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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 220 KB, 1584x1351, EnVwaoJWEAIeoHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29525242 No.29525242 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29525254

Kiara love

>> No.29525261
File: 440 KB, 1000x577, ScreamGura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29525262
File: 54 KB, 758x644, chuhad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29525264
Quoted by: >>29525316

>Sony twitted about their new Spider Man game
>Gura mentioned it

>> No.29525266
File: 1.90 MB, 1656x1439, heheh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29525267


>> No.29525269
File: 508 KB, 2894x4093, 1605648684843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525301

Gura love!

>> No.29525268
File: 236 KB, 321x393, 1600047168775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want off this timeloop

>> No.29525270

Kiara hate

>> No.29525275

Gawr Gura I'm going to fuicking I don't know

>> No.29525276
File: 425 KB, 500x500, Gura - Sunday Morning [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffpstul.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Saturday Morning!

>> No.29525278
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x1200, sundress avocado [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9gonme.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You come home from work
>"Hey, how was your day?"
>Gura's in the kitchen making cream of potato soup
>There's holes in the garden where some potatoes used to be
>gardening equipment scattered everywhere outside
>she's beaming at you proudly while she cooks food she grew herself
>"you have to try these apples, they're delicious"
>you take one, it's incredibly fresh and juicy
>you kiss her then head upstairs to change
>her soft singing follows you upstairs
>come back down, the soups done
>chat about your day while enjoying cream of potato

>> No.29525281
File: 1.31 MB, 3200x1788, takolegion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525351

We march, brothers!

>> No.29525282

Apologize to chinkin RIGHT NOW

>> No.29525283

I can't stop hearing yabai yabai yabai in the beginning. (even though it's yapai yapai ... etc)

>> No.29525289
File: 2.60 MB, 2310x1530, __gawr_gura_ninomae_ina_nis_watson_amelia_mori_calliope_takanashi_kiara_and_1_more_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_bsapricot__55293458f8d6c96610dd588b7a191c9c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525346

Hold the line, unityfriends. The girls would want you to.

>> No.29525292
File: 573 KB, 600x688, 1583510078832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gargoogly garbles

>> No.29525294

Would Holo EN playing Undertale be better or worse?

>> No.29525296

so i guess for the next few weeks there will be schizos and falseflaggers shitting these threads over one cringe ironic weeb tweeting "a"?

>> No.29525298
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, 1544693172155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525331

>> No.29525299

They spefically said they never do call-in and the person is always in person, during prechat of the mori interview

>> No.29525300
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, 16789450329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think fast!
A group of SEAniggers have just cut off your oshi's only escape route, and they're ready to abduct her.
What do you do?

>> No.29525302
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1603738642808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525301
File: 301 KB, 1347x1905, EnCkkzOUwAAF4qp.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura love!
But Kiara also love!

>> No.29525303
File: 933 KB, 766x1350, 1605963461105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525375

>cumbuddies already coping
Just accept your fate.

>> No.29525306

I hate Mori for collabing with m*n

>> No.29525310

Watch Gura's friend sing

>> No.29525313

On one hand I don't want chumbuds to have to go through this but on the other I'm enjoying the schizo seething

>> No.29525314

Anon, Gura is shy as fuck, doesn't even muster the courage to collab with the JPs senpais (Haachama wanted to collab with her), and then somehow finds the courage to go in the middle of these faggots and talk about her past life? Are you fucking kidding me? Was it all an act then? That's why, even if it will amount to a nothingburger community wise etc., I'll fucking hate that shit with every fiber of my being.
This is literally the kayfabe shattering, no, it's not kayfabe, it's literally her lying and acting with us. All the "I feel more calm streaming with you guys" during member only streams for example would literally have no meaning any more.
Mori has always been pro to collabs like this, wants her music to get known and is not shy, so you'd expect her to collab with faggots. But I don't expect that from Gura.

I trust her, but again, I'll live in constant fear these days.

>> No.29525316

>He lacks information
Only Nijis get Sony stuff, anon.

>> No.29525318
File: 827 KB, 1476x1926, I avacadon't want to live anymore 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525319
Quoted by: >>29525350

Welcome to 4chan, enjoy your stay, faggot.

>> No.29525323

Normalfags stopped giving a fuck about it, so it's probably fine as long as it's a complete blind run

>> No.29525325

Her hats look stupid

>> No.29525328
File: 215 KB, 1977x1125, towa baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towa baby

>> No.29525331
File: 594 KB, 707x1000, EmtW1Z0VQAUV1aW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sui-chan is...

>> No.29525336
File: 347 KB, 1191x670, 858a0bd7c6d3d34fef563af127d66c14.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why haven't they done a DOTA collab yet?

>> No.29525337
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, 1533482961145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525372


>> No.29525338

Just ignore it, nothing will happen. Schizos will get uppity over a literal nothing of a tweet.

>> No.29525341


>> No.29525343
Quoted by: >>29525363

Meds, anon. Take your meds.

>> No.29525346

give it a few threads, the children will get tired of freaking out eventually

>> No.29525347 [DELETED] 

I want to see Mori beating her BF Sans.

>> No.29525348

Maybe COVER-EN-management is trying to get us to burn out on the issue?

>> No.29525350
Quoted by: >>29525405

That's why nobody likes you, /v/.

>> No.29525351
File: 1.31 MB, 3200x1788, Ina-Life2c ARE YOU READY [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffjwp1m.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525458

>my gif
>without the sound
Fine, you get the super speed version, with sound.

>> No.29525352

I am.

>> No.29525353
File: 165 KB, 961x1400, 1585901195132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mesugaki walks into your bakery and eats one of your baguettes without paying, what do you do?

>> No.29525354
Quoted by: >>29525486


>> No.29525356

Throw a distraction coconut.

>> No.29525359
Quoted by: >>29525383

I wonder if Gurame uses these as reference pics during discord sex

>> No.29525360

Because it would be painful for everyone involved on both sides of the screen, unless they go play dumb custom games.

t. Divine

>> No.29525361
File: 1.39 MB, 2100x611, yu-gi-holofantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new holo support has arrived

>> No.29525362


>> No.29525363
Quoted by: >>29525399

kys and let me express concern for once without you denying possibilities, because even if it will never happen I'm still proving a point

>> No.29525364

I, also a fellow SEAnigger, threaten them with getting Du30'd into letting us go. With lots of local profanity.

>> No.29525366

Hypothetically, let's say I was thinking of drawing something. And let's say, again,
hypothetically, I like Gura and Ame themost so I'm thinking of drawing one of them. And also very hypothetically, I ask /hlgg/ what kinda pic they'd want me to draw.
What would /hlgg/ say, hypothetically?

>> No.29525367

Anonchama, I was joking about extracting insane narratives out of innocuous shit.

>> No.29525369

it really pisses me off seeing /hlgg/ softening up on shit chicken, but probably it's just a lot of newfags who haven't been in these threads very long. I remember when these threads started and we all agreed she needed to graduate and get out of the way for the other four to shine, but now these threads are overflowing with retards who are pretending she's halfway decent and celebrating everything she does that is only a minor failure instead of a colossal failure. these threads are turning into the worst kind of hugbox and it's sickening.

>> No.29525370

>live in constant fear these days
Dont just take a single med, take a handful. Down the whole bottle.

>> No.29525372
Quoted by: >>29525425

as her chad 6'2 chat BF that's extremely good at sex, I can confirm that she sucks, and also swallows

>> No.29525374
File: 219 KB, 1448x2048, 1603629807376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina is LITERALLY the only EN it's still okay to like.

>> No.29525375

>Oh no, someone might ask Gura a rude question on a normalfag podcast
>Oh no, it might draw even more normalfags and morons to Gura's already bloated and cancerous following
Indifference isn't cope, m8.

>> No.29525376

Nijicucks have no power over the Black Ships. Sony wants their shit marketed in the West.

>> No.29525377
File: 243 KB, 484x762, EnO-jH-XIAE_LDB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let her keep it

>> No.29525378
File: 454 KB, 854x480, 1530715318862.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525496

kyou mo kawaii

>> No.29525380
File: 7 KB, 99x94, 5eea6d3c1f9c4717322482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up

How were gura and Watson's streams?

>> No.29525382

It's not really fun to watch someone who sucks at dota.

>> No.29525383

God I hope so

>> No.29525385
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, 1604246950647.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29525386
File: 39 KB, 720x720, MEDRRAT [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0ttrft.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525388


>> No.29525391

Pin her down and give her my baguette.

>> No.29525392
File: 269 KB, 503x501, 1605039378796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525442

I know that narratives are getting thinner by the week but this is reaching brand new levels of pathetic.

>> No.29525395

I think Holostars has a better chance of playing high-intensity multiplayer games like this.

>> No.29525396

I'll poke her forehead and give another baguettes

>> No.29525397
File: 336 KB, 651x601, smugson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sui-chan is just cute as usual today.
But Ame-chan is cuter than usual today.

>> No.29525398

That's a funny looking buttplug.

>> No.29525399

It would be ok if your posts didn't look downright hysterical. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.29525400
Quoted by: >>29525566

Ame lightly caressing Gura's gills while licking her neck

>> No.29525402

>I remember when these threads started and we all agreed she needed to graduate and get out of the way for the other four to shine
Yeah, and we stopped 5 days after her debut

>> No.29525405

I'm not the one who's going to be doing it, anon. I just am not in denial about how things work here. It's probably better for the thread to burn themselves out on it so no one cares by the time it actually happens like with Mori.

>> No.29525406

Duelistchama. Your PSCT reps.

>> No.29525407

Assert dominance by flashing a £20 note and speaking with a Western-sounding accent, become the apex SEAnigger, join in, be first in line.

>> No.29525408

How do some clipfags get so many views on Youtube?

>> No.29525410

nice deflection, chumshart etc

>> No.29525413

Mori if you read this just rest assured that everybody here is going to dogpile on chumbuddies now. We will avenge your deadbeats.

>> No.29525415
File: 310 KB, 758x708, 1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525423

Honestly if you faggots fucked off from her streams that'd be a saving. Pity you'll just be replaced with more normalfags but what can you do.

>> No.29525424
File: 160 KB, 1528x1948, Gura - Big Iron [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ferlugp.mp3] (2)(at least I didn't save the same image thrice).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a pic of what Gura's bread looks like right about now:

>> No.29525425
Quoted by: >>29525476

>Mori's bf
>Not 5'3" or under

>> No.29525428

> ohh no a positive opinion on 4chan!! muh hugbox!!!
suck my cock!

>> No.29525429


>> No.29525430
File: 198 KB, 339x294, 1605866553646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger stop trying to act tough, I was a chicken anti from her debut and she legitimately grew on me. She actually tries to be an idol which is more than you can say for you-know-who. I can admire a woman who tries her best.

>> No.29525433

>That one guy tweets "a"
>Gura didn't stream on Tuesday the 17th (Mori's recording was also a Tuesday)
>Gura said she had to record something recently but she can't reveal what it was

>> No.29525435
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x720, 1605817088156.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. It's okay to like all of them if youre not a schizo looking for the next narrative high.
t. Takodachi

>> No.29525437

Is Gura participating on the shit podcast?

>> No.29525442

Things will get better with the unityposting during the collab.
Either that or things will get a lot worse when people start blaming a single person for ruining the collab.

>> No.29525445


>> No.29525446
File: 29 KB, 391x246, 1586740380543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Ina going to sing again? It's so long since the last utawaku, is it because her sister came home?

>> No.29525447

She did something good for once. Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.29525451

Nah. This bitch is online, playing minecraft with that whore watson instead of watching and supporting her senpais

>> No.29525454
File: 611 KB, 462x1080, Hello - DELETE THIS [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzfspzq.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525851

...has devtexture for legs!

>> No.29525458
File: 99 KB, 685x710, 1604767614825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525492

Sorry, anon. I'm too dumb to figure out soundposting so I try not to do it myself in case I fuck something up.

>> No.29525459
Quoted by: >>29525472

Seagull hands wrote this post

>> No.29525461

So let me guess, a huge pile of nothingburger happened, again?

>> No.29525463

Ame and Gura accidentally showing their discord sex session on stream causing the biggest yab of Hololive history

>> No.29525464

Gura peeing.

>> No.29525467

You people clearly dont know what meds to take. So heres an option. Xanax.

>> No.29525468 [DELETED] 

This has been the general consus to the people who hate en, so yes.

>> No.29525473

t. Lolcow tranny

>> No.29525472
Quoted by: >>29525613

Seagulls don't have hands

>> No.29525476
Quoted by: >>29525508

anon...your joke reps.....

>> No.29525479
File: 235 KB, 331x331, 1605790913772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is watson such a double faced bitch?
>constantly lies abou her wacky pass to be more interesting because she cant sing or draw.
>gets mad quickly and rages quits. Cucks will tell you this is endering and love when get scolded by her.
> *hic* so quirky and cute xDDDDD if she was a guy you wold find this annoying
>leeches of gura while pretending they are friends. Making gura more dependent of her by playing along white the gurame plotline to make her feel bad latter when she suddenly starts ignoring her.

>> No.29525480

>most popular holoEN
>1.5m+ subs
ofc they're gonna leech off her

>> No.29525486

Where is the members schedule, Mori?

>> No.29525488
Quoted by: >>29525518

>post link to twitter post
>ruin every thread for hours

>> No.29525489

For anal and tetris.

>> No.29525490

Can't wait

>> No.29525492

>Sorry, anon. I'm too dumb to figure out soundposting so I try not to do it myself in case I fuck something up.
Perfectly understandable.
If you want help figuring it out, check out the /jp/ thread

>> No.29525496
File: 158 KB, 850x1203, Just Disappear[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fq33e6b.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Festival is a true idol.

>> No.29525499

Just went to sleep, did Holotalk flop?

>> No.29525501
Quoted by: >>29525666

fuck off anti
>gets mad quickly and rages quits
this is funny, I liked in chess rematch when she was actually seething at Kiara for reading chat

>> No.29525503

Why would a podcast be prerecorded? Does this mean we're gonna get a cardboard Gura who answers a predetermined list of questions?

>> No.29525505


>> No.29525508
Quoted by: >>29525552

Im sorry, I'll try harder next time

>> No.29525509

This is also my concern.

>> No.29525511

TT happened with Gura but everyone is going to go into cope mode until the episode airs.

>> No.29525518

At least it isn't chinkspam hours yet.

>> No.29525520
File: 150 KB, 909x1067, 1602951299674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dreamt that i had 3 lolis in my house
one of them had straight white hair, a little like gura
one had sheep horns and messy blonde hair
one had black hair in a ponytail and was a little older than the other two
what did my brain mean by this

>> No.29525522

>leeches of gura
now THAT is shitposting

>> No.29525523

Do you think antis are going to start having seizures and just smashing their keyboards to spam gibberish? They're already reduced to checking twitter for people they supposedly hate, just hoping there's an ambiguous tweet to post here.

>> No.29525525

Get with the times. Chicken's overcome most of her major flaws aside from numberfagging and is now an overall solid streamer. The others have already moved on to Mori. She's become easier and more lucrative target. Gura hasn't been a decent target since she hit 1 million subs, but that might change since she may appear on the TT Podcast.

>> No.29525526

>Why would a podcast be prerecorded?
holy newfag

>> No.29525528

Gura stealing Ame's time travel device and goes back in time to rape a defenseless loli Ame.

>> No.29525531

>leeches of gura

>> No.29525534
Quoted by: >>29525547

Just woke up and went to sleep at midnight eastern What's the tweet in question?

>> No.29525539

Amelia and Watson make out with each other.

>> No.29525542

Pretty sure Mori prefers だよ

>> No.29525545
File: 27 KB, 574x534, EckcLv8WsAANlQ4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525606


>> No.29525547


>> No.29525549

Go back, there has always been support for chicken since her first Mario64 stream. I don't even watch her and I know that. Stop LARPing you femoid and go back to your containment site.

>> No.29525552

work on your joke comprehension reps while youre at it

>> No.29525553
File: 1019 KB, 2896x4096, 1601791833581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525686

It means you thirst for cunny. Which is perfectly healthy and normal.

>> No.29525556

Mori's one was filmed almost a month before it was published

>> No.29525558


>> No.29525565

>if she was a guy you would find this annoying
Yes, but she's not so it's cute.

>> No.29525566


>> No.29525567
Quoted by: >>29525654

>more lucrative target
what? you get paid for anti posting?

>> No.29525571
Quoted by: >>29525639

Nah, she overuses ね and よね. Even in her songs.

>> No.29525575
File: 2.38 MB, 1280x1571, 1605480865986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Sui-chan's sweaty used glove smell like?

>> No.29525578


>> No.29525580
Quoted by: >>29525618

No confirmation, so let's hope not

>> No.29525584


>> No.29525589


>> No.29525593


>> No.29525595
File: 2.90 MB, 2880x1620, Gura - Overboard [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj21qur.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525939

>> No.29525596


>> No.29525598
File: 399 KB, 836x869, 1604227644800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo hours, time to post your favourite memes

>> No.29525599

>watching talkshow and reading archive
>"narrative btfo" spam in thread when Marine talks about Ina when it literally plays right into the narrative, Ina said that it was neither her nor senpai's fault but external factor

>> No.29525605
Quoted by: >>29525639

Nah man watch her streams and just listen for ne she overuses the fuck out of it

>> No.29525606

your mom gay

>> No.29525611

because chinese creatures

>> No.29525613

>Seagulls don't have hands
You think they got lost in all the rolls of fat?

>> No.29525615
File: 27 KB, 750x418, Uk5mcXI3NItNOcW6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take my meds
>feel WORSE


>> No.29525618

>let's hope not
Y tho? Mori has already proven that it does nothing but give you a sub boost and that's it.

>> No.29525621

She was a literall who twitch tho for very long, it affects your mental state into only caring about your personal success

>> No.29525622

shota cum

>> No.29525623 [SPOILER] 
File: 342 KB, 595x341, 1605964171797.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give her another baguette.

>> No.29525625

I really wonder why Ichikara is able to get all these permissions while Cover can't. Are they just bad deals that Ichikara takes and Cover doesn't want to be involved in because I can't think of any other reason they wouldn't do it after Mio's near death experience.

>> No.29525626

>waah why isn't everyone just like meeeeee?!
Fuck off you dumb bitch

>> No.29525627
File: 22 KB, 498x315, images (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525629 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 610x576, 1604665772155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't use the clown for shitposting.

>> No.29525634

>sub boost
Yeah, for the podcast channel lmao

>> No.29525636

Gura isn’t shy. HER reached out to a lot of people back then for collabs.

>> No.29525637

Take more meds

>> No.29525638
File: 110 KB, 1400x1500, EmB4hh-U4AAfIL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried doubling the dosage? Worked for me

>> No.29525639

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.29525641

The alignment of the stars is just too perfect for this one. It's over, she already finished recording for the podcast. All we can do now is cope.

>> No.29525643

The most popular /hlgg/narrative was that Ina's senpais hate her becsuse she's Korean.

>> No.29525646
Quoted by: >>29525695

Because Sony has a big investment in Ichikara. They wouldn't want their competitor, Cover, to outshine them when streaming Sony games.

>> No.29525649

It was great anon.

>> No.29525653

rape is always the answer

>> No.29525654
Quoted by: >>29526631

You don't?

>> No.29525656
File: 981 KB, 2008x3380, 28E214C2-51AD-4F2B-BCB2-3A8223496F17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up
How was ame Minecraft? Yesterday’s holoHELL session left me broken and tired midway through Gura’s SOMA stream.

>> No.29525660
Quoted by: >>29526638

Yeah, that was weird. It didn't BTFO anything. The fact that EN got invited to the sports festival thing but didn't show up just proves there's something more serious going on with Ina beyond "being too busy".

>> No.29525662
Quoted by: >>29525678

>images (5).jpg

anon, your filenaming reps..

>> No.29525663
Quoted by: >>29525730

Still a nothingburger for Hololive.

>> No.29525666
Quoted by: >>29525732

If the chicken, or mori did this you would be calling her bullshit. But watson can be as shitty and disrespect as she wants because people like you.

>> No.29525670
Quoted by: >>29525721

I just don't want those faggots to continue to be a regular topic of discussion here.

>> No.29525671
File: 494 KB, 644x997, 1605928705303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525877

I will

>> No.29525673

This, Gura doesn't need to give the time of day to any random ironic poser faggots anymore - the types she supposedly, wanted to escape from in the first place.

>> No.29525674


>> No.29525675

Another point in my favor, considering she was talking about how she fucking hated her old persona.
And what do you do, the same mistakes? Fuck off

>> No.29525677
Quoted by: >>29525742

It just sounds awkward like a verbal tic, she needs to switch up her grammar a bit but it's not like offensive or anything

>> No.29525678

it's a phoneposter thing

>> No.29525681

Do we really have to answer this?

