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File: 178 KB, 1200x1128, Pair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28966558 No.28966558 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>28966643

Sexy time

>> No.28966606
File: 468 KB, 638x489, 1604924537964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28966634 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.68 MB, 1155x1224, 1605002311142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this body type called?

>> No.28966635
File: 291 KB, 1333x1200, 1604998719241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty solid stream from my Mori. It's a shame that SEGA is a tight-fisted, money-grubbing publisher run by retards. She'll never get permissions to stream the rest of the game. I can't wait for the day the permissions arc finally ends and the girls are free to play whatever the fuck they want. Goodnight, deadbeats and /hlgg/.

>> No.28966636
File: 72 KB, 600x513, 1604837854302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First RRAT of the thread

>> No.28966637

Ina's cucumber needs to be whole for any sort of fun

>> No.28966638
File: 1007 KB, 786x1062, 1604907516326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey pekora! It's me, Moona!

>> No.28966643
File: 998 KB, 1771x1254, 73587904357011e8fd20ba7ff8497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iofi is feeling a little sad today. Reply with supportive posts.

>> No.28966647
File: 231 KB, 1019x483, 1604996946861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966703

>> No.28966651
File: 262 KB, 995x969, 61e0c743fd614d422010e06251f308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966681

I like this chicken!

>> No.28966656

These are kinda terrifying desu

>> No.28966658
File: 1.94 MB, 1679x1621, 1604447561498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura's feet....

>> No.28966659
File: 934 KB, 1500x2076, 1590959544274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966708

Deadbeats are friends

>> No.28966661

attention whore

>> No.28966663 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 300x300, Yuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28966666
Quoted by: >>28966732

That’ll never happen but gn

>> No.28966669
File: 2 KB, 125x125, thisbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966757

Hololive has a mailing address right? What kind of fucked up letters do you think Coco's been receiving?

>> No.28966673 [DELETED] 


>> No.28966672
File: 73 KB, 546x707, 1604915373380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cucked faggots here will imagine multiple fat old men raping Gura, but freak out and cry "fetish freak!" when someone imagines impregnating Gura and helping her carry the baby to term. Pregnancy is literally the most vanilla thing imaginable.

>> No.28966674


>> No.28966675
File: 79 KB, 398x414, 1601655240910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight fellow Deadbeat

>> No.28966676

Based and feetpilled

>> No.28966677 [DELETED] 


>> No.28966679

Just woke up, so from what I gather we have a lock in that the EN collab song is with Kiara?
Is the section of the game she streams pretty linear because I'm probably gonna watch the chicken's version first.

>> No.28966680
File: 475 KB, 512x513, 1605002104087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967152

>Rubbing Gura's pregnant belly when she's big enough that her gills are stretched and sensitive
>Smearing gill sludge of Gura's nipples like lotion

>> No.28966681
File: 14 KB, 291x363, Bodysnatcher[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftfoior.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that chic- waitaminute

>> No.28966682

Go back to /d/ retard

>> No.28966685

>chimmies have very thin skin
>chinks have very thin skin

>> No.28966684

don't get your hopes up guys Kiara will rush back home after the music and play the game on her own PC

>> No.28966686 [DELETED] 

attainable natty

>> No.28966690
File: 59 KB, 980x519, qwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10k votes in 8 hours
How many membershrimps does she have?

>> No.28966691 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 497x475, 1600575715068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967029

>people devoted time and energy to produce this

>> No.28966697
File: 366 KB, 480x480, 1604999844531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polka and Nene have been including the EN member's names in their youtube tags

No one else besides Haachama does this. The honorary EN memes were true.

>> No.28966698


>> No.28966699
File: 40 KB, 521x449, 1602399424185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight, sleepy reapy

>> No.28966701
File: 77 KB, 1154x691, FreshOC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966866

Threadly Reminder to take 'em.

>> No.28966702

at least 10k

>> No.28966703

the way this anon draws Ame.. I might break my no-fap promise to Amelia if he does actual ecchi

>> No.28966704
File: 8 KB, 943x88, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura, why do you hate us so much?

>> No.28966706
File: 174 KB, 266x311, sleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28966707
Quoted by: >>28966724


>> No.28966708
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1267, 1604985682077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight bro

>> No.28966709
File: 28 KB, 258x893, 1603942109222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boost your spirit by looking at this long ass Squirrel!

>> No.28966713

Fucking die pedo scum

>> No.28966714
Quoted by: >>28966800

Gura preg will never be vanilla cause she's probably a shark with one of those conveyer-belt wombs.

>> No.28966715

Given 1 million+ subscribers, assume 10% membership rate. Do the math

>> No.28966718

Mori and Kiara are recording of a cover of Magnet RIGHT NOW.

>> No.28966719
File: 623 KB, 1605x2000, 1604788867948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966765

Persona 3 never.

>> No.28966723
File: 171 KB, 1080x976, 1604986237199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968600


>> No.28966724
File: 58 KB, 775x869, 1603251599305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her design

>> No.28966725

Im glad deadbeats are saying goodnight again. It was comfy

>> No.28966726

its a process, some day SEGA will kneel to Mori

>> No.28966727
Quoted by: >>28968628

Polka unironically likes the EOP audience and Nenechi is the Worldwide Ceo

>> No.28966729
Quoted by: >>28966818

It's Haachama time, lads.

>> No.28966732
File: 81 KB, 828x828, 1602283429164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stan knows about business and cold hard cash

>> No.28966733

God damn I want some madlibs

>> No.28966736
File: 1.24 MB, 2455x1722, Emb0qaCW4AE4Nit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori and Kiara are getting cozy recording a song together RIGHT NOW and we aren't allowed to watch
Shit isn't fair

>> No.28966737

I just want to say that if this is what chumbuddies are, then yeah, Gura should stop joining in big collabs. The fanbase is just fucking concerfag extremists. She needs to wrangle those them before it gets anymore unruly.

>> No.28966738
File: 1.31 MB, 480x480, 1604998766387.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a hopeful naive rrat for you.
From past polls we know Ame cares a lot about the comments in polls. See the certificate poll.
Most of the comments are pushing Ame to do the dub. The poll is close, but subs are still currently winning.
Ame made that "it doesn't really matter" comment to let down the subfags softly, and she's gonna watch the dub.

>> No.28966742
Quoted by: >>28967433


>> No.28966744


>> No.28966745
File: 1.80 MB, 1140x1080, 1604556171448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966923

Would you let Haachama play with your dick?


>> No.28966746
Quoted by: >>28966784

next week we are getting A Memory collab anon, I can't wait

>> No.28966748

It was pretty linear yeah you might want to avoid if you want to watch chicken's first

>> No.28966750

Mori and Kiara are having HOT STEAMY LESBIAN SEX RIGHT NOW!

>> No.28966751

why does Mori look sleep depri- oh, right

>> No.28966752
Quoted by: >>28966777

Chumfag chink antis need to be put down.

>> No.28966753

Actually finding pregnant women sexually attractive is not normal, it's an irrational fetish.
You're only supposed to find women attractive if they look like they have good genes AND they're of prime breeding condition/age, which is why 14 is the most attractive age even for non-pedos when they don't know the girl's actual age.

>> No.28966754

>GurAme in tatters
>GuraIna has a chance now

>> No.28966756

>66 + 2 minutes
how did the Ame-Roboco apex go, were they awkward?

>> No.28966757
Quoted by: >>28966814

You know damn well that anything from a chinese address is immediately thrown in the trash now.

>> No.28966759
File: 1.64 MB, 2315x2265, 1598437081598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost a day later and your still trying to push this narrative

>> No.28966764

i cant wait for kiara featuring in one of her songs its gonna be so cute

>> No.28966765
File: 305 KB, 730x768, 1602752616111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Lotus Juice/Mori collab...

>> No.28966766

Kill yourself chink

>> No.28966768
File: 91 KB, 227x222, OOOOUUUUUUHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Continuously pregnant gura

>> No.28966769
Quoted by: >>28966789

You can enjoy your "vanilla" fetish on designated boards.
Honestly, retarded cunnyposting should be banned too, just like ritualposting, since it's just the same braindead post spam over and over just wasting space in the thread.

>> No.28966770

>Be HomostarJP
>Feel isolated from the company since everyone is mortified at the thought of you interacting with female coworker
>Holo EN is announced and you're excited to finally get away from the restraints of JP idol culture
>EN fans are just as autistic as JP and are terrified of you interacting with women
>Go back to streaming to 10 viewers

>> No.28966771

It started awkward but got better towards the end

>> No.28966772

>getting cozy recording
nope they are being stern professionals because they need to finish recording quick so kiara can go home for her stream

>> No.28966774

Backstabbing attention whore.

>> No.28966777
Quoted by: >>28966851

Fuck off falseflagging SEAnigger

>> No.28966778

This is true.

>> No.28966779
Quoted by: >>28966822

>no-fap promise to Amelia
Amelia wants you to fap

>> No.28966780
File: 325 KB, 1024x1024, sharkmanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ideas for gen 2 holos
>offsprings of gen 1 ones
>cringey wigger tomboy shark

>> No.28966781
File: 1.05 MB, 1500x1500, 1586948867242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timestamp for Haachama drawing Ame

>> No.28966783

Actually pretty good but the language barrier seems to have made them end a bit early because RBC misunderstood what Ame meant by "The last game"

>> No.28966784

Definitely looking forward to that one

>> No.28966786

Why was the blame suddenly on chumbuds again? Last night there were proofs that Iofi was talking with a random chink on her youtube comment section, and most of the chumbuds unironically enjoyed sufferingkino.

>> No.28966785

She's gonna get to the entire Yakuza series on her own time. It's fine.

>> No.28966787

Iofi is cute and she drew pregnant ina so shes based

>> No.28966788

>get out of the house my girlfriend is here
she really is one of the boys.....

>> No.28966792

anyone else glad they don't know much about the lives behind these characters? i've already heard some rumours about kiara's roommate and it's changed the way i look at her entirely.

>> No.28966789
Quoted by: >>28966944

There's no loli board anymore

>> No.28966793

It was CUTE!

>> No.28966794

It was a little awkward at first, but got fine after. it ended early because RBC missheard Ame talking about something that happened "The last match" and only understood "Last match"

>> No.28966796
File: 64 KB, 574x767, emcritay4yo51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night fellow deadbeat

>> No.28966798

Yeah, definitely, to be honest, when Mori hinted the song wasn't with Gura, there was only one option left. No way are the others doing a song any time soon.

>> No.28966800
Quoted by: >>28966843

So boner I linked the wrong fuckin post

>> No.28966802

Chumbuds have always been the ones behind all the flaseflagging, shitposting, antiposting, tribalism in these threads and beyond. They're also in YouTube, Reddit, 5ch, Bilibili and the US government. You cannot convince me otherwise.

>> No.28966805
Quoted by: >>28967057

it was a bit awkward, but they did pretty well trying the break the language barrier.

you could tell ame was trying really hard to keep her cool, lmao.

>> No.28966806
File: 937 KB, 1041x694, 1604382284865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Mori apply for a job where she streams videogames when she doesn't like streaming and doesn't like video games. All she wants to do is make money and promote her music. Obviously, this has worked out for her now, but she had no way of knowing it would when she applied. She knew nothing of hololive so what was going through her head when she applied? There are much more reliable ways to shill your music than becoming a vtuber.

>> No.28966813

What the fuck, Coco?

>> No.28966814

>Implying you can actually post shit from PRC to Japan without it getting filtered in the first place

>> No.28966818

I'm watching Festival put the "ecchi" in "Super Nenecchi"

>> No.28966820
File: 729 KB, 2014x2465, __gawr_gura_and_mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_shazhiqiao__1e38bf5b2ccd4aa938281d14b7dd7f0c (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori genuinely feels like a person who would be a really good friend to have in real life. I'm happy for Chicken.

>> No.28966821

Imagine the outburst. Gurame and TakaMori will impode

>> No.28966822
Quoted by: >>28966991

Ame I know those coupons are yours, they're pretty hot

>> No.28966824

I just wanted someone to play with Roberu

>> No.28966825
File: 382 KB, 1022x729, Humanity_Phantoms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leave now before you're tainted with forbidden knowledge

>> No.28966828

>cringey wigger tomboy shark
Wait a second..

>> No.28966830

Can you see viewer counts in Holotools?

>> No.28966832

Go back

>> No.28966835
Quoted by: >>28967027

Where did I mention lofi? Also, I admit I made a mistake. I didn't really intend to generalize all chumbuddies. But it's always the toxic minority that's ruining it for everyone.

>> No.28966836
File: 499 KB, 960x960, 1601605657668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967587

She's a cute dummy. Should be more mindful about PR though.

>> No.28966841

Silence doznigger, false flag elsewhere

>> No.28966842
File: 368 KB, 674x674, 1603266436773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gross. She's a shitty singer. Mori needs to ditch that leech.

>> No.28966843
File: 168 KB, 625x428, shark fact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966903

my favorite shark fact

>> No.28966844

they shouldnt have pandered to fujos desu
brotubers is where its at

>> No.28966850

Nice copypasta last thread.
Now fuck off.

>> No.28966849

If you cant seperate 3d from 2d your gonna have a problem here

>> No.28966852
Quoted by: >>28966883

>Fell asleep before the Rbc collab
>Responses are positive
Gonna watch it now, do NOT give me a quick rundown.

>> No.28966851

Yeah, I forgot, that's another kind of anti that has to be put down.

>> No.28966854
Quoted by: >>28966913

The game wasn't the best, but the stream had its moments.

>> No.28966853
File: 269 KB, 410x352, sharkzawa has never seen such bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REMINDER: Risu fucked over Gura twice and streamed during Miko's return. She needs to be graduated.

>> No.28966856

Fuck off, newfag

>> No.28966861

stop shitposting with Ame pics, nigger

>> No.28966862


>> No.28966863
Quoted by: >>28966958

How many times are you gonna post this?

>> No.28966865

Don't worry Anon, when I become a HolostarEN I'll collab with 'em.

>> No.28966866
File: 956 KB, 1754x1240, 1596823712004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967122

>medikamente nicht genommen
>streams nicht geschaut
>geschichten ausgedacht
>andere fanbase die schuld für etwas gegeben
oh ja es ist schizo zeit

>> No.28966867
File: 161 KB, 480x480, 1604139511816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966931

Can't wait for this bait post to get more (you)s for the 100th time

>> No.28966868

I took my meds so no

>> No.28966869

Schizos FINALLY saw an opening.

>> No.28966871

I want Mori to play Guilty Gear with Roberu.

>> No.28966873
Quoted by: >>28966982

I was there in the Amepocaclype but I still have no fucking idea who Humanity anon is or what exactly that image means.

>> No.28966875

If you like Mori, watch Mori. If you like Gra, watch Gura. What's the problem? I thought overlap between Chumbuds and Deadbeats is extremely small.

>> No.28966876
File: 529 KB, 3307x2107, 1603716854129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is Ina's wife, why wouldn't she be part of the EN family.

>> No.28966877

i've lurked here for a couple of days and most people seem to not like posting pictures of the roommates and stuff, so i think i'll be safe. thanks for looking out for me though anon-kun. <3

>> No.28966879

>ywn smoke blunts and listen to underground jrap with ya boy

>> No.28966880

And hopefully she's noticed that everyone who has seen it is saying dub.

>> No.28966883

They got 18 champions and Roboco skinned Ame alive and is currently wearing her skin

>> No.28966890
Quoted by: >>28966945

Just makes me sad that the 'real life' part is soon going to be 'online only' again in a matter of months.

>> No.28966891

On the home page, but I think it rounds the numbers a bit.

>> No.28966893
File: 127 KB, 600x369, 1603608645660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight bros, keep tormenting schizos while im gone

>> No.28966895
File: 2.36 MB, 1500x1500, 1602269054965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're making a asong together right now and having fun while doing so. Seems like you aren't strong enough to accept that.

>> No.28966898
File: 109 KB, 500x318, Imperial Japanese Pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok chang

>> No.28966899

>anyone else
why do you out yourself just like that

>> No.28966900

I think he's more talking about the stream times being bad for him, anon

>> No.28966903

shark babies also eat each other while in the womb

>> No.28966904

>Why did Mori apply for a job where she streams videogames
She didn't, she applied for a job in Hololive. Streaming videogames is 100% optional. Next narrative.

>> No.28966906

I envy your innocence, newfag

>> No.28966908

nothing changes for me

would you care if the seiyuu of your favorite anime character was a whore?
no one cares really (except dumb japanese schizos)

>> No.28966910
File: 26 KB, 1022x1000, 1604267686628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do chumflakes have the thinnest skin of all? A little bit of banter and they all meltdown in a fit

>> No.28966911

I'm talking about the unholy stream hours, not the overlap.

>> No.28966912
File: 1.87 MB, 600x600, sleepy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sleep tight chumbud

>> No.28966913


>> No.28966914
Quoted by: >>28967057

It was awkward at first but once they got used to playing together they started figuring out callouts and such that worked across the language barrier. Ame reigned in her gremlin side a lot. The right choice for a collab, even if I enjoy it in her solo stuff.

>> No.28966915

>streamed during Miko's return
she's going nuts

>> No.28966919
Quoted by: >>28966977

Now stop posting and lurk more. Drop that <3 too you woman.

>> No.28966921
Quoted by: >>28966986


>> No.28966922

Why do they call Astel kki?

>> No.28966923

No. She's probably try to cut it off and add it to her hot pot.

>> No.28966924

Go back

>> No.28966930
Quoted by: >>28966986

I think she sings pretty good.

>> No.28966931
File: 414 KB, 1318x737, 1604552480431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bait though, it's a genuine question. I don't understand her career path.

>> No.28966932

/v/ tourists need to go back.

>> No.28966934

I remember you from couple threads back, you said you'd do the falseflag and then start doxxing Ame.

>> No.28966935
File: 11 KB, 80x80, 20201105_031425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28966973

Hey guys, I love polka so much

>> No.28966937
File: 94 KB, 684x835, 1573562637680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon is this what you live for

>> No.28966940

>having fun
i fucking hate it when people do that

>> No.28966942
Quoted by: >>28966986

what, bird sings pretty well

>> No.28966944

There's /trash/.

>> No.28966945

I'm sure Kiara will try her best to visit Mori often or Mori decides to explore the Austrian rap scene once the Japanese school year ends

>> No.28966947

And probably will keep inclining after public karaoke

>> No.28966948

speak for yourself. I'm in Japan right now and I'm going to wife her and bring her back to the states

>> No.28966949
File: 111 KB, 600x369, 1604475075651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28966952

Fuck off falseflagger

>> No.28966954
File: 192 KB, 755x1080, 1600252006577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28966956
File: 696 KB, 640x640, dora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't wait for the day the permissions arc finally ends and the girls are free to play whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.28966957

Based leeches

>> No.28966958
File: 307 KB, 495x576, 1603870800305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967014

This is only the second time. Now kill yourself you fucking faggot piece of shit subhuman.

>> No.28966959

Has anyone clipped the
>someone's sad
Gura quote from the L4D2 stream?

>> No.28966960

It's not chumbuds. It's chumfags ie false flagging indonesian/chinese antis masquerading as chumbuds although there are likely some genuine fanboys in there too. Just call them Lin Dongqin.

>> No.28966961
Quoted by: >>28966984

Just think of her as an Azki with actual viewers.

>> No.28966962
File: 91 KB, 915x455, 1603302477498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967013



>> No.28966963

Cum on her Pikame

>> No.28966964

>having fun while doing
do they even have time for fun given how kiara has to rush home after wards to get to her stream on time

>> No.28966966

Because she keeps her former friend from being #2

>> No.28966969

loli is banned on trash anonchaama
you can only post it on /b/

>> No.28966973
Quoted by: >>28967879

polka loves COCK!

>> No.28966977

okay, this will be my last post. thanks for the tip!!!!

