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File: 35 KB, 456x534, 1605254021277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29371267 No.29371267 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29371272


>> No.29371276

I want to fuck the autist

>> No.29371280
File: 16 KB, 95x93, Ehynq5UUMAAEZjX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one loves gooruh

>> No.29371281

Off topic

>> No.29371289
File: 345 KB, 1449x2048, 1605321845095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371467

>> No.29371290

Which one?

>> No.29371287


>> No.29371293
File: 697 KB, 2274x3096, 1605499649837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371679

Cute retard OP

>> No.29371294

>it doe be like that
I love this girl

>> No.29371295


>> No.29371299
Quoted by: >>29371377

Mori is cuter than usual today.

>> No.29371301
File: 94 KB, 482x525, chimkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371420


>> No.29371302
File: 1.03 MB, 2100x1411, 1597761306862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame is a cute dork

>> No.29371304
Quoted by: >>29371331

/hlgg/ no longer loves gura

>> No.29371305

Which one?

>> No.29371307
File: 508 KB, 2894x4093, 1605648684843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura love

>> No.29371309

Anon, you're going to have trouble satisfying even just the 5 that make up EN.

>> No.29371310
File: 128 KB, 438x392, 1599386566712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long will Haachama be singing?

>> No.29371311
File: 37 KB, 112x112, 1585782232099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371313

why is /hlg/ like this?

>> No.29371315
File: 1.06 MB, 850x1133, 77005c5eb31cbd53fd466fd123841f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based haaton chad
We can't stop winning
Soon the entire world will belong to HAACHAMA CHAMA

>> No.29371316
File: 52 KB, 710x736, 1605159872243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese if you please

>> No.29371317

>everything goes smoothly when Ame takes charge
She really is the protagonist isn’t she?

>> No.29371322
File: 35 KB, 255x223, bruhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371416

sykkuno does

>> No.29371324
Quoted by: >>29372019

who has worse english, haachama or kiara?

>> No.29371328

until she dies

>> No.29371329

I want to have Gura cheese pizza

>> No.29371332
File: 2.78 MB, 2480x3508, 1605033855780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ame!

>> No.29371330

I'll be top
>I'll be top
I'll be top
>I'll be top
I'll be top
>I'll be top

>> No.29371331

I love Gura

>> No.29371336

Why is Calli not going full autism now? Her voice sounds smooth and lewd. Are they fighting?

>> No.29371337
Quoted by: >>29371367

t. deadbrap

>> No.29371340
File: 342 KB, 803x1080, cavewoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Goooooruh

>> No.29371339

Do people that use the term sandbag even know what it means?
There needs to be a second round where they actually show their skill in order for it to be considered sandbagging.

>> No.29371342
File: 616 KB, 3425x2433, 1605700329338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371372

>Ame is sucking your cock
>She pauses for a second to wipe her mouth
>She looks blankly at your dick, then looks up at you
>Still with your cock in her hand, she asks
>"Wait, what was I doing?"

>> No.29371345

Haachama cleans her feet right?

>> No.29371347
Quoted by: >>29371661


>> No.29371348

guys why gura refuses to collab with her japanese senpai, i bet she already thinks she is bigger than everyone in hololive. what a bitch.

>> No.29371351
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, 1599410877937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371352


>> No.29371354


>> No.29371355

Which one of the 36?

>> No.29371356

>Jesus ready

calm down please gura

>> No.29371357

>I keep pushing people around!
Imagine Mori running into Gura and knocking her around with a face-full of tits, haha.

>> No.29371361

So im waking right now and ready to do my archive reps. Just wanted to know how Haachamas stream went while I was out

>> No.29371362
Quoted by: >>29371529

uga booga me want salman

>> No.29371365
Quoted by: >>29371453

I wouldn't say outright hate, but Pekora does seem uncomfortable with girls who have Stacy personalities. Except Senchou.

>> No.29371366

Inna deserves to collab with her sempais!

>> No.29371367

Skelebro here, I love Gao Goopa

>> No.29371370
File: 312 KB, 900x809, 3xabpibderu51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ina does

>> No.29371372

i think it came through all right the first time you posted it thanks

>> No.29371375
File: 86 KB, 278x238, Haato gremlin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>singing stream to countdown to 800k
>currently at 766k

>> No.29371377


>> No.29371378

This thread is filled with them, take your pick anon.

>> No.29371379
File: 249 KB, 1200x1800, 1605166446834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371402

Haachama is on the globe

>> No.29371380

She drew her in passpartout once out of obligation because her chat wouldn't shut up about it, and showed up in her chat during her debut (like most holoJPs)

But Peko has been in Moona's chat several times just checking on her, so make of that what you will

They are just two autists that vibe well through a game, there is no obsession or creepy fanatism involved, unlike with chicken. So it is easier for an introvert like Peko to interact with the moon than the crazy austrian menhera

>> No.29371385
File: 167 KB, 1000x1414, 1605339217010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371690

She just talked about having visited one of those places where those tiny fish nibble your feet clean today
Then she got some supers saying "I wish I was that fish"

>> No.29371387

Yes, with your tongue

>> No.29371388

She has started using ytcFilter.

>> No.29371391
File: 802 KB, 899x866, klaiusblower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all leaves gone

>> No.29371390
Quoted by: >>29371866

it's because she's introverted and can't speak japanese, idiot

>> No.29371396

The second Ame stops giving directions they lock themselves out of the right half.

>> No.29371399
File: 213 KB, 406x430, 1600686131649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Later losers

Are you frustrated?

>> No.29371400
File: 501 KB, 642x618, Takodachi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdyi8jy.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you takobros! Any guesses on that Kiara announcement, perhaps?

>> No.29371403

Not true, I love Gaba Gool!

>> No.29371404

>Gaming gremlin experienced in tardwrangling can wrangle her teammates into doing their job
Water is wet, traps are gay, more news at 12.

>> No.29371402

If global was about the globe, Moona would be off topic

>> No.29371406

Snu-snu with giant prehistoric megalodon Gura!

>> No.29371410

I fucking hate haatons. Can you please go back?

>> No.29371413


>> No.29371411

I wont let you fuck me, anon

>> No.29371416

go back and kill yourself faggot

>> No.29371417

start making accounts, anon

>> No.29371420
File: 300 KB, 1978x1848, EnB-dKvXcAE86bF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371967


>> No.29371421
File: 174 KB, 1200x1446, 1600576262708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one?

>> No.29371422

Ina graduation

>> No.29371423
File: 124 KB, 500x500, EkylW61VgAAsSDM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371425

Think they mentioned the game needed too much of their focus to really make conversation during. It's just not a good stream game.

>> No.29371426

it's 8billion.

>> No.29371428

I expected we'll go from Myers to Leatheface with a chainsaw.

>> No.29371430

Pekora has been in a few Kiara streams that weren't her Debut as well

>> No.29371432

She's the glue that binds HoloMyth across two continents

>> No.29371433

Thank you I was waiting for this.

>> No.29371434
File: 252 KB, 1547x873, 1601508296637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any guesses on that Kiara announcement

>> No.29371438

>This can also be cucked

>> No.29371440

Are you retarded?

>> No.29371442

Kiara is straight

>> No.29371444


>> No.29371445

She's gonna destroy Ina minecraft house just like she did for huke

>> No.29371447

when is anon graduating from life

>> No.29371448

>Kiara excited for Ina Graduation even though it solidifies her even harder as last place

Checks out

>> No.29371450
File: 1.98 MB, 1594x894, 1605570439573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371453
File: 287 KB, 590x623, 1599921305768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even watch senchou for saying this?

>> No.29371454

Haacha ma go kill yourself

>> No.29371457
Quoted by: >>29371503

To be fair Ame has worked in a cafe kitchen before so she's familiar with how to give callouts and divide the workload. If the others were more focused on listening to her and reporting their own progress as well, this game would be a piece of cake.

>> No.29371460
Quoted by: >>29371517

There's no way they're finishing this damn game today, is there?

>> No.29371463

moonas "graduation"

>> No.29371464

I didn't watch the game, just listening to them

>> No.29371467


>> No.29371468
File: 2.07 MB, 1433x2000, 2312313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371472

ofc, who would have guessed, retarded schizos who don't even watch EN streams

>> No.29371473

I miss this old hlg shitpost, havent come back to that shithole since EN debuted

>> No.29371474

not sure if it's sleep deprivation but that's so retarded it made me audibly laugh

>> No.29371476

I really like this one, hope Polka collabs more with EN

>> No.29371477

TakaMori cover of Magnet.

>> No.29371479

>I've made to alterations to my connection, the mods are with me. And i will win.
Jesus christ this man is an unironic schizo. Does he think he's fucking Kira?

>> No.29371482

Since everyone agrees this game sucks cock...

What co-op games (for 3-5 people or so) would you like them to play that we haven't seen them play yet? Any good ideas?

>> No.29371483

I like chicken but I feel like she burned her bridges too quickly with her by talking about how big a Pekora fan she is, from her very first stream, and continuing to bring it up. There's no way for Pekora to collab with her as an equal now. It'd feel too much like she was collabing with a fan.

>> No.29371490
File: 22 KB, 648x130, Annotation 2020-11-18 094623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the most likely narratives as to why EN won't play with Haachama and barely acknowledge her (unless chat spams her)? The only thing I can think of is that their current schedules are already full for this week, but next week there should be at least 1 (or at most 2) EN MC collabs with her.
>But Ina Ame and Gura are asleep
They don't sleep this is obvious at this point
>Mori is busy
Mori is avoiding MC because she wants to keep BTFOing /hlgg/*
Her next week is already full too

>> No.29371491

>They are doing 3*s now
Pretty fucking good.
Did they play off stream?

>> No.29371493

I'm glad this is the last time we see this shit cooking game

>> No.29371498 [DELETED] 
File: 2.30 MB, 1924x1150, A08d9Hd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371627

What would a potential HololiveEN Gen 2 RTS player think of today's Anniversary changes to AoE2 DE?

>> No.29371501
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, 1603011431171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What did Mori mean by this?

>> No.29371503
File: 98 KB, 932x1332, 1605522714765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supervisor/Boss Ame is pretty hot

>> No.29371505

Hate you too skinwalker, it's probably a pekora collab announcement.

>> No.29371506

Castle Crashers.

>> No.29371510

Haachama decied to barge in in declared herself HoloEN gen 0. People just went "alright, whatever, she's a dumb blonde girl with fat tits so its fine", so she's honorary HoloEN now.

>> No.29371512
File: 1.31 MB, 480x480, 1603374985018.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371516
Quoted by: >>29371587

Deep Rock Galactic.

>> No.29371517
File: 25 KB, 163x251, 65856746679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need 74 stars to unlock the last level.

>> No.29371518

Altered States with Gura!

>> No.29371519

you serious?

>> No.29371520

Dragon Crown

>> No.29371523
Quoted by: >>29371591

I can't believe I'm enjoying this collab now

>> No.29371526
File: 256 KB, 480x473, 1602488158613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kneeling.

>> No.29371527
File: 950 KB, 899x866, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371575


>> No.29371529

unga based

>> No.29371530

Pekora will never like Kiara as much as she likes Moona's company because Kiara is too stacy and extroverted.
Moona is as autistic as Pekora is on some levels and they kinda just quietly came together through occasionally playing together.

>> No.29371532
Quoted by: >>29371558

How many do they have?

>> No.29371533

>Gura use depravation tank

narrative bros?

>> No.29371534
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1602566165470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hesitates to say friendship

>> No.29371535
Quoted by: >>29371550

gura watches rogan

>> No.29371540
Quoted by: >>29371599

Or so you think:


>> No.29371539
File: 156 KB, 1096x619, No loose ends [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fds90nb.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making sure there's no loose ends.

>> No.29371544

Graduation ina what?
Where is it going to be held?

>> No.29371548
Quoted by: >>29371680

I have been on the vomit comet. For about a month afterwards, if I would lie down I'd get the zero-gravity sensation

>> No.29371550

I'm hearing the copy pasta rn

>> No.29371551

>i bet she already thinks she is bigger than everyone in hololive
Because she is. Those slanty eyed leeches can go rot.

>> No.29371555
Quoted by: >>29371642

Divinity: Original Sin

>> No.29371556

>Does an 800k celebration stream at 770k and just lies about her sub count the whole stream.
That would be pretty based and in-character.

>> No.29371557
Quoted by: >>29371810

Never thought I would see actual schizophrenia there

>> No.29371558

They're trying to get 68 right tnow

>> No.29371559
Quoted by: >>29371764

Then why the fuck do they need 87 stars?

>> No.29371560

> Gura watches Joe Rogan
> Gura knows a bit too many oldies

Can we just admit shes an old hag irl? 30+

>> No.29371561

Super Mario Bros Wii

>> No.29371563

With the way they're playing? Haha anon... got some bad news...

>> No.29371564
Quoted by: >>29371588

Wait Mori just say the N-word?!

>> No.29371565

What would the insides of Ame's asshole be like?

>> No.29371570

Ghost Recon (any)
Rainbow Six (not Siege)
Conflict: Desert Storm or Global Terror

>> No.29371571

Pekora once talked how beautiful Moona's singing is and she didn't even wrote in the chat.

>> No.29371575


>> No.29371577

>i bet she already thinks she is bigger than everyone in hololive
She literally is, seethe more

>> No.29371578

Gura's half raisin side UUUOOOOHHHH

>> No.29371580
File: 1.34 MB, 707x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Free War Crime

>> No.29371581


>> No.29371582


>> No.29371586

What an arsehole of a stage.

>> No.29371587

This. Though I don't know if women can appreciate the bro-tier dwarf culture

>> No.29371588

yeah. hard r, too

>> No.29371589

i am completely fine with this

>> No.29371591

I knew this was going to happen, that by the very end of it the girls would get comfortable enough with each other and with the gameplay to make this entertaining finally. Just in time for it to be over.

>> No.29371592 [DELETED] 
File: 3.43 MB, 2343x894, 1605570556698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371651


>> No.29371594

I don't know why but I want them to play Mario 3D World

>> No.29371595
File: 144 KB, 750x893, 1605587010313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda want to red sc some passive-aggressive shit on Mori for the luls

>"Mori will say thanks for the aka on this collab again"
>she 'might' stop or atleast get it

>she wont
>sc on mori

>> No.29371598

Did Mori thank any akas yet?

>> No.29371599

Stop forcing Haachama.

>> No.29371601

Listening to music made before the '70s doesn't make you a boomer, anon.

>> No.29371602

It's more like she's the born in the wrong era type

>> No.29371605

Gura is the oldest
Mori is the youngest

>> No.29371608

Oh hey I remember this guy.

>> No.29371610


>> No.29371613

payday 2

>> No.29371616

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

>> No.29371625

>cake playing the role of a loli
My dick can't get any harder

>> No.29371627

That's a really roundabout way to ask a completely offtopic question, /v/ermin.

>> No.29371633

They aren't obligated to play with her. She's the one who chose to push on this gen0 shit

>> No.29371635

unlike ame, she is worse in trying to overcome the language barrier
now take your med

>> No.29371637

They already did 6-4 though?

>> No.29371638


>> No.29371639


>> No.29371641

>Gura knows a bit too many oldies
Why do you people think music taste in based on age?

>> No.29371642

>not 2
Based Source Hunter chad.

>> No.29371643


>> No.29371644

Among us

>> No.29371645


>> No.29371648

based either way

>> No.29371647
Quoted by: >>29371705

She did it once

>> No.29371650

>Watches Joe Rogan
Literally the only bad Gura lore.

>> No.29371651


>> No.29371652

Most zoomers I know love the older stuff.

>> No.29371655

Swat 4
Payday 2
Battleblock Theater

>> No.29371657


>> No.29371658
File: 523 KB, 1513x2048, EnAqyTJUUAAOyfZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitchen Bitchin' Finale https://youtu.be/Jm_5D7Cvwas
>>Teamup schedule!!!

>> No.29371660


>> No.29371661
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 1604402429617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371663

I listen to old ass music because my dad played it a ton on his car radio or when cleaning the house when I was young.

>> No.29371664
Quoted by: >>29371682

>supposed to cook meat except the frying pan goes underwater every now and then
>pans catch on fire underwater
fuck this game

>> No.29371665

Monster Hunter: World

>> No.29371666

I knew the only thing anon would change would be the pink ring. Nice.

>> No.29371667

Any N64 Mario Party (virtual console/e-shop)
Itadaki Street (for the suffering of women handling investments)

>> No.29371670 [SPOILER] 
File: 314 KB, 400x613, 1605711320296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Antis willingly giving her $100+
>This is somehow winning
Money Mori at it again

>> No.29371672

Sea of Thieves

>> No.29371673

>literally memed to be dwarves and skaven after how much time they spent digging underground caves in minecraft

>> No.29371674


>> No.29371678

Anyone have the pasta for watching multi streams on holotools

>> No.29371679

Haachama is allergic to eggs

>> No.29371681


>> No.29371680
File: 529 KB, 664x665, Emsk2FmVEAAoipj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to get on the Star street comet instead anon.

