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File: 135 KB, 1200x1228, 1600097112077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26396465 No.26396465 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.26396472

I love my drunk lesbian moe aunt

>> No.26396486

Chicken will rise

>> No.26396488
Quoted by: >>26396535

do NOT bully the bird.

>> No.26396494
File: 65 KB, 700x933, Niggerman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396563

He comes

>> No.26396504
File: 1.62 MB, 2612x3445, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kanniiepan__a9a109f2bc6d79ce6218d57a6b46a826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow the Reaper

>> No.26396508
File: 205 KB, 1280x1380, 1600184091508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26396513
File: 373 KB, 624x499, 1590600158584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's 5 foot-long scythe!

>> No.26396517

Bros I'm having Amelia withdrawals....I don't feel so good....

>> No.26396521


>> No.26396523

>not drinking from the bottle

>> No.26396522

My name is Mori, everyone says I'm gloomy but I listen to rap and stuff

>> No.26396525
File: 858 KB, 948x900, 123425667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397985

She's gonna fuckin say it

>> No.26396528
File: 181 KB, 411x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm... chumbuddies?

>> No.26396530

What do people mean when they say gura's last stream was shadowbanned?
What happens when a stream is shadowbanned?

>> No.26396531
File: 202 KB, 285x323, swag-reaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396793

aw ye

>> No.26396533

I want to be a Holo so bad it hurts. Imagine having you fans making lewd of you, talking with them, being paid to do what you love, having close and supporting friends in your job

>> No.26396534
File: 31 KB, 174x145, 1600194888562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396558

Mori's Mocock...

>> No.26396535

but, i want to bully her, with my cock

>> No.26396536
File: 880 KB, 1757x850, amelie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396538
File: 255 KB, 693x549, Jerkit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396539

Chumbuddies without the H anon

>> No.26396540

shitty narrative
it's more like
>Ina loves her HoloEN design because it lets her live out her fantasy of being small

>> No.26396541
File: 816 KB, 810x900, guraball.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shark playing sports

>> No.26396544
File: 618 KB, 832x1000, 1600189975548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396630

Bro you have two streams scheduled for tonight... chumbuds are suffering right now...

>> No.26396545
File: 143 KB, 819x1142, c89c82f92e57d11e918abd1ecb3f1b8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396718

Finally, no more image limit. Fucking goslingfags, man.

>> No.26396549
File: 24 KB, 1662x44, youtube_tags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anons, show me how your youtube tag bar looks like after the last few days.

>> No.26396552
File: 898 KB, 2894x4093, 57434535413354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396576

Do you think Watson became moist at any point during her streams from the fact that she has 30k+ people watching her and cheering her on?

>> No.26396554
File: 974 KB, 1920x1080, 1600132611402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not long left to go fellow Tm8, we'll all get to gosling soon enough

>> No.26396555
File: 228 KB, 351x364, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... but why...

>> No.26396558

the start of ritual posting

>> No.26396563
File: 114 KB, 600x718, 1592005212883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396564
Quoted by: >>26396579

It doesn't show up in recommended. People don't see it even if they search for it.

>> No.26396565
File: 298 KB, 508x775, lyger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396582

>> No.26396571

>No streams for 8 hours

>> No.26396573

>2 hours till Amelia
>Meant to have already gone to sleep ages ago
wtf do bros?

>> No.26396574

Holy shit, don't do that with your daughterwife, anon

>> No.26396575 [SPOILER] 
File: 296 KB, 992x1403, 1600201349365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396612

>> No.26396576

pretty sure she coomed during her debut

>> No.26396579

Even if subbed it doesn't show up in the subscriptions feed.

>> No.26396581 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26396625

Reminder for you cumbrains

>> No.26396582

I knew it

>> No.26396586

You know we've made it big when we start getting our own ritualposts

>> No.26396587

I'd never even consider sharing her like that

>> No.26396588
Quoted by: >>26396621

>ywn be saved from squid by watson and niggerman
>ywn be married to Watson
>ywn have cute shark daughter with Watson
>ywn have mori be the cringey aunt who does goofy things with her shark niece
>ywn go out with your wife and daughter and purposefully avoid looking at the shitty chicken across the road

>> No.26396589
Quoted by: >>26396634

Watson in 2 hours though?

>> No.26396592

Please give me a compilation of Amelia noises.

>> No.26396594
File: 226 KB, 393x358, 1600032714996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watson starting a riot at white hart lane
i would watch it

>> No.26396595

Don't break kayfabe.

>> No.26396596 [SPOILER] 
File: 498 KB, 1034x1459, 1600201377472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look guys I just found a picture of Ina before she used that book and became a tentacle Holo

>> No.26396597

Can I safely nap for 1 hour and half until Amelia or are there other streams?

>> No.26396599

Not gonna clutter the image slots
puzzle games, live, anime, warhammer 40k
funny I haven't seen any wh40k content lately, just meme videos about balthasar gelt THE SUPREME PATRIARCH

>> No.26396601
File: 81 KB, 252x238, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396634


>> No.26396603
File: 163 KB, 1000x1386, amelia smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any cute Ame phone wallpapers?

>> No.26396604

She's over 9000 years old you sick fuck!

>> No.26396605
File: 1.92 MB, 2500x2500, 785857646354425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dislikes country grown vegetables.
>Likes stinky pickles.

>> No.26396606

Reminder that Amelia does enkou

>> No.26396608

The tentacles cover up too much of the screen, so it interferes with most streams. She should have a smaller tentacle variant where you can see a bit of it around her shoulders but it doesn't extend too far.

>> No.26396609 [DELETED] 


How does it feel to be center of incredible thirst from so many desperate boys on the internet? Is it flattering? Disgusting? How does it feel to be a vtuber?

>> No.26396610
File: 627 KB, 802x1279, top streams sept 14-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396612


>> No.26396613


Now there's some headcanon

>> No.26396614

does anyone actually have a screenshot of a western whore getting mad about vtubers? i keep hearing about it but haven't seen it

>> No.26396615

i think watson is fat

>> No.26396617

Imagine that but failing at vtubing too. How do you ever recover knowing even your character is terrible?

>> No.26396620
File: 268 KB, 850x1234, sample-e15e97d26052498742185aef97b83405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder
Mori is a fatty fat fat fat irl.

>> No.26396621

I don't want to be saved from Squid

>> No.26396622
Quoted by: >>26396703

When a new account gets a tonne of views/follows super fast, youtube think it's being botted. To prevent its trend algorithms from being gamed, channels that seem suspicious have their videos/streams hidden temporarily. Shark started bleeding viewers last night because of it, since basically no new viewers are being gained once they can't actually see the stream in searches/recommendations to click on it.

The system finds false positives all the time but it's a temporary thing anyways, and it'll happen less as their accounts get a little less new and youtube sees that activity is consistent.

>> No.26396624

Hidden from parts of the site, basically means the viewercount will only go down from there on out because the only way new people will find the stream is by direct link or visiting the channel. Supposedly happens when view numbers are suspicious, and Gura was at 55k on third day.

>> No.26396625

No shit Artia, i get my goslings to 2d anime girls, not roasties.

>> No.26396626

Where do I find this?

>> No.26396629

>Moris panic when she thought the stream died during her bus story
Cute. I really like the speaking style she's doing

>> No.26396630

>why yes, I do FC ouroVoros blindfolded, how could you tell?

>> No.26396631
Quoted by: >>26396676

no matter how idol-like you try to be, you know that he real you will always be a degenerate

>> No.26396632

oh is that why I saw gore on the /hlg/ thread?

>> No.26396633

What? I thought she was black

>> No.26396634
Quoted by: >>26396711


The gap you fuckers, MY WHOLE EVENING IS WASTED

>> No.26396635
File: 217 KB, 1772x1772, 1600183052428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Detective in 2h
>Squid drawing in 3h
>Detective QnA in 6h
>Bird Up in 9h
Almost there, Anon

>> No.26396636

Do hololive have something big for christmas celebration? There is high potential for one bigass collaboration.

>> No.26396641
File: 535 KB, 648x606, 1600107321145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always have my Youtube linked to my Google Account
>Anytime I want to message in the chat it shows my full fucking name
>Set up another gmail to help with this issue
>Can't move my info and playlists over to that one for some fucking reason
I feel retarded, but I have to get this ready before these girls get monetized.

>> No.26396642



>> No.26396643

Truly the beginning of the end for any sort of thread quality. We almost made it a week friends.

>> No.26396650


>> No.26396653

Newbie buff

>> No.26396654


>> No.26396655

no anon
english is strong

>> No.26396658
File: 37 KB, 183x418, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest, are you going to watch the eventual Holostars EN? Or will you dismiss them because they're m*les?

>> No.26396661

>it's a tripfag
Oh no

>> No.26396664

Ini should play Passpartout and draw her senpai.

>> No.26396665
File: 256 KB, 596x401, chrome_2020-09-12_19-37-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396787

Can't you just change it. I did that like a month ago

>> No.26396669 [DELETED] 
File: 1005 KB, 787x799, 1600125087298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396670

I will give them an honest try. Something like the 3 episode rule, 3 streams maybe

>> No.26396674
File: 14 KB, 270x270, mc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Introduce yourself."
She fidgets, and smiles at you. "Come on, we don't really have to do this right?"
"Introduce yourself."
She sighs, her cheeks redden a little and her head drops down. Her arms cover her breasts and the place between her legs. She stands naked in the middle of the room, with 4K screens on every wall.
"I-I'm Calliope Mori." It comes out as a mutter, her voice is soft and she's speaking towards the floor.
"Louder. I can't hear you. You didn't ask me if the sound was okay. Your voice isn't high pitched enough. You didn't ask if I could hear your voice." On cue you hit the play button and all 4 screens start playing the beginning of her introduction video. As the visuals and audio bombard her from all sides, the blush spreads across her entire face, to the top of her forehead, even looking down you can see how red she is.

>> No.26396676

Just lean into it like Pekora leaned into being a comedian and does the "konpeko konpeko i'm a cute idol uwu welcome to my stream" thing as a bit

>> No.26396678

Ill only be able to watch Amelia, and ill watch the rest during work tomorrow I guess. Bit sad that EN is mostly en_us and no en_gb

>> No.26396679
Quoted by: >>26396787

Having youtube on some ancient account that has none of my info is fucking great.

>> No.26396680
File: 293 KB, 557x634, 1599651788819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina drawing stream soon https://twitter.com/ninomaeinanis/status/1305964911290318848
this just fuels me to do my reps even harder

>> No.26396684

No, she's a 150cm blonde shortstack with blue eyes, you can't make me think otherwise.

>> No.26396686

I'm going to marry the chicken.

>> No.26396691
File: 488 KB, 618x421, 1600193172803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396708

I got an appointment at 6pm so I can't live watch Watson with you all. Bros... I don't feel so good...

>> No.26396690

Set Reminder

>> No.26396693

reminder that shark is a massive actress
she's great at it, however

>> No.26396695
Quoted by: >>26396728

But we've seen her roommate, she's skinny and blonde

>> No.26396697
File: 319 KB, 592x698, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396720

Reminder that Amelia is for:
>Making love in the missionary position
>Growing old together
>Dying together

>> No.26396699
File: 74 KB, 500x700, 4bcf52c25aa735b2fe73405708cccbc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396772


You'll have to get past me if you want to lewd Amelia

>> No.26396701

>Mori's recent stream in dead last
Oh no

>> No.26396702
Quoted by: >>26396750

If they're bros like JP stars I'll watch them
if they play strategy games I'll supacha

>> No.26396703
Quoted by: >>26396755

Huh, Choco and Mel have half of their streams shadowbanned to this day, if you a livestreamer on youtube you are basically fucked if the algorithm starts targeting you

>> No.26396704

Probably make a half hearted attempt at watching some

>> No.26396706

She has fat balls and cock

>> No.26396707
Quoted by: >>26397025

If Mandalore or a certain african warlord joins, then I'm all in.

>> No.26396708
File: 208 KB, 281x334, 1232341414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396727

Sneak a peak at your phone anon.
You have to.

>> No.26396711
File: 297 KB, 1140x209, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? Also shark should be tongiht too, she sucks at scheduling ahead.

>> No.26396712

>all of them are morifags
really makes me think

>> No.26396714

Don't check her Twitch then.

>> No.26396716 [DELETED] 

go look at twatter hands

>> No.26396717

>HoloEN has actually inspired me to go through with my zombie vtuber idea
aaaa dont give me hope you bitches

>> No.26396718
Quoted by: >>26396751

They should really be banned.

>> No.26396720
File: 990 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 08 [1080p] - 00_14_09.932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396722

>More squid drawing
Fuck yes, time to draw along again.

>> No.26396723

>Western male vtubers catered by the same people responsible for HoloMyth

Of course i'll watch them

>> No.26396725

I'll check them out as long if Cover makes them virtual bros instead of virtual idols.

>> No.26396727


>> No.26396728
Quoted by: >>26396840

Proof? Till then she's a fat.

>> No.26396729

I'll follow them if they sign ISP

>> No.26396731
File: 88 KB, 211x209, 1600167675259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396732

Now freestyle, with no music

>> No.26396733
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, 1600104022389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm Hmm

>> No.26396734

I aim for 500k tomorrow

>> No.26396735

it has potential but you need some serious talent to make it work

>> No.26396736
Quoted by: >>26396787

you can literally just change your name in your google profile

>> No.26396739

i came

>> No.26396741

you can change your account nickname in youtube settings

>> No.26396746

I'll be missing the comfy squidpostings for sure, she's starting to get narratives

>> No.26396750

I'm legit considering auditioning if it actually happens, but the closest thing to strategy I regularly play are Paradox gsgs.

>> No.26396751

This, most of the people here incorrectly using the quoting function should be banned or warned too, fucking newfags

>> No.26396752

Live in 91 minutes

>> No.26396753
Quoted by: >>26396820

I thought it was at 3pm, I'm really bad with timezones. Guess I won't sleep much tonight, it's 1 am for me. I'll try to draw along. Or maybe sleep 2 hours before

>> No.26396755

Basically, yes.
It's part of the reason that basically nobody uses youtube for career streaming unless they're directly licensed by google (and thus exempt from the shittery) or foreign companies that just don't know better.

>> No.26396756

The bad end is actually the good end. Prove me wrong.

>> No.26396759


>> No.26396762

Hello. My name is Dr. Glenn Pierce

>> No.26396765
File: 534 KB, 800x971, 1600182915540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396766
File: 651 KB, 1386x720, holoEN heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396767
Quoted by: >>26396855

I cant wait for my holobros to speedrun videogames

>> No.26396771

Haha he's a map painter look at him
same, with the exception that I also play total war series

>> No.26396772
File: 60 KB, 554x554, 1599106600640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way anon. The choice is yours.

>> No.26396775

I'd watch a Paradox holo since one of my friend is a huge paradox fan

>> No.26396776

Now this is actual cringe

>> No.26396778

Last stream was 6 hours ago from chicken, 2 hours till watson. 8 hour gap at my primetime.

>> No.26396779
File: 209 KB, 412x519, 1600179494333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26400048

That Korone stream was incredible.

>> No.26396782

How are you Mr. Pierce?

>> No.26396785
Quoted by: >>26396815

I love this gen

>> No.26396786

Hello Dr Pierce, what made you decide to become a detective?

>> No.26396787
File: 76 KB, 799x450, 1600007854407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396834

Problem is the email's also linked to some business accounts of mine as well, but I don't have any need for the professional Youtube shit, so I was hoping to avoid that.
It's not a huge problem overall, but that'll have to be my last option when it comes down to it.

>> No.26396788


>> No.26396791
Quoted by: >>26396843

good thing I didn't skip my shotgun reps

>> No.26396793
Quoted by: >>26396927

What do the Jap bros think of Mori? Shes my fave so far, does the gap moe work as well in translation?

>> No.26396794
File: 44 KB, 456x875, 1600043357631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to carry shark on my shoulders

>> No.26396796
File: 112 KB, 475x325, 8scrbrJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396799
File: 124 KB, 428x424, 1548895610379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never hear a piano the same way again

>> No.26396800
Quoted by: >>26396985

Been playing Crusader Kings 3? Finally finished my breeding program.

>> No.26396801

The end with Saya dying and the friend becoming kind of insane is the most well written. The "Saya takes over the Earth" is my favorite since I'm a waifufag but I would have liked to live with her for some time before

>> No.26396803

I think they made Mori too short

>> No.26396806

you must not have been reading the threads much

>> No.26396813

Give me an ARPG or Tarkov holo and I'll member forever.

>> No.26396814
File: 284 KB, 490x709, Screenshot_20200914-222007_YouTube_Vanced~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396868

I hope you're keeping track of threads for your oshi so you can view archives later and relive the moment

>> No.26396815
Quoted by: >>26396832

This is cute as fuck nigga

>> No.26396816

I don't really know what they were going for with this guy. I guess it's supposed to be comic relief but half the time it doesn't even sound like there's a punchline

>> No.26396820
File: 68 KB, 325x257, 1599939609783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396864

thats the exact hour you should start drawing anon, big artists sacrificed their sleep for the sake of reps

>> No.26396824
File: 720 KB, 871x1988, 1600199027536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26396825

those shoes doesn't seem that big.

>> No.26396826

Set, thanks for the heads-up

>> No.26396828

wew lad

>> No.26396832
Quoted by: >>26396905

Thanks Mori

>> No.26396833

I want to see a streamer in full sentai gear, always going on about justice or something. I'd do it myself but I have zero presence and more importantly I'm lazy.

>> No.26396834

dude make a business specific email and a private email, that's not only best practices it's also just a good idea.

>> No.26396835

Hey, hey people.

>> No.26396836

Gura....schedule onegai...

>> No.26396839

Kiara is an eyesore.

>> No.26396840 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1280x929, 1600201912505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396843

Don't worry, I didn't skip my making someone call the wrong person reps either

>> No.26396850

Thank you, niggerman

>> No.26396851
File: 131 KB, 880x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396854
Quoted by: >>26396889

Oh god she's worse than fat. She's Marshall Mathers in a wig.

>> No.26396855

If one you fags make it in how fast would you graduate?

>> No.26396856

thanks for the save niggerman

>> No.26396858

? What's "fat" in that picture? The big ass coat?

>> No.26396859

Jesus they're all tiny.

>> No.26396864

Mori is too short, I want to big spoon Ina

I'll keep that in mind. Drawing seems pretty time consuming

>> No.26396868

I wanted to find the threads for Inus CoC playthrough I had to sleep through, but I forgot when I woke up

>> No.26396869
File: 2.32 MB, 4569x7016, 4564312234423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26396874

Chicken is my oshi

>> No.26396879

>shorter than mori by 1cm
how do I get taller if I can't drink milk due to lactose intolerance

>> No.26396883 [DELETED] 
File: 877 KB, 1427x1414, 1600197961859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT open

>> No.26396885
File: 45 KB, 119x176, ehehehhehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina being dominated and molested by every other holo!
Mori pinning Ina down and suffocating her with her boobs!
Kiara spitting on Ina's face and putting her in a leglock until she admits she's a perverted lesbo!
Amelia teasing Ina by nibbling on her ears and massaging her flat chest!
Ina being forced to let Gura pee on her mouth after losing a bet!

>> No.26396886
File: 353 KB, 957x702, EhzTpYVU4AAr0rV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396940


>> No.26396888

does she ever show feet

>> No.26396889

The real Grim Shady, in the flesh.

>> No.26396891
Quoted by: >>26397010

If the audition is open again for Stars I'll try it, if I don't get into, I'll improve and try again, I'll go through hell if it's necessary

>> No.26396892
Quoted by: >>26397009

I swear I remember reading somewhere in YouTube support that you can move a channel from one Google account to another.

>> No.26396893 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26396973

>Death's not hot

>> No.26396894
File: 73 KB, 1253x75, 1597334992920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396896

Look at those hands. Ugh. Fat.

>> No.26396897
Quoted by: >>26396970

Agreed. It along with Planetarian are up there as some of my favorite VNs despite how short they were.

>> No.26396899

Can someone link the mori futa art

>> No.26396900
File: 46 KB, 683x706, up5dud3y1jk41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396902
File: 107 KB, 326x206, 1600132613901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26396971

Just saw how flat Ina's roommate is, the artist really took some reference huh

>> No.26396905

Kek. I love this meme of responding to anons as though they're Mori lurking. Knowing that sometimes theres a small chance it could actually be her.

>> No.26396908


>> No.26396909

"My name is Calliope Mori...and I...I am the first apprentice of the Grim Reaper."
A smile spreads across your face. You leer at her. "The first apprentice of the Grim Reaper eh? Really? You're the FIRST APPRENTICE of the GRIM REAPER?"
Upon hearing how ridiculous it sounds, the blush reaches to her ears, and she squirms. You trace your fingers across her collarbone and shoulders and down her back. A muffled "Yes." can barely be heard.
"Wow, that sounds..." You pause for a moment, trying to compose yourself as your shoulders shake silently. You regain your composure. "COOL."
At the word "cool" her upper lip begins to quiver. She looks around at the screens as you hold back your laughter. The screens are now playing her song.
"So how old are you Ms. Grim Reaper?" You lick your finger and make delicate swirls around her erogenous zones. Breasts, crotch, neck. You feel inbetween her fingers and breathe softly behind her ears."
"I'm....old as time. I'm immortal."
At this you cannot hold back and a guffaw escapes your mouth. It reverberates around the room, overpowering the audio from the speakers. She blushes even more furiously.
"Oh so you're IMMORTAL. Old as time itself eh? Wow...so like...you must have seen and done a lot."

>> No.26396910
Quoted by: >>26396942

kiara is 1 cm taller than me....

>> No.26396913


>> No.26396914

1 week i guess, or until i say nigger on stream

>> No.26396920

Fuck I thought the bird stream was at 2pm

>> No.26396924

Technically there is a way.

>Break your legs in specific places, I am not joking, the bone will heal and be longer, but will be much weaker and will tug on your muscles.

>> No.26396926
Quoted by: >>26396984

>he doesn't know

>> No.26396927

they like her voice and attitude, quite a few holos seem to like her rapping (a large percentage of fans of her underground rapping are japanese)
i feel like her rise is going to be particularly interesting, considering how focused she seems to be on music and how she's confessed her style of music is a dead genre

>> No.26396928

Daily reminder that mori is behind all niggaposting in this thread.

>> No.26396929

Mori should be at least as tall as Coco

>> No.26396930

the scale is wrong

>> No.26396938
Quoted by: >>26396991

I don't know if I want to have sex with Ina or be her

>> No.26396937
File: 2.40 MB, 1400x950, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reapings a good job mate.

>> No.26396939


>> No.26396940
File: 188 KB, 369x355, 1599959756159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397053


>> No.26396941

If you move to the moon or just to the space station orbiting Earth, you'll gain an inch or two due to gravity not exerting as much pressure on you.

>> No.26396942


>> No.26396943

Day one. Its impossible for me because I have crippling levels of social anxiety. I would just freak out and lose my mind on debut stream. Except it wouldnt be a comedy bit.

>> No.26396945

Looks cute to me but that might just be that "parasocial relationship" thing I've heard so much about kicking in.

>> No.26396948
Quoted by: >>26396982

Any napchads? Passed out for 4hrs after Ayame

>> No.26396952

Damn mori is small, I thought she would be at least 175

>> No.26396957
File: 300 KB, 991x1439, 6385762345765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my cute fennec fox clown is about to get trucked by the shark

>> No.26396959
Quoted by: >>26397016

how young are you that drinking milk is still an option for you to grow?

>> No.26396960
File: 55 KB, 439x666, Lustacles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396970

Never played Planetarian. I'd say Island had a huge impact on me, maybe the same as Saya no Uta

>> No.26396971
File: 298 KB, 365x472, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26396972

>pop into shion's stream to wait for ame
>shion ends immediately


>> No.26396973

>2D is better than 3DPD
Well duh.

Still would, gladly.

>> No.26396974

Thankfully my new job has that set up for me, so that part's already taken care of. The other email is more for personal information than anything else at this point.
I'm just over complicating this issue, but I have no clue why Youtube doesn't just let you transfer this shit without issue. Makes no fucking sense, and every guide I read or video I see "solving the problem" doesn't do shit.

