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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.48 MB, 868x1228, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26589408 No.26589408 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.26589414
File: 530 KB, 3000x3000, D46WJ7cUwAAAF8N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Haachama!

>> No.26589415
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1595932621009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been lonely ever since Mikochi left!

>> No.26589418
File: 444 KB, 2048x1534, EiQfa3dUMAAc97H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589419
File: 38 KB, 276x337, 1564071155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your yubis
Hand them over

>> No.26589421
File: 1014 KB, 2892x4096, 1599240714691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589420
File: 791 KB, 671x653, what the fuck did you just say about me you little mogu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589427
File: 112 KB, 1503x1081, かなたそ12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kanatan!

>> No.26589428
File: 80 KB, 797x451, dozo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589443

Before posting in this thread, Make sure to take your meds

>> No.26589434
File: 501 KB, 850x1493, sample_0afe973bfdc780cc84d8ef056d86558a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about my wife Ayame!

>> No.26589432

I want Lamy to take care of me for the rest of my life

>> No.26589433

8D chess by Haachama

>> No.26589436

Who's going to graduate next?

>> No.26589440
File: 1.15 MB, 1400x1980, EiNWKDXU8AIMEpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa!

>> No.26589443

I will not take my meds

>> No.26589444
Quoted by: >>26589634

Did you like the cover?

>> No.26589446
File: 51 KB, 680x521, inanis pancakes lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589448
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 239DE312-F061-42AF-94B3-B0ABB079DBBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !
Today has been a very good day for her !!!(^∇^)

>> No.26589449

Come watch the cutest of hags

>> No.26589451
File: 205 KB, 700x942, 1591823365321_1_0_1_0_0_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589643

Ten fox, Kawaiiiyoooo~

>> No.26589454

>Haruhi-chan OP
Marine, the memories...

>> No.26589455


>> No.26589462
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589465

Haachama will graduate from her school soon enough and return to Japan!!!!!!!!!

>> No.26589463

>those cards
Holy shit

>> No.26589464
File: 164 KB, 293x316, 1594457913226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell is going on in the other thread?

>> No.26589467

She's coming back soon and I can't wait.

>> No.26589466

Unironically, I feel like it's coming for Aqua or Matsuri first. I get the feeling they want to move on to more VA or idol type work than streaming.

>> No.26589473

She looks good in fundoshi!

>> No.26589475


>> No.26589479
File: 772 KB, 605x737, 1600267649527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589505

you will eat all the meds

>> No.26589481

Did you hearr the cute Melglish?

>> No.26589483
File: 137 KB, 729x563, meru!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589533

thank you for watching

>> No.26589484
Quoted by: >>26589529

I can't believe it's already been a month since
happened and now everyone is chill with gen 5. I'm sure everyone will calm down with EN after a bit, and we won't have so much shit flinging.

>> No.26589486


do you think botan lucked out and got a 3080?

>Nvidia store literally pillaged by bots

>> No.26589485


>> No.26589488

literally no english in the Haachama's collab stream chat today and the views are pitiful for what it is

I guess she is the first victim of Holo en

>> No.26589492

I'd forgotten what a ride that song was. All sorts of goofy wordplay and vocal bits.

>> No.26589493

>short hair mel

>> No.26589495
Quoted by: >>26589553

what a coincidence i do too

>> No.26589496
File: 461 KB, 1200x675, EiRaYAaVgAEOc05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long post incoming. I tried to summarize KanAZKi's talks about the new cover.
>First time they've done a collab together so it was a collab that no one really expected. They've talked way back around Spring about doing a song together
>Kanata was the one who invited AZKi to do this collab and AZKi was really glad to be invited
>They had hard time picking what to sing at first picking from songs like Aqua Terrarium, Harumodoki, etc. but ended up with Mitsuba no Musubime. Once the song was decided, Kanata divided the parts at incredible speed that even AZKi was shocked at how fast she worked
>They talk about different Yanaginagi songs and how they're really difficult to sing. AZKi talks about how she wants to hear Kanata sing songs like Tokohana or Orarion which are not the usual Yanaginagi songs
>Kanata says there's a lot of similarity between Yanaginagi and AZKi in a sense that she admires both of their voices and want to 'oshi' them
>AZKi spends the next few minutes complimenting Kanata's singing voice before the premiere but she especially wants to sing with the 'cool' Kanata
>After premiere, they talk about the recording a bit especially how the chorus was done. Like recording it twice in a high tone and then a low tone then mixing it to make the chorus more impactful. AZKi also talks about the parts where the melody changes.
>Kanata also talks about how her 'wanwan, nyanyanya' backing vocals was completely fixed in the mixing. Kanata jokes about how they were 'perfectly tied' at the last chorus.
>Kanata also talks about how she often researches the songs she sings to get a feel of the song, she then explains it a bit and talks about it's significance as NagiAsu's ED theme. She says that it's important to take these things into consideration to bring out the feelings into the song. Also talks about how the illust/MV was made with the song and the anime in mind.
>Both talk about how they want to do more collabs together, not just in songs but also in normal streams. Also want to do a 3D live someday or a Yanaginagi only karaoke session.

>> No.26589497
File: 97 KB, 750x522, oldfag_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26589498

It just keeps growing jesus
Not a bad thing at all

>> No.26589499

Yeah good luck being an RL Idol after being a vtuber
the fans will hate her

>> No.26589501
File: 877 KB, 2220x3106, 1597238775736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589543

I love Coco!

>> No.26589503

Damn, Botan can't into organising and doing admin shit.
What a fucking dunce.

>> No.26589506
File: 95 KB, 442x390, lamynurse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make Lamy upset

>> No.26589505
File: 93 KB, 225x223, ...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589507
Quoted by: >>26589530

She has connections. It was obvious with the CoD thing and its obvious with the 3080.

>> No.26589508
File: 857 KB, 1920x1080, 2020-08-02 22_09_44-Greenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589584



>> No.26589511

The PS5 situation is worse, not a single person in holopro got one according to Temma

>> No.26589514

How could I get the voicepacks from booth? I don't want to order Mel's stuff from geekjack because that's a shit place and I get the feeling after a few emails that they're actually retarded, and I don't have enough money to buy it twice like I did with Towa's birthday goods because I'm a poorfag and I'm planning to supacha all of my savings to Miko when she came back
Also didn't subaru just had her second anniversary? She didn't get any merch?

>> No.26589515
File: 294 KB, 2048x1296, EiOnmECXsAwfl2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo's cat

>> No.26589516

You're forgetting merchandise also takes money to manufacture unless it's voice packs.

>> No.26589517
File: 259 KB, 946x2048, 1596139542073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i told you it would be something fun! im going to pick up her voice pack later this week!

>> No.26589519

NoelFlare or HaaWata?

>> No.26589520
File: 334 KB, 1448x2048, EdOGt51U0AAwHN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589875

I loved the duet so much, Kanata rarely sings in that kind of voice but it's the one I love the most. If only she could stream more...

>> No.26589522

they are nobodies without their personas

>> No.26589524

reddit containment working as intended

>> No.26589525
File: 111 KB, 600x518, EfUPcbOUMAELw03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592199

I claim this thread in the name of the snow people

>> No.26589526
File: 1.02 MB, 2894x3321, 1598028747749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aloe's armpit!

>> No.26589528
Quoted by: >>26589610


>> No.26589529

To think that people were projecting Botanfags to be the next Towafags

>> No.26589530


she's an official partner for Cold War, she prob has a hookup for hardware

>> No.26589533

>That choker
Is mel jewish?

>> No.26589534

I know she's a big fan of Haruhi but I'm impressed how she just reeled it off like that. I haven't thought about Haruhi-chan in years, let alone seen it.

>> No.26589536

you mean my wife

>> No.26589540


>> No.26589541

thanks heimin

>> No.26589543

Coco has no nipples!

>> No.26589544

she had 50percent english chats in her.minecraft today though?

>> No.26589545
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2020-09-19 【晩酌配信】一升瓶抱えてほろ酔い雑談【雪花ラミィ ホロライブ】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking Spirytus Rektyfikowany with Lamy!

>> No.26589547
File: 1.01 MB, 1202x945, Ayame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame let me pee in your butt onegai

>> No.26589551
File: 261 KB, 442x481, fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589649

look at this fucking loser playing all alone

>> No.26589552

>Haachama is regaining her sanity and interacting with other holos more
>Coco is going insane because no one plays ARK anymore
Minecraft is a blessing

>> No.26589553

What good taste you have fellow kenzoku!

>> No.26589554
File: 14 KB, 235x220, 1433656205665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26589556

gods work anon

>> No.26589557

I miss Mel's old hair...

>> No.26589559

Today was a nice day with Mel. Cya tomororw fellas

>> No.26589561

card games are boring
how the fuck do they even work

>> No.26589562
File: 68 KB, 564x529, 1600221434162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already beat her monthly donation average
>got merch that can actually utilize her biggest strength
I don't like saying this but Mel incline?

>> No.26589564

>botan pointing out one person is using a gamepad

lion is disappoint

>> No.26589568
File: 30 KB, 536x470, haachad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26589572
File: 251 KB, 421x367, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Botan is currently the best stream on right now!

>> No.26589578
File: 2.60 MB, 2960x4075, 021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589864

I love Aqua!

>> No.26589582
File: 628 KB, 537x541, onion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589583
Quoted by: >>26589624

what do you mean, the other thread is so COMFY and BETTER and SUPERIOR to this thread, just like all the /v/ threads before! they get to doxxpost and repeat the same discussions over and over again for all the newfags, what a nice thread! I think everyone who enjoys the above should head over there to find like-minded anons!

>> No.26589584

Marine is a shit streamer in general

>> No.26589585

>Yanaginagi only karaoke session.


>> No.26589586

Huh, they still show Suzaku on the Holostars audition page.

>> No.26589588

Bring back short-hair Mel, please.

>> No.26589589
File: 89 KB, 1200x848, EiQ_8X9U4AA_x5N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame and Subaru praised Shion's pussy
Shion yo invited Subaru to come over and play with her pussy

>> No.26589590
Quoted by: >>26589704



>> No.26589591
Quoted by: >>26589708

Just go on booth and buy it, they give your a download link via email. It's unlimited downloads unlike geekjack

>> No.26589595
File: 234 KB, 1920x1080, EiP1fASVoAEy3Bj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows better than samples

>> No.26589596
File: 46 KB, 356x356, good-heavens-would-you-look-at-the-time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are ENwhores finally gone?

>> No.26589597

shes so cute

>> No.26589598


>> No.26589600
Quoted by: >>26589685

I want Botan to call my mom gay in a lobby

>> No.26589602

Yes please

>> No.26589607
Quoted by: >>26589645

Marine's Utawaku is okay

>> No.26589608

The last thread was pure /pol/ and the meidos were asleep that time

>> No.26589609


you sing very well!

>> No.26589610

she really isnt that good at streaming

>> No.26589611
Quoted by: >>26589955

i cant believe how fast Mori leveled up in my personal rankings. She is definitely my favourite EN right now. The first song was a bit cringe as was the first stream and the collab but she is doing so much better now. I guess it does help that she streams at friendly times for me.

>> No.26589621


>> No.26589623

Thank you anon

>> No.26589624

Can we bring back who are you quoting while all the retards are there?

>> No.26589625
File: 121 KB, 1285x1097, シオンよ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

noooo don't rape Shionyo

>> No.26589626

>pass her turn
Haachama blain...

>> No.26589628

Every Marine utawaku is kino.

>> No.26589629


>> No.26589631
Quoted by: >>26589663

I think I love mel now anon

>> No.26589634

Hell yeah. I already love the song originally and to have my oshi sing it is a blessing.

>> No.26589635

dont donate when ur poor retard
the short dopamine kick wont be worth shit
she'll forget what you wrote within 2 minutes

>> No.26589636
File: 186 KB, 756x1008, towart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591215

For the children.

>> No.26589641

Cover incompetence at work

>> No.26589642

FUCK. Thanks for the chuckle anon

>> No.26589643

why does the number keep inclining

>> No.26589645

It's bad like all her solo streams

>> No.26589646

oji-san hands typed this post

>> No.26589648

I only know Gwent

>> No.26589649

shes just like me...

>> No.26589653

Its the reverse of the situation now. Coco finally going through Haato's suffering due to everyone abandoning ARK and EN getting her niche away from her.

>> No.26589654

bun bun cha

>> No.26589655

Anon... no one cares about AZKi...

>> No.26589656
File: 222 KB, 1501x1800, EhU6wFXUMAA_QHD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589761

Cute Mel!
Meldude do you buy Mel's voice clips?

>> No.26589661

I'm glad she finally moved on from us and got herself a good man

>> No.26589662

Noel making Flare proud

>> No.26589663
File: 58 KB, 304x537, BE82AF78-F8CA-4512-93CB-6790469088ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice !!

>> No.26589665

noel is too strong...

>> No.26589666
Quoted by: >>26589685

i want botan to shittalk me after goin 32/2 on me and my team

>> No.26589673
Quoted by: >>26589947

Thanks anon, if Kanata really comes through with more AZKi collabs I'll love her forever, 3D live sounds ambitious but really cool.

>> No.26589674
Quoted by: >>26589739

Not like it matters, by the time they get permissions to actually play any PS5 games they'll have one. No need to rush to get a console that will essentially be an expensive paperweight for months.

>> No.26589677
File: 81 KB, 288x254, 1590636762893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abayo luigi

>> No.26589679
File: 231 KB, 1018x1513, gebokawa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early Kaichou

>> No.26589683

Thank you ritual poster

>> No.26589685

is she really toxic or are you guys making up stuff? might pick her up if she is

>> No.26589686
File: 218 KB, 461x461, 1587017155458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589741

Why do I feel guilty for fapping to holo girls' lewd arts?

>> No.26589689
File: 826 KB, 498x498, nice joke very very hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice joke must've been very very hard

>> No.26589695
File: 2.94 MB, 1750x2000, 84473649_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26589696
File: 35 KB, 370x320, Ehef3guU0AQQA75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't use shion for console wars
and don't rape shion

>> No.26589698

EN and their fans are too big to care about JP now, which is a good thing.

>> No.26589699

I unironically want a squid girlfriend so she can teaches me how to draw

>> No.26589703

Remember when Aqua played games

>> No.26589704
Quoted by: >>26589846

I wish more people played Warzone, its way better than Apex.

>> No.26589705

Shut up minato aqua you are monkey

>> No.26589706

Well, they still own the Suzaku assets so they can use him as they please I suppose. I saw that the applications are open and also went for it before remembering that I'm a filthy N3 shithead. When will they open EN auditions again

>> No.26589708
Quoted by: >>26589877

I think Booth doesn't deliver where I live, because I had to order stuff from there through buyee so far, and I didn't get the downloadable things.

>> No.26589715

I'm watching, she's cute as always.

>> No.26589721

I want them to care about her, especially after this amazing cover...

>> No.26589722
File: 177 KB, 1280x959, 1600300677290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Migobi soon...

>> No.26589723

Why haven't snow elf, fire elf, and cyber elf announce their elf-only collab yet?

>> No.26589726
File: 732 KB, 1048x484, 20200919_145417220.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slap this whore

>> No.26589729

when tf will they play bowling

>> No.26589732

>Okayu at second to last world 90 minutes in

It's going too fast.

>> No.26589734
File: 35 KB, 387x458, 151651651616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26589735

Marine's song streams really do hit the right spots for me, I absolutely adore them.

>> No.26589739

I'm sure Sony permissions aren't too hard to get. They should be able to get it, especially at PS5 launch when they need people to shill for them

>> No.26589740
Quoted by: >>26591477

I just tuned in to Botan, is she doing viewer participation?

>> No.26589741

Every time you fap to their lewd a Holo cries privately about it.

>> No.26589742

Ojou... stream onegai...

>> No.26589743

Haachama I don't think your strategy of not playing cards is working very well...

>> No.26589744

I have to wonder how they feel about people masturbating to their avatars.

>> No.26589748
File: 120 KB, 675x900, EiRr089U8AAhZZe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589987

you're under arrest until you take your meds

>> No.26589749
File: 2.66 MB, 1280x720, senchou_at_the_wheel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589763

When will we see the pirate do actual pirate things?
Black Flag fucking when?

>> No.26589757

Oh no. But it's amusing at the same time

>> No.26589758
Quoted by: >>26589881

People who actually know about singing: How good is Marine?

>> No.26589759

keep your ritual post in the ENthreads where it belongs

>> No.26589760

Thank you for your service

>> No.26589762

Nope it’s easier to just stream bare minimum and peruse their other goal both those industries are competitive as fuck

>> No.26589761

I wish I could but I do not have money (´;ω;`) But I am trying to pay Mel back with my love and gaining more people !!! (*´∀`*)

>> No.26589763

>the pirate
she's just larping

>> No.26589764

Shion-Subaru offcollab sounds sweet, I really hope Subaru accepts the invitation.

>> No.26589766


>> No.26589768

>I haven't thought about Haruhi-chan in years
Didn't they announce a new novel coming finally? 2006 was a good year...

>> No.26589769

Holy shit Noel

>> No.26589773

>Hiting towa
Drunk Rushia best Rushia

>> No.26589774

Shion is a good girl with a nice pussy

>> No.26589777

>shoots up polka in L4D2
>attacks horses and other holos in Minecraft
Nene... stop attacking everything around you...

>> No.26589780
File: 2.10 MB, 1650x3274, Top 50 hololive, September 18 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN is rising but still small comparatively

>> No.26589783


>> No.26589785


>> No.26589786
Quoted by: >>26589917


>> No.26589788
File: 44 KB, 180x145, 834880736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589809


>> No.26589791

anything that breathes in the arm range of Nenechi gets attacked. fucking ADHD dork.

>> No.26589793
File: 190 KB, 1000x750, 1589737210993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want this to be your gf?

>> No.26589794
Quoted by: >>26589835

Marine is probably happy that Tanigawa finally got off his ass to publish another Haruhi book

>> No.26589796

Rushia passing Towa to Nenechi for the dunk!

>> No.26589799
File: 133 KB, 1023x723, ewwwwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589801

>nenecchi hitting twap after rushia hits her

>> No.26589802
File: 328 KB, 2048x1448, EiNUR4cUMAAHBjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa getting bullied by Botan and Polka!

>> No.26589805

>Haachama didn't even realized Noel already won

>> No.26589806
File: 82 KB, 277x316, 1599912939101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good stream today Mel. Very comfy.

>> No.26589808

Nene is warlike!

>> No.26589809

I want mio mama to be disappointed in me

>> No.26589810

>Nene follow up

>> No.26589813
File: 101 KB, 1000x1029, 1594448644341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589814
File: 538 KB, 1473x2048, EhoLRJwU0AUOwN1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589902

I'm going to miss the drinking stream, but I hope you Lamyfriends enjoy it!

>> No.26589822
File: 3 KB, 125x108, 1600181613458s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589823
File: 223 KB, 1000x1000, 1600174929368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blows up UAVs
>Drops armor for her allies

Shes too perfect.

>> No.26589825
Quoted by: >>26589983

Only a fag wouldnt

>> No.26589828
Quoted by: >>26589983

I would be happy for the rest of my life with this adorable hikki as my gf.

>> No.26589832
Quoted by: >>26589983


>> No.26589833

>no I hate towa
what's the point

>> No.26589835
Quoted by: >>26589946

Nobody cares about Haruhi at this point
Nobody cared about Haruhi when season 2 aired

>> No.26589836

they can do both of those things easier as a vtuber

>> No.26589838


>> No.26589840
Quoted by: >>26589983

I don't mind a boyfriend either

>> No.26589841

you'd best get a chicken girlfriend first so she can teach you english

>> No.26589842
File: 40 KB, 750x421, 1594562567702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589845
Quoted by: >>26589983

Yes, more than fucking anything. Literally the perfect woman.

>> No.26589846

I'd download it if that piece of shit wasn't so big

>> No.26589847
Quoted by: >>26590045

Chill Melbro, I will order it in your place. I started to watch her because of your shilling anyway.

>> No.26589848
Quoted by: >>26589983

You mean you don't?

>> No.26589850


>> No.26589852
File: 364 KB, 700x656, EiRot6sUwAArl2K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589874

APEX collab doko

>> No.26589853

Nene retweeting lewd mama artwork...

>> No.26589856
Quoted by: >>26589983

That's literally perfection

>> No.26589860 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.06 MB, 2400x3000, 1600518882385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26589889

gen 5 is an armpit gen!

>> No.26589864
File: 39 KB, 422x486, lol nice joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a pretty well done joke anon that must've been very very hard

>> No.26589865

Warzone looks kind of fun

>> No.26589868

That's a boy

>> No.26589874


>> No.26589875
File: 411 KB, 1792x2048, EXpsX4MUYAEjWJh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their voices go so well together, I love how it's so clear and easy to listen. They really picked a great song this time and I love that Kanata was finally able to cover a yanaginagi song.

>> No.26589877
Quoted by: >>26589954

Use buyee or tenso for physical items. Else just booth for downloads. It works fine here in Australia and they don't do any international shipping

>> No.26589880

>Flare keep getting bad card 4 turn in a row
>Noel finished last game with revolution and Flare instantly get 2nd with her crappy card

>> No.26589881

She does decent vibrato.

>> No.26589887
Quoted by: >>26589911

smile precure!

>> No.26589888

it's not like they're missing out on anything, I doubt anyone is dying to play demon souls

>> No.26589889

Oh no, the black ships have arrived!

>> No.26589891
Quoted by: >>26590045

i will get one in your name melposter, she deserves it

>> No.26589892
File: 1.87 MB, 2894x4093, IMG_20200919_172108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 51 Thread #8

Still waiting for Mikochi!

>> No.26589893

don't worry melposter, I also want a handwritten message from mel but I'm broke too

>> No.26589895

imagine the smell

>> No.26589902
File: 190 KB, 827x1755, EiK_4Q4VkAAKV1P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fortunately there's always very good timestamps on her archives to catch up on good moments, take care and see you next time

>> No.26589903

>tfw spend more time looking at Botans cute movements than the gameplay

>> No.26589905

That's really nice of that person. I hope more people follow suit. It's tough times.

>> No.26589907

You think this is fucking funny? Imagine you have to hear this shit all the time I’m warning you sons of bitches say onion one more time in Aqua’s stream and you’re all dead

>> No.26589911
Quoted by: >>26590040

Never thought the day would come when I'm nostalgic for Smile Precure of all things.

>> No.26589912

I will once she streams again

>> No.26589913
File: 411 KB, 1536x2048, 1591960380592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute butt

>> No.26589914

Nene's mama got 3D already?

>> No.26589915

Based squid poster

>> No.26589917

wrong thread

>> No.26589926

I mean... 500 dollars is 500 dollars.

>> No.26589932
Quoted by: >>26589953

Yes, send more money to my wife, she really needs it.