>> No.29371682

Suppose to cook it partly on one side and finish it on the other

>> No.29371683
File: 306 KB, 1465x1410, 1601322091016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready for more bossy watson this saturday

>> No.29371687
File: 57 KB, 697x800, reps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371775

How about something /tg/ related?

>> No.29371689

It's the opposite. She's too shy and autistic and totally socially inept.
She would NEVER EVER approach anyone about anything. Amelia is the only one who she can talk to and even then she only managed to say "want to watch a movie with me?" once and didn't bring it up again.
If Ame's chat hadn't told her about it (she forgot) she would have never said it again.

>> No.29371690


>> No.29371691
Quoted by: >>29371734

>watches Joe Rogan
Is this new lore? I've never heard this one before.

>> No.29371692


>> No.29371694
File: 300 KB, 2000x2000, 1605650143527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371880

nice op image, ill save that

>> No.29371704

2nd for Worms

>> No.29371705

What the fuck is wrong with her?
Someone please tell her how rude that is

>> No.29371706

Does Ame have a pink ring in her eye?

>> No.29371707

More like Worms Amegeddon am I right

>> No.29371709

Is this stream laggy as fuck for anyone else?

>> No.29371710
File: 2.08 MB, 2894x4093, 85707171_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>klaius stopped drawing gura
hope you're happy /hlgg/

>> No.29371712

Few things changed.
>Coupon in hat
>bubba pin

>> No.29371714

Are you?
Do your JP reps, clip watcher

>> No.29371718
File: 803 KB, 2151x4096, 1604890566233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can shinigami get pregnant? Asking for a friend.

>> No.29371719
Quoted by: >>29371973

>Big Ups to JayPee for the HUGE akasupa!
>He says "You're in a collab, don't read superchats, it's really rude!"
>Good advice, my man, Big Ups! *kazoo noise*

>> No.29371722

Big brain detective

>> No.29371724


>> No.29371728


>> No.29371729


>> No.29371730

Thanks for the aka!

>> No.29371732


>> No.29371735
File: 238 KB, 1240x1754, 1584332908423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most enjoyable Overcooked stream yet, I don't know but they are really

>> No.29371734

Joe just mentions the merits of Sensory Deprivation Tanks pretty often

>> No.29371740
Quoted by: >>29371833


>> No.29371743


>> No.29371744

God damn it CALLI

>> No.29371745

this is what she gets for not interacting with me more...

>> No.29371746
Quoted by: >>29371807



>> No.29371748

There's so much high quality Gura art, Klauis doesn't even matter.

>> No.29371749
File: 2.38 MB, 1452x1070, 1604366763332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371750


>> No.29371752


>> No.29371753


>> No.29371755
Quoted by: >>29371791

I'm getting more of a seared BITE

>> No.29371760

She has to be doing that on purpose kek

>> No.29371761
Quoted by: >>29371847

Did Gura say "Shit" just now?

>> No.29371763


>> No.29371764
File: 175 KB, 321x386, 856989556895896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the wrong game

>> No.29371766


>> No.29371769


>> No.29371770
File: 32 KB, 739x415, 019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371771

joe rogan is a zoomer meme you old man

>> No.29371773


>> No.29371774


>The canon picture

>> No.29371775

Holy based deadbeatbro

>> No.29371776

Stay away from haunted pussy

>> No.29371777

Unironically I think Mori should play with Haachama, just to see the dynamic work out.
The problem is that she wants to get boozed every friday and should be just replaced with Minecraft because if you're just stripmining or building a large enough of a cave for your "plans" you can talk the same shit anyways.

>> No.29371778
Quoted by: >>29371824


>> No.29371781
File: 3.28 MB, 462x640, winkingIna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371822

Thanking AKAs in a collab? Damn, move aside Kusotori, here somes... BAKAMORI

>> No.29371782


>> No.29371783

>s*y burgers
Do Americans really?

>> No.29371784

Mori is /pol/

>> No.29371786


>> No.29371787

he needed a break, he's fine

>> No.29371788

She said the thing!

>> No.29371791


>> No.29371793

As long as it prevents him from putting his 50 pages into action, yes.

>> No.29371794

It was seething unicorns shitposting about him jealous that he got more attention from Gura than them, I don't know how you expect them to feel bad about this, it's what those schizos wanted.

>> No.29371800

good fuck that creepy cunt

>> No.29371804

Not enough research on the subject, you'll have to attempt it repeatedly and record results.

>> No.29371805
File: 833 KB, 594x792, Screen Shot 2020-11-19 at 01.57.15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371807

Make what up?

>> No.29371806

What do Gura and Mori have against soγ?

>> No.29371810

First month here? There are literal schizos, few but loud.

>> No.29371811


>> No.29371815

I don't know I only eat burgers made of beef

>> No.29371817

Turns out all he wanted attention. Good riddance.

>> No.29371819

I don't even think regular streamers thank donations in collabs and if they do it's to their own audience and the other people they're with don't hear it.

>> No.29371822
File: 289 KB, 528x480, ちゅう~~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371823

Vegans aren't american

>> No.29371824

she reheat her big mac anonchamma

>> No.29371826

Do it fgt you don't have the guts

>> No.29371828
Quoted by: >>29371896

imagine if /hlg/ made an actually non-narrative with the EN yabs version of this pasta just to spite and trigger us haha

>> No.29371830

His Guratober is over, anon.

>> No.29371831

he only acknowledged me in the stream chat twice and the second time he didn't even read my name

>> No.29371832

Isn’t that kind of what Pekora wants though, a kouhai that adores her or some shit, I swear I remember seeing a clip of her saying that.

>> No.29371833

Nobody is mad, It's fucking hilarious.

>> No.29371837
File: 349 KB, 621x414, chumpnorris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry guys, leave Klaius to me.

>> No.29371843
File: 397 KB, 1000x1000, watson no shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371846


>> No.29371845
Quoted by: >>29371893

Its for pussies

>> No.29371847 [DELETED] 

Shut. Up. Nigger.

>> No.29371848

They do

>> No.29371851
Quoted by: >>29372045

im in my early 20s and I know most of the songs Gura talked about

>> No.29371855
File: 380 KB, 2000x2193, 1604454323319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give Calli your shekels!

>> No.29371856

No need to feel salty about it, Klaius. Nothing wrong with drawing Shion.

>> No.29371857

what meme did i miss schizoposters, why is thanking akas bad now

>> No.29371858

Wrong, both Ame and Mori are 24. Ame is 1 month younger (june).

>> No.29371859

Anytime I see a commercial for those veggie burgers it just makes me want a regular burger

>> No.29371862

I don't think they're finishing today...

>> No.29371863
Quoted by: >>29371905

You didn't notice?

>> No.29371865

During the Mann v Machine collab Ame should just stop the stream to read SC's while Mori has to wait.

>> No.29371866

awful excuse. you know that she doesn't care and makes absolutely zero effort to be a team member.

>> No.29371867

They're both kinda based.

>> No.29371869
File: 340 KB, 523x511, 1605623615120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371870

Damn, I wanna see those.

>> No.29371871
Quoted by: >>29373442


>> No.29371876

if any of u guys are fucking vegan i hate you so much, cant live without meat

>> No.29371877
File: 87 KB, 634x176, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29371943

Could just be a coincidence of course..

>> No.29371878
Quoted by: >>29372038

50 pages?

>> No.29371880
Quoted by: >>29371921

I want to wife this Fatcat.

>> No.29371881
Quoted by: >>29371947

First time on /hlgg/?

>> No.29371882

>"Maybe thats something hard to relate to, like its a part of you, you know, and deep down you miss it, but the also part of you knows that, i dont think anybody necessarily minds that im gone."
That screams HER for me

i think its more about how she knows that HER fans are all aware that she is a shark now and migrated thats why she thinks that people don't mind that HER is gone

>> No.29371884

If he stopped because Gura didn't give him enough attention then good riddance.

>> No.29371887


>> No.29371888

Doctor, quick, we need meds for this guy ASAP!

>> No.29371891
File: 73 KB, 818x821, EnHSZSjUwAMzWeu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29371892

>fermented onions soup
Do nihonjin hontoni?

>> No.29371893

Τhey have pussies.

>> No.29371894

Its rude as fuck during collabs. Its like Kiara's numberfagging during chess. She was numberfagging on SOMEONE ELSES channel as well

>> No.29371896
File: 1.15 MB, 956x870, 1605347666077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, about that.

>> No.29371897

they are based

>> No.29371898
File: 164 KB, 735x551, 1586103488545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371900

Just for one drawing. He'll be back to drawing Gura and wishing he could meet her IRL in no time.

>> No.29371902

Capcom... Onegai...

>> No.29371904

It is fascinating. The way there are dozens of anons here who are watching the stream just waiting for holo to speak their latest meme (numberfagging for Kiara and akasupas for Mori) and then they explode the thread with the same replies every single time.
How is this different from "SHE SAID THE LINE OMEGALUL" twitchfaggots?

>> No.29371905

Not really. Ame isn't my oshi so I never find myself looking at close ups of her eyes.

>> No.29371906

Mori ruined collab yet again...

>> No.29371907

I think they'll just drop the game

>> No.29371908

>Mori thanking akas
>Gura and Ame both go dead quiet
Can't this bitch take a fucking hint? I expect they will never collab with her after this.

>> No.29371910
Quoted by: >>29372254

every time she talks about other holos it's positive, sometimes to the point of sounding clingy. because i watch her streams the whole "gura doesn't care about hololive" shit just sounds like the ramblings of a lunatic.

>> No.29371915
Quoted by: >>29371969

>Nobody is mad

>> No.29371918
File: 786 KB, 1436x1080, chumguts smirk 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got your back, Chump Norris.

>> No.29371921
File: 919 KB, 1200x1205, 1605023151893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guras mom likes the cat as well

>> No.29371922

Where is the actual hard evidence that Ina's been collab banned for doing artwork for gacha games?

>> No.29371925

She gets tilted over passive-agressive shit and does the opposite. She (jokingly) threatened to pospone the watchalong earlier today when someone in chat start telling her to start already when she was talking about the movie in the beginning of the stream. She might listen if you just tell her why it's bad though.

>> No.29371926

Numberfagging is one thing but flexing your donations is on another level.

>> No.29371931
Quoted by: >>29371992

I don't really mind either way, but is this actually was a problem wouldn't management inform their talent about it?

>> No.29371932
File: 341 KB, 249x266, 1603005296054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been 1 hour

>> No.29371933

Do you actually think people are serious and not just memeing like with the numbers shit?

>> No.29371935
Quoted by: >>29372011

Gura/Amelia, last to cum wins

>> No.29371936

>awful excuse.
It is. Also Haachama said in her stream that she asked Gura for a collab. If Gura doesn't collab with her in the future you'll know how little she cares

>> No.29371937
Quoted by: >>29372053

did you not watch the clip? anyways, fuck you Klaius

>> No.29371938
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1604217563097s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371939


>> No.29371941
File: 4 KB, 300x300, Tako 300x300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372031

Time traveller Tako here, she is going to announce a JP-ID-EN mc server so all holos can play together (except holostars, sorry)

>> No.29371942

The ones I watch usually mute themselves on discord, or somehow get their friends involved.

>> No.29371943

They don't want tranny children.

>> No.29371945
File: 89 KB, 255x264, 1587492208469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371946

my ass

>> No.29371947

hlgg is best consumed drunk or tired, im barely awake most time im here, its rare for me to be here well-rested

ah i got it, forgot the overcooked collab was going on rn thanks anon

>> No.29371950


>> No.29371952

There is none
If it was a real problem ENma would've already stopped it

>> No.29371962

>taking the hint
pick one

>> No.29371964

>cash money
Based Mori

>> No.29371966
File: 267 KB, 560x314, Mio おつみぉーん by ふうすけ 81009701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't watch any Holo that often, but I thought I'd have gotten used to their voices by now.
Mio, Towa, Okayu, to name a few, I tend to forget just how much I like their voices and mannerisms.
I'm glad there are so many distinct voices, but I wish I had more time to watch them all. Maybe someday.

>> No.29371967
File: 612 KB, 2100x2450, 1605023754779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371969

pretty sure that's shitposting

>> No.29371970

Why is Ame so interested in Gura braps.
>shark more like shart
>cut the cheese gura (hehe)

>> No.29371973

Kek, I can hear it.

>> No.29371976
File: 608 KB, 2040x2040, Detective [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2j71ic.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post sound

>> No.29371979
Quoted by: >>29372116

Yeah, just look at how much Gura and Ame are seething right now

>> No.29371981
File: 223 KB, 800x800, 1604801806067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29371982

i hope the retards in here do this ironically...

>> No.29371983

reminder that no matter what Mori does even if it's bad, she will keep doing it and it's eventually get it normalized and even schizos will not bother anymore

>> No.29371984

If another anon here got found out for posting creepy Gura tummy licking and got named, will everyone shit on him as well?

>> No.29371985
Quoted by: >>29372122

Hey Overcooked devs. The main "story" shouldn't require this much 3 starring.

>> No.29371988
File: 66 KB, 720x616, Fields of Pardon [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F17phe6.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372057

>> No.29371989

>jealous that he got more attention from Gura
the irony lol

>> No.29371992

They might have. She said on a previous stream she wouldn't do it anymore, but now she's doing it again.

>> No.29371993
Quoted by: >>29372055

There is none. People are going overboard because it's the only thing they can shitpost about Ina outside of their usual "she's boring". Just ignore it.

>> No.29371997
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x800, Monster.Hunter.Series.full.632304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which weapons and armors would the ENs main, bros?

>> No.29371996


>> No.29371998
Quoted by: >>29372035

>Gura's had shrimp scampi before

BASED. Scampi is the fucking best

>> No.29371999

Your Nihongo reps...

>> No.29372000

gura has problems remembering
what is the narrative

>> No.29372001

Based Chump Norris

>> No.29372002
Quoted by: >>29372116

By this point I don't think anyone cares. It never seems to bother the girls, they're all supportive of each other.

>> No.29372004
File: 185 KB, 318x343, ywn [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqiwiqc.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Klaius put down the knife

>> No.29372005

If Gura appeared on Joe Rogan what would happen?

>> No.29372006

Gura isn't autistic, she's just a woman-child with indulgent parents who should have forced her to eat her veggies and expand her little pallet. Many such cases!

>> No.29372009
Quoted by: >>29372066


>> No.29372010


>> No.29372011
File: 1.03 MB, 1654x2339, EllP-1tU4AEuXG8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unfair, Gura has extremely sensitive nipples and can cum within mere minutes of someone just rubbing and licking them

>> No.29372013

Ame is so fucking done with this game

>> No.29372015
Quoted by: >>29372046

I want to cum inside Haachama

>> No.29372016

I find it hilarious. She's 2 for 2 so far.

>> No.29372019

A question only an ESL would ask?

>> No.29372024


>> No.29372025


>> No.29372027

Mom brain

>> No.29372031

I'd rather they just keep playing on their own servers right now and wait for next year to make a mega holo server just in time for 1.17

>> No.29372033
Quoted by: >>29372076

schizophrenia. she's actually a /jp/ poster who auditioned as a joke and is now in way over her head

she's in every thread

yes, this one too

>> No.29372035

Second this, i know what im having tonight

>> No.29372036

No JP collaborations

If she was working for non-Chinese IPs she would be fine.

>> No.29372038
Quoted by: >>29372134


>> No.29372041

I don't think that those are mere memes they are more like a way to remind us why some people might not like mori and kiara, personally I don't find mori funny nor entertaining

>> No.29372045

same. these fucking underageb&s are starting to get on my nerves. they unironically think ke$ha and LMFAO are classics.

>> No.29372046
File: 356 KB, 1364x2048, PoggersDaddy[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw8aysf.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372047

The reality is that no one except the same dozen anons in this thread gives a shit about the THANKS FOR THE AKA stuff. It's an easy low-hanging fruit to point out when fishing for something to shitpost about, even if it's ultimately inconsequential.

>> No.29372049

Ina will be forced to play hunting horn full support/heal in order to carry everyone else even though she really wants to play bow.

>> No.29372053
Quoted by: >>29372074

We've all seen the clip dude, it was a nothingburger that was massively overblown by schizos and narrativefags here just looking for something to shitpost about.

Also I'm not him, I'm not sure he even posts here and I actually think the Mike Meyers meme is hilarious, but schizos who harass artists seriously should not be encouraged.