>> No.26396976

Did anybody ever predict that Amelia would be the most comfy EN?

>> No.26396975
File: 22 KB, 474x484, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughter is getting along so well with her new friends!

>> No.26396979

Rap (Death)God

>> No.26396982

im at work

>> No.26396981
File: 788 KB, 827x881, 1600167793634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've gotta stop, like, now

>> No.26396984

Gotta keep your eyes open, my brother, or else you'll miss what's right in front of your eyes.

>> No.26396985

2 is still better because 3 has NOCONTENT, but yes. It shows promise, they just need to unfuck succession and a few other bugs/design choices. And patch in nomad hordes.

>> No.26396990
File: 430 KB, 2000x1125, Pierce-Brosnan-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.26396991
Quoted by: >>26397022

be ina and tentacle-fuck yourself

>> No.26396994

can't wait for gura to sing bladee eventually

>> No.26396995

Cute, would marry.

>> No.26396996
Quoted by: >>26397062

>fits into skinny jeans
Not fat confirmed. Shes slightly chubby based on face but could easily shed those pounds and be super hot with an average amount of exercise.

>> No.26397002

>all of the ironic weeb eop redditors throwing a fuss about how hololive expanding to west will ruin vtubers for sure, while not realizing they were (and still are) exactly the same plague ruining our precious and comfy chuuba watching experience just a few months ago

>> No.26397003

>shorter than mori by 1cm
Manlets, they never learn

>> No.26397008
Quoted by: >>26397039

>Breaking your legs for the sole purpose of gaining 1 or 2 cm
Why though

>> No.26397010

Do you already have streaming experience and content to show?

>> No.26397009
Quoted by: >>26397722

You can, but you have to upgrade it for some sort of professional account, and I believe it's more money overall. I'll check it out more in the downtime now before things get started though.

>> No.26397011

>youtube tag bar
what even is this?

>> No.26397012

I really wanted to like Kiara but fuck me Huke is a hack.

>> No.26397014

this might be my favorite OC these threads have produced

>> No.26397013

Her eyes begin to glisten. "Stooop." She begs in a whine.
"What's wrong?" A shit eating grin is your constant companion. "Are you feeling nervous? I COULDN'T TELL. Is this your big debut?"

>> No.26397016

Wait you don't grow from milk at any age?

>> No.26397017


Why does it say in 2 days AM I LOSING MY MIND!??!?!?!

>> No.26397019
File: 142 KB, 641x792, 1600197700856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the Japanese favorite English vtuber? Do they even like them?

>> No.26397021

Why the fuck does the countdown on stream keep disappearing

>> No.26397022

Good idea but I also share some of her hard M tendencies, having the Holos abuse me would feel pretty good

>> No.26397025

>Sseth just rigs the M'beke picture into Live2d

>> No.26397026
File: 999 KB, 960x960, 1593405027444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love cringeposting.

>> No.26397028

What a nice cat

>> No.26397029

Gura, and yes they love EN as a whole

>> No.26397030
File: 53 KB, 329x329, 1599951897722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watson is 150cm

>> No.26397035
File: 957 KB, 2896x4096, 1586542649480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397226

You posted her.

>> No.26397037

You responded yourself with your picture anon.

>> No.26397040
Quoted by: >>26397092

This sounds a little extreme, can I just use a torture rack?

>> No.26397039

Asian. It's a disease, the practice was made in Korea but based on Chinese Authentic Medicine.

It's not even a few cm it's more like a few mm.

>> No.26397041
Quoted by: >>26397134

>no one stepping on her
how awful.

>> No.26397043

Its not fair, how is shark getting so many subs?

>> No.26397044

Can't wait for half of HoloJP to cash on english hype for a month.

>> No.26397045 [DELETED] 
File: 2.67 MB, 2508x1955, 202gv9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting from earlier for you /hlgg/.
Fuck paywalls and fanboxes.

>> No.26397046



>> No.26397047

Wait Squid drawing 1 hour after Ame starts.. does that mean just an hour long stream.. :(

>> No.26397049

If you didn't come to this same conclusion at least once while playing, you did not truly experience saya no uta.

>> No.26397050
File: 292 KB, 404x423, angry mom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397113

>Mori pinning Ina down and suffocating her with her boobs!
Why can't I be Ina

>> No.26397053
File: 120 KB, 603x355, 1600184516444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397054

she cute

>> No.26397060
Quoted by: >>26397106

By bad end do you mean quick end? Because I agree.

>> No.26397061
File: 7 KB, 302x132, 1544725604425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Non-consensual tentacle holding with Ina

>> No.26397062
Quoted by: >>26397222

My ex also did fit into skinny jeans though, and she was clearly overweight, so Mori could still be a fatso under that giant coat.

>> No.26397065
Quoted by: >>26397104


>> No.26397067

Ame if you're here, mention Blade Runner or Ryan Gosling if movies/actors come up at your Q&A

>> No.26397072



>> No.26397073


>> No.26397074
Quoted by: >>26398660

It's amazing that EN is loligen.

>> No.26397076

She's almost done with the game anyway

She needs to fucking stream more.

>> No.26397079

Amelia is pretty much playing the ending of the game. No idea how much filler can she put on the stream to make it a whole hour

>> No.26397083

Jse that for sleep, retard. Most anons would kill for exactly 8 hours of downtime the past couple of days.

>> No.26397084

thats a pretty cluttered design damn

>> No.26397085

Gura, but all of them are being appreciated in some capacity

>> No.26397089
Quoted by: >>26397115

She's almost done with the game

>> No.26397092
Quoted by: >>26397123

Doesn't work, only pulls the bones from the ligaments and stretches the muscles.

>> No.26397102

Based made for hara-pan

>> No.26397100

god I hope they get more and more good lewds

>> No.26397103
Quoted by: >>26397121

I want to make Ina wear a remote controlled vibrator and try to make her lose focus while shes drawing.

>> No.26397104
Quoted by: >>26397117

No, Mori.

>> No.26397106

The one where she lives

>> No.26397109

I like her style, gonna steal the look minus the ripped jeans

>> No.26397111

Not based because this also pertains to membership content

>> No.26397112

Ame's game has probably 30 minutes left, should work out nicely

>> No.26397113

>astral projectlet confirmed
not gonna make ia ia

>> No.26397114

macklemores sister?

>> No.26397115
Quoted by: >>26397136

Is she going to read the marshmallows for this stream or another?

>> No.26397116

Being eurofag is suffering, all the streams when I have to do my sleep reps.

>> No.26397117

Hah gottem!

>> No.26397119
File: 317 KB, 2013x2032, Eh4XJbEVkAEqdl8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slams table and calls out for foreign kenzokus
>no response


>> No.26397120

>Kiara spitting on Ina's face and putting her in a leglock until she admits she's a perverted lesbo!
>Ina being forced to let Gura pee on her mouth after losing a bet!
Fuck why is this so hot

>> No.26397121

>Her stylus autocorrects for vibrations you can't even tell.


>> No.26397122
Quoted by: >>26397133

She's drawing tonight and playing tomorrow anonchama.

>> No.26397123

Damn, I guess I gotta get the leg breaking stick out...

>> No.26397126

You posted this before lol

>> No.26397127


Wait, why I hear Pekora laugh when I hear Kiara sometimes...

That can't be just coincidence.

>> No.26397133

No, she's drawing tonight and playing in two days.

>> No.26397134
File: 678 KB, 890x902, HMPHHHHHHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amelia taking Ina's platform shoes and stomping on her sensitive tentacles until she starts crying

>> No.26397135

Guys...Moona wants the Shark's attention too

>> No.26397136
Quoted by: >>26397157


>> No.26397138
File: 110 KB, 634x476, ET4BVHwUYAAufzY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26397139
Quoted by: >>26397170

I noticed that too, eerie

>> No.26397140

did this actually happen?

>> No.26397143
Quoted by: >>26397307


>> No.26397144

Nah, since I don't like watching male facecams/2D models for streamers, and already get enough content between the Hologirls and Oneyplays

>> No.26397145
Quoted by: >>26397169

How do you put an octopus in a leglock?

>> No.26397148


>> No.26397150

Oh you're right. I had a stroke and couldn't read dates.

>> No.26397151
File: 922 KB, 851x705, 1600071670316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if HoloEN singlehandedly improves the English literacy rate in Japan

>> No.26397156 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 1080x810, 1600202641520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26397157

I should go to bed early because I have work but fuck it.

>> No.26397158 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 354x385, 1600202644217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, how horrible...can't imagine who would be into things like that...

>> No.26397165

Be honest have any of you actually looked into becoming vtuber yourself after getting inspired by holos?

>> No.26397166

Will Haachama drop the act and talk normally in english?

>> No.26397167
Quoted by: >>26397191

>Watson at 5pm CDT
>Squid at Ina at 6pm
>Shark at 8pm
>Watson again at 9pm
At least I can sleep early today, finally

>> No.26397168
Quoted by: >>26397276

Same. At least I can catch Mori's streams.

>> No.26397169

By having 4 people do it at the same time of course!

>> No.26397170

Someone post that cursed Kiara pic

>> No.26397173

Of course not.

>> No.26397174

In love with this pic

>> No.26397175
Quoted by: >>26397251

Just like how everyone learned japanese for regular Hololive?

>> No.26397176
File: 2.81 MB, 4096x4073, 1597783780986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397242

Imagine Gura giving you a handjob with her skilled little hands

>> No.26397177

>She needs to fucking stream more.
She probably has a busy schedule because of her work

>> No.26397179
File: 92 KB, 636x900, 1600169953242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397208

I want Calli to call me a disgusting weeb while she uses me as a footrest

>> No.26397180

"Thank you!"

>> No.26397182 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>26397413

You know how she's got all those lives?
It isn't because she's a phoenix.

>> No.26397183

no way, i have nothing of value to show

>> No.26397185
Quoted by: >>26397233

I'd like to watch Watson but I cannot watch other people play puzzle games, it drives me nuts.

>> No.26397187

>Images you can hear
>In reply to a video with sound
What did Ina mean by this

>> No.26397191
Quoted by: >>26397230

isn't phx karaoke like right after the watson stream?

>> No.26397190

No I know I'm boring

>> No.26397193

I would

>> No.26397194


>> No.26397198

That’s underweight for an American.

>> No.26397199

What's your point anon, she's okay.

>> No.26397200

shark streaming tabs later

>> No.26397201

Double paizuri from Mori and Amelia

>> No.26397202
Quoted by: >>26397261

>chicken streaming past midnight
Can someone tell her she's a HoloEN?

>> No.26397204

>entire nation learns it in high school
>five vtubers cause them to retain it
What a contemptible nation

>> No.26397206

How does anyone even watch these girls without having their confidence shattered?

>> No.26397207


>> No.26397208

Remember she would use weeb in quotation marks because she isn't supposed to know what it means.

>> No.26397212

Stuff like that makes me realize I can never be a S and will always be a hard M

I did a few weeks ago, but there's a boom right now and everyone is becoming one. Once I finish my studies and polish a few skills (drawing, programming) I think I'll try to stream. Maybe try to change my voice too. Could be a good hobby outside my day job

>> No.26397218

Yup only third world simps like her, good market going from the retard spic who posted his id the other day

>> No.26397222

Overweight and obese are two different things, anonchama. You can be overweight to some extent and still look cute and fit into most clothes.

>> No.26397224

much better then i was expecting desu

>> No.26397225

The style of male youtuber I would like to see would be low energy crotchety faggots who play autism simulators and oldschool rpgs. I can't see Hololive picking up anyone like that.

>> No.26397226

This looks like a yugioh card.

>> No.26397227

>This game is being streamed after confirmed with Landfall Games.

>> No.26397231

probably has something else planned tomorrow

>> No.26397230

Oh fugg I missed that one, going to bed at 1am again I guess

>> No.26397234

My brain is a glitchy piece of shit and as long as I've been able to speak I've stuttered. Pretty much has eliminated any possible jobs involving speaking. My first job out of high school was a working for Apple customer service, and boy did that cement that I have no business doing any sort of occupation where I must speak fluently.

>> No.26397235

Who has media volume set to anything but 0 on their phones

>> No.26397232

EU bros, I'm not gonna make it...

>> No.26397233
Quoted by: >>26397289

You're not watching the puzzles, you're watching her react to stuff. She's pretty good at keeping the commentary going and being ultra cute.

>> No.26397237

You're asking a board of introverted shut-ins if they want to broadcast themselves to thousands of people

>> No.26397240

maybe for fun but it probably be very boring
also the vtuber community on twitch is fucking cancerous

>> No.26397242
File: 72 KB, 196x232, 1469442494372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop thinking about this since last stream.

>> No.26397244

The Ina thirst is real.

>> No.26397245

you ready for battle simulator?

>> No.26397248


>> No.26397250
Quoted by: >>26397436

Is this and Kiara's roommate the only ones whose faces are out there?

>> No.26397251


>> No.26397253

Who is this hag?

>> No.26397256

If ina's drawing stream somehow lasts 2 hours, we're gonna have like 6 hours of nonstop streams
good thing i stocked up on energy drinks

>> No.26397257

What board did ironic Lovecraft posting come from anyway? There's "AAAAAA TENTACLES I'M GOING INSAAANE NIGGERMAN SAVE ME" posts on /tg/ from months and months ago.

>> No.26397261

Europe is EN too anon.

>> No.26397262

The fuck is Tabs?
I've never heard of it

>> No.26397263
File: 3.52 MB, 1286x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is she so perfect?

>> No.26397265


>> No.26397267

That's nothing a few months of diet and excercise won't fix
t. Ex-fatso that lost 22 kg in 3 1/2 months

>> No.26397268

link it

>> No.26397269

Ina is such a fucking dork, she screws up everything yet is so talented. Shes a savant, I love her.

>> No.26397270
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, We_Are_NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397274


>> No.26397276

You lucky fucks get Mori! She's worth like 2 of the girls...except Watson.

>> No.26397277

Cringekino, I love it.

>> No.26397278


>> No.26397279

Aqua and Pekora exist anon.

>> No.26397282

I do art streams but without a mic, cant imagine actually having to talk constantly to people

>> No.26397283
Quoted by: >>26397542


>Going sane

>> No.26397284

Only thing I have going for me is my voice and accent. Outside of that, I'm a deficient human being incapable of holding anyone's attention for longer than 5 seconds. (which would be difficult to monitize)

>> No.26397287

another kusoge?

>> No.26397289

Yeah I dunno. Obviously I've got some brain holes or something, I just keep hyper focusing on the solution.

>> No.26397290
Quoted by: >>26397305

This is a delightfully stupid game that I think will be a lot of fun to watch.
Have other Holo's played this before? It's got little to no language barrier, and would be right up their alley.

>> No.26397291

She's just thankful she's not deaf so she can hear Ame's lovely voice. I can't blame her.

>> No.26397292

She needs to swim faster

>> No.26397294
File: 57 KB, 534x248, 1600168853230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397295

Eh, streaming has mental detachment for me, Ive streamed for a couple hundred people with facecam before and didnt become a stuttering mess

>> No.26397296
Quoted by: >>26397367


>> No.26397301

Guys, stop posting roommates ffs. Some of us prefer the illusion.

But while we're on the subject I think Mori's roommate could look really good if she just shed a few pounds, she just needs a few more /fit/reps, not in a bad place at all.

>> No.26397303

I wish I could catch Mori's streams. It's kind of suffering living on the east coast.

>> No.26397305
Quoted by: >>26397405

Haato did, repeat. not Haachama, Haato.

>> No.26397306

I thought about it, but I don't think I'd be interesting enough to do it on a constant basis and remain watchable.

>> No.26397307
File: 315 KB, 845x694, 1600192356814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't tweet it
Gura... Thank you for letting us know, chumbud.

>> No.26397309

Are there guy hololives girls watch? Or is it just gay guys? Also are there any girls here?

>> No.26397310

Its OK anon. No matter how much I love EN or how far they incline, they'll never beat her voice. I've never heard anything quite like it. I wouldn't call it sexy or soothing but it's somehow extremely attractive and fits her so perfectly it's almost unbelievable. I can't wait for the day she collabs with the EN members, I know it's gonna be great.

>> No.26397312
Quoted by: >>26397474

>hololive english
>streams at near midnight in english countries

>> No.26397314

I hate attention

>> No.26397315
File: 1.08 MB, 4096x3329, __shishiro_botan_hololive_drawn_by_kuukai_adexi__b99423f746b9f51fe8f1e5fb2ff9af68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid sexy lion

>> No.26397316


seriously, the Gamers unit has no bad holos. Botan is the gamer of 5th gen and she's the best one. Watson has 1.5k hours in CSGO and she's in HoloEN, who has only 1 weak link

>> No.26397317
File: 368 KB, 679x373, 1599945254453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't have redeeming qualities as an entertainer or as a person

>> No.26397319

I was thinking about it just for shits and giggles but I'd have to make my own shitty avatar which is more time than I want to put in.

>> No.26397320

Vinny Vinesauceman as the leader of Holostars EN...

>> No.26397322

haha guys


>> No.26397323

I think the overwhelming majority of people here are men, there's no market for that. At best you could try going the babiniku route Lolifox Ojisan pioneered but you could just play VRChat if you wanted to larp as an anime girl.

>> No.26397326

I think they should spread out their schedules more to make it EU friendly

>> No.26397327

post proof

>> No.26397329


Are you guys still kneeling?

>> No.26397331

Silly memeish game where you create 2 armies using a bunch of units, let the AI take over, and watch them kill each other. This was back when it was in early access so maybe there's an actual game component to it now.

>> No.26397333


>> No.26397334

I seriously wonder how Haachama is feeling toward shark since she's like inspired by shark's roommate a lot

>> No.26397335

My personality is as deep as a puddle, I don't even have hobbies or interests to talk about
just let me live vicariously through the holos and I'll be okay

>> No.26397336
Quoted by: >>26397461

Already working on it.
Finished the art for my character, (the blessings of kinda knowing how to draw) just gotta learn how to do a live2D model

>> No.26397338


gura is going to play this game next. *worry*

>> No.26397339
File: 166 KB, 384x287, 1600085265846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who this?

>> No.26397340

>some obsessed schizo is going to keep leaking pictures and saved tweets every thread now
It's all so tiresome

>> No.26397341


>> No.26397344
File: 111 KB, 220x220, 31645364356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that anon who keeps posting roommates in every thread like if no one has seen the vids and photos already

>> No.26397345


>> No.26397347
Quoted by: >>26397908

I was thinking about gathering some courage and applying to the second gen of holoen, but the bar set by the first one is out of my reach, so the only option for me is autistic RP of talking to imaginary chat during game/drawing reps.

>> No.26397350

reminds me of when Amelia called her Queen and she replied with "STEP ON ME". she doesn't have the best social skills, but I appreciate her for it.

>> No.26397351


I'm male, so that's an automatic no. I'd have higher numbers getting godlike at some game than I would for being a vtuber. I'd have to do BOTH to get very nice numbers, and I'm not about to put on a show for 5 viewers max.

>> No.26397358

I think I could be entertaining with playing piano and singing and also playing racing games but I don't think I would enjoy it for longer than a month. Also m*le

>> No.26397359


>> No.26397360

Nice, I enjoy watching that game

>> No.26397361

I almost applied for HoloEN but I was too lacking in confidence. At this point it looks like Holostars EN isn't happening anyway.

>> No.26397362

Agreed, and combined with her weeb personality and tomboyish nature, I think she'd be an absolutely blast to be around in different circumstances.

>> No.26397364
Quoted by: >>26397372

I haven't.

>> No.26397365
Quoted by: >>26397459

this is the containment thread anonchama

>> No.26397366

why would gura play TABS and not do karaoke?

>> No.26397367

>anon is so insane he couldn't reply to posts properly
someone fetch the laudanum

>> No.26397369

Moona wants everyone's attention

>> No.26397370
File: 402 KB, 598x600, The man with the license to Fill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shed a few pounds
Anon you're going in the wrong direction

>> No.26397371

old and busted

>> No.26397372
Quoted by: >>26397398

you are missing nothing

>> No.26397374

I wonder if calling him Nekoman would be family friendly.

>> No.26397377

>holoEN got 1 sticky for each debut

Are they really that important?

>> No.26397379
Quoted by: >>26397666

not him, but experiencing the same issue.

i have a gmail account that i've been using since 7th grade (about 15 years now) - and it has my real name (randomanon12@gmail for example). it's associated with my social accounts and all that jazz, and i use the email for personal correspondences and as an address for bills when i have them. my wish is for the account to be associated with /g/ and /sci/ stuff mainly since it's relevant to my career but i've got no problem with including podcasts and news or whatever as well.

what i want is a 'hobbies' account (eliteweeb7@gmail or whatever) for all the stuff that i don't want to associate with my name - vtubers, gaming, anime, and hell, it appears that everything political should be there as well in the current environment.

i've tried opening a 'nobody' account before but it didn't let me go on without giving it a phone number or a backup email before, and as i've said before, i want this account to have nothing to do with my 'regular' life.

>> No.26397380

I like scythes.

>> No.26397384

Muse Dash was fun, but there was a lot of downtime during the gameplay where she was mostly quiet. Now we'll see how she goes with more chat interaction.

>> No.26397386

I always get dreams like that after being "inspired" by something, like playing a new videogame I like or an anime I watch. Doesn't mean it ever amounts to anything, of course.

>> No.26397388

I haven't. Post video

>> No.26397389

Fuck no I can't hold a conversation to save my life and chuubas have to basically talk to themselves for hours on end.

>> No.26397391

Introverted doesn't mean dropping your spaghetti. I'm pretty good at public speaking stuff, but if I can't have time alone in my room I become aggressive, angry and tired in a few days

>> No.26397392

>3 threads faster than the entirety of /pol/
you tell me

>> No.26397393

What's sex with your favorite HoloEN like

>> No.26397394

at that point just cut of your legs below the knee and get prosthetics. they'll straight up ask you if you want to be taller

>> No.26397397
File: 228 KB, 1550x1050, EgkqsFRUcAIMxEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My love will never waver.

>> No.26397398

I'll keep my willful ignorance until they graduate.

>> No.26397399

I'd only do it if I could be a convincing female with the voice changer

>> No.26397400

her last CoC stream took all her braincells please andastd

>> No.26397401

If I ever survived the anxiety I would be some sort of chris chan that people would watch to laugh and cringe at my autism. It would be superior gameplay to what most shit people watch, though.

>> No.26397403

I... I haven't... I've only seen Mori

>> No.26397404

>Moona wants the Shark's attention too
Not blaming her, any sane Vtuber would want the attention of the future's most subscribed Holo

>> No.26397405
File: 621 KB, 900x786, 1600079279003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Akai Haato changed the name

What the fuck?

>> No.26397407
Quoted by: >>26398101

Karaoke stream is reserved for monetization streams. Probably.

>> No.26397409

Because she's smart and is waiting for the weekend

>> No.26397412

sasuga architect

>> No.26397413
File: 90 KB, 648x567, 1600115130637 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397444


>> No.26397414

Oh my God it's perfect

>> No.26397416


>> No.26397418
File: 751 KB, 1920x1007, HoloEN kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397420
File: 295 KB, 2009x2000, Eh5tFJvXsAEDwmT.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Violent and degrading

>> No.26397421

In three days they're getting more subs than gen 5 and making the entirety of HoloJP kneel to them, so you tell me I guess

>> No.26397424
Quoted by: >>26397452

I think the only way to make Gura actually have some downtime interactions is when Supachats is possible because she is a Jewish Shark.
No mone, no interactions.

>> No.26397426

It happened because the threads started moving at an unprecedented rate.

>> No.26397427

if you can play an instrument and sing decently you have a chance if you can be creative with it.

