: 175 KB, 380x380, 1586029799094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289878

I have 150 ogey rrats in my folder. How many more am I missing?

>> No.30288387

Kept teamkilling Ame and then pretending she didn't know what she was doing, actual asshole

>> No.30288390

nothing out of this site is healthy

>> No.30288392

The definition of virility!

>> No.30288393
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 1591298950959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori shit and farted while streaming and the audio of the shitting and farting was captured by her microphone and heard by all attendees of her stream.

>> No.30288396


>> No.30288397

Healthy for whom?

>> No.30288398

Where do you guys find those detailed retentions stats and max viewership? Playboard doesn't have all videos sometimes so I'm trying to find another site for numberfagging

>> No.30288399

God dammit I love her. As soon as the borders open I'm going to Tokyo for a month and will do nothing but try and marry nobupolka

>> No.30288400
Quoted by: >>30288482

Everything leading up to the nothingburger were some of the best threads we've seen all week. We flew too close to perfection, we had to be taken down a notch

>> No.30288407

I would

>> No.30288408

based 5ch schitzos, we truly are brothers in rrats

>> No.30288409

Mori required babysitting/had no clue what was going on. Stream is a strong 6/10 because of things like that but she could improve

>> No.30288410


>> No.30288412
File: 8 KB, 247x81, 1607246689728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288466

>Mori and Ame both getting motion sick
I feel bad for them, but that's kind of cute.

>> No.30288413
File: 2.69 MB, 3242x4588, 1579882801196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her toes...? Aren't they dirty?

>> No.30288414
File: 380 KB, 572x712, 1606086019075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this piece ever get finished?

>> No.30288415

They've all literally talked about how they're friends you cynical retard. Are you that jaded about friendship that being friends with your coworker never crossed your mind? What a sad life you must have.

>> No.30288417
Quoted by: >>30288473

She should start to stream more after this month. Isn’t she finally gonna be able stop teaching?

>> No.30288418


>> No.30288419

Whats the strongest narrative in recent memory

>> No.30288420

She's a dumbass and I love her.

>> No.30288421

she’s saying I’m right here as in,
hello? I’m right here, can you not?

Holy fuck. Have you retards ever had a girlfriend or any social interaction with a female in your lives?

>> No.30288422
File: 769 KB, 600x510, 1602399952260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually worried about the people here in this thread. Some of you guys really need some mental health medication. Me included
>inb4 fuck off big pharma shill

>> No.30288424
File: 364 KB, 1464x2048, IMG_20201121_024752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288448

They are lovers.

>> No.30288426


>> No.30288427
File: 708 KB, 780x1200, 1580732252272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for another RFA bros
I'm already shooting blanks but it won't stop me

>> No.30288428

5am. I should go to sleep

>> No.30288429
Quoted by: >>30288554

It was REALLY painful to watch her ignore weapon and ammo pickups but that's mostly my autism

>> No.30288430


DOOM was teaching her how to play FPS better than Halo, mainly because its much more challenging even on Normal.

>> No.30288431


>> No.30288435
File: 602 KB, 1497x2048, 1605198149069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288494


>> No.30288434

>assuming the real chumbuds were mad at her at all
Kill yourself

>> No.30288436

Also consider how many of the archived threads that aren't hololive threads are there because they got thrown off a cliff when a hololive thread was closed and four new ones were made.

>> No.30288437
File: 512 KB, 467x647, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288438

This is a PSA!
Think before you post!
Read out loud what you have typed and ask yourself, "Is this retarded?"
This will save you from being an idiot!
Unless you crave those (You)'s, then go fuck yourself

>> No.30288441
File: 75 KB, 909x768, 374A4B2A-23A4-49AA-A1A3-2D3B9BC64FCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Amelia, wanna go to the ocean?

>> No.30288442

nah, besides the Lord Revan dude who's shitting cash other people generally learned that it's best to hold off on sending SC on collabs to not detract from the interactions

>> No.30288444
Quoted by: >>30288503

>He doesn't know the "honorable Nippon" companies whose primary customers were from the west were spamming BLM on Twitter during George Floyd nigger protests

>> No.30288445
Quoted by: >>30288606

She's the highlight of my day every time she streams but I wouldn't say i'm in love with her, i've not let myself get that far on account of the fact i'm a shut in neet who also lives on the other side of the world.

>> No.30288447

no. fuck that whore, gura is dead to me

>> No.30288448
File: 243 KB, 685x449, 1603774023835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they are

>> No.30288455
File: 476 KB, 786x1224, 1598610997797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not trolling or anything, but I actually do hope Gura gets in contact with Jay to tell him about this shit show, so they can remove each other from their contact lists.

>> No.30288457
File: 53 KB, 680x962, 1587874925605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open hlgg
>post cunny
>keep posting cunny

>> No.30288458
File: 180 KB, 1240x1748, __ninomae_ina_nis_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_faihua_ali__b4691410b311b2a9eee1f96706c4fd91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina Collab Tier List

S tier
Ina Gura

A tier
Ina Ame

B tier
Ina Mori

C tier
Ina Kiara
Ina Iofi

I can't believe Mori called Ame a nigger twice.

>> No.30288459

She said she's considering making the next Crash stream an "until it's beaten" endurance stream. Talking to Korone about the game inspired her, or something.
It's yet another Mori promise so 90% chance it won't happen, but who knows; we did end up getting the promised Atlus begging stream so anything could happen.

>> No.30288461

No, but you cant make a Vtuber board without it looking like half lolcow bait

>> No.30288462
Quoted by: >>30288945

Was saving my cum for a week for Gura's stream but it was more funny than hot, and after what happened... Which HoloEN should I blow my load to?

>> No.30288463

Teamkilling is Ina's thing.

>> No.30288465


Which one of you niggers did this? It's getting posted all over 5ch.

>> No.30288466

Narrative: this is morning sickness, not motion sickness.

>> No.30288469

>1 thread with 33 comments made by some anon from hlg

>> No.30288470

None of us talked to females in a non professional setting.

>> No.30288471

You’re the socially autistic one if you didn’t think that was an invitation to get into her vagina

>> No.30288472
Quoted by: >>30288549

anyone got a mega for the unedited gura RFA?

>> No.30288473

She said she was going to go full-time after the holidays, so I assume that means she's quitting her teaching job and Cover has secured her visa.

>> No.30288475
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1604627761807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288686

I can't believe Ame showed a completely naked woman on stream...

>> No.30288476

>wake up
>apparently Gura is fucking a black guy or something
What the fuck
Why is he on the friendlist of her fucking HOLOLIVE account

>> No.30288481

probably got delayed on account of this

>> No.30288482

>Everything leading up to the nothingburger were some of the best threads we've seen all week.
Before that was all chicken antiposting tho

>> No.30288483
Quoted by: >>30288497

Bros I think I'm the same age as chicken.

>> No.30288484

Also gura fucked and still fucks Jay

>> No.30288486
Quoted by: >>30288516

Mori seemed to take a liking to the needler but I assume that was because it had homing projectiles and the supercombine

>> No.30288488
File: 582 KB, 2508x3542, 1588798914219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based cunnyisseur

>> No.30288490

Mori ruined another collab by existing, when is this ungrateful jew graduating.

Amegura would of easily smashed 200k live views while playing halo on legendary making teetee history, or with any other debuff game x100, fucking UUUUUUOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.30288489

>Ina Kiara that low
Why? Them playing Mario Kart was fun.

>> No.30288491
File: 154 KB, 423x289, eilene-crimes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any proofs that Eilene makes those Hologra videos? I still don't believe in that narrative. But then again, he's been really inactive for a while now

>> No.30288493

weak cope

>> No.30288494
File: 345 KB, 2218x3404, 1606756600515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288495

shitposting which is actually true is always way funnier

>> No.30288497
Quoted by: >>30288520

You're 40?

>> No.30288498
Quoted by: >>30288735

Not a chumbud but was really upset about the yab. She of all people should know she shouldn't be using her work account and not her personal one. Or at least turn off the notifications

>> No.30288499

Has there even been a KiarIna collab yet?

>> No.30288500

>limit the number of threads
Wow that was hard.

>> No.30288501

you dont understand anon, they all hate each other behind the scenes! it's all fabricated! like pro wrestling, damnit!

>> No.30288502
File: 485 KB, 1880x1460, 1582078888040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really really enjoy Ina and Ame together

>> No.30288503
Quoted by: >>30288973

Sony is a Japanese company in name only and I don't give a fuck about what American branches of companies do because they're expected to pay lip service to the negro same as everyone else.

>> No.30288505
File: 2.04 MB, 1226x1041, 1605157292030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288587

>Open /tv/
>Still have to deal with BUT JAY there as well
Stop leaking faggots

>> No.30288507


>> No.30288509

no this is normal.

>> No.30288510


>> No.30288514
File: 1.02 MB, 3760x5311, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_nedia_nedia_region__2118644925cf31f571626f28e457abc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes you cry with her heart-touching singing
>makes you laugh with her dumb and dorky humor
>makes you cum with her cute and funny
Is she actually one of the greatest entertainers ever?

>> No.30288516
Quoted by: >>30288536

She favoured the Covenant weapons in general, I think she just thought they looked cool.

>> No.30288517

the real tragedy of the RFA stream was the death of UOHposting

>> No.30288519

The problem is that in a collab, she didn't have time to stop and experiment since Ame was already charging on ahead and she didn't want to be deadweight. Ame should have stopped and taken the 5 minutes at the start to tell Mori the basic concepts, but I don't think she knows Halo well enough to do that. I think she should have taken Mori to a CS:GO training map instead of dropping her straight into a campaign that neither of them have played.

>> No.30288520


>> No.30288521

You got your C tier and B tier mixed up. Lofi was fine and Kiara was fun

Mario Kart

>> No.30288522
Quoted by: >>30288602

So all the Holo bow to Sora but Sora seems to keep AZKi even higher. Does this make AZKi the actual top dog of Hololive?


>> No.30288523

Ina Kiara Mario Kart was kino. What do you mean?

>> No.30288524
File: 387 KB, 1748x2480, 1606819847371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288930

They need to collab again very soon

>> No.30288525

if they want an easy FPS for collabs, they should just stream PAYDAY 2 HOLY SHIT why the fuck they haven't done just that?
How hard is it to put a drill and shoot cops?

>> No.30288527

The thought of getting found out is a major turn on

>> No.30288530

very early, they did an arknights rate stream

>> No.30288531

The irony of the fps boot camp is that playing DOOM on a consistent basis would've made her a better gamer. Instead it looks like Halo will take priority for a while.

>> No.30288532
Quoted by: >>30289712

They deserve to know.

>> No.30288533

>Chat disabled
Guess she learned from sitting and watching the prechat today.

>> No.30288534

Yes, two.

>> No.30288535

Well damn. Take your time, artist, that doesn't sound fun at all.

>> No.30288536


>> No.30288538
File: 121 KB, 828x996, EYGh1wbWkAANEq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it's over. I have solid proof that they were dating. If you couldn't stomach the threads during Amegeddon you better leave for a few weeks...

>> No.30288539

>How hard is it to put a drill and shoot cops?

>> No.30288540
Quoted by: >>30288606

same. I hate to say this, but I can't imagine how I would have dealt with the last 3 months without her

>> No.30288541

>makes you angry with her bfs
>makes you imagine the smell with her braps

>> No.30288543

She isn't doing it to make you cry, laugh, and cum.
She's doing it to make Jay cry, laugh, and cum.

>> No.30288544

Shark brain please understando...
>That's not what I wanted
ofc dumbass

>> No.30288546

>her fucking HOLOLIVE account
She was playing with her personal account

>> No.30288549
Quoted by: >>30288662

nvm, found it

>> No.30288554

They both did, but Mori at least has an excuse and actually tried a th on of weapons.

>> No.30288556

That, plus to prevent any possible discussion of any certain somebodies

>> No.30288557

The chat only opens 2 hours before the stream, unless you're Mori or Kiara. Not surprised you don't know that though, tourist-kun.

>> No.30288558

her movements and target acquisition kept getting better even by the end of this stream, she still gets overwhelmed by options real easily which is just her boomer brain at work
she needs practice more than anything and it's the only thing she cannot get (and I doubt that's changing all that soon, just quitting her job won't wipe out music production and Nip reps)

>> No.30288559 [DELETED] 

>HoloEn starts
>one of them has the same voice as Jay
imagine the meltdown

>> No.30288561
File: 397 KB, 2310x1530, 1604961721226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it was a good collab. People are just angry that Mori is dogshit at video games, but watching her is really funny. Only pure multiplayer or pure casual and braindead easy games like DOOM are consistently interesting to watch long-term because regular games will have a lot of story and cutscenes which inherently interrupts chatting. Of course there are exceptions to games that were made with streaming in mind like the absolute kino A Way Out GurAme

>> No.30288563

guras had a rough week
>had to deal with massive lolcow dox
>now has to deal with the jay narrative that has somehow spilled into 5ch (though seems to have died down)

graduation when?

>> No.30288564
File: 552 KB, 790x443, Screenshot_24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubzilla-chan...what kind of person is she....

>> No.30288566

Sorry I’m not a cuck

>> No.30288567

because Gura is a dumb millennial without any thought of repercussions
you reap what you sow, bitch
hope it was worth jay's seed planted in your snatch

>> No.30288568
File: 194 KB, 380x337, 【#常闇トワ3D】常闇トワ様3Dお披露目!悪魔になるための一歩♥【#JointhefutureJP】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288569
Quoted by: >>30288678

Even /fit/?

>> No.30288570


>> No.30288572
File: 205 KB, 886x1079, ElJzzpgU8AAlwgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288608

Please watch my CEO again. Playing another Rhythm Tengoku, might get final mix with this

>> No.30288574
Quoted by: >>30288645

Ina Mori deserves to be lower because of Lethal League. Their art stream wasn't THAT good.

>> No.30288575
File: 233 KB, 940x1265, rainforrest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling quite unity here.

>> No.30288578

I liked it enough that they do it agian, but given the titles for their videos I was hoping Ame would have given more instruction to Mori on how to get better at FPS games. IE controls, strafing while shooting, player placement, telling friendly from enemy (red reticle) etc.
Mori driving them into the ocean was the highlight.

>> No.30288579

Add on to that it wasn't just a 'I want to do it', but she named a specific date that she already told her boss she couldn't come in, so it's not impossible if unlikely.

>> No.30288581

It was brought up way back, but I think they're worried about the music.

>> No.30288582
Quoted by: >>30290213

Hi, I've never played Reach. Is it possible for them to just have more players drop in and out? It'd be cool if Ina/Gura could join Mori and Ame next time (Kiara mentioned she doesn't play FPS).

>> No.30288583

its dead hours so if you delete this right now no one will see it. you still have a chance to do the right thing

>> No.30288584
Quoted by: >>30288633


Have you not been listening to the HERfans in this thread? Her whole persona is being a "vulgar drunk gremlin" and she forces this kinds of jokes in HER streams often. It's all just a mindless joke, a shitty one at that.

>> No.30288585

Ina and Mori need to do another chill drawing & zatsudan stream. Their first one was really nice.

>> No.30288586
Quoted by: >>30288612

Sounds hilarious if true. Stop being so bitter

>> No.30288587
File: 391 KB, 600x450, 1583658812354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open /tv/
>they're delusional
>close /tv/

>> No.30288589

You're talking to the fags who act surprised when Gura likes any fanart of herself with skin showing. They're all virgins.

>> No.30288594
File: 196 KB, 1840x2048, 6754657456645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only 87 minutes long.
>Getting motion sickness from a normal ass fps.
>Even basic controls are a struggle so fun commentary all the way through is an impossibility.
>10 hour campaign + mp streams.
>Collab with senpai/stranger mode Ame so no proper roasting or banter.
>People in comments saying it was the most eppicest pogger and that Team Moriarty Watson is the new hot thing in school.
Just fucking kill me. ABORT ABORT ABORT ABORT!

>> No.30288598
File: 406 KB, 568x732, 1604944318095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamate that has watched every single Ame stream so far

Gura/Ame(Just the A Way Out collab on itself is amazing) > Ina/Ame(I would've put this lower were it not for the comfy zatsudan that happened recently, it was great) > Mori/Ame(The contrasting personalities of these girls will make the future collabs so fun) > Kiara/Ame (I liked them but for some reason not as much as the other EN 1on1 collabs) > Robocco/Ame (I loved when they started chatting at the second half, too bad we're not getting another one anytime soon) > Haato/Ame (These were pretty fun, but the problem is there's always this rush to finish quickly because of Haachama's 1 hour rule)

Thanks for reading my retarded ass blogpost

>> No.30288601

Website for that, that is not playboard?

>> No.30288602

Sora is the daisenpai but AZKi is hololive's true genuine idol
Sora being an idol herself kneels out of respect

>> No.30288603

No, Koishi sucks, and that guy needs to stop deluding himself.

>> No.30288604

I think I’m gonna be sick

>> No.30288606
File: 267 KB, 1960x1348, 1590100089838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288687

Based teamates

>> No.30288607

All of Ina collabs were fun. They were S or A tier. The only collab that was bad was the Ina/Mori collab for LL. Their first collab was good.

>> No.30288608
File: 163 KB, 323x235, 1597765544975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289233

https://youtu.be/qkJ0wjclbNM Forgot the link

>> No.30288609

She's doing all of those with Klaius too. What a little whore.

>> No.30288610

One of the greatest slags of all time

>> No.30288614
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1606375556327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288612

Anon, your joke reps

>> No.30288615
File: 38 KB, 399x298, 1355884443419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be fine with that tradeoff if they were playing CE, but Reach is just kind of eeh.

DOOM isn't coming back until February or some shit, ain't it. Fuck.

>> No.30288616

>>had to deal with massive lolcow dox

>> No.30288617

Based. Iname is cute.

>> No.30288618

not the next one, but on the 14th

>> No.30288619
File: 742 KB, 2937x4096, 1605326794944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I finally understand why I love Gura so much and it's a bit embarrassing but here goes. In high school I dated a girl for about a year and half. Very pretty, basically out of my league. We talked about marriage and were very much in love (puppy love if you want to call it that). I wanted her to be my first and me hers, but she always found an excuse not to have sex with me. It was strange. So one day I got fed up with her and tell her I wanted to go on a break. She agreed. So we're on a break, but I fully intended to get back together with her after a while. Well one day some guy messages me saying he fucked my ex girlfriend in the town's mall bathroom. I legitimately thought he was fucking with me but I asked my ex about it and she just started crying and saying she was sorry and that "it just happened" and that she still loved me and wanted to get back together. I said fuck that, we're done. The few days after that, I couldn't stop thinking about this dude fucking my ex girl in that bathroom stall. He defiled her. I could only imagine her moans and pleasure. It turned me on and I had some of the best cooms of my life. Ever since, I've enjoyed NTR. It just happened and that's how it is. I still talk to her now from time to time and we catch up because she genuinely meant a lot to me back then and was my first love. But yeah. Whenever I watch Gura I get that same rush that I got back then and I love the rush. Not to mention Gura is honestly really cute and funny to be around. This feeling just takes it over the top for me.

>> No.30288620
File: 78 KB, 640x720, 1600280034131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing to forgive, it was just a silly oversight. But she should just be careful with her account settings and the like since retarded antis have been getting too many vods privated.

>> No.30288621


>> No.30288622

Greaaat the situation is only going to get worse huh?

>> No.30288623
File: 145 KB, 287x287, 1606961375409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka's giggle are just too cute guys

>> No.30288624

Friends in Facebook terms, maybe. Visiting someone's stream and saying you love them and their stuff is a whole different thing than actually making a collab fun and interesting to watch.

