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File: 1.85 MB, 3379x2099, 1590647171444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29704765 No.29704765 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>29704905

>> No.29704824
Quoted by: >>29704887

I think its meant to mimic traditional idol units where there is one head girl, but yeah they should reconsider it for future generations.

>> No.29704825
File: 205 KB, 886x1079, ElJzzpgU8AAlwgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29704834
File: 966 KB, 1482x1332, Angelfish [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6oigvu.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29704841

Pose for the fans!

>> No.29704842
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 1600208362518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Amelia!

>> No.29704843


>> No.29704844

Mister K is cuter today...

>> No.29704846

I will repost this anon response because i find it interesting
Kiara is having the time of her life, that's fine, but she isn't on the JP server, she isn't a MC maniac that makes shit there everyday, in fact, she does MC one time in the week while the rest it just JRPG and other types of games.

She might think that go to MC every it just too much for viewrs, and that's ok, i'm kind of sick of MC myself. too

I think the collab will show her 2 things, 1 is that following Pekora things is too much and second, the path she is currently making with Holotalk and other projects are better than being a shadow of Pekora, something that Moona is doing and while she win traction, the moment Pekora isn't with her, nobody gives a fuck.

>> No.29704850

CALLIOPENIS HAHAHhahHahhahahahahahhHahaha

>> No.29704851
File: 421 KB, 896x779, 1605743115059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706434

I f-wording love this dork like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.29704854


>> No.29704855
File: 793 KB, 1000x1000, EjjEULgVkAEcbF7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29704857
File: 19 KB, 290x290, 1605331149714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29704949


>> No.29704859

ngl I had a crush on these cheerleaders when I was a kid

>> No.29704861


>> No.29704866
File: 660 KB, 1355x2048, 1575443377996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29704868


>> No.29704869

Such speed

>> No.29704871
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>> No.29704873
File: 927 KB, 2501x2001, Emuk28AXcAEW9nu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara and Mori
I like the rest

>> No.29704879
Quoted by: >>29704944

I tabbed away for a while, did Rushia beat the level with the Boom Booms and Bowsers towards the end?

>> No.29704881
File: 70 KB, 900x598, 1600211078323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, Yogurt was a good singer.

>> No.29704883

Id like to procreate with ame so bad

>> No.29704882


>> No.29704884

>Never give you up
What did Nene mean by this?!

>> No.29704887

I think 4 really solid girls is better than 5.

>> No.29704886


>> No.29704888

Who is the Towa of EN

>> No.29704889
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1606258182284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora talking about Kiara https://youtu.be/k7BSSet0hmI
Pekora talking about Moona https://youtu.be/iYJ9M9vMb4A
See the difference?

>> No.29704890

Based as fuck

>> No.29704892
File: 1.45 MB, 3840x2160, All.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Hololive do you fuck? (Limit 1 please)

>> No.29704900

>never give up
>stream gives up
Sasuga CEO

>> No.29704905 [DELETED] 

Let’s talk Mori. This fucking bitch still hasn’t learned a single thing about Hololive. At this point it’s not newbie ignorance. Over the course of two months she would pick things up by osmosis if she watched a single stream a week or received any feedback at all. Basic shit like “don’t overlap with important milestone streams of your senpai” should have been something she learned weeks ago if she paid any amount of attention. I remember this lying bimbo talking about how Suisei is one of her favorite senpai. Apparently she doesn’t care enough to watch costume reveal and celebration utawaku of her favorite senpai even though every other Hololive member is watching, even the ones who barely care about Suisei. She didn’t watch 500k 3D live that involved most singing JP holos either by the way. At least pretend that you have the common decency to care about people who have built the foundation you are using to extract money for all your shitty hobbies, you absolute garbage of a human being. I remember when retarded Deadbeats bullied Ina and Ame into ending their streams early because Mori had a concert and they were supposed to care about her important event. What a fucking joke.

Speaking of jokes. Mori’s stream schedule. I distinctly remember her promising that things will get better once she is done with moving and finishing her freelance project, but I guess not. It’s a common theme with Mori. Making promises she isn’t planning to keep. Sometimes I wonder if she remembers them at all. Where is the members-only stream schedule for this month that was supposed to be up on the 1st? Is it going to be the last moment thing again with the week when she does all the member streams being empty for non-members? Remember the 10 collabs outside of EN planned by the end of the year? Yeah, I don’t think that’s happening. How long has she been teasing announcement of a JP collab, two and a half weeks now? Tick fucking tock. I’m pretty sure the teased JP collab songs are going the same way. Can’t wait to hear them in the second half of 2021. Hopefully they will be released at her graduation ceremony.

And it’s not like she sings much for a music oriented holo, does she? I’ve seen people twisting the narrative about her joining Hololive to shill her music, but I’m not seeing it at all. If she did, then she would also take steps to improve in that direction. Promote herself by doing utawaku, get some voice coaching, jump the opportunities to do collabs with other singers. She isn’t doing anything really to promote or improve her music except just being there. Seems to me like she joined Hololive only to make a quick buck on the side, nothing else.

Too bad it’s too late for her not to join Hololive at all. This whore should have just become a titty streamer if she wanted money. I honestly don’t know why she didn’t. She clearly likes normalfag twitch streamers more than vtubers and she doesn’t seem to have any problems with gachikoi baiting. Is it a false sense of dignity? I hate to break it to her, but any twitch slut who does nothing wrong except showing off her tits and being a vapid whore is better than a dumb bitch who fucks over her co-workers for no good reason.

Just imagine being this fucking bitch’s colleague. She has two other jobs that are more important to her but don’t pay rent, so she comes to work next to you but treats it as a low priority money source part time. She ruins your plans all the time because she keeps making bad choices and she doesn’t really care about your shared work. Yet she pretends to be some sort of a victim of circumstances and a hero for powering through that shit she got herself into and will get into again because she’s a selfish bitch who actually believes that her childish desires are more important than wellbeing of others. The absolute fucking audacity of this bitch. Go be your egoistic masochistic self-destructive trainwreck self by yourself. Stop ruining nice things for others.

And now we have reached the point where I talk about why I can’t just stop watching, take my meds and shut up about this fucking bitch. There is an indie out there who auditioned with Mori. She cries herself to sleep and thinks about quitting every day because indie vtubing is like that. That girl would be passionate about Hololive and would try to give it her all. But that never was because some dumb yellow fever ALT with an unrelated but somewhat impressive portfolio was looking for an easy cash money baito. Makes me sick. If this bitch can just get away with it then what even is this world? I hope I can make it sting, if only just a little bit.


>> No.29704903
File: 89 KB, 512x512, 1515054181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705280

It's time to go sleep with my wife now. I hope the rest of you anons have a pleasant evening. A reminder that all oshis are precious.

>> No.29704906
File: 31 KB, 398x344, TakoKneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29704908


>> No.29704914

The fatty must die

>> No.29704917


>> No.29704918

Oh hey, I never realized that LETS, EVERYBODY GO! doesnt play at the start of the measure, it waits about a sixteenth note of a rest before it plays
I think that's a pretty cool effect

>> No.29704920


>> No.29704923

Deadbraps and KFPcultists are not my brothers.
t. TrinityChad

>> No.29704926

>comes back

>> No.29704929

with hips like those, any sensible man would choose Kaichou

>> No.29704930
File: 1.20 MB, 2036x1704, EmTJYo_VoAES1C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29704932


>> No.29704933

Azki cause no one else will

>> No.29704934
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>> No.29704937
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>> No.29704939

Jesus CHRIST take your goddamn meds

>> No.29704941

I like how they capture what exactly each fanbase would drew themselves as soldiers.

>> No.29704944

No. She finally got to the pipe and realized the stage continued past there. She never figured out that the field of fire flowers was a trap intended to kill her and she was supposed to bounce off the spring to the platform then wall jump up.

>> No.29704947

EN 2nd generation will have a Towa

>> No.29704948
Quoted by: >>29705000

What brush are you using?

>> No.29704949


>> No.29704950
Quoted by: >>29708295


>> No.29704952 [DELETED] 

Does this mean the cancer is going to spread faster now?

>> No.29704953


>> No.29704956
File: 12 KB, 187x270, 655156652654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka is the only one that emits sexual energy for me. The clunny is too good.

>> No.29704957

Trinity is a PsyOp by GurAme fags to try to hide their hatred of Chimkin and Mori behind Ina. It's really sad.

>> No.29704959

I was out for a few minutes and there is no Gura love at the end of the last thread.
Chumbuddy I'm really disappointed...

>> No.29704960

Talking about someone you've talked with a while now vs someone you've never met before. Wow thanks anon.

>> No.29704964

Tough choice between button and kaichou

>> No.29704966
File: 15 KB, 248x255, 1603291779124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for submitting the essay, Harold

>> No.29704972
Quoted by: >>29705022

I really want the Chinese bs to be over so coco can interact with the EN girls. I am kinda curious which en girls would has the best chemistry with her. Any guesses anon? Maybe Amelia? Would be funny if it is gura since she is into meme and coco with her shitposting review.
And there is also coco kaine, she is so underuse right now.

>> No.29704978
File: 247 KB, 463x453, 16026191723022111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705389

Moona please come back already from your suspension

>> No.29704979
File: 214 KB, 1000x500, free ticket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your ticket, sir.

>> No.29704981
Quoted by: >>29705049

>None of them will be part of En new generation
I call this a win-win situation

>> No.29704982


>> No.29704990


>> No.29704989

>t. deadbeat
Makes me laugh every time.

>> No.29704991
Quoted by: >>29705069

>talking about somebody you've never seriously interacted with before
>talking about your friend
Yeah, I can see the obvious difference. Your point?

>> No.29704992
Quoted by: >>29705069

Yes, anon, Moona works at Pekora's construction company and Kiara does not

>> No.29704998
File: 919 KB, 1200x1205, 79663535_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan or Okayu

>> No.29705000

not mine

>> No.29705003
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, 1605817088156.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705004
Quoted by: >>29705038

>someone not liking my corporate ship is psyop
Deadbrap, your meds.

>> No.29705005

the thread was so abysmally slow that it was extremely hard to time it

>> No.29705009


>> No.29705011

Who do you think [lennyface.jpg]

>> No.29705014

I wonder if newfags will ever get this coupon

>> No.29705017

What is even Towa's quirks?

>> No.29705018
File: 270 KB, 512x513, 1603740417263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gomen I was watching Nenechi...

>> No.29705021


>> No.29705022

Pretty sure it will be Kiara or Mori

>> No.29705024

i'm not schizophrenic enough for this shit

>> No.29705025
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>> No.29705029

Exactly, it's really obnoxious, they don't give a shit about Ina

>> No.29705030
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>> No.29705033
File: 232 KB, 950x800, out-transparent-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice blog post

>> No.29705034


>> No.29705037
File: 75 KB, 496x496, 1590438859508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every fiber of my being demands that I breed Rushia.

>> No.29705038

Stop appropriating Ina for your nefarious GloboHolo ends, glowchama.

>> No.29705040

Ame is my oshi and I've never gosling'd so far, but christ.

Also, do you have any procreate brush recs? I'm just starting in it and don't know what the fuck to use.

>> No.29705039
File: 309 KB, 1367x1352, That's Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705108

Yes, but not in Hololive.

>> No.29705041


>> No.29705044 [DELETED] 

>nyanners is part of it
It's fucked. Just wait for it to collapse from drama.

>> No.29705048 [DELETED] 

Doesn't this mean they'll have to get permissions now? They describe themselves as a company.

>> No.29705049

they're guaranteed to collab tho

>> No.29705052

Probably Haachama. She's the most angelic of the six.

>> No.29705054


>> No.29705058
File: 104 KB, 220x222, 1606177467607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Moona please come back peko
>This weird chicken is weird and is facking my laugh

>> No.29705060

Not the poster but just want to say that I want all girls to succeed. It's just that I'm mostly watching the trinity.

>> No.29705061
Quoted by: >>29705222

Those 2 bars add up to 4/4, I'm thinking of it as a bar of 9 and a bar of 7

>> No.29705062


>> No.29705064

It looks like Moris recommended friend Milky will be getting that trash taste collab, one of the guys is now in her chat and she's freaking

>> No.29705069
Quoted by: >>29705122

all Kiara

>> No.29705070

Kiara doesn't even know how to play the game and constantly has to get backseated into not being a total fuckup.

>> No.29705073

Who's next on HoloTalk?

>> No.29705075

Whoever has the fattest tits.

>> No.29705077
File: 143 KB, 582x706, 20200819_160631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705083

Please there is dedicated thread for them at >>>/trash/

>> No.29705084


>> No.29705086
File: 573 KB, 1901x4096, Enp09DUUUAEp7W6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Pekora walks up to you in bar a little tipsy...*

>> No.29705087

Whoever has the flattest tits

>> No.29705092

Pekora doesn't actually-know Kiara at fucking all so of course she's going to treat her practically like a stranger. She was basically like that with Moona at first too.

>> No.29705093
Quoted by: >>29705137


>> No.29705098

I love her like you wouldn't believe it bro.

>> No.29705099

It's already everywhere. Formalizing it on Twitch will change nothing.

>> No.29705101

Please Yogiri!

>> No.29705104
File: 686 KB, 1500x2100, 1603425854089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's fair to mostly enjoy the trinity, especially due to time zone issues. But there is a difference between "I love these three!" and "I hate these two!". Thank you actual based trinity chad.

>> No.29705105

>Kill Jester

>> No.29705108
Quoted by: >>29705195

The Joker is just Fight Club for zoomers.
Change my mind.

>> No.29705109
File: 194 KB, 566x800, Enp5y2CUUAEvwq5.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can say I love Gura whenever I want.
I love you Gura!

>> No.29705110
File: 5 KB, 263x37, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spotted in Nene stream

>> No.29705111

[insert 9,001th joker reference involving polka here]

>> No.29705112
Quoted by: >>29705146

Okay, and

>> No.29705115

Either Okayu or Hacchama, depending on which one's chubbier.

>> No.29705116

what the fuck is this, nenechi!?

>> No.29705118
Quoted by: >>29705173

being a trinityfag means shitting on Kiara and Mori for the sake of the "holy three" or whatever that means

>> No.29705121
File: 282 KB, 600x600, Boingodachi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdyi8jy.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705210

Love me deadbeats.
Love me teamates.
Love me takobros.
Love me chumbuds.
Love me KFPals.
'ate antis.
'ate doxxfags.
'ate naive rrats.
Simple as.

>> No.29705122


>> No.29705123
File: 178 KB, 850x1200, Roboco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705416

Roboco seems like the kinda of girl you'd have the time of your life.

>> No.29705125 [DELETED] 

>love Gura, Ame and Ina
>Chicken is okay, Mori is meh
Are unityfags the worst posters here? This isn't reddit, faggots.

>> No.29705126

>*I beat the shit out of her*
Back to your own thread, you dumb rabbit.

>> No.29705129

what the fuck are you doing with that drink
where are your parents

>> No.29705130

Specializes in YAB

>> No.29705134


>> No.29705135

You think Kiara never messaging Pekora before collab? Absolute state of chickentard

>> No.29705137


>> No.29705147
File: 1.77 MB, 1200x675, 1606301608836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705146

and Moris circle of irl friends will be involving themselves more in that side of things, using Mori as a bridge, and therefore also likely bringing Mori into it even more alongside her friends

>> No.29705153

unityposters don't want you to love everyone, just don't fling shit.

>> No.29705157
File: 748 KB, 1064x615, 1541700866971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting about things that are not Hololive. Stop replying to posts about things that are not Hololive.

>> No.29705158
File: 205 KB, 400x400, 1599624524999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefag schizo BTFO'd

>> No.29705159

Has anyone else noticed the :} and Harold the Helicopter?

>> No.29705160
File: 520 KB, 960x600, Pizza [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fony6m1.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705164
Quoted by: >>29705242

For the KFP, is fine since we just chill and talk with Kiara, we're not MC maniacs at all, the game doesn't matter

>> No.29705166

Pekora will hate Kiara

>> No.29705167

man i love this song, but this might take her a while

>> No.29705168

unity doesn't mean you have to love each other equally but you wouldn't know about it would you

>> No.29705173
Quoted by: >>29705201

Well Kiara and Mori are objectively worse than Gura Ina and Ame so I don't see the problem here.

>> No.29705174
File: 249 KB, 1280x544, chama.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29705178

I don't wanna take my meds anymore

>> No.29705187

He's really have fallen into Holo. Last time I have seen him with Hololive are these remix

>> No.29705188

You just want to be contrarian. Just cause they project that they work hard doesnt mean people who don't aren't working hard in the background. People don't think that the other ENs are "working hard" but in reality we have no idea what their ethic is like outside of the image they cultivate on stream. Gura could easily have worked extremely hard to attain that level of singing, being able to do that vibrato isnt a natural thing and also memorizing all those japanese songs while having good pronouniciation isnt something that comes natural either. Ina has mentioned that she has had stressful weeks and we have literally zero idea what's that about, because she doesn't break kayfabe. What we do know is that she was an ace student and she has been at the "top" of something before, so she knows how to grind and has actual time management skills, which maybe is why she has such a consistent schedule. Not even just the other ENs, you'll probably find it's out of the norm for there not to be a hard worker, they just don't show it. Any girl who earns a lot of money milking sympathy I have zero trust that their principles aren't compromised. They need to show it, and they don't.

>> No.29705190
Quoted by: >>29705219

go back to your cave SEAnigger

>> No.29705191
File: 81 KB, 828x828, Somewhere, Over the Chem Trails in the Sky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /hlgg/ is a graveyard of good girls.

>> No.29705192


>> No.29705194
Quoted by: >>29705300

High quality hololive rips when?

>> No.29705195

the cringworthy one from suicide squad was, the new one is straight up jewish subversion

>> No.29705197

Agreed, this isn't reddit. So it's time for you to go back.

>> No.29705200
Quoted by: >>29705245

He's the original GilvaSunner

>> No.29705201

speak for yourself

>> No.29705205

Since when do you get drunk on carrot juice?

>> No.29705206

Go back /v/ermin.

>> No.29705208

If Pekora doesn't WANT to collab with you... Yagoo should cut you from Hololive 100%

>> No.29705209


>> No.29705210

Love you too Takodachi!

>> No.29705211

I go full unity when antis are attacking any of the EN. Also happy when any of them succeeds. But apart from that, I think we have the same preference.

>> No.29705212
File: 620 KB, 792x906, 1606295801149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705214

She said so on her members stream

>> No.29705219
Quoted by: >>29705251

>No argument
>Hurr durr SEAniggers
Kill yourself

>> No.29705221

Fermented carrots

>> No.29705222
Quoted by: >>29705352

man, this remix was one of my last perfects because of the final tap troupe section at the end
when it goes really long like that, it's hard to tell when its going to do the final three steps

ah, that would make sense thanks
it's weird cause the overall timing is definitely 4/4 but i feel like i hear a 7 bar too
that level's just really interesting rhythmically to me

>> No.29705226
Quoted by: >>29705250

>he put in effort to make that long blog post only for people not really give a fuck and for it to be deleted

>> No.29705227
Quoted by: >>29705299

I watch every EN girl, except Mori. She is the bad kind of cringe and I don't like her.

>> No.29705229

Why are (You) so thin-skinned anon. Are you scared of pushback against your criticism?

>> No.29705230
Quoted by: >>29705263

carrot juice ferments in just a couple hours unless pasturised or refrigirated

>> No.29705232

Shark is cute! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!

>> No.29705235
Quoted by: >>29705255

What? You expect me not to defend my oshi?

>> No.29705237

Someone Marine recommended.

>> No.29705242

Real talk:
Who gives a fuck about Kiara playing videogames? The best part is when she's done with them.
Except Sakuna. Sakuna is nice.