>> No.26397428
File: 465 KB, 409x831, 1600109896252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397456

>Ame in an hour
>Ina in 2h
>Gura in 4h
>Ame Q&A in 5h
>Blaziken in 8h

>> No.26397430

gura is gonna become the gsg idol

>> No.26397432
File: 72 KB, 560x559, goslingfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday after the amelia superliminal sttream I felt so lonely I downloaded tinder and matched with this random fat blond chick, she liked memes or some shit and her room was filled with gamer LED's. I was so fucking detached from the situation I just pretended that I'm fucking the IRL version of Amelia, the one that I deserve, or maybe her roommate IDK what my brain was doing. After finishing I looked at her in the light and she didn't even look similar to amelia. I feel so fucking empty bros
irl girls can't compare, nothing compares. I just want love guys

>> No.26397433
Quoted by: >>26397489

Based on some custom public bans I've seen so far, I think some mods like hololive too. To the disgust of some natives here

>> No.26397434
File: 23 KB, 691x484, HoloEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ runs this site

>> No.26397436

Yes, The others have only drawn themselves.

>> No.26397439

shark, a good game, onegai

>> No.26397441
File: 13 KB, 297x199, 1572544358309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26397442
File: 80 KB, 212x212, ebf332d2a0796713a06df94f26c25019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not ready for it yet

>> No.26397444

This image is terrifying

>> No.26397449


>> No.26397450
File: 791 KB, 2815x3243, 1600176843607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397528

Ina being dominated and molested by every single one of her fangirls! having her entire body being kissed all over! being stepped by and humiliated by all of them! thanking all of them after they finish ravaging her virgin NEET body! Ina stealing one of the girl's panties and masturbating to those memories afterwards!

>> No.26397452

There are no jews in Atlantis anon

>> No.26397453
Quoted by: >>26397818

Will Amelia play Warzone?

>> No.26397456
Quoted by: >>26397587

didn't Mori and Ina will have a collab today too?

>> No.26397459
Quoted by: >>26397508

What, are there more hololive threads elsewhere?

>> No.26397461

The live 2d stuff doesn't seem that bad honestly. Good luck, don't ever post yourself here.

>> No.26397463

The stickies were made so that the board wouldn't be flooded with threads.

>> No.26397464

>this man had sex and had the GALL to complain about it
get the fuck out

>> No.26397468

>thought here comes my daily dose from the doc
>its just porn

>> No.26397469

I love Monocle Hair Ornament!

>> No.26397471
Quoted by: >>26397714

You kneel down beside her. You begin to kiss around the inside of her thighs, as your fingers begin to massage around her mound. "Let me hear you laugh."
A single tear runs down her cheek as she bites her lower lip, half in frustration, half to keep the moans from drifting out of her mouth. You continue your ministrations around her pubic area. A clear liquid begins to slowly drip from her slit. "I won't touch unless you do the laugh."
Tears are streaming freely down her face. She chokes on her words the first attempt, swallows them, and then pitches her head high as if to reach the notes. "TEE HEE TEE HEE." The fake high pitched tones of cringe ring out like a bell. Her body is flushed now, both with shame and arousal. You turn your tongue to her eager clitoris, her knees buckle and she struggles to keep her balance, as you grasp her buttocks firmly. She is furious with herself. The humiliation you've delivered unto her is surpassed only by the pleasure she feels. A gasp escapes her lips.

>> No.26397472
File: 29 KB, 916x788, 1600038629756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>64 minutes left

>> No.26397474

She knows none of us have regular sleep schedules anyway.

>> No.26397475

everyone loves the moon...

>> No.26397476

based architect.

>> No.26397487

if they didn't get stickied, the rush to make new threads would've slid the other threads on /jp/ into oblivion and that's not good

>> No.26397490

No this is perfect. A nice casual meme game that takes zero focus so she can finally interact with chat while messing around, now that shes demonstrated her real skills in the previous stream.

She cant blow her ultimate load too early. Karaoke should be saved for when they are monetized because the supachats will make her unfuckingbelievable bank.

>> No.26397488

Should I give up 3d women and embrace holos?

>> No.26397489

Mods know whats up

>> No.26397491

>Gawr got good roll on design
>Also had an established fanbase of a million
Thus her numbers don't count. Math

And even in some extreme case it not being her, that fanbase was waiting for her return and all flock to Shark.

>> No.26397492

It's tea mates for ya, chap

>> No.26397493
Quoted by: >>26397621

Urethra insertion.
My urethra.

>> No.26397494

At this point we need a directory post at the top of the thread linking to the "roommates" and archived info of every global holo so that these threads can finally know peace and people can look if they want. At this point most posters now and new posters will ask so fuck it all and let's just have a directory like other respectable generals.

>> No.26397496

>faster than /pol/ and /b/ combined
Holy shit

>> No.26397498

We really need a vtuber board, hololive and vtubing keep getting more popular and they can't be contained in generals that hit post limit in under 3 hours

>> No.26397500

>Chicken is fun
>Has fun chemistry with Mori
>Easy to bully for shits and giggles
>Tries to speak both Eng and Jap to attract a larger audience
>Yet she's the least popular out of all of them
Why? Chicken is perfect. You can't tell me it's ALL due to her Pekora obsession

>> No.26397505

I wouldn't know, I haven't managed to yet.

>> No.26397506

Another Draw stream

>> No.26397507
Quoted by: >>26397617

holostars have their niche, you know.

>> No.26397508

There was a schism, now we have /hlg/ and /hlgg/ for JP and EN respectively

>> No.26397509

Naw I'll just stick to cutting people.

>> No.26397511

I haven't but unless they're a name you can recognize or are connected to some other hobby you share I don't see why you'd care.

>> No.26397512

So nice to see more watson and shark streams scheduled right after finishing work. This might end up being a nice day after all

>> No.26397515

A lot of this stuff is luck.

>> No.26397516

How would a group Terraria stream would go?
The game is much more engaging as a group adventure game, but it isn't as free and mechanically complex as Minecraft, though.
Any thoughts, /hlgg/?

>> No.26397517

It's a function of when, not if.

>> No.26397519
File: 614 KB, 648x678, 1598904186404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397523

her subreddit and videos have thousands of comments about it

>> No.26397524 [DELETED] 

>crunchyroll gets interested
>lilypichu announced she will become a vtuber
>pokimane announced the same
oh no...

>> No.26397528

Tentacles wrote this post

>> No.26397529

>tfw just finishing her previous stream
>the romantic music
>cute things make you forget everything, right? *wink
>the way she broke the game with the castle
That's a pretty dang kino stream desu

>> No.26397530

Sounds like a great idea, you fucking retard!

>> No.26397531
File: 28 KB, 428x474, 1598810718945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397595

Yes, anon. 2D woman will never cheat on you and will always love you.

>> No.26397533
Quoted by: >>26397591

Don't forget IN and CN bros...

>> No.26397538

chicken is doing karaoke tonight, idk why she picked a kusoge tho

>> No.26397540
Quoted by: >>26397578

You're next, Towa

>> No.26397542

It didn't come from /v/ you fucking tourist
your reading reps...

>> No.26397543

It makes sense. Ina has the best design, followed closely by Gura

>> No.26397545

don't care

>> No.26397547
Quoted by: >>26397637

I still have chills thinking about the last scene with Koji facing the mirror

>> No.26397550

and they're all garbage who will get no viewers compared to holoEN. Don't talk about them here.

>> No.26397552

I know that nijis streamed it to a varying degree of success and I greatly enjoyed it, although they never really got into post plantera or even hardmode
I'd fucking kill for a calamity holoEN playthrough from start to finish, even if it's a once a week thing

>> No.26397553
Quoted by: >>26397637

WANT TO have a daughter

>> No.26397556

I was just like you brother
just lower your standards and fuck absolute dogs.

>> No.26397559

No clue, it's been around for months. I've seen it on /tg/, /tv/, and /v/.

>> No.26397560
File: 28 KB, 307x371, 1574023364186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.26397561

That's not Hololive related. Take that to /vyt/

>> No.26397563
File: 569 KB, 500x254, 4d6aba_8094100590274feca4676424d8d2e481_mv2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was pretty much Gura's stream last night. They're all pretty fun.

>> No.26397565

Moona you dumb bitch amanekanatach already did the a in japanese gag.

>> No.26397568

literally who the fuck cares, the only reason pokimane doesn't have the personality to pull it off anyway, so it won't last.

>> No.26397569

The design is shit AND she was obsessed with Pekora.
Design is very important, especially just for the first few weeks, some people will only check you out if they liked the design.

>> No.26397571

Ina being punished for her twitter mistakes!

>> No.26397572

Monica Haroniment is the unsung heroine of HololiveEN

>> No.26397575
Quoted by: >>26397687

IT STARTING! Chttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsnFyaUqABU

>> No.26397574

Sex with landwhales doesnt even count lmao.

>> No.26397578

Towa loves the shark.

>> No.26397579

Oh fug I didn't realize this was global. Sorrymasen.

>> No.26397581

I know Mori is working on her music but she really should've finished it all before her debut. If feels like she'll be left behind by Watson and Ina because she doesn't have the time to stream more.

>> No.26397584


It's fine, did you see the design of manes character? They literally don't understand why vtubers have appeal.

>> No.26397586
File: 1000 KB, 336x498, 1600137462695.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our date with Amelia is in an hour. You have your Goslings ready, right?

>> No.26397585
Quoted by: >>26397650

sasuga the leech of hololive

>> No.26397587
Quoted by: >>26397623

Tomorrow morning

>> No.26397589

no supprise here

>> No.26397591

Share them. I'm open to more cute grills.

>> No.26397593

I haven't watched much of her or Mori because their stream hours are just real fucking bad for pacific standard time. Nothing to it beyond that for me. Watching her early morning stream right now, and I'll be watching her stream later tonight since it's at a good time for me.

>> No.26397595

But Amelia fucks with her bf off-screen after every stream.

>> No.26397597

She still has a ton of subs for 4 days. Someone has to be on the bottom, even if the floor is high. I think her design being the least appealing has the most to do with it.

>> No.26397601
Quoted by: >>26397775

gura invented the letter 'a'

>> No.26397603

can't wait for holoen to collab with holojp

>> No.26397606

this thread is characterized by pathetic spoonfeeding

>> No.26397607

No superchats because she's not monetized yet.
If I were to be a beechuuba, why would I waste my asset that fast, while not being paid?
Playing kusoges for the time meaning is good while waiting for JewTube's approval.

>> No.26397610

You would think the eldritch abomination with tentacles wouldn't be such a pathetic masochist

>> No.26397611
Quoted by: >>26397638

Give me a sec, gonna look up how to make ASCII art real quick

>> No.26397612
File: 300 KB, 632x420, bigmoonafang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look who's doing her Hiragana reps! ah you love to see it. I love you, Moona!

>> No.26397613
Quoted by: >>26397649

Can confirm
t. her boyfriend

>> No.26397614

I think that it's mainly because the others all have some defining factor that sends their subs to the stratosphere. Mori has music, Ina has art, Gura has cute factor, and Amelia has the Goslings. Chicken is fine by herself, but all the others are just ridiculously good. Add that to the fact that her design is pretty basic and that explains the sub counts.

>> No.26397616

this is the reddit containment thread dont kidyourself anon

>> No.26397617
Quoted by: >>26397661

Damn, haven't heard Melt in well over a decade.

>> No.26397621


>> No.26397622

Amelia has a boyfriend??

>> No.26397623

>Ina drawing two days in a row

>> No.26397626
Quoted by: >>26397748

Hi, I have a question. Did Gura choose the fan name 'chumbuds' on purpose because 'chum' sounds like 'cum'?

>> No.26397628

One annoying thing is that I exercise and listen to audio books at 7 but it seems like a lot of them are using that as their streaming time.

>> No.26397629

bros, im getting tired of the a thing already..

>> No.26397630

How long until monetization? Only took Gen5 a few days.

>> No.26397632
File: 114 KB, 500x433, DOX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397671

>Doxxing EN

>> No.26397637

Didn't affect me that much but maybe because I only did it a few years after doing the "good ending" route

This but with a wife

>> No.26397636
Quoted by: >>26397682

yes its me

>> No.26397638

not this shit again

>> No.26397639


>> No.26397641

You didn't hear him barking in the background during the Superliminal stream?

>> No.26397640
Quoted by: >>26397682

All of them have boyfriends. Some even multiple

>> No.26397642
File: 389 KB, 482x647, Screenshot_44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why exactly do you not have your Vtuber waifu as your lockscreen and or home screen?

>> No.26397643

Can confirm. My gut instinct says this is true.

>> No.26397644

That's only when her judgement isn't clouded by the calls from the Old Ones
maybe she's gonna go dom on you if you flip her switch

>> No.26397646
File: 308 KB, 401x671, 1599951973437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398030

The first oldest living creature on earth to say ''a'' was a shark

>> No.26397649

Hope you two have a wholesome time reading salty goslingposts together after sex!

>> No.26397650

A talent is a talent

>> No.26397656
Quoted by: >>26397682

An adorable, four legged boyfriend

>> No.26397657

>Her design is shit
That's all I needed to read. You have a strong point. The main reason as to why I start watching a VTuber is because of character design and Kiara's pretty garbage indeed. It's just matter of time until they put some clips out there and she gets the attention she deserves

>> No.26397658
File: 25 KB, 194x194, 1594360318193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397805


>> No.26397660

Not all of it no but people easily realize she is trying to pander to both sides and both sides don't really care for that shit. Choose an audience and stick with it, really that simple.

>> No.26397659

Filling the time with reps

>> No.26397661

It is very nostalgic to me as well

>> No.26397662
Quoted by: >>26397682

Yes, me.

>> No.26397664

Imagine if mootchama saw the containment board faster than the other containment board + /b/ put together
What a time we live in

>> No.26397665

I stream vidya but it's always with friends and clan buddies. All my good moments are with them, and I couldn't become very entertaining without them.

>> No.26397666
Quoted by: >>26397870

I ran into this too. Ended up registering my own domain (using a private registration) and hosting my own mail. Then you can create as many throwaway addresses as you want.

>> No.26397668

It's pikarin.

>> No.26397671
Quoted by: >>26397709

I knew Ina, not personally, but I knew who she was (is). Feels pretty good

>> No.26397672

With popularity comes the bandwagon effect, this was going to happen without fail unless HoloEN faceplanted and was terrible. Those were the only two possibilities, so I don't know why people are shocked.

>> No.26397673

Slow and heavy. Passionately gazing into one another's eyes as our mouths hungrily taste each other's lips with our tongues entwined.

>> No.26397674
File: 210 KB, 1024x576, Goslingcampingw:Amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have my Goslings ready bro.


>> No.26397676

Good post

>> No.26397678

It's her design. It's an eyesore

>> No.26397679

Do you seriously think this is a negative? Literally nobody outside of this shithole and 5ch has a problem with her Pekora fangirling. Everyone thinks it's cute and they celebrate it, even other vtubers.

>> No.26397682


>> No.26397683

All the newfriends havent Anon

>> No.26397684
File: 3.67 MB, 600x600, run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's coming.

>> No.26397687
Quoted by: >>26397744

They have a really good dynamic.

>> No.26397688
File: 15 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397790

A great man once said: 'If I'm not going to catch a fish, then I might as well not catch a big fish'

>> No.26397690

It's gap moe

>> No.26397691


>> No.26397693

I don't say this very often but... are you fucking retarded?

>> No.26397696

Most retarded post I have seen yet in three straight days of holo threads with barely any sleep. Congratulations, faggot.

>> No.26397700

Yeah the thread quality is still pretty good despite the speed. The ratio of Goslings/post for Amelia's stream was like 0.5 or something ridiculous and there were even ASCII versions once the image limit was hit.

>> No.26397701

Yeah, good at doggystyle I heard.

>> No.26397702
File: 3.08 MB, 1580x1684, warshipdesign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my only value is naval history autism and most of that i've cribbed from friends of mine
I could do a naval history podcast stream ala shitty youtube naval history man who just reads off wikipedia articles, but why be virtual at that point?

>> No.26397708

This chair

>> No.26397709
Quoted by: >>26397848

She's my neighbor

>> No.26397710

I tried streaming before and I was incredibly self-conscious and distracted by my 0 viewers. I'm not cut out for that shit.

>> No.26397711
File: 693 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200915_230352_com.teslacoilsw.launcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I've been in move with my shipfu for the past 6 years

>> No.26397713

God her stream was fun as hell

>> No.26397714
File: 6 KB, 150x150, morishock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Tee hee tee hee? What kind of laugh is that? Are you trying to be cute?" You break your head away from her to question her incredulously. You laugh freely, slapping your thigh as she sinks to the ground, rivulets of sweat running down her slick body. A small pool of liquid forms from where the floor touches between her legs. She looks up at you in anger and humiliation as you continue to laugh at her absurd antics. You strip off your own clothes, revealing your full erection. She gazes at it longingly. Her body is ready. But you have one last card to play. You stop her and cup her chin in your hands as you tilt her head to look up to you.
"Now rap for me."

>> No.26397718

Stop flooding the threads you ronery fuck. We all feel empty and hollow, fucking deal with it like the rest of us.

>> No.26397719


>> No.26397722

You have to make a brand account (which you do with the account you already have), but that should be free. They even recommend it for normal users if you don't want your real name associated with your activities. Then you move your channel from your account to your brand account, which allows you to comment and chat using the identity of the brand account. Only problem is they're not entirely clear about what is attached to your old channel and will be deleted in the process, beyond the comments you made. I think things like subscriptions and private playlists are probably associated with your Google account, so they would stay with you. But I haven't tried it so I don't know.
How Brand Accounts work with YouTube
Move your YouTube channel to another account

>> No.26397727

The thing is, chicken has barely developed her character, and the only times she has been fun were with Mori and on that Fall Guys stream where she barely lasted an hour becasue of sleep depravation

>> No.26397728
Quoted by: >>26397779

Been one since the start of 2020

>> No.26397732

ok mori

>> No.26397735
Quoted by: >>26397785

How about we just publicly ban anyone who posts about it instead

>> No.26397738
Quoted by: >>26397811

For the love of yagoo, a bilingual bro has to tell huke to whip up an imperial German military uniform before chicken becomes irrelevant.

>> No.26397740
File: 18 KB, 534x248, 1600042192519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398106

Splendid bait, it's so retarded it looped back to looking like an unironic post

>> No.26397739
Quoted by: >>26397982

Right. The obsession was not a problem for anyone besides us 300 shitposters and yet she still realized she had to stop to the point she made a challenge to not mention her.

>> No.26397743
File: 239 KB, 1283x1209, __gawr_gura_and_watson_amelia_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_altronage__07167cc42698e9e8ab469aa66fd16717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we gosling so hard for this random literal who, anyway? Everyone else was a successful entertainer prior to joining HoloEn, even the shitbird. Amelia was a nobody with around a thousand subscribers.

>> No.26397744
Quoted by: >>26397891

They're Wing Zero and Deathscythe if they were girls and not giant mobile suits.

>> No.26397745

Is this the same person that did those Ars Almal 3D models?

>> No.26397748

You sound like a fucking cop, go back faggot

>> No.26397752

I can speak about Fate and Dark Souls for at least 5 hours straight without interruption. A friend's mother also told me I have a voice made for radio

>> No.26397753
Quoted by: >>26397980

Drachinifel already kind of stole that market but he's not a vtuber so maybe you have a chance...

>> No.26397754
File: 290 KB, 700x990, shark mermaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397814


>> No.26397762

Because it's an unexploited niche

>> No.26397761


>> No.26397764

There are a few factors, but she definitely feels like she's not sure what to stream right now and is unfocused. Her first stream was a half-asleep fotm game, then a Q&A, then a mediocre indie. Unlike shark she didn't immediately jump to streaming something she's passionate about by her second stream. She should have started an RPG by now.
I think that what she really wants to do is collab tho, and she's in the best position to do it because she knows English and Jap and unlike others she's outgoing enough to ask people to collab.

>> No.26397768

don't throw that word around so lightly

>> No.26397769
Quoted by: >>26397980

Honestly if you did do that, avator or no, I'd probably tune in. Sounds comfy af.

>> No.26397771
Quoted by: >>26397810

good taste anonymous

>> No.26397772
File: 1.09 MB, 480x270, 1446407028207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And thus begins our insufferables. It was a good times while it lasted

>> No.26397774

It's all about design. Also her gangimari expression is ugly, so far only Watame and L*l* managed to get good ones somehow.

>> No.26397775

>9000 years old
Timeline fits

>> No.26397778

It's her outfit. The color and design is hard to look at.

>> No.26397779


>> No.26397785

OK sisyphus

>> No.26397786

Sure but I'm an unmotivated fat cunt with no voice and can't hold a conversation to save my life. Only interesting thing I can talk about is my hobby of breeding tarantulas.

>> No.26397787

she's the most realistically approachable girl, for me at least

>> No.26397788
Quoted by: >>26397810

>in move
Is it because it's a mobile phone?

>> No.26397789
Quoted by: >>26397872

I'm honestly considering making a stream where I just study shit I'm interested in using an avatar so I don't have to show my face. I know I'd have no viewers but it seems like a good way to stay motivated.

>> No.26397790
File: 1.72 MB, 220x220, 1600040584141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first i though what.
And then it dawned on me.

>> No.26397791


>> No.26397794

this makes me hope that we get Watson streaming TABG

>> No.26397795 [DELETED] 
File: 767 KB, 1080x1080, 1600058090693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.26397798


>> No.26397799

Sex isn't inherently good, not fucking is better than fucking someone you don't really wanna fuck.

>> No.26397800

Because of the idea that she asked us for help.
Atleast that's what I believe it is, I don't particularly care from her after seeing the streams, so that's my only guess as to why would everyone else go so crazy over her, her pandering is pretty basic stuff most other holos already did at some point.

>> No.26397804
File: 140 KB, 1138x1200, 1600084051062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really hate it but couldn't stop reading

>> No.26397805

my favorite narrative is that nousagis are communicating to each other solely through these images, and they're plotting some nefarious shit

>> No.26397806
File: 54 KB, 400x397, 1581301843101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397807

Chicken starten being not shit only today

>> No.26397808

>Some of us prefer the illusion
Reminder that each and every one of these girls is playing a character to extract cold hard cash from sad lonely nerds while getting fucked by their boyfriends daily. Do not spend money, do not get emotionally invested, just enjoy the show for free.

>> No.26397809
Quoted by: >>26397828

>implying ritualposting is worse than the spoonfeeding and roommate spoonfeeding

>> No.26397810


I suck at spelling on mobile, and was too lazy to transfer the picture to my desktop. Still, made me laugh, thanks

>> No.26397813

Honestly if I was in her place and I was passionate about RPGs, I'd be pretty unsure too. Those games are pretty hard to stream without having the audience fall asleep. But I'm sure that if she's passionate about it, she'll have more than enough energy to keep it entertaining

>> No.26397811

Seriously. If she had a Nazi Imperial outfit it would've been so much better
Her outfit just holds her back really hard.

>> No.26397814

Sharks don't like eating humans though.

>> No.26397818

She mentioned something about CoD during Valorant I think?

>> No.26397819
Quoted by: >>26397881

Might be waiting for permission to do Ryza?

>> No.26397823
Quoted by: >>26397844

Reminds me, we might get HoloEN Nendoroids. Who would you want first?

>> No.26397826

It never really caught on among Japs because the license to distribute it in Japan was sniped by a console-focused publisher that works at a glacial pace, preventing official translations of the PC version and keeping the console versions years behind. There's a fan TL for PC, but Japs, especially streamers, are really averse to using such things.

HoloEN would have no such issues, at least, but I'm not sure how many of them would be autistic enough to play it long enough to unlock its full potential.

>> No.26397827

Still hasn't got her mic issues smoothed out, for one

>> No.26397828
Quoted by: >>26397856

both are horrible, who are you quoting?

>> No.26397834
File: 10 KB, 215x215, kMEwSmlO_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you will enjoy today's content. Thank you for supporting my Idols.

>> No.26397835
Quoted by: >>26397860

>Be honest, are you going to watch the eventual Holostars EN?
Yes. Western Male streamers are always better than western female streamers.

