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File: 895 KB, 3024x4032, EnnLfELW8AIzgkS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29698373 No.29698373 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29698381
Quoted by: >>29698397

Is Kiara a mouse because of the rrats in her house?

>> No.29698384

Nice drawing.

>> No.29698385

Haachama is my favorite 720p idol!

>> No.29698386
Quoted by: >>29698444


>> No.29698387

Brutal Kiara kek

>> No.29698389

Why does Kiara hate Haachama?

>> No.29698390
File: 65 KB, 995x969, ElUsM7oVcAAMMt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698391
File: 580 KB, 828x985, 1606199871221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29698397

no it's because SHE'S HERE

>> No.29698398

Based Unity Meido

>> No.29698400
File: 115 KB, 943x1200, EmxaV2BWEAANtvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where were you when Mori finally went full JET?

>> No.29698403

Hachama is mori’s daughter now

>> No.29698404

Anons thought Gura hated Haachama, but it was really Kiara that hated Haachama.

>> No.29698406
File: 3.92 MB, 2300x792, 1597178532211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love ALL HoloENs!

>> No.29698408

Based Mori defending Haachama's cooking.

>> No.29698409

It's just a joke, Haachama and the viewers know this. She's smarter than how it seems.

>> No.29698411
File: 244 KB, 1080x1186, Screenshot_20201125-020829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Haachama meant by this????

>> No.29698412

>chicken makes joke
>it actually works
okay what the FUCK is going on?

>> No.29698413

If this can be reflavored into a hololive context, that would be great.

>boing boing
>next meme
>hay moona

>> No.29698414
File: 992 KB, 752x571, namemyband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Haachama really this small in comparison?

>> No.29698410
File: 1.13 MB, 1450x1500, pogbrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698558

I did my best.

>> No.29698415
File: 849 KB, 776x760, F75C48E6-1161-4BBB-9F12-378B87C3ADAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698417

between the audio and the awkward interactions this stream is peak cringekino

>> No.29698418

Oh no, Kiara is giving her Coco flashbacks..

>> No.29698419


>> No.29698420
Quoted by: >>29698502

This collab is cuter than what I expected

>> No.29698422

I'm not sure how to feel about this one desu lads.

>> No.29698423
Quoted by: >>29698524

3AM USA - people going to bed
9AM Europe - people going to work
4PM SEA - people at work
5PM Japan - people at work
7PM Australia - people eating dinner

Not surprising. This timeslot is probably the worst you can pick out of the entire day for the entire world.

>> No.29698424

>Mori going full teacher mode with Haachama
Very cute

>> No.29698425
Quoted by: >>29699077

Next membership stream I'm hoping deadbeats let Mori knows she needs to figure out her mic problem. It could be her amp setup?

>> No.29698426
File: 962 KB, 928x709, 1605941920245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698446

I fucking hate when Mori collabs with someone.
She's there, hypnotizing me with her giant fucking tits and can't focus on the stream.

>> No.29698427

because if Kiara is mean to her then Mori is forced to be nice to her it's all part of her master plan

>> No.29698429
File: 228 KB, 850x1193, 1584837928731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori Platonic Love!

>> No.29698431
File: 1000 KB, 1024x576, Notorious MORI [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8jofxo.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori talking about money
>Making food with Kiara
Yeah I think I can post this again.

>> No.29698435
File: 501 KB, 698x541, 1603422373586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698437 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 594x719, 1601157326668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698439
File: 922 KB, 1500x1500, d6041afe72665b045abbe8571ff749ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29698442
Quoted by: >>29698488

Mori seems to be great with kids...

>> No.29698444

You're not the one who got served goddamn raw chicken wings. I can finally feel safe ordering from them now that I know the culprit has been fired.

>> No.29698446

We know, Gura. We all see you staring at them.

>> No.29698448
File: 552 KB, 996x985, 1583785364626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698447

Haachama is at perfect motorboat height

>> No.29698449
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1606090389921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29698450


>> No.29698451
Quoted by: >>29698492

Why does Mori seem annoyed?

>> No.29698456
File: 3.39 MB, 2894x4093, 1603443980292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nori-sensei is cute

>> No.29698457
Quoted by: >>29698680

>gura puts blocks in haachamas chest for one quarter of the stream, forgets midway through, >anons come up with some narrative that she hates haachama

>kiara literally exerts all of her gigastacy energy and fires haachama live on stream, embarrassing her in front of thousands


>> No.29698458

The power of white people

>> No.29698461

Average Japanese female is 148 cm anon.

>> No.29698460
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, EmzkRjbVgAEeesA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teacher Mori is cute, CUTE!

>> No.29698463

Oh I'd stuff Kiara alright....

>> No.29698464
File: 2.11 MB, 1600x1600, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_orobou__4fc417ded3a67bc200cafaa17e3fc141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side bar notification symbol for ongoing overcooked stream didn't show up for me.
Are they already shadowbanned or what

>> No.29698469

Imagine Haachama's head being squeezed between Takamori's tits

>> No.29698470

Come it's not that bad

>> No.29698472
File: 497 KB, 700x553, 1575163834246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has Haato been always so fucking small?

>> No.29698473

me on the top left

>> No.29698475

Haachama Cooking

>> No.29698477
File: 492 KB, 570x474, 1603687952897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698568

What am I looking at here? Can you highlight what I'm supposed to be looking at more clearly?

>> No.29698478
File: 95 KB, 1920x1080, 1600260647093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use my oshi for shitposting

>> No.29698481


>> No.29698482
Quoted by: >>29698550

I think it's supposed to be banter but they're too ELS to pull it off.

>> No.29698484
Quoted by: >>29698567

This collab has all the chemistry of a bucket of cold piss.

>> No.29698486

Mori please you're nervious as fuck.....

>> No.29698487

At the end of the day I'm really just mad at whoever pissed you off enough to want to try and analyze purely the humor on a live stream of a horror game. All I'm saying is that I could easily analyze any of the hololive girls and find that none of them made 10/10 jokes every time they reacted to the game. Also this is the third time you've SPECIFICALLY referenced a moment without having any clue of what was going on in the moment, so I can happily say I've disregarded all of your points entirely.

>> No.29698488

She's secretly a special ed teacher so this collab has fantastic synergy.

>> No.29698489

Why does Mori sound so distorted? Didn't she recently upgrade her mic?

>> No.29698490

She's their daughter.

>> No.29698492

She doesn't, ESL-chama.

>> No.29698491

Where's Mikoti?

>> No.29698493

Asian woman, pls understand

>> No.29698495

Does Mori "The Shotacon of Shinjuku" Calliope go for little girls too? Should Haachama be afraid?

>> No.29698496

feels like im watching two parents watching over their overly hyperactive child

>> No.29698497

kiara fears the way her baby got cooked on their last collab

>> No.29698502

It's two retards babying a bigger yet cute retard
Aren't girls cutest when they're retarded?

>> No.29698504
File: 129 KB, 1006x617, 1591006087965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white women vs nipponese women
About right.

>> No.29698506

It's a stylistic choice. Haachama is 154cm, Chicken is 165cm, and Mori is 167cm

>> No.29698510
Quoted by: >>29698799

perfect height to slip between both their tits

>> No.29698512
File: 116 KB, 659x548, 9ba2bebe7ec8945cb872d5a3e0d20d41e98f58d7bbea7ee3b8528d05ad2dc56b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a student in Mori's class
>Haachama is one of your mates
take me now bros

>> No.29698513
File: 773 B, 166x27, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont' think Haachama should be that smol

>> No.29698515

I still maintain that Overcooked is a shit game for streaming/let's playing.

>> No.29698518
Quoted by: >>29698563

Haachama is small... Mori likes small...

>> No.29698517

It's her first HoloJP collab and its on Haachama's channel. She's really holding back.

>> No.29698519
File: 2.01 MB, 1080x612, CringePost [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0ve2y7.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699147


>> No.29698520

Vtubers are not comedians.

>> No.29698521
File: 239 KB, 920x1300, haachamalove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama is just 10cm shorter than kiara

>> No.29698523

Womanlets, when will they learn?

>> No.29698524
Quoted by: >>29698619

Well it's at 21k now so it's not like it's all bad. Definitely more than the usual bird or reaper stream, more than the Haachama stream but she's sometimes had much more than that.

>> No.29698527


>> No.29698529

Kiara with the Takamori autism in a three person collab. Sasuga!

>> No.29698530

She's 154 cm, compared to Kiara's 165 and Mori's 167.

>> No.29698533

She is trying to sound more feminine and softer instead of a shouty Karen all the time.

>> No.29698535

Find the shuba

>> No.29698536

Haachama is bullying Kiara so she's bullying back.
But they're ESL and aren't being subtle but very blunt in their banter

>> No.29698537

Haachama is hosting

>> No.29698539

Her canon height is 5'1, Mori's 5'6, Kiara's a little below that. not perfect but it's not that far off.

>> No.29698541

Haachama is 4 cm taller than Ame, huh

>> No.29698542

Asian height

>> No.29698540

No she’s not

>> No.29698544

probably Discord fuckup
or she tried messing with her mic settings after the karaoke, we'll only be able to tell on the solo stream

>> No.29698546

I assume they're scaling by head size to make the sizes not super weird

>> No.29698548

Her size changes in relation to her confidence.

>> No.29698549
File: 104 KB, 290x349, 1596222390390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698653


>> No.29698550

This, Kiara social autism and Haachama's English makes it awkward instead of friendly banter.

>> No.29698551
File: 278 KB, 826x719, 1590353694536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698558

The only twitch emote that would fit Gura is the extra wide 4Head

>> No.29698560

Have you seen her talking about Gura?

>> No.29698561


>> No.29698562

<span class="sjis">STANDING

>> No.29698563

Hachaama has big fat sweaty tits tho

>> No.29698564

i cant believe the day would come when mori is good at a video game.

>> No.29698567

Ammonia is a pretty active compound, so that's a fair bit of chemistry actually.

>> No.29698568
Quoted by: >>29698624

Mori is chef, while Kiara...

>> No.29698569

Did Haachama turn on sticky keys?

>> No.29698570

>fucking sticky keys


>> No.29698572

Discord compression+Haachamas audio settings are kinda fucked

>> No.29698579

Discord is a piece of shit, also Australia

>> No.29698585
File: 847 KB, 790x816, Marvelous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Pekora... Marvelous?

>> No.29698586
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1602914350962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama barely comes up to Mori's tits
>Mori has gone full teacher mode
I sense danger

>> No.29698587

>The British Helmet
Why the fuck is this a thing? Why would any one want to make their soldiers and guards blind?

>> No.29698588
Quoted by: >>29698628

It's weird huh? She is carrying this hard.

>> No.29698590

anon, no need to be mad, people get filtered by different things.
t. chumbud

>> No.29698593

No, it's not shadowbanned

>> No.29698596
File: 221 KB, 274x330, 1600001159229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't deny this logic.

>> No.29698599

I'm sorry Haachama... but I can't fucking stand this game...

>> No.29698601

Missed opportunity.. Hachama should have put herself into the takamori sandwich.

>> No.29698602


>> No.29698605

She wasn’t exactly bad in don’t starve either

>> No.29698606
Quoted by: >>29698633

Could it be an internet thing? Remember that Haachama is in Upsidedownland, her modem is held still by a ground harness.

>> No.29698608
File: 37 KB, 720x681, 1605496993696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698610


>> No.29698611

Mori is being super duper cute, I need this dork to start doing more collab with JPs

>> No.29698614

Wow the chemistry between these 3 is amazing! I'm lying, it sucks

>> No.29698619

21,075 / 24,246 numbers for the Ame, Mori and Gura collab last week

>> No.29698621 [DELETED] 
File: 1.80 MB, 1815x1690, IMG_20201125_080313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me more SC's! But I will never suck yours dicks ahahahah!

>> No.29698618
File: 274 KB, 608x608, 1604837220066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698756

Except for Pekora, who just kind of became one by mistake with her goofy as fuck voice/reactions/engrish.

>> No.29698623
Quoted by: >>29698640

But anon, the DLC!

>> No.29698624
File: 40 KB, 463x453, 1601696155839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700842

Circle it for me, I don't see it

>> No.29698629

There's awkward, and then there's this collab.

>> No.29698628
Quoted by: >>29698687

It's the first levels of a game she and Ame/Gura already finished and played for 5 weeks, how is this weird

>> No.29698630

Mori is being really sweet holy fuck. It's almost enough to get me to like her. Kiara is being fucking cringe as always

>> No.29698631

>chicken sushi is not a thing

but i had it in asakusa

>> No.29698632

She's so small next to them, so cute!

>> No.29698633

Kiara sounds find. It's probably something wrong with Mori's end.

>> No.29698634

She's /v/ermin at heart, she's not fast on the pick up, but she is good at games once she's learned them.

>> No.29698635

They're gunna do the original 3 for the DLC anon

>> No.29698637

If she's lifted up a bit more, it would block the game. Can't put her on the other side either because it would block the score.

It always annoyed me in Mori's stream that her chat blocked the score.

>> No.29698638
Quoted by: >>29698710

Is this the only game Calli is good at?

>> No.29698639
Quoted by: >>29698994

>Mori could LITERALLY suffocate Haachama between her breasts while both are standing straight

>> No.29698640

Amelia, NO!

>> No.29698642
File: 377 KB, 1578x2046, 453484863846648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698688

Can we talk about how Gura after announcing that she finds watching Ame play Mario stressful and skipping one week she still went back and watched her anyway today?

>> No.29698644

Kiara is being Heel because Mori is too busy being Face

>> No.29698647

Mori is almost impossible to hear.

>> No.29698648
Quoted by: >>29698803

>Saw Haachama make “Takoyaki”
I am permanently scarred.

>> No.29698649

Collab not bad, game sucks though.

>> No.29698651

dear god she is going to cook chiken sushi next isn't she?

>> No.29698653
File: 275 KB, 511x463, FACT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people breathe oxygen. When can you stop doing so? You're wasting precious air that could go to more worthwhile people.

>> No.29698655
Quoted by: >>29698718

God I fucking hare Overcooked. What a terrible game.

>> No.29698656

Sometimes Haachama lets her retard act slip and her english gets a lot better.
It's really cute and I want to hug her

>> No.29698657
File: 2.06 MB, 1856x2496, 1605416148408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698659

its pretty damn good though. I like Mori's voice synergy with Haachama

>> No.29698661

Xmas dlc so see you next month anon

>> No.29698662

okay but have you seen an Ina stream??

>> No.29698665
Quoted by: >>29698848

My favorite vtuber is Nori Cantaloupe.

>> No.29698667
Quoted by: >>29698711

I appreciate Kiara's effort, but eventually she's going to have to come up with a joke that's not just "Haato's cooking sucks."

>> No.29698669

>No Overcooked 2
h-haha anon

>> No.29698671
File: 218 KB, 1200x857, platter-of-raw-chicken-sashimi-with-greens-on-the-side-1200x857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no such thing as chicken sushi

>> No.29698676
Quoted by: >>29698790

Kiara's being great so far, Mori's far to cringe for me getting filtered pretty hard. She needs to loosen the fuck up.

>> No.29698678

You are not wrong. It's too chaotic

>> No.29698680

>gigastacy energy
janny, pls stop coping...

>> No.29698682

I love Tenchou.

>> No.29698683

It definitely is.

>> No.29698685

Yeah Kiara is the worst.

>> No.29698687

I don't know if you're aware but ya boy isn't good at videogames.

>> No.29698688
File: 330 KB, 250x250, 1600916550096.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698695

Kiara... your small talk reps...

>> No.29698696

>Kiara trying to make conversation
>When haachama isn't about it
Unironically Kiara is the worst part of this collab
Closed stream
Unsubscribed to kiara

>> No.29698698
Quoted by: >>29698795

Mori, Nori, Calli

The New Trinity

>> No.29698701
File: 31 KB, 481x440, 1605607057902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any antis here ready to send some big fat akasupas so that Mori can't help but give a BIG UPs for it?

>> No.29698704

gyoza pasta.

>> No.29698705

Go into incognito mode, YT, search for haachama, it's the first stream in the list.
Not a shadowban.

>> No.29698707
Quoted by: >>29699008

They have to tilt their heads backwards to see, this lowers the fore head profile exposed over the trenches, making them harder to hit in the noggin.

Or not.

>> No.29698710

Mori has been good at 80% of the games shes played

>> No.29698711

Kiara here, I read your feedback and will now be talking about how much I want to fuck Mori.

>> No.29698712

Oh, here comes gyouza

>> No.29698713

>chicken sushi is not a thing
But there's actually a whole bunch of different types of chicken sushi

>> No.29698714

It's nice though to see Mori finally actually being decent at the game.