>> No.26589936


Nene so strong she knocks back 2 people with one blow

>> No.26589939

>punches god in craftopia
>punches SORA
I need Nene to play a western RPG or GTA so much.
Or even better, Red Faction Guerilla.

>> No.26589940

I love Kanatan and Kanata's diva friend!

>> No.26589942

>Haachama don't know card value

>> No.26589946


>> No.26589947

I hope she appears at one of AZKi's live, just like Suisei did but then that was when Suisei was INNK. For now a normal karaoke stream would suffice.

>> No.26589948
Quoted by: >>26589977

Marine's Misato impression in 3...2...1...

>> No.26589953


>> No.26589954

But Mel's merch contain both physical stuff and voices. Guess I'm fucked. Although maybe if I try to write an email to buyee they'll send it.

>> No.26589955

Okay EOP

>> No.26589960

does botan have any plans playing the cod campaigns?

>> No.26589968

There's no reason not to do both, they get a failsafe gig in case things go worng and cover gets extra exposure from their work, assuming you're even right

>> No.26589971

suzaku had the best design of the stars desu
shame it won't be used

>> No.26589974
Quoted by: >>26590481

That's actually really cool that Kanata dragged her out of the music room for a collab. Kanata also asked Sora out on a lunch date the first time she spoke to her so this further confirms that Kanata is a chad.

Also I've been hoping they'd include AZKi in a karaoke stream (like this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbkjVA6Fjh0)) for a while now.

>> No.26589978
File: 146 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589977

Ah, I was already too late, fucking kusa

>> No.26589979
File: 223 KB, 1500x1000, 1600379106001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is you.

>> No.26589980

>Aisha Channel
isn't this the girl the IDs sometimes collab with?
i thought she's a literally who indie leeching of the hololive name
can't believe she's bigger than risu

>> No.26589981
Quoted by: >>26590100

tfw utawaku trash who only watches utawaku streams

>> No.26589982
File: 18 KB, 520x176, yab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589983
File: 306 KB, 1200x1076, 1600004055223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26589985
Quoted by: >>26590149

whats wrong with this?

>> No.26589987

You're the one who need meds the most Mikochi

>> No.26589988


many like both, which is good for everyone in all honesty.

>> No.26589993
Quoted by: >>26590837

Haachama you fucking idiot.

>> No.26589997

does this mean everyone here is feeling more inclined to watch 5th gen after the minecraft stream

>> No.26589998

You are the gay one bro

>> No.26590000
File: 742 KB, 2344x2170, gays welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590002
Quoted by: >>26593592

finally a girlfriend i can tell to do all my gacha games dailies!

>> No.26590004

sora,haachama,marine,coco need nene

>> No.26590009
File: 95 KB, 352x397, 1599340345426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590013

Thanks, I don't feel like I have to supacha anymore

>> No.26590014


for a BR it's one of the best ones, that and Apex

>> No.26590016

Ricardo being proven right

>> No.26590018

She should play the entire series of Call of Cthullu and Darkest Dungeon atleast

>> No.26590021

Please watch Suisei

>> No.26590022


Was it autism?

>> No.26590023
Quoted by: >>26590056

I can’t respect people who post text walls with aka supa you either one line or nothing at all

>> No.26590024

Why does Watame sound like she's talking in her Minecraft toilet?

>> No.26590026

It's certainly a breath of fresh air after seeing so many

>> No.26590027

Watame is fucking lucky

>> No.26590031


>> No.26590034
File: 203 KB, 1000x937, maririnhips.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

蒼い風がいま 胸のドアを叩いても
そっとふれるもの もとめることに夢中で
運命さえまだ知らない いたいけな瞳

>> No.26590035

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.26590036
File: 39 KB, 518x561, 1595439952087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590431

Now wonder this post felt familiar.
I remember other 35ps trying to fill the void that Anzu left behind, but they could never match his consistency

>> No.26590038

A simple payback for drawing her bald, Nene never forgets

>> No.26590039
File: 635 KB, 1280x3616, 1594325081624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bear with it a little longer flare

>> No.26590040

Smile Precure is the peak as far as number of precure fanarts are concerned
Like there are other precures with 5 girls in the cast but the Smile cast is just that memorable
Also Miyuki's mom is hot

>> No.26590042
Quoted by: >>26590066

If you were in the management how would you approach inevitable Chicken/Rabbit collab?

>> No.26590044

It will be funny to see you change your tune when miko is back peko.

>> No.26590045

I do not really know because it feels wrong ! But if you really want to then I think OK ??... And please no physical things I do not want to dox Σ(°△°|||)︴

>> No.26590046

Thanks for the summary, anon. I missed the talking stream due to stuff.

Fuck you, I do. She's the closest I have to an oshi.

>> No.26590047

nah not really

>> No.26590050

>Please watch Suisei maybe played gacha

>> No.26590051

Why does she draw herself so skinny? We know she is fat

>> No.26590053
File: 89 KB, 1223x1093, 1593179678167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I was wondering how do I aquire sex with Shion yo?

>> No.26590056
Quoted by: >>26590137

I can’t respect people who donates or subscribes.

>> No.26590057

Damn,Flare always double-down at the right timing

>> No.26590061

Botan will always filter me with fps but I'm a regular on AsaLamy and Nenechi's lunch streams

>> No.26590064

>Be Watame
>Forced to team up with Haachama
>Play against try hard Noel and Flare

>> No.26590066

Super bunny man

>> No.26590069

>showa song
Marine yes please

>> No.26590072

>always minecraft holo

>> No.26590073
File: 31 KB, 437x297, 1595851008016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590175

En Towa yes.

>> No.26590078

Aqua is gone apparently

>> No.26590080

why are mutts like this

>> No.26590081
Quoted by: >>26590116

Senchou what the fuck

>> No.26590083
File: 444 KB, 618x666, 1597995566979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590116

Marine what the fuck are these voices

>> No.26590085

I'm in NenePro but don't really watch the others. Love their collabs though.

>> No.26590087

this marine voice is fucking cursed

>> No.26590092

Couldn't they go the Azki route also? Stay with Hololive and just switch branches?

>> No.26590093

Holy shit Marine that's fucking impressive

>> No.26590097


>> No.26590099


>> No.26590100

It's the second best content after big collabs

>> No.26590102

>double down when you're 2 digits away
Haachama you fucking moron.

>> No.26590104
File: 252 KB, 1429x2000, 1599217045136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the sex with this semen demon using that voice while you fill her WOMB

>> No.26590106

All these fucking EOP zoomers that don't get Hajimete no chuu

>> No.26590108

>NoeFure won again
Oh no no no no

>> No.26590112
File: 119 KB, 231x231, 1595689781648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at me fighting for a noble cause by dumping 500$ on an anime girl
what the fuck is wrong with this guy

>> No.26590113
File: 514 KB, 765x907, 1589307585782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590116

astel did this weird ass voice when _he sang it too, its just a part of the song

>> No.26590117

>double down
Haachama your gambling reps...

>> No.26590119

HaaWata... your card game reps...

>> No.26590120

That range is crazy Marine should be the one trying to be a VA. You can’t vtube for the rest of your life

>> No.26590127
File: 8 KB, 573x75, rehh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26590130
File: 525 KB, 547x703, 1600221860328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would she break if you hugged her too hard she looks like she would

>> No.26590131


>> No.26590132

Botan sounds like she has smelly armpits.

>> No.26590134


>> No.26590138

love this fucking retard

>> No.26590137
Quoted by: >>26590199

I can’t respect people who actually watch them I only read about them in this thread!

>> No.26590140

Learn how to lucid dream

>> No.26590146
File: 22 KB, 463x453, 1575511824672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590178

>flat chest
>baggy clothes
>short hair
that's a boy, you're all faggots

>> No.26590149

pretending you're doing anyone a favour
trying to flaunt your "good deed" for attention
making an embarrasing wall of text that has nothing to do with the streamer or the stream
if you want to donate, just do it, don't be a faggot about it

>> No.26590151

>choco dumb honestly

>> No.26590154

All japanese women is really smelly

>> No.26590156

is she singing enka?

>> No.26590157
File: 311 KB, 1792x1792, EfsKL-NUcAI4hg-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590158

So was Coco in the wrong for not pandering to her EOP fanbase until it was too late? Her 98% Japanese streams are boring for EOPs

>> No.26590160
File: 1.52 MB, 1844x1844, 1585577914858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590159

>You can’t vtube for the rest of your life
name one good reason why

>> No.26590161

Why not? If she can VA she can vtube

>> No.26590162
Quoted by: >>26590181

you into hags anon?

>> No.26590170


>> No.26590171
File: 939 KB, 954x534, 1595763088994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.26590174
File: 12 KB, 346x76, name.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590252

>> No.26590175
Quoted by: >>26590201

Fuck you Bibi. I hope you graduate soon.

>> No.26590178

nousagis are too based

>> No.26590181
File: 398 KB, 717x673, 1598044746563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're not?

>> No.26590183

hololive autistic

>> No.26590186

you need to be Aqua or Marine

>> No.26590188

I think it keeps a decent balance, we're going to see cursed numbers from her meme review stream...

>> No.26590189
File: 95 KB, 892x864, 1600017500386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fags doesnt want a comfy neet drawfag gf

>> No.26590190


>> No.26590192

But Marine is not old

>> No.26590194

It's a passing fad

>> No.26590195
File: 90 KB, 483x387, 1600475694692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590257


>> No.26590197

Because vtubing will be dead in 3 years

>> No.26590199
File: 133 KB, 1080x1080, EiOQGmHWsAESHj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't respect people

>> No.26590200

They make more money from vtubing

>> No.26590201
File: 15 KB, 366x411, 1599849521063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590205


>> No.26590206

Good news!

>> No.26590209


>> No.26590212


>> No.26590214

what, those are clearly spaghetti

>> No.26590217
File: 220 KB, 1500x1000, EcUlv0GVcAAXTw0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a seiyuu otaku after all. You should see her NND videos.

>> No.26590218

I don't think Haato blain is suitable for Poker

>> No.26590221
File: 145 KB, 1280x1280, 1598885611909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590222
File: 154 KB, 1430x2048, 1600439192005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590418

Nene butt!

>> No.26590226

as someone who spends a lot of time at the poker tables watching the girls play texas hold em hurts me a little everytime

>> No.26590227

The age thing is all in your mind just enjoy watching your anime waifus

>> No.26590228
Quoted by: >>26590256

Are these technically doxxing?

>> No.26590231
File: 348 KB, 598x545, 1579974444031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Nene so aggressive?

>> No.26590233

No one forced her

>> No.26590234
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 1599922271583.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590236

thats the most intense spaghetti i've ever seen

>> No.26590237
File: 172 KB, 410x410, dead senchou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590238
Quoted by: >>26590304

Everyone forgot what does this word means?

>> No.26590240

so long as there are men without girlfriends (and wierdos without any friends) there will be vtubers

>> No.26590242

I'm worried about Haachama...

>> No.26590243

Has any Holo ever expressed interest in becoming a voice actor?

>> No.26590248


>those dislikes

she really hates dick huh

>> No.26590250
Quoted by: >>26590283

vtubing is not a fad, retards
it's literally streaming but with anime girl avatars, and streaming is only getting more popular
it'll definitely be less popular though

>> No.26590251
File: 563 KB, 2500x3119, 1581295462534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590507

based squid bro

>> No.26590252

You got it, Kim Underscore Ayu the Third

>> No.26590255

TalesCHADs rise up

>> No.26590256

Considering it's in response to someone wanting a squid girlfriend I'm gonna say yes.

>> No.26590257
File: 210 KB, 364x238, 1600465647322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more of them together.

>> No.26590258
File: 39 KB, 733x540, samegaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't

>> No.26590260

You know what? I'd let Senchou sit on my face.

>> No.26590261

Rest in peace, Koro-yankee.

>> No.26590264
Quoted by: >>26590320

This gives off a tranny vibe

>> No.26590265

Haachama wanted to voice an eroge.

>> No.26590271
Quoted by: >>26590326

No White Light, no buy

>> No.26590273

haachamas roomate

>> No.26590275

hangovers suck

>> No.26590276

>Flare spent a large section of her last stream talking about what types of men she likes
/u/bros.... time to rope

>> No.26590277

Botan being older makes it hotter, same with Marine

>> No.26590279
Quoted by: >>26590310

theres DoT dmg in CoD now?

>> No.26590282

Nene is warlike.

>> No.26590283


>less popular
>it's not a fad when it's less popular than it was before

>> No.26590285

I bet she's the kind of person to just touch everything in a new room she enters

>> No.26590288

>>Flare spent a large section of her last stream talking about what types of men she likes
tell me more

>> No.26590289

chammers has no idea wtf is going on...

>> No.26590295

I was racking my brain trying to remember what this was from.

>> No.26590297

well what types of men does she like?

>> No.26590298
Quoted by: >>26590338

>Korone down
>Ayame down
>Subaru down
>Mio sitll down
>Aqua still recording

>> No.26590299

It’s a fad in the sense it’s a shiny new thing for retards for the next month or so but it will have a dedicated fan base that will keep the industry alive

>> No.26590300
File: 525 KB, 772x1080, ahoy~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590303

>Imagine if Coco hasn't had a mickey mouse voice, she's definitely unbeatable.

>> No.26590304

Only these threads mostly.
Used it as a replacement for shut-in

>> No.26590306

Because you don’t own the character and will eventually need to find other work? Marine is top 10 now but in 20 years? Now is the perfect time to plant roots in industry with your stream as a demo reel. Also no entertainer is going to be satisfied giving 60% of their earnings away, any musician or actor will push for a higher cut once they break out

>> No.26590310
Quoted by: >>26590359

You mean the gas?

>> No.26590311

Stop taking your meds and your imagination will start to run rampant. When I did I felt like I could touch people that weren't there. Just pretend Shion is there.

>> No.26590312

Literally perfect.

>> No.26590315

The more Nene reveals her inner lunatic the more I'm inclined to start tuning in.

>> No.26590316 [DELETED] 
File: 359 KB, 415x484, 1581325429078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess old hags have to rest from time to time

>> No.26590319


Marine is pretty much my age, stop making me feel old anonchama

>> No.26590320

stop projecting

>> No.26590322

>what types of men she likes
yeah in fiction

>> No.26590323

post cute squids

>> No.26590326
Quoted by: >>26590355

White Light is from game anon. Kaze no uta might be nice.

>> No.26590328

this cod looks actually fun...

>> No.26590329

>looks like spaghetti

>> No.26590333

Maybe Polka, I haven't watched her in a while and forgot how fun she was, gonna try and watch her more. I always try to catch Nene and Botan streams as is so there's not change here. Lamy either streams too late/early for me or just not that exciting. Still like her though.

>> No.26590334
Quoted by: >>26590399

>literally has a job
why are crossboarders like this

>> No.26590336
File: 106 KB, 905x996, s21d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590338
File: 123 KB, 830x960, 1600427898910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are giving her their vital energy

>> No.26590341

US people have money to burn, especially if they work in tech.
This is going to trigger seaniggers though.

>> No.26590352

wtf there are actually people that were born before 2000?

>> No.26590355

Oh forgot Abyss got an anime. Kaze no Uta is good, but come on White Light shits on everything besides Song 4 U

>> No.26590359


>> No.26590360

just start working on your tulpa

>> No.26590361
File: 300 KB, 379x454, 1597066846460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, FBK will beat her now

>> No.26590366
File: 96 KB, 288x302, 1600010209281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590439


>> No.26590367

Matuli got a gig in a gacha game recently, i can't think of a better way to express your interest in voice acting than being one.

>> No.26590369

I want to see something
Reply if you watch any of the holostars

>> No.26590376

how old are you Anon?

>> No.26590380
File: 389 KB, 512x527, 1600239410456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590382

Whats so fun about COD

>> No.26590385
File: 1.10 MB, 960x1924, 1599860095794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FBK there in support!

>> No.26590386

Yes, some even outed themselves.

>> No.26590388

I’ll never watch them I basically watch Luna, Mel and a bunch of indies no time for anyone else

>> No.26590387


>> No.26590390

yes, most holos for example

>> No.26590393 [DELETED] 


>> No.26590396

Winning Son

>> No.26590398
Quoted by: >>26590491

will we get another kaoru-tier talent?

>> No.26590399

Reminds me of the shitstorm that LN/Anime caused with the Neet detective.

>> No.26590400

>Marine x Rushia
oh yeah, that was a thing

>> No.26590403

I tune into Roberu on accasion

>> No.26590404

Somebody has to hook up Nene with a fighting game. Strap her with a gorilla character and she will unleash hell.

>> No.26590407
File: 162 KB, 1068x601, 1599319072652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590469

>What memberships do I have? Nene and Luna of course!

>> No.26590406


>> No.26590409
File: 254 KB, 1246x1723, 1599967490531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590473

You should be able to understand this

>> No.26590410

I watch Roberu and Astel occasionally.

>> No.26590412

abayo nigga

>> No.26590421

tfw cant donate to ere-chan to show her the sweaty way of playing cod.

>> No.26590418

super ultra mega hyper butt!!

>> No.26590423
File: 172 KB, 1280x720, 1589389230580.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590424
Quoted by: >>26590536

Why's he in a cage?

>> No.26590425

Watame stop with your gangimari face

>> No.26590426

this site is for 18 and up, gomen

>> No.26590430
File: 348 KB, 500x500, 1595070638019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abayo chocoball

>> No.26590431
File: 6 KB, 150x150, 1587146611967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590433

>missed fucking Astel utawaku

>> No.26590436


>> No.26590439
File: 331 KB, 1200x1920, 1598653739511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590680


>> No.26590442

softbye nigga

>> No.26590444


>> No.26590446
Quoted by: >>26590701

Astel utawaku is a must watch for me.

>> No.26590448

But Botan's age is a part of her appeal, she's very mature and chill but still really cute and sweet. It makes for some good gap moe especially with her design, remember how all the previews before debut looked serious but in reality she's constantly smug and smiling. Her giggles are heaven.

>> No.26590455

watame is dangerous

>> No.26590457

Drunk Holos are the best.

>> No.26590458
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1594769602724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nonononono
the meido is not going to like this

>> No.26590461


>> No.26590462
Quoted by: >>26590503

what if someone replies to you mutiple times

>> No.26590467

is he finally in prison?

>> No.26590468
Quoted by: >>26590521


17 (and 144 months)

>> No.26590469

minus points for chadposting tho

>> No.26590473

>It's very interesting that your sweet and lustrous voice, like your caramel macchiato, who is an adult and a child, does not lose its brilliance when put on the dark music of Metroid

>> No.26590474


>> No.26590476
File: 116 KB, 1421x133, pekochamber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590479

Next time lie and say 18 underagekun

>> No.26590480

Too bad she plays Warzone like a baba lol. JP CoD lacking in violence, speed, and momentum

>> No.26590481

Yeah, in Suisei's and Watame's case I'm pretty sure it was the other way around so I'm happy to see her reaching out to AZKi. And they really need to fucking do a big karaoke collab again.

>> No.26590482

season 2

>> No.26590484

This woman is literally Mei from Overwatch

>> No.26590485 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26590526


>> No.26590486


>> No.26590489


>> No.26590490

>simp $500 guilt free

>> No.26590491

Kaoru's only talent was networking and getting carried by a inoffensive design

>> No.26590492
File: 281 KB, 2047x1118, EiQ0x9WU4AAVT5r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what did we think of this collab?

>> No.26590493
File: 3.82 MB, 3541x2508, clownpussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does clown pussy taste like?
Are clown wombs fertile?

>> No.26590494
File: 871 KB, 4096x3086, EYN64gIU0AYO8WX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590530

Rate my taste.

>> No.26590496
File: 291 KB, 850x1259, himesama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590534


>> No.26590498

Do you retards really not get the joke?
He's 17 in the same way Marine is 17?
Come on, now.

>> No.26590499
Quoted by: >>26591898

Does Botan have kids yet?
you think she'd want foreigner kids?

>> No.26590503

For reference this isn't because of split autism or whatever, I'm just genuinely curious
I trust /hlg/

>> No.26590504


>> No.26590507

too big boobs

>> No.26590508

I need your cutest mori

>> No.26590510

mini-game island > boring ass coaster
where is the background variety

>> No.26590511

>Watame using the gangimari face
She has a good hand

>> No.26590513
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1599158027052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26590515


>> No.26590516

>"its been 59 minutes, should we end it here kiara?"

>> No.26590520

How do you not get the joke built on top of his joke?

>> No.26590521
Quoted by: >>26590582

im a mathlet but if im right ur over 26 or something
thats fucking old hope you had kids yet

>> No.26590523
File: 33 KB, 645x532, Nanorafit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590525

i dont usually open their stream but i always check them out when the homofags in the thread mentions the homos doing something funny

>> No.26590526
Quoted by: >>26590542

Luna has really attracted some of the worse people here I really hope you fags move on to someone else soon

>> No.26590528

/hlg/ made me watch roberu and astel.

>> No.26590529


Imagine impregnating a clown and on the day of birth you have like 17 clowns pop out of her

>> No.26590530
Quoted by: >>26590552

Good, now rate mine

>> No.26590531

Astel's utawaku is a must watch for me.

>> No.26590534
File: 421 KB, 1080x837, 1599229182130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to marry and have kids with the baby!

>> No.26590535

astelpex is fun

>> No.26590536

It's a wild beast, you can't let it roam free
Apparently in some countries small cats are kept in cages so they don't end up hurting themselves I first heard of it recently, but it makes sense. I've had some cats die unfortunete death because of stupid reasons. I once stepped on one by accident and one ended up hanging itself on a window

>> No.26590538

>not get the joke
>not get the joke

>> No.26590542
Quoted by: >>26590580


>> No.26590545
Quoted by: >>26590562

Should I buy Butterfierd 4 and play it with my friend?

>> No.26590551
Quoted by: >>26590576


>> No.26590552

>comfy streamers

>> No.26590555
File: 43 KB, 622x615, 85d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent choice Lumahime

>> No.26590557

Chicken maybe iffy but at least we can witness the pekoreich

>> No.26590561

I check Roberu and Shien if there isn't any girl I like streaming
Oga too sometimes

>> No.26590562


>> No.26590565

Watame strong!

>> No.26590567

FBI open up!

>> No.26590569

>Haato is the only one without win

>> No.26590573

Abayo chocoball

>> No.26590576
Quoted by: >>26590623

What, I can't post about hololive in the hololive thread?