>> No.29705244

Thanks for the reminder

>> No.29705246

Thanks for reminding me of your shitty art.

>> No.29705245
Quoted by: >>29705274

I've seen DeoxysPrime in a gura thread too.
Think we'll ever see SupraDarky in a holo EN chat sometime? to me that guy's the OG vgmusic uploader channel

>> No.29705248
Quoted by: >>29705310

I don't particularly care about Gura or Ame, you don't see me making a big deal out of it

>> No.29705249

Bugs bunny gets drunk on carrot juice. So why can't Pekora?

>> No.29705250


>> No.29705251

t. SEAnigger

>> No.29705255

You are allowed to defend your oshi unless it's one of the girls I don't like.

>> No.29705257

>criticize Mori
>post deleted in minutes
>criticize anyone else
>post stays up

>> No.29705262

Kiara seems like practically a different person in Japanese in terms of conversational aptitude, so I dunno. She's trilingual but her English is always a bit halting and sometimes just kind of simply or awkwardly worded, or at least in a way that kind of takes away emotional impact/timing/emphasis on things.

However I can imagine it'd be odd for Peko to deal with an outright fangirl melting right in front of her, vs Moona just being kind of there and not daring to defy any orders from her and making herself a useful subject. If Kiara truly knows Peko, though, she'll know to be really gentle and mellow around her so as to not be off-putting.

>> No.29705263
Quoted by: >>29705339

brb brewing carrot beer

>> No.29705270
Quoted by: >>29705335

We don't actually discourage criticism?

>> No.29705273

naive rrat is that you're not new

>> No.29705274

gura *chat
i think it mightve even been for a karaoke

>> No.29705275

I hate all the girls equally

>> No.29705280
File: 1003 KB, 2896x4096, EmjRwp6VcAEUP-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night anon. On another hand it's time for me to take my shift at kfp.

>> No.29705282

Meido knows who are samefag baiters, they all deserve it

>> No.29705287

>stale bait gets deleted because someone reported
>meido is around
There's your rrat.

>> No.29705289

dark unity chad

>> No.29705290
File: 54 KB, 680x680, 1606207770158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kiara but Pekora is just like a high school crush with someone unattainable. The Pekora collab is just something she has to get over with in order for the memes and moona NTR teasing to end, or to not be called a failure or get teased that pekora will never collab with her or some shit. If it happens and it isn't a disaster she can close the Pekora chapter and focus on what she has built "as Kiara", while in hololive, and leave being a fan behind.

She could focus on developing holotalk and her friendship with Marine and/or Subaru, who she has actual good chemistry with. Pekora is a shy baby and literally has only two friends.

>> No.29705296

What are you guys watching during dead hours?

>> No.29705299

I have other shit to do so I usually just get to watch Mori and Ina, sometimes Kiara. Whats the point of your post anyway?

>> No.29705300
File: 405 KB, 1806x2048, IMG_20201014_205046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was one that had r.i.p. in it
forgot which one though

>> No.29705301

This is cute.

>> No.29705302

I want HololiveEU so Kiara can have Germ streams with someone

>> No.29705307
Quoted by: >>29705357

Even the JPs? Even Fubuki?

>> No.29705310
Quoted by: >>29705354

>you don't see me making a big deal out of it
You just did.

>> No.29705314

SEAnigger shitflinging in this thread.

>> No.29705315
File: 3.39 MB, 2894x4093, 1603369636137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705502

>be a young japanese student
>our english teacher is a foreigner
>she's 10/10 smoking hot but incredibly cringey trying to be relatable and hip with us
>feel bad for her since shes hard working and just trying to make learning fun, but the students tease her a lot
>read online that in the west it's normal to give your teacher a red apple as a sign of gratitude
>sneak into her classroom before anyone else is in
>put a red apple on her desk
>"Yo little guy is that a red apple?! Yooo shout out to my man over here anon for the FAT aka apple!"
>heart jumps out of my chest, fall over in surprise and fear
>my teacher is suddenly at the door, which i could've sworn i had closed
>"Can't thank you enough, dude, this is totally 'poggers' as they say."
>what is she fucking talking about
>i want to leave but she's blocking the only exit
>"Let 'your boy' give you a thank you toot man!"
>a what
>"Big ups to anon-chan over here!!"
>she walks up to me
>she's incredibly fast, covers the distance in seconds
>i'm cornered
>one of her hands pins down both my wrists, the other starts pulling up my uniform shirt
>i'm scared and confused so i start crying
>"It's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine..."
>i don't know if she's talking to me or herself
>she starts fondling my chest and kissing my neck
>can't help but moan, even if i know it's wrong
>"That moan was 'hountou sekushi' my guy!"
>pray that someone walks in and stops her
>she drops to her knees and starts fiddling with my pants
>pulls them down, i feel so ashamed at how hard i am
>she pulls out a recorder from her skirt and plays a painful note on it
>i'm pretty sure that's school property
>puts the end of the recorder on the tip of my dick
>"Thank you! *toot*
>cum instantly
i fucking hate this woman

>> No.29705316

get fucked kek

>> No.29705318

You motherfucker, now it's stuck in my head EVEN HARDER

>> No.29705319

Watching ENENMI

>> No.29705321

Thanks anon, I guess.

>> No.29705323
Quoted by: >>29705367

They've already interacted a bunch of Twitter and there is even some back and forth clips, so she's clearly not upset by the idea. Gotta do those collab reps if you're a small time indie.

>> No.29705324

I think a lot of us are watching the nene rhythm heaven stream, which has been absolutely cute-amazing so far

>> No.29705328

They seem like they wouldn't mix, but who knows. Just be prepared for some massive asshurt if Pekora can't force herself to like Kiara on the same level as Moona or she can't trust Kiara's motivations

>> No.29705329
Quoted by: >>29705358

Instead of shit drawing why you didn't do your drawing reps properly? Maybe in 4years you will get to the same level as JP pro artist.

>> No.29705330
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, ElzkhpfU0AY-5mG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29705333


>> No.29705335

Try to criticize Kiara and see what happens.

>> No.29705336
Quoted by: >>29705533

Ok so which en girls is dumping hololive to join this? And isn’t one of them sydsnap? Hime Hajime? Come one now. I am guessing Mori will get a collab with one of them at one point which is kind of bs since coco got rejected in wanting to collab with Melody.

>> No.29705339
Quoted by: >>29705383

i might be wrong but i suspect carrot pulp would go bad before you could even begin yeast fermentation

>> No.29705342
File: 69 KB, 1080x597, 1602018292681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhythm heaven streams are literally heaven while waiting for Shion

>> No.29705343

Kiara seems to be one of the more socially adept of the EN girls, especially in Jap where she's a lot more comfortable culturally and conversationally. She says she's a massive Hololive fan in general and Pekora in particular, so I have to assume she's going to at least try and not spook her oshi. At least if she's watched as much of Peko as she claims.

>> No.29705345

Any update on Ame's Christmas bgm?? Has anyone done it yet?

>> No.29705347

Kanata's playing minecraft... if that's your thing

>> No.29705350
Quoted by: >>29705470

She did say in her members stream she was gonna control herself and try to be professional around her. She knows that fangirling mid collab would be weird.

>> No.29705352
Quoted by: >>29705482

Yeah that kinda thing happens a lot in odd time music, they split a large grouping like 11 into 5 and 6 One of my favorites that does this is Algiers by Austin Peralta. Not sure if there's a name for that. Here they're splitting a group of 16 quarter notes into 9 and 7

>> No.29705354

you're right, its pointless to make a big deal out of it and I'm at fault too

>> No.29705355

The sooner Kiara gets over her fixation over Pekora, the sooner she will ironically be closer to her. It would be nice to have them be comfortable with each other in 6 months.
Mister K while doing my reps

>> No.29705357

Fubuki... Enemy!

>> No.29705356

Was watching Rushia, now have Nene in the background but I should really take a nap instead...

>> No.29705358

I just wanna make fun content for my friends

>> No.29705360
File: 2.77 MB, 426x240, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffhl31b.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705600


>> No.29705367



>> No.29705368

>Who gives a fuck about Kiara playing videogames? The best part is when she's done with them.
I do, its fun watching people improve. I wouldnt mind seeing her do a solo mario kart 8 stream just to learn how to drive and grind some tracks.

>> No.29705372

based unity anti

>> No.29705375

You'll get purged for being off topic. Happen to me last thread.
But no, if anything the kids will move onto this new thing, and true Holo fans will remain.
I hope it's a good thing.

>> No.29705376

>nobody cared about you until you died

>> No.29705379

can i just say how astonished i am at how /hlgg/ held together through everything thrown at it yet. guess it's because being a step away from being sent to /trash/ really makes it pull its shit together.

>> No.29705380

I can't decide between Aqua, Marine, Okayu or Shion. I almost died of dehydration during that 3D stream.

>> No.29705381
File: 59 KB, 300x346, 1605873894770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705401

More like
>guy makes a giant, quite liteally essay-length shitpost - right at the start of the thread, in dead hours, because he knows that'll give it the most time possible to stir up attention without a current stream going and to rack up (you)s

>sharkmeido sees it for what it is, as tryhard trolling, and kicked him in the dick

>> No.29705383

Thanks for reminding me the carrot ginger dressing I made a month ago has gone bad and is likely a bioweapon at this point.

>> No.29705382

Nene and waiting for Haachama's stream to end to see if she shows off her schedule for the week.

>> No.29705384
Quoted by: >>29705524

Is Towa doing eigo reps? She’s so cute bros I want to understand what she’s saying

>> No.29705387

>tfw no Ninomae Ina'nis 1/4 bunny figure

>> No.29705386

Anyone heard of this?
Don't expect it to be on pop on rocks' level though.

>> No.29705389
Quoted by: >>29705429

She's doing a members only stream today

>> No.29705392

Because you're a retard. Constructive posts like these >>29705290 aren't being shit on because they actually add something to the conversation.
And it's not the KFP are shitting on you either, they mostly just ignore your shit, but it's the other fanbases doing it.
t. deabeat

>> No.29705395

Noel without a doubt, she got dem milkers.
Transbraps do it for free is my narrative.

>> No.29705396

Ideally she should find games that allow her to combine talking skills with some gameplay. Simulators like Anno or even Rimworld would work for that, but I doubt she would touch these kind of games.

>> No.29705398
Quoted by: >>29705600

how about a palette cleanser


>> No.29705400
File: 3.86 MB, 320x339, 1605034566046.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat it

>> No.29705401

I'm like 80% certain it's a pasta mate.

>> No.29705406
File: 1.28 MB, 2894x3293, 82249708_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loAlo: Whenever I talk to Yogiri, she always signs off by saying "I love you, mama!" She's a really cute and kindhearted girl. Please keep supporting her until the day of her graduation.
>Yogiri: Thank you, loAlo-mama! During this one year I spent as your daughter, I was able to sing and talk and create a lot of wonderful memories, and it made me so very happy! Please keep watching me until the end. And loAlo-mama, I love you forever!

>> No.29705408

It's a retarded pasta. Learn to use archives you fucking newfags.

>> No.29705412

Most boring Hololive talent is/are....

Is Ame Watson and Kiara.... ?

>> No.29705413
Quoted by: >>29705478

Hololive is not just an EN anon, try to browse more in JP.
Maybe you'll find someone interesting despite the language barrier..
I'm still watching Marine despite Gura being my oshi or maybe do your reps.

>> No.29705414


Somebody asked for this yesterday, but I didn't get a chance to record until today. Also I really fucking hate the Blue Yeti.

Also, dead hours mixing anon, are you around?

>> No.29705416
Quoted by: >>29705525

>that time matsuri asked her if it was okay to kiss and RBC straight up frenched her
god you just know high spec robot will make you cum for days

>> No.29705418


>> No.29705417

Please don't shill your own content. It's not bad, but it's not great either.

>> No.29705419

video projectile shitting and post please

>> No.29705423
File: 90 KB, 519x540, 1604448464425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705453

Give me the child!

>> No.29705424
File: 136 KB, 600x350, gosling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit... please... no more feels...

>> No.29705427

There's criticism happening right now in this very thread about her anon. You blind or something?

>> No.29705429
Quoted by: >>29705557

Does she have her streaming pc already? Or is she still waiting for the delivery fags?

>> No.29705430
File: 32 KB, 271x403, 1605610122240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705436

post better quality copypasta next time

>> No.29705437

It's clearly (You).

>> No.29705439

Probably RBC and Apex Hell Matuli.

>> No.29705443
Quoted by: >>29705763

Microsoft Flight Simulator is the key, my man.
She can showcase her worldliness too and pull up strange anecdotes from Britain to Brazil.

>> No.29705447
Quoted by: >>29705614

Watching Gura's Soma VOD, damn the SC's went crazy! I can see why Calli teared up after the same stuff. When it happened to her, it was still the first month. Well it's always nice to see people teasing girls like that

>> No.29705446


>> No.29705449
File: 575 KB, 1378x2039, EkRPOZGVgAA4qFb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705448
File: 55 KB, 351x354, 1601622235130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705450

Just checked it and it still smells fine. Don't have anything to eat it with though.

>> No.29705453
File: 230 KB, 503x857, 1604310028507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705750

But pikamee they aren't born yet!

>> No.29705455

It's not even mine but ok.

>> No.29705460
File: 210 KB, 1340x494, 797900f9c138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705499

Make it not look like a pasta? His points were legit until the last paragraph

>> No.29705461

Tell me about Super Nenechi. Why is she the galaxy baby?

>> No.29705465
File: 1.07 MB, 2400x3000, 1604776145476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think someone with active roommates twitter like chicken feels when people who clearly came there from following their holo persona comment their posts?

>> No.29705469

Either Amelia or Robocco

>> No.29705470

While it's good that she knows that fangirling would be terrible, we will have to see if she can actually control it. Hopefully she can do it, for her own sake.

>> No.29705471

>Mori retweeting stuff again

>> No.29705472


>> No.29705478

I really only watch Shion outside of EN, so I was just looking for anyone else interesting to tune into until she started playing papers please.

>> No.29705482
Quoted by: >>29705677

wow that is some really cool jazz music, gotta give that a listen later. are you a jazz student??
and yeah I think its cool when that happens in music, I'm pretty sure that's what happens in marx's theme in kirby super star
according to one of the top comments, the time signature is {6/8, 6/8, 7/8, 6/8, 9/8, 6/8, 5/8, 5/8, 6/8, 6/8, 7/8, 6/8, 9/8, 6/8, 5/8, 5/8, 6/8, 6/8, 6/8, 6/8, 5/8, 5/8, 6/8, 6/8, 5/8, 5/8, 6/8, 5/8, 6/8, 6/8, 6/8, 6/8} <--REPEAT, so 191/8 in total; i think stuff like that is pretty neat

>> No.29705488
File: 885 KB, 1675x940, PolkaSupachatto[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4yloxg.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need more!

>> No.29705489
Quoted by: >>29705662

How come no one told me about Yogurt? I started with EN and I regret I didn't start sooner.

>> No.29705494

Amelia has more talents suited for a streamer, but Kiara meshes better with the concept of Hololive.

>> No.29705497

not good, i assume. i can only imagine the hell gura gets from the notifications on HER old videos.

>> No.29705498

rumao, i think all girls did a guerilla by now except her

>> No.29705499

how mad are you that it got deleted?

>> No.29705502

Kek, nice one anon.

>> No.29705504
Quoted by: >>29705545

Anonchama... Let it go...

>> No.29705505

when you say you want hololiveEU you just want holoEN but with people from EU culture and/or streaming time like Kiara and Ina right?

>> No.29705507

Milky Queen

>> No.29705513


>> No.29705517
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 1545370651279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish she could be chill but nah

>> No.29705524
File: 11 KB, 294x294, 1604455053744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can uhhh read english words
dont know about actually understanding though

>> No.29705525
File: 73 KB, 500x500, okgoogle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google, analyze this post and locate the source material please.

>> No.29705532

She's currently here and she's fucking shitposting.


>> No.29705531

You don't even deserve a (You). Go back to where you came, rrat.

>> No.29705533
Quoted by: >>29705973

Mori can't even handle Kiara's lewd jokes. Her collab with someone from Melody's clique would run aground in under 5 minutes.

>> No.29705534

Ina is boring like RBC

>> No.29705537


>> No.29705538

Danchou smashed a keyboard when someone called her roomate danchou....she also smashed it when she slipped a "Because i am your Dan-"

>> No.29705545
Quoted by: >>29705587

for a music holo she streams well enough

>> No.29705550

Just give us the members schedule so I can sleep...

>> No.29705556

some nonholo vtuber debut
she's cute so far.

>> No.29705557
Quoted by: >>29705572

I have no idea, she didn't post any updates in her community tab

>> No.29705559

Final Remix onegai!

>> No.29705560

Usual asmr stuff.

>> No.29705565
File: 602 KB, 2025x2865, illust_85898987_20201125_130110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705563

Thanks for the heads up. Why does she have three avatars though?

>> No.29705567
File: 158 KB, 343x399, 1605986336169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705571

We seriously need someone talented to make a good watson ground pound remix,, adding some HICs in there for good measure
the guy who made pop on rocks made it in one day, and would have made it in like 5 less hours if he didnt manually chop up the voice samples with inefficient software

>> No.29705572
File: 767 KB, 1578x1079, ina2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705583
File: 145 KB, 463x453, 1605764918386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705634

If I knew what this was referencing I could mix it.

>> No.29705585

Chicken doesn't seem to care since she even commented on it when it first happened. Mori also doesn't give too many fucks.

>> No.29705586
Quoted by: >>29706068

The way you growled "punish my oshi" really really sent a tingle up my spine. You could pull off some good asmr/audios.

>> No.29705587

Just riling mate

>> No.29705592


>> No.29705598

Ina, by far

>> No.29705600

Yall are alright, have a thing

>> No.29705601
File: 2.49 MB, 2360x1640, 1605014635366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705602

I want to go back to Trinity hours.

>> No.29705605
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1603965400047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't chicken's roommate make and delete a tweet along the lines of
>ooh i wonder where all these follows came from?
after her debut? or am I going total schizo here

>> No.29705606
Quoted by: >>29706068

what's wrong with the yeti?

>> No.29705614
Quoted by: >>29705912

Exactly anon, schizo posting almost affect me then I realized it's actually funny when Gura started to blush.
Also she got more money so I'm happy with it.
Probably only /v/ermin or autist who actually angry with SC war.

>> No.29705615

To be fair, tweeting stuff can be done at anytime as long as you have a phone with you.

>> No.29705621

Rikka is underrated. Pls support the robot.

>> No.29705619

Mori constantly fucking dogwhistles D6chan and accidentally mentioned Karrot twice.

>> No.29705628

No I remember that as well.

>> No.29705634

It's this

>> No.29705636


>> No.29705642
Quoted by: >>29706068

welcome back vocaroochan. Hurry up and start streaming so you can build a backlog and audition for EN gen 3 (prob won't have enough time for gen 2)

>> No.29705644
File: 730 KB, 4096x2896, Enffv_7VkAISs4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705678

absolutely amazing

>> No.29705655
Quoted by: >>29705671

Haachama made an egg farm on JP server because she wants to egg the JPs.

>> No.29705657

Is Milky ESL or nah? Her english is pretty good.

>> No.29705658 [DELETED] 

Yup, you can see the screencaps in the debut thread. She even replied to a guy who not very subtly referenced ALOE LOVE

>> No.29705662

Sadly, only /hlg/ ever talked about Yogurt. /hlgg/ caught wind of her after the graduation announcement.

>> No.29705668

Ina isn't boring. You're just not interested in what she's peddling and that's fine.