>> No.29698715

she, Gura and Ina all get obviously better at stuff with practice

>> No.29698717
File: 1.62 MB, 1600x900, 1601405875143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama with her eigo keeps collabing with EN
>No Coco
Fucking bugmen

>> No.29698718

I tortoise this game. It was meh

>> No.29698719

>lesbian couple and their adopted kid.

>> No.29698720
Quoted by: >>29698749

The energy on the stream between them is pretty terrible. Calli needs to take it easy a bit and I think Kiara is trying to make it less awkward but it's not really enough.

>> No.29698721

She was pretty decent at Crash.

>> No.29698722

Kiara holy shit stop

>> No.29698724

Tell that to moona

>> No.29698726
File: 370 KB, 726x584, Ina disgust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698728

I'm gonna need an explanation anon.

>> No.29698727

Do you know Pekora?

>> No.29698731


>> No.29698733

Well you sure can hear the teacher in Mori

>> No.29698734
Quoted by: >>29698760

>Calli's boobs are almost as big as Haachama's fucking head

>> No.29698738
File: 3.22 MB, 1367x1352, society.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698811

hope her death makes more cents than her life

>> No.29698739

When was the last time Mori played a game that wasn't this? 2 weeks ago?

>> No.29698741
File: 21 KB, 327x327, 1605629702361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ that's disgusting

>> No.29698743

>He thinks raw = sushi

bully this nerd

>> No.29698744

Is this well rested Mori? She's sweeter than usual. Either that or she's press off scythe swinging lessons and the energy's leaking into her baby sitting Haachama.

>> No.29698748


>> No.29698749
File: 65 KB, 463x453, 1582824251021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The energy on the stream between them is pretty terrible.
I was about to type literally the complete opposite, sasuga /hlgg/

>> No.29698750

Collab is surprisingly decent, but the game is FUCKING RAW

>> No.29698752

mori's autism seems to mesh pretty well with haachama's retardation

>> No.29698754
File: 844 KB, 3840x1080, hololive live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698829

>> No.29698756

Yes but even that is reliant on the game/activity she does. I prefer other holos for rpgs or the like

>> No.29698757

Haachama paypigs are alseep

>> No.29698758

>i love pasta
>i love pastor

>> No.29698759

Haachama's broken half-Australian English is too cute.
>tfw Haachama will never cook you pastar and put you to sleep calling you mate

>> No.29698760


>> No.29698761

WTF that looks delicious

>> No.29698763

>Pasta vs Paster
Her english is cuuute

>> No.29698765
Quoted by: >>29698837

Are there seriously unironic whiteknights for Haachama here? Are we gonna get another Among Us situation?

>> No.29698767

Um anon it's not...forget it (You) can send it!

>> No.29698768


>> No.29698770
File: 169 KB, 512x512, 1603547807347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gave me a fight or flight response

>> No.29698774

It's intimidating to wear the circumcized head of a penis on top of your actual head.

>> No.29698777

3 days ago, retard.

>> No.29698776
Quoted by: >>29698875

Your problem was subscribing to her in the first place

>> No.29698779
File: 249 KB, 1200x1800, 1605166446834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never taste Haachama's sweaty feet.

Why live.

>> No.29698780
Quoted by: >>29699109

She doesn’t need to. Coco is consistantly 2nd highest earning Holo.

>> No.29698782
File: 50 KB, 593x513, 1604183026822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori and Kiara actually communicating
>Haachaama just babling and repeating words

>> No.29698786

Hows the stream so far?

>> No.29698788

Literally her last stream was DST anon. Do you watch ANY of the girls?

>> No.29698790

Mori is hardly even talking when not giving instruction . She’s actually into this game

>> No.29698792

I don't see any sushi in this image.

>> No.29698793

Is this something they server foreigners to fuck with them?

>> No.29698794
Quoted by: >>29698878

Yeah Mori's fucking ruining it again. Fuck this kike.

>> No.29698795
Quoted by: >>29699174

The Tomboy, The Sensei, and The GF

>> No.29698799

>haachama motorboating noises

>> No.29698804


>> No.29698803

That takoyaki stream led to one of luna's biggest character breaks on-stream, even matsuri and marine couldn't achieve that in their collabs when they actually dedicated efforts to break her character

>> No.29698805

Not a deadbeat, but Mori's facial tracking always cracks me up with how she always looks so confused.

>> No.29698808

crash 4 retardchama?

>> No.29698809

cringe bro

>> No.29698810
Quoted by: >>29698967

she was like this last Overcooked 2 collab though

>> No.29698811

>how about another joke kiara?

>> No.29698812
Quoted by: >>29698865

Mori gets a buff around short girls

>> No.29698813
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1594846216413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a numberfag, but is there still any chance for Haachama to somehow incline with EN subs and Btfo Pekora?
That would hilarious as fuck.

>> No.29698815

This stream sounds like a doting aunt playing with her toddler niece and her niece is just laughing and repeating her words and then kiara is there

>> No.29698817
File: 252 KB, 490x490, 1587617647041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parla italiano

>> No.29698820

So far:

Who is best chef?

>> No.29698821

tomater paster...

>> No.29698819

Sounds like the Ame haachamma stream, except the mics arent as bad as ames.

>> No.29698823
File: 252 KB, 437x444, hawachamapol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real hachama hours

>> No.29698824
Quoted by: >>29699028

Paster this, Paster that... Paster? I barely know 'er?

>> No.29698825

People have different tastes. Take your meds.

>> No.29698826
File: 109 KB, 736x720, 1600173683242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698829

Based Hololive addict

>> No.29698830

very awkward.
kiara and haachamas ESL-ness don't mix well and their banter gets translated very poorly

>> No.29698834
File: 194 KB, 2309x1088, Ei5h3GiXYAEuaIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698873


>> No.29698835

porco dio

>> No.29698837
Quoted by: >>29698957

>He bullied the retarded kid in school.

>> No.29698838

Haachama already got her huge incline of dead subs when her Haato Basic stuff peaked months ago.

>> No.29698840
Quoted by: >>29698863

What the fuck is "pasterd"?

>> No.29698841
File: 954 KB, 720x1264, 1602902586987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What color is Mori again?

>> No.29698842

Do Australians really pronounce pasta as "paster"?

>> No.29698844

No one can decide whether they hate it or like it. The only thing that is known is that Overcooked 2 sucks.

>> No.29698848

Nori Cauliflower sounds better.

>> No.29698849

>been living in australia for a year
>still speaks like a retard

>> No.29698850

Mori is carrying hard.

>> No.29698852

Mori is face, Kiara is heel and haachama is jobbing

>> No.29698853

like every other overcooked 2 collab:

>> No.29698854

surprisingly good, I'm entertained

>> No.29698855

I actually walked by one of those places when I went to Osaka. It was after a live and most of the places in the area was full. I was THIS close to trying it before I found a bar that turned out to be a good time.

Sometimes I wonder if I'd have become a new person that day if I tried it.

>> No.29698856
File: 506 KB, 515x528, 1602474522607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like Mori's babysitting Haachama to be quiet desu.

>> No.29698859

isn't that a health risk

>> No.29698862

Haachama has more subs than both of them and has already been pandering to EOPs. Not to mention she's collabed with Ame twice already.

>> No.29698864

I want to vomit.

>> No.29698863

Pastor and herd portmanteau.

>> No.29698865
Quoted by: >>29698897

When are we getting the Haachama, Gura, Mori collab?

>> No.29698866
File: 1.48 MB, 900x900, 1604548484396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is a greedy rapper bitch who only cares about money
Calli is a sweet girl who will cry if you throw money her way and only wants you to shower her with love

>> No.29698869

No one cares.

>> No.29698870


>> No.29698871

Unusually cute

>> No.29698873
Quoted by: >>29699114

>twitter filename

>> No.29698875

Her singing fooled me. I was wrong to get suckered in by karaoke

>> No.29698876


>> No.29698878

I hate this bitch

>> No.29698879
Quoted by: >>29699088

Gura collab, final destination.

>> No.29698877
Quoted by: >>29699002

That's just what all australians sound like though

>> No.29698881

Calli showing that practice makes perfect

>> No.29698884

Awkward, I blame the game more than it being anyone's fault

>> No.29698885

I've watched it from the start, and I still can't tell.

>> No.29698890

Haachama is much too unstable to get to Pekora numbers. Her fanbase is split between the JP side and the EN side with the times she streams

>> No.29698891
File: 80 KB, 616x353, capsule_616x353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698950

Hey Enma-san I know you're reading this thread, get permission for this so the girls can play it during an all EN collab.

>> No.29698892

Why does Haachama speak so retarded?

>> No.29698893
Quoted by: >>29698970

You know, I kinda feel bad for haachama. She' trying so hard to fit in with EN but...

>> No.29698894

everyone is blaming one or the other but that is not the case
i think that the person who ruined the collab, was the game itself.

>> No.29698897
Quoted by: >>29698955

>l4d with Mori, Gura, Haachama and Ironmouse

>> No.29698898
File: 508 KB, 2566x2436, 1603137461917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A JET teacher locked in a room for an hour with two ESLs
>And she has to guide them through a video game

>> No.29698899
File: 587 KB, 612x362, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29698985

Clean and crisp 720p

>> No.29698901
File: 35 KB, 839x305, whatchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it on purpose?

>> No.29698902

>i like pepperoni without pepperoni

>> No.29698903

Game is meh, interactions are entertaining

>> No.29698904
File: 63 KB, 148x164, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29698905

>nice nice niceeee
Guys, is it me or Haato is cuter than usual today?

>> No.29698906
File: 32 KB, 250x240, 1605941238135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699459

Tell me about Haachama. Why does she hide her eigo power level?

>> No.29698907
File: 981 KB, 7622x959, Heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698908
File: 30 KB, 572x474, lpd91lrfdj131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698910
Quoted by: >>29698947

Is Mori even in this collab? Pretty disappointing to have her go full-Ina in her first JP collab.

>> No.29698911
Quoted by: >>29698956

Mori babysitting Haachama has similar energy to when Watame has to watch her.

>> No.29698912


>> No.29698913

Good Cop Mori, Bad Cop Kiara, left-leaning parasite kike Haachama.

>> No.29698914


>> No.29698915
Quoted by: >>29699026

>Haachama's a turtle
>Kiara's a rrat
>Mori's a dog
The narratives are writing themselves.

>> No.29698916
Quoted by: >>29698991

>I like the pepperoni with the pepperoni!
Haachama likes the meat.

>> No.29698917

>pepperoni without pepperoni
I will never get over how much I hate that

>> No.29698919

>Already bringing out the pineapple pizza
Just quit Kiara...

>> No.29698920


>> No.29698923
Quoted by: >>29698943

I love Haachama English

>> No.29698925
Quoted by: >>29698954

you fuckers still want a Haachama and Gura collab?

>> No.29698927

>filename isn't Mamma Mio
one job

>> No.29698928
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1592905642786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isnt Haachama japanese, have japanese fans abandoned her? Not a single japanese speaking person in chat, every recent japanese titled stream has 99% english comments also.

I want haachama to be happy, but shes stuck in a dangerous barely inhabitable prison colony.

>> No.29698931

The game is garbage for streaming. Otherwise it's totally fine.

>> No.29698933

sounds like a challenge worthy of my boy

>> No.29698934

FUCK Overcooked, otherwise it's pretty cute

>> No.29698935

>been living in australia for a year
>already speaks like a retard
She learns fast

>> No.29698937


is this haachama or australia

>> No.29698939
File: 2.65 MB, 444x711, 1461387492299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The color of money
The fragrance of money
The sound of money

>> No.29698940
File: 33 KB, 408x448, 1603784152423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So basically she likes the pepperoni grease on a cheese pizza, but specifically not the actual pepperonis..

>> No.29698943

That's really how aussie's talk. Bogan haachama is coming through.

>> No.29698945


>> No.29698946

yes haachama is a savant after all

>> No.29698947

She's turned down her mic quite a lot, it seems. Maybe she's afraid of peaking it like during her karaoke? That, and she's having to hard carry here, which is a weird thing to say about Mori.

>> No.29698948

>pineapple pizza
next she's gonna explain bottom left

>> No.29698949

Holy fuck I want to applaud them for the effort but this is a nightmare. Haachama seems like shes having fun out of sheer ignorance of the mood but Kiaras clearly tilted and Moris trying to hold things together. As a KFP even I wish Kiara wasnt here atm..

>> No.29698950

Wont happen Lamy would show up mid stream and kill them

>> No.29698952
File: 193 KB, 500x500, 1600790128996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699015

I don't think Mori is ESL enough for this.

>> No.29698954

Gura needs to dumb down her English.

>> No.29698955
Quoted by: >>29699020

they should play edf instead

>> No.29698957

>He says this in a site that glorifies that kind of shit

>> No.29698956

Yeah, it's really cute

>> No.29698958
Quoted by: >>29699367

isn't the tall demon dude not even that tall in real people measurements?

>> No.29698960

>Something to little or no value
I see Haachama has pickup Mori's self-deprecation tendencies

>> No.29698962

We need a name for the sensei persona.

>> No.29698966

Am I the only one paying attention to the needlessly grandoise BGM? It sounds like FF7.

>> No.29698967

Is she usually like this in collabs or just just for this game? I've only seen the minecraft collab with Gura and the Among Us collab, 1 she went full Jew and I had to close out and the other she went yellchad on the nips

>> No.29698970

She sound like she's having fun so let her be

>> No.29698971

>Whats happen

Why is it so cute bros....

>> No.29698977

The game SUCKS/10

>> No.29698978


>> No.29698980

Then she needs to try chorizo without chorizo.

>> No.29698982
Quoted by: >>29699400

>Kiaras clearly tilted
no she isn't

>> No.29698984

She is good at following trends and appealing to EN watchers has got her a ton of new subs

>> No.29698985
File: 97 KB, 265x337, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed 720p doesn't say "HD" anymore.

>> No.29698986

Well the collab is advertised as English. JOPs can't really interact with them.

>> No.29698989

Coco is finalbossstacy

>> No.29698988

Did Mori pass out for a few seconds there?

>> No.29698990

Someone please explain why everyone hates Kiara.

>> No.29698991
Quoted by: >>29699043

Without pepperoni. Haachama already talked about this, she will order a pepperoni pizza, then remove the pepperoni and throw them in the trash. For some reason.

>> No.29698994
File: 503 KB, 480x270, Haachama and Mori.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29698995
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1602412870872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teachy Reaper / Teachy Reapy

>> No.29698997

depends on who you ask
Is Mori or Kiara your oshi?
>hey this collab is going better than expected
Are they not your oshi?
>this is a boring collab

>> No.29698998
File: 203 KB, 390x292, 1602229204955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do u beleeb it?

>> No.29698999
File: 112 KB, 208x217, NANICHAMA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699069

Then why not ask for a pepperoni flavored cheese pizza?

>> No.29699002

Can confirm.

>> No.29699003

Yeah games like Overcooked need to be hard denied by managers.

>> No.29699004

She just doesn't know how to order a cheese pizza

>> No.29699005
File: 118 KB, 367x211, Screenshot 2020-11-23 130231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is shit and it doesn't allow for any good banter or jokes besides low effort food jokes
the fact that there is 2 ESLs and a cringelord doesn't help.

>> No.29699008
File: 8 KB, 830x476, 1599322312237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior British design

>> No.29699010

I've actually eaten this before. It's pretty alright as far as I'm concerned. Very weird, scary and kinda disappointing that chicken is used on that instead of being roasted or fried but w/a

>> No.29699009
Quoted by: >>29699070

>Check Cambridge dictionary
>They actually pronounce pasta as paste(r)
Do bongs really?

>> No.29699013

No, she just never proofreads anything.

>> No.29699016

>have japanese fans abandoned her?
No. They just don't often watch the HoloEN collabs.

>> No.29699015

Shes just trying to survive

>> No.29699019
File: 389 KB, 424x329, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699074


>> No.29699020

EDF really needs a fucking spectate mode already instead of having to stare at your corpse until someone revives you.

Can't recommend it as a stream game until they add that shit.

>> No.29699022
Quoted by: >>29699328

Alright, we got:
>Nori sensei
>Money Mori
>Cute Calli
How many other facets does ya boi have

>> No.29699023

Nori Cantaloupe

>> No.29699024

Fake KFP

>> No.29699026
File: 209 KB, 653x542, 1604589589088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara's a rrat

>> No.29699028

>liquor? i hardly even knew her!
>rubber? i hardly even knew her!
>butter? i hardly even knew her!
>soccer? i hardly even knew her!
>refrigerator? i hardly even knew her!
>large hadron collider? i hardly even knew her!

>> No.29699031

Haacham already have it to us, Nori

>> No.29699032

annoying, always numberfagging, constant basedface

>> No.29699035

she isnt lol

>> No.29699037


>> No.29699038
File: 16 KB, 241x299, 1575611511358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate cheese but eat cheese on pizza

>> No.29699039

Ms. Mori

>> No.29699041

id rather inject salmonella directly into my veins than eat this shit

>> No.29699043

Damn my ears are fucking retarded.