>> No.26590579

go back

>> No.26590580
Quoted by: >>26590608

You guys are EOPs from the VR stream it’s painfully obvious

>> No.26590582
Quoted by: >>26590651



>> No.26590585
File: 177 KB, 498x498, 3a1hfiy6iih51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590672

botanCD MY MAN

>> No.26590588
Quoted by: >>26590615

A bit older is okay but when she's literally old enough to be your mom it's too much

>> No.26590593

I'm still not sure what's going on with Coco's upper lip

>> No.26590594
File: 305 KB, 1000x1452, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_rotmico__e15e97d26052498742185aef97b83405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590595
File: 237 KB, 427x505, 1597594025440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dumb retard

>> No.26590596
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, EiNWM2AU4AEQvz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26590597


>> No.26590603
File: 128 KB, 400x400, 56165987321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590607

>"LEVEL 19 peko"

>> No.26590608
Quoted by: >>26590626

how new?

>> No.26590609
File: 21 KB, 261x245, 1598901110915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590628

I want Nenechi to stab me!

>> No.26590614

It live

>> No.26590615

Do your age reps anon, become older for Botan

>> No.26590616

I'd rather watch her play APEX desu...

>> No.26590619
File: 84 KB, 637x900, EiNOkFPUcAEMSq0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheep stew!

>> No.26590620
File: 183 KB, 1280x720, 1588580859371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korosan... you kept drinking even after finishing the stream... right...?

>> No.26590623

well thats not really it
holoEn just attracts the worst people so i'd rather not have that shit here since we have a thread for that

>> No.26590626

You should stop posting it’s embarrassing

>> No.26590627
Quoted by: >>26590673

Will 4th gen ever collab together again?

>> No.26590629

ngl this Marine utawaku was kinda poggers?

>> No.26590628

Is the sweet release of death the only way we can leave NenePro?

>> No.26590633


>> No.26590634

Ahoy! Ahoy! Ahoy! Ahoy!

>> No.26590636

not pregnant enough

>> No.26590637
Quoted by: >>26590648

Oh shit love confession time

>> No.26590638
File: 271 KB, 1193x1200, 1576328539146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590658


>> No.26590639

Everybody watch Choco! please!

>> No.26590642

wtf when was this?

>> No.26590643
File: 278 KB, 2444x2047, 2020-08-12_EfMtLqDUcAAe70k_@ireieri_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590644

Why does this thread love Luna now?
Yes, now. There weren't this many Lunafags back then

>> No.26590645
File: 339 KB, 1920x1080, EcIwFdQUwAEKSfW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590727


>> No.26590646

>What should we do kiara-chan? Should we continue?

>> No.26590647


>> No.26590648

Well, that was pathetic

>> No.26590650

I like this

>> No.26590651

d-dont laugh at me

>> No.26590652

i do. i enjoy them very much

>> No.26590656
File: 430 KB, 1920x1080, 1581524770371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590657

>a 18 y/o confessing to 30 y/o
Feels weird

>> No.26590658

This song is so fucking good whatthefuck

>> No.26590660
File: 2.74 MB, 444x720, dance.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahoy! Ahoy! Ahoy! Ahoy!

>> No.26590666
File: 431 KB, 748x699, 1600340543644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590667
File: 134 KB, 360x344, 1599062235121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26590669
File: 1.42 MB, 1312x740, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something tells me... Lamy didn't make this thumbnail

>> No.26590672
Quoted by: >>26590788

Sunglasses Botan going full violence, speed, momentum in solo Warzone I will pog

>> No.26590673

All of them collabed together during Coco's ARK zoo streams.
Except Luna.

>> No.26590676

help me bros, Ahoy~ always makes me gosling extra hard

>> No.26590678

That's how is it on Planet Taotao.
It's all about martial arts and fighting.

>> No.26590679


What's that? If you mean good then it always has been.

>> No.26590680
File: 1.65 MB, 2899x5154, luna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590684

we all know watame is a predator

>> No.26590683

i stopped getting filterd

>> No.26590687

I watch many of them, but I watch my winning daughter the most

>> No.26590688
Quoted by: >>26590747


>> No.26590696


>> No.26590697
Quoted by: >>26590712

ohno Lamy mama your stream is not showing up on jetri.

>> No.26590698
File: 165 KB, 362x397, 1598203844154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590720

Go back to /hlgg/ Mori

>> No.26590699

I’m guessing it’s some burger underage he turns up spamming every day now

>> No.26590701
File: 341 KB, 1377x2037, 0A7A8B4F-9FF9-45D2-997C-44818F03C02D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you watch last nights?
Any anon clipped any of it?

>> No.26590704
Quoted by: >>26590743

Because she's been getting a lot better as a streamer, handles her chat well, interacts with EOP and people got over bby voice

>> No.26590707
Quoted by: >>26590749


>> No.26590709
File: 53 KB, 457x497, kudastop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back please thank you

>> No.26590712

She's remaking the stream because it was shadowbanned

>> No.26590713
File: 38 KB, 350x442, 1600478607025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid ending was too powerful

>> No.26590715

I mostly listen to Roberu's zatsudan, Astel and Izuru's singing streams. I do watch some gaming streams from Roberu, Oga and Bossu, but rarely.

>> No.26590719

>Shion Aqua Okayu Marine 3D collab

>> No.26590720

Mori browser redd*t, not this place.

>> No.26590723

It was so low energy that I cringed
Haawata is such a forced ship

>> No.26590727

>ASMR content BTFO by youtube
>Can't sing
>Only plays ARK
Is there any holo in worse shape than Choco these days?

>> No.26590729
File: 1.06 MB, 3770x4096, 1598114538800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590776


>> No.26590731

Will Luna collab with 4th other gens if Coco wasn't in it?

>> No.26590734

Kuso pheonix

>> No.26590736

Aqutan, Shion, Okayu and Marine 3d tomorrow

>> No.26590738

And not a shitty horror game either, but a good one.

>> No.26590743
Quoted by: >>26591005

She’s no different than she was before it’s just she pandered to the EOPs so they’re out in force

>> No.26590745

I couldn't watch Astel's singing stream from this morning. Is there a chance someone archived the audio at least?

>> No.26590747
Quoted by: >>26590802

go back

>> No.26590746

all me

>> No.26590749
Quoted by: >>26590803

What happened to Lamy's stream? I could have sworn it's in Jeti or something.

When Haachama gets back to Japan.

>> No.26590751

Always has been

>> No.26590756

I love Luna cause she is shitpost incarnate.

>> No.26590758
Quoted by: >>26590784

Not emily wants to play four holos 3D collab?!
holy shit yes

>> No.26590762

She stopped acting like a retard and pretending, now she's just outright goofy and entertaining.

>> No.26590764

Those laughs always got me.

>> No.26590766
File: 401 KB, 439x513, 1598270955361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Marine isn't doing a voice, that's what she sounds like

>> No.26590765

*aloe image*

>> No.26590772

off collab at Mio's house the next day of the 3D?

>> No.26590773

Yep, along with that one or 2 anon who like this same homo as me

>> No.26590775

fake news

>> No.26590776

This is sekuhara.

>> No.26590777

Choco sizing up her dinos...

>> No.26590779
File: 353 KB, 850x601, sample_c2da507b1b037cd24829fd9f4320f2b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591168

I'm feeling sad about the Ayame stream being canceled, bros.

>> No.26590781

Luna left out in Minecraft, left out in ARK, left out in the 5th gen collabs. What's her endgame?

>> No.26590782


>> No.26590784

I look forward to it

>> No.26590785


>> No.26590788

please take the rope

>> No.26590789
File: 467 KB, 638x900, EdnSUqsVoAAOpAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590821

>Aqutan, Shion, Okayu
>and Marine
oh no

>> No.26590793

Marine and Okayu is my favourite no chemistry duo

>> No.26590794


>> No.26590797 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 731x412, 1600521013778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590834

You're here forever mori

>> No.26590801
File: 3.27 MB, 2300x3221, 1599872169497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590856

theres just so much soul coming out of that picture you just know who made it

>> No.26590802

okay pedo

>> No.26590804
File: 4 KB, 236x65, 1598493811336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591069

Towawa takes the banter on twitter well.

>> No.26590803

got shadowbanned, she remade the slot

>> No.26590805

When did that start though? I unsubbed from her since Luna 3D. I will give her a chance if that's true.

>> No.26590806

She just doesn't care much, nothing wrong with it.

>> No.26590807
Quoted by: >>26590834

anonchama...your eigo reps

>> No.26590808
File: 454 KB, 590x635, 1598236028472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just imagining things

>> No.26590811
File: 417 KB, 779x261, conglaturation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, I saw a dream where Pecor was streaming Fallout 4. I was confused for a minute when I woke up and noticed she'd played Xenoblade again.

>> No.26590812
File: 211 KB, 1600x1200, 1600435559293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590885

>> No.26590814
Quoted by: >>26590844

Has she ever broken her character?

>> No.26590818
Quoted by: >>26590908

If you're talking about the one earlier, yeah I did. Unfortunately, I don't have any clips of it or know anyone who clipped the stream. Sorry anon.

>> No.26590821

Marine gonna stab Shion on the offcollab for pumping and dumping her.

>> No.26590822

Mixing alcohol with your treatment is no good

>> No.26590823
Quoted by: >>26590913

Luna is antisocial? Someone call the presses this is new behaviour from her!

>> No.26590825
Quoted by: >>26592381

I keep forgetting that the Proto Arthur homo exists. What's his appeal?

>> No.26590829

Luna AND Aki. Aw yeah.

>> No.26590830
Quoted by: >>26590881

There's basically gap moe between her retarded antics and voice and actually being decent at video games and handling chat as well as memes. There's just something hilarious about a retarded baby candy princess who actually handles herself very well, teases other members in collabs, is above average at games etc.

>> No.26590834
Quoted by: >>26590862

She's posting on reddit now, she's a redditor, end of story.

>> No.26590835
File: 286 KB, 296x357, SHION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590837

This kid is so angry while they are playing for fun lol

>> No.26590841


>> No.26590844

back when she's piss off drunk in noel's house, almost cant recognized her voice

>> No.26590846
File: 887 KB, 1000x1406, 1593375989122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

- is sharper than she lets on, especially during collabs where her she can catch people off guard with her wit
- has an affinity for movies and will often cutely quote her favorites or hum her favorite music from them
- knows how to have fun with her Live2D
- has one of the best superchat reads
- is known to support her crazier friends when they need advice
- has a very methodical approach to playing and beating games that makes her entertaining if you can understand her and give her a chance
- is on par with Pekora in maintaining her character
- will power through horror games despite being terrified of them
- remembers who regularly sends her superchats
- found her niche in practicing piano and expresses believable joy in playing it. Usually doesn't want to stop when she knows she's been playing too long.

Her 神ED is also produced by kanzaki hiro

>> No.26590848

Is this the fabled Zionbowl

>> No.26590850
File: 69 KB, 526x720, 1589872794095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, how did I miss this

>> No.26590851
Quoted by: >>26590883

Her first Dark Souls was her fucking pretending she hadn't played the game before although she could go perfect dodges and parries, it filtered me hard.

>> No.26590856

I fucking hate reddit more for doing that. Fuck Coco for putting that shit on a spotlight.

>> No.26590857

When's Mori Browser?
Every time you change a tab it drops a fat rap bomb on you.
Closing the t just shouts PEACE

>> No.26590859


>> No.26590860
Quoted by: >>26590895


>> No.26590861

Go watch Miyabi's wind waker playthrouh
My man got robbed because Nintendo can't patch their fucking games

>> No.26590862
Quoted by: >>26590882

Go back

>> No.26590863
File: 328 KB, 1405x1889, womb41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still don't understand why Marine makes me want to breed her so much.
Is it the voice? The way she moves in 3D? The exposed tummy? How does she do it?

>> No.26590864
Quoted by: >>26590955

I finished subbing the Subaru minecraft visit but I can't upload to catbox at the moment so you're gonna have to wait until it comes back up. The entire thing is 22 minutes + a bit long

>> No.26590871

Things haven't been the same since the Matsuri collabs stopped

>> No.26590873

If you couldnt stream and create contents like her how about I call you moron faggot?

>> No.26590875
File: 296 KB, 400x415, 1599198646993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you onion!

>> No.26590876

Roberu has impressive voice rage. I remember one time he used his low voice somewhere in jump king stream and he never used it again. such a shame.

>> No.26590878
File: 257 KB, 457x325, pffft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self hating

>> No.26590879

When is Mio going to stream again

>> No.26590881


>> No.26590882

Go back to redd*t where your whore belongs

>> No.26590883

lol right

>> No.26590885
File: 402 KB, 641x361, 1600514177659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590890


>> No.26590892

Did you not check her Twitter yesterday anon?

>> No.26590894

what the hell is this cursed image

>> No.26590895
File: 205 KB, 333x399, 1595940614563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590899

Weird to think that we went months without a 3D collab only a little while back, now there's at least one a week it feels like.

>> No.26590901
Quoted by: >>26590988

Holy shit, busted!

>> No.26590904

A fight to the death with Shion as the prize for the victor.

>> No.26590906 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 1079x168, h-hina_I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls pity sub I just could not help but comment something nice and that reply really made my heart hurt


>> No.26590907

good joke must have been very hard

>> No.26590908
File: 371 KB, 1500x2125, 1C6C6C84-DF74-49BD-ABB2-D0632E4A99B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah fuck that’s fine, thanks anon

>> No.26590909
File: 424 KB, 548x421, 1598869034654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591038


>> No.26590910
File: 3.36 MB, 2248x2416, s-senchou....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590912
File: 35 KB, 514x291, neneart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pride of graphical design

>> No.26590913
Quoted by: >>26590959

Newchamas still don’t realize what a chad Luna is. Stays in character after breaking her neck, doesn’t need any collabs to entertain, voice filters faggots so chat is always nice.

>> No.26590916
File: 971 KB, 1200x1200, menhera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591056

What the fuck? When did Marine reach 600k subs? When the fuck did Korone hit 800k? I swear they were like several hundreds of thousands lower last I checked.

>> No.26590915
Quoted by: >>26590988

Post scared Noel

>> No.26590917

speaking of, is the gen 3 offcollab still up? cant find it

>> No.26590919

Wasabi injection kills the wolf

>> No.26590920

go to your next stream, please stream soon ;_;

>> No.26590921
Quoted by: >>26591021

She has done all this stuff for ages you’re just all late to the party

>> No.26590922
File: 305 KB, 432x385, 12412412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590988


>> No.26590923

To the hospital, we need to fix your throat

>> No.26590929

Cute to think that the reason Pekora didn't stream her perspective was so she could voice chat with Miko on discord.

>> No.26590937
Quoted by: >>26591031

nevermind found it

>> No.26590938
File: 19 KB, 407x253, EVERYDAYUNTILYOULIKEIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591010

I want to end pekoposters

>> No.26590941
File: 665 KB, 1219x1158, ん?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26590988


>> No.26590940

Mainly Rikka utawaku, Roberu, Shien, and Oga,. Also want Aruran to incline because he's cool.

>> No.26590948


>> No.26590952

the sleepover? not sure but there's a bunch of translated ones

>> No.26590954
File: 471 KB, 2048x1534, EhzEA75UwAA7pee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590955
Quoted by: >>26591045

Good shit anon

>> No.26590956 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 344x648, 1599434014853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590959
Quoted by: >>26591047

I was like the only guy here defending Luna back in the early days and people here are acting like she changed in a big way I guess she’s getting more subtitled clips or something so they’re seeing how great her banter is

>> No.26590962

to bed you need rest to fix voice ;_;

>> No.26590966

go back to streaming onegai[/spoil

>> No.26590967

I feel like his design has the same ‘mistake’ anons say of Nene, washed out and not enough contrast

>> No.26590970 [DELETED] 

fuck you anon, I'm genuinely sad now

>> No.26590971
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1596978772652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CoC stream is a delight, Ina is so into it that she sometimes seems to forget to pay attention to the chat

>> No.26590976

Jouzuna joku da ne

>> No.26590982
File: 394 KB, 597x1443, ENTER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26590984
File: 870 KB, 1171x1920, 79871903_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591070

She nails the "old hag pretending to be young" act (because that's what she is), and it makes you want to breed her before it's too late.

>> No.26590987

So is Coco's 1m subs plan working out

>> No.26590988

The Game

>> No.26590989
Quoted by: >>26591067

Pekora congratulating Miko on her newborn!

>> No.26590990
File: 1.25 MB, 2469x2932, 84421403_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delaying suba for this

>> No.26590993
Quoted by: >>26591071

>This fucking shit AGAIN
Jesus christ

>> No.26590999
File: 52 KB, 428x600, Botan.Ch..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you play with botan boys?
im 3.4KD in warzone, pretty sure i can carry the queen even with high ping.

>> No.26591001
Quoted by: >>26591028

botan has like, 5 different language translators it seems

>> No.26591003

who are you quoting?

>> No.26591004 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26591068

convince me

>> No.26591005
Quoted by: >>26591033


>> No.26591006

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26591010

What’s this type of dance called? Someone add disco lights

>> No.26591013

Imagine how she'll seethe when shark overtakes her.

>> No.26591015

Believe me RL idol is some fucked up shit. They will be stressed to death

>> No.26591017

Why is Fubuki watching this again?

>> No.26591018
Quoted by: >>26591089

i kept the video open on Jetri and it still plays for me for now. i tried to record the audio with audacity but the video keeps lagging and the sound cuts off from time to time.
i suppose i can try to record songs individually but that would take a long time and i have to keep my laptop on and that tab open for the whole duration and i'm not sure i could make it

>> No.26591019
File: 339 KB, 2864x1908, 1591427056022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ceilling rushia is watching you interact with miko

>> No.26591021
Quoted by: >>26591052

>no one even recognizes the pasta anymore
maybe its you thats late to the party?

>> No.26591026


>> No.26591027
File: 36 KB, 245x247, ....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591061

I have noticed that you, anon, did an exceptional job at creating a somewhat difficult wisecrack. I must admit though that I feel like that must've been very very hardo

>> No.26591028

the world needs mommys love

>> No.26591029
File: 70 KB, 749x749, 37236200_478347022607929_5082215594263052288_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These kids do not know this is a boomer site.
Almost everyone here is in their late twenties at best.
I am the same age as Botan.

>> No.26591031
Quoted by: >>26591055

She sounds exactly the same as always?

>> No.26591033

Did you spam peko and ogey before?

>> No.26591035

haha, Flare's got a funny face

>> No.26591038
File: 1.76 MB, 254x498, womb43.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591040

my favorite is the slavs

>> No.26591041

This stream finally made me subscribe to Rushia, her sniping Polka was hilarious

>> No.26591044

This, turning 30 this month

>> No.26591045

Here's something that I just thought you can do in the mean time
Here's the original video
Here's the srt file in a pastebin. Download it and rename it to a srt file with the same name as the above catbox video play them in the same folder and the subs should load.

>> No.26591047
Quoted by: >>26591083

she's doing better gaming streams now and she isn't hanging with that crazy loser
and she spoke some english

>> No.26591049

Wish they did something else

>> No.26591052
Quoted by: >>26591228

Reposting your own shit isn’t pasta

>> No.26591054

Who the fuck are you even talking to seamonkey?

>> No.26591055
Quoted by: >>26591132

See >>26590766

>> No.26591056

Well I duuno about Marine but Korone got over 100k last month alone. They're blowing past milestones like they're nothing. The dog is set to take the lead from Fubuki and then reach 1M subs by November at this rate. Hololive has continued to blow up anon, it's 'blink and you miss it' stuff

>> No.26591057

Thanks anon

>> No.26591058
Quoted by: >>26591123

m8 there are still people on this site that were born in the 70s

>> No.26591059 [DELETED] 

>voice changer
no thanks

>> No.26591061

Ha ha... joke... very hard...

>> No.26591062

She liked it that much.

>> No.26591063

Good luck becoming an idol at their age.

>> No.26591066
File: 104 KB, 290x349, 1600172436659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not in my late twenties, I'm 19 grandpa.

>> No.26591067
Quoted by: >>26591099

I hope the 35P are supportive when Miko reveals this is actually true.

>> No.26591068 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26591131

I-I can't, her avatar is cheap, her mouth does not even move and making it lewd screams of desperation
but the fact she is still going after 2 years is admirable, I would have stopped a long time ago with those numbers

>> No.26591069
Quoted by: >>26591215

Who is getting on the bants with Towa now?

>> No.26591070

she isn't old though she's 28
she just convinced herself she's old so she's a young person pretending to be old pretending to be young

>> No.26591071

meant for >>26590956

>> No.26591072
File: 238 KB, 850x1186, 1595640956162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591075
File: 119 KB, 976x925, 1600475826466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591082 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26591131

Her model is disgusting coomerbait so no, fuck off. Comission a cute loli and I will subscribe.

>> No.26591083

That’s the only real difference to me she isn’t relying of festival any more

>> No.26591089
Quoted by: >>26591185

It’s fine anon don’t force yourself! Could you give me a general gist of, was it a bit of a mix of everything again?

>> No.26591090
Quoted by: >>26591107

i have bad news for you grandpa

>> No.26591094

>they agree to let you be their roommate
>as long as you do what you're told
>have to do all the chores, cook all their meals, get all the groceries, and be their valet to and from the studio
>think it won't be so bad
>until you come to realize these girls rarely shower and just spend all day sleeping or streaming
>any dirty clothes they have they usually just pile on your floor
>except for Coco who has a habit of stripping in front of you and throwing it at you
>she always makes fun of you for getting a boner when you do
>then softly grabs your bulge massages it a little and whispers "you better not try anything, if I find one drop of your sperm anywhere in the house, if I find you huffing any of our panties, if I even see you looking at any one of us with lustful eyes you're out of here. Got that?" then pushes you away and tells you to get out of her room
>they regularly walk around naked in the house
>sometimes Kanatan will intentionally be in nothing but a bathrobe and brush her naked body against your back just to taunt you
>get in the car to drive Suisei to the studio
>she tells you how sorry she is that they treat you so badly and that she really appreciates all you do for them that she'll make it up to you somehow
>after several hours of a long collab you pick her up
>she's completely out of breath and covered in sweat
>as you're driving back to Holohouse she tells you to pull over
>leads you to the side of an abandoned building then lifts her arms and looks at you then says "this is what you like isn't it? please continue until you are satisfied...just don't mention it to the others..."

>> No.26591096


>> No.26591099
Quoted by: >>26591285

Judging by them in here they would prefer she had a serious illness than for her to be a mother.

>> No.26591102

super ultra mega hyper!!

>> No.26591103
File: 73 KB, 233x251, 1600500861211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she isn't old though she's 28
Thanks for making me feel a little younger anon

>> No.26591107
Quoted by: >>26591167

go back

>> No.26591108


>> No.26591111

It's basically someone who's insecure about becoming old, and thus joking about being young, while actually not being old just yet.

>> No.26591113

it's not a secret anon
anytime you see an uptick in posts about someone /hlg/ doesn't usually talk about it's a newfag sperging out

>> No.26591114

Imagine wasting your life away simping for vtuber where most of them are fat and ugly in real life instead getting a real girlfriend

>> No.26591115

I ain't reading all of that, just say if it's based or cringe

>> No.26591121

Abayo anonchama

>> No.26591123
Quoted by: >>26591188

I want to go back..