>> No.29705669
File: 86 KB, 1080x593, 1234564646546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAA nene's head bopping is too much!
She had so much fun!

>> No.29705670

Have literally every Hololive cover instead some are privated however

>> No.29705671

Based, KFP on the up.

>> No.29705677
Quoted by: >>29706068

Nice. If you feel that your plosives and s's and t's are too sharp, you can put a de esser on, but don't go overboard with it.

Yeah, im a jazz drummer

>> No.29705678

Thought the thumbnail had her with black lipstick.


>> No.29705684
File: 28 KB, 400x400, EikI0XsWkAAHwVn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705686

Damn you're based, Anon.

>> No.29705693

Yup, you can see the screencaps in the debut thread. She even replied to a guy who not very subtly referenced what happened to Aloe.

>> No.29705696

yeah basically, also maybe some pandering for their native languages

>> No.29705698
File: 548 KB, 701x389, Chicken box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would Kiara react to this device?

>> No.29705706
File: 272 KB, 1908x1394, 1606303881829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate Nene's stream?

>> No.29705707

I got into hololive through the DJ Professor K takeover after KFAD2, it had this really good remix of JSR's miller ball breakers with korofunk

>> No.29705712
File: 203 KB, 500x500, 1606303588794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705725


>> No.29705714
Quoted by: >>29705762

Hello Mori

>> No.29705716
File: 202 KB, 1242x702, nenechi!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was such a very fun and adorable stream. I want to see more rhythm heaven streams.
Now off to Shion

>> No.29705719

his Melody yesterday might've been the best version of that song i've heard so far

>> No.29705721

genuinely enjoyed it

>> No.29705723

is this a Chilean accent or am I missing something?

>> No.29705724


>> No.29705725

b o i b o i

>> No.29705730


>> No.29705738

I want to support CEO more now

>> No.29705741


>> No.29705742

9/10 i love this dork

>> No.29705744
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x1439, 1603434703748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29705749
File: 85 KB, 246x246, 1523026498923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody cared about you until you died

>> No.29705750
File: 161 KB, 410x356, 1538578930290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura can never have a child because shes living in the middle of nowhere with courage the cowardly dog

>> No.29705751


>> No.29705752
File: 546 KB, 2757x4096, Enie-RvVkAEKeM4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29705812

>Can I smell you?
Gura is STARVING for some physical affection.

>> No.29705755

Has anyone ever done one of those "streaming until I reach X subscribers" streams, but underestimated how much time it'd actually take, so they just awkwardly keep streaming for hours?

>> No.29705759
File: 962 KB, 1775x1836, 1603454097130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humane conditions, on a chicken farm? Haachamaa.....

>> No.29705760
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1587769633590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moris Idol friend is singing Sonic raps right now
This is the girl who is responsible for Mori joining Hololive
Mori may be even cringier than we are willing to realize

>> No.29705762

You think she's using a burner?

>> No.29705763

Holy fuck, if she does her homework beforehand a real time flight zatsudan would be pure kino.

>> No.29705769

I really hope she does RH again. It's my all time favourite rhythm game.

>> No.29705772


>> No.29705773

I half expected an /hlgg/ twist on this

>> No.29705787

I am so glad she didnt give up auditioning until she got in/10

>> No.29705793
Quoted by: >>29705806

which one?

>> No.29705795

I find it hilarious that she's Connor's fan now.
Fun fact: 93% of the audience for his older Black Butler videos were female

>> No.29705802


>> No.29705806
Quoted by: >>29705843

The milky rice one

>> No.29705809
Quoted by: >>29705826

Isn't that just life

>> No.29705812

Amelia better stop fucking around and finally pay attention to her

>> No.29705816
Quoted by: >>29705841

>new ip
>mori retweeted not long ago

really makes you think

>> No.29705826

I'm going to be remembered

>> No.29705828
Quoted by: >>29705854

Aw shit I love this song. Had no idea Holos covered it.

>> No.29705831
Quoted by: >>29705843


>> No.29705839

Mori's pet snake is so cute...

>> No.29705841
Quoted by: >>29705913

I'm tempted to scour milky's viewers to look for the Mori burner account, but I took my meds today.

>> No.29705843


>> No.29705845

You take people for granted until they're gone.

>> No.29705850

anon.... like 93% of black butler fans are female

>> No.29705854

Refer to the playlist:

>> No.29705858
Quoted by: >>29705898

heres a million dollar idea, HoloManagers and/or Mori whoever reads this post.
Just like how Kiara has her talkshow and Coco has AsaCoco, have Mori and Polka do a bi-weekly series where they review different instruments, starting from mainstreams stuff like guitars and drums and moving on to more obscure ones like the azetec death whistle. The two autists don't even need to play them good, just need to give some insight and fun facts about them and play them like retards, that's all the entertainment that's needed. Give the show some stupid name like POLKALLIOPES MUSICAL CIRCUS and there you go. You can do whatever extra shit you want like inviting guests

>> No.29705871

I'd watch, but I'm enjoying K's DJ'ing too much. A quick check in shows that chicken could learn from her by dropping the character voice when she starts singing, though.

>> No.29705872

>that last one

>> No.29705889
File: 772 KB, 1449x813, 1605679766392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too human, not enough death camp immersion Frau Haachama

>> No.29705898
Quoted by: >>29705926

And we could also get Ame a hydraulic press!

>> No.29705902 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.04 MB, 893x523, 1606306616599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, but seeing this upon going into the stream made made me lose my shit

>> No.29705910

Did you make this? It's missing Risu's King cover.

>> No.29705911

Whole lot of scum in here that can't appreciate Ina
Apex Festival is the most boring and mentally disturbed

>> No.29705912
Quoted by: >>29706021

I get angry at Cover when i see that. But yeah, /vpol/ always come storming for (You).

>> No.29705913

Well, if she's here, I hope she'll see the message to post the fucking members schedule, Morinin. If you're going to stream at terrible hours for me in NA, the least you could do is let me try to plan out my suffering.

>> No.29705914
File: 69 KB, 212x201, 1606227898905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pet snake is on
>Mister K is on
>Rice is on
>HAve them on play but I can only listen to one
Being deadbeat is suffering

>> No.29705926
Quoted by: >>29705998

Haachama could cut things with a 1000 degree hot knife

>> No.29705930
File: 1.08 MB, 2480x3508, 85259333_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Accused of being a Japanese girl pretending to be Chinese because she didn't make the cut for the main branch only because she was good at singing in Japanese
>Never made a pro CCP post
>Didn't even celebrate Chinese holidays aside from the new year
>Doesn't live on the main land
>Only had social media to share cat pictures with her mama and tweet fanart
>At some point she straight up was accused of being Anti Chinese

>> No.29705931
Quoted by: >>29705987

More holos should sing sonic music. For as cringey the series is, you gotta admit it's got good music.
I would be really happy if Mori rapped wild canyon/pumpkin hill/aquatic mine
Sonic Adventure 1, all 6 of the character songs are really good imo, Mori seems like the type that would really enjoy rapping knuckles' theme
I could totally see Amelia singing one of the silly upbeat ones too, like how she sang santeria

>> No.29705938
Quoted by: >>29706090

Wait, shit was he in that? One of my ex's used to love the fuck out of that anime.

>> No.29705944

It's so weird that she has a welcome sign for Connor. The ghostling plague is real and that's why Callifags must die

>> No.29705946

I know that being depressing is her shtick, but please, Riri, speak up a bit...

>> No.29705961
Quoted by: >>29706090

The fuck

>> No.29705965
Quoted by: >>29705985


>> No.29705966


>> No.29705969


>> No.29705972

Are there even straight males who like Black Butler?

>> No.29705973
Quoted by: >>29706055

Did you forget sydsnap aka Hime hajime is now part of the group? Mori collab with the trash taste the other days, I really doubt she would have a problem collabing with “Hime”.

>> No.29705975
File: 240 KB, 2000x2400, 1604298561014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching all of them, also snek has already accomplished more in Minecraft in two streams than Mori did in all those collabs, kek

>> No.29705977

For me, it's Ninomae Ina'nis, the love of my life.

>> No.29705979
Quoted by: >>29706090

I dont get the joke.

>> No.29705982

The latter.

>> No.29705985

I wonder what can you ask that's not been asked already.

>> No.29705987

Gura seems like a good choice for Live and Learn

>> No.29705992

Where did the snek name come from?

>> No.29705993

oh, so that's what that is. dont know the guys content or what the kermits mean
she kinda..... she has a good singing voice, cute voice and personality and uh, from what I'm seeing so far
she kinda seems like EN gen 2 material

>> No.29705996

Definitely A-chan. Ina comes in a close second

>> No.29705998

>Ina already so quiet already she's perfect for a Primitive Technology clone

>> No.29706004
File: 1.33 MB, 1275x659, 5315432745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it kino bros?

>> No.29706008
Quoted by: >>29706027

she makes snek noises

>> No.29706011

Bad game for stream
Mori carried well
Hachaama was making retarded noises

>> No.29706013

It's Overcooked 2, nothing that game creates is Kino

>> No.29706014
Quoted by: >>29706092

Favorite position (to game in)

>> No.29706021

Why is always /pol/, why is always /v/, why is always /vg/, why is always /cgl/? Why you have to disparage and dismiss everything you dont agree with as something external?

>> No.29706025

Haachama saved the collab with retardnoise

>> No.29706026
Quoted by: >>29706082

Damn, how long do K's DJ sessions go for? If it's vibing to his 2hu remixes all day I should really catch more of them

>> No.29706027

Even if she undead

>> No.29706030

Shion yo

>> No.29706032

She has this cute quirk that she hisses when she's thinking or stressed.
Definitely. If her, Africat and Canadian get in, it will be a golden age of Family Friendly and Wholesome. A direct contrast to Nyanner's clique.

>> No.29706033

Kiara slapped Mori with her meat
Really nice family dynamic all stream

>> No.29706035

One of the worst games to watch
Haachama is a sweet girl though so she's nice to watch

>> No.29706049

The Mori expanded universe caters to all of her fans. You have the JP music vtuber in the snek, the shitposter idol in Milky, and the hiphop musician in K's.

>> No.29706048

watch her streams, she goes "hsssss....." a lot
imagine if you took a quiet girl who made "mmm......" noises a lot and replaced them all with "hsssss....."

>> No.29706052
File: 595 KB, 1281x720, !!! important!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to make ann announcement. All Holos are good in their own way and you shouldn't actively hate one just because she's not your thing.

>> No.29706053

>gura made 12k in the soma stream
what happened? that's a lot

>> No.29706055

I have no idea who that is and if she would have a problem with getting into a collab. I'm saying it would turn into a dumpster fire real fast if it did happen. Even on the podcast she got uncomfortable with some questions and any of those lewdtubers is easily ten times worse.

>> No.29706061

Reminder, instead of hating Mori, Kiara, Ame, Gura, or Ina, you can always hate Koopa.

>> No.29706060
Quoted by: >>29706371

I loved how Mori was doting on Haachama.

>> No.29706062
Quoted by: >>29706097

Ame roar

>> No.29706068
File: 2.04 MB, 2073x1175, koopa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Maybe once I start doing streams, I'll try an ASMR one.

It is either too overpowered or too underpowered. It can pickup my dog farting and any other undesired noise. I wish I had gotten any other mic at the time, but for the price, I can't complain.

I'm working on it, but lately with thanksgiving and family, I've gotten barely any freetime. Also, I can't get Koopa's model to come out looking how I want it, but I think for now she's good enough.

I'll try that next time. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.29706071
Quoted by: >>29706094

The Canadians started a trade war again

>> No.29706080

The War of 1812 moved from Mori's territory to Gura's

>> No.29706082

He has a bunch archived that are members only. You can check the length on them.

>> No.29706084
Quoted by: >>29706653

Holy shit. That's a nice-ass model.

>> No.29706086

Mori stopped streaming so paypigs moved to Gura

>> No.29706090
File: 287 KB, 586x511, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706111

Yeah, a lot of his older content is Black Butler related, and talked to the English VA for Sebastian though his regular content has branched out.
He's got a fairly large female audience given the stuff he does (just skim the channel, there's years of stuff in there).

She's just a big fan

>> No.29706092
Quoted by: >>29706275

I like this idea. Somebody ask her to describe it via drawing and we might get a cute drawing from Ina. (Would do it myself, but marshmallows are a bitch to work for me)

>> No.29706094
File: 95 KB, 850x850, 1600761686677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manage to farm cow then cunt

>> No.29706095
File: 51 KB, 453x538, 1605342944280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please no more Sakuna, let me leave the rice fields

>> No.29706097 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 360x317, 1606307170028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29706105
File: 879 KB, 849x1200, 1605977330883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura seemed extra happy in the last SOMA stream, it was even more enjoyable than usual. You could tell she was proud of her schedule reps and overall improvement.

>> No.29706106

looks really good so far desu

>> No.29706107


>> No.29706110

>Cover introduces a new branch for the Nyanner's clique: HoloWhore featuring your favourite "lewdtubers"
>Massively successful among Western audience, nips lose respect for Cover
>Kiara collabs with them constantly to leech, every other EN ignores them except Mori who responds to their tweets frequently

>> No.29706111

Oh I thought maybe he was one of the VAs.

>> No.29706113
Quoted by: >>29706210

I will always dislike Coco, Ayame, Risu, Haachama while i won't give a single fuck to Gura, Amelia and Towa

>> No.29706123

Cringe SC war. I wish they would ignore off topic donations.

>> No.29706125


>> No.29706133

>Vocaroochan will never growl at you like this until she's part of HoloEN
Feels bad man

>> No.29706137

>when you just make a casual 4k in one stream because of some Canadians
She's really living the life now, must be something.

>> No.29706145
File: 899 KB, 750x1000, 1605592542883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 more minutes

>> No.29706148

My dick

>> No.29706162

Plenty, she just doesn't pick those questions

>> No.29706164
File: 2.82 MB, 2480x2480, EkEHTLQU0AEdEDl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my recs are either Mori or her friends..

>> No.29706167

If I had that chance I'd just marry her outright

>> No.29706169

You will eat the rice.

>> No.29706172
File: 502 KB, 1838x2417, 85771500_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706276

she's been happier even in the past few streams before that, im glad she's enjoying what she's doing

>> No.29706182
Quoted by: >>29706276

She was also drunk

>> No.29706189

Next generation of holoJP/EN is going to be made up Mori's friends.
Screencap this post.
Still hoping the KR rapper makes it in

>> No.29706193

Gura’s turkey-make is going to be her making one of those hand turkeys from kindergarten and her hand is going to be really fucking small

>> No.29706195
Quoted by: >>29706653

The design is really nice. The eyes are a nice touch and isn't overdesigned. I am unqualified to give any constructive input, all I know is I know what I like.

>> No.29706200

Blame the chainman of Free Radical mate

>> No.29706206
File: 1.14 MB, 1307x2260, Mitsugetsu Un Deux Trois [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frkjg08.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706240


>> No.29706210

I'll shoot so you don't have to reply to your own post in order to explain: why?

>> No.29706211

I also think that nonholos are good in their on way and you shouldn't actively hate one just because she's not your oshi

>> No.29706213

does this confirm her EST time zone? but her sleep schedule is one of the most messy thing about her I guess not.

>> No.29706221
Quoted by: >>29706275

alright fellas what we askin, if 300 people ask the same thing surely she has to respond to it

>> No.29706224

Gonna need some hints here senpai

>> No.29706230
Quoted by: >>29706317

Ame had marshmallow open like three hours ago already so I sent a question, hopefully it won’t get cut off or something.

>> No.29706233
Quoted by: >>29706280

I would be happy with that. Family Friendly + Wholesome is what I tune into hololive for, and her personality seems pretty professional and likable.
Her singing is really gentle and soulful, great contrast with her high and bright pitched voice when talking.
Plus it seems like she has a whole archive of stream content.

Is there anything about her that would hold her back from becoming a new holo EN?

>> No.29706234


>> No.29706239
File: 127 KB, 600x369, 1606307537426.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame's sleep reps at an all-time low again
She should learn a thing or two from Gawr "a bath and a bed are all I need" Gura

>> No.29706240

Isn't the pain of her graduation beautiful? I may be messed up but that sadness is just so enjoyable to feel.

>> No.29706241

>HoloUnderworld side generation like GAMERS
>EN/JP cross generation with 5 of Mori's friends
>at least one of them will keep their avatar
>K's ends up in the next Holostars generation
Make it happen Cover

>> No.29706243
File: 135 KB, 1274x677, wildgura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching vtuber debut
>suddenly gura

>> No.29706249

Will there ever be a EN Sio situation where the post history on 4chan of a chuuba gets leaked?

>> No.29706253

Do you think the EN girls will get a massive ego boost if they visited this place during deadhours?

>> No.29706257
Quoted by: >>29706369


>> No.29706260

Go to /vyg/ or >>>trash for this

>> No.29706262
File: 1.12 MB, 800x714, 1604806098023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29706264
Quoted by: >>29706369

The one with the cult

>> No.29706265

I bet shes playing rune factory

>> No.29706266
Quoted by: >>29706974

i would guess CST, but i have literally zero evidence to back this up

>> No.29706267

that's fucked up but i understand

>> No.29706268
File: 225 KB, 1916x1011, 1605786802831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These dead hours are unbearable. There will be nothing to watch for another 14 hours or so.

>> No.29706271
File: 144 KB, 463x453, pehchko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay done

>> No.29706273


>> No.29706275

Just be discreet and we might get a drawing out of this

>> No.29706276

She probably found a boyfriend.

>> No.29706280

She's in a group with 2 other girls, I believe, and might feel bad just up and ditching them, as well as not wanting to abandon her fans, plus the responsibilities of being a corporate vs indie. She might just prefer to do collabs with Mori to leech some and keep doing what she's doing.

>> No.29706284
Quoted by: >>29706322

Stop complaining about dead hours and do your reps

>> No.29706288 [DELETED] 

How was the Haachama collab with TakaMori?

>> No.29706292
File: 1.72 MB, 1763x2479, 1587005223090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706327

Mori-sama... your guerilla stream... or SC reading... or members schedule...

>> No.29706295
Quoted by: >>29706352

>Telling an OC creator to leave
No U

>> No.29706297

Yeah, me.

>> No.29706299

Smellanon when do you ask your questions on marshmallow? You always get chosen, tell us your secret

>> No.29706313

Im happy for you two.

>> No.29706314
File: 257 KB, 800x800, 1605258539652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706397

b...but why

>> No.29706317

She probably removed ones she got before twitter announcement.

>> No.29706315

And by the way, why is some literal who 4channel whore even allowed to shill in here and isn't told to go back to /trash/? Since when did this become /vyt/

>> No.29706322

I’m working, doing reps needs more concentration than shitposting here, so do a flip already.

>> No.29706325

Better get used to Gura popping up as often as Kizuna AI does.