>> No.29699044

JOPs don't talk in EN streams

>> No.29699047

She isn't locked in with them, they're locked in with her.

>> No.29699048

If you’re not /v/ it’s cute and fun

>> No.29699051

Game sucks
Mori is nice
Haachama is haachama
And Kiara can't handle any dynamic
This game also sucks

>> No.29699054
File: 413 KB, 1524x2048, 1606120594765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699127

For some reason people give her a lot of shit during collabs, she's barely even done anything in this one so I don't get it

>> No.29699056


>> No.29699059

>He thinks Haachama's fans have been Japanese

She hasn't had a good JP following since before her meme videos.

>> No.29699063

but i like her

>> No.29699064

Its like they're bantering with themselves. INTERACT GODDAMMIT

>> No.29699065


>> No.29699066
File: 202 KB, 1199x951, 865484524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the pepperoni juices too. Me and haachama have so much in common.

>> No.29699068

Did she just say sorry mate

>> No.29699069

I might remember wrong but I think she said that they didn't do cheese pizza, or something.

>> No.29699070

if it's a culinary term never trust the brits

>> No.29699074
File: 142 KB, 696x683, 1585638166655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699117

Ehe te nandayo?

>> No.29699075

yo why the fuck is my boy giggling and why is it making my chest hurt

>> No.29699076

Kiara isn't at her best today. 1 on 1 collabs are great, but add more people and it seems to get difficult for her.

>> No.29699077
Quoted by: >>29699105

i still think the problem is just that she can't hear the distortion in her monitor setup.

>> No.29699078

Cute lesbians, and their retard daughter is also cute.

>> No.29699079

Nori-sensei. Sounds like an actual shitty beginner level nihongo book tbqh.

>> No.29699088
File: 512 KB, 570x578, 1604812708400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura finally accepts to collab with Haachama
>They stream for hours
>Big numbers, everyone kneels
>Huge incline for Haachama
>Haachama beats Pekora to 1M
>Gura allowed the aussie to beat the senpai she admires the most
>Consumed by guilt and regret she decides to never collab with her ever

>> No.29699091

The Japanese tend to not talk when the chat is filled with english, I remember a astel clip of him telling his jop audience to chat more when there was a bunch of english speakers talking.

>> No.29699092

Where the fuck are you getting that shes tilted? Stop trying to start shit, fake ass KFP.

>> No.29699093

and now there is dead air

>> No.29699099
Quoted by: >>29699265


Innocent poal coming through - which one of the girls is your favorite from the three?

>> No.29699098

Mori please, talk a little more.

>> No.29699100

I love my boy

>> No.29699101

Haachama slips in some surprising Australianisms from time to time.

>> No.29699102
File: 804 KB, 706x497, 1575758089388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name my squad

>> No.29699103

I've noticed JOPs don't like to speak unless spoken to

>> No.29699105

It has to be that because her mic should be really crisp.

>> No.29699109

she's a numberfag for subs though, EN is a pretty good way to get those

>> No.29699110

She probably read our comments about her being too loud and disengaged with the others during collabs. She improved herself after. She was like this too in the last Overcooked collab.

>> No.29699111

haachama is secretly the smartest holo. chef in japanese still retains that "e" so this was deliberate and now my schizo narrative

>> No.29699114
Quoted by: >>29699195

Someone upload this pic and tag kiara

>> No.29699115
Quoted by: >>29699396

>do you want to cook with me morli
I love how she adds the l

>> No.29699116


>> No.29699117
File: 45 KB, 528x792, 1578612770033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699119


>> No.29699120

Are we even watching the same collab right now?

>> No.29699121


>> No.29699125

Haachama cooking with Mori confirmed!

>> No.29699124

The post-modern English

>> No.29699126


>> No.29699127
File: 60 KB, 1284x583, 1600498475696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody gave kiara shit for being way too loud in the first few collabs and now she's rubberbanded too far and is now too quiet in collabs

>> No.29699131

Why are they calling her Mori now?

>> No.29699133
Quoted by: >>29699219

>learning cooking from Haachama


>> No.29699135


>> No.29699136
Quoted by: >>29699219

>Mori learning cooking from Haachama

>> No.29699137

>Mori wants to learn how to cook
Wife material

>> No.29699141


>> No.29699142

>Haachama cooking with Mori

>> No.29699144

>wake up
>time for Mori-sensei's class
Seriously, it feels like she's teaching some students in this collab. It's not that they're dumb, it's just her demeanor being all kind and supportive.

>> No.29699140
Quoted by: >>29699219

>Mori wants to learn how to cook from Haachama

>> No.29699143

>haachama calls her mori


>> No.29699145

Death in the Kitchen

>> No.29699146

>cute nori-sensei interacting with a special ed student

>> No.29699147


>> No.29699148
Quoted by: >>29699219

kiara stop bullying the chama

>> No.29699150
Quoted by: >>29699219

Kiara is brutal

>> No.29699152

Shit collab game, Mori's fucking up as usual, Kiara's alright, Haachama's incomprehensible.

>> No.29699153

Haachama giggling and having fun is so fucking cute

>> No.29699154
Quoted by: >>29699229

Yeah, she actually has picked up on Aussie lingo, she said "goodmorning mate" in her EN minecraft the other week .

It's partially why her accent is just so weird, it's both Japanese and Australian.

>> No.29699155

How was the Kiara/Haachama cooking collab? I never watched it.

>> No.29699158


>> No.29699159
Quoted by: >>29699219

>Kiara trying to sabotage the Mori/Haachama kino cooking stream
Fucking kusotori

>> No.29699161
Quoted by: >>29699213

>Kiara calling her Mori
Are they here?

>> No.29699166
Quoted by: >>29699219

Kiara wtf, stop shit talking Haachama cooking!

>> No.29699167


>> No.29699168

>They're here!

>> No.29699171

these two gaijin lesbians are trying to kidnap a Japanese JK oh god oh fuck someone stop them

>> No.29699173

Ok chicken you’re alright kek

>> No.29699174

>The Tomboy
Is Mori even a tomboy anymore?

>> No.29699175

Brain Dead

>> No.29699176

If she start streaming at better hours

>> No.29699180
Quoted by: >>29699254

Next time, without Itay.

>> No.29699183

Daily reminder collabs are always run on the person who initiated the idea.

>> No.29699182

cursed as usual

>> No.29699185

As someone else said
Brain Dead

>> No.29699189

Bros... I think I fell in love with Ms Nori...

>> No.29699191
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1606270404075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699269

she's the most obnoxious holoEN and has an unhealthy obsession with a certain senpai

>> No.29699193

I just got here, why is moris mic so scuffed?

>> No.29699194
Quoted by: >>29699274

Kiara please use ANY joke other than "haachama cooking bad" for the 43rd time this stream, I BEG of you..

>> No.29699195
Quoted by: >>29699215

do it yourself you retard.

>> No.29699198
Quoted by: >>29699646

>asks for a collab, putting mori on the spot
haachama is so straightforward im doubting she's even a jap

>> No.29699196


>> No.29699200
Quoted by: >>29699305

She feels pretty low energy this stream.

>> No.29699201

The Brain Deads

>> No.29699203
Quoted by: >>29699895

Mori doesn't know about Haachama cooking.
She really needs to do her Holo reps.

>> No.29699206

>Pizza on pineapple
>Raw chicken
>instant noodles
>Red Bull
Checks out.

>> No.29699208
Quoted by: >>29699481

I would actually like a mori hachama cooking stream. Moris ignorance of hololive comes in handy sometimes.

>> No.29699209
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, 37135117b0a6cd194435aa82cfeabfd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk why this framing makes me want to place Haachama on my lap and squeeze her like a teddy bear.

>> No.29699210

Panic Kitchen

>> No.29699213

Haachama is calling her Mori so I think she just got caught up in it

>> No.29699214
File: 117 KB, 526x339, 1604191873804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699216

They're here

>> No.29699215

>He doesn't know
How new?

>> No.29699217
File: 413 KB, 456x638, extend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29699219 [DELETED] 

I like how this is the reaction but when Kiara says it suddenly

>> No.29699222


>> No.29699223

The JK Nappers

>> No.29699225

I heard Mori say cuck

>> No.29699229

too bad she cant use her full bogan

>> No.29699228

I wish I got brain damage so Mori could teach me English in this persona

>> No.29699232

Because it's a JP collab, MORAN.

>> No.29699231

panic at the kitchen

>> No.29699233

It's Discord you autist

>> No.29699234
File: 80 KB, 288x288, 1593561927473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699237

K-san please fix Mori's mic

>> No.29699239


>> No.29699243
File: 590 KB, 1920x1080, No sir not logging out of ARK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turns out the bugmen aren't even the issue
>coco refuses to collab with the ENs until they play ARK with her

>> No.29699244
File: 700 KB, 976x613, 321311231231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to scroll by without saying Howdy?

>> No.29699247

Same case as me not chatting in any JP holo stream unless prompted. Subaru called these kind of viewers 'ninja'.

>> No.29699246
Quoted by: >>29699326

Probably "Callie" is a weird word to pronounce for Haachama but they can say "Mori" just fine, so Mori just goes with it for this stream to make her more comfortable.

>> No.29699248

>you're adding fish too?!
>yee, ahahahaha!

>> No.29699249
Quoted by: >>29699400

Only retards that aren't watching the stream could fall for this.

>> No.29699251

The Dark Trinity

>> No.29699252

It's the only thing Mori can play, please understand

>> No.29699254

>but with Australia

>> No.29699257

I heard it as well

>> No.29699258
File: 221 KB, 400x442, 1602012485315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy kek

>> No.29699259

Her cringe remains just as strong

>> No.29699261
File: 65 KB, 1000x728, 1601411657181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699262

schizos hate kiara more than haachama coocking

>> No.29699263
Quoted by: >>29699416

fine, i will tune in to diagnose mori's audio

>> No.29699264

A huge majority of shitposters here hated her. Overtime she grew and made progress and became more tolerable.

>> No.29699265
Quoted by: >>29699322

>radio buttons not select box
>innocent poal
fuck poalfags and tribalists

>> No.29699266
Quoted by: >>29699350

I like how Haachama says "Morli"

>> No.29699267

so does the mic audio sound normal for them and it's just weird for the stream?

>> No.29699269

pic is actually going to happen this week

>> No.29699270

>Talking about nigger food

>> No.29699271
File: 266 KB, 424x439, 1595829938848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similar to some English viewers who appear when a non-EN Hololive girl starts speaking random English, Japanese viewers just lurk in the shadows until somebody starts speaking Japanese. Kiara started speaking Japanese the other day and they all magically appeared like ninjas to say hello.

It usually doesn't matter what language the stream is focused on, there's somebody in every language lurking.

>> No.29699272
File: 233 KB, 2048x1053, 1604784864240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699274

What can you even say? This game is so soul suckingly boring.

>> No.29699276
File: 76 KB, 221x200, calli face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699452

I'm only staring at Mori's boobs

>> No.29699277

mori is a big girl

>> No.29699278

Why is Kiara being such a BULLY

>> No.29699280

ESL banter anon, don't over analyze things

>> No.29699281


>> No.29699282
Quoted by: >>29699340

>Soul food? Is that when you eat a human soul?

>> No.29699284

does anyone else get annoyed at haachamas hair being linked to her blinking, its really off-putting

>> No.29699285

post it on twitter

>> No.29699290

>I'll cook with a human soul
Haachama is truly powerful
I want to hug her so bad

>> No.29699293

Yes, Kiara, please explain what soul food is. I'm dying to hear this.

>> No.29699291

She was fine in DST collab, its haachamas settings and/or discord.

>> No.29699295

>Soul food is nigger food

>> No.29699300

Kiara can't stop bullying Haachama..
Fuck this BITCH

>> No.29699301
File: 135 KB, 404x370, how-are-you-feeling-today-31791062-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699343

I swear to god I saw a comment go by in chat implying Bill Gates made the Internet...

>> No.29699302


>> No.29699304

>Initiate a conversation
>Game stops them

>> No.29699305

i honestly blame the game on this collab.
theres not much content you can make out of overcooked

>> No.29699307

>Soul cooking with actual souls

You're alright, Haachama.

>> No.29699308
Quoted by: >>29699346

If I akasupa her, will she die?

>> No.29699311


>> No.29699314
File: 1.58 MB, 480x498, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the most part yeah but I actually think Miko is a natural comedian. She always finds herself in hilarious situations and that is not a coincidence. She is a naturally talented entertainer and she is great at it.

>> No.29699315
File: 23 KB, 500x333, 1605490589553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicken lower half
>Human upper half
I wanna see more of this

>> No.29699317

Oh god

>> No.29699319

>Soul food is food with human soul

Haachama, your chuuni persona...

>> No.29699320

>trying to explain what soul food is

>> No.29699318

Kiara knows what soul food is?

>> No.29699322

>multiple choice
I think you should look up the definition for the word anonchama

>> No.29699324
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1600970262476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699325

I'd rather have
>Gura finally collabs
>Stream for 3 hours tops
>HUGE numbers, everyone concedes
>Huge incline for both
>Haachama beats both Pekora AND Coco before the year ends
>Gura allowed Haachama to shit on Coco's goal
>Despite that, they actually enjoy each other's company, so they collab more in the future, leaving Ame alone in the process
I see this as an absolute win.

>> No.29699326

>they can say "Mori" just fine
she still fucks up on the "r" half the time

>> No.29699328
File: 130 KB, 501x629, 1501191735337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Seiso Cool Idol Kariope-chan

>> No.29699329

>soul food?
>like McDonalds

>> No.29699330

>Kiara asks Haachama if she knows what "soul food" is
>is that when you cook with a human soul?
>staggered, the tangent immediately ends

>> No.29699331

Who does she think she is? Fucking Mettaton?

>> No.29699332

Jops usually talk when she mentions them like that one time she acknowledged a jop membering her for the 6th time

>> No.29699334

because first is encouraging and second is mocking? duh

>> No.29699333

I think they're confusing comfort food and soul food...

>> No.29699336
File: 895 KB, 1496x2041, mamkiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a long time since I hated Kiara.
her first Mario Kart stream won me over

>> No.29699337
File: 423 KB, 650x835, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my worst yet

>> No.29699338
File: 10 KB, 386x378, 1380356745495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699340

To be fair, she is talking to a reaper of souls.

>> No.29699342
File: 282 KB, 600x600, 1606225543126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love that fucking drawing of coco with pajamas

>> No.29699343

Everyone knows al gore invented the internet

>> No.29699344

world war 2

>> No.29699346

it would be very painful, for you

>> No.29699347

We all heard it.

>> No.29699349

Same wtf was that

>> No.29699350


>> No.29699352

for you

>> No.29699353


>> No.29699355

>my soul food is donut

>> No.29699356
Quoted by: >>29699391

Do none of them know what soul food is? Do they think it means "comfort food"?

>> No.29699358

kiara..that's not what soul food is..

>> No.29699359
File: 99 KB, 230x238, 1605142210423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699360

What the fuck you retards, that's not what soul food is. That's comfort food. Soul food is black cuisine.

>> No.29699365
File: 590 KB, 1024x1217, 515273966964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I laughed

>> No.29699367

Coco is only 180cm and she's the fourth tallest, having a primarily Asian and within that primarily female cast leads to skewing heights to the shorter side

>> No.29699366

Isn't soul food just African American food.

I think they mistook it for comfort food.

>> No.29699369

It's cute you emotionless ingrate

>> No.29699373

Oh she meant comfort food

>> No.29699374


>> No.29699376
Quoted by: >>29699431

I have the solution. Just need to get Gura and Ame into the same room together and then get them drunk. No blacks allowed within a 400 meter radius allowed because Ame will lose her inhibitions and get yelly.

>> No.29699378

I'm more worried about her neck

>> No.29699379


>> No.29699380

If Kiara can't handle Haachama she can't handle Pekora

>> No.29699382

what the fuck that's not what soul food is

>> No.29699384
File: 18 KB, 73x128, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699383

Thanks asshole now i'm gonna have nightmares

>> No.29699386

Isn't soul food just black american recipes? I'm a fucking bong and I know that.

>> No.29699387
File: 47 KB, 680x491, 1604394909381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699444

JOP's literally use her stream as a way to learn English and you can see them speaking English in the chat if you look hard enough. When she does minecraft on the JP server her chat is much more JP dominated. Also iirc her JP fans are the ones that encourage her to do more English stuff

>> No.29699388

A 1-on-1 Haachama/Mori collab would have been kino

>> No.29699390

Isn't entertaining. No sense of comedy or playing off a game or others for bants. Good at singing though

>> No.29699391

Try explaining that to Haato or Kiara.