>> No.30288625
File: 705 KB, 846x920, 1580247892352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but she should be more careful

>> No.30288627
Quoted by: >>30288656

Youtube numbers are still bugged, but probably accurate relatively speaking.

>> No.30288631

So soundposts are just for wasting image slots.

>> No.30288632
File: 281 KB, 1448x2048, 1605236975383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288633
Quoted by: >>30288696

Yeaaaa a joke

>> No.30288634
File: 36 KB, 773x792, 157606889109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open hlgg
>Jay posting
>thought RLM mentioned Gura or something
>its actually that random faggot she was friends with that I forgot about from 3 months ago
Disappointed, I thought people memed RLM movie review with Gura into reality

>> No.30288635

Were you present for the last 4 or so threads? The answer is no.

>> No.30288636
File: 581 KB, 556x807, 1607232461512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288652


>> No.30288638
Quoted by: >>30288676

It got better towards the end, probably next time will be good since Mori already knows the basics now.

>> No.30288639

doing a really shit job of that then

>> No.30288640
File: 15 KB, 236x272, 1600694993520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But is there anyone stronger than Moona Hoshinova? And I'm not talking about pre-breakfast Moona Hoshinova. No, I'm not talking about pre-second-breakfast Moona Hoshinova. Hell, I'm not talking about pre-lunch Moona Hoshinova either. I'm talking about pre-dinner Usada Kensetsu Architect Moona Hoshinova who hasn't had a donut for more than 42 minutes and has been starved for at least 12 burgers since her last stream. I'm talking about Moona Hoshinova who is so starved for food even devouring an entire chicken wouldn't sate her desire for consumption. I'm talking about Moona Hoshinova whose thirst couldn't be sated even by the endless flowing juices of Usada Kensetsu Shachou, Usada Pekora. I'm talking about Moona Hoshinova whose thirst and hunger is so great that she doesn't even need a full set of Usada Heybrid Armor made by Usada Kensetsu to have beyond maximum armor, shattering the confinements of reality itself. I'm talking about Moona Hoshinova whose ready to devour gods and put an end to existence as we know it just to fill her tummy.

Chumbuds when Gura is not streaming
>I think Kiara is fun to watch.
>Ame is quite entertaining, I really appreciate her hanging around with my daughterwife.
>Don't talk shit about chuubas.
>*posts chumchad*
>Ina's streams are quite relaxing aren't they, Takobros?
>Watch my daughter's friend's stream.
>Bros I can't wait for Gura's next stream, what do I do?
>This clip of my daughterwaifu is really cute, isn't it chumbros?

Chumbuds when Gura is streaming
>*posts a lewd picture*

>> No.30288644
File: 258 KB, 450x449, 1607224458529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine still liking the shark girl after finding out she takes bbc

>> No.30288645

I liked the Lethal League stream
Completely crashed the game servers too.

>> No.30288647 [DELETED] 

>jay lives in the UK
>has actively said he’s alone right now
>depressed in his streams
>seems suicidal from discord message history
it’s ok chumbuds. he’s going to kill himself soon. we just need to push him over the edge

>> No.30288648

After crash for sure, and probably after at least this Halo. Kinda wish they'd just let Ame play it because its gunna be a while before she finishes anyway.

>> No.30288649
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-12-06-20h02m32s301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itsa autohmahtiiic
>luna vibing

>> No.30288651

I unsubbed to Gura. Not because of any cuck shit but for being unprofessional. There are thousands of talented virgin women who would love to be in your place. Next time don't disrespect your fans. We don't rush home from work to catch your stream to see an old flames usertag pop up, fluster you, and make you end the stream early. Fuck that. I have too much self respect to stay subbed. Good luck.

>> No.30288652
File: 1.80 MB, 1080x1281, 1575738909743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288653
File: 489 KB, 579x723, 1593538229195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

>> No.30288656

Yeah, it's really hard to guess at accurate numbers, but judging on the evidence we've seen for the bug they were probably between 18-20k viewers each.

>> No.30288660

DOOM could come back around the end of December but goddamn is Mori going to get fucked if she tries to juggle both it and Reach with Ame because the skills for one absolutely do not carry over to the other.

>> No.30288661

Holy kek

>> No.30288662
Quoted by: >>30288727

Was the original stream really edited? I watched it again and it seems nothing changed

>> No.30288664

>Mori loses half of her viewers as soon as she plays the outro
I'm thinking a lot of people are getting sick of that song by now. I doubt there was this quick a drop off when Live Again was the outro. Man I miss Live Again outro, it was one of the best in all of hololive

>> No.30288667
Quoted by: >>30288699


>> No.30288665

Damn, Jay's seed flies across the ocean?!
Astel please improve your game

>> No.30288668
File: 548 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A tier
What? This collab was amazing.

>> No.30288669
Quoted by: >>30288771

>Cover has secured her visa.
Her visa is still in the air. Cover might not secure it which means Mori might be booted out of Japan.

>> No.30288670
Quoted by: >>30288718

Imagine being a copypastafag

>> No.30288677

Yeah Ame repeatedly charging ahead while Mori was trying to figure shit out really didnt help. But like you said Ame probably barely knows shit about Halo herself so she shouldnt be the one trying to teach Mori

>> No.30288676

Reminder she forgot the controls to Doom the second playthrough and had to relearn them

>> No.30288678

especially /fit/

>> No.30288680
File: 351 KB, 1638x2048, 1606834565023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people not know about motion sickness meds? I take them every time I want to play FPS or VR games.

Pic unrelated, I just really, REALLY, like Kiara.

>> No.30288681


>> No.30288682

Dbd InaGura was S, Portal 2 I'd say was A.

>> No.30288683
Quoted by: >>30288867

Give it time, Halo will help her out a bit. Bungie was more about access I suppose, especially with Reach since they changed a bunch before the final release. Lower movement speed in the final release than beta for example was done so players familiar with other shooters wouldn't feel weird or something like that. Learning a bit of Reach should help with other FPS games

>> No.30288684

I don't agree or disagree enough with any of your points to write a proper reply. I'd order it differently in the middle.
But please, your formatting reps.

>> No.30288686

Impressive bush, but not as impressive as Ina's.

>> No.30288687
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1603322351408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that art is so...

>> No.30288688

>she literally never talked to him with her real voice
Jesus christ, Gura is really good at keeping character isn't she?

>> No.30288689

The OFFICIAL Ina collab tier list

S Rank
Tilted Ina x Kiara (Seething Ina x Kiara was a glimpse at some truekino, had they been playing a fighting game or any 1on 1 situation, wouldve easily made for some great clips)

A Rank
Ina x Ame (The true otp, Main Villain/Protagonist of HololiveEN)
Ina x Gura (Goooooorahhhh)

B Rank
Ina x Kiara (Kiara actually brings ina out her shell and was quite talkative during the mario kart collab)

C Rank
Ina x Enma (need more)
Ina x Iofi (comfy art stream, big sis/lil sis energy)

E Rank
Ina x Mori (never again)

>> No.30288692
Quoted by: >>30288821

CS go would be an even harder filter due to how quickly you die in it, at least the regenerating shield in Halo gives you lots of opportunity for error

>> No.30288693

Hasn't it been over a month? why hasn't she changed her outro back to live again? it was actually a good outro back then

>> No.30288694


>> No.30288695
File: 538 KB, 2240x2188, 1607205739374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288760

InAme's probably my second favorite duo in EN, still rough around the edges sometimes but really good.

>> No.30288696

Yeah, I bet you never watched HER. I bet you never even read her video descriptions

>> No.30288698


>> No.30288699
File: 26 KB, 408x408, 1579288061133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288793

Please don't tell me they were spamming copypastas like Twitch in her chat

>> No.30288701
Quoted by: >>30288802

>braindead easy games like DOOM
Wtf are you smoking? DOOM Eternal is harder than Reach.

>> No.30288702

Imagine loving someone that much kek The second my girl ever did that she's dead to me.

>> No.30288703
File: 564 KB, 659x686, 1606014141111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's so adorable

>> No.30288704

She ruined our comfy Halo CE thread with Ame. which is worse.

>> No.30288706
Quoted by: >>30288810

>you reap what you sow
literally nobody is talking about it
it hasn’t been discussed on 5ch in 5 hours and there’s literally only two threads with 149 replies dedicated to it
literally nobody gives a fuck except this website and thread of 300 people

>> No.30288708


>> No.30288709

It was me, Dio!

>> No.30288710

There's not actually been any word on the visa, just people assuming.

>> No.30288711

Isn’t gura in the us
How do they fuck

>> No.30288713
Quoted by: >>30289019

Half of teamates are conditioned to wait for the post-credit.

>> No.30288716

Based, the rush of pleasure from paying for Jay's plane tickets and condoms is like no other

>> No.30288717
File: 251 KB, 1725x1916, 1606780243136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I love her

>> No.30288719
File: 732 KB, 1134x1763, 1584742339884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off.

>> No.30288718

barracuda stop you can't badmouth chumchads

>> No.30288720
Quoted by: >>30288779

Actually curious, do you not like Reach much or is it that you just wish they were going in release order?

>> No.30288722

Fuck off retard

>> No.30288723
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x900, Screen Shot 2017-12-11 at 8.46.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288789

>So, Mike, what did you think of Gura's Ring Fit Adventure stream?
>Well, Jay, I HATED it.
>Really? I thought it was fine.
>Well I didn't HATE it. Actually, it reminded me of this one Star Trek episode...

>> No.30288727

>checked the YAB
>it's still there
looks like it wasn't, but once I finish downloading I'll know for sure. weird that livechat is removed, that only happens when videos are edited.

>> No.30288731

Too busy and didn't occur to her to not keep doing the same thing, I assume.

>> No.30288733

This, I love Gura and Ame but I fucking wish they'd take their responsibilities more seriously. Imagine not deleting a curiouscat of all things

>> No.30288735
Quoted by: >>30288852

Does it even matter if you turn them off? I swear, I turned my notifications off on my Switch, and I still get the "friend online" notifications.

>> No.30288739
Quoted by: >>30290709


>> No.30288742

deadbraps will defend this

>> No.30288743
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 7JHxy2UO_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been a chumbud, but I can't support her anymore. I'm becoming a teamate now.

>> No.30288744
File: 460 KB, 1032x830, 1583979015862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night bros, until the Ring Fit stream

>> No.30288745

DOOM Eternal is significantly more difficult than Halo, especially for someone who has no FPS skills.

>> No.30288747
Quoted by: >>30288820

I don't understand how Ame who has thousands of hours in fpses would suddenly start complain about motion sickness from Titanfall and Halo Reach. The fuck is up with that? What is she playing at?

>> No.30288748
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, 1603660172039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura Ame is the status quo

>> No.30288750

Weakest cope I've ever seen.

>> No.30288751
File: 166 KB, 600x562, 1578666235470.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you retards ever had a girlfriend or any social interaction with a female in your lives?
All Gura antis are.

Honestly, when it was the last time you talked to a woman, one on one anons?
Even online counts.

>> No.30288753
Quoted by: >>30288822

intercontinental ballistic penis

>> No.30288754

the end of their mario kart collab nearly got the anger

>> No.30288755
File: 232 KB, 1492x2278, 1604381113523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting it again.

>> No.30288756
File: 155 KB, 380x380, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288758

Live again's cut off point was way shorter too
She plays the remix in it's entirety while live again started on the 2nd verse

>> No.30288760
File: 308 KB, 564x360, 1601328710738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289056

The most recent collab they did sealed the deal for me. Ina and Ame seem like the adults in the room

>> No.30288761
File: 66 KB, 326x282, 1575928524529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree my fellow teamate

>> No.30288767

>ywn have the simple act of logging into Animal Crossing at 5AM be the cause of your eventual suicide
Seriously though, kill yourself.

>> No.30288770


>> No.30288771

iirc there's a 2-month grace period (one month for them to review it, another if it gets denied and you need to leave). Either way, I strongly doubt that it hasn't been worked out considering Mori isn't good at hiding how she feels and having to move countries after she just got her new place would be a ridiculous amount of stress.

>> No.30288774
Quoted by: >>30288832

my body count went from 0 to 2 in the last year actually lol!!

>> No.30288777
File: 70 KB, 228x221, 2721-1583430189-1782774948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrats are pathetic vermin. There is almost nothing the girls can do to make me become an anti or hate them outright. They'd have to literally livestream as themselves and do godawful, heinous shit for me to consider becoming an anti. Enjoy your schizo bullshit and anti-posting cause I ain't buying you loser faggots.

>> No.30288778
File: 75 KB, 591x720, 1607223214943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv Sha'k gurl
Luv Watson
Luv Eena
Luv Reaper
Luv Phenix

'ate Antis
'ate False Flaggers
'ate Schizos
'ate niji's

Simple as

>> No.30288779
Quoted by: >>30288884

I enjoyed Reach, but the trilogy is just on another level.

>> No.30288780
File: 31 KB, 245x272, hololive Spanish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hololive Spanish confirmed
oh no no no

>> No.30288781

>120 ip
It is all so tiring...
Why do SEA have to feel obliged everything JP must be purely JP, superior, and have a weird hatred towards other branches? I'm seeing a trend here and in personal circle of friends.

>> No.30288784
Quoted by: >>30290709

Based purist

>> No.30288787
Quoted by: >>30288924

Why are Teamates the designated falseflagger objective? Is it because they're the majority?

>> No.30288789


>> No.30288792
File: 202 KB, 1217x1591, 1605925868230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289743

Being a teamate has a strict requirement of also being a chumbud supporter as Gurame canon

>> No.30288793

They were spamming the asking for her contact info for a friend copy pasta in SCs iirc.

>> No.30288794

More people are catching on that Ame drops easter eggs at the end of her streams so they stick around to hear them. She usually doesn't do them during collabs but she did Mori's GUH this time.

>> No.30288795
File: 545 KB, 627x575, Polkerface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this clown so cute

>> No.30288798

Fuck off chickenfag.
inb4 you falseflag as a Tako despite not understanding Ina at all.

>> No.30288799
File: 276 KB, 1050x1488, 1601868293001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. As. A. BIG. Teamate. Myself. I. Feel. The Same.

>> No.30288800
File: 46 KB, 313x345, Not Artia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, teamate!

>> No.30288802

No vtuber has ever struggled in DOOM. It's really casual and has short cutscenes which is good for streaming.

>> No.30288804
Quoted by: >>30290709

This is the correct mindset

>> No.30288805

Same implication.

>> No.30288810

please anon just stop replying to the dumbass bait

>> No.30288811

i say this all the time: the main three are not aware enough of anime in general to make informed critiques of them, they have said as much
if you're familiar with the canadians, Jim constantly retweets anime shit on twitter so your best bet on anime x rlm is a jim and other person re:view of akira

>> No.30288812
File: 15 KB, 256x242, 1607142749204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289745

When Amelia streamed before
She was so cute I thought I'd die
She's just like an angel
Her grin makes me smile
She glows like sunlight
In this dark and lonely world
She's so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a goose
I'm a teabro
What the hell am I doing here
When Ame is not here?

I don't care if it hurts
Amelia is in control
She has a perfect body
She has the kindest soul
I wish she would notice
But my mom she groundpunds
She's so fucking special
I wish I was special

I'm a goose
I'm a teabro
What the hell am I doing here
When Ame is not here?

She's late for stream again
She's late again
She's late, late, late, late,

Whatever makes her happy
Whatever she wants
She's so fucking special
I wish I was special

But I'm a goose
I'm a teabro
What the hell am I doing here?
I guess I belong here
I belong right here...

>> No.30288813

Jay is so lucky!

>> No.30288814
File: 3.01 MB, 1646x1686, 1581176244451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know anon, why do you care so much about SEAmonkeys?

>> No.30288815
Quoted by: >>30288848

Isn't this good?

>> No.30288816
File: 3.72 MB, 498x280, 46488453.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's perfect

>> No.30288820
Quoted by: >>30288987

Titanfall's explainable if the movement is really just that different to her I suppose, I got nothing for Halo. She's probably just tired or sick from something else entirely and mistakenly attributed it to motion sickness from the game.

>> No.30288821
Quoted by: >>30289362

I don't mean CS:GO combat, they have aim training maps that are intended for you to just learn how to shoot targets. Think of it as a virtual shooting range.

>> No.30288822

Man, Trident went in a weird direction, huh.

>> No.30288823

Jay is the one who got Gura pregnant...

>> No.30288824
Quoted by: >>30290709


>> No.30288825

based chumchad

>> No.30288826
Quoted by: >>30288864

Hey so can a doxxfag get the nudes sent to jay or not?

>> No.30288827




>> No.30288828


>> No.30288830

I know it's not the same DOOM, but Risu's attempt at Ultimate DOOM was one of the most painful streams I've ever watched.

>> No.30288831

I cant believe I woke up at 8am for Halo CE and got Reach instead
I don't hate Reach, far from it, but I would have prefered some kino running around like headless chickens on the 2nd mission

>> No.30288832

>still mad

>> No.30288833
File: 76 KB, 1200x540, 1606737395050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold. The Virg-inity.

>> No.30288835
Quoted by: >>30288909

Mori has.
Checkmate athiest.

>> No.30288839

So catch me up, is there actually something new other than Gura having that UK guy on her Switch friends list? Because we already knew about him and that euro truck stream as soon as people started talking about it being HER.

>> No.30288845


>> No.30288849
File: 516 KB, 782x1200, 1602876790476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.30288848
File: 70 KB, 197x218, 1601593826118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288888

How would HoloSpic be a good thing?

>> No.30288852

I never had that problem with my switch though

>> No.30288853
File: 1.06 MB, 1404x1463, 1605967712279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this all as just an excuse to post more cute pictures of Gura

>> No.30288854


>> No.30288855

It's at least better than 400+ IPs we had a few hours ago

>> No.30288857

Holo ES sounds cool and all but Holostars ES sounds godlike.

>> No.30288858

>No vtuber has ever struggled in DOOM
>He hasnt watched Mori

>> No.30288859

made me laugh fuck you

>> No.30288861


>> No.30288862

Absolutely fucking nothing new

>> No.30288863

>he doesn't know

>> No.30288864

leak to an oil prince and he’ll get it off of jay

>> No.30288867
Quoted by: >>30289002

Hopefully when Mori can stream full time they can dedicate larger chunks of time to playing Reach so they're not stuck playing the campaign forever. I just really miss DOOM kino bros.

>> No.30288868
File: 26 KB, 224x320, Peko YES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288869
File: 125 KB, 231x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288948

Seeing Polka so genuinely enjoying the basics things of Minecarft is putting me at peace

>> No.30288870

She farted

>> No.30288875
File: 2.33 MB, 2300x2240, nousosuosuo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288943

I'm gonna go take a bath, but when I get out I'll draw something actually nice and wholesome for once, probably involving Ina, because I like Ina, Ina is a friend. Throw out some wholesome ideas since you're all apparently such hopeless romantics.
Based Nousagifriend, truly the most powerful fanbase.

>> No.30288874
Quoted by: >>30288947

>doesn't move
This pisses me off worse than your actual post. Fuck you.

>> No.30288877

>t. cuck and proud

>> No.30288876

You say that, but you should've seen what Mori did to my dog in an unarchived T4 stream.

>> No.30288879

imagine my top 2 oshis being the ones confirmed to see and have dick inside them once, I think I might take my meds soon or become a faggot cause only dudes are the ones that might still be virgins after highschool

>> No.30288880

do you mean 2016 or Eternal, since 2016 is quite forgiving, Eternal less so
also, difficulty matters, Moririn is absolutely refusing to go below normal

>> No.30288882

They are fucking terrible, it's a MTL at best.

>> No.30288881

That's literally it, no other "new" information got dug up other than him getting harassed.

