Ina ffs
>not really
Goddamn I'm festive
'Ate Niji's'Ate the moon'Ate numbers'Ate Indos (not racist just don't like 'em)Luv tendiesLuv deathLuv numbersLuv me rabbitSimple as
this fucking squid
>it was nothing serious
graduation confirmed
that's it?
>>30082528I mean, I can understand free speech absolutism to a degree, but I wish she'd be more selective about what she responds to, I'm so sick of 'PLEASE SAY THIS MEME' getting actual responses from her.
>Holo EN is gonna be senpai'soh okay
>ina's pregnantOH NO TAKO BROS....
>that shift into a grinkino
what about senpais? stream lagged for me
She gave us the ol' spicy keychain
>being the paisen of an indoglmao
Ina is by far the classiest HoloEn girl.
Ina's angry humu humus...
How many of you were waiting to ask for her to step on you?
Mad ina’s voice is pretty hot...
Oh my fucking god
>>OPShe had me in the first half there
alright, this was my breaking point, I now find Ina absolutely cute
>baiting for viewers because chicken is about to surpass her in subsfucking pathetic.
I need more angry Ina
world class bait
>Priestess duties keep her so busy she only learnt of Holo Singers just nowIna...
>That feels great...Sadist Ina awakening....
I've been bamboozled.
I haven't even done anything and I still feel guilty
hey guys, it's me. global ganoush. remember to stay hydrated, report and ignore doxxfaggots, and come watch me play the taiko drum rhythm game in a couple days. hoocha. huhaha
>>30082676Anon what?
Is it wrong that 'tasukete niggerman' is my favorite holoEN joke?
>Ina stream without takodraw anonit's sad
10/10 bait Ina
I can't believe she's graduating...
What did she do?I was taking a shit
Ina sounds different today, is she drunk?
>6 yearsSo the timewarp applies to her too, huh.
Fucking Ina almost gave me a heart a-Tako
Timewarp check:The stream started 6 years ago...
The squid who cried wolfI kneel
Is she going to tako bout Haachama's tako takos?
>>30082646same energy
I had faith it would be nothing rrat worthy
>>30082689Better than being the kouhai of an indog
I'd pay Ina to get a 30 minute scolding
>baited SCsbut it's okay when Ina does it, huh. faggots
>>30082679Curate content, otherwise you end up like twitter.
like a fiddle...
>>30082703Everyone was having fun until this faggot showed up
This was advanced super chat baiting....
>>30082680She is incapable of being really angry how did you think this was gonna go?
>>30082682that was a classic Watame move
Back to full comf takobros
>>30082703>Ina caring about numbersOnly kusotori cares, anon
>>30082722What happened to him anyways?
>>30082716thanks garola
It's over, sorry Takobros...
big numbers for an ina stream
>it's a shill stream
>>30082720It's okay, false alarm. She hasn't found out yet.
>typical gook baiting viewers by forcing drama
>>30082734>It's real
Ina totally pulled a Watame with that mood shiftAbsolute madlass
>>30082716Thanks Green Goblin
I absolutely couldn't tell if she was being serious or just playing.She got me good and my heart was racing
I knew Ina had a sadistic edge to her
She's totally gonna address the kouhais things so everyone shuts the fuck up asking her about them isn't she?
>>30082716sankyou urugura same-chan!
>>30082716based Googoo G'joob
>>30082734>IT'S REAL
Guys I'm so excited for more ricing late zzzzzzzzzz
>>30082721No, it's pretty funny.
>>30082734>its real
>>30082716Thanks Girugamesh
>>30082721I miss first month memes
>>30082730>It's real
Who are the new girls?
>she used clickbait to promote ID gen 2She's so nice.
>Thread actually talking about Ina's streamWHAT TIMELINE DID I SLIP INTO?!
So, she only did it to bait SCs and viewers?
>>30082721it's wrong that you're here and feel that way, yes
Reminder to ignore schizos
>>30082716ogey groom gravel
>>30082746yes it is, deadcuck
>>30082716Got it Grab Gobble
>Ina had fun watching chat panicina...
>>30082746Actually, yes
Damn Ina is Raking in SCs this stream
>>30082716Thanks Global General
I'm proud of Ina for becoming a senpai.
>>30082764she baited people with a serious thumbnail
>>30082746everything my Priestess does is okay
Fuck me, she's cute when she's "angry" too.
Did Mori say anything about Holo ID Gen 2
>>30082716thanks Gawruda
'Twas naught but comf.
I miss Waachama...
>>30082722we all know he's still here.
It's true, guys! Ina and I are having a baby! Please wish us well!
>>30082746Yes, It's okay when Ina, Gura, Ame and Kiara does it.
Her baiting game's on point. I'm sure she learned it from the best.
>>30082721Niggerman is based because it cant be easily exported off the site
>>30082746Sophisticated super chat baiting is fine. Yes.
>>30082764The power of clickbait.
>>30082734IS THIS REAL!!!!??!??!!???!!!!!
Fuck her lmao. I fell for the bait.
>>30082716Thank you Glass Gopher
I got you a peesa kitkat
Have you heard about the good word of our dear priestess Ninomae Ina'nis
Mori is going to overlap Ollie's debut.
I'm looking forward to this thread during ID gen 2 debuts. Shits gonna be fun! I love debuts!
>>30082716thank you gobbledy gook
>baited viewers with shitty dramaalert-tier clickbait>it was to shill for shitty indogsNGMI.
Fuck you Ina I wanted to be punished! Unsubbed.
>>30082805Ina has never baited SCs, she's even told people to give to the other girls or to themselves.If anything she's just shilling her kouhais.
>>30082761Taking a break >>29973757
>>30082798When did you guys actually learn both their braids is on the smaller side?
Why would Ina exclude Koopa like that?
>>30082721it defined my watermarks so I love itt. Mori Niggermarker
Ina is such a caring senpai
>>30082716Thanks Gentle Gorilla
>denying Ms their abuse
>>30082721It's my favorite as well along with Kiara has a gun
>Ina forgot about Koopa's debutBros...
Stream talking about kouhais.I don't watch Ina that much, but this is based.
>>30082746yes it is bitch
>>30082819With a serious thumbnail that no one really paid attention to.
You know what, if Ina is happy about HoloID then I’m happy about HoloID. I don’t care if they’re mildly obnoxious, Ina is happy about it.
>>30082856Pretty rude of Ina to forget
>>30082784I prefer chicken breast, but for this specific chicken it's thighs all the way
>>30082740I hope you send this to her. Haachama gets a kick out of shit like this.
>I didn't mean to bait youOkay takodachis, explain THIS
>>30082805>never aknowledge SCs>read only one or two messages every 3 streams>SC baitingYeah.
>>30082761Cutting back from the threads to do life reps
>>30082679>HAHA SAY THE POGCHAMP LINE. SAY THE POGCHAMP LINEI hate these retards so much. Just like when Mori says the Rectum/Prolapse retard's full name.
>>30082716Thank you Glib Glob!
Based Senpai
>>30082716Thanks Ganga Guro
>>30082844I don't believe that.
>>30082805Define the difference between being entertaining and baiting SCs?
>>30082668what did you expect?
wait what?
>>30082833>>30082838Wait you guys ACTUALLY fell for it? I thought we're all just playing along.Jesus christ.
>>30082746Yes but unironically
>>30082844SC Kiara to tell her before stream
>>30082746>Takos are our friend!>Unless we see an excuse to attack them!t. Chicken
>>30082833She sent everyone into panic for 6 hours, I'm sure she enjoyed every minute of it
>you too can become one of usshe believes in us bros...
>>30082764Is it? I've seen her pull similar numbers for streams in this time slot.
>>30082746Anything my oshi does is ok and whatever yours does is something to be shunned and anti'd about.
>>30082873You're an idiot but at least you're changing your viewpoint.
>>30082746There's no such thing as baiting SC
will Ina be the FBK of EN?
>>30082716Thanks Giga Goblin
>Ina wanted to just chat about all the new hololive people so she'll have more friendsIna you're too pure
>>30082746it IS ok when ina does it
M-Me too can be vtuber? is ina talking truth
Hey fellas, I woulda dropped this vocaroo earlier in the day, but my fucking neighbors decided to do their lawn and blast noise for an hour, but I'm ready!'s into superstitionsManlets and Boondock SaintsI feel a premonitionThat girl's gonna cause complaintsShe' wants collaborationsNew people in the spotlightShe's got a yab addictionFor every day and nightShe'll try to act all edgy and she'll go against the grainBut when she finds that gap moe then she'll take away your painLike a bullet to your brainCome on!Deadbeats best lookoutRemember Memento MoriYou'll wish that you were deadBut Remember Memento MoriIf you meet her earlyAt the gates of PurgatoryShe would cast you outSo Remember Memento MoriCome on!Remember Memento MoriCome on!Just Remember Memento MoriWoke up in Shibuya CityIn a run-down love hotelShe took my heart, and she took my akasShe must've slipped me a big up pillShe never drinks the waterShe drinks dollar store champagneOnce you've spent some time with herYou'll never be the sameYeah, she makes Deadbeats go insaneCome on!Deadbeats best lookoutRemember Memento MoriYou'll wish that you were deadBut Remember Memento MoriIf you meet her earlyAt the gates of PurgatoryShe would cast you outSo Remember Memento MoriCome on!Remember Memento MoriJust Remember Memento MoriShe'll try to act all edgy and she'll go against the grainBut when she finds that gap moe then she'll take away your painLike a bullet to your brainCome on!Deadbeats best lookoutAnd Remember Memento MoriYou'll wish that you were deadBut Remember Memento MoriIf you meet her earlyAt the gates of PurgatoryShe would cast you outSo Remember Memento MoriCome on!Remember Memento MoriJust Remember Memento MoriCome on!Guhta Memento MoriGuh, Guh, Guh Memento MoriGuh, Guh, Guh, Big Ups...
>>30082879it was unarchived weren't you there 2879?
How do I get Ina to spit on me and call me disgusting?
Tako bros its your time...
They are really pushing ID2 like it's EN2
>>30082856>Ina is a Koopa antiKoopa...
>>30082722I'm sure Takobro is still watching the stream but not just posting with us. Waiting for the time for him to come back
>>30082716thank you mythical beast Garuda
>>30082856Everyone hates Koopa, and that includes her senpais/gen mates.
One of of us...
>>30082746Anything for my priestess
>>30082910Ayame of ENt. tentacultist
I am a chumbud but did Ina always sound this cute
So, Ina is the corporate face for Holo EN?This is just blatant bait & shill...
>>30082914Mori made it in so the chance is there
>>30082746My oshi can do no wrong. When she said she hated HL2, it instantly became the worst game of all time in my mine.
