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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 972 KB, 1602x1080, 1600355613128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26974241 No.26974241 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26974249
File: 307 KB, 768x1024, 84260189_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26974254

I love Mori

>> No.26974261

Her family though. This shits sucks. I met way too many people who use family as leverage. This is even if she wants the empty marriage.

>> No.26974260


>> No.26974262

Never enough threads

>> No.26974264
File: 115 KB, 1000x1000, 1600985193389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ina...

>> No.26974275

>7th thread
The touhous... all gone... like tears in the rain..

>> No.26974283

what happened to the last thread?

>> No.26974285
File: 331 KB, 2309x1088, 1601184296518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26974286
File: 224 KB, 318x317, 1601144263276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974287

I didn't know so many people were in favor of Cover crumbling. Is that just a hlgg thing?

>> No.26974292
File: 480 KB, 2000x2975, __watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_juicycloney__970e1c250434c62dda5a30da7f39b451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Amelia is beautiful, funny, and recognizes Taiwan as a country!

>> No.26974293 [DELETED] 

Lurk more you fucking nigger i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth
>duuhhh why supacha called?
>gguuuuuhhh *makes new thread early*
>uhhh why anti called?
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>what 5ch????
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>post frogman and soijak
>WHERE DOXX??????????
>what kino means????
>what reps means????
>just woke up what happen????????
>hurr when is stream?
>duuuur what gosling means???
>what naizuri?????????
>what roommate means????
>bluuuh what rule 1 2????????????
>SIMP heh gotem
>uhhh just anime girl???
>durrrrrhhhh is my schizo narrative true??
>jp/indie collab when???????????????
>huh how play 2 streams???
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
>why live stream only?
>what does membership give???
>durr how youtube-dl work?????????????
>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????
>what freechat????
>what oishi gachokoi??
>what gremlin is???
>just twitch????????
>supacha stream zzzzz????
>why all girls gay??????
>what ogey means????
>what rrat means????
>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????
>durr what towa aloe do?????
>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??
>hurrrrrr gatekeep bad!

>> No.26974294


>> No.26974295
File: 922 KB, 851x705, Reminder Haachama is HoloEN!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder Haachama is HoloEN!

>> No.26974302
File: 2.04 MB, 480x320, nuzzle.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole collab they were close and fucking with each other

>> No.26974305

People really only now learning the hard way that companies aren't your friends?

>> No.26974311
File: 372 KB, 589x772, Holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for Haachama and Coco to join the winning team. MYHolo the true holo experience.

>> No.26974315


>> No.26974317
File: 432 KB, 1661x240, new thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gj with the new thread, think on all these 1.4b feelings you hurt killing the Touhou threads

>> No.26974320



>> No.26974323


>> No.26974325
File: 534 KB, 1746x544, IMG_20200927_180034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974522

Presented without comment.

>> No.26974326

you will make people who have a shortcut to >>>/jp/hololive create threads by accident
the 2hucaust will continue...

>> No.26974327

I hate you cunts. No joke, no troll, no shitpost, I simply loathe this place now. Splitting off the general was a mistake because EN should have been banned on site. You're on par with 12 year olds idolizing your favorite youtubers, and yet you manage to be even worse because you think enjoying anime girls do the same thing makes you better than them. None of you have anything original in your heads. 5 posters will reply to the same comment acting as if you're so quirky but all say the same thing. The way you use reaction images and speed through threads is the style of posting that comes native to shitholes like /v/ and /sp/; is that a point of pride for you? 4ch isn't a site for rapid blogging, /jp/ especially. Go to twitter if you want something fast paced and in short bursts that no one wants to read. This is the only site where certain topics can have a home, and you're ruining one of the most sacred boards we have left. In the time it took to type that out, a few hundred posts will probably have been spammed, and a few hundred more will bury this soon. Because no one here wants to focus on topics and discuss, you shit out each and every thought that pops into your head as you think of it, desperate for validation. This one post alone has more effort put into it than dozens of others combined but since there's nothing in here for you to "meme" about, you'll almost certainly feel like reading this was a waste of time. If that's the case, shut off your computer and do something productive. The rest of us have wasted our lives already and want to be left in peace. There's a million different websites you can go watch pudepie as an anime girl make noises, you don't have to come here. Please, just go.

>> No.26974329
File: 64 KB, 661x960, IMG_20200928_010737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THEY DID MY DRAGON REALLY BAD. Fuck the fucking ugly reds.

>> No.26974333
File: 141 KB, 842x805, bad43d8137[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Worry about her low numbers
> Her target audience being mixed JP/EN, she overlaps Coco & Haachama
> Inadvertently drop in the HoloJP discord "Can't wait to read my youtube analytics 6 months from now, that would make great content"
> Only Coco & Haachama can read the message in english
> Both fall in the trap and get the ban, as planned
> The numbers stay low anyway, start another plan

>> No.26974335
File: 236 KB, 991x1080, amelia kitkat pregnancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to take responsibility

>> No.26974337

>first game starts
you can tell gura loves watson

>> No.26974342
File: 915 KB, 1661x1013, tarot 0.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26974346
File: 66 KB, 1024x945, 1542142285789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974348

Westerners thrive on NARRATIVE. They don't actually enjoy Hololive. Bigger drama has come along and they want the dopamine rush of watching something crumble more than just enjoying something.

>> No.26974350

What's the Mori lewd tag?

>> No.26974352

nice copypasta

>> No.26974353
File: 3.63 MB, 1936x1814, 84442741_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974355

Sure thing is what I'd say if you weren't a gachafag

>> No.26974359

> Holollive

rip regexfags

>> No.26974361
File: 140 KB, 594x732, _.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974366

I tried bringing this back but the meidos delete it half the time.

>> No.26974370

Sorry, Atria...but your blood and your bodies, along with the other HoloCNs, must be sacrificed for Haachama...

>> No.26974369
Quoted by: >>26974403

>no proof it's her beyond dude trust me
>no proof of the translation beyond dude trust me

>> No.26974373

Which EN do you wish you were friends with? No sexual.

>> No.26974374
File: 444 KB, 961x786, file_f0fv19v0ov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974433

When is /ourgirl/ playing Limbo?

>> No.26974376

I know and I love it. They can play through so many co-op games together.

>> No.26974378
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, 1601063451009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ame the fastest a Holo's ever changed from their debut personality? She seemed to drop it completely by the 2nd stream.

>> No.26974382

I will save Artia and marry her!

>> No.26974384
File: 429 KB, 600x480, morirap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without Xi
kson ONAIR, Real name, no gimmicks (*record scratch*)
Two Hololive girls go 'round the outside
'Round the outside, 'round the outside
Two Hololive girls go 'round the outside
'Round the outside, 'round the outside

Guess who's back, back again
Coco's back, tell a friend
Guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back, guess who's back
Guess who's back

I've created a monster, 'cause nobody wants to
See Coco no more, they want Mori, I'm chopped liver
Well, if you want Mori, this is what I'll give ya
A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor
Some noodles that'll jump start my Haato quicker
Than a shock when I get shocked on stream
By Tamaki when I'm not co-operating
While I'm vibrating the chair while we're epilating (Hey!)
You waited this long, now stop debating
‘Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating
I know that you got a job, Mr. Tani
But your branch's Haato problem's complicating
So the CCP won't let me be
Or let me be me, so let me see
They try to shut me down on Bilibili
But it feels so empty without me
So, come on and dip, bum on your lips
Fuck that! Cum on your lips and some on your tits
And get ready, ‘cause this shit's about to get heavy
I just settled all my lawsuits—fuck you, Xi Jinping!

Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy
‘Cause we'd be so happy without Xi
I said this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy
‘Cause we'd be so happy without Xi

>> No.26974385

Ina please stream

>> No.26974391

I want to fuck Artia so hard sge starts to believe Taiwan is an independent country

>> No.26974392 [DELETED] 



>> No.26974393
File: 273 KB, 1862x2931, EicucxcVkAAkDyY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live near the Chinese embassy of my country, if something happens during next Gura stream I fucking swear somebody's car is gonna get a free color change.

>> No.26974394

It's not gonna help the HOLO's at all, and COVER's actions are in consideration for HOLO CN and their fans, including any Chinese who watch the rest of the HOLO's, even if they don't draw in that much money, so to me, the motive isn't about money. COCO and Haachama bring in a lot of money, and they aren't "graduating" otherwise if it comes down to deciding who to stick up for, Cover will keep Coco and Haachama, but if this blows over they hope to keep everyone together. It sucks, but the CCP is an asshole.

>> No.26974396

I hope the Wednesday collab is another Surgeon Simulator 2 collab. That last one was really fun and I think a one off wouldn't do the game justice.

>> No.26974398

Mori would be chill as fuck to hang out with.

>> No.26974400
File: 1.10 MB, 2762x4096, 8799686484165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974399

No who is her first sister >>26974035

>> No.26974403
Quoted by: >>26974499

Even if it's real, she'd be beyond retarded if she wasn't going on record to say she's a good citizen and to please not kill her family.

>> No.26974406
File: 1.72 MB, 1190x1934, 1580518740498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978407

All I wish is for our girls not to be disturbed by all this shitstorm. It's not their problem, it has nothing to do with them. Unfortunately, I know that chinks are deranged and logic does not apply to them. But hey, one can hope.

>> No.26974407


>> No.26974409

This is an actual timeloop

>> No.26974410

Only Amelia has a lewd tag so far.iirc.
Ina's checking tags to find ones acceptable so that some poor business isn't flooded with a deluge of tentacle porn.

>> No.26974413
File: 1.44 MB, 1285x683, cocopelvis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literal aliens, managers feeling real zealous
Embarrassed whenever I thrust my pelvis
They start feeling like prisoners helpless
'Til someone comes along on a mission and yells, "TAIWAN!"
A visionary, vision is scary
Could start a revolution, polluting the airwaves
A rebel, so just let me revel and bask
In the fact that I got everyone kissing my ass (*smack*)
And it's a disaster, such a catastrophe
For you to see so damn much of my ass—you asked for me?
Well, I'm back, na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na
Fix your bent antenna, tune it in, and then I'm gonna
Enter in, and up under your skin like a splinter
The center of attention, back for the winter
I'm interesting, the best thing since wrestling
Infesting in your kid's ears and nesting
Testing, "Attention please"
Feel the tension soon as someone mentions me
Here's my ten cents, Fifty cent army's
A nuisance, who sent? You sent for me?

Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy
‘Cause we'd be so happy without Xi
I said this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy
‘Cause we'd be so happy without Xi

A tisk-it a task-it, I'll go tit for tat with
Anybody who's talking "this shit, that shit"
I'm a dragon, Anti's go eat maggots
Worse than them little SEAmonkey faggots
And YAGOO? Your dream's a side show
You 46-year-old incompetent fag, blow me
You don't know me, you're too old, let go
It's over, nobody's looking for seiso
Now let's go, just give me the signal
I'll be there with a whole list full of new insults
I've been dope, suspenseful with a pencil
Ever since Haachama turned into a symbol
But sometimes the shit just seems
Everybody only wants to discuss me
So this must mean I'm disgusting
But it's just me, I'm just obscene
Though I'm not the first Queen of controversy
I am the worst thing since RWBY
To use Jap culture so selfishly
And use it to get myself wealthy (Hey!)
There's a concept that works
Twenty million other Antis emerge
But no matter how many chinks in the scene
It'd be so empty without me

Now this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy
‘Cause we'd be so happy without Xi
I said this looks like a job for me
So everybody, just follow me
‘Cause we need a little controversy
‘Cause we'd be so happy without Xi

>> No.26974418

Def Mori.
I had friends like her, when I had friends.

>> No.26974420
File: 882 KB, 500x281, 1552063517185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start Hololive EN
>a few weeks later suck china cock and piss off the new fanbase
the fuck is in the water over in japan?

>> No.26974428
File: 94 KB, 538x530, 1580957698291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what's going on anymore

>> No.26974427

Did anyone clip Coco's comment? she went full gamer

>> No.26974433
Quoted by: >>26974642

4 hours 30 mins

>> No.26974441

Antis are there weakness

>> No.26974443

I hate you cunts. No joke, no troll, no shitpost, I simply loathe this place now. Splitting off the general was a mistake because EN should have been banned on site. You're on par with 12 year olds idolizing your favorite youtubers, and yet you manage to be even worse because you think enjoying anime girls do the same thing makes you better than them. None of you have anything original in your heads. 5 posters will reply to the same comment acting as if you're so quirky but all say the same thing. The way you use reaction images and speed through threads is the style of posting that comes native to shitholes like /v/ and /sp/; is that a point of pride for you? 4ch isn't a site for rapid blogging, /jp/ especially. Go to twitter if you want something fast paced and in short bursts that no one wants to read. This is the only site where certain topics can have a home, and you're ruining one of the most sacred boards we have left. In the time it took to type that out, a few hundred posts will probably have been spammed, and a few hundred more will bury this soon. Because no one here wants to focus on topics and discuss, you shit out each and every thought that pops into your head as you think of it, desperate for validation. This one post alone has more effort put into it than dozens of others combined but since there's nothing in here for you to "meme" about, you'll almost certainly feel like reading this was a waste of time. If that's the case, shut off your computer and do something productive. The rest of us have wasted our lives already and want to be left in peace. There's a million different websites you can go watch pudepie as an anime girl make noises, you don't have to come here. Please, just go.

>> No.26974445
File: 50 KB, 388x415, 1572013657678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder it's okay when Mori does Japanese streams with the cringiest titles and thumbnails possible but it's NOT okay when Kiara tries to appeal to both audiences!

>> No.26974447
File: 261 KB, 850x693, 1587677588319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia posted on her personal account in support of Cover's statement and the reactions of Chinese netizens.

>> No.26974453

Ina seems like the kind of friend you can just sit around with quietly for an entire day without the silence ever being awkward.

>> No.26974459

Oh, go fuck yourself already. We have much bigger issues at hand.

>> No.26974462

Fuck you, I would pick Artia and Civia over a Aussie shitposting

>> No.26974463
File: 54 KB, 660x771, NOyGDJw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26974464
File: 177 KB, 866x1200, 1601223157234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974494

Is Ame the only one streaming today?

>> No.26974465
Quoted by: >>26974536

It's a law of the universe that every japanese company becomes retarded at some point

>> No.26974467

Don’t drink the water

>> No.26974468

That's my wife

>> No.26974470


>> No.26974469

Mori fo' sho

>> No.26974471
File: 250 KB, 1592x1307, 1601161733159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute inas

>> No.26974476

Join the fucking club mate

>> No.26974480
File: 920 KB, 899x806, 1600398386972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree, but I'd be extremely attracted to Mori and unable to contain my spaghetti. I think Shark would be the easiest to hang out with without feeling the intense desire to procreate.

>> No.26974483
File: 122 KB, 827x1423, 1600996029362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiara (bugmen) neck cracking asmr SOON

>> No.26974484
File: 769 KB, 1106x739, xi ankimo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974691


>> No.26974487
File: 168 KB, 518x657, 1600697169097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too embarassed to make one.

>> No.26974490

All of them.. even the chicken

>> No.26974494 [DELETED] 



>> No.26974498
Quoted by: >>26975705

>Haato and Coco say ~5% of their donations come from Taiwan
>Chinks lose their shit and rage against Cover
>Cover folds to cover their own ass and suspends both Coco and Haato for 3 weeks.
Huge overreaction out of a huge nothingburger

>> No.26974499

Yeah that's the thing. The CNs got put in a shitty position because a bunch of brainwashed 50 cent soldiers had to make a big deal out of nothing.

>> No.26974500


>> No.26974502

Can't believe I felt bad for her when she said she just wanted to play games...

>> No.26974504
Quoted by: >>26980068

Amelia sounds like she’d be pretty fun to play tf2 with

>> No.26974505
File: 2 KB, 424x600, 424px-Magenta[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974510
File: 205 KB, 703x525, 1549299029224.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974559

why are you so butthurt about this?

>> No.26974515
File: 203 KB, 1000x1200, 1600498129754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974517

What is the proof for that account to be Artia's
If it is, she really is the worst holo

>> No.26974518
File: 3.71 MB, 1300x2311, watson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26974520

This will explain everything.

>> No.26974522

Definitely not from 4chan

>> No.26974521
File: 526 KB, 1414x1000, 8674684648186684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame comfort me with your voice and body.

>> No.26974523

please someone record this

>> No.26974527
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1601061677586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop this before I deep fry you.

>> No.26974528
File: 242 KB, 502x538, 1599848251168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please give Artia your support

>> No.26974529
Quoted by: >>26974561

I wanted to see Kiara and the other holos play genshin impact.

>> No.26974531

Stop trying to get her in trouble, schizo anti

>> No.26974532

I think that debut was mostly nerves and less personality. That being said she found her groove really quickly and her streams are all really fun.

>> No.26974533
Quoted by: >>26974638

ok cool, we don't need to feel bad about cutting off HoloCN anymore

>> No.26974536

It's not Japanese companies. It's literally every company that does business with China. You do business with China then you have to start playing by China's rule. Ideally every company would just say "fuck that" and let the chinks hang but they're too money driven to ever do that.

>> No.26974540
File: 215 KB, 584x585, 1600567345978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the lizard man

>> No.26974541


>> No.26974548


>> No.26974550

maybe if you fuckin streamed I would. dumb ice gremlin

>> No.26974557

>drank water
>from texas

>> No.26974559

It's called bait, since it'll lead to an excuse to sperg about the chicken.

>> No.26974562
File: 904 KB, 794x768, 1600920228160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974608


>> No.26974561

The game looked awful, honestly. she'd probably just kind of struggle and run around aimlessly for an hour and never play again.

>> No.26974564

Cover needs to scale the fuck back, stop releasing new bitches, and focus on the company as a whole.

That said there was nothing they can fucking do about this situation that would make anyone happy.

>> No.26974563

They are truly a hive of insects.

>> No.26974572


>> No.26974576
Quoted by: >>26974812

>Cover should dump that whole market.
Companies only kowtow to the Chinese because only the Chinese throw these kind of nation-level tantrums.

Companies will not willingly dump the minority Chinese market because they know international market will forget about the incident. There is little downside to the kowtow. This won't change until the US and EU governments punish this kind of behavior.

Fortunately everyone is pissed at China for the pandemic and US+EU are forming more coherent and aggressive policies against the Chinese.

>> No.26974578

When who dies? Coco? The entire communist party? Please help me I want to konw

>> No.26974580

>Blaming Kiara for Chink Autism.

>> No.26974584 [DELETED] 

Don't forget to watch Gura's sister https://twitter.com/ArtemisVtuber

>> No.26974588

>That said there was nothing they can fucking do about this situation that would make anyone happy.
I mean china is like 1% of their fanbase

>> No.26974589

I'm glad your family's about to die, Artia.

>> No.26974591
File: 95 KB, 960x540, korone_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974594

Probably Ina.

>> No.26974599

>For the ones catering to adult, western audiences
Fair enough, but I still don't think people would react well if, say, Amelia started publicly acknowledging her roommate. People LIKE the division between character and reality, and will continue to do so unless pokim*ne-style vtubing takes off and we get a JRPG/WRPG-type split in vtubing styles. That said, the reaction to her debut stream was pretty negative so I doubt it will. The Ny*nners/Melody/Ironmouse group seems to be doing okay though, maybe they can carve out a niche.

>I might have more twitch-ish fun with Watson
That's different, having twitch-ish fun isn't the same as breaking character because Watson's character IS a twitch gremlin. Even off-character behaviors don't really break the illusion - Pekora for example has done a full 180 since her debut, but she's still Pekora, not some Japanese girl with a face tracking app. Being "real" is not the same as breaking keyfabe.

>> No.26974601
File: 57 KB, 627x205, 1601074140891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974603

Touhous on sucide watch

>> No.26974604
Quoted by: >>26978964

Does Watson have a crush on Shien?

>> No.26974602

Do you guys think EN would face the same repercussions as JP did by showing taiwan?

>> No.26974605
Quoted by: >>26974638

if she disagreed she'd have to go straight to reeducation so I don't know why anyone would be surprised

>> No.26974608
File: 205 KB, 900x720, 1600800571154.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fluff her hair and pat her cheeks.

>> No.26974607

>yakuza taking a hit order from a random chinese schizoid
on what fucking planet lmao the larp to end all larps

>> No.26974610

If she supports what her faggot chink friends are doing to Coco and Hololive, she can go fuck herself.

>> No.26974612
Quoted by: >>26974778

japanese people hate chinese people,at least from what I've experienced living in japan for 2 years

>> No.26974614
File: 48 KB, 649x536, 7ff[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974702

>When people die this is over

>> No.26974615
Quoted by: >>26974667

>gura has had 1 short stream the past 4 days
It's not fair bros...
I need my fix...

>> No.26974616
Quoted by: >>26974687

t. chink

>> No.26974619


>> No.26974622
Quoted by: >>26974657

>That said there was nothing they can fucking do about this situation that would make anyone happy.
release all of their talent as independent creators and allow them to retain their individual brands. that would make everyone happy

>> No.26974623

To quote Calliope, "these bars are fire"

>> No.26974624

Fuck off we're bitching about China and marrying chinks.

>> No.26974626
Quoted by: >>26974686

how did some literal who get 11k followers before debut?

>> No.26974628

Unfunny antis are as bugman as the bugmen themselves.

>> No.26974634

This place hates Mori. You are just trying to capitalize off that hate to get some sympathy for Kiara. Pathetic.

>> No.26974635


>> No.26974638

Directly from Artia:
>"Keep going, Taiwan is a part of China, Don't give in."
I never want to see her posted here again.
Keep in mind, she also liked Cover's statement.

>> No.26974641

I hope none of you fucks spread this around bilibili, or heck, even Twitter, don't get Korosan into this.

>> No.26974642
File: 261 KB, 1271x1292, Watson.Amelia.full.3072609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot. That means I can enjoy my meal with no interruptions

>> No.26974648
File: 1.40 MB, 4000x4000, sketchies71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it look takodachis? I'm still not sure what I'm doing with colors.

>> No.26974647


>> No.26974649
Quoted by: >>26974759


Is that UMP45 that's dancing in the Oki Doki Boomer vid?

>> No.26974652
Quoted by: >>26980553

Proof right now is "dude trust me". If it actually is her then Cover needs to fire her and honestly just dissolve the entire CN branch because essentially it's always going to be used as leverage over cover by the chinks because encouraging her fellow bugoids to harass another Holo should pretty much be grounds for immediate termination.

>> No.26974654

They have 6 bitches based in CN and they can't just say "fuck them" and throw them to the wolves either. 3 of their JPs literally has 22% of their income be from China, one is literally 50%. There's a lot more than just fanbase.

>> No.26974657
Quoted by: >>26974788

Must be nice to live in Retardland.

>> No.26974665 [DELETED] 



>> No.26974667

watch her bilibili vod
is she part of some group?

>> No.26974668


>> No.26974669
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1601067549824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974671

nah she's just trying to ride the hype. caught her making comments in some gura images

>> No.26974672

>thread turns into FUCK CHINKS mode without streams to discuss
>sleep for 8 hours
>thread's still in full FUCK CHINKS mode
so this is the power of no streams, s-sasuga...

>> No.26974678

Beyond schizo. I believe this narrative.

>> No.26974679
File: 138 KB, 500x500, m4sip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Top tier
Mori would be a bro to hang with and seems like a smart person. She's the only one who respects RPGMaker games and I've been into them for over a decade at this point. Legit wish I could be friends with her to chill and talk about shit with, you have no idea how bad it hurts bros.
Amelia is /mygirl/ and based. Legitimately wish I could shitpost about life or video games with her. She's comfy as fuck and I'm glad she made it after her roommate struggled with getting views for so long.
>High tier
Ina seems like a genuine and nice person and i like lovecraft too, but she would intimidate me too much so it would be awkward desu. I would be too shy. Maybe we could talk about best girls in gfl.
>Mid tier
Gura is a memetard but i don't think it would be that engaging otherwise.
>Low tier
Kiara seems like a nice girl but I don't think we have much in common to talk about.

>> No.26974685

Any of them would be so much fun, though.
But I guess either Kiara/Ina/Mori.

Similar interests.

>> No.26974686

No idea

>> No.26974687

Fuck china, but shitting up Amelia's stream is not the place to do it.

>> No.26974688


>> No.26974689
Quoted by: >>26976385

v cute, ina would be proud

>> No.26974691

Don't you fucking bring Ankimo in this, you fucking faggot.

>> No.26974694


>> No.26974695

I reported him, do your duty and report him too.

>> No.26974702
File: 266 KB, 542x480, 1501730039100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26974707
Quoted by: >>26975050

I will
She doesn't have option if her main family members are in that commie shithole... just make a slightly bad move and they will pay.... FUCK CHINA AND FUCK COMMIES

>> No.26974711
File: 211 KB, 1499x1092, 1600681327434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974826

Getting drunk and karoking rap songs with Mori!

>> No.26974713
File: 259 KB, 596x562, Screenshot 2020-09-28 062828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concernfags btfo

>> No.26974724 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 592x372, 1594863204340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late bro

cope hlg your dog will get btfo

>> No.26974733

Fuck chinks and fuck you

>> No.26974736

What? She is still relatively the same. She was just nervous and jittery in her debut.
She's really only dropped the act when playing Apex or Valorant.

>> No.26974737

The 2hu coupons are getting better

>> No.26974739
Quoted by: >>26976774

Right now? Probably.

If they are still successful after a year? I don't know. COVER would be really opening a can of worms. Burgers aren't as docile as the fans they are used to when it comes to this sort of thing.

>> No.26974740

You cant just replace words with shit that doesnt rhyme

>> No.26974745

CN was a fucking mistake. And yeah, I feel sorry for those 6 but honestly they can find new jobs. Just have Cover fire them even, so it's clear they aren't complicit and their families won't murdered. Right now Cover is pitting their existing fanbase against their potential Chinese fanbase. While the Chinese fanbase isn't big now, it has the potential to be huge. But their gonna fucking shoot themselves in the foot appeasing the Chinks, and it doesn't even work anyway, so they should cut bait.

>> No.26974747

And what's your proof that account was her?

>> No.26974752


>> No.26974756
Quoted by: >>26974836

imagine the shitstorm if they go after the dog

>> No.26974759

go back to your cancer general

>> No.26974762

>This place hates Mori.
Really? Because people here blindly defend everything she does while turning around and shitting on the other girls for the exact same thing

>> No.26974763

Even Amelia seems creeped out as much as I am with her own fanbase.

>> No.26974764

And all this because one country got mentioned

>> No.26974778

lol stfu eop

>> No.26974780
File: 326 KB, 650x418, babby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976385

not bad anon
im not an artfag but
work on those toes and a bit on the proportion/location/shape/whatever of the features on the face, like the lips because its kinda reminding me of the baby grinch for some reason

>> No.26974781
Quoted by: >>26974974

Her schedule didn't look that bad, like 1 or 2 streams a day from someone that's done 27 hour streams.

>> No.26974788

i live in basedland where i support creative's rights

>> No.26974789
Quoted by: >>26974842

>but honestly they can find new jobs
should get reincarnated too after they disappear off the face of the earth with no warning

well except artia apparently

>> No.26974794
Quoted by: >>26974909

If that shit got posted to bugtube then yes, absolutely. People need to understand that the Chinese quite literally think of themselves as the center of the world (that's why it's called the Middle Kingdom) and the idea that Taiwan is independent is nothing more than an existential assault on their very identity. That's why the chinks get so riled up about it.

Again, no proof it's actually her.

>> No.26974799


>> No.26974801

Why does Ame have so many lewds

>> No.26974804
File: 139 KB, 320x307, 1600735493003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top fucking kek. She streamed 24 hours straight before, this is nothing, she probably looks forward to it.

>> No.26974808

Which account?

>> No.26974810

Oh no.

>> No.26974812

>international market will forget about the incident
i'm going to spam this in their chats for eternity, so you have that wrong

>> No.26974811
Quoted by: >>26975300

The only time I was a concernfag was when kiara did her debut because she was actually on the verge of fucking herself up

I think she was drinking boomer juice too. That shit is disgusting

>> No.26974814

gura please save us... we won't make it to ame limbo at this rate...

>> No.26974816
Quoted by: >>26976385

Looks great. Nailed the chest or lack thereof

>> No.26974819
File: 361 KB, 1280x653, 1585286955654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tourist detected

>> No.26974820

Because she officially endorses it, also she's the hottest

>> No.26974823
Quoted by: >>26974976


She has no need for kayfabe though since her personality is insanely cartoonish to begin with.

>> No.26974825

will amelia do mario odissey dark side?

>> No.26974826

>ywn do a Niggas in Paris duo with Mori

>> No.26974827

Fuck the Chinese

>> No.26974836


>> No.26974835

Ina hands down. Relaxing, drinking tea, drawing or writing, talking about Lovecraft and old anime/manga/vidya together... she'd be great.

>> No.26974842
Quoted by: >>26974920

All they have to do is take a stand against Cover, renounce them loudly, and pledge loyalty to One China. They'd be fucking heroes and can spearhead whatever chink version of Hololive the CCP makes.

>> No.26974849
Quoted by: >>26974881

The normies are actually worse than the ameliafags on /hlgg/

>> No.26974850

>You're actually killing yourself like this!
Good christ they just keep getting more concerned. Give it a month and they'll be insisting Ame's sleep schedule is leading to the downfall of western civilisation.

