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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 257 KB, 1365x1775, EmiveQfVcAAzoHA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29017856 No.29017856 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.29017879 [DELETED] 

This is the SEAnigger timeline.
>goslingfagged over Watson
>had a meltdown when they got BTFO by Watson speed reading her superchat
>had a meltdown after Watson was doxxed
>stopped goslingfagging over Watson afterwards
>started becoming Watson antis
>thought Gura was a SEAnigger and kept talking about it for weeks
>got BTFO and never recovered
>stopped talking about Gura afterwards
>finally went back to supporting Hololive ID like they should have been from the start
>a hololive among us collab starts
>nothing really happened if you actually watched the stream
>some chink got angry at Lofi in the youtube comments
>these retarded SEAniggers thinks this chink was a Sharkfag
>started shitting up the thread again with their retarded meltdown over literally nothing
>/hlg/ and other Gura antis see the opportunity to shitpost and start a fanbase war by samefagging
>/hlg/ and other Gura antis join SEAniggers in shit-talking Gura while also trying to get fanbases to attack each other
>SEAniggers are mad that they are getting called out for shitting up the thread
>SEAniggers now spamming doxx that /hlg/ antis posted weeks ago
>despite all this, we STILL don't have a SEAnigger rangeban

>> No.29017889
File: 223 KB, 800x800, kiara meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does 4chan even have moderators?
last thread is making me question their existance

>> No.29017891
File: 2.36 MB, 1319x1800, daisenpai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29017892

>tfw ywn be a lobster dude getting hi-fived by Gura

>> No.29017894

I can't believe Haato is going to eat out the Chicken live on camera for tens of thousands of people to watch!

>> No.29017897


>> No.29017898 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 301x386, Ame0wo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29017904

I'm really starting to think we shouldn't have these threads during dead hours.

>> No.29017902
File: 501 KB, 642x618, Takodachi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdyi8jy.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29017942


>> No.29017908

Kiara is pure.

>> No.29017910
File: 298 KB, 555x423, 3728074A-0DD9-440D-9021-CEFBC9770F79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok let’s try this again

>> No.29017912 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 2000x968, 1604572110205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29017911
Quoted by: >>29017995

a pure slut, yes

>> No.29017913
File: 351 KB, 1638x2048, 1604854824140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that banning literally does nothing.

>> No.29017914

Only sometimes.

>> No.29017915

our usual tardwranglers have been MIA all week.

>> No.29017916
File: 239 KB, 1280x1440, Who-Killed-HLGG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget, Chileans are in this thread too

>> No.29017917


>> No.29017918
File: 803 KB, 1983x2806, 1580796127454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori more than any of you or Kiara

>> No.29017920

I don't pay for a 4chan pass so that mods can literally fuckin jerk off instead of work.

>> No.29017921
File: 94 KB, 365x438, 1604972023395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing later who should Gura share pocky with

>> No.29017924
Quoted by: >>29018144

Does the Holohouse exist on our plane of reality?

>> No.29017925
Quoted by: >>29018144

whats with the peko face?

>> No.29017927
File: 254 KB, 1563x2198, watchit[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fld2i15.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29017939

>> No.29017930
File: 9 KB, 740x118, ph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29017934


>> No.29017935

The only realistic way Mori is NOT a virgin is if she somehow got dicked in a situation where she was unable to open her mouth.

>> No.29017936

Bros does Youtube actually take 30% of superchats?
What a nigger platform.

>> No.29017938
File: 353 KB, 427x381, 1603959697527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018144

Do you know how to program tensor flow?

>> No.29017939


>> No.29017940
File: 202 KB, 1200x798, Todd-Howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29017992

Everything just works.

>> No.29017942
Quoted by: >>29017961

Are you implying that i'm seiso fellow takodachi?

>> No.29017941
Quoted by: >>29018144

Is Suisei actually crazy for Mori or was it just a bit?
Agreed. /hlgg/ threads should only be created by mods when a stream starts and promptly deleted after ten minutes

>> No.29017943

VPN was a mistake

>> No.29017949
File: 157 KB, 1325x991, 1604938268043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more big sis/ little sis collabs

>> No.29017953

Rikka's voice is too good.

>> No.29017954



>> No.29017955

Give me Luna fart webm

>> No.29017956

Mods have never actually existed on 4chan. Every deletion has been by the actual poster, and warnings/bans are paid users that have the ability to edit their posts and use red text.

>> No.29017958
Quoted by: >>29018144

why does rushia have a ghost on her head

>> No.29017959
Quoted by: >>29019572

Thats why, in a bygone more enlightened age, "Generals" were forbidden. They are always cancer.

>> No.29017960
File: 248 KB, 1920x1080, 1604182792628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

give me kitkat

>> No.29017961
File: 210 KB, 959x687, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6p2rmi.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29017963
File: 550 KB, 556x592, 1588555416846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you... seiso

>> No.29017964
File: 259 KB, 576x576, 1601032070818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018092

Tonight is the night.
I will have my revenge. Gura does not forgive. Gura does not forget.

I will bring Amelia down, if it's the last thing I do. I will force her to play chess against me. I will humiliate her in front of the whole wide world for all to see.
Once more, Atlantis will rule the Galaxy. And... we shall have... peace.

>> No.29017967
File: 316 KB, 1278x555, smiling chumguts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based GuraMoribro.

>> No.29017970


>> No.29017975

That's why I always $500 for Mori

>> No.29017976
File: 306 KB, 744x1052, gura_fbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her oshi and inspiration, FBK

>> No.29017982
Quoted by: >>29018144

Why is Miko perfect?

>> No.29017986
Quoted by: >>29018144


>> No.29017988 [DELETED] 
File: 2.86 MB, 3045x3002, mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29017989
File: 419 KB, 761x615, shortstack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Longer bans then.

>> No.29017990

Why would you care about this? That's some actual doxxbeat logic where you want to brag about her roomate for some reason.
She's literally my oshi and it's better this way, it helps to keep more retards away from her.

>> No.29017991

This is usual dead hour shit. Nothing will top Amegeddon for worst threads.

>> No.29017992
File: 178 KB, 406x430, 1604510942394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for those exclusive Skyrim permissions.

>> No.29017993

How many divorces did Koro san had

>> No.29017995

You're going to have to make the samefagging a little less obvious than that.

>> No.29017998
Quoted by: >>29018144

What is the meaning of barracuda also.i know what roommate means but why use that word?

>> No.29017999

I mean it wasn't really even that bad. Doxxniggers are just on overdrive for some reason.

>> No.29018001
File: 2.19 MB, 1400x600, 1602551654675.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018112

When could a HoloEN 3D debut realistically happen, also do you think they'll group them in a big 3D collab or individual streams?

>> No.29018004

Give me a webm of Luna screaming

>> No.29018007
File: 2.66 MB, 462x244, 1604502031246.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she actually said it
Holy fuck I'm crying laughing.

>> No.29018008
File: 68 KB, 831x1024, 191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019119

I did half of these and have a white 8"x6" penis

>> No.29018009 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 898x1662, 1605114058590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018010
Quoted by: >>29018053

Youtube takes 30% and Holo takes 50% of whats left. Then you gotta pay tax's on whats left.

>> No.29018014

Mori is so sexy

>> No.29018015
File: 33 KB, 255x345, behead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please permaban Doxxfags

>> No.29018016

Really makes me wish HoloEN had merch so you could support them more directly.

>> No.29018017
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1604336044780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oi KFPfags, since you're used to working for free, why don't one of you sign up to be a janny next time it opens to clean the thread of doxx?

>> No.29018034
Quoted by: >>29018054

Has anyone seen my meds?

>> No.29018038
Quoted by: >>29018096

Cover takes another 30% then there’s taxes. So say mori made like 180000 in supas, she’ll get like 30k usd of that maybe

>> No.29018039

I am more triggered by the fact they are using wrong Ina picture

>> No.29018040 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 992x2595, gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sǝnzawa used to have a Twitter (@sǝnzawaa) before her current one, which we can confirm through her friend and her commission.
She used the name Sena and did a few minor roles that link back to that Twitter as well.
Oldfags know she was called Sena, naturally you can find tons of mentions of it in her discord server as well:

She was credited with a full name under a VN role she ultimately didn't do (Nyanners picked it up) and that name was used in a minor voice role for a board game animation.
Voice actor with that name around that age starting around that time period. Obviously is her voice. All of them credit sǝnzawa (Sena) for the voice acting.
Finally, the VN credits her FULL name for the role. (UPDATE: Tweet is now deleted, but was archived beforehand)
And the boardgame kindly provided a photo of her.
(UPDATE: the photo posts have now been deleted, no archive)

Her real name is SENA HOWARD.

Narrative: As that one sharkfag has been saying all along: Her wearing glasses is the reason Gura's eyes are always spazzing out, the rigging itself is fine.

>> No.29018041 [DELETED] 

Would you lick Amelia's armpit?

>> No.29018042

>15 seconds apart
how new?

>> No.29018043

Not a KFP but I fucking might just to fix these shitty threads

>> No.29018046


>> No.29018047 [DELETED] 
File: 3.99 MB, 2000x933, 1590506443070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29018048
Quoted by: >>29018076

I keep forgetting how good this OST is

>> No.29018052

Hard to say, anyone know any sites that track individual video views per day?

>> No.29018053
Quoted by: >>29018147

Mori and Kiara have to pay an extra foreigner tax on top of normal taxes.

>> No.29018054
File: 73 KB, 661x623, 1603902704712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped them, mate.

>> No.29018055
Quoted by: >>29018144

At what point exactly (if you can pinpoint it) did Festivaluna start sinking? Is there a single event that made it go sour?

>> No.29018056


>> No.29018057
File: 1.06 MB, 1231x1080, 1596418818445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018144

Why do I want to hug this sheep so much?

>> No.29018058
File: 1.13 MB, 1471x1947, 786684864886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29018060
File: 24 KB, 1080x103, 1605041354249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with this girl?

>> No.29018061
File: 420 KB, 889x669, 1603963559690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018062

Threads are extra bad right now. See you guys next stream.

>> No.29018063

Yes, and then Cover takes 50% of whats left, so when you aka a girl $100 they only get $35, and that's not even counting what gets taken out in taxes between Japan, and whatever taxes their home countries take on income if they are not native Japanese

>> No.29018066
File: 96 KB, 1255x1054, 1605111609122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018120

Why are brapkikes like this...?

>> No.29018070
Quoted by: >>29018144

What is the 66 minutes thing about?

>> No.29018073

Cute af

>> No.29018074

Too big

>> No.29018076
File: 357 KB, 854x1138, Enma [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fivrnkz.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some more

>> No.29018079

Her recent pics/videos are cute, I guess the other pics are old as fuck.

>> No.29018082
File: 6 KB, 538x98, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018083

Not after Haachama eats her out

>> No.29018085

bros I might have feelings for our boy...

>> No.29018087


>> No.29018090
File: 112 KB, 850x1189, 1603143569427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money have you given your oshi?

>> No.29018092

>"Gura... the knights, the... the horsies, they can jump over pieces."

>> No.29018094


>> No.29018095

you're telling me she's a virgin? fucking how?

>> No.29018096

Cover takes another 50% of that and then the taxes like you said

>> No.29018097
Quoted by: >>29018130

Does Mori have an onlyfans?

>> No.29018098
File: 2.64 MB, 2000x968, holodox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're gonna be a doxfag at least post the real one retard

>> No.29018102
File: 240 KB, 524x498, just flash your light at him from time to time [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fiq05ua.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018152

these fags literally have ONE job and they are failing to do it
what is the point

>> No.29018106

Is Okayu actually fat?

>> No.29018107
File: 1019 KB, 2894x3100, 84235685_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new Polka Member post
>It's a video
>sleepy Polka

>> No.29018111

She has more of a parasocial relationship with her chat than the other way around. She's also emotionally dependent on it and on constant positive reinforcement.

>> No.29018112

Assuming Cover wants them to use their tech we at least have to wait until travel restrictions end

>> No.29018114
File: 430 KB, 1051x1096, 1603141340950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonchama...you do realize how stupid the average poster here is, right? They'll take any bait.

>> No.29018116
File: 81 KB, 850x623, Menhera is God[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4b7wuh.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good fucking lord someone get a meido

>> No.29018119

Cute virgin

>> No.29018120
Quoted by: >>29018165

Why do you eat up every falseflag?

>> No.29018121

But that would take time away from watching Tenchou's streams

>> No.29018124


>> No.29018125
File: 23 KB, 625x287, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The current situation in the Hololive 5ch thread

>1) Due to how shitty the Among Us collaboration was, the thread set out to decide on a culprit
>2) At first we thought it was Roboco, who was the organizer, but it turned out that it was Nene who invited EN
>3) But then it was discovered that the source was a 4chan post, apparently translating a Roboco member stream
>4) Since nobody gives a fuck about Roboco here, nobody could verify this information
>5) Suddenly, an actual Roboco fan appeared in the thread
>6) He confirmed that there wasn't a members stream and it was a hoax
>7) Thanks to this Roboco fan, we can now all safely hate Roboco again

Congrats to the guy who made up that translation, you effectively dominated 5ch narrative posting for the day.

>> No.29018128
Quoted by: >>29018191

Most countries don't double tax expats, the US has a treaty with Japan giving a 110k IRS credit for income earned in Japan iirc.

>> No.29018130

yeah it's her t3 membership

>> No.29018132

Because I don't care, the doxxing she gets is shit tier, it's the kind of shit only women and trannies would care about. There's a reason it barely gets any (you)s compared to others. It's like seeing facebook teenage girls tearing each other apart because a picture looks bad.

>> No.29018137

too many newfags in the thread who are legit braindead

>> No.29018140

No, she's obese.

>> No.29018144

Yes. Currently Anemachi and Suisei live in one apt and Coco and Kanata in another.
She probably is genuinely excited, they are similar in a lot of ways and Mori represents a new genre of music for her to collab with. Suisei fucking loves music.
She's a Necromancer
She is Elite
It's her name. Towa...
Shark Antis. Gura played a shark game, it went badly, she got attacked by a Barracuda in the shark game, it became a meme and here we are.
Behind the scenes? Who knows. Publicly? When Luna was sick and Matuli didn't post get well soon.
She is very fluffy and soft.
Coco and Moona had a collab that was extrodinarly awkward and painful. Zero chemistry. At 66 minutes Coco asked gently if they should end. Moona being an autistic retard SEAnigger couldn't read the room and said she was game to keep going.

>> No.29018148

i was always wondering where the fuck did this pic come from. tried to find posts about it but theres nothing.

>> No.29018147

>foreigner tax
This isn't a real thing. There's additional tax levied on japanese citizens who are working outside of Japan (hachama gets fucked over by this) but you don't get extra income tax for being in Japan on a work visa.

>> No.29018149

I can't believe this

>> No.29018152
File: 1.51 MB, 1280x720, polkacchi [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjybtk5.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they have to sleep at some point but there has to be more than one /jp/ meido

>> No.29018153
Quoted by: >>29018205

she should wear form fitting clothes, i don't know why her head is huge from some angles and from others she looks pretty

>> No.29018155
Quoted by: >>29018291

Is Korone's roomate a bad person?
How did this thread get full of SEAmonkeys?

>> No.29018156

Is this her player 2 palette for when we get a Holo fightin game?

>> No.29018159
Quoted by: >>29018202

So she's HoloEN Polka?

>> No.29018162

So much for the auto-filter narrative retarded sharkcucks.

>> No.29018163

kek dumb nips

>> No.29018165

He is either fucking around or baiting, it's obvious this isn't them

>> No.29018167
File: 21 KB, 607x145, 1604835786624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is all.

>> No.29018169

she's the largest hololive member

>> No.29018170

>we can now all safely hate Roboco again
Fucking rumao

>> No.29018171
Quoted by: >>29018305

sounds very different

>> No.29018176

I fap to 2D and 3D Mori

>> No.29018177

I love the 5ch kind of autism, much less cringe than the autism here

>> No.29018178

Ok, but I'll be chickenmeido and only delete Kiara doxx

>> No.29018179

Jesus fucking kek

>> No.29018180
Quoted by: >>29018217

Dear lord the Japanese truly are retarded to believe anything we say

>> No.29018186
File: 591 KB, 2094x1888, 1604464099220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018223


>> No.29018187
Quoted by: >>29018341

The only males who would be able to maintain an erection after this woman opens her mouth are the same males that waste their lives posting on Tibetan basket weaving forums all day.

>> No.29018191
Quoted by: >>29018226

How does it work with Amelia and Gura though, since they live in America and take income from Japan. Does the tax credit still apply?

>> No.29018192

Reminder that this is all sharkmeidos fault.

>> No.29018193
File: 73 KB, 506x471, peanut butter burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018286


>> No.29018195
File: 333 KB, 1868x1069, vptPfCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in contact with a mid-size publisher on behalf of Hololive and managed to get permission in writing for their lineup of games, see pic related. So:

>which of these games you'd like them to play

>> No.29018196

my fucking sides

>> No.29018197
Quoted by: >>29018325

it's no her

>> No.29018199
Quoted by: >>29018291

Is there any actual proof that the girls are employees of Cover?

>> No.29018201

What kind of fucking idiots would spend their day beliving untranslated shit on foreign boards

>> No.29018202
Quoted by: >>29018720

Nah, Polka has depression and a negative outlook on life. She's just trying to clench her teeth through the pain and survive day to day.

Chicken is menhera.

>> No.29018204
File: 729 KB, 2014x2465, 1601598687656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018205
Quoted by: >>29018234

She's been running regularly for some time now, she said this on stream, some of those are probably old

>> No.29018208

Fuck you for keeping Ina’s bad photo.

>> No.29018209

H-Ha ha, yeah, who would do that

>> No.29018211

Have you heard her talk
The cringe is not an act
Her being a sperg is not an act

>> No.29018213
File: 13 KB, 268x241, no hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spend 9001 hours making an edit for (you)s and practice image editing
>Something light and non-serious doxpost for giggles
>Post it
>No (you)s
>Read thread
>ACTUAL doxxing is happening

Whelp. Time to take my meds, be a responsible poster and report doxxniggers.

>> No.29018214
Quoted by: >>29018332

On the other hand, Mori is an American citizen and thus has to pay income tax to the US even if she lives overseas.

>> No.29018217
Quoted by: >>29018281

didn't you just believe this anon's translation from the go?

>> No.29018218


>> No.29018220
File: 2.50 MB, 2229x2472, 257d8ddd153cb041b7e169f26ac07b64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018482

What do you guys want to see Ame and Gura play tonight for the 51 clubhouse games collab?
Chess confirmed not happening.

>> No.29018222
Quoted by: >>29018303

Seriously? Did you already contact Cover?

>> No.29018223

I thought this was a fucking tattoo from the thumbnail

>> No.29018224

OH no no no

>> No.29018226

I would assume it would just be classified as income for them as it would if you were working any other American job.

>> No.29018227
Quoted by: >>29018296

it distracts from the usual kanata antis and the schizo kiara antis so atleast theres that

>> No.29018231

Mori has never even seen a dick

>> No.29018233
Quoted by: >>29018291

But why is Towa said melancholicly?

>> No.29018234

look at 2nd row, 4th pic
does she exclusively gain weight to her head?

>> No.29018235

If this is real, I want all of EN to play Hotline Miami so fucking bad. The reactions each girl would have to it would be so interesting

>> No.29018236

>>7) Thanks to this Roboco fan, we can now all safely hate Roboco again
Wait, does anyone care enough about Roboco to hate her?

>> No.29018237

ame or shion

>> No.29018238

>Katana Zero or Gungeon

>> No.29018239

I'd give anything for a sniff... Ame....

>> No.29018240
File: 405 KB, 600x600, 1604641089505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018722

Mori... Kappa... save us... onegai...