>> No.29699394
Quoted by: >>29699438

>blacks don't have souls
>their food is called soul food
wtf burgers

>> No.29699396


>> No.29699397

Mori barely managed to stay family friendly there

>> No.29699399

I love that gross out noise nori made

>> No.29699400


He has a point. Something's strange about Kiara today.

>> No.29699401

Incoming Futa Kiara artwork

>> No.29699402

alright kiara that was pretty good

>> No.29699404

>I slapped you with my meat

>> No.29699403

>I slapped you with my meat

>> No.29699405
File: 622 KB, 1019x1200, Kiara bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I slapped you with my meat

>> No.29699407


>> No.29699408

kiara handled haachama just fine when she was on haachama cooking

>> No.29699409


>> No.29699411

Dick joke

>> No.29699412


>> No.29699410

they cant say nigger cuisine on youtbe anon

>> No.29699413

I slapped you with my meat

>> No.29699414

Haachama really finds the kusotori nickname amusing.

>> No.29699416
Quoted by: >>29699475

the main problem is super low bitrate discord audio with bad compression artifacts and lowpass filtering with an alarmingly low cutoff frequency. there's no way around this unless haachama can get better bandwidth. i also hear excessive small room reverb in the background that she could fix by hanging up a lot of cloth in her room and talking closer to the mic. there are also occasional peaks that she could fix using a compressor to limit the dynamic range, probably best to do that downstream of the ADC and just lower the input level to prevent clipping.

>> No.29699418

>that sincere cry of disgust

>> No.29699419

>Kiara will never slap you with fer meat

>> No.29699425
File: 263 KB, 907x510, 1604015437853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The lewd joke totally flies over Haachama's head
top kek

>> No.29699426

Do aussies really pronouce pasta as paster?

>> No.29699427


>> No.29699429

Haachama was trying to get that cooking collab with Mori.

>> No.29699428

Wew lad, Mori is way more enjoyable to listen to in this than Kiara.

>> No.29699430

I always thought that soul food was african-american inspired or southern comfort food, what is the actual definition?

>> No.29699431
File: 549 KB, 2477x2825, 434836843354453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699482


>> No.29699432
Quoted by: >>29699484

please andastand, it's two ESLs and Mori

>> No.29699433

No, that's soul music.

>> No.29699434
File: 228 KB, 950x1502, 1606243486500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has Mori just totally given up on the LARPing at this point? That "human soul food" quip by haachama was the perfect opportunity for Mori to jump in with some cringey lore, and she just ignored it.

>> No.29699435

apparently it's udon
nigs btfo

>> No.29699436
Quoted by: >>29699489

Jesas anon, what you've done!?

>> No.29699437


>> No.29699438
Quoted by: >>29699580

It's why they're all Obese anon, they are trying to fill themselves with a soul

>> No.29699439

What a cutie!

>> No.29699441

I'm willing to blame Kiara's ignorance on some weird translation of the austrian word for comfort food, but Mori should know what Soul Food is.

>> No.29699444
Quoted by: >>29699562

Haatons are based?

>> No.29699445

She handled her fine in Haachama cooking. Whenever there's an extra person she falls apart.

>> No.29699447

do you not?

>> No.29699449

There's literally no reason. A lot of the time its bait, or people coming up with delusional narrarives. She's done nothing to deserve it.

>> No.29699451

Mori only cares about superchat now

>> No.29699452
File: 311 KB, 416x591, 1601433205737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not very cash money of you my dude

>> No.29699453

Haachama will never return to the EN server

>> No.29699454

this is still pretty nice. I like the contrast. Kiara has been providing bants all stream

>> No.29699455

>Fish, just like our off collab.
>awkward laughter from Mori
Quick, I need your finest narratives!

>> No.29699459

Because it's cute.

>> No.29699458
Quoted by: >>29699921

you followed my advice
it's worse than I imagined. Holy shit

>> No.29699464

>kiara makes cringe joke
>mori does an even cringier fake laugh
>haachama is too esl to get it.
this collab is an amazing disaster

>> No.29699465

she is rejected by australian society so she can never have that

>> No.29699466

Kiara was pretty good at handling Haachama one-on-one in the collab Haachama "cooked" chicken in. If anything she just encouraged her even more and didn't baby her like the others.

>> No.29699468
File: 624 KB, 615x342, 1575941082710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, this is the real trinity

>> No.29699471

Mori's larping has always just been her talking about her actual life with a coat of paint slapped on it.

>> No.29699473
Quoted by: >>29699539

I've talked to several australians and they all sound exactly like Haachama. It's uncanny.

>> No.29699474


>> No.29699475

Thank you for explaining the obvious for retards, but shitposters gotta shitpost

>> No.29699476

She literally did, she was just quiet. When Kiara told Haachama that's not what it was, Mori was like 'wait, it's not?'.

>> No.29699477

You can tell our thread sibling is here because they're shitting on Kiara like nothing has changed since her first week

>> No.29699481

Maybe they can off-collab cooking next week or the week after that

>> No.29699482


>> No.29699484
Quoted by: >>29700213

Mori's from Texas, she should know this shit even if she hadn't certainly watched the Boondocks on Adult Swim as a kid.

>> No.29699486

>I slapped you with my meat

It flying over Haachama's head was the best part.

>> No.29699487

shitchiken does sound like something out of trailer park boys

>> No.29699488

>it's really hard!

>> No.29699489
File: 1.71 MB, 1285x835, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699528

Gura with no makeup

>> No.29699490

Sorry, Haachama put her in teacher mode.

>> No.29699492

Mori has changed a lot huh

>> No.29699493

>Meat... it's really hard

>> No.29699495

>Haachama quivering voice "It's really haaard"
my dick

>> No.29699497


>> No.29699498

They dined on each others salmon holes, what else?

>> No.29699501


>> No.29699503
Quoted by: >>29699557

Yeah it's like fried chicken, biscuits with tons of gravy etc. Mori apparently doesn't quite-know it herself if she confuses it with comfort food, and I don't blame Kiara and Haachama for not knowing a specifically American thing.

>> No.29699504

>I wish I was writing lyrics
>Kiara is loud
>haachama is adorable but shes retarded
>my feet hurt

>> No.29699506

She didn’t watch it so she doesn’t know what she’s talking about

>> No.29699508


>> No.29699509


>> No.29699510

We're just having fun, anon.

>> No.29699512 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 340x227, IMG_20201122_215652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29699516

What the fuck are you talking about? Pekora's personality is completely different from Haachama's. And the pekora collab will be in Japanese not english

>> No.29699518
File: 186 KB, 480x480, 1595021139885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been observing Mori for a while
What the fuck? Why is she looking towards top left? Is she going to die on stream?

>> No.29699521

Did you really want to sit and watch Mori explain and describe what chitlins is like to two ESLs?

>> No.29699522

Fuck. I didn't notice till you mention it...

>> No.29699523

It's beginning to look a lot like fish-men

>> No.29699525

Cold fish...

>> No.29699528
File: 208 KB, 463x453, 598559985694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699530

I'm having a hard time believing this thing has hair.

>> No.29699532

She's in teacher mode. The less she confuses the young ESL, the less awkward things get.

>> No.29699534

Not necessarily a black thing, but it's most of what black people eat.
It's also absolutely shit for your health, but great for making life worth living

>> No.29699535

Yeah soul food is specifically southern black food. A lot of grits, pig feet, cornbread, etc. Basically trying to make the most out of poverty food.

>> No.29699536

it's a british thing so yeah bongs do it also

>> No.29699537


>> No.29699539

only if there's a vowel at the beginning of the next word. this is called the "intrusive r" and appears in british english as well.

>> No.29699540

Close your eyes anon and imagine

>> No.29699541

obnoxious, loud, cant take a hint or read the room, shouldve been a JP/10
Also subjective, i find her voice really annoying. Which is weird, cos her roomate has a pretty nice voice, judging from her stuff.

>> No.29699543

She doesn't have an Australian accent and never has. She has a pretty standard esl/seanig/chink accent like most of them that spend time here.

>> No.29699544

You realise the Pekora collab will be in JP right? Kiara's better suited to 1 on 1 collabs anyway.

>> No.29699547
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1599916732111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that it's not just a shitty edit makes it SO MUCH WORSE.

>> No.29699548

I think her screen is just up high

>> No.29699549

Why can't you faggots discuss your whores here instead of shitting up /hlg/ thread? If you're too retarded to understand, might as well just kill yourself. Don't think EN is going to last as long as JP, because they won't.

>> No.29699550
File: 1.77 MB, 828x382, 1604211129117.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop looking at mah boys eyes

>> No.29699551
Quoted by: >>29699587

i'll take this over any of the gills edits

>> No.29699553

hmmm, quite an interesting narrative

>> No.29699556
File: 330 KB, 640x699, 1606258487884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shark hasn't collabed with anyone outside the Moona group collab. What is the narrative?

>> No.29699554

Mori was a dead fish while Kiara was slapping her with her meat.

>> No.29699555

We have Nori-sensei

>> No.29699558

Oh hey kiara

>> No.29699557

It's something I'd like to try sometime, but the US isn't on my travel map for the foreseeable future

>> No.29699559
File: 586 KB, 985x551, fubuki why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a curse upon this thread

>> No.29699561

Is that intentional? Also calli in visible pain

>> No.29699562

They will (for the most part, a few sperged out on Twitter) support Chama no matter what she does.

>> No.29699566

It'd be hilarious, especially considering Haachama's cooking means she'd be up to try it.

>> No.29699567

remember this the next time someone says that the threads are comfy when Kiara streams like earlier today lol

>> No.29699570

She is bored.

>> No.29699571

her gameplay screen is high and to her right so shes looking at the game on our screen

>> No.29699572
File: 183 KB, 1350x1150, EnPp4K3VkAA3FXt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori has a very stupid stream set up, please andastd.

>> No.29699574
File: 189 KB, 309x368, 1605922467434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699577

I feel that

>> No.29699578

give it to me straight
Is Mori high?

>> No.29699580

Fuck off

>> No.29699581


>> No.29699584

Kiara is probably thinking of comfort food.

>> No.29699587
File: 655 KB, 960x876, 1606090323495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699719

Waddaya mean "edit" I drew those from scratch

>> No.29699589
Quoted by: >>29699743

There's a place near me owned by this sweet old lady that prepares Louisiana's style food.

Goddamn her crawfish, mac'n'cheese, hushpuppies and fried okra are the BOMB.

Goddammit Kiara, I thought you were gonna shill southern food but you're too euro to know the difference.

>> No.29699590
Quoted by: >>29699633

She's moved and has a proper desk now.

>> No.29699594

Somehow, Mori manages to be the most seiso out of the three.

>> No.29699596
Quoted by: >>29699675

>Calliope went on a date with Kiara
>Mori didn't watch the VODs
the naïve rrats getting stronger

>> No.29699598


>> No.29699599
File: 425 KB, 844x471, 2erqk100laq51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im looking at the others eyes.
they are beautiful as well

>> No.29699600
Quoted by: >>29699664

At least Haachama is having a good time it seems, so there's that

>> No.29699603
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>> No.29699604
File: 465 KB, 580x377, static-assets-upload2494773374429244197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699665


>> No.29699609

I just woke up. How cringe?

>> No.29699612

She thinks 2 nukes wasn't enough.

>> No.29699613

She must have the exact same setup she had at her previous place because.

>> No.29699617
Quoted by: >>29699653

>Haachama noises
Oh yes, that hits the spot

>> No.29699619
Quoted by: >>29699654

yeah, gura was drunk tonight too, celebrating something i guess

>> No.29699620

Interesting that she's look up while Kiara is looking forward and Haachama is looking down

>> No.29699622


Back to the other side of the wall dog fucker.

>> No.29699624

Either post the gravure links or move along

>> No.29699625
Quoted by: >>29699677

Mori has always been incredibly pure in terms of lewd stuff

>> No.29699626


t. aussie

>> No.29699631

How come Pekora's views have tanked since she streamed over Gura with that cringe minecraft collab shit?

>> No.29699630

Haachama is saving the stream with retard noises

>> No.29699633

Either her chair is too low or her monitors too high now, she's always looking up while playing.

>> No.29699634

yea, given that she's very tall

>> No.29699635

This also happened in the cooking stream with Kiara and Haachama but every time Kiara makes a joke and Haachama doesn't get it I have to laugh my ass off. Maybe I'm just too easily entertained...

>> No.29699636

I consider this collab a mess but I can't look away

>> No.29699639

Shes morphing into her new idol career. She plans on doing this for a long time after all

>> No.29699640
File: 175 KB, 1101x1080, Happy Sugar Life BD - 12 00_05_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was just going to take it off the edge and die with it.
>That's also an option.
Holy shit, Kiara. Your self-worth reps.

>> No.29699641
File: 138 KB, 379x196, 1604781536411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699644
File: 3.76 MB, 498x395, 1585766396225.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are scared of her
People don't like her

Pick your naive rrat

>> No.29699646

Is Haachama in univ or high school?
It's actually good she learn being a straight forward person in Australia.
My japanon friend told me straight forward japanese usually grow fast with their career.
Haachama could actually land big office job when she got back to Japan. Japanese with univ foreign degree is almost guarantee to get big job..

>> No.29699647

Overcook is dragging the collab down to nobody's surprise.

>> No.29699648

I only don't really like her Live2D
design aside it's too bouncy and not in a good way

>> No.29699652

She'll only collab outside of holoEN with Amelia.
Amelia wants her to branch out on her own.

>> No.29699653

need more shrieks

>> No.29699654

First full paycheck from Cover.

>> No.29699660
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1590905299934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a strong feeling that /cgl/ trannies came out of the woodwork for this collab.

>> No.29699659

In Japan? Almost impossible. Alcohol can't be ruled out at all however, specifically cheap wine..

>> No.29699661

collab's require pre-planning and organization and while Gura is easily the most talented among the ENs she is also lazy as fuck. It's simple as that. She is too lazy to organize a collab. She will only be in group collabs that are organized by somebody else.

>> No.29699662
Quoted by: >>29699726

I'll send this to Gura on twitter

>> No.29699663
Quoted by: >>29699711

>Soul food is the food you eat when you're sad
>What's your soul food Haachama
>She has been chugging udon recently

>> No.29699664

I think Haachama is the only one who can keep up with Mori and Kiara agressiveness in interacting.

>> No.29699665
File: 301 KB, 500x375, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699666

haachama's hairbliink makes her look more twitchy, it's uncanny how it all fits in

>> No.29699667
Quoted by: >>29699704

>smoking weed in Japan.
She's not that retarded.

>> No.29699669
File: 651 KB, 474x588, 1602659490328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to try out Apex since Amelia keeps playing it
>also trying to get back into fps games to prepare for the TF2 collab.
>cant stop playing Apex

lord i see why she likes playing it so much. hope she really likes titan fall 2.

>> No.29699671 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 2100x2200, 1605550684875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>1 500k sub tako

who would win?
22k vs 30k.
what about:

>1 600k sub detective
who would win?
22k vs 25k (on mario)
what about:

>1 1.4m sub shark
who would win?
22k vs 35k (on soma p2)

trinity solo streams outpace 3 of the biggest names in the vt-industry doing an unprecedented collab.

>> No.29699670

It's looking at me...

>> No.29699673

mori is awkward in general
haachama and kiara are making banter at eachother that neither of them understand since they are both ESL
honestly, its the games fault.

>> No.29699672

Incredibly, Mori's making it nearly unwatchable and needs to chill the fuck out. Haachama's making random noises and Kiara is just kinda there.

>> No.29699675

wasn't it a chicken and fish joke referring to haachama cooking?

>> No.29699677

It's almost like she's never... Nah, forget about it.

>> No.29699678

Shes only in highschool literally graduating this month

>> No.29699679

I can't tell if I dislike you or not anymore

>> No.29699680
Quoted by: >>29699774

So "five foot scythe" Mori and "meat slapper"Kiara are confirmed futa?

>> No.29699683

That's great lol

>> No.29699684


Very. And it ain't mori.

>> No.29699686
File: 164 KB, 234x325, firefox_OcTwy6w7H8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far above her are her monitors, or is her camera on the floor?

>> No.29699685

All kiara's fault. Mori is being sweet and haachama is being her stupid adorable self. It's "watchable"

>> No.29699688


>> No.29699693 [DELETED] 

what the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.29699697

None of these girls have leadership skills like Amelia so the communication is pretty shit. They need someone to tell them what to do without bumbling around

>> No.29699698
File: 2 KB, 125x125, thisbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29699700

Actually, why is Mori streaming at 5pm JST? Doesn't she have "scythe-swinging lessons"?

>> No.29699699

pretty gud

>> No.29699701

reminder Kiara has said on stream she hates any kind of dead air and will try everything to avoid it.