>> No.29706327


>> No.29706329
File: 375 KB, 709x750, 1577455617356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doesn't speak of the numbers of new people inspired by Mori that are gonna try out in the future too, and almost all of them motivated to levels to do self improvement and success reps because of her will be fans of her alter ego and friends, and likely involved with those girls or guys in some way enabled from the small communities around them
The future of HoloLive is Mori, and she doesn't even realize it

>> No.29706330

The one obsessed with Tim Horton's

>> No.29706331
Quoted by: >>29706360

We've been dating for 4 years now lol. We just went out on a date this weekend that's why she was happy

>> No.29706335
Quoted by: >>29707772

She reviews questions from most recent going backward from what she's said in previous streams, so you have to guess when she's getting close to closing it.

t. not him

>> No.29706337

What if it's actually Gura asking those questions and having to answer them is a 罰-game between the EN's

>> No.29706345

>mori ends up being the schizo shitposter who wouldn't shut the fuck up about her
>kiara constantly gets told to fuck off to reddit
>ina is the member post leaker
>gura is a numberfag
>ame is a goslingposter

>> No.29706347

no, only in japan are the websites so completely backwards that they would just leak your ip to everyone

>> No.29706350
Quoted by: >>29706424

we're all despairfags here

>> No.29706352

Am telling her to post the recurrent updates of her personal vtubing project there

>> No.29706359
Quoted by: >>29706400

It's dead hours, what else are we gonna do for fun?
(inb4 do your reps, I will never watch streams or read the archives you loser)

>> No.29706360
File: 55 KB, 572x324, 1583167357178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706473

uh oh anon, i think things havent been going as smooth as you thought >>29706297

>> No.29706365
Quoted by: >>29706653

One more thing, if your condenser mic is picking up misc sounds, set it to cardioid mode so it mostly picks up sounds coming from the front. You can also treat your room with foam acoustic panels or curtains/carpets on the walls to reduce reverb. Condensers are very sensitive to the room.

>> No.29706366

20 years from now when some meido sells the backup hard drives for meth money.

>> No.29706369
Quoted by: >>29706431

How is the moose behind Tentacult "family friendly?"

>> No.29706371

I had a feeling Mori was going to go full Onee-chan with Hacchama.

>> No.29706380
File: 86 KB, 240x240, mikamichiori-7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got a question in

>> No.29706384

Oh shit, I know this artist. Didn't think she'd debut as a chuuba

>> No.29706389
File: 399 KB, 2400x3672, 1606228122205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706461

The rratives...

>> No.29706390

my fucking sides

>> No.29706393
Quoted by: >>29706446

Ye. You can love or hate her. But you can't deny she inspired a fuckton of people to do their reps.
We aren't just another brick in in the wall.

>> No.29706394
Quoted by: >>29706409

>Coco is constantly told to lurk more when she asks for explanations to the memes

>> No.29706397

her designer draws a lot of Hololive art and she was showing some of her works

>> No.29706400
Quoted by: >>29706468

Threads don't have to be filled in under 1 hour. If there's nothing to talk about when it comes to HoloEN or Hololive in general, then fuck off. Don't start humoring some attention whore and start orbiting her vtuber career in a Hololive thread.

>> No.29706404


>> No.29706405
Quoted by: >>29706436

It's fine as long as she is creating /hlgg/-related content, isn't it? It's not like she is shilling original songs or something.

>> No.29706407
File: 71 KB, 640x358, 1604673745837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki on final boss Sakuna:

Drop by if you have the time

>> No.29706409
Quoted by: >>29706746

>Haachama is the ESLposter

>> No.29706414

I'm getting chills.

>> No.29706415
File: 3.86 MB, 3600x1466, 1603961397577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it all makes sense now

>> No.29706418
Quoted by: >>29706653

It's a hlgg meme. Though if she starts streaming, it'd only be partially related here.

>> No.29706420
Quoted by: >>29706453

meido... Can you tell us if there's a shitposter with a japanese IP? I know my boy is too dumb to use a VPN.

>> No.29706421
Quoted by: >>29706449

How about another joke Kiara

>> No.29706423
File: 56 KB, 499x479, 1590414954185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29706424

Fuck off Junko, I'm a HOPEfag

>> No.29706426
Quoted by: >>29706471

Ruined a thread because of superchat war >>29690612

>> No.29706431

Cult jokes are family friendly now

>> No.29706432

>Kiara should stop being one of us.
Shit tier take.

>> No.29706433
Quoted by: >>29706456

Anyone else unironically think 'it's okay when Gura does it', since she's playing a retarded loli character? It's like she's cheating by having that character, since her weaknesses become strengths when perceived through the daughter experience filter.

>> No.29706434
Quoted by: >>29706447

Bitch, I belieb this

>> No.29706436

Of course it's fine, but then the posts always devolve into her talking about unrelated shit and moves onto orbiting. The voice lines that are holo related? Great. Thanks for the OC.

>> No.29706437
Quoted by: >>29706536

this, but also Gura will inspire many children to consider vtubing as a job in the future. Securing a wider and bigger talent pool down the line. Gura and Mori are essentially paving the future of hololive if its going to become a long running company

>> No.29706441

wait am I getting this right
anon posted vocaroo with the alphabet titles Mori copypasta, it was during Ina celebration stream I think? posted something later about trying to do vtubing
somewhen later koopa started as anon posted the dream with secret 6th holoen member
someone drew her
now anon's dream is going to be real by combining those 2 things?

>> No.29706442


>> No.29706445 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 205x355, 1606308083487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the first one who comes to mind when you see this pic

>> No.29706446

I've unironically changed my life because of her, I'm far more productive and happier.
I was pessimistic of my future before, but I feel like success in some form is guaranteed shortly for me now as I continue my long days of reps and push my boundaries

>> No.29706447

Get back to work, Mori

>> No.29706449

how do you fuck up a copy and paste

>> No.29706453

IP's are hashed; they can see if a string of posts is by one dude but they don't see the actual address.

>> No.29706454

My dead mom

>> No.29706456

Basically this, but unironically: https://streamable.com/4p2ist

>> No.29706460

the bitch that Matsuri was trying to fuck

>> No.29706461

How did this end up with a random number filename? Maybe I'm an idiot but the original file had a name so the only way it could change is if someone purposefully changed it, right?

>> No.29706463
Quoted by: >>29706504

>Being a Hopefag in the idol world
Very bold move

>> No.29706465

Anon is meming Koopa into reality.

>> No.29706466

how did it get leaked, did mod out her?

>> No.29706468

You're right, it should be totally quiet in here until Gura starts streaming and the thread is filled in 5 minutes with

>> No.29706471

Jesus, burger hours are awful

>> No.29706473

Just let him fantasize, I already feel bad about having Gura all to myself so just let the chumbuds dreams.

>> No.29706474

Hoshikawa Watson?

>> No.29706486


>> No.29706487
Quoted by: >>29706560

Anonchama, your 4chan reps...

>> No.29706488
Quoted by: >>29706569

are you roleplaying as greta thunberg??

>> No.29706489


>> No.29706493
File: 29 KB, 315x274, 6951-2020-11-25-23;37;01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29706495
Quoted by: >>29706560

Its a setting 4chanX

>> No.29706496
Quoted by: >>29706558

>watch Ina's Minecraft stream
>"I'm bad at video games"

>watch Gura's Soma stream
>"It's like a rainbow"

Is this what happens when Mori decides to not stream for a couple days?

>> No.29706504

>Not being a Impossible Dream chad.

>> No.29706505

This is actually true, is pretty evident at this point who Kiara needs to be make things with, Subaru, Marine, Polka, Coco, Suisei and even Rushia to some extension. The thing is, she has to wear off that Pekora thing to actually make herself a true Hololive, she's indeed a Holo, but she is a fan girl at the end, once she meet her oshi, nothing else will stop her, whatever is a failure or not. Even if this is a disaster, appart for the menhara depression on Members Only, she just will have space to make things even better, she's still a blank check on what direction she wants to follow.

>> No.29706510


>> No.29706513

hot cowgirl watson?

>> No.29706522
File: 1.56 MB, 2295x4000, Enp1COIUYAInxSi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706542

I fucking LOVE Ume-sensei!

>> No.29706525

Based lmao

>> No.29706536

That dad who said he watches Ina before letting his kids see her streams to make sure they're "age appropriate" and the superchat about a baby liking Kiara's kikkerikiis makes you really wonder if we're going to have kids who grew up watching vtubers like zoomers grew up with Harry Potter.

>> No.29706537

>somewhen later koopa started as anon posted the dream with secret 6th holoen member
>someone drew her
Put these before
>posted something later about trying to do vtubing
and you got it

>> No.29706540

How many of you would want to watch Ame play Celeste?

>> No.29706541

Mori's sensei K's is Holo-related, right?

>> No.29706542

Bunny piss, the rarest of all alcohol

>> No.29706544

If Ame streams Mario again will she fix the delay?

>> No.29706550

Aren't these threads a bit boring lately?

>> No.29706555

>That dad who said he watches Ina before letting his kids see her streams to make sure they're "age appropriate"
>superchat about a baby liking Kiara's kikkerikiis

>> No.29706558

Mori is one, Mori is all

>> No.29706559

how is she so based

>> No.29706560

Thanks, anons. I'm retarded when it comes to tech/internet stuff so I'm not surprised it was just something I didn't know about.

>> No.29706562


>> No.29706566

Damn, good luck out there!

>> No.29706567
Quoted by: >>29706605

>two Sakuna streams on the same day
>probably more from Polka too later

Bleh, this is gonna be even worse with Cyberpunk 2077. I swear 80% of all streams will be that.

>> No.29706569


>> No.29706572


>> No.29706571

And this is a good thing.

>> No.29706574

Anon your watching any of the stream reps...

>> No.29706577

Life has been boring lately.

>> No.29706578

idk if she does the the fangirl chara it might be actually entertaining, and result in super smug pekora that will deliver memes for days

>> No.29706589

>they can see if a string of posts is by one dude
That still sucks desu
t. hypocritical retard

>> No.29706591
File: 129 KB, 482x614, 1604780583017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your oishii
>one (1) thing you like about her that's not related to her design, voice or personality

>> No.29706593

Snek and Mr Ks

>> No.29706599

Oh, so you're actually gonna be streaming? Oh, so you ARE this Koopa everyone's been talking about? Never put two and two together. I still don't even know where Koopa originated from despite being in these threads almost 24/7.

>> No.29706600
Quoted by: >>29706644

With everyday the gap between /hlg/ and /hlgg/ closes.

>> No.29706605

They won't get permission for Basedberjunk 2077, anon

>> No.29706608

Gura's taste in movies is pretty great

>> No.29706610
Quoted by: >>29706648

>Kiara dies on the rice fields for 7 hours
>Ina makes progress in rice fields for 5 hours
>Ame will shout at negroes for 2 hours
>Gura doesn't accomplish anything in minecraft for 4 hours
>Mori shows off more of female bandicoot ass for 2 hours
>I've slept for 3 hours before Overcooked stream

>> No.29706615

I really like the stupid GUH thing Mori does

>> No.29706616

Yeah man, why can't we have more totally epic schizo shitstorms?

>> No.29706619

all the rrats are dead so there's nothing to chase around

>> No.29706620

That music is hardwired in my brain to this scene

>> No.29706622

she's smart

>> No.29706626
Quoted by: >>29706660

make a picture for me, anon
Polka and Kiara having a chess match with Mori in one of those glass showcases on the side that reads "for the winner"

>> No.29706629

lol if she ever does she might actually end up breaking something on stream

>> No.29706630

I wonder if Kiara will see the start of Haachama's Tower of Babel in her JP server tour.

>> No.29706633
File: 379 KB, 1438x2048, 1595681667621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy threads are great especially after the shit threads earlier today

>> No.29706635
Quoted by: >>29706659

Yes they will, they already have them even. You living under a rock?

>> No.29706640

They already do have CDPR permissions, anon.

>> No.29706641

>not related to her design, voice or personality

What else is there?

>> No.29706644

The gap will continue to exist when /hlg/ rejects the ENs. But who cares about that? More JPs are getting pulled here.

>> No.29706645

i dont want to be a an anti but this sound like trash
having a hole generetion of people with the same inspiration may create samey content as a result of fanatism also you run a in to the posibillity of creating a clique of fans and not of unique talents

>> No.29706647

don't know about the ina one but here's the kiara one


>> No.29706648

You can get a lot of stuff very fast if you know what you're doing with rice farming

>> No.29706652

The music started and a smile slowly crept onto my face.

>> No.29706653
File: 552 KB, 1017x1189, koopa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, there's a lot of little things that need to be tweaked still and vroid models don't look as nice far away. Probably gonna tweak her eye swirls a bit since far away, they look kinda pixel-y.

I do have it in cardioid mode, but my house is really not optimized for recording. Might try picking up some foam when I start streaming. Currently have curtains and carpet, but the room is a very wide space.

When the time comes, I might post updates there, but for right now, it's OC related to the thread and not about streaming itself since I haven't actually started. I'm trying to make the dream real. The unkempt, probably smelly dream of a chuuba that tries her best and always fails. When that comes, I'll still do vocaroos, but not shill or reference myself in them.

Now soundpost it with inferno Peko

>> No.29706654
Quoted by: >>29706679

Anon, Koopa is a meme created by an Anon having a dream about a member who debuted late and was hated by everyone except him. EmMa joining L4D2 only reinforced this as there was a replacements member to help out

>> No.29706656

her friends. I love HoloEN as a whole and think all of them deserve all the love in the world. Also her other friends are pretty cool too

>> No.29706657

Trust me, with how fucked up the development on that game was, they’ll be throwing it away at any streamer for positive PR.

>> No.29706659

I don't watch the streams or follow any holos, hehe
I'm just here to Kiara antipost

>> No.29706660
File: 138 KB, 1081x1257, Emabv1LXIAYaUum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting someone?

>> No.29706667
File: 470 KB, 2792x3548, EnlCYwZVoAMxkm0.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's adorable dreams about green house and big garden and mango tree....

>> No.29706668

Does posture actually help with staying motivated?

>> No.29706674
Quoted by: >>29706720

Why are deadbeats like this?
Stop shilling or shoving your shitty indies here.
I swear you guys watch more indie garbage than actual hololive

>> No.29706675
Quoted by: >>29706780

Koopa isn't real, anon. She doesn't exist.. But she's being memed into existance as we speak.

>> No.29706679

Thanks. This shit has been bugging me for months. Wait I think I remember that.

>> No.29706680
File: 286 KB, 1818x243, 1545175000052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29706681

Is she going to cut out her womb?

>> No.29706683
File: 238 KB, 1084x1528, Ejm42mBXkAALsLV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I eat for lunch?

>> No.29706685

Some anon had a dream about a sixth EN named Koopa that he had to support, and since he posted about it she's become a kind of running gag here.

>> No.29706684

Is the anime good? I heard it was a kinda shitty adaptation.

>> No.29706686

Some things are better left to the imagination.

>> No.29706689

while you at it add scars because it fit the design

>> No.29706691

I wonder if there's equally as many girls that Watson knows and just doesn't talk about because she's not as open about her past life, in that aspect at least.

>> No.29706700
File: 606 KB, 250x250, 1604899144866.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find her autistic toy collection to be adorable

>> No.29706701

I hate this entire video.

>> No.29706703

Based Russian idol terrorising the American.

>> No.29706706
File: 3.09 MB, 1602x2400, 85738125_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29706785

I want to be rejected entry to Arstotzka while a smug bitch laughs at me

>> No.29706708
Quoted by: >>29706961

Guys you're not actually supposed to explain Koopa

>> No.29706709

Her taste in games

>> No.29706711 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1606308803829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori, don't open this.

>> No.29706713

>ub4 she asks Gura to sing it

>> No.29706715
Quoted by: >>29706738

Anyone have the clip where mori was talking about selling mori coin?

>> No.29706720

nah, not that anon but I've been here for a while now. Deadhours posting is pretty much free game, you're free to report it though. Or better yet, generate some better disscussion

>> No.29706722

Is this some Gura lore I missed?

>> No.29706727
Quoted by: >>29706755

what are the odds that Ame answers my lame question?

>> No.29706730
Quoted by: >>29706779

Ame watches this for the lewd scenes

>> No.29706738
Quoted by: >>29706762

Wasn't it just a line in her rap about haters typing sell sell sell, or did I miss a full on mention of mori coin specifically

>> No.29706739

Having to say your posts out loud to post them would dramatically improve thread quality.

>> No.29706744


>> No.29706745

>people are still begging for this lame soulsborne trash

>> No.29706746
File: 210 KB, 654x375, 1579565503450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29706753

Is the anime good? I only read the manga

>> No.29706755

1 in >>29706727

>> No.29706760

I don't think Ame would take the emotional aspect of the game seriously at all. I'd expect Gura to be better at that, considering Ame barely had any emotional reaction at all at the end of the Way Out collab, whereas Gura was saying "NOOOO THIS IS SO SAD ok ame let me separate you from the character this is too sad"

As for the platforming, Celeste is tightly designed around understanding the mechanics and not being able to cheese through any screen. So far, Ame has brute-forced not only the 3D mario games she plays but even Antichamber and all the other stuff she does; remember how she spent 30 minutes in that one odyssey challenge where you have to capture the rocket flowers, and yet she never learned the mechanic and tried to swim and hat jump through everything? Celeste doesn't work like that.

So nah, I'm skeptic Ame Celeste would work well. Maybe give it to Ina or Gura instead.
Would say though, Ame likes games that give her an adrenaline rush, so I'm pretty sure the cosmic clone section of chapter 2 with that dark energetic music would be something she would enjoy, maybe the oshiro escape scene in chapter 3 also.

>> No.29706762
Quoted by: >>29708303

Pretty sure she replied to reapercoin at one point.

>> No.29706764

Are you talking about all the instruments she has but dose not know how to play.

>> No.29706765
File: 1.25 MB, 640x358, 1606294010856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29706771

Suisei can fuck off

>> No.29706773

It's about the principle at this point.

>> No.29706778

Saki Ashizawa?

>> No.29706779
File: 437 KB, 984x717, ChumChadsinOnsen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only read the manga but who doesn't like the lewd scenes?

>> No.29706780

The Teto experience

>> No.29706785

This but then I take revenge by raping her.

>> No.29706786

Well it's dead hours anyway, and you're producing content. it's not much different to /hlgg/ occasionally talking something offtopic. Anyway cheers, I'll get back to my own reps.

>> No.29706793
Quoted by: >>29707331

>the emotional aspect of the game

>> No.29706798

Praise Koopa?

>> No.29706800

I wish she would watch the banshee chapters

>> No.29706803

>adrenaline rush
Ame playing Metal Gear Rising when?

>> No.29706807
Quoted by: >>29706827

That would just invite a /pol/ shitstorm.

>> No.29706811


>> No.29706814

her perseverance

>> No.29706815
File: 4 KB, 125x125, Chibi Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF... I... ina?
Also cute as fuck gif

>> No.29706817

That last bit murdered me.

>> No.29706818

ok that ending got me

>> No.29706823

Ha. About that... nevermind. Just know that you damn well better be ashamed of all the faggotry some of you pull if you're worried about looking like a complete tool/shitter in front of sharkmeido, I have on good word that she is NOT amused by what she sees.

>> No.29706827


>> No.29706828
Quoted by: >>29706902


>> No.29706834
File: 454 KB, 750x973, 80F293B5-8DA8-48E5-886A-A9B4F8F5F1EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this anime even good? Might have to watch this now

>> No.29706835

I was going to post that earlier, but fuck saving gifs off of Twitter.

>> No.29706845

I'd rather have a Bloodborne or Dark Souls playthrough, but I'll take what I can get.

>> No.29706849

This pasta.

>> No.29706852

She's going to get filtered by Monsoon

>> No.29706855

Haven't seen the anime but the manga is gold

>> No.29706861

Saw the first two seasons, it's pretty good.

>> No.29706864
File: 198 KB, 800x800, Do your reps[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F66yj8s.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its dead hours.
Do you reps.

>> No.29706869

Manga's good. Haven't watched the anime, though.

>> No.29706871

It's alright, but the manga's way better.

>> No.29706874

its shit, don't trust ame with her taste

>> No.29706876
Quoted by: >>29706934

idk i follow the manga and so far pretty kino
kinda gay some times thou

>> No.29706878
Quoted by: >>29706996

I agree with the idea that the collab with Pekora provides the last vestige of seeing the other holos as peers as opposed to idols. However, I hope she doesn't lose that fan mindset behind. One of her strengths (and some could argue her weaknesses) is trying to see things from a fan perspective which is why she's been so keen in fostering her fanbase as much as she has and including them in what she's doing as much as possible.