>> No.29018243

Hi Enma.
Man, I really want to see Mori or Amelia playing Titan Souls

>> No.29018245
Quoted by: >>29018291

Is moona autistic

>> No.29018242

>approaches japanese manlet
>yells "YO YO YO, WANNA HANG OUT SOME TIME?" at the top of her lungs
>surprised why she doesn't get any

>> No.29018244

Hololive already has Devolver permissions, I distinctly remember Okayu playing Hatoful last week for example.

>> No.29018248

my clown can't be this cute

>> No.29018250

Are you EnMa-san, or is Cover so fucking incompetent that they couldn't write a fucking e-mail?

>> No.29018253

if you put Kiara's hat on her, she's almost ready to begin her pokemon journey

>> No.29018255
Quoted by: >>29018874

God now i want to see Mori playing Hotline Miame and GurAme playing Broforce.

>> No.29018256

yeah...who would do that indeed

>> No.29018258

Hotline Miami, obviously. I have a soft spot for Metal Wolf Chaos too.

>> No.29018259

Thank you spoonfeederanon

>> No.29018261
Quoted by: >>29018445

i enjoyed your ameowo anon

>> No.29018262

Ay, what was it, might've just jumped over it.

>> No.29018263

>On behalf of hololive
Isnt that shit ilegal?

>> No.29018266

>Katana Zero
it would be KINO

>> No.29018265

Are we still trying to rangeban SEAniggers?

>> No.29018268

All of them
Unfortunate Spacemen

>> No.29018269

Stop putting in your shitty doxx copypasta that Im a sharkfag. Im just not a mongoloid and I've used facerigs before.
Glasses rims, reflections and shit lighting ruin eye tracking. It spazzes out and make you blink until they can find where the eye is supposed to be again.

>What about Noeeeel though
Noel has wire frames and probably very good natural lighting.

>> No.29018270

>Since nobody gives a fuck about Roboco here, nobody could verify this information

>> No.29018273
File: 11 KB, 183x182, 6B87430E-FC2A-44C7-9315-220823F1BE2C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Kiara’s Sakuna stream not happening anymore?

>> No.29018274
File: 132 KB, 827x1165, 1603818023269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you deserve permabans and it shows

>> No.29018275

Post as amelewd

>> No.29018277
Quoted by: >>29018404

thats not ina
someone grabbed that pic of a random asian girl with the same name

>> No.29018280

the green on the jacket is an eyesore

>> No.29018281

This is why I wait until the thread isn't on fire to drop oc
I still believe the Japs to be retarded

>> No.29018282
File: 3.10 MB, 1500x1205, 1601865022713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me mori
luv me fellow ENfans
'ate SEAniggers
'ate doxxposters
'ate dead 'ours
simple as

>> No.29018286
File: 269 KB, 500x479, chumguts burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018289

you're probably not that terrible looking yourself anon, why are YOU still a virgin?

>> No.29018290
Quoted by: >>29018310

How does Takobro keep being based

>> No.29018292
File: 120 KB, 1178x1242, EmFnt_mUcAAuKwS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018858

That doesn't seem very healthy...

>> No.29018291

Meidos won't fucking rangeban. Korone used to be a bully, but as far as Hololive goes, she's pretty nice. Very anti social though.
No paper trail, and I don't expect there to ever be one as showing a contract or anything would certainly violate any NDA.
Sounds like you're reading into it. Tower...
Yes. Also fat. And a SEAnigger.

>> No.29018293

broforce and hotline miami

>> No.29018294

I want to see any of them playing Metal Wolf Chaos.

>> No.29018296
Quoted by: >>29018454

Why are 5ch anti Kanata?

>> No.29018297
Quoted by: >>29018326

The foreigner tax is around 10% in addition to standard Japanese income tax if you've lived there longer than a year.

>> No.29018299
Quoted by: >>29018319

It's a screenshot from this website you absolute retards

>> No.29018300
Quoted by: >>29018657

bottom image is actually either fake or padding because she is flat irl

>> No.29018301

H-ha ha, y-yeah...

>> No.29018303
Quoted by: >>29020907

No Devolver has a page on their website where you can type in your company name and it'll generate that permission form for you.

>> No.29018305

Of course, she's not playing an anime character. Its her most recent dox.

>> No.29018307

>its 1am workdays in SEAland and probably all asleep
>thread is still getting raided
its definitely not the SEAnigs right?

>> No.29018310
File: 175 KB, 1071x802, 1604784882094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but I love his drawings

>> No.29018314

WHy would you waste time making OC for (you)s instead of reposting shit for more (you)s?

>> No.29018317


>> No.29018319


>> No.29018325
Quoted by: >>29018346

It was her, she just stopped using that handle and someone else took it. This is easily verifiable.

If you don't know how the internet works at least shut the fuck up.

>> No.29018326

Is foreigner tax a common thing or are japs just retarded

>> No.29018327

Uh, Devolver Digital has already given them (and everyone, actually) blanket permission for all their games. Sometimes you newfags shock me that you don't remember shit like "Fall Guys all day everyday" stream cycles. But to answer your question, Ame+Gura+Mori Serious Sam 1+2 would be fun.

>> No.29018329

because I'm a big fat guy who doesn't talk to people

>> No.29018331

Watson and Talos Principle

>> No.29018332

Please stop repeating this, they get a tax credit because of a treaty between the US and Japan.

>> No.29018333

Probably chinks.

>> No.29018336

I think it's replacing Minecraft tomorrow, because she wants to play it on Switch.

>> No.29018338
File: 92 KB, 512x512, 1604168420425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29018341
Quoted by: >>29020855

She's an above average height gaijin loudmouth autistic white woman with otaku interests and works in both an extremely niche art field as well as a low-tier JSL job, who literally either scares off men looking for attractive women, or is too expressive to be conventionally attractive in Japan.

said, only other autists like us would find her boister and tism as attractive points.

>> No.29018345

She is married to some chink. What a shame.

>> No.29018346

Canonically, Gura has a slightly bigger mound than Ina

Nigga, that can easily be debunked if you check the timestamps
Stop spreading fake news

>> No.29018347

Kiara playing Hatoful Boyfriend could be a lot of fun. I know, the whole yuriship and things, but after hearing her do the voices for the Yakuza punks her doing voices for the cast could be amusing to hear.

Plus Okayu's reactions were cute.

>> No.29018351

he can't keep getting away with it...

>> No.29018354

where does she post these, her roomate's ig is all digitl illustations??

>> No.29018359

I....don't think you can just do that?

>> No.29018360
Quoted by: >>29018386

wtf was wth all the doxx posting in the last thread, like none of it was deleted baka

>> No.29018361

They could be on graveyard shifts working from home

>> No.29018365

Talos Principle has been suggested for Amelia multiple times. It's like a less shit Antechamber.

>> No.29018370
Quoted by: >>29018407

probably for the best, i dont have my trust in the shit realm server running good.

>> No.29018371
Quoted by: >>29018809

but ugly bastards are known to get lots of pussy based on all the doujins I've read

>> No.29018375
File: 27 KB, 400x400, WyVPThjU_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7) Thanks to this Roboco fan, we can now all safely hate Roboco again
my fucking sides. You're fine this time 5chbros

>> No.29018376
File: 55 KB, 1051x309, adfadf30954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant believe I gave my superchat virginity to Rushia of all people and she isnt even my oshi

>> No.29018377
Quoted by: >>29018434

I am not funny.

>> No.29018379
Quoted by: >>29018813

>gonna play it on release day
>nevermind, maybe I'll play it one day later, on switch release day
>nevermind, MAYBE gonna play it on switch release day.... m-muh minecraft

Fuck off Kiara

>> No.29018380
Quoted by: >>29018489

What happened between Luna and Matsuri?

>> No.29018384

Given the absolute state of her PC best to wait for Switch version

>> No.29018385

They work in call centers 24/7

>> No.29018386

Meidos have abandoned us

>> No.29018389

Does 5ch have a 4channel recap guy? I want to see what they see us as/

>> No.29018391
Quoted by: >>29018489

does korone actually hate aqua

>> No.29018394
File: 182 KB, 534x534, chumhoward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came back from work, why is there so much toddposting now? not that I mind

>> No.29018395

why dose ASMR make my pepe hard?

>> No.29018396

I see fat guys with bitches hanging off them all the time anon
that should tell you which part holds back both you and her

>> No.29018399
File: 89 KB, 372x364, 1583315939315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018403

Ah they are probably being banned as we speak, nice

>> No.29018404

the worst part about the doxxfags is when they get it wrong (probably intentionally) and spread falsehood

>> No.29018405

I'm sure she'll notice your big boy prawn donation mate.

>> No.29018407
Quoted by: >>29018470

I would be happy if they kept Minecraft streams mostly for collabs. Besides Ame none of them do anything particularly interesting in them and even that is wearing very thin.

>> No.29018409
File: 584 KB, 983x1080, doxgura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018952


>> No.29018413

gura said she wants to play skyrim

>> No.29018414

we all fall for her magic anon no need to feel shame

>> No.29018415

>donate 100 they only get 35
I didn't know this and I feel like I've been ripped off

>> No.29018419

They don't do full recaps, but they do make reports when we have meltdowns. They were basically doing a play by play during Amegeddon.

>> No.29018421
File: 17 KB, 350x350, 1605060807552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura wants to play Skyrim and Oblivion

>> No.29018434
Quoted by: >>29018522

neither is Mori

>> No.29018437

The same way we see them. Faggots.

>> No.29018438
File: 138 KB, 379x196, 1602253381668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori answers the intercom to let Kiara in
Is she physically unable to not speak in hip-hop?

>> No.29018440

Kiara owns my heart

>> No.29018444
Quoted by: >>29018853

Which holos would actually bother to read out and respond to AR$5 superchats? That's 60 cents.

>> No.29018445

Thanks. I love you.

>> No.29018447

Kiara brought a gun to the spa date with mori

>> No.29018450

Thank you anon, my dumbass forgot how timezones work

>> No.29018451
Quoted by: >>29018535

Pekora was actually a k**kihim* fangirl before joining Hololive and that's the real reason why she's so nervous about collabing with Kiara.

>> No.29018454
Quoted by: >>29018494

because kanata is especially sensitive to antis and that magnetically attracts them. see kiara.

also she's attached to coco so any coco antis are generally also kanata antis.

>> No.29018455

Ironic considering what they did to Aloe

>> No.29018457

on top of that, flipland is getting ravaged by a storm and all the power lines are down.

>> No.29018460

Gura will play some games that you definitely should buy

>> No.29018462

I am all the antis and all the fanbases. I pull all of the strings in this community. I am the man behind the curtain and you all dance to my tune.

>> No.29018463

>What kind of fucking idiots would spend their day beliving untranslated shit on foreign boards
Isn't this exactly what we did with the Kiara/Subaru rumor from 5ch?

>> No.29018464
File: 324 KB, 489x498, 1605041765775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's a skinwalker.

>> No.29018468

Those were some good threads. Shame those meant the death of most goslingposts though, always made me chuckle

>> No.29018470

gura's suffering stream was my favorite solo EN minecraft stream by far. taking place during the same time as Ame's made it even better.

>> No.29018471

A gun owns kiara

>> No.29018472

Mori is actually a bat

>> No.29018474
File: 357 KB, 1080x855, Ek3PpmSUUAI-osA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018525

Mori's tsundere act is slowly becoming a mask to hide that she is actually gradually seeing Kiara in a romantic light but will never admit it because she sees herself as straight as an arrow

>> No.29018475

I love how she actually clarified to Kiara that she was still in the middle of streaming after that, which confirms she's always like that in real life (just in case there were still some people somehow doubting it).

>> No.29018482

Connect 4 rematch. Beyond that I don't really care too much, except to maybe avoid President this time.

>> No.29018483

Gura and Ame are both fat and ugly and that's why they get along

>> No.29018484
File: 39 KB, 600x579, 1600245873039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's great to hear! Skyrim is one of my all time favorites.

>> No.29018487

Kiara is a shapeshifter
At Poe's masquerade

>> No.29018488

Mori didn't actually audition, she was scouted.

>> No.29018489

Literally the same thing that happens with every girl and Matsuri. Hasn't happened with Hoshikawa yet, but I'm sure it will.
No. But they are up there as the two most antisocial/shy Holos. You'd probably have to force them to interact, because neither will take the initiative.

>> No.29018490

Kiara owns all guns

>> No.29018494
Quoted by: >>29018580

Why is Kanata so sensitive to antis? What do you mean? Anything I can look up?

>> No.29018495
File: 121 KB, 472x444, 1600053285490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018567

Anyone else looking forward to Ina's comfy MC zatsudan stream?
At this point even pointing out how the threads are shit without even giving them (You)s is too much attention. Can't you fags just post like normal and ignore them?

>> No.29018499

Your boy is, to use the vernacular, 2 LEGIT 2 QUIT

>> No.29018500

Ame actually loves her fans and thinking of ways to weed out the bad ones from the good ones

>> No.29018502

35 is more like a theoretical maximum, pre-tax. There's also VAT, apple fees for apple devices and income tax to consider. It's probably closer to 20

>> No.29018504
Quoted by: >>29018599

It's a possibility that Todd is Gura's uncle

>> No.29018503

Yah if you can find an alternate way to support your oshi, like buying content from them outside the preview of Hololive or donating to them directly, do that instead. Superchatting them is basically only good for on-stream direct interaction and nothing more

>> No.29018507

Lamy is an international gun broker, she sold Kiara a gun.

>> No.29018509

Polka can actually speak perfect english, she doesn't as a part of her character.

>> No.29018510

They were singing fucking RIP of all things in the bathtub during their spa date. What'd you expect?

>> No.29018511

You were. Merchandise is a better deal for the girls, but tragically Cover is fucking retarded and useless and doesn't make that much for some reason.
One could only imagine how much people would spend for a figure of their favorite Holo, which would be a better deal for both Cover and the girls.

>> No.29018515
File: 14 KB, 291x363, Bodysnatcher[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftfoior.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018520
File: 208 KB, 1135x636, imagen_2020-11-11_121616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018539


>> No.29018522
Quoted by: >>29018791

You Don't understand, man. I'm not funny because I'm stupid.

>> No.29018524
Quoted by: >>29018560

Was Amelia actually sandbagging or just tired and not very good at chess?

>> No.29018525

>Calli becoming a lesbian
>Kiara lusting for dick

How the tables have turned

>> No.29018528

Wasn't Kiara doing the 'pekora' laugh before Mori clarified that as well. Seems that's also just the way she laughs.

>> No.29018532

Mori's songs are pretty catchy, anon. I've caught myself softly singing Live Again every now and then.

>> No.29018533

>not morrowind

>> No.29018534

The strongest narrative will always be that Flare and Noel had happy, earthshattering, amazing, rough sex.

>> No.29018535

>Pekora is extra nervous because she masturbated to her gravure pics
The funniest narrative I have seen in weeks.

>> No.29018539
Quoted by: >>29018579

Hey I farmed a ton of (you)s though, gotta admit

>> No.29018545

Nene got so mad after being rejected 4 times by holo live before getting in that she decided to burn down the entire corporation from within and destroy it from the shadows

>> No.29018547
Quoted by: >>29018581

35 before taxes, mind you.
Anyway... People here love to repeat these numbers, but this is all based only on a throwaway comment that Coco made once. The truth is that none of this is public and we have no idea what is the share of Cover/Talents, and it is very likely that each talent has a different contract.

>> No.29018548
File: 15 KB, 280x293, Eg-8n9gUcAALZ3M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is gonna play Genital Jousting first?

>> No.29018549

Kiara took Mori's measurements during the spa date and is actually making her a real costume for roleplay sex

>> No.29018551
Quoted by: >>29018578

Hotline Miami for Gura.
Serious Sam 4 for Amelia.

>> No.29018552

I'm my country is even worse, because I have to pay a 64% tax on SC, so when I donate I'm actually giving twice as much to my government than what the girl gets.

>> No.29018553
Quoted by: >>29018603

There's no way Cover would give them a reasonable cut of merch sales either.

>> No.29018555

So Kiara's the gun devil?

>> No.29018557

Those are streams I'll be skipping. There's a reason so many mods exist for Bethesda games, and it's that they suck until the community fixes them.

>> No.29018558

That's kind of obvious.
By the way she still watches THHK streams, she just doesn't simp so damn hard.

>> No.29018559

Mori and her 5 ft scythe

>> No.29018560

She has a literal hole in her head. I love Ame but she's a fucking retard.

>> No.29018564
File: 110 KB, 275x217, INA SNIFF GURA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018565

Imagine being an employee or any other Japanese person at the time and just hearing two foreigners rapping in the bathtub at an expensive spa

>> No.29018567

I'm not gonna post until Ina is on. These people are gonna find something else to ruin and leave this palce by then.

>> No.29018570

QRD on Gura:
>A descendant of the Lost City of Atlantis, who swam to Earth while saying, "It's so boring down there LOLOLOL!"
>She bought her clothes (and her shark hat) in the human world and she really loves them.
>In her spare time, she enjoys talking to marine life.

>> No.29018578
Quoted by: >>29018677

Why 4? I haven't play any of them, but have 1 on my backlog.

>> No.29018579
Quoted by: >>29018646

Is it farming you's when its actively improving the thread?

>> No.29018580
Quoted by: >>29018647

kanata takes criticism to the heart. for example she was very conscious of how people call her a leech for reaching out to collab with more popular holomen like coco and korone. she recently privated her Among Us stream because she was embarrassed about how quiet she was during the game.

>> No.29018581

yeah, like we know Watson signed on for the 30/70 poverty contract.

>> No.29018585

Kiara did the Pekora laugh after Mori told her she's streaming. But if you do your roommate reps you can see the Pekora laugh is her real laugh.

>> No.29018588


>> No.29018590

This is true

>> No.29018592

She actually talked about how someone (allegedly the Canadian moose vtuber) convinced her to apply.

>> No.29018598
File: 176 KB, 1205x1588, __scarlet_sonic_magic_henshin_drawn_by_bingshan__81ed10640306d2f83cbd6c83af9a144d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal robo holo when?

>> No.29018599
File: 931 KB, 1068x1080, everywhereigoiseehisface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Todd made his niece the most popular vtuber ever just so he could tell the world to play his game
Truly the greatest video game developer of our time.

>> No.29018603

No, but they don't also have to give youtube a cut so it would still result in a bigger one for the girls.
Yes, the company making the merchandise would take a cut, but that would be A LOT less than jewtube.

>> No.29018606
Quoted by: >>29018683

>Mori's new song is a cover of if by Da Pump with Kiara raping

>> No.29018607

>She bought her clothes (and her shark hat) in the human world and she really loves them.
Nice narrative but she barely wears her hat.

>> No.29018609
File: 169 KB, 600x462, 1602770488694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018945

Why did they didnt like the collab?
It was better than all previous among us streams combined
> I dont speak engrishu, then laughs
> fucking tree rat 1: I will kill you
> Fucking tree rat 2: I was scanning
> Fucking tree rat 3: 1000iq playing using japanese to conquer and divide
> Shark swimming in a sea of salt made of her own tears: Gura will remember this
> Waston nanoraaaa

Name a more memorable moment than any of these on the previous collabs.

>> No.29018610
File: 61 KB, 1242x817, DFF460A5-24C8-44FB-B29B-3F6C0CA2B8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018628

To whoever made this ad, you picked the wrong color.

>> No.29018613

This is true.

>> No.29018617
File: 142 KB, 305x373, 1604963528833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red Strings Club

>> No.29018621
File: 203 KB, 463x453, 1604182859099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018625

>Kiara, deeply unsatisfied with Hololive due to her poor performance and the handling of the Huke issue, has decided to start unnaturally off collabing with every JP Holo
>She's collected the personal information of Subaru, Nene, Marine and Polka in the span of a few weeks
>On November 7th, a middle aged man tried to get into Subaru's apartment during the middle of her stream, allegedly to confirm using the sounds on stream that he has got the correct address
>Subaru, scared, ended the stream early, and is seeking legal help since she believes she's being stalked
>It seems that Kiara has been leaking Hololive personal details to the Chinese, who are still riled up over the Coco thing.

