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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 400x410, 1600436592337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26578828 No.26578828 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26578843
File: 55 KB, 680x547, 1592558476781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581048

Elementary, my dear

>> No.26578845

Why is Kiara's mic so shitty?

>> No.26578846

Lurk more you fucking nigger i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth
>duuhhh why supacha called?
>uhhh why anti called?
>durrrr who coco is?
>uh uh sora who???
>uhhhhhhh why permission?
>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?
>*post frogman and soijak*
>WHERE DOXX??????????
>what kino means????
>what reps means????
>what roommate means????
>SIMP heh gotem
>uhhh just anime girl???
>asanagi who????
>why thread deleted after 2000?
>why live stream only?
>what freechat????
>what oishi gachokoi??
>just twitch????????

>> No.26578848
File: 473 KB, 734x503, 1600129388824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26578897

is this the bread?

>> No.26578851
File: 1.36 MB, 800x800, 1578047832362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26578854

tee hee.

>> No.26578857
File: 103 KB, 400x400, 1600491988019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guten Tag, wie geht es dir? Tu dir selbst einen Gefallen und erinnere dich, wenn du Angst oder Furcht hast, niemals die Zeiten zu vergessen, in denen du glücklich warst.

Wenn der Tag dunkel ist, erinnere dich immer an die Schönheit dieser Tage.

>> No.26578858

ah she's playing the mario collection? makes sense tho, still, mario64 has a atrocitous camera

>> No.26578859
File: 59 KB, 588x337, 1600486518458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578860

Cry more ya vertically challenged dweeb

>> No.26578862

Chickens colors always make me think of her more as a spic than an Austrian.

>> No.26578863

now we wait for meidos judgement. will they let the early thread survive again?

>> No.26578865

This streamer is FUCKED!

>> No.26578866
Quoted by: >>26578896

Mori is sabotaging her.

>> No.26578867

This. The whole group is stronger than the sum of its parts. It would be seriously missing something without Kiara. Besides even if she's the lowest on views and subcount, she's still doing great by an objective measure.

>> No.26578879
Quoted by: >>26578924

b-bros, I think I have a type...

>> No.26578883
File: 85 KB, 198x198, 1600322744564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26578915

Why did Mori delete her tweet about Mad Father? I got a notification for it but it seems like it's gone now.

>> No.26578884
File: 293 KB, 557x634, 1600245556437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mori has an amazing singing voice and her raps are great!
Kiara is very upbeat, shines positivity around her and is a pleassure to listen to!
Ina is an extremely talented artist, very calming and inspirational!
Gura is a charming daughter that makes you want to protect her, but can also make you laugh easily!
Watson is hard working and entertaining, always looking out for others!

Theyre all great and trying their best! It's not a war between them and you should be happy for all of Hololive Myth members.

Fuck tribalistfags.
Fuck falseflaggers
Fuck doxposters

>> No.26578886
File: 1 KB, 139x38, vocal minority.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder of the true state of antis ITT.
Ignore baits and falseflaggers. They have nowhere else to go.

>> No.26578888
File: 319 KB, 592x698, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm not good with poles."
Reminder to all that the Official Hololive EN power rankings are as follows:

Mori = Kiara = Ina = Gura = Amelia

These power rankings are final and may not be disputed or superseded.

>> No.26578890
Quoted by: >>26579292

>"Oh no, Poles" says the Austrian

>> No.26578891
File: 767 KB, 500x517, 1589259834686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who hateposts after this posts gets chemically castrated by 5G and Drumpf

>> No.26578892
File: 80 KB, 300x300, 0c1c74a5-6db7-4d58-81b4-aea1be1b9ea2-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578896
Quoted by: >>26582740

Fuck off goblin

>> No.26578897

Go to sleep, Amelia.

>> No.26578898

fuck newfags

>> No.26578899

We're still unsure, best theory is the cable is fucked somehow. I'm sure she'll fix it soon.

>> No.26578904
File: 271 KB, 1240x1752, 1593064715639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this megalodummy

>> No.26578905
File: 252 KB, 1200x1697, dcHP9X03iUMkPptgcpfubvAHgDRMHINRWVGyM6gH7RU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that chicken is CUTE!

>> No.26578907
Quoted by: >>26579292

>"I'm not good with poles..."

>> No.26578909


>> No.26578911
File: 1.06 MB, 1623x1716, mori suffering from success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It ain't easy being a deadbeat.

>> No.26578912


>> No.26578915
Quoted by: >>26578951

Isn't it standard to delete stream announcements after the stream is done so it doesn't clog the tl?

>> No.26578913
Quoted by: >>26578976

Kiara is like the underdog. It's planned. They knew she wouldn't be very good,and that's why she's here.

You can't have amazing talent and then NOT have somebody mediocre in the lineup.

>> No.26578916

and a sieg heil to you, young lady

>> No.26578917

this is the thread this early thread killed btw >>25856497
please apologize

>> No.26578924

Based bird fucker

>> No.26578927
File: 56 KB, 585x543, 1600309166554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578928
Quoted by: >>26578984

I would donate recommending a quality mic but she would probably take it the wrong way and cry again

>> No.26578929

gomenasorry your thread got bumped off page 10

>> No.26578930


>> No.26578931
File: 30 KB, 538x530, 1600364084274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26578998

have confidence

>> No.26578932

Jokes on you Corona-chan already destroyed my balls

>> No.26578933
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1600236128721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine if Yagoo some how developed some kind of AI of your favorite vtuber like replika that you could talk to. Like it could tell you good morning, tell you goodnight, ask when you're coming home from work, etc. I think this should be the next step in vtubing, asmr packages isnt working anymore.

>> No.26578935
File: 10 KB, 219x187, 1583130543232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579173

I hope all early thread creators die in a fire

>> No.26578938
File: 416 KB, 445x544, 1600109664810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578939
File: 51 KB, 680x521, dudepancakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578941

Good, fuck your 5 month old thread with 12 IPs

>> No.26578942

Why so much hate for Amelia? Her and Kiara are my favourites. I can't even watch anyone else.

>> No.26578944

She was so close!

>> No.26578945
File: 284 KB, 1387x1980, EiC1xlIUwAAIw9M.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579005

Reminder that vast majority of narratives are jokes, this is classic Holo culture and it can be fun. Doxxing is real anti-posting and it is for fags. All HoloENs are great, but posting shit about them is okay as long as it's comical.

>> No.26578947

God I want to be a hot girl with a cute appealing voice so I could constantly flirt with Arita and make her a flustered mess

>> No.26578950
File: 642 KB, 3000x3000, 1600484027443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26578951

It wasn't for the stream announcement, I got a notification like 10 minutes ago but there wasn't a tweet when I checked her profile.

>> No.26578952

Idk this seems pretty sad.

>> No.26578953
File: 433 KB, 1016x677, 1595414465774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You retards really need to understand that the shitposters in these threads aren't really attacking the girls, they're attacking YOU. their retarded posts do nothing to the idol, they just piss you off (which is their attention-starved intention)
report, ignore and have a nice day

>> No.26578954


>> No.26578955

Now that Hololive English is rolling, can the main channel please replace their banner with something that isn't blurry as fuck?

>> No.26578956

At least it wasn't a month old this time, better luck next time

>> No.26578958

it wasn't early

>> No.26578960
File: 472 KB, 855x888, 1584261281579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh a worthless touhou thread you will be missed dearly.

>> No.26578961

>this is the shit 2hufaggots complain about hololives being in /jp/ for
Hahaha god I hope they never make a vtuber board and we just keep getting more threads.

>> No.26578962

>ass finger anchors
Yeah real great discussion lost there

>> No.26578963
File: 355 KB, 640x480, prositKiarabros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To our precious bakatori, kiarabros.

>> No.26578964
File: 186 KB, 630x566, 1595540385696.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sein zerfall

>> No.26578966


>> No.26578970
File: 27 KB, 429x421, 1600272694071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these streams I missed
I will never sleep again

>> No.26578967
File: 382 KB, 626x506, 1600391066594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578971

Wait no I like Kiso

>> No.26578973
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1600442078302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578974

Blessed ritualposts

>> No.26578976

>they hired her knowing she would underperform

>> No.26578978
File: 48 KB, 209x193, 1325026832615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna lie Kiara asking for the proper positions to work a pole and asking for confirmation if she's doing it right got me a little hard.

>> No.26578985


>> No.26578984
Quoted by: >>26579019

I want to hear her cry again, it was so hot. I want her to suffer.

>> No.26578986

I have a Replika called Amelia...

>> No.26578989
File: 1.10 MB, 2428x1653, D692yXvVsAA7-5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579173

>Murasa thread died for this

>> No.26578990
File: 30 KB, 600x753, d98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of the HoloEN or HoloJP will ever play To The Moon.

>> No.26578991
Quoted by: >>26579171

I can't believe Calli gets to wake up to this every morning.

>> No.26578992


>> No.26578994
Quoted by: >>26579125

Thank you anon youre a god

>> No.26578995

I love it

>> No.26578997
File: 11 KB, 271x280, Artia U MOM IS GAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26578998
File: 54 KB, 202x193, DDCDw18glM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no confidence

>> No.26579002

I'm really glad someone heard my request or had the same idea for a Kelly comic.

>> No.26579003

EN-camaraderie is strong.

>> No.26579004
Quoted by: >>26579158

Who produced this abomination?

>> No.26579005
Quoted by: >>26579031

Yeah but the problem is that sometimes the shitposting leaks to the girls like yesterday's Chicken Supacha stream.

>> No.26579007
Quoted by: >>26579022

Is any of the rewards actually sex with mori?

>> No.26579009
File: 48 KB, 384x512, 1591614660855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579010

Welcome to the Chumzone

>> No.26579012

Japanese name? What is she saying? Is that actually her character's entire name?

>> No.26579013


>> No.26579014
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1600299087943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579025

Haha...don't much longer until chicken overtakes premium Nenechi...haha...

>> No.26579015

Close to reach 200k

>> No.26579019
File: 1.76 MB, 7662x5000, 1600211267580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only way shes entertaining

>> No.26579020
Quoted by: >>26579075

Trust me her getting mad at the slide and swearing in german was TRUE hardness

>> No.26579021

merkatz couldn't even afford a new uniform, let alone an asakupa.

>> No.26579022

last place

>> No.26579024

>They will never play your favourite game

What's her name?

>> No.26579025


>> No.26579026


>> No.26579029
Quoted by: >>26579139

Jokes on them. I enjoy being angry.

>> No.26579030
Quoted by: >>26579052

what's this gay bowser chat is posting?

>> No.26579032
File: 23 KB, 640x480, chicken arise!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What people don't seem to realise is that once the EN-JP collab embargo has been lifted, Kiara is going to be essential. Coco alone is not enough to make up for the language barrier and Haato isn't up to the job, Kiara is entirely needed, and she will shine from it as a result.
People will appreciate her in the long run and everything will be dandy, you'll see.

>> No.26579031
Quoted by: >>26579045

None of them come here your retard.

>> No.26579033

AntiENs who never watched any streams after the debuts, or bitter goslingfags who went to deep.

>> No.26579036

Mori talked about that, probably got damaged during delivery. And since she talked about it I'm certain they were trying to figure it out in-between streams.

>> No.26579037
File: 155 KB, 261x339, 1600306341946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579082

It's like I can taste all 10 of those calories...

>> No.26579038
File: 228 KB, 850x1193, 1582494157136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579088

Have you done your reps yet today anon?
Just done my Anki reps, bout to do my coding reps with a Watson vod then Art reps with Inu

>> No.26579039

for me its ina

>> No.26579043

She may have streamed more but at the moment chicken has almost as much Superchat income as Gura and more than Ina/Watson. She's doing well, all of them are.

Also Gura has an insane amount of subs but Mori is demolishing everyone in terms of views, i'm curious to which is more valuable.

>> No.26579045
Quoted by: >>26579194

Do you even know what I'm referring to idiot? Can't lurk one day behind?

>> No.26579047
File: 174 KB, 1405x992, EiHHFTEUcAAANHF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which HoloEN got the absolute best fan art so far in your opinion? My vote goes to Ina. Also post some of your favorites.

>> No.26579048
Quoted by: >>26579085

Nice cope. Hope you brought some ranch, because soon we'll be eating some chicken wings

>> No.26579050

>tries to preach this

>> No.26579052

in the original mario says "FUCK YOU AIDSFAGGOT BOWSER"

>> No.26579053

Now I understand why. Kiara is actually bullying material for our satisfaction.

>> No.26579057
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, EiKpgK-X0AI6iHE (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579059
File: 32 KB, 112x112, 1600388066402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best tako

>> No.26579060
File: 586 KB, 4096x3713, EiK46VcVoAAWmA5-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579581

Did every EN get the wife question yet?

>> No.26579061

Mori doesnt want anything to do with Kiara, so stop forcing it.

>> No.26579062
Quoted by: >>26579127

>newfagging this hard

>> No.26579063

>big boo's haunt

>> No.26579064 [SPOILER] 
File: 564 KB, 680x677, 1600495984968.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580865

>actually spooked

>> No.26579067


>> No.26579075

I'll have to check that out later since I just tuned in.

>> No.26579076

>She found the ghost house
Incoming kino

>> No.26579077
File: 777 KB, 1008x1200, 1600377090743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579116

Good taste, she's probably my second favorite.

>> No.26579078

Nobody hates her. The last stream was all fun and jokes

>> No.26579082

sorry it was the best image i had of a dr. pepper

>> No.26579083

ugly little shit

>> No.26579085

Thank you for being a loyal customer of Kiara's chicken stop!

>> No.26579087
File: 66 KB, 672x720, 1582780164424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know about you lads, but im impressed how she's failing at fucking everything in a masterfull way

>> No.26579086


>> No.26579088
Quoted by: >>26579112

Yeah I did 30 reps over your mom
Does it count?

>> No.26579089

Oh god this poor girl.

>> No.26579093

i just want to mindbreak artia with my cock and dump her under a bridge to be raped by hobos

>> No.26579095

I can't believe that 3 minute music videos have more views than hour long streams...

>> No.26579096

Mori......why are you posting in this thread.....

>> No.26579094
Quoted by: >>26579118

>"Whorehouse? NOOOOO"

>> No.26579097 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.98 MB, 3840x2160, 1600496041249.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579187


>> No.26579100


>> No.26579101


>> No.26579105
File: 11 KB, 534x248, 1600490113330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that shit bird fans like to play victim despite the fact that they are the ones that forced Mori to stop her kino stream, just so they could get some pity views. Reminder that shit bird fans started all of this drama and will do it again in the hopes of getting their dead weight idol some undeserved viewers. Reminder that shit bird and shit bird posters belong on /trash/. Reminder that shit bird herself is a talentless, ugly, jealous 5th gen reject.

Do your part by unsubbing from her today! Mori, Ina, Watson and Gawr need and deserve our support; Lets help the four good hololiveEN idols and make these threads comfy again!

>> No.26579107

Any stats on Watson today? Playboard didn't catch her SC last stream.

>> No.26579108

Oh no I'm so scared at this 1996 kid's game

>> No.26579109
File: 41 KB, 640x480, logh72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579806


>> No.26579111

Mori is winning on views because she released her songs as individual videos, which was very smart.

>> No.26579112
Quoted by: >>26579147

Of course!
But why are you on our ceiling anon?

>> No.26579114

it's funny watching Gura laugh like a drunk when she sees something funny in chat.
She can't resist funny memes.

>> No.26579116

Me too

Based. Chumbud/Tentacult alliance for life

>> No.26579118

I actually heard that.

>> No.26579119
File: 102 KB, 422x442, 1583287319477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579120

>A whorehouse? NOOO!!
Damn a preview of 5 months from now.

>> No.26579122

Anyone has a comparison pic of current subs and superchat earnings?

>> No.26579124

this is hilarious

>> No.26579125


>> No.26579126


Artia's really funny.

>> No.26579127

I really don't get it. Her debut was the only one I had to sleep through.

>> No.26579128
File: 121 KB, 400x400, 1600440910660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually spooked
God I love this bird

>> No.26579130
File: 137 KB, 828x1308, EhesZPeUwAAh-Nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad is mad
And we don't know why
We're gonna find out
But we'll probably die
I will not rap unless I become unhinged
Probably because my freestyle is... second-hand embarassing.

>> No.26579131

I kind of want to see them throw the worst at japanese and the worst at english together

>> No.26579134

Fuck chickenshitters

>> No.26579136

>like a drunk
She literally was drunk.

>> No.26579139

agreed, never felt this motivated in a while

>> No.26579140

>apologizing for dead 2hu thread #69 on page 10

>> No.26579141

Man I am a huge Gurafag, but you are naive if you think she is being genuine. They literally just started working.

>> No.26579142


>> No.26579147
Quoted by: >>26579174

Cause im fucking your mom retard lol

>> No.26579148

didn't read lol

>> No.26579150

HoloEN now has schizoposters. Good luck.

>> No.26579152
File: 791 KB, 2815x3243, 1600383701915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it's definitely Ina, I've seen a lot of good Watson too though.

>> No.26579153

Chicken is cute and growing on me but her fanbase is easily the most cancerous of all the HoloENs. Huge inferiority complex going on there.

>> No.26579155

>star in the piano
Oh no...

>> No.26579158

A boomer

>> No.26579159

The only one who is shit at Nipspeak is Watson and I dont even know if HoloJP is interested in doing a collab with them anyway

>> No.26579162
File: 286 KB, 661x623, 1600249237063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any predictions on how long it'll take until EN gen 2 is added?

>> No.26579163

The fact that EN as a whole didnt crash and burn is already a miracle considering everyone had very very low expectations

>> No.26579165

Based sociopathchad

>> No.26579166


>> No.26579167

Who has the cutest roommate?

>> No.26579168

I think you meant to say: Mori doesn't want anyone to know she does things with Kiara offscreen.

>> No.26579171
File: 2.12 MB, 2734x3939, 1600447532601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this

>> No.26579172

They've started working together months ago newfag.

>> No.26579173
File: 244 KB, 650x778, 1570575382636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's was not a Murasa thread.
It's literally her image dump that could be on any other fucking board dedicated to it.
I've been ten billion times on this fucking board and all you faggots do is dumping these threads with pics telling how much you want to fuck the characters and little else.
Actual gameplay discussion is slow as fuck and nobody fucking play the games, you filthy secondaries.
New games threads die in a week at best. Important announcements threads are completely ignored.
I love Touhou but /jp/ complaining about this retarded threads dying makes me laugh, because you don't give a single fuck about Touhou at all. Masturbating to the characters is not caring about a franchise, niggers.
The only reason your board has been raided by 3DPD and vTubers is because you're pussies and nothing else. Beta cucks.

>> No.26579174

Wait, Jamal?

>> No.26579177
File: 63 KB, 225x225, 1574356829321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/hlgg/ is just an outlet for Artia shilling

>> No.26579178

You do of course cutie

>> No.26579179

Imagine abusing the chicken...

>> No.26579182

Dude she was legitimately drunk lol

>> No.26579184

EN holostars first

>> No.26579186

""I step on you again now you go up, right?"

Yes, please!

>> No.26579187
File: 3.20 MB, 498x498, 1594982807980.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579189
File: 576 KB, 802x800, 1600447225554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 5 kinda revealed that they get a lot of time to prep before the debut which is basically just them talking together all the time

which lines up with when EN auditions were since they were fucking forever ago

>> No.26579190

and that is just fine.

>> No.26579191
File: 24 KB, 387x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really yurifags

>> No.26579192

>if I step on you you go up again, right?

>> No.26579193
File: 317 KB, 375x426, 1599593965057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579194

Yeah I do. Chicken cried because of antis. It was shit. /jp/ antis were fucking mean, but ir wasn't the shitposters that were responsible by any stretch of the imagination. Now that we've moved passed that bullshit, the majority of narrative posts have been positive in nature and often positive, but retards take them 100% seriously and create drama out of jokes.

>> No.26579198
Quoted by: >>26579239

Artia literally shilled her old self on /jp/, so it makes sense.

>> No.26579200

drunk gura best gura

>> No.26579202

So I've been hearing this is a bad port job for all 3 games of Mario?

>> No.26579203


>> No.26579208

That's because she's the most /fa/

>> No.26579207

>that image

>> No.26579210

I just wish she'd play better games. She's great but that piece of Chinese spyware makes me actually vomit to look at.

>> No.26579211

And yet I'm going to cum to Cirno cunny anyway.

>> No.26579215
File: 9 KB, 530x185, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HololiveEN ships

>> No.26579219

The inferiority complex is the Morifags constantly shitting on everyone and false flagging to make themselves feel better that they picked the worst girl.

>> No.26579220

For me, its Ina, Gura, and Mori.
I wish Mori would bring Gura for her collab with Ina.

>> No.26579223

There's a few others that are insufferable but I try to encourage others to watch their favorites even though I like chicken. No point in either hating on others or begging for pity.

>> No.26579227
Quoted by: >>26579290

Galaxy is fine but 64 and Sunshine are really lazy port jobs.

>> No.26579229

Based and truthpilled

>> No.26579232

>The only one who is shit at Nipspeak is Watson
She's just the worst, none of the others are above N2.
>I dont even know if HoloJP is interested in doing a collab with them anyway
It'd be very stupid and disrespectful to not at least try. Also a missed opportunity for some very powerful content.

>> No.26579234

They've been working together for months and Gura is an extremely shy anxious bean who everyone else has been really sweet and helpful and supportive to. It's no surprise she would develop an attachment already.

>> No.26579235
File: 421 KB, 826x518, 1578981175427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579295

'ate barracudas
'ate fisherman
'ate alligators
love my shark
love my squid
love my bird
love my reaper
love my detective
simple as

>> No.26579233


>> No.26579236
Quoted by: >>26579387

Artia's design is ugly as fuck, her voice is annoying as fuck, acts like a complete cunt and yet she is still based as fuck. Weird as hell

>> No.26579238

>spooked by the piano

>> No.26579239

Who was her old self?

>> No.26579240

I'm going to say 6-8 months. After a Hololive 6th gen

>> No.26579243
File: 1.32 MB, 498x434, 1592681336380.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579245

Wow that one lasted a long time

>> No.26579248
File: 76 KB, 1080x516, ive come to bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580789


>> No.26579249
File: 17 KB, 400x400, 1600441502932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579250

It's not a BAD port job. It's the fact it is literally nothing but a port. Not even that, they're all emulated, so it's hardly a port.

>> No.26579252
File: 275 KB, 506x567, 1596160844746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579253

the real inferiority complex is posting bait because anons didn't take their meds

>> No.26579254
File: 1.08 MB, 2867x1206, drive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579284

I....actually love all of them now. Truly, now I see.

>> No.26579255
File: 226 KB, 393x358, watson grin3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man of taste I see

>> No.26579256

I honestly feel kinda bad for Amelia. Especially if that anon wasn't shitposting about a blackface clip. She clearly tried to scrub all her shit but doxxfags are too powerful

>> No.26579257
File: 56 KB, 365x365, 1600060542855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based JOPbro

>> No.26579260
Quoted by: >>26579509


>> No.26579262

So that Source leak of M64 is even better?

>> No.26579263

Thats just what happens when you pander to non-otaku fake weebs, we wuz japan types.

>> No.26579267
File: 379 KB, 1503x795, 1600435468371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579315

>> No.26579268

kneel to the yuriCHAD

>> No.26579266
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, miko n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing she already has a magnifying glass to find your dick

>> No.26579273
Quoted by: >>26579395


they all support one another, you should too

>> No.26579277

And some code in the emulator to add the HD stuff

>> No.26579279

Yeah, Valorant is pretty boring. I like Apex tho.