>> No.29699704
File: 64 KB, 131x208, 1575292541126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699703 [DELETED] 

Unironically take your fucking meds.

>> No.29699705

Fishpeople are hot, if you want cursed draw her shark babies wriggling inside her

>> No.29699706 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 227x222, 1579709504046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this post

>> No.29699707 [DELETED] 


>> No.29699711

She wants to go home.

>> No.29699713
Quoted by: >>29699755

She's also watching this thread in one of her monitors

>> No.29699715

Did Mori fucking die? Whats going on?

>> No.29699719
File: 65 KB, 710x710, 1604740057095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad, i'll give respect where it's due at least

>> No.29699722

>It's been 43 minutes...

>> No.29699725

>Failing again
>Genuine pain in Calli's voice

>> No.29699726

Actually anon you do it yourself you deserve the (you)

>> No.29699728

She just got home.

>> No.29699734

Why are you pretending one of the girls is dragging down the collab? It's obvious that it's the fucking game.

>> No.29699735

>Mori's making it nearly unwatchable
Damn, sounds like a good stream then.

>> No.29699736

No, these are her regular streaming hours.

>> No.29699737
Quoted by: >>29699790

She has a 4-monitor setup so maybe she has the game on the top-left.

>> No.29699741
File: 196 KB, 1069x1500, 1605415837971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura kills herself
>Her family sues Hololive
>Hololive starts collapsing and graduating all the talents slowly
>Talent starts leaving on their own
>VShojo offends the japanese and the rest of the world alike and vtubing in general goes down.
>World wide vtubers start graduating and the whole industry dies
>Gura reveals she didn't commit suicide, she had been kidnapped by a crazy fan and raped for months on a basement until she killed him and managed to escape, but she never reveals the truth
>All her fans come back and she is now the only and most popular vtuber to ever exist

>> No.29699742

High school but she repeated a year (to be fair, the curriculum is probably pretty tough with her level of English skills). She just graduated. Seems like she wants to pursue streaming full time, I'd be surprised if she goes to uni

>> No.29699743
Quoted by: >>29699834

I can never eat store bought mac and cheese anymore after having some from a soul food place in my town. I thought cheese and pasta would always be a fairly one dimensional dish, but boy was I wrong.

>> No.29699744

>Nice! A Haachama cooking stream!
>Sees Calli
>Closes stream

>> No.29699745

you just know she wants to stop playing this shit game

>> No.29699746

reminder that this collab will end in 20 min no matter what
Haachama has JP stream in 1 hour

>> No.29699747
Quoted by: >>29699762


>> No.29699749 [DELETED] 
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>> No.29699752 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 423x373, 36737799502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699753

Isn't that usually around the time school ends? Her audio quality is noticeably worse than usual. Maybe she hopped onto an internet cafe or love hotel with a ghetto setup?

>> No.29699755

what else would she use her 4 monitors for if not having the thread open on one

>> No.29699756


>> No.29699759

i fucking love this bitch

>> No.29699760

It looks like she's actually reading the chat window!

>> No.29699762

Send this to Pekora on Twitter

>> No.29699763 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29699876

Am I seeing a rambling of an actual schizo

>> No.29699765 [DELETED] 

You're too far gone, numberfag, you no longer make any sense

>> No.29699768
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1601971131632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699818

Amelia I know you're here please let this be the last time EN plays Overcook. No more DLC onegai.

>> No.29699772 [DELETED] 

your math is too high level for these plebians. I got it.

>> No.29699773 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1606198365994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699774

Poor small Haachama

>> No.29699776

coco you couldve joined the collab...

>> No.29699777

How is that incredible.

>> No.29699783 [DELETED] 

What a dumb thing to say, lol. It's on at a bad time for burgers (especially east coast burgers) and it's an english stream so a lot of the japanese aren't going to watch it.

>> No.29699784
Quoted by: >>29699932

She's apparently a high school senior; she said she'll be graduating from it soon the other week.

FYI Haachama is the youngest hire in Hololive, she must have been like 16 when they brought her on. Her being a Gen 1 JP, she got in when the company was still tiny, unknown and almost-nothing compared to now. Cover since bumped up their age requirements, so she's a one-of-a-kind in that regard.

>> No.29699785

Not always, she streamed at this time before as well

>> No.29699787 [DELETED] 


>> No.29699790

She counts her cintiq as one of the monitors.

>> No.29699792

>High school but she repeated a year
What the fuck is this narrative, she never repeated a year.

>> No.29699794

there's no good banter since the game is too chaotic and also because you need to focus on the gameplay.

>> No.29699795

>Mori losing it over cut shrimp over the floor

>> No.29699796 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29699919

Worst formatting I have seen every. You are unemployable and need meds.

>> No.29699797

ESLchama, your reading comprehension reps...

>> No.29699798

Mori is a tryhard.

>> No.29699799
Quoted by: >>29699906

She's definitely not the most talented considering there's a top level illustrator with a fuckton of connections.

>> No.29699800

This. Not even Pekora could carry this shit.

>> No.29699802 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 566x522, 1604590615016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699804 [DELETED] 

based TrinityCHAD

>> No.29699805

in 1 hour 15 min

>> No.29699807


>> No.29699810

I think she lives with her grandma right? There is also a uni student that lives with them as well right?

>> No.29699811 [DELETED] 

Amongst all the shitposting, I always forget that there's actual schizos in here.

>> No.29699813 [DELETED] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, joy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699812

She streams at this time relatively frequently, I think she teaches younger kids, who usually finish earlier, also her commutes not as bad as it used to be.

>> No.29699814

anon please she didnt repeat a year australia and japan have like half year gap between the terms

>> No.29699815 [DELETED] 

Adding the 1s is redundant, numberfagchama

>> No.29699816
File: 1.07 MB, 455x512, Coco4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Save this next time, Kaichou...

>> No.29699818
Quoted by: >>29699857

she's the one that made them even aware of the DLC, she's clearly into it

>> No.29699819

She understands the power of gap moe

>> No.29699821

Schizos have to have atleast someone to shitpost about.

>> No.29699823

Pretty much, even JPs that are really good with each other are boring to watch when they did this game.

>> No.29699824

>Gura is easily the most talented among the ENs
lol ogey

>> No.29699826 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29699916

You really should've put (1) to separate it from the the 800/700/600/500k from the rest because it's really hard to read and people won't be able to parse it.

>> No.29699827
Quoted by: >>29699969

listen to her speak and see if you can confidently say that she never had to repeat a year

>> No.29699829

Minecraft again?

>> No.29699830
File: 771 KB, 632x486, 1581196459589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699864

Do you think Gura's eyes instinctively roll back when she takes a bite off of her food?

>> No.29699831 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1598019639896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek my fucking sides

>> No.29699832

Haachama keeps taking things off the burner too quick, she's staying on brand for her real cooking.

>> No.29699833

Is every Overcooked stream like this? I don't know how anyone could pull consistent content out of this

>> No.29699834

It's so so so bad for you, but SO FUCKING GOOD. I might get some this weekend.


Get some authentic BBQ for the coronary trifecta

>> No.29699835

High school
But yeah she seem to be getting more straight forward compared to her peers
For example when she suggested to redo the relay in the sport festival, everyone else was uncertain about it, and she is the one who straight up calling it loud and clear

>> No.29699836

>Self quarantine
She doesn't want to infect her senpai with her [insert derogatory word] fanbase.

>> No.29699839
File: 1.25 MB, 640x358, 6319596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29699840

Now you know how it feels having to carry hard in games huh mori??

>> No.29699842

Is haachama intentionally talking over the bird? Based

>> No.29699841
Quoted by: >>29699872

gura is a whore

>> No.29699843
Quoted by: >>29699880

She selfdoxxed her age as being 19 once.

>> No.29699844 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 1604183022935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Numberposter, what must I do to understand your strongest numbers?

>> No.29699845 [DELETED] 
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>> No.29699849 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29699995

trinityshitters translate

>> No.29699852 [DELETED] 

This collab has more viewers than the Overcooked collabs with Ame and Gura. This proves that Haachama and Kiara are more popular than them.

>> No.29699850

I can't believe Overcook 2 ruined the collab

>> No.29699853
File: 118 KB, 258x346, 1586058863476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while Gura is easily the most talented among the ENs

>> No.29699854 [DELETED] 

did you just reddit meme your numberfagging? that's the only way i can make sense of this

>> No.29699857
Quoted by: >>29699886

please no

>> No.29699861
Quoted by: >>29699981

I wasn't sure I liked Haachama's new outfit when she revealed it but it has definitely grown on me.

>> No.29699864


>> No.29699866
Quoted by: >>29700021

What's with ESL spam and schizoing in this thread? There are more suitable places for you SEAmongrels, leave

>> No.29699865 [DELETED] 
File: 772 KB, 900x450, 1604919150228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura always loses to Ame. I don't understand?

>> No.29699868

This game sucks

>> No.29699869 [DELETED] 
File: 769 KB, 480x272, 1606154289353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what this means but i see numbers so i like it

>> No.29699872

I wish I need a bitch loli holo

>> No.29699873
Quoted by: >>29699961

they are usually worse

>> No.29699876

He's become Jim Carrey in that number movie that nobody watched.

>> No.29699879

Haachama is too cute you guys.

>> No.29699881
File: 362 KB, 960x765, 1586048697815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to do my reps, please kill this stream onegai..
Also please post your fucking member schedule Mori, there is 4 and a half days left in the month

>> No.29699880

Holy fucking shit are you retarded? She literally has always been open about her age

>> No.29699884
Quoted by: >>29700195

Haachama's got a genuine talent for being an entertainer
also for some reason she wants to be an eroge VA

>> No.29699885 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 258x301, 1603812201293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700019

i legitimately cannot understand what the fuck this post is

>> No.29699887
Quoted by: >>29699960

Mori seems too stiff for this collab but I think that's making her more bearable to watch than when she's on her own. She's actually kind of nice. Kiara is throwing stuff that just is not sticking at all. Haachama is Haachama. This game fucking sucks

>> No.29699886
Quoted by: >>29700075

is it that weird that women like to cook?

>> No.29699890

that ending is terrifying

>> No.29699893

>Better than Gura


>> No.29699892
Quoted by: >>29699948

>Mori is having to carry the game
When did I enter bizarro world?

>> No.29699894
Quoted by: >>29699959

Calli what the fuck

>> No.29699895

She's being nice to Haachama.

>> No.29699896 [DELETED] 

Numberfags everyone.

>> No.29699897
Quoted by: >>29699934

It's kind of impressive they can actually talk while they play. This type of game requires you to really pay attention.

>> No.29699898

She never repeated, she only waited to start the high school because the difference between Japanese and Australian terms
April vs January

>> No.29699899


>> No.29699900

>Mori likes well-done steaks

>> No.29699901

gura is fucking retarded and is most popular solely cuz of pedobait. look at how popular rushia is and how much she earns then say pedo isnt popular

>> No.29699905


>> No.29699906
Quoted by: >>29700161

I'm talking about talent in entertaining and streaming you piss for brains.

>> No.29699908


>> No.29699907

Theres really no room for conversations in the game.

>> No.29699909
Quoted by: >>29700286

There's so many layers to this masterpiece.

>> No.29699911

This is crap and it's still above average for an Overcooked collab, let that sink in.

>> No.29699910

>Well done steaks

Unmembered, unsubbed, dropped, and refunding her albums as we speak

>> No.29699913
File: 24 KB, 100x100, 1594012081744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29699999

How would you react if five minutes before the end of the collab Kiara started screaming german curses and yelled "GODDAMNIT YOU DUMB AUSSIE CUNT IT'S FUCKING PAS-TAH! PAS-TAH FUCK SAKE NOT PASTER WHAT THE FUCK IS PASTER IT'S FUCKING PASTA"?

>> No.29699914
File: 334 KB, 2000x1200, 1606095862611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 stars
>genuine happiness in Mori's voice
Holy shit, you dork

>> No.29699915

I'm spacing out so much in this collab. Kiara is my oshi and I don't dislike Haachama or Calli but....

>> No.29699916

Nothing would be lost by just removing them.

>> No.29699919

I remember that guy who made a giant shit post and a complete mess of formatting and one guy replaced all his entire formatting with "NIGGER", I don't remember what that post was tho

>> No.29699920 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 944x386, 1584474514720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't numberfag for competition between the girls, but I can assure you, watching numbers hit a nice milestone is better than sex.
Imagine looking at the number 464,032. That's a fucking mess. I don't give a single fuck about that number. It's got some ok stuff going on, but there's nothing substantial.
Now think about the number 500,000. Holy FUCK man, that is a good number. It's nice, round, and both the end of the last set and the beginning of a new set, WHILE ALSO being halfway between the progression of 0 to 1,000,000. It's an incredible number.
Now I'm not out here condoning being a numberfag for the puposes of comparison. That's boring, that makes it about something else. But numberfagging over the number itself? That shit is inherent to humankind. It's the same reason why people care about dubs, and post milestones. As a human being, it should be inherent in your nature to feel immense satisfaction at seeing good, full numbers.

>> No.29699921

I'll try recoloring the face to be a bit more human but know that you caused this

>> No.29699923
File: 199 KB, 1024x796, Elx-AdVVkAAT6Eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700050

Reject dark trinity
Embrace pure trinity

>> No.29699925

>Mori likes her steak well done.

>> No.29699926

Each time Kiara talks about food it's always pizza. Eat something else Kiara please.

>> No.29699928

Of course the autist eats well done steaks

>> No.29699927

Mr. Aziz is gonna flip!

>> No.29699931

>well done steaks
do deadbraps really?

>> No.29699932

Her story overall is pretty interesting. In the beginning Hololive would design the characters and their personalities without any input of the talent, so "Akai Haato" was just an audition girls had of a tsundere blonde character. Hoshikawa talked about auditioning for Haato in one of her streams.

>> No.29699933

>Well done steaks
I fucking hate this bitch

>> No.29699934

They're talking but there's very little actual conversation taking place

>> No.29699936

>Kiara is so hard

>> No.29699939
File: 898 KB, 667x672, 1605931834070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well done steaks
nani the fuck

>> No.29699941

Welcome to an overcooked stream

>> No.29699942

>well done, like I like my steaks!
unsubscribed, unmembered, refunded all my superchats

>> No.29699944

>well done steaks
Well she isn't American.

>> No.29699946


>> No.29699947

It's a fun game to play with friends in the sense that a lot of the later game is screaming at each other to do a thing in game, that doesn't always make a good streaming game.

>> No.29699948

>babysitting ESLs
Her teacher sensibilities are taking over.

>> No.29699949


>> No.29699951

she will rush them out 3 days in a row on the last days of the month, as is tradition

>> No.29699952 [DELETED] 
File: 323 KB, 1554x1856, 1584226805817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who would win?
>what about:

>> No.29699954

The five foot scythe....

>> No.29699953

>Haachama isn't confused enough, let's start speaking in Italian
Kiara... Mori...

>> No.29699957
File: 318 KB, 837x1181, 1606187108481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I had to leave for an hour, has the overcooked stream been good? Did Kiara numberfag?

>> No.29699959


>> No.29699960


This post. This right here.

>> No.29699962

Epico. Would be a masterpiece if it were smoothed.

>> No.29699961

Luckily this tied in with Haachama's cooking theme so this one gets a pass. But to be honest I'm not a fan of the Bitchin' Kitchin and it's good they've completed it.

>> No.29699966
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1600996058380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699967

this is fucking great

>> No.29699968

does haachama have the most character development in holo?

>> No.29699969

Depends, if she's ESL pay2winning a private school there's nothing stopping her graduating even with her pretty awful English. It'd surprise me if she went all the way to Melbourne and was at some sudo infested shitter public school, but that would also probably help her graduation as well.

>> No.29699970

Trinityfags have brain worms

>> No.29699971

>your oshi
>how would you like your steak to be cooked

>> No.29699974

>Well done steaks
>Always posts rare or medium rare meat when out eating
Why Mori? Are you lying to us or yourself?

>> No.29699976
File: 65 KB, 248x254, 1585139580618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699978
File: 71 KB, 662x576, 1603758998221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29699979

There is nothing wrong with well done steaks

>> No.29699980
Quoted by: >>29700088

Well done is the best way to eat it you American mongrels!

>> No.29699981

You will kneel for Chuunichama.

>> No.29699984

I love everything about this

>> No.29699985
Quoted by: >>29700015

Its fucking weird backwards world. Mori's barely talking and carrying the game.
Kiara's not numberfagged at all.

>> No.29699987
Quoted by: >>29700138

its the games fault. this game is NOT good for streaming or for talking with friends,

>> No.29699989


>> No.29699993

I like well done too....