>> No.26591124
File: 104 KB, 270x270, nobody.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who will be the first holoEN to yabee the fuck out of her career.

>> No.26591127

Holy fuck Botan

>> No.26591131

i know man>>26591068

but still...

>> No.26591132

But the guy I responded to said she was almost unrecognizable.

>> No.26591135

where's the tldr?

>> No.26591139
File: 385 KB, 500x726, 46922060_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her voice reminds me of Hibiki with that quality it has, except Manami Numakura's natural speaking voice is nothing like it.

Marine singing some Hibiki songs would be great.

>> No.26591142

based newfag

>> No.26591143

Okay that was sick from Botan.

>> No.26591146

Its not going well. Should have done this before EN dropped.

>> No.26591147
Quoted by: >>26591194

botan soloing squads, wtf

>> No.26591151

Even worse it’s newfags pretending to be old fags

>> No.26591152
Quoted by: >>26591205

An eternity of being teased by Kanata, Coco and Suisei
Eventually Suisei presents her armpits to you and says "Hai douzo"

>> No.26591153

Learn some japanese or stfu if haachama and watame didnt dd they going to lose to team noelflare anyways. You are an IDIOT

>> No.26591155
Quoted by: >>26591205

holohouse makes you horny so you fuck Suisei's sweaty pits

>> No.26591160


>> No.26591161
File: 90 KB, 648x567, konpeko konpeko konpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591164


desu. most of us would probably get a fat and ugly gf minus the cute anime bits so not exactly an upgrade

>> No.26591166

learn how to use grammar before complaining cunt

>> No.26591167

i literally cant go back
21 but been here for 6 or 7 years....
well not "here" on this board but you know

>> No.26591168

Subaru is down as well so who knows

>> No.26591173

>getting a gf
Yes, the falling in love part is great, after that not so much. You realize they're just another annoying person.

>> No.26591175

won't happen because western culture is different

>> No.26591176

>she's 28
not 'til December

>> No.26591180
File: 429 KB, 800x748, 1598536292461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want a tldr for lewd OC masterpieces you flaming faggot

>> No.26591183

She should just basically start doing regular English only streams during dead hours guaranteed subs and views

>> No.26591185

it was a mix of everything with him flexing his range. your usual Astel utawaku

>> No.26591186
Quoted by: >>26591230

>Coco rather plays Craftopia than Minecraft

>> No.26591187

she'll be luck to make it to 800k

>> No.26591188
File: 576 KB, 582x771, 1599961471147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do i but there's only one way and that is Forward

>> No.26591189
File: 1.74 MB, 1278x718, mpc-hc64_Vxu7mM9dhH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep got it going, thanks again.

>> No.26591190
Quoted by: >>26591227


>> No.26591191

Damn, Choco gets to eat THAT?

>> No.26591192

It's a bit comical that she probably would have more subs without that stream where she set the goal. It forced her into a numberfagging mindset and although she got suggestions from viewers, I think most of them were pretty obvious.

>> No.26591194

Botan is a gamer god, I wish I could drop with her.

>> No.26591201

Chicken will be the first to retire but yabee wise it'll be the shark.

>> No.26591205

ok fine I'll read it

>> No.26591208

How fucking new?

>> No.26591215
File: 45 KB, 580x601, 1596843023335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591488

She replied to an anon>>26589636

>> No.26591216

Very hot

>> No.26591219
File: 5 KB, 138x141, Eh2MA7CXYAAP3mi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this?

>> No.26591221

I'd ask for her sister next time

>> No.26591224
File: 12 KB, 300x200, sanshoku-cheez-gyudon-300x200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592220

>Learn some japanese or stfu if haachama and watame didnt dd they going to lose to team noelflare anyways. You are an IDIOT

>> No.26591225

Maybe they are practing for something

>> No.26591227

Stop this

>> No.26591228
File: 69 KB, 1069x332, luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591230

She sucks at Minecraft, like it was embarrassing

>> No.26591235
File: 110 KB, 276x284, watame da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 hours ,listening to Watame lullaby

>> No.26591236

>Miko watching meds

>> No.26591238

god i fucking hate you

>> No.26591242
File: 244 KB, 325x325, 1599636432763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591243

>visit a sick person
>get sick
>get a visit from a sick person
>get sick
I'm surprised Okayu didn't catch it as well.

>> No.26591248
File: 338 KB, 498x499, 1599151546552.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's next on Nene's list?

>> No.26591250

how can you 'suck' at Minecraft it's a building game

>> No.26591252
File: 23 KB, 347x340, luna_smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, now. There weren't this many Lunafags back then
Look at this newfag and laugh at him.

>> No.26591257

>most of them are fat and ugly in real life
And yet, they're still out of your league.

>> No.26591264

i wish choco would scold me like she scold her spinos for running around

>> No.26591266


well the best way to get better at minecraft is playing minecraft

>> No.26591267
Quoted by: >>26591538

who's the first holotuber to get the rona

>> No.26591270

Vtuber is girlfriend experince without the annoying part.

>> No.26591273

Bros if Botan is a hag how is she better at cod than me?
I though after 26 you cant play shooters anymore

>> No.26591278
Quoted by: >>26591311

>twitch thot loses 100k subs in one day after she says she has a boyfriend
>reddit and forums dedicated to doxxing people
i'd say the west is even worse

>> No.26591279

Roberu, and bossu sometimes. Though i had to partially watch astel during holoen debut.

>> No.26591282

I suck at minecraft because I'm too retarded to build

>> No.26591285
Quoted by: >>26591308

I'd rather believe in her own words than some narrative and shitpost here.

>> No.26591286


>> No.26591288

Mio really spreading that flu around huh

>> No.26591287

I started liking her after the hotdog is enemy fall guys marathon

>> No.26591290

I really hope Subaru feels better soon.

>> No.26591295


>> No.26591297

Astel and Izuru utawaku

>> No.26591300

>She sucks at Minecraft
how does this even work
theres noone to doxx tho...

>> No.26591302
Quoted by: >>26591347

the boys are more entertaining than most of the girls

>> No.26591305
Quoted by: >>26591339

Just wait until Mori slips up a nig by mistake.
Western whores don't have the n pass.

>> No.26591307

He’s right there were a few people who would post about her in the past month she has avatar posters and Pekora style spammers

>> No.26591308

Do you also believe she's a 17 year old shrine maiden?

>> No.26591311

>twitch thot loses 100k subs in one day after she says she has a boyfriend

as it should be

>> No.26591312
Quoted by: >>26591402

>so it was a collab that no one really expected.
I sure as hell didn't exapect to see them together in a thumbnail like that when I woke up

>> No.26591315

I think the better question is if Chris has offed herself yet for missing out on the fame and money she could've had if she wasn't a stupid whore

>> No.26591317

This is exactly why I feel bad when I buy combined physical goods and voice pack items on geekjack. I fucking hate it. On that note, does anyone have Shion's anniversary voice pack? I really don't want to split the purchase across platforms just to get the voices and physical goods.

>> No.26591319 [DELETED] 
File: 235 KB, 501x711, 1600369646624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591372

>2 people waiting in the chat

>> No.26591320


>> No.26591321

I would fuck any below average looking nip girl if she behaved like a hologirl

>> No.26591322

>you step toward Suisei hesitantly, surely this is a dream?
>she cuts her eyes at you face still red and sweat still running down her face as you get in close and begin inhaling deeply at the growing pit stain of her jacket
>"I...know boys have urges too...the girls shouldn't tease you like that..."
>upon realizing it isn't enough you begin removing her jacket
>she does not say or do anything so you take it a step further and begin unbuttoning her blouse as well and soon you are staring at a topless Suisei
>she gasps as you begin licking her bare armpits, the sickly sweet stench making your cock jump but you must keep it together
>you take it slow and lick her pits while massaging her breasts ever so gently then begin moving your hand further down
>Suisei lets out a small gasp as she feels your slightly cold hands running along her inner thighs and over her panties
>"it isn't fair that I get all the pleasure..." Suisei then takes one hand and begins rubbing the bulge in your pants
>you decide now or never and begin taking off her panties
>she retaliates by pulling down your pants then removing her panties and takes them in her hand then looks at your pulsating cock
>"this should suffice right? do you um...I mean you wanted to smell my armpits...I just figure..." she then gets angry at herself for fumbling over her words then puts them right under your nose
>"this is what guys like, right? panties in their face?" she begins stroken your cock gently telling you to take deep breaths
>you feel yourself getting dizzy as the stench of sweat and cum mixed together overwhelms you, then she begins tugging harder and faster "are you getting close? please let out as much as you can
>finally your hips become in synch with her jerking motions as you finally release all over the wall
>"I hope that will tide you over for a while...and...thank you for driving me, and doing all that you do at Holohouse"
>Suisei then gets dressed and gets in the car and in no time you are back at Holohouse
>she sits in the car for a minute before telling you "wait, don't get out just yet...here take these, as a gift, and please don't tell the others what we did...they'd throw you out for sure"
>as she steps out of the car and begins running to the house you look at your hand to see a pair of Suisei's pristine purple panties sitting there, her smell still on them

>> No.26591325

Its way too late for Coco to secure a loyal EOP fanbase since she streamed using japanese most of the time. EOPs would rather be invested in EN because they don't have to wait for zatsudan translation clips to get a grasp on Coco's real character and personality. Even Civia won EOPs with just two streams. Coco fucked up by being complacent and expecting people to be invested in her ARK streams.

>> No.26591329

Almost as if there's more posters now, weird huh?

>> No.26591330

Do you have autism? I really easy for normal people to understand what part of them is an act and what is real

>> No.26591332
File: 51 KB, 528x538, nn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591339

rappers have an n-word pass

>> No.26591344

That's just at a competitive level. Also the age for esports retirement is 24 now, you get into it at around 16 and have an 8 year career if you're good, then you retire.

>> No.26591345
Quoted by: >>26591367

>He’s right
No, he isn't and you're showing your new too.

>> No.26591347

Maybe Niji is more your speed, faggot.

>> No.26591349

Buy merch for a Holo don’t supa she gets more money

>> No.26591350
Quoted by: >>26591448

>Lamy researched a lot on YAGOO before entering Hololive

>> No.26591352

I was here way before Coco's 3D and there were way less Lunaposters

>> No.26591356

Subaru had her anniversary but not the event for it. In her collab with Choco when she stayed over she also said there would be an event where you could talk to her but I don't know when that was supposed to be.
Also for ordering from Booth can you not use Tenso? You should be able to just get the digital goods and have it delivered to the proxy address as if you were a Japanese person and then Tenso ship that to you

>> No.26591357

>only 7 streams

>> No.26591360

>Also the age for esports retirement is 24 now
people are playing in the 30s, this is retarded

>> No.26591362

I don't understand Lamy's appeal.

>> No.26591364

Been here for a while, but never watched Okayu for a while; is she alway just a hard EOP filter?

>> No.26591365

do these kids have a chance to get into the regular workenvoirment or are they fucked?
im not talking about streaming for a living but like getting actuall work

>> No.26591367

You aren’t going to convince anyone by calling everyone else a newfag you dope it makes it too obvious

>> No.26591368

the only faggot here is you, rainbow lives rent free in your head it seems

>> No.26591369

i knew there was more to it thanks anon

>> No.26591371

give it another 30 minutes and there's gonna be too fucking many

>> No.26591373

>I was here way before Coco's 3D and there were way less Lunaposters
So when was that? Because there were a shit ton even back in April, which you obviously weren't around back then.

>> No.26591372

I love this Pikamee image, Pikamee is doing really well for herself. 200k subs, merch, everything. And she's not even Hololive or Nijisanji, VOMs might as well be independent.

>> No.26591377

It's a 5 day holiday nigger
everyone streamed earlier
and are going to for the next 5 days

>> No.26591382

Burned out businessmen

>> No.26591383

You don't have to

>> No.26591385
Quoted by: >>26591431

she's not even that good, I think maybe you just suck that much

>> No.26591387

mentally ill mommyfags projecting their mental illness on others if you say she's boring

>> No.26591388

are you gay?

>> No.26591389
Quoted by: >>26591568

Plenty of EOP's watch her, they're just not the spammy types, like Korone and Pekora EOP's.

>> No.26591390

I like her in collabs, she's a nice counter ballance to Polka and Nene's chaos

>> No.26591394
File: 246 KB, 500x408, 1596099221403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591445


>> No.26591396

well i dont watch yt chat but i dont think she's been pandering to EOPs

>> No.26591398
Quoted by: >>26591709

>everything began from ping pong

>> No.26591400

What's so great about Marine's womb anyway?

>> No.26591401
Quoted by: >>26591416

You only get this kind of bias from people that don't like women.

>> No.26591402

Kanata mentioned it was a 'ホロメン’ desu so AZKi never crossed my mind but I guess she is technically a Holo.

>> No.26591405
Quoted by: >>26591480

Its not that easy for FPS, most of the rainbow six players are old due to the nature of that game, half of the team that won the cod CDL is also past 24, pretty much 90% of the dota 2 players are also older than that.

>> No.26591411

Isn't Suisei seiso? She'd never do anything like this.

>> No.26591413

She was one of the quickest to settle on her own style and to this day when she plays a game or does something she hasn't done yet, I automatically believe she's sandbagging.

>> No.26591415
File: 784 KB, 666x720, smug_kannagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was here way before Coco's 3D
You think you're an oldfag just because you're here before Coco's 3D debut? That is fucking hilarious bro.

>> No.26591416

ogey fag

>> No.26591424


it's like with bananas, they're the best right before expiration

>> No.26591427

Man you really want people to think you’re not new lol

>> No.26591428

You should post that in the virtual youtubers thread instead of here

>> No.26591429


>> No.26591431

big tiddy gay elf mommy with cute voice
A-at least i can always say i dont play that much as excuse...

>> No.26591435

Depends if they saved up and decide to go to university or not. Or they'll just end up working on the backend of e-sports.

I'm trying to remember the name of this Starcraft guy that was mediocre as fuck, but he managed to get himself a comfy job with Twitch doing fuck all because networking.

>> No.26591436

based faggot

>> No.26591441

i actually charge them 103.50 but they keep trying to pay me in shitty merch i dont want

>> No.26591445
File: 88 KB, 443x604, 1599487442816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591473


>> No.26591446
File: 385 KB, 592x631, 1593714957482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember laughing at people for claiming they were here during the abadango arc as a counter for being called new.
Holy fuck

>> No.26591447

No creativity

>> No.26591448
File: 79 KB, 426x382, elf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuga elf.

>> No.26591449

But it wasn't about men(?), it was purely about personality traits and such, men came up when chat started talking about jump and she used a character as a reference for the type of person she likes
Also went on to talk about lolis right after

>> No.26591451

Okay, hear me out
>in a few months time
>5th Gen 3D debuts
>all 4 in a 3D collab stream
>laser tag
>3 vs 1 (Botan)

>> No.26591455
Quoted by: >>26591515

that hair shade. it just boggles me, i'd probably understand it on my 500th drawing rep.

>> No.26591456

the clock is ticking, it creates a sense of urgency

>> No.26591457

she doesn't, just 90% of us are actually chill and not fucking retards

>> No.26591458
Quoted by: >>26591619

You're oldfag if you remember aloe

>> No.26591462

>those boombooms
I'll give her a watch but next time please post your indies in their respective thread

>> No.26591467

This but Flare.

>> No.26591471

but that was around when everyone was attending her late night piano streams

>> No.26591473
File: 476 KB, 501x487, suck cok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591532


>> No.26591474
File: 573 KB, 1464x2048, 1597277112700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ok, Mr. Pierce...
Ina's voice is straight up crack

>> No.26591477


>> No.26591479

How new

>> No.26591480

I mean if you're 24 years old with esports money you can easily put yourself through college and then you're basically the same as anyone else but without the pressure of crippling student debt.
Rainbow Six is a slower game that relies less on reflex and more on planning, and Dota 2 is even less demanding.

>> No.26591481

>usadapekora walks by
Holoserver antics never fail to amuse me

>> No.26591488

Cute as fuck, lucky anon

>> No.26591493

Newfag Luna has been inclining here since her 〇〇〇 stream.

>> No.26591497

i swear lamy is the batman of hololive
all those preps...

>> No.26591503
File: 53 KB, 680x648, 1592242512435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizo hours
please Nenechi save us

>> No.26591504


CS players are older and shit all over zoomers if they go head to head, skill is skill

>> No.26591505

I would argue starting college late probably means you waste less time with stupid shit like useless majors and classes.

>> No.26591511

Aruran and Roberu for life

>> No.26591510
Quoted by: >>26591549

Desu do you know how 3D streams work?

>> No.26591515

please be a timetraveler
i want this
its magic dude
its jap magic

>> No.26591517

When is she going to continue the game? I haven't watched her latest stream. Pls andastd.

>> No.26591518

pls watch choco play with dinos

>> No.26591520
File: 11 KB, 470x149, d12dfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591537

>> No.26591519
Quoted by: >>26591570


>> No.26591527

Newfags in these threads are so new they weren't around for my daily unaaa posting.

>> No.26591528
Quoted by: >>26591766

The official report, even the other holos said she's sick. Take your meds and grow up if you still can't even differentiate which one's a part of character, which one's not.

>> No.26591529

Why isn't there anything to watch for the next 2 hours? How?

>> No.26591532

I don't think that's a good idea. Mukiroze would literally destroy your penis

>> No.26591538

isnt miko in the hospital?

>> No.26591537

Anzu... where are you...

>> No.26591539
File: 350 KB, 597x588, 1600051944086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco missed opportunities:
- interview holos and live translate to english and take questions from akasupas
- more japanese language lessons but this time serious ones and not unfunny meme vids
- player wider variety of games, especially new games coming out
- play untranslated japanese games and translate them to english
- get good at minecraft and meme hard
- make streams about western culture for JOPs to laugh at and learn from

By the way I'm not too knowledgeable but how big of a voice is coco now in cover? Is it just a meme or is she actually close to management

>> No.26591540


>> No.26591544

Watch Botan!

>> No.26591548

from the pregnancy yes

>> No.26591549
Quoted by: >>26591643

Do you? Nothing about what I said is impossible.

>> No.26591550

I mean, they're doing scape rooms now, not that farfetched

>> No.26591556

Watch Okayu

>> No.26591560

Lamy really respects Coco for doing AsaCoco huh

>> No.26591563
File: 788 KB, 1861x3541, 1600475926039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter is going live in 20 minutes!

>> No.26591568

It's sad what happened to Korone's chat, even if I haven't been around that long, there's still been a horrible degradation.
She doesn't seem to in the slightest, it's a nice break

I'll try to be less of an euro ESL

>> No.26591570

What did the spics make her read this time?

>> No.26591571

kuzuha is pretty cute

>> No.26591572

As someone who watched Luna before she even did piano streams (yeah I’m that fucking cool) I don’t give a shit about Luna being popular now but I will be banning you all little fucks when she makes me her EN mod next month

>> No.26591573

i think she finished it last time she streamed it
i wish she didnt hate europeans and would stream at not cancerous times

>> No.26591575

being a translator is not good youtube content and won't get you views or subs apart from a very small minority of language learners

>> No.26591577

No, she's out, she was only there for about a week.

>> No.26591578 [DELETED] 

are there any other vtubers besides Coco to have images of them irl?

>> No.26591582

rumao rumao

>> No.26591583

I didn't know you were her other dad.

>> No.26591587

Next s the dragon bitch!

>> No.26591593

pretty sure they all do, doing it right out of the gate and keeping it going for so long is admirable on its own even tho it devolved into 2.0 and eventually gone the effort she put in certainly paid itself off for her

>> No.26591594

She's been discharged from the hospital for weeks already, right now she's rehearsing for her 3DLive return.

>> No.26591596
File: 190 KB, 1440x1080, 4EFA522F-A0EC-4DBA-AEF3-E1C0E4C7F7D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591637


>> No.26591598
Quoted by: >>26591653

her next frame isn't up yet and she seemed a little busy, so maybe next week? I think we shouldn't expect more than a couple of gaming streams per week at most

>> No.26591599

It feels weird hearing Larry call someone her senpai

>> No.26591600

oh god this is going to be her alt outfit, isn't it

>> No.26591601 [DELETED] 

they are ai why would they have irl images

>> No.26591603

Mikoti feeling bored out in the sticks and making gorilla appearances in other people's chats is cute.

>> No.26591604
Quoted by: >>26591651

How cursed would a 3D Hololive stream but it's IRL and they're wearing kigurumi be?

>> No.26591606 [DELETED] 

Lurk more

>> No.26591607

Fuck off birdkun

>> No.26591611

as fellow euro ESL its not that hard to not be asscancer
just dont use chat
theres nothing of value there anyway and these girls dont read nonmoney messages

>> No.26591615

All of them do, same for Watame no Uta too, they know how much hours and effort it took.

>> No.26591616
Quoted by: >>26591652

Goodluck with that anon. How do you even get that position?

>> No.26591618
File: 428 KB, 1500x2000, 5644367367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>theres noone to doxx tho...
Yes there is

>> No.26591619

I've been here since gen 4 debuted and I rembember noone by the name of "Aloy" are you confusing hololive and holostars or something?

>> No.26591623
File: 935 KB, 2560x1440, ちょこ先生踏みつけ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591688

Choco bullying dinosaurs for being too small (in stats) oh God

>> No.26591625

Depends if you look young or not. She probably sexually harassed some middle school / high school boy by this point.

>> No.26591626 [DELETED] 


>> No.26591627
Quoted by: >>26591664

do you even know what that means?

>> No.26591629
Quoted by: >>26591677

The point is not to do perfect translations.

You basically have exclusive content since the viewerbase has never seen the game (due to language barrier) and if you can make them understand whats going on, then thats good enough.

>> No.26591632
Quoted by: >>26591692

Lamy x Coco collab when?

>> No.26591633

I didn't say anything about translating everything, she should play JOP games and roughly summarize afterwards. Itd get huge numbers.

>> No.26591634


>> No.26591637
File: 838 KB, 4000x4000, 1599518146888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591795


>> No.26591642
File: 344 KB, 433x493, 1600052067810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591684

>I don't want to order Mel's stuff from geekjack
Good idea, still waiting for shit to ship to my country cuz 'rona.

>> No.26591643

Sure let's have a 4 players laser tag in a 10 meters arena

>> No.26591650

Fuck off Zeronos. Take your blind seamonkey ass back to discord before I rape your daughter.

>> No.26591651
Quoted by: >>26591697

That won't happen because it would be a blatant rip off of Nijisanji

>> No.26591652

Cashing in my good boy points

>> No.26591653

She stopped after escaping the asylum. I believe there's more.
Hmm I see. I'm in for more comfy drawing / talk streams anyway. Thanks!

