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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 329 KB, 1240x1754, EnnqJNNUUAAVE_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30190312 No.30190312 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>30194060


>> No.30190323
File: 89 KB, 792x968, 1606765485684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190326
File: 268 KB, 805x843, pecor_of_the_rising_sun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely racist
>blatantly homophobic
>denies Japanese war crimes
>makes fun of effeminate men
>has a Catholic mother
>best friends with Miko, the protagonist of Hololive
>hates the chinese
>helps less successful chuubas
>master assassin
>puzzle genius
>flat earther
>has a Japanese naval flag in her room hanging next to Miko tapestry
>bun bun cha
>during Fallout 4's intro, expressed pain when American mass murder of Hiroshima and Nagasaki civilians by atomic bomb was mentioned
>names her villagers after members of the Nazi party
>made Towa blow up Sora's mountain to commemorate 9/11
Is there a more based chuuba than Usada Pekora? She really ticks all the boxes.

>> No.30190330

why does /hlg/ never have good OC like hlgg?


>> No.30190333


>> No.30190339
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, EmNkgVvVMAAbY6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Tow

>> No.30190344
File: 54 KB, 746x501, tame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but I don't support greedy twitch whores

>> No.30190353

>suzaku thread
Just let him go.

>> No.30190359

Because we have streams and archives to watch

>> No.30190360
File: 298 KB, 1448x2048, EmsM0v9VQAA_VYR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191111

I love Towa.

>> No.30190363
File: 11 KB, 276x328, 1595268901559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190367


>> No.30190368

yeah and now she is crawling back to Luna after hoshikawa dumbed her ass

>> No.30190370

Why don't you fuck off to those threads and never come back here if you like it that much then

>> No.30190373
File: 95 KB, 442x390, notaritualpost dozo11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before posting in this thread, Make sure to take your meds.

>> No.30190377

But anon that's garbage.

>> No.30190383
File: 89 KB, 973x615, mel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have 7 days to save Mel from graduation.
What are you gonna do?

>> No.30190385

kek suzaku op of all people, glad it got nuked

>> No.30190386
File: 67 KB, 533x528, 6e5575552e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using dead people as OP

>> No.30190388

>because fubuki totally paved the way towards holo and homo collabs...
Yes, she absolutely did, it's because of her that holo x homo collabs are a thing, but she won't try to intiate them because that would be taking advantage of her position at the company if she aske Flare and Watame to join in a TTRPG game with the stars they will 100% agree, but are they agreeing because she's their friend or are they agreeing because she's basically their boss? it's a very weird power dynamic that FBK doesn't want to exploit, Zombie on the other hand is on an even playing filed, she treats both of them equally as their senpai and can bridge the gap between those who want to collab with the stars like Botan and the homos

>> No.30190394
File: 2.96 MB, 454x498, 1586936450644.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Oga other thread OP

>> No.30190395
File: 694 KB, 1500x1500, 1606552140920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss here anons......I just want to see this dork smile again

>> No.30190402
File: 156 KB, 313x314, 1603802943602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pecor's thigh meat.

>> No.30190403
File: 176 KB, 1000x1434, EoZnVIFUwAMOCk6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Yukihana Lamy!

>> No.30190405
File: 179 KB, 1057x689, rushia_coom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wan't to impregnate rushia's fertile womb.

>> No.30190407

What is the percentage of seanigs in here? Ollie looks great but it was my first time listening to indogspeak and it sounds like Haachama vomiting. Are they going to stream in English 99% of the time? I hope so

>> No.30190409


>> No.30190413

Tell her how much I love her

>> No.30190420
File: 257 KB, 1003x1080, mel_after_your_submission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cum tribute photos

>> No.30190421

Is that /v/?

>> No.30190423
File: 158 KB, 500x500, 13136546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please come back, I miss your zatsudans.

>> No.30190426
Quoted by: >>30190461

If we all pool our money maybe we can buy her Cover contract. Just saying

>> No.30190425
Quoted by: >>30190545

>keeps an indog as a human pet
>makes her pet dogfight against a kouhai for laughs
She can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.30190430

Kidnap Yagoo

>> No.30190433

Is there an official stance whether the tail is part of the cosplay or her body? I always assumed she's just LARPing as a shark.

>> No.30190434

Hate Towa
Simple as

>> No.30190442

Which Holo loves their fans the most?

>> No.30190444
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190446
File: 330 KB, 1456x951, pekomoona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30190450
File: 612 KB, 663x503, 1603125193036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190477

Find the guy that stalked her and torture him with her helping me

>> No.30190451
File: 105 KB, 1067x1200, cw9smllkud161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190453
File: 554 KB, 2048x2048, EkBvvh2U8AAmLVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for Cocochi!

>> No.30190455

This is considered good ?

>> No.30190458

this is basically a seanig thread and has been for a while now

>> No.30190460
Quoted by: >>30190512

I feel like she wouldn't try the whole buttplug thing like Coco and she's autistically dedicated to the shark persona so I doubt it's a LARP

>> No.30190461
File: 616 KB, 1276x709, chinese meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only china is able to do that and they'll only do that for Minato Aqua ! ! ! !

>> No.30190465
File: 142 KB, 600x684, 1585842196697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's here to shake things up

>> No.30190466

stealing anons posts count as OC?

>> No.30190470
Quoted by: >>30190522


>> No.30190471


>> No.30190475
File: 224 KB, 466x407, 1602517711400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is the chat teaching Astel?

>> No.30190477

Imagine if Mel wasn't held back by Meltykiss

>> No.30190479
File: 83 KB, 532x785, 15986183473981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't go to sleep before renewing membersheep!

>> No.30190480

Everything good that was ever made in hlg was immediately reposted on Reddit and spammed on Twitter and then proceeds to fall into the hands of hlgg.

>> No.30190481

I still can't believe this happened. And probably will happen again before the end of the year.

>> No.30190482
Quoted by: >>30192729

Poor thing, why is she crying?

>> No.30190483

It's canonically part of her body.

>> No.30190485
File: 872 KB, 913x697, 1603096221803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190594

Luna loves lunaitos a lot.

>> No.30190489
File: 2.79 MB, 260x560, akipeekaboo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190913

I love my oshi very much!! She loves you too, Anon!!

>> No.30190492


>> No.30190493

The wrong thing. But he was teaching them the wrong things too, so it's only fair I guess?

>> No.30190496
File: 28 KB, 258x893, longris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have like 5 holos to make OC off.
While in this threads you have multiple holos to make OC, and some people are just not interested in those holos.

that's why I only make OC on Indogs and homos, to obtain that monopoly

>> No.30190499
Quoted by: >>30190718

even if its ironic thats a reddit filename so go back

>> No.30190505

Is there a Holo that has a 3d as good as this?

>> No.30190512

Even the the buttplug thing is something Coco just came up with, her mama constantly states that the tail is real

>> No.30190513

>if she aske Flare and Watame to join in a TTRPG game with the stars they will 100% agree
none of them fucking collab with homos because they know their audience will hate it and hate them for doing it

>> No.30190514
Quoted by: >>30190554

Me, I love all the schizos here

>> No.30190516
File: 783 KB, 718x666, 1579338446395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made you think about Towa again. You're welcome.

>> No.30190517

Coco... come back... please... ;_;

>> No.30190521
File: 919 KB, 840x980, 1603125332902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never understood her lore. She is 0 years old but has the body of an 18-year-old woman. Maybe she is secretly an alien who counts years different?

>> No.30190522

honestly, I don't miss that one

>> No.30190524

I'd post the OC audio of /hlg/'s asacoco where Towa gets called a menhera whore but i lost it like 7 months ago

>> No.30190527

>he wasn't here for anon's asacoco
that was way better than this trash

>> No.30190528


>> No.30190529
File: 607 KB, 552x443, 485bdd3c7882739352d86a02bb9ba862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAQ Baby.

>> No.30190536

yes, Towa

>> No.30190534

too busy finding new names for Towre

>> No.30190541

Where's Mel poster when you need em...

>> No.30190540

>newfags don't even know about Asacoco
I want out.

>> No.30190543
File: 758 KB, 2791x4096, Em8IJ0sUUAAX1dD_jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flare is ___

>> No.30190545
File: 306 KB, 280x487, pecor-beutiful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukken saved

>> No.30190548
File: 84 KB, 293x317, kamisheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself, my material gets reposted in /hlgg/

>> No.30190549
File: 192 KB, 680x271, youlooklonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30190551

Sio Kusunoki

>> No.30190552
File: 517 KB, 720x2020, xehn2c0tcf061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this pic on reddit.

>> No.30190553

this is creepy
its too realistic

>> No.30190554

Go to bed Risu

>> No.30190556

Not brown enough.

>> No.30190560
File: 140 KB, 488x1126, supa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190561
Quoted by: >>30190606

>don't use simp to describe gachikoi
based seaweed

>> No.30190564
File: 191 KB, 1500x997, 1603998229081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191096

They died. Before there were three now there are none

>> No.30190574
File: 92 KB, 570x638, takolegs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's just a few dedicated autists

>> No.30190577
File: 462 KB, 2000x2000, 1606924016620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So everyone is misspelling Lofi too...

>> No.30190576
File: 444 KB, 672x550, ayamedurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame because she married me and I'm her fan

>> No.30190579
File: 208 KB, 359x305, 1586221025694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no

>> No.30190582

No, there's no precedent for such reaction
>they know their audience will hate it and hate them for doing it
that's literally just a /hlg/ narrative

>> No.30190587

How many times have you masturbated to RFA streams?

>> No.30190589
Quoted by: >>30190645

So we are 5 days into December and Coco have not stream, Cover forced her to leave only to keep the chinks away while they get permissions and debut the new girls didn't they?

>> No.30190593

A filthy, dirty, stinking, cheating elf

>> No.30190594

all of my love for luna!

>> No.30190598

He just posted anonchama. If you lurk here more than enough you can easily spot other anon's writing styles

>> No.30190605

Actual footage of them in Moonas bath.

>> No.30190604

I see my shit edit of 35p gets posted even on twitter

>> No.30190606
Quoted by: >>30193419

He's knows better than to listen to his retarded chat. All the stars have 5ch experience except maybe Izuru, they won't be fooled that easily.

>> No.30190607
File: 1.24 MB, 1313x916, 1606208570857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She needs to eat...

>> No.30190608
File: 2.56 MB, 520x293, 3zpbxg7olk751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190657

Maybe Coco should just give the middle finger to China. It wouldn't make any difference anyway.

>> No.30190611

Flare has a slight chance with Aruran if they can get through people's skulls that they're siblings.
Watame I agree, would get shit on.
I'd personally give Yagoo $1000 if someone convinces Lamy or Rushia to collab with a homo. I want to see that shitstorm.

>> No.30190615

Explain "gachikoi", /hlg/

>> No.30190617
Quoted by: >>30190665

>No, there's no precedent for such reaction

>> No.30190619

0 because im too busy working out alongside them

>> No.30190627

Hololive is a small indie company, please understand.

>> No.30190632

Genuine, unironic love for a streamer

>> No.30190635
File: 153 KB, 1000x1000, 1605867800743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even once. And they always make me hard. Especially Luna RFA

>> No.30190634
File: 170 KB, 1080x1631, 1600194779823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190636


>> No.30190637
File: 675 KB, 360x580, 1606746210830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190639

You should've stayed there.

>> No.30190641

Even if there was no precedent, it's fucking obvious, you know why people watch these girls, and so do they
Coco is a stupid fuck but she said exactly why she doesn't collab with men, hololive is like a virtual date

>> No.30190645

Coco is prepping the new girls, manager work is hard

>> No.30190647 [DELETED] 


>> No.30190649

Die hard fan

>> No.30190650
File: 90 KB, 483x387, towawa_nenene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190652 [SPOILER] 
File: 383 KB, 551x578, 1607111296066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30190653


>> No.30190654

ガチ恋 = extreme love, means actual love for an idol/actor

>> No.30190655
File: 581 KB, 496x694, 1582692210518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190657

She tried, but she was too much of a pussy to deal with the retaliation

>> No.30190659 [DELETED] 

Abayo. But also, damn I thought eating rice makes you fat.

>> No.30190661 [DELETED] 

Don't post that here anon please

>> No.30190664 [DELETED] 


>> No.30190663

Cover would need to actually hire good 3D devs to get even half as good as this.

>> No.30190666
Quoted by: >>30190816


>> No.30190665
Quoted by: >>30190710

Go ahead, give me one

>> No.30190671


>> No.30190673

5 times to Lunas

>> No.30190674
File: 46 KB, 470x508, 004884121212210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this Aki and I get hard.

>> No.30190677
File: 33 KB, 132x152, cocoti.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190716

>STILL mistranslating the Tamaki interview
jesus christ anon

>> No.30190680 [DELETED] 


>> No.30190683

abayo skelleposter

>> No.30190687 [DELETED] 

Who'd win between her and a lunaito in an arm wrestling competition?

>> No.30190690

>hey mom, I just earn 4 times your annual income in a single hour yesterday
So how is it going to go down? Realistically speaking.

>> No.30190692

FIsh Gacha

>> No.30190694

You are a red blooded male

>> No.30190698 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 692x621, 1607004908548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190699

>Bro trust me this will absolutely happen, I have 0 proof to back my claims but I'm 100% right

>> No.30190702 [DELETED] 

Thanks Miss skeletal!

>> No.30190707
File: 935 KB, 850x1357, 0_AUlJLk7O_2222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which holo has good daki?

>> No.30190710

He'll post about one sperg on Twitter that had already been banned by others.
And a tiny dislike spam by shitposters.

>> No.30190711


>> No.30190712

once to luna

>> No.30190716
Quoted by: >>30190839

It wasn't a mistranslation anon...it's true

>> No.30190718
File: 266 KB, 479x479, mwiinjt620161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190734


>> No.30190723
Quoted by: >>30190804

Mom's gonna snap, call her by her real name mid stream and ask her why they are living at a shitty apartment instead of cruising the world.

>> No.30190725
Quoted by: >>30190750

>Coco is a stupid fuck but she said exactly why she doesn't collab with men, hololive is like a virtual date
I genuinely don't know why you're still pushing this shit. Do you genuinely believe that or are you N5 and that's what you heard? For fucks sake she HAS collabed with men why would she say something that's obviously not true? Use your brain you stupid twat

>> No.30190728

>Flare has a slight chance with Aruran if they can get through people's skulls that they're siblings.
Anon... Flare is the one who has said several times that she's not comfortable around men and that she would rather not have to talk with them

>> No.30190730

But she did collab with men, newfag.

>> No.30190733

he didn't respond to the post is my point, I know his writing style

>> No.30190734
File: 31 KB, 600x600, gun luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190832

Go away

>> No.30190737
Quoted by: >>30190773

That wrist looks like would break very easily.

>> No.30190740

pekora will realize that her parents already knew and she will joke about this whole situation

>> No.30190742

Coco doesn't collab with men because she's shy and innocent.

>> No.30190746
File: 245 KB, 600x818, 88855b1bafcce86fe8776996254b43c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190749

>Astel about to lay some hard truths on EOPs

>> No.30190750
Quoted by: >>30190774

You're so mad for no reason. Go do your reps and actually listen.

>> No.30190753
Quoted by: >>30191085

Sora has a pretty good one. Waiting for a good Kanata daki that's not her 3d model...

>> No.30190754

>Coco is a stupid fuck but she said exactly why she doesn't collab with men, hololive is like a virtual date
Wait, I am dating with thousand of fat fucks and twinks at the same time that me??

>> No.30190760

for playing dress-up until the only skin she's showing is her face

>> No.30190763
File: 1.18 MB, 1037x988, Vercetti Roberu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190888

>I poke my head out of global for one freakin' second and meido shovels shit in my face!
>Go do your reps.
>What are you gonna do?
>I'll drop by your oshi tomorrow and I'll start sorting this mess out.

>> No.30190764

So? Why do /jp/ autists think people are unable to change their minds on something? It's a trend I've noticed on this board

>> No.30190765

Over 50% for sure.

>> No.30190768

Dam that's weird

>> No.30190773
File: 131 KB, 365x297, 1605382849402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190774
Quoted by: >>30190874

so is Coco a massive hypocrite or was it a mistranslation?

>> No.30190775
Quoted by: >>30190826

See, NOTHING bad comes from collabing with men, it's literally just a narrative made up by idolfags, a holo could collab with a homo and the only thing that would come from it is the star inclining and little more

>> No.30190777

Nice legs... eh fake

>> No.30190780

That outfit makes as hard as it made me seeing the plain looking teacher suddenly become beautiful and with a huge sex appeal on prom/graduation

>> No.30190782
File: 26 KB, 864x422, 1606861490018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me anon, are you happy with the current Hololive fanbase?

>> No.30190784
Quoted by: >>30191655

They definitely already know. It's literally impossible that they don't at this point. The whole thing was a one-off in-character act that ended up lasting for way too long and Pekora is tired of keeping up with the bit so she's just going to "come out" to her parents and stop having to pretend like they don't know.

>> No.30190786
File: 932 KB, 566x648, mio298.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190795
Quoted by: >>30190881

When Pekora was starting out she once mentioned that she was curious to do collabs with the homos and asked the viewers what they thought of it. Several of her many unicorns sent in akasupas urging her not to do it. It’s not a narrative that the girls know the fans don’t want males on stream with their tanoshi. This is hololive reality.

>> No.30190797
File: 86 KB, 289x334, 1603999345955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think seaniggs and /v/ account for like 90% of posts here

>> No.30190804

You misunderstood. Pekora wont stream her mom.
She is going to show her a stream

>> No.30190806
File: 381 KB, 1416x2048, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191602


>> No.30190813

>If you lurk here more than enough you can easily spot other anon's writing styles
That's why I switch mine up every post, sometimes use British English, sometimes type like an ESL etc

>> No.30190816

That JK is gayer than Kanata.

>> No.30190815
Quoted by: >>30190900

I always think of that Orson Wells video when I see this image
>aaaaaaahhhh the french cheese has always been celebrated for its excellence

>> No.30190817

Gul wa

>> No.30190821
File: 103 KB, 494x568, 1599790634441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190871

I wish to die.

>> No.30190826
Quoted by: >>30190904

If that were true they'd do it
Their fans get mad when they collab with men, so they don't

>> No.30190827
File: 402 KB, 396x978, 1593023971618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not official merch but goddamn this OL has some nice hips for breeding

>> No.30190830
File: 285 KB, 1165x1329, 1597607219786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I save this stupid clown from numberfagging and saviorbaiting?