She's cuter than usual

>> No.29525686
File: 5 KB, 343x46, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525688

Ichikara routed the japanese market, why do you think Cover actually tries so hard to expand?

>> No.29525690

>I MUST have a popular opinion
Chill kid and take your meds

>> No.29525691

Are chumbuds going to defend Gura?

>> No.29525693

At least I didn't save the same image six times.

>> No.29525695

Don't worry, big papa Phil going to make everything right with Cover. You want games? Xbox game pass.

>> No.29525696
Quoted by: >>29525789

>Gura said she had to record something recently but she can't reveal what it was

Like the good christian girl she is, the video is probably christmas related.

>> No.29525697
Quoted by: >>29525891

The fact that Marine brought it up at all when Ina wasn't even mentioned shows that it can't be as serious as people say. If they really were banned from collabing she wouldn't want to remind people that the collab could've happened.

>> No.29525698

Gura has literally nothing to gain from podcasts at this point. Even Mori's peak gain from it was still less than she's getting daily.

>> No.29525699
File: 135 KB, 640x900, Shitty Gun Edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525702
Quoted by: >>29525742

Like ending every other sentence with ", right?"

>> No.29525706
File: 39 KB, 256x256, EF03E34A-501C-4007-8D2E-935C8F7408EF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the VOD, this was the best AmeMario stream yet, she was having genuine fun, thanks bird.

>> No.29525711

Sure, there's no way she can make it awkward midcoitus.

>> No.29525718 [DELETED] 

>And what do you do, the same mistakes?
Humans do that all the time, anon.

>> No.29525719

she said she wanted to get railed by Mori's fanbase, lole

>> No.29525720

>unironically liking chicken
Take your meds

>> No.29525721
Quoted by: >>29525792

They were discussed for what, a few days after the podcast and then /hlgg/ moved onto the next perceived disaster? No one's mentioned them more than once or twice for ages.

>> No.29525722
File: 773 KB, 1178x1631, 1605917013990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was really comfy and cute, narratives were btfo'd and the end zatsudan was kino.

>> No.29525723

She was cuter today..

>> No.29525729

Why the fuck would Gura even want more subs? She already said that she prefers chat to be smaller.

>> No.29525730

Exactly, these people overreacting over faggot e-celebs are starting to get really annoying.
These fags probably weren't even here for things that REALLY damaged Hololive, like the holocaust and Aloe's graduation.

>> No.29525732
Quoted by: >>29525757

is it already SEA hours already?

>> No.29525734
Quoted by: >>29525843

Have you ever actually watched any collabs she's done? It was some of the most awkward shit I've ever seen. If you thought she was shy as Gura, hooo boy.

>> No.29525737

Pretty chill, progress made on the EXP farm, but didn't finish it because was tired and had been dozing in and out during the sports festival.

>> No.29525740
Quoted by: >>29525819

If you want a hivemind fuck off to reddit scum

>> No.29525742

It sounds like a bad habit she picked up in the rap scene.

>> No.29525743
Quoted by: >>29525877

If you insist *unzips*

>> No.29525746

Would COVER just admit if they forced them into this due to a deal with KADOKAWA?

>> No.29525749
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 132416sa2146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525771

Do not use my fluffy wife to shitpost, please.

>> No.29525750
File: 30 KB, 500x700, 1604193568913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525794

>belle delphine sent her some lyrics and she sang them out for her
oooh nooo

>> No.29525751
Quoted by: >>29525766

I fell asleep after Chicken talkshow, how were the other streams? How did the Mikolympics do?

>> No.29525752
Quoted by: >>29525818

>there's no way she can make it awkward midcoitus
theres one specific erotica that comes to mind, but I don't have it saved. What a shame

>> No.29525754
File: 286 KB, 1595x2048, x0hvof6fcd061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29525757
File: 8 KB, 709x156, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checks out

>> No.29525758
Quoted by: >>29525802

The EN girls are Cover's ambassador to the parent company that sponsors the TT podcast. Same reason Kiara randomly tweeted out their bookshop's contest.

>> No.29525759
File: 331 KB, 500x479, chumguts cream of potato.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525762
File: 945 KB, 2294x4096, 1600639263975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525766

Soma was pretty fun and depressing, Ame's MC was pretty comfy.

>> No.29525770
File: 3.39 MB, 2894x4093, 1603369636137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525877

Gladly, I love my boy!

>> No.29525771 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29525816

Sheep is prime shitposting material though.

>> No.29525773
File: 480 KB, 600x600, EnN8LD2XEAAyNNL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29525774
Quoted by: >>29525820

Why are all Watamates psychopaths?

>> No.29525781
Quoted by: >>29525811

Mori's problems extend beyond her going on an ironic weeb anituber podcast. It's a symptom of the disease with her.

>> No.29525784

>like the holocaust
I deny it

There's no way you can kill the interest of 6 million fans

>> No.29525786

why are cumsharts like this etc, stop falsefagging retarded anti

>> No.29525789
File: 282 KB, 401x368, 1603172152315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, this is the narrative i'll believe for the time being

>> No.29525791

She never said she hated HER retard

>> No.29525792
Quoted by: >>29525878

I'm talking about the 2 weeks of speculation over whether or not they would, followed by the confirmation with the signature, then a bunch more shitposting, and then finally when it actually came out. also all the stuff with amelia's channel.

>> No.29525794

>It's okay when Gura does it.

>> No.29525795
Quoted by: >>29525904

Watch the streams faggot

>> No.29525800

Why everyone pretends hachaama's English is good?

>> No.29525802
Quoted by: >>29525932

Kiara and Mori are in Japan. And as was already said, they don't do the podcast with people unless they're in studio.

>> No.29525806
File: 171 KB, 439x370, 1600925971185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>earlier this week
>faggot anituber tries to attention whore in Ame's chat
>Ame immediately bans his name
>Odyssey stream 12 hours ago
>"why do you guys keep mentioning an SC? giving him attention? that's pretty cringe"



>> No.29525808

Pretty much. Considering we're still in the middle of an actual chink harassment campaign and the CNs all got graduated (as well as Kira), it just feels so fucking inane to be whining about this shit.

Vods, anon. It's 6 million vods, at least get that part right.

>> No.29525811

am I going crazy or was this posted months ago with coco instead of Mori?

>> No.29525816
File: 336 KB, 1500x2000, 1596363303900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably should have worded it better. Don't use my fluffy wife for tribalistic purposes. Other forms of shitposting are accepted and encouraged.

>> No.29525818
File: 1.01 MB, 1081x595, 1605475365067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.29525819
Quoted by: >>29525916


>> No.29525820
Quoted by: >>29525908

I just assume all Watameposters are that guy who got banned for saying he does nothing but falseflag both threads all day long.

>> No.29525821

If Gura actually shows up on that Podcast I will become a Mori Anti for life.

>> No.29525822
File: 161 KB, 900x1171, 1604050645976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29525896

why do you niggers keep falling to bait? Stop replying to bait and let them samefag to themselves. Jesus fucking Christ people

>> No.29525825
Quoted by: >>29526870

I'm fixing your brain-damaged templating.
When your opponent activates a card or effect that targets a "Holo" monster(s) you control (Quick Effect): You can discard this card and target 1 "Holo" monster in your GY; Special Summon that monster, and that card/effect now targets that monster.
If this card is sent to the GY by your opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "HoloFantasy" monster from your Deck, except "HoloFantasy Uruha Rushia".

This one is actually correct except for the extraneous "This card" at the start.

At the end of your opponent's Battle Phase: Inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each monster they control that did not declare an attack in this Battle Phase.
If this card is sent to the GY by battle or by an opponent's card effect: You can equip this card to a monster your opponent controls. The equipped monster cannot attack, cannot be Tributed, also it cannot be used as material for a Fusion, Synchro, or Xyz Summon.

When this monster is Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "HoloFantasy Shirogane Noel" from your hand.
If this card is sent to the GY by battle or by an opponent's card effect: You can Special Summon 1 "HoloFantasy" monster from your GY, except "HoloFantasy Flare".

This is correct, except you don't need "While this card is on the field", and "if" should be "while".

>> No.29525829

why wouldn't it be? anon you're being retarded.

>> No.29525830

>an SC

>> No.29525834

At least try not to advertise you’re a clipwatcher if you’re going to post here.

>> No.29525835

All she'd get are ironic weeb faggots literally-months-late to the "a" thing. If she meant it when she thought her past streaming life was pure cringe looking back at it, she'd never go near faggots like that guy again.

She really doesn't have to at all anymore. Why? >fame >money - she's already got these things. She's set. All she just needs to do now is Holo streams, play it safe and consistently for a few years, and she'll literally be a millionaire. Then, she can go buy a farm and get her greenhouse or whatever set up and call it a day.

>> No.29525837
File: 94 KB, 684x835, 1579799414146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525840

Holy fucking based

>> No.29525844
File: 655 KB, 960x876, My Narritives are too strong for you [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fixvwto.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29525843

Lack of social skills doesn’t mean being shy

>> No.29525845
Quoted by: >>29525928

Hey /hlgg/, do you remember Quarterpounder?

>> No.29525847

well, where are they? did 6 million fans just disappear into thin air?
and don't cite the sub numbers after it, it was based on data that was gathered before the Second Permission War even started

>> No.29525850

>an SC
Was an SC mentioning some faggot and everyone telling her to read it?

>> No.29525851

I actually like this outfit the most out of all the new ones since singing/idoling are her things and that looks like any number of underground idol costumes I've seen.

>> No.29525852

>Y tho? Mori has already proven that it does nothing but give you a sub boost and that's it.
Have you not see the influx of faggots coming to Ame's chat cause she recommended her to those trashtaste fags, I'm just so happy she's based enough to GWENT one of the hosts names, in all honesty Ame's chat has shown us the ripple effects of Mori's decision to collab with faggots

>> No.29525853

fucking kek, right on the money anon

>> No.29525855
File: 742 KB, 675x960, firefox_XTgK1o2urv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

teamates are gradually trained by Ame. It's a long process...

>> No.29525856

My penis.

>> No.29525857

If mori actually collabs with penguinz0. Would that affect hololive positively or negatively?

>> No.29525863
File: 1.60 MB, 850x1200, 1603722106872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526055

>> No.29525871

Oh boy, Gura in GarbageTaste is gonna be so kino

>> No.29525873
Quoted by: >>29526407

This, I fucking hate ecelebs too but people acting like the sky is falling because "THIS GUY TWEETED AT HER OMG" is INCREDIBLY fucking annoying. God damn you fucking drama queens shut the fuck up.

>> No.29525877

"Based", albeit somewhat gay

>> No.29525878

And then Amelia banned that shit and until now no one cared anymore. It sucks but in perspective it's inane compared to actual historical yabs. Just ride it out, these threads will always find something to shitpost over.

>> No.29525882
Quoted by: >>29525910

Reminder that replying to shitposters is pretty cringe, Teamates.

>> No.29525891
Quoted by: >>29525982

Did you peopoe even watch the talkshow. Kiara specifically asked who Marine would want to collab with overall. Thats why Ina was mentioned. It wasnt out of the blue. She said Ina and that they had plans, but it was cancelled because of their tight schedule. Literally expressed that it was because of scheduling issues.

>> No.29525893


>> No.29525894

guts finally getting a healthy diet after all those burgers and rrats

>> No.29525896
Quoted by: >>29525994

newfags are trying to protect their oshis, please understand

>> No.29525898

This and also a Gura anti, because ok, Mori opened the gates, but it's the girls that have to give the final decision and if Gura does then she deserves to be fucking anti'd.

>> No.29525900
Quoted by: >>29526153

Bro Amelia's chat has been shit way before that podcast.

>> No.29525904
Quoted by: >>29526096

Gura’s has done other projects that isn’t HER related. What makes you so sure she wasn’t talking about those?

>> No.29525905
Quoted by: >>29525929

The only reason she'd go on their podcast is because they speak english and gura is desperate to collab with anyone

>> No.29525906

Someone was SCing creepy shit over and over, which got the attention they wanted from chat.

>> No.29525908

That's just a taste. If you ever go to /hlg/ almost all Watame posts are nothing but anti garbage. They were here during Kiara's announcement stream and it was all shit talking about her.

>> No.29525910

t. deadbeat

>> No.29525914

God I love this, it's cute as fuck.

>> No.29525915

The truth is, none of this shit really matters.

>> No.29525916
Quoted by: >>29526128

Reddit tier response nice faggot.

>> No.29525921

Nah. Just some dude with creepy SCs. He probably dished out around $200 though.

>> No.29525923

meanwhile Mori's chat is pretty much the same as always. You see some fags occasionally, non members of course, going on about some youtuber shit but its few and far between. Ame's chat was always garbage

>> No.29525925
File: 1.50 MB, 1000x1413, 1601611263481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I knew she was my favorite for a reason. Based Ame.

>> No.29525928

Remember when his channel was bigger than all of the Holos by a wide margin?

>> No.29525929

>gura is desperate to collab with anyone
Can't she just collab with Vsauce or some other bald guy? Unless Cannoli shaves his head.

>> No.29525932
Quoted by: >>29526033

Because shooping in a live2D is so hard when they already learned how to do it with Mori, and they get to leech off someone with probably 1.5mil subs by the time it comes out? Try again, anon.

>> No.29525933

>It's been years since I've felt so fulfilled and happy, it's so weird

So the talk show gave chikim the biggest orgams she ever felt...good for her.
From 5 to 20 how wet and horny will she get once she finally meets Pekora

>> No.29525934

Imagine being breastfed by baby Towa...

>> No.29525935
File: 379 KB, 1438x2048, EiNM4i8UwAENiq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she doing this to goad us into spanking her?

>> No.29525937

Opposite, it was a success

>> No.29525939

Nice Eva desu

>> No.29525940
Quoted by: >>29526034

The recording was most likely roommate related so don’t bother

>> No.29525942 [DELETED] 

>"why do you guys keep mentioning an SC? giving him attention? that's pretty cringe"
Do you have a timestamp? I watched live but completely missed this.

>> No.29525946

>because ok, Mori opened the gates
if you want to hate, at least hate the originals

>> No.29525953

The way she says it always makes me laugh.

>> No.29525958
File: 62 KB, 250x250, 1590846840746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekor too busy having fun with both Miko and Moona

>> No.29525965
Quoted by: >>29526000

She would get a sub boost, that's about it

>> No.29525971

Start out a 10 but drag down to 7 as the armed security Pekora keeps around her kills the mood.

>> No.29525976

>Would that affect hololive

>> No.29525977

People here are retarded and don't learn their lesson therefore they're doomed to repeat the same thing over and over excepting different results, it's the nature of insanity

>> No.29525982
Quoted by: >>29526019

And you are stupid enough to believe that?
There is zero chance it was all just because of "time scheduling issues". Zero.

Ina literally mentioned ALL collabs she had planned (not just the Marine one) are cancelled INDEFINITELY for now.
That makes no sense at all if it was just Ina being busy on some days.

>> No.29525983

I just remembered that in Soma, I'm pretty sure that Catherine tells a story about Taiwan.

>> No.29525986


>> No.29525988

Ame realizes what kind of people this shit attracts, which is why interacting with them is the last thing she wants, guven how bad her chat already is.

>> No.29525990
Quoted by: >>29526025

>Bans faggotry
>Everyone moves on
Oh no, how terrible. It's not like the chats were plagued by normalfaggotry and ironic weeb morons to begin with, least of all Gura's. Oh wait.

>> No.29525993

If they ever met IRL could Kiara take out Peko?

>> No.29525994
File: 40 KB, 1024x954, 1600048759890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like seriously, these threads had been good when people ignore bait posts. And that was like only a week ago.

>> No.29525996

It will affect these threads for a day, maybe.

>> No.29525997
Quoted by: >>29526050

What are the chances that it's management forcing her?

>> No.29525999

Wasn't Gura.

>> No.29525998

>gura wants to give her fans new collabs
>knows she can't collab with the JP girls due to language
>goes with the only other english speaking anime people she knows

>> No.29526000

>that's about it
see ya.

>> No.29526003
Quoted by: >>29526870

These don't look like Yugioh cards at all, the effect text should at least be twice as long.

>> No.29526009

That's probably because Ame's streams cater more to that audience than Mori's streams do.

>> No.29526010

Does Amelia really have the worst chat or does she just have the worst reactions to them?

>> No.29526012

wont affect hololive but it will shit up the hololive threads for sure

>> No.29526013
File: 1.20 MB, 1337x752, 1605871948416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember simpler times?

>> No.29526017

This a great edit

>> No.29526019
Quoted by: >>29526056

>zero chance
Call me crazy, but i'll believe the people actually involved with the thing, instead of some anonymous schizo on fucking /hlgg/. I know, shocking.

>> No.29526023

It puzzled me that no one realized that that Joah guy from last night is literally the same dude from a while ago who RP'd his wife leaving him, think his name was Carl.
100% the same person and just someone shitposting for attention.

>> No.29526024

Antis were out in full force for Chicken during this collab, don't think I forgot

>> No.29526025

It's more like simply not wanting to be associated with ironic weab morons to begin with.

>> No.29526028
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1598497733141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526073


>> No.29526031

This. If Mori never went to that TT Collab, will this still be a thing? No, it's only because she did that these faggot ironic weebs think that they can collab with the rest of the girls. Now there's a chance Gura participated already, god fucking damn it.

>> No.29526033
Quoted by: >>29526094

It has nothing to do with that. They have literally said they won't have people on unless they are physically in studio. Find something new to shitpost about.

>> No.29526034
Quoted by: >>29526072

TT -> 24fps
Gura -> 30fps

>> No.29526048
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1604944788122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she says she grew up there

>> No.29526051
File: 104 KB, 177x279, E176BF8F-B8F7-4B36-883F-12B3A7FCBAE6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ame

>> No.29526050

Then the fucking EN management ought to graduate then, not the holos.

>> No.29526052

No, there was always some shit going on for as long as I remember.

>> No.29526054
Quoted by: >>29526079

When was the last time all 5 made a collab together?

>> No.29526055
Quoted by: >>29526080

Not flat inaff

>> No.29526056

One day you'll have a job and realize that people can't always tell you the truth but instead use professional ways to put an end to the discussion. "for time scheduling reasons" in one such phrase. No one will ask.

>> No.29526057 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29526210

Man, Chicken antis were all over these threads...

>> No.29526061
File: 50 KB, 600x507, 1605418433297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's not idol like
>she keeps behaving like a nigger
>she constantly numberfags
>she shouts out rando ecelebs
>she is loud and obnoxious
>she makes people feel awkward in collabs
>she has a shitty, bad dub tier voice
>she baits superchat all the time and rubs it in coworkers' faces
>she fucking hates the most comfy game, Minecraft
>she still does shit on her roommate, doesn't care to separate herself from them and in general doesn't seem to care for Hololive as we came to know it

>> No.29526063

i don't look at chats so idk which's the worst
but checkmarkes faggots are always attention whoring in Ina's chat

>> No.29526064
File: 454 KB, 691x691, 1602170367847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526225

Yes, I remember when everyone would whine about how awkward and terrible the collabs were because people will bitch about anything. And now that the collabs are just normal interaction people find something new to whine about. It's all so tiresome.

>> No.29526071

cn graduated and they have chat back on stream it's fine

>> No.29526072

I don’t get it

>> No.29526073


>> No.29526076

Zero effect everywhere except here. Unless people live under a rock, most of the Hololive viewers already know next to all of these ecelebs anyways. Not necessarily watch them, but know them. And vice versa for their viewers and Hololive.
People itt will act as if its the Spaniards bringing the plague to the Aztecs.

>> No.29526079


>> No.29526080


>> No.29526081

Bros. How do we KyoAni Kadokawa's offices? We need to destroy the evil at its source.

>> No.29526083
File: 184 KB, 973x1400, 1600905614039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unfathomably based

>> No.29526085
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1601795705039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527363

Gonna miss them when they're gone...

>> No.29526087

Kiara will probably not collab with Pekora for a long time. Her obsession will wane as she gets closer and closer to other JPs. Meanwhile Pekora and Moona become the best of friends. Kiara will forget about her in time and when they do finally collab, she won't really care anymore. It was just a crush and she got over it a long time ago. A sad state of affairs. Many such cases!

>> No.29526089

the first month was multiple YABs every fucking day. At least now its just a few schizos antiposting with no YABs

>> No.29526091

God Shion looks like a mega brat with her new outfit especially
She needs to be put in her place
Cute singing though

>> No.29526094
Quoted by: >>29526144

Can't believe Gura is flying over to Japan for her inevitable 3D stream and stopping by to join the TT podcast while she's at it.