>> No.26397836
File: 105 KB, 463x453, 1599612833617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We still haven't seen her streaming stuff she likes. So far she has been just a companion vtuber for the rest. Also the design is a bit rough in the edges.
Both of those can be easily fixed but the question is whenever they will get the note

>> No.26397838

Deadbeats jerk it now

>> No.26397839

>she's actually real and will never be yours
Please don't actually buy into this anon, it's just a character she's playing. We call them roommates for a reason, they're separate people, and even if she was yours who knows if you'd actually like her. People that haven't been in relationships will think this is crazy but having a girlfriend doesn't guarantee the void in your heart will get filled. There's a reason why everyone here is talking about their reps and how motivated they've been, funnel your despair into something you like doing and I assure you it'll pay off if you keep at it

>> No.26397840
Quoted by: >>26397941

I feel like holo gen 5 lost motivation after holo en

>> No.26397841
Quoted by: >>26397882

>watson, ina, and shark in the evenings
Feels good to be a burger.

>> No.26397844
File: 81 KB, 882x882, Eh8S6H1UYAEfd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397994

Isn't it obvious?

>> No.26397845
Quoted by: >>26397964

I imagine humans are really bad food from all the shit we put into our bodies.

>> No.26397848

And my toilet.

>> No.26397849
File: 146 KB, 305x298, 1600038577371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397855

Thank you for HoloEN, I'll admit I was pretty negative about how it might turn out but it's great. I'll stop doubting you

>> No.26397856

thus nothing has begun, there have been insufferables from the get-go

>> No.26397858
File: 499 KB, 700x873, 1573726140221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397879

No more I beg of you

>> No.26397860

You don't Gosling for male streamers anon

>> No.26397862
Quoted by: >>26397913

speculation that after her debut she came to the thread to ask for advice on how to fix it
there's a decent amount of circumstantial evidence that supports it
she's /ourgirl/

>> No.26397861
File: 1.34 MB, 320x240, peko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26397885


>> No.26397864
File: 104 KB, 584x530, 1600031773243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to read smut where Mori isn't the top

>> No.26397866


>> No.26397870

that's probably out of my element, both technologically and financially.

>> No.26397872

Depends. I tried doing that with meditation and found it didn't help me at all. I hope it works out for you, but honestly people watching your stream are still people. I rarely wanted to interact.

>> No.26397873

I imagine she will be included in a ton of JP/EN collabs as a translator. Which is great, since she has a good sense of how to keep interaction going.

>> No.26397874

She's fine, she just needs to play less kusoge.

>> No.26397876

goddamnit I wanted to play video games but the next stream is soon
I shouldn't have fucked about for so long

>> No.26397879

>more I beg of you
sorry typo

>> No.26397880

Too many bones, not enough meat
Overall not really a good meal

>> No.26397881

She said she doesn't like replaying games but should probably replay a Tales Of game.

>> No.26397882

Yeah it's pretty great. The only problem O have though is that mommy Mori streams in the morning and I have to watch the vods.

>> No.26397883

I have never doubted your talent scouting ability, splendid work as usual, old man

>> No.26397884

doesnt surprise me after so many people said they come from /vg/

>> No.26397885

Someone shop Kiara over the kid's face.

>> No.26397890

i would unironically gachikoi if he did this

>> No.26397891

They can be both

>> No.26397892

I'm just meme'ing with gosling since I'm immune to loneliness, her stream are cute

>> No.26397894

This is obviously true, but I'd like to believe they don't do it ONLY for cash, some of them really enjoy what they do and thats good enough for me. I'd never superchat, however I think membeship is Ok if they put enough content for members like watching togethers, ASMR, etc.

>> No.26397898

>13yo Mori posted pics online
For fucks sake
Please everyone, learn to delete old accounts

>> No.26397904

This. The dom being cringe only makes it better.

>> No.26397905

For me personally it's her model.
I had no idea who she was before and even after anons started doxxposting i still had no idea who the it was.
But that model man, those slender thighs and fluffy hair.

>> No.26397908

You can draw. That means you can already rank higher than some other people applying without any skills. I would give it a shot if I were you, we might need another 4chan-browsing chuuba like Mori in 2nd gen.

>> No.26397909
Quoted by: >>26399071

Amelia won't fill that void for you anon. Her roommate won't either. There's lots girls like Amelia out there. She's not special. Focus on the real world around you and better yourself instead of obsessing over something you've glorified in your head.

>> No.26397910

You are trash, Mori is made to be bullied. She's so M it hurts, the only one who awakens more sadism is Marine.

>> No.26397911
Quoted by: >>26397942

I don't know what this is

>> No.26397913

Most of them come here probably so this gen is /ourgen/

>> No.26397916
File: 44 KB, 300x255, 346-3462456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I often imagine myself in the Vtubers' position during a stream and think of so many jokes that I could tell if I was there. During the drawing collab stream I kept imagining all the stupid funny stuff I could've drawn that I'm sure would've made everyone laugh, or all the easy ways that I could've their conversations livelier.

>> No.26397917
Quoted by: >>26397957

Dlive is where the answer lies

>> No.26397920
Quoted by: >>26397970

Im glad so many people tuned into see real shark skills.
Im amazd they pull even 17k people for a simple talk-stream like Mori did today.

>> No.26397922

Those stockings are pretty silly

>> No.26397924
Quoted by: >>26398052

>People that haven't been in relationships will think this is crazy but having a girlfriend doesn't guarantee the void in your heart will get filled.
In some cases it makes it worse.

>> No.26397926

I don't see anything wrong with spending money. They're providing a service, and if that service is providing you entertainment in your comparatively bleak existence, it's worthy of payment. Completely agree to not get emotionally invested though, you as an individual simply are not important to them in a sea of 50k+ viewers.

>> No.26397930
File: 46 KB, 580x548, 1599946948271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397931

Oh and she does cute voice.

>> No.26397932

I deactived all my social media. The site with my older cringey shit I forgot the details to, but thankfully the site shut down for good.

>> No.26397934

She's cute, plays up that cuteness perfectly, and is one of us.

>> No.26397937


>> No.26397939
Quoted by: >>26398117

>Amelia stream in like a hour
>have to go to work in 20 minutes
The world is hell and god wants us to suffer

>> No.26397941
File: 304 KB, 463x453, 1598904634207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even 5ch feels gen 5 is running out ot steam. Which it sucks because the gen was fine, just victim of the circunstances
>one of their members got sent to the shadow realm and denied of sex
>the so claimed by nips "hi-spec" Holo EN debuted and is murdering the competition inside and outside of the company
I still hate how the shark surpassed Nene in just 3 days

>> No.26397942

The past Dlive "shows" of someone's roommate

>> No.26397944

Don't fall for the girlfriend meme, anon
They'll eventually leave you and you'll feel even emptier than before
Ignorance is bliss

>> No.26397945

Thanks yellow man, when will I be able to give my entire salary to Amelia so she can read my name and forget I exist instantly?

>> No.26397947

her original design was trash, holy shit.

>> No.26397948

Mori is the obvious M in this relationship.

>> No.26397950
Quoted by: >>26398059

Why tf are none of them streaming rn. Last 3 hours have been perfect for EU. All of them stream while I'm either asleep or at work.

>> No.26397953
File: 46 KB, 411x312, kneel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, 500k by the end of the month. Right?

>> No.26397957
Quoted by: >>26398004

Lmao people paid for it?

>> No.26397958

Do you guys think there's a market for a spiritual-healing/self-help male vtuber that does lectures on Stoicism/Daoism/Buddhism and viewer help sessions?
Asking for a friend.

>> No.26397959


>> No.26397964

The biggest issue is our bodies are boney as all hell, very annoying to eat. Sharks wants to chomp through pounds of chewy blubber with little resistance.

>> No.26397966

>one of their members got sent to the shadow realm and denied of sex
Wasn't CEO of sex supposed to be the center of Gen 5 too?

>> No.26397972

>victim of the circumstances
it doesnt help that theyre playing the same thing over an dover

>> No.26397970
Quoted by: >>26398554

I'm really sad the stream only lasted 45 minutes, hearing mori talk about her real life while still roleplaying a cringe reaper was fun
she seems to be getting more accustomed to streaming which is also great, and I'd love to hear about her music taste on top of games
marshmallow q&a when

>> No.26397973


>> No.26397975

damn.. Coco is finished

>> No.26397976
Quoted by: >>26398110

I think the bigger issue is how you found this and why you were looking for it. Is there something you'd like to tell FBI-chan?

>> No.26397978

Have you donated to male streamers before?

>> No.26397980

yes I did already mention "shitty youtube naval history man who just reads off wikipedia articles"
idk man, long conversations about the definitions of a battlecruiser, how good the 5"/38 gun is, my personal expertise in the design of interwar and early war carriers, and whether x or y KC design makes me want to commit neck rope would lose its luster fast

>> No.26397981

are we ready for amelia?

>> No.26397982

Her manager told her to tone it down. It wasn't due to popular opinion though, because everyone else has been enabling her obsession and making art and jokes about it.

>> No.26397984
File: 378 KB, 523x526, 1582090711641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26397985


>> No.26397986

She actually has experience filling dead air, talking while gaming, and has become considerably more normal since her debut stream.

>> No.26397987
Quoted by: >>26398178

Does holostars bring in the numbers? Doesn't mean it shouldn't be tried but temper your expectations

>> No.26397989

My pathetic masochistic eldritch abomination can't possibly be this dorky and cute!

>> No.26397990

Big brain idea, get nordvpn to sponsor him.

>> No.26397991

Without a doubt

>> No.26397993

>4 out of 5 holoEN are absolute monsters making everything and everyone kneel
>the one EN that speaks your language is a failed turboweab that whored herself out to ugly old bastards in nipland, got rejected from gen 5 and now hates herself enough to be an EN streamer that spends half the stream speaking Japanese
I'm glad she's not actually German or else I'd be even more disappointed than I already am. Verdammten Schluchtis ruinieren alles was Sie anfassen.

>> No.26397995

she must be close to hitting her ceiling, surely...

>> No.26397994

I figured Watson and Ina would be popular contenders as well.

>> No.26397996

Aloe cursed them

>> No.26397997

>gawr will be 100k subs ahead of the chicken by the end of the day

>> No.26397998

>10k+ followers
>twitch partner

Your standards for "nobody" shows you haven't ever tried being an entertainer.

>> No.26397999
Quoted by: >>26398127

God, no. it was obvioulsy Polka, she even led the collab while Aloe was completely silent.

>> No.26398002

You've done it again Yagoo

>> No.26398004
Quoted by: >>26398071

Supposedly, it was "free of charge" for the coomers that donated a lot of money

>> No.26398005

>Everyone else was a successful entertainer prior to joining HoloEn
I know what Mori used to do. I've read that apparently Ina was a Picarto streamer. But what about shark and Kiara?

>> No.26398006

>sorry I didn't have coffee yet
Ina, you dork...

>> No.26398008
Quoted by: >>26398098

I don't think it's really realistic to watch someone everyday without getting emotionally attached to them. As long as you know it's just a one way thing and don't go crazy with the donations, it's fine.

>> No.26398009

I think she'll slow down near 300k

>> No.26398018

Jerma985, the only man I will gift subs to or subscribe to using money.

>> No.26398019

she is currently shadowbanned. Probably not

>> No.26398020
Quoted by: >>26398178

Kinda weird but give it a try. Just follow your passion and see where it takes you before you start thinking about markets.

>> No.26398022
Quoted by: >>26398043

literal who

>> No.26398024

>she's streaming a shit game and will have to interact with chat a lot.
Slightly worried about sharkcoin but not selling.

>> No.26398027
Quoted by: >>26398178

Sounds kinda pretentious desu

>> No.26398028
Quoted by: >>26398107

i was about to retract my statement about suisei and gura earlier because i watched sui-chan full combo freedom dive, but upon further inspection she's done so on 8stars with 88% accuracy, while gura didn't FC (7 misses) but it was on 10star with 95% accuracy.


>> No.26398030

she came from the depths to give prehistoric man "a" and set us on the path to lliteracy

and now she's come back to check on us once more

>> No.26398031
Quoted by: >>26398178

YES PLEASE, I've been meming about wanting a silicon-valley type holo for some time and I'd really like this. Bonus point if your friends talks about microdosing but that's just a personal favorite, Stoicism/Daoism/Buddhism is great.

>> No.26398032
Quoted by: >>26398382

Dont be fooled!

>> No.26398033
File: 1.34 MB, 778x1100, Y7GOkhKw6Ymqgt2_z6ywW7WqeKF8MdeeHVFceMiidUY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not watching watson while on opioids.

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.26398034
Quoted by: >>26398178

Honestly yeah, /comfy/ streams are always appreciated.

>> No.26398035

dunkey of animeshit and cosplayer

>> No.26398037
Quoted by: >>26398178

I wouldn't watch it but I'm sure if it doesn't already exist then yeah people would watch. Do you have a calm soothing voice because I feel that would be necessary

>> No.26398036
Quoted by: >>26398132

>woke up at 5pm EST
Shit girl what are you doing?

>> No.26398040

Place your bets, how much subscribers will have Shark by the end of the month (?)

>> No.26398043

The past Dlive "shows" of someone's roommate

>> No.26398044

someone needs to warn peko...

>> No.26398045

She's quickly going up in my HoloEN autism rankings.

>> No.26398047
File: 735 KB, 1600x2260, feelgooddog_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398112


>> No.26398048

Kinda scary she still isn't stopping.
I thought Botan had a crazy streak, but Gura feels like she'll top her in a week at most. Really feels like she's getting some of the subs of her roommate there.

>> No.26398052
Quoted by: >>26398155

Honestly the kind of people who think someone else can make them whole are the worst people to be with.

>> No.26398053

silly squid

>> No.26398054

Yes, I just need to draw myself a model and rig it. I have so many games I want (but have no time) to play so maybe streaming them for an hour a day will actually motivate me. And other shit too like drawing or doing reps. Or something like late night quiet Factorio streams and shit. The only thing that stops me is the fact that there are SO MANY STEAMS I want to watch I have no time to stream myself.

>> No.26398055

Is she? Her scheduled stream shows up if you look it up

>> No.26398058

It was only that stream probably due to the music.
She isn't fully shadowbanned.

>> No.26398059

It's Hololive Euros Not allowed

>> No.26398061
Quoted by: >>26398093

I'm so fucking nervous right now bros...

>> No.26398064

I can't go back to JP and nijisanji anymore... The zatsudan streams were too hard. I can't keep up with my reps.
Why did you do this do me, HoloEN....

>> No.26398065

I expect her to be above all of 5th gen in 3 days or so. Poor Polka will be the 2nd victim tonight.

>> No.26398066
Quoted by: >>26398178

If you have a soothing voice, then yes, especially if you do guided meditation and such.

>> No.26398067
File: 124 KB, 1197x1140, 1600137144890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some games with hot, dominant and mean women Ina can play? asking for a friend

>> No.26398068

I only use MDMA with close friends or LSD when I want to start another Kamen Rider on the comedown

>> No.26398069

560k, I'll bet all my sharkcoin on it

>> No.26398071
Quoted by: >>26398150

Why would you pay to get off to 3d model when danbooru exists?

>> No.26398074

It's 5pm and I still haven't even gotten out of bed yet...

>> No.26398076

Aight you're good, thought you were just rationalizing simping for a second there, my bad

>> No.26398077
File: 200 KB, 1600x1150, lCm0Bcg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398109

>Mainstream twitch streamers jumping on the vtuber bandwagon.
>pokimane with an horrendous virtual avatar
>25% of their fanbase don't enjoy the anime/manga style and leave
>they quickly jump out of the bandwagon

>> No.26398078
Quoted by: >>26398178

I wouldn't watch it but who knows

>> No.26398080

A few times. Most recently was the Oney streams where he's pushing through FFVIIR. He's provided me some legitimately good laughs over the years, it was worth at least a modest amount of superchat.

>> No.26398081

>tfw both JP and EN oshi are dorks
dorkchads where you at

>> No.26398089
Quoted by: >>26398127

No. Polka was supposed to be the ringleader

>> No.26398088

We were lucky that Mori browses these threads and told kusobird to get a real personality peko

>> No.26398090
File: 138 KB, 1277x772, 1600038652348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw will probably miss the comfy Watson stream
Fucking end me, Goslingbros.

>> No.26398091

I was gonna say Nier Gestalt but she's already played the entire series
Might even be where she developed the fetish

>> No.26398092

should I take a shower and brush my teeth before watson stream?

>> No.26398093

Hi Watson

>> No.26398097

I showered and everything.

>> No.26398098
Quoted by: >>26398113

>getting obsessed with the actresses who voice anime girls
>not the characters themselves
Don't do this bros

>> No.26398099

Gen 2 will be all Euro. Just you watch.

>> No.26398101

Kiara bros...

>> No.26398104

I'd like that too, anon, but US is a better market and it will benefit girls more. Most JP ones already stream during our afternoons/evenings, so we're pretty lucky anyway.

>> No.26398105

Her subs gain is going to stabilize next week maybe so I bet it will be 400k

>> No.26398106

fucking love these edits

>> No.26398107

oh and gura FCd freedom dive on 8star 1st try with 98% accuracy.

if you think suisei comes close, you'll be embarrassing yourself at this point.

>> No.26398108
Quoted by: >>26398241

Yeah at first I thought that both Botan and Shark were overrated, but then Gura actually did well and it felt like she earned her subs. Botan still is pretty fucking boring and the definition of carried by design.

>> No.26398109

Go back to whatever board you came from.

>> No.26398110

I was trying to fill an anon's request but since she purged her old tweets I was doing searches using her real name. And that led to an old account, which someone needs to tell her to shut down.

>> No.26398112


>> No.26398113


>> No.26398114

With the introduction of Gawr, do you think shark teeth stocks are gonna go up?

>> No.26398116
Quoted by: >>26398367

drakengard 3

>> No.26398117

she's only going for an hour anyway since ina is right after, should be pretty easy to catch the archive when you get home

>> No.26398118
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1080, 1600204642139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is no one talking about how Gura just sightread 11 Star Punai Punai?

>> No.26398121


>> No.26398124
File: 1.74 MB, 1366x768, 1600180022837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So we've got this Lovecraftian tentacle monster which threatens to end all humanity whilst driving them to the brink of madness, what personality do we give her?
>Nerdy submissive artist girl
Gap moe is real and it is dangerous.

>> No.26398127
Quoted by: >>26398156

Lmao and Botan took reins because of CoD and clowning being a filter.

>> No.26398129

Yes, anon, do it for her.

>> No.26398132

She's a hikki artist who makes her own hours. I'd be shocked if she had a normal sleep schedule.

>> No.26398133

JP disbanded when

>> No.26398134

I bet Ina would spill her spaghetti over Velvet from Tales of Berseria, but I don't think long jrpg's are good for streaming.

>> No.26398136

Well I don't care how it used to be
I care about the "now"
And right now, she's the best in my eyes
Your mentality is so stupid

>> No.26398138
File: 133 KB, 1074x1076, 1558777417650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398181

It's almost as if the video by the raging thot actually gave her a boost.

>> No.26398140

Yes, don't you take a shower and brush your teeth before a date?

>> No.26398141
Quoted by: >>26398407

Can you fags stop talking about male vtubers? Particularly you losers who want to be one. Christ.

>> No.26398144

I can't talk, I'm busy digging a hole to kneel in

>> No.26398145

That stream was so fucking fun

>> No.26398146

no offence dude but you're kind of a stalker at this point

>> No.26398147

You dont want to be smelly for your date anon

>> No.26398148

trust me we definitely talked about it last night

>> No.26398150
Quoted by: >>26398379

You do not get to interact in real time with a mildly ugly girl behind a virtual avatar in danbooru

>> No.26398151

You're late

>> No.26398152
Quoted by: >>26398297

Thanks for the reminder, but there's already almost nothing. At worst a picture of my cat

>> No.26398153
File: 310 KB, 592x660, 1600026554578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to bed and will miss two of Amelia's streams.

Hell, at least I still have my imagination.


>> No.26398154

She has a cute design, she's probably gettting both EOP and JOP subs, and she's getting memed. It's pretty much what fuels Korone's crazy growth, too.

>> No.26398155

It's a hard mindset to break unfortunately since it mostly stems from low self worth and loneliness.

>> No.26398156

Truly Botan is the king of the jungle

>> No.26398159
File: 56 KB, 365x365, gosling 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showered, combed my hair, and put on a new set of clothes. I'm ready.

>> No.26398161
File: 370 KB, 538x567, Goslinginbedw:Amelia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-Amelia no please
Dont say that Amelia...

>> No.26398162
Quoted by: >>26398210

I don't know anything about Muse Dash

>> No.26398165

gosling in 40 minutes

>> No.26398166

Your idea of "everyone else" doesn't include the thousands of people that never subbed to her for some reason.

>> No.26398172
File: 113 KB, 300x400, commnet_chara08_rv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huke is bad at designing fantasy characters. TM has tried for five fucking years to push Altera to be a big thing, but she's never been popular, because her design is fucking awful. Chicken's sword and shield give of the same vibes as Altera's awful popsicle sword. It looks bad. I realize that she's supposed to be part of Hololive Myth, but if Huke had gone for more something more subdued like his Steins;Gate designs then I think she would be much more popular.

>> No.26398178

Thank you for the responses anons, I really appreciate the feedback.

>> No.26398181

The 3 hour period was from 1pm EST to 4pm EST.
Dunno if that person's video was playing during that.

>> No.26398182

Hands down one of the funnest stream I've watched

>> No.26398186
File: 76 KB, 1208x1117, 1586140603138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pokimane becoming a vtuber
>tw*tter getting into it
it's truly over, isn't it ?

>> No.26398189
File: 15 KB, 240x383, 1591919890552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elementary, my dear
It's almost time.

>> No.26398190
File: 42 KB, 532x251, hol goslo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obey the coupon you gosling spamming sad sacks

>> No.26398191
File: 68 KB, 320x320, 1467438133157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope no one from here becomes a Hololive vtuber.

>> No.26398193
Quoted by: >>26398587

think they have a trend of making the last one to debut be the designated leader, gura was originally supposed to go last for this gen until they futzed with the schedule and put amelia last, polka went last for gen 5, etc.

>> No.26398195
File: 82 KB, 312x255, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving the day

>> No.26398197

It's really unfortunate, I adore everything about Nene and wish I could support her more, but it's so much easier to be invested on HoloEN

>> No.26398199
Quoted by: >>26398267

I'm still worried for her in collab situations. I barely noticed she was in that first 5 man collab, and her twitter interactions are always super dorky or outright autistic.

>> No.26398200
File: 150 KB, 882x960, 1544973740076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398202


>> No.26398203

Do you think she took a shower?

>> No.26398205

This is yabai

>> No.26398204

Yes, its over, please forever and never subject us to your presence again

>> No.26398207

>spent 2 hours cooking food
>no-one to share it with

a-at least watson is streaming soon..

>> No.26398206
Quoted by: >>26398232

Several already have

>> No.26398210

You smash your keyboard until you're drenched in sweat and your hands are numb.

>> No.26398211

we've already gone over this. Fuck off.

>> No.26398209

Is she fucking the Tin Man?

>> No.26398212

If it makes crossboarding retards like you keep coming here then yeah it's pretty bad.

>> No.26398214

Was gonna check it out but I also hate that fucking game so much that I couldn't even force myself through it.

>> No.26398217

Rhythm streams are always maximum comfy. Plenty of good clone hero streamers out there, was hoping one of the vtubers would take on that game as well.

>> No.26398218

peko status: rrat

>> No.26398223

>he doesn't know

>> No.26398228

>Named Niggerman
>Isn't even black
What was Lovecraft's dad thinking?

>> No.26398229

That's not Hololive related. Take it to /vyt/

>> No.26398230
File: 449 KB, 800x800, 1600078527502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't mean that...

>> No.26398232
Quoted by: >>26398254

Hi Pekora!

>> No.26398233

Some place that sells not just one but TWO kitkats.

>> No.26398234

shark was a meme shitposter with almost a million subscribers on youtube
kiara is a failed idol

>> No.26398236
Quoted by: >>26398257

Just reading or hearing the word Punai triggers the whole song running in my head because of how many times Luna played it.

>> No.26398237

I hope they do :)

>> No.26398238

Should've said that before the EN auditions took place.

>> No.26398239

Jokes on her, I'm into that.

>> No.26398241

Botan is fun, though, you're a massive faggot.