>> No.30288883

Extremely based post

>> No.30288884

I feel you, Reach has a lot of inconsistencies with the rest of the games so it feels weird going from 3 or 2 to it. Look at the bright side, at least they'll know the story a bit better by the time they get to CE. At least I hope, they're using all their brain power trying to teach Mori how to play video games

>> No.30288886
File: 1.59 MB, 1778x900, unity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unitinity chads.

>> No.30288887
File: 339 KB, 590x550, moonschub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEAmonkey please. The sticky isn't for another 3 hours.

>> No.30288888

Lightning rod?

>> No.30288889
Quoted by: >>30289012

This is kind of similar to my main gripe about his whole thing. I don't care about her private life, but she should learn how to be careful about separating it with her Hololive persona. I'm here for Gura, GURA, not Sena or whoever. Why do I have to be reminded about this Jay while watching a Gura stream? If that notification didn't happen, we wouldn't be having all these shitposting for hours, and we would still be talking about how we all had a good time. Now no, because of the shit that went down, all discussion about Gura has been about his Jay faggot.

>> No.30288891

No you idiot, she’s making a suggestive, dirty joke, Jay was caught off guard by her lewdness, hence his reaction

>> No.30288893
File: 416 KB, 2048x2048, 1605586018683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good to have you on board. Just a heads up, Ame talks A TON about Gura.

>> No.30288896

Probably she wanted to remove the Jay spam at the end instead

>> No.30288897
Quoted by: >>30288972

ponytai gura cures my soul.

>> No.30288898


>> No.30288899

Reminder that Korone played DOOM 2016 on Easy and still struggled.

>> No.30288900
File: 146 KB, 728x984, 5C93F0A4-D59A-45CA-B8CE-3AE9B81E821B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara getting cucked, again

>> No.30288901

Just consider that Amelia, despite LITERALLY having fucked N**T and STILL being friends with him, never had a yab like this happen because she knows not to let the BBC invade her professional hololive career.

>> No.30288903
File: 1.15 MB, 435x250, suffer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288958

>plays up the mesugaki angle
>tells us how she is alone for the holidays
>makes us care about her
>forgets to hide that she is still friends with an old flame

>> No.30288908

The new thing is that if the original info about them ending things last year was true, she wouldn't have him added on her work account

>> No.30288906


>> No.30288909
Quoted by: >>30288965

She acclimated pretty quickly (for Mori). It wasn't skillful gameplay by any means but I definitely wouldn't say she "struggled".

>> No.30288911
Quoted by: >>30289004

>a literal prostitute

>> No.30288915
Quoted by: >>30288999

Keep seething deadbeat

>> No.30288916
Quoted by: >>30288996

Gura... Kiara...

>> No.30288917


>> No.30288919
File: 98 KB, 771x283, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the cultural exchange was cute desu~

>> No.30288920
File: 577 KB, 1071x963, 1594040858679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288921

I don't like this new copypasta...

>> No.30288923

Literally the only new thing we learned today is that he's on her Switch friends list but that's enough for schizos to bite onto stale 3 month old narratives apparently

>> No.30288924
Quoted by: >>30288991

>designated falseflagger objective?
How new ru?

>> No.30288927
File: 11 KB, 395x168, 1602173567449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. You faggots can't make me turn on any of them, not even the CNs. Eat shit.

>> No.30288929

Formatting please.
I would put Kiara/Ame above Mori/Ame, chess was a debuff because 90% of the appeal is to watch them suck shit at the game.
Their Minecraft collab, while a little awkward, was pretty cute and I'd like to see them do other shit in the future. I'm a little worried though because they've both expressed interest in practicing chess and I don't want to see again.

>> No.30288928

Were people actually angry? I wasn't paying attention to the thread. I just saw people saying 6/10 at worst.

>> No.30288930
File: 1.83 MB, 1488x1672, 73wypx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30288955

I always find it amusing when Ina is portrayed as dominant and/or yandere.

>> No.30288933
Quoted by: >>30288996

wow.. Kiara and Gura LITERALLY! don't care about anyone but themselves

>> No.30288936
Quoted by: >>30289028

VR i can understand, but unless you just started playing videogames you shouldn't be getting sick from relatively slow FPS games.

>> No.30288934
Quoted by: >>30290709

Pretty Based. See yourself as the fan of the persona and respect her personal life but in turn she should respect you as a fan too.

>> No.30288942

I never saw anything that indicated that. Wasn't it just him posting some cryptic thing on twitter?

>> No.30288943

Draw Ina sipping hot cocoa in a comfy sweater

>> No.30288945

Marine and Noel's asmr is always great

>> No.30288946
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>> No.30288947
File: 586 KB, 1200x540, 1606737395050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289106

I had the ability to make it move all along, but I disabled it JUST to make you mad.

>> No.30288948
File: 16 KB, 504x43, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288949

It's not new.

>> No.30288951

I still don't get this video.

>> No.30288952
File: 1.61 MB, 1736x2360, El8CaS2VkAAAiat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First it was Amelia.
Now it's Jay.
She just can't catch a break with you weirdos.

>> No.30288953

I'm going to be fucking pissed if Gura and Ame doesn't have a collab next week.

>> No.30288955

I love that shit

>> No.30288956
Quoted by: >>30288981

The new trinity is AmeInaMori... I kneel

>> No.30288958


>> No.30288962

I love it when they take these post-stream selfies with each other.

>> No.30288964
File: 2.28 MB, 404x347, 1606375674646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30288965

>I definitely wouldn't say she "struggled".
I don't think you actually watched the streams then. She struggled in several parts.

>> No.30288966

Kiara's originally was a banner of HoloEn wearing her uniform.

>> No.30288967 [DELETED] 

But j a y

>> No.30288971

Trinity is the only unity

>> No.30288972
File: 156 KB, 1199x1200, EodlegqVQAc-O9x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289078

all cute girls need at least one good piece of art depicting the following:

>> No.30288973

Nah, at the end of the day they only care about money and would kneel to west if something "politically incorrect" happened on stream because a huge chunk of their En money comes from America and Canada. They did the same during Coco Taiwan shit when they bowed to China and suspended her because they didn't wanted to lose their huge Chink viewerbase.

>> No.30288974

>usually doesn't do them during collabs
>did Mori's GUH
So she usually sticks around in discord with the other girls for a bit, but left immediately with Mori in time for the easter egg. Is this a rrat or is it practically canon

>> No.30288976

Live Again is the only good Mori song. If you disagree don't fucking (you) me because you're wrong and you won't get a (you) back you fag.

>> No.30288979

>oshi starts preaching about BLM and tranny rights
your reaction then?

>> No.30288980
File: 1.19 MB, 1107x915, JAYLOVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Mike, I loved it.
Especially when Gura leaked our dms and everyone realized she only loves me.

>> No.30288981

InaMoriAme sounds better

>> No.30288984

Kiara and ina gotta go my bro

>> No.30288987
Quoted by: >>30289075

I mean she plays Apex a lot so Titanfall shouldn't be THAT foreign to her.

>> No.30288991
Quoted by: >>30289117

I mean, for global it's often teamates.
Hoshiyomis, Kenzocucks, Sheepfags and Lunaitos keep getting fucked in the ass though.

>> No.30288996

>Kiara and Gura only appear on banners 4 times instead of 5
One of the 3 btiches on the left better add a second one bird and shark to their banner, they deserve better than this.

>> No.30288999

t. deadbeat

>> No.30289001
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1603435871992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone want to take their minds off from the naive rrats and have fun with my CEO?

>> No.30289002
File: 753 KB, 1014x437, mission count.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289060

DOOM was fun but I haven't got an issue with Halo taking that slot since it's a personal favorite. Maybe they'll get through the campaign in a stream or two, they're at this point in the campaign now and 2 of these are dedicated cutscenes, one has already gone by.

>> No.30289003
File: 429 KB, 900x1600, 1606842516559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like this chicken.
I love her

>> No.30289004


>> No.30289005

>Kiara still has Hinotori in her username
>Pop on Rocks almost overtook it in views

>> No.30289006
File: 635 KB, 547x765, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She posts all her shit on patreon first when it's finished, she did Gura yesterday. if the vods up you can probably jump to the end of the stream she did it in and get a decent screenshot of it.

>> No.30289007
Quoted by: >>30289104

If this fucking bullshit really got to Gura, she'll need Ame to feel better, they'll do something.

>> No.30289008
Quoted by: >>30289143

I'm more likely to turn against (watching) a girl if her content suffers.

This "aaaagh save me niggerman she speaks to a MAAAALE" is some japanese schizo tier shit rrats are trying to push on chumbuddies becase it's all they have.

>> No.30289010
Quoted by: >>30289048

someone fill me on ina and it better not be an image of some hands

>> No.30289012

She made an error like every other Holo (inb4 cope), it happens. Let's all unsub from Hololive and have fulfilling lives instead then?
I would be pissed off too if she talked about her bf openly or some shit, but she didn't.
You guys aren't human, you're giving that Reddit trash taste faggot right.

>> No.30289013

Her relationship with Amelia is confirmed.

>> No.30289015

Which Holo is this?

>> No.30289017

Even AI blew through it like nothing. It's definitely a turn your brain off kind of game

>> No.30289019

>half of teamates wait for the post-credit
>half of deadbeats wait for the peace

>> No.30289027
Quoted by: >>30289226

Anons pointed out that she actually has two accounts, I didn't bother to confirm though. My bet is that she just used her regular account but changed names.

>> No.30289028

Anon, I'm Mori-tier. Enough said.

>> No.30289029
Quoted by: >>30289116

This is still pretty new to them and they're doing this in front of tens of thousands of people. A few small yabs isn't that big a deal.

>> No.30289030

drop her like J dropped a fat nut in gura

>> No.30289036

So now that all of the girls have collaborated with each other, what is your favourite/least favourite duo?

>> No.30289037

Dropped like a rock. I happen to know their views because I've done my roommate reps, but that's because I was curious. The moment it comes onto a stream, though, is when I know they're done being a pure entertainer and I don't need to keep watching.

>> No.30289039
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, botw [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fp32ees.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main three are not aware enough of anime
That is exactly why they need to collab with a cartoon puppet.

>> No.30289040

>Nah, at the end of the day they only care about money and would kneel to west if something "politically incorrect" happened on stream because a huge chunk of their En money comes from America and Canada
Which implies a significant chunk of the girls' members and SCs come from people who give a shit if one of them said nigga in the past. They don't. They're a minority among minorities.

>> No.30289041
File: 152 KB, 2533x283, be728008cbfff4535af964e33e42113e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know KFP doesn't care, but Kiara fucked a ton of men to get around. Her body count is at least 10x higher than the rest.

>> No.30289043
File: 372 KB, 1638x2048, EoZi8NHUcAE3Tzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289063

I'm not necrophiliac, but I want to fuck Ollie.

>> No.30289045

Wouldn't be shocked, but I would be disappointed.

>> No.30289046
File: 270 KB, 1920x1080, 1606150013403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did some people doompost about gurame after the RFA stream?

>> No.30289047

It's partially that, the rest is just ADHD folks skipping outros (same can be applied to SC reading, even if it's chicken). Ollie's intro/outro is catchy as fuck, so that will last her a while, even if she doesn't do something at the end like Ame/Mori do, but there will be a drop.

>> No.30289048
Quoted by: >>30289197

It was an image of some hands and that's it. But anon, if two hands are in a picture, it means they've FUCKED. Even if the gender is not even known.

>> No.30289049

Spoonfeed me this Jay rrat, source your work or else I'll be force to believe everyone going on about this old flame.

>> No.30289050
Quoted by: >>30289061

I love you

>> No.30289053
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1576452647845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped, even if it's Gura

>> No.30289056

I like that.
Ame and Kiara are fun because they both egg each other on, but Ame and Ina together do seem like they talk to each other as equals.
Their little interactions when Ame dropped by Ina's rice game stream were cute too.

>> No.30289057

Your loss

>> No.30289060
Quoted by: >>30289219

>in a stream or two
If they choose to play through the whole thing we're looking at 3 more streams, minimum.

>> No.30289061


>> No.30289062
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, DdBGDrYVMAAk264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened though.

>> No.30289063
Quoted by: >>30289125

Does the sword go through her head?

>> No.30289065

>muh professionalism
streaming was never professional and you shouldn't treat it as such

>> No.30289067
Quoted by: >>30289144

>Hold on Calli, I'm gonna do a post credits "Guh!"
>Guh! Ame you shouldn't!

>> No.30289070

I agree. However, I will (You) you out of spite.

>> No.30289068
Quoted by: >>30289852

The biggest of rrats since Mori was also going to mute herself on Discord to drop her PEACE.

>> No.30289072

All of this is bsaed on cryptic shit he posted on twitter and HER liking some of his old tweets. There's no solid evidence for anything.

>> No.30289074

Not him, but taking a political stance in an apolitical environment IS heinous, no matter which one.
Won't happen though, Cover knows this.

>> No.30289075

It's not foreign in the sense that she recognizes a lot of elements that are similar to Apex (much to some autists' chagrin), but Apex's movement is nothing compared to Titanfall's.
Again, I don't really get it either, but it's all I got. It at least didn't seem to affect her play much because she did alright on hard mode.

>> No.30289076

I didn't expect such a response, based retard. Never reply to me again.

>> No.30289078

that's a pretty based opinion

>> No.30289079

>my oshi speaking about that shit
It would literally never happen

>> No.30289081
File: 696 KB, 802x531, 1607157314114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289807

>If girls have a weird fetish it was most likely influenced by a sexual/romantic partner
>the most degenerate HoloEN girls are Ame and Gura

>> No.30289082

I hope it never happens. HoloES will probably have as much drama and shit as any LATAM community that at least they should have a separate thread. It's like the worst nightmare in terms of community.
> t.latino.

>> No.30289083
File: 502 KB, 512x1080, POL Ahoge Spin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289085

Artia already did the BLM thing, but Artiafags pretended it didn't happen.

>> No.30289090
Quoted by: >>30289147

Read the fucking thread and lurk the fuck more you stupid nigger. I wasn't even fucking here for it and I know because I'm not a blithering retard. I fucking hate you people.

>> No.30289091
Quoted by: >>30289194

But she actually does fuck ame. Who the fuck is Jay? Apparently not even gura could remember long enough to remove him from her friends.

>> No.30289098
Quoted by: >>30289135

This was already debunked, lurk more.

>> No.30289100

She could have easily avoided that error if she used a Hololive account, but Gura doesn't care.

>> No.30289104

I'm pretty sure knowing how empathic Gura can be, she is probably more worried about Jay than herself. Probably talked to him just to concernfag.

>> No.30289106
Quoted by: >>30289159

consider making it cycle only once as well

>> No.30289107

What a stacy

>> No.30289109

You know this is false, right? Shes not a virgin, but this didn't happen.

>> No.30289110

all of them are 10/10

>> No.30289111

>self respect
>being an idolfag

>> No.30289112

>JrC*ch narratives
Really now?

>> No.30289113
File: 5 KB, 160x160, 1600798359751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make me

>> No.30289116

Vtubing isn't a new thing anymore, all of them were streamers before this, all of them knew exactly what they were getting into, all of them literally witnessed the Aloe thing go down live right in front of them while they were all sitting in a discord together preparing their debuts. If you give them a pass at this point, there's nothing you wouldn't excuse.

>> No.30289117

For at least a solid month deadbeats were the ones who got falseflagged against the hardest. And the worst part is that most anons were eating it up until the ayameposter got exposed as a falseflagger.

>> No.30289118

The only thing that would make me stop watching a holo is if they visibly, consistently began to hate streaming and gaming.

>> No.30289119

they were never together stop fucking spreading this bullshit and we literally knew she played with him and her old group of friends last month.

>> No.30289120
File: 895 KB, 678x941, 1584976147980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289181

>Miko preaching about BLM or trannies

>> No.30289121

Would never happen because they would literally get fired for taking any side in political stuff, so I wouldn't even have to drop her.
I agree with those anyway, so I don't care

>> No.30289124

Why does this feel so erotic holy shit
Ame can milk her voice so much

>> No.30289125
File: 782 KB, 2555x4096, Eoc4pEUVQAEZXx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289152

It's probably the cause of her death, but I think... it is acting as a hairpin currently.

>> No.30289126
Quoted by: >>30289421

didnt Kiara do this? or was that a dud

>> No.30289128
Quoted by: >>30289310

Artia is mentally handicapped and gets a pass chang.

>> No.30289129

>falling for the lulcow "doxx"

>> No.30289131

It's because Mori also does easter eggs, anonchama

>> No.30289133


>> No.30289134

It's about 7 months old anon, it just hasn't been used in a while.

>> No.30289135
Quoted by: >>30289771

Yes, by herself, lmao.

>> No.30289138

How the fuck do we not have our own board yet?

>> No.30289140

I'll drop hololive like a rock. Political bullshit is always never good, especially if you support an astroturfed bullshit backed by multinationals and (((special interests))) like BLM

>> No.30289142

>narrative invented by a convicted pedophile who is currently getting raped in prison
I believe them

>> No.30289143
File: 249 KB, 923x1200, 1599085649622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still baffled people have the audacity to say Gura antis aren't the worst when they go a long pushing this retarded shit EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK, EVERY THREAD, buying ads (800$) trying to achieve something and every time nothing happens because nobody but them gives a single fucking shit. This is literally madness.
Success breeds jealously, unironically.

>> No.30289144

That's kind of hot.

>> No.30289146

>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.30289147
Quoted by: >>30289282

So you want to shitpost about Jay instead?

>> No.30289148
Quoted by: >>30289165

What art?

>> No.30289149
Quoted by: >>30289260

Is polka always this cute
I thought she is loud and a bully

>> No.30289150

It's literally one of the easiest thing to avoid yet she stll fucked it up

>> No.30289151
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura loves Jay

>> No.30289152

I'm still on the fence about olliecoin but damn do I love her fanart

>> No.30289153

Go back to the cows and grab the updated narratives, you're way out of date.

>> No.30289154
Quoted by: >>30290709


>> No.30289155

Imagine comparing Aloe's situation to a fucking friend online notification. Take your meds, tard.

>> No.30289156
Quoted by: >>30289186

You're a retard

>> No.30289158

Did we ever find out what she edited out of the vod?

>> No.30289159
File: 586 KB, 1200x540, 1606737395050.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the boss.

>> No.30289160

least favourite is gura/J

>> No.30289163

HoloEN is finally getting the lesson they needed. You're not some random streamer, your a company employed one with some standards to maintain. Hoping something serious happens to Mori and Gura soon, that two strikes on the same week for EN.

>> No.30289165

This cursed piece from two threads ago

>> No.30289167


>> No.30289173

>I'm actually worried about the people here in this thread.
Yeah that stops after about a month. It used to be pretty bad when kids would off themselves regularly, but nowadays people freak out if someone livestreams his shotgun brain surgery.

>> No.30289174

Ame not crediting the artist...

>> No.30289175

>first Halo stream
>first Rainforest collab
>open /hlgg/

>> No.30289176

They're really cute. Even if they continue the Halo collabs, I hope they have the sense to do something else in-between because I want to see them properly interact.

>> No.30289177
Quoted by: >>30289221

Same. If they actually started to hate streaming I'd prefer they stopped, for their own sake.

>> No.30289181

Remembering that GTA stream from a few weeks ago where people were saying that one npc looked like Joe Biden and Miko told them "NO NAMES"

>> No.30289183

>Still no RU subs

>> No.30289184

Feel pity. The only way that happens is if cover is bought out by a larger company that makes them kneel. Unless you mean roommate shit. Then who cares?

>> No.30289186
Quoted by: >>30289234

kill yourself

>> No.30289189


Watch nene being extremely cute

>> No.30289190


>> No.30289191
File: 1.83 MB, 2000x2272, 1606501230198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as my boss is happy then I'm happy.