>> No.29018625

Why is 5ch so stupid?

>> No.29018628 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 1160x870, 1605115268981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020398

You are too weak for the real color.

>> No.29018631
File: 133 KB, 640x1067, 6sffdb1s6ly51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna breed the smug out of this fucking bitch

>> No.29018634
Quoted by: >>29018798

FBK's new figurine is 10k yen.

>> No.29018637

Ame isn't actually a time traveller, she just believes it because she has schizophrenia.

>> No.29018643

One of the Holos is actually Hideo Kojima with a voice changer. I cannot say who.

>> No.29018646

it's honest work

>> No.29018648
File: 296 KB, 350x568, 1604448230044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora has seen clips of her stream around and she thinks they're trash of the highest degree and that they dont really represent what PEKORA is about.
She'd love to collab with EN, but she's too much of an autist to do it without "knowing" them first through their streams, and she cant speak english so she cant watch their streams, and she doesnt think those 37 second clips of Ame falling off a tower in minecraft are good enough to know the ENs enough to collab.
She'd love to ask Kiara or Mori for help, but they're the loudest and more extroverted of the bunch so her autism wont let her, she's actually scared of them.

>> No.29018647

Poor Kanata. I always feel like God hates her. Want to protect her.

>> No.29018649
File: 463 KB, 600x604, 1604039139509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah it's much better now

>> No.29018652

Fucking kek, good job /hlg/

>> No.29018655
Quoted by: >>29018708

The girls actually visited here, but they don't know the difference between us and /hlg/ and went to their thread instead.

>> No.29018657

Oh like you know

>> No.29018664

Calli and Suisei knew each other before Hololive. They were both indie MV editors. Calli knows a lot of indie music Vtubers and Suisei knows every indie Vtuber period. Suisei was the one who convinced Calli to join Hololive. Suisei is also fluent in English and pretends not to be.

>> No.29018665
File: 17 KB, 587x493, hlgg hours.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this accurate?

>> No.29018671
Quoted by: >>29018747

Shut up, deadbrap.

>> No.29018674

This is all your fault though, Mori.

>> No.29018677

Only one I haven't played, I just want to see a playthrough. I've heard it's not that great though.
From the ones I did play, Second Encounter was best.

>> No.29018678


Amelia isn't actually a detective and when she says "I've been doing some detective work" it probably means she didn't do anything at all and was just being lazy around the house or watching Netflix.

>> No.29018680
Quoted by: >>29018818

Proportions are backwards

>> No.29018681

pretty much

>> No.29018682
Quoted by: >>29018733

Wait, people are starting to repeat my narrative?


>> No.29018683

Would be a disappointment, the Korone and Okayu version can't be beat.

>> No.29018686
File: 96 KB, 649x719, 1495387486443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018723

>in a mood to write an essay
>it's schizo hours
At least I didn't embarass myself on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.29018690

broforce collab

>> No.29018691
File: 39 KB, 720x720, tree rrat gun[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0ttrft.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018735

ALRIGHT /hlgg/ I'm going to fuck of to the Soundpost Realm and jam together with other soundpost chads. This is my farewell gift to you niggers.


>> No.29018693

>Amelia is a woman
This is true.

>> No.29018694
Quoted by: >>29018748

Id say there's a 10% chance that dead hours are chill, depending on what timezone is active.

>> No.29018700
Quoted by: >>29018818

If only stream hours were that long.

>> No.29018703

this is true

>> No.29018706

this thread is always terrible

>> No.29018708
Quoted by: >>29018770


>> No.29018709

I can't believe it

>> No.29018717

during streams its spam relevant to the stream and everyone who doesn't watch her complains about it. been like that for a while now

>> No.29018718
File: 73 KB, 661x956, hlgg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019760


>> No.29018720

Polka comes across equally co-dependent tho.

>> No.29018722

She's probably sleeping for once in her life.

>> No.29018723

Give it a few hours

>> No.29018729
Quoted by: >>29018781

Fuck you and your fanbase.

>> No.29018732

Holy shit, please let Ina know so that you can be promoted to an official EnMa.

>> No.29018733

It's barely a narrative, anyone can tune into Kiara and see it for themselves.
She's literally that one image people post about the streamer girl after she turns off the stream.

>> No.29018735
File: 124 KB, 1000x1101, Miso! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fk320ab.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018776

Wait where is the current soundposting at or do you mean the /jp/ one?

>> No.29018742

Some dead hours can be really chill.

>> No.29018745
Quoted by: >>29018783

Mori was the one ringing up Subaru's intercom, the duck sent her an aka and then forgot about it.

>> No.29018748
Quoted by: >>29018774

I've noticed it's much more dependent on the quality of the threads leading up to dead hours and if there's any big thing that's happened rather than timezone.

>> No.29018747


>> No.29018750
Quoted by: >>29018818

Reduce streams down to about 20% of the pie.

>> No.29018751

I remember like a couple days ago when the typhoon first hit the islands dead hours were chill as fuck. Can we go back to those times?

>> No.29018753
Quoted by: >>29018811

Every narrative is true

>> No.29018755
File: 41 KB, 396x174, firefox_XF2oisX4Ze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people always excited for Holos singing the same songs they did already...

Why can't they suggest new songs instead?

>> No.29018762

Polka doesn't rely on her chat constantly boosting her confidence or praising her and showering her with hearts and love at least.

>> No.29018770


>> No.29018775

/hlg/ hours are mostly red

>> No.29018774

Probably more accurate

>> No.29018776
File: 895 KB, 3678x3035, Das Hähnchen [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1zb2yz.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one. The two dimensions are like night and day. I'll go make new soundposts while listening along to whatever you guys post.

>> No.29018779
File: 1.15 MB, 1410x1000, janny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020071

There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?

>> No.29018782
File: 91 KB, 1792x828, 1601786299791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>go to work
>come back
>thread is seething about the among us collab
>wake up
>go to work
>come back
>thread is seething about the among us collab
>wake up
>go to work
>come back
>thread is seething about the among us collab
Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.29018781
Quoted by: >>29018814

You want to fuck me bro? Why are you such a faggot?

>> No.29018783
Quoted by: >>29018823

Mori is absolutely quackers.

>> No.29018787

Narrative: hlgg is worse than hlg nowadays

>> No.29018789

It's actually fair. The website is free to use and operating it requires a huge amount of server resources. Especially when you consider that they have to keep decade old videos online even if no one will ever watch them.

>> No.29018791

So is Mori

>> No.29018798
Quoted by: >>29018936

Thats surprisingly cheap. Do you have a link on how it looks?

>> No.29018805

We already know it'll basically be the member-only campfire karaoke set list with maybe 1 or 2 additions, so don't expect much different.

If you're lucky maybe she'll decide to not frustrate you for once and do EN CR instead of JP.

>> No.29018809

those ugly bastards have confidence

>> No.29018811

TRUUEE, true

>> No.29018812
Quoted by: >>29018851

I think I remember reading somewhere that she laughed like that, since before she joined hololive.

>> No.29018813

yeah she should be graduated for that unprofessional behavior

>> No.29018814
Quoted by: >>29018889

You think you can beat me 1 2 3?

>> No.29018816
File: 146 KB, 600x600, scene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29018817

Polka has been like this for 5 years now, back in the day it was just shitty management badgering her to improve ad rev.

>> No.29018818

On a good day we have Ina, then Ame stream #1, then Gura, then Ame stream #2, then only a short wait until Mori and Kiara. Stream hours are a good length

>> No.29018823
File: 313 KB, 1500x2000, 15DBFB32-EA59-48D9-9001-E9067412C84D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me in anon

>> No.29018826
File: 299 KB, 440x540, 159621862361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018828

That's not even a narrative bro

>> No.29018833

Chances Gura sings this version of Plastic Love to raise her popularity?


>> No.29018837

They were always the same. Many /hlg/ posters post in both threads. That's why we have Ayame, Suisei and Flare falseflaggers, as well as most of /hlg/'s memes like Towa...

>> No.29018841
File: 1.17 MB, 1542x2000, 1604555130902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of you honestly admire your oshi, or any other hololiver for that matter?

>> No.29018842

I don't know who this is.

>> No.29018849
File: 266 KB, 2691x1599, 1603784189364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to fix the thread, post cute pics of your oshi, bros.

>> No.29018848

It's just a different kind of bad

>> No.29018850

That's why I liked Amelia's karaoke. She knows like 2 Japanese songs so she has to do other things. I'd rather watch someone have fun doing something way outside their range than perform a technically decent version of Cruel Angel's Thesis for the 18th time in Hololive.

>> No.29018851

So is Kiara's laugh just Top Right and Bottom Left arrows?

>> No.29018853
Quoted by: >>29018888

Pretty sure those are aussie dollars. you're thinking of ARS.

>> No.29018856
File: 254 KB, 600x540, 1604907352673.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright you pudding looking sunsaguns TALK! Your priestess won't be here to save you for at least another 2 hours so the only way you get out of here is if you squeal like a pig. WHAT'S HER PLAN! WE KNOW THE TENTACULT HAS AN ALIEN, A SPIDER ROBOT, SEVERAL HIT SQUADS, HIGH FREQUENCY BLADES AND REACTIVE ARMOR, AND A HIDDEN BUNKER and a coffee machine. I can do this all day if you don't fess up . . .

>> No.29018858
Quoted by: >>29019025

But Chicken is starting to eat better and do exercises now. She's motivated again.

I mean she pretty much said in one stream when screaming about FOOF and how happy she is now.

>> No.29018860

Please Mori just announce you collab with Coco or Suisei already. Just ignore the fact that Suisei would date rape you afterwards

>> No.29018865

Just checked steam and it seems like Devolver localizes most of their games to Japanese as well. Dunno why they haven't just picked some random games out of the library there desu, especially seeing THREE (3) holos play the same game in ONE (1) day (the Thief Simulator one). There's variety out there, it just seems like they have no clue what games are actually good.

>> No.29018871
File: 1.28 MB, 1004x1054, 1601864951431.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018872
Quoted by: >>29018901

If Gura only cared about raising her popularity, she would sing the English version of Country Roads instead of the Ghibli version.

>> No.29018873

I admire Calli and Suisei. I also admire Coco even though I FUCKING HATE THAT BITCH. I just wish she'd go back to Asacoco 1.0

>> No.29018874

>Hotline Maime

Come on man...

>> No.29018878

0% unless she wants to frustrate us.

>> No.29018882

Mori doxxes herself to raise her self-esteem.

>> No.29018883 [SPOILER] 
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1605115775490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018884

That depends what is worse. This place has always been a fast shitshow. But I still prefer it here.

>> No.29018885

if we can't get rid of the doxniggers, i suppose that means there's really no hope of getting the soundshitter banned any time soon

>> No.29018888

They are so maybe a couple of seppo bucks.

>> No.29018889
Quoted by: >>29018922

I'm a 6.3 eastern european and I'm decently big, I can probably beat up like 90% of you guys

>> No.29018898

Mori fucked a HoloJP while blackout drunk and forgot about it

>> No.29018901

Jesus you're still salty about that?

>> No.29018904

There's a secret 1% chance of comfy dead hours, like during election night.

>> No.29018908
File: 59 KB, 400x400, 5rN0X-WOAtGQ-gODwpSoCA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only bonks from the priestess can get me to talk, fucker.

>> No.29018910
File: 39 KB, 309x280, 1602993530902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up in the mines. It'll take more than that to break me.

>> No.29018912

I think there's more of a chance of Risu, considering there were a couple of people in her King chant requesting it

>> No.29018916
Quoted by: >>29018938

Why would you call her your oshi if you don't admire her?

>> No.29018919

never again bros...

>> No.29018922
Quoted by: >>29018947

twenty minutes, bell st maccas cunt

>> No.29018925

I would love to hear https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTd2ylacYNU from Gura

>> No.29018930
File: 4 KB, 348x34, Kiarachat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018931

I miss those threads

>> No.29018935
File: 1.25 MB, 2299x1453, Mic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I genuinely love Calli in every way, and at the same time I'm extremely jealous of everything about her and everything she has accomplished. And because I am I've decided to stop being a lazy faggot and work towards my own personal goals so I won't be such a jealous fag anymore.

>> No.29018936

I assume he means this one.
Obviously it's a bit more with tax and especially international delivery.

>> No.29018938
Quoted by: >>29018964

>admiring women
Never gonna make it.

>> No.29018940
File: 861 KB, 628x820, nicolascageandme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't get away with this, I know powerful people.

>> No.29018945
File: 328 KB, 1210x1008, d875a3f092414e44153bdc2595b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"sitsuireisimasuga R.I.P."
>"whoops you walked into that one chief"
>"gura is safe... NOT SAFE NOT SAFE"
>"lamy wa... bye bye"
>"I couldn't let anyone else kill you -////-"
>"Elementary my dear Watson-kun"
>"AME, KIMPATS-- yabe, minna kimpatsu da"
>300k vtuber byebye
>botan ogey
Nice try but nothing will ever top this collab. Gen 5 has perfect chemistry both among themselves and with EN.

>> No.29018946


>> No.29018947

What tf even is at maccas

>> No.29018949

Forget it, Ame. Its Takotown.

>> No.29018951
Quoted by: >>29019034

Imagine if Kiara gets cucked out of Mori's lesbian virginity. How badly would she explode?

>> No.29018952
File: 518 KB, 983x1080, 1575529467080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong image/dox, she has Red hair.

Kind of correct but not quite

>> No.29018953
File: 1.42 MB, 1542x2000, DA22BB11-D0A5-4875-A3E9-603DAFC63A81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29018955
File: 41 KB, 543x242, takoblob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm squishy so it all feels fine for me

>> No.29018956
Quoted by: >>29019096

Shouldn't it be for "cover corp". This might be unsuable you dolt.

>> No.29018958

man those threads were amazing, I want to go back

>> No.29018961

Kiara completely fucked over an innocent stalker by leading him to Mori's house.

>> No.29018964

Where do you think you are?

>> No.29018970
Quoted by: >>29019034

Couldn't Mori just go to the Holohouse and off collab with all 3?

>> No.29018971

Yes, especially since a good proportion of them are ex-neets that made it.

>> No.29018973

>Your oshi

>> No.29018974
Quoted by: >>29019044

So the minecraft issues was just Kiara's internet being bad, right? So, Ina's stream will be fine, right?

>> No.29018977
File: 236 KB, 1036x256, kiara anime taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there isn't one actual Yuri anime in the birds' favorites

>> No.29018978
File: 57 KB, 680x543, ASMR Polka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29018989

Sleepy Polka and ASMR dreams.
Goodnight clownbros lets meet again soon.

>> No.29018981
Quoted by: >>29019010

I want to hear her sing Plastic Love normally. I didn’t care for the acoustic arrangement.

>> No.29018982
Quoted by: >>29019014

>missed out on Haachama's lewd ASMR

>> No.29018983

That wasn't even that good, it was 80% 'look how nice things are when all the people we don't like are on pol' in a circlejerk of establishing that people who were in thread are the 'good ones'

>> No.29018987 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 591x380, 1602996906738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf did narrative fags do now?

>> No.29018989
File: 299 KB, 445x436, 1603735434023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight clownbro

>> No.29018992

Polka made it 3/4th the way through seiyuu university but failed, oversleeping through her classes. She spent the next decade dwelling on her failure to achieve her goals. When she got her big break, she suddenly felt like she was fulfilling her goal in life. Then it fell apart. Even though she's more successful now, she knows it's completely ephemeral and she will lose all her fans some day, or in other words, "mono no aware".

Combined with her very limited real life interactions, and growing up on the internet a skewed concept of "connecting" with people, she has developed a very dependent parasocial relationship with her members. They love her and she genuinely loves them, but has doubts in her head because it can't be 'real', right?

tl;dr Polka's a 32 year old fucking shut-in mess due to a string of failures in life, and can never appreciate success.

>> No.29018994

She picked up the tete idea after debut

>> No.29018997

Narrative: I would heem every single one of you if I ever saw you on the street.

>> No.29018999
Quoted by: >>29019121

It's a shitshow, but it's mostly a fun shitshow and not plagued with disgusting pseudo-elitist weebs that can't handle anyone finding out about their sicrit hobby. Reading constant disdain without any levity gets tiring pretty fast, especially since most of it is their true feelings, while (I can convince myself that) most shitposts here aren't meant to be taken seriously

>> No.29019001

Yes, and I admire FBK. She seems like she has a good head on her shoulders.

>> No.29019002

railgun is psuedo lesbo
the more recent shit is gay as fuck because of some side characters

>> No.29019005

Kiara constantly implies she and Mori might have done something when Mori wakes up from her benders in order to implant the idea of sex with her into Mori's mind.

>> No.29019006
Quoted by: >>29019915

Yuri anime doesn't tend to be good

>> No.29019007
Quoted by: >>29019081

Bassline cover by Gura when?

>> No.29019009

Even lesbians think yuri anime is garbage.

>> No.29019010
Quoted by: >>29019026

And I just want to hear her sing English Country Roads properly once. No memes, no funny intermissions, no wacky noises. Just the best she can.

But I won't get it because of people being dipshits and stupid memers.

>> No.29019013

god I didn't notice during the debut but that kerning is awful

>> No.29019014
Quoted by: >>29019208

no one uploaded it either.

>> No.29019018
File: 177 KB, 1066x1632, dtp8sr8pc4p51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Mori is a hard worker and I respect her

>> No.29019019

What if Gura had to pay with her body to get those clothes, an Atlantean wouldn't have human money right?

>> No.29019020

Fuck that's one strong narrative.

>> No.29019025

But the risk of being so emotionally dependent to her audience, is that she also becomes super susceptible to the negativity. It means that her motivation is determine by her audience's perception of her, or more specifically, her perception of her audience's perception of her.

>> No.29019026

lol get fucked

>> No.29019028

I just don't get Mori.
How can a strawberry blonde texan bombshell with a perfect body like her have a thing for baby-dicked chinks? There's no way.

>> No.29019029

Hey dumbass censoring names on tweets doesn't do anything

Also, off topic.

>> No.29019032
Quoted by: >>29019048

Same old skinwalker narrative from 5ch.

>> No.29019034

She's either be furious and break down crying or take it as a sign to immediately jump on Mori. No inbetween
Yes, but unless she hides in Kanata's room or borrows one of Coco's guns she's not safe in Suisei's domain

>> No.29019036

>What's wrong with this girl?
Are you expecting a list?

>> No.29019039

kek wtf?!

>> No.29019041

I think most of them have the kind of drive I could only dream of. If I was Kiara or Ame I wouldve honestly self graduated week 2 tops.
Hard work is the most praiseworthy of traits.

>> No.29019042

Have you ever watched Railgun?

>> No.29019044
Quoted by: >>29019076

Yes. All it took was like 30 seconds of Calli asking Kiara basic troubleshooting questions to discern that the problem was Kiara's internet. her speeds were periodically dropping too low to both stream and stay connected to minecraft at the same time, so probably just her new ISP being fuckabouts.

>> No.29019046

All of them have (at least) one crazy lesbian with unrequited love.

>> No.29019048

oh i see poor girl hope shes fine

>> No.29019050


>> No.29019056

There isn't really a lot of yuri anime thats good beyond being yuri and birds favorites, like most others, are pretty surface stuff. I like yuri a lot and I'm not sure there would even be a single yuri anime among my top 5 either.