>> No.29372055

I want her to collab with her senpais
Kiara shouldn't have all the fun
t. KFP jannie

>> No.29372057
File: 196 KB, 1346x2048, 1604876066467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372061

Please... Just let this game be over...

>> No.29372062

Go take a nap nigga, you’re whining like a motherfucking baby.

>> No.29372063


>> No.29372064
Quoted by: >>29372095

Is she graduating? ;_;

>> No.29372066
File: 202 KB, 1217x1591, EnCLuWAWEAAOlcC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372068
Quoted by: >>29372209

A comment from Ina during her last gesture drawing stream, saying that all collabs with her JP senpais have been postponed indefinitely. She mentioned that is not her or her senpai's fault, suggesting a third party is intervening, that being Cover most likely.
One of the narratives spun here as to why are her business ties to Chinese gacha devs, which could lead to a Coco 2.0 incident, something Cover doesn't want.

>> No.29372069

I hope Kiara numberfags your mom.

>> No.29372071

At this point I'm not even hyped up anymore, I'm just concerned that it might be something so minor that no one cares and the chicken will be sad...

>> No.29372072

Thats why its a joke anon, Its literally the exact same joke as

>> No.29372074
Quoted by: >>29372167

How did he get harassed?
Are you saying he got a lot of messages about this on twitter? Surely you got proof?

>> No.29372076
Quoted by: >>29372091

>every holo and jp poster is actually the same person, just fragments of their mind

>> No.29372077
Quoted by: >>29372164

I honestly dont get why these schizos were attacking Klaus, he did nothing wrong in that clip that the person kept posting. He just wanted attention from his Oshi, and was jealous of the others getting more interactions. People were blowing it so far out of proportion.

>> No.29372080
File: 133 KB, 960x525, 1602996500593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372523


>> No.29372082
File: 268 KB, 1217x1591, 1605708211093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372083

Less than 25 k viewers with the 3 most popular holoen, will this failure of a collab force the girls to play more minecraft? Thats what gets then the most viewers...

>> No.29372084

She’d try DMT

>> No.29372085

Amelia plays LBG with rapidfire Pellet
Mori goes for whichever looks cool

>> No.29372086

I swear this announcement better be the biggest thing to have ever hit Hololive or something with the amount of shilling and hyping she's doing

>> No.29372089

She says she likes hunting horn too so it's whatever

>> No.29372091

i'd believe it, there's huge gaps in my memory every day

>> No.29372093
Quoted by: >>29372132

wtf why was that so cute

>> No.29372095

Why would she be excited about that? she loves hololive.

>> No.29372096
File: 1019 KB, 2896x4096, 65D8A8A5-85DE-4E0E-83C3-FEA7DC79B1CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious seafood cunny mmm

>> No.29372101

No shit. You're a fucking genius anon.

>> No.29372102
File: 120 KB, 275x264, concerned_aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope he didn't saw all the shit you guys were saying about him

>> No.29372105

>play hunting horn full support/heal
I didn't play in a while but this used to be very retarded

>> No.29372109

She's hyping it up too much.

>> No.29372111

this but for literally any possibly yab moments

>> No.29372114
File: 89 KB, 372x364, 1593380203203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372130

Mori pits?

>> No.29372115

What do you think its going to be? A collab announcement or some dumb song with Mori?

>> No.29372116

it's a part of their jobs to be on good terms with each other. even if something did bother them they wouldn't let it show.

>> No.29372119
File: 899 KB, 750x1000, 1604475853255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372485

I laugh every time Kiara mentions numbers in the slightest because I know what the next 20 posts in the thread are going to be about.

>> No.29372122

Or maybe they should stop being scatterbrained women and organize themselves better.

>> No.29372123


>> No.29372124

Did Gura say why she missed the collab? I came late

>> No.29372128

Does Ame say ASTAT on purpose?

>> No.29372130
File: 546 KB, 2000x2750, 1604998410742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372132

Mori is cute

>> No.29372133

I'm pretty sure Gura and Ame give a shit, but they won't confront her about it.

>> No.29372134
Quoted by: >>29372298

>Everyone wanting to get in on the action
>Blames Klaius on it
Everyone's just jealous that he's the only pervert she knows about.

>> No.29372137
File: 46 KB, 462x500, 1603625351947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372169

Which JP holo have also thanked akasupas during a collab?

>> No.29372141

What would you rather eat?

Food from Overcooked, or from Haachama Cooking?

>> No.29372140

still is, hunting horn is retarded either way

>> No.29372142

Kiara announcement will just be her song with Mori that was already leaked

>> No.29372144

Anon we are mostly memeing

>> No.29372145

He's not even the best Gura artist.

>> No.29372147

They aren't gonna finish this game, are they?

>> No.29372150
File: 1.31 MB, 239x280, towa SHAKE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towas hat?

>> No.29372153

What's the > > > joke?

>> No.29372161
Quoted by: >>29372208

Game isn't that interesting
Commentary is hard because of game focus
One of the girls isn't interesting or mesh well with the others.

>> No.29372164

Because he was a fag who gout a shout-out in stream and it still wasn't enough for him.

>> No.29372165

Haachama's cooking is not edible

>> No.29372167

I have no idea if he did or not, but if that's the reason hes not drawing Gura any more, fuck those schizo niggers. And you've all seen what kind of faggots post here, it's more than likely true. We've had trannies even harass the girls themselves on twitter with hate posts from here.

>> No.29372168

I am, maybe now he’ll get a therapist and stop getting so obsessed next time.

>> No.29372169


>> No.29372171

he did, and he's plotting his revenge. Not on the chuubas, but on /hlgg/ anons themselves.

>> No.29372172
Quoted by: >>29372211

>Ame's live2D gone
It's not an EN stream without technical issues

>> No.29372174

He should've kept his mouth shut.

>> No.29372176

Did Kiara numberfag during the chess stream? I was asleep

>> No.29372178

Gura - Insect Glaive
Mori - Long Sword
Kiara - SnS
Ina - Hunting Horn

>> No.29372177
Quoted by: >>29372307

menstrual cramps

>> No.29372179
File: 162 KB, 1200x1350, 1506278372288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372237

>> No.29372182

The former, it's probably been on the floor at some point, but at least it's fully cooked.

>> No.29372184

new costume is all i ask, papa huke pls do smth

>> No.29372183

she said it's none of your fucking business

>> No.29372186

did any of then talked about what happened yesterday?

>> No.29372187

lurk more

>> No.29372188

That big red heart song always gets stuck in my head for days

>> No.29372189

Watch a Kiara stream

>> No.29372190

I hope he did. It was an obsession that was becoming detrimental.

>> No.29372191

>other holos screw up
>people criticize them
>they fix it and don't make the same mistake again

>mori screws up
>people criticize her
>she keeps doing it until it becomes a meme
Sasuga Mori

>> No.29372194

Ame cutting the cheese

>> No.29372195
Quoted by: >>29372260

HH definitely can't carry bads in World. The best way to progress while having dead weight on your back is unironically to just play bow or HBG and kill the fucking mon before your friends can eat all the carts. Ranged weapons are hilariously overpowered in World.

>> No.29372197
Quoted by: >>29372235

Yes, like 4 times.

>> No.29372199
File: 3.19 MB, 2500x3308, 85240638_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big ups to this big-brained Anon over here!

>> No.29372200

Overcooked food is not real, whilst Haachama's is. So I'd pick Overcooked

>> No.29372202
Quoted by: >>29372235

She did it like 5 times

>> No.29372203

Hunting Horn is pretty based if you get the basic flow of it down. It's just not that fast for clears to compensate for the utility. If you are playing the Horn properly you are smashing into the monster to make the tunes you need so it's very satisfying to encore into the monster while giving everyone else a big damage boost. Only idiots run away to toot.

>> No.29372207
Quoted by: >>29372525

I played hunting horn with full wide range and heals.
It really just stops any deaths in the party if you play good enough.
It helps you with any other retards that keep walking into attacks

>> No.29372208
Quoted by: >>29372247

>One of the girls isn't interesting or mesh well with the others.
Hey why do you have to talk about Gura like that

>> No.29372209

How are """we""" so sure it's working with gachas and shit
Isn't Fubuki, Suise and all deep in the gacha hole themselves?

>> No.29372210

I hope he did and it made him reflect on it before it's too late

>> No.29372211

Second time it's happened today.

>> No.29372215

I agree but it's still an annoying, nothing to talk about though

>> No.29372216

It's just a narrative but it makes sense, so it caught on.

>> No.29372217

Already confirmed it's not just that.

>> No.29372222

I wanted to be a unitybro but Mori and Kiara are obnoxious. I can still be a unitybro without watching them r-right?

>> No.29372224

Oh my god. She will sing Never gonna give you up.
I just realized that this thing is just a huge fucking troll
She will just sing Never gonna give you up
It must be it.

>> No.29372226

Just because they're popular doesn't mean they mesh well together as a group. We know that Ame and Gura mesh well together. Interesting.

>> No.29372227

It really depends on how obnoxious she is being about it. I didn't really get annoyed this time because it was just 0.5s "thanks for the aka", but when she goes full "YO TAKASHI MY DUDE BIG UP FOR THE YUUGE AKASPA, ARE YOU SURE YOU CAN AFFORD THIS HOMIE" in a collab it gets kinda silly.

>> No.29372228

She's the only girl in Hololive who thanks akas in collabs, she's this dumb

>> No.29372229

Towa's horned hat, Okayu ass mousepad, and maybe a Watson tie are the only pieces of merch I'd actually use

>> No.29372234

4 time i think

>> No.29372235
Quoted by: >>29372366

Fucking whore I hope she announces her graduation

>> No.29372237

Why is she so smug?

>> No.29372238

She's said it's multiple things. also a song announcement where the song isn't finished would not be worth a stream slot.

>> No.29372240

She already said it wasn't the song, and that it was multiple things.

>> No.29372241
Quoted by: >>29372318

>20 post of "SHE SAID THE THING"

>> No.29372245
File: 55 KB, 850x400, No+you+do+not+_9bd26bdfa8a0eec9b4a786d02aa9796e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372247
Quoted by: >>29372301

t. deadbrap

>> No.29372248

it was pretty sad
she said that she was held back by YOUR MOM

>> No.29372249

Being a unitybro means not being a fucking schizo that spams the thread with 5 page essays on why you hate them

>> No.29372251

And nothing was lost. He's just one of the thousands of illustrators that does Gura art. He's sticking to Shion now but it's fine since Shion only acknowledges her usual and old superchatters anyways

>> No.29372254

where did that "gura doesnt care about hololive" narrative even come from? she always seems so enthusiastic when talking about holos and going "I WATCHED HER DO THAT LIVE"

>> No.29372256

It's unlikely he ever posted here and if he did who gives a shit, it's just stupid shitposting. Who would stop drawing their oshi just because of what /jp/ said about you.

>> No.29372258

That shit didn't even leak outside of here. He's allowed to draw different shit you know... unless he's here.

>> No.29372260

Ina doesn't play dps unfortunately, so HH is still the preferred option for her if she can't play bow

>> No.29372261
File: 892 KB, 1240x1754, 1604717419105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as you are respectfuk towards them, anon

>> No.29372263

is Nene unironically autistic?

>> No.29372264
Quoted by: >>29372303

Get in here Haatons!


>> No.29372266

He doesn't even know this place. He'll go on his happy day drawing Gura and wishing for more Gura attention, don't worry about it.

>> No.29372265

Because Ina's roommate does art for gacha games, duh. You can find her portfolio online, anon. She's a fairly high-profile professional.

>> No.29372267
File: 287 KB, 1202x1700, Em44cvUXEAcGvUT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372370


>> No.29372268

Checked, but you'd had better go to a vtuber thread with weaker unity.

>> No.29372274

Can't be a unity bro if you act like a fucking underage retard

>> No.29372275

Biggest sign of a redditor is failure to grasp subtlety. Lurk more or go back.

>> No.29372276


>> No.29372279

For an EN Haachama has really good Japanese.

>> No.29372280

Because their gachas are JP in origin

>> No.29372281

If he stopped drawing because I made a couple Michael Myers jokes than he lacks power

>> No.29372283
Quoted by: >>29372351

FBK and Suisei play gacha. Ina's roommate has a career drawing commissions for gacha.

>> No.29372284
Quoted by: >>29372335

Well, at least the collab went longer than 66 minutes

>> No.29372290

Just realize that "unity" is a meme. No one likes everyone equally.
Just watch who you like, you don't have to actively anti-post the ones you don't.

>> No.29372295
Quoted by: >>29372329

Unity isn't about watching them, its about not being a schizo about how much you hate one

>> No.29372297

You’re obnoxious, so no you’re not a unitybro. Shut the fuck up and join your trinity brethren.

>> No.29372298
File: 314 KB, 621x1200, 1603322227584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372885

Based Klaiusbro. We're gonna make it. To Gura's house.

>> No.29372301
Quoted by: >>29372608

Hey, Amelia is being pretty funny during this collab, don't be harsh on her.

>> No.29372303
File: 42 KB, 205x151, 1592114998062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>currently at 767k


>> No.29372304

Almost as good as Kiara.

>> No.29372307

Actually very possible. The member stream she canceled last month was on the 16th and yesterday's cancelled stream was the 17th. She might get them really bad.

>> No.29372309

just play sticky lbg, stuns for days and fast sheath for support

>> No.29372310


>> No.29372313


>> No.29372314


>> No.29372316

bless you anon

>> No.29372317

>No one likes everyone equally
I like all of them for different reasons.

>> No.29372318
Quoted by: >>29372361

I assume you weren't here a month ago when we had full threads about it. I still think it's a fucking retarded thing to complain about though.

>> No.29372319

I hope he did. He was becoming really obsessive and wanting appreciation or acknowledgement in an unhealthy way

>> No.29372320


>> No.29372321

You don't have to watch them all, even neets have trouble watching all of them, just don't whine for hours about the ones you don't watch.

>> No.29372322

It said 8 Billion.

>> No.29372323

It'll definitely be neat but short of coming over to chat's house and sucking them off people will probably be a bit underwhelmed

>> No.29372324

She's going to die

>> No.29372329

the only holo people can hate is me when i pass the audition that i totally will pass

>> No.29372330

Yes, the trinity is the best choice anyways, just don't disrespect the other 2 jp girls

>> No.29372335

I think they're committed to going until they finally finish the game. They want to get this over with.

>> No.29372337


>> No.29372338

Enma pull that shit up

>> No.29372340

Ame mains heavy guns, calling the shots from a distance.
Mori starts with greatsword but switches to longsword because it's both easier to play and more chuuni.
Gura plays dual blades in the base game but learns greatsword when she sees the Beotodus sword.
Kiara plays sword & shield because it's on-brand.
They forgot to invite Ina.

>> No.29372341
File: 55 KB, 827x881, i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mori screws up
>>people criticize her
You're delusional if you think she actually comes here and the opinion of 200 people max (90% of which who are unironic autists) will effect anything she does

>> No.29372342

fair, Mori`s voice annoys me
Still like her tought

>> No.29372348
Quoted by: >>29372373

If I get in I will make sure to constantly make and destroy narratives

>> No.29372350

EN didn't really help Haachama that much

>> No.29372351

Jesas, if that's her bread and butter and SOMETHING is making that her keep away from JP then she's fucked
Goddamnit, god fucking damnit this can't be right

>> No.29372353

Good luck, Koopa

>> No.29372357

>inb4 pregnancy schizos

>> No.29372358

So already 1000 over the past 10 minutes.

At this rate, how long till 800k?

>> No.29372359

>show us your best B-Ball skills
Can't wait for that Shut Up And Jam Gaiden stream

>> No.29372361

As long as its a quick 1 second of thanks, I don't think anyone reasonable will care much

>> No.29372366

Seethe retard.

>> No.29372367 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 886x72, gay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29372368

Yes. Your digits allows you to

>> No.29372369

Yeah okay nice try Mori.

>> No.29372370
File: 156 KB, 972x1155, ElcZpvEU8AIduZQ.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372373
Quoted by: >>29372397

will you take your meds before you start the streams, anon?

>> No.29372374

>there are still players who think HH is a full support weapon
Holy fuck. I kick these retards from my group every time.

>> No.29372376
File: 1.33 MB, 1036x1450, Nene tiddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372377

it's antis trying to make her look bad

>> No.29372382

>25k viewers

Not even Gura and Ame can carry this shit game

>> No.29372383

t. deadbrap

>> No.29372384

>You're delusional if you think she actually comes here
You're delusional if you think she doesn't.

>> No.29372390

Moris trying extra hard to sound calm and feminine today. Shes probably gotten one too many comments about sounding mannish. If she can keep this up I MIGHT subscribe.