>> No.26398242
File: 64 KB, 600x337, von Karma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina's going to masturbate on-stream if she plays the Ace Attorney triology

>> No.26398243
Quoted by: >>26398340

Someone need to post the vods for the goslingbros mental sanity

>> No.26398244

Yeah yeah nobody cares

>> No.26398245
Quoted by: >>26398566


>> No.26398247
File: 7 KB, 200x114, ey9E3te.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398249

Could be the overwhelming amount of subtle cute things she does, knowingly or not mixed with the stuff she does intentionally. Her voice really compliments how she acts as well

>> No.26398251

The cat had the heart of a negro.

>> No.26398254
Quoted by: >>26398307

Go to bed Kiara, you have a stream in 7 hours

>> No.26398257

Based Lunaito

>> No.26398259

I mean if they were to be Holostars, I doubt anyone would watch first, but I'd hope they'd be smart enough to only do the vaguest of references once in a blue moon and not be stupid enough to land both themselves and Cover in hot water.

>> No.26398261

I still don't know if Altera's hair is short or long because the veil just sort of fuses with it.

>> No.26398263

I genuinely don't understand why Altera is even supposed to be relevant. All she does is do the silly dance and scream about civilization. Gudako, and lumberjack girl will always be the top.

Personally the thing that drives me away from Kiara the most is just her nonsensical design. Her hair is this disgusting off-salmon color, and she has a sword and a shield... Why? I thought for sure she was a Monhun girl based on the design of the outfit and weapons, but then she's not? What the fuck are those supposed to be there for.

>> No.26398266

Still waiting for Chicken to fill in the EU void. Any day now. Surely.

>> No.26398267

I think she'll get better at it once she gets more comfortable, her last streams showed she can be quite fun. She just needs to be with someone who can make her talk, like Kiara or Amelia.

>> No.26398270

I still can't believe how fun yesterday's streams were. Do you guys think we are going to repeat the experience today?

>> No.26398273

>2 hours cooking food

>> No.26398283

>I doubt anyone would watch first, but I'd hope they'd be smart enough to only do the vaguest of references
I'd keep that shit on the down-low
>Just whisper NIGGERMAN every 5 minutes or so and pretend it was the wind

>> No.26398287

It's short.

>> No.26398289 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 1200x675, 1600205077869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398295

I like Mori and she browses here

>> No.26398296
Quoted by: >>26398362

>Personally the thing that drives me away from Kiara the most is just her nonsensical design. Her hair is this disgusting off-salmon color, and she has a sword and a shield... Why? I thought for sure she was a Monhun girl based on the design of the outfit and weapons, but then she's not? What the fuck are those supposed to be there for.
She could have been sentai girl but seem to not even know what that is. What a letdown

>> No.26398297

Like I said, I did it because an anon asked. I don't actually care.
I don't think there are any cats on the account, just a bunch of artsy photos mixed in with some art and real life pics.

>> No.26398298

Her design and her Pekora obsession certainly are divisive, but honestly I think it all comes down to TIME ZONES. Ina, Ame and Gura stream at US prime time hours AND HoloJP dead hours, and so they get much more views, while Mori and Kiara are stuck competing during HoloJP prime time, which limits their audience even among Eurofags.

>> No.26398305

The Chicken misschedule gave me some hope but alas it was just her bird brain.

>> No.26398307
File: 501 KB, 698x541, 1599918986523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398311

He was a racist, he just really wanted to call something Nigger. HP was NP before Mama Lovecraft said no.

>> No.26398313

You know, at this point I'm just tired of innuendo posting. I don't even care anymore. The rule should be proof or get banned, not get banned for proof. Fuck muh white knighting. Fuck the mods. This is 4chan, and and banning talk about anime voice actresses is the most hyper-autistic thing I've ever seen. It just makes these threads more obnoxious when everyone has to talk in riddles. I fucking wish this was discord or Twitter, because even they're not this ass blasted by freeze peach.

>> No.26398315

As someone that's one degree of separation from her roommate I can guarantee you 100% that she already has

>> No.26398320

>Play a detective game
>"I wonder if there's a trapdoor somewhere in this house?"
It's easy

>> No.26398325

Fine, don't invest early.
But when the market crashes and I'm the last one standing I hope you've put something away.

>> No.26398330

Doctors don't prescribe those around here Appalachia anymore, we just get 800mg Motrins since people kept killing themselves with oxy and later fentanyl. Street price for opiods went way up.

>> No.26398338

>EU void
You brought this upon yourself, building your drifting favellas between the US and Japan

>> No.26398340

It is certain that some anon's do have it, alongside with the /x/ occult type content, but those anon's also happen to be moral fags, we are blue-balled until they change their opinion.

>> No.26398342

Shit VN, 07 is a hack.

>> No.26398343

Reminder she has only streamed during the opposite of prime time hours in the US.

>> No.26398348
Quoted by: >>26398509

>spent 2 hours cooking food

>> No.26398353

I look forward to Jerma's utawakus.

>> No.26398355

I can't believe my bird brain started the stream talking about bird sex.

>> No.26398354

If they do I hope they would find a way to say it here and funnel people. I don't know how else I'm supposed to watch them

>> No.26398359

Soup store

>> No.26398360

Thank you, Argentinian

>> No.26398362
Quoted by: >>26398410

>Give the girl who doesn't know much about sentai or mecha a sentai outfit
It was doomed from the start

>> No.26398364

>the so claimed by nips
anyone with half a braincell, not just nips, can see that these girls are probably the most talented bunch that has ever LARPed as anime girls for a living. can't really blame anyone for getting bored of nip women screaming in your ear and making random noises while playing the same 3 games ad infinitum.

>> No.26398365

Sorry, I only chug neuroleptics

>> No.26398367

Which intoner do you think would be her favorite?

>> No.26398373
Quoted by: >>26398397

Never had a good meal? I'm so sorry...

>> No.26398375

I would be shocked if Ina hasn't read Umineko. Seems like exactly the sort of visual novel she would read if she's a Nasuverse type of person.

>> No.26398379
Quoted by: >>26398443

Is it really so stimulating to see 3d model do something you ordered/said it to do? Wouldn't koikatsu or whatever is popular now do it better?
Eh, probably so, people get off to scat so probably.
Whatever cheap act someone in some vrchat meme could achieve, a simply good doujin from panda would do better and achieve better stimulation.

>> No.26398381
Quoted by: >>26398428

Altera was supposed to be relevant because she's tied to the Velber and Ares. But regular Heroic Spirit Altera is just bland. "All I did was destroy stuff so guess I'll keep doing that" wow what depth

>> No.26398382
File: 30 KB, 921x461, GoslingCoupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you Anonchama
My faith in Amelia is restored

Have a coupon

>> No.26398388
Quoted by: >>26398459

Yeah, Kiara and her basically stream during the most competitive holo hours, not really fair to compare amelia/ina/gura numbers and theirs.

>> No.26398389
Quoted by: >>26398426

Do your doxxing reps, anon-kun...

>> No.26398390
Quoted by: >>26398509

What did you cook anon?

>> No.26398394
File: 356 KB, 1028x946, Neighbor_Altera_Extella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I still don't know if Altera's hair is short or long because the veil just sort of fuses with it.
It's short

>I genuinely don't understand why Altera is even supposed to be relevant.
She's supposed to be relevant because she was the new heroine for Fate/Extella. Releasing her in FGO first because Extella wasn't done yet was jut a poor attempt at cross-promotion.

>> No.26398395
Quoted by: >>26398459

Her stream times have been in a comfortable morning window for ESTbros.

>> No.26398396

>continuation of the Ame superliminal
>comfy drawing stream with Ina
>more fun shark autism
>Ame marshmallow to wrap it up
Feels like Christmas for the past few days.

>> No.26398397
Quoted by: >>26398433

Anon, it doesn't take 2 hours to make a good meal, chopping veggies or not

>> No.26398398

Funny thing is you can be 100% sure if we get Holostars they will be lurking and even shitposting here.

>> No.26398399

I would need a not shit mic and an actual camera but I could go in depth with a few games and do karaoke streams, but literally everything I do would be subject to permissions shit (monhun dark souls singing) so I would never be holostarsEN

>> No.26398401

streams interlinked

>> No.26398404

Shark is going to be hard to judge.
Maneater is shit and she didn't like playing it so the stream was a wreck.
She had genuine interest in Muse Dash so the stream was great.
TAB is kinda shit too but requires zero mechanical skill so maybe she won't be as frustrated at it. I'd assume she picked it herself so maybe it'll be okay.

>> No.26398405
File: 31 KB, 128x128, 1597192124556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you YAGOO for actually good EN girls who also stream during good times for us early rising amerifats

>> No.26398407

I wanna see Demo as a homostar
Then I wanna post the clip of him vomiting on stream to introduce the japs to his roommate

>> No.26398410
Quoted by: >>26398472

I don't understand why they did it. The "I can transform into a phoenix but won't do it teehee" was really weak. Also no Kamen Rider or other thing in likes

>> No.26398417

why doesnt shark consider muse dash a rhythm game?

>> No.26398420

what about my karaoke stream

>> No.26398426

Back in the day coming to 4chan was the doxxing rep, not this "hurr durr just do your reps bruh" bullshit as if I'm supposed to know where to find every single disparate piece of information. 4chan was supposed to bring freedom to information, not leave it shrouded in darkness!

>> No.26398428

She has a satisfying arc in her Extella route, but as far as FGO and Extella Link yeah she has been a noncharacter. It's sort of like how they keep pushing Nero, she had her arc in Extra, there's not really any more mileage to get out of them after that. They haven't bothered bringing in vanilla Artoria as a main story element because they are least realize that with her.

>> No.26398432

I have high hopes for (You)
please have based song choices

>> No.26398433
Quoted by: >>26398499

Making something complicated can definitely take a couple hours, especially if you've got components that need to be cooked individually.

>> No.26398435

Just find the right sites bro. Use the archive

>> No.26398436
Quoted by: >>26399934

I season my dinner with the tears of nijifags as I turn on Amelia's stream.

>> No.26398439

HoloEn boys stay eating

>> No.26398441


>> No.26398443

Lonelines, coom brain and a credit card go a long way

>> No.26398446
File: 485 KB, 1001x1055, bed ina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26398447

As fun as it would be, I'm too worried that one of my students would stumble upon my steam, that's why I deleted the twitch I used to stream ttrpgs with my friends on.

>> No.26398451
File: 17 KB, 530x297, remora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398456
File: 48 KB, 1311x422, 1581741770100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398458

Because it's too simple compared to other rhythm games. There are others like DJMAX, beatmania, sound voltex, etc that are much more challenging. At least that's my shitty opinoin

>> No.26398459

I wouldn't be surprised at a consistent 40k when she starts streaming at good times.
Unless it's during the week and people are at work or preparing for work at that time.

>> No.26398463
Quoted by: >>26398545

Come to think about it, she probably can make a bed out of those tentacles and sleep anywhere right?
that's pretty comfortable

>> No.26398464
File: 34 KB, 381x364, 1554966683884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roboco karaoke stream
>someone makes one of those generic "it'll make [group] happy if you read [thing]" comments
>not that I know much Spanish, but I'm pretty sure the comment says something about the destruction of Israel
>she reads part of it out loud

>> No.26398465

She said Geometry Dash wasn't a rhythm game. She played Muse Dash yesterday as a rhythm game.

>> No.26398468
Quoted by: >>26398493

who the fuck is moot

>> No.26398470

You talk like a redditor. You need to go back.

>> No.26398471

Fuck you, I laughed.
Then I cried a little
Goddamn, that's one comfy looking cat.

>> No.26398472
Quoted by: >>26398514

The thing that's even worse if her so called "sentai" uniform is barely that. If you're going to give someone a sentai design, at least give her an alt costume that's her fully geared
If she had a transformation like Garo then I'd forgive her, but even then, she doesn't know anything about /m/ stuff so the whole thing is kind of redundant
Then you have the theme of the whole Gen being mythology and you have this random sentai protagonist out of nowhere that matches with absolutely nothing and she just stands out even more

>> No.26398474

nice cat

>> No.26398476
Quoted by: >>26398563

The day these get dropped is gonna be fucking insane That or they'll get sold off in some weird fucking underground Amelia cult, I'm convinced this is what's gonna happen and it'll never see the light of day

>> No.26398477
Quoted by: >>26398543

The EN girls are way too high spec. It's unfair. Starting to feel sorry for JP.

>> No.26398478
File: 1.58 MB, 1633x1894, 84376134_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before debut:
Mori > Gura > Ina > Amelia > Kiara
After debut:
Mori > Gura > Amelia > Ina > Kiara
After first streams:
Gura > Mori > Ina > Kiara > Amelia
Ina > Watson = Mori = Gura >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kiara

>> No.26398480

Based John Wayne Vercingetorix poster

>> No.26398482
Quoted by: >>26398553

It's not fun to be asked the same thing every day for months, so lurk and you'll figure it out eventually

>> No.26398483

When Coco was exploding Sora reached out and asked for them to do a song together. Coco turned it down cause she can't sing. But Shark can sing.

>> No.26398488

oldfag here, fuck off.

people asking to be spoonfed have always been told to kill themselves

>> No.26398489

Go back to the farms.

>> No.26398492

>Back in the day coming to 4chan was the doxxing rep
Not your personal army, faggot.

>> No.26398493

must be a huge fag

>> No.26398494

Ah yes, I was also part of the famous hacker known as 4chan

>> No.26398496

I've daydreamed about it (Or streaming in general) since the pandemic left me in a rut for finding work. Problem is I'm neither talkative with strangers nor do I have interest in networking so I realize it would just be me learning to broadcast as a hobby

>> No.26398497

I am hired for Holostars EN premiering in November. Look forward to my debut

>> No.26398498
File: 20 KB, 358x358, comfyp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 minutes to Amelia's stream
>started pouring outside

I'm gonna get me a cup of hot chocolate. Let's get maximum comfy.

>> No.26398499

True true. I usually don't make overly complicated stuff in the middle of the week because it takes so long
What'd you make, man? It sounds like you put a lot of TLC into it

>> No.26398500
File: 88 KB, 771x366, GoslingEyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398561

>When you realize you'll never be able to feel Ina's flat chest close to your arm as you cuddle while all her tentacles slowly surround and cuddle your body after a long night of her milking you of your semen as humanly possible

>> No.26398503

>Bawww, 4chan is no longer spoonfeeding me, baaawwww

>> No.26398505
File: 197 KB, 1134x632, 1579530865761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398506

Never said it was a right. Just expected the site to be less censorious than a literal commie payop like plebbit. I was wrong. I understand that now.

>> No.26398507

Would the Zero Escape games be good to stream? Maybe ZTD since it's the newest one?

>> No.26398509


I made salmon wellington. I made my own puff pastry and had to cut up a whole salmon which is why it took so long. Would have been nice to share with someone after putting a lot of effort in :)

>> No.26398512

It's not hard to google shit. That being said, stop looking for doxx. What are you paparazzi?

>> No.26398513

>calls her amelia first
>then calls her watson
some consistency, please

>> No.26398514
Quoted by: >>26398604

Yeah that's pretty much why I don't like it. Also the whole "sentai uniform but doesn't even like it" leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I hate things like that

>> No.26398515

>tfw listening to some of the music from Shark's stream last night
Holy shit I've been out of the jpop loop for so fucking long it's like I'm 14 again.

>> No.26398516

>HoloEN is actually good
>JOPs love it
>/hlg/ and 5ch communicate each other through google translation and screenshots
>HoloENs want to lean Japanese and the HoloJPs want to learn English so they can collab
This has been the most crazy last couple of days. I had no idea it would turn out like it.

>> No.26398517

you can do that on b or pol. no one is stopping you

>> No.26398519

I-IS THAT................ NO..........IT CAN'T BE.....!!!

>> No.26398522

Kusotori need not apply. Go beg Yagoo to let you fill in for Gen 5. Cutting EN down to 4 players will make multiplayer game easier to collab.

>> No.26398521

What's your gimmick son and can I gosling for you

>> No.26398524

Holy based if true

>> No.26398526

I look forward to working with you.

>> No.26398528

>Just expected the site to be less censorious than a literal commie payop like plebbit
Yes, now its time to go back

>> No.26398529
Quoted by: >>26398568

How was yagoo's casting couch?

>> No.26398530
Quoted by: >>26398704

doxfags please kill you'reselves

>> No.26398532

You speak like someone who has only read about how "the 4chan from long ago" was but never actually visited the site in those days.

>> No.26398533
File: 102 KB, 422x442, shorkc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398535

Never doubt YAGOO ever again.

>> No.26398536

Look quick question, are gonna stream 4x of HoMM3 you faggot?

>> No.26398538

someone clean this up please

>> No.26398539
Quoted by: >>26398578

>and had to cut up a whole salmon
Jesus, man. Why not just go to your local fishing port? They'll cut it up for you

>> No.26398541

She won't allow me to call her by her first name now that she's my mistress

>> No.26398543
Quoted by: >>26398592

I was sold when Watson wanted to be gamedev, she'll probably rope everyone else in

>> No.26398544

Are we in the golden age of Hololive?

>> No.26398545
File: 55 KB, 680x567, EhhhobeXgAE9R05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398546


>> No.26398549

Stop bullying kusotori. She isn't that bad, goddamn it

>> No.26398553
Quoted by: >>26398586

That's why I said we need a goddamn directory. It's what generals do to consolidate information that gets asked for often.

>> No.26398554

I started that Mori stream up and I'm about a quarter of the way through it, you're right, she really hit her stride with this one. She's great now that she's gotten more comfortable.

>> No.26398555
Quoted by: >>26398646

Pretty impressive anon. I hope someday you'll be able to share your food with someone

>> No.26398556
Quoted by: >>26398646

post picture, share it with us!

>> No.26398558
Quoted by: >>26398591

>Is *Puzzle Game* good to stream
Answer is always no, chat always gets antsy if the streamer takes more than 5 seconds to solve the puzzle. Amelias was a super light puzzle game at least

>> No.26398559

>Bird can't sing
>can't play games
>can't talk to save her life
What will her comfort zone stream content be, then?

>> No.26398561
File: 366 KB, 528x528, 1600127935837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every inch of your body being taken care of

>> No.26398563

Certainly, the fact that a Vtuber past is riddled with occultist and satanic activities is truly some delicious drama

>> No.26398564
Quoted by: >>26398633

I've only drank alcohol
And haven't even been drunk for some reason
neet btw, so I can't afford shit

>> No.26398565
Quoted by: >>26398646

Sounds pretty good, anon. I'd eat it.

The only people whining have been niji falseflaggers. Honestly, if Coco had any hand in this (and she 100% did), she deserves shares

>> No.26398566

why are ameliafags like this?

>> No.26398567

Do you think Ina's tentacles are erogenous zones
I want to tease them relentlessly

>> No.26398568
File: 12 KB, 260x391, 260px-Yagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me anon
She couldn't handle my massive Superchats, now go back to kneeling.

>> No.26398569
Quoted by: >>26398597

This board really is going to shit fast, fucking frogposters don't even get called out anymore

>> No.26398572

She streams at 7AM EDT. It's a wonder she gets views at all.

>> No.26398573
File: 45 KB, 404x548, watsonautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398631

Are you autistic, retard? It bothers me too

>> No.26398578
Quoted by: >>26398658

I'm landlocked and bought it whole because it was cheap so I had to fillet it myself

>> No.26398579
Quoted by: >>26398623

The chicken is getting better, but fuck me is she a weak link

>> No.26398582


Someone needs to make a female gosling to better match ina's tastes.

>> No.26398583
Quoted by: >>26398662

What the fuck are these HoloEN timezones man..
>It's not good for JP
>It's not good for EU
>It's barely good for NA


>> No.26398585

With the sacrifice of Miko and Aloe I expected at least this much

>> No.26398586

I want tourists to leave

>> No.26398587

>gura was originally supposed to go last for this gen until they futzed with the schedule and put amelia last
I don't believe this, amelia was last in all the pvs and center in all the promo pics. Plus the investigator theme ties the gen together, the shark doesn't. Most importantly Gura doesn't have a leading bone in her body, she couldn't do it

>> No.26398589

Bros, was the CoC stream worth watching?

>> No.26398590

VP or Chairman of Sex?

>> No.26398591
Quoted by: >>26398650

Good thing she didn't look at the chat except from when she thought "okay I want to move on"

>> No.26398592

If she ever becomes a gamedev, I just hope she sticks to simple projects with good replay value or have more going on than what meets the eye.

>> No.26398597

I really don't care about frogposters unless they post something stupid

>> No.26398599
File: 684 KB, 708x1000, Eh-b7WiUMAArkGb.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your favorite design of all of the HoloEN?

>> No.26398600

She's great at banter

>> No.26398604
Quoted by: >>26398669

Exactly. I hate it too. If you're going to give a character a sentai background, you have to go all in. You can't just half ass it and give her a foam sword and shield and say "Yeah, that's her sentai outfit"
The whole thing just feels incredibly half-assed. The colors are absolutely horrid, the "sentai" outfit is cheap and lazy, and her overall design just clashed hard with the theme of the Gen

>> No.26398606
File: 414 KB, 1823x2370, 1587224919631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura sits on my lap while she streams
That's all

>> No.26398607

Peak comfy. Image spooning her body and her spooning yours with her tentacles

>> No.26398610

You just posted her

>> No.26398611

Think Ina will ever play Splatoon?

>> No.26398612


>> No.26398619

She likes JRPGs, which is boring for most people, but I could get down with a several hour long JRPG stream while I'm stuck at home.

>> No.26398620

uhh bros wtf

>> No.26398621
Quoted by: >>26398656

Yes. Ina isn't afraid to mock the game when it's being shit or buggy, and her deadpan /u/ thirsting was great.

>> No.26398622

thanks for the blog

>> No.26398623
Quoted by: >>26398718

foreigners get filtered by people who speak two languages in a single stream
same thing with the JOPs

have you SEEN her in their first collab, and in her collab with reaper? She was clearly super comfortable, contrast that with the other members

>> No.26398624

Yes, Ina has a soothing angel's voice and a lowkey cheeky personality. She's great.

>> No.26398626

>the credit card and gift cards
nice detail
gacha stream when?

>> No.26398627

When Miko comes back we will be in the best timeline.

>> No.26398628

Unironically we might be in the golden age of civilization.

>> No.26398631
File: 271 KB, 359x503, 1600041247400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not autistic but 100% bona fide retard

>> No.26398632
File: 179 KB, 800x1000, heeeey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398633

>neet btw, so I can't afford shit
Some drugs are really cheap, cheaper than alcohol. If you never got drunk that may be because you never drank too much, which is good

>> No.26398634
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 81fK1LDqOoL._SS500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that this all started with lynn minmay

>> No.26398636
File: 174 KB, 800x450, COMPLEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First 2 are visual novels which won't keep Zoomers attention but they're good, 3rd one is not a VN but it's pretty bad and you wouldn't get it without playing the first 2.

>> No.26398638
Quoted by: >>26398731


>> No.26398640

Ina, though I think most designs are pretty good. I wish the rest were more adventurous but I like Amelia's and Gura's relatively simple schemes. I wish Mori looked a bit more like herself because the Boing Boing Rushia thing really sticks. Chicken looks so-so, though I think I'm biased because her stream was sorta ruined by the half hour of Pekora simping

>> No.26398643
File: 155 KB, 261x339, 1599954492708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is hololive better than niji? Quality instead of quantity?

>> No.26398644

Honestly, how does Gura playing TABS different from HoloJP playing that meme screaming jumping game, or Super Jump Pals, or Getting Over It, and other indie kusoges?
Let her play any damn kusoge she wants, she's obviously saving her guns when she gets monetized.

>> No.26398645
File: 485 KB, 496x520, 1600049317028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say Ina, but I'm a sucker for the detective look.

>> No.26398646

Thank you :)

Anything I didn't eat is now packed away into the freezer. Next time I will though, promise!

>> No.26398647

You posted it. That might be my favorite design out of all holos in general.

>> No.26398648
File: 34 KB, 580x548, 1366537154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21 minutes

>> No.26398650

She looked several times.
Every time she said 'why did you lie to me' broke my heart, and I wasn't even in the chat.

>> No.26398651

ban touhufags

>> No.26398655

humu humu

>> No.26398656

>Cat! Hi....

>> No.26398657

Fucking AZKi wants to sing with her as well.