>> No.30190832
File: 597 KB, 777x882, lym928lns1u51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190835

SEA website

>> No.30190839

Yeah now go watch the stream for yourself and look at the marshmallow they're replying to
1. Coco doesn't have those kinds of viewers, the marshmallow she's replying to says as much
2. Tamaki also says she tells her viewers to not think of her that way, and she's not an idol, so she never cared about collabing with men herself

>> No.30190843
File: 154 KB, 1674x1678, 1606677986846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190844


>> No.30190858
File: 176 KB, 720x900, 1600072250955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190880

>Astel streams
>begging starts

>> No.30190862
File: 224 KB, 388x365, Screenshot_2020-12-04 YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want out of this ride...

>> No.30190865

She's going to be disowned for wasting her life on something stupid instead of learning to be a good housewife and getting married.

>> No.30190866
Quoted by: >>30191627

Can't stop laughing at porka

>> No.30190871
File: 513 KB, 710x1805, 1593253959363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't that why we're all here?

>> No.30190873

Which stream is pekora going to show her do you think

>> No.30190874

You're really stupid. Fix yourself then actually use your head and think.

>> No.30190876
File: 322 KB, 463x596, 1597182413110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the most idol-like members are able to get away with hundreds to instances of male collaborations and interaction
>people still think purityfags are an IDOL thing and not just a mental illness

>> No.30190880
Quoted by: >>30190908

What happened to Rikka in this image?

>> No.30190881

>starting out
That's it, starting out things have change a lot, the homos are on a different place, homo collabs have proven to be nothing harmful and Pekora has strayed far from the idol path, back the day the same happened with Marine and now she interviews men almost every 2 weeks

>> No.30190888

good times

>> No.30190894

Force her to do ecchi streams

>> No.30190898

Don't mention the fact Tamaki, Coco and Kaoru planned a collab.

>> No.30190900

I do the exact same thing. Followed by Mio vomiting wasabi sounds.

>> No.30190901
Quoted by: >>30190972

You're fucking delusional
The fans feel exactly the same way

>> No.30190904
Quoted by: >>30190942

>Their fans get mad when they collab with men, so they don't
Again, there's no proof that it would happen Marine doesn't get in trouble for her radio show

>> No.30190905
Quoted by: >>30190973

leech bird makes me seethe pretty hard not gonna lie lads

>> No.30190908

leaking motor oil, the holoroid malfunctions whenever it detects itself getting surpassed in subs by a homo

>> No.30190909

In my a(u)rtistic interpretation of a realistic angel Kanata her million eyes are just her heimin.

>> No.30190910
Quoted by: >>30191002

How long has she been playing that game for seriously? Did she not beat it yet? I remember Fubuki and Aruran beat it ages ago

>> No.30190913

Her cleavage is actually pretty strong.

>> No.30190920
Quoted by: >>30190947


>> No.30190925
File: 221 KB, 946x2048, EoErLlQUUAEWxPy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190927

You're gonna sniff Aki's wet panties after seeing Norman Reedus and you'll like it every week

>> No.30190933

Fuck no but that's the price of becoming popular

>> No.30190935
File: 503 KB, 799x800, live again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191006

Why Rushia didn't fix her?

>> No.30190938

I’m sad that I had to go wageslave instead of finishing Miikos watchalong. First time doing one too thnx Twitch.

>> No.30190939

Thanks reddit

>> No.30190942
Quoted by: >>30190957

thats different

>> No.30190944

20% sea
80% nig

>> No.30190945
File: 49 KB, 452x491, 1604517976601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190981

Did holos like death stranding? It is quite a divisive game.

>> No.30190947
Quoted by: >>30190999

Which one though

>> No.30190948
File: 9 KB, 226x223, haacha43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30190978

Did she finally snap?

>> No.30190950
Quoted by: >>30191005

Have Suisei had a one on one gaming stream with a man?

>> No.30190951
File: 322 KB, 507x450, 1607093958229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190957


>> No.30190962
File: 519 KB, 1250x1414, EoZ0xMaUwAImdhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL watch her.

>> No.30190961

Clearly it's working

>> No.30190964

The Moona collab, to prove that she has a friend other than miko

>> No.30190965

Reminder to stop fucking timelooping.
Stop replying to bait.
We don't need to post about the same fucking topic for hours again

>> No.30190972

>The fans feel exactly the same way
No they don't, again you have 0 proof to back that claim, meanwhile all homo x holo collabs have gone swiftly and the homos have inclined because of them

>> No.30190973

Subaru not a leech, grow up

>> No.30190974


>> No.30190978
Quoted by: >>30191051

>Did she finally snap?
anon...she snapped long ago when she turned into haachama

>> No.30190981

Pekora loved it

>> No.30190984
Quoted by: >>30194321

did shion actually rape marine?

>> No.30190985

>1. Coco doesn't have those kinds of viewers, the marshmallow she's replying to says as much
She absolutely does, the problem here is that you're too autistic to understand the joke, Coco loves telling her gachikoi that they aren't gachikoi, she'll even get supas with that joke.
>2. Tamaki also says she tells her viewers to not think of her that way, and she's not an idol, so she never cared about collabing with men herself
What Coco said still stands.
Keep trying homobeggar, there's a reason nobody wants to collab with the homos.

>> No.30190986
Quoted by: >>30191164

What's worse is the schizo posting about Nijisanji getting "idolfags" now too because some fans don't like cross-sex collabs
It's stupid as fuck when Sora can do a 3D collab with a man just fine and she is THE idol of the entire company

>> No.30190989
File: 213 KB, 1650x900, EoZjWNLUYAMlfQg_jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30190990

that's like asking /v/ to stop flooding in, its just not gonna happen

>> No.30190992
File: 140 KB, 320x320, 1605140400208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191171

the onions are rotting....

>> No.30190993

Miko congratulated Pekora
Marine congratulated Pekora
Yagoo congratulated Pekora

Moona did not congratulate Pekora

>> No.30190994

Just do a long stream Akichan. I'm tired of that game just finish it already...

>> No.30190999

Undoukai maybe.

>> No.30191001

Budget 2B

>> No.30191002
File: 243 KB, 500x500, wtfnoraa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She started in july... Aaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.30191004

you forgot to take the "success" factor into account anon

>> No.30191005

How is that any different? she has one on one singing streams with men

>> No.30191006

Why anon didn't eigo reps?

>> No.30191007

Honestly, I don't really care. As long as my oshi gets to keep streaming and is happy, I don't care what happens.

>> No.30191015

That's nice but do you guys think the Holostars could really use the help of the main branch? What are your dream cross branch collabs?

>> No.30191016

I want to ask you why would holos collab with homos in the first place? There's nothing to gain from them and they're not friends in the first place.

>> No.30191017

fuck you guys, I like the Death Stranding streams

>> No.30191018

I can't believe Harry Lin and BecauseOfReasons turned to the homo side

>> No.30191021

Stop responding to the same shitty homobait

>> No.30191024
File: 294 KB, 694x970, pecor-hey_moona_follow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prove that she has a pet

>> No.30191025

Do your reps

>> No.30191026

Well, hurry up, her womb is already drying

>> No.30191028
Quoted by: >>30191072

she did in her chat during the stream you dumbass

>> No.30191030
File: 1.08 MB, 822x1680, drawatwappi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/h/-/hlg/ still makes good OC!
Well anon, why don't you show it then? Help draw the rest of Twappi to show that you still got it in you!

>> No.30191036

if nousagi say no Pekora won't do it. She even apologized when Moona flirted with her, she asked the chat what to do and they told her to just laughed and ignore her and she did exactly that.

>> No.30191037
File: 442 KB, 563x534, 1594483825899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191146

Beware the FesivaLuna hate loop will soon start again

>> No.30191039
Quoted by: >>30191082

I am going to say it
most holos and most homos dont collab with each other because they dont want to

>> No.30191040
Quoted by: >>30191168

I was watching that fan club stream highlight and besides Towa being ultra cute as usual i also noticed how surprisingly funny Lamy is. I don't really watch her so i didn't know.

>> No.30191043
Quoted by: >>30191104

What? Who are these people and what do you mean?

>> No.30191044

>you have 0 proof to back that claim
are you a fucking ostrich
how far is your head buried in the sand
whenver they consider collabing with men, their audience says no
some of them can get away with it, most of them can't

>> No.30191048
Quoted by: >>30191097

i'm going to make a Bad Apple edit of hololive

>> No.30191051

I meant the final snap. You know, she was still able to formulate sentences and such. Should've seen it coming at the pepeloni thing

>> No.30191052

>Choco's return stream is at like 3:00 am my time

>> No.30191058

Why have Pekora and Rushia always hated each other?

>> No.30191060
Quoted by: >>30191102

Mio, Towa and Astel used to go to Disneyland together

>> No.30191065
Quoted by: >>30192049

Just woke up. How was the Korone stream today?

>> No.30191067

I just really miss Coco ;_;

>> No.30191071

>I want to ask you why would holos collab with homos in the first place?
To help the grow and provide great content
>There's nothing to gain from them
Thet gain some great streams, most holo get nothing from collabing with the smaller holos and they still do it.
> they're not friends in the first place
They're do your roommate reps

>> No.30191072

It doesn't count

>> No.30191080

this is how retarded narratives start

>> No.30191082

The thread isn't ready to talk about that anon wtf you can't just come out with that

>> No.30191085
Quoted by: >>30191161

it sucks cus it's more unlikely for her to get a new one when she already has one...

>> No.30191086
File: 261 KB, 900x599, 1607112050798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191241

Hi friends, are you happy?

>> No.30191087

Pekora slapped Rushia on her flat chest in front of YAGOO.

>> No.30191091
File: 117 KB, 640x640, 1604434366336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its to scream so Kanata can't sleep again

>> No.30191092

The timeloop ends HERE. There will be no timeloop posts under this post

>> No.30191095

There's very few regulars here anonchama. Timelooping is inevitable.

>> No.30191096

Fake and real melposter sucks, i wish NTR melposter was back

>> No.30191097
File: 471 KB, 960x720, 1604455494751.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't overwork yourself!

>> No.30191098
File: 338 KB, 463x453, 1600985449943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191101

If fucking AQUA was able to get away with it when she was the top earning holo, I think most holos would be fine.

>> No.30191102

I will kill A*tel

>> No.30191104

They usually appear on Watame (Harry Lin) and Miko (BecauseOfReasons) as live translators

>> No.30191108 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 1917x1078, EnykuscVcAAYNfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's livestreaming her sleep right now

>> No.30191111

Bottom left Towa is extra cute

>> No.30191113

Just sleep dude if you're awake at that time and watching Choco she'll definitely knock you unconscious with boredom so why care

>> No.30191114

Worse than Vinci's betrayal desu

>> No.30191118
File: 1.07 MB, 812x1680, tappiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191136


>> No.30191120

>whenver they consider collabing with men, their audience says no
Literally not a thing, Pekora asked it when the stars were young things have changes a lot when Marine asked it the split was 50/50

>> No.30191126

tik tok

>> No.30191127

You don't even know what timeloop means.

>> No.30191136

/hlgg/ btfo'd

>> No.30191137

>Rushia to collab with a homo
I'm pretty sure that there would be no shitstorm at least not from any (jop) fandeads. You're clearly underestimating the bond between us.

>> No.30191140
Quoted by: >>30191158

Don't post that retard
Yeah but what the fuck does it mean "turned to the homo side"?

>> No.30191144
Quoted by: >>30191172

I used to be a Coco fan, but I'm really into the new ID girl Kuriji Olly.
Sorry Coco bros, I'm gonna have to unmember, unsubscribe and dislike Coco now and charge back my superchats via my bank.

>> No.30191145

It's not what the audience want
It's going to generate a negative reaction

>> No.30191146
Quoted by: >>30191218

Luna is in shambles. She really needed a break but she doesn’t make enough money to stop streaming for 2 weeks. The dark side of Hololive

>> No.30191148
Quoted by: >>30191158

What did they do?

>> No.30191158
Quoted by: >>30191180

They are liveTLing for Astel right now

>> No.30191160

this is now a "western retards vs purity retards" thread and you will not escape the loop anon

>> No.30191161

Trust in oshio mama. Her tendency to lewd her daughter will eventually lead to a daki.

>> No.30191163

>Rushia to collab with a homo.
I'd be seething, she belongs to the Masketta Man.

>> No.30191164

Some faggot in here literally said Sora didn't collab with men recently. Just after she collabed with a guy the week previous.
These people do not watch Hololive. At all.
They use a few tiny instances of retards sperging out as if it is the entire audience.
"b-b-but the pekora superchat!!", "the dislikes, the tiny dislikes!!"
Every fucking time.

>> No.30191165

Shouldn't you be insulting Miko, homobeggar?
Everyone can recognize your posts, you fucking schizo.

>> No.30191168

You should give her solo streams a chance. She is genuinely funny and possesses a fair amount of wit

>> No.30191171

You forgot your 50 embeds

>> No.30191172

Here's your (You), Zhang, you're doing chairman Mao's work to get rid of the bug.

>> No.30191180

Oh. Why is that an issue though? If they're translators they are just doing their job

>> No.30191181 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.11 MB, 822x1680, 1607112251692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191208


>> No.30191185 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 283x412, 1607112257811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191216

You need more power to stop the timeloops.

>> No.30191186

Like I said
Your head is buried in the sand
They kicked Kiara's artist off the Minecraft server
They told Ameila not to collab with dudes too

>> No.30191187
File: 574 KB, 300x1800, extralargetower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191190
File: 2.72 MB, 1249x937, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the smoke anons :DONTA
Have a nice day anons. Hope we have some good streams today

>> No.30191202
File: 168 KB, 276x337, 1607018798252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Korone keep getting away with being such a based bitch all the time?

>> No.30191201
File: 35 KB, 653x401, 1604349239141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191206

Unfathomably based

>> No.30191208

That's gruesome

>> No.30191209
File: 433 KB, 2241x1089, akistrandingapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's watching the hour long final cutscene today!! Aki already beat the final boss!!

>> No.30191210

I just noticed this and it's bothering the shit out of me. Why does her hat have piercings?

>> No.30191213


>> No.30191216


>> No.30191217


>> No.30191218
File: 104 KB, 560x594, 1602690697597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does she spend it on? She basically never leaves her house and constantly asks someone else to pay on dates

>> No.30191228
File: 397 KB, 220x177, pekorahahahahawh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot
>Extremly polite to her seniors

>> No.30191229
Quoted by: >>30191277

>They kicked Kiara's artist off the Minecraft server
Because he used cheats you dishonest idiot
>They told Ameila not to collab with dudes too
And she didn't give a fuck and continues to talk about the stars and will collab with Astel in the future, It's Amelia's audience that was asking her what she thought about the stars and who was her favourite

>> No.30191227

she barely breaks her character

>> No.30191230

Ah, thanks for the strong zero. drink it on my behalf, thanks.

>> No.30191232
File: 347 KB, 400x476, 1601123871339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191234

Is /hlg/ a community?

>> No.30191236

Sh-she's what? Is that a normal thing?

>> No.30191237
Quoted by: >>30191268


>> No.30191241
File: 154 KB, 361x385, 1605384340140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191300

Friend looks a bit different there.

>> No.30191243

Thanks, bro.

>> No.30191244

I loved DS and will always love her playthrough

>> No.30191247

Thanks basedchama. This toast is for you

>> No.30191250

rurudo has a piercing fetish.

>> No.30191253


>> No.30191255

She does it all the fucking time I have hours and hours worth of it recorded

>> No.30191257
Quoted by: >>30193735

No, it's a thread on an imageboard.

>> No.30191261
File: 1019 KB, 822x1680, towkuya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191341


>> No.30191262
File: 461 KB, 1536x2048, EoOCwDfUwAEpZqW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191264

Homo antis are fucking pathetic

>> No.30191265


>> No.30191266
Quoted by: >>30191366

>I like ame
Don't tell global...

>> No.30191267

Give me your best pepelonis!

>> No.30191268
File: 1.56 MB, 1280x718, 1603126230230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Does she? I don't watch her roommate quite a lot

>> No.30191276
File: 2.83 MB, 592x720, hololive aqua hop into void.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30191277
Quoted by: >>30191357

>Because he used cheats
Are you really this stupid?
>And she didn't give a fuck
All of them give a fuck what their audience thinks, that's what this discussion is about in the first place, the AUDIENCE don't like them collabing with the homos
How are you think fucking ignorant

>> No.30191281

>EOPs going made because Astel said that he likes (the kanji) 雨

>> No.30191283
Quoted by: >>30191329

Imagine risking your pay just so homos could get a couple more viewers.

>> No.30191290

Never stop being based Korobro, have a great day

>> No.30191291

Huke got kicked because he is literally not Holopro, and cheated.
Ame also didn't give a fuck. Allowing yourself to be emotionally blackmailed is stupid.

>> No.30191294
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1591012693324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhhh PPTfags, explain this????

>> No.30191295

Getting some intel for your comrades in arms at NGA, Zheng?

>> No.30191300
File: 230 KB, 1018x2048, fubuki26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191339

I have not been able to stop thinking about friend in a sexual way after her new outfit

>> No.30191304
Quoted by: >>30191534

It's one of the best ways to build her gachikoi fanbase.
Also there's showering/bathing stream (sound-only)

>> No.30191306
File: 1.18 MB, 822x1680, 1607111982703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191309
Quoted by: >>30191363

Homobeggars please stop being like this.

>> No.30191313
File: 239 KB, 1400x1672, up10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara congratulated Pekora and peko thanked moona and miko

>> No.30191316

I see my Asahi but wheres my seven stars?

>> No.30191320

This is a light snack for Okayu

>> No.30191326

please understand, these threads are 99% EOP so the amount of topics is very very limited

>> No.30191328
File: 78 KB, 1258x784, EhfcANYUcAMelNm.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like Ame(rain)
i see you're trying to be subtle there, Astel

>> No.30191329

The literally lose nothing

>> No.30191333

on her 3meter tall Christmas tree

>> No.30191335
File: 622 KB, 993x757, 1597942381634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bibi is a demon too.

>> No.30191339
File: 366 KB, 1613x2048, 1602886278655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so sexual about it, her entire body is covered!

>> No.30191341


>> No.30191342

Only jap beer I actually like

>> No.30191345

>going away for a few days because /hlg/ conpletely went to shit
>homobeggars are still here and arguing ever since then, for fucking weeks
Just fuck off already

>> No.30191347

Homobeggars are out in full force, huh.