>>30082901Why are Chumbuds like this?
>>30082716thank you Gurgling Goober
>>30082888My oshi does it=entertainingYour oshi does it=SC baiting
>>30082910she dont suck holostar cocksthats ame
>>30082716thanks granola
When were EN Gen 2 auditions announced?
>You have to be over 18 to audition HololiveYAB
>>30082764She's has bigger.
>>30082924It's more english speakers to hang out with, of course they're happy for them
>>30082746it's okay when it's funny
I just gave Mori 5 akasupas.
>>30082901Deadcucks are starting shit. Most of us kfp are your homies trust me.
I just tuned in what did I miss?
>Over 18Yeah there no way Cover would ever get someone who underage at all
So this HololiveEN VSinger is going to be a solo singer for the INNK music thing?
>>30082898Some anons in hlgg are desperate for any rrats
Ina is cuter than usual today.
>>30082679the best solution to something like that is usually just wait till the streamer gets bored. trying to force the change up top just sours both the streamer and the chat
>>30082910No that's exactly Ame.
>>30082850>viewership still going upYour rrat looks a bit emaciated already.
Kinda fucked up they made the new Hololive zombie out of Holo CN, but appropriate
>even if you're too youngHaha... I wish I was young...
>vSingerlmao, pls noWhy is Cover even doing this idol shit anymore, isn't it painfully obvious the gaming division absolutely shits on them?
>>30082938she sounds cuter than usual, actually
I can't believe she's inaclining with those view numbers
So, with ID getting a gen 2 and the polite fiction of 'overseas branches aren't profitable' not even having the ghost of plausibility any more, how mad are the Chinese antis?
THIS IS SO FUCKING ARTIFICIAL AND SCREAMS CAPITALISTIC CORPORATION so fucking mad. what did cover do to the innocent priestess..
>>30082963Extremely ANGRY Ina
>>30082746Wait, she was baiting SCs? What even started that
>>30082941Nice falseflag.I said before she started playing that HL2 hasn't aged well, you faggots didn't listen.
>>30082963Ina bated us
So we are in december already, did NNN had any effect on Risu's live viewership?
>drama baiting clickbait to give your zatsudan 30k viewsIf anyone other than Ina did this it would be hell
>Ina wants (You) to become one of them so she can finally date (You)Will you apply so that you can finally be with her?
>>30082721Nothing can top pepeloni for me.Close second for the "pekora recognizes palestine" pasta.
Ina had to pull the UNITY stream because tentacultists will watch her talk about anything
>>30082876I'm famished so I'll take the whole chicken.
>>30082963Excellent bait
Ina really is the biggest hololive fan huh?
>>30082968Kiara refered to it as a singular person if I remember correctly
>You have to be over 18 to audition for HololiveWhat about Senchou?
>Shilling for Aki tooYou're a good girl Ina.
guys, is Ina cuter than usual today?
Who is that?
>>30082716i miss when it used to say "sexy gawr gura shark"
>Ina promoting AkiOkay, I like Ina now
Ina showing AKI LOVE! My priestess cannot be this based!
>>30082825I don't know what to do teabros... how do we survive nearly 3 days without her...
>>30082969Yes-yes i have a family to feed-feed man thing.
>>30082716Thanks Goorah Gawr
Fucking BASED tako
>>30082943t. deadbeat
This fucking squid.
Are those giga drills on AkiRose?
Ina is so supportive...
>>30082805She's advertising the next gen of Hololive. Gura should do the same thing since she has the biggest audience
>Cat earsFFS Cover
Anyone got that rrat brick webm?
>Shilling AkiBased, thank you Ina
What is this, asatako?
>>30082951You can audition for germany's next topmodel at 16.Wait for Holo DE.
>giving a shoutout to AkiOk that's surprising, not like they have much of a connection yet.That's very nice, Aki is cool
>>30082879>>30082917I didn't expect her to use those images from the cock rating stream for it. It was a nice surprise.
>Shouting out AkiBased and Elfpilled
>Ina didnt mention anything about having to be a girlBros, can I actually make it......
>>30082963Priestess scolding me.
>getting hyped for indog debuts>all of them have heavy SEAnig accents and broken English, and 95% of EOPs get filteredi see it already
Wait, is this Ina's version of asacoco?
>>30082769she is spiritually white
Ina promoting her senpais and kouhais is lovely!
>>30082996My voice is not femenine enough to pass so no.
>Ina doing Asacoco in place of CocoBased?
>>30082916Gave me a heartily kek.
>new Aki outfitGee I wonder if it'll be some kind of overdesigned gothic lolita design with a black dress.
I can't wait to see my drunk Aunt's new outfit!
>>30082716thx gar gamel
>>30082985anon, she's being genuine....
I love Ina's fast pachi pachis
is this the new asacoco?
Your Oshi is adorable takodachis
>>30082995it's okay because she's using the airtime to advertise everyone else
>>30082844I seriously doubt that Mori will play Minecraft for 6 hours.
>Favorite EN giving a shoutout to my favorite JPBASED
This stream is basically AsaIna so far and it's BASED
>>30082822She said hi to all of them and got into a few discussions with Ollie
>shilling akibased tako
>>30082993HARD and FAST
>thread actually talking about inaWHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON
>>30083060and glasses
>>30082924ID mainly speak English. The only reason they're not called EN is because Cover doesn't want to dilute the pool
>>30082916SasuGUH cringebraps.
>open stream>ina is unitychadding>leave stream open
>>30083007The way Ina just talked about it made it seem that way too. And when you actually look at the advertisement it seems like they're just looking for one person. I guess they'll mainly focus on music production.
>>30083005Nah that's still Ame. Ina is second place though.
>>30083027Teamates, not even once
>Aki promotion>New outfit after Zombobwae debutExtremely good day ahead
>>30083033Those are horns. Notice the little bat wings on the shoulders? It's a devil-themed design.
>>30083046Yeah it only matter if you can sound female while singing and talking
>>30082746Yes, everyone but Mori can do it.
>>30083079>Ina is talking about other holos
>>30082963you missed the pegging
Based Ina, shilling Aki.I'm a bit worried about Aki's new costume, It looks detailed so i'm worried that it ends up being visually messy.
>>30082924Well they should. They all speak English 90% of the time in their streams and they'll make more money off English speakers than they would indogs.
>Ina does an Asacoco >Suddenly.. EN Asacoco advertisement
>>30083068God I wish
Here's an actual announcement Ina posted in her secret discord
>>30082916fucking based
>Shilling AkiroseAbsolutely Based Good Girl
>>30083068no madafaka...
>>30082916cringeKINO connossieur
>>30082716Thanks Gurgle Gaggle
>>30082968When are we getting a Suisei of vSinger? vSinger has a top of the notch singer. Another one joins later and gets ignored only to be moved to the main EN branch.
>>30082991I was being unironic, though a bit hyperbolic. I knew it had aged, but I didn't know just how badly until she went through it.
>>30083048And a choker!
>>30083079Enjoy it because there will be no more later on during Sakuna Hime
>>30082716Thanks Guile Gullah
>>30082910That's been Ame since before debut. Not shitting on Ina.
>>30082716Than Ga Gu
>>30083033I really wonder who's in charge of designing these outfits because they've all been terrible with the exception of Suisei's.
>>30082950Not yet, this is for HoloSingers EN, more like Azki and Sora
Ina looks malnourished
I love how much Ina and Ame genuinely love hololive
Ina said to spread the word of the Ancient ones.
spread the word? no, spread your legs honey
>>30082916saved.Mori would be proud of you.
it would be cool to see ina do an en asacoco style show
>Spread the word
>>30083013>it's realNow I'm mad
>>30082994I would say yes. She's pulling in at least 3k live per stream now
>>30082994She seems to getting above 4k concurrent viewers as of her most recent stream. Those numbers were unheard of for an ID back in July and August.
>>30083046The rules allow it, but you'll never pass.
>>30082995That's because Ina is the most loveable of them all.
>breaks into your house>burns your stuff>kills your family>gives you a lobotomy with her tentacles>"chill down tako its just a prank humu humu"
>>30082962t. deadbeat
>>30083068You know...
>what should we talk aboutreally
Is the narrative of chicken being suicidal before joining holo true or just schizoposting?
>>30082985Out of all the holos Ina has the least reason to be corporate. She's literally just a fan that made it in and is treating it as a hobby.
>>30083081Don't like 95% of people in ID know English as EFL or as ESL?
>>30083089she doesn't read SCs so is it really bait?
>>30082975Yeah, I'd have hoped that, but in one of the members streams she even answered one of them about padoru padoru, which she had zero context for but mentioned anyway. I was hoping her refusing to pronounce meme, pog or ara ara was a good sign in that regard.
>>30082856>>30082875>>30082927>>30082934>Koopa debut>Ame posts in the chatHow much would the thread implode?
>>30083121Fuck you literally
>>30083115Sorry forgot the pic she sent with it
New eng gen has twitter?
>>30083110Its gonna be goth lolita style guaranteed with what looks like drill hair
>haven't talked to people in a whilesame Ina...
Sorry guys, I used Ina's throat a little too much last night...
>>30083157thank you Priestess
>>30082746"SC baiting" means absolutely nothing, it's just shitposting.
>>30082833Yes, from Sion yo.
I can't believe Ina's fucking DYING
>I don't talk to anyone......
>>30083157humu humu priestess!
Reposting this because of other timezone:
>>30083091I can see your nametag, KFCuck
>>30082987Where are the indos?
>>30082985You have to be a fool if you don't think that /ourguy/ Yagoo is all about the business first and foremost
>I'm Ogey>ha ha I'm not ogey I'm INA
>>30082716Thanks, GRAYKNIGHTBAZUSO
>>30083120God, I haven't been called Cringekino since the old 5tobun threads. I forgot how much I missed that title. Thanks again!
>>30083087>open stream>use picture in picture mode>continue browsing the thread>don't pay attention to the stream but leave stream open
>The ancient one mod wasn't a day 1 subscriber and doens't have a ribbonNARRATIVES!?!>When I'm not streaming I literally don't talk to anyoneIna...
Can your vocal chords really deteriorate if you don't talk to anyone for a long time?
>No I'm not okay, I'm InaIna...
>>30083110That's out takoSame. I'm cautiously optimistic but it looks a bit busy, yeah. But maybe it won't be too bad
>>30082916Better answer the door anon...
>people are actually talking about an Ina streamIncredible
>>30083126Has Sakuna ever been talked about when streamed? Besides MAYBE the first Kiara one.
Is Ina gonna peg her senpais in Coco's stead!?