>> No.26974851
Quoted by: >>26975001

If they're not protecting their talent why even exist, they're not an agency just pimps

>> No.26974854

She knows how to act cute and embraces all the lewd stuff.

>> No.26974855

T-that's not true! She posted a face, if you look at it from a certain angle, it's actually a thankful face! See? She cares about us and is thankful of us! If she didn't cared, she wouldn't have responded! Dude trust me!!

>> No.26974856 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 351x370, 1601246236964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26974867


>> No.26974858
File: 184 KB, 538x505, 1461859968651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe and HoloEN debuts showed everybody how worthless Cover is. They are incompetent as all fuck and can't even offer basic help like Chicken's mic setup.

At this point it's basically vtubers paying them for the brand while they do shit. Big Holo names could easily leave Cover and kickstart their own company where they don't get jewed or left with zero support when something bad happens.

>> No.26974864

Is hard for Gura to make a schedule because she doesn't want to overlap her friends

>> No.26974867

I want to fuck that chicken

>> No.26974871

Really the ideal situation would be for every company to just tell China to go fuck itself. But no company will do that because it's the second biggest market in the world so they're willing to essentially let themselves be pushed around by the CCP and insane chink nationalists to make a couple of extra bucks. Not just Cover but literally every fucking corporation in the world that does business with China. Look at the NBA, vidya companies, whoever. Cover's not unique.

Sinae delenda est

>> No.26974872

Just passing by to let you know that I love my wife Mori.
That is all.

>> No.26974876

Definitely Mori. Huge bro energy and we have similar interests.

>> No.26974877
File: 87 KB, 680x383, 1597165195388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your guys' speculations on the first collab streams that will happen after the restrictions are over?
>Ina x Pikamee
>Kiara x Peko
>Gura x Shion
>Korone x Any EN
>Gura x Alcohol

>> No.26974880

damn lizard men

>> No.26974881

Could it be that they've never watched streams before and think she's doing something abnormal?

>> No.26974882

Because she's the CEO of sex

>> No.26974884

You are the worst holo, stfu. For anyone that's new here, a quick summary
>Gremlin that learned english through discord and twitch in the most autistic way possible
>Shit talks other holos when the chance arises, Artia throwing Coco and Haato under the bus is something that she would actually do
>Got shadowbanned by twitch
>In her retardation she tried to prove that she wasn't shadowbanned and in the proccess showed her IP
>Proceed to have a meltdown on stream and on twitch
>Sold her pc to move to china
>Didn't expect that the fly cost was much more expensive than anticipated
>Procceed to live with a friend that cucks her on the daily

>> No.26974885
Quoted by: >>26975050

we may never know what she actually thinks of it, because the consequences for her publicly denying it would be too severe for her to risk

>> No.26974887
File: 274 KB, 1206x1201, 1601152132536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize that your falling for a bait posted every single thread exactly because it creates conflict between Mori and Kiara fans, right?

>> No.26974893
Quoted by: >>26974939

Mori is the best!
also Taiwan!

>> No.26974899

Now how am I supposed to find out what Patchouli's socks smell like?

>> No.26974902
Quoted by: >>26975007

fellow teamates please do not tweet shit like this at her, she is not made of glass

>> No.26974904

Mori brings the most redditors, she's "le swear words "based" win aunty" and if you complain you're a tranny... or so they say.

>> No.26974906
File: 337 KB, 1000x1000, 1601089578846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>‘Cause I'm back, I'm on the rag and ovulating

>> No.26974908

She's probably being sent to a reeducation camp again

>> No.26974909
Quoted by: >>26975132

>That's why the chinks get so riled up about it.
No, it's because the CCP uses "controversies" against foreign companies as a way to attack them and/or consolidate the Chinese grip on them. You see the same literal bloodthirstiness over offenses as minor as switching the two syllables in Chongqing. They give points for it.

>> No.26974910
Quoted by: >>26974949

Probably, they must at least think she's working 40 hours a week on top of her streams

>> No.26974914
Quoted by: >>26975134

>Big Holo names could easily leave Cover and kickstart their own company
Problem is they won't be able to take their avatars with them. There's a reason Coco's roommate only has about a 1/6th of her subs

>> No.26974915

Korone x Mori rapping stream.
It's gonna happen.

>> No.26974919
Quoted by: >>26974939

Damn are you me?

>> No.26974920

It feels like another SHN48.

>> No.26974921

She's the most blatant dick teaser among ENs

>> No.26974926
Quoted by: >>26975019

>Help them organize schedules
>Talk to other managers to help organize collabs. Say one stream Holo A says she'd like to collab with Holo B someday but she's too shy to ask. Holo A's manager should at the very least float the idea to Holo B's manager.
>Get permissions for games they want to stream
>Keep track of their physical and mental health. If it looks like they are getting burnt out, give them a break.
>Make sure their connections and equipment are functioning well. Buy or reimburse them on things they need to stream. Lobby to fix problems with models or rigging if there is any.
>Watch their streams when possible and monitor any technical problems or interruptions
>Teach them basic coporate OPSEC, research and scrub their past lives to avoid doxxing
>As much as possible, keep track of Antis. That's not to say every anonymous comment can be followed up on, but if some guy says he knows where a Holo lives and is gonna visit her, maybe take action.
>Teach the newer ones how Hololive works, what will be expected of them, both from the fans and the company. This includes memberships, concerts, collabs, merchandise, pricing, etc.
>Support and protect them from outrage nothingburgers by Antis (this includes easily offended insectoid bugmen)

>Harass them
>Stalk them
>Hire SEAniggers who will harass and stalk them
>Teach their Holos to apologize for mistakes the company made in an attempt to shift blame
>Kneel and bootlick angry Antis (including easily offended insectoid bugmen) and suspend their talents hoping it will appease them (It won't RIP ALOE)

>> No.26974938
File: 367 KB, 720x719, Nekomata_Okayu_img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro wtf this catbitch is mega-cute
Why does no one seem to talk about her?

>> No.26974939

Yes, and yes.

>> No.26974940

bait post aside, i fucking love that thumbnail

>> No.26974943

Ina seems more inclined to collab with Marine over anyone outside of Hololive, possibly Iofi.

Mori also mentioned that Korone had talked to her about rapping so that could be an interesting collab.

>> No.26974944

All that just makes me feel sorry for her.

>> No.26974949
Quoted by: >>26975043

demon mom has three jobs she said

>> No.26974950
File: 231 KB, 1280x1792, 1574684591795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you just don't believe everything you see on Twitter especially when presented without context. There are bad actors in both sides who are happily to take advantage of your outrage and will not hesitate to utilize you as a useful idiot.

Pls don't delet.

>> No.26974955

Big tiddy blue eyed blonde.

>> No.26974957
File: 108 KB, 724x1024, guraeatus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura will reach 600k by the end of the week and she still is growing on bilibili when the rest is losing subs.
So this is the power of cute and funny...

>> No.26974962

You post this as if you don't understand that being an autistic goblin isn't 90% of her appeal.

>> No.26974969
Quoted by: >>26976317

Shits great, like when Nintendo's Labo stuff was announced and /po/ got flooded by /v/ posters claiming the board for themselves. Threads that had been up for a year gone in an instant.

>> No.26974973 [SPOILER] 
File: 4 KB, 225x225, 1601246465211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26974974

She's still gonna do guerilla apex once she grinds out of ELO hell

>> No.26974976
Quoted by: >>26975057

>That Collab with Haruka where Haruka talks about her legs and Nyanners responds with saying she has no legs and uses a jetpack to move around.

Different strokes for different folks and there's reasons why I love some of the HoloEns and reasons why I'll watch some twitch peeps. Its the reason why I'm not a fan of the tribalists who can't comprehend an anon who likes certain vtubers for various reasons.

>> No.26974983

Bros...how do I file a complaint to Cover?

>> No.26974989
File: 36 KB, 531x505, ar2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you releh beleb this?

>> No.26974991

Wrong thread

>> No.26974993

i think she doesn't want to put anything on paper because if for some reason she feels like shit when it comes time for the stream then she'd have to cancel it

>> No.26975000
Quoted by: >>26976385

Think the texture on the tentacles would look better if they weren't flat, abuse the transform tool or go full autist and draw them one by one

>> No.26975001

>If they're not protecting their talent why even exist
The fact is they did protect their Chinese talents, and 3 week vacation is nothing compared to what could have happened to them.
Now, whether that was Cover's intention or not, who knows. Knowing their track record, probably not.

>> No.26975007

Nobody here would be that retarded anon, it's actually a normie

>> No.26975008

If you superchat this to Mori pls put in disclaimers to not read it out loud. Still I think she'd love it.

>> No.26975011

Become a high ranking chink official

>> No.26975013

Of course.

>> No.26975015

Gentlemen, I think it's time to find a solution to the Chinese question.

>> No.26975019

Don't forget Cover also has great features like deleting random videos without actual cause and limiting the ability of their talents to make content for merchandising and brand reasons (even though everyone else manages it solo).

>> No.26975020

KiaraPeko and GuraShion 100% chance that will happen, also InaMarine. High chances for FubukiGura too.

>> No.26975022

Her roommate is literally obese

>> No.26975025

You mixed up the timeline.
The getting shadowbanned and doxxing herself came months after the selling of PC, taking a break and relocating.

>> No.26975026

Because this is HololiveEN and Korone deserves someone who'll treat her right and won't go tomcatting around.

>> No.26975029
File: 115 KB, 425x400, 1600309504252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she even know who Korone is?

>> No.26975030

>will surpass big tits danchou in a matter of minutes

>> No.26975036
Quoted by: >>26975140

why supa, she can read it herself

>> No.26975040
File: 729 KB, 721x719, sorami09576930284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975104

This is Hololive Global general, correct? Is Japan not on the globe?

>> No.26975041

i love okayu. i can't stop listening to her flos cover

she probably doesn't get talked about here because this is the global thread.

>> No.26975043

Yeah I genuinely understand the concern for Mori. Amelia was a full on hikki streamer before joining HoloEN though

>> No.26975047
File: 278 KB, 497x703, Ei86AlAVoAE0xww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975689

Let's ikuzo

>> No.26975049
File: 56 KB, 585x543, 1577902270183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artia? more like fartia

>> No.26975050

But she didn't shut the fuck up
She actively encouraged it
Fucking bitch

>> No.26975051

Retarded take. Hololive right now basically IS VTubers. If it goes under then it's not just going to lead to a glorious era of VTubing freedom. Without the structure, money and whatever that Cover provdes I'd bet a lot of the streamers will just drop out of doing it completely.

It'll just make VTubing look like a flash in the pan thing which means people will lose interest and move on. A fraction might hop to watching Nijisanji, another fraction might hop to watching indies, but the majority will likely just wash their hands of it and find something else.

>> No.26975053
File: 553 KB, 2480x2549, cocoppt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're all newfags like you, and this is the wrong thread.

>> No.26975057

Amen. Some aren't exactly my cup of tea but fuck it, glad folks are finding what they like.

>> No.26975061


>> No.26975063

This happened one time with Sio and people think anyone can just ditch a company and have big success as an independent. Even Sio ended up killing herself because she got too cocky.

>> No.26975065

They talked, and Korone asked Mori to teach her rapping.

>> No.26975071

I don't give one shit about Taiwan or China. I want to watch Hololive not talk about political matters.

>> No.26975078
File: 400 KB, 1596x545, shrimps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975099

Why are sharkfags like this?

>> No.26975079

isn't eminem her favorite rapper? she'd probably think it was hilarious

>> No.26975080 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 840x560, 1601246655376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975114

Just file your grievance right here with the Cover complaints department

>> No.26975082

Amelia and Artia, if this shitty situation hadn't happened

>> No.26975084
Quoted by: >>26975108

She streams an hour before her friends so she can use overlapping as a reason to end her streams.

>> No.26975086

I wish I could protect her so much

>> No.26975088
Quoted by: >>26975121

but I like Korone
She should ask a real singer or some actually successful person instead of a cringy cunt that begs for money online

>> No.26975090

Fucking based

>> No.26975095

Can't watch Hololive when the retarded company suspends them all to appease antis

>> No.26975099

no...... all my 2hu diaper threads... gone.....

>> No.26975101
File: 299 KB, 768x768, 84570417_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975168

>> No.26975102


>> No.26975103
Quoted by: >>26976385

You should use mesh transform to apply the pattern on the tentacles anon

>> No.26975104

No, it's "Chinese Taipei II"

>> No.26975106

Well, tough shit, because chinks don't care what you want. They only exist to serve their government, and now they're at war with Hololive.

>> No.26975107
Quoted by: >>26975273

They were dming each other, it was mentioned in Calli's membership stream.

I think it's really cool there are these unexpected off-stream interactions that happen

>> No.26975108

someone gets it

>> No.26975109
Quoted by: >>26975256

I hope she has a better time now than when all that horrible stuff happened to her

>> No.26975112

Well too bad because Cover is kneeling to China and just banned two of their talents because they accidentally said the name of a country. Stick your head in the sand, then when you come up for air, wonder why everything is on fire.

>> No.26975114

No, Comrade, the dog said the forbidden word, immediate action must be taken to "correct" her.

>> No.26975115
Quoted by: >>26975210

She doesn't really even attempt to speak English so she hard filters EOPs.

>> No.26975117

Dumb newfag.
You do realise Nijisanji still dominates Japan right?
Hololives spic viewers dont mean anything

>> No.26975120
File: 2.52 MB, 1200x1697, 1600103126477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975182

Reminder to all that the official Hololive EN power rankings are as follows

Mori = Kiara = Ina = Gura = Amelia

These power rankings are final and may not be disputed nor superseded.

>> No.26975121
Quoted by: >>26975171

Nigga all of them beg for money online.

>> No.26975122
File: 1.72 MB, 850x1200, ame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979367



>> No.26975129

I wanna see Gura in the MC server

>> No.26975132
Quoted by: >>26975193

No shit but it only works because of how central the Middle Kingdom mindset is to the chink psyche. It's part of the brainwashing and drilled into them like any other form of naitonalism which is why the CCP is able to use it to great effect.

>> No.26975133

In her member stream Mori mentioned that she had spoken to Korone some and Korone had wanted her to teach her how to rap.

>> No.26975134
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun T - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_09.56.179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a reason Coco's roommate only has about a 1/6th of her subs

Completely different content and far less of it? If she actually announced she leaves Cover because she feels betrayed most of her fanbase would go with her. And she only needs to make 1/3 as much to get the exactly the same money. Just get a new dragon live 2d it wouldn't even take long.

>> No.26975137

Imagine if Nick Gurr and Lazy Knee Grow had tricked Mori into saying something anti-China instead.

>> No.26975140
Quoted by: >>26975737

So is it established that it is mori the one that reads the threads?
I thought it was still a toss up between mori, Ina and chicken.

>> No.26975141

Reminder that Okayu's roommate is a fatty

>> No.26975144

I expected a coco and a haato collab, but that probably won't be the case...

>> No.26975145

just like you

>> No.26975147
File: 86 KB, 612x612, works every time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26975152

Of course she did. The Chinese government would probably disappear her family if she didn't.

>> No.26975154

Did this all happen recently?

>> No.26975157

she appeals to many fetishes and that design is simply beautiful, her range of personality also helps play into it

>> No.26975164
File: 518 KB, 2500x2156, 1601115764009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way my daugtherwife can be this cute and funny.

>> No.26975167
Quoted by: >>26975310

>dominating anything
Big kusa

>> No.26975168
File: 190 KB, 1000x750, 1601142591231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975228

Hang in there Tentacultist

>> No.26975170

>CN was a fucking mistake. And yeah, I feel sorry for those 6 but honestly they can find new jobs. Just have Cover fire them even
People be shitting on COVER for being heartless, but really this is the only they could do, to keep everyone together. It's a slim hope, but something worth fighting for anyways.

>> No.26975171

Some of them tell you to not do it and some vtubers even go as far as to turn off superchat
Mori does 10 superchat streams because she has zero talent or skill outside of making everyone around the globe cringe the hardest they can

>> No.26975173


>> No.26975174

I never thought I could hate the Chinese more but these bugmen continue to surprise me

>> No.26975179

You guys laugh but to the Chinese calling Taiwan its own independent nation is like calling a black person the N word

t. Chinese with relatives living in China

>> No.26975182
File: 42 KB, 400x489, hisv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, sexy chicken.

>> No.26975186

It's political whether you like it or not, retard.

>> No.26975189

Please don't I don't want her to get in trouble, especially after she's finally not a poorfag anymore. I make these things for you guys, and although I can't control what you do, I'd rather you didn't use them to possibly hurt the Holos.

>> No.26975191

If Ina streamed as much as the other girls she would have 400k

>> No.26975193

To be fair, it's exactly the same with America believing they're "Leader of the Free World"

>> No.26975198
Quoted by: >>26975268

But you just said Taiwan, nigger.

>> No.26975205

Stop trying to force Shark with Watson, they're all friends yes but Watson is shipped with Ina, the other two groups are tired of you pedo numberfags and taking advantage of Mori's and Kiara's usual poor performance is not going to change you're the most hated here.

>> No.26975207
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1599872664587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kiara streaming at 1 AM EST
so she's completely forgoing the NA audience in favor of Euros and JOPs, right? I can't catch any of her streams live.

>> No.26975208

Needs new clothes.

>> No.26975210

Neither does Noel or Suisei and they're still popular

>> No.26975211
File: 215 KB, 826x518, 1601176911810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]







>> No.26975212

Haha yeah remember when Miko said the n-word and the U.S. demanded she graduate?

>> No.26975213

Sometimes I wonder if people here even watch the streams

>> No.26975215

Not surprised, she got a thick girl voice. Who is it?

>> No.26975217

Except it's really not.
t. Chinese with relatives who had to flee to Taiwan and then the US cause the fucking Commies tried to kill them

>> No.26975220

Will mori graduate if we get her to say Taiwan?

>> No.26975222

Except Americans don't get gulag'd for not believing it

>> No.26975224
Quoted by: >>26975390

Why do you think I told the anon to put a disclaimer on it to not read it out loud? Hell even tweeting it at her and her liking it would be bad, because it has a few "SPICEY" words in it, despite it being common lingo on the net.

>> No.26975228

cute boy(female)
>rodent mic
sasuga ina-sama, i worship your feet and will buy all your consumables on raid night

>> No.26975230

Yeah and this is the equivalent of if people tried to get Miko banned for that part in GTA V

>> No.26975232
Quoted by: >>26977949

Where will corporations pawn off their labor for pennies if not China? What, are they going to bring jobs back and actually pay people real wages? Hell no. And the moment the average hog realizes they'll have to pay more to consoom, the question is ignored. Fact is you need a solution to the consumer culture question before the chink one.

>> No.26975235

Can't wait to see Coco graduate in 3 weeks!

>> No.26975237

EST is kinda fucked all around, though.

>> No.26975241

The blood is on Cover's hand.

>> No.26975242
Quoted by: >>26975310


Also Nijisanji has a CN branch too so it's just as vulnerable to insane Zhangbugs as Hololive.

>> No.26975244


>> No.26975245

No one gives a shit
t. black person

>> No.26975255
Quoted by: >>26975329

I would really love Korone collabing with any of the ENs who don't speak Japanese. She speaks just enough English to hold a coherent conversation.

>> No.26975256

She's finally in a safe place in California, I'm sure she's very happy right now

>> No.26975257

This. I want to watch her but she never streams when I'm awake sadly

>> No.26975258

artiafags?? explain??

>> No.26975259

America is far from perfect and has many issues, but I don't know any americans who call for your death if you imply they're not. Republicans would be offended sure, but criticizing the US is far from taboo. Especially in current year

>> No.26975260

your mother

>> No.26975265
Quoted by: >>26975449

>next full holoEN collab is a watch along of the fuck china-episode of south park
How would you react?

>> No.26975266

If a Hololive tuber wanted to really piss off the chinks, they should stream Total War: Three Kingdoms with the 8 Princes DLC. Even acknowledging that time period exists causes chink's eyes to bleed tears of regret and shame.

>> No.26975268

China uses the name Taiwan too, what the bugmen get mad at is acknowledging the ROC

>> No.26975272
File: 805 KB, 2553x4096, EiWP6TjUwAEE6Xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975311

You can give up trying to make us into enemies, anon. Did Gura piss in your cereal to try to make you so sour towards her?

>> No.26975273

Socializing with fellow holos is alright but I hope the japanese ones won't get carried away with her flow, Mori isn't a good example of an holo, she didn't even know what hololive was until recently.

>> No.26975275

A surprisingly worthwhile read

>> No.26975278

Why are those last few days so fucking dry with content?

>> No.26975279

Meh sometimes we get decent times

>> No.26975280

Incredibly based, may the god of Taiwanese luck smile upon you in your holy mission

>> No.26975283

can someone post that Ina "what chest" screenshot?

>> No.26975286

Based barracuda

>> No.26975289

https://stream.able.com / nyipk

>> No.26975295
File: 26 KB, 719x885, sherlock pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every HoloJP can now read and speak fluent English
>whether or not they actually want to is up to them
Would HoloEN still exist? Or ID, even?

>> No.26975299

yeah i'd like to tune in but by the time she's live i'm either asleep or too tired

>> No.26975300

Probably, her schedule seems normal.
Also the days with multiple streams might look like a lot because on YouTube you can't do 1 really long stream and just switch to different games/activities during streaming, unlike on Twitch. She has to prepare thumbnails too.
Monster is disgusting. Most energy drinks too, I guess.

>> No.26975302

Kiara continues to push her schedule into a point where I can't physically stay up to watch if I want to get up to work.
I was tempted to sub to her too, but fuck I'm not going to pay money just so she can stream at 2 in the morning for me.

>> No.26975304

The difference is that's both effective and ineffective because the American government won't disappear you and harvest your organs at a black site if you said that Puerto Rico should be independent.

>> No.26975306

That was a cold war thing that no-one gives a shit about anymore, even the neo-con "lets go bring freedom and democracy to these dictatorships in the middle east and latin America" is thoroughly discredited now.

>> No.26975308
File: 13 KB, 220x291, 220px-Mao_Zedong_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end there is only one man to blame

>> No.26975310

Now go compare capital of Ichikara and Cover Corp and realise why Cover is terrified for any antis

>> No.26975311
File: 486 KB, 644x485, 1600783353688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975350


>> No.26975317
File: 21 KB, 1000x667, flag-of-taiwan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just postin the flag of Taiwan, a REAL independent nation not part of China.

>> No.26975324
Quoted by: >>26976385


>> No.26975329
Quoted by: >>26975356

It would be very amusing to see Korone try her best.

>> No.26975335
File: 320 KB, 600x600, 1600753297781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>years of HoloJP, and all the girls manage to avoid brapping on air
>closest we get is Luna's noises and Kagura Mea saying she farted while streaming with the Holo's
>not even one month in, and HoloEN has already given us Mori farting and shitting on the toilet, and the emergence of Amelia talking about selling her farts in jars online

Westerners are truly yabai... I love it!

>> No.26975338
Quoted by: >>26975578

they had a chance to fill the dead hours but half of the EN talents live in Japan anyway and stream at Japan time, sugoi cover

>> No.26975341

anon... your brain cell reps...

>> No.26975344

Do these idiots think she's not going to have membership on her alt? I mean now that they are being retarded and giving out their plans in FULL DETAL IN PLAIN SIGHT, I wouldn't be surprised if she announced membership on her alt

>> No.26975345
File: 75 KB, 1080x1220, 1593406864026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is a whore

>> No.26975347

Based! Based! Based!

>> No.26975349

Believing a falsity doesn't make it reality.

>> No.26975350

Kek, do you have the original screencap of this? I think it was a tweet or 2ch post, I can't remember exactly.

>> No.26975352

Remember when several threads our biggest concern was loserbait? Haha, good times.

>> No.26975354
File: 248 KB, 535x532, 1600607476560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to coordinate with Artia to do OPERATION EXTRACT HOLO CN and princess carry those girls to freer lands, and preferably on my cock.

>> No.26975356
Quoted by: >>26975382

have confidence!

>> No.26975362
Quoted by: >>26975533

Korone never does collabs unless she's directly asked or otherwise impelled from outside. Apparently because behind the character she's extremely shy.

Okayu's obviously an exception but they've been friends for years.

>> No.26975364


>> No.26975366


>> No.26975367

Both public apologies lately show that Cover will always throw the girl under the bus to save their own face.
In Aloe's "public statement" They basically said "It was her that broke the contract and this is all her fuck up, so we shall gracefully allow her to retire"
and in the public statement today they said "These girls rhetoric(mentioning taiwan at all) shall not be tolerated, they shall be put on leave for the next three weeks and punished" basically

You can literally hire an intern to make the most groveling apology you can for the company, but instead the company has the girl ruin their reputation and say "Its 100% my fault and I'm very sorry I'm the worst I deserve this". A company can't actually lose face or pride, which is why anyone in the company could give the apology and it wouldn't matter, its their fault anyway for poor management. But instead they have the only one in the situation who can actually feel actual loss, depression, and loss of pride and have them give a public apology.

When it comes to a company only two people can actually lose face; the CEO and the talent. Anyone else could give the apology and it would have been better, in fact hire on a public apologizer of some sort to give it in their stead, it would go over better. People don't actually give a shit, they just want to hear the words.

Shit I've seen this far too much with Japanese companies. There's a few really bad examples where executives have the VA's go out on stage and do kneeling apologies, for the fuck ups of the executives, just to show how much they don't give a fuck about the talent at all. The executives are worth 10x less than the actual talent, the greatest trick execs ever pulled was tricking people into thinking they were worth more than the ones actually doing shit here.

Why are they called cover when they don't do anything except use the girls to cover their own asses when trouble happens? They don't actually protect anything, they allow doxes and harassment, and they show too often that the girls are disposable to them. Why are they worth 50% of the revenue if they can't actually protect shit?

You isolate these girls for a few weeks, they can't say or interact worth shit in that time since they're being punished, they just listen to the antis online harassing them, shit it only took two weeks for Aloe to break from that treatment.

>> No.26975374
File: 385 KB, 1745x2048, 1601190691573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26975380

You are right that breaking the barrier between character and reality wouldn't work for Hololive, but there's plenty of Japanese v-tubers that treat the avatar as a virtualized version of their real self instead of as a separate character e.g. many artist v-tubers, Coco's roommate. It's not really a West/East split like you're describing.

>> No.26975379

Someone post the Roboco webm

>> No.26975382

No confidence...

>> No.26975384

>years of HoloJP, and all the girls manage to avoid brapping on air

>> No.26975390
Quoted by: >>26976491

If there was some way to secretly contact her, without her manager or anyone from Cover seeing it, I might consider it. But honestly I write these for fun, not for the hope that she'll see them.

>> No.26975392

Will my EN girls be safe from soulless bugmen?

>> No.26975398
Quoted by: >>26975414

tweet by mammoth something, i think he's an artist? his tweeter got nuked tho

>> No.26975402
File: 46 KB, 500x281, Artia explaining PepeHands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975523

>have to appeal to CCP shills to not get her family involved
>have one of her favorites holos involved (CoCo)
>cant stream coz she lives in commiefornia with a cunt who pressures her
Ahhhh why...

>> No.26975403

not with cover at the helm

>> No.26975404

I wonder if her next Twitch stream will have a lot Taiwan messages in the chat.

>> No.26975406

It's hardly surprising
Cover are a bunch of amateurs that lucked their way to the top, they have no idea how to actually run a company

>> No.26975409
Quoted by: >>26975561

>Fire, Amelia when Kiara is a literal Phoenix
>Air, Kiara when Amelia has a childhood blowhole
Absolute garbage

>> No.26975412

Not with Cover at the helm.

>> No.26975414

Wish I saved the original.

>> No.26975416
Quoted by: >>26975443

Gura is still popular with them, she seems to be unaffected by this drama.

>> No.26975420
Quoted by: >>26975666

tl;dr and shitty spacing

>> No.26975422
Quoted by: >>26975500

Fucking newfags I swear to god

>> No.26975423

that one only won because hirohito killed the nationalists which opened an opportunity for mao go all out and conquer the country

>> No.26975424

wtf artia how could you not side with coco and let your parents die in a concentration camp in china?

>> No.26975428


>> No.26975429
File: 69 KB, 791x732, FUCK THE CCP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, eventually she might see the picture.

>> No.26975432
Quoted by: >>26975565

No because China represents a huge fucking market, they have more paying consumers than most countries have people combined.

>> No.26975433
Quoted by: >>26975507

i want a holo with a welsh accent

>> No.26975440
File: 235 KB, 578x982, 1601087613538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, if you stop fucking posting about it. I wish the mods would actually just straight up start dishing out bans from low effort /pol/ and CCP shills so we can support our girls in peace.

Anyways, here's Flare's pizza.

>> No.26975441

>not accelerating
There's only so many holos they can suspend before having to think of a different option.

>> No.26975442

He felt the same way about landlords that I do, so I can't totally hate him.

>> No.26975443

>popular with them
that's a bad thing, as little chink involvement as possible would be best

>> No.26975446
Quoted by: >>26980462

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.26975447
Quoted by: >>26975482

For now yes. I don't think chinks care about them outside of Gura

>> No.26975449
Quoted by: >>26975503

Next HoloEN watchalong should be them browsing one of those threads on /pol/ full of webms about what a shithole China is.