>> No.26398658

Damn dude. I can't remember the last time I had to fillet a whole Salmon and I swear I goof'd when I did
On the bright side, at least you have a lot of salmon leftover

>> No.26398659

She said cunny, so she's pretty based.

>> No.26398660

quite based actually

>> No.26398661

Ina > Mori >>> Shark >>>>>>>> Chicken
kinda feel bad for shitting on chicken even more but her outfit is just not good

>> No.26398662

>good for JP
Mori, Bird
>good for EN
The rest.
Amelia's about to go live in the perfect after work block, which leads directly into Ina drawing, which leads directly into shark, which leads back to Amelia at 10pm.

If you're a NEET, then Mori is perfect for EST mornings, too.

>> No.26398663

good taste

>> No.26398666

The idol craves

>> No.26398669
Quoted by: >>26398727

You just posted her

I like the orange/blue theme, I think the problem is more with the clothes and the model being really bad quality. Still, I feel kinda betrayed. It's like when everyone started wearing glasses something like 10 years ago and they were suddenly cool, while I was bullied for wearing some 5 years earlier. I don't like that

>> No.26398673

Not your personal detective agency

>> No.26398674

suisei wants the big futa cock

>> No.26398675
File: 217 KB, 326x364, sad2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>group sex

>> No.26398676
Quoted by: >>26398817

Shark. I'm a lolicon

>> No.26398677
Quoted by: >>26398702

If Ina actually manages to get some kind of traditional role playing game going, I could see KFP becoming MVP.

>> No.26398679

>except from when she thought "okay I want to move on"
are your eyes okay Anonchama?

>> No.26398681
Quoted by: >>26398801


they stuck her at the end of this list even though everyone else on it is in correct debut order and amelia said some things about being confused about the debut day that made it sound like they shuffled the schedule around behind the scenes

it's pretty clear that cover probably had their bets hedged on gura being the most popular holoEN based purely on her roommates sub count, even if amelia makes more sense as the protagonist thematically

>> No.26398683

She seems to be the collab type
Unfortunately she can only collab in her gen for now

>> No.26398684
Quoted by: >>26398726

Amelia said herself that she forgot she was debuting that day and was rushing to get things together. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if they moved her schedule around to give her some extra time.

>> No.26398687
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1600082870449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good one

>> No.26398688

sounds kinda wonky since your a dude but give a try if you have the time
whats there to lose i gues

>> No.26398689

who is this chuuba?

>> No.26398690

When Ina COOOMS, does she spray ink everywhere?

>> No.26398691

I never liked when franchises throws you dozens of characters at once just to see what sticks. There's a reason why I couldn't like Nijisanji or Imas Cinderella Girls: swimming in a sea of trash just to find 2 pieces of diamond

>> No.26398692

This but unironically god damn these threads became garbage after the sticky

>> No.26398693

>dropped GBF after playing for several years
>realize Ina's Grub streams are inevitable
>probably gonna have some viewer participation HL raids
>realize I need to bring my grids up to speed right fucking now if I want to be ready by then
Please no. I don't want to go back.

>> No.26398695

bring a condom too, who knows what'll happen tonight.

>> No.26398696
Quoted by: >>26398760

I dont understand why people are always obnoxious about telling the streamer to rest as if shes a child

>> No.26398700

Well, a lot of JP Holos fulfill that criteria as well and they have their fans. Plus, english potential consumers is a much much larger range than japanese.

What worries me more is that Kiara doesn't seem to be pandering for EN fans, and she's doing a half-assed job with JP, so I think that's the main cause of her reclining.

>> No.26398702

Mori's cringey chuuni roleplaying would shine so much in a TRPG.

>> No.26398704
File: 356 KB, 2000x2000, 1600141158663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398759

Doxxing gets a visit from YAGOO. Do you want YAGOO to visit, anon?

>> No.26398705

White and Black ink EVERYWHERE

>> No.26398706

>Not going to have enough time to finish Moris earlier stream before Inu drawing stream
Slow down girls

>> No.26398707
Quoted by: >>26398736

For me that's a big part. I see Nijisanji and there's so many fucking people to watch that I just get overwhelmed and not really watch any of them. The only reason I tune into Roberu is because of that winning son clip that has been passed around for months. Five per generation seems like the sweet spot, honestly even 4 per would be fine. Just make sure they have varied tastes.

>> No.26398710
File: 10 KB, 534x248, joinupwatson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398723

get your goslings ready bros, we are gonna need them

>> No.26398714
Quoted by: >>26398758

bitch it's 1 am here and the streams are just starting

They can easily make it EU friendly, the streams don't have to be NA evening

>> No.26398717

she is a FateCHAD tho
her favorite gacha is fgo

>> No.26398718

>foreigners get filtered by people who speak two languages in a single stream
>same thing with the JOPs
I don't know, Pikamee does that and she's pretty popular.

>> No.26398720

please don't waste the post count on frogs thank you

>> No.26398723
File: 110 KB, 939x487, 1600083172222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398725
File: 137 KB, 828x1308, EhesZPeUwAAh-Nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it feels good to be a deadbeat.

>> No.26398724
Quoted by: >>26398761


>> No.26398726
Quoted by: >>26398754

it's not her

>> No.26398728

You have indeed just posted her

>> No.26398727
Quoted by: >>26398763

I just wish she had a full sentai outfit, man. Even if she knows nothing about the genre itself, it's all I want

>> No.26398730
Quoted by: >>26398774

Hm. Doxfags suck, but on the other hand they keep away the 'they're all ugly men' fags.

Why can't things be good? Why does everything have to suck?

>> No.26398731

lurk more and stay vigiliant to deleted posts
or learn to use Google like every other autist

>> No.26398732
Quoted by: >>26398796

She's still a high-end GBF autismo.

>> No.26398734

Gonna pee real quick. Way too nerve wracking meeting Watson

>> No.26398736

5 is good because odd number is better to not have an easy 2/2 split. 3 would be nice too

>> No.26398738

Jesus, can I get views by throwing shit into DeepL too?

>> No.26398739

Of course Suisei would be interested, she's all about respecting all kinds of music, and Mori brings something that almost no one else bothers with today.

>> No.26398743

>Favorite Holo is Suisei
>Favorte Holo EN is Mori
Damn this is good.

>> No.26398746

Bros tell me how can I morph into an extinguisher before Amelia stream please

>> No.26398747
Quoted by: >>26398808

Probably never. I'd expect Cover wouldn't let them use their original accounts, even if they get a name change and purge the friends list.

>> No.26398750


You in florida too bro? Getting thundering outside right now.

>> No.26398754
Quoted by: >>26398801


>> No.26398753

Amelia has excellent banter with her chat.

>> No.26398755

It was the best holoEN stream so far, even better than Amelia's puzzle game stream, I really hope she continues playing the game

>> No.26398756

That's pretty good

>> No.26398757

What EN Holo will play FEAR first?

It will be max Kino.

>> No.26398758
Quoted by: >>26398809

Nobody cares about EU, bro.

>> No.26398759

How so? Talking about people isn't illegal, otherwise /a/ would be shut down any time it mentioned sugita. That's retarded, senpai.

>> No.26398760

They're concerned

>> No.26398761


>> No.26398762

>wanting to go back to GBF after you manage to escape
Please don't make poor decisions

>> No.26398763
Quoted by: >>26398833

Would be fun if she did watching streams with the viewers. I still don't understand why no holo does a livewatch of currently airing anime or Kamen Rider every week

>> No.26398764
Quoted by: >>26398803


>> No.26398765
File: 108 KB, 1000x964, EhxS7qKXsAAHSmQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398767
Quoted by: >>26398838

She has 30k viewers, those raids have like 5 or 17 slots at best for you to join up, there's no way you'd manage to join before the nip autists.

>> No.26398773
File: 3.39 MB, 1600x2300, inanis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398826

My Nietzschean squid sister can't possibly be this cute!

And precisely because we are at bottom grave and serious human beings, nothing does us as much good as the fool's cap: we need it against ourselves -- we need all exuberant, floating, dancing, mocking, childish, and blissful art lest we lose that freedom over things that our ideal demands of us. We have also to be able to stand above morality -- and not just stand with that anxious stiffness of someone who is afraid of slipping and falling at any moment, but also to float and play above it! As long as you are in any way ashamed of yourselves, you do not yet belong among us!

>> No.26398774
File: 12 KB, 304x304, 1598904829761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they keep away the 'they're all ugly men' fags
The only people who still says that are twitterfags, and I have zero reason to care about their opinion

>> No.26398777

All of HoloEN is going to surpass her 5 months of work before this week is over.

>> No.26398779


>> No.26398780
Quoted by: >>26398846

Goslings can stay

>> No.26398781

I used to join her raid during her stream on twitch. It was maximum comfy and miles better than the no brain shitstain of a game that is FGO.

>> No.26398783
Quoted by: >>26398851

>posting the version without cock and balls

>> No.26398784

With the explosion of en those turds have been finding their way in here out of all places

>> No.26398795

>no holo playing GFL
It's not fair

>> No.26398796
Quoted by: >>26398957

what does she consider "high-end" because I have a primal Light grid and a completed dark magna grid that could probably shit on anything she has

>> No.26398798

I think she'd like Bayonetta

>> No.26398799

That's not DeepL, it's too bad to be DeepL.

>> No.26398800


>> No.26398801

sorry, meant for

>> No.26398802

based but i expected futa...

>> No.26398803

>he doesnt want to cook for his oshi

>> No.26398805

>kore ga koi ka?

>> No.26398806

probably pays more than most ESL salaries

>> No.26398808
Quoted by: >>26398872

FBK does Arknights and occasional FGO streams, why wouldn't EN get to do it as well?

>> No.26398809

Haha you're so cool
>Why make the holos accessible to everybody that usually speaks English

>> No.26398810
File: 65 KB, 463x453, 1598904751035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>playing dead games

>> No.26398811
Quoted by: >>26398830

vtuber designed by wokada when?

>> No.26398812

Faa-san raids with Ina!

>> No.26398815
File: 332 KB, 404x423, 1588232644332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you start spamming Ryan Gosling again I'm going to make you regret it.

>> No.26398813

sorry grancuck
she is a Fatechad now

>> No.26398817
Quoted by: >>26398858

Why not Ina then? Isn't she clearly a loli?

>> No.26398818


Cool new HoloEN

>> No.26398819

How the fuck is Shark getting the most lewds? She's not even the most lewd, Jesus.

>> No.26398822

Can I get a good pastebin of ascii goslings?

>> No.26398825

there's one too

>> No.26398826

What are you even trying to say anon?

>> No.26398827

Based /m/ bro though I think we can blame Sharon Apple for the virtual apocalypse

>> No.26398830 [DELETED] 

Is he even active? I haven't heard about Wokada in ages.

>> No.26398831

>miles better than the no brain shitstain of a game that is FGO.

>> No.26398833

Even if it's a membership stream it would've been great. It'd be a great way for her to get into the genre while also giving her fans a little watch-along

>> No.26398834


>> No.26398838

You're absolutely right, fuck that.

>> No.26398839

>I'm going to make you regret it.
how by jerking me off?

>> No.26398840
Quoted by: >>26398893

Ina said she dabbles in it a little on her debut, didn't she?
probably because she drew furball t97 and anniversary m4
don't forget your hydration reps, familia

>> No.26398841

No. instead people should learn how to use mona properly

>> No.26398842

Amelia I know you will read this, good luck on todays stream!

>> No.26398843

that's because she doesn't have near fluent English. Her English is at conversational level, and she constantly interjects her sentences with Japanese.
bird could speak a full 10 minutes in Japanese, then a full 10 minutes in English without having to interject one with the other due to lack of vocabulary etc. Pikamee does, which means she constantly engages both audiences, while bird does that to a lesser degree.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>he unironically thinks they'll stream a gacha game without being paid to do so
look at this guy, and laugh

>> No.26398846

It's not funny, It's a /v/tier meme and fills the image limit with useless, non-otaku culture images

>> No.26398848

>Why does the cute loli get the most lewds
Really now.

>> No.26398847
Quoted by: >>26398888

I've been awake too long, I misread that as "I'm going to make you pregnant"

>> No.26398851


>> No.26398854
Quoted by: >>26398886

seconded, need to stock up before image limit

>> No.26398855

she's still really lewd though

>> No.26398857

>seeing her get mogged by chadshark last night

yeah she wishes

>> No.26398858
Quoted by: >>26398947

Body type of an adult woman except for the breasts. Look at those hips, look at this waist

>> No.26398859
Quoted by: >>26398927

Leave the emotional support cat, I can't make it through Ina's streams without him.

>> No.26398860
Quoted by: >>26398925

last preparations guys

15 minutes

>> No.26398861

they are scared

>> No.26398862
File: 532 KB, 459x769, 1597789794702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got something to say
Mori is just kaoru without a cock

>> No.26398863
File: 6 KB, 480x220, bladerunner2049-ryangosling-pondering-700x321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399189

I kinda wish Amelia would never go to hololive, and I found her past self. That way i could have a chance against 100 idiots, rather than 30k or whatever she has now when streaming.
At least it would be way more personal, and she could read most of my messages in chat...
I'm selfish, I know.

>> No.26398865
File: 200 KB, 456x434, 1593346415600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel

>> No.26398867
File: 13 KB, 512x384, IMG_20200914_173645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398946

T minus 15 minutes until launch. All Goslingposters prepare for deployment and standby.

>> No.26398868

>blank ink sprays all over you
>you have truly become niggerman

>> No.26398869
File: 2.93 MB, 900x720, hololive_watson_injection_syringe.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399042

Watson, she is an FPS lover. How is this even a question?

>> No.26398871


>> No.26398872
Quoted by: >>26399568

She was already Fubuki before Arknights launched and I'm not sure if she played FGO prior. I'm not saying they couldn't stream it, just that they might need to start a fresh account. I just don't expect someone that is mega-leviathan to want to double all their gacha time.

>> No.26398873


>> No.26398878


>> No.26398879
Quoted by: >>26398951


>> No.26398880
Quoted by: >>26398951

>without a cock

>> No.26398882


>> No.26398886

You do not belong here

>> No.26398888

With her massive scythe, that's not too far out of the question.

>> No.26398892

does anyone else hate the vertical videos that FBK and Matsuri make? It feels so forced it hurts as if I'm watching Amelia's debut all over again

>> No.26398893

She did mention it, but to be fair she mentioned a lot of things. Which is one of the thing I like about her, I find it really weird to debut as a holo and mention like 2 mangas and anime. With Ina it really feels like she's into it

>> No.26398894
Quoted by: >>26398983

Would she consider Abigail her senpai?

>> No.26398898

Doxfags keep away the white knighting puritycucks who've anointed themselves the defenders of their waifus purity.

Literally the exact type of person you don't want in your idol community because they're backstabbing cunts like that guy in some woman's male harem who yeetes her child because he wasn't getting enough lovin'. If a person's loyalty is to a fictional character over the community, that's the problem right there.

They're not real. They don't really live you. They're entertainment that you pay to ensure they continue being entertaining. Let's not get so down the rabbit hole of pretending to be retarded that we all forget how the game works.

>> No.26398900

Text boards are superior anyways.

>> No.26398903
File: 279 KB, 458x452, 1600090602818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26398935

so uhhhhhhhhh is it basically confirmed that even the holoJPs themselves prefer holoEN over gen5

>> No.26398904

What a very menhera thing to do.
She's losing it, and her getting mogged by is going to make her crazy.
tanoshii :))

>> No.26398907
Quoted by: >>26399558

Roberu and dudes on twitch I find hella enjoyable yes.

>> No.26398908

how could one person be so wrong

>> No.26398912

You meant the opposite maybe

>> No.26398916
File: 238 KB, 1004x494, 1582832109643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CunnyCHADS ww@

>> No.26398918

I can see a holostar doing it.

>> No.26398925

FUCK I'm not ready

>> No.26398927
Quoted by: >>26398964

I didn't complain about niggerman did I? It's related to Ina

>> No.26398928
Quoted by: >>26398984

So now that Kiara has finally evolved beyond just sperging about Pekora, how long until Mori can stream about something other than rap?

>> No.26398931

>people predicted the JPs Holo's would be happy to get their chats back when the EOPs moved to the ENs.
>they end up speaking more English than ever
The 9 months I've spent watching HL has been the wildest ride of my life.

>> No.26398935
File: 104 KB, 408x453, 1598904967888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399001

They are scared. HoloEN is just too powerful. Shark playing fucking Muse Dash destroyed Pekora's legendary MGS stream viewer count

>> No.26398939

She's fun.

>> No.26398946
File: 32 KB, 534x248, watson_freesex_coupon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my box of tissues are ready.

>> No.26398947

If Rushia is a loli then so is Ina.

>> No.26398951
File: 72 KB, 463x453, 1600004531127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398952


>> No.26398956
Quoted by: >>26399073

what are you saying?>>26398834

>> No.26398957

Conquerer of the Eternals and 6 5* opuses at the absolute minimum

>> No.26398960
Quoted by: >>26399558

I have gifted subs before during Vinesauce is Hope

>> No.26398964
Quoted by: >>26399023

Meido was deleting those posts yesterday along with the excess goslings.

>> No.26398967

She has a massive throbbed 5 ft scythe she sticks into Kiara everyday though...

>> No.26398966
File: 1.65 MB, 977x1499, 1597402555879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fapping to gura's cunny

>> No.26398970

I have never seen such purity autism outside of Japan.

>> No.26398972
File: 2.89 MB, 512x640, 1570640986959.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find any of the HololiveEN characters particularly lewd, Shark included, I just see them cute.
I haven't masturbated since HololiveEN's debut, maybe I just obtained dysfunctional erection

>> No.26398975

Please wait before the start of the stream to post pictures and prepare your gosling folder

>> No.26398979

I find it somewhat endearing in the "Oh this Japanese woman is trying to appeal to westerners and has no clue how to do is properly, that's funny."

>> No.26398982


>> No.26398983


>> No.26398984
Quoted by: >>26399063

Soon I hear. She's streaming a game soon, and is working on getting permissions for more.

>> No.26398985

She has Kiara though.

>> No.26398986
File: 5 KB, 414x124, 1600140524908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26398988
Quoted by: >>26399558

I have. I used to be subbed to DemoD until recently.

>> No.26398989

So all of these were originally posted by lurking Amelia, right?

>> No.26398990

Nothing turned out like I expected it would, I'm still amazed EN is actually good

>> No.26398992

Did anyone here really Chum to the shark?

She is way too flat to be sexy are you guys gay?

>> No.26398993
Quoted by: >>26399558

I do, not often because I don't have much money to spare but it's my main "entertainment" budget

>> No.26398994
Quoted by: >>26399213

This right here is why EN is going to blow up and be super successful. JP viewers are braindead Idolfags who honestly think that if the girl they like isn't a perfect girl they will hunt her down through the reflection of her eyes and then kill her. Or that if their 5 dollar superchat isn't read, they'll kill themselves and blame the vtuber for it.

Idolfags need to fuck off. Love the character, not the person behind the character. (I'm still pro doxx because it lets us create fun narratives like the Kiara Pekora fleshsuit meme.)

>> No.26399001

yeah but i'm just talking about them being interested in them as streamers and people, marine creamed herself over ina already, pekora supports kiara, haachama watched waachama, etc.

>> No.26399008


>> No.26399011

How was chicken's stream earlier? Did she gain subs?

>> No.26399014
File: 122 KB, 425x400, 1573466249193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399164

Weird choice of game but I trust my daughter

>> No.26399016

They just wanted to keep eop's in the cuck shed. Now that they're gone, the thots are panicking because they've lost money and engagement.

Maybe they should've thought about that before taking English only paragons for granted.

>> No.26399020
File: 1.49 MB, 848x1200, 79135214_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's pretending because of her design. She plays a ton of mobage. Her main game is Arknights now.

>> No.26399021

Shark's blushing face is lewd as fuck

>> No.26399023

Well, it does look like just people overusing n-word passes for anyone not accustomed to Lovecraft

>> No.26399022


>> No.26399026
Quoted by: >>26399054

>Sharon Apple
I can't see anything wrong with handing over control of all military drones to Hatsune Miku.

>> No.26399028

>too flat
no amount of therapy will remedy shit taste

>> No.26399029
File: 2 KB, 104x125, 1600140927831s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399061

cumbuddy reporting in

>> No.26399034
Quoted by: >>26399558

To Aruran and Ouga. Aruran is comfy, and Ouga makes me feel quite gay.

>> No.26399037

ehhhh no

>> No.26399038


>> No.26399042
File: 153 KB, 360x360, 1600041310635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's another thing Hololive EN is great for, since the American holos dont seem to deal with permissions fuckery, there's a ton of games for them to be streaming for Halloween. Games like Manhunt, Prey, Doom 3/64, Alien Isolation, Alan Wake, the sky could be the limit. If nothing else they at least seem more open trying out a wider selection of games over ARK/Craftopia/APEX.

>> No.26399044

>I haven't masturbated since HololiveEN's debut
Wait, neither have I...

>> No.26399045
File: 275 KB, 471x540, catglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the googly eyes stay ON during battle.
Mild chuckle

>> No.26399048

I only watched Delta, I'm sorry

>> No.26399051
File: 722 KB, 2000x2000, 1574923894014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399052
File: 388 KB, 1638x2048, 1600044047195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399096

>Tfw also haven't fapped since the debut's
It's weird. It's like my sex drive has been assassinated

>> No.26399054
Quoted by: >>26399193

On Sharon Apple's defense, she had some really nice tunes. Information High and that one where she sings in french are still lovely tunes to this day

>> No.26399056
File: 139 KB, 827x980, MORI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my boomer reaper!

>> No.26399060

>5ch already losing their shit about how EN has set up a perfect relay for the second day in a row
HoloEN isn't just high spec, they're rigging the game.

>> No.26399061
Quoted by: >>26399284

Do your Save image as... reps

>> No.26399063

She'd damned well better. I'm going to dump her if she keeps going on about shitty rap and laying the grim reaper shit on as thick as she can.

>> No.26399066

Fubuki's were fine. She was always that way, and more or less started the trend. Everyone else is bandwagoners.

>> No.26399068
File: 219 KB, 398x379, GoslingChumbud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting the team together?

>> No.26399070


>> No.26399071

Yea I know anons, it's just been a rough year I guess. Maybe I'll go back to studying jap. Can't even work out with this garbage covid shit.

>> No.26399073 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 754x720, 1600206771590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399075
Quoted by: >>26399187

>since the American holos dont seem to deal with permissions fuckery

>> No.26399078

>since the American holos dont seem to deal with permissions fuckery
Mori talked about having to wait for permission already though

>> No.26399080

>since the American holos dont seem to deal with permissions fuckery
Pretty sure Mori's mentioned how she'd have to get permission from Fatlus to do anything persona related. It's still there

>> No.26399083
Quoted by: >>26399102

I've never masturbated to any Holo period. Don't tell me you guys actually done it unironically?

>> No.26399081

>I haven't masturbated since HololiveEN's debut
Two times, but still less than usual

>> No.26399082
File: 16 KB, 900x400, watson_face_sit_coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I want to believe.

>> No.26399084
File: 404 KB, 1280x529, 1600176595480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399120

>done my reps for the day
>got some pineapple slices for Amelia's stream
It's all looking up bros, i'm ready to gosling

>> No.26399089


>> No.26399091
Quoted by: >>26399187

>since the American holos dont seem to deal with permissions fuckery
Anon, sit down, I'm afraid I've got some bad news.

>> No.26399095

>look at schedule
>it's another relay fucking stream
i only had two hours of sleep fucking help me

>> No.26399096

Mine amplified the moment Ina started streaming
Is this what she meant by sanity check

>> No.26399097

Damn, Suisei gets to take that?

>> No.26399098


Will you survive another Amelia stream?

>> No.26399099

>since the American holos dont seem to deal with permissions fuckery
They still have to deal with permissions because Cover is a Japanese company.
It doesn't make a difference, but Mori lives in Japan.