>>30082916as much as deadbeats get shitted on by everyone, they make good stuff
>both Ina and Ame say when they aren't streaming they don't speak aloud to anyone So do they just talk through discord text chat?
>>30083013I hate google again
why is she so FLAT
>>30082906It usually takes a little longer to ramp up than this, at the very least.
>>30083070desu. every other Mori zatsu tells people to check rest of the girls
>>30083115I miss om3tcw baiting
>>30083032i was just joking, pretty wholesome from Ina
>>30083179I think Color out of space was faster
>I dont talk with anyoneIna... Your genmates...
Bros.. I want a news segment with Ina every week. How do I get her to do this?
>>30083050I have a suspicion that Reine's not actually Indonesian given her English proficiency and the fact that she's one of the tallest Holos
lick it
>>30083173You wouldn't dare
>DOESNT TALK TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF STREAMDOESNT TALK TO ANYONE OUTSIDE OF STREAMINAMEFAGS, BTFO'D. INAMEFAGS, faggots really thought ina and ame were even on the SAME fucking stratosphere, DIMENSION, as gurame.fuck off faggots. gurame have already confirmed that they talk off-stream regularly, almost every day, and also play off-stream everyday.
Which minecraft server will ID2 join?
>>30083157If I receive the personal attention of The Priestess herself, then it's all worth it.
>>30083163Heavily implied yes. Chicken was in a really dark place anon.
>>30082916so this... is the power of cringekinonot bad deadbraps
>>30082916Change Shibuya to Rengoku and she can even sing this on stream.
>>30083153All the indos are inclining thanks to MoonaPekoID gen2 will bring more inThe UNITY can only grow stronger
>>30083079they'll go back to having her in the background when she goes back to playing rice loli, she's talking about stuff right now so it's more notable.
>>30083110theres no way it's worse than sui-chans
Sorry Ame, Ina is my second favorite now
>>30082924Because ID was basically EN 0.5 and now it's EN 1.5. Also due to the huge influx of newfags they might actually have huge debuts.
Who the fuck is this, Ina never being this talkative and happy
>>30083163Who isn't suicidal right now?
What did she say about ID Gen 2, I just tuned in
nice she read my post about syncing animation to music
>>30083210The muscles that control them will get stiff, just like anything else. Bloodflow helps loosen up muscles, making them easier to control. Stiff vocal cords mean a more limited vocal range.
>>30083239schlop schlop schlop
>>30083172I mean I tihnk she liked a who debut, it's not far-feched that she would like the K*opa debut post. If she aknowledges it that is.
>>30082987Mother fucking based
>>30083157888888 Priestess!
Ina is cuter than usual today!
>>30083243and they also FUCK
>>30083226Because flatness is directly correlated to perfection.
>>30082764I kneel, this is the ultimate unity announcement stream.
>>30083110they usually get a standard live2D upgrade together with a costume so it's a win/win
>>30083194>Kiara, Ina>Ina, GuraWho the fuck are these people?
>>30083264She FUCKED last night
>>30083266That they exist lol
>>30083231the most social genmates are overseas, and everyone just shitposts at each-other using text in discord, which isn't "talking" per se
ina is cute !
>>30083157Thank you niggerman
>>30082822her only stream since the announcements were a karaoke and a superchat reading, hopefully someone will tell her about the p3 stream overlapping ollie's debut during crash
>>30083243T-trinity brothers. I'm beginning to think Gura talks to Kiara more than Ina. And Ame and Mori might even talk more to each other at this rate.
>>30082746Yes. Gonna cry?
>>30083226Stop being so gay
Text chatting > talking via voice
Ina is fucking boring
>>30083264>He doesn't watch Ina regularly
>>30083216anons posted about Polkas last rice stream when she cried at the ending
>spent all her energy in bedIna masturbating to exhaustion again...
>mori already got a model update despite having the best model
>>30083238She could be someone in Indonesia who isn't actually Indo
>>30083259Why? I thought they were friends.
>>30083266she shilled their debut dates and also mentioned she'll draw them on sunday
>>30082764isnt that what she always get while streaming Minecraft?The rest i think it goes something like 17k-20k for drawings streams and 14k-17k for Sakuna.
>>30083135Did you memory hole the orange? That was a terrible part of the design.
Tako cookies, based ina
>>30083216only when people complain about it
>>30082916you deabeats are kinda alright
>>30083050I am ESL and love them. Win-win for me!
>>30083239Yes, ma'am.
nabi mama
>>30083308Don't shitpost with my oshi
>Managed to keep 29k viewers despite the bait titleHave you kneeled to you priestess today?
>>30082784Is Sean a gosling?
>>30083294-r than usual today!
>>30082987>Unity>can't see Iofi, Moona and RisuYou are not unity
>>30083148This is a good image
Uh oh shiny pan incident with Aki!
>>30083264has a break yesterday so actually got some sleep
>>30083288Sorry it was me
>ina joined hololive to make friends, but doesn't talk to any of her genmates off-stream regularly and is still alonewhat a fucking pathetic little introvert. this is why i hate women that cant take the initiative.
>>30083316If Kiara can get a boobjob, Mori can get a scytheless update
>>30083308Why are deadbraps like this?
>The new holoID gen gets the holoEN push>They are insanely popularIofi...
>>30083316So did Kiara and I'm pretty sure Gura had a mouth update
>>30083287second one is me
>>30083264she's this talkative during all her zatsudon streams when she's by herself.she's just nervous in groups
>>30083226My tits are bigger than Inas LOL
Tentacult.....she hits all my strikezones.....I'm sorry, I am hard as diamonds.
>Ina making me Christmas cookiesBros...I feel so happy
Ina has been drinking alcohol before the stream again
uhhh...why is this stream so fucking good? She needs to do these just chatting streams more often.
>>30082764Depending on the hours and competition she can pull in these numbers pretty reliably
I have 8 years of choir practice, but no streaming experience. Think I could make it?
>>30083266Called them indogs, freaked out at chat for talking about them instead of her (even though she brought it up)AO-chan had a meltdown and redacted all the superchat messages
>>30083243>ina and ame SAME level as guramedo people really?
>>30083266happy to be their senpai and wants to draw them
>>30083163Wouldn't surprise me if she ever considered jumping into the fryer, she's been trough some shit
>making cookiesThat was a gura idea
>>30083163depressed yes, i dont think she aws suicidal
>>30083223Same way we see them message each other during their MC streams but not get on discord together. They don't have to be on call to hang out with each other.
>cooking in your roomwhat the fuck
Ina, not near your keyboard...
extreme noise during ina's masturbating stream!!!!!!!!!!!
>>30082855Probably not too long after that picture was made
>>30083356Don't worry Iofi would be translating in their debut streams
>>30083356Ina tried at least
>>30083287all me
>>30083226Takos don't lac-tako
>>30083278they also regularly have sex
>>30083395EZ bake oven
Do you guys compete to post the stupidest shit
>>30083353Ina takes things nice and slowly. Also sisterhood is something hard to break
>>30083332I want to hear her say "arigato" again in that cutesy quiet voice...
Calli already likes Zombie girl more than Kiara.....
>>30083380are you a grill?
My priestess is going to read me a bedtime story you guys.I'm going to make it.
>Reading bedtime stories to help people sleep
>>30083264she just had SEX
>>30083385Now we are talking
>bedtime storyMY BODY IS READY
>>30082916wtf i like this
Mama Ina reading me stories in bed!
>ina doing bedtime storiesshe knows her audience
>>30083353Ina is one of the only girls in all of Hololive that has a shot at being a pure virgin waifu due to her sheer wallflower-ness, usually that's a plus
Sugar cookies are based, second only to oatmeal raisin.Publix has these really good special cookies like cranberry honey and cranberry-orange oatmeal that are fucking delicious.
>>30083287Ina usually streams a bit after the chicken, so viewers prolly go to Ina's after.
>>300831723 full threads on 5 minutes
>>30083380and yes i am a woman (actually a girl)
>>30082916I love this shit
Bed time story.. Imagine.. You could use the stream to put someone into a coma before operations.
Ame is for GuraCalli is for KiaraIna is for ME
>Public domain short storiesLovecraft stuff, I hope
Ina sounds really excited at the thought of bakingDare I say, she sounds cuter than usual today
>>30083385Legendary work
>Bed time storyG-guys I already fall asleep during the stream. Her bed time story will straight up put me in a coma. Which is good for my insomnia
>>30083163 your own conclusion from this
>>30083222Pressure makes diamonds
>>30083258Doubt it can be worse than titty pockets, lace, arknights jacket and orange stockings combined.
>>30083163She frequently posted how she just wanted to die. I'm glad Yagoo helped her.
>>30083372it's her?
>Bed time story>I woke up at 4am to watch this stream
Inachama chama cooking stream!
>>30083356Damn. She's already getting Sora'd
>>30083385Me near the middle
>>30083325>>30083400Maybe Kiara can make some Vanillekipferln.Would be nice if every girl could make their faves.
>>30083380You have like 2 months to start streaming anon.Twitch is an extremely easy outlet to do this on and there are tons of other people streaming with no viewers so you'd hidden within them if you're worried about confidentiality.
>Something somethingSHE'S HERE
>have been meaning to learn to bake cookies for a while nowGuess I'll be baking with Ina.
Ina is so cute you guys
>making us cookies>reading us bedtime stories>calming voiceWas Ina the mommy chuuba we've wanted all along?
>gathers her biggest audience in weeks>is to boost the new gen and Aki's streamWhoever says EN are not actual sempais because they are not japanese can shove their words up their ass, well at least regarding Ina and Ame.
>You want make it out aliveI AM ERECT
>>30083450Its an execution but one that takos will walk into willingly
>>30083197After 1m it only counts if you get 10k subs
Hey I'm going to taco bell.You anon swant anything?
>>30083389cooking collab when
>>30082746whenever fags complain about mori for baiting its actually just bait and nothing more
>>30083045>Either she saw the aki post here and signal boost her or ina is the one who shill aki here.SHE IS HERE.
>>30083422Please andastand, she's naturally attracted to fellow edgelords
>>30083332Amelia Wan-son!
>>30082940>Ina is the corporate face>Ina is the cultistSeems about right
>>30083442Do you have a cute voice? Also you need to have prior experience in content making. Almost every girl has had experience making youtube videos, streaming everyday, etc.
>>30083438Raisins are for niggers
>>30083308dont use my oshi to shit on Ina anon
>>30083380Do it anyway.