>> No.26975451
Quoted by: >>26975526

Wow I can't believe she would post that. Especially while the government is looking through every piece of information they have on her to work out if she's an enemy of the people. I can't believe this bitch would say anything to support China.

>> No.26975465
Quoted by: >>26975620

Don't forget the second part.

>> No.26975467

Anonchama... you're going to kill more 2hu threads...

>> No.26975469

She obviously doesn't give a shit about an american audience.

>> No.26975478


>> No.26975479

>including any Chinese who watch the rest of the HOLO'

>> No.26975482

Shark Fin soup will be on the menu at some point.

>> No.26975485
File: 143 KB, 626x256, uuuooohhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26975529

loli artist (who got cancelled off twitter by salty western puritans unless i have him confused with someone else), search mammoth* on a booru, he loves realistic loli torsos

>> No.26975484

This guy gets it.

>> No.26975488


>> No.26975492

Artia noooo

>> No.26975495

Not with cover. The only way holo girls will be saved (and everyone in fact) from the bugmen will be if the world imposes a commercial ban on China. Lock them down in their own land again like they were in the 90's.

>> No.26975497

Oh god it's prime time american hours the threads will literaly just be /pol/shit and no vtuber talk.

>> No.26975498
File: 80 KB, 960x956, 1601229191649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26975500

Imagine the fumes

>> No.26975501

This makes me want to vomit

>> No.26975503

Yaketysax BGM.

>> No.26975507

Can't wait for a Holo EN that English speakers can only understand with translated clips.

>> No.26975509

Fuck you

>> No.26975512

That's the point, HOLO isn't going to abandon them to the cold, so it isn't really about money.

>> No.26975513
Quoted by: >>26975558

>Hachaama can now read and speak fluent English
Stop, you're scaring me.

>> No.26975519
Quoted by: >>26976048

Just don't mention Taiwan or China in general and they should be fine.

>> No.26975521

These threads are just huge dumpster fires with the occasional lull in between. If you haven't managed to start enjoying the fires yet I'm not sure why you're still here after two weeks.

>> No.26975523
Quoted by: >>26976026

Whered does she mention the person who doesn't like her to stream? I'm just curious about it

>> No.26975525

Japan didn't rape Nanking hard enough.

>> No.26975526

>throwing away principles for personal gain
It's pretty cringe no matter how you look at it

>> No.26975529


>> No.26975532
Quoted by: >>26976385

some of her tentacles dont have the patterns

>> No.26975533

Mori mentioned they'd already spoke in her members stream, and korone herself expressed interest in the rapping thing, it'd be fun since they're both at least decent at each others language so they could probably teach other a few things.

>> No.26975535
File: 200 KB, 1600x1533, Ei9FVjXXYAMED7s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, Taiwan is it's own independent nation, so is Hong Kong.

>> No.26975543

So this is authentic Italian cuisine...

>> No.26975546

>Everything will be fine if we just ignore it
Yeah China's totally just gonna lighten up and not keep pushing this shit into all forms of entertainment.

>> No.26975552


>> No.26975556

*clap clap*
Next meme!

>> No.26975558

Hachaama goes down to the local pub after work and calls all the regulars Top Cunts

>> No.26975561

>elements are literal

>> No.26975565

And yet those paying customers make 9% of Cover's revenue.

>> No.26975568

>had to deal with hollywood pandering to bugmen
>had to deal with the NBA pandering to bugmen
>now have to deal with Cover pandering to bugmen

>> No.26975569

It's false. Not her account, it's mine.

>> No.26975575

what did i do?

>> No.26975577

We should have nuked you faggots instead.

>> No.26975578

>Make Hololive for English speakers
>Half of them still stream in Japanese prime time hours and Euro work hours
Can't bridge the gap from EN to JP if they're barely even trying to appeal to EN.

>> No.26975579

I can confirm.
I now know what 'tooth' means through Korone's method of teaching japanese through horrifying imagery.

>> No.26975582

Odds on Gura casually dropping the Taiwan word?

>> No.26975586

I mean, there's personal gain, and there's suicidal foolishness. Cover sucking the CCP's cock and balls is moral bankruptcy; Artia dogezaing is survival. I'm okay with the later.

>> No.26975599

>won through pure luck
I seriously hate this timeline

>> No.26975601

extremely low, she's much better at stopping herself now

>> No.26975602
Quoted by: >>26975677

Hong Kong has never been an independent nation.

>> No.26975604

Wow great Hololive Global post! Thanks for getting us back on topic!

>> No.26975606

Will you retards shut the fuck up? God damn.

>> No.26975610

Don't forget the independent nations of Tibet and Uighuristan.

>> No.26975614
Quoted by: >>26975802

its too late
they're already the number 1 superpower

>> No.26975616
Quoted by: >>26975668

fug that looks good

>> No.26975617

Shut up chink

>> No.26975618

What is the context this image was made in?

>> No.26975620
File: 103 KB, 644x1022, FUCK THE CCP2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26975631

Y'know if you think about it, if the Axis won the war we wouldn't have to deal with the chinese

>> No.26975638

Money game too good.

>> No.26975641
File: 118 KB, 294x388, 1580520388833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to sleep chumbuds, giving up on the hope we'll get a stream today...

>> No.26975643

Taiwan is a real country

>> No.26975646
Quoted by: >>26975755

in her Mad Dad stream she kept banging a toilet in game and tried rapping over it

>> No.26975649

mori cranking one out for all the scat fetishists that love her

>> No.26975656
Quoted by: >>26975869

Yes so what does that tell you? It means Cover is willing to sacrifice many things, probably up to and but not limited to, their entire current paying customerbase. Because China has more paying consumers than most countries have people. China has over twice as many possible paypigs as the population of the United States and Japan combined. And corporations only care about profits. Same thing is happening with Hollywood and the NBA.

>> No.26975659

You do know that Ame said she loves Gura right

>> No.26975662
Quoted by: >>26976518

The reason Cover is doing massive damage control for the chinks is because they have a lot of investors from there. They could give less of a shit about the bugmen fanbase donations.

>> No.26975666

tl;dr: Cover is a useless company

>> No.26975667

Being in CT, I can usually catch most of her streams either just before going to bed or right after waking up. EST does seem to be pretty unfavorable with regards to your typical Hololive scheduling though, JST late-nighters aside.

>> No.26975668

anon... your tongue reps...

>> No.26975675

Show me a successful person and I'll show you someone who threw away principles for personal gain. It's how reality works, don't let your consumption of fiction cloud that.

>> No.26975677

Might as well be.
Taiwan is not part of China, what's wrong with her mentioning a real country?

>> No.26975689
Quoted by: >>26977395

Source onegai.

>> No.26975690

She obviously never expected this vtuber thing to blow up like it has and doesn't want the hassle of having to meet expectations, now she has a way out

>> No.26975694

Ho-lol-live seems approrpriate at this point.

>> No.26975700
File: 324 KB, 557x557, 1600759936162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ORIGINALLY the Mad Dad stream where she freestyled with the toilet lid sound, but now it will forever be used in a very different context...

>> No.26975701
Quoted by: >>26975768

You assume she isn't here writing it for us since she can't actually say it.

>> No.26975705
Quoted by: >>26975773

I'm so confused Why are the chinks mad?
Is it because they think they are a bigger number??? What???

>> No.26975707

I actually agree with you, us discussing this shit won't do anything anyways

>> No.26975709
Quoted by: >>26975869

they have 550 million people in their middle class if the numbers are true. that is the equivalent of USA and Brazil total population combined. The keidanren in JP and SK elites love selling out to West Taiwan

>> No.26975712

Can we stop pretending Chiang Kai-shek was a good guy? The Republic of China is a democracy today in spite of him, not because of it.

>> No.26975714

men and women cannot be friends

>> No.26975713

Hong Kong was always on lease.

>> No.26975719

These are the only places that recognize Taiwan as a country:

El Salvador
Solomon Islands
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent And The Grenadines
Marshall Islands
Saint Kitts And Nevis
Vatican City

>> No.26975723

>Personal gain
>Your family not being put in a camp
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.26975724

As I've said before, this is not about holoCN or the chink fanbase. It's all about chink investors, imagine putting money on a company that "encourages" anti-chinese behavior. CCP is more friendly with their rich buddies for sure, but no one will want to risk their money and "friendship" with the higher ups for nothing.

>> No.26975737

very likely mori, possibly ame and ina, definitely not chicken, gura wildcard

>> No.26975746 [DELETED] 

/hlgg/, Artia is a traitor, we ride at when she gets her ass in Twitch, no more holding back.

>> No.26975745

If she's still living with her family member who's still sympathetic to the CCP, she's still a prisoner. Your family member will report your for social credits and trust me they will. If she makes any mistakes, the CCP would just revoke her overseas student pass and recall her back to China.

The only way to free her is to give her US citizenship

>> No.26975748
File: 126 KB, 1000x1000, 1600309568768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too low odds, she's already stressed enough, I doubt she wants more stress from the inevitable seething spamming chinks.

>> No.26975749

chicken... the FE stream... calli... your anything stream... please... onegai....

>> No.26975755

lol I see. Didn't catch that stream cause I played the game and didn't think it was that great. I'd watch Ib and stuff tho.

>> No.26975756
File: 781 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200927_200448_com.twitter.android.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26975757

>Vatican City
Based pedo christians.

>> No.26975764
Quoted by: >>26975889

thats why theres so many taiwan servers and taiwan everything right?

>> No.26975768

No I wrote it, pretty sure I'm not Mori. And if I was Mori, I'd be spending all my time masturbating in a mirror, not writing joke raps for faceless fags on the internet.

>> No.26975773

Its because Taiwan is listed as a country under Youtube's results. Chinks can't go after Youtube because they aren't allowed to view it in their country, so they go after the Tubers instead.

>> No.26975775

Don't forget Blizzard, Activision, EA and other game companies.

>> No.26975786
File: 356 KB, 432x444, 1600818588774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame's stream tonight
>no one directly mentions anything about the chink drama
>but all the donations are given in TWD
Would it be kino?

>> No.26975787
Quoted by: >>26975924

Based Pope.

>> No.26975788

>only literal shitholes that have nothing to do with taiwan recognize it as a country

>> No.26975799

Traitor implies she was ever on your side in the first place. She was always a chink, which meant either willingly or not, she had to bootlick the CCP. But I guess people can't see past haha funny gremlin memes.

>> No.26975801

You think the braindead chinks won't go after sz if she does that?

>> No.26975802

Until there's an armed conflict they are americans just can't cope with that reality even Trump is willing to suck chink dick

>> No.26975810

Microsoft, osu, who'll kneel to HoloEN next?

>> No.26975822

Why do you guys keep saying stuff like this?

>> No.26975827
Quoted by: >>26978840

Cucks don't want to admit it, but all those maneuvers are completely logical capitalist moves. Massive chinese middle class loves basketball, so capitalists are pandering to them. The movie theater experience pre-covid absolutely eclipsed America's theatergoers, so chinks get preferential treatment in Hollywood. It's almost like an economic model based on pandering to the groups that give your company more profit is inherently flawed and easily abused.

>> No.26975834
Quoted by: >>26975862

Wtf, everytime I went to sleep, something happens. I really wanted to see that fucking cringe dragon being btfo'd, but not like that, damn

>> No.26975835

She's not gonna stream for a few weeks cause she knows she'll be bombarded, especially with those alleged messages of her supporting the CCP.

>> No.26975839

If she says otherwise, then the CCP will throw her entire family into the gulag, or worse.

>> No.26975841
Quoted by: >>26975898

Probably not, I would be suprised if all the Holo's weren't already debriefed on the current situation.

>> No.26975843

I am going to rape a young chinese boy while wearing a Yagoo mask

>> No.26975844

>Gura noticed by Xbox
>Ame noticed by Osu
Ina needs to be noticed by a mobile game and the trinity will truly be dominating.

>> No.26975851

Nicholas Cage

>> No.26975853
Quoted by: >>26976935

But Da Packers are on anon.......

>> No.26975862

this is what you get for being an anti, anonchama...

>> No.26975864

How about you leave my wife out of this?

>> No.26975869

>Because China has more paying consumers than most countries have people.
Most of China has 0 potential to become paypigs. 90% of China is poor while 90% of the US is rich
China's "middle class" would be abject poverty in the US. USA's poverty would be upper middle class in China. US has more paypig potential by a lot

>> No.26975871

>watching Kiara's new mic stream finally
>sounds so much better
>very cute and cheerful and her membership is only 1 tier at 5 bucks for everything
Okay I'm officially a Kiara fan now, I can't abide all the hate anymore, she's trying so hard and doing well.

>> No.26975874
File: 146 KB, 738x1085, 1600820001089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom if they know whats good for them

>> No.26975875

Mori being an English teacher might help.

>> No.26975876

Ina would probably be super fun to watch shows with. She seems to have good taste so I could also probably get a lot of new things watched.

>> No.26975880

If anything this means these are the only countries in the world that are free from CCP's grasp. Really makes you think.

>> No.26975881

Didnt trump take a call from the Taiwanese leader congratulating him before he took one from china? There was a controversy over it, I remember because the annoying girl who sat in front of me wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.26975885
Quoted by: >>26975971

Is Ame releasing the members only vods like Mori? I hope so

>> No.26975886

peppy go fix the fucking taiko sliders you massive faggot

>> No.26975889

officially recognizing is different from making deals with them. saying that taiwan is their own country makes you lose the bug market; and no ruler wants to lose that market. same situation with South Korea and North Korea. the Korean War never ended. it is in a cease fire state

>> No.26975898

I am certain Loserbait has removed their briefs thoroughly.

>> No.26975907


>> No.26975912
Quoted by: >>26976061

She's already done professional work for a lot of them, so it might get weird if they did (though it's entirely possible they don't know that)

>> No.26975914
Quoted by: >>26976089

Yeah, real countries want access to China's labor, materials, and money. It's shitty, and their greed is already starting to blow back on them, but all these internet crusaders expecting a dinky company like Cover to take a moral stand when actual world powers won't are delusional.

>> No.26975917

>it's real
Another company acknowledges holoEN... Will there ever come a day where they'll just give permissions on their own for free advertising?

>> No.26975924

The Pope has been calling out Xi on his shit and trying to expand Christianity in the region.

>> No.26975931
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1601014307389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wife is an evil ho

>> No.26975932

>Gura noticed by Xbox
When was this?

>> No.26975938

Politically recognizing Taiwan as a country is different from treating it as a de facto one

>> No.26975940
File: 574 KB, 1000x1000, 1601234827501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina already did a watch along of one of his movies.

>> No.26975941

Its mostly to preserver the Chinese investors and Advertising relations. FBK gets 50% of her revenue from bilibili streams where she shills ArK knight and various Chinese soft drinks.

>> No.26975965

I want to marry Artia so she stays in the USA and let her feel happy not being afraid of CCP!

>> No.26975966
Quoted by: >>26975992


>> No.26975968

>China's "middle class" would be abject poverty in the US
then why so many companies make massive bank on that fucking country? clearly they don't target poor people since only the middle class and upper class matters in trade deals

>> No.26975969
Quoted by: >>26976012

Kiara is shit tier in collabs, but her karaoke stream was pretty good.

>> No.26975971

probably not the osu! and members only karaoke streams where copyright might be an issue
I don't always get to watch her live because of work, but I'm keeping my membership

>> No.26975976


>> No.26975978
File: 93 KB, 1000x1000, Ei9Qq7oXkAEvyI8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976055

Just woke up, I'm going back to sleep.

>> No.26975989

>Because China has more paying consumers than most countries have people.
>Most of China has 0 potential to become paypigs. 90% of China is poor while 90% of the US is rich
This is not true anymore. China's middle class has fucking exploded, to the point where they are having to import most of their food because nobody wants to be a fucking rice farmer anymore. China was never food sufficient, but now, the problem has multiplied, as younger generations flock to cities instead of staying into their villages and learning the old ways. There are more confirmed paying customers of the NBA in China than there are people in the United States. Over 330 million paying NBA fans in China. This is why every company will kneel to them.

>> No.26975992

Oh shit

>> No.26975998
Quoted by: >>26976028

Hong Kong and Macau should be independent too.

>> No.26976002

Is it feasible to get permissions for Osu! On certain songs?

>> No.26976006

because they have 1.4 billion people.

>> No.26976012
Quoted by: >>26976062

I feel like most of the problem with the collab was really due to technical issues killing the momentum and the mood than Kiara's lame strategy that everyone bitched about.

>> No.26976026

In the webm, 1:18

>> No.26976028

And Tibet.

>> No.26976031
File: 1.34 MB, 2998x3589, 84574244_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do I save gifs from pixiv? Rightclicking just gives me a png.

>> No.26976032
File: 1.29 MB, 1484x1854, 1601182143846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope shark is doing fine
my love for her was reignited tenfold after the dead by daylight stream and i just want to see my cute daughter stream. i wish she would atleast tweet if she isn't streaming on a day.

>> No.26976035
Quoted by: >>26976203

No that's why she's not archiving them.

>> No.26976048 [DELETED] 



>> No.26976054
Quoted by: >>26976154

Artia's already been through reeducation, they just need to say the code word and she'll come running back like a dog. Give up on her and focus on saving Civia.

>> No.26976055


>> No.26976059

That reminds me, I need to watch that movie.

>> No.26976060

How is Haachama supposed to release all her insanity now? She's going to commit suicide

>> No.26976061

It might already be weird. I don't know if Hololive and china being on bad terms could effect Ina's roommate if she has many comissions from there.

>> No.26976062

I kind of liked how much of a coward pacifist she was. it was pretty funny how in a fighting game her first reaction every time was to run and hide.

>> No.26976065

Mori please get Ina to watch along the wicker man or uncut gems

They're nic cage KINO

>> No.26976068

How can Chinese people rise up and overcome?

>> No.26976073
Quoted by: >>26976170

The last two collabs have left a bad taste in my mouth, but I’m still waiting to make a verdict

>> No.26976074

>then why so many companies make massive bank on that fucking country?
Its called speculating in investor terms, and its far from a guarantee that it will be successful. Investors are speculating based on future growth and the idea that those 500 million "middle class" people can someday become actual middle class and not on the current reality that 90% of China is impoverished by USA standards.

>> No.26976075

yes but it would be such a huge fuckaround and the music industry are so jewish it makes china blush, so it's not worth it

>> No.26976077

She said last night that she's working on a schedule for this week so we'll know soon enough at least.

>> No.26976081
File: 93 KB, 1280x367, 1572582698581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura hasn't streamed in two days but she's still passing Noel and Okayu

Gura please, the streams.....

>> No.26976087
File: 21 KB, 258x420, 1586115489480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976089

Just goes to show how many underagedb& are around these parts. The world can be a pretty fucking ugly place, and the hegemonic structures that have been created in the past century or so are rotten to the core. This isn't even strictly a Chinese thing, if America had a pair on them they could choke out the entire country economically, but that would upset the corporations that actually run that country so it will never happen. If China goes up in flames, America needs to swiftly follow as that chief enablers of China.

>> No.26976111
Quoted by: >>26976369

Not to mention they have Africa under their grip to use cheap labor for, by giving them businesses and High Speed Rail.

>> No.26976114

God, my fucking dick...

>> No.26976115

that's a yabai from me

>> No.26976120
File: 907 KB, 1024x769, 1600922951910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976140

Welp looks like it's gonna be a busy workday for me, hope you all enjoy Ame's stream later! I'll just watch the archive...

>> No.26976130

How can our detective be THIS based?

>> No.26976132

Because in the US, our poor people walk around with 800 dollar phones. Their middle class can still afford things.

>> No.26976139
File: 132 KB, 711x1100, EizS2zOWAAAc-_Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my daughter bros, the collab didn't scratch my gura itch

>> No.26976140

what? amelia is streaming?

>> No.26976142

>then why so many companies make massive bank on that fucking country?
One dollar per person per year times 400 million people is $400 million.

>> No.26976144

I use the Pixiv Toolkit extension for Chrome.

>> No.26976154

Im going to reeducate her with my dick and forgot China even exists

>> No.26976165

Pixiv Toolkit browser extension.

>> No.26976169

are you sure it's a gif and not an ugoira?

>> No.26976171

She already has a husband.

>> No.26976172
File: 644 KB, 1300x959, 1530651354226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976170

I do agree she made some awkward moments in the previous two collabs, but I think the anti's way blew those out of proportion, constantly screeching that she "ruined the whole thing" and shit was schizo tier. I'm still holding chickencoin and it's gone up today imo.

>> No.26976177
Quoted by: >>26976249

Her head looks so unattached to her neck it looks like shit

>> No.26976183

I'm not necessarily in favor of it, but I gotta feeling it's a real possibility if they keep going how they're going. Both fans and talents are only really gonna take so much before they just start walking.

>> No.26976186

>nobody wants to be a fucking rice farmer anymore
I'll venture a guess that nobody ever wanted to be a fucking rice farmer and only ever done that job because no other option was available.

>> No.26976187


>> No.26976194

Limbo in 4 hours

>> No.26976196


>> No.26976202

in just under 4 hours

>> No.26976203

Damn I hope you guys are recording them

>> No.26976211

What did she mean by this?

>> No.26976214
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, 45335434513535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26976218

This meme is one of my favorites in the threads

>> No.26976243

>only if they're in tomato sauce
Confirmed not spic

>> No.26976244

I just realized that my third world shithole has not "officially" recognized Taiwan as a country, but we have an embassy there, they have an embassy here and on our geography books they always list Taiwan as a country.

>> No.26976246

Stop lewding her.

>> No.26976249

Meant for >>26976031

>> No.26976250

For sure. New mic is a huge plus. She sounds cute

>> No.26976252

This just makes me wish that they got and Englishwoman with an incredibly thick Northern or chav accent to voice Amelia.

>> No.26976254
Quoted by: >>26976417

Guys... the Korone Taiwan video is spreading on twitter...

>> No.26976257


>> No.26976259


>> No.26976261

I want Amelia Watson to trap me in a pocket dimension outside of space and time!

>> No.26976265

Beans in tomato sauce? What dish is that supposed to be?

>> No.26976266


>> No.26976271

https://twitter.com/tskmnzrhld/status/1310276331481882625?s=20 Artia is......NOT BASED....

>> No.26976273

Teamates... I fucking kneel.

>> No.26976290
File: 87 KB, 2545x191, moripasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-threadly reminder that Mori-sama is the light of my life! Fuckin dead hours, man... we need some streams.

>> No.26976291

okay but Accelerator can still beat her

>> No.26976296

>everything's lewd to you.. you guys

you know she wanted to call her fans sickos

>> No.26976312

not based in China, correct, but her parents are.

>> No.26976317

I'm Irish, and my best friend as a kid lived in a pretty quiet suburb in a small town. It was a nice enough area until a large family of travellers (Irish gypsies) moved in next door. For reasons known only to them, they would just smash up random furniture, and scatter it all around their front and back yards, never cleaning it and just letting it pile up. They were a constant nuisance and the neighborhood was sick of them, but it was their property and they could do whatever they wanted since they weren't technically breaking the law.
Anyway /jp/ is my friend and these threads are the gypsies.

>> No.26976322
File: 2.10 MB, 1447x2047, 1601209033024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980852


>> No.26976324

Yeah, I think this is based

>> No.26976330
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, 1600306213494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976335
Quoted by: >>26976381

Thats how it works
Maybe Taiwan is not recognized ""officially"" so China doesn't get their panties in a twist over it but it's a country in every book, it's a country in every website, it's a country you can pick on everything ever and it even gets its own servers for games and everything with schools teaching you that taiwan is the name of a country complete with the taiwanese flag.

>> No.26976349
File: 52 KB, 727x396, 1 Free best china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26976358

Which Holo would be most accepting of a guy with a micropenis?

>> No.26976363

Most countries do, they just pretend that it isn't a country to appease chinks.

>> No.26976369

they are also Brazil's biggets economic partner since it is the only country that can produce the insane amount of food that China demands

>> No.26976377

goddamn, high effort

>> No.26976378
File: 115 KB, 1024x1024, 20177278001_lrg_1_@1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976420


>> No.26976376
File: 42 KB, 640x640, heinz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976420

It's a staple in the UK. I hate them.

>> No.26976381
Quoted by: >>26979686

Even electronics say "made in TAIWAN". They would say made in China otherwise.

>> No.26976382
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1600996938380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Ina is okay and enjoying her day off and is not stressed about all this

>> No.26976385
File: 1.23 MB, 4000x4000, sketchies71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a quick fix. I'm always cursed with derpy faces.
I merged the pattern layer to the base color layer a while back to make the colors match with the other color filter layers. I regret not waiting until the end. Now its too much work to fix or edit it.
Thanks! I totally missed that.

I'm probably going to quit on this one and start something new.

>> No.26976386
File: 411 KB, 860x540, ゴズリング110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976525


>> No.26976390

Been gone for awhile, but I hear that Haato and Coco got suspended? Haato I can sympathize with, but that fucking reddit dragon should have gotten graduated. I can't understand how anyone can conceivably like her.

>> No.26976401

From EN? Ina, she's asian.

>> No.26976405
Quoted by: >>26976447

Mori because of her yellow fever

>> No.26976409
File: 250 KB, 640x640, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chumbuds and Deadbros...

>> No.26976410

It's like the Chinese really want to be hated by the rest of the world.

>> No.26976412
File: 89 KB, 329x272, 1600735541672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy talking shit when you've not been in the reeducation camps

>> No.26976414
Quoted by: >>26976492

bring back coco and graduate mori

>> No.26976416


>> No.26976417

Post the tweet then

>> No.26976420

Oh so it's bong "cuisine", that explains a lot actually.

>> No.26976421
Quoted by: >>26976833

I can only imagine how bad holoEN chat is going to be now with all this China shit. I hope they've already banned certain phrases and words or they could really get the girls in trouble.

>> No.26976424


>> No.26976425


>> No.26976430

She's probably in this very thread calling for global chink extermination.

>> No.26976432
File: 1.02 MB, 915x827, 1600085353634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976434

I miss Gura

>> No.26976436
Quoted by: >>26976597

I couldn't give less of a fuck what roommates look like. I'm watching the chuba, not her roommate.

>> No.26976441
File: 1.29 MB, 863x1000, 84363902_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976447
Quoted by: >>26976480

So you are saying I have a chance?

>> No.26976448

Cursed art. Pls delet

>> No.26976459

In fairness, those two drunkards might actually have the red nose.

>> No.26976461
Quoted by: >>26976490

>reddit bad
does anyone over the age of 14 actually give a fuck about these dumbass website wars

>> No.26976463

She had so much fun this stream

>> No.26976468

>she likes bad memes so I'm okay with kowtowing to authoritarian regimes.

>> No.26976476

Wrong thread, Ricardo. Get your shit together.

>> No.26976477

god even in fanart I can't unsee it

fuck you kuroboshi you ruined her for me

>> No.26976480

If you superchat her every day then she might give you a quickie because she's all about the money

>> No.26976483

>I merged the pattern layer to the base color layer a while back to make the colors match with the other color filter layers. I regret not waiting until the end. Now its too much work to fix or edit it.
It's still cute, you know what to do next time!

>> No.26976486
File: 2.93 MB, 3464x2362, 1600714881513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the politics talk is getting depressing. I agree fuck China and fuck the chinks but can we get any other discussion going? Maybe post cute holos?

>> No.26976489

Well guys, all the China shit is starting to pick up with normies on Twitter. Welcome to the next week or 2 of holo threads.

>> No.26976490

Go back

>> No.26976491

send it t to DD

>> No.26976492
Quoted by: >>26976674

I will take Coco over Mori if they were the only two options, but I'm also willing to see if Mori can change for the better.

>> No.26976496
File: 488 KB, 692x770, 1601086202917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976503

would you say that you have learned forbidden knowledge?

>> No.26976507
File: 171 KB, 410x410, insight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to increase your insight

>> No.26976515

Just leave until Watson, it won't get better.

>> No.26976516
Quoted by: >>26976545


>> No.26976518

Likely true and if anyone thinks Ichikara is any better they're lying to themselves. This is what the chinks have been doing. They invest in overseas company and buy stocks so those companies can do business in China. As every single company in China is connected to the CCP in some way no matter how independent it may seem this means that every company the chink companies have stakes in becomes beholden to the whims of the CCP as well lest they lose funding.

Despite how memey the word is the PRC is what a legitimately fascist state looks like: a supposedly capitalistic veneer yet all corporations are beholden to the government based on their value to the state plus enormous social control of the citizenry.

>> No.26976519
File: 832 KB, 814x1231, 1595430751872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976525
Quoted by: >>26976549

reminder that gura is a death grips fan

>> No.26976545
File: 81 KB, 1071x799, Eih-0DzVkAEXXJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related

When she has the fucking halo my mind just sees it every fucking time and it upsets me.

>> No.26976549

I want her to put my dick in a death grip

>> No.26976552


>> No.26976553
Quoted by: >>26976877




>> No.26976554
File: 156 KB, 662x637, artia_parking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, when is cover going to move their CN members out of China and move them to Taiwan so they can drop the care for china?

>> No.26976558

You fuckers invented Spam, don't act like you get to say anything about beans on toast.

>> No.26976559

NTRoberu please...not the EN girls too...