>> No.30191348

Kind of. There is definitely hive-mind and tribalism around here but being mostly anonymous and lightly regulated keeps it from turning into a full-blown community.

>> No.30191349
File: 1.09 MB, 1210x679, akiah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191370

I am happy that so many people are starting to see Aki as she truly is, amazing!!

>> No.30191350

So is astel actually based

>> No.30191354

I told her that if she stops I won't let her suck my dick anymore.

>> No.30191355
File: 68 KB, 538x403, 1537422600776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers mate.

>> No.30191357
Quoted by: >>30191401

I'm sure you have backups for your claims, right?
What, you think a single superchat or message matters?
Come back when you have the entire chat downloaded and in a text file to read the reactions of everyone else.

>> No.30191360

That's not true Rushia even traded some Rabbit goods in for stuff in her Minecraft house,

>> No.30191363

The stop being delusional and pretending the girl will lose anything because of male collabs, nothing bad happens because of them
you're a mentally ill purityfag just accept it

>> No.30191366
File: 53 KB, 713x399, 000308168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is too late Astel

>> No.30191368
File: 635 KB, 981x1115, DB1D76CF-0956-435F-919F-124757E661F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homoshart schizo hours again
You’ve been begging since february non-stop, mistranslating and outright lying.
How haven’t you killed yourself yet? I can’t imagine how pathetic your life must be.

>> No.30191370

Drinking with Aki!
Getting kicked out of the bar with Aki!
Having to carry Aki back to her place!
Holding her hair back while she pukes in the toilet!
Giving Aki water!
Tucking Aki in bed!
Giving Aki a good night kiss on the forehead!
Leaving and never calling Aki again!

>> No.30191374
File: 32 KB, 276x337, pekorosan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191378

It simply breaks down like this. If a streamer is pretending to be the audience's girlfriend they shouldn't colab with men because it damages the illusion. If a streamer is not pretending to be the audience's girlfriend they can colab with men without issue. For example, Fubuki doesn't pretend to be the audience's girlfriend so no one cares when she colabs with men. But if someone like Miko or Rushia colabed with men it would be a fucking firestorm.

>> No.30191382
File: 53 KB, 591x209, 1606829779042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191386
Quoted by: >>30191466

How has it already been 3 hours since Astel started his stream? This has been really engaging somehow, can he do more of these and less of Apex?

>> No.30191387 [SPOILER] 
File: 781 KB, 1893x568, 1607112662950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192387

they do sometimes, I'm still waiting on that drawanon to finish this

>> No.30191388

She really likes idols.

>> No.30191389

hajimete no CHUU

>> No.30191390

Goddamn Fubuki is so hot

>> No.30191392
File: 1.12 MB, 3539x3000, fubuki684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldnt get it...

>> No.30191393
File: 10 KB, 480x360, Nazca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think any of the holos would enjoy Nazca?

>> No.30191394
Quoted by: >>30191470

Stealing Aki's floating hair thingies and running away while she chases you!

>> No.30191395
File: 258 KB, 503x503, 1577710785996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191423


>> No.30191397
File: 772 KB, 504x760, 1606116293605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191447

Flare's titty juice.

>> No.30191400

Can't believe Astel just said he thinks all EOPs should just kill themselves.

>> No.30191401
Quoted by: >>30191465

Hololive fans are the most delusional fucks on this website, including Holostar fans too apparently

>> No.30191405


>> No.30191408

Kiara :^)
That was the worst anime I've seen.

>> No.30191415
File: 593 KB, 1715x2480, En09Sx8VcAELZTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanatan gets to sniff that.

>> No.30191418
File: 9 KB, 444x425, FBKdrool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191571

Sex appeal is not what's bare but rather what's hidden. In other words, friend in that outfit is very sexy but top levels of sex appeal would only be achieved by having her wear a niqaab

>> No.30191421

It's the Anithomofags who like to pretend that the idolfags would bomb Cover is Rushia ever collabed with a male when in reality nothing bad has ever come from male and female collabs

>> No.30191423
File: 188 KB, 1024x1021, EZnQ4yWUMAAxc6A.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191426

Just dont reply.
People keep replying. There is the problem.

>> No.30191429

Miko pretends to be a girlfriend? i thought she was a dyke

>> No.30191433

Sounds like he's insecure and jealous. Feels good.

>> No.30191439

Why do N5 retards larp so much

>> No.30191441


>> No.30191445

So is Kiara just the Rushia of EN?

>> No.30191448
File: 352 KB, 1280x853, nationalizur.pngA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atta boy!

>> No.30191447
File: 98 KB, 563x742, 1586228445247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yeah

>> No.30191455

wtf I love astel now?

>> No.30191456

After doing all of those things with her, why would ghost her, dude, the only way I'd see that worth the hassle is if she gets awkward after it but in my experience, drunk bonds are unbreakable

>> No.30191458

>But if someone like Miko or Rushia colabed with men it would be a fucking firestorm.
So what about everyone else? because you only talked about 3/31 holos, are they all GFE? because Matsuri is one and she still doesn't have trouble collabing with men, also Miko is fucking lesbian

>> No.30191460

If anything the more obsessed fans would probably know Rushia interacted with males very often before Hololive.

>> No.30191463

I wish i was _Coco_

>> No.30191465
Quoted by: >>30191515

Yeah, wanting evidence is soooOOOoooo bad.
Fuck off cunt.
I don't even care about Holostars, I'm speaking generally.

>> No.30191466

I like the occasional Apex tbdesu

>> No.30191470
File: 1.02 MB, 929x909, akisad3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not very nice, Anon...!!

>> No.30191473
Quoted by: >>30191507

so did the youtube bug fixed?
i noticed early lamy had her ususal live views

>> No.30191474

>fucking weeks
how new?

>> No.30191475

And you pretend to be the little girl

>> No.30191477
Quoted by: >>30191524

Who are you quoting? Why does /hlgg/ and /v/redditors think shitty drawn over edits constitute as good OC? Next you're gonna say why we don't have our own vtuber like that attention seeking roastie pookie or whatever the fuck her name was.

>> No.30191479

>another "idolfags bad" and "they should collab with homos even if it could destroy their careers" timeloop

>> No.30191482

Homobegging should be banned on sight. They shouldn't be allowed to keep derailing the thread like this.

>> No.30191488

Miss, you're not wearing panties

>> No.30191489
Quoted by: >>30191540


>> No.30191496
Quoted by: >>30191778

All homobeggars are either baiting for (You)s or EOP clipwatchers. Why the fuvk are people still replying to them?

>> No.30191498

i see snot is 鼻水. nose water! i'm learning the fuck out of japanese

>> No.30191499

>they should collab with homos even if it could destroy their careers"

>> No.30191505

Do japanese like their kanji?

>> No.30191507

Lamy usually gets 13k-15k for Minecraft, she didn't break 10k earlier.

>> No.30191510
File: 1.40 MB, 822x1680, twappi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191511
Quoted by: >>30191958

As a homofan, even I'm disgusted with the new tourists who don't understand the dynamic between audience and streamer.

>> No.30191514 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x1600, 1607112922593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191515

Go look for it yourself, I'm not going to scour videos to prove an obvious point to you
You're extremely delusional, it's obvious why most people watch Hololive, and if it isn't obvious, MULTIPLE girls have come out and said it, and they've asked their fans and their fans have said "no, we don't want this"

>> No.30191518

I treated her like a gentleman!

>> No.30191520

Maybe if homos were entertaining they wouldn't need to collab with girls?

>> No.30191524

Less trolling, more drawing anon. I want your submission this thread or you're only talk.

>> No.30191526

Don't forget, she also gets loads of superchats despite the fact that these fags said she'd get abandoned "like Fubuki" for collabing with guys.
Yeah, I don't know what logic they are using either.
Her views being all over the place matters not, the only thing that matters in the end is their income.

>> No.30191529

Japanese is so fucking stupid. I give up on my reps!

>> No.30191534

Her actual gachikoi don't show up to these streams

>> No.30191536

I put in my VSinger application. I only have 32k subs on my YouTube channel so I'm not expecting to be considered very much. Ganbarimasu

>> No.30191539

Welp, I see the thread is digging into the shit trough of garbage arguing again. I think it's about time I take a break and do something else.

>> No.30191540
File: 155 KB, 370x329, 1595036216713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't win everyday

>> No.30191541
Quoted by: >>30191608

It's ok I would give them back if she hugs me

>> No.30191544
Quoted by: >>30191610

No true, only Marine and Pekora have done so

>> No.30191548
File: 885 KB, 1064x927, the_truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30191550

See Meidos? This is why homosharts should get their own thread.
I understand you can’t be here 24/7 but look at the state of this thread, this schizo has been singlehanedly ruining threads for months.
95% of the people here don’t give a flying fuck about homosharts and yet 2 or 3 of them can derail a thread on their own.

>> No.30191563

Link of you singing like a girl.

>> No.30191568


>> No.30191571
File: 108 KB, 800x900, 1605385216355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this arouse you?

>> No.30191579

To be fair that does look difficult

>> No.30191585
File: 33 KB, 320x425, 1607005058807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191586
Quoted by: >>30191646

The history is already there, anon. You can either listen to what your fans want and become Pekora or turn your back on what they want from the character and become Matsuri.

>> No.30191590
Quoted by: >>30191660

I don't care about them, I care about the Ame case. You prove your case. That's your job.
You are stating "without a doubt" things would be bad.
I have that doubt, because I actually know it would only piss off a few mentally deranged retards and barely dent their incomes.

>> No.30191594
File: 1.40 MB, 404x347, gosling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191677


>> No.30191595


>> No.30191598

What site is this?

>> No.30191601

anon please I can only be so erect

>> No.30191602

Pantsu of za Lamy

>> No.30191603

I love Fubuki and I'm excited to see her appearing on Holotalk today.

>> No.30191604

Maybe if you stopped making up shit and just accepted that fact that Male and Female collabs are harmless we wouldn't have this argument every single time, because every single time it happens you idolfags get BTFO

>> No.30191608
File: 801 KB, 796x533, akihappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the spirit!!

>> No.30191609
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>> No.30191610
Quoted by: >>30191639

yes, that's what multiple means
Coco said it too
Pretty sure Kiara said it too

>> No.30191611

>posts as homobeggar
>call out your own posts as homosharts
>request for thread split
>do the above for months to no avail

>> No.30191613

If Hololive was a video game, Ayame would be the protagonist. She teams up with various other girls from all branches, to uncover a spy who is trying to destroy Hololive.
The mid-game boss is Artia, but you later found out that she was never the enemy. The end boss of the game turns out to be Coco

>> No.30191614

Why does it have to be drawings? We have plenty of good OC https://files.catbox.moe/tf77y6.webm

>> No.30191615


>> No.30191617

I love shitting on chicken but even this took me aback. It's like the narrative is writing itself.

>> No.30191622

Tintendo Tower...

>> No.30191626

It's literally the same kind of retard as schizo-chan was. He absolutely doesn't care about the homos, he just wants to derail the thread and make everything about himself depserately. It's fucking annoying at this point, saying that as a homofag.

>> No.30191627

She is literal the orc from that fat elf manga

>> No.30191631

Why don't the holos girls collab with me?

>> No.30191634
File: 1.08 MB, 822x1680, namcowa.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191635

Fuck fuck i don't like how this is turning me on. This is awakening some really fucked feelings i thought that were gone for good anhhhhhhhh

>> No.30191636

Switch Nene and Mio and move Lamy to A and I agree

>> No.30191637
File: 25 KB, 363x331, festival_came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191639
Quoted by: >>30191698

>Coco said it too
Coco has collbed with men
>Pretty sure Kiara said it too
Kiara will have the homo in holotalk

>> No.30191641

Tierlists are the worst garbage that the internet ever clung onto.

>> No.30191646
Quoted by: >>30191940

Become Matsuri?
What you mean that loudmouth that had a concert and got loads of money?
You mean that retard that made a killing playing Apex gacha while everyone was bitching about her playing Apex so much?
Wow, I hate this.
Oh wait.

>> No.30191649
File: 273 KB, 720x540, 1600535791094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only OC we'll ever need

>> No.30191651

is this a tier list of girls who'd give birth to the best kids? because that's what I'm seeing here

>> No.30191655

anituberfag hand typed this post

>> No.30191660
Quoted by: >>30191763

>You are stating "without a doubt" things would be bad.
I never said that
I think generally it's just a bad idea
Sometimes it's ok or even good, generally it isn't

>> No.30191665
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>> No.30191666
File: 1018 KB, 822x1680, towaion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191667

I want holos to collab with Kanae and Kuzuha

>> No.30191670
Quoted by: >>30191720

Yeah I noticed too, there's only like one guy actually arguing still and he's not even a starsfag
Well what can you do about a thread filled with /v/fags

>> No.30191673
File: 7 KB, 387x130, Who knows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191677

Subaru is real

>> No.30191678
File: 20 KB, 485x261, deadmentellnotales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ye best start believin in narratives anonchama. Yer in one.

>> No.30191685
File: 138 KB, 500x500, moshi moshi34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191698
Quoted by: >>30191725

>Coco has collbed with men
and? people can change their minds you fucking autist

>> No.30191700

homos and indogs should get their own thread, they're the cancer killing these threads with constant falseflagging and spam

>> No.30191710

the one with over a million views

>> No.30191715

Sorry, I was staying over and couldn't contain myself

>> No.30191719

I would like to cum inside Marine every single day.

>> No.30191720

Seriously take your meds if you think that only 1 guy i bothered by the fact that the anti homofag just keep spreading lies and narratives about holo x homo collabs

>> No.30191721

Look at all the clothing you can tear off of her! She's like a present, begging to be unwrapped.

>> No.30191722
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, 1588360514746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of recruiting ENs and INdogs when no one's still pandering to EU? There's literally almost a 6-8 hour slot during EU primetime where pretty much no one other than some random homos stream.

>> No.30191725

she literally had a male anituber on Asacoco months after that whole Tamaki thing even happened.

>> No.30191729
File: 1.18 MB, 822x1680, twap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191732

Tits too big peko.

>> No.30191733

11 months since the original split and schizo-chan is still going strong. What a guy.

>> No.30191747

Kiara is already slated to take that spot, Pikamee-sama

>> No.30191757
Quoted by: >>30191770

are you seriously trying to compare showing an image on asacoco to a collab?

>> No.30191758
Quoted by: >>30191770

Showing a fat spic on stream isn't the same as a collab homoshart, even you know better than this, come on.

>> No.30191759

I made this clip. what do you think about it

>> No.30191760
Quoted by: >>30191825

Holostars have already collabed with HoloID and FBK/Matsuri what more could they ask for?

>> No.30191763
Quoted by: >>30191818

Generally implies majority.
Only a small group have ever sold themselves as the GFE bullshit.
The rest are indifferent and have got that shit forced on them by others venturing out, then getting pissy whenever they never conformed. (and have been banned before)
Watame even had to call them out on Twitter for interacting with guys despite the fact countless others already did previously.

>> No.30191765

I don't even necessarily disagree with all of your stances but its easy to tell you're the same fag each time

>> No.30191767
Quoted by: >>30192025

What are you talking about? When Pekora notice Kiara post she also took the opportunity to say thanks to FBK, Moona and Miko. Before she was too busy trying to not cry.

>> No.30191770
Quoted by: >>30191794

she had to go to them to get them to do something for it, she literally reached out TO THEM

>> No.30191772

>learning language
>all N1 shit that I can't even read
t-thanks astel

>> No.30191774
Quoted by: >>30193332

You guys are getting baited into making content for a nobody.

>> No.30191776
Quoted by: >>30191802

I hope when they get a EU girl she has the worst accent possible and uses all the slang regularly

>> No.30191778

I'm bored, but I'm going back to watching some archives.

>> No.30191780


>> No.30191782
Quoted by: >>30191846

gotta admire that kind of persistence to act like a retard.

>> No.30191784

Nene is just happy to be involved.

>> No.30191791
Quoted by: >>30192198

I love Gokisei.

>> No.30191793
Quoted by: >>30192129

the anime? nope. the place? probably, I believe (don't trust me on this) that Luna said she wanted to visit Machu Picchu

>> No.30191794
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1605396220891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191847

Just take your meds homoshart, this is pathetic.

>> No.30191795
File: 1.50 MB, 1339x742, 1607102169823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30191823

Now that I think about it, Miko doing watch party on twitch every friday is a great thing. I want her to watch some of my favorite great movies like Goodfellas or Reservoir Dogs for example, it would be a literal kino.

>> No.30191796
File: 100 KB, 1122x657, tierlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30191801

EUpoors literally do not donate so no one wants that slot outside of the numberfagging menhera

>> No.30191802

Thick scottish accent vtuber.

>> No.30191803
Quoted by: >>30191854

Coco won't collab with Homos as long as she lives with Kanata, just get over it...

>> No.30191804

Good to see that idolfags and antihomofags still get BFTO every single time they try to push their bullshit

>> No.30191809

HoloEU likely their next market, if they can find the proper talent.
Preferably multilingual English speakers would have the most reach in that region.

>> No.30191816

Yew gorra loicense ferrat LoiveTewDee model innit?

>> No.30191818
Quoted by: >>30191839

They don't need to be "GFE" for male collabs to be a bad idea
Pekora isn't a GFE but people don't want her to collab with dudes

>> No.30191821
Quoted by: >>30191886

Who did Aqua collab with? Was it 1 on 1 or those big collabs that vtubers from everywhere?

>> No.30191823
Quoted by: >>30192145

Nah you're gonna get garbage made by some dude named Seth.

>> No.30191824

Go away beggar, no one wants you here

>> No.30191825
Quoted by: >>30191885

they will not rest until cover makes weekly mandatory collabs with between holos and homos

>> No.30191830
File: 49 KB, 296x324, 1607012301073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grapefruit strong zero

>> No.30191833
File: 294 KB, 413x388, A93C263E-DA1C-42A9-A492-8B3A92A801DB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My EOP filter can’t be this cute!

>> No.30191839
Quoted by: >>30191887

How many people? Cite your sources.

>> No.30191846
Quoted by: >>30191863

Do we even know what triggered him so hard or this knowledge is lost in annals of time.

>> No.30191847
Quoted by: >>30191894

>using the literal whore for your photo

>> No.30191854

Pretty much this, Coco cares more about Kanata and her aspirations than well pretty much everything else, Coco is not going to collab with males ever again

>> No.30191855
Quoted by: >>30192000

Every time I see Polka she looks like she's just trying hard not to be extremely pathetic

>> No.30191857

Thanks for applying to get doxxed

>> No.30191861
Quoted by: >>30191875

...but what about collabs with someone like Sugita? Is it forbidden too?