>> No.29526096
Quoted by: >>29526116

She mentioned streams.

>> No.29526097


>> No.29526099


>> No.29526100

At last I truly see... that I FUCKING LOVE THESE BITCHES

>> No.29526101
File: 121 KB, 1024x724, 1605177552191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29526104

This is the risk that comes with someone in the spotlight and gaining a million subs in under two months and is accessible to over 1.2 billion people worldwide. It was inevitable, just appreciate the content they provide for what it is.

>> No.29526108

A mix of both. All chats are almost unusable but Ame has the most spammy ones (not counting Gura's due to sheer numbers) but she can actually make it work since she successfully made an iron farm with the help of chat alone.

>> No.29526110

It's the eyebrows.

>> No.29526111

Gura only ever plays Minecraft and horror games. She should seriously try at least something else.

>> No.29526112
File: 534 KB, 4000x1900, 1603142266356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honeymoon period is over. I'm kinda glad they stop forcing themselves to do these weekly 5 man collabs.

>> No.29526113

>Remember simpler times?
You sure don't, newfag
These threads were brimming with /hlg/ antis back then

>> No.29526115

You call that singing cute?

>> No.29526116

She also mentioned last videos and projects?

>> No.29526122
Quoted by: >>29526157

HoloEN has been drama central since it's announcement, there has never been simpler times. When we were not shitting on Chicken we were shitting on Ame

>> No.29526123
Quoted by: >>29526414

She reacts the most to chat (excluding akas) and she likes to banter with them.

>> No.29526124

>she's one of hololive's biggest success stories and undisputably a positive force for it as a whole (Mori has yet to prove this though)

>> No.29526127 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1605965334317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526161

Kiara is a happy birb!

>> No.29526128

Anónimo you med reps

>> No.29526134

Waaaay too late for that.

>> No.29526135
File: 458 KB, 1000x500, 1604627128401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29526139
Quoted by: >>29526147

There is a full EN collab tomorrow.

>> No.29526142

she wants to try fighting games

>> No.29526140


>> No.29526144

Can't believe TT are going to put her there and ignore the rules they made just to leech some more

>> No.29526147
Quoted by: >>29526172

Hachaama included right?

>> No.29526153

backseaters >>>>>>>>> e-celeb spam
Just accept that the podcast had consequences and wasn't a "nothingburger :}"

>> No.29526157
Quoted by: >>29526201

Artificial drama. Objectively HoloEN had maybe 1 or 2 big yabs that meant something. The rest are /hlgg/schizos fighting imaginary dragons with a stick.

>> No.29526160
Quoted by: >>29526224

Nobody would be stupid enough to commit a crime against those TT-guys.

>> No.29526161
Quoted by: >>29527348

She definitely had sex.

>> No.29526164
File: 1.47 MB, 1600x2400, 1604369095572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, takobro. Or so I hope, repeating the same songs every single day is getting old even if I love Ina very much.

>> No.29526163
Quoted by: >>29526174

God I want the to collab so bad, both threads would fucking implode.

>> No.29526165

Do you people even watch EN? Ho-ly shit.

>> No.29526166

It WAS pretty awkward when she decided to tell the exact same story as Mori.

>> No.29526172
Quoted by: >>29526196


>> No.29526174

Wait for next week :}

>> No.29526177
Quoted by: >>29526202

So, you're telling me that Ame's getting into minecraft redstone autism?

>> No.29526181


So how long until Mori pisses off a whole country?

>> No.29526182

Flowers and perfume

>> No.29526192

Gura Dark Souls playthrough when (also ring fit)
Amelia Getting Over It open-ended endurance stream when (also ring fit)
Kiara unarchived karaoke where she sings German anime openings like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQlSrXHN2LA when
Ina late night stream where she draws her genmates in tasteful but ecchi ways when

>> No.29526198
File: 652 KB, 1217x1080, 1576397819548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29526196
File: 62 KB, 281x201, holoEN_unamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full EN collab
You lied.

>> No.29526199

Because Mori barely plays video games. I would be surprised if her chat isn't literally the same when she does.

>> No.29526201
File: 40 KB, 744x394, 1600939826054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526275

Oh yeah, besides the Amegeddon pretty much all Ame "yabs" were nothingburgers

>> No.29526202

Not yet, she's having fun with rails so far.

>> No.29526203
Quoted by: >>29526242

>Gura Dark Souls playthrough when

>> No.29526207

Oh nice, FBK playing Clock Tower

>> No.29526208

She just needs to say 'nigger' HARD R GANG

>> No.29526210
Quoted by: >>29526228

Damn right I was

>> No.29526212
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 1588328476587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was playing vidya. Thanks for posting this

>> No.29526213
File: 13 KB, 209x234, 1542248081004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a few months you will look back to now and these will be the "simple times"
It'll be like:
>I miss when it was just the original 5
I guarantee it.

>> No.29526223
Quoted by: >>29526271

I honestly expect her to do it once before Christmas. She said that during her last singing, she basically went through all the songs she could sing. Needs to practice. Might be hard to do with Ane'nis, considering how often she sneaks into Ina's room.

>> No.29526224

No, but Kadokawa actually deserves to be burnt to the ground for other reasons.

>> No.29526226

I really wish she'd try Dead Space at least, since they already have EA permissions.

>> No.29526225

Yeah before all the eceleb faggotry started approaching the fundamentals were at least about the streams themselves.

Doomposting about shit that literally, literally hasn't even fucking, happened just because some utter faggot on twitter tweeted at or about a HoloEN, is completely bottom-of-the-barrel forcing controversy. People doing this ought to be taken out back and shot between the eyes. I don't know why people here aren't just telling those drama queens to fuck up with their literal fake controversy.

>> No.29526228

You still a Kiara anti?

>> No.29526236
Quoted by: >>29526417

you are weak

>> No.29526239
Quoted by: >>29526285

Imagine Mori playing Max Payne

Her live2d gets updated to include THE SCOWL

>> No.29526241

Blame the chinks for banning her favorite game.

>> No.29526242

Just go to Miyazaki and show him your cunny then he'll give you blanket permissions for everything

>> No.29526244

The future I see is Gura and Mori with 3 absolute WHOs sitting there with them

>> No.29526247

Meds, before Feds.

>> No.29526248

>Ina late night stream
Why not Dark-Ina or Ane'nis 2nd ed

>> No.29526251
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, 1a75u5u [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posting this since it calms me down during shitty threads.

>> No.29526257
Quoted by: >>29526353

The thing is, Coco was always really isolated. She's almost only one really speaking english, and it was basically always just in her news show where he shouted out e-celebs.
Hololive has changed. There is now a full gen of fluent english speakers, and they're skyrocketing in popularity.
They're english audience has had a MASSIVE uptick.
This is broken record thing to say, but Cover should be extremely, extremely fucking wary about doing these interactions. Yabs and all other western bullshit is much more probable to have an effect than ever before.

>> No.29526259

Amelia just really likes reading chat so she reacts the most when chat is being complete shit. She actually has really good chat interaction most of the time.
Gura's chat is probably 10 times worse due to sheer numbers, but Gura barely pays it any attention.

>> No.29526269

This is what's wrong with the fandom, wanting the Idols to act in a way that only they deem fit

>> No.29526270

you might also need meds

>> No.29526271
File: 35 KB, 450x297, 1600719064459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might be hard to do with Ane'nis, considering how often she sneaks into Ina's room.
Boy, it was awkward when she suddenly entered the room during the last masturbation stream

>> No.29526274

these two are responsible for a lot of hurt feelings

>> No.29526275

Even the Amegeddon barely had an impact outside of these threads, except for retards leaking into the chat and commrnts from /hlgg/ for a few days.

>> No.29526282

Thank you, Porridgeposter.

>> No.29526283
File: 742 KB, 2500x3119, 1600668200469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most lewd HoloEN character design
Ina > Mori > Kiara > Ame > Gura
prove me wrong

>> No.29526285

How do permissions work for mods btw? If they get to play max payne or fallout would be more fun with mods

>> No.29526287


>> No.29526289

I mean with Cover's permissions, that's probably just gonna be fucking Apex or ARK.

However, Coco's been playing Terraria, and I think that's a very viable avenue for something Minecraftish but not literally-more-minecraft and the other Holos have yet to follow on it. Terraria multiplayer is a thing too and can be pretty good. It just has to catch on as a trend among Holos.

Also even though Gura isn't good at FPS I'd kind of want to see her play DOOM just for the amusing irony of it.

>> No.29526297

Here's a proposal - listen to someone else...

>> No.29526300

Please no. I don't want to look that far into the future.

>> No.29526302
Quoted by: >>29526320

Coco has a bit less thumbs pointing down currently that lets say a week ago. I guess even they are getting tired of it and are moving on.

>> No.29526305

I don't think her chat is any better or worse than say Gura's necessarily (maybe by a bit), but because of a few noteworthy instances (such as backseaters getting on her nerves once in TW3, whereas a similar situation likely wouldn't have bothered Gura as much), it comes off as worse overall.
She wrangles her chat well enough all things considered though, especially as of late. It'll never be perfect but those are the cards she was dealt.

>> No.29526309

This has been suggested multiple times to her already. Is there a narrative on why she has not played it yer?

>> No.29526312
Quoted by: >>29526559

Chat recommended the games to Gura in her last minecraft stream, but she didn't know them and she didn't show much interest on playing them

>> No.29526313

There are a lot of people who have an unhealthy obsession with these threads and don't even watch streams unless they can participate in them.

>> No.29526320

Nay, they're just waiting for a moment of vulnerability.

>> No.29526321

Reminder: this is a fake image

>> No.29526322
File: 198 KB, 1216x1188, YAGOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember /hlg/ was a war room and all cross-holo mudslinging actually stopped for a while. Cover was in complete radio silence, people were comparing notes and trying to scrounge archives together, there was general agreement that at least fucking lyger would have Matsuri's entire collection backed up but wouldn't be arsed to share it, someone comes in screaming that Subaru's Undertale videos were just gone...

>> No.29526323
Quoted by: >>29526402

you haven't seen Ames chat yet it seems. Backseaters aren't the worst offenders

>> No.29526324

>I miss when it was just the original 5

If it were 20 I could see it, but we are desperate for someone to fill the dead hours.

>> No.29526331

Just like doujin music, they're unlikely to get sued fir it but would still reach out to the creator out of good will.

>> No.29526337
Quoted by: >>29526539

>had consequences
Oh god oh no some random viewer out of 20k+ mentioned an e-celeb in a chat moving at a mile a minute!
Hololive is literally ruined! the holocaust, aloe, and CN can't even compare!

>> No.29526342

Apparently she doesn't know what it is. Either that or just being coy/shitposty, hard to tell.

>> No.29526347

I'd go.
Ina > Ame > Kiara > Mori > Gura

>> No.29526349
Quoted by: >>29526588

ADHD made her forget.
The first Holo to play Dead Space, especially the 2nd one, will start a trend though.

>> No.29526351
Quoted by: >>29526455

>barely had an impact outside of these threads
didn't me nuke her old stuff entirely?

>> No.29526353

western schizos try to get you cancelled on twitter/fired from a job
nip schizos burn people alive
I'm less worried about western yabs desu

>> No.29526357

Oh shit Okayu is actually on, I gotta watch her.

>> No.29526359

>barely had an impact outside of these thread
Yeah sure, let's just ignore her having to nuke everything despite originally hoping she could keep it and occasionally do something there too. Nevermind the new model and art she commissioned not long ago.

>> No.29526361

I really like Shion's BGM

>> No.29526363

This was a cursed collab, and the constant drama in this thread back then was even worse than now

>> No.29526365


>> No.29526370

theres nothing much to go on except cunny

>> No.29526372

>How do permissions work for mods btw?
I'm pretty sure the licensing agreements on games say that if you make mods, the company owns them.

>> No.29526373

I fucking KNEEL before these bitches.

>> No.29526374

It still hurts to this day and I think actively has helped foster this rift between JP/EN. If all the old JP archives were there we'd have so much reference material to point newfags at, but alas.

>> No.29526376
File: 127 KB, 950x950, 1605412028054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliope Mori

>> No.29526379

Ina > Ame > Mori > Kiara > Gura

>> No.29526386
File: 30 KB, 940x167, polka_botan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526454

>> No.29526389
File: 2 KB, 111x125, Unity2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahhh.... The threads are so nice when no one falls for shitty bait.

>> No.29526391

One of those has a much higher barrier to entry, which is why you have people cancelled much more often then you have them burnt alive.

>> No.29526393

Holos, more like whore-os, hehe, they should play my dick, amirite?

>> No.29526402

What does that even mean?

>> No.29526405
File: 213 KB, 570x638, Unity2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better image for you

>> No.29526407

Based oldfachamas

>> No.29526409

it still fucking makes me mad, deadbeats complain about having antis and then theres Ame antis that are actually fucking vile enough to do shit like this

>> No.29526414

Mori and Ame interact with chat at about the same frequency from what I seen, except in games when Mori sometimes ignores it wholly to focus

>> No.29526417

I never said I was gonna stop, maybe it's time for listening to the songs on half speed or something.

>> No.29526423
File: 332 KB, 2480x3508, illust_85804880_20201121_084111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526472

She cute.

>> No.29526434

Oh it had Polka's face so I thought it was a Polka post and ignored it.

>> No.29526433

>originally hoping she could keep it and occasionally do something there too.
Now there's a hot narrative

>> No.29526436
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 1603136971423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526492

on this goddamn mic

>> No.29526450

She had to nuke all of her old stuff and has had antis try to fuck with her directly because of it well after the fact (like plugDJ chat). This is why she'll likely never do viewers games like Among Us, even though other holos do them.
It's nothing she can't handle and she's been trucking along just fine, but it obviously had an impact.

>> No.29526453

Amegeddon only didn't become a thing because Sharkmeido brutalized the threads for a few days into submission. Basically it was just fortune that there happens to be a mod who took it upon himself to save the threads and by proxy do Ame a big solid. People call him "sharkmeido" for that one sticky the day before, but really IMO he objectively did fuckton more for Ame than anyone else.

>> No.29526455

Something she should of done earlier anyways. This is the most basic thing all Holos need to do. Even if it's just a few schizos poking around it will remind the Holo in question to do it. But it still had nobeffect. The like/dislike ration was good, comments barrly had any traction, chat was bad for a day or teo. No streams delayed. No official response. Nothing. It means it wasnt a big deal, just a reminder to delete her past better. Thats it.
Yes, the threads here went to shit, but something actually affecting the Holos or the community at large and something making schizos itt uppity are two different things.

>> No.29526454

fuck, I've got a boner over this

>> No.29526458


>> No.29526463
File: 1.17 MB, 2894x4093, liberty_prime[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffd6q7s.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526486

wait until she plays Fallout 3 and gets to this part

>> No.29526466

Gura > Ina > Mori > Ame > Kiara

>> No.29526471

It probably wasn't even an Ame anti, just someone who wanted attention or hated goslings.

>> No.29526472

why did my mind instantly go to that one onahole pic with the roast chicken

>> No.29526474
File: 446 KB, 1536x2048, 1605488175929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526556

I'm going to fill Suisei onee-chan's asshole with my fresh piss and cum.

>> No.29526475
File: 364 KB, 589x996, 1600212736326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling it now, Ina's taking a break during 2nd week of December. Get ready for it.
FFXIV patch 5.4 is coming out with a new savage raid tier.

>> No.29526477
Quoted by: >>29526505

I'm much more worried about western yabs, since our EN girls don't have the barrier of a different culture shielding them.
Cover is japanese company but let's see how quickly they kneel with first western yab, because the girls are EN.

>> No.29526484

She's only using the stick on chat so it makes every notable interaction feel like something tremendously bad happened when in reality it's just the same usual shit.

>> No.29526486
Quoted by: >>29526545

The only Fallout Ame is going to play is 76.

>> No.29526487
File: 354 KB, 1854x2039, 1600653851538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame has actually the best and the worst of types of users in her chat at the same time. It's kind of amazing how bipolar it is

>> No.29526492
File: 177 KB, 1066x1632, dtp8sr8pc4p51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely feel warmth around my heart whenever I remember her, fuck.

>> No.29526497

He even posted that he regretted that he wasn't able to stamp it out even sooner.

>> No.29526500
File: 870 KB, 2315x3274, 1604907190912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say Gura releases an EP with city pop inspired original songs. How likely is it that she dominates the charts longer than Mori did? And why hasn't Cover capitalized on this yet? Her REGULAR karaoke gets 120k concurrent viewers. Now imagine if she got high production value songs.

>> No.29526505
Quoted by: >>29526535

Moona already got a slap for mentionning religion in a joke in her tweet

>> No.29526507

I don't think she plays desktop mmos since she needs her computer to work.

>> No.29526511
File: 232 KB, 1679x1621, 1604450811896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526529

So I kid you not I dreamed of Gura streaming. But not just that, I actually dreamed of her putting both of her feet on the glass panel on her PC again for a while and making lots of noises. Then someone clipped that, named it "GURA FEET ASMR #3" and I copied the link and posted it here in this thread.

I'm serious, I dreamed all of that.
I think I'm too far gone.

>> No.29526512

you have one reply to convince me why I shouldn't go on twitter and put a doxxpost about Mori in her illustration hastag right now. If Ame "was supposed to" nuke everything before joining hololive, so should Mori, right?

>> No.29526517
Quoted by: >>29526674

She will make a doodle stream marathon because she can draw with her feet good enough while playing FF with her hands.

>> No.29526518
File: 338 KB, 652x916, not ame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bias is showing

>> No.29526522
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 7a0385b656aef49c59be6b2e0eec06b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526591

What's the deal with Mori Calliope? Does a reaper REALLY need to be a rapper? It's bad enough dying, we really need a musical performance to go with it? Isn't that kind of rubbing salt in the wound? Frankly if she wants me to rest in peace, a little quiet would be nice.

And what's the deal with Amelia Watson? Does she even DRINK tea? I've heard those hiccups, missy! I wanna see what's in that cup!

>> No.29526529


>> No.29526532

Because Cover is incompetent

>> No.29526535

But then again she's in Indonesia, which is basically the Philippines but not Catholic.

>Doing anything

>> No.29526539
Quoted by: >>29526934

>it isn't literally graduation so it isn't that bad
It was constant spam for 3 streams after the podcast before she filtered it, you could glance at chat at any time and see at least a few comment about it. Why should anyone have to deal with any fallout from Mori's retarded decisions? Even if it's minor

>> No.29526540
Quoted by: >>29526609

>comparing notes and trying to scrounge archives together
Did anything come of this?

>> No.29526545

Fuck off, Todd.

>> No.29526550

Literally wouldn't do anything, unlike Ame, Mori wasn't a literally who before

>> No.29526554
Quoted by: >>29526642

Did she mention anything about the jazz karaoke? I just wanna hear more of her singing, max comfy.

>> No.29526556
Quoted by: >>29526572

What about the stale piss?

>> No.29526559

It's weird considering that her supposed favorite horror games are RE ones and Capcom permissions aren't on the table. She should really give it a chance.

>> No.29526562

Not likely, modern jap audience is not into that kind of jpop anymore.
And it will only happen if Gura makes it happen, which is unlikely.

>> No.29526571
Quoted by: >>29526645

>let's just ignore her having to nuke everything despite originally hoping she could keep it
Why nuke it instead of setting everything to private?

>> No.29526572

Matsuri drank it already.

>> No.29526574

Woke up did archive reps. So Gura podcast is probably happening huh? Even though TT is a giant nothing burger I fully blame Mori. Fuck her for opening the gates.

>> No.29526581
File: 412 KB, 850x773, 1603901004281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29526582

Your point is moot considering people will literally reply to her roommates post with fucking mori avis

>> No.29526585
Quoted by: >>29526629

It's not.

>> No.29526588
Quoted by: >>29526651

>korone plays deadspace
Oh god. I’ll become a dogfucker again if that happens

>> No.29526590

Mori did nuke everything that wasn't carefully curated and sanitized. Ame couldn't do that same level of combing through 6 months of twitch vods, especially since schizos were already digging through them, so she had to nuke everything to be sure.