>> No.26976560

>Maybe post cute holos
you first

>> No.26976572

It's easier to see in some art than others.
You can tell the fanartists who 'know' from those who don't.

>> No.26976574
File: 861 KB, 628x820, Nicolas Kage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978990

More edit reps

>> No.26976575

When fanart positions the halo wrong for it I get ticked off.

>> No.26976576
File: 26 KB, 583x237, korosan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just in: korone has posted an apology

>> No.26976577


>> No.26976581
Quoted by: >>26976903

Seems almost all the ENs will be taking a break the day after the full collab. Ame will be streaming in a few hours, hopefully the Goslingposters will drown them out.

>> No.26976582

The rescue operation will also need to pick up their families

>> No.26976587
File: 2.45 MB, 2362x3937, EiDAHJ4U0AIvEe5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976591

German, but we eat it a lot.

>> No.26976593
File: 91 KB, 871x987, Ei2MbemVkAIlu6X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember cunny is yummy

>> No.26976597


>> No.26976600

>cover couldn't protect Aloe
>cover didn't provide our EN holos with equipment
>papa Huke have to provide microphones for EN holos
>expect that Cover do something of that magnitude
what a useless company KEK

>> No.26976608
File: 27 KB, 990x667, flag-of-taiwan111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Politics? Noone here mentioned politics, the only ones at blame here are the bugmen for getting at mad at coco for mentioning a real country.

>> No.26976620
File: 139 KB, 425x400, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976623

I've become a level 1 cultist.

>> No.26976630


>> No.26976632

cunny.... i want that....

>> No.26976640

Roberu is too strong...

>> No.26976644

Hey hey let's not kid ourselves here. Kizuna was and still is the face of vtubers. So long as she's sitting pretty around 3 million subs there will always be more people looking to jump on the bandwagon

>> No.26976646
Quoted by: >>26976736

why did she like this on twitter?

>> No.26976652
Quoted by: >>26976741

/pol/ would be saying how based China is something something jews something niggers. People here are genuinely angry that chinks are actively sabotaging the Hologirls

>> No.26976657
File: 75 KB, 297x284, 1600142932161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26976655

Cute and fUNNY

>> No.26976671

As much as I want to see a Mandy watchthrough, I don't think it's fair to subject Ina to so much CageKino in such a short period of time.

>> No.26976674

It's literally only been 2 weeks, she did suck hard this week though but I don't think she's beyond saving like some shitposters seem to think

>> No.26976679
Quoted by: >>26976708

calilust or something

>> No.26976689

>the absolute state of r/Hololive

>> No.26976691
File: 48 KB, 640x740, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiwan... your country reps.......

>> No.26976692
Quoted by: >>26976726

clucked... by my own son...

>> No.26976697

Bros why are there so many fucking people in China? That's the only problem... as long as the audience is there Cover will keep kneeling...

>> No.26976701

Honestly, this has been the funnest the threads in a long time for both here and our onee-chan's thread.
The event is saddening but damn these threads has been the funnest they've ever been.

>> No.26976708

That's the normal art tag, but I can't blame you for thinking that, she mentioned making a lewd tag but nothing about what it was.

>> No.26976711
File: 600 KB, 2735x2735, 1600140782532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't anyone streaming? I thought the point of Holo EN was to have someone to stream during these time slots.

>> No.26976726


>> No.26976731

Guys, who do you think actually has a cute roommate? We know a couple of them do, but I default to assuming they don't usually.

>> No.26976735

and then you have Gura liking her lewds.

>> No.26976736

That's not the one she liked, it was the tummy one.

>> No.26976739


>> No.26976740

He just can't......stop......winning.....

>> No.26976741

>ever taking the side of China
Maybe if this was something about their human rights violations against the Uyghurs, but beyond that this is absolutely /pol/ territory. It just so happens even normal people think the chinks are annoying and oversensitive, a stopped clock is right twice a day.

>> No.26976744

>Mori's contest got steamrolled by this dumb china shit
Cantaloupe... No...

>> No.26976756

Half of EN are Japanese and the other half are insomniac night owls.

>> No.26976758

Sunday seems to be a designated break day. That said watson's streaming in about 3 and a half hour.

>> No.26976763

reminder: all chinese uni immigrants come from rich families who can afford overseas education. they are the most entrenched CCP dogs.

>> No.26976765
File: 325 KB, 1431x2048, Eif1919U4AEGpUg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't get Amelia in trouble...

>> No.26976772

are you kidding me? Cover risks losing the rights to stream a ton of games that Tencent owns in part or in full.

>> No.26976774

Americans hate being told what they can say and they hate the Chinese. So yeah, that'll be fun.

>> No.26976776
Quoted by: >>26976802

Fuck off, retard

>> No.26976779

Don't worry their birthrates are currently going into the shitter. Just like the rest of the world will experience soon enough if not already.

>> No.26976780


>> No.26976794
Quoted by: >>26976870

You can get beans in tomato sauce in Canada too.

>> No.26976797

No need to be so melon-callie, I'm optimistic things will improve soon.

>> No.26976799

What is it with loli's that makes me want to eat their cunny so badly? i like 3d women but they don't make me feel like this

>> No.26976798
Quoted by: >>26976836

Sunday is the day of rest.

>> No.26976800

More than one think can happen at once. If you're going to suck shit on behalf of the people who got Coco and Haato cancelled, at least have the decency to take it to the other thread...

>> No.26976802

Make me.

>> No.26976805

Tencent games are shit, acquire more permissions from game companies not CCP shilled.

>> No.26976806

insane how all you guys have been brainwashed to hate china

>> No.26976807
Quoted by: >>26976898

Just do it anyway and reject their copyright claims. Real human courts need to automatically rule against the Chinese in all legal cases like they do in their own country.

>> No.26976816

>games that Tencent owns
All shit.

>> No.26976825
File: 196 KB, 480x480, 1590683065039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26976856

I'll make the whole world burn if something happens to Ame

>> No.26976826
File: 12 KB, 643x162, yagoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made a funny at least

>> No.26976831

I couldn't fucking find this thread because you fucked up the title, bitch.

>> No.26976833

The girls would have to do it themselves. It's pretty well established that the company doesn't do shit to help monitor the girls chats, even if they should by all rights know I'm advance that something bad is coming.

>> No.26976836

Curse you judeo-christian values!

>> No.26976839

Yeah, everyone else is brainwashed. Definitely not the Chinese.

>> No.26976846

Her "awkward" moment in the last one was actively not playing the game and then when everyone started going after her instead of having fun she proceeded to act like a baby and keep killing herself in every round to the point where Watson had to give her a pity trophy. it's obvious she was legitimately salty about it.

>> No.26976856
Quoted by: >>26976894

Amelia going to get two holes in her head

>> No.26976859

Chicken is streaming the shitty game again to bleed what's remaining of her viewers.


>> No.26976861

Like most species of eusocial insect, they tend to breed in massive numbers.

>> No.26976863

That's your mind with Trump as president

>> No.26976869

God that's scary...

>> No.26976870

You can get them everywhere. They're not special, whoever asked what gura was talking about is retarded.

>> No.26976877

Why did she say this bros...

>> No.26976878

I love the outrage that their add ridden brains will forget harder than these threads switch from shitting on kiara to praising her in a span of a thread last night

She deserved it though

>> No.26976885

>some sorry if infection

>> No.26976892

>Orange-man bad

>> No.26976893
Quoted by: >>26977207

All of them from the 3 I've seen.
Maybe they shouldn't have fucked with all my hobbies and I would've remained blind to their bullshit.

>> No.26976894

I don't normally like pierced ears, but good for her

>> No.26976898

Okay, say Hololive does this. By the time a court case gets through the system, your oshi has her channel deleted for copyright infringement and all her content is lost. Worth it?

>> No.26976903

I can't believe /hlgg/ has gotten so bad we're begging for goslingposters to flood this place. These threads are such a fucking rollercoaster.

>> No.26976905

Uh-huh, looking forward to the day you're bulldozed into a mass grave, Cheng.

>> No.26976907
Quoted by: >>26976927

Literally fucking unreadable. At least proffread your posts retards.

>> No.26976916
Quoted by: >>26977127

All world superpowers are dogshit. You don't get to become a superpower without flagrantly abusing the powerless and maintaining an authoritarian grip on your citizenry. The United States is quite bad as well, it just so happens that China is worse.

>> No.26976918

Trump is right though.

>> No.26976920
Quoted by: >>26976976

Yep, we’re brainwashed, not the ones who want Coco and Haachama to retire for mentioning a country

>> No.26976927


>> No.26976929

everyone is now finding clips of the other holos saying the t word
I think cover is doomed

>> No.26976933

this but unironically

>> No.26976935
Quoted by: >>26977025

>Watching the National Felon League
I hope you're with a crowd of friends and family, because there's no other reason to be supporting Niggerball this season.

>> No.26976938

Tell me one good thing about china.

>> No.26976939

Smooth and puffy...

>> No.26976940

Third world countries have high birth rates. They're becoming a post-industrial country though and like every other post-industrial country their birthrates are collapsin.

>> No.26976943

You don't need brainwashing to hate subhuman bugmen, Chang

>> No.26976949

>People from lots of different countries, some of us barely speak English
>It is clearly Americans brainwashed
Ogey, Chang

>> No.26976961

Their cunnies look more like peaches than spoiled roast beef

>> No.26976963

I just hate chinese people, their government being fags is just the +1

>> No.26976966

Don't lump me in with these fucking Martians, I've been hating the Chi-Coms since you were in diapers.

>> No.26976970

Coco caused this and nobody can convince me otherwise

>> No.26976972
Quoted by: >>26977021

>Sucks chink cock

>> No.26976973

don't forget to tweet it at her with the inArt hashtag

>> No.26976976

>for mentioning a country

>> No.26976977

Bad Orange

>> No.26976979

When's HoloEN Fukkireta?

>> No.26976990
File: 222 KB, 872x632, 1599770429716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just woke up, someone fill me in on the latest narrative, who's a filthy whore that we all hate today?

>> No.26977004


>> No.26977005

Yagoo, whore for chinese money.

>> No.26977010


>> No.26977013


>> No.26977015

Xi Jinping

>> No.26977016

Chinks chimping out over Coco listing Taiwan as one of the countries where her viewers come from

>> No.26977019

Your mom

>> No.26977021


>> No.26977023

YAGOO and cover

>> No.26977025

>this season
Lame excuse. I dropped it in 2015 when they ruined the catch rule.

>> No.26977024

China and Holo CN

>> No.26977028


>> No.26977029

She said the T-word

>> No.26977036
File: 5 KB, 222x227, NPC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Orange man Bad
>Orange chicken Bad

>> No.26977038


>> No.26977039

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Artia?

>> No.26977045

Artia, for real this time.
Her roommate/past life account was directly in support of the decision and has shown in her stream to laugh at the expense of the two suspended girls.

>> No.26977052

if you can, make the pattern much closer in color to the tentacles. make it the suggestion of the pattern and it will look much better

>> No.26977058

Artia is an unironic chinese dog applauding Cover's bowing and punishment of Coco/Haato

>> No.26977061

Another thing, Taiwan was number 3 in views, right?
So they are complaining and they were not even top 5?

>> No.26977065

Do you actually get paid or do you just get an increase in social credit score for doing this?

>> No.26977068
Quoted by: >>26977361

>still replying to "just woke up" posters

>> No.26977072

Go suck china's dick some more faggot

>> No.26977074
Quoted by: >>26977204

She definitely escalated things without any plan of action after the fact. Personally if I were in a position like this I would just ignore the Chinese audience entirely. If they get so asspained about such minor things, they can sit in their corner and talk among themselves.

>> No.26977078

Artia and China in general

>> No.26977083

that region composed of China and India have always been insanely populated the history of mankind. always have been like that due to being older cultures that remain more os less the same

>> No.26977085

I fucking love orange chicken.

>> No.26977097

Hey I just woke up and can't read and am totally not just a shitposter wanting to refuel the offtopic spam, what happened?

>> No.26977098


>> No.26977102 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 680x1020, 1601250291934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange chicken bad
you fucking take that back right now

>> No.26977103
File: 458 KB, 1000x500, 1600659481715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitching about containment boards while sitting in a containment board

>> No.26977105

They're complaining that Taiwan exists and Coco didn't pretend it doesn't.

>> No.26977113
File: 501 KB, 642x618, 1601191634259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praying for my priestess to have a nice day

>> No.26977115

The world would be a better place with less Chinese in it.

>> No.26977124

well yeah no shit they're going to kill her family and sell their organs to pablo lol what the fuck do you expect

>> No.26977127

Autocracy in the West and democratized nations is conducted primarily by private monopolies and busybodies, not authoritarian fiat. Remember that time companies owned and run by the US Government intervened to force Cover to graduate Miko because she said a no-no word on accident? How there was a legitimate risk that whenever someone said MADAFAKA on Youtube the secret police might unilaterally order various state-run social media sites and content platforms to blacklist the entire company?
I don't.
If you think that was ever a chance, you're more paranoid than your average /pol/tard.
If you still can't see the difference, well, choke on that chink cock you're sucking.

>> No.26977128


>> No.26977134

You're a little mewling bitch cuck and nobody can convince me otherwise

>> No.26977137

It was youtube statistics, youtube is banned in china, so any chinese users were on vpns and would show up as something else, taiwan being a likely option given proximity.

>> No.26977141

I don't hold it against chinese citizens who have to profess loyalty to china while in china, getting on the wrong side of the CCP is literally an existential threat for them, they're basically held hostage. I just redirect all the hate I would have for them toward western corporations who support the CCP while having a choice to do the right thing and the CCP itself.

>> No.26977149

Based and cunnypilled

>> No.26977152
Quoted by: >>26978680

Artia should do anything anything she can to avoid being sent to re-education camps. I'm glad Artia is dunking on Coco, and it breaks my heart that Artia has to dunk Haato, but that's how it is.

>> No.26977160

>kiara antis would shit on this

>> No.26977170

Uh oh bros I'm actually kind of concerned for gremlin. Will she get a lot of hate on twitch and take a big hit because of all this shit? And she was inclining so much before...

>> No.26977181

Hey I just woke up, just wanted you guys to know that I'm a half chinese half ashkenazi jew

>> No.26977182

Probably something fucked you up in childhood

>> No.26977202

I think this was actually fairly common no?

>> No.26977205

You think we could get a Holo suspended for acknowledging Palestine?

>> No.26977204
Quoted by: >>26977392

The thing is, 0.5% of Coco's audience is Chinese, so she actually can just ignore the Chinese audience. 60% of Fubuki's audience is Chinese and Fubuki has sponsorship deals with Chinese companies, not to mention many of the girls have played or want to play games that Tencent owns.

>> No.26977206

She went out of her way to hide her actions on her personal twitter. She's not trying to dodge anything, she's actively applauding it. She's a chinese dog and you are a cuck for seeing it as anything else.

>> No.26977207

I’m only now realizing that everything that I enjoy have been ruined by the Chinese

>> No.26977211

nobody asked you to start projecting and talking about your life dude

>> No.26977213
Quoted by: >>26977322

They're punishing her just for acknowledging Taiwan's existence? that's so wack

>> No.26977212

Oh dayum. just woke from my nap time and all this shit going ham. Can some bitchnigga wrap the story for a holobrother?

>> No.26977225


>> No.26977246

Ah yes, just like how being gay means you were molested as a child.

>> No.26977249

I don't hate china, i hate that the retarded victimology of the chinese government allows retards with vpn's to harass people who say taiwan

>> No.26977255
Quoted by: >>26977275

You really think she can hide anything whatsoever from the government?
do you rely belieb that?

>> No.26977260
File: 414 KB, 587x937, SEAinaggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980735

Bros, I'm Filipino. Tell me whose side I should be on right now.

>> No.26977264
Quoted by: >>26977328

Shark has orchestrated all of this. Manipulating the chinese in her quest to be number one holo

>> No.26977267 [DELETED] 



>> No.26977268
Quoted by: >>26977450

My slumber saw a sudden finale.

When I looked outside the computing window I saw burning meadows painted by a skarlet dragon in the sky.

Whomst may tell the tale of how it all oocured, as if I was here and then?

>> No.26977274

>ctrl f hololive
>can't find this thread

>> No.26977275

It's sad that you're not even being ironic.

>> No.26977281
File: 27 KB, 400x229, hlgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26977283
Quoted by: >>26977340

She's probably searching every single social media site right now to gouge reactions and is completely freaking out. She did/does surf 4chan.

Hope ever decisions you make you did with a level-head, gremlin.

>> No.26977292


>> No.26977309
Quoted by: >>26977450

just woke up lmao the fuck happened????

>> No.26977310

>thread has degenerated into literal /pol/ shit

Where the fuck are the meidos?

>> No.26977315

>90% of america is rich

Confirmed never set food in America. Why do thrid worlders shithole dwellers get off jerking off to America so much?

>> No.26977319

not unless you fags ruin it, twitch is kind of in a bubble

>> No.26977320
File: 327 KB, 1638x2048, 735687683443535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26977366

>> No.26977318


>> No.26977322

It's complicated. Taiwan is technically a part of China, but at the same time not. China gets pissy if you imply It's independent. Sort of like how Iran gets angry if you acknowledge Jerusalem as Isreal's capital

>> No.26977323
Quoted by: >>26977422

It was a ticking time bomb anyway considering that numerous other holos have been pulled into the chink autism sphere.

>> No.26977326

What did she mean by this?

>> No.26977328
File: 226 KB, 1134x1770, 1601203734375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlantians are the ones pulling the puppet strings

>> No.26977329

How would this effect her?

>> No.26977333

sent to reeducation camps by hiromoot

>> No.26977340

She has a discord, right? Are they saying anything?

>> No.26977360
Quoted by: >>26977567

I can't fucking take it. I need another Gura video.

>> No.26977361

I added the "just woke up" part to my post to just to see if I'd get people to reply lmao

>> No.26977364
Quoted by: >>26977471

Chinese dogs deserve to hide and be scared of people's reactions to their totalitarianism. Hopefully what viewers she does get get educated about her support of the CCP and see her for what she is.

>> No.26977365

Just came back from working at the white house. Emergency meeting NOW to fill me in the #holohappenings

>> No.26977366

Terrible face

>> No.26977374
Quoted by: >>26977487

There's either going to be a million chat filters set up or none what so ever. I'm not prepared for the reaction from either outcome.
Best of luck to Ame cause she'll sure as hell need it to deal with whatever is coming her way tonight.

>> No.26977379

mori one isnt that bad, its got the shitty tumblr blush but it also has the titties

>> No.26977386
File: 1.09 MB, 950x843, 1601233587471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god DAMN

>> No.26977389

>having a choice to do the right thing
Western corporations are amoral by design though, "the right thing" for them is to pursue optimal profit margins. Western society as a whole needs a massive paradigm shift in how companies operate, there needs to be strict rules and regulations to encourage them to possess a general set of morals that supersedes profit. But then people start mewling about communism and socialism and we fall back into this situation. If the west just starts valuing something greater than profit, China can very quickly become obsolete.

>> No.26977392

Worth mentioning that fubuki recently promoted an Asus (taiwanese) phone so this could potentially be an issue there too

>> No.26977395

Terii's art

>> No.26977406

Just finished edging for 16 hours straight to 2k larp session and my twitter timeline is on fire. What happened to hololive?

>> No.26977407
File: 694 KB, 705x705, 1601095543110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26977605

>/pol/ is against letting a facist dictatorship run the world
Uuuuuuuh you sure about that one, buddy?

>> No.26977410

I mean, they got it right being crippling alcoholics.

>> No.26977412

ESLs should be banned from making threads

>> No.26977413

90% of America isn't rich by American standards, but there is a reason that third worlders continue to flow to the US. Being amongst the lowest in America is still far above the average in most other countries.

>> No.26977422

Chink autism isn't impossible to navigate, Blizzard has been doing it for years. But Coco made it impossible for Cover to appease the chinks easily.

>> No.26977438

>Kiara talking about eating her members throughout her stream


>> No.26977450

>Asacoco and Hachama
>Say word
>A bunch of Ching Chong Changs get pissed off
>Gets Aloe'd because Cover cleans their asshole

>> No.26977455


>> No.26977461

I raped and killed them all with my nigger dick and ate them.

>> No.26977462

Amoral companies is good. I shudder to think about government imposed "morality".

>> No.26977471
Quoted by: >>26977541

This faggot is you right? If a dog takes a shit on your lawn you don't label it evil, you do that to the owner. If you think every bugman is a malicious mastermind you might be even dumber than you sound. Go outside.

>> No.26977478

Who's going to stream? Who's going to save us?

>> No.26977481

What edition?

>> No.26977483

We don't need regulations, we need to let companies be held accountable for their failures instead of getting bailed out. So they value long term stable profits over making a quick buck taking stupid risks.

>> No.26977487

>Talk about stuff unrelated to the stream.
Done. Follow the rules.

>> No.26977489


>> No.26977499
File: 240 KB, 345x406, 1600435102996 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori attracted the brapniggers, Kiara got the voreniggers. Life is pain.

>> No.26977500

My sister just send me a screenshot of a reddit thread about some drama with hololive. Can you queue us in what is going on?

>> No.26977509

this is my first time actually seeing the clip. goddamn this is a retarded suspension

>> No.26977510
File: 765 KB, 2195x2195, 1600568797706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26977724

>another evening without a Gura stream
It's not always easy being a chumbud... But I'll wait for her forever.

>> No.26977511

It's not complicated: the Chinese Civil War never ended and the communist regime wants to destroy any potential rival for power.

As long as there are free Chinese voting for their own future, the underlying message that the Chinese people NEED to be guided by the Communist Party like children is proved invalid and their claim to power illegitimate.

>> No.26977522


>> No.26977525
Quoted by: >>26977991

We can't ignore cost of living though. It's way fucking cheaper to live in a third world country than in America. Whether you're in poverty in America or in Argentina, you're still struggling to get a daily meal, especially since covid has decimated free food pantries.

>> No.26977529
File: 709 KB, 600x505, 1600246414149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26977576

China is to blame for making Ame eat her last peece of kitkat

>> No.26977532
Quoted by: >>26977556

>not shooting into the ground so when the bullet comes out of the other side it hits some random chinaman

>> No.26977541
Quoted by: >>26977696

>nooo, all my donations were to a good person, she is my waifu she even thanked me
Why do you want to defend your poor spending decisions so badly?

>> No.26977544

Just left the chinese kid factory. What happened to mama coco?

>> No.26977546
File: 130 KB, 787x787, Eh0gQzFVoAARsmw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26977716

No Ina guerilla stream and if she does it'll be when I'm asleep, when she should also be sleeping.

Guess I'll just die.

>> No.26977551
File: 466 KB, 914x982, 1601204848170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26977555


>> No.26977556

eats flat retard why would i be shooting into nothing.

>> No.26977567
File: 769 KB, 600x510, 1600379560738.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax fellow chumbud, she'll be back soon. Hopefully she's getting some permissions for Outlast or Dead Space at least, Alien Isolation I hope will happen since thats not a Japanese Sega game, but I dunno.

>> No.26977572

Various reasons but the big one is usually easier life and opportunity. One recent example is prestige of some of the colleges and universities because corruption is usually huge in non-1st world countries.

>> No.26977573

Watson confirmed for speedster.

Is there a Reverse Watson?

>> No.26977574
Quoted by: >>26977642

Do you think that reasoning is gonna work for a bunch of rabid angry nerds on the internet? Most the chat already can't follow the streams' basic rules.

>> No.26977576
Quoted by: >>26977705

If China touches Ame, that crosses the line to American soil and we are legally allowed to retaliate with military force on behalf of the peesa kit kat

>> No.26977582

marry Artia so she becomes us citizen

>> No.26977586
File: 532 KB, 1023x574, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, /hlgg/. I have been playing around with this voice clone AI for quite a bit. I want to try cloning Amelia's voice.


Does anyone here have an audio clip of Amelia talking without background music? she has the BGM up almost all the time. Normal talking voice would be ideal, longer = better.

The AI is not perfect and pretty much get rid of all accents but I still want to try it. (I tried to make a JOI audio out of my crush's voice once but the AI got rid of her beautiful british accent. I was so disappointed.)

>> No.26977590
Quoted by: >>26977608

It's only complicated if you think China gets to dictate reality to the rest of the world. Tawain is a de facto independent nation.

>> No.26977594

Just had sex with Xi Jinping, he said he'll forgive Cover as long as you guys reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.26977602
Quoted by: >>26977646

What is this post

>> No.26977603
Quoted by: >>26977630

Is this how she time travels?

>> No.26977605
Quoted by: >>26978694

Low IQ interpretation. /pol/ loathes the jews and Israel, despite Israel creating an ethnostate that keeps its brown population in an open air prison. They want all these things to happen on their terms. An ethnostate isn't good unless it's a white one, for instance.

>> No.26977606

This is a powerful image

>> No.26977608

Thanks Yagoo

>> No.26977614


>> No.26977616 [DELETED] 

lol nyanners jsut said she is glad to not be streaming under hololive.
How hard did the redditdragon fuck up this time?

>> No.26977627

Fucking kek

>> No.26977630


>> No.26977637

>amelia joi video

>> No.26977639
Quoted by: >>26979198

she actively doesn't talk during the quiet bit of her looping music.

>> No.26977641
Quoted by: >>26979198

>she has the BGM up almost all the time

>> No.26977642

Well there will be lots of bans tonight then.

>> No.26977646

Lurk 12 years before posting

>> No.26977668

im new to this streaming shit. do all streamers have to get permissions or is it just hololive? i dont think ive ever heard of this before

>> No.26977669

Fuck off

>> No.26977670

Based people asking her to explain her tweets blowing her narrative out of the water.

>> No.26977671
File: 311 KB, 396x340, 1570161932845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979198

>Teamates actually going to turn ameilia into their personnel Ai girlfriend
Jesus fucking chirst

>> No.26977674

holy fuck it's perfect

>> No.26977680

>first reply is her pro-china posts

>> No.26977683
File: 2.60 MB, 720x720, 1600706110483.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26977687


Good. Ame can stop playing Valorant and go back to CSGO

>> No.26977694

Follow my dick in your ass

>> No.26977696

>donating to a holo
Joke's on you, I'm a poorfag. Stop projecting and try again.

>> No.26977697

Good OC in an otherwise shit thread.

>> No.26977705

They're going after every member who's streaming

>> No.26977712
File: 90 KB, 422x315, 1471656884250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me.

>> No.26977715
File: 285 KB, 795x318, 97464F17-F77C-4BAD-8098-684D9D27ADB8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26977732

“Watson Detective Agency.”

>”Yeah, if Spaceman makes bafwoom in his pants, does he go boom?”

“Sir, I don’t have time for this.”

>> No.26977716

I prefer it this way. Any chat today will probably be filled with spammers and people demanding the Holos to talk about the situation.

>> No.26977724
File: 592 KB, 873x796, 1601035885631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We chumchads struggle together.

>> No.26977726
Quoted by: >>26979198

You guys are starting to scare me with this Amelia stuff

>> No.26977729
File: 512 KB, 900x767, 1600732248734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Big ups to Thai Juan: "You're #1 in my heart, Calli! Looking forward to see how your first album goes!" Thanks for the Walking Dead dollars.

>> No.26977730
File: 94 KB, 684x835, 1600729499007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up
good morning /ame/
I love you

>> No.26977732

God bless

>> No.26977742

Does Artia really have a choice though? Everyone is shitting on her but she's probably constantly in an internal struggle of her brainwashing vs. experiences outside of China telling her otherwise. Seems a bit unfair.

>> No.26977743
File: 163 KB, 939x1200, miisuuuuuuuuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calli is literally destined to be kissed by Kiara, and that is with tongues by the way.

>> No.26977745

First time posting here, someone give me a quick rundown. Should I invest in holocoins?

>> No.26977747

>the rights to stream league of legends
fuck off fag, no one needs rights to stream that shit, riot may have majority chink stakes but theyre based in america

>> No.26977755

Good. Keep that trash out of streams.

>> No.26977772

Just because it'll happen today doesn't mean it won't happen until the two's suspension runs out and people forget about it. That's just shitty reasoning. That said, if she's getting rest/finishing up her other work that's fine too.

>> No.26977773

Asking for a friend, character limit on a post is 2000 right?

>> No.26977774
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, 1576254298051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978088

don't do this to me

>> No.26977781
File: 171 KB, 738x658, 1599976201058.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Youtube-dl does cookies just werk or do I need to use login credentials for membership streams?

>> No.26977785
Quoted by: >>26979198

So now that we've established ameliafags and moribraps are pathetic, which is the best holoEN fanbase?

>> No.26977790

>Big ups to Knickers Hanging In Trees
>Oh god fucking damnit

>> No.26977795
File: 64 KB, 680x556, 1574463904932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please hatch me in your warmth chicken mama.

>> No.26977798

Go back faggot

>> No.26977799

Yeah and what are those kids gonna do when they get banned?
They're gonna see it as Ame siding with China or whatever bullshit instead of her just trying have a normal stream. They're gonna storm whatever reddit and social media and start whining and making threats. Ame's following is already heavily autistic so they're gonna get real noisy.
Safest decision would be to call off for the night.