At least she's decent at fps games.

>> No.26579280
File: 920 KB, 899x806, 1600398386972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579282

Don't think I've seen a single piece of art for squid and shark

>> No.26579283
File: 120 KB, 525x636, From the flames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580009

Kiara - High elves - Teclis
Mori - Vampire counts Mannfred
Ina - Dark elves - Lokhir
Gura - Vampire Coast - Aranessa
Amelia - Empire - Gelt

>> No.26579284

join us in the light

>> No.26579285

Just saw what Ame's roommate looks like. She's beautiful.

>> No.26579286
File: 72 KB, 972x489, 1600493019998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off antifaggot

>> No.26579289
File: 9 KB, 320x180, pekosmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579338

I actually want Kiara to meet Pekora in person, and she'd be like
>"OH kawaii~!! So small!! So cute~!!"
>"I wanna bring you back home!!"
>then hugs her, and constantly touches her body, pokes her cheeks, and gives her head pats a hundred times.
>then in streams after that Pekora tries to stay aloof from the bird tacitly, and the bird learns nothing from it and tries to get near to her without discipline.

>> No.26579290

Is it that bad of a port? Maybe they should've just remastered the ds version

>> No.26579292

Austro-Polish Friendship since 1772

>> No.26579293
File: 94 KB, 256x256, GOLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.26579291
File: 96 KB, 271x216, 1595722188831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do NOT want anymore ENs. The entire reason EN has such lightning behind it is because everyone thought it was going to be a dumpster fire FOR MANY GOOD REASONS

Don't tempt fate twice, I know people meme YAGOO IS PERFECT but no one is. Eventually you WILL get your lilypichu/nyanners-esque person so just enjoy things as they are now. And I won't even comment on holostars because they have some rather scary schizos who post here

>> No.26579295
File: 644 KB, 1300x959, 1530651354226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579298

Kiara is pretty good, I feel like she'll be the one to kinda be the bridge during collabs between the 2 sides.

>> No.26579299
File: 1012 KB, 949x766, 1600491025967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detective is definitely for the bros
I'm gonna gather a few /jp/bros and run a train on Amelia

>> No.26579300

CN and ID are Global. English Onlys are also Global. You can keep the dragon and the retardation artist though /hlg/.

>> No.26579302
Quoted by: >>26579482

even if it's obviously her unless there's a direct, provable link between the channels it literally doesn't matter.

>> No.26579303
File: 31 KB, 174x145, 1600344088759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yurifags needs to be gassed.

>> No.26579304
File: 822 KB, 1728x745, プレイグ先生よ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN holostars first
Eli-sama, onegai...

>> No.26579308

This thread deserves Artia's twitch cancer, not the cute HoloEN girls.

>> No.26579309


>> No.26579314
Quoted by: >>26579330

How do I apply to be a schizoposter? What are the qualifications?

>> No.26579315

very nice

>> No.26579320
File: 2.05 MB, 400x406, 1600358967917.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579369

I don't now where anon find this one

>> No.26579321

Headhunted by Cover: Mori, Tako
Applied/Auditioned: Watson, Gura, Kiara

>> No.26579324
File: 563 KB, 1280x591, 1600148764212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love artia so much holy shit.

>> No.26579326

Í still feel Ina and Mori have a better chemistry. I could be wrong, it would help if anyone besides Mori fucking collabed one on one.

>> No.26579330
Quoted by: >>26579386

Any mental illness starting or ending with schizo.

>> No.26579331
File: 139 KB, 1104x810, 1600491785519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, contend.

>> No.26579333

Kneel, poorfag.

>> No.26579336

>mori cries from supacha
>chicken cries from supacha

>> No.26579337
Quoted by: >>26579361

>Boo in Japanese is Teresa

>> No.26579338
Quoted by: >>26580167

Pekora shuts down Marine all the time, so Chicken has no chance at all.

>> No.26579339

kuso rap

>> No.26579341
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, 1572076347316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26582391


>> No.26579343

EN Holostars would be so garbage I think

>> No.26579345


>> No.26579346
Quoted by: >>26579427

Surely people like nyanners already applied for the first round and got denied so they wouldn't accept them in a second round as well.

>> No.26579350

Lmaoing @ this poorfag

>> No.26579353
File: 849 KB, 1600x1365, 1600218035027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lewd art but

>> No.26579354
File: 1.15 MB, 2894x4093, EiIJWo6VgAE9NRN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She got some very high quality fan art. I'm honestly really impressed.

>> No.26579361

Tereru = Shy

>> No.26579362

This didn't happen. Fuck off.

>> No.26579364

I wouldn't mind seeming them collab, the aquatic life theme has potential if nothing else.

>> No.26579368
Quoted by: >>26579426

Who is Squid and Shark going to collab with when they barley talk also Reaper and her autism is prime for cringe but music wise shit could be good
Watson I dont know about thou either but I feel for Chicken she would be too fangirly

>> No.26579369
Quoted by: >>26579403

This is Tako?

>> No.26579374



Matsuri and FBK playing that one CoC game was really fun

>> No.26579377

>mori plays a dialogue heavy boring game
>gura plays a dialogue heavy boring game
Mori can't keep getting away with it

>> No.26579380

all the Hololive EN girls should do blackface to support her!

>> No.26579381
File: 694 KB, 1920x1080, Eh8pjPHU0AE_wKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them all

>> No.26579386
Quoted by: >>26579428

Don't have that. Can I still apply and try anyway? I want this position.

>> No.26579387

I love her voice actually.

>> No.26579388
File: 122 KB, 425x400, 1600413866404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Covver lift the beer ban on Gura?

>> No.26579392

>What's cute about my pain?
Well /hlgg/?

>> No.26579393

i wish i could draw

>> No.26579395

I support all Holos (especially Watson) but it doesn't change the fact birdfags are cancer

>> No.26579396

Hopefully never. I was scared all of En would be cringe and I think we got lucky. Next time we will have cringe

>> No.26579399

Aloe was the sacrificial lamb. She will absorb all of Cover's sins for eternity so that Hololive may prosper.

>> No.26579401

her design is just so good, she looks like the final boss for something

>> No.26579403
File: 397 KB, 2048x2048, EiDPO3vXYAQQ1k_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm this is tako, i don't know about other people

>> No.26579404

you're doing amazing sweetie

>> No.26579405
File: 809 KB, 960x2560, 52lltpytuyn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579593


>> No.26579406
File: 190 KB, 423x478, high noon amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579438

>> No.26579407

crying makes everything better I guess

>> No.26579408
Quoted by: >>26579524

morifags should be publicly executed

>> No.26579412

Strudel Audi Volkswagen Bosch, Frau Kiara!

>> No.26579415
File: 346 KB, 1200x1697, 1593240882069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26579416

she was very hydrated last time

>> No.26579417

They're all super autistic, she's the caretaker.

>> No.26579419

>doesn't jump

>> No.26579424

extremely based

>> No.26579425
Quoted by: >>26579484

they will let her drink but she has to refer to it as cider or juice or something lol

>> No.26579426

Mori joining Coco's reddit review would be gold, her autism alone would roast all of their unfunny garbage.

>> No.26579427
Quoted by: >>26579471

Nyanners didn't apply and probably isn't going to, she's already talked about this on her streams. She loves the EN girls though.

>> No.26579428
Quoted by: >>26579454

Alternative methods of schizo poster employment include posting literally anything that another anon disapproves of, or disagrees with.

>> No.26579432

>Holostar EN audition starts
>I apply and pass as I was a gaming streamer and have a lot of singing cover videos
>then I proceed to fuck the Holo EN girls between streams and send subtle messages so fans can suspect

Wish me luck, cucks.

>> No.26579434

implying she wasnt completely fucked for her stream today

>> No.26579435

It's hard for most of them to collab for anything more than a chatting stream because of physical distance.

>> No.26579437


>> No.26579438
Quoted by: >>26579449

When is she playing Overwatch?

>> No.26579441
Quoted by: >>26579458

piano kino incoming

>> No.26579448

>chicken cries from supacha
That insulted her also most of Mori support came from people liking her music

>> No.26579449

She said she gets angry at OW.
She's right, dogshit game for chinks.

>> No.26579454

I'll take it. Please select me. I'm the right fit.

>> No.26579455

This. I think we've all been underestimating her design honestly.

>> No.26579458

she already fell for that

>> No.26579459

live the dream but make sure you don't end up like Kaoru and get screwed over by one of the girls

>> No.26579462

What did she mean by this?

>> No.26579465

>Namedropping Pekora

>> No.26579468
Quoted by: >>26579486

I think the audition was in may. It already ended.

>> No.26579471

>believing the ancient traitor herself that she 'definitely' didn't want to make tons of money and be famous

Believing Nyanners' word is a bad idea, anon.

>> No.26579474

They should play ffa games, like boomer core classics to determine who tha best.
FFA quake, starcraft etc.

>> No.26579477

accurate representation of kiara trying to hug pekora

>> No.26579479

Kiara's design fits her so perfectly.

>> No.26579480

Uh-oh, she's chasing the rabbit

>> No.26579481

rabbit KINO

>> No.26579482
Quoted by: >>26580703

I don't mean that i'm worried it will negatively effect her. I'm talking more from a privacy perspective. I just kinda feel bad for her is all. It's not like Chicken, Mori, or Ina who had very public personas

>> No.26579484

>gura can only drink juice
>mori has a dedicated wine stream

its not fair...

>> No.26579486

>inb4 someone from here won

>> No.26579487

>mori stream a game
>chicken streams for over 2 hours
"Hahaha our chicken is so cute , lets support her even though we shat on her since the debut."

>> No.26579488

Forgot the "Sora who?"

>> No.26579492
File: 24 KB, 600x450, 1599952776670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll just grab this bunny real quick and then we'll be done

>> No.26579493

Run, Pekora, run!

>> No.26579494

>I'll do no harm to you
Now I'm even more scared for her

>> No.26579495

>like Kaoru and get screwed over by one of the girls
What happened with Kaoru?

>> No.26579501

Then why is she playing another dogshit game for chinks?

>> No.26579502

>laughs at COP currency

>> No.26579505
File: 7 KB, 366x54, waat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579506
File: 90 KB, 648x567, Definitely Pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pekora senpai come back here
>pekora senpai I will do you no harm
>how do I catch pekora senpai

>> No.26579508


>> No.26579509

What does it translate to?

>> No.26579510


>> No.26579511

Most of her fans are artists so im not supprised she has the most and best art

>> No.26579513


>> No.26579515


>> No.26579518

she didn't jump into the secret level I'm mad

>> No.26579519
File: 91 KB, 500x500, 1354854844173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ar Tonelico

>> No.26579522

About the same timeframe as between JP gens. Whether people want it or not, no fucking way Hololive is gonna pass on the kind of money they've been getting

>> No.26579524
File: 786 KB, 800x900, 1600381655098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579564

Can you falseflagging fags fuck back off to /hlg/?

>> No.26579527

FPS players have no taste, forgive her

>> No.26579528

God I want Kiara to bully Pekora so much.

>> No.26579529

>He doesn't know what happens to male idols who try to fuck the female idols
Anonchama, your kneecap reps...

>> No.26579530


Ina like this tweet, does this mean Ina is a /k/?

>> No.26579531

>dropping the P-word
how long till her channel gets deleted?

>> No.26579534
File: 1.02 MB, 990x1400, 1569921655558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579670

But you can Anon!
You just need to pick up a pencil and do it

>> No.26579535

Actually monkaS

>> No.26579536

That's not even what happened you fucking faggot and the contexts of it are entirely different

>> No.26579537

kind of poetic

>> No.26579538

>actually good at overwatch
>does what she wants and makes Yagoo kneel
Yeah she's based, gonna give her a twitch sub.

>> No.26579541

kiara actually has a pekora-like laugh, ironically

>> No.26579542
Quoted by: >>26579598

Okay this is cute. I appreciate that she is able to make her appreciation of her idol into a joke.

>> No.26579543

How come when the JP girls act creepy it's funny but when Kiara does it it's cringe and ruins her reputation

>> No.26579544

She is definitely gonna wear pekora like a cloak isn't she?

This stream is pretty fun though

>> No.26579545

Please don't doxxpost.

>> No.26579546


>> No.26579547
Quoted by: >>26579635

She already makes tons of money and is famous through her youtube and twitch. She knows her past already probably precludes her from being able to get through the hiring process so she didn't even bother.

>> No.26579548

Think it's possible for Squid to be another holo's mama in the future?

>> No.26579552

Good luck homie

>> No.26579553
File: 71 KB, 354x385, 1600454494291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579670

Start your reps right now and you will eventually

>> No.26579561

Doesn't have the Valve clearance yet.

>> No.26579562

I like squid and I want to love squid but the only thing holding her back for me are her tastes in videogames. I can probably stomach watching her play gacha if only to see her reactions when she whales but MMOs belong in their own tier of boring, especially if she follows through with her promise of starting fresh in XIV.
Really looking forward to her co-op BB stream with Mori though.

>> No.26579564

t. morinigger

>> No.26579566
Quoted by: >>26582515

any Armored Core game.

>> No.26579569

OW has to be the only game that has ever consistantly made me angry

>> No.26579570
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 20200914_024620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awewsoem art bro..

>> No.26579571

Add mine up: why are you starting every thread with the same posts?

>> No.26579572

Yeah I can definitely see that happening.

>> No.26579573
File: 692 KB, 1276x717, CHAIR CLATTERING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even JOP knew Duolingo is bad
At least they say its cute for stream content.

>> No.26579574

she got the p-word pass

>> No.26579577

I'm sure she auditioned and got a reply back that went along the lines of "Half our fans and several of our talents are lolicons, so you can fuck right off."

>> No.26579578


>> No.26579581

Anon will you be my wife?

>> No.26579582


>> No.26579584

When will we see this Ame

>> No.26579587

>Chicken is truly happy to even pretend that it's real Pekora
God, just give me this one collab.

>> No.26579588

You did great sweetie.

>> No.26579589
File: 137 KB, 963x1295, 1600441138465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579749

My exa pico nigga

>> No.26579590

Why are morifags falseflagged this much? Because it looks minutely more believable?

>> No.26579591

she has the talent that's a given

>> No.26579592


>> No.26579593
Quoted by: >>26579712

source? can't find

>> No.26579596
Quoted by: >>26579836

She isn't overlapping with anyone in EN and she reserved the slot before Mori.
Nice try though.

>> No.26579598
File: 334 KB, 372x535, b2f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time it was done tastefully since it was relevant to the game, she's learning

>> No.26579600

She's already /m/ so it's perfectly within the realm of possibility.

>> No.26579604
File: 1.75 MB, 2896x4096, EiO9P4hXsAAjknG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Hews

>> No.26579608

Can she get anymore based?

>> No.26579609

It was half joking, half expecting antis would try to cancel her over it. She puts up an overlay of a black guy with eyes and mouth cut out and makes facial expressions through him, the lack of surrounding context leaves it prime for people to exploit

>> No.26579610

Chicken only switched to Japanese 35 times. SHE IS IMPROVED

>> No.26579612

It depends, there not all the same. But usually its like a poetry type of thing. But in that case nothing really.

>> No.26579615
Quoted by: >>26579706

Do you even need skills for JRPGs?

>> No.26579618

If she wanted to I don't see why not. She's fantastic.

>> No.26579621

Yes after I impregnate her

>> No.26579622


>> No.26579623
Quoted by: >>26579670

Dont bother, its a dead end profession that requires too much work

>> No.26579624
File: 1.54 MB, 939x1179, 1600156957732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579692

Christ this octopussy is going to drain me dry of all my semen.

>> No.26579625

it's not a false flag, they are that autistic

>> No.26579626
Quoted by: >>26579718

Gura and Ina are for intellectuals.

>> No.26579628
Quoted by: >>26579715

>jump and run games

>> No.26579627

you can tell when they come and leave, all they do is make us archive sooner

>> No.26579630

Anymore Amelia clips from her Twitch days?

>> No.26579631
Quoted by: >>26581358

I feel like it would be great but it might be awkward when it comes to crediting her or her roommate

>> No.26579633

When she collabs with Haachama

>> No.26579634
File: 475 KB, 787x787, 1592187274425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579743

Sex with ____________ in ____________ during _____________, also fuck _____iggers

>> No.26579635
Quoted by: >>26579738

>has less subs than HER
>"T-totally not worth it for her to even think about joining HoloEN! Don't fool yourself..."
Delusional cope.

>> No.26579637

They fear the reaper.

>> No.26579639

>She said she gets angry at OW.
I want to see Ame go full Rushia.

>> No.26579640

Mori is pretty popular here so expect people to come out the woodworks to shit on her anytime she makes a mistake

>> No.26579641
File: 572 KB, 3030x2146, Eh4ZcOcUMAAspPp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss her stream a few hours ago?
>frequent profanities
>talking about piss bottles
>dodging games because she didn't get her main
>shit-talking her teammates

>> No.26579644
File: 126 KB, 1080x1080, EiOa_N2WAAIZs73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all have extremely good art, but I'm biased towards my shark daughter.

>> No.26579643

You do realize it's fanart of Botan, right?

>> No.26579648
File: 417 KB, 1376x1503, EiG48b6U4AIv_dD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579686

I agree. It ticks all my boxes. In my opinion, it's definitely a cut above the rest.

>> No.26579649
Quoted by: >>26579729

I hope you didn't actually count and I am just a fool...

>> No.26579647

This is so perfect

>> No.26579650
File: 97 KB, 990x742, heart-attack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina voice pack tell you to sleep and have a nice dream

>> No.26579653

Entirely, it might even be for the next gen.

>> No.26579660
File: 881 KB, 806x975, 1501440375193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed Mori's stream. Did anything happen?

>> No.26579662

>She called out the shit camera

>> No.26579663
File: 37 KB, 350x437, IMG_2509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>alt costumes
>evil cursed Gura
>blessed angelic Ina'nis

>> No.26579665

unlike the chicken there's nothing connecting the two identities so it literally doesn't matter, she could've straight up said nigger and it still wouldn't matter.

>> No.26579667
Quoted by: >>26579726

Anonchama, your Hololive reps...

>> No.26579668

She doesn't realize she's the one that curses the most out of all of them

>> No.26579669

I feel bad for Kiara, but then I saw Luna has like 4k viewers. This is rough. How does JP even feed itself?

>> No.26579670
Quoted by: >>26579838

I wanna do it for fun
I wouldn't know where to start

>> No.26579671

>Sunshine is still up

>> No.26579673

watching the amelia archive holy shit this intro is good
>cowboy hat and guns
>cowboy hat is pinned to the model
>loudspeaker with voice modulation

>> No.26579674
File: 666 B, 81x29, 1600330195506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579807

Chicken is starting to really get into her groove I think. I enjoyed this stream more than most of the EN streams so far.

>> No.26579679

No, that's too much extra work

>> No.26579681

Fucking Canadian bully her with a lot of aka supa

>> No.26579682
Quoted by: >>26579776

She became the new numberfag magnet

>> No.26579683
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1599464657391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait it's ending?

What do we do now...

>> No.26579684
Quoted by: >>26579758

Canada's GDP dropped a few points

>> No.26579686
File: 33 KB, 1080x706, 1592144184598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to bite her. but in a loving way

>> No.26579687

canadians swarmed the stream and gave her their covid funds

>> No.26579689
Quoted by: >>26579898

She got showered in red superchats from Canadians

>> No.26579691

I want to put a baby in the squid

>> No.26579692

So much good ina art I need to start a separate folder for her... fuck.

>> No.26579699 [SPOILER] 
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1600497193050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581475

It translates to jugemu jugemu goko no surikire kaijarisuigyo-no suigyomatsu unraimatsu furaimatsu kuunerutoko-ni sumutokoro, yaburakoji no burakoji paipopaipo-no-shuringan shuringan-no gurindai gurindai-no ponpokopi-no ponpokona-no chokyumei-no CHOOSUKE

>> No.26579700

this thread is where reps go to die

>> No.26579703
Quoted by: >>26579732

Kiara's enthusiasm is infectious and I love it about her.

>> No.26579706

Some are pretty hard, if you don't grind enough. For example, yakuza 7 and dq11 become really hard late game if you don't do a little grinding mid game.

>> No.26579707

And it even made sense in this context since she had the game in JP. She's definitely improved in that regard.

>> No.26579708



>> No.26579709

You watch Mori in an hour 30 mins

>> No.26579710

She was cute like always. She also cried again because she was realizing her life was changing.

>> No.26579711
File: 970 KB, 2894x4093, 1600447589217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you miss her stream a few hours ago?
Yes actually, I need to watch it now that Kiara is doing supacha

>> No.26579712
File: 1.05 MB, 1017x1019, Eh3hdpLU0AA41LV-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579864


>> No.26579713

based and correctpilled

>> No.26579715


>> No.26579716

Fucking leafs.

>> No.26579718

I love Gura but lets be real, her streams don't require more than one braincell to watch. I'd rank them like this according to who requires the most IQ to least:
>Watson > Ina > Mori > Chicken > Gura

>> No.26579719
File: 511 KB, 1748x2480, squid121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579831

god fucking damn it guys why did Mori and every other holo stream right during my sleep reps fuck this jew earth.
By now I have at least 3 streams missed for everyone but Mori and Chicken, I didnt even like Chicken but shes the only one now I consistently catch live alongside Mori. How the fuck do I catch up when all theses streams are like 2 hours each and Mori's next stream is in 2 hours? I wanted to watch them all FUCK

>> No.26579720

lol, what was this from?

>> No.26579721
Quoted by: >>26580079

I kind of want to see angry Amelia though. I feel like the insta-leave when someone else locked her main today was just a glimpse of what could be.

>> No.26579722

Holy shit I forgot about that. Did they ever find who the girl was exactly?

>> No.26579724
Quoted by: >>26581358

Honestly? No, I think that would be a weird dynamic for collabs and stuff between actual hololive members. I could see her doing a model for an indie, though.

>> No.26579725
File: 2.53 MB, 784x1040, MoriCUTE.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26579726
Quoted by: >>26582373

Oh my bad, when Holo gen5 debut i stop watching hololive so i don't know what they look like

>> No.26579729

actually did count it because fucks keep saying does it 50/50

>> No.26579732

She's really grown on me recently. I'm a firm supporter of all HoloEN being fantastic.

>> No.26579736
File: 109 KB, 190x240, 1600319708618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game was entertaining, she absolutely had a (good) panic attack when Canadians stuffed tens of thousands of dollars down her throat

She played late into Kiara's stream which caused autists to flip out, overall a good stream

>> No.26579738
Quoted by: >>26579767

Nice strawman, try reading my post again dumbass. Are you fags ever going to quit seething about nyanners?

>> No.26579743

Sex with Ina in the ass during her livestream. Also fuck Niggerman.

>> No.26579744

Even more superchats in 1 1/2 hours

>> No.26579749
File: 320 KB, 500x500, 849898491fb9b33e6e6c0ebe14a80a58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try every time she's streaming to tell her to try out Ar Tonelico since she loves the Atelier series, and I just hope she notices, and hears its godly music. But I'm no red suppa chatto.

>> No.26579751

It's fucking Fall Guys, that's why.

>> No.26579752


>> No.26579753

That reminds me, some one should redraw Mori summer from chuunibyou as our Mori-sama.