>> No.29526591

I remember liking the show, then normalfags began to hate it for some reason and all discussion on it died off

>> No.29526594
Quoted by: >>29526754

Sharkmeido saved these threads, thats it. He did the unpaid job hes supposed to do. Even during the peak of the meltdown, schizos werent able to have any meaningful dent on the ratio for the streams. And keep in mind this is a discussion about the suposed worst happening that ever happened in these threads. And thats a new holo having her previous life leaked. Oh no, she had a life before being a holo. Imagine the fucking surprise. My point is is that thats as far as things go for happenings, but schizos will always try to inflate and twist literal nothingburgers into the end of the world scenarios.
Wake me up when one of HoloENs goes Chris 2.0

>> No.29526595

>This is the most basic thing all Holos need to do.
I guess someone forgot to tell Coco...or Noel...

>> No.29526599
Quoted by: >>29526629

It's more likely that it's just one of the douchebags attention whoring again.

>> No.29526602

there's tons of nig and faggot tweets of her retard

>> No.29526608
Quoted by: >>29526652

Gura has the worst fanbase and she's entirely unable to reign them in despite her efforts they still raid other streams. Thankfully Amelia and Ina have been able to stomp that out.

Kiara and Mori don't have this issue because the times they streams don't allow for that plus zoomers don't watch them anyway.

>> No.29526609
Quoted by: >>29526712

I still have an old Google Sheets uploaded by one anon. Don't think it's anywhere near complete by any means, but it's something.


>> No.29526610

No one's required to do it. It's just common sense for some people who have a past filled with yab. Mori deleted a ton of old tweets. The other girls also still have their old shit up. Why are you bringing Mori into this?

>> No.29526611


>> No.29526615

God bless Noel's noels for it!

>> No.29526617
Quoted by: >>29526646

the chat reflects the streamer

>> No.29526620
Quoted by: >>29526670

Couldn't she have set stuff to private?

>> No.29526626

i will never forgive cover for the holocaust, reminder that there are still a fuck ton of videos that are still private to this day

>> No.29526629

How do you explain the stars literally aligning then?

>> No.29526631
Quoted by: >>29528532

a-anon, don't tell me you're doing it for free.

>> No.29526638

Who ever said they got invited to it? Only two have them have even been on the jp server, and that got pawned off to Moona with only 2 jp holos even showing up (Aqua by complete accident, didn't even know they were supposed to be there). I feel like they just get treated like second class holos by Cover.

>> No.29526642
File: 335 KB, 1821x1290, EmuHz83VkAAFUeE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but I hope she masters and goes for a take two of that Renai Circulation cover. I keep listening to it on repeat even though she fucked up a lot of parts. Literally a teaser for her ASMR.

>> No.29526645

I assume that's what she did with the stuff that can be set to private. Same difference for anyone that was interested in her roomate's stuff and wanted to check it out.

>> No.29526646

When will Ame stop trying to claim her chat is the lewd one and that she isn't?
She went full horny in the holotalk chat yesterday

>> No.29526649

gr の tnp sbrti

>> No.29526651


>> No.29526652

gura has the worst fanbase because its fucking huge.

>> No.29526654
Quoted by: >>29526675

Those were all deleted after these threads constantly pointed them out long ago. More evidence that's she's here by the way.

>> No.29526657
Quoted by: >>29526843

How do you define the best types of users?

>> No.29526658
File: 45 KB, 739x415, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29526662

If they dont care, they dont have to. If it's something that they could later regret or worry about, they should delete everything before starting their Holo career.

>> No.29526666

Didn't even have to be an "anti" per se, just a regualr anon after a few (You)s could post it. And to think that all she had to do was delete that one Q&A.

>> No.29526667

hth Â

>> No.29526670

Do you really think she wanted to comb through those 6 months of 8 hour vods even if she had the time? There was nothing really worth saving there even if we're hungry for more lore and peaks behind the mask.

>> No.29526673

Don't think any are still up, better late than never, I guess

>> No.29526674
File: 598 KB, 845x1200, 1601171608338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Feet drawing ASMR stream

>> No.29526675
Quoted by: >>29526725


>> No.29526681
File: 58 KB, 646x132, ririsya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what our Mori accomplished. From a complete nobody to this.

>> No.29526682

I like the fresh taste, honestly

>> No.29526688

There was a ton of tweets with faggots, nigs, autists and more. "Was" being the key word.

>> No.29526693
Quoted by: >>29526713

Got a screenshot?

>> No.29526698

Never, because she knows she is and teasing chat about it is a funny running joke.

>> No.29526699
File: 118 KB, 940x500, watson not lewd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526737

>claim her chat is the lewd one and that she isn't
It's a joke, anonchama.

>> No.29526707
File: 266 KB, 367x597, 1600655777701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is new info, or if it's just hasn't been said this thread but I Just found some devastating shit about Amelia, was looking around and found out:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------she was looking cuter than usual her last stream -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

>> No.29526709

You’ll scare away Aqua!

>> No.29526712

So all deleted/privated content is lost?

>> No.29526713

Something about wanting Marine to send some BL to her IIRC

>> No.29526715

Her cover has like 190k views, I'm happy for her her

>> No.29526719
Quoted by: >>29526861

>There was nothing really worth saving
from the few clips that survived, there definitely was

>> No.29526725

Yeah, they were still there for days after her debut. Anons kept making posts like "Mori we know you're here delete those tweets." and a few days later she finally did.

>> No.29526726

I hope if gura makes music it's city pop styled and not generic jpop like what kiara is doing

>> No.29526729
Quoted by: >>29526751

>Even though TT is a giant nothing burger I am still angry over a nothing burger
Here's your ogey.

>> No.29526731
File: 356 KB, 761x771, cuteandsmol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29526733

Anon... That's called a joke...

>> No.29526737

>"Chicks on cocks, fucks on blocks"
Yeah, so funny Ame.

>> No.29526742

Anon... She talked about doing ultimates before.
PS4 players also raid savages just fine.

>> No.29526744

Well, the basis of the banter is that she is lewd sometimes, but chat calls everything lewd.
Occasionally she'll admit "ok, that was a little lewd" and it's funny.

>> No.29526747
File: 75 KB, 639x426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that cute ass Mario Odyssey stream
Teamates. I'm home.

>> No.29526749

Holy fuck, how will the chumbuds ever recover from this?

>> No.29526750

Not like it rots on the server.

>> No.29526751
Quoted by: >>29526810

Because it leads to other shit.

>> No.29526752

Lion now.

>> No.29526753
File: 100 KB, 905x1280, 1601631000463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29526819

Mori actually did a purge on her roommate's account when someone here pointed her yabai shit on twitter especially things that mentioned 4chan.

>> No.29526754

Remember how people observe that utter fucking retards constantly leak shit out from here, shit that specifically should never leave these walls, even our local memes/-isms etc? Given that this is the case, yes, then it mattered a fucking lot that amegeddon's ground-zero was literally here but was nuked dead before random idiots would keep breaking rules 1/2. His actions very-likely mattered a lot.

>> No.29526757

What's even the point of GurAme and why do people gush over it so much?
I don't think they really have good chemistry, they always ignore chat, make cringy lewd remarks and it just manages to lower my opinion of both of them.

>> No.29526758

Based mori helping indies out
Art*mis when?

>> No.29526759


>> No.29526761

Really? I never noticed because ------------------------------------she always seemed cute--------------------------------------------------------

>> No.29526766

Amelia just pretends to not be lewd. She notices lewd gestures and conversations just as quickly as chat. Hell a lot of time she has to stop herself because her first reaction to something is a lewd observation.

>> No.29526769


>> No.29526787

I'm happy for her, really. Good on cute snake making it.

>> No.29526789

I'm sick and fucking tired of you giving all the credit to Mori. Sure, Mori is responsible for the initial boost that sent hr running but shes been putting out content and networking on her own from there. She got a huge boost two months after the remix contest and her gachikois aren't anyone from Mori's chat/fandom. Just let her have her own thing, faggot. Mori isn't her jesus. Fuck off

>> No.29526792

Deleted content is lost unless someone archived it. Privated content might still be restored by Cover, as some was after the holocaust.
By right everything should have been privated, not deleted - Subaru's Undertale case was almost definitely a manager fucking up.
It was actually the first strong sign /hlg/ had that this wasn't some crazy nijihacker raid or something, because it was so inconsistent with the rest of what was happening.

>> No.29526797
Quoted by: >>29526822

All deleted, she can deny now as you can only find screenshots here, people can easily say it's 4chan trying to go after her by just pointing to our archives and certain posts, also she was like 16-17

>> No.29526799

>complain about having antis
Ain't hard to see why, anon: they can concern troll 24/7 while humanity posters are banned on sight to this very day (big ups meido)

>> No.29526800
Quoted by: >>29526993

deleted shit is lost but mostly only subaru was affected by the deletion, privated content depends on whether management will release it or if it's too risky because of copyright
https://hololive.jetri.co/#/status you can check the damage as it's still being updated to this day

>> No.29526805

Hopefully never

>> No.29526806


>> No.29526809

It was scorching earth tactic, anon. Rather burn everything down than schizo finds anything they can use as their fuel more.

>> No.29526810

Such as what?

>> No.29526814
File: 271 KB, 498x505, dope ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninomae Ina'nis is one of the dumbest girls in hololive that I’ve had the “pleasure” to watch. A sullen, dull and quiet girl, she added nothing to holoEN except, “Gee, let's blow up KFP.” Also, illegally released many classified Chickens. A real dope!

>> No.29526815

yab, not sure I can be a teamate anymore if ----------------------she continues to reach overwhelming levels of cuteness----------

>> No.29526816

tranny shark isnt an indie

>> No.29526819
Quoted by: >>29526845

I'm pretty sure actually posting nigga and faggot on twitter is more Yab than mentioning 4chan, dumbfuck.

>> No.29526821
Quoted by: >>29526852


>> No.29526822


>> No.29526826

>This without Cover's cut
I think it's best she stays indie

>> No.29526831

How did Mori help her?

>> No.29526832

Unfortunately moderation cuts both ways.

>> No.29526837

shes responsible for making me wake up at respectable hours, to say the least

>> No.29526841

she's also very cute and i want to have sex with her

>> No.29526843
Quoted by: >>29527155

they managed to help Ame in building an iron farm. Ame was considering to display chat on the livestream but her chat unanimously said no.

>> No.29526845

Rappers get a pass.

>> No.29526846

welcome, new investigator. Ame is a wild ride but when she's comfy, you'll surely appreciate her cuteness!

>> No.29526848

This anon >>29526789 phrased it roughly, but they've got a point. We got introduced to her via Mori but retaining people is something she's doing through her own merits.
Thank Mori for the exposure, but girl can sing and she's got her own charm points.

>> No.29526851
File: 150 KB, 410x430, fubukek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours are finally over.


>> No.29526852


>> No.29526856

>signal boosting indies
>won't even give her own genmates the time of day
not sure if based

>> No.29526858

Mori showed up in the chat on one of her streams to cheer her on, a clipper caught that and spread.

>> No.29526860
Quoted by: >>29526889

Dude nobody is denying her work, why are you angry about this, wtf.

>> No.29526861
Quoted by: >>29526900

Only because you're thirsty for more Ame, not because they were notable moments or would have lead to a massive boost for s***i. Anything notable in those streams was already clipped which is why you are able to see them to this day.

>> No.29526865
Quoted by: >>29526931

>Checks kiara pre-chat
Yep it's definitely a cult

>> No.29526866

topo 15 remix, shoutout to an audience of 300k-400k iirc. That's basically any staring indies dream

>> No.29526869
File: 12 KB, 515x169, 1604479800909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29526870

Based Yu-Gi-Oh! autist

Yu-Gi-Oh!'s card text is so long because the creator doesn't want to use keywords or anything

>> No.29526871

I'm sad she had to nuke her stuff too, but it was for the better, the only reason she didn't do it sooner probably was because she was the most literal who and had nothing else to fall back on if holoEN failed. Also she had so much shit on so many sites that she probably forgot, like the one that triggered the amegeddon, she probably didn't even remembered that existed, hadn't been used in a year.

>> No.29526877
File: 162 KB, 1782x1962, 1602292832329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninomae Ina'nis is one of the cutest girls in hololive that I’ve had the pleasure to watch. A fun, talented and entertaining girl, she added everything to holoEN including, “Gee, let's inspire thousands of people.” Also, legally released many enslaved Chickens. A real cutie!

>> No.29526879

She literally shouted out all of her genmates yesterday saying good things about them and is having a full gen collab in like 13 hours

>> No.29526882

She's the art gal.

>> No.29526885
File: 95 KB, 724x720, 1475360717652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching superchat reading

>> No.29526887

Fuck off to /vyt/ if you care so much.

>> No.29526888
File: 760 KB, 607x900, Em2n5chVcAELHnT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zatsudan kino coming up

>> No.29526889

Mori can do no right, pls ndstd

>> No.29526893

Could watch this with Chicken in the background:

>> No.29526900
Quoted by: >>29526944

666 saikoro gained a lot of album sales and subs, just saying

>> No.29526903

ok time to see if these Kiara Superchat readings are as great as you faggots say they are

>> No.29526906

>play fallout
>open thread
>fallout happened in thread while I was gone
This happens every time I open this game, I'm beginning to think Todd Howard doesn't want me to play his game anymore.

>> No.29526911
File: 51 KB, 540x423, 1605652529459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just woke up how was the talk show?

>> No.29526912

She's responsible for me falling in love with her. She better do something about this.

>> No.29526914
File: 2.02 MB, 304x550, amewink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you'll appreciate her salty sweet demeanor as much as I do.

>> No.29526919

first 5-10 minutes should be decent at least if she's recapping the talk show

>> No.29526922
File: 334 KB, 420x420, polker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not watching zatsudan

>> No.29526925
Quoted by: >>29527049

you're playing the VR Remaster right?

>> No.29526928
File: 2.05 MB, 400x406, rubrub.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29526931

Why are people spamming o7? I thought that was Amelia's thing.

>> No.29526933
File: 113 KB, 1025x592, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big mori

>> No.29526934
Quoted by: >>29527201

Because it's so fucking minor and negligible that only you retards would bother crying about LITERALLY. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY
Her chat moves so fucking fast that you'd have go out your way to look for post mentioning them and it was easily fixed with by adding one word to the blacklist
Call me back when something happen that irreversible effects the conditions of her stream otherwise you're shitting your pants over something 99.9% people won't notice or care about

>> No.29526936
File: 17 KB, 389x389, 1584277725800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah we do that here, newfriend
Your forgot your arrow and your non /a/ reaction pic
I suggest lurking more

>> No.29526938

Same incline's happening with Milky by the way. Mori's word really does help out the indies

>> No.29526940

This would make a good SC message to Ina.

>> No.29526942


>> No.29526944

Yea, because she makes content that can be consumed, monetized, and made in parallel with her work as Mori. There is zero reason for her to ever stream in her past life instead of just making a guerilla as Ame, especially since she knows the antis know and would ruin her previously small community.

>> No.29526945

Why is our friend playing the shittiest Clock Tower?

>> No.29526946

Polka, please do your eigo reps

>> No.29526949
Quoted by: >>29527049

He wants you buy more of his games. Do it for his niece.

>> No.29526951

KFP steal everything

>> No.29526953

wet Kiara after the shower....

>> No.29526956


>> No.29526960
File: 26 KB, 500x500, bottomleft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29526961
Quoted by: >>29526983

It looks like a salute

That's also my emoticon of choice in IRC/Discord/Skype, which is before Hololive EN

>> No.29526962

>facial cumshots screw up the face/eye tracking
Remember this next time you're oshi has a twitching eye.

>> No.29526977

Wet Kiara...

>> No.29526978


>> No.29526982

Komm Süsser Tod cover when? Would be a nice theme for the weekly meltdowns.

>> No.29526983

I know what it means, I just had never seen it before in Kiara's chat.

>> No.29526992
File: 228 KB, 750x1094, 23707133-9D85-425D-80BF-E94062DDD5F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my autism and I might post the other 2 I made along with it

>> No.29526993

I wish we had something like this for private archives.
How would you go about recording everything?
While keeping backups and primary platters deciding to crap out during recording in mind?
Having a big enough pipe is probably a challenge too.

>> No.29526994

I'm glad that all her old fans already migrate here. At least they aren't missing new things from her.

>> No.29526996

Everyone's streaming GTA5

I want Mori to style on them by playing GTA:SA

>> No.29526997

Kiara superchat readings are just zatsudons + superchat reading.

>> No.29526998

>deadbeats trying to drag Gura to their Oshi's level

Is this the second "e-celeb tweets about Gura therefore they're confirmed collabing" timeloop?

Didn't happen with the offlinetv fag that directly approached her twice, won't happen here. People who aren't chumbuddies seriously don't understand who Gura is as a person if they think she'd go on this podcast. Not in the "oh god she's like us and hates ironic weebs" way, just in the "no way she'd be comfortable.

And the final nail to your wretched narrative: Trash Taste does LIVE, in person interviews. Mori was in Japan, that's why she was a guest. Fuck outta here with your weak narratives schizoposters.

>> No.29527003 [DELETED] 


>> No.29527008

She's been doing them diligently off stream. She's been throwing a lot of English phrases together in collabs recently and even occasionally reading English comments in her chat aloud. Feels like she's pretty serious about studying and is just managing it at her own pace.

>> No.29527009


>> No.29527011

Now THAT'S. Amore

>> No.29527012

That was not numberfagging marineposter. response to chat. keep watching faggot

>> No.29527014


>> No.29527015
File: 300 KB, 478x468, 1603164113331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken please don't rape my ears again.. I'm scared...

>> No.29527018

>open Kiara stream
>shes numberfagging
>wait its just subscriber count, I'm still stuck here

>> No.29527020

Does this count? Can I post Marine?

>> No.29527022


>> No.29527023

>schizos itt genuinely believe that Gura of all people will fly to fucking Japan to record some shitty podcast
>simply because one of the faggot anituber leeches twitted a letter
This is some serious brain damage.

>> No.29527024

You do your JP reps nigger

>> No.29527026
File: 811 KB, 868x652, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527982

Ask Mori to do it

>> No.29527028

Finally listened to mori's songs on spotify. They're not cringe at all.

>> No.29527029

Marine, chicken did the thing, you know what to do.

>> No.29527035
File: 384 KB, 623x677, 1605234241462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527038

this is true, I'm sad only because I can't go back and watch it, not because I think she would've kept posting, but I also know it makes me a fucking creep to care so much about past life shit.

>> No.29527042
Quoted by: >>29527087

You were asleep for 12 hours, anon?

>> No.29527043

Ok I kek'd

>> No.29527045

Booooo. Where's Hungry Burger?

>> No.29527049

Todd please understand, my computer can't handle VR
But which? Just point me in the right direction to end this madness

>> No.29527051
File: 483 KB, 1536x2048, EnNigYFWMAIknjW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527052

Pretty good. not a huge amount of marine lore but some fun banter.

>> No.29527054


>> No.29527056

Fucking coward, turn your volume up to the Max like a man.

>> No.29527059

I hate those who prematurely use the three arrows. They're ruining what it stands for by diluting it.

>> No.29527060
Quoted by: >>29527191

Lilium would be infinitely better, if we got anything from todays Mori karaoke its that she can go high with her voice

>> No.29527061
Quoted by: >>29527127

My question is this. After all the bans that happened on that day and all the info people gathered up, what prevented them from leaking everywhere? A ban on these threads does not equate to a ban on other platforms.
Im not saying sharkmeido didnt do the best he could with these threads, he really worked hard. But him banning them didnt prevent schizos from posting everywhere else. And they did. But its just that really nobody else cared at all about Amegeddon, except the people who desperately samefagged for it to be something it wasnt. Look at how the west reacted to all the HoloJP yabs when it comes to similar events. I still stand by my point that outside of /hlgg/ people really arent bothered by all the supposed big yabai moments.

>> No.29527062
Quoted by: >>29527153

Post like this are funny to me because if Ame did this the thread would circle jerk her and spam "Le protagonist of EN! XD"
When Mori does it? it's "grrrrr stop implying Mori bought mass exposure to this literally who indie who otherwise would have never gotten it! >:("

>> No.29527063
Quoted by: >>29527109

Couldn't they do it live with Gura in that monitor in the background

>> No.29527066
File: 18 KB, 285x342, Billy-Mayes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this zatsudan

>> No.29527067
Quoted by: >>29527088

No way Gura goes on that podcast without Cover/Mori pushing her
She joined Hololive because she was sick of her ironic weeb meme spouting cancer fanbase

>> No.29527073

What nothing burger is Kiara teasing again?

>> No.29527077


>> No.29527079

You guys always miss pieces of the puzzle when you write up such posts.

>> No.29527083
File: 1.06 MB, 1404x1463, 45534313543435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ponytails are too strong..

>> No.29527085

Its actually the Pekora collab isn't it

>> No.29527086

My money is on a pekora collab

>> No.29527087

Unironically yes, I haven't been sleeping for the past 50 hours so I just fucking blacked out after Ina's mahjong.