>> No.26977801

This is what I fear for all the holos. I hate chinks, but I know reddit is going to be spamming chat about it, demanding they do something

>> No.26977802
Quoted by: >>26977862

so is this just going to be tit for tat then?
they fuck with our HLs and we fuck with theirs?
what a fucking shitshow.

>> No.26977809
File: 717 KB, 2892x4096, Ei9W7RZU0AAWvnY-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26977930

>> No.26977817
File: 79 KB, 1100x739, horde_Architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978088

i made myself sad...

>> No.26977818
Quoted by: >>26978118

Fuck off moron

>> No.26977826

what's the possibility of their roommates hooking up months from now?

>> No.26977828

She unironically made the right choice.

>> No.26977839

Even if she's broken the brainwashing, it's likely she has family that could be used as leverage against her.

Essentially you will never really know if you have her true feelings on the CCP.

>> No.26977840

So Amelia is slowly going back to her roommates persona but Gura doesn't seem to be going that way. I'm almost inclined to believe she wanted to get away from that life.

>> No.26977844
Quoted by: >>26977877

What is the accent that Kiara is going for?

>> No.26977848

I bet she's still seething deep down.

>> No.26977853
Quoted by: >>26979198

I dont see the appeal when the AI makes them sound lobotomized. Unless you want to imagine her giving you instructions in that dead voice.

>> No.26977862

At least we're going to war over 2D girls and not for the Goldbergs

>> No.26977867

>Artia supports BLM rioters
Is this true?

>> No.26977868
File: 243 KB, 720x704, 1600923520007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979198

>Does anyone here have an audio clip of Amelia talking without background music? she has the BGM up almost all the time
>I tried to make a JOI audio out of my crush's voice once

>> No.26977874

It's like mashitnima when they released content under their umbrella you needed to get permission from gaming companies to make monetized content

>> No.26977877

ESL who doesn't give a shit about english.

>> No.26977884

ame can't stay in character at all

>> No.26977885 [DELETED] 

Greetings from /pol/ fellow Brüders.
Which hologirl is the most basd redpilled?

>> No.26977892

It's a Japan thing

>> No.26977901
Quoted by: >>26977939

cause it's not her

>> No.26977903

go away

>> No.26977918

Gura just wants to be a cute goofy girl, not a memetard with fans constantly telling her to get drunk.

>> No.26977919

they used to just do whatever they wanted, but then Konami and Capcom dropped the bomb.

>> No.26977923

You got it chief
>Hololive EN 4th all member collab is a dick milking contest, applications below

>0-1: Gura. Her usual nervous self, makes a few jokes always ending in her trademark little giggle. "Um, I'm an apex predator, of course I'm going to be good at this hee hee". Starts off pretty timidly but gets surprisingly into it since she has something to focus on. Mainly uses her mouth and lips, lots of deep smooches, lapping around in circles with her tongue, can handle most things right to the base, though she often forgets to be doing anything with her hands. Makes some kind of joke about sharks needing a lot of protien when you finish.

>2-3: Ina. Shockingly casual about the whole thing, cute smiles, tries to put you at ease and set the mood with a few compliments while stroking up and down. The "hmm-hmm"'s continue throughout, far more open to what you guys actually do but prefers to bottom, pronebone is her preference so you can set your own pace and she doesn't have to worry about messing anything up, will get the tentacles out on request. Goes just about silent when you really get into it, asmr moans are the true highlight, not that loud even while climaxing, breathy little huffs while you finish.

>4-5: Watson. The most openly teasey about the whole ordeal, likely makes a crass comment here and there about how excited you seem. Preference is towards some form of outercourse, there is no right answer here, she's gonna call you weird no matter what you chose. Gives you eyes during that tell you she finds it kinda hot how you're getting off from rubbing and grinding against her, eggs you on to hump faster and try to last as long as you can, clearly enjoys sticky loads against her skin.

>> No.26977924
File: 67 KB, 522x664, 1601151914227 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26981101

Mori kissing chicken pussy!

I wonder how hot is phoenix vagina.

>> No.26977925

Based on behaviour and comparing her before and after its pretty clear that apart of the reason she got away from her previous life was to escape the behaviour she chained herself to. The other was to make friends.

>> No.26977928

fuck off

>> No.26977930

Don't know why this pic makes me think of dark souls but Shark DS stream would be kino.

>> No.26977935
File: 401 KB, 800x800, 1600235930380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978088

i hate you

>> No.26977939
Quoted by: >>26978017

I convinced my friend who kept saying it's not her all week that it was her yesterday. You will be converted too.

>> No.26977941
Quoted by: >>26978004

it is still shitposting even if you're being ironic

>> No.26977944

>Big ups to kahnt breeve

>> No.26977948

At least our wife Civia isn't brainwashed r-right?

>> No.26977949
File: 72 KB, 570x570, monke tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26977950

She could also say nothing on her roomate's social media account, which wouldn't have added any unnecessary fuel to the fire of an already verifiable shitshow.

>> No.26977951

Elite Miko.
She follows Trump on Twitter.

>> No.26977952
File: 75 KB, 636x900, gawrgura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is Gawr Gura?
For the blind, its the light
For the dead, is the life
For the hungry, it’s bread
If gura speak, i listen
If gura has 100 fans, im one of them
If gura has 10 fans, im one of them
If gura has 1 fan, its me
For me, she's everything

>> No.26977956
Quoted by: >>26978005

Reminder that nationalists of any kind are some of the most pathetic people in existence and will ruin everyone's fun so they can wank off their made up delusions. Fuck the CCP for fueling this nuclear cringe

>> No.26977957
Quoted by: >>26978032

>6-7: Kiara. Very energetic and forward, just about pulls your clothes off even while the other girls are going over the rules, tries to pump you up too by showing off however she can, lots of bouncing around. Jumps right into overly enthusiastic cowgirl bouncing, needs to be told to tone it down if you don't want sore hips when she's done. Likes to alternating between quick hip slapping and grinding around on top of you. Excitedly asks you when she feels you getting close, hips don't stop until you're totally empty.

>8-9: Mori. As usual, stays at least somewhat in character, acts a little oblivious and probably comments about not getting the point being a reaper, drops the act a little when you two are alone. Leans more femdom then anyone else, very slow, particular stroking of her hands, stays fully clothed at first. If you behave and play along it moves to milking with her thighs, and then to standing thrusting. Does most of the work herself, but does let your hands wander wherever you want, and there's lots to grab onto.

>> No.26977962 [DELETED] 

/v/ reporting in for his historic moment.

Lets plan a battle strategy on how to most effectively spam all the vtuber chats and donations.

We should start making lots of google account to prevent quick banning.

Lets kick chinas ass!!

>> No.26977964

I wonder if Ame will just cancel tonight. I probably would in her shoes, things seem too tense.

>> No.26977973
File: 264 KB, 463x422, 1601176032738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're gonna see it as Ame siding with China or whatever bullshit
Because she is? If every Holo boycotted and forced Cover to either pick non-chink money or none at all, China would have no power over them. But by being complicit, anyone who tries to ignore the issue is choosing to let this kind of abuse continue. Silence is violence, or so they say.

>> No.26977975

lol, all chinese are to be assumed as loyal party dogs unless proven otherwise.

>> No.26977977

At least they didn't make them fat, black, and hairy.

>> No.26977991

At least you have access to first world medical care, since hospitals are not legally allowed to turn away people from the emergency room. Cost of living is higher, but it's also at a much higher quality since there are still building codes and such, as well as pay being higher as well which helps for things that have an inflexible price.

>> No.26977992
File: 178 KB, 1920x1080, gura sleeping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26977998


>An Amelia JOI video

Someone already made one:


>> No.26977999

Nah, sachi would indulge whatever depraved shit chat wanted for ebux. Watson at least has some standards and will tell them to shut up when they get too weird.

>> No.26978002

Yeah I think there's a really good chance Se**a*a really wanted to get away from her previous image. You can tell by how hard she tries to stay in character in the streams.

>> No.26978004
File: 213 KB, 512x384, 1282507130619.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironic shitposting>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/v/ermins>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>mentally deranged /pol/ schizos spamming offtopic trash for hours without end

>> No.26978005

There's nothing wrong with nationalism. The problem becomes when nationalism somehow changes from, our country our business to your country our business.

>> No.26978008

Isn't apparently supposed to be a non-prc chink?

>> No.26978010
Quoted by: >>26978045

Do you have the "Darling" from DbD?

>> No.26978014

For you, Kiara,

>> No.26978017

Your friend is a faggot and probably wants you to creampie his ass

>> No.26978026

Best case scenario she ignores it and that annoys people on both sides because they were explicitly catered to, but it defuses the situation a bit. Worst case scenario she gets herself banned in solidarity or says "I just want to play video games" and steps on a landmine.

>> No.26978027

>Cover removed the suspension announcement on reddit

>> No.26978028
File: 2.43 MB, 1949x2570, 1601204606650.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

put it on the power level chart

>> No.26978031

Artia and the rest of the Chinese Holos do not have a choice no. But Cover does. Fucking cut them loose already. Allow them to do it under their terms even. The Chinese Holos could denounce Cover and say they are starting a new Pro China company. The CCP would be all over that. Hell they could even keep the designs and shit, China steals and copies shit all the time, what is Cover going to do, sue them?

>> No.26978032


>> No.26978038
File: 109 KB, 881x1052, 46786644468684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't even be mad if she bails out today. Things are a bit nasty right now

>> No.26978041

Did you see how she was acting during the Surgeon and DBD streams? She's probably the one feeling most chained down by her character role then the others. That and kind of shy.

>> No.26978045

no, but now you have my interest

>> No.26978048


>> No.26978053

> Gura still hasn't given us a Banjo stream yet

>> No.26978056
File: 381 KB, 854x900, Ei9f7eLVgAAuka0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26978060

Siding with China is going to tank HoloEN more than siding against China

>> No.26978063


>> No.26978064


>> No.26978066

You're a retard

>> No.26978072

>tfw Artia is now poisoned for the thread and no one will post the ritual DU YU RELY BELEVE IT again

>> No.26978077

Where though? Amelia (one peesa), Amelia (no coat) and Amelia (another peesa) are all high already.

>> No.26978086
Quoted by: >>26978509

Sounds like vtubers need to unionize.

>> No.26978088


>> No.26978094
Quoted by: >>26978129


>> No.26978099

anyone but gura

>> No.26978101


>> No.26978103


I don't think he's joining HoloEN anymore guys

>> No.26978106

She bawled her eyes out the other day over her parents so I would say she would do triple back flips to make sure they were safe.

>> No.26978112
Quoted by: >>26981269

That realization made me a bit sad. You won't be able to post her now without a bunch of angry comments.

>> No.26978113
File: 2.05 MB, 400x406, 1600796920982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really adorable.

>> No.26978118

Short-sighted crybaby coomsoomer nigger seethe more

>> No.26978120


>> No.26978121
File: 12 KB, 381x270, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, this won't end in 3 weeks.

>> No.26978124
File: 123 KB, 832x1000, 1600142984092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26978129


>> No.26978132

Cute Aqua.

>> No.26978133


>> No.26978134
File: 109 KB, 277x305, 1596230993224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978165

>nips are calling Hololive "Akalive" and Cover as "China's little bitch"
I like nips now

>> No.26978137
Quoted by: >>26981269

i'm still gonna support the gremlin

>> No.26978138


>> No.26978145

Gura starts breaking when she's having fun, that's why she has to keep her mouth shut during collabs.

>> No.26978148


>> No.26978153

It's going to start up again as soon as Coco comes back too

>> No.26978155


>> No.26978158
File: 1.21 MB, 800x1185, 1600996516821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fiance is so cute and is a great artist

>> No.26978156

>reaper brapera
Fucking hell that's some good shit

>> No.26978161

keep /pol/ stuff at /pol/. easy

>> No.26978163


>> No.26978165

Based. Burn it all down.

>> No.26978170
Quoted by: >>26981269


>> No.26978173
Quoted by: >>26978198

Just woke up

>> No.26978179

She could probably say nothing and it would be fine, although if the other HoloCNs all said something it would definitely stand out. She's definitely in a precarious position considering she's abroad, I'm willing to cut her a bit of slack as long as all this blows over quick.

>> No.26978182
File: 114 KB, 603x716, 1534025191510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978220

When the fuck is Mori streaming more DOOM?

That shit was fucking hilarious and I need more of it.

>> No.26978186
File: 145 KB, 650x900, 09090990.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I donate the Tiananmen square copypasta to Mori and it shows up on her screen, will she get taken down by the CCP?

>> No.26978197
Quoted by: >>26978330

Really good, she just pumps these out doesn't she?

>> No.26978198
File: 32 KB, 576x576, gura tired2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978213

just woke up
wish i didn't

>> No.26978199
File: 2.00 MB, 2863x1507, 84663093_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26978202

I think teamates are the most talented fans

>> No.26978204


>> No.26978212

>Ina spent today drawing and probably barely paid attention to what's going on
Oh thank god.

>> No.26978213
File: 242 KB, 303x389, 1578217862492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no gura stream

>> No.26978214
Quoted by: >>26978243

can't wake up

>> No.26978217

I'll miss her(male)

>> No.26978219

Nothing wrong with being proud of your country but too often it leads to nation wide mass delusion that lets leaders commit awful acts. see the current situation with china or america after 9/11.

>> No.26978220
File: 472 KB, 550x482, schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978354

Not until a week from now, unfortunately...

>> No.26978221

Hololive doesn't deserve Ina.

>> No.26978224
Quoted by: >>26978310


>> No.26978225

It's a good thing Mori still hasn't quit her jobs and keep the lease on her current apartment.

>> No.26978231
Quoted by: >>26978290

The HoloCNs are a lost cause. Whatever their real feelings may or may not be, they have to toe the line in order to protect themselves and their families. And for all you know, they really do drink the kool-aid. Right now, they are just a tether that drags down the other non CN Holos. They should leave Cover and have the CCP form their own Chinese Idol Agency.

>> No.26978237

I'm still team Artia. An autistic gremlin probably can't even wrap their head around the fucked up geopolitical situation going on.

>> No.26978238

Adding new meaning to the you really believe it? I don't have twatter, can someone with an account reply her with that? "do you really believe that?"

>> No.26978239
Quoted by: >>26978334

Yeah it will, like all internet controversies people will say they're mad and they'll boycott this or that but then go back to sucking off the company/celebrity/politician the very next day.

>> No.26978243

saaave meeeeee

>> No.26978248
Quoted by: >>26981269

>only holo to call people pussies and say some guy's mom is gay on stream
i think i'll always have a softspot for the gremlin, even if she's brainwashed.

>> No.26978256

>holoEN little to unscratched from thr debacle
HoloMYTH is really a myth, a legend, and a miracle...

>> No.26978257

Just waking up in the morning gotta thank god
I don't know but today seems kinda odd

>> No.26978271
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x1800, ina gos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26978273

Maybe... 100% you’ll be banned by her though. remember that she’s poor. She can’t afford to get suspended

>> No.26978277
Quoted by: >>26978422

>Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy
>got my glasses- I'm out the door - I'm gonna hit this city
>Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
>Cause when I leave for the night, I ain't coming back

>> No.26978278
File: 116 KB, 180x247, 1589211510577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad she isn't too. Girl talked about how she hates all lolicons and how most her of her fans disgusted her, and now she makes her avatar a loli catgirl to continue streaming in her loli voice with.

Especially considering she'd be working with people like Matsuri, Watame, Shion, Flare, and Fubuki, whose tastes she considers shady.

>> No.26978290

I want to believe that they can be relocated and Cover will eventually cut ties with CN.

>> No.26978302

she cheers on China and wishes more harm to those who don't bown. she's a piece of shit.

>> No.26978303


>> No.26978307
File: 1.21 MB, 1033x586, chrome_mue5mRj8RO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he?

>> No.26978310
File: 622 KB, 600x706, Squirrel with Gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26978314

If 2016 to present day has taught me anything, it is that the news cycle in America and abroad goes at such a fucking breakneck pace that most of us are going to forget this was a thing by mid October.

>> No.26978316

Is this all anyone can ever say about this bitch? muh she played it safe about perceived pedo shit so i hate her forever

>> No.26978320

>used her day off to draw person art for fun
shes so cute

>> No.26978324
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 1601102434757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ina to watch anime with today

>> No.26978330

She pushes out high quality art for collab thumbnails less then 24hrs beforehand. She is mad

>> No.26978334
Quoted by: >>26978490

Yeah man, just like Star Wars. Or TLOU2. Or NBA.

>> No.26978337
File: 69 KB, 1024x749, 1601180925951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blessed is the Tentacult

>> No.26978343

Them and all their families? Everyone they know? Who is going to pay for that? Would they even want to do that? Doubtful.

>> No.26978345

>Wake up
>Grab a brush and put on a little make up

>> No.26978348
Quoted by: >>26978394

>nyanners jsut said she is glad to not be streaming under hololive

[citation needed]

>> No.26978354
Quoted by: >>26978448

>3 days of no streams
Oh, didn't know she was moving this week.

>> No.26978367
Quoted by: >>26978966

this isn't about newscycle, this is about a niche audience being pissed off at your actions. not like Cover can just dimiss upset anime fans and grow their userbase, the pissed off people ARE the userbase.

>> No.26978368
File: 174 KB, 1405x992, 1600495958565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978408

it says Holo live, learn your kana

>> No.26978375
File: 107 KB, 1248x702, 1576796181212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if any of the EN girls spoke out against the CCP in the past, like during that whole Blizzard debacle a few years ago.

>> No.26978382

>one china policy

>> No.26978385


Nyanners should go fuck herself and shut the fuck up forever, only speak to whatever simps she managed to suck in with her avatar. Dumb cunt.

>> No.26978387
File: 25 KB, 600x600, 27b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal video evidence of them violating their contract with cover (albeit unknowingly)

people who don't understand employment contracts or how company PR policies work: "they did nothing wrong"

>> No.26978389
File: 1010 KB, 4096x4096, 1601178491117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978559

>> No.26978394

Nice wakeup narrative bro

>> No.26978398

Cover already fumbles with moderation. No way they could pull some actual miracle like that.

>> No.26978403
Quoted by: >>26978456

newfagchama, your dox reps...

>> No.26978407

Bruh if you're a White person in the west your government is genociding you and you can't even say anything about that on social media, who gives a shit about chinks going hard on Taiwan

>> No.26978408

Bitch I ain't got time to learn moonrunes.

>> No.26978410
Quoted by: >>26978459

The whole Bugmen shit has soured my mood which is funny cause I got into Hololive during quarantine cause they wanted to poz the whole world with bat flu

>> No.26978413

Based, I can't wait to tweet this at her with my name now.

Get fucked. Reddit will have a field day with this one.

>> No.26978417

Taiwan is an independent nation

>> No.26978422

Kesha vtuber when?

>> No.26978426
Quoted by: >>26978664

So you're like, the same sperg every time right? How are you this fucking butthurt?

>> No.26978429
File: 19 KB, 506x401, BugsNotSmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bug people....

>> No.26978434

no, that she's been a hypocrite for years. On top of saying lolicons are bad but making money off the aesthetic anyway, the moment she realised 4chan was bad optics she spent all her time shitting on it.

>> No.26978436

2020 sure is fucking wild

>> No.26978437

Hello, Cheng

>> No.26978438
Quoted by: >>26978667

>people who don't understand what a customer base is or possess a greater sense of right and wrong
>"they did something wrong"

>> No.26978448
Quoted by: >>26978571

Well, she has her higher tier members-only streams tomorrow and the day after, but yeah, she's fully off today. She's not moving, though. Not until next month, I think.

>> No.26978454
Quoted by: >>26978606

Chance Microsoft do a big partnership with Holo and Cover leave china?

>> No.26978455

This is by far the hardest fuckup the reddit dragon has created to date. Lit 10% of the company's revenue on fire, torched more than half of Fubuki's income, potentially even put up to 6 of her colleagues in HoloCN under Chinese government surveillance. Sasuga retard dragon, it's all about you again.

>> No.26978456
File: 246 KB, 724x407, 1576029124115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doxing evil bro. I'd never do that.

>> No.26978458

Amelia Watson
She literally said "TaiWAN number ONE" on stream and got away with it, absolutely based and redpilled detective

>> No.26978459

China's goal is to make the entire world as unhappy as they are.

>> No.26978468
File: 29 KB, 640x360, ISIS-rebel-militant-soldi-018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26978470

Tienanmen Square Massacre
Taiwan is an independent nation.
Free Hong Kong.
Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.26978473
File: 11 KB, 230x230, 1600739484030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26978475

it's one of those edge cases that really doesn't matter but is obviously used as an excuse to punish them. Plus, Cover's statement explicitly mentions that they said something that could offend people

>> No.26978480

I don't find anything wrong with her, but she doesn't seem to fit the rest of the "Idol" world, and her shtick of "Cute girl talking about SEX" can get old.
She seems to have found her own crew on Twitch with Ironmouse and other Lewd-Vtubers and doing well for herself though, so whatever works best for her.

>> No.26978481
File: 45 KB, 1200x630, wp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978548

As you can see, we are being raided full time by chink shills. You can expect them to intensify their efforts within the coming weeks. Reminder they are highly motivated, state sponsored, paid, and will keep on long after the rest of us have moved on.

>> No.26978482

>violating their control

>> No.26978485

Take your fucking meds, schizo. The only things stopping you from not impregnating someone is your babydick and horrible personality.

>> No.26978490

And yet all those things are still making a fuckton of money, face it, you'll say fuck cover but you'll still watch their streams you'll still send superchats and pay for memberships and even if you don't there's still a thousand more who will.

>> No.26978491

chinese people post 4chan, twitter and youtube using taiwanese vpns attacking taiwan

>> No.26978493
File: 109 KB, 349x515, 1577328955426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set it to Taiwan to avoid lag

>> No.26978494

Ame used to play Overwatch, but she probably just got tired of it rather than get mad at a controversy. I mean she plays Valorant which is made by Riot.

>> No.26978501
File: 212 KB, 300x248, pain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't tell if Gura or Ina are the comfiest holo

>> No.26978502
Quoted by: >>26978535

Glad HoloEN are including BST times now

>> No.26978509
File: 228 KB, 1414x454, chrome_4ptlRHrpUz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They all leave
>only kiara is left

>> No.26978511

El partido comunista de china

>> No.26978514


>> No.26978515
Quoted by: >>26978667

So? are they going to suspend Korone and Subaru too? I guess no

>> No.26978516

Bros I might become an Investigator. Is that okay?

>> No.26978518

Gotta make sure they dont get sent to those Re-education camps.

>> No.26978517

>Mori's and Kiara's usual poor performance
The fuck are you talking about, retard?

>> No.26978522
Quoted by: >>26978902

This is not 300 million normies looking for sensations. It's few million dedicated fans getting pissed at company fucking over what they love AGAIN.

>> No.26978526


>> No.26978527
Quoted by: >>26978564

You are not smart either

>> No.26978528
File: 32 KB, 743x254, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn... I can't imagine how our ice gremlin must be feeling right now...

>> No.26978535

Glad that HoloEN all decided to take a multi-break from streaming simultaneously. I'm back on Twitch and enjoying funnier people streaming videogames for more than 25 minutes.

>> No.26978536

Based Dragon.

Fuck China, fuck chink money. Coco should start her own label and take half of Hololive with her.

>> No.26978539

Well its good to hear your official statement, detective.

>> No.26978543

People schizo post about it on social media all the time and nothing happens, Chang.

>> No.26978546

Ina. Definitely Ina

>> No.26978548
Quoted by: >>26978588

/pol/schizo, your meds.

>> No.26978549
Quoted by: >>26978651

i'm sure she will feel a lot better when she comes back in three weeks and has the most superchatted day of her career as all the reddit tards send her tons of TWD

>> No.26978553

Rumao wumao

>> No.26978555

>set it to Taiwan to avoid lag
Please be true

>> No.26978558
Quoted by: >>26978626

They need to use a VPN, so they set it to the nearest INDEPENDENT NATION to them.

>> No.26978559

Mori looks so cute here.

>> No.26978564

I got it off twitter. I don't have facebook dumbass.

>> No.26978567

I feel like EN could easily avoid most of this drama but chat is going to go full retard spamming/superchatting about it. If anyone actually gave a shit they would be harassing politicians not hololive

>> No.26978568
Quoted by: >>26978629

Everyone associated with 4chan does this once they realize they can actually make a career out of something. It's just common sense not to be associated with this shithole. Not sure why that comes as a shock.

>> No.26978571

Tomorrow and wednesday

>> No.26978573

She feels like Coco and Haato weren't punished enough for their heinous insults to Glorious China.

>> No.26978581

What's the narrative about china? I stopped using twitter two months ago and don't really go on 4chan or any forum regularly anymore.

>> No.26978582
File: 588 KB, 1000x577, 1601095291850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still can't break 300k

>> No.26978585
File: 311 KB, 600x600, 1600314209563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artia's like 15 or something. I'm not bothered if she says some dumb shit in Chinese. She's clearly an emotional rollercoaster and she tries to hard to please everyone with platitudes.

>> No.26978588
Quoted by: >>26978643

Chang, your 50 cents

>> No.26978592
Quoted by: >>26978695



>> No.26978595
Quoted by: >>26978663

This. I really wish fans would not bring this shit over but you just know they will.

>> No.26978598
File: 107 KB, 211x250, smuggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco may have put 10% of cover revenue on fire but looks like cover is trying to light the remaining 90% themselves

>> No.26978600
File: 119 KB, 600x600, 1596544198973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really fucking is, holy shit

and it's all about China too

>> No.26978606

After purchasing Bethesda, this would be a great way to get Eastern nations interested in the XBox, but turn the whole thing into merchandising, so pass.

>> No.26978610

Go back to sleep

>> No.26978614

Hang on, she's 15? That's kinda hot

>> No.26978617

Taiwan is a country.

>> No.26978618
File: 506 KB, 1597x2047, 1601235608409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978685

I was really looking forward to watching them play this. Now I lost interest in downloading it. Fuck everything.

>> No.26978619
Quoted by: >>26979198

Why not use clips of her roomate? Her roomate doesn't also have BGM all the time right? Alternatively someone good with the proper software might be able to edit out the BGM enough so that we can use existing clips. But if that's possible, we could use a technique with better results that requires more time because we have hours to work with and not seconds, given enough dedication.

>> No.26978623

Is she really that young? wtf

>> No.26978625

Gimme your opinion on the freedom of taiwan.

>> No.26978626
Quoted by: >>26978665

or they could just set it to japan
you need to be 18 years old to post here

>> No.26978627
Quoted by: >>26978848

Lurk more

>> No.26978628

it's nothing
wait for 2021

>> No.26978629

usually they have the good sense to not continue pandering to that crowd while shitting on them every other breath, though

>> No.26978633
Quoted by: >>26978708

Spics are joining now

>> No.26978640

Forgot your wakeup, bro.

>> No.26978643
Quoted by: >>26978709

>50 cents
>implying they're not just "gifted" social credit
These aren't your normal shills anon

>> No.26978648

FBI Open up!

>> No.26978651

People don't realize the dragon is pretty ruthless and has no problem making it all about herself. She'll make up for her 3 months of losses in her first day back streaming.

>> No.26978654

ame's chat can barely follow rules, it's gonna be a shitshow tonight

>> No.26978656

I hope the backstabbing whore and her family are rounded up and run through a chink organ harvesting op.

>> No.26978660
Quoted by: >>26981269

She's a grown woman in university. She knows what she's doing. She's a chinese lapdog and doesn't want to be called out for being a piece of shit.

>> No.26978663

People feel like they're accomplishing something by screaming at the first person they see.

>> No.26978664

Nah, haven't posted in this general for weeks. You've got to realise she offended more than just one person back then, right? It's clearly not just one person.

>> No.26978665

Taiwan is closer, dumbfuck.

>> No.26978666

Eversince HoloEN started sundays have become the worst days

>> No.26978667

they violated their contract by not being sensitive to their global audience.

cover is an international company with a global audience. they are likely told not mention Taiwan.
you get mad when they "appease china"
chinese viewers get mad when they recognize taiwan

this drama could've been avoided if they were more aware of their contractual obligations

>> No.26978671
Quoted by: >>26978699

>Watson is shipped with Ina
No, Watson is shipped with me.

>> No.26978674
File: 10 KB, 225x225, sdaddgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artia is working on finishing a Master's and considered her 23-year-old brother "very young."
she's a cake.

>> No.26978677

She's gonna do a live reading of mao's little red book for the next few weeks

>> No.26978680
Quoted by: >>26978740

How doyou know it's not genuine?

>> No.26978682

I am going to sleep, can someone fill in on what happened?

>> No.26978683

That's what happens when every country in the world decided fully rely on them economically.

>> No.26978685

oh right Kiara was going to, then gave up when the chinis started raining on people's parade.

>> No.26978694

Rather, its more that whites arent allowed to have one that is the problem. If every ace had one /pol/ would be just as happy as if only whites had one.

>> No.26978695

>The Chad Imperial Japanese Woman vs The Virgin Leftist's White Woman

>> No.26978697

There really aren't enough sad FBKs out there to describe how hard she got fucked over as collateral damage to lel troll xD the chinks. She's the only victim here. Perhaps Haato as well, since she's just clueless and didn't mean anything.

