>> | No.29022829 File: 1.43 MB, 1920x876, 1589720952709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >cringe autist >zatsudan focused >streams relatively rarely >streams at shit hours for the majority of EN audience >doesn't do utawaku despite being a music oriented holo >makes music that is dead in Japan and never took off outside Japan in the first place >Cinderella story is only half accesible if you are not a doxfag >not clippable >pretends to be out of touch with modern internet culture >zero thought put into membership >sometimes start speaking in Japanese and doesn't even sound cute in it if you are less jouzu than she is Can someone explain to me what the appeal of Mori for English speaking normalfags? Literally why would anyone except JOPs and local autists who convinced themselves that all of the above is cringekino watch her?