>> No.28966978
Quoted by: >>28967079

familiarity breeds contempt

>> No.28966981

>Austrian rap scene
Is there such a thing? Or did you make that up?

>> No.28966982

Humanity is from Dark Souls. Actually, it is the eponymous Dark Soul split into myriads of fragments, carried by all humans, hence the title Dark Souls. Basically it represents the darkness of man.

>> No.28966984
Quoted by: >>28967019


>> No.28966986
File: 966 KB, 1280x720, 1603349369823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28966990

I hope they get Persona or just Sega permissions in general for all the shilling they have to do

>> No.28966991

I mean no anon has ever tried to claim them as his work.

>> No.28966992

Can't post loli there either, /b/ is the only place where it's strictly allowed and /b/ sucks.

>> No.28966993

Guys are yakuzas real
I learned samurais aren’t real and they don’t exist anymore

>> No.28966994

Where's Tako's schedule?

>> No.28967001

I'm going to miss her and Kiara's real friendship when the bird moves back home. I hope these last few weeks have made her rethink a little bit and she moves back to Japan after a few months to be with her bestie.

>> No.28967002
Quoted by: >>28967036

She could actually stream at Mori's place, she has the game and all the equipment, and a much better PC

>> No.28967003
File: 1.24 MB, 1056x841, 1604924009468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk:
How good is Kiara's singing? How's her range? I don't want to dig her roommate so I have no idea what's she's capable of. I just wanna know if TakaMori can handle Libera me from Hell.

>> No.28967004
Quoted by: >>28967079

>March ends
>Mori parts ways with the school she was teaching at amicably
>suddenly says she's going on vacation, no streams planned for a week
>people are disappointed, /hlgg/ spergs out a little, whatever
>SIKE BITCHES, shows up for an offcollab with Chicken
>they try playing Minecraft which inevitably crashes 5 minutes in, spend the rest of the time casually chatting about Chicken showing Mori around Vienna and how Mori wanted to check out a nudist beach but Chicken was too shy

>> No.28967008
Quoted by: >>28967094

I know you're baiting but there are people outside of here who unironically think this. Wish Gura has a purging of her viewers so she can stream with Fubuki numbers.

>> No.28967010
Quoted by: >>28967073

it takes an hour and a half for Kiara just to get to Mori's place. You cant be implying Kiara is going to record for an hour and rush back to her house. That's not how it works

>> No.28967013

She was just repeating the dialogue that got cut off..

>> No.28967014
File: 409 KB, 900x894, 1603613250268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avatarfag posting his shitty pasta calling others subhuman

>> No.28967016

Samurai were real and Yakuza are currently real but both are romanticised by media. (Obviously)

>> No.28967019


>> No.28967020

They are but a lot lamer than their reputation implies.

>> No.28967022

You shouldn't want to do that anyway. Weed gives Mori panic attacks, with the first (and last) time ending after she accidentally set her hair on fire.

>> No.28967027
File: 117 KB, 361x387, 1604450794242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967104

If you're talking about the thin-skinned dumbasses telling her to stop collabing with JPs and IDs, they're just replying non-stop. Suffering through kusoge and salty times has always been a staple for true chumbuddies.

>> No.28967028

>chumbuds are STILL salty as the seven seas over yesterday
Can we all just agree that they are the cancer of these threads?
Watch me getting thousands of "ogeys" because this place is infested with these guys

>> No.28967029 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 872x1109, IMG_20201015_191724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine someone probably paid for it as well

>> No.28967030
File: 2.85 MB, 1670x6168, 1603377438541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that there is still a person behind every holo. Be sure to treat everyone with love and respect. Abe love!

>> No.28967031

It's only a genuine question if you're a retarded /v/ tourist. Lurk more.

>> No.28967034

you: https://streamable.com/sdfvrx

>> No.28967035

Now I understand those Dark references and keeping it sealed. Thanks a bunch.

>> No.28967036
Quoted by: >>28967129

Maybe? but the stream starts at 10pm, Mori is apparently reading superchats later and has to get up for her day job, there's only one pc.

>> No.28967037
Quoted by: >>28967093

why is her middle finger so damn long?

>> No.28967039
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, 1600327402519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good Ame content in the upcoming week
>I'll barely be able to catch any of the streams because work has been ramping up and they're calling me in for more shift

>> No.28967044
Quoted by: >>28967071

haruka talked her into it

>> No.28967046 [DELETED] 


YAGOO: Tanigo Motoaki
A-chan: Nishizono Atsuko
Daido Shinove: Inoue Haruaki
Tokino Sora: Aoyama Ayana
Roboco: Rui Yukimura
Sakura Miko: Maezono Iroha
Hoshimati Suisei: Karuizawa Mika
AZKi: Uzumaki Mai
Haachama: Fujiki Nia
Yozora Mel: Fujihana Rika
Natsuiro Matsuri: Satou Nozomi
Aki Rosenthal: Honda Miyuki
Shirakami Fubuki: Funou Amane
Oozora Subaru: Itou Maki
Choco-sensei: Sato Aki
Murasaki Shion: Tamura Kei
Nakiri Ayame: Fujisaki Mari
Minato Aqua: Rina Wada
Inugami Korone: Suzuki Miyako
Nekomata Okayu: Tanaka Kanae
Ookami Mio: Satou Mei
Usada Pekora: Itou Karen
Uruha Rushia: Ueno Chiho
Shiranui Flare: Aizawa Rukiko
Shirogane Noel: Tanaka Kana
Houshou Marine: Iwasaki Mika
Kiryu Coco: Son Allison
Amane Kanata: Ueno Aiko
Tsunomaki Watame: Furudo Atsuko
Himemori Luna: Aoyama Wakaba
Tokoyami Towa: Nono Narumi
Yukihana Lamy: ?
Momosuzu Nene: Baba Natsumi
Shishiro Botan: Miyake Rumiko
Omaru Polka: Wakabayashi Haruko

>> No.28967052

fuck, is that from one of her Q&As?

>> No.28967053

Get out from here anon while you still new, this place is really not for you. It's almost possible not getting that kind of post regularly

>> No.28967057

>it was my fault
I'm pretty sure Ame was replaced with a sound-alike

>> No.28967058

Yakuza are real, but they're just real estate sharks now

>> No.28967059

I heard that Gura is trying to get HoloID disbanded. Is this true?

>> No.28967061

You don't need to, her Karaoke stream with Nene was the most recent singing

>> No.28967064

Chumbuds will ignore THAT right?

>> No.28967063

>Abe love
based, I'm going to breed Mori

>> No.28967067
File: 115 KB, 1200x1112, 3453545454135354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967118

There a source or artist name for pic related? Reverse search is failing me.

>> No.28967068
Quoted by: >>28967225

The only one, yes.

>> No.28967070
File: 496 KB, 580x628, IMG_20201110_140115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28967071
Quoted by: >>28967111

>Haruka talked Mori into joining Hololive
>Haruka literally started the Tentacult
Is she the one pulling all the strings behind the scenes?

>> No.28967073
Quoted by: >>28967141

what time was Mori's bathroom break because thats when chicken got there and just kept quiet the whole time

>> No.28967075
Quoted by: >>28967096

What? I remember her saying weed gives her panic attacks but when did she set her hair on fire?

>> No.28967074

I feel so bad for Abe
he just wanted people to have sex

>> No.28967076

I thought Shinzo Abe was trying to encourage people to have sex?

>> No.28967079

I thought I just made it up but it exists in some form. The excuse lives
I really want something like this to happen

>> No.28967080
Quoted by: >>28967225

Its was when she was first talking about her daki

>> No.28967081

meanwhile my work is calming down but my oshi streams fuck all...

>> No.28967084
File: 2.61 MB, 1900x1073, 1585070010087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say something nice about these two sisters!

>> No.28967085

WTF, I love Abe now?

>> No.28967086

She did karaoke streams. She can be pretty good, though she has a hard time with actually setting up the tech for it. Her singing is solid though. Not "Top 5 in Hololive" or anything like that, but good enough.

>> No.28967088

Ahhh yes. I got a panic attack once so bad I locked myself in my room and ate unfrosted Cheerios till I passed out.
Should have just jerked off thinking about it now

>> No.28967087

>Basically it represents the darkness of man.
Okay, but what does that mean in Dark Souls context? Typical Christian concept of 'evil'?

>> No.28967093

you know why

>> No.28967094

I'm not baiting at all, go fuck yourself SEAnigger

>> No.28967096

Not sure if she mentioned it while answering the question about weed but she definitely mentioned it when telling a story about "reaper school".

>> No.28967102 [DELETED] 


>> No.28967104

Nah, I'm talking about the twitter faggots who're so disappointed because they think the other holos are targeting Gura. They're telling everyone off because they think Gura didn't enjoy. I'm just fucking mad because they're the ones isolating Gura. And being isolated is way less fun than getting tilted by a video game. Fuck, I really need to get my head out of that cesspit. Those self-entitled faggots are ruining stuff.

>> No.28967105

Mori has revealed a lot of info while masking it with her character stuff. Like going to reaper (animation) school

>> No.28967107

>no cum inflation
why even bother cumming inside

>> No.28967111

yes but it doesnt matter because she wont show hooves

>> No.28967112

I can't beliebe how cute they are together.

>> No.28967118
Quoted by: >>28967133

I've seen it posted with these names if that helps:
emcsgfjxyaemmg3.jpg orig.jpg

>> No.28967121


>> No.28967122
Quoted by: >>28967179

>Meds are expensive in burgerland
>Watching streams requires way to much unshared attention for the average schizo
>WDYM we can enjoy content without doomposting about our oshi every other thread?
>I hate chumfucks so got damn much.

It's to be expected, they can't help themselves.
Moripasta is great though.
Big UPS to the pastachefs!

>> No.28967125

I can to this with my fingers

>> No.28967128

Quit your job anon. Ame likes NEETS.

>> No.28967129
Quoted by: >>28967139

I don’t think she’ll read supas till next stream? Nothings scheduled

>> No.28967131

Get covid and take a long time off.

>> No.28967133

Why do you have those file names ready on hand?

>> No.28967134
Quoted by: >>28967207

Twitter rewards being offended
Just send supportive messages to gura and the other girls and ignore retards

>> No.28967135
Quoted by: >>28967178

honestly i think its fucking adorable when people who arnt great at art still try. We joke about SOUL alot here but if someone were to do this for me id be gushing over them rather than if a professional artist drew me. Does anyone else agree?

>> No.28967138

did she mention her caffeine vape she owns?

>> No.28967139

She said "later tonight"

>> No.28967141

you implying the bird is capable of sitting quiet for more than 15 minutes is the most schizo thing I read in those threads

>> No.28967142
Quoted by: >>28967189

I'm super autistic

>> No.28967143
File: 169 KB, 375x464, 1577619268216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967253

>I can't wait for the day the permissions arc finally ends and the girls are free to play whatever the fuck they want.
Oh wait, were you serious? I'm sorry anon, that's not going to happen

>> No.28967144 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 205x281, 1604925389897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[REDACTED] is a cultural historian of 12th-16th century Japan. Her interest lies in the social, cultural, and intellectual development of medieval Japan, and the use of visual sources in the study of history. She is currently working on medieval Japanese perceptions of natural disasters, and how these views were framed to serve various social and political circumstances in the late twelfth century. Her recent publications include The Seven Tengu Scrolls: Evil and the Rhetoric of Legitimacy in Medieval Japanese Buddhism (2012, University of Hawai’i Press) and “Disaster in the Making: Taira no Kiyomori’s Move of the Capital to Fukuhara” (2015, Monumenta Nipponica, Vol. 70, No. 1). She has taught Japanese history, religion, and art history at Princeton University, the University of Alabama, and at Sophia University, International Christian University, Meiji Gakuin University, and the University of Tokyo in Japan.

wtf I can't believe my clownwife is this based!

>> No.28967145

I love Gura's tight child pussy getting obliterated by gigacocks, plus stomach bulge and cervix penetration!

>> No.28967149
Quoted by: >>28967203

Damn, is that just bad luck with brain chemistry? I use weed to treat my migraines and anxiety, and I've never had any notable side effects other than getting sleepy and finding things funnier than usual.

>> No.28967150

I recall Kiara once mentioned a rapper in Austria then the board looked him up and he was....not that great.

>> No.28967151

12K unique members commented on her videos last month.

>> No.28967152
Quoted by: >>28967187

cunny posting is getting weirder everyday

>> No.28967156
Quoted by: >>28967193

MY favourite is WATSON

>> No.28967160

>samurais aren’t real
Ninja hands typed this post.

>> No.28967161

Haachama's twitching twintails are hilarious.

>> No.28967163

that would be essentially doxing Ririsya so no

>> No.28967168

On which stream did Ame explain her head hole again?

>> No.28967169

That thumbnail looked like Botan. I'm disappointed, anon.

>> No.28967174


>> No.28967178
Quoted by: >>28967270

I would appreciate it only because it was a brave thing to do. If it became more accepted it wouldn't be as brave and I wouldn't be as impressed

>> No.28967179

both negativity and positivity towards Mori create the indisputably best OC in those threads

>> No.28967181

It's just the opposing force of light. As the sun sets, the shadows grow. It's not really supposed to be evil but the attempts by the Lord of Sunlight to seal it away have caused the darkness to go out of control and turn men into mutated creatures.

>> No.28967183
Quoted by: >>28967232

Yo thanks for the akasuba big ups from ya boy who is not good at the video games. guh

>> No.28967187
File: 288 KB, 463x453, NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not NSFW if it's gills

>> No.28967189

Also I'm running an image archive of /hlgg/. So far I'm only through about 350 of 1150 threads tough

>> No.28967191 [DELETED] 

As a historian myself this gives me a huge erection

>> No.28967193
Quoted by: >>28967299

Calling Amelia Watson is like calling Mori Calliope

>> No.28967196

If you breeded Gura at every chance possible, what would be the max number of kids she could deliver in her lifetime?

>> No.28967197
File: 273 KB, 492x430, 1604991415893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967242


>> No.28967203
Quoted by: >>28967245

Might be, she also doesn't handle sweets well.

>> No.28967204 [SPOILER] 
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, 1605003638333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is an EN member going to play 2017's GOTY?

>> No.28967207
Quoted by: >>28967273

Yeah... you're probably right. I forgot that the holos are way more mature than twitter retards. Lost my cool there and sorry if I kinda generalized all chumbuddies.

>> No.28967209

very cute

>> No.28967210
Quoted by: >>28967252

Said in one of her September member streams that she doesn't fuck with coffee/caffeine anymore because it leaves her too wired to sleep at all and she winds up crashing hard after.

>> No.28967213

Depends how many eat each other in her womb

>> No.28967215
File: 184 KB, 789x954, 1604683013326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967328

>saves your collab

>> No.28967218
Quoted by: >>28967241

>the other holos are targeting Gura
Amelia was and it was hilarious.

>> No.28967219 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28967267

meds anonchama - take them and then neck yourself

>> No.28967221

she's already lived to more than nine thousand years, so I imagine essentially limitless

>> No.28967225
File: 2.84 MB, 2150x2600, calliop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheers, anons, watching archive now

>> No.28967224

its the same as primordial darkness or chaos or "the mist" from some mythologies

>> No.28967227

Here's a preview of Amelia's attempt.


>> No.28967229

like the most recent solo one? it's not a real hole just scar tissue with fucked nerve endings

>> No.28967230

Still can't get over how fun the collab was. The Gura suffering kino was amazing.

>> No.28967231

>I can't wait for the day the permissions arc finally ends and the girls are free to play whatever the fuck they want.
A man can dream... hopefully there'll come a day when they understand 1 stream view != 1 lost sale.

>> No.28967232

you're not my boy, you know nothing of being Cringe

>> No.28967239
File: 11 KB, 590x656, 1604784398032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can cunny posters get a separate thread already

>> No.28967240
Quoted by: >>28967263

Depending on the type of shark she is, up to 100

>> No.28967241

It was hilarious. It's just that some faggots are equating it to bullying.

>> No.28967243
File: 87 KB, 850x684, 1603596012508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>festival minecrafting with nene
is she trying to get some EN doxx from the CEO

>> No.28967242
File: 430 KB, 1051x1096, 1585506219971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967245

>can't handle sweets or caffeine
Coffee makes me break out in a cold sweat and become acutely aware of my own heartbeat and I don't like sweets much either, I always wondered if there's other people like this.

>> No.28967246

Dumb newfag. Everyone said the same thing at their debut and now no one cares aside from some incels who got bitch slapped by reality.

>> No.28967249 [DELETED] 

>An expert in Japanese Society
Sasuga Pagliaccia

>> No.28967252

well that's good she kicked the habit, blame K-san for getting her on those things

>> No.28967253
File: 157 KB, 1400x912, 1591131871155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Just enjoy the content your oshi is able to stream, you are going to be pretty frustrated if you are hoping for the holos playing the Silent Hill series or obscure PSX games
That era is over and won't ever come back
If you value the gaming content that much then you are looking in the wrong place

>> No.28967257
Quoted by: >>28967298

I want Ame to play this. I think she'd actually go on a rage-fueled rampage

>> No.28967262

Matuli is getting our SUPERNENECHI....

>> No.28967263
Quoted by: >>28967305

Sit on my face

>> No.28967265

She's basically immortal so I'd assue the maximum is infinite. The real question is how much can you pavlov her dumb shark brain into craving pregnancy and being unable to orgasm without a full womb?

>> No.28967267 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28967358

>be on SEA
>be a deadbeat
I'd rather throw SC than buy meds.

>> No.28967270

well yeah, but in specific example where there are girls in hololive who are insane artists, haachama doing this is so fucking amazing to me

>> No.28967273

>anon apologizing
did you take your meds?
everyone knows twitter is the most toxic place in the internet

>> No.28967277

Menhera will never fly to USA to fuck the roommates.

>> No.28967280
File: 295 KB, 726x199, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice TL

>> No.28967283


>> No.28967285
File: 93 KB, 400x400, festivaru da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no... Gura... run!

>> No.28967290

10% is way too high of an estimate. 2% should be about right.

>> No.28967298

I don't think anything can surpass Noel vs. Pekora. That was the peak of Getting Over It.

>> No.28967299
File: 104 KB, 177x279, 1604962477336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WATSON is the ego
Amelia is the superego
Waachama is the ID

>> No.28967302

I just realized Moona singing "Fire Bird"....

>> No.28967305

Only if you say please

>> No.28967307

I drink like two cups of coffee and I feel nothing. That’s probably probably from abusing “stronger substances” before though

>> No.28967309

Its usually a 'problem' with the stomach if it can't break down the food properly so the proteins and sugars enter the bloodstream in a too large concentration. Actually quite a lot of people have that, but they never notice because they blame it on other stuff. You can also get it with age, I haven't been able to drink more than a few glasses of coke since a few years back.

>> No.28967311
File: 421 KB, 1051x1096, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967314

>doing my Botan VOD reps
>she hums RIP
jesas its everywhere

>> No.28967319
File: 490 KB, 496x453, 1603987153157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967320
Quoted by: >>28967437


>> No.28967326
Quoted by: >>28967427


>> No.28967328

Meanwhile in the most chad timeline...
>indo holos ruin collab prior to stream with yabe tweets
>chong antis quickly get swapped in as hail mary
>artia and civia unironically have great neutral chemistry with the rest because they hate both burgers and nips equally
>rrat and ogey get left in the dumpster

>> No.28967337
File: 415 KB, 1051x1096, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967385


>> No.28967338
File: 420 KB, 860x956, c0437b7e1a64ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

video and timestamp please

>> No.28967339

10% is too much, but its easily 1 -2% which is already a huge chunk.

>> No.28967340
Quoted by: >>28967427

post it I dont really watch botan

>> No.28967348

theres a full set

>> No.28967351
Quoted by: >>28967377

Wait, what? I remember her saying she'd never done it despite her friends having.