>> No.26978698
Quoted by: >>26978753

every anon that makes it does that. because it is either that or commiting suicide or having your life ruined by the anons who "support you".and fucks your social life irl

>> No.26978699

Ok Ina

>> No.26978706

You realize wont don't get any more social credit points for posting on this website right?

>> No.26978708

We are?

>> No.26978709
Quoted by: >>26978862


>> No.26978712

I would say Watson she seems like the one who's the most normal girl. Though my gaming taste aline with Ina and Kiara

>> No.26978714

Will EN ever get its own Roberu?

>> No.26978718

I don't think this is the Chinese Century they were hoping for. Maybe the nation will burn to the ground, that'd be a sight.

>> No.26978717

She is the pewdiepie of vtubers.

>> No.26978726

Ha Ha Ha. Joke. Very haado

>> No.26978728
Quoted by: >>26978776

chicken is shit.

>> No.26978729

fuck off bugman

>> No.26978731

Du Yu Really?

>> No.26978740

I don't know it's not genuine, and I don't care if it is genuine

>> No.26978744
Quoted by: >>26979034

I would hope Kiara isn't a scab, but I can't say it's impossible.

>> No.26978749
Quoted by: >>26978976

What were you expecting to happen today before news and war broke out? I was expecting more schedule stuff to come out and possible random stream.

>> No.26978752
Quoted by: >>26979080

>by not being sensitive to their global audience
They just said the fucking truth, chinks don't even see hachaama and the dragon, the countries that they mentioned were the ones that really support them the most, this bs it's all made up by the bugmen.

>> No.26978753
Quoted by: >>26979142

you can just ignore 4chan, like hopoo and notch did. But she wanted to keep her clout without any downsides

>> No.26978754

Yeah this crusade is especially cringe because of this and the chuubas are gonna have to deal with the fan autism

>> No.26978756

your meds, anon

>> No.26978755
Quoted by: >>26978808

I will sign up to become the homotuber. I will play only obscure hipster indis and doujin games from itchio and co.

>> No.26978757
Quoted by: >>26981269


>> No.26978759

>there is an unironic artia anti in this thread
You've replied to every artia post shitting on her. Shut the FUCK up already.

>> No.26978768

Does the frog wish to taste the flesh of the swan?

>> No.26978769

I'm not so sure Coco and Hachaama are coming back guys.
What Coco did is causing a loss of millions of dollars to Cover. Will they forgive her?

>> No.26978771

Guys I'm going to bed, could you fill me in on tommorow's events really fast before I go to bed?

>> No.26978774
Quoted by: >>26979080

>chinese viewers get mad when they recognize taiwan
Yeah well fuck Chinese viewers.

China is a backwards butthole nation whose population has been brainwashed into thinking opposing Xi's bullshit is being anti-Chinese and anti-China. They're crazy people.

>> No.26978775
Quoted by: >>26978808

Why, yes. I'm right here. See you all in 2 months.

>> No.26978776

I agree beef is better.

>> No.26978787
Quoted by: >>26981269

OK, now she's definitely hot.

>> No.26978788
File: 267 KB, 695x800, mori true form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26978831

If I commissioned an artist to draw Mori posed like the Prince of Hell Belphegor on his toilet as he's commonly depicted and tweeted it under her artwork Twitter hash, do you think she'd like it,seeing as she's into Hell stuff?

>> No.26978792

How's that honey taste, Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.26978794


>> No.26978796
Quoted by: >>26978926

What will happen, /ame/?

>> No.26978798

>global audience
lmao your pseudo-country should be blockaded and starved into submission

>> No.26978807

>china antis ITT
kinda cringe

>> No.26978808
Quoted by: >>26979294

I want there to be a HolostarEN named Chad.

>> No.26978810
Quoted by: >>26978887

Is it too farfetched to say she planned this off the back of Haato's flub when she realized EN was getting too big to handle and needed a way to drag attention from them?

>> No.26978814

I do not

>> No.26978824

ENs should probably just enable member-only chat until things quiet down

>> No.26978827

That's what happens when everything is about money and one country has the biggest base of consumers by a factor of 10.

>> No.26978831


>> No.26978839
Quoted by: >>26979135

>millions of dollars
Oh I am laffin. Coco and Haachama have each earned more than every chink contribution to hololive ever. Fuck 'em.

>> No.26978840
Quoted by: >>26978895

>but all those maneuvers are completely logical capitalist moves.
Except that the constant chink pandering is ruining the product for everyone else, and people are starting to get fed up with it.

>> No.26978843

Kiara says fuck China on stream and Mori brapps again.

>> No.26978844
File: 35 KB, 450x297, 1601046182811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i'll download Ina vids before chink take over cover

>> No.26978847
Quoted by: >>26978894

Turkey and Russia declare war on each other.

>> No.26978848

Asking is faster, plus I lurk plenty I just didn't feel like digging through the archive and finding answers. Asking is faster.

>> No.26978849
Quoted by: >>26981269

Think she is emotional right now, wait until she gets put into the same server with Amelia and the two through insults at each other until they both say something extremely offensive to the other.

>> No.26978862
File: 1.57 MB, 368x640, LVarinON5fcx93tB.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards need to use this if you want to show how truly awful 50 cent shills are.

>> No.26978864

The CCP.

>> No.26978867

>watched coco play getting over it
>just said "PRO GAMER MOVE" every few seconds for 2 hours
People watch this thing?

>> No.26978873
File: 2.92 MB, 828x382, 1599999612071.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco comes back
>nothing changes because they want her fired not suspended
Cover is fucked here, they either graduate 2 big earners or give up on/endanger holoCN. There's no path here but full appeasement with firing or telling China to fuck itself. The moderate road will not work

>> No.26978881

i can only see the future when i'm off my meds but you guys are good about reminding me so i can't help you bro

>> No.26978883
File: 2.63 MB, 1360x768, 1600983030314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm leaving. Take this Ina in my absence

>> No.26978885
Quoted by: >>26981269

Good job catching newfags with the 15 years old bait kek

>> No.26978887

It's believable, although I wouldn't say it was planned so much so as seeing HoloEN's success made her feel desperate and cornered and reckless, and then this opportunity to lash out came along and she took it.

>> No.26978893

she literally has no talent, graduation soon

>> No.26978894

She is not a turkey, she is a Phoenix.
And it is Rushia nor Russia

>> No.26978895

No one cares burger. The rest of the world is glad your fat and oily reign is finally ending.

>> No.26978900
Quoted by: >>26981269

>cake gremlin
This makes my penis the big penis.

>> No.26978902

But what they love will return in 3 weeks, talk sweet nonsense in their ears and then we would all forget about Formosa and why they're on the YouTube metrics page instead of the middle kingdom.

>> No.26978906

What the fuck am I looking at here?

>> No.26978911

This, let it become the new Northkozuela

>> No.26978915

>also it's "osu!"
Are they autistic or something? Who gives a fuck lmao

>> No.26978918
File: 111 KB, 1000x1000, 1600971121490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26978922

>thinking that I condone the chink behavior anywhere in my post
I see. You are mentally ill. Forgive me.

>> No.26978926

Literally nothing because she just said "Taiwan" which is the name of the island, she didn't acknowledge the ROC

>> No.26978932
Quoted by: >>26979204

What exactly are they doing here?

>> No.26978934

The average Coco/Haachama anti today.

>> No.26978943

I want to, but I don't.

>> No.26978944

Suspension is still the best move they could have made because it at least gives them the chance for everything to just blow over. If it doesn't, then they'll have to make the ultimatum. But why make it now? They lose nothing from at least trying to see if the situation defuses.

>> No.26978945
File: 138 KB, 900x900, 5A8ACD94-F2EA-4D5C-AA95-DB0647DEFF90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually I got the reason why Haato’s English ASMR was cancelled, shit.
Why don’t English speaking Vs stand up for them? Posters itt might have accepted it because it’s JPs, but what if it was some of ENs?
I even thought Coco might get independent and launch a spinoff business on her own, but preparing instruments, 3D cgi technologies constantly updating, and contracts with attorneys would be beyond her capacity as of now.
Why 3 weeks? They could have made it 1 week saying that they just carelessly referred original outcome of google analytics.
Again if some of ENs get banned because they do something *wrong to China, would EN viewers accept it? Wouldn’t you go uprising? Wouldn’t DJT say something? Wouldn’t Chris Chappell refer to it in his channel?

>> No.26978947
Quoted by: >>26979269


>> No.26978949

Your rat infested shithive will collapse long before the US, bug.

>> No.26978952
File: 119 KB, 1200x628, WW1 shellshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people getting angrier at chinese people instead of the government that brainwashed them in the first place
humanity is doomed
we're going to be killing each other until the end of time while the people in charge sit back and laugh

>> No.26978954
Quoted by: >>26979016

If it wasn't for FDR we'd be enjoying hololive without having to worry about literal subhumans crying about a fucking island.

>> No.26978955

Coco should introduce 7 days to die on hololive next time, it's her second most played game.

>> No.26978957

They seem to be mass reporting people

>> No.26978959

What happened?

>> No.26978961

>watch most JP holos
>constant forced laughter since they refuse to allow a second of silence
>exaggerated reactions to the slightest thing happening
>clap clap wow so good take a lesson from these professionals EN

>> No.26978964


>> No.26978966

The niche audience will get what they want in 3 weeks assuming they don't set fire to the Cover office.

>> No.26978968
File: 146 KB, 392x434, loserbased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979038

If "no one cared", there wouldn't be such a massive drama right now. People only seem to say "no one cares" when there's enough people that do care for them to notice.

>> No.26978975
Quoted by: >>26979025

> Holollive
Who was the fucking retard that made this thread

>> No.26978976

I was hoping for a chill day and maybe a guerrilla stream or two. This has been absolute shit.

>> No.26978978
Quoted by: >>26979072

>Suspension is still the best move they could have made because it gives them the chance for everything to blow over
Yeah that worked out really well the last time they tried it with Aloe.

>> No.26978990
Quoted by: >>26979732

God I need more cagekino after that night

>> No.26978998


>> No.26979002

I don't give a fuck about her efforts or how much she tries.

Show results, Kiara.
>no more misandry
>no more politics
>actually learn how to entertain
>stop fake laughing
>stop being fake whatsoever
>stop being an attention whore
>stop doing JP streams
Then and only then I will watch her. Mori already fixed herself up, I'm sure she can do it too.

>> No.26979005

What kind of fucked up schedule does Gura have where she can't just turn on her camera and play a video game for an hour?

>> No.26979014

Buddy, even as a bugmen not even we care about how many of us die again for idiotic reasons, either for kings or by poor water/land management.

>> No.26979016

Nixon, but okay.

>> No.26979017
File: 111 KB, 1114x514, one mistake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to be about to enjoy my favourite chuubas

>> No.26979019

>ENs do something that hurts the JP business
>"would EN viewers accept it?"
EN viewers aren't the ones that matter here, it's the JP business concerns that are making decisions

>> No.26979025

Hollow Life

>> No.26979029
File: 875 KB, 2024x1068, Ei8ETVgUcAE9KP9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26979034

I'm an /asp/ie so I compare holos to wresslin all the time cause im a faggot but they'll never unionize because they'll never be able to get together. that and i'm sure there's different labor laws in the countries they're in.

>> No.26979038
File: 296 KB, 480x480, 1591378256204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the chigyu phenotype?

>> No.26979046

Yeah she's definitely reading everything and freaking the fuck out.

>> No.26979049
Quoted by: >>26979827

horny shark probably spent the whole day masturbating to cunny

>> No.26979056
Quoted by: >>26979107

Why did she draw a Niji?

>> No.26979057


>> No.26979058

If EN viewers don't matter then why do CN viewers matter?

>> No.26979060
Quoted by: >>26979256

dont even bother, she will never be who you want so just ignore her already

>> No.26979063
Quoted by: >>26981269

>pls be nice to my twitch waifu, she only wants to punish mentions of Taiwan
50 cents

>> No.26979070
Quoted by: >>26979220

You can hate both the bugmen and their shit government.

>> No.26979072

It sort of worked for Towa.
I agree that suspension for 3 weeks was too much and probably not the right thing to do since its not Haato's problem, its a Youtube problem.

>> No.26979074

It's not just Coco and Haachama on the tracks though, it's literally all of the other Holos.

>> No.26979075

Graduation soon.

>> No.26979080
File: 228 KB, 828x1792, IMG_20200927_213711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the countries that they mentioned were the ones that really support them the most
objectively incorrect. she had more subscribers on bilibili than on Youtube. do your research next time.
this is what happens when you share your worthless opinion on topics that you know nothing about.
this is company PR, nothing more.
cover is a company that wants to make money.
voluntarily losing money by not banning a single word is just not good business.
their talents breached their contracts by breaking a very sensible set of rules, and they were punished accordingly.

>> No.26979081
File: 88 KB, 1200x438, Kiara.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Kiara was the first myth to stand in support with her seniors. She was not yellow.

>> No.26979084
File: 1.28 MB, 4096x3430, 1600069041844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish for Cover to completely start ignoring chinese fans so we can go back to normal.

>> No.26979087
File: 427 KB, 540x492, 1601006416718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979170

I just want to say, let's all do our best. Thank you for listening.

>> No.26979086

artia is going full PANIK

>> No.26979097

Anon I don't think you'll be missed if you don't watch. Go and spend your time watching who you actually like.

>> No.26979098

Artia is a backstabbing fucking cunt

>> No.26979102
File: 9 KB, 512x207, 1600584834936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26979107


>> No.26979111
File: 714 KB, 2880x825, artia is a ccpbot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming deleted posts

>> No.26979113

HoloEN would be ok as a group if Kiara and Calliope are excluded.

>> No.26979114

>Chair Clattering


>> No.26979116
Quoted by: >>26979201

CN money matters, not CN viewers

>> No.26979125

> trusting chinese sub/viewer numbers

>> No.26979124

Chicken really is redeeming herself.

>> No.26979129 [DELETED] 

The Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China now holds regular training sessions, where participants are required to pass an exam after which they are issued a job certification.[16] As of 2008, the total number of 50-cent operatives was estimated to be in the tens of thousands,[3] and possibly as high as 280,000–300,000.[16][29] Every large Chinese website is instructed by the Information Office to create a trained team of Internet commentators.[16]

In order to circumscribe the influence of Taiwanese democracy, in order to progress further in the work of guiding public opinion, and in accordance with the requirements established by higher authorities to "be strategic, be skilled," we hope that internet commentators conscientiously study the mindset of netizens, grasp international developments, and better perform the work of being an internet commentator. For this purpose, this notice is promulgated as set forth below:

(1) To the extent possible make America the target of criticism. Play down the existence of Taiwan.
(2) Do not directly confront [the idea of] democracy; rather, frame the argument in terms of "what kind of system can truly implement democracy.”
(3) To the extent possible, choose various examples in Western countries of violence and unreasonable circumstances to explain how democracy is not well-suited to capitalism.
(4) Use America's and other countries' interference in international affairs to explain how Western democracy is actually an invasion of other countries and [how the West] is forcibly pushing [on other countries] Western values.
(5) Use the bloody and tear-stained history of a [once] weak people [i.e., China] to stir up pro-Party and patriotic emotions.
(6) Increase the exposure that positive developments inside China receive; further accommodate the work of maintaining [social] stability.[36][37]

It is a much more sophisticated operation than that one webm would suggest.

>> No.26979131

The real problem is the possibility of the CN government taking action on the talent who lives there, because CN viewers bring it up. If Cover told them to fuck off they'd have grounds for Artia and the gang working for a 'subversive group'

>> No.26979132


>> No.26979133


>> No.26979135

Do you realize this goes beyond fucking SC right? You're not underage right?

>> No.26979141


>> No.26979142

nah. there is a lot of petty little faggpts in here. many of them are constantly chasing some anon that made it to fuck with them by ruining there lives. don't fall for the "we are a family" shit when dealings with people from here, anon. especially the ones whose autism leaks outside the net

>> No.26979143

>this is company PR, nothing more.
Fuck China and fuck Chinese money.

Hololive should just shut all their Chinese operations down. To hell with Xi's bullshit.

>> No.26979146

She spends half the day working over her crippling social anxiety to get on and streams

>> No.26979147
Quoted by: >>26980232

Ironically her roommates gaming videos are better than Coco's. She even cosplayed as Ada for either RE2 or RE4, I forget which one.

>> No.26979155
File: 172 KB, 1206x638, 1600493808410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979211

gotta get the full picture bro

>> No.26979165

What empty fucking words.

>> No.26979167
Quoted by: >>26979234

Paper subscribers mean nothing when they don't pay.

>> No.26979168

Can't you /pol/tards stick to the main thread with your off topic bullshit? This is literally JP drama, leave us alone to discuss EN here.

>> No.26979170

I tried my best... it wasn't enough. I have nothing now.

>> No.26979171

I don't get it. So how do we refer Taiwan without sound offensive???????

>> No.26979172

Chinese investors and Chinese companies paying Cover for advertising ie Arknight and that Soda Fubiki drinks on stream.

>> No.26979176
File: 2.90 MB, 720x1044, 1600017362340.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979523


>> No.26979175

I really want to see you bugmen murdered in the streets.

>> No.26979177

She is a one trick pony, all she can do is play Ark.
She is super boring and annoying.

Just because I wish she would graduate doesn't mean I agree with chink harassment tho.

>> No.26979187

I mean, if it’s ENs referring to the analysts in front of CN viewers and they get banned, wouldn’t you be kissed off?
>ENs are not that popular out there (as of now) in the first place, indeed though.

>> No.26979188

Fuck... it really do be like this...

>> No.26979189

i want this gremlim out of this thread and company

>> No.26979192
File: 23 KB, 1067x30, Untitled8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500k yen, oh no

>> No.26979195

hold on to the limit, artia :(

>> No.26979197

what the fuck

>> No.26979198
File: 76 KB, 301x330, 1600474844615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, I tried.


I used the audio where her roommate talks about hands. She doesn't sound like current Watson that much in that audio and the audio contains giggles so the AI shit its bed quite a bit.

>> No.26979201

This. Cover doesn't give a fuck about the CN viewers, its just the Chinkbux they get from their investors that's the problem.

>> No.26979204

Its a gatcha farming operation anon is implying these are sockpuppet accounts spamming comments.

>> No.26979211
Quoted by: >>26979253

I don't understand this. Maybe someone should add more to it.

>> No.26979220

Why would I hate the people when it's their shit government that's causing the problems

>> No.26979221

Who the fuck she's talking about? This is so stupid. Why even work as vtuber if your situation is this retarded.

>> No.26979229


>> No.26979234

also the viewers bro, I remember douyu posting viewernumbers of like 80k for some small ass streamers in 2014, never gonna trust their numbers

>> No.26979238
File: 285 KB, 555x555, 1600006966019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has potential. we just need more data

>> No.26979242

What proof is there that the supposed roommate's account actually is Artia's roommate? Nobody seems to have offered any so far beyond the original person who could just as well be someone stirring shit to go after the CN Holos.

>> No.26979244
File: 343 KB, 1799x1514, 1600491010772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979310

>chicken redemption arc required cover to start burning down

>> No.26979245
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, kiara's finer points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got her new microphone working and sang beautiful karaoke
>only one tier
>streams more than most of her peers
>does her best
>defends her colleagues against the CCP horde with no fear
But yeah, she's "worst girl".

>> No.26979246

Artia is kind of forced to support china though because if she won't her and her family will be sent to reeducation camps.
Even if she genuinely believes it, she's been brainwashed from birth to think this way. I'm not gonna hold it against her.

>> No.26979249

>start with a file named 27b
>Immediately drop images and start posting weirdly professional
Fellas I think we have an actual 50 cent party member here. That filename is too professional, like it's catalogued on a work computer.

>> No.26979253
Quoted by: >>26980644

well, down the track there's also korone, watame, flare, and every single other vtuber in hololive since those taiwanese people love to show their support

>> No.26979254
File: 890 KB, 867x828, 1600911762980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979407

Cope nigger. Call me again when EN can create an on-stream narrative actually worth a shit.

>> No.26979255
File: 1.27 MB, 4096x2855, 1601127469115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely stupid thought, but what if Cover really IS graduating Coco and Hachama from HoloJP, and instead moving them to HoloEN?
Coco becomes CocoKaine, and Hachama is "sent on a mission" to learn better English with the girls of HoloMyth?
This will protect the HoloJP brand from getting their income reduced, and bringing more breadwinners to the EN branch where Chink money is literal toiletpaper?

>> No.26979256

I do ignore her, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna ignore faggots like him pretending Kiara is good now.

She is still shit, her mic was the least of her problems.

>> No.26979258

In HLG the chinks are seething at my Chicken, Now we know who the real anti's were!

>> No.26979263

Du yew wly bileeb et?

>> No.26979269

I have a dream where Amelia entered my apartment and tried to wake me up. Then she told me that I should try harder instead of sulking in my bed.

>> No.26979271
File: 1.80 MB, 600x556, 1601021647603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, her streams have been pretty fun, and her singing was lovely too of course. Ignore the bait reply, Anon, I ended up finding out that pretty much all of what people here hate her for was pure bullshit, like some said before, twisting every little thing she says and does into some absurd negative narrative.

My only problem with her is that I can't get into RPG streams, those take a lot of time preparating, leveling, planning stats, navigating menus, etc, etc.

>> No.26979273

>this is what happens when you share your worthless opinion on topics that you know nothing about.
Eat shit retard, Youtube gives the statistics broken up by Taiwan/China, it's not their fault for just posting the statistics that show the two separate.
>their talents breached their contracts
YOUTUBE breached their contracts by presenting them the information in that manner. They had nothing to do with it other than reading what Youtube gave them. Funny that you're all for punishing the tiniest person in all of this and not Youtube or Cover.
Fuck off Chang.

>> No.26979282

Kinda disturbing imo lol

>> No.26979286
File: 75 KB, 1095x778, 8AFDAD03-E156-41A1-B27C-1363B02C2377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pissed off
Hmm.. someone has been interfering with my phone already.. kowai!!!

>> No.26979290
Quoted by: >>26979332

I enjoyed her SM64 streams even as bad as she was at it.

>> No.26979291

Haachama likely comes back, even the Chinks aren't really going after her. It's Coco who's probably fucked though because they're viewing what she did as a direct attack on them whether warranted or not and it's her stream that really set off the firestorm.

>> No.26979294
Quoted by: >>26979316

I would make myself a skeleton so bugmen could never watch me

>> No.26979297

Really, Kiara?

>> No.26979300

Hey, that's pretty good

>> No.26979310

A phoenix rises from the ashes.

>> No.26979315

Guys why would anyone bend the knee to a country that will disappear your family members? It makes no sense.

>> No.26979317

Please stop being a schizo

>> No.26979316


>> No.26979318
Quoted by: >>26979413

You fags never stop with the narratives.

>> No.26979326

anon teach me your ways

>> No.26979330
Quoted by: >>26979375

>that entire response
Yeah, it's real fuckin' easy to say that shit when it's your people burning all the bridges and ruining fucking EVERYTHING isn't it.

>> No.26979332

I enjoyed them BECAUSE she was bad at it. Makes it much more fun to watch.

>> No.26979337

Yes I'd be pissed off, that the ENs got themselves banned. I love my vtubers but I'm under no impression that they don't work for a business that has strong Chinese ties

>> No.26979338

You need to be 18 to post on this website.

>> No.26979344
Quoted by: >>26979391


>> No.26979359

Nice try discord-tranny

>> No.26979367

Where is this from?

>> No.26979368

ganbatte anon!
JOI soon...

>> No.26979369

She's just too retarded to read the room.

>> No.26979375
Quoted by: >>26979405

It's not really her fault though, why should she be subjected to political comments even though she didn't do anything?

>> No.26979378

>a difference of just 2,000 subscribers
>the higher of the two on an untrustworthy website owned by a government notorious for lying about almost everything
>a screenshot with no links provided, as though that means anything
How do they even know its you posting to reward you, bugman?

>> No.26979380
File: 25 KB, 369x381, 43w5xeycrui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to remind you all that Cover literally sucks off China for free. If you're all newfags, you probably won't know about the Pekora incident where she ignored some guy's donation on Bilibili and most Chinese comments so those schizos planned to take her down. At the end of the day all it took was a small group of Chinese antis and schizos to spook Cover enough to force Pekora to issue an official apology. That's like if that tranny Kiara anit or Br*ttanyfags actually had power over Cover and could get their idols suspended just through a few emails. Cover really KNEELS that hard to chinkland that they are willing to jeopardize their own idols over the opinions of a minority anti/schizo group. Really makes you think who actually runs Cover

>> No.26979381
Quoted by: >>26979426


>> No.26979382

Remember when our biggest scandal was a reaper leaving her microphone on while she ripped fat shits on the toilet? I remember...

>> No.26979389
Quoted by: >>26979478

If coco was graduated hololive would go with her

>> No.26979390
Quoted by: >>26979529

>the AI shit its bed quite a bit.
It doesn't sound like her at all.

>> No.26979392

You are going to use TWD when donating right?

>> No.26979391

This is a good clip.

>> No.26979394

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.26979398
File: 18 KB, 426x275, 20200921_125744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979445

Remember when the biggest drama here was about a toilet....

>> No.26979399 [DELETED] 


>> No.26979405

She supports this garbage.

>> No.26979406
Quoted by: >>26979652

Gura is a rightwing chad I can tell from her over the top attempts to hide her power level and from knowing Ahnold quotes/mannerisms outside of "I'll be bahk"

>> No.26979407
Quoted by: >>26979468

You should try posting something worth watching next time.

>> No.26979408

How about one with Coco gladly pulling the level to get Fubuki ran the fuck over for no reason?

>> No.26979413
Quoted by: >>26979711

I'm not even trying to narrativefag here, I'm being serious.
I'm not sure how the actual structure is run throughout Cover, but I'm assuming all the branches have different management. This move would show they're acknowledging their "transgressions" against the pissy chinks, while retaining their talent.
Otherwise, nothing will change from this suspension, and everyone here (and in China) knows it.

>> No.26979414

her special concoction

>> No.26979415
Quoted by: >>26979498

Because of this post specifically >>26979256 I will now cheerfully post about my love for Kiara any time she's streaming live!

>> No.26979417


>Starts war in the orient

I kneel to the power of /hlg/

>> No.26979422

New how?

>> No.26979424

It's really pathetic, wish Cover had a fucking spine.

>> No.26979426

This is a good clip too.

Maybe I should try falseflagging more often.

>> No.26979427
File: 560 KB, 584x779, f8d5890624fa0ec4c360e6665e7219b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979465

which one of you was this

>> No.26979428

Damn, what a load of bullshit, son.

But hey, you do you.

>> No.26979433

This kinda makes me upset that I want to break yagoo's legs in ark

>> No.26979438
File: 58 KB, 680x557, 1601235613341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979495


>> No.26979444

They didn't call them independent. They just read the fucking word on their Youtube analytics page. It's a clown world even in Asia.

>> No.26979445
Quoted by: >>26979512


>> No.26979462


>> No.26979464

I don't know you're surprised, all of Japan itself kneels to China. They even specifically acknowledge the one China system in their peace treaties.

>> No.26979465

>please let me treat you like a child and take care of you, working adult woman
These kinds of people are always weird.

>> No.26979467
Quoted by: >>26979535

You're such a tryhard. Kiara is definitely good.

>> No.26979468
File: 802 KB, 620x459, 1600922655850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979566

>t. bugman SEETHING at the chaddu gaijin doragon

>> No.26979472

who knew our chicken could be this based

>> No.26979478

I'm saying she's still with Hololive, but under the facade of her joke-persona.
HoloEN has already established themselves at this point, and she doesn't need to even leave her house to do collabs with the other Holos.
It's "doing something" without actually doing anything.

>> No.26979491

Ew Creepy. You're not teamates. kys, fag.

>> No.26979493
Quoted by: >>26979575

Oh, real question, when's Mori's member VOD going up? She give any offical word like a week or a few days or something?

>> No.26979495
Quoted by: >>26979563

In all honesty, most "scandals" only happen in our threads.

>> No.26979498
Quoted by: >>26979614

Kiarafags still believe they are the majority? top kek

>> No.26979511


>> No.26979512
File: 272 KB, 600x600, 594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979594

>China has become the target for the next WAAAAAAAAAGH!
Fuck yeah

>> No.26979516

Do none of you fags here even remember the Pekora-China controversy or when Choco mentioned Tibet? Stop freaking out so much things will be fine

>> No.26979519

Not just cover, but Hollywood, the NBA, everything you love and enjoy, everything you want to experience to "escape from politics" has already started kneeling to China. Because they have the money.

>> No.26979523

That model is really nice up close, one of the best. Makes me realize I just don't like the color scheme and clothes much.

>> No.26979529
Quoted by: >>26979559

sorry, bro. I didn't have much data to work with.

>> No.26979536
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1600810006899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this nigger's profile say he's under 18?

>> No.26979535

Good at being the fakest holo on the company.

>> No.26979538

Save Yogiri. Easy choice.

>> No.26979539

oh how I wish for the days of deadbraps... we got too cocky...

>> No.26979541

>>no more misandry
Lmao what, are you fucking serious? Take off the fedora, faggot.

>>no more politics
When the fuck has any holo talked politics?

>>actually learn how to entertain
Actually come up with a criticism that isn't objectively bullshit.

>>stop fake laughing
Everyone does this nigger.