>> No.29019058
File: 716 KB, 743x797, 1577096524152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina streams less than usual
>The threads are worse than ever
I need her

>> No.29019064
Quoted by: >>29019143

Because being a thirsty lesbo it's just part of the character. She's bi.

Hell she spent the last stream lusting after manly Yakuza men. She likes cute anime girls but that's it..

>> No.29019068

Subaru probably warned all other holos in private about the risks of collabing with chicken...

>> No.29019069

Please be patient she has autism

>> No.29019070
Quoted by: >>29019103

Likely still the whole dumb 5ch subaru narrative.
Also if you're going to censor at least censor all the names.

>> No.29019076

>2 week delay on getting internet set up
>Immediately shits out

>> No.29019078

Yeah, Calli works hard to the point of recklessness and has the kind of passion I don't think I can even relate to, but I both admire it and am kinda jealous.

>> No.29019079

This. That trashcan was expensive.

>> No.29019080
File: 101 KB, 850x850, Light Up The Night[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb4tbjh.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019136

I miss the 2010s. Mori and Amelia does too.

>> No.29019081
File: 218 KB, 600x600, 1461941308923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019191

>yfw Gura sings bassline in her unarchived karaoke

>> No.29019084

>Just ignore the fact that Suisei would date rape you afterwards
Pretty sure date rape implies the use of drugs and Suisei would go in 100% raw.

>> No.29019092
File: 72 KB, 1022x575, 1602071861082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhmmmmm narrativebros???

>> No.29019093

Fax your complaints to the ISP.

>> No.29019094

Do you people genuinely believ this? There is no way it's true

>> No.29019096
File: 346 KB, 1892x1185, GDNPQvq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, you're right. Thankfully their marketing department answers quickly.

>> No.29019099

Holodox? More like holohoax

>> No.29019100
Quoted by: >>29019123

Censor the first tweet as well, moron

Also who knows, 5ch makes anti chicken narratives like a bakery makes bread,

>> No.29019101
Quoted by: >>29019128

Kanbaru. They're kind of similar, now that I think about it.
C'mon now, work on your bait, your reps or both.

>> No.29019103

rip i missed it...i fucked up...im sorry

>> No.29019104

The fucking nips can't get enough of fucking with gaijins.

>> No.29019107
File: 205 KB, 800x890, 1599706102852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was a a very online fatass until she came to Japan and it fucked up her brain real good. Can we stop posting about it already?

>> No.29019108

Sorry, but FGO just got a new Foreigner servant.
Pls understand.

>> No.29019109

I really wonder If its her how the fuck did they get the that picture

>> No.29019110
Quoted by: >>29019223

>shit taste in anime
>shit taste in games
kiara is a mess

>> No.29019111

I want to see Ame play AC7 so much bros. I want to hear her gremlin noises as she goes zooming at twice the speed of sound shooting other planes out of the sky. Whose dick should I suck to make that happen, bros?

>> No.29019114

>Favorite anime are Steins;Gate and Raildex
>No Fripside Karaoke
>No Hacking to the gate Karaoke
Step it up Kiara.

>> No.29019115
File: 203 KB, 2000x2000, 1600799959407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How was gurame's clubhouse 51 collab?

>> No.29019117

Wait, what?
She fooled us one more time?
I like Gura and I hope to watch more of her streams.

>> No.29019119

In your mouth?

>> No.29019121
File: 827 KB, 2404x1260, 1593389003063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019122
Quoted by: >>29019299

Because she's the standard oldschool 4chan autist from the old days. Think Japan was just like your anime, disregard everything, try to acquire Japanse dick/pussy that doesn't want anything to do with you, then cry about being forever alone

>> No.29019123
Quoted by: >>29019203

is it just coz shes not asian?

>> No.29019124

Where is actually important stuff like the teamup schedule in all of this

>> No.29019125
Quoted by: >>29019166

What if we are all the same person? I mean, everyone here seems to say or do everything that I would or that I at least think about. So, maybe, we are all just the same person. There is no difference.

>> No.29019127

i'm glad gura is trying to eat healthier food.

>> No.29019128

>They're kind of similar, now that I think about it.
Oh no doubt I find her a bit annoying.

>> No.29019129 [SPOILER] 
File: 114 KB, 1175x1291, 1605116363556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29019132
Quoted by: >>29019286

Doesn't AC7 auto trip youtubes content system because they uploaded all the cutscenes as unlisted videos?

>> No.29019133

Maybe if she likes Titanfall 2. I'm an /m/fag so starved for a new AC I started getting into the other AC game.

>> No.29019134
Quoted by: >>29019196

Because, true to form, she did absolutely no vetting of her ISP or the subscription she was paying for and just assumed everything would magically work because paying for internet - all of the internet.

What is the problem?
It could be that she's on a subscription that's too low for the demands of streaming
Or that her ISP is shady and providing a low quality service or intentionally throttling.
Or that she didn't configure her modem correctly
Or interference on the line
Or bad infrastructure.

Is she going to call her ISP and try to get it fixed? According to her stream with Mori, no. Absolutely not. She doesn't care.

>> No.29019136
Quoted by: >>29019383

Should've posted ChumGuts with this song.

>> No.29019138

they actually hate each other now
t. time traveler

>> No.29019139

Love her, hate her, or feel indifferent, you have to admit Mori is one of the most interesting Holos to have ever debuted. Her... unique manner of speech, her unique musical direction within Hololive, her cluelessness towards streaming and YouTube culture, and her perpetual klutziness add up to a character with whom you almost never run out of topics to talk about. The fact that she lives rent free in the heads of about 20% of the Anons in this very thread illustrates this quite well.

>> No.29019141
File: 597 KB, 651x699, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft74s18.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29019143


>> No.29019144

it's the same person in both. eyes/nose/lips match.

>> No.29019147 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 729x178, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019148

Disdain for new talents, meaning HoloEN, not (necessarily) new fans

>> No.29019149
Quoted by: >>29019170

Pretty good.
I thought it got too heated when Gura and Ame decided to fight to the death at the end though.

>> No.29019150

I admire their creative diligence in a lot of them. Especially Mori and Ina (which are the cloest to being "my oshi"), because I always regret not having had the discipline and dropping all my creative interests over the years.
I also really admire the ones that had a rough journey to get here and stuck it out regardless, especially Suisei who managed to preserve her OC through it all just because she didn't want to abandon that persona and the fanbase she had build with it.

>> No.29019156

Me on the receiving end

>> No.29019159
File: 567 KB, 600x941, pheonix chuuba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara is the reincarnation of the greek god Aphrodite
>mori was behind the assassination of XXXtentacion
>gura died last month due to liver failure
>ina is constantly in heat and masturbates every other hour
>amelia is XQCs sister
>haachama is actual a 140 IQ genius and is working on secret teleportation technology
>polka does not live in a society
>botan is trained in sniper combat and has expert knowledge in automatic weaponry
>nene is ina's twin sister
>moonas car is actually elon musk's tesla that was shot into space
>pekora created the original ogey image to promote herself
>SEAniggers are actually trying to protect us
>kiara is bring fubuki back with her to austria
>yagoo is the 3rd bongandof brother

>> No.29019162

It's surely in one of your tabs, right anon?

>> No.29019166

4chan is all just you talking to yourself, how new?

>> No.29019170

Well Gura did call Ame a nigger...

>> No.29019172
Quoted by: >>29019215

are japs harassing her over the alleged subaru dox or what?

>> No.29019176

Idk, there is a member who gets much more hate than her, and i don't see her complaining (coco)

>> No.29019181

this, but unironically

>> No.29019182
Quoted by: >>29019303

>strawberry blonde texan bombshell
She's a fat fuck now retard.

>> No.29019183
File: 77 KB, 818x687, 1592192336950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your rolo
>her reaction to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kVdCaczLE8

>> No.29019185
Quoted by: >>29019238

You don't choose who you love anon

>> No.29019191

I could die content at that point.

>> No.29019190

Probably because they're none-threatening. maybe she's been through some shit.

>> No.29019192


>> No.29019194
Quoted by: >>29019613

If you lived in texas for any length of time you'd understand how anybody with passion and talent can be utterly mind-poisoned by that place and its awful culture. She's probably attracted to what in her mind are submissive and easygoing guys because she's spent her life surrounded by texan subhumans and is afraid anybody with a spine will treat her like that.

>> No.29019195

God those threads were nice

>> No.29019196
Quoted by: >>29019213

Streaming requires third world bandwidth, something else must be fucked. My guess would be faulty in-house wiring

>> No.29019197

5ch latches onto chicken because she takes the bait like this.
Even if she hasn't done anything, she has a history of taking the bait, so the schizos gravitate towards her. This might as well be a natural and universal law, since the tranny antis like that one tentacult on twitter chose to attack her too, independent of 5ch.

>> No.29019200
File: 439 KB, 3300x2550, EmhewaIXEAcWK0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was definitely an audition considering she talked about nearly botching it due to technical difficulties and skating by on her improv skills. Second track-making stream, after she gets sick of using Adobe's shitty software and turns it into a zatsudan.

>> No.29019203
Quoted by: >>29019206

It's because she attracted the attention of a high profile schizo and 5ch is full of schizos as well

>> No.29019206


>> No.29019208
Quoted by: >>29019524

check /t/ holothread

>> No.29019209

is this white fragility?

>> No.29019211


>> No.29019213
Quoted by: >>29019280

>Streaming requires third world bandwidth
You know absolutely nothing, 3rd-world bro.

>> No.29019215
Quoted by: >>29019291

Either that or she just read the schizo narratives. I wonder if she knows we've rumbled her skinwalker gambit?

>> No.29019217

When do you think Kiara will graduate? Would you celebrate it?

>> No.29019219
File: 256 KB, 480x473, 1602352513285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019248

ITT we make shit up

>> No.29019220
File: 1.31 MB, 480x480, 1574270576910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but why

>> No.29019223

>Hating Working!!
I respect your opinion, however unpoplar it may be.

>> No.29019227

When Cover Corp dies and no

>> No.29019229
File: 1.08 MB, 2127x718, 1602019052634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keeki* -> kickyricky chicken
demon* -> grim reaper
shark anime -> shark girl

Were Ame and Ina the only ones that had no input on their character, or is there something about s*ch*'s previous acc that relates to detectives?

>> No.29019230

Poor Kiara man, she doesn't deserve this bullshit, I still cant believe Japanese actually believe in that ridiculous narrative

>> No.29019232

dead hour at night(at least for burgers) is calm and fuck and has actual chuuba discussion

>> No.29019233
Quoted by: >>29019259

>thin skinned europoor vs chad american
Well there's your answer,

>> No.29019234


>> No.29019238
File: 1.92 MB, 427x381, 1604432800151.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attraction and love are the same thing

>> No.29019240

>It was definitely an audition considering she talked about nearly botching it due to technical difficulties and skating by on her improv skills.
And yet it's been 2 months and nothing has changed. How does HoloEN keep doing this?

>> No.29019245
File: 511 KB, 938x931, 1591948612126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It was definitely an audition considering she talked about nearly botching it due to technical difficulties and skating by on her improv skills
/hlgg/, would you have hired Mori?
be honest

>> No.29019248
Quoted by: >>29019293

Mori, Susei, and Coco are all planning a hostile takeover of Cover

>> No.29019254

never lmao, she'd never quit hololive
and no, i like her

>> No.29019255
File: 188 KB, 813x588, 1601103080113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I love every single thing about her.

>> No.29019256

Ame got her character from Gura.

>> No.29019257

anyone graduating would be devastating anon

>> No.29019258

They probably just asked her to send them one, and she didn't think much about it since she was a nobody back then.

>> No.29019259

>breaks contract
>comes back like nothing hapened
>streams with 3k dislikes
>kicks funny guy trying to "shame her on stream"
truly chad

>> No.29019261
File: 33 KB, 128x127, 1601430929216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite narrative is how people just blindly believe what Coco said in regards to what % of profits the talent recieves

>> No.29019262
File: 129 KB, 1195x356, takoception.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stand down, officer. Don't look into something you can't finish

>> No.29019264

URL has always been the same, just check you history or the archives.

>> No.29019266

Ending and transition is always melancholic, anon. At least for me, I think.

>> No.29019271
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>> No.29019276
File: 123 KB, 600x600, scene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019279

Depends on the competition.
I'd give a more concise answer but that would count as doxx/roommate posting, so I won't.

>> No.29019280

Youtube works perfectly fine with an upstream of 6000kbit

>> No.29019281

Yes 100%

>> No.29019285

Even Miko is making a gundam. Holy shit, power of Peko autism is insane

>> No.29019286
Quoted by: >>29019347

What? Fubuki streamed a whole bunch of AC7, and her vids are still public. Plus I'm pretty sure there are other streamers that played that game, so that can't be true right?

>> No.29019290


Son of a bitch.

>> No.29019291
Quoted by: >>29019339

She doesn't go to 4chan

>> No.29019293

He said making shit up, not spelling out true facts.

>> No.29019294

found the chink

>> No.29019295 [SPOILER] 
File: 227 KB, 1200x1200, 1605116740566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were Ame and Ina the only ones that had no input on their character,
Ina's a big FGO fan and her character is essentially one big homage to the Foreigner class.
As for Ame, pic related.

>> No.29019296

poor chicken

>> No.29019299

Gods we were strong then.

>> No.29019300
File: 508 KB, 2566x2436, 1600971061950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019357

Damn man, I dunno. Probably, though. If her audition went like her streams do, then I'd have seen how good she is at pulling kino from the jaws of cringe.

>> No.29019301

She wasn't the first one to say it, she is just the only one that has a clip of it.

>> No.29019302

It's easily the most persistent and with a nearly non-existent amount of proof.

>> No.29019303

No matter how many times you say this it won’t come true ya know ?

>> No.29019309
Quoted by: >>29019398

Other Holos have backed her on it.

>> No.29019312

Hololive is her 2nd chance at idolhood, and if you know chicken's story, she'd never give up this opportunity for anything in her life.

>> No.29019314

Oh shit he did a good job, kek

>> No.29019316

I'm about to (finally) catch up on both A Way Out streams. Which side view would you recommend ? Ame or Gura ?

>> No.29019317
File: 442 KB, 712x1043, Noel TAKE YOUR MEDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other girls have their own future dreams but Kiara is basically living hers sans stage concerts I suppose. If anything she'll be the last to leave, maybe just move into management.

>> No.29019318
Quoted by: >>29019343

How can we gently tell her not to believe the narratives bros?

>> No.29019319
Quoted by: >>29020116


>> No.29019321

No, I would've hired shark's sister

>> No.29019324

I agree and I barely watch her.

>> No.29019325

When Cover dies

>> No.29019326

That's bullshit but I believe it

>> No.29019329

Did some retard actually make fanart of a greentext? Goddamn legend.

>> No.29019333
File: 276 KB, 2000x2000, 1583753226128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really really love this shark

>> No.29019335


>> No.29019338
File: 320 KB, 1356x2214, 1598019813228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019421

I doubt Ina didn't want to be a Foreigner drawn by kuroboshi. Even more when you take the fact she is a higher-class weeb.

>> No.29019339
Quoted by: >>29019725

It's not a 4chan narrative and she does go to the colony where it originated.

>> No.29019341
Quoted by: >>29019382

I don't even like all the girls but I'd be crushed if they graduated. They're all part of a team and all do their best.

>> No.29019343

I think you have to learn yourself

>> No.29019346

you now realize they had to WAIT for a rbc fan to fact check.

>> No.29019347

Im basing this off Max0r's playthrough. He had some problem with the first vod that took a bit to sort out.

>> No.29019350


>> No.29019351

Mel didn't graduate even after all the shit Cover put her though.

>> No.29019352


>> No.29019355

Ina confirmed she's whaled for abby

>> No.29019356

No, I wouldn't hire anyone who has called idols fake ass barbie bitches.

>> No.29019357
Quoted by: >>29019442

She actually confirmed on stream once that she almost fucked up her audition and then did a good improv and got hired, so yeah I'd hire her

>> No.29019366

She's having an unarchived karaoke soon. I would be surprised she doesn't sings Hacking to the gate.

>> No.29019369
Quoted by: >>29019420

she collabed with anitubers and that's extremely unbased, cringe and bluepilled

>> No.29019370

All of them had input, in fact you have to come with a basic concept to the audition.
Even if the narrative of Ina having been approached by Cover is true, she definitely had input considering her design.

>> No.29019371
Quoted by: >>29019478

Well few face features match up almost perfectly so, pretty high chance its the same person

>> No.29019372

Highly depends on the competition, bt honestly, probably not

>> No.29019375

Thats not how that game works anon

>> No.29019376

I legitimately think that she might kill herself if she was somehow forced to graduate from hololive.

>> No.29019380

Ina's character is basically a FGO servant, drawn by one of her favorite artists, who's also the artist of her favorite FGO servant. Clearly she had no input.

>> No.29019382
Quoted by: >>29019496

This. I was sad when Aloe left, not because I liked Aloe, but because hearing 5th gen make that announcement was soul crushing.

>> No.29019383
File: 479 KB, 1427x1080, chumguts fire[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fb4tbjh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019387

Can I just say something really quick?

I fucking LOVE Mori's pet snake.

>> No.29019395

I can see both Kiara and Mori sticking as long as possible. Kiara because it's her dream and Mori for both being unable to drop her commitments/loving this job and also because Hololive has actually helped her achieve her dreams in some way.

>> No.29019396
Quoted by: >>29019460

Yeah, she's great, not sure if I'd have stuck with holoEN if she were replaced with someone more... conventional.

>> No.29019397

I'd celebrate you graduating from life

>> No.29019398

>hey autists, back me up so these retards think we're poorly paid and give us more money
Can't blame her for hustling you chumps though.

>> No.29019400

A couple of the Chinese anti twitter accounts who I reported for spamming gore in Coco's replys got banned and holy shit I feel bad for the person who has the job to ban them, they have to basically look at gore and CP all day...

>> No.29019404

Skyclad Observer is the superior S;G opening.

>> No.29019405

I admire Gura for her amazing singing

>> No.29019406
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 6F0FCF96-0FA6-442F-92FF-9CF721F2E9A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uwu funny noise teehee
THIS is what gets you 2nd most subbed Holo?

>> No.29019407

What's a good song for Gura's karaoke?

>> No.29019409

I missed it, how much does cover take? 50% after YT 30% cut?

>> No.29019412

>sans stage concerts
Give it time. Its been done before.

>> No.29019414
File: 317 KB, 2408x2408, EmhhjfkXcAE7IJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossible to answer because it requires knowledge of the other girls who auditioned and how well they did. Based only on what I know now, yes, I would. Based on what I knew about her roommate pre-debut, I'd still hire her.

>> No.29019418
Quoted by: >>29019456

What narrative is this now?

>> No.29019419
File: 226 KB, 1356x1911, 1604943218465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering her roomate shit which will NOT be discussed here, she had enough experience musically that she would've fallen in the niche of music holo, but since shes rap shed be a fresh addition to hololive as a whole. Honestly the only thing she has issues with was literally streaming experience, but shes not exactly the only holo who didnt know that going in, so hireing entirely on talent wouldnt be a bad move.

>> No.29019420

you're proving his point

>> No.29019421 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1448, 1605116964373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open.

>> No.29019424
Quoted by: >>29019480

I fucking love how everyone is telling that we need to ignore doxposter in last thread and now in this one everyone is referencing the "new" dox fucking kek

>> No.29019428

She's doing way better than some of her JP senpais, she won't graduate any time soon.

>> No.29019427

Wait, she lied?!I trusted her, can you prove it?

>> No.29019433

It depends on what she's willing to do for me.

>> No.29019438
File: 455 KB, 2640x2946, 1604770022346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019439

you have trust issues

>> No.29019440

She will stay as long as humanly possible.