>> No.30289192

Doesn't count because Artia played both sides. She undoubtedly wants to fit into the Westie world and loves Westies to the point she probably really wants a gaijin bf, but at the same time she's had "PRC PERFECT FIGHT FOR PRC" drilled into her head for 20 years since she was alive. She will say literally anything to appeal to both sides, but quickly realized she can't have both worlds.

>> No.30289194

Huh, this is actually true. Unironically far more evidence for /u/ schizos than for the guy.

>> No.30289196

excellent, thank you

>> No.30289197

Always remember that everything is about sex. If a holo mentions her brother, it's a sex partner. If its a friend, it's a sex partner. If she seems happy, it means she had sex. If she is sad, she didnt have sex, but then she had double sex. If a holo is going to the toilet, shes actually going to have quick sex. If she went on a date with another holo, they actually went to have sex. If she fails on a puzzle in a game, its because she is having sex right now and is being distracted. Table smash? Not a fist but it's her hitting the table, because she's having sex. Did she oversleep a stream? Sex. She was having sex and couldnt stop. If she starts a guerilla stream it's because she's having sex right now, but wants to be risky with viewers. Whenever a holo takes a break, its not because shes tired. You know why she takes a break from streaming? To have SEX. Whenever a holo talks about her family, shes actually talking about her sex roleplay she had. The story of a journey with her mother or father? Sex roleplay. She actually had sex. Whenever she laughs, cries or sneezes, whenever she peko pekos or thanks someone during a collab, whenever she gets big numbers or is being bullied she's actually having SEX at that very moment. Not only that, but everything is actually a keyword for sex. Thanks for the aka supa = thank you for the sex
Im tired this week = im tired from the sex, but ill have more sex
Im planning a collab = Im planning to have sex
Oh sorry, that was just my family in the background = oh im having SEX right now
Thank you for all the support everyone = thanks for all the sex im having right now.
It all revolves around sex. All holos, every single one, have sex every day, every hour, every moment. Every single narrative, every single noise she lets out is because of sex. The sex she is having. All holos read these threads and theyre here right now. All while having sex. They keep having technical difficulties because they have so much sex, it fries electronics in their room. Theres so much sex happening in their room that the sex waves cause Youtube datacenter to malfunction. Every yab moment is because they cant stop having sex to think straight.

>> No.30289199

ching chang wing wang wong

>> No.30289200
File: 409 KB, 579x496, 1586846670690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289204
Quoted by: >>30289514

Hopefully Mori skyrockets in popularity, gets to the 2nd/1st place with Gura and they surpass Pewdiepie in 1 year you stupid faggot.

>> No.30289203
Quoted by: >>30289335

I want it on loop or an ero edit.

>> No.30289207

it was boring, game is boring and they werent into it. the best part was by the end where ame had to explain what teabagging is to mori who was pretending to be a boomer again

>> No.30289209

If anything KFP get hyped because there's a chance their boss will sleep with them.

>> No.30289210

Debunked ages ago retard

>> No.30289211

But Nene is always cute, how much cuter can she get

>> No.30289212
File: 42 KB, 508x434, 1607098865937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289213
Quoted by: >>30289312

This is peak delusion and sheep-like behavior. This is why corporations own everything in 2020.

>> No.30289215

What are the odds that they'll do full-gen collabs when they start doing multiplayer? Maximum party size is 8, I think.

>> No.30289217

big if true

>> No.30289218
File: 341 KB, 870x770, 1583598953333.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbud, the threads after Ollie's were biggest steaming pile of shit since my days on /hlg/ for KFP. It was actually brain damaging.

>> No.30289219

Next mission you can run past half of it, they might if they miss some dialogue like they have been so that'd be one mission down if they get confused or something. You're probably right though, may as well get comfy

>> No.30289221

Well guess where we're fucking headed.

>> No.30289224

She was upto the news because of JP news treating it like a comedy show

>> No.30289225
File: 677 KB, 1838x1080, 1580093884575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289323

Already am anon

>> No.30289226

Literally just vague tweets. People just assumed it was about her but nobody here knows shit.
She does have two accounts, both named Gooruh. The one she used for RFA was the same one she played Clubhouse 51 against Ame with. I want to say the other one is her original account renamed.

>> No.30289227
Quoted by: >>30289332

Aloe's situation is why you use clean hardware and fresh accounts and delete all your old shit (except for produced videos I guess).

>> No.30289230

>Gura antis are the worst

I'm not even KFP, but Kiara easily gets the most virulent antis while Mori hatred is a constant low level seething.

>> No.30289231

You know with all that yab shit that happened this past year you'd think learned at least one or two things but nah they just keep slipping

>> No.30289233

Nenechi is so cute

>> No.30289234
Quoted by: >>30289253

>Contracted streamers working for a company were never meant to be organized or professional
Whatever, I wouldn't expect a third-worlder to understand how a business works anyways.

>> No.30289238

Someone would murder them. Western politics combined with kimoota culture? You are going to die, guaranteed.

>> No.30289239
Quoted by: >>30289331

Mori failed to deploy a tactical yab of required proportions, she must like Ame too much to fuck up with her

>> No.30289240

Luna loves me

>> No.30289242
File: 169 KB, 960x1092, 1607169475705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt it. Gura's already got the MK collab with Kiara and she probably wants to finish Portal 2 with Ina as well. Doesn't leave much room if she wants to have some solo streams as well.
I don't mind, Portal 2's kinda meh but she works well with Ina, and she's good with Kiara too. But the week after next, for sure...

>> No.30289243

gura boyfriend

>> No.30289244
File: 1.32 MB, 1400x788, 1606186350804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289852

>Newfags unironically bring this debunked shit up again

>> No.30289245
Quoted by: >>30289285

Kill yourself

>> No.30289246

We've split timelines and been in the dark one since Ollie's debut

>> No.30289249

Yes but you STILL keep seeing people anting Gura in the middle of that shit, it never goes away.

>> No.30289251
File: 264 KB, 1518x2028, 1606597755812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh, how do you think you would fare if you managed to snag a lover from /hlgg/?

>> No.30289252

>Nah, at the end of the day they only care about money and would kneel to west if something "politically incorrect" happened on stream because a huge chunk of their En money comes from America and Canada
The donation part might be correct but their actual viewerbase consists mostly of 3rd worlders, especially Mori's. The SEAnigger meme didn't made itself up.

>> No.30289253
Quoted by: >>30289265

who are you quoting?

>> No.30289254

Have you seen this thread?
Have you seen Mori roommate posting?
Have you seen Ame roommate posting?
Have you seen Kiara roommate posting?

Imagine that but x10 without mods deleting it because it's too much work. It'd just be a board for hate at that point.

>> No.30289255

What's Tukkoi deyo?

>> No.30289257


>> No.30289258
File: 55 KB, 621x418, 1607135918512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well its time to go

>> No.30289259

obviously this is not the severity of the Aloe situation but a responsible vtuber-to-be, seeing the Aloe situation, should take actions to prevent that kind of thing and those actions would have prevented this thing too

>> No.30289260
Quoted by: >>30289351

Depends on which stream. Remember Polka is the whole circus.
>Chill streams = cute polka
>Collabs = Loud polka
>ASMR = Clussy

>> No.30289261
File: 79 KB, 500x335, 1601519446536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luna loves me bros...

>> No.30289264
File: 1.47 MB, 1000x1540, illust_86125696_20201206_110613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly expected my boy to have less viewers , especially since it is a FPS but this is pretty nice

>> No.30289265
Quoted by: >>30289341


>> No.30289269
Quoted by: >>30289313

I saw this mentioned while all the Jay posting was going down... what's this about a Gura doujin event or whatever?

>> No.30289272
File: 155 KB, 1912x1080, 1607249406224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura mentions Ame way more than Jay

>> No.30289275
Quoted by: >>30289346

Let's roll the roulette, shall we? Which one of these is (you)?

>> No.30289281

Look I'll jerk off to it just because it's the only Ollie porn so far, but that doesn't mean I'm proud of it

>> No.30289283

I hate you people so goddamn much

>> No.30289282

How is explaining any fucking different than actually doing it? Both shouldn't fucking happen.

>> No.30289285
Quoted by: >>30289355

I've been here longer than you 2016 tourist

>> No.30289287

In a bit, right now I am having fun lookint at chumbuds coping

>> No.30289288
Quoted by: >>30289668

Are we ever getting seiso Kiara back?

>> No.30289286
Quoted by: >>30289315

>I'm still baffled people have the audacity to say Gura antis aren't the worst
This is why people call you chumflakes.

>> No.30289292
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x1439, 1603434703748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so adorable

>> No.30289293
Quoted by: >>30289326

when will youtube fix their shit

>> No.30289296
Quoted by: >>30289339

>2 months old debunked rrat

>> No.30289298
Quoted by: >>30289379

Considering you're all mentally damaged MtF weirdos if probably be dead in a.ditch by dawn like some petrol abo

>> No.30289300
File: 109 KB, 881x1052, 1603822204036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be on the fence about it, but this one "guh" alone made me want more erotic sounds from Amelia.
Onegai, audiobros.

>> No.30289302

It's honestly really sad to see how legitimately mentally unwell a good chunk of people are here, but the memes are pretty good though.

>> No.30289304

I honestly believe the only reason Aloe got fire by Cover was for doing nasty comments, even if it was all a joke between friends, on a ex-employee of a rival company that could potentially sue them.

>> No.30289305

I really hate this, thanks

>> No.30289306

I’m glad she did ames voice is hot

>> No.30289307
File: 84 KB, 283x244, 1603831395818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEAniggers trying all the debunked hits today.

>> No.30289309

based bloat lord

>> No.30289310

Fuck off artia

>> No.30289312
Quoted by: >>30289375

If Cover actually started to fuck them over and they wanted an out I'd support them leaving and doing their own thing. I dont suck corporate cock but I do support the talents, not just EN but JP and ID too.

>> No.30289313

mini-comiket dedicated to Gura

>> No.30289314


>> No.30289315

Sorry you wasted thousand dollars on literal shitposts kek

>> No.30289317
File: 160 KB, 274x359, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you frustrated?

>> No.30289319
File: 159 KB, 463x453, 1594744884011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is pesto?
Do detectives really?

>> No.30289321

They've calmed down alot but yeah, a few weeks back they were the absolute worst part of these threads. I think the Mori antis are worse now though.

>> No.30289323

Based 5th gen chad.

>> No.30289326

viewbot inflation is gone anon deal with it

>> No.30289329

You will never meet her and even if you did, she'd be extremely disgusted by you. After you watch her, she goes on to guzzle down her bf's cum just to see his pleased expression. She's not aware of your existence and never will be. You don't even exist for her, you were just 1 out of 30000+ people watching her. Sleep tight bro

>> No.30289330

We got enough rrats and schizos without creating vtuber kiwifarms:the board.

>> No.30289331
Quoted by: >>30289873

Wasn't the Mori Pog for the minecraft autism though and not for the amegeddon?

>> No.30289332

What actually happened to Aloe? I just know she got doxxed bad can you give full story?

>> No.30289333
File: 8 KB, 778x90, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4ch said that this place was just a pile of shit lol

>That's being unfair to shit.
>They're right, this thread is full of mentally ill racists.
>Being here is my form of self-flagellation.
>Let's be real, we're about as shit as each other.
>That's like eye mucus laughing at snot.
>That's because genuine antis have started to get in here. We were always hated by Reddit, and now even 4ch is starting to hate us.
>Well, we're being flooded with Nijifags (their term is 'にじガイジド' which literally means 'Nijiretard') right now, so of course the thread is shit.
>They don't know we're a waste processing plant?
>When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.

>> No.30289335
File: 441 KB, 1728x1080, 1580389658249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289334

I dont care If it's real true but you niggers are retarded if you trust lolcow whores//cgl/ trannies

>> No.30289337
File: 1.63 MB, 1414x1000, 1603404542165.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was the Halo collab? I was sleeping.

>> No.30289338

No rip is good too just because of the production

>> No.30289339
Quoted by: >>30289391

you do realize she used to irl stream right

>> No.30289341

Are you dyslexic? I'm not seeing the things you wanted me to look at, anon

>> No.30289346

He's focusing solely on the EN part. Dogfucker for sure.

>> No.30289349
File: 60 KB, 1412x245, funposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's been a while this shit gets some (You)s

>> No.30289350
File: 2.87 MB, 800x800, 1587228087104.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289351
Quoted by: >>30289404

>ASMR = Clussy
W-what do you mean
What’s clussy

>> No.30289353


>> No.30289354

They hate themselves just like us...

>> No.30289355

>I've been here longer than you 2016 tourist
Go back and kill yourself

>> No.30289356
File: 161 KB, 563x540, qmuw73lt9iq51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing is mods can't ban Jay discussions because it happened on stream.

>> No.30289360

Based, that logo is awful though.

>> No.30289362

to an extent, but cs:go has some weird gun mechanics that don't transfer to other games, like the weird recoil.

>> No.30289363
Quoted by: >>30289674

the collab was cute, if uneventful
you can tell Mori and Ame really like each other since they're constantly propping the other up and it doesn't come off as dishonest

>> No.30289366


>> No.30289367

Constant low-level Mori seething is mostly a meme at this point, to be honest. You can really tell the difference between the dead hours funposters with their doomposting and funny image edits and the actual critics/disappointed watchers (who actually seem to be mostly deadbeats).

Sample shitpost:
>This bitch doesn't care about Hololive, graduation when?

Sample sincerepost:

>> No.30289368
Quoted by: >>30289487

I would be surprised if most people didn't have both streams open. At least everyone that wasn't a mobile watcher

>> No.30289372

>That's being unfair to shit.

>> No.30289375
Quoted by: >>30289440

gura is literally nothing without her design, she'd have no prospects except hot depressed cock every night

>> No.30289377

>I posted it again!

>> No.30289378

Why are you shitposting on 5ch? Is it because you realized you've wasted your life actually learning kanji and have nothing better to do?

>> No.30289379
File: 120 KB, 994x703, 1602109181141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289381

They're us...

>> No.30289385

don't do it kwappers

>> No.30289387

Brothers separated at birth.

>> No.30289388

Good job Moot.

>> No.30289389
Quoted by: >>30289419

So they're literally the same as us but Japanese

>> No.30289390
File: 258 KB, 1280x1440, 1595955730114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289391

That literally has nothing to do with the narrative.

>> No.30289395

>the lesson they needed
>because a few schizos came to /hlg/ to push a narrative

This shit is only a yab to you schizos on /jp/. Do you see any other community even discussing this shit?

>> No.30289398

You know that ancient penpal ad with the Japanese dude wo wanted to learn some English and teach Japanese just to have someone to get drunk with? That's what I want to do with the 5ch bros

>> No.30289401
File: 223 KB, 2427x1579, 1579990458044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They could because it leads to off topic discussion like roommate posting

>> No.30289402

No, I fucking love you JP anikis, you're all so retarded it's funny.

>> No.30289403

it's like looking to a mirror

>> No.30289404


>> No.30289405
Quoted by: >>30289466

You think they are trying to contact Cover to get Gura to appear?

>> No.30289408
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1153, FFECE8D5-09E1-4CD2-BF5A-C1D666E8A4E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who the fuck was phone

>> No.30289409

Her Rhythm Heaven streams are top tier cute.

>> No.30289419

yes, Nips are also human

>> No.30289420

Did someone clip that so they could pretend they were eating a bag of chips with her?

>> No.30289421

Kiara didn't do it, so who cares. Also almost everybody will pretend they're not racist on social media. You could get a better judge of her character by watching her sit next to a black guy on a bus, than you would by stalking her sns.

>> No.30289422
Quoted by: >>30289524

Whose stream?

>> No.30289424


>> No.30289426

The mods can do whatever they want. Never delude yourself otherwise.

>> No.30289429

>>That's like eye mucus laughing at snot.
exactly right

>> No.30289430

Ame I know you're here, order Ring Fit onegai

>> No.30289431

You don't need to be friends to invite someone, right?

>> No.30289433
File: 8 KB, 621x418, 1582521920415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a version for ironic shitposting.

>> No.30289437

a mirror............

>> No.30289438

>That's like eye mucus laughing at snot.

>> No.30289439
File: 61 KB, 768x1024, 1576604776093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youtube recommending me videos of literally "Gura is s*****a" now, even more shocked that people are blatantly making those.

>> No.30289440
File: 475 KB, 663x757, Pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura is literally nothing without her design
That's only partially true. Design brings people in, but personality and talent retains viewers and fans.

>> No.30289441
File: 87 KB, 217x224, 1607065218890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, i hate both /hlg/ and /hlgaygay/ too, so that makes the both of us

>> No.30289442

Being out of Ame hours has an effect, but they've always been pretty close.

>> No.30289447

Is Bamco deal applied to the other EN? I do want to see Ame playing it, as far as I know she is pretty good with rythm game.

>> No.30289449
File: 2.39 MB, 480x372, 1540592229742.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289450
Quoted by: >>30289551

This. The difference between Gura and Kiara's antis is that this Gura drama will blow over in a day or two, and her antis will back down into a simmer.
The seagulls and cows that constantly hound Kiara always show up here during almost all of her streams now and greatly inflate this threads' IPs, and they've been doing so for well over a month now.

>> No.30289451
Quoted by: >>30289486

I wish I had Jay's penis....
I could impregnate women internationally without leaving the UK.

>> No.30289452

>>They're right, this thread is full of mentally ill racists.
We really are the same...

>> No.30289455
File: 473 KB, 2048x1710, 1607122156867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's excited for the zombie's schedule? I personally wanna see Tony Hawk or the older Fire Emblems.

>> No.30289456

Random faggot. Ame blocks hundreds of these retards.

>> No.30289459

Chat was sending invites

>> No.30289460

This is how you guys sound

>> No.30289463

What was the blm thing she said?

>> No.30289466
File: 123 KB, 366x378, 1588179727179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289717

>Gura appears on the screen

>> No.30289469 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1028x1702, Eoh-WF2UcAAxkQX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289475

since we're all in a fucking NTR rrat infestation now, her new boyfriend that has big abs, congrats Ame

>> No.30289476

Only numberfagging attention whores would preach about it.

>> No.30289477

my fucking sides

>> No.30289480


>> No.30289481

Jay is a big guy

>> No.30289483
Quoted by: >>30289554

Please update her Model, she needs it she can barely fucking move right

>> No.30289484

her vagina interacted with a massive black penis. get your facts straight

>> No.30289485

To be fair, Mori's stream was both slightly ahead and had a much better picture.

>> No.30289486
Quoted by: >>30289544

But you would be a black tranny in exchange.

>> No.30289487

Yeah, honestly for it's the right way, it just feels complete when you have both perspectives

>> No.30289488

Wrong. They can, should, and will.

>> No.30289489
Quoted by: >>30289625

Why is she peeing

>> No.30289491

As a massive fan of the pair, I really wouldn't count on it.
Would be nice though, been almost a month since the 51 collab now.

>> No.30289492

I've been praying I never have to hear those remixes again for weeks now. some people are apparently still fans since they keep spamming the glowsticks but jesus christ.

>> No.30289493

I'm interested in what she'll do because it feels like she's a creative holo.

>> No.30289494
Quoted by: >>30289886

thank god it wasn't something like Nigg3r because Ame's tunnelvision..

>> No.30289496

Hope for Jay doujin

>> No.30289498
File: 96 KB, 1579x296, Sex [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffvb0yp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe these girls.

>> No.30289509

I'm retarded? I can't see the circles participating in the event

>> No.30289513


>> No.30289514
Quoted by: >>30289541

Nah, that's not gonna happen, but getting her hashtag trending globally did give her a nice boost. I hope it's a wake-up call to publishers that Cover is willing to advertise your stupid fucking games for free if you'll just let them.