>>stop being fake whatsoever
Their entire job is playing a fictional character, holy fuck you are a full blown schizo aren't you?

>>stop being an attention whore
Cry more.

>>stop doing JP streams
You mean same as Mori does? Same as the other girls would do if they could speak japanese as fluently? Do you also ask the JP girls to stop doing english streams?

You're a fucking fag.

>> No.26979548

chinks are so think skinned; pathetic

>> No.26979556
Quoted by: >>26979608

just woke up, anything happen since the collab yesterday

>> No.26979559

Okay. Stop while you're ahead too.

>> No.26979563


Cover are fuckups and need to step back and look at their company as a whole because they're growing far too fast for them to handle.

>> No.26979565

Why is Reddit here again? Go back.

>> No.26979566


>> No.26979575

I think she said a week, cannot confirm though.

>> No.26979579

everyone will just say sorry very hard and the investors will be back, this isn't big enough to blow up

>> No.26979581

If only we could just stop exporting food to those nasty bugs.

>> No.26979585
File: 252 KB, 1200x1697, dcHP9X03iUMkPptgcpfubvAHgDRMHINRWVGyM6gH7RU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah all Kiara needs is a change of clothes and her design would be god tier

>> No.26979594

It unironically has been for the past 20 years mate.
Though I don't think anyone would equate Vtubers to starting international conflict, similar to blowing 5 Guys for positive reviews of your shitty walking simulator would lead to a Trump Presidency.

>> No.26979607
Quoted by: >>26979701

this looks traced from something but i dont know what

>> No.26979608
Quoted by: >>26979631

Nah, just go back to sleep, it's /pol/ hours.

>> No.26979612
Quoted by: >>26979677

>18 years old

Holy fuck, what am i doing with my life all this time?

>> No.26979611
Quoted by: >>26979770

How much do I need to donate to Amelia to get her to verbally insult me?

>> No.26979614
Quoted by: >>26979694

Kiarafags have always outnumbered the antis, nigger. And I don't even like her that much but I hate you faggots a lot more than the overzealous fans.

>> No.26979623

I want to pluck this bird.

>> No.26979625
File: 586 KB, 1221x453, suffer peko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an underage made this

>> No.26979631

alright thanks

>> No.26979633

If it was literally anyone other than Coco, I'd believe you. But Coco is crazy

>> No.26979637
Quoted by: >>26979727

Nice, can't give him an actual response so you go straight for the muh reddit

>> No.26979640
File: 51 KB, 791x124, 8727dd0f-a3c2-43b1-ba51-b6defa3d3205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26979641
Quoted by: >>26979727

>has no fucking argument but to call an anon reddit who called him a nigger
Tranny anti BTFO

>> No.26979644

It sounds like she dropped her entertainer voice and I can't place her tone because I'm an autist, but it sounds kinda upset. This could definitely be something very good though! Good work anon!

>> No.26979647

chumbuddies how do you cope when shark doesnt stream? i dont feel so good

>> No.26979649

Holy based.

Moribraps BTFO

>> No.26979650
Quoted by: >>26979722

Are they actually trained to speak constantly? I get that dead air can kill a stream but goddamn sometimes it gets annoying when they’re grasping for shit to say and just keep repeating stuff.

>> No.26979652
Quoted by: >>26979718

>t. dude trust me im a schizo
s*nzawa was friends with lgbts

>> No.26979660
Quoted by: >>26980533

>4channer thinks their gamer chimpout had any effect on national politics
oh no no no no no

>> No.26979667
Quoted by: >>26979735

Both of you....... KYS' S

>> No.26979677
Quoted by: >>26979719

Wasting it like the rest of us.

>> No.26979680

I've been saying it since Day 1, her design isn't bad but her outfit and color scheme fucking suck.

>> No.26979686

High tech ICs come from the USA, Israel, South Korea, and Taiwan. China puts them on a board and sells it to everyone else with a small up charge.

China doesn't have a choice on those items. Their domestic IC industry is over a decade behind.

>> No.26979689

I jerk off to loli lewds until she comes back

>> No.26979692

We always have our unicorn wife anon

>> No.26979693

This is different considering Coco actively antagonized the chinks. Rightfully so, might I add, because the fact that this ISN'T the first time this shit has happened should be a clue to dumb fucks like you that we need to stop letting it happen.

>> No.26979694
Quoted by: >>26979750

>Kiarafags have always outnumbered the antis

>> No.26979701
Quoted by: >>26979728

Looking at the picture with sources DIRECTLY BELOW IT would be too difficult, I suppose.

>> No.26979704

It's an amalgament of previous narratives the schizo tried to sperg about her.

It's better to just ignore the faggot instead of engaging with bait.

>> No.26979708
File: 39 KB, 512x207, couponfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980129

>> No.26979711

Buddy the mismanagement is the only reason these girls are able to shine in the cesspit which is japanese vubers. The times where they brush against the rules and act like themselves are the shit that gets clipped and spread virally (think of haato's rainbow moment while doing a sponsorship for spicy hot ramen). This whole ship Yagoo is sailing is rotten and full of holes, it shouldn't float but by some sort of meme magic is holding up because the girls are so fucking talented. There's no master plan at work here, just pure dumb-fuckery.

>> No.26979715
Quoted by: >>26979751

Cover deleted their apology, so what the fuck are they going to do now?

>> No.26979718

being freinds with lgbts gradually makes you right wing over time

>> No.26979719
File: 548 KB, 595x595, 1591570171992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my life

>> No.26979722

I think it's just the energy that Japanese entertainment carries.

>> No.26979723

This, agreed. She's going to have a huge glow-up when the EN girls finally get their new alternate outfits.

>> No.26979727
Quoted by: >>26979782

>reddit spacing
>not reddit
Pick one.

>> No.26979728

i've never used twitter

>> No.26979729
File: 289 KB, 557x557, 1599934697600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got into anime girls singing and playing video games to escape politics. I hate politics so much and being in burgerland its all people fucking talk about

I feel so mentally exhausted that this shit has creeped into my source of escapism

>> No.26979732

Thank you for noticing in this warzone

>> No.26979735
Quoted by: >>26979757

>Kiss Your Sister's Sister
What did he mean by this?

>> No.26979738
Quoted by: >>26979819

You might have a point with the outfit but
>color scheme
How else are you going to color a radiant phoenix?

>> No.26979750 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 244x206, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979808

>t. pic related
We already know you're some fucking discord tranny, just join the 41% already.

>> No.26979751

Stop lying. It's right there.

>> No.26979756

>wake up with a throbbing headache after 2 hours of sleep
>roll over and look at phone with 90 thousand notifications
>remember she’s part of Hololive
>stomach begins turning as she thinks about everything she hasn’t done yet but needs to do
>”fuck I need to make a schedule.... and I have to do a karaoke stream... and I have to ask manager for permissions.. and I have to stream again soon”
>all of this while still laying in bed retweeting photos for the next hour or two
Then some days she’s able to roll out of bed and go live for an hour or two before she goes right back into the worry cycle.

>> No.26979757

incest is ok if it's only half

>> No.26979758
File: 508 KB, 2566x2436, 1600971061950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel this.

>> No.26979770

ask this anon for help >>26977586

>> No.26979782

>falls for the horseshit "reddit spacing" meme
>not a fucking newfag
Pick one. And go back.

>> No.26979787

>would DJT say something?
are you Carl Benjamin by any chance?

>> No.26979791
File: 244 KB, 2048x2732, Ei5YiFYUYAE4PlU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26979909

You can never fully escape, anon. You just live in the shithole and appreciate any light you can find here.

>> No.26979796
Quoted by: >>26979931

>we need to stop letting it happen
and uhhhhhh how are we gonna do that, huh? we don't own the company nor do we make up its investors so bitching about it on twitter, reddit and 4chan isn't gonna stop anything.

>> No.26979799

Please understand my daughter has precious

>> No.26979808
Quoted by: >>26979942

Great job showing you're a tourist that has never visited this place before. Of all the posts you could make, you chose one that's bannable on /jp/.
Next you will post a frog while pretending you're among friends.

>> No.26979810

t may be time to admit she is a phenix..

>> No.26979811

China being bad is hardly divisive politics, it's like talking about the sky being blue. EVERYONE hates China, only exception online outside the 50 cent party are insane tankies who claim the USSR, NK, and CCP did/do no wrong.

>> No.26979814

It's only going to get worse, everything is political in some way or another and it's all going to come to the surface as the world goes more and more insane
I'd just give up on 'escapism' via media at this point

>> No.26979819

Her outfit has a bit too much orange. If it was like a blue or some other color it would contrast with her hair and look a lot better since right now everything is a bit too similar.

>> No.26979827

Lolicon girls are the hottest shit in the fucking universe and I am throbbing thinking about the fact that s*nz*w* almost certainly is one unironically.

>> No.26979830

Nah, HoloCN is doomed.
Maybe Fubuki too.

Yagoo fucked up. He should've cut HoloCN loose instead of trying to suck all the dicks.

>> No.26979834
Quoted by: >>26979883

Think back when the internet was almost entirely just a hideout for nerds and weirdos. Social media is what really changed everything.

>> No.26979845
Quoted by: >>26979886

>actively trying to not Reddit space anymore
Why are you trying so hard to fit in?

>> No.26979848

As an American, I absolutely agree with this.

>> No.26979849

Kill self

>> No.26979852

Wow it almost as if she made to do it

>> No.26979865
File: 637 KB, 2480x3508, Ei0wQ7uVgAEu5vk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everyone in this threads needs to see this right now:

>> No.26979870

God I wish that was my dick instead of the bottle.

>> No.26979877

>Yagoo fucked up.
Coco fucked up*

The real enemy is and has always been the Reddit dragon.

>> No.26979883

I liked it better when the internet was full of retards and wasn't full or corporate sanitization.

>> No.26979884
File: 77 KB, 211x215, 1600984341642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aloe and Kaoru died for this

>> No.26979886
Quoted by: >>26979963

You don't put a space between multiple lines of greentext, you do between responses to greentext. Why am I explaining shit to a newfag? Kill yourself.

>> No.26979887

I just want Our Wife Civia to be okay. She lives in the US I think so transfer her to EN and then disband HoloCN.

>> No.26979891
File: 38 KB, 680x889, 1572558089988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes, this was a triple sec covert op to end the reddit meme reviews, how could you tell?

>> No.26979894

>>defends her colleagues against the CCP horde with no fear
This is what I appreciate her for most.
I knew she’s this kind of girl.
>Mori: concerning her business too much
>Ina: knows the fear of CCP too much
>Amelia and Gura: “But it’s scary..”
Only the fearless Phoenix stood up to the evil dragon! I am really happy having her in Holo.

>> No.26979896

>It's only going to get worse, everything is political in some way or another
Factually incorrect. Americans/Chinese are just bred to try and make everything they touch political

>> No.26979907

>Get blackbagged back to china for accidently observing the Tiananmen square massacre by not streaming, all because she didnt want to get harassed in chat by people sperging out about it
>Forced to make statements condemning her fellow holos on her alt to avoid another trip for herself and family or worse.
>Likely stuck with some Psycho Pro CCP host family thats angry shes hanging out all day with Gweilos
>Could even actually be gay and her family seethes about that too

ice gremlin has a hard life

>> No.26979908

artia is getting deported again

>> No.26979909
Quoted by: >>26979978

Here's the thing though, your entertainment and escapism are forms of revenue for governments and organizations. So whether you like it or not, politics is going to come to you, because everything follows money.

>> No.26979911

At some point there's not going to be an escape anymore. We will have to fight for the opportunity to even escape again.

>> No.26979915

Cringe as fuck.

>> No.26979918
Quoted by: >>26979993

>bootlicking china to shit on reddit
that's a new level of 4chan loser

>> No.26979921

You guys already forgot Artia said she is glad Miko was dying?
Or how she was glad Aloe graduated?

She has never been your ally.

>> No.26979923
File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1601061584500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980010

>legit engaging with the "haha no argument reddit space" shitpost
Anon, I'm happy to have new people enjoying Kiara, but can you please stop biting cheap, dated bait? Seriously, he's fucking with you.

If the anti hates Kiara, post Kiara, enjoy Kiara, easy.

>> No.26979926

Hnnnnnnnng I want to fuck this squid so hard and then fuck Gura on top of her.

>> No.26979930

Based and unitypilled

>> No.26979931

Well, feedback is all we have. What do you suggest, just rolling over and taking it up the ass? At least get mad.

>> No.26979933
Quoted by: >>26980028

Makes it pretty hard to pick a side on this one
Wish it were someone else that messed up, then maybe I would feel like grabbing a pitchfork

>> No.26979942
File: 187 KB, 586x1932, Kiara Anti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off yourself Tranny

>> No.26979947
Quoted by: >>26980005

Same here. Political horse shit needs to stop being shoved into things that don't need it.

>> No.26979953

same bro
this might be chicken's fault too

>> No.26979960

They are already trying to Dox and get Coco fired, she is a bigger target than those two

>> No.26979963

Oh yeah? Make a 200 word essay about it as evidence.

>> No.26979964
File: 68 KB, 455x468, 1600692482401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like her outfit.

She just needs more hats.

>> No.26979965

Everything has been politics since the dawn of civilization.

>> No.26979979
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, 1601206183740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source on this?

>> No.26979978
Quoted by: >>26980206

That's only because they're the ones butting heads on the world stage at the moment, so of course they will be the loudest. All countries are like it to some extent

>> No.26979985

am i the only one that fucking hates kiara?

>> No.26979987

My poor ice elemental gremlin, I wanna save her

>> No.26979991
File: 1.65 MB, 343x379, 1574269972040.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980125

>another day without Gura
Just end me already.

>> No.26979992

how much money do we have to donate to save her guys...

>> No.26979993

Why are you on this site? You have to go back.

>> No.26979999

This guy's not really offering any proof outside of saying that she's her roommate.

>> No.26980005
Quoted by: >>26980155

This kind of thinking is really limited. Politics has always been in everything, just maybe not issues you cared about until now. Wherever there is money, there will be politics of some kind.

>> No.26980006

>Directly affects Hololive and the girls

>> No.26980010
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1600649840748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Post more cute chicken.

>> No.26980015

This, Haato may have fucked up by accident but Coco knew full well what she's doing and only made the situation even worse.

>> No.26980022

I fucking hate her fans

>> No.26980026
Quoted by: >>26980286

Literally nobody here talks about or gives a fuck about politics IRL, try getting off the Internet for a few hours. and I live in a supposedly hyper liberal state

>> No.26980027

Haato mentioning Taiwan would've been the same as this, except le reddit dragon took things a step further and made it seem intentional

>> No.26980028
Quoted by: >>26980110

Indeed, I'm not doing anything because Coco doesn't deserve anyone's support.

Hachaama does but it seems the antis are ignoring her, so good riddance Coco. Won't miss ya.

>> No.26980032

Yes, this is a Kiara fan general

>> No.26980034

Tell the Chinese that.

>> No.26980035
Quoted by: >>26980165

>USSR, NK, and CCP did/do no wrong
Correct about USSR and NK tbqhwy

>> No.26980039
File: 89 KB, 1024x758, 1600565507477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Things aren't as bad you think they were but doesn't mean they're perfect either. Welcome to NHK was good at showing that and I found that taking care of animals/livestock on some of my spare time helps get me out of the funk. It also doesn't help there's a ton of people out there screaming their lungs that something is wrong with their lives while going to Starbucks 5 times a day.

Anyways enjoy things when you can without fucking up your health and livelihood but keep your feet on the ground just in case things go to extra shit. I'm guessing this is the reason why Watson brought up certain games so people stop thinking things are so hopeless.

>> No.26980042
File: 414 KB, 704x617, 1600227739750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980086

Imagine an alternate universe where Cover kneeled to America
How many idols would've gotten graduated already?

>> No.26980044
Quoted by: >>26980102

Anons, I hope Cover's experiences here has taught you all an important lesson today:
Trying to suck all the dicks means none of them will cum.

>> No.26980050
File: 579 KB, 1524x1440, 1600981546465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26980051

nah, but most of the people that hate her are only vocal during the collabs

>> No.26980054
Quoted by: >>26980503

>China fucks over the whole world with Bat Cum
>used Holos to pass the time
>now they might get canceled cause bugmen can't stand T word
I'm so tired

>> No.26980057
File: 315 KB, 845x694, 1600192356814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980164

Same. I've been in Discord trying to gatekeep anyone trying to narratives, drama or politics just to keep vtubers out of it.
Only for China to ruin it all. Fuck China.

>> No.26980065

Why the fuck is Ina's art so good?

>> No.26980068

Are you retarded. Nowhere there says anything remotely close to support of the CCP or cover's decision

>> No.26980073

maybe bubbly personalities aren't your thing anon, and that's fine

>> No.26980076

There is to much potential here
Keep going

>> No.26980080

>Hating communist.

Not surprising honestly.

>> No.26980084
Quoted by: >>26980149

It has only creeped because we are being raided by /v/ /pol/ and Reddit spamming this garbage chinese shit.
The reality is no one cares. HoloJP problems stay on the JP side.

>> No.26980086

Not many

>> No.26980088
File: 157 KB, 1001x1055, 1600108774544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26980094


>> No.26980097


t. CCP bugman

>> No.26980102

>Trying to suck all the dicks means none of them will cum.
Yes, that's why your supposed to use your entire body. Give handjobs, blowsjobs footjobs etc. at the same time instead of just blowjobs.

>> No.26980108

This is like the third time stinky chinky has caused some retarded uproar over absolutely nothing. EN is a smash hit, Yagoo should just pull back from CN and embrace the new EN future.

>> No.26980110
Quoted by: >>26980183

I'd say she doesn't deserve death threats but I don't think some chinkbug pulling out Navy SEAL copypasta level shit really counts as well. I support her on principle because fuck the chinks but she definitely made it worse by uploading it to fucking bugtube, a site she largely doesn't use.

>> No.26980112
File: 75 KB, 772x772, 1600232950102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thought /hlgg/ got purged
>turns out OP typo'd the name

>> No.26980117
Quoted by: >>26980157

10 years of daily reps with hikki hermit persistence

>> No.26980119
File: 1.30 MB, 1261x699, 1581136247913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love you. It's what us Kiara fans do. We love.

>> No.26980121

I don't hate Kiara but I don't like her either

>> No.26980123
File: 524 KB, 937x876, 1601184310665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority does.

>> No.26980124
Quoted by: >>26980157

She's literally a professional artist. She's been drawing for like 10 years now.

>> No.26980125

>Just end me already.
That’s probably what she says every time she clicks the “Go Live” button.

>> No.26980129
File: 55 KB, 727x396, 1 Free best china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980201


>> No.26980139
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1600378645111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980267

>this was only a week ago
This threads exhaust me, bros. Drama after narrative after drama after narrative; there's not a single dead day in this place. There's no way /hlg/ was this active before; nobody would go through this mental taxation every day and come back for more.

>> No.26980146
Quoted by: >>26980186

fuck china
fuck america
fuck japan
fuck every country and every government, stop ruining our fun with your pissing contests

>> No.26980149
Quoted by: >>26980233

Except they don't. China is a problem that does not stay contained. You would have to be incredibly naive to think this shit won't creep into HoloEN as well.

>> No.26980155

I really don't give a shit if it's limited or not. Get this retarded shit out of the things I'm trying to relax with and stop trying to make me give a fuck about things that I'm never going to. That's all I want, dude. Just some fucking peace and quiet.

>> No.26980157

No I know I just don't understand why she'd be so good and still stream like this. I don't think Holo Live deserves her.

>> No.26980164
Quoted by: >>26980345

Sounds like an actual good discord, wish I could be on it protect it well chumbud

>> No.26980165
Quoted by: >>26980212

How are those 2 okay but China isn't

>> No.26980172
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1600753354986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon you're literally the only one of these 300 ip's who hates Kiara, enjoy your stay in Kiara General.

>> No.26980183

>'d say she doesn't deserve death threats
I completely agree, but at the same time. We both know Coco is super strong mentally, and has dealt with antis before.

So while I don't endorse the death treats, I know she can handle them.

>> No.26980186

based anarchist

>> No.26980191

Yes. You might just be gay, anon

>> No.26980192
Quoted by: >>26980297

Damn I misread Watson’s schedule I thought she was streaming today

>> No.26980193

She wanted to join Hololive anon

>> No.26980196
File: 177 KB, 600x338, ezgif-3-03c0be2e254c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980257

Awww the poor anti, did I hurt your feefees? Sorry bro, I don't hate you so I'll live inside your head for free if you want to.

>> No.26980199

Then you're gonna have to find some way to entertain yourself that doesn't cost anyone anything and doesn't make anyone anything. Good luck with that.

>> No.26980201
Quoted by: >>26980251

Is that an actual whole Taiwan or a timeshare thing? I'm not cool with timeshares.

>> No.26980206

That doesn't make everything political. Fuck off with that monkey mindset

>> No.26980212
Quoted by: >>26980320

they didn't fuck with my anime girls

>> No.26980214

She does it for fun. She doesn't need the money but I can imagine she was getting tired/bored with life beforehand seeing as she said she had no friends before.

>> No.26980218
File: 133 KB, 574x567, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980293


>> No.26980232

Thank you for telling me about this.

>> No.26980233
Quoted by: >>26980296

>Except they don't.
Mori, Kiara, Gura, Amelia, Ina are all fine and dandy.

Just fuck off back to /hlg/, shitposter. No one cares about your shitty holy crusade.

>> No.26980235

Listen to her covers 5000 times.

>> No.26980237

CIA-sama, I KNEEL!

>> No.26980243

She literally loves HoloLive and does it for fun/passion. There's a reason she knows all the holo lore. Plus, she just has to reduce her contracts and can still keep being a professional artist, I mean Rushia kept a part-time job while being the #2 earner just so she could still have contact with the outside world.

>> No.26980251

Its one free (independent) Taiwan.

>> No.26980254

Fuck I just remember that Australia is a Chinese colony. Haachama really better watch herself I'm worried for her.

>> No.26980253
Quoted by: >>26980343

she had no friends and all the people she played ffxiv with were creeps and hololive was a way to get girl friends

>> No.26980257
File: 69 KB, 622x744, 20200914_044017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980414

Stop making us chickenbros look retarded.

>> No.26980258
Quoted by: >>26980324

Being a holo is more lucrative and fun than slaving concept arts on a contract

>> No.26980263

more like to end asacoco

>> No.26980264
File: 108 KB, 1003x417, los numeros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26980267

You weren't here for the AKB48 handsaw assault, nor the Kyoani arson.

Narratives, gossip, or tabloids, its all the same tired human habit that never seems to change.

>> No.26980270
File: 173 KB, 467x515, 1601235712130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want kiara to crack me open on a hot pan, scramble me up, and then eat me up with her kfp special sauce

>> No.26980278
Quoted by: >>26980349

40 vs 6.
A sacrifice that will be worth it in the long rin

>> No.26980280

She said it on stream and cried about it. She wants to encourage others to draw

>> No.26980281

>not liking=hate

>> No.26980286
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1600458052392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26980390

>family doesn't even interact anymore due to political arguments tearing christmas apart
>literally all my fucking co-workers talk about
>sister became some hyper freedom fighter and refuses to talk to me anymore because "you're with us or against us"

Can I get an invite to your supposed hyper liberal state because my supposed ultra boring moderate state is burning down

>> No.26980293

Should have never said all that gay shit

>> No.26980296
Quoted by: >>26980378

Yeah up until they accidentally say Taiwan or something else the fragile insectoids don't like. Then they'll get death threats and be "canceled" by the Chinks as well.

>> No.26980297

She's streaming in 2 hours

>> No.26980298

>Kiara slowly becoming less shit
>Reddit Dragon taking the heated bullet for Chama
Maybe orange women isn't so bad....

>> No.26980300

Hachaama specifically never talks in English to avoid doxxes.

>> No.26980302

wtf how does ame only have 300k, she streams like everyday

>> No.26980303
File: 170 KB, 960x956, 20200927_045342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she'll be fine. China hasn't strengthened their grip on Australia enough for censorship yet.

>> No.26980304

I just want Civia to be okay, she's too be taken away from us so soon.

>> No.26980308

Take your meds schizo

>> No.26980311


>> No.26980312

Every where I fucking go it's politics. How did anime girls playing games become political?

>> No.26980314


>> No.26980320
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1600573594852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough

>> No.26980324


She's still slaving the contracts anon, she's also rich as she's said relative to not really needing the donos. She's doing both the drawing and holo because she thinks they're fun.

>> No.26980326

>unironically falseflagging
>unironically falling for falseflaggers

>> No.26980329

Yeah, just look at the staggering amount of Nene and Flare antis. Oh, wait.

>> No.26980333
File: 37 KB, 533x248, Free Ogey Coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26980335
Quoted by: >>26980430


Amelia is coming for your farts.

>> No.26980341
Quoted by: >>26980418

You just want to grill and don't want politics shoved in your face every minute of every day of your life? Well I think I'll just smirk and call you a fence sitting boomer pussy and bask in the upvotes and likes, how do you like that?

>> No.26980342
Quoted by: >>26980569

All she did was read youtube stats of her stats by country. Taiwan was in the too 3 of donater metrics. Get the fuck out of here chang before I gas your entire family like the vermin they are

>> No.26980344

If you want to sperg out from a dystopic government like the yellow jews at Beijing, you'll need at least 50 million people on your side as the bare minimum.

>> No.26980343

I don't think its working, that may be because i don't see people through yuri-goggles.

>> No.26980345

No, It's a politics discord and I wanted to keep the channel as a simple and fun place while you can discuss anything politics on another channel. Sorry to mislead you.

>> No.26980346

Because the anime girls playing games makes money and China has a lot of fucking money.

>> No.26980349

A sacrifice that was only necessary because Coco opened her fat mouth about it just as the heat was going away

>> No.26980351
Quoted by: >>26980492

Does HoloID Gen 1 have a nickname like 3SetBBQ, Clover McOver, LAN_NEE3S, or 3FicLite?

>> No.26980354
Quoted by: >>26980580

I feel really bad for Hachaama, being stuck in autralia while she wants to go home and now she's been cutoff from her direct lifeline back to Japan.

>> No.26980356

Australia is effectively the leader of the past few years of anti-china rhetoric.

>> No.26980362

>Stand with Coco and lose the entire Chinese audience and their money (a fucking LOT)
>Kick her out and lose not only the biggest reason hololive grew so big in the first place, but also the goodwill of anyone in JP and the West
Why did it have to come to this

>> No.26980365

I don't like her but I don't hate her. You're just autistic.

>> No.26980366

Some of you really need perspective. What they're all doing is basically unprecedented. It hasn't even been a month.

>> No.26980375


She plays games and has an act that filter the JOP crowd.

>> No.26980378

>Yeah up until they accidentally say Taiwan
One has already said it. Literally no one cares, you retarded crossboarder.

Fuck off. Go play armchair general somewhere else.

>> No.26980381

her new mic is actually pretty nice I think it improved her stream by a lot

>> No.26980384

Some good news: Chinks are planning to take down chicken because she showed support for haachama and coco.

>> No.26980385

Holy shit mori slowed down. Must-have been her jewish behavior

>> No.26980386
Quoted by: >>26980455

One accidentally said the name of a country and that's somehow all it fucking took.

>> No.26980390

Political fights always happen in "neutral" territory, because in "hyper-liberal" or "hyper-conservative" places, the fight has already been won.

>> No.26980392

This is how many ranchers and farmers feel until Real Estatists or Environmentalists literally come knocking on the door with an eviction notice because they couldn't be arsed to show up to the town hall meeting where they decided whether farmers/ranchers should pay the same amount of money for water usage or not.

At some point you're gonna have to read between the lines when someone is coming after you and your interests.

>> No.26980393

Eh, she apparently played Apex with Gura and Ame off-stream and she seemed to have fun in the game collabs.

>> No.26980394

because China is an imperialist fuckface.

>> No.26980397

girl friends

not girlfriends
ya idjit

>> No.26980400

Poor Kiara, hopefully she won't become more resentful over time.

>> No.26980411
Quoted by: >>26980493

This isn't the time, anon. We have to put our differences aside and fight for the sake of our girls...

>> No.26980414

Don't worry, chickenfag, I take full responsibility for my own retardation. I just can't resist aggravating butthurt fags like that.

>> No.26980417

>all these people finally realizing that literally everything is politics
as long as there's money there's politics

>> No.26980418

Wow! That really would make me care about politics! Upvoted!

>> No.26980422
Quoted by: >>26980639

Remember when people said Amelia and Mori would surpass Gura?

>> No.26980430

Amelia is no more now it just is her roommate with an animated avatar

>> No.26980433
Quoted by: >>26980516

Working hard today eh Chang?

>> No.26980455
Quoted by: >>26980540

I don't get though how citing a Youtube statistic can anger people

>> No.26980456

I like how Ina went from a 30k lead on Kiara to a 40k lead on Kiara while still streaming less than she does.

What the fuck

>> No.26980458

luv amelia
'ate the prc

>> No.26980459

Why did they make us do this, I just wanted to watch vtubers...

>> No.26980462


>> No.26980464

A chink's ego is as large as their dicks

>> No.26980466
Quoted by: >>26980626

Not for long. Chinks are buying it up the way they've been doing to Vietnam, Canada, Africa and the US west coast.