>> No.30191862
Quoted by: >>30191965

EU doesn't superchat. They're more worthless than SEA

>> No.30191863
Quoted by: >>30192124

don't think even he knows why he does it anymore.

>> No.30191866
Quoted by: >>30192200

>EOP filter
She acknowledged them last night, the time is coming for her.

>> No.30191869

How about both idoltards and homobeggars are retarded?
Most of the girls don't give a fuck about idolshit and homos don't get collabs because no one wants to collab with them and the few that want to already do it.
Both idolfags and homobeggars will screech at me for this.

>> No.30191872
Quoted by: >>30191913

He's constantly trying to force Hololive and Nijisanji out of the main thread and trying to make indie threads.
I highly expect he will start shitposting about 774Inc soon.

>> No.30191875
Quoted by: >>30191990

somehow that doesn't count because of my arbitrary line that defines what is a male collab!

>> No.30191885

You mean like they already do for the holos? because you guys sure don't seem bothered by those

>> No.30191886

She did some big collab with a bunch of nijis on Mario Kart and some Monster Hunter stuff with a bunch of kaigainiki non vtubers, there was also that visit she paid to Suisei's radio show that had a guy in it. That's all the interactions she's had with males in public that I know of.

>> No.30191887
Quoted by: >>30191933

fucking lobotomize yourself

>> No.30191894
File: 407 KB, 771x653, 1606592287002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look i called Towa a whore
Not making your argument stronger, homoshart.

>> No.30191902
Quoted by: >>30192144

Euros dont spend money on shit, they dont even have the excuse of poor like SEAmonkeys

>> No.30191910
File: 815 KB, 2599x2894, EoW6BufVoAEJfvN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192245


>> No.30191912

Explain the yellow lighter anon

>> No.30191913
Quoted by: >>30191964

Yeah but why though.

>> No.30191914

Tick tock ojisan, the shark collab is already underway.

>> No.30191921

Midday EU viewers can catch quite a few streams.

>> No.30191923

>Most of the girls don't give a fuck about idolshit
Idolshit means NOTHING, the more idol-like holos constantly collab with men

>> No.30191927
Quoted by: >>30192082

>Most of the girls don't give a fuck about idolshit
Tell this to them. Seriously, send this as a supacha to any of the non-idolish holo. Let's see how they react.

>> No.30191933
Quoted by: >>30192017

You aren't wrong. Most of them are boring. Only a few of them are of significant worth and half barely stream.
Dump the chat log. Then I'll care about you saying "people" as if the majority give a shit.

>> No.30191937


>> No.30191936
Quoted by: >>30191981

how come Subaru can get away with male collabs? does nobody want her as a girlfriend or something?

>> No.30191938

At least we only have like 2-3 dedicated ones I've seen smaller threads with way more

>> No.30191940
Quoted by: >>30191964

Apex is only one fucking molecule in the contrarian menhera elemental that is Matsuri.

>> No.30191944
Quoted by: >>30192064

I want a French holo. French accent on girls makes me diamonds.

>> No.30191946

You know who the worst people are?
Retards like this one >>30191869
Hololive is an idol agency, stop trying to push the idea that both sides are to blame.
Only homoshart beggars are in the wrong, i'm not giving an inch to you fucks.

>> No.30191958
Quoted by: >>30192065

>As a homofan, even I'm disgusted with the new tourists who don't understand the dynamic between audience and streamer.
It seems like you're the one who doesn't understand shit, because pretending the stars don't want to collab with the holos is downright retarded, literally every time a non JP branch debuts the stars are there to offer support

>> No.30191960
File: 1.89 MB, 1280x1440, 1607101226667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why he said she's only pretending. Also Miko sees all of her fans as girls anyway, which I think it's just her way to cope because she has little to no female fans.

>> No.30191961
Quoted by: >>30191971

Predict a watalamy collab

>> No.30191965

I buy merch and only donate to indos because they have fucking streamlabs enabled, not gonna go out of my way to get a credit card. Wonder how many more are like that

>> No.30191964
Quoted by: >>30192298

He gets off on pissing people off.
He's a shitposting IP hopper.
Yet she still makes bank, probably more so than most people here.

>> No.30191969
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, hololive aqua scared fall.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192285

>> No.30191971

watamates antagonizing the yukimin ITT

>> No.30191976
File: 61 KB, 724x504, Fran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get a zombie holo
>she's ID

>> No.30191981
Quoted by: >>30192016

It's because literally all of them could collab with a male and nothing bad would come from it

>> No.30191986
Quoted by: >>30192038

>no debit card
I'm sure there's plenty of other retards exactly like you yes

>> No.30191990
Quoted by: >>30192039

I remember that radio show with him, pretty fun. But homos can't be Sugita

>> No.30192000

hey, that just hits too hard right after the PekoMoona stream when she got close to have her turn only to do it at the worst timing possible...

>> No.30192001

Spot the shitposter.
Found him. Same tired "Hololive is an idol agency" argument.
Meanwhile at Soras place

>> No.30192007
File: 153 KB, 2048x1161, ElRTwUMUwAAHUNt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokino Soda.

>> No.30192012

the amount of people that seriously think idol culture is "NO MEN, YOU CAN'T TALK TO MEN A SINGLE TIME, DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT MEN, DON'T USE A SINGLE WORD IN THE DICTIONARY THAT COULD BE ASSOCIATED WITH MEN OR ELSE YOUR LIFE IS OVEr!!!!" is ridiculous, how uninformed could you guys possibly be?

>> No.30192016

Beggar-kun, you're baits are pretty stale at this point. Get some better material until tomorrow, I know you'll be here for some juicy (You)s again

>> No.30192017
Quoted by: >>30192086

how about you cite your sources that nobody minds? It's a stupid way to argue. You know why people come to Hololive, everyone knows. Are you going to say the Holosharts just need more exposure? I come to this thread, you demented idiots are talking about them all the time. I go to reddit, theres more posts on the front page about Holostars than the actual main branch. They have exposure. People just aren't here to watch dudes

>> No.30192019

When do we get niggachans debut?

>> No.30192023
Quoted by: >>30192091

KALM: finally get a zombie holo
PANIK: she's ID
KALM: She is actually good

I miss coco

>> No.30192025
Quoted by: >>30194150

Put more effort into your trollpost.

>> No.30192032

Need some help, narrativebros. Out of the holos whose singing is good enough to be a boon to their growth, which ones would still sound good when singing raw? Are there any who sound good but become garbage without being propped up tech?

>> No.30192033


>> No.30192038

I have a debit card, it doesn't work for superchats.
I researched and whether a card will work with youtube services is a crapshoot even within the same bank in my country

>> No.30192039


>> No.30192040
Quoted by: >>30192054

where's the meme50 sora doujin...

>> No.30192045

>Hololive is an idol agency
Yeah, and idols have no problems with male collabs. who are the most "idol-like" holos
male collabs
male collabs
male collabs
male collabs

>> No.30192046
File: 103 KB, 1240x1754, 1592329067169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What flavor is she?

>> No.30192049


>> No.30192051


>> No.30192055

>get zombi idol
>she's a multilingual super genius gigastacy
I see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.30192054

they keep all the sora lewds in a folder only they're allowed to see

>> No.30192057

Why do you not have a credit card?
You do realize you can use it properly, right?
Just don't be retarded with your finances, problem solved.
Use it exactly as a debit card and pay it off ASAP. You idiot.

>> No.30192063
File: 1.10 MB, 822x1680, uchitowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30192064

>new holoEN generations
>instead of pure english they go for bilingual people and give a language gimmick to each one, be it english/french, english/spanish, etc and structure their themes accordingly
I feel this is a better idea than making branches for each country imo

>> No.30192065

Clearly you're not a homofan if you think they're so self-centered to ask the girls who don't feel comfortable to collab.

>> No.30192066

at least she's an actual hololive fan and is decent at japanese

>> No.30192067

What third world EU country are you in for that to be the case? Greece?

>> No.30192071

kagura mea is honorary holo

>> No.30192074

Just get a mastercard, that shit works everywhere.

>> No.30192078

bibi eyepatch is CUTE!

>> No.30192081
Quoted by: >>30192140

I blame idolshit anime that is the gateway to idols for a lot of retards in the west. They have the luxury to completely phase out any male presence in the story to appeal to waifufags more.

>> No.30192082

Marine literally says she's not really an idol, it's only a side thing that comes with the hololive brand to her.
YOU don't care about idols because you are trying to force regular ass vtubers into fitting your idolshit standards.

>> No.30192083
Quoted by: >>30192113

>post garbage girls who do garbage collabs
I rest my case.

>> No.30192084

Pekora used the extortion joke on Polka and Lamy before tryng it on Moona. What would had happened if was Polka the one that used the chance to become friends with Pekora

>> No.30192086
Quoted by: >>30192126

>you know why
For fun? For idols?
I don't care about Holostars, you have me mistaken. I care about guys in general.
Sorry, try your argument on someone else, you schizo fuck.
Cite your sources.

>> No.30192087

She's a HOMOCHAD and that alone makes her great

>> No.30192089

You're not the boss of me now.

>> No.30192091
Quoted by: >>30192112

Sorry indog is the biggest filter, the language is disgusting to listen to. They should have been EN gen 2

>> No.30192095


>> No.30192098


>> No.30192101

Yea but don't let the /pol/ crossposters know that

>> No.30192108
Quoted by: >>30192167

>Most of the girls don't give a fuck about idolshit
The girls consider themselves as idols.

>> No.30192112

her english is a million times better than moona's and moona droopped indonesian for english. she will too.

>> No.30192113
Quoted by: >>30192228

So hololive is full of garbage girls who are not idols but hololive is a dead serious idol agency.

>> No.30192115
Quoted by: >>30192153

Good to see that the general consensus that is almost every is OK with male a female collabs and it's only a few schizos that get angry about them

>> No.30192116

Please vote

>> No.30192117

Not that guy but
I know Aqua just playing up her stupidity, but are there real idols that are as ponkotsu as she does?

>> No.30192118

Nice financial system europoor

>> No.30192122

I 100% believe Matsuri is performing worse than she would be if she didn't colab with men.

>> No.30192124

Isn't he the Sally Amaki poster or someone like that.

>> No.30192128

You don't know what idol culture is anon
I'm just following the timeloop, I don't really care

>> No.30192129

yes she did say that once in a chocosubaluna collab

>> No.30192126
Quoted by: >>30192159

how about you cite your sources?
Men come to Hololive for women

>> No.30192127

doesn't really work anon

>> No.30192133

She's garbage, and her language is disgusting.

>> No.30192140
Quoted by: >>30192169

Blame Love Live.
Reminder that girls have said before on dating questionaires they'd never go near Love Live fans because of how mentally retarded they are and how they fear being ditched.

>> No.30192143
File: 544 KB, 822x1680, twapi panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a gift for Luna

>> No.30192144

Sure they do the GDP of every European country is dog shit or circling the bowl.

>> No.30192145

Family Guy watchalong soon! not that I mind it anyway.

>> No.30192147

You're 100% wrong and retarded

>> No.30192150

All I see right now is
Calm down guys. You're going to give yourselves an aneurism.

>> No.30192151
Quoted by: >>30192214

This thread is not very good.

>> No.30192153
Quoted by: >>30192199

just because they are ok with it doesnt mean they actually want to do it anon
I suggest people cease trying to force collabs and let them do what they want

>> No.30192159
Quoted by: >>30192179

How about you go back to the fan meet-ups and see all the girls waiting in lines to talk to them.
Oh wait, you weren't here for that.

>> No.30192165


>> No.30192167

Here's a shocker for you: they don't.

>> No.30192169

Anon.. half of the love live fanbase is female

>> No.30192172


>> No.30192173

all of her most successful streams came after she started collabing with men and her most disliked stream is a collab with Luna

>> No.30192177
File: 223 KB, 500x600, 1601832645874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A never ending timeloop whenever a Homo is the only one left streaming.

>> No.30192179

The Hololive audience is overwhelingly male
>cite your sources
look it up yourself

>> No.30192184

That's arguable. Does it matter? Hell no. Fucker has a higher income than me.

>> No.30192187
Quoted by: >>30192225

How long does she sleep again? i remember people sazying that she sleeps for like 2 days or some shit

>> No.30192191
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1593365530923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30192194

Don't ruin their delusions anon.

>> No.30192198
File: 1.50 MB, 2393x1248, ElPdDULU8AQ6Hm0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5th gen love!

>> No.30192200
File: 167 KB, 828x1757, 08145D12-07F1-40C0-9C03-9654CAAE9A5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give them three streams before they jump ship to the next “hidden gem” Holo once they realize she’s not the same kind of viral clip factory or sexy autist that her best friend is.

>> No.30192199
Quoted by: >>30192254

>I suggest people cease trying to force collabs and let them do what they want
Well then you better talk with Cover because they literally have mandatory collabs on a bi weekly basis

>> No.30192204
File: 1.02 MB, 4096x2384, Shiranui_Flare_-_Concept_Illustration_01-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought on Flare's figure?

>> No.30192213

lol you globalfags out yourselves so easily

>> No.30192214

The schizos are fighting themselves.
I'm watching Aki Death stranding archive.

>> No.30192221

At least it's an interesting stream so I can ignore homosharts-kun

>> No.30192225

That was just one time
She actually sleeps for around 4 hours to 12 hours depending on the day
One time when she had the house to herself during a holiday when she was still in school she slept the entire three days her parents were away in their bed

>> No.30192228


>> No.30192231
Quoted by: >>30192317

It's your argument. Numbers. Cite them.
You are implying the majority of people would be turned away when Matsuri is proof alone that they would not.

>> No.30192233

she chose aqua over bilibili money so I'll never shit on her again

>> No.30192239
File: 152 KB, 822x1680, towartia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192247


>> No.30192241
File: 1.20 MB, 1689x938, kanatagrip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Kanata crushing your throat as you choke on the verge of ejaculation.

>> No.30192242

4 more hours to go
strap in

>> No.30192243
File: 1.34 MB, 822x1680, yukkura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192312

take it easy man

>> No.30192245


>> No.30192247
Quoted by: >>30192276


>> No.30192253

Nice pits

>> No.30192254
Quoted by: >>30192286

you better have some proof to back that claim

>> No.30192258
Quoted by: >>30192303

>The Hololive audience is overwhelingly male
Anon, idols being extremely popular among women it's nothing new, there are holos with big female fanbases and in the case of Suisei and 70/30 female/male split

>> No.30192260
Quoted by: >>30192321

Which is exactly why they wouldn't go near them. They know how deranged they are with their dumb purity chasing.

>> No.30192261
Quoted by: >>30192273

>12 hours
Jesus... and she twitcasts this stuff regularly huh? I-i'm gonna masturbate to her breathing now...

>> No.30192271

nice bait anon here's a (you)

>> No.30192273
Quoted by: >>30192291

Twitcast streams last a maximum of 4 hours from a phone unless there's an event going on so it will always cut out before she wakes up

>> No.30192276


>> No.30192285


>> No.30192286
Quoted by: >>30192347

There's one today with Towa, Lamy and Flare

>> No.30192287

daily reminder that the homoshart sperg is just one bored shitposter and you should feel bad for replying to him
Do your sperg reps before posting, thank you

>> No.30192290

I've been in a coma for 1 year, travel to the past, got lost in a mirror dimension, went to different universes, astral projected for about 20 years and my internet was down for 1 day.
Tell me the latest hololive news

>> No.30192291


>> No.30192293
Quoted by: >>30192770

What do you mean?

>> No.30192298
Quoted by: >>30192373

Cover pays her a salary, yes. And she was there to build the brand when it was new and there was a time when it looked very, very small to her and she was quick to turn up her nose at it. But things are different now. Hololive has gotten a LOT bigger than Matsuri and she would be much smaller if she just went back to her past life. Even before EN Pekora was doing laps around her by knowing when to take the character and the nousagi seriously. That’s the difference in supporting those that support you and letting one chat mod make all your clips and fill your bank account.

>> No.30192300
File: 506 KB, 1114x1216, 1606824991155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not fair zheng...

>> No.30192303
Quoted by: >>30192349

Pulling numbers out of the air the post

>> No.30192305

my oshi was very cute today

>> No.30192308
Quoted by: >>30192352

>sleeping for 3 days
Wh-what causes that?

>> No.30192311

Last time I posted this it didn't get much of a reaction but I've subbed it this time
and this is the incident she's referring to

>> No.30192312
File: 624 KB, 4096x2119, 1589752042191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194403


>> No.30192313

so is astel just telilng his viewers to do their reps in a desperate attempt

>> No.30192317

Matsuri's doing fucking terribly, great example
I am not going to spend hours looking up shit for you that's fucking obvious to anyone with a brain

>> No.30192318
File: 452 KB, 480x755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe spazkoga became a vtuber!

>> No.30192320


>> No.30192321

Women aren't purityfags, at least no those in hololive given than the biggest female fanbase is Suisei's, Coco also has as significan one, and so does her roommate who has been open about her ex boyfriend

>> No.30192323

unfortunately aloe has decided to quit hololive

>> No.30192331

I'm creatively bankrupt, what should i draw my oshi doing?

>> No.30192340

Aloe got raped by her dad again

>> No.30192341
File: 284 KB, 822x1680, 1607111982703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30192345

>an architect

>> No.30192347

Unrelated and I haven't read the conversation at all but Lamy and Towa seem to get along together quite well, they were good together in the last they did together.

>> No.30192349
Quoted by: >>30192427

>Being this new

>> No.30192353


>> No.30192352

I don't know and I don't remember if she mentioned what caused it
She said it during her totsumachi endurance stream let me see if I can dig up a timestamp

>> No.30192354

petting Artia

>> No.30192355

The 30% JP viewership probably got to him a bit.

>> No.30192360
Quoted by: >>30192380

who is your oshi anon?

>> No.30192365
Quoted by: >>30192380

Who is your oshi?

>> No.30192368

Ollie's debut was good.

>> No.30192369
Quoted by: >>30192445

i assume he was bored and decided to fuck around a bit

>> No.30192371
File: 186 KB, 630x566, 1592469219260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuri's doing fucking terribly
>her most profitable stream EVER was literally this last week and made more than Pekora's 1 million celebration stream

>> No.30192373
File: 51 KB, 996x141, Screenshot from 2020-12-04 20-43-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally doesn't matter.