>> No.29699995

I'll fucking try..
Basically this current collab isn't doing as good as Trinity's regular individual streams. How that's relevant at all I don't know but what can you expect from a numberfag

>> No.29699998
Quoted by: >>29700078

>smaller profile making it harder to shoot
Japanese had an advantage, no wonder they performed so well in the war

>> No.29699999
Quoted by: >>29700026

Get hard.

>> No.29700000

If they're going to play a game published by Team17, please play a good one
Like Worms Armageddon

>> No.29700001
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, vergilthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need professional help, not even meds will help at this point

>> No.29700002

maybe she isn't talking about the temp, but how well it is cooked in general?

>> No.29700003


>> No.29700005


>> No.29700007

I'm just going to say it...
>Haachama is cute!
>Kiara is cute!
>Mori is cute!
>Overcooked is garbage!

>> No.29700008

Haachama is stronger than fucking kiara in lore?

>> No.29700009

>eating tires

>> No.29700010

This is great but also kinda creepy

>> No.29700014

>likes well done steaks
>is too much of a dork to order it like that for fear of being judged
>orders medium rare because of it

>> No.29700015

Sounds kino. Haachama seems so talkative and happy which makes ME happy

>> No.29700016

Why are you numberfagging with the non numberfags?

>> No.29700019

Anon forgot to take his meds today so he's going schizo

>> No.29700020

very based

>> No.29700021

>even the EN thread has language elitists
this is hilarious

>> No.29700022

Medium rare

>> No.29700025

i just wanted to share that it is 6 am here and i woke up early to watch this

>> No.29700026

quints of truth

>> No.29700027

This is true!

>> No.29700029


>> No.29700033

There's been some cute interactions but it's still Overcooked.

>> No.29700032

There's nothing her stomach can't handle after all those haachama cookings

>> No.29700036

This is true.

>> No.29700037
File: 1.96 MB, 265x200, 1595974507358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do people look up superchat earnings? Is there a good right-click translator addon for firefox?

These are the questions that keep me up at night.

>> No.29700038

Mori sounds stressed as fuck. Shes trying to baby Hachaama while also having to react to Kiaras bants and clear the levels. Meanwhile the other two dont give a fck either way.

>> No.29700040
File: 102 KB, 512x512, 1581971463281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based quints of truth

>> No.29700041
Quoted by: >>29700089

3 member streams in one day, let's fucking go!

>> No.29700042

Medium Rare

>> No.29700045

Haachama is having so much fun. Mori and Kiara are cool

>> No.29700046

Blue rare

>> No.29700047

It was pretty clearly just a cooking joke, anon.

>> No.29700048
File: 267 KB, 342x435, 1600180288403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori is literally making this unbearable by talking like a stuck-up kindergarten teacher to haachama

>> No.29700050

Holy Trinity vs the Dark Triad!

>> No.29700049

Irresponsibility UnityPilled

>> No.29700054
File: 465 KB, 566x548, 1604284406193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizposter... I requested your finest rrat, what the fuck is this?

>> No.29700053


>> No.29700056
File: 851 KB, 633x529, 1605627874371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level is this?

>> No.29700060


>> No.29700063

Well-made. If im going to eat it raw, I'll eat it raw

>> No.29700062
Quoted by: >>29700124

Mori is so done with this shit kek

>> No.29700066
Quoted by: >>29700120

is there actually a difference between retard english and australian?

>> No.29700067


>> No.29700068

medium rare

>> No.29700071

based and truthpilled

>> No.29700073
File: 676 KB, 1005x1080, 1605339102623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori is so fucking quiet holy shit. Haachama is literally carrying the stream.

>> No.29700075

Cooking is more fun than this game, or at least more fun than watching it.

>> No.29700078
Quoted by: >>29700218

>no wonder they performed so well in the war

>> No.29700080

Its a fun game to play, horrible to watch

>> No.29700081

Can't deny those quints

>> No.29700082

>"it's so haard"
oh my

>> No.29700083

you think i eat steak you faggot?
i only eat chicken

>> No.29700084

I've never eaten steak before.

>> No.29700085

She can shoot lasers from her left eye and use her twin tails as whips.

>> No.29700086
File: 144 KB, 748x754, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700087
File: 103 KB, 874x720, 1601688113475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700132

>Mori clipping her mic half the time she talks

God damn someone tell her to turn it down a notch.

>> No.29700088

You're objectively wrong.
This is only the case if you're afraid of the myoglobin thinking it's blood.

>> No.29700090
Quoted by: >>29700136

Remember that Mori have a collab with Doggo

>> No.29700089

4 hour streams x 3
lets fucking goooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.29700091


>> No.29700092
Quoted by: >>29700126

Near burnt

>> No.29700093
File: 113 KB, 1019x485, 1576317412682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700094

medium or rare?
not sure

>> No.29700096

good lighting

>> No.29700095

Mori's day is ruined and disappointment is immeasurable.

>> No.29700097



>> No.29700099

Her JET intuition is kicking in please andstand

>> No.29700101


>> No.29700103

Every time they lose Mori seems like she's regretting having to play more of this game

>> No.29700104

What did she say?

>> No.29700106

rare or medium rare

>> No.29700108
Quoted by: >>29700163

Oh fuck imagine mori breastfeeding haato

>> No.29700109

blue rare

>> No.29700110

I've always wanted vtubers to play Worms

>> No.29700112

medium well or well done, idc

>> No.29700113

They loved him because he told the blatant truth

>> No.29700114
Quoted by: >>29700265


>> No.29700115

You're completely within your right to sear all the flavor off of your food, it's your money and food after all. Just don't expect people who appreciate flavor to not say you're gay and dumb for doing so.

>> No.29700116

mori they're not talking about that mushroom..

>> No.29700118
File: 230 KB, 2048x1448, 1605543803886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700396

Would this stream be better if they all spoke Japanese?

>> No.29700119

Overcook should just graduate already, unironically.

>> No.29700120

Quite a big difference between chinglish and Australian mate.

>> No.29700121
Quoted by: >>29700342

>new generation of girls
>all english speakers
>only able to fap to ame

is there something wrong with me or is there something wrong with yagoo

>> No.29700122
Quoted by: >>29700160

>hahahaha it's so hard
>Calli's is also hard

>> No.29700123

I don't blame her

>> No.29700124

i think she just realized that this game is not fun

>> No.29700125

The numbers have spoken. Worms stream onegai

>> No.29700126


>> No.29700129
File: 232 KB, 500x494, 1581789014088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700154

Fast Food review collab with Kiara when?

>> No.29700127

Medium rare

>> No.29700128

Medium rare

>> No.29700132

EN's musician

>> No.29700134

She's the host and their senpai, the other two are right to be respectful.

>> No.29700133


>> No.29700136

Whats happening first: Mori/Dog or Kiara/Peko?

>> No.29700138

Yeah this is more coordination requiring than a FPS game if you actually want to play well and needs coordination. If everyone knows their roles then they might be able to talk some.
The current map is pretty good since the jobs are distributed because of the layout

>> No.29700141


Amefags, does this seem familiar?

>> No.29700142

Yes and you are next Korone!

>> No.29700144

She was sick of it two collabs ago

>> No.29700146

She can't turn down a senpai. She is deep into Japanese work culture.

>> No.29700147
File: 183 KB, 317x405, koroneupset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad im not the only one bugged by this

>> No.29700148
Quoted by: >>29700239

You know they say that all holos are created equal, but you look at HoloEN and you look at HoloJP and you can see that statement is not true. See, normally if you go one on one with another holo, you got a 50/50 chance of winning. But HoloEN are number freaks and they're not normal. So you got a 25%, AT BEST, at best to beat them. Then you add HoloID to the mix, your chances of winning drastic go down. See the 3 way, at holoFes, HoloJP got a 33 1/3 chance of winning, but HoloEN got a 66 and 2/3 chance of winning, because HoloID KNOWS they can't beat EN and they're not even gonna try!

So HoloJP, you take your 33 1/3 chance, minus HoloEN's 25% chance and you got an 8 1/3 chance of winning at HoloFes. But then you take EN's 75% chance of winning, if they was to go one on one, and then add 66 2/3 per cents, they got 141 2/3 chance of winning at HoloFes. See JP, the numberfags don't lie, and they spell disaster for you at HoloFes.

>> No.29700149

How many more streams are we gonna have to endure this kusoge?

>> No.29700152


>> No.29700151

The other two are such low energy, why don't they try and pick up some of the slack? Haachama is 60% of this streams energy.

>> No.29700154

the one western content creator collab I'd be okay with

>> No.29700155


>> No.29700157


>> No.29700159

Why can't Kiara be sassy with ENs like she is with JPs? She's great at it.

The game is even making her interact more comfortably with Mori. Why can't she be always like this?

>> No.29700160

she knows the lore

>> No.29700161
Quoted by: >>29700281

That wasn't implied nor talked about. When you talk about talent, most people will assume you are talking about overall unless you specify. "Entertainment talent" is what you'd use in that situation for future reference.

>> No.29700163

Yes please

>> No.29700165
File: 167 KB, 1000x1414, EmwdG7BVoAAMTXu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700191

I get a huge boner when i hwar haachama. Is it the decade of mindbreak and corruption doujins?

>> No.29700167
Quoted by: >>29700192


>> No.29700168

Same day, but Pekora/Kiara is earlier.

>> No.29700171

mori and kiara i think don't want to play this game anymore.

>> No.29700174

Lol Mori looks like she's seen an eldritch abomination in this collab. She looks high as fuck

>> No.29700173
File: 21 KB, 336x341, 1591628835375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think internally Kiara is tired of being called a "shitbird"? A few times a week is fine, but being referred to it like that everytime might be demoralising.

>> No.29700177
File: 73 KB, 948x1168, 1578057626741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few more
Then Overcooked 3 releases

>> No.29700180
Quoted by: >>29700211

I am sure it's a fun game to play, but watching.. yeah

>> No.29700179

Rare usually has little to no browning on the inside, that's a beautiful medium rare.

>> No.29700184

She started shitting on Overcooked two streams ago. They had a few levels left so they decided to finish the Bitchin' Kitchen and this one was requested by Haachama.

>> No.29700188

I wonder if Castle Crashers would be a good game to watch if they ever play it, would be better than Overcooked at least

>> No.29700189


>> No.29700191
Quoted by: >>29700246

Is there even a mind to break with Haachama?

>> No.29700192


>> No.29700193
Quoted by: >>29700229

This is what i'll expect for Korone's collab

>> No.29700194

Damn Haachama makes it hard to enjoy the collab, constantly sperging out with her retarded voice

>> No.29700195

Kek if this true she really fuck up in the head but that's haachama for you.
Rich ojousama with actual network from her father and foreign degree choose to pursue career as vtuber. Well as long as she is happy..

>> No.29700197

>Kiara, all you have to do it put the steak on the plate.
>Wait, I'm confused.
Kiarachama, your eigo reps...

>> No.29700198

Hopefully 0 if someones doesn't try and make this a series.

>> No.29700199

Because she wants to be Japanese and feels more comfortable speaking Japanese

>> No.29700200

oh hey it's getting better

>> No.29700202

Deadbeats please tell Cali in the future that everyone knows she means well but it makes collabs shitty when she talks to her JP senpais like they are kindergardeners.

>> No.29700204

Haachama really loves freaking out Mori
I think it's next one for the harem

>> No.29700208
Quoted by: >>29700251

Mori called me human garbage and told me to die in a fire, I can confirm that it wasn't demorializing at the very least

>> No.29700209
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 2956292929662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather eat Haachama's cooking.

>> No.29700210

Why are you talking about how you like your slab of cow flesh cooked

>> No.29700211

>I am sure it's a fun game to play
It isn't.

>> No.29700213

There are areas of Texas where it’s possible to grow up without picking up a lot of black culture. I love Calli, but she isn’t from Houston. If she was, then I’d agree with you.

Calli will never release a chopped and screwed track RIP

>> No.29700212

>Open Haachama stream
>Kiara numberfagging about points
>Mori ruined the collab

>> No.29700214

Mori doesn't want to play the game, but has to carry the gameplay side. Kiara seems to be stuck in an awkward place of not having Mori to bounce off of, and her ESL not matching well with Haachamas.

>> No.29700216
Quoted by: >>29700250

Kiara's mic was way too loud earlier and Mori is still having audio troubles with her mic peaking a lot, but they were more talkative earlier. This level was just taking a bit of concentration from them

>> No.29700217


>> No.29700218
Quoted by: >>29700355

The island hopping costed the US greatly both in disease and firefights during their eventual retreat into surrender.

>> No.29700220

It's been 55 minutes

>> No.29700222

she isn't usually sassy, but when she is the moments are glorious.
she managed to make amelia salty during the chess collab and that was golden
she needs to do it more.

>> No.29700224

Still no big ups. Will Mori make it until the end of stream?

>> No.29700225

Haacha is kind of boring now that the is not a fat titted retard.

>> No.29700228


>> No.29700229
Quoted by: >>29700353


meds, your mental deviations are showing

>> No.29700230
File: 123 KB, 800x1200, 1605410962589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostar collab when? Kiara made her talkshow to teach EOPs things they might not know about certain Holos, and people know pretty much nothing about the homos outside of maybe Roberu.

>> No.29700233


>> No.29700234
Quoted by: >>29700285

It's fucking Haachama, she's basically a kindergartner

>> No.29700235


>> No.29700236

Haachama I'm assuming asked for this so of course she'd be high energy. Mori fucking hates this game and I'm sure Kiara still remembers how bad it is.

>> No.29700238

The nips call her Mori, so Haachama is just following how they call her.

>> No.29700237

Absolute worst timeline

>> No.29700239

Based Steiner math.

>> No.29700243

Well made with ketchup

>> No.29700246

Yes, but not hers.

>> No.29700247

I haven't eaten pasta in over a year and now I'm starting to crave it

>> No.29700249
File: 88 KB, 170x198, firefox_hVCdfg7MVy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700302

Is she here?

>> No.29700250
Quoted by: >>29700327

If only they were playing any other game. Cover must be receiving millions for these collabs from the overcooked devs

>> No.29700251

thats hot, happy for you anon

>> No.29700254

it's a recurring joke, anon. i'm pretty sure they're good friends irl

>> No.29700256

I don't think she really cares.

>> No.29700257

>damn haachama makes it hard to enjoy ther collab doing the best thing about it

>> No.29700259

What are the odds that when Haachama goes back to Japan, she makes people do offcollabs for her cooking streams and has them eat with her?

>> No.29700258
Quoted by: >>29700288

Its not her channel, so yes.

>> No.29700260


>> No.29700262
File: 501 KB, 642x618, Takodachi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdyi8jy.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me deadbeats.
Love me teamates.
Love me takobros.
Love me chumbuds.
Love me KFPals.
'ate antis.
'ate doxxfags.
'ate naive rrats.
Simple as.

>> No.29700264

Shut your mouth, nigger

>> No.29700265

Medium rare

>> No.29700266


>> No.29700267

Yes, also it's kind of kino that Miko finished in exactly 2 hours an 59 min like Ame

>> No.29700268

Haachama is enjoying it, I'm enjoying it. Mori seems to be enjoying it. why cant you?

>> No.29700270
Quoted by: >>29700492

>collab starts getting better as everyone is getting used to each other

>> No.29700271

No it's cute

>> No.29700273

No one cares faggot

>> No.29700275

medium rare but I only eat prime rib

>> No.29700276


>> No.29700281
Quoted by: >>29700457

You are literally a smooth brained brainlet. This is a thread dedicated to following STREAMERS. Why the fuck would I be talking about "art with connections"? God you are dumb.

>> No.29700282

>it makes collabs shitty when she talks to her JP senpais like they are kindergardeners.
Thing is. Calli IS older than most of them

>> No.29700283

It's not on her channel...

>> No.29700285

And I wouldn't have her any other way. /hlg/ gtfo

>> No.29700286
File: 438 KB, 2048x2048, 1580446270816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could say, it's a gif that keeps on giving.

>> No.29700288
Quoted by: >>29700347

SHe did thanked a non-existent aka before

>> No.29700293
Quoted by: >>29700441


>> No.29700295

I don't know about the jp audience, but most of the girls seem to call her Calli.

>> No.29700296

fuck off back to the other thread

>> No.29700298

I would be fine with that. I want to see her personality completely overwhelm Astel and just be embarrassing.

>> No.29700299

It's Haachama, dude. Should she speak like Kiara does, where Haachama doesn't understand even half of what she says?

>> No.29700301

but nips call her Kari-san

>> No.29700302

No, it's probably a reference to the ghosts in her house.

>> No.29700303
File: 9 KB, 300x168, 1605184918677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot believe I missed a moment like because I was busy with Ame. I'm sorry Mikochi I'll prioritize you from now on

>> No.29700304
Quoted by: >>29700441

Says who?