>> No.29372394

in which aspect? subs or her english skills?

>> No.29372395
Quoted by: >>29372430

this collab is like an unwanted sleep-inducing drug.
I cant keep my eyes open anymore hlgg

>> No.29372396
Quoted by: >>29372502

>We know that Ame and Gura mesh well together
Ame has had a duo collab with everyone except Mori and, so far, she's meshed quite well with all of them, even her JP senpais

>> No.29372397
Quoted by: >>29372417

I will take them live on stream

>> No.29372398

Don't worry anon, I'll make special narratives just for you.

>> No.29372401

It's retarded in World but in 4th gen it was definitely a good idea to have one HH in the party.

>> No.29372403

She's here!

>> No.29372415
Quoted by: >>29372558

This is the worst game because not only is it not fun, but it also requires their focus so much that there is no room for them to chitchat

>> No.29372417

sasuga anon, i'm ready to spread the hrt narratives

>> No.29372423

HAACHAMA i love you but you are not reaching 800 k like this lol

>> No.29372424

Funny joke if you think they'll allow Mori or Kiara to play when they'll fucking cart fighting regular jagras.

>> No.29372425

tea mates are based

>> No.29372426

I'm gonna ask her in a Aka if she visits here

>> No.29372427

I've been coming here for longer than I care to think about. Chances are she has too. If I know full well that most of the shrieking retards are literal autists and schizos who are not to be taken seriously, she absolutely does too.

>> No.29372429

But if I post about it again maybe she'll see and graduate!

>> No.29372430


>> No.29372433

Not only is this game shit but it's also bugged?
I feel sorry for them for wasting their time on this.

>> No.29372435

she's trying to steal the GFE crowd

>> No.29372439
File: 104 KB, 781x600, 1602710280557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372517

Some of the anons here have an unhealthy obsession arguing over some girls that aren't even aware of their existence to the point of being as toxic as a political debate.
Chill out motherfuckers, shitposting is fine but don't overdo it, nobody is forcing you to like something

>> No.29372441
Quoted by: >>29372533

Unity is not about like everyone equally. Unity is about supporting all the girls, even if you don't like one of them for whatever reason. And yes, by this thread standards just not actively anti-posting already counts as support.

>> No.29372443


>> No.29372447


>> No.29372450

Guys I wasnt a big fan of Mori up until now but after Boondock Saints and this stream I'm coming around, she's a lot more likeable lately or something. Even the aka thanking today isnt really obnoxious it's just funny to shitpost about here.

>> No.29372454
Quoted by: >>29372504

It's WAY outside the normal timeslot for Ame and Gura, and it's a shit game noone want's to drag themselves out of bed to watch. Hell, Gura and Ame have both failed to drag themselves out of bed to play it. The commentary isn't even good because they have to be talking about the game constantly.

>> No.29372455

Holy based

>> No.29372456

I'm glad this is the end.

>> No.29372458

Just woke up

How did Willem Dafoe Saints go?

>> No.29372464

It looks like she just doesn't care as long as she's making bucks

>> No.29372470

>I'm not [x-phobic] but [I hate x]

>> No.29372472
Quoted by: >>29372705

Bow is a DPS weapon in World.

>> No.29372473

Ina will stream the game at the same time and solo whatever monster they fight while the others keep carting.
It will be hilarious.

>> No.29372474


>> No.29372476

if we're completely fair, they are going against JP prime time with Pekora/Moona going on in Minecraft. Ame and Gura's audience are mainly Americans and Overcooked 2 is more fun to play then it is to watch and all conversation is focused on playing the game and not just hanging out. 25k seems about right.

>> No.29372477

god even the lowest watchama enjoyer is a chad holy shit

>> No.29372480
File: 55 KB, 209x188, 1604681972086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372559

She has been using 4chan for a long time, she should be able to tell shitposters from actual anons easily

>> No.29372485

I'm a chickenfag and even I look forward to the Marineposter. The best part was when he was blueballed for like 3 hours one time and had to watch basically the whole stream just for a meme.

>> No.29372487

Unity just means not making constant anti posts about the ones that you like the least/don't watch, I don't think anybody has time to watch all the streams. I can barely keep up with 3 girls and still miss some streams.

>> No.29372491

I can't believed we (possibly) calculated gura's menstrual cycle.
Do we know the other girls?
When will they start syncing.

>> No.29372490

>is [Insert chuuba here] unironically autistic?

>> No.29372492

I want to slap Mori's tits until she stops being autistic.

>> No.29372493
Quoted by: >>29372550

HoloEN is so boring hlgg had to adopt HoloJPs to have discussions

>> No.29372495
File: 91 KB, 800x800, 1546087154353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Look down
>Those legs

>> No.29372497

It means that the meds are working

>> No.29372500

Shes been like this for a bit now. I think its just a combination of her actually getting sleep and calming down a bit.

>> No.29372501

Even during a collab?

>> No.29372502

Ame with N2 JLPT might be FBK tier but, well, you can't get all I guess.

>> No.29372503
Quoted by: >>29372585

Amelia has explained one time that she doesn't thank superchats while playing because she finds it weird and wants to solely focus on her game. Surely it must bother her when a colleague does it in front of her in a collab.

>> No.29372504

yeah, they started right as i had to clock in for work. i've never been able to see bitchin' kitchen live.

>> No.29372505

Wtf i love tea mates now

>> No.29372506

It was an enlightening experience

>> No.29372507

I woke up in the middle of it and from what I saw it was pretty good. Mori being a cute dork.

>> No.29372508

But I like her when she’s one of the boys, she’s more relatable that way.

>> No.29372509
File: 79 KB, 480x473, das it mane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372511
File: 147 KB, 904x912, dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372567

>wasting quads on a post about being filtered by the two best entertainers in holoen

>> No.29372512

Haachama didn't really help Haato that much

>> No.29372514

It was fucking great, she was adorable and fangirling the whole time

>> No.29372515

She's improved massively since coming back from her dead week

>> No.29372516

That movie is still a masterpiece. Mori is still a fucking dork. Nothing too eventful.

>> No.29372517
Quoted by: >>29372556

Where do you think you are?

>> No.29372519
File: 754 KB, 112x112, 1573608246873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can finally use this image

>> No.29372520
Quoted by: >>29372705

She's a bowfag according to roommate reps

>> No.29372522

It was a fun stream, Mori really showed what she liked

Shame the next stream was shit

>> No.29372523

This is giving me Heavy Object vibes. It's probably what their weapons looked like prior to those advanced movement systems, but beyond 'normal' tanks.

>> No.29372525
Quoted by: >>29372755

Being a wide range healbut has nothing to do with the weapon you're using, because you'll spend 90% of the fight sheathed and eating. In fact, it's best to do that as SnS because at least you can smack the monster while being a healslut instead of just being deadweight.

Unless your party literally can't stop carting if you stop eating, healer playstyles hurt more than they help. The damage lost by you with your thumb in your ass drags out the fight and makes it harder for the 3 playing the game for you, and more likely that they're going to make a fatal mistake before the end.

>> No.29372531
Quoted by: >>29372549

anon your latin reps

>> No.29372533

Then I'm still not unity. I don't enjoy Mori or her content, so I see no reason to support her.

>> No.29372534
Quoted by: >>29372591

What’s the context?

>> No.29372537

I feel like she's been pretty good since the spa date/freelance deadline. I think it's simply because she's getting decent sleep now.

>> No.29372541

It explained a bit about why she is like she is

>> No.29372545
Quoted by: >>29372652

As someone that really hates her usual numberfagging, being astonished at 40k people watching them be horrible at chess is really not the same

>> No.29372547

>concernfagging a possessive weirdo

>> No.29372549

anon your linguistics reps

>> No.29372548

I believe she comes here but only to derail threads due to her being a /v/ermin

>> No.29372550


>> No.29372551

The real Haachama was the friends we made along the way

>> No.29372552
File: 66 KB, 583x555, graduation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally... graduation

>> No.29372553
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>> No.29372554
File: 288 KB, 834x1200, 1540435544885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even assuming that she doesn't, we have dozens of r*dditors, facebook niggers and discord trannies who leak out every single thing. It's a legit criticism so there is no reason not to act on it except pure stubborness. I'm pretty sure she already said that she won't be thanking akasupa in one of the previous Overcooked collabs. She just forgot about it by the next stream.

>> No.29372556


>> No.29372557

Mori and this shit game is actually a debuff to AmaSame.

>> No.29372559
Quoted by: >>29372616

From the doxxposts I've seen it doesn't seem like she likes 4chan at all. She refers to it as "4chin", which I'm pretty sure normies use it when they want to make fun of the site. But I could be wrong

>> No.29372558

this is true.
Also what everyone has been saying sine the first collab.

>> No.29372560

Nobody should play this shitty game

>> No.29372561
File: 73 KB, 1366x549, 1596666377188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372606


>> No.29372562

If you're talking about viewers, Pekora is streaming minecraft right now.

>> No.29372563

Too based for reddit

>> No.29372564

More date streams

>> No.29372566
File: 220 KB, 1135x1258, 1580958792996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her the most when she is being genuine

>> No.29372567

Why are deadbeats like this?

>> No.29372570

I sure like this one

>> No.29372569
Quoted by: >>29372626

>getting so desperate that she resorts to thanking a yellow super

>> No.29372571
File: 5 KB, 383x49, Capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29372574

I'm jerking off first THEN I'm sleeping.

>> No.29372578

I don't know what kind of men you're meeting that sound like Mori.

>> No.29372582

>proclaim to be honorary EN
>do 5 EN streams a week
>all of them at like 3AM NA time
Can't help her if I can't watch her streams.

>> No.29372585

doubt it. Amelia is nothing but supportive of her colleagues and a short "thanks for the aka" isn't really that disruptive. This collab is mainly for Mori's sake anyway.

>> No.29372589

These are Peko hours. They're doing fine for not streaming a buff game.

>> No.29372591
Quoted by: >>29372625

you're oshi came out of the closet live on stream

>> No.29372593

Haha! Berry fanni jooku!

>> No.29372594
File: 67 KB, 627x675, ENsupport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372643

Gotta support the HoloEN girls

>> No.29372595
File: 334 KB, 1920x696, 876CC5E1-EB22-436E-824C-5C5912315A3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Worms armageddon with custom shitpost maps
Imagine the laughs

>> No.29372599


>> No.29372600


>> No.29372603


>> No.29372604

Open your mouth Gura you dummy

>> No.29372605

She's doing the best she can.

>> No.29372607

Honorary gen5 member!

>> No.29372606
Quoted by: >>29372703

I hate how easy it is to slap the pog onto memes instead of properly cutting out her face.

>> No.29372608
Quoted by: >>29372763

t. deadbrap

>> No.29372609

Why would you want to take away her best aspect?

>> No.29372610

>This riveting plot
kek they hate it

>> No.29372615

It's gong to be the announcement of a bigger announcement.

>> No.29372617

>a game that Calli is actually competent in
>still complain

>> No.29372616

I know many people who use the site regularly and use 4chin/4chins to refer to it

>> No.29372625

Chicken has always been a carpet muncher. This is nothing new.

>> No.29372626


>> No.29372629
Quoted by: >>29372692

I guess you just don't understand Hololive, then. Maybe go back to /v/?

>> No.29372631


>> No.29372632

It's almost done we're nearly free

>> No.29372633
File: 72 KB, 463x453, pEKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372653

>level 6 dash 6

>> No.29372636

Nah, she's getting married to Mori. That's what the big announcement is about.

>> No.29372640
Quoted by: >>29372708

Gura really loves to parrot whatever Ame says.

>> No.29372643

>5 dollar tier

>> No.29372644
Quoted by: >>29373057

Jesus fucking Christ do deadbeats really?

>> No.29372647

aww Haato has a flu. Is it a symptom of salmonella?

>> No.29372650
Quoted by: >>29372777

did anything ever come from haachama eating raw chicken or is her gut made of steel

>> No.29372651

>gura casually making austin power reference
How old is this shark really?

>> No.29372652
Quoted by: >>29372696

Mentioning it 3 times is fucking ridiculous. The fact that she cares to fucking look is insane. You don't see Ame mentioning the drop in numbers every time she does a fucking fake out in Apex. The worst part it wasn't even get own fucking channel.

>> No.29372653

YES IT'S ALMOST OVER. Please go back to full gen collabs instead of kusoge like this.
God is a Kiara anti and God is also a Mori doxxer

>> No.29372657

Holy shit, i can't believe they are talking about the holocaust being fake on stream

>> No.29372660


>> No.29372664

I want to cum inside Amelia.

>> No.29372667

garrys mod TTT with some of the JPs

>> No.29372669


>> No.29372671

>14 minute level

>> No.29372672
Quoted by: >>29372727

Why are all chicken antis the fucking same, christ, you fuckers are more annoying than Kiara could ever fucking be to me.

>> No.29372673

She and Haachama are trading places

>> No.29372675

>14 minute level

>> No.29372680
File: 193 KB, 500x500, 1601388843402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 minute level

>> No.29372681
Quoted by: >>29372726

What'd she say?

>> No.29372683

Which is also 8 am eurotime, so Haachama was simply creating her own branch of HoloStraya.

>> No.29372684

>14 fucking minutes

>> No.29372685

>14 minutes
Pain peko

>> No.29372689


>> No.29372690

Late 20's minimum early 30's max.

>> No.29372691
Quoted by: >>29372714

How would you handle Kiara's graduation?

>> No.29372692
Quoted by: >>29372758

>you need to like everyone or you don't understand hololive!
end yourself

>> No.29372694
Quoted by: >>29373057


>> No.29372695


>> No.29372696

Give her a break, she's German, they LOVE numbers.

>> No.29372697
File: 300 KB, 386x431, Amelia unimpressed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14 minutes...

>> No.29372698
Quoted by: >>29372804

"phobe" comes from the greek phobos, literally meaning fear.
Fear and hate are two separate things, despite how much media has pushed in the past few decades to insist everybody who doesn't support gay politics are either bigots or closeted. You don't have to be phobic to be disinterested, disdainful or simply offput.

>> No.29372699

What the fuck is this level?

>> No.29372701
File: 97 KB, 818x561, takobunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My queen is awake?

>> No.29372704

>14 minute long level
Jesus christ, the final level is just "lol every level all over again mashed into one", really?

>> No.29372703

I'll be honest, that's both part of the charm of it and the reason that I bothered to do it. I should make a proper normal exploitable, but haven't found the right picture for it yet.

>> No.29372705

She gets wet for bows with how hard she stuck to it in Hades. It will overcome her urge to support.
Still can play statuses for semi support

>> No.29372707

A great cheap watch, but the real prize was getting to know a little bit more about Mori.
I can definitely see the similarities between it and stuff I know I only look fondly at because I saw it before I saw better stuff, being younger and more impressionable.

>> No.29372708

She parrots everyone. Ame just happens to be talking a lot because she's telling the others what to do.

>> No.29372714
Quoted by: >>29372749

Someone post the clip where she's clearly acting out the scene irl
I'm not a KFP but poorly. EN wouldn't feel the same without Kusotori.

>> No.29372716
File: 80 KB, 719x837, 5435343135135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372741

Finally... soon it will be over and Ame and Gura won't have to fuck up their sleep schedule once a week.

>> No.29372720

oh boy we here for a long one

>> No.29372724
Quoted by: >>29372779

Risk of Rain 2.

>> No.29372725

She's a poorfag. She's only seen old movies and played bargain bin games.That why she gushes about dogz and the shrek game.

>> No.29372727
Quoted by: >>29372963

they have been like that since debut, funny thing is barely any of them actually watch her streams

>> No.29372726

she said "My Mojo!"

>> No.29372731

Nice anon, was just posting a random anime girl didn't expect an edit

>> No.29372734

An age where she is cute and funny

>> No.29372735

Austin Powers is on netflix, it's for zoomers.

>> No.29372738

anyone else /delusional/ here thinking about a future where they manage to make it past auditions and join HL or should i just take my meds

>> No.29372739

Haachama vs Mori who wins?

>> No.29372741

Mori is the worst person to collab with

>> No.29372743
Quoted by: >>29372868

If three chefs can prepare 10 meals in 14 minutes, how long will it take them to prepare 6 million meals?

>> No.29372744
File: 106 KB, 943x688, EnHYWSYVgBEkaLB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372785

>> No.29372749


>> No.29372751
File: 542 KB, 1448x2048, 1603135752075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coco, mel, kanata, aki, roboco, marine, noel polka, haachama, okayu, rushia, shion, fbk
who else has done asmr

>> No.29372752

now that you mention it, this could be interesting, could even go a step further and let the audience create maps.

>> No.29372753

30 something. I'm 35 and share a lot of her taste.