>> No.26591658


>> No.26591662

Take your meds

>> No.26591663 [DELETED] 

don't tell anyone where you got this, I'll be deleting it in 2 minutes so I don't get banned

>> No.26591664
Quoted by: >>26591719

Yes, it means she's "clean" and innocent and not a fucking whore.

>> No.26591668
File: 911 KB, 1095x835, 1600300564777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.26591667
File: 210 KB, 783x553, 1584909719318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends, does 2d count against being seiso?
because suisei is going to roll a few hundred times for her husbands birthday in 3 days

>> No.26591670

She didn't, there's still like 1 to 2hrs left.

>> No.26591672

CocoMari Technique?!

>> No.26591674

Why Botan keep playing as chocoball

>> No.26591677
Quoted by: >>26591739

>since the viewerbase has never seen the game
that means nobody is going to watch it because they haven't heard of the game
people don't want to see new games, they want to see games they know

>> No.26591678

Why is Nenechi so warlike?

>> No.26591679
Quoted by: >>26593347

Scump, c6, formaL, Xyp9x, device etc all over 24.

>> No.26591680 [DELETED] 


>> No.26591684
Quoted by: >>26591895

>Good idea, still waiting for shit to ship to my country cuz 'rona.
That's on EMS anyway
The problem with Geekjack is the website is incredibly fucking shit and it's probably run by idiots

>> No.26591688
File: 85 KB, 800x800, 1593728973963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the strong will breed in chocos spino army

>> No.26591691 [DELETED] 

There's a site for that you know.

>> No.26591692
Quoted by: >>26592615

That sounds like a horrible pairing

>> No.26591697

I figured it wouldn't happen because it'd be fucking CURSED.

>> No.26591708
File: 3.08 MB, 2267x3038, 1597169973069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peko's Xenoblade streams attract a low number of viewers, but they've been the comfiest I've watched from her since her utawakus and zatsudans. Hell, I swear I've seen some of her cutest reactions in these streams, when she starts talking like a nopon my heart can't take it

>> No.26591709

And still they havent utilized the ping pong tech for 3D streams.

>> No.26591711

She has a tiny brain, she didn't have enough space to fit peaceful behavior into it

>> No.26591715

>there are people who want Marine to learn English
but she's hilarious whenever an English word comes out of her mouth, her knowing what she's actually doing will ruin the fun

>> No.26591719


>> No.26591722
Quoted by: >>26591768

wait what
is my doxx wrong?

>> No.26591726 [DELETED] 

Please don't summon goreschizo

>> No.26591727

>Your favorite holo
>How new are you?

>> No.26591732
File: 88 KB, 333x291, 1599973916447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591739

Persona 5 Scramble....
Yakuza games before they're localized....

>> No.26591741


>> No.26591744

i like experiencing the game's story the first time with her, same thing with her death stranding streams.

most people are just avoiding for spoilers desu

>> No.26591751

Why does Yuduki Choco have a second channel?

>> No.26591758

>noone to doxx
The Pride...

>> No.26591759

The worst part is that Asacoco's success proves that Coco knows the opportunity behind dead hours.

>> No.26591761

Don't forget about spics

>> No.26591764

I feel like a fucking senile old man
when did the public shift from saying it like el em ayy O to le mao

>> No.26591766
Quoted by: >>26593072

Maybe because there is no way they would ever report pregnancy if it was real. Do you also think they're all virgins who often get sick instead of taking time off to spend with their boyfriends?

>> No.26591767

That's Aki and not Suisei though?

>> No.26591768

Quite a few of them have never revealed their faces.

>> No.26591769
Quoted by: >>26591839

aaaaaaaaaaa suichan!!!!

>> No.26591773

Jokes on you bitch I don't even post in her stream.

>> No.26591774

Punch craftopia god
punch sora

>> No.26591775


aki is doing minecraft again, seems the server will be full in no time.

>> No.26591777

even Tamaki respect Coco for that

>> No.26591780

>- make streams about western culture for JOPs to laugh at and learn from
That's literally her reddit meme reviews.

>> No.26591783

Mid March 2020.

>> No.26591789

It was made to help her get monetisation back when YouTube was being far too trigger happy on ruining Vtuber channels. Aki and Haato did the same.
Now she uses it to just stream herself playing games that she would in her spare time anyway

>> No.26591790

For her dino breeding needs

>> No.26591791

Wish she used her alt outfit more, its cute

>> No.26591794
Quoted by: >>26591820

Uruwashu anon... Have you forgotten about the archive?

>> No.26591795
File: 2.21 MB, 4096x2891, 06C0E69B-9C02-40F3-9649-822BE89B1A01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s an interesting contrast. One is friends with all of the other Holos and many outside and is a gamer first and foremost. The other has her own small group of singers outside and has a formal coworker relationship with everyone

>> No.26591798

Attempting to avoid youtube's gaze.

>> No.26591805

I'm here because of EN

>> No.26591809
File: 13 KB, 218x232, 1589767691343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon...are you pretending or you're genuinely stupid? They're called "virtual" for a reason you know...

>> No.26591810

I don't respect her for doing it because they weren't funny

>> No.26591813
File: 184 KB, 664x559, akamachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has never thought that she's seiso.

>> No.26591812

Honestly her chat during her 800k wasn't that bad, although I might be just used to it by now.

>> No.26591820
Quoted by: >>26591935

Anon use your eyes to read.
It's been up for a while now. It's part of the Choco torrent on /t/. You see the big post with 2 fat magnet links? Read it. The one with an Astel torrent. Read it VERY carefully

>> No.26591824 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, 1600523417605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591827
Quoted by: >>26591986

of all the ones you could've picked you chose the twitch thot?

>> No.26591831

3rd gen

>> No.26591835

Wow there's hardly any EOPs in Coco's craftopia stream, what happened?

>> No.26591836

she also has membership on both

>> No.26591839

So many suisei you can have your own

>> No.26591840

oh shit that fanart is amazing

>> No.26591841

Believed it or not, Coco avoided the outrage that Kiara experienced by speaking in JP most of the time. Her main audience is still Japanese and her status as a foreigner learning Japanese language is what draw people to her. I have notice this a very long time ago. She still speaks in Gaijin accent when in fact at this point she can basically speak like native. And the fact that in earlier days, she explicitly ignore English chat and superchat which tells me that she's afraid of being accused by Nips of only noticing EN chat because she's a foreigner.

Missed opportunity? Nah. Not really during the time when her character is being set the EN fans weren't sizeable enough to put effort into. I mean she can and anytime get into what >>26591539 posted since the number of EN fans have drastically increased.

TLDR: She doesn't want to filter her target audience by speaking in English too much.

inb4 Coco-fan, I'm not. I'm a hater actually.

>> No.26591845

6 months

>> No.26591849
File: 528 KB, 244x452, nene headbob.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591908

Nene cares not for seniority.

>> No.26591850

Korone (might be getting replaced by Amelia depending on whether I can stomach the FPS streams compared to the retro comf)
~6 months

>> No.26591854

more like Suicopath rrrrffffmmmlllllooooooooolllllmaooooookkkkeeekk

>> No.26591859

Just before 4th gen debut

>> No.26591860
File: 134 KB, 1200x900, EiRj2xxU8AAIgOs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591885

She's really in her element when she goes back to playing JRPGs, It's really enjoyable,
Still doesn't beat back when they first got permissions back and she was absolutely ecstatic about marioka with viewers but it is super comfy.

>> No.26591865

September 2018

>> No.26591871

Learn the Haawata lore newfag

>> No.26591878

around the end of december

>> No.26591882
Quoted by: >>26591922


>> No.26591884

Been here before the first split

>> No.26591885

god i wanna cuddle with peko so much

>> No.26591895

I wish they'd let us use DHL. Fuck 'em.

>> No.26591896

>blatantly mentions that she is reading from a script and even talks about referring back to it during her Bushiroad shill stream

>> No.26591898

yes, mine.

>> No.26591899
File: 342 KB, 2048x1428, Eh9Qu-cVkAI_DZl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592031

March 2019

>> No.26591900
Quoted by: >>26591929

Coco avoided being Proto Kiara who got bashed for speaking two languages but all argument about dual languages is null when fucking Pikamee exists.

>> No.26591903
File: 337 KB, 2000x1250, EhpOP7YU8AAgV-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raised with the Bushido code which she follows 100%, as proven by the minecraft collab.

>> No.26591908
Quoted by: >>26591920

shes a cute dumpling

>> No.26591909

If only her other haters were as fair as you.

>> No.26591918


>> No.26591920


>> No.26591922

Yeah, that. Been a while.

>> No.26591924

After tasted aloe's blood she can't be stopped anymore

>> No.26591925

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L13FNzKzf0k Nene
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-9-rWCx194 Iofi

>> No.26591926
File: 1015 KB, 1961x2160, 1588932934510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, if it's not a secret then why bother hiding.

>> No.26591927

I feel like i am autists because i never reply to "your favorite x" posts because i don't have favorites in anything.

>> No.26591928
Quoted by: >>26592075

Huh, I just noticed that you can blacklist channels on jetri now.

>> No.26591929

Pikamee doesn't do full translations though. She only slips in a sentence or a phase.

>> No.26591930
Quoted by: >>26591965

I agree. But speaking english wasn't really her main draw anyway its was skits and shows she used to do but she stopped them.

>> No.26591935

Thanks anon. Sorry I didn't notice it since all I got from that post was the Astel one. I feel stupid not search for Uruwashu.

>> No.26591936

>came in around may 2020

>> No.26591937
Quoted by: >>26591983

Hm? Lamy spoke with Korone yesterday, seems to have secured a collab sometime?

>> No.26591939

>November 2019 (AL collab)

>> No.26591941

Around december 2019 - january 2020
If i'm not wrong, /hlg/ wasn't even a thing back then, we were part of vyt. I didn't lurk much back then though.

>> No.26591942
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>> No.26591946
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, pekomiko-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26591985

Pekora stepped on me right in front of Miko

>> No.26591949

>I mean she can and anytime get into what >>26591539 posted since the number of EN fans have drastically increased.
She definitely has been doing way more EN stuff recently, reddit meme reviews are like 50% EN and also her non achieved Karaoke streams.

>> No.26591950
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, 1571100721913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of bakatare?

>> No.26591951

Why are there so many Suisei haters?

>> No.26591952

I just opened the thread for the first time

>> No.26591954

Ill go with haato, aqua seems fine, as for matsuri, she seems like she doesnt give a fuck bout view counts, if she did, she would stop streaming fcking apex

>> No.26591957

This march

>> No.26591958
Quoted by: >>26592152

I want to FUCK Lamy

>> No.26591959

a bit before holofest

>> No.26591964

6 months or so

>> No.26591965

Pretty sure they wanted the crazy gaijin character, and Coco is a Japanese-American who grew up in the US with a streamer background so that fit the bill perfectly.

>> No.26591968
File: 418 KB, 794x684, 1590480752429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is gen 5 a failure anyway?

>> No.26591969

I fucked your mom last night since she is a whore and never takes control birth pill so you born here next time im going to let nigro fuck her with bbc so you will have a black brother faggot

>> No.26591975

Maybe I should start my FPS reps for Shishiron

>> No.26591976

September 11, 2020

>> No.26591977


>> No.26591978

Early April

>> No.26591979
Quoted by: >>26592054

shes a stuck up bitch with no talent who doesnt stream and wants to be an 'idol'

>> No.26591980

She's always like that in anything scripted she does, whether it's a vanguard shilling stream or mspe, she doesn't even try to hide it and calls her script "script-kun" and talks as if it's a person.

>> No.26591982


>> No.26591983
Quoted by: >>26592029

Interesting I thought she would be the least likely one to collab with Korone.

>> No.26591985

uh, that was me anon. Identity theft is a crime you know, so i'll be reporting you to authorities, abayo!

>> No.26591986
File: 1020 KB, 2480x3507, Amelia23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26591991

Gen 5 is a failure, even if Botan is a success

>> No.26591992

I stopped replying to survey posts once they started getting spammed by children

>> No.26591993

Why would it be a failure? Only retards say that.

>> No.26591997

Failure compared to EN

>> No.26591998

it's not

>> No.26592001

Coco does not "want" an eop audience, and only does anything to cultivate one for the purposes of numberfagging. Coco is pretty much on the same wavelength as /jp/, longing to be true japanese and lamenting her gaijin nature, while simultaneously scorning those who are like her as they "defile" what she is hoping to achieve. You can see this in how vitriolic she gets towards the translated memes in her meme review and how little she has interacted or expressed interest in the EN members.

>> No.26592003
File: 1.50 MB, 1200x914, 1598650275365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the go-to filler for me, their game choices usually are pretty boring though. The Craftopia streams have been so short that they feel like misses.

>> No.26592007

Earliest arc I can remember was around the time Pekora was attacked by the Bilibili crowd.

>> No.26592008

success breeds jealousy

>> No.26592012

what a boring primetime

>> No.26592011
File: 81 KB, 610x612, artia-moona-autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is wrong with Moona

>> No.26592014

Christmas 2019

>> No.26592017
Quoted by: >>26592085

Watch Nene now


>> No.26592018

dont worry i dont have a clear favourite either
also not replying to surveyposting is a good thing

>> No.26592019

50% of it failed to have any notable drawing power/content anyone wanted to watch consistently.

>> No.26592020
File: 2.04 MB, 648x702, sleep chama (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please make tomorrows frame so I know it's safe to sleep Haachama

>> No.26592025
File: 185 KB, 640x534, 1597757582870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592085


>> No.26592026

it's not, falseflaggers and newshits believing them

>> No.26592029

Sounds like she wants to practice games more before going for it, Lamy seems very hung up on not being good enough at games and is afraid of holding everyone back in gaming collabs.

>> No.26592031
File: 2.79 MB, 766x1080, 1599155071724.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592084

>early 2019

Her tryhard personality and focus on music probably irritates them or something. Personally I love this cute dork.

>> No.26592033


>> No.26592034

she's unhinged

>> No.26592036
Quoted by: >>26592085

Please watch my retarded daughter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L13FNzKzf0k

>> No.26592038 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 344x648, 1599434014853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592039

How does it compare to Gen 4's launch anyway? I wasn't around for that time so I'm kinda curious, I'm sure numberfags were around even then.

>> No.26592042

Moona is based

>> No.26592044
File: 1.05 MB, 4096x2304, EiQcG6OUMAARag_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592045

It's a man down

>> No.26592046

EN numbers will stabilize soon, its al hype from getting a competent Hololive spinoff in english but the numbers are starting to drop.

>> No.26592048



>> No.26592050
File: 132 KB, 804x1089, EXqKy7RUMAEdt8t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenebros, are you ready for miss perfectionist's singing stream?

>> No.26592052
Quoted by: >>26592407

Thanks for the narrative. They've been running kinda dry lately

>> No.26592054

The insecurity is strong with this one.

>> No.26592055

Old news, post the newest one.

>> No.26592058

Bushiroad probably doesn't want another gacha hell affair.

>> No.26592060

Are there?
Suisei haters are rather rare i feel

>> No.26592062

It's up to Luna to save it with MC in 2 hours

>> No.26592063

Let's Lesson!!

>> No.26592064


>> No.26592065

Wtf I like Moona more than I'd like to admit.

>> No.26592067
Quoted by: >>26592148

Also, 5ch really didn't like gen 5 as a majority after all thats happened. I'm unsure if thats changed with all of the recent good collabs/content etc.

>> No.26592069

I can't believe Moona gets away with this shit, if I said that to Artia she'd call the cops on me.

>> No.26592070

Everything is a failure compared to EN.

>> No.26592073
Quoted by: >>26592426

I swear Lamy sounds like an anime character than an actual person

>> No.26592075
Quoted by: >>26592196

How? I need to block the homos and indos.

>> No.26592077

>Super Nenechi
>A couple months before 4th gen was announced.

>> No.26592079
Quoted by: >>26592407

Oh shit I love this narrative. Bitch Weeb Coco is hot

>> No.26592081
Quoted by: >>26592167

November 2017 i guess. When Mirai Akari was still new. ah karasu da...

>> No.26592083

i swear to god her manager is the best for not restraining her twitter rampages

>> No.26592084
Quoted by: >>26592180

she focuses on music but her music is generic forgettable idolshit

>> No.26592085

Nenebros...I kneel...

>> No.26592087
Quoted by: >>26592141

>watch meme mama streams
>get rec a mama/nene real life video

>> No.26592089

Narcissistic bitch, she and her fags thinks she's the best at singing and dancing eventhough she's mediocre at best

>> No.26592091
File: 47 KB, 597x578, 1597672394988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes perfect im not sure what you mean

>> No.26592092

She's so loveable. Speaking of Iofi, please support the tiny alien whose about the stream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-9-rWCx194

>> No.26592094
Quoted by: >>26592214

Yeah sadly no Korone hell endurance today and there are no EN streams for hours.

>> No.26592100

It's funnier with the music.

>> No.26592102
File: 107 KB, 1024x1024, 1595492141992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592169


>> No.26592101

around 6 months

>> No.26592103
Quoted by: >>26592133

Nene's membership ratio is too strong

>> No.26592104
Quoted by: >>26592541

When will youtube fix the waiting issue! It's really annoying that the stream won't load while waiting.

>> No.26592108
Quoted by: >>26592565


>> No.26592109
File: 132 KB, 700x516, 20200919_075009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please watch Nene...

>> No.26592111

Based and Moonapilled.

>> No.26592113

Kasen is a Vtuber...

>> No.26592115

shush shush

>> No.26592123

I don't really care about her, but her fans in these threads are one of the worst passive aggressive cunts of all fans

>> No.26592124

no filter because of autism shes just like me...

>> No.26592125

That laugh he did mid song actually sounded pretty feminine.

>> No.26592128

Can moona's incline be attributed to her twitter shitposts

>> No.26592129

I've been in the vtuber hole since early 2018

>> No.26592132

That was seriously fucking horrible and got them more bad press than anything. Watching Suisei lose sanity points in real-time was fun though.

>> No.26592134

Autism kino

>> No.26592133

Fees good to spam SUPERNENECHI on her chat

>> No.26592135

I just realized this is the first time I've seen Kasen in /jp/ in a few months
I've just been consumed by /hlg/

>> No.26592139

you needed to send an friend invite(she will unfriend you after the stream though) earlier in the stream, i think she stopped accepting for today. If she accepts she will randomly pick whoever is online.

>> No.26592140

Did Nenene really just konlulu me?

>> No.26592141


>> No.26592143

Does Hololive take a cut of membership fees?

>> No.26592145

It has no holos I care about (aside from maybe Flare but I like her solo streams more) so I don't watch them.

>> No.26592146

Choco trying to feed Coco to the crocs...

>> No.26592147

meant for >>26592038

>> No.26592148
Quoted by: >>26592274

5ch only cares about BIG NUMBERS and they will drop EN when the magic wears off and they get normal growth

>> No.26592149

Early April with the /v/ threads, only came here somewhere mid-May

>> No.26592152
File: 471 KB, 960x720, 1598870257589.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592177

No! Bad anon! How do you think Lamy would feel if she read that?

>> No.26592153
Quoted by: >>26592176

Her birthday thread...

>> No.26592154

AH YES, radwimps

>> No.26592157

they probably take a cut of everything they earn

>> No.26592160

stop bullying kiara for being multilanguage


>> No.26592161

meant for >>26592038

>> No.26592162

Probably the same cut as the superchat one

>> No.26592164

>I'm here since her subnautica stream

>> No.26592167

damn you made me remember that collab with kaguya luna
It's amazing how things have changed

>> No.26592169
File: 238 KB, 573x561, thatpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592170

nene is a gangster

>> No.26592171

December 2019

>> No.26592174

Youtube recommended Fubuki, Aki and Choco videos to me early last year, didn't even know about the rest of Hololive then. Didn't come here until around April.

>> No.26592176

lmao you're right, it's been 10 years already huh

>> No.26592177

I'd imagine its not a bad thing for a girl to know shes fuckable...

>> No.26592180
Quoted by: >>26592201

That’s on you not liking idol music

Even so it’s not as “idol” as you think when you compare those made by Miko, Fubuki or Sora

>> No.26592181

Any kind of EN interaction she does is a liability to her numbers padding. Poor EN girls they even idolize Coco too

>> No.26592183

>since 4th gen debuted

>> No.26592186


>> No.26592187


>> No.26592188


I guess I'm waking early tomorrow

>> No.26592190
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>> No.26592191
File: 1.12 MB, 1600x2000, 1599422094025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene is idollike

>> No.26592196

That's not very nice of you so figure it out by yourself.

>> No.26592198

Coco talked about how high spec EN is and you can tell she wasn't happy that they hired such high profile people, and also said that I bet if she tried to join now they wouldn't take her because she lacks any specific talents. I don't think she's mad about english per se but she's definitely mad about the JP branch being overshadowed by people who seem to be pros from the start (her words)

>> No.26592199
File: 1.70 MB, 350x410, 1599130131959.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you go with her to an icicle shop (kind of like an ice cream shop) in her home town?

>> No.26592200

You could see that even earlier than that in her zatsudan streams were she always did her best to ignore the english comments begging for attention, and even responding to english superchats in japanese. She knows that her core audience is japanese.

>> No.26592201

Idol music is objectively trash, it's not on me

>> No.26592203

I love kiara btw, I can understand her enthusiasm to reach out to both the nip and english audience and love her for it

as early as when kizuna ai first came out, but for hololive I pretty much started with haachama last year when she was still having that room intro

>> No.26592204
Quoted by: >>26592267

I never go anywhere on /jp/ aside from these vtuber related threads but she's my favorite 2hu, at least based on her design since I don't have much 2hu knowledge.

>> No.26592211

I wan't to squeeze Nene's buns!

>> No.26592212
Quoted by: >>26592258

i only bully her beacuse shes german and she needs to stop bringing disgrace to the greatest language on earth
also shes a pekofag

>> No.26592213

Her daddy should draw more pictures of her.

>> No.26592214

She's been a bit lacking in endurance hells ever since she swore unscheduled endurance streams off after Dragon's Lair hasn't she. It's kinda sad, those were topcomf.

>> No.26592216
Quoted by: >>26592253

Nah you're just retarded

>> No.26592218

>kaguya luna
I have no idea how she's still around

>> No.26592220

I bet your skin is black like my poop

>> No.26592221
Quoted by: >>26592252

Why is /hlg/ so obsessed to narrative Coco when there's 30+ other holos.