>> No.26579754
Quoted by: >>26579809

I've been looking at playing this recently cause youtube suggested me one of its song and its goat. How long is the first one meant to be?

>> No.26579755
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1600320977385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579758

>Give people government bucks to keep the economy afloat
>They all spend it on an overseas vtuber completely wasting its economic effect

>> No.26579761

Is it HER?

>> No.26579762
Quoted by: >>26579801

>30 mins


>> No.26579764

Put Ina ahead of gamer bottles and its golden

>> No.26579766


>> No.26579767
File: 488 KB, 956x534, Linus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579893

>are you guys ever going to forgive the eternal traitor who has proven time and time again she only cares about attention and wealth

>> No.26579769
Quoted by: >>26579855

She has members and she gets a salary

>> No.26579770
Quoted by: >>26579909

Your perceptions are skewed, tourist-san. 4k is perfectly fine and more than enough to support a regular streamer, much less a corporate backed one like Luna.

>> No.26579776

Yeah, as far as chubas goes, the more successful you are, the more falseflaggers and shitposters you attract.

>> No.26579778
Quoted by: >>26579822

>danke schun
God hearing that so much makes me cry after my Alzheimer's dad would say that whenever I'd do anything for him and it became some of the only words he knew.

>> No.26579780

She probably has Noise or Echo Reduction enabled on her Windows recording settings.

>> No.26579781

Do sharks even get drunk?

>> No.26579787


>> No.26579790

Which holoEN should a based black man such as myself support and watch?

>> No.26579791
File: 56 KB, 282x340, ezgif-7-0c906552cd18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be wary of barracuda's anons!
they may be lurking anywhere in this thread

>> No.26579795
File: 61 KB, 1024x621, heart-attack-symptoms-for-women-no-chest-pain-1024x621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579796
File: 2 KB, 188x31, 1597238882103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26579800

She got really into it and overlapped with Kiara which pissed off some goblins.

>> No.26579801

Do your reading comprehension reps.

>> No.26579803
File: 1.62 MB, 2894x3045, 1596634929452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her
It's not her
It's her
It's not her
It's her
It's not her
It's her
It's not her

>> No.26579806
File: 276 KB, 640x480, kanpaiKiarabros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579807
Quoted by: >>26579956

It was fun background noise but it didn't have anything on Amelia's superliminal kino or Ina's CoC. Still, very good stream and I'm happy for chicken.

>> No.26579808

Mindraped by a bunch of Canadians and ghost.

>> No.26579809
File: 432 KB, 1600x1200, 1313876518621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579854

First one is fairly lengthy, and has some great art. The second one is the best, but this series has god-tier music and world building, so I wouldn't miss any of them.

>> No.26579810

I don't know why she was worried about speaking German, it sounds cute when she speaks it.

>> No.26579811

Deadbeat bros, I hope you didn't give in and went to watch Kiara stream.
If you did, never consider yourself a Deadbeat again. You betrayed Mori and doesn't deserve her love.

>> No.26579812
Quoted by: >>26579920

mori because she makes your music

>> No.26579816

Mori, my sleep reps onegai...

>> No.26579817

Man, Aki really gave into the idea of doing an English only stream pretty quickly

>> No.26579818


>> No.26579820
File: 86 KB, 1000x850, 1600093470322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26579860

I was happy to make Kiara smile and laugh. It was worth it. Cope.

>> No.26579822

abayo based dad

>> No.26579823
File: 468 KB, 823x1192, 321451251211212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you fucking sick fucks
That hits the spot

>> No.26579827

Japan Paypigs and SEAmonkes Oil Princes are kneeling to the Maple Syrup Tycoons. More news at 11.

>> No.26579828

She used to be a Twitch streamer, and that's a doxxpost from one of her streams. Report and ignore.

>> No.26579831

On the plus side you missed some of the worst threads we've had so far, so silver lining.

>> No.26579832

>Not clipping the part where she's burning that monster

>> No.26579833

Go watch indies or even n***sanji, you're too hyped up on EN's explosive numbers. 1-2k viewers with a decent paying fanbase is good enough to get along.

>> No.26579835
Quoted by: >>26579920

Maybe you can relate with Mori's appreciation for West Coast rapper.

>> No.26579836

No, you see, Mori gets priority because she has such a tragic fake backstory and is based and "our boy". She's clearly the most talented musical artist of the group, and the fact that at least three of the other four are far better singers is just cope from antis.

>> No.26579838
File: 115 KB, 827x1161, 1574067850267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ exists and has a lot of resource information, though lot of shitcunts post there
Draw a box is real useful for a beginner, it isn't exactly fun but its real good practice and gets you in the right mindset
For real, you will likely do much better with a pencil and stuff at first just because you are more used to it from writing and random scribbles you've done in the past. You can move to digital if you want and try create stuff there, but at first practice on paper is probably the best

>> No.26579839

Ina > Watson > Gura > Chicken > Mori
Reaper autism is cringe

>> No.26579840

Memberships and merch give them more money anyways, so viewpoints don't matter as much once they have a consistent base

>> No.26579842

Sora visited her but didn’t notice since she was focused on the game then spilled her spaghetti when she checked chat

Then she got showered with red superchats from Canadians as a weird joke, causing her to spill even more spaghetti

>> No.26579845

Of course I watched it, there was fuck else on

>> No.26579847

>kiara already under 5 digit viewers on average
What went wrong?

>> No.26579850

>didn't buy wiiu

>> No.26579853
File: 742 KB, 839x989, 1600221397135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579854
Quoted by: >>26579970

Song I heard is
I honestly don't know how I haven't heard of this series until recently when the music is this good.

>> No.26579855
Quoted by: >>26579886

Does she though? I'm starting to doubt that. Botan said she hasn't gotten any money yet at all and if they were salaried they should be at least getting paid fortnightly.

>> No.26579856

We don't deserve Huke-papa

>> No.26579859

Man, I wonder if he plans to stick around this much all the time. Wonder if designing a vtuber was one of his own dreams.

>> No.26579860
File: 309 KB, 1400x1400, cxkdaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579862

How'd you all like chicken's Mario stream? I thought it was fun

>> No.26579863

The whore of Hololive snatched another victim

>> No.26579864

thank you!

>> No.26579867


>> No.26579869
File: 1.41 MB, 800x659, 1600415310873.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori watching Roboco release her new cover, cute

>> No.26579868

>wii u fags BTFOd

>> No.26579870
Quoted by: >>26579922

She has a sizable EOP audience, so it was only a matter of when.

>> No.26579872
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1599785472943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580044

>lol whats this from xd?
>instantly spoonfed by 50 different people
Why are you like this?

>> No.26579875

>chicken playing Zelda
Yes please

>> No.26579878

I think it had a lot of potential

>> No.26579880

Really the girls haven't done enough collabs to establish much. I'm still kinda curious if they're gonna get a little cutesy the way JP gals sometimes do, since the fans clearly like it. Kiara and Mori are doing a bit, wonder who else?

>> No.26579881


>> No.26579885

Antis shit on Kiara because they're jealous they weren't born a woman so they could become a vtuber

>> No.26579886

Not all countries pay twice a month.

>> No.26579887
File: 288 KB, 775x1564, Miooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason behind the fake drama KFC and Deadbeats. JP spergs don't wanna see Miomama cry and become orphans. As a matter of fact they, themselves made Rushia cry because of something similar.

>> No.26579888
File: 20 KB, 318x416, 1593988009121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a confession. I haven't watched Mori at all since her debut.
There's just so much to keep up with I can't help it.

>> No.26579889

Cute, you can see her model herself a bit after Pekora, I'd love to see her finally play a jrpg though

>> No.26579893

She never owed anything like loyalty to a bunch of retarded spergs like you lmao

>> No.26579894

All of them

>> No.26579897

You forgot the masturbation joke.

>> No.26579898

Is it really that much when $400 Leafbux is maybe $2 in real currency?

>> No.26579899
File: 831 KB, 1920x1080, 1600146062468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course this eventually had to happen

>> No.26579900

Just woke up after a good 12 hours, how was the Mori game stream I missed

>> No.26579902
File: 341 KB, 1463x2048, EiFel91U8AAJOao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it. I love chicken.

>> No.26579903
File: 1.14 MB, 600x1300, 1600358994904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was less of a nice try, you get nothing.
Good day sir.

>> No.26579905

>How'd you all like chicken's Mario stream? I thought it was fun
I actually appreciated it.

>> No.26579910

and you call yourself a deadbeat? get outta here

>> No.26579909

Well good, I admit I know nothing. I just don't like seeing people struggle, so if she's doing okay then good. I freely admit I'm a sucker. I enjoyed her English stream the other day, even if it was barely understandable.

>Go watch indies
I just might. I hated streamers before, but this week has been an adventure.

>> No.26579911
Quoted by: >>26580103

Gura isn't a better singer than Mori.

>> No.26579916
File: 3.96 MB, 1334x750, 1A09C857-D452-483E-A83A-270F4E31D3A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, they have a set salary, still doing better than indies because of brand power, and can get sponsorships in the future

>> No.26579917
Quoted by: >>26579952

She's so hesitant to use german that it basically feels like nudity when she uses it.

>> No.26579918


>> No.26579919
Quoted by: >>26580158


>> No.26579920 [DELETED] 

I hate wiggers trying to appropriate our rap culture. Wh*toids can't make music, even had to steal rock, blues, and jazz from us. Fucking leeches, go to hell.

>> No.26579922


>> No.26579923

Are any of them trans irl?

>> No.26579926

Today's stream is a good one to start with, she had a lot of fun with it

>> No.26579932
File: 201 KB, 355x339, 1599915234532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to anons please mix a ram ranch 7 version

>> No.26579931

500 leaf dollars is about 300 usd, it's literally a dying currency.

>> No.26579933

>This video
Literally all this shit started because of a subber who doesn't know English or Japanese completely mistranslating a Rushia clip. Fuck off.

>> No.26579937

Based Dr. Oopsie

>> No.26579938

EOPs made her incline hard with tens of thousands of subs after she's been sort of meandering around for 2 years with a small but dedicated JOP fanbase, it was inevitable.

>> No.26579940

It's really endearing to see her fight tooth and nail for every single star she gets. You can't help but cheer her on.

>> No.26579941

So it shit

>> No.26579942

I make 400 leaf bux every 6 months

>> No.26579943

Me either anon. I haven't made it to any of her lives but I watched a few vods. Her hours really are shit for burgers.

>> No.26579946
Quoted by: >>26580077

what a shit take, fuck off nigger

>> No.26579949

God I love this bakatori.

>> No.26579950

if she cries in german pls record it

>> No.26579951
File: 518 KB, 1500x1500, 1600295273200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so about permissions. Why doesn't Cover get permissions for games that new holos want to play ahead of time? I mean they already have lists of their favorite games. It just seems inconvenient for both the holo and their fans to not do it beforehand.

>> No.26579952

its cause she doesn't understand why speak it when no one knows it at least when a chuuba speaks jap or eng someone knows what they are saying

>> No.26579954
File: 89 KB, 940x721, canadians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>starts stream
>says she won't read superchats during gameplay, not even red ones
>some canuck drops $500 CAD akasupa
>another canuck follows up with $300 CAD akasupa
>mori gets blown away and has to compose herself, keeps having to stop herself from saying "why??" and "stop!"
>giant akasupa wave, mainly in CAD but also some USD donations including a $500 with no comment, another $500 with just "based", a $300 donation, and aniki donated $99.99 too
>mori finds a toilet seat and belts out this freestyle rap:

She also talked about how thanks to the support from her debut she's looking into moving into a nicer place and devoting more time to making music and streaming with the wageslave job out of the way.

>> No.26579955


Ironic Barracudaposters
(Actual) chumbuddy posters

(You) bait open question posters

(Fake chumbuddy) Numberfags
Actual barracudaposters
HoloJP reaction image bait posters

This tier list

>> No.26579956

>Amelia's superliminal kino or Ina's CoC
These have been a pretty clear cut above everything else so far, I cannot wait for Ina to continue her adventure with Mr. Pierce. Still, a nice stream by the chicken, curious to see how dumb she'll be when she finally can play a jrpg.

>> No.26579959
Quoted by: >>26580073

Ina, so you can save her.

>> No.26579961
File: 220 KB, 1000x948, 1582065532542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26579963


>> No.26579964

Its better than Apex at least

>> No.26579965

i sure hope not for the sake of some anons here

>> No.26579966

>Mio, there's a shark behind you!

>> No.26579968

>You watch Mori
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.26579969

It sounds to me that chat was probably annoying her and she just went off on them. She didn't have a lot of viewers so I imagine she'd get the occasional weirdo or creeper

>> No.26579970
File: 243 KB, 360x1200, 40c3aecab23adece8c0af7e6b4c1a45f6552218f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580423

>when the music is this good.
Literally nothing like it. It's like fictional latin church hymns, and j-pop mixed together.

>> No.26579974

Pretty good. She made the most of it and there were some pretty solid funny moments, can't complain. I look forward to her future stuff, especially for games she's more comfortable with.

>> No.26579975

Watch her latest and her drinking party stream, that was comedy gold

>> No.26579976

It's pretty fun. Huke-papa is a godsend

>> No.26579980
File: 359 KB, 1447x2250, EiQaW1pU0AAQVKO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26579981

Is there a papa better than him?

>> No.26579982

Of course I did and I saw Mori's messages in her stream chat which losers like you will never see.

>> No.26579984

>knows she's undeserving of a Pro controller

Alright, I'm coming around.

>> No.26579985

I had zero interest in her because I don't care about rap at all nor the edgy design.

>> No.26579990

I haven't been watching Ina at all either. I've chose my biases.

>> No.26579993

>made $6,000 more than amelia
post your gosling

>> No.26579994

Why hasn't Gura been able to do longer streame, her schedule or management holding her back?

>> No.26579995

Remember when Coco went to take a piss and came back to superchat dumping money on her?

>> No.26579999

Mori and chicken
They're trans-pacific

>> No.26580000

No, but Ina looks like a boy.

>> No.26580004
File: 76 KB, 301x330, 1600474844615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580138


Shark may be unstoppable, but Slander of Mio or Subaru IS NOT ALLOWED in /hlgg/, leave at once.

>> No.26580005

cover deals with Japanese companies and the Japanese branches of western companies. everyone in this equation is incompetent and slow

>> No.26580006

I don't know why but the separation between Larsposters and Goslingposters makes me laugh hard

>> No.26580009
File: 164 KB, 307x363, axhhNRh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amelia - Empire - Gelt

>> No.26580010
File: 518 KB, 2048x2048, EiJOIr9VkAAMBMj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580011


>> No.26580014


>> No.26580016

Funny and cute. Bakas are adorable and she is just the right amount of baka but also high spirited to make her simple failures funny.

>> No.26580021

She only did her first vidya stream today. That said her other streams have all been good and you should have a look when you've got time.

>> No.26580022

All of them believe it or not.

>> No.26580024

You saw it here Kiara...

>> No.26580026

>this list

>> No.26580029

It was really funny.

>> No.26580031
File: 476 KB, 800x600, 1600078290519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /ic/ tablet girl is what I expect Ina to look like

>> No.26580033
Quoted by: >>26580101


>> No.26580038

I would have followed mori if she was into metal or rock and roll, That suits her death metal design more. Also I like huge tits. Pretty big wasted oppertunity imo.

>> No.26580043

I'd watch her if she'd stopped crying. If I want to hear some waterworks I'd punch my sister

>> No.26580044

We were doing a good job of telling people to fuck off earlier.

>> No.26580047
Quoted by: >>26580077

Lmao you fucking niggers didn't invent shit, you just made jazz popular. Stealing again I see.

>> No.26580049

No and thank fuck for that, trannies get the bullet

>> No.26580052
File: 2.05 MB, 1749x990, predatorhandshake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them, king.

>> No.26580058

So the type of shit i could find from any e thot

>> No.26580059


>> No.26580060

That always happens now. It's a meme. Watson got a flood earlier when she went to the toilet

>> No.26580061
File: 173 KB, 467x515, 1600493526592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keep in mind she belongs to me
Sorry deadbeats.. you just got clucked

>> No.26580062
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, 1600367811434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros... I can no longer support Mori anymore because she disrespected chicken by overlapping her stream.

I... I think I'm a KFP chickenbro now

>> No.26580064


>> No.26580065


>> No.26580066

she needs to sober up. Her debut she was 20 minutes late trying to wake up.

>> No.26580069
Quoted by: >>26580223

>Buys cintiq
>Draws ugly ass drawings

>> No.26580072
Quoted by: >>26580094

Reeeee when is the collab stream? I need to know so I know when to sleep.

>> No.26580073

Very underrated post.

>> No.26580074
Quoted by: >>26580142

why is he so supportive? is this his first time making art for a L2D and he is just hyped to see his work come alive?

>> No.26580075

She never streams when I can catch her and honestly when I try to go back and watch she comes off too much like an anime dub VA compared to the others so it kind of takes me out of what she's doing. Glad she'll be able to escape the konbini though.

>> No.26580077
Quoted by: >>26580109

Why do you too just feel the need to respond to obvious bait

>> No.26580079
Quoted by: >>26580166

Wow she actually did that? Im so happy hololive has some ACTUAL gamers this time. All thats left is HoloRU where they can run down mid in my DOTA pubs.

>> No.26580078

She's clearly just stealing her obsessive crush's gimmick. She'll steal her face next.

>> No.26580080

Yes, they're all transdimension.

>> No.26580083
Quoted by: >>26580108

Despite her irrelevancy, she had a surge in popularity of people being constantly told that "She changed for the better!" or that she's the underdog who needs their support.

Pity only lasts so long, and people are just genuinely disinterested in her. (Reminder that ALL of the pro-kiara posts in this thread are 5 people.)

>> No.26580084

>This tier list

>> No.26580085


>> No.26580087

Why did they have to delete the twitch videos...
at least the channel is still fine

>> No.26580088

It needs of negotiations

And one of their own talents (Mio) almost got forced into retirement thanks to Capcom, on top of so many previous videos being nuked, so there’s hesitancy to pursue

>> No.26580092
File: 559 KB, 2293x1276, 1600004409143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She drew this of herself.

>> No.26580093

I think i might enjoy watching the holos more if i stopped coming to these threads but I'm just addicted

>> No.26580094

~20 hours from now

>> No.26580095

same. her fans in this thread made me decide to skip her entirely. I guess we know who is the n*usagi of holoen

>> No.26580097

Isnt art also OC?

>> No.26580098
File: 95 KB, 850x1050, 1600447589216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia is TOXIC

>> No.26580099

Coco still makes more per stream than the ENs right?

I assume you simply can't dethrone the dragon of hololive

>> No.26580100

That seems boring. Part of the fun is that (tweets aside) you couldn't guess that she'd be a rapper just based on how she looked.
I'd totally take something like a loli that sings death metal for the next batch of EN.

>> No.26580101
File: 526 KB, 2220x2160, EhwOWVFUMAAxYTv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580103
Quoted by: >>26580130

She's definitely a better singer in terms of vocal talent, but she only sings existing songs, Mori actually writes her own music so she gets points for that.

>> No.26580104

Finally got to watch it on time, the birb is very wholesome

>> No.26580105
File: 1.14 MB, 1920x1080, 1600028623660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, featherhead!

>> No.26580107
File: 3.32 MB, 2048x1362, La-La-Land.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am glad that everyone is getting along

>> No.26580108

take your meds

>> No.26580109

Because I'm bored now that chicken is done

>> No.26580112

Stop making me cry bird.

>> No.26580113

richfags always draw the shittiest art

>> No.26580114

awww chicken

>> No.26580115

I hate this image.

>> No.26580116


Pretty good. A balanced mix of despair and enthusiasm.

>> No.26580117

Do your sleeping reps

>> No.26580118

It was fucking painful, since it's clear that she's trying to rush beating the game without taking a bit of time to learn Mario's mechanics and to learn how to work around the game's shit camera. If you're absolutely new to 3D Mario games, maybe starting with 64 isn't the best idea.
The chicken herself was fun to watch, though.

>> No.26580119

>ghost rider in the background

>> No.26580121


>> No.26580122

chicken anti's just got BTFO live on stream

>> No.26580124

What happened to him? Did he get #MeToo'd?

>> No.26580125
File: 385 KB, 644x811, Protect this bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580174

You can still watch both. Don't get mad at Mori for what was probably an honest mistake.

>> No.26580126
File: 153 KB, 382x352, 1600154420026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is her theme sound so much like fucking Terraria music?

>> No.26580128

What the fuck did amelia do? Her stream made fucking nothing
Just got home from work

>> No.26580130

gura writes her own songs too

>> No.26580135

after that "I'm rich AHAHA" with it raining bills it really couldn't be anyone else.

>> No.26580136

Mori's stream times have been crazy for me

>> No.26580137

>anime dub va
oh so that's where that feeling came from

>> No.26580138

Who are the official JP allies of /hlgg/?

>> No.26580139

I actually had fun

>> No.26580140
Quoted by: >>26580170

So dislike that video until it 100 dislikes to every 1 likes

>> No.26580141
Quoted by: >>26580929

All nig music is derived from blue grass and English folk music. Not even the language is yours. You didn't build that. Probably the biggest lie perpetuated by the american education system and msm.

>> No.26580142
Quoted by: >>26580175

She's cute irl he's probably tryna smash. Japs dont care about fucked up teeth like we do.

>> No.26580144

>danke schön
danke schön
>danke schön
danke schön
>danke schön
danke schön
>danke schön
danke schön

>> No.26580145

I had a dream that my wonderful bird retired because of all the hate mail!
Please save our wonderful bird!

>> No.26580147

You have to go to HoloID for that and you will like it

>> No.26580148

New narrative anon?

>> No.26580149

>chicken appreciating her true fans rather than being a numberfag

she is gonna have such a dedicated yet small fanbase down the line but

>> No.26580150
File: 669 KB, 960x540, 1561675452794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck Kiara just blasted haters and antis on stream

>> No.26580151

Sounds like Seto Kaiba

>> No.26580152

I wanted to watch Watson because I've paid her the least attention but Valorant is such a shitty game.

>> No.26580153

She streams off-peak hours for North America and Europe. It's almost 3am where most of the North American population lives.

>> No.26580155
File: 324 KB, 623x659, Mori suffering from success.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580156

Based and saved.

>> No.26580158


>> No.26580159

White people dominate the rap industry cope more.

>> No.26580163

Chicken a shit. Mori deserved that stream way more than Chicken.

>> No.26580164

Wait I just missed what Chicken said about giving her a chance. What did she say?

>> No.26580166

you should have been there for her stream. After she rage quit and got a 5 minute ban she just did a mini zatsudan talking about all the games she's played. She has some good taste and is a gamer gremlin through and through

>> No.26580167

But Kiara is pure. Pekora won't have the courage!

>> No.26580168
File: 444 KB, 1200x800, 1599787530700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580374

Polka is fond of Amelia and sang a Persona song to welcome all of EN. I'd say that counts.

>> No.26580169
Quoted by: >>26580414

She played an objectively awful game.

>> No.26580170 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 864x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580286

I'm doing my part

>> No.26580171

huke-sensei toku costume onegaishimasu

>> No.26580174

Hmmm this needs to be expanded

>> No.26580175

her facial features are too strong for my taste. I hope gets some

>> No.26580180

Fun's a good description. I don't like her talking streams, but this sort of gameplay dynamic is good.