>> No.30289515

Sharkmeido on suicide watch

>> No.30289516

>fags in Kiara's chat arguing over "Ollie vs Kiara"
Are these retards serious? Why would you do it in the persons chat where they can see you?

>> No.30289519

didn't know im a nigger

>> No.30289518

holy shit J is stacked

>> No.30289520

me on the back

>> No.30289521
Quoted by: >>30289582

I love Luna's dumb baby signing, brightness my week

>> No.30289523

>We were always hated by Reddit
Don't complain about that, at least.

>> No.30289524

Ame’s at around 47 minutes in

>> No.30289525
File: 102 KB, 1000x1500, 1607234058748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tony hawk
Boring stream content

>> No.30289528

The people spamming Jay are the same people that spam lole and neet. How sad is your life that this is what you do? Is this the power of SEAniggers?

>> No.30289529

I can't believe you guys are starting to sound like /qa/ schizos.

>> No.30289530

They're literally us.

>> No.30289531
File: 389 KB, 991x1111, 1602807014330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290037

Who wants to buy my rrat that this was intentional to take heat off Gura?

>> No.30289532

If she doesn't pretty much nothing will get her to graduate but I wouldn't blame her if she does. She's got some mega schizos compared to the rest.

>> No.30289533

Western trash with no respect for company culture.
HoloEN was a mistake.

>> No.30289536
Quoted by: >>30289552


>> No.30289537

Nice more GurAme doujins

>> No.30289539

5ch was right, Jay does have the BBC

>> No.30289540
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1601059195505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes, I can actually go.

>> No.30289541
Quoted by: >>30289598

That's not an issue with western companies, they're probably lining up around the block. The issue is (and has always been) Japanese companies.

>> No.30289544

Power is nothing without birth control pills

>> No.30289546

When will Goorah play this game

>> No.30289547

They had chemistry but the game rarely gave them the opportunity to show it off.
If you love either of the two you could check it out since there were some pretty funny and cute moments scattered throughout, but otherwise it was just ok.

>> No.30289548

I get the feeling her schedule will be pretty milquetoast but I'll watch whatever she does regardless.

>> No.30289550

What did Gura do now

>> No.30289551
Quoted by: >>30289643

Don't forget the cows got so upset they homed in on the address of Guras father

>> No.30289553
Quoted by: >>30289902

From what I've seen it's more like Anya vs Ollie

>> No.30289554
File: 2.86 MB, 2000x9995, 1606691539314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289646

Her model looks really good so I don't really mind the rigging of it

>> No.30289552

mb, black tranny penis

>> No.30289557
Quoted by: >>30289864

because they are antis, that's the whole point. Do you think that the Kiara comparisons during debut were in good faith?

>> No.30289558

NO YAB. No dice

>> No.30289559

Idolfags are mentally ill and still recycle months old debunked narratives

>> No.30289563

>>4ch said that this place was just a pile of shit lol
>>That's being unfair to shit.

I lost it at this. The chans really are just a mirror image of one another in the end.

>> No.30289565
File: 294 KB, 1070x773, 1599215667042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Shubabros on 2ch are just as cool as our ones

>> No.30289566

Why does this artist love dicks so much?

>> No.30289569

Amelia looking buff there

>> No.30289568
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a higher quality version of this? I think I need to get custom mudflaps for Tenchou's truck.

>> No.30289574

Dead Rising 1/2/off the record would be fun to see

>> No.30289578

I never knew what lolcow was until these threads. By and large, it's just a shittier version of 4chan.

Given the arguments, this site gets far more anon traffic; and the doxxing will go way up the roof. So yea, a containment thread will do just fine.

>> No.30289577

It was fine, just not the right game I think. Ironically the best moments happened during the downtime when they didn't have to shoot at stuff (Mori and Ame going to the ocean, the teabagging exchange at the end, etc).

>> No.30289579

>Jay is doing this as we speak

>> No.30289580


>> No.30289581


>> No.30289582

She's always entertaining, it's been a while since I watched her live.

>> No.30289583

If she plays Sacred Stones I'd actually pay attention, even if it's just a condensed FE4

>> No.30289585
File: 113 KB, 1920x1080, 1578414346361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we were always hated by Reddit
if they actually know how bad reddit is, they'll be thankful that they have 5ch

>> No.30289587
Quoted by: >>30289711

You are gonna take some photos and post it right anon?

>> No.30289588
File: 150 KB, 1199x848, 1595990615843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289628

God I love this girls laugh.

>> No.30289590

>detailed muscles, cocks, chiselled bodies, good proportions on men
>women are fleshputty bags with arms and legs proportioned at random
honestly i think atahuta draws porn mostly to get off to the controversy of combining bbc with popular women characters. bet she's jewish

>> No.30289591

I wasn't expecting to have high expectations for an Indog, but if she can continue the magic that was her debut, I might have to start watching less EN streams to keep up with her.

>> No.30289594

The classic games are probably better for streaming. Kiara's FE16 streams are boring because that game has WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more downtime than any of the others.

>> No.30289595

I mean it'll burn itself out in 24 hours because there's nothing actually there for them to latch onto. We already knew she had online friends, we knew about her streaming with males as HER, and there's nothing to indicate they have a real-life relationship (and also this person in particular lives in another country). It's literally starvation tier for rrats.

>> No.30289598

Japanese game companies need to be forced to open up

>> No.30289599

The only difference is the language. But people...people are the same.

>> No.30289600

More like "Anya v Ollie" and the conversation didn't even last two minutes.

>> No.30289601
Quoted by: >>30289638

confirmed to have a dude she was in love with in the past on her work switch account, whom she plays animal crossing with constantly off-stream. rrat is they're banging

>> No.30289605
Quoted by: >>30289651

She screamed BLACK LIVES MATTER and TRANS RIGHTS on screen while Tyrone pumped his seed into her womb to own drumpf.

>> No.30289607

Atahuta is a she? No wonder she loves drawing dicks so much

>> No.30289609
File: 378 B, 10x9, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this?

>> No.30289610
Quoted by: >>30289711

anon... you better deliver...

>> No.30289611
File: 3.17 MB, 1439x1422, it can't be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atleast tell me Jay isn't black, right?

>> No.30289617

hasn't lolcow been a thing since chris-chan? everyone ignored it for many a year

>> No.30289618
Quoted by: >>30289706

As someone whos posted in various idol threads on this board since 2014, ill tell you right now take what they say with a grain of salt. People just say shit just to say shit, I wouldn't believe it until I was shown proof.

>> No.30289619
Quoted by: >>30289746

Yeah right we already know Ollie is superior to Kiara

>> No.30289621

Bros why is Nene so cute?

>> No.30289625

Why aren't you?

>> No.30289626
Quoted by: >>30289711

Scans and updates on the day, onegai

>> No.30289628

You think Peacock's post-debut zatsudan will have all of them? Would be nice to get some zombie today.

>> No.30289629

Jayish in this particular example

>> No.30289630

dumb bitches can't enforce rule 4 to save their lives, huh

>> No.30289631

Mods can do whatever they want, they've proven this before, was the case before /hlgg/, /hlg/, /vyt/ and so on was even a thing and will continue to be the case.

>> No.30289634

>When cutting out does nothing because then the full-hd-recording gets released.
Is the best course of action to simply ignore it?

>> No.30289636

Thanks anon, it's perfect

>> No.30289637

Road head for a weary britbong trucker

>> No.30289638

This is partially true, Jay was in love with Gura not the other way around.

>> No.30289640
Quoted by: >>30289683

Sometimes I wish there was a way to have a joint thread to shitpost in with them

>> No.30289641

Haachama pls...

>> No.30289643
Quoted by: >>30289681

they're so mentally ill that they regret doing that. Somehow family members are a no no

>> No.30289644
Quoted by: >>30289746

Because Ollie is better than Kiara

>> No.30289645

wait a minute, Gura reverted the thumbnail of her RFA stream again. Did someone save the other thumbnail?

>> No.30289646

Man, Aloe's design is so fucking good... This world is wrong.

>> No.30289647
Quoted by: >>30289719

She made the mistake of having friends

>> No.30289649


>> No.30289651

Kiara did that, not Gura

>> No.30289652
Quoted by: >>30289746

She has literal SEAnigs in her chat using her roommate's name, why are you surprised?

>> No.30289654

Perfect. Thank you senpai

>> No.30289657

Yes, it will.

>> No.30289656
Quoted by: >>30289694

Are there really black people named Jay?

>> No.30289658

I don't know what to tell you if not the truth, anon.

>> No.30289659

You now realize why Gura is fond of british accents.

>> No.30289663

it is very, very possible

>> No.30289666
Quoted by: >>30289716


>> No.30289667

I would say good because I'm not a racist spouting the N-word like everyone else on this god forsaken website and Kiara is based enough to already have done it.

>> No.30289668

Maybe on her next incarnation.

>> No.30289670
File: 622 KB, 1019x1200, Kiara bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask this chicken some questions

>> No.30289671

Ring fit adventure
Screaming musical game. The one with that jumping musical note.

Ollie please

>> No.30289672

I honestly find atahuta more repulsive than preggoanon

>> No.30289674

I think Ame genuinely find Mori funny. She's always laughing at her antics.

>> No.30289675

I'm sure it will. Ollie is probably pushing for them all to work together as much as possible which I really appreciate. A tight knit group of holos is always better than them trying to fly solo.

>> No.30289677
File: 46 KB, 1274x529, 1606490589534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Ame and Mori are just taking a nap before the five of them get in a Discord call to watch their kouhai debut.
Confirmed by Kiara.

>> No.30289679
File: 8 KB, 557x76, winner of life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30289678

So what did you find? Was there anything edited at all?

>> No.30289680

The true question is who is fatABSdad guy?

>> No.30289681
Quoted by: >>30289763

I didn't follow it after that, but thank fuck. Because that was already balls deep in deranged stalker territory

>> No.30289682
File: 488 KB, 600x600, 1591893426336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289732

I hope we get to see Gura play more Taiko next week

>> No.30289683

there was world2ch but welp

>> No.30289684
Quoted by: >>30289742

>not the other way around.
Really nigga?

>> No.30289685
File: 199 KB, 1075x1518, asvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said that she's played all Fire Emblem games, right? Does that mean she's even played Thracia 776?
[Spoiler]And she also is likely a pirate?[/spoiler]

>> No.30289687


>> No.30289688

So this is the power of cunny

>> No.30289692
Quoted by: >>30289746

Ollie is way better than Kiara. Maybe chciken can learn a thing or two

>> No.30289693 [DELETED] 

Yea, they'll all be there.

Given the insider info on peacock-coin, the thread is probably going to be a lot of shitposting about how she's going to destroy EN just like it was with the Zoombie.

>> No.30289694

>Jay Z

>> No.30289695

She wasn't the pure farmer girl like we thought...

>> No.30289700

I just woke up but i'm afraid to ask how was gura's rfa

>> No.30289706

The proof was from a literal pedophile.

>> No.30289707

Why chickenfags like this?

>> No.30289708
File: 1.16 MB, 697x1119, 1597618840872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me she is American

>> No.30289709
File: 11 KB, 367x97, 1581197203415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289710

Can I get a run down on a few things about the IDs?
>Is Sora really big in Indonesia and thats why she's so close to the ID girls, or do they just reach out to her?
>Does this stream labs stuff mean they wont get membership?

most importantly:
>Who sounds the cutest speaking Indonesian?

>> No.30289711
Quoted by: >>30289762

I don't have the setup for scans and if I did it at a conbini I'd probably get busted. I'll try and upload some shitty photos, at least.

>> No.30289712

Giving anti-idol/pure fag information to 5ch is never a good idea.

>> No.30289713

Based ThraciaCHAD

>> No.30289714
File: 555 KB, 1490x1080, fbk-pat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289715
Quoted by: >>30289772

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

>> No.30289716
Quoted by: >>30289767

Oh wow, an actual newfag. Check the archives

>> No.30289717
File: 27 KB, 227x300, dancing-gura.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289719

Wrong. She made the mistake of having male friends while pretending to be an idol.

>> No.30289721

Woke up after I cried myself to sleep after what happened and starts fapping to NTR hentai. I feel a bit better now :)

>> No.30289722
File: 3.15 MB, 1370x1699, 1586796535796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289772


>> No.30289723
Quoted by: >>30289852

Tell me one of those responses was "it's me"

>> No.30289724

they're even wrong for comparing both of them because Ollie has more similarities to Kaguya Luna than to Kiara

>> No.30289725


>> No.30289728

I genuinely forgot Ollie existed until this post brought her up again

>> No.30289729

Jay....I kneel

>> No.30289731


Yea, they'll all be there.

Given the insider info on peacock-coin, the thread is probably going to be a lot of shitposting about how she's going to destroy EN just like it was with the Zoombie.


>> No.30289732
File: 480 KB, 1013x988, 1602575530022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was sponsored
Never going to happen again

>> No.30289735
Quoted by: >>30289816

ah ah ah ah ah

>> No.30289740
Quoted by: >>30290106

They need to just zatsudan or something. Though I think semi-occasional zatsudan between 2-3 ENs should be thing in general.

>> No.30289741

This is true

>> No.30289743

Nah, fuck that. gura is fine, chumbuds are cancer

>> No.30289742
Quoted by: >>30289796

Yes nigga

>> No.30289746
File: 131 KB, 279x267, 1591689525129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289785

They are here too

>> No.30289745

Based, now record eet

>> No.30289748

Shitty bait, kill yourself.

>> No.30289749
File: 761 KB, 608x900, 1606808535198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.30289750

Fuck you, you guys are pedophiles too.

>> No.30289751
Quoted by: >>30289772

She got a notification that her ex was playing AC

>> No.30289753

Is she debuting at the same time slot as the others? I've got work tomorrow and am hoping it's one hour earlier or something.

>> No.30289757
Quoted by: >>30290288

/hlgg/ hates ID. Go ask in the other thread.

>> No.30289758
File: 111 KB, 827x1165, 1594814752448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Teleports behind you*

>> No.30289759
Quoted by: >>30289861

KFP is the worst fanbase

>> No.30289762
Quoted by: >>30289802

I was just asking for some photos of the event, I don't care that much about the doujins.

>> No.30289760
Quoted by: >>30289780

No, it wasn't. Show me where it says that. Confirmation disclaimer doesn't count as sponsored.

>> No.30289763
Quoted by: >>30290109

it doesn't stop some of them. These bitches are the lowest of the low

>> No.30289764
Quoted by: >>30289869

It's honestly annoying how Mori just never seems like she's enjoying herself. Why even bother joining in if you're just going to be forcing yourself?

>> No.30289767
Quoted by: >>30289815

>referring to vague tweets
That's not proof, retard.

>> No.30289768

A quick peek into the site. The whole thing is garbage anyways

>> No.30289769


>> No.30289771

By the guy who did it himself. What's the point of ruining someone's life if you can't show it off to the world, after all? Too bad he miscalculated and got locked up in prison for something else.

>> No.30289772

worth watching if i dont care about uohposting?

>> No.30289773
Quoted by: >>30289806

Wasn't it a forum?

Poor touhous

>> No.30289775
File: 31 KB, 500x367, tumblr_mf7odjIfnd1qa6in6o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30289777
File: 174 KB, 881x1130, abayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289781

J was who we should have been goslingposting for all along...

>> No.30289780
File: 176 KB, 1067x1078, 1602701930561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289827

Then I don't know, I hope she does play it again, but Bandai Namco giving permissions...?

>> No.30289782
Quoted by: >>30290065

it's because the JP members treat her like an untouchable supergoddess when she just wants to be friends with everyone
all the IDs have streamlabs because Indonesians can't superchat, they'll still have membership and SC

>> No.30289783

I remember that akiba porn shop I went into that had child model videos in the B1 floor, this is the blackest pot calling a kettle black

>> No.30289784

Wasn't sponsored, but hopefully Cover was smart enough to push for permission to do more than 1 stream.

>> No.30289785
Quoted by: >>30289887

Shut up chumcuck

>> No.30289787

It wasn't marked as an ad, so literally the biggest yab Cover has done if it was actually sponsored. At most it was a limited time permissions, but even that is impossible to know.

>> No.30289789

>roommate called out niji for being a black company some time ago
>also posted some coomer tweets that sound like they were written by a underaged girl
>gen 5 gets doxxed
>nijiniggers found the niji callout and got asshurt their brand got dissed like a more autistic version of a console war
>nijiniggers harass Aloe and rile up a few holo purityfags for a scapegoat
>reddit and other people outside of here blame idol culture for slut shaming and nijiniggers get away with it scott free because "it's just friendly competition"
>Niji has an extremely big yab, which proved Aloe's roommate right, but nobody outside of here and japan care

>> No.30289791

you may be on to something anon

>> No.30289793

I fucked up the spoilers

>> No.30289794
Quoted by: >>30289851

I cant believe HERfags was a necessary evil to stop us from going in a timeloop

>> No.30289795

Anya look like THAT?

>> No.30289796
Quoted by: >>30289846

Then you're retarded

>> No.30289798

She actually did surprisingly well putting aside the cunny appeal, so if you'd like to see that, yes.

>> No.30289799

If you like gura making UUUOOOOOHHHH noises for an hour then yes

>> No.30289802
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1602382328335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's a given, that's easy enough.

>> No.30289803

Jay is barely a male so it's ok

>> No.30289804
File: 192 KB, 398x252, 1604184989751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like today's sticky would be extra shitty?

>> No.30289805
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, 1600972938519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289858

>No vtuber has ever struggled in DOOM
Haha, yeah, that shit was so easy!

>> No.30289806

>Poor touhous
How long can anyone possibly talk about Touhou?

>> No.30289807

Yep that settles it. Gurame is real.

>> No.30289810

>stupid switch shit
This is too similar to HoloJP shit from months ago, antis are the most pathetic fags in these threads.