Mori=incelIna=had passionate sex with someone she really liked and cared about onceAme=Better not tako about it Gura=Volcel Kiara=Had a lot of sex to avoid depression
>>30083198Finally the Tentacultist reveals himself
>>30083415I like to put vinegar on my hoagies
Ina should draw herself giving footjobs with the one socked and one bare footSo hot
>>30083226The mammary glands are located in the tip of her tenta-hair
>>30083380No harm in trying
>>30083438Only if you're talking about these
>>30083308Why are Transbraps like this?
>>30083464fuck off herfag
>>30083471Nigga is that shrimp?
>>30083287I went Ina, Kiara. I end up catching more of chicken's livestreams live cause of my sleep schedule right now, but Ina's my oshi.
>>30083157Thank you priestess.
>>30083450I will never forget about that one gesture drawing stream, just staying awake was a challenge because of how comfy it was
>>30083492You mean reddit?
>>30082916This is it, chief
>HoloEN is too uncoordinated and disorganized to do a HoloEN Christmas Carol reenactmentpain peko
>>30083353she meant she doesn't speak out loud, not that she doesn't communicate with her coworkers. she's talked about being on discord with the ENs all the time.
>>30083422She really is trying hard to play that "crazy" role huh?
>>30083499Raisins are delicious
I enjoy Ina's voice. It's soothing. I just wish I didn't start to see things and have nightmares while still awake, but I'll be the first to say that more often than not it's very much worth it.
Pizza Papa will become Worldwide Papa in case you don't want to watch Ina getting welcomed into the rice fields, motherfucker.
Be honest how many of you only care about ID-2 because you got into Hololive after the EN debut, and because ID-2 is new and also speaks English?
Ina is literally perfect. I want to bake and show my Oshi how good my cookies are!
>>30083492I hope Ina stays away from this hellholeShe's too pure for this place
20 minutes passed already...
>>30083481She's a sweet younger sister who loves you
>>30083385amazing, based unitychad!
>>30083157I love you priestess!
>>30083518's a famous Austrian/German cookie.
>>30083172What if Mori does and pretends it's just cause she checks out all popping up indies?
How can they all be so broken and still enjoy Christmas? What did they do differently that I didn't?
Is there a reason why Cover decided to make an Indonesian branch out of all places? Is the vtuber market that plentiful there?
>>30083194wow, people really really like Amelia here, huh. I don't just mean teamates, it looks like she's the top 2nd favorite for pretty much every fanbase.
that was also a gura idea
I don't like Ina's BGM
>>30083421Amashiro's voice is great, but I was not prepared for Nabi's.
>>30083380>>30083442You can start streaming now to get something to put on your CV when you sign up. Main part of it is getting comfortable in front of the audience and learning how to deal with OBS properly.Please tell me you're not horrible at vidya
Her time warp powers are genuinely dangerous, even at 21 minutes it still doesn't feel like it's been that long
>>30083534I guess you like munching on dry old man balls because that's what your eating.
>>30083515Those are great but all sugar cookies are based. Chocolate chip is an overrated meme.
>>30083516I love you too
>Short talk stream just to shill holoID and Aki new outfitC-cute
>>30083533That her name after all
>>30083538I don't care about ID-2
>>30083499I will hurt you.
>>30083471Oooooh I would watch a kiara austrian baking stream
>>30083492An Ina just flew over my house
Just woke up, why is Ina angry at us?
>Bedtime storyAs someone with shit insomnia I love tako, her sweet voice when she plays minecraft helps me sleep like a rock.Takobros, please don´t take it the wrong way
>>30083538That's the case for pretty much everyone talking about the ID's.
I came for the bait and stayed for the cookie talk. i don't even know what she's saying I just know i hear cookie
>its real
What the fuck is a snickerdoodle
>>30083018Make OC.
I don't know, guys. Bedtime stories don't really do anything for me, I fall asleep a lot better to just cuddling and being called nice things and being told that everything is gonna be okay.
>>30083537what is he actually going to do?
>>30083535Anon...your insight...
>>30083018Until she comes back, just imagine all of the hardships she is having to overcome right now and the stories of them she'll share so that we can make fun of her. I'm expecting at least one minor injury in the process of assembling her couch.
>>30083538I just want to see the meltdown when everybody gets filtered by the accent of zombie
>>30083537My oshi takes precedence but papa is based so I'll give him a muted view.
>>30083385im looking kinda badass
Isn't this stuff Gura talked about she wanted to do...
>>30083553Ina has the most normal and loving family it seems. Her only problem is being a shutin and spending all day inside
>>30083287>Kiara, InaThats me. I am german.
Just got home from work and missed the first 20 min of Ina's stream, what have I missed?
>catering clubThat's a thing?
>>30083386Unironically yes, makes me kek.
Chocolate chip will always be the best kind of cookie
>>30083538Its gonna be really sad when Iofi gets passed by ID2 for this reason. Can't believe I went all in on Ioficoin at gen 1 debut
Cookie check! What are /hlgg/ favorite cookie?
>ina was in cooking club
>>30083580Because we shit talked Ao-chan too much
>>30083492>Implying there's only one person shilling Aki there
>sNigger doddleShe can't stop saying it,aaaaaaaaah
>>30083376She can turn her scythe off now, actually a good change considering how often it pokes into frame while playing games.
Any answer other than chocolate chip is wrong
>>30083316So did Kiara and Gura.
>>30083552No one would believe her.
>>30083566Oatmeal chocolate is the thinking man's cookie
>>30083619raisin cookies
>>30083586It's a type of really good cinnamon cookie>>30083619SNICKERDOODLES
>>30083538I don't care at all. After finding my oshi and her friends, I kinda checked out of the rest of Hololive outside of collabs, to be honest. I just don't have the time.
Zombie girl indo is actually really cute...
>>30083619oatmeal raisin
>>30083586cinnamon cookie
>>30083510She does that while looking down on you with her pissed/disgusted expression.IMAGINE
Can we get Ina to read public domain Lovecraft stories?
>>30083561i beat DOOM 2016 on Hurt Me Plenty, is that good enough/spoiler]
>>30083308why are teatakobrapbuds like this?
>>30083287>Ina, Guramei like them flat
>>30083585she told chat to type InaFF in response
>>30083538I do not care about ID at all, their designs are cute thoughI've been here since before most of you fags came
>>30083586Its a cookie. Not my favorite but its got one of the weirder names
>>30083570Oh fuck, I just noticed.
>appreciation for cranberry cookiesY'know what takodachis your oshi is alright. I kneel.
>>30083553They're not you, for starters.
>>30083619Oatmeal raisin
>>30083612Yes. I'm actually in one right now wherein we receive money from other clubs to prepare large amounts of food for their events. It's really comfy.
>>30083636Whatever you say, gramps.
How come all of the trinity have such sexy feet and are so feet focused?
>>30083385>B.M.I. on Moonafic's helmetI'm fucking destroyed
>>30083585Kiara's pizza rules
I'll just order insomniac cookies
>>30083619Oatmeal ones are great, so are ginger ones.
stupid baiting sexy ina
Whenever she says snicker doodle, I panic. I know my brain and tongie would fuck it up into snigger doodle
>>30083619chocolate chip!!! chocolate chip!!!!
>>30083538I'm actually anti-id rn
>>30083538I dont give dam about ID besides Risu
>>30083580Because someone leaked the member's only masturbation stream.
>>30083553You stop thinking about it as a special day
>>30083669That how they say crazy over there
>>30082660>Ate the moonPretty sure it's the other way around
>Isn't that fun to say? sNiggerDoodle.
>>30083570i know
I'd snicker ina's doodle if you catch my drift
>>30083619Butter cookie
>>30083619Cinnamon S cookies
>>30083619oatmeal raisin but only with milk
>>30083679All HoloEN are feet focused, just in different ways
>>30083619some shitty third world cookie
>>30083163An extremely extroverted person moving to foreign xenophobic country, covid lockdowns, dream killing rejection, being in country with high suicide rates due to social norms... so yes its highly possible.
>>30083499Well then call me Jamal and add 5 cm to my cock because raisins are godtier
>>30083619Oatmeal!No raisins though, FUCK raisins
>>30083619I like cinnamon raisin with a thin cream!
>>30083593He showed off various jp cultural thingies, like daruma or makekis, so this time viewers sent in pictures that he's gonna go over. More cultural exchange, basically.
>>30083691snigger is a legit word
>only dogs chew on niggersINA NO
>>30082997Ah, you were on my pizza all along...My guiding pepeloni
>>30083662what the fuck is this real??
>>30083619Choco Nut
>>30083333Digit of truth, i can only kneel and reveal myself.
>Talk about food for the rest of audition interviewIna...
>>30083385now this is quality
>>30083679What's special about Ame's feet?
this dork
>>30083555Cheap labor
>>30083747we already knew that
>>30083499Fuck you I think raisins suck
>>30083356Iofi is inclining tho
She talked about food she said?
>>30083619I don't eat cookies much but so I have no favorite
Is she tipsy or something. Never seen her this chatty.
It makes me sad to see how desperate /u/fags have gotten about GuraAme but I get it, after a month if no callans and Gura literally not knowing Ame exists by liking her cover or responding to it yet is making you guys anxious a.d excited whenever the two give off some Yuri bait while bantering in each others chats
I hate Ina with a passion. Even more than tryhard Kiara. HoloEN was a mistake
>>30083720Kiara and Mori don't seem feet focused but Ina, Gura and Ame have tons of feet art
>>30083619walnut and butter cookiesreally easy to make
>>30083582's cool, she actually approves of this usage of her streams
>>30083374I don't know how often you watch Ina, but most of her drawing streams are like this, she's pretty good at doing both at once.
wait what did she say about vocaloid
Am I an autistic goslingfag for getting upset about all the American ENs being basically confirmed living on west coat when I'm east?
>>30083557everyone steals Gura's ideas and does them better
>>30083751The subject of the interview really doesn't matter as long as it's not yab. You just have to show off your zatsu chops.
>>30083747They all auditioned anon
I never noticed how flat and unsexy Inas body was.
>>30083315That's what I'm thinking. That or maybe she's mixed race.
>>30083766There must be an architect somewhere in Cover
>>30082856Great! When do the other Fortune Girls debut?
>>30083773She usually this chatty during Zastus and drawing streams.
>>30083619Oatmeal raisin and chocolate chunk.
>>30083773she's been chattier than usual with every stream unironically
>>30083619Oatmeal cookies.
>>30083747No one got scouted
>>30083395Electric Oven
>>30083755they probably smellwhether good or bad who knows
>>30083333Based eurofags
>went into the interview without sleeping>sang one verse of a song>talked about food during the rest of the interviewWhat the fuck are cover interviews like?
Ina is too good for me
>>30083194> Takamori get even deader?