And no I wouldn't celebrate if she quits. She's likely going to be a nice senpai for future gens

>> No.29019441
File: 141 KB, 301x330, waaaa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fde.catbox.moe%2Fakufrm.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019442


>> No.29019443

>ina playing minecraft again
its so fucking boring, literally a waste of a stream. I haven't watched a single holoEN minecraft stream and I know despite that fact, I have missed out on absolutely nothing.

>> No.29019450

Being a Twitter janny will legitimately fuck you up in the head.

>> No.29019452

As long as it's not pressure that causes it, then I'm fine with whenever.

>> No.29019453

No, all of them do that. Meme clips get you the subs

>> No.29019454

Ikr. I've seen it now...
Why does she look like an emo girl weeb from GaiaOnline in 2007? lmao
Where'd they even find the image..

>> No.29019456
Quoted by: >>29019538

talking about Ririsya, I'm assuming

>> No.29019457
Quoted by: >>29019548

We have kino upcoming folks

>Ame Diaries while hitting 600k
>Gura Karaoke
>GurAme [Amelia hosting for the first time ever on her channel]
>Haachama cooking with Kiara

>> No.29019460
Quoted by: >>29019522

Her debuting first out of the five felt like both the worst decision the management could've made and yet also the best one, simultaneously.

>> No.29019461

Yes, why else would I watch Holo if not for cute funny noises?

>> No.29019462


>> No.29019463
Quoted by: >>29019526

She is super cute.
Mori please don't forget about the oni and the snake. Onegai!

>> No.29019464 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 568 KB, 1080x947, 1605117053335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tough luck takobro

>> No.29019465
Quoted by: >>29019534

At least we don't have holostars EN yet
I dread to imagine how bad it'll be. Absolute dipshit twitchfags.

>> No.29019466

stop sending your hitmen to our thread, thanks

>> No.29019469

What's up enma-kun, I want to see Amelia play Hotline Miama for sure.

>> No.29019470
File: 26 KB, 390x307, they're here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check out these "discord fan channels"
>See my clip (and I superchatted this one too)
They're already fucking here, niggers. The podcast won't change anything.

>> No.29019471
Quoted by: >>29019521

>don't believe the words from the talent, believe the words from some random faggot on /hlgg/ saying not to believe the words from the talent

>> No.29019478

Yeah I'm not seeing it sorry.

>> No.29019480
Quoted by: >>29019647

but since it's chumflakes the Ayameposter don't give a shit
the writing is on the wall every time

>> No.29019482

Pekora HAS to go through Metal Wolf Chaos

>> No.29019484

Solo Minecraft sucks. Minecraft with other Holos is some of the best content around, which is why i want them to join the JP server already.

>> No.29019486
File: 168 KB, 1212x1212, 1603396977005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019488

More like 80% .

>> No.29019494

Yes. Her roommates music is enough to know that she has potential.

>> No.29019497

I don't get it, would that clip even be funny for some who doesn't get the 'ogey rrat' joke?

Wait a minute, don't tell me...

>> No.29019496

It really sounded like Gen5 got to know each other before their debut and became really good friends
The whole thing was sad all around

>> No.29019499
File: 108 KB, 850x943, 1582517555374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ame-chan is very thankful for everyone who supports her.

>> No.29019501

And then Yagoo did a frontflip dogeza and signed her up on the spot.

>> No.29019503

this but unironically

>> No.29019504

No shit Sherlock.

>> No.29019505

Like Coco, Polka and Moona, she's the chaos agent of her generation. You don't have to like her and she can be a bit strange and unconventional at times, but damn will you notice her presence have an opinion on it

>> No.29019509

Not anytime soon, if you watch her zetsudans you can see that she enjoys streaming quite a bit. And of course I wouldn't celebrate it, even though I don't watch all her streams, I'm not a schizo.

>> No.29019512

Oh shit, now I'm imagining her fucking up her audition and then yelling at Yagoo and other cover employees after they said something along the line of"we don't believe you would make a good vtuber" in the end she gets hired cause they all got scared of loud gaijin woman

>> No.29019513

They lurk and steal shit from here ALL THE TIME.

>> No.29019514

>181 ips only

>> No.29019515

chicken's solo minecraft is hilarious since she reacts to mobs at night like a horror game

>> No.29019516

What beautiful art. Shame their kit is a fucking mess. Foreigners are just a trash card. No class advantage and literally no special skills to carry them.

>> No.29019521

>yes kaichou, you'd never play me for profit GLORK GLURP please feed me more of your fat cocock

>> No.29019522
Quoted by: >>29019594

Considering she sold everyone in this thread on HololiveEN back when the debuts happened, clearly it was the best. Imagine if Ame had gone first.

>> No.29019524

Never occurred to me to look in there, thanks anon

>> No.29019526
Quoted by: >>29019574

Snek already inclined like mad thanks to Mori, she shouldn't need more push from now

>> No.29019528

Rare Ame saying something nice without going "just kidding you guys suck" immediately after

>> No.29019529

Someone need to make one with the sound from yesterday when she BTFOd gameplayfags.

>> No.29019532
File: 115 KB, 1200x675, 1604500433466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Double nemo
God dammit you lucky tako! Im glad I got vangouh but still!

>> No.29019534

Imagine, for a moment, Foxdemon-tier collabs with Gura and some yet-to-be-revealed guy... forever. Constantly teasing. Constant mockery of her height in a way that not even Fubuki got. Complete domination for everyone to see live on air.

>> No.29019535


>> No.29019536


>> No.29019538

How is she a snake

>> No.29019540 [DELETED] 

Is this based or ironic weeb shit?

>> No.29019543
Quoted by: >>29019570

What actually happen during marine shion sleepover and what was the aftermatch

>> No.29019548

also rushia kiara which may or may not be a kino shitshow

>> No.29019558

Wrong person you dumb shit, the current @s*nzawaa which photo you claimed was Gura, is a saudi arabian girl

You should stop browsing lolc*w and spreading false info

>> No.29019559

yuri=/= IRL lesbians, a butch friend of mine told me neither she or her gf get anything from it, it's made for boys and maybe some japanese girls

>> No.29019561

there's one thing it'll change anon
Teamates will be able to shit on Mori harder for the eternal gap

>> No.29019562

because of the sounds she makes

>> No.29019563

i think

>> No.29019564
Quoted by: >>29019584

We actually got raided a few times by discord faggots, they've been here for weeks, there are multiple channels, all the girls got some fan channels and then there are shitposter ones

>> No.29019567
File: 231 KB, 509x455, 1600110764590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019569

>"Really, Yagoo? REALLY, YAGOO!?"

>> No.29019570

Heavy petting, no real fallout.

>> No.29019572

We should have our own board with strict post-per-thread-limits and a very low page-count so that shit falls off the board quickly.

>> No.29019573

She makes hissing noises. sounds likes she's breathing through her teeth or something

>> No.29019574

The inclining is nice but I genuinly want to see a collab because it seems like it would be fun. More the Oni than the Snake though.

>> No.29019577

Coco might as well have a dick because she acts like a man. Chicken acts more feminine so it's harder to take those hits without venting

>> No.29019578
Quoted by: >>29019644

I hope Mori collabs with her in the future.

>> No.29019581


>> No.29019583

Have been missing canvas' or has there not been one recently?

>> No.29019584

How the fuck are these channels even endorsed by the holo wiki?

>> No.29019587


>> No.29019588
Quoted by: >>29019836

I mean the nose eyes and even lips kind of resemble the other pic but it could still be random girl , but still how the fuck did they got it is beyond me

>> No.29019591
Quoted by: >>29019612

imagine hololive payday collab

>> No.29019593

Why hasn't Coco even communicated with the holoENs yet? Weird as fuck considering how she was supposedly some mastermind behind the whole english branch.

>> No.29019594

If Ame had gone first I unironically wouldn't have watched the following four debuts.

>> No.29019601
File: 286 KB, 2048x1371, EmiH7e7U4AAjbU_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019653

I was looking through her debut streams last night, doing my archive reps at 5 AM like you normally do, and Mori almost single-handedly changed people's negative perceptions about the quality of HoloEN with her debut. Everyone at the time became much more hopeful and optimistic about the debuts going forward.

>> No.29019604 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29019648

I hate having to say this, but it's off topic
t. Deadbeat

>> No.29019605

ENs please save her onegai

>> No.29019606

she's pale like a snake

>> No.29019608

Susan pls

>> No.29019610
Quoted by: >>29019638

Management/her don't wanna bring the chinkstorm to them yet. I say bring it, we can take it.

>> No.29019613

Whats wrong with texans?

>> No.29019612
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1594023312761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>encouraging children to rob a bank

>> No.29019614

>lovecraftian sunflowers
fucking bloodborne up in this bitch

>> No.29019618
File: 89 KB, 255x264, 1603772146200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude weed lmao SNOOP DOOOOOOGGGGG

>> No.29019621

>Coco might as well have a dick because she acts like a man.
Those hip movements aren't manly. Mori's 3D debut will cement her as the designated female Holostar.

>> No.29019623

I hope she collabs with her new EN friends and the start inviting her to cool collabs and she makes friends with everyone at hololive.

>> No.29019624

she got mindbroken by the chinese and she's afraid of hurting holoENs

>> No.29019632
Quoted by: >>29019690

Send it to Kiara and beg her to do something about it. Hopefully she can overcome her fucking keigo autism and be friends with her. Not like she'll get more hate than she already is from 5ch

>> No.29019633

Off topic kill yourself

>> No.29019637
Quoted by: >>29019674

>consider that they have to keep decade old videos online even if no one will ever watch them.
They massively lowered quality for those.

>> No.29019639

Is she the only Holo to get figures so far?

>> No.29019638
Quoted by: >>29019665

How would it even affect the english speaking girls??

>> No.29019640

Coco is honestly very strong to deal with that shit the way she does, I admire her a lot for it but not everyone can be like that.

>> No.29019643

Delete, this is still doxxing.

>> No.29019644

Mori has shown a lot of interest in doing collabs with indies, so if Hololive allows it, definitely.

>> No.29019646

because japs won the cultural war, most media that young americans consume comes from japan

>> No.29019647

yeah thats just confirms that ayameposter is just Mori anti and nothing else

>> No.29019648 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>29019670

Fucking report me then coward. Come on, do it you pussy.

>> No.29019651

I always want to bu then I remember that:
1. You have to be on discord
2. You have to listen to staff

>> No.29019653
File: 285 KB, 2048x1802, D2EDA52D-23FA-4C8A-BEF0-9C287C7909FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember thinking “ahhh this will be some nyanners shit for sure” and then she started speaking actual Japanese and the rap mv sealed it for me. I knew the autism was actually real and not just ironic then, holoen was safe

>> No.29019660

It's unironic weeb shit, and not sure if based but I would be able to stand it more if her jp pronunciation was a bit better

>> No.29019661

Her speaking voice is actually kind ugly, ngl

>> No.29019665

Kiara is pretty sensitive to this shit.

>> No.29019668
Quoted by: >>29019699

She will get like 1-2k additional subs per day for a week from it, if that. All the anituberfags who wanted to have already subscribed. It's not like podcast was much of a secret for the last three weeks.

>> No.29019666
File: 2.88 MB, 858x1078, 1604611476785.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco might as well have a dick because she acts like a man.

>> No.29019669

Triple-Q makes god-tier mashups, too bad his channel got nuked.

>> No.29019670 [DELETED] 

Already did bitch :}

>> No.29019674

>They massively lowered quality for those.
They didn't lower shit. That was just the quality you could upload back then.

>> No.29019677

wtf nigger its the cutest thing about her

>> No.29019678
Quoted by: >>29019788

Anon... your archive reps

>> No.29019679


>> No.29019680
File: 236 KB, 991x1080, ki_ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurricane heading towards Flordia
>The only thing that came to mind was I was afraid of missing an Amelia stream if my internet goes out
Am I retarded or is Ame just in control?

>> No.29019683
Quoted by: >>29019712

uh oh that was a trap bro
announcing report is against the rules

>> No.29019684

because they raid the wiki too

>> No.29019686


>> No.29019687

Americans are just born different.

>> No.29019690

Even Kiara is too spooked to ask her to do the talk show

>> No.29019693
File: 2.95 MB, 1280x720, 1596212643391.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019716


>> No.29019697


>> No.29019698

at least its not unarchived streams so you should be fine

>> No.29019699
Quoted by: >>29019765

1-2k for couple a days is enough to make the gap last

>> No.29019701


>> No.29019704
Quoted by: >>29019730

mexicans living rent free in their head for 150 years and inferiority complex overcompensated by a strong persona.

>> No.29019703

awful taste

>> No.29019707

i have no idea. i checked out gura's recently out of curiosity, and it's in such a sorry state that it's embarrassing to think of people looking at it as representing her fanbase. there are thousands and thousands of dead members who literally never talk at all. most of the traffic is from bots, like a twitter art bot and a youtube comment timestamp scraping bot. even during streams it's dead as all fuck, with like maybe 30 messages from five or six people the entire stream. i really don't know who those fan discords are supposed to be for.

>> No.29019708

Her debut stream really turned around the narrative on Hololive EN. Once that rap dropped, it was all over.

>> No.29019709

If a flip can survive a hurricane to watch holos then damn it so can you

>> No.29019711

is she talking about us? i dont think we hate her anymore

>> No.29019712

Well fuck guess this is the last you'll see of me for a while.

>> No.29019714
File: 26 KB, 415x433, Ej7StYRXgAEMgRI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true

>> No.29019715

I feel like recently I've prioritized Ame's stream over real life stuff. You're not alone anon

>> No.29019716
File: 227 KB, 321x284, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this clipping

Into the fucking trash.

>> No.29019718
Quoted by: >>29019762

what are they gonna rob it with? A nerf gun with thumbtacks in the darts?

>> No.29019722

Oh fuck it hasn't spread has it?

>> No.29019725

She just said she tries to avoid those sites but the narratives get posted in other sites as well.

>> No.29019727
Quoted by: >>29019870

Looks pretty decent for that price tag and being the first of its kind. I wished they made more of these, for that price I would definitely get a few, even with shipping costs.

>> No.29019728

i was in a mental hospital for a week and all I could think about was all the ame content I was missing.... then the day i got out was october 1st....

>> No.29019729
Quoted by: >>29019756

Enjoy your vacation sucker.

>> No.29019730

What if I'm the mexican?

>> No.29019731

You can take someone else's Twitter handle when they change it, some Taiwanese dude did that to create an Artia fake when she removed Hololive from her profile.

>> No.29019735

>brutally murder people in horror games
>won't even rob a bank like 12vies do in gta online
wtf is this shit

>> No.29019741

Cover small indie tech company plz andastd

>> No.29019745
Quoted by: >>29019769

It only clips if the real life size doesn't match the model

>> No.29019746
File: 829 KB, 1067x1433, 1602458698687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take 5-10 seconds to visualize this thread if come Friday its both Mori and Gura (on discord) on the podcast.

>> No.29019747

do americans really?

>> No.29019749
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, 1604289124638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019783

You could always go back

>> No.29019751

What's the worse than can happen? People will hate her? I swear she's got all of 5ch breathing down her neck already.

>> No.29019756

You're a monster...
but clever as fuck, nice shit anon

>> No.29019758
File: 2.09 MB, 1640x856, 1604779248042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29019760

If only they were still this good.

>> No.29019762

That'd be fucking terrifying

>> No.29019763
Quoted by: >>29019836

It's not... and even if it is that's dyed hair. Retarded doxfags are literally circling back to their first attempt.

>> No.29019765

Not unless Mori will start streaming regularly starting next week which I'm not hopeful for considering that she still doesn't have the members only schedule for the month up.

>> No.29019768
File: 16 KB, 290x241, 1603052091575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mental hospital
this is a meme right?

>> No.29019769

a goddamn tragedy

>> No.29019771


>> No.29019774

Just you making me imagine it already made me laugh out loud. It's going to be great.

>> No.29019776
Quoted by: >>29019793

Fuck you, I was gunna make this joke in the LoTR watchalong

>> No.29019782

That's the good stuff.

>> No.29019783
File: 1.10 MB, 1240x1754, 1577134602418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019880

God i want to beat lamy's meat sausage

>> No.29019788
File: 1 KB, 171x29, joined date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can change twitter handle but you can't change join date, s*nzawa already active in twitter back in 2016, and there's no way g*ra can speak arabic

>> No.29019792

dude wtf

>> No.29019793

I thought this was a dox for a second then I remembered I was the one who made it
I never watched LOTR please still do

>> No.29019795

Is Captain Nemo any good?

>> No.29019797

It was amazing

>> No.29019802


>> No.29019806

Shrek doxxposting and LOTR numberfagging were some of the most hilarious threads yet

>> No.29019809
File: 254 KB, 490x490, 1604862634525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think Gura has any aspirations to release original music? I think something similar to Marine's Ahoy video would do really well.

>> No.29019812

>amefag is a schizo


>> No.29019817

dunkey is black?!

>> No.29019819

I'd miss people who throw money at me too.

>> No.29019822
File: 465 KB, 1500x1500, 1600489589087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have near constant suicidal ideation but now I feel the need to live until I see Mori get a 3D model debut.
We were promised breakdancing.

>> No.29019825
Quoted by: >>29019969

I fucking hate these “what will happen when X graduates”. Yesterday it was Gura now it’s Kiara.
You niggers are insufferable.

>> No.29019828

All 5 EN girls should've been titty monsters.

>> No.29019831

no but I still love ame

>> No.29019834
File: 13 KB, 773x78, 1591888621465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019926

that hasn't aged well

>> No.29019835

I am positive Gura is on the spectrum.
That is all.

>> No.29019836
Quoted by: >>29019927

one other piece of info is the oldish iMac in the background, the blue idiot used to have a mac for her old youtube videos.

>> No.29019837

I love this intentionally awful take. Take your (You)s and go.

>> No.29019840

Railgun is aggressively gay as fuck and full to the brim with yuribaiting.

>> No.29019842


>> No.29019843

she replied to an SC inquiry a couple of weeks ago saying that she wants to record songs, maybe original, maybe covers. "yes."

>> No.29019844
Quoted by: >>29019921

but she does stream regularly now, anonchama
it's not Ame output but it's regular

>> No.29019849

Everyone in Hololive is besides maybe Botan

>> No.29019853
Quoted by: >>29019881


>> No.29019855

INA: Katana Zero

>> No.29019858 [SPOILER] 
File: 229 KB, 1002x534, 1605118006887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020255

>> No.29019860

Are any Larsposters still here or did the life reps pay off and they escaped this shithole?

>> No.29019869
Quoted by: >>29019925

Botan is just a more functional autist

>> No.29019870

It might happen, maybe they're waiting on this one to actually release to gauge interest or something, but I have no doubt they'd be able to sell this shit like crazy, imagine a korone nendoroid or something, no way that doesn't pay off.

>> No.29019872

Bet it feels good to be that brown dude

>> No.29019873

Yes, give oppai Gura

>> No.29019874
Quoted by: >>29019920

Please don't take Mori's promises seriously. She doesn't even remember them half the time.

>> No.29019876

Wow, she's just like me!

>> No.29019875
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1603742476998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.29019880

Gee Lamy, how come Botan lets you eat TWO weiners?

>> No.29019881

I do not get it.

>> No.29019883
Quoted by: >>29020004

I'm used to watching chicken rage or have menhera episodes but after checking a couple of rushia clips I'm scared. She's insane.

>> No.29019884

just Mori is enough, Gura would probably end /hlgg/

>> No.29019885
Quoted by: >>29020289

>>Hurricane heading towards Flordia
uh oh. get ready for no-shark week.

>> No.29019889
File: 2.05 MB, 3000x1629, XX[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbaxz0t.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scoured reddit
>Scoured these discords
>Scoured god knows what else
I'm convinced now. The girls are here. This is the only genuine community for EN. The greater internet is either a dustbowl of bots, leeches or asskissers. That environment is stagnant and stifling. Only bugs can survive out there.