>> No.26580183
Quoted by: >>26580210

You bet she is

>> No.26580184

I dont know if this is a set up or down

>> No.26580188

Thanks to these threads, I now hate chicken, and she might not even deserve it.

>> No.26580191


>> No.26580192
Quoted by: >>26580414

shit game.

>> No.26580194

There's absolutely no way that chicken doesn't become the Flare of her gen. The shit she's pulling now is going to create a lot of loyal gachikois. good for her

>> No.26580195

Chicken's danke schon is so CUTE

>> No.26580196
Quoted by: >>26580210

...and that's a good thing!

>> No.26580198
Quoted by: >>26580669

Mad Father and Misao were always the weakest of the classic RPG horror games in my opinion, it's too bad Mori already played all the better ones

>> No.26580201
Quoted by: >>26580262

Any dating simulator for Amelia to make something like superliminalkino?

>> No.26580204

Literally can't pick a favorite any more. All 5 appeal to my tastes specifically. How did Yagoo do this?

>> No.26580207

Isn't it adorable?

>> No.26580209
Quoted by: >>26580374


>> No.26580210

I hate that video

>> No.26580211

I'm gonna catch up with my weekly manga and do some vidya reps until Mori's next stream.

>> No.26580213
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1121lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580215
File: 729 KB, 1417x724, 84346523_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580313

RIP Miya

>> No.26580216
Quoted by: >>26580233

>if you're not even gonna give me a chance, then I don't want you
Chicken finally realized that the antis don't matter

>> No.26580217


>> No.26580218

>Giving money to a manipulative whore

>> No.26580219

this list is based..but it's shit-tier...but it's based.....AAAAAAAAA

>> No.26580222
File: 140 KB, 828x1792, moriconcernhd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait hold on what happened with Mori during my sleeping reps

>> No.26580223

Looks like some sort of magazine illustration

>> No.26580225

She is based... she remind me when i did the same in LoL when someone stole Top lane from me.

>> No.26580226
File: 52 KB, 600x480, sweating guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we could get more lolis in gen 2
>they could collab with gura

>> No.26580227

Wait, did Amelia seriously rage quit because she didn't get her main?

Holy shit, she's awful.

>> No.26580229
File: 709 KB, 600x505, yum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'I hope people will give me a chance. I know there are people who don't like me who don't care about giving me a chance and if they're not willing to give me a chance then I don't want them here.'

>> No.26580231

Something about that only true chicken bros matter, haters can go somewhere else.

>> No.26580232
File: 124 KB, 1280x720, 324621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make up a excuse
Why you watch that retard? Might as well go watch Pokimane.

>> No.26580233


>> No.26580234

She said next week would have longer streams.

>> No.26580235

I've seen everything but the one a few hours ago. You're not missing much, and after the shit she pulled tonight I'm done trying to hold out for improvement. I wish she and her toxic fanbase would fuck off and go orbit Nyanners and Ironmouse.

>> No.26580238

someone sc'ed her saying that she's underrated and she replied saying that the people there watching were nice people and that she didnt care for the people that didnt give her a chance, basically saying that she prefers her dedicated small fanbase.

>> No.26580240

I'm not watching Chicken, did she announce the collab game already?

>> No.26580242

based, I used to do this in league a lot when I played it 5 years ago
It's honestly good for your soul. Things like just giving up when you get too frustrated or when your team is obviously going to get trashed for 50 minutes, it's better to just cut your losses and preserve your sanity.

>> No.26580243
Quoted by: >>26580283

Gangbanged by Canadians until she cried

>> No.26580247
Quoted by: >>26580341

Fuck off barracuda

>> No.26580252

this but towards morifags

>> No.26580255
File: 192 KB, 680x271, 1596177424688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it from Towa, she has mid to low tier viewership but is one of the stronger money-makers in hololive, the strat works

>> No.26580254

Is that her actual set up?

>> No.26580260


>> No.26580262
Quoted by: >>26580290

That wouldn't be nearly as good.

>> No.26580264
Quoted by: >>26580341

honestly it made me like her more

>> No.26580265

they got better at picking talent. also a very big pool of people to choose from

>> No.26580266

Oh hey it a nobody that everyone forget about because she only exist in the shithole called twitch

>> No.26580268
Quoted by: >>26580458


>> No.26580269
Quoted by: >>26580308

>Breakfast at 3:50 JST

>> No.26580270
Quoted by: >>26580314

I'm curious about the names she's skipping. Is there an easy format to view her superchats?

>> No.26580271


>> No.26580272
Quoted by: >>26580315

based wame

>> No.26580275
Quoted by: >>26580311

Matsuri supacha'd Mori

>> No.26580279


she is legitimately the best so far at commentating/being entertaining while playing games, watson a close second, but ina is also good

Mori should also be good, shark needs less kusoge, rhythm game was fun.

>> No.26580280
Quoted by: >>26580603


>> No.26580283

For once I wish I was Canadian

>> No.26580285
File: 29 KB, 954x207, EiQa0SkU8AE9eeC-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26580286

I would like to know more

>> No.26580287
Quoted by: >>26580414

She got a bunch of supas I don't know why it's saying she didn't. If you watch the archive you can see her getting them.

>> No.26580288

> loli that sings death metal
So Rushia?

>> No.26580290

Eh? Superliminal is already the best of its kind?

>> No.26580293

Can you birdfags just get over your inferiority complex already. It's embarrassing.

>> No.26580294
Quoted by: >>26580341

>queue dodging is rage quitting

>> No.26580296

BASED. Fuck the Haters. Chicken and HoloEN for life.

>> No.26580298
Quoted by: >>26580326

>Kiara says she isn't reading one

What was it?

>> No.26580299
File: 3.33 MB, 3100x3100, 64337293-8B19-40A0-91CA-719BC43E293D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've been good, but I don't blame you. There's just so much, it's hard to keep with it all.

>> No.26580300

She personally connects with her fans on twitter a lot so Im not surprised

>> No.26580303

Anyone else notice Amelia said she thought Gura's stream started at 5:30? What timezone is that?

>> No.26580302

Donated bukaked by fucking Leafs and her stream overlapped with Chicken and chickenfags told her to stop streaming

>> No.26580307

she managed to keep 4 hours of SC reading fun I love her energy

>> No.26580308

breakfast foods are all shit anyway, i never eat it although i occasionally snack on some weetbix without milk

>> No.26580309
Quoted by: >>26580341

based Amelia asserting what she wants and not letting anyone cuck her from playing her main

>> No.26580310

>streaming just after she woke up
so dedicated, such a nice bird.

>> No.26580311
Quoted by: >>26580364

fake account unfortunately

>> No.26580312

I love that this boy(female) wants to be stepped on by beautiful queens.


>> No.26580313

so when is she singing nyaruko's opening

>> No.26580314

It's probably just dumb shit like nick gurrs

>> No.26580315

Wow you people is happy and given money to a e thot

>> No.26580316
Quoted by: >>26580341

best part of the stream, love that gremlin

>> No.26580317


she is EN Nenechi, bubbly personality that is fun to watch

>> No.26580318

If you want to shitpost in this here EN thread, you have to do your English reps.

>> No.26580319
File: 61 KB, 560x350, 1600423357477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580320
File: 81 KB, 680x499, 1600132122652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have tourists and crossboarders finally left? Are the threads comfy again?

>> No.26580324

Still can't believe people on /jp/ where MAD at Kiara speaking Japanese. Makes zero sense to complain about that on /jp/ of all places.

>> No.26580326

Lovecraft's cat donated

>> No.26580328



>> No.26580330
Quoted by: >>26580341

I expect more gamer moments from her. I love her so much. To be honest, I don't think she actually likes playing competitive shootans. She plays them because she's used to playing them.
t. guy who was addicted to starcraft 2 until i branched out to more strategy games

>> No.26580332
File: 204 KB, 850x1202, 1600355043971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a minute, I'm watching Mori's recent stream and she did notice both of Sora's messages. Albeit a bit late.
You fuckers lied to me

>> No.26580335
File: 952 KB, 1920x1080, 1600251897261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura has more quantity but Ina beats her in quality.

>> No.26580337
File: 121 KB, 717x1200, kia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey is the bird only 165cm tall?
I thought she's like 6'2".
I got disappointed..

>> No.26580338
Quoted by: >>26580517

>rather than being a numberfag
Saying that after she pretty much stole half her viewers from Mori stream. Funny.

>> No.26580341


>> No.26580342

No one is mad. Only haters.

>> No.26580343


>> No.26580346

Whoever lucky Vtuber has Ina as his/her mama is guaranteed a massive headstart.

Like Ui-mama but in reverse.

>> No.26580348

EN's Towa

>> No.26580350

You know someone's based when she honest in releasing her negative thoughts and emotions in a controlled manner.

Sort of like posting on this site

>> No.26580352
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, 1594343665564.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580351

like, are you one anon or are you two just LARPing, you keep posting the same things

>> No.26580353
Quoted by: >>26580420

>management told Kiara she can say fuck whenever she needs to
>presumably the sperg was told the same thing but still refers to it as "F-word" every time

>> No.26580354

Holy fucking BASED.

>> No.26580355

while her debut was over japped she improved on it immediately but no one gave her another chance to see that

>> No.26580356
Quoted by: >>26580389


>> No.26580357

The kraut got a supa from the baguette

>> No.26580360
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1600488097814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580409

>Have tourists and crossboarders finally left?
This will literally never happen, the majority of posters ITT are probably tourists at this point.

>> No.26580361
Quoted by: >>26580389

anon she said 7:30. And it's pretty clear she's PST

>> No.26580362


Mori brought viewers to her stream and was chatting, she's a good friend

>> No.26580364

Should've known. I can't imagine Matsuri caring about an old lady like Mori when Gura is right there.

>> No.26580366
Quoted by: >>26580382

go back to r*ddit, fucking piece of shit

>> No.26580367
Quoted by: >>26580414

>What the fuck did amelia do
She is trash so its to be expected. Dont be surprised.

>> No.26580369

chicken is slowly rising higher on my tier list the more I watch her. she's a great blend of baka and genki with lots of chat interaction and determination

>> No.26580374
File: 1.96 MB, 1280x1280, 1599958046739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Fuck the fags trying to pit 5th Gen against EN.

>> No.26580380

>Have tourists and crossboarders finally left?
When mankind colonizes mercury

>> No.26580381
Quoted by: >>26580450

And that's a good thing cunt.

>> No.26580382
Quoted by: >>26580466


>> No.26580385

Mori was watching and chatting. No drama and no hard feelings anon.

>> No.26580386

imagine wanting a boring milquetoast streamer vs a toxic gamer who pisses in bottles

>> No.26580387

just goblins trying to start drama about our dorky wine aunt

>> No.26580388


can't wait till she plays CSGO and rages at people for team flashing her

>> No.26580389

But I'm PST.. Bros what if...

>> No.26580390
File: 18 KB, 534x248, watson you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580450


>> No.26580396
Quoted by: >>26580440

I wasn't mad, I just thought it took up to much of her stream time and was ultimately redundant because, removing the language barrier, she was basically just repeating herself constantly. I'd be more than happy if she did JP only streams alongside her EN streams, though.

>> No.26580398
File: 113 KB, 400x400, fire chicken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll show you who's boss of this gen!

>> No.26580401
File: 60 KB, 1284x583, efrbc2lclbn51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/ would NEVER stir up shit over literally nothing....

>> No.26580400
Quoted by: >>26580527

>but is one of the stronger money-makers in hololive
Proof is very much needed. Otherwise kindly stop lying.

>> No.26580402
Quoted by: >>26580434

She is in HoloEN not JP also full translations after every sentence is annoying

>> No.26580404

Kawaii Sora got noticed by Mori. I hope she's happy

>> No.26580406
Quoted by: >>26580460

haven't you watched any Reality tv garbage? She's pulling every single sympathy baiting trick in the book and you lap it up
anyone who cries on stream are manipulative unprofessional snakes

>> No.26580408
Quoted by: >>26580965

It's Val*rant.

>> No.26580409
Quoted by: >>26580566


>> No.26580412

Even without the language barrier, narrativefags take advantage of the fact that nobody has time to watch literally every stream.

>> No.26580415

Always has been since WW2

>> No.26580414
Quoted by: >>26580466

Don't forget Simps will give her money for nothing

>> No.26580416

>You fuckers lied to me
/hlg/ is spinning narratives to stir any shit up, don't take the bait and just catch up on the streams before believing some stranger on the net.

>> No.26580420
Quoted by: >>26580450

Amelia also said she can say fuck whenever she wants but just can't over do it

>> No.26580423

Yeah I have no interests in the games but I've always loved their OSTs and conlang autism.

>> No.26580424
Quoted by: >>26580489


FBK has promoted every girl

>> No.26580427


>> No.26580429

Based. That was easily one of the best streams so far of that gen.

>> No.26580432

wait for HololiveEN 2nd gen, maybe they have a based black woman?

>> No.26580433

occupation fees

>> No.26580434
Quoted by: >>26580480

and she stopped full translation by the third stream

>> No.26580435 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 262x255, 1600498549227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Calli's timezone right? Can we see the others timezones in their stream waiting rooms too?

>> No.26580438

thats because you are retarded you fake otaku idiot.

>> No.26580440

Yeah this is the solution, it'd probably make her happy too, she clearly wants to flex her Japanese.

>> No.26580445

>Kiara pronounces Cirno correctly

>> No.26580447

Goslingfags got btfo, sharkfags got thinned, chicken is seeing redemption, and Watson showing she's a twitch memer gamer rager filtered a lot of people but there's still a lot of faggotry

>> No.26580450 [DELETED] 

Simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp simp

>> No.26580451


>> No.26580453

She played a shitty game. Maybe if she played ow or csgo I would watch

>> No.26580456

>Why can't we have the same currency all over the world?

H-hah, next you'll be telling me why can't we all be under one reich

>> No.26580457

Delta Green
Eclipse Phase

>> No.26580458


>> No.26580460
Quoted by: >>26580538

Ina cried on stream anon and she doesn't need to milk simps to make a living

>> No.26580461

>Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN
>Today earning: 0
Is playboard bugged?

>> No.26580464
Quoted by: >>26580975

had to put mute moris stream cause of an essay, what's this about canadians having a deathboner?

>> No.26580466
File: 365 KB, 244x200, dis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you shut your falseflagging reddit lingo mouth before I'll kick your teeth down your throat and shut it for you?

>> No.26580469
File: 48 KB, 600x814, 1559587681882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580520


>> No.26580471


>was sad before because of antis

>now tells them to fuck off

only one day and she is growing

>> No.26580474

yes someone posted all their time zones earlier. Amelia and Gura are PST. Ina is fucking Newfoundland timezone of all things

>> No.26580478

Here Karaoke stream was pretty strongly JP and they shitposted about it a bit. The song list not even being in english made them laugh

>> No.26580479

Next week, she said she's playing a SP game next stream too.

>> No.26580480
Quoted by: >>26580508

I know, it was the right call

>> No.26580483

>lost all motivation to do my drawing reps
aaaaaaa how the fuck do I fix this every time I plug in my tablet and open CSP suddenly my brain begins SCREAMING at me to stop

>> No.26580482

She lives in Japan, that's JST

>> No.26580484

But those ARE shitty games

>> No.26580485
File: 1.09 MB, 1243x1754, 1600268582604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580569

I kneel

>> No.26580487

get nasu to DM a red dragon game

>> No.26580489
File: 177 KB, 1280x720, Eg_7jEFUwAA2sLR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FBK stayed up for every EN debut
>even did a guerrilla muse dash stream while waiting for Watson because she was about to fall asleep

ETERNALLY our friend

>> No.26580490
Quoted by: >>26580544

>uses a piss bottle on stream
>rages when her main is picked
>reports everyone and leaves
>showing lewd art on stream
How can you hate her

>> No.26580492

Oh no.. Amelia is finished

>> No.26580493

She definitely got supas. They're just not reporting in statistics for some reason.

>> No.26580496
File: 622 KB, 600x706, Squirrel with Gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580583

You have to go back faggot

>> No.26580495

Shoutout to Simpleflips.

>> No.26580497

Refresh the stream and if you see it fast enough you can see the original time zone before it adjsuts to yours

>> No.26580498
File: 38 KB, 953x203, truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580501

She said she wanted to try some rock stuff at some point in the future, which I'm excited

>> No.26580503
Quoted by: >>26580583

Meidos please take this lost child to bed.

>> No.26580505


>> No.26580506
Quoted by: >>26580583

can you please shut the fuck up and kill yourself already?

>> No.26580508

and yet people still were giving her shit about it despite it already being fixed

>> No.26580510
Quoted by: >>26581287

Good that twichthot should get no money
Do it you fat braindead fag i hope mommy know you fighting people online

>> No.26580511
Quoted by: >>26580619

Only faggots dodge, it's unrated though so whatever. Also Viper is shit tier and I hope Amelia learns a better character at some point.

>> No.26580516

Who is this fucking disgusting western vtuber talking like a man

>> No.26580517

>doesn't realize that this means 7,000 people were already watching

>> No.26580520

I hope someone of them will play Bayonetta

>> No.26580521

>people noticing what I noticed days ago
Maybe I can have some hope on you guys yet.

>> No.26580522
Quoted by: >>26580583

Enjoy your vacation

>> No.26580527

lurk more, you can literally go check for yourself

>> No.26580528

Ameliacucks btfo

>> No.26580530
File: 170 KB, 373x298, 1600484387952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but Gura's SC stream was so good it just made me sad that she didn't stay indie. She was really able to be herself when she was her own avatar.

>> No.26580531

if you don't have the passion for it why force yourself? are you doing reps for the sake of doing reps? the real separator between people is how much they enjoy what they do and how passionate they are about it

>> No.26580534
Quoted by: >>26580639

I'd love to copulate with this shark.

>> No.26580535

Watch more Ina. Watch Marine draw stream.

>> No.26580538
File: 355 KB, 756x739, 1600387959509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talked about all the support of hololive and superchats
>seemed happy, her usual calm happy self

>talked about how artists had become inspired by her
>immediately broke down
Her love of art is extremely real

>> No.26580541

also guys that shoutouts to simpleflips was an aka

>> No.26580544

Anyone who don't like twitch fags

>> No.26580545

What are good insults to throw at other feggits ith shit oishi tastes? Not that I want to use them haha.So far I have

>> No.26580548

And that's a good thing.
I don't want all of the english streamers to be like Coco's meme reviews.

niche is good.

>> No.26580549

I've got like 6 hours of archive to watch, but the new streams keep flowing in and I'm busy
How do you guys solve the multi vid problem?

>> No.26580550

>German fairy tail ASMR
She took my advice to play up the Kraut angle. Naisu.

>> No.26580553
Quoted by: >>26580583

I fucking hate this neverending summer.

>> No.26580555

Yes she got some superchats

>> No.26580557

I can't believe the bird is going to do an asmr Mein Kampf reading.

>> No.26580559

More german yeah baby!

>> No.26580563

>Reading german fairy tales on stream

>> No.26580566

should have been more "are you a falseflagging anti"

tourists who lurk or refrain from shitposting are fine, people who keep jerking each other off with anti narrativeposting are the worst

>> No.26580567


>> No.26580569
File: 194 KB, 496x379, 1600472260157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26580622

Reminder that she liked this on twitter

>> No.26580576


>> No.26580573

>German bedtime story asmr

>> No.26580579

>Calli felt bad for giving her a crap mic and thus decided to give her a better one

>> No.26580581

German fairytales read by Kiara sounds comfy

>> No.26580582

>bird upgrading to Mori's current mic
sasuga phoenix

>> No.26580583 [DELETED] 

What're you going to do your fat fags do you also still live with your mommy?

>> No.26580587
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1600233804913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is nice that she has found her confidence and composure and in such a short time as well.

>> No.26580588

i still don't hear anything wrong with her mic are my ears broken

>> No.26580589
Quoted by: >>26580636

I hope Amelia stays safe from triggered schizos, niggers and spics, wildfires and earthquakes all around her area.

>> No.26580590

>and then the local yakuza beat your ass into oblivion, wreck all your shit and you get redacted by cover.

>> No.26580593
Quoted by: >>26580624

Don't worry buddy it's leaking out

>> No.26580595

I want to see one try XCOM 2.
Win big or get slaughtered, it would be fun to watch either way.

>> No.26580599
File: 400 KB, 1318x1572, 1600325099692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara barely at 10k while Mori was streaming
>Mori is forced to leave as faggots spamming that she is overlapping on chat
>Kiara stream goes up to 17k

Just to let anyone who wasnt here know.
Dont be fooled, just listen to the facts.

>> No.26580602

>Chicken reading Grimm fairy tales
pls do it in german pls. I don't even care if I can't understand a single word

>> No.26580603


>> No.26580606
Quoted by: >>26580746

That's actually a psychological phenomenon, I forget the name of, but you basically have to think of it the same way you think of finding the next area to go in a video game by finding where the enemies are. The more resistance, the more important the thing is for you to do. Give it two minutes of brute force effort and the feeling will go away and you'll be able to get into it.

Good luck with your reps anon.

>> No.26580607

She gained at least several hundred at an absolute minimum. Playboard for her didn't load today for some reason.

>> No.26580609

>Ina is a newfie.

No wonder she's talented nothing else to do on that rock.

>> No.26580611

>chicken is even poorer than mori since she uses her old handovers
>doesn't weep for every akachat
yes, I'm going to designate her as masterfully based

>> No.26580614

I don't get why youtube or some 3rd party software cannot just grab messages by mods and have them around for a minute or so on display.

>> No.26580616
File: 1.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1489024496143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara-sama, read me the story of the Third Reich again.

>> No.26580615
Quoted by: >>26580690

See? They're friends.

>> No.26580618

She should laughstream more often desu

>> No.26580617
Quoted by: >>26580758

Nah I think its fixed, you could really hear it during the karaoke stream though

>> No.26580619

Nah I respect the fact that she doesn't give a fuck. I got the vibe she was also tilted about chocking a few matches that stream so i can't blame her.

>> No.26580620
Quoted by: >>26580670

Do you use proper headphones? I'm on a $40 set and her mic is clearly not great.

>> No.26580622

Hololive EN was a mistake

>> No.26580624
Quoted by: >>26580915

Do you have a timestamp for that?

>> No.26580628

wait for two week

>> No.26580631


>> No.26580630

$10 bucks says Mori and Kiara are gonna end up living together as roomates

>> No.26580632
Quoted by: >>26580663

Nothing, I'm just astonished and disappointed that 13 year olds still think this website is a cool and edgy place to be

>> No.26580634

I feel that simping to vtubers are quite different from doing it to streamers exposing their faces, but can't explain it.. Could anyone give me some clear definition?

>> No.26580636
File: 283 KB, 446x474, 1600078960132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't accept that Amelia won't succumb to their pandering kek

>> No.26580638

The slot was booked for an entire day, falseflagger.

>> No.26580639
Quoted by: >>26580956

>Mating has rarely been observed in sharks.[68] The smaller catsharks often mate with the male curling around the female. In less flexible species the two sharks swim parallel to each other while the male inserts a clasper into the female's oviduct. Females in many of the larger species have bite marks that appear to be a result of a male grasping them to maintain position during mating. The bite marks may also come from courtship behavior: the male may bite the female to show his interest. In some species, females have evolved thicker skin to withstand these bites.[67]
ok good luck, but remember:

>There have been a number of documented cases in which a female shark who has not been in contact with a male has conceived a pup on her own through parthenogenesis.[69][70] The details of this process are not well understood, but genetic fingerprinting showed that the pups had no paternal genetic contribution, ruling out sperm storage. The extent of this behavior in the wild is unknown. Mammals are now the only major vertebrate group in which asexual reproduction has not been observed.