>>30083788Non autistic gosling fags exist?
>>30083788You should be upset that they're on the worst coast, not for gosling reasons.
>>30083788Only the other 2 are, you are in Ina's zone.
>shilling daisenpai"Based"
>>30083385Great stufff anon, also me on the far left
>>30083773She only drinks on social occasions, she is pretty chatty during her members streams. Watch the Aliens watchalong that turned into Aliens watchalong + 2 hour Zatsudon, or her last member Zatsudon.
>>30083755She will make you lick themShe also already stepped on chat during the snack ASMR
>>30083699The correct answer
>>30083538I only have a passing interest due to them being being new.This is a lot more than other branches because they speak English and I might watch their streams if they interest me at all.I've been into Hololive since way before EN, but they've given me a greater obsession than before and I know I wouldn't have gotten here without them speaking my language.
>>30083619Oreo, the king of cookies
>>30083775Imagine unironically hating someone and letting them live rent free. Heres your ogey
>>30083788do amerisharts really?
>>30083163You don't need to know what didn't happen.
>>30083773Her zatsus are literally always like this. Even when she starts the stream sleepy once she starts talking she just beams
>>30083766She is a chubby priestess and hides it all in her tentacles.
>>30083775ina is my 3rd favourite holo but i agree that she's really fucking annoying.>constantly tries to get in the way of gurame>barely streams>late schedules
Is this Asatako?
>>30083662>It's realWhat the fuck
>Ina accepting that Hololive is an Idol agencyOH NONONO
>>30083538I'm indifferent but glad for them and hope they do well.
>>30083766Colonel Brosnan-sama...
>>30083385I can't tell who's the sniper guy between Choco and MoonaOfficial?
is the audition live or the video they send?
if ina sang and talked about food what did the rest do during the audition?
>>30083819I can only imagine its a complex Voight-Kampf level inscrutable nightmare that weeds out the weak."You see a superchat lying on its back in the desert..."
Is Ina cuter today?
Reminder that her audition was just a formality.
>>30083799That's an oxymoron, anon.
>lain-back>loner>obsessed with food
>>30083747So literally no one got scouted, right? They stepped into the HoloEN high stakes poker game with no aces in their sleeves, and drew a fucking Full House?
>>30083287>Kiara, InaSir, do we have a problem?
>30k viewers clickbait succesful
>>30083788I'm only upset that they have to suffer being in that shithole known as the west coast
>>30083287Ina, GuraWhat's up? I'm an artfag from the cold north of Europe.
Do anyone know what Vsinger even is
literally just shilling
>>30083837I'm not into feet, but...
Why are Ame and Ina like me, only chatty during work but as soon as they are off they become silent introverts that only talk to others through text on discord, I love how trinity is sometimes ngl
A whole song about food? Ina, you're spoiling us...
HoloEN Singers is sounding a lot more like INNK Music at this point. It's fucking nothing
>>30082984>how mad are the Chinese antis?Did you see them on Sukura_Miko Twitch? They're fucking seething
Fat Inaimagine
>>30083893go back
You do realize food is a code word for cum?
>>30083552That's a stretch, it's like 2 am jst.
>>30083788West coast can't stop winning east coast fags btfo
>>30083883reddit dragon narrative BTFO
>>30083538I want to see the collective /biz/ posting as coins are dumped en masse as soon as they open their mouths and start talking.
>>30083775go the fuck back to your disgusting containment thread
>>30083868Video with Mori being the exception cause she threatened to beat up yagoo if they refuse her
>Didn't sleep for a day>Sang some vocaloid song>Spent the rest of the audition talking about food>Still got in
>>30083866oh wait, is it A-Chan?
>>30083902You didnt think that from the start?
>>30083886as expected of my Priestess
Pikamee collab!? Can a stream handle that much mass!?
Ina is already my second favorite EN girl, but I might have to invest more now...
>>30083894Shilling and food
>>30083893>VsingerIt's a PC setting right below V-sync
>Ina talked at length about food>Got in>Moona is constantly eating>Got inIs a love for food the secret path for making into Hololive?
>Chocolate Rain by InaI move away from the Burrito to breathe in
>>30083883Well, no, they also got Mori.But hey 80% is great.
>>30083619Is liking oatmeal raisin cookies a marker of mental illness? I've never seen so many people share my love of this cookie before.
>>30083883Yagoo has a 6th sense for the broken women that make the money.
>>30083788I'm upset that they live on the west coast because the west coast is dogshit.
>>30083819Roberu got in by just talking to Yagoo and Shinove you tell me
>>30083655Sounds alright to me, higher difficulties in 2016 just felt harder because of less ammo at disposal
It's been 3 months
>>30083938I'M ATSOUP
>>30081254>he doubtedtsk tsk tsk>he came aroundBased
>>30083917Always remember that everything they say is about sex. If a holo mentions her brother, it's a sex partner. If its a friend, it's a sex partner. If she seems happy, it means she had sex. If she is sad, she didnt have sex, but then she had double sex. If a holo is going to the toilet, shes actually going to have quick sex. If she went on a date with another holo, they actually went to have sex. If she fails on a puzzle in a game, its because she is having sex right now and is being distracted. Table smash? Not a fist but it's her hitting the table, because she's having sex. Did she oversleep a stream? Sex. She was having sex and couldnt stop. If she starts a guerilla stream it's because she's having sex right now, but wants to be risky with viewers. Whenever a holo takes a break, its not because shes tired. You know why she takes a break from streaming? To have SEX. Whenever a holo talks about her family, shes actually talking about her sex roleplay she had. The story of a journey with her mother or father? Sex roleplay. She actually had sex. Whenever she laughs, cries or sneezes, whenever she peko pekos or thanks someone during a collab, whenever she gets big numbers or is being bullied she's actually having SEX at that very moment. Not only that, but everything is actually a keyword for sex. Thanks for the aka supa = thank you for the sexIm tired this week = im tired from the sex, but ill have more sexIm planning a collab = Im planning to have sexOh sorry, that was just my family in the background = oh im having SEX right nowThank you for all the support everyone = thanks for all the sex im having right now.It all revolves around sex. All holos, every single one, have sex every day, every hour, every moment. Every single narrative, every single noise she lets out is because of sex. The sex she is having. All holos read these threads and theyre here right now. All while having sex. They keep having technical difficulties because they have so much sex, it fries electronics in their room. Theres so much sex happening in their room that the sex waves cause Youtube datacenter to malfunction. Every yab moment is because they cant stop having sex to think straight.
>>30083876No, she's exactly as cute as she always is. However she is always maximum cute, so it's hard to tell.
What the fuck, it's been already 3 months??D:
Have some more chickenHave some more pie
>>30083918I move away from the mic to breath
fucking checkmarks
>>30083585is this real
>ChocomintPikamee collab confirmed
How are Architects feeling about this? Ofcourse, it's not Moona tier, but do you find this at least charming?
Imagine being forced to sing live during the interview
>>30083788>that picI chocked on my drink anon fuck you
>Noone posting the Melon song from GashbellYoutube chat is as shit as always
>>30083788You should feel bad for them since that's arguably the worst part to live in.The real place to live is in is the Midwest.
>>30083918Tay Zonday for HolostarsEN
>>30083911I want to nibble her belly.
What did Ina do to bait SCs? I'm so confused.
FGO bros!
You are now painfully aware of Ina's prominent shoulder blades
/jp/ oshi/memba survey. don't mind me, I didn't see ina's having an important stream this one can filter ingenuine responses
I-ina has many friends to go to Karaoke with. G-guys I don't feel so good.
art of ina tambourine while other girls sing NOW
>>30083949>Implying Mori is a disappointment to Yagoo when she makes a retarded amount of money
>>30083799why are you gay?
>>30083883I think you're overestimating them, there are thousands like the holoEN girls
>Ina hololive audition>sing a few minutes of vocaloid>spend the rest of the time talking about food>Ina shillbait video>spend a few minutes discussing upcoming announcements>spend the rest of the time STILL talking about food
>>30083968why are these faggots like this?
>>30083619Peanut butter definitely peanut butter cookies
>>30083883IMO, they keep the audience going until they find someone good.
>>30083971Monoe isn't going to like this!
Ame's skirt is also short. Where's her butt cheek art?
Just woke up. How was Kiara's Sakuna stream? Any more rrats rejected?
>>30083961>>30083917Sex is a code word for Minecraft.
>>30083799>unsexyShe's like the hottest EN anon wtf
>>30083968LITERALLY who
>>30083635>>30083919still within range of plausible deniability
>>30083505i sexed all of them, thanks for asking
>>30083950Oatmeal raisin is a damn good cookie. with a little bit of cinnamon and a cup of warm milk is the greatest thing mankind has every given to man
>>30083656the rrats in the walls
>>30083990what the fuck
>>30083812The only one that did was Migobi
>>30083980>not posting it yourselfThat's not very melon of you
>SymphogearIna just keeps on winning!
>>30083946>One of the first big purchases Kiara did was almost 100 dollars in chocolate
>>30083990>nowI fuckin love them
>>30083931Imagine how absolute shit the rest of auditions went
>>30083990gonna gnaw on her clavicle
>>30083136Ah okay, interesting.
>>30083949This but with Ame being the one miss
>>30083819Cover only hires weirdos. Seems try hards will not be the first pick.
OK, So anti-idolfags BTFO?
Ina kneels to Nana Mizuki, as do we all.
thank you Inavery cool
why is a detective this sexual? what where they thinking approving this design
>>30083956I miss pancake posting..
>>30083998These retards think their opinion matters over the huge sums of money these girls are making YAGOO.
>>30084006I love my Priestess!!!
>>30083990>She raids so much she has grown pauldrons
Bros.. Ina.. my Oshi..
How does Ina have such good viewer retention rates?
>>30083949forced meme
>>30083931She was probably in before the audition
>Great Pretender
>>30083990>nowAs if I'd ever fail to appreciate a cute girl's beautiful bones.I long and fantasize for an Ina swimsuit model with visible ribs.
>>30083990Ina's malnourished!
>>30084020Shame she doesn't invite lewdness as much as Gura or Ame Cause her design is great I need those feet
>>30084059Its always been this way, they are idols and they want you to know that.
>>30083968Oh for fucks' sake not this shit again.
>>30083974Ina is genuinely adorable. There's just something about her character that's soothing to watch and brings my mood up.
>>30084006She's great isn't she?
>>30084015I'm fuckin'... I'm fuckin'...
>>30084034And it's because of Sora. Miko did the same later on for Pecor but more on pulling the strings
>Ina likes Great PretenderB A S E D
Bros... I might become a takodachi at this rate...