>> No.29372754

Oh man I just noticed the tiny clipboard chat on the bottom left. Cute.

>> No.29372755

My success rate with HH full heal has been 100% even with beginners at the game so I'll stand by it.
Should stop offtopic posting /v/

>> No.29372756
Quoted by: >>29372808

At what?

>> No.29372758

If you want petty squabbling and tribalism, Nijisanji is more your speed.
Hololive is family.

>> No.29372759

Yes, take your meds.

>> No.29372761

>Pekora not even 50k on her biggest buff game
Graduation incoming

>> No.29372763

Mori didn't even ruin the collab this time either. So stop blaming Koopa.

>> No.29372764
File: 96 KB, 1600x699, 1590011099562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29372884

Are you capable to understand that there are others who like her content? Are you able to get along with deadbeats and the other fanbases? Seriously, that's all it takes to be unitybro.

>> No.29372769
Quoted by: >>29372861

Cant succeed if you dont try anon

>> No.29372771

In cooking? Mori did part time jobs right?

>> No.29372772

subaru but we don't mention that

>> No.29372774

Gauntlet Legends Dark Legacy

>> No.29372775
File: 212 KB, 850x1616, 1605532457428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372776

Holy shit how have they been doing this for an hour twenty?

>> No.29372777
Quoted by: >>29372826

>did anything ever come from haachama eating raw chicken

>> No.29372778

I would just end up trying to hit on one or multiple girls so it's better I don't even try

>> No.29372779

God yes yes yes

>> No.29372781


Also, No Man's Sky would be pretty comfy though idk about that many people. Still Ame/Gura NMS collab seems kino.

>> No.29372785

whoever edited this
>I kneel

>> No.29372786
Quoted by: >>29372861

I think I could make it. My past meets the Hololive standards and I can keep up a conversation pretty well. I should however also take my meds.

>> No.29372788
File: 56 KB, 365x365, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori uses 4chan
W-what's her home board(s)????

>> No.29372793

Luna got like 40k in 30 minutes with RFA

>> No.29372794
File: 65 KB, 248x254, 1602292624721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nude Noodle

>> No.29372795

Wait, if Mori wants to prove her Souls skills so bad, she could just play that Litttle Witch Nobeta game?
>Made by Taiwanese developers
even more based

>> No.29372796

In retardation? It's a tie.

>> No.29372799

Kiara's announcement is that she's gonna become a gen 5

>> No.29372801


>> No.29372800

take meds unless you are clint stevens

>> No.29372802

/a/ of course

>> No.29372804
Quoted by: >>29372894

Languages are constantly evolving and the meaning of words can change over time, just like the word "gay". Or as Mori said, "yeet"

>> No.29372803

Based. The virgin anti vs the chad unityposter.

>> No.29372806
Quoted by: >>29372845

Gura will soon do princess asmr

>> No.29372808

Being cute

>> No.29372810

/a/ and /mu/

>> No.29372812

Not liking someone doesn't mean I actively engage in those. I am merely stating that I don't enjoy the content provided by a specific talent. I don't antipost, but I also see no reason to support them.

>> No.29372813

/a/ and /vg/. Specifically, /utg/

>> No.29372815
Quoted by: >>29372861

I lack the required vagene.

>> No.29372817
Quoted by: >>29373235

She's a /v/ermin. On top of that she is still there as you can tell my her Bugsnax joke.

>> No.29372819


>> No.29372822

In not asking proper questions? (You) do

>> No.29372826

if only one was there to sniff it as it occurred

>> No.29372836


>> No.29372837


>> No.29372838
Quoted by: >>29372909

/trash/ of course

>> No.29372839

It sucks.

>> No.29372840

Why would the biggest numberfag want to demote herself?

>> No.29372843
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, 1598420940811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373201

Here's hoping for the classic

>> No.29372845
File: 207 KB, 1258x752, 1605289746163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and im impatiently anticipating it with my entire body
shuba shuba

>> No.29372847


>> No.29372851
Quoted by: >>29372929


>> No.29372849
Quoted by: >>29372929

>Live stream offline
Oh no

>> No.29372852
Quoted by: >>29372929


>> No.29372854
File: 54 KB, 524x400, 1605640626967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guerilla soon bros!

>> No.29372859

Okay that's kinda funny.

>> No.29372861

thanks anon ily

i've been thinking about whether or not writing scripts for a youtube channel (top 10 shit), vidya etc would suffice their requirement for "online content creation" desu, but i dont think im likable enough as a person for this kinda stuff

you can be the first one we can spread hrt narratives about anon or me

>> No.29372863

Amelia must be thinking her commentary is carrying this collab, but honestly it's pretty fucking boring.

>> No.29372864

That's basically saying she wants to garduate
she can't last in JP

>> No.29372867

Kiara's announcement will be a collab with Marvel

>> No.29372868

Nearly 16 years

>> No.29372869
File: 9 KB, 329x80, 1600269855965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he right /hlgg/?

>> No.29372870
Quoted by: >>29372892

In the distant future once we get the hang of replacement bodies/mind transfers/age reversion/perfectly seamless TG-tier genderbending.

I'm delusional for thinking that I will live that long, but even more so to believe that Hololive will still remain by then.

>> No.29372873

what happened, i lost it

>> No.29372876
File: 54 KB, 454x446, 1585633270410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn Gura is savaging literally every e-celeb fag. There's blood in the water chumbros!

>> No.29372879

Watame kinda did with Noel once

>> No.29372880

Without it it'll be an even worse stream

>> No.29372882

kek I've noticed that too gura, and I hate it

>I'm pushing? I'm pushing? I died? I lit him for 60? He's lit for 60? Where's my team? My team is throwing? We should have won that?

>> No.29372884

we need one with Haachama

Gura cut the cheese are you ok with that

>> No.29372885
File: 491 KB, 1341x894, Uoooah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Unity!

>> No.29372886
File: 128 KB, 1080x1564, 1605338932241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you fix Australian internet?

>> No.29372889

unequivocally right.

>> No.29372892
Quoted by: >>29372952

good to know i'm not the only one with those specific delusions

let's take our meds though

>> No.29372894

"Language changes" is not an excuse to invent your own private meanings just because they suit your politics, otherwise sniggleforth dangdan flafila hablibp flasph.

>> No.29372895

Yes. I fucking wish I got Holostars level of views.

>> No.29372899
Quoted by: >>29373004

Mori used to crosspost /v/ memes on /a/

>> No.29372903


>> No.29372902

You must think you understand what these girls are thinking inside their heads, but honestly you need to take your meds.

>> No.29372906

Thanks you lil ho

>> No.29372908
File: 403 KB, 1705x2048, EnCgyt4UYAIegTG.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cutest alternate costumes for HoloEN you have

>> No.29372909

>Mori is actually the mori-lewd poster in the vtuber jerk off thread
I like this narrative

>> No.29372911
File: 43 KB, 264x226, 1605306183289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I need to get to the bottom of this.

I'm a casual fan by my own definition, I don't have a frame of reference since I got into Hololive after lockdown and it's only been friends online who I've talked to about it, and judging obsession against people with no life except their hobby is pointless. I'm not bending my schedule around vtubers or annihilating my sleep schedule, just watching what's convenient and checking vods from time to time while I work. With that in mind, I have a question that's been eating at me a bit:
>Am I just not paying enough attention to hate the chicken?
She's been my favorite out of EN so far in terms of her content, and the fanbase around her seems pretty active. I've enjoyed watching her and Calli do their yuribaiting bullshit, both because I find it a little endearing while I hold my suspension of disbelief, and hilarious when one or both of them fumbles the bit. I think her sass and snark, and her general rudeness, are entertaining, and things like her music-making with Calli, Amelia working with her on the talk show, are proof enough to me that behind the scenes it's expected or accepted as part of the show. But there seems to be a lot of unironic spite directed towards her that I just don't feel. So am I not digging deeply enough below the surface to hate the chicken? Or is it all minor gripes that some people blow out of proportion or refuse to excuse?

>> No.29372913

lmao nice

>> No.29372912

I can't believe Kiara will get gangbanged by Disney execs

>> No.29372914


>> No.29372915

Okay, I like this edit

>> No.29372917


>> No.29372919

Gura is a coward and won't collab with anyone outside of HoloEN.

>> No.29372920


>> No.29372921

Let's settle this once and for all.


>> No.29372923

super sentai collab onegai

>> No.29372924

Kiara's announcement will be that she will replace Aloe to complete Holofive again.

>> No.29372928
File: 68 KB, 1125x1125, 1584899317118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372929

Did she an haato?

>> No.29372930

You leave Australia.

>> No.29372931

well yeah, for the 3 man collab for unpopular shuba. It's a great success

>> No.29372932
File: 13 KB, 336x300, 1605314663012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29372934
Quoted by: >>29373402

Yes. EN has completely skewed what is considered "good" for a streamers numbers.

>> No.29372933


>> No.29372935

the stacy chicken frightens the schizoposters

>> No.29372938

It is though.

>> No.29372940

Anon must be thinking his post is of any value, but honestly it's pretty fucking embarrassing.

>> No.29372941
File: 1.23 MB, 3000x1440, 1602809547002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373071


>> No.29372944
File: 365 KB, 1705x281, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opposite of Ina member complaining about her being at 23k yesterday

>> No.29372945

Kek, pretty based ngl

>> No.29372946

>Gura's worried glance

>> No.29372949
Quoted by: >>29373036

If she transfers she's gonna be the first trans Holo

>> No.29372951

how fucking DARE you say that to me you fucking rrat

>> No.29372952

Yes, let's. Who knows maybe the world will end before then.

>> No.29372955

>Or is it all minor gripes that some people blow out of proportion or refuse to excuse?
Where do you think you are?

>> No.29372958
File: 69 KB, 194x194, 16056345694016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.29372959
File: 44 KB, 488x346, 1605317977554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good one

>> No.29372960

The flafila you just dangdan to me?

>> No.29372963

My whole thing is like, why do they continue to hate her at this point? She’s the least popular of her Gen, admits to being flawed, is terrified of asking for most collabs herself, she’s basically already broken. Like, my whole thing is, isn’t this place supposed to be contrarian? Like, aren’t we supposed to hate popular things more than unpopular things, like, I’m surprised people here haven’t started going after Gura for miniscule shit like they do with Kiara. Gura’s way more popular and almost equally emotionally sensitive, breaking her would be a much higher goal than Kiara, though in reality I’d rather nobody get shit on because I like all of them. Anyways, fuck chicken antis, that is all.

>> No.29372966
Quoted by: >>29373080

She has BF and 4 months pregnant so she need more of your money

>> No.29372968
Quoted by: >>29372999

>Mexican level
>it's set in Hell

>> No.29372971


>> No.29372974

If you told me 3 months ago that holoEN would be getting 23k viewers I'd have laughed in your face. It's crazy how popular they've been.

>> No.29372975


>> No.29372976

>Gura watches Joe Rogan
Its the most popular podcast in the world you zoomer fuck
>Gura knows a bit too many oldies
as a kid listened lots of Elvis, does that makes over 80 years old?

She is 22 btw

>> No.29372979

This is the straw that broke the camel's back, I'm gonna order a google cardboard kit.

>> No.29372981

Holy shit that Gura makes it 10/10. Maybe edit Ame looking concerned too

>> No.29372983

Thank you new ip anon who is totally not trying to cause any trouble

>> No.29372982

Most of the hateposts here are contributed by a very small number of dedicated antis that are just psychotically obsessed.

>> No.29372984

>Or is it all minor gripes that some people blow out of proportion or refuse to excuse?
Lurk a bit more and you should be able to figure out the answer

>> No.29372985

most of the chicken hate is the fact that she does a weird voice, is sometimes awkward since she's the only extrovert and the fact that there still bad impressions from her first few weeks.
she does have a lot of flaws, but most of the hate is just about minor shit no on cares about

>> No.29372989
File: 690 KB, 1040x800, GOING BERSERK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373088

Kek, nice, but...

>> No.29372991
File: 78 KB, 543x242, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This have to be the more retarded takodachi I've seen

>> No.29372993

>Or is it all minor gripes that some people blow out of proportion or refuse to excuse?
You got it. This applies to like 90% of the shit people complain about in these threads, by the way

>> No.29372994
Quoted by: >>29373033

It's not delusional. It's a dream. You can wish for it or you can work for it.
Personally, I want to be in a position to make deals with Yagoo and give the Holos fun games to play. If the proposal goes well and the game turns out as fun as I'd like it to, I can say that at least Botan would be interested. She might even be overjoyed that the series finally has a good game again.

>> No.29372995

She doesn't even need to. And from the looks of things Cover is isolating EN away from JP/ID.

>> No.29372998

>Or is it all minor gripes that some people blow out of proportion
On 4chan? Never. Couldn't be.

>> No.29372999

Metaphor for what your bowels feel like after

>> No.29373000
File: 580 KB, 1559x510, 1575743977737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373004
Quoted by: >>29373040


>> No.29373014

>Like, my whole thing is, isn’t this place supposed to be contrarian?
what a fucking normie holy shit

>> No.29373015
File: 129 KB, 827x1169, 1604537648186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373130

hags are based

>> No.29373020
File: 405 KB, 1908x2496, 1605252691107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373063


>> No.29373019
File: 1.98 MB, 1021x1127, 1600604034190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373119

>he got filtered by Subaru's ASMR
The weak will not survive.

>> No.29373027

>Cover is isolating EN away from JP/ID

>> No.29373028
Quoted by: >>29373085

the unironic, intense hate is from schizos that barely watch any streams
and in reality, barely anyone gives a shit outside this thread

>> No.29373029
File: 53 KB, 527x924, EnE9_vZVoAQh3Sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373115

Ame with a tiny dancing Kiara on her head

>> No.29373031
File: 88 KB, 907x847, pingas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fix what? Mine is faster then US average speeds.

>> No.29373032

I wasn't here for like two days and have somehow completely missed the context of this dumb meme.

>> No.29373033
Quoted by: >>29373391

let's work together in the future that we will most definitely attain anon

>> No.29373036

Ina gorilla please...

>> No.29373039

Chicken was never hated. At her lowest it was just "She's not as good as the others".

>> No.29373040

Speculation, but it would totally fit her

>> No.29373041

High quality

>> No.29373045

not related but now whenever I look at that Matsuri pic I start thinking of that soundpost

>> No.29373054
File: 1.06 MB, 1709x2130, SALVATION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ao-chan is gonna add another rule to weed out the bad ones

>> No.29373056

Based Klaius

>> No.29373057
Quoted by: >>29373233

not him but what's wrong with it?

>> No.29373058

Haachama does whatever the fuck she wants

>> No.29373060

>I'll save your eggs
Moona... you can't lie to them like this.

>> No.29373062
Quoted by: >>29373131

I'm not considering it, would be impossible to prevent a doxx and I have many big yabs I can't erase anymore that would make me graduate

>> No.29373063

This art is pleasing

>> No.29373064
Quoted by: >>29373116

>lets steam this badboy [moans] there we go

why is she like this

>> No.29373066

>Chicken was never hated
Your new is showing.

>> No.29373067
File: 40 KB, 355x279, 1593080027819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373070
File: 263 KB, 1800x1842, 1605301102857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora's stream is fun, how's Overcooked for those watching it?

>> No.29373071

Dumb frogposter.

>> No.29373073

well crafted bait

>> No.29373076
File: 58 KB, 912x701, 1605190005491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ᵖᶦᶻᶻᵃ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ

>> No.29373079
Quoted by: >>29373356

How do you even measure US average. It's incredibly inconsistent

>> No.29373080

so her bf is going to australia with her ?

>> No.29373081
File: 102 KB, 928x324, Its+almost+like+a+kensama+copypasta+_f85fb8dab9efe8b91fdd1f9d402a9288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone made a Ken-sama copypasta of Mori yet?

>> No.29373083

guy keeps drawing gura, is obsessed. becomes a huge meme and people post about him going to kidnap gura. that's it

>> No.29373085

This. In fact a significant amount of it is from no life 2hufags that raid us whenever they see us make one too many new threads during a rollover.

>> No.29373086


>> No.29373088

Based ChumGuts

>> No.29373091
File: 309 KB, 1616x1080, 1605222657103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373093
File: 489 KB, 681x380, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373095

OHNONONO Rushiabros.

>> No.29373096

>The reason they moved the collab to the next day was because Gura was afraid people would complain that she wasn't streaming for two days straight

>> No.29373097

Boring. I'm glad this is the last Overcooked stream.

>> No.29373099
File: 1.01 MB, 4096x4096, ElUe3RiWoAE4bKz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to KFP

>> No.29373098

Terrible stream game

>> No.29373101

Anon...your archive reps...

>> No.29373102

oh please chicken will put her back to where she belong.