>> No.28967358 [DELETED] 

I'd rather throw shitposts
t. baboy

>> No.28967360
Quoted by: >>28967403

Not great because she sings in her character voice. She also seems to treat it more like karaoke than a performance, adding in comments even if it means missing a beat.

So it depends what you're going for, if you want to hear Kiara sing karaoke, that's what you're going to get.
If you're expecting a semi-professional voice actress to sing a performance to the best of her ability, you're going to be disappointed.

>> No.28967366
Quoted by: >>28967399

God I hate the way Matsuri looks now.

>> No.28967376
Quoted by: >>28967432

Even Ina had over 10k likes on her postponing the last stream. I can't imagine Gura doesn't have at least a few thousand more.

>> No.28967377
Quoted by: >>28967420

She never inhaled

>> No.28967379
Quoted by: >>28967401

there was this screenshot from Towa stream where her among us lobby was stuffed with /hlg/, why did everyone write just towa... in pre-game chat, why not also tower..., twap... etc?

>> No.28967385

Pedomee successfully unbirthed Gura back in her womb!

>> No.28967388
File: 183 KB, 1099x1384, IMG_20201110_112731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967470

I want a homely and casual Gura alt outfit

>> No.28967399

she has twintails so it's easier to angle her mouth for pissing in

>> No.28967401

They started with towa then moved on so she got the joke which led to her tweeting about how to spell her name

>> No.28967402
File: 211 KB, 1019x483, 1604697407636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967403
Quoted by: >>28967435

I don't mind if she uses her k***k voice if results to a better song.

>> No.28967405
File: 1.78 MB, 2652x3548, EmcunbbUcAAcuj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28967406
File: 228 KB, 526x526, 20201106_024313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967468

I'm sorry guys, polka makes me so horny.
I want to breed her and make her my wife and have a wholesome life with her

>> No.28967408


>> No.28967411
File: 50 KB, 1019x483, file_2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to redeem this coupon, please.

>> No.28967413


>> No.28967414
File: 528 KB, 595x584, ;D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967420

Mori certainly did if she was stoned enough to set her hair on fire

>> No.28967424
File: 707 KB, 1043x496, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn this guy sings well. Is being able to sing well a requirement for Homostars?

>> No.28967426


>> No.28967427
Quoted by: >>28967464


>> No.28967432
Quoted by: >>28967465

ina's announcement was public anonchama...

>> No.28967433 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 767x811, Kiara subs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967472

That seems too low, but I'm not a member so I can't estimate it better. Whats the highest count on her posts?

>> No.28967435

Then you're going to be disappointed.

>> No.28967437

You should know better than to trust any narrative without links after that RBC narrative which duped everyone in /hlgg/ prior to the among us collab.

>> No.28967440
File: 2.16 MB, 878x1239, 1594569657809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ao-chan is Ina's boyfriend and they fuck after she ends the streams

>> No.28967441

No but i'm sure it buffs your chances of getting in

>> No.28967445
File: 2.97 MB, 1252x2780, dfjaerjaer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus this dude really did just fucking drop everything for cunny shark

>> No.28967453
Quoted by: >>28967486

Amelia is so afraid about talking to her audience that she organizes as many collabs as possible so she can ignore the chat and just talk to her collab partner instead.

>> No.28967454
Quoted by: >>28967512

Amelia Watson is going to make more NTR jokes at the end of Mario Odyssey

>> No.28967455
File: 529 KB, 842x509, blog-header-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you guys ever shitpost just to "get it out of your system" then proceed to post normally for the rest of the thread? Shitposting actually drove me to do my reps more than my love for my oshi. I know I'm not the only one.

You can confess. I won't judge you.

>> No.28967456
File: 297 KB, 1276x1283, IMG_20201106_082645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holostarEN will be a 5man group of anons

>> No.28967462

Are you guys really on the weed narrative?
>Was it YOU clockin work hours, down on your knees, blowing trees after crying in the Applebee's freezer?

>> No.28967464
File: 547 KB, 1287x2000, eac7a48983140b55271141fa3b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came looking for copper and found gold

>> No.28967465

That makes more sense. I didn't realise thats how they work because I never pay attention to the non-member ones.

>> No.28967466
File: 133 KB, 1915x1079, AF1D3881-84C7-4BAC-8CA7-2E291D99BA7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yakuza 7 looks cool but not justified paying 60 bucks for right now, sorry oishi

>> No.28967467
File: 514 KB, 1079x1845, Fuck lofi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lofi is the only one he didn't reply.


>> No.28967468

I have coulrophobia but want to fuck polka so much
Explain this phenomenon

>> No.28967470

Very delicious armpits. Wish for Gura edit.

>> No.28967472

Kiara has like 2-3k members

>> No.28967473

I am Polka

>> No.28967474
Quoted by: >>28967531

Honestly, I doubt morons would blame her for lack of translation if Gura would have reacted more chill.

>> No.28967476


>> No.28967479

What exactly does Mori's pussy taste like?

>> No.28967481

>He knows

>> No.28967482
File: 1.22 MB, 1157x1637, 1604631893915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>astel is a chumbud

>> No.28967486


>> No.28967487

yes, anyone who gets salty about gura mentioning him multiple times need to get on his level

>> No.28967489
Quoted by: >>28967569

is this interaction the source of the astel collab or is there other actual proof. I want to see them collab a lot but i dont know how invested into the narrative i should get.

>> No.28967494


>> No.28967495


>> No.28967502

So far every EN has a JP friend except Gura

>> No.28967504
Quoted by: >>28967526

Chumfucks need to stop being such fragile little snowflakes. Iofi is great.

>> No.28967505
File: 276 KB, 782x718, 1591192923350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 minutes, Risuners!

>> No.28967507
File: 85 KB, 940x500, EmWPAp6WMAEREqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I was hoping the pc port of the rest of the games would be out

>> No.28967510
File: 317 KB, 375x426, 1598122684741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fucking knows

>> No.28967512
File: 1.39 MB, 1169x1654, 1604977448039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967515
Quoted by: >>28967555


>> No.28967516

They eventually have to cover a song at some point so it believe it helps if you can actually sing

>> No.28967520

Kiara is trying to figure out how to give her chat a human body

>> No.28967524
File: 563 KB, 675x905, IMG_20201110_172502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28967525

How new?

>> No.28967526
Quoted by: >>28968077

Imagine calling others snowflakes while defending an attention whoring snowflake

>> No.28967527

Reminder that Astel said he was a fan of Amelia and watched all her streams. Which means he's seen the date stream, and he's seen the food ASMR stream. This man would drop copious amounts of spaghetti if they ever collabed.

>> No.28967528


>> No.28967530
File: 158 KB, 329x316, 1600909002118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967565

I would love to see some Among Us banter or topics for the Clubhouse 51 collab with GurAme

>> No.28967531

Its a game for getting angry, I don't think Gura needed to react more chill because getting super salty is part of the fun. I'm pretty sure she can distinguish that from being really angry at someone. Gura is not at fault for her "fans" being cancerous spergs.

>> No.28967533


>> No.28967534
File: 1.38 MB, 1169x1654, 1604978394376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968627


>> No.28967536
File: 113 KB, 658x742, FAQU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this cunt

>> No.28967538

>be underrated holo
>have golden opportunity to get in same daishogun's good graces as a benevolent cultural go-between
>piss it away because you care more about clique shenanigans in a party game than your brand
>get universally shit on by the entire internet
I hope she learned a valuable lesson about the pecking order.

>> No.28967540

If I were gura I'd superchat him.

>> No.28967544

Kiara is purposely fucking up the recording so that she is forced to live stream from mori's home

>> No.28967545

Going on a date with Gura!

>> No.28967548
Quoted by: >>28967592

Astel looks like Lancer from Fate.

>> No.28967551

All the homos sing with their souls, shame they weren't born a woman.

>> No.28967552
File: 450 KB, 535x477, kjv1awv5kjq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is matuli's mic so dogshit

>> No.28967553

Gura fans are actually scaring me, you fags are not good in the head.

>> No.28967555
Quoted by: >>28967575

When was the last time they talked about her

>> No.28967557

fucking SHIT

>> No.28967560

I like you too, 35P

>> No.28967561
Quoted by: >>28967608


>> No.28967562
Quoted by: >>28967600

Polka has a secret membership level only available to the most schizo anons.

>> No.28967564

Moona should take the opportunity to bash Gura in her free talk a few hours from now. Iofi did nothing wrong and she needs to put Gura and her fans in the proper place.

>> No.28967565


>> No.28967566


>> No.28967568

Mori's heterosexual but biromantic (or some tumblr shit I just made up). It's how she's able to be so loving with Kiara while also going no homo when it comes to sex

>> No.28967569

This is the only main evidence. After this Astel tweeted out "OMG" and a but after that Amelia tweeted out "うれし" but its unknown if that's connected.

>> No.28967571

>get universally shit on by the entire internet
A handful of autists are not "the entire internet". Literally only chmbuds got mad and even among them its only a tiny minority of literal 15-year olds.

>> No.28967573
File: 67 KB, 1024x634, EmdGKotVMAUviNR-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28967575

>you have to talk about someone in public constantly to be their friend

>> No.28967574
Quoted by: >>28967724

Maybe she isn't quite as experienced at being a streamer, the usual procedure when you get tilted is to give your fans some kind of emotional resolution to the tilt so they don't try to resolve it themselves. Gura didn't do that, she let the bad vibes hang in the air and ended stream.

>> No.28967577

Also improves bit by bit

>> No.28967585

It's the new fans, anon. Veteran hololive fans turned chumbuds are tolerable at least.

>> No.28967586
File: 108 KB, 505x438, 1600880756356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967652

NEW LINK to Risu cover video

>> No.28967587
Quoted by: >>28967643

What do you mean?

>> No.28967588

based chumchad

>> No.28967590
Quoted by: >>28967630

Seems pretty schizo.

>> No.28967592

He looks more like Shinji

>> No.28967594

About japanese, Ame is probably the least knowledgeable of the whole Hololive, yet she has collaborated with the JPs pretty nicely.

On the other hand, I can't see Gura doing a collab with anyone who don't speak english.

>> No.28967593

or you know, Gura could have just laughed it off and not activated the white knights

>> No.28967596
File: 75 KB, 1024x626, EmdGKovU4AA0woU-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967597
Quoted by: >>28967615

>Mori's heterosexual but biromantic
She is hetero but lonely enough she stopped caring.

>> No.28967599
Quoted by: >>28967615

Let me add to this. Mori imagines Kiara as a preteen boy so she can interact with her so lovingly and confidently.

>> No.28967600
File: 210 KB, 1500x1500, IMG_20201102_121115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have about 30 dollars to spare, where do i put it

>> No.28967601

Damn, I was hoping it was a bit more grounded. Oh well, I'll just go back to wishing.
HoloEN guest on Bar Robel would be great too.

>> No.28967605
File: 492 KB, 1231x1181, 1595655382649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967614

Should gurame shittalk like pekomiko or teetee like noelflare? There's no clear direction yet.

>> No.28967606
File: 136 KB, 496x235, 1499204613374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, tree rat, but I'm a Nutter.

>> No.28967607

Did the the 3d sculpt tip you off or something?

>> No.28967608
File: 1.53 MB, 3464x3460, 1604755616034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967609

Brilliant idea! You dumb fuck...

>> No.28967610
File: 199 KB, 427x381, 1604816260394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At one point I consumed nothing but granola bars and kombucha and coffee for a week straight just to see what would happen. I started shitting blood and got muscle cramps. And this is the next phase in my plan, to form an emotional co-dependancy on being mentally unstable for the entertainment of other so that I can become the ultimate narrative.

>> No.28967611
Quoted by: >>28967645

Moona's a good girl who respects the pecking order. She's not very bright and sometimes troubles her senpai, but she still understands how to properly dogeza.

>> No.28967613
File: 3.88 MB, 4096x2304, 1604618301513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You long for the sweat sweat release of death by having Polka sit on your face.

>> No.28967614


>> No.28967615

Mori is worksexual and that's why she is such a workaholic

>> No.28967616

we only post cunny here

>> No.28967620

Is Pikamee the Reddit alien

>> No.28967623
File: 1.10 MB, 1218x672, 1604401649916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967648

>no Mori for 48 hours
>Nonstop Nut November
I'm going to do fucking die

>> No.28967624
Quoted by: >>28967668

Isn't Astel gay?

>> No.28967625

This is the opposite of most girls, who are bisexual but only ever date men.

>> No.28967626
File: 189 KB, 463x453, 1603597521291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY MOONA!!! moona chan fire today?

>> No.28967630

It is. But i'm still glad that Ame is willing to openly tweet out to holostars. They need more love.

>> No.28967635

I though that's a headbut, and it would still fit the switch Ame.

>> No.28967636
Quoted by: >>28967665

can someone link me the site that tracks live youtube streams and superchats? i forgot the address...

>> No.28967637
Quoted by: >>28967659

Activating her almonds was all part of the plan. One does not simply ruin same daishogun's entire stream without bringing great shame upon themselves.

>> No.28967641

Fear boner

>> No.28967643

Chink antis are looking for any blood in the water. She responded to some random chink in the
yt comments being mean to her.

>> No.28967645

Shes also the girl who doesnt take shit from anyone and was somehow chosen out of all of hololive to beta test the pin comment feature first

>> No.28967646
Quoted by: >>28967664

>ntrfags encourage their ntr fetish on their oshi and make them lose money
Damn ntrfags are kinda selfish huh..

>> No.28967647
Quoted by: >>28967658

why does she have a pacifier

>> No.28967648
Quoted by: >>28967656

SC reading later today.

>> No.28967652


>> No.28967654

Gura had been talking to some JPs earlier but it seems nothing has come of it yet. Probably due to the language barrier chiefly, but there are a couple thinga she can do that don't require a high pressure language barrier like Minecraft, which worked super well for Moona even though Peko is about average (if not maybe even below average) for English.

Basically Shion and Gura should mess around in MC some time IMO whenever Shion is back from her break. Shion likes pranks, and I would assume Gura would certainly want to be in on pranks given she tried building a Looney Tunes death tower a couple weeks ago - whether they do it on EN or JP servers is up to them.

I mean if I were Gura I would go fucking all out on JP, because I don't have a house for them to get back at me on there - add a giant dick to the Pekodam. Accidentally remove a rail somewhere on the Haachama death coaster. Plug up the top of the water transport on the tower at Aqua's house with a bunch of obsidian so people get stuck and drown, etc. Sure it might be seen as rude as fuck but that is exactly what it is up to us Americans to live by in reputation to the nips. Also would prompt more JP interaction on the EN server looking to get back with some savage pranks of their own etc. It's be the fucking kino king.

>> No.28967655



>> No.28967656
Quoted by: >>28967684

She needs to post about it or somethin

>> No.28967658

>Galaxy Baby

>> No.28967659
Quoted by: >>28967731

>Activating her almonds was all part of the plan
So again, the blame of this whole mess falls on Gura's side.

>> No.28967661

Shes got Discord connections its just there is a pretty brutal language barrier

>> No.28967664

Ame and Amefags don't really do money. That's more of a deadbeat thing

>> No.28967665
Quoted by: >>28967689


>> No.28967667

Just woke up, has Gura said anything about yesterday's incident? Is she breaking all ties with Ame?

>> No.28967668

All of the Holostars are Yagoo's handpicked fucksleeves.

>> No.28967671
Quoted by: >>28967765

she could've just not tweet anything. but since she's a massive bitch... oh well

>> No.28967674 [DELETED] 

Pekora is a Karen?

>> No.28967682

I still love my little sister Iofi

>> No.28967683
Quoted by: >>28967778

What even was the incident? From what I understand Iofi couldn't keep up with translating, and Gura's fans got angry at her for it, is that right?

>> No.28967684

She said it on stream. They moved on to recording a song with Chikin right after that.

>> No.28967687

>not a new ip
>just woke up
stop posting shithead

>> No.28967688

Anyone got the picture from the among us stream that shows everyone's deaths and kills?

>> No.28967689

yes that's the one. thank you anon

>> No.28967690

She's got a collab with Ame so no

>> No.28967692

they're playing cards tomorrow

>> No.28967693
Quoted by: >>28967861

Gura should build a carpet bomber contraption that levels a huge swath of jp's town. Her cause is just.

>> No.28967696


>> No.28967702
Quoted by: >>28967809

>Ame congratulated Astel because wants to be a respectful kouhai
>Astel responded with a stock Japanese greeting phrase translated to English, "I look forward to working with you!"
>Ame misunderstood this as a tentative invitation to collab, and DMed him asking/offering a collab
>Astel responds in the DMs with "O M G" and accepts, then still dazed he tweets "O M G"
>Ame sees how smitten Astel already is and tweets she's glad with a blushing emoji, because she can see she already has power over him

>> No.28967705


>> No.28967708

How does Mori attract this level of butthurt from people?

>> No.28967713


>> No.28967716
Quoted by: >>28967752


>> No.28967719

Pranks are good kino and fun. But they really need to overcome the language barrier for that to happen though .

>> No.28967724

gura was playing it up during most of the stream but I'm pretty sure she got actually tilted by the end, sadly she'll have to learn the hard way you have to always be aware of how your army of whiteknights might react

>> No.28967725

Its just a few SEAniggers and a Chilean. Don't let the loud minority confuse you

>> No.28967726

I think it originally came up in a really early q&a? Although she had a couple early streams that turned into surprise zatsus where it might have been brought up too..

>> No.28967728

why everyone covers this shitty song I fucking hate it now reee

>> No.28967729

your boy is currently too busy "singing" into the chicken's muff, please try again next thread

>> No.28967731
Quoted by: >>28967817

>this whole mess
It's a handful of schizos being schizos, and people like you trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.28967732

Don't worry bird, we all know you'll spill the beans during the SC readings.

>> No.28967733


>> No.28967734
File: 12 KB, 533x139, secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just woke up, what it is it?

>> No.28967736

The God of Documentation

>> No.28967743
File: 1.63 MB, 1414x1000, 1603691792014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By being a member of hololive that openly disrespects the culture and doesn't care about her job?

>> No.28967742

>Kiara now knows about the tiny mole that is next to Mori's butthole

>> No.28967745
Quoted by: >>28968289


>> No.28967746

>more secrets
So they at least kissed

>> No.28967749

Whoops looks like calli wasn't supposed to say that

>> No.28967752

there is nothing more I want from Mori than a heartbeat ASMR, but she finds it weird. It fucking sucks

>> No.28967756
Quoted by: >>28967797

Probably because some people have reasonably realistic expectations. They come looking for boing boing rushia and instead find jamal in a pink wig. It's jarring.

>> No.28967760

Mori leaked about the TakaMori duet

>> No.28967763
Quoted by: >>28968289


>> No.28967765
File: 153 KB, 1080x925, Emc3A3YUYAA57Wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she could've just not tweet anything
Well, she was baited.

>> No.28967766

They're recording a song

>> No.28967767

Kiara came in at the tail end of the Reaper Yakuza stream like they suggested might happen, Mori let slip they were recording a song.

>> No.28967775

He said Mori not Gura.

>> No.28967777
Quoted by: >>28967802

How does Ame have so much powerful energy even though she's been a part of Hololive for only 2 months?

>> No.28967778
Quoted by: >>28967844

Which is particularly weird as an accusation, because Mori WAS translating for Gura most of the time but obviously no one could do it as fast as she was talking in the crucial moments. And besides two times her arguments were not super convincing.

>> No.28967782

I mean hey, its working. Nobody can argue against success

>> No.28967786

unlike the person that sleeps over collabs and dislikes singing anime songs?

>> No.28967787

why would you even get triggered by being killed in amongus, it seems like you can still keep playing normally even after you "die",

>> No.28967788
Quoted by: >>28967814

I just started watching Calli's Yakuza VOD and I didn't know they actually dubbed the game.