>>30084047Calm down Gura you already have Ame's neck
>Great Pretender/a/ is SEETHING right now
Great Pretender is underrated
>>30083990Wait, what the fuck? Were those always there?
>>30084075Her content doesn't require you to actively pay attention to the screen so it's perfect for listening to while doing other stuff
>>30084075Deep-involved brainwashing waves during each broadcast hidden in the BGM.
>>30083946>Everyone thought Hololive was Yagoo's home for broken girls>It's actually Yagoo's home for hungry girls
>>30084081is shit
>Great Pretender>AOTYIna I love you but pleaseI will agree the ED is fucking great JUST because of Freddie Mercury
>>30084075Paralyzed and unable to close atream.
>>30084075People put her stream on and go take a nap
Listening to the Holos makes me realize it's really not too late to begin opening up. I'm really repressed and I thought I was too old for that but the way they're growing before my eyes is interesting. With that said I don't know how to begin changing. I also fear it won't work as well for me because I'm a man.
>>30083903I wonder how they feel knowing they got blown the fuck out by a reddit dragon and a special needs child?
>>30083990Must lick
>>30084075We're all asleep
Symphogear watch along!
>>30084075It's the healing
>>30083990P-Please...I don't want another fetish...
>>30082716Thank you gabagul gachakoi
>>30084015Ame loves to play minecraft with Gura...
>>30083968>Literally just makes ASMR
>>30083994>who is your oshi>multiple answers possible
>>30084056wait what did she say? I stopped watching
chickenfags can have their oshi surpass ina in subs..but know this.she WILL NEVER. EVER. surpass ina in her average viewer numbers. which is all that matters, its a direct measure of how entertaining you are; to be able to sustain viewer interest.
>>30083828proofs? I can buy it based on things she's said but I need more than hope
>Great PretenderBASED
>>30084045They probably looked at her art and said "If she doesn't sound like an idiot she's in.I mean fucking Gura, Moona, Risu and Ame got in.
>>30083949>drawing Coco 2.0 by sheer dumb luck on behalf of both parties>she can also make musicYagoo must be leaving a donation at every shrine in Japan
>>30084064Its important for an interrogator to make DEALS with the interrogatee
>gay pretender
>>30081487>for a certain demographic, Mori is normal and relatable as fuck.Can confirm.
>>30083990Damn, that girl has 0 muscle.
>This was her master plan to get more viewers for her Sakuna streamSASUGA PRIESTESS
>>30084075She has real fans.
>>30084141Basedchicken is garbage
>>30083903I actually couldn't tell the difference between bugmen and twitch cancer. Were they even there?
>>30083990The shoulderblades are small timethe NECK is where its at
>>30083788Gura lives in Central, what the fuck are you and all the idiots replying talking about?
>>30083994At least include the dead holos
>>30084138i'd buy a figure of this
>Uchouten KazokuBased.
>>30084139That is shit and swords are gay.
>Ina said Great Pretender had great storyJust when I though she couldn't be any more trash...
>>30084146That is one cute Bubba.
>>30083788You were born in time to meet your oshi, you should be grapefruit.
>>30083163Yes. She was basically begging for food too. Using link shortner because the filter is gay
>>30083968Mass report videos by any checkmarks who post in chat.
>>30084141Don't shitpost about my Priestess' friends using her name, you shitbag.
>>30084109I see /a/ still hates good actually good anime
>Your favorite JAV or Hentai>Which hololive members you would cast in the roles.
>>30084141Ina is my oshi and I watch Kiara to help her reach her numberfagging goals.
>>30083949kek, Mori is one of the best things to happen to hololive tho
>Great Pretenderbas>Uchouten Kazokued
>>30083619Jaffa Cakes
>>30084146if ames mama debuted, she'd have the cutest voice in hololive bar none.ame COULDNT EVEN compare.
>>30084162My Oshi's palm tree neck is cute!
>>30084152I only know Zeta Gundam
>>30084100I will always send thanks to daisenpai for that, ELITE selection.
>>30084141dont worry KFP, takos love you . ignore this
>>30084135>english ASMR
>>30084146YOU JUST KNOW
>>30084014She revealed she has no guns because she was confused when someone talked about guns in chat
>>30084138Damn thats pretty impressive
Where my fellow Chris chads at???
>>30084109>>30084118I watched like 5 eps before holoEN debuted, never got to see /a/'s reaction to it. What happened?
>>30084158ure cringe lol
>>30084139She likes it, likes the music but said it's really hard to sing.
>>30084057How do I become this horny?
>>30084141>>30084158Whats with the hostility takofriends?
>>30083385Will ID2 be added?
>It's December alreadyOh fuck
>>30084177Are you a child, anon?
>>30084134Because its on Netflix and is something different from seasonal trash #3483925.
>>30084141Oh look. another falseflagging numberfag
>29k for ina zatsudanNot bad.
>>30084194Watch the rest of the UC
>>30084141>xqc is entertaining
>Nearly 30k viewersIna bait too strong.
>>30084122Time for a one way trip to Gensokyo
>>30084134/a/ has anituber podcast
>>30084167NoFuck bugs
>>30084141sleeping people are easy to retain, so I can't reasonably disagree
>>30084141Or surpass Moona in Peko race. Sucks to be this chicken.
>>30084015Everything is a code for something.
>>30084141Kiara's average is just brought down by super-debuff games.which is all her games.but her original content that involves other people all do pretty well
>>30084047Good taste
>>30084183Mizuryu Kei's FunlandAll the Holos as the workers there.
>>30084141Chicken is literally the most entertaining EN though but I'm still partial to Ina/Calli
>>30083990I can't unsee the flowers and ribbons on Mikochi's chest in her current outfit form a goofy clown face
>>30084183Anything from Aoi IchigoIna is the only one who has the body and the hair, sorta
alright which one of you dyel niggers is doxxing on /fit/
>>30084219Just an asshole.
Ina saved 2020 for me unironically
>>30084142I don't maintain a doxx case file, I merely have read on several occasions in the thread that she is in newfoundland
HololiveUK when?
>>30084217H-How long have I been watching this stream...
>2020 was the year you met me!Ina...
>>30084174> phone that's not what I wanted to fucking say
>>30084135>Duet w/ Gura
>>30084241>Chicken is literally the most entertaining EN though HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
2020 is perfect just because Ina was born!
>>30084191Gura's mama could compare though.
>>30084141They hate him because he told them the truth
>>30084175What the fuck, she actually needs therapy
>>30084141>Open Ina stream>Her perfect beautiful voice soothes viewers asleep>Everyone keeps stream openSasuga priestess
>>30084260I will go on a massacre before I let HoloUK happen
>>30083619Nougat cookie.
>>30084215>picks out the obvious falseflagsDon't even try, rrat.
>>30083538ID gen 1 was my first new gen so I'm a little partial to them if I'm being honest
>>30084138me between her feet
>>30084135They should give up, Polka already has them beat.
>>30084183Kuroinu, but only the elf partsFlare
here it COMES
She said it
>>30084241>Chicken is literally the most entertaining EN though*least
>>30082740Send this to Haachama. I'm literally begging you.
>Ina just talking gets 30 thousand viewsDamn. Has Ina always been this popular?
>>30084257She indirectly confirmed the other day she's in PST while talking about her priestess duties.
>>30084191>Nabi mama and Nacho mama will never lolibaba it up and try to force you to have sex with their daughters.
>>30084198it's been awhile, i need to rewatch SZS
>>30083990If that bothers you, don't focus on her neck.
>StormTAGHe's fucking EVERYWHERE
>>30084122>I also fear it won't work as well for me because I'm a man.Probably, but the alternative sucks even more, so godspeed.
>>30084255She is the reason I do my reps everyday, heals my soul everytime
>>30084282KAZE NO YOU NI
>>30084141You're not wrong but you shouldnt say it
>>30084236Cheering on the great leech of ID. Disgusting. You're just picking one leech over another.
>>30084141>Tentacultist numberfaggingNot a true takodachi.
will you apply to EN vsinger auditions?
>>30084241at least state that it is your own opinion anon
>>30084315It's HER!
>>30084141>takodachis were the antis all alongWhy are takos like this?
*sigh*... I'm sorry for calling Ina boring.
>PadoruFuck off /alter /scum
I mean, I'm pretty sure that Ame hates me
>>30084339No because I'm a male
>>30084006Good formula
>Ina's audition: Spent most of it talking about food>Ame's audition: Spent most of it asking "But why?">Mori's audition: Spent most of it improvising out of her ass due to technical issuesHow did Gura's and Kiara's auditions go?
>>30084141Don't use Ina as ammunition against the chicken you fucker, she loves her friends and she wouldn't like seeing you posting shit like this
>>30084283Don't worry, Kiara will stop Holo*nglo from happening
>>30082997>the "pekora recognizes palestine" pasta.quick rundown please
>>30084205Reporting. Let me in, you glitchy fucking captcha!
>>30084135>Duet with GuraIn his dreams.
>>30084306She has a very loyal 20k viewerbase for all of her streams. She's the most consistent of all EN in that sense.
>>30084075She tends to stream at times literally no other holo is on as an alternative until usually near the end of her streams plus just listening to her voice is enough a lot of the times.
>>30084339Two people here already did
>>30084260everyone knows the UK will dissolve pretty soon so what's the point?
>>30084225i mean he really is or he would not be the streamer with more subs and viewership on twitch
>>30084306It's the Gura collab effect. Doing so many with her early on paid off.
>>30084172>Call half life's story but likes great pretenderIna your taste reps...
>>30084344he replaced glad
it has been said before, but Ina's viewer retention is something to behold. She often hits a peak then barely deviates from it.
>>30084354Is that an alter thing...?
>>30084224But Zeta Gundam is the best...
>>30084297dangerously based
>>30084175>Keeki has been calling herself ugly and suicidal for nearly 7 years now. Elliot Rodger syndrome happens to most hapas.
What was the reveal?
>>30084325this applies to every hololive neck
>>30084361Gura said "a" and they hired her
>>30084354That's literally how the song goes in Japanese.If you associate it with that shitty Nero meme it's your own fault.
>>30084260After Irish Hololive
>>3008433999% of people here are men anon, what do you think?
>>30084306the stream title and thumbnail are hard bait
>>30084361>Kiara's audition: you WILL regret it if you don't hire me>Gura's audition: so basically I have 800k subs on youtube and I can do it again
Komm Süsser Tod duet with Kiara CONFIRMED for her next karaoke
>>30084339I cant sing for shit, so no
>>30084355don't be silly anon, I like you
>>30084361Gura spent most of it being cute and funny
>>30084254not gonna lie the trash compactor is nice tho
I can't believe how much Ina hyped up this thread, I didn't think it was possible
Ina's shoes are kinda hot...