>> No.30289809

Stop shitposting and watch Nenechi

Highest known tier: NENEMAX
>Applied to join hololive 4 times, didn't get a call back for 3 of those
>doxxed herself on her VERY FIRST tweet by showing off her distinctive artstyle
>Doxxed everyone in gen 5 by following them on twitter
>misspelled vtuber as vtuべr, leading it to become the #1 trend in japan
>scheduled a guerilla singing stream because her monetization accidentally got enabled, leading to people calling her kanecchi
>drank 60-70+ sips of water over the course of 3 hours during her first superchat reading and didn't use the bathroom until the last 20 minutes
>had a fall guys stream where 90% of it was her shouting her own name
>managed to wipe a full squad and simultaneously do only 83 damage in a single game in apex
>ate alone in the toilet at school
>decided that the first thing to do after meeting god in craftopia was to punch him in the face
>desynced in craftopia so hard that the dungeon boss was still shooting her even after it died
>decided to read a full blown confession from a fan's marshmellow live
>replied to a twitter account named crap_gay thinking it was watson when holoEN debuted
>spilled juice in her lap and couldn't stop sniffing it on stream and asked chat if they wanted to lick it
>got baited by chat to type "if you study japanese in nene, you will fail"
>referred to huke as hukeweb sensei
>accidentally wiped her PC installing minecraft
>destroyed the entire nene production office and revealed that nenepro was a black company
>died 16 times in under 2 hours during the first gen 5 Minecraft collab
>Was welcomed in Japanese by Iofi at her debut and replied that she does not speak much english.
>thought "te amo" was the french term for "I love you"
>scored 3 on Choco's academic test
>ran and jumped into bed, completely missed and ended up sleeping on the floor
>Started her Minecraft adventures by dying 16 times in a row, punching cats and chanting about destruction on Twitter after ending a stream with her going on a suicidal rampage with TNT
>Accidentally flooded gen 5's building in Minecraft, forgot to place torches back down which spawned a creeper that blew up a chunk of her room
>Put her name in reverse when building her room in the gen 5 building, displaying "ƎИƎИ МI" when viewed from the outside
>Avoided an entire shitstorm about janitors by skipping a Minecraft collab with the rest of her genmates because she wanted to stream Rhythm Heaven instead
>Was given souvenirs by Kiara after their collab, but didn't have anything to give in return, so she gave her some gummies she had on her
>Unironically thought iCarly, Victorious and Hannah Montana were emotional western romantic dramas and made Kiara die of laughter when she told her, then proceeded to ask chat on a future stream for reassurance only for them to laugh as well
>Trapped herself in a room she made as a prank for Botan
>Lost 51% of nenepro stocks to HAACHAMA of all people, becoming an underling in her own company
>Siphoned Korone's spanish audience in one fell swoop with a pinned message, making her their new queen
>Has collabed with Iofi at least twice and still mispelled her name as "Ioli." Also told her she skips cutscenes in RPGs after being told she likes them.
>she would call an unsharpened pencil a magic wand, mix grass into water and call it a potion, write down cool anime lines to her notebook and wear a bandaid on her nose because she thought it was cool. She wanted an eyepatch too, but couldn't get it since you needed to go to an optician for one and she didn't have the money
>several people were unable to sleep in Minecraft because she went AFK for hours after a stream
>managed to creep out Matsuri by asking her to bottle some snot for her
>Asserted her dominance in Minecraft by slapping her ass then burying her in a wall of dirt
>Co-coined "5mennasai" during Subaru's 5th death falling off the Shubagelion when she told her she didn't count her 4th
>Spammed Polka's twitter to the point of being blocked
>Shamelessly admitted during a pizza stream she wants men to click their tongues at her when they pass by
>Got lost in the city and ran around shouting "waaaaaaaaaah" when going out with her genmates
>Served a customer that asked for salmon steak and boiled potatoes a pile of sardines and a raw potato

>> No.30289812
Quoted by: >>30290288

Go to hlg, they talk more about HoloID
This place hates ID

>> No.30289813

Good. I didn't enjoy having corporate post shill messages every couple minutes.

>> No.30289814

WEW, looks like I’ve got some archive reps to do, real nice

>> No.30289815

Believe whatever you want chumbud, I won't stop you

>> No.30289816
File: 968 KB, 1172x1080, 1580438003455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm beginning to think only SEAmonkeys use the term chickenfags.

>> No.30289818
File: 109 KB, 1692x1252, 1607232495307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289897

Don't worry, Chumbuds. We all know who's doing this, and who's trying to prolong a three month old issue. It's their last card, and they're going to abuse it if they can, but the first step to this simmering down is already over with them not trying to cut anything out. They don't think it's a big deal, and I don't see why you shouldn't trust them.
Goslings will never not support UNITY.

>> No.30289817

I'm more interested in the peeking tummy desu

>> No.30289822

Mori is a bro though
and an unironic autistic virgin

>> No.30289823

>woke up early to prepare for my ff14 raid reps
>Nene is streaming
Blessed ceo

>> No.30289824
File: 179 KB, 850x1200, gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_deku_suke__sample-426be88c9f98a88b4f6b162aa4711f0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289860

I livei n Eurohours, did something happen or are the rats loose again?
Either way, sounds like you're a bitch

>> No.30289825
File: 202 KB, 1242x702, nenechi!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289826
File: 188 KB, 1000x1000, gurange[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fc8srq5.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
It wasn't.

>> No.30289827
File: 109 KB, 579x451, gura da don.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289882

With how the Bandai Namco account was talking during the stream, I feel it's highly likely it'll return

>> No.30289829
Quoted by: >>30289866

I mean, I think people freaking out over him are retards, but there is a difference between a professional relationship like with K's and being friends, anon.

>> No.30289830

Sora says it's because everyone in JP treats her like a goddess when she just wants to be "Sora-chan" so the IN girls are capitalizing by being actual friends with her. Iofi keeps in regular contact even if it's just talking about shows and sending memes to each other.

>> No.30289832

who and why
inb4 he doesnt know. i dont :((

>> No.30289839
Quoted by: >>30289904

Lolcow dot farm was created by the fags from /cgl/ who got exiled when meidos banned Pixyteri discussions from the board. It wasnt about CWC

>> No.30289840

Well she took the game pretty seriously, so it was a fun time. She wasn't really moaning hard or mimicking JP JAV style.

>> No.30289841
File: 561 KB, 700x990, Eoi_GaJU0AA6Kbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30289843

Same. It's interesting to see how many anons absolutely seethe over those issues

>> No.30289844

Nice deflection retard.

>> No.30289845

>surprised Gura is a footfag after she dragged her feet all over the glass of her PC case

She knows what she's doing

>> No.30289846

Ok nigga

>> No.30289852
Quoted by: >>30289943

>I told you to shut up.
>Easy win!
>Man: "I'll put my dick in"
>Shark: a!
>The turtle's head came out of the mouth because the shark was too small.

There must've been a few slang words I've missed so I just ran them through deepl

>> No.30289851
Quoted by: >>30289880

What did they do?

>> No.30289853

>Ayunda's voice is pure sex

>> No.30289854

Fe would be exciting if she does ironman runs

>> No.30289857
File: 19 KB, 524x505, 1465086230024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289888

You know, everyone was cumming earlier during Gura's stream, but I was working out with her and it felt relatively normal and a little silly. I didn't really hear too many sounds that seemed erotic, but maybe I was just focused on that little fat burning exercise she was doing during the boss.

>> No.30289858

I hope Calli finds her niche in terms of games she's good at. I like her streams but I'd love for her to play a game that she absolutely adores and has fun with.

>> No.30289859

Watching her crank the difficulty all the way up to the highest only to jump straight into a boss battle was pretty hilarious, and I'm not even a Chumbuddie.

>> No.30289860

The latter

>> No.30289861


>> No.30289862
Quoted by: >>30289944

but chickenfags are SEAmonkey, anonchama...

>> No.30289863

Because the other two have been extra shitty.

>> No.30289864

I mean I wasn't making them in "good faith" since its shitposting, but genuinely she sounds and acts partially like Kiara

The comparisons were fucking inevitable, even though the difference quickly became clear that Kiara is high energy but Ollie is a fucking zoomer

>> No.30289865

Sora is the senpai of senpais, so she has so much seniority that they never approach her
IDs don't give a fuck and eventually HoloEN won't.

Indo is a pretty jarring language, Risu at least has 2 voices to play it through?

>> No.30289866
Quoted by: >>30289994

She has male friends too, I wasn't referring to K.

>> No.30289869

Cause she’s not. She’s making herself play shitty games cause she doesn’t have permissions for games she likes

>> No.30289871
File: 490 KB, 680x644, 1606806078902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290821

fuck... anons digging deep into too much shit, first the reason why she gets so emotional with love songs and now the british accent... it's all Jay...

>> No.30289873

Mori pog was for Gura's "R-word" moment. "Tactical yabs" would have confirmed if Mori did it again to cover for Gura's fuckups.

>> No.30289874

Fuck you, they're all good.
Reaper ka Rapper is somewhat weaker only because it's a joke song.
CALLIOPE MORI ON THIS GODDAMN MIC still gets me hyped the fuck up.
As for Cursed Night, well, it's complicated.

>> No.30289875

What does /hlgg/ think about this?


>> No.30289878
File: 86 KB, 800x716, rrats2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My rrats are too strong for you, anon.

>> No.30289881
File: 119 KB, 1024x576, b1zevap01l261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290017

>Mori had a comfy stream with Watson

Going to have to watch that today. Good work by "My Boy"

>> No.30289880

their reps

>> No.30289882

I hope they don't return with it.

>> No.30289883
File: 291 KB, 832x2157, 1604830394216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289886

Pretty sure Microsoft won't let you use any variation of nigger because it'll auto pick it up as inappropriate language

>> No.30289887

Kill yourself SEAnigger

>> No.30289888

>suck my toes

>> No.30289891

She's a perfect being, simple as.

>> No.30289893

>Daddy beats her, Mother is an invalid, she went to the cops, they did nothing, she’s still there
>After the nijidox, attempted suicide

>> No.30289894

Those are pretty long feet for that frame

>> No.30289895

>No vtuber has ever struggled in DOOM
>No MOD Miko

>> No.30289897

The thing that annoys me is none of this is new information. She has an online friend circle of failed VAs that she still talks to. We already knew this.

>> No.30289899
File: 675 KB, 3030x2160, EoYjDUNUcAEMFvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will the madness end i wonder....

>> No.30289898

indog milkers

>> No.30289900
Quoted by: >>30289921

good night anons

>> No.30289902

This actually>>30289553

>> No.30289904

shit, the cwc thing ended up being a wiki, didn't it? Honestly, we have a rate of output when it comes to deranged communities. It's hard to follow

>> No.30289905
Quoted by: >>30289964

Who sang this?

>> No.30289907

Permissions nigger or that would be the case for every girl

>> No.30289911
Quoted by: >>30290173

Pop on Rocks is better than any Mori song

>> No.30289912
File: 51 KB, 528x538, 1605948688106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289956

Nenechi is so cute playing Rhythm Heaven making all those noises and calls.

>> No.30289914


>> No.30289917
Quoted by: >>30289970

Atlus (video game company) please let me play Persona 3. The third (fourth) game in the series is the one I wanna play. Please, Atlus.

>> No.30289918

/jp/ is a dead board without Hololive activity

>> No.30289921
File: 52 KB, 1064x982, 1603344199018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night night

>> No.30289923

Hope Hololive loses all permissions. It'd be funny to see how the Holos had to adapt.

>> No.30289927
Quoted by: >>30289978

She was not bad at Crash, other then that one stream where she got massively tilted. The other two she made good progress and had fun.

>> No.30289933
File: 72 KB, 391x226, 1600871860148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290003

>everyone who says something unfavorable about chicken or KFP is a SEAnigger

>> No.30289934

I wish I had as much fun as that guy

>> No.30289935

She surprisingly was decent at crash

>> No.30289938
Quoted by: >>30290178

people keep meming it but the followup is so smooth it's literally nothing. It's baiting with "I'm available wink wink nudge nudge"

>> No.30289937

I think we can all agree on one thing
it hurts because she will never have those feelings for you

>> No.30289942

IDs are outgoing and will treat you like an equal, usual suspects like Pekora et al. can get along with them, in 4chan terms think of it like chad & virgin friendship.jpg
streamlabs just replaces superchat, and it's actually smarter because it keeps a far smaller cut than YT
the cutest is whichever you like, I'm partial to Risu and Ollie

>> No.30289943

>The turtle's head came out of the mouth because the shark was too small.
tags: big_penis, shark_girl, all_the_way_through

how powerful are Japs that they can joke about the sex so soon after the yab

>> No.30289944

But anon... I'm American. A white one at that.

>> No.30289945


>> No.30289947

Anya is the cutest so far. Ayunda is the indog SEAnigger accent.

>> No.30289949
Quoted by: >>30290201

>games she's good at
haha good one anon

>> No.30289952
Quoted by: >>30290025

Daily Tic tac toe collabs

>> No.30289954

>eye mucus laughing at snot

>> No.30289956
Quoted by: >>30289988


>> No.30289958
File: 1.29 MB, 1234x697, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30289988


>> No.30289960
Quoted by: >>30290133

She played all FE games? Fuck now I'm interested. Too bad she would have to pirate to play Jugdral on stream.

>> No.30289964
Quoted by: >>30290102

You can't be that dumb, can you anon?

>> No.30289968

No, stop projecting.
Didn't you all faggots die during Amegeddon?

>> No.30289969

>Who sounds the cutest speaking Indonesian?
as an Indonesian, i would choose Ollie, she sounds natural despite saying some cringe Indonesian slang words

>> No.30289970

Didn't nips attack her because of that? She still gets 100+ dislikes.

>> No.30289977

or for Ame... I hate how the teetee ship of this gen had to be the one confirmed to be in a relationship with dick...

>> No.30289978

She was pretty good at the carnival level considering she had 0 lives for a while yet kept her cool.

>> No.30289980
Quoted by: >>30290123

We knew this but narrativefags swore up and down that she hated all of them for no reason. I guess the current meltdown is them trying to cope with being retarded.

>> No.30289981
File: 150 KB, 900x1273, 1606745346061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and I hate that, they're all fucking losers. My daughter needs CHAD genes

>> No.30289982
File: 68 KB, 768x768, EoOh5sbVgAEoAXJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole Jay thing was yab. But you got to admit it chumbuds, Gura panicking and getting flustered was pretty funny.

>> No.30289984

That’s an actual factual statement though

>> No.30289987

>company culture
You mean stagnation?

>> No.30289988


>> No.30289989
Quoted by: >>30290115

don't care

>> No.30289990
File: 167 KB, 427x381, 1605893541123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to get ugly real soon.

>> No.30289991

Because it's time for the SEANigger engine to start whirring and churning out some Kiara falseflag and antiposts

>> No.30289993
File: 261 KB, 800x800, Eoc36WeU0AEMZ0c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30289994

But none have made themselves known on stream, anon.

>> No.30289996

Hololive already has blanket permissions to a million western games.

They could keep playing games and never run out, I'm still baffled as to why they just cycle the same shit over and over.

>> No.30289999

It's nijinegros, not nips as a whole.
They already pulled a similar stunt on her with the JLPT permissions.

>> No.30290001
File: 297 KB, 1294x1825, EoioVIYUcAECAhS-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290023

>> No.30290002
File: 193 KB, 484x482, 1601958270444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura confirmed that she's retarded and she's not pretending it, made me love her more

>> No.30290003
Quoted by: >>30290134

Not necessarily, but you pick up on small things from the way they type like how they misspell things and are never grammatically correct.

>> No.30290005

nene is so good

>> No.30290010

>those thighs

>> No.30290011
File: 272 KB, 1908x1394, EhAJgobUcAAPxP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffering Nenechi!

>> No.30290012

Who the fuck expects them to have no romantic relationship in the first place.
I'm pretty sure a lot of people miss that in their life, why would you want to deny something so nice and vital?
It's her personal life. I'm pretty sure the JPs have/had boyfriends too. It just doesn't matter

>> No.30290014
File: 11 KB, 484x252, nothing to hide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the newfags here should learn some things from 5ch
>[The yab] was not something to hide

>> No.30290017

It was a nice collab, deadbeat
t. Teamate

>> No.30290023


>> No.30290024
File: 33 KB, 480x360, lilimoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can somebody please explain to me about this Moona Malaysian or haafu narrative? I've seen her collab with Liliana about mother tongue challenge and I'm pretty sure she is not fluent with Malay. That being said, the collab is fucking hilarious if you understand Indonesian/Malay

>> No.30290025

I think Watson would really start doing her Chess reps like she said she wanted to. Kiara and Mori would be fine because they just love talking all day anyway. Ina would probably just keep drawing. Gura would lose her mind though. She could sing but eventually she'd probably want to just chill with a game. Maybe she'd learn chess too.

>> No.30290030


>> No.30290032

Do meidos have janitorial jurisdictions outside of the board of which they're part of? I see tons of doxx stuff on other boards which never get deleted no matter if you report it as off topic.

>> No.30290034

>100+ dislikes

>> No.30290035
File: 354 KB, 1106x2048, EoaVfcMVEAEIYV4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30290036

The song is a vocaloid song about having a fight with your boyfriend. She was explaining she sung it cause it fits her voice. Because she's a motormouth, she said "boyfriend" before realising that's not something she should say on stream, even to joke about

That said, pretty based that she speedran the "boyfriend" yab in her fucking debut and managed it well.

In her previous life she was a sweetheart who disliked bad boys, liked princes, and found NTR genuinely creepy and confusing

>> No.30290037

This rat's just a pile of bones!

>> No.30290038
Quoted by: >>30290084

Fuck off nigger

>> No.30290040

What are the chances of Gura waking up tomorrow too sore to be able to stream RFA again

>> No.30290049

The whole notification pop up was enough to wake the rrats. What bothers me was streisand effect that came afterwards. He just fed the rrats just when they were starving.

>> No.30290050

What feelings? every single post about this ''relationship'' is some unconfirmed narrative that boils down to >she interacted with a guy so they are practically married now
and worst part is its not even the only dude she interacted with

>> No.30290052
File: 1.89 MB, 1494x1718, 1589625671106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290240

Oh she has them

>> No.30290053
File: 200 KB, 1644x1650, EoimzkzUwAMyuU--orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30290055

Yeah because she WAS a failed VA too.

>> No.30290056

I wonder if falseflagging that hard is really fun to them.

>> No.30290058


>> No.30290062

SEAnigger discussion is over at /hlg/

>> No.30290063
Quoted by: >>30290115

But I don't feel anything romantic for my Oshi?

>> No.30290065
Quoted by: >>30290142

>they'll still have membership and SC
Can Indonesians do memberships, or are they screwed out of content?

>> No.30290070
Quoted by: >>30290169

This is some pretty heavy cope

>> No.30290073
Quoted by: >>30290152

they honestly vibe a lot, Mori is inspired by lot of Ame's stream ideas while Ame seems to respect Mori as a creative and finds the cringekino funny

the NA and JP girls have a really warm relationship despite the timezone separation, it just has less chances to come to forefront

>> No.30290074
Quoted by: >>30290095

Based. Fuck those EUfags

>> No.30290075
File: 255 KB, 432x454, more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290077
File: 232 KB, 1542x2048, EoicQ41XUAEDNdt-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30290079
File: 17 KB, 480x360, fbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki would tar and feather your ass for pushing this shit and she is the definition of Hololive. Fuck off with pretending you know anything.

>> No.30290081

I will continue enjoying Gurame content but hopefully /u/fags will kill themselves now. That's one potential benefit from this situation.

>> No.30290084

go back to therapy Jay

>> No.30290086

I just woke up. Why are people mad at Gura this morning?

>> No.30290087

pretty nice

>> No.30290094
Quoted by: >>30290115

>having romantic feelings for your favorite

>> No.30290095
Quoted by: >>30290222

This is jealousy.

>> No.30290098

Pretty damn likely but she is aware of it in her description so maybe she'll take it easy and turn down the difficulty.

>> No.30290099


>> No.30290101
Quoted by: >>30290172

What if the threads shitting up is just SEAniggers fighting against other SEAniggers?

>> No.30290100
File: 142 KB, 1200x1038, squat_shark_gawrt-1335485312500334592.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30290102

I'm not familiar with the voice, is this the new ID girl?

>> No.30290105
File: 12 KB, 468x137, jay is gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You motherfuckers, look at what you've done

>> No.30290106
Quoted by: >>30290276

I think Mori would like that too but doesn't want to lean into 'doesn't play any games' narrative too hard
remember, she's learning this streaming thing on the fly, so a lot of it is her responding to expectations she can see

>> No.30290107
Quoted by: >>30290139

Are Idolfags way more mentally ill than SEA or is it the same group?

>> No.30290108
File: 188 KB, 376x479, 0FB46857-07A5-402E-AB14-32906F494E2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you, autistic bitch

>> No.30290109

Can't wait for that site to get shut down when 230 is repealed

>> No.30290115

normalfags get out

>> No.30290116

It really is nothing, but she at least needs to make an effort to hide it better.

>> No.30290117
File: 29 KB, 128x128, 1603411741147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbuddies deserve to know the truth.

>> No.30290118

she said she only liked the skin part of hot dogs on stream

>> No.30290122

The thing is they could say the same thing about every other male HER ever streamed with, since there's just as much evidence (zero) of a relationship. It's literally (You)baiters grasping at air.

>> No.30290121

I like how (according to 5ch), Jay is black, gay and MtF.