>> No.29700306

She can't help it anon give her a break

>> No.29700309

No Idea, ive never had steak

>> No.29700318

I can’t get used to that dub voice Calli puts on. How the fuck y’all deadbeats handle it absolute faggots

>> No.29700320

They unironically understand better when she talks like that. Many JOPs like to watch her streams because of it.

>> No.29700319
File: 13 KB, 217x216, 851851654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Mori ok?

>> No.29700321


>> No.29700322

You do realize that the JOPs love her for that right?

>> No.29700324
Quoted by: >>29700375

Cheapest fucking filler. I had a really good Mexican place near me that I frequented. Stopped going after they added rice to the burritos.

>> No.29700325
File: 62 KB, 750x549, 17916AB4-AE87-4C99-84F5-6B19D5D9755F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700407


>> No.29700326

>Mori calling Kiara tenchou
How fucking drunk

>> No.29700327

A cooking game wasn't a bad idea since both Haachama Cooking is pretty famous, but maybe that one 3D cooking game would have been a better choice

>> No.29700328
File: 96 KB, 765x1080, 1604633866917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best EN by virtue of never having played Overcooked on stream

>> No.29700330


>> No.29700329

Not really, unless you are talking about Haato, Shion or Sora

>> No.29700331
Quoted by: >>29700441


>> No.29700332

Haachama looks like she wants some reaper

>> No.29700335
Quoted by: >>29700372

Mori's game streams kill me inside. Not because there's few of them or because she's bad at game, but because she never gets to play the games she wants. She hasn't played Doom in like a month. She hasn't started Blasphemous. Yakuza got shot down. Bloodborne is still in limbo. I love her taste in games but she just can't play any of them. At least she's getting to play Crash now I guess.

>> No.29700334

Same but i like narratives.

>> No.29700339

Would be cool, they're fun lads. Can't say about regular collabs but she's considering having them on her talk show after all the girls (so at least a year?)

>> No.29700340


>> No.29700342

100% you

>> No.29700345

No, she really isn't.

>> No.29700347

I still laugh thinking about when she almost said "Thanks for the aka" instead of 'Thanks for the encore"

>> No.29700348
File: 202 KB, 324x506, dfgsdfgs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700419


>> No.29700349

You say that but I like it

>> No.29700350
File: 373 KB, 429x637, 1602425343570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700353
File: 150 KB, 306x399, 1600337534781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people wonder why people hate deadbeats.

>> No.29700354
File: 144 KB, 463x453, pehchko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>for USDA choice, actual steak cuts like Ny strip, ribeye, fillet mignon, or Tbone (yes I know it's just NY and fillet mignon) medium, solid medium.
>For USDA Prima actual steak, medium rare
>For grass fed angus BMS 4-6 medium, 7-12, medium rare
>For wagyu same thing as grass fed angus but move all the numbers up one
>Anything like A4 or A5 wagyu literally requires to be cooked to medium rare and only medium rare, it'll be a combination of chewy and acidic tasting if you don't render the fat correctly since it's literally a different lipid than angus beef

>> No.29700355

Cost the nips unbelievably more, go do your reps they got comprehensively btfo once they had to fight any real organised forces. Literally the only military successes the nips can point to are memes.

>> No.29700359 [SPOILER] 
File: 50 KB, 600x507, 1606294805332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that this bitch
>is not idol like
>keeps behaving like a nigger
>is constantly numberfagging
>shouts out rando ecelebs
>is loud and obnoxious
>makes people feel awkward in collabs
>has a shitty, bad dub tier voice
>baits superchat all the time and rubs it in coworkers' faces
>fucking hates the most comfy game, Minecraft
>loves random kusoge instead, it's the only shit she doesn't drop like the actual good games she picked up
>still does shit on her roommate, doesn't care to separate herself from them properly and in general doesn't seem to care for Hololive as we came to know it
>does not represent what Hololive is in the first place

>> No.29700360
Quoted by: >>29700403

Anon, I...

>> No.29700361
File: 232 KB, 857x1395, amelia_atahuta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700501

tfw i tune into her stream and jerk off every time she says ground pound

>> No.29700362

kiara has said she wants to do hololive + any new generations before she starts interviewing holostars

>> No.29700364
File: 953 KB, 1000x1000, 1599974064747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700369

by not being a whiny bitch about it

>> No.29700370
Quoted by: >>29700441

What the fuck who eats a burrito without rice

>> No.29700373


>> No.29700372
Quoted by: >>29700532

The thing with mori is she rather just talk than pretend to be into a game she’s “forced” to play due to permissions. So if it’s not something like bloodborne, Castlevania etc she’s just not gonna care

>> No.29700374
File: 220 KB, 1094x210, 1587147989776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700376
File: 24 KB, 947x322, ogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700443


>> No.29700375
Quoted by: >>29700406

couldn't you just tell them no rice?

>> No.29700377


>> No.29700378

Never, I hope

>> No.29700379
Quoted by: >>29700441

Sure it does. It's an easy starch that is filling. You can be a greasy American and replace it with potato.

>> No.29700380
Quoted by: >>29700403

Bro, I don't know how to tell you this, but...

>> No.29700381
File: 19 KB, 198x228, 1456126688886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama is too afraid to speak english around Coco
>does multiple collab with actual english speakers.

>> No.29700382

>collab with astel
>kiara pulls the spaghetti directly out of him and eats it
>collab with roberu
>non-stop talking for 10 hours

>> No.29700384

It's good, but it shouldn't be overpowering the meat and beans. I had a burrito that was like 60 percent rice once and it wasn't good

>> No.29700385

Ina should be annoyed like who the fuck summoned me

>> No.29700387

medium rare, because i know if i ask you for rare you'll try to show off and bring it out blue

>> No.29700388

Anon... she's played overcooked with them...

>> No.29700389
Quoted by: >>29700481


>> No.29700391

But that's the only way they'd be able to understand her. Imagine a Haato x Gura collab, Gura would talk too much, use too much colloquial English for Haato to catch up.

>> No.29700393


>> No.29700394

Takobro.. don't look....

>> No.29700395


>> No.29700397
Quoted by: >>29700454

Kiara literally said a couple streams ago she was considering doing collabs with the Homos, we can probably expect Amelia to collab with Mr. Electric hair too at some point and Mori is starved for male collab partners as the tomboy she is

>> No.29700396


>> No.29700398

Black and Blue

>> No.29700399
File: 1.34 MB, 680x1091, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29700401

Right here, checking her other twitter, where she literally said she's a JET

>> No.29700403

I just drank half a liter of vodka please understand

>> No.29700404


>> No.29700407

I've been waitng for this!

>> No.29700406

I tried but you had to order a more expensive burrito instead.

>> No.29700410
File: 343 KB, 1000x1123, 1606291927631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try but not even a deadbeat

>> No.29700411

Low. I'm pretty sure she talked about not wanting to because she doesn't want to feed other bad food or something like that

>> No.29700412


>> No.29700413

I enjoy my HomoBros, they kill it and do their singing reps even when they are getting lapped in subs every week

>> No.29700418
File: 177 KB, 454x374, kiara raff2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no he doesn't know
oh huh uhuhu oh ohoh

>> No.29700419
File: 131 KB, 943x1200, 1605425625078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry Bootleg Sora, you have no power in this thread

>> No.29700421

>Gura allowed the aussie to beat the senpai she admires the most
nigga there's no way haachama is ever catching up to fubuki

>> No.29700423

I bet you get cum in your burritos instead you fucking faggot

>> No.29700424

No. It's good and you are a faggot.

>> No.29700426

coco constantly points a gun at her head

>> No.29700429
Quoted by: >>29700456

Ah yes, that's the one Ame missed because she overslept.

>> No.29700431

I love it

>> No.29700432
File: 3 KB, 207x304, loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love rice, haha..

>> No.29700435
Quoted by: >>29700480

Coco is an actual gigastacy
ENs are the opposite

>> No.29700441

You already have the tortilla for your carbs, rice is just filler and it would be better replacing it with more beans instead.

>> No.29700442
Quoted by: >>29700477


>> No.29700443

nice photoshop

>> No.29700447


>> No.29700450

>4 failed orders
Haachama kitchen alright.

>> No.29700454
Quoted by: >>29700496

Yeah, people can hate trash taste all they want, but she really was in her element there.

>> No.29700455

fuck this game

>> No.29700456

No thats the Kiara one.

>> No.29700457

I'd be obliged to continue this if you didn't use buzzwords but there's also the fact you had gotten some (You)s and still didn't understand.
I only wish to correct your mistakes, anonchama.

>> No.29700458
File: 190 KB, 400x327, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this game is fucking ass to watch.

>> No.29700461
File: 63 KB, 658x725, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream has the energy of two divorced parents trying to stay together for the child. The kid obviously doesn't understand and is having a blast, but the other two are miserable.

>> No.29700459
File: 146 KB, 600x750, 1603267352976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you baffled?

>> No.29700462

>What can we improve?

>> No.29700464
File: 146 KB, 827x1281, 1600565508386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that Mori told you to ignore antis

>> No.29700465

Spic here. You are wrong.

>> No.29700466

>Finally getting used to each other and want to play more

>> No.29700469

damn, they sure like rice

>> No.29700471

Coco likes to flex her marginally better english on Hachaama, but the EN's just like having a senpai they can communicate with.

>> No.29700473

You're going to make rice for dinner, right anon?

>> No.29700472

the cutting board shit is still making me crack up

>> No.29700474

Damn I would love to see these three play literally any other game besides Overcooked. I mean I know why they chose it but it's so hard to judge their group synergy in this game.

>> No.29700477
Quoted by: >>29700515

Watch Polka play it. The entire stream.

>> No.29700478

>had to order a more expensive burrito
my apologies fuck that restaurant

>> No.29700481

That song it's exactly something that Mori would write and that's a good thing

>> No.29700480
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 1605409200702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but the stacy memes...

>> No.29700482

Welcome to the ricefields, motherfucker!

>> No.29700485

Who performed better with Calli?




>> No.29700488
File: 7 KB, 277x182, dfgdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700489
Quoted by: >>29700553

I feel like she'll hang herself if she has to stream Overcooked again

>> No.29700491


>> No.29700492

It's the one shit that i don't miss from the JPs, always on the clock with the collabs

>> No.29700495

panda xpree oragne chicken got me going oooooo

>> No.29700496

Mori would probably do way better with males yeah.

>> No.29700498

I disagree, but you gave me a good kek regardless.

>> No.29700501
File: 643 KB, 788x1024, out-transparent-39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700502
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700503

Disgusting black creatures, get out of my sight!

>> No.29700504

I bought this game because Kiara played it. I regret it now because I can't stop playing it. It's really fucking addicting.

>> No.29700506
Quoted by: >>29700531

Gura & Kiara, the other 2 are annoying

>> No.29700511

I like this post.

>> No.29700512
Quoted by: >>29700539

Just got in. Has Mori been talking like this the entire time? Usually don't see her streams, but its holiday time.

>> No.29700515
Quoted by: >>29700621

That's like 30 hours over 3 streams...

>> No.29700516

>>collab with roberu
>>non-stop talking for 10 hours

Kino. Maybe I’m retarded but 10 hours of Kiara talking to Roberu sounds like it would be the comfiest reps. Comfy probably isn’t the right word but fuck you I can’t understand my own feelings very well either.

>> No.29700518

For real though
Do you like Mori?

>> No.29700519
File: 250 KB, 973x1237, 1604778426479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Best EN by virtue of never having played Overcooked on stream

>> No.29700520
File: 368 KB, 840x700, 1458247647345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... why did you have to do that to me...

>> No.29700521
File: 1.26 MB, 988x582, 1586777424331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700582


>> No.29700522


>> No.29700523

I'm glad Ina picked up the game after Kiara because fuck the "one game per streamer" bullshit

>> No.29700528

have a pity (you) since no one else is biting on your shitty bait

>> No.29700529

i like the texture, and half the time it's that orange-ass mexican fried rice and that's practically ambrosia.
suck my cock legumefag

>> No.29700531

anon? I don't he was talking about your girl preferences

>> No.29700532

I don't think that's the case, she did fine in MC collabs. It's just she and her fans enjoy her zatsudans more.

>> No.29700533
Quoted by: >>29700583

Watch Kiara stream for so long that by the time she's ended Ina has already started her stream

>> No.29700534

the latter

>> No.29700535
Quoted by: >>29700585

>dub voice
I could never really put into words what irked me about Cali's voice before

>> No.29700537

ame gura was just ame and gura with calli there somewhere
kiara/haachama with calli for sure

>> No.29700538

I love Mori!

>> No.29700539

She's been switching between Nori and Mori all stream.

>> No.29700540

Stream wise? Probably Kiara/Haachama, but only because Gura shuts down in anything bigger than a 1 on 1 collab.

>> No.29700544

I get what you mean but it's making her come off as a nice person towards Haachama. Haachama doesn't seem to dislike it and looks like she's having fun. Kiara is annoying though. This game is making the collab a mess

>> No.29700546

Get to work on the rice fields, asshole!

>> No.29700549


Leave sub-human

>> No.29700550

Yeah, she cute.

>> No.29700552

Sora-chan is my favorite HoloEN!

>> No.29700553

>Mori breaks
>Starts doing solo overcooked streams
>Talks about overcooked in other games and collabs
>Starts making food ASMR

>> No.29700554
File: 1.04 MB, 2000x1729, 1602686592448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's my oshi

>> No.29700556
Quoted by: >>29700679

I honestly think the Gura Kiara Mori team up was the best one.

>> No.29700557


>> No.29700560
Quoted by: >>29700674

I can't wait for her collabing with any of the EN girls. Coco is a beast.

>> No.29700562
Quoted by: >>29700814

>got charged more after refusing the cheapest fucking filler
what did you expect, a burrito filled with guac?

>> No.29700561

Every time. Every single time. Why can't they collab for 2 or 3 hours?

>> No.29700564

Yes, and I even tolerate Calli.

>> No.29700571

This isn't fair because two ESLs with a native speaker isn't going to produce much in this type of game.

>> No.29700574

Fuck your beans, asshole.

>> No.29700575
File: 232 KB, 1242x1347, 1604371391333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700573
Quoted by: >>29700655

there has never been a good overcooked stream

>> No.29700577

like you wouldn't believe

>> No.29700578
File: 115 KB, 827x1161, EiKR5_IUMAAT1xI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she's my fucking oshi, bro.

>> No.29700582
Quoted by: >>29700720

Their designs are good but their theme is fucking stupid.

>> No.29700581

I can't really call her my oshi anymore, but I still enjoy her streams.

>> No.29700583
Quoted by: >>29700738

Kiara did say that she wanted to play for about 6 hours, not even kidding. I forgot when she said that though.

>> No.29700585
Quoted by: >>29700689

hello newfag

>> No.29700588


>> No.29700587

I don't like Mori, I am in love with her.

>> No.29700589

my oshi is kiara, but mori is VERY cute too!

>> No.29700593

Of course

>> No.29700597
Quoted by: >>29700644

Mori talk for fuck sake

>> No.29700601

Anon... Think of the /u/fags!!!

>> No.29700600
File: 235 KB, 1080x1080, Kiara Introduces (You) to Her Agriculture Plot [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F31gk9w.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700603

Of course. I would have tired of HololiveEN if it wasn't for her and these threads.

>> No.29700604

The real mystery is how Haachama's English is still so bad.

>> No.29700606

I don't like Mori, I love Mori. Bit torn on Calli, though.

>> No.29700611

the replies to this leads me to believe nobody watched the previous overcooked 2 streams, I don't blame you guys though

>> No.29700615
Quoted by: >>29700653

Kiara loves her so I love Mori by extension

>> No.29700617

only 4 hours until we can get chickens perspective
info from the other side is always fun

>> No.29700616
File: 237 KB, 300x374, b23cc77cd32c428111399be610746068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.29700620
Quoted by: >>29700841

It looks like Ame’s marshmallow is open, why didn’t she tweet about it?

>> No.29700621


>> No.29700623

She was jarring in the early days but I can tolerate her now.

>> No.29700625

Is Haachama finally doing her eigo reps? I'm surprised she can remember how to form sentences after acting like a retard for so long.

>> No.29700628

I dont dislike her, I just dont enjoy her streams

>> No.29700630

give it a week

>> No.29700632

i'd be fine with this

>> No.29700635

Don't worry, Kiara will extend the stream by 3 minutes so she can advertise.

>> No.29700637

I would give up on a lot of my obligations to spend the day listing to kiara and roberu shooting the shit, even if it was in jp and I couldn't understand it

>> No.29700639
File: 1.62 MB, 3508x2339, 1605323486909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700661

I love her

>> No.29700642

I think shes alright, can never catch her streams tho

>> No.29700640


>> No.29700644

but she's so much more enjoyable when she shuts up

>> No.29700645

I love the three of them (specially Haachama and her insanity), but holy shit, what an awful choice of game. It's basically impossible for the girls to talk or develop a conversation. I hope this Overcooked fad dies out and doesn't spread to JP holos

>> No.29700647

How can you dislike any of the girls? Kiara, Mori, Gura, Amelia, and Ina are all great.