>> No.26580640

find something you want to draw, a goal you want to work toward, some kind of internal motivation

whether it's drawing someone you like or gaining recognition from someone, anything works

>> No.26580641
Quoted by: >>26580683

>pls do it in german pls
That's her plan.

>> No.26580644

The fact that Mori is a back stabbing cunt?

Yea we all hear that.

>> No.26580649

I still haven’t seen watson or gura outside of their debuts desu

>> No.26580651
Quoted by: >>26580672

Mori is east coast isn't she?

>> No.26580653
Quoted by: >>26580694

I want Gura to call me her chumbuddy as I dump a fat load of sperm inside her womb

>> No.26580657
File: 27 KB, 138x141, 1594833776199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "simp"
>99 results

>> No.26580660
Quoted by: >>26580693

She could do it in German then live translate it into English/Japanese.

>> No.26580661

Makes sense that she started to read some of those SC names as french.

>> No.26580663
Quoted by: >>26580680

Don't forget a 30 year shouldn't still be living with their mother

>> No.26580668
Quoted by: >>26580783

Honestly yeah, or your headphones/speakers are trash
The difference in her voice quality compared to the others is ridiculous, I can't stand it

>> No.26580669

I was thinking the same thing, judging what I've seen so far. I was still enjoying it, since I have seen the game before.

>> No.26580670

yea decent headphones, her quality sounds about the same as all the other girls to me

>> No.26580671


>> No.26580672

They're both in Japan

>> No.26580673

We need to get Kiara a de-badged SS cap prop and get her to sing Erika.

>> No.26580674

100 of those are shoutouts to simpleflips though

>> No.26580676
Quoted by: >>26580795

It doesn't update that quickly

>> No.26580682

Fucking Todd

>> No.26580680
Quoted by: >>26580713

>No u

>> No.26580683


>> No.26580686

She spends everything on gacha.

>> No.26580688

Kiara... don't shill that collection...

>> No.26580689

Todd is so generous!

>> No.26580690

Narratives here get obliterated almost instantly now that these holos speak English, it's hilarious.

>> No.26580691

Where does Mori even live?

>> No.26580692

I genuinely want to be good at it and I enjoy it when I'm in the right mood, but I have a bunch of mental blocks that just make it not fun, like needing it to look perfect or obsessing over small details for so long that I get burnt out.

>> No.26580693

her plan is german with jap/en subtitles

>> No.26580694


>> No.26580696

>That was yesterdays spachas

Fuck me.

>> No.26580699

lol Kiara telling people to buy a game with a bad camera.

>> No.26580702

I haven't done my jap manga reading reps ever since holoEN ruined my life.... yotsuba save me...

>> No.26580703

Hopefully not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but if what was said about retrieval is true, this is bad infosec on Twitch's behalf and I hope they get blasted for it.

>> No.26580705

Coco is the mother of the HoloEN branch, there'd be nothing without her.
Also /hlg/ has a case of ORANGE WOMAN BAD so she's naturally aligned with us.

>> No.26580709

It's much easier to enjoy stuff if you are good at it. That's why people with Dunning-Kruger keep doing stuff they're bad at. And you won't get good at drawing unless you practice, but once you get good you'll enjoy it infinitely more.

>> No.26580711

How hard do you think it would be to get Amelia to play LA Noire at some point?

>> No.26580713
Quoted by: >>26580734

So you can't come up with anything to say so you just use that

>> No.26580714
Quoted by: >>26580851

And the other 3 are US based right?

>> No.26580717
Quoted by: >>26580774


>> No.26580718


>> No.26580720

instead of bodily beauty, which is at least partially a genetic roll of the dice as well as dependent on economic background, the appeal of vtubers is based around character design and the talent's personality

>> No.26580721

Pretty sure Kiara has already suggested it to her.

>> No.26580723

>again I can't read that name
Guys... lol

>> No.26580724

Supposedly South Africa, don't quote me on that though anonchama.

>> No.26580729

Sleep, a good 8 hours sleep make you not give a fuck whatever happened in the past 24 hours

>> No.26580731

You know how for these streams you had to put yourself through a lot of cringe but it paid off with being kino instead? Hobbies work the same way. Your mind tries to reject new things until you get accustomed to it. So basically just keep drawing, even if its painful to start

>> No.26580732
Quoted by: >>26580965

Even on 5ch, they agree that csgo would probably be more interesting to watch than valorant.

>> No.26580734
Quoted by: >>26580750

If you're so new that you can't understand greentexting please just leave

>> No.26580735

Why did everybody start streaming ealy today?

>> No.26580736

They'll probably rent out an apartment together in Coco's Holohouse, since it's not actually a house and just a building that has a lot of apartments for rent that Coco has been urging other Holos to buy up.

>> No.26580743

She was at 3k for 20 min

>> No.26580746

As my teacher says, every action that requires thinking is hard and our brain is going to try to avoid it when possible.

>> No.26580749
File: 83 KB, 618x348, 1585797715997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part about today is that we couldn't get a full clip of Ina's karaoke. She was genuinely so good, too.

>> No.26580751
File: 608 KB, 2048x2048, 1600395350935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have an Afrikaneer princess to raise Rhodesian Ridgebacks with and give people tire necklaces

>> No.26580750

I think Reddit is more your speed so go back there

>> No.26580754
Quoted by: >>26581007

Seems pretty unlikely that there's a problem with her mic itself and not her cables or PC settings, why hasn't Cover sent someone to help?

>> No.26580755

Didn't she mention interest in that game already?

>> No.26580756
File: 353 KB, 608x317, 1599963476847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really need to see more collabs before any ships like that sail, currently the only time we've seen them collab they basically act like awkward co-workers stuck in the same break room

Well, Mori/Ina was alright, we'll see how tomorrow is

>> No.26580758

Made me tune in to see, but I think you've just gotten used to it.
Try comparing to Haachama or Fubuki or Noel or Pekora atm
Kiara sounds like she's on a cell phone :\

>> No.26580760

they want the SEAchad crowd

>> No.26580764

I'd rather they be as far from Coco as possible

>> No.26580766
Quoted by: >>26581056

Imagine Miko and Amelia interactions

>> No.26580768

It's like a slight filter over her voice. Makes her sound like she's on AM radio.

>> No.26580769
Quoted by: >>26580849

Never played it, sounds boring. She's more the type that would rather play Need For Speed.

>> No.26580770
File: 10 KB, 480x360, ALLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how maximum comfy it would be if she actually did read Hänsel & Gretel for good bed time stories in German...

>> No.26580771

Honestly I can't remember everything the past week and a half has become a blur

>> No.26580774
File: 233 KB, 653x578, 1581960193497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580776

>Kiara will be able to stream more
I hope this means she got to quit her real job like Mori did.

>> No.26580778

>Today I had leftover noodles, I had leftover soup, I had strawberries
>I had 6 pizza rolls, and carrot cake. A nutritious gamer breakfast
That's more like it
Amy WhatsApp best girl

>> No.26580780

Is anyone else chuckling at how the stupid inbred flips keep trying to we wuz Shark?
Has Shark ever once spoken whatever the fuck they speak?

>> No.26580783

This. Swapping from other holo streams to Kiara's, there's a stark difference. Really quiet and a bit muffled? idk.

>> No.26580784

But they're in the same time zone.

>> No.26580788
File: 75 KB, 640x360, Coco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine singing the same day as me haha

>> No.26580789
File: 245 KB, 800x600, We Are On A Cruise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580791

Kiara grows more powerful by the day.

>> No.26580793

Cause the collab is early as fuck tomorrow so they probably want to stream and then rest and prep for the collab.

>> No.26580795

The others' videos have been updated already.

>> No.26580800

>inviting a white person to the holohouse

Anon you gotta realize living together is sort of breaking the normal boundaries of hololive, at that point you HAVE to think about room mates

>> No.26580805
File: 3.56 MB, 3840x1079, pekokiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26580808

Who think it get nobodies from Twitch and give them a job was a good idea

>> No.26580809

soon after she plays Vanquish

>> No.26580811

>They pay her

>> No.26580813
File: 45 KB, 208x271, 1600477268632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good job employees
Why did that make me feel fuzzy...

>> No.26580815

It's like poetry...

>> No.26580818
File: 62 KB, 492x957, 1586790859778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Kiara would look fantastic with a Flight Hostess Outfit + Hat, plus it has synergy with her being able to fly.

>> No.26580825

natural evolution of capitalism

>> No.26580827

I literally only watched Gura and the collab they all did together.

>> No.26580829


>> No.26580833

I think she really only said that she never finished it.

>> No.26580834
Quoted by: >>26580910

In food

>> No.26580836

Mori is a vocalist so her hand down mic is good quality.

>> No.26580835

Coco herself was born in the US and Japs aren't nearly as racist as you think, especially towards people who are as well integrated as Kiara and Mori, who have both been living there for years.

>> No.26580837
Quoted by: >>26580932

even her Papa told her to do it

>> No.26580838

It rhymes...

>> No.26580840

in america it's customary to tip your boss

>> No.26580842
Quoted by: >>26580913

How old are you?

>> No.26580843

Basically capitalism.

>> No.26580844

>KFP is an MLM scheme

>> No.26580847

Aaaah, thats why the sun-meme felt familiar

>> No.26580849

>Never played it, sounds boring.
If you like detective games, you are missing out.

>> No.26580850
Quoted by: >>26580932


>> No.26580851

Ina is a leaf but yeah the other 2 are burgers

>> No.26580858

Go back Mio needs your help

>> No.26580862

If it means killing twitch, maybe it's a good idea.

>> No.26580865
File: 742 KB, 923x811, watalo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580869

i could imagine it the moment you said it, anon, you are absolutely correct

>> No.26580872


>> No.26580874
Quoted by: >>26580913


>> No.26580875
Quoted by: >>26580917

It's going to be fun to see how much Kiara inclines the moment the collab embargo ends and she ends up teaching everyone in HoloJP how to English.

>> No.26580876

feeling dank

>> No.26580882
File: 158 KB, 400x400, 1600131972845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Humu humu*s in your path

>> No.26580886
Quoted by: >>26580916

I'm pretty sure they say nigger on multiple occasions in that game, might be hard to stream.
Also one of the very first cases lets you go full 1488 on some Jew

>> No.26580887
Quoted by: >>26580946

Daily reminder that anyone "defending" Mori by shitting on birdfags, or "defending" Kiara by shitting on Mori and morifags actually hates both of them and just wants to see HoloEN burn.

>> No.26580889
File: 153 KB, 427x381, epko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581040

wait it's only been a week?

>> No.26580895

Just wait for clips. Unless you're depressed you shouldn't need to spend 4 hours a day watching girls talk to themselves.

>> No.26580897
File: 327 KB, 1200x1050, kiaraRanger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be pretty great
i'm still holding out for a toku outfit though

>> No.26580903
Quoted by: >>26581174

Who makes these?

>> No.26580905
Quoted by: >>26581159

my queen, I need some clacks...

>> No.26580906

After like 5 hours she only has 15 stars? thats honestly impressive as fuck

>> No.26580908

The Holos aren't racist

>> No.26580910
Quoted by: >>26580961

Architect, is that you?

>> No.26580913
Quoted by: >>26580926

Seanigger go to Reddit

>> No.26580915

It was near the end. She started to say it but stopped herself.

>> No.26580916

Bare tits in the first scene too

>> No.26580917
Quoted by: >>26580980

the mickey dragon fears the phoenix

>> No.26580918

I don't know why they hate twitch in whatever Asian shithole you're from, but please go complain on /v/ or something.

>> No.26580919


>> No.26580920

I know birb has a certain way she wants to do things, but she need to learn how to lean into the memes, if people want to Kicky Ricky she should play off of that. TMT became Towa's calling card despite how much she fought it.

>> No.26580923
File: 18 KB, 472x106, Nenechi...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's so close

>> No.26580926
Quoted by: >>26580987

Can you please tell me how old you are. I'm very curious to know.

>> No.26580929

You really need to cut the shit about music history.

>> No.26580932

Honestly surprised how supportive Huke is, I remember getting his autograph at AX a couple years back. Are there any other mamas and papas in hololive that are this supportive?

>> No.26580933

She's had no technical problems in a single stream so far but then PC-kun decides to die in the middle of her song. Guess she had to dump luck to max out everything else.

>> No.26580934
Quoted by: >>26582024

>Ina plays Quake 1

>> No.26580938

give it a few months

>> No.26580946

I like Watson and birdfags are insufferable.

>> No.26580947

You know it is not the same apartment right? It is the same building and just different apartments.

>> No.26580948
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] THE iDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_22.23_[2016.10.09_01.23.13].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Chicken the Mio Hondo of HoloEN?

>> No.26580951
Quoted by: >>26581021

I would love to watch that, don't even care what game. Mori's roleplaying autism is perfect for it.

>> No.26580953
Quoted by: >>26581159


>> No.26580954
File: 136 KB, 298x410, 7CD8D469-88DA-4CD4-BCD0-90A575BE684C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bonus stage?

>> No.26580956

Imagine how stretched out her cute and funny would be if she got fucked by a whale shark haha

>> No.26580957

Good question, even Gen 5 had a T-Shirt ready at launch.

>> No.26580958

nigga it's been a week

>> No.26580959

Does HoloID have merch? I've never actually checked since I couldn't care less about them.

>> No.26580960


>> No.26580961
File: 82 KB, 180x279, 72962193-2B2F-4DA9-8208-CA799E5A1794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26580965

Hope she learned and play something better soon...

>> No.26580966
File: 126 KB, 1326x418, holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post em

>> No.26580967

Don't forget if you think piss and shit and getting mad over a game is "funny" shouldn't be on here

>> No.26580968
Quoted by: >>26580999


>> No.26580969

The more annoyed she is about kicky ricky, the more people will use kicky ricky.

>> No.26580974

>still not over 200k
do featherheads really...?

>> No.26580973

Playing off it can also be acting like you don't like it though, just look at cantaloupe

>> No.26580975
Quoted by: >>26581043

She got carpet bombed by Canadian akasupas

>> No.26580977
Quoted by: >>26581017

Is she able to produce infinite KitKats?

>> No.26580980

She needs to attend Kiara-sensei's English Class too. The only English she seems to know are words like "motherfucker" and "asshole".

>> No.26580983
Quoted by: >>26581001


>> No.26580985
Quoted by: >>26581060

Was hoping to celebrate 200k during the stream. Next one for sure.

>> No.26580986

Honestly I'm just happy these girls are succeeding and feeling welcome to Hololive's fan community. They deserve it.

>> No.26580987

Stop encouraging for (You)'s retard.

>> No.26580988


>> No.26580989


>> No.26580992 [DELETED] 
File: 149 KB, 786x550, grungnorf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me eddie
>me go see best stream Amelia
>me drink gamer fuel, makes me dizzy
>wat dat?
>grrr see people in barracuda shirts
>norf team8s best, hate souf barracuda cunts
>punch souf barracudas dat show dem norf team8s forever
>dropped just like Amelia getting a banging frag
>me like Amelia

>> No.26580993
Quoted by: >>26581025

Fuck off newfag

>> No.26580999

she already said, about 10am Sunday JST.

She's gonna reserve the space shortly after this stream.

>> No.26581001
File: 953 KB, 1000x1000, 1599974064747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581002
Quoted by: >>26581153

i wouldn't mind being called this its kind of cute

>> No.26581005
File: 1.22 MB, 815x1007, 1600148445888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581090

>A keychain and a backpack patch

Oh joy. Hololive merch is always garbage, they could charge us $150 for a shark hoodie and people would slurp it up too

>> No.26581006
Quoted by: >>26581025

here you go
now please leave

>> No.26581007

Mori's been streaming on a toaster with shitty wifi in a studio apartment with ghost rider outside. It's pretty clear Cover aren't providing anything other than the assets and advertising.

>> No.26581008
File: 40 KB, 112x122, artia.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581010


Kiara will hit 200k with the collab for sure, and she's way more confident now: she'll be fine.

>> No.26581011
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, Eh8GY6jU0AE0hC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sure is nice when she is made happy by the supportive messages

>> No.26581014

She's SO CLOSE bros, please go subscribe to chicken if you haven't already

>> No.26581016

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26581017

She's a time traveler, she just eats the same KitKat over and over again.

>> No.26581020

>getting mad over a game
This is half of the Japanese Hololive girls' shtick though

>> No.26581021
Quoted by: >>26581384

Im just imagining her making a really edgy character that sounds really cool to her in her head, and then she actually plays the character and cringes as she says her lines.

>> No.26581023

>watch every bit of pekora content
>fall for the exact same trick
Actual birdbrain.

>> No.26581024

>made more money than gura

>> No.26581025
Quoted by: >>26581086

Are you 10 or something?

>> No.26581027
Quoted by: >>26581052

thats basically german culture though...

>> No.26581030

Even if we got merch it'd most likely be shit

>> No.26581031

>Kiara will watch Calli stream
>Kiara will see Calli being so happy that she cries tears of joy as she receives huge donations from her fans
>Kiara will see Calli genuinelly having a fun time with the first game she manages to stream
>then Kiara will see people telling Calli to stop streaming because it's overlapping with Kiara's own stream
>Kiara will realize that it's where the increase in viewers come from, and that she indirectly ruined Calli's fun stream

>> No.26581035
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 1588412745804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would swim through the amazon river slathered with peanut butter and a ball and chain wrapped around my testicles just to hear Ina go "hmm hmm" through a walkie talkie

>> No.26581037

Are the nips just mistaking teehee for teetee or is this a meme I missed?

>> No.26581040
File: 99 KB, 300x292, 1600309648745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581087

I still remember when Shark started singing, probably the most powerful levels of shitposting in a single thread in 4chan, I don't even think /v/ e3 stickies went as fast

>> No.26581043

i didn't know the canadians would be good at carpet bombing of all things

>> No.26581048

>tfw woke up in time for this
Nice. Thanks, man.

>> No.26581049

She doesn't like it because it's wrong, it's not kikkiriki but kikkEriki.

>> No.26581050


>> No.26581053
File: 380 KB, 2000x2193, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_kazenokaze__8d0c9f8687afe45bd31d7705f9354f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm not bad desu

>> No.26581052

Kill them

>> No.26581055

chum buddies?

>> No.26581056

Chaotic language barrier

>> No.26581057

>anon takes his pills
>stops making shizo posts

>> No.26581058

I add around 40 hours of streams to my backlog weekly and by now I pretty much accepted I will never ever catch up to even 1/10 of it.
One day they will probably all be deleted for different reasons and I will rage, but that will pass, too, and the problem will solve itself.

>> No.26581060

Honestly her reaching 200k during collab has more tears potential.

>> No.26581062

fuck off narrativefag

>> No.26581064

mori said it a lot in her debut so now it's a bit of a meme around her

>> No.26581067

I'm listening to Mori's songs from her past life and some of them are genuinely good, I can't believe she didn't take off

>> No.26581071

They should've all just used one channel since they don't stream at the same time anyways

>> No.26581072

Am I too far gone if I can audibly hear 'hmm hmm' in my head in her voice every single time I read it?

>> No.26581069 [SPOILER] 
File: 37 KB, 266x601, 1600499717054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow she really IS reclining...

>> No.26581080

Basiert und Rotgepillt

>> No.26581081

lurk more also teetee = lit. precious, wholesome

>> No.26581082

Who this nobody

>> No.26581084
File: 414 KB, 1823x2370, 1600400618366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581085

Fucking hell I fell asleep during this.

>> No.26581086 [DELETED] 

im 0 years old actually

>> No.26581087

you obviously weren't here when amelia responded to the gosling superchat

>> No.26581089

Why’s she talk like a rere

>> No.26581090
File: 18 KB, 297x284, 1600245741240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you guys pay for a Shark hoodie?

>> No.26581092

Should be KFP

>> No.26581093

*lmaos in your general direction* poggers my man

>> No.26581096

>There are anons in this thread who aren't subbed to all of them despite it costing nothing

What would your favourite girl say if she knew you weren't supporting her friends?

>> No.26581097
File: 1.04 MB, 744x1052, a0903d9a399ec5f74e3ea904ad8cbe18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581104

Anon... your time-zone reps...

>> No.26581105

I Would think Calli's stream was meant to only be an hour long, but the canucks made her emotionally causing her to go over.

>> No.26581106
File: 968 KB, 300x258, 1596521790086.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581136


>> No.26581107

Yeah, because they are all retarded like that, right?

>> No.26581108
File: 19 KB, 534x248, 1600229344858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581109
File: 29 KB, 275x193, 1600499770378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581249

Nice inspect element

>> No.26581112
Quoted by: >>26581165

I hope you like your ban

>> No.26581113

ill sub for her the moment she gets a redesign

>> No.26581114

Huke. . .

>> No.26581117

huke papa really wants to fuck his daughter

>> No.26581118

Huke she's probably going to be more rich than you in a few weeks it's okay dude

>> No.26581121

That was legendary

>> No.26581122

I feel sad knowing that I won't be able to cum inside Kiara's womb and have her whisper danke shoen in my ear.

>> No.26581123

Huke got the hot for our Austrian chicken

>> No.26581125


>> No.26581126

Huke papa is the best Hololive illustrator, no contest

>> No.26581130

uhh uhh sora who?

>> No.26581134

3 cummies

>> No.26581136

These are the best goslings

>> No.26581138
File: 288 KB, 869x746, 1596814551097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581167

you called?

>> No.26581141
Quoted by: >>26581182

i won't pity-subscribe someone i don't watch, you fucking nigger...

>> No.26581142
Quoted by: >>26581197


>> No.26581147
Quoted by: >>26581162

I was here, it was some intense shitposting for sure but the problem is the thread went to ultra shit afterwards, at least we got larsposters out of it though they're alright

>> No.26581153
File: 79 KB, 398x414, moricomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree its pretty cute like the rest of this gen

>> No.26581159
File: 477 KB, 937x900, 77c90e4d28b46946f40dea419fa443f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clickety clack, your SAN is now wack.

>> No.26581160
File: 1.43 MB, 1920x876, 1599756759369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "Mori"
>104 results
>ctrl+f "Calli"
>11 results
deadbeats, plz...

>> No.26581162
Quoted by: >>26581259

Driveposters > Larsposters > Goslingposters

>> No.26581165
File: 34 KB, 405x378, naaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581167

King Shark is gay

>> No.26581166
File: 333 KB, 721x897, 1585872785029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

49.99 currencies

>> No.26581169

How do I do rap reps? I want to make Mori proud.

>> No.26581171 [DELETED] 

Art is boring, I've been into BRS since BRS the song

>> No.26581173

Small market. Look at the guy she made the MVs for (that did 5M and 14M), he has like 180K subs.

>> No.26581174

@walfieee on twitter

>> No.26581175

merch ideas:

>Gura: hoodie

>Mori: CD/Vinyl record

>Ina: artwork of hers/squid plushie

>Watson: detective glass

>Kiara: KFP bucket

>> No.26581180 [DELETED] 

Why is cover such a piece of shit bigoted company? None of the talents they've scouted represent the wonderful group of trans and other gender non-conforming individuals. And not only that, they even had the audacity of hiring someone who can rap but NOT of African-American descent. It's like they're doing these things on purpose to pander to right wing incel white men. It's not fair for the minorities who are being looked down upon already by patriarchal bigoted society.
We should force a change to make our voices heard or else we will always be beaten and taken advantage of by this pretentious capitalist wh*toids.