Pekora collab should be fine though. Marine's explained to her what Pekora is like and I can imagine she's seen the Hey Moona streams and the Korone collab to see what works with her and what doesn't.

>> No.29706882


>> No.29706884
Quoted by: >>29706906

Kiara's rice

>> No.29706888
File: 254 KB, 1531x2048, IMG_20201110_091442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny how he follows so many loli artists

>> No.29706899
File: 229 KB, 463x453, you take my chuuba [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2ptyh8.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29706900

Main character was retroactively confirmed trans by the devs. People upset they can't take back their faps

>> No.29706902
Quoted by: >>29707063

i will have played college ball you know, wouldve gone pro if i didnt have to go back to the past

>> No.29706906
Quoted by: >>29706928

FUCK. It just started. I'm STILL doing my reps.

>> No.29706908
Quoted by: >>29707331

>emotional aspect
lol wtf are you a literal woman?

>> No.29706913

Knowing her, she’d probably get filtered by the fucking dog.

>> No.29706918

You mean, predictable.

>> No.29706921
File: 192 KB, 3000x3000, 1601039862051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah Gura fans are non-existence

>> No.29706922

Chicken...your audio reps

>> No.29706923

Manga's good, plot's good, but the anime has a lot of QUALITY

>> No.29706928

technical difficulties ~~~

>> No.29706929
File: 235 KB, 1080x1080, Kiara Introduces (You) to Her Agriculture Plot [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F31gk9w.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29706930

>open indie tuber's stream
>immediantly hear static on their mike
>close the stream

>> No.29706931
Quoted by: >>29708553

>linking a youtube video that blatantly violates copyright
yab, odds on Ame deleting this tweet?

>> No.29706932

>loli artist follows other lolis artist
This is extremely common and not at all surprising.

>> No.29706934

It's not gay, its pure testosterone masculinity

>> No.29706935

Dev become tranny and then changed main character to tranny.

>> No.29706937
File: 190 KB, 808x1200, Enq4CNiUUAI6mDg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29706939

Heard manga is good, anime filtered me just after a few minutes due to a ridiculous CGI bear

>> No.29706940

Cute Christmas BGM, Tenchou.

>> No.29706942

Anon... not everyone has to sob at the game to get its "emotional aspect". Didn't you miss what Ame said on the Way Out collab? "Now I've lost 2 brothers".

>> No.29706943

Thats a nice intro

>> No.29706944

I like Kiara's christmas BGM

>> No.29706947

Loving these new Christmas themed BGMs

>> No.29706949

Any update for cock rating stream?
I'm considering membership just for this.

>> No.29706954

What the fuck have you brought upon this cursed land, Peko

>> No.29706957


>> No.29706958

Kiara... your christmas reps...
It's not even Adventszeit yet...

>> No.29706960

>christmas BGM
damn, this is pretty cute.

>> No.29706961

It's fine for this one time.

>> No.29706962

>Christmas music
>not even fucking December yet
Tenchou, onegai...

>> No.29706963

1 month until Christmas everyone so 1 month of this cute remix

>> No.29706966
Quoted by: >>29707331

the writing is teenage girl level in celeste anyway

>> No.29706972

Tenchou's christmas theme is catchy

>> No.29706974

She's PST and we've known this for ages.

>> No.29706975

Breasts and thighs

>> No.29706977

Who the fuck plays Celeste for the "emotional aspect"? People play it because it's a good platformer with tight controls, not because it's some masterpiece of storytelling.

>> No.29706979
Quoted by: >>29707053

She could always just spam EMP grenades or git gud.

>> No.29706981
File: 93 KB, 194x272, 1593541274260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the BGM that Kiara is using

>> No.29706982
Quoted by: >>29706995

Anonchama... your time reps....

>> No.29706984

It bad when JK Rowling yet okay when a tranny do it?

>> No.29706985

I do my reps during streams anyway but the VShojo shit has hampered my motivation to work on my Live2D models a little.

>> No.29706987

She's catholic, pls understand. SEAnigs have it worse. They start celebrating on september.

>> No.29706988

I just got done playing game it never came up. Dose it even matter if it never happens in the story?

>> No.29706989
Quoted by: >>29707008

Reminder that Gura is also a lolicon that is eager to pander to lolicons by playing RFA. She probably considers cunny posters to be the best part of her fandom.

>> No.29706990
Quoted by: >>29707029

>Now I've lost 2 brothers
wtf ame

>> No.29706995

Anonchama, Thanksgiving isn't even over yet.

>> No.29706996

Since Peko knows Kiara's a big fan of hers I'd imagine she wouldn't really be a bitch to her knowing that that wouldn't go over well and make her look like, well, a bitch. So I don't think you'll really see any serious fireworks/yab material out of it. It'll be courteous and gentle at worst, but they may manage to hit it off, who knows.

Peko is a little bit egotistical, or at least plays that up constantly as part of her char, so may in fact like having another Moona-tier slave who will do her bidding if she realizes she can truly boss Kiara around. I'd actually find it hilarious if it develops into a completely dysfunctional "relationship" where Peko has Kiara go do her dirty work like pranks on Aqua etc, and Kiara just can't possibly say no. Hell, with Kiara not even using the JP server as her home base she's got a better excuse to be a real prankster on it because Aqua would have to venture over to the EN server to get payback. Not like I'd put that above her though, but it would be utterly hilarious if the grudges on the JP server spill over into EN.

>> No.29706998

People celebrate Thanksgiving?

>> No.29707008
File: 71 KB, 501x700, 81813621_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707009


>> No.29707011
Quoted by: >>29707061

>sonds sleepy
>avatar is hyper af

>> No.29707015

I can't believe this bitch stole Gura's seasonal BGM shtick. Graduation when?

>> No.29707016

Game was fun, and could have been a decent metaphor of depression, and overcoming limitations to accept ones true self as something they cannot change, but must learn to live with and adapt.
Instead, in a hilarious twist of irony, it's only continued the trend of all trannys being mentally ill.

>> No.29707025

Devouring this chicken.

>> No.29707029

The character Ame played lost his brother.

>> No.29707035

>Open Kiara stream
>Technical issues
>On-stream breakdown
>Uncomfortable Takamori
>Self-pity and self-doubt
>Leeching off other Holos
>Baiting subs and superchats
>Refusing to upgrade equipment
>Close stream
>Bait (you)s on /hlgg/

>> No.29707040
File: 3 KB, 256x256, 4180bb5252d59d8ee2ece253ee07d205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone and their fucking mom is getting sponsored to play that stupid Octopath mobile game
>Instead of SE just giving blanket permissions to Hololive and having them play a sponsored game here and there for free
Why are Japanese companies so fucking retarded bros.

>> No.29707043

Yeah it fucking funny in a odd way

>> No.29707044

Yeah, that seems like it'd be for the best. Backseating just creates occupies time that could instead be occupied by talking.

>> No.29707048
Quoted by: >>29707119

>4000 watching


>> No.29707050

>Sleeepy chicken still sounds louder than a screaming snake

>> No.29707051

Sounds like a 10/10 stream to me.

>> No.29707052

>who plays Celeste for storytelling
That’s the joke, they don’t. People just watch a let’s play cause they get filtered by the platforming

>> No.29707053

>git gud

She's the second fastest on the pick up in a new game after Ina, but probably the slowest learner of new mechanics in EN.

>> No.29707055

I expect Ame/Hachaama politeness and diplomacy until something explodes or someone dies which breaks the ice.

>> No.29707056

I really want to see what would happen in a PekoMori collab

>> No.29707063
File: 478 KB, 2048x2048, 5D8FF0FC-8441-4731-90A0-B10B429B54E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck all these limp-dick antid and chickenshit nijiniggers. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of doxxposting and akasupaing bullshit! Fuck Vtuber pride! >Fuck reddit!Fuck ALL OF IT! Hololive is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots.
>Graduate the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new Hololive will be born. Evolved, but untamed!

>> No.29707061

Goes to show her rigging is just weird. She doesn't really sound all that emotional all the time but is kind of too bouncy/over-animated no matter what she's doing.

>> No.29707070
File: 17 KB, 223x246, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Youtube a Kiara anti as well?

>> No.29707071
Quoted by: >>29707082

Nope, people just want something to seethe over.

>> No.29707076

>the story also had the main character's brother die, being the catalyst for the entire narrative
>forces you to kill your new "brother"
Just take a step back for a few moments and think before going down that other rabbit hole

>> No.29707078
Quoted by: >>29707112

I think it's only us flips who start celebrating on september in SEA... and even then, we haven't really felt any celebratory mood because of covid and other shit.

>> No.29707083

Fuck you, made me actually check the stream to see if any of those are there.

>> No.29707082

A rainbow flag with a med bottle show up in the ending for the DLC and that all

>> No.29707086
Quoted by: >>29707133

I want an AmeMori collab where they bruteforce through a game instead of learning new things.

>> No.29707095

The reality itself is her anti.
Nice get btw.

>> No.29707100

I don't know, I liked the story. It wasn't a masterpiece or anything but it was pretty good.

>> No.29707102
File: 125 KB, 1680x924, IMG_20201113_121629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707288

streams are lost sales
t.55 year old jap

>> No.29707103

You sound like a Skyrim NPC, 10/10

>> No.29707108

That often seems bugged. I had livestreams on my frontpage that weren't shown as live on the side

>> No.29707109

Chrono Trigger stream...onegai...

>> No.29707111
File: 912 KB, 2000x2600, illust_85892747_20201125_140346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same problem here, i did get a notification half an hour before the stream tho

>> No.29707112

Speak for yourself im doing karaoke everynight

>> No.29707113

It would be incredibly fun, if they establish a bridgehead to prank back, maybe as an English-stream.

>> No.29707114
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707196

Its always God, that bastard

>> No.29707116

the chicken seems down, just woke up?

>> No.29707118

Trannies are never at fault, simple as.

>> No.29707119

It’s thanksgiving eve. Everyone is busy making tomorrow’s feast

>> No.29707122
Quoted by: >>29707147

People celebrate?

>> No.29707124
File: 588 KB, 691x691, 1600911703552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707317

Oh jeez I forget my uuhhh.. pants....
So where're gonna help rim Waston's tunnel uhhh I mean lets help with the tunnels..

>> No.29707133

Mori does seem to learn, though. In Doom, her problem was focusing too much on weakspots and not on actually just killing things, as shown by her constantly trying to snipe off arms of Mancubi that already had been de-armed.

>> No.29707135

Yes, she said she's pretty tired.

>> No.29707139
File: 68 KB, 557x664, 1588623384793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean monsoon is fun and all, but I really want to see her fighting redsun.

>> No.29707140

She seems to be showing up in the sub box/recommendations for me, just not the bar.

>> No.29707142

Just a bit tired

>> No.29707147
Quoted by: >>29707170


>> No.29707148

Youtube is such a piece of trash platform, i wish it was anything like twitch, except their underage userbase

>> No.29707153

What happened to chicken?

>> No.29707165
Quoted by: >>29707220

Sleepy Chicky

>> No.29707170


>> No.29707171
File: 612 KB, 529x753, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Incident ends up causing a young Amelia to bawl her eyes out
>She grabs her prized possession and comfort item, her grandmother's old watch, and locks herself in a safe spot and she's crying
>Amelia alone crying in her closet as a child
>Holding the watch as tears roll down her face, due to her uncontrollable shaky hands she loses her grip on the watch
>She gets frightened and instincts cause her to quickly grab for it
>She accidentally presses down on the watch header and it throws her forward in-time, as she time travels for the first time
>Amelia wakes to find herself almost than 2 dozen years in the future
>Frantically looking around and trying to figure out what's going on she starts to panic and run towards a random house and bangs on the door
>It's the ancient one's household, where Ina, already taken over by the ancient ones as well as already acquainted with her current times Amelia after she started her investigation, answers the door.
>Amelia is shocked and horrified by experiencing the ancient ones first hand and it immediately scars her
>Ina is confused about why her friend Amelia is at her door in a child-like form when they didn't meet until she was much older
>Ina looks over her shoulder and sees the current Amelia and Gura sitting on her floor playing video games together, waiting for her to come back from opening the door.
>As having infinite knowledge of time and space, the ancient ones explain the cosmic event to Ina and she explains what appeared to have happened to the frightened girl
>The Ancient One manages to reactivate the watch and throws Amelia back into her current time, setting everything into motion.
>Amelia returns to her current time in shock and scared by the lasting impression of the Ancient God's.
>Because she felt normal compared to AO, over the years Amelia forgets the face of Ina but ends up devoting her early life into investigating the phenomenon that occurred to her as a child
>This leads her to a career as a detective as well as made her dive into the unknown horrors of the world
>This leads her into investigation AO, the reaper, the Phoenix and the Shark

The HoloEN anime sounds pretty neat.

>> No.29707173

>the chicken seems down
What's new? Better toss an aka at her to cheer her up, right KFPbro?

>> No.29707175

she's just sleepy and can't stream long this session

>> No.29707177

You guys shit on this game, but I enjoy the voice acting at least.

>> No.29707182

Gonna be a good chicken stream

>> No.29707188

Celeste hadn't been finished for over a decade

>> No.29707191


>> No.29707194

But the trans stuff never gets brought up so it could still be about that.

>> No.29707195
File: 1.67 MB, 950x1881, __murasaki_shion_hololive_drawn_by_saraki__72a28fb48909e57576bf3c2bdc9d55da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is implied second step with these bitches

>> No.29707196
File: 316 KB, 1200x400, 12478125785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707200
Quoted by: >>29707251

Sakuna is such a weird game.
Made it to the first pig boss before my first rice harvest and he absolutely wrecked me in like 3 hits.
Then after the harvest he wasn't even doing 10 damage.

Now I'm again facing two similar bosses (3 dolls and huge skeleton at the volcano) where i'm barely doing damage and feel like instead of focusing on getting better at the gameplay and figuring out the bosses I should just speed through another harvest cycle.

>> No.29707201

She's tired. Sorry but I can't stop breeding her after this

>> No.29707203

>"The good old days of 9/11"

>> No.29707208

>go take something to drink
>AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH from the other side of the house
Already sufferkino

>> No.29707212
File: 354 KB, 1515x1595, 20201118_063751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707289

Good thing I've played this game already or else I'd probably be lost with the off screen progress.

>> No.29707213
File: 62 KB, 558x241, 1606309986868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CHAD 500k subs with 18k viewer vs The "GIGASTACY" 500k subs with 4.5k viewer

>> No.29707216

>nice tongue though
>he knows how to use it

>> No.29707217

I plan to eat out, but that doesn't really count.

>> No.29707220

Sleepy Chicky still has more energy than snake and tako combined lmao.

>> No.29707221

Is it okay for her to link an unauthorized upload of the OP?

She should have linked this video instead:

>> No.29707222

shesa picking up Mori's sleepy stream thing. People like it

>> No.29707228
Quoted by: >>29707265

Chicken is a callifag. She's feeling sad because they lost to morifags.

>> No.29707232

why does this series have so many gay fanservice? is the author a woman?

>> No.29707233

KFP, what went wrong?

>> No.29707235
Quoted by: >>29707365

Nope, she's drunk, and by the looks of it, she's a sad drunk

>> No.29707237


>> No.29707241
File: 85 KB, 951x710, 1576557672930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God i want to gangbang shion with my /hlgg/bros

>> No.29707243

So how was the KiaraMoriHaachama Overcooked collab? I couldn't watch.

>> No.29707242

People are so intimidated by the gigastacy that they have to watch some cunny to calm down

>> No.29707244

>the anime has a lot of QUALITY
I think I remember dropping it on episode 1 for this.

>> No.29707249

Just woke up, how was the collab?

>> No.29707254

Paper please is a damn good game.

>> No.29707251

>I should just speed through another harvest cycle.
welcome to rice autism

>> No.29707255

Not bad

>> No.29707260

>2d side scroller.
I wish retard like you who like to throw buzzword for the sake of it a painful death.

>> No.29707261
File: 770 KB, 1067x625, 1578614779606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd motivate her

>> No.29707263

Towa's dancing

>> No.29707265
File: 319 KB, 1500x750, 1586827820472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Global Holo defeated once again.

>> No.29707267

Everyone and their mom played this game already.

>> No.29707268


>> No.29707269

Yeah i don't see her stream as well

>> No.29707281

At least she gets more perky when shes getting her ass kicked.

>> No.29707283


>> No.29707284
File: 286 KB, 296x357, 1606183376754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707376

i learned today that when you cut the rubble monsoon throws at you it drops EM grenades that you can stun him when he goes into the split up mode
ive always fought him without them

>> No.29707287

>Fucking frog I'll send you to France

uhhh Kiara?

>> No.29707288

They truly are that retarded.

>> No.29707289
Quoted by: >>29708871

She’s fighting a big frog. Seems pretty simple storywise

>> No.29707296


what did she mean by this

>> No.29707297

>I'm gonna send you to France
Holy shit, Kiara

>> No.29707298

You should be doing your reps during dead hours

>> No.29707301
Quoted by: >>29707376


>> No.29707302

It was good for an Overcooked stream, but that's not a high bar. Watch it if one of them is your oshi, but don't go back otherwise.

>> No.29707304
Quoted by: >>29707339

What is with all this Nero posting? I'm not a /v/ermin myself

>> No.29707305

Dark triad/10

>> No.29707309
Quoted by: >>29707342

Your parents had sex.

>> No.29707311

france likes to eat frogs

>> No.29707314
File: 189 KB, 734x720, index season 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the anime has a lot of QUALITY
now you've got my interest

>> No.29707317

Gurame smooching live on air when?

>> No.29707321

The French eat frogs. Nothing deep

>> No.29707322

french holo when

>> No.29707323


>> No.29707331

Kinda getting bandwagonned for this take aren't I.

I'm really not a fan of what the dev did either. I read that article feeling disgust too, not betrayal necessarily but just disappointment.
But I also think it's a really shallow take to just write the game off as SJW propaganda like /v/ always does. I do think the artistic element makes up the other half of why the game was so great to me. The music and art and the writing and the setting is really good. I'm not saying anyone has to sniffle about it or anything, but I do think it adds more to a playthrough to acknowledge the artistic side of the game. Like yknow, not just treating it as a bunch of platforming obstacles floating in space and skipping all the cutscenes and whatnot. And yeah I did feel emotional playing the game, it had some relatable themes and stuff, I'm not gonna be ashamed of that. It helped make Celeste great to me.

I'm not gonna join the bandwagon and just shit on the artistic/emotional aspect of the game just cause it's popular to, especially after the dev trans article. I played the game for myself before seeing what people had to say about it and even though the platforming gameplay side of the game was amazing, the narrative and art/music stuff made it even better for me. Not gonna be dishonest about it out of being afraid what people think.

>> No.29707333


>> No.29707338

Just watched it, and honestly it's fun background noise, but the gameplay is lame otherwise.
Good chemistry overall, though now I want a "Mori teaches Haachama Conversational English" stream, which is just a comedy bit, like the "Date" stream.

>> No.29707339

I like Roman history

>> No.29707340
Quoted by: >>29707364

>there's difference in attacks?

>> No.29707342

And now one of them is dead. What's the lesson here?

>> No.29707345

plz excessive armpit hair on the l2d

>> No.29707356

it's just another stupid "I'm a millenial with depression" story
Imagine feeling touched by something like that

>> No.29707359
File: 65 KB, 245x209, 1604867334857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chimken goes full EuroBantz
This makes me excited for HoloEU.