>> No.29700651

i listened to her song in the shower twice liked it and then didn't think about it after that
>i like her tits though

>> No.29700652

Can't fucking stand Calliope though...

>> No.29700653
File: 117 KB, 1282x838, 1606125895246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700654

She's the only reason I'm here, Sorry Kiara, I like you too, but not enough to get up this early to watch Overcooked.

>> No.29700655

Botan/Watame was decent enough, especially the ending.

>> No.29700657


>> No.29700659


>> No.29700660
File: 434 KB, 1920x1080, cocoliberty_prime[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffd6q7s.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700716

I'm as KFP as they go, but Kiara is the highschool Stacy. Coco is like, the CEO gigastacy alpha bitch I FUCKING LOVE. It's a different orange woman league.

>> No.29700661

Thumbnail looks like a santa hat

>> No.29700662
File: 805 KB, 2070x1316, 1606176746738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the beginning BABY!

>> No.29700665

>>Starts making food ASMR
haachama saves the day yet again

>> No.29700666

No, I don't like her. I LOVE her.

>> No.29700669
File: 1.11 MB, 2894x3360, 1605482109618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically, if Mori had to teach every JP Holo enough English to participate in EN collabs, how long would it take her?

>> No.29700671
Quoted by: >>29700712

is it her mic or her voice because moris sounds like shes in a tunnel

>> No.29700673

She's okay

>> No.29700674

The EN girls probably aren't ready to be in the bugmen crosshairs yet

>> No.29700675
File: 1.45 MB, 828x1179, 1602364920484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet most of jannies dont even realise it was a meme originally

>> No.29700676
Quoted by: >>29700803

I want Kaichou to sound me with her horn.

>> No.29700679
Quoted by: >>29700725

schlampen küche was great yeah

>> No.29700682

Finished the level at 66 minutes

>> No.29700684
File: 282 KB, 1356x2048, 1606243639423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't begin to fathom

>> No.29700685
File: 22 KB, 721x697, 1604183442189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700686
File: 141 KB, 298x252, 1583315592868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just generally don't like her content, but her dating stream + her playing games like the rrat one were SUPER fun. She should do more content like that instead of collabs with animefaggots

>> No.29700688

I'm gonna pick Ame/Gura just because it felt less awkward. It's still shit though.

>> No.29700689
Quoted by: >>29700783

I'm a newfag for disliking generic dub voices?

>> No.29700691
File: 42 KB, 112x112, 1603660527097.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not a chance in hell we're actually getting the Mori guerilla she was teasing on twitter, are we

>> No.29700692

Not outside of collabs

>> No.29700696

>black, red and white motifs
>edgy and kinocringe as fuck
holy shit, it was there all along

>> No.29700697

And nothing was learned...

>> No.29700700
File: 99 KB, 1024x795, 1605352050591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a really good game. Very well crafted game by 4 people.

>> No.29700703
Quoted by: >>29700729

>Did you learn any new things about cooking?

>> No.29700704

Haachama probably just doesn't want to get totally outshined by Coco. Coco is pretty close to being totally fluent in english while Haachama is far from it. Don't get me wrong I'm not trashing Haachama's english. It's always impressive when a japanese person can speak it as well as she can but you can tell when she gets confused by the language at times.

>> No.29700705

Isn't English one of the hardest languages to learn?

>> No.29700708

I'm getting different vibes. Feels like a babysitter caring for 2 retards

>> No.29700712

no. the mic is too far away from her (or she's talking into the side of the pattern) and you're hearing reverb off the wall in her room.

>> No.29700713

30 minute collab....

>> No.29700716

can Mori hope to make faggots seethe as much as Coco does?

>> No.29700718

66 years

>> No.29700717

>I was bored

>> No.29700719

I would literally take a bullet for my boy

>> No.29700720

It's actually a common thing
VTubers about certain foods, they are usually locals to certain areas in Japan and try and advertise the local industry as an Idol vtuber

>> No.29700721

>did you learn anything

>> No.29700722

>Haachama straight up saying that she was bored
Holy shit I kneel

>> No.29700724

did Haachama says she was bored? lol

>> No.29700725


>> No.29700726

We've had Japanese, Chinese, and English speaking holos, when are we gonna get some Sugondese speaking holos?

>> No.29700727

I fucking love Mori

>> No.29700729

Haachama is so fucking cute

>> No.29700730

she has a minecraft stream in a hour

>> No.29700731

Mori, stop reading the thread and focus

>> No.29700735
Quoted by: >>29700828

>66 minutes

>> No.29700738
Quoted by: >>29700829

Is that 2 hours of gameplay, 4 hours of sc reading, or 6 hours game and THEN the sc reading?

>> No.29700740

>more overcooked

>> No.29700743
Quoted by: >>29700828

>67 minutes...

>> No.29700744


>> No.29700746

>lets play again some day

>> No.29700749

Mori is so fucking cringe

>> No.29700750

>that pause

>> No.29700753


>> No.29700754


>> No.29700755
File: 167 KB, 628x628, 1606015059629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I really wanna play again next time!

>> No.29700756

No its not lmao

>> No.29700759
Quoted by: >>29700828

>68 mins
That was close.

>> No.29700760

I'm glad it's over.jpg

>> No.29700763


>> No.29700765
Quoted by: >>29700828

>66 minutes
Every time.

>> No.29700766

>let's play again sometime
is that a fucking threat?

>> No.29700767
Quoted by: >>29700838

lmao no, she's teased surprise streams many times and I think she only delivered once. And I'm a Dead Beat.

>> No.29700768

haachama no please god no more...

>> No.29700769
Quoted by: >>29700805

I believe it's the easiest to learn but the hardest to master.

>> No.29700771

Rate the collab

>> No.29700772
File: 132 KB, 828x1792, 1599644212412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700832

first, yes you are, moona. second, please go back to streaming you fatass i miss you so much.

>> No.29700774

>that extremely noticeable pause from Mori after Haachama asks to play again

>> No.29700777
Quoted by: >>29700840


>> No.29700780

What an awkward ending.

>> No.29700783
Quoted by: >>29700971

you're a newfag for making the connection just now. Fags have been memeing about "mug anime dub voice" since the beginning. Either that or you just wanted to say it again for whatever reason

>> No.29700784

Only if you're Japanese/Chinese.

>> No.29700785

based steak eater

>> No.29700786

She's well on her way. Just wait for the collab with the guy with Jesus hair.

>> No.29700790

>66 minutes without the OP

>> No.29700791
Quoted by: >>29700975

this is true. i've been studying all my life and im always on the verge of being called an ESL here.

>> No.29700794

I don't like Mori, I LOVE Mori!

>> No.29700795

Fuck, I have no choice but to become a Haaton now. Haachama's autism has evolved into pure chad energy

>> No.29700796
File: 95 KB, 182x220, 1474904587007.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29700793

i wanna kill myself/10

>> No.29700798


>> No.29700800
Quoted by: >>29700887

I fucking love how incomprehensible this place to the outsider, even to /hlgg/. Just yesterday we had a Calli vs Mori war and no one was calling each other a newfag, but today you guys can rightfully spot a newfag anyway by the WAY he uses Calli in the sentence.

I love you guys.

>> No.29700801

ou ou ou ou ou ou

>> No.29700803
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>> No.29700804


>> No.29700805
Quoted by: >>29700866

Ah so there's a big gap between ESL and being fluent.

>> No.29700806
Quoted by: >>29700837

for some reason i want a portal 2 collab between haachama and mori

>> No.29700807

>I really wanna play again next time
That pause...
Fuck this shit game

>> No.29700810
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>> No.29700814

>burrito as a meal with tomato sauce
>asada with cilantro/coriander and lime
>change it overnight to have rice, cutting out the meat
>price doesn't change
>have to order another type of burrito without the sauce or seasonings to get the complete filling
I understand they have to keep up with meat prices but that was sneaky as fuck.

Even worse than unseasoned meat fillings from health conscious places that cut back on sodium.

>> No.29700816

7/10, trash game to stream and Haachama was annoying, but Kiara & Mori carried enough

>> No.29700817
File: 270 KB, 361x361, 1606013581179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what had Mori so distracted?

>> No.29700818
Quoted by: >>29700925

why the fuck they always end these kind of collabs in the awkwardest way possible?

>> No.29700819

>Mori ruined yet another collab
Deadbraps will defend this

>> No.29700821

kiara, mori and haachama are literally my favorite holos, but holy shit this game is not good for streaming.

>> No.29700822

She used to be my oshi, but she's so inconsistent I'm a bit torn about her now. Sometimes I love her and sometimes I can't even stand her.

>> No.29700828

Haachama hasn't done a collab much longer than an hour in over 2 months, when she did a Minecraft one with Watame. Not saying this collab wasn't meh, Overcooked always is, but Haachama is always like this.

>> No.29700829
Quoted by: >>29700850

It was supposed to be 6 hours of gameplay. No clue if she will actually do it.

>> No.29700832

There's a difference between a comedian and subject of a farce.

>> No.29700835
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Quoted by: >>29700873


>> No.29700836
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I wanna play again next time/10

>> No.29700837
Quoted by: >>29700861

Haachama has already played portal though

>> No.29700839

Coco was fluent, but right now Haachama absolutely mogs her in eigo skill because she does her reps. If Coco wasn't such a massive weeb and did her reps she'd be back to top JP eigo bitch, but it'd take a few weeks to a month of effort and she doesn't seem to want to.

>> No.29700838
Quoted by: >>29700904

Did she even do one? was it the sc reading a long while ago? I don't remember one, and I've seen every stream

>> No.29700840

7/10 pretty gud

>> No.29700841

She doesn't even tweet her own streams anon

>> No.29700842

Oh I get it. He used a rectangle instead of a circle.

>> No.29700844


>> No.29700850
File: 409 KB, 2048x1439, 1600747534817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate the stream!

>> No.29700849

had some good moments, but -4 for the game alone

>> No.29700853
File: 946 KB, 596x852, 1597056626703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night/day folks

>> No.29700857

Haachama, please drop this fucking game like a sack of potatoes

>> No.29700858
Quoted by: >>29700882


>> No.29700860

The girls made this kusoge enjoyable

>> No.29700861

yeah but she played the dlc not the main one

>> No.29700862

Teacher Mori was cute/10

>> No.29700863
File: 145 KB, 511x511, 1605723387137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, i watched a little of Ame-Haachama minecraft stream, Ames mic made in unbearable, but from what ive seen Haachama struggled to communicate smoothly/naturally.

I want to hug this japaussie and tell her it'll be okay.

>> No.29700865

Honestly the seethe quality is already up there. Coco mostly has quantity on her because of how many glass-hearted chinks there are out there.

>> No.29700866

You can have pretty shit english and still be understood fairly well.
t. lives in a latino/vietnamese neighborhood

>> No.29700872

Shit game
Mori low energy
Kiara and Haachama carrying the collab
6/10. Mori please get your shit together, i know you can be better than this.

>> No.29700873

>no Haachamachama option
not even worth a response

>> No.29700874

nothing special in the grand scheme of things, overcooked doesn't allow for a lot of chemistry since the game demands your focus
I'd really like a haachama/mori collab now though
t. loved the kiara collab for haachama cooking

>> No.29700875

I actually hope they try Cooking Simulator instead

>> No.29700877
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>69 minutes with the op

>> No.29700876
File: 164 KB, 850x1202, 1606277678022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700942

>Haachama wants to play minecraft and make friends
>Gura moves her house away from her
>Haachama wants to play this kusoge again because she had legit fun

>> No.29700878
File: 814 KB, 2280x1080, Euclidian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700922


JP Minecraft in 50

>> No.29700880

Spaced out almost the whole stream/10

>> No.29700881

Someone call the nijiniggers I want this game DMCA'd. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW.

>> No.29700882


>> No.29700884

4/10 game
7/10 i love seeing happy haachama

>> No.29700883

Mori ruined it as usual. Kiara was alright. Haachama made noises.

>> No.29700885

>67 mins
oh no

>> No.29700886

6/10 paster - overcooked is overplayed

>> No.29700887
File: 87 KB, 712x352, 1496119284858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29700921

>yesterday we had a Calli vs Mori war
It's not over

>> No.29700890


>> No.29700892
File: 41 KB, 374x347, 1531678396709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only understood small pieces of this, what do I do to become fluent in meat?

>> No.29700898

It's called lag

>> No.29700899

>Arun Regu
>27 cents
surely the bullshit fees old regu here had to pay were more than his super?

>> No.29700902


>> No.29700904

7.5/10 Bad game, but I enjoyed the girls.
>was it the sc reading a long while ago?
I'm pretty sure one of those was on a whim, I may be wrong, it was ages ago.

>> No.29700906

Yes. Native English speakers will think you're joking but English is a grammatical nightmare.

>> No.29700907

please no more/10
The interactions were great, but I've just had enough of Overcooked at this point

>> No.29700909

Western languages are quite a bit different than Eastern languages so depending on what side of the world you're on, the opposite end will be more difficult.

>> No.29700910
Quoted by: >>29700973

Why does it feel like Kiara is the one to start calling for a stream to end? Her own streams are like 3-4 hours on average but when collabing she can't seem to go past 90 minutes.

>> No.29700911

Love the girls, hate this game.
It had its moments. 8/10

>> No.29700912

Kick Mori and invite Ame, problem solved

>> No.29700913

I love my Mori.

>> No.29700915

Way too fast paced for Haachama to keep up with the English/10

There was some good moments, but the only real interactions we got were between stages or TakaMori.

>> No.29700917

Game is ass/10

>> No.29700916

Please tell me they were just being nice, I don't want to see overcooked on Mori's schedule ever again, we already don't get that many streams.

>> No.29700919

Kiara MVP for maintaining interaction

>> No.29700922
Quoted by: >>29700954

She has her Tower of Babel in the background, but it seems like she's making a food factory instead?

>> No.29700921
Quoted by: >>29700957

Not until all Callifags are purged

>> No.29700924

Overcooked? More like Overtrash

>> No.29700925

because retarded 60min collab policy rather than letting the fun and gaming run its course. Also the other aussie has a stream in an hour.

>> No.29700929
Quoted by: >>29700953

She hard carried. She was focused on the game for most of the collab.

>> No.29700931

Your reps

>> No.29700932

as a native english speaker, i am unsurprised that it's hard to learn.

>> No.29700933

2 points removed for only being an hour
I like their dynamic together.
Also I like overcooked don't hurt me

>> No.29700936

Mori makes faggots and schizos on here seethe like no tomorrow, but Coco took on the feelings of 1.4B people, she's on another level.

>> No.29700938
File: 828 KB, 1932x1347, Emeir5DVkAEuOeU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to Mute/10

>> No.29700937

No one wants to experience this game again. By all means collab again with Haachama, but please, no more Overcooked...

>> No.29700940

your steak reps

>> No.29700942

desu. when Mori says they will play more Overcooked, they WILL play more Overcooked, everything else be damned
if only she had this kind of consistency with other stuff

>> No.29700943

No chink languages and English language are not compatible, so in the respects between the two, it's hard, but if you go from any euro language to english it's easy and vice versa.

>> No.29700944

she needs to develop her hobbit hole already

>> No.29700949

Yeah that's what I kind of thought. There's no way I'd know if it's hard to learn because I'm an EOP. I wanna learn nip but it looks really daunting

>> No.29700950

She was trying hard to not call Haachama a nig.

>> No.29700952

This thread.

>> No.29700953

Even during the outro?

>> No.29700954

Not sure why that project needs to be done in a hurry, but we'll find out

>> No.29700957
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We'll see about that

>> No.29700956

Sleep deprived as usual

>> No.29700958

<span class="sjis">
fuck you I liked it[/spoiler]

>> No.29700963

i love you, gura.

>> No.29700964


>> No.29700965
File: 535 KB, 725x1024, 79293523_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The long wait is here...

In other news
We don't deserve her.

>> No.29700968

If only you 66 min faggots could count and didn't run the meme into the dirt. It might still be funny
>Hurr duh 66 mins lol pog

>> No.29700971

I miss those time when unironically shitposting against her was prevalent and I'd call Mori's voice a 4kids anime dub.

At this point, I don't know if her character voice is improving or I'm slowly getting used to it.

>> No.29700973

What are you talking about? these collabs are always short.

>> No.29700974

I like Nakadashi Kiara!

>> No.29700975

My man people here will call you a ESL for misspelling a single word, even something minor like a single letter mistake. You're fine, don't worry about it.

>> No.29700976