>> No.28967796

Chicken went to Mori's place to record a song. Who knows what the other thing is. This blueballing is getting ridiculous. Mori's announcement of an announcement of a collab, now this.

>> No.28967797

kek, based. Redditors were the ones that were the most expectant of that.

>> No.28967798

her job is being the real musician in hololive
Cover is so shit at making original songs they hired Mori to get them in contact with more musicians and shit
Same reason they hired Ina but with art instead
Same reason they hired Kiara but with idol industry instead
Wake up sheeple

>> No.28967800
File: 1.15 MB, 1061x707, 1604025223175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check her twitter
>people replying with hololive profile pictures
do they have any self awareness at all?

>> No.28967801


/o/ \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o\

>> No.28967802
Quoted by: >>28967864

she has nothing else going in her life

>> No.28967807

Kiara and Mori are making the Minecraft rap video

>> No.28967808

sex in the missionary position with the purpose of procreation

>> No.28967809

I wish that was true but it's a bit too schizo for me.

>> No.28967811
Quoted by: >>28967852

given how both mori and kiara hate asmr how can they be forced to do asmr together

>> No.28967813
File: 388 KB, 2048x1451, SLEEPYREAPY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28967894

I can't believe Kiara fucked ya boy live on stream.

>> No.28967814

this is really the first one dub it like this.

honestly its really bad. fuck sega for making her stream it in en

>> No.28967817

She moment Iofi tweeted, it transformed into a mountain. Not my fault.

>> No.28967818
Quoted by: >>28967865

Honestly Gura got more tilted by never being Imposter and her arguments not getting through in the discussion rounds.

>> No.28967820

the shark has significant levels of social autism

>> No.28967827

So that's why they invited me!

>> No.28967828

big streamer means big ego, wants to make the big plays which you only get to do as imposter

>> No.28967826

Kiara, what secrets do you hold in tat fat ass of yours?

>> No.28967832

Why are Moona and Iofi sexting over twitter

>> No.28967835

Why did they apply Ame though

>> No.28967836
Quoted by: >>28967869

but that applies to ina as much mori

>> No.28967838
Quoted by: >>28968665

being part of the discussion is the most fun you can have in this game and being dead precludes you from that

>> No.28967839

>Avatar fags
>has shit opinions too

really makes me ponder.

>> No.28967840

How about you watch the stream you stupid fucking SEAnigger

>> No.28967841
Quoted by: >>28967907

so you admit it's Iofi's fault?

>> No.28967842

Mori you goof

>> No.28967844

Same daishogun was calling out sus and spitting straight faqs. It was the translators who dropped the ball and threw those games, making the language barrier go from lolsoquirky to frustrating to watch. Even if you say it's about the banter not the game, that's obviously impossible with the language barrier. So it was about the game, and watching the game shucked because the cultural mediators failed to properly balance playing with japwrangling.

>> No.28967846

>if cancer was a person, it would be me.

>> No.28967848

>it seems like you can still keep playing normally even after you "die",

1. You don't get involved in discussions
2. Once you do your tasks you literally have absolutely nothing to do.

>> No.28967849


>> No.28967852

I'd say a punishment game is in order. Gurame vs TakaMori, the losing team needs to do an ASMR collab. Just need to decide on what game and recommend the idea to em

>> No.28967854

What id she even say? I'm too old for twitter.

>> No.28967858

the point of among us isnt to do tasks, the tasks exist as a means to create situations for people to get killed, create alibis and also fill time while imposters kill. It feels like complete shit to die early in among us, especially when you have retards who don't know how to play the game dragging out rounds while you just watch. Gura can rightfully feel pretty mad about those games but so many people are fucking shitting up these threads about such a non-issue when the kanata stuff from the previous jp collab was so much worse

>> No.28967859

the crewmate tasks are the least interesting part of the game
being dead means you don't get to take part in the social deduction aspect

>> No.28967860

Mori you fucking dork

>> No.28967861

Yes, Gura should specifically go mess with Suisei and Risu's houses. I don't recall if Suisei even has a complete house actually, just the Tetris monument .. but Risu definitely has a house.

>> No.28967862

Every gen needs one person to be the IT of the group nowadays. Just like how Botan is the tech specialist for Gen5

>> No.28967864
Quoted by: >>28967889

what's the point of this post? are you projecting or something

>> No.28967865

Then that's her fault for not learning Japanese before doing collabs with JPs.

>> No.28967866
Quoted by: >>28968092

being the broken girl? (yagoo loves these)
I dont care about ame to know why her
Shark is obvious tho

>> No.28967869

except that ina actually likes video games, anime, and takes part in holo culture

>> No.28967870
File: 59 KB, 963x149, 1605005756876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967872

>Gura playing Phasmophobia by herself
Narrratives? Does she really hate Ame now?

>> No.28967873

shark getting bullied was hilarious, learn to have fun

>> No.28967874
Quoted by: >>28967903

Ina Ina Inaaa....

>> No.28967877
File: 402 KB, 1140x1356, Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 21.56.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn they really goin at it

>> No.28967878

What happened to PPT?

>> No.28967879
File: 310 KB, 448x448, 20201105_194944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not polka.

Same VA as Kisara from Eroge Hentai.


>> No.28967880
File: 178 KB, 889x462, amongus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>100% death rate
>people ignore your argument because you cant speak japanese
>bilinguals didnt bother to translate
I wonder why

>> No.28967884
Quoted by: >>28967915

What did Moona mean by this?

>> No.28967886
File: 21 KB, 560x86, EmXM7n3VkAAKCGU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the Friday video?

>> No.28967888

Moona inclining

>> No.28967889

imagine getting this mad at facts

>> No.28967890
Quoted by: >>28968513

I was going to say maybe Mori is doing voicework for the German folk lore videos like she did for Kiara's opening but then I remembered, well, German.

>> No.28967891
File: 175 KB, 380x380, 1479821627105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposter avatarfags to make it easier for people to ignore him
>they still give him (you)s
Why is /hlgg/ like this?
I never want to hear complaints about the girls not noticing some obvious shit in a videogame from you lot.

>> No.28967892
Quoted by: >>28967952

Because she's loved by everyone. Despite all the talk about her not "fitting", JPs can't get enough of her. Mori and Kiara have the most antis. They also happen to be the ones that other holos have interacted the most with, and also the ones getting the most supachas. Do you think it's a coincidence? No, the antis are envious and intimidated because their own girls are not as eye-catching and outgoing as the ENs living in Japan.

>> No.28967894

>Mori and Kiara have a sleep over
>only one bed
>Mori has no problem sleeping with Kiara as long as she doesn't do anything funny
>ends up hugging Kiara in her sleep harder than she does her dakimakura
>Mori acts like nothing happened when she wakes up and showers with the door open

>> No.28967895

moona is mooning. so happy for her.

>> No.28967896
Quoted by: >>28967973

This should be obvious

>> No.28967897
Quoted by: >>28967913

The song, obviously.

>> No.28967899

>TakaMori wins
>GurAme has to do heartbeat asmr

>> No.28967902

They like exhibitionism

>> No.28967903


>> No.28967904

hoping for german fairy tales

>> No.28967907

For being an attention whore and publicly beg for pity? Yeah.
But that doesn't free Gura from being a salty brat over a mere game, and triggering her cancerous white knights.

>> No.28967909

how bout based narrative instead:
Given how phat Kiara roommate is no wonder she destroyed Subaru trash can

>> No.28967908

No, just Risu but everyone who isn't a filthy SEAnigger already hates her

>> No.28967910

no one actually cares about Among Us drama besides chumfucks

>> No.28967912

>play against SEAmonkeys and Nipfags
>speak English really fast for a minute straight
>bilinguals didnt bother to translate
I wonder why

>> No.28967913
Quoted by: >>28967933

No way songs ready then, that'll be the end of the month cover

>> No.28967914

Where is the checkmark?

>> No.28967915


>> No.28967916

Iofi already doxxed. But where's moona?

>> No.28967917
Quoted by: >>28967943

Mori, please do a collab with Polka. Shes honesty fucking great

>> No.28967920

Mori actually refers to them as sempais unlike Gura giving them no honorific.

>> No.28967921
Quoted by: >>28967978

When are Ame and Gura going to do this

>> No.28967924
Quoted by: >>28967944

How does the alien have sex with the moon?

>> No.28967925
Quoted by: >>28967969

You can literally go outside and look at the Moon anon.

>> No.28967926
Quoted by: >>28968010

It's her job to entertain viewers and get along with her coworkers.
Sure it's easier if she's having fun, but if she joins a game where it's RNG to get roles, with a focus on collboration, and she can't speak a language that over half the participants speak, and she gets legitimately mad about that and can't hide it from the viewers, then she's not doing her job properly.

>> No.28967928

Nene and Mori also didn't get imposter at all, but guess who whined to her audience constantly about it

>> No.28967933
Quoted by: >>28967968

Monthly song is a separate thing.

>> No.28967935

Ignire all posts like this one

>> No.28967938

Kiara suffers from depression.

>> No.28967940
File: 357 KB, 1080x855, 1603334494076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting close to this pic, there

>> No.28967943
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>> No.28967944

Like this

>> No.28967945
File: 245 KB, 1430x2160, 1580525025442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man when a falseflagger avatarfag appears and get a lot of (You)s for obvious bait
I feel guilty as another avatarfag

>> No.28967946
Quoted by: >>28967961

if language barrier was a real issue everyone would be salty when they died
the only salty one was gura
being salty is ok but stop blaming others for her issues
gura was:
>walking alone all the time
>talking complicated english
>discussing with only ame in voting time
>she was impostor multiple times last collab and the other girls knew that
If she calmed down she would have had fun like everyone else.

>> No.28967950
Quoted by: >>28967979

So, I finally got to watch the Among Us Collab..
What is Risu's problem? She blamed Gura every first meeting if she wasn't the one dead. The whole collab Gura had Calli luck if I'm honest but still.

>> No.28967951

>by herself
It's gonna be a drop-in/drop-out collab like last time.
Friend and Daisenpai will show up.

>> No.28967952

>loved by everyone
>has antis

>> No.28967954

that looks pretty hot, biker Polka when?

>> No.28967957

so the VA resang this? https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15655838
im confused now

>> No.28967959
Quoted by: >>28968004

>No knowing that Polka did a Cover version of it.....
Polka's version is not the one from the original game.

>> No.28967961
Quoted by: >>28967990

Why does your post sound like a google-translated sentence

>> No.28967966
File: 211 KB, 400x400, EklfBsLU0AAAcvT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28967968
Quoted by: >>28967998

Theres no need to pull things out of your ass anon

>> No.28967969
Quoted by: >>28968020

The next full moon is known as Beaver Moon so that's pretty hot

>> No.28967970

I uh... I like it.

>> No.28967971

Antis are nobodies.

>> No.28967972

>Amelia witcher
>Ina Half Life
>Gura among us
yeah, holos should just stop playing games

>> No.28967973

its obvious but these threads are literally full of retards and they dont get it

>> No.28967975

How the fuck were they supposed to translate Gura's speed rambling along with other stuff? She could have at least used simple words and sentences like Ame.

>> No.28967978
Quoted by: >>28967999

They have. Just not where you can see it.

>> No.28967979

Risu is a known bully, so she went for the biggest target

>> No.28967982

>>bilinguals didnt bother to translate
On the same subject, why did the Alien delete her tweet speaking about this?

>> No.28967983

>dick twitched
oh no

>> No.28967984

check your DM :^)

>> No.28967986

Mori did too retard

>> No.28967988

Both of those ejections were Risu's fault and both times Gura was innocent. Fuck Risu.

>> No.28967989

Small irrelevant minority, plus it was proved many times that Mori antis happen to be actually meantally ill

>> No.28967991

What do you mean?

>> No.28967990

im a dirty spic, sorry for bad english

>> No.28967993
Quoted by: >>28968048

She tried to make the most of it but by dying first / early every match was basically denied from really participating in the collab meaningfully for like 85% of the stream.

That other 15% had her getting fucked over by a.) getting killed by the person she clearly called out as sus which ALSO cost them the game, and b.) then getting blamed sus and voted off despite clearly stating a 100% bulletproof case with a witness. It's practically impossible to fuck her over any harder, at the very least we can look at this as the low point and she will be out for revenge next time.

>> No.28967995
Quoted by: >>28968247

It sounds like they couldn't keep up with how much people were talking.
Harassing iofi for it seems like an overreaction. They'll just need to plan better in the future.

>> No.28967997

Fuck you, Ina half life is great,

>> No.28967998

Watch T2 stream where she talked about what songs she has lined up.

>> No.28967999

Yeah well I meant where I can fucking see it

>> No.28968001
File: 175 KB, 463x453, 1604980559809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need narratives.

>> No.28968002
Quoted by: >>28968076

>King cover for the x times

>> No.28968003

Holy shit Risu sounds sexy as fuck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYzTq7YEPBI

>> No.28968004
File: 27 KB, 875x438, FB_IMG_1604840251296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968137

didn't know, where's the original from tho?

>> No.28968006

>Always plays alone and gets self killed
>Has worst japanese out of all ENs, no effort to improve or speak simple english
>Acts like a child, cant control emotions and accept bad luck
Gura is also at fault

>> No.28968010

Same daishogun should refuse to collab with anyone who can't speak some semblance of the king's eigo. Being a daisenpai is suffering, but it's the path she must walk.

>> No.28968011

Polka covered an existing meme remix of the original VA's lines, you can find the original meme remix on nico and it sounds different.

>> No.28968012


>> No.28968014

>always alone
>lack of social skill
oh btw Luna also got 5 death and she still having a great time
watson going to surpass her at this point if she still like his

>> No.28968015


>> No.28968019
File: 65 KB, 227x222, 1603772260363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayunda is out
Holy shit

>> No.28968020

So wait we get to see moona's full beaver?

>> No.28968023

I thought this was Haram

>> No.28968024

holy fuck tree rrat is using that voice

>> No.28968025

>the two people who know videogames vs the two people who might as well don't know how to hold a controller
hope it's a game full of RNG

>> No.28968030

Nice vocals risu

>> No.28968032

>Mori showers with the door open
>Kiara feels too paralyzed to move until she's done and dressed again

>> No.28968035

before the game ame asked the other girls to focus gura so that she would be turned off from playing among us so that she wont collab with sykkuno

>> No.28968036

worth a nut

>> No.28968038

Damn Risu is turning me into a nutter.

>> No.28968039

Heartbeat ASMR

>> No.28968048

It wasn't every match, she was the final death that ended the round one time.
At least two other times she died in the mid game. Should could have prevented this by sticking closer to other people, who would have also defended her and stopped her from being ejected.
She sucks at the game, end of story.

>> No.28968055

Why is this tree rrat so sexy.

>> No.28968058

Oh shit this Risu cover is actually really fucking good

>> No.28968061

Roberu's about to kill his wife and kids in Visage

>> No.28968065
Quoted by: >>28968194


>> No.28968066

Ina doesn't finish the kiara in a bikini drawing and half assed Ame's because she hates working for free.

>> No.28968067

Kiara and Mori are having sex RIGHT NOW.

>> No.28968071

Impressive vocals. Today, Risu is king.

>> No.28968074


>> No.28968075
Quoted by: >>28968131

Kiara is a gun

>> No.28968076

Roboco, Shien, who else?

>> No.28968077
Quoted by: >>28968125

You realize that the whole point of the idols is to get attention right, so they can, you know, make money? Just because one of them is better at it than another doesn't mean they should be insulted, as we've seen from the HoloEN launch, the success of some means increased visibility for all.

>> No.28968078

Well hot damn that's one way to cheer her up.

>> No.28968081

Im sorry son i have to sleep im already pushing it at this rate

>> No.28968084
Quoted by: >>28968191

sucking at the game isn't really valid criticism when 80% of the participants barely knew what they were doing

>> No.28968085

why did Iofi delete her tweets?

>> No.28968087

>who would have also defended her and stopped her from being ejected
like risu did? fuck off retard, all they needed to do to eject her was say "gura sus" and the jealous jp whores would instantly vote her

>> No.28968089

Gura must of done a good fucking job on that collab if you people are still fucking discussing her. I will go watch the collab now.

>> No.28968092

>(yagoo loves these)
Did he play Katawa Shoujo or something

>> No.28968093
Quoted by: >>28968142

>Turn on stream
>"Nice, I'm kill leader"
Fucking Roberu

>> No.28968095
Quoted by: >>28968213

Except Kiara is a failure in the idol industry and has no particular connections of importance

>> No.28968096

Fake ass bitch

>> No.28968098

Reminder to always assume incompetence instead of malice

>> No.28968101

>Mori bending over to check if Kiara's awake yet and all Kiara can see are her wet cantaloupes dangling over her head

>> No.28968103


>> No.28968106

I had sex with Kiara

>> No.28968108

everyone sucked at the game, she was just had the worst luck out of the entire retardfest

>> No.28968112

but my narratives bro

>> No.28968115

There's that hot ass voice.

>> No.28968116

got positive reactions from her colleagues and negative reactions from twitter schizos, i would delete it too

>> No.28968119

especially when its these socially retarded broken girls

>> No.28968121
Quoted by: >>28968257

Suisei is one of the senpais Mori is collabing with before the end of this year. The other two are Watame and Ayame

>> No.28968125

Sure, let's make every holo give attention to chink antis then

>> No.28968127

Gura does tend to run off on her own too much.

>> No.28968129

Honestly, my love for Moona has increased exponentially the more I know her.

>> No.28968130

Kiara is trying to speed run the HoloJPs so she can introduce them to Mori in person before she has to leave, shes worried Mori will descend into another autism fest once shes gone.

>> No.28968131

I want to stick it in Gun-Kiara's barrel.

>> No.28968132

>Kiara but with idol industry instead

>> No.28968135

yagoo wants to make them happy

>> No.28968137

Look at the reply's up the chain anon.

>> No.28968140

I had sex with a person who had sex with Kiara

>> No.28968142

He got legit spooked by the phone ringing, its karma

>> No.28968150
Quoted by: >>28968243

>Mori forgets Kiara is there and starts masturbating to calm her nerves before streaming

>> No.28968151
File: 2.67 MB, 3797x1847, 20201110_190749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28968163


>> No.28968165

Have you not realized it yet? Holos are modern day geisha.

>> No.28968166
File: 169 KB, 600x462, 1595663704213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fapped and my duck is now hard again
Thanks Gura..

>> No.28968169


>> No.28968171

>Accuse people randomly
>don't hit the report button after seeing a body
>doesn't try to speak in simple english for JOPs to understand her
She deserved everything she got.

>> No.28968172
File: 291 KB, 2047x1623, 5783ecb381be08eadfa04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 collabs with Ame
>collab with Kiara
>trying to setup collabs with Mori and Gura

>> No.28968174

You should take it to the vet, that sounds serious

>> No.28968175

did you show this to your students?

>> No.28968177


>> No.28968179
File: 799 KB, 1638x1080, __hoshimachi_suisei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_gardavwar__b0b61f804fd307354bb05c00f8a85565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get to be impostor ONCE
>have a perfect kill rate
>be so good you leave your preferred prey for last
>use the language barrier to your advantage
Has there been a bigger mogging in hololive history than what Suisei provided the shark with? Like, can anyone repeat the APEX PREDATOR meme after this without feeling embarrassed?

>> No.28968181
Quoted by: >>28968197

Risu is the one bullying Luna and now she is gonna bully Gura too.

>> No.28968186

When is "Mori Calliope" doing a cover of this?

>> No.28968191

If crew had a 100% win rate then you could criticize gura for sucking. But with imposter winning so often, it was clear the entire collab was a shit show.

Gura did tasks and called accurate sus, effectively making her one of the most competent players in the stream. It's only because no ody listened and everyone threw that it made gura look like she sucked by association for not being able to overcome the sheer retardation of the jp holos who barely even cared about playing the game because they were a full 5-girl clique doing their own little collab within a collab.