>> No.29707364

She doesn't even know about attack hit rates in Fire Emblem, please andastand.

>> No.29707365
Quoted by: >>29707546

she doesn't like alcohol, which is kinda nice
but on the other hand no liquid courage means we're missing out on drunk rants and/or drunk horny

>> No.29707368

Is she playing modded or is it what bedrock menus just look like?

>> No.29707369
File: 119 KB, 940x500, watson now what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late coupon, but someone was asking for this earlier. Douzo

>> No.29707374

What else is needed after that

>> No.29707376
File: 603 KB, 707x395, 1485004819654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707401

Most importantly I want MGR memes with Ame
I fought him without grenades, to hone my parry.

>> No.29707377


>> No.29707381
Quoted by: >>29707529

The French-Austrian rivalry is eternal

>> No.29707387

>don't make me invade you again you filthy polack
what did Kiara mean by this?

>> No.29707389
File: 429 KB, 877x863, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707392

Nice. Kek

>> No.29707395

>make big bossu monster
>add respawning weiner enemies to arena

why do devs do this

>> No.29707396

Can't wait for her to somehow die to the tree on it the frog's back and yell about "A FUCKING LEAF"

>> No.29707397

Imagine mori breastfeeding haato

>> No.29707398


>> No.29707401
Quoted by: >>29707464

The thread and chat will be spam when that part show up

>> No.29707403
Quoted by: >>29707665

>Frog jumps to the left
>Kiara tries to retreat by moving INTO the direction the frog is going, and gets hit by the attack
Chimkin....your basic instinct reps...

>> No.29707404

>open thread
>vocaroo attwhore is blogposting
>close thread

>> No.29707409

Imagine Haato breastfeeding herself

>> No.29707415
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x779, you can&#039;t farm rice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707467

No amount of rice can help the chicken. I hope she will figure out how to dodge properly.

>> No.29707418

Based. I'm now fully support this chicken.

>> No.29707422

>Korone is doing a sleepy stream
>Sleepy Chicky is happening right now
Maybe Calli's endgame if she ever takes over Mori is a slumber party orgy stream

>> No.29707424

i know what article you mean but i havent read it. it was my impression when playing it myself

>> No.29707427

To teach the player to git gud lmaaaoooooooo

>> No.29707430

well in this game so you can use frontal smash to yeet them agains the boss.

>> No.29707432

>weapon revert back to the previous one after death
>Kiara doesn't notice

>> No.29707433
File: 97 KB, 187x206, haachama eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707434

>playing with my dog
>throw favourite chew toy which happens to be a red brick
>dog comes back
>jumps onto me
>throw it again
>ad infinitum
Mori literally killed me and my dog of dehydration 3 days in

>> No.29707436


>> No.29707439

It's just to make an relatively weak and easy to beat boss slightly more interesting and difficult to fight.

>> No.29707440
Quoted by: >>29707466

>implying Haato wouldn't breastfeed herself
She's the perfect level of stupid and lewd to give it an innocent try, and then use it in her cooking.

>> No.29707454

Papers, Please is a good game and Sakuna seems to be doing the "Oversaturate the Holo streams (any%) (not ARK)" run.

>> No.29707455
Quoted by: >>29707494

>No Sega permissions
>No Bamco permissions
>No Square permissions
>No Capcom permissions

>> No.29707458
File: 347 KB, 863x797, 1605639728054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon being honest with themselves.
I really liked Celeste too, don't let /v/ermins' opinions change your own.

>> No.29707461


>> No.29707464
File: 971 KB, 500x300, 1467921327465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that would be based.

>> No.29707465
File: 2.87 MB, 1118x1600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707495

This is so fucking cute.

>> No.29707466

>Use it in her cooking

Bro I just ate I don't want to throw up again

>> No.29707467
Quoted by: >>29707559

What is this image? A combination of /jp/ and /v/?

>> No.29707469

Post the bear

>> No.29707470

Gura please do your reps so you can collab, I need Shion to be honorary EN so people will post her more

>> No.29707475

Normally id agree, but this game has some good reasons. Standing still is a free heal so if your not constant fighting you can just outlast a boss for free. Also you can smack the fodder into the boss for damage, or grapple onto them for mobility reasons.

>> No.29707479

wouldn't that be something

>> No.29707482

Anon while I agree with you. By writing this all you're going to get is a bunch of anons calling you a women, gay, faggot, etc. It will fall on depth ears.

>> No.29707486
File: 710 KB, 2604x2314, 1601522064426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Whos cooking for Thanksgiving?
I'm going to help cook a honeyed ham with my barely living grandma.

>> No.29707491
Quoted by: >>29707514

does retard milk debuff your int

>> No.29707495


>> No.29707494

>No Platinum Games permissions

>> No.29707501

Based asking general pétain to take care of it.

>> No.29707500
Quoted by: >>29707775

Have fun with your family, anon.

>> No.29707503

Wait, is she really drunk?

>> No.29707514

Milk is mostly fat and proteins, it does not affect your int score.

>> No.29707520
File: 288 KB, 1440x1240, Kiara_Seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707521

YouTube subscriptions are a truly retarded metric to measure success by, which makes the actual talents using them even worse. The JP Holos that try to get empty sub inflation from Westerners are especially bad.

>> No.29707522
File: 126 KB, 940x500, 3AF8023A-0DBE-4DB6-A5DD-8CD9D4FA8057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put it in a pastebin with proper formatting instead of a big ass greentext block and then we’ll talk. Not bad though

>> No.29707524
File: 343 KB, 432x500, 1590715449533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707529

Retardchama she is seeking frog help.

>> No.29707531

Who cares just post her

>> No.29707533

No she’s asleep

>> No.29707534
Quoted by: >>29707565

esl here, is thanksgiving today or tomorrow?

>> No.29707537
Quoted by: >>29707666

I havent played the game but this looks like a good boss, theres seem to be a couple approaches to it.

Beat him senselessly
Toss bunnies at him with the spin attack
Let the bunnies use their flaming arrows to light up the frog's oil balls then use the spin attack on said balls, bush on its back seems to a huge weak point for this tactic.

Also you can use your dash to dodge his tongue and jump attacks in multiple ways

>> No.29707538

no you baka she hates booze

>> No.29707546


>> No.29707547

Would like to try to expand on the lore a bit.
>There's a cult known as the Order of the Phoenix headed by Kiara Takanashi. They believe that mankind is too far gone and believes that salvation will come only when the universe is first destroyed then made anew.
>To extend her reincarnation powers on the whole universe, the Order tried to find the the Ancient Ones which is supposedly guarded by Atlanteans. Needless to say, the Atlanteans got massacred with the sole survivor being Gura.
>The Grim Reaper, sensing an impending universal collapse, sent his apprentice, Mori, to help safeguard the Ancient Ones... and if possible, slay the unending Phoenix.
>Little did they know, the Ancient Ones wormed its way to the hands of a really cute Ninomae Ina'nis...

And the story begins

>> No.29707550

shes been around Mori for too long

>> No.29707555
Quoted by: >>29707614

Ina uses the scarf a lot more. Perhaps tenchou should.

>> No.29707556

Mori... Guerilla.. stream..... oneGUH

>> No.29707557

>that copycat bitch Ina started streaming the same game as me, i was first

what the fuck kiara??

>> No.29707558
File: 9 KB, 259x194, piccolododge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29707559

You can launch fodder enemies into others for big dick damage. She is just too incompetent to figure that out.
That is just your average experience in the early/mid game.

>> No.29707563

Not really Gura per se but it's lore related to her

>> No.29707565

tomorrow but many people will be doing prep today

>> No.29707567

dog is drinking wine as well

>> No.29707568

Oh, I forgot. Just tired then.

>> No.29707574


>> No.29707577

did she get new PC the game looks less shitty than before

>> No.29707578
Quoted by: >>29707688

Did anything noteworthy happen in the last few Kiara streams?

>> No.29707579
Quoted by: >>29707640

She seems drunk to me.

>> No.29707581
File: 466 KB, 541x600, 1597022089511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korosan cries when she drinks
Not that surprised

>> No.29707583
File: 314 KB, 308x236, Sad_Jack_Frost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Atlus permissions

>> No.29707590
File: 21 KB, 329x329, miko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constantly spouting insults about russians and brings up the winter war

>> No.29707605
Quoted by: >>29707663

She literally wants to have babies with me, do you not know how babies are made?

>> No.29707610

I dont even know anymore she flipped her sleep schedule like 3 times already.

>> No.29707611
File: 89 KB, 844x845, guratsuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707614

Yeah she should, mobility is key. She should be zooming around a lot more.

>> No.29707615

Shion is probably one of the most JOP holos, Gura has a long way to go if she wants a collab.

>> No.29707616

has Kiara been drinking again?

>> No.29707623

Honestly guys, can we take a moment to put ourselves in Gura's shoes when it comes to this collab subject? If you're already self-conscious enough to worry constantly about what streams to schedule and whether something is entertaining, the last thing you're going to want to do is as JP-EN collab where at best you end up with an Ame tier 'cute noises for an hour' or at worst a 66 minutes disaster.

>> No.29707625
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1603844802895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29707626

No point in defending your emotionl reaction to randoms on the internet.

>> No.29707627

It's doxxshit, chumbuds are the new deadbeats.

>> No.29707632

I have no clue anymore with covid bullshit happening people might stay home this year, however that gives me a good stream set to watch

>> No.29707640

They're always drunk according to you virgins.

>> No.29707642

Based Mori.

>> No.29707645
File: 486 KB, 790x654, 1460569873524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707691


>> No.29707646

how nice for nummer #0087


>> No.29707650


>> No.29707663

> do you not know how babies are made?
clearly you don't because we all know phoenix babies are made with the mixing of ash

>> No.29707665

>Preservation instinct.
pic one.

>> No.29707666

I baited him to land on the burning oil, was pretty fun.
Also I learned to debuff bosses just before i made it to him.
You can parry/counter most of his attacks too.

>> No.29707672

Go write a shit song about it Mori

>> No.29707673
File: 573 KB, 1500x750, i swear this was funnier in my head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It doesn't mean I like all birds
>Some of them don't have manners

>> No.29707674
File: 117 KB, 205x355, 1606308083487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707677


>> No.29707678

More like zoomer growing up with PewDiePie.

>> No.29707688

She pretty heavily leaned into talking about her past life during the Karaoke superchats

>> No.29707691
File: 751 KB, 1920x5400, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707870


>unravel dog


>> No.29707695

>other holo's learn English to interact with EN
>Pekora learns English to interact with Moona
Based rabbit

>> No.29707697

Just woke up, how did the collab go?

>> No.29707698
File: 1.05 MB, 1638x2048, 1591469744712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i'm nervous about the chicken-peko collab
what if chicken does something stupid

>> No.29707699
Quoted by: >>29707749

>There's a cult known as the Order of the Phoenix headed by Kiara Takanashi.
wtf Kiara is Harry Potter?

>> No.29707701

I've got to cook a turkey, sweet potato casserole, and I have to make bread so I can do stuffing too. And cook a pumpkin pie.

I wish I was doing a honey spiral ham. It's easier. Good job, anon.

>> No.29707707

Go back to work.

>> No.29707712

Can't beat the cock..

>> No.29707719

Who said we are making phoenix babies?

>> No.29707721


>> No.29707722

it's not oversaturation is it, Papers please is played by just as many if not more holos than Sakuna

>> No.29707725
Quoted by: >>29707850

nah, fanfiction isn't really something that's hip and popular nowadays. Would make for some cool scenarios though. Gura is totally mugged by the rest though. Shes just an Atlantean shark girl that's susceptible to damage by weapons. Her only superpower is being ageless? but the rest of the 4 are hardcounters to that. Mori is death itself and no one but Ina can defeat her. The only way to put down Kiara would be to torture her for eternity. Watson can just keep looping and Ina is hard countered by Watson because she was once a normal human in the past

>> No.29707726
File: 194 KB, 2309x1088, Ei5h3GiXYAEuaIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic stuff, you know how kiara ruin the collab thing

>> No.29707733

wtf, normally I'm a Kiara anti but now I kind of love her????? Is this why Gura has so few antis, because people post nsfw so often in these threads?

>> No.29707734

She brought peko wine and is wasted as fuck.

>> No.29707742

The worst thing that can happen is that it'll be boring. Chicken talked about being professional around Peko.

>> No.29707743
File: 7 KB, 230x230, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29707746

Kinda based Mori
Just don't get too enamored with your e-boyfriend

>> No.29707749

It's late at night and I'm really sleepy. Didn't want to put the group name as KFP jannies lol

>> No.29707751
Quoted by: >>29707816

Quick, what are some good indie games for streaming, JP language option required so it doesn't filter most of the holos

>> No.29707752

Retard little sister plays with her older sister and her older sisters friend

>> No.29707757

Why did you take a picture of our secret employee meeting?

>> No.29707760
Quoted by: >>29707802

do you call it stuffing or dressing?

>> No.29707762

Is Hololive the new Evangelion? Holo Shinkansen when?

>> No.29707765

Shion tries so hard to find excuses to deny people entrance to Arstotzka...

>> No.29707767

true enough, reaper

>> No.29707772

A question I asked several hours before the Q&A got picked and another one got picked when I asked it an hour or two before. Maybe she just looks for the questions at random.

t.also not him

>> No.29707775

I'll try my best for you anon

>> No.29707782 [DELETED] 

is celeste a game that men will never understand?

>> No.29707784
Quoted by: >>29707878

How is Kusotori going?

>> No.29707790

As much as I love my chubas, it is kind of sad how much they mog this miracle of human ingenuity in views.

>> No.29707791

She made it pretty clear during the Members chat shes aware of that concern, and she is already more formal in JP then she is in English most of the time. I think the most realistic worst case scenario is that the whole thing is a bit stiff and they never break the ice.

>> No.29707794
File: 6 KB, 162x163, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely disgusting

>> No.29707799

It was fine, but it was also Overcooked so the enjoyment ceiling is really low. Haachama's English held up well.

>> No.29707802

Stuffing I usually do it sperate though

>> No.29707806

Death of the Author means you don't have to care about the dev being retarded unless the made their dumb shit explicit

>> No.29707808

Good, makes her a good border officer

>> No.29707810

Order of the Phoenix is a shit name, also Harry Potter related. I also don’t like the idea of kiara being an antagonist when she’s supposed to be some kind of hero character. The MYTH lore seems to suggest none of them are antagonists.
>AO is a neutral entity, possibly due to Ina’s reluctance to take over the world
>Mori is only an agent of death that maintains balance
>gura ran away from Atlantis all on her own, no other motives in her lore
>kiara is a business lady and peacekeeper
>ame is the only one with enough established lore that hints that she’s trying to stop something from happening but we don’t know what that is.

>> No.29707814

How does Shion gets 15k+ viewers consistently? She seems boring and focusing too much on the game without any commentary.

>> No.29707816

No straight roads co op

>> No.29707815

Give me an emotional game women will never understand.

>> No.29707820
Quoted by: >>29707875

>1000 viewers
NASAcoin receding....

>> No.29707824
Quoted by: >>29707883

It's literally just going to be boring shit.

1. Minecraft "tours" are always boring shit
2. Pekora probably doesn't know Kiara well enough to go full crazy rabbit on her
3. Kiara already said she's going to try to be professional (ie boring) because she doesn't want to freak Pekora out by going full gigastacy

>> No.29707829

It's easy to understand but you can get the same understanding from looking at a teenager's twitter feed.

>> No.29707831

max payne

>> No.29707837

Holos are more real than space CGI videos.

>> No.29707841

Her excitement was infectious and adorable.

>> No.29707850

>because she was once a normal human in the past
The ancient gods are timeless, and once they latch onto someone at any point they will make sure that their plan goes through. If Amelia tried to kill Ina as a child she would somehow be stopped by the ancient ones even if at that point in time they havent latched onto her yet.

>> No.29707854

Metal Gear Rising Revengance

>> No.29707855


>> No.29707858


>> No.29707860
Quoted by: >>29707979

But what was truly the bigger miracle of human ingenuity? Spaceflight, or the creation of vtubers?

>> No.29707859

I'm a man and I understand it. Stories about accepting apart of yourself you might not like are as old as time.

>> No.29707861
File: 11 KB, 234x128, 1600914483050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KFP Afterhours look like this?!?!?!

>> No.29707868
File: 26 KB, 178x205, 1605443879990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29707870
Quoted by: >>29707927

It's the fucking knife ears. Aki, Flare and Lamy have been doing drinking streams since way before Mori.

>> No.29707871
File: 1.32 MB, 1068x1545, 1604515543667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to have an orgasm inside Amelia's body.

>> No.29707875
Quoted by: >>29707909

Trust me on this one, buy the dip, NASAcoin is going to go to the moon one day.

>> No.29707878

Dunno but
>snake just laughed

>> No.29707879
File: 52 KB, 680x680, 1604104663520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707910

when is Haachama going to try and collab with Gura? Or is she afraid of being called a leech?

>> No.29707883

>Kiara gets her dream collab
>it's somehow more boring than the game parts of the Polka collab

>> No.29707884
Quoted by: >>29708073

Any metal gear game.

>> No.29707888

Shit, my honeymoon material got leaked.

>> No.29707891

>miracle of human ingenuity
anime girls ARE a miracle anon

>> No.29707893

I can give you a movie

>> No.29707894
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>> No.29707901
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 1603730728502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707996

>Doesn't numberfag
>Doesn't SC bait
>Doesn't shill curry
I'm starting to think NASA's kinda based

>> No.29707906

>they mog this miracle of human ingenuity
That's because the earth is flat, we never into space, It's all hollywood. SpaceX is a ponzi scheme.

>> No.29707909

Shame Artia got to Mars first.

>> No.29707910

She already asked for it. Gura is too autismo

>> No.29707912

>Started streaming on Aug 15, 2020
I mean, it's not just a 3 hour scheduled stream, it's just a live cam that you can tune into at any time.

>> No.29707921
Quoted by: >>29708174

Touhou Project

>> No.29707924

It's a really good platformer with a generic, overdone, self-acceptance plot. It's not that hard to understand

>> No.29707926


>> No.29707927

Anon, the joke...
korone + wine + sleepy is new and I blame calli
normaly dog drinks cider

>> No.29707928

Can anyone PLEASE tell the JPs that Mori is actually cringe and awkward and not cool whatsoever?

>> No.29707931
File: 199 KB, 1960x1114, 1590445481416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29707948

A Way Out

>> No.29707934


>> No.29707936

But the rocket launch a week ago literally had like 1 million live viewers. A fucking million.

>> No.29707937

Korone please, don't drink so much to ruin your own stream

>> No.29707938

A way out

>> No.29707942
File: 3.16 MB, 2264x1600, 1605563806596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 hours until Gura. I'm gonna make it...

>> No.29707944

Am I the only one who thinks Artia is pretty cool? I don't care about her politics but there's something interesting about an ESL learning english through 4chan and twitch. Verbalized emotes is funny as fuck.

>> No.29707945


>> No.29707948

This is true.

>> No.29707950

You can actually send SCs what the helll

>> No.29707952
Quoted by: >>29707990

Whiplash is literally just Black Swan, theirs nothing inherent to the male experience about it

>> No.29707958


>> No.29707957


>> No.29707968
File: 71 KB, 608x605, 1543689637405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legacy of Kain

>> No.29707971
File: 3.91 MB, 6890x4872, 1605750280929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of ame
just recently checked the archives and I see some anon sperging about a halo CE collab?
Is it confirmed, when's the collab?

>> No.29707970

Anon, let her have someone thinking she's cool...

>> No.29707974


>> No.29707975

Probably Yakuza Kiwami , play 0 beforehand for maximum effect

>> No.29707979

Unironically both are important.
VR, AR and chubas lead us to detaching consumerism from real life resources.