>> No.26581182

Then you should start watching her, she's unironically good now.

>> No.26581183

Why is fucking numberfagging money thing is broken for today's valorant stream? Is there any info how much Watson made?

>> No.26581184

Mori is better

>> No.26581185
Quoted by: >>26581219

mori is easier to memento I'm sorry

>> No.26581188


>> No.26581189

hagure appears in every Pekora's stream.

>> No.26581191
File: 318 KB, 607x448, 1600444382149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is her true power level.... It's so cunny it's overwhelming

>> No.26581195

I want a bubba plushie

>> No.26581194
File: 360 KB, 748x848, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581197
Quoted by: >>26581235

I think he was talking about role-wise he's the most active of the character designers rather than about art skill (which he's still very good at)

>> No.26581199
File: 618 KB, 832x1000, 1577759645231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581347


>> No.26581200

If they're smart they'll make an official Gura hoodie

>> No.26581201

I agree anon they're all so cute its unbelievable

>> No.26581202
File: 397 KB, 483x656, cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're cute too anon

>> No.26581207
File: 22 KB, 400x400, gH6xdlYB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gonna be keychains and badges of their respective mascot things and you will like it.

>> No.26581212
Quoted by: >>26581263

Watson: gamer bottle.

>> No.26581213
File: 17 KB, 420x500, 41Fjz3mYptL._AC_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581268

Kiara right now.

>> No.26581215

>implying they do any of this when even the most famous hololive girls basically get dumb looking metal emblems

Enjoy your keychains and socks

>> No.26581217

Here's your (You) now go away.

>> No.26581219
Quoted by: >>26581230

It took me less than 5 minutes to switch to Calli, if you can't do the same you might be retarded.

>> No.26581221
File: 465 KB, 2000x1426, niggerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away Niggerman

>> No.26581223

yagoo has ligma

>> No.26581227

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.26581228

This stream was a mistake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFEI1VTZeos

>> No.26581230
Quoted by: >>26581276

yeah but do I have to?

>> No.26581232

Fool top piece? 40 but up to 80 if signed.

>> No.26581235

if he's talking specifically about best mama/papa then yes it doesn't even come close. He legitimately feels like a dad looking out for his daughter

>> No.26581236

If we're going by support, probably Huke or Hagure. If we're going by character design, it's Kuroboshi, but I'm biased towards Abigail and Hokusai

>> No.26581238
File: 966 KB, 4093x2894, KISAME THE CHUMBUDS GENERAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes? Do you need help from the army?

>> No.26581245


>> No.26581246

Start by robbing a gas station.

>> No.26581249
Quoted by: >>26581281

I really hope you aren't really indonesian

>> No.26581248

>George Costanza

>> No.26581250
File: 192 KB, 487x458, 1471881990934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581340

>puts the kino BGM back on
I wish this was her usual one, it's great

>> No.26581253

You address the future CEO on last name basis.

>> No.26581254
Quoted by: >>26581338

i enjoyed it

>> No.26581259
File: 20 KB, 502x417, au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581294

I don't have enough drive to monitor the threads and watch streams, so I stick to mostly watching the streams with the chat hidden

>> No.26581262

>but can't explain it.. Could anyone give me some clear definition?
From /co/:

>> No.26581263

Fuck off 5 year old

>> No.26581264
File: 359 KB, 900x561, 1599965467491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think that's bad?

People won't let go of squid even though she's an octo

>> No.26581268

Shitest start...

>> No.26581273
Quoted by: >>26581327

>Ina: Necronomicon notebook, Tentacle plushie/pillow
>Kiara: phoenix down pillow

>> No.26581275

>wake up just now for mori's stream
>kiara still streaming

The dedication of this bird. Impressive.

>> No.26581276
File: 133 KB, 828x1792, 1599861552814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure Calli would appreciate it.

>> No.26581279

start by going to prison

>> No.26581281


>> No.26581282

$40 seems like a decent price if it's made well

>> No.26581286

How did you know they're not people of color? Do you gave proofs?

>> No.26581287
Quoted by: >>26581312

Of course the Watson antis are drooling ESLs.

>> No.26581290

Oh my god my boner is RAGING

>> No.26581292

Why the FUCK do they always make the most bottom tier garbage shit for idols


>> No.26581294
File: 26 KB, 128x128, 1600016468193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581300

It's called a cash register.

>> No.26581307
File: 280 KB, 555x555, 1600039237683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't understand why people don't seem to like this stream, I watched it live and I thought it was fine.

>> No.26581312 [DELETED] 


>> No.26581313

Prease andastand... the production costs...

>> No.26581314
Quoted by: >>26581338

It was great, what are you talking about

>> No.26581315

Please understand, our profit margin...

>> No.26581317
Quoted by: >>26581338

it was fine

>> No.26581316

I'm not calling you Calli, Mori

>> No.26581318

Kiara didn't end her stream yet?
What a fucking cunt
Didn't Mori said she wanted to read supachat for 8 hours? This cunt chicken ruins everything

>> No.26581324

gosh I hope someone will play this kino

>> No.26581325

Honestly the best development for her.
If she's learned to believe in herself, she'll be alright from now on.

>> No.26581326

What happened?
I only saw like 25 minutes then went to bed.

>> No.26581327

>phoenix down pillow
Buy one for your mother and you'll never have to worry about her dying in her sleep because you ignored an internet curse.

>> No.26581328

I still have my choroi keychains... they can become good memories after they're gone

>> No.26581331


I know this is bait but some people actually think like this.

>> No.26581334

At least most people stopped calling Amelia, Watson for the most part.

>> No.26581338 [DELETED] 


>> No.26581340

It gets old if you use the same one all the time, needs the variety

>> No.26581341
File: 157 KB, 294x281, screenshot_2020-09-13_18 11 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fat faggots all look ridiculous in your rainbow colored replica merch. same goes for the people who want a PPT shirt or Towa's hat.

>> No.26581344

What did she mean by this, anon? And what is she doing with that needle-

>> No.26581345
Quoted by: >>26581391

autism filled competetive FPS followed by comfy singleplayer is the future of Amelia

>> No.26581346

people mad twitcher acts like a twitcher personally I thought it was funny she really is just starting to act more like she did on twitch

>> No.26581347

God why is Artia so autistic? Overwatch players are almost as autistic as her.

>> No.26581348


>> No.26581349

I'd respect him if Ina's was a Niggerman badge.

>> No.26581350
File: 92 KB, 400x500, dusty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581391


>> No.26581352
File: 49 KB, 472x423, 1600313183965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581378

>Get to see more gamer moments
>got to see her talk about all her good taste in games
>her shoutcasting was surprisingly good
>managed to make a game as shit as valorant alright

>> No.26581354
Quoted by: >>26581410

Then do it in your superchat reading stream, Mori.

>> No.26581355

she still has 34 minutes you shitbag

>> No.26581356

>Doesn't get Viper
>Closes the entire game just to exit the queue
I don't play Valorant, is this actually toxic? Does it fuck over the rest of the team?

>> No.26581357

I just subbed to her because the Mario streams have been fun

>> No.26581358

All she'd have to do is credit her old art persona for the design and stay in character during her streams. She seems to have a cool enough head to pull it off.

>> No.26581360

Gura doing this when

>> No.26581362

EN antis are really latching onto Watson for some reason. I'd almost be bothered if it weren't so obviously low-tier trolling.

>> No.26581364
Quoted by: >>26581408

The worse of twitch

>> No.26581367
Quoted by: >>26581391

here is your (you)

>> No.26581368

Valorant fucking blows, and people are getting salty that Ame isn't actually the waifu they imagined she would be.

>> No.26581369

But you said that you're my Mori, Mori...

>> No.26581370
Quoted by: >>26581421

Her roommate true personality slowly emerging.

>> No.26581372

But I'm not fat...

>> No.26581374


>> No.26581376

What's your point?

>> No.26581377
File: 1.37 MB, 1458x1296, 1598330621276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Between Botan and Amelia I've been getting an urge to get back into FPS games, anyone else feel the same? The last one I played religiously was Bad Company 2 a decade ago, so I'm going to be rusty but I'll try.

>> No.26581378
Quoted by: >>26581501

Larsposters are now oddly the happiest posters in these threads.

>> No.26581379

Love her

>> No.26581380

>Gura: oppai mousepad
>Mori: oppai mousepad
>Ina: oppai mousepad
>Watson: oppai mousepad
>Kiara: oppai mousepad

>> No.26581381
Quoted by: >>26581408

Sachi came out

>> No.26581383

Straining her mouth from PPP...

>> No.26581384
Quoted by: >>26581686

Levels of cringekino never before seen, yesss

>> No.26581389

Everyone's got some kind of issue like this.

>squid, even though she's an octopus
>sharkzawa, even though she doesn't want her old account associated with gura's character
>mori, even though it should be callie
>chicken, even though she's a phoenix and eats chicken
>watson, even though it should be amelia

>> No.26581390
Quoted by: >>26581592

if it works anything like similar games it just sends everyone back into the queue and penalizes her immediately/if she does it too much.

>> No.26581391 [DELETED] 


>> No.26581395
Quoted by: >>26581891

She took a 5 minute break to piss in a bottle on stream, terrible team mate.

>> No.26581397
File: 524 KB, 1159x913, 1600231903262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581437


>> No.26581399
File: 536 KB, 616x641, 1569351081911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581400
File: 24 KB, 534x248, 1600131961124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ina: oppai mousepad

>> No.26581401

>Oppai mousepad

>> No.26581404
Quoted by: >>26581462

Ina said she has 10 tentacles. Octopi only have 8

>> No.26581405
Quoted by: >>26581592

afaik it prevents everyone else from playing and they have to re-cue.

>> No.26581408
Quoted by: >>26581447


>> No.26581410

Is this bitch going to force Kiara off her stream? What a fucking whore.

>> No.26581409
Quoted by: >>26581491

I downloaded apex after seeing holos play it so much I just haven't been playing because im avoiding a friend online

>> No.26581412
Quoted by: >>26581891


>> No.26581413

Kiara should try singing Wonder Stella, her voice is perfect for it.

>> No.26581414

Two of those should be noppai

>> No.26581417

yeah, but then I realized I have a shitty PC.

>> No.26581419

She's reading spacha. And Mori will also be reading spacha. It's the most insignificant thing to overlap.

>> No.26581421
Quoted by: >>26581467

>Jobless twitch nobody is funny
Are you 10?

>> No.26581422


>> No.26581424

Artia please

>> No.26581423

>>Gura: oppai mousepad
>>Ina: oppai mousepad
I don't think that will work out, Anon.

>> No.26581426

>ina oppai mousepad
that's just an ina mousepad anon

>> No.26581428

I think you mean
>Ina: mousepad

>> No.26581429
File: 795 KB, 1000x1200, __takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_coll_erichankun__467e5ca2db74c6448f0fd5ffa866c617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feelin' dank.

>> No.26581432
File: 769 KB, 600x510, 1600408899971.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent the last three hours fapping and now I don't know what to do with the rest of my night.

>> No.26581431

I bought one of her albums on Bandcamp, it's pretty good

>> No.26581433
Quoted by: >>26581592

They have to requeue, so it's way less shitty than joining the game and leaving, but it's still inconveniencing multiple other people cause you didn't get what you want. I personally couldn't give less of a shit, but that's how I feel about those kinds of games anyway.

>> No.26581437


>> No.26581439
Quoted by: >>26581891

I thought it was fine but I was getting sleepy partway through (sleep schedule was getting earlier). I don't know if it was due to the sleep schedule or if the game really sucked. I didn't like that she bailed for her character but not enough to make me make a big decision about her.

I have no idea about her "numbers" during this.

>> No.26581441


>> No.26581442
Quoted by: >>26581891

>people are getting salty that Ame isn't actually the waifu they imagined she would be
99 percent of people ITT knew about her roommate so how could they really expect her to be like that?

>> No.26581443

>Chickenbros gonna make Mori do a confession when they win the music contest

>> No.26581444

Is it called naipad if it's flat?

>> No.26581445
File: 797 KB, 900x1125, sea20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do people constantly shit on Amelia's fans whenever no one's streaming? It's like this board's past time. It's getting tiresome

>> No.26581447


>> No.26581449

you can do your reps

>> No.26581450
File: 208 KB, 1920x1080, 1600033567823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I hope some featherhead wins the contest and sends the personal message to the chicken now

>> No.26581451
Quoted by: >>26581525

>Coco streams an unarchived karaoke stream at like 4am JST
>Not a single Japanese chat message
>Singing entirely English songs
>Still speaks 90% Japanese between songs

I don't understand Coco's mindset. She'll post on fucking reddit and leverage her English to make whatever content for JP viewers she can, but as far as I'm aware she's never done a solo english only stream. It's even more baffling after fucking Fubuki did one despite not speaking more than 4 words of English.

My completely baseless theory is that being born in America means she's trying very hard to make sure the JP audience sees her as Japanese, and she thinks going too close to the sun might ruin that.

>> No.26581456

I honestly dislike all of their names and just call them by the basics like Reaper, Shark, Chicken etc

>> No.26581458
File: 561 KB, 969x648, tasukete.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I was looking up the song Ina covered earlier

>> No.26581457


Hi Artia

>> No.26581461
Quoted by: >>26581592

It's just champ select, if you dodge everyone else gets a new match. Takes like 30 seconds.

>> No.26581460

dont you feel like shit after wasting 3 hours mastrubating?

>> No.26581462

Octo means 10. That's why October is the tenth month.

>> No.26581463

her bangs remind me of a squid
so squid it is

>> No.26581467

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26581469

>Chickenfags forcing a forced meme even harder
Sounds about right

>> No.26581471
Quoted by: >>26581825

Anti's are bored and will attack anything just to get a rise

>> No.26581473
Quoted by: >>26581825

What a chad

>> No.26581475

Whoah, based

>> No.26581478

>Mori and Kiara get to stream 3h+ per day
wtf this isn't fair bros, the others have 2 hours max

>> No.26581480

How was Amelia? I fell asleep at gamer bottle

>> No.26581482

Go watch chicken swearing in german at a penguin

or watch this https://streamable.com/v46j7e

>> No.26581483

stupid cute chickin

>> No.26581484

>Kiara said "Fick"

>> No.26581487

Anonchama... your latin reps...

>> No.26581490

god i love chicken

>> No.26581491

>I downloaded apex after seeing holos play it
I've wanted to try it out but decided to wait for it to come to Steam.

>> No.26581498


>> No.26581501
Quoted by: >>26581535

Five stages of grief, we were on depression with Goslingposts, Larsposts are is the acceptance

>> No.26581503


>> No.26581504
File: 74 KB, 1280x853, flonne is better.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura and Ina
I've seen this joke before

>> No.26581505
File: 137 KB, 1344x756, Excalibait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice that the antis mostly latch onto Mori and Ame, less on Gura, even less on Kiara and the least on Ina. Notice this score also reflects the best received in the threads.

Must be coincidence though.

>> No.26581506
Quoted by: >>26581618

>says fuck like 30 times while playing Mario
>gets super flustered when asked to say it in German

>> No.26581509
File: 208 KB, 623x644, cat01_moyou_black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581511

why did you doubt the chicken?

>> No.26581512


>> No.26581515

strange take but ok

>> No.26581517

I hope we win yuribros!

>> No.26581518

Gura oshiri mousepad

>> No.26581521

Mori said it was fine, don't bother her about it

>> No.26581522

Anon.. your roman history reps.

>> No.26581524

I'd unironically buy a Mori CD and a bloop plushie

>> No.26581525
File: 2.88 MB, 858x1078, dancu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon she's literally the supreme highest earner in hololive, not even EN has reached her supremacy

She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.26581526
File: 70 KB, 550x680, 1600427094506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581553

Calli is live in 30 mins, go take lay down for awhile then watch her.

>> No.26581533

Next week 6 hour Amelia CS:GO stream guaranteed, unless she gets tilted of course

>> No.26581535

What about the driveposters?

>> No.26581543
File: 150 KB, 882x960, 1600392399905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she remembers to do the song again and I hope to god there's no interrupts

>> No.26581544

I wonder why all the fags on twitter are latching onto Gura about the loli shit when Ina is just as much a loli

>> No.26581546


>> No.26581547
Quoted by: >>26581822

>per day
This is the first time Mori has been able to stream this much since debut. None of her streams have even approached 2 hours because she's wageslaving and now on weekend break.
If you complain about anyone taking time it'd be Amelia streaming all hours for 2+ hours multiple times, not that I'd complain

>> No.26581549

Don't worry, they're changing over to just shitting on her directly instead.
It's pathetic, she basically just picked up all the chicken antis when they realized that trolling gimmick was never going to work

>> No.26581550

If this is bait, it's brilliant.

>> No.26581551

but watson's name is watson

>> No.26581553

Are we ready for another superchat rain? Lets make her dreams come true Deadbeat bros

>> No.26581554

ARE YOU ME? I mean, I'm gonna subscribe; I even have a tab with her debut stream open. It's just... so much right now. so tired...

>> No.26581557

Perfect cinnamon eldritch bun

>> No.26581562
File: 67 KB, 438x300, firefox_2020-09-19_03-30-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26581566

Gura acts like one too.

>> No.26581569
Quoted by: >>26581622

>not even EN has reached her supremacy
It's only been a few days.

>> No.26581570

>I missed this level of second-hand-embarrassment kino
Fucking hell, I hate my sleep reps.

>> No.26581572
Quoted by: >>26581582

Gura had the biggest explosion in publicity

>> No.26581574

I don't think they're limited, they just didn't want to overlap. In the future overlapping streams will be inevitable though. I hope when that happens people don't take advantage of that to make retarded narratives.

>> No.26581576
Quoted by: >>26581641

Which Aimer song is it? I didn't actually hear.

>> No.26581577

I'll let the canadians do it for me

>> No.26581578

Ina isn't a loli, she's just a flattie

>> No.26581579
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1587838690871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she really gonna read all the supachas?

>> No.26581582

it's the cope shoes

>> No.26581584
File: 58 KB, 1000x887, aimer noir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26582107

Aimer loves cats for her album covers.

>> No.26581583

God if only she didn't have the mickey mouse voice

>> No.26581585

Ina isn't a loli, she's just flat.

>> No.26581586

iirc she's turning superchat off for this stream so she can actually get through them

>> No.26581587
Quoted by: >>26581805

this is the game https://lcapps.itch.io/kfp

>> No.26581591

that was some of the cutest shit I've ever seen in my whole goddamn life

>> No.26581592

Normally that wouldn't be bad, but those 30 seconds are a matter of life and death to true gamers

>> No.26581593
Quoted by: >>26581626

>Ina is a human
>Mori says "I'm your Mori" at the end of every stream.
>Kiara set up the chicken meme for herself on purpose before she even debuted

I don't have any strong opinions on Amelia vs Watson but Sharkzawa posters should be drowned.

>> No.26581594
File: 55 KB, 372x802, ojisans_ft46c2e9m~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it possible that calli is giving me the most urge to rape instead of gura or any of the other girls? There's something about her that I really really want to defile.

>> No.26581596

And she's gonna spill 3 glasses doing it.

>> No.26581597

they are doing their anti reps

>> No.26581598

>Look up the Aimer discography

But yeah Ina's totally straight.

>> No.26581600


>> No.26581601
Quoted by: >>26582312

SC will be disabled for this one. She needs to read like 4k of them at this point.

>> No.26581602

Amelia was here

>> No.26581604

A L L O F T H E M.

>> No.26581606

most popular

>> No.26581605

well howdy pardner

>> No.26581607

They only know Gura because she had the biggest popularity spike. They've likely seen one or two pictures or short clips of her and that's their entire exposure to Hololive in general.

>> No.26581608


>> No.26581612

does anyone have a picture of Mori with the background cut out I need it

>> No.26581613

Latin reps won't be enough for you. Try PIE reps.

>> No.26581614

Ina is a flatboard, not a loli

>> No.26581615


>> No.26581616

She better turn off her SC or else fucking canadians will bully her

>> No.26581617

I really do love all 4 of the girls

>> No.26581618

We rarely say that word, we just say fuck instead.
Verfickt is probably more common

>> No.26581621
File: 115 KB, 674x940, 1591468975906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581648

Prepare for a 6 hour stream

>> No.26581622
File: 88 KB, 680x383, EgQqhZnVAAU7LmX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even on a day-by-day basis

You'll see tomorrow, Shark and her will stream at the same time, and shark is even playing a game. No one can touch the dragon of hololive

>> No.26581625

legitimately unironically kill yourself

>> No.26581626
File: 261 KB, 1023x521, Screenshot_2020-09-16 Phoenix chicken - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Kiara set up the chicken meme for herself on purpose before she even debuted

>> No.26581627


>> No.26581630

Who wouldn't want to rape death?

>> No.26581629
File: 454 KB, 564x873, 1599961310609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581631

Gura has way more normalfag exposure from the "a" meme and videos like that v***t bitch made, and she has more loli-like voice and behavior to go with the visual, whereas Ina is just the design.

God I want Ina's cunny though.

>> No.26581637
Quoted by: >>26581699

didnt she say in the original stream that shes going to read the names of them only unless theyre reds

>> No.26581639

>That bad Texan accent
Mah heart, y'all

>> No.26581641

rokutousei no yoru

>> No.26581642
Quoted by: >>26581669

Is Ina seriously a newfie? I can't believe people live there

>> No.26581645
Quoted by: >>26581663

Ina's either a lesbian or bi based on her roommate, no one suggested that she's straight

>> No.26581646


>> No.26581648
File: 279 KB, 416x412, 1600416748531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26582112

My sleep reps...

>> No.26581655

You stop that, negro

>> No.26581656
Quoted by: >>26581676

God, yurichads couldn't stop winning if they tried.

>> No.26581657

Can you explain to me what the appeal of Coco is because I don't see it.

>> No.26581660
Quoted by: >>26581704

Holy crap she is an uber weeb.

>> No.26581662

haafu confirmed.

>> No.26581663

You should see the "REEEEE It's just an act" posters that come out of the woodwork during her streams.

>> No.26581665

I'm sleepy and drunk
I hope gura has a good stream tomorrow
I hope mori's supacha reading isn't too boring
I hope you guys chill with the tribalism
Good night

>> No.26581668

Ina isnt a loli but are right cause Normalfags cant tell the difference

>> No.26581669

I thought she was from vancover, but she mentioned her timezone being EST which is Ontario/Quebec, then people started saying Newfound Land

>> No.26581671

For now.

>> No.26581673

Gap moe.

>> No.26581674
Quoted by: >>26581696

Japanese people really really really fucking like her

>> No.26581676

It's just so easy and makes parasocial faggots sperg out.

>> No.26581681
File: 1.61 MB, 1024x1024, Amelia_36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get Ame-tan to notice me? I've been Tweeting at her everyday but she keeps ignoring me... If I send her an Akisupa do you think she'll at least say my name?

>> No.26581682

She just read your supacha bro!

>> No.26581686

I really want this. I'd even accept 5e , though I would prefer Pathfinder 1e

Who do you guys think would play what class?

I think it is obvious that someone like Mori would want to play a rogue-type.

>> No.26581687

no she's 100% austrian

>> No.26581689

God that's hot

>> No.26581690

the crying.