>> No.28968194

so? Didn't her return feature only JP holos and shaft the branches

>> No.28968195

Based and accurate.

>> No.28968197

how can a indog bully Luna?

>> No.28968198


>> No.28968204
Quoted by: >>28968954

I want left Mori to fuck me while right Mori is watching

>> No.28968206

imagine the ping from newfoundland

>> No.28968209

You could replace that with
>How the Japanese fanbase sees her
>How the English fanbase sees her

>> No.28968210


>> No.28968213

Kiara will bruteforce her way into the idol world just with her social skills. I can see her doing collabs with any Holo (and that's a huge buff in this context).

>> No.28968216

The leech of HololiveEN

>> No.28968219


>> No.28968220
File: 646 KB, 687x1100, 456564456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968511

Everyone please shut the fuck up my wife is singing to me.

>> No.28968221


>> No.28968224
File: 527 KB, 900x900, 1588908929543.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's dead hours
Say something nice about each HoloEN

>> No.28968225
File: 1.76 MB, 3600x2400, EmaQw3WXYAEl7sx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apex prey...

>> No.28968228

>implying this is about getting impostor
Read my post again faggot

>> No.28968233

Risu posting should be banned

>> No.28968236
Quoted by: >>28968253

i wanna fuck him
i wanna fuck her
i wanna fuck her
i wanna fuck her
i wanna fuck her

>> No.28968238

Botan and Gura did great in their apex predator round but Suisei had to show them how it's done

>> No.28968239
Quoted by: >>28968285

>Gura did tasks and called accurate sus
while being shady af by walking alone and babbling shit during voting time

>> No.28968240

It doesn't count, Suisei was born for these types of games.

>> No.28968241
Quoted by: >>28968321

Yeah, shark will now probably drop that meme and try to hope her fans will forget it. Only to fail, because now she's more known as APEX PREY lmao. God bless Suisei for putting the shark in her place.

>> No.28968243

>"hey Kiara could you pass me something to wipe my hands off with, your homie doesn't want to make the keyboard too sticky with her juices"
>*confused horny chicken noises*

>> No.28968246
File: 89 KB, 600x706, 475467342572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968401

Nut up or shut up

>> No.28968247

>It sounds like they couldn't keep up with how much people were talking
people were barely talking, everyone was just shouting over each other look at the ejections of the game here >>28967880 and see how there are entire games without ejections, imposters never getting ejected it was a fucking clusterfuck, people going "well gura should just do the meta tryhard strats" obviously didn't saw the level of retardation at play in these games

>> No.28968249
File: 211 KB, 403x313, risu face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968401

Risu was here before you were.

>> No.28968253

bro, thats like 20% gay

>> No.28968254

What made the Gen 5/EN Among Us collab so much more successful?

>> No.28968255
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1604934739898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968401


>> No.28968257
Quoted by: >>28968379

I really really wanna see an Ayame/EN collab because it would be just so insanely out of left field and blow everyone's mind by virtue of existing.

I'd guess Apex with Ame would be the most plausible way, that or Kiara invites her to her talkshow.

>> No.28968261
File: 7 KB, 243x393, FB_IMG_1604785628520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliope is so cool, reminds me to myself in 2007.

I'd love to be his friend

>> No.28968262
Quoted by: >>28968372

>not Ado version
Probably never. She might be doing another syudou song though.

>> No.28968263
File: 199 KB, 848x1200, 1604416176549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28968264

fuck Suisei is so cute

>> No.28968266

Cute, CUTE!

>> No.28968265

>streams during Miko's return
>blames Gura every time
>refuses to translate
No one is this incompetent. Graduate Risu now.

>> No.28968271

because it was mori being bullied and mori isnt a shitty person like gura is

>> No.28968272


>> No.28968275
File: 323 KB, 800x867, 1604585203696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968401

shut up

>> No.28968277

>wahh I played the game right but lost because the other players didn't believe to me
>game is about manipulating other players and making them believe you

there are multiple ways to suck at werewolf games like these. gura found one of them, mori found another

>> No.28968278

>this yakuza game is an absolute borefest but I have to watch it to see my oshi's reactions
Why it has to be like this?

>> No.28968279

>Leave after among us collab
>Return to thread
>Chumbuddies still seething
What is wrong with you?

>> No.28968280
File: 39 KB, 720x720, MEDRRAT [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F0ttrft.mp4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't belong here.

>> No.28968285

You're right. She should've gone full southern drawl like Markiplier. But it's not her fault literally everyone else was paying even less attention than her despite being around more people, else they would've noticed long before she did who was sus and who wasn't.

>> No.28968286

5th gen has really good established chemistry

>> No.28968287

Gen 5 actually tried

>> No.28968289

Thanks guys.
I choose to believe this narrative.

>> No.28968291

shes inclining harder than bitcoin, I'm happy to see her succeed
After al the shit that she went through, shes found a good place.
I'm happy that she can do something she enjoys and has good friends now
Its great that she got a fresh new start to make the content that she wants
she had a good life before joining HoloEN, nothing much to say about her

>> No.28968292
File: 317 KB, 1754x2048, 1603975114171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka need to cover this song

>> No.28968296

They had Botan to tard wrangle the JPs and two groups of people (5th Gen being well known for how well they work together) instead of a giant mess from different parts.

>> No.28968297

no Indonesian retards shitting it up

>> No.28968301
Quoted by: >>28968686

Polka and Botan could actually figure out who was suspicious. This group was all brainlets and let the imposters do whatever they want.

>> No.28968302
File: 269 KB, 503x501, 1603769024204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up early to watch Gura before work
>enjoy 2 hours of the shark getting dumpstered
>>serves you right, you frustrating brat
>come home from work, sleep, and then archive reps
>see all the e-celeb level drama because of Among Us
It's all so tiresome but I can't stop coming here

>> No.28968306


>> No.28968312
File: 328 KB, 1210x1008, 1601017353721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute dork that's working hard
>Very energetic person who interacts with her chat a lot
>Very passionate about what she does, all around adorable
>Very comforting person who would be a great friend to have
>She's a very cute and funny person but unironically

>> No.28968313

>>trying to setup collabs with Mori and Gura

>> No.28968316
Quoted by: >>28968401

I think nut.

>> No.28968319


>> No.28968323
File: 2.50 MB, 2419x2400, 1604200524861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just baiting people to post her cover, i see through you

>> No.28968322
Quoted by: >>28968444

Kiara acting as de-facto leader by being translator in chief.
Funneling the conversation through her slowed it down and gave others time to think.

>> No.28968321

>the shark

>> No.28968326

5th Gen actually wanted to play the game with them.

>> No.28968328


>> No.28968331
Quoted by: >>28968598

Was it spelled as tree rrat?

>> No.28968333
File: 97 KB, 1138x642, 1604830972735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn now thats a blast from the past.

>> No.28968334

Kiara has a borderline insane fixation with Pekora (the character).
She forced the design team to make her canonically gay out the gate because the only thing she wants is to flirt with Pekora on stream. Cover gave her a fixed romance partner, so that all her rampant pekoraposting would not devolve into shipping within the fanbase, and her flirting with whoever is just girls being girls and not antiseiso lesbianism because she doesnt mean it because she's in love with Mori :}

Pekora still has mental disability-tier schizoid disorder. She has internalized "Pekora" as an extrovert persona and can only talk with strangers by putting on her streamer persona, toned down, until the end of her intraction with the cashier.
She literally cannot and will not offcollab alone with holos she doesnt know. She needs to meet new people with Marine or someone similarly close, and sometimes it takes weeks before she talks to them 1 on 1.

Marine cancelled the stream because:
a) She thinks Kiara is too extrovert and loud for her and she's scared wont be able to properly match her energy. She wanted to collab with her after the Subaru-Kiara collab because she thought she was being hyper on purpose, but after watching the rest of her content she realized she's really like that all the time.
b)Its her first time meeting a bonafide bisexual that isnt just yuribaiting and is single. Since the Shion bedcollab she's been having a lot of thoughts in her mind and she's afraid if Kiara flirts first they'll end up fuckign for real and she'll spark a hololive diplomatic conflict with EN, or she'll be labelled a whore by the EN audience.

Kiara is bisexual and actually into Mori. Mori is straight to a fault, but she has aspergers in Japan and works 14 hours a day, she literally doesnt have the time to flirt and japanese men are more love-shy than she is, so she has been thinking about being Kiara's ironic totally-not-gay fuckbuddy to stop being single and sexually frustrated.

>> No.28968335
Quoted by: >>28968472

These fucking retards don't even try to fit in.

>> No.28968336

idk mang, that sounds gay to me

>> No.28968337

Marki who?
fuck off to /v/ retard

>> No.28968345

>Imposter only once,
>happen to trigger Gura after long chain of booli
>Entire collab can't communicate for shit, this is some how using big brain to advantage.
Face it anon she is no where near the antics that happened in the first Amoung Us Collab.

>> No.28968346

Ok guys, hear me out:
I think Gura has real autism, and not just the fake 4chan kind
(I'm not saying it's a bad thing either)
>used to get called parrot by her friends because she would repeat what they said
>echolalia is a condition which causes that
>got overwhelmed after the recent collab
>autism is a sensory processing disorder, and so being in a loud environment and/or around many people can be overwhelming
>she's a god at Muse Dash, a rhythm game
Should I just take my meds?

>> No.28968349

Gen 5 feels a certain closeness with HoloEN because both groups are super new.

>> No.28968354

Gura got imposter like she wanted so she didn't behave like a shitty brat

>> No.28968355
File: 419 KB, 839x753, 1574128906095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually retarded ?

>> No.28968357

World End > Colors

>> No.28968359
File: 166 KB, 389x496, 1603333973566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this blatant bait for someone to post the cover

>> No.28968361

Mori could earm much more than she currently is if she just played the Yandere GFE

>> No.28968363
File: 25 KB, 449x386, risu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968401


>> No.28968364

Botan exists

>> No.28968365
Quoted by: >>28968476

If she simply used tarzan english, probably she wouldn't have been ejected at the end. Accept it, logical thinking was not the correct approach this time.

>> No.28968369

fucking KING again. i had enough.

>> No.28968372
Quoted by: >>28968414

She already did

>> No.28968376

Comet apologized

>> No.28968377

I love this trree rrat

>> No.28968378
File: 134 KB, 1080x1350, FB_IMG_1604702618324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka after sucking my cum

>> No.28968379

Ayame and Ame Apex collab where they just take turns giggling, it would actually cure cancer

>> No.28968381

You keep leaving out the out the psychic skinwalker Chinese gangstalking ring leader part.

>> No.28968383

Nobody here was actually upset, people were just shitposting a little. There's a reason that none of the people baiting in these threads ever bring him up.

>> No.28968384

this makes too much sense to be a narrative

>> No.28968386

Time after time it's proven chumflakes have the thinnest skins among the Hololive fanbases.

>> No.28968387
File: 219 KB, 318x343, 1604596693219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968421

All of this could've been prevented if Gura treated her co-workers like the retards they are

>> No.28968389

Point a) falls apart if you consider that they talk in private. Marine doesn't have to watch Kiara's stream to get to know her. The rest of the narrative is nice though

>> No.28968391

Only the second and last parts of this narrative make sense

>> No.28968394
File: 503 KB, 1102x1093, 1604935463477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28968397

Ame 600k next week, what will she do for the celebration? She said she ran out of the song she can sing already.

>> No.28968398

>Every offcollab is just Mori obliviously being sexy while Kiara sits there reminding herself that "it's just a bit, it's just a bit, it's just a bit hahahahahaha"

>> No.28968400

Gen 5 were playing with the en girls and everyone was focused on both cultural exchange as well as good sportsmanship.

In this collab, the japs were literally playing by and talking to themselves while mori tried to play go-between, an unsupervised Watson shitposted, and the indos sabotaged gura.

The japs in this game (nenechi aside) gave 0 fucks about literally half the players and spent most of the time screaming over each other in unison. It was the voice of legion for most of that shitshow.

>> No.28968401

Nutlickers get out

>> No.28968404
Quoted by: >>28968455

large mammary glands
Rarely showers
The C word

>> No.28968405

Almost missed Marine's JIBUN WO, glad I made it in time

>> No.28968409

>baited by a literal who
even worse

>> No.28968410

When Ina streams the person behind Ina gets rotated between Mama'nis, Ane'nis and actually Ina. That's why Ina sound ever so slightly every stream. For example last gesture drawing stream was done by Ane'nis.

>> No.28968411

Kiara and Botan were good co-leaders

>> No.28968414

No shit. I'm saying she might be doing a cover of another song for November.

>> No.28968419

>Code Geass ED

>> No.28968421

Gura already treats her senpai like shit
except for Shionyo

>> No.28968426

Apologized for BTFOing Gura too hard

>> No.28968434
Quoted by: >>28968662

the JPs sucked at making people believe them too, there are games with 0 ejections for fucks sake
every JP that wasn't suisei was a giga retard in this collab

>> No.28968433
Quoted by: >>28968588

>managed to knee herself in the face, clumsiness like echolalia is part of autism

don't take your meds just yet anon, I have a stronger narrative for you: literally every Hololive girl, EN and JP alike, have autism. And I mean the real kind, not fake 4chan autism.

>> No.28968435
File: 140 KB, 362x326, 1601575006388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even have to ask?

>> No.28968440

The fact that 5thgen has chemistry within their own group. Chicken and ENENchi reaching out to bridge the divide between members. And most of all Polka is collab god that can make shit streams entertaining to watch. None of these happened in this last collab.

>> No.28968444

Fuck off she didn't do anything but translate BOTAN who was fucking telling people to do o2 because they kept stupidly dying to o2. She did nothing else other than that. It was literally Botan who was running the fucking show the entire time and it's why it was less of a shitshow.

>> No.28968445

It wasn't

>> No.28968447

>so she has been thinking about being Kiara's ironic totally-not-gay fuckbuddy to stop being single and sexually frustrated.
Mori would get that desperate right?

>> No.28968448

Just post thr cover oniguy

>> No.28968455
File: 131 KB, 472x444, peakcomf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Designed For Comf
Too true anon.

>> No.28968456
Quoted by: >>28968500

just woke up
what happened?

>> No.28968459

>Gura already treats her senpai like shit
Nah, but she should

>> No.28968463

Gura and Ame threw seaweed at Sora
Fuck them desu

>> No.28968464

As she should be

>> No.28968467

Not a good song for Senchou..

>> No.28968471

Can we get past this shitty collab already? And hopefully over this shitty game altogether?

>> No.28968472
Quoted by: >>28968488

>latching on to a nickname because you don't like a post, when all of them have them
Chumflake fragility at work.

>> No.28968476

Basically. Ame literally got away with murder the entire collab by just saying like 5 words and then accusing someone at random each voting period.

>> No.28968477

I hate that I could hear that laugh

>> No.28968480
Quoted by: >>28968498

>muh senpai culture

>> No.28968484

Just woke up.

How was Mori's Yakuza?

>> No.28968485

Wait, Kiara's collab with Marine is canceled? I thought it was just posponed.

>> No.28968486

>wahh I played the game right but lost because the other players didn't understand or hear me while shouting at the top of their lungs in moon rune

Jp and indo holos always gave the imposters free reign with their tribalist bullshit. It killed the suspense because you always knew crew never stood a chance.

>> No.28968487
Quoted by: >>28968571


>> No.28968488
Quoted by: >>28968554

Nobody calls her shark here you fucking crossposter.

>> No.28968490
File: 644 KB, 2592x4608, yLOiGpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28968491
Quoted by: >>28968993

Not until the next narrative starts

>> No.28968493
File: 256 KB, 1000x1129, 1605006293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Kiara you fucking creep

>> No.28968495


>> No.28968498

>work for japanese country
>don't respect japanese culture

>> No.28968499
Quoted by: >>28968587

Give it a few days, Mori's podcast will be out by then and everyone will have forgotten the collab

>> No.28968500
Quoted by: >>28968531

read the last 5 threads faggot. dont be lazy.

>> No.28968504
File: 831 KB, 1152x626, Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 22.23.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberu giggling at "SEMENt"

>> No.28968506
File: 288 KB, 1440x1240, Kiara_Seethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968547


>> No.28968509
Quoted by: >>28969020

and sora kept it

>> No.28968511

JIBUN WO. I lowkey thought she was about to start singing ride on time for the 4th song.

>> No.28968512

Chill games with ya boi doing live TL notes
Game itself tho, not sure how to feel about it I haven't played any Yakuza games

>> No.28968513

I am not sure if she already finished that or not.
She had "might post a video on the channel" at least twice now on her shedule, I think that this is the Fairy Tale reading.
So she should have finished that already...

>> No.28968514

Game was boring, but she had fun, especially near the end

>> No.28968515
Quoted by: >>28968569

So what does this say about the JPs and IDs? Too low IQ to actually think and discuss things? Manipulating others shouldn't be as simple as saying GURA SUS and then muting yourself while you let out a gremlin snicker.

>> No.28968516

It was an apology laced with mockery. She was probably thinking if this was the really the shark everyone was so gung-ho about lol. Suisei realized shark is really nothing special.

>> No.28968517

Pretty fun actually

>> No.28968519
File: 121 KB, 828x996, EYGh1wbWkAANEq9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use the language barrier to your advantage
As if this is anything to be proud of. You cometfags are absolutely mental. She pulled an absolute dick move by resorting to her JOP instead of asking for translation like Botan did in the last game. Fuck off to your general.

>> No.28968520

You can ask K-san to recommend it to Mori because Roboco sang it. Mori will 100% release a cover by the next month

>> No.28968523

Dub was bad, forced to play at chapter 5, but towards the end found out she could change her entire squad into wiggers

>> No.28968527
Quoted by: >>28968557

Just woke up, how was Mori's Yakuza stream? Anything yabai?

>> No.28968528
Quoted by: >>28968562

if they want to be called senpai maybe they should act as such :^)

>> No.28968531


>> No.28968532
Quoted by: >>28968574

Wasn't she supposed to be doing the translation for the Among Us collab? I don't think I heard her at all

>> No.28968534

If she can't beat Gura at singing, at least she can beat her in a garbage stream gane.

>> No.28968539

it got updated. neat

>> No.28968545

>Forced to use English dub
>English dub is badly implemented
>Has to play on game journalist difficulty
>Has to start the game on chapter 5
>Chapter 5 has the player beat up chinks
It was ok

>> No.28968546

>work for japanese company
>respect japanese culture

>> No.28968547

She'll never have what Moona has with Pekora, get fucked Chicken.

>> No.28968550

the en dub is god awful, but its fun. i hope she gets perms for the full game (or other games in the series PLEASE)

>> No.28968554

Who are you trying to fool? She's always been called shark here.

>> No.28968557
Quoted by: >>28968709

Would you fucks look at the thread even a little before posting?

>> No.28968560

it was an ascending slope but ended when she really started to vibe with it after getting to dress her crew as sentai cringe rappers

>> No.28968561
Quoted by: >>28968678

>Here is your copy pasta
May Polka sit on your face.

>> No.28968563

Who is the dorkiest of hololive? Mori or Towa?

>> No.28968562

If you don't give respect you shouldn't expect to recieve it

>> No.28968565
File: 23 KB, 183x163, 1592052229367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968702

Excuse me, but gura used it too, she said she don't speak Japanese, but didn't make it

>> No.28968569

>this naivety
I'm sorry for you anonchama.

>> No.28968570
Quoted by: >>28968604

You're not in /hlg/

>> No.28968571


>> No.28968573

They're chumflakes, it's a given that they love bait, like your post.

>> No.28968574

mate, fuck off. I'm good with electronics but If I get invited to a party, I'm going to drink beers, not fix your fucking computer.

>> No.28968580

They went out to an all you can eat sweets buffet and Marine was the one to get touchy feely first.