>> No.29707985

Euro truck simulator 2

>> No.29707987

Planescape Torment

>> No.29707988

They wouldn't get it. It's like trying to explain to EOPs that if Luna did that voice in English it would make you want to crawl in a hole and die.

>> No.29707990

What about Fight Club? The experience is exclusively male.

>> No.29707992

Pls andastand, the budget cuts have been harsh.

>> No.29707994

I think her cringey comic thing is cute and endearing even if it's horrendous

>> No.29707995

I don't really care about this game but seeing just how happy it's making chicken it makes her playing it worth it

>> No.29707996

>Doesn't numberfag
Are you retarded? Scientists in general are the biggest numberfags in existence. Everything is based on quantifiying stuff aka numberfagging.

>> No.29708006
Quoted by: >>29708041

Most of the fanbase for Yakuza are women retardchama

>> No.29708010

No no some women get it, like if you gave Yakuza 0 to Kiara she'd love it

>> No.29708013 [DELETED] 

Minecraft streams are rated by two things only I think. How good the zatsudan is and/or what you are attempting to make. [Spoiler]Also the adventuring if the server is that new.[/spoiler] It can still be good but it all depends on how well they get along.

>> No.29708014

Europa Universalis

>> No.29708022
Quoted by: >>29708044

Do you think NASA have akasupa gachikois?

>> No.29708024
Quoted by: >>29708074

I'm an Investigator. A few days ago she asked which Halo we would like to see her play. That's really it.

>> No.29708026

>if Luna did that voice in English it would make you want to crawl in a hole and die.
but her voice already makes me want to do that

>> No.29708032

t. nasafag

>> No.29708035
Quoted by: >>29708074

She asked which halo game she should play first in the community tab

>> No.29708039

they even do countdowns for random moving stuff

>> No.29708041

Huh, who would've thought.

>> No.29708044
Quoted by: >>29708129

Try it.

>> No.29708049

>watch Haachama collab with Mori and Kiara
>read comments
>more people talk about chicken x reaper yuri bullshit than Haachama
Is this deadbraps or chickenfags? Like holy shit. Don't talk about your yurishit pairing in the comments. Fuck you.

>> No.29708052

Space Hulk: Deathwing

>> No.29708053
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1603054626974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708111

JP thinking Mori is cool and badass is so fucking cute

>> No.29708057
File: 690 KB, 346x367, grenmlin dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not the only one, Artia was pretty unique within the general scope of Hololive.

>> No.29708061
File: 347 KB, 400x476, 1604815915079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which game is worse? ARK or Sakuna?

>> No.29708066

i was thinking it was going to be carrot related in some way at least

>> No.29708067

Neither, it's /u/fags

>> No.29708071

She asked what Halo she should play.
When asked about playing it with Ina she said she wasn't sure if the game supported 3 player, implying a collab was involved.

>> No.29708073
Quoted by: >>29708145

Kojima is a genius for a reason. Even V had an impact on me.

>> No.29708074

And someone asked if she would play it coop with Ina and she replied "But it isn't 3 player"

>> No.29708079
Quoted by: >>29708134


>> No.29708085

Kiara's voice acting is pretty funny

>> No.29708091

Sakuna has an end

>> No.29708095

>Kiara stream not even 5k viewers
Dios mio...

>> No.29708103

That's the /u/ crowd or I guess whatever the reddit/normalfag equivalent is.

>> No.29708105

>filtered by ricechads

>> No.29708109
Quoted by: >>29708186

It's almost all chickenfags, at this point I think Kiara needs to read the room a bit and stop with the takamori shit

>> No.29708111
File: 407 KB, 2089x2797, angry doberman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708117
Quoted by: >>29708223

>Ina talks to herself for 5 minutes because she forgot to start the stream

>> No.29708118

So can we expect C U (Chat version) any time soon?

>> No.29708120
Quoted by: >>29708148

Imagine being the janny that has to clean that up.

>> No.29708121

Flare's playing minecraft! Left a link in case anyone wants to watch.

>> No.29708124

All me, I made a fuckton of accounts just to do that in order to piss you off in particular
t. deadbeat

>> No.29708125

Risk of Rain 2

>> No.29708129
File: 89 KB, 1191x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look it up. Just enough to buy 5 tons of rocket fuel and a AAA game.

>> No.29708134

I guess it's a way to bypass poal filters some people have.

>> No.29708135
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1600904897238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was an one of a kind.

>> No.29708137

First, it's more than 5k. Second, everyone else is streaming, it's jap primetime.

>> No.29708140


>> No.29708141

It's gods punishment for being a numberfag

>> No.29708145

Say what you want, but two old men fighting on top of the ship at the end of MGS4 was kino. Might have to replay the whole saga again.

>> No.29708147

I remain convinced there are more Takamori shippers than KFPs itself even if the math rules of sets say otherwise

>> No.29708148

>The 5000th

>> No.29708149


>> No.29708154

>Yeah spread it. Mm, yummy poop.

Do deadbeats really?

>> No.29708160
Quoted by: >>29708184


>> No.29708162

Seconding >>29708026 desu, no hate but still

>> No.29708163

Mesugaki being a good gate keeper.

>> No.29708164
Quoted by: >>29708246

>Like holy shit. Don't talk about your yurishit pairing in the comments. Fuck you.
Why? It's part of the reason people watch Kiara, it's natural for them to talk about the things they like about the stream.

>> No.29708168

>/hlgg/ would rather watch a no-eigo JP than Kiara
Not wrong, anon. Thanks for the link

>> No.29708170

From soft permissions onegai i wanna see holos playing demons souls.

>> No.29708171

Mori is cool and badass. Just not in the way you're thinking

>> No.29708174


>> No.29708178

>but her voice already makes me want to do that
Now imagine how the native jap speakers feel. It's also one of the reasons people were so scared that HoloEN would be a disaster, given that strong character voices like that have the potential to be really really bad in English. Imagine Gura with a forced loli voice, it's like a miracle how things ended up.

>> No.29708184

I'm working on a White Terror coupon. I can't be chinese you idiot.

>> No.29708186

I agree. Kiara is unecessarily fueling the bullshit in a collab with Haachama of all places. Like really. It's fucking Haachama. Talk to Haachama.

>> No.29708187
File: 258 KB, 1300x1528, 43E4BFDE-4852-4147-9D19-53DD2E8BAAE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708239

You know what, SEAchamas are alright when you aren’t doxxing like spergs. Can’t really talk about HoloMYTH lore during burger hours.

>> No.29708192
Quoted by: >>29708294

You're clearly supposed to use the mucous balls to damage the toad, right?

>> No.29708193

ARK by far but I can't say it's not annoying how much holos jumped on the rice wagon

>> No.29708199
Quoted by: >>29708250

Also, Botan is building a sphinx if anyone is interested.

>> No.29708200

What if Koopa collabs with NASA?

>> No.29708201

Takamori is just a key part of the Kiara experience
Wherever she goes, she must also love Mori

>> No.29708213

I think they might understand if you try to relate the feeling of cringe we feel to seeing someone with chuunibyou acting out

>> No.29708214

It's an official, management-approved hololive pairing, chill out even though I'm not a fan of it either

>> No.29708218

This actually fits into a nice little package of a story.

>> No.29708219

I literally killed the frog without food first try blind.
How this chicken is so bad

>> No.29708220

Rocket fuel is only 100 pounds a ton? That's a lot cheaper than I thought.

>> No.29708223

Yeah. It was pretty funny watching it live, everyone in prechat just kept talking, wondering why she wasn't streaming, then she just starts streaming, with talking about her doing to the intro and a brief tour offscreen.

>> No.29708225

/u/ fans in general are at times exceedingly overzealous, see the GurAme fans that screech every week when a Gura Amelia collab is not scheduled.

>> No.29708231

Then he can finally get back from the moon.

>> No.29708238

well if we're just posting Jp streams...

Subaru is also singing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_WeWBviZLY

Botan is doing Sphnix prep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQuWZ--4ke4

>> No.29708239

Problem is, doxxposting is geting old because there are no new doxx whatsoever. Even a doxxposter would get tired posting the same picture everyday

>> No.29708240

Why are Japanese women like this?

>> No.29708241
File: 1.10 MB, 934x525, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in friend's stream:

>> No.29708242
Quoted by: >>29708353

>Youtube takes 30% cut, government gets 70%
>Youtube pays taxes on it's 30% cut
>government gets a better deal than any other streamer

>> No.29708246

Because it's a collab with Haachama. I literally don't see this yurishit problem in their first collab. Fuck yurifags.

>> No.29708250

Botanx! (I think Shishirinx is better but I dunno)

>> No.29708257

Xenogears and Suikoden 2

>> No.29708262
Quoted by: >>29708369

This game looks hard.

>> No.29708266
File: 138 KB, 379x196, 1602253381668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, how was the Overcooked collab? I imagine the game was shit as always, but how was the dynamic between the girls?

>> No.29708270

It's cheaper than that. It's the AAA game that's expensive

>> No.29708272

Both will graduate in a week.

>> No.29708274

you have some strong hate goggles, I couldnt see shit besides when they did the beating calli with chiken meat joke

>> No.29708277

Bird brain, prease andastand

>> No.29708276

remember kids, if you have nothing to get angry about just read youtube comments

>> No.29708282

Men won't go after them so they seek attention from other women in desperation.

>> No.29708284
Quoted by: >>29708336

like a family. Mori was the mother.

>> No.29708287
Quoted by: >>29708338

I'm going to become a holostarEN and flirt my way into the pants of every holo girl and you won't be able to stop it
And after I'm done with one girl and had her in bed I'll move onto the next one

>> No.29708290

She is good at consistently jumping under the boss.

>> No.29708291

Mori went soft-spoken JET mode, Kiara attempted bantz, Haachama giggles

>> No.29708293
File: 36 KB, 800x800, 1604427990225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708438

How many views would that get? Koopa is a huge debuff IIRC

>> No.29708294

Yes you let it catch fire and when the frog jumps into it melds his HP will melt. Alternatively you can just be okayish at video games and beat it normal.

>> No.29708295

That's the suisei of en

>> No.29708297
Quoted by: >>29708386

>Imagine Gura with a forced loli voice
So basically nyanners? Makes me want to puke.

>> No.29708301

Pretty good and they were getting used to each other but it ended before we could see. Game is still trash.

>> No.29708302

JP holos are cabaret women

>> No.29708303

She was reading a superchat, but yes, I think her response was something about staying away from crypto

>> No.29708304

the game is shit because it doesnt allow interactions at all

>> No.29708307
File: 146 KB, 1022x1124, 20201122_083445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please understand, she has no motor controls for action games. She doesnt understand using rainment as a dodge at all

>> No.29708311

Kiara and Mori treated Haachama like their retarded daughter and praised everything she did

>> No.29708313
File: 98 KB, 660x789, hey friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, friend!

>> No.29708316


>> No.29708315

Mori was out of place. Awkward even. Kiara was yurishipping. Haachama is Haachama. She tries to talk english but other girls was talking too fast to each other.

>> No.29708317
Quoted by: >>29708344

dynamic took a bit to emerge. Mori basically went teacher mode and treated Haachama like a kid and Kiara tried to banter with Haachama but it kept failing. Good collab still though

>> No.29708323

They know it'll get them clips and/or superchats, so they pander hard, plus it's not that much gayer then you feeling a buddy's arm after he brags about lifting.

>> No.29708327
Quoted by: >>29708421

there is nothing else to talk about nigger
chama was a non-factor with her ESL

>> No.29708328

Holos are just prison gay.

>> No.29708331

Mori is in fact very cool!

>> No.29708334

Lesbian couple and their adopted kid.

>> No.29708337

I don't fucking understand, I've been here since the beginning, who the fuck is Koopa and why are they always mentioned

>> No.29708336
Quoted by: >>29708375

>Mori was the mother.
the fuck shouldn't she be the father given her personality?

>> No.29708338

You have no talents though anon
You need to be valuable to pass the audition, but you are as pathetic as an insect!

>> No.29708342

Is she still playing from OBS as well?

>> No.29708344
Quoted by: >>29708377

I loved how Mori praises Haachama for every little thing. And she meant it too.

>> No.29708346

Since they're about to collab with EN, Can we claim Korone and Pekora as Honorary en? They're more interesting than HoloEN to be honest

>> No.29708351

It's in her blood. Kiara doesn't have the superior rice farming gens

>> No.29708353
Quoted by: >>29708401

Government is a black company!

>> No.29708360

Anon, your CTRL-F reps...

>> No.29708362

Why did Towa do this

>> No.29708365

They understand, anon. They think she's cool BECAUSE she's a dork. The only one misunderstanding here is you.

>> No.29708364


>> No.29708369

Artificial difficulty scaling because you only level up once the rice harvest is done.
Wait for a harvest cycle and suddendly everything is easy mode.
Rather than getting gud you just need to grind the levels.

>> No.29708370

I'm still amazed they allowed Kiara to play THAT scene in Yakuza stream. The fucking parallels, man.

>> No.29708371

Reminder that the VA just voice over the 3D streams, the body movement is done by male interns.

>> No.29708372
Quoted by: >>29708423

>feeling a buddy's arm after he brags about lifting
Anon, I....

>> No.29708375

>He lacks critical information

>> No.29708376
Quoted by: >>29708535

Anyone else notice the chat is FULL OF FUCKING SEANIGGERS?

>> No.29708377

shes treating her senpai like a brat...

>> No.29708386

>people were so scared that HoloEN would be a disaster
Those poor bastards in the timeline where Yagoo hired vshoujo and the EN girls starved to death.

>> No.29708387

This is just women in general

>> No.29708389
File: 343 KB, 1978x1848, 20201117_101111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708432

More than likely. She needs a second monitor already

>> No.29708390
Quoted by: >>29708539

>feeling a buddy's arm
do men really?

>> No.29708393
Quoted by: >>29708446

Probably. I keep forgetting that she doesn't have a second monitor.

>> No.29708392

This is shitty bait, but going by the normal rules, we might claim the dog, but we didn't pick up Subaru for a collab with Kiara so we probably won't grab Pekora either since she's not speaking English.

>> No.29708395

Of course and that will be a death sentence later in the game, when you have to dodge way more.

>> No.29708397

not how it works, honorary EN only happens when they do english streams and more than just as a one off gimmick

>> No.29708399
Quoted by: >>29708468

They're kind of cutting it close with that music video

>> No.29708401
Quoted by: >>29708524

I think you would like Sun Ken Rock anonchama

>> No.29708404
File: 254 KB, 750x996, skoopa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708405
File: 655 KB, 960x876, 1604896622730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708415

There are so many different fuels but I don't think any would be that cheap, unless we are talking about thermal rocket since it can use water.

>> No.29708417

I'm going to fap either way chocoball

>> No.29708419

all streamers are

>> No.29708421
Quoted by: >>29708577

Shut the fuck up you bitch. Haachama is way more interesting than both chicky and rapper.

>> No.29708423
Quoted by: >>29708482

I didn't say it wasn't gay, anon, just that if your job is to pander a bunch of fujos, you'd probably be comfortable doing it.

>> No.29708424

You posted the same shit last thread. Pleaase be more original and bring more variations in your posts

>> No.29708425

Yeah shes being just as stubborn about getting a second monitor as she was about getting a new PC few weeks ago.

>> No.29708432

She said multiple times she's not getting one because she'll be heading back to 'australia' soon.

>> No.29708435
Quoted by: >>29708504

I'll buy this rrat for a dollar.

>> No.29708436

Don't lump me in with takamori cringeniggers and their forced ship

>> No.29708437

Koopa is our girl.

>> No.29708438
File: 1.68 MB, 600x480, 1600920267567.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708481

>>29708293I was awhile ago but I had a nightmare about somebody doxing and then beating Ina to death it made me feel so bad that I woke up from a dead sleep to protect Ina

>> No.29708439
File: 694 KB, 705x705, 1603560848588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honorary EN only happens when they do english streams and more than just as a one off gimmick

>> No.29708445
File: 31 KB, 206x231, 1588042082349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708489

she's cute.
she's so cute.
ame cute! ame ame cute!

>> No.29708447

Spoken like a newfag who can't do archive reps.

>> No.29708446
Quoted by: >>29708487

Kiara should just get another monitor I know she's worried about what to do when she moves back but the answer is obvious, give it to mori.

>> No.29708449

boing boing tracking when

>> No.29708450

There is nothing gay about feeling your bro!

>> No.29708459

>feeling a buddy's arm
only if hes the boss of the gym, otherwise its gay

>> No.29708461

Holy shit, Kiara gets more viewers on her Fire Emblem streams. This game is a huge debuff.

>> No.29708462
Quoted by: >>29708499

Reminder that all the holos have to do the 3D in spats for the tracking to work as clothes can mess up the detection system!

>> No.29708467
Quoted by: >>29708509

She gets a pass for being part of Mori's harem

>> No.29708468
Quoted by: >>29708530

Mori is going to run to Kiara's house with the music video on a flash drive 10 minutes before the stream starts

>> No.29708474

t. EOP

>> No.29708477
Quoted by: >>29708716

When's the approximate month when she's moving anyway?

>> No.29708478

Mori ended up with an extra one because she didn't realize her computer was coming with one, she should borrow from her if she really feels that bad about spending a whole 80 bucks on a normal monitor.

>> No.29708480

I just dropped off a huge load of fertilizer earlier if you catch my drift.

>> No.29708481
File: 80 KB, 241x223, watson phone4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708482

>you'd probably be comfortable doing it
I'd need a good sum of money for that

>> No.29708484

Clown gets a pass because our dicks say so. Peko holds no power over penis, only POLssy dies.

>> No.29708487
Quoted by: >>29708542

Mori has about 4 monitors already though.

>> No.29708488
Quoted by: >>29708591

It's amazing how many potential landmines Cover avoided with HoloEN. I went from being despondent when EN was announced and thinking this would mark the beginning of the end for Hololive to having an EN as my oshi and paying money to a streamer (membership) for the first time in my life.

>> No.29708489
File: 235 KB, 501x711, 1600686458942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29709007

Tell me more...

>> No.29708493

Every holo is playing this shit now, it's too much

>> No.29708499

mori in spats....
3d debut when

>> No.29708502

>This game is a huge debuff.
funny thing was when she first played it the game was a buff but then fucking everyone started playing it even Ina

>> No.29708504
Quoted by: >>29708547

Just look at Roboco's movements, then look at bad early motion capture stuff like Area 51 cutscenes. Either she's a boy or I'm correct.

>> No.29708506

>makes absolutely no investments into improving her stream
>has to be convinced to buy a better mic
>surprised at low viewership
Chickenfags are as delusional as she is

>> No.29708509
File: 336 KB, 804x1093, 84306761_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to mating press the clown

>> No.29708513
Quoted by: >>29708719

She was doing a bunch of Among Us streams in learning to type English, so she's been grandfathered in.

>> No.29708521
File: 40 KB, 521x449, 1602399424185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori... the guerilla...

>> No.29708524

Oh shit, so I just looked it up and I'll definitely check this manga out, thanks bro!

>> No.29708530

I can imagine that happening

>> No.29708535
File: 552 KB, 866x452, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A ton of space autists for some reason

>> No.29708538
Quoted by: >>29708552

I love my Oshi! (as an entertainer)

>> No.29708539

>not feeling your bros arm after lifting
>not playfully grabbing each other’s ass in the locker room
>not checking out your boy to make sure he’s looking fresh for his date
>not straightening out your bro’s tie when it’s crooked

>> No.29708542

>Mori has about 4 monitors already though.
I know and clearly she needs 5 because can you really say you have enough monitors if you can't pull up 5 separate threads on each monitor

>> No.29708545
Quoted by: >>29708648

Shes spent a ton on her stream setup already though. I think when it comes to the monitor she mentioned not wanting to haul too much shit back home

>> No.29708547
File: 1.01 MB, 640x362, 1605200561848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well done, anon, you've figured out who's really animating Roboco.