>> No.29373103

You must be new.

>> No.29373104
File: 393 KB, 820x544, wholesome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I kneel.

>> No.29373106

Too good! My sides!!!!

>> No.29373109

Haha... beri fanni joooku.

>> No.29373110


>> No.29373115
File: 208 KB, 850x1202, Kiara sporty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373171

this is a visual representation of Kiara living RENT FREE in Teamate's heads.

>> No.29373116

She's incredibly unintentionally sexual

>> No.29373117

from seething /hlg/-tards

>> No.29373119

God I actually can't stop kneeling every time I see the Shubangelion with Miko and Peko heads in hand. What a fucking powermove.

>> No.29373122
File: 2.43 MB, 720x822, 1603644676957.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373192


>> No.29373121
Quoted by: >>29373296

Wasn't everyone shitting on Gura during her maneater stream?

>> No.29373125

always has been

>> No.29373126

Games shit, and they're too busy to have decent conversation.

>> No.29373129
Quoted by: >>29373189

Sure thing bud but my 300 mbps says otherwise

>> No.29373130

How old do you think Botan is and why?

>> No.29373131

>not being paranoid to the point of telling all family members and IRLs to delete any and all mentions of my name and contacting newspapers to take your name out of their archives

i see someone has been taking their meds

>> No.29373132
File: 31 KB, 481x440, 1605680174111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373174

Yep I'm thinking she is one of us.

>> No.29373134

Don't let Kiara see

>> No.29373136


>> No.29373137

Bad game as usual.

>> No.29373139

Normal for an overcooked stream. The gameplay isn't interesting and the banter is nonexistent because they're all focused on the game, but it's still mildly entertaining because all the girls are likeable.

>> No.29373144

I'm only memeing chicken because I get a kick out of it. She's my favorite too. You should learn to recognize shitposting from actual antis.

>> No.29373145


>> No.29373153

Not great, but their chemistry is improving, and we'll be done with this game after this.

>> No.29373157

Haachama is containing EN

>> No.29373158

Uh oh what did he do to Mori?! Oh god, oh fuck!

>> No.29373162

>doesnt hear moona say towas name properly
>run with a schizo narrative

>> No.29373163

>Gura gives her a bunch of chickens
>The Chama gives her 4 diamonds
Collab soon!

>> No.29373164

>no pancakes!
Was that a cabin fever reference?

>> No.29373165

>chicken was never hated

>> No.29373166

This game and Mori are a fucking debuff, AmeSame usually do like 50 to 60k, not sure what the fuck is this dude talking about.
Hell, Gura usually does at least 50k by herself.

>> No.29373167

Haachama is a good girl with a big red heart

>> No.29373168

Why did melting face-kun think it was a good idea to cover her pussy up with magnifying glasses.

>> No.29373171
Quoted by: >>29373254

Jokes on you all of EN lives rent free in my head because I love them all

>> No.29373172
File: 435 KB, 1240x1754, 1605563532200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373173

le tamago

>> No.29373174

That is anon's screenshot, anonchama. Mori can't show the actual movie on stream.

>> No.29373177
File: 234 KB, 309x303, 1604476948260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to watch my boy interact with her cocktease of a sister!

>> No.29373178

Isn't Amelia cuter than usual today?

>> No.29373184

I fucking hate melty-mouth when the body is realistic, it works well in doujins where there isnt much definition and its hard to express facial expressions but it looks dumb here

>> No.29373185
Quoted by: >>29373230

is a overcooked stream you saw one you saw them all

>> No.29373187

Oof? Woof? Oaf?

>> No.29373188

People spent most of the first weeks expecting her to get ALOE LOVE'd and that was some of the nicer comments

>> No.29373189

Your reading reps anon.

>> No.29373190
Quoted by: >>29373245

>how do you say egg in french
>t-tamago-no that's Japanese
Mori you fucking otaku

>> No.29373192

>I ended up lying to my little Gura...

>> No.29373193
Quoted by: >>29373232


>> No.29373194
File: 667 KB, 800x800, 1605270261433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady.

>> No.29373195

Didn't HER make a rap of this copypasta?

>> No.29373197

Not going to lie, she looks like she's in a semi-transparent dress with red roped shibari in the thumbnail.

>> No.29373199

oh it actually did, she currently gains between 4k and 6k subs per day

>> No.29373200

>/a/, /v/, /vg/ home boards
>Visited /jp/, /mu/, /tg/

>> No.29373201

My fucking sides.
Anyone else going to see part 3 tonight?

>> No.29373202

>Your going in the oven!
Gura has been talking to kiara

>> No.29373207

They're choking.

>> No.29373209

>Chicken was never hated.
How new?

>> No.29373210

i dont think the goal is to "break" anyone and i doubt that there are that many actual chicken antis anyway. i think its just that people love to bully kiara and thats about it.

>> No.29373212

it's fucking suck.

>> No.29373214

What a wholesome misunderstanding.

>> No.29373216

While I don't think a bad game/gameplay doesn't ruin streams, Overcooked is the proof that some games absolutely do.
The girls are cute though.

>> No.29373217

Right sfter Kiara/Gura collab, bro.

>> No.29373218
Quoted by: >>29373274

you should go to some of the actual anti imageboards, they get really vile and managed to even kill my mood for the day

>> No.29373219

They've run dangerously low on anti posts for Gura, so it gets more retarded over time

>> No.29373221
Quoted by: >>29373296

I've been here a year before EN even debuted, fucker. Chicken was never hated.

>> No.29373226

Haachama needs to adopt out Shark on Minecraft already

>> No.29373227
Quoted by: >>29373345

has mori collabbed with haachama yet

>> No.29373230

It's just the Ame deprivation anon. TeaMates didn't see her for about two days, and then we got the chess match and now this

>> No.29373233

She literally pirated the movie, while the others probably do too they don't straight up show it

>> No.29373234

Looks like it. Compliance committee was for the western audience.

>> No.29373232

Booba is brown

>> No.29373235

What bugsnax joke?

>> No.29373237

The day Mori asks Amelia to teach her how to Minecraft and they do an impromptu freestyle Minecraft rap together

>> No.29373240
Quoted by: >>29373822

around 35 according to that list

>> No.29373244

how did they get this far with zero communication?

>> No.29373242

/v/, all her other tastes are popular in /v/

>> No.29373245

My dork wife.

>> No.29373251


>> No.29373252
Quoted by: >>29373282


>> No.29373254

Even Mori?

>> No.29373255
Quoted by: >>29373324

I have an actual picture of Bubba before everything was cleaned up. well, it's either Bubba or Mickey

>> No.29373257

How about this:
Sponsorship with KFC.
The deal was to have one EN holo wear a fast food outfit, in exchange they bankrolled big name huke for that holo.
They already tried a shitty VN.

>> No.29373258

>This fucking game

>> No.29373265

>they have to do it again
holy shit fuck this game

>> No.29373270
Quoted by: >>29373304

>Gamer position
Holy fuck why is Amelia so lewd?

>> No.29373272

Oh no, Ame is going into gamer mode.

>> No.29373274
Quoted by: >>29373318

Imagine the fucking narratives they make...Schizoposter, I KNEEL

>> No.29373275

Bad game, and I'm glad Mori won't be dragging them into it anymore. Only reason I'm watching is because Gura didn't stream yesterday and this is her only stream today. I need my fix.

>> No.29373277
File: 59 KB, 828x807, 1604636669598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me

>> No.29373276
Quoted by: >>29373329

She talked about how highly Bugsnax was praised during the asmr stream. Bugsnax being treated like the second coming of christ was a big /v/ meme.
t. /v/ermin

>> No.29373278
File: 345 KB, 500x500, 1575579178467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, did she really?

>> No.29373280

>I hate this game.

>> No.29373281
Quoted by: >>29373336

>Ina is already awake
She's going to play HL2 for barely one hour isn't she

>> No.29373282


>> No.29373283
File: 1.88 MB, 1080x1920, Punkish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373284
File: 198 KB, 534x663, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what?!

>> No.29373285

So they're not gonna finish this right?

>> No.29373287

Time to sit up

>> No.29373288

>failed the final level
>have to restart
Holy fuck, not this shit again

>> No.29373290


>> No.29373291

Bad, Gura seems a little low energy but could just be too early for her.

>> No.29373293

40+ and already have 6 kids

>> No.29373294
File: 238 KB, 730x426, ChumpperLang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373443

Klaius? Who?! You talkin' about that ol' fool Klaius? Shucks, one has-been teaching another. All Klaius has been doing has been running off at the mouth lately and when I see him I'm gonna close it for him.

>> No.29373296

I like Kiara, I'm just saying that around debut Kiara antis were rampant.

>> No.29373298

Are you fucking retarded? That's cap from an anon here, she couldn't show the fucking movie.

>> No.29373299

Anon pirated it, not mori
unless you're implying she was anon

>> No.29373300
Quoted by: >>29373585

Oh shit it's tonight? I won't be able to but I'm looking forward to the OST if they don't fuck up All the World's Evils.

>> No.29373303

I'd rather Aloe replace her in EN.

>> No.29373304
Quoted by: >>29373353

Reminder that she said she's usually commando (no panties)
She just sits there with a shirt on, nothing else

>> No.29373305

Real answer? It's probably scheduling difficulties. Mori is not only in Japan but has a fucked sleep schedule. Ame doesn't sleep, but she also streams like 4 times per day every day.
It'll probably happen eventually when Mori has more downtime in her non-streaming schedule than usual, and/or if someone reminds one or the other about it. They did mention an FPS boot camp idea.

>> No.29373307

>14 mins from the top again
This fucking kusoge

>> No.29373310

Except Mori and Ina because she's going to graduate soon

>> No.29373311

if gura and ame did a collab at this hour, they wouldn't get 50k.

>> No.29373313

If you hate Kiara you simply are a schizo or tranny or both.

It's sad that you actually question yourself liking her content due to these threads and try to seek a reason to hate her.

>> No.29373315

She REALLY likes the movie anon

>> No.29373316

more like Klaius-sama

>> No.29373317

>ok I take your cumber
>fap fap fap fap fap

>> No.29373318
Quoted by: >>29373364

ironically one of the biggest running narratives is that kiara is the one with legitimate schizophrenia

>> No.29373319

I just wanna see her play The Surge tbch

>> No.29373324

That was honestly the most disappointing thing. Rat dog.

>> No.29373325
Quoted by: >>29373519

Her gap moe won't leave my head and she's not even my oshi

>> No.29373328
Quoted by: >>29373585

All my theaters still got corona'd, pain peko.

>> No.29373329

I though the joke for that game was CRUSHED

>> No.29373330

Ok, this game isn't just boring, it's fucking bad.


>> No.29373333

Did towa watch HER video

>> No.29373334

It's Calli. Try to fuckin tell me that even this shitty game wouldn't be 50k+ if it were just AmeSame on either of their channels.

>> No.29373335

For now
She already collabed with her and will keep doing so in the future but dont expect her join out of the blue in the middle of the morning

Autistic brat but i think she will love and stick to "off time" interactions with Haachama.

cant collab, what is worse might actually need to actively avoid her.

Only capable of actually joining one of her morning Minecraft streams but i doubt she be smart enough to realize.

>playing Minecraft

>> No.29373336
Quoted by: >>29373376

She was in Nenechi's karaoke so she's been awake for a long time now.

>> No.29373338
Quoted by: >>29373822

39 at least according to THAT

>> No.29373339

I solemnly press my shit-covered X key to that. I don't think she'll ever be as hated as she was in her first two weeks.

>> No.29373344

Everyone preparing themselves for the second attempt was kino.

>> No.29373345

No, she will soon, but it won't be one on one.

>> No.29373349

She had a box on the screen that said "Put your movie here"
Thats anons screenshot

>> No.29373351
File: 1.25 MB, 2000x1200, gura avocado.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl + f avocado
>0 results

>> No.29373353

JP bros commented on a clip that there's an unusual amount of women who go nopan in Hololive.

>> No.29373355
File: 5 KB, 179x185, who's laughing now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're starting again

>> No.29373356

Just take an average of the posted max speeds of the states. Most states have speeds between 30-40mbps. It tops out around 80 with a few others, states like RI, NJ, NY, Delaware, DC.
Sorry for off topic. I just hate this idea that 'Australia' is the fault with chamas shit net, and not her budget ISP package she's clearly using.

>> No.29373358

kek, nice

>> No.29373360

I could bust one out later in my free time if I remember

>> No.29373361

How many time loops until we escape?

>> No.29373364
Quoted by: >>29373418

I don't really see that at most manic-depressive mostlikely just depression based on the last Sakuna superchat reading

>> No.29373365

You should be streaming instead. Get to it.

>> No.29373366

Dead Island

>> No.29373368


>> No.29373369

Thank you avocado anon

>> No.29373370
File: 54 KB, 518x752, 12034531-33F7-461A-974F-3A1E87FAC48A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29373374


>> No.29373375
File: 62 KB, 250x250, 1585143964602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ms 180-322

>> No.29373376
File: 50 KB, 486x485, 1601749656055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As expected from our priestess

>> No.29373380

>Try to fuckin tell me that even this shitty game wouldn't be 50k+ if it were just AmeSame
I would, have you seen this fucking game?

>> No.29373381
File: 209 KB, 220x278, ina2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373559

Overcooked? More like, Overstayed its welcome

>> No.29373387

I highly doubt AmeSame would do 60k in this timeslot, so that's another debuff.

>> No.29373386

she suddenly joined the server yesterday, jesas

>> No.29373390


>> No.29373391
File: 387 KB, 818x797, 1600117223098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373474

Hear, hear.

>> No.29373393

I'm licking the screen but it just tastes like warm plastic! What is this torment?!

>> No.29373394

Blessed. It's better with the pasta though.

>> No.29373396


>> No.29373400

>cant collab
What did I miss now?

>> No.29373401

Please sub to Haachama, the Slayer of chamas before she loses her voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFnnC4taR14
she needs 30k new subs

>> No.29373402
File: 394 KB, 628x465, pht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes. EN has completely skewed what is considered "good" for a streamers numbers.
This is true. But Haachama is unironically a good measure to base this on. On a Haachama JP stream (lets say Minecraft) she usually gets 10k viewers. On an EN minecraft stream she's recently been getting 20k-25k (this is assuming barely any EN watches her JP streams and barely any JP watches her ENs). So EN's "normal/good" view count should be around 20-25k on any given stream (or at least on minecraft) in a good time slot. But I'm not a numberfag I'm sure someone could make a better observation than this shit I just made up

>> No.29373405
Quoted by: >>29373451

>Autistic brat
How is Gura a brat? She certainly tried to be one, but she fails every time. She is way too nice for that.

>> No.29373406

It's the time. People who like Gura or Ame aren't watching.

>> No.29373410

What's with Gura's "Asian voice?"

>> No.29373413
Quoted by: >>29373426

I hope Amelia plays persona 3 and ragequits in the final boss fight like DSP did

>> No.29373414

No one is getting anymore than 30k during Peko hours. Just like Peko wouldn't break 30k during Gura hours.

>> No.29373417

Moririn's tummy...

>> No.29373418

it's related to her roommate, narratives about her were running long before her holo debut apparently

i should do my voice training reps first anon

>> No.29373423

>As long as it prevents him from putting his 50 pages into action, yes.
He'll bide his time and strike from the shadow.

>> No.29373426
Quoted by: >>29373478


>> No.29373429

Looks like gaijin-hunter.

>> No.29373428

Not a good fit since she owned the loud foreigner image for quite a while instead of trying her hardest to fit in.

>> No.29373431
File: 266 KB, 1650x1382, 1605578883937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373434

God why is her design so attractive
Why is it so compatible with stylish alternate outfits of all types

>> No.29373437
Quoted by: >>29373598

narrative that ina is collab-banned since all of her JP collabs got indefinitely posted out of nowhere, that it is "no ones fault".
the super narrative is that the JPs hate her since she korean

>> No.29373438

> someone replied with the Hanazawa Kana Chicken song
>Can't unhear the Haachama cooking version

>> No.29373441

Current narrative that Ina is banned from JP collabs for some mysterious reason.

>> No.29373442

I fucking love Speedrunners

>> No.29373443


>> No.29373446
File: 474 KB, 3312x1866, EnHZDacUwAAqxvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I'm thirsty.

>> No.29373448

Also going up against everyone's angel Haachamachamachama which is gonna mean less viewers

>> No.29373449

No she needs 7 billions more subs anon

>> No.29373450

>boring game
>bad timeslot
>during pekora who destroy everyone overlapping with her
Mori had 20k solo on her ASMR monday

>> No.29373451
Quoted by: >>29373502

Do you need someone to link you the 9385 "are you frustrated?" clips we have?