>>30084361SC Gura asking her
>>30084306super clickbait
>>30084350>Picks the obvious falseflag>Ignores all of the true takobros telling the falseflagger to fuck offLocked on and ready to fire, sir!
>>30084361Kiara apparently spent a good chunk of it telling the interviewer why they absolutely had to hire her. possibly got in through intimidation
>>30084361>Ame's audition: Spent most of it asking "But why?">Mori's audition: Spent most of it improvising out of her ass due to technical issuesThose were the interviews not the audition
>>30084361Didn't Kiara tell the interviewers that they needed to accept her for HoloEN?
>>30084354Nero belongs to /fgog/ though.
>>30084403Well you just have to "sound" female... or so they say
>>30084255this but with all the hololive EN
>>30084387This is true Did I stutter?
just woke up, did Ina give bad news?
>>30084361Kiara told them that they WILL hire her. Gura dropped the meme personality and was just herself and sang.
>>30084344Who IS StormTAG?How does he have so much money?
>>30084306>baits you in>is super cute and comfy>puts you to sleep>consistent 20-30k viewers because you can't close the tab when sleeping
>>30084225>what is demographic and target audience
>>30084224Ive been trying to finish 0079 for months now and its been so painful
>>30084306Ina zatsudan is kinda rare, clickbait title, good time for burguers and EU. The combination of several small buffs, and her usual high viewer retention.
>>30084361watch the stream. Gura talked about her audition.
>>30083994>Did you buy merch or songsDoes roommate shit count?
>>30084340>>30084371>>30084381>>30084405>>30084428>>30084306>>30084441Stop replying ya fags, he's just trying to start up shit
>>30084361Gura tried to make something that truly represented who she was. Wanted to represent the content that she wanted to put out and that she felt was her. Took multiple takes, I love my hardworking daughterwife.
>>30084339I haven't sung a thing since I was in elementary school.
>>30084306Unironicalli, her voice is more pleasant alone than when she is playing vydias...which does not help, outside of FFXIV, she is bad at then.
>>30084426Dont get so easily baited
>>30084438Gura lost her baby...
>>30084361Gura smashed through the window with a chair judo flipped Yagoo to establish her dominance then adorably went "Helllllloooo" and was signed on the spot even though she wasent scheduled for an audition
>>30084241>Chicken is literally the most entertaining ENpff
>>30082980Two most profitable ENs are also the ones best known for music, retard.
>>30084410Can do it again twice over it seems.
>>30084356any gender is welcome as long as they sound feminine
>>30084385I wouldn't spread that around. Usually indicates botting
I can't handle it bros.. I'm becoming a takodachi..
>>30084361Kiara: *SLURP SLORP SHLORP SLURP*Gura: the same
>>30084141A wild takoyaki appear, lo and behold your fate.
>>30084365And you think who made that post cares about it?
>>30084141See you on Friday.
G-guys my eyes are heavy. I'm about to fall asleep. Is this normal for Ina's streams?
>>30084438She's pregnant and i'm the father
>>30084439Not gonna lie cover saw 800k subs and gura coulda been drunk off her gourd and acted like a retard and they still would have hired her.
>>30084446How? 0079 is the easiest to get through. Victory is an absolute pain
>>30084335Ah, the "Moona just leeches of off Pekora" rat. Good one, Anon. I cheer on Pekora, and its mighty obvious, who she prefers.
>>30084141when was the last time Ina pulled 75k viewers? hasn't even been a week for Kiara
>>30084241>>30084141>>30084461numberfags get the bullets. not a competition
>>30084440I'm starting to believe the literal oil baron narrative.
>>30084191I will have to disagree and still stick with Ui mama
>Ina baiting stream>chat turn into shitI hope ina never do it again
>>30084481Ina's songs
>>30084477>nearly 10k people missed angry Ina
>>30083163Why do you think her Avatar is phoenix?
>>30084477Wait it has already been 40 fucking minutes???
>>30084376But I wanted them to sing the chippy song and watching soccer with a vtuber. Damn man.>>30084241pff
>>30084481You mother fucker....
>>30084241>Chicken is literally the most entertaining ENThis has to be bait
>>30084481Next color planet
>>30084435Just hit your balls with a brick few times and you are good to go.
>>30084502>reading the chatAnon...
>>30084481I don't use spotify
Based MIA OST listener Ina
>>30084339Anyone applying for VSingers should temper their expectations because they're obviously only going to take girls that have actual singing experience and training this time. EN Gen 2 auditions will be a lot more open.
>>30084497you mean the highly anticipated, hyped, 70 minute kiara pekora collab?the one that got dwarfed by the 3 hour, 120k viewer moona pekora collab?fucking kek. your chicken cant even capitalize on the biggest streamer in holoJP and the most hyped stream of her career.
>>30084481Birthday by Reona.
>>30084241This is subjectively true.Don't get what people find entertaining about Ame. But this is how it goes.
>>30084477Damn, that's a smooth curve.
Are we getting raided by indogs again?I see the flare and holoEN with glasses avatarfags are here
>>30084361Gura didn't even say anything, Yagoo saw she was a cunny and instantly hired her
>>30084511Wai wha
>45 years have gone byBros..
>>30084477antibros....we lost....
>>30084481I don't use spotify, but same.
pls don't graduate inachi...
>>30084029NIGGERMANS story
>>30084497>Jp collab >Collab with Gura>Both on a singular channel because she's a leech Lol
>>30084361Gura started out by screaming but felt like it was unnatural so she changed her audition video to be more reflective of herself.
>>30083595This one time when I was building a couch Bubba, uhhh, Bubba started fighting with Wellington so I got up to stop him and uh, and I slipped on some screws and landed on my head. I blacked out for a minute I guess and was pretty dizzy. I gave Bubba a treat and managed to finish the couch though so it was alright.
>>30084481I don't use spotify, but it's probably Garoad's stuff.
>>30084385Ina is the perfect person to put up and listen to in the background while you do something else
>>30084241Inafag here, but I admit she was honestly funny when she pulled off that japanese rickroll.
>>30084535for her enjoyment
>>30084361Gura let the interviewer pinch her cheeks and pat her head.
>>30084446Why, also start with the origin before 0079
>>30084517Maybe when Holostars EN needs a dimbo cowboy.
>>30084004Out of the people that applied? Not a chance.
>>30084454>Still the laziest Holo En
>It's already been 40 minutesWHAT THE FUCK
>>30084361Mori passed when she screamedTHANK FOR THE AKA, BIG UPS *plays kazoo*
Oh shit she reads blue period, it;s a good manga
>>30084471Real men only watch G Gundam
>>30084361>Im not that good at games, but Im cute! wink*>Im not that good at editing, but Im cute! wink*>Im not that good at drawing, but Im cute! wink*>Im not that good at japanese, but Im cute! wink*
>>30083922Surely no one was serious about that.
>>30084511what did ame do to the timeline??
>>30084506>10k people missed Ina scolding them for their poor cock performance in the rating stream and demanding they work harder for next timeOof, I feel so bad for those people. You know she's gonna nix it from the archive for sure.
>>30084481Good taste but didn't the song come out in SeptemberI don't have Spotify
smells of 41% here
>>30084571Someone post THAT video
Get your boards here, Anon!
>>30084525I'm surprised by there not being an outpouring of Nanachi and Ina art since she's as obsessed with her as those on /c/.
>>30084481Based taste
>>30084481King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - Robot Stop
>>30084529>120k viewer moona pekora collab
>>30084481I own my music
Kiara antis are so cute. I want to hug them!
>>30084566Which cheeks?
>>30084361do your gura zatsudan reps..
>>30083385>BMI>PierceMy sides are fucking destroyed
>>30084589It came out in late september, but I also have it on repeat when I go to the gym so it adds up
>>30084238>Kiara's average is just brought down by super-debuff games.which is all her games.Her average Minecraft numbers jump around 14k and thats pretty much a buff game with no downtime>but her original content that involves other people all do pretty wellWell thats the thing, those are one-off occasions. Eventually she will run out of content while all the others ENs can do whatever again and again for double her viewership
>ywn watch these two having sex
>>30084481Probably that Japanese Rap song duet by Korone and Okayu
>>30084241I feel like people wouldn't be shitting on you as much had you said Gura even though it's a subjective opinion either way. hlgg is weird.
>>30084529>120k viewer moona pekora collab>nutsackis believe this
>>30084453Nah, I was just legit curious.I haven't been able to watch many streams these last couple of days because of work and midterm stuff eating up all my time and it seemed out of ordinary.Even if I don't watch her as much Ina is still great, as all the girls are in their own way.
>hurr all the anti takos are just falseflaggersWhy cant you squids understand that youre at the bottom of the totem pole?
I'm scared they'll accept a tranny into EN Gen 2
>>30084603old man
>>30084141>chickenfags can have their oshi surpass ina in subs..>but know this.>Ina is holding herself back. The day Ina decides to draw lewds its fucking over. fixed
Gura and Ame are no longer friends.
>>30084091>>30084138Whats the deal with Ina's wings. They look cool sure but aren't they impractical
>>30084241Hard agree, Ina Kiara & Mori are by far my favourite HoloEN, I never watch the others anymore
>>30084481Next Color Planet but I stopped using spotify after a long time so it's pretty inaccurate. If only I can see Youtube's
>>30084481inb4 chumbudNah I just really like UNCHAIN's music
Sometimes if I'm around these threads too much my SAN reaches close to 0 and and I have to take a break.
>>30084241I agree with you Chimkin.
>>30083788I'm the same way anon, except I'm a west coast tard that got upset when people were saying my oshi lived in the east. I feel like we burgers are innately tribalistic
>>30084175>She's doing one person karaoke on her birthday and cryingSeriously wtf?
Threads are getting shitty while Ina is streaming.WTF happened?Is all hope truly lost?
>>30083883There must be some fucking magic around the scouting process, no way you get this lucky at picking girls every single time
aimer sucks
>>30084597Based, rip and tear and bfg division also made it on my top 5
>>30084633>90k viewers on pekora>38k viewers on moonakek. even if you look at pekora alone its still 15k more than kiaras failed, 70 minute stream.
>>30084577she was incapable of playing a kazoo at that point in timecute fucking stupid retard
I wish I had a Spotify wrapped. I used Tidal this year :(
>>30084183Shoujo RamuneGura
>>30084529>Nutsacki's actually think 120k watched their meme rabbit and her pet leech
>>30084636The bottom of the totem pole is the most important though.
>>30084241My oshi is Gura but I agree. I think they're all entertaining though and that it's subjective.