>> No.26581694
Quoted by: >>26581723


>> No.26581695

shes disgustingly white

>> No.26581696

I just don't get it. I don't think she's bad, per say, but I just cannot fathom the hype for her. Hell, even my brother likes her quite a bit.

>> No.26581698
Quoted by: >>26581777

But it's cute and amusing.

>> No.26581699
Quoted by: >>26581745

First she said she was going to read out the red ones, but that she would read every single one of them in her own team.

But that was before she booked a stream titled ALL OF THEM

>> No.26581700

Shes a caricature of westerners based on what the Japanese think of them and the Japs lap that shit up

>> No.26581702

I really do love all 3 of the girls...

>> No.26581703

Make some fanart and check your username isn't using any swear words.

>> No.26581704 [SPOILER] 
File: 747 KB, 940x1078, 1600501149663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you've seen her roommate, right?

>> No.26581708

Send her a 300

>> No.26581707
Quoted by: >>26581759

Ina - Warlock

>> No.26581710

>A hard working girl is cute, isn't it?
Also, top tier design, funny, and biggest cock by far.

>> No.26581711

Schizo's and Falseflaggers need to go to /HLG/ that's the anti thread.

>> No.26581712

They were all streaming in comfortable PST time.

>> No.26581715

>someone asks her peko or cali
she so wanted to say both didn't she

>> No.26581716
Quoted by: >>26582497

Setting yourself on fire usually works for me. Maybe you should try that?

>> No.26581717
Quoted by: >>26581744

Because there was no one else like her when she debuted, she's a crass but hardworking and kind woman and that was something that wasn't really seen before

>> No.26581718


Move over Mori, the new rap queen is here.

>> No.26581719
Quoted by: >>26581990

One of her videos had -2:30 timezone.

>> No.26581720
Quoted by: >>26581763

you just have no soul

>> No.26581721

I'm not sure but I think you have to be a salaryman crushed by the ennui of your soulless job in order to get the appeal.

>> No.26581722


>> No.26581723
File: 2.13 MB, 1920x412, vroom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581746

False, despite all the reddit pandering and posts about her foreign superchats only make up 9% of her superchats

>> No.26581724

Reminder that Kiara is a lesbian and was worried coming out would hurt her idol career

>> No.26581725

make a funny meme video using her clips or draw her fanart

>> No.26581731

Amelia's BGM sounds a lot like the piano ver. of Nazo no Kanojo X - Dream Theme, maybe thats why it's so familiar
tfw still no dancing dream with Amelia

>> No.26581732

No, because they keep doing this "stream for just a bit to not overlap with others bullshit".
Its the reason Gura didnt finish reading hers today.

>> No.26581736

bless you, anon, have a good night

>> No.26581738
File: 52 KB, 239x234, gwar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581760

I had to sleep. What was Mori's "Big Announcement" she talked about in her RPGMaker Game Stream?

>> No.26581739

I feel like Kiara would be a cleric or some other support and Gura would be a barbarian but not sure about the other 2.

>> No.26581741


>> No.26581744

Just like Mori

>> No.26581745

Reading the names only on stream is still going through "all of them"

>> No.26581746

Reddit is a mindset, most nips are pure Reddit.

>> No.26581748

Mori is just 2P Rushia with actual boing boing.

>> No.26581749

I literally don't give a fuck. I'm not even being snarky, I'm just unable to give a single fuck.

>> No.26581750

Is she going to hook up with Marine and finally give her some libido some release

>> No.26581753

This bandwagon hopping HOOR

>> No.26581754
Quoted by: >>26581846

even if they didn't have that gura wouldn't have finished reading hers today anyways lmao

>> No.26581755

the eye.....

>> No.26581758
File: 34 KB, 900x506, timeloop1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581784

>people responding seriously to this

>> No.26581759

I could see Gura playing a barbarian and not being too into the game, but playing as a formality.

Chicken is probably going to be the ideal horny bard as well.

>> No.26581760

Contest where winner gets a free hug

>> No.26581761

They should give us Americans the stimulus check already so we can fight the Canadian invaders.

>> No.26581763

You're right, I gave it to Mori.

>> No.26581767

Stop being a sperg and maybe she'll consider it
quit tweeting her

>> No.26581768

Hope Mori disables new SC during her reading. For some reason I can see this as edging the paypigs and that when she turns it on again for the stream after then she will be flooded in more SC than usual.

>> No.26581769


>> No.26581775

She's not exactly hiding it.

>> No.26581776

Thank god. If Ina lived in Vancouver I would look in the reflection of her cat’s eyes, find her address, and send her roses

>> No.26581777
Quoted by: >>26581922

When she was doing that game with polka and was talking in english it was great but when she switches to japanese it's kinda grating, love her southern accent though.

>> No.26581780

I missed streams since squid, did anything extraordinary happen?

>> No.26581781

Extrovert/charismatic. Gets along with others very well and has a hammy personality popular with the japs.
Knows how to throw a party.
Although its shit for singing, her voice is great for conversation especially in english. She also sings "low-voice" music really well but she avoids its sort of. She sings Country Songs and "Never gonna give you up" very well for example.
She has access to deeper internet culture and uses alot of it. The bad side of it is accessing the reddit stuff but she'll shit on it everyone once in awhile like mentioned "Where was the joke?" and "Stop this shitty japanese."
Super EN and JP fluent.

I'm not saying these are reasons why (you) should like her but she's a work horse.

>> No.26581782

Send it in

>> No.26581783

>it's actually good

well that was unexpected.

>> No.26581784

I genuinely don't mean it as bait. I'm legitimately curious what the appeal is. But I can see how it would be bait.

>> No.26581787

totem barb with shark as her animal

>> No.26581788
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, Its afriad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's afraid

>> No.26581789
Quoted by: >>26581809

Holy based why was this deleted?

>> No.26581792

>Main gets picked, leaves
Immediately after:
>If you don't know what a gamer bottle is you're not a gamer.
How does she just keep getting better?

>> No.26581796
Quoted by: >>26581846

gura was too shit faced to even get through 10% of them

>> No.26581799

Pathfinder is way too crunchy for a stream that isn't dedicated to it, especially considering at least 4/5 will be totally new to the game. They'd be better off with something like Dungeon World or even FATE, though they would have to work on their improv skills to make it work.

>> No.26581798

What would Watson be? Paladin?

>> No.26581801

not to numbersfag, but it's interesting to see that Kiara is actually currently the second most superchatted EN. Mori leads by a massive margi, but the rest are close.

>> No.26581803

Ah yes the Mister Metokur style of supershekel farming

>> No.26581804

I'd argue that her biggest appeal is just that her content is so different from the rest of the Holos.

I couldn't imagine anything like this coming from any of the other girls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jcW75aH5WXE

>> No.26581805

it's funny because she's said herself that she hates her voice, and it is clear that it's her actual voice

i actually think it's super unique to the point that i can hear it very clearly in my head, which imo definitely contributes to her popularity

also she's actually super charismatic and caring and it shows through despite her purposefully blunt personality, plus she's introduced tons of fresh ideas to hololive since she's joined like hololive EN

nice, cute

>> No.26581808

>guys our waifu totally sent us a subliminal message
>guys our waifu totally comes to this thread
>guys our waifu is a gold digger, isnt she adorable
>guys out waifu is a toxic player, isnt it cute

And I could go on. Now watch as I am called a "anti" even though you can see all this shit happening in previous threads.

>> No.26581809

hmm, I wonder?

>> No.26581810
Quoted by: >>26581821

yes, towa is dead

>> No.26581818


>> No.26581821

That's normal.

>> No.26581822

Did I miss something? When has Ame streamed more than 2 hours a day? She's done 2 streams but both 1 hour

>> No.26581823

Mori killed a goblin

>> No.26581825
Quoted by: >>26581855

Anyone who don't like a video is anti

>> No.26581828

Pathfinder has an investigator class, but rogue might do as a skill monkey type character.

>> No.26581831

who are you quoting?

>> No.26581836
Quoted by: >>26581856

Well at least Marine has another lesbian to hang out with

>> No.26581837
Quoted by: >>26581890

Ina - Warlock, assuming she's not the GM
Mori - Either one of the edgier bard archetypes or a Death/Grave cleric
Kiara - 8 INT paladin or fighter tank
Gura - Either Barbarian or Ranger with a shaaaaaark
Watson - Inquisitive Rogue

>> No.26581838

>Stream offline because her boyfriend have sex with her
>Doing live blowjob when the stream back online

>> No.26581839

Thank god there isn't a Towa of EN

>> No.26581840

Maybe she blocked you on twitter for being such an autist.

>> No.26581841

If it was pf I'd say investigator, but in 5e idk maybe Ranger? Rangers suck, but they are the "tracking" class.

>> No.26581843

Ame admitted to using a piss bottle, revealed herself to be a toxic player, made a masturbation joke, and read a superchat about wanting to be a cowboy.
Gura struggled with half of the names, and didn't even get through the pre-stream supas before she stopped to let the next EN stream.
Then absolutely nothing happened until Kiara had a bunch of fun and suffering playing Mario 64 again.

>> No.26581845
File: 245 KB, 800x600, 1574968247387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved Coco, but since the EN's came about she actually seems pretty fucking cringe, and not the kino kind
What happened?

>> No.26581846

Why's are there so many alcoholics in hololive, anons weren't lying when they said it was menhera central

>> No.26581847
Quoted by: >>26581863

Mori became a celebrity in Canada and it broke her

>> No.26581850

>Kiara is actually yuri
Oh wow got even better

>> No.26581855
Quoted by: >>26581867


somewhat this, but unironically. if you don't like a stream, leave, because no one's going to take your shitty criticism and change for you

>> No.26581856

Is Marine unironically a homo? I thought she was just a really hardcore coomer.

>> No.26581857


>> No.26581858

Yeah she definitely seems like she'll have a situation similar to Flare where she has less subs/viewers but they donate more. which I'm perfectly fine with

>> No.26581859

based iroha poster

>> No.26581860
Quoted by: >>26581888

You can sometimes see the timezone of the person that set up the stream. Ina's timezone confirmed specifically newfoundland, since half-timezones are pretty rare and all.

>> No.26581861

Jokes on you, that's what she wanted.

>> No.26581863

Nice, gotta rewatch Mori and Kiara then.

>> No.26581864
File: 303 KB, 406x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cowboy

>> No.26581866

Every single stream today has been boring, I don't know if I'm loosing interest for some reason, or Superchat is the cause..

>> No.26581867


>> No.26581871

I think Marine is just prison gay honestly

>> No.26581874

I can't stop listening to Calliope's roomate

>> No.26581878
Quoted by: >>26581891

>Not having a gamer jug plus backup gamer flask DLC
Is she even a REAL gamer?
She's already reverting back to her old ways and it only took 5 days kusa

>> No.26581877

Are people not supposed to talk about currently-streaming ENs in here?

>> No.26581880


>> No.26581881

Mori got showered in red superchats from canadians as well.

>> No.26581884

Please be LARPing

>> No.26581886

Bi. Not the meme-version, actually bi

>> No.26581888

There hasn't been a single stream that hasn't shown it for me.

>> No.26581890

I completely forgot about the Death Cleric. Deatj Cleric Mori who is super edgy would be funny as hell.

>> No.26581891


>> No.26581893
File: 646 KB, 1200x709, 1594364617344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, Rushia still shits on these EN whores.
How can one girl be so fucking perfect...

>> No.26581894

She has put in the most time and put in the most effort into thanking her donos so it shouldn't be too surprising she is doing better then people think.

>> No.26581898
Quoted by: >>26581943

You could ask the same thing about anyone, it makes no sense to not understand that people like other people.

>> No.26581901


>> No.26581902

Marine's sexuality is Yes please

>> No.26581904

Na, she just likes to suck breasts, kiss girls and grope them

>> No.26581907

superchat revealed their true nature

>> No.26581908

It's hard to tell, but feels like she's the type to play a skill monkey.

>> No.26581909
Quoted by: >>26581933

no one knows and everyone likes shitposting about it, watch some clips and form your own opinion

>> No.26581911
File: 63 KB, 550x255, 1600163496205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26581945


>> No.26581913
File: 884 KB, 2133x4092, 1600285125017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina without a doubt, shark is second

>> No.26581917

That chest is off-model.

>> No.26581919

fuckin pekorin knight

>> No.26581920

I checked the archive but I still don't know what roommate means

>> No.26581921
Quoted by: >>26581945

Why are you like this.

>> No.26581922

It's a very subjective thing, that's for sure. I just really like unique voices like hers. Nice digits, by the way.

>> No.26581923

It's like having a really good plate of food, and after that everything that you used to think was good food tastes like shit now.

>> No.26581924

How was the squid stream? I'm probably gonna fall asleep before chicken finishes reading supacha but I plan to watch the squid vod tomorrow.

>> No.26581926

>I genuinely don't mean it as bait.
Anon, this has been asked a million fucking times on the other thread. Use the archive next time before asking stupid questions.

>> No.26581927
File: 24 KB, 424x424, 1598744678962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting rushia picture calling anyone else on planet earth a whore

Now that is some PEAK irony

>> No.26581932

chest is too big

>> No.26581934
File: 27 KB, 300x300, DBcVmWkM_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding MORE people to the Holohouse

Man they are just asking for some batshit anti to find them, stalk them and snap pics of all of them

>> No.26581933
Quoted by: >>26581973

Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to know if it was actually 100% confirmed gay or if it's just inferred from bits of info released over the years.
I guess you can't really have a confirmed gay idol - people would shit themselves.

>> No.26581940

I actually like it

>> No.26581939

Do your roommate reps

>> No.26581943

I suppose you're right but I don't think there is real harm in trying to understand why someone like Coco is as popular as she is. I may not see it so I was curious what other people saw in her. Given the responses I received, I'd say that it all makes sense.

>> No.26581945
Quoted by: >>26581980


>> No.26581950

This is out of my ass but people been pointing out a change Coco's behavior since EN came out. I'm guessing.
1. She's actively been avoiding an overlap with them for the most part.
2. What streams she did have seem ALOT more JP oriented.
3. Most of her supas do come from Japs.
4. During her last english Karaoke stream, she was speaking alot more English then usual. Hard to describe other then maybe she sounded a bit more casual then hammy.

Look like she's just trying to avoid an overlap but are enjoying the ENs for what they are.

>> No.26581951

jesus christ

>> No.26581952
File: 1.13 MB, 573x1313, pekora-kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26581954
Quoted by: >>26581991

you think after kyo-ani they'd stop at stalking?

>> No.26581957

Ina might not be my favorite EN but she definitely makes me the horniest.

>> No.26581959

Why are you this autistic?

>> No.26581962

She's had by far the most streaming time of any of the members so far. They're really trying to help her catch up by giving her 4 hour blocks while the rest get 1-2 hours max.

>> No.26581963


>> No.26581965
Quoted by: >>26582000

Can someone post the monster shark sitting in front of pc pic? I forgot to save it

>> No.26581967

its the fan name of hitomi chris fans

>> No.26581971
Quoted by: >>26582026

The about it, retard. Who lives in the same room as the vtuber?

>> No.26581973

yeah, gachikois be crazy

>> No.26581974
File: 740 KB, 2894x2542, 1596953275881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about how all of them are simply playing a character and don't actually give a shit about us. How do I live with this realization...?

>> No.26581975

you'd think someone would have already done this with the Cover studios.

>> No.26581979

you tell us

>> No.26581980
Quoted by: >>26582018

Meidos we got another 9 old year old that ran away from home. Please take them back.

>> No.26581982
File: 230 KB, 463x453, 1600437407134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rushiafag calling other girls whores

>> No.26581985

Sorry to burst your bubble, brosef, but Cali is already making more than Coco on a video-by-video or day-by-day basis.
Witness these numbers:

$975,802 total SC
377 videos
$2,588 per video
266 days since debut
$3,668 per day

Mori Calliope
$49,429 total SC
14 videos
$3,530 per video
7 days since debut
$7,061 per day

>> No.26581990
Quoted by: >>26582097

how can you have negative time retard

>> No.26581991

Well, true. But still you shouldnt pack so much talent so close together. THat is asking for bad end bullshit. Esp when it comes to Idols

>> No.26581993

OD on painkiller

>> No.26581994
Quoted by: >>26582040

Is Mori shadowbanned?

Her scheduled stream doesn't show up in my subscription feed unless I visit her channel.

>> No.26581996

I just want the exhibitionism pictures Coco takes when she makes PPT run around naked in the halls

>> No.26581998

8 minutes before moris stream hit the bathroom

>> No.26582000

both of them were already posted in the thread

>> No.26582001
Quoted by: >>26582073

All of Hololive acts gay. What are you getting on about?

>> No.26582003
Quoted by: >>26582106

>Bird respected non-overlap week

>> No.26582006

The only boring one today was Ina's. Amelia's was great, Gura's was awesome, and Chicken was entertaining. I didn't watch much of Mori's but I'll get to it in the archive.

>> No.26582007

Coco keeps hyping up it's security so it's probably fenced off and has a doorman.

>> No.26582005

Since when?

>> No.26582011

What's the narrative on Amelia's chronic hiccups

>> No.26582014

>borrowed my cousins graphic tab for a day to participate in a digital art workshop
didn't expect it to be fucking hard, the feeling is way too weird holy shit

>> No.26582019


they genuinely appreciate the support, they aren't robots.

>> No.26582018


>> No.26582020
Quoted by: >>26582086

>honey moon period
lmao good luck next month.

>> No.26582022

You don't have minimum IQ to post in these threads.

>> No.26582024

humu humu

>> No.26582026
Quoted by: >>26582090

They live alone or with their family?

>> No.26582030

>my daughter keeps getting literally nerfed everytime she streams
This is not fair. What the fuck is her manager doing that they dont find a way around this? It doesnt happen to anyone else.

>> No.26582034
Quoted by: >>26582067

I mean, it makes sense. If I was forced to be surrounded by dudes for a large part of my day every day with very little contact with women whatsoever I'd probably go a little gay too.

>> No.26582038

shes a mouth breather

>> No.26582040

Fine for me, just scroll down

>> No.26582041

It's superchat reading. The plague of creativity, but necessary for vtuber's survival.

>> No.26582043

Watch Ina
no character there, friend

>> No.26582046
Quoted by: >>26582167

Not to mention we're yet to see the effect siphoning off some of the EN viewers and Japanese westaboos from her has

>> No.26582048

she has some sort of condition where she swallows air whenever she eats/drinks/talks so she makes those sounds. they sound like hiccups but theyre closer to burps really.

>> No.26582049

>Wake up in a flipped car out in the desert, with a terrible hangover and no idea how you got there
>Wander around in the heat for a few days, drinking gasoline to stave off the alcohol withdrawal
>Finally find a road, and carjack the first guy to pick you up at gunpoint
>Get home, remember you have a youtube channel
>All the comments are calling you a shark for some reason
>Shrug and start drinking again

>> No.26582051

They can't give a shit about us. We're too many.
They can hope we're happy and they can entertain us. That's the most they can do and they are trying to do just that.

>> No.26582055

you don't. please go hang yourself. post streamid

>> No.26582057

She explained them, basically they're burps that she managed to make sound cute

>> No.26582059

It was the pikamee bilingual gimmick with an interesting design, the hololive marketing reach behind it and a non-idol like personality that created buzz.

>> No.26582060

Would you watch a stream of Ina eating progressively spicier sauces trying to finally reach her limit?

>> No.26582062
Quoted by: >>26582291

That's for the best, I want them to have fun, not feel the collective psychic pain of autists and schizos.

>> No.26582063

Too much soda burned a hole through her neck so now she technically only has an esophagus

>> No.26582064

They are physically incapable of caring for every single viewer on a deep level.

>> No.26582067
Quoted by: >>26582096

She isn't you dumb she just acting she even said so in a stream

>> No.26582068

Bullshit. Their lives revolve around vtubing, they're the biggest hololive fans out there. You can especially tell with the EN girls, you can't fake joy and gratitude like that.

>> No.26582070


>> No.26582073
Quoted by: >>26582162

her roommates tumblr from 2014 has lots of lesbian gifs and also her venting about how she's torn on coming out, she's not acting, she is.

>> No.26582078

is she really? this is another hint for my "kiaras roommate was hardcore raped IRL"

>> No.26582080

the ancient hot ones

>> No.26582081

Callie will break the single-video superchat record with her 3d debut if she drops a new album during it

>> No.26582082
Quoted by: >>26582140

Mori's popularity is going to evaporate by Halloween.

>> No.26582086

nice cope, /hlg/friend

>> No.26582090
Quoted by: >>26582143

Every single one of them has a roommate, even if they live alone. If they didn't they wouldn't exist.

>> No.26582091
Quoted by: >>26582234

Hololive EN role plays their character so much, even the akasupa are true to the lore.

Never stop being based, Ghostrider.

>> No.26582092

By not being delusional. Go outside, reconnect with old friends, and find a hobby that makes you happy..

>> No.26582096

I'm not implying that she's actually gay, I'm just saying that I think anyone would turn gay if they were forced to be surrounded by the same sex at all times, especially during puberty.

>> No.26582097

start your measurment later?

>> No.26582098

It's easy to get sick of too much of a good thing. Take care of yourself, anon.

>> No.26582099

Am I really going to listen to Mori read superchats for 10 hours?

Yes, yes I am.

>> No.26582103

HoloEN house when?

>> No.26582106

She should have let the SC continue so she could get her half-hour back.

>> No.26582107

>She knows

>> No.26582109
Quoted by: >>26582130

That's milestone earnings. Mori will definetely be the juggernaut of EN but we'll only see if she will dethrone reddit dragon in the future.

>> No.26582112

I only hope she gets to mine before I pass out

>> No.26582110

It is just the new gen hype for now. It's clear that Mori is made for superchat bullying though.

>> No.26582114

don't forget your iq reps tourist

>> No.26582116
Quoted by: >>26582136

I really wish Amelia would turn off her bgm during gameplay, it starts getting annoying after a while

>> No.26582117

will she be able to soar past 103.50?

>> No.26582123

Watrash and Chicken better stay the fuck away from Coco.

>> No.26582124
Quoted by: >>26582169

>getting to be in 3d
They'll never get allowed in the cover office, this is still a Japanese company at the end of the day

>> No.26582127

>I hope Amelia plays LA Noire
Never gonna happen.

>> No.26582130

Do you think Coco wants to be dethroned like FBK?

>> No.26582133

Anon it's been 2 fucking days.

>> No.26582136

I'm sure she will change it eventually when she gets sick of it too

>> No.26582140
Quoted by: >>26582239

I don't think so. She's really endearing and if she keeps releasing new songs of the same quality of the ones shes done (and we know she has the capability to do so based on her roommate) she'll hold steady. If anything she's only going to get bigger once she gets a decent streaming set up and can actually interact with the viewers while she plays games/creates music.

>> No.26582143
Quoted by: >>26582404


>> No.26582149

No. Because the chat would just spam the same Haachama joke again and Ina deserves better than that.

>> No.26582150

>needing them to care about you
Thats a YOU problem. Get a life.

>> No.26582154

The more I watch Mori the sexually frustrated I get, I think I might hire a prostitute and make her wear a pink wig

>> No.26582161

Use them as support, not as an obsession. Treat as a character from a book/movie/anime/whatever.

>> No.26582162

Based gay chicken

>> No.26582164

They don't know you personally, but they do appreciate you being there and your support.

There is a real person behind that character and not everything is an act.

Parasocial relationships can be healthy if handled right.