>> No.26399100
File: 375 KB, 1001x1055, bed mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26399102
Quoted by: >>26399131

They don't mean fappin to Holo's They mean fapping in general

>> No.26399106

>how is the adorable loli that looks like shes wearing a hoodie with nothing underneath getting the most lewds
Bro come the fuck on, is this your first week on the internet

>> No.26399108

same wtf

>> No.26399111

I also haven't until someone made https://files.catbox.moe/08dg0n.mp4

>> No.26399120

Is this what happiness feels like?

>> No.26399124

Anon they're employed by a japanese company

>> No.26399125

Prey is too big-brained for chuubas.

>> No.26399126
File: 405 KB, 1127x634, 1597359125331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This compressed .jpg is a fake coupon. You may not enter the HoloEN theater

>> No.26399127

>Cthulhu is Spelt with Two H
I love Ina.

>> No.26399131

Ah, makes more sense

>> No.26399134
File: 97 KB, 850x1201, sample_c7afc420077a19156d1b49856bf450d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always here

>> No.26399136

Keep my wife out of your depression posting

>> No.26399140

How hairy are the girls down there?

>> No.26399141
File: 164 KB, 1200x1200, 1600127913312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How will you react when Amelia and the other holoENs come out as menhera like the rest?

>> No.26399144

BASED, this game is great

>> No.26399146

How? That makes me laugh more than making me excited. I just cannot think of anything but how much autism that edit required. What a fucking chad

>> No.26399149
Quoted by: >>26399558

I sub to moonmoon

>> No.26399150

I'm actually shocked at how the cute small titty blonde has barely any lewd fanart.
>inb4 even the artists are in gosling mode with her

>> No.26399151
File: 4 KB, 290x39, guraMMMMYES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399192

Shark spotted in the pre-stream.

>> No.26399152
File: 588 KB, 600x1780, 1600026595293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>way too flat
No such thing

>> No.26399153

there's no need of fap and satisfaction now because Holo-EN girls provide it.

>> No.26399155

I think so

>> No.26399160

you're joking but if someone unironically jerked off to this I'd have to kill myself

>> No.26399164

It's a great game for stupid shennanigans, and she can play off the goofiness without investing in any actual gameplay.
I have a feeling it's going to be a sleeper hit.

>> No.26399166
File: 375 KB, 446x474, 1600136994625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing Amelia happy makes anything possible, TeaMate

>> No.26399168

Doxxfags aren't stalkers, they are looking to actively procrastinate things they are trying to run away from (but need to get done) and filling doxx requests is a slow, low-effort, moderate concentration (enough to not think of what you're putting off) option for killing time.

>> No.26399172
File: 888 KB, 2000x2000, 1600083655618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll make the right decisions to win the battles.
Trust me

>> No.26399177

>shes wearing a hoodie with [headcanon]
Alright bro. Just don't push your fantasies on me.

>> No.26399176

>cuddling after being fucked by her huge futa cock

>> No.26399178

I didn't find them lewd either, but jerking it made whatever small Gosling feelings I had go away. And now I just find all the Gosling posters here silly.

>> No.26399179


>> No.26399184

how should we greet amelia?

>> No.26399185
Quoted by: >>26399228

I'm pretty sure deadbeats don't gosling over Mori
they uhh... smell post and make really cringe smut stories

>> No.26399186
Quoted by: >>26399215

I miss kaoru. Fuck you.

>> No.26399187
File: 130 KB, 383x472, 1598062063913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399301

God fucking damn it.

>> No.26399189

You imagined it was you?

>> No.26399191
Quoted by: >>26399211

needs more empty wine bottles scattered around the floor.

>> No.26399193

>Information High
I'd love to see any holo try to cover this.

>> No.26399192


>> No.26399195
Quoted by: >>26399260

I'm sorry anon please forgive me...

>> No.26399197
File: 116 KB, 534x248, 1599882920546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Until it's proven otherwise, yes.

>> No.26399198


>> No.26399201

>if someone unironically jerked off to this I'd have to kill myself
You and I both know that at least one person out there is depraved enough to actually do it

>> No.26399202
File: 746 KB, 1200x1195, 1600076774509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather Watson play something like Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl though. Kino game.

>> No.26399203

>hey hey you you i don't be your girlfriend


>> No.26399211

Are people drinking with her on the Saturday stream?

>> No.26399213

Probably, but I gotta say it really ruins the hype for me when I don't know where the hell I can even talk about this shit without purityfags crying about muh dox and muh sanctity of idolfus. Really doesn't put me in much of a watching mood when the community's backstabbing pettiness is always on full display.

You'd think we could all revel in being holo brothers and enjoy the game together, with beers in hand and a jolly attitude, but there always seems to be some whiny little bitch boy in every single idol forum crying about something or being an arrogant prick.

>> No.26399214
Quoted by: >>26399279

It's going to be interesting to see how the various HoloJPs adapt to the new English domination of the vtuber industry. It's kind of fun to see them scramble for relevancy in the aftermath of EN's debut, and I hope more of them bend the knee like Korone and do their best to speak English and take care of their English speaking fans.

If I win Mega Millions tonight I'm gonna give Korone an akasupa for being a good dog and trying her best.

>> No.26399215


>> No.26399217
File: 127 KB, 702x353, 1600149021903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the world?

>> No.26399218
File: 34 KB, 600x600, 1598399693094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides

>> No.26399220
File: 16 KB, 370x189, 8qQX132[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chuckled

>> No.26399221

heart is satisfied.

>> No.26399223

I am 100% not joking.

>> No.26399228
File: 584 KB, 1894x2048, 1600027071872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399230

Or they could just play getting over it with bennet foddy

>> No.26399232
File: 76 KB, 882x960, 1600146106241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three minutes till zero hour

>> No.26399234
Quoted by: >>26399278

>small titty
have you not seen her take the jacket off?

>> No.26399239

Reminder - if a bunch of Japanese girls with ambiguous education could learn English in a few months to keep their jobs, you should be able to learn Japanese.

>> No.26399240

And yuropoors are fucked, Mori streams when most are at works. Around 1pm. And the earliest rest of the starded, was i think around 11pm the same day when Watson streamed that weeb CSGO ripoff. But they night euro hours.
You literally are better off watching hojoJP live if you live in yurop.

>> No.26399241


>> No.26399242

I think the ticket spam in amelias chat right before the stream is nice

>> No.26399246

What will the first EN/JP collab after ban lift be?

>> No.26399249

hold me...

>> No.26399250
Quoted by: >>26399346

Go back to your disgusting 3D idol threads, nigger.

>> No.26399251
Quoted by: >>26399278

>small titty
Oh, you poor child

>> No.26399258
File: 33 KB, 750x400, 3456789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399275

gosling bros, our time is getting closer

>> No.26399259

Just woke up, and just in time to gosling

>> No.26399260
File: 850 KB, 1980x1080, 1599683756523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399261

Fall guys

>> No.26399264

terminally horny

>> No.26399267
File: 327 KB, 834x870, 1475166074969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399320

Getting comfy for Amelia

>> No.26399268
File: 144 KB, 365x365, 1584468568964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you boys ready

>> No.26399270
Quoted by: >>26399289

Unironically, I would pay for Watson onlyfans

>> No.26399271

This is going to be maneater all over again, won't it?

>> No.26399272
Quoted by: >>26399356

Matsuri's Luna arc in 30 seconds

>> No.26399273


>> No.26399275

Are you fully prepared to gosling?

>> No.26399276

please let it be watson and polka

>> No.26399277

i dont like shark porn and i wish they would stop making it

>> No.26399278

Please understand, I barely slept 3 hours

>> No.26399279

Give her a birthday gift, they are accepting gifts for her this week.

>> No.26399280

>Small titty
She hides a P cup under that jacket

>> No.26399284
File: 47 KB, 400x469, 1600141635773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399335

shit, sorry, anon

>> No.26399285


>> No.26399286

Big ooof Matsuri

>> No.26399287

I cried

>> No.26399289

>Wanting Watson on that disgusting site

>> No.26399296
File: 16 KB, 433x427, 1600189554781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399297


>> No.26399299


>> No.26399300

coco with holoEN, probably shark as shes exploding in popularity

>> No.26399301

That doesn't mean anything besides an extra step to play the games. I'm sure Amelia will play some kino FPS games.

>> No.26399304

It's time my teamates...

>> No.26399307

The hour is upon us

>> No.26399312
File: 16 KB, 428x424, 1598164254029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Goslings are locked and loaded

>> No.26399315
File: 60 KB, 561x430, Screenshot_2020-09-14_114811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vibe check

>> No.26399316
File: 500 KB, 751x458, 1550418562542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished watching the last one
no no im not ready

>> No.26399319

Goslingposters it's time to realize you're beating a dead horse. Try to be creative.

>> No.26399320

Wait... Near the stairs..........IS THAT......NI.........

>> No.26399321
File: 396 KB, 916x788, 636546856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel her...

>> No.26399322
File: 197 KB, 623x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain this to me /hlgg/, if during karaoke streams anyone can sing disney songs or haato's Ed Sheeran cover is okay, why is Mori not allowed to sing an Eminem song?

>> No.26399324
File: 851 KB, 900x1350, 1600048941403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399362

Making love to sweaty sharkpup

>> No.26399323

>Waiting for Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN


>> No.26399326

>didn't use jetri a single time after holoEN debut because watching only EN girls' streams one by one
never would've thought

>> No.26399331
File: 25 KB, 534x248, 1600192131969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399350


>> No.26399335
File: 18 KB, 297x284, 1578848567409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries my man, we're in this together

>> No.26399336

Coco, Korone, Pekora, and Haachama.
Rest will come eventually, but these are the main autism components.

>> No.26399337
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1821, 1600128020956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time for sure. I won't gosling as hard...
this time.

>> No.26399338
File: 593 KB, 626x545, 1551758777883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone recommend me some breathing exercises. I'm not ready.

>> No.26399339

>why is the loli getting the most lewds
Next you'll ask why squid is getting the prettiest art

>> No.26399341
File: 36 KB, 575x545, GoslinglookingatAmeliahologram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399380

Always have been

>> No.26399342
File: 411 KB, 692x692, 1600129175558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not ready bros...

>> No.26399343

I haven't yet but I could see myself doing it with a slightly better edit
still, peak degeneracy

>> No.26399346
Quoted by: >>26399478

So it's you. You were the guy on /a/ and /v/ who always spammed at people talking about voice actors to "go back to /tv/." Please stop. You're just embarrassing yourself.

>> No.26399347
Quoted by: >>26399426

>that cat
Ultra comfy, nice

>> No.26399350
Quoted by: >>26399413

I think that's a fake anon...

>> No.26399351
File: 141 KB, 1728x1080, blade-runner-2049_trans NJjoeBT78QIaYdkJdEY4CnGTJFJS74MYhNY6w3GNbO8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gosling folder is ready

>> No.26399352

Goslingposting is peak kino

>> No.26399355
File: 73 KB, 853x552, 1600109624134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I'm prepared

>> No.26399356
File: 666 KB, 1200x848, 422ba882e97a0cfd063f6fe3455331b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399358

Watson will probably try to pursue more western shooters.

>> No.26399357
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1599948396997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399359

so romantic....

>> No.26399360

>Even 40kfags like English chuubas
These girls really brought this whole site together.

>> No.26399362

yep, gonna masturbate to this for sure

>> No.26399365
Quoted by: >>26399394

I was asleep for her Japanese stream, how bad were the goslings?

>> No.26399367
File: 49 KB, 472x423, Gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26399369
File: 283 KB, 1448x2048, Eh-a5FlUMAANGoe.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.26399370
Quoted by: >>26399538

>small titty blonde
Bro, we were hoodwinked, possibly bamboozled.

>> No.26399372

This game has some really comfy music

>> No.26399373
Quoted by: >>26399530

So Marine fangirled over Ina in her stream yesterday? That's cute, I hope they draw together

>> No.26399374
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, 1600126302626.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Superliminal piano music as her loading music

>> No.26399375

I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.26399376

I'd let her check my vibes

>> No.26399379

>The Music


>> No.26399380
File: 531 KB, 916x788, 1600079430041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's our time

>> No.26399381
File: 100 KB, 425x400, 84389300_p6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never doubt gura again

>> No.26399382
Quoted by: >>26399421

This is some good jazz

>> No.26399385

3d printing my amelia coupons

>> No.26399388

Our jazz date...

>> No.26399389
File: 15 KB, 678x452, 1598378596362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gosling hours

>> No.26399390

Don't forget your rainymood.

>> No.26399392
File: 148 KB, 600x592, 1600132868249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll already reach the image limit....
Today I had a bad day, I need this stream.

>> No.26399393

where my gosling /v/ros at

>> No.26399394

Not too terrible actually

>> No.26399395
File: 84 KB, 908x310, 1600083178224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romantic start

>> No.26399396
File: 51 KB, 1024x666, 1600127909868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399400
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 20200914_233857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399401

did amelia set this mood just for us?

>> No.26399405

Play the piano again, Gosling-san.

>> No.26399404

Nah, she will have to talk during this one.

>> No.26399408
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1599938486118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go again...

>> No.26399407

Don't forget to put this in the background for max comfy

>> No.26399409

>when the blade runner gosling folder just isnt enough

>> No.26399411


>> No.26399413

It's real until someone proves otherwise

>> No.26399414
File: 1.04 MB, 600x252, dude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ready........

>> No.26399420
File: 218 KB, 1448x2048, Eh-a5FmU0AA-Lda.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the first thing that comes to your mind when you look at this image?

>> No.26399421
File: 208 KB, 263x273, 1600067779928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399422
File: 69 KB, 253x287, 1600113267902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399423
Quoted by: >>26399474

Please control your goslings.

>> No.26399424
File: 861 KB, 600x800, towamarine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399507

Holos are invented by slaanesh

>> No.26399425
File: 50 KB, 643x251, 1600127993213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a little something for my fellow Goslingposters

>> No.26399426

My cat sleep in that way, and actually my legs hurt, this fat fuck is too fat

>> No.26399428

And I don't want you to be, disgusting fat menhera

>> No.26399431


>> No.26399432

Damn that was quick

>> No.26399433

Watson's choice in loading music is incredibly soothing. The perfect choice for listening to on a rainy day.

>> No.26399434
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, 1598617534580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jazz intro

>> No.26399437
File: 237 KB, 1532x2048, Eh1RzQ4U0AEROvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399441

the piano...
i dont know if i can make it....

>> No.26399440
File: 129 KB, 722x720, ryan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hold me

>> No.26399443

It's time. Deploy the Goslings.

>> No.26399445
File: 74 KB, 832x868, 1598092671593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399491


>> No.26399447

I'm terrified at the mere thought
I hope not

>> No.26399449
Quoted by: >>26399511

>bridal veil, as symbol of purity, on top of Mori's head
Pure kino

>> No.26399451
Quoted by: >>26399514

dont forget it's one hour only this time

>> No.26399452

>fellow 40chad

>> No.26399453

Oh man I'm gonna go through these too fast.

>> No.26399455
Quoted by: >>26399498

From now on every new gen will have a loli. What a time to be alive.

>> No.26399456

"me next"

>> No.26399457

A sudden desire to sexually dominate

>> No.26399458

Last time i paid too much attention to the thread i realized that i missed a lot of small things while rewatching.

>> No.26399460
File: 589 KB, 1448x2047, Eh4-e13XgAAMWeC.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to take your meds.

>> No.26399459

I can't believe that sperg from her debut turned out to be the perfect girlfriend simulator

>> No.26399462
File: 87 KB, 860x823, 1569236477187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5am: wakeup go to work
4pm: get off work
watch holos until sleep
so this is my life now...

>> No.26399463


>> No.26399464

Bamboo spear...

>> No.26399465


>> No.26399466


>> No.26399467
File: 34 KB, 1024x407, 1599947975683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No jacket

>> No.26399470
File: 323 KB, 1200x1803, 1_I2SyZS-S6C0Pw75bH7711Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>locked and loaded

>> No.26399469
File: 18 KB, 360x344, 1599939002882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399471
File: 112 KB, 305x298, j4ox6t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hearing Jazz have never been happy this happy before

>> No.26399473


>> No.26399474
File: 24 KB, 364x364, 1600077635423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399477
Quoted by: >>26399661

left clock is american pacific time and right clock is japanese time, cool

>> No.26399478

I haven't been on /a/ or /v/ in years. You're just a dumb bitch that cares about 3D shit on /jp/ of all places.

>> No.26399479

superliminal's OST is perfect for watson

>> No.26399482

This is music, it's like nervously sitting on a fancy restaurant while you wait for your date to arrive.

>> No.26399483
File: 332 KB, 1800x2341, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_amashiro_natsuki__7173e6d9caf39dc82b15e0c96c1f15c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399869

I'm worried though. The dead air might fuck her up again, hope my girl learned to speak properly.

>> No.26399484

Prepare your ASCII goslings

>> No.26399491
File: 3 KB, 191x201, 1600125215620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399492

Watson my wife.

>> No.26399493
Quoted by: >>26399570

Isn't she literally at the very end already? This is going to turn into a zatsudan quite quickly.

>> No.26399494
File: 1012 KB, 949x766, 1600039673096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jazz date with amelia....
looks like its gossling time

>> No.26399495

hello my queen watson

>> No.26399498

what a time to be alive man

>> No.26399500
Quoted by: >>26399517

I think gura is fat

>> No.26399502
File: 771 KB, 970x545, 1600127934344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399505

Jesus that spike in goslings

>> No.26399507

Malal Vtuber when?

>> No.26399510

>can't talk to save her life
I don't think she's too bad at it. She has a cheerful personality and seems to enjoy interacting with the chat.

>> No.26399511

This man gets it

>> No.26399513

her fan-art slideshow is really nice.

>> No.26399514

Man... I NEED Amelia to do zatsudans... I just want to listen to her voice for hours.

>> No.26399515

It's fucking over. I'm already tearing up.

>> No.26399518


>> No.26399516
Quoted by: >>26399539

Is she angry?

>> No.26399517

sen is def a short fat mexican

>> No.26399519


>> No.26399521

She's gonna lecture them on rules

>> No.26399522

Oh no.

>> No.26399523


>> No.26399524
File: 755 KB, 721x964, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

newfag check

>> No.26399527

jesus there really is a ton of new people

>> No.26399528
File: 2 KB, 39x23, teeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucking teeth bros

>> No.26399526

Oh good she's scolding the chat

>> No.26399529

Can I get fifty?

>> No.26399530
Quoted by: >>26399780

She fangirled over pretty much all of HoloEN, she asked Mori out on a date

>> No.26399531

is she going to scold the raiders from yesterday

>> No.26399532
File: 109 KB, 661x740, d3066b53fc05057f402bf5a3836c98e594d6a426r1-661-740v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399621


>> No.26399534

Yeah, and now there's a rule against doxxing that's enforced.
If you want to doxx, try another site.

>> No.26399535
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot damn those milkers under that tight white shirt are driving me crazy

>> No.26399536
Quoted by: >>26399579


>> No.26399537

>calling out the raiders

>> No.26399538


>> No.26399539

oh fuck she is

>> No.26399540

Oh shit she's scolding us.

>> No.26399541

she is scolding the fucking SPICS GODAMNIT FUCKING SHIT REDDIT

>> No.26399543

Cute? And funny?

>> No.26399544


>> No.26399545

Based Amelia putting the tards in their place.

>> No.26399546
File: 390 KB, 446x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes giving you a talking to.
Please listen to her.

>> No.26399548

Educating chat already lol

>> No.26399550


>> No.26399551

She's telling us off lads...

>> No.26399549
File: 51 KB, 1024x683, 1599960874266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already shilling the other girls. Why is she SO GOOD. She's also explaining the manners now. I love her so much.

>> No.26399552


>> No.26399555

Why is she saying this? Did something happen?

>> No.26399556
File: 18 KB, 124x127, ゴズリング73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26399609

She's mad at us :^(
mom stop please

>> No.26399558

Based as fuck. Though you were shallow and donated just because they're female but I guess it was just a projection lel

>> No.26399560

So this girl relaly lurks media, she did it, Amelia...

>> No.26399561

>292 images
shit, nuke the thread so I can post more goslings

>> No.26399563


>> No.26399565

>amelia standing up for chicken
She's such a kind leader

>> No.26399567
File: 87 KB, 1400x1400, 1600074275353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26399566
Quoted by: >>26399698

I love that she's rule policing.

>> No.26399568
Quoted by: >>26400105

So you're saying she'll stream new releases?

>> No.26399570
File: 1.11 MB, 1061x707, 1600074203018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and?

>> No.26399571

Watchan pissed that people were spamming her name in Haachama's stream last night 草

>> No.26399573

noooo it wasn't me I didn't even chat in hachaama's stream...

>> No.26399572


>> No.26399576

Watson, my knees... I can't...

>> No.26399578

I love being trained like a dog by amelia

>> No.26399577


>> No.26399579

"we" didn't

>> No.26399580

Scold me my queeeeennnnn

>> No.26399581

>we can both do better


>> No.26399582
Quoted by: >>26399672

Wait, why is Watson calling the chat out on rules now? She wasn't really in the last thread looking for advice on how to tell her chat how to not raid streams, was she?

>> No.26399583
Quoted by: >>26399758

Did something happen?

>> No.26399585

tell her she looks cute with paint on her face

>> No.26399586

crack down on those newfags watson

>> No.26399587

Oh no. What happened?

>> No.26399589


>> No.26399591

Even her scolding is cute....

>> No.26399592


>> No.26399594
Quoted by: >>26399676

>Scolding the Twitchtards
My love only grows

>> No.26399597

watson has the worst fans

>> No.26399598

>scolding chat

Good girl

>> No.26399599

>curtailing the annoying chat fags
bros... she's perfect...

>> No.26399600


>> No.26399601


>> No.26399602

I've seen her skill with rhythm games and singing so as long as those happen every once and awhile, I don't care what else she plays on the side. I just want to see her have fun.

>> No.26399604


>> No.26399605

Watson continues to impress.

>> No.26399606

Watson mama...

>> No.26399603


>> No.26399607

Amelia is so fucking based

>> No.26399608

ESLs can't read rules...

>> No.26399609
Quoted by: >>26399673

She not mad just disappointed

>> No.26399610


>> No.26399612


>> No.26399614

Hachama thing lel

>> No.26399613

please scold me watochama

>> No.26399616

If Watson single-handedly unfucks EN chat, I will gosling.

>> No.26399618


>> No.26399619

>we can both do better
but you're already perfect....

>> No.26399620

you would read the rules right anons?

>> No.26399621

indeed, what else do i have to do but to thank the Emperor for the waifus he has made us?

>> No.26399622

those retarded twitch faggots went to raid Haato's chat, this is why Amelia is saying this

>> No.26399623


>> No.26399625

>watson explaining about the rules


>> No.26399624

>Amelia calling out the dumbass EOPs and Spics


>> No.26399626

Mommy is scolding us!

>> No.26399630


>> No.26399629

>someone broke the rules

>> No.26399631

Scold me and drug me until I behave Amelia-sama!

>> No.26399632

>telling the twitchniggers to stop shitting up the chats and read the rules after the haachama raid yesteday

>> No.26399636

My date now starts with Watson

>> No.26399637
Quoted by: >>26400153

Oh nooo, she's getting similar audience to Risu...
M, M everywhere

>> No.26399638

>no more goslings

>> No.26399639

A bunch of monkey typed "Amelia raid!" on Haachama's stream last night

>> No.26399642

oh fuck, my internet suddenly stopped working and now I can't even watch the stream in 144p.
Enjoy the stream bros...

>> No.26399643


>> No.26399644

dont make her cry or ill kill you

>> No.26399646



>> No.26399648

I think Okayu is fat.

>> No.26399649

>EOPs embarassed her immediately in front of her senpai

>> No.26399652


>> No.26399654

theres always text goslings, anonchama

>> No.26399655

Haachama must have fucking lost it yesterday.

>> No.26399656

i fell asleep before ame stream and then i felt as if some kind of invisible force forcefully woke me up 5 min before the start. that was pretty spooky actually

>> No.26399657
Quoted by: >>26399711

>instant fire extinguisher touch

>> No.26399659

Holy shit, she's actually making me KNEEL again

>> No.26399661

So she is west coast, I figured her speaking style was from that side of America. Certainly not east coast or southern.