>> No.30290123
Quoted by: >>30290308

It doesn't help that whenever Gura talks about herself she comes off as a super loney person. Some people here for whatever reason can't comprehend why someone would feel lonely when they have online friends apparently.

>> No.30290125
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1605811024947s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290189


>> No.30290130

to a non-indog ear, Anya sounded the cutest speaking indog.

Apparently Anya's JP is stunningly cute to JOP bros, and I really like her slightly lower voice, like a sweet Ayunda, so sasuga Anya for having a great voice. can't wait for the ASMR she's clearly going to do, what with using an ASMR mic for her debut and all

>> No.30290132

no you don't understand the tweets anon they tell you everything!

>> No.30290133
Quoted by: >>30290209

She literally talked about how much she loved Sacred Stones.

>> No.30290134
Quoted by: >>30290198

That's neither convincing nor remotely rational

>> No.30290135
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x900, 84153601_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290176


>> No.30290137
File: 315 KB, 680x314, c0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will I JUST WOKE UP retards finally shut the fuck up?

If it's important, you'll hear about it again.

If it isn't, you're dredging up shit we've all been through already because you can't do your fucking archive reps. Kill yourself, just woke up niggers.

>> No.30290139

same group of subhumans

>> No.30290140
File: 991 KB, 1500x1500, 1586660955988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290359

Jay is
>ocean long dick
What else?

>> No.30290141
Quoted by: >>30290339

her lay popped up on stream

>> No.30290142

they can still join membership i think
really makes you wonder why they can't SC then but i'll chalk it up to google not giving a fuck about streaming

>> No.30290144

She fucked a black guy or something idk anymore

>> No.30290145
File: 454 KB, 1853x1774, caligura3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290146
File: 57 KB, 674x708, 1602626282417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to watch anime girls to forget about my life
>Get reminded that everyone besides me has had a relationship and something I probably will never have is completely normal to most people

>> No.30290147

It made me appreciate her more

>> No.30290148

>HoloEN was a mistake
The numbers show otherwise

>> No.30290150

cause she ruined a stream chumbuds were saving up all their coom and uoooooohs for by being a fucking idiot and not turning off her friend notifications

>> No.30290151

>Jay is gay
The rhyme made me kek.

>> No.30290152
Quoted by: >>30290304

Honestly I don't think I've seen Mori show up in chat for anyone as much as she has Ame's, even Kiaras, which was in some cases basically mandatory like with Hinotori.

>> No.30290156

I know you have autism and can't pick up on it but they were clearly flirting on stream

>> No.30290157

hi guraaa

>> No.30290158
File: 58 KB, 259x259, 1607181598802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, I'm a Barracuda now.

>> No.30290160

Akuma no saikoro, onegai...
oshiete them animay skillz

>> No.30290163
Quoted by: >>30290187


>> No.30290165

I mean if you consider falseflagging seaniggers etc as people I guess

>> No.30290167
Quoted by: >>30290265

>Whole debut was slightly in the left ear
I was nearly puking by the end of it because of her fucking microphone

>> No.30290168

nene is cute i like her stream right now

>> No.30290169
File: 227 KB, 1240x1754, 1605977339389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope for what? I knew this shit months even before debut. Yeah, I was a HERfag, doesn't really matter now though because I have my boss

>> No.30290170
File: 1.11 MB, 768x931, aa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Anya's roommate? She's pretty cute.

>> No.30290172

It's possible. Ants tend to hate other colonies of ants so it would make sense.

>> No.30290173

The Nhato remix is better than pop on rocks

>> No.30290176

Is this supposed to be bloopers?

>> No.30290179
File: 2.15 MB, 1700x2404, 85807743_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, does anyone knows if the Minecraft /hlgg/ server is still a thing?
I kinda want to buy the game to play with some anons from here, but I don't know if the server IP I found in the archive is still online.
Here, have some clussy as payment.

>> No.30290178

Sounds like it was just a planned joke. She said the same thing in her language before she repeated it again in English.

>> No.30290181
File: 77 KB, 399x500, 1601514700328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching Nene play rhythm games is soothing my heart after tonight. Nenecchi bros your CEO is alright.

>> No.30290183
File: 363 KB, 1771x1283, EojEG6JU0AArOin-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290264

>> No.30290184

I'd take a normalfag over a retarded incel any time

>> No.30290185

>Jay is gay
first black, tranny, now gay? lmfao 5ch posters are based

>> No.30290186
File: 150 KB, 1200x1213, ENMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a reminder

ENMA is watching you

>> No.30290187
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1601523018308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do normalfags really?

>> No.30290189
File: 8 KB, 386x153, jaysame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't even the rrat's final form!

>> No.30290190
File: 73 KB, 259x259, 1590618525192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290239

Chumbuds... tell me this is a lie...

>> No.30290191
File: 442 KB, 2400x1671, 473818671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290219

>Let's be real, we're about as shit as each other.

>> No.30290192


>> No.30290195

Do idolfags really

>> No.30290196

Absolutely Based.

>> No.30290197
File: 388 KB, 850x1389, 1607089055125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290294

Support her good cause! I could see Mori doing it, since shes black.

>> No.30290198
Quoted by: >>30290279

It's how KFPs cope

>> No.30290200
File: 1.43 MB, 1191x1684, EohmoDkVEAIMpNH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I will never apologize for loving Mori.

>> No.30290201

you could have just said you dont know shit, anon

>> No.30290202

What's wrong with you faggot

>> No.30290205


>> No.30290208

please hire me for holostars EN

>> No.30290209
Quoted by: >>30290327

Sacred Stones is shit though. I'm disappointed again

>> No.30290211

>noo they're flirting this means they're fucking

The irony of you accusing others of autism when you are going through several layers of incel logic:

>they spoke a lot so they were dating
>they flirted so they were together
>she didn't remove him from friends list so they're still together

>> No.30290212
File: 279 KB, 463x453, youreabigogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290213

Halo Co-op has up to four player access on most of the games last I checked.

Halo:CE and Halo 2 had 2-player co-op... Halo 3, ODST, Reach, 4 and 5 have 4-player Co-Op.

If they wait it out a bit for Ina and Gura, they could have a joint 4-man Halo collab weekly.

>> No.30290214

>jsy is gay
My fucking sides. These nips are alright

>> No.30290215

SEAniggers are getting uppity again

>> No.30290216


>> No.30290218

would bang

>> No.30290219
Quoted by: >>30290312


>> No.30290220

Wish more people stream Rhythm Tengoku again

>> No.30290221
File: 1.27 MB, 2710x3904, 1589104221547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290475

I won't take back a single word I've said about my boy, but I'm glad she's taken the from well intention-ed fans. That is what, 4 streams without her mentioning Cr1t's name? She also didn't let chat disrupt her during the rap writing when she was telling her stories.

>> No.30290222
Quoted by: >>30290340

t. EUfag

>> No.30290223


>> No.30290226

Are these eyebrows edited? I don't remember them being THAT expressive.
Don't think I got anything to apologize for desu

>> No.30290229


>> No.30290235

consider that /hlgg/ itself is responsible for like 30 of those on the regular
if all the united power of Nijiniggers can accomplish against ENs is ~70 dislikes then EN is safe

>> No.30290236

>Jay is gay
This is fucking elementary school levels of bullying but holy hell if I'm not laughing.

>> No.30290237

Do you seriously not have any online friends?

>> No.30290238


>> No.30290239
Quoted by: >>30290267

It's true and Ame is actually a man.

>> No.30290240

>even the hairclip has a chad jawline
fucking love this guy

>> No.30290241
File: 3.02 MB, 320x288, 1582021172362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290242
File: 52 KB, 480x473, 1607189309333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it's funny. And I'm tired of pretending it's not

>> No.30290248
File: 4 KB, 359x49, 1580062281886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290291

visiting this site has been great for my mental health

holoEN boosted my confidence and gura has been a big motivator for me to not be antisocial and interact with other people irl

everytime i see reddit, twitter and other idiotic normie garbage, my mental health plummets

>> No.30290249

I never said they were fucking or dating, dumbass

>> No.30290252
File: 399 KB, 2400x3672, 1606228122205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This rrat is getting way too powerful...

>> No.30290251

please discipline the slut gura

>> No.30290255
Quoted by: >>30290372

the 5 people that actually care about that are mentally ill unicornfags.
I think most idolfags don't care as long as they are not retarded enough to talk about it on stream, like it or not that's what they are selling, even if people know it's fake they don't want the girls themselves to break the illusion.

>> No.30290258
File: 518 KB, 671x520, 1600055775069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks filtered to hell, nice tits though

>> No.30290259

Hot dogs have skin?

>> No.30290261
Quoted by: >>30290350

>What feelings?
The feeling of her having (you) on her friends list

>> No.30290263

I know you never watched her prior to now but pls dont act like you did

>> No.30290264
File: 202 KB, 1562x1562, EoiDa9QVgAUZ0fC-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the new GuRFA posts

>> No.30290267
File: 37 KB, 214x208, 1587753659874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290321


>> No.30290265

I have really good heaphones [spoiler[bought em for ASMR in fact[/spoiler], it wasn't panned, she was sitting to the left of the mic. When she moved around the voice came from slightly different places to the left. And other noises like when she dropped something (a book or her phone, idk) came from center or right. Hope she fixes that issue of course, but I hold out hope for good audio from her

>> No.30290268

if you want a femcel just watch Mori

>> No.30290269
File: 1.12 MB, 800x714, 1601597986812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ogey.

>> No.30290270

I’m losing it

>> No.30290271

I can't even

>> No.30290273
File: 286 KB, 480x480, 1601992413041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290275


This is an incredible stream.

>> No.30290276
Quoted by: >>30290481

Yeah that's true I suppose. They should still continue to play games obviously and I don't mind that they'll continue Halo, but I'd like to see something else in-between (zatsu or otherwise) so that they can just get more comfortable on-screen.
Isolated moments between the two from e.g. Among Us and Secret Neighbor collabs probably raised my expectations too high for this collab overall I guess.

>> No.30290279
File: 1 KB, 327x48, Captureanya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have work to do anon. Don't disappoint me.

>> No.30290280
Quoted by: >>30290388


>> No.30290284

Aniki please... My knees already destroyed

>> No.30290287
File: 2 KB, 124x122, 1595149667105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all coming together

>> No.30290288

Why /hlgg/ hates holo ID ?

>> No.30290291
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 1592830281969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290348

woops wrong image

>> No.30290292

TF?!?!?! You guys told me SEAniggs need to die, she fucking hot

>> No.30290293

Jay interrupted her ring fit stream just when it was getting good
>but who's Jay?

>> No.30290294

nice opspec retard

>> No.30290295
File: 1.76 MB, 1920x1080, 4cb18436-cf76-4a67-ae25-243021dd32d4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her model and rigging are just that good. I'm glad Mori's so comfortable playing around with the facial expressions and switching on the fly because she definitely benefits from it.

>> No.30290296
File: 200 KB, 500x489, Jcaj59QPwfS_RWKI6ijBHH7bQug4e2ao_hB_aXCqp84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30290297

I have cancelled my RFA order, my diaphragm got such a fucking intense workout from laughing, I can't even sit up anymore.

>> No.30290298

>Jay is Gay
My fucking sides.

>> No.30290300
File: 317 KB, 1080x1037, IMG_20201206_174421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290571

Is this really Anya?

>> No.30290301


>> No.30290303

now I understand why the design didn't have breasts originally but the rigger added big-ass fucking bonkers to her. God damn where does Cover find these babes

>> No.30290305

Do you remember that guy who was claiming that Gura was gonna stream with that one twitch e-celeb because she didn't reply to his invitation? We shouldn't be surprised at this point.

>> No.30290304

she mentioned Ame nearly every time chat brought up a new stream idea for her (like watchalongs or the ASMR stuff), she is one of the ENs she's keeping up with most regulalry

>> No.30290306

That's fucked up

>> No.30290308
Quoted by: >>30290402

You can even feel alone when surrounded by friends and family in real life.
It's probably why she seemed to be uncomfortable with talking about herself at first. It's already scary enough trying to open up in front of 50k people, then you know in the back of your head people are analyzing every single word you say. I have a lot of respect for her and others in a position like her. I don't think I could handle that many people dissecting my every action, twisting my words and molding my image with their ideals.

>> No.30290309

you just know Jay is a 6'6 farmer that pounds her cunny every night

>> No.30290312
File: 117 KB, 1024x732, 160523-obama-vietnam-beer-jsw_aa0f1c151a11172b480ac5ca96602d56.social_share_1024x768_scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290343

Obama would be a pretty chill friend desu

>> No.30290313

Big titties but that it

>> No.30290315
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1603909232398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just don't like Indonesians.

>> No.30290316
File: 882 KB, 647x907, dm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Holo ID now.

>> No.30290317
File: 193 KB, 840x1500, 1602422465201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga if you can't accept this whole thing as a giant form of escapism then it's going to eat you up from the inside. I'll listen to Polka saying she loves me over and over again and enjoy it but I don't for one second think that I'll ever end up with her of even want to be with her. We're all in love with characters, not people.

>> No.30290319
File: 144 KB, 328x327, 1496876722222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to agree with you but you just outed yourself as a redditor

>> No.30290320
File: 14 KB, 860x1005, 1406435342966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek
at least use gura's voice you stupid nigger

>> No.30290321


>> No.30290322

The sound effects and calls are super fucking cute
>ichi ni san!

>> No.30290325

Ollie will unbirth Gura and force ame to lick her belly just to feel close to her gf!

>> No.30290327

As long as none of the holos gush over 12 or 13 it’s fine by me.

>> No.30290331

Just get someone to vector it for you. Shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.30290332

I cant believe Gura and Jay combined spells "whore"

>> No.30290334

Can we agree to just import rrats from 5ch from now on?

>> No.30290336


>> No.30290337

Impressive lolibaba

>> No.30290339
File: 198 KB, 534x663, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290340

I wish. Then I could be friends with Gura too!

>> No.30290343


>> No.30290348
File: 887 KB, 1920x1080, EoDbpc3VQAUaJt0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290393

I have a different version

>> No.30290349

Why doesn't Watson finish games?

>> No.30290350
File: 419 KB, 499x614, 1581550450904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't my friends either, they are fucking entertainers not friends/girlfriends.
the parasocial life is too yab for me

>> No.30290358

God, I love Cover

>> No.30290359


>> No.30290361
File: 29 KB, 638x717, 1601947189497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed.

>> No.30290365
File: 151 KB, 471x658, 1606442469699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sensei's knowledgeable breast and studious thighs...

>> No.30290367
Quoted by: >>30290400

How is Nene so cuter than usual

>> No.30290368

I need AmeMori fanart now

>> No.30290369

I do not fap to feet, but I will defend your right to do so with my dying breath

>> No.30290370


>> No.30290371

Why is no one deleting these?

>> No.30290372

Based on observation and numbers I pull out of my ass, it's:

70% schizos glad they have a yab to throw at gura/who are just here to shitpost no matter what
20% people who rightfully don't give a shit
9% chumbuddies desperately trying to debunk the narrative and prove she doesn't have a boyfriend or wouldn't talk to a filthy MALE, not getting that it doesn't fucking matter
1% actual OH NO ITS OVER BROS.

Westerns just don't care enough for small scale yabs like this, you'd be rightfully looked as a schizo if you tried to bring this anywhere else but the dregs of the internet.

>> No.30290373

Name 1 good Finnish game.

>> No.30290374
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1606560105809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back.
Theyre just like us, self aware to some degree and infected with shizos to another

>> No.30290376

She's busy practicing chess

>> No.30290379

So how is this current arc called?

>> No.30290382
Quoted by: >>30290407

So let me get this straight. Gura is fucking SoundWeebJay?

>> No.30290385

There's only like 3 images.

>> No.30290388

Sorry, it's true, here you're usually called pathetic perma virgin faggot who never spoke to a woman in his entire life and never will, hates them with all his heart, even though he's a worthless fucking cuckold that will never be loved and should get cancer and die like his entire family instead of wasting precious resources. But instead will spend his entire life watching his oshi or crush getting fucked and creampied by other man.

Is this any better? I should've added the "raise your crush's baby" part maybe but I'm not sure if you're into it, not all cucks are like that.

>> No.30290386

Oily paizuri from Mori-sensei!

>> No.30290393

i actually have that version, dunno why i didn't use that image instead

>> No.30290396

I count Max Payne as finnish, the first two are great

>> No.30290398
File: 588 KB, 1575x2100, EohBvGaUwAIaKcI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30290399
File: 454 KB, 659x728, 1584491910452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290468

Do you realise where you are?

>> No.30290400
Quoted by: >>30290459

When you combine a cute girl and a cute game, the cuteness multiplies.

>> No.30290402

reminder that she got doxxed just by mentioning her work in an animal shelter. It's heartbreaking

>> No.30290405
File: 586 KB, 704x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290450

Kill this thread faster! onegai

>> No.30290406


>> No.30290407


>> No.30290409

Nobody cares about some SEAnig whore.

>> No.30290410

my summer car

>> No.30290411
File: 1.06 MB, 1494x1718, EoiYZRrU8AA4rk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290458

>> No.30290412
Quoted by: >>30290521

I love how we're still getting sensei fanart. God bless Japan

>> No.30290413

I like the term Guragnarok, but it's fucking nothing.
Re-evaluate your lives, schizos.

>> No.30290415

Sharkmeido does not like having to do damage control out of nothing but the kindness of her heart for what could be pinpointed to as ultimately, your mistakes in laxness.

>> No.30290417
File: 116 KB, 512x512, EROTIC[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frzo6y3.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290418

That bonkers she could pull Noel.
From her face feature she probably half nips half SEA.

>> No.30290419


>> No.30290420

She's already finished games wtf nigga

>> No.30290423


>> No.30290425

Calm down my guy. It’s ok to be a cuck

>> No.30290424

How are they so same aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.30290426

This one's new and cute >>30290035. If you want Halo stuff you'll have to wait for the artists to wake up, it's the dead of night for most of them.

>> No.30290427
File: 23 KB, 125x128, 1600084250204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw Jay shows up again tomorrow

>> No.30290428
File: 385 KB, 1448x2048, 20201206_054940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Ame art.

>> No.30290430


>> No.30290434

>ywn go to the store and buy a pack of hot dogs with gura only to peel the skins off to eat and throw out the meat

>> No.30290436

She was probably mad that they were bringing up the name of her friend Donald Trump's rival

>> No.30290435
File: 30 KB, 600x675, 1577526853640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief

>> No.30290437
File: 279 KB, 893x928, fd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Jay, why did you sabotage Gura's RFA stream?
Well Mike, fuck seaniggers lmao.

>> No.30290438

Kill yourself schizo gehenna

>> No.30290441


>> No.30290443

You love to see it!

>> No.30290444


>> No.30290445
File: 211 KB, 1552x2048, EoikzjuVEAAR-Zt-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30290450

Q&A more like G&J

>> No.30290452


>> No.30290457
File: 1.85 MB, 1343x2500, 1606591295205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290561

I'm not apologising for loving my boy!

>> No.30290458

Damn jay looks like THAT?

>> No.30290459
File: 264 KB, 1200x1200, EjJruRRU8AEYdpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290460

some anon said guragnarok, that's what I'm going with

>> No.30290462

Tomorrow? You meant every day for the next month

>> No.30290463
Quoted by: >>30290499


>> No.30290465

The best damn tag nobody uploads

>> No.30290468

Not all virgins are pathetic like that faggot.

>> No.30290469

Indonesia has Chinese ethnicity living there. Unlike flips all of them are ugly

>> No.30290471

>half nips half SEA
Ah, that explains her fluency.