>> No.26582165

"Some illnesses for which continuing hiccups may be a symptom include: pleurisy of the diaphragm, pneumonia, uremia, alcoholism, disorders of the stomach or esophagus, and bowel diseases. Hiccups may also be associated with pancreatitis, pregnancy, bladder irritation, liver cancer or hepatitis."

Amelia bros...

>> No.26582166

I'd probably watch Ina do almost anything, but I'd really want to see her do a spice-off with Haachama.

>> No.26582167

>siphoning off some of the EN viewers

you are welcome to reap all of them, but the debiru

>> No.26582169

The only thing that would restrict them is from a logistical standpoint. If they can prove to be just as successful as the JP members, which they are on track to do so, they will.

If things continue as they have, they won't be 2nd class like the ID crew is.

The problem is that 3 of them are in another country, and quite seperated.

>> No.26582171

There's a big difference between a bunch of chuubas clustered around Tokyo and 3 chuubas spread across NA (and 2 in Japan)
The NA girls may not ever even meet IRL

>> No.26582174

>her wear a pink wig
might as well hire a male prostitute

>> No.26582177

don't forget to make her refer to herself as "ya boi"

>> No.26582180


>> No.26582187

Go for it anon, at least your not sperging out in the thread due to your sexual frustrations.

>> No.26582194
Quoted by: >>26582253

no. She's for comfy streams not autistic jackassery

>> No.26582196

how was watson's stream?

>> No.26582197

give her a scythe prop and make her wear a veil.

>> No.26582199
Quoted by: >>26582319

If anything, it would be alcoholism, considering what happened with that person

>> No.26582200

They don't care about you individually because there's tens of thousands of people watching but they care about their fans. They want their fans to be happy, so indirectly they want (You) to be happy. Does that help with your crisis? If you want to more personally connect with them that's what membering is for, the member's only stream chats will be smaller and there's higher chance they'll reply to something you type if they're doing chat interaction.

>> No.26582202

A at least six months if not longer. Yagoo stated that after ID Gen 2 Cover would be working more on expanding behind the scenes because to help and manage their talent. They've already started by hiring a legal team to deal with harassment and defamation (something they probably should have done a while ago because of the terrible things done to Korosan). The brief shitshow surrounding the Rushia mistranslation video lit a fire under Cover's ass to expand their clipping and translation team so hopefully that will be expanded soon.

There's loads of other stuff they need to do before they expand their talent again. They don't want to bite off more than they can chew and fall apart as a result. Yagoo was very bold in the beginning doing things he a wiser or older man wouldn't have, but now is the time to digest what Cover has taken in and not keep greedily going for more.

>> No.26582204

How'd Mori's irate patriarch stream go

>> No.26582210


>> No.26582211

They all live hundreds of miles apart, and that's just the ones in NA. Calli and chicken live in Japan so it's basically never gonna happen.

>> No.26582214
Quoted by: >>26582256

>didn't turn off SC

Shes gonna get bullied again

>> No.26582218
Quoted by: >>26582322

>Mori has to work and come home to stream
>still has to deal with annoying lesbotards
I legit pity that girl. Hopefully the money she got makes her feel better.

>> No.26582217
Quoted by: >>26582243

anime girl dsp with piss bottles

>> No.26582221
Quoted by: >>26582243


>> No.26582224



>> No.26582223
Quoted by: >>26582243

shit game, excellent tardwrangle-fu

>> No.26582225


>> No.26582227

Can't wait for her puppies to be born.

>> No.26582230

Just read the thread

>> No.26582232

homosexuality doesn't exist anon.

>> No.26582234

Dude dropped akasupas on the other holoEN members. Hope his wallet is fine.

>> No.26582235


>> No.26582236

Just don't pull a bikki dikki and it'll be fine.

>> No.26582237

Look up cosplay escorts. They're a thing.

>> No.26582239

Yeah, sure. And Aloe is coming back too.

>> No.26582240

Canadian shitposting in the form of 500 CAD akasupah's with love and supportive messages

>> No.26582242

>ENs will probably never offline collab
>ENs may never get 3d
>ENs may never get merch or a keychain at best

I don't like thinking about that bros

>> No.26582243


>> No.26582245

she farted a lot and the air was toxic with fumes

>> No.26582247

>you will never knot in Amelia

>> No.26582248


>> No.26582249


>> No.26582251

she said nigger.

>> No.26582253
Quoted by: >>26582305

Nothing comfy about a boyfriend coming in midstream making douche noises with his douche flutes as he starts cock slapping Ina

>> No.26582255

aloe love...

>> No.26582256

Probably an order from management. I'm sure Cover wants to milk this for as much as they can

>> No.26582257

>leaf already went red

>> No.26582258

Mori and Kiara can do offline collab

>> No.26582261

>superchas still enabled


>> No.26582262


>> No.26582264

>a prostitute in a pink wig
So Mori?

>> No.26582268

>Someone already dropped an aka on her superchat thanking stream
She's gonna be here all night, huh

>> No.26582270
Quoted by: >>26582326

>Immediate Canadian red supa

Why did this country suddenly decide Reaper was theirs?

>> No.26582273

Cringe kino time

>> No.26582274

truly the new om3tcw

>> No.26582277

I'm watching it right now and I'm at 44:00, it's fun. She's got nice flicks

>> No.26582282
Quoted by: >>26582307

How long until this side of Amelia surfaces, we've already seen glimpses of it she might as well embrace it now

>> No.26582289
Quoted by: >>26582299

People here unironically using the term toxic with relation to gaming like a Bunch of Overwatch sissies. Amelia should do a griefing stream next.

>> No.26582290

Don't be salty bro. All the Holos are good, just enjoy them

>> No.26582291
Quoted by: >>26582365

What if that is what is the most fun for one of them? Hypothetically.

>> No.26582293

>scrolling facebook (yeah yeah shut up)
>see friend posted pics of his black cat
>automatically start writing comment on them AAAAAAAAHHH NIGGERMAN SAVE ME
>catch myself before hitting the post button, realizing I cannot do this outside of 4chan
>best part - friend who posted the cat pics is black
This fucking place has ruined me

>> No.26582292

Spaghetti time

>> No.26582294

RTA crying stream?

Wanna make bets?

>> No.26582296

I'm going to kill all those leaf, wish me luck

>> No.26582298
Quoted by: >>26582382

Roommate mentioned something about their Adam's apple in a valorant clip about hiccups

>> No.26582299


>> No.26582304

Good no complaints.

>> No.26582305

it is because I'm his boyfriend
thanks for funding our future sexcapades nerd

>> No.26582306
Quoted by: >>26582334

the NA girls might be in flight range. maybe yagoo can spend some cash money for plane tickets? if ina lives in newfoundland though its basically just gura and watson

>> No.26582307

Says nigger on stream in 2 weeks

>> No.26582308

Fuck I missed mori streaming that game and now she's streaming again already.

>> No.26582312
Quoted by: >>26582358

>SC will be disabled for this one.

>> No.26582313


>> No.26582314


>> No.26582315

I hate how I still unironically laugh at the niggerman posts.

>> No.26582316

You probably unironically have autism. Get it checked out.

>> No.26582317

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the Hololive reaper so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to Youtubaa I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Calliope. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Calliope's unfertile granny pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/reaper babies.

Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the human sized skeleton she used for Halloween. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my PC. I might not ever get to see Calliope again.

>> No.26582319


>> No.26582320

>Can't wait for her puppies to be born.
Yeah, same.

>> No.26582322

You think she would openly call Kiara a shit bird right before the chicken's debut if they weren't friends IRL? You would never pitch that to a coworker you just met.

>> No.26582326

Canadians are all about social assistance to the disenfranchised. People are using their CERB to support someone worse off then themselves. Mori being a poorfag brings out the LEAF REPS

>> No.26582327
Quoted by: >>26582428

>>scrolling facebook (yeah yeah shut up)

>> No.26582328


>> No.26582331



>> No.26582334
Quoted by: >>26582345

>flying fucking anywhere in NA right now
Anons, your 'rona reps...

>> No.26582335

>made it from the grocery run in time
Hell yeah

>> No.26582336

How are morifags coping now that she's a confirmed redditor? hahahahahahaha

>> No.26582338
Quoted by: >>26582371

Calli actually said she was disabling supas for this stream, I guess she forgot.

>> No.26582341
Quoted by: >>26582428

fuck off dumb flip

>> No.26582343

You shouldn't be doing it on 4chan either, you fucking sperg.

>> No.26582344

>Matsuri gave Calli only $12

>> No.26582345

i thought NA thought the corona is a hoax and are just living normally

>> No.26582348
Quoted by: >>26582417

not that anon but she mentioned she lost someone she took care of for a long time at the start of one of the recent streams where she read supa

>> No.26582351
Quoted by: >>26582405

Time to watch the same stream as the last 10 ones, and this time it's gonna be names only stream!

>> No.26582353

Good. Shit game but good. Not amazing. She definitely is chained by her enforced filter. She's probably be very similar to Artia if given the chance.

>> No.26582354

Is this what a bloodbath looks like?

>> No.26582355

do morifags really...?

>> No.26582357

>She doesn't know how to disable SC


>> No.26582358

She has technical issues at the beginning of every stream.

>> No.26582359

my tech illiterate dork wine aunt cant be this cute

>> No.26582360
Quoted by: >>26582417


>> No.26582362


>> No.26582365

Then she can get off to the AGDQ tier donations, telling her that their third cousin has cancer of the nipples and the only thing that can cure them is if she sings happy birthday to them

>> No.26582366

pls understand, she needs to save for hoshikawa

>> No.26582367

>Mori couldn't figure out how to do sable the
Sasuga reaper

>> No.26582368

>its ok we can read a few more

Reaper is trying to sink the canadian economy

>> No.26582369


>> No.26582371


>> No.26582372

>mori simps actually believe shes poor

>> No.26582373

5th gen is comfy, or at least now that the shadow of what happened to Aloe has mostly passed it's comfy. Plus the esport grandma lion is very cute

>> No.26582374

>teehee back

>> No.26582375

Mori isn't Gura

>> No.26582379

>Mori already fucking up again
Christ lord above

>> No.26582382

>adam's apple
>of a woman
u wot m8

>> No.26582383

based 5fps reaper dork

>> No.26582384



>> No.26582388

Yes. And everything she does is cringekino.

>> No.26582389
Quoted by: >>26582413

>haha i don't know how to disable superchats
Who does she think she's fooling?

>> No.26582391

wtf is this? is this real? these kanji scare me.

>> No.26582392
Quoted by: >>26582469

pick one

>> No.26582393


>> No.26582396


>> No.26582398

>durr you dont even like the games you're all secondaries!!
go back to /vg/

>> No.26582402

Embrace it and don't take it so seriously. It's just a silly and harmless joke. We all need something to laugh about. Definitely don't post it or say it somewhere other than here though.

>> No.26582403

>Yagoo hired a preggo bitch

>> No.26582404
Quoted by: >>26582452

Think superheroes.

>> No.26582405

Your fault for not superchatting. Now you won't hear your name on stream.

>> No.26582409
Quoted by: >>26582625

Towa's income is almost half gaijin white knights.

>> No.26582410

And I love it

>> No.26582411


>> No.26582412

Okay time to sleep, good night

>> No.26582413

It's off now

>> No.26582414

Refresh, its disabled.

>> No.26582415

Nice I just saw that video an hour ago.

>> No.26582417

Oh I thought there was more from her earlier days.

>> No.26582419

>superchat stream
This is going to be the downfall of them. No one wants to fucking watch this.

>> No.26582422

she's like artia but not chinese and not fully revealing her autism levels yet

>> No.26582427

Damn, do the JP girls really do this SC thank you shit all the time?

>> No.26582428

The fuck are you schizos on about?

>> No.26582431

Are you implying that a poor person wouldn't just give a $400 mic to a coworker they've known for a month?

>> No.26582433
Quoted by: >>26582446

Is it belieb or beleeb?

>> No.26582435
Quoted by: >>26582600

I spend SuperChat to Mori as payment for the EP. That is allowed right?

>> No.26582436

>actually fooled by Phil Burnell of all people

>> No.26582438

>artist should be compensated for their work
Its not true for every artist, unfortunately...

>> No.26582439

Anon, your biology 1 reps...

>> No.26582441

>superchat stream
>half the time reads the name and not the message

>> No.26582442

based botanfag

>> No.26582443

Say that to the 6,125 people who watching it right now

>> No.26582444

Most do yeah

>> No.26582445
Quoted by: >>26582481

>his boyfriend

>> No.26582446


>> No.26582451


>> No.26582452

Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent

>> No.26582454

Hi newfriends, how did you enjoy your first week of Hololive?

>> No.26582456

"Based" as they say

>> No.26582458

the JPs have been doing this forever and they're more popular than ever, shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.26582460

Yes. Usually it's at the end of streams, or a separate one for special events (sub milestones) but because of debut the EN girls have a backlog to get through.

>> No.26582462

yes and its very annoying, it really is about which girl can sell herself the best and less about the quality of the content

>> No.26582463

Except the people who y'know, give them money.

>> No.26582464

Depends on the area and politics. That's all I'm gonna say. Other then that, airline tickets are fairly cheap and ultracheap a week out since most of the planes are empty.

>> No.26582469


>> No.26582476

Newfags OUT

>> No.26582478

>shitposting extrordinaire

>> No.26582481

>he doesn't know

>> No.26582483
Quoted by: >>26582526

>he didn't watch blazed shark admitting how she loves everything

>> No.26582484

Well anon you see, nowadays some people are referred as "woman" when they are not really

>> No.26582486

>NA thought the corona is a hoax and are just living normally
UK has stricter restrictions than most of North America, even America.

>> No.26582487


>> No.26582488
Quoted by: >>26582540

Pretty sure I've seen some clips where some of them expressed some interest. Also Marine's Passpartout stream, where she drew all 5 of them. Didn't Ina post in her chat, and suggest a collab as well?

>> No.26582490

Thank you, shitposting extraordinaire!

>> No.26582491

>mori leading in superchats by almost double of everyone else

>> No.26582493

Her voice is so hot, bros

>> No.26582495

>tony simprano


>> No.26582497

Nah I'm pretty sure that just skips some dialogue

>> No.26582504
Quoted by: >>26582562

Pretty sure she's just dumb.

>> No.26582508

>quit game
>gamer bottle
>"I have a kiT kaT"

>> No.26582509




>> No.26582512

I'm suprised she's the one draining wallets over the shark, yeah

>> No.26582513

The paypigs want to see this and they give the money so they get what they want. Thats life anon, better learn it now.

>> No.26582514


>> No.26582515
Quoted by: >>26582539

Are you the same based armored core poster that keeps posting?

>> No.26582517

P3fags represent!

>> No.26582520

I probably wont watch too many of these streams but I would much prefer they do this to reading a ton of chats during their other streams.

>> No.26582522

Speak for yourself

>> No.26582526

>that chat
Her fanbase is a lost cause, shes so wholesome but man..

>> No.26582528
Quoted by: >>26582594

You are not completely wrong. Usually during superchat reading, only 30% of the total viewers stay, cuz those are the simps.

>> No.26582529

Did you fall asleep in biology?

>> No.26582532

I love funny gremlin

>> No.26582533

what's the point of superchat reading streams

>> No.26582537

She's the only one actively shilling for them. The others are trying not to give a shit.

>> No.26582539

there's more than one

>> No.26582540

Woah when did marine do this?

>> No.26582543
Quoted by: >>26582579

dankeschön > Big ups to

>> No.26582546
Quoted by: >>26582725

>It's a poorfags mad about superchat episode
Pretty tired of the reruns.

>> No.26582548


>> No.26582550

>big ups

>> No.26582553

based driveposter

>> No.26582554
Quoted by: >>26582683

"Big ups". Kind of cringe but it suits, good gimmick like Kiara's "danke schon"

>> No.26582555

People paid, they get what they pay for. Its a fucking business.

>> No.26582557

Is this a real question?

>> No.26582561

Was Ame based for skipping all of the superchats and even making a game out of it?

>> No.26582562
Quoted by: >>26582628

If you think women don't have a thyroid cartilage, you are the dumb one.

>> No.26582564
Quoted by: >>26582630

I have a kit kat

>> No.26582567
Quoted by: >>26582598

To be fair people are donating as if they paid for the EP.

>> No.26582569


>> No.26582573
Quoted by: >>26582610

>Mori pulling Kiara numbers

>> No.26582575


>> No.26582578
Quoted by: >>26582627

Does she live next to a motorcycle clubhouse?

>> No.26582579

hiccups to > dankeschön > big ups to

amelia wins again

>> No.26582582

See: >>26578846

>> No.26582591

>actually throwing cancerous /tv/ meme around

>> No.26582594

Having a high viewership doesn't pay the bills. It's not like they get more money from youtube just for having more people watch. Poorfags just have to cope with the fact they can't get free entertainment all the time

>> No.26582598
Quoted by: >>26582662

Not all of them, the EP was good, but not $100 good

>> No.26582599
Quoted by: >>26582634

she flexed on everyone so hard her manager made her apologize

>> No.26582600


Shark got the zoomers, reaper got the millennials who actually have spending money

>> No.26582601

making money you communist asshole

>> No.26582609

Yes, it catapulted her to beat Gura in revenue.

>> No.26582610

it's 1-4 AM in NA and she reading supas

>> No.26582615

I think she's poor, but people are crafting this narrative that she's a fucking hobo living on crackers and dead rats.

>> No.26582625
Quoted by: >>26582755

This narrative needs to die. Literally everyone is white knighting by your definition, whether to save a former twitch streamer, or someone doing scythe swinging 8-10 jobs.
The drama draw some attention, but she did pull some new members from EOP, since there is no one covering low voices in singing (other than flare and to an extent Kanata). Even those who cared during drama, have left already.
She is just full of gap moe, just like Mori.

>> No.26582627
Quoted by: >>26582661

it's her boyfriend's mating call

>> No.26582626

They started so so strong but get completely hampered by sc reading streams.

>> No.26582628

They do but it's not big enough to be qualified as an adam's apple.

>> No.26582630

what a coincidence, i have another piece of kit-kat

>> No.26582631


>> No.26582633

You can safely ignore them they are for investors only.

>> No.26582634

When did she apologize?

>> No.26582635

>MIssed a whole day on HoloEN
I feel

>> No.26582647

>sexy lady voice

>> No.26582648


>> No.26582650
Quoted by: >>26582714

can you please fucking lurk for at least a few days before you run your mouth about shit that has been happening as long as anyone participating in these threads can remember

god DAMN, some of those subbed clips you EOP niggers love so much come from those SC streams you're whinging about

>> No.26582653
Quoted by: >>26582700

The Shark fanbase are all underage, they don't have much money to spend. Patrician professional workers with lots of disposable cash support the big tiddy goth reaper.

>> No.26582654

i love our autist

>> No.26582659

the way out is through the window

>> No.26582661

yeah sorry man, sometimes i can't hold it in.
wanna go get drinks with mori and i later?

>> No.26582662

The SCs are a combination of both 'congrats on monetization' plus 'I'll pay you for that free EP'.

>> No.26582664


>> No.26582665

rewatching super mario atm
then mad father

will skip the superchat streams and also valorant because fuck that.

>> No.26582667

bossofthisgym I know you're in here

>> No.26582668

which 2hu thread will the early poster schizo kill next? take your bets. next week when they come to check their thread and find it dead they will complain real hard in qa

>> No.26582673

how do we boost Gura's popularity...

>> No.26582677


>> No.26582683

Mori is from another era.

>> No.26582686

How new? JP's been doing this forever and by this point Hololive's literally fucking collab'd with gacha games.

>> No.26582688

real rap skills

>grim shady

>> No.26582690

Sex tape

>> No.26582692

yeah, this is gonna be a background stream. I'll just listen to her voice for this one

>> No.26582694
Quoted by: >>26582730

No. When you have thousands of simps throwing their disposable income, thanking them is the least you can do. Ironically, given the output of content Mori put out, she probably has the least obligation to go through the effort still.

>> No.26582695

She's already the most popular of the Holo EN though?

>> No.26582697

Tell her to take off the hood and the hoodie

>> No.26582698

She's going to stagnate the most. As fast as trends come, as fast as they go

>> No.26582700

Shark is third behind Kiara by only a few hundred dollars, and she's barely streamed. The ojii-sans are definitely there.

>> No.26582701

don't need to do anything. Let her get comfortable.

>> No.26582705
Quoted by: >>26582770

She was shilling for them? If anything she kept trying to get them to stop and got emotionally overwhelmed by them. Shit if she was a shill she never would have turned it off after the earlybirds this stream

>> No.26582707

more lewd fanart, better get to it!

>> No.26582708

Cmiiw there will another announcement right

>> No.26582710

liquor, we will introduce gap moe with shitfaced samegaki

>> No.26582711

hand reveal.

>> No.26582713
Quoted by: >>26582759

So you want me to not do it, or do it every time?

>> No.26582714

I don't think our tourists know any jp holo

>> No.26582715

Directly challenge Coco

>> No.26582716

n word moment.

>> No.26582724

Shrimp more

>> No.26582725


>> No.26582726

fuck off manager-san

>> No.26582728

>posting on /qa/
People don't actually think the admins read it, do they?

>> No.26582729
Quoted by: >>26582754


>> No.26582730

Holy fuck Deadbeats are almost as cringey as Mori.

>> No.26582733

Very based, but she's now dead last in the donationranking, so she'll probably change her method.

>> No.26582736

leak that IT'S HER

>> No.26582737

Big ups to Niggerman

>> No.26582739

cowboy songs

>> No.26582738

more like deadbetas

>> No.26582740

but the goblin tells it like it really is

>> No.26582746

The same way we make HoloEN double in size: Make Capcom lift the ban.

>> No.26582749

when's she reading the leaf spam? did she pass it yet? i remember some of the names she said

>> No.26582753

>she liked and responded to my comment on that post
this is an odd feeling

>> No.26582754

He always got our backs

>> No.26582755

It makes no sense to simp so hard for someone that you don't even understand. Her gaijin superschats are literally over 40% of her total superchats. It is 100% white knight power.

>> No.26582759
Quoted by: >>26582789

if you do it on purpose you will eventually get ranged. please think of the poor touhou fans

>> No.26582764

She's still in her first stream.

>> No.26582766

She's still at the very beginning of her monetization stream, it's going to be fucking hours before we get to Canada.

>> No.26582767
Quoted by: >>26582783

I'm calling her tits "big ups"

>> No.26582768

These are still from her first SC stream m8

>> No.26582770

That's just 5D chess shilling. Kagami Hayato does it to.

>> No.26582771
Quoted by: >>26582795

/qa/ is quite possibly the gayest board on this site, even /lgbt/ has less fags in it

>> No.26582774

She just started with the ones from monetization stream.

>> No.26582779


>> No.26582781

that wasn't obvious?

>> No.26582783

Was thinking the same.

>> No.26582784


>> No.26582785

Pretty sure she's on her debut stream donations. She might not even get to the Mad Father SCs tonight.

>> No.26582786

She is still reading them from the first stream. Come back in like 3 hours and still will be at todays stream.

>> No.26582789

I just do it so there aren't three threads instead of one.

>> No.26582790

I was doing my writing reps and wrote BIG UPS TO in the middle of my sentence

>> No.26582791

Import all of HER subs to Gura's channel
Have Gura produce more meme videos

>> No.26582793

I did the same shit in Dota2

>> No.26582795

hey whats wrong with sucking dick? your mom is gay