>> No.29373452
Quoted by: >>29373522

I'm happy seeing Gura even if this is not her channel..
Hopefully there's guerilla stream next time, man still can hope.

>> No.29373453
Quoted by: >>29373476

Are you a Holo, or a homo?

>> No.29373455

Mori my wife!

>> No.29373457

I really really really really like this image

>> No.29373458

I'm not a numberfag but I am an autist with too much time. I'll do the comparisons later.

>> No.29373459

>cant collab, what is worse might actually need to actively avoid her.

Well they play on radically different time frames anyways

>> No.29373468

>voice training
No more tranny vtubers

>> No.29373470

Willem Dafoe really knows how to make being dramatic fun, but he was able to let that intensity come through the way I like more as Green Goblin. I could see hints of it in this movie only.

>> No.29373471

Man this chopping nose is really doing something to my meat.

>> No.29373472


>> No.29373474
Quoted by: >>29373616

Wait, is that...

>> No.29373476

homolive forces are increasing each and every day

>> No.29373478

They let Kiara do FE3H didn't they?

>> No.29373479

>set an alarm for the stream
>overslept by almost two hours

>> No.29373480

Is anyone here actaully watching the game?

>> No.29373481

Minecraft is a buff game though, so I wouldn't really consider those numbers an average

>> No.29373483

Get a time machine and go back about 10 years and kill everyone in the Liberal Party.

>> No.29373484

some JP collabs got cancelled for some mysterious reason and everyone thinks it means that JP thinks Ina is poison despite never having a single thing point to that

>> No.29373485

Calli got 20k solo on the last asmr on the same timeslot
and the timeslot sucks anyway

>> No.29373486

Ah, you're back already.

>> No.29373493
File: 3.03 MB, 2598x3675, 453313315315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373566

I wish I had slept instead.

>> No.29373494
File: 399 KB, 1926x1823, 1605223035489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/FUJISAN046/status/1329060106055520258 https://twitter.com/maron47/status/1329059295929896964
Actually kinda sad I only watched Polkas perspective now

>> No.29373496
Quoted by: >>29373597

Everyone blocked Mori's channel

>> No.29373498
File: 226 KB, 1356x1911, 1604735210674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373553


>> No.29373502

You mean the catchphrase she covers her embarrassment with? Come on, that is nothing.

>> No.29373503
Quoted by: >>29374085

>Ina can't collab with the JPs
>She doesn't have any issue dropping by Nene's chat
I call bullshit on this one

>> No.29373506

There isn't much to watch, I just have it open and listen for anything interesting while I work.

>> No.29373508

Don't have to sing well, just carry yourself in stride and you'll make an enjoyable performance like Amelia does.

>> No.29373509

I kinda want them to fail again

>> No.29373511
Quoted by: >>29374049

i think gura would be a good mommy

>> No.29373519


>> No.29373521

I'm watching my waifu Haachama

>> No.29373522

I'll even take her showing up in Ame's chat for her Valorant stream later.

>> No.29373528

FE3H is intelligent systems, and is published by nintendo.

>> No.29373529

Did Gura skipping yesterday's stream get brought up at all? Or are they ignoring it?

>> No.29373532

Not a Altus game

>> No.29373540

Enter moona....

>> No.29373543

Blueray when?

>> No.29373542

leave her alone, asshole

>> No.29373545
File: 196 KB, 1080x1440, 1605681081003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be an avocado seed that starts to sprout before someone buys you at the grocery store, and instead of throwing you out after cutting the avocado open like most normies would, it is actually a cute caring loli shark who plants you and nurtures you and sings to you every day until you become a big beautiful tree

>> No.29373546

No, I have no idea what's happening

>> No.29373548
File: 550 KB, 2160x3840, EnDfXXJVEAEencX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not posting the better version

>> No.29373552


>> No.29373553


>> No.29373558

How do streamers even get started anyway? Without corporate backing and advertising they're basically starting at completely 0 viewers aren't they?

>> No.29373559

Just like Mori

>> No.29373562

that's on dead burger hours
her numbers should be around Ina's at primetime

>> No.29373565

are you retarded?

>> No.29373566


>> No.29373567
Quoted by: >>29373636

Hell no, aim for homostars, do personality reps instead

>> No.29373568 [SPOILER] 
File: 468 KB, 1046x953, 1605714154217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an Ame doujin like this.

>> No.29373569


>> No.29373572

02:30 CET
How about "No".

>> No.29373575
File: 359 KB, 522x643, 1586405581952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already subbed. They should include memberships towards the count, but I guess that wouldn't work so well.

>> No.29373580

anon your developerreps....

>> No.29373584

wrong thread anon

>> No.29373585
Quoted by: >>29373620

bds are releasing this month

>> No.29373586

She'll tell us how much she literally hates Calli.

>> No.29373593

Mori said the health inspectors excuse, Gura put on blush emotion during it, that was all we got

>> No.29373594
File: 875 KB, 676x1000, 1604850515212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373596

This thread on first screen, cooking stream on 2nd, Haachama singing in the background

>> No.29373595

Mori hasn't blinked once during this stage

>> No.29373597

Only Schizos did this.

>> No.29373598

The mid-narrative is that she's being collab banned because her roommate works for bug gachas, and the collabs could harm her priestess duties

>> No.29373599
Quoted by: >>29373846

i've been wondering, is the avocado tree recent? as in, was it planted recently or has she been taking care of it for years?

>> No.29373600

If it was a personal issue they aren't going to bring it up.

>> No.29373601

Haachama's never gonna make it....

>> No.29373603
Quoted by: >>29373764

phoenix wright playthrough never ever

>> No.29373606

Too many anonchama posts in this thread, I guess the collab is draining everyone mentally.

>> No.29373607
Quoted by: >>29373698

Yep, there are thousands of people streaming to themselves as we speak. That's how Ame started too, as far as I know.

>> No.29373611

Nothing. Not even an apology Tweet that something came up and she couldn't make it.

>> No.29373613
Quoted by: >>29373707

I'd also say that Haachama is an outlier in how high-spec she is. One of the reasons I consider her "honorary EN" versus meme answers like the clown is that she goes beyond just streaming what game is popular at the time. She's established her own unique content with stuff like her ecchi reviews and her cooking segments, plus all of her fan interaction contests. EN has shown they're willing to produce their own unique content in a similar way, where most girls in JP just don't bother.

>> No.29373612

Why is subtle lip gloss better than full on lipstick?

>> No.29373616
Quoted by: >>29373710

Just what are you wondering about?

>> No.29373619

They're ignoring it, so there must be a juicy narrative playing out behind the scenes.

>> No.29373620

Oh thank god for that at least, the wait for the previous BDs was miserable.

>> No.29373625
File: 1.26 MB, 3968x2480, 1601990143382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Gura get like 120k on some random karaoke? Since she is 23k a good number for her? Did I miss something?

>> No.29373627

This was a good read
Ass >>>> Anything else

>> No.29373628

Sasuga Rushia.

>> No.29373630

Part 3? I thought only part 1 had come out. Huh

>> No.29373635

No, gura hadn't even made her schedule at that time. Wouldn't be surprised if Mori just expected her to show

>> No.29373636
Quoted by: >>29373692

i'm the most likable around anon, why else would i be in /hlgg/? also i'll pass and you won't be able to stop it

>> No.29373646

It's probably just the "gangimari" mode of the L2D

>> No.29373648

yes. you stream at 0-5 viewers for like six months, then it starts picking up into the dozens and hundreds, then after a few years you might hit 500-1000 regularly, and from there you have a small chance of going 2k+

>> No.29373650

Anon might be aiming for the trap experience, like that recently graduated homostar.

>> No.29373654

Watched the first half, then started cooking IRL since I got hungry. I like seeing them work together, but actually noticing it requires full focus on the stream.

>> No.29373657

The collab is on Mori's channel and at unusual time for her.

>> No.29373664

she's really good at those

>> No.29373665

Obviously playing in the dark, knees to her chest, in her awkward floor sitting set-up

>> No.29373666

Will Haachama make it?

>> No.29373669

it's the timeslot, if gura, ame, or both, stream at this time, I assure you they would have half the viewers than usual

>> No.29373675
File: 891 KB, 1280x720, Vao4ZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaddup, it's ya boy, Callio-P.
I'm an immortal poetry nigga (rapper to you squares out there). I create straight fire on my laptop, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior hype games (Guilty Gear, Lethal League, DOOM series).

I train with my scythe every day. This superior weapon can cut clean through souls because it is just that sick, bro, and is vastly superior to any other weapon in the underworld. I earned my reaping license an eternity ago, and I have been getting better every day.

I speak spang fluently, both 4chan and hood dialect, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about rap history and the fuck 12 code, which I follow 100%.

When I get my visa, I am moving to Compton to join a prestigious American Gang to learn more about their magnificent culture. I hope I can rap with Eminem or become a member of N.W.A!

I own several gold chain, which I wear around town. I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Compton, so I can fit in easier. I harass cops and say nigga as often as I can, but rarely does anyone manage to respond.

Wish me luck in Compton!

>> No.29373676
File: 81 KB, 741x452, clockwork-orange-eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373677
Quoted by: >>29373737

When are we getting Mori to scream like that.. The Phasmophobia and Neighbor streams weren't enough...

>> No.29373679

This pic makes me want to lick Mori's sweaty underboob clean

>> No.29373680
File: 546 KB, 2002x3675, 86768486846846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373682

I wonder if Klaius lurks here. I wonder how he feels about becoming a laughingstock

>> No.29373686

Its this game, on Mori's channel, at a shit timeslot for their usual viewers.

>> No.29373687

Is it just me or is Mori not blinking?

>> No.29373692
Quoted by: >>29373718

Cover literally will never hire a male for hololive. You can't pass. You have to do a video interview with them too.

>> No.29373694

>Karrot cake
Ame, no!

>> No.29373695

Thanks for the aka, my name is Mori-sensei.
I'm a 24 year old american idol rapper (vtuber for you demons). I draw doujin music pvs on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and not playing superior Japanese games. (Bloodborne, Demon's Souls, Persona series)

I train with my doujin rap every day. This superior music form can cut clean through haters because it's been rhymed over a thousand times, and is vastly superior to any other bars on earth. I earned my japanese visa 2 years ago, and I have been getting better every day

I can't f-wording speak japanese, neither kanji nor Osaka dialect, and nihongo monji muzuKASHI. I know everything about japanese fanwork music and their doujin code, which I follow 100%

When I get my big break, I am moving out of bumfuck nowhere to attend a prestigious Rap Concert to learn more about their magnificent flow. I hope I can become a groupie for Fake-Type or Tophamhat-kyo's wife!

I own several snoop dog dakis, which I carry around town. I want to get used to his presence before I get my big break, so I can suffer from success. I kneel to other rappers and seniors and freestyle as often as I can, but rarely does it manage to actually rhyme.

>> No.29373698

This sounds depressing as fuck.

>> No.29373700
Quoted by: >>29373865

I would sub again if I could. I love Haachama.

>> No.29373701

Lmao it almost sounds like a cultivation premise. "Starting from the bottom. Rising to be the most popular streamer whilst cultivating!"

>> No.29373703
Quoted by: >>29373759


>> No.29373704

Once again, menstrual cramps. Now stop asking.

>> No.29373707

she's like Amelia without the gamer label

>> No.29373708
File: 1.02 MB, 1012x800, Desktop Screenshot 2020.11.18 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i checked and those aren't her numbers unless the site is countimg them wrong
left is average right is max

>> No.29373712
File: 3.09 MB, 1920x1680, guorah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her karaoke is by far more popular than a regular stream, so her getting 120k is an exception

>> No.29373710

A land where the flow of time itself is convoluted...

>> No.29373713
Quoted by: >>29373830

Do you think HoloEN can keep the interest up until Gen 2? So far only Gura and Mori have contributed anything significant to the brand and interest is waning. Unlike JP where something always happens that keeps the interest going throughout 2020 HoloEN haven't done groundbreaking beyond Mori's songs and Gura being viral. Meanwhile the other three are just there.

>> No.29373714


>> No.29373716

>it's finally over

>> No.29373717
Quoted by: >>29373893

Will Haachama graduate if she can't reach 800k?

>> No.29373718
Quoted by: >>29373781

basically starving during puberty made my face very androgynous anon-kun, sorry to crush your dreams :)

>> No.29373720


>> No.29373722

Mori being too busy with her controller to change expressions constantly, confirms the narrative she manages her expressions closely

>> No.29373724
File: 86 KB, 289x334, 1601585150840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys watching Overcooked over Haachama's karaoke?

>> No.29373730


>> No.29373727

help I can't breath

>> No.29373731


>> No.29373733


>> No.29373736


>> No.29373738
File: 138 KB, 1200x810, SpiderIna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373739

Finally its over

>> No.29373737

Kiara Mori offcollab

>> No.29373740


>> No.29373741


>> No.29373742

Thanks. I hate it.

>> No.29373745
File: 742 KB, 1128x748, Deadweight [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fczkwyd.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373831


>> No.29373747


>> No.29373748


>> No.29373749


>> No.29373750

If this is part 2, how was part 1?

>> No.29373751
Quoted by: >>29373768

That's the ending? That's all? No epic cutscene or anything? Really?

>> No.29373752
File: 826 KB, 1436x1420, 253453452w3aF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching both

>> No.29373754


>> No.29373755


>> No.29373756

Mori, for the love of God...

>> No.29373759

this fucking doujin is my guilty pleassure

>> No.29373761
Quoted by: >>29373800

Why is Haachama crying?

>> No.29373763
Quoted by: >>29373826

Don't fucking talk about AKA's in the middle of celebrating beating the game you retarded fucking reaper.

>> No.29373764

I love Ace Attorney but that would be so boring

>> No.29373766
Quoted by: >>29373968

Haachama sings the same songs every karaoke and I wanted to hear Ame’s voice.

>> No.29373770
File: 537 KB, 4096x2413, 1605467157135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for the AKAs

>> No.29373768


>> No.29373769

>only watches 1 stream at once
new here?

>> No.29373771
File: 21 KB, 300x345, 795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29373773

Are they still on Namek?

>> No.29373776

Is Haachama alright?

>> No.29373777

Because I'm in love with Ame...

>> No.29373778

It is. You don't stream unless you love it no matter your viewership.

>> No.29373781
Quoted by: >>29373817

I can just tell by the way you post you have no chance.

>> No.29373783
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1600489589087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373895

>Time to get good at cooking in the real world
Mori is really doing her girl power reps lately...

>> No.29373784
Quoted by: >>29373835

Nice work, bro

>> No.29373786


>> No.29373787
File: 205 KB, 1132x800, 1605150820843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373927

Ring Fit Adventure when, Gura?
I want to hear you moan and gasp. I know you get hot easily so I can only imagine you'd quickly take all your clothes off and only leave your sweatband on.

Drops of sweat running down your body, past your tiny buds and your pink cunny...

>> No.29373788

I just woke up, how's overcooked?

>> No.29373789

>Gura suggesting 3d collab

>> No.29373790

Haachama, I want to tell you you're doing great.

>> No.29373791


>> No.29373792
Quoted by: >>29373812


>> No.29373794
Quoted by: >>29374010

Oh thank god, it's all over.
What kusoge will they pick for the next group collab?

>> No.29373797

You wont be here you whore

>> No.29373798

>Gura jinxing 3D collab

>> No.29373800

no one is subbing

>> No.29373802

>smells nice

>> No.29373803


>> No.29373804

>Real Bitchin Kitchen
Would be unironically great

>> No.29373805


>> No.29373806
File: 1.01 MB, 1415x1131, 1601348916006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29373807

>3D Bitchin' Kitchen
That actually sounds like a lot of fun

>> No.29373810

>Chris Brown lead programmer of Overcooked 2

>> No.29373812

fuck i want a gladiator watch along with Ame

>> No.29373814
Quoted by: >>29373854

What a piece of shit. If the Chinese decides to spam her chat and give her death threats, I'd probably join them.

>> No.29373816


>> No.29373817

only a schizoposter would think it's this easy to try and get in my head. take your meds, anon

>> No.29373818

>Mori knows the game was shit

>> No.29373822
Quoted by: >>29374090

What list?

>> No.29373821

Mori smacking Gura with her hair what a bitch

>> No.29373824

Finally done, thank god

>> No.29373826

She was thanking the chat cheering them on for winning its fine.

t. Not a deadbeat.

>> No.29373827

When you can't joke about Mori moving to Japan in the future for Japanese rap because she already has

>> No.29373828

>Well done chefs
>roll credits
That's it? That's all?
What a shit game

>> No.29373829

>It's okay it smells nice I like it

>> No.29373830

Fuck off /hlg/

>> No.29373831
Quoted by: >>29373857

Finally a soundpost that uses the mission 20 version, nice.