>> No.29019890

Living life is just about finding reasons to put off killing yourself until you either suddenly die from outside causes or from old age.

>> No.29019891

Most of them live in some weird fictional version of the past that's somehow actually worse than the real past. It's hard to put the nuance and texture of their particular brand of awful into words but it legitimately drives you to insanity dealing with them.

>> No.29019894
Quoted by: >>29019953

Who even cares about the gap? It's not like their fanbases even overlap, they do completely different content.
I think I've only ever seen 2 posts about it and it was probably the same dude.

>> No.29019898


>> No.29019908
File: 57 KB, 591x145, he didn't make it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good work. I got 8 this week. They seem to be getting shadowbanned as opposed to outright blocked but I guess it's better because they won't realize that nobody but their followers can see their messages for a while

>> No.29019911

You thought schizo posting was a joke?

>> No.29019912
File: 117 KB, 758x997, 1605050489931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up What new schizo narratives did I miss?

>> No.29019913

I doubt Kiara or Ame wants to ever come here

>> No.29019914
Quoted by: >>29019974

Miko just announced that she's joining EN gen zero.

>> No.29019915

happy sugar life

>> No.29019919
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1574641837588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your holo
>your worst fetish

>> No.29019920

If I have to remind her in an akasupa then I fucking will.

>> No.29019921

Going one week on schedule is not yet regularly. She has three memeber only streams to do this month. At the current rate she will have to do them all last week and it will be completely dead otherwise again.

>> No.29019925

Botan brute forced it with age. That's the only thing that separates her from the rest.

>> No.29019926

When was this ? On twitter

>> No.29019927
Quoted by: >>29020068

I mean i am not arguing could be could be not, its just still confusing how this photo came by

>> No.29019935

kiara has TWO guns

>> No.29019934

Sharkmeido is Gura's brother
>Brown stockings

>> No.29019942

ogey rrat breached containment a long time ago

>> No.29019943


>> No.29019944
File: 37 KB, 1036x254, 20201111_120800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua has become the most subscribed Holo on Bilibili.

>> No.29019945

Women eating a lot of food.

>> No.29019946


>> No.29019947
File: 631 KB, 695x634, spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29019967


>> No.29019950

Likes Collabs

>Would prefer not to Collab

>Would prefer to Collab, too shy to initiate
The rest

>Wants to Collab, Management doesn't want them to taint the other Holos/be tainted by the other Holos

>> No.29019952
File: 2.76 MB, 2010x1658, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see this art, but I don't see the stream. What gives?

>> No.29019953

I sometimes bring it up during very boring thread to start some shit between Teamates and Deadbeats

>> No.29019954

Nns_momon's belly button piercing stuff

>> No.29019956

2d Worms (World Party/Armageddon) is going to be the most incredible experience and will remain in the collective human memory for ages to come.
any newer 3d worms is going to be a boring disaster because it's completely soulless and no one will be able to hit anything.

>> No.29019958
Quoted by: >>29019977

Kiara? Sure. But Ame's definitely a /v/ermin.

>> No.29019962

From her previous member schedule

>> No.29019963
Quoted by: >>29020126

No, members post when she announced the last set of members streams.

>> No.29019966
File: 117 KB, 361x387, 1586126459326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020042


>> No.29019967

Yeah that checks out

>> No.29019968

Legit want Gura to collab with her, forget the honorifics like she does and treat her with friendliness, Sora just rolling with it because she's a foreinger and then just have fun, that, and JP melt down for the disrespect would be great to watch.

>> No.29019969

Guess what will happen tomorrrow :^)

>> No.29019970

Good lord that is an erotic body

>> No.29019971


>> No.29019972
File: 149 KB, 850x1202, 1600884092597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls smoking a kiseru

>> No.29019974
Quoted by: >>29020011

Miko English only stream soon

>> No.29019975

Hyper Scat

>> No.29019977

Well I still doubt she comes to /hlgg/ when we constantly are fucking things up for her

>> No.29019979
Quoted by: >>29020013

Pissing into a person (anal, vaginal, or oral)

>> No.29019986

Haachama's vomit vid gave me a boner and since then I looked up some extreme deepthroat and vomit vids

>> No.29019987

They're both heavily filtered so it's hard to tell anyways. Go back to your farm and stop trying to peddle shit without proper confirmation.

>> No.29019993

Which holo is made for ryona and why is it Ina?

>> No.29019995
File: 155 KB, 380x380, 1536786096851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020728

>he didn't recognize the (you) he got from his oshi
I pity the foo

>> No.29020001
File: 212 KB, 516x597, 1577104227337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing will change if kiara graduates
she is that shit

>> No.29020003

It's Kiara

>> No.29020004
Quoted by: >>29020079

>checking a couple of rushia clips
Post them.

>> No.29020005
File: 1.94 MB, 498x278, wow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020007

God I want to pound her ass and grope those fat tits so hard.

>> No.29020011
Quoted by: >>29020038

she knows like 10 english words and used them all already in the strip club scene in gta5, how the fuck will she manage?

>> No.29020012

i dont want to come here, yet here I am

>> No.29020013
Quoted by: >>29020034

man, you'll love her collabing with Suisei I guess

>> No.29020014

>Not Gura

>> No.29020020
Quoted by: >>29020056

Do you think pekora complained about moona to her manager?

>> No.29020021

Unequal power dynamics

>> No.29020026
Quoted by: >>29020092

Can you confirm or are you just assuming? she is in talks with Pekora already and is busy collabing left and right. I can see her asking Sora soon. And Kiara is so good at talking that I can see her getting along with Sora

>> No.29020032

> dyed hair and black hoodie

>> No.29020033

You'd be wrong then

>> No.29020034
Quoted by: >>29020061

That's actually my dream collab, but why?

>> No.29020036

Was that clubhouse games? or am I just misremembering something here as something she actually said?

>> No.29020038

Elite will manage to do it

>> No.29020039


>> No.29020040

>Stop calling me goddes!
>but I like it tho
So wich one is it you mixed signal emiting dork?

>> No.29020042
File: 790 KB, 2078x2636, 1603670569926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gawr Guro...

>> No.29020044

In posts per minute this is at least the fastest English community, and they all clearly know about the place at least.

>> No.29020050
Quoted by: >>29020062

Dudes, I'm letting out a very particular kind of fart right now.

>> No.29020053


>> No.29020054

Spanking until bloody

>> No.29020056


>> No.29020058
File: 2.08 MB, 1157x993, 1594210515750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020059
Quoted by: >>29020136

"Dear Gura, we had
the best time ever. Thank you
for playing with me."

>> No.29020061

there's a certain anon that'd love to pee in Suise's butt

>> No.29020062

Thanks for the update Mori

>> No.29020063
File: 501 KB, 960x720, chess.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the gurame collab top this?

>> No.29020065

My oshi is Mori and I was in a mental hospital recently, but that was because I tried to strangle my neighbor to death because I thought he was a home invader. But it turns out I got black out drunk, broke into his house, slept in his guest bed and when he came to wake me up and figure out who was in his house, I took it as someone breaking into my room. Long story short I almost crushed an old man's wind pipe and beat him bloody. I didn't miss the tier 3 memebership stream.

>> No.29020066

Uhh, have you seen her dance?

>> No.29020067

Kiara doesn't need to come here when the spiciest anti narratives come her way on their own. Like people taking screenshots and showing her. She's the type who can't close it.

>> No.29020068

Autists dug up anyone that used to be active on Youtube and went through the list that sounded remotely like *zawa. It's from one of the channel's archived twitter profiles.

>> No.29020069

Guro and cannibalism

>> No.29020071

based janny poster.

>> No.29020073


Cum drinking, but im the one drinking the cum

>> No.29020079


There's worse Im sure

>> No.29020082
Quoted by: >>29020115

Wasn't Kiara meant to stream some rice farming game today?

>> No.29020088

Kinda gay

>> No.29020090


>> No.29020091

they'll probably go for the more speedy games like boxing and air hockey. expect lots of shit-talking from both sides.

>> No.29020092

I don't remember the exact stream but it was within the last week or two when she really into detail on her plans for the talk show, people were mentioning possibilities and Sora came up. They did meet at the studio when she collab'd with Nene though.

>> No.29020094

It's a safety net. She knows if she really put her foot down on being called a Goddess, people would get angry and Antis would seize upon it.

>> No.29020097

Anon... This is like watching Ame play a puzzle game...

>> No.29020101

she's just being a woman, she likes the compliment but not when it creates distance

>> No.29020106
File: 493 KB, 887x709, 1603003519833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020107

Hunter/prey dynamic

>> No.29020110

The chess game is in a league of its own but I do think the "loser has to do what the winner says" batsu game will make this interesting.

>> No.29020111
Quoted by: >>29020812

That's not counting lurkers too. I won't be surprised if there's actually 300-400 people total during the threads

>> No.29020112

What the fuck.

>> No.29020113

Girl monsters

>> No.29020115

Switch release is tomorrow.

>> No.29020116
File: 102 KB, 1265x864, EmBd5GzU4AA5UK4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love that game and that specific moment is like one of the most kino things I saw in any media. To answer the question, Ina would likely go "ooooOOOOOOOOO" and you would hear the grinning and awe in her voice.

>> No.29020120


I'm bi lol, tho the other way around is great too, I just wanna be bukkaked

>> No.29020124
File: 144 KB, 1280x720, 654634345354345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Gura my babe
Your cunny is soft and yummy
I wanna ground pound

>> No.29020122

also that twitter profile said they were a fan of heavy metal music.
conclusion: NOT HER

>> No.29020126

Oh bitch always forgetting shit

>> No.29020130
Quoted by: >>29020158

Are you at least drinking it out of a woman's fucked holes?

>> No.29020132

Corruption/Moral degeneration

>> No.29020133

Your oshi talked to a man today. Someone that wasn't you.
Inside her head, she was thinking he was kind of cute.

>> No.29020136
Quoted by: >>29020243

It was hilarious that it was actually 575. I forget but I don't think it was a straight copy of any haiku from Hunt for the Wilderpeople.

>> No.29020135

I believe this happened and I also believe that you are a Deadbeat because why would anyone lie on the internet to make Deadbeats look bad?

>> No.29020137

Nah, they'll just play cardgames for 66 minutes

>> No.29020139

Ina with the same outfit but bit tits would get flagged harder than Choco does

>> No.29020138

Piss, but I'm the one doing the pissing

>> No.29020140

Her biggest dream was having one of her songs on musedash.
So the answer is yes, but not as much as before.

>> No.29020141
Quoted by: >>29020227

She's just asking to not be put on a pedestal. If people called her a goddess but actually collab'd with her instead of fearing their daisenpai it wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.29020146
Quoted by: >>29020184

One too many syllables in the second line, you fucking retard.

>> No.29020147
Quoted by: >>29020168

what if your oshi asked you to lap your own nut outta her?

>> No.29020148
File: 86 KB, 493x630, 1603536602567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didn't miss the tier 3 memebership stream.
Based T3 bro, what a story tho, damn

>> No.29020149
File: 1.01 MB, 1081x595, MoriSex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big - GUUUH- ups for the A--kasupa... guh

>> No.29020158

Not necessarily but that's hot too. A m/m/f threesome is like my dream

>> No.29020163

holy shit anon. just browse the archive ffs. there are a lot of details aside from that that couldnt be just a coincidence. youre treating it like the twitter handle thing is the missing link or some shit

>> No.29020164

She's been doing attempts to filter niggers out and most of the time, with limited success, it ends up as a /hlgg/ circlejerk. We ARE over-represented and I don't want that to change. No one else has the autism to achieve what we can achieve.

>> No.29020165

It wasn't entertaining.

>> No.29020167
Quoted by: >>29020228

My oshi has incestuous feelings towards her father?

>> No.29020168

Well you got me there

>> No.29020170
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 17610a0c-0069-4e08-9e65-70cf7efbf64a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly the funniest shit I'll read all day so thanks for that.

>> No.29020171
Quoted by: >>29020200

>Moving you ass is hard.

>> No.29020173

Masterful bait what will you do with all of your (You)

>> No.29020178
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1602633517450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020206

Deadbeats attempting murder now

>> No.29020181
File: 38 KB, 600x600, 1604789053482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020182

>another one
Holy shit how many fanart of this scene has been made so far?

>> No.29020183
File: 77 KB, 465x665, 1DE60F03-0F3B-4FD8-85D1-903946EEA7C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your brain on deadbraps

>> No.29020184

Cunny is a magical word that is only one. Get on my level.

>> No.29020185

What's wrong with deadbeats?

>> No.29020186

Guys, if you don't remove the swastikas and shit on the /hlgg/ minecraft server, your oshi will never visit it.

>> No.29020187

I guess Mori fans are most likely to be dumb drinkers. I will believe this

>> No.29020191

Being mentally stunted or autistic is practically a requirement to work at Hololive at this point.

>> No.29020193

This will likely be the first clubhouse 51 that's actually competitive, but in terms of mindbreaking the viewers absolutely not.

>> No.29020197

I know, the thread wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.29020198
Quoted by: >>29020212

Who are you, my mom?

>> No.29020199
File: 151 KB, 1446x1098, Kiara_Mori_kotatsu_Alpholo_V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your oshi can drink you under the table, then maybe it's time to reevaluate your life choices.

>> No.29020201

"based" as they do say

>> No.29020200
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1604613071587.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco moving her ass makes me had, yes.

>> No.29020205

Is there anyone here who isnt actually a falseflagger?

>> No.29020206

it is kawaii after all

>> No.29020209
File: 222 KB, 1087x1863, __nakiri_ayame_hololive_drawn_by_hinata_hinata_ur__1a09856ee437fb4cfda197c7b4dbd239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watched new Fake Type video and that pretty good MV, good fucking job. But of course there's some asshole in the comments, directly in replies to DD, mentioning Mori by full name. Why are people like this?

>> No.29020211
Quoted by: >>29020250

These are the two that most definitely do.
Kiara is the classic "alright, I'm never visiting this place again" and comes back the next day, and Amelia recognizes this is the best place to get honest opinions and she trusts herself (maybe to much) to be able to filter out the garbage
Mori is too busy, Gura is too fragile, Ina actually left and didnt came back.

>> No.29020212

No I'm a Hololive EN member.

>> No.29020215

double barrel blowjobs

>> No.29020217

Don't have, I'm a Vanilla chad

>> No.29020218

Whats the next stream?

>> No.29020219

i'm sorry, haachama, but your ASMR just doesn't do anything for me.

>> No.29020220
File: 363 KB, 480x270, 1564282684970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I first posted the original pic specifically in the hopes of someone editing it. Thank you, anon.

>> No.29020223

well i wish i could confirm it myself, but people change music taste with age thats nothing new

>> No.29020227

>fearing their daisenpai
I recall matsuri saying she, SOra, nene and others were in a poop group

>> No.29020228
Quoted by: >>29020260

Can't blame her. Todd is a pretty good looking guy.

>> No.29020230

Ina MC in two hours

>> No.29020234

Friendly reminder to never fuck with a deadbeat...

>> No.29020233

This is the actual worst place to discuss hololive because its infested with genuine antis, shitstirrers, and doxxposting stays up for hours at a time.

>> No.29020235

It's called a manji you uncultured pig

>> No.29020236

Ina minecraft, about 90 minutes.

>> No.29020237
File: 296 KB, 1869x1942, 1602899724209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely love Mori and want to gas all doxxniggers.

>> No.29020238

no it's falseflaggerrs all the way down

>> No.29020241
Quoted by: >>29020296

>big ups
wtf does this mean? is it like a reddit upvote?

>> No.29020242
File: 3.07 MB, 400x462, 1604811076761.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I just read?

>> No.29020243

I actually went back and checked the haikus in the movie afterward. The closest line would probably be the final haiku with "And it was the best".
Still sweet of Ame to make it a haiku, especially since Gura kept bringing them up. I wonder if Gura was there for the watchalong?

>> No.29020244

Me. I have autism. I refuse to lie.

>> No.29020246

No, I am a trueflagger

>> No.29020247


>> No.29020248
File: 1.08 MB, 1280x720, 1605110548730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020307

Apologize or I'll suffocate you to death

>> No.29020249

I love this new, American style Haachama

>> No.29020250

I'm convinced part of Mori sucking at time management stems from her still wasting a shitload on those threads

Stream more you dumb bitch, you owe us a karaoke

>> No.29020255
File: 58 KB, 880x265, chocoballman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020257
Quoted by: >>29020421

you can tell coco was made in america

>> No.29020258
Quoted by: >>29020649

Is it even possible to cure menhara-ness? Especially when they try to sabotage the relationship to prove to themselves that it will end up like usual, with her alone at the end.

>> No.29020260

He is 5'4.

>> No.29020262

Ina Minecraft, just leave until then.

>> No.29020269

Based fan of retards attempted poetry.

>> No.29020274

Don't look at k*on's chat if you think that's bad. Every holo whose roommate is an open secret is like that and it will only get more obnoxious. Mori really didn't know what she was applying for.

>> No.29020275

They lack self-awareness. It's the same shit when I watch a Gura clip and see retards mentioning her roommate, calling her out by name, and even when they're all "if you know, you know, wink wink". People just lack the ability to shut the fuck up.

>> No.29020279

Based and murderpilled

>> No.29020280


>> No.29020282

fuck, sorry chumbuds I wont do the rest my dick is too hard


>> No.29020285

Nah, the only shitposting I've ever done here is pretending to know nothing about touhou to piss off the locals occasionally.

>> No.29020287

normies have zero respect for kayfabe. in retrospect it was probably kind of retarded in terms of opsec for cover to only recruit well-established English personalities for the first gen of holoEN

>> No.29020289
Quoted by: >>29020466

This is untrue, I would know if Gura was a Florida fag cause she would probably be a regular at my game store, no way I could miss that

>> No.29020294
File: 363 KB, 506x637, 1604212090714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020334

Good job for not missing the stream, deadbeat!

>> No.29020296

It's just hip-hop slang, another way to say "shout out to"

>> No.29020297


>> No.29020301
File: 64 KB, 227x171, 1604445679976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020305
File: 915 KB, 1536x2048, EmdrPMrVgAA-z5y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Mori and refuse to pretend otherwise.

>> No.29020307
File: 374 KB, 640x259, 1603739209149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take my chances

>> No.29020308


>> No.29020309

I'm falseflagging a falseflagger falseflagging a falseflagger

>> No.29020310
File: 23 KB, 608x421, 065990958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the sleepy rrat.
It's here to remind you that 27 minute naps improve your mood and energy drastically.

>> No.29020317

well thats kind of reaching too far

>> No.29020319

Big ups for this anon

>> No.29020323

Holy based

>> No.29020325
File: 26 KB, 373x300, 1468732636236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first day of work tomorrow, really good and weekly pay, not strict at all, I'll even have a three day weekend afterwards if I play my cards right
>the bus will pick me up at 5:50, Gura's karaoke starts at 5:00
>I'll be able to see only 40 minutes of it at best
Chumbros hold me... And archive it please...

>> No.29020329
File: 123 KB, 700x990, EmfoGgIXUAATDwu.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is amelia, she has a magnifying glass

>> No.29020330

Based for including the tail

>> No.29020332

if a literal-who like Ame got found, it means it didn't matter really

>> No.29020333

So it's just some random person who looks vaguely similar with no logical connection. Amazing how antis are so desperate that they're just straight up making shit up now.

>> No.29020334

Am I weird if I specifically think Mori's eyebrows are attractive?

>> No.29020335

How do you draw depth-of-field accurately?