>> No.29527088
File: 427 KB, 777x647, Screenshot_20201121-160656~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527089

>She buffered right when she was about to announce something

>> No.29527093

PEKO collab

>> No.29527094

Sora collab

>> No.29527096
File: 66 KB, 768x768, 1598176302227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527149


>> No.29527098

Can you stop that, pilot with the three arrows?

>> No.29527105

Pekora is on the menu boys.

>> No.29527106

Trash taste

>> No.29527108

God hates Kiara, after all

>> No.29527109
Quoted by: >>29527493

They only do in person interviews, retard. Mori was in the studio.

>> No.29527110

Also happened to me wtf

>> No.29527111

Just woke up for chicken.
What did i miss?

>> No.29527118
File: 2.25 MB, 2000x1162, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527120
File: 43 KB, 463x451, 1603900814426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527163

It's inevitable...

>> No.29527123

Kiara off-collab boxing match with Moona CONFIRMED

>> No.29527124

Collaboration to be announced when she posts the schedule Monday Japan/ Tomorrow Elsewhere presumably.

>> No.29527125

no clue gotta wait for monday

>> No.29527126

It's probably a FBK collab

>> No.29527127

Probably automatic shadow-banning kicking in. You don't even notice it. Because it's so subtle.

>> No.29527128

Just woke up, how was the collab?

>> No.29527129
File: 60 KB, 640x804, EnTeobNXEAYpit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527136

Finally, Kiara and Moona will collab for a fight to death over Pekora. This is THE Hololive I've been waiting for.

>> No.29527131

I don't think Gura would even be completely comfortable being interviewed on Kiara's show.

>> No.29527133

I may be biased since my oshi didn't have to delete fucking everything, but I don't think it makes you a creep. It's pretty natural to want more content from someone you really enjoy, and as long as you're only looking for the things they intentionally put online for people to watch, I don't think they'd be unhappy.

>> No.29527136


>> No.29527138 [DELETED] 

Gura will collab with TT.

>> No.29527140

Pekora's holes are about to turn to mush

>> No.29527142

Do you guys think Kiara expects to be as close to Pekora as Moona is at some point?
I think she's in for a disappointment. Pekora x Moona only happened because they were playing on the holoJP MC server and occasionally met, slowly spending more time together. It was never a hard collab.

This allowed Pekora, a social autist, to actually warm up to it.

>> No.29527144

Totally not PekoKiara collab announcement

>> No.29527146
Quoted by: >>29527205

Gura's roommate is pretty smol if we're going by "live2d is based on roommate" so they could just nab her. Physically.

>> No.29527149
File: 397 KB, 220x177, pekozilla.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Pekora a giant monstrosity that fires lasers, anyway?

>> No.29527153

oh shut up, little faggot. I don't have anything against Mori, shes my second favourite after Gura. Just dont over credit a person that's already massively popular when talking about an indie with barely 25k subs. That's stupid

>> No.29527154
Quoted by: >>29527171

>big collab in three weeks

>> No.29527155

>Ame was considering to display chat on the livestream but her chat unanimously said no.
I really loved that, it shows that a lot of the chat is self aware, and it's easier to mess around with Ame when it is partially "secret".

>> No.29527157
Quoted by: >>29527244

Thats her true form.

>> No.29527160
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1604261770139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken actually plans ahead
I want my tenchou back...

>> No.29527163
File: 721 KB, 1024x768, 1605849913500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527194

If Kiara monkeypaws it into happening, she'll get in a Peko collab alright, but it'll be just once and only to be a translator to help Peko/Moona talk more accurately to each other and become closer friends.

>> No.29527165

>3 weeks
Holy shit how busy are these girls schedules?

>> No.29527169
Quoted by: >>29527213

Time for meds

>> No.29527171

she had like 5 JP girls ask to collab

>> No.29527172 [DELETED] 

Apparently Gura will be appearing in the Trash Taste podcast. She also just finished recording for it too.

>> No.29527174
File: 3.24 MB, 3508x2455, 1604346404091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do HoloTalk
>it's massive success
>decided to make it every 3 weeks, rather than every 2 weeks
Birdbrain needs a manager above her.

>> No.29527176

>the collab came from the other side!
Man, she is really paranoid about not being called a leach, isn't she? It's kinda sad

>> No.29527181

bare knuckle brawl in an alley

>> No.29527180
Quoted by: >>29527244

that's just how she is, dont mind her

>> No.29527184

No, I think she realizes that she's never going to be as close to Pekora as Moona is unless things change dramatically. I honestly think she doesn't care as much as she implies since she knows that at some point she's still going to get stream with her goddess.

>> No.29527185

Holofes is taking up a LOT of time for dance recitals, singing practice, etc. from all the girls

>> No.29527186

>Kiara fully booked with collabs
meanwhile, Ina...

>> No.29527187

This isn't even that bad, sometimes JPs need to plan the collabs months in advance.

>> No.29527188

Looking at previously published stuff won't make you a creep.
SNS-Stalking does.

>> No.29527191

I want it for the memes though.
I was kind of surprised when she whipped out that bit while talking about enka. She really needs vocal coaching. Such a waste.

>> No.29527194
Quoted by: >>29527211

>intentionally mistranslates their words
>gets them to hate eachother

>> No.29527198 [DELETED] 

Which podcaster/eceleb would fit which holo best?
>Mori: Critikal
>Ame: Forsen
>Gura: Dream
>Kiara: Pikamee
>Ina: ???

>> No.29527201

You know what? I guess you're right, it only bothers me because Amelia seems to care about chat a lot, but she fixed it. I'm probably making a bigger deal out of it than she ever did.

>> No.29527205
Quoted by: >>29527314

I can't believe the TTfaggots found her IRL location, flew there, kidnapped her and forcibly put her on their podcast...

>> No.29527208

Yeah, me, right above her. Horizontally.

>> No.29527209

fuck off

>> No.29527211
Quoted by: >>29527662

>Implying Pekora hasn't been doing Eigo reps superhard to keep talking to Moona

>> No.29527213

Just because you are too lazy to do your reps in the threads that have been archived on this very site, not even a few hours old?

>> No.29527217

it's fine to play alone sometimes

>> No.29527219
File: 14 KB, 247x233, reverseartia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's FBK. Pekora doesn't have the balls to ask for a collab.

>> No.29527218
File: 68 KB, 749x1247, 1604115197791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next week for sure!

>> No.29527221
Quoted by: >>29527251

chink gacha companies are harassing her

>> No.29527226
File: 148 KB, 379x379, 1605932001731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll get her chance...I'm sure of it...

>> No.29527227

Ina: Pochi

>> No.29527232

Wait they actually got the Koei-Tecmo permissions?

>> No.29527233
File: 9 KB, 382x85, 1595049638597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527324

>> No.29527234

I'd like to see bullet/anon's temple collab real soon

>> No.29527237

i wish she'd drop zzz emblem

>> No.29527241

Go back

>> No.29527243


>> No.29527244
File: 656 KB, 175x169, PEGO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naruhodo, makes sense.

>> No.29527245

>Ina: Asmongold

>> No.29527246

Ina: Lilypichu

>> No.29527247
Quoted by: >>29527285

thanks for the AKA anonymous

>> No.29527249
File: 23 KB, 128x128, 1593382216956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's busy!

>> No.29527251
File: 12 KB, 232x227, 1605610194537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527252

Why is kiara in the "You know I had to do it to em" pose?

>> No.29527253

well, if she wasnt doing 70 other jobs that shes more or less obligated to do, maybe she could get singing classes for her new idol career.

>> No.29527255

Fuck off

>> No.29527256

>Age of Calamity permissions
Nice. It's pretty fun and Kiara would probably enjoy it a lot.

>> No.29527261

Who knows, maybe Kiara went into the main HoloJP girls' discord and said "who wants to collab with me, I'm doing a talkshow!" and got absolutely mogged with requests.

Despite being the kusotori to JP, she's still seen as their only way into the EN circles' influence. Kiara has mentioned she doesn't want more EN gens - yeah of course she doesn't, because odds are high there'll be at least one more fluent bilingual and she won't be the only major JP-EN bridge anymore.

>> No.29527266
File: 117 KB, 1039x495, image_2020-11-21_091516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh why didn't Kiara get a sub bump?

>> No.29527267
File: 58 KB, 300x300, inaff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Ina narratives ended yesterday fags, she's literally too busy for JP hour collabs and that's it.

>> No.29527273

>Joins the podcast
>All three faggots who run it just ask Gura weird questions she can't answer
>Hahaha you're fans are so fucking pathetic XDXDXDXD
>Shrimps? More like SIMPS
Yeah, I can think of a few reasons.

>> No.29527279

I think she knows that her personality won't match very well with Pekora. She probably really is a fan of Pekora, but the exaggerated fandom is also part of her character. She was leaning on it hard even in her debut.

>> No.29527281

Iori your ass is sticking out.

>> No.29527282

As unfortunate it is, it's not going to happen because there is no platform to slowly nurture the relationship like with Moona and MC.

>> No.29527284
File: 319 KB, 1500x844, NantucketHarbor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527285

anytime Mori, marry me?

>> No.29527289
Quoted by: >>29527332

>turned on the shower this moring, it heats up and as soon as I get in it get cold

>> No.29527290
File: 120 KB, 257x312, 1601563205636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina barely talks during chess : 22k
>Kiara zatsudan : 4k
>both at peak EU hours, Kiara during the weekend even

>> No.29527291

She didn't stream in Tuesday (like Mori for her podcast) and said she did record something and forgot to change the settings during her next stream.
This coincides too well. I think it's time to stop coping.

>> No.29527293
Quoted by: >>29527357

>Kiara has mentioned she doesn't want more EN gens
When did she say this.

>> No.29527296

we're all dying slowly anyway, why worry about it too much

>> No.29527298

Schizos cant be reasoned with.

>> No.29527300

>"So, your design is meant to attract the lolicons, right? How do you feel about that?"

>> No.29527303

It'll be a miracle if she ever collabs with a JP because her artwork schedule combined with their own schedule plus timezones probably makes it near impossible.

The only reason she got that collab with Iofi is because she's the weakest holo and has literally nothing going on so she'll bend over backwards to collab with anyone.

>> No.29527309
Quoted by: >>29527323

>akasupa numberfagging for her
she just can't escape it...

>> No.29527311

Ina is peak NA hours, Chicken is in primetime JP

>> No.29527313

Has Ina ever done a super chat reading stream?

>> No.29527314
File: 116 KB, 500x697, 1605587241844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.29527315


>> No.29527317

Neither did Marine. Pretty much a failure on that part

>> No.29527318

>stream at EU times they said

>> No.29527320

It's not fair KFP bros...

>> No.29527323


>> No.29527324

Mori really is liking this sleepy reapy thing isn't she.

I guess it just goes along the usual fact of life that we really can't predict how a holo will be a couple months out from their debut. A seiso, cute Mori would be.. absolutely fucking dangerous to everyone's hearts and wallets. Sheknowsexactlywhatshesdoing.jpg

>> No.29527325

you'd think she'd put the freelance on hiatus until the teaching job ended

>> No.29527327

Mori is going to do a 777k stream and theres going to be "ckeck em" somewhere in the thumbnail. Calling it

>> No.29527329
Quoted by: >>29527385

But you are responding and giving him (you)s you absolute retard

>> No.29527332
File: 33 KB, 172x140, 1598906723774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouldn't closed the door when I came to thank you for that 1 dollar supa, anon

>> No.29527333
Quoted by: >>29527368

Chess is a buff game

>> No.29527335

Different fanbases, different appeals. Thats like saying why Ina only gets 20k,when Gura gets 40k. Chivken will grow, dont worry too much about it.

>> No.29527336
Quoted by: >>29527349

>young Japanese kid hearing some crazy foreigner lose her shit every day

>> No.29527339
Quoted by: >>29527367

I wouldn't call 2-3pm and 8-9pm equally 'primetime', plus this is a guerilla, and a superchat reading stream.

>> No.29527345
File: 27 KB, 225x260, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy trying to set up the three arrows

>> No.29527348

>people will eventually realize that every member of hololive has had sex before

What will this cope look like?

>> No.29527349

Sounds like Mori's class

>> No.29527353

How was Mori's concert? Did she btfo Ame's numbers?

>> No.29527352

EU peak starts in like 3 hours

>> No.29527355
Quoted by: >>29527942

Would also cut into her numbers. Imagine another jp based EN Holo and a couple EUs with early streams running at the same time as her. That's on top of having to compete with all of Jp Holo and being boxed out of NA hours by her Genmates.

>> No.29527357

She didn't, she said she hopes they don't make a Gen 2 for awhile

>> No.29527359
File: 66 KB, 256x272, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats up early

>> No.29527361
Quoted by: >>29527390

Her neighbours are too scared of this white devil who talks to herself to complain kek

>> No.29527363
File: 114 KB, 710x1200, You'll miss me when I'm gone [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F6o1l00.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527366

3pm is not peak EU hours
Peak hours for any time zone is like 7pm-11pm
Which surprise surprise is the time slot that is usually 100% empty, right after JPs end and before US begins

>> No.29527368

Fucking how

>> No.29527367

2-3pm during the weekend is literally prime time though, just like how 8-9pm is prime weekday time.

>> No.29527373
File: 953 KB, 1280x984, autism-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527405

yo check my updated double-thread 3-stream 5:4 setup

>> No.29527372

Hold up didn't the talk show get like 60-70k live viewers? Were most of those people just loyal KFP or something?

>> No.29527375

stream at EU times they said
it would bring lots of viewers they said

>> No.29527377

>she didn't stream tuesday
>tweet is on friday
>waited 3 whole days

Schizoposters, you narratives are pathetic.

>> No.29527379
Quoted by: >>29527771

Pekora only 60k away from joining the club with FBK, Korone and Gura!!

>> No.29527381
Quoted by: >>29527561

Weekend peak starts earlier than a workday peak.

>> No.29527383
Quoted by: >>29527597

The only thing that's debunked for me is the narrative about Ina being a korean. I still believe on the chink gacha narrative.

>> No.29527384

>Be a jap family in Tokyo suburbs
>Next door neighbor screeching at 3am about genociding italians in english

>> No.29527385

It's a deterrent. The (you) doesn't even matter because I wasn't even talking to him.

>> No.29527386

I mean, there should had been actual bilinguals during the audition for HoloEN but didn't made it to the finals.

>> No.29527390

>Her neighbours are too scared of this white devil who makes chicken noises kek

>> No.29527391
Quoted by: >>29527417

Kiara still gets nothing but concern- and numberfag superchats.

>> No.29527395
File: 1.68 MB, 2229x3718, EnTLrJbVoAAagNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527838

Somewhere out there, there's a universe where Friend and Gura have a child together.
I long for that universe.

>> No.29527394

Taking more time to prepare isn't a bad thing. I'm glad she's taking this so seriously

>> No.29527397

It's like watching something catch fire
Sure it's a disaster but something about it makes you want to watch

>> No.29527401
Quoted by: >>29527504


It was a really good stream too, the numbers may somewhat reflect the fact that Marine's got really really loyal fans (her new outfit stream the other month broke 150k IIRC).

>> No.29527405
Quoted by: >>29527422

Get a second monitor, anon.

>> No.29527409
File: 84 KB, 18x18, 1605543135357.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlg/ got sticky for mega collab
what could trigger a /hlgg/ sticky?

>> No.29527410

Kiara didn't put her channel in the description until after the stream was over.

>> No.29527414
Quoted by: >>29527587

>Solo Chess - 22k
>First chess with Kiara/Ame - 30k
>Second Chess - 40k
The numbers don't lie

>> No.29527415
Quoted by: >>29527561

What is "peak hour" anyway? 5-6 pm?

>> No.29527417

give me a good idea for an akasupa

>> No.29527419

I'm just posting other anon's narratives because I'm too retarded to clear them out myself and I want you to do it, sorry anon

>> No.29527421
File: 64 KB, 915x455, kiarape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken please rape my ears again

>> No.29527423
File: 206 KB, 750x1094, D8341513-7EAB-4C58-97CA-28B21AD60A38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting em anyways

>> No.29527422
File: 21 KB, 327x327, 1604263970966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527424
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x700, out-transparent-22.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never give up takodachi

>> No.29527425
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 1604617029029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things Ame has BANNED in her chat:
Because spammers during Witcher 3
Because people ignoring chat rules and being annoying
Because she knows Anitubers are faggots

Do you kneel?

>> No.29527428
Quoted by: >>29527481

Doesn't Ina basically get 20k no matter what she does (with maybe a little bump for Minecraft). Takodachis will follow Ina no matter what.

>> No.29527430
Quoted by: >>29527478

Weren't you here for the first Gura karaoke?

>> No.29527432

mass graduation

>> No.29527433

Seriously, the more I think about it the more awkward the idea of that podcast becomes. Mori was much better suited for handling that shit and she still couldn't maintain character entirely. Gura's character would be shot to be pieces if she went on that shit.

>> No.29527435

Marine's fans are ultra-dedicated to catching her streams, think of Ina's takodachi effect.

>> No.29527437

>You can see the precise moment when Bubba starts licking her knee

>> No.29527445

It was a talk show, unless you already had an interest in who was there you probably wouldn't have watched.

>> No.29527447


>> No.29527448

Gura 3D debut.

>> No.29527449
Quoted by: >>29527710

>Trash Taste does LIVE, in person interviews. Mori was in Japan, that's why she was a guest
this is all that needs to be said, really

>> No.29527451

a fucking karaoke

>> No.29527452

Gura unarchived karaoke

>> No.29527453
File: 253 KB, 3600x1466, Because you've never seen a miracle [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0j2qcr.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527506

A EN tuber showing up on a talk show like Miku on Late Night

>> No.29527456
File: 123 KB, 1118x846, JpdINzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527526

Mouse is when the podcast was, no bump. Same for Kiara

>> No.29527464
File: 2.26 MB, 1253x1254, RRAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks the rrato swarm can be defeated

>> No.29527465
Quoted by: >>29527499

>so you guys know I've had the ghostbusters over quite a few times to kill the ghosts
wait what?

>> No.29527466
File: 608 KB, 810x1080, rratsinthewalls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527605

they're here

>> No.29527475

I'm pretty sure it topped out at 57 thousand something.

>> No.29527479

How come the ID girls are collabing with holostars but Amelia can't fuck Astel

Life's not fair bros

>> No.29527480

The fucking rrats are back

>> No.29527478

>I knew better back then

>> No.29527481

Yeah, her streams always start with around 20k and end with 20k. Give it or take a couple thousand in either direction.

>> No.29527487

No. lol.

>> No.29527488

>Ame: Natsumi Moe
>Gura: Pikamee
>Kiara: HANJO! Tv or Rin Asobi
>Mori: Ruki and Roki if only

>> No.29527492

>she still has ghost in her walls
Christ, are nip ghost busters incomptentent?

>> No.29527493
Quoted by: >>29527666

And you think they can't just decide to change their own rules to coattail ride?

>> No.29527494


>> No.29527495

>Kiara insists on calling rats ghosts because she frequently visits this place and rratposting makes her laugh so hard

>> No.29527498

In order to stream at EN friendly times, she's either up early or up late, so it's just normal that she'd be tired

>> No.29527499

pest control

>> No.29527500
File: 29 KB, 513x513, 1605458407633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin rrats

>> No.29527501

kiara should have come up with questions instead of opening it to the public and using questions that everybody already knows the answer to

>> No.29527502
File: 2.63 MB, 662x778, 1581500124567.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527503

Witcher 3 stream when?

>> No.29527504
File: 152 KB, 1080x1521, Screenshot_20201121-092145_(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No holo stream has ever broken 150k

>> No.29527506
Quoted by: >>29527525

who is her joi?

>> No.29527509

>20 minutes
>4 superchats read
This is gonna be a while

>> No.29527510

She dropped the whole Witcher 3 playthrough. I won't kneel.
Hate it when streamers start playthrough and then drop them.

>> No.29527511

Because the talk show is not that big of a deal and DESU it should have been 100% japanese with subs by Kiara.


>noo but they're streamers they have to stream

You fags know you can premiere something pre-recorded as a stream, yes? Kiara would get to keep her numberfagging and supachats.

>> No.29527515
File: 286 KB, 594x597, 1573919706238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's rrat time.

>> No.29527516

so fucking embarrasing, she has to layout rules to a bunch of fucking manchildren to shut the fuck up and only help WHEN SHE FUCKING ASKS

>> No.29527517

I'm already an Investigator so I'm constantly kneeling.