>> No.29373834
Quoted by: >>29373891

Because Haachama isn't HoloEN

>> No.29373835

I meant slang. Sorry, I'm tired.

>> No.29373836

We're at the best part of the game: the credits.

>> No.29373838

please no DLC

>> No.29373839
Quoted by: >>29373899

>Amw brings up the DLC

>> No.29373840

Ame noooooooo not the dlc...

>> No.29373842

Christmas stream is now ruined because of Mori

>> No.29373843


>> No.29373844

>Christmas DLC

>> No.29373845
Quoted by: >>29373899

>i think there's christmas DLC

>> No.29373846


>> No.29373847
File: 159 KB, 700x987, 1602903957469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you giving akas?

>> No.29373848


>> No.29373849
Quoted by: >>29373968

Be honest, has she added a single new song to her set list? There's only so many times I can listen to Bad Romance sang in the most retarded way imaginable before my brain turns to blancmange.

>> No.29373853

Just got back from streaming Bitchin' Kitchen, what was the stream like?

>> No.29373850

>Christmas DLC
No please

>> No.29373852
Quoted by: >>29373899


>> No.29373854

t. schizo

>> No.29373855

It's only JP karaoke to be fair, which is kinda uninteresting 90% of the time
Unarchived EN karaoke is vastly better

>> No.29373856
Quoted by: >>29374135


>> No.29373857

I switched the sounds when someone uploaded the m20 on youtube

>> No.29373858
Quoted by: >>29374143

>Christmas Overcooked

>> No.29373862
File: 200 KB, 1920x1080, keyart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29374143

Amelia.... No....

>> No.29373863

True Deadbeat.

>> No.29373865
File: 8 KB, 235x290, 9b7bc80097179ffac4f41230785550d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29373982

Yes you can, I just subbed again with my 2 sub accounts. Anything for Haachama.


>> No.29373869

You made a flaw in your assumption, anon. You took her EN bump numbers and assumed it was the baseline they should expect, but for Holos like Haachama, you have to factor in her base audience.
People who have Haachama as their oshi will stick with her in most of her streams. If your numbers are correct, that's the 10k fans. Those fans, who are watching Haachama without any buff modifiers like collabs or outreach to larger audiences, will likely stay for every stream. So her baseline is 10k. The EN bump is just an additive to that baseline. So if her stream with EN outreach is 20-25k, the EN average bump should be the current number of viewers, subtracting the baseline viewers. With the numbers we have plugged into that equation, the EN bump would be equivalent to 10-15k, making the baseline EN standard 10-15k, assuming no oshi baseline.
There are some flaws with applying that to EN, however. The biggest flaw is that for JP girls using an EN buff, there is an exotic modifier to that which allows the EN bump to be stronger. EN fans with no oshi attach will be more attracted to a JP girl speaking Engrish than a real EN girl who speaks the language naturally. So it's more likely to assume the EN buff is higher for JP than for EN.
Without any modifiers other than the baseline Holo boost, I'd say the average EN stream should expect 7k viewers. After that, additional viewers are pulled from the general Hololive fan population with modifiers such as the oshi attach, booster game stims, activity boosters (such as karaoke), unarchived FOMO and others.

>> No.29373867

>New Game +

>> No.29373870
Quoted by: >>29373899

Ame is here and just likes fucking with us...

>> No.29373872

>it's finally over
it's finally over

>> No.29373874


>> No.29373876

FFS Ame....

>> No.29373878

>I think they have Christmas DLC

>> No.29373882

>I want to get used to wearing them before I move to Compton, so I can fit in easier
My fucking sides

>> No.29373887

I'm not careless with my money.

>> No.29373891
Quoted by: >>29373993

Gen 0 isn't a meme

>> No.29373892


>> No.29373893

will all tatsunoko die if Coco doesnt reach 1mil before the year ends?

>> No.29373895
Quoted by: >>29374027

Tomboys are the girliest creatures on earth.

>> No.29373899
Quoted by: >>29373973

"Ame and Gura hate Overcooked" narrative blown the fuck out?

>> No.29373905

ame reading /hlgg/ and trying to piss us off as much as possible

>> No.29373906
Quoted by: >>29374012

I was paying attention to this on and off during the whole thing. Did they ever have a single conversation that wasn't just trying to coordinate in the game?

>> No.29373907

>past several weeks
>had several dreams about Gura
>go to sleep thinking about Gura
>wake up thinking about Gura
>daydream about Gura
Guys... I think I'm getting fucked up. This is fucking unhealthy but my brain won't stop, I'm getting fucking obsessed. Should I go see a shrink?

>> No.29373909

Shouldn't she have finished this thing with Kiara by now or is she talking about another project?

>> No.29373910

Are you frustrated /hlgg/?

t. Ame

>> No.29373911
File: 209 KB, 346x300, Mori Kiara sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29374079

>it's Mori's timezone
>Ame and Gura are up early
>Mori's the one who is tired as fuck
it's rough being Mori sometimes.

>> No.29373912
Quoted by: >>29373981

Given that some of the girls still have active roommates I wonder how much they double and triple check their twitter before doing anything

>> No.29373916


>> No.29373917

>Ame bringing up the DLC

>> No.29373919

>she still hasn't finished her project for Kiara
Ame hurry!

>> No.29373920
Quoted by: >>29374039


>> No.29373921

Gura stream tonight!!!

>> No.29373922
Quoted by: >>29374039

GuraIna tonight?

>> No.29373925


>> No.29373927
Quoted by: >>29373994

Gura goes for runs. I doubt RFA will get her gasping for air.

>> No.29373928
Quoted by: >>29374039

>possible Gura Ina stream

>> No.29373930

>possible Gura stream today

>> No.29373931
Quoted by: >>29373972

>Everyones's excited about Kiara's announcement
what does it mean..

>> No.29373934

>possibly gura-illa stream tonight

>> No.29373935
Quoted by: >>29374039

Gura x Ina stream?!?!

>> No.29373936

>more gura tonight
Thank you based God

>> No.29373937


>> No.29373938

haachama is not en

>> No.29373939

>maybe a stream tonight, maybe not

>> No.29373940

>Possible Gura-illa stream tonight


>> No.29373942

>I'm not bad at
I'll believe it when I see it

>> No.29373943

>Possible GuraIna.
Possible means not happening in Atlantian.

>> No.29373946

Go say hi to Klaius and become best buds

>> No.29373947

>Gura Gorilla stream later tonight

>> No.29373948

>Maybe not as heavy as Amelia
Wow gura that was brutal.

>> No.29373949


>> No.29373951

Don't jinx it Mori...

>> No.29373953

Did you know Mori sucks at videogames?

>> No.29373954
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, 1604617029029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29374087

listen here you little shit
you're smelly

>> No.29373955
File: 2 KB, 125x111, 1604645106197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29373956
Quoted by: >>29374039

Gura&Ina guerilla tonight. Narrative fags BTFO

>> No.29373957
File: 146 KB, 1000x1000, Ek1JE9sU8AU8EO-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29374039

>Possible Gurina stream tonight

>> No.29373958
Quoted by: >>29373985

>gua-rrilla stream
don't do this to me gura...

>> No.29373961

>another game Mori insists she's not bad at

Oh no no no no no deadbraps don't look

>> No.29373962
Quoted by: >>29374127

Take your meds, Klaius

>> No.29373968

She's singing in Japanese

>> No.29373970
Quoted by: >>29374005

When was the last time Gura and Ina collabed?

>> No.29373971
Quoted by: >>29374033

How big are Calli's actual BOING BOINGs?

>> No.29373972

HoloEN 3D orgy stream

>> No.29373974
Quoted by: >>29374003

Is Mori bad at videogames?

>> No.29373973

Did you miss the giggle after she said it? She's trolling.

>> No.29373976

Ur mum is not EN.

>> No.29373978


>> No.29373979

Cope hlg

>> No.29373982

You're right king, I think I will log in to my alts and sub to Haachama again. Little bit more work, but she's worth it.

>> No.29373981

Someone post the Shien copypasta.

>> No.29373985

hi ina how are you liking /hlgg/

>> No.29373986

Wait, did she say Gurina or Gurarilla?

>> No.29373987

I can't wait until the Crash smacks Calli's confidence in.

>> No.29373989

So, what are the chances Mori sucks total ass at Crash 4?

>> No.29373991

Because they get more funds from merch purchases and I have nothing worthwhile to say to Mori

>> No.29373993
Quoted by: >>29374104

It's a forced meme, done by her
I don't mind the JPs riding ENs success, but Haachama is pushing herself in a completely different and much more forceful way then her peers

>> No.29373994

She said she went out to jog once and it left her exhausted all day

>> No.29373996

This shark is fucking LYING you shitty little BRAT

>> No.29373997

Not getting my hopes up but GURA PLEASE STREAM!!!!

>> No.29373999

A lot of the people who do it are just NEETs wasting their time playing games while pretending it's gonna be a career if they stick to it.

Most successful streamers actually start big, or big-ish, because they get connections with big boys and network before they jump in. If you haven't done that, don't bother.

>> No.29374002
Quoted by: >>29374108

Ame's viewers (NEETs) are sleeping and Gura's viewers (children) are in school so it's not really surprising.

>> No.29374003


>> No.29374005

phasmophobia 2 weeks ago

>> No.29374007


>> No.29374008

Wanted to give one for the movie, but held myself back.

>> No.29374010

How many have online co-op? Probably just play l4d.

>> No.29374012

Not really

>> No.29374013

I don't remember them collabing so this'll be exciting

>> No.29374014

they liked the game

>> No.29374017

Bone Ape A Teat?

>> No.29374020

Just understand that she is an entertainer and nothing more, and enjoy the entertainment you get from her.

>> No.29374021


>> No.29374022

I've given Mori plenty of money already.

>> No.29374023

so was cover really not prepared at all for 1m celebration streams? even for fubuki and korone nothing has been announced or hinted at

>> No.29374027
Quoted by: >>29374133

she's not even close to a fucking tomboy
666d6 is long gone

>> No.29374026

What? Since when?

>> No.29374029
Quoted by: >>29374047

>Bon apetit

>> No.29374032

DON'T BELIEVE HER LIES! This shitty little shark brat is toying with you.

>> No.29374031


>> No.29374033

Ds. F by jap standards.

>> No.29374034
Quoted by: >>29374077

>Mori is a tomboy who abuses outdated slang to sound cool, works as a part-time teacher, aspires to be professional rapper in the underworld, and is still getting used to being an idol-like figure as an official member of Hololive
>Calliope is her twin sister and a girly-girl who enjoys getting her nails done, going on dates with Mori's chat, and has started treating her sister's deadbeats like a boyfriend substitute while Mori is busy with work and her side projects
>the end of "Dead Beats" is actually Calliope, not Mori, telling deadbeats to jerk it now, prompting Mori to interrupt and scold Calliope before the track is over
>they take turns streaming and nobody knows which one they're getting for any given stream until it starts
>they've even taken up switching out mid-stream to give the other some much-needed time to rest
I'm still cultivating this naive rrat but give it time and it will grow.

How do I kill Mori???

>> No.29374036

Mori outro

>> No.29374038

>nobody mentioned Haachama karaoke
they hate her.

>> No.29374039
Quoted by: >>29374101

She said gura-illa. A pun on guerilla with her name. Not gura ina.

>> No.29374041


>> No.29374042

If so, you should know the teasing relieves me with the humor of it all, especially when other people do get frustrated by it.

>> No.29374046

Well at least we know how she feels about the game

>> No.29374047

Yes you monkey

>> No.29374049
File: 1.20 MB, 3360x2014, sheCouldveBeen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29374050


>> No.29374051

I gave my aka 2 days ago.

>> No.29374056

was mori cringe today?

>> No.29374057

She said gurilla as a play on guerilla
not gurina

>> No.29374059

>fuck it fuck it fuck it fuck it

>> No.29374060

This remix is ass

>> No.29374061


>> No.29374062


very idollike to only show appreciation to a tiny segment of her audience

>> No.29374066

every time haachama sneezes my soul gets just a bit lighter

>> No.29374064

What? No way, I've never heard her say that

>> No.29374069

How many times has Mori fucked up her ending song by now?

>> No.29374075

Guess it's time to watch the sheep

>> No.29374077

You don't, because it would ruin the appeal of Calli.

>> No.29374076
Quoted by: >>29374126

did anon take their meds today?

>> No.29374078

Not EN

>> No.29374079

It's after midnight.

>> No.29374081
Quoted by: >>29374144

>schizos hearing guerrilla pun with Gura's name as a GuraIna stream later

>> No.29374082

She still does fine with 15k average at that hour

>> No.29374085

Oh I so desperately want the two wives to do a Kareoke stream

>> No.29374086

Not EN

>> No.29374087

/hlgg/ crumbles when confronted by their oshi
is that really the best you could come up with

>> No.29374089
File: 429 KB, 816x816, 20201108_232346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes probably fine, but doesnt go for 100% box clears so she thinks shes good but in reality shes never properly played crash.
Expect a lot of chat autism

>> No.29374090

A list that contains all ages of holos
Made me check the list. Botan is actually listed as unkown now

>> No.29374091

I think we can all agree the collab ruined mori

>> No.29374093
Quoted by: >>29374159

m-m-male voice in the stream

>> No.29374094


>> No.29374100

Honorary EN

>> No.29374101

Chumbuds proving they are even more retarded than i tought

>> No.29374102

I forgot how awful some of these remixes were.

>> No.29374103
Quoted by: >>29374129

I really like the effort Gura puts on making her avatar look at Calli

>> No.29374104
Quoted by: >>29374153

>being this new

>> No.29374108

gura fans only care about gura so they only watch on her own channel

>> No.29374111


>> No.29374112

>male voice

>> No.29374113

She's more EN than Kiara

>> No.29374115

oh shit this dude's rap I forgot how good it was

>> No.29374114
File: 199 KB, 850x1202, 1604649346764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure is a bunch of seething /hlg/ in here

>> No.29374118

I hope not.

>> No.29374116


>> No.29374120

TTT gmod stream literally when ame

>> No.29374122
Quoted by: >>29374141

Thread about to die, survey time

>your oshi
>what co-op game should your oshi play, and with who?

GurAme, Resident Evil 5 or 6

>> No.29374124


>> No.29374125

I love that Mori managed to scuff even this outro.

>> No.29374127
Quoted by: >>29374152

Dude was drawing Shion today instead, despite the clip he really isn't that obsessed.

>> No.29374126
Quoted by: >>29374162


>> No.29374129

She is hungry

>> No.29374130
Quoted by: >>29374162

Fuck you. I'm gonna pass and be the most hated.

The theme of HoloEN gen 2 is that every girl is insufferable and has incurable clinical depression. They constantly sleep in and are always late.

>> No.29374132

>Gen 0 EN

>> No.29374133

She's still there, underneath. What you see is a transformation, a meramorphosis. That's exactly how it goes in the doujins.

>> No.29374134

This isn't the EN thread.

>> No.29374135


>> No.29374137
File: 467 KB, 3486x2374, Ek35wNwUYAEI95j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29374140


>> No.29374141

>Portal 2 with either Ina or Kiara

>> No.29374142 [SPOILER] 
File: 667 KB, 2508x3408, 1605714935940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shitty little brat can't even apologize for delaying a stream for an entire day.

>> No.29374143

You're kidding? They could do literally anything else. Decorate a tree in minecraft or something fuck

>> No.29374144

Have you not been her for the funny lookin' skelebros? Mishearing what Gura says and spanning narratives out of it is the usual fare of these threads.

>> No.29374145

Do the fucking DLC I dare you bitch. Either you or Gura will sleep in again and get publicly shamed for it

>> No.29374146

It was a really good collab actually, they all had fun and Mori wasn't as autistic as usual

>> No.29374148
File: 112 KB, 642x511, 1601502143777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be here if I wasn't a giant fucking idiot

>> No.29374150
File: 21 KB, 363x148, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29374152

It's precisely because of the Klaiusposting that he stopped drawing Gura every day

>> No.29374153

/hlg/ was pure concentrated cancer, I only went there for debuts. There are heaps of girls to keep up with
I'm only here because its nicer

>> No.29374154

What the fuck was that

>> No.29374156

Remain calm, management has defeated the male voice.

>> No.29374159

Haachama bros...

>> No.29374162

you'll have a hard time being more hated than me, i'll have the most rancid narratives spread about me

>> No.29374161

I love you Gura!

>> No.29374164

Haachama's cooking is the closest thing we'll see to the [censored grey goop] shitty food joke in anime. Its most likely bad for you unironically.
Overcooked is regular food.

>> No.29374166

i love you gura! GUH

>> No.29374168