>> No.29020338


>> No.29020346


>> No.29020348

it's public unarchived, clip channels will be all over it

>> No.29020351

I only falseflag as a falseflagger in order to derail further falseflagging

>> No.29020355
Quoted by: >>29020484

Large anal insertions

>> No.29020357

Fuck it, I'm gonna say it
Ina is not that cute, she tries too hard

>> No.29020359
Quoted by: >>29020426

Do you not have a smart phone and headphones?

>> No.29020362

its public stream, so i assume whole stream will be reposted on yt

>> No.29020363
File: 751 KB, 842x1028, 1586512956879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020479

>when you see Ina

>> No.29020365
Quoted by: >>29020448

Marine moving around like a granny gets me every time

>> No.29020364
Quoted by: >>29020402

Is this about the haters in this thread or does she receive hate via other forms of communication too?

>> No.29020369

i don't know if there are established techniques for doing it by hand, but there are focus blur models you can use where you draw a depth map and then use it to blur the image.

>> No.29020374

Since Moona, I think Pekora will start to reconsider her "no human interaction" blanket policy. Here's hoping she gets better before collabing with the loud scary gaijins.

>> No.29020375

when does Mori's trash taste episode air?

>> No.29020376
File: 417 KB, 1486x834, 1605110154496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020482

Literally every single thing about her is attractive. She does have very appealing, slender brows, though.

>> No.29020378

Ryona is pretty bad right? Let's go with that

>> No.29020382

Watch it on your phone on the bus? sit at the back if you're embarassed.

>> No.29020383
Quoted by: >>29020906


>> No.29020384

yes, we will be recording. do your best at your new job!

>> No.29020386
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, bdc9900c-57e8-47d1-94f9-53a2ebcf5c00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little bit but I don't have that kind of fetish so maybe it's not as weird as I think it is.

>> No.29020394

>from Georgia
>those movements
Coco was a fucking stripper

>> No.29020398


>> No.29020400

>no madlibs
non-americans don't even know

>> No.29020401


>> No.29020402

5ch. Japanese is her main language if you haven't noticed yet.

>> No.29020408

the friday/saturday of current week
every week

>> No.29020409

That's a wordy way of saying she's a westernised Asian.

>> No.29020413

Me, I just want to mating press Mori so hard she wants to become a mother.

>> No.29020417

Sadism. I wouldn't do it with her though.

>> No.29020418

coco out on cheshire bridge

>> No.29020419

Kiara should learn to code a hate-filter that removes hate from incoming messages.
Or just use a manager to get the good stuff.

>> No.29020421
File: 2.43 MB, 576x720, 1604787854885.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't no Japanese girls movin' like this.

>> No.29020420

That'd be pretty hot

>> No.29020424


When she gets a 3D swimsuit model it's back to the hustle for her.

>> No.29020426

>walking into your first day at job with headphones on, watching an anime loli singing
anon, your IRL job reps...

>> No.29020428

I actually like it...

>> No.29020430
Quoted by: >>29020540

She has two sets of eyebrows

>> No.29020431
File: 1.64 MB, 818x804, Did you really think you had a choice [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4bq60q.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are free to think as you wish.
Though all thoughts will lead to Ina eventually

>> No.29020432
Quoted by: >>29020540

My hearth skips a little whenever I see one of these closeups, this so some dangerously cute shit

>> No.29020433
File: 4 KB, 59x59, Ina (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to have fun and talk about holos.

>> No.29020434

i didn't miss any more of these while i slept did i

>> No.29020437
File: 2.86 MB, 608x728, 1594560134622.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine is such a fucking gremlin I love her

>> No.29020438

>Todd is short
>Gura is short

>> No.29020441
Quoted by: >>29020540

jesus christ those closeups are lethal

>> No.29020444
Quoted by: >>29020492

Amelia wants to get beat the fuck up by the rest of holoEN on stream.
Kiara attracts suffering like a Looney Toons character so its inevitable.
Ina is probably Hard M but bruising is probably too much for her.

>> No.29020447

The closer something is the more detail, while the farther something is the less detail it will have. Do your five point perspective reps anon.

>> No.29020448

Is it japanese autism or specifically Marine showing her granny side?

>> No.29020450
File: 107 KB, 999x845, Eh9YX2LXgAUtJXB-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to sleep really late after antichamber
>completely slept through dead hours
Nice, just in time for Ina Stream

>> No.29020457

I falseflag as a kenzoku so people post more art of Towa

>> No.29020459

Absolutely. She worked at a club in Atlanta called Club Seduction.

>> No.29020465
Quoted by: >>29020487

Nigga what?

>> No.29020466

Florida's a big place.

>> No.29020468

Marine has to be most out of shape Holo right? In every 3D stream she's done it looks like she struggles to move.

>> No.29020472
Quoted by: >>29020503

Assuming it is the next episode... Saturday morning jst, around midnight utc I think. at least, based off whenever people calmed the fuck down in previous weeks

>> No.29020477

can you post source at the end of the thread

>> No.29020478

Imagine how thick her second tail is

>> No.29020479
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1598192202794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apparently van gogh is fused with the color out of space

>> No.29020482

I don't understand what it is about these close-ups that gets me, but they do. Some psychoanalyst in these threads probably has an idea.

>> No.29020484

>Large anal insertions
I ruined an ex-gf with that. It was online, of course, so she did stuff online for me. Kept convincing her to go bigger and bigger over the next three years. Her butt got so dilated, no human being could ever please her anymore. Feel bad for the next dude she was with, she probably needed to be fisted to get off anymore.

>> No.29020486 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 980x652, 1605119573286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I will rewind them.

>> No.29020487

Her cute little butt was well established on my lap.

>> No.29020490
Quoted by: >>29020653

>Marine has to be most out of shape Holo right?

>> No.29020492
Quoted by: >>29020561

Ina is SPECIFICALLY only for smothering, restraining and strangling.

>> No.29020494

I think luna was most unfit

>> No.29020496

You're only really describing Gura and maybe Ina depending if you followed that art niche.

>> No.29020497

you are a hero

>> No.29020500
Quoted by: >>29020592

>What time is it?
I don't get it this time. Is she trying to make one of those bad minecraft jokes?

>> No.29020501


>> No.29020503
Quoted by: >>29021133

People will 100% shitpost, luckily they already did this every single week since we found out, that surprise factor is gone and it's not gonna be as bad

>> No.29020504
File: 1.53 MB, 1600x1200, EmimlhQVcAAgitz_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Amelia so popular because she's the most "normal" down to earth personality? She's just the average, lonely, shut-in, weeb girl that is obsessed with anime and video games.

>> No.29020511
Quoted by: >>29020653

Luna is unironically worse.

>> No.29020519

You like her a lot. I watch Mori and don't feel the same thing, but feel something similar with Kiara closeups.

>> No.29020521

Her recent ring fit stream was the funniest thing ever

>> No.29020526
File: 58 KB, 573x573, 1598829295044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020596

Can you guys go at least 12 hours without roommate posting?

>> No.29020530

Good, I need to do that with my Shrek 2 VHS.

>> No.29020532
File: 1.13 MB, 710x400, 1605011992525.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020753


>> No.29020533

Those are fighting words faggot.

>> No.29020534
File: 1.18 MB, 827x1165, mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020565

Oh my, that is quite short!

>> No.29020537

Yes. Same with Gura.

>> No.29020540
File: 1.89 MB, 1920x1080, 475cf7a7-7015-4c59-9da4-7dfb805b8be1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I just caught her mid-frame there because I liked the side glance. The bottom lines are still part of her eyes, not the brows.
I've been going back and taking screenshots like I promised several days ago. The close-ups plus the softer, more breathy and girly way she speaks when doing them, is a heart-stealer.

>> No.29020543


>> No.29020545
File: 528 KB, 1280x529, 1604647141240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ Almighty...

>> No.29020547
File: 1.55 MB, 1485x1400, uh_oh_were_in_trouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the VHS to pic related.

>> No.29020548

It's her primary hobbies, but I wouldn't call her obsessed.

>> No.29020553 [SPOILER] 
File: 609 KB, 580x750, 1605119694690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020591


>> No.29020554
File: 80 KB, 385x419, 1415135681714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco must give fucking insane lap dances.

>> No.29020555
Quoted by: >>29020611

I falseflag during dead hours to shit up this place so all these fucking newfags, crossboarders and tourists get bored
I'm sorry anon, I know it's annoying for actual good posters but my retarded brain can't come up with a better solution
I don't doxxpost though, fuck that

>> No.29020557

She's streams twice as much as the rest and makes cute noise, and it's funny and her design is the hottest of the 5.

>> No.29020560

that's definitely part of it

>> No.29020561

She'd probably love to be tied down and choked like in one of her doujins.
Too bad she's massive hikki that wouldnt leave her room if it was on fire.

>> No.29020565


>> No.29020567

Hey, thats Kiara's gun!

>> No.29020570

That reminds me of how much I want to buy all of Lain on VHS

>> No.29020572

Polka collabed with Polka until Polka hit a subscriber milestone and Polka had a lot of fun with Polka and they were really cute.

>> No.29020573
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, 1602750228010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just too fucking cute

>> No.29020574

>Now it's just you... and me.

>> No.29020581

>Stands there. Towering over them. Only staring.

>> No.29020585
File: 313 KB, 2724x1428, 20201111_133531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020617

Cute trinity art.

>> No.29020586

She's literally me as a girl but she won the lottery by getting into hololive and I'm happy for her. Also her voice is cute.

>> No.29020591
File: 1.34 MB, 1370x1034, mikeame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020712

That's right Jay

>> No.29020592
Quoted by: >>29020621

octopus (tako) is pronounced like taco

taco time is a fast food chain

>> No.29020595
File: 543 KB, 2585x3657, 867648453876768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020643

Shark butt.

>> No.29020594

>Is Amelia so popular because she's the most "normal" down to earth personality?
Thats Gura, Amelia is anything but "normal".

>> No.29020596
Quoted by: >>29020658

Gura has ended Among US narratives, so antis are resorting back to doxxing. It's all they have left and nobody really cares anymore. It's pretty sad.

>> No.29020597
Quoted by: >>29020628

>Mori is one of the most interesting Holos to have ever debuted
you mean the worst.

>> No.29020599

So it's agreed she twerked for YAGOO right?

>> No.29020598

I need to go return some video tapes

>> No.29020603
Quoted by: >>29020645

that's how them hoes be in the ATL

>> No.29020611

Well, whatever you're doing, it's not working

>> No.29020616

Original skinwalker poster here. I started selling the Kiara skinwalker narrative for shits and giggles after reading an accusation from that /cgl/ colony. Is uh.... the jp bros actually taking it seriously or is it just shitposting? I'm sorry bros I should've taken my meds and shouldn't have summoned /x/. Please tell me Chicken is alright she's funny and upbeat.

>> No.29020617
File: 197 KB, 1421x1977, 20201111_133528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020654

Whoops, forgot to link the tweet.

>> No.29020621
Quoted by: >>29020644

yeah, I get that, but she uses takotime all the time, so It's not even a pun anymore, it's just one of her things.

>> No.29020622

When look at all the her genmates you realize everyone has special talents specific to them but when you look at Amelia it's hard to decipher what it is unless you watch her streams more and realize its her soul.

>> No.29020626

>simple but good design
>latinxs and japs love blonde hair
>massive boobs
she cute

>> No.29020628
Quoted by: >>29020701

We found one of the 20%

>> No.29020632

Says who? I'd celebrate if Calli gets kicked out.

>> No.29020635
File: 168 KB, 800x1164, 1604811541557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to fuck Coco so bad

>> No.29020638
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, 1594593185315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you excited for the Space Daddy watch along with Ame?

>> No.29020641

Oh god, I genuinely feel warm whenever I see this, can't wait for her stream tomorrow

>> No.29020643


>> No.29020644

idk i don't watch her because korean

>> No.29020645
Quoted by: >>29020688

>won't even collab with her fellow ATLantean

>> No.29020649
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, depressed_clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020755

Nah, she's totally fucked. The black company fallout has her crippled. You think she does this for money? Her roommate made nearly seven figures a year between streaming and fanbox.

Polka does it for the attention. And I don't think the vanity sort, like I said, it's because she is a lonely internet hikki so it's the only connection she has grown to understand.

After what happened to Polka before, and then reinforced with the Aloe shit, she knows she doesn't control her fate, and it can all get taken away overnight.

Someday sooner or later, she'll be alone.

>> No.29020653

Jesus christ... how is that even possible?

>> No.29020654
File: 228 KB, 1748x1874, Emj3YmpUYAEzHoT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020655

Over sized tits 5/10

>> No.29020658
Quoted by: >>29020731

Did she say anything about it last night's stream?

>> No.29020660

Mind if I use this anecdote as my fap material tonight, anon?

>> No.29020663

I still need to watch John Wick 1

>> No.29020669

No wonder Haachama makes her ASMR member only. The number of underaged EOP coomers in her chat is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.29020671

"Space Daddy"... he's a daddy... in space.

>> No.29020674
Quoted by: >>29020708

Is there any video of K*** dancin like that?

>> No.29020676

What are you fucking gay?

>> No.29020678
Quoted by: >>29020718

>OH MY GOD! It's Hololive EN's Gawr Gura!

>> No.29020679
Quoted by: >>29020697

Go watch Lunas 3D debut. She literally is dying after 5 minutes.

>> No.29020680
File: 44 KB, 570x662, 1603642876004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vulnerable Hololive Server?
Voyboy Hugging Subaru?
Vandalizing Haachama's Socks?
Victims of Houshou's Sexuality?
Voyeour Hoshinova Surrenders?

What does it mean???

>> No.29020681

Luna and Korone are worse.

>> No.29020683

Nonsense! Tits can never be too big!

>> No.29020685
Quoted by: >>29020730

No, that's Okayu

>> No.29020688

Gura doesn't want to get mogged by Coco's ass, The only way the ENs can defeat her is by Kiara and Mori double assteaming her

>> No.29020689
Quoted by: >>29020719

Which EN has the largest female following

>> No.29020697
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, Luna leg cross.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020736


>> No.29020698
Quoted by: >>29020748

The best thing about Space Dandy is the OP

>> No.29020699

There's all kinds of reasons, but the most important is that she's entertaining to watch. She understands streaming the best within holoEN.

>> No.29020701
Quoted by: >>29020740

source for this number?

>> No.29020703

>the softer, more breathy and girly way she speaks when doing them
Literally the only time I think she must know exactly what she's doing. It'd be impossible for her not to be doing it on purpose.

>> No.29020704

I'm not surprised anon, anal training is one of the most fun things to do with an e-gf

addicted one of mines to dp

>> No.29020706
File: 210 KB, 1200x1448, 1604475192145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much money have you given your oshi?

>> No.29020707

Yes, I had been wanting to rewatch it for a while now. Finally gave me an excuse to.

>> No.29020708
Quoted by: >>29020831


>> No.29020709

>Korone is out of shape
I didn't think it was possible to be this new. Jesas.

>> No.29020710


>> No.29020712
File: 2.04 MB, 1226x1041, 1604837379372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's better than DVD, what a terrible format!

>> No.29020718
Quoted by: >>29020832

>I'm gonna cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum

>> No.29020719


>> No.29020722

Easily over $1000

>> No.29020726

dont make me post it

>> No.29020727

>Gar Goyle is still taller than the manlet Jay
JEsus christ will they ever learn?

>> No.29020728

I'm happy for the girls even if they don't read my post.

>> No.29020729

1 lowest tier membership

>> No.29020730
Quoted by: >>29020785

Look at Luna, Okayu is chubby and isnt that bad like her

>> No.29020731

Said she had fun and it was her own fault for playing badly. Don't really believe she had fun, but it had to be said to placate the narratives and get people to chill.

>> No.29020732
File: 288 KB, 1385x311, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020770

Not only did hlg* kill many 2hu, we also killed a niji thread

>> No.29020733

Yeah, I fucking love her man

>> No.29020736
Quoted by: >>29020848

this baby is drawn too fucking sexy on the lower half

>> No.29020738 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x1200, 1605120097040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TODAY I WILL REMIND THEM that all the girls are trying their best and at the end of the day they're all real people. pic unrelated i just like it

>> No.29020740

His ass. He thinks people should only like what he likes.

>> No.29020742

1 month of membership plus $30 in superchats

>> No.29020743

$15 between two superchats (Both she read and enjoyed, fuck bankers) and a month of membership

>> No.29020747
File: 5 KB, 230x230, 1603844802895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29020746

Just imagine the big bloated belly thats out of frame

>> No.29020748

anime watchalong is cringe becuase we have to watch the opening and ending every time

>> No.29020749


>> No.29020753

Tiles fetish anon ?

>> No.29020755

i choose not to believe these narratives and believe that she's happy

>> No.29020756

15 BRL to each

>> No.29020760

i dont give money to women

>> No.29020762

No Calli, you are cringe

>> No.29020767

You're the newfag. All these boxing stories are things newfags latch on to say she's fit. Korone is one of the oldest Holos and she's not in great shape.

>> No.29020769

not counting, it's too insignificant as a % of earnings

>> No.29020770

All in a days work

>> No.29020771 [SPOILER] 
File: 58 KB, 147x360, 1605120162847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The future is now Old Man!

>> No.29020772

You would know about cringe.

>> No.29020774
Quoted by: >>29020810

How does Kiara stay genki for hours on end?

>> No.29020775


>> No.29020776
File: 131 KB, 1100x600, 3454353541553435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020803

Oh no Gura's new healthy soup diet has given her a massive growth spurt!

>> No.29020777

Is marine the best performer acting wise? her roomate by no means looks out of shape, or that old, but she's really selling it with her performance,
also why is her fucking head so big?

>> No.29020778

Kiara and Polka wanted to collab because after hearing eachother's lifestories from other members they both went "oh shit thats me" at the same time.
They both feel like they 'ruined' the collab, for their own reasons.

>> No.29020779

If a cute girl you like getting intimately close to you doesn't make your heart race you might be fucking gay. It's not that complicated. ガチ恋距離. It's an old idol trick appropriated by vtubers.

>> No.29020782
Quoted by: >>29020799

>that all the girls are trying their best and at the end of the day they're all real people.
Doesn't change the fact that I still literally hate Calli

>> No.29020783

about 175 USD

>> No.29020784

Takes cringe to no cringe huh Calli

>> No.29020785
Quoted by: >>29020818

Chubby, are you joking? She's obese

>> No.29020787
File: 102 KB, 293x308, 1604217910032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't slept in 2 days and Ina is streaming in an hour. I feel like I'm destroying myself.

>> No.29020788

mori is an ironic weeb confirmed

>> No.29020789

A little over $50. It was payday, I was in a good mood, and I had fun during the stream.

>> No.29020791

Its because she stream the most and you can see she enjoys it + even though people doesnt want to admit they love twitch gremlins like her

>> No.29020792

true anime chads do this anyway

>> No.29020795

should be in your ballpark then

>> No.29020799

You're also a newfag

>> No.29020802

>Skipping Sorairo days

>> No.29020803
Quoted by: >>29020843

Delete this

>> No.29020804

Post it if you want doxbrap, what she looked like 8 fucking years ago does not change the fact that she is constantly cited by her colleagues as one the most physically fit, if not the fittest among them and it does not change her playing ring fit for 10 fucking hours without ever needing to even sit down.

>> No.29020808


>> No.29020810

happy pills

>> No.29020812
Quoted by: >>29020857

We have about ~15 threads on a slow day. Those 300 posters are not always the same.
This doesn't include lurkers.

>> No.29020814

15 in 2 supas.
Second tier memba since the prechat of her membership stream.

>> No.29020815

about $20 in supas, $10 in membership and $5 in subs to her twitch

>> No.29020817

No one cares.

>> No.29020818
Quoted by: >>29020882

lmao she is definitely not obese you can literally find her roommate on yt a see for yourself

>> No.29020826

If Mori ever goes full GFE I might have to quit the internet cold turkey for a month or longer. My wallet wouldn't be able to take it.
Yes, I'm that weak and pathetic.