>> No.30192376

looking dumbfounded while trying to solve a basic math problem

>> No.30192380


>> No.30192382

How's Kiara gonna take it when Ollie collabs with PekoMoona?

>> No.30192387
Quoted by: >>30193720

He completed that ages ago anon
I tried to upload it to catbox but I'm just getting errors

>> No.30192390

Reading hlg.

>> No.30192394
Quoted by: >>30192516

Okayu and Towa are great too. If only Tower streamed more often...

>> No.30192401
Quoted by: >>30192438

the fact that she did a gacha stream doesn't change the fact that her views have been in the fucking gutter for months

>> No.30192402

See >>30192373
Try harder. retard.

>> No.30192404
Quoted by: >>30192426

And that still can't buy a Luna song reply.

>> No.30192409
File: 2.87 MB, 1202x946, twap.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192495


>> No.30192419

Lamy seems to be getting along with pretty much everyone, Gen 5 as whole is very popular with the holos even those who are a bit more reserved like Noel have reached out the them, i guess since Lamy and Nene are on the younger side it makes them more approachable, while Polka is a long time senpai and Botan is super reliable

>> No.30192426

>I know I'll retweet it AGAIN
why is she like this

>> No.30192427

It's pretty pathetic when your only defense for bullshit is attempting to hide behind "how new"

>> No.30192429
File: 779 KB, 1242x680, 4991077D-B183-4AF9-A382-625067496126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30192434
File: 140 KB, 850x1200, sakura_miko_hololive_nyan_reinyan_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192482

Miko please watch better movies...

>> No.30192438
Quoted by: >>30192489

viewership doesn't really matter when you make bank and get invited to every idol event regardless

>> No.30192441

There's also that smash collab where she destroyed Kuzuha&Kanae in a 2v2

>> No.30192440

Draw her and Moona walking hand in hand in Akihabara

>> No.30192444

Hey guys Suisei won first place

>> No.30192445

Yeah, it's a petulant response to English practice streams by most of his colleagues. He's such a cutie.

>> No.30192446

Bad example, compare her total earnings with Rushia or Coco if you feel confident enough to brag

>> No.30192452
Quoted by: >>30192509

I couldn't care less about male collabs but homofags are really just ruining this thread

>> No.30192451
File: 174 KB, 1280x720, xugQzv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one Holo girl who didn't stream during the Christmas eve last year. Guess who?

>> No.30192456
File: 172 KB, 828x1664, 1579647915587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I stay up 4 hours for this underwhelming chicken bullshit again or do I finally give up on her you "honorary JP" faggots

>> No.30192457
Quoted by: >>30192504

this was the peak of my year for sure

>> No.30192464

matsuri is literally one of the top 10 most profitable holos you fucking moron.

>> No.30192468
Quoted by: >>30193953

She keeps beating me at janken

>> No.30192469
File: 6 KB, 198x254, 53786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now time to move on and wait for my next dream girl. A pterodactyl

>> No.30192479

Astel sure has a lot more BGMs on hand than the other homos do

>> No.30192482

She mentioned transformers, back to the future, terminator and others during that stream. Don't worry anon I'm sure we'll get to watch good films soon

>> No.30192483

More distorted Pekora faces plz

>> No.30192484

Those Astel language rants are golden, how come he only has 600 viewers when there is no other stream?

>> No.30192486
File: 2.77 MB, 1512x1080, 【アニメ】助けて!焼かれる!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave ojou alone terrorist

>> No.30192487
Quoted by: >>30192604

will you be spending Christmas with your oshi anons? I hope I can spent if with mine..

>> No.30192489

viewership is what matters the most in the long term
you need to build and retain an audience
one exceptional stream doesn't matter

>> No.30192490
Quoted by: >>30192548

I wonder what was she doing

>> No.30192491

Based. This Matsuri bullying HAS to stop.

>> No.30192495


>> No.30192496
Quoted by: >>30192518

Oh shit friends interview's today ?

>> No.30192498
File: 24 KB, 352x106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192511


>> No.30192504
Quoted by: >>30192905

Anon... Your social reps...

>> No.30192507
File: 178 KB, 850x631, __akai_haato_hololive_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__sample-3662ffc312b1af3339e5239bad4f944c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your oshi happens to be Haachama, I really need a drawing of her eating the cheese cheese pan while discarding her pepelonis.
I imagine it like she's occupying a table in her local domino's, there's a lot of people in the background watching her in shock and she's just sitting there with dumb expression and a gigantic pile of pepelonis placed directly on her table and oozing grease.

>> No.30192508

I mean, it's really more about whether you believe Fubuki has something interesting to say even when the questioner isn't that competent / has trouble due to bilinguality. Chicken is not doing anything, just reading questions JOPs and EOPs sent.

>> No.30192509

These threads really should just be for the holoJP girls. Keep everything else in a separate thread.

>> No.30192511

It's like 5 AM dude

>> No.30192512
Quoted by: >>30192864

>"honorary JP"
Literally no one considers Chicken a honorary JP. the "Honorary JPs" are Ina, Moona and Chowa

>> No.30192515
Quoted by: >>30192554

Still stands with my point. Matsuri has since swore to her fans that she will listen more and be more idol-like.

>> No.30192516
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 1596386463758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Towa can stream more with Okayu and Mio in the future.

>> No.30192518
File: 68 KB, 246x190, 1603683609162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30192520
File: 348 KB, 420x420, E207CE2A-3F60-4D2B-A035-2CC77C390ABC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don’t make as much as the number 1 and 2 superchatted youtube channels in the world, you aren’t successful.

>> No.30192521

No need to watch it live, you can skip the translation parts in the vod to save time

>> No.30192522

damn that's pretty fucking scary

>> No.30192523
Quoted by: >>30192549

Flare is google english lol.

>> No.30192524

Oh no, she won't be able to buy a 9 grand bed, how awful.
Oh wait, she could easily do that. She's fucking loaded.
She also doesn't have a rich taste for things either, outside of the occasional splurging.

>> No.30192525

Is the youtube viewership bug still happening? His chat is really active for 600 viewers

>> No.30192535

yeah, I remember.
fucked by sugar daddy for two whole days on both Christmas eve and Christmas

>> No.30192537
Quoted by: >>30192614

Because straight men usually aren't looking for a virtual boyfriend, and most women can easily get a real one.

>> No.30192536


>> No.30192540

Being a whore

>> No.30192545

Towa is honestly my wife

>> No.30192547

People don't watch the homos.

>> No.30192548

She was getting carried in League of Legends. By carried I mean princess carried and by League of Legends I mean a love hotel.

>> No.30192549

Who do you think owns YouTube?

>> No.30192554
Quoted by: >>30192726

Which is not GFE-like. Purityfags are not idolfags.

>> No.30192556
Quoted by: >>30192581

>JK slang
dis gonna be gud

>> No.30192557

I'm confident that Kiara only has her audience submit questions for holotalk because she's a fake fan who can't think of interesting questions herself and doesn't want to risk exposing how little she actually knows.

>> No.30192559
Quoted by: >>30192620

well if she didn't spend on gacha she would have a nice bed

>> No.30192561
File: 580 KB, 850x480, 1597459973757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a Roberu/Polka collab

>> No.30192565
File: 276 KB, 489x365, 1597765210403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30192568

>literally nothing happens
that was a waste of my time

>> No.30192569

I wouldn't and I'm even waking up to listen to Mori make rap lyrics... The talkshow is probably going to be boring.

>> No.30192571

Men are more funny and good at games than women. But people watch hololive instead of male vtubers anyway. It's because they enjoy the feeling of intimacy with a cute woman that these streams provide. They know the girl doesn't really love them, but it's a comfortable illusion, a fun dream worth experiencing. If they colab with men they are walking on a tight rope because one wrong misstep and the carefully crafted illusion is broken. One mistake and it will permanently break the feeling of intimacy they built with their fans. Most of them simply don't want to take that risk, when there's nothing for them to gain from it. Maybe the stream ends up innocuous and nothing bad happens, or maybe they say something that comes across as flirting and they lose a substantial portion of their paying customers to some other girl.

>> No.30192570

I want my oshi to collab with men

>> No.30192572
Quoted by: >>30192671

Youtube views are broken, this would usually have at least 900

>> No.30192573
Quoted by: >>30192612

For Robert's and Palkia's sake anon please...

>> No.30192576

She never pretended to be a fan of the other holos in the first place

>> No.30192580
Quoted by: >>30192702

Post membership or fuck off

>> No.30192581

I'm getting filtered, I have no clue what that means. my reps did not prepare me for this

>> No.30192582

Spicy narrative

>> No.30192583

I'm confident that Kiara is far too insecure to ever let loose so she'll stay at the bottom.

>> No.30192585


>> No.30192589
Quoted by: >>30192623

When someone's reasoning is so misconstrued that it would take hours to explain all their misconceptions to them, they aren't worth replying to.

>> No.30192595

kinda cute rearry

>> No.30192597
File: 671 KB, 672x730, fbk9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope friend is ok tonight, she is nice but I still worry about the questions there will be!

>> No.30192599

Does Astel plan on keeping this stream going as long as his utawakus? Jesas

>> No.30192602

She could stop raiding his groceries first.

>> No.30192604

I don't know if mine will be streaming since her anniversary stream is the 2nd day after Christmas and she will probably be practicing singing a lot plus she deserves some time to spend Christmas with all her new friends if she wants.

>> No.30192605


>> No.30192612
File: 1.03 MB, 1200x1200, 1598215178582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192640


>> No.30192613

Just woke up. What did I miss?

>> No.30192614

>most women can easily get a real one.
Tsk, tsk, rookie mistake. There's massive audience for divorced single women with kids that no one wants.

>> No.30192617
Quoted by: >>30192658

she pretended to be a peko fan yet she didn't know about the stuff peko built in the MC server

>> No.30192619

Either his job is to stream for no more than 1000 concurrent viewers or he's bad at his job. Those are the options, take your pick.

>> No.30192620

Coco only bought the bed because her gachikois sent her money specifically for it.
Not buying it would have been cheating.
She barely buys stuff at all.

>> No.30192623

cite your sources

>> No.30192624
Quoted by: >>30192684

Tamaki also takes audience questions

>> No.30192633

No it was I that misunderstood most likely. I went back and listened to the member stream and it definitely makes a lot more sense that her plan was to bring her onto the stream, everything ties in with that premise more so than just showing her a stream.
She had thoughts about doing a live recording first but thought that the audio would be too shit so she wants to use her stream mic instead and instead of recording it she wants to do it 生(live).
It also means that the managers worry is more reasonable, and the nousagi's worry as well.

>> No.30192634

There are plenty of Holos streaming during EU day/evening hours though.

>> No.30192635
Quoted by: >>30192668

If it's the 80's movie it'd be kino but she probably means Bayformers

>> No.30192636

>most of
Cite. sources. motherfucker.

>> No.30192639

she doesn't even know the things peko built in the server even tho muh whole year watching peko senpai. she's probably just a clip watcher

>> No.30192640

Houshou Marill...

>> No.30192645

New ID is Kiara but better. Miko sold out to Jeff Bezos.

>> No.30192648
Quoted by: >>30192717

>your oshi
>predictions of the talkshow

>> No.30192649

polka is gonna steal his only spoon

>> No.30192650

Pien yo…

>> No.30192652

One time I met Rushia's roommate at a little cafe in the countryside. She was very nice and I just said thank you for everything and let her continue her part time job. Did I mess up?

>> No.30192658

It's worse than that. She knew and wanted Pekora to pander to her

>> No.30192661

Time loops

>> No.30192663

do you reeely beleeb that Astel has more? I

>> No.30192666
File: 88 KB, 696x183, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N1 please explain

>> No.30192667
Quoted by: >>30192713

I can't stop listening to patra's album
It's been on repeat the entire day

>> No.30192668

The Michael Bay transformers films are miles more enjoyable to watch than Ted 2 and Sausage Party. Everyone getting hyped over Bumblebee at the comicon section was a highlight of the film lol

>> No.30192671
Quoted by: >>30192704

No, Youtube is back to normal everyone was at their average during prime time

>> No.30192679
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1599986320543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame did another Guerilla Utawaku to steal superchats from someone else's new costume stream like a mega stacy

>> No.30192684
Quoted by: >>30192818

is anyone talking about that bitch?

>> No.30192685
Quoted by: >>30192757

I don't think the format lends very well to any real questions that can't be just googled or that aren't common knowledge. Obviously she's not going to ask any yabai question we would like to ask, nor are there much 'behind the scenes' stuff that the Holos don't already tell in their zatsudans. No many care that much how Fubuki prepared for some stream or what equipment she uses.

>> No.30192689
File: 335 KB, 508x775, 1599276927836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo is depressed again?
Ojitachi, time to go to work.

>> No.30192697
File: 278 KB, 809x1160, 1607066574641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His script sucks dick. You want to see a good mock news script? Open wide newfags.


>> No.30192698

There isn't a single holostar funnier than Pekora. They're not even funnier than Aqua, Hololive's biggest autist.

>> No.30192702
File: 33 KB, 280x187, bme1fn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30192704
Quoted by: >>30192755

They were not.

>> No.30192706
File: 1.28 MB, 1552x907, 1600084523783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone help me with Homos, I dont know them

>> No.30192707
File: 192 KB, 1189x669, 🔴言語を学ぼう❕❕ 日本語編❕❕ - learning language 『Astelleda』 - YouTube - 233 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice language you got there nips

>> No.30192712

It is undeniable that Suisei is the best singer and idol in all of hololive. No one except maybe Sora is a match for her.

>> No.30192713
Quoted by: >>30192783

it's a great album, i can't blame you at all were you a fan of her roommate?

>> No.30192717

Literally nothing happens. Schizos shit up the thread.

>> No.30192718

Towa was cute today.

>> No.30192720

This is fucking funny I might sub to him if he does this regularly

>> No.30192721


>> No.30192726
Quoted by: >>30192830

You’re putting words in my mouth. At no point did I ever say that Matsuri needs to become that to succeed or even that fans were asking about that. There were OTHER things that were driving away her core audience that wasn’t not pretending to be chats girlfriend.

>> No.30192729

She isn’t with (You)

>> No.30192737
Quoted by: >>30192790

I remember when I was hooked on my daily fix of AsaCoco and just one day away was abnormal... It is sad

>> No.30192744
Quoted by: >>30192786

Suisei's sister who makes rap music is better

>> No.30192745

>They're not even funnier than Aqua, Hololive's biggest autist.
what do you mean. Autists are funny in general

>> No.30192753

Because good male vtubers don't join hololive they join niggersanji. There's also a lot less men in vtubing than women in general for obvious reasons.

>> No.30192754

Some tiktok shit

>> No.30192755
Quoted by: >>30192849

Yes they were, even Lamy who usually has low-ish membership

>> No.30192757

for a show dedicated to "getting a deeper understanding without relying on clips" it seems a bit counterproductive to the idea to play it safe and end up asking questions that were actually already answered in clips anyway

>> No.30192761
Quoted by: >>30192780

Hey man, back to the future Okay? Come on

>> No.30192765

I see the phoneposters are getting uppity

>> No.30192767

Aqua is pretty funny.

>> No.30192771
File: 305 KB, 1108x763, ojisans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192953

Where we dropping boys?

>> No.30192770

Stop singing justin bieber, pekora

>> No.30192774
Quoted by: >>30193017

So that's basically just how people extending their descriptions of things in a really obnoxious way right? Like heckin chonkerino doggerinos or some stupid shit like that?

>> No.30192780


>> No.30192782
File: 288 KB, 365x486, 1600422057326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting males to act like retards

>> No.30192783
Quoted by: >>30192834

I got into her recently, from AZKi's marathon stream...

>> No.30192785

Jesus fuck I haven't heard this in so long

>> No.30192786
Quoted by: >>30192895

>In hololive

>> No.30192790

My addiction already got diluted with 2.0 and I didn't really care for 3.0. 1.0 was the good shit though, especially when WataUta was before it.

>> No.30192792

>Hololive EN auditions closed
Goddamn this is old

>> No.30192796

does anyone have the kiara version of this

>> No.30192798
Quoted by: >>30192935

>There isn't a single holostar funnier than Pekora
So your argument is that the homos are funnier than every single holo but 1? because i agree

>> No.30192799

Anon she is good at English, can speak basic Japanese, she is a fan of Holo and stars and made her holo reps at the point she know about the obscure ones like Roboco

>> No.30192808


>> No.30192809
File: 217 KB, 1081x2102, homos graduation .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's the next homo to graduate?

>> No.30192811

Just watched some of the Zombie's debut. How much speed is this chick on?

>> No.30192814
File: 344 KB, 433x493, 1600993002544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up. How was Aki new outfit and the obnoxious zombie debut?

>> No.30192817
Quoted by: >>30192965

Why is Astel explaining JK slang, does he want his chat to talk like a bunch of JKs?

>> No.30192818
Quoted by: >>30192861

Ah, i get it.
It's the homobeggar schizo, you're the guy who keeps hating on Tamaki.
I see, you really are a schizo uh.

>> No.30192819
File: 609 KB, 868x1228, 1593579648609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30192979

Comfy Okayu
Flirty Okayu
Chad Okayu
Kind Okayu
Cute Okayu
Chatty Okayu
Healing Okayu
Based Okayu
Patient Okayu
Songbird Okayu
Soothing OKayu

I love Okayu

>> No.30192824
Quoted by: >>30192836

I just realized the translator in his chat is harry lin

>> No.30192830
Quoted by: >>30193193

But that is the implication from your argument.
Her being bitchy with chat is hardly new, but still they always come running back to her to suck her metaphorical dick.
She just needs to stop being bitchy and end the streams whenever she is in a shit mood.
She also needs to stop taking shit so seriously, like tat time she was crying on the collab with Paka because of some mean superchat we will never know the full story behind. She gives antis way too much free-roam in her head.

>> No.30192834

Nice, a shame most of it only lives in the way of reuploads, but still eternally glad that she came back as Patra after her retirement left people heartbroken

>> No.30192836

BecauseofReason was also in it in the earlier parts

>> No.30192839

Both sexes like retards, only masochists want an uppity partner who acts above them

>> No.30192841

subscribe to moonas sister
her english is cute

>> No.30192843
Quoted by: >>30194417

>Suisei is the best singer and idol in all of hololive
in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king

>> No.30192845


>> No.30192847

I wish this anon made more.

>> No.30192848

did she actually win one?

>> No.30192849

What? Lamy easily gets over 10k viewers in MC especially when there was no one else streaming.