>> No.30290474
File: 91 KB, 240x240, keikumusume-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290475
Quoted by: >>30290523

>Mori asking for words that rhyme with "calorical"
>ignores chat saying "critical" and the faggots saying "cr1tical" and uses "historical" instead
good work, mah boy.

>> No.30290477

the man's gotta play his animal crossing what can i say

>> No.30290480
File: 248 KB, 800x800, 1606343625533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry chumbuds, the retards will get bored eventually.

>> No.30290481

I'll just hold my breath till Mori goes full-time, I just hope she'll pick up more streaming rather than more projects we can't see - I'm sure the results of the latter will be great but it just doesn't help her build a base

>> No.30290482

I feel like they're fake doxxes

>> No.30290483

Just woke up. How was shork's RFA?
Describe it in a way that contains no variation of "uoooooh" or cute and funny.

>> No.30290484
Quoted by: >>30290634

Why is Mikochi so based?

>> No.30290487

The MockingJay

>> No.30290490

The Jaypenning

>> No.30290491
File: 158 KB, 309x303, 1606520813087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290716

No, I've got more than a couple screencaps like that, definitely one of the best faces I've seen in vtubing.(and she's surprisingly good at taking advantage of it)

>> No.30290492

>5ch shitposting completely stopped during Luna's singing stream because of all the NNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAA spam
>The moment it's over, they're back to shitposting about whether or not Gura is finished
I love those retards.

>> No.30290493

Wait are you fucking serious? I guess I'm glad I missed whatever thread that happened in... This place can be so fucking awful sometimes.

>> No.30290494
File: 3.70 MB, 320x347, 234524524343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30290499


>> No.30290502
File: 1.63 MB, 592x1280, 1593506125099.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30290530

Please keep the thread warm while we wait for Reine-mama's debut!

>> No.30290503

>Gura panicking and getting flustered was pretty funny.

What was she panicking about? I rewatched the section and she literally didnt notice it.

>> No.30290504

Unsourced doxxes are almost always fake
Doxxfags must hang

>> No.30290505
File: 137 KB, 259x452, 1606797325532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*POGS in your path*
*glombies you to death*
nothing personal

>> No.30290507
File: 988 KB, 844x477, 1606405432440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready for some rrats to get squashed.

>> No.30290509

Cute as always.

>> No.30290510


>> No.30290511

>tfw have two online friends that are female
Wait, does this mean I'm fucking them?

>> No.30290512

If I squeeze Nene's buns will she explode?

>> No.30290514
Quoted by: >>30290643

>someone posts about Gura
They'll eventually get banned at one point if they keep up

>> No.30290515

Jay wanted to play Animal Crossing instead

>> No.30290517


>> No.30290518


>> No.30290519

Please don't make me want to fuck these fags.

>> No.30290521
Quoted by: >>30290610

Mori's streams are a well-oiled machine for inspiring artists. I'm hoping she does her third planned date as Mori-sensei.

>> No.30290522

Holy shit my fucking sides. 5ch Rrats are too funny

>> No.30290523

Ah, so I wasn't the only one that noticed, I'm not going insane yet.

>> No.30290524

zombie when will you stream again

>> No.30290528

wtf bro
i thought you were pure

>> No.30290529


>> No.30290530

Theres gonna be a sticky for her though.

>> No.30290531

Do a flip

>> No.30290532
Quoted by: >>30290718

>Anya sounded the cutest speaking indog
she has slightly a java accent

>> No.30290534
Quoted by: >>30290640

ear of pizza

>> No.30290539

I haven't seen a hot dog with skin, but sausages tend to have them.
Loved the skin more than the meat as a kid.

>> No.30290540

No, it means they're fucking you

>> No.30290544
Quoted by: >>30290619

I don't know what that is.

>> No.30290547

But I want it to be personal ollie, I'll be your glomposaurus rex and you can be my narwhal! Teehee!!

>> No.30290548

What if Jay is wait for it. All of us.

>> No.30290549

Beri danjarous

>> No.30290551

More like your mom gay, faggot.
Wtf is with this schizo narrative?

>> No.30290554

Rich Evans...erotic....uuuuooooooohhhh

>> No.30290555

it wasn't us anon. We're insane, but we don't take it that far because we're not women

>> No.30290557
Quoted by: >>30290644

She interrupted the stream early and ended it very quickly, the moment the notification popped up, pressed the wrong button and opened the Menu.

I seriously hope she didn't get a panic attack or something, but judging by her Tweets she's okay.

>> No.30290558

Definitely Ollie. She sounds more natural and appealing to my ears as a Malay. Indoanons have been saying Gen1 trying to do faux-anime cute when speakng Indonesian, so I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.30290561
Quoted by: >>30290627

I wish these artists understood that Mori's canon swimsuit is white. And possibly frilly.

>> No.30290562

sorry, too busy simping.

>> No.30290565

That didn't really add to anything, just added more confirmation to a pre-existing doxx.

>> No.30290567


>> No.30290569

it means they're sluts

>> No.30290570

>Jay is gay

>> No.30290571

No that's her roommate.

>> No.30290572


>> No.30290573

Damn, Jay is that hot even as a girl!?

>> No.30290575

Invoking the name of Amegeddon is only for the most destructive of yabs. At most, this is a low category guracane.

>> No.30290578

I love nousagis!

>> No.30290580


>> No.30290581
Quoted by: >>30290614

Anyone got a time stamp when jay shows up in chat? Does it actually melt down

>> No.30290582

It was so cute and funny a cumbud literally came in his hand and posted it in the thread.

>> No.30290583

I'm still amazed on how good on talent scouting cover is.

>> No.30290584
Quoted by: >>30290609


>> No.30290590

>Describe it in a way that contains no variation of "uoooooh" or cute and funny.
Gura's ex.

>> No.30290593


>> No.30290596
Quoted by: >>30290638

So uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, is Gura based enough to do a Hunger Games watchalong???? just askin'

>> No.30290599

Watch it again friend, you can hear her mashing buttons in panic

>> No.30290600
Quoted by: >>30290669

Did she drop LA Noire or what?

>> No.30290601

When does the narwhal bacon, my dude!!!?

>> No.30290603

>go out and buy a copy of RFA after watching gooruh
>go for about an hour at difficulty lv20
>calories burned: 110.something

jesas, how long do you have to make your sessions last?

>> No.30290605

Bros... /hlg/ is laughing at us...

>> No.30290606

What's wrong with you people?

>> No.30290607

started watching anya's debut archive now and i just wanted to say: all of you who said anya's accent was thick and filtering need to relearn english.
also, what did she mean by this?

>> No.30290608

bro wtf who are they i'm coming over to protect you right now

>> No.30290609

It's funny how much better it sounds compared to the english version. I still prefer the wrestler interview in english though.

>> No.30290610
Quoted by: >>30290673

anon, you want to go out on a christmas date with Mori sensei?

>> No.30290611

Not worried, it's just obnoxious this happens every other day

>> No.30290614

few people in chat noticed

>> No.30290618

Half breed SEAnigger is normal looking at worst.

>> No.30290619

She got a notification from Jay on stream

>> No.30290622

>Suishit overlapping with Tenchou
fucking bitch

>> No.30290625

Funniest shit I've read all week. Thanks, 5ch

>> No.30290627

Kiara said pink and frilly on Holotalk.

>> No.30290629

Have you seen the state of our threads? I'd laugh at us too.

>> No.30290633

it was entertaining seeing that Gura was more much fit than we thought she'd be when she was being a smug brat and put the game at max difficulty

>> No.30290634

The timing on this amazing.

>> No.30290638

Thread will explode with Jayposten if that happens

>> No.30290640
Quoted by: >>30290693

Aah yes, the pepeloni. Pepeloni. Are you aware of the pepeloni? The one that is commonly used as a pizza topping? I frequently order the pepeloni pizza from the Domino's corportation; however, without pepeloni. I always order the pepeloni pizza yet without pepeloni. Pepeloni. I highly enjoy pepeloni. I usually order the margherita pizza pan. How can I perhaps explain to you simpletons? I can perhaps display my thoughts through an illustration. I commonly order the cheese pan that it has cheese on here, the ear of the pizza. Or crust if you lack a proper education. And afterwards when my order arrives, it always has the pepeloni as a topping. But I cast out this foul beast, simply because I do not consume such a thing.

>> No.30290641

Exercise is a pretty small part of weight loss and has more to do with promoting stamina, muscle growth and endorphin levels. Exercise is really good for you but it's more about eating less if you want to lose weight/

>> No.30290643
Quoted by: >>30290678

just like how posts mentioning Critikal get banned right?

>> No.30290644

She was in Watson's stream right after.

>> No.30290645

If she never does RFA again, i'm blaming schizos and coomers like this.

>> No.30290649


>> No.30290650

I'm laughing at both threads.

>> No.30290652

Ehh I was going from what she said about their spa date.

>> No.30290654

Then I guess we really do have nothing to worry about, because that 'flirting' was a candle flame to the burning sun of Ame and Gura.

>> No.30290655
Quoted by: >>30290752

We've been the laughing stock of /jp/ ever since the split.
That's what happens when you create a safespace thread.

>> No.30290656
Quoted by: >>30290672

Leave this to me bros I’m gonna go suck their dicks.

>> No.30290658

Jesus anon, stop going about in pity for yourself. Shape up and you will get your gf.

>> No.30290660

Cry more bitch nigga

>> No.30290659

Sharkmeido's biggest defeat...

>> No.30290661


>> No.30290667

Okay, but where's the audio taken from?

>> No.30290669
Quoted by: >>30290740

No. That guy's just baiting, Ame has finished a lot of games.

>> No.30290670

They even laugh at literal chicken shitting why did you even act surprised

>> No.30290671
Quoted by: >>30290848

the real yabee will be what that faggot actually kills himself over this and gura will get the blame

>> No.30290672


>> No.30290673

Absolutely, but that'd be the second date. if she gave us a Christmas date with Mori-sensei I'd lose all control.

>> No.30290678
Quoted by: >>30290708

Every Mori post doesn't have "CRITICAL" as a reply

>> No.30290679

Wrong thread incel

>> No.30290682

Have healthy expectations anon, remember real life affection is not free. It come with expectations and conditions. Where as a Holo oshi loves you regardless with no expectations. So you should not expect anything from them in return either.

>> No.30290686

More like the shitbird is overlapping the most talented singer and idol in all of hololive

>> No.30290689

They won't be laughing after I have sex with their oshis and Roberu all at once

>> No.30290690
Quoted by: >>30290772

Yeah I didn't think her accent was that heavy either.

>> No.30290692

I can understand Friends desire to see Mori in a pink frilly swimsuit

>> No.30290693

t. Haaton

>> No.30290695

Are you retards still going on about Jay?!

>> No.30290697

I'll be honest, as a HERfan I never liked Jay and I got mildly annoyed knowing she is still in contact with him.

>> No.30290700

>According to 5ch, Jay is a gay black American
Well at least they'll never find the poor guy.

>> No.30290701

Get therapy. How can people fail at having even the most basic relationship these days is beyond me, unless you literally sabotage yourself at each corner because of an untreated mental illness.

>> No.30290702


>> No.30290703
Quoted by: >>30290772

It's noticably thicker then Ollie's, anon, and her tendency to go back into Indog language instead of Ollie who stuck to English except for self translating a few crucial things was filtering following up Zoombie's debut.

>> No.30290705
Quoted by: >>30290797

polka's so good at singing bros...

>> No.30290709

Why are you acting like you cared about her or her channel in the first place?
We all know what this is. You at best watched 2 or 3 streams of Gura, her continued success and popularity makes you mad as fuck, and then the tiniest thing happens and you make a comically retarded post like this to try and stir the pot.

Everyone knows what you're trying to do you stupid nigger, stop embarassing yourself.

>> No.30290708
Quoted by: >>30290719

It actually was like that for many threads

>> No.30290710


>> No.30290712

KFP bros it's about to get comfy!

>> No.30290715
Quoted by: >>30290772

Go listen to Ollie speak English
Anya DOES have a distracting indog accent that isn't cute or pleasant to listen to for some reason
Not saying it's just her, the other IDs have the same problem with their English and it's sorta distracting

>> No.30290716

Based Moririn

>> No.30290718
Quoted by: >>30290751

I hate Java the programming language but I guess I like their accent

>> No.30290720
Quoted by: >>30290780

>I was watching you guys in the chat, and i saw somebody who was saying, "UOOOOH-"
can somebody clip just this part? i can't into catbox

>> No.30290719

>It actually was like that

>> No.30290722

If it helps damascus was too autistic to keep his despite her initiating it.

>> No.30290724

this but unironically

>> No.30290725

No, this is my halo discussion thread actually.

>> No.30290726

>most talented singer and idol in all of hololive
Gura's not on though?

>> No.30290727
Quoted by: >>30290750

Never reply to me ever again

>> No.30290729


>> No.30290730


>> No.30290732



>> No.30290733

Shift is about to start!

>> No.30290734


>> No.30290737

Why? We've been taking their Oshis

>> No.30290738

maybe gura actually likes Jay?

>> No.30290740

Fuggg:DDD, got baited half way through the Noire VOD.

>> No.30290741
Quoted by: >>30290762

Suisei is more talented than Gura

>> No.30290746


>> No.30290748


>> No.30290749

>Suisei thread
>can't look at her go

>> No.30290750

Continue seething nigger lmao

>> No.30290751

This, Java sucks, both C++ and C# are much better.

>> No.30290752

Are you talking about leaving behind a MUH JAPANESE ONLY safespace thread?Because they're the ones seething every time you bring up an EN, not viceversa.

>> No.30290754

Who is Jay, what are talking about?

>> No.30290756

Who is this?

>> No.30290759


>> No.30290762

Suisei is also not a roadside prostitute like Gura

>> No.30290764

>jay is gay
this is true

>> No.30290765


>> No.30290768

Stop deluding yourself.
Gura's only appeal is pedobait.

>> No.30290772
Quoted by: >>30290801

the accent's definitely there, moreso than ollie's, but it's cute more than anything.

>> No.30290773


>> No.30290774

I've seen this sentence posted like 3 times already

>> No.30290777

Gura got a notification from Jay on stream while she was playing RFA

>> No.30290778
Quoted by: >>30290818

it's 3 SEAniggers samefagging who hated her from the beginning, why are you replying to bait

>> No.30290780

a few seconds off

>> No.30290782

Jay from Red Letter Media. Gura was on their show and she accidentally let slip that they were fuckin. The whole thread is in an uproar.

>> No.30290783

kill thread
>your oshi
>favorite halo gun

>> No.30290784

Hopefully Kiara antis will drown out the Jay shitposters

>> No.30290788

>Nene's voice is wavering

>> No.30290789

soz bruh that's more than one person

>> No.30290790

I am sorry that we disagree I guess?

>> No.30290791

Plasma pistol

>> No.30290792

Exercise is not about losing weight. It's about turning fat into much more dense and aesthetically pleasing muscle. RFA probably isn't the best for it though, you need to do that weight lifting.

>> No.30290794
Quoted by: >>30290830

Gura's asleep though?

>> No.30290796

>double halo 2 smg

>> No.30290797

I know right....

>> No.30290799

Honestly sounds like falseflagging at this point.

>> No.30290801
Quoted by: >>30290877

Do you know the difference between a fact and an opinion, anon? Asking for a friend.

>> No.30290802

in 2 hours

>> No.30290803

I have watched every single Gura and Ame stream, including their membership streams, except for the Shrek watchalong. Because I'm membered to both. I'm also membered to Ina and Kiara.

Didn't you know, idolfags support the girls the most?

>> No.30290805
Quoted by: >>30290827

>the I don't know I've never really liked Halo, it feels too floaty for me.

>> No.30290806
Quoted by: >>30290861

With how sad the guy still is, she's doing a terrible job.

>> No.30290812

>suisei and bird interrupting clown stream
wtf how dare they

>> No.30290813

Kiara needs a break onegai

>> No.30290814

Battle rifle/pistol (in swat)

>> No.30290816

Halo CE Assault Rifle

>> No.30290817

Never played Halo before

>> No.30290818

Because they're actually stupid enough to think people can't tell what they're doing, you need to call them out

>> No.30290819

I like this laugh.

>> No.30290820

The pistol in CE

>> No.30290821

If anything, why Amelia didn't try to debut with her scottish/british kayfabe is because she didn't want to completely steal Gura away from him

>> No.30290822

I never play halo

>> No.30290823

didnt mori say she wanted to do an unarchived karaoke stream today

>> No.30290825

All me. I fucking hate Jay way before this happened

>> No.30290826


>> No.30290827

You'd probably like Reach then

>> No.30290830

Suisei is better than Gura

>> No.30290832


>> No.30290834

quantum penis superposition

>> No.30290835

Yes, same time

>> No.30290837

Battle Rifle

>> No.30290839
Quoted by: >>30290886

you cumsharts are hilarious

>> No.30290840

>nothing but strip mining

>> No.30290842

Quake 3 Rocket Launcher.

>> No.30290843

>Never played much Halo but the needler is cool.

>> No.30290844


>> No.30290846


>> No.30290847
Quoted by: >>30290876

migrate already

>> No.30290848

he'll be fine, still a depressed faggot, but fine

>> No.30290849

For those of you annoyed that Gura didn't open up more, this is why she's been so secretive. Her popularity makes people want to pounce on the smallest piece of info they can get their hands on

>> No.30290851

Come around the debut sticky later

>> No.30290852

>Covenant Carbine

>> No.30290854
Quoted by: >>30290898

Suisei sucked an unfathomably large number of nip cocks to get her talentless ass where it is today, don't kid yourself.

>> No.30290855

she says a lot of things

>> No.30290858


>> No.30290860

Human Sniper

>> No.30290861

Kek, too true. The real kicker is that she liked him right up until she got famous and then she felt he wasn't good enough for her, her panic was mostly disgust as she realised she'd left a whiny beta on her friends list after becoming a 1.5m subs vtuber queen.

>> No.30290863

>ever being relevant besides this cesspit

>> No.30290862

I don't play FPS games.

>> No.30290866

never played halo

>> No.30290867


>> No.30290872
Quoted by: >>30290922

dont you mean CHUM INSIDE MY OSHI, JAY?

>> No.30290873

Huh? Is Kiara streaming? Was watching Suisei. She sounds cuter than usual today by the way.

>> No.30290874


>> No.30290876


>> No.30290877

do you? because i agreed with the factual part of your comment then disagreed with the subjective portion. it's okay to disagree, anon.

>> No.30290879

God I wish gura would cuck me..

>> No.30290880

Fuck H*lo

>> No.30290881

Nene's suffering is so cute bros.

>> No.30290882

canceled or some shit due to debut

>> No.30290883


Halo sucks

>> No.30290884

go back

>> No.30290886

SEAnigger monkeys living in mud houses are even more hilarious, since I'm living here in comfort at your dispenses

>> No.30290887

all of them

>> No.30290888

I forgot too what the fuck

>> No.30290891

Better at being a shit singer

>> No.30290890

>Almost a minute straight of witch cackles.

The zoombie really does have a great voice.

>> No.30290894

>Believe in Mori promises

>> No.30290898

now this is top yier cope,but what can we expect from a cuckshart

>> No.30290899

>fuck halo tekken dragunov is my oshi

>> No.30290901

Hello dogfucker.

>> No.30290902

I love you Gura!

>> No.30290904

That fucking nuclear laugh after she dabs on Iofi is so great

>> No.30290906

zatsudan getting less viewers than SC reading...

>> No.30290912

It's been so long...

>> No.30290914


>> No.30290919


>> No.30290920


>> No.30290922

Keep seething :)

>> No.30290924

She still has 2 thousand Supas to catch up on reading, so it got pushed back.

>> No.30290927


>> No.30290928

>CE Magnum