Seriously though glad she banned raid, Gura-zoomer faggots need to learn that isn't a fucking thing on youtube.

>> No.29527518

3D debuts.
Sora collab.

>> No.29527521

The rrats are ogey
we will be back

>> No.29527523

Getting to take a break for the first time in forever really did wonders for her. Ironically she's also getting more consistent sleep nowadays despite the increase in sleepy reapy.

>> No.29527526
Quoted by: >>29527648

Which site is this one where they make the Ina dick jokes? I know about holostats and playboard, but this is neither.

>> No.29527525
File: 2.60 MB, 852x480, Amelia - Happiness [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F3q3o71.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527528

45k for an archived, so pretty great. Unarchived next week, so we'll get a real comparison then.

>> No.29527529
File: 96 KB, 527x455, 1600952890984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Sleepy Reapy.

>> No.29527531
File: 705 KB, 846x920, 1604877107799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527585

I seriously can't take this. I don't know what I will do if this happens, but it will be bad and no one will like it. Please god, let Gura be true.

>> No.29527532
Quoted by: >>29527601

But she plans on playing more of it?

>> No.29527535

She was rambling about how she wants to quit her teaching job yesterday. Here's hoping that she can do it soon.

>> No.29527537

>I still hear the mice
>It's been two weeks without dead mouse
YAB! She just doxxed her rrats!

>> No.29527539

they're definitely fleecing the foreigner

>> No.29527540


>> No.29527542

She's getting a bit better at putting these up early, though she's not consistent with it.

>> No.29527544

>it's not rats, okay? it's ghosts, it's cute small ghosts
I love this lady so much

>> No.29527546
File: 92 KB, 423x524, fsdfsdfsdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the faces she makes sometimes when eating

>> No.29527548 [SPOILER] 
File: 768 KB, 1300x1300, 1605968670306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, it's NOT her year!

>> No.29527549

What if an EN girl was invited to Stephen Colbert show? How much would you guys seethe?

>> No.29527555

This fucking idiot bird.

>> No.29527556


>> No.29527560

>couldn't even keep up dead rrats for 10 minutes

>> No.29527562

>It's not rats

The RRATs are coming!

>> No.29527561

kek imagine being such a neet you don't care about days of the week anymore.
You're right.
Around that time is when it starts, yeah, because people are home from work/school.
Real peak is 21-0 (on Twitch, where data is available), probably because of a mix of EU and NA

>> No.29527564

oh, it's not rrats...

>> No.29527565

>If it was RRATS I would be moving out
I'm choking on laughter

>> No.29527566
File: 1.12 MB, 485x498, 1576421841020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527675

I can't kneel enough
If she collabs with mori and tells her to shut the fuck up about akasupas I will instantly buy tier 3 membership

>> No.29527568
Quoted by: >>29527619


>> No.29527575

She wants to space it out, since it's her biggest hit. Probably ensures she'll only go for upper-tier holos as well. If it was every week you'd a lot of duds like Roboco or Flare.

>> No.29527579

Ina's followers are impressively loyal.
The effect of playing a unique character, I guess.

>> No.29527580

If she ever does 12-24h stream, she'll dox herself like 10 times

>> No.29527581

just woke up
how was the sports festival viewership?

>> No.29527582

Kiara has peaked.

>> No.29527584
File: 629 KB, 570x539, smugpeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not rrats

>> No.29527583
File: 32 KB, 505x490, 215[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527702


>> No.29527585
File: 87 KB, 529x527, 1575195209208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I trust in Gura

>> No.29527586

jesus what a softie

>> No.29527587
Quoted by: >>29528204

Is it acceptable if EN manage to collab with Hikaru or Magnus for training session?

>> No.29527590


>> No.29527594

nazrin... rrat cunny...

>> No.29527596

you would need an Alex Jones collab

>> No.29527597

I mean that's impossible for her to talk about because "ideally" nobody should be aware of that background in the first place, so we'll just never know so I don't think it's worth wasting too much time worrying about.

I do think however it is possible she might be getting pressure/threats from Chinese companies through her work over being a Holo, but even so, really FGO is where the real money is anyway. Not to mention Hololive is almost-guaranteed making her more money than her art does or will in the near future; it's a really cutthroat market for those anyway so maybe if she settled in as being just Ina and making nice arts to put on Pixiv or something, or being an artist for Cover itself etc, there could be other ways out of the mess.

I'd think that just time will heal the Coco-shaped wounds in Holo right now, it might take several months even but something's gotta give eventually.

>> No.29527598

Closest sofar was Mikos return which peaked at 145k.

>> No.29527599

Not at all if it's Coco

>> No.29527601

Just like when Mori says she'll continue DOOM. I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.29527603

It's time to get a ccat.

>> No.29527604
File: 275 KB, 824x436, 1605186224630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory post

>> No.29527605
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>> No.29527611

Kiara mentioned that pre-recorded would be a lot of extra work for her and she prefers the live show format. I doubt she'll change it up any time soon.

>> No.29527613


>> No.29527614
File: 3.64 MB, 850x1119, kiarga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527739


>> No.29527618
File: 31 KB, 227x222, 1605852706242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Kiara now has a bunch of pet mice?

>> No.29527619


>> No.29527620

Yeah, I thought about that after she said that no one watches stuff if it isn't live. She said she didn't want to do subs because it's a lot of work I think. I have never done subs, but subtitling a 1 hour video probably takes at least 2 hours.

>> No.29527624
File: 328 KB, 552x592, 1603619057596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking rrat get to live with Kiara

I will end you.

>> No.29527631
Quoted by: >>29527661

>A seiso, cute Mori would be.. absolutely fucking dangerous to everyone's hearts and wallets
its like watching Coco be my cute girlfriend. I dont like it and I feel a chill down my spine everytime shes cute. Fuck I hate sleepy reaper

>> No.29527632

"Mori this, Mori that" does it every stop? When will this stuff stop being HILARIOUS to people? I mean seriously is there no originality left in this board? Are we all just monkey see monkey do? I don't know about you guys but I'm sick of everytime I look up this thread I have to scroll past a wall of mori shitposts.

>> No.29527637

>she doesn't want to kill mice cause she feels sorry for them
>I will live with them!
Yeah good luck with that chicken

>> No.29527638

>Kiara's learning to live with her ghosts
If only she's learn to live with her insecurities

>> No.29527639
File: 271 KB, 640x640, 1601745231191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527697


>> No.29527641
Quoted by: >>29527671

>watch your tone with me
Why does she even say that? I don't feel like this guy used an especially rude tone.

>> No.29527644


>> No.29527646


>> No.29527647
File: 9 KB, 172x47, EnQyfGgXYAAnUuk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527648


>> No.29527649

They get to watch her shower. They probably even steal her panties

>> No.29527651

We don't deserve her, so why wouldn't I?

>> No.29527652

Someone tell the bird to use peppermint oil because it a strong repellent for mouses

>> No.29527653

Am I weird for not feeling bad about executing rats and stray cats (SEAnig here, stray cats are giant assholes that walk right into your house to steal food)

>> No.29527654

>Intellegent mouse army
Her forces go stronger every day.

>> No.29527657

Mice are vermin Kiara! Just kill them!

>> No.29527661
Quoted by: >>29527709

I'm sorry anon, you might be a homosexual.

>> No.29527662

Reading English slowly and actually having a verbal conversation with someone are totally different. it's gonna be a splash of cold water in Pekora's face if she actually tries speaking with someone in English, even Moona.

>> No.29527663


>> No.29527666

You think these are the first big gets they've ever had on their podcast, anon?

>> No.29527668
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29527671
Quoted by: >>29527716

Nah I worded it pretty harshly. She didn't take much offense to it though.

>> No.29527670

I hear it...

>> No.29527675

I fucking hate that shit so much.

>> No.29527682
Quoted by: >>29528522

Serious question: if the Talk Show and original song don't result in any significant bump for Kiara would she actually become depressed?

>> No.29527684

I will now read through all the exterminator requests across japan and triangulate Kiaras position in Japan so I can swim there and smell her cunt

>> No.29527689
Quoted by: >>29527866

>Am I weird for not feeling bad about executing rats and stray cats
Cats are fucking assholes that destroy local wildlife but I wouldn't go so far as drowning them in buckets.

>> No.29527690

>time will heal
Not from China

>> No.29527691
Quoted by: >>29527767

>her gachis aren't any from Mori's chat/fandom
blatant lie, multiple T2-T3 regulars popped up on recent streams and dropped some stacks

>> No.29527693

Rrat girls are the absolute fucking worst. Mate of mine dated some bitch that would have 4-6 rrats at a time for a decade or so when I met her. Would put them in a dedicated freezer when they died and would take them out to hold them and talk to them after they died.

>> No.29527696
Quoted by: >>29527866

No. Unless you do the chink thing and cook them alive or something

>> No.29527697

This never fails to make me laugh when I see it.

>> No.29527701
Quoted by: >>29527750

>forgot to change the settings during her next stream
That Minecraft stream was still at 30 fps though. That podcast is 24 fps.

>> No.29527702

I don't know if I hate that reference more or if I hate myself for laughing at it
probably both

>> No.29527704
Quoted by: >>29527762

You're probably from the poorer side of SEA then, sad.

>> No.29527708
File: 972 KB, 1920x2040, 1586906493076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527709

No, he just has a sense for danger. Sleepy reapy is a weapon of mass destruction, though it may lose it's power if she stays in this mode too long and it's no longer gap.

>> No.29527710

Exactly. If anyone else is going on that podcast, it's Kiara.

>> No.29527711

>maths was my worst subject in school
the irony

>> No.29527713

She's been scheduling stuff in advance for the past 2 weeks, she's only forgotten to do it for 1 or 2 streams I think.

>> No.29527716
Quoted by: >>29527784

What about it is harsh? Does every message have to start with "Hello, excuse me for asking but I was just curious as to why..."?

>> No.29527717
Quoted by: >>29527914

her reasons for ""not"" dropping it are pretty bad, but what can you expect.

>> No.29527724
Quoted by: >>29528054

>exterminating rrats
>exterminating cats
what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.29527725

i still haven't watched that stream
i'm watching half life stream right now

>> No.29527734

To be completely fair, Mice are extremely cute

>> No.29527735
File: 10 KB, 212x238, 0345789289364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Flare 14k
>Kiara 5k

>> No.29527736
Quoted by: >>29527866

I'm also a SEAnig but how the fuck are stray cats able to enter your house to steal food?

>> No.29527737

I like when Gura slaps her naked thighs for extra emphasis.

>> No.29527739

oh shit
the guns were in her hats all along

>> No.29527740

I can't believe the rrats were KFP employees all along...

>> No.29527750

What would you stream at 30 fps?

>> No.29527753

only chat streams would be a lot better than fire emblem

>> No.29527759

I'm horny!

>> No.29527761

>running out of things to talk about
Chicken... please

>> No.29527762

I don't think there's a rich side, maybe SG?

>> No.29527763
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1603638071054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527764

I'd say no, but I may be biased since I've done animal research before and after you gas 60 mice, you start to realize that death isn't too bad if you are humane about it.

>> No.29527767
Quoted by: >>29527956

care to name a few of those multiple members? I'm sure 2 or 3 guys were there but that's not worth $5000

>> No.29527769
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>> No.29527770
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>> No.29527771
Quoted by: >>29527815

Peko gonna pass Korone in a month or two? Would suck for her, have your thunder stolen by the shark then have the rabbit casually jog by you.

>> No.29527774
File: 117 KB, 827x1680, Em4tO4RUcAAB5jN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleepy Gura being carried to bed

>> No.29527776
Quoted by: >>29528054

Yeah every rat deserves to die. Does not contribute in anyway to the environment and just infests everything and give everyone diseases. Executing cats though? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.29527775

Maybe you should move out of the barangay, gago, stray cats are nice.

>> No.29527777

You schizos make no sense.

>Chink companies, irrational bug beasts, instead of completely cutting her off from working with them just don't want her to interact with HoloJP, the majority of which they're no pissed off.

Let's do our logic reps together:

>Chinks pissed at Coco, Haachama, Cover
>If chink companies hated Cover and knew of her room mate, they'd completely cut her off
>If chink companies hated Coco and Haachama specifically, all she'd have to do is avoid collabing with them.

This narrative would be stronger if she said she's explicitly unable to collab with Coco or Haachama.

And the Korean narrative is shot to hell and back because JpHolos are just as scatter brained as ours. They struggle to remember that Gura's name isn't "same chan", or that Ina's name is "tako-chan", but somehow they've all been briefied on private room mate info that Ina is a Korean. Marine outright fucking said she wants to collab with her multiple times, as early as 10 fucking hours ago!

>> No.29527778

Please understand

>> No.29527783
Quoted by: >>29527823


>> No.29527784

Well I basically called her thin skinned and willing to bow to assholes in chat.

>> No.29527785

For a stream announced four hours ago, picking up half her usual SC reading numbers isn't bad

>> No.29527786
File: 695 KB, 1081x938, 1602595716571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrat insider here
Ask anything about Kiara and her home

>> No.29527789

That pic = for ants

>> No.29527790

>Rats in the Wall

>> No.29527792

I can't resist responding to bait this bad

>> No.29527793

>15k playing MINECRAFT
grim, poor lizard

>> No.29527795

New narrative: She doesn't even understand what the numbers mean but she repeats them just to keep up a facade.

>> No.29527797
File: 65 KB, 463x453, 1582020132683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527798

Except for Gura, which HoloEN have the most viewers during SC reading streams?

>> No.29527800

Please excuse her while she goes on a tangent about what it means to be a professional streamer.

>> No.29527803


>> No.29527807
File: 70 KB, 197x218, 1605710641032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of her fault, she didn't put a "SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT AT THE END!" in the title

>> No.29527809

Slow mo/hydraulic crusher

>> No.29527811

small gura...

>> No.29527815
Quoted by: >>29528074

Peko is getting hard carried by Minecraft. She better hope it doesn't fall out of favor.

>> No.29527816
File: 10 KB, 219x187, 1575232302357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527873

Please be bait

>> No.29527819
Quoted by: >>29528068

Not sure. You can actually see that all of her previous youtube videos were 60 fps, then 30 fps starting for Passpartout a couple hours prior to that Minecraft stream.

>> No.29527820 [DELETED] 

So guys, what are some differences in Gura and HER's personalities? I don't really know much about how zawa acted on stream.

>> No.29527822
Quoted by: >>29527962

>stray cats are giant assholes that walk right into your house to steal food
are you living in a fucking shanty town?

>> No.29527823
Quoted by: >>29527856

I wish she played an actual Kino Assassin's Creed Ezio trilogy. That's pretty much peak of the franchise and it was all downhill from there.

>> No.29527824

Mori, because she only does SC reading streams.

>> No.29527825
File: 264 KB, 2268x1500, f2r9beestws51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other teamates watching our oshi's friend?

>> No.29527827
File: 235 KB, 1080x1080, EmpEW-ZXUAIoyz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 superchats in 30 minutes

>> No.29527833
Quoted by: >>29527871

to be fair, algebra fucking sucks horsecock

>> No.29527835
Quoted by: >>29528126

Nigger we dont know Gura either. Gura could definitely do a collab like this if she wanted even if nervous. She has a good chance of showing up on that podcast maybe even just for fun or to have the experience of doing an interview. She isnt the same as Mori, but always remember people can do similar things for different reasons. I'm not holding out for her to stay away from that shit podcast, but I would be happy if she did stay away from it.

>> No.29527838

Apex Friend

>> No.29527841

Can you make sure she stops watching Netflix for 2 hours before she sleeps?

>> No.29527842

Most viewers? Probably Ame because she pulls the biggest numbers. Kiara has the magic ability to incline during them, though.

>> No.29527848
Quoted by: >>29527925

> Would put them in a dedicated freezer when they died and would take them out to hold them and talk to them after they died.
I don't think this has anything to do with having one or more mouse pet

>> No.29527849
File: 65 KB, 995x969, 1605801246833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29527923

>7 hour art stream
>talking non-stop with no dead air for the whole fucking time
Chicken doesn't know her own strength

>> No.29527853
Quoted by: >>29527883

This is now a rrat thread

>> No.29527856
Quoted by: >>29527927

>ignoring kino pirate part

>> No.29527857

Flip, for your own sake and for the sake of these threads please get out.

>> No.29527859

You guys actually like Kiara?
I am indifferent with other EN members, but i unironically hate Kiara.

>> No.29527864
Quoted by: >>29527910

You guys numberfag worse than her at this point.

>> No.29527866

Nah just quick executions, and I'm not actively hunting them; just if I catch them trespassing or they got caught in a trap.
Pliers to crush skulls for rats, garden shears to neck for cats (assuming they weren't caught by the guard dogs).

They're climbing the border concrete wall between properties; kitchen is right against said border wall and is outdoors

Note these cats are the aggressive kind that climb into your house and hiss/bite at you for getting close as if they owned the place

>> No.29527868
Quoted by: >>29527960

Ame does the same with bubba. She makes the noises herself

>> No.29527871

You have no idea
t. engineer

>> No.29527872

>Those anons with money to bet on the winner

Man this image keeps getting better

>> No.29527874
Quoted by: >>29528155

>maybe she could get singing classes for her new idol career.
Are there master-classes for the type of singing she wants to do? Would they even make sense at this point or would she have to raise her level a bit beforehand?

>> No.29527873
Quoted by: >>29527934

I don't know why it would be bait, they only dated for a few months but she was an absolute nutjob.

>> No.29527882

unarchived gorilla gura karaoke

>> No.29527883
File: 2.58 MB, 2718x2000, ogey brrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you

>> No.29527885

Her voice filters me, so at least she and Pekora share that in common.

>> No.29527886

No, literally everyone in the world hates Kiara

>> No.29527887
File: 51 KB, 611x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29527889

did she feed them to you

>> No.29527890

She's my favorite, it's fine if you don't like her of course.

>> No.29527892
File: 989 KB, 1920x1080, 1559901977930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dedicated freezer

>> No.29527893
Quoted by: >>29527932

Ame is not that much taller unless that's an even younger Gura...

>> No.29527896

Yeah, she also seem to expect a lot of superchats for the occasion next week.
I don't think chimkin fully understand how this works.

>> No.29527897
Quoted by: >>29527983

zawa was way quieter and awkward than Gura. More swears and dead air and lack of confidence. She's doing way better now as Gura, her genmates are having a very positive influence on her, I feel.

>> No.29527898

SC reading RTA going quite well.

>> No.29527906

The only way I could see it happening is if she got drunk on a stream and dropped "nigger" in a rap song. Pretty unlikely really

>> No.29527908


>> No.29527909

based, fuck Israel

>> No.29527910

Numberfagging draws counter numberfagging.

Even Gura gets this shit

>haha only 40k views pathetic!

>> No.29527911
File: 376 KB, 603x677, 1604871021674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westerners are brainwashed to kneejerk over cats and dogs. Killing one animal is no different than killing another.

t. deadburger

>> No.29527914
Quoted by: >>29528119

How? Story focused RPGs are literal debuff games, she's right that it would be hard to make it entertaining.
That was even what the whole thread was saying when she first announced she was gonna play it.

>> No.29527915


>> No.29527916
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>> No.29527917
File: 90 KB, 864x520, gwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another record broken by our favorite shark!
First holo to reach her own height in subs

>> No.29527918
File: 46 KB, 313x345, Not Artia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Judas danke schön

>> No.29527921


>> No.29527923
File: 172 KB, 827x1223, 1605706698821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528236

I am 100% sure if she rebranded her SC (+chatting) streams to chatting (+SC) streams she would get a lot more viewers

>> No.29527924

Stop posting fake shit.

>> No.29527925
Quoted by: >>29527958

Every other person I've met that keeps or kept rrats is also insufferable about them although not serial killer schitz. The whole NO THEY'RE CLEAN AND TRAINABLE LOOK I LET THEM LIVE IN MY JACKET WHILE I WALK AROUND THE CBD (no my house smells like shit for other reasons not the rrats) attitude. Right up there with stoners that keep snakes.

>> No.29527926

HER is more of a forced character than Gura

>> No.29527927

Yeah, I forgot about that. AC4 also oddly sticks out with its quality.

>> No.29527930

>Chickencoin Inclining

>> No.29527934

Because I absolutely fucking refuse to believe people is that fucking crazy. Every fucking day I say this and every fucking day I get surprised.

>> No.29527932

Ame is massive in that pic but it's cute so it's fine

>> No.29527936

Why fake something that takes 5 seconds to debunk?

>> No.29527937
Quoted by: >>29528009

Nihongo jouzu'ing a Jap back. Sasuga chicken

>> No.29527938

Newfag here

Why are crazy chinks focusing on Coco so much and leaving Haachama alone most of the time?