>> No.30192850

Aki's new outfit was so good I subbed to her. She also covered Rozen Maiden Traumend's OP

The Zombie had a pretty solid debut, she seems high spec and speaks 3 languages, she speaks at light speed so not my cup of tea but if you like high energy go watch her. She'll also do mukbang.

>> No.30192851
File: 1.94 MB, 232x232, 1603493587853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been loking for this for months.

>> No.30192858

Zombie was decent. Has potential

>> No.30192860


>> No.30192862

Homosharts are mad a fucking indog surpass the "best" Holostars in her first day.

God, I hope Gen 2 ID manager isn't retarded and won't allow them to collab with homosharts.

>> No.30192861

you don't have to be a holostar fan to not like tamaki

>> No.30192863

>made her holo reps at the point she know about the obscure ones like Roboco
that's literally like knowing the name of the janitor of the company you're applying to. Pretty impressive.

>> No.30192864

I'm surveyanon and yeah the survey will pretty much show that Ina is the honorary JP and not chicken.

>> No.30192865

>Post Roberu

>> No.30192866

Thank you for the education sir

>> No.30192869
Quoted by: >>30192988

Yeah I think the idea sounded good in Kiara's head, but after she started planning how to do it the problem kind presented itself. I didn't watch the Marine episode, but to my understanding it was just pretty normal questions and Marine trying to appeal to the EN fanbase with her horny stick.

>> No.30192871
Quoted by: >>30192897

that vtuber thats "from" there is some seriously cringy shit, makes me not want to go there despite occasionally watching some EN

>> No.30192878

And that is exactly how you feel about the homos, you want their dicks in your ass but you are too afraid to leave the closet, otherwise you would be watching actually talented male streamers instead of low tier husbandos

>> No.30192879
Quoted by: >>30192891

What game is this?

>> No.30192880


>> No.30192881


>> No.30192882
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, aki14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new ID girl likes minecraft, Moona loves her, and was much better than expected. She is essentially Kiara 2.0 except better.

Pekora got to 1 million. She still has to tell her mom about her job.

Aki got an amazing outfit.

Miko had a Twitch watch party which was a lot of fun. Watame has a Twitch account too now.

>> No.30192883

I want to go back.

>> No.30192884

Wow someone actually saved it

>> No.30192891

fate grand order

>> No.30192893

Not really sorry Flare

>> No.30192895

>Anemachi existing outside Suisei's head

>> No.30192897

>that vtuber thats "from" there is some seriously cringy shit,
can you explain this to me?
I can't get a straight answer in their thread because they're too autistic, what are they doing?

>> No.30192900

show 1 (one) post where a homoshart gets mad at this besides (you)

>> No.30192904

Nene mama streaming

>> No.30192902
File: 248 KB, 441x454, kncd5uh8nsj51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the keys to her place
She will never see us cooming

>> No.30192905

it was really enjoyable

>> No.30192907
File: 90 KB, 345x500, 1606426007865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who is this hack who decides to give everyone a goth outfit

>> No.30192908

I had a friend who couldn’t make it past 2 minutes because indog is unbearable. If it wasn’t RPG Maker I would have turned the stream off as well. It doesn’t matter how good their English is if they aren’t using it.

>> No.30192909
File: 560 KB, 1081x600, towaTowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we do?

>> No.30192910

>he didn't even watch zombie's debut

>> No.30192912

Roberu being an idiot helped his subs explode though.
Same reason Chaika, Maimoto and Kuzuha are popular, the latter more so for his good game skills.

>> No.30192915

>God, I hope Gen 2 ID manager isn't retarded and won't allow them to collab with homosharts.
They're already trying to talk to them on twitter and shit which most likely means they got the OK for it

>> No.30192918


>> No.30192921

I'm looking for a coal burner oshi, what are my safest bets?

>> No.30192922

Flare eigo is always so funny to hear

>> No.30192925
Quoted by: >>30192947


>> No.30192926

Whats Watames end game

>> No.30192928

Apparently she's some vocaroo femanon turned vtuber

>> No.30192935

The dude said men are funnier than women but that's obviously not true in this particular case of vtubing. And I could list more of course, but there's no point in that.

>> No.30192936

If you could marry a holo you're not currently subscribed to who would you pick?

>> No.30192937

type koopa ch on youtube and you will find a vtuber who is basically ina except from hlgg

>> No.30192939
Quoted by: >>30192978

from what I can tell some people in the threads designed a vtuber and some attentionwhore who regularly posted vocaroos there somehow got a rig of it and made a "debut" stream.

>> No.30192940
Quoted by: >>30192978

/hlgg/ made a vtuber

>> No.30192944

I just hope she gets a new mic. She was amazing beyond that horrific peaking.

>> No.30192946

A field filled with a flock of her fellow sheep

>> No.30192947

Time to do my JK slang reps too I guess.

>> No.30192948

We're entering the Holo Alice Game arc where all goth loli holos will take each other's subs to become the ultimate vtuber.

>> No.30192949
File: 306 KB, 917x926, 1607062877524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30192950

Holy shit almost at 10k already, she had like 1k before.

>> No.30192953
File: 363 KB, 418x524, 1592766292905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30192954

Cicada grand-prix chama...

>> No.30192955

Calling her kiara 2.0 is an insult. It's more like she's genki menhara 2.1 which completely mogs the first. I'm sure there'll be more of this model produced in the future, but this one's a solid performer ready for mass consumption. At the very least, it seems like they ironed out all the glaring bugs.

>> No.30192956

If that were true she wouldn't be so openly dissatisfied with the caliber of questions she gets. I think she's trying to pander to audience engagement because she's convinced herself it's a good idea and she wants to give people what they want. Hopefully she just drops it.

>> No.30192957

Given what we know, the girls themselves had a lot of imput in their recent costumes so to an extend is on them

>> No.30192958
File: 2.87 MB, 1688x1012, cocomiko 2020.10.26 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193018

>> No.30192963
File: 395 KB, 2050x1920, __kureiji_ollie_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_shibitoki__490c6c34946941abef31b4084ae64102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you know Indonesian yet?

>> No.30192964

Can the meido start banning the sperg again? I'll even start liking the shark if he does.

>> No.30192965

a good half to 75% of the mainline holos talk like jks

>> No.30192969


>> No.30192971

Imagine the sound

>> No.30192972

>Asamiko newsman graduated before Towa
This world isn’t fair...

>> No.30192973
File: 32 KB, 560x560, 1601641355319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame has a Twitch account too now.

>> No.30192976

I was lucky enough to be born in a country that speaks English so I never needed Indonesian

>> No.30192977

>Miko had a Twitch watch party which was a lot of fun. Watame has a Twitch account too now.

I dont understand what they want on Twitch so much. Do they know that they are cracking down on copyrighted content even harder than Youtube?

>> No.30192979
File: 777 KB, 868x1228, RitualOkayuInverted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193029

Lazy Okayu
Boring Okayu
Stagnant Okayu
Fat Okayu
Masochist Okayu
Rattling Okayu
Groomed Okayu
Xenophobic Okayu

I hate Okayu

>> No.30192978

Holy fuck this is just like notch lmfao

>> No.30192980

I don't think any holos are known for grilling or doing barbecues so sorry.

>> No.30192981

Not only did she try imitate some of them, she mentioned them several times and they were in her chat, and interacted with them on Twitter.
You're a bit behind, friend.

>> No.30192988
Quoted by: >>30193027

Every question asked to Marine was clipper core. Any EOP could've known about those in 10 minutes of clips.

>> No.30192989

>another 2k since the stream
she must be freaking out
happy for her, the crying was heart wrenching

>> No.30192991

not really

>> No.30192992
File: 54 KB, 518x752, 1607077125824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holo girls who publicly stated she didn't have a boyfriend:
- Haato
- Korone
- Noel
- Pekora
- Rushia
- Marine
- Kanata
- Iofi
- Ollie

>> No.30192996

Honestly just for having a normal voice and not trying to go for the faux-anime thing she gets points from me. She seems inoffensive. Avatar is kind of shit though

>> No.30193000
File: 1.39 MB, 1228x690, wataUta1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when she had superchat readings till 7AM? Well, now the sheep will never sleep.

>> No.30193011

They could have made the design a bit less plain but eh, hope she does well.

>> No.30193013

If I hadnt bothered learning japanese yet which I like what makes you think I will learn some subhuman language

>> No.30193015

Honestly watching her beg for an hour and a half was pretty funny

>> No.30193014
Quoted by: >>30193330

>why do hags want outfits that were popular during their youth
We will never know.

>> No.30193016

pien =
ヶ = uncommon possesive particle
丘 = hill
どすこい = sumo chant
之 = archaic form of の particle especially used on tombs
助 = slang for babe/chick

I think I can tell what these things mean individually from jisho but I have no idea how they connect lol

>>30192808 got it, I still am not sure exactly what everything means grammatically but I'll just file it away as "super pien" I guess

>> No.30193017
Quoted by: >>30193048

Young women as a demographic have an enormous influence on the development of modern languages across the world. If you don't understand this, you don't fuck enough teenagers to post in this thread.

>> No.30193018

When was this?

>> No.30193020


>> No.30193021


>> No.30193023

The entire universe in her stomach

>> No.30193027
Quoted by: >>30193043

It was mostly normal stuff like "how did you get into drawing" "what was your favorite hololive moment" "did you have input in your outfit". The problem is htat marine is so much more interesting than those questions so it was a waste

>> No.30193028

twitch is part of amazon so she can stream movies there ez with prime

>> No.30193029

This is just normal Okayu

>> No.30193032
Quoted by: >>30193079

Based Ayame please stream yourself fucking your boyfriend

>> No.30193033

She actually pointed this out in... I think the Mario stream.
She mentioned how it wasn't a particularly good idea to ask people that don't exactly know those things that aren't already in clips.
She said she'd feel it better to ask the next person to retweet her request for questions in Japanese, that way she'd have a greater selection of talking points from regular fans.

>> No.30193035
Quoted by: >>30193192

I just watched Ollie's debut and what the fuck is she on crack?

>> No.30193040

P3 stream was revolutionary Hololive entertainment. Deserves more money

>> No.30193041
Quoted by: >>30193204

Aki covered Rozen maiden OP here

>> No.30193043

Marine nerfed herself quite a bit during that interview, it was like she was afraid to not live up to the horny meme

>> No.30193048

no they dont, like everything else men have control of it. women lack the ability and means to control or produce anything of note

>> No.30193050

Indonesian sounds weird from my perspective. It's like half of the words is pretty cool and the other half sounds like something a baby says when it shits its diaper.

>> No.30193052
File: 1.27 MB, 1092x1200, EoaYXb_U0AE7LhE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193589

So Okayu has yet another collab(the 6th one this week) today around 7. Did anybody else mention a collab at that time?

>> No.30193059

>Iofi and Ollie
Doesnt matter. Zombie bitch was already whoring herself to Holostars on twitter, and Iofi as much as I like her she not just collabs with them but also listen to them moaning ASMR.

>> No.30193060

I think she likes it more than youtube. She was really enthusiastic about it including the hype trains, the emojis, all the features that youtube doesn't have etc.

>> No.30193061

Whores every single last of them, unlike my oshi

>> No.30193063

I mean this means jack shit, but just so the list is accurate, Flare also said so a few days ago

>> No.30193075

I can respect that kind of shamelessness, honestly.

>> No.30193079

More proof for the ayame fans are cucks folder.

>> No.30193084

1000th post

>> No.30193090

Her begging stream was the most enjoyable EN sream for me

>> No.30193093

because Iofi did her reps so we can use 日本語 instead

>> No.30193094
File: 105 KB, 617x632, 1603331963542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wants to becone my depressed girlfriend?

>> No.30193097

Found the Aqua moster hunter one
https://youtu.be/HVG_WGSHACg at around 55 min

>> No.30193099


>> No.30193102

So that's what that koopa faggotry was on /vy/ a few days back.

>> No.30193104

Woah haha guys women dumb right? Guys???

>> No.30193120

That stream cracked me up and I'm not even a Mori fan.

>> No.30193123
File: 69 KB, 1013x1027, 1607096006761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where are her nipples?

>> No.30193125

>not towa baby
i'm shocked

>> No.30193127

>8881 instead of 8880
Do I want to click this?

>> No.30193131


>> No.30193136
File: 428 KB, 750x750, トワ様びっくり.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30193143
Quoted by: >>30193324

why is Foobukie a Foreigner?

>> No.30193146

She's finally graduating, good.

>> No.30193160

But honestly what would you even want to ask Fubuki in a show like this? Considering you can't offensive questions or such, what really do you even want to know that can't be found with a youtube search? Fubuki is usually pretty 'vanilla' when she appears on streams, in that you usually know what you're going to get if you are watching her. She is the most interesting when she is hanging out in offcollabs where she can just have fun, such as when Bakatare were having the sleepover at Flare's place.

>> No.30193164
Quoted by: >>30193251

>See this money atlus? It could be yours.
That was a good shit-stream.

>> No.30193165
File: 276 KB, 463x384, shionyo31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's Towa who pets the men in menhera

>> No.30193166

No... chat is lying to you...

>> No.30193171

Swordloli actually has my favorite avatar in all of hololive. I think it's the pastel-ish colors. Hopefully it isn't wasted on a shit person.

>> No.30193175
Quoted by: >>30193211


>> No.30193180
Quoted by: >>30193231

Akwa collabed with tokyo ghoul....how do I cope..it wasn't on her channel...how am I supposed to know that?

>> No.30193179

Of course we find a way to link this all back to Apex again. Sasuga Space_Seaweed

>> No.30193182
Quoted by: >>30193248

Why isn't anyone fucking Marine? I don't care if they're a girl or not, she needs love.

>> No.30193183
Quoted by: >>30193240

Astel... he's too far gone now.

>> No.30193186

All ali project songs sound the same. its a shame so many of my favorite animes have them on their ost

>> No.30193187

Jesas Astel, stop scaring my dog

>> No.30193191
File: 976 KB, 1223x1182, 1582317407865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30193192

zombies have perpetual energy by their nature

>> No.30193193

That is exactly the mentality that put her in the recline before. It’s fine for a hobbyist indie because if they know you they know what they’re getting. With her it’s always an unknown. She made big decisions in character or on official accounts while in emotional duress sometimes and turning anthills (too much apex) into mountains (FUCK YOU MORE APEX). All because she perceived this feedback as being unsupportive of her (even if the feedback is given by someone who akasupas daily) and then further warping it in her mind as personal attacks when the criticism continued.

>> No.30193197

It's probably rather that she doesn't feel confident enough to ask questions herself.

>> No.30193198

No thanks, indonesian sounds like retarded dogs trying to talk

>> No.30193203

Sounds more that she likes the novelty more than anything.

>> No.30193204
File: 230 KB, 1378x2039, El-VsBzVkAEW4Uz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193285

Damn, wish I had watched it live.
Ali Project is nostalgic to me.
I wasnt expecting all the ghotic lolitta costumes they are getting but its very welcome.

>> No.30193205

i'm not a fan of the style on Aki but she once again proves why she's the Legs Queen of Hololive

>> No.30193208

not a single botan stream all day. you guys are retarded if you defend this.

>> No.30193211

But then how is she supposed to tempt you with said nipples

>> No.30193212
File: 1.74 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193559

Buy Nishizawa-sensei's t-shirt sons of bitches

>> No.30193214

where's Coco?

>> No.30193219
Quoted by: >>30193344

I say let them collab with EN and ID, just keep them away from JP

>> No.30193221


>> No.30193225


>> No.30193231

You already did this the last time it was posted.

>> No.30193240

Hasn't he been drinking?

>> No.30193241
File: 10 KB, 421x115, asacoco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30193244

she wears bandages, I noticed them when I was actively looking for a nip slip

>> No.30193246


>> No.30193248
Quoted by: >>30193429

She tried with Shion...

>> No.30193250


>> No.30193251

It was pretty entertaining considering it was an hour+ of just begging for Atlus to let her play Persona 3. She made almost 10k that stream, so I don't see any reason why not to do it again if she can keep it fresh.

>> No.30193252

Not just hating on her, but a good interviewer would make it interesting regardless. She's just not up to the task.

>> No.30193254


>> No.30193263

women developed hiragana. It's a pretty interesting story, look it up

>> No.30193264

>it's Towa, who puts the men on menhera

>> No.30193269

what the fuck is going in astels stream right now

>> No.30193271
File: 12 KB, 460x201, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193333


>> No.30193272
Quoted by: >>30193305

I took a break from here and I realized that I enjoy hololive more when i don't come to these thread. It was the opposite a few months ago, the thread made the experience better. What happened?

>> No.30193275
File: 146 KB, 238x216, 1599560206293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193311

holy shit Astel

>> No.30193276
File: 172 KB, 1716x963, moona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30193279
Quoted by: >>30193331

Is this the thread where you can find their real faces?

>> No.30193280

Help! Nene's mama is seducing me again!

>> No.30193281

What is a coal burner oshi?

>> No.30193282

That's part of the problem with this format. You can't go too deep with the questions because you can't "pierce the veil" as it were. I think the solution is that the questions themselves don't need to be particularly good as long as the girls have something somewhat interesting to say for about an hour. Even if every single one of them were asked the same questions they would provide different answers, so obsessing over having "good questions" is just Kiara being egocentric as usual and overly focused on whether SHE looks good in Holotalk. It's part of why she's not really cut out for this role, even though I like the idea in theory.

>> No.30193285
File: 948 KB, 1478x1078, Aki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should watch the vod

>> No.30193294
File: 199 KB, 822x1680, twap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh well, its the thought that counts

>> No.30193301

So if it's not a problem for HololiveJP to collab with men why everyone except Fubuki ignoring Holostars existence?

>> No.30193305

Being in an environment filled with cynicism makes you cynical too. I had to stop myself from visiting 5ch anti threads where they shat on my favorite artists because it just made me miserable

>> No.30193311
Quoted by: >>30193731

It's 6 am in Japan wtf is Astel doing

>> No.30193313
File: 789 KB, 1062x1505, 1585686535458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck it I need shit to listen to
>your oshi
>recent song you're listening to

>> No.30193314

Look, if you had
something something evangelion

>> No.30193316

the only good interviewer I know is a human serviette

>> No.30193318


>> No.30193320

Haachama needed more pepeloni.

>> No.30193321

One of the ENs

>> No.30193324

alien cat

>> No.30193330

b-but they are still in their youth, aren't they?