>> No.26592225

>she lacks any specific talents
didnt stop them hiring kiara

>> No.26592228


>> No.26592231


>> No.26592233

mou ikkai

>> No.26592235

Dead day with no streams so recachin Ina call of cthullu she is going full steam into calling the bad guy ending with failing so many occult checks

>> No.26592239

It finally dawned on me.
I always wanted a Nene/Towa collab since the TowaMarine drawing collab for good "bully & bullied" duo, only to realize that Towa is far too meek and awkward to set against the beast that is Nenechi.
The only other subject that can go along with Nene's eternal thirst for destruction is obviously Pekora.
Hopefullly this fateful meeting will happen sooner or later, the potential it could produce is limitless.

>> No.26592240


>> No.26592243

Nenechi autism?

>> No.26592249


>> No.26592252

she's a shitpost dragon

>> No.26592253

Idols just sell the image, the music is boring filler, otakus eat it up because they're completely uncultured and have no idea what it means to appreciate music, they're just there for the character

>> No.26592256

I love how Nene's chat types words in Nene's special font. I don't know why but it somehow makes it everything funnier.

>> No.26592258
Quoted by: >>26592348

No, nigga you should not do that or I will paint you white with my cum

>> No.26592260

Nene chat is a sea of green

>> No.26592262

There are people here who see this for the first time. How does that make you feel?

>> No.26592263

A little earlier than this vid.


>> No.26592267

you need to leave or lurk for a few more years

>> No.26592268

Fubuki Scatman

>> No.26592269

Two fucking sorairo days songs in a day fuck

>> No.26592270

Nene is a massive perfectionist who will reset the song until she gets it right, like a speedrunner immediately dropping a bad run.

>> No.26592271
Quoted by: >>26592303

Stop pretending that you're a /mu/fag.

>> No.26592272
File: 978 KB, 1935x1859, 453534531354435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreadout may have sucked a bit of ass but it did generate two pieces of fan art of Luna.

>> No.26592273

>but she's definitely mad about the JP branch being overshadowed by people who seem to be pros from the start
She and the rest of JP have had fucking years to hone their skills. The only people who have any right to be upset about EN are the newly debuted Gen 5, if Coco can't compete with HoloEN then that's on her.

>> No.26592275
Quoted by: >>26592363

They already met yesterday, Pekora hit Nene.

>> No.26592274

>5ch only cares about BIG NUMBERS
They're just like us...

>> No.26592277

nene's singing is poggers

>> No.26592278
Quoted by: >>26592333

Well to be fair, chicken is a professional. I think faulty equipment hindered her keeping up with the others though.

>> No.26592281
Quoted by: >>26592299

sounds like your in the wrong thread theres plenty of great streams on right now

>> No.26592282

read the title

>> No.26592283

right now probably mori and koro-san

ive casually followed vtubing since Ai started but only since the debut of HoloEN has the void claimed me forever. I dont think i can go back watching normal streams

>> No.26592288

>13 years ago
what the fuck

>> No.26592293

what dead day anon?
also Inas coc isnt really better than her drawing streams

>> No.26592295
Quoted by: >>26592342

Yeah. Seeing how everything in this medium evolve and exploded in popularity over the years is amazing indeed.

>> No.26592296
Quoted by: >>26592307

Not much than you

>> No.26592299

Always ignore fake dead hour posters.

>> No.26592301
Quoted by: >>26592358

She refuses to let me pee in her butt.

>> No.26592302

Towawa and Nenene were good with each other.

>> No.26592303

I've never been there it's probably full of faggots who like mumble rap and indie rock

>> No.26592304

koko ni ARU

>> No.26592305
File: 1.38 MB, 1800x1273, 87465645453345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592307


>> No.26592317

iofi... that's a really vulgar laugh...

>> No.26592318

This is why I want Nene with Subaru or Kanata, both having extreme luck swings to match Nene and being bully targets.

>> No.26592320

CEO of Sex graduation.

>> No.26592321
File: 1.53 MB, 1413x982, 1599065686031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nene practicing as though she'll ever be thought of as a real idol.

>> No.26592322
Quoted by: >>26592364

This post made me realize something horrible; it's only been ~6 months. Where the fuck did that time go?

>> No.26592325

I got second place at my high school's battle of the bands once and I like idol music.

>> No.26592327

I'm not sure why many people (including Kiara herself) downplays her for not having any talents like her genmates. She seems to have a lot of talking energy like Subaru to keep things going and that should be something she could utilize. She's the highest energy of HoloEN for sure.

>> No.26592331
Quoted by: >>26592345

>Ikenai borderline

>> No.26592333
Quoted by: >>26592420

A professional what? She just had a youtube vlog, just like Coco/Kson

>> No.26592335


>> No.26592338

You’ll be there before you know it.

>> No.26592340

Fuck. Now I can't get it out my head.
I escaped /f/ to get away from this.

>> No.26592342
File: 501 KB, 750x813, 8A343575-CD35-4751-BE15-88A51FEE8E05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592574

The live stream medium?

>> No.26592343
Quoted by: >>26592394

I'm liking it already - hearing the slightly off note, and her fixing it moments later is quite satisfying.

>> No.26592344
File: 235 KB, 400x400, 1599792286649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592369

Nene has been generous

>> No.26592345
File: 149 KB, 333x399, 1600073308945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592348

Freund haste du Kiara gesehn kurz vor und nach debut? Sie war komplett Absturz und kringel
neulich hat sie aufgehört kringel zu sein bin aber immer noch nicht überzeugt
>300.000 yen

>> No.26592349

>Dropping Lamy's youtube tab lowered my CPU from 100% back to 30-40%.
Fix your website youtube!

>> No.26592350
File: 66 KB, 536x545, 53834563453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so cute when she is drunk.

>> No.26592352

go sing smashmouth again or something you dumb doragon

>> No.26592354


Kiara handled the antis well, she got a shower of supachas and her mario streams have been very enjoyable.

>> No.26592358

Because your cock is too small

>> No.26592360

Told you fags nene shouldn't have collab with that whore!!

>> No.26592363

Exactly, my friend, Pekora must've percieved Premium Nenechi as a threat and unconsciously bare her fangs at her.

>> No.26592364
Quoted by: >>26592413

Following sports or idols where so much shit can happen makes time feel like it passes more slowly. HoloEN debuted like a week ago and it feels like we went through a couple character arcs already and otaku culture as a whole has transformed.

>> No.26592365

>NOW you run fast
That one cracked me up

>> No.26592367

Why is Mel's goods much more expensive than any others? Even Choco's wedding ring is cheaper with 40$

>> No.26592368


>> No.26592369

Momosuzu Nenes, for everyone!

>> No.26592371

If my oshi isn't streaming it's dead hours

>> No.26592372

thats really cute actually

>> No.26592373

The stream was fun mostly for Lunas reaction to how poorly made it is she said she wants to finish it but she has said that about games before and never touched them again

>> No.26592379
Quoted by: >>26592578

...fix your computer anon

>> No.26592381
File: 54 KB, 680x572, Efq1r5BUEAA0GiD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking glad you ask because to like this knight it's not easy. To me. his charm point in his contrast in many things.
>pristine white knight with a face that looks too nice he could stab you in the back, like Gundam's villian
>fully aware and embraces it to the T
>never hide his super cocky, competitive attitude in games he is good at (DbD, FG)
>but also a natural air-headed, can't see more than 2 step ahead of him most of the time.
>so he can turn hilariously whinny and panic in the games he isn't very good (APEX, GOI)
>When he talks, it's like Boke without Tsukkomi. the fan made this video dedicated to him regarding this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7K-uOc7wr7g
>the chemistry with his fan (Kishimen) are basically: they are his personal straight men.
>Great at hosting TRPG and playing card game but his gaming taste is zoomer-tier
>that including his anime tastes as well. seems to watch and read all the most overrated shits known to men.
>despite that he isn't fancy with social media, is the last homo to change his twitter pfp and the only one who haven't change his discord pfp yet. Have to force himself to use twitter regularly.
>all he tweets is good morning/good night/what he eats.
>dude is REALLY serious about his meals and nutrition. Actually a fitness-crazed.
>being in character at all time, spurging about his knight school era and shits
>what they taught him will make you question if it's really a knight school.
>like one time he said that if your lunch's prices are exceed 500 yen it will shorten your life-span, taught by his knight school.
>or how they taught that the most effective offense is mental attack.
>or in his country, a minor offense can warren you a death penalty.
>but confirmed that he is 100% Japanese man despite his absolute Aryan design. also claimed his eigo is super shit. had to roll a pencil for answers whenever in English tests
>seems like a easy-going dude considering his roomate's connection but had a bit of a hard time open-up both to his fellow stars (that he didn't know before joining) and also his audience. Has tried to fix this with recently zetsudans.
>It revealed that in his 'knight school life', he was literally those school prep boy. His mamakishi made him took piano lesson since 4 years old.
>also later in life, karate, basketball and some guitar lessons. didn't take it anymore.
>doesn't has a female friend at all, only has close irl male friends he has known over 10 years.
>'knight school era' seems to be one of the happiest moments in his life so he loved talking about it a lot, not just for the part of a character.

There are much more I want to tell but it will be too autistic so I will stop.

>> No.26592384

>worst version of IKENAI BORDERLINE

>> No.26592387
Quoted by: >>26592500

Kanata... just drop the spaghetti get the duet with Sora over with already


>> No.26592388

I can't explain why but Nene seems genuinely honest. Nothing clouds her.

>> No.26592389

I love song practice streams. It's usually an excuse to fool around and try different songs. Props to Nene for making it public instead of member-only.

>> No.26592392


Coco can speak English and still keep her viewers, you have to remember Japan also like the west as we like Japanese culture. Coco is a combination of both.

>> No.26592394

Her membership stream was the same btw

>> No.26592398

Hitler is already dead

>> No.26592399

i don't like lamy
her eyes reminds me of shara isvalda

>> No.26592400
Quoted by: >>26592470

Coco had all the fucking time in the world during her life to refine talents or whatever. She sounds like she hoped EN to be ID tier. Ironic, considering she pandered to EOPs hard to pad her numbers and introduced western culture to Hololive.

>> No.26592401
Quoted by: >>26592516

Iofi talking about being penetrated live on stream

>> No.26592403
Quoted by: >>26592578

You must be using Intel.

>> No.26592404

I miss Miko...

>> No.26592407

Another part of why she hates weebs is that she sees herself in them, and fears that her own attempts to integrate into japanese culture are just as laughable and inept. Due to the anxiety she regularly abuses her friendship with kanatan and has to gorge on sleeping pills just to fall asleep.

>> No.26592409
Quoted by: >>26592434

Nene is totally like Freya or Ranka from Macross.

>> No.26592412
File: 2.40 MB, 2000x1503, EiSIPzRU8AEAm-Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592413

Timeloop anons suddenly make much more sense, how long have they relatively been trapped in this hell?

>> No.26592414

>GT german
Es ist völlig normal bala bala zu sein vor einem debut-stream vor allem wenn man unerfahren ist wie die ENs und dann bereits eine Zuschauerschaft von über 10k bekommt. Ame und Kiara haben auch kaum geschlafen was den Fremdschämfaktor der streams verstärkt hat. Mori, Gura und Ina inst ziemlich ruhig in den letzten streams.

>> No.26592416

How the FUCK is Aqua growing slower than Miko who hasn’t streamed in like 2 months.
I’ve never seen someone recline this hard.

>> No.26592420
Quoted by: >>26592458

Ah... Its not too good to dig into them, otherwise you'll ruin the fun. But you vastly underestimate how professional chicken's roommate is since only people who regularly kept up with NND shit in the past would know more about her.

>> No.26592422
Quoted by: >>26592578

inspect the page and delete the entire chat section if you want to save CPU

>> No.26592423

If Nene and Pekor collabed, what game would bring out the best crazy in them?

>> No.26592424
Quoted by: >>26592641

damn now i am trying to remember who made that j-core remix of that song and can't find it anywhere on youtube

>> No.26592426

Polka said she's like a character out of an anime/light novel irl

>> No.26592428
Quoted by: >>26592462

Go watch last minecraft stream before gen5 collab she joined the game

>> No.26592430

I never watched The Greatest Showman before, should I download it and watch together with the Bakatare Trio? Or should I go complete my Ace playthrough of Ace Combat 7?

>> No.26592432
File: 47 KB, 450x428, 1583569293591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody tell her to learn Serendipity/ZAQ

>> No.26592434
Quoted by: >>26592590

Has she sung Seikan Hikou yet? I feel like that perfectly fits her.

>> No.26592439
File: 878 KB, 2700x1800, 1596420051396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shion yo

>> No.26592438

Anything with destructible environments would be super fun I think

>> No.26592440

Choco big fish

>> No.26592447


>> No.26592448
Quoted by: >>26592464


>> No.26592450

Because she obviously isn’t the smartest tool in the shed

>> No.26592456

Permissions onegai,,.

>> No.26592458
Quoted by: >>26592624

She's just a cosplayer/vlogger, and that's exactly what Coco is
If she has some hidden talent you're not telling me about, it's not making a difference to their job as a vtuber, she's not an artist or a singer or a gamer or whatever

>> No.26592460
Quoted by: >>26592499

>EN is so high spec
do newfags really do this?

>> No.26592461

please only speak first world languages here.

>> No.26592462

I did. I know I am selfish but it made me want more.

>> No.26592464
Quoted by: >>26592485

Has any holo actually played magicka?

>> No.26592467

Nene's voice is just as beautiful as dumb she is.

>> No.26592468


>> No.26592469
File: 29 KB, 215x215, syg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do we actually have INdogs in this thread?

>> No.26592470
Quoted by: >>26592661

Don't agree. It's more fun to see them build a talent or niche while steaming and grow into it than bring what they did before and continue it under a new name. It brings higher numbers more quickly but it's less soulful.

>> No.26592473

Plan B turned into Pln B

>> No.26592475

I first saw her during that N word clip but got into holos at september 2019

>> No.26592477

thanks m8 more love for the duck

>> No.26592478

Aqua really rested on her laurels after the NND concert

>> No.26592479

>Nene and Pekor
That's so good and paper, Nene is a perfect victim.

>> No.26592485

none, but it would be kino

>> No.26592488


>> No.26592491
Quoted by: >>26592501


>> No.26592492

The only person I can think that can actually come close is Towa

>> No.26592493
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>> No.26592495


>> No.26592496

Fuck, the pastas keep multiplying. Good job.

>> No.26592498

Check the number of average viewers on playboard, Aqua is currently top1...

>> No.26592499
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 1600033567823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COCO said so, is she a newfag, anonchama?

>> No.26592500

Sora-senpai,,, zehi

I like watching her practice songs, including all her weird little commentaries about it.

>> No.26592501


>> No.26592502
File: 11 KB, 198x322, Holofive(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloFive (4)!

>> No.26592503
File: 367 KB, 1335x1834, drawings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sion yo

>> No.26592504

I want to discover what sion yo smells like.

>> No.26592509

Yeah she is
She's only been here since 4th gen

>> No.26592513

keep on the autism
it's nice to see

>> No.26592516
Quoted by: >>26592934

>mixing indo, japanese and english
fucking hell, my head hurts from trying to process jap+english as it is, I don't even understand indo at all how am I supposed to watch this

>> No.26592517

Cover buying subs.

>> No.26592520
Quoted by: >>26592903

love sion's schedule

>> No.26592521
Quoted by: >>26592542

Naja Kiara war besonders schlimm mit ihrem Twitter und so
zudem hatte sie schon vorher Erfahrung mit streamen daher kauf ich das nicht so ganz mir der Nervösität
Was ist GT german?

>> No.26592522

She already was one anon.

>> No.26592523
File: 61 KB, 564x680, 1597572084046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She tries her best every day and lets everyone see her efforts even if they're not perfect (which is a lot of times with Nenechi). You feel included because she's so upfront with everything and just moves forward like an unstoppable force she is.

>> No.26592524

You're not Coco, so you don't have to shill them.

>> No.26592526

And these faggots won't stop crossposting Artia, either. They go to global and stay there.

>> No.26592528

Serendipity is HARD I think

>> No.26592535

You guys are maintaining #neneblackout right? Remember, don't watch Nene.

>> No.26592536

Let them they are planning the ww3 to revenge for hitler

>> No.26592540

>t. retard

>> No.26592541

Someone spoon fed me so I will spoon feed once.
Put that into the "My filters" of ublock

>> No.26592542
Quoted by: >>26592597

google translate

>> No.26592544

Don't (You) the bait

>> No.26592545

>Super Nenechi
>Neneking Mushiking
Does this girl get stronger with each new name she accumulates?

>> No.26592547

I wish they wouldn’t have gone with the Chinese thing with her design it filtered me and no matter what I can’t get into her

>> No.26592550

Did she really say this? This is like underestimating the talents and popularity of her colleagues. Some of the holos in JP branch are actually popular before debuting as holo. The reasons why HoloEN is big is because the Hololive brand is big already and English audience is bigger and has less competition (for now). Coco at this point has regressed back to the time Watame lamenting how she got fewer views, but this time Coco is the one complaining.

>> No.26592554

So that's what raping a drunk Lamy sounds like.....

>> No.26592557

Never did, never will

>> No.26592558

I watch every Nenechi stream.

>> No.26592559
File: 1.28 MB, 989x828, 1597587581765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592681

dont you have some butler work to do

>> No.26592563
Quoted by: >>26593276

Choco has bought the ingredients for tomorrow's cooking stream
She says she is gonna make the same pasta she did for Ui-mama last time she came around (alone)

>> No.26592564

Wait, why are Pekora's MGS streams gone? Why did she delete them?

>> No.26592565

Ahh, I have to go to sleep earlier again. At least it's 7am instead of 6am my time.

>> No.26592566
File: 41 KB, 476x365, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time seeing nene's chat since she got her memberships
i feel like im having an aneurysm

>> No.26592568
File: 670 KB, 720x742, 1600480699922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how about no?

>> No.26592571

I'll do you one better : Nene, Pekora, AND Towa.

>> No.26592572

Kemono Friends was fucking trash

>> No.26592573

Eingedeutschte version von cringe

>> No.26592574

I'm glad we got over that phase and now it's all livestreams, it feels more "authentic"
Although I loved sora and a-chan horror collabs

>> No.26592577
File: 723 KB, 2480x3507, dangerously smug shion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592575

Nene is honestly just an IRL idolmaster protagonist.

>> No.26592578

I will when I buy a new one. I'm using a T430 right now and the CPU isn't cutting it right now even when I now have 16gb ram... I want to build one so that I can just put a 3070 later but I don't wanna buy a gpu yet so I'm not sure what to do.

Yeah a shitty old one too an i5 from my T430.

I don't really need to since I'm using mpv but recently I've been having the chat on to participate/read the jp comments.

>> No.26592579
Quoted by: >>26592631


>> No.26592581

I didn't watch her at first because her design filtered me a bit. But I tuned into Good Job and I realised that her design and voice matches perfectly. Plus her antics are hilarious as well, so I'm tuning in regularly now.

>> No.26592587

I just heard that GULP

that's fucking hot

>> No.26592590

It's on the list of songs she wants to fully sing, she practiced parts of it in her previous member stream.

>> No.26592591
Quoted by: >>26592738

you might want to sit down for this one

>> No.26592592

We need some more homo copypastas

>> No.26592593

Lamy just got a DM from "a certain senpai" while doing her stream, possible collab soon.

>> No.26592594

People say the JPs have no talent but they all have their strengths and you can be the greatest singer but if your personality doesn’t click I’m not watching you or buying anything.

>> No.26592597
Quoted by: >>26592666

Why would i not watch her practice stream?
Fick dich

>> No.26592601

FBK is watching greatest showman AGAIN?

>> No.26592606
Quoted by: >>26592738

How long have you been gone anon?

>> No.26592607

>not watching the most entertaining holo

>> No.26592611
Quoted by: >>26592643


if Lamy and Rushia did a stream it would make 1 billion dollars in supachas

>> No.26592614

Nene is the only gen 5 worth watching

>> No.26592615

Luna x Subaru sounded like a horrible pairing too until they did it on 7dtd

>> No.26592616

You take that back nanoda

>> No.26592624
Quoted by: >>26592682

Why do you act like being a "gamer" is a talent but content creation isn't? especially when most girls in hololive suck at games.

>> No.26592625

>they all have their strengths

>> No.26592630

Lamy is pretty good

>> No.26592631

It’s even sadder I’m not American and I don’t even have anything against the chinks just the design filtered me and I can’t get around it

>> No.26592632

Why would I do that?

>> No.26592635

How does being soulless feel?

>> No.26592637

I just got 注射 on my deck and was having a hard time rembering it
this comes out at an awfully convenient moment, thanks Mama Mio

>> No.26592638

Her interaction with Gen 5 is amazing. Also helps that Botan just having fun tard wrangling and Nene's just chaotic as fuck. Nenichi being bullied by the BOSS inc craftopia is great

>> No.26592639

Nenene isnt that bad at singing english words

>> No.26592641


starts at 08:00

>> No.26592643

Explain the appeal of Lamy, shes so obviously fake that she makes Rushia look genuine

>> No.26592644
File: 516 KB, 778x900, 1600375114219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nenechi's too dumb to try to be fake anyway.
That's what makes her so lovable, she drags you into whatever she's doing

>> No.26592646

Mel is a realy good singer and Roboco is Roboco

>> No.26592649


>> No.26592650

3 months

>> No.26592652

Yeah, same here. For some other holos, I can sometimes feel that they're definitely faking it/hamming things up to entertain the viewers, but I don't feel that with Nene for some reasons.

>> No.26592653

Her membership is perfect, I feel like some people joined just to do exactly this because there's a LOT of members in her every stream. Unironically the promise of 2-year icon alone is enough to push people who are into impulsive spendings into it.

>> No.26592655

This might be the cutest Kanzen Kankaku Dreamer I've ever heard

>> No.26592657

Mel's talent is ASMR

>> No.26592659
Quoted by: >>26592736

I'm really looking forward to Nene's 3D with a live concert.

>> No.26592661

The EN hires are failed or struggling internet personalities too except Ina. It's just that the worldwide talent pool is way bigger than NND to scoop up content creators with experience

>> No.26592663
Quoted by: >>26592908

Nice try Towafag, Nenechi is superior!

>> No.26592664

Gen 5 was born with a silver spoon. Gen 4 actually had to work their for their subs. There were no free 150k subs when gen 4 started.

>> No.26592666
Quoted by: >>26592727

hohes Gras

>> No.26592670

I'll fucking stab you mate.

>> No.26592674

Mel does the best ASMRs in the whole Holopro, but youtube fucked her too after her manager finished.
Roboco so bad at Apex after so many hours of playing that it's probably world record at this point.

>> No.26592675

I have to admit i wish Aloe graduated a little later just to see what she'd have done and what she was like

>> No.26592678
Quoted by: >>26592713

Mel is adorable if you like a surrogate GF type chuuba she is perfect

>> No.26592679

Lamy isn't fake take it back

>> No.26592680

Mel has her niche.
Roboco should just quit though. She's kind of a waste of space.