Haachama's last stream it's the only one i see having as many dislikes as Coco's

>> No.29527940

gura keeps it much more clean

>> No.29527942

It looks like Kiara's best bet would be to put in tons of effort NOW, before the next generation can gear up.

>> No.29527943
File: 798 KB, 3150x1969, b66380dafe94524963e3eed799dc6039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29527945

chicken coin...

>> No.29527946
Quoted by: >>29528054

Yes you fucking psychopath unless you live in some 3rd world country where killing random cats is normal.
Don't forget that Marine thought the language barrier would be really big hurdle in a collab with Ina...until Kiara reminded her that Ina speaks fucking Japanese.
The Korean narrative is one of the most autistic narratives to come out of here in a while.

>> No.29527947
File: 4 KB, 227x222, 1605276196157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck, it's real

>> No.29527948
File: 1.23 MB, 5000x5000, 1574502317631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aye. Superchat reading is comfy content.

>> No.29527952

I knew the shunny was based

>> No.29527954

I dont hate any of them because none of them did anything to deserve unironic hate and im not mentally ill. I dislike Kiara and Mori, because I dont like their characters or behaviour, but thats about it. Wouldnt want either of them to graduate or for misfortune to happen, they just dont fit my taste. I can see the appeal tho.

>> No.29527956

it ain't worth 5k in a single stream but when you have 2-4 guys dropping akas or rainbows on multiple streams you do build the motivation for people to pinch in too
as for names, pretty sure dudes like Stormtag and Annie hop on semi-regularly

>> No.29527958

pet mouse are no different than pet hamsters or guinea pig or rabbits

>> No.29527960

>the hiccups are her squishing his carcass

>> No.29527962

He already said he was SEA.

>> No.29527963
File: 34 KB, 510x510, 120202962_106180744579703_546119369673877899_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even have to check, schizo poster. We know from the Mori thing they do these things like 1 month in advance, they literally do not have the time to do this.

Begone, your narratives are W E A K.

>> No.29527965

Funny but why would Gura not be @'d?

>> No.29527966



>> No.29527968

i feel bad for her but i don't like kiara
she's really grating
i think she has mental problems

>> No.29527969

I prefer to not know at this point

>> No.29527974
Quoted by: >>29528033

does /hlgg/ like giraffes?

>> No.29527976

Her only flaws to me are imitating pekora's laugh and numberfagging. She'd be perfect to me without those traits.

>> No.29527982

I borderline spammed it in the chat, but I need backup on this

>> No.29527983

>zawa narrative STILL going on


>> No.29527991
Quoted by: >>29528027

No, empathy for animals is weird.
Those things are food, security and leather. Not treating them as such is a weird 1st world thing.

>> No.29527996

Let's just say you wouldn't get Gura's kino MC zatsudans with HER.

>> No.29527999

>counter nihongo jouzu
She is too strong

>> No.29528002

Exactly, they're disgusting wastes of time.

>> No.29528003
File: 315 KB, 680x314, c0e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>deadbeats are pet killers

Never should have felt sympathy for your kind.

>> No.29528006

>Kill Kiara in Among Us
>Simp afterwards
This guy is living my dream. Fuck you.

>> No.29528005

>Why are crazy chinks focusing on Coco so much and leaving Haachama alone most of the time?
They consider Haachama's "fuck up" as accidental and think Coco purposely did it to spite them.
>Haachama's last stream it's the only one i see having as many dislikes as Coco's
Because Coco was on her team

>> No.29528007

>it's real

>> No.29528009
File: 18 KB, 168x77, 1603712861209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this gigastacy!

>> No.29528011
File: 193 KB, 484x482, 1604369749461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528174

HER is when she meets you. Gura is when she meets your parents.

>> No.29528015

Kek, this is the first numberfagging to make me smile.

>> No.29528017

Are you the ogey poster who SCed Ame and told her to fuck Gura's cunny?

>> No.29528018

jesus, this narrative aged badly

>> No.29528019
Quoted by: >>29528059

>more glasses
God why do so many people have this shit fetish
meganeko SUCK

>> No.29528020
File: 493 KB, 800x800, 1581801360823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for the paypiggies in this thread, why do you niggers keep whaling $500 for your oshi when you could like give them a quarter of that to her while the rest could be invested in things such as land properties? We're about to fall into another economic depression for fuck's sake

>> No.29528022

This is not ogey

>> No.29528025

>1.41 height
>hololive ENGLISH
>height in metric units
Speak American

>> No.29528027

I dunno bro there's this cat at work that always lets me pet her and I love her very much.

>> No.29528031

It doesn't even matter, chill the fuck out.

>> No.29528033 [SPOILER] 
File: 6 KB, 155x184, 1605969508931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see graduated holos...

>> No.29528040

Earlier today during the mega sports event Haachama's stream started to get botspammed just because Coco was on it.

Apparently the Chinese were also overjoyed that the team Coco was on lost the competition and that "they", the Chinese, somehow "won" some divine victory over her from it. You think WE'RE schizos? Nah, let's not even get started on the Chinese antis. All it would take is for a handful in the government or in Yostar etc to go on mega-autistic rage over the T-word to want to threaten to cancel Ina's contracts over it. Ina just might have had bad luck and most of her employers wouldn't care but this one does, etc.

I'm not saying it's guaranteed happening, and to reiterate, in fact because we'll almost certainly never know if it's a thing or not, it's not worth worrying about. Just know that yes, something that nonsensical and stupid actually is possible with this specific situation.

>> No.29528042

Because these people either have enough not to care for 500 or are bad with money and they'd have pissed them away anyway.

>> No.29528043

Japanese don't hate Koreans anyway, they just look down on them as backward former colonials. They are like Mexicans in the US or Slavs in the EU. Almost all anime is partially made by outsourced Korean studios.

>> No.29528044

Hachaama they seemed to acknowledge made a mistake and that she didn't know about the whole Taiwan thing.
By repeating it, they think Coco did it maliciously.

>> No.29528045

The chink narrative seems to be that Haachama had no idea what she was doing, while Coco did it on purpose to try and deflect hate from Haachama. make your own mind up on it, but that seems to be what they think.

>> No.29528046

Deadbeats are literally walking skeletons, Rushia hasn't got shit on Mori's power to affect the dead

>> No.29528049

1000 wheat grains

>> No.29528051

alright gonna watch the archive. But is there any moments in Amelia's most recent Minecraft stream that I should watch out for?

>> No.29528054

To clarify, these cats:
>See two large dogs barking at them from behind the fence
>Decide to climb into the property anyway
>attempt to pick fight with dogs
>lose fight and run injured into a corner causing a massive ruckus
>I get to them huddled in a corner hissing and biting

>> No.29528053

500 will not get you 5 times more attention than 100 anyway, pretty inefficient.

>> No.29528055
File: 147 KB, 850x850, 1605400079240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitten tongue lore

>> No.29528057
File: 18 KB, 800x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29528059

No, YOU suck.

>> No.29528060
File: 266 KB, 925x912, ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528179


>> No.29528066
Quoted by: >>29528166

>Open thread
>Animal cruelty
>Close thread

>> No.29528068
Quoted by: >>29528206

Is it possible that to produce a mismatch in the chain OBS 24 -> Channel 30?

>> No.29528069

16 hamburgers

>> No.29528070

>or rabbits
I literally ate several rabbits, so that is wrong

>> No.29528071


>> No.29528073
Quoted by: >>29528122

>We're about to fall into another economic depression for fuck's sake
Lol imagine being a poorfag and not having grown even richer from the crisis.

>> No.29528074
Quoted by: >>29528435

Yea she's clearly noticed minecraft is hard carrying her to the goal. I've noticed she's gone hard on it the past couple of week.

I wonder if the minecraft streams will dry up once she reaches that goal because then the only numbers people care about once you hit one million is every 500k. That's why nobody actually cares/celebrated the fact Gura has gained over 400k subs since hitting a million.

>> No.29528075

Do you think people who invest hundreds or thousands of dollars into things like this have any future plans or even a drive to survive? At the end of the day it's their money. Thry can shit on it if they want. Dont manage the finances of others.

>> No.29528078

Hey I'm a deadbeat and I love animals, I take good care of 3 dogs.

>> No.29528081
File: 862 KB, 540x540, deadbeats_supas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528269

>money wise

>> No.29528082
File: 1.06 MB, 720x900, Chumsoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pretty narrative! Exquisite!

>> No.29528085

She is my favorite but it's fine if you don't like her. Hope you at least gave her a chance.

>> No.29528086
Quoted by: >>29528448

>wants "deal with it" glasses

>> No.29528087
Quoted by: >>29528152

I can invest 375 bucks in land properties?

>> No.29528088
Quoted by: >>29528428

Not a lot of reason to stream at 30, but if you're recording to your hard drive it takes up less disk space.

>> No.29528089

Why would we kill pets? We love pets just like our oshi does. We're simply indifferent to seeing dead ones because we're dead ourselves.

>> No.29528090

You need to be pretty deaf and deluded then, my guy.

>> No.29528095

Chinese antis narrative.

>> No.29528100

>Kiara reads 2 superchats
>Goes off to a random topic for 15 minutes
I love this.

>> No.29528103
File: 140 KB, 1200x675, photo_2020-11-15_21-53-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528148

Well yes, we are only a wholesome family

>> No.29528107

>find abandoned kittens and bottle feed them praying they survive
>bury them when they're dead in the backyard
>had to bury my 10 year old mastiff with a backhoe
Feels good to not be mentally ill.

>> No.29528109

>Kiara was once friends with Garfield
Wouldn't Jim Davis murder to retain his copyrights?

>> No.29528118

3 school shootings

>> No.29528119

>repetitive, grindy, all spread out and stuff
All depends on how you play the game. She could literally go streamer mode and run from main quest to main quest (like Nui did) and get a pretty good cinematic experience a la Until Dawn or David Cage, which do decently for views.

>> No.29528122

t. poorfag

>> No.29528124
File: 428 KB, 424x1364, Kiarahatsandmore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She LOVES hats

Which one is her favourite?

>> No.29528125

i like it more than her game streams

>> No.29528126
Quoted by: >>29528413

>She has a good chance of showing up on that podcast
Yeah I'm sure she will just waste money on a plane ticket and fly to japan during global pandemic just to do a podcast.

>> No.29528129


>> No.29528130
File: 87 KB, 444x511, chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528196

How did this chicken groom her fans like this?

>> No.29528131

Real question for the absolute morons that are doxbeats:

-you know who Mori's roommate is
-Why the fuck do you donate absurd sums and still give Cover their jew cut? Just give it to her room mate

>> No.29528133

>I will become Garfield

>> No.29528139
File: 93 KB, 214x235, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm split

Good :
- High outgoing energy, one of the few extrovert of Hololive and they really need some
- European
- 3 languages
- Fine with slurs & lewd comments (not asking that from everyone, but the rest of HoloEN feels too family friendly)
- Motivated and working hard, fixed a lot of early issues
- Amazing collabs

- JP pandering (even her song will be in fucking japanese)
- Can't take negative opinions but still care about them
- Hard and constant numberfagging, it's fine to think about it but bringing it put that often really filter me
- Terrible outfit/colors (not her fault, but still part of her)
- Not a fan of the games she likes

Still my 3rd fav, but room to improve.

>> No.29528140
File: 495 KB, 581x857, 1603580660379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she can do it someday?

>> No.29528143

About tree fiddy

>> No.29528144
Quoted by: >>29528471

>male cats are nicer, and more cuddlier

>> No.29528146

>goes on a tangent about the word tangent

>> No.29528147

Now where could my pipe be?

>> No.29528148
File: 2.01 MB, 1200x675, 1605595550681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have the updated one, anon

>> No.29528149

> We're about to fall into another economic depression for fuck's sake
Good. Acceerate!

>> No.29528150
File: 206 KB, 1089x580, Capture1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ

>> No.29528151

>Account Name

>> No.29528152

no but savings is a thing you retard

>> No.29528153

Now she's taking Cat Pelts

>> No.29528155

There are many universal things to singing techniqu like breathing, diction, posture, etc. There really is no reason not to do it if she has the time. I don't think that she wants to only ever do rap all the time. If she did then she wouldn't be able to sing at the level she does. She is an amateur but it still takes practice to get there.

>> No.29528154

Why do I immediately think of Cloverfield than the lasagna cat?

>> No.29528157


>> No.29528159

are there lewds of this anime?

>> No.29528160
File: 357 KB, 2400x1350, 1605762843061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and? You don't even have weapons

>> No.29528161

Haachama gets the dumb girl pass. Coco sells herself on cultural awareness.

>> No.29528162

t. deadbeat

>> No.29528166

>animal cruelty
If you're so concerned why don't you mass report Youtube for allowing trap showcases videos where rats get electrocuted or drowned to death just for the sake of showing how the trap works? Probably not even wild rats but rats they bought

>> No.29528174

I really like this answer, anon.

>> No.29528179
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>> No.29528180

1.41 freedoms, bro

>> No.29528184
File: 1.82 MB, 1491x2220, ponytail kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29528185

how do you know they didn't give birth to those rats

>> No.29528188
Quoted by: >>29528417

what's the pubic hair situation?

>> No.29528189
Quoted by: >>29528330

Why did he type it in english as well?

>> No.29528191

Just woke up
How was the holotalk?

>> No.29528193

leap of logic, mate

>> No.29528194
File: 2.09 MB, 2600x2700, Em6UJMiW4AYpwl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528223

I love Kiarafield

>> No.29528195

Bout 2 bald eagles

>> No.29528198

Coco is American

>> No.29528196
File: 199 KB, 556x547, Immagine 2020-11-20 133940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With tons of love!

>> No.29528202

when's her next stream

>> No.29528204

1. They're professional
2. Outside the realm of streaming business

>> No.29528206

I don't know, if you actually look at the podcast videos on YouTube it appears as 24 fps though in the stats, so I would assume it would show correctly if it was actually 24 fps for Gura's recent videos (she still hasn't changed settings, so the SOMA stream was 30 fps too).

>> No.29528207

you guys will all behave during this part right?

>> No.29528208

Does a bear shit in the woods? Of fucking course. Wait for her 3D debut. She's going to break 200k.

>> No.29528209

because Haachama didn't do shit like this


>> No.29528212

Some animals are cuter than other. Nobody gives a shit about rrats.

>> No.29528213

>Huke-papa is sick
Aw fuck

>> No.29528214
Quoted by: >>29528278

>ASMR video has the most views
Well that's not surprising.

>> No.29528220
Quoted by: >>29528536

>Coco sells herself on cultural awareness.
Because when I think about wanting to preserve diplomatic relations between countries, I think 'american shitposting dragon'.

>> No.29528223


>> No.29528225

She is pretty much a quiet and reserved Gura. She occasionally forces a dirty joke though which is pretty cringe

>> No.29528232

Maybe the real Pekora collab was the rrats we made along the way...

>> No.29528234
Quoted by: >>29528298

if nothing else Cover know how to train vocal talent. stuff like her iconic squeal and laugh were deliberate changes and for the better.

>> No.29528235

Huke? More like Puke.

>> No.29528236

Go superchat your suggestion. Do it for your tenchou.

>> No.29528239


>> No.29528240

Jesas, anon

>> No.29528244

Less than a football field

>> No.29528245
Quoted by: >>29528277

Huke got corona confirmed.

>> No.29528249
Quoted by: >>29528319

Because $500 means nothing to a paypiggie.

>> No.29528252

Wow... chikin looks like THAT?!

>> No.29528256
Quoted by: >>29528277

i can't believe huke is fucking coofing

>> No.29528265
File: 3 KB, 138x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's here

>> No.29528268


>> No.29528269

well, there was that one deadbeat saying he'd sell on of his houses to donate if Mori ever did a heartbeat asmr collab with Noel so....

>> No.29528275
File: 37 KB, 380x807, 1605418216153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528372

acceptable, we need more to expand the family

>> No.29528276


>> No.29528277

Did any of you here get the coof?

>> No.29528278
Quoted by: >>29528321


>huke still in chat anyways

>> No.29528280

>Kiara telling her papa about her day

>> No.29528281

Expected to learn more things about Marine other than that she's horny.
Learned about all the different ways Marine is horny.
Ame/Marine BL discuss stream is an inevitability at this point, despite the language barrier.

>> No.29528285
File: 110 KB, 940x940, 2fe0f916dc31d24159d62525b0a4496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528536

>Coco sells herself on cultural awareness

Chang, what the fuck you smoking?

>> No.29528286

>>Kiara still has ghost in her walls
>Christ, are nip ghost busters incomptentent?
Can't she get mouse-traps herself, wash them with boiling water to get the scent of and then carefully without touching them directly place them with a bit of nutella along the edges of the walls?

>> No.29528287

Like 11 bananas

>> No.29528290

If she doesn't soon, someone will sooner or later. The peaks and averages keep growing because the overall viewership keeps growing.

>> No.29528292
Quoted by: >>29528320

>Huke is sick but he's still here for Kiara's stream

>> No.29528295
Quoted by: >>29528320

>Huke on his deathbed from the coof
>Still joins daughters stream

>> No.29528298
Quoted by: >>29528416

>stuff like her iconic squeal and laugh were deliberate changes and for the better.
I'm not sure about the scream but you can actually hear the same laugh in old streams, it was just more rare. Given that she did the super high pitch scream in reaction to some undeniable legitimate scares (e.g. end of first Outlast stream) I'm inclined to believe it's real, just consciously leaned into way more.

>> No.29528300

But how can I ever recover that someone got interviewed? This is clearly worse than the loss of hundreds of streams.

>> No.29528303
File: 52 KB, 479x355, laughing boxers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I forgot that part.

>> No.29528304

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.29528305

I survived Kiara's sonic attack, this does nothing.

>> No.29528311

around 2 cotton fields

>> No.29528313

Does Huke speak english?

>> No.29528316
File: 478 KB, 727x720, 1605534507457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people asking who's Huke in the chat

>> No.29528319 [DELETED] 

>We're about to fall into another economic depression for fuck's sake
Only if you were already poor
Corona has been pretty profitable to me so far

>> No.29528320

He clearly doesn't want to get fired, many such cases

>> No.29528321

Good try anon

>> No.29528323

She feels bad just hearing the rats suffer, you think she'll set up traps herself and be able to dispose of the bodies?

>> No.29528328
Quoted by: >>29528352

unlike the trash taste faggots, critical is pretty safe

>> No.29528329
Quoted by: >>29528536

>Coco sells herself on cultural awareness
or lack there of

>> No.29528330


>> No.29528331

I believe she's sealed off all the holes to her attic so she probably can't do it herself. She also said she's afraid of using her gas stove so it'll probably be hard to boil the traps

>> No.29528344

Just finished my archive reps.
It's like EN management is really hungry for more exposure. Is there any alternative besides Trash podcast which hlgg will approve?

>> No.29528345

i have antibodies but never had any coofish symptoms
the only thing I ever had was one night I got an insane fever and puked so hard that I just fell backwards and started convulsing on the floor for a little while, then I felt fine in the morning

>> No.29528348

they should be dragged out onto the street and shot

>> No.29528349 [SPOILER] 
File: 351 KB, 680x383, 1605970178184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29528352
Quoted by: >>29528400

Eh, TT faggots turned out to be kinda tame. Mori made it out alright.

>> No.29528354

Why would anyone who watches Kiara that rarely show up for a guerilla superchat reading?

>> No.29528357
Quoted by: >>29528453

Now do your meds reps before posting

>> No.29528358

I'm paying off Cover scouting talents in hope of futur gems like Mori

>> No.29528361

L.A. Noire has so many great moments like that in it. This thread will be nuts.

>> No.29528362

No. Next question

>> No.29528366

Say kiara accidentally activates THAT sound again. Would her fans still trust her beyond that point?

>> No.29528367

>shes not even sure how to reply to that

>> No.29528370

0.000876 miles.

>> No.29528372

Welcomed to the family, son

>> No.29528375

>Using a toothbrush to clean toilets
Do chickenfags really?

>> No.29528383

I will always beleeb in Tenchou

>> No.29528389

it's a military joke

>> No.29528394

Ultra based.

>> No.29528395
File: 231 KB, 700x700, 1599125539000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29528397

>We're about to fall into another economic depression for fuck's sake
Only if you were already poor
Corona has been pretty profitable to me so far

>> No.29528400

I want to say otherwise but I honestly cant think of much that's affected her. It turned the threads into anituber discussion threads for two weeks tho

>> No.29528404

I'm gonna nut in this chicken!!

>> No.29528411

anon, your army reps

>> No.29528413
Quoted by: >>29528489

I'm sure they can just have a monitor set up or something. They wouldn't miss their 1.4mil sub chance would they?