>> No.29708548

Shit hours for non-japanese and japanese views are canibalized by JPs.

>> No.29708549

I hope SC whales bully Gura on Thursday into getting a new PC.

>> No.29708550

Mio got a lot of views for her stream and there's a lot of other people playing. Past a certain point it's less the novelty of the game bringing people in and more the interest in the person and what they bring to playing the game.

>> No.29708552

Are you actually gay?

>> No.29708553

It's just her twitter account, it's not a yab "for her" at least.

>> No.29708555
File: 295 KB, 501x443, 1604081395729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara should be playing Yakuza... Fucking japs.

>> No.29708558

shes even using the toaster and the microwave to process Kiaras MV, anon. She cant even eat anything anymore.

>> No.29708559

>Mori literally got outshine by some unkown doing shit in his basement using something not even meant for a song
How will reaper rapper ever recover deadbeats?

>> No.29708560


>> No.29708566


>> No.29708569
Quoted by: >>29708589

>Now imagine how the native jap speakers feel
Most anime and doujins have also shitty voice acting once you leave the circle of big names.

>> No.29708570

Mesugaki done well

>> No.29708577
Quoted by: >>29708744

>Haachama is way more interesting
Have you watched the Tower of Babel building stream? You're not even getting 10% of the Haachama package. Speaking in English debuffs her greatly.

>> No.29708582
File: 33 KB, 496x200, Screenshot_20201125-135643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which vtubers do you have memberships for /hlgg/?

>> No.29708583

>every single one of the holos are Yagoo with a voice changer

>> No.29708585
File: 1.34 MB, 1843x1843, 1602687193440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708633

>he wouldn't fuck pekora
What are you, gay?

>> No.29708587

Iron mouses squeeky voice is perfectly fine for me since shes expressing herself fairly naturally, nyanners artificially bumbles through sentences and stutters in that fakeish baby manner that it makes me want to rip my ears off. Just can stomache it. I imagine that's how Luna sounds in japanese.

>> No.29708589

>Most anime and doujins have also shitty voice acting once you leave the circle of big names.
that's why I only watch my hentai dubbed

>> No.29708591
Quoted by: >>29708734

To be fair, we almost got one with Ame if she'd stuck with her debut stream persona instead of just dropping it to be herself. Can you imagine if she'd been stubborn about that?

>> No.29708592
File: 389 KB, 548x538, 1605489295796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708835

>Open numberfagging stream
>Start Kiara
>Close stream

>> No.29708593
File: 189 KB, 1323x1731, 1529880157985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 11PM in Japan. It's not happening and neither is the members schedule. Should have expected this honestly.

>> No.29708596

Butter Rap-Battle Book?

>> No.29708613
Quoted by: >>29708701

Rice is far more appealing to JP audience than EN. Same with ARK.

>> No.29708617

Ina will overtake chickens progression next stream. I wish Kiara was better at gaming...

>> No.29708622

>video of an average japanese woman using a vive to animate the character she voice acts
What am I supposed to be looking for, anon?

>> No.29708623

>How will reaper rapper ever recover deadbeats?
She won't. Look at the comments, she knelt.

>> No.29708624
File: 42 KB, 205x151, 1598264605817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of want to do portal2 coop reps before the collab later is week.

have not played since release

>> No.29708626

I'll comfort her, don't worry about it.

>> No.29708629
File: 53 KB, 919x585, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708707


>> No.29708631

If you're not watching chicken for the Yuri why even bother.

>> No.29708633


>> No.29708639
File: 1.92 MB, 2315x2265, ogeys at you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco isn't a woman
What did anon mean by this?

>> No.29708645

>shit EN timezone
>any JP viewers are probably watching one of the other JP holos
she's doing fine considering

>> No.29708646
File: 16 KB, 378x220, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708648

speaking of stuff, her new pc should arrive by the end of the month
and didn't talk abuot a mixer as well?
soo hype soon?

>> No.29708649
File: 30 KB, 407x162, 1470321494850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708739

She won't. She should just get into singing.

>> No.29708655

>Anti is projecting.

>> No.29708666

Was explained in this very thread.

>> No.29708667

Exactly, she doesn't understand it either

>> No.29708670
Quoted by: >>29708809

I'm not sure what she's going to do with the members schedule at this point, I really feel like if she's going to do 3 members zatsudans in 3-4 days she should delay some of it because I'm not sure they'll end up worth the wait

>> No.29708671

Mori livestreaming her MV work, how would it go anons

>> No.29708673

Cute sisters

>> No.29708674
File: 237 KB, 259x385, 1605071105084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reaper rapper shows respect where its due, its a nice song

>> No.29708676

The cocock isn't just a meme anon

>> No.29708679

missed yesterday's SOMA stream. I only need to know one thing; what was the Ame count?

>> No.29708682
Quoted by: >>29708783

Friend actually likes video games.

>> No.29708683
File: 54 KB, 312x394, 1563784781566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708690

Maybe their Marketing is just fucking lazy and they needed to put that advertisement budget somewhere.

>> No.29708691


>> No.29708692
File: 268 KB, 512x512, 1603501260776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turn on SOMA
>getting 2000 fps in the main menu
>my fucking gpu coils are whining
>turn on vsync
>it shuts up

>> No.29708701

I thought Ina got a lot of views for her stream. It'll be interesting to see if she maintains them though.

>> No.29708707

roight then, wot's all this be-chuba nonsense i've been earing a-bout, ale 'ave nona that!

>> No.29708710

She has less than a week to do her member streams. If she misses that deadline, it's going to be a huge blow to her reputation.

>> No.29708716

She stopped herself from saying but its sounding like around March-ish.

>> No.29708719
Quoted by: >>29708811

To be fair JPs started doing English-only streams only after Korone made it cool.

>> No.29708723

oh hey its Inas boss

>> No.29708724

Lulu and Gura

>> No.29708725

>your Oshi
>holo she secretly hate
>rate the last shirt you used

>> No.29708734

To be fair she would have reverted to a managable persona eventually, it's just a good thing she did so instantly. There's no way she could keep up that debut character while streaming this much.

>> No.29708739

>She should just get into singing.
This big unironically. In a frilly idol outfit, too.

>> No.29708741
File: 15 KB, 690x291, oink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708836


>> No.29708744

Her english stream is still interesting though. She's great no matter the language.

>> No.29708750

Haha it's Lulu

>> No.29708752
Quoted by: >>29708772

>turn on phasmobia
>unity splash screen and dev messages before main menu generate six billion frames
>GPU is screaming for the release of death
>load into ingame menu
>It behaves
Do unity devs reary?

>> No.29708753
Quoted by: >>29708807

They're so obsessed with this game that FBK is playing it RIGHT FUCKING NOW. I've only seen this kind of overlap with meme games like Minecraft.
Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.29708755
File: 99 KB, 661x768, 1606183444466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Amechamachad.

>> No.29708756

>Kiara saying she wants to have babies with chat was actually a threat

>> No.29708758

I've listened to this more times than I've listened to Mori's new song...

>> No.29708760

what will Calli think when she sees there is an official Calli oppai mouse pad?

>> No.29708759

if the MV file gets corrupted I'm just gonna laugh

>> No.29708766
File: 174 KB, 1397x911, EmNSjuSU8AAtUaF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708888

I want to farm Kiara's rice field

>> No.29708772

Was the splash screen nice and smooth on your monitor at least?

>> No.29708777

Towa herself

>> No.29708778
File: 23 KB, 824x302, i didnt have to retake this for once.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708782

Holy shit that was actually good

>> No.29708783

Considering her progress in Phasmophobia, 'like' is an understatement.

>> No.29708786
File: 3.02 MB, 3087x1742, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The absolute state of Shion's family

>> No.29708788
Quoted by: >>29708900

>official Calli oppai mouse pad

>> No.29708790
Quoted by: >>29708837

So kiara will never play this again due to her numbers. Not complaining tho, I still don't know wtf the game is about and have listened to multiple holos stream it. It's just background noise.

>> No.29708794
File: 353 KB, 590x786, 16489665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708850

>Doing PhotoShop reps

Not sure if anyone might get a use out of this scuffed transparent 'YA BE' Fubuki but I'll throw it out here.

>> No.29708795

Fell asleep 10 minutes before it and just woke up How was the collab?

>> No.29708797
Quoted by: >>29708875

She will somehow convince the company that makes it to put the pogger face on the print.

>> No.29708798
File: 307 KB, 495x576, 1603853611827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708800

Kiara, Gura, Mori
2/5 getting a bit old

>> No.29708804

Same vibes from the thumbnail.

>> No.29708806
File: 444 KB, 421x555, 681A64CA-E0E9-4DD5-954F-A5E5C172BE98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708807
File: 383 KB, 1560x1040, 1579902486130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which vtuber would have the autism to play Dwarf Fortress? is there such a tuber?

>> No.29708808

Risu and maybe Haachama for being HERfags

>> No.29708809

My guess would be T1 on 28th at her normal ~3:00 EST streaming time as a post Korone briefing. T3 on the 29th showing off her song, and T2 on the 30th, since that's the only way I see things fitting into the month at this point.

>> No.29708811

yeah that's why I said "more that a gimmick"

>> No.29708815

>CEO of Brisbane is calling

>> No.29708816

the engine is from 2007.

they just keep making it look better.

>> No.29708820
File: 296 KB, 1869x1942, 1455167506981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708870

She will just do all three in one day and it's going to be a shitshow. I'll make sure to send her an angry letter about benefits of time management and working smart.

>> No.29708822
File: 54 KB, 794x658, ergdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708823
File: 53 KB, 443x383, 1604337619574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708824

>Haachama is calling Kiara from Australia

>> No.29708825

I defend the chicken but she still hasnt realized the fire arrows from the bunnies and the frog's oil balls do a lot of damage to the boss

>> No.29708827


>> No.29708833

Based witch

>> No.29708835

>Kiara getting clobbered by a really chill old-guard holo who doesn't numberfag or bitch and moan by her

I'm perfectly fine with this honestly. It also could be that it quite looks like the English audience overall really isn't feeling this fucking rice game and would rather sit here than watch her play it, aka massive debuff.

>> No.29708836
Quoted by: >>29708873

>deadbraps are SEAmonkeys
Colour me surprised

>> No.29708837

If she hasn't dropped FE then she won't drop this. Mario 64 was dropped only because of the mental damage it gave her.

>> No.29708838
Quoted by: >>29708907

I fucking hate this BITCH

>> No.29708841
Quoted by: >>29709068

>K's playing God Knows and jamming out on the piano to it

What a god.

>> No.29708842
File: 276 KB, 498x498, 366E9E10-2AC2-4D6D-AE54-1952D8D59A1D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708844
Quoted by: >>29708931

Whens the steam release happening? That'd make it viable for chuubas

>> No.29708847

explain Lulu why is she sometimes posted in those threads

>> No.29708850
File: 102 KB, 1000x1000, 1601372044570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always appreciate a new friend image, friend

>> No.29708855
File: 136 KB, 500x500, 1604304506046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think New Vegas could be Kino for Kiara or Gura... Ame too if the chat can stop being faggots.

>> No.29708857
File: 29 KB, 758x427, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708952


>> No.29708859

>Kiara shat on Overcooked

>> No.29708864
Quoted by: >>29708904

Maybe Kiara was the debuff all along

>> No.29708865

>was a DJ and music producer for years

>> No.29708866

>ame's chat
>stop being faggots

>> No.29708869

Moona (not a secret)
7.5/10 (Felt a little nostalgic to put on after being unemployed for 8 months.)

>> No.29708871
Quoted by: >>29708956

I knew Kiara would be filtered by the frog boss, even Astel had a hard time beating it.

>> No.29708870
Quoted by: >>29708934

bureaucrat anon?

>> No.29708873

t. SEAnigger

>> No.29708875

That's my boy.

>> No.29708876

None and it's a terrible streaming game anyway

>> No.29708880

Honorable Holo

>> No.29708881

Archive reps now, newfag.

>> No.29708883
File: 553 KB, 272x2655, memberships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708886
Quoted by: >>29708931

me (i am posting this from the future)

>> No.29708888

I’m already part of the agricultural sector of KFP. Nothing special here to be honest

>> No.29708891

How the hell did Mori pull off getting a collab with Korone?

>> No.29708893
File: 628 KB, 1280x720, behind the scenes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's one of the more popular Nijis for EOPs, especially here. She's pretty cute and her eldritch abomination in-joke is kind of fun.

>> No.29708895

Popular with EOPs.

>> No.29708901

Almost had it chicken...

>> No.29708900

I'm mean if there is one

>> No.29708903
File: 211 KB, 1406x1240, 1604703768221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29709047

just one niji that westerners apparently watch, same with hana

>> No.29708904

Correct answer, you've passed the test

>> No.29708907
File: 2.83 MB, 1444x2048, 98249DFC-2E67-4015-9E17-967421F39135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t talk to my wife like that

>> No.29708908

>Gura/Ame being BTFO by Cazadors right at the start
Also, there seems to be a co-op mod for it, but I dunno how yab permission situation will get with it.

>> No.29708911

Probably asked her.

>> No.29708914

It might work for any of them honestly. It's a pretty open game but it's a little crash happy, it might be an issue.

>> No.29708919
File: 213 KB, 246x764, 154664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708940


>> No.29708922

Brand new plain white cotton t-shirt, 10/10

>> No.29708924

She's cute, best thing that came out of nijishit.

>> No.29708929
Quoted by: >>29708967

Based but
>Actually funding the legendary superslag

>> No.29708931

No estimated date yet, but its looking pretty good so far.

Describe your tuber

>> No.29708934
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1578593414345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29708936

It'll just end up being like when Pekora started Fallout 4 and then never went back to it.

>> No.29708937
File: 58 KB, 90x90, tfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29708980

I love Koopa so much...

>> No.29708940
Quoted by: >>29708994

based, but you should support my wife Mary too.

>> No.29708942

Basically a mod would go spastic if someone posted lulu outside of the niji thread and ban anyone who did it.

>> No.29708947
Quoted by: >>29708983

They talked about Crash and Mori promised to do lead things to her in Calli mode

>> No.29708949

She's Nijisanji's Korone.

>> No.29708952
Quoted by: >>29709061

t4 deadbeat, eh?

>> No.29708953


>> No.29708956
Quoted by: >>29709114

not sure about Ame i guess it would work so long as her chat doesn't dox
never thought a frenchy would beat the germanic

>> No.29708957
Quoted by: >>29708988

Meanwhile it's okay to talk about GurAme whenever the "trinity" is doing a collab.

>> No.29708959

She has a boyfriend and since we arent idolfags we can discuss her here

>> No.29708961

I want baby Towa to breastfeed me.

>> No.29708966

>None because she loves all her senpai!
>8/10 solid red cotton t-shart

>> No.29708967
Quoted by: >>29709027

Bit of a rude thing to say about TMSK, anon.

>> No.29708971
File: 526 KB, 888x503, tokomati.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chimkin... I'm sorry... two of my favorite singer chuubas are doing a talk show

>> No.29708972

I-I kneel...

>> No.29708973

She said she wants to build something with Kiara on the JP server though. I'm just relieved that Kiara did her minecraft reps. Imagine if she did this collab while having zero minecraft knowledge.

>> No.29708977

>Kiara playing a western shooter/RPG with realistic graphics
Thats not happening anon

>> No.29708978
Quoted by: >>29709012

Anyone have the amelia press x to ground pound image?

>> No.29708980

I know you're just pretending. Please don't make fun of Koopa, she's trying her best.

>> No.29708983

>lead things
reacting with acetic acid and shit

>> No.29708988
File: 830 KB, 2893x2945, EmOLlEqVkAAf7zb.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29709015

That is correct. GurAmeCHADS run these threads.

>> No.29708989
Quoted by: >>29709082

They apparently have similar taste in games and have been talking for a while, plus the mutual depression reps. Mori is also used to reaching out for collabs from her starving indie artist days.

>> No.29708994

Aye, If i was made of money i'd support every chuuba.

>> No.29708996

Just realized holos are glorified minecraft streamers......

>> No.29708999


>> No.29709007
File: 779 KB, 1499x838, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29709096


>> No.29709012
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, 1606132472513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29709090


>> No.29709015
File: 4 KB, 236x48, suprelit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29709017
Quoted by: >>29709053

Literally just asked.
The big secret to life is that you can get your way 80% of the time if you just ask.

>> No.29709022

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't give a shit, she already talked about releasing a dakimakura.

>> No.29709027

I want her to smoke cigarettes with me in bed after sweaty sex using her REAL voice

>> No.29709033

someone tell kiara she can dodge by pressing in a direction twice

>> No.29709039

I kneel.

>> No.29709044

>everyone else doing english streams
>6/10 Taiwan souvenir

>> No.29709045

Chicken is having so much fun right now

>> No.29709046

>You fuck young girls, Amano?

>> No.29709047

Another one that westerners watch?

>> No.29709053
File: 269 KB, 410x352, sharkzawa has never seen such bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29709111

>The big secret to life is that you can get your way 80% of the time if you just ask.
Maybe in Japan

>> No.29709054
File: 102 KB, 293x308, 1604217910032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tune out of Kiara's rice fieldsfor 1.5 hours
>glance at it again
>she's still fighting the frog

>> No.29709061


>> No.29709064

Shirt with a dog print/10

>> No.29709067


>> No.29709068

Ah, fuck, that's nice to know. Meanwhile sssssss thanks her EOP akas that came outta the vazoo using google translate.

>> No.29709069

Gura dose not have the attention span for an RPG

>> No.29709072

This was a tight try

>> No.29709076

Oh shit was i suppose to censor my non holo membership?

>> No.29709077

Korone agrees to collab with everyone, but she rarely actually goes through with it

>> No.29709078

>I'm the top. You're the bottom.

>> No.29709082

Mori is a fake! She doesn't like games or care about Hololive, she said it herself "I'm bad at video games" haven't you heard?

>> No.29709083

>Kiara states she's going to top the toad

>> No.29709088

You don't even need to dodge, you can just press the direction the attack comes from and it will parry it

>> No.29709090


>> No.29709095

imagine Kiara dealing with cazadores

>> No.29709096
File: 305 KB, 725x643, valdezkindabased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29709097

fucking time warp

>> No.29709099

Anime is kind of bad the manga on the other hand is great

>> No.29709100

>implying she can pull off a parry normally, let alone through OBS

>> No.29709103

I think it has enough flashing lights for someone like her.

>> No.29709104

I would like Ame to play NV and then Ame and Gura to teamup and play Fallout 76

>> No.29709108
Quoted by: >>29709133

Korone's been more open with collabing recently. Plus, as we discovered with Watame, if you wait for her to make the first move you'll be waiting a long time.

>> No.29709111

Even in western countries. Start asking for things.

>> No.29709113


Bonk antis:

What is bonk:

>> No.29709114

Why, did she play in in the previous life?

>> No.29709115

Ina is so much better at the game

>> No.29709123

>The rrats are back

>> No.29709124

>open stream
>Kiara groaning

>> No.29709127

Mori is here so she knows Korone's filters.

>> No.29709131

Not yet

>> No.29709132

i love you gura!

>> No.29709133

wew, even Korone recognizes that she should ask as the senpai

>> No.29709136

9 years old is the ideal age.

>> No.29709138
File: 2.08 MB, 220x220, 1606258018122.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Turn on Kiara stream
>intense suffering and frustration noises
>Keep watching