>> No.26592681

get fucked ya goo

>> No.26592682
Quoted by: >>26592751

They play games as a vtuber
Being a vlogger is helpful but like I said, Coco is a vlogger too

>> No.26592683


>> No.26592684
Quoted by: >>26592722

Pick a different shitpost, we've had this convo a million times.

>> No.26592685

I hope you anons haven't forgotten about your reps since the EN debut.

>> No.26592686

She was trash, good riddance.

>> No.26592689

fuck off reddit

>> No.26592688
Quoted by: >>26592738

Anon... i'm sorry you had to find out this way...

>> No.26592690
File: 259 KB, 411x322, cuteautist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592757

Whenever I watch Nene I just stare at her eyes and fang most of the time.

>> No.26592692


>> No.26592693

if she does more variety, sure

>> No.26592696

Nene can't rap...

>> No.26592697

around 11 months

>> No.26592698

THANKS! Finally! I thought it was an issue with my internet connection or something. What the fuck did youtube think making that feature.

>> No.26592699

She was being nice. Go look at Cocos gen and compare.
>former vtuber - check
>singer - check
>veteran streamer - check
>(fps) gaymer - check
>singer - no EN has an artist instead
woah holy shit bro how can they even compete

>> No.26592701

you forgot Kiara

>> No.26592702
Quoted by: >>26592763

Yeah, it's absolute bullshit, Korone for instance is fucking great with manipulating her live2D, and that's just the one that has stood out to me so far.

>> No.26592705

I wish she never graduated in the first place.

>> No.26592709

Her design filtered me until no one else was on and I was bored. Now I love the dork.

>> No.26592711


>> No.26592714

The situation has pretty much reversed where now Watame has much clearer goals and persona within Hololive and Coco is trying to find her spot in it. She is still the top superchatted person and has shotload of subs, but that is not something that defines her persona and it feels a bit like she's not sure herself what she wants to be right now. She used to have the English stick but it's slipping away due to HoloEN and honestly her having been pretty lazy about it for the past half a year or so.

>> No.26592713
Quoted by: >>26592749

I'd have sex with Mel but I wouldn't watch her play video games, and she's a vtuber so that rules out option one

>> No.26592715

Where is the smug as fuck Coco who lectured Watame now huh. I really genuinely hate Coco and how much of a hypocrite she is.

>> No.26592719

i loved that one so much luna asking whats wrong just watching subaru die while screaming for help was the best

>> No.26592721

>she's definitely mad about the JP branch being overshadowed by people who seem to be pros from the start (her words)
No, she just said if you think about the new faces you will think about unprofessional things but HoloEN doing well which is great.

>> No.26592722
Quoted by: >>26592762

I still cant get over the fakeness every time shes in a collab im sorry

>> No.26592724

me too anon. would have been interesting to see gen5 collab in full force

>> No.26592726
Quoted by: >>26592944

>Towa invited Lamy for a collab.

>> No.26592727

Sehr hohes Gras

>> No.26592731
Quoted by: >>26592813

Hey dog reply me back dont go cry to your mom she has had enough for you.

>> No.26592732


Polka + Coco was great, she needs to do more collab streams

>> No.26592734
Quoted by: >>26592747

I wish they'd just employ desuwa as a 5th gen girl with the tanuki model instead of T-pain.

>> No.26592736

Nene's 3D will be more idollike in one hour than all of Non-Stop Story.

>> No.26592738

What the fuck happened?
I don't remember, I get back into vtubers after seeing the whole EN thing

>> No.26592741

It's even funnier when she's playing games because everyone types shit in that font. L4D2 and MC was hilarious.

>> No.26592744

Thanks I hope this is what's stopping the streams from starting whenever I have the tab open but I'm not hitting f5 like some sort of degenerate addict.

>> No.26592745

No, fuck you. Nene reminds me of my oshi and I like her.

>> No.26592747


>> No.26592749

You want a fuck buddy I’m not sure there’s a Holo for that yet

>> No.26592750

Mou ikkai nenechi!

>> No.26592751
Quoted by: >>26592789

No anon, Chicken's talent is very subtle really.

>> No.26592753

even worse, she is reddit
>appeal to authority

>> No.26592752

Roboco is actually really talented with MMD, it's a shame she never streams herself playing around in it anymore.

>> No.26592754

Coco is a bit lost at the moment while Watame is pretty much the opposite.

>> No.26592757
Quoted by: >>26592814

>not staring at those two enormous things on her head

>> No.26592759

Nene sounds like her armpits smell like lilacs and gyoza

>> No.26592763

Korone's streams wouldn't be half as good if she wasn't such a master of Live2D, yeah. Cute anime girl doing cute noises isn't enough if the avatar doesn't make cute reactions too.

>> No.26592762

it's ok anon, you don't have to watch her. Some holos click with you, and some don't. And that's okay. Watch the holos you like, instead of concentrating on the ones you dislike.

>> No.26592764

Nene a shit! Toi should spank her butt!

>> No.26592765

how new

>> No.26592766

You are completely right, they should have filled EN with more talentless nepotism hires from nico nico like every other gen

>> No.26592767

I fucking love perfectionist Nenechi

>> No.26592773
File: 255 KB, 600x409, Mio in jail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom took it all from us
Mio is already back though

>> No.26592776

Luna and Subu are my favourite pair they’re just fun with no tee tee narrative bullshit

>> No.26592777

Her design filtered me but now I'm a fan. Her fun personality in the collabs and on twitter warmed me up to her. Currently watching her song stream.

>> No.26592778

Haachama had this crisis too when Coco debuted and bullied her and she adapted hard with everything thrown at her. Coco is just lazy because she has retarded gachikois

>> No.26592780


>> No.26592779


>> No.26592781

just ignore the /vyt/ schizo

>> No.26592786
Quoted by: >>26592840

god damn Nene sound like different person when she's singing

>> No.26592787
Quoted by: >>26592831

Shouldn't being an idol be fun?

>> No.26592789

what is it?

>> No.26592790

Sometimes i wonder if these people are pretending to be retarded or they genuinely take narratives and EOP subbed clips seriously.

>> No.26592791

No, she didn't.

>> No.26592796

go back

>> No.26592801

who's this supposed to be?

>> No.26592803

how new ですわ?

>> No.26592805

nenecoin is rising rapidly

>> No.26592807

Moona 3D..I want to see..

>> No.26592808
File: 212 KB, 390x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26592810

>Coco talked about how high spec EN is and you can tell she [headcanon]
God damn, schizos are on full force today, huh?

>> No.26592811

Im enjoying the singing practice almost more than just serious singing
its really cute

>> No.26592812


>> No.26592813
Quoted by: >>26593015

Get a fucking life seamonkey. Aren't there mountains of white people's trash waiting for you 3rd world cockroaches to sift through?

>> No.26592814

I want to know what she hides under them!

>> No.26592815
Quoted by: >>26592942

Oh look, he watched a translated clip.

>> No.26592816
Quoted by: >>26592915

Yeah considering that Watame already has a plan for next year already as well as a few more things like 500k and her anniversary..

>> No.26592819

It's me

>> No.26592820

orange woman bad

>> No.26592823
File: 1.85 MB, 1042x1447, __roboco_san_hololive_drawn_by_gomashiwo_o__0d852dcb38c02e3017357cd639aa40e0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592885

I love Roboco!

>> No.26592822

Dude no they dig all money from overseas fan look at watson superchat stream.

>> No.26592826
File: 31 KB, 420x467, suzumomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need her official cape-off form

>> No.26592828

Just a few weeks more 35p.
Simple, Aqua peaked, Miko hasn't. There's still new clip of her translated almost daily. And new people are also curious for her return, so they subbed to her.

>> No.26592830
Quoted by: >>26592887

What's twap's favorite single player game

>> No.26592831

No. Idol is a tough job.

>> No.26592832

I miss Coco when she wasnt just phoning it in and leeching content off other people all the time

>> No.26592833

>Nene's cry of anguish when she goes badly off-key

>> No.26592836


>> No.26592837

Gen 4's debut was during Hololive's incline as a whole. I think it took them a month or two to reach 100k aside from Coco of course who inclined much faster than her genmates.

>> No.26592839
Quoted by: >>26592919

Just look at how retard of these people falling from this Coco's antis narrative.

>> No.26592840
File: 84 KB, 611x632, O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean if they dropped their chara voices they sound different?

>> No.26592841
Quoted by: >>26592896

>Did she really say this?
You're really god damn gullible if you're believing everything that's being posted here.

>> No.26592842

thats a picture of me
do you like it?

>> No.26592843
File: 279 KB, 484x375, 30-r49i30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26592861

Stop playing craftopia

>> No.26592844

All-green chats scare.

>> No.26592848
Quoted by: >>26592911

She is codm / apex / pubg player, quite good at singing (but i will still prefer nene), and good at zatsudan. She also can draw to some degree, she is really the most well rounded gen 5 member.

>> No.26592850

I think getting that much superchats has been a blessing and a curse simultaneously. It's understandable that you lose the passion to 'try hard' when you get showered with money no matter what you do. It might not be a good long term mindset to be in, as that money is still dependant on the good will of your viewers which might not exist if your content degrades. Probably a similar situation has happened to many western Twitch superstars before.

>> No.26592851

Roboco is good friends with everyone!

>> No.26592853

>doesn't have a female friend
can relate

>> No.26592854

EOP clips are so bad even reddit are calling out the translators, and people still believe the things they see in the clips

>> No.26592857

Yeah I especially want to see an utawaku.

>> No.26592858
File: 41 KB, 377x502, you know what time it is.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can tell she wasn't happy that they hired such high profile people

>> No.26592861
Quoted by: >>26592891

I'm playing Witcher 3

>> No.26592863
Quoted by: >>26592894

I bet you they don't even watch clips. They just believe the Coco anti narratives here and run with it.

>> No.26592865


>> No.26592866

Lamy's crying again...

>> No.26592867

To be fair, Nene's "practice" is like a pro artist tweeting with "rkgk" compared to the average singing skill in Hololive.

>> No.26592870

Well that clip was translated by a Coco gachikoi so I don't know if it s wrong.

>> No.26592871

Permissions anon, they got killed. Some anon archived them though, I'll seed them for a bit.


>> No.26592872

Nene Lion aaaaaa

>> No.26592874

Was this from the stream where she had to wait half an hour for her tetris to download?

>> No.26592876

too bad that will never be possible.
Unless Cover sets up an office in Indoland.

>> No.26592877

Just look at the replies and it's easy to tell who the retards are. They even replied seriously.

>> No.26592879

is it gentlemanly to put it in slowly?

>> No.26592880

man nene picks some good songs

>> No.26592884

Me too
it cant be hair since it isnt wrapped up there but what else would it be?
reserve cash? condoms? another pair of ears?

>> No.26592885
File: 1.98 MB, 1599x1179, roboco under thesun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too!!

>> No.26592887


>> No.26592888
Quoted by: >>26592918

Type Haachama!? to stop Haachama

>> No.26592889

Nene is naturally really good so whatever she sings sounds right, this is just her challenging herself and having fun with different songs.

>> No.26592891
Quoted by: >>26592950


>> No.26592892

These are the sounds Lamy makes when we fuck.

>> No.26592893
Quoted by: >>26592997

Capcom fucked Mio hard and she had to stop streaming for 2 months to prevent getting fucked permanently, all the past streams are privated now

>> No.26592895

They apparently has prepared huge amount of content for 5 of them. Polka is also created some kind of voice drama or something. Too bad it's all gone to drain thanks to antis.

>> No.26592894

Stop overusing the anti word.

>> No.26592896
Quoted by: >>26592968

At this point, I'm ready to accept anything that can make me hate Coco further.

>> No.26592900
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pro artist tweeting with "rkgk"

>> No.26592901
Quoted by: >>26593031

Just started last month

>> No.26592902

People seem to forget about this too and worship Coco for making a fun stream at Haato's expense. I'm glad she's slowly recovering recently while its coco in the crisis now.

>> No.26592903
File: 84 KB, 1000x1000, EhBNAmtU8AAD05e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shionyo scheduled her stream
>1 AM
I don't. Shionyo should sleep at night in order to stay healthy, she has a 3D collab tomorrow

>> No.26592906

They're her power limiters, you don't want her to take them off

>> No.26592908

Towa loves Nene and Nene loves Towa!

>> No.26592909
Quoted by: >>26592954

Any good streams happen today?

>> No.26592910

You better start funding her ticket to Nipland then

>> No.26592911

>quite good at singing
niggy she autotuned her first singing stream if i recall correctly

>> No.26592912

Fuck Lamy sounds high right now.

>> No.26592913

It's narrative vs narrative, whoever gets the most (You)'s wins

>> No.26592914
Quoted by: >>26593423

Copyright strike from Capcom on Mio's channel, and having one of those takes away streaming rights on an account for 3 months
Cover panicked and privated everything a month older than the incident, except Subaru's channel, her whole shit was straight up deleted because of a mistake

Darker green bar: Videos that were up after the holopocalypse
Light green bar: Videos that were brought back up to now
Red bar: Videos that are still privated
As you can see, there's still a fuckton of videos that are still privated, some might be lost forever because now they're playing extra safe and are requesting permissions for everything
they have full Nintendo permissions now though

>> No.26592915
Quoted by: >>26593014

Watame's streaming content is also pretty easy to conceptualize. Long, fun and comfy streams with weekly singing. She is really consistent in her content (consistent also in not making schedules and instead making the schedule around when she wakes up).

>> No.26592916

Gonna watch Greatest Showman with Bakatare to see why Fubuki loves it so much.

>> No.26592917

>these Lamy noises

>> No.26592918

No one can stop Haachama.

>> No.26592919

I know there's at least one dude who really took that WataCoco clip to heart, he's been seething at it for months, it's funny because he's missing 99% of the context in Watame and Coco relationship and how they are always helping each other out.

>> No.26592922

I mean, most of the description of the holo haters here are complete opposites of what those holos actually do and portray. There's also retards who don't even watch streams or clips and yet they blabber shit about the holos.

>> No.26592923

But Coco wasn't mad, though? The translated clips is literally there for you to watch but you're still believing narratives in here that were taken out of context.

>> No.26592924
Quoted by: >>26593503

Thanks anon. Seriously, fuck Capcom

>> No.26592926
Quoted by: >>26592965

It wasn't autotuned.

>> No.26592928

Is Macross really that good? Where's a good to place to start?

>> No.26592932

She isn't streaming as often which obviously doesn't help but she's still probably the most popular holo in japan, it's the overseas that don't give a shit about her and that's where all the recent explosive growth comes from now

>> No.26592934 [DELETED] 

have you watch that?
in case you haven't, iofi always try to speak all of those 3 languages in one stream

>> No.26592935

RFA stream is enough for me.

>> No.26592936

vocoder isnt autotuning zoomer

>> No.26592939
File: 1.01 MB, 2048x1454, EiC2JNOUMAArJpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love nene so much

>> No.26592941


>> No.26592942

You don't even need to be N3 to understand that clip tho

>> No.26592943

Singing and ASMR, very cute
Singing, cute voice

>> No.26592944
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, 1600428003414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26593102

That's the two I expect the least.

>> No.26592945

It's freaking great, I can totally understand why Fubuki is so obsessed with it.

>> No.26592946

Gen 5 seems lie they had chemistry

>> No.26592947

Wait why nene pick songs from shishirons utawaku the other day

>> No.26592948
Quoted by: >>26592985

every macross is good but never touch that girlband faggot trash that is delta

>> No.26592949

well she certainly isnt bad but i wouldnt rate her as one of the top singers

>> No.26592950
File: 520 KB, 900x1071, 75077797_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck not

>> No.26592952


>> No.26592954
Quoted by: >>26592971

Yeah, Nene and Okayu are streaming right now.

>> No.26592959


>> No.26592965

She used voice effects, basically the same.

>> No.26592966
Quoted by: >>26593281

Coco can play the comedian again, but given she lost the drive after Asacoco (which took a lot of work and isn’t as profitable as just chatting and being amusingly offensive) got her banned, it’s gonna take something big to get her going again

>> No.26592967

Mori and Watson
Been following Hololive (and Lulu) and this thread since May

>> No.26592968

Damn, you're actually obsessed. Seek help immediately.

>> No.26592969


>> No.26592971

But Im already watching Nene, I meant in the last 12 hours or so

>> No.26592975
Quoted by: >>26593000

roboco foot job...

>> No.26592980


2017 ai channel.

>> No.26592981

Damn. I'm glad I'm not wrong by putting everything into Nenecoin. I've stuck with her from the beginning to today. And probably to the future too.

>> No.26592982


>> No.26592984

If you're into idolshit, Delta. The most popular entry in the franchise is Frontier, you can watch it even without watching the other installments.
If you're a rockbandfag, watch 7.

>> No.26592985

I think Delta had great songs & choreography, so all people need to do is to watch the clips instead of the entire anime, which would be a waste of time.

>> No.26592987

Do You Remember Love movie > Macross Plus >first 5 episodes of Macross 7, continue watching if you liked them >Frontier. Then finally Delta if you're a masochist who likes nice songs and maybe Macross 2 if you're a completionist.

>> No.26592988
Quoted by: >>26593059

Would you watch it everyday though?

>> No.26592990

>Lion again
Do they ever sing anything else? Ranka's song from the movies would be better for Nenecci

>> No.26592992

I like feminized tomboys, they are so hot...

>> No.26592993

Anytime anyone posts even the most tiniest criticism about Coco (or something she literally said in her goddamn stream) all the Cocofags come out of nowhere and start flinging shit. You’re all so hostile, damn, I get that you’re not getting any good content from her but do you really gotta let it out on the rest of us?

>> No.26592995

Selling this anon for $5. Factory new, still in original packaging.

>> No.26592997
Quoted by: >>26593042

What song is that in the clip

>> No.26592998


>> No.26593000
File: 1.21 MB, 768x576, 1593563928257.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26593002

The original is the best one, every other one is "hehe remember the original" and doesn't add anything to the grander themes of the franchise, the original is perfect, the rest are fanservice and decent, including the movie.

>> No.26593003

it's not macross. Simple as that.

>> No.26593005
Quoted by: >>26593055

Is Okayu playing mario party by herself? Why

>> No.26593006

Started getting into Holo around late December

>> No.26593007
File: 62 KB, 640x758, 1599918213799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26593009


>> No.26593010

Sex tier?

>> No.26593011
File: 22 KB, 309x338, 1596163884195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26593067

When is the next VOID stream, FBK...

>> No.26593013

Might be because they don't have the backing tracks.

>> No.26593014
Quoted by: >>26593081

Yeah the scheduling issue has me by the balls always watching her twitter for her schedule. At least we're not in the Wata Uta era anymore that she lasts until 6 in the morning or something.

>> No.26593015
Quoted by: >>26593036

Why dont you try take a dick of kkk member. You cant even speak the N word or you will get fucked by nigga bbc.

>> No.26593016

Plus is fucking fantastic and it's pretty short.

>> No.26593017

Original > Plus > Frontier

>> No.26593018


more cali remixes,
this time no cringe

>> No.26593019

>Nenene singing at almost midnight
she really hates her neighbours huh?

>> No.26593020

Frontier is the best for newcomer and old timer coming back to macross. Delta is only good for the VF design.

>> No.26593021

No fucking way. Haato loves streaming. Matsuri is the one who's creatively bankrupt and has said on multiple occasions that she has thought of quitting.

>> No.26593022

The Coco defense force isn't just a meme. They're the most agressive and delusional retards in this place. Coco attracts mentally ill people for some reason.

>> No.26593023
File: 8 KB, 291x343, sad_penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, please, you need to believe me. Coco was actually mad at EN. She wasn't happy about them being successful, she's so god damn shit, holy shit I can't contain my anger.


>> No.26593024

Oh speaking of this, did any anon grab Korone's castlevania streams? I think I had a compilation that had them but it got stuck and never finished.

>> No.26593025

There is an easy solution for that.

>> No.26593028
File: 45 KB, 828x996, 1599665880714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the entire desuwa subscriber list come out of the woodwork because I asked who their literal WHOtuber was?

>> No.26593030
File: 260 KB, 1334x1800, 1599164983693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26593031

>a 35p who hasn't seen a Miko livestream.

>> No.26593036
Quoted by: >>26593121

take your meds ESLbro

>> No.26593040


>> No.26593042
Quoted by: >>26593095

wakusei loop

>> No.26593041

Lamy gets really lively when she drinks.

>> No.26593043

Just search for "coco reclining" in archive,you will be surprised how long people been pushing this.

>> No.26593044
Quoted by: >>26593097


>> No.26593045

I got banned ten times trying to make hololive threads for Sora-sama

>> No.26593048

Sheryl's songs pop up every now and then. There's only a few holos who sing Ranka stuff as far as I know, probably because they don't fit the vocal range or because there's not free-to-use instrumental.

>> No.26593047


>> No.26593049


Thank you Nene.

>> No.26593051


>> No.26593052

N-nice falseflag Anon

>> No.26593053

when is this hag corrupting 5th gen

>> No.26593054

>those high notes
You can do it Nene.

>> No.26593055

Practicing for tomorrow.

>> No.26593056
Quoted by: >>26593106

You must live in an American niggercube.

>> No.26593058

SUPER tier!

>> No.26593059

No... I listened to the songs a lot though when I first watched it.

>> No.26593061

newfags who found out about her last month want to feel special

>> No.26593064

Even the translated clip I didn't see any Coco butthurt over it >>26592721

>> No.26593065

I, too, hate the orange woman.

>> No.26593066

A Luna, Aki, Roboco collab in box game soon....
Shall we call it the best content of the 19th?

>> No.26593067
Quoted by: >>26593169

1 chunk hole RTA!

>> No.26593069

>rabbits are this new

>> No.26593071

can we get some festival apex crying kino clips?

>> No.26593072

Stop posting here Mea

>> No.26593074

I believe you :)

>> No.26593076

The history revisionism to make the main character look good, and the opera singer look bad turned me off

>> No.26593077

...because you asked anon, you said it so yourself

>> No.26593078
Quoted by: >>26593112


>> No.26593079


>> No.26593081

I've also made it a habit to check her Twitter regularly until she announces her schedule for that day.

>> No.26593082

Huh Iofi almost got 2k viewers. holoID is inclining pretty hard.

>> No.26593083


>> No.26593084

Kek Nene's hit her limit with those notes.

>> No.26593086

>oldfags showing off how old they've been here
Nobody cares about how long you've been posting on a thread about japanese girl LARPing as anime girl

>> No.26593087

About a month before the first MariKoro Cho Aniki give me those videos back...

>> No.26593090

Nene singing is really cute... it's not amazing by any means but it just feels good

>> No.26593091


>> No.26593094
Quoted by: >>26593156

Delta fucking dropped the ball with the whole WINDERMER DINDU NUFFIN angle apart from being horrible war criminals that put Zeon to shame. God I fucking hate the Windfags, which is a shame because Delta had some great dogfights at the cost of non-existent battroid mode scenes.