>> No.29020829

How was the TLOTR watch along? What version did Kiara use?

>> No.29020831
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 95428F92-5812-4770-83B4-60C7A6192E4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori 3D debut
>yoyoyo what’s up motherfuckers check this out I’ve been practicing
>attempts doing backflip
>falls on head and passes out
>1 hour before stream is finally cut with mori just passed out and chat going crazy

>> No.29020832
File: 874 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29021100


>> No.29020834

It gave us an entire ad. I'm pretty sure it was the cinema version.

>> No.29020835
File: 232 KB, 1400x1295, 1604675273789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korone is out of shape
>The girl who boxes as a hobby
In every 3D stream she's ever done, she literally bounces around for hours and never shows any sign of being tired. Korone has infinite levels of energy.

>> No.29020842
File: 7 KB, 230x230, joseph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29020843
File: 986 KB, 3969x5613, 445453433455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020848
File: 30 KB, 280x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people forget who Luna's papa is.

>> No.29020851
Quoted by: >>29020954

Literally just watch her ring-fit adventure streams and collabs newfag and fuck off.

>> No.29020855

>is too expressive to be conventionally attractive in Japan.
I believe this. Someone have that screencap of expats trying to date in Japan?

>> No.29020854
Quoted by: >>29020897

I'm gonna have to disagree with you this time

>> No.29020856
Quoted by: >>29020896

You must be the newfag if you don't recognize "I literally hate Calli" shitposter.

>> No.29020857
Quoted by: >>29021148

I would guess that the Holo community on JP is around 1000 people total between posters and lurkers, and they just cycle in and out depending on the day. Really puts into perspective just what an insignificant percentage of the overall community we are though

>> No.29020859

There are so many ways to hilariously fuck up in worms. They have to play it.

>> No.29020861

>Kiara giving a lapdance on Mori's knocked out body
>wakes her up with a kiss
>Mori has no choice but to reciprocate or ruin the stream

>> No.29020873

Why does Marine move like a salaryman?

>> No.29020874
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, 1b93cc8c-af78-40b1-b0c4-57260b50f576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29020910

I hope she keeps doing it then. Not enough for it to be expected or that the allure wears off, but just enough that I don't feel like I'm going through a drought of Mori's close-up cuteness.

>> No.29020876

>The real reason there's no big '1 Million' collab is that Korone is worried Gura will steal her protein

>> No.29020880
File: 148 KB, 731x381, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fab6sx3.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29021245


>> No.29020881
Quoted by: >>29020997

>Mori 3D debut
>Kiara is there as the camerawoman
>keeps harassing Mori into doing moe idol poses or erotic poses
>Mori goes along with it, oblivious, but exactly only until Kiara brings up the yuri angle again
>the last thing we see is Mori's big stonkin' tits smothering the camera as she comes close to strangle Kiara while yelling WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING THAT in a deep voice

>> No.29020882

okayu is definitely obese by BMI definition
the problem is that everyone in the west is so fat that only lardasses on scooters count as "obese"

>> No.29020886
Quoted by: >>29020900


>> No.29020887
File: 128 KB, 886x1311, 1586891225399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020889

Oh they could even make it a 5 person collab. It'll be great.

>> No.29020891

I want to accidentally touch Korone in a crowded train, have her follow me home and beat me up so bad I spend years in a hospital bed.
They'd probably need to put give me an extra blood bag to counter my raging 24/7 erection.

>> No.29020893
Quoted by: >>29020924

It was factually Kiara who caused all the issues in that collab.

>> No.29020895

she was an OL

>> No.29020896
Quoted by: >>29020984

I can't remember every single schizo here

>> No.29020897
File: 167 KB, 1500x900, 48648345468846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020900

I want to eat Amelia out

>> No.29020902

I would never post that

>> No.29020903
Quoted by: >>29020970

Would you put your penis in Gura's mouth if you knew that you are not getting it back?

>> No.29020906

Blur alone does not cut it.

>> No.29020907

That's pretty based

>> No.29020909

Can't read Japanese, or not a member, eh?

>> No.29020910
Quoted by: >>29020971

She just really likes her live2d avatar and likes to zoom in from time to time just to admire it.

>> No.29020911
Quoted by: >>29020954

>Streams RFA for like 10 hours and never shows any sign of being tired
But my narratives!

>> No.29020915
File: 891 KB, 1280x720, Vao4ZgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't act like you aren't dying to sing along with every OP & ED, dork.

>> No.29020916
File: 415 KB, 1419x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29020924

I factually just farted and it smells like burning tires. What you think about that?

>> No.29020925
Quoted by: >>29020998

Her 3d rigging isn't the best. She's a bit more fluid in Korone's body.
A lot of it is just down to Marine being Marine however.

>> No.29020931


>> No.29020938
Quoted by: >>29020968

imagine if every poster here made a thread
/jp/ would implode

>> No.29020941
Quoted by: >>29020999

This woman has never ending endurance there's no way she isn't in shape

>> No.29020952

>that everyone in the west
If you mean the US, just say that instead of "the west". That kinda shit is not normal in europe.

>> No.29020951

Los toujous... no...

>> No.29020954

Newfags, Noel does long ringfit streams on higher difficulties and she's still fat. RFA streams don't mean you're in shape.

>> No.29020961

That's the thing with Mori, she thinks she knows what she's doing when she doesn't, but sometimes it actually works out fine. The best part she dies inside when she tries to appeal to your heart boner, and you get heart boners exactly because she dies inside.

>> No.29020968

Would the website even be able to handle that?

>> No.29020969

Doxbraps, everyone..

>> No.29020970
File: 1.04 MB, 1239x1248, 1604439477401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if she lets me finish before she takes it.
>Imagine the fear and adrenaline rush you would have as you climaxed, it would be otherwordly

>> No.29020971
File: 903 KB, 1280x720, XGAuloozWBAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29021141

The first close-up, when she became fixated on her blushing cheeks and how cute they are and she is, was the best.

>> No.29020984
File: 297 KB, 1365x894, 1548181928926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posts every single day.

>> No.29020986

Aren't there tools that can grab timestamps and sync over the internet with others?

>> No.29020993
Quoted by: >>29021025

Fat=/=in shape
You can be chubby and still be in decent shape. And Noel isn't fat anyway.

>> No.29020997

>thinking EN ever getting 3D
Why do you do that to yourselves, why set yourself up for dissapointment? they are all scattered to the forur winds, and the studio is in japan, and they are not gonna give it to just 2 members of a generation, it's all or none, and they are not gonna rent an abroad studio, they would've done it for Hachama already, just be happy with what we have.

>> No.29020998

Yeah Marine models moves janky no matter what huh

>> No.29020999

I have no idea how she can do 24 hour streams and not get tired. I can push 36 hours but I am fucking blown out by hour 18.

>> No.29021001

I really dont know which pictures did you saw , but just she doesnt have chinken legs and stick arms doesnt mean she is obesse. Her figure would be chubby be europe standards

>> No.29021002

I hope they do a body swap stream, would be funny to see Marine bouncing about the place

>> No.29021005
Quoted by: >>29021039

>Kiara and Polka
I hope they try again.

>> No.29021011

You have a warped idea of what fat is.

>> No.29021013

Why the fuck is there a new thread up already

>> No.29021016 [DELETED] 

[Spoiler]2000 PHP, membership and superchats[/spoiler]
I am a poor man who cannot afford much.

>> No.29021017

Is Gura really in love with Ame and not the other way around or do they both love each other?

>> No.29021018

this could use some industrial farming grade meds

>> No.29021020

>Noel does long ringfit streams on higher difficulties and she's still fat.
Are you literally retarded? She has huge tits, thats about it. She isn't even chubby.

>> No.29021022

How the fuck have I missed like half of these despite being here since debut?

>> No.29021025

Is this famous Amerilard Burger cope? If you're fat you're not in shape. Period.

>> No.29021037
File: 1.16 MB, 3000x3420, -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doing cardio-intensive workouts for 10 hours without even getting tired doesn't mean you're in shape
This is some extreme next level cope.

>> No.29021039
Quoted by: >>29021077

I want a Kiara, Polka, Suisei, Mori stream just to see how long it takes one of the first three to act weird about Mori

>> No.29021041

You don't understand, despite there being dozens of hours of her on camera there was one unflattering photo of her which confirms she is a giant hambeast

>> No.29021042

she kinda got chubby recently, she's trying to work it off tho

>> No.29021044

thats what they said.

>> No.29021046

I am not even burger but you can be chubby or fat and still has more stamina than most people

>> No.29021048

Being able to exercise continously for a long time does, by definition, mean you are in shape. And now take your meds.

>> No.29021053

But I read on /fit/ that women who work out lose their tits first before the fat in any other body part

>> No.29021054

The chain literally started with anons judging how out of shape Marine and Luna are by their RFA streams. You're moving the goalposts in an attempt to trigger the one fanbase that can never be triggered.

>> No.29021057

But I saw 1 (one) picture where she was slightly chubby!

>> No.29021067

it'll take time, but don't worry, you'll see that you're wrong. the studio in japan is irrelevant and is a rental. all the equipment is day-use rental.

>> No.29021068

she has lots to lose anon, you wouldn't even notice until all the rest was stick

>> No.29021069
Quoted by: >>29021108

there was leaked photo or two and she really gained weight , the fat went definitely not in breasts department

>> No.29021073

Dustforce when?

>> No.29021074

Never seen (American) football linebackers? In shape is how strong and how much stamina you are. Yes fatter people are less likely to be in shape for the obvious reason that they most likely don't do any exercise. The fact you can be a fuckin twig and not be in shape disproves your point. Unless we're gonna argue that Luna or Marine are in shape?

>> No.29021077
Quoted by: >>29021143

Bonus: See how long it takes for Mori to realize that they're being weird.

>> No.29021079

Nah, you can be somewhat fat and still be in decent condition. Once you have accumulated some fat its often hard to get rid of all of it so you can easily be decently fit and still have chub.

>> No.29021083
Quoted by: >>29021124

That's definitely not true. Women usually lose that LAST. There's tons of girls with big tits who used to be fat. It's like the unspoken trick to getting big tits.

>> No.29021084

>Shows off her body in every single video on her other channel
>Still tries to claim she's fat

>> No.29021088

youre trusting /fit/?

>> No.29021090


>> No.29021100
File: 1.37 MB, 480x270, 116.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29021102
Quoted by: >>29021117

how do we know this?

>> No.29021104
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1603576688977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Gura

>> No.29021105
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1604621329840 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... everyone ready for the karaoke tonight with a GurAme collab after party?

>> No.29021106


>> No.29021107

I'm worried they'll get in-home 3d instead, which looks like TRASH.

>> No.29021108
Quoted by: >>29021170

>there was leaked photo or two
She literally streams on a regular basis showing off her waistline, thighs and stomach anon. This is the least convincing narrative I have ever seen here.

>> No.29021111

Listened to today's members post? Narrative fucking reinforced.

>> No.29021112
Quoted by: >>29021151

How does one figuratively hate someone?

>> No.29021117
Quoted by: >>29021169

if you think cover OWNS LAND IN TOKYO you are retarded.

>> No.29021119


>> No.29021124

Where your body deposits fat is entirely genetics, there are a few skinny fit chicks with big tits but it's because they won the genetic lottery

>> No.29021126

Have faith faggot, I swear, doompoters can be as anoying as antis some times.

>> No.29021127
Quoted by: >>29021160

I unironically think her first original piece will be a collab with Mori.

>> No.29021130

Is this some terrible attempt to get people to post Noel's roommates tits or something?

>> No.29021133

Oh yeah, probably, a couple people will make things up because nobody who doesn't really like Mori will want to listen to those fags for 2 hours, a couple will actually listen, and a bunch will freak the fuck out, but I think anything actually yabai will get left on the cutting room floor.

>> No.29021134
File: 88 KB, 996x162, 1462438261493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29021263

>they are not going to make loads of money because reasons

>> No.29021141

I think Mori likes "Mori Calliope" but doesn't think it's herself. In some streams she describes her avatar in 3rd person. It's either that of her Imposter syndrome just acting up. She's slowly getting to it as time goes by tho. I wanna see her what's she's like 6 months in.

>> No.29021143
Quoted by: >>29021200

>Mori can't recognize Suisei and Polka being incredibly suggestive and flirty with her because all her attention is focused on Kiara
>actually plays around with them and their jokes in a totally-no-homo way
>Kiara crying the entire stream that they're getting closer to the reaper pussy than she is

>> No.29021148
Quoted by: >>29021213

Try ~3800. (Unique users/day for this thread.) Reach is dependent on how many people post ideas and images somewhere else too.

>> No.29021152

I dreamt of a Mori trap. Looked entirely like Mori but completely flat. She sat on my lap and that made me feel nice.

>> No.29021151

"Literally" being used for emphasis is literally in the dictionary.

>> No.29021153
File: 62 KB, 1284x1086, 1604786067389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29021158

The studio and equipment is already rented it's not like Cover couldn't just open up a small office somewhere in the west coast

>> No.29021160

I'd love that, I think their voices would work really well for a duet.

>> No.29021164

I love the idea of seeing my bf with another woman and me spoiling her for satisfying him

>> No.29021169

what? a normal size room is big enough for the 3D recording they do, it can easily be a backroom of the offices.

>> No.29021170

I personally dont think she is fat but by JP standards she is at least chubby level

>> No.29021177

if you think they own the office, you are retarded.

>> No.29021179

Of course you'd know this

>> No.29021182
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, file_4tw1v2cnhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29021183

They're unemployed/on welfare/seaniggers and even some or all at once anon, of course they're going to go repost everything (You) make.

>> No.29021184

That's not imposter syndrome, it's kayfabe. She has the strongest kayfabe of any EN, so of course "Calliope Mori" and "roommate-san" are separate individuals in her head. I mean, she does have imposter syndrome, but it doesn't really apply here.

>> No.29021187


>> No.29021189

Hell Yeah Baby!

>> No.29021191

I volunteer to be this anon's bf

>> No.29021195 [SPOILER] 
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 1605121326751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget.

>> No.29021196

Why are tentacultists like this?

>> No.29021198

I want to belev

>> No.29021200
Quoted by: >>29021290

>Suisei and Polka literally eating Mori out and rimming her asshole respectively
>she laughs it off because Polka said it's just a prank
>Kiara hanging herself in the background

>> No.29021202
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x3070, EmAjXwgXYAI8uR9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yes!

>> No.29021206

>affording a normal sized room in Tokyo
We're talking about a city so expensive decently earning salaryman have to live in boxes.

>> No.29021209
Quoted by: >>29021223

Are you British?

>> No.29021213
Quoted by: >>29021331

Thats a lot more than I would have expected. Guess we really aren't a secret club

>> No.29021214

Are you accepting BF applications?

>> No.29021216
Quoted by: >>29021248


>> No.29021217

Gura's kayfabe is better. Fuck the fat reaper.

>> No.29021221

Literally confirmed holy shit

>> No.29021222

How wouldd a gEN 1 3D collab work if Gura turned out to be taller than all of them?

>> No.29021223

No but my friends keep calling me British

>> No.29021226

Just as long as she doesn't call herself a carrot again.
That was weird.

>> No.29021227

What makes you think the apex predator doesn't listen to the apex genre?

>> No.29021228

In an alternate timeline, there's a scheduled collab of Luna, Mori, Aloe, and Kaoru.

>> No.29021233

>it's all or none
And why the fuck is that, anonchama?

>> No.29021234

Damn, she really gets some autistic ones

>> No.29021236

I'd fuck her fat tits yeah

>> No.29021241
File: 246 KB, 781x566, 1591491541895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29021243
Quoted by: >>29021272

Literally got sued lol.

>> No.29021245
Quoted by: >>29021251

What's these filenames with sound links attached? How do I play them?

>> No.29021248

ball pit

>> No.29021251
Quoted by: >>29021282


>> No.29021253

Doesn’t mori live in Japan too

>> No.29021252

are you a russian military loli

>> No.29021254
Quoted by: >>29021330

Of course, of course. But also "Mori Calliope" acts exactly like 666d6 and Karrot-chan. It's just funny how despite that, they are still different characters in her head. Truly the /tg/ way of doing it. And this is exactly why she'll come out of this healthier, contrast to Kiara and Amelia who have... some issues. But then again, Mori is very affectionate with her chat.

>> No.29021256


>> No.29021263

It would just be the final nail in the coffin of legitimizing EN as a "real" part of hololive. Anti's would suicide from the numbers that stream would pull alone.

>> No.29021270

she has the body type of a mexican woman

>> No.29021272
Quoted by: >>29021293

What did he do again?

>> No.29021280

ryona, guro, rape, piss, corruption, ntr

>> No.29021282
File: 25 KB, 301x267, 1454891737580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you very much anon.

>> No.29021283
Quoted by: >>29021302


>> No.29021284

Of course! Ame is definitely going to gush over Gura's voice.

>> No.29021285

I hope they actually do a punishment for whoever loses when they collab

>> No.29021286

Define worst fetish?
>Least favorite: scat and piss.
>Sickest: brainfuck.

>> No.29021287
Quoted by: >>29021302

Like half of this list is wrong

>> No.29021290

>"haha you two made me orgasm in front of 30k simps real funny"
>violently starts groping and fingering Polka as a counter prank
>Kiara's ghost plotting revenge on Suisei and Polka

>> No.29021293
Quoted by: >>29021313

Got miko pregnant

>> No.29021302

There is literally video and photo proof for all this.

>> No.29021304

Like £700 plus whatever her albums cost.

>> No.29021306


>> No.29021308
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1605067390621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>29021355

Wait. I feel like I just woke up from a coma. Have people been jokingly saying Pikamee is a shark in these threads?
It's been so long since I've watched her that I actually started thinking she's a shark.
Has she been called a shark here? Am I going crazy?

>> No.29021309

Gura doesn't have kayfabe because she doesn't do shit with her character. She just has ironclad OpSec no matter whose shoes she's in.

>> No.29021312
File: 2.94 MB, 640x360, Haachapolka! [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fcqlrhx.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29021313

Pretty based

>> No.29021321

No there isn't you sperg.

>> No.29021324

Festival is fucking hot and skinny right now , you can even see that on her youtube acc

>> No.29021325

Nobody cares, don't post about roommates

>> No.29021328

Luna isn't fat though

>> No.29021330

It's kind of interesting how different each of them is towards their chat.

>> No.29021331

>Thats a lot more than I would have expected. Guess we really aren't a secret club
It might be even more. We produce over 75% of posts on /jp/ and made it the fourth- or fifth-fastest board on the site. This thread is massive.
Hiro should sell ads just for this thread.
Or make a board just containing a single thread and sell ads there.

>> No.29021333

i love artemis

>> No.29021334

Fuck off and stop doxbaiting

>> No.29021336

I'm not sure why is this a pissing context, but I agree. Gura has a healthy distance away from her fandom (like Ina), roleplays her character, no unhealthy relationship with chat (unlike Ame, Kiara and arguably Mori sometimes) and actually has a clear seperation on who she is and her character (like Mori).

>> No.29021338

Amelia loves you, Gura!

>> No.29021340

>get angry at doxxposts
>talk about nothing but roomates

>> No.29021342

This very thread has proven more than 2 of those wrong

>> No.29021346

Fuck off already

>> No.29021348

We love you Gura!

>> No.29021347

Theatrical versions. she was planning to change to extended on 2 I think but went back because... I think something to do with streaming services not having extended.

>> No.29021350

>Ame, Noel, Korone, Mori, and Festival being on this list
That sure is quite the narrative you have there anon.

>> No.29021352
File: 208 KB, 1698x1398, 1602779578986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29021354

Im in love with Gura

>> No.29021355

No. We just conspired to mess with you while you weren't here.

>> No.29021356

i love you, gura!