>> No.28968582

Its not, its most likely happening next week or the week after.

>> No.28968583

I'm biased towards Mori until I do enough JP reps to comprehend the dorkiness of the other Holos

>> No.28968584

>real musician
No way fag

>> No.28968585
File: 138 KB, 379x196, 1602253381668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a lame start but that's the game's fault for starting with a fucking 20 minute cutscene.
Also Sega forced her to play with the shitty English dub which kept cutting off sentences since they didn't bother retiming cutscenes for the EN line lengths.
Got pretty good as it went on because our boy was still pretty well rested, got fairly invested in the characters, and generally seemed to be having fun.
Final stretch was great when she found out she could turn the entire party into breakdancers, which she of course did.
Then Chicken arrived and Mori basically did the "Get the fuck out, I'm going to fuck your wife now" line from that cuckold comic towards the chat. She also obliviously leaked that they're recording a song together, which Kiara was trying to keep secret.

>> No.28968587

Mori saves the day again

>> No.28968588

Nah, not all of them.
I think Kiara has ADHD.
I think Ame might have autism too. She's probably clumsier than Gura

>> No.28968589
Quoted by: >>28968603

Suiseifag is creaming his pants that he finally found something Suisei outperformed the shark in, and he's gonna run this narrative into the dirt

>> No.28968593

literally everyone had memorable moment
>Ame played well and the Nene + Polka trying to convince her
>Mori tech isues and forgot to unmute
>Gura kills everyone with Botan
>Kiara translating "let's go" and bridging the gens
>Ina excited to finally get impostor, instantly fails and can't lie to save her life
>Botan kills everyone with Gura
>Aloe shows up then leaves
>Polka everything
>Nene a bunch of funny english moments and with Ina
>Lamy kills in front of Ina and gets dumped immediately

>> No.28968596

>game journalist difficulty
That would be the game playing itself without you

>> No.28968598

What make it funny is how she bothered to to pronounce the double r in the first place

>> No.28968599

Was the CCP akasupa real?

>> No.28968600

dont promise to fix the fucking computers then retard >>28966723

>> No.28968601


>> No.28968602

What would be the point?

>> No.28968603

it's pretty pathetic to be honest

>> No.28968604

That's right, and I never will be.

>> No.28968605
File: 317 KB, 678x823, 1605007626687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY MOONA for one hour after that moona will do zatsudan

>> No.28968608

No it's still on for next week. She talked about it when she talked about them going out for sweets.

>> No.28968615

The among us collab was amazing
Luna,Mori,Suisei and Aki povs were funny as fuck and Roboco had fun, I don't know what you fags are complaining about

>> No.28968616
Quoted by: >>28968840

the thing is Suisei actually understood the question

>> No.28968617
Quoted by: >>28968673

I'm a music producer myself and I can say
Her ability for making music is good but not as good to carry Hololive on her Shoulders.

>> No.28968623
File: 60 KB, 802x766, 1605007230416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968669

>> No.28968627
File: 1.24 MB, 1112x746, 1604084625721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28968628
Quoted by: >>28968804

Pre-debut Polka even
feigned being able to speak English on her twitter

>> No.28968630
Quoted by: >>28968736

Maybe I just filtered it out, hard to keep track of the timeloop sometimes, but I don't remember chumflake being a thing until recently and I don't understand what it's trying to imply.

>> No.28968631
Quoted by: >>28968645

hey buddy you clicked on the wrong thread

>> No.28968635

You not liking the lyrics doesn't make her any less of a musician.

>> No.28968636

DLC voice should be her main voice. This is god tier.

>> No.28968642

Yes, it was probably a troll though

>> No.28968643
File: 431 KB, 594x608, asdasdasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ame's POV so much.......
I didnt understand all the shitpost about 'bad collab' because I watched Ame's POV. It was great.

>> No.28968645

Fuck you.

>> No.28968644
File: 271 KB, 576x596, 1592831401024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only certain fanbase grow a thicker skin...

>> No.28968648

I love Gura, Ame and Ina, and Haachama

>> No.28968649

I want to hear music solely produced by her without the help of kokorobeats

>> No.28968655


>> No.28968660

yes, and it got yeeted by Enma
Mori actually makes it fun when she's bullied

>> No.28968662

Sui was just as bad as crewmate as the others. She failed to get the oxygen in that one round and kept accusing other crewmates , including Gura twice, with her vote being one of the ones for Gura's final ejection (Risu didn't even vote). She was only good as imposter although some of that has to be chalked up to the other's stupidity since Gura had nailed her down.

>> No.28968664
Quoted by: >>28968723

They already had sex

>> No.28968665

>being part of the discussion is the most fun you can have in this game
Which is why these language barrier collabs are stupid outside of novelty value. Discussions are at their best when there's actual mindgames going on

>> No.28968669

Remove the date and it hard to tell if it wasn't from /a/ when it was airing

>> No.28968671
Quoted by: >>28968687

Yeah, Suiseifags are really pathetic.

>> No.28968673

making beats on soundcloud no one's listening to doesn't make you a music producer

>> No.28968675

Anonchama... How naive?

>> No.28968678
Quoted by: >>28968738

I'm too dumb to turn this into a soundpost

>> No.28968679
Quoted by: >>28968787

HoloEU onegai... they would barely overlap

>> No.28968681

You're ignoring the fact that playing imposter against a multilingual clusterfuck was literal baby mode. Ame could've spent the entire stream eating her own fecal matter and still won. This wasn't a competition. It was a slaughterhouse.

>> No.28968684

Which EN fanbase has the thickest skin?

>> No.28968685
Quoted by: >>28968878

Her layout is the best too. No discord icons.

>> No.28968686

>all of EN dies
>suddenly O2 victory for imposters

>> No.28968687

cope chumflake

>> No.28968689

That's really cute

>> No.28968696
File: 2.47 MB, 2000x2000, 1577739845156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, it's unfortunate Gura had a bad time

>> No.28968700

>Mori's and Noel's fat tits

>> No.28968701

She actually did most work on other songs herself

>> No.28968702
File: 32 KB, 576x576, guradead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point? They were playing an English only game.

>> No.28968706

Seethe :^)

>> No.28968707
Quoted by: >>28968840

You naive rrat...

>> No.28968708

Imagine using soundcloud lmaoooo

>> No.28968709

It'll keep happening as long as retards keep spoonfeeding. Give a man a fish, etc.

>> No.28968710


>> No.28968711

Suisei is actually pretty garbage at Amongus tbqh, she gets memed because she's only played with actual legitimate tards.

>> No.28968712


>> No.28968715
Quoted by: >>28968810

>shark slightly miffed
>70% of the thread is cunnyposters
>90% is EOPs who felt second-hand exclusion
gee, I wonder

>> No.28968716
Quoted by: >>28968811

Would Mori suddenly get shy or double down on her tomboy nudist ways if she stopped being oblivious to Kiara's feelings

>> No.28968717

What is this?

>> No.28968718

>I really want to stream in different timeslots so everybody can watch me!!
uh huh

>> No.28968723
Quoted by: >>28968742


>> No.28968727

Either deadbeats or KFP. They get most of the hate

>> No.28968731

I had a period during my last year of college I hardly spoke to anyone in-person for like 7+ months, besides to order food, and on coming home for the holidays my mom remarked I had a subtle echolalia under my breath sometimes softly repeating the last couple words of sentences I said, which caught me off guard. I didn't ever notice it at fucking all and called bullshit, but apparently, it went away soon I started having to actually interact with people again for work etc.

Is it autistic? I dunno. I've never been diagnosed with it or anything of the sort. I just know it apparently can come about from prolonged isolation from directly interacting with people. In my mind I thought I was just fine because I was on 4chan all the time and had Steam friends etc so technically was talking most of the day, just not face to face. Gura seems like that to me, one of those people who basically became one with the internet/games for a while.

>> No.28968736

Think of it as an anti's way of avatarfagging. You can hit up the archives to see how dedicated they are.

>> No.28968737

>Marine teasing Country Roads

>> No.28968738
Quoted by: >>28968780

Convert the webem to mp3 sound file, Then follow thee sound posting instructions. I'm not holding your hand through all of this.

>> No.28968740


>> No.28968741

Oh it's like snowflake, I just got it. Fuck I feel like a moron.

>> No.28968742
Quoted by: >>28968773

Both are whores

>> No.28968743

>Ame collabing with Haachama again
How did she win over the JP girls?

>> No.28968744

Did she actually include the "Hey Kiara" in there? That's.. kinda sad...

>> No.28968752

Has Gura's ego gotten too big?

>> No.28968756

Deadbraps or Chikenfags i would reckon

>> No.28968758
Quoted by: >>28968836


>> No.28968759

>Hohoemi no Bakudan

>> No.28968760

the worst part about the collab was the crewmate side doing fucking nothing, and you barely see that with ame

>> No.28968766

Amelia Goslings who stuck after the Amegeddon.

>> No.28968770

Karaoke with the best and worst singer.
Would be unironically kino. Most likely not gonna happen in years if ever though.

>> No.28968773
File: 86 KB, 900x900, 1590335553749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968792

You take that back right now

>> No.28968774

Why is everyone trying to qualify the unqualifiable?

>> No.28968780
File: 2.05 MB, 3000x1629, XX[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbaxz0t.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968818

I already know how to soundpost. I just don't know hot to fuck around with .gif/webm

>> No.28968781
File: 150 KB, 1172x1241, __hoshimachi_suisei_and_crewmate_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kj_kusojack__611290ee6aec0bd09df2ffd94c58f4ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cheeky fucking comet.

>> No.28968784

She removed it at the last second after realizing how creepy it was

>> No.28968785

You know how the force ends up bringing jedis together? This is like that but retards bring other retards together.

>> No.28968787
File: 23 KB, 1031x504, whyevenlive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28968790

No she left it blank in the end

>> No.28968792


>> No.28968793

Does Gura even care or is it just some retards in this thread?

>> No.28968795

i love this boomer pirate

>> No.28968796
File: 937 KB, 3073x3398, mafia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They get most of the hate
KFP Employee here and bullshit we don't get hate anymore. Honestly it's the teamates and deadbeats that have it rough. So yeah stop living in the past KFP doesn't get hate

>> No.28968799
Quoted by: >>28968867

Other Holos have actually sung Queen? And not just fumbling the lyrics?

>> No.28968801

chat suggested it, she put it in there and said it was too sad / weird and removed it

>> No.28968803
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 1603243770503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. It was a fantastic stream from Ame's POV

also I love her

>> No.28968805
Quoted by: >>28968828

hey guys
gura sus

>> No.28968804

To be fair Polka can actually read English pretty good. She just sucks at speaking it.

>> No.28968807

>Yu Yu Hakusho
holy based

>> No.28968810
Quoted by: >>28968863

fuck chumbuddies
I hope gura gets ostracized

>> No.28968811
Quoted by: >>28968950

She'd unironically think she's doing the TakaMori bit again and just act aggressively tsun while still naked.

>> No.28968812
File: 57 KB, 227x222, Curse upon ye[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9e8r9b.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968934

Deadbeats actively shit on their own between shitstorms.

>> No.28968813

they all watched the debut streams and watchamas dumb anime noises are a universal language

>> No.28968818


>> No.28968819
File: 53 KB, 768x768, 1603793033566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't translate anything during the Among Us collab to keep her JP advantage
>sees the opportunity to make friends with holoEN, especially with Gura and understands it could lead to fun collaborations and growth for her own channel in the future
>decides "fuck it", lies through her teeth, annihilates Gura twice and only plays to win
>wakes up next day, sees a ton of hate directed at her everywhere, thousands of seething fans around the globe
>goes on Twitter and sets out to write a post to address the situation

>> No.28968821

she was at least was trying to find the imposters but 1 crewmate playing the game can only get you so far

>> No.28968825
File: 71 KB, 640x853, 3937088_640px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hohoemi no bakudan

>> No.28968828


>> No.28968834
Quoted by: >>28969224

>Sui was just as bad as crewmate as the others
You don't understand that Suisei only wanted to be impostor, and played like shit so rounds can end quicker in order to have more chances to be impostor. Gura on the other hand did everything perfectly and ended up being ultra salty.

>> No.28968836

I can't believe I fucking missed her JIBUN WOOO

>> No.28968838

you have like 5 whole albums of that dumbass

>> No.28968839

you can

>> No.28968840
File: 85 KB, 350x350, pecodone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968903

It's not about her you retards. She might have understood the question but the voters didn't. Suisei ran her into a corner and Gura sounded like she was autistic screeching to the JOPs.

>> No.28968844

Just woke up. How was Ame and RBC collab?

>> No.28968843


20% of the Japanese people that understands basic English

>> No.28968846

My oshi's fanbase because ___

>> No.28968849

>That heavy breathing
Why does she have to give me such a boner?

>> No.28968851


>> No.28968852
File: 818 KB, 820x819, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968986

Megurine Luka & Calliope Mori crossover when?

>> No.28968854

I cant believe I love Risu now

>> No.28968855
Quoted by: >>28969224

Everyone was retarded and couldn't understand one another. There's a reason only the imposters got praise, because killing everyone didn't require bridging any sort of cultural or linguistic divide. In that regard, being an imposter doesn't even count because it's like being a roid raging Schwarzenegger out to punt literal babies who can't even talk to each other.

>> No.28968858

Which holo is gonna do a YYH watchalong?

>> No.28968860
File: 82 KB, 736x720, 1368821343564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based troll. She's truly among us

>> No.28968863
File: 471 KB, 526x603, 1587078603148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28968930

Same, fuck JP whores and Indogs.

>> No.28968865

>Gura's chat asked her "are you frustrated" when she was getting tilted
Damn, maybe her chat isn't bad after all

>> No.28968867

I think Astel is literally the only one other than Ame that actually sings it and even then he has problems with the song

>> No.28968870

Control F

>> No.28968877
Quoted by: >>28968908

People answering deadweights is hilarious since they're always the ones complaining and biting baits

>> No.28968878

Yea it was a lot easier to tell who was talking through all the chaos with the faces lighting up.

>> No.28968879
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>> No.28968881

>be rapper reaper
>include shit like this
whats the problem? And hows that affect her being a musician in any way? IF anything shes a pretty good lyricist

>> No.28968882

Breddy good.

>> No.28968886
Quoted by: >>28968967

When is the collab?

>> No.28968887

Very cute, should've gone longer but I think Robocco misunderstood Ame because she was talking about the game prior and said "last game we.."

>> No.28968888

I meant to a point quite a lot of people thought she may be bilingual at the time

>> No.28968890

Search thread.

>> No.28968893
Quoted by: >>28969891

Shitty little brat deserves it.

>> No.28968894

Capital S.

>> No.28968898
Quoted by: >>28969127


>> No.28968899


>> No.28968901
Quoted by: >>28968912

>write a post to address the situation
Did she? There's nothing in her twitter.

>> No.28968903

The entire game is based on manipulating narratives in your favor, what's wrong with Suisei being good at this?
Watson was right, Gura just needed to be more convincing.

>> No.28968904
Quoted by: >>28968951

>goes on Twitter and sets out to write a post to address the situation
Where is that post? You need to take your meds

>> No.28968906

why people want to cuck gura?

>> No.28968908

if they're always the one complaining about biting baits then that just proves the point though...

>> No.28968911
Quoted by: >>28968970

It was all me, you're welcome

>> No.28968912


>> No.28968916


>> No.28968918


>> No.28968922

Is this the moe we've forgotten?

>> No.28968926 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 385x56, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats. Check Ayameschizo's channel RIGHT NOW.

>> No.28968930

gura doesnt need collabs anyway
just leave her cancer with her cancer fanbase and ame goslings

>> No.28968932
File: 1.13 MB, 300x168, 1590513742296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28968934


Deadbeats vary between the thinnest and the thickest, no mid

>> No.28968936


>> No.28968937
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>> No.28968939

Nice off topic post dumbass

>> No.28968946
File: 252 KB, 389x644, 345654564654564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969127

>> No.28968950
Quoted by: >>28968996

Imagine trying to seriously confess to your nude best friend who thinks you're just joking around and playing a bit while she refuses to put clothes back on.
Maybe Kiara has to fight fire with fire and also get naked in front of Mori to convince her it isn't a TakaMori bit

>> No.28968951

Here is the post

>> No.28968954

Is this a Scathach vs a Skadi kind of situation?

>> No.28968956
Quoted by: >>28969127

i hope the shaaaaark gets raped and killed by a stalker

>> No.28968958

>Gura just needed to be more convincing.
All you had to do was screaming "XYZ is sus" the loudest and all the retarded JP girls would vote for that person.

>> No.28968959

Where's that picture of unitychad and the holos?

>> No.28968963

You not liking something doesn't make it bad

>> No.28968967
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>> No.28968968
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Quoted by: >>28969008


>> No.28968970

I did it too, you're welcome as well.

>> No.28968971

>Gura just needed to be more convincing in a language she doesn't speak
Gura shouldn't collab with jp's anymore, at least not in games where communicating with others is literally the entire point.

>> No.28968975
Quoted by: >>28969067

I like how cumbuds blame her because she did her reps. And her nips is still far below even Cali.

>> No.28968977
Quoted by: >>28969127

I'm gonna stalk and rape Gura

>> No.28968981

That's like, half the fun in Gura streams.

>> No.28968984

Maybe she should have done that, because it was clearly more convincing

>> No.28968986

Man I never thought about it but the designs do share similarities

>> No.28968990
File: 126 KB, 448x548, Simon_(with_glasses).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28968991
Quoted by: >>28969102

Most people here are mentally ill so I doubt that he understands that

>> No.28968992

Gura has Pekora energy.
It's the kind of girl people love to bully instead of blindly whiteknighting

>> No.28968993
Quoted by: >>28969030

This is why people hate kiara.. stop acting like a bitch

>> No.28968994

Literally everyone came out of that collab a big looser. Instead of gaining synergy from the collab and everyone becoming friends the exact opposite happened.
>JP's mad BC Gura got boolied
>EN's mad because people who promised to be translator translated nothing.
>SEA mad because it made them look bad
>Chumbuds now out for blood
>Deadbeats hate rrats

>> No.28968996
Quoted by: >>28969050

She won't because she's self-conscious about her body and unironically intimidated by Mori's tits.

>> No.28968997

Give up

>> No.28968998
Quoted by: >>28969035

I dont like haato....

>> No.28969002

She's playing an anime character. What do you expect her to talk about?

>> No.28969003

At least not until the JPs do their fucking reps, I agree.

>> No.28969006
File: 118 KB, 327x333, 1452364142802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a warning.
Do not look at Holos' neck for too long.

>> No.28969007

Still can't unsee the hand

>> No.28969008
Quoted by: >>28969046

Did ta400ko ever post the finished result?

>> No.28969010

Gura is literally Pekora + Shion

>> No.28969017

Well I guess Gura got fucked so hard that might be true

>> No.28969019

Oh cool. Didn't think it'd be out so soon.

>> No.28969020

She knelt.

>> No.28969022

So scream louder than Watson, easy. What's the problem?
And yet Watson managed to manipulate all the JPs into voting out whomever she wanted, just by yelling "<name> sus" over the others. What's the problem?

>> No.28969025
File: 277 KB, 800x600, Magnet.full.560973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the fucking fanart holy shit

>> No.28969026

Your fault I have already accepted it at this point

>> No.28969028

>Deadbeats hate rrats
Huh? But it's just a banter between the rrat and Mori.

>> No.28969030

Why are tentacucks like this?

>> No.28969031

Is this the only all PoV compilation so far?
What do you think about it

>> No.28969032

It's not just the JP girls, all the JOPs seem to love Ame

>> No.28969033

Chicken laughing in the background

>> No.28969036

Ame really is living the dream

>> No.28969035

Haachama on the other hand...