>> No.30193331
Quoted by: >>30193408

No. Go to NGA

>> No.30193332


>> No.30193333
File: 122 KB, 433x519, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30193339

The way he's butchering Komm Süsser Tod is killing me

>> No.30193344

Holoahits are jp though, so they should only collab with jp. But jp has an idol image to maintain so they should collab with indies and nijis instead.

>> No.30193347

Coco.. don't give us false hope.

>> No.30193356

Where do i write for this

>> No.30193363

I want yagoo to save debi from that black company

>> No.30193369
File: 752 KB, 1280x720, 🔴言語を学ぼう❕❕ 日本語編❕❕ - learning language 『Astelleda』 4-14-17 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh bros? I thought this was a Japanese learning stream

>> No.30193395

Who is this?

>> No.30193396
File: 14 KB, 240x240, 1606433920274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did she mean by this?

>> No.30193397

Miko emotes onegai

>> No.30193399



>> No.30193408

What's that?

>> No.30193409

So this is the essence of ぴえんヶ丘どすこい之助... I finally understand.

>> No.30193414

I don't even understand what he was trying to demonstrate

>> No.30193416

You're simply not an audience. Kiara targets on the newest of newfags. If you want proper talk show you watch Tamakin.

>> No.30193419


>> No.30193424

Probably the ENs

>> No.30193429
Quoted by: >>30193463

>She tried with Shion...
Shion molested Marine

>> No.30193435
File: 181 KB, 732x404, E91E0FC1-8D58-4A97-B185-8ADC4DEC9929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193478

Asking the important questions

>> No.30193442

unironically Coco

>> No.30193444


Kagura Mea's unarchived karaoke stream

>> No.30193448
Quoted by: >>30193494

This was void-tier in a scale of greatness, god I fucking love that cringe ass reaper

>> No.30193459

They aren't likable people

>> No.30193463

No, she didn't.

>> No.30193470


>> No.30193471

>Do they know that they are cracking down on copyrighted content even harder than Youtube
More like YouTube sorted out their copyright shit a decade ago and has a system that works fairly well within the confines of what the law requires, while Twitch was just hoping the copyright holders would never notice every single streamer on the site played copyrighted content 24/7. This really doesn't apply to hololive's copyright situation at all, they never use copyrighted media in their streams anyways, and the watchalong feature Miko is using is an officially endorsed feature through Amazon Prime, so it's pretty much as safe as movie watchalongs can get.

>> No.30193478
Quoted by: >>30193505

I assumed it was short for ピーポー

>> No.30193480

I'm not sure if there is even a holo in the current roster who could make such a format work. I think the biggest problem is that unless you are a really good interviewer, the stream will just be in the normal/boring territory way too easily unless the guest can save the day. Going for a total trainwreck could work, not preparing at all and just winging it with chat or something like that. An hour of prepared 'mellow' questions just sounds really boring for me, granted I didn't watch the first episode so I could be talking out of my ass.
But for example, I could see the format being more interesting if Haachama was interviewing people with complete nonsense questions and in English or have a sleep deprived Mori ascend into madness with her questions and fucking things up.

>> No.30193481

AZki's new album

>> No.30193487

Oh Miko is gonna love it when her chat becomes nothing but twitch trash emotes

>> No.30193494
Quoted by: >>30193537

Look how far she made it

>> No.30193497

He's still exploring the same metaphor that he's been explaining for the last 40 minutes.

>> No.30193502

When is Watame going to do a 3D Witch doctor dance stream, hurry up already!

>> No.30193505

It's just a cutesy way to end words, he's trolling again

>> No.30193506


>> No.30193507
Quoted by: >>30193533

Sure shioko i will believe the brat over Marine who was clearly hurt by it

>> No.30193509
Quoted by: >>30193533

Yes she did

>> No.30193512
Quoted by: >>30193579

>Pretty baby girls, give me your hands!
What did Astel mean by this

>> No.30193513
Quoted by: >>30193561

>I'm not sure if there is even a holo in the current roster who could make such a format work

>> No.30193525


>> No.30193533

Are /u/fags really this stupid or are you falseflagging

>> No.30193537

Aren't the french huge weaboos too?

>> No.30193542


>> No.30193543
File: 70 KB, 720x720, 1592554090688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What just happened in Coco's free chat?!

>> No.30193556

Notch is a vtuber?

>> No.30193559

I hope she designs Nene's merch

>> No.30193561

Polka forma confidencia uninstallada probably couldn't

>> No.30193566

Mio's Sparkle

>> No.30193568

Yeah when it's one piece, jojoor dragonball z

>> No.30193569
File: 1.52 MB, 2894x4093, Eoav-aAUwAAF_8V_jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30193571

the french are the biggest consumers of weebshit in europe

>> No.30193574

Anon nobody can tell what jokes are or what's played up for comedic effects in these threads it's not just the /u/fags

>> No.30193578
File: 50 KB, 468x429, 8F6549DC-5291-4DE7-A44F-9A419A71BA30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me

>> No.30193579
Quoted by: >>30193650

This is his ultimate technique. This is how he steals their boyfriends.

>> No.30193585
Quoted by: >>30193638

So much happened since February, how are you feeling bros?

>> No.30193589
File: 282 KB, 900x600, EeSlW09UwAIiB-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the research myself. Sounds like Subaru and Mio will be over at Okayu's to play Momotetsu. Wonder who the fourth will be. Maybe I'll dare to hope for SMOK's return.

I feel like Okayu's always in a collab or having a day off when she hits a milestone though. Today's gonna be 700k. Maybe she'll add a zatsudan or something.

>> No.30193593

>go watch Zombie bitch debut
>starting with a rpg maker game

God fucking dammit, I dont wanna like her...

>> No.30193613


>> No.30193615
Quoted by: >>30193905

How does copyright work on twitch? Say if a holo decided to go play moster hunter on twitch without permissions or p3, can capcom or atlus go after their twitch as well?

>> No.30193619


>> No.30193631

Surprisingly, she's not bad at all

>> No.30193634

I'm glad she's spending time with her family.

>> No.30193637

This stream is comedy gold.

>> No.30193638

Towa's yab feels like it happened a fucking decade ago.

>> No.30193641

ガタガタ business as usual.

>> No.30193644

Don't worry, most of the thread liked her so you don't have to pretend to hate her to fit in

>> No.30193650

fujos don't have boyfriends

>> No.30193665


>> No.30193666

Sesio Ame is Ruler, Gremlin Ame is Berserker.

>> No.30193668
Quoted by: >>30193767

Uh the first ep has 45k likes and 111 dislikes. It’s clearly working for EOPs and Holos are asking to be on the show. There’s honest criticism but this is just hot take contrarian bullshit.

>> No.30193669

it's time for an ID only thread, all Pekora discussion can go in there too.

>> No.30193671
Quoted by: >>30193799

Don't you think that's a sad way to live? Going into media with the expectation that you'll end up shitposting about it on a Mongolian imageboard

>> No.30193676

so I have a chance with Iofi?

>> No.30193685

Tatsunoko's wake up every morning for the kiss even if it's a weekend.

>> No.30193686
Quoted by: >>30193712

Coco's buying a present for imouto dragon

>> No.30193689
Quoted by: >>30193752

But watchalongs on Youtube were just safe as well.

>> No.30193698

I don't like any Indonesians, especially not vtuber ones.

>> No.30193703

Oh so that’s what this was, well it seems pretty okay

>> No.30193707

Also Polka post about what she listens to on twitter check those out

>> No.30193709

Based Astel teaching useful words

>> No.30193712
File: 347 KB, 585x385, 1601043998116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you

>> No.30193713
File: 328 KB, 348x441, 35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193793

Coco just kissed me
Goodbye faggots

>> No.30193716

This tension is the core of his personal and professional failures.

>> No.30193719

Why don't holos make ASMR like this?

>> No.30193720

he completed the pantless version, but not that version

>> No.30193721
File: 70 KB, 750x398, D5786051-8251-423E-88D9-4FD8A10B2043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel what are you teaching..

>> No.30193724
File: 281 KB, 459x599, 1595537828123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a JP only thread

>> No.30193728

"Are you top or bottom?"

>> No.30193731

6 am drunk Japanese language learning with Astel!
everyone has free will and chooses to exercise it for one reason or another

>> No.30193732
File: 63 KB, 211x219, artia...........png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was Artia actually encouraging harassment or were people just looking for a reason to throw her under the bus?

>> No.30193735

>images are limited to 500
>posts are limited to 1500

>> No.30193736
Quoted by: >>30193884

Someday I'll be able to read it all.

>> No.30193739

ID is still more on topic than Holostars.

>> No.30193740

I'm not supposed to believe when holos tell me stuff for the sake of your personal bias?

>> No.30193743

Why does it feel as of late that Cover is trying really hard to push Towa into front? Is she that popular?

>> No.30193748
File: 725 KB, 860x1214, __momosuzu_nene_hololive_drawn_by_nishizawa__9d8e5d37ddbb41aa292b93797481208e (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to fuck Nene's mama, holy hell does she have nice titties

>> No.30193751
File: 160 KB, 1748x1240, 1590167252211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like crying

>> No.30193752
Quoted by: >>30193791

They worked fine, but the Twitch system is more convenient I guess. I don't think most will use it for it, another site to deal with. Only the most technology-literate and adventurous will bother.
She was posted in /vy/ earlier and her pinned song was adorable.

>> No.30193754
Quoted by: >>30193803


>> No.30193755
File: 60 KB, 366x516, fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193893


>> No.30193758

I've developed a hairtrigger phobia of the word お知らせ
It's always something fucking bad with Hololive. It's a goddamn harbinger.

>> No.30193761

Why is this faggot incapable of streaming for less than 4 hours? It's honestly impressive

>> No.30193766

Why is he talking about RBC?

>> No.30193767

Well did you like it yourself or did you think the format worked well? As I said I didn't watch it as it doesn't seem that entertaining to someone like me.

>> No.30193770
Quoted by: >>30193803


>> No.30193772
File: 924 KB, 1414x1080, pj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30193774

twitch omarupolka_hololive

>> No.30193781

you might as well stay up for it and be disappointed because it's what you deserve for asking.

>> No.30193791
Quoted by: >>30193840

Oh this girl got featured on azki's 48hr stream that's probably why

>> No.30193793

Good night kanata

>> No.30193798


>> No.30193799

I dont wanna like her cuz she is obnoxious, which is a trait I dont like.
Also she isnt JP, and I did not want another ID branch.

>> No.30193802

archives exist for a reason

>> No.30193803

did she ever admit she was?

>> No.30193805
Quoted by: >>30194089

Do you have the video? I can't find it anymore.

>> No.30193809
File: 323 KB, 466x553, 1580578703771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel lost in life...

>> No.30193810

She either was doing the first or had the worst fucking timing in the world to give vague encouragement to Chinamen on her roommate's account.

>> No.30193814

You been in these threads anon?

>> No.30193817

i'd ask how she came up with the idea for VOID or the marine shion RTA. whether she knew from the start that the RTA would end up so big and how she acquired such a good eye for content.

>> No.30193823

her discord serv was a breeding ground for wolf warriors

>> No.30193825


>> No.30193828


>> No.30193832


the JOPs are very angry about mori's stunt

>> No.30193835

>retards in chat compared zombie to Rushia
She is clearly Polka or Kiara on drugs.

>> No.30193840

She did? Nice.

>> No.30193842


>> No.30193844


>> No.30193846
Quoted by: >>30193903

Are you actually disappointed you like something you didn't expect to like? Dude just be happy

>> No.30193853

Anon, the truth is that it's just joke, no one actually belives a JK molested a 28yo

>> No.30193854
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x720, 【ホロライブ】さぷらいずぱらだいす!【どっきりラビリンス】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day until Christmas

>> No.30193857

Because they aren't part of a literal camwhore group (yet)

>> No.30193865

Quick, someone grab the username!

>> No.30193871

Impregnating amanekanatach!

>> No.30193872

why are the japs such a bunch of cucks

>> No.30193873

>chats reaction when he drew the apex map again

>> No.30193877

Because Towa is the designated idol for gen 4. At first it was Kanata and later Watame but both of them had issues in their life and they couldn't handle it. And Towa is the last one who can sing.

>> No.30193879


>> No.30193884


>> No.30193891

I think it's more that they hate chuubas

>> No.30193892

So what do the tatsunoku do all day in Coco's free chat?

>> No.30193893
File: 215 KB, 337x299, 8F97F679-AEB4-442E-964F-FC10C28E082E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really has her cult whipped uh, what a beauty to see.

>> No.30193895
File: 162 KB, 2048x1224, 1589506386869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to all the koronefags here? There used to be so many

>> No.30193896

Are you basing the 'she is obnoxious' before you've watched her debut? If you find her obnoxious after that, I think you'll be justified in not liking her. The latter part is some grade A autism though.

>> No.30193902

Well, at least Fatlus is aware of now so we'll find out soon if they're going to hand the permissions or not.

>> No.30193903

ID2 are the chosen ones, legendary holos foretold to bring balance and unity to the two threads.


>> No.30193905

Technically yes, anyone can DMCA you for pretty much any reason as long as they have some semblance of a copyright violation, and it's up to you to defend the claim, but this is actually the same as YouTube. The difference with YouTube is they have their own copyright strike system on top of DMCA, which "isn't technically DMCA" but is functionally equivalent for copyright holders, but it just allows YouTube to skirt around certain actions the DMCA requires. This system is good enough that 99% of copyright claims on YouTube go through this rather than an actual legal DMCA claim, so it makes it easier to work with for everyone involved. You can still technically bypass YouTube's copyright claim system and send direct DMCA takedowns, which YouTube is required to act on just like Twitch does. Twitch doesn't have any system like this, so if a company wants to take something down for copyright on your Twitch channel, they are required to send a legal DMCA request, which Twitch then has to immediately comply with as required by law (which typically means banning your channel until the claim is resolved), they have no choice in action unlike YouTube since they have no extra layer above the DMCA.
That being said, people typically only get DMCA'd on Twitch for media-related copyright, like music or movies, the only time I've heard of game companies issuing DMCAs is when streamers break embargoes and stream games early.

>> No.30193908

here comes free money

>> No.30193910


>> No.30193913 [SPOILER] 
File: 613 KB, 458x338, 1607117717009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193941

Hot young squirrel swallows huge nut

>> No.30193915

They are still here and they still love the dog.
Simple as
Me included

>> No.30193917

>It's real
Fuck this. Fuck Miko.

>> No.30193919

literally take a happy pill and just enjoy things
everything is so much easier

>> No.30193921

>coco cant sing
>kanata health issues
>Luna's ???
>watame being watame
towas the only logical choice

>> No.30193922

They just want to make her relevant, the only problem is that Towa herself doesn't want to be relevant.

>> No.30193925
Quoted by: >>30193958

>comments are angry about "overseas demands" when their cuck asses benefit too and they were too whiny and autistic to ask themselves for permission

>> No.30193931

That might be a nice counterplay to the Holos trying to migrate to Twitch... why not just take all of the unclaimed names?

>> No.30193932

bit of both, she tried to play both sides and it backfired big time as the chinks ended up doxxing her
of course now she's gone back to them and as for the EN fans its
>my model will be ready sometime next year in the meantime watch my bili host streams on twitch

>> No.30193934

We are waiting for the queen to appear.

>> No.30193941

To the police station with you

>> No.30193947

nothing to wowowowow about

>> No.30193949

This new zombie girl is way too hyper for my tastes and spouts too much zoomer memes.

>> No.30193953

t. Mikomiko

>> No.30193954

Talk about current streams, they where all watching Aki's outfit reveal.
They also talk about every day stuff, i catched a few of them saying how tired they are of working but they keep doing it to send superchats.

>> No.30193956
File: 1.37 MB, 1367x1048, 1603046104462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30193957

>let's all stop learning Japanese
>Japanese is impossible to learn

>> No.30193958
Quoted by: >>30194072

They actually worry about copyright infringement as if it didn't benefit the distributor rather than damage them every single time. Persona 5 became big through let's plays. Everyone knows that.

>> No.30193959
Quoted by: >>30194069

>Mori getting negative attention again
Someone needs to put her on a leash

>> No.30193962

fap to coco together and drop money whenever they "finish"

>> No.30193965

Enjoy getting it revoked for impersonation.
There's a reason they put the company name in it.

>> No.30193968
Quoted by: >>30194012


>> No.30193971

I think Watame being Watame and Towa being Towa are pretty equal, albeit Watame probably is easier to work with.

>> No.30193977


>> No.30193978


>> No.30193980
File: 210 KB, 270x352, kglass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30193997


>> No.30193982
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1466985418770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30193990
File: 184 KB, 322x430, 1604229117248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lying in wait

>> No.30193993

No stream today.

>> No.30193997

Ah she's so amazing

>> No.30193999
File: 497 KB, 3624x2591, 1589325532171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194291


>> No.30194001

The timing on this image is perfect

>> No.30194000

>you guys can't possibly learn it

>> No.30194003

You can't learn Japanese.

>> No.30194004
File: 586 KB, 1100x1000, 1600330230525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, zombie bitch is as loud as I thought she would be. Cant wait to see her horrible fanbase shitting all over these threads.

>> No.30194006

>watame being watame
What does it even mean?

>> No.30194007
Quoted by: >>30194290

>Somebody made Astel say "you can't learn Japanese"
Edit fucking when

>> No.30194011

because then they'll just take stupid names like tokyotowel_hololive and imhornyshipgirl_hololive while some idiot sits on the correct name

>> No.30194012


>> No.30194016
Quoted by: >>30194049

So i should stop doing my reps?

>> No.30194022
File: 35 KB, 640x480, dekinai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194023
Quoted by: >>30194093

Her streams feel a little more like "trying to get the next viral clip" lately, I'm probably just autistic though

>> No.30194027


>> No.30194029

Are towafags reclining?

>> No.30194030

Well that was a whole lot of nonsense with no actual drama.

>> No.30194037

there have been few streams lately and the assassins creed ones are...

>> No.30194040

Don't revive them, please no

>> No.30194044

don't use my alpha lion to shitpost about other holos, thank you

>> No.30194045

Just hanging out. Nothing to really talk about.

>> No.30194048

>you can't learn japanese

>> No.30194049

Kira and kaoru both left. Theres no reason to keep trying any more

>> No.30194051
Quoted by: >>30194669

i remember when people said this about polka and look at where we are now

>> No.30194050


>> No.30194056
File: 32 KB, 480x294, currynuggies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you eating Choco's special meal for you, anon?

>> No.30194057

Dekinai vtuber when...

>> No.30194060
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gap moe

>> No.30194062
File: 1.31 MB, 239x280, 1595152318810.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194067


>> No.30194069

Atlus deserves her, they're both shit.