>> No.26593095

Thanks anon

>> No.26593097

Half of the thread calls Towa a whore and no one cares at this point, but if you just say something remotely negative about Coco, people came out of nowhere like a raid and want to kill you and your whole family.

>> No.26593098

>Yes Mr.Pierce, we were suppose to open that, we went over this 5 minutes ago...

>> No.26593100
Quoted by: >>26593136

She was on some haato stream so she was spammed for a while from what I recall she is part of an agency

>> No.26593101

Nene is almost in the "Holos who can sing melt" club, close enough if you ask me.

>> No.26593102

It's easy to forget, but Toi is friends with a lot of soft-spoken oppai holos.

>> No.26593103

What is this clip everyone is talking about, I need context on the narratives

>> No.26593106
Quoted by: >>26593151

Quite the opposite but appartments exist all around the world...

>> No.26593108
Quoted by: >>26593120


>> No.26593111

I mean Kiara’s only stand out quality is speaking English and Japanese (and German but only for memes) and Amelia’s roommate basically did the same as coco’s except she actually put more effort into making it presentable compared to Coco’s. Whether Gura really is Z***wa or not she can sing well and play rhythm games but that’s it, plenty of holojp have good singing voices.
Only Mori and Ina could be considered high spec

>> No.26593112

massive ego
no talent except her shit sense of humor

>> No.26593113
Quoted by: >>26593185

you summoned them not sure what you expected

>> No.26593114

Where the fuck do non-members get the nerve to send a chat in Nene's stream and break up that wall of green?

>> No.26593117

I don't know why anons comparing Kiara to Coco. she knows 3 languages and know more japanese than Coco, her problem is forgetting she was in holoEN and used a lot more japanese than english because she wanted Pekora senpai to understand her. Coco problem was she rarely cared about her EOP fan base for months to recently and started use english a little more often than before and upload a "japanese for real" video after months of being dead. rumors say that Coco spend hours subbing asacoco herself.

>> No.26593118

those highs are still a bit shaky and the transitions to it arent that smooth

but damn she really can reach that high

>> No.26593120

Stop being so tryhard, you're embarrassing.

>> No.26593121

I better take your mom rotten vagina. She likes gangbang I know right?

>> No.26593124
Quoted by: >>26593144

but towa is a whore tho

>> No.26593127

It’s time all chat was members only filter the poor fags!

>> No.26593131

I want Marine to mating press me.

>> No.26593132

our views dont really matter, highest IP i've seen in these threads is 500 and that's gura hitting 60k viewers.

>> No.26593133

I fear the green...

>> No.26593134


>> No.26593136

Desuwa is actually pretty good, but her normal gaming content kinda sucks since the princess is bad at action games.

>> No.26593139

I'm sorry anon, occasionally I get really drunk and it makes by colour blindness worse.

>> No.26593141

>"Other women? If by other women you mean other hololive members I'll forgive you for watching them."
Lamy's being really playful tonight.

>> No.26593143

Ahh that Melt was fucking nice. GJ Super Nenechi.

>> No.26593144

Yes, but still better than Coco.

>> No.26593148

Bros, how do you cope without Korone's stream? I'm currently watching her English Only stream at the moment and I'm about to finish it.

>> No.26593151
Quoted by: >>26593225

Most Holos talk about doing some kind of soundproofing for their rooms.

>> No.26593152

hope they won't get filtered and keep watching

>> No.26593154
Quoted by: >>26593207

Hololive is the only thing keeping Haachama sane at this point, imagine living in a foreign country without any friends and not being able to leave your house. Minecraft revival has been excellent for her.

>> No.26593156

4 years later and I am still mad.

>> No.26593157
Quoted by: >>26593382



It's called Jap and Eng, you mentally ill Chamg

>> No.26593155

I-i'm sorry anon...i just want to be part of Nene Pro!!!

>> No.26593158

Haachama please I need sleep

>> No.26593159

Nene can do crazy things with her voice

>> No.26593160

Quit watching nene and go for someone else

>> No.26593163

> Coco attracts mentally ill people for some reason.
Just like you.

>> No.26593164

Coco is literally living the Ken-sama dream. Went to Japan knowing zero Japanese, learned it, and became part of nerd culture. You don't have to like Coco, but if you don't respect her, you don't belong in /jp/. Go back to /v/.

>> No.26593165

you watch Pekora

>> No.26593168
Quoted by: >>26593193

I don't know dude but reply to me with another pekora reaction image with the rest please

>> No.26593169

That's approximately 4 hours stream.

>> No.26593170

She's no AdmiralBulldog but she's a nice dead hours filler.

>> No.26593171

That's bullshit, but I believe it.

>> No.26593172
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593174
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593173
Quoted by: >>26593206

You can't say that when Aloefags exist.

>> No.26593175

Ah...this song would be perfect for a long lost friend...

>> No.26593176
Quoted by: >>26593229



>> No.26593177
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593179
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593180

Botan = Polka > Lamy > Nene

>> No.26593181

Rent free

>> No.26593182
Quoted by: >>26593289

Apparently Korone's debut is unprivated, worth a watch if you want to see how far she's gotten since her debut.

>> No.26593183

Wait what the fuck
This autist is active again

>> No.26593185

Kino, I never thought I would get to hear skype sounds again in my life.
Sasuga Haachama.

>> No.26593187
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593188
Quoted by: >>26593242

Bros, how can I cope with hating Coco? Everywhere I go, I see her face. It's like she's living rent free inside my head. I can't take it anymore bros.

>> No.26593189
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593190
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593192
Quoted by: >>26593229


>> No.26593193

Okay dude here.

>> No.26593194

can't say nenecchi without ecchi

>> No.26593197
Quoted by: >>26593250

Imagine dreaming of being a nerd

>> No.26593198
Quoted by: >>26593229

>Nene using vocoder
I cry

>> No.26593200

Are there even any Sukon-bu left after her decline into absolute meme status? I honestly feel bad for her.

>> No.26593202
Quoted by: >>26593235

What's the lore behind Nene and that gallon of water

>> No.26593204
Quoted by: >>26593229

Oh no! ALOE!

>> No.26593205
Quoted by: >>26593229

That voice...Aloe...

>> No.26593206

>Aloefags exist
This is fun because Aloe doesn't lmao

>> No.26593207
Quoted by: >>26593264

>imagine living in a foreign country without any friends
wow it's almost like you have to learn the language and not do the typical richie rich foreign student thing of keeping to your fellow richie rich foreigners and never integrating

>> No.26593208

Welcome to the company, friend.

>> No.26593211


>> No.26593212


>> No.26593213

That's because towafags already accept her as a whore so they don't give a shit.

>> No.26593214


>> No.26593215


>> No.26593216

Nene NO

>> No.26593218


>> No.26593217

I love all of Nene's fans.

>> No.26593219

Nene.. not like this pls...

>> No.26593220


>> No.26593221

Nene is a fucking dumbass for doing this.

>> No.26593222

Why is Nene sounding like Aloe? Don't tell me Nene is Aloe.

>> No.26593225

Would make sense considering most of them sing 2 times a week

>> No.26593226

Aloe love...

>> No.26593228


>> No.26593229

based nenenenenenenenene

>> No.26593230


>> No.26593232


>> No.26593233

Capcom destroyed the archives and the shitstorm brought in 500 newfags

>> No.26593234

is this a message?

does nene know something we dont?

>> No.26593235

She drink

>> No.26593236

Her ghost still lurks these threads...

>> No.26593237

why is nene using autotune

>> No.26593238


>> No.26593239


>> No.26593241

Do it for her Nene...

>> No.26593242

just take your meds

>> No.26593243


>> No.26593244

Aloe love...

>> No.26593245

choco sense will revive second golden age of ark

>> No.26593246


>> No.26593247


>> No.26593248


>> No.26593249

it hurts nenechi..

>> No.26593250
Quoted by: >>26593311

I feel so bad dreaming of being fluent in another language and landing my dream job after working really hard for it.

>> No.26593253


>> No.26593254

Nene.... Please... Not like this...

>> No.26593255

>Asacoco took over 8 hours of work
Coco is that person who takes 4 hours to do a 1 hour job

>> No.26593256

Aloe... Nene....

>> No.26593257

is she crying

>> No.26593258


>> No.26593259

Aloe... Love..

>> No.26593260

>- play untranslated japanese games and translate them to english
I would watch the fuck out of that, good lord. Imagine if she plays TokiMemo or something, that shit was never translated and it's the granddaddy of all date sim games.

>> No.26593261

Nene... ALOE LOVE!!!

>> No.26593264
Quoted by: >>26593312

it's almost like she's living in a city which has been under covid lockdown for 8 months

>> No.26593263


>> No.26593267

fuck off coco is a nigger

>> No.26593268

Aloe's soul lives on through Nenechi...

>> No.26593269

>Nene starts singing Happy synthesizer
This broke me.

>> No.26593270

mano chan...
nene will carry your legacy forever

>> No.26593271

>see the MC archive
>Polka constantly alternating between "Towa-senpai" and "Towa-chan"

>> No.26593275
Quoted by: >>26593364

Why is Nene doing this? What's the purpose?

>> No.26593274

Dammit, Nene's choked up too.

>> No.26593276

How is Choco still unmarried?

>> No.26593277


>> No.26593281
Quoted by: >>26593390

Her problem with AsaCoco was not the lack of profit, but the management interference that started to suck the fun out of it by banning jokes or topics. If Coco was still having fun doing AsaCoco, the workload wouldn't make any difference to her. Remember the "SEND HELP", "Now it's not the time to campaign for the original Asacoco", and other hidden messages that Coco was adding in the subtitles of AsaCoco 2.0?

>> No.26593282


>> No.26593283
Quoted by: >>26593350

Respecting someone because she learned Japanese? Your respect is pretty cheap. I don't hate her, I don't care about her at all, I didn't even talk about her actually. I just called her fans mentally ill.

>> No.26593285
Quoted by: >>26593338

Another Haachama stream in 70 minutes
Singing this time

>> No.26593288

Fired up off nene? Or just incredibly bored because she's on break?
Either way I'll take more chama.

>> No.26593289
Quoted by: >>26593485

>debut turns into a collab
>everyone going silent when Korone explains her YUBI YUBI idea
God tier debut.

>> No.26593290

nene mentioned aloe again...

>> No.26593291
Quoted by: >>26593367


>> No.26593296

I thought she said she had trouble sleeping last night?

>> No.26593297

>Nene talking about Aloe in full and how good she is
Fuck im tearing up. She's

>> No.26593298

She hasn't dated for ages and when she did it was all bad dates

>> No.26593300

aloe is actually watching

>> No.26593302
Quoted by: >>26593314


>> No.26593303

What did she say about Mano-chan there?

>> No.26593306

Nenever forget...

>> No.26593307

Your favorite holo
How many (You)s do you get in this thread

>> No.26593308
Quoted by: >>26593550

She's used goods that nobody wants.

>> No.26593310
Quoted by: >>26593371


This is actually pathetic.

>> No.26593311

what is your dream job? being an english teacher? it's a shit job, and the high school girls won't want to bang you

>> No.26593312

Didn't know Haachama moved to Australia in the middle of Covid and hasn't been living there for years with her family that speaks English.

>> No.26593313

will seaniggs sleep?

>> No.26593314

Shut the fuck up I'm having a moment here.

>> No.26593316

little less than 5 years im on my way to do so

>> No.26593317

>Went to Japan knowing zero Japanese, learned it
Her father is Japanese. He lives in Japan, works in Japan and shitposts on Japanese twitter about Japanese politics

>> No.26593321

Happy Synthesizer.. Aloe...

>> No.26593323

Nene is 2 holos in one! What a steal!

>> No.26593324

"I wonder if I'm carrying on her legacy?"

>> No.26593325


>> No.26593329
Quoted by: >>26593391

Fuck off, plenty people work shit loads harder than her without a sliver of her success. Just because she somehow made it big doesn't mean she automatically deserves respect.

>> No.26593328
Quoted by: >>26593464


>> No.26593330

That Aloe-chan's voice and singing ability inspired her to sing more and get better.

>> No.26593331

>something she literally said in her goddamn stream
You don't even know what is she saying or the context is and spin it to your narrative, Cocofags is always retarded.

>> No.26593337


>> No.26593338

>18 hours
fuck off

>> No.26593341

She hasn’t met me yet

>> No.26593344
Quoted by: >>26593452

Both her parents are Japanese but she was not raised bilingual. She spent years in Japan knowing only English

>> No.26593347

pasha played profesionally till 28
f0rest is 32, still playing

>> No.26593350
Quoted by: >>26593401

Watch out, we have a badass over here calling strangers mentally ill on the internet.

>> No.26593352

>"remember that girl who couldn't sing and needed autotune? like this [sings in autotune]"
translation from 5ch

>> No.26593353

Roboco minecraft again. Feels like early 2020 again. All that's left is Haato's Minecraft for sleep and her tree house project

>> No.26593354


>> No.26593358
Quoted by: >>26593431

5th gen is much better without Aloe.

>> No.26593361

Anons...hold me...suddenly I feel sad...

>> No.26593363

Don't have one
Don't need any

>> No.26593364

Nene reminds herself of the pain of her past mistakes to steel herself and become strong.

>> No.26593366

>being sad over someone who streamed less than any holoEN
hope you guys don't do this

>> No.26593367

Get the fuck out of here nigga

>> No.26593369


>> No.26593371
Quoted by: >>26593418

Kek this schizo is still here?

>> No.26593374

her dream...

>> No.26593378

She said Aloe is so good at singing that she can't even compare.

>> No.26593382
Quoted by: >>26593483


>> No.26593384

How come the only hololive content discussed here is subbed? you never see anyone discussing untranslated content.

>> No.26593387

Go back to global

>> No.26593388


>> No.26593390

She just lost creativity and used the management excuse for it. Honestly most jokes in Asacoco 1.0 weren't even that bad that they needed to be censored in any way. 1.0 could've been easily been reproduced without the crudest jokes and still been entertaining. 2.0 sucked because it lacked actual content and was shoddily thrown together, not because it was censored.

>> No.26593391

Actually, yes it did. Get some accomplishments to your name and come back later, kid.

>> No.26593397

They do this and have been for 3 weeks now...

>> No.26593401
Quoted by: >>26593462

Your reply just reeks of reddit, stop giving me (You)s, I don't want to be filthy.

>> No.26593403

Don't forget

>> No.26593404

How many minutes new?

>> No.26593406

>cannibalized her fellow gen member and is now wearing her as a trophy
warlike Nenechi

>> No.26593407
Quoted by: >>26593416

>she hasn't dated for ages
how old is Choco's roommate? 30?

>> No.26593410

Please watch Iofi and get her to 100k. I'm sure she'll be really happy.

>> No.26593411

because we don't speak japanese

>> No.26593412

Here's one for you anon. Now go buy something from the (You) exchange booth!

>> No.26593414

Even her chat was spamming the crying emote

>> No.26593416

Turned 28 2 days ago

>> No.26593418
Quoted by: >>26593453

I can see few of my posts in August, it's not a single person.

>> No.26593422

that akasupa spike

>> No.26593423

>except Subaru's channel, her whole shit was straight up deleted because of a mistake
Subaru lives a hard life...

>> No.26593426

I knew subbing to Nene on her debut was the right choice

>> No.26593429

I've seen her stream from like 3 or 4 years ago and her japanese was super shit, she made a lot of progress in relatively short time

>> No.26593430
Quoted by: >>26593481

Some people actually watch streams here and discuss it when it happens newfagchama

>> No.26593431

I agree, they have perfect chemistry as it is

>> No.26593432
Quoted by: >>26593532

Nene should graduate too for giving a fuck about someone who was basically not even in hololive. Seriously just fuck off with this trash.

>> No.26593435

She studies there in highschool, she is very lonely from the lockdown

>> No.26593436
Quoted by: >>26593481

I'll bite the bait.
remember all the times people post about things happening in livestreams? no? back to the other thread with you.

>> No.26593437

literally read the thread

>> No.26593438

>o uta no renshyuu
What does the "o" stand for here?

>> No.26593440

Does Nene's mama ever appear in her chat? She retweets Nene a fair bit.

>> No.26593441

Go back

>> No.26593447

Do you unironically never read this thread?

>> No.26593449

nene my ears...

>> No.26593451


>> No.26593452
Quoted by: >>26593512

That's not the point. Imagine how well Coco would fare if she wasn't actually Japanese or even Asian. Someone like Kiara is way closer to Ken-sama ideal, 100% gaijin with no Japanese family or citizenship. Also, yeah, Coco used to live with her fucking family, this is in no way comparable to "I just moved to Japan, lol"

>> No.26593453
Quoted by: >>26593507

>it's not a single person
Right and I'm Kiryu Coco.

>> No.26593457

nene my ears...

>> No.26593458

Not if she plays meme games.

>> No.26593461

>2k viewers
Come back here if she has 200 viewers like Risu yesterday.

>> No.26593462

We've gone through mentally insane and reddit, tell me to go to another board and you'll hit the trifecta of boring troll who can't come up with anything interesting to say.

>> No.26593463

Reminder that even Pekora put effort to remember Aloe


>> No.26593464 [DELETED] 

Wow Towa's utawaku? That's extremely rare from her

>> No.26593472

People do we just get drowned out by the schizos

>> No.26593475

3 years. Only relative is her grandmother. She moved out of her shitty relatives' house last year to live with her grandmother. She did have friends she used to hang out with all the time (there was a time where she rarely streamed during the weekends) but all of them have either graduated or transferred to different schools this year.

>> No.26593477


>> No.26593480

>Bros, how do you cope without Korone's stream? I'm currently watching her English Only stream at the moment and I'm about to finish it.
You dont

>> No.26593481

Yes, i rememer people only reaction to holos dying because that's literally the only thing you understand, EOPs.

>> No.26593482
Quoted by: >>26593568

They're just pretend it, because doomposter faggots and wwhiteknights from reddit. Most of them are creepy schizos, that's why they're stalking her constantly.
I feel sorry for her mama tho, Guchico is an amazing artist.

>> No.26593483

You are retarded not him faggot

>> No.26593485

You can still see some of the discord notifications, from her manager/mio popping up.

>> No.26593487
Quoted by: >>26593541



>> No.26593489

How bad were her dates? I want to know if I have a chance.

>> No.26593491
Quoted by: >>26593530

were you born this dumb or is it hard work

>> No.26593492

Your oreps, anonchama...

>> No.26593493

Final stretch guys! +50!

>> No.26593494

Nene's mama is super busy I think.

>> No.26593495

heh, you know you like getting (you)s you think you're better than that?

>> No.26593499


>> No.26593501

t-that low? holy
even moona got 600 on her karaoke ...
risu ...

>> No.26593503

You better not be Goslingposting in Amelia's chat or I'm killing the seed right now. Since there's a flip an argentinian and a norwegian at 0.something% in there now.

>> No.26593504

Working... NenePro...

>> No.26593505
Quoted by: >>26593580

Has Iofi inclined?

>> No.26593506

Are those ashes?

>> No.26593507
Quoted by: >>26593526

Fuck you Coco

>> No.26593509

Need to rewatch Working!!! Thanks Nene.

>> No.26593512

They made Coco stay in the foreigner dorm at university because she wasn't considered true Japanese. You'll never be considered the real deal somewhere if you weren't actually raised there, regardless of your heritage. That's why Coco never pandered to EOPs, she doesn't want the natives to think she isn't really one of them.

>> No.26593520
Quoted by: >>26593579


>> No.26593519

She's what anon?! ANON?!

>> No.26593521

Love Coco

>> No.26593526

Thanks for letting me I know I'm still making you seethe.

>> No.26593527

She told a few stories in this stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y4tSntOpIw
According to A-chan there's a lot more stories like this

>> No.26593528

It's just to formalize or single out a term. For example お水 is how you would ask for water in a restaurant, because just 水 would be rude an/or unspecific.

>> No.26593530

Reality checks really hurt you uh

>> No.26593532


go back to /nijisanji/

>> No.26593531

super busy with her manga thingy now, they interact a lot on twitter, nene being a good child!

>> No.26593536

what the fuck how has fubuki made so little cash despite being popular for so long?

>> No.26593537

just hold the door open pay for your own gas and dont take her to some gambling place and your in pretty much

>> No.26593539

There is absolutely no way this isn't bait

>> No.26593540

>after being asked why she included pink in addition to the rest of the current gen 5 colors, she responded "Well, more color variation is nice peko?"

>> No.26593541
Quoted by: >>26593583

Can you please stop posting this here and stay in global? Thanks.

>> No.26593542


>> No.26593544

99% of people here are can't understand shit in Japanese, we're waiting for the 1% to translate some shit and we can make narratives about it.

>> No.26593547

I still can't get over the fact that Coco and Choco are in their 30s or something while Haato and Aqua and the rest of them are still either in their teens or early 20s.

That's pretty awkward if they make collabs, then.

>> No.26593550

Hi, it's me, nobody

>> No.26593558


>> No.26593559

Nene is truly the passion idol of hololive...

>> No.26593561

>One guy she dated took her to a pachinko parlor on their second date
>One guy she dated took her to karaoke, oogled her tits the whole time then asked her to have his kids
>One guy took Choco to a restaurant, tried to not only split the bill for the food but also split the receipt of his petrol stop the previous day

>> No.26593565

I wish I was Nene's scroll wheel...

>> No.26593568

Guchico is a creepy fuck too, still drawing the design after it has been shelved.

>> No.26593571

Do you think a pachinko parlor is a good date spot? Are you gonna make her pay for the gas bill? If your answer is "No" you can put your name on the waitlist.

>> No.26593572

Lamy, don't say Nii nii...

>> No.26593574

Explain why nobody mentioned Aqua's talking about her sololive and all the details she gave during her Jump King stream.
It was all Aqua... spam when she fell.

>> No.26593575

The fact than all of them calls Haachama as "senpai"

>> No.26593579

anon she's doing her homework the shaving asmr, i have a weird boner

>> No.26593580

Yes and she just gained mored than 100 subs in less than 10 minutes? Something must be happening, what the fuck. Only 1k left!

>> No.26593582

I can't get over the fact how small my dick is

>> No.26593583

I cannot stay in global because I've never been there, fag

>> No.26593585


>> No.26593588

Do you have trouble interacting with people older than you or something?

>> No.26593591


>> No.26593592

My ex boyfriend used to ask me to do this all the time because I'm super into a certain gacha.
It's really, really, really annoying.

>> No.26593594

We got a fucking retard in here folks and it's not a surprise that it's the namefag.

>> No.26593600

Fuck off back to /v/.

>> No.26593599


>> No.26593603

>fuwa fuwa time
Thank you Nene...