>> No.28969039

I feel like even if Gura was fluent in Japanese she'd still get murdered like she did. Holos don't seem to use much thought when they play this game lol

>> No.28969041
File: 2.25 MB, 3679x3001, EmdQQLzUYAEhisV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969127

Same da ne....

>> No.28969044

They should've done a karaoke stream. If symphogear taught me anything, it's that you can beat the tower of babel with jpop.

>> No.28969046
Quoted by: >>28969110

He's posted a WIP of the crowd but is still working on the venue 3D, I think.

>> No.28969049

apologize to pekora

>> No.28969050
Quoted by: >>28969201

That's why it would be the moment Mori takes her seriously. Kiara overcoming her own worries and body issues to meet Mori face to face, chest to chest, and actually confess

>> No.28969052

>Deadbeats hate rrats

>> No.28969054

Yeah, she was proclaiming herself as APEX PREDATOR when in reality she's nowhere near being one. She also outed herself as the most fragile holo, with her easily getting triggered when things aren't going her way. This is the kind of behavior that only self-entitled brats with glass-like egos will show. This is aggravated by the fact that her fanbase is exactly like her and she's not smart enough to rein in her white knights and instead carelessly set them loose upon her innocent colleagues.

>> No.28969055
Quoted by: >>28969229

Come on bro, I'm ESL too but that's such a basic bitch way to out yourself.

>> No.28969057

Aki and Luna had fun playing it so I came out a winner
sorry if you get mad at retards getting mad for no reason anon

>> No.28969058

Reading these threads I see why cometfags are so hated

>> No.28969059

How I wish the rest of her fanbase share your sentiment, anon

>> No.28969061

Easily approachable with a flexible schedule

>> No.28969064

fuck you man i could've lived in ignorance

>> No.28969066
File: 107 KB, 500x500, 1605008562277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god

>> No.28969067

nope, mori is worse than risu

>> No.28969070

Suisei/Kiara/Mori/Watame quartet when

>> No.28969071

I pissed myself laughing
Seeing it edited together like this really lets you see the descent of Gura

>> No.28969072
File: 134 KB, 500x280, poi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entire game is based on manipulating narratives in your favor
Anonchama, it doesn't fucking matter as long as your arguments don't get through to the other side. The collab with Gen 5 didn't have the same problem because everyone respectfully listened to the interpreter and tried to play the game properly.

>> No.28969074

meds cometcuck

>> No.28969078
File: 252 KB, 384x361, 1604590359550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deadbeats hate rrats

>> No.28969082
File: 70 KB, 504x607, 1595940375540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.28969084

SEETHING cometflake

>> No.28969092
Quoted by: >>28969145

Because Watson was the imposter and she didn't care about crew, so getting retards to kill themselves was easy mode. Maybe watchama wouldn't have had such a good time if the rng hadn't been sucking her tit for 2 hours straight.

>> No.28969093
Quoted by: >>28969144

people being braindead and not voting at 5 isn't what I call "manipulating narratives"

>> No.28969096


>> No.28969098

Look at pekora's neck without her scarf

>> No.28969100

Senchou's neck looks fine to me.

>> No.28969101

>nope, mori is worse than risu
Mori is just a dumb dork, Risu on the other hand a manipulative and unlikeable cunt

>> No.28969102
Quoted by: >>28969169

"bad" is an opinion so not liking something very much does affect whether it's "bad", you fucking morons

>> No.28969104
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1603131844853.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care what kind of monkey's paw I gotta wish on, I want Mori streaming with this frequency

>> No.28969106


>> No.28969107

Wow i love risu now

>> No.28969110

Thought I have missed it. Thanks

>> No.28969113
File: 9 KB, 256x191, 1474848667412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait why am I shadowbeaned from Senchou's channel? this is my first time using her chat and my messages isnt showing in her top chat

>> No.28969114
Quoted by: >>28969138

>tons of people are going live at the same time as chicken
uh oh

>> No.28969116
File: 29 KB, 236x200, smugshark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969158

REMINDER: Your shitty oshi will never be as good or popular as Gura and will never get another collab to leech off of her. Keep seethe bitch niggers.

>> No.28969117

>everyone respectfully listened to the interpreter
what a fucking faggot lol
the collab was awesome and chumbuds white knighting gura is pathetic

>> No.28969120
Quoted by: >>28969178

Aren't you guys the ones who always call Gura a mesugaki?
Makes sense that the little brat finally gets put in her place for once.

>> No.28969122

Fuck you
Seriously fuck you

>> No.28969123
Quoted by: >>28969281

Thats why you adapt to the new situation. Reasonably explaining shit when no one can understand you, and whoever yells sus first wins, is something that should have been pickup up on. Theres no reason she couldn't do it too.

>> No.28969125

>all these restrictions
Shit like this is why SEGA is 3B yen in the hole. Bunch of retards.

>> No.28969126
Quoted by: >>28969287

>live in Japan
>still worse than some Indonesian chick

>> No.28969127

Where's sharkmeido when you need him

>> No.28969128
Quoted by: >>28969173

We're talking about their nips proficiency.

>> No.28969129
Quoted by: >>28969234

Fuck off. Risu is cool.
t deadbeat

>> No.28969132
File: 12 KB, 610x55, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2020.11.10-08_44_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28969133
Quoted by: >>28969156

Risu is just what happens when you get a female anon as an idol

>> No.28969135
Quoted by: >>28969325

The catch is she'll get fired and fucking deported, anon.

>> No.28969136

>she's not smart enough to rein in her white knights and instead carelessly set them loose upon her innocent colleagues
This was the plan all along. Shark said she'd remember this. Did you think she was joking?

>> No.28969138


>> No.28969139

Eh, I'm a Teamate and I actually want Amelia to ease up on the streaming. I can't keep up, I'm not a NEET.

>> No.28969141

is the Space Dandy watchalong members-only?

>> No.28969144

No pls andastan it's the only thing cometflakes have now she's getting voicemogged and charismamogged by Gura...

>> No.28969145
Quoted by: >>28969191

Did you even watch the collab? Watson was complaining about getting imposter so often, her favourite rounds were when she got crew

>> No.28969146
File: 920 KB, 899x806, 1579352930573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cometcucks got so assblasted at Gura's singing that they waited all this time to get something to shit up this thread

>> No.28969151
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1585087179133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the issue?

>> No.28969154

in speaking Japanese, anon

>> No.28969156

Femanon Triumvirate is Mori, Risu and Watson.

>> No.28969158
Quoted by: >>28969197

but AmeSame is still on the table.

>> No.28969163

>So scream louder than Watson, easy
because constant screaming matches are shit content, even witthout gura most discussion were just X SUUUUS, NO Y SUUUS then Z got ejected, it was a retardfest

>> No.28969164

Are you stupid

>> No.28969166

>inb4 Chapter 5 again

>> No.28969169
Quoted by: >>28969295

>>28968584 implied that Mori isn't a real musician. It doesn't matter if you don't like her music, she is still a musician

>> No.28969173
Quoted by: >>28969213

I'm not retard, try keeping up

>> No.28969175

"as far as I know"

>> No.28969176

Yes, John Wick isn't. She's doing John Wick non-member to transition back into member exclusive

>> No.28969178
File: 3.12 MB, 1536x2048, 1604689396642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's pretty hot.
That brat really learned a lesson yesterday.

>nooo stop please, I promise I'll never be bratty again! I won't tease you again, ever! Let me go noooo

>> No.28969179

Literally only allowed to stream up to the same point of Mori, after she unlocks the Hello Work office stream as to end

>> No.28969180
Quoted by: >>28969383

So Mori did want to stream longer. Neat

>> No.28969185
Quoted by: >>28969247

How do we feel about Miko playing GTA Online in a few hours

>> No.28969186

Will she make her entire team chefs?

>> No.28969190

Same with me. I always bully her in chat, but too many retards who don't understand sarcasm.

>> No.28969191
Quoted by: >>28969251

I watched the gura pov. And Watson complaining doesn't make slaughtering literal retards any harder. It just means she had no fun I easy mode while gura had no fun on goatse mode.

>> No.28969194
File: 1.86 MB, 2032x2479, 3085767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hi to the protagonist of HoloEN.

>> No.28969197

I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the niggers raiding from /hlg/

>> No.28969200
File: 84 KB, 279x186, SADASDAS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28969201

>"No way fag."

>> No.28969203
File: 286 KB, 480x480, 1604208759527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've witnessed too many narratives and timeloops in the past 12 hours. I think I need to sleep now.

>> No.28969204

It's sponsored, she has a script to follow just like mori

>> No.28969207

whats with the Suisei vs Gura narrative? If anything Suisei is fully supportive of her little sisters at EN. Maybe a little too supportive for Mori but that's not a problem

>> No.28969212

>Hello, sank u for play. Permission? What that? Faqu

>> No.28969213

Then you're seething at the wrong person, that anon you replied to and I were talking about their nips proficiency.

>> No.28969214

>(for now at least)
there's almost no chance Sega gives permissions

>> No.28969219

It's a throwback to Ame's broken arm animation.

>> No.28969223
File: 8 KB, 304x304, 1604612761729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't slept since waking up for the Among Us collab

>> No.28969224

Yeah, honestly, you can't be serious in conditions like this. Gura was the smartest but that led to her downfall since with such a language barrier the best way is actually playing it like a public lobby. In this way, Ame was actually playing the best because she knew how to shitpost her way through it. Then again, she was imposter for most of the time and it's easier to look good as imposter and her first few matches had her so incompetent she voted the wrong person right when she was about to win. Also just shat on gura for no real reason at the end.

Exactly. They were all retards.

>> No.28969226

I think so? She made a community post about watching sub or dub until realizing it doesn't actually matter.

>> No.28969228
File: 7 KB, 671x36, screenshot-www.youtube.com-2020.11.10-08_48_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28969229

>proper spelling and grammar
>pick one

>> No.28969232

>monkey's paw
>her hand in the image

>> No.28969233

The among us collab was too good for bait. Now people can't stop shitposting.

>> No.28969234

No, she isn't. Fuck that cunt.

>> No.28969236

It's anti/falseflagger hour

>> No.28969237

schizos. try not to read into the stuff retards here say anon

>> No.28969241

>3 holos that barely know how to play Among Us
>2 dumb indogs

>everyone had fun except gura
You literally can't defend her

>> No.28969242
Quoted by: >>28969271

The best thing about this is you don't have to check these threads 24/7 to get a gist of them.

>> No.28969245
Quoted by: >>28969537

>think I need to sleep now.
I dreamt about /hlgg/. Yes, not about hololive or any of the girls, but about posting on /hlgg/

>> No.28969247
Quoted by: >>28969275


>> No.28969249


>> No.28969251
Quoted by: >>28969390

Watch another POV, whether Watson or Luna or Suisei, and you'll see it wasn't all about the shark, she just wanted it to be that way

>> No.28969252

oh no.

>> No.28969257

Suisei might be, but her schizo fanbase on here act like the untalented bitch is the greatest thing since our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

>> No.28969258

Are people legitimately thinking up of schizo narratives for the among us collab?
>risu was a manipulative cunt
Well yeah no shit she was the impostor that round

>> No.28969262

It only becomes a problem when Suisei, Kiara and Polka are ever in the same stream and one of them(likely Polka) brings up Mori

>> No.28969263

sega is so fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.28969269

Didn't like Gura that much before because she felt so impersonal it was almost like a cartoon character and made it impossible to me to feel involved. Yesterday's salt made me like her more.

>> No.28969270
File: 80 KB, 240x191, 1601496615577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969526

Well done, Suisei. Well done. You fucking boomed me, I'll give you that.

However, it's not over yet. Let me show you the power of EN COUNTRY ROADS DURING 1M CELEBRATION 3D REVEAL STREAM

>> No.28969271

Everytime I go to sleep I miss 5 narratives and at least one unscheduled stream.

>> No.28969274
File: 50 KB, 666x698, EmZCkXFVoAYg1rR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969357

Gura's upcoming karaoke will be every song ever covered by Suisei, she plans to destroy her dream in real time as revenge. This shark is FUCKED.

>> No.28969276


>> No.28969275

>6 second clip

>> No.28969277
Quoted by: >>28969339

Are any Holos playing Outer Worlds?
I saw it mentioned somewhere

>> No.28969278

Even schizos don't claim that Suisei hates Gura. She just mogged her without even thinking about it.

>> No.28969279

>gura goes off online every round
>gets killed
how could this happen bros?

>> No.28969280
Quoted by: >>28969297

>Are people legitimately thinking up of schizo narratives for the among us collab?
Yes. I'm not sure if anyone outside of this thread even cares

>> No.28969281
File: 31 KB, 596x298, 1604345873042.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like watching a bunch of autists yell at each other

>> No.28969283

shitting on gura is more funny, it gets more (you)s

>> No.28969287

but mori makes music!
t. deadbraps, probably

>> No.28969289

Why the fuck would they sponsor the same game on the same day? What kind of fucking marketing strategy is this?

>> No.28969290
Quoted by: >>28969307

The in-stream hololive chat filters out a lot of inputs especially redundant ones. You're probably not shadowbanned.

>> No.28969291

Teammates by a mile. Deadbeats get more hate but they also take every bit of bait put out there. KFP got a ton of shit early on but now there's almost none and what's left is usually ignored.

>> No.28969294

That’s not allowed games not out in English I thought?

>> No.28969295

>ESL doesn't know the connotations of "real"
That explains things

>> No.28969297

Some people from here have tried taking their autism elsewhere, but got laughed out of the room (just like here).

>> No.28969300
File: 2.51 MB, 1417x2000, __mori_calliope_and_death_sensei_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_shaketarako__60415e0b1f9b48e5a8c826ebc836ac85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it better when we were talking about Mori sperging out in yankee rage and shouting DO IT COWARDS, VOTE ME OUT, YOU WON'T.
Still can't believe it worked and prevented her from getting voted out.

>> No.28969301


>> No.28969304

>what's left is usually ignored.
I wish, a fair number of the special needs employees jump on bait like no other.

>> No.28969306
File: 23 KB, 287x350, 1499441978167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Gura exploited the situation to make her suffering entertaining (and worked flawlessly) while you schizos are concernfagging on her behalf when she doesn't need it. Can't you fags go out from your cucksheds and meet with other people for once?

>> No.28969307

Set it to live chat, some of it's filtered out by the top chat thing
Note this may cause lag depending on how crowded the chat is

>> No.28969309

that's the meta of yesterday's game. if you don't adapt you lose

>> No.28969310
File: 615 KB, 961x757, 1604470506998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and look at this

>> No.28969311

I like how Mori doing that made Suisei gush a fucking waterfall.

>> No.28969312


>> No.28969317
File: 188 KB, 800x800, 1604698802288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969362

Funny how this thread as more posters during dead hours than when the girls are streaming.
The only exception here is Amelia.

>> No.28969318 [DELETED] 

KFP, they got by far the most shit early on and keep getting it. Tentaculists in the opposite way, as they can shrug off anything because Ina is above it.
Teamates & chumbuds probably the thinnest

>> No.28969321
Quoted by: >>28969460


>> No.28969322

>The same part of the same game on the same day with the two people in the same region for basically almost the same timezones (When the game has been out in that region for ages and the big deal is the western release.)

>> No.28969323

Japs are beta and followed the strongest authority at the time which happened to be Mori

>> No.28969324
Quoted by: >>28969368

Luna farted when she started yelling but no one heard it

>> No.28969325

it's ok, I'll let her live at my house

>> No.28969328

>Deadbeats get more hate but they also take every bit of bait put out there.
I'm almost convinced at this point half of the bait is actually posted by other Deadbeats.

>> No.28969329
File: 263 KB, 1152x2048, 1604895593700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that I don't understand is, how did amelia planted the idea that she can be trusted so easily. Is it because of her character as a detective? or is it because she speak JP like a retard? Even in the better gameplay like gen5 collab you can still see the same effect.

>> No.28969334

>Teammates by a mile.
Lol no. Teamtes have a complete meltdown everytime and have been coping since the Amegeddon by latching unto the Trinitifaggotry.

>> No.28969335

>sponsor the same game on the same day with the same restrictions to the two ENs who live in a non western timezone and with the most overlap in fanbase
Sega is too big brained for me I can't comprehend their 4D checkers

>> No.28969336

You can adapt to what it is or lose.

>> No.28969338
File: 13 KB, 512x94, 1576044016313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28969339

I want Amelia to play the Fallout franchise so bad

I'm gonna cum so hard if she plays New Vegas

>> No.28969340

that was the best i love my wigger dork

>> No.28969342


>> No.28969347

suffering kino

>> No.28969345
Quoted by: >>28969639

Bullshit teammates hardly get shit on for dumb stuff in the first place . These threads are a hugbox for ame and gura

>> No.28969348

>If anything Suisei is fully supportive of her little sisters at EN
Just Mori

>> No.28969349


>> No.28969352

Japs fear the cowboy.

>> No.28969354 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.79 MB, 2048x970, 1605009236942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoiler that shit, it's lethally cute

>> No.28969355 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28969424

KFP, they got by far the most shit early on and keep getting it. Tentaculists in the opposite way, as they can shrug off anything because Ina is above it.

Teamates & chumbuds probably the thinnest

>> No.28969356
Quoted by: >>28969468

Gura wanted to play the game. She thought they were there to play the game. Nobody told her they were there to scream at each other for two hours, throw every game and accomplish literally fuck nothing.

When she realized this, she understood that the only fun way to play was as imposter. And she didn't get it. While Watson always got it. The seethe was palpable. Her cause was just. This was the most poorly thought out collab ever.

>> No.28969357
Quoted by: >>28969391

Gura can't go low enough for Kakusei.

>> No.28969358

Protagonist powers

>> No.28969360
File: 836 KB, 2690x1345, 97ecd3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the problem?

>> No.28969361
File: 1019 KB, 2894x3100, 84235685_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969417


>> No.28969362

>wooww people are more active when no one is streaming since they aren't watching

>> No.28969364

this is what peak autism looks like

>> No.28969368

Luna farts all the time
its because she's cute

>> No.28969369

I doubt any of the JP girls except Suisei even understood that

>> No.28969370

I know I do

>> No.28969371

Literally plot armour

>> No.28969376
File: 135 KB, 568x610, ekknU2so9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969438

There is nothing wrong with having some fun coming up with narratives.

Gura vs Suisei is an easy one. They are both singers, they both love being impostors. Also Suisei is a psychopath, so you could imagine her wanting to dispose of the new threat in holo (Gura) and so on.

It's all in good fun guys, no one takes it seriously.

>> No.28969378
File: 130 KB, 501x629, 1603453926725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28969383

you really thought our boy faked the enthusiasm at being able to run about fucking people up as a crew of 3 weebgger breakdancers and a stripper?

>> No.28969384
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>> No.28969386
File: 696 KB, 650x712, 1600036864508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969411

I'm about to go to bed. What narratives will happen while I sleep?

>> No.28969390

>naming all the ones blessed with being imposter at least once
What a coincidence. It's almost as if getting to play imposter among retards is a more pleasurable experience that gura never had the chance to enjoy. Go figure.

>> No.28969391

Gura placed chakra limiters on her body that will be opened

>> No.28969396

>Teammates by a mile
What are you on. The slightest negative comment about Ame get all her knights swarming in every thread. She's the most protected of all here by far even before Gura.

>> No.28969398

They didn't have to, she became untouchable from radiating so much chad energy

>> No.28969405
Quoted by: >>28969468

i hate gura and want to make her into a soup
but desu senpai she was probably just sleep deprived and on her period, theres no real narrative here.

>> No.28969407
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>> No.28969409

as a T3, I love reposting Mori pastas

>> No.28969411
Quoted by: >>28969426

Gura books a flight to personally kill Suisei with her own bare fins

>> No.28969412

/a/ jokes about being girls but /hlgg/ gotta have a ton of actual femanons with the tons of tabloid gossip it's churning out each day

>> No.28969415
File: 149 KB, 346x482, 1604857445718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planning any strategy

>> No.28969417


>> No.28969419

Is that why Suisei's ghost flew after Mori making kissy noises right after that?