>> No.29528414
File: 22 KB, 480x360, Annoyed_Bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528440

>Haachama acts retarded and people love her
>Kiara acts retarted and people hate her

>> No.29528415

Chicken advertised it as a serious talk where we'd learn more about the holos than what we know from clips. Most of the interview was about how horny Marine is and stuff we already knew. Overall it was okay but probably better if you don't know anything about Marine.

>> No.29528416

the screams were in her old videos too. just meant to say that frequency is deliberately played up. there were other verbal ticks she could have chosen from but she keyed in on the right ones.

>> No.29528417


>> No.29528421

>I hereby charge you
wait, is this historically accurate? investigators laying charges instead of prosecutors? sounds like an error

>> No.29528425

I hope I will be in the second wave of activated KFP sleeper agents

>> No.29528427

>Streamer says she loves chat

>Deadbeats : DO
>Teamates : U
>Chumbuds : BELEEB
>Tentacultists : Nice.

>> No.29528428

Maybe she's doing some Christmas video considering how obsessed she is with it.

>> No.29528433
File: 29 KB, 960x540, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528461

>Kiara with a side ponytail

>> No.29528434

My friend lost his mom to the coof. It was really hard for him but he's doing better now.

>> No.29528435

I feel like she genuinely likes Minecraft, At least more than the vast majority of other holos. That's part of the appeal of watching her play it.

>> No.29528438
File: 323 KB, 800x867, 1604152201166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29528440
Quoted by: >>29528560

one of the two is merely pretending

>> No.29528447

>Most of the interview was about how horny Marine is and stuff we already knew.
well it's not like chicken can force marine to answer it a certain way

>> No.29528448

Africat has them, funnily enough.

>> No.29528449
Quoted by: >>29528703

>Is there any alternative besides Trash podcast which hlgg will approve?
A studio Trigger Inferno Cop style cardboard cutout anime, 24*5minute webisodes.

>> No.29528453
Quoted by: >>29528562

I already taking my meds, to be honest after Mori podcast I wouldn't really care with this kind of events. I was sceptical before but there's nothing really yabai except for this thread.

>> No.29528454
File: 351 KB, 673x881, 81726211_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame cunny...

>> No.29528456
File: 219 KB, 850x850, 1605830882434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you became a papa for a Holo, would you also be as loving and caring as Huke?
Whatvwould your Holo daughter be like?

>> No.29528461

God damn imagine pulling on Kiara's ponytail as you ram her from behind

>> No.29528465

>messed up elaborate

>> No.29528468

ha, jokes on you my country has been undergoing an "economic depression"for years. This doesn't affect the wealthy (me) in the slightest and wont kill the nation for at the very least another 40 years so I couldn't care less

>> No.29528469

She can pick deeper questions, though.

>> No.29528471


>> No.29528473

>That wink on Australia
Very cute Tenchou.

>> No.29528475
Quoted by: >>29528500


>> No.29528483

>I beg to differ
??? Let's examine them.
>Original Songs and Karaoke
BASICALLY SC reading, she baits them with the songs just to read them immediately she's done (chooses very short songs for this)
Zetsudan it's obviously SC reading
Keeps dying just to read SCs, even confessed by her
Washes dishes all the time because she can hold the button while reading SCs
SC are disabled, still reads the old ones while pretending to follow the movie
SCing baiting at its finest
Fakes technical problems to read SCs
Zetsudan, again, pure unadulterated SC reading

Literally interrupting the date earlier to read SCs with Ghostrider
>Sponsored stream
Only one SC read, but it's a big one and it's a sponsor too, so it counts
>Among Us Collab
Not doing tasks to read SCs
>Mad Rat
Okay here she was not reading SCs at all, finally
>Moving Out (Overcooked)
See above
Died every time to read SCs comfortably

In short, Mori only reads SCs and for some reason ALL CAPS all her video titles. Unacceptable.

>> No.29528487

We do what we must.

>> No.29528489

Are you actually retarded? They only do in person interviews, are you fucking illiterate? You're really starting to grasp at straws here, mate.

>> No.29528490
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, Em06a6bVoAAiTsM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeat here, I belieb

>> No.29528493
Quoted by: >>29528584

Marine filtered the questions

>> No.29528498

Man, those uncanny valley faces...
Occasionally they look actually great, but in 90% cases it's deep in the uncanny valley.

>> No.29528500

GAH fuck

>> No.29528499

>Hello yes I'd like one Land Property please, here is 5 hundred dollars!

>> No.29528502

>those facial expressions
are they supposed to be high or something?
how the fuck did this pass through QA

>> No.29528506

I'd just go full skinwalker and become Huke

>> No.29528507
Quoted by: >>29528541

I could never be a papa for a holo, I can't draw for shit and never will be able to. But obviously if I did I would wanna be as supportive as possible.

>> No.29528513
File: 15 KB, 332x144, 1575376603376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catching up on Ame's minecraft and this super chat. kek

>> No.29528516
Quoted by: >>29528764

True, though Marin was the one who chose to flanderize herself, so it's not on Kiara

>> No.29528515
Quoted by: >>29528584

the questions are agreed upon by both

>> No.29528518

Like Gura's neglected sister.

>> No.29528519

This is true.

>> No.29528522

>Serious question: if the Talk Show and original song don't result in any significant bump for Kiara would she actually become depressed?
Kiara has to learn that a consistent time-slot with the same game/format helps a lot.

>> No.29528526
Quoted by: >>29528751

azur lane collab

>> No.29528530
File: 106 KB, 512x512, 1605327719506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, is true that KFPcult has more weapons than anybody here?

>> No.29528531


>> No.29528532

Now I'm imagining Cover employees being paid to gaslight anons in /hlgg/ so they can easily look for things for their holos to improve on.

>> No.29528536

Net culture

>> No.29528540

Yeah, Kiara should just told Marine to stop lying and pander to EOPs with her Horny Boomer Pirate meme persona.

>> No.29528541

just draw something like kano

>> No.29528542
Quoted by: >>29528556

>Someone in the youtube chat asks if Kiara is actually Australian
>Gets spoonfed
For what purpose do these people do this?

>> No.29528547

that supacha was already deleted by Enma though

>> No.29528550


>> No.29528551

No. She just needs to stop numberfagging since she's already doing so well.

>> No.29528554

nice falseflaggin, samefag

>> No.29528553

>so many comments EVERYWHERE
she's here

>> No.29528556
Quoted by: >>29528628

They're curious and stupid

>> No.29528557

She will be but eventually she will have to come to terms with it. Unironically it's kind of a good thing if she doesn't incline. That just means she's gonna keep trying new things.

>> No.29528559

Oh really, chicken?

>> No.29528558
Quoted by: >>29528629

the effort is pretty respectable, to say the least, a lot of mental gymnastics tho

>> No.29528560
Quoted by: >>29528704


>> No.29528561
Quoted by: >>29528712

>Literally just nutted before this video came out

>> No.29528562

Better questions + prepping Marine ahead of time that this would be a serious talk. >>29528453
>I was sceptical before but there's nothing really yabai except for this thread.
Yep you've taken your meds alright. Good shit anon.

>> No.29528563

Did 5ch like HoloTalk?

>> No.29528565
Quoted by: >>29528593

Not this one, I watched the VOD a few hours ago and it was there

>> No.29528567

das pretty crinch guys, das pretty crinch

>> No.29528568

Chikkin's happy I'm happy.
Simple as.

>> No.29528569
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Quoted by: >>29528589

My happy Chikim

>> No.29528571
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>> No.29528573
File: 84 KB, 1200x675, 4BbegFNWLQPN8DYJYpJQZY-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Cover deserves the cut
2. Youtube deserves the cut

>> No.29528574

Literally every KFP janny is armed to the teeth with 2 handguns, a revolver, a shotgun, and 1-2 AR platforms with 1,000 rounds minimum.

As a deadbeat, this is why I'm worried enough to stay armed.

>> No.29528582
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>> No.29528583
File: 552 KB, 448x603, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, things are paying off.
Finally, things are working out.
Finally, people are appreciating me.

>> No.29528584

I'm not blaming her, just saying that the questions were pretty milquetoast.

>> No.29528586

Jokes on you, I'm immune now

>> No.29528588

Don't reply to bait, people have finally stopped complaining about SC shit aside from obvious shitposting.

>> No.29528589

I prefer the original

>> No.29528593

what's the timestamp?

>> No.29528597

only if they're successful

>> No.29528598
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Quoted by: >>29528725

Still there in the vod.

>> No.29528599

>almost exactly a minute
bruh your lurking reps

>> No.29528600
Quoted by: >>29528659

Probably not they hate her there.

>> No.29528601
Quoted by: >>29528743

the game came out a decade ago. the use of motion capture and facial animation were cutting edge for it's time.

>> No.29528603

cope faggot

>> No.29528604

>>running out of things to talk about
>Chicken... please
She could start playing Minecraft while talking.

>> No.29528605

Who are you again, ojou?

>> No.29528614
Quoted by: >>29528663

Can you stop samefagging
Also you, stupid faggot: >>29528607

>> No.29528615
Quoted by: >>29528676

Statistically, Gura's fanbase would have the most weapons, as there are a lot of Americans, and she has the largest fanbase.

KFP have the best weapons though.

>> No.29528621
File: 80 KB, 300x300, Artia[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5cm7dv.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528674


>> No.29528623

1st fave, I like and and the fanbase around her.
That's about it. I like the other girls as well, but I don't have time for Gura and Mori.

>> No.29528627
File: 1.97 MB, 300x169, Hs6krVa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be Aussie
>See this cringe SC..

>> No.29528628

Oh I didn't mean the retard asking the question, I meant the retards answering him. Why ruin the joke like that by explaining it?

>> No.29528629

I'm convinced it's shitposting, some of those are actually funny
>Washes dishes all the time because she can hold the button while reading SCs

>> No.29528630
Quoted by: >>29528743

>how the fuck did this pass through QA
Apparently the development cycle of the game was very troubled, some miserable shit happened and the studio closed down afterwards.

>> No.29528633
Quoted by: >>29528743

That level of performance capture was bleeding edge tech for the time.

>> No.29528635
File: 255 KB, 515x474, 1605668972886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out, LoL addict bitch.

>> No.29528636
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>> No.29528640
Quoted by: >>29528699

you literally just watch Mori for the GGFE

>> No.29528643

>making people this mad
maido i love you

>> No.29528644

If anything the podcast is a great chance for Gura to address HERfags

>> No.29528649


>> No.29528650

>Google Translate
>Not DeepL

Kiara...your WIS reps

>> No.29528652

I hate you for being a tryhard in among us
also stream you bitch

>> No.29528653
Quoted by: >>29528670


>> No.29528657

Does mori even like playing vidyas though?. She always gives me an "I have to play games because its my job" kind of vibe.

>> No.29528659

from the dumpster dives, they seem to like it

>> No.29528660


>> No.29528662
Quoted by: >>29528697

>watching the talk show
>the shitty cg phoenix explodes and turns into kiara
ok that's pretty based

>> No.29528663


>> No.29528664
File: 1.69 MB, 948x1068, 1604860171162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She stole Garfield's skin... Nothing is sacred.

>> No.29528666

If anything you can suck my dick and fuck off with your anituber shit

>> No.29528670

And superlit

>> No.29528671
Quoted by: >>29528722

True, but Marine's also trying to do a meme competition with Reddit to raise her western profile. Playing into the whole 'I'm horny' thing helps with that.

I see different holos using Holotalk as a platform to present themselves to western audiences in a particular way. Some may want to elaborate on what little western audiences already know about and some may want to just go in a different direction.

>> No.29528674

i beleb it

>> No.29528675

Gacha collab
virtual san wa miteiru but Hololive only
Anime OPs/EDs sang by Holo members

There's ton of non-normalfag pandering stuff they can do to get bigger

>> No.29528676

Younger demographic, so poor and underprepared. I would say Ina and Mori have both the numbers and the wealth.

>> No.29528682

She was genuinely enthusiastic about Crash 4 and actually did really well during it. She even mentioned some Crash lore and reading up on it.

>> No.29528687
File: 975 KB, 1773x2364, 463847848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29528705

If Rushia fanbase can get used to it, so can KFP.

>> No.29528691

So Cover probably has put out mandates if not dollars in peoples' pockets already explicitly for them to sit around and figure out how to shill and market Holos everywhere, that much is clear.

However, vtubers' growth being mostly viral / clip-based in nature on the platform itself generally makes it hard to pinpoint 'yes, this one specific thing will gain more actual long term viewers and not just get a spike of attention.' You can't just make viral happen by throwing money at it to get on some big platform to show it to an audience really not closely within the target demographics; Japanese sometimes try hard at it through other means aka sutema etc.

So something weird I've noticed is honestly we don't actually-fit any one pigeonhole of demographics here. People for ENs in specific seem to come from all walks of life, rich poor educated uneducated, all kinds of boards, gigantic age range from kids to middle-aged+. You can't just be like, "hey they look like anime characters so I'm going to force them around anime people/stuff" - that might do a bit, but looking at how /a/ for example doesn't want to talk about them and just will tell you to fuck off if you try to force it there, that should tell you everything you need to know about marketing theory vs reality. People from /a/ who like these are already here and most of the people still over there on /a/ probably have mostly made up their minds about vtubers and you won't get their attention by shoving it in their faces. You have to make them want to organically check it out from curiosity.

I feel the exposure just comes from working the algorithms, not some pinpoint guy going "tell me what a vtuber is." The odds of people getting into these is itself very random-seeming so just overall random recs from the algo to more people probably is the most generic way to go. You want more Fubuki Scatman and Korone Eekum Bokum moments. Lots lots more. THAT is what is doing it for Holo.

>> No.29528697

You can thank Ame for that.

>> No.29528699

I watch Mori so she can pretend I'm her BF.

>> No.29528700

nah, she enjoys being my gf a lot more

>> No.29528703

Unironically, Mori doing a collab with Trigger staff would probably be one of the few options that wouldn't be "deadbraps will defend this" tier. She's a big fan and they love pandering to the western audience so I could see it happen if she inclines hard enough.

>> No.29528704
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>> No.29528705

I refuse to believe Rushia's fanbase can hear properly
Tinnitus fucking sucks

>> No.29528712

9 days more, ganbatte!

>> No.29528713
Quoted by: >>29528757

Does anyone watch her streams after seeing those videos?

>> No.29528720

She's too much of a workaholic to play them, so any skill she had back in her 15 year old weeaboo days is long gone.

>> No.29528722

It's a bit disappointing that they think western fans are all just simple "haha, say the line monkey!" fans though.
I mean that's how I take it when Marine self-flanderizes like she did last night.

Maybe other holos will be different, we'll see.

>> No.29528725

huh. Did no one flag that supacha for potential harassment? Because this reads like he's going to harass Gura.

>> No.29528726
File: 89 KB, 680x960, 69c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else enjoyed private show from succubus ?

>> No.29528728

why is ame jealous of a superchat

>> No.29528743

nigga look at that video again
you would have to be intentionally mimicking chimpanzee faces to get that result

>> No.29528744

I want to pee but there is no 60 second segment of Kiara just reading out names. ffs.

>> No.29528747


>> No.29528749
Quoted by: >>29528810

That's what happens when you pick community questions instead of your own. Half the things Marine answered EOPs already know from clips
It was more of a refresher than a serious talk

>> No.29528751

Fuck I forget about this.
Official company would be great for collab material
Imagine if Cover manage to get Tatsurou to duet with Gura, she would be ecstatic. Same with Marine, Fubuki, and Zun.

>> No.29528754

But why?
This is true

>> No.29528756
Quoted by: >>29528838

did she really come back?

>> No.29528757

Well, I am.

>> No.29528758

I don't think I'd expect any of the ENs to do something like Holotalk and not rewatch the pilot, dissect it second by second and taking on feedback to improve on it. Especially not Kiara.

>> No.29528759

Fellow SEAmonkey here, euthanizing rrats are ogey but you went too far with dogs and cats. Just shoo them away.

>> No.29528760
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>> No.29528762

>already going to make the graphics for questions next time
already improvement

>> No.29528763

i mean, this thread was begging for her to say it

>> No.29528764

I worry that the trend going forward will be that many of the JP chuubas will flanderize themselves when they appear on the talk show. At the very least I hope that the holos that don't have as many memes attached to them will have more serious talks.

>> No.29528767

CEO of cum.....

>> No.29528768

To be fair, they get their impression of western fans from Reddit (and coco's meme reviews by extension) and twitter
It's not gonna be a nuanced take unless they comb through the comments section (and even then, critical takes are going to be downvoted to hell)

>> No.29528769


>> No.29528772

that's because it's all they can understand

>> No.29528773

The vibe I get is that she played videogames a lot when she was younger but hasn't played them as much recently because of her work, which is why she's misjudged her abilities on things like Lethal League.
The crash bandicoot stream shows that she does have skill in certain games and it'll be interesting to see how she approaches Blasphemous and if Korone's given her any advice.

>> No.29528776

Bro LA noire came out 9 years ago

>> No.29528777

just pee your pants

>> No.29528780

Gotta go fast anon

>> No.29528783

Gura gets treated like this and people can fully understand her and watch her entire stream without any problem.

>> No.29528790
Quoted by: >>29528829

Will the podcast shut s*nzawa fans once and for all?

>> No.29528791

Happy that she's somehow getting back up on her feet. ALOE LOVE

>> No.29528794
File: 132 KB, 534x248, 1 free blowjob coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon. She seems entertaining, but there's something about her that I simply don't like, I cannot put it into words.

>> No.29528795

Watson will legitimately make a great nagging mother

>> No.29528798
Quoted by: >>29528824

Feels good having wireless headphones and just going on a balcony to smoke while listening to this goofy bird

>> No.29528799

gamer bottle time

>> No.29528802

Frau Kiara tells you to just go. You can use your janny skills to clean it up later.

>> No.29528804

just put Gura's face on a billboard or some shit like
cover just hate money

>> No.29528805
Quoted by: >>29528839

Is it true she is meeting Gen 5 soon?

>> No.29528809

pee yourself

>> No.29528810

the language barrier question was good

>> No.29528813
Quoted by: >>29528888

I mean can you blame her?

>> No.29528818

Anison Matrix with Mori but iunno how a certain website would feel about it

>> No.29528821

Open up the stream on your phone. Easy.

>> No.29528822

Schizoposters are getting desperate

>> No.29528824

do you piss down your balcony? that's kinds weird

>> No.29528825

honestly would've been better as a video

>> No.29528827
Quoted by: >>29528845

Kiara's fucked against the heavyweight that is Moona.

>> No.29528829

we already saw your post

>> No.29528830

I'm also a Haaton and I use headphones, so it's nothing new.

>> No.29528834

Just piss through the window, it's what I do

>> No.29528836

on the topic of language fluency
why is everyone crying for english subtitles from a self taught foreigner?
her jap is better than her english, translating live at least has the tone of voice to convey some missing nuances.

>> No.29528837
Quoted by: >>29528898

moona would destroy kiara in a fight

>> No.29528838

returned to her old persona , and today she was wearing black and pink stripes panties

>> No.29528839
Quoted by: >>29528867

Wasn't the Hokkaido arc last week?

>> No.29528845

Emphasize on "Heavy"

>> No.29528847

Sometimes I can't believe how perfect she is

>> No.29528849


>> No.29528856

what do you expect? the first iteration of any technology is pretty much always dog shit.
you have to be 18+ to be on this website by the way.

>> No.29528857
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>> No.29528859


>> No.29528860

It's because, no matter how much you hate it, the majority of western holofans are twitterfags/redditors.

>> No.29528861


>> No.29528862

there ya go lads

>> No.29528863


>> No.29528864

Because then they can just talk to each other in Nip without awkward translation blocks breaking up the flow of the conversation

>> No.29528866

>open stream
>chicken numberfagging
>keep stream open because I love my chicken

>> No.29528867

gen5 wasnt there

>> No.29528873

She doesn't actually translate everything. Only way to do that practically is pre-recorded.

>> No.29528876


>> No.29528879


>> No.29528883

Kiara talks more about viewer numbers in 1 stream than the other holoENs combined have talked about it across all their streams

>> No.29528888
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1601519760839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is kind of funny now we know about enma-chan

>> No.29528892

Love you, Gura

>> No.29528893
File: 1.03 MB, 3840x3911, 1603679757520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CEO of sex...

>> No.29528896
File: 1.37 MB, 3901x4096, 1605563154800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this chikim

>> No.29528897
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>> No.29528898

Which holo would win the Hololive Battle Royale?

>> No.29528899
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>> No.29528900