>> No.30194070


>> No.30194072

this is my favorite let's play of the game

>> No.30194078
Quoted by: >>30194115

Its friday night my friends!
Lets enjoy the weekend!

>> No.30194079

Mostly just chill koonefags left. Also nothing's live atm.

>> No.30194088
Quoted by: >>30194204

Seems like the kind of thing she'd actually cook given how much she hates it
Imagine coming home to that and then she tells you to clean up all the trash she's left about during the day. Yikes

>> No.30194089



>> No.30194092
Quoted by: >>30194173

Japanese is easier to learn than English if you just skip the kanji.

>> No.30194093

the latter is correct

>> No.30194098
Quoted by: >>30194122

She's probably filled it with date rape drugs so she can finally get laid, no thanks.

>> No.30194108

The one where she played cooking simulator for 40 minutes and then designed a blanket was great.

>> No.30194111

No fucking stream, and the doxx nuked all the fake fans.

>> No.30194115
File: 109 KB, 378x273, 1599134579212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194268

>Lets enjoy the weekend!
But I have no alcohol...

>> No.30194122
Quoted by: >>30194171

>so she can finally get laid

>> No.30194125

Recently really got into Kaf.

>> No.30194127

How are you supposed to melt the curry mix into the nuggies? Just put a cube on the pan and pray?

>> No.30194130
File: 150 KB, 765x512, 1458280071492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194131

>ywn cook Choco her dino nuggies while she autistically tends to the five thousand Spinosaurs she has in ARK

>> No.30194134


>> No.30194140
File: 2.44 MB, 1875x2467, 1601711728272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of them. Wait for the survey

>> No.30194141

Towa's voice is awful

>> No.30194142
Quoted by: >>30194305

aqua didnt get away with it anon do you not remember the abadango episode

>> No.30194147

Do nips hate furigana?

>> No.30194150

While FBK is wrong she did notice Kiara, thank her, then took the time to thank the rest of those who showed up which was Moona, Miko, and Flare.
Saying she didn't thank Kiara is just a lie and I really don't know why Moonafags insist on telling such bad lies all the time.

>> No.30194158
File: 392 KB, 613x720, korosax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No stream today, catching up on her members only stream yesterday.
That adriana chick and jules from youtube gave her a greeting, hope she's going to do that Mother singalong soon.

>> No.30194167
File: 496 KB, 597x588, 1588557765114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU'RE awful

>> No.30194169

So why aren't the ENs streaming on the dead hours ?

>> No.30194171
Quoted by: >>30194192

go back to /hlgg/

>> No.30194173

funny how it's always a person who doesn't know japanese who says that line

>> No.30194175

They’ve been steadily reclining here since her 3D. She had a couple spikes with the collar with Marine and the Sora mountain prank, but, it’s been very sparse for Towafags.

>> No.30194189

No they use it for chuuni shit

>> No.30194188
File: 36 KB, 270x406, The Ride Never Ends [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fedgcal.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194391


>> No.30194192
Quoted by: >>30194225

Choco is by far the biggest ヤリマン in Hololive the fuck are you on about kid

>> No.30194195

No, but it's impossible using the language without kanji.

>> No.30194196

Does everything that Pekora touches turn into gold?

>> No.30194198


>> No.30194202

she's used to it.

>> No.30194204

It'd all be worth it if she tells you there's a bag of laundry that needs to be done outside her door and she's about to start streaming ARK...

>> No.30194214

Also putting _hololive in their name as an impersonator will just get the account deleted by twitch staff when Cover notices.

>> No.30194217

Watashi (I) shiru (know) Nihonjin (Japanese).

>> No.30194219

>Learning Japanese is easy if you just don't learn Japanese

>> No.30194220

When was the last time Korone played some obscure retro game?

>> No.30194222


>> No.30194224

I still think this "must learn 50k+ kanji" thing is a meme. It's impossible to know 50k symbols. I don't think I even know 50k words.

>> No.30194225

is Choco the only Holo to have talked about ex-boyfriends on stream?

>> No.30194229

Me, for Pekor

>> No.30194234

Oyasumi astelchama

>> No.30194235

Japanese grammar is almost the same as my native language's grammar. It's pretty easy for me, English was harder. Also they use much less worlds in general than English speakers.

>> No.30194240

I wish I was Marine's shota.

>> No.30194243
File: 763 KB, 720x742, 1597239623780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Nene's mama.

>> No.30194244

What if Korone doesn't like kusoge anymore and only wants westenr AAA experiences considering how much she loved valhalla

>> No.30194249
Quoted by: >>30194279


>> No.30194255
Quoted by: >>30194705

Fubuki spoke about her ex-boyfriend and now adopted son on stream before

>> No.30194256


>> No.30194259
Quoted by: >>30194306

Why did she give her the worst design

>> No.30194262 [DELETED] 

>your oshi
>twitch streamer you'd like to see collab with your oshi

>> No.30194265
Quoted by: >>30194423

Anything by KIRINJI or 鈴木みのり

>> No.30194268
Quoted by: >>30194307

You can probably change that, can't you?
Wish I could give you one from my fridge.

>> No.30194272
File: 332 KB, 1728x2048, En98yofVQAAtQXR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194416


>> No.30194275
File: 365 KB, 1372x1939, Em7zVHUVkAESXpq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.30194277

They were replaced by the Towa babyCHADs.

>> No.30194279
Quoted by: >>30194300

on a Hololive stream...

>> No.30194280
File: 168 KB, 828x1680, Eb5cHpiU8AAoI0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are healthy and athletic characters usually retarded?

>> No.30194291
File: 722 KB, 2508x3541, EoZsId8VEAIAEvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and eat your caloriemate

>> No.30194290
File: 93 KB, 229x173, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194295

I love how Lamy thanks artists that have like 150 followers.
Lamy-mama is very cute

>> No.30194296 [DELETED] 


>> No.30194297 [DELETED] 

Sakura Miko

>> No.30194300

technically she did, on her apology stream

>> No.30194301


>> No.30194305

she only got in trouble because she fucked over her members to play with him, the act of playing with him wasn't the problem, it was because she left her fans to play with him. a stream that isn't intended to be her playing with fans wouldn't get that same reaction.

>> No.30194306

Kiara's is worse but on the JP side, Roboco

>> No.30194307
Quoted by: >>30194352

I can't.
In my country the liquor store is closed during the weekend

>> No.30194308

They weren't even boyfriends they were just dates
The kind of shit, actual boyfriends, she's spoken about on her other account.
Jesas... is all I'm gonna say

>> No.30194309 [DELETED] 


>> No.30194310 [DELETED] 


>> No.30194316
File: 985 KB, 1006x562, 1578135894193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about miko on twitch?

>> No.30194318

Astel 37k! Cool omedetou

>> No.30194319
Quoted by: >>30194376

half the comments are calling the article fake news because it failed to mention that mori was asking to stream it, not demanding. the others are shitting on atlus for being a incompetent company.

>> No.30194320
File: 498 KB, 889x652, 1607071834030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194321

I still want to talk about this

>> No.30194324


>> No.30194339

Can't think, I'm cooming.

>> No.30194340

All they do now is spam towababy like a bunch of retards so yes, they are reclining.

>> No.30194345


>> No.30194347

your average japanese person knows like 3500
I'm currently learning some N0 kanji and it's been mostly characters for flowers, vegetables and other shit that is usually written in kana anyways

>> No.30194350

It's fine if it's just for movies

>> No.30194352

? That doesn't make sense.

>> No.30194354


>> No.30194355

I'm glad she's the one doing it and not someone I care about.

>> No.30194356

Nothing, I won't watch movies together with anyone but my oshi.

>> No.30194358


>> No.30194362

ever since Towa started Smoka she hasn't been the same...

>> No.30194364


>> No.30194368

Man, that 3d model must have been a fortune, so realistic.

>> No.30194371

If she's doing it i'd rather her do it right to help her growth, but management seems very unfamiliar with the platform so...

>> No.30194374
File: 257 KB, 457x325, 1606411486564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aki is revealing her new outfit??
>well you can just go watch her
>turn off my monthly utawaku stream??
>yah, not happening kid

>> No.30194376

sort by most likes

>> No.30194377

Twap isn't retarded, she just uses most of her brain capacity for making random noises.

>> No.30194380


>> No.30194381

I don't think so. There's just nothing to talk about at the moment because she's too busy moving.
She showed up for like 5 minutes in Kanata's Among Us stream and everyone in the thread went ape shit.

>> No.30194389


>> No.30194391

I fucking miss this bitch

>> No.30194393

what a bitch

>> No.30194399

oyakodon with nene and her mama.......

>> No.30194403

I still can't believe that isis captured and beheaded tokoyahweh torah

>> No.30194404

Seeing her reaction to the sperm bank scene was worth it by itself

>> No.30194412
File: 741 KB, 589x1013, polfat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your oshi
>whuch fast food place do i eat for dinner tonight?

>> No.30194416
File: 3.69 MB, 2480x3508, EoIv_H4VgAQw1Yz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194417

Hallo, Nedersimp.

>> No.30194419
File: 813 KB, 763x675, 1589300632963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow that's kind of a shitty thing to do to your co-worker
>aka supas flood the chat

>> No.30194423
Quoted by: >>30194554

>KIRINJI and not the OG Kirinji

Nice taste anon but I prefer the oldies better...

>> No.30194426

what did she do? i'm not a globalcuck

>> No.30194432

>Ctrl + F towa
>49 matches

>> No.30194434

>zombie was drawn by that actually great artists I respect

Oof. This is another Kiara case...

>> No.30194438
File: 148 KB, 249x314, 1603453900586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194482


>> No.30194442

It is. The total number of existing kanji is 50k, but basically no one knows them all. Also, at the end of high school the average nip knows about 2.5k kanji. That should show you how useless most of them are for the average person.

>> No.30194444
File: 1.32 MB, 1448x1025, 1596830817462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luna's papa is great!

>> No.30194445
File: 781 KB, 1295x887, EoZmd_qUUAA4HB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194473

I can't believe Subaru ate THREE sandwiches, including one that she got for Okayu. That's some advanced revenge.

>> No.30194448
File: 13 KB, 433x402, void.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194508


>> No.30194451
File: 309 KB, 1367x1352, pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted her

>> No.30194452

ogey incel

>> No.30194453

Here they don't sell it on Sunday and you can only buy it until 8pm on other days.

>> No.30194455
Quoted by: >>30194492

But her design is actually good unlike Kiara's.

>> No.30194459

Buy from frozen fried food instead

>> No.30194461
Quoted by: >>30194481

Head injuries can make you have brain atrophy similar to an elderly man in your 20s

>> No.30194473
Quoted by: >>30194609

She's just trying to help Okayu lose weight. Helpful Subaru.

>> No.30194479

I hate kanjis so much, like just write it in hiragana or katakana why do you need to combine characters

>> No.30194481
Quoted by: >>30194491

anon i doubt Towa started as middle linebacker in High School

>> No.30194482
File: 93 KB, 1200x839, 1603454246289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194517


>> No.30194491
Quoted by: >>30194600

But do you know that for sure? You do not

>> No.30194492

I agree that Kiara is worse but zombie is not that much better. Then again its a zombie so I guess it would be shitty anyway.

>> No.30194495

Huke is a hack

>> No.30194494


look whose mama's on.

>> No.30194505
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, 1588685707500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you seen what happens to athletes? Sometimes the smartest ones can become mush thanks to all those injuries they sustained

pic related

>> No.30194508

I feel you anon, it's not quite as bad here but my state in the US has backwards ass laws about when alcohol is sold (only from 12 - 9 pm, and not on Sundays)

>> No.30194509
Quoted by: >>30194518

Who cares

>> No.30194512
Quoted by: >>30194534

Helps identify words better, shit would be unreadable if everything is in hiragana or katakana you N500 brainlet

>> No.30194514

Cover... the mama gen.... nishizawa.... ui..... pochi..... give them to me........

>> No.30194516

>your oshi
>your real oshi

>> No.30194517
File: 253 KB, 1929x1926, 1604418469419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to use the pic you posted but couldn't find it thanks anon. Have an Azki eating a sushi roll

>> No.30194518

it's dead hours

>> No.30194519
File: 865 KB, 1280x569, 1598565611124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194522

he also makes nice music

>> No.30194523

Calling vtubers designers mama and papa ia fucking cringe and should stay on reddit

>> No.30194530

You're dead hours

>> No.30194532

Why does she laugh like an autist? It's cute

>> No.30194534

Just figure it out from the context, how hard can it be

>> No.30194537


>> No.30194541

I like the smug energy she has. I wish Nene was smug again...

>> No.30194546


>> No.30194547


>> No.30194548

watch Azki's concert replay please

>> No.30194551


>> No.30194550

good bait

>> No.30194553
Quoted by: >>30194604


>> No.30194554

Not him. I do kind of agree with you, but KIRINJI has its good songs too.
Although songs like aliens, or 愛のCoda are unbeatable

>> No.30194555

How new?

>> No.30194556
File: 1.68 MB, 1352x1723, 1bcd60ac3590bc4eea5f21477420bf50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30194560
Quoted by: >>30194584

I read this post weeks ago already

>> No.30194562


>> No.30194563

Nanora face Watame!

>> No.30194565
File: 201 KB, 1150x1150, 1579555747482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someones gotta birth the character, so yes the artists are the papa/mamma

>> No.30194567
File: 95 KB, 480x424, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194570

Not every sports in the world require you to bash your brain out, stupid burgers

>> No.30194571


>> No.30194575
File: 878 KB, 2630x4096, 1601956312853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist of Hololive cant be bothered by NPCs.

>> No.30194582
File: 148 KB, 814x1000, 1605065275212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30194583

Korone(watch the most)
Fubuki(have a crush on)

>> No.30194584

Thought it was just me

>> No.30194585

that shit traced bro

>> No.30194586

just introduce a space between words

>> No.30194587

this one's going to get some (you)s

>> No.30194594
Quoted by: >>30194634

again, only really applicable to those who suffer CTE, which is really only football and Football players and full contact martial artists

>> No.30194600

>playing handegg

>> No.30194602

>streams 5 hours a year
>only streams during reveals for Suisei and Aki
you're making it hard to like you, Ayame

>> No.30194604
File: 38 KB, 679x274, 1596324576786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30194605
Quoted by: >>30194681

If i'd write kiru with hiragana you would gave no idea that im talking about wearing some clothes or cutting something.

>> No.30194609
File: 495 KB, 2400x1350, EoZWyyZUUAE17dN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's gonna keep living in Okayu's house, she's gonna have to learn the rules. Also she has to eat that Snickers, it was a gift.

>> No.30194613
File: 868 KB, 2651x3762, 1604200108242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30194671

>> No.30194615

I can't remember where but I saw an example where someone had written a long paragraph in Japanese with just hiragana and katakana. It was fucking unreadable.

>> No.30194622

Hololive aliens cover when...

>> No.30194624

Someone post the giggle compliation clip

>> No.30194633

Hmmm I wanna fuck Matsuri while Luna whispers in my ears

>> No.30194634

and hockey and rugby and other physical sports.

>> No.30194642
File: 299 KB, 672x894, 1604341749480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30194648
File: 40 KB, 604x453, 1591239978338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30194650
File: 26 KB, 2300x2240, 1606724917600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30194651
Quoted by: >>30194685

You're talking about a language that just takes English words and makes them sound retarded because they can't use Kanji with new words. It's an outdated language. Spaces would break them.

>> No.30194655
File: 35 KB, 296x375, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30194658
Quoted by: >>30194710

What a whore, glad she's on the bottom of the revenue barrel

>> No.30194663

Being the first main branch girl to eat up everyone's prime subs was an elite move.

>> No.30194665

also, there's hundreds of homophones

>> No.30194669

You mean after Polka got bullied?

>> No.30194670
Quoted by: >>30194744


*plays LoL normal games fpr the rest of the month*

>> No.30194671

that sweaty exposed back is why you get sick Miko...

>> No.30194672

chama status: respected

>> No.30194680

If it's only for movie watching I could care less, twitch contracts would forbid her from streaming on YT so I doubt it'd go any further than that

>> No.30194681

Just use context

>> No.30194685

Give them another 20 years and Japanese will be just distorted English anyway.

>> No.30194687
Quoted by: >>30194710

d-did she talk about fucking them?

>> No.30194692

My door is always open for Marine, that cutie

>> No.30194696

>just introduce a space
>just make everyone write in romaji

>> No.30194704

I want to fuck Nene's mama so bad...

>> No.30194705
Quoted by: >>30194737

Please stop, if I wanted my image of pure vtuber maidens to be shattered I'd watch Nijisanji whores.

>> No.30194706

the pepeloni !!1

>> No.30194710
Quoted by: >>30194761

Heavily implied it
She was ashamed that her mother saw a photo of some of them back from photos she took when she was in high school and was hurt most by the words "Oh he looks handsome, why didn't you introduce me to him?"

>> No.30194713


>> No.30194714
Quoted by: >>30194752

Should have been done after WW2.

>> No.30194716

Then it's staying closed, get horny or else

>> No.30194725

It is a big meme. You only need to know the basic 2-4k as well as contextually related things relating to vtuber activities, gaming, etc.
Other shit you can learn as you go if you care enough to.

>> No.30194730


>> No.30194732

Coco's ex boyfriend is the reason she doesn't shut the fuck up about Yakuza

>> No.30194733

I can't believe Ayame ran iver a kitten...

>> No.30194737

Don't worry the Fubuki stream was just her announcing her "boyfriend" which was just her new pet kitten who she made into her son because he kept "cheating" on her

>> No.30194741

エリアンズ and Favorite are my favorites on the list. I hope the Holos will sing at least one Kirinji song in the future.

I only liked 時間がない from KIRINJI

>> No.30194744

>level 4032043924,still sucks shit
The MC of Hololive

>> No.30194747
Quoted by: >>30194764

>2 succubus holos
>both had sexual experience
why are you people like this

>> No.30194748
Quoted by: >>30194780

I think we should just make every word in English be spelled the same and just use context to figure out what they mean

>> No.30194752
Quoted by: >>30194788

They tried to, but it was impossible to do.
So they just kept Kanji, and its good and right.
Its the perfect casual filter.

>> No.30194761

thats really fucking hot

>> No.30194764

Choco is not a succubus

>> No.30194780


>> No.30194782


>> No.30194787


>> No.30194788

>They tried to, but it was impossible to do.
why was it possible in vietnam and korea then