>> No.28969420

She's cute. Nene voted out Mori despite knowing that Watson was the impostor.

>> No.28969424

I don't see Teamates reacting to much these days. Thinnest is definitely chumbuds by far. They're the biggest group and they're not used to being shat on thanks to their pet meido.

>> No.28969425
File: 123 KB, 1000x1000, 1603742476998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats are the strongest because they are the strongest unless they are the weakest.
When they are the weakest the strongest must devour the weakest.
Deadbeats are the strongest and only the strongest survive to become the most strongest.
Cull the weak and only the strongest will survive.

>> No.28969426

If she doesn't then I will

>> No.28969427
File: 59 KB, 802x716, 1604185123265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura... Risu... you had visual tasks OFF you two retards

>> No.28969430

I doubt Moona is a schizo-cunt like you

>> No.28969433
Quoted by: >>28969456

I was making a case for Mori being better at Japanese than Risu, you retarded anti

>> No.28969435

Where do think narratives come from?

>> No.28969439
Quoted by: >>28969480

Many of them have attentionwhored with their voices already newfag

>> No.28969440
Quoted by: >>28969485

If Kiara is talking in pre stream chat doesn't that mean she is back home?

>> No.28969438

>It's all in good fun guys, no one takes it seriously.

>> No.28969441

We're doing as our boy would do, reply to obvious bait while simultaneously missing the point entirely

>> No.28969442

This. God I wish Gura's fanbase had Pekora's fanbase's sense of banter.

>> No.28969449

>pet meido
>not used being shat on
how new can one be ?

>> No.28969450
Quoted by: >>28969513

Deadbeats have never been the same since that one Deadbeat formed the Death Cult to purge the other Deadbeats by turning everyone else including other Deadbeats against the rest of the Deadbeat population. Deadbeat

>> No.28969451

KFP, they got by far the most shit early on and keep getting it. Tentaculists in the opposite way, as they can shrug off anything because Ina is above it.
Teamates are the thinnest by a good margin.

>> No.28969454

Amen brother

>> No.28969456

> Mori being better at Japanese than Risu
well she's not, retard

>> No.28969457

No wonder Ina/Mori is the most common membership overlap. Bunch of fucking deathcultists.

>> No.28969460

If Sega had their shit together my favorite recent franchise of theirs (valkyria chronicles) wouldn't be completely dead. It hurts.

>> No.28969461

No, just a lot of humble (You) farmers tending their crop. This is some of the most fertile lands for (You)s that I've come across and I have frequented many awful boards.

>> No.28969462
Quoted by: >>28969518

she accidentally used whats essentaily a mass charm spell on the JP women. All of them were too dazed to even vote.

>> No.28969465

Anon, please bear in mind that SEGA is run by fucking idiots.

>> No.28969468

she didn't want to have fun, she only wanted to win, thats why she was so salty
the narrative is that chumniggers are the worst and cant admit their oshii isnt perfect

>> No.28969474

Yesterday has been more toxic than the cow site.

>> No.28969475
File: 226 KB, 446x590, 1587310834332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok when we shit on our daughter, it's not ok when faggot outsiders do it.

>> No.28969476

She drew as little attention to herself during the discussion time as possible and everyone in this collab was pretty terrible at ever actually voting.

>> No.28969478
File: 2.11 MB, 2800x2600, 1581852527085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone taking the skin thickness bait yet again.

>> No.28969480

it's a single femanon with a relatively wide vocal range, dude

>> No.28969483

Aaaaaaah I see

>> No.28969484

That's really up to Gura. How she interacts with her audience shapes the way they respond to her. Ame rages and screams at every game she plays but people just think it's hilarious and no one gets upset.

>> No.28969485

You can browse youtube without a home pc anonchama

>> No.28969486

Kiara's demo will have all the lewd JAV minigames.

>> No.28969488


>> No.28969490

eop trying to speak japanese must have sounded cute to them

>> No.28969491

Nobody really thinks Suisei and Gura particularly care that much about each other besides being fellow Holos.

The issue is some of Suisei's fans are absolutely fucking seething, radiating enough energy to power a city, about people praising Gura as the best Holo singer. Singing was always supposed to be Suisei's thing and they firmly believe she's the best, even though quite a few Holos other than her have a decent singing voice. They fear irrelevance.

>> No.28969492
Quoted by: >>28969539

Hell, watch Mori or Nene then, neither of them got impostor at all and their POVs substantiate my point just as well

>> No.28969493
Quoted by: >>28969593

What are we watching now?
Kiara? Pekora? Haachama?

>> No.28969497

You now remember the cancelled GFL collab

>> No.28969498
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1603291058351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori opening the door for Kiara
>YOYOYO, come in
I fucking love this dork.

>> No.28969501
Quoted by: >>28969543

What else was there? She can't banter or discuss with nips because she doesn't know Japanese,and that's the only other fun to be had in the game.

>> No.28969504

Towa 100%. Mori feels like she is exaggerating her dorkiness for the viewers.

>> No.28969508

Deadbeats because they're the minority, and the mori antis/shitposters never stopped and are obsessed and even falseflag as weak deadbeats.

t. tentaculist

>> No.28969511

Ok attentionwhore, we get it, calm down

>> No.28969512
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, EkYGFR3VgAAzBCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969592

>I can't wait for the day the permissions arc finally ends and the girls are free to play whatever the fuck they want
Holos should all stage protest streams on the same day to raise awareness of the permission issue, so that consumers can put pressure on them to ease up on their retarded shit.

>> No.28969513
Quoted by: >>28969583

We're willing to kill one another in order for Mori to get her 10 guys.

>> No.28969517
Quoted by: >>28969573

the best holo singer is obviously nenechi

>> No.28969518
Quoted by: >>28969596

My dense harem anime protagonist can't be this cute.

>> No.28969521
Quoted by: >>28969560

>Biggest fanbases get the most protection
>Anons act surprised
Just throwing this in here as a reminder for any lurkers.
Remember to chill and enjoy the dead hours. It's all good. Go do reps if you're getting heated.

>> No.28969526
File: 459 KB, 1338x1759, лoл.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! The memeshark is siphoning even more memespewing normalfags that don't care about her past being fotm and she doesn't know how to handle! Whatever shall we do!

>> No.28969529

This is true

>> No.28969531

Did you know that Risu is a great singer?


>> No.28969533


>> No.28969535

Watch Nene then. She didn't get imposter either and it was fine.

>> No.28969536

wait until she pulls out homostar collab and Mori podcast is actually released. The real tests are there for both fanbases.

>> No.28969537

Sounds more like a nightmare than a dream really.

>> No.28969538
Quoted by: >>28969758

VC would be such a good stream game too.
Time to chat, planned action fails, etc.

>> No.28969539

I don't like mori and can't understand nene. There's a reason shark is 1300k sub Apex vtuber. She's the pov for the masses.

>> No.28969540
Quoted by: >>28969605

gura always picks the banter to read out loud, her minecraft streams are pure banter, the among us collab was like that during most of it but she just reached her limit at the very end

>> No.28969542

so the reason Mori muted her mic during her "bathroom break" was to let Kiara in to her house right?

>> No.28969543

watch Luna and Mori and learn, dumb retard

>> No.28969546

put them in a collab and we can compare

>> No.28969549

Wait... People actually like Kiara???

>> No.28969556

based IT chad

>> No.28969557

that's Ayunda

>> No.28969560

This is what you get from inviting the cancerous fanbases.

>> No.28969564
File: 19 KB, 534x248, schizocoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28969565

cope cometflake

>> No.28969566
Quoted by: >>28969595


>> No.28969569

>wait until she pulls out homostar collab
anon you realize that if this happens, almost nobody will bat an eye except shitposters

>> No.28969573
File: 29 KB, 268x372, IGo_to_Japan_2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically

>> No.28969577

is she actually hitting the high notes or is it autotune

>> No.28969579
File: 289 KB, 461x857, rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hfcxYFuQ_Q
Risu is fucking based

>> No.28969583

Dammit man we need to end the Deadbeat civil war. There's going to be nothing left of the Deadbeat at the rate we're going

>> No.28969585

I love Kiara and Ina and Mori

>> No.28969589

I don't know what it is about Suisei's design I love so much. Normally I prefer the more monstergirl designs, but Suisei is just really appealing for some reason. Even without the suicopath memes.

>> No.28969592

This will only happen when Japan permits fair use, which will never happen

>> No.28969593

watching Haachama make a parkour course in the shape of poop

>> No.28969595

Phew thought people actually started liking Kiara...

>> No.28969596
Quoted by: >>28969743

She's literally Ya Boi:
-Is teaching in Nippon
-Followed her musical dreams
-Lusted after by the yandere Japs
-Straight as an arrow

>> No.28969600
Quoted by: >>28969619

No it's just anti's pretending to like her to they can have someone to yell at.

>> No.28969605

>she just reached her limit at the very end
So did I. Listening to unintelligible retards screaming for 2 hours straight does things to a person. I just wanted it to get to the fun part. It never did.

>> No.28969608
Quoted by: >>28969656

>gura playing to win
at least watch her streams before commenting

>> No.28969609

Either that or Kiara stood outside watching Mori's stream on her phone like a dumbass because she didn't want to interrupt the stream.

>> No.28969615

Is Gura uncircumcised?

>> No.28969617

Well, it can't be helped then, stay mad

>> No.28969619

Oh shit, i never knew about that, fuck me

>> No.28969621

All KFP employees are just actors Kiara bought with money.

>> No.28969622

>wait until she pulls out homostar collab
wait did you actually believe the shitposts from today?

>> No.28969623

You don't remember right?

>> No.28969625

I doubt Japanese women need help hitting high notes

>> No.28969626
File: 470 KB, 600x941, dumb chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969647

>he doesn't like the chicken

>> No.28969630
Quoted by: >>28969673

I was not being ironic, nenechi has a great voice

>> No.28969635
File: 439 KB, 639x720, 1519556919132.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teamates. They get always shat at but they never sperg as much as the other fanbases. The first few weeks were literally baptism by fire to them. Nowadays, they only come out from their woodwork if Ame's streaming

>> No.28969638

What thats going to test except how antis are going to be absolute retards again? No one in either fanbase gives a shit and deadbeats are, at worst, disappointed about the podcast.

>> No.28969639
File: 163 KB, 344x427, 1597174117971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creative mode

>> No.28969641
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>> No.28969643

>buys a washing machine without measuring the dimensions for it
>buys champagne instead of wine
>doesn't know how to open it and cuts her hand
>falls over while helping carry the washing machine out the door
>all in one stream

>> No.28969645
Quoted by: >>28969738

so that's your opinion that shes the best singer in hololive. Just because a million fags say one thing doesn't make it true

>> No.28969646


>> No.28969647
Quoted by: >>28969710

You do?

>> No.28969651

You can hear the autotune kick in pretty hard at certain points

>> No.28969656
Quoted by: >>28969723

I'm not watching 2 hours of shark being salty because she died, thank you

>> No.28969659
File: 114 KB, 1397x911, 1595511333620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow who would've thought that replying 20 times to a tribalism post would start a tribalism war among who is the worst and best fanbase
I am inclined to believe that every single person that replied enjoys it

>> No.28969660


>> No.28969661
File: 1.57 MB, 1378x846, Screen Shot 2020-11-10 at 17.59.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969714

>Twoppers uses THIS picture on her member's only content

>> No.28969663
Quoted by: >>28969772

she only has like 8 members on hlgg

>> No.28969664

>Okayu playing SM Sunshine
>she can actually control Mario and do all the moves
So this is what it looks like when it isn't Kiara playing it...

>> No.28969665

You don't understand, anon. The civil war is a smokescreen. It makes any actual antis think there's already shitposting narratives in place and so they just parrot what the covert Deadbeats are already spamming. It prevents any actual anti narratives from forming for real. In reality, the shitposting Deadbeats and defensive Deadbeats were allies all along.

>> No.28969667


>> No.28969672
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>S*isei will never beat Gura at singing
How does it feel cometfag?

>> No.28969673

Oh nice, I agree. Her singing streams are always fun.

>> No.28969675

She's swedish, just like Gura

>> No.28969679

I like chicken.
t. deadbeat

>> No.28969680


>> No.28969681

>Mori feels like she is exaggerating her dorkiness for the viewers.
Ha ha ha...

>> No.28969683

oh shit oh fuck anon

>> No.28969694
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>> No.28969698

I like her roommate

>> No.28969700

>Mori feels like she is exaggerating
How do we keep getting new people in these threads who still believe it's all an act?

>> No.28969705

don't give attention to them, they and their oshi are literally irrelevant

>> No.28969709

How new are you?

>> No.28969710
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Of course

>> No.28969712

I'm curious to see how well Guras first EP is actually gonna sell.

>> No.28969714

Good choice, she's pretty cute there.

>> No.28969716
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>> No.28969723

I admit your concession

>> No.28969726

I like her energy

>> No.28969727

I bet most of the /u/fags in here are femanons.

>> No.28969730

All I know that you can't talk about Mori.

>> No.28969733
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>> No.28969734

anon, no. Don't mention that

>> No.28969737

Today I will remind all of them again who the best hololive singer is.

>> No.28969738
Quoted by: >>28969781

There's often wisdom to be found in a crowd, my friend.

>> No.28969743

More like Yabai amirite?

>> No.28969745
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>> No.28969750

So basically the solution to slaughter all narratives and BTFO schizos forever, would be a Gura+Suisei duet karaoke.

>> No.28969754


>> No.28969756
Quoted by: >>28969806

Okayu is unironically good, like, male-good, at 3d platformers. A while ago a kind anon from hlg informed us she actually has a sub-20 minute 16 star speedrun time in Super Mario 64, which is like top 500 in the world or so.

>> No.28969758
Quoted by: >>28969889

Would be fun to watch one of the girls get completely filtered by the tank/selvaria level in the first game.

>> No.28969760

Don't forget:
>Falling on her ass while carrying boxes right as the door closes
>Spending 3 hours on a call with K-san trying to troubleshoot a speaker but it was just a wrong plug
>In the same stream

>> No.28969761
File: 305 KB, 2048x2048, 1604592279017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting MY boy

>> No.28969768

why does the guy looks so uncomfortable

>> No.28969766
Quoted by: >>28969785

>you are now sharing the fandom with children as old as Haruhi anime

>> No.28969769

No, we need to accelerate it. Bring it back to like it was during the week of no streams

>> No.28969770

>it's Minecraft

>> No.28969772
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Hey, there's at least like 12 of us based on the poalfaggotry.

>> No.28969774
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>> No.28969776
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Eh, I'm still waiting for Death Star to happen.

>> No.28969777
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>> No.28969778


>> No.28969779

quality post

>> No.28969781

>There's often wisdom to be found in a crowd
The majority, generally speaking, always gets it wrong. Consensus opinions are not innovative for obvious reasons.

>> No.28969784
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>> No.28969785

God damn it

>> No.28969793

Where does Nenechi fit into this?

>> No.28969797
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>> No.28969800
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>> No.28969801
Quoted by: >>28969838

Kiara and Ina are the best.

>> No.28969803

we neeed a dork essay for Mori like with SUPER ENENMI

>> No.28969804
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>> No.28969806

>Okayu never taught Pekora how to BLJ

>> No.28969808

Mori is confirmed to be a weedsmoking degenerate

>> No.28969810

What collabs would cause the most seething?
I think Kiara + Mikoti would start some trouble

>> No.28969812
File: 300 KB, 397x447, 1603510415271[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqargjj.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitposting is too high on overdrive we can't even fill the image limit anymore

>> No.28969813 [DELETED] 

>trump won the election
WOAH buddy go back to /pol/ please

>> No.28969814

please understand kiara only has one monitor so she plays the game while watching OBS

>> No.28969819
File: 1.23 MB, 916x704, C88715CF-51F7-4C5F-8EC7-EF8BA18CF914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28969820

switch Polka and Ame and it works

>> No.28969822

>anone... where are my narratives...

>> No.28969824

Based cometCHAD.
Chumbuds wouldn't know talent if it hit them in the face.

>> No.28969830
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>> No.28969829

I used to really dislike her, now I kinda like her. As long as she stay low on the numberfagging and self pity.

>> No.28969835

Death Star is a fucking strong name

>> No.28969836
Quoted by: >>28969850

I want Kiara to collab with Okayu. Kiara wanted to play with cats and maybe Okayu can teach her some Mario.

>> No.28969837
File: 48 KB, 525x618, 1580458779812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Haachama Polka collab never

>> No.28969838

based chickensquid poster
I want them to drool over girls together again

>> No.28969839

Mori feels almost like the EN flavor of Nene/Shien. Pure unfiltered sperg energy.

>> No.28969846
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Polka is a historian though.

>> No.28969850

I don't think that obese pig is her type

>> No.28969853

if/when Suisei finds out about how Mori really is, this is whats going to happen. Better keep up the façade, Mori

>> No.28969854
File: 49 KB, 128x128, abused_polka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to FUCK the clown

>> No.28969858
File: 1.54 MB, 4096x3554, the new trinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28969857

This is backwards

>> No.28969860

Okay, now they need to make a collab song actually named that.

>> No.28969862
Quoted by: >>28969905

>The majority, generally speaking, always gets it wrong.
That's not how anything in life works. The majority decides what is right or wrong.

>> No.28969867

Start should be base Akai Haato
Haachama is another person

>> No.28969868

>good at singing
lmao I fucking cringe when I hear her singing live

>> No.28969869
File: 1.67 MB, 4093x2894, Dots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28969871

Now this may sound crazy but hear me out here, Mori x Roboco
Remember this happened:
and note she has pipes

>> No.28969876
File: 1.05 MB, 578x708, Wah [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fltnorx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28969877
Quoted by: >>28969897

Objective HoloEN ranking?


>> No.28969880

>Death Star
>Takamori/Death and Rebirth
When will Gura and Ame beat Mori in the ship name game

>> No.28969883
Quoted by: >>28969903

Suisei doesn't care about Gura, so no a duet is not going to happen.

>> No.28969886
Quoted by: >>28969947


>> No.28969887
Quoted by: >>28969925

>Actual killers are obsessively attracted to her
It checks out.

>> No.28969889

yeah fun for a while and if it gets too bad chat can pull out 1 turn strats.
fuck I really want them to play it now

>> No.28969891

Based, fuck brrats

>> No.28969892

I initially favored Supernova but that one is less obvious.

>> No.28969894
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>> No.28969897


>> No.28969898

I think that's probably one of the song collabs Mori has in the works, at least I hope so.

>> No.28969903

what if Mori asks?

>> No.28969905
File: 50 KB, 487x1277, 20201110_071243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. bugman

>> No.28969906
File: 1.94 MB, 800x1162, 1589850099902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt people who are obsessed over measuring different fanbases like they are measuring their dicks
do better next time fags and lurk more

>> No.28969908
Quoted by: >>28969960

This, without heavy autotune and post work Suisei sounds like absolute dogshit.

>> No.28969911

Please K's-san, release the piano version of Cursed Nights...

>> No.28969913
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>> No.28969923
File: 467 KB, 2560x1440, Emddy9_VoAIqfBo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love that illustration
tree rat a cute

>> No.28969924
File: 1.18 MB, 1781x2306, sui348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More for me.

>> No.28969925
File: 11 KB, 148x340, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean Death Jester?

>> No.28969929
File: 136 KB, 1080x710, 20201110_071249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28969945

>> No.28969934

I never said she's good, only her fanbase thinks she's good.

>> No.28969937
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>> No.28969945
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Love this dork so much.

>> No.28969947

So how will mori make up for it to Kiara

>> No.28969960

You don't need to perpetuate /hlg/ narratives in the wrong thread, my dudes.