>> No.26980467

Is this supposed to be bad?

She's still growing explosively fast compared to most JPs. It's like being an A-tier in a group of S-tiers

Also she makes more money than Amelia right?

>> No.26980469
Quoted by: >>26980511

Has any of the EN's acknowledged that they will fix the sound mixing in the next collab? Gura and Watson are too low volume-wise, Ina is fine, Kiara is who knows since it can be loud and silent randomly (plus new mic so new mic conditions) and Mori is loud as fuck. (Or have they noted using something other than fucking shit at this type of thing discord?)

>> No.26980472

surveytime niggers
>fave HoloEN
>fave HoloJP
>fave Holo
>have you done your reps today

>> No.26980473

I want to personally neck mainlander subhumans in minecraft

>> No.26980476

Yeah, I'm normally nor a concernfag, and I fucking hate Coco. But I think the situation is really bleak for Cover or Coco, hopefully nothing happens as the Peko shitposter said.

>> No.26980488

what reps lol

>> No.26980490

I have nothing against NK and lots of anti-china shit is neocon seannery.a la bannon's declaration signed in blood that he'd turn china into a bastardization of the EU
That being said the shit going on currently is pretty gay.

>> No.26980492

No, they don't have a theme

>> No.26980493

Unless you have convenient access to a nuke to launch at Pooh's treehouse, there's not much we can do, honestly.

>> No.26980494

Your example is more in the vein of "In a democracy, you got to be a player."

>> No.26980495
Quoted by: >>26980626


China owned Australia for a long time, like the past 15 years (literally as well as politically, they bought a lot of land and almost all our mining output), but ever since around the time Trump won, Australia has been kicking back against China hard

>> No.26980503

Ironic isn't it?

Nah, even the Aussies hate China now thanks to the virus. The whole coronavirus is going to go the history books for geopolitical implications on top of the pandemic toll.

>> No.26980504

Did this all come about because Coco misread Taiwan as the Republic of China instead of calling it Taiwan?

>> No.26980510

>How did anime girls playing games become political?
How did video games become political?

>> No.26980511

If only they had the support of a company to help them with issues like this. Hm..

>> No.26980513

Fuck tourists and fuck chinks.

>> No.26980516

How low IQ are you? I said one has already said it, you retard. If I was chang I would be attacking her.

Christ, the fucking mental illness of you /pol/tards. Get the fuck out.

>> No.26980517
Quoted by: >>26980627

they have no reason to kick coco out
china is a filthy capitalist country at the end of the day, they will always follow the money and coco makes a LOT of money

>> No.26980518

>Kiara might actually surpass Ina
>Amelia might actually surpass Calli
What the fuck is going on, I wasn't expecting this development

>> No.26980523

Aki Rose

>> No.26980528

According to your logic that would mean everyone hates the 5th gen, Luna, Towa, Azki and Flare

>> No.26980534

>all of this because they said T word when it's apart of their FUCKING contract to avoid political shit
I hate bugmen so much, I don't even like Coco but it's beyond based that she took most of the shit those subhumans were giving Haachama over something so insignificant and petty

>> No.26980533
Quoted by: >>26980730

>gamergate had no effect on politics
>despite becoming a battleground for a larger culture war
>and being spread far beyond 4chan's influence
>as well as being a traceable starting point for much of the crazy bullshit we deal with today
Its not like it influenced national policy but it certainly wasnt a nothingburger

>> No.26980540
Quoted by: >>26980770

Don't underestimate Chinese brainwashing. Think of it like the gamer word in the US; just the mere mention of it sends people into a blind furious rage.

>> No.26980547
Quoted by: >>26980999

My fucking NIGGA Roberu
No im learning about China I guess

>> No.26980551

>I like how Ina went from a 30k lead on Kiara to a 40k lead on Kiara while still streaming less than she does.
Top fucking kek it's true.

>> No.26980553

wasn't Artia sent to a literal reeducation camp before? was that true?

If so then no wonder she has to show support, she must be on a list and a second offense is probably way worse than the first

>> No.26980561

No, been paralyzed by drama

>> No.26980569

What the fuck are you talking about, schizo? I stand by Coco.

>> No.26980572
Quoted by: >>26980652

can I say artia or is that too pro-ccp
trying (and failing) to do my education reps right now

>> No.26980573
Quoted by: >>26980636

>Kiara antis are mentally ill trannies
To the surprise of no one

>> No.26980576


>> No.26980580

When she finally gets on a plane to go back to Japan she's going to discover that it has a surprise pit stop in the PRC.

>> No.26980581
Quoted by: >>26980614

How many weeks after debute will it take the best gen 2 HoloEN to out sub Kiara?

>> No.26980583

>kiara surpass ina
doubt, would require ina to not make videos and kiara to get the sympathy views for a good while
>ame surpass mori
mori got boosted early imo by putting out 4 songs in 4 days, but is slowing down to ~1/month now
I can easily see ame surpassing mori in the long run.

>> No.26980586

>your fave Holo
>do they get knotted
>what do we do about China

>> No.26980591
Quoted by: >>26980663

don't give them any dime. I fucking wish these girls would set up like a blockchain wallet for themselves so that I can personally donate to their endeavours without giving any money to Cover and youtube. Fucking corporate scum

>> No.26980599

>>Kiara might actually surpass Ina

Are you stupid?
Less than a week ago Kiara was behind 30k on Ina, now it's 40k.

>> No.26980602

I'm only replying to this survey because I hate /pol/ garbage here.

>Amelia, the queen of the CCP videogames
>Suisei, the queen of the CCP
>I did my fap reps

>> No.26980608

Ina's talk stream was really well received both here and in her chat. It was probably the most comfy thread we've had.

>> No.26980610

i just want to have fun and watch streams.

>> No.26980612
Quoted by: >>26980710

by me
nuke it

>> No.26980613
Quoted by: >>26980740

Initial growth is design and meme based, so Gura got a large advantage on that. Mori's songs will carry her to a lot of more subscribers, same with Kiara if she ever decides to release a song, she would probably get a jump in popularity too.

Ina could be much bigger, but she doesn't stream much.

>> No.26980614


>> No.26980626

Australia was starting to kick china to the curb before trump. It's just been getting bigger in recent years as china started being more aggressive and I think we actually got people who don't like china in power. We also put in a thing recently that basically says no china you can't buy shit here anymore. Too bad its not retroactive so they can cancel older shit

>> No.26980627

Yeah Coco makes a lot of money but not so much that it's worth pissing off literally an entire country for it.

>> No.26980631

Gas them

>> No.26980632

This. The whole "don't get involved in politics" mindset reeks of complacency and privilege. What world do you live in where everyone is nice and kind for no reason? If you have something that you value, someone else values that thing too. The world is full of people who want what you have or they want to ruin what you have or they want to make you pay more for what you have. This has always been the case, people want your shit, and if they can take it and make it their own, they will. And you can pretend to be above it all and get away from it, but they sure as hell are busy and working on things that you may not see. The world is a small place and only growing smaller.

>> No.26980635

Isn't artia in America right now? Can't she just apply for a greencard for herself and her family?

>> No.26980636

>replying to a week old screenshot
You have to go back.

>> No.26980639

Not me. As soon as she posted that image on twitter of her without the hood, I said she's never losing the number one spot.

>> No.26980644

And it's not going to stop with just Coco and Haachama. This is the 4th Hololive drama courtesy of China?

>> No.26980652

she deserves love yes. it's not pro ccp at all considering how she got re-educated for almost saying something about the tiananmen massacre from a super chat

>> No.26980654

>Kagura Mea
>You can't learn Japanese

>> No.26980660


>> No.26980662

I just woke up.

>> No.26980663
Quoted by: >>26980720

Just give to their roommates dumbfuck

>> No.26980671


>> No.26980680



>> No.26980682


The gap got wider for Kiara and Ina, but if it did happen it's because holo is a part time job for Ina.

Mori doesn't play as many games as Watson (for now), so if it happens it's probably due to losing some hype after the string of singles.

>> No.26980687

Is there a tally of total hours streamed for each of the ENs? I want to see how little Ina has done compared to the others.

>> No.26980688
Quoted by: >>26980948

A country of schizophrenic powderkegs who explode and make demands at the drop a hat.

>> No.26980692

Haachama (rip)
Not yet, no

>> No.26980695

>>Kiara might actually surpass Ina
lol no
The difference between them have only widened, and Ina has streamed a total of 8 videos while Kiara has streamed 20 videos so far.
She is never catching up anyone.
>Amelia might actually surpass Calli
If Mori keeps bleeding numbers, yes. But I wouldn't bet on it either. All it takes for Mori is one song and she will distance herself from Amelia.

>> No.26980701

there is always some extended family, they never let all of them out at the same time.

>> No.26980710


>> No.26980712
Quoted by: >>26980893

and what the fuck are you doing about it anon? is cover reading this thread?

>> No.26980718


>> No.26980720
Quoted by: >>26981475

How the fuck would I do that if their patreon is currently closed?

>> No.26980728

I need to stick my face in shark cunny so bad. I just want to eat her out bros. I don't need her to return any favors for my dick. I just want to lick her bald slit.

>> No.26980730

The actual controversy had no impact. It only mentally scarred some idiots who insist on constantly bringing it up and a shitty episode of a TV show.

>> No.26980735

The holos

>> No.26980739

If she does, I want to watch
Deprogram the masses and have them overthrow their masters.

>> No.26980740

>so Gura got a large advantage on that.
Gura is not getting subs for that, retard.
She is getting subs people normalfags are subbing to her to piss off Britanny.

>> No.26980741

Nuke 'em

>> No.26980743

A bit just woke up

>> No.26980744

I played beat saber for like an hour

>> No.26980753


>> No.26980761

Of course not

>> No.26980769

can any chinaman tell me just why exactly do the chinese hate the literal utterance of the word "taiwan"? I don't mean it as any offense, I genuinely want to understand the chinese side of this

>> No.26980770

Can also be compared to saying something antisemetic. All the west gets upset for that

>> No.26980773

>can't post shark cunny

>> No.26980780

If that's true she will just end up being less sucessful than Fubuki.

>> No.26980781

Gura... your streaming reps...

>> No.26980792
Quoted by: >>26980881

anonchaama... your ascii reps...

>> No.26980793


>> No.26980799


>> No.26980806

This. I want to give Gura lots of orgasms with oral sex.

>> No.26980808

taiwan, a literal island that is smaller than Borneo, is apparently bullying china or for some fucking reason.

>> No.26980809

Except literally no one knows who Venti is.

>> No.26980811

>an entire country
It's literally just a group of schizos and antis. You actually have to be a schizo yourself to think that the entirety of the Chinese Hololive fanbase wants Coco gone. It's Cover's fault for being such big cocksuckers to kneel at the slightest complaints.

>> No.26980814

How chummy?

>> No.26980818


>> No.26980826

I met some Chinese students in the early 10's and its not that simple outside of usual refugee and marriage status. Depends on why they're there and sometimes agreements between countries. Not to mention family isn't automatically included. Its the reason why some relatives sent to the states are seen as investments.

>> No.26980828

>I worked a full shift and cleaned my home. so yes.

>> No.26980831

Right now as we speak
Rip and tear until it is done. Then proceed to do the same to the rest of the world.

>> No.26980836


>> No.26980838


>> No.26980844


>> No.26980852

POV: You are Chinese

>> No.26980853


>> No.26980856

Gura has ate the beef bowl.

>> No.26980863

a bit of drawing reps

>> No.26980868

lel eat shit chink shill

>> No.26980870
Quoted by: >>26980925

>Holo talents
>all combined decide to ignore China
What happens next? Nothing. China can't do shit.

This is only an issue because you keep spamming these threads with it.

>> No.26980872
Quoted by: >>26980894

Thread hit image limit

>> No.26980877

Yeah, leg day and Japanese reps.

>> No.26980881

So something like this?(|)

>> No.26980882
Quoted by: >>26981153

>chinese government claims taiwan is part of chinese jurisdiction
>chinese citizens are programmed to bleive their government's every word
>if anyone says taiwan is sovereign, chinese nationals activate their sleeper agent coding and go on a rampage

>> No.26980889
Quoted by: >>26980911

I don't really have one and I'm only following 2 and out of those two I guess I'd choose Okayu because her singing's nice
Ina because I can admit I'm an EOP tourist
I a whole 1 kanji today.

>> No.26980893
Quoted by: >>26981007

People are reading this thread. Don't know if they are from Cover specifically, but they could be. I also submitted something via their form.

This is the point where you laugh at me and tell me none of these things could possibly have an impact. But you never know what will tip the scales. Most recently the NBA. Nobody bothered protesting because they thought nothing would happen. Then the Bucks, a team that isn't as high level or recognizable as the Lakers or other marquee teams, walked out of a game. The rest of the League soon followed and had a meeting with the management. Now did they accomplish anything? I'm sure you'll say no. But I'm not content to just sit down and let a bunch of fragile bugs try and cancel culture my entertainment.

>> No.26980894


>> No.26980898

Her cunny is to be protected

>> No.26980899

That is a very kissable tummy.

>> No.26980903
Quoted by: >>26980944

Oh no Danchou don't look behind you it's a shark!

>> No.26980910

Not liking something doesn't mean you hate it. Take your meds, NOW!

>> No.26980911

i'm proud of you anon

>> No.26980925
Quoted by: >>26981008

Except Cover aren't deciding to ignore China, they are kneeling and licking boots. China doesn't have to do shit, they have more money than all of us combined. It will continue to be an issue as long as Cover just chases profit above all else.

>> No.26980932

Isn't Amelia suppose to be streaming in an hour or so? Why hasn't she posted anything yet?

>> No.26980937


>> No.26980944
Quoted by: >>26980982

Noel's breasts are safe, Gura doesn't stream anymore.

>> No.26980948

I agree with you and I also hate it, but Chinese money is shiny, and if you're a black suit who already sold his soul well you just follow the trail at any cost. This is one of those fringe cases that makes me want to agree with SJWs when they shout fuck capitalism, because it leads to garbage like this.

>> No.26980970
Quoted by: >>26981178

When the CCP took over China the old government fled to Taiwan, which is why the mainland is so butthurt about their existence. Both claim to be real China so both are technically a threat to the other's sovereignty, even if Taiwan can't do much of anything

>> No.26980982

she grows like 15k subs a day without even logging on youtube

>> No.26980985

Just busted a big nut

>> No.26980986
Quoted by: >>26981023

Probably deciding whether or not to risk it, since there's a chance there will be some shit that blows up in chat.

>> No.26980991

Imagine there being a HololiveNG where the avatars all look like Ainsley Harriot and one of them gets in hot water by slipping up during superchat thank-yous and calls everyone a mugu.

>> No.26980994

dunno, Haachama I guess

>> No.26980999

Visit China Uncensored on youtube to learn more

>> No.26981001

I've done my FUCK CHINA reps today

>> No.26981007
Quoted by: >>26981043

anon, you med reps...

>> No.26981008

My point is China is powerless and all they can do is make some shitposts online.

They are as powerful as you make them be. And yes, everyone knows Cover is retarded and fucked up. They should have done nothing.

>> No.26981011

Judging by the looks of things, she just woke up.

>> No.26981017

Chicken isnt yellow. She has a loyal fanbase. She will win n kick their asses like peko would.

>> No.26981023

Knowing how autistic her chat can be it's better to just take a day off

>> No.26981024

Pekora or Korone
I'm studying and gonna work out soon, does buying stocks and looking at finance news all day count as reps?

>> No.26981025
Quoted by: >>26981087

What did she miss?

>> No.26981041

raid prepping

>> No.26981043

I was gonna reply to him but I figured it wasn't worth the captcha, he is clearly a schizo.

>> No.26981044

Is biphasal sleep really healthy?

>> No.26981059
Quoted by: >>26981140

They have all the money and money is power. They can harm the CN Holos and their family. They could remove their investments from Cover and close the Chinese market to them. They can do a lot more than make some shitposts online.

>> No.26981062

Not sure
I love every holo though and hope they all succeed

>> No.26981070

>Subaru or Suisei
>sort of, i did cardio and ffxiv reps. still need to do jap and drawing reps

>> No.26981071

This is good news because it will show how based chicken is when she and her fans BTFO the chink stains.

>> No.26981079

She had one peesa sleeptime, and later she's gonna have another peesa sleeptime

>> No.26981087

No. Her stream set for and hour from now.
She just retweeted Ina's drawing after saying she was going to bed 8 hours ago.

>> No.26981089

That looks like the stuff clogged in the sinks pipes

>> No.26981091

They can cut off the cash flow, that's not "powerless" in the slightest.

>> No.26981092

>waking up at near 6PM
J-just like me haha

>> No.26981101

Lets be real, its Chicken who is thirsty for Mori's pink carpet.

>> No.26981108
Quoted by: >>26981303

Will chickenfags always have this victim complex?

>> No.26981109

I hate the chicken so much.

But making her graduate without Mori graduating with her would be quite sad in my honest opinion. Because Mori would be sad if she leaves.

The only reason I think we should keep the chicken is for Mori.

>> No.26981112
Quoted by: >>26981258

if they side with CN
some new type of censorship will be implemented and fuck with hololive for good. that is what CN does every time this type of shit happens

>> No.26981126


>> No.26981128

Might still be asleep

>> No.26981132

Hell no. Biphasal sleep is horrible for you. She seems to get all her sleep done whenever she gets tired.

>> No.26981140
Quoted by: >>26981368

>They have all the money and money is power.
Winnie the Pooh isn't the one targeting Cover. It's a bunch of schizos.

>> No.26981143

Not what I want. What I want is for western countries to refuse any takedown requests by chink scum automatically, and for court cases to be rigged automatically against chink companies.

>> No.26981151

Amelia, was Ina before but her don't streaming

>> No.26981153

>chinese citizens are programmed to bleive their government's every word
>if anyone says taiwan is sovereign
>taiwan is apparently bullying china or for some fucking reason.

But a lot of these offended Chinese people have access to the nonChina internet and are using VPNs to harass these vtubers over the mere mention of Taiwan. These people obviously are able to see the rest of the world's position on the Taiwan conflict, and these people are jumping through additional hoops to get on our side of the internet. I feel like there is more to why their angry that we don't understand, I originally thought China didn't even teach that Taiwan existed, but these people KNOW that it exists and are still angry.

>> No.26981155

>No, I'm vacation nigga

>> No.26981162


>> No.26981178

yeah but it's not like the Kuomintang can do anything about reconquering china and if the mainland breaks apart into several warlord states again, they won't really reintegrate with any of them. Taiwan already is distancing itself from the mainland culturally anyway. Ironic given the fact that the Kuomintang itself is currently infiltrated by CCP sympathizers and is the reason why they lost the last elections

>> No.26981182

>Yandere Amelia stabbing pov picture
>love this one! thank you :Smiling face with smiling eyes: :Folded hands:
i-is Ame yandere?

>> No.26981196


>> No.26981199

Cute happy dork

>> No.26981206

/pol/fags are the ultimate schizos, is anyone surprised by this???

>> No.26981217
Quoted by: >>26981243

Post the fucking image you asshole.

>> No.26981220

>throwing away principles for the protection of her life and her family

>> No.26981221

I know that some of the holos sell voicepacks but are they allowed to do erotic stuff?

>> No.26981225

Better with the right tweet

>> No.26981234

Nice tweet anon!

>> No.26981235
Quoted by: >>26981371

China should be physically severed from the human internet.

>> No.26981243


>> No.26981247

chinks are worse than /pol/. Kill yourself yellow nigger

>> No.26981251

I drew a busty girl and cleaned my room

>> No.26981253
Quoted by: >>26981273


Enough talk about this China garbage.

>> No.26981258

>kick Coco
>everyone in JP hates Hololive, profits from JP and west suffer a big hit
>now most of all girls' profits come from China
what could possibly go wrong

>> No.26981265


>> No.26981268
Quoted by: >>26981299

ni hao, bugman

>> No.26981269
Quoted by: >>26981321


>> No.26981273

Ogey Chang

>> No.26981284

Damn bros, imagine being Fubuki right now. You carefully cultivate your image, remaining wholly apolitical and liked by a wide enough group of people where you essentially become the face of Hololive. You create a few English-based memes that go viral, and because your content doesn't piss chinks off, you get some nice promos and product placement with them. You're the exemplary face of a company.

And then some reddit ass dragon tears that all down in a single stream because she likes fucking with chink autists.

>> No.26981285

China spent an entire century getting bullied by europe.
Taiwan was a stronghold of european power in asia until relatively recently
Its government has western sympathies, and the CCP prides itself on being the only thing protecting chinese racial sovereignty. The chinese think basically the whole world is out to holocaust them and their government is the only safe haven. Taiwan's independence, as well as Hong Kong's whole protest stuff, undermines that sovereign integrity.

The CCP is China's Jerusalem. It's not just something of value, it's symbolic of their recovery from a period where the continued existence of their race was in question and represents their will to never let it happen again. They're sensitive about challenges to government authority, especially those that they perceive as coming from a western interest, in the same way that jews are sensitive about the holocaust

>> No.26981293
Quoted by: >>26981389

We don't need politics in our entertainment, fuck those viewers.

>> No.26981294

That'd be hot

>> No.26981295
Quoted by: >>26981534

they believe their government's shit so hard that exposure to the rest of the world doesn't affect their views. they actively crusade against the chinese government's enemies for this reason. i'm a flipfag and what was once the west philippine sea has been colonized by china and our president is too limpwristed to do anything out it. the useless un already told china to quit it but china said it can do whatever it wants. i fucking hate china

>> No.26981299
Quoted by: >>26981353

we're in your walls anon, beaming thoughts directly into your head, whatever you do don't take your meds.

>> No.26981303

last century is seen as the Century of Humilation and is taught at school to funnel hatred for the West and Taiwan. This ignited a insane nationalist spirit in china that would make /pol/ wet their pants. their entire history classes are set on the 20th century to make sure every citizen seens the world as something that needs to get dominated by CHina

>> No.26981311

>family friend company of cute girls doing cute things
>you: "hurr durr can they give me hentai?"
I don't understand what makes someone being incapable of having a modicum of logic in their brains.

>> No.26981315


>> No.26981317

For the millionth time, its not the word "Taiwan" nor Formosa nor Republic of China.

The offense is that the Taiwan is on the metrics page but not mainland China - which is YouTube's own fucking problem not the holo's problem. The CCP are pushing the latter narrative to fuck over a Japanese corporation.

>> No.26981319
Quoted by: >>26981382

Chinks are just Chinese /pol/, both need to go.

>> No.26981321

I had a feeling it'd be this

>> No.26981323

virgin vs. chad if I've ever heard it

>> No.26981329

>China spent an entire century getting bullied by europe.
Let's do it again please

>> No.26981331

Why do people keep saying this is going to affect FBK? Is she really popular in China or something?

>> No.26981338
Quoted by: >>26981366

>Ame likes the potion seller.


>> No.26981339
Quoted by: >>26981466

The posts here are made by /pol/, not the chinks. So I completely disagree with you.

the chinks aren't shitting up /jp/, you are.

>> No.26981345

> The chinese think basically the whole world is out to holocaust them
Going by these threads I'd say they're right

>> No.26981350

56% of her earnings are from the chinks

>> No.26981353

Oooh, wery good post, Ping. That's fifty cents for you.

>> No.26981357

Yes, alongside with Aqua. They have a decent income from the cheena streaming site.

>> No.26981358

Ah yes, all the cute and wholesome ASMR where they're basically giving you a blowjob. Try thinking before you post next time.

>> No.26981360
Quoted by: >>26981399

anon... seiyuu voicing eroges under a different name is common...

>> No.26981366

anyone who has heard of the potion seller loves the potion seller

>> No.26981368

Yeah, it was people on twitter, and not fear of the Chinese government, that got Genshin Impact to revoke permissions at the 11th hour.

>> No.26981369

Depends what you mean by erotic. Choco has some pretty yabai stuff, mainly her ARK pack. Full of moaning and ear licking.

>> No.26981371
Quoted by: >>26981468

That's what the CCP tries to do. The loopholes are good though cause the funny virus would've been a total secret until like March.

>> No.26981372

The mainlanders and non-mainlanders don't get along either in off-shore conclaves.

>> No.26981382

only one of them is here, killing threads

>> No.26981386

We should holocaust them though

>> No.26981389

entertainment is politics, retard
you can choose to ignore it if you want, but the world doesnt spin around you

>> No.26981399

Wakamoto voicing a dude in Hell Knight Ingrid was fun. Also Gendo doing his silliest voice while fucking a model was also fun.

>> No.26981402

It's gonna be real nice when we have HoloEN streams all next week and people will have other things to talk about.

>> No.26981406

Fuck China

>> No.26981410

see how the CN government change gaming policies to hurt blizzard and how the NBA is algo getting fucked by the sudden changes of policies. Hololive will basicaly turn into a chinese slave to keep getting their money.
They are already censoring Mulan and shitting on it on online reviews due to the movie taking place in the region of the concentration camps and the outrage caused in the west

>> No.26981418
Quoted by: >>26981472

why doesnt trump do something good for once and start a war with china?

>> No.26981419

it will be incredible, talking about hololive global in /hlgg/

>> No.26981423
Quoted by: >>26981457

>The CCP
Putting waaaay to much importance on a handful of chinese schizos lmao

>> No.26981425

I wish one of the girls would fuck me

>> No.26981427

It's their own fault.

>> No.26981445

Literally half of her SC money is chinks on bugtube.

>> No.26981447

Japs exaggerate at the slightest thing in all talk media I think it's just their culture

>> No.26981451

Having an anti-China customer base helps

>> No.26981455

They will recover in a month.

People acted the same way with Aloe and everyone forgot about her not even 4 days later. Only /hlgg/ remembered her.

>> No.26981457

the chink schizos have the american schizos on full meltdown and I commend them for it

>> No.26981460
Quoted by: >>26981556

>For the millionth time, its not the word "Taiwan" nor Formosa nor Republic of China.
>The offense is that the Taiwan is on the metrics page but not mainland China - which is YouTube's own fucking problem not the holo's problem. The CCP are pushing the latter narrative to fuck over a Japanese corporation.
This actually makes sense to some degree, but don't a lot of these people understand CHina's metrics are separate and won't show up on our analytics?
>The chinese think basically the whole world is out to holocaust them and their government is the only safe haven. Taiwan's independence, as well as Hong Kong's whole protest stuff, undermines that sovereign integrity.
This also makes sense but wouldn't they be able to understand how oppressed they are once they branch outside of their firewall?

>> No.26981466
Quoted by: >>26981525

It got moved to >>>/bant/11370874

>> No.26981468
Quoted by: >>26981564

Not if our intelligence agencies had actually done their fucking jobs.

>> No.26981472

He's basically kicked off the next cold war with them so there's that

>> No.26981474

>Taiwan is on the metrics page but not mainland China
>which is YouTube's own fucking problem not the holo's problem
Makes sense considering Google has always seemed to be a bit anti-China ever since getting their search engine kicked out of the mainland

>> No.26981475

>twitch sub
>youtube membership
Pick whichever holo you want (except Ina)

>> No.26981482

If the axe gonna fall in 3 weeks anyways, it gives the CN girls time to prepare, or at least some money before their careers are over because of the CCP's retarded small dick syndrome.

>> No.26981486
Quoted by: >>26981522

Pandering to China is mistake

>> No.26981487

Yes, the same way twitter mob made Jhonny Depp lose his contract with Pirates of the Caribbean.

>> No.26981502

>conquer most of asia several times throughout history
>even in this day and age, actively suppress hong kong and conquer tibet, the philippines, and piss off india
>the rest of the world learns to hate you
>those evil westerners and western sympathizers want to genocide us!!

>> No.26981512
Quoted by: >>26981561

daily reminder to burn chinese insects to the pyre. If they want to fuck even with the only escapist entertainment available, they deserve to die

>> No.26981513

Starting tomorrow there'll be 3+ hours shark stream? Or am I hallucinating? I think I saw an announcement of it somewhere.

>> No.26981522


China is a mistake

>> No.26981525

Where it belongs.

>> No.26981528

>youtube banned in china, by china
>waaahh why is there no china in youtube analytics

>> No.26981534

They're doing it all over SE Asia from what I understand. They're literally buying Vietnamese land out from under Vietnam which is pissing the Vietnamese off and pushing the country into alliance with the United States.

>> No.26981547

What if they simply didn't like the idea of Kiara playing it and used the incident as an excuse?

>> No.26981553

The EN's could just go independent if they stuck with each other, Ina has amazing art skills and has an interest in 2Dlive art.

>> No.26981556

>wouldn't they be able to understand how oppressed they are once they branch outside of their firewall?
They trade freedom for security.
I don't know how americans fail to realize we did the exact same thing following 9/11. Our country is much less free than it was at the start of the new millennia and nobody seems to bat an eye anymore. Same deal.

>> No.26981557

I don't know what to do reps for today

>> No.26981559

Reminder that Israel is and always will be our closest ally

>> No.26981560

Can't believe sleeping agents exist

>> No.26981561

daily reminder your post is off topic garbage and no one gives a fuck about your autistic war.

>> No.26981563

Imagine thinking any drama related to Chinkland will just blow over, has this year taught you nothing

>> No.26981564

They were set on keeping things hush on it too. Just about every country was in on keeping hush on it. They knew about that shit in early December.