>> No.26399662
Quoted by: >>26399732

HA, and you guys were bitching about rulesfags.

>> No.26399663

>immediately goes for the fire extinguisher
love this adhd dork

>> No.26399667

>Her stream ended right as Hachamaa started
>She said go and watch Haachama
>Chat went and started saying RAID and shit

>> No.26399669

At the end of her last stream she sent people to Haachama, people then spammed "Watson raid" in her chat.

>> No.26399672

she posted the lullaby coupon last thread. what do you think?

>> No.26399673
Quoted by: >>26399835


>> No.26399674

>calling out the people causing drama


>> No.26399676


>> No.26399677

ASCII Goslings incoming

>> No.26399679


>> No.26399678

that hiccup

>> No.26399680


>> No.26399681

>ywn be a fire extinguisher

>> No.26399682


>> No.26399684

They're designed by narcissistic low iq JPvtubers, for narcissistic low iq JPwatchers.

>oh no people are commenting about stuff that isn't me or directly related to me every single second
>oh no people are talking with eachother among themselves in the community and possibly forming friendships instead of giving me attention

It's really simple to understand the rules when you realize it's just them crying about you not giving them attention 100% of the time (which is quite unusual for people used to twitch, where the streamer feels more like a friend.)

>> No.26399686

>her hiccups

>> No.26399685

anons, please spoonfeed me, what happened?

>> No.26399689


>> No.26399690


>> No.26399691



>> No.26399693
Quoted by: >>26399805

how do we enforce the rules?

>> No.26399694

>She's already hiccuping
It's starting out great goslingbros

>> No.26399695


>> No.26399696

oh she isnt annoying anymore? nice

>> No.26399697

Already top tier

>> No.26399698

I was so distracted by the debut and the comeback that I completely forgot about her rules lawyer arc. I'm surprised she's gone so easy.

>> No.26399700

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoo+:-:+ossssoo/. /oossssyyyhhhhdddddddddddddmddddddsssosssssososssoossssos

>> No.26399703

>fake hicup

>> No.26399702

Fucking hell why can't we have anything nice ever

>> No.26399706

>that hiccup
What the fuck lads?

>> No.26399707

why do they do this?

>> No.26399710


>> No.26399711

Based OCDcore
Can't wait for her to play fallout and get overencumbered cause she feels compelled to take every piece of loot

>> No.26399713

Already hiccuped somebody stop this girl, she's too cute.

>> No.26399714

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoo+:-:+ossssoo/. /oossssyyyhhhhdddddddddddddmddddddsssosssssososssoossssos

>> No.26399718
Quoted by: >>26399756

I think Moona is fat.

>> No.26399719


>> No.26399722

I would cuddle fat Okayu forever

>> No.26399724

I feel bad for Amelia. She was just trying to support her senpais...

>> No.26399726


>> No.26399729

>she laughed

>> No.26399728
Quoted by: >>26399766

Is she racist?

CozI hope so...

>> No.26399730


>> No.26399732

Why did she talk about the rules?
Rules are meant to be broken!

>> No.26399731

I fucking knew it she's DOING IT ON FUCKING PURPOSE

>> No.26399734

scolding ASMR

>> No.26399735

Literally hundreds maybe thousands of twitchfags and spics

>> No.26399736

Stop the ASCII Gosling, you fucks. It makes the thread unusable.

>> No.26399737

I once subbed to someone just because I was watching when they switched to Jackbox and I was kind of lonely. I'm too broke to regularly give money or things to other people.

>> No.26399738

>too small
W-wait Watson. I can fix that. Please don't leave me

>> No.26399739

> Too small
Oh no no

>> No.26399741

I'm sorry it keeps getting smaller....

>> No.26399742


>> No.26399748

Best one yet

>> No.26399749

B-Bros, she's trying to make us go big we keep staying small...


>> No.26399752

I really hope you fuckers get rangebanned

>> No.26399753
Quoted by: >>26399967

she said to go watch Haachama last night when she was ending her stream, chat proceeded to spam WATSON RAID!!! or AMELIA RAID!! in Haachama's chat

>> No.26399754

Ina is super cute but Amelia is minimum = 1st place

>> No.26399756

the probably all are

>> No.26399757
Quoted by: >>26399832

How does she know to control her chat so well? She scolds them in such a cute way.

>> No.26399758

During her last stream, she told that 2 other holos were streaming and her fans should go support them. All 20,000 thousand of them. With a twitch mentality.

>> No.26399761
Quoted by: >>26399822

>I keep trying to make it big but it stays small

>> No.26399763

these fucking ascii goslings need to be smaller god damn

>> No.26399762

Fucking Twitchfags man

>> No.26399764
Quoted by: >>26399826

Which corporations are responsible for the regulatory capture which created the abomination that is Japanese copyright law?

>> No.26399765

>harder than it should be
yeah i'm cummin

>> No.26399766

her username on valorant was drowningjogger, do with that what you will

>> No.26399767

that's right monkey, make funny noises and suck in air for me. dance!

>> No.26399769

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoo+:-:+ossssoo/. /oossssyyyhhhhdddddddddddddmddddddsssosssssososssoossssos

>> No.26399771

Fuck this romantic music, it's starting to hypnotize me

She chose this on purpose to create a goslingbro army

>> No.26399773
Quoted by: >>26399834

contain your goslings until she does something worth it you nerds, you'll run it into the ground

>> No.26399777


>> No.26399780 [DELETED] 

Is that why she drew 3 pictures of her instead of 1?

>> No.26399779


>> No.26399781

lads the hiccups...
they can't be real, right...?
this isn't fucking fair...

>> No.26399783

>why is it so hard?
>I'll make the bottom one really big
Bros i can't take much more

>> No.26399785

She's actually doing it on purpose. She's leaning

>> No.26399787

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoo+:-:+ossssoo/. /oossssyyyhhhhdddddddddddddmddddddsssosssssososssoossssos

>> No.26399788


>> No.26399789

Because a lot of children weren't spanked growing up.

>> No.26399791

How much is actually left of the game?

>> No.26399792

For the record:
This "controversy" was stirred by an anti putting words in a vtuber's mouth under the guise of "translation"

>> No.26399793

She said yesterday to go watch Haachama and the twitch chat spamming fags ruined it immediately and started shitting up Haachama's chat and rule breaking

>> No.26399795

her laugh is as pure as the driven snow

>> No.26399797

It is literally accepted behaviour on twitch

>> No.26399798

WHOEVER MADE THE AUTISTIC EDIT you better post a second edition, Watson knows and she's LITERALLY spoonfeeding you material

>> No.26399799

ow my eyes

>> No.26399800

she changed the rule

>> No.26399803

Sorry i can't get it bigger Amelia...
ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoo+:-:+ossssoo/. /oossssyyyhhhhdddddddddddddmddddddsssosssssososssoossssos

>> No.26399805


>> No.26399806
Quoted by: >>26399875

That was a teammate's name you jogger

>> No.26399807

watsonfags are undeniably cancer. split when

>> No.26399808


go back to twitch

>> No.26399810

she is so fucking smart man....

>> No.26399811

We need her to come and scold the the gosling, it worse than yesterday

>> No.26399812

I thought this was a japanese cultural specific thing where it's very rude to ignore someone.
I didn't expect western streamers to copy the rules down to the last line...

>> No.26399813
Quoted by: >>26399875

No, no it wasn't you retard.

>> No.26399814


>> No.26399815

Yeah, at least last time you guys gosling'd there was actually shit happening you fucking retards

>> No.26399816

Source on the pic?

>> No.26399817


>> No.26399818


>> No.26399819

>picture of ryan gosling lying in the snow from bladerunner 2049.jpg

>> No.26399820


>> No.26399822

She said she liked the sound when it goes big. She definitely knows.

>> No.26399825

>Watson's stream ending
>tells people to check out Haachama
>people popped up in chat going WATSON RAID LOL among other things
>people in both holo threads were saying people were overreacting and saying rules were retarded
>reprimanded them today, reminded them of rules

>> No.26399823

You have big chest pieces too.

>> No.26399826

Nintendo, probably

>> No.26399829

How can we be expected to keep rule 6?

>> No.26399830
Quoted by: >>26399875

not her false narrative fag

>> No.26399832
Quoted by: >>26399907

Same way Luna does it. With seriousness but also adding cute laughs to defuse the tension afterwards.

>> No.26399834

every moment with watson is gosling worthy


>> No.26399835
Quoted by: >>26399856

Okayu has definitely got to be a hambeast.

Did you just Goslingpost at the thought of fat Okayu?

>> No.26399838

She was talking about her chat doing a twitch style raid when she recommended they watch the other Holos streaming last night

>> No.26399840

Twitchfags were watching her stream apparently, because they started spamming RAID on haachama's stream after Ame told them she was streaming so they could go and watch her

>> No.26399842

We need a new thread, I have an incredible urge to gosling and I didnt even put any money in Watsoncoin.

>> No.26399843

>it's too big

>> No.26399844

okay that made me laugh

>> No.26399845


>> No.26399846

Not if she's posting

>> No.26399847

Luv me Watson
Luv me tea
Luv me mates
'ate green apples

Simple as.

>> No.26399850

>it's too BIG


>> No.26399851

slow walk with you watson

>> No.26399853

Gosling over chuubas for a while now, but never contacted them in any way
Amelia drops this
Can't think of any question that is funny, sweet or useful to ask.
Just send which 2hu wud u fug

Guess I am the tsundere now huh.

>> No.26399854

Twitchfags cant get over that their culture doesnt transfer to youtube. It show how they like to spam pog and try to get others to adapt to it

>> No.26399855

> I wanna go fast

>> No.26399856


>> No.26399857

They were forced to post a premade set of rules by Hololive. You can read that all the EN girls have the same rules, and share similar rules with the JP (even stuff we don't ever make rules).

>> No.26399858

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoo+:-:+ossssoo/. /oossssyyyhhhhdddddddddddddmddddddsssosssssososssoossssos

>> No.26399859


>> No.26399860


>> No.26399862


>> No.26399861

It's made to make moderation easy. If you authorize people to talk about everything you then have to decide what is good to talk about and what is not, which is tiring and time consuming

>> No.26399863

Oh my god is that-

>> No.26399864


>> No.26399865

>tfw the gosling is much more visible under a spoiler

>> No.26399867


>> No.26399869

I've seen a nine year old play this, it mostly plays itself while the kid points and goes "look at that, isn't that silly!". But anyone expecting gamer from the shark has been filtered already.

>> No.26399872


>> No.26399873


>> No.26399875
Quoted by: >>26400022

you're waifu hates niggers deal with it

>> No.26399876

>It's too big~
somebody clip that

>> No.26399877

thats p fuckin good

>> No.26399878


>> No.26399879

based, I love his okayu clips

>> No.26399880


>> No.26399881

guys please follow the rules

To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow these rules:
1.Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll
2.If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments.
3.Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations.
4.Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them.
5.Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat.
6.Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues

>> No.26399882

>s-stop having fun!!!! what about the rules!!! you're breaking the rules!!!!1

>> No.26399884

They're evolving

>> No.26399886


>> No.26399888



>> No.26399890


>> No.26399891

Imagine HoloEN ends up fixing the spamming twitch kiddies through Watson being a mother figure to these tards.

>> No.26399899
Quoted by: >>26400026


>> No.26399900


>> No.26399901

They've literally all had rules in their descriptions since debut.

>> No.26399903

Those Goslings are horrible please cease.

>> No.26399905


>> No.26399904
Quoted by: >>26399961

4 extinguisher press now

>> No.26399906

Different one anonchama

>> No.26399907
Quoted by: >>26399932

Luna's really good with her character

>> No.26399911


>> No.26399914

>fear hopelessness frustration....

ssssssssssssssssssssssssssoo+:-:+ossssoo/. /oossssyyyhhhhdddddddddddddmddddddsssosssssososssoossssos

>> No.26399917

This is quite an improvement, good work

>> No.26399919
Quoted by: >>26400026


>> No.26399920

>the tiny slurp noises


>> No.26399921

you cant fix twitch zoomers their brains are permanently fucked

>> No.26399924

This thread is unbearable

>> No.26399925

If anyone can do it, its her.

>> No.26399926

jesus I need to sleep I just tried to click the ASCII to make it small like it was an image

>> No.26399929

>Amelia autistically fucking around with everything
my heart...

>> No.26399931

Bretty good

>> No.26399932
Quoted by: >>26399968

>He thinks it's a character

>> No.26399934
Quoted by: >>26399958

I still see a couple of EOPs in Ars's stream, get those shits out of here already, although it's been a lot better since you guys debuted these EOP sponges for sure, keep at it boys

>> No.26399935

Gonna need a Watson fire extinguisher compilation

>> No.26399936

she is not so energetic today

was it because we disappointed her?

>> No.26399938
Quoted by: >>26400026

Shut the fuck up and stop being a retard

>> No.26399940
Quoted by: >>26400086


>> No.26399939

t. twitch faggots mad they can't spam POGGERS RAID OMEGALUL
cope, dilate, seethe

>> No.26399942

this post is dedicated to Canadian actor Ryan Thomas Gosling and his roles in movies such as Drive, Lars and the Real Girl and Blade Runner 2049

>> No.26399944
Quoted by: >>26400039

>literal spam
you retards are the worst

>> No.26399950

I really hope there's a holoES in the future to tame the fucking spics.

>> No.26399954

Her voice is so good. I love her bros

>> No.26399953


>> No.26399958
Quoted by: >>26400008

why even read chat

>> No.26399959

Guys please I can't read the thread

>> No.26399960

They need to give a bigger image limit

>> No.26399961
Quoted by: >>26400052

7 now

>> No.26399963

holoEN got a lot of new blood who are familiar with twitch but not hololive, they just need to be spanked once and told what hololive's etiquette is and they'll probably integrate

>> No.26399964
Quoted by: >>26400043

Twitch "culture" is fucking obnoxious and I don't care if that makes me sound like a mouthbreathing boomer, it's so awful. If Hololive can change that, whatever else happens is worth it.

>> No.26399965
Quoted by: >>26400020


>> No.26399966

post something funny instead of the great wall of gosling you fucking spergs

>> No.26399967

Gotta love that Twitch behavior

>> No.26399968

The voice is, some things that she says are

>> No.26399972
Quoted by: >>26400059

twitch "culture" is such fucking cancer.

>> No.26399973

Reminder that the ritual itself warps your mind.
Goslingposting about Watson draws you closer to genuinely feeling that way about her.

>> No.26399977


>> No.26399983


>> No.26399984


>> No.26399986

>sees a carrot

>> No.26399988

It's common practice on twitch when a streamer hosts another one.

>> No.26399987

>They need to give a bigger image limit
It works fine for almost every other fucking thread on this site

>> No.26399990

those are carrots, watson

>> No.26399991

She has literal autism and holy shit it's so fucking cute

>> No.26399993

Based Goslingchads

>> No.26399996

>"Hot dogs!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.26399998

t. low population jp streamer who has never seen what 20k people typing in chat looks like

If they want to get big, they unironically will just have to learn to deal with this. Even if you set slow mode to a full minute, 30k people is 30k people.

>> No.26400000

Goslingposting should be an instant ban

>> No.26400002

ascii fags fucking end your miserable lives

>> No.26400007

Weird looking hotdogs

>> No.26400008

Because it's fun when it's not filled with EOP trash

>> No.26400010
Quoted by: >>26400121

ame that was fucking carrot you damn burger

>> No.26400009
Quoted by: >>26400121


>> No.26400011
Quoted by: >>26400121


>> No.26400012

>thread is literally worse than youtube chat
Great job, retards.

>> No.26400015


>> No.26400016

Speak for yourself fag. I told the stupid twitch niggers to mind the rules and they got all assblasted, called me a minimod.
I respect the holo girls. They work hard.

>> No.26400019
Quoted by: >>26400078

Isn't that the point though? Most goslingposter would rather feel bad than nothing at all

>> No.26400020

Duplicate images that don't eating additional image slots when?

>> No.26400021


>> No.26400023

>you will never jump on a bed with Amelia

>> No.26400022

Literally shut the fuck up you speewatching fuck

>> No.26400025

Gosling niggers get the rope

>> No.26400024

Maybe you guys should stop spamming Gosling and post good images instead.

>> No.26400026

go back to r*ddit, narcs

>> No.26400027
Quoted by: >>26400073


>> No.26400029


>> No.26400031

It hurts my heart every time she does the grin.

>> No.26400032


>> No.26400033


t. pekochad

>> No.26400036
Quoted by: >>26400111

I don't even use the chat to talk to those plebs
Anything you post in there is immediately washed away in a wave of piss anyway

The thought of Watson getting scolded for that raid shit because of twitch cunts really activates my almonds

>> No.26400037


>> No.26400039


>> No.26400040
Quoted by: >>26400094

literally impossible

>> No.26400041
Quoted by: >>26400154

Maybe she wasn't feeling well after what happened. There's a reason why it was literally the first thing she wanted to say after starting today

twitch """"""""""culture"""""""""" is absolute cancer. Those retards can't even talk on the chat properly, they only spam emotes

>> No.26400042

My face can't handle these smile reps

>> No.26400043
Quoted by: >>26400109

you're probably not gonna like to hear this but watson thrived on it in her past life, though I agree with you

>> No.26400044
Quoted by: >>26400083

You start into an ironic goslicposter, pass through the semi ironic phase.
In the end, you just end up as a shell of your former self

>> No.26400045



>> No.26400048

One of the best god dog streams in a while, and that's saying a lot.

>> No.26400050

This music is hitting me right in the feels...

gosling laying down in the snow.jpg

>> No.26400051

Amelia is my favourite so please stop making her look bad with incessant gosling spam.

>> No.26400053

>it's still big
S-sorry, I just woke up

>> No.26400052

9 times now

>> No.26400056

>Not seeing when gen 4 break 100k in their 3d debuts
Twitch retards are the absolute worst

>> No.26400057

Behave you fucking monkey.

>> No.26400059

I can understand it on twitch to a degree, because it prompts interaction between the streamers and usually an introduction follows. doesnt make sense for holos especially because language barrier

>> No.26400062

I don't think you can change underage retard behavior

>> No.26400064


>> No.26400067

We did it reddit

>> No.26400068

>Shark inclining with zero effort
>Watson inclining, scolded autists like you anyway
c o p e

>> No.26400069

I fucking hate twitchfags so much

>> No.26400070

The sad music combined with the stream is doing something to me, it's making me feel uncomfortable in a way I can't really describe

>> No.26400071

Oh shit

>> No.26400072

/jp/ has an archaic image limit, it only works for touhou image dumps that stay in the catalog for a week.

>> No.26400073


>> No.26400074

Or people could stop driving a good meme into the fucking ground. Not ever fucking image post needs to be a Gosling.

>> No.26400075

What a fucking ape

>> No.26400076

Dude, you don't need to spam the thread with ASCII art attempts.
You don't even need to use CSS to force the messagebox to be the same font as posts, it's the same now. Fuck are you doing, just edit it in post.

>> No.26400077

She's normal, you're just projecting

>> No.26400079

I hope you get fucking cancer, just like the twitch culture you love so much is.

>> No.26400078

Some people claim they're only doing it to be ironic or 'funny'. I'm warning them that even something that starts in jest can evolve to something genuine.

>> No.26400080

I'm not posting the ascii but what is wrong with it? You're not using a phone to browse /jp/, are you?

>> No.26400081

Most threads don't hit 2000 posts in an hour

>> No.26400082

These threads already have special rules, 300 pictures for a 2000 post limit is ridiculous.

>> No.26400083

Irony is, and always had been a way to explore something you feel you might like but are ashamed to like

>> No.26400085
Quoted by: >>26400167

Who are you quoting?

>> No.26400086

Nah I'm alright in the coma with the vtube girls reality.

But you go ahead and pull the plug grandma.

>> No.26400087

My brain feels funny too.

>> No.26400088

That laugh scream she does

>purple gosling.jpg

>> No.26400090

>can't even post an image with your text

>> No.26400091

her laugh is so cute bros....

>> No.26400092

Goslingposting is overrated.

>> No.26400094


>> No.26400095

yes amelia my brain feels tingly

>> No.26400098
Quoted by: >>26400152

Hold your goslings for one second, the music in the game right now is absolute KINO. Anyone got a youtube link?

>> No.26400099

Which stream was it? The minecraft one?

>> No.26400101


>> No.26400102

I feel all so tingly too, Watson.

>> No.26400103

Not even close

>> No.26400104

>my brain feels funny

>> No.26400105


>> No.26400107


>> No.26400108

t. twitchfag

>> No.26400109

I'm glad she's able to adapt to hololive culture. I hope the rest of her fans can do the same.

>> No.26400111
Quoted by: >>26400143

>The thought of Watson getting scolded for that raid shit because of twitch cunts really activates my almonds
Jesus Christ, I want to stab them all.

>> No.26400114

yeah it's polarization. I don't care though because I've already unironically gone gosling. I mean how can you not with watson


>> No.26400116

they are like subhumans, they shouldn't have rights.

>> No.26400119

>Happily clicking on the fire extinguishers to calm herself down

Please lord...

>> No.26400120

You're right

>> No.26400121

We don't eat rabbit food in this here America

>> No.26400122

Looks like Amelia might be shadowbanned same as Gawr was. Lowered numbers and not showing up in the live listing.

>> No.26400123


>> No.26400128

not that guy but the ASCII goslings are literally just spam at this point, they aren't contributing anything and they're just being used randomly instead of at an appropriate moment such as that scene with all the stars yesterday, you can have fun without being obnoxious

>> No.26400130

Her brain's not right since she saw Niggerman earlier....

>> No.26400132

That's exactly when you need to start handing down draconian rules to keep them in line.

>> No.26400134

I agree we toning down the Goslingposting a notch

>> No.26400135

>We need to line it up, but it's so hard to line it up

>> No.26400136


>> No.26400142
Quoted by: >>26400165

>not even using gosling for reaction but instead spamming
>they are gigantic even on a PC screen
>most of those aren't even well done

>> No.26400143

>Jesus Christ, I want to stab them all
You sound like you're 12 dude

>> No.26400146
Quoted by: >>26400159

Oh boy, we'll get to see another 300 goslings soon

>> No.26400147

she is so talented wtf

>> No.26400150

Jesus Christ can you stop sucking dicks for five goddamn minutes

>> No.26400152


>> No.26400153

What do you think the watson goslings have been all along, anon?

>> No.26400154

>it tickles her brain

>> No.26400155
Quoted by: >>26400183

>tfw Amelia will never love you the way she loves fire extinguishers

>> No.26400156

>watson evil laugh.mp4

>> No.26400157

Why does this music give me an incredible sense of loneliness?

Amelia hold me...

>> No.26400158

Not shadowbanned, I see her in the list

>> No.26400159

It'll be glorious

>> No.26400160

it's too late for me... gosling.mkv

>> No.26400165

literally every moment with watson is a gosling moment

>> No.26400166

I completely understand being gosling over Watson but spamming the same shit over and over is fucking spic nonsense.

>> No.26400167

Man, you just gave me a flashback to early /jp/. Ive been gone for years but your comment did it, the essence of this board

>> No.26400170

>spam is fun
Nice twitchfag mentality.

>> No.26400174

>Only 23k watching
Was yesterday her peak?

>> No.26400175


>> No.26400177

closer to gosling everyday

>> No.26400180

Holy fuck I thought you couldn't get up there

>> No.26400183


>> No.26400188

is she gonna btfo nene this stream?

>> No.26400189

it's making it hard to actually read this thread, you have to scroll through a huge block of ASCII even if you aren't a phoneposter

>> No.26400191

Almost happened to me

>> No.26400196

It's just spam, at least use it to react to a good moment instead of literally anything she does.

>> No.26400199

does youtube want to kill its audience and creators?

>> No.26400204

She trended up to 30ish k yesterday too. this is basically the same.

>> No.26400207

*touches fire extinguisher*

>> No.26400210

reminds me the image outage a few years ago
who are you quoting?

>> No.26400211

that's normal for part 2 of anything

>> No.26400212

1 post closer to gosling

>> No.26400213

>20 k
too cocky

>> No.26400214

I shouldn't feel this way, watson is definitely a psyop

>> No.26400215