>ina walks you through her Spotify Wrapped 2020absolutely fucking based stream
>>30084603Now we're talking.
She's literally me.
>>30084481when I use Spotify I just leave it on shuffle. My top songs are just whatever happened to play the most and not songs I actually really like. Kind of disappointing.
>>30084668>you can't watch 2 streams at onceimagine being this retarded lmao
>>30084622this reminds me i had a dream today where i hugged gura.god it felt so good.
Wait if the SEGA permissions only apply to Hololive JP then why was Iofi allowed to play PSO2?
Fucking awful music taste, Ina
She is going to sing pizza pasta and you will like it
>>30084481BRADIO's Hotel Alien but it's only because I've played it a whole of 3 times. Don't use Spotify.
>>30084638Wanna see my Pink Floyd vinyls mister?
>>30084361Gura talked about it here:
>>30084669She is now?
>>30084541>>30084534>>30084516>>30084512>>30084488>>30084461>>30084345>>30084303>>30084271tentacles typed this
>>30084624Ina has mindcontrol techniques in her voice, it doesn't take much to make more Takodachis
I watch all 5 ens and I think enough time has passed to say definitively that Ame is the least entertaining solo EN. Ina retains an audience doing literally anything so does Gura. Mori knows how to stay in her nice and Kiara gets the most SC money on avg per viewer. Ame just kind of exists as this cute mediocre gamer. She gets away with way more than the avg twitch thott would because of the 2d Halo effect. Her actual content sucks.
>>30084152How would she feel about Banana's Mk-II? It's all white too
>>30084668Pekora peak at 98k and Moona 33k btw
>>30084584Thats all she needed.
>>30084529>120k>Nutsackis believe thisDelusional numberfags no matter the language
>>30084584You forget that she can sing better than the rest of Hololive put together?
Fuck it, UNITY
>>30084241>Chicken is literally the most entertaining EN"Bruh", as they say
Rate her playlist
>>30084689Can ANYONE stop our boy Sleggar?
>>30084646hololive global-chama... your unity and thread-making reps...
>>30084481Apparently Didn't expect that
does this count as numberfagging?
>Sfw art you can endlessly chum to.
>>30082916>its goodwtf
>>30084646Serious question: why do you prefer those 3 over Ame and Gura?
is Ina that bad that you guys cant talk about her normally?
>>30084685braindead KFP cant read, kek>even if we count pekoras stream alone, its still 15k+ than kiaras failed streamstay mad your oshi is a failure by holoEN standards. damn bitch should've necked herself
>>30084704kore wa bait desu
>>30084577Mori didn't know how to play a kazoo until October 2020. This is not a joke.
>>30084664I like nice baseline in the first verse at 0:38
I miss Gura, I hope she feels better soon.
>>30084692Yoru ni Kakeru's really great for looping so I kind of get it
>>30084668now lets decuct all the people who had both streams open at the same time
>>30084361>Gura>cute voice>amazing singer>well-established understanding of how to appeal to the modern western audience>interview shows she's willing to purify her image and drop the drunk gremlin meme stuffOh not to mention a recent marshmallow stream she did, she explained her focus on wanting to unironically just be herself; threw out several takes going "this isn't me!" then finally took a break and found one where she was comfortable just being herself and that got her in>Kiara>10 years trying to make it as a japanese idol>most passionate about wanting to be an idol>has a japanese idol tryhard personality>has music videos, cosplay videos, travel vlogs, all japanese>probably nailed the typical "demonstrate your dedication to your passion and why you would be a good fit for this industry" interview question>plus: she speaks fluent japanese and itd be good to have at least one to bridge the new EN gen with holo JPIMHO Gura and Kiara were probably no-brainers for the hiring team
>>30084477Hmm... might try and numberfag viewer variance per stream tomorrow
>>30084687It's more like Sega permission apply to jp versions. NA versions would have to get Sega of America approval.
go back to your hugbox /cgl/you mentally deranged faggots
>>30084481I listened to it when I wrote on my university papers.
>>30084668>Implying there weren't people watching both at once
>6 thousand minutes
>>30084708Did riddie get a new MS also? And whats with the big asymmetrical arm?
>>30084700t. deadbrap
>>30084659Numberfags. Since Kiara has left them starved of attention they are turning rapid, sadly.
>>30084339can't sing, my pc is trash and I don't have time
>>30084624Ina gives too much of comfy (but also boring, like fishing) vibes, also it doesnt help when she stream with the whole EN team she barely talks at all.But the stream with guras showed the normies that she can be fun and mischievous too.
>>30084271Have you posted anything good ever?>>/jp/image/SnJSO9jUoylVmdvCbyDoNw
>>30084642But Gura the baguette stealer is Woolie?
reminder that most of the takofags are from /hlg/ and they worship her as a "honorary jp"
>>30084654source on the song?
>>30084736Where the fuck is Gura?
41 days of spotify....
>>30084736>top right ame booba
>>30084740couldn't care less about chicken retard, just calling you out for being a delusional faggot
>>30084736Gura when?
>>30084481haven't used spotify in months
>>30084550do newfags really not know that the collab is hosted on the channel of the person who hosts the collab if it isn't being multi streamed? Or are you just being disingenuous? (also, not a KFP cause I don't watch her much, her stream times don't line up with me and I'm busy enough keeping up with other streams, just sick of people trying to use data points as proof without understanding how Hololive culture fucking works)
>>30084481I don't know how TIDAL counts but this is the 1st one on my list
>>30084668>A stream about 2 people who never have met before>lore stream with a ton of ground swell and "teetee" that should have had double the viewersOutta here nousagi.
I can't identify with Ina's current topic. I very rarely listen to music anymore.
>>30084260I honestly would love that, football chants here in the UK are already pretty creative, imagine if we were to shitpost with football chants
>>30084708This nigga really can't use anything besides the beam magnum huh.....
>>30084646>namefags have garbage tasteshocking
>>30084781Now this is what I call schizophrenia
>>30084687It was a sponsored stream.EN and IDs should get the ok soon once Cover goes through Sega of America.
>>30084721EDGE/10 Pretty fucking nice
>>30084361>kiara aggresively spoke german all throughout the audition>the few things understandable in English talked about genocide and a food chain>for some reason she kept repeating something along the lines of Tag desu seels
>>30084726>Has a whole Law named after himThe OYW would've ended at side 8 if they had Sleggar from the beginning
>>30084721>>kenshi yonezubased
Here's for more poll autism:
>>30084761Good choice.
>>30084774Why are chumbeatmatecultemployees likethis?
>>30084646I feel kinda the same.But the gura x kiara collab was kino.>>30084737Guras early minecraft streams filtered me still tune in for utawaku.Ame is Ame. I gave her a chance, but even the date didn't do it for me.
>>30084471>Hello, hi, I'm a UC 0123 Guy>I don't need Zeon to commit genocide
>>30084793requests the collab is what I meant - forgive me my own stupidity didn't proofread like a moron
>>30084659Notice how the thread went apeshit anti against Kiara all at once like 30 minutes ago. It's just some weird discord group brigading like always.
>>30084768Beam Magnum is retardedly overpowered and blows the arms off most MS that use it cuz of recoil. Banagher seems autistically attached to using that gun so his MK2 has a custom arm to be able to handle using it
>>30084481Don't have spotify but my music player on my phone says this is my top song
>All thes einferior mechsGundam Wing is the ultimate chad gundam series, along with G
>>30084260based gaz baz and ted
>>30082916>song about life turned into a song about death
>>30084339Nope. I’m not a tranny
>>30083585>>30083969it's not real what a shame
>>30084481AZKi's stuff, likely Intersection, addicting as fuck.
>>30084635Honestly it's hard to gauge how popular this stream is compared to her other tako streams, since they're usually member only.
>>30084768>And whats with the big asymmetrical arm?The Beam Magnum has a ridiculous recoil to a point where it can break a MS's arm. It's to handle the recoil
>>30084446watch the movies kek
>>30084784>>30084790Pray that he will not pussy out of drawing Gura.
>>30084668Considering Pekora's viewership grew by 1.5x, subs grew by 2x since July, and still dropped in SC revenue, it's all poor SEAnigs. Who cares?
>>30084768Banagher's autism about the beam magnum, he's literally trying to find different ways to use it since he doesn't have the Unicorn anymore. You can already see it in his Silver Bullet.
>Supposed to be a short stream>Gets side-tracked and talks for over an hourI love it
>>30084828Always gets me hyped, will definitely be played as soon as I start on my engineering diploma.
>>30084603Me too oldfriend, me too. The proper way
>>30084804What else would he use?
>>30084700(you) don't fool me watame poster
>>30084824so trinity really is real huh...
>>30084832I might stream times are also a no-go or me.When Gura streams, I'm still asleep.
>>30084742>the pained 'I ORDERED ANOTHER KAZOOOOO'...I fucking miss Doom
>Viewer start bleedingheh
Macross > Gundam
breeding this retard
>>30084864an hour is a short stream
Ina have a shit voiceshe cant compete with Kiara
>>30084804Granted, the Beam Magnum is broken as fuck. I can kind of see why he would stick to it even though it breaks your arm
>>30084721>Ahoy>no Mori or HinotoriThe naive rrats...
>>30084809The real question is if Cover will take their time asking for those permissions
>Need to finish a 200 word essay in the next hour>Ina keeps putting me to sleepbros...
>>30084892Your eigo reps
>>30084833I think The Titans were a lieMy wife fucked my friend
>>30084717when will this meme die? she's the cutest singer, but she doesn't have the range, power or endurance other Holos have, Sora, Suisei, AZKi, Subaru, Watame, Marine, even fucking Risu has more range. She's great and the most popular, but not the best.
>>30084548based kengan chad
>>30084824Can't choose, like them all.
>>30084892Go back ESL-kun.
>>30084892You have shit grammar. You can't compete with me.
>>30084781Holy fuck kek
I love my Priestess!!!!!
>>30084642gura and ame aren't feminine enough to split over such petty shit
>>30084892>ESL still trying to falseflagcome back when you pass your TOEFL retard
>>30084900Same but I have a 50 word essay due in three weeks. I'm fucked
>>30084584Cuteness controls everything.
>>30084897Well anon that would be a bit too on the nose don't you think?
>>30084568>start with the origin before 0079This. 110% recommend Origin before 0079
I love you Gura! Rest well.
>>30084900Fucker I write 200 word essays numberfagging, you can do that right the fuck now
>>30082716gorgenzela is my favourite blue chees
Towa.................................................................................................................................................................................................. I.................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . love you . . . . . .
>>30084900Welp Anon, you're tako'd.
>>30084241 You okay, dude